Table of Contents. Eucharistic Prayer II (Presider)...3 Eucharistic Prayer II (Keyboard/Guitar Accompaniment)...12

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Sata Clara Mass Eucharistic Prayer II Bob Hurd 201, OCP 553 NE Hassalo, Portlad, OR 97213 (503) 21-1191 Excerpts from the Eglish traslatio of The Roma Missal 2010, Iteratioal Commissio o Eglish i the Liturgy Corporatio (ICEL), 1100 Coecticut Ave. NW, Suite 710, Washigto, C 2003. All rights reserved. Used with permissio. Music by Bob Hurd; keyboard accompaimets by Rick Modli; rehearsal-oly keyboards by Craig Kigsbury; 2011, 2015, Bob Hurd. Published by OCP. All rights reserved. Published with the approval of the Committee o ivie Worship, Uited States Coferece of Catholic Bishops, 3211 Fourth Street NE, Washigto, C 20017-1194; Table of Cotets Eucharistic Prayer II (Presider)...3 Eucharistic Prayer II (Keyboard/Guitar Accompaimet)...12 Sata Clara Mass Keyboard/Choral Editio............................................................ed. 30133994 Keyboard/Guitar/Vocal Editio........................................................ed. 30133995 Choral-oly Editio................................................................ed. 30133997 Eucharistic Prayer II................................................................ed. 3013477 Solo Istrumet i C or Bb (olie PF)................................................ed. 3013723 Assembly Editio (olie PF).......................................................ed. 30110414 Editio 3013733

Presider Part Eucharistic Prayer II Priest The Lord be with you. Priest Lift up your hearts. Priest All Let us give thaks to the Lord our Preface ialogue All Ad with your spir - it. We lift them up God. All to the Lord. It is right ad Sata Clara Mass Bob Hurd ust. 3

SANTA CLARA MASS EUCHARISTIC PRAYER II, cot. (2) Priest It is truly right ad ust, our duty ad our sal - vatio, always ad everywhere to give you thaks, Fa - ther most holy, through your beloved So, Je - sus Christ, made all thigs, Ho-ly Spirit your Word through whom you whom you set as our Savior ad Re - deemer, ad bor of the Virgi. icarate by the Fulfillig your will ad gaiig for you a ho - ly people, he stretched out his hads as he e - dured his Passio, Preface (Commo Preface VI: The mystery of salvatio i Christ) so as to break the bods of death ad maifest the res - ur - rectio. Ad so, with the Agels ad all the Saits we de - clare your glory, as with oe voice we ac -claim: 4

Holy SANTA CLARA MASS EUCHARISTIC PRAYER II, cot. (3) At the ed of the Preface he ois his hads ad cocludes the Preface with the people, sigig aloud: 4. Lord God of Ho - ly, Ho - ly,. hosts. Heav-e ad. Ho - ly earth glo - ry. Ho - sa - a i the high-est... J are full of your Bless-ed is he who comes i the ame of the Lord. Ho- J sa - a i the high-est. Ho - sa - a i the high-est.. Œ. J 5

SANTA CLARA MASS EUCHARISTIC PRAYER II, cot. (4) Post-Sactus ad Istitutio Narrative The pricipal celebrat, with hads exteded, sigs: You are ideed Holy, O Lord, the fout of all holiess. He ois his hads ad, holdig them exteded over the offerigs, sigs (together with the cocelebrats): Make holy, therefore, these gifts we pray, like the dewfall, by sedig dow your Spirit upo them He ois his hads ad makes the Sig of the Cross oce over the bread ad the chalice together, sigig: so that they may be - come for us the Body ad + Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. He ois his hads. At the time he was be-trayed ad etered willigly i-to his Passio, He takes the bread ad, holdig it slightly raised above the altar, cotiues: he took bread ad, giv-ig thaks, broke it, ad gave it to his dis-ci - ples, sayig: He bows slightly. TAKE THIS, ALL OF YOU, AN EAT OF IT, FOR THIS IS MY BOY, WHICH WILL BE GIVEN UP FOR YOU.

SANTA CLARA MASS EUCHARISTIC PRAYER II, cot. (5) He shows the cosecrated host to the people, places it agai o the pate, ad geuflects i adoratio. After this, he cotiues: I a similar way, whe sup - per was eded, he took the chalice He takes the chalice ad, holdig it slightly raised above the altar, cotiues: ci - ples, sayig: He bows slightly. TAKE THIS, ALL OF YOU AN RINK FROM IT, THE CHALICE OF MY BLOO, COVENANT, ad, oce more giv - ig thaks he gave it to his dis- FOR THIS IS THE BLOO OF THE NEW AN E-TER-NAL WHICH WILL BE POURE OUT FOR YOU AN FOR FOR THE FOR - GIVENESS OF SINS. O THIS IN MANY MEMORY OF ME. He shows the chalice to the people, places it o the corporal, ad geuflects i adoratio. The he sigs: The myster - y of faith. 7

SANTA CLARA MASS EUCHARISTIC PRAYER II, cot. () Ad the people cotiue, acclaimig: Œ. We Proclaim Your eath We pro-claim your eath, O. Lord, ad pro-. OR: fess your Res - ur - rec - tio u - til you come a - gai,.. drik. Lord, Œ this Œ 2 u u J - til you come a - Whe We Eat This Bread. Cup, Whe we eat this we pro - til you come a - -. gai.. Bread J ad J claim your eath, O. gai.

2 OR:. Save Us, Savior. Save us, SANTA CLARA MASS EUCHARISTIC PRAYER II, cot. (7) Sav -. ior.. of the rec - tio world, for by your you have set us J Cross ad Res - ur -. free. 9

SANTA CLARA MASS EUCHARISTIC PRAYER II, cot. () Post-Narrative The the Priest, with hads exteded, sigs (together with the cocelebrats): Therefore, as we celebrate the memorial of his eath ad Res - ur - rectio, we offer you, Lord, the Bread of life ad the Chalice of sal - vatio, givig thaks that you have held us worthy miister to you. Hum-bly we pray to be i your presece ad that, partakig of the Body ad Blood of Christ, (Celebrat or oe cocelebrat) we may be gathered i - to oe by the Ho - ly Spirit. Remember, Lord, your Church, spread through - out the world, ad brig her to the full - ess of charity, together with N. our Pope ad N. our Bishop ad all the clergy. (Aother of the cocelebrats) Remember also our broth - ers ad sisters who have falle asleep i the hope of the res - ur - rectio, 10

SANTA CLARA MASS EUCHARISTIC PRAYER II, cot. (9) ad all who have died i your mercy: welcome them ito the light of your face. Have mercy o us all, we pray, God, that with the Blessed Virgi Mary, Moth - er with the blessed A-postles, ad all the Saits who have pleased you through- out the ages, we may merit to be coheirs to e - ter - al life, He ois his hads. ad may praise you ad glorify you through your the cocelebrats): Through him, ad with him, ad i him, So, Jesus He takes the chalice ad pate with the host ad raisig both, he sigs (together with O God, almighty Father, Christ. uity of the Ho - ly Spirit, all glory ad hoor is yours, for ev - er ad All... Œ....... ev oxology ad Ame - er. A - me. A - i me. of the 11

Accompaimets Eucharistic Prayer II Keyboard?? C/ Priest? C/ Priest The Lord be with you. (For rehearsal oly) Lift up your hearts. Cma7 Priest Let us give thaks to the Am7 Lord Preface ialogue our C/ All C/ All Ad with your spir - it. We lift them up Bm7 God. to the Lord. Cma7 Am7 All It is right ad Sata Clara Mass Bob Hurd ust. NOTE: Chords ad keyboard accompaimet are provided for rehearsal purposes. The Geeral Istructio of the Roma Missal ad Redemptiois Sacrametum stipulate that accompayig istrumets should remai silet as the presider chats the Eucharistic Prayer. 12

? C/ Priest It is truly right ad ust, (For rehearsal oly)?? C/ SANTA CLARA MASS EUCHARISTIC PRAYER II (Keyboard/Guitar/Vocal), cot. (2) our duty ad our sal - vatio, ma7/f always ad everywhere to give you thaks, Fa - ther most holy, through your beloved So, Je - sus Christ, C/ Gadd9 your Word through whom you made all thigs, Cma7 Am7 whom you set as our Savior ad Re - deemer, ma7/f Gadd9 Cma7 Am7 icarate by the Ho - ly Spirit Preface (Commo Preface VI: The mystery of salvatio i Christ) C/ ad bor of the Virgi.? 13

SANTA CLARA MASS EUCHARISTIC PRAYER II (Keyboard/Guitar/Vocal), cot. (3) C/ C/ Fulfillig your will ad gaiig for you a ho - ly people, he stretched out his hads as he e - dured his?? (For rehearsal oly)? Keyboard Passio, ma7/f Gadd9 Cma7 Am7 so as to break the bods of death Ad so, with the Agels ad all the Saits INTRO (q. = ca. 70) C/?.. C A/C ad maifest the res - ur - rectio. we de - clare your glory, as with oe voice we ac-claim:. Holy. C/...... 14..

???? C/... SANTA CLARA MASS EUCHARISTIC PRAYER II (Keyboard/Guitar/Vocal), cot. (4) Ho - ly, Ho - ly, Ho - ly Lord God of hosts. Heav-e ad.. Am earth. J are full of your. C/.. sus4. C/...... glo - ry. Ho - sa - a i the high-est.. C C/... Bless-ed is he who comes i the ame of the Lord. Ho -........ Am J. C/... sa - a i the high - est. Ho - sa - a i the high-est. sus4.. C C/ Œ... J 15

SANTA CLARA MASS EUCHARISTIC PRAYER II (Keyboard/Guitar/Vocal), cot. (5) Post-Sactus ad Istitutio Narrative C/ C/ You are ideed Holy, O Lord, the fout of all holiess. Make holy, therefore, these gifts we pray,?? (For rehearsal oly)? C/ by sedig dow your Spirit upo them like the Cma7 Am7 the Body ad + Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. C/ ad etered willigly i -to his Passio, dewfall, ma7/f ma7/f so that they may be - come for us Gadd9 C/ At the time he was be -trayed he took bread ad, Gadd9 giv-ig thaks, broke it,? 1

Cma7 Am7 ad gave it to his dis - ci - ples, sayig: SANTA CLARA MASS EUCHARISTIC PRAYER II (Keyboard/Guitar/Vocal), cot. ()?? C/ TAKE THIS, ALL OF YOU, AN EAT OF IT, (For rehearsal oly)?? Cma7 Am7 WHICH WILL BE GIVEN UP FOR YOU. C/ I a similar way, whe sup -per was eded, C/ FOR THIS IS MY BOY, C/ he took the chalice 17

SANTA CLARA MASS EUCHARISTIC PRAYER II (Keyboard/Guitar/Vocal), cot. (7) ma7/f Gadd9 Cma7 Am7 ad, oce more giv - ig thaks he gave it to his dis - ci - ples, sayig:?? C/ TAKE THIS, ALL OF YOU AN RINK FROM (For rehearsal oly)?? OF MY BLOO, ma7/f C/ IT, C/ FOR THIS IS THE CHALICE THE BLOO OF THE NEW AN E -TER - NAL COVENANT, WHICH WILL BE POURE OUT FOR YOU AN FOR MANY Gadd9 Cma7 FOR THE FOR - 1

SANTA CLARA MASS EUCHARISTIC PRAYER II (Keyboard/Guitar/Vocal), cot. () Am7 Bm7 Cma7 Am7 GIVENESS OF SINS. O THIS IN MEMORY OF ME.? (For rehearsal oly) 19

SANTA CLARA MASS EUCHARISTIC PRAYER II (Keyboard/Guitar/Vocal), cot. (9) We Proclaim Your eath Keyboard?? All? Am/C Priest The myster - y of faith. (q. = ca. 70) Œ. Œ. C Û Û Û We pro - claim your eath, O Lord, ad pro - fess your Res - ur - rec - tio u - Am C/.. J sus4.... Œ.. C/.. C C/ J. sus4 til you come a - gai, u - til you come a - gai...... Û J J. 20

SANTA CLARA MASS EUCHARISTIC PRAYER II (Keyboard/Guitar/Vocal), cot. (10) Whe We Eat This Bread Keyboard?? C/ All? Am/C Priest The myster - y of faith. Whe we eat this. Am. J claim your eath, O. Bread (q. = ca. 70) ad. sus4. Lord,.. Œ u. Œ. Œ. C/ C.. drik. this. C Û Û Û. Cup, - til you come a - gai. Û J we pro - sus4....... 21

SANTA CLARA MASS EUCHARISTIC PRAYER II (Keyboard/Guitar/Vocal), cot. (11) Save Us, Savior Keyboard?? C/ All? Am/C Priest The myster - y of faith... Save. Am us,. J Sav. ior. Cross ad Res - ur - rec - tio sus4 -. (q. = ca. 70).. Œ. Œ. C C/.. of. the. you have set us C Û Û Û world, Û J for by your sus4... free..... 22

SANTA CLARA MASS EUCHARISTIC PRAYER II (Keyboard/Guitar/Vocal), cot. (12) Post-Narrative C/ Therefore, as we celebrate the memorial of his eath ad Res - ur - rectio,?? (For rehearsal oly)? C/ we offer you, Lord, the Bread of life ad the Chalice of sal - vatio, ma7/f givig thaks that you have held us worthy Gadd9 C/ Hum - bly we pray C/ Cma7 Am7 to be i your presece ad miister to you. that, partakig of the Body ad Blood of Christ, ma7/f we may be gathered? 23

SANTA CLARA MASS EUCHARISTIC PRAYER II (Keyboard/Guitar/Vocal), cot. (13) Gadd9 Cma7 Am7 C/ i - to oe by the Ho - ly Spirit. Remember, Lord, your Church, spread through - out the?? (For rehearsal oly)?? world, Cma7 C/ ad brig her to the full - ess of charity, ad N. our Bishop ad all the clergy. C/ Am7 C/ ma7/f together with N. our Pope Gadd9 Remember also our broth - ers ad sisters who have falle asleep i the hope of the res - ur - rectio, ma7/f ad all who have died i your mercy: Gadd9 24

SANTA CLARA MASS EUCHARISTIC PRAYER II (Keyboard/Guitar/Vocal), cot. (14) Cma7 Am7 welcome them ito the light of your face. C/ Have mercy o us all, we pray,?? (For rehearsal oly)?? C/ that with the Blessed Virgi Mary, Moth - er of God, with the blessed A - postles, C/ ad all the Saits who have pleased you through - out the ages, we may merit to be coheirs to e - Gadd9 ter - al life, Cma7 C/ ad may praise you ad glorify you through your ma7/f Am7 So, Jesus Christ. 25

SANTA CLARA MASS EUCHARISTIC PRAYER II (Keyboard/Guitar/Vocal), cot. (15) C/ Priest Through him, ad with him, ad i him, oxology ad Ame O God, almighty Father, C/ i the uity of the Keyboard?? Ho - ly Spirit, all glory ad hoor is yours, for ev - er ad ev -? Am All.. A... sus4.. C (q. = ca. 72) C/.. - me. A -. er...... C. C/. Œ.... me...... 2