as follows : By Mr. Eailey: Right. Q How long hus he be~n a physician? Yes, he is. on his part to be maintained, maintain the iec~es

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l.277 TP"ii:R'ZU?ON the defe.."'loant, further to maintain the iec~es on his part to be maintained, called as a witness DOROTHY SHEPPRD, who, having been firs t duly s-vjorn, '\~as examined and testified as follows : DRECT EX1-1NT0:N OF DORCTHY SEEPPRD By Mr. Eailey:, Your nane, ma~a.:!'.? Dorothy Shzpp~rd., Where do you live? 23346 Lake Ro~d, B:;ty Village, Ohio., s that loc ~.ted next to t he Eay View Hozpital? The first house i.m."l:edi!:'.tely \ Jest.. lioi J long have you lived there? Since January of 191~9. What is t~1e name cf' youi: husband? Doctor Richa1 d N. Richard N. SheppaTd? Right. How long hus he be~n a physician? ' Since gracuating fro~ medical school in 1941. Do you k..ylow whether or not he is the brother of the defendant 1n this case, Doctor Sa~uel Sheppa~d? Yes, he is.

.. 1278 ~.irs. Sheppard, call.your attention to the morning of July 4, 1954, a."'l.d azk ycu 1 1hcther or not you received any unusual phcne calls early that morni,ng? t about te..1'1. ml'lutes of six, our phone rang. Doctor Richard answered the phone. nd as a re~ult of tho:c phone call, did you place some phone calls? Yes, my husband aeked me to., Did you c.2..ll Doctor Stephen? called Doctor Stephcm Shepri~1 d., Did you call any1 ;:iere else?.. called Doc to1 :R. o Sheppc..rd, r:r:y f'a ther-in-law. nd did you any calls to the hospital? No. Now, at some time on the morning of July 4th, were you in the Sam Sheppard home? bout 't'jhat ti!"ce.aid you get there? round 10:30. While you were there_, did you do something? Yes, we ne~ded clothing ~or young Sam. Were you familiar witl1 the home of your brother-in-lai-7 pr10r to this? You hc.d bee. there mo.r.y tir.1es? j

1279 you? Ma. '"ly times. Now, t welvg ago today, Ers. Sheppard, where were Twelve ago today, rmistice Day, court was in session, and we had been very concerned about Sam's home -- Did you go to his home for some reason? J~at was the purpose of the trip? We went ~P there to see about the f'urj."l..ace, get the heai turned en 1n the house,, ch e~k on the pipes. 1 Jhen you say we, to ~ ihom do you refer? Doctcr Ric hard~ my husband, and. Was anyone else rn. esent? j } /../ '/'.., / / i! Yes, we had police officer Hubach with us. That is Sergeant Hubach of the Bay Village police at that tin~e? That is correct. Was it just the three of you who '\1ere present~ That's righ.t9 While you ie:re in the home chcclcing on the heat, will aslc you if' anything happened with reference to a waste basket located in that home? Yes, sir.. What? was concerned because the 'tt~aste basket in the kitchei,

.1.:. 128 0. "which was locat ed just east of the sink, was very full of trash, there i1as an odor in the kitc hen, empty milk ca rtons 't Jere in there, and asked O:fficc:r Hubach if it r. ~oul dn.~ t: t be emptied, and he said yes. P.nd did you do something i-i i th i t? He took t he 1 iaste basket, was going to take it out and empty it out, and when he lifted it up, said, "There i s a key on the floor. 11 nd did you observe the key, in f act? Yes, d i d., was something subsequentl y done withtha t key, in your presence? Yes, sir. Who handled the key, if anyone? Officer picked up the key and took it t o t he back door. When you say the back doer do you ref er to the Lake Road door? Lake Road deer. Did you see him do.sonething with the key with r eferenc.:: to that door? Uhat? He put it in the lock, it turned, you could open and clos e the door with t~at key.

... 1281 Now, ho'11 r:iany tiyjes had you been in Sam 1 s home bet'!.!een June 4th and?fovembe!' 11, 1954? July 4th, as seid, at about 10:30 in the morning., Just roughly how many times, had you been in there at all between those dates? Yes, to get the for Marilyn's funeral. ny other occasions? nd the l atte::r pa1 t of July with possibly Chief' Eaton. ~i ll you describe with particularity this waste basket that you had refe:ence t o, just as best you remember?! would say it i ;as about eighteen inches to twenty-foil::. ; t wenty to twenty-four inches high, approximately, say, fifteen by ten, as recall. What material tms it made, if you recall? believe plastic.. Not~, the key thc..t 'l'jas noticed by you in the waste basket was lifted by Se?geant Hubach, had you ever seen that key around the kitchen floor bef"o:re?. No. This was in the ki"-chen, was it? That is correct. Do you reme:i:ber what po:rtion of the kitchen the waste basket was located in prior? Where?

._. ~.. 1 222 t 't'jas just ee?.st of the sink, between t he sink and the kitchen cupboai ds, 't~hich were on the east wall. HR BLEY : TEE COURT: You may inquire. Counselor Corrigan, please pr o(! eed. p CROSS EXMNTON OF DOROTHY' SHEPPRD By Mr. Corrigan:, Mrs. Sheppard, in 1954 you testified substantially t o the sane thing, did you not? was ne ver a i1itness i n 1954., You were never a uitness in 1954? No, 't JUS not. Was your husband a witness in 1954? That i s correct. Were you in the courtroom.,_~:1en your husband testified in 1954? No, was not. MR. COP.RG.N : of this \-itness. THE COlBT: No further questions. Thank you, Mrs. Sheppa ~d. You a re excused. Has another 1'Jitness been c alled, Counselor? Yes, your Honor.