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Commissioned y The rkansas Chamer Singers ohn Yarrington Music Director remiered y The rkansas Chamer Singers ith the Quaa String Quartet Little Rock rkansas March 19 1999 Duration: 0 minutes The Golden Har Invocation reading: Still thou ourest and still there is room song: I am here to sing thee songs eloved reading: My heart anders ailing ith the restless ind song: If thou seakest not rayer reading: Let my country aake song: This is my rayer Light My Light reading: Thy oy in me is so full song: Light my light (Solo song intersersed: O eloved of my heart ) Thou rt song: Thou art the sky My Tears of Sorro song: Mother I shall eave a chain of earls... reading: On the day hen death ill knock on thy door song: Death my death come and hiser to me Salutation oem: I oasted among men that I had knon you song: In one salutation to thee my God

Notes The Golden Har is the result of a commission from the rkansas Chamer Singers for a ork for chorus and string quartet. The Chamer Singers ished to collaorate ith the Quaa Quartet (string quartet from the rkansas Symhony) in resenting music ritten esecially for the to ensemles. The oetry of Raindranath Tagore as suggested to the comoser y a memer of the rkansas Chamer Singers. nd indeed this oetry is ell-suited to settings for chorus and strings. The oems are gentle and lyrical. The language is readily comrehensile and very singale. There are frequent images of floating and soaring images congenial to the string idiom as the os float across the strings or musical lines soar into the high ranges of the instruments. The oening song I m Here to Sing Thee Songs contains the hrase When in the morning air the golden har is tuned. This eautiful image of a stringed instrument catured the comoser's imagination and led to the title of the ork. ll of the oetry selected for The Golden Har is found in Tagore s collection Gitanali ulished in 191. The oems san the course of the oet s life. nd the form of The Golden Har mirrors this attern. The ork is divided into seven sections: triumhant at the eginning and close (1 Invocation and 7 Salutation); more introsective in the interior sections (2 eloved rayer 5 Thou rt and My Tears of Sorro); and rising to a celeratory middle section ( Light My Light). The message of The Golden Har is siritual and yet very close to the center of human emotions. Tagore s oetry extols the eauty of the divine and the eauty of the soul ithin the eloved as creator the eloved as lover. Thou art the sky and thou art the nest as ell. Raindranath Tagore orn in 181 to an influential engali family Raindranath Tagore achieved fame as a novelist layright oet ainter lecturer olitician and comoser. In 191 he as aarded the Noel rize in literature the first non-euroean to achieve such an honor. He died in 191. Gyneth Walker Widely erformed throughout the country the music of merican comoser Gyneth Walker is eloved y erformers and audiences alike for its energy eauty reverence drama and humor. Dr. Gyneth Walker (. 197) is a graduate of ron niversity and the Hartt School of Music. She holds.. M.M. and D.M.. degrees in Music Comosition. former faculty memer of the Oerlin College Conservatory she resigned from academic emloyment in 1982 in order to ursue a career as a full-time comoser. For nearly 0 years she lived on a dairy farm in raintree ermont. She no divides her time eteen her childhood hometon of Ne Canaan Connecticut and the musical communities of Sarasota Florida and Randolh ermont. Further information concerning Gyneth Walker and her orks is availale

To e read efore Song 1 Thou hast made me endless such is thy leasure. This frail vessel thou emtiest again and again and fillest it ever ith fresh life. This little flute of a reed thou hast carried over hills and dales and hast reathed through it melodies eternally ne. t the immortal touch of thy hands my little heart loses its limits in oy and gives irth to utterance ineffale. Thy infinite gifts come to me only on these very small hands of mine. ges ass and still thou ourest and still there is room to fill.

iano/choral Score Raindranath Tagore S T iano 5 sim. oco > q = 112 With a gentle lilt. F lightly rhythmically >. ad li. Catalog No. 8290 The Golden Har for ST Chorus and iano or String Orchestra or String Quartet I. I m Here to Sing Thee Songs..... >.... >. >. m...... >... I am f I am f I am f m I am f 5 Gyneth Walker Coyright 1999 2005 MM Music Inc. Coyright returned to Gyneth Walker in 2015. Coyright assigned to E. C. Schirmer Music Comany Inc. in 2015 Coyright 2015 y E. C. Schirmer Music Comany Inc. a division of ECS ll rights reserved.

9 1 here to sing thee here to sing thee here to sing thee here to sing thee songs. songs. songs. songs. m songs. songs. songs. songs. m I am I am I am I am In this In this In this In this here to sing thee here to sing thee here to sing thee. here to sing thee. hall of thine I have a hall of thine I have a hall of thine I have a hall of thine I have a rit. rit. The Golden Har I. I am Here to Sing Thee Songs

1 To e read efore Song 2 Clouds hea uon clouds and it darkens. h love hy dost thou let me ait outside at the door all alone In the usy moments of the noontide ork I am ith the crod ut on this dark day it is only for thee that I hoe. If thou shoest me not thy face if thou leavest me holly aside I kno not ho I am to ass these long rainy hours. I kee gazing on the far aay gloom of the sky and my heart anders ailing ith the restless ind.

S T Sloly quasi recitative If thou If thou. If thou Sloly quasi recitative una corda si - - - lence. si - - - lence. si - - - lence. II. If Thou Seakest Not seak - est not seak - est not seak - est not If If thou thou If thou.. If thou I ill fill my heart ith thy I ill fill my heart ith thy I ill fill my heart ith thy seak - est not seak - est not seak - est not seak - est not 17

18 7 9... I ill fill my heart ith thy si - lence and en - - - I ill fill my heart ith thy si - lence and en - - - I ill fill my heart ith thy si - lence and en - - - I ill fill my heart ith thy si - lence and en - - - I ill kee I ill kee I ill kee I ill kee dure dure dure dure still and ait like the night ith star - ry still and ait like the night ith star - ry still and ait like the night ith star - ry still and ait like the night ith star - ry it. it. it. it. The Golden Har II. If Thou Seakest Not

2 To e read efore Song Where the mind is ithout fear and the head is held high; Where knoledge is free; Where the orld has not een roken u into fragments y narro domestic alls; Where ords come out from the deth of truth; Where tireless striving stretches its arms toards erfection; Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its ay into the dreary desert sand of dead hait; Where the mind is led forard y thee into ever-idening thought and action Into that heaven of freedom my Father let my country aake.

III. This is My rayer 27 S T This is my rayer to This is my rayer to This is my rayer to This is my rayer to.. nrushed gently gently gently This is my rayer to This is my rayer to This is my rayer to gently This is my rayer to nrushed. cue notes for rehearsal only q = 9 q = 9 thee my Lord. thee my Lord. thee my Lord. thee my Lord.. thee my Lord. thee my Lord. thee my Lord. thee my Lord. Give me the strength Give me the strength h h Slightly faster q = 108 Slightly faster q = 108

28 7 10 light - ly to ear my oys and light - ly to ear my oys and make my love fruit - ful in make my love fruit - ful in. ser - vice.. ser - vice... sor - ros.. sor - ros.. accel. h h accel. F. h h Give me the strength to Give me the strength to. Give me the strength F Give me the strength h F q = 120 q = 120 h The Golden Har III. This is My rayer

2 To e read efore Song Thus it is that thy oy in me is so full. Thus it is that thou hast come don to me. O thou lord of all heavens here ould e thy love if I ere not Thou hast taken me as thy artner of all this ealth. In my heart is the endless lay of thy delight. In my life thy ill is ever taking shae. nd for this thou ho art the King of kings hast decked thyself in eauty to cativate my heart. nd for this thy love loses itself in the love of thy lover and there art thou seen in the erfect union of to.

I. Light My Light S T 8 With energy q = 1. sim. Light Light.. my light my light {}.... the the orld fill - ing......... light orld fill - ing light the > >

12 1 eye kiss - ing light. my light Light heart - - - > > my seet - en - ing Light my light my light my light my light Light Light my light my light my light my light my light my The Golden Har I. Light My Light

5. Thou rt the Sky S T ell. ell. cantaile Thou art the sky and cantaile Thou art the sky and With gentle motion q = 108 cantaile Thou art the sky and cantaile Thou art the sky and With gentle motion q = 108 cue notes for rehearsal only Thou art the nest as Thou art the nest as Thou art the sky and Thou art the sky and ell. ell. Thou art the nest as Thou art the nest as Thou art the nest as Thou art the nest as

8 11 ell. ell. Thou art the sky and Thou art the sky and rit. F O thou F O thou F Thou art the nest thou F Thou art the nest thou rit. there in the nest it is thy mm mm mm F > eau - - ti - - - ful > eau - - ti - - - ful > eau - - ti - - - ful > eau - - ti - - - ful > q =88 q =88 > love that en - clos - es the soul ith that en - clos - es the soul ith n that en - clos - es the soul ith rit. that en - clos - es the soul ith rit. n 55 The Golden Har. Though rt the Sky

2 I. Mother I Shall Weave a Chain of earls... Solo ar. 5 8 With gentle motion una corda through C q = 88 n sim. Moth - - - - - - - - - - - er n non cresc. n.

Solo ar. Solo ar. Solo ar. 11 1 17. I ill eave a chain of. neck ith my. n non cresc. earls tears. of n for thy n sor - - - - - - ro. {} sim. Moth - - - - n The Golden Har I. Mother I Shall Weave a Chain of earls...

71 To e read efore Song 7 On the day hen death ill knock at thy door hat ilt thou offer to him Oh I ill set efore my guest the full vessel of my life I ill never let him go ith emty hands. ll the seet vintage of all my autumn days and summer nights all the earnings and gleanings of my usy life ill I lace efore him at the close of my days hen death ill knock at my door. The Golden Har I. Mother I Shall Weave a Chain of earls...

72 II. Death My Death Come and Whiser to Me Sloly F esr. oco ad li. semre una corda q = 5 7 q = 80 accel. rit. sim. q = u

S T 9 11 {q = } Quasi recitative O thou the last ful - fil - ment of life O thou the last ful - fil - ment of life O thou the last ful - fil - ment of life O thou the last ful - fil - ment of life {q = } his- er to me! his- er to me! his- er to me! his- er to me! > F > 5 5 5 5 5 5 Death my death come and Death my death come and Death my death come and Death my death come and. Day af - ter day have I ket atch for thee; for. Day af - ter day have I ket atch for thee; for. Day af - ter day have I ket atch for thee; for. Day af - ter day have I ket atch for thee; for 7 The Golden Har II. Death My Death Come and Whiser to Me

82 To e read efore Song 8 I oasted among men that I had knon you. They see your ictures in all orks of mine. They come and ask me Who is he I kno not ho to anser them. I say Indeed I cannot tell. They lame me and they go aay in scorn. nd you sit there smiling. I ut my tales of you into lasting songs. The secret gushes out from my heart. They come and ask me Tell me all your meanings. I kno not ho to anser them. I say h ho knos hat they mean! They smile and go aay in utter scorn. nd you sit there smiling. The Golden Har II. Death My Death Come and Whiser to Me

III. In One Salutation to Thee 8 S T g f > thee my God thee my God thee my God thee my God (roll chord on the eat) f oco > > ad li. g > f f f f Triumhantly In In In In let all my sen - ses let all my sen - ses > > let all my sen - ses Triumhantly let all my sen - ses q = 100 one sal - u - ta - tion to one sal - u - ta - tion to one sal - u - ta - tion to one sal - u - ta - tion to q = 100 sread out and touch the n sread out and touch the sread out and touch the sread out and touch the n > >

8 7 10 accel. orld at thy feet. orld at thy feet. n orld at thy feet. n orld at thy feet. accel. n n n n n n F Like F Like a a n rain- cloud of u - ly hung n rain- cloud of u - ly hung n nn n {q = 120} {q = 120} q = 120 q = 120 n n f n n n n n lo ith its ur - den of n lo ith its ur - den of n. The Golden Har III. In One Salutation to Thee