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i',>y.^^ ffi. ^V*i>Sl-., '-^m SKV*-' 'Vf-'TJ ".."l^' ^^r TURNER Fiy-third Year Clos for Every Copyright 9 Halt Scha/fwr & Marx You have some idea about appearace your clos should make for you. Maybe you could't describe it i'words but you kow whed; you see it. You'll fid a variety of styles here whe you-come;'models i sits for quiet tastes as w6ll as for ultra fashiable me. t's part of our servibe tbl commuity to serve au of you me, whatever your preferece i style picric may be Hart seaiier & Marx Giotl are made i so may variatis of patters, desigs measureri^its, that we are able to fit satisfy every ma who comes here. Mey:bacijf you are ot satisfied. \ PRCES FROM $38 TO $5 Or Makes $ to $35 f you prefer a Custom-Made Suit, drop i we will measure you for eir a Hart, Schaffer & Marx or a Royal TaUor Suit. Hudreds'of patters to choose. Made i ay style you wat, $7.5 up...' ] Me s Straw Hits Here are very fiest market affords. Every wated style is here Sailor styles, made i coarse, medium or fie braid, with famous B T vy Sweat Bs. We also have several styles of geuie Paamas fori those who prefer a so hat. MEN'S DRESS HATS FROM $ TO $6 MEN'S WORK HATS FROM 5^ to $i:5 Whe a ta or woma dresses up y look at ir shoes. What do you thik whe you look at yours pair you have ow? Are y makig good? Do you like to wear m? Try WALK-OVER ext time, mths aerward otice how y keep ir shape st wear. '^v Copyright 9 H Ed. V. Pce t Co. bprig FOR MEN WHO WANT Style - Quality - Service Our Suits are cut i New Sprig Seas Models that will please most discrimiatrg me patters -vvili please, every ma. A Suit is always a.matter of good cloth gopd tailorig. 'That is combiati vfe offer our.customers at all times.. -.. Good quality of fabrics, -vveu tailored cut i Qorrect styles. Blues, Grays, Hau--lies; Herrig-be Stripes Facy Mixtures i good assortmet. Prices Rage $7.5, $9.5, $35., $. $7.5 Youths' fiigti-graie Blue Serge; Suits Made with youthful lies, cut i Latest Sprig Styles. Just Suit for boys for th^ir^eomig.school graduati. Lg Trousers Suits sizes ru 3 to 36 ly. " ;. V. SPECAL PRCE $5. m All Mail Orders Carefully Atteded to Telephe 9- Me's Straw Hats Ready ^ _ ^ - _ > i'. ' ^-'*'*'.«S-'. Mai Street Fletcher Bros. Opposite Depot Home of Hart, Schaffer & Marx Clos Dutchess Trousers A, G, Pollard Co THE STORE FOR THRFTY PEOPLE LOWELL, MASS. Merrimack, Paimer Middle Streets "AND STLL THEY COME" Here's Aor Lot of Specially Priced Sheets Pillow Cases Slightly Damaged We offer "Dwight Achor," PeppereU, Whitethor, Oakl, Harvard, Pieer, D. & L. several or makes suitable for sigle, three-quarter full size beds. Plai or hemstitched." imperfectis are mostly stais or broke selvages price about e-third less tha regular. Sheets Oe lot, size 63x9, suitable for sigle beds; good cott, well made, with three e-ich hems; values up to $.9. Sale price 98< each Oe lot, suitable for three-quarter or fuu size beds, popular brs of cott. Sheets that are ow seuig for $.98. Sale price $.9 each Oe lot hemstitched sheets, i au sizes. Values up to $.5. Sale price, $.9 each Pillow Cases best lot we ever had, i ah sizes, for family use, ^made with three-ich hem usuauy sells for.'>c. Sale price 5^ each HEMSTTCHED PLLOW CASES Made of sam6 grades of cott, i ah sizes regular price 55c. ^ale price 9^ each PALMER STREET STORE AYER, MASS. SHRLEY N\-\\s tt-is, Mr.s.,]oh E,.\dams is gaiig slowly aer a ervous breakdow s able to be out of doors,.mls.s El Peabody was guest of Mlss Ruth Hooper Mdav ight, Supt, f'.oorge P. Campbell of dustri.-il school uderwet a serious operati for ulcers ot stomach at Homeopathic hospital, Bost, last.mday is doig well at last report. Dald Campbell was Worcester la.st week, takig e^:amlatis for etrace to Worcester academy, Sams Cordage Works team defeated dustrial.oqhool ie by score of 6 to 6 i a twilight game Wedesday eveig,.mr. George Ruffle, of.n'ashua, Mr. Harry Ruffle guests last Suday of Mr. Augustus Cram. Dr. mas K. Lilly family atteded oxf-rclses Thursday at Harvard college.. le C. <;i:te spet Wedesday i P.ost, William E. Kig, teacher -ot maual traiig i Shirley tho past year, has acreiited a iiositi i cecti with thc Kitchburg Ctiuati school Ct^-r, First r,irish Brach.Mliace will meet Thursday,,uc 3, at home of Cotu Hills l-'lat hlll. This will tie aual all-day meetig picic with a b.askot luch to be held at halt past twelve. Steele Mackaye daughter. Mlss Hazel.Mckye,'Tive arrived at ir home Parker road for summer, Dr. Oild of Chelsea, with frieds, are at Ste place Parker road this w-eek. Miss Carrie C. Bradford leaves about.ly for Brattleboro. 'V't,, where she s to be dietitia t a glrla' camp for summer, LTTLETON N'cws toms, Prof, Mra.Toh Cralg Kelley ir terestik family opeed camp Hartw-ell grove o Shattuck slreet, Thursday. Mlss Carolie Cat, by vitati of.lacks college girls, s takig a automobile trip of te days through Berkshlres New York ative s seemed to dcllsrht tlirow- State. y pla to atted a tial cveti of ir fraterity, merely for tho pleasure ot hearig tho "a mkey wrech tho works" which s held this weok Syracuse! smash. Ca t be that thc Democratic Various places f terest. cludig party has chaged ts tactics, reformed or had a rush of com-m Niagara Falls, will be visited before ir retur. sese to head?. Mr, Mrs N, B, Ct re takig utomoblle trip this weok. to red articles d editorials Dem Whlcver causo t s refreshig ocratic ewspapers givig credit to At a meetig of thc Amerlc Republica oflicials for worthy efforts.egl Tuesdy ovclk tho Wom to hestly pcreorm duties per e's Auxlllry w-as preset d at tho close of meetig erved a plathle luche that waa appreciated by me of post. flal plas «-ere mde for Fourth,.Tudge d. Georgo A. Sers,,ss Beett, Robort George A Jr...j»d daughter, Mlss Chrlotte, atteded prize dy exercises t Grot School Friday of lst w-oek,.. :M Hope t^t cst. We regard s hopeful sig of times fact tht tho Democratic party has up-to-dato rcfrlcd opposig ay measure proposed by thc ow admiistrati simply bocauso t was a Republica meaauro. i:'-x u^i~..',>vtt..*; ' '->:.<'-«^ M, t's Straw Hat time you will fid here a good assortmet of New Styles for this seas. We feature that reliable ia,ker of good quality,hats,. CORRECT STYLES AND SUPEROR QUALTY Sailor Straws Seett Braids $3., $3.5, $. $5. Paamas Best values i a lg time $6. $7.5 Togo Paamas $.,- $3. $. COMFORTABLE UNDERWEAR Here is sort of Uderwear that me who desire comfort will appreciate. Here are best stard makes, every e with a reputati for ser-vice, fit comfort i short sleeves or without sleeves; i kee, three-quarter akle legths. Athletic Ui Suits 85^, $., $.5 $.5 Fie Cott Ribbed Ui Suits $., $.5 $.75 Shirts Drawers, Fie Balbrigga 5^ $. Boys' Ui Suits 5^, 65^, 75^ $..--^ Store Closed Wedesdays at No Store Ope Mday, Friday Saturday Eveigs This la a refreshig ctrast to acti ot Republicas durig tho last years ot Wils's admiistrati. As y measure approved by Mr, Wils w-..s promptly vigorously opposed wher t wa.s good, bad or differet Massachusetts' vetera taiig to thoir respective ofllces eve beig so fair as to give m a extesi of time -which to mke good cam-pig promlse.s of ecomy tax reform etc. s mlllelum really approachig w-he tlgcr tho elephat shall He dow toger or arc thoy merely storig.-immultl for tho ext campaig? We wder which! V. T. K. HOLLS, N. H. News lcm.s. Dorothy Farley who has bre teachig Cambrldgeport, Vermt, s homo for tho summer vacati. bkk&m Lieut. Harvey M. Powors ot aviati.corps appeared i muicipal court N'ashua Wedesday morig a chargo brought i by Deputy Gmo Commissier George A. Haselt ot Ashig without a licese. Lieut. Powers told court he th-ought soldler.<i cxcm'pt tho state law Now Hampshire as. y may or states. court accepted his explaati his flo was su.sp'eded. At a spcclal meetig ot Hollls Woma's club Wedesday attero Emma Goodwi was elected a member of thc board ot directors placo ot Bmors, resiged. Pls are iidcr way for a etertaimet to bo give by thc club first week i August. A party csistig of tho Misses Dvls, Dorothy Farley, Euice Walsh, Charles Bouit - Walter Hayde picicked at laiko Babooslc Tuesday.. New Adrcrtlscmct GarderW.Pear3 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Lowell, Mass. Washigt, D. C.. si.i^m^" MEN'S SUMMER SHRTS Special assortmet i Percales,.,. Madras, Cheviots, Sati Striped : Plai Colors, i Plai White or i Facy Patters. With collar attached or "with plai eckb, all with, so Frechcuffs. We are oflerig sie Special Values at $.5 $.95 that, will \)e - sure to iterest you. Facy Percales Madras. 95?^, $.5, $.95 $.5- Silk Shirts, with or without.collar.. $.5, $. $.5Cr:» White Cheviot Shirts, with collar attach*,^* tadhed. Special Price $.5<:'^' Geo. H. Brow RELABLE CLOTHER AYER STENOGRAPHERS REQURE GOOD SGHT, Why ot csider, a pair jofjfproperly fitted glasses i li^it^i^ of a bsless asset! A asset tsat'^'' will chage poor eyesight itoki good eyesight reby i. crease your earig power ) efficiecy. ^," right glasses will eable you uder all circmstacte to see perfectly easily withoim eyestrai. You ca work faster work better with less effott, W fewer mistakes o "<>y»- headaches." Cisult us about your eye -ow! D't ctiue to polj^t off Week to week,,'"' ;{ < F. H. GATHEticOLe'" ^k--^ OONSCTTHNO OPTOSTTlUSX, " Wtrw Ottier Block ".i' CM Afitt 8t-ti r<^ olppofateairif:,«w!' m m

;; liwbwtl'llt"' -T-. -;; ; < <- L< ) ^i,>'.jf.fr'-.^'e'taf /.t'^'r '^ y^r-'\'riv3vv'..'''^.:'v'':^-v':'vv'- : ' ' '' * '.' ' t:''"iv^}-'-\'" - V'''':)^V-'-''' V^'x^-V'^^-f'^^^fiSt^' > '.^-.'l ^ -v-5- J^? -^:J~T.j..v».'<- -VP PAGE TWO SATUEDAY, JUNE 6, 9 l^=k(^.(«-.?. 'eit%''''. TWO DOXARS A YEAJl N ADVANCE CUBORGE H. B. TDRNEK, TubUslier, Wc publlsjli thc fouowig PajK-rs:. Turaer's 'ublic Spirit,.-iycr,.MUSM. 33je Grot JLuiuiark Hio Vpiicrc-ll Clll^l-. \dvc rtl^c-^ Tio ilttlct (;ukloii Cio Westfl WarUstuau lurviird llllslilt- Slilrk-y (,)-lc To»v.sil ''ot-slii Brooklle (X. H.) Hoat TUo HollLs (N..) HoicstcaU.Etered as.stcd-clusf? matler : postolllce- at Ayer. Mass. Saturday. Juiic WESTFORD Ceter. - Hele.M, Karlklt ejoyed a visit her yougest s hla wife, Mr, ud 'erley Bartlett, ot Wakelleld.. Bartlett.Mr. "Whitey retured with m lo sped week-ed, Dorothy B, Roach, teacher at Parkerv-llle, was recipiet of several attractive Kls. amk m a salad set eut trlass bowl parets of her iiuplls, i toke of appreciati for her faithful work, Mr, Mis..Makary Bolcheko bave recetly moved Maide to thc Palio house Fore >ad. Mr. Bolcheko is goiub- to work tm S. B. "VVats, Ms, Alice V. Wells, with her three childre, wt by auto to BakerslieUl, Vt., where childre are to siied summer.with relatives. Aer a short visit Wells retured home, havig covered miles, Wells was accompaied' by Mr, >yarrc Hascom, Mlss May E, Day has bee attedig meetigs of America Library.associati i Swampscott this weck, Roy L,, Keizer s substitutig durig hcr absece. Graduati Exercises. Oce agai a large class of boys girls ha-s graduated Westlord academy. A audiece csistig of may relatives frieds listeed with pleasure to exerolscs which wcrc held at tow hall Wedesday morig at te o'cloch. class colors of blue gold -used i decoratig room,, Thc Tltala orchestra opeed., program w-ith a march overture -while pupils iarched to ir places. Rev, O, L, Browsey made vocati, aer which Fracis H. Daley gave salutatory. «lass history was give by Miss Marjorle E, Bell, cla.ss grids hy Mlss Alice E. Johs. Miss Lillia M. Hut read last -will testamet of class, A catata, " lig of Pilgrims," was Rive by school, Crad E, J, Cote, a member of last year's class, was thc soloist. presetati of tho class gi was made by Miss Ruth Johs accepted by Miss Hele M. Kimball of class ot 9, Bi csisted of a clock much eeded e of thc rooms, Followig this was cla-ss prophecy by Chest-er X<aplewski. Pricipal William C, Roudebush -was speaker of morig, laki for his subject, "His ew day," "S^is words listeed to w-ith atteti appreciated by all. -valedictory was give by Staley J, Smith. Supt, H, C. Kight preseted prizes diplomas. graduates i academic course Marjorie E, HaU, Fracis H. Daley, Harold A, Harrigt, Hery D, Harrigt, Gladys M, salls, Chester Lapiewskl Staley J. Smith; i Eglish-busiess course, Carl O, Aders, Mabel G, i Dae, Mari Fletcher, Mildred Fletcher, Lillia M. Hvt-, AUce E, Johs, Kuth.j>-Johs, Marjorle Polloek- aira "Hattie Gladys Simps. - ^'he followig meibers of class elected to. Pro Merito society of secdary sehoois: Marjorie E, Bell, Fracis H, Dale.v, Lillia M, Hut, Chester Lapiewski Staley J. Smith, wiiu-rs of prizes pive by acade\y trustees, highest jiercetage of improvemet i scholarship {secd, third fourth year studets) over year 9: l-'lorece Cauter 'HL', st, SO; Mabel Dae ', d, %'.:.Mice Walsh ', 3d, $5; Lawrece galls ', horable meti; highest averaso rak for first year studets, l)oroth>'.\ders ', Frak.larvjs '. horable meti. class motto s "Service," class llower as lily-of--valley. ahimi luche recepti to thc,'raduatcs followed gradu.ati e.xercises. eveig graduati ball.at eight o'clock was well atteded ejoyed l-y all. About Tw-. Low-ell Choral society w-ill hold ir secd aual outig at summer camps of George F. Scriber. Osbore at Lake Nabassett Thursday, Jue 3, Suday school of,\ Saitschurch, Low-ell, give.a day of pleasure. sport la^t Saturday,at l^ake Nab.assett, goig by special cars.owell.<.- Kitchlirg electric road to Whidde's Corer. A passig egie tmd caboose Sty '.rook road (iiscovere<l fire that threateed gt-ass woodl of lialel H, Sheeha otified Berard J, Fly, \Vestford lire departmet was otified made,a quick respse. fire was extiguished before it h.ad made ay headway tow-ards sweepig large wooded area towards l-ake.v.abassett. dry, high wid dry grass uderbrush f.avorable for some busiess. Mr, Carlos Cushig, wito have bee visitig a few- w-eeks w-ith ir daughter, W. K. Tayl..r. aro ow- at ir summer mie i Fr.amlgham. Pl.as are beig < isctiss*-.! by school committee ors for twfi ew schoolhouses ext >e.ar, e at Forge \'illage e at Br.>okside tow- is ow payig JSOOO a year for trasportati; of this sum. if w-e are correctly iformed, J a d.ay is Hrooksidi-, w-hlch is a grow-ig m.atifaoturig village, is titled to moder schoid accimod.atls. besides three miles is a lg, cold jourey i short eold days of w-iter A moder school buildig w-ill add to thriy aj>peai-ace of village. Late last S.aturday.aero w-e had a show-er of cloud opeig pour dow- type. t threw- out more moisture i live miutes tha h.ad bee accomplished i five weeks. t lasted bout half a hour, comig by thc w-a.\- of Brookside movig southwest ail seemig to rover all outdoors this vloilt>-, but residets at Westford dejiot, oiu- mile west, said that rai relgeth ot re. A barge deer was see brow-^iip i pasture of C.uy K. Decature thc easterly slojie of Little T.admuck hlll last Saturday, H, Herbert E, Fletcher ss ot t)ak hill have ctract for buildig ew bridge over Merrimack river at tow- of Merrim.ack..V. H. Mr, l-'arrar, who lives «Grot road, w-ill superited cstructi. Eric Hcdm.a has sitld his place tho Chamberll road, e.ar Brookslde Corer, to Axel Ludberg, of Brookslde. Mr. Hedm has moved to North Chelmsford. Wc -pleased to meet our old KlaJ fried d ative, Hiram Dac. aer a few years' resldcca at.k5g Beaeh, Cal., recetly. Ho has lost e of his ethusiasm for service Attd tlll has tho samo buoyat spirit as i his moro youthful days, although close to his eighty-secd hlrthdy Ha si«tle<l soig \o churcb Tcbcrc i^'^js^/iiw^iisirjjjsi^' Rev. Oliver J. Falrfleld, formerly of Littlet, s miister, reports that his cgregati has creased to size ot a cu:ite:iii)luled ew church. drouth liiivi^; ;ijli^hed strawbert-ies that v,-c:e ot iirigal*.- s ow aer potutocs-.\.-^ ;i saii)le of elfec. ot (iio:::!-.,'xx strawberries, a vigujs lo: i.:; ;;: :t- i\ 'rair;-.- farm tluit iji-iriis.d <-:gl\' crates vimiied lc.s.< -,!i thc \ii-s tlry eough to i 'rh-*:-- wi be a ccert! > ' bul W'uisied Compay batul cr>,,-ri Suday avry itto!"ui' o'cltk-k, ''ll- ('o'.tty -'arm Bur.-.ui all tlu',-<c iterested i potilt tlu'if laiilics ty ijiirtk-ipiite auto imitiltry tour to be held o \\ -. jicsday,.lue *, startig at t'oxxf-'rii Juctiu, opposite reforiatorw at te lrst stop wili c made at.. U'. Kig's, where a cttijizig tu-istrati will be give. A basket luche will be ejoyed at W,.M, K, Whtelock'H..Marlboro, ;it tipproxlmately e Several e.xcellet poultry me.have accepted ivitatis to give short taljts directly aer luche. jiarty will break»[) i Huds about four o'clock, l-'urr details ray be foud i Jue issue of ttie '.Middlesex Couty Bulleti. Graitovilio. e of best-played gu-.s of soas Cat tow team defeated Abbot Wiorsted Co. club here last Saturday by score ot 6 to 3; game was tilled with good hittig tast fieldig start to fllsh. Brilliat plays pulled off both sides. Olaf Hedricks, former Bost Red Sox star, played ceter field for Cat poled out two three-baggers, Thc batteries Tucker Sulliva for Cat; Williams Carriga tor Abbots. Umpire, W. J. Bglger. O ext Saturday, Jue 5, Abbots will play at home w-lll have for oppets t'he fast Newt Legi team of Newt. Harry Mu owey. star le-her of Bost college, Switzer, former Eglish hig-h pitcher, will twirl for Newt, Haley, a former e.-uster leaguer, wil do thc catchig. battery for -Abbots will be Williams Carriga, Game called at three p, m, -Oliver Reeves, who is ow stoppig at Newburyport, where he is employed as timekeeper railroad, was give a pleasat surprise whe he rotured to his home here last Saturday eveig for a brief, vlsit, May of his local frieds as well as frieds Lowell North Chelmsford, a,'isemblcd at his homo i hor of his eighteeth birthday. time w.-is pleasatly spet dacig playig gamej), aer refreshmets had bee served, all joied sigig old.sgs ati may of ew. A jileasig icidet cecti with.affair was pre-.setatl of a beautiful rig fittig speech. This was a real surprise recipiet expressed his thaks i a fie speech,.oh Tra:sk is spedig a few days with relatives i Bost, Both' masses i St. Carie's church Suday morig cele- Frak Shugruc, with her two little daughters, Fraces Paulie, have recetly retured fr-om a verv delightful visit spet w-ith relatives i Ceter Harbor,.V, H. Miss Cecelia Wall is ow spedig a few days with relatives i.owell, HARVARD Xews tems. O Thursday aero, Jue 3. Kig's Daughtors will hold a sale law of Cgrogatial church". re will be ice cream, food, useful facy articles; also. a rummage table. As object of circle is- to help ay who are i eed. t is hoped that all who ca will help circle this occasi. sale will begi at three This Saturday Harvard A. A. will meet Ayer K. of C. ball team at Bromfield grouds at three At l'itaria church Sudiiy' iorig Rev. (;eorge Ket, ULi"- ' ister. will iir.^ach seri. H. A. Thayer will si^', assisted by \Vilfrtd Parkis, \-iolii-iist. Rev. A, W. Dycer will preach a: th«- white riuircii am! ;t mixed quartet will sig. rrcparatis for a eetcial day lasi..f ' July are well uder way. i ha.is t^f a eiiioiet committee. Prizes for Fourth of July sports aro ow dlsplav at thc store of Korley, Rccd it. Bryat Mr, Eiirle T'.i;( r of Fred- erickt, N, B are hom parets here for,''ut Forrest F, Ltiii^ed here tow, sp- Ksr Glidde,.\t BromilcUl il,.--cs give last woi.,- Ket, i behalf o:.i:.ipreseted tev. Dr, i;.,; i,. : able trustee ot -.fx,o"', ", hcatlcil cae suital-^.- :.- llarbcr was ordai..-\l JK-' hurch here sixty ye,-.- Kev,. J. -..-;,., -.vith lr iicattu. ueekof.mi.--.- *'-'ierstow, Ollic,.vp.;,t fxfi u-re i tow \!sit;t' -; ::<iod frieds here..\ r. iiresetative of tli.. f.; c.illed i tow last week -..xxd cii-ls' cai-,j club..mr,-..; West htis bee chose as : Mil. tu- club y hold titsiiig this week, so wish J c, ; wuh this club ca get desiml xx-.\,.fv:x.,itl by callife' Mra. West, tcl. i.!:.-:;.- (, Clara Foss s ejoyii.; ;i \ :-:-. her.sister. Miss Carls, Kuth Bull spet Sudav ir, towt; with her aut, H, Bima White.v. -Mr, ' Humphrevs visited over Suday w-ith ir daughter, -Mrs G, F. Cobb, famuy, at CJuesied, Dr, Ket ORoyal with btiby Betty, arrived at Dr^.H B, Koyals for ir aual mth's \-acatioii, Mr. Bruce Elwelll visited over week-ed with ir mor, Mary G. Hlldreth. Edw. Mclaughli has dressed up his house at mill with a ew coat of white pait. Last Saturday, Jue S, MLss Clara Edicott Sears etertaied members of Bost Authors' club at luche at Pergolas, aer which y all visited Shaker House ivhich Miss Sears has moved Harvard.Shaker village to Fruitls hlll, y also visited thc old house of Fruitls. club members came over road Bost i Colial sight-seeig motor %-as retured aer a day of great terest pleasure. ^e Dadmu took photosraphs of party grouped i frt of Shaker house 'as a record of this otable garig. Next Saturday at tow ball Jessie x. Hampt presets Blache Sweet.xx " deadk'ss six" by Hayttrd Fullef. author of thirteeth ohalr" withi tho law,-' Ca ;i woma tame a headstrg ma ihe bc ;t ob.?dlt wife? f she has kow tho idepedece of beig a successful busiess woma of big affairs c;i.she wi love of her busiess rival'.' Ca weaker se.x be for.-strger sex'.' if ay of questis puz/.le y tlu' as^v*r ca be foud by s.-eig Blache Sw-eet at tow- hall, Jue ll., whe she wlll illustrate se. Comig,l>-, George' B, Seita serial, "\'elvet ligers," (M-a^lalioi) '.\crcises. gra-, mar school gra.luated tlieir cia.ss uf iweive Mday eveig with api>ropria:e exercises at Edward i-'. Taylor, e of our r*-- tow hall. hal! was artistically si)ected citizes, passed away at his decorated with class colors, gree homo Ouk hill,.mday, cerebral white. About fria- childre hemorrhage beig cause of his, took part i exercises which csi.st ed of chorus.sigig de death. Mr. Taylor was fiy-six years j old. Serviee.s home ; pict ic with a series of twelve episodes tlie earl>' life of Pilgrims Thursday. Mr. Taylor was i busi- ess life maager of East Bos- i Massachusetts, colial cosluies those of dia me t Compay, but his farm here i tcjw. witli his wifo, he ejoyed maides very attractive. relaxati thc strai of work chorus work of childre was proved him.seif to be a true eitiz:e, fried eighbor. eveig i school life of our very commedable. As usual, this chil Ruth RuU. of Worcester, is spedig her two-woeks" vacati with ber aut, Haah Whitey, here i tow. Prof, Hoffma are to occupy Harlow house durig July. Mr. J. R. Harlow, with girls, Xacy Miriai. are at tbeir home here util July U. re will be a b ccfrt law party Kivt* l-y tlie Catlmlic missi thf comm Wedesday aero eveig, Jue 9. Facy, food cy tables, ice cream tic usual attractis. Sale opes at three R ccert seve to ie by Presidet Suspder b of Shirley. A social dace will he held i tow hall ie util twelve: music, Presidet Susi>eder orchestra, Sister Myra Mcl-e.-i, lare Mf Hr\-ard Shaker.s, wa-^j :t p:it st ia,st week with Mr, ar..l. Artliur T. West. -Ni r Harrigt, f Worcester ( <'Ui;t> '"ari P.iireau. was i tri\\ Wed esday, meetig tbe hoys girls jit Memorial rooms.mi- Harrigt will persally supervise boys' eluhs, A <'aitig club bas also bee orcizefl will have ir first meetig ext week,.mrs Lucy A. West will have, harge of thi,'^ brach of work. At last meel ik' of tlie Crage it was voted to '-ave with master arragemet for a place of meetig durig.luly August. O aer.iil>- Miss.Vagle Mis-s Graham of Ayer will close ir hat shop. every eveig \o\\ Saturday util furr otice. " -arv.ird public library has lately acfjulred iheso hooks: P^obih Liet liy K. V. Pes. '.sslate Pilgrim by Merwi (ray Daw by S, K, While. Wicked MarQuiP hy oppeheii. Owl Taxi by Kooter. Dedham Hard by i.ca.c'.nt.alet. fi\e.imall juveile hooks, arul history of tow of Cailisie h\ Sidey A. Rul. Thc story-hour Thursday's for childr si.x to thirtee ye.ars of v\.r..o ^vill ctiue ibroueh summer. A attractive feature of f*irly Jvily will bo teiug of p.lur". bird by Arthur do J.agis, who is spedig a part of summer i Harvrd.. O. (. y, obser\-ed Memorial day last Suday. members formed i a body marched to ritarla church whore a memorial sorm was preached by Rov. George Kt. Followig servico y decorated tho graves of passed members of "order, WilHam f5mlth, a vetera of tho Civil war. -wafl tow.^tt woek calllk what old fre<l.«i wore lo of his boyhood days. He Uvod' whe a youff ma with Warre Fairbaks fathor. He clled Alfred Willard, who remembered him boforc tho Civil war. i,-.x Childre's Suday. Childre's Suday was observed at white church last Suday with thc followig program: March sg by chorus choir. childre, led by Alice Wright with forty childre, all of primary departmet i lio; prayer, ])astor; welcome, Erest Remick; recitati. Gladys Aders; greetig, Lester Brow. Margaret Barbara Calkis; "Little thigs," Abbie Hyes; solo. _Geevieve Mead; recitati, Walter Carls; "Liste to mu.sic," Alice Wright Eleaor Rya; recitatis, Ruth Rya Master Chester; sg, "Love divie," by Mildred Cobb, Geevieve Mead. Abliy Hyes, Jae Herma. Ros^mumj t:ieaves Gladys Aders; recitatis, Miuitors Gabriels, Hope Whitey Masters Chester; flowers, Mildred Cobb Jae Herma; recitatis, George Wright, Lester Br<,iwr. Shirley McGray; sg by six girls; recitatis, Paul Kisma. Ma.<ters Muroe, Eleaor l^ulap. Edward Rya, Allis Dulap, Alfred Heach; "Goodbye," liichard Cobb; march. '^g. choir. church was wderful wi:h decoratis of ivy. fers, daisie.- A closo game is looked fur. i buttercups, work of Miss Ar.ie Peed. childre respledet i ir daity dresses CTiUr-' pro,-ram beig i ii" h;idr'. tli--y thi M'liughly ejhj'ed tiie fre-'tii of ihe sei-vice had a geera! iro^ikl tiu-. Ciiildi'e's ilay is. ^urely er.' o:" 'lie lie.st service.-^ of >-','ar. dre brought out a full houso. every seat beig take early, so that additial settees brought i, re may stig, but e seemed at all axious to lea%"e. Supt. George Clarko jmoseted diplomas. Tbo cla^s of :^ aro J*hoebe Aders. Aa Proui^h. Sidey P.rough. Amy Caiitbell, mas Grii, Paul Griirm. Grace Nogler. Wilii.am Chester,.\ges Olse, t»lse Sta ley Ste,.N Raymcmd miuet, d.a eed by Lorraie Ste Phyllis f lard ma. deser\es sjiocia meti. exeri.'ises as follows:.m.irrh iiff :xxx",x. vi, i r:,' f ii,-rfxtxi".,\ '. :i \i " r Charles l,cv Goodwi this wo('k l-:k X s<"> il.h iiffilxi'.. rhf r ;^i -', llh.-, ti Two ow iiiipalows are heig i;a\ t iil.^-.- evr-oti-d old Rieliards place lii:'.lii:. -Yix i'xi-rr Ml l-',l-ll.-j,-^'!p-< o.ir 'ratt's hv,mlss Aa Richards Vitiiodi,Miss lili of Waltham,,Mss, i',,xoxo,,f. Krr-<(! i of,-:, Fred,acks w.s cveyed to j:pi s.lo <'oiity Farm hospital at Grasu-re rtc-rf Siu '..- or ; hell f V opcr,ti performed c of his 'or last where he wlll havo a Kp.-.r..,. ','^iimik-, 'o \olk\ figers, whp'h has hee paiig him <f.-f. xiiu ic o ;h - ;: : Ml; se\-erely. Kpi.,, A uiher 'his tow attdorl Coii i t: 't y -i'- ;,,-., rxffoe. -Viff S'jiia l t'roefiiiix. St, "ll i;i i:i,iv Olio.! lur Ho K.;-.!." -..lo TM.-'i. 'WhY ' VoMiMflf..iil, X Kplsr de.sofiu-, ir,.t Tha.«iKlK, Th f Hlf,' km Hlf?h.Miiot.orr,xf tfx f xx-. Qiliirlfl,,M,\,:\ N.l- Hsr i.l ',iuliiif ir,(. '.pis SlKl"K. la Thr- X< w rtorlttiii. Ph.- \ Sl limie". A f, f:, T*rosf (;i t tfi of S- i^iirmt.,"^; T- r~p.i rt»-»(liri i p Vi i Nil Vo-, V ik,-<i;.- K ", \--fs X'i" -^,-v Scli".,N'; ;.--! l'.l V,-<.'lo..!,k for iashf-.l Sohooi rlivii S irdma i\-.- il V -^ ^, \vrii<' «OlKOii, r ii'-'. (l^iti Olio.v - S A, J-- vfv Till l,tlul,.fr -a ( l-f-ii.school \, ias pl. t for (- H, Clarko tr' f,ii rior.\il MASON. N. H..*fc«-s toms, Thc Taroiii-Toa* hor ossooi.-iti hi'il a pirir last «.-ok l-'rlday,lt tho KorKC i tho sixth (list riot. A rco umhor i tow,ittflo(i ail il woro thlislastio ovor tho work this ork.tlzfiti is ilk lio timo w.i.s had hy al. Croorirf- -', Morrill.d ML'W Nollio idwoll of 'llohhurk wore at.maplo.s l..st Siid.y,.Tosoph Hill,d.s,osoph, wlio hvo he livig for sovoral mths with Frod Hill, r depot, le tow lost Sudy, Mr. Hill will KO to Detroit, \eh d hl8 s will reside Roch-cstcr, N. Y..MS..Mii:\ Pi-^jw is vi.-sitig i Br.itvee,.Ma.-.s. G(-orp-(. lloivo is ill Bridgeport, C., f,-r,.);.irt vacati, Mr,<, Xtllp-.\isdeu dauht<-r Ksthor w:..-.er thc.mohawk Trail la.st.suikia>.,s Rucsts of Kol Spaldip ami mor, of Fitchburg. Krak ic\ r, ds, of Lowcl], was at thc farm owiud by his motlier, Lucy itcyoltls. for a fow days this weck, piatii:, Hi.s wife's hror, Carmel.Nortlu-.ip, was helpig him. Visitors at ihc Emers farm la.st Suday w. re Mr,.-Vrthur t. Farswoith, Stephe Farsworth. Charlos Cushig Joy, of l.ur-biir,c..mr, Charles Smith, Mr..orig Smith, of Fitchburg,.Mr, Gerald F, Kmers, of W haloi,.miss.vdclaie Ruth Kmers has ge to VVhalo- to visit her hri'ithor wife,.mr.. Gei-ald F, Kmers,.Mr,.M;.~, Frauk H. Davis faiily, of.m.irmehcad,.mass., w<i-o,at.maplov f:,'i \-lsit thi.s week with [ heir folks, \la,stor.tolm.-\. a\-ip j will remai fr-r a few weeks,,\ private s,i]o of household goods was helfi i liie home of thc late weddig recepti give Mr. ail \Vithor,s hy ir frieds at tho homo of tho hride'.m parts. Mr,.Mrs ma.s Smith, last Saturday e\''xx ig.-\mg tho \ isitors N'o. ( distriot Siiiia\ woro Mr..d,oh Kohiohaipi rl family.of West Grot.Mr. a.l mas cwlcy faiiu of High Bridge, Harold Smith ot.y, Mass.,Mi.ss Doioa Worboo of Worocs* tor wore at tho.smith farm ovor week-ed,,mr,,\rs. ms McGa sistor, Mary,MeGa, with bahy Tom of.somerx iilo,.ma,s.s,, have hee brdig at.\iaples tho past woek THE U. S. USCO TREAD Here is -tj. S. Usco Tread, with a lc::g-established stard of service Lmg motorists w-ho have a eye to value, s well as to price. While sellfg tor less tha or tires i U, S, Fabric lie, Usco has eared a reputati for quality depedable ecomy w-hich ij ot exceeded by ay tire i its class. Mr. d,mis. Georgo Wells of.medford, M.oss.,iro also re hoardig. loliii ;,M]tmore, Couty elub aget, wos XXX.Mas last week i itei-ost --f tho farm huicau work. Miss.-s Ruth Roth Hayes of.mothip,mass,..spet weekd at tho llld farm t Pratt's, Fruiiilalo Crage cducted its aual,meu;-lal oxorcises last Suday tow hall. Rev, Mr, Dubar Ka\c a address i hl.s usual able maer. :Miss Dorothy Heald sag "Faco to faco" a qurtot composed of Staley Flagg, M.S.S Dorothy Hoald. Re lieahl Herma Everett, rc-.spded -aith a sg. Aor exercises tho hll tho mcmhers mrehod to ciotorio.s decorated tho gravos of departed brors d sisters, Falo Kat, who has boe boardig wlfh "Aie Proctor of Mllford, s visitis tter alstcr, Hry Hosmer, tow- "Fres/i, live U. S. Tis come direct to tho dealer hli T\fi hbi Factory Br&Cfh." idl e opyour ighbors gets best mueape out of his ttres 7 EVERY ce i a -while you hear a motorist say as he kicks a rear tire 'with a admirig foot, "fhere's a lucky tire!" Give him a chace he'll tell you all about it Ad you'll fid that -whai he calls "luck" is simply his first experiece with a quality stard tire. t all comes to this buy a U. S. Tire ay^vhere i this coutry you get defiite, predictable value for your mey o matter what v/eight car j'ou drive. ma who has beeh guessig his way through "overstocks," "disctiued lies," "job lots" like, will fid it refreshig to talk with local U. S. Tire dealer who is ccetratig a full, completely sized lie of U. S. Tires. For first time he will hear some straight tire facts get differece betwee chace certaity i tire buyig. U. S. Tires he sees i stock are fresh, live tires. y come direct to dealer. firom his eighborig Factory Brach. re are 9 of se Braches established maitaied by U. S. Tire makers. Gi'vig your dealer a ctiuous movig siock of ew, fresh tires built certaity of quality! first every time quality 'His first expericoo with U. S. quality stard Tirvi." ted States % Rubber Compay QUALTY TRE & BATTERY SHOP THE BROOKSDE VULCANZNG SHOP AYER, VASS. AYER, MASS. Cveiece health i kitche T is oe ecessary to heat up somethig i a hurry, i less time tha it would teike to build up a coal fire. t is that cveiece of Ne'w Perfecti Oil Cook Stove is most appreciated. heat you -wat is ready i a istat, i ay volume you may eed. Remember, 'white - tipped flame gives most heat. By a simple tur of wick you ca obtai heat for eir quick boilig or simmerig ay e of burers. Ad whe you are through -with it aor tur extiguishes flame kitche is kept cool comfortable. Aor cveiece for household is Nev^ Perfecti Water Heater. Just as clea, safe ecomicej as cook stove. Produces hot 'water i a fe'w miutes. Ne'W Perfecti Oil Ox)k Stoves are sold i e, two, three four-bumer sizes 'with or 'without warmig cabiet, except e-burer, which has o cabiet. Most housewives like cabiet top because of its cveiece i keepig dishes weirm. Sold by dealers everywhere, s^^retvllt NEW PERFECTON OJJ Cook Stoves Water Heaters STANDARD OL CO. OF NEW YORK V.

Wm s ^ :i! '!,;;.'it., ''' >^^i 'y " sftr*»?-w?t*r >, li?) ->-^V^VM; JOHN A. FNGAN, Auctlijicr, Ccord, Mss. Tolepho -W Aucti Sale Of Stig Grass etire hay crop JOHN MCCARTHY'S FARM v^l be sold stig MONDAY, JUNE' 7, at 9.3 A. M. (DyllKht Savlug Tluie) i'uii, which is e of best hay fus m Middlesex Cuuiity, is loeated oti Littletoii Road iu WEST ACTON, about Stratt, directors. e mile tiie depot. Tliere is about 5 Acres of First Quality Stig Grass. Timothy, Ked Top Clover, farm is i a high statj'of cultivati Uiere is a heavy crop. grass will be divided sold i lots. Aye iterested i first quality grass should atted this Sale. Aye purchasig grass this farm will be allowed Free Storage for hay i large bar, if desired, which will make it very coiciet to do hayig draw huy home ay time before May st, 9. Sale Rai or Shie. TERMS CASH, By order of JOHX McCARTHY, Littlet Road, West Act. Mass, Telephe 5-3, A Floor Varish That Sts Rough Scuff Lowe's Durable is e of few floor varishes made especially for floors e of few that fully fulfills its purpose. t is heavy i body, covers thoroughly gives complete protecti to floor. Dries hard, but wiil ot crack eve though wood is deted. Ad it is easy to apply does ot drag ish. Durable Floor Varish does ot have that cheap "shiy" look, but gives a deep, rich gloss effect. t is tough elastic eough to st wear tear. t does ot mar white. Water boilig hot or freezig cold does ot affect it t is a varish we recommed for your floors. t is made just for that purpose,. C. DWNELL.Groceries Hardware teratial Ayer HAY LOADERS AND COMBNED SDE DELVERY RAKE AND TEDDER ARE FAMOUS LABOR SAVERS AND QUALTY HAY MAKERS cost of hlig hay is easily cut i half quahty of hay is improved immesely. Call us let us show you moder way of makig fiest quality hay. Mtgomery Hardware Co. UK.wcii or rrciu'rc;.\rdw.vu: CO. Pleasat Street Phe 55 Ayer, Mass, hy give tire mileage at lo^vest cost i history 3 ^fon-skd RED-TOP CORD $5. $. $7.5 Reducti all styles sizes dealers A New LOVT Price a Kow Hest Product mmmuiiuuuia HOLLS, N. H..Vi'ws tems,' aual racotls of tliv.\!!,:.i Keyexs Powers chapter of thu.) A i< waa held with Mlifs Miie <..,.,,,i,, Tuusday uero, whe thu :i.:;.,«. lus ofilcers elected fur ;,,...ijul^ year: Mra. Emma S. t'.ix.., reset; Charlotte J. Fri-!:.;h, vice rcket; Mabel Bouit,.^i.<..ML^S Miy K, Eat, treas,; Mr,-i. H'i.;.! both D, Worcester, his.; Mlss.M.r.ii:^ (; i. bum, regis,; Mary.-;. foweva, uud,; Miss Abby E, Flag!;,.Mi^..^ Deborah E. Lbvejoy Mlss.M l^juiso jjajjer for aero "teratia! rel;uis" was glv by Mlss Eiui L, V'a Dyke was extesively terestit;. Refreshmets served b.v hostess at close of ieetirii; usual social hour ejoyeil. ext meetig will be with.mr.s.n'ellie C Hardy July 9, Hery W. Ha.vvs etertaied Clover club Arlj^t, Maarf. at her summer hote iiere recetly. R. M. Frecli aii.l.miss Ages Teey go to Boothbuv Harbor this week Saiurday us aue.sts of Mabel Sherma, Mlss EllzabetH \Vv,'^cester is al.silver bay attedig tile y. \v, C, A. cferece. Mlss Charlotte l.e,slie is actiiit; as housekeeper for Cliuiies Colbur, Mias M,,x>uise Stratt is attejiif a library efeiece ut iiswuii)- scott, Mass., this week, Mls Carolie.Smith ot West Koxbury was a week-ed guest of Mi^s Haah U. Frech, Miss Maud Hule wus take to Memorial hospital Tuesday tor a operuti for appedicitis, Mr, Joh.Shuttuck Georgia Babb) of Huds wero tow Tuesday callig old trieda,.miss Mai-shall o.f Still Kiver was guest of Miss Va Dyke Wedesday Thursday of this week,.miss Abby E. Flagg was at her home here Thursday util Suduy o last week, Erest Woodi is hore.n'ew Humpshil-e slate.^oliege tor lho.suimer vacati, Kev, Charles H,i>-es of South.\errimuck supplied Suduy i he ab.sece of pa-stor, Dv. Daiel Emers er. tertaied frieds Ly, Mass,,. Howard B<irard wet to \'ersecs, \t., luist w-eek to utted he weddig of a relative. Miss Elle Clark has bee visilig her aut. Miss Florece Titile, i Bright, Mass, Kaymd Fler.s iy home Kimball 'i academy,.meride, Horace -Morrill Pikert acadei.\', Derry, for ir stiimer- vacatis, Mr, Bert Brow Jolui Saw>ei- motored to 'eterboro recetly wore guesls of Carrie Brjw ut Sarget camp. jury hearig case ol" W. S. Proctor agaist late Addio P, Gale of this tow, i which, daiage,s of te dollars,sought, *^ov a alleged us,sault i which complaiat was ijured, retured a verdict for defedat, Wtilter Hayde atteded commecemet al Lasell.semiary, i; l.-oig a reui of her class. Mr, d J, K. Woods are i tow for a short sta.v..ud family reui was held this year at Babooslc lake. Hullis [.ud families lu'e.st..ml-.s. Fi-eder-ick Woi-cosior of C.imbritige. Mass,, htus opeed her summeihome here. Ladies' P.eadig ud f'haritamo soci'.-ly set two boxes of beddig uiiii clothig to P.ev.., M, Thraiher, Garde (.'it\-,.\labama. Mda.v. aual law- i)arly of tb.e Woma's club will be hold at tho home of Willis C. Hardy Wedesday allero, Jue '.,. Mvs. Remick, pa.st presidet of -New Hampshire state federati of Wome's club, will be pre.set deliver a address. Excavatis prepai-atory to puttig i basemet uder i.'fxxtrv school buildig have begu. stale board of educati has loo'::" over preset equipmet,.ils ^ ti-.e plas for ew csido: tlia: accommodatis will bo aiiil*- for eeds of he tow, wii ro:;,- pleted. Work will be pushed a.s t.l^t as pos.sil)lp that buildig ma> be ready September 5, Charles H,,Mir,>rof 'eppereil has ctract for tii^alleralis,.mlss Carolie Poole. Charles J. Xichols s, Hollis,.Miss -Jmily Smith Robert Hackett wooked.guests i tow,.\rthur Male of Cambridge?p- :i! week-ed A\-ilh his motlier...\(ldie Hale,.Mr, ^li-.s, P.odey T, H,i:-il\ wet to.\rligt. Mass,, Thursda.\- t" atted graduatig exercises of th,'.arligt high school,.mr. Harly's tliliow, i.awrc-' Hardy, beig e of tlle hor memlh-rs of c!a.s.s. Woo,;!,ary Boll Frakli W""- rost'-r wt lo P.i>st Wede.sd,.:- as,-sts o.-. Hele l.ei.ght f-ji" tlio ia: K-l. ciau:.-hti st las l-'rech. thore, Tl-..- M.iMi aorid.t. wixo is brealiig up lier homo otrrd with m. wo co\\-s belgig lo,loso-,>h tha: wore ijurerl i xxxo l.ist wook. are miiro\ig tir^t l.,ill garo of seas \\;is 'l,i>"ed ias: Satui-da\- aero.^ betwo Hollis.\.\. Xew- pswich, resultig i a score of to, i fa\ or of Hollis.. '. Fred Woriester d Mis.-,\ges Teey atteded o part of he comreceiet o.\orcises at Wellesley rolli^iie. BROOKLNE, N. H. SATUEDA^V^J^SWre 5. 9 btructor, served puch facy cracker*, durig tho meetig. Ralph Greeley, Wedell Taylor recet visitors Kitchburg,.Miss Florece.Corliss.sjiet thu week-ed with her pari- m Mt, \'er. scholars teacjiers fojuyed a picic at lake last Sa,;rday. Work s still progressiii;; egie house, cemet walls tloor ow beig put. Willis Hughes Joied tih aual gypsy motorcycle tour Bost to Old Orchard, Me. last week Friday, re - ir,.oj i ^^ party. y le Friday ud retured Mlss Edith -awrece, Bost, spet thc week-ed with her sister Hele Corey. Suday eveig prayer meetig was held law at Cgregatial oburch. Music wus redered by a quartet, Harl Whitcomb, Arthur Brow,- Rev Ravmd Ebltt Wallace Jeess Mr, 'Walter Corey Kdwi Smith Nashua last week Thursday. Corey atteded e.\erci8e3 at school where her s Lawrece atteded. ' He wlll eter Xashua high school m fall. Ella Rockwood Mrs Myrtle Rockwood have b-e recet visitors i PepperelL Miss Eva Corey-atteded tli- graduati e.xercises Tllt past week,., Mlss Doris Nyo la spedig a few weeks with her grparets Mr George Nye. AH schools erose for th.- summer Jue 3. Ralph Greeley faiv,.mrs Kate Taylor ;Mss Kf Taylor guests of Mr.. William Boutelle Rdge Suday. Edward Parker.Mrs Jeie Wallace, of Nashua, wer- recet guests of Judge E. E, Parker. Cella Powers has r,'tured her visit of a -w-eek m her sister's, Florece Peri. m Brooklie, Mass, Juior P brought Powers home by auto. Mr, Arthur Gord, of Reed's Ferry, have bee recet guests of.mi.ss Josephie Seaver Mrs Hattie Stiles..Mt-s, Julia Baraby has retured Littlet, where she was called by t!i-' retur ot her bror's body Frace, w-here hc died i late war. Her sister,.miss Ruth Strg, accompaied her home for a few days' slay. James Gils motored lo Garder last Suday was guest of his ucle, Deis Gils, Miss.Mari Stiles is al home.nashua for her summer vacati leachig,.miss Julia Lawrece has le home of Hattle Pierce is ow at home ot her daughler, Hele Corey,.Miss Josephie Seaver, who has be quite ill, is slowly recoverig,."drs:..m..a., Gils spet weeked with her daughter, Alice Bro-.v, i Towsed..iov,- Mrs! Erest siiet Suday at Xye, of Sa- home of fieovxi.n'ye, -Mi,-- s.marguerite Chler La-.vreoo Corey are at home for summei vacati ir sehool i Xashua..\ddis Gils is quite ill at his home Hollis street..mr.. \rs. Charles Wilkis, Miss Marguerite Wilkis. Charlotta Wright motored to Leomister ad,ioiig tows Suday-, - LizKie Mayard, of South Br-ooklie, hs bee a recet guest ot Harriet.^mes at Kast Pepperell,.Ml-s,.Mayard has raised at her home i South Brooklie this sprig v.hite ud yellow fleur-de-lis; also, may or beautful flowers, -'ro,i Kockwood had misfortue to ios,. his pocketbook w-hlle w-orkig road last week, which ctaied quite a sum ot mey, Fred _Bookwood, of South -rooklie, who recetly Uderwet a serious operati at St, Joseph's hospital, Xashua, s at home regaiig her health fast,.mr. tmd. Edw-ard Rockwood, O Lisb, have boe visitig Ktta Rookwood at her home i South itrookiie.. Lizzie.Mayard has bee visitig tills week at home of Mrs Hildreth i Towsed,..leie Fessede has bee etertaiig hor sister, Jliss Mav Sheri- ia,.n'ewt, Mass. Tlie ]i,,y Scouts held a very successful tiw party at Cgregatial church last Mday eveig. ''lu- law was very pretty with red. wliito blue oiectrlc lights..\ siall stage was made wilh a backgroud uf siiiai; gree pie trees, siirroiided witli white lights, lce ci-.-ai. tomo. cy cake w-ere s-ib'..\ v.-r\- iterestig program was g:\e, s] i-akers beig O, D l-'osse,i,. -,Mort itolilirg. TllO r.e.alo iu.art' S<--c,;ts. f with r-.mat-ks li\ dor. Wallace,.-; c \"i>-ws of lor s-'oi;ts clear-od b This will b.- i; ir suits, \\-h. badly. Klie ol w-ere some vorv sigig sio - :is by Boy io;- (,: tho week. ;iii,l U. M. l-'roh i.l ; H;iah, motorod lo Kig- \\.-ek..mr, l-'recli's aut,,miss - rtalmet closed ;ie scout coiiiiii,a- **ss, stereoiiti- ^ (lowers. -vec $:! J-. towards buyig y eed vew Now-.\il\ertl,iicict'! Xi'\\>i Ttis. Hrry Williams is visititr his brothor. F'rak W illiais. \vh.» is qiiito sick i lirookly. N. Y. Mrs Kii'/.abolh P.ri'K'os d Silas K. Wh-'flor throo yomik'o rhiidr visitod i Milford last wook. Joh Sod»lorl ;ld Hort Kij; wore i Movorly. Mass, last woek. looklj:? for \\"t^rk. Harvoy 'ioo has hout;ht a ow i-"ord rar. Aihort T»"ssi»^r wifo. f;rovillo, Kvak Moldy \vi\ Milford. woro Suday visitors i tow. Adolla Whitcomb aiul Alire.loss s [..ol visitod HsHott Frit last Saturday, makijs' lho trip hy auto. Harl WhUrib Mlss Kva Coroy spt Saturday Durham. Jarks a havo laid a ow hrldffo hotwo thoir rosidco tho storo owed by A. A. Hall. Hlache Farsworth s Kd^r havo roturod FarmiRt, whoro thov havo ho^ a wook's visit. Arthur Cook, who has ho spedik sovoral days with his aut. Colia Powers, has roturod to his hre i Naahua. Roy Scouts rccoivod about flvo dollars tho daco ru for ir bofit laat wock. Mr. ('.oorpf ^^ocoy. Sr.. BrookUo. Mass...*;pt tho wook-d with Goorgo McCoy. Jr... f.imily, at tho Cox homostoad. Waltor Parkor, Lowell, spt tho wock-d at "Four Pios." Thc Kirls* Rowip clas.s mot at tho Daiels acadomy school-room last week. Mlss Doris Hastifff?, thoir ched rm o 'uhlir ; A Geeral Electric Fa for ^: Every mcmbcpof tiic f.imily will ejoy thc cl comfort of this splomciid little fa. Buy early while we hure 'em AYER ELECTRC LGHT COMPANY BARRY.WF.R, BULDNG MASS. r-im KEG.,U.'S. PAT. OFE GASOLNE BUEBm "V.'''!i^^l^-^'?M* Look for Red, White Bhie sig '- i^of (^ality sig of a reliable dealer tlie world's.bcst Gasolie m Same^ STANDARD OL CO. OF Ni^TYQRR ZS Broadway Fve tried ttem al but^ivemea 'm through experimetig. No more tryig this that every time. i-oii s.\l,k Summer CotUK<~ lixir.,, witll screeed piazza ir>xfi wrlli.-ule, viiitert a^ buds; prctlo.tlly xxfw. r.i he easily m6ve<l. HA.TH K. \vit<'(>m. Hoxboro. Telephe We«t,\rliiii,-. t<' o.ooo.\msii Ai.i. K.VD r.v.\(;i;.wts K S.\l.K Best he m.irkoi, Heady Jue 5 to July, <r per OO, E. F. HARMON, Hlh Sir*^et, F.atit Pepperell, Maus, Tele*, pho '.-t. 3 E. D. STONE Fire surace Aget,\utomhlc d Cordwood siircc Kstlior A. Ste, Tj-peTlt)? 'cc'.s Block AYER, MASS. No more switchig. t's Camels for me y're so refreshig! So smooth! So mellow mildl Why? aswer is Camels exclusive expert bled of choice Turkish Domestic tobaccos. re's othig like it No or cigarette you ca buy gives you real sure-eough, all-day satisfacti that comes Camel bled..camel is quality cigarette. ^ Give Camels a tryout. Buy a pack today. Get your iformati first h. You'll tie to Camels, too. Camel D. R. WATERMAN Atrro TRCciuNG, FrmiOTUUE MO'VNG T;ocal d xmg Distace R.sblo RtCfl ALSO WOOD FOR SAiE Tcl. Ajcr - Shirley, Mass. FRANK S. BENNETT.<?ucce»!e'or to ARTHUR FENNER surace Aget Broker Sll Street ATER, Tmcr'B Blldlog MASS. R. J: REYNOXJ>S TOWCM Ok WutoB.S«Um, N. Ck PRESDENT SUSPENDER BAND J. ALBERT DEARDON, Mfc."' SHRLEY, MASS.,; MUSC FOk ALL -'j OCCASONS.., :*.,'" ope for Egagemet Jiily^'% Morig Aero a lis....<lm - -}, ^.T> '-^^ '%^ \:^ -^^ >*^ -.Vi ' ^ y.xth,...-.. ^^immimmiv ^& 'frv-'iv:-.' - "'it^'it^i;

SSH" s aoi5b«j^ ;%jq H.' ' fvr>! * > i»ii tamw ' '"ir'ili -Vj-^vS i *A<8 POTTO SATUBDAY, JUNE 6, 9 rj^r> ';'»)»i '3^^ t^, '.^#'?^^ T^O POiliAKS A 'YEAR lir ADVANCE Thb Grot School closed Tuesday, Juo. thc-boye lo for BlV v:f* JU Advcrtlsemcta Appear All tlio Tea'»apcrij We Publisli Chace of Addrvii* Subscribers wlshlu tho postofllco AtXdrc&s of tho paper chaercd, must aed us both tho old d ow add^esa Ad?ilso ame of paper y jccclve. tems of local terest are solicited must always be accompaied by ame of writer, ot for publicati, but us a Kuaratee of Kood faith, will always be csidered trlctly clldetitlal. Kidly mall ti-ts jbo aer day of occurrece do ot wait uecessarily. 'Saturday, Jiuic 5, loai CROTON News tcis. Suday school of Uitaria church pla to go to 'Whaloiu 'ark for thoir picic Tuesday, Juo 8, leavig church at ie Ml«s Elizabeth Blood is OAV at bome, havig completed hcr fouryears' courso at Cushig academy. Kor past two years she has bee captai of basketball leam Vice-presidet of her class. She has bee active th social life of school, holdig ollices her socley i Y. «. C. A,, bee Gushig coucil i her Juior seior, years. O class day she had class will was class cheer leader. She has bee very popular amg her classmates, by class vote, raked as most athletic of tbo girls her class, O Mday eveig, Jue 7, Fracis Beh Rlggs, headmaster of Biggs school Lakevllle, C,, will speak tow hall "Agriculture as a career, or opportuities agriculture.:' Mr. Rlggs graduated Grot School same class as 'William P. AVhart, Bev, Edicott Peabody s e of trustees of thc Riggs school. lecture s free is give uder auspices of thc Grage. Mr. Riggs will brig four boys with him, two of whom will speak of ir work school i thc future. or two will furish music moli guitar. re will be later slides illustratig work described i lecture. t is hoped that a large attedace of citizes of tow will bc preset to ejoy privilege which s thus offered m. Commuity club met "Wedesday with Peters, This is aual evet kow as "getleme's ight," early all members preset with ir Jiusbs, y ejoyed a delightful social time toger, with games to furish amusemet. re refreshmets of swiches, cake, icc cream lemade. This was Jast meetig of seas. Herbert J. Polkls recetly spet two days Lowell with Uavid Petrie. Mlss Cstace Jacomb s agai at her home i Grot. _ D't forget law party at "Uitaria comm this Saturday aero eveig, three to 3 o'olock. Attractis for all will be foud're. Promptly at three o'clock bags, aprs, cake, cy, ice cream, tics ovelties for childre will go sale. f raiy, ihe sale will be held i lower tow hall at same hour. Aero tea wi be served, a supper of salads, swiches, marmalade, cake, etc. B ccert at eight A 'iltform lias bf e arraged for opeair daciiig, a oreestra egaged f raiy, dace -ill be held Odd Fellows' hall, A. J. DuE^s is spedig this week with J. E. Adams family. b ccert this "week will be O Uitaria comm i cecti with law party. Membera of Woma's club are urged to atted to thc paymet of ir aual dues as so as possible, aa program committee should kow f ay wish to disctiue ir membership. Dues aro payable to treasurer, George E, Hodgma, should be paid at ce. O Wedesday aero, Jue 5, Commuity club met with Miss Ja- comb. usual program of quotatis roll call was carried out. Refreshmets served a pleasat social aero ejoyed. Fred O, Porter retured home hospital Ved-ads Co, of Worcester of which Joh H, Traye is geeral iaager has reted a factd-y at 6 Exchage street, "Worcester, havig outgrow thcir preset quarters at 3 Reeves street a-d 35 Pearl street. This buildig has a large area of floor spice olhces maufacturig plat will ow be uder e roof. y will move ito ir ew quar- ters i July. Daiel., Chler h<-u«just iveted a ew improved coi detector which has bee take o\er by Ved-ads Co, -Ml shares have bee sold compay k fiaced to extet of gettig out a large umber of machies which are ow uder c.~>structl will be liished placed market i July, Moseley H.ale of Grot is sales maager of comj pay has opeed otllce i Little buildig. Host. Mr. Joh H. Robbis MlRs Charlotte M, Robbis leaves Jue 7 for South Pol, -Me,, where y will stay at Pol Sprig House util Augu.-!t, O aer July.Miss.Vaglo Miss Grah.ai of.ayer will close ir ;;,hat shv^ps every eveig btit.'saturd.ay. util furr otice. ', J, Dowlis: s. Kracis, spet a few days i tow la.st '^Wcek, comip: Thursday eveip: returig to Marlboro Mday, Grat W, Phattuck spet week-d i Worcester with Dr, Albert Sh.attuck faiily, MS.S Klizabeth.Marsh of l.vr. Miss Kl Gree weve quests of.mis,*; Carie Crosbie a few days last week aci over comip: to atted,/praduati exercises recepti of sei.^r class of thc Butler hih."chool. Mr,«, Fraces Forbes daughter, Hele, retured home Tuesday eveig, Jue, by auto Ccord, where y have ejoyed two wock.'i with Forbes' sister,, F. v, Whitcomb, at hcr beauttil summer home. Commecemet d.ay exercises at thc Grot School took place Friday morik, Jue ", address was 'Blve by Hev, Hery Sloa Codl, pastor of thc M.adis Square Presbyteria churrh of.n'ew York city. Or ipeakcrs Bishop William AWrcce d tov, Edicott Pebody, iheadmster of thc school, Thcrc wore thirty-e Kradutes this year. As usu.al, re may out-of-tow visitors to atted exercises. Grage observed Memorial KuTiday Jue 9, meetig at cemetery gale at four o'clock i aero decoratig thc graves of deceased members with he usual jscrvlces. A valued member of society, llrs. EllC Barrows, wrote a poem for occasi, which w.as read by George Woods, master. O Saturday some childre llvl'g ear HollLs street foud a youg Amerlc bitter ear thc home "ot Mr, Frcd Cobumv "Whe foud, a Sllkle rooster belgig to Ocrard Fletcher tt^s flghtig t. Cobur put t out tlie fleld fcd t with flsh, hopig mothcr-bird might fld t re. t was much emaciated, pp^tretly lack of food. ". ', William J. Jacomb lo hospital Ttiesday to retur to his home, sufcietly recovered to die that day «t tb«grot School.-. home Wedesday morig. may frieds of Mlss Elle Deahy ure glad to see her about street agai. Mr. d. Alpi Call Mr. Frcd Torrey ud ir families are occupyig Whart cottage at Baddacook, Joh Woot her ephew, Albert Clark, spet Mduy ''uehday i Worcester,.visitig.Mr. William Nutter family, Mi,s.s C, A, pergus, who has bee spedig some weeks.marblehead, ha.s retured to be with her relatives, '.Misses "Vlckery. Thc.Misjics Vickery have bee ejoyig a visit ir sister, odore Everett, of Cambridge,.Mi.s.-< Carrie Everett Mr. Viets. studets at Lowthrope school look ir examiatis durig latter part of last week retured to ir homes i Tuesday, Jue. O Saturday, Jue 8, re was a alumi moetig at tho school, eight comig frora out of tow. Mlss Hetzer, with eight studets, is makig a tour through gardes of Lg sl. Ay members of Juior bird club who wish to atted picic at Baddacook ext week Thur.-jday will please otify Miss Gertrude. Gerrlsh by ext Mday. All attedig picic are asked tx> brig a cup a spo with a btisket luch. f Thursday should be stormy thc picic will be postped till Friday. club members are to met at Uitaria church at te a. m. Roy Kelly s stayig for preset with Mr. Mra. H. A. Kimbail. Mr, George L. Boyt wet Wedesday to visit Mr. Warre Werbee at ir bugalow i Pepperell..\lfred C, Woods sailed- Mtreal Jue T Sciavia tor a trip abroad, visitig Belgium, Holl, Frace, Switzerl taly, sailig trom a sour port his "retur arrivig.new "i'ork last of.\ugust. Word has bee received that T.cvi Kelrstead of Lowell, bror of Eber Welligt Kelrstead, is i very poor health. opllus Gilma.Smith, class of "7 of Harvard college, atteded a luche at, Oakley club, Watertow-, w-ith fiy of his classmates i celebrati of ir fiieth aiversary. He was accompaied by his s Fracis. ga bleded makig, i effect, a service of worship. "' day was brought to a closo by dacig eveig at thc gj-mhasium. followig is t!u Hst ot recipiets of prizes; Lati prlzo, Saar: Oreek prize, llvx, Jr,, Kgllsh prize, (,: ", Jr. -hoiiif,m.i!or :',o,, 'yeh- UaNcball, Grot.\. A. was defeated by teratial 'aper Co, of Nashua Suday by a score of 8 to. For three iigs Grot team suffered "a severe attack of erroritis stage-frights, which, coupled with a few base-hits by Xashua team, gave visitors a lead which local team was able to ovorcomo, although it battled hard to fial iig. We seem to have habit of hig our oppets game a silver platter,. whe we have throw it away, all our sood playig falls to get it back aai. A total of eight -hxfv. fat juicy errors was piled up by local boys, added to which, we have thirtee hits by Nashua team. Needs o Sherlock Holmes to deduce why we short ed of <he score. team sliowed a very decided lack of kowledge of fudametals of baseball, to gai such a kowledge of game re<iuires more tha to play e game a week to practice.about ce i same periods We have stuff for a fast team here i Grot. as has already bee demstrated, but practice, practice, Hid still more i)ractlce is eeded to brig out ability which was clearly show aer third iig of SuiJay'a gairie, W'e c«d practice i fieldig, practice i battig, this should be particularly impressed up us, for sever.al occasis a hit was ot forthcomig, at times whe it was most eeded, but most of all we eed to work alg thb lies of co-operative toam play, for i several istaces me seemed -utterly igorat of what to do with ball whe y got it. Let us lear less which "vve received Suday's game, work hard to eradicate our short-comigs; we wlll hit a wiig stride i short order. Get toger, boys, forget. result of this game. Profit by. mistakes which made, work h.ard for future, success will agai be our porti. Xashua did :ill ir scorig i tho tirst three iigs..-xer that tht- G-rot team settled dow played ball several times threateed to pull thf game out of fire. For.Nashua hittig of P.oiiier base-ruig of Pombrio atured, wtiile for Grot thc work of Llst who caught i Boyt's absece, i:eed base playig Ke!;y, who took Cb-ary's place by reas of latter's ijured h, fial up-hill tight of local team aer third iig, redeemig feature.s of a game, v%-hich ctaied every vtiriety of baseball kow to game. score;,\l:i;:ory 'ych- 'uuglus,'\ia ouk'.i-s.-mail!-o,'iou:.,loh:i.-.houi,.mtlvl.s.\ix, ih'itth- SclKiOl schoul. r school, ClifTord c'lool,.melvillu K,, ^, best prepared [ > 'ych, Jr,; ;.fi, Frak Davis.. s. best prepared -tou <.'hllds, Jr.;.ex.,Mfred.Miteh-..., s-;iy, George.Ma!-.,-,. i.\ierica hi«-.,:: l-iv. 3d, best story of Whitey: greatest.;'.;'.ir)s. Wils 'ler-. exercises of graduatig class of Bufler grammor school, held tho cxt morig, wore listeed to with terest passed off fwlth great credit to class ot twety ow ready to eter high.school. Each iember of class had a part i prograi. Pattec was accompaist led sigig. Dr. A, G, Kllbour addressed thc chiss at close of exetcises preseted diplomas. receiiti of seiur class of Hutler high,school Friday eveig, Jue 7, was a \'ery ejoyable evet, Mlss '"Siiiie F.. Wuods, prieipal, Mxs. Hall, high sehool teachers receivig lie, Juior cia.ss aeled as ush- crs..miss Stella Sarget red class history ud Miss Gertrude l';irker, clas.s prophecy. recepti was followed by dacig refreshmets t served. iusic. by Newell's orchestra, was very satisfuctory.,-\ig visitors i tow to atted closig exercises of high school Miss Harriett Hite her ior, who stayed at Mr,, Edwi Shattuck's, Miss.Marjorie Seuvey her bror cate Westford to atted recepti. Miss Jo.-ephie Baker atteded her first class reui at Wellesley Saturday, Philip Guptill motored to.ewist, Me,, with a classmate to atted Bates cjoliege commecemet. O tialurdav, Jue 8, Miss Woods took - J, O, Hall, Jr,, Misses Gertrude Moey, Ruth Steves Carie Mliler to Wellesley to atted garde party, leavig. Hall, of class of '96, re for week-ed, Hall wet Tuesday morig to Cambridge to joi Mr. Hall, who s a graduate of Harvard, '9. atted tho Harvard festivities. youg ladies party saw seior daces Jaw at Wellesley visited buildigs,. Miss Stella.Sarget has bee admitted to Fitchburg Normal school Miss Ella Galey to Bridgewater Normal. Mlss Hazel Clapp has accepted a positi to teach ext year i first secd grades i Northtield. her home tow. Butler High school baseball ie eded a most successful seas by a meetig to elect officers for comig year, Charles -Murphy was elected maager Raymd Chase captai, '.\t this meotig treasurer reported all bills paid a balace of ie dollars i treasury, lx,'tters wcre voted to all players i tho majority of seas's games who had ot already received coveted G, program of closig exercises at Trowbridge school Friday, Jue 7. was as follows; Flag salute; -'Three little patriots,".e Moult, George Gregoire. Samuel Gregoire; " Star Spagled Baer," school; "Beautiful world,".\ugustus Moult; "Gods garde," Kuth Carki; sg,, "Wiged rover," school; "Toil \visdom," Howard UigleV; "Forget-me-ot." Geriaie l>agley; quotatis, Wallace Carki; sg, "America," Germaie Lagley Ruth Carki;.\rrow thc s?:," Clara Carki; "Good life lg life," Aic Carki; "Battle hym of republic," school; essay, mas Edis," Rol Miller; presetati of diploma to RoLid Miller by superitedet of schools. t is a uusual evet i history ot this school to have a graduate prepared tor high school, - Vt close ot cxerci.ses a.social hour tollowed teacher. Miss.Aie Floyd, served delicious home-made ice cream cake to pupils guests. j Mary Mitchell Mary Cro.ss j _.,..., joujht a agel.:ake.:u jjookig! i.tjg ;,r,^ Dimcick,~"a'd was su Frak liavid l'jgli,sh essay i-x lieig-lit Simpsot.. 'erry history ic leight Simps- Frech prize, '.li Uroesbeok l'ler.so!i Prech prize.,'-" White Masur, Outside roadlt-t, : t Simps, Headig prizes. Davis Ashbur; : ' Worcester. Writig prizes,.'; William Held; lowe:.ste. d. Seior debatig t'x speech. Qeorge.M.i best two-miute si".\shbur. * Juior debatig i' speech, Starlltlg w best tw-o-miute si ell Blr)gliam, Prize for patriotic lory Pych, Jr, Prize -for cxce!i< ' tory, WllUam Giim.' Grotia prizeyear, Joh Hav umber of ctrii s. Drawig prizes, c't li. H. HolUster, st; J, Howar'l 'hipps. d, Prizes for best werk de i press, Gerrard Mtrck vea, Edward Perkis Carter, Jr, Choir challege our Hamilt Heard. Form prizes: Hrst form..melvi White Masur, Marshall lawle; secd form, Hamilt South woiih, Key Boocock: third form, 'racis Huyck Eldridge. Joh W. t. Teey; fourth foro Joh Groesbeck 'ters, Alfred.Mitchell Bigham. Morga Cutts; fih form. Wils Plers, Samuel re, 3d; sixth form, George.Mallory Pych. Jr., William Cliurchill Hammd, Jr, followig are members of graduatig, class; Joh Adams.\bbott, Frak Davis,Vshbur, James Outram Bags, tiord Kox Bell, Jr,, Hiram Higham, Jr,, Joh Walter Bracke, Jr,, Joh Paters Duca, Joseph Blake Field, Malcolm Whele Greeough, George Mort Oriiiiiell, Wllllam Churchill Hammd, Jr.,.-\rthur Brooks Harlow. Joh James Hollister. Jr., Joh Hery seli, Jr.. tlerard Merrick ves, Oeorge Kdward Ket, Jr,, Joh McCall Kigsley, Fracis Willig LaFarge. \\'illiam Gilma Low.' 3d, Lloyd xiwdes,.lr,, -August N'ewbold Morris, Joh Boucher.Morris, Kdward Treat.Vettlet, Joh Teole Pratt, Jr., Samuel P.eber. Jr,, Withrop,\'oyes S;iltus, Bayard Schieffeli, Douglas -Ma Delght Simps, Phillj) Webster Smith, Philem Fow'ler Sturges, Jr, - M.aga eiii Laude George Mallory Pych, Jr, LTTLETON' N'ows tems. Huds tourig car that was bured ott New Estate road last week Thursduy ight proved to be stol property that belged to a BosttJ party, who le his car for a short time at Revere beach, returig, foud t missig. ower wus tow ext day, proved his rights guve thc case over to surace compay police, Curtis W, Drew s buildig a.or cump hillside betwee Harwood aveue.mill road. closig less of -Mlss Emma E. Teey's music pupils wlll be give Uitaria vestry ext Wedesday attero ut three All people terested are cordlully ivited to be presel Back-Log strawberry festival Wedesday eveig attracted a good umber i spite of oppressive hetu. A delicious supper wus served much ejoyed. Decoratis of white daisies eectivoly used. A program of su >erlor merit was give auditorium followig supper. Orga selectis by Mlss MacMarti. vocul.solos by L. A, Hager piao selectis by Ellsworth Bell all fiely redered ud a most amusig farce, "Mra, Oakley's telephe," cleverly preseted by a Newtow cast, George Cash, vo Russell, Miss Floreco Whitcomb. Rol Hought, completed thc excellet etertaimet of eveig. Miss Elizabeth Thacher visited Shirley frieds Wedesday. baccalaureate service of high school graduatig class was held i Cgregatial church Suday eveig was atteded by a good audiece of Littlet frieds of graduates. serm was preached by Rev, Gail Clel text " have fought a good flght, have flished my course," Miss Grace P. Cat arrived home Decatur,., a week ago. Thc usual flux of H. S. alumi commecemet guests are expected for high school graduati, recepti alumi baquet, Warre M, Nix retured home this Saturday Clit hospital, where he uderwet a operati about a mth ago. Church.Notes. Caleb Butler lodge St, 'aul lodge of Miiss atteded morig service at Cgregatial churoh Jue 9 i observace of festival of St, Joh, tho evagelist. pastor. Rev, Arthur V', Dimock, addressed m ' topic, ".Masic miistry is world fraterity," am sug by choir ws "Praise ye Lord" by Gouod, re was istrumetal music saxophe orga. flowers for day wcre moutai laurel roses,.-\t eveig service pastor spoke aor of great hyms of church, "Load, kidly light," by Joh H, Newma, speakig of beauty ot hym lite ud experieces of author, which led t'o writig of this beautiful lyric. hym was sug by clioir,at begiig ot service was also played later i i Jaies McNl of Littlot, two thc eveig by i s t r u m e t a l q u a r- s-ister,s, W i l l i a m C a r a h e r of.millet -Messr.s,.Sarget, Wilder,.Marce- t Slater Karie McNiff ot a Death. Michael Hery McNiff passed away at St. Joseph's hospital, Nashua, N, H,, last week Friday ight. He had bee operated for appedicitis te days previous a subsequet operati was foud ecessary, but o improvemet followed, little but discouragig reports came physicias urses repeatedly, ^rs, imcnl visited hlra frequetly, but foud cditis ufavorable flrst. A large compay of frieds paid a farewell tribute to thc deceased by ir presece at tho fueral burial i Ayer Mday morig, Mr, McNlff was bor i rel forty-ie years ago. At age ot fiee he came to America flrst worked a year fpr Daiel Sheeha. Atter.ward.s he took a positi at Lactart factory, for may years he has bee a secti-h ori thc railroad, several times substitutig as forema i absece of J, B, Smith...\ugust, 93. Mr, McNl married.mi.ss.-^le D, Kelley, He is survived by his widow, his ly child, Hazel E., a graduate of Littlet high school Fisher's commercial college, Waltham, also by a, brothor. school p,'<hihlto which Miss Kilbour decorated especially for thci, i order that y might preset it to Miss DeLauz Thursdaj-, Jue H, which was her birthday aiversary. 8 m olosis 'jy cgregati Rev, Mr. Wyma of Pocasset was " preacher at Baptist church last Wyma accompaied him this visit to our tow. church was decorated with peies roses. re will be ui,services through summer at t'he Baptist Cgregatial churches. Next Jue 6, service will be at Baptist churoh. For flve.sudays i July services will be held 'gi'e.uatial church, etered tho audiece room carryig Augtist at Baptist church. O buches of fiowers sigig a ap-i first Suday i July commui propiiate Floral Suday processial., j;(.,-vioe will lie ob,served three?'ri seats.at frt of. perss whose ames ha\e already church y faced toward rear ; i,,.p,i proposed will be received ito had ir opeig service of.he membership of Cgregatial worship. christeig service church, togf^thcr with ay ors who Flower O Jue 9 a Flower Suday sorvice was held by Suday school of thc Uitaria church at hour ot regular morig service. chacel w.as decorated with syrlga braches, larkspur, peies roses. childre of Suday school l.ntep.x.\ton.-\l ab Rodier. rf Pombrio, if l.essard, c 5 St. Jea, cf 5,'\. Xarkis, p ^ Desclos, -b J, Narkis, ss. \dams.' "b Cedarhoim, lb..., Totals 39 GP.OTOX ab Freema, r,b t Kelly,.lb,", Wood.s, ss l.ist, c Brldgeford, p Woods, b J O'Xei;, if Dahue, cf Sheedv, rf ;i Cleary, rf Totals,,'7 igs ' Orot.\..\.-, ter. F'aper <"o i^ Kiis Rodier, Pomt N.irki*',,\damp -',,, l.ist, Cieary. Si r uck P r U s \. r (> ;: ( fl a A PEP. bh 3 3 A. hh ;; ( fi (. rlo :' Xa r k i o llth 3 ', 3 th it (,x l,e t. b> CO, po -) i, ' 7 po ;-,,, 7 7 7 ^ ) fl ssa Kei.\. a 6 a it - - (, V,\a e 3 6 e U s - < -t \,. r- followed. Clara Klizabeth Rywator, Adelaide Virfiiia Moutai bem chrikteed. Thc ohildre of tho school, t^icip sp. "Comc forth bris your garls." carried ir flowers to chacel pave ir part of spoke address to oprrepati i poems, tollig lesss of flowertt summer-time, followig childre takig par: "Elizabeth Hy water. Adelaide Moutai. Klior Park. Wallace ^ishop. Raymd Toiles, Mari Bishop. Huth, Klla, Raymd Doris Hcors, Beatrice Rlood Olive Tollos. award of books for attedace at every sessi of Suday school for year was made to Olive ToUes, Kiohard Philip Torrey. Kor attedace at every sessi but j e of tho year, credit was giv to Klizabeth Bywater Beatrice ; Blood: for attedace at every' sessi but e sice joiig : school, credit was give to Thais-At- j wood R*.-giad Meio, ' Mr. Amos spoke briefly to thf childre "Thmk ic of ors whal we ra do for otliers," Betwee difforet sjioke parts of service childre sag, as y sag last sg y passed dow aisle ito he vestibuu-. ai-r beed icti tbey sag tho rosptvis. "Let meditatis f m>- heart." may meet be accepted by church comi:ec, before that time. kl??, Bridpeforfl."i. Ha.ses b.tlls X.T 'is.". Hrig»'for(l, l>oti>>''- pj.-^ys XtlaT-'.i<l Cod rholt. Freema d Woods Woods to Keily t Woods. T w - h ;i. * f hit K < i i y. Home ru- Cle.-iry. Stoie b.is'-h- -'ombrio - l.essard. (,>'Noi!. *as*5e'l b l.ist. m. Hit liy pitehfd b.i - <t'n'-'i). rivipir* 'l.thiie. Timf*- _' lirs. *ri/o >;iv at (Jrot S<>hoo. exercises of prize day at 'rutii School to'>k place Kriday of ijist weok. '.\ large umher of relative.-* f studets d frieds of th school Crot o^ places ; preset. deal wr':ith<^r helped to make ;iffair a most j\'b;o fcr.i-- ti. j Dr. l-:dieotl Peboily. h''adi;is;er. presided at tlie wardip^ ol tho prizes.i\d diplomas. Aer ii few brief itrodiictorv remarks Dr. ^o.iliod\ i tro- S<-ho<il Notes. O.Tue 7 th^ o] of Miss Bgley's mom four ;:-,g exercises gr.'ides three of Tarbeil sehool. took law ]>arly. "Pcle Sam's preseted, Tweedy, Kaith, Stafe Zalea- Alire Parker, >orir Cri, placo i form of A playlet i costume flower grde." ws cast irludlk Robert Tueker. 'orter Bixby ey. P'dwia Carter, Ceevieve McNayr. Klorece Balcom. xiuise Balcom, Sophie Cutler. Berlce Balcom. Hostor Hartwoll. Thc decoratis tho law wert" keepig with Bukor Hill day. All mombers of grades throe four joied siglr "Our dear old flap l.s calllp." last umhor program was prcseta.ti of a picture to school, " birth of flag." by health club of MKS Bagley's room. Thfs picture will be much appreciated by school, as every child - health club ha.s ctributed to tho fud for ts purchase exercisos wero larpoly atteded by parts. sisters, brors frieds of thc childr. Dlloious refreshmets of ico cream cake wore served. graduatig exorclsos of tho dififeret schools took ploce succes.ifu^ly accordig to thc programs as pvitcd last week, seior clas of tho Butlor high school held thoir graduatig exercises Thursday eveip. Jue 6, with a larpo audico pros- <-t. ptaro was decorated with cvcrpro, tho arch o( laurel hovc tho stage was thc class motto white letters, "Sciamur agedo," t^c class colors bolihr.ffree white. Oe, feature of special terest.was 'tercortteary puigeat..' West (irot. Slurts of Rockl was guest of hor si.ster, William Galey Thursday Friday of laat weok to atted rhe high schoo] graduati rooopti of her iece. Miss Klla Ca ley. Provost mps le Thursday of last week for a visit with frieds i Dorchester. Berard»'i-i is homo aer a year spet at WeiwoTth istitute, Bost. Miss Adelie mps a fried Mald liave be.spedig a fow days At th.- homc of Charles lwrece. Mr. Mr>. George H. Bixby. Mr. C K Bixby. Dorothy Bixby H'-rare Sprague atteded a garde party at WeUesley college Saturday aorr.o as, guests of MSS Ruth Rix'^y who graduates 'this week. A. W. Adjir,.- has a ew Kord seda car, \Vil!i;i Ferald retured tho l-'ra:r.igham hospital last week, S'lo h' pes so to be i her ow hi'' w \'h her daughter, Miss K\ ol> Kerald, Hel. miis of Haover. N. M, was thf -list of her cousi. *'.,. mps-. over week-d. Mr Mrs Madiga of Fltchbtirg.. Kate DuL'a with her two ss ;id dautht' r, Michael Mora of /O mister atleded graduati pxttci.^cs of tb<- Grot High soiiool ta-it woek Thsjrsday eveig s cests of.mrs G. G. Harrigt. Our eorrespdt will be away ext wfi'k "v a vai.'tti so if aye who lias :}\- itcis t hey wish i West Grot colum will kidly forward o our odice w t' will bo pleased to pub- Dayt. Ohio, cvet. his s residece hero i T>ittlotoh Mr. McNiff has eared a good reputati eioyed esteem of oighbors may fried.-*. TEMS OF NTEREST Diamds wore first foud i dia. Lioleum, a preparati of groud cork liseed oil, was iveted i 86. From his ative home Frace sixty-four yoars ago a Frch immigrat took two prue cuttigs whieh he plated his bror's rach ear Sa.lose. Cal.. so boga Califoria's prue idustry, which today produces a aual crop of 5,, pouds has made a good prue orchard worth $8 to $3 a acre. Natives i dia derive a csidorflowers of iowra tree. flowable part of ir sugar supply ors are ot eate, but i is prepared a syrup yieldig a sugar about ocjual i quality to date sugar. Gray is a oxtromoly fashiable color i furs street wear. May frocks with sug little bodices full skirts are see. "Waxed voiles are trimmed with arrow, chageable plaid braids. Bright colored Orietal sashes are wor with "dark street dresses. x)g light sleeves of heavy beaded ot ai'o see eveig dresses. laigest pipe -or^ra i world, c<tstig $75,, which was huilt i North Towva. N. Y.. i,< beig shipped to a ater i St. x>uis freight cars. t took e year to complete ar.d largest pipe is.3 feot l^'. New Advertisemets CARD OF THANKS Wo wish to expiess our sicoio thaks. appreciati to our relatives frieds for beautiful tloral otterigs for llie kidess a d s y i p a h y tedered us o s,s of r lo'.'f'd e. Michael McNiff. Ha/.fl McNiff, William Carhor. Mr..lames McNiff. l.itilet, Mass...luo.. 9. Seasable Suitable Merchise for Your Hot Wear Needs at Reasable Prices New Light Weight Migette Waists Lg Overblouse Style, Trimmed with Fie Silk Frige Sleeves Waist Colors, Hardig Blue, bisque heyde-w Special at $.98 Or styles at $3.5, $3.98 $.5 SPORT WASTS i fie stripe voiles, wide pique collars cuffs; colors, pik, blue, gree bisque. Attractively priced at.,.$.5 NEW WHTE PRENCH VOLE WASTS, embroidered hea'vy lace trimied collars cuffs, lg short sleeves, at $3.5 $3.69 WHTE WASH DRESS SKRTS, made mercerized garbardie pique trimmed with fie quality pearl butts. Attractive ew styles, at $.39, $3.5, $3.75, $3.98, $.5 $.75 VVHTE SLK HOSERY Full fashied pure thread silk hose, double heel, toe feet, wide garter top; Gord No. H 3, at $.5 Light weight pure silk hose, double feet heel, -wide garter top; special at $.39 Silk Fibre Hose, -thread heel toe; Gord S 75, at.- $. Geo. B. Turer & S Our Store closes at o'clock o every Wedesday. Ope Mday, Friday Saturday eveigs $5Worth of Fireworks WE H.WE PUltlliVSED.'VND WLL PL.VCE ON SALE JULY st d A $5 STOCK OF FREWORKS (iood llev Dr, llry.«..ai-io Com; priit 'rosb,vtori.i dlvio of Now li^li thom Vork Oity, r. Com's addross was a i ^,.y, \v< closdv ovdiik tlio f.,<turo ot.lblo itollootiial troat provldoi! ;,i,.iur(' a; Siiuji iiaok liall will.. a full m.-^tiro of ispirati a,s woll. j "So. ;.,>,«u.o:s' with '^\a N'o\;ik Dr, <'ohi said tlial fr aiiisit foaturos that ho oo saw a trip to ('oy sl woro typi<-al of fr kids of poopio, "Giat tlirillor" or rollor co.l.stor,s typlo.ll of thoso who livo ploasro oxoitoit. Ors llko tho w,a\- of tho liiip-thobiimps," \ iko to,<'co how oar hey oa oomo to d.-iper atttl yot "ct by." A thiril ola,s.<i like i lfo. tho dull, mots rd of "Morrypfo-roiid" cot owhere. "Wild \Vo,«t fhow" is typical f tho pieers. se all paths of lifo.iro flotorilod to mako ow o- ( uests a d\'a oes, Pr, Ci ocldod hl.-j ddro,ss with a stirrig: appeal to his.idioo, j»artioularly tho pradatos, to rc.solvo to tidortako pioor'.s reor iko ow \tros fiest for kowledpe. i morals, rollrri, - wrdisr of prizes d diplomas followed. A le was served."school comms followig tho exercises, My visitor.s Liter availed mselves of opportuity to visit thc school hiilldik where dr.iwrs by studets of school mouted botaical biolorlcl specimes wcro view. se exhibitis (tro.itly. admirod d teslifled at ce to thc atlvo ability of studets devoti of faithful teachers. A orfra recital was Riv i fit..loh's chapel by Twllp T.ycs, or- Kttlst of chapel. a,rchltcciural beauty of oble house of Typrshlp tho tce ot thc great or- (iradatioii. era (i,t i oxorcises of tho Tarlioi] Graiittr sohool woro hold i Sria,-Kook h:ill Thursday aoro of last wock. stapro w,s prottilv docoratod with lailrol d stroamors of purple pold. Two littlo marshaki. Ruth Eleaor Parker Alice Caldwell, dressed purplo KOld, procodod prraduatlk class to ir scflw up staro, Girls dressed i white formed arch hy holdig half hoops, also decorated i purple Rold, uder which tho seiors iarohod dow ceter aisle, orothy Hixby,as valedictoria,(ravo a vory iiorcstlr essay, " lifo of Horace Ma.' Robert Alle,.i s- tloria, had for his subject, " rilprims," which as very flttlp, as so mch is bolt writte suf: about thom t preset time, VlrRlla Harrict's paper, "xioklp backward," Vora XfcDald's " futuro," sod ma'y smiles. Robort.Ml playod delightfully violi solo, acoipiod at piao by Miss Hiol. At tho hoklis of exercises :Mr, Galoy offered prayer al thc ed Mr, Grlswold, Chairma of tho sehool committee, preseted diplomas.,oh Wesley s said to havc preached oarly,'i, *crms, averalk three sormi! a day for fiy-four years. H..R. Str REPARS SWSS WRST WATCHES W'e <;rateo ETcry Repair We Mke Crley Block. Room Aycr Fire Crackers, Tori>cdocs, Pistols d Caps. Machie Gus. Volcaoes, Puk, Crickct.s, Hors, Grasshoppers, Cryig Cats.Vli sizes, shapes colors of Sparklers, Roma Caudles, llags. Boa Oou" strictors, Etc., Etc. REMEMBER THE TME JULY st U.\ND THE PL.\CE BYWATER'S BLACKSMTH SHOP YARD MAX STREET- -GROTON,,^L\SS. M.\RSALL & WRGHT KOR SA.K Oo Holstei cow, frosh, two cas per dy; two cow-s due to freshe last of September: e pood heifer, just fresh: three Rood express hares-ses: e democrt wap. early ew: three Rood horses: e ow set tem haress, ever used, or would '- xohare hei for Rood ew mijoh cow,.ada.m.s'.st.\b^e, Hollis,';trtet, (rot, Ma.ss. :iliu J. E. Griffi 83 East Mai Street AYER HOOD'S jce CREAM Ces or i Bulk Cfectiery Cigurs Tobacco Groceries Provisis VERMONT BUTTER A SPECALTY JCR BON TON BRAND or NEW FAMLY TEA wliich is both wholesome ivij^oratip. \Vhilc some teas have a bad eftect erves, eaaip: isomia, this is qietig to m; also, utritis. AND ALSO TRY OLD DUTCH "RANOED COFFEE (MTT.E JOHN) get what has bee prouced by experts as e of thc fiest grades 'market. t' HARLOW & PARSONS, AYiiK, >fass. Cr>M-MOX\VKAX.TH OF M.VSSACHU- SKTTS. Middlesex, KS. Probato Court. To FR.VNK A. TORRTOV BKR- TH.\ F. BOYNTON, executors uder thc will, all eratees devisees reuder, all heirs at la^v all ot'lier perss iterested i estato of K\SRETT KTNEST TAK- BH.,b. late of Pepperell i said Couty, deceased. fjreetip:: Whereap. LZZK D. TA^RBKL> of said Popperell has preseted to said Cotii-i her petiti represetlk that by decree of said Covirt dated Jue. A. D. 9. a istrumet purportig to bo last will testamet of i^aid deceased was proved allowed that letters t e.s tarc tary rr ssued to aaid executors prayij:^ that said decree may be re\ei.>;e<l. aulled set aside that petitier may have stich furr olher relief as to Court my cf^m proper ecessary premlseh. Tou r(> erehy cited to appear at a Probate Court to he holde at CambridKe i said Couty of Middlesox. ho oiphtoth day of.luly A. D. U'. at io o'clock i foreo, to sliow caii?e, if ay you have, apalst *;me..\d said petitier Js ordered to serve thts citati by mailir postpaid or dellverip a copy reof to each of you foiirtee days, t loast. before said Court, hy publishik sme ce a weok. for three successive weeks, i Turer's Public Spirit, a ewspaper published i Ayer, last publlcti to he o day, at least, before said Court. Wites5?. Coorpo F. Lawt. Ksfiire. Pirct.Tudpfp of said Court, this twrtieth day of Jue tho year c thous ie hudred twetyo. ZtiH F. M. KSTY. Register. FOU SA-E \ GHOTO.N Twostory. S-room houso with all improvemets. Prl»e «CK>, part cash. FKRD A. SMTH, R^-al Estate Dealer, Ayer. COM-MONWEA.TH OF M.VJ^SACH- SETTS. Middlesex, ss. 'robate CoLrt. To FRANK A. TOHUKY. BKH- THA F. BOYNTON. txecutors uder wil). all iepate( s devieees reud(-r, all hoir.s at ;aw ail or perss itei'ested i e.-^tate of V:VKil!:TT -3KNEST TAR- HBl^L. latf of 't-ppert-ri i gaid Couty, deceased. Greetig; Whereas. BKRTTTA F. BOYNTCJN of Orot i said Couty hae preseted to.-(aid Court hor petiti reipresetik that by decree of eaid Court dated Jue.. A. D.. 9. a strumet purportig to be last will testamet of said deceased was i>r oved allowed that ietiers testametary re issued to said executors, prayip that said decree may be reversed, aulled eet aside that petitier may have suoh furr or roiief as to tho Court may seem proper ecessary i premises. You are hereby cited to appear a( a Probate Court to he holde at ("ambridge i said Couty of Middlesox, eighteeth day of July A. D. 9, at ie o'clock i thc foreo, to show cause, if ay you have, apalst same. Ad said petitier is ordered to serve this citati by maillp: postpaid or dellverip a cc'py reof to each of you fourtee days, at least, before said,court, by publiship same co a week, for three euccespive weeks, i Turer's Public Spirit, a ewspaper published i Aycr, last publicati to be e day, at least, before said Court. Witess. Georpe F. Lawt. Ksr.uire. First Judpe of «aid Court, this twetieth day of Jue t year e thous ie hudred twetye. 3t3 F.,M. ESTY. Repistcr. COM.MON WMOALTH OF >rassactu'- SKTTS. Middlesex, ss. Probate Court. To thc hejrs-at-law, ext of ki all or per«terested estate of.mvhy K. STEARNS. ate of Towsd said Couty, deceased. Wlioros, a certai strumet purportlp to he thc last wlll testamet of said deceased has bee proseted to said Court, for Probate, bv A.BRT/ Cr. STEAtNS. who -prays that letters testametary my bo issued to him. oxocutor rol mod. without pivip a surety his.oflicial hd. You aro horeby citod to appoar at Probate Court, to he hold at Cambridpe said Couty of Middlesex, eleveth day of Jly A. Ft. 9. t ie o'clock tho foreort. to show cause. f y you havo. why tho s.ime should ot bo prated. Ad said potitior s hereby directed to pive public otico reof. by publiship this citati co i oaoh woek. for throe successive woeks. TowiH(d Tocsi, a ewspaper publlshod paid Couty, tho last publicati to be e day. at least, before said Crt. by maillp po«t-pal<l, or dellverip a copy of this citati to all kow perss iterested estate fourtee days at least before said Court. Witess. <3eorpe F. Lawt, Esquire, Flret Judffo of said Court, this twetyfirst day of Jue year o thous ie hudred twety-e, 3t3 P. M. ESTY, Register.. Reducti maufacturers have reduced ir prices some lies of boxed statiery. refore we are able to offer ce more a good quality of statiery at 35^ box. Both -white i tits. HGHLAND LNEN This br of statiery has bee retaihg at 6c box. t ca o'w be bought for 5(#. A large assortmet of tits styles of evelopes just received. Wm. Brow DRUGGST Mai Street AYER.v-'-yVV.b'.'ii'-,t ll '^'ls^^ti^l^-il.:,- '-&^^^-'

^^^^fe'l^fe?: ;,!:% -^, TWO DOUoARS A YEAS N ADVANCE Saturday, Jue 5, D AYER ~ News tems. aual piaoforte recital of tho pupils of Mlss Kdlth L.8ley will bc held Hardy's hall thc eveigs of luesday, Jue 8. Thursday, Jue 3. For ejoymet of pupils patr.^ alike t has scored best to five recital two evelt's, porformers selectis TScc dllteret each occasi. Albert K. Wolfe spet Suday i Hliifhai with relatives..mr, Harry S. Alle.Mila P, Cole atteded tho outig of Achor club ri Portl, Me,, over week-ed. Mr, Dald C. Smith of Utchdeld, N. H.. Edwi T, Harvey of Davers. former Ayer residets.^ also preset. Mlss Lucllo lollls s at home Wheat college tor summer vacati. G,corge A, Sers, Jr s of Judge Goorge A, Sers, formerly of this tow, uderwet a operati for appedicitis Suday at Deacess hospltol. Ccord, Aie M, Norrls has retured Ashovllle, N, C where,she hai bee visitig her s for several mths, George E. MlUs uderwet a operati Tuesday at her 'homo Cetral aveue, Dr, Simms of Bost, assisted by Dr, Bulkeley of Ayer, performed operati..mr. Herbert K. Oakes, ss, Walter Herbert, daughter, Betty, guests of Mr. Joh L. Kels of Nashua i-treet Mday. Mlss Aie H. Palmer, who haa bee teacher of music i. Vyer schools sice September, 9S, has resiged. Miss Palmer will have a positi i Machester, C., her home tow, ext year. Jue Telephe Topics meti s made of Georse B, Pierce, who has Just completed fortv years with Kew Egl Tel, & Tel, Co, Hc wa.i give leave of absece for a vacati preseted with forty dollars gold, Mr. Pierce was idetied with busiess whe flst telephe w.-is stalled i Lcilster i S8, He has sie*, bee maager at differet Bost ofllces s o\r district traflic chief at Roxbury ofhce. His ame s hor roll of compay hc is a member of thc Telephe Pieers of America, Mr, Pierce married Mis.s Addle Shattuck of Grot y have resided Hyde Park for several years, George Sculley s cfied to his 'home with a broke leg. He was atruck by a motor car ear his home last weck Thursday, sufferig a double fracture. Hardy-Kussel! Co, are egaged redecoratig terior of postofflce. Later y will make extesive alterati.^, Joseph A, Horig, who recetly uderwet amputati of a leg at Ma-ssachusctts Geeral hospital, has retured home, Harvey W. Wislow retured last week Saturday morig Lvme, X. H,, where he was called by' critical illess of his mor. Regiald Bradshaw, who was at home of his mor,. Grace Bradshaw, for a day's visit, le last week '^riday a trip a oil-carryig boat for Port Lobas,.Mexico,.Southampt, Epri, He expects to ) abset about two mths his trip. Amg Aycr people who atteded prize day at Grot School last week Kriday aero.oh G, Allis,.Mr. Eugee S, Barry, Mr, odore W, Barry,. Frak S, Beett, Miss Elizabeth Beett, Gcorge H. Brow, Hev, Frak B. Crall, Harvey Hutigt, Miss Ruth Hutigt, Robort H, rwi,.mi.ss Hazol rwi, Rev, William J, Kelly, Mr, Charles.\, "Xorm, Rev, Leslie F, Wallace.Mr, Mra. Bert M. Wllilams. -Vusti E, Lawrece's garage was broke ito last week F"i-iday ight two spare tires stole rear <if. machie. thieves gtiicd etrace by breakig a widow. tires removed by breakig a small piidlock by which thoy fasteed to t-he spare tire frame. Mevbers of Caleb Butlor St. Pul lodges of.m;tss atteded divie worship at Grot Cgregatial church Suday morig..\.bout members atteded, goig by motor cars.vyer.. V daughter was bor Saturday to.mr, Joh H, Sers of <:ambridge street. mor ifat are doig well. Licol Hckox (Evely Sers) was at home Williamstow to atted a Easter Star moctig \\'edesday,.miss.marie W, Johs, who s a oflicial i departmet of religious educati,.\mcrica Uitaria associati, Bost, was guest over week-,ed of. George L. Osgood of Ple.i.sat street. O aer July Miss Xagle, MiK.s Graham of.\yer will close ir hat shops ovory oveig but Saturday, util furr otlf^o. Or, ''Ved H, Garcole has purchased a Dodge tourig car, t'harles W, M.as le Wedesday for <a two weeks'.stay at his summer home at Ceter Harbor, N, H,.Mr. H, T. Jacobs s F. G,.Morey of Billerica spet.'suday with Mr.. Fred O,.Smith of Xashua stroet, Robert Til)botts, accompaied by his mor, lo.mday for a visit with his fathor, who s workig i Provicetow, Ray Chute Waldo Wislow of. Vyer '.iui'woods of Orot took sevety-mile bicycle trip Sud.iy to Cohie lake, N'. H. St, Paul lodk*^ ol".vlass iet at Masic hll for a regular t omiulc.'iti,\h^day aero. first.id socd degrees wero cferred two dlfteret groups of ridatos. Th<' lodge ha.s.attaied a ',v rocord i ctributis to tial (fo( rge Washigt memorial luri. by which ( great memorial buildig is to l>e erected i Washigt i meiory.">f George Washigt, who was a Virgiia Mas, Viola M, Cole, Grace M. Rymes. Robert H, J, Hold atteded meetig of Temple chapter, O, E. S.. at Leomister Md.ay eveig as ivited guests, thc occasi beig thc aual specti. Robert Sers has bee elected vice-presidet of Dramtic Associati t Grot School. Hc has also be olected to ofllcc of c.aptai f Cicero of seior debtlg.«i»cioty,. ^ Mri..oh Wallacer^ of Plea,sat sll cot was take to Cllt hospital l.st Tosdy for a oper.ati which was performed FrUlay..\yor Ou club will hold a prize sliooi tho East Ml street groud* July at two p. m. For thc first high g a $,5 gold plcco s offered for secd a marble hutig kife. ro will also be seve merchise prizos. hicap sj-stom with y targets will he used. Oly o prize wlh he awarded to each wior ro is to be o shotjtig-up aer first twety-flve targets. Mr, Kuge S, Rarry le last Saturdav morig by automobile for Beachwood Mo., spedig tho ight.at Oguqult d returig MLe.-i Arlle V Blarom s guest for a, few days of her classmate at Jack.s collce, Mlss -Oladys Portor of Washigt street. SATTTBDiy, feitkr 5, 9 ' 'C»r /iif^'tis^'' - ".! -*, t f.. %., *. - '. <-t- MM Ellsarbeth B PAttora atteded tho meetig ot tho Massadiusctts associati ot chiropodists hold at Masachusetts school ot chiropody Newbury. street, Bost, last week Friday,. A s v/aa bor Mday to Mr. Georgo W. McQuairle at tho Ccord hospital.. Maurico Tabhutt (L. Jae Brlggs).Mr.s. odore Davis, Mr, Tabbutt s sister, both ot Portl, Me,, are visitig. Tabbutt's mor, - Uiura Briggs, of Pleasat street tor a weck, Thcy arrived tow early Wedesday morig, H, C, Chiuse of Mtgomco' Hardware Compay offers a three dollar baseball b.it to first Ayer member of Ayor A, A, toam maktlig a home ru, Elwl H, xmgloy his m aro Hubbardst thbs woek puttig sidewalks for thc tow. Keeth Clark of Pleasat street uderwet a oporati for appedicitis Wedesday at Clit hospital. He s a s of George H. B. Clark. Mr, Clarece H, Kiey retured early Wedeaday morig trom New York Brookly, where y made a short visit with Mr,. Joh M, Xiair (Emma Kloy), y brought back with m fat grdaughter who will remai with m for a time. Sevety-ie auto drivers took examiati for operators' chautteurs' lseses this week. Miss Marjorle Noblo s etertaiig her sister, Miss Doris Noble, Pittsfield, Walter Scrut took tho gypsy motorcycle tour fr(3m Bost to Old Orchard last week. He s ow camp at Sy pd. ' Julia C. Fletcher daughter, Miss H. Semira Swa, guests ot Ella F. Hovey, Wedesday. y have spet sevoral witers Dayta, Fla,, havo recetly visited Withrop, y are to be at Fletcher farm, ear Pepperell, for summer, Alfred S, gras daughter da lo Thursday for a visit with relatives i Xorth Truro, y will remai all summer, Mr, Fraiiis Lovojoy are visitig Mr, Lovejoy's bror, Augustus Lovejoy, West Medford, Alfred S, Brama has purchased a ew Xatial tourig car, Cllord Kolkls, s of Mr, Odber Foikis, graduated trom Grot high school Thursday, eveig of last weck, N'atha Bras s campig at Sy pd for thc summer, Ella F. Ho\xy attedod Grot high schyerl >rtiduati Thursday eveig/ of last week recept followig eveig. Rev, Agus Du, of Cambridge, wiil pleach at St, Adrew's church He will be a guest ot Judge George A, Sers i Littlet, Miss Charlotte Sers has recetly graduated Xew School of Desig i Bost, She will go to Xew York city i fall to egage i textile desigig. Bird club is agai plaig for a public lecture subject of "Birds," t will be held i thc Soldiers' club ext Tuesday eveig at eight speaker will be Harriet U, Goode, of Shar, she will speak thc subcct ot "Persal experieces bird l," This lecture will be illustrated with a large umber of very fle later slides. public is most cordially urged to be preset at this attractive bird talk Bird club wishes it clearly uderstood that this is absolutely tree to all, Lieut, Col, OriflUh moved ito tho Xickers house Mday, recetly acquired by Clayt Crad, Mlss Blache Livigst, of Maide, is visitig at Livigst homestead, Mr, Joh Washbur Mr, - Frod Washbur, of Fitchburg, i tow. Wedesday to atted graduati exercises, ir iece,.miss Esr O, Washbur beig t». ef" graduates,.mlss Gertrude Washbur accompaied m. Miss Vera Murphy, of Cambridge, is visitig hor brothor, Harold Murphy. She will later go to her oid home i Clark's Harbor, X. S., for a vacati. Frak Maxat family aro attedig tho graduatig exercises of his daughter i Chicago, S>'de> Sberger, teacher of maual traiig thc past year Ayer, expects to teach Lg Brach, X, J., ext year. His subjects will be pritig woodwork, Robert.Sers leaves Mday to atted a cferece at Silver Bay, X, Y,, beig a delegate Grot School, cferece will, deal with college preparatory school work, Mlss Phyllis.Murdock ot Webster was guest qf.mr.. Joh L, Kei,s of Xashua street Wedesday, comig tor commecemet sxercises ot high school, Mrs! James Wil'der (Klizabeth Farrar) of Ccord, X, H., arrivod i tow Thursday for a short visit with her p.arts, Mr. George L, Farrar of Third street. Miss Dorothy Preblo of Washigt stroet hii.s retured home a visit to.miss Gertrude Spauldlg of Berli, who formerly lived hero, Dr, B, G, Jewett of Portl, Me,, wcre tow lo atted tho high school graduati. y woro guests of "Mr, Goorgo J,.Vdrew of W.ashigt stroet, M,ssos Mabel tuth Frmi of Worcester tow for tho graduati exercises of high.school. y guests of ir cousi, Mlss Dorothy Carma of Nashua stroot, Mlss Xellie Hutigt, accompaiod by her iece ephew, Ruth d Fred Hutigt, start Mday for a week at Mtreal, Quebec ati othor Caadia poits. This Saturdy Stmd prost.-^ Solzick's most popular star. Elaie Hmmorstol i "'oor de.ir.margaret Kirb.v," Miss Xorris has writt may powerful ovels of society lifo, but e with stregth of character developmet show i "Poor dr Margaret Kirby," story f a plucky girl who remaied udauted i tho face of adversity d who kopt smilig despite tho loss of wealth positi, Christie special comedy. P.athc ews. Suday -<^harlos Ry i "Homor comes homo," Wa Hawley i a Re.alart picture. Two shows 3.3 7.3 p. m. D't ml.ss ".V private scal" ext week Saturdy, Cards have bee received Mlss Hele Brooks, daughter ot.mr. d Warre Brook.s, aoucig her graduati Northwester Uiversity. Evast,. Her mor will be remembered tow as.miss LUla Brow, A special commuicati of Caleb Butler lodgo of Mas,<! wlll bc hold Miday eveip, Juo 7. work wlll be Mstor Mas dogroo, ^V. luch will be served, Joh L, Cors, s of Jfrs, Marcella Cors,ot.,ueburg formerly of this tow, waa married Mday to Mls,s Sadie L, Taylor of Fitchburg, aui clash betwee selors Juiors of Ayer high sch'ool took placo Tuesd.ay eveig. Juiors gaied etrace to hulldliig made thoir way to mai roof, where thoy displayed ir baer. By tho combied efforts of Chief Beatty 'omccr Mills. Ayer flre deprtiet Julprs forced to vacate ir place of vatage, brigig ir baer dow with m. jitor tho eveig thc juiors succeeded fasteig ir baer to a telephe wire i trt ot tho buildig. baer was Joomod tx> como dow fell later whe t was discovered cut dow by seiors who used a kife fasteed to a polc. Ui summer sorvlccb ot Fodorated, St, Adrew's Uitaria churches will bo held,thls soas.jii a for several years past. follo',vig is order ot, service's:.july, 7, St, A.drew's.-huroh'- July 3, August 7, '.-t-iriaii church; August, 8 So]it..-;bor, Federated church. Mohawk Camp F::o (;:,.is go to camp this Saturday at L-sl pd. y are to uiko a oarly start wlll stay a wook. ''tuv wlll be charge ot ir guardia,".mis* Margaret Noble. toachor of household arts tho hi;;h Kchool' se who arc goig aro Klizabeth Cleary, Mary Cleary, Dor.jthv Preble Evely Johs,.Marah Whitey] Beryl Proctor, Gladys 'illma, Mar-^ garet Larrabee, Hazol.Millor,' Ellse Dickerma, Dorothy Carma, Ruth Ste Miss Doris.\ol.lo, latter a sister ot tho toachor, who has come trom her homo for this occasi, ors aro all iombers of tho high school. attedace i Uitaria church school last Sudav was 7%, Howe cliu-:s was perfect i attedace, James, oldest of Dr. Bulkeley's boys, has recetly had a operati with expectati of helpig a slight lameess. operati was de by a specialist little boy has boe very patiet uder ecessary cfiemet, Fiowor Suday will be observed at Uitaria church school at seve o'clock Suday eveig. A ivitati s exteded to members ot Layme's league, Ayor Brach Alliace, Girls' club, jiarets all or trledsf of school tp &e pr?s?t show thoir terest thc childre. Amg tho gis made to thc graduates ot high sehool class, those by George W, Homer, Jeweler, very daity pretty. He gave each girl graduate a pair of ligerie pis each boy a gold ecktie clasp. Grage preseted members of Grage who graduated high school Wedesday eveig with bouquets of roses piks. followig teachers are plaig to atted summer schools; Alfred Richards goes to Harvard; Miss Laura S Leavitt, Bost uiversity;.miss Elizabeth Sulliva, Miss Carolie C, Brow, at Hyais; Hele Tarbeil at Fitchburg, Supt, F. C. Johs wlll take a two-weeks' course i metal measuremets at Hyais, E, W, Gleas also plas to atted Hyais for a short time. Miss Cstace Hackett, accompaied by her itimate fried, Mlss Gertrude Ha'l, is visitig Mlss Hackett's grmor, plaig to atted tho high school recepti. Miss Aie Clark, of Allst, formerly a residet of Ayer, is visitig.mr. Joh M,.Maley will atted seior ciass exercises, Perry Wils daughter Barbar,a, of Leomister, is visitis Mr. Lorig Carma will atted seior cleuss recepti this Frld.ay eveig. Miss Hope Cowles, formerly ot this tow, is visitig.miss Laura Leavitt of high school faculty durig commecemet seas. Dcatlis. Margaret K, Cushig, wife of Louis H. Cushig, goral superitedet of Lowell & Fitchburg Street railway, died suddely Saturday aoro, Juo S, about three o'clock,. Cushig had ot bee i good health for some time had bee obliged to submit to a operati about two years ago. Although she had bee able to be out was about her homc tho previous day, her f,'xmily frids had roalizod that sho was.still i a precarious cditi ol" health. iimediate cause of hor death w-as a iteral homorrhago. rueral took place -Mday at,5 a..m, at hor lato homo Pleasat street, Rov, Frak B, Crall, miister of First Uitaria parish church, ofliciated, A profusi of flowers testilied to esteem respect i whioh tho deceased was held by hor may frids, Cushig was a iomiior. past worthy matr of cia.mc Kiley chapter, O, E. S., a iiiombor of.\yer Brach.\liiaco,. \\or Woma's club a past prosiilet of Uitaria Girls' club. lliose orgaizatis she had take a.ictivo iterest. Durig her ill health of rocet mths Cushig displayed a rare patiece courage. orgaizatis to which she belged, as woll OS i social circles, she will bo greatly missed, Thc body was take immodiately aer tho fuoral to Duxbury by motor hearso, where itermet took pl.ace, Cushig was bor i West Bridgewater April, S79, was a graduate of Howard^ Semiary of that tow. She married Mr, Cushig twety-e years ago. She has. resided i Ayer twelve years. Besides her husb s, Harold W. Cushig,. Cushig leaves two sisters, Mary K, 'ay, who has livod with hor for some timo, Carie.. Alle of Brockt: four brors, Fracis Ket of Xewport, R.,, Joh J, Ket of Wost Bridgewater, '. Edward Ket of Quiry, Philip T, Ket -ot Brockt.i, a half-bror, Daiel Kt, of Xorth Kast, gcctcd by Attorey Joh D Carey, who appeared for tb** govermt, as re was ot-sufbclet evidece to prosecute eir case. Attorey Joh M, Maley appeared for o ot claimats. O Mday morlgr Goorgo Moakloy, who boards Wa.shlgt street, wus foud guilty Of drukeess precedig day a flo,jf liee dollars was imposed togor with six mths' probati. O Wedesday morij; James Wortz James Murphy of Viisylvaia toud guilty of vagracy ir cases placed lilo, Botli m applied to tho local jiolice stati Tuesday ight for lodgig, Stephe Beroski Ot. Popporell was charged with assault a.i battery.mary Jagellolwlcz ot that tow May 8. complaiat keeps a store i Pepperell Boi-uski (Mime to thc store called hor ohjoctlahle ames, sayig se formed police he sold moshie, thi,s accusati beig result ofa liquor charge recetly brought agaist him wh he paid a lio ot sevety-live dollars. complaiat said Ek-i uski threateed to shoot hor bur hor buildigs that he was haily put o premises by her husb. She stated that he did ot touch hor, howover. court toud him ot guilty. He was represeted by Attorey Joh D, Carey, William Curtlss ot New Have was also before court charged with breakig eterler larcey of a shotgu ',home of Koy O, Hatch Shirley' l;!'", Jauary, 9, Sice takig this shotgu Curtlss had served a term ly'«w Have for larcey was out parole, Thc court ctiued ca.so for six mths to give Ciirtlss a chace to retur to hla work Xew Have without violatig th.i?. parole, feelig that he had bee puiilshed sullicietly. local court sessi Friday morig was cfied to autotobile eases re beig, six cases of drivig at a ureasable rate ot speed disposed ot, se cases beig result ot trap - East Mai street, morig ot Jue. Thc offeders Joseph L. Levas of Lowell, fied $; Oscar Bruelle of Leomister, fled $5: Edward J, Bush of Haverhill, fied $5, Attorey S, X', Saly ot Fitchburg represetig him: Charles A, Wooley of Wichester, fied $5; Augustave Grabfleld, fled $5, Attorey Saly appearig for Mr, Grabfleld who was sick; H, A, Whitcomb of Littlet, fled $5, Joh Cutler, of West Grot, was i court also, charged with drivig a automobile Grot without a licese. He had already «,ttempted to got a licese, but had ot passed stato examiers. He w-as fled $, r ^<^7NiM9iAi9l<'*.t^l^lf>'' ^t^ : tia«-vu Aj-cr.\. A. AyerA, A, defeated MUtord, N', H., A. A, here Suday a well played game. Dowig pitched excellet ball had fle support by ifleld. "Chuck" Boulyer ot Ccord covored third for Ayer i his usual able maer..sulliva caught i Lag's place provod himself a good substitute catchig as w*ell as with tho bat. Lag was uable to play because of a lame' arm. Greeslate ot Abbot Worsted played flrst, whilo tho rest of.lieup was much same, Tom RalTerty, ex-clevckid fielder, coached team,. showed that ho.-^tili kows game..v few of Mllfoid boys same es who played here two weeks ago for Xashua. Mllford played. a ti.iihter gamo tha Ayer but local boys got thoir hits whe eeded. Batteries:.\yer. Dowig Sulliva;.Milford, Daiels Hurley. Umpires, Dailey Dova, Camp Dows Xotcs. Cidates fpr thc camp ball team have reported to Chaplai Sliey it is aticipated that a fast orgaizati will be developed to represet ('amp Dovs durig summer seas. Chaplai Purdy is athletic officer lf tho ^tith fatry has orgaized teams ;om each compay,.v schedule of thirteeii games for cach compay has beotr arraged which wiil isure good sport, while at samo timo, determiig charjiiship uf tho regimet, :!6th fatry b wet to Crroeiifiold Tuosday to assist i oxorcises lohowig arrival!''r(i.-o of thobody of Lieut, Galvi, who wa.,< killed i acti while w-ith tli fatry. -\ review of l!id Co.ast aitillory, Cecticut.Natial guard, was held tho mai parade groud Tuesday aorouii, i-'ollow-ig review a pi'\"isial regimet, made up of troops tho regular army soldiers i camp with tho supply trai or ofjuipmt, jiasse'd i review before.atial,e:uard oflicers that aro duty i tho -camp.. Almoda M. Lawt, widow of l'"rakli l«iwt, pssed away at tho l>awtoii ro,<idt-co E.ast Mai streot Wedesday ovig at six o'clock,.aer a illoss of some weeks, cause of doath boig artoro-sclerosis. She was bor i Taut August (t. S5, daughter cf Solom Phoebe B, (Guillo) Dyko. She was later a residet of."hiruy whore she married Frakli l-iwt April 5, Siie., *awt wa,.; a member of tho Uitaria churrh its.mliace, beig a active worker i those societies i past years. She was a member of tho Woma's club for a lg poriod....iwt is.survived by threo ps, ('llfford F. of Worcester, Her.v \V. of F.armlgt,.Me., Roy E. of this tow o daughter,,\da M,.awt, who resided with her m.^thor. She also leaves hve grchildre, Willard E. Eda.V, l.awt of Worcester, ^.iati F,, Robert R. d Bertha (" i.awt f Ayer, Sice doath of Mr. Law-t S7 l-awt has spt greater part of her time at home of her,«. Roy E..owt, OS East Mai street, where fuoral sorvices wlll t.ake placo at two o'clock Saturday, Rev, Frak B. Crall offlciatlg. Gul.'smic.Mtd Masic TxxlRO. A large delegati ot Cecticut Natial guardsme atteded a. special commuicati of, Caleb Butler Lodge of Mass -'Ylday eveig. Aer m.a.«ter Mas degree hd hee cferred p.a class members gthorod i baquet hall where,a luch ws se^^'od, Followig luch a orchestra of seve mcmhers Cecticut orgaizatis gave a mu,slcal etertaimet, Sergt,, W,.y, who was formerly pricipl clow with thc Society Circus, t New York Hippodrome d wellkow vaudeville world, etertaied with ctortiist acrobatic stut.*!, slelght-of-h*vd, d card tricks, Ma^or Ford, Capts, Evas Reed, Lt. Youg of Cecticut Natial goard Rev, Frk B, Crall called up by Timothy Cloary, master of Cleb Butler lodge, d opoke briefly. District Ort. O last Sturdy morig liquors seized Westford seveal weeks ago uder two search warrts ordered retured, claimats appearig both cases. This acti was sug- Ulfai'laii Notes..'Suday.-.orvioo at.5^repular offlces sorm. Music, "'ar my heavely home," Vicet, "Cic uiito me," Roberts, W, C, Sarget, Preachor, Rov, Frak B, Crall, tho iiistor; subject, " mor.ll.md spiritual value of silece." Church school at twelve impils of he church school havo prepared for shipmet.a geerous collecti of toys or gis which will bo forwarded to Xear East relief i Kost, wiio will sd it with similar ctributis childre i chur.hcs all over New- Egl to Xoar East time for Christmas. O Suday tho preacher will poit out how habit of silece jiromotos liors.il p'jbllc moral.s wherei it is a..dlti of religious devotis..^ ;fa. St, Mary's Churoh Notes. fleld day committee of St Mary',s church aouces tht evt will be hol.l at tow park tho aorii eveig ot July B, Furr plas wlll be aouced time to tiio by.committeo i chargo. Oo of tho pi'olimiary ovts i oooti with flold day was a law- parly hold parish grouds last Saturday.-veig. Ow-ig to ri si.^ of evets woro postped util followig Mday oveig. tiiio of features was a parade of tho childre with decoratod doll c-irriaircs carts. Thirtysix ohlldr took part aer much deliberati judges aw-arded first prizos to Horth Colt Ted Markh.am, Jr..-V lart'o crowd was h both eveigs, tea room partlcul.ar was liberally patrized. O last Suday morig, t ie o'clook mass, twety-e childre of parisii received first commui, aer fiishig a course of structis udor Rcv. mas J, Brea, Sudy was also, mthly commui day for Childre ot Mary tho,luior Holy Name society. Beforo tho ma.ss sixty-eight memhers of tho orgaizatis gared tho parish law, where a photographer Fitchburg took a picture of tho etire group, rged a scml-clrclo aroud pastor hla Assistat. Aer mss a commui breakfast was sorvod Hartly's hall by a loct caterer. As thoso childre who had roceivod flrst commui wore thc guosts of tho Childre ot Mry t this breakf,>it, iety st dow to a delectable ropst. Aer thc breakfa.st reiarks w-ore"mado by Paul Mulll, presidet of thc Juior Holy Name; Wiifred Madde, presidet ot Childre ot Mary, Rcv, ms J, Brea, tho spiritual director of orgaizatis. re will he o furr meetigs ot tho societies util cxt September, whe electi ot offlccrs for thc esuig year will be hold.. Durig thc summer offlcers i\-lll mcot time to time to pla a program for - "'\\i^ soas of 9-3. A oatler to Natostt Beach somo tlmo aor th flold day of tho parish has also bc plaed. success of se societies durig tho past year has beu very marked, both a' religious social stpoit Durig each week sice last September thcrc has bee a regular meetig at thc church for religious service istructi Wedesday eveig for boys Friday eveig tor girls, average attedace each week was sixty-two. a social way much has also bee accomplished. A Hallowee party, two auto parties to Bost to atted football games, a Chrlstras baquet colebrati, a mid-wlter xlaclg party, twb bowlig parties, a Mardl-Gras with refreshmts, dramatics dacig, a.may party commui breakfast some of thigs succossfully plaed carried out; Besides, re was a football team for boys, which c-i gaged eight games, at preset re s a baseball toam which s playig regularly has achieved some success twelve games already played. All social evets cected with societies will heceforth be cducted uder ame of St, Mary's Catholic club t s hoped that ext year's accomplishmets wiil eve surpass those of year Just closed, Th«members ot club are those parish betwee ages of flee twety-e. O. K. S.V Wtu tl. oflicial visitati specti of da McKlley chapter, O, E, S took place at regular meetig Wedesday eveig. busiess meetig opeed at Hve o'clock was followed at e,3 by a fie supper ot cold meatsp.j potato salad, rolls, coffee, cake a^d lce cream. Aer a supper ie cldatea itiated specti was made by Carolie L. 'tt'allacc, past matr of Nokoiis chapter, of Webster, as deputy gr matr, assisted by Mr, sabel W, Tirrei, matr of NokomlH chapter, as deputy gr marshal. followig members of. Wallace's suite: Charles F, Staley, ot Purita chapter of Lowell as deputy gr patr; Pearl R, ot Tomple chapter of Leomister as associate gr matr; Mr,s, Alice B. Lg, of Purita chapter as gr secretary; Stella A Lufkl, ot Lady Emma chapter of Fitchburg as gr treasurer; -.Mari C, Freema, of Nokomls chaptor as gr cductress; -Mattie B, Ross, ot Lady Emma chapter as associate gr cductress. re - vocal selectis durig oveig by a soloist Fitchburg, At close of meetig re remarks by deputy gr matr, deputy gr marshal doputy gr patr. re will be o furr meetigs of Easter Star durig thc summer mths, ext meetig comig September, High School Graduati. graduati exercises of.\yer high school took place Wedesday oveig at tow- hall. exercises atteded by a audiece ot parets, relatives frieds of pupils that taxed capacity of hall. stage was hsomely decorated i class eolors. Shortly atter eight o'olock processi of studets of classes ot 9, 93 9 etered moved to raised seats provided platform. processi -was led by Miss Ruth Ste. 9, who carried a bat W'oud with class colors, Mis.s.\la Adrew played processial..ver three clas-ses had etered. Miss Ste escorted graduatig class to stage where y occupied trt row ot seats. Seated platform with studets thc school committee, George H, Brow, odore W, Barry George L, Csgood, Frak C. Johs, superitedet of schools, members of faculty Rev, James T. Rider, Jr, program opeed with sg ' Morig ivitati" by Veazie, sug by school, MiSs Dorothy L. Carma was first of hor studets to speak. Her subject waa "Desity." a most terestig dlscu.ss of practical m'ppucatls of law- of.specific gravity Miss ("'aria proved that physics s ot exclusively a study to iterest boys. secd of tho hor pupils. Miss.. Hele Ste, who has bee school piaist for year, ably redered a piao solo, "Fourth Mazurka" iiy Godard, Lawrece S, Kis, third of hor pupils, spoke "Progress, resultat of radicalism cser\-atism,r' His paper was Judged by mayoo bc most thoughtful best writte. delivery w-as badly iterrupted, however, b-y trais p.asslg tho e.arby tr.acks,.\ chorus of girls ext sag "Stars brightly shiig" by Brte, Last of four hor pupils to speak was Miss Elizabeth J, Cleary, Her subject, "From isolati" to leadership,'' was admirably writte-- delivered. ts prophetic ote w favor of audiece, who g.avc hor a especially hearty applause, Thc school sg, " woodma," by Veazie followed. W. Staley Livig.st, presidet of thc ciass, i happy phrase, made two presetatis. He flrst preseted a toke of regard to Miss Aio H, P.almer, who has resiged as music teacher i schools. He th preseted, behalf ot class, thp.school committee w-ith a sum of mey to.l>e used to provide a wireless outflt for school. George H, Brow accepted. gi for committee, Mr. BroTv awarded prizes provided by Ayor Woma's club for best os.says " Pilgrims" by iocal Kights of 'ythias for best e,s..ys subject ",-Viorica love of liberty," MLss Fracos Page received flrst prize,mi.ss Kva Coughli, secd prizo provided by Ayer Woma's club. Lwrece S, Kels received tho irst Philip J, Adrew, socd of tho Kights of 'ythi.as prizos for boys Mlss Dorothy.. Carma received flrst. Mlss Eliz.aboth J. Cleary, socd of Kights of T'ythias prizos for tho girls. prizes i all cases woro books,.ver tho school sg "Three choors for tho U. S. A." by Baldwi. Mr. Johs iirostod diplomas, Thc ccliulig umber of tho program ws thc school sg, ".<g of yes" hy Brechelt. Rcv, James T, Rider, Jr., miister of First Baptist church, g,ave thc beedioti. Followig s list of gr.aduales: rhilip Jew'Otl.-Vdrow, 'Dorothy Lilli C.armart. Elizabeth Jao Cloary, Chsrlos Hery Corelller, Marguerite (»ly, Hele Doris Grayd, Kdwrd James Hllera, lwrece Sford K.'lRO, Oertrude Fraces Kig, William Staley Livigst, Christio T,ouiso Xfley. Blache Elizabeth Morse Myrtle Mildred Mulll, Mr- Kiet -:v(»le Murray. ^rgarct Klgsloy o.ogood. Paul Fracis Ry, Lillia Hol Ste. Wllllam Clydo Sio. l-'sthor Oeida Washbur. Hor rak. f laps motto Quails qatus. l.iss colors ^Blue gold, C!a^s flow-er Yellow rose. Cash Discout Storewl i':?v'^ Quick Sales, Small Profits Satisfied Customers ai;e; - what we believe build up a good ijusiess '^} SPECAL PRCES THS MONTH ON COTTON QOODS., -ich Ubleached Cott Cloth. rl3^ yarif 36-ich Heavy Bleached, Cott Cloth 9^ yard 36-ich Lglcloth, good quauty. 9^ yaxd 36-ich Pik Naisook, for Uderwear 9^ yardi ' Lsdale Lgcloth 5^ yar<i Cameo Lgcloth 5^ yard ' Berkeley Cambric 5^ yard White Pik PUsse..,..'. 9<i yard-''w^ White Law.5^ 9<* yard ' '-^'^ *"^ Heavy Pique 35^ yard' Fie Quality Garbardie '. 59^ yard dia Head ;..9^ yard Surf Sati 79^ yard White Voiles.9^, 69<*. 89^S yard Aget for Pictorial Review Pa'tters ~. Cortllli-lcs of Approval. For thc beefit of public local Marlello ahop, Mls.s Ellz.abeth, Patters, proprietor, clls atteti to thc sttemet. ssued "Milady Beautiful," omdal Marlollo mgazle, which s as tollows: "Oly those shops arc give a 'certlflcate of approval' 'which cditis ot saitati sterilizati s speclfled by Marlello Compay ro lived up to; which tho applicatis ot thc Bytcm fire accordace with fhe requlremctb of each dividual patr d aa prescribed by experts ot tho Marlello Compay; which tho operators arc iiualicd to practice tho 'Marlello.System"; which Marlello preparatis are used exclurlvcly tho practice ot tho Marlello system tl Jri H. H. PROCTOR Page's Block.. AYER, MASS. Prpdtpr's Str, Ayer PROCTOR & DONAHUE, /ossees SATURDAY, JUNE 5 ' ELANE HAMMERSTEN i "Poor'Dear Margaret Kirby," tlic ikivel by Kathlee Xorris. Special Christie Comedy, '"Eeckle.ss Sex," Pa News. SUNDAY, JUNE G CHARLES RAY i "Homer Comes Home." WANDA HAWLEY i, a Realart Pieture, Two sho-ivs ly, 3 3 7.3 P. M. TUESDAY, JUNB 8 BEBE DANELS i "Two Weeks With Pay," Saturday Eveig Post story by Nia Putar. Cetury Comedy. Ford W«ekly. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9 FRANK MAYO i "Tiger True," famous story. Comedy. - Pa News. THURSDAY,. JUNE 3 TOM MX i "Hs Off." Comedy. Pa Review. ; ' SATURDAY, TOLY ia "A Private Scal," with MAY McAVOY KATHLYN WL LAMS, a Realart Special Producti. Comedy. Pa >5^ws. which or ecessary requiremets arc compiled with." re s a suit ow pedig Bost agaist Lamplg-Nola restraiig her lise of word "Martella" She has ottered to settle disctiue usig ame. Ail graduates who have, take structi at this school will be otified ot this rulig with which y must comply, orwise legal steps will be take, ' above iformati waa obtaied trom Marlello Compay's attorey, Advt, BptL>it Church. Next Suday at '.5 p. m. pastor w-il] spoak "Paul, lllumi.ated"; tho Suday school meets at twelve o'olock, youg jaeoples' meetig at 6.5 p. m. childre's day ccort, i charge ot Deac Warre Preble, will be held at seve p, m. public is cordially vited to atted all se services. O ext Suday uirlg pastor will edeavor to show Paul's, four cceptis of Christ, eveig he will give a illustrated talk to childre. We are ow studyig book of Habbakkuk Thursday at 7,3 p. m. average attedace has bee spledid, but why ot raise t, we eed you as much as you eed us..st.. \drow's.votes. service i St. Adrew's Episcopal church Suday will bc morig prayer serm at.5. Rev.,^gus Du. formerly vicar ot St. Adrew's church, will cduct service. proach fierm*. Aer leavig St, Adrew's parish Mr, Du served with War Commissi of Episcopal church, studied Ox^ ford Ellborough, s ow professor of religious (sychology i Episcopal ological school Cambridge, Suday school has bee closed for summer. Durig July August St. Adrew's parish will combie ui services with Uitaria Federated churches. first ui service will be held i St. Adrew's church secd Suday J July. se.wrvlces will be held cach ot uitig parishes durig summer. Racro CliaptiT McollR. Bacro Royal Arch chapter held its regular cvocati tor flio mth of Jue at Masic hall Tuesday attero eveig. chapter cferred Royal Arch degree o of largost classes ever received sice chapter's foudati. Owig to thc large umber of cidates, thc chapter opeed shortly aer five.'v luch was served at sove durig termissi thc ccrcmle*. E, H, Bigelow catered. Creamed chicke toast, strawberry shortcake, ice cream, cake, coffee, cigars served. Past high priests of Bacro chapter.assisted thc work of eveig. Amg thoso who took part wcre Frk S. Piferce, Erest M. Gleas. Dr. Ralph H. Wylle, A. Pur Flllebrow. Herbert H. Proctor EUls B. Harlow.., Thc chapter wlll. hove thc usual vacati durig thc mths, ot July August. Fc<lcrat<Hl Church Notes. Morig worship scrmotv by thc mllst<;r at.5 Suriday morig. Bible sohool at twclvo o'clock, youg people's meetig t C.3, Edward B. Hopkis, leader. Evciif service t 7.3. Mld-'week sorvice Thursday eveig at eight ; Uriltarla, Episcopal Fedcr.atcd churches have arraged-, to hold ui services durig summer vacati. pla s to hold three services i each church, bcglplg Sudy,:Juy, St. Adrew'* Episcopal church. Real ERtBto Vasfcrs. followig real estato trasfers havc bee'recorded recetly thla viciity:, Grot da R. Bliss to J. N. Carbcau et ux,: da R. Bliss to R. E. BUss. Uttlet Martha. W. Jes to C. B Der et al. Shirley- Clara E.,Sackett tb Alice OB. WhilUker Towsed B. & A.» Fe«««de Co. to H. R. Thatcher, Samuel J, Baxter to A. C. Mlser; Arthur D Tracy to P. E. Lldstrom. Westford George F. 'White to 3Earry R. Cobur, l Graitevllle road, Lueburg' May V. Esterbroolc to Commwealth ot Massachusetts, l state highway; George B Proctor to Eva W. Hutov, l School Florece streets; Freema M Nye et al to Harry E. Wares, l orrly part; Joseph T.Aprlsc to Staislas Di et ux., l road North Leomister to Shirley Village, etc.; Co B, 6th regimet by trs. to Co. B club of Ftehburg, l Wllderwood Park tract. ' New AdTcrtlacmets ^v ANTED A woma two days a week for hou3e\% ork Ayer. Apply XO Public Spirit Offlce, Ayor P.Di&6o CHOCE 'WESTERN BEEF NATVE PORK, CHCKENS, FOWS V liajtb J?vi r VEGETABLES Fsmrs CANDT AND CGARS TEAS AND COFE<EES BREAD AND PASTBT BCTTKR, LARD, OLEOBlABOABipS FRE^ FSH EVERY ttktat Agets for AGUE OLEOMABaABXmB Tbe fiest d bcstwlistuato for Bat* ter. Ca bo usod tbo tatde LARD OMPOT7ND Cheaper tba Lord gtrcs better Results FRST QC.%LT3t 'WESTERN BEEV P. Dl & Gai., Mead's Block A'X'ER, UASS. - Tclcpbo S3 -" SB KODAKi ^ «!SR _ /. /<^-»5 ALL SZES ALL PRCES J^MEMBER, WE DO ALU'l KNDS OF DEVELOPNG AND PRNTNG,\X\.t' Mail Orders Received Ai Give Careful Attetitim

9.Stit9^Mfi^SSti TAGE SX SATUBDAY, JUNE 5, 9l"' f, V^ '^ *?i Si %'^l^^'' ;:' " ;^!?^o j ; "5 i t [ TOWNSEND. Otcr, vitatis have bee recetly received tow to weddig ot Rev. ljx>h O. Lg, a former pastor of tho 'Mothodlst church. He is to marry Mlas Alberta Stlrlk, of Ashl, Mday, Juo 7. Mlss Ages 'tarrar. who was oper- ' ated up for appedicitis at a Framightim hospital, has retured home s mprovig icely, ' Little Freddie Parker, who has b<*e Jivig at homo of Mr, "WUllam Cooper, at Harbor, for a few mths, has retured here to -tiome of his fathor, C. A. Parker. Rcv. A; L. Strurs daughter Charlotte a college fried wet to ir summer home Nels, N. H., Mday, W, C. Swl- -lgt carried m re his car. Methodist Suday school voted last Suday to hold ir picic this year at Whalom lake Thursday. Jue 3, wear permittig. Plas.are to be made whereby childre uder twelve years who atted Sudaj'school wi be carried free, Au all-day quiltig party will be hold at tho Methodist vestry Thursilay, Jue 8, uder directi of Dorcas class; A regular meetig of Phoebe 'Westou Farmer tet waa held Tuesday oveig. re was a good attedace, A llag day program was give readigs wero give by Mary MciSaster, Florece Gw.v, Pearl Woods -.Ora Watkis. Cy -ivas served toy followig comiittee: Karle La Vole, Margaret.Nels Ora 'Watkls. Mlss Wiie Piirker Misa Gertrude Beett of Holli.-.- wi-ie visitors at Aie Barkhouses oa Suday. Josopih Temple is at home -with his family here. Hery CoudVey s visitig i Fitchburg at home of her daugh- ter. Edward. Temple..W. C. Swilgt. W. T. MacMaster, Mllo Woods, Lesllo Hurley O. P. Estes atteded meetig ot Norbeagro ecompmet, held at Pep- perell Tuesday eveig. George Clark wet to Witer Hill' Thursday to sped a few days at home of Mr. Earl Miller. A fie b ccert w.as give last.week Thursday eveig by Towsed b. Melvi Davis, who has played bass drum i b for lly years, ihas give up this positi. He has bee a very faithful member of -Towsed b, a<i will be missed 'by all. His place is filled by Fred Piper. George Sherri of Bost was a recet visitor at home ot his mor, TS. Mary Sherri, W. H, Wig of Maide. is speiidig a 's\-eek at home of Willlam T, MacMaster or Tow- '; sed frieds. odore Wig is visit- ig at tho home ot Albert Seaver. sabellb MacMaster s visitig at home of Mr. Charles, mas i Maide, Rev, Bejami.-V, Wilmott, formerly Cgregatial pastor here, happily surprised recetly at ir Ro.xbury.home, evet beig ir twety-tifrh weddig aiversary also twety-fih aiversary. of his years i miistry. affair tvas carried out very elaborately durig eveig.mr. Wilmott was preseted with a ew Dodge car ' Wilmott was preseted with a evelope, which ctaied twety- '.five te-dollar bills. se gis show love esteem i which y are held by ir parishiers. A all-day meetig ot L, B, S, -of Cgregatial church was heid Wedesday, Jue 5, at home of A. L. Strurs, A lie dier was served at o, eaoh lady brigig sometjiig t'or dier i aero ice cream was served, -At busiess meetig followig oflicers - ^-ere elected; Lilla -'Estes, pres,; da Livigst, vice pres.; Harriet S<ivage, sec-treas.; i Savage, -Albert Howard ' Hery Miller, missiary com. Durig meetig Estes Savage preseted with sterlig lem forks by members of L, K, S. A fie supper -was served i M, E, vestr\' by.-suday school last Friday ever.ig,.\ttl-r tl-.e.--tipper Q, fie audiece* trvfeted Mv.-x- George Durgi of 'eppereil, who -spuke tlier woi'k aig moutai whites of Ketucky. She ertaiiy ga\e a very iterestig t.,!k.md her subject was a most iteresti.i: uiu. May of listeers remarked ;,- \v>,.ie sorry whe she had liished, Klle K.-^tes ret'.ired tu her home i tow r Kriday aer a absece of sev.-r.al mths. She '^\ a.-.-fccompaiiied!.y her daui;h;er,.mr,--:, Kaie Sti'e* ter of \Va!tha-,. wh-.re.she has iiee rec-aperatig siiie'e removal of a eatoract. Harry.-^iret-ter (!au;;hte;-, Mari,.vjv-t,iiida,v atl week-ed at ihe l-^.-^te.s hume, Childr's Day Coiuert. A childre's (l,>y c-'-xx'xfx'i '\x',i.- lieid i,m. K. rh irch or, Suday.--.eii- g uder ;:;-'.hre..tior, ef -lie s :da\' sch.iol teachers, Thf i.fiiowxvxr is program: Prelude, vir.-.i, >;h-,.: M.'i. r'emet. orgaist,.mrs A:;::i.. 'arrir; sg, choir: Scrii^tur.? v.i.iir.^-,.m r^s -Mary Patch, super.r.t.-ilei.-.f Suday school; prayer wirh, i-.spouse; reeitatl, Robert M.e.Ma.-tei-; s;.', 'risclll.a Hodge eiieriis; SOPL:. eheir; - recitati,.\];ee Koeii: s;:, choir; recit.tli, resa '.-weil; ili.ilo^iie. talph.miller ClilTord Mt.'iue; sg, choir: re(-i;a';f,.-vlice -Vattig; rosebud s;r i>> four little ^irls; recilali. Leslie -Mi'.ler: se^. ehoir: reritatis. rris.-ihif Hod'_'e, Th.elm.i Cella Wri;;l:t..wis Wricht.leie Stears; rerit.itiei:. "Swetjt pe.is." b> several girls; reuirks by itastur: sg by choir, A collecti wa.s received for Methodist fud, whioh is.;ied ro studets t.i ahie m of:, e-.-ies to fiish i:- o.-urse [r. oll-'.-e -elsewhere. West. Harla X.\ > e.»,,;, of hc late.mr. Charle.s Xye of Derby, Vt,, frierly eijeo,\ed as farmer at thc A, -. lier f.irm '^li street, was uited i iarria.ce last Saturdav ifprig t,. l,"ttie Klliott, daughter of Hery Klliott of Bridge street, happy couple drove to Milford, N,.. where ceremy was performed at 'it.aria parsage by Rev. Krest J, Bowde, aer spedig week-ed with rel.atlves ot bride, ret\ire<l to thc home of Elliott lirst of week, where y are stoppig for thc preset. Mr, Nye cme to this village i early sprig his bride was emplyed as ludres,(; at residece ot Arthur Homer Mai streel, Charles Nye, s of groom. s boardig with Klliott for aummer, Mr, Wifield Reed llltlo daughter, Marjorie, are.iped- g a few days i tow, comig l>y auto ir home i Readig, Mary Tucker her daugtitcra. Faith d Estella, h.avc retured to ir hore West Orot. aer apedig a few days at ir cottage D Bridge street. Mr. Mr.x, Myr Whitoy, Mis.-? Marl Whitey Everett Petts ' Greeville, Nt ir ut6 gumw of Mr, Charles Dley Suday. Joseph M.arcotte Clit spet week-ed at home ot Kl7.a Machester, where his wife s boardig for a few weeks,. Clarece... Webster" of tho brick (orc _ -was Bost Tuesd.ay a ijusiess trip. Mlss Emily.Orr, who has bee ejoyig a week's visit to relatives WUt, N. H., retured to her home hero Tuesday. McDole of Mai stroot s spdlg a tew weeks at homo of relatives i Machester, N, H. E, R. Brayt i'rovidece. t,,, s visitig her ior, Martha Adauus, of.mai street. Rachoi Bell Mclis has bee apedig a fow days with relatives i Cambrldgo. El Welch h:us bee clied at 'her homo Elm street for several days this week by lless, Alie Johs Cump Devs has bee a guest vt her mor, iirs, Charles E. Patch, for a tew days, Charles Jekis ot South Merrimac, N. H,, is tow superitedig repairs at his ew home, cottage.mai streot recetly vacated by Foster Hamilt- family, Ladles' Whlst olub ejoyed ir aual outig Tueaday, twelve of membors beig icveyed by Squalcook barge to Rowe's Wharf, Bost, where y woro met by Alde A. Sher'wl, e of members who Ls visitig i Quicy, party embarked for Natasket, returig iix late aero lutter a most ejoyable day a shore dier. y met at wharf by barge arrived home about 8,3, stoppig for luch Ccord, occaal was most ejoyable for all those attedig E, J, Lees, Hery B, Hathaway. Karle Wils, Ages Sherwi,,R. S. Ely, Roy Brow, Frak Boutelle,. Edith Wichester, Frak Ormsby Miss Edith Teev of this village Erest G, 'Wils of Ceter, vitatis aro out tor. thu graduati high school at Memorial hall at Ceter three members of class. George Shepherd, Doris Teey Lucie Reyolds are fi-jt this village. Miss M. A. Ta.owell ts visitig Dr.. Hery B. Boyt Miss Bertha Boyt. C, F. Mcliss ha.^ bee spedig a few days i Lo-.vell this week. Miss Emily Orr ha-s retured a few days' visit to relatives i Wilt, N. H. Staley Hardy, who has bee with his grmor,.mi-s, Hery B,' Hathaway, has retured to home ot his parets i.-vshby. Chautauqua seas has agai arrived regular aual liveday series of lectures, ccerts etertaimets, will commece at Ceter July 9 much iterest s maifested i especially fie program advertlsed, Tickets wet,sale Jue '^ ca be purchased guarators, those at this ed of tow beig Car; B, Willard, ivho is advertisig u^et, Ages Sherwi, Alde A, Sherwi, Dr, K, S, Kly, Dr, Hery B, Boyt, Clarece L, Webster H, F, Litch, jlte.vs are makig arragemets to cvey passegers back forth fro.m Ceter for th.e occasi. Ladle.s' missi held ir regular meetig at Baptist vestry Wedesduy aero, P.ev. Joseph SlcKea presidig, topic take for aero studv ws celebrati of golde jubilee of -Ajerlca.Missiary orgaizati. Fred Davis, who has bee very at his home for ^several mths, is able to ride out, although cfied to a wheel-chair. He was brought to barber shop village Tuesday b.v meas of chair beig placed farm w.ag received hearty greetigs those of his frieds who happee'd to meet him. Oe of his ss, Walter Davis, graduates. Ashby high school Thursday eveig. Charles Hodgma etertaied her.suday school chi.ss of boys, Live Wire class, at her home Tuesday eveig, a very plea.sat eveig with games sports w-as ejoyed. P.ev, Joseph McKe.a will occupy his pulpit at Baptist church Suday iorig, takig for his topic, ".\ too hasty cclusi as to what is impossible," eveig hc wlll preach bacculaureate serm to graduatig chuss of Towsed high.xchool at Ceter, his subject beig "Heroic elemet i life of youg.\merica." - Hattie Blood is assisti.g at iiome of.\i.'a G. Stears of Mai street for tlie preset, MLss Graee Hadle.v. i.s visitig i Xewjiort,., i).scar Mua.;,'ett, who has bee for a umber ot years i lirm of Mudgett it Co,, plumbers at Ceter, who li;i\e recetly sold out to Nels of liarlior, will take a exteded vacati bof'h-e locatig i busiess agai, liorothv.sherwi, who was uitii ilr. a,l. R, S, El.v" last week till close uf school, has joied her fiimily.t -hiiiic,v. w-hore y wiil sped.s.vei-.il weeks..mci-;ili'-,'tt family Host spi.-t sev'oral day.s at ir summer home K!m street recetly stripe, awigs r.ver wido\\-s fac-.g strei.t,'idd much to appearace c.f tlle ituildig as well a.s (-omfort of piazza. T, M, P.lai.sdell, who has bee visitig iier dau.tjhter, Her.v 5, Hovt, ha.s retured to hev home i i''rakli..me., T, G. Holligs- \v.rtii of SiiriLtfield. i)r<">r~i-law of Hoyt, is th-ir guest for preset. Mr.,M rs. P.,irl Flreed,.Mr, Gurley,-\ugustus Newma of \'iotor.e. \'i-,.mr. mid. Hardy d.mr, Wig.\shh\- -xxd P.oliert Daa frimi lliois liave iu'-'ii rei et ato irue-sts of Mr-, Her.v f Hathaway, ^ Mr,,. Cliarles Homer daughter, -Ml.ss.Mice Homer Quicy, guests of.martha Homer for w-eek-ed. Fracis Fly is assistig at slore of M'ebster.<i.- F;irrar sice his retur fr.'>m Worrester, l-riiik Sers <'layl Crad,-\\er have bee visitig tbe Misse.s '^aie Addie Sers. Mr. Jaies.. l-'y, Miss Martha Fly Hrookh,.N. Y.. Fracis l-'l>. a studet at Holy C-ro.s.s, oliege i Worcester arrived.lue T at thcir cottaite for sumier. tlie.v have a host of frieds wh'i are ver.v -..'l.ul to see m agai i tow. Albert.Vusti, t\ho h,a,s recetly retured Hrbak hosplt.al, where sbe uderwet a serious operati, i.s improvig Mlss Talmi Kayl<k,a is assistig i home. Mr.. Kdward Thatch Brooklle sjiet week-ed with Mr. Patch's parets, Mr. Fred A, Patch, Ml,'s,'» Rolea Campbell, prlmatiy school teacher, wet Thrsdy eveig of fml t\-cck to her home H.arv.ard to atted thc graduati exercises of e of her sister.s, her retur 'wa.s -accompaied by her sisters who spet thc da>- visitig her school, Frak Adams fried Bost Hpet holiday d week-ed at tho Ad.ams tarm, A still alarm ws souded last weck Wedesday eveig for chimey fire at thc old Upt homestead, ow occupied tor thc summer by.mr..gca.s of Redig. flre was burig furiously departmet was promptly h with cfhem- cal extiguishers, with help ot eighbors. t was extiguished before ay serious damage was de, bt had t broke out a few hours later thc ight, doubtless a serious (ro would have occurred. Mr. d ^^rs. Joh Vose New York have, bee guesti ot Lots Vbso vors P. Sherwi-. ' Mr. ti-a William W. Webster ot West Grotori wero tow tor several days recetly, Webster hua aoui her cottage to O. D. Prescott of Mas. N, Ht, who o.xpocts to take possessi about lrst ot July. Webster's bror, WUliam Kig, who has occupied cotta.ito tor sevctxil yetirs, moved hist weck to tho Wyma cottage ci'o,ss road trom Ba.vberry hill to Fitchburg road, jols Homer, little daughter of.mr, Arthur P. Homer, gave -,i birthday party to twelve of her little frieds playmates, occasi of her Heveth birclulay Thursday, Jue C, little folk wero vited three to hve i aero out-of-door sports games ejoyed, atter which y seated at table daity refreshmets sorved. little guests wore proseted with bright birthday favors which thcy took to ir homes as souveirs of tho ejoyablo occasi youg hoste.ss received may.pretty tmd useful gis best wishes of her little trieds as well as some older guests who also etertaied by watchig yougsters ejoy mselves. Hazel Towle trom Worcester spet a few days rectly with. W. C. Wichester at vsciuamcook, where sho was formerly employed. Delia Small Hoiiis, -V. H., has bee a recet gue-st of Mra,.Mary ("'obur, up her retur Cobur ac-omp'-iied her for ti tirief visit, reforaig to her homo here Saturday, Miss Crouch West Swazey, X, H,, h.is bee a roct g'uest ot Daiel C, Taylor Ashby road. Dr. C, B, Shaw brigs tirst report of gree peas picked froui his vies for dier Jue,. M books take public iii-irary must be retured to readig-room this Saturday aero before,3 o'clock, as public library will closo for aual vacati, reopeig July, books wlll be distributed readig-room agai eveig of July 9- public scliools closod tor sumier vacat-i Friday, Jue 7, tor summer vacati, teachers returig to ir homes for summer. Miss Campbell to Harv-ard tho -MLsses Roche Gilchrist to Fitchburg, A class graduatig grammar room, composed of Misses Johs. Ages Coffey, Lawrece Welch,' Bejami Berard Erest Koivu, will atted Towsed high school i fall, Clara Kirby etertaied a party of promiet busle.ss me wome Bost at vacati camp at Vit pd through holida.v weok-ed. Fred Davis, who was very ill for a few days last week with a.icute attack of idigesti, is reported as much improved, l.ucy l>i;vrece of '^h street is assistig at her lume for th-d preset. LTTLETON Xc\v>< teis. CharioH GoT'l. family fror Nowt r'tt.tc'r si>e;u last woek-er.d with H. S. Brow'.s of Ki? stroot. Mf. G«or, :e McXitT little dau;^h:er recet, «:uf's:s of Miss Ksr M.'Kr.r.is -JC Fu.^tor st:r..-t. aui reui of tho (.'at faiiiily i.-s held at S.tdy Porid tody. Juo 5. Frak Dod::re"s brotiier. Dr. Horaco Howe, ar.d family of Brooklie, - recet vi.sitors i to'.v. Loyql^ Nashobah lodtro.. O. O. F.. M. U.. '" "Ti* hold a special sui.i^ied ieetii.'j. vr^ Mday, Jue -7, for tlio electi of otllcers for ext six mths. AU.r.>,embcr.s are urped to be i)re.set. '* e\vly-a:>:m.ited deputy yr master will b'j i-reset speak about decree work. Georpe Brow has sold to Robert Wood place Great road recetly purchased of K. N. liobis. Mr. Brow his faiily le tow by auto Thursday iorig for Chaucey, N. Y., whe he will retur to his forier positi i boys" school. Some of ir most itimate frieds save Mr. Brov a pleasat sed-off i form of a recepti at Richard Dodjj:e's home ^^'ede.sday eveig'. Arthur Millike of.liaa is bei^ etertaied t>\- his ciassmat^- a: Grot(:' Sohool, Robert Sers. O aer July Miss Nagle Miss Graham of Ayer will clos*- ir hat sli.ijjs <L'ver\- eveig- i'ut Saturday, ulil furr otice. i;tse)all Gamo. A iterestig- at tiie;-ii exciti? ball grame was play^-j.m Coutry club grouds las: Mday eveig betwee te<\is of "lias bee" ail would be" bal; pla\-tl-rs Th-' old-imers started with a rush sfl>r.--d "three rus i tir.st im-^. lead auerati.cr, til i he ith, Oio score was tied, evetually thr "would bes*" pshed fiver wiig ru. fial soor^' beier to i eleve ;r,,:iirs Some goi'd b'klic: play.s W^TC m.idr mostly hvoaust' fielders ci'u.d or i::ot out of wav fa.st pou:.rh had :o stop tho l-al'l. "r.is :.e>-'ix" ce:.-rti.--:d*mtil ik ip: th<' i;riiur.d tv'.-i v-^'u-ih. proceeded to si ("to til it Uy rollig b.is ;Jt'i i)ds o\er it, a er c a t rh i : a tiy comi,' up with, th'- i-a ; ti midst upro.'frous. jiplaus*-. ative mod'-'sty of iy.o jdayers prevets us liritmcr ; metiicr ames of tb..- ''s TS, Come ar,d SM.-. for y.nb'uday t t'l.5 wh'-';i wivi bo i-lavod N.- bi? will be ;,d:r.itt*'il t ;h.' Cpmmultjr -ss' servcob will bo startea Suday eveij^ a large attedace s aticipated. aorvice will ope ut : bj, followig tho Seior C. K. meetig Subject, "Loveat thou mo.'-' regular piii>' ieetik will be held Thuradu.^ vuij; at tho eliurch at 7.3. i;;t'rye is ur^ed to be j>reset. WEST ACTON Xo«s tems. body, of \s arrt.* Werbee, s of Am Weiiurbee of Stow, who died a hospital m Frce i. 98 woudls rect.ivt'd i World war, arrived tow Tuesday morig Hoboke..v J-. accompaied by a member of rej^ular army. caaket was draped with a heautiful llag. body was lake to Stow, whero fueral services to bo held. This s iirst body this viciity to be retured home. Cards re^ ivtd thu week aoucig 'irtti of Raymd Avory, Jr.. to Mr..md Raymd Gallat of Athol. Mr. Charles Wood called to Webster ti-.o past week by serious Ht..--^ of Wood's far. Doatii. Aie (Holl) Boyce, wife of Charlea Boyce. pa.-^sed away at her homo here, Mday aero. Boyce was attedm;; to her household duties i foreo whe she was stricke with aiiopt;.\y. She fell to floor remaied ucscious for several hour.s, whe ed camc. Boyce had hw a residet of this village for a uitkr of years had may frieds whu will miss her kidly acts cordial >;ree:iiiks. She leaves her husb several childre e grchild lu mour her loss. Pueral ser\'ice.s wer<? held Baptist church Wedesday aero, Rev. A. V. Wheeler, pastor of church, ofliclatii,'. Bejami Smith rdored "Beautiful isle of somewhere'* "No sorrow re." bearers wero Joseph Gallat. James Frech, Duca Keedy William Driskell. re was a profusi of most beautiful tloral tributes. itermet was i family lot i Mt. Hope cemetery beside her s, Elmer, who passed away several yoars ago. LUNENBURG News tis. Suday will be observed as baccalaureate day f'.r hiph school. sei-vice will be held i tho Cprre,i,'ati(,ial church everybody is wolcome. ^'rad uati exercises will }>o held i tow hall ^\"ollesday eveii;. Juo ^9. Tlie grade scliools closed last week 'riday for summer vacati. y will reope September 6. Special music is bei^ rehe?,rsed by th«' ui choir m jireparati i aticipati of th-- s-tvice for baccalaureate Suday. Miss Rachel Marshall, who has l>t'e teachig tho s.-veth grade i tlie Oter school, is ot expected to retur ext fall, a.s she is to be married so. Her may frieds offer sicere cgratulatis as she eters his ew relati takes up a schoid of e scholar, C. E. society held its aual meetig last week Friday evei^-. Ollicers elected committees chose as follows: Doris Nickols. i)res.:, Goorge M. Waketield. vico pres.; Charlotte Alexer. st'c: C. E. Ste, eor. sec: S. L'lur.Mcltyre. treas.; committees, Rulii G. CJilchrest, Earlo A. Brow. jrayor meetig: Nellie M. Jewett, missiary; George M. Wakefield. Alfred G. Gilchrest, Dald Ste, lookout; Ruth G. Gilchrest. (juiot hour super'mtt-det; Mig. Whitcoib. 'raees E,. Harley, Fracis Wolfe. Ruth Burrago, Earle A. Rrow, Beatrice Archibald, social; Doris Peters. Hele F. Gilchrest, music; Nellie M. Jewett, ilargaret Proctor. Marguerite A. AVoods. flower: Charlotte Alexer, assistat juior superitedet. Mr. E. K..,awrece, of Stickey, S, i'. who have bee visitig relativ's i tow poits of iterest t!.!mul,'hout New Egl. started ; th.,r retur trii> Mday. t was ir happy privilege to atted tt>- i'.uker Hill colebrati last w.-.'k i'riday witess fie para<b-, see a real New Egl i)tr;mt.r <U'mstrati. BOXBOROUGH.p ov p"a\-- j ; r,p\t ; r'-t\ir gamt' i i.:v,o S'-rxuia \ News tem-. Uoyal W Norliiampt' : et at r > Smith A-r. Royal gradu.'itiet > Mr. a-i? i:r.,^! Suday v;.-;*i Ml-. Mij<s if w.:-d(i:i,u Nowttiii las* Samur: W. state ro,' be cjie fov <'harb-s W lluff.'il.i. wh.-; :. erlh'o retured to iiis Friday to be pres^-cemt oxorci.ho.s of aral school. Both :- are members of M: Ci:rogati(»l N(>(<>-. RMV, Gi! CU-l wili bf t f \ ifw Sii(ia>". i'. liis.absece liis' frifiui fellow studet at B(>st ; ui\"ersily. Rev,.li>h,.i:, will oc- j cupy jiuljt Rev. d Ci-dd ;ii:ed*"'d j out-door soci.ql e\a't of Bost i-! j vorsity married i h^i doeric.-i studets i,% Tosdy. 'ilria Notes. [ Suday will be obsfr\r'd as cbil- ; dre's da>". Thf ifibers of tho ; r-lmrch school will joi thf cr>i;regaj ti i tlif morig sfrvicf,'it."i, re will bf special musir by thr youg iioople's chorus, mi- istfr will preach a sorm appropri-! latp to thf dy. Childre will bo rhristo7iod d (b-dlcatf d t ^ (otd d ehristi lifo at morig sorvioo, cluirch school has elfctcd Miss Hazol ^radloe Nahum Wliitcomb.as delogatos to Fitaria T-ayi's stltuto for Religis Educati to be hfl(] at Star sl, te filo,<i oul f, u Portsmouth. N. X., July 3 to Ausrust fi. A uusually flo program has bf prepared. dojogates thia churrh to lioth sossi of North Middlesex, oferof i Wilt. N*.., wore E. A. Abbott. Mr. j J. M. Hartwoll. Rev Carl O. li^orflt. Frak B. 'riost A. T. Turer. gorl rforce of X.-ltarJa churches moots i Detroit, October -7. t was pleasig to have a umber of out-of-tow frieds attd morig worship s Suday. Amg those who Wfro attedace Almira Willard. of Falrhave, Kmma Prest, of Nc%\'t, Ml.sfl Betty Gord, of Newt. has b.'.- re'' ful,ir.d ]o- i meas ai- thr family thr.-'f t!ie 7,st \\"* iittif, aiul.. W;.;;; hfulth by Mr w >i i f Th. bd,:: s mo; - i l#ii^>*'>: ^rdk-r^j^^' Bptt!>t Nolr.s, food slo srhodiilcd for thlr wook hatt ho poatpod util a lator d.ato, "Evoluti d rollprl" la tho subject of llio morlr sorm Juiors will hold ir rcrular meetik at five o'cl6ck, Suday.!-W_-l.^ Bjaiii aiul.mr. ;id i of rh>'lii"isforil woro at K, y, ^.artoa's, Haliili K. Whitcomb '.a.i\vriuro.'ittoiulod opti " a fritvii i ^ -urdy (-vf-i^. Tboo*.^ ew pfaracco.- fii.shed wi so ^ios.*.. t is al a hospital i iu* wt a.st wook to 'til porforioil, \S'ord d tiiat it w;i.s siiocf's.s- ("jip: woii, - otimio tiu-r \;sits..ir. H. C.,'^tefl.''s >.<; havo lio vory sicl< two.at Go:ro Koi os', i various familios. "' Robis is i poor iby is lioig caro,] for -"Xt' sistor i.ittlot X'V is paiiiik. '. Maliol Uobls is much bottor. ior littl. dauphter,.n'atalio. i.s i <'lit with ts Krparts,,\r, ami, C T, Wothorbee wore out early.«,uiday morik tryig tlieir ow auto, wlii< a came Saturday. Wilbur.^teei.', captai of tiio bso- Kall i>', ha.s ho.solicitig fuds to givo tho loa, jiropor equipit. He mot with rea,ly respse aig tho iooplo. TllO four scliiiols hold tlieir closig ove isos at tho tow hall last Kriday ' veilig,,\s usual, about every family w,is repre,seiitod. re woro l\ two grailuotes, partly duo to thc prevalece,,f ioa.siofl, so two ' woro Horger Keyes Rudolph Swas. pigrai was patriotic character, ilepictig \-arlou3 scees history, " suiidor of Corw,allis," Courtship of Miles St.lsh" may or.s. t w.%s a fie tortimt greatlv ejoyed by audlco,,\rtor thb presetati of tho diplomas by.supt. MliBt, Arihur Nels, member ot..lohaol board, mado a fi>w remarks,.spookig i particular of high marks received by somo of pupll.f recet examiatis Followig this a recepti was give to Mr. Mllllgt, ce cream cako. was furished by tbo committee. dlspl.ay of work do by tho childre was excellet, Aihort S rgt ha."! ce to Mllwaukoo a busiess trip. He expects to he aw.ay about two weeks, Mr.s. Sarget's little iece, who hfus bee livig with hcr attedig school here, lis retured to hor home. Evely Wood, who'atteds school Rrookllo, «-,a,s t homc over wook-d. committee i chargo of tho stra^vtierry suppor, which had bee aouced for Frldtiy cvig, Juo 7, foud it boat tit tho last momet to postpe supper bocauso of fah'well recepti for Supt, tmd. Mllllgt, whicil was arraged for: by tho school commilteu iit ir meetig Thursday lgbt, Jue C. Act c;oiiior-lioxboro Held meet held at Actu Ctor last Saturday aero was oxcoptially good. meet wa-s very close betwee both glris boys, Boxboro girls w by a score of to 9, Rai.preveted tho boys' baseball game, which will be played at a later dato to decide ctest. score ow sts: Boxboro 'ii. Act Ceter, A prlzo of Jii,5 was awarded Boxboro giris, a like amout will bo give to boys who wi. ball game wili bo well worth seeig. results of moot follow: Boys' tug-of-war, w bv Act Ceter. Girls' tug-of-war, w by Boxboro. Boya' relay race, yards, w by.\ct Ceter. Girls' relay race. 5 vards w by Boxfboro; ru by Mildred Werbee, Dorothy Kichards, Kurli; f.ravos ud Evely Wood, Boys' stig broad Jump, Wiiiiam Chester, st; Act Ceter, d 3d, Girls' stig broad jump,.vjct Ceter, st d; Dorothv Hichards, 3d. Boys' ruig broad jump, William Chester, st; Act Ceter, iid; Keeth Chester, 3d, Girls' ruig broad Jump,.Vct Ceter, at d; Aia Hlciiurdaoii, 3d, Boys' shot-put, Wiam Chester, st; Malcolm Steele, d. Qlrls' shot-put. Evagelie Graves, st; Act Ceter, d, Girls' ball throw, Evagelie Graves, st; Act Ceter, d, Boys' ball-throw, William Ch.;ster, st, Act Ceter, d, Target throw, Malcolm Steele, let. Boys' 5-yd dash, Act Ceter, st; Malcolm Steele, d; William Cheater, 3d, Girls' 5-yd da.sh, Dorothy Hichards, st; Act Jeter, d 3d, Boys' high Jump, William Chester, st;.vct Ceter. d; Malcolm Steele, 3d, Girls' -yd. dash, Dorothy Richards, st; Act Ceter, d; Aia Kichards, 3d, Bovs' -yd, dash, Act Ceter. st, d 3d. Otis H, Forbusli, auctieer, will seli Thursday, Jue 3, at 9,3 a, m., cows, bull, liorses, wags, cart, sleighs, haress, farm tools household goods, property of Agelo Marceiiii, Miit Ceter. New Advortiscmcts.otST A rresto-lite. tak Friday eveig of last week, road leadig to Soutii Brooklle. via Oak llill. returig by Brooklie road. Suitable reward if retured to L. D, BKMS, Kiver Street, East Pepperell, Mass, Telephe -, 3 CARD OF THANKS wish to thak Boxboroush eififhbors frieda, who remembered my dear bror, Adrew M. Walkor, with kid words deeds duriff his s illess, especially Card club of which ho was a member. Also, to thak m all for beautiful [lowers set to his' fuei-al. Maila D. 'reema.t. Specer, Mass. * DANCAUSE & OKLE Fish Groceries West Street Ayer, Mass. Teleplie G Pure Lard ^ lb. Sweet Com.. 3 cas 5^ Caed Squash ^ ca Libby's Sauer Kraut... 5f^ ca Libby's Red Salm 3<J ca Libby's Salad Dressig, large 5<* botue Caed Raspberries,,.. 5<> ca Caed Tomatoes, large 5^ ca Pastry Flour, Success Br?.5 bag Purita Flour $.6 bag Grot orders take Mday; delivered Tuesday morig Littlet orders take Mday; delivered Wedesday morig Shirley orders take Tuesday; delivered Thursday aemo Clirrli NO^VB. Saxs arc lo.idlg tho Kords hy lof) iilo. across thc Ofikota plal,i, c.itost.^ very terestig, though tho m..ies arc keepig.may attedig. Your paiter kows paitig F you are plaig paitig your liome, csult a paiter as to materials color. His years i tlie paitigbusiess liave qualified him to judge as to wliat is best suited for desig wear. f you act his judgmet, you will be sure of a good job a job that will look wear as paiter who plaed it kows it will. CHESTER A. PARKER Pepperell, Mass, VULCANZNG 'OMMONWKAt.TH OF MASS.VCHT- SvTTS, Middlesex, -ss. Probato Crt. To tho heirs-at-law all perss iterested i th estate of AM.M. HA-,TA,,,\. to of Towsd said Couty of Middlesex, deceased. testate. Whorea.s, ^a^l,.t. RAJALA, admiistrator or ostato of said flcceaser, has preseted his petiti for authority to mortgage cort.al real estate rei doscribed. of estate of aald (ecoasod. to raise tho sum of six hudred doll.ars. for tho purposes of payig dotits d charges of admiistrati. Y re horeby cltod to appear at a Probate Court, to bo held at Cambrldgo, said Cty of Middlesex, tho h day of July A, D.!», t lo o'clock foreo, to show cuse. f ay you havo, why same should ot bo grated, Ad said petitier s ordered to serve this cittl by deliverig a oopy reof to each pors torostod fourtee daya, at loast, before sld Court, or by publishig same co each week, for three fluccesslvo weeks. Towsed Tocsi, a ewspaper pirtillsho^l «ald Couty, tho last publicati to be e day, at least, beforo said Court. ^te."is, George F..awt. Ksouiro First Judge ot said Court, this ith dy of Juo thc year e thous lo hudred wtj'-e. 3 F. M. EkSTY, Register. BATTERY WORKiVlake Your Next Battery a VESTA y last lger because plates are locked apart. y cost less per mth of service. Call see m. Quality Tire Battery Shop 7 Park Street B. H. TYREELL, Prop. Telephe - AYER, MASS. Taste Flavor T'S ihejlavor of Jersey- ce Cream that vviu ctiually coax you to earest Jersey dealer for more. re are or good creams but e that ca match Jersey for delightful true flavor. Jersey ce Cream is made of pure cream, sugar fiest flavorigs i a plat scrupulously clea. Every Jersey Brick is Tripl-Sealed iu three wrappigs, that keep it pure, fresh perfect. G^t a package or Tripl-Seal brick, today. Taste tke Flavor! "Look for Jersey Sig." Made by Jersey lce Creai Compay, Lawrece, Moss. SOLD BY GEOoE. HLL. Druggl.st, Ayor, >a«s. W. L BRUCE. Grol, Mu.ss..^HS. GEORGE N'EWCOMB, LltUet,.^a.ss. DU PAW P;\R.>L\CY, East PcpiM-rcll..Mass. L\RVAR'D TH.\ ROO.M, Harvard,.Mass. Widrow Hay Loader for Hilly L "^ Have you see sigle cylider Hay loader ithat we have h at our store? f ot, we wat) you to drop i ispect. JOHM^EERE Dai System Widrow Loader Dai System Widrow.oader l> fhe lighttjt-dratt hay loader. lact, e ma ca pull it «ihort ^distace level l, deliverig a <alr-<ited widrow to wa^. drum s mouted axle. 7het«are o gears. loadig parli are slowly drive, hay compretil parts automatically yieldig, oad frame s mouted wheels i such" a'maer that loader pulls easily uder B facavk load. Dai System \Wdrow Loaded fs especially suitable for hilly l for hlig hay that has bee air.<ured accordace with tha Dai Svstem. This losder wiu hle beas, alfalfa, clover or kids of hay geauy, irithoot loss of leaves. ^'ils^*\^}, "', "*'" Syitem Widrow Lotti s diaplay at our «tor» ow. AYER HARDWARE COMPANY Park Street Ayer, Mass. FO SALK..A Ford with SprlKold Commercial body A No. cditi. Box C, 3 Rodm Ave, Shirloy, M»s. tf Piao TulQ WLMOT B. CLEAVES Phe HAUVARP, JASS. Piaos For Salo Ket lyl<» NOTCE S H;REBY OV-.N that thc BUbscriber has bee duly appoited executor of will of W.UAM W. DOLK, late of Pepperell. Couty ot Middlesex. Maflsachu.iett. deceased, teta'te. fss take up himself that trust >y Klvljcbd, as law direct!*. AU peras havik dems up estato of said deceased are hereby required lo exhibit same: d all perss debted to'said estate ro called up to make paymet to ALBBRT C. BROWN. Kxccutor. t) Mt. Globe Street. S'ltchbursr, Mass., Jue, 9..t-lZ ^ '. '^& &^^,^i:ttii&^

j^"' 6, 8 e-. W^^WWr FOR SALE PUK3E:BRED TWO-YEAit-OiD HOLSTEN BUUCi Dam (A, R. O. daubha-r of -lb. bull aa A. R. O. cow) 3, lbs. mllk 35 days; ber dam lbs. 3.77ci mllk dally. Sire, as mcisurea by his umerous sisters who liave sive CO to lbs. mllk daily uci lu.ooo lbs. a year. s e of t'rcatest this viciity. His dam wus awarded prlzo by Holstei Associati he himself w Jlrst at Brockt secd at Easter States. His dam sire's dam avcratfod SO lbs. or - Vi cas 3.7L>Vi. milk dally. Herd Federal tested by itradermal method ow supplatig tho very fallible subcutaeous. JOHN- H. HOWARD Littlet Comm, Mass. N. A. SPJLR m Wish to call your atteti to ir stock of CEMETERY MEMORALS which y would be pleased to have itedig purchasers ispect obtai prices. PARK BTRBBT Ayer, Mass. FSH Fresh Frore Fiah, Tussdays, Wedesdays,. Thursdays Fiida^B. We ship by parcel post to alrhbor- e tows. Tel. or mall ordera prolptly atteaded to. P. DONLON A Hal Street OO. Ayer CHCHESTER S PJLLS Cli.clie».t«r plm&iuru9d//%\. vu la Xitd am Uold mlrtalucxh^ boxes,' tcajcd.'wlth'^ Blue RJbboiCVy^ Tikif]<r'olh*t? BUT orr^r'?^' t>irlst.'*askfairo^iw.tezs OAUO:fD QANO JPUa^tbr'SS rei kvw,^ Bot. Safest, Alwt>s RelUba SOLD BY DRUGGSTS EVERYWHERE For Sale Oe 8- Steel Cookig Rage for Restaurat HOT WATER FRONT Nearly New Cost $85 "T PAYS TO WALK" f* aye tells you that have ge out ot busiess do ot believo m, but call at S7 East Mai Street where you will fld a good lie ot r Beds, Mattresses, Diig Extesi Tables, Sprig Beds, Slidig Couches, Kitche Diig Chairs, Babies' r Cribs, Art Squares, liioleui, Widow Shades, Etc. am uder o expese for store ret orwise give my patrs beefit. FRESH FLOWERS FOR FUNERaiS '^ND WEDDNGS.'VUTO HE.RSE.\ND ALTOMOBiES B. TUTTLE AYER, 3ASS. *WARE WASTEAND WEAR WELL! Huma Bodies Are Poised by Thcir Ow Waste. Moat llesses Arc Prevetable. huma body hasto be heated fie foods bured iside body produce much waste. All this waste should be removed body regularly, thoroughly, daily, by elimiative orgas, which are bowels, kideys, ski, to some extet lugs. se should act i harmy if bowels are iactive extra effort is required of ors, which easily become deraged. May medicies will force bowel acti temporarily but aer-effects are harmful. May remedies are advertised, some of which have prove year aer year to be reliable, efficiet, without harmful acti or effect. Take Beecham's Pills for example. For over 7 years Beecham's has bee a household word all over world. 7 years of use by all sorts of folks, me, wome d eve childre, have prove fir^t, that Beecham's Pills do what is claimed for m; secd, that y arc harmless, do ot produce bad effects. Some medicie forces Nature to uatural acti. Or medicies, like tho?e ctaied i Beecham's Pills assist Nature, act mildly, persuade hece produce o harmful effects. t is comm to fid families i which Beecham's have bee used by several geeratis, thcir use hed dow far to s mor to d,iughter. That's best, possible recommedati for ay' ^-emecly. Every druggist sells Beecham's, is glad to do so beciusc he kows that ir reputati has bee w by merit. SHRLEY News tems. Shirloy A. A. will play Littlot A. A.. Shirley playgroud this Saturday aoro at three Murphy spet last week i Nashua, N. H., at home ot Albert rrie. Mias Clalro Lgley, u teacher Wlthroi), WU. u Kuest of.mr. Hittie W. Bvus Tliursdiiy over week-ed. Joseph MCCPHU retured to Ly last Suduy aer a vucutl spet at homo of lii.s.-iisier,. Adrew Phelps. Mr.. Roy Simmlgt s, of Revere, KUe.sts ut homo of Mr..Mi.s. Joh Uesmd last Suday..Mr. Simii.iiiKt wus a "buddy" of Arthur Desmd " st Egieers..Mis -Marv l>owcrh. of Lowell, was also a KUest" of tho Desmds. Sho has locetiv rotured Califoria reports that she le Helee Desmoiul woll ud with very lio peopie..mr. William WilUums. of West Ly, aro roomig ut homc ot L. J. Edgart.. Carie Hooper has received word of death of hor mor. Margaret MacUuld, at Cape -ret, Caada.. MacDald had bee i her usual health util recetly, whe a attack of paralysis resulted her death Jue. She waa sovty-ie years old Jauary flrst. Mr. George Greeleaf, Nclllo Holbrook Miss Mary Park visited Frakli Park, Bost, last to see tho birds (lowers. trip was made Mr. Grceleafs auto, with Mr. McCulle drivig. Master Hery Wells celebrated his fih birthday last week Friday. A happy party of littlo folks preset at his home,' cludig, besides his brors sisters, Prudece Lry, Jdh Westover, Staley Stebbls, Ruth Robert Brockelma, Dorothy, Joh Mabel Peeseau. His ucle, Hery Maws, ot Old Tow, Me., remaied over for occasi. Hery received gis of mey, cup plate set, stockigs, suit cy. ' Refreshmets of ice cream cake wore served. A well filled houso listeed to thc etertaimet give by members of Uiversalist Suday school Mday eveig. A piao diiet.by Misses Gladyce Phelps Kalhiee Mier opeed thc exercises, tollowed by a vocal solo by Charles Purdy. "Lear to smile," for a ecore, "Comig through tho rye"; readig, " e-legged goose," Miss Kl Peabody: flrst act of "A suit ot livery"; readig, "My double how he udid me," Miss Poabody; sg, "Two little childre," Miss i'helps. accompaied by Miss- Esr Amsde, with a ecore. "To you," secd act of comedy. youg people showed muoh traiig time had be spet i perfectig ir parta. Home-made cy was sold. O.id aer July Miss Nagle Miss Graham of Ayer will close ir hat shops overy eveig but Saturday, utir furr otice, a excitig thirte-ilg game betwee Sams Cordage Works team Harvard A. A., local team w by' score ot to 3. Edward Lilly, oldest s ot Dr. mas E. Liiiy, is a graduate this yoar at Harvard. Edward Miss Mary Marr atteded "sior spread" Mday eveig. D.icig was ejoyed law i tho hall. Dr. Lilly ss Edward Richard, Edward Harkis atteded class day e.xercises Tuesday. Frak West, a formor residet, who was omployed by dustrial school, passed away Tuesday morig at.massiichusetts Gcral hospitai aer a operati for stomach trouble. Hc leaves a wife three childre. Mr. Jirs. Guy Cook had as guests over week-d Mr.. WJlliam Du f.imily, David Dahue, Garder. Mi.ss Evely Wells, of Bost, is a guest of her parets, Mr. C. D. Weli.s. at dustrial school. A curd received trom William Coddigt, who is visitig at hcr home i Ohio, states that she is feelig much better e.xpects to retur flrst ot July. Mr.s. Aie Alle is cfled to her bod at home of her s, E. H..\ll. Mr Mrs UiMay, of South Aahburham, wcro KUeels at Brooksldo last Suday.. Two autos of ladles Dorche.s. ter arrived at hom.e ot Hery Brockelma Mday aeru for a surprise party to Eva Crvf, u, whbse birthday is Saturday Th... purty camo 'day most cvciim. Luch was brought, csi.st i-^;,.j swiches, salads, trult a'l ;..-s. Coffee cc croam we- :...i,.,. Tables set tlu- :,:,.-i,,;;(i twelve sut dow to ejoy!.. -.[lasi O thc ceter of f.xi.i- w.is a birthday cuke bcautlfuli,\,.,iau-d ud iscribed "To Kva, :;..:;, lu-ifrieds. Jue 5th, '.".': was vory.thoughtful of m-i^-hiiis frids to brig this i.xxxri:: -lav to Grefell, who s xt"\ v.-! this summer. Membors of Mary.\...-.-..,,,.:,.. uebekah lodge woro iv:'..! ;,, Ccord Jucti. Mday eviooir. se who atteded Mv. aiul Small Mr. Lawt,.'i,,;,i tlte dustrial school, Kav liurelistead Jfrs. Herbert.M.i,'ov i.mr. Lawt's car; Mr. ami.' jiekhor, Arthur l)u}i,.miss Lucy Beals, Mr. arid Ja:ju-s Holl i Mr. Blekhor's (ar. Ba.sebull.. Playig with four regular plavers missig, Shirley A..\, was defeated by West Grot ir grouds la*it Saturday by.score of to 3. Challl was moud tor Shirley pitched his usual good game. Wheeler had a off day at secd, somo ot thc umpire's rar weird decisis caused Shirley to be tho short ed ot tho score. Two catc'hes by Desmd teatures of game. score: WEST COTON ab Freema, Jb Wood, lb 3 O'Neil, f Woods, ss Rusk, p. Smith, cf 3 Robis, cf Cleary, c Maha, rf 3 McPartl, rf Wikle. b Totals 33 SHRL-;Y 3 ; i :i Wiieeler. b. Desmd, cf. -';mers, lb. H. Maloy, c Wella, 3b.... J. Maley, ss Chalfl, p... Chapma, f. Norkus, rf... Total... igs West Grot Shirley... Two'jiase h. O'.Veil. Stole, bases- Wells, Chapma, Woods. Miiha. Bases balls by Chalfl, by Rusk. Hit by pitcher Wikle by Chalfl, H. Maley by Rusk. Struck out by Chalfl 7. by Rusk 7. Passed ball Cleary. Time of game hrs.. it mi. Umpires Cars F. Desmd. Scorer Mier. ts Tl De 3 -<:halfi ree-ba smd. se 5 H 7 S 9 ' 3 Chapma hit Wood. Maley, for sick headaches Beecham's Pills itmnommuimi, (XOMMONWRALTt OP M,\SSACHU-.SKTTS. Middlesex, BR. Probato Court. To tho helra-at-law, ext of ki all or perss terested estate of AUSTN T. KMBALL, to Ot.ittiet i said Couty, deceased. \Vhoreas, a certai strumet purpririik <o be tho last will d testaif^iit of.said deoeased hs bee presete<l to said Court, for Probate, by ^^ARY A. Kl.MJAt... who prays that letters tesi.iieiary may bo ssued to hcr. executive rei amed, without givig a.iiirety her oflicial bd. V are herehy cited to appoar at a Probate Court, to he held at t^ambrldgc ea'xd rortty of.middlesex, sixth day ol.luly A. ). 5. at ie o'clock i foreo, to ahow cause, ff a;- y lia\r, why.same should ot be gra td. Ad paid pciitior s horeby directed to givo jmibllc otico reof, by publishig this oltatl ce each week, for thrx-o succosslvo weeks, i r..utlet Cuid. a ewspaper published said Couty, th laat publicati to be e dav. at le.-ist. before said Court, by mailig post-pid. or dc- tvorlg (t copy of this citail to all kow perss itorostod estate, seve days at, least before said Court. " Witess, George F. Uawt, Esquire, First Judgo of said Court, thla fleth day ot Juo tho year e thoiui lo hudred twcty-c. 3t.. F. M. B3Tr, Register. ^fiiisiiil. V letter Harry Bags tells of a recet trip to Gettysburg battlefield. This trip was especially iterestig to Mr. Bags as his grfar tell re. O trli> first stop y made was at Ephrata. where thoy visited cloister of tho Sevetli Day Baptists, fouded i 73. re was a gr.idfar clock brought Germay i 735. a chair i which Georgo Washigt.sat a loom made i 786. At Gettysburg thoro are e thous mumets may tablets, everythig is marked so that tourist ca see what happeed whe. O rotur trip a stop was made i Harrisburg what was formerly Carlisle school, ow a traiig c.imp; also, at York Lacaster, where' H.imilt watch factory is located, i Hershey, where cy factory is ruig day ight. Presidet Suspeder shop b will play i Harvard ext Wedesday eveig ut a law parly dace. At military.whist pay held hy OfHcers t dustrial school last week Friday eveig, re ie t.ibles. ce cream cako was served. Mr.. Percy Wats atteded tho fueral last week ot W.its's groat-aut. H. J. Bullard. Dorchester. Bullard will be remembered by older residets aa havig visited her ephew, thc late i-'red Brow, d aho boarded e summer with late Colbur. Morris Perlstei etertai with his violi Tuesday eveig at Brookslde by vitati of le C. Giffe. Sarah Cutler acted as accompaist. Phyllis Mabel Norgard, Hery Du, Mildred Farsworth, Evelyr;?'-yiour, 'U'aliacc Hafl, ^cbccca Sadlo Cutler, Harriet, Virgiia d.m.irjorie Wheeler, music pupils of. El Jarvis Bailey, tooi< part i. recital give hy Bailey's pupils last Saturday aero i Pythia hall, Leomister. Mr. Hery Bol.sseau.md family, of Clit, spet Suday with Mr. Joaeph Peeseau. Georgo Mori atteded weddig ot hla slater, Ml.sa Dell.T, Mori, Lucia.,evasseur Leomister Mday. Joh Peeseau substituted tho market for Mr. Mori. Howard Emera s home for thc aummor ve.iti s workig at Camp Devea as,i electricia. George Emera apet several days at home last week. "Browie," thc pet dog of Mra. Waltor Kowles, waa statly killed Tuesday morig by.5 electric car, e.ir tho sttl. Kate Morse has retured lo Thc Brookalde aer stay South Acworth, X. H. Mra. Cudworth s visitig T-'lt?,- wllllm, X. H. Mlsa Mildred Maig, of South Ashburham, wtis a guest at Hrooksldo over week-ed. Tire C. C. B. club met Leomister Mday eveig with Mlss Eula Whitey, who s livig with hcr aut, Barard, Water street. Thc party wet electric car retured by uto with Harry Meade. Mlas Kathcrio Murae was at tho homc ot Mr. Walter Kowles, Tuesday aero. ',.-. Y.'fcii'iL'.'-.»;-". Ceter. ew occupats of Carey place are Mr. Hery ves, ot Bost, who are employed at tho home of G. L. Sow. J. Edward Adams, who had a positi i Albajf^ has give up iiis positi retured homc. Eleve Shirley Grage atteded tho meetig of Brooklie. X. H. Grage Wedesday eveig, whe fourth degree ud ispecti took pluce. Mr. Cliarles Sow visitors last week Friduy at home of.mr. Sow's parets, Mr. G. L. Sow. Lester G. Holde spt several days with frieds i.n'ashu.i KLst weck. returig home Sudtiy, Joh Hartma. who has bee i a hospital i Eost for two weeks, has retured home for tlie preset. At meetig of Grage Tuesday eveig etertaimet was i hs of tiie literary committee. prograi cisisted of sgs by all readigs 'y Ed- ward A. Farswortli ud. Mubel E. firavcs. G. L. Sow eterl.-aed last week Friday at her home throw j road, her high school class, tho class of SSl at Salem high school. re sixtee preset at this i-cui. \ A letter was read jtricipai, ' who was u.ible to be preset a--- cout of aor aiversary celvlu-ati which he had to atted. Mr. ' Robert H. J. Holde atteded thc meelig ot Temple ciiapter, O. E, S., at Leomister.M- j day eveig, whe tho aua! ispeo- : ti took piace Ev ti. Marsh, who has bee ill with scarlet fever, is able to be! about thc house, although still uder quaratie..mr. - Robert H. J. Holde wet.to Cambridge Tuesday to atted class day at Harvard college, cl<i.«s day spread dace ot Alpha Sigma Phi Fraterity. William Curtis. who forierly worked for Arthur Cook of Lueburg, who i Jauary, 9, stole a.shotgu Roy Hatch at Xorth. retured to tow Tuesday to got his clos was captured by Chief S-iwi. His case was disposed ot he district court i Ayer Wedesday iorig. Services at First Parish church Suday morig at eleve Preacher..N'orma D. Fletcher: sub.iect. " old ew idea of God." All are cordially ivited. csiderig tills me miister^ s cscious of f.act that tho evets of last flve years have caused religious people to tur to ir idea of God. f God is a livig Far, as ew religious tells us. why should he allow such disasters to befall his childre? s it ot possible we have out-grow our idea of God eed a moro adetiute e? Miss Edr.a M. Holde of Washigt. <'., arrivod at homo of heimor. Herbert Holde. la.st week for two weeks' vacati. MPS Vera Bradford of F^vcrett spet week-ed at home of her pareta,.mr. Charles E, Bradford. - Mr.,id Joh W. Fiirrar, Mr.. Charles E. Bradford.Mlss Gertrude mps took a trip to Pomfret, Vermt, over.sud.iy. Lewis H. Bradford has purchased Alice E. Whitaker of Bost thc cottage Ceter road, which he, ow occupies. WhilAker recetiv purchased cotta.ge trom Mlss "ciara E. Sackctt. Mlss El.M. Hold of Pawtucket, R.., ia spedig a few days with hcr mor, Herbert Holde. MLss Holde goes so to Ok Bluffs for summcj-. Mi-ss Clara E. Sackett of Bost is a guest t thc home of Joh Stickey Parker road. Mary Hastigs ot Fitchburg spet Sudy at -homo of Mr. atl Robert H. J. Holde. Mlss Mac Bradford ot Wheat college arrived l.st week t home of her parets, Mr..id Charlea E. Br.idford, for thc summer vacati. Rev. Sherrard Billigs of Grot School cducted service at Triity chapel Sud.iy aero.- Pev. Fracis E. Wobstor ot Walthm. who will cduct services at chapel this summer, iis expected to preach cxt Suday. Mr. Oharlcs E. Good.apecd of WoUastb arrived laat week at ir summer homo Ceter rood. A meetig of Forum committee was hold la»t Friday evfitg at thc homo of Aa P. Dakl fid pia made for thc summor. Suday eveig Ji'orum meetigs will -bo held.' tho tow Koll, begiig t tho latter part of July, a very terestig: 'program of BUbJocts has bee plaed, with execellet speakers tor cach meetig. t 8 -proposed to make tho Forum better tha' ever this seas, t s hoped that all will cooperate to m.ako tho-fltteduco best yct,,. -Miss Carrie G. -Bradfor.l has resiged her positi as touclu-i- of <_'eter grammtir school i order to tuke up a furr course of studv. -Mlss Bradford has had ch.u L;,- of this sciiool for past two ye;'rs. ar.d th..- people of Ceter vi. ltii;y will be Ki.rry to lose beelit of lu'-r excellet iiluece ser\-.- i Ceter.schools. scli...i...- K'o huve elected Mlss Kdhii.l.-hris of Lueburg to,fill v:i'-;ti!*-v le by.ml-.s Bradford. Mlss J..;,s-.u is ;i giuduute of Fitchburg St: i,-.\oi-mul scliool hus atso dttd. -i :}.,- suiiiu-r courses ut HyaLs..-^j.-- s hud three years' teachig --xi"-! it.-o, teachig i Royalst a.l,\,,w pswlih, last year teachi,-.- ;h..- seveth eighth grades i A-;ii,y..Miss Ruth Gaies, tea.-h. :-.,' Ceter termediate scho'-:, i. t:,ii-ed Suiuhiy to ber home l.,iwreiice ofr summer vacati..mr.. Clarece W. Clark of Sprigfield visitors last.>s;t-.urduy at homo of 'Clurks ikeiits, Mr. Xorma R. Gr;i\cs. stoijpig ir way to Maie, where y arc goig for a short vacati. Keeth M. Lgley'took a autom-obllo trip to La'wrece Suday. Groduutif; Exerclacs. Ceter schoola closed lust Friday tor summer vucaii, graduati exercises Of grummur school gmduatlg class beig held tow hall aero. hull was prettily decorated with laurel daisies, chlidre of grammar sc-hool occupyig stage, Georgo P. CampbeU Robort H. J. Holde of school committeo havig places at frt.. exorcises carried out a-excollet maer, ejoyed by a large umber ot parets frieds of graduatig cla-ss. progrum of exercises was as tollows: Sg, Native L School WiOlcome ':,ce Swi Americaism l-:arl Tupper Sg, Thc Hells of Wye Patriotism by.vicholas,\r. Butler.MU Karve Sg. Daylight s tho Sea School l. Where Hate Should Di,- by Deis A. McCarthy Waldo Farsworth -rhe Origi of tlie America's Creed ^ Fracea Colpltts Sg. Columbia. CMorlous Nati We De Tod.ay? Salvatore Maria,Hda Buxt for Me by Hery Va Dyke, -:iizabeth Dodge iou aro thc Hope ot World bv -erma Hagedor Marl Cars Sg. America, Beautiful School Address Georire p, Campboll.Supt. ot dustrial ticliool tor Boys Presetati of Diplomas Star Spagled Baer Graduates Elizabeth S. iodge, Earl S. Tupper. Waldo M. Farsworth, Kda M. Buxt, Praces E. Colpltts. Florece,. Swi. Marl C. Cars,.\ili ';. Karve, Salvatore -Maria. What Have Servico.\merica LTTLETON.Vows teis, -Miss Emily Robis is at home etertais as her guest. George Hurt. Miss Esr Robi.s, urso. is home Worcester Memoriul hospital for summer. Miss Juiia Cat A. M. P.irker - commecemet guests of Miss Margaret Cat at Mt. Holyoke college last week. t is reported that Miss Margaret Cat aticipates takig a course i religious traiig at Bost Uiversity ext year. MLss Hele Patch ot Beverlv is visitig - A. W. -Cowlt of Harwood.aveue..Mr. Peter DeSllvio are parets of a baby bor first ot-ihe week. factory boardig house at Comm is very much improved bv ew piazza west side of th'e buildig. Edmud Wtsk-y has lot his furm to his ss, (.'arl ud Harold, bought a sm.ill pluct- i St.jw "ivhere ho will make liis home i t.ho future. \Varre iiartwell Eugee l-:ste received dipl.jmas Tus c;oliegc week. this Littlet --v. -K Chelmsford l.'ist team met defeat at -Saturday, score ix-ig ')..ludke Sere lalled to Grot.School Suday morig through illess ot ir s, George, jr..^piiedicltls developed ud tho boy wa.s take to Deacess hospital. Ccord, for operati..\t time of writig he is gettig famously. old me lied up agaist youi; me baseball diamd at tho Coutry Club grouds Mdav ight d faced defeat e of most etertaiig games ot seas. score, -, was ot i thc legist discouragig to old-timers, who, it is rumored, are oilig up ir joits for a victory same fleld ext -Mday ight..mr. Charles Der have ioved ito thcir. w home, tho Martha Jes place. Mr.. ". H. Priest atteded giaduatior. ' ir daughtor, Bariiara. ''umbridge Lati school i a class.jf 3 last week Thursday ight. aual ie.:ig of Merry- Go-Roiid clul' wi:: be held with.miss Hele' Sarget Thursday aero, Jue."'O. Historical si-.iety met at Mi.ss Sers's hom.- i.ist Friday.aero, w-he y \ifvc ploa.s.iiitly etertaied, seeig:.v. \eral heirlooms i ori.giai house also by a exhibiti of.miss C- :-trude Sers's paitigs. Tlif-.ompay visited places of iteri-st. oar Oak Hill. Thc recepti article of last week should lia\*o c.-tamed statemet that.school board voted ot to accept.mi.s.s Woe.lbie's resigati, but to grat her ].-ave of absece..vssoelall MccUg. regular meetig of thc Cat, Hought & Co, liic,, Employees' Co-operative asso.-iatl wa held he tow hall last week Fridy eveig. Aer he usual routie bualeaa cimittoe a ew hthhouao at Lg pd reported progress made toward raisig tb.o eces.sary fuds eeded for tbe iv.trk. t was voted that whe thoy are completed to hold a picic re fer opeig.md followig committee was elected to make all.irragemets for evet; H. Foley, H. J. Tidma, H. Brlgham. K. L. Stapleford Mra. M. Hut O lust Saturday Quite a tew me wet to Lg pd- did csiderable cleaig up will so h.ivo it i shapo for tho seas, t s hoped that all wlll Joi makig this place. pleasure resort to bo proud of. Nashobah male quartet sag s.-veral selectis at mootig. whi.'h wore much applauded ud cjoyod by those preaet, also thc rcdliigs b>.mtss Doris York of Graltevllie. Seldom "have wc heard y tht wore more cordially received tha solertis sho gave. Fourth of July Plas. Uttlet post. A. L., la givig its secd aal celebrati of Fourth of July. Legi cordially vites itereat participati of every citize of Littlet that day my bc a suecess. Promptly t eight O'clock thc morig tho pardo of horribles will leav«tho tow hall. parade will csi.st of three sectijs decx>rated ears, floats horribles. Horsedraw vehicles, owig t'o ir ability to maitai ir positi parade wlll ot be etered. Flrsi 'yc^iiiilii PAQE Qie/msfvrd. BEVERAGES. A drik that makes you say""oh[ Boy!''?{iSL/'si^L'';r'se^xrb5:i^'^^r r'"'''^^^ glitig color, olear mellow,,, Sc«tlio eoliu/'';.,. g tolor, olear as <rystal. let t How across your palate smoolj..--iii.," f'>* V, fragrat. Vou'l.suy "Ob; Boy!" all right. -'5"^'ii^ For Home Use Try Big, -Glass Bottle '' ' '-**'^^ At 3^ Net. Your Dealer Has t, < ~m W5 SmierMe/x^yettPopbr^dfots.secd prizes will bo give i each aectl. Every orgaizati tow will be represeted t s hoped thut every car truck will be somewhere i lie. married me will play siglo me at baseball, high school grouds, at t This promises to be a very attractive game. Sports athletic ctests will -be held trom e to three aero at tow hou paik. Prizes will be give tor all ctests. A large umber ot etrees is desired. At high school grouds at throe o'clock tho Littlet A. A. will play a wellkow ball team. At date ot writig visitig club hus ot- bee defiitely decided up, but u gume wellworth seeig is promised. Mayard MlUtury b -'U glvo a ccort at tow hall park.seve to ie eveig. This is a excellet b. offers a attractive program. Followig ccort a dace will bo held ip tow hall, iusic by Clalli's Novelty orchestra. ce cream, tics, swiches, c.v, etc., will be sale durig day uj eveig. re will uiso be a shootig gallery as well as a midw.iy of varied attractis. Legi Buildig fud is small. post desires very much to offer a roal celebrati- to give Littlet best Fourth of July t has ever h.id. t asks hearty cooperati flacial support of every e so that day may bo a sucoess for tow of.ittletoiv.ogi Buildig fud. Otis -f. Forbush, auctieer, will sell by public aucti Saturday. July, at 9.3 a. m., persal property of William M. Moore, deceased, late of Sudbury. place s located mai road Sudbury Ceter to Mayard. New Advertisemets KOR S.\,K First $T5 takes roadster with extra egie, almost complete. Needs very few iex,pes!ve rep<iirs. Apply OLD PCKARD F.-VRM, Littlet, Mass. 3.OST O Suday. Jue 9. automobile, child's blue squirrel-lied cape, betwee Littlet B.irre, Mass. Liberal reward if retured to MRS, FREDERCK M. SOHER. Kig Sti:eet, Littlet, Mass. lt-3 FOU S.V.K. Good Work Horse, weight about 5 lbs. CH.VRLES E. WHTCOMB. Lake Nagog, Littlet. P. O. Address, Ccord Jucti. 3t*.VNTfllj'ES ^V.\>'TED Furiture, old silver, pictures, hooked rugs, bead bags, clesticks, glaas. etc. SE GERSON BROS., c.. Hyde Park, Mass. Joh Segers, East Pepperell, Mass., R. F. D. No.. Telephe Hollls -. 3m3 Electrical Supplies store ope'3.5-8, p. m. daily Saturday all day Mai Street JOHN F. RYy\N New Carley Block AYER, MA88. '-V-iii^'^ WEDDNG GFTS For HER Oiioiid ]?iiig. or L.ivallifre Hirtli >^t<>iu\ Frioiulship or Dior Rip Hi'ODclies, Bar Pis.-\.'^ti'is of 'earls Hiaoelet Walch \ Toilet Set Or dividual.\rtiolos For THEM Silver Table Ware Cut Glass.Aiversary or Chime Clock Make thc youg,couple hppy with jewelry set of.shiig silver or clc.qat rut gl.iss that will add joy to ir lives beauty to he ew home surh articles are o'w display i our store. Homer's Ayer, Vass. Telephe 8 FUsK WATCH RKPARNG LANGDON PROUTY...surace... Littlet, Mass. Tclcpbo S-5 Why Are Deerig ail McCormick MOWERS, RAKES AND TEDDERS THE MOST PRACTCABLE TO USE? Because of ir light dra, strg, durable cstrue-. ti, ball bearigs service uequalled mmediate Delivery ' j Mtgomery Hardware Co. BR.\XCH OF FTCHBURG HARDWARE CO. Pleasat Street Phe 55 Ayer, Mass. SPECAL-SX SEDAN SPECAL-SDC Seda makes a istat appeal to those who dem utmost i closed car cveiece^ comfort beauty it is, ideedj arare combiati^ of elegsmce practical utility. 5-H. P. detachablejiead motof) 9>ich wl>e««i givig max* iram cossfort for BTS passegers. AU Sludtbaksr Cars ar* e^vipped with Cord TirsM-^aothsr SttsJsbaker prscvuitt. "Thu is a Sttidebaker Year** ii^itj.' >--. ^^^i:^-r'^p!'l>^'-

, -r-'iithiiuwihwciimvi. 'VV-. ' ">" r-^ss^^v" xfikr^"'-''^,;??--!s>"*' 3»*te, ' <'..^kii'' ^,'Pf, e'it..^ji'v V ' jisjfy.^- SATUBDAY, JUNE 5, 9 Saturday, Juo 5, 9 ii PEPPERELL News tcis. vmlss Beth McNayr retured last week Fltchburif for hcr aummer viacatl. "^he s etertalls her /rled, Mlss Hester Battles, Ashtiumham, lattor part of thla week, over alumi recepti, Friday eveig,^ Sibley property Mai street has bee surveyed this week with aim of cuttig Held wcat of Mr. Kemp a property to house lota, with a aveue ruig- aouth, Mai atreet. ileer Stewart Maryl tjlverally came homc Tueaday to sped his vacati with his parets. Mr. E. M. Stewart, Park etreet. Mlsa Ullla s also at home /rom -Framiham ormal. Mlss Almee Gelgor Amherst Agricultural college ud l^lua Clarke, tho Fitchburg Busiess echool, are at home for aummer vacati, Mlss Beradette Stack of Utlca, N. jy., a classmate of Mifis Miriam De- Kore at Smith's, is her guest at Deware residece. Mr. Lydol Frech, who guests at Dewarc-Jacobs "weddig, retured to ir home at Watertow Thursday. A Pyrex shower was give Mlss luarguerlte Deware at thc home of Mr. J. A. Sauders, ahout twety-flve of her former frieda elgrhoors, may rcuuives. attedig,' decoratetl tablv;^ ctai-l^ articles, tables for refreshmets,.wore set tho law, roses predomiated adormet, arraged by, tbo youg ladies of party. shower was i hor of approachig marriage of Mlss De 'ware to Lt Dald Jacobs, XJ. S. N., fcoth' of- youg: people beig wellkow very popular, trieds of Rev! C. Guy Robbls, ow. a pastor at Lawrece, who s 'well-kow both i Pepperell X>.ustable, received degree of JDoctor of Diviity at recet commecemet at Tus college. Amg SST who received degrees, he was ly e to receive this particular de.gree of D, D.' matured plas for alumi recepti to be give rhe class ot tho P.- ih. S. this eveig, give evidece of careful plaig assured rc- Bults. selecti of orchestra committee arc pleased to aouce that i securig Brigham & 'bole's, y are otified that Harry le. Brlgham. so well-kow here durig past years, will bc preset persally, Mlsa Jeaette Deal, ho graduates Thursday eveig high school, goes at ce to her home ear Bost, jois a party goig to Rageley lakes, for summer. Preparatis for ile'b club picic are earlg completi! as affair is set tor e.xt Thursday. t s to occur at Silver lake, Hpllis,.is i itormer years, sports' committee report good progress. club furish beas coffee at e 'clock eaoh e attedig is asked' to provide ir ow basket luch cutlery glasses. ' Eugee Dusta of Arligt 'was a guest at Hlllcrest farm with Mr. R. R..Meredith over holiday week-ed. L. JE. Starr was take Mday Co home of her bror. Judge Arthur Ste, at Belmt, as- it -'as thought that her cditi required especially active treatmet, it ot made a hospital case. Her doctor urse accompaied her she made jourey better tha was expected. Her may trieds axiously await tidigs trom her. ' Misses-lma 'Vera Newell 'Wollast camc thla week for a te days' visit with ir aut, E. J..'Jackll, cousi, F. R. Cummigs. * Gebrge Attridge, who suffered a broke leg Memorial day, has bee at his home Cottage street. s out- crutches. ijury was a double e, frtal be of lower, leg beig broke ligamets tor. Girl Scouts met at home of Mrs; H. J. P. Hampt. Mday eveig wet to home of ir captai. Miss Marguerite Deware, to give her a surprise kitche shower. (Pyrex ware was preseted by e of members. Miss Lorraie Geiger, Mlss Deware showed much pleasure i gi, which came.is a complete surprise. gi was i csiderati of her faithfuless as ir captai, i view of her approachig marriage with DaloT Jacobs of this tow. /e Wich, a.studet at Worcester Tech, came home last week for his summer vacati. Bly Eat ot high school faculty has recetly purchased a auto, i which he wiil t,ake hls vacati, with hi.s- wife, leavig so aer close of school. Amg tiy-e gr.aduatc.s, oted as composit; graduatig class of Gardier, Me-, high school, ame of a former PeppereU studet. Miss (U-rtrude ^Vcbb. appears. ac<;oum r.-:uis th.it Oardler coliseum was u.-<ed for exercises, whioh Jue B. -uderclass.studets, juiors i right-h balcy, sophomores lli tho le-h, freshme i balcy at rear, each.showed ir class color i decoratig. colors of graduates gree white, tiio motto was "Tr>-, Trust. Triumph." Le.Trd Noddig daughters retured to teatlig ^ Suday aer a visit i tow over holiday. 'Mabel' O'.N'eal Powell etertaied her hu.sb's sisters, Misses Powell,.Newtviilo over tho holiday. 'Mr. Kug" MrC.irthy childre.spet Suday with reiu'ivcs t West Act. Doris Hartwoli ileli came Reverly last wook with hor two childre for. visit wth hor parets..\r. Krod Hartwoll. Brooklie street. Pepporoll Card shop was.sht dow.mday aero for lack of stock....miss Elizabeth McNayr will tako short v.acati ext weok frm hor duties Sauders' store, will go to Fitchburg Tucday ight to atted tho graduatig exercises of hor two Joces. MS.S Hele.Marshall graduates trom Fitchburg Normal Wedesday.aoro Ruth graduates irom high sohool Wedesday e.vcig. Grace Davis, te-year-old daughter of.mr. Earl Davis, Brooklio street, tcrtied a few of her youg schoolmates Satrday eyelg of last week. Games erijoyod out of doors music recitatis l}y a few preset, l.atcr refreshmets wcrc aerved i thc dllg-room, birthday cake with ts i>lk cles, occupyig tho place of hor, d cc cream, cike, lemade, fudge peauts beig served, Mr, LlvUlo Shattuck wet to Portsmouth, N. H., Mday, returig motored back with car of Lt. Gerald Shattuck. Lt. Shattuck his wife. Dr. Martha Shattuipjc, started for Washigt, D. C, Mday,. leavig Bost Federal express at ight. Dr. Shttuck s to atted, aual medical c- 't'ctl s to deliver a address durig tho week's program. Visa Mildred Lut w,ia tow over tho 8th, which was a school holiday at Beverly. Aer thc close of hcr school ext week she s makig plas to take thc cottage it Ocea 'irk, Me, last yer, d let roomi Frak Messer had a te days' lless, cfllg him to his home Leight atreot recetly, but is out co more. Webster summer home Towaed street was opeed last week for setis. Mlss Bertha Farsworth came up Ayer to remai with ^- E. Starr for a short time last wook Thuraday. W. W. Lut has retured to his work itl papermill rocetly. aer a eforced holiday of some mths, old Cowdroy houae, which has bee Che aceo of a fire at three timea, but still stood, has fially bee take dow teamed away all but badly bured timbers, 'by A. S. Mc Nayr. l was cdoied some time ago by tire departmet, especially its proximity to Pepperoll Card shop. Mr. Mra. Chester A. Rarker two older childre motored to Greefield over week-ed. yougest child, eight-mths-old Phyllis, was guest of her grmor,. Liiura Parker, durig ir absece. Simds daughter, Mlsa Alice, Witer hill, with frieds, motorod hore for a vikit at home of George.\dams ovor tlio %veok-ed. Sevoral are afflicted with a epidemic cold, which camo durig thc recet cold spoil, seems to be greatly aggravated by dust. Arthur Hayes, with -her s. George Hayes, a classmate at Bost high school, spet Suday at ir homc i tow, youg peoplo returig to ir school Mday.. Margaret Park Bartley s camo this week to visll at home of Mlss Aa Jewell. Towsed slreet, Bristol. C. Miss ClaVa Caldwell recetly returod trom a three mths' stay i New York. She atteded thc class reui at Wellesley couege, arrivig here Tuesday at F^airvlew farm. Several of tho youger ^-roup of studets at Nashua School of Music Elocuti took part i series of recitals held at tho City hall. Nashua, flrst of this week. O Mday evelrig Gwe 'arker guve a readig, Clayt Parker Ruth Pitma, piao solos, Beverly O'Brie. yougest of puplls, was accorded quite a ovati whe she gave hep dace readig. O Tuesday aero those takig part this tow Miss Cstace Parker sister, Geraldle, Clayt Albert, Jr., a piao duet. Several tow atteded. C. A. McGraw. who joied his wife sister, Brow, at Ocea Park Saturday, remaied over first of this week. McGraw may retur with him Friday. Pepperell brach of Red Cross will hold aual meetig Mday, Jue 7 at three o'cltmk at E. S. Durat's. re will be electi of ofhcers a short busiess sessi. Miss Faie Ms of Grot. who has bee sta>'ig at t'e homo of Mr.s. Starr durig her illes.-. has had care of Mari St.irr. lately, took little girl to o strawberry festival of Grot Gi'age Thur.sday, as. celebrati of her birthday. y will probably atted Childre's ight re ext week, also. Clarece Do-w made a Hyig call his parets Tuesday, e.route Bost to his home i Keee. N. H Hc is much improved i health, has accepted a positi at Ashb> stock farms, itedig to remove to. \shby with his family Thur.sday. George Nichols d family E mer Walker commeced movig to Bacro farm Holi.s roaii Thursday. F, S. Bacro moved trom place Tuesday as his house Heald street caot yet be vacated by Mr. Jese,, thc goods will be stored re for preset. A auto poultry tour ia scheduled for -Wedesday, Juo 9, uder auspices of Middlesex Couty Buroau of.\griculture. trip will.start at Ccord Juoti opposite reformatory at t a. m, 'Two or three stops will be made i Ccord,. re will be a capizig domstratl. party will go to Saxvilio. Hud^? Marlboro, wlioro X basket luoh will be i order at o o'clock at tho rosidco of Mr, Whitohouso..Aor luch, t.ilks will lio gi\'e!>\- oxporieced poultry m. party wili break up.lt Hudsor.- pui>]i<',i;orally.ire i\'itod. Thc Comiuity Church Workor.-.irc plaig for a July sale Thursdiiy, July, aero eveig. Miss Rose Alde Came Newtville to sped 7th at her cottage Shipley hili..\. M. Drew came Tuesday Saforil. Mo., to visit her daugllter, Frak Beett, familx-. Missos Tucker at Heald's pd.are etertaiig Miss Guerrior < "ambridgo. Misa Carrio "\\'illi.ims came Bost for tho 7th week-ed with her sistor, J. W. Werbee, family. Miss Margaret Boyt Ls oxpootod home hor duties as teacher at Dodham Saturday.. \t Pepperell Spri.gs tho compay are bottlig to.'> cases per day. some of which is heig placed i.storage,.aticipatig tho summer trade. re is a tie display of goods i Sauders' bi.g show widow, ight or d.iy. meetig of Commuity oucil held Mday c\'ig at Clar.i M. Shattuok scliool buildig h.id. fairh- largo represetati various orgaizatis. A pormat or.gaizati -was ofl'ortod, with followig otllcers, with tho excepti of tho ohairma. whioh office will bo fillod for tho preset by tho temporary chairma. Rev, R. W. Drawbridge. Mlss A.i Hoyt wa.s olectod secretary:. Ralsford Dewaro Joh T. Siilliva, mombers of executive.' board; ^rs,.e liioliai-ds. chairma of commiti*-o relief work, with >. Elmer Wost. L. P. Sh.ittuck. a committoo of three..yma Rol>bis was olected chairma ^>f omiatig rommitteo, toger with Miss Hol Pd Mlss Fly. ro was discussi of a possible celebrati for July. Fr.iols Drumm tho Holy <'ro.is colleg»\ Woroostor. retured homo this wook Thurs<ly for his summor vacati. Ho wos accompaied by a olas.smato, mas O't.''ors. of Syracuse. N. Y. Mr. ra.muroe of Somervlllo. Mr.. Fred Rood chlldr.id Harriet Hall, all.nashua, wero tho guests of J, A. Lawreco over Su<lay. O Mr>day cvig, Jue, a tamlly garig at home of.mr..'.d. A. H. Harris, was to celebrate eighty-sixth birthday of Harris" far, Goorge P.attcrs of South Merrimack, N. H.. seveth birthday of yougest daughter. Dorothy Harris. Mr. Patters, who s wderfully active for his tige, motorod over his home with his s, Horace Potters. A double birthday celebrati was held, with two birthday cakes, appropriately decorated, or delicacies. " two guests of hor received may felicitatis ir fmlly occasi ws o of pleasure to all. J. J. Corell Providce. R.., camc Tuesday to visit her sister, J. A Lawrece, S'ashujx road, Mr.s. Corell formerly lived i Dckiwaro for some yers, two slaters had ot met for about twety year, Mr. d Mri. Lawrece Morga aouce tho cgagoiet of ir daughter. Ml.sa Clara Caldwell, to lycwls 55egler Sutt of.mooretow. N J woddig wlll tike place late summer at Falr^lc firm. Dr. Georgo liiwrcco wife, with trlds, iotored hero Lakewood, N. J., callig at.jiwreco homcatead tho Nashua r9ad. Frak Powell cume Friday to sped weok-d with his wife a, wlio are occupyig tho Parker cottage, oit Brooklle street. He la cected with. Stard OH works at Cambridge, made a early start by aulo with W, A- Shcparda.Mday morig, to roach city by seve CuMuimiUty Ohurcli Notlci's..Morig service at.3 with sermv by paator. decoratis will be turlshod by ofilcers of church achool. Church school at o. All visitors arc welcome ay departmet. Tuosday eveig church ight programs will bo omitted for ext few weeks. regular meetig of thc C- C- W. will bo held Tuesday aero at.3 p. m. ladles' parlor, Friday, July, eight p. m., regular moti picture service: Mary Picktoi'd "Daddy l*g Logs"; patriotic picture. "Shries of liberty." Aiimil.Metrtlg^. aual meotig of Woma's auxiliary, A. L., was hold.mday eveig. Jue. at Lei rooms. followig otficers wore electod for esuig year: Mra. Aa Weat, prea.; Mias Kathlee Rouse, vlo pres,-! Mlaa.Marguerite Leary, sec; Miss ree Salter, trea.: Misa Ruth Walker, chaplai; Mra. Lillia Rodlor, publicity com.,v membership drive was plaed to take place week ot July ovory member is expected to -brig at least e ew member lo ext meetig, which will be heid Mday, July, at eight o'clook at tho l.ogl rooms. Clippis, Albert N, -Lawrece,.s of late Natha Augustus Emily C. Lawrece, passed away at.5 Jue at Aubur Park hospital. Chicago.. followig was take Chicago News: ""Albert N. Lawrece, member of druggist firm ot Pegram & Lawrece, 69 West 79th street, was fatally wouded today whe he battled threo hold-up me who etered drug storo while he was ale. He drove m o without loot, altliough his bravery will cost his life, physicias say. "Lawrece regaied csciousess tor a tew momets at Aubur 'ark hospital, where ho was placed operatig lable told doctors of his efforts to save safe..a loaded gu was kept uder couter but he did ot have time to reach it. re was a pit bottle of medicie ear his right h whe told to throw up hia hs he reached UA, out at same time, hittig e of tiie me over lioac^ with i)ottle cuttig him as it broko. Tli tlie three s'tarted shootig ar.j othig more was remembered. "Four bullots etered his body, two peetratig brai, c shatterig his arm e passig through abdome: Doctors asserted he had o chace to iive. "Dr. A. C. Wdt, who has offices over drug store, heard sliootig saw three me joi two ors i a automobile ttee. He ra dowstairs g.ive fir-st aid to l.awrece, aor wliich he otified t'e Gresham police, who.captured three of me. e of--whom is wated for killig -of a police sergeat." Mr. Lawrece was bor i Popperell forty-ie years ago. He w.-ig a Spaish war vetera a member of Masic Odd Fello"A' lodges. Fueral sorvices wore held at rhe Methodist Episcopal church of which lie was a commuicat his groat loss was expressed by may beau-' tlful fioral tributes may frieds who tilled large church to it-s capacity, with m.iy stig to pay him ir last respects. Odd Follows' ser\ioo was cojiducted at tho church.ma.ss'.sorvice cducted at grave. He is survived by a --lfe two cliildre, Natha.V. a.l '>thor,.\lso, two sisters, William T, 'each of M.irlboro. Orra E..«wa7.oy of Now Hav a brotho.-. Charlos ". l.awreco. of Now Hav. grraduatl exorcises wore held Thursday recepti to graduatig doss Friday. Pretty Homo 'WeddliiX. A very' protty woddig ceremy was csummated Wedesday, Juo, at residece ot Mr. ud - Rolstord Dowaro, whe ir daughter. Marguerite.May. w-us uited i marriage to Lt D iiaid Gleas Jacobs at higli o, Hov. R. W. Drawbridgo performig '-ho sigle rig service prosoiico of 'be maiedlate fumlllea of brido groom, ud ll few most illmuto frids. drawig room, where ceremy wua performed, was a bower of laurel roses, ud tbe bridal party stood uder a laurel arch. bride waa atteded by hor sisior. Miss Miriam Dewaro, as bridosmaid, Robert Doware, a broiiior of bride, waa best ma to tho groom. bride waa becomigly gowed i white taffeta orgie, with a corsage bouquet ot orchids lilies of valley. bridesmaid wore a gow of peach-colored orgie. weddig march, "Bridal chorus," trom Lohegri, was played by.mlss Beradette Stuck ot l'tica..n- Y, Followig ceremy a weddig luche was served tho apacioua diig-room, whicfr was haomely decorated with white ud yellow daisies..mr. ud Mra, Jacobs departed by :iuto tor Boat. wiiere y to take steamer for Bagor, Me., for a weddig trip. bride's travelig dress wus a durk blue Roahaara crepe. Gueata out-of-tow cluded. James Adrews of Brookly,.N. v., Mlsa Beradette Stack ot Utlca, X. "i'., Mr. Lydol Frech Watertow. couple recoived usual gis ot articles both beautiful practical, relatives trieds. Both bride groom are graduates of Pepperell high school. bride aiso graduated trom St. Johsbury. Vt., academy, Siith college 97.,Sice her retur home she haa terested heraelf may of patriotic pubiic iterests of tow, -was cected with Girl Scouts as captiil. She was deservedly popular aig her associates i church social work. bridegroom elisted i tho avy Colby uiversity at Waterville, Me., at begiig of tho war. He gaied rak ot lieuteat, durig war was assiged lo duty i foreig -waters, oe heard i tho ports of Russia Japa. At preset lie is cected with 'eppereil Sprig Wator Co. as superitedet. Church Wc*ltliiii;..\ largoly attedod woddi-; was hold at St. Josop'r.'s churoh.mday morig at 9.3, ctractig parties beig Miss Hele A. Kolley, daughtor of Mary Wost ot Grot streot. James J..yde of Portl. Me. uptial ias-s was cclobratod by Rcv. Fv. Cra, pastor of church. as.sisted by P.ev. Fr. O'Toolo, a persal frid of family. His little ophew.,ackio O'Toole. Jr.. was altar l)oy, bride was attomiod by.miss Hel Haggort.v, as bridosmaid..t. Cheover Bost, a fried of groi. was beat ma. brijo w.i.s!>ocomigly attired i a gow of orchid orgie fiesh-colored sati carried bride rosos. bridesmaid was.gowed i pik orgidio carried America Beauty rosos..\ olaborato woddig breakfast was...orved at Now Proscott followig tho ceremy. diig-room of this hostelry was tr.'i.sformod by massos of roses laurel, ito a fittig bower for a weddig foast for tho l.io guests prost. ew proprietor, H. K. Gratloau. provod hlmsolf efiiciet caterer xxd decorator, this beig tho first oco,i.si of thi.s kirt to gvaof hi.s ostablishmt. Ho rose to tho orcasi obl.v rocoived ustilod pralso all. tloooratis wero artistic -iu o to romembor. Mr.. i.yd departed by uto for Nashua, aor a ifo We<iiliii^. Tile followig, take a recet issue ot Sprigrtoid L'i, ccers a youg ludy, well-kow to towspeople, Mlss Aa Peabody. She is iece of Rcv. Joh B. Lewis, durig pastorate of Mr. Lewis, waa a member of household. She was deservedly popular, a fie violiist, a gracious player at may public fuctis. Hor associates tho high school will bo particularly terested tiie accout of hcr weddig, which occurred Jue 5. ".Mlss Aa Poabody. daughter ot.mr,. Dea Peabody of Wichester became bride of Howard Mus Hubbard, s of Maudc K. Hubbard ot Berkeley street, this city tsprigfieid) yesterday aero at fivo o'clock i East Lgmeadow Cgrogatial church. Rev. Joh ii. jcwis. a uc'^=- of bride, with whom she made«-^}er home iiast.voar while she has bee takig a special sciece course at.fec.iiical high school, ierformed ceremy. music was turished by a trio i.y, led by, Mildred McKee, a formor violi teacher of bride. ".Molody i F" w.is used tor processial, "O, promi.se me," was icluded i half-hour program of ipusic which preceded thc coromy. Miss Olive Lewis attedod hor cousi, as maid of lior, l-tdwi U..Marti of Bost, a studet at tho.ma.'--sachusetts stitute of Tochoog.\', was best ma. Dea i^oabody,.jr., bror of bride, al.sm.i.-studet at.m.. T. Koth.\..Mus of Ly, cousi of thc iirid'-groom, woro- usliors, "''ho hrido wore a charmig gow of -.vhite chaiieuse eibroiderod i hoa\-.v silk a:-,(l her tulle voil was caught witil orago blossoms. She carried.'tii aim bouquet of bride rosos swasotiia. Miss ^ewis' gow wa.s of.gro tuli.-..vor silk she w-oro a d.irk pici'ji-o hat. She carried pik sweet potis. Decoratis i church woro of moutai laurel with a large.\:or-ioa fiag draped above altar. "A rooepiior. followed ceremy i tho homo of Rev. T^owls, about &o\t>-:ivc guests beig prest. Mr.. Hubbard le for a trip through Berkshires, brido wearig away a suit of a\'y blue tricotio, l,lue t.iffeta hat. y will mako thoir homc Bridgeport, C., whoro.mr. Hubbard fs cected -with tho Hullard Machie Co. " brido atteded North Ad.ims Normal school. Mr. Hubbard w.is graduated fi-oir, Nechical High school i 97, otut-red Massachusetts stitute of Torhoiogy. which ho lo to go ito tlio irmy. Ho served as a lieuteat \\itt-i tlth <id th ifatry divisi.kis, Frace Germay, for two \oars. "Out of towu guests wore prost Albay. N -y., Bost, Holyoko, Wichestor. P.'-.idig, Hutigt this cit.\-,-' ReturiK to chapter' house' tho exercisos csisted of tho readig of ritual sedee of chapter by Mlas Aetta Merrill. reget, Ellzaboth Boyt, presided, itroduced tho speaker, Jekis, who gave u tie, half-<hour tulk, which evoked uiversal prulse. Mlas Morrill gave a short tulk flog, i cclusi thore wore aelectts victrola, a iformal rocepti waa held tor guest, Jekis..Miss Poller of Providece, R.., was also a guest ot tho day. A pleasig feature of program was tho presetati ot a Hoe steel egravig -Mra. Youg ot Garder. presetati was made by - Gutters reget, Boyt, accepted gi, behalf of chapter. committee tor aero -trere Nellie Gutters, - Aa Wright, Mlas LMcrrlll, Wllllama. Miss Shuttuck, Mra. Weat Blood. Refreshmets of harlequi lce cream, cake wafers served. programs for tho chapter year give out, evets are scheduled for ae datea: July, chapter meetig with picic; August 3, Pepperell day, at Nlasltlsseti Hlll tarm, (_^u3hlg, hostess, with Mlss Auh P. Blood, Mra. Florece Harris Jeie Wilkls; September, Joh Paul Jes day at chapter house, Aa K. Merrill, chairma; October 9, charter day at chapter house, Mlaa M, L. Shattuck, chalrmu; November 7, bualeaa meetig at chapter houae; December S, Boat tea purty day. charge of Applet MUs Jorda; Jauary 5. 9'^, electi ot delegates to ctietal cgress, hostesses,- Miss Sartelle. Hammd; February, D. A. R. church services at Commuity church; February. observace of Washigt's birthday. Miss Merrill, chairma; March 3, educatial meetig, hostess, Mra. Lura West; April 9, Patriots' day, hosteases, Mrs: Williama, Wright Blood; May, elocti of ollicers, i charge of tho reget, Elizabeth Boyt. (ilr Scouts Take a Hike. At regular meetig of Girl Scouts held at Commuity church vestry Friday eveig of last week, flal plas made for hike proposed for Saturday. At tho appoited hour, shortly before le o'clock, quite a garig assembled at vestry,. charge of H. L. P. Hampt, proceeded out Hoald street., out Maple street, lo Pepperell Sprigs. A additi ot two girls was made way, ieetig party al thc home of Adrew Blood. ' party well etertaied at Sprigs, aer a refreshig treat ot giger aic. proceeded ir way. Thcy explored viciity ot tho brook curious ravie cave, locality geerally called "gulf."' A halt was made at Heald's pd b.v permissi of owers a boat was secured party c-i voyed to farr shore, where a picic groud was selected. A pleas- '. at hour was spet i various ways, i swimmig, wadig, boatig, lueh wa.s discussed. Exploratis aroud pd made by sohie ' thoy rewarded by fidig thc, pitcher plat, with its sigular bios- ' som. al.so secured water lilios i pd. retur home was safely aceomplishod particular meti should be made ot mascot of tho expediti, spaiel, "Pi-ice," whoso protective presece was appreciated. REDUCTON SALE % REDUCTON WLL BE GVEN ON ALL HATS BOUGHT JUNE th AND 5th -AT- W. N. Mault's Railroad Square East Pepperell, Mass. -SPECAL- B. V. D., MANSCO, TUOO NANSOOK UNON SUTS $.9 -SPECAL- WHTE PONGEE AND CHEVOT SHETS Attached Collars $.9 SPECAL COTTON ONE-PECE BATHNG SUTS 9.5 ors up to $5. -SPECAL- Blue Chambray, Black, Sattee,. D, Cott WORK SHRTS 98^ SPECAL- FANCY KNT TES Narrow width Four-i-Hs 9^ Worth $. -SPECAL- Blue Brow OVERALLS JUMPERS Good Weight $.39 TALvBOT'S Page's Block -MEN'S SHOP- Phe 68 Ayer, Vass. roropti t tho hamp of thp brido. From Nashu.i thoy woro r,> tako tho Mtroal oxpross for trip to Mtrl, St. Ao Nicrarfi. N'. Y, O ir rotur thoy arr- to r5»idp i Portl, Mo., whor*^ tho ^ro.-tm has a ' iositi with tho Bost << Maio railroad. Hiirh Scliool X«>tc«. hlprh Hohool 'mo kopt up thoir Kood plyirr w Yrom Towsd tho last gamo of tho ss st Sturday by tho so<\ro of to, y piyod a oxr<*ptilly Tio Ramo. s o orrors woro mdo o>topt a wild pitch. wholo tm did tio bttir HutchiK did uusually woll. makis: a siglo. two douhlos a triple fivo trips to bat. tm battoil so woll so hard that it was ecessary for Towsd to try out throe pitchors boforo fidig o who was ot hit very easily. Two sappy double playa wero mado by Pepporoll playcrh. catchig of foul ios by Hutchis, thc catcher, outstig features of tho gamo. Gilbert, PeppereU pitcher, made sov batters fa air, Domia, of Towsd had three strikeouts. battery for Pepperell wa.s Cilbort Hutchis. ^^arshalt pitched a short time for Towsd with Rares s catcher. He was succeoded hy Domia d he i tur was succoodod by Bares with Dora as catcher. largo umber who atteded game PeppercU ejoyed a very excitig s well as joyablo gamo team s woll worthy of tho fie victory as y all r)ayod thoir host hardest. A suppor was give to baseball team Wedesday at Hotel Prescott by some of thoir frieds, who thought that y deserved t. Eightee wore prest, cludig ball team, followig woro callod up by Toastmafitor Whitmarsh respded: H. W. Hutchis, R. \V. Drawbridge, p. K. SuUiva. W. C.. D, William Dewaro, O. B^ Olse. Maager W. A. Hutchis Capt.. Carl Aders. boya all report a cjojable time a fle Huppor Metho^li.-t Chiirch Soiot*. At tho M*-:hi]ist church oxt Si d.iy mori!:: ;i reach i s^ serviro. ri, Suda\- school at o, l,."^!) tho Hop*' rirclo will hold thoir last mootig til Soptembor. rm'a'l ''*''^^^'*'' will pirh at 7.3. At ChlldrcV Suday. auditorium of Methodist church was fiely decorated witb fers tlowers for observace of prettio.^t of days. Childre's Suday. Not ly may childre preset at. morig' servico, but service i eveijc, set at a earler hour tha usual, out of csiderati for little folks, belged to thom exclusively, although ejoyed by audiece. Jirogram, arraged produced uder directi of Ruth Marchat. we,.-* excellet csisted tirst of a processial, followed by respsive readig prayor by pa-stor. music csit^tod of sgis, by school, coret solo by Horaco Shepards..solo by Viola Harris, duot by Aethra Wiship Ago.s McClella, a s'jf by Hopo Circle girls. re wero recitatis by Beulah Wiship. liobort Hackett, Dorothy Hackett. William Railey, Hele Prescott, Clifford Hut, ^ois Messer, Dorothy Harris, Hazel Wils. Phyllis Soule, Frederic Hut, Phyllis Marchat. Hele Hackett, da Blood. Mayie Blood, Joh Hardy Doris Blood. Exercises by four girls, Borice Blood. Mildred Bailey, Margaret Blood Mildred Robbis "was a pretty feature; six girls, l^ois Messer. Mayie BMod, Gladys Messer. Edith Hut, Dori.s Hardy Doris "Marchat gavo a pleasig exercise. A shorter exercise was give, alao. by three you,or childre, MerriU Robbi.s. Ruth Rohl)is Ashley.oga, which dcsorvcs mti. Followig tho closiit sg romarks made by tho pastor wirh a offertory at tho cclusi. A tamoau. arrafred to be show with colorod light offocts. was le util tho hisr. ov daylight was too strg to allow best o'ects some dupesod with. But tho talilt-u was vory pretty, those takig par; i it boig Marchat, Viola Harris, sovoral small childre, Kch littlo o of school took tho p.'urt i a very creditable maer, both to/ thomsolvos tho o i charge J-jf drillig. Mr.s. Maroht. O Md\ eveig tho youg poopio of Kpworth [..eaguo will pi'ost tho e-act comody tho vostry at eight o'clock, etitled tho "Bogus doctor." cast icludes two youg lid ios, four gets a ghost promises to afford some imusemet, Mibors of tho League will have a suppor i vostry previous to ho tortaimt. (> Tuesday ovig tho regular prayor meotii;. *- ' > Wedesday aerooti tho *- dios' Aid.society will moot i tho vowtry for work moetig. Kpworth x^ague ight Friday ovqjiig. with a devotial period a^isio.tis so<;{fl.l hour. Obscrvaoo of.je'7. Appropriate exercises wore hold by members of Prudece W'rlght chaptor, D. A. ll., Friday, Juo 7. with a large attedace, tho memhorm of Woma's club?>cig thc vitod guosts. speaker of tho aoro was pa.'it atato rf>gct, Jekis. oxorclos at Proscott tablet was first cducted. Thc mombors d guests marched re tho chapter houso. N^elllc B. Applet bore tho tfal colors, ewly appoited color bearer for tho D, A. R.. Miss Cstace Parker, boro tho D. A. R. colorrf; Dttc Ell Parker, who later was to roclto, marched with m. boar(r a tiy ffag. large wrth of laurel its blossoms was c.irried %y Besslo F. Mchor. to bo placed tablet. exorcises wore opeed by tho sigig of "Star Spagled Baer," Mrs Hutchis takig tho olo part, with memliors joiig thc <fhorus. Salute wri* give to largo flag tho flagpole Comm, tho compay marched to Walt comotory to Col. Prc^fcott's tomb, KU Parkor rocltcd a oxcelltly memorized sketch of his life, also a poom. A wreath was placed tomb tho amo service took place at grave of Prdco Wright.-aJid tho grave of Pars Bmors, tho first proirhor First Parish church» was decoratod. "'.,^ -st Villce Club KtertJied. By provious ivitati of.n". W. -Vpplet, tho members of vast Village Social club mot at her homo Tuesday aero, to wolcome ew mombor. Walter ('hapma. d tho former meilk'r. Mr.s, Olive Hammd, to moot Mtss Mary Potter, a guost lit Blakesmere. A plsatly formal rocepti was gi\' Chapma. Tia mm d boig uablo to attd. Chapma promises to bo a acquisiti to circlo by t^er itorost i tho social elemet amg those with whom she will como i -ctact. s\ibject of tho oro was m\islc a readig was give by tho presidet, Mr Alice RJaymd, Applot gavo Pgall's sketch violi playig. Sevoral selectis rdorod tho fie Edis phograph of Mr. Blake's tho Regia music box of Hry Blako*s ws also used, givig Schubert's sereade, selectis l>ohgri. Medelssoh. Gouod othor.s. Refreshmets of rako fr\iit puch woro served by hostess. HOLLS. N. H. N'ews tems. Word has bee received tow of death ot Lur Bacro of Oklahoma. Mr. Bacro lived i tow as a youg boy atteded school here. He ia survived by his widow three childre, his far ot South N"a.shua, two sister, Mr.s. Adah.SpauldiK of Hollls " William Doa ot Harvard, Mass., e bror, who live.s i south. M. J. Powers, who wet to 'arke hospital Steham last.mday for radium treatmet, is remaiig re for a week or te days i.stead of returiff.same day jus he expected. Dr. '.irke lldis his cditi such that he wished to keep him uder his observati. Daiel Goodwi took a party to.n'ew Koud Wiipesaukee lakes last Krlday Saturday a lishif,- trip, but y retured with o lish. Oc ot party, a old flslierma. well acquaited with flshipr sroud.s about re,.says he has ever soe streams so low as y are ow. Keeth Wils is spedip week with his grmor, ^^s. Aa Bell, while.mr. Wils are a auto trip to 'ortl or places of iterest. Jea Haker fh.ise of.sxervllle Ls visitis her parets, Mr. Phcei.v Baker. - Augusta Sweetser of Nashua has opeed hor house here will be here most of summer. Miss Gertrude Beett is a.'^istig Flora Hardy i her home store..lttle Hele Goodwi, who h.i^ boe sufferig a severe attack of whoopig cough, is better..she will sped.summer at hor home here retur to Perkis' stitute for Blid i f.-ill. Mv. Xellie ^ougee.miss l.ucida Head atteded commecemet exercises of Plymouth.Normal school last week. Miss Hazel l.ougee was e of graduates i two ye.ars's course. Waldo Plagg motored to Bo.st last Tuesday, takig her daughter, Doris, to Massachusetts Geeral hospital. She will take her dow agai latter part of ext week leave her re for treatmet. report aer examiati Tuesday was most ecouragig tho doctors hope she will ot have to stay re may weeks. Miss.Xges Teey accompaied m trip. Mi.ss Hele Farquhar retured to hcr home i -eomistcr last.saturday, aer spedig a week with Mr..Mr.s. George W. H,irdy. Rodey C. Hardy his chum. Set Droppers, both great lovers of out-door life, had a wderful trip last week. Takig trai to Jeffersville, Vt.. y "hiked it" xick over tho "lg trail" top of Gree mout.ais for sevetyfive miles, obtaiig a gr view of lyake Ch.amplai. Adirdack moutais i west thc White moutai rage to east, stoppig for.six ights i thc Gree Moutai club huts. se youg me, with a third fried, spet a week campig i White moutais i December. 99. y say thcir ext propositi is Mt. Kat.ahdi, Me. "Mi.ss Clar.a Smith graduated N'ew Haip.shire State collego this woek. havig take thc four years' course. Her far mor, Mr. Charles Smith atteded commecemet exercises Tuesday of this woek..mrs Joseph O'Brie has bee etertaiig a old fried Tilt, of West Roxbury. Miss da M. Heywood. of Willsboro, N. Y., is guest of her sister,. Gussma. Mr. Leard havc etertaied Leard's bror. Mr. Tucker, a few days this week. Grace G. Gallup daughters. Geraldle Arlie, ot Waterford, C., arc at homc of her iarets, Rev. Gussma.. Miss Mary Gussma is at home tor sumier vacati her teachig i Revere. artillery compav Cecticut that camped Chester Wlllard's field e ight last week came here last Suday set up ir gus bak of river opposite thc railroad stati, Mday eveig flred ir ca, shootig at targets set up hill at south ed of combat field, ear old Carr farm. v so late i gettig started that y did ot do a great deal of firig. y lett ir retur trip to Cecticut Tuesday morig. Eva Evely Parmeter. twis, celebrated ir teth birthdav last week Friday followig childre at ir home i aero: Dorothy Gorham, Hazel Alma Willard, Stella Scott, Edwi Rachael Haskell, Tremaic Peter Baker, Lawrece Bigelow ud Withrop Haskell. Games played ice cream cake was served to all. Miss Alice Marshall visited with frieds i Hollis,.N. H., Wedesday. J\"<v AdvcrtLsciCs LOST.A gold wrist watch, iark...i --. B. C." lietwee Old Pickal farm Ccord Jucti thf iaiti road..suitable rowaid. MP..^. P.i HKP.T C. COBB,.ittiet,.Mass. Tolephci- '"-- lt3 KOR S.\.E Throc-yo^r-ol.i Holstei Heifer, fresh i May, givi^jr :; iju.irts ;)er day. C. K. G.BHRT..Nashuu Hd l-;as: 'oppe-ll..ma.-'s. ToU<i>h = tu- -:!. lt(3.htr.vvkj.stol.k.n.\,--v,>arold blue, roa cow. Liberal reward wi be offered for wliereaboius. M.! ;. OBl'F.N. Harvard. Telephe '.'-:;, Aysr. lt:;' Sliiimpools. Rises, Scalp Treatmet M.\RN'Er,LO SYSTEM MARY O'NELL Beauty Shoppe Halrdrvsslfc Wvls Facial Ma.sks Malcurlos Depilatory Barry Bhlg. Phe 33C- AYKR, M.VSS. Atomoblle Repairig Ford Repair Work a Specialty C. H. NEWTON Hery Blake & S East Pepperell, Mass. Telephes Poppcrcll 5 9- Grdiifl ETcr<'l«os. Bce t Prescott hall aero of Jue ws a very pretty sight. *he twety-eight youg folks received ir diplomas, admittig m t September sessi to portals of high school. class colors helg white gold, decoratis of dlslos, yellow white, buttercups or flowers of similar color. htidre, with a backgrourt of fers, at foot of stage. girls of thc cl,tjts wore white middy hlse d skirt, which mde hy m uder domestic.iclece teacher, il had a kot Or how ot yellow ribb. hoys had yollow Ttuttholr bouquets. opeig march for graduates as well s seveth grade ppils, who attetled.i body, was played >y E. L, Tarhell. Thc subject of aero program ws "Pilgrim terceteary" every pupil <Jld cr<jdlt to ir excellet traiig. hall va wcll-fllled a,s u.-ial. Mr.s. Tarboll acted, also, s ccompl.st for il thc sgs ot thc school. TOWNSEND Hrbor. Sadie Austi, of Cambridge,.s visitig her sister. Charles N'oycs, at Sachem Villa, Two youg me Providece. R,., ir pedestria tour of 7 miles to White River Jucti, stopped for a short time this village Wedesday.. da Keea, who is patiet at a private hospital Leomister, suffered a secd ahock Wedesday. Hery Spauldlg d R. O, Cummigs visited her Friday. Aie Adrews s spedig several days with her sister, As Spauldlg. T. J. Harvey ctiues to mprovo. s ow able to sit up several hours o day. Joel Cook, who hs bee thc sick list t his ephew's Mulpus. expects to. retur home this Saturday. Ed. Har\'ey. of Davers, spet Wedesday ight with hla pareta. Old Homcatead at tho Cape, formerly kow- a thc Jath Pierce place, has bee sold to Joh Splla, of Fitchburg. As so a tho schoola that clly cloae, Mr. Splla. with hla wife d three youg daughters, will occupy ir ow home. Ui Cash Market Ayer, Mass. HARVARD Still Rlvcr. dies ot thc Baptist society wlll hold a tood sale thc church law thla Saturdy ero at fotir Mlas El Prker, former realdet here, wa guest ot Miss Esr Ste last week Friday. Mr. Mra. RuascU Baker are etertaiig Mi'a. Bkor'a mor, ' Ett O. galls, ot Natick. S.OKED SHOCTyDEUS 7o ). FAT SA/r PORK l.-sc lb. FORES OF..\M l.->c ). BEST CREA5 CHEESE 5c lb. CRFJVMERY BUTTER S.-Vc lb. POTATOES 7c pwk B.V bushel FRESH.SiroriiDERS o b. GOOD ROAST PORK r>c b. GOOD Ri ROAST c ). BOTTOM ROl'ND, toc b. LEGS AN'D /ON'S OF /AMB.'?o lb. JAMB CHOPS R^e. lb. CORNED BF.EF, il.solid mel, l,"vc lb. BACON.V b. GOOD ROAST BEFF o lb. PURE.l COMPOUND,ARD c a PEACHES, rifc cas TOMATOF.S, rgc c.a i CONDENSED JttliK ' 5c ca lb. o 5c mka^f vkfii A,ilS^\&,--xA r,:fiirfix>iovi:-,-',