The secret of the LORD is with them that fear him; and he will show them his covenant. Psalm 25:14. Vol. 23, No. 3 Straight and Nar row March 2014

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Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. Jeremiah 6:16 The secret of the LORD is with them that fear him; and he will show them his covenant. Psalm 25:14 Vol. 23, No. 3 Straight and Nar row March 2014

The Certainty of the Sabbath in the Spirit of Prophecy God led the chil dren of Israel out of Egypt into the land of Canaan through a spe cial chan nel. Hosea12:13 tells us: And by a prophet the LORD brought Is rael out of Egypt, And by a prophet was he pre served. This prophet was spe cif i cally Moses. God used Moses in a very sig nif i cant man ner. There is a con nec tion, a par al lel, to this among the rem nant peo ple of Israel today. Isa iah 11:16 says: And there shall be an high way for the rem nant of his peo ple, which shall be left, from As syria; like as it was to Is rael in the day that he came up out of the land of Egypt. In the Old Tes ta ment there was a rem nant peo ple, but we today believe that we are the rem nant peo ple of God. If you are not a part of the rem nant peo ple, you cer tainly need to become a part of the rem nant peo ple. May I say hum bly that we need to know what we are as a peo ple. We are not just any body. God has called us to be a cho sen gen er a tion, a royal priest hood, an holy nation, a pecu liar peo ple (1 Peter 2:9). We have been espe cially called to be a peo ple who will keep the com mand ments of God and the faith of Jesus (Rev e - la tion 14:12). Notice that in the text from Isa iah God will pro vide a high way for his rem nant peo ple such as he gave to Israel when they came out of the land of Egypt. How did Israel come out of the land of Egypt? Hosea says it was by a prophet. God gave the gift of proph ecy to help direct the chil - dren of Israel out of Egypt, and he says through Isa iah that God will lead his rem nant the same way. The book of Rev e la - tion speaks of spir i tual Egypt and Bab y lon. The chil dren of Israel were under a phys i cal bond age, but the rem nant in the last days have been held in bond age in spir i tual Egypt. God will have a peo ple come out of all spir i tual con fu sion in the last days, and the gift of proph ecy is a major tool he will use. The rem nant will not sim ply pro fess to keep the com - mand ments of God and the faith of Jesus, but they will be a faith ful, believ ing peo ple, and Isa iah tells us that God is espe cially going to use the gift of proph ecy in their per fec - tion. This har mo nizes with Rev e la tion 12:17 which states that the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the rem nant of her seed, which keep the com - mand ments of God, and have the tes ti mony of Jesus Christ. We cou ple this with Rev e la tion 19:10 which tells us that the tes ti mony of Jesus is the spirit of proph ecy. The book of Rev e la tion fea tures the gift of proph ecy more than any of the spir i tual gifts men tioned in the New Tes ta - ment. In Ephe sians 4:11, we read: And he gave some, apos tles; and some, proph ets; and some, evan ge lists; and some, pas tors and teach ers. Notice that some are apos tles; not all peo ple are given that gift. The same is true con cern ing evan ge lists and con cern ing pas tors and teach ers. Not all are called to be pas tors and teach ers, but some are called. Finally, some receive the gift of proph ecy, but not all. God has set these very spe cific gifts in his church for a rea - son. It is for the per fect ing of the saints, for the work of the min is try, for the edi fy ing of the body of Christ. Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowl edge of the Son of God, unto a per fect man, unto the mea sure of the stat - ure of the fulness of Christ (Ephe sians 4:12, 13). A knowl edge of the Son of God, com bined with these gifts, brings per fec tion to God s peo ple. In verse 14 we read that we are to be no more chil dren, tossed to and fro, and car ried about with every wind of doc trine, by the sleight of men, and cun ning craft i ness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive. God has put gifts in his church so that his peo ple will not be car - ried away with every wind of doc trine. If there is a last-day appli ca tion book today, it must be the book of Rev e la tion. Please under stand I am not a futur ist in inter pret ing Rev e la tion, but we need to know Revelation, and know ing it will help God s peo ple in the last days. It is of inter est that when one exam ines the book of Rev e la tion, he or she fails to find pas tors and teach ers men tioned! That does not mean that God does not use pas tors and teach ers today; he does, but they are not empha sized in the Rev e la tion. Do Old Paths - 2- March 2014

you know how often the gift of being an evan ge list is men - tioned in Rev e la tion? It is not men tioned at all. Apos tles are men tioned, barely. But the gift of proph ecy is men tioned throughout the book of Rev e la tion, and it is a part of the focus of Rev e la tion. This arti cle will use the prophetic gift that God has given his peo ple to dis cuss the cer tainty of the sev enth-day Sab bath. I believe that in a marked way God, through Ellen G. White, has set a path way, a high way, for his remnant. Before we con tinue with that thought, though, let us remem ber what the Bible says about itself: And that from a child thou hast known the holy scrip - tures, which are able to make thee wise unto sal va tion through faith which is in Christ Je sus. All scrip ture is given by in spi ra tion of God, and is prof it able for doc trine, for re proof, for cor rec tion, for in struc tion in righ teous - ness. That the man of God may be per fect, throughly fur nished unto all good works. (2 Tim o thy 3:15 17) The word of God is com plete and per fect. Every thing that we need is in the word. I have to con fess to you, though, that I am one of the weak est of the weak and that I need all the help I can get. God has told us through his word that it is part of his plan to use spir i tual gifts for the per fect ing of his saints. It is part of God s plan to use apos tles, evan ge lists, pas tors, and proph ets to bring per fec tion to his saints. These gifts help in the under stand ing and the appli ca tion of his word. Some peo ple do not want pas tors today, but, dear believer, pas tors are a part of God s plan. If you have a prob lem with pas tors, you need to talk to God about it. Fur thermore, if you do not like the gift of proph ecy, then do not blame me, for it is part of God s plan. When peo ple tell you that a prophet has failed them, they are tell ing you, or at least are begin ning to tell you, that they have rejected the gift of proph ecy. In the case of Sev enth-day Adventism, this is a rejec tion of the min - is try of Ellen G. White and with that rejec tion, there must finally come a rejec tion of the Advent move ment. We are liv ing in a time when human ity is at its weak est point of exis tence, and those who will stand the ter ri ble last days need all the help that they can get. It is true that Ellen White said that her writ ings are not to be set on the same plane as the Bible. She said her writ ings were a lesser light to lead men and women to the greater light [the Bible] (The Review and Her ald, Jan u ary 20, 1903). Any per son deep within a cave, with out a flash light, can - not see. The light of the sun is won der ful, but with out a light, one can not see to find the way to the entrance of the cave to see the sun. Give that per son a light, how ever, even a small flash light, and he or she can begin to find the way out. A per - son might say I don t want that lit tle, or lesser, light; I only want the greater light. That is fine but with out the lesser light, that person will not find the greater light. To the per son who real izes how dark the dark ness is, how ever, he or she will be thank ful for the small light, and all who claim to believe the three angels mes sages should be thank ful for the lesser light that God has sent to his peo ple. In many ways the his tory of Adventism, espe cially the early his tory of Adventism, is bound up with and tied insep a ra bly with the life of Ellen G. White. Espe cially in the crisis points of our his tory do we see Ellen White play ing a crit i cal and vital role. She noted: In re view ing our past his tory, hav ing trav eled over ev - ery step of ad vance to our pres ent stand ing, I can say, Praise God! As I see what the Lord has wrought, I am filled with as ton ish ment, and with con fi dence in Christ as leader. We have noth ing to fear for the fu ture, ex cept as we shall for get the way the Lord has led us, and His teach ing in our past his tory. (Life Sketches, p. 196) Do you know when this state ment was writ ten? It was first pub lished in 1893 in a General Conference Bulletin about fifty years from the time the move ment began. The prophet is talk ing about fifty years of time, not about a small sliver of time, but about the con tin ual way God had led and worked with his peo ple. Maybe you rec og nize the pic ture below as being taken at the 1888 Min ne ap o lis Gen eral Con fer ence ses sion. Pic ture from the 1888 Gen eral Conference There was quite an after math from that con fer ence, and it is one of the most dis cussed events in the his tory of Sev - enth-day Adventism. There were issues from that con fer ence that resulted in dis cus sion and divi sion, and Ellen White helped to clar ify the issues and give per spec tive to that con - fer ence so that we need not be deceived nor dis cour aged. Per haps you have heard of the Holy Flesh Move ment that occurred in the Indi an a Con fer ence from 1899 to 1901. This move ment involved the doc trines of the incar na tion, the nature of Christ, and sanc ti fi ca tion. The move ment also involved a type of Pen te cos tal wor ship. Here again, Ellen White played a very large role in help ing to quench the con - tro versy. After receiv ing word from Elder Haskell, who had seen this wor ship first hand, Ellen White wrote: The things you have de scribed as tak ing place in In di - ana, the Lord has shown me would take place just be fore Vol. 23, No. 3-3-

the close of pro ba tion. Ev ery un couth thing will be dem - on strated. There will be shout ing, with drums, mu sic, and danc ing. The senses of ra tio nal be ings will be come so con - fused that they can not be trusted to make right de ci sions. And this is called the mov ing of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit never re veals it self in such meth ods, in such a bed lam of noise. This is an in - ven tion of Sa tan to cover up his in ge nious meth ods for mak ing of none ef fect the pure, sin cere, el e vat ing, en no bling, sanc ti fy - ing truth for this time. Better never have the wor ship of God blended with mu sic than to use mu si cal in stru ments to do the work which last Jan u ary was rep re sented to me would be brought into our camp meet - ings. The truth for this time needs noth ing of this kind in its work of con vert ing souls. A bed lam of noise shocks the senses and per verts that which if con ducted aright might be a bless ing. The pow ers of sa tanic agen cies blend with the din and noise, to have a car ni val, and this is termed the Holy Spirit s work ing. (Selected Messages, bk. 2, p. 36) Ellen White s sound coun sel on this issue and her tes ti mo - nies on true sanc ti fi ca tion saved many from ruin. Have you ever heard of a man named Albion Fox Ballenger? He was a very well-known and admired Sev - enth-day Adven tist min is ter, as well as a very good biblical stu dent. He was very char is - matic and widely rec og nized as a good speaker. He was espe cially well-known for his large crowds at pub lic evan ge - listic meet ings. He began an in-depth study of the sanc tu ary and came to some very dif fer - ent con clu sions from the main body of believ ers, such as Christ enter ing the most holy A. F. Ballenger place of the sanc tu ary at his accession instead of in 1844. This caused a great con tro versy within the church. Ballenger had text upon text upon text to attempt to prove his points. There seemed to be few, if any, who could refute his argu - ments using just the Bible. Ellen White acknowl edged that Ballenger used many bib li cal texts, but she could boldly declare: There is not truth in the ex pla na tions of Scrip ture that El der Ballenger and those as so ci ated with him are pre sent - ing. The words are right but mis ap plied to vin di cate er ror. We must not give coun te nance to his rea son ing. He is not led of God. Our work is to bind up the Tes ti mo nies God has given and seal the law among His dis ci ples. (Manu script Re lease, no. 760, p. 4) Ellen White knew that if Ballenger s mes sage was accepted, it would under mine our whole faith. She was given a clear dis tinct mes sage: In clear, plain lan guage I am to say to those in at ten - dance at this con fer ence [the Gen eral Con fer ence of 1905] that Brother Ballenger has been al low ing his mind to re - ceive and be lieve spe cious er ror.... God has not in dited the mes sage that he is bear ing. This mes sage, if ac cepted, would un der mine the pil lars of our faith. Ms 62, 1905, pp. 1, 2. ( A Warn ing Against False The o ries, Talk, May 24, 1905.) (Ibid., p. 8) Another case in point con cern ing the help the Spirit of Proph ecy sup plied in keep ing the peo ple of God on track is seen in the case of John Harvey Kellogg and his book The Liv ing Tem ple. The Liv ing Tem ple was an excel lent book on health and hygiene. There were teach ings in it that we would all say amen to today, but the book also con tained ele ments of spir i tu al is tic pan the - ism. Kellogg made a mis take of try ing to weave his the ol ogy into his phys i ol ogy. It is not wrong to put the ol ogy and health together. In fact, we call the health work the right arm of the mes sage, and it is, if it is the true health work that heaven approves but while Kellogg s health mes sage was J. H. Kellogg good, his the ol ogy was sour. The roots to his prob lem stemmed from his accep tance of the doc trine of the trin ity which so per verted his mind that he could not think prop erly. Ellen White did not sit back as an idle spec ta tor and allow the church to be swept away into spir i - tu al ism. It is hard for us liv ing over one hun dred years later to real ize how pow er ful Dr. Kellogg was and the influ ence he had in the church. The Bat tle Creek San i tar ium employed more work ers than the whole Gen eral Con fer ence worldwide! He was a very loved and appre ci ated man, and not a few were sym pa thetic towards him. But Ellen White declared that the issue was lik ened to an ice berg dead ahead that must be hit straight on. Due to her coun sel the church was saved. In these and other cases, Ellen White played a lead ing role in deal ing with winds of doc trine, in deal ing with peo ple Old Paths - 4- March 2014

who were teach ing some thing dif fer ent from the his tory of the first fifty years. God gave this move ment a chart and com pass to enable it to go to the heav enly har bor. Today, how ever, there are pro po nents of winds of doc trines, and one of the winds of doc trine we have looked at recently is the lunar Sab bath. There should be clar ity in our minds on these issues, and the spirit of proph ecy man i fested through Ellen White was given to help avoid pit falls in these areas. We do not need to fear, as long as we remem ber the way the Lord has led us in our past his tory and remem ber his teach ings in our past his tory. The truth of 2 Chron i cles 20:20 still rings true: Believe in the LORD your God, so shall ye be estab - lished; believe his proph ets, so shall ye pros per. I believe his prophet; she has not let me down, but has only encour aged and helped me and has given me a chart and a com pass. If we have, as a peo ple, been mis led on such an impor tant issue as the Ten Com mand ments and the Sabbath, then we are in a dan ger ous posi tion. But does the evi dence sup port the view that the com mand ment dealing spe cif i cally with the seal of God has been so tam pered with or so mis un - der stood by us as a peo ple that some how we have been in error all of these years? Has God seen fit to cor rect us about eat ing pork and other issues but has failed to cor rect us on this most impor tant point until now? No, no, a thou sand times no! I do not believe that there is any spin doc tor who can hon estly say oth er wise. We are told that the spe cial bless - ing of God upon the Sab bath goes back to the Gar den of Eden: Thus the heav ens and the earth were fin ished, and all the host of them. And on the sev enth day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the sev enth day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the sev - enth day, and sanc ti fied it: be cause that in it he had rested from all his work which God cre ated and made. (Gen e sis 2:1 3) In Eden, God set up the me mo rial of His work of cre - ation, in plac ing His bless ing upon the sev enth day. (Pa tri archs and Proph ets, p. 48) Did God say that after the sev enth day there would be an eighth day or a ninth day in the week? There is an eighth and ninth day of the month, but never of the week. No, in fact we are told: The Sab bath is a me mo rial of the work of cre ation, it is a to ken of the love and power of Christ. (The De sire of Ages, p. 281) The sign, or seal, of God is re vealed in the ob ser vance of the sev enth-day Sab bath, the Lord s me mo rial of cre ation. (Tes ti mo nies for the Church, vol. 8, p. 117) Notice that she speaks of the sev enth-day Sab bath and that it is the memo rial of cre ation. There was a man among the pio neers named John Nevins Andrews. 1 He was such a good biblical scholar that the breth - ren asked him to study out the issue of when to keep the Sab bath. He later wrote a well-known book enti - tled The His tory of the Sab bath. In his book Andrews stated: The im por tance of the Sab bath as the me mo rial of cre ation is that it keeps ever pres ent the true rea - son why wor ship is due to God. For the wor ship of God is based upon the fact that he is the Cre - ator and that all other be ings were cre ated by him. The Sab - J. N. Andrews bath there fore lies at the very foun da tion of di vine wor ship, for it teaches this great truth in the most im pres - sive man ner, and no other in sti tu tion does this. The true ground of di vine wor ship, not of that on the sev enth day merely, but of all wor ship, is found in the dis tinc tion be - tween the Cre ator and his crea tures. This great fact can never be come ob so lete, and must never be for got ten. (The His tory of the Sab bath, p. 510) Ellen White con sid ered this state ment so vital and so cor - rect that she included it in her book The Great Con tro versy. 2 Ellen White her self noted: Like the Sab bath, the week orig i nated at cre ation, and it has been pre served and brought down to us through Bi ble his tory. (Pa tri archs and Proph ets, p. 111; written in 1890) Did Ellen White write in 1890 that the Sab bath and the week both orig i nated at cre ation and that the Sab bath had been lost to biblical his tory? No! She said that, like the Sab - bath, the week had been preserved. That means both the week and the Sab bath were pre served and that the Sab bath was kept and not lost. Lunar Sab batarians claim that vir tu ally the whole world lost sight of the Sab bath, includ ing the sup - posed rem nant peo ple of God, but this is not accord ing to the tes ti mony of Jesus which says that, accord ing to biblical his - tory, the Sab bath has been pre served. It does not mat ter what sec u lar his to ri ans might say oth er wise; inspiration trumps every thing! In other words, if you read a state ment that claims to be an his tor i cal state ment and it attempts to say that the Sab bath was lost or changed, do not believe it, for it is wrong. What we need is truth, pure and unadul ter ated, and not fables, false his tory, and false sci ence that dis agree with the Bible. In fact, we have been told that the righ teous ness of Christ... is pure, unadul ter ated truth (Tes ti mo nies to Min is ters and Gos pel Work ers, p. 65; all empha sis sup plied unless 1. Adventists have named their university and seminary at Berrien Springs, Michigan, after him. Sadly, he would not be allowed to join the SDA Church today because he did not believe in the trinitarian doctrine. (See Ministry October 1993, page 10, at this link: B.pdf#view=fit) 2. Pages 437, 438 Vol. 23, No. 3-5-

oth er wise noted). Con tin u ing in Patri archs and Proph ets, we have the fol low ing state ment to offer to all who have accepted the lunar Sab bath or who are giv ing it con sid er - ation. If you do not trust the quo ta tion in Old Paths, that is fine. Please open your own Patri archs and Proph ets and see for your self, but please be hon est with the state ment, if you believe in the tes ti mony of Jesus. Read the whole chap ter, read the whole book, and you will find noth ing out of con text below: God Him self mea sured off the first week as a sam ple for suc ces sive weeks to the close of time. Like ev ery other, it con sisted of seven lit eral days. Six days were em ployed in the work of cre ation; upon the sev enth, God rested, and He then blessed this day and set it apart as a day of rest for man. In the law given from Si nai, God rec og nized the week, and the facts upon which it is based. (Pa tri archs and Proph ets, p. 111) One thing that I like about the mes sage we call the truth about God is that it is clear and straight for ward. It does not depend upon hints and sup po si tions. We do not have to say, it appears to be so or it is implied. The one we are to wor ship does not leave us in doubt about his iden tity or that of his Son. If this is true about his iden tity, it must surely also be true of how he has com manded us to wor ship him. In the truth about the sev enth-day Sab bath, we have a clear, unam big u ous state - ment that would be under stood by a tyro. Beloved, if God wants us to wor ship him on the sev enth day of the week, he does not have to hint, and we do not have to twist the Scrip tures to come to an under stand ing. God is straight for ward for all to under stand who will accept his plain state ments. Over and over the Spirit of Proph ecy sub stan ti ates the truth that as a peo ple we have had the truth on the Sab bath and not a lie. We have not made a mis take on the Sabbath! When you look at the law as given at Mt. Sinai, what are the facts upon which the Sab bath is given? It is the fact that God cre ated every thing in six days. Noth ing is spe cif i cally said about the moon or about the eighth, the fif teenth, the twenty-sec ond, or the twenty-ninth days of the month. 3 God could have surely made that clear, beloved, espe cially if he is going to use it as the last great test for all of human ity! He could have said, You will wor ship me, bas ing the time upon the eighth day of the month, as cal cu lated by the new moon. Then wor ship me every fif teenth, twenty-sec ond, and twenty-ninth days of the month. Sim ple! But this is not what God said because it is not God s plan. Af ter giv ing the com mand, Re mem ber the Sab bath day, to keep it holy, and spec i fy ing what shall be done on the six days, and what shall not be done on the sev enth, He states the rea son for thus ob serv ing the week, by point ing back to His own ex am ple: For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested 3. The days of the lunar month most lunar Sabbatarians observe as Sabbath the sev enth day: where fore the Lord blessed the Sab bath day, and hal lowed it. Ex o dus 20:8 11. (Ibid.) Let us now cou ple this with Ezekiel 20:12: More over also I gave them my sab baths, to be a sign between me and them, that they might know that I am the LORD that sanc tify them. In the com mand ment God speaks of cre ation, and in Ezekiel he speaks of sanc ti fi ca tion. These are not two dif fer - ent works, but actu ally one work. Our sanc ti fi ca tion, the redemp tive pro cess, is a cre ative pro cess. How did God cre - ate every thing in the begin ning? By the word of the LORD were the heav ens made; And all the host of them by the breath of his mouth. For he spake, and it was done; He com manded, and it stood fast. (Psalm 33:6, 9) Notice how Paul also under stands this con nec tion: Be ing jus ti fied freely by his grace through the re demp - tion that is in Christ Je sus: Whom God hath set forth to be a pro pi ti a tion through faith in his blood, to de clare his righ - teous ness for the re mis sion of sins that are past, through the for bear ance of God; To de clare, I say, at this time his righ teous ness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which be liev eth in Je sus. (Romans 3:24 26). To declare is to speak and when God speaks, cre ation hap - pens. God speaks righ teous ness, and we have righ teous ness. God speaks for give ness, and we are for given, and the Sab - bath is a memo rial of cre ation and of sanc ti fi ca tion within the believer. One very strange thing about the lunar Sabbatarian thinking is that it for bids one to believe that the papacy changed the Sab bath day! That s right! We can no lon ger point a fin ger at the Vat i can for chang ing the true Sab bath. We would be led to believe that we need not worry about the Vat i can any - more, for it is not our enemy, and that the papacy has done noth ing to change the Sab bath or to take it away from any one. This is because the lunar Sabbatarian teach ing is that Sat - ur day is not the Sab bath any more than Sunday is the Sab bath. I have been told by lunar Sabbatarians that I have the mark of the beast as much as Sunday-keep ers, for both of us are wor ship ing on false days. If that is true, then we are no more cor rect than the papacy, but that is not what the Spirit of Proph ecy tells us. There are dif fer ent views on the inspi ra tion and the author ity of Ellen White. Some peo ple will only accept state - ments that speak of direct inspi ra tion, state ments that say some thing like I saw, I was shown, or in vision the Lord showed me. Even if that is all one accepts as inspired, there is plenty of evi dence from the tes ti mony of Jesus that the papacy did attempt to change the true Sab bath, not some false Sab bath. We will now look at some of those state ments: The Lord gave me the fol low ing view in 1847, while the breth ren were as sem bled on the Sab bath, at Topsham, Maine.... Old Paths - 6- March 2014

In the ho li est I saw an ark; on the top and sides of it was pur est gold. I saw the ten com mand ments writ ten on them with the fin ger of God. On one ta ble were four, and on the other six. The four on the first ta ble shone brighter than the other six. But the fourth, the Sab bath com mand - ment, shone above them all; for the Sab bath was set apart to be kept in honor of God s holy name. The holy Sab bath looked glo ri ous a halo of glory was all around it. I saw that the Sab bath com mand ment was not nailed to the cross. If it was, the other nine com mand ments were; and we are at lib erty to break them all, as well as to break the fourth. I saw that God had not changed the Sab bath, for He never changes. But the pope had changed it from the sev enth to the first day of the week; for he was to change times and laws. (Early Writ ings, pp. 32, 33) Ellen White is claim ing divine rev e la tion in this quo ta tion sev eral times. This is not an impres sion or some thing that she gar nered from the study of the Bible. She says that the Lord gave her this rev e la tion. She says I saw four times in the sec - ond para graph. If she is a prophet, this is true; and if it is not true, then she can not be a prophet. She says that the pope did make a change and that it was from the sev enth to the first day of the week. She did not say that the pope changed a false Sab bath to another false Sab bath. Her state ment is clear; it is not ambig u ous. Either she is cor rect or the lunar Sabbatarians may be cor rect, but they both can not be cor rect on the issue of the pope chang ing the Sab bath. Now it is true that the way the lunar Sabbatarians cal cu late the Sabbath, on aver age the lunar Sab bath once every sev enth month will be on what we call Sat ur day, and once every sev enth month the lunar Sab bath will be on Sunday. Ellen White says that the pope did make a change, not from a lunar Sab bath, how ever, but from the same sev enth-day Sab bath that Adventism has always wor shiped on, the day most Eng lish-speak ing peo ple call Sat ur day. You can dis count this, beloved, but if you do, you do so at the peril of your eter nal life because God has either given us a prophet or he has not. Accord ing to Rev e la - tion 12:17 and 19:10, God has put the gift of proph ecy within his church and if it was not man i fested by Ellen White, then I do not know who qual i fies. Have you heard of a strawman argu ment? It means that a false view is stated that can eas ily be cut down and then it is implied that the truth is destroyed with the false view. Lunar Sabbatarians do the same when they state that Sat ur day can not be the Sab bath because the name Sat ur day comes from the pagan god Sat urn and we are not to wor ship false gods or even take their names upon our lips (Exo dus 20:3; 23:13). That sounds impor tant; it sounds like some thing con cern ing which we should be zeal ous. We want to dis tance our selves from pagan ism as much as pos si ble, right? But what rel e vance to the argu ment does it have? Actu ally it has no rel e vance to the argu ment. It is a false idea based upon false under stand ings. My name is Allen; peo ple might call me Bill or Rob ert, but it does not change me or the per son I am. Peo ple can call the day we know in Eng lish as Sat ur day any thing they want, but it does not make it a dif fer ent day. The fact is that the day Eng lish-speak ing peo ple call Sat ur day is called Sab bath by the peo ple of over one hun dred lan guages. A name does not make a day holy or unholy. To say that we can give a day of the week an unholy name and thus change its moral nature is to claim to have more power and author ity than God, and that is blas phemy. This is say ing that God can make, bless, and sanctify a day, but some one can take the bless ing off that day sim ply by giv - ing it a pagan name. It is like using that pagan name as a mag i cal word to change it, but the Bible says greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4). You can see how being jeal ous for God s law, if mis ap - plied, can be a curse. In Early Writ ings we read: Sa tan... told his an gels that some would be so jeal ous of God s law that they could not be caught in this snare [the snare that there is no law any more]; the ten com mand - ments were so plain that many would be lieve that they were still bind ing, and there fore he must seek to cor rupt only one of the com mand ments. He then led on his rep re - sen ta tives to at tempt to change the fourth, or Sab bath, com mand ment, thus al ter ing the only one of the ten which brings to view the true God, the Maker of the heav ens and the earth. (Early Writ ings, pp. 215, 216) Does it say here that Satan tried to bring a change in the Sab bath dur ing the Bab y lon cap tiv ity? No. Satan did not, and the rest of the state ment proves this to be true. Sa tan pre sented be fore them the glo ri ous res ur rec tion of Je sus, and told them that by His ris ing on the first day of the week, He changed the Sab bath from the sev enth to the first day of the week. (Ibid., p. 216) So this change came through Satan s rep re sen ta tives, and The Great Con tro versy tells us that the pope is spe cif i cally the rep re sen ta tive of Satan (p. 50). Some peo ple think the cur rent pope is kind, good, and con - ge nial; but inspi ra tion calls him the rep re sen ta tive of Satan. You can believe what you hear or even what you see, or you can believe inspi ra tion but if you depend upon your eyes, your senses, or sec u lar sources, you will be deceived. Sec u lar his torical sources try to inform us the apos tles began to keep Sunday as the day of wor ship, but do not believe them, for it is in marked con trast with inspi ra tion and with sacred his tory. Even the papacy admits to attempt ing to change the Sab - bath, and they speak noth ing of chang ing the Sab bath from a lunar Sab bath to any Lord s day or other day. We need to under stand the impor tance of the Sab bath and that it is a pil lar of our faith. We are tread ing upon sacred ground when we believe that God gave Ellen White mes sages and that she told us the truth. If you dis count Ellen White as a prophet, you may dis count much of what is being writ ten here. That is up to you. The state ments you read will mean noth ing to you. If you believe that Ellen White was a Vol. 23, No. 3-7-

proph et ess of the Lord, then I beg you to care fully con sider the mate rial we shall now examine. The pass ing of the time in 1844 was a pe riod of great events, open ing to our as ton ished eyes the cleans ing of the sanc tu ary tran spir ing in heaven, and hav ing de cided re la - tion to God s peo ple upon the earth, [also] the first and sec ond an gels mes sages and the third, un furl ing the ban - ner on which was in scribed, The com mand ments of God and the faith of Je sus. One of the land - marks un der this mes sage was the tem ple of God, seen by His truth-lov - ing peo ple in heaven, and the ark con tain ing the law of God. (Coun sels to Writ ers and Ed i tors, p. 30) The sanc tu ary is the one doc trine that makes us unique as a peo ple. There are other peo ple who believe in the Sab bath and in the sec ond com ing of Jesus, but the sanctuary gives us a basis for the judg - ment, for the law, and for the Sab bath at the heart of that law. In this state ment Ellen White claims to have seen the sanc - tu ary in heaven. She also noted: The light of the Sab bath of the fourth com mand ment flashed its strong rays in the path way of the trans - gres sors of God s law. (Ibid.) Ear lier we read about Ellen White see - ing the Ten Com mand ments in heaven. She said that the four on the first table shone brighter than the other six. But the fourth, the Sab bath com mand ment, shone above them all... The holy Sab bath looked glo ri ous a halo of glory was all around it (Early Writ ings, pp. 32, 33). The Sab bath is very impor tant within the law of God. Ellen White counts it as one of the foun da tion land marks of Adventism, one of the pil lars of our faith. There are other pil lars that she speaks about else - where. For exam ple: The only safety now is to search for the truth as re vealed in the word of God, as for hid trea sure. The sub jects of the Sab bath, the na ture of man, and the tes ti mony of Je sus are the great and im por tant truths to be un der stood; these will prove as an an chor to hold God s peo ple in these per il ous times. (Tes ti mo nies for the Church, vol. 1, p. 300) Anchors hold boats in place and pre vent them from drift - ing. I remem ber one time I was boat ing with my step fa ther, and he told me to cast over the anchor. I promptly cast the anchor over board and began to watch the rope to which it was attached go over the edge of the boat with great speed. To my aston ish ment the rope soon was speed ing toward the bot tom of the lake with the anchor. For some rea son the rope was not attached to the boat! Now the boat could not be held in place, but would drift. Anchors are impor tant, and we need The tes ti mony of Je sus was man i fested in E. G. White. spir i tual anchors to keep us from being blown about by winds of doc trine. The true sev enth-day Sab bath is one such anchor. The tes ti mony of Jesus is another anchor and if we will lis ten to it, then we will be held firmly by it when the winds of doc trine blow. It is true that every thing needed for man s per fec tion is found in the Bible but as I said, I am one of the weak est of the weak, and I need all the help I can get. While the Bible is all that is needed for the per fec tion of the saints, it is not all that God will use, accord ing to Ephe sians 4, for he tells us that he has gifts to help us with the Bible and that the gift of proph ecy is one of those gifts. Dear friend, if God is pleased to give his peo ple spir i tual gifts to help with the Bible, then I am all for them, and you should be also. As I get older and as my astig ma tism gets worse, I find that it is harder to read in dim light. I need more light to see well. In fact, the more light I have the eas ier it is to read. We all are liv ing in a time when this earth is spir i tu ally dark. We need all the light that we can get, and we should thank God for extra light and help. God has given us help, and may I say clearly that God has not made a mis take? He did not lead a peo ple into error. He did not teach them how to keep the Sab bath from sun down to sun down, but tell them to keep it on the wrong day or fail to teach them which day to keep. He has not told his peo ple to abstain from eat ing pork, but has failed to tell them about his seal. He has not told us who he is, but has failed to tell us how to wor ship him. No, friends, he has given to his peo ple a com plete pack age called the three angels mes sages, a solid immoveable plat form of truth. Today there are winds of doc trine the lunar Sab bath, the neces sity of keep ing the feasts, God does not destroy, and oth ers but none of these winds of doc trine is a part of the orig i nal plat - form of truth. Prov erbs 4:18 states: But the path of the just is as the shin - ing light, That shineth more and more unto the per fect day. I want more truth, and I am sure you do, too, but new truth will never con tra dict, or go against, estab lished truth, and the sev - enth-day Sab bath is a firm, estab lished truth. The main fun da men tal points of our faith were estab lished early in the his tory of our peo ple, and any thing that runs coun ter to those points can not be truth. We do not need to be deceived. If you exam ine those fun da men tal beliefs pub - lished in 1872, you will find num ber XVI states: That the Spirit of God was prom ised to man i fest it self in the church through cer tain gifts, enu mer ated es pe cially in 1 Cor. 12 and Eph. 4; that these gifts are not de signed to su - Old Paths - 8 - March 2014

per sede, or take the place of, the Bi ble, which is suf fi cient to make us wise unto sal va tion, any more than the Bi ble can take the place of the Holy Spirit; that, in spec i fy ing the var i ous chan nels of its op er a tion, that Spirit has sim ply made pro vi sion for its own ex is tence and pres ence with the peo ple of God to the end of time, to lead to an un der - stand ing of that word which it had in spired, to con vince of sin, and to work a trans for ma tion in the heart and life; and that those who deny to the Spirit its place and op er a tion, do plainly deny that part of the Bi ble which as signs to it this work and po si tion. (A Dec la ra tion of the Fun da men tal Prin ci ples Taught And Prac ticed By The Sev enth-day Ad - ven tists, Steam Press, Bat tle Creek, MI) The prin ci ple states that if you deny to the Spirit its place and oper a tion, that if you reject the gift of proph ecy, for exam ple, then you plainly deny that part of the Bible which speaks of proph ecy. Some times we read texts of Scrip ture that we find dif fi cult to either under stand or to har mo nize with other texts. For exam ple, exactly what did Paul mean when he wrote: For I am in a strait betwixt two, hav ing a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better (Philippians 1:23)? Was Paul teach - ing that the righ teous go straight to heaven when they die? No won der Peter stated that Paul wrote some things hard to be under stood (2 Peter 3:16). Fur thermore, how do we under - stand Isa iah 66:24 ( their worm shall not die ), when com pared to Malachi 4:1 ( it shall leave them nei ther root nor branch )? Of course, there are state ments in the Spirit of Proph ecy that are hard to under stand but on the other hand, there are state ments that are very clear, that are not ambig u ous or con tro ver sial, and that are easy to under stand for 99% of read ers. The state ments that we wish to look at, as we con tinue this study, will be in this latter group. There are the main pil lars of our faith, sub jects which are of vi tal in ter est, the Sab bath, the keep ing of the com - mand ments of God. (Coun sel to Writ ers and Ed i tors, p. 77) I have done build ing work, and I under stand that pil lars are very impor tant in construction, for they hold up the struc - ture. When I built my house, part of the foun da tion was placed over an area that was not sta ble. As a result the house began to sink in one cor ner. A lot of work had to be done to cor rect it. When you do not have a pil lar in place, the whole struc ture will suf fer. Something may give way which could lead to the down fall of the whole struc ture. When Adven tists began to keep the Sab bath, some felt it should be observed from 6:00 pm Fri day night until 6:00 pm Sat ur day night. Oth ers felt that it should be kept from sun set Fri day eve ning until sun set Sat ur day night. In 1855 Elder James White asked J. N. Andrews to pre pare a study on when to keep the Sab bath. On Novem ber 17, Andrews pre sented his study to those assem bled for a con fer ence in Bat tle Creek. He dem on strated from the Bible that from sun down to sun - down was the proper time. On Novem ber 20, 1855, Ellen White had a vision show ing God s approval of this under - stand ing. (See Tes ti mo nies for the Church, vol ume 1, pages 116 and 713 and The Early Years, pages 322 325.) Are we, then, to believe that God was pleased to cor rect his peo ple on the time of the day to keep the Sab bath, but not on the proper day? I do not think so, beloved. In other words, did God tell our pio neers the right time of the day for the Sab bath hours, but not the right day itself for the Sab bath? It would be like giv ing the instruc tions on how to hang cur tains before giv ing the instruc tions on how to install the win dows. It takes a very large imag i na tion to think oth er wise. Beloved, with out any doubt, we were given a cor rect foun - da tion. If a mason lays a proper foun da tion, a car pen ter can build upon it, add ing to the foun da tion, but after you build, if some one comes in and tears away at the foun da tion, then you have prob lems! The writ ings of Ellen G. White are an inspired view of the his tory of our move ment, and this his tory declares that God gave his peo ple the truth, of which the Sab bath is a part, which would take them into the king dom of God. The prin ci ples of truth that God has re vealed to us are our only true foun da tion. (Se lected Mes sages, bk. 1, p. 201) The Sab bath is clearly part of the prin ci ples of truth that made up that foun da tion. It was not founded upon error. This foun da tion was built by the Mas ter Worker, and will stand storm and tem pest. (Ibid., p. 204) Notice that this foun da tion was built by the Mas ter Worker, capital M and capital W, sig ni fy ing that this worker is divine. Ellen White is say ing that we did not come up with these ideas on our own; they are from heaven. We have our Bi bles. We have our ex pe ri ence, at tested to by the mi rac u lous work ing of the Holy Spirit. We have a truth that ad mits of no com pro mise. Shall we not re pu di ate ev ery thing that is not in har mony with this truth? (Ibid., p. 205) We have a truth, not an error, that admits of no com pro - mise, and we should repu di ate every thing that is not in har mony with this truth. Repu di ate is a strong word, mean - ing to renounce or dis avow some thing. Con tin u ing, Ellen White notes: The prin ci ples for which we fought in the early days... were brought out in the power of the Holy Spirit. (Ibid., p. 206) We can only looked at some selected state ments here, but I encour age you to look at all of chap ter 25 in book 1 of Selected Mes sages. Mes sages of ev ery or der and kind have been urged upon Sev enth-day Ad ven tists, to take the place of the truth which, point by point, has been sought out by prayer ful study, and tes ti fied to by the mir a cle-work ing power of the Lord. But the waymarks which have made us what we are, are to be pre served, and they will be pre served, as God has Vol. 23, No. 3-9-

sig ni fied through His Word and the tes ti mony of His Spirit. He calls upon us to hold firmly, with the grip of faith, to the fun da men tal prin ci ples that are based upon un ques tion able au thor ity. (Ibid., p. 208) The waymarks of our move ment are to be pre served and not changed because these prin ci ples are based upon unques tion able author ity. The Bible says: God for bid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar... (Romans 3:4). You claim to be an author ity on some thing that can be ques tioned, but God alone has unques tion able author ity, for only in him is abso lute truth and abso lute power to admin is ter that truth. That author ity should never be ques tioned by fee ble, mor tal man. The truths given us af ter the pass ing of the time in 1844 are just as cer tain and un change able as when the Lord gave them to us in an swer to our ur gent prayers. The vi - sions that the Lord has given me are so re mark able that we know that what we have ac cepted is the truth. This was dem on strated by the Holy Spirit. Light, pre cious light from God, es tab lished the main points of our faith as we hold them to day. (Manu script Re leases, vol. 1, p. 53; Letter 50, 1906) From 1906 going back to the time after 1844 Ellen White claimed that there was a con tinuos line of truth and those points of faith were cer tain, unchange able, and dem on - strated by the Holy Spirit. What was the name the move ment took as an offi cial name in 1863? Sev enth-day Adven tist! The Sab bath was one of those fun da men tal points that she calls truth, and to try to twist or alter that point of faith is to deny the above tes ti mony. The fact is you can exhaustively search Ellen White s writ ings and those of the Adven tist pio neers, and you will not find any ref er ence to a lunar Sab bath or to any thing that hints at such a teach ing. It was clearly not a fun da men tal point of our faith nor a Sab bath that they knew any thing about. Ellen White, in repeated tes ti mo nies, stated that the move ment in her day had pre cious truth from heaven and not error. We can con fi dently say, The truth that has come to us through the Holy Spirit s work ing is not a lie. The ev i - dences given for the last half cen tury bear the ev i dence of the Spirit s power. (The Paulson Col lec tion of El len G. White Let ters, p. 257; 1905) From that same time period, the proph et ess could write: Ever we are to keep the faith that has been sub stan ti ated by the Holy Spirit of God from the ear lier events of our ex - pe ri ence un til the pres ent time. (The Up ward Look, p. 352; De cem ber 4, 1905) As we saw ear lier from Prov erbs 4:18, more light will come, per haps rev e la tions about God, his char ac ter, and the plan of sal va tion: As knowl edge is pro gres sive, so will love, rev er ence, and hap pi ness in crease. The more men learn of God, the greater will be their ad mi ra tion of His char ac ter. As Je sus opens be fore them the riches of re demp tion and the amaz - ing achieve ments in the great con tro versy with Sa tan, the hearts of the ran somed thrill with more fer vent de vo tion, and with more rap tur ous joy they sweep the harps of gold; and ten thou sand times ten thou sand and thou sands of thou sands of voices unite to swell the mighty cho rus of praise. (The Great Con tro versy, p. 678) Please mark this vital point again new light will never con tra dict old, estab lished truth. Now notice what the Pen of Inspi ra tion wrote, not in 1905 or in 1906, but in 1881: It is as cer tain that we have the truth as that God lives; and Sa tan, with all his arts and hell ish power, can not change the truth of God into a lie. While the great ad ver - sary will try his ut most to make of none ef fect the word of God, truth must go forth as a lamp that burneth. (Tes ti mo - nies for the Church, vol. 4, p. 595; 1881) How could a stron ger, more emphatic assur ance be writ ten than to say it is as cer tain that we have the truth as that God lives? Are you cer tain that God lives? If so, then it is as sure that we have the truth, includ ing the truth about the Sab bath. There should be no room for debate on this issue. It is true that Ellen White did not say they had all the truth, but what they had was truth, and no new light will con tra dict that old truth. As pointed as this last quo ta tion is, the fol low ing state - ment may even be more pointed. It was writ ten by Ellen White to a sis ter who believed that the Inter na tional Date Line caused a prob lem in know ing when the true Sab bath occurred. This was known as the day line the ory. To this con - fusion Sis ter Ellen White wrote: We have the pos i tive word of God in re gard to the Sab - bath [Ex. 31:12 18 quoted]. Is it pos si ble that so much im por tance can be clus tered about those who ob serve the Sab bath, and yet no one can tell when the Sab bath co mes? (Selected Messages, bk. 3, p. 318; 1900) To state this in pos i tive terms, Ellen White is say ing yes, we can tell when the Sab bath comes. She con tin ues: Then where is the peo ple who bear the badge or sign of God? What is the sign? The sev enth-day Sab bath, which the Lord blessed and sanc ti fied, and pro nounced holy, with great pen al ties for its vi o la tion. (Ibid.) Ellen White is dis cuss ing the sev enth-day Sab bath that the church was observ ing in 1900. While she is not address ing the lunar Sab bath here, the prin ci ple she states may be applied to any false Sab bath that might be advo cated. She believed in 1900 that the church was keep ing the cor rect Sab - bath. Any thing else, then, is false. Some times peo ple will try to twist Ellen White s writ ings to make them say things that she did not mean. If we really Old Paths - 10- March 2014

want to know what she believed, we need to study her pub - lished writ ings. Do not give cre dence to un au then ti cated re ports as to what Sis ter White has done or said or writ ten. If you de sire to know what the Lord has re vealed through her, read her pub lished works. Are there any points of in ter est con cern - ing which she has not writ ten, do not ea gerly catch up and re port ru mors as to what she has said. (Tes ti mo nies for the Church, vol. 5, p. 696) Peo ple may tell you that Sis ter White taught that we should keep the feasts or that women should wear a head cov er - ing, but the only way to truly know what she believed and taught is to exam ine what she wrote, and that is what we are doing in this study. She also noted to the sis ter she wrote to about the day line the ory: The sev enth-day Sab bath is in no un cer tainty. It is God s me mo rial of His work of cre ation. It is set up as a heaven-given me mo rial, to be ob served as a sign of obe di - ence. God wrote the whole law with His fin ger on two ta bles of stone.... Now, my sis ter,... I write... to tell you that we are not to give the least cre dence to the day line the ory. (Selected Messages, bk. 3, p. 318) If Sis ter White was alive today and ques tioned about the lunar Sab bath, she would say, I write... to tell you that we are not to give the least cre dence to the lunar Sab bath. She also wrote con cern ing the day line idea: It is a snare of Sa tan brought in by his own agents to con fuse minds. You see how ut terly im pos si ble for this thing to be, that the world is all right ob serv ing Sunday, and God s rem nant peo ple are all wrong. This the ory of the day line would make all our his tory for the past fifty-five years a com plete fal lacy. But we know where we stand. The fal lacy of the day line is a trap of Sa tan to dis cour - age. I know what I am speak ing about. I can write no more now, but I say, Give no ear to her - esy. (Ibid., pp. 318, 319) In prin ci ple the same could be said about the lunar Sab - bath. Any thing other than the truth that Ellen White and the pio neers believed is a snare of Satan brought in by his own agents to con fuse minds. If the lunar Sab bath were true, then our his tory of Sab bath-keep ing would be a fal lacy but like Ellen White, we know where we stand! In 1900 Ellen White said that our Sab bath-keep ing had not been a fal lacy. To accept the lunar Sab bath would be to admit that we have been no more cor rect than the papacy, that our early expe ri ence was a fal lacy, and that Ellen White was a false prophet! But friends, we have not fol lowed cun ningly-devised fables. Truth is truth and does not change, for the God of truth does not change. When the power of God tes ti fies as to what is truth, that truth is to stand for ever as the truth. No af ter sup po si tions con trary to the light God has given are to be en ter tained. (Selected Messages, bk. 1, p. 161; 1905) No after sup po si tions are to be accepted, if they run con - trary to the light God has been pleased to give. Ellen White declared that we had land marks and pil lars, and we dare not remove them. Anciently the peo ple of God were told: Remove not the ancient land mark, which thy fathers have set (Prov erbs 22:28). Why was this done? It was to be sym - bolic of their hold ing on to the land marks of truth. As a peo ple we are to stand firm on the plat form of eter - nal truth that has with stood test and trial. We are to hold to the sure pil lars of our faith [like the Sab bath]. The prin ci - ples of truth that God has re vealed to us are our only true foun da tion. They have made us what we are. The lapse of time had not less ened their value. (Ibid., p. 201; 1904) The time from 1844 to 1904 did not lessen the value or the truth ful ness of truth and nei ther does the last one hun dred ten years make a change. We have been told, Prove all things; hold fast that which is good (1 Thessalonians 5:21),but how many times do we need to keep prov ing some thing after we have once proved it false? What is the chaff to the wheat? We are not to re ceive the words of those who come with a mes sage that con tra dicts the spe cial points of our faith. They gather to gether a mass of Scrip ture, and pile it as proof around their as serted the o ries. This has been done over and over again dur ing the past fifty years. And while the Scrip tures are God s word, and are to be re spected, the ap pli ca tion of them, if such ap pli ca tion moves one pil lar from the foun da tion that God has sus tained these fifty years, is a great mis take. (Ibid., p. 161) So, friends, when peo ple come to me and want to share some thing that I have heard many times over, I am very slow to lis ten. If it has been proven false one hun dred times before, it will still be false now. I have been a math e mat ics teacher, and I can prove the Pythag o rean the o rem in sev eral dif fer ent ways, but I only have to prove it once to know it is true. One impor tant issue some have con sid ered is the pos si bil - ity that the lunar Sab bath might be the ful fill ment of Ellen White s proph ecy of preach ing the Sab bath more fully. Could this apply in any way to the lunar Sab bath? Before we see what Ellen White has said, let us con sider what the idea of any thing more fully means. The word more implies some thing in addi tion to what is already in exis tence. I can not give you more water, if you have not had water before. I can not teach you alge bra more fully, if I have not already taught you some alge bra. For Ellen White to say that we would preach the Sab - bath more fully, we had to have bee preach ing the Sab bath before the time we preached it more fully. Some might say, we were preach ing the con cept, or idea, of the Sab bath before, but a more accu rate ver sion now. But, beloved, would we say that teach ing Sunday is a form of Sab bath-keep ing? Of course not! Then if the lunar Sab bath were true, we were no more teach ing or pro claim ing the Sab bath any more than the papal church and the apos tate Prot es tants were. Vol. 23, No. 3-11-

Now let us see what Ellen White has said about this mat ter. And at the com mence ment of the time of trou ble, we were filled with the Holy Ghost as we went forth, and pro - claimed the Sab bath more fully. (Broad side 3; April 7, 1847) We are not in the time of trou ble yet. The ref er ence seems to imply, but does not limit, pro claim ing the Sab bath more fully to just the time of trou ble. We need not try to inter pret this state ment, how ever, for Ellen White already has given an under stand - ing.this state ment was reprinted twice while Ellen White was alive, with an expla na tion for what she meant. Notice the fol low ing explanation: This view was given in 1847, when there were but very few of the Ad vent breth ren ob serv ing the Sab bath, and of these, but few sup posed that its ob - ser vance was of suf fi cient im por tance to draw a line be tween the peo ple of God and un be liev ers. Now, the ful fill ment of that view is be gin ning to be seen. (Experiences and Views, p. 54; 1854) In 1854 Ellen White said that because there were many more breth ren the Sab - bath could be pro claimed more fully, and that was NOT a lunar Sabbath. Speak ing out so plainly against the lunar Sab bath has caused some con tro - versy for us at Smyrna, and we do not enjoy con tro versy nor wish for it any more than any one else, but I want to share why this is so impor tant that it is worth caus ing con tro - versy. There is a fear ful war ning from heaven, not a warn ing from me or from the 911 cen ter but from heaven, against any - one who moves even a pin of our foun da tion. Accord ing to the Bible and accord ing to the tes ti mo nies, the day com - monly called Sat ur day in Eng lish is the sev enth-day Sab bath.the weekly cycle has never been bro ken, and the Sab bath has been kept in a per fect line of succession from cre ation until today by God s true peo ple. Now as we exam - ine the fol low ing state ment, I want you to care fully notice the expres sions that declare this mes sage was inspired. I saw a com pany who stood well guarded and firm, giv - ing no coun te nance to those who would un set tle the es tab lished faith of the body. God looked upon them with ap pro ba tion. I was shown three steps, the first, sec ond, and third an gels mes sages. Said my ac com pa ny ing an gel, Woe to him who shall move a block or stir a pin of these mes sages. The true un der stand ing of these mes - sages is of vi tal im por tance. The des tiny of souls hangs upon the man ner in which they are re ceived. I was El len White saw God lead ing the Advent people. again brought down through these mes sages, and saw how dearly the peo ple of God had pur chased their ex pe ri ence. It had been ob tained through much suf fer ing and se vere con flict. God had led them along step by step, un til He had placed them upon a solid, im mov able plat form. (Early Writ ings, pp. 258, 259; 1858) In 1858 Ellen White declared that there was an estab lished faith and that the believ ers of this estab lished faith had the appro ba tion, or approval, of God. Notice that the words of the angel were placed within quo ta tions marks. That means that this is a direct quo ta - tion. The words that fol low are not Ellen White s, but heaven s. Heaven pro - nounces a woe to those who alter the foun da tion in the least man ner. God has placed his peo ple upon a solid, immov - able plat form of truth that is not to be moved. Remem ber what Paul said in Galatians about preach ing a false gos - pel? But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gos pel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed (Galatians 1:8). The Greek word for accursed is anath ema, mean ing to have the curse of God upon one. This word can also mean an offer ing, or some thing devoted, to evil. The state ment from Early Writ ings is just as strong, and it is rea son able to be just as strong, for both deal with pro tect ing the same gos pel, and both are pro nounc ing, from inspi ra tion, the same woe against any who would tam per with the gos pel truth. When one tries to change the fun da men tal prin ci ples of this mes - sage, it is woe, woe, woe unto that per son. An angel from heaven says that when we try to change even one pin of the mes sage, we are under the con dem na tion of heaven. This is ter ri bly seri ous, beloved. This is no minor mat ter, and we must decide if we stand within the ranks of heaven or not. There is no room for mid dle ground. To teach some thing in the place of this plat form of truth is to enter into a new orga ni za tion, and that is apos tasy from the truth. The Lord has de clared that the his tory of the past shall be re hearsed as we en ter upon the clos ing work. Every truth that He has given for these last days is to be pro - claimed to the world. Ev ery pil lar that He has es tab lished is to be strength ened. We can not now step off the foun - da tion that God has es tab lished. We can not now en ter into any new or ga ni za tion; for this would mean apos - tasy from the truth. (Selected Messages, bk. 2, p. 390; MS 129; 1905) Old Paths - 12 - March 2014

The pil lars of our faith are to be strength ened, not weak - ened. To leave the foun da tion God has built would mean apos tasy from the truth, for that foun da tion is truth. If this was applicable in 1905, it is no less appli ca ble today. The next warn ing we will read is a let ter of Ellen White to the work ers at the Par a dise Val ley San i tar ium. This state - ment is from a sec tion dated May 26, 1906: The Cre ator has with His own au thor ity given you His Sab bath to ob serve; and yet hu man agen cies will at tempt to set aside the sev enth-day Sab bath, which com mem o - rates God s holy work of cre at ing the world in six work ing days, and rest ing on the sev enth day. How can men dare as sume the au thor ity of Je ho vah, and rep re sent them - selves as God, to change times and laws? I call the at ten tion of think ing men to these things. Dare you con tinue to take a hu man en act ment that bears not the stamp of di vine ap proval, and place it be fore the peo ple as some thing to re spect and honor? Will you sub sti tute a coun ter feit in place of the true and gen u ine? Will you thus meet God over His bro ken law, and stand with threats of per se cu tion and se vere pun ish ment against the peo ple whom you re gard as crim i nals be cause they choose to obey the law of Je ho vah in place of a spu ri ous sab bath that man has cre ated? (Manu script Re leases, vol. 21, pp. 88, 89) Let us not assume the work that proph ecy pro claimed the papacy would attempt. Let us not dare to set our selves up as God to change the law of God. In this ref er ence Ellen White is speak ing of Sunday, but the prin ci ple holds with any false Sab bath, includ ing the lunar Sab bath. When Ellen White asked, Will you sub sti - tute a coun ter feit in place of the true and gen u ine? she was speak ing of Sunday as being the coun ter feit, but she also was boldly speak ing about the Sab bath that she and the church in her time kept as the true and gen u ine Sabbath. Let us now con sider that there are four views of the Sab - bath. There is the papal/apos tate Protestant Sunday, the Mus lim Fri day, the lunar rotat ing-day Sab bath, and the sev - enth-day Sab bath. There is no room for com pro mise in this issue, and we have been told how we should view com pro mise: We have a truth that ad mits of no com pro mise. Shall we not re pu di ate ev ery thing that is not in har mony with this truth? (Spe cial Tes ti mo nies, Se ries B, no. 2, p. 55) We are to repu di ate any com pro mise that endan gers the truth that God has given us as a peo ple. If the lunar Sab bath is true, then our pio neers, including Ellen White, com pro mised and denied truth. But this is not so! I saw that Je sus had shut the door in the Holy Place, and no man can open it; and that he had opened the door in the Most Holy, and no man can shut it (See Rev e la tion 3:7, 8.): and that since Je sus has opened the door in the Most Holy Place, which con tains the Ark, the com mand ments have been shin ing out to God s peo ple, and they are be ing tested on the Sab bath ques tion. (The Re view and Her ald, Au gust 1, 1849; also Early Writ ings, p. 42) Since 1849, at least, the peo ple of God have been tested on the Sab bath ques tion. If the lunar Sab bath teach ing is true, then the peo ple of God have flunked the test. The quo ta tion above does not say that error was cov er ing the peo ple like the pall of death. No. Light is shin ing out to God s peo ple, light on the law of God, espe cially on the Sab bath! Dear brother or sis ter, if you have been involved with the lunar Sab bath or if you have been study ing it and have been tempted to accept it, please flee from this great error. Please do not attempt to move a pin from the foun da tion that God has laid. You are not account able to me or to a church; you are account able to God, and you may be sure that he is keep - ing a record and will demand an account ing of the deeds done in the flesh. Repent today, while the door of mercy is open. The lov ing arms of Jesus await to encir cle you with love and for give ness. Per haps you do not see every argument today or per haps there are a few texts that may seem cloudy to you, but remem ber that: He [God] re quires of His peo ple faith that rests upon the weight of ev i dence, not upon per fect knowl edge. (Tes ti - mo nies for the Church, vol. 3, p. 258) None of us have per fect knowl edge, but we have a large, strong, and powerful weight of evi dence on the issue of the Sab bath that need not be denied and must not be cast away. God has given to his peo ple anchors and if we will keep hold of these anchors, we will not drift out into the sea of infi - del ity. Believe in the Lord your God, so shall ye be estab lished; believe his proph ets, so shall ye pros per (2 Chron i cles 20:20). If we reject the lead ing and guid ing of God, heaven says there is a woe against us, but if we will heed the guid ance of heaven, we shall pros per. Let us act today. To put off the truth today is to finally reject the truth. Those who will not act when the Lord calls upon them, but who wait for more cer tain ev i dence and more fa vor - able op por tu ni ties, will walk in dark ness, for the light will be with drawn. The ev i dence given one day, if re jected, may never be re peated. (Tes ti mo nies for the Church, vol. 3, p. 258) You may never hear the evi dence on the Sab bath so clearly again. Please fol low the truth while you have the truth. Then Jesus said unto them, Yet a lit tle while is the light with you. Walk while ye have the light, lest dark ness come upon you: for he that walketh in dark ness knoweth not whither he goeth (John 12:35). The New Tes ta ment has not changed the law of God. The sa cred ness of the Sab bath of the fourth com mand - ment is as firmly es tab lished as the throne of Je ho vah. (Sanc ti fied Life, p. 68) Allen Stump Vol. 23, No. 3-13-

Old Paths - 14 - March 2014

Vol. 23, No. 3-15 -

From the File Cab i net of His tory (Pages 3 and 4 of 10) Old Paths - 16- March 2014

From the File Cab i net of His tory (Pages 5 and 6 of 10; to be com pleted next month) Vol. 23, No. 3-17-

The Alarming Condition of the World (In the Advent Review and Her ald of the Sab bath of June 24, 1875, Elder J. N. Andrews s report on the prog ress of his work in Europe was pub lished. He wrote of the pub lish ing work, of the work of tem per ance, and of the beau ties of Geneva; and he also wrote of the most alarm ing con di tion of the reli gious world. That por tion of his arti cle is repro - duced below....edi tors) The con di tion of the reli gious world is most alarm ing. Faith with out works is the sub stance of what is called evan - gel i cal doc trine. The good ness of God, the love of Christ, the free ness of grace, and the like are the themes of the hymns and ser mons. Now this would be most excel lent were it not that it is sim ply one-half the gos pel mes - sage. The liv ing child is divided in twain. Faith that does not pro duce good works is a dead faith. The good ness of God in par - don ing men on con di tion that they repent is not incon sis tent with his sever ity toward those found at last in their sins. The love of Christ is not incon sis tent with the wrath of the Lamb toward those who con tinue in rebel lion. And the grace of God ben e fits no man who does not regard what it teaches, which is self denial, obe - di ence, zeal in good works, and god li ness. Titus 2:11 14. I have not one word to say in behalf of those who would pur chase Heaven by the merit of their own good works. There are mul ti tudes of such peo ple in the world, but at pres ent I do not see many of them. It is the oppo site error which here leads cap - tive the mul ti tude. Our sal va tion, they say, is all of grace. Christ fin ished the work for us when he died upon the cross. Our works have noth ing to do with our sal va tion. And so when the duty of obe di ence to God is brought home upon them, they say, We do not trust in our good works, we expect to be saved by Christ. And when their hearts are laid open before them so that they can see the var i ous cor rup tions therein, as cov et ous ness, pride, envy, mal ice, dis hon esty, and other wicked prin ci ples, they have no idea that in order to be Chris tians they must have the grace of God remove all these from their nature. It is the righ teous - ness of Christ that is to save them by cov er ing up all this heart-wick ed ness, as snow cov ers up a dung hill. They thank God that they do not trust in their own righ teous ness, but in the fin ished sal va tion of Christ. And so their prep a ra tion for Heaven con sists in faith which does not pro duce good works, but makes them unnec es sary, and in grace which does not take away the cor rup tions of the heart, but cov ers them up so remark ably that though they are still quite man i fest to the eye J. N. Andrews of their fellowmen, God can no lon ger see them. The ser - mons, the reli gious pub li ca tions, and the hymns are full of this doc trine. Some men hold ing this doc trine have been good men, not because of the doc trine, but in spite of it. But the mul ti tude who hold it will show in their lives the nat u ral result of the doc trine. Their reli gious expe ri ence will exactly con form to this evil mold in which it is cast. When this pecu liar form of error has taken pos ses sion of the mind, it is almost impos si ble to dis lodge it. It is a kind of reli gion that makes the way to Heaven very easy. Christ prac - ticed self-denial not to exem plify our duty, but to excuse us from the like! Christ ren dered obe di ence that we might be saved in neglect of what God has com - manded! O most per ni cious error! As though the name of Chris tian did not in itself imply that we were through grace imi ta tors of the life of Christ; and as though sal va tion by grace did not imply the ren o va tion of the heart by the entrance of that grace; and a life of obe di - ence as the result of grace reign ing within the heart. Who shall effec tu ally stand up for God against such fatal errors! How can men be taught that grace upon the lips is no sub - sti tute for grace in the heart? How can they be shown that the very design of God s grace is to cre ate within us the very char ac ter of Christ, and that we can never enter Heaven till we pos sess a nature that has no taint of indwell ing sin? and that the white rai ment which cov ers the saints does not hide beneath it a mass of fes ter - ing cor rup tion, but is emblem at i cal of the purity that reigns within? In the day of Judg ment our cases will be decided accord - ing to our works. All the Scrip tures which speak of that great day set forth this fact. Obe di ence to God through the grace given us by Christ is the test in the Judg ment. And now that the Judg ment is at hand and men are thus deceived by dan - ger ous error, how shall they be awak ened from this sleep of death? They think them selves trees of divine grace when they are in truth only bar ren fig trees cum ber ing the Mas ter s gar den. They make the fatal mis take of think ing that Christ is the author of eter nal sal va tion, not to those only who obey him, but to all who say, Lord, Lord, what ever may be their lives. If any thing can awaken men from this deadly sleep it is the com mand ments of God and the faith of Jesus. J. N. An drews La Coudre, Neuchatel June 2, 1875 Old Paths - 18- March 2014

The Sab bath of Sab baths What is the Sab bath of Sab baths? We want to find out and as we do, we are going to see the rela tion ship and the sim i lar i - ties between some of the Sab baths that are men tioned in Levit i cus 23 and the sev enth-day Sab bath. Levit i cus 16 is focused on the Day of Atone ment, and notice what verse 33 says: And he shall make an atone ment for the holy sanc tu ary, and he shall make an atone ment for the ta ber na cle of the con gre ga tion, and for the al tar, and he shall make an atone - ment for the priests, and for all the peo ple of the con gre ga tion. (Le vit i cus 16:33) Let us also look at verse 31 to see what God calls this day: It shall be a sab bath of rest unto you, and ye shall af flict your souls, by a stat ute for ever. Shabot sabaton in Hebrew, or Sab bath of Sab baths. It was a spe cial yearly Sab bath, a cer e mo nial Sab bath. It was called many dif fer ent things. It was a Sab bath based upon a par tic u - lar date each year, rather than a day of the week. It was cel e brated as a Sab bath. Levit i cus 23 describes the dif fer ent feasts and their dates. Verses 27 through 32 deal with the Day of Atone ment: Also on the tenth day of this sev enth month there shall be a day of atone ment: it shall be an holy con vo ca tion unto you; and ye shall af flict your souls, and of fer an of fer ing made by fire unto the LORD. And ye shall do no work in that same day: for it is a day of atone ment, to make an atone ment for you be fore the LORD your God. For what so - ever soul it be that shall not be af flicted in that same day, he shall be cut off from among his peo ple. And what so ever soul it be that doeth any work in that same day, the same soul will I de stroy from among his peo ple. Ye shall do no man ner of work: it shall be a stat ute for ever through out your gen er a tions in all your dwell ings. It shall be unto you a sab bath of rest, and ye shall af flict your souls: in the ninth day of the month at even, from even unto even, shall ye celebrate your sab bath. (Le vit i cus 23:27 32) Three times the peo ple are com manded to do no work on this day. In verse 28 it says, and ye shall do no work ; in verse 30, what so ever soul it be that doeth any work in that same day, the same soul will I destroy ; in verse 31, ye shall do no man ner of work ; and then a com mand to rest is given in verse 32, it shall be a sab bath of rest, ceas ing from your work. So four times God has reit er ated this con cept of no work. It does n t say no ser vile work, as was brought out in some other feasts. It was n t like the other feast days. There was to be no work, period. The instruc tion for the obser vance of this day was just like a reg u lar weekly Sab bath, except it was also a day that the peo ple fasted. The afflic tion of soul by Da vid Sims spo ken of in verses 29 and 32 was under stood to include fast - ing (see Isa iah 58:3; Psalm 35:13), so no work was to be done to even place food out that had been pre pared ahead of time. As we exam ine the pur pose of the Day of Atone ment, we are going to see many sim i lar i ties between the pur pose of the Day of Atone ment and of the Sab bath. When asked about the rea son, or pur pose, of the Sab bath, var i ous answers will be given. Some will say that the pur - poses of the Sab bath include fel low ship, rest from labor, sanc ti fi ca tion, a direct ing our thoughts to God, a spe cial time with the Cre ator, the study of nature, and a rest from error into the truth. These are all good, but let s think a lit tle deeper. Gen e sis 2 pro vides the intro duc tion for the cre ation of the Sab bath. There we find God rest ing from his labor. The rest that God takes is not a rest from phys i cal exhaus tion because he is tired or run down. What is the kind of rest that God had in the Gar den? Could we say it was a rest of appre ci a tion? When you fin ish a job, you stop, stand back, and look at it. It is good. Every thing that God made was good, and he sanctified the sev enth day and set it apart as a memo rial. There was more than that, though, in God s rest. What had God just cre ated? Man. It was a day that God rested from his everyday activ i ties to spend with man kind. In some respects we might con clude that every day was like a Sab bath in the Gar den of Eden. Did not God come and com mu ni cate with Adam every day? Did Adam and Eve really need a Sab bath in their per fect state? They did need it, or God would not have given it to them. There is another rea - son, though, why I believe God gave it to them, and this rea son par al lels why God gave us an immune sys tem. Did man kind need it in the Gar den of Eden? No, but God fore saw the need, and God fore saw the spe cial need of the Sab bath to rec re ate man kind. He saw that his image would be lost in man kind. He saw that sin would deface his image and there would be the need for an agency of restor ing, of sanc ti fy ing, man kind. If we turn to Exo dus 31:13, we read: Speak thou also unto the chil dren of Is rael, say ing, Ver - ily my sab baths ye shall keep: for it is a sign be tween me and you through out your gen er a tions; that ye may know that I am the LORD that doth sanc tify you. The Sab bath was a day that God would use to sanc tify us. What is there about Sab bath obser vance that has any thing to do with our sanc ti fi ca tion? God could have cho sen any kind of obser vance. He could have cho sen thou shalt not steal, or honor thy father and mother, or to not take the name of the Lord in vain, etc. He could have cho sen the other com mand - ments or some thing else as a sign of sanc ti fi ca tion and when Vol. 23, No. 3-19-

a cer tain point is reached, you are sanc ti fied, but that is not what God meant. This is not his inten tion. The Sab bath was a sign because it is an agency of sanc ti fi ca tion, and the rea son for this is because by behold ing we are changed (2 Corin thi - ans 3:18). It is by com mu nion with God that he is able to trans form us. Speak ing to the peo ple who looked for him after the feed - ing of the five thou sand, want ing a sign, Jesus brought home the illus tra tion of him being the bread of life: Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eter nal life; and I will raise him up at the last day.... He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him. (John 6:54, 56) Jesus says that eating his flesh and drinking his blood is par tak ing of him or is hav ing him dwell in us. In this way we dwell in him. Then he con tin ues: It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth noth - ing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. (John 6:63) It is through his word that com mu ni ca tion gives us life. It is that com mu ni ca tion that enables us to par take of the divine nature, as we read in the Apos tle Peter s sec ond epis tle: Ac cord ing as his di vine power hath given unto us all things that per tain unto life and god li ness, through the knowl edge of him that hath called us to glory and vir tue: Whereby are given unto us ex ceed ing great and pre cious prom ises: that by these ye might be par tak ers of the di vine na ture, hav ing es caped the cor rup tion that is in the world through lust. (2 Pe ter 1:3, 4) So, it is through the prom ises, through his word, that we par take of the divine nature, and how do we do that with out tak ing time to read it, tak ing time to hear his word speaking to our hearts, and tak ing time to com mune back with him? This is why a time period was cho sen as the sign, the means, and the agency of sanc ti fi ca tion, a time period to spend with God, and this is why God cre ated the Sab bath for us to spend that time in com mu nion with him. Nature affords us the oppor tu nity to com mune with God. Nature is not the end, but the means to an end. It is through nature that we can behold God and see God. Nature is an ave nue by which we can know and hear the voice of our Cre ator. What does atone ment mean? The word breaks down to at-one-ment. We might think of atone ment as close ness with God, but rec on cil i a tion is the term I like because the Bible uses that term. It says that God was in Christ, rec on cil ing the world unto him self (2 Corin thi ans 5:19). This is what atone ment is all about rec on cil ing us to God, open and free com mu ni ca tion once again being restored with man kind. The Scrip ture tells us in Isa iah 59:1 that our sins did sep a rate us from God, but the atone ment is the descrip tion of our redemp tion. It s a descrip tion of restor ing man kind back into the image of God and bring ing us back into that fel low ship with God. So, the Sab bath is an agency for com mu nion with God, a sign of that restored fel low ship in com mu nion with God, and the fruit (sanc ti fi ca tion) of it. That is what atone - ment is all about. So, when we talk about the Day of Atone ment, we are talk ing about the work and the pro cess of restor ing us, of rec on cil ing us, to God. The Sab bath and atone ment are one and the same thing. This is why the Day of Atone ment was to be a Sab bath and why it was to be cel e - brated as a Sab bath. This ought to bring spe cial sig nif i cance to us because we are liv ing in the antitypical Day of Atone ment. The Sab bath is a mini-heaven; it is a prac tice for heaven. It is a time that we are to devote our selves solely to God and to heav enly pur poses. By observ ing the Sab bath, we get used to and we get prac tice in liv ing in the pres ence of God. What is going to be hap pen ing shortly in this Day of Atone ment when Jesus steps out from between the Father and man kind? Pro ba tion closes, and then we will be in whose pres ence? We will be in God s pres ence directly, with out a medi a tor between us. So, this antitypical Day of Atone ment is like a long Sab bath. It is a time that we now have to pre pare to prac - tice liv ing in the pres ence of God, for very shortly we are going to be doing just that liv ing in the sight of a holy God with out a medi a tor. Ellen White described her expe ri ence before she really under stood the atone ment. She said: My feel ings were very sen si tive. I dreaded giv ing pain to any liv ing crea ture. When I saw an i mals ill-treated, my heart ached for them. Per haps my sym pa thies were more eas ily ex cited by suf fer ing be cause I my self had been the vic tim of thought less cru elty, re sult ing in the in jury that had dark ened my child hood. (Tes ti mo nies for the Church, vol. 1, p. 25) When I was about four years old, I walk ed around the cor - ner of the hall way in our house. My big brother had put a lit tle loop of string on the floor, and I stepped in it as I came around the cor ner. He jerked it and caused me to fall. I hit my head on the cor ner of the wall and split it open. I had to go the doc tor for stitches. It did some thing in my neck which they did not real ize at the time and years later when I went to a chi - ro prac tor, he felt a big lump of scar tis sue in my neck. It has caused a mul ti tude of head aches, pos ture prob lems, and dif - fer ent things that I have had and will have for a life time all because of a thought less cru elty. Pull ing that cord may have seemed like a lit tle thing at the time. My brother was n t mean ing to be cruel; he dearly loves me now, and I am sure he did then, as well. Ellen White suf fered from thought less cru elty some one threw a stone which caused her a life long bat tle with many things. She described it: To tal dark ness set tled upon me, and there seemed no way out of the shad ows. Could the truth have been pre - sented to me as I now un der stand it, much per plex ity and sor row would have been spared me. If the love of God had been dwelt upon more, and His stern jus tice less, the Old Paths - 20- March 2014

beauty and glory of His char ac ter would have in spired me with a deep and ear nest love for my Cre ator. (Tes ti mo nies for the Church, vol. 1, p. 25) My suf fer ings of mind were in tense. Some times for a whole night I would not dare to close my eyes, but would wait un til my twin sis ter was fast asleep, then qui etly leave my bed and kneel upon the floor, pray ing si lently with a dumb ag ony that can not be de scribed. The hor rors of an eter nally burn ing hell were ever be fore me. I knew that it was im pos si ble for me to live long in this state, and I dared not die and meet the ter ri ble fate of the sin ner. With what envy did I re gard those who re al ized their ac cep tance with God! How pre cious did the Chris tian s hope seem to my ag o nized soul! I fre quently re mained bowed in prayer nearly all night, groan ing and trem bling with in ex press ible an guish and a hope less ness that passes all de scrip tion. Lord, have mercy! was my plea, and, like the poor pub li can, I dared not lift my eyes to heaven, but bowed my face upon the floor. I be came very much re duced in flesh and strength, yet kept my suf fer ing and de spair to my - self. (Tes ti mo nies for the Church, vol. 1, p. 26) She dreamed of being in heaven, and this dream closed with her being given a lit tle green cord. She was told to take this out often and to stretch it and make sure it did n t get tan - gled. The green cord was sym bolic of faith and how she needed to exer cise faith. Some time after this dream, she con - fided her sor rows, per plex i ties, and agony of mind with her mother. Her mother coun seled her to talk with Elder Stock - man, and she did. Elder Stock man said: Yours is a most sin gu lar ex pe ri ence for one of your ten der age. Je sus must be pre par ing you for some spe cial work. He then told me that even if I were a per son of ma ture years and thus ha rassed by doubt and de spair, he should tell me that he knew there was hope for me through the love of Je sus. The very ag ony of mind I had suf fered was pos i tive ev i dence that the Spirit of the Lord was striv ing with me. He said that when the sin ner be comes hard ened in guilt, he does not re al ize the enor mity of his trans gres - sion, but flat ters him self that he is about right and in no par tic u lar dan ger. The Spirit of the Lord leaves him, and he becomes careless and indifferent or recklessly defiant. This good man told me of the love of God for His er ring chil dren, that in stead of re joic ing in their de struc tion, He longed to draw them to Him self in sim ple faith and trust. He dwelt upon the great love of Christ and the plan of redemp tion. The Sabbath is a mini-heaven; it is a practice for heaven. It is a time that we are to devote ourselves solely to God and to heavenly purposes. He spoke of my early mis for tune and said it was in deed a griev ous af flic tion, but he bade me be lieve that the hand of a lov ing Fa ther had not been with drawn from me; that in the fu ture life, when the mist that then dark ened my mind had van ished, I would dis cern the wis dom of the prov i - dence which had seemed so cruel and mys te ri ous. Je sus said to His dis ci ples: What I do thou knowest not now; but thou shalt know here af ter. In the great fu ture we should no lon ger see as through a glass darkly, but come face to face with the mys ter ies of di vine love. (Tes ti mo nies for the Church, vol. 1, pp. 29, 30) Per haps you have had expe ri ences like Ellen White did when she was injured. Per haps you have been tempted to be dis cour aged, despon dent, doubt ing, or even bit ter. I ve had expe ri ences like that in which I have been tempted to be all of the above, tempted to become bit ter and think why does this have to hap pen or why is this hap pen ing, or to mur mur and com plain about my lot in life, with out even ques tion ing con sciously. I recently saw a video that was by Nick Vujicic in which he was speak ing to young peo - ple. What makes Nick unique is that he has no arms or legs, but he still func tions nor mally and has a tre men dous out look on life. In this video he tells of being mar ried and of being the father of a lit tle baby. When we see some one like that, it really makes us appre ci ate what we have and as Elder Stock - man explained to Ellen White, the things which we don t under stand now, in the future we will dis cern the wis dom of the prov i dence of God. Go free, El len, said he; re turn to your home trust ing in Je sus, for He will not with hold His love from any true seeker. He then prayed ear nestly for me, and it seemed that God would cer tainly re gard the prayer of His saint, even if my hum ble pe ti tions were un heard. I left his pres - ence com forted and en cour aged. Dur ing the few min utes in which I re ceived in struc tion from El der Stock man, I had ob tained more knowl edge on the sub ject of God s love and pity ing ten der ness than from all the ser mons and ex hor ta tions to which I had ever lis - tened. I re turned home and again went be fore the Lord, prom is ing to do and suf fer any thing He might re quire of me, if only the smiles of Je sus might cheer my heart. (Tes - ti mo nies for the Church, vol. 1, p. 30) She described her expe ri ence shortly after this: The Spirit of God rested upon me with such power that I was un able to go home that night. When I did re turn, on the fol low ing day, a great change had taken place in my mind. It seemed to me that I could hardly be the same per son that left my fa ther s house the pre vi ous eve ning. This pas sage Vol. 23, No. 3-21-

was con tin u ally in my thoughts: The Lord is my shep - herd; I shall not want. My heart was full of hap pi ness as I softly re peated these words. My views of the Fa ther were changed. I now looked upon Him as a kind and ten der par ent, rather than a stern ty rant com pel ling men to a blind obe di ence. My heart went out to ward Him in a deep and fer vent love. Obe di - ence to His will seemed a joy; it was a plea sure to be in His service. (Tes ti mo nies for the Church, vol. 1, p. 31) My peace and hap pi ness was in such marked con trast with my for mer gloom and an guish that it seemed to me as if I had been res cued from hell and trans ported to heaven. I could even praise God for the mis for tune that had been the trial of my life, for it had been the means of fix ing my thoughts upon eter nity. Nat u rally proud and am bi tious, I might not have been in clined to give my heart to Je sus had it not been for the sore af flic tion that had cut me off, in a man ner, from the tri umphs and van i ties of the world. For six months not a shadow clouded my mind, nor did I ne glect one known duty. My whole en deavor was to do the will of God and keep Je sus and heaven con tin u ally in mind. I was sur prised and en rap tured with the clear views now pre sented to me of the atone ment and the work of Christ. I will not at tempt to fur ther ex plain the ex er cises of my mind; suf fice it to say that old things had passed away, all things had be come new. There was not a cloud to mar my per fect bliss. I longed to tell the story of Je sus love, but felt no dis po si tion to en gage in com mon con ver sa tion with any one. My heart was so filled with love to God and the peace that passeth un der stand ing that I loved to med i - tate and to pray. (Tes ti mo nies for the Church, vol. 1, pp. 31, 32) Such a trans for ma tion can hap pen when we real ize what the atone ment means, when we con tem plate what Christ did and is doing for us, and when we con sider where we would be with out him. Con sider the value of the atone ment: Some have sneered at this work of re form and have said it was all un nec es sary, that it was an ex cite ment to di vert minds from pres ent truth. They have said that mat ters were be ing car ried to ex tremes. Such do not know what they are talk ing about. While men and women pro fess ing god li - ness are dis eased from the crown of their head to the soles of their feet, while their phys i cal, men tal, and moral en er - gies are en fee bled through grat i fi ca tion of de praved ap pe tite and ex ces sive la bor, how can they weigh the ev i - dences of truth and com pre hend the re quire ments of God? If their moral and in tel lec tual fac ul ties are be clouded, they can not ap pre ci ate the value of the atone ment or the ex alted char ac ter of the work of God, nor de light in the study of His word. (Tes ti mo nies for the Church, vol. 1, p. 487) We can t appre ci ate the value of the atone ment if we are not tem per ate, if we are not prac tic ing health reform. We are in the great Day of Atone ment: We are in the great day of atone ment, and the sa cred work of Christ for the peo ple of God that is go ing on at the pres ent time in the heav enly sanc tu ary should be our con - stant study. (Tes ti mo nies for the Church, vol. 5, p. 520) What should be our con stant study?... the sacred work of Christ for the peo ple of God going on in the heav enly sanc tu ary. This should be our con stant study. We should teach our chil dren what the typ i cal Day of Atone ment sig ni fied and that it was a spe cial sea son of great hu mil i a tion and con fes sion of sins be fore God. The antitypical day of atone ment is to be of the same char ac ter. (Ibid.) But the atone ment for a lost world was to be full, abun - dant, and com plete. (The De sire of Ages, p. 565) Remem ber Mary s gift to Jesus just before his cru ci fix ion? The per fume per vaded every where. In the same way, the gift of Christ reaches every where and there is plenty to save the whole world. It was full, abun dant, and com plete. Christ s of fer ing was ex ceed ingly abun dant to reach ev - ery soul that God had cre ated. (Ibid.) Hu man sci ence is too lim ited to com pre hend the atone - ment. The plan of re demp tion is so far-reach ing that phi los o phy can not ex plain it. It will ever re main a mys tery that the most pro found rea son ing can not fathom. (Ibid., p. 494) When I recently con tem plated the atone ment and all that it accom plished and accom plishes, I gath ered texts for about twenty-seven dif fer ent things the atone ment does but when I con sid ered this twenty years ago, I made a list of about one hun dred dif fer ent things the atone ment accom plished. In this study, how ever, I want to share just a few of the pre cious bless ings of the atone ment. 1. It pre pares a peo ple to abide the day of his com ing. (See Tes ti mo nies for the Church, vol ume 1, page 58.) 2. God s appoint ments and grants in our behalf are with - out limit. The throne of grace is itself the high est attrac tion because occu pied by One who per mits us to call Him Father.... By His appoint ment He has placed at His altar an Advo - cate clothed with our nature. As our Inter ces sor, His office work is to intro duce us to God as His sons and daugh ters (Tes ti mo nies for the Church, vol. 6, p. 363; all empha sis sup - plied unless oth er wise noted). Sev eral things are men tioned in this para graph access to the throne of grace, an inter ces sor, the priv i lege of being chil dren of God. Vol ume 6 of the Tes ti mo nies tells us Christ takes up our case. When you are involved in a court case and have to go to court with out a law yer, it can be very dis con - cert ing. You don t know the rules of court. Even when you have all your doc u ments together, your oppo nents stand against you and pres ent accu sa tions and when you pres ent your case, they say no, that is not allowed or I object and then find some tech ni cal ity why they can object. To have a law - yer, an advo cate, is a great priv i lege and a bless ing, Old Paths - 22- March 2014

espe cially when that advo cate is the son of the judge. (See Tes ti mo nies for the Church, vol ume 6, page 364.) 3. Christ s Object Les sons says: He will look upon no trem bling sup pli ant with out rais ing him up. He... through His own atone ment pro vided for man an infi nite fund of moral power... (p. 157). He pro vides an infi nite fund of moral power. I want to share some thing that really caught my atten tion in Christ s Object Les sons on page 385. This is in the con text of the com plete ness of Chris tian char ac ter attained when the impulse to love and to bless oth ers springs con stantly from within: Wher ever there is an im pulse of love and sym pa thy, wher ever the heart reaches out to bless and up lift oth ers, there is re vealed the work ing of God s Holy Spirit. Now fol low the next sen tences in that con text: In the depths of hea then ism, men who have had no knowl edge of the writ ten law of God, who have never even heard the name of Christ, have been kind to His ser vants, pro tect ing them at the risk of their own lives. Their acts show the work ing of a di vine power. The Holy Spirit has im planted the grace of Christ in the heart of the sav age... What does this tell us? There is a work of atone ment going on for every body, not just for the con verted per son and not just for the church mem ber. There is a fund, an infi nite fund, of moral power. The grace of Christ, the Holy Spirit, is planted in the heart of the sav age, some one who has not accepted Christ. This is why Job could offer burnt offer ings for his chil dren and make atone ment for his chil dren. This is why Abra ham said God him self will pro vide a sac ri fice. There was a daily burnt offer ing offered at the sanc tu ary by the priests for every body, for the whole con gre ga tion, in the morn ing and eve ning sac ri fices. There was an atone ment that resulted in a life of pro ba tion, in giv ing us a con science, in restor ing com mu nion between heaven and earth, and in restor ing moral power and vic tory. All of this is granted to the world. Con tin u ing in Christ s Object Les sons, we read: The Holy Spirit has im planted the grace of Christ in the heart of the sav age, quick en ing his sym pa thies con trary to his na ture, con trary to his ed u ca tion. The Light which lighteth ev ery man that com eth into the world (John 1:9), is shin ing in his soul; and this light, if heeded, will guide his feet to the king dom of God. (p. 385) Con trary to his nature! He is a sav age and is not con verted, but he has been given moral power to choose against his nature. Our Lord has said, Ex cept ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink His blood, ye have no life in you.... For My flesh is meat in deed, and My blood is drink in deed. John 6:53 55. This is true of our phys i cal na ture. To the death of Christ we owe even this earthly life. The bread we eat is the pur chase of His bro ken body. The wa ter we drink is bought by His spilled blood. Never one, saint or sin ner, eats his daily food, but he is nour ished by the body and the blood of Christ. (The De sire of Ages, p. 660) Broth ers and sis ters, we would not have been borne if it was not for the atone ment, and our eter nal des tiny is being decided by the choices we make, not by the choices our ancestors made. The cross of Cal vary is stamped on ev ery loaf. It is re - flected in ev ery wa ter spring. All this Christ has taught in ap point ing the em blems of His great sac ri fice. The light shin ing from that Com mu nion ser vice in the up per cham - ber makes sa cred the pro vi sions for our daily life. The fam ily board be comes as the ta ble of the Lord, and ev ery meal a sac ra ment. (Ibid.) Broth ers and sis ters, when we value and appre ci ate the atone ment like we ought to in this antitypical Day of Atone - ment, we will be liv ing every day as if it is a Sab bath, and that does not mean that we will not be doing spe cial things on the sev enth-day, on the weekly, Sab bath. We need to stop and real ize that the time that we are liv ing in this world s his tory demands of us a faith and an expe ri ence that was not demanded of God s peo ple two hun dred years ago. They could reach God through the min is tra tion of Christ in the Holy Place. They could reach God in a place or loca tion that we can t reach him now. We must go fur ther, into the Most Holy Place, where a higher stan dard is expected. We are liv - ing closer to that day. We are liv ing with the com bined expe ri ence and knowl edge gained in the last six thou sand years. We have the bless ing of hav ing a mes sen ger of God in the writ ings of Ellen White. We have sci ence that backs up and arche ol ogy and his tory that back up the Bible, the health mes sage, cre ation, etc. There is no excuse for us today. It is those who by faith fol low Je sus in the great work of the atone ment who re ceive the ben e fits of His me di a tion in their be half, while those who re ject the light which brings to view this work of min is tra tion are not benefited thereby. (The Great Con tro versy, p. 430) There is a work that we need to do in order to receive the ben e fits of Christ s medi a tion right now and that is, by faith, to fol low Jesus in this great work of atone ment, and a duty that was enjoined upon the con gre ga tion to afflict their souls, to bring a burnt offer ing, to do no work, and to observe the day as a Sab bath. Broth ers and sis ters, this day in 2014 demands of us these require ments, if we are going to be found ready for the day of the Lord. May the Lord bless the read ing of his word and strengthen each one of us for the work that devolves upon us in this day. (Pas tor David Sims is cur rently shar ing God s word in the Phil ip pines. Please join us in keeping him uplifted in prayer that God will richly bless all of his efforts and min is try............... Edi tors) Vol. 23, No. 3-23-

Youth s Cor ner The Judsons of Burma (Part 2 of Chap ter 16, Youthful Witnesses, by W. A. Spicer) News of the begin nings of mod ern mis sions in Old Eng - land quickly reached the New Eng land over the sea. First to catch the mean ing of the new era were a few con se crated youth, stu dents in Wil liams Col lege, Mas sa chu setts. They heard in their hearts the mod ern Mac e do nian call from over the seas. There were no mis sion ary soci et ies in Amer ica to send mis sion ar ies into the fields and to stand by such a work. But where there was no way, faith found a way. The young men in whose hearts burned a zeal to kin dle the light of sal va tion in dark lands, met under the shel ter of a hay stack, and in a prayer sea son ded i cated their lives to the work of agi tat ing and pro mot ing the mis sion ary idea among the Amer i can churches. They rose from that prayer meet ing cel e brated as the Hay stack Meet ing with the motto, We can do it if we will. The leaven was set work ing. Prov i dence was pre - par ing the agen cies that were to lead the mis sion ary awak en ing in the New World, and con se crated youth was again called to pio neer the way. Just here it is inter est ing to note that Prov i dence was also pre par ing mate rial agen cies for has ten ing the gos pel mes - sage to the nations beyond the sea. It was in 1806 that the Hay stack Meet ing was held by a few young men; and in the same year another young man, against rid i cule and con ser va - tism, was devel op ing one of the means by which God has made a path in the mighty waters to every shore. Dr. Edward Law rence, in his Intro duc tion to For eign Mis - sions, well draws the les son of this timely prov i dence: There was one other force which was needed to fully equip the church for its uni ver sal ac tiv ity, and to draw the na tions of the world to gether into a net, as the peo ples of old had been drawn into the Greco-Ro man Em pire. That was the power of steam, which was to bind the lands to gether with bands of steel, turn the oceans into a Med i ter ra nean, make the lo co mo - tive an em is sary of God s king dom; and the steamer a morn ing star to her ald the day. That in ven tion was not ready to be gin its task of an ni hi lat ing space un til the dawn of the nine teenth cen - tury. But it was ready in time, for not un til then was the pu ri fied church it self roused to a fi del ity grand enough to un der take the work for which God had been pre par ing this equip ment. It was in 1807, while the young men at Williamstown [Massachusetts] were pray ing and study ing about mis sions, that Rob ert Fulton was mak ing the first trip of the Clermont from New York to Al bany. Page 20. How we thank God today in the mis sion ary move ment for the hun dreds of steam ships fur row ing the seas and unit ing all lands! It is indeed an agency of God s prov i dence. He hath made the deep as dry; He hath smote for us a path way to the ends of all the earth. On the sec ond trip of the Clermont a youth named Adoniram Judson was a pas sen ger. Fresh from col lege, a young agnos tic, he was trav el ing over the fron tiers of New Eng land. Next year, how ever, he had recov ered from the unbe liev ing spirit of his col lege days a spirit that had swept in like a pes ti lence with the ratio nal is tic teach ings of the French Rev o lu tion ary period. Judson gave his heart to God and entered Andover Theo log i cal Sem i nary. There came to this school, in 1810, sev eral of the young men from Williams town with the idea of for eign mis sions. Judson joined them heart and soul. Judson and sev eral oth ers addressed to the Con gre ga tional body an appeal for mis sions to the hea then and offered them - selves as vol un teers to go. This led to the for ma tion of the first Amer i can soci ety, in 1810. Thus, again, where there was no way, faith found a way. In 1812 Adoniram Judson and his young wife, Ann Hasseltine Judson, with two oth ers, sailed for India, the first mis sion ar ies to go out from Amer ica. Judson was but twenty-three, Mrs. Judson but a girl in the eyes of her friends. Pub lic opin ion was mixed regard ing the pro pri ety of such young peo ple going into the unknown lands to work for the sal va tion of the hea then. Many reli giously minded thought it quite improper for a woman so young to go. I hear that Miss Hasseltine is going to India, said one lady to another, shortly before the mar riage of the mis sion ary vol un teers. Why does she go? Why, she thinks it is her duty. Would n t you go if you thought it your duty? But, said the first, I would not think it my duty. Some thought Miss Hasseltine not seri ous enough for a mis sion ary s wife, just because she was happy and bright and joy ful in plan ning for the life of ser vice in needy fields. Well did her brief life of ser vice in Burma vin di cate her con vic tion that there was no rea son why high spir its and a happy dis po - si tion should not be con se crated to Christ s ser vice with hope ful cour age. The loy alty of the young mis sion ar ies to the truth of God was put to a severe test on the long voy age out and on their first arrival in India. They had left Mas sa chu setts as Con gre - ga tion al ists, but they landed in Cal cutta with their minds agi tated over the ques tion of bap tism. Judson knew that he would meet Carey and his asso ci ates in the Serampore Bap tist Mis sion, just out side Cal cutta. So he went at the study, to be pre pared to main tain his own posi - tion. But as he stud ied dur ing the four months voy age and the few weeks after land ing, he was fully con vinced that the Bap tists were right, and to know this was to fol low the new light. So he gave notice to his soci ety that he had changed his views, and while cheered by the friend ship of Carey and his Old Paths - 24- March 2014

asso ci ates, the young peo ple lived in uncer tainty as to whether the Bap tists of New Eng land would own them and rally to carry on mis sion work. It came out all right. But those were days of slow com mu - ni ca tion. It was more than two years before they heard from home. In the mean time they were expelled from India and ordered to Eng land by the anti-mis sion ary East India Com - pany, which had opposed Carey and com pelled him to go to the Dan ish set tle ment of Serampore. It was a stir ring time. Judson tried to get off to the island of Mau ri tius, in the Indian Ocean, as a base nearer by; and he achieved it. Any one who has been up and down the river between Cal cutta and the sea in these days of steam ers must won der how lit tle Mrs. Judson could have maneu vered as she did from ship to shore with bag gage, deal ing with native boat men, in the treach er ous river cur rents, while Judson went back and forth by land, mak ing efforts to get the author i ties to relent and not force him away to Europe. He suc ceeded, and she suc ceeded. Then came the return from Mau ri tius to Madras, the order of expul sion again, and the flight by ship to the next place Ran goon, Burma, the most threat en ing field of all in those times. That was pio neer ing, of a truth, and the pio neers were but youth, under twenty-five years, blaz ing the trail into the unknown, their only hope and trust the God of heaven, whose they were and to whose ser vice they had devoted their whole souls. As they set tled upon the flight to Burma, Ann Judson put down in her jour nal that day: June 20. We have at last con cluded, in our dis tress, to go to Ran goon.... O our heav enly Fa ther, di rect us aright!... I have been ac cus tomed to view this field of la bor with dread and ter ror, but I now feel per fectly will ing to make it my home the rest of my life. And she did. Thir teen years she toiled there and then lay down to rest under the hopia tree at Amherst, on the banks of the Irawadi. What years those were! The fruitage was begin - ning to appear when the war between the Bur mese and the Brit ish came, and Judson, at Ava, the Bur mese cap i tal, was put in prison with Eng lish and for eign res i dents. Then for twenty-one months Mrs. Judson stood between the pris on ers and death. The story of her tire less min is try seems incred i ble. In sick - ness, in lone li ness, in want, and in con stant peril, she ranged between the prison pens and the pal ace and offi cial houses, secur ing this and that mit i ga tion of the intol er a ble lot of the fet tered pris on ers and keep ing them in food at times, when with out her sup plies, life would have been insup port able in the filthy death pen, under the trop i cal sun. Mrs. Judson once wrote to her brother: O how many, many times... have I re turned from that dreary prison at nine o clock at night, sol i tary, and worn out with fa tigue and anx i ety, and thrown my self down in that same rock ing-chair which you and Dea con L. pro - vided for me in Boston, and en deav ored to in vent some new scheme for the re lease of the pris on ers. Some times, for a mo ment or two, my thoughts would glance to ward Amer ica and my be loved friends there; but for nearly a year and a half, so en tirely en grossed was ev ery thought with pres ent scenes and suf fer ings, that I sel dom re flected on a sin gle oc cur rence of my for mer life or rec ol lected that I had a friend in ex is tence out of Ava. That is iso la tion. And the only thing that sup ported a frail woman through such times was a child like trust in a lov ing Father above. The ref er ence to the rock ing-chair from old Boston a really New Eng land inven tion gives a homely touch to the depic tion of the scenes of suf fer ing at Ava. One other such stroke of New Eng land color appears in the account of the wife s efforts to pro vide for Judson in the prison. The story is: His food was such as Mrs. Judson could pro vide. Some - times it came reg u larly, and some times they went very hun gry. Some times, for weeks to gether, they had no food but rice, sa vored with ngapi a certain preparation of fish, not al ways pal at able to for eign ers. But once, when a term of un usual quiet gave her time for the softer and more homely class of lov ing thoughts, Mrs. Judson made a great ef fort to sur prise her hus band with some thing that should re mind him of home. She planned and la bored, un til by the aid of buf falo beef and plan tains, she ac tu ally con cocted a mince pie. Un for tu nately, as she thought, she could not go in per son to the prison that day; and the din ner was brought by smil ing Moung Ing, who seemed aware that some mys tery must be wrapped up in that pe cu liar prep a - ra tion of meat and fruit, though he had never seen the well-spread boards of Plym outh and Brad ford. But the pretty lit tle ar ti fice only added an other pang to a heart whose sus cep ti bil i ties were as quick and deep as, in the sight of the world, they were silent. When his wife had vis ited him in prison, and borne taunts and in sults with and for him, they could be brave to - gether; when she had stood up like an en chant ress, win ning the hearts of high and low, mak ing sav age jail ers, and scarcely less sav age no bles, weep; or moved, pro - tected by her own dig nity and sub lim ity of pur pose, like a queen along the streets, his heart had throbbed with proud ad mi ra tion; and he was al most able to thank God for the tri als which had made a char ac ter so in trin si cally no ble shine forth with such pe cu liar bright ness. But in this sim - ple, home like act, this lit tle un pre tend ing ef fu sion of a lov ing heart, there was some thing so touch ing, so un like the part she had just been act ing, and yet so il lus tra tive of what she re ally was, that he bowed his head upon his knees, and the tears flowed down to the chains about his ankles. What a happy man he might have been had this heavy woe been spared them! And what was com ing next? Fi - nally the scene changed, and there came over him a vi sion Vol. 23, No. 3-25-

of the past. He saw again the home of his boy hood. His stern, strangely re vered fa ther, his gen tle mother, his rosy, curly-haired sis ter, and pale young brother were gath ered for the noon day meal, and he was once more among them. And so his fancy rev eled there. Fi nally he lifted his head. Oh, the mis ery that sur rounded him! He moved his feet, and the rat tling of the heavy chains was as a death knell. He thrust the care fully pre pared din ner into the hand of his as so ci ate, and as fast as his fet ters would per mit, hur ried to his own lit tle shed. Wayland s Mem oir of Dr. Judson Mrs. Judson saved the pre cious manu scripts of the Bur - mese Bible trans la tions by mak ing them into a pil low, so hard and ill-look ing a cush ion that no one stole it, even though Judson long had it with him in the prison pen. God gave Mrs. Judson friends. The old gov er nor doubt - less saved the lives of the pris on ers more than once by delay ing and mis in ter pret ing orders. Once when Mrs. Judson had been shut away from the prison gate and it looked as if the pris on ers must die, she made her way to this gov er - nor and reproached him for revers ing long-con tin ued kind ness and now appar ently allow ing Mr. Judson and the pris on ers to die. The story goes: At her words the old man broke down and cried like a child. I pity you, Tsa-yah-ga-dau, the name by which he al ways called Mrs. Judson, I knew you would make me feel; I there fore for bade your ap pli ca tion. But you must be lieve me when I say I do not wish to in crease the suf fer - ings of the pris on ers. When I am or dered to ex e cute them, the least that I can do is to put them out of sight. I will now tell you what I have never told you be fore, that three times I have re ceived in ti ma tions from the queen s brother to as - sas si nate all the white pris on ers pri vately, but I would not do it. And I now re peat it, Though I ex e cute all the oth ers, I will never ex e cute your hus band. But I can not re lease him from his pres ent con fine ment, and you must not ask it. Never be fore had Mrs. Judson seen the gov er nor dis - play so much feel ing nor such firm ness in de ny ing her a fa vor. His words and man ner aroused her worst forebodings for the fu ture. At last the tor ments were over. Judson and oth ers were released as the Brit ish army drew nearer and nearer, and the cruel king needed inter pret ers and advo cates to inter cede for terms. Only the prov i den tially timed release saved the life of Ann Judson, for her hus band, mak ing his way home, found her at death s door and help less to care for her self or for her lit tle babe. But through the lon gest drawn-out period of sor - est trial that ever came to mod ern mis sion ar ies, God s grace sus tained these pio neers of Burma. A few weeks later, with strength return ing rap idly under the changed con di tions and proper food, Mrs. Judson sat at a ban quet table with Brit ish offi cers, who were enter tain ing in semistate the peace rep re sen ta tives of the Bur mese king. One Bur mese offi cial was noticed to be ner vous and per spir ing with appar ent ter ror. The host, Gen. Sir Archibald Camp bell, com mander of the Brit ish force, asked Mrs. Judson what the trou ble was with the man. She told what the trou ble was. She had met this man in the days of trial. One day Mrs. Judson had walked sev eral miles to his house, to be seech a fa vor for her hus band, who was bound with five pairs of fet ters in the in ner prison, and suf fer ing from fe ver. It was early morn ing when she had left home, but so long was she kept wait ing for an au di ence, that it was high noon when she pre sented her pe ti tion, only to re - ceive a gruff re fusal. As she turned to go, he caught sight of the silk um brella she car ried, and since it pleased his fancy, he must needs pos sess it for his own. In vain she pleaded the dan ger of walk ing the long dis tance with no pro tec tion from the scorch ing mid day sun. If he must have her para sol, would he not fur nish her with a pa per one to shield her from the heat? Where upon he laughed a sneer - ing laugh, and re plied that only stout peo ple were in dan ger of sun stroke, the sun could not find such as she, thus mock ing the very suf fer ing which had wasted her to a shadow. Mrs. Judson could al most smile now in rec ol lec tion of the in ci dent, es pe cially at sight of the poor man s dis may, which pity bade her re lieve. In her clear Bur mese she spoke a few en cour ag ing words to him, as sur ing him he had noth ing what so ever to fear. The Brit ish of fi cers who had sensed the sit u a tion, joined her in ef forts to set him at ease, but with small suc cess. Through out the feast he was pos sessed by a fear he could not con ceal. So much for the dif fer ence be tween Chris tian and hea then stan dards of con duct! Ann of Ava, by Ethel D. Hub bard, pp. 227, 228 With anx ious hearts the Judsons has tened back to their sta - tion to gather together the lit tle band of first believ ers. The work was resumed under better con di tions. Burma was now open to the gos pel. But Ann Judson s strength had been too far haz arded in the days-when she stood between her hus - band and all the white pris on ers and death. She could not rally, and soon her work was done, while still but a young woman. She had, how ever, the answer to her prayer as she went to Burma: God grant that we may live and die among the Burmans, though we never should do any thing else than smooth the way for oth ers. She had helped to begin the build ing on the sure foun da - tion. She loved the Bur mese women, and love wins its way. It is said that the women used lov ingly to touch her shadow as she passed along the street. Judson lived on to see a great work in Burma, and his trans lated Bible is his memo rial, together with a great and grow ing com mu nity of Bur mese believ ers. The two young peo ple who sailed out from Salem in 1812, to lead the way from the New World into the hea then lands, were guided into a blessed field of ser vice. Old Paths - 26- March 2014

The Call of the Fields As youth has pio neered the way into the great mis sion fields, so the call of the fields is still a call to youth. Young peo ple are needed, who are active, devoted, prac ti - cal, and with stu dent minds, to learn lan guages, to endure hard ness as good sol diers, and to devote the high spir its and enthu si asm of con se crated youth to the win ning of souls to Christ in dark lands where still the mil lions wait. No higher call ing can com mand the devo tion of young men and women. Adoniram Judson, at twenty-one, was offered the post of assis tant pas tor in the larg est church in Boston and all New Eng land. Sup pose he had cho sen that and missed Burma! Spangenberg, the mis sion ary bishop of the Moravian move - ment, was offered the pro fes sor ship of divin ity and phi - los o phy in the University of Jena. But I utterly refused it, he says, and begged of God with my whole heart that I might not be famous, but very lit tle and unknown. His labors made him well known, for that mat ter, in the his tory of mis sions. Just who took his place in the pro fes - It was un der the shelter of a hay stack that the de sire for a mis sion ary so ci ety in Amer ica was affirmed. sor ship at Jena would require some search ing to find out. Young Mor ri son, begin ning the Protestant era in China, had laid foun da tions in lan guage study and trans la tions that were of great est value as the doors of China swung open in 1844, with the impe rial rec og ni tion in that year of free dom to prop a gate and fol low the reli gion of Christ. Young Living stone, pre par ing for China, found the Opium War hin der ing imme di ate entry. Just then he heard Mof fat of Africa tell of hav ing seen in the morn ing sun the smoke of a thou sand vil lages where no mis sion ary had ever been. I will go, said Living stone. And he was there when, in 1845, the over mas ter ing con vic tion and bur den came upon him, Who will pen e trate Africa? And he set his face north ward to devote youth and mid dle age to the work which God used to open the Dark Con ti nent. So over land and sea the mes sen gers of Christ s sav ing power have been press ing on through this cen tury of mis - sions. Our own youth have gone forth; some are already Paulnasca grow ing old in ser vice. They are in all the coun tries of South Amer ica, in the bor der lands and the inte rior of Africa, in most of the coun tries of Asia, and in the island groups of all the seas. The great mis sion ary army of all lands and of all soci et ies presses onward with ring ing call to the youth of every home base to come on in the spirit of the apos tolic mis - sion ar ies who fared forth to carry the gos pel to every nation in the gen er a tion that fol lowed the res ur rec tion and ascen - sion of our Lord. And still o er all the earth they fare, where er a soul has need; My heart leaps up and calls to them: O broth ers mine! God speed! What time within the jun gle deep ye watch the day light die, Or on some lonely Indian steep see dawn flush all the sky. Far is the cry from here to there, yet hear ken when we say: Ye are the breth ren of the Book; in Khartum or Cathay. Tis ye who make the record good; tis ye, O royal souls, Who jus tify the chron i cles, writ in the ancient scrolls. O mis sion ar ies of the blood! Ambas sa dors of God! Our souls flame in us when we see where ye have fear less trod. At break of day your daunt less faith our slack ened valor shames, And every eve our joy ful prayers are jew eled with your names. McIntyre Her rock ing chair was a place where Mrs. Judson could rest and think. Vol. 23, No. 3-27-

YouTube Chan nel: We are pleased to announce that we have posted the sec ond part of A Total Sav iour and also God s Spe cial Gift to a Spe cial Peo ple. The lat ter video describes the bib li cal basis for the spir i tual gift of proph ecy in the last-day rem nant peo ple. Cri sis events within the his tory of Sev enth-day Adventism are exam ined, show ing that the min is try of the tes ti mony of Jesus was vital to God s peo ple in being able to suc - cess fully deal with the cri sis. The url for this study is: - ture=share&list=uuvsrgjg5fm2ux0aewvuovaw. Tasty Rec ipe Leon s Tofu This is an extremely col or ful, flavor ful, and nutri tious meal - time treat. For those who have dif fi culty enjoy ing tofu, this rec ipe will make a dif fer ence. It made Leon a believer! Ingre di ents: 1/2 cup finely chopped sweet onion 1/2 cup finely chopped sweet bell pep per (red, orange, or yellow) 1 block of extra firm tofu, cut into small squares 1/8 1/4 teaspoon tur meric Non-MSG chicken-like sea son ing, onion pow der, gar lic pow der, salt, crushed dried pars ley, as desired 2 cups broc coli pieces ½ cup apri cot fruit spread 1/4 cup tomato sauce 1 tablespoon non-gmo cornstarch 1 tea spoon lemon juice Fresh pars ley for garnish In a large skil let, ten der ize the onion and sweet pep per in water. Add the tofu and sea son ings, and stir over medium heat until the tofu is uni formly golden yel low and water is To see more vid eos, includ ing char ac ter-build ing sci ence dem on stra tions, we invite you to visit our Youtube chan nel at: - ture=results_main. N oah Elhard t These dragonflies have been cap tured by the bright and beau ti ful, but deadly, sundew plant. Satan often masks sin to appear very beau ti ful and sweet, but we are reminded that there is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death (Prov erbs 14:12). Please note our new address: 750 Smyrna Road, Welch, WV 24801 mostly evap o rated. Now arrange the broc coli pieces over the tofu, add water if needed in order to steam the broc coli, cover with a lid, and steam for 5 to 6 min utes. While broc coli is steam ing, make the sweet-sour sauce. Stir corn starch into the tomato sauce. Add the apri cot spread and lemon juice, and heat mix ture until corn starch is clear, stir ring with a whisk. Serve the tofu and broc coli with sauce, gar nish with pars ley, and enjoy! Old Paths is a free monthly news let ter/study-pa per pub lished by Smyrna Gospel Ministries, 750 Smyrna Road, Welch, WV 24801 9606 U. S. A. The pa per is ded i cated to the prop a ga tion and res to ra tion of the prin ci ples of truth that God gave to the early Sev enth-day Ad ven tist pi o neers. Du pli ca tion is not only per mit - ted, but strongly en cour aged. This is sue, with other gos pel lit er a ture we pub lish, can be found at our website. The url is: Phone: (304) 732 9204. Fax: (304) 732 7322. Editor...Allen Stump ed i Associate Editor...Onycha Holt Old Paths - 28- March 2014