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212 Mts Gret Holy Fridy The Redg Twelve Gospels Troprion: "Allelui When Glorious Disciples..." (see pg. 208) Before: Glo After: Glo ry At The Gospels ry Ps sion, Long suf fer g, Lord! Lord! They Prokeimenon Tone 4 di vid ed my gr ments mong m, for my ri ment y cst lots. Come, Kontkion Tone 8 let us sg pris es Him who ws cru ci fied for us, for M ry sid when she held Him up on Tree: Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

213 Though Thou dost en dure Cross, Thou rt my Son my God. Troprion Tone 4 By pre cious blood, Thou hst re deemed us from curse lw. By g niled Cross pierced by sper, Thou hst poured forth im mor tl i ty for mn. our Sv ior, glo ry Thee! Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

214 At Vespers Gret Holy Fridy (At "Lord Cll" Tone 1) All cre tion ws chnged by fer when it sw Thee hng g up on Cross, Christ. The Sun ws drk ened foun d tions erth were shk en. All thgs suf fered with Cre r ll. Lord Who didst will g ly en dure this for us, glo ry Thee! Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

215 (Tone 2) Why do God less peo ple plot v? Why do y put deth Life ll? won der! The Cre r is tryed lw less men! The Lov er mn is niled Cross, tht He my re lese pris on ers hell who cry: long suf fer g Lord, glo ry Thee! Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

216 now (Tone 6) Glo How kill not Ho ry ges re does F r, ly Spir ev Kg ges. lw mem r g His gr A er un less s cre cious cts! He Son, sem bly e men. tion clled m wht Hve re hve mem brnce not done worked won you, my ders sy Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005) ll peo Ju g: ven it, ple? de?

217 Hve Hve How you For For For For For you for ris not hel giv con do rised not get you heled now ded re ll mn wrd by ner sick me? Why word? g o g g gr g g Kg demn Lord, ded, rs, you you cru cious, you lw, you me! cll cre ci fy me cll glo lw wound me do me! long ry ness? me? thief! me! tion, less! suf fer g Thee! Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

218 Prokeimenon : "They divided my grments..." (see pg. 212) Con Prokeimenon Tone 4 Fight tend, Lord, with those who con tend with me. gst those who fight gst me! Prokeimenon : Epistle Tone 6 Thou hst put me depths pit, reg ions drk deep. from He hert When not he Jo seph Tree, wrpped Apostich Tone 2 A Life ed Thee kissed The Thee ri m with ll fe spic cor rupt Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005) Who l es; with ok Thee love ble bod ws en; down ded. y. his

219 Though filled glo The Hell ts Then Re with fer ry Lov Lord is shud Kg! deem er bonds mbs A er dered when were were bro dm cried glo o ll He it is Who he con rod cried with de scen ws ken; its pened; with joy held lid gtes ded mj thnks mn! joy; sion, es ty! giv were Thee, mb. smshed rose. g: ry con de scen sion, Lov er mn! Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

220 (Tone 5) Glo ry F r, Son, Ho ly Spir it, now ev er un ges ges. A men. When Jo seph geth er with Ni co de mus, hd t ken down tree, from Thee, who dost clo self with light s with gr ment, Tht com held Thee ded, nk ps sion te mn ed, ws un seized bur ied by weep g l ment ed: Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

221 Woe, my sweet woe is est Je me, sus! Hv g held Thee but while go up on Cross, sun And erth hid trem it self bled fer. drk ness. The ws veil, rent tw. tem ple Lo, now hold Thee, Who for my ske vol un t ri ly en dured deth. Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

222 How shll bur y Thee, my God? r with wht l en shll wrp Thee? With wht hs shll uch most pure bod y? r wht songs shll sg t de prt ure, Mer ci n song ful ne? glo mg ri fy ni fy bur Ps i l sion! with Res ur rec tion, cry g: " Lord, glo ry Thee!" Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

223 The Tropri: The Noble Joseph Tone 2 The no ble Jo seph, when he hd tk en down most pure Bod y from tree, wrpped it fe l en, not ed it with spic es plced it new mb. Glo ry F r, Son, Ho ly Spir it, When Thou didst des cend deth, Life im mor tl, Thou didst sly hell with splen dor God hed! And when from depths Thou didst rise ded, ll powers hev en cried out: Giv er Life, Christ our God, glo ry Thee! Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

224 now ev er un ges ges. A men. The n gel cme myrrh r g wo mb sid: "Myrrh is meet for ded, men t but Christ hs shown Himself strnger cor rup tion." At Mts Gret Holy Sturdy "God is Lord" Tone 2 (see Volume pg. 116) Tropri "The Noble Joseph" (pg. 223 bove) The Lmenttions: from First Stsis Tone 5 1. Thou, Christ Life, wst And lid r mies n gels were mb. mzed. And y glo ri fied con des cen sion. Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

225 2. Life how cnst Thou die? How Thou cnst Thou dwell mb? dost brek down kg dom deth. And hst rised up those who were ded H des. 3. We mg ni fy Thee, Je sus our Kg. And we hon through which or Thou en mb ment hst sved us from cor Ps rup tion. sion, 4. Thou, Je sus Kg ll, Who didst set mes ure ments erth. Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

226 To dy dwell est nr row grve. And dost rise ded from mbs. 5. Je sus Christ, Kg ll, why hst Thou come seek out those who re ded H des? r re lese rce mor tls? 6. The Ms ter, ll tru ly is seen ded, He is lid new mb, Who emp tied mbs ded. Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

227 7. Thou, Christ Life, wst lid mb. And by deth Thou didst de stroy deth shed life up on world. The Lmenttions: from Second Stsis Tone 5 1. t is tru ly meet mg ni fy Thee, giv er life, Thou Who didst ex tend The hs up on Cross sht ter pow er en e my. Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

228 2. t is tru ly meet mg ni fy Thee, Cre r ll; for by suf fer gs we re freed from suf fer g de liv ered from cor rup tion. 3. The Sun drk ened his light shud dered when he sw Thee, Christ, Un seen Light reft breth, 4. When hid The den ll Pure Mo grve. r held deth Christ, Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

229 she cried out bit ter ness: "Tr ry not, Life, mong ded." 5. The fer ful H des trem bled when it sw Thee, m mor tl Sun glo ry, hste gve up its cp tives. 6. We ll fith ful, who were re deemed from deth by mb, ex l with hymns cru ci fix ion mb, Christ. Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

230 7. Thou t mg who is ni fy Thee, didst sht ex tend ter pow The giv tru er er hs ly meet en up life, on Cross e my. The Lmenttions: from Third Stsis Tone 3 1. All 2. fer d Jo en gen er or seph tkes lys mb A Thee ment, ri m Thee down Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005) from Christ. tions tion Tree mb.

231 3. The myrrh r g wo men with fore thought pre pred myrrh cme Thee, Christ. 4. Hi r let us come with ll cre tion brg tri um phl hymns our Cre r. 5. Fol low g myrrh r ers let ll us with un der st g not s ded Him who lives. Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

232 6. Do thou, thrice bless ed Jo seph tke chrge bod y Christ, Life giv er. 7. The ll Ho ly Mo r weeps for Thee l ment g t deth, my Sv ior. 8. All gen er tions fer d or tion en mb ment, Christ. Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

233 The Evlogitri Tone 5: (see Volume pg. 163) f de. ty But for de. t rnt those "None like glo The Cnon Gret Holy Sturdy Tone 6 who old neth were mid Thou sved wves ens, let rious ly hs Thou fore didst holds Thee qukes is ho with w sus sus gret ly but He bur en didst bur y se. y Thee us glo pend sg erth ters. Now pend ed on mze Thee, Now pur neth im cre Cl ri su g child erth. Lord, fied. ren mov bly ment tion v ry. cries: Lord." Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

234 n We We from de V. on The sold cme s Res iers gurd ded Kthism Hymn Tone 1 men gel who glo ur rec fll ri fy Tomb, For (ne 6) Cross, down our g t p light tion Thee, Who fore on see g Hb "Thou didst sht ter by jo g those kuk hell s do Tomb, pered n clen Sv 'ng flsh sest from ior, noun cg Thee, ly God. di wo cor Who rup men. didst ve hu cried out m ion Al might Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005) tion. rise mi li tion trem might y blg: y Lord."

235 de V. God, "The All ded those si h sw com Christ. shll on de V. Jo l Who nev er set tg light ps sion te mn i fes t tion Ris g er rise. Those erth nh ws ly hst suf whle. shll fered ly from cught c gret He but night mbs he shll ly re not ws held sign cept ed bur fst cried us joice. s out: wke. Thee i l. Com he g forth clled out from st s from gurd: "By brid l chm r, ob serv g your vn i ties lies you hve for sk en your own mer cy." Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

236 Kontkion Tone 6 He wrpped who shut depths is held ded, fe l en spic es. The m mor tl ne is lid mb s mor tl mn. The wo men hve come not Him with myrrh, weep g bit ter ly on de V. sve "Bless cry which Christ hs g: "This n grve ho fll is en sleep ex press i ble won ly youths s from life less corpse, ed rt Thou, God, our der! most flme. for Re rise deem Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005) n bless on Now ed sb fur Thou third nce Thou rt sl v tion us plced who bth dy." er!" didst sg:

237 de V. Be mzed, hev ens! Be shk en, foun d tions erth! Be hold He tht dwells high est is Bless num red mong Him, youths! Prise ded Him, shel priests! tered peo low ly mb. ple, ex lt Him bove ll for ev er! de X. Do not l ment me, mo r, see g me mb, Son con ceived womb with out seed. For with ll e who shll rise glo ter nl glo ri fied ry s God. shll ex lt mg ni fy you fith love. Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

238 The Prises Tone 2 See Volume pg. 292 for first two verses. Prise God His snc tu r y! Prise Him His might y firm ment! To dy grve holds Him who holds cre tion His plm. A sne cov ers Him who cov ers hev ens with vir tue. Life sleeps H des trem bles. And A dm is set free from His bonds. Glo ry dis pen s tion, Through which when ll thgs were c comp lished, Thou hst pre sent ed us n e ter nl rest, Even most ho ly Res ur rec tion from ded. Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

now (Tone 6) Glo The for "And it Ho ry ges shd God is F r, ly Spir gret ev ges. owed this bless got ten Son through blessed dy A Mo er sev un ses mys sy enth dy." ed Sb God dis dy rest rest, Son, This ed from pen s on ll it tion men. it, ti c'lly His is n g: bth; ly works, deth, 239 Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

240 flesh re turned s swed g right on us through He eous e ter rest Res mer Theokion Tone 2 (see Volume pg. 297) Gret Doxology Tone 6 (see Volume pg. 338) Tropri "The Noble Joseph..." (see pg. 223) ed. n this dy ur nl life. rec tion, He ci ful Lord De A liv A Do not rise, for Prokeimenon Tone 4 er us Lord, for Prokeimenon Tone 7 rise, Lord let get h poor un lift help Nme's my til us! God, ske! ed up! end. Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

At Liturgy Gret Holy Sturdy "Lord, Cll" Tone 1 (see Volume pg. 5) 241 (Tone 8) To dy hell cries out gron g: Mn He He cme As should God, sht He not born hve des tered rised cp Cross To My do c cept ed troyed my gtes souls M pow tht brss. tive. Glo ry dy Res hell m ion hs ry. er. hd ur rec tion, Lord. cries en out sht gron g: tered. held Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

242 but Be re ceived gst Him hd Glo ry ruled cuse To My is Those pow hve hve ded, Cross er hs cru en whom dy ded could but Him en not hold, mn trm hell ci fied de s one pre vil. From Res cries pled up prived swl He ris per e ded, ter ni ty es ll. ish. ur rec tion, Lord. out on. The those lowed my A gron whom giv Shep dm is strength g: herd rised. ruled. en up. Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

243 He The Glo ry pow who ws cru er ci fied hs emp deth hs en tied mbs. vn quished. Cross Res ur rec tion, Lord. "Glory...Now...The Gret Moses" Tone 6 (see pg. 239) After 6th Redg: (Tone 5) For glo rious ly hs He After 15th Redg: (Tone 5) Prise Lord, ex lt en Him glo for ri fied. ev er! let Let us ll sg un Prokeimenon Tone 5 erth wor ship Thee nme, Most prise Thee, High! After Epistle Redg: (Tone 7) A for rise, Thee God, long ll judge n erth: tions! Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

244 keep Let fer pon pon md Let All Mortl Flesh Keep Silent (n plce Cherubic Hymn) ll sil d'rg no d'rg no trem mor tl flesh ent, ed. kgs, comes Kg lords, kgs sl, fer, blg st, thg erth ly md thg, no comes Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005) thg erth For Lord Lord ed, ly Kg sl, lords, for sl,

245 food give Him self s give fith food Him fith self s ful. ful, After Entrnce..."Amen" n... rnks Be pl cher cov sg i ties fore n pow u bim; er g ir fc g Him go gels: ll ers; six es, sg hymn: wged ser Al g lu i! Al le lu rmos "Do Not Lment Me..." Tone 6 (see pg. 236) m pr ci ny eyed phim, hymn, le lu i! Al i! le Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)