Let Us Pray for Peace

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Let Us Pray for Peace Thomas Keesecker Text by Nancy Kraft SATB with piano Let Us Pray for Peace gh www.choristersguild.org Choristers Guild is a 501c3 nonprofit organization whose mission is to enable leaders to nurture the spiritual and musical growth of children and youth.

2 Let Us Pray for Peace Nancy Kraft Thomas Keesecker Prayerfully (q = c. 84) Solo or section mp 4 4 Let us pray for peace, for the Piano 4 mp 4 heal ing of cre a tion. May God s truth and jus tice 7 SA unison mp mend ev ry breach; may we learn to live as one. Let us A reproducible prayer refrain is printed on page 11 for personal and congregational use. Though the refrain is not intended to be used during the singing of this choral anthem, it is suitable any time the assembly is gathered for contemplative prayer. Copyright 2018 Choristers Guild. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. Reproduction of all or any portion in any form is prohibited without permission of the publisher. The copying of this music is prohibited by law and is not covered by CCLI or OneLicense.net.

3 10 pray for love, for the grace to of fer 13 mer cy. May com pas sion guide our way in the world, may for 16 give ness heal di vi sion. May for give ness heal us

4 S A 19 All unison all. We pray for peace, we T B 22 pray for un der stand ing. Pray that ha tred 25 a tempo mp cease, and God s reign is known on earth. God s a tempo div. unis. mp a tempo mp

5 28 p div. reign is known on earth. Hear our prayer for p p 31 cresc. poco a poco peace. Hear our prayer for love. Hear our div. cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco 34 f voi ces, Lord, this day, we pray. f f

6 37 Lord, we pray for peace, for the 40 heal ing of cre a tion. May your truth and jus tice 43 learn to live as one. mend ev ry breach; may we learn to live as one. You

7 46 know our self ish know our hearts; you know our self ish 49 slight strug gles. Take a way our pride, and slight slight 52 fill us all with fill us all with you. And fill us all with

8 55 you. Fill us with Basses +Tenors Fill us with your peace, fill us 58 Fill us with love, peace. Fill us this with your love, fill us all this 61 O Lord, we pray. day, O Lord, we pray. day, O Lord, we pray. p delicately

9 64 67 70 A bit slower May your will be done, here on A bit slower

10 73 earth as is in heav en. May your reign of love be 76 will be done a known in our lives, may your will be done a 78 molto do your will, A men. mong us. May we do your will, A men. molto molto

11 This page may be duplicated for congregational use, provided each copy includes the copyright information at the bottom of the page. Let Us Pray for Peace 4 Lord we pray for peace, for the heal ing of cre a tion. May your truth and jus tice mend ev ry breach; may we learn to live as one. From: Let Us Pray for Peace (). Text: Nancy Kraft. Music: Thomas Keesecker Copyright 2018 Choristers Guild. All rights reserved. Reprinted for congregational use by permission of the publisher.

12 CH3 7 4 9 1 9 3 0 2 8 2 8 5 This page may be duplicated for congregational use, provided each copy includes the copyright information at the bottom of the page. Let Us Pray for Peace Nancy Kraft Let us pray for peace, for the healing of creation. May God s truth and justice mend every breach; May we learn to live as one. Let us pray for love, for the grace to offer mercy. May compassion guide our way in the world; May forgiveness heal division. May forgiveness heal us all. We pray for peace, we pray for understanding. Pray that hatred cease, and God s reign is known on earth. Hear our prayer for peace. Hear our prayer for love. Hear our voices, Lord, this day, we pray. You know our hearts; you know our selfish struggles. Take away our pride, and fill us all with you. Fill us with your peace, Fill us with your love, Fill us all this day, O Lord, we pray. May your will be done, here on earth as is in heaven. May your reign of love be known in our lives, May your will be done among us. May we do your will, Amen. From: Let Us Pray for Peace (). Text: Nancy Kraft. Copyright 2018 Choristers Guild. All rights reserved. Reprinted for congregational use by permission of the publisher.