A Selection of verses from Psalm 44 for Feasts of the All-holy Theotokos. A Good Word. œ œ œ œ. good. lu - œ œ œ œ œ œ. God: An-gels, world:

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None of these pages may be reproduced in any way without written permission from the publisher.

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A Selection verses from Psalm 44 for Feasts All-holy Theotokos A Good Word Byzantine Chant Tone 1 4 4 Ison = D A good. word: n Bishop BASIL. Al - le - lu - i - a! Ó My heart hath poured forth a good word. Re - Queen all, all - hymned Moth - er. Christ. n God: Ó I speak my works to king. Re -. Queen An-gels,. n world: Sov - 'reign La - dy Copyright 2001 Permission granted to copy for liturgical use only.

A Good Word - Page 2 Ó My tongue is pen a swift - ly writ - ing scribe. Re - preach-ing Proph - ets, and glo - ry. Pa - tri -. n archs: Come-ly art Thou in beau - ty more than sons men. Re - pure Vir-gin, La - dy Bride.. God: n Grace hath been poured forth on Thy lips. Re - spot-less, un - de-filed, in - cor - rupt all -

A Good Word - Page 3. ho - ly. n one. Ó Where-fore God hath blessed Thee for ev - er. Re - hope those with - out. hope, and help em - bat -. tled: n Ó Gird Thy sword up - on Thy thigh, Might - y Lord is with ne. Re - Full e, Grace, and through e,. with. us: n Ó In thy come - li - ness and Thy beau - ty. Re -

A Good Word - Page 4 bless - ed art thou a - mong wom -. en, and bless - ed is Fruit thy. womb: n Ó Bend Thy n bow, and pro - ceed pros-per - ous - ly and be king. Re - Vir - gin The - o - to - kos, bless-ed art thou a-mong. wom -. n en. Be-cause truth and meek-ness and right - eous - ness. Re - Mar - y, Sov - 'reign La - dy us. all; Lord hosts is with

A Good Word - Page 5. e: n Ó Where-fore God, Thy God, hath a - noint - ed glo - rious Thee. Re - than fier - y throne, more crea - tures four - fold. as -. pect: n Ó With oil glad-ness more than Thy fel - lows. Re - Mar - y, Sov - 'reign La - dy us. all; re - Moth - er. Life: n Ó At Thy right hand stood queen. Re - most bless-ed

A Good Word - Page 6 most glo - ri -. fied. one: n Ar-rayed, a - dorned in var - ied col - ors. Re - all - blame-less The - o - to -. kos, for thou hast borne Sav - ior. 2 4 n souls: Heark - en, our daugh - ter 4 4 see, and in - cline thine ear. Re - most ho - ly par - a - dise; re - thou Bride un -. wed -. ded: n And for - get thine own peo-ple and thy fa - r's house. Re -

A Good Word - Page 7 Saint, great - est saints; re - thou Bride un -. 2 4 4 n ded: The. wed - rich a - mong peo - ple shall en - treat thy coun - te - nance. all - ho - ly Vir-gin, heark-en to voice thy 2 4 4 worth - less sup - pli - cant, who doth - fer to e from sigh - ings his 2 4 4 on his heart, and way. do thou ev - er La -. n dy: pros - per him I shall com - mem - o - rate thy. name n in ev - 'ry

A Good Word - Page 8 gen - er - a - tion and gen - er - a - tion. all - ho - ly Vir - gin, Bride God, ac - cept my low - ly ser - vice and - fer it un - to com - pas - sion - ate God, that re - oic - ing, I may glo - ri - fy e,. all-blame - less. one. n Now chant select verses from Eclogarion, and n conclude with "Glory... Both now" as below. Glo - ry to Ho - ly Fa - r and. Spir -. it: to Son and n to. 2 4 Al - le - a!

A Good Word - Page 9 4 4 Ó.. Both now and ev - er, and un - to a - ges. a - ges.. A - - -. 2 4 men. 4 4. Al - le - a! Al - le - ia! Al - le -. a! Al - le - 2 4 4 6 4. a! Glo - ry to e, God. Al - le - ia! Al - le -. 2 4 4 6 a! Al - le - a! Glo - ry to 4. e, God. Al - le - ia! Al - le -

A Good Word - Page 10. 2 4 4 6 4 Glo - ry to a! Al - le -. e, God. a!