Christopher A. Holwey

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SAMPLE None of the pages in this book may be reproduced in any way without written permission from the publisher.


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Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 22-23, 2016

None of these pages may be reproduced in any way without written permission from the publisher.

= Alleluaria. Plagal 4th Tone (from F).

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The Royal Hours of Theophany

April Second Edition, January, 2016

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Christopher A. Holey 20265 Woodland St Harper Woods, MI 8225-2029 (815) 931-8268 Biographical Information Chris gre up in Detroit, Michigan, and graduated from Wayne State University in 1979 ith a BS in Biology. He attended St. Vladimir s Seminary in Crestood, NY from 1981 to 198, and graduated ith a Master of Divinity degree. His priestly ministry included to years at St. George Cathedral, Wichita, KS (pastoral assistant), St. George, Boston (1986-1995), St. George, Toledo (1995-2001), and St. Mary, Wichita (2001-200). He has three children, Nicholas, Juliana, Michael, to step-grandchildren, and one grandchild on the ay. During his 18 years as a priest, he served as Spiritual Advisor for the Teens and Adults in Ne England, and the Adults in the Midest. He as also the Midest Choir Director in the early 80 s, and has played the piano since he as 9 years old. He has composed music for the Divine Liturgy and has arranged other liturgical hymns for various feasts and saints. Currently he orks full time as a Respiratory Therapist in Detroit, and chants, sings, and directs on occasion. He served as Chairman of the Department of Sacred Music from Feruary, 2006 until May, 2015, and no takes care of the esite and type-setting music for the department. He gre up in a musical household, ho s father as a voice teacher and choir director, and rote a ook on singing, and ho s mother still sings in the choir. Music has alays een a ig part of his life, and he hopes to instill in many of our choir directors, choir memers, chanters, and all parishioners, the desire to sing ith great zeal and joy in the orship and praise of our God. the Son of man came not to e served ut to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many (Matthe 20:28).

Sacred Music Institute Antiochian Village, July 12-16, 2017 Orthodox Composition Class Christopher Holey 1) Course Description: To sho my perspective on ho I composed the Divine Liturgy and other hymns of the Church, and hat s important to me hen doing so. I d like to use some of the hymns I ve ritten and other hymns I have not to sho ho it all came aout, hat s right and hat to avoid. I hope the participant ill come aay ith a etter understanding of the process so that they too may egin offering their gift to God and the Church. 2) What s important a. Be involved in the life of the Church: services, seasons, fasts, sacraments. Pray for inspiration from the Holy Spirit as you think aout your composition c. Must have some knoledge of music, music theory, talent from aove, hether riting/composing/arranging choral or chant. i. With choral, to kno ranges of voices, movements eteen parts, hat to avoid (like parallel 5ths) ii. With choral chant, atch for punctuation, places to pause or stop d. Music must e spiritually moving, prayerful, appropriate to the text and type of hymn eing ritten e. Kno the different types of hymns in the Church, and ho they are to e sung: Trisagion Hymn, Cheruic Hymn, Anaphora, Megalynarion, Vespers, Matins (Orthros), etc. f. Follo the Dictionary for syllaification (reaking up ords into syllales) 3) Choral Music a. Trisagion Hymn, Holey. Cheruic Hymn, Holey c. Megalynarion, Holey d. Apolytikion of All Saints Sunday, Holey e. Kontakion of Transfiguration-Old version, Holey.What needs to e fixed ) Chant Music a. O heavenly King, Dn. John El Massih. God is the Lord, Basil Kazan Dn. John El Massih c. The 1 st Paschal Stichera, Basil Kazan and Chadi Karam d. Pentecost Orthros Prokeimenon, Holey (rong and right ay) e. Dormition Troparion, Holey (rong and right ay), choral added f. Knoledge of the formulae for each, Writing Byzantine Music, Byzantine Music Formulae. g. Text in Tone 5

Trisagion Hymn Ú º F c Christopher Holey dynamic crisp. Lord, have mer - cy. F c A-men. Ho - ly. God, 5. Ho - ly. Might - y, Ho - ly Im - mor - tal: have 9. mer - cy on us. Ho - ly. God, 13. Ho - ly. Might - y, Ho - ly Im - mor - tal: have Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, Rev. 3, 3/28/09, CAH

Page 2 Trisagion Hymn - Holey 17. mer - cy on n us. Ho - ly. God, 21. Ho - ly. Might - y, Ho - ly Im - n mor - tal: have 25 mer - cy on us.. j J j J Glo - ry to.. the j J j J j J j J Fa - ther, and to the 29 Son, and to the Ho - ly Spir - it: oth no and Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, Rev. 3, 3/28/09, CAH

Page 3 Trisagion Hymn - Holey 33 37 2 F n j j J J j j J J ev - er, and un - to Ho - ly Im -. More majestic a - ges of mor-tal:have n mer - cy on a - ges. A - us.. men. Deacon: With strength! ΠWith strength! Π6 F Ho - ly. f God, Ho - ly. Might - y, f Ho - ly Im - n mor - tal: have mer - cy on us. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, Rev. 3, 3/28/09, CAH

5 9 13 mys - ti - c'ly A - men. gentle We ho rep - re - sent the rep - re - sent the and sing to the Cheruic Hymn mys - ti - c'ly, cher - - - - Trin - i - ty, cher - u - u - to the life - Christopher Holey e im, im, ho giv - ing Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese 5/30/17 Rev. 3 CAH 1

13-H 17 Trin - i - ty, 21 ty 26 30 let the us gentle, then uild to the life - thrice - lay Cheruic Hymn C. Holey a - side, giv - ing ho - - - - let us no Trin - i - ly hymn, lay a - side all earth - ly care, lay a - side all Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese 5/30/17 Rev. 3 CAH 2

3 38 3 6 earth - ly care, earth - ly care... crisp, ith life let us no A - men. gradual crescendo lay a -...that e may re -...that e may re - ceive, may re -...that ceive, e may may re - Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese 5/30/17 Rev. 3 CAH Cheruic Hymn C. Holey ceive the 3 A - last time side men. all...that e may re - ceive, ceive, King of

13-H 9 Cheruic Hymn C. Holey all ho comes in - vis - i - ly up - orne y the An - gel - ic 5 59 Hosts, An - gel - ic Hosts. 1. Al - le - lu - ia! rit. Al - le - lu - ia! Al - le - lu - ia! Al - le - lu - ia! Al - le - lu - ia! 6 2. (Optional ending) rit. lu - ia! Al - le - lu - - - - ia! [At the conclusion of the Cheruic Hymn (efore the Litany of the Anaphora), the choir sings Many years, master (once) as the ishop lesses the congregation. Sing it straight, using the same note as the "ia" of the final Alleluia.] Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese 5/30/17 Rev. 3 CAH

Anaphora Soprano Alto Tenor Bass A dynamic, ith much life mer - cy of peace, a rit. sac-ri-fice of Christopher Holey praise. 6 And ith thy spir - it. We lift them up un - to the 11 Lord. It is meet and right, meet and right to 16 or - ship Fa-ther, Son and Ho - ly Spir - it: the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, Rev. 3, 1/9/13, CAH

Page 2 Anaphora - Holey 21 rit. Trin - i - ty one in Es - sence, and un - di - 26 vid - ed. crisp Ho - ly, Ho - ly, Ho - ly, 31 Lord of Sa - a - oth; heav - en and earth are full of thy 36 glo - ry: Ho - san- na in the high - est: Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, Rev. 3, 1/9/13, CAH

Page 3 Anaphora - Holey 1 Bless - ed is he that com-eth in the name of the 5 rit. Lord. Ho - rit. san - na in the high - est. 50 A - sloly prayerfully men. A - - - - - men. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, Rev. 3, 1/9/13, CAH

Page Anaphora - Holey 55 We ith faith and love praise thee, e less thee, e give 60 thanks un - to thee, O Lord, e give thanks un - to 6 thee, O Lord, and e pray rit. un - to rit. thee, our 67 God, O our God. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, Rev. 3, 1/9/13, CAH

It dynamic is Megalynarion (Hymn to the Theotokos) tru - ly meet, it is tru - ly Christopher Holey 5 meet to less thee, O The-o - to - kos, 9 12 ho art ev - er less - ed and all - lame - less, moth - er of our God. More hon - 'ra - dolce rit. rit. and the le than the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, Rev., 5/30/17, CAH

Page 2 Megalynarion: Hymn to the Theotokos - Holey 16 Cher - u - im, and more glo - ri - ous e - yond com - 21 gradual ritard to the end 26 -pare than the Ser - a - phim, thou ho ith-out stain ear-est God the Word, distinctly and art tru-ly The-o - to - kos: e 30 majestic mag - ni - fy thee, e mag - ni - fy thee. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, Rev., 5/30/17, CAH

Pentecostarion ALL SAINTS SUNDAY Apolytikion Byzantine Tone Christopher Holey Thy Church, O Christ God, hath re - galed her- - self in the lood of thy Mar - tyrs through - out all the orld, as in por-phy-ry and pur - ple. Through them she lift - eth her voice, cry - ing, Turn ith thy com - pas-sion to thy peo - ple, MGF_0279 Copyright 2007, y the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese. Rev. 2, 6/6/17 Permission granted to copy for liturgical use only.

ALL SAINTS SUNDAY - Apolytikion (B) - 2 and grant peace to thy cit - y, and to our souls the Great Mer - - - - cy. MGF_0279 Rev. 2, 6/6/17 Copyright 2007, y the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese. Permission granted to copy for liturgical use only.

Pentecostarion The Feast of Pentecost Sung as the 3rd stichera of the Aposticha, after Psalm 50 (Have mercy), and the Glory at the Praises Byzantine Chant Tone 6/Plagal Second Mode Dn. John El Massih 2 D O heav - en - ly King, the Com-for-ter, the Spir - it of Truth, D A O heav - en - ly King, the Com-for -ter, the Spir - it of Truth, 3 5 6 7 G Who art in all plac - es and fill - est D all things; Treas - ur - y of good things, and Giv - - - er of life; come, and dell in us, and cleanse us from ev - 'ry stain, D and save our souls, O Good One. A G 9 Final ending Good G One. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, Rev. 0, 5/27/17, CAH

Byzantine Tone 1 God is the Lord Basil Kazan (1915-2001) ====================== Fast l «l «l Ison God is the Lord, hich hath shon us light. ====================== l «l Bless - ed is he that com ============== _ l ll name of the Lord. (The chanter egins first ith "God is the Lord..." and repeats it after each of the verses.) CHANTER: God is the Lord, hich hath shon us light. Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord. - eth in the 8 READER: O give thanks unto the Lord, and call upon his holy name. CHANTER: God is the Lord, etc. (as aove) READER: All nations compassed me aout: ut in the name of the Lord ill I destroy them. CHANTER: God is the Lord, etc. (as aove) READER: This is the Lord's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes. CHANTER: God is the Lord, etc. (as aove) (We continue ith the troparia of the day.) NOTE: On a normal Sunday (no Feast or major commemoration) sing: 1. Troparion of the Resurrection in the proper Tone. 2. "Glory to the Father", repeat the Troparion 3. "Both no and ever", the Theotokion of the Resurrection in the proper Tone. When a Great Feast of Our Lord falls on a Sunday sing: 1. Troparion of the Feast 2. "Glory to the Father", repeat the Troparion 3. "Both no and ever", repeat the Troparion When a Feast of Our Lady or a Major Saint or commemoration falls on a Sunday sing: 1. Troparion of the Resurrection in the proper Tone. 2. "Glory to the Father", Troparion of the Feast. 3. "Both no and ever", Theotokion of the Resurrection in the same Tone as the Festal Troparion. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese 8/26/13 Rev MK,CAH

c Ison God is the God is the Lord First Mode Lord and hath ap. - peared un - to Rassem El Massih April, 2015 us. Bless - ed is He that com - eth in the Name of the Lord. (The chanter egins first ith "God is the Lord..." and repeats it after each of the verses.) CHANTER: God is the Lord and hath appeared unto us. Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord. Verse 1: O give thanks unto the Lord, and call upon his holy name. Verse 2: All nations compassed me aout: ut in the name of the Lord ill I destroy them. Verse 3: This is the Lord's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, Rev. 1, 5/5/15, CAH

Fast i THE PASCHAL STICHERA Tone 5 Kazan I I I J J J J1J JE3=3 355 Let God a - rise and let his en - e - mies e scat - tered; Slo J J J J J Jj J. J J and let them ho hate him flee from e - fore his face. To - day Christ our sav - ing Pas -. cha hath een re ^ J 1 J J ^ J 1 J J\ J I ^ J J L vea.led un - to us no - le Pas cha the Pas J -J V-' J.J,-' i J J j j cha ne and ho - ly the mys - ti -cal Pas gusjl the lame - less Pas I faith the Pas cha hich o - pen - eth un - to us the gates of par - a - dise the Pas cha hich sane - ti - fi eth all the faith ful. 33:

Un. Let God a - rise, and let His en - e - mies e scat-tered; A Byzantine Chant Tone 5 and let them ho G A hate Him flee from e - fore His face. To-day Christ, our sav-ing Pas - cha, hath een re - vealed un-to G A us a no - le Pas - cha; the Pas - cha ne and ho - ly; the mys - ti - cal Pas - cha; the Pas - cha all au - A lame A Pentecostarion Pascha: The Resurrection of Christ Paschal Stichera G gust; - less Pas - cha; the great Pas - cha; the Pas - cha of the faith - ful; the Pas - cha hich A G o - pen- eth un - to us the gates of par - a - dise; the G A G the Pas - cha hich sanc - ti - fi - eth all the faith - Arranged y Chadi Karam A ful. Chadi Karam-5/21/2013; Rev. 1, /7/17, CAH

Wrong version Psalm 12:12 Thy good Spir - it shall Pentecostarion PENTECOST Prokeimenon at Orthros lead me in the Byzantine Tone Arranged y Christopher Holey land of up - right - ness. Verse O Lord, hear my prayer, give ear un - to my sup - pli - ca - tion in Thy truth. Ps. 12:1 Final time Thy good Spir - in the land of up - it shall lead right - ness. me Order of singing the Prokeimenon: 1) Prokeimenon 2) Prokeimenon (repeated) 3) Verse ) Prokeimenon 5) Final time: 1st half of Prokeimenon, then 2nd half ith final ending. Translation taken from "THE PSALTER: According to the Seventy" Copyright 1987, y Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Boston, MA Permission granted to copy for liturgical use only. Rev. 0, 5/19/07

Psalm 12:12 Byzantine Tone E Pentecostarion PENTECOST Prokeimenon at Orthros Christopher Holey Dn. John El Massih Thy good Spir - it shall lead me in the land of up - right - ness. sloer Ps. 12:1 Verse - quickly C E O Lord, hear my prayer, give ear un - to my sup - pli - ca - tion in Thy truth. Final time Un. G Thy good Spir - it shall lead me E in the land of up - right - ness. Un. Order of singing the Prokeimenon: 1) Prokeimenon 2) Prokeimenon (repeated) 3) Verse ) Final time: 1st half of Prokeimenon, then 2nd half ith final ending. Translation taken from "THE PSALTER: According to the Seventy" Copyright 1987, y Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Boston, MA Permission granted to copy for liturgical use only. Offered y the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America Rev. 3, 5/25/17

6 11 The Dormition of the Theotokos Troparion Byzantine Chant, Tone 1 Wrong version In thy Ison keep and pre - sleep thou hast irth - giv - serve vir - gi - ni - not for - August 15 ing, O The - o - ty; sak - en the to - kos, and in thy orld; Christopher Holey thou didst fal - ling a - for thou ast 16 trans - lat - ed in - to life, e - ing the Mo - ther of 21 Life. Where- fore y thine in - ter - ces - sions, de - li - 26 ver our souls from death. MGF_0735 Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, CAH, Rev 2, 5/23/2006

D In thy irth -giv -ing, O The - o - to - kos, thou didst Πkeep and pre-serve vir -gin - i - ty; and in thy fall - ing a - Byzantine Chant, Tone 1 August 15th THE DORMITION OF THE MOST HOLY THEOTOKOS Troparion (A) Π# -sleep thou hast not for -sak - en the orld; for thou ast trans - # n n Christopher Holey Rassem El Massih j - lat - ed in - to life, e - ing the Moth - er of Life. Where -fore y thine in - ter - ces - sions, de -.. - liv - er our souls from death. Final Ending.. souls from death. C D MGF_0309 Copyright 2016, y the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese. Permission granted to copy for liturgical use only. Rev. 6, 8/30/16

August 15th THE DORMITION OF THE MOST HOLY THEOTOKOS Troparion (B) Soprano Alto Π5 6 Byzantine Chant - Tone 1 C. Holey Rassem El Massih Harmony y Christopher Holey Tenor Bass In thy irth Π- giv-ing, O The -o - to - 5 6 kos, thou didst 6 Πkeep and pre - serve vir - gin - i - ty; and in thy 6 ΠΠfall - ing a -sleep thou hast not for - sak - en the Π# # 2 orld; for Πthou ast trans - lat - ed in - to # 2 life, MGF_0310-1 Copyright 2016, y the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese. Rev., 8/23/16 Permission granted to copy for liturgical use only.

DORMITION- Troparion (B) - 2 1 3 #, 3 e - ing the Moth - er of Life. Where - fore # 17 5 3 y thine in - ter - ces - sions, de - liv - er our 5 3 20 1, 2. souls from 2 2 death... 22 3 rit.. souls from death. MGF_0310-2 Rev., 8/23/16

Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Wrong version July 27-August 13 THE TRANSFIGURATION OF OUR LORD Kontakion (B) Thou ast trans - fig - ured on the mount, and thy dis - ci - ples, What needs to e fixed Arranged y Christopher Holey S A T B in so far as they ere a - le, e - held thy glo - ry, O S A T B Christ our God; so that, hen they should see thee cru - ci- fied, S A T B they ould re - mem - er that thy suf - fer - ing as vol- un - ta - ry, Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, CAH, Rev 1, 5/29/2007

S A T B Page 2 and could de - Wrong version clare to all the orld that thou art tru - What needs to e fixed Kontakion for Transfiguration Holey ly the ef - S A T B ful - gent Splen - dour of the Fa - ther. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, CAH, Rev 1, 5/29/2007