Te Deum laudamus. œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ

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hurch The hoirs sing anticle: Te Deum laudamus illiers Stanord (185 194) ith breadth and not too slo h = 80 Organ Brass (Introduction added by omoser or oronation Service, 190) Tutti Sorano 8 Alto e raise e, O God e ac kno ledge e to be Tenor e raise e, O God e ac kno ledge e to be Bass e raise e, O God e ac kno ledge e to be 8 e raise e, O God n Gt e ac kno ledge e to ẇ be n The omoser has (in Te Deum, redo and Gloria in Excelsis) made use o Gregorian Intonations, as ell as o Amen according to Dresden use S 4

14 cresc ƒ Lord Lord All All earth doth cresc earth doth cresc or shi e, a r ƒ ƒ or shi e, a r ev er last ing ev er last ing Lord All earth doth cresc or shi e, a r ƒ ev er last ing 14 Lord All A earth doth cresc ẇ or shi e, a r b ƒ ev er last ing dim heavens, and all o'rs re in n heavens, and all o'rs re in To e all An gels cry a loud: heavens, and all o'rs re in To e all P An b n gels cry a loud: heavens, and all o'rs re in n n 5

The choirs chant salms: Psalm 137 verses 1 6 n n n n n n A n n n n raig S Lang oyright oner untraced 1 3 4 5 6 By aters o Babylon e sat / don and / et: hen e re/ membered / e, O / Sion As or our hars, e / hang'd m / u uon / trees that / are re/ in or y that led us aay cative required o us n a song,* and melody / in our / heaviness: Sing us / one o / songs o / Sion Ho shall e / sing / Lord s song / in a / strange / land I I orget e, / O e/ rusalem: let my right / hand or/ get her / cunning I I do not remember e,* let my tongue cleave to / roo o my / mouth: yea i I reer not e/ rusalem / in my / mirth Glory be to ar, / and to / Son: and / to / Holy / Ghost; As it as in beginning* is no and / ever / shall be: orld ithout / end / A / men

The Beatitudes illiam Lleellyn b 195 oices Organ 4 3ˆ4 4 3ˆ4 Each bar, her /4 or 3/4 lasts equally long Sho us your ays, O 10 10 teach us your aths Blest are ure in sirit: or irs is kingdom o 19 19 heaven Blest are y that mourn: or y shall be com orted Blest 30 30 are meek: or y shall inherit earth Sho us your ays, O Reroduced by ermission o Oxord University Press All rights reserved 4

40 r 40 teach us your aths Blest are y that hunger and thirst a ter rightousness: or 49 r 49 y shall be illed Blest are merciul: or y shall ob tain mercy 60 60 Blest are ure in heart: N or y shall 3 see God 3 3 Blest are 70 70 y hich are erse cuted or righteousness' sake: N N 5

A rayer or eace S A T B rancis Paget 1851 1911 Slo, in ree time Al migh ty God, thoughts o truth and eace ro ceed: > rom hom all Henry G Ley 1887 196 b b N 6 > Kin dle e ray e, in hearts o all men true N 10 U N love o eace: u And guide > ith thy ure and eace a ble 14 b is dom those ho take coun sel or na tions o b b b Oxord University Press 1938 Reroduced by ermission All rights reserved To be sung ithout accomaniment, i ossible The text is taken rom Prayer Book as roosed in 198 8

17 b A b earth; that in tran b b quil li ty Thy 0 marcato b b b King dom may go or ard, till b N earth b b is N illed ith bb ƒ > 4 N > b b > b kno ledge o thy love; through e sus hrist our Lord A b N b b b b N b A 8 A N men, men, A b A N men, A N b men, A b b b b men men men Aug 1938 A Reading rom Magna arta: lause 39 There is silence and stillness A Reading rom Scriture: St ohn, hater 8 9

Prayer ill be oered Ostinato Resonse All eni Sancte Siritus ome, Holy Sirit 8 6 e ni San cte Si ri tus S1 S A1 A Uer oices e ni San cte Si ri tus Mixed oices and Accomaniment ( h h ) e ni San cte Si ri tus T1 T B1 B Loer oices e ni San cte Si ri tus To begin this ostinato, our mixed voices should make ir entrance in olloing order: 1 Bass 8 6 3 Sorano 4 Tenor Accomaniment Guitar Alto > > > > Ateliers et Presses de Taizé Rerinted ith ermission o alamus, Oak House, 70 High Street, Brandon, Suolk, IP7 0AU erses As ostinato continues, vocal and instrumental verses are sung or layed as desired ith some sace alays let beteen verses (ater cantor's 'eni Sancte Siritus') 30

The hoirs sing anticle: Sorano Briskly h = 9 ubilate illiers Stanord (185 194) Alto O be oy ul in all ye lands: serve Tenor O be oy ul in all ye lands: serve Bass O be oy ul in all ye lands: serve Organ O be oy ul in all ye lands: serve 6 Lord ith glad ness, and come be ore his re sence ith a n song Lord ith glad ness, and come be ore his re sence ith a song Lord ith glad ness, and come be ore his re sence ith a song 6 Lord ith glad ness, and come be ore his re sence N ith a n song 3

1 Be ye Be ye Be ye sure that sure that sure that Lord he is Lord he is Lord he is God; it is God; it is God; it is he that hath he that hath he that hath made us, and made us, and made us, and 1 n Be ye sure that Lord he is God; it is he that hath made us, and A 19 not e ourselves: e are his eo b not e ourselves: e are his eo not e ourselves: e are his eo le, le, le, e are his e are his e are his 19 not e ourselves: e are his eo b b b b le, e are his 33