Gathering Round for the St. Noel Dance Prayer Ministry, Carla Kramer, director. en ter this place. We come to cel e brate the mys t ry of faith.

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2 for the St. Noel nce Prayer Ministry, Carla Kramer, director Handbells used: Kevin Keil, ASCAP Joyfully (. = ca. 55) Congas Hndbls Perc Handbells Cantor/Unison Choir O pen your hearts and en ter this place. We come to cel e brate the mys t ry of faith. 1996, Kevin Keil. Published by OCP. All rights reserved. Edition 30113454

3 Man y are gath ered, yet we be come one in the Spir it, em Cantor/Choir braced in s love. Ter/Bass (sechorus) Al le lu ia! Al le Choir/Assembly O pen your hearts and Sopra/Alto (sechorus) T/B Al le lu ia! lu ia!

4 en ter this place. We come to cel e brate the mys t ry of faith. S Al le lu ia! Man y are gath ered, yet we be come one in the Spir it, em lu ia! Al le lu ia! A Al le T B

5 THREE-PART ROUND 1 2 braced in s love. O pen your hearts and en ter this place. 3 Al le lu ia! Al le We come to cel e brate the mys t ry of faith. Man y are gath ered, lu ia! Al le lu ia!

6 repeat as needed yet we be come one in the Spir it, em braced in s love. repeat as needed lu ia! (rt 2 ends) Al le lu ia! Al le lu ia! (rt 3 ends) Al le lu ia! Al le repeat as needed repeat as needed poco rit. poco rit.

Performance Notes 7 Although best performed the instruments and voices as indicated, does lend itself to many adaptations. Bongos or other hand drums may replace the congas, or percussion could be dropped completely. Digital or acoustic pia or a bell-like synthesizer sound could cover the handbell rt. Organ can support or replace the sechorus. The voice entrance order I prefer for the round is: sopra, alto, then ter/bass. Encourage the assembly to sing the piece in round as well, perhaps multiple cantors leading the different sections. Pa ne Give us peace, Lord, in our day. An alternative text for the Rite of Disssal ( Go w in peace, my friends ) is also provided. Guitar Chord Charts c\e c\g d\f+ d\g e,\g K K / Pa ne

8 Sopra CANON at the 4th Pa ne (*Go Now InPeace) Melchior Franck (c. 1573 1639) Arranged by Kevin Keil, ASCAP Alto Ter Bass Keyboard 8 8 ne. Go w in peace, my friends. Ac cept the ne. Go w in peace, my friends. Ac Go w in peace, my Go w in G D/G G C/G G D/F G C/E D/F in di e Word of in to your hearts in di e cept the Word of in to your hearts ne. in di e friends. Ac cept the Word of in to your ne. in di peace, my friends. Ac cept the Word of in to Em/G D Am Em D/F C/G *Rite of Disssal text. 1997, Kevin Keil. Published by OCP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 97213. All rights reserved.

9 Go w in peace, ne. my friends. Ac cept the Word of in di in to e your 8 cept Am 8 hearts e your the Ac Go hearts hearts in di e in to your Word cept Em of the w As desired hearts Word in G D/G G C/G G D/F G C/E D/F Em/G D in in of As desired D/F peace, Go di e to your C/G my ne. friends. w Go in di in to in Last time rit. rit. hearts rit. rit. Word peace, w of Last time D/F Ac in in di ne. my friends. e C/G cept peace, the my in di Word ne. friends. e G of Ac rit. Pa ne

10 SOLO INSTRUMENT in C Pa ne (Go Now InPeace) Melchior Franck (c. 1573 1639) Arranged by Kevin Keil, ASCAP SOLO INSTRUMENT in B CELLO rit. last time repeat as desired 1996, Kevin Keil. Published by OCP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 97213. All rights reserved. rit. last time Melchior Franck (c. 1573 1639) Arranged by Kevin Keil, ASCAP repeat as desired 1996, Kevin Keil. Published by OCP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 97213. All rights reserved. Melchior Franck (c. 1573 1639) Arranged by Kevin Keil, ASCAP repeat as desired rit. last time 1996, Kevin Keil. Published by OCP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 97213. All rights reserved.

11 1 Assembly Editions GATHERING ROUND 2 3 Kevin Keil O pen your hearts and en ter this place. We come to cel e brate the mys t ry of faith. Man y are gath ered, yet we be come one in the Spir it, em braced in s love. 1996, Kevin Keil, ASCAP. Published by OCP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 97213. All rights reserved. DA PACEM, DOMINE Melchior Franck (c. 1573 1639) ne. in di e For reprint perssions, please visit or contact us at 1-800-663-1501.