A Congregation of the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches

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A Congregation of the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches

The Lord s Service August 19, A Congregation of the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches

A Congregation of the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches

A Congregation of the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches

A Congregation of the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches

A Congregation of the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches

TwenTieTh Sunday in Ordinary Time august 17-18, 2013 BaSilica Of The Sacred heart university Of notre dame notre dame, indiana

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SAMPLE None of the pages in this book may be reproduced in any way without written permission from the publisher.

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The Lord s Service The Season After Pentecost Octoer 1, 2017 trityeastaycom A Congregation of Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches

THE ENTRANCE HYMN Mister: In name of Far, of Son, of Holy Spirit, let us orship God Psalm 99 & 1 2 3 4 5 6? & God Let Thou Mo He When Let Ho Right Lat They Thou For Let At They He, Come m ses to y ly er didst m cried to LORD spread Ja to Is called peo is truth Sam glo par Zi praise foot out LORD, Zi is co's Him rael on ples ma u ry don on ir stool to ir on's Kg, fame l prayed, spoke Thee, quake, LORD, taed, el sa, m, He Kg, o Him Guide, hill, throned of hast Aa Thou earth's eq called or though shos of stat on y ron a didst foun to ui on shipped a re He utes per cher ae Thy sought cloud hear da e ty Him Him ven u some on of ir maj jus vere anser did form tions a or as ith gg es tice Him ed pro God's im Name h aid; smoke; plea; shake dored daed ell ae s,? # n # &? n ty sg no m; vide ill; ΠΠΠΠΠΠ&? And Wor Praise He Which Praise ship Him, Him, ex Him high tri cho high al up u sen ta right lo la na lo tion ly, ly, tion tion ly, o He, for heard kept for ver ir ith ev Kg, LORD sup ded LORD 'ry is is pli i is na might ho ca ca ho tion y ly tion tion ly vers D van der Boom, 1972, 55 55 55 66 The Congregation ill please st

SALUTATION Mister: Grace to you peace, name of Far, of Son, of Holy Spirit The Lord e ith you!!!!!!!!! Ruth 2:4 Cong: The Lord less you!!!!!!!!!! Ruth 2:4 Mister: Our Help is name of Lord!!!!!!! Psalm 124:8a Cong: Maker of heaven earth!!!!!!!!!! Psalm 124:8 Mister: I rejoiced hen y said to me, Let us go to house of Lord!!!!!! Psalm 122:1! Cong: Our feet are stg ith your gates, O Jerusalem!!!!!!! Psalm 122:2 Mister: Let us pray THE COLLECT FOR PURITY Cong: Almighty God, unto hom all hearts are open, all desires knon, from hom no secrets are hid, cleanse thoughts of our hearts y spiration of Your Holy Spirit, that e may perfectly love You, orthily magnify Your glorious Name, through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen CONFESSION AND ABSOLUTION Mister: (Call to Confession) Come let us orship o don!!!!! 1 John 1:89 & Psalm 95:6a Cong: And kneel efore Lord our Maker!!!!!! Psalm 95:6 ~ Let all ho are ale, KNEEL ~ Cong: O God, our heavenly Far, We confess to You that e have grievously sned agast You thought, ord, deed; Not only outard transgressions, But also secret thoughts desires that e are unale fully to underst, But hich are all knon to You We are need of deliverance from Your enemies our firmities For this reason e flee for refuge to Your fite mercy, Seekg implorg Your forgiveness deliverance, Through our Lord, Jesus Christ Amen Mister: Arise hear good nes of God s forgiveness: Almighty God, mercy, has given Son to die for you, for sake forgives you all your ss name of Far of Son of Holy Spirit The Congregation ill please st

ACCLAMATION &? Ï Hal le lu yah! 3 Praise to God Fa r, Son, &? j Ho ly Spi rit 3 Glo ry to You, O Lord, &? 3 oth no for ev er j Hal le lu yah! Mister: Lift up your hearts! &? Congregation: We lift m up to Lord Mister: Let us give thanks unto Lord our God &? Congregation: It is pro per right to do so The Congregation ill please st

Mister: It is truly proper, right, eneficial, that e should at all times, all places give thanks unto You, O Lord, Holy Far, Almighty Everlastg God Therefore ith angels archangels, ith all company of heaven, hole church on earth, e laud magnify your glorious name; evermore praisg you, sayg: THE SANCTUS Ho ly! Ho ly! Ho ly! Lord, God of Hosts 3 Hea ven earth are full of Your glo ry! Ho san na High est! 3 Bless ed is he ho comes name of Lord Ho san na High est! The Congregation ill please st

The Congregation ill please st

THE READING OF THE SCRIPTURES (THE CONGREGATION IS SEATED) THE READING OF THE LESSON THE LESSON!!!!!!!!! Ezekiel 18:14, 2523 Mister: The Word of Lord Cong: Thanks e to God THE READING OF THE PSALM THE PSALM!!!!!!!!! Psalm 25:110 Mister: The Word of Lord Cong: Thanks e to God THE READING OF THE EPISTLE THE EPISTLE!!!!!!!! Philippians 2:118 Mister: The Word of Lord Cong: Thanks e to God (All STAND) THE READING OF THE GOSPEL Mister: No hear Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, accordg to St Mat, chapter 21, verse 23 to verse 27 Cong: RAl le lu ia, Al le lu ia, Al le lu ia Mister: The Gospel of our Lord ~ n Gospel shall e read~ Cong: RAl le lu ia, Al le lu ia, Al le lu ia The Congregation ill please st

THE NICENE CREED John Merecke (1549) alt The Congregation ill please st


DOXOLOGY (We lift our hearts, voices, hs praise to God) PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING The Congregation ill please st

& # 6 8 j J j J 1 2 3 4 The The A A Son mar glo no The Son of God Goes Forth to War Advent of God goes forth tyr first, hose ea rious, cho le ar my, men to ar, gle eye sen fe oys, A Could On The kg pierce hom ma?# 6 8 j J j J J j j J J j j j J ly e tron cron yond Spir to ga; grave; it came, maid, J J & # j j j?# Who Telve A J lood sa val round red his iant an Mas sats, Sav ner ter ir ior's streams hope throne a y re far! sky kne, joice Who And In fol called mocked roes J J j J J los on of Him cross light J to ar tra? save flame rayed J & # j J j j?# Who Like They They est Him, met climed can ith drk par ty steep don rant's cup on ran as cent of dished of oe, Tri um phant tongue, In midst of steel, The li on's heav'n, Through per il, o mor gor toil ver tal y pa, pa, mane; pa; j J J J J J J Who He They O & # J J j?# pa prayed oed God, tient for ir to ears m necks us his that may cross did death grace e lo, He rong! Who to e feel: giv'n Who To fol fol fol fol los los los lo ir ir tra tra? tra? tra J J J J Regald Heer, 1827 CMD GREYOAKS Gregory D Wilur, 1994 The Congregation ill please st

Mister: Let us pray THE PRAYER OF THE CHURCH! Whenever mister shall say: Lord, hear our prayer!! The congregation shall respond: For you are gracious Mister: And no he has taught us, e are old to pray: THE LORD S PRAYER THE LORD S SUPPER (all seated) At Trity Church East Bay e vite to tale all of those ho have een aptized Name of Far, of Son, of Holy Spirit, ho are livg sumission to Jesus Christ Church, regardless of age or mental capacity After example of our Lord, e drk real e e eat of read, drk e as y are passed Thanksgivg for Bread Words of Institution The Congregation ill please st

The Congregation ill please st

Thanksgivg for We Words of Institution At TCEB, e don t thk Lord s supper is a time of gloom trospection It is family meal of Christ s people, here Christ himself vites us to sit at tale It is a joyous feast, here e commune ith Christ ody, Church Therefore e encourage you to greet speak to those around you, peace of Christ, as e is passed Mister: The Body Blood of our Lord strengn preserve you steadfast true faith unto life everlastg; Name of Far, of Son, of Holy Spirit Amen & # # smoothly unison Lord, THE SONG OF SIMEON Luke 2:3032 no lettestthouthy ser vant depart peace; accordg to Thy ord;?# # & # #?# # For me eyes have seen thy sal va tion: hich thou hast pre pared & # #?# # e fore face of all peo ple; A light to light en Gentiles: & # #?# # glo ry of Thy peo ple Is ra el The Congregation ill please st

& # #?# # Glo ry e to Fa r, to Son, to Ho ly Ghost: & # #?# # As it as e gng, is no, ev er shall e, orld ith out end A men CHARGE:!!!!!!!!!!! Mat 28:1820 BENEDICTION:!!!!!!!!!! Numers 6:2426 THREEFOLD AMEN POSTLUDE ANNOUNCEMENTS Today, e ll e havg a felloship meal after church at Harrold s house (3966 Dyer Rd, Livermore) We ll e havg our first men s meetg on Friday eveng, Octoer 13th at Wetmore s (54 Diamond Dr, Livermore) Please vie this as an outreach opportunity, vite a friend We ll e havg a hymn sg on Saturday, Octoer 21st, at Alexer s home (663 Hazel St, Livermore) CALENDAR Octoer 1 Felloship Meal @ The Harrold s Octoer 13 Men s meetg @ The Wetmore s Octoer 21 Hymn Sg @ The Alexer s The Congregation ill please st

VISITORS AND PRAYER REQUESTS Please use this page to let us kno you visited ith us, or you can also use it to sumit a prayer request, usg space provided Fill out appropriate sections, tear this page out, eir put it offerg plate, or give it to Pastor Wetmore after service Name/Spouse: Children:!! Email(s): Please provide an email address, as this is our primary means of communication Please add me to church email list (We usually send out a eekly email aout upcomg events prayer requests) Address:!!!! Phone: I am a:! Local Visitor!!! Out of Ton Visitor!!! Regular Attender (Please circle) Prayer Request or Comments: Sgg School: 10:00 am!!!!!! Meetg @ Hearst Elementary The Lord s Service: 10:30 am!!!!!!!! 4665 Bernal Ave Contact Phone # (310) 2926034!!!!!!!! Pleasanton, CA The Congregation ill please st