Gathering. *Call to Worship: Gather Us In. * Please stand in body and/or spirit.

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Table of Contents. Published with the approval of the Committee on Divine Worship, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops



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Roots and Branches A Service elebrating the ifts of Paul Price Davis hapel Thursday, September 24, 2015 Davis hapel

athering athering Music *all to Worship: ather Us In Sally Morris 2

Used by permission License #A-701691 Welcome entering Re-membering the Space: The Lord is My Light Theme & b 4 I 1., 2. j j j j The Lord is my light, my light and sal - va-tion: in & b Last time U.. j j j. Theme II & b 4 4 od I trust, in 1. j The Lord is my light, my j od I trust. j, Dr. ail R. O Day 2. j light and sal - va- tion: in & b Last time. J U n j. j. od I trust, in od The themes may be sung separately or together, in unison or in canon. Text: Psalm 27; Taizé ommunity Tune: Jacques Berthier, 1923 1994 1982, 1983, 1984, Les Presses de Taizé, IA Publications, Inc., agent The Lord Is My Light I trust. 3

A Reading from Psalm 1 Richard Mchau (MDiv 16) Denise Franklin (MDiv 17) *Song: Trees # 4 & (Ps. 1) (Ps. 26) (Ps. 52)? # 4 1 Tree of Wis-dom, fruit-ful, green, flour-ish -ing be - side the stream; 2 Tree of Jus -tice, ev - er bless; shade me with your right-eous- ness. 3 Tree of Plen -ty, feed my soul; nur-ture me, and make me whole. # & spread Teach ive? # # & your knowl-edge day and night; me how to live your ways, me strength, cast fear a - side; make and let your my me Fash - ion me, O Lord, to be strong and splen - did Fash - ion me, O Lord, to be ev - er branch-ing Fash - ion me, O Lord, to be firm - ly plant - ed? # D. j Dsus D law my true de - light. lips shall sing your praise. in your love a - bide. Dsus Dsus D. J as as as D a a a tree. tree. tree. (Ps. 92) 4 Tree of Promise, keep your vow: with me then, and with me now. Springtime blossoms, winter tears, mark the seasons of my years. Fashion me, O Lord, to be always changing as a tree. 5 Like a forest all around, so the gifts of grace abound: flowing waters, fertile sod, sunlit dawn, the Word of od. Fashion me, O Lord, to be living, giving as a tree. Words: Michael Morgan from Psalms 1, 26, 52, and 92 2011 Michael Morgan, admin. Faith Alive hristian Resources Music (DIX onrad Kocher, 1838; adapt. William H. Monk, 1861, P.D. Used by permission License #A-701691 4

Proclaiming A Reading from Matthew 9:16-17 Homily: New Wineskins Responding elebrating ifts Sending Benediction: Total Praise Dr. Nathan O. Hatch The Reverend Timothy L. Auman Dr. Jill rainshaw Lift Every Voice We are grateful to all those who have made the Paul Price Davis hapel possible, especially the following: The Arthur Vining Davis Foundations The Family of Paul Price Davis Laura and hristopher Leonard WFU School of Divinity lass of 2014 Thanks to all of the artists, artisans, designers, and crafts people who have offered their gifts to make Davis hapel a beautiful and welcoming space for worship, meditation, and spiritual growth: Terry Byrd Eason, Terry Byrd Eason Design Paul Davis Boney, LS3P Associates, Ltd. Scott Dodrill, LS3P Associates, Ltd. Sheila Hunter, Hunter Piano Service Betti Pettinati-Longinotti, Pettinati-Longinotti Studio Tom Porter, Landmark Builders William E. Tobiassen, liturgical furniture artist Jason Walton, Landmark Builders Wendela Wooten, Senior Project Manager, Wake Forest University 5

Notes for Today s Worship About the Worship Leader The Reverend Tim Auman has served as the University haplain at Wake Forest since July of 2001. He has two decades of experience in ministry in higher education, multi- faith programming, pastoral care, and spiritual formation. Tim is a graduate of Wofford ollege and earned his Masters of Divinity degree at Duke University. He is an ordained elder in the Western North arolina Annual onference of the United Methodist hurch. Tim is also a certified spiritual director who enjoys the holy curiosity that is at the heart of the major questions common to people throughout the ages. In an increasingly busy world, Tim believes that students should be grounded by a deep sense of belonging and guided by a resilient spirit. Worship Today's worship service was planned by Jill rainshaw, hris opeland, and Sally Morris. The reading from Psalm 1 is from Psalms for Praying: An Invitation to Wholeness, by Nan. Merrill. over Image by Shakeisha ray (MDiv 18). Worship ommittee Members For feedback, suggestions, or offers to participate in worship, please contact a member of the worship committee: Lindsey Altvater Anna Fleig hristine Hargraves Emily Hedrick Brian Hollingsworth Brenden Kee Demi Mcoy Ken Pettigrew Daniel Potter Daniel Reese Andria Williamson Help make the Earth a much healthier planet simply by saving paper. View this bulletin and previous versions online, using your mobile or tablet device, at