Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday, November 16, 2014 Basilica of the Sacred Heart University of Notre Dame

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ThirtyThird Sunday Ordary Time Sunday, Novemr 16, 2014 Basilica Sacred Heart University Notre Dame Preludes Vocalise Rachmanf Come My Way, My Truth, My Life Warner Openg Rites Hymn God, Whose Givg Knos No Endg tune: Beach Sprg & b 2 3 & b 1. God, 2. Skills 3. Treas hose giv g ure, time o, you rich goals po'rs end Christ, grace & b is free k dom dom, dred, Cost Rac And & b & b by rect ide praise; lone; call, you, our our less con ly es e turn dai ly hs Thank ful Born ith Heal g, knos ours have no end press en trust sre: Son: ferred; Na All Ours ture's at cross, oed, spread grave's shat Church Gos la shar you, bor, g, Of Lest As f'rg e e song shall tal ents, teach g, rise make g, g ed, From Toard Ga through on peace use tered made pel up strive heed us re der, e health home sus' door, one. Word. Gift No O ed dipen our selves self Christ's age ev serv claim a less er, ants g, & b Greetg Gra cious Fit Serv g do an you nor ser by at lov our g days. throne. all.

Gloria Mass Our Lady Kirner/Warner & bb b 4 4 & bb b. Glory God high peace people good ill, est, on. praise earth peace, you, e & bb b.. 4 2 4 bless you, e a & bb b 4 4 & bb b & bb b b you, e give you. dore you, e glori fy b. thanks great glo ry, Lord God heavenly Kg, O God, al might y Fa r. For & bb b. Lord,. you. Choir: Lord, esus Christ, only Begotten Son... Have mercy on us.. a lone Ho ly One, You a lone. You & bb b. & bb b Christ God ith b > > a lone Most High, e sus Ho ly Spirit, glo ry Far, A. A U Collect Liturgy Word Readg I Proverbs 31: 1013, 1920, 3031 Response Psalm 128: Blessed People Warner & # 4 2 Bless ed & # Lord, ho a peo ple bide ho # live onder God's prom ise! 2

Readg II 1 Thessalonians 5: 16 Acclamation Mass Our Lady Kirner/Warner & b b b 4. & b b b. Al lelu ia, Al le lu ia, Al lelu. Al lelu ia, Al le lu ia, Al lelu. ia! ia! Gospel Mat 25: 1430 Homily + Nicene Creed General Intercessions & # Canr: Let us pray... Lord, hear our prayer. plachant Liturgy Eucharist Preparation Partners Mission Hesed Prayer Over Gifts Please st Holy Mass Our Lady Kirner/Warner & b b b 4. & b b b Ho ly, Ho ly Ho & b b b & bb b ly, Lord God Heaven earth full glo Ho & bb b b... hosts. sanna highest. Ho sanna highest. Bless ed is he ho b.. comes name Ho san na high est. Ho san na. ry. Lord. U. high est. 3

Mystery Faith Mass Our Lady Kirner/Warner C: & b b b 4 4 Save us, Savior orld,. by Cross & bb b Re sur rec tion, you have set us free. Amen Mass Our Lady Kirner/Warner & b b b 4 4 A & b b b A men, A men, A. men, A men, A... Communion Rite The Lord's Prayer & 4 4 &. Our Thy & done, Fa r, name. & Give us this & give us our. & 3 ho trespass a on day,. ho art Thy kg dom earth as it tres pass gast heaven, us, our dail y es, come,. is Warner. bread, As e lead us hal lo ed Thy ill hea ven. Ó give those. not & temp ta tion, Ó but de liv er us from e vil. Ó Ó 4

Lamb God Mass Our Lady Warner/Kirner All: & 4 3. 4 Ag nus De i, Lamb God, you take a ay &.. 4 3 ss All: orld, have & 4 3 4 mer cy on us. Ag nus De i, Lamb God, you take a & ay ss. orld, O. grant us peace. Communion I Come All You Blessed Ones Warner & # # # c & # # # Come, all you bless ed ones, en ter. blest a lov g God, oy prepd. you. Communion II No Rema Haas & # 4 3 hold death. Lord deep our. hearts.. & # Liv g; no e re ma, ith e sus. Christ. 5

Concludg Rites Alma Mater Notre Dame, Our Mor O'Donnell, CSC/ Casasanta Notre Dame, our Mor, tender strong true, Proudly heavens gleams thy gold blue. Glory's mantle cloaks e, golden is thy fame. And our hearts ever praise e, Notre Dame. And our hearts ever love e, Notre Dame. Closg Hymn Are Called Haas & # # # 4 3. & # # #. 1. Come! Live 2. Come! O 3. Sg! Sg oy mer cy great day & # # # hen e'll. pen a ne love all all those ill light hope alk ith & # # # free bld broth dom ness ers & # # # & # # # e & # # # & # # # Refra e. alk. ill u each. light! heart! song!.. She Sho Sg Lord! fear! one!. kg dom, hope less oth er God so as cit ni y ted no act ith hum bly ith ill ith. that reign, live ha sis love ten der. God! more! love! tred ters us tice,. ly, serve one an oth er;. God!... Postlude Baba Yetu (Reprise) South African Symphonie VI, Op. 42, No. 2 G Mor Widor Acknoledgments: "The Lord's Prayer" arrangement by Steven C. Warner, "Mass Our Lady," by Steven C. Warner Kn Kirner, Come All You Blessed Ones by Steven C. Warner, Partners Mission by Peter Hesed used ith permission World Library Publications, a division. S. Paluch Company, Inc., Frankl Park, IL under license #AL0707891. All rights reserved God, Whose Givg Knos No Endg tune: Beach Sprg, No Rema No Rema by David R. Haas used ith permission GIA Publications, Inc., Chicago, IL under OneLicense #A702876. Psalm 128: Blessed Are People by Steven C. Warner used ith permission composer. All rights reserved. All or material from public doma.