A Canon For All Seasons. œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ. sim. ior, Je - God, grant. cem, do -

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Crey Lnry n Jeffrey Honoré Bse on Cnon in D by Johnn Pchelbel Keybor? VERSE : Cntor? VERSE : Cntor % % INTRO: ( q = c 8 ) 4? 4 CANON:? Do - Sv - sim ior, Lmb Go, pece, Shep - her pece 993, Crey Lnry n Jeffrey Honoré Publishe by OCP Publictions All rihts reserve Eition 304

3??? *DS *to Verse 3 4 3 *Cntor n instrumentlists continue to Verse 3 hile the Cnon is repete once, in the n enin

4 VERSES 3, 4: Cntor 3 With 4 O - lips pen I sin eyes r to prise, ; ith ll let hert life I e seek - clre r prise? VERSE 5: Cntor?? 5 In e INTERLDE: (Cnon continues)? live, e move, e re; in -, O s

VERSE 6: (Cntor enters s the Cnon ens) VERSES 7, 8: (Cntor ) 7 8??? Woun - 6 e Hel- er, Sv- ior, FINAL CANON: Soprno Do - pece, pece, Πpece, pece tht pece tht pece tht ive ive J ive J 5

6??? Alto Do - Tenor Do - ΠBss Do- no-

7?? u

8 (Guitr/Vocl) Crey Lnry n Jeffrey Honoré 4 4 VERSE : Cntor VERSE : Cntor % CANON: INTRO: ( q = c 8 ) Do - Sv - Lmb 3 ior, Go, 4 pece, Shep - her pece 993, Crey Lnry n Jeffrey Honoré Publishe by OCP Publictions, 5536 NE Hsslo, Portln, OR 973 All rihts reserve

9 *to Verse 3, Fil Fine VERSES 3, 4: Cntor 3 4 With O - lips pen I 3 seek 5 move, INTERLDE: e re; 4 clre in sin eyes r r to prise prise, ; ith ll let VERSE 5: Cntor, 5 In O e hert life live, s I e -- VERSE 6: Cntor 6 VERSES 7, 8: Cntor pece, pece tht ive e repet tice Hel- Sv- 7 8 Woun - e er, ior, pece, pece, pece tht pece tht **n time DS to Cnon ive ive * Cntor n instrumentlists continue to Verse 3 hile the Cnon is repete once, in the n enin **See Keybor/Vocl for voice prts urin the lst on

0 Altertive Verses Crey Lnry GENERAL/LENT VERSES: 4 3 4 5 Ev - Go Com - Woun - ADVENT VERSES: er be - fort, e Sv - ior; ith fore ; ; strenth - en; Hel - er, ev - le love er, sur - Shep - ner uie roun Lmb her Go 4 3 4 5 6 7 Come, Wit - Root Sun Come, CHRISTMAS VERSES: Lor le - e in in Em - lu - i! lon si for - lence, Jes - se s stem, J - tice, mn - u - el, come, Come, Key Liht Lor le - Lor e for ll lu - lon D for - - Prince s i! s vi tions Pece 4 3 Born for EASTER VERSES: le - to lu - Sv - ell ith i! ior, ; le - r cio ift Wor me flesh for lu - i! Go, Most Hih ll to see 4 3 4 Dy - in Ris - PENTECOST VERSES: le - lu - i! Sv - ior, e - stroye our eth, en Sv - ior, ris - in le - lu - re - ris - store en our re - eem - i! Lor life er 4 3 4 5 6 ni, Ve - Come, Come, Briht Fille le - Sn - Ho - Ho - fire ith cte ly ly r lu - i! Spi - ri - t, Spir - it; Spir - it; Go s Spir - love, it; ve - ni, Spir - Spir - fill Je our - le - Sn - it it herts, cte re - e lu - Spi - ri - Go, Most ne trt the in i! t Hih s erth 993, Crey Lnry Publishe by OCP Publictions, 5536 NE Hsslo, Portln, OR 973 All rihts reserve

Performnce Notes The Do No Pcem section is 4-prt roun (or on) This mens tht voice (ie soprno) beins t, sins throuh the entire on; repets it n tkes the secon enin, then stops until the Fil Cnon fter Verse 8 To prts, mkin it, 3-, or 4-prt roun, the next voice (ie tenors) bein t hen the soprnos rech The next voice (ie ltos) enters t hen the tenors rech The lst voice (bsses) enters t hen the ltos rech All the voices continue on their on trck, repetin once, then continuin to the n enin The tor menhile, resumes sinin verses hile the on is in proress If ll oes ell the choir voices finish urin the interlue The tor then in resumes sinin the fil verses After verse 8 the choir enters s ritten in the keybor score, pe 4 Keep in min the on be sun in unison, -, or 3-prt if esire, epenin on the number n bility the siners Enjoy the senstion polyphonic sinin the inepenence vocl line onerful hrmony crete by sinin on Pece! JH Composer s Notes I compose this piece fter herin violinist ply Pchelbel s Cnon The bsic meloy the Cnon lens itself to simple verses tht be sun by choir or ssembly toether I ske Jeffrey Honoré if he oul compose true on tht coul be e ith these verses Jeff compose the beutiful Do No Pcem on The on n verses my be performe seprtely Substitute verses re provie for vrio sesons the yer At confirmtions, the verses my be sun quietly in the bckroun s the ites re nointe The verses my lso be performe by instruments Folloin re some sueste es: ADVENT/CHRISTMAS SEASON EASTER VIGIL COMMNION Guitr Chrts f+, MEDITATION ANOINTING OF THE SICK CONFIRMATION CL ( OR ( OR (

Verses by Crey Lnry *CANON: 4 Do - 4 no- VERSES: Cntor Assembly Eition A CANON FOR ALL SEASONS, Fil 3 no- Je Svior, Je Shepher Je lmb Go, pece, pece 3 With lips I sin r prise, ith ll hert I seek 4 Open eyes to ; let life eclre r prise 5 In e live, e move, e re; in, O Jes 6 Je pece, pece tht ive 7 Woune Heler, pece, pece tht ive 8 Je Svior, pece, pece tht ive Jeffrey Honoré 993, Crey Lnry n Jeffrey Honoré Publishe by OCP Publictions, 5536 NE Hsslo, Portln, OR 973 All rihts reserve *Cnon continues urin Verses n Interlue For reprint permissions, plese visit OneLicensenet or contct t -800-663-50 Fine