Solutions for Epiphany

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TABLE OF CONTENTS* Solutions for Epiphany Volume 2 Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany Psalm 17 Psalm 17 - ulletin insert 10 Verse for Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany 11 Hail to the Lord s Anointed (stanzas 1 ) 1 Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany Psalm 0 17 Psalm 0 - ulletin insert 20 Verse for the Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany 21 O Christ, Our True and Only Light (stanza ) 2 Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany Psalm 1 2 Psalm 1 ulletin insert 0 Verse for the Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany 1 O God, O Lord of Heaven and Earth (stanza ) The Transfiguration of Our Lord Psalm 50 Psalm 50 ulletin insert 2 Verse for the Transfiguration of Our Lord esus on the Mountain Peak (stanza 2) 5 *This page shos the contents of the full collection of Solutions for Epiphany Volume 2 Several samples from this collection are included in this ooklet for your convenience

Psalm 17:1-11 (ESV) Antiphon: v 5 Psalm 17 Psalm for Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany for unison choir or cantor, congregation, and piano Phillip Magness Piano Warmly q = 50 P F choir or cantor Great is our Lord, and a - un-dant in po'r; 5 5 His un - der-stand - ing is e-yond mea-sure Great is our Lord and a - congregation f pedal harmonically Scripture taken from The Holy Bile, English Standard Version Copyright 2001 y Crossay Biles, a pulishing ministry of Good Nes Pulishers Used y permission All rights reserved 2005 Liturgy Solutions, Inc All rights reserved VIEWING FILE ONLY - NOT FOR REPRODUCTION

Psalm 17 - page 2 un- dant in po'r; His un-der-stand - ing is e-yond mea-sure 11 11 P > choir or cantor Praise the Lord! For it is good to sing prais-es to our God; for it is 1 1 plea-sant, and a song of praise is fit -ting congregation Great is our Lord, and a f

Hail to the Lord's Anointed Stanzas 1 SAB Choir and Keyoard ames Montgomery, 1771-15 Leohnart Schröter, 152-101 arr Phil Magness S A Poco Maestoso c Ú B c Piano or Organ poco marcato c F c - 1Hail He - 5 5 5 to shall the Lord's come don a - like noint - sho - ed, ers great up - Da - on vid's the great - fruit - er ful son! earth; 5 2005 Liturgy Solutions, Inc All rights reserved VIEWING FILE ONLY - NOT FOR REPRODUCTION

Hail, Love, in oy, the and time hope, ap - like - - 1 1 point - flo - ed, ers, his spring reign in on his earth path e - to gun! irth 1 legato He Be - 1-2 -

1 1 1 comes fore He comes Be - fore to him to him n reak on reak on op - the pres - - - moun - - n op - - - the n sion, tains pres - moun - sion, tains to shall 1 n - -

Refrain v 2 Psalm 0 for SAB choir and congregation Stephen R ohnson S Plaintively q» ºº c O Lord my God, I cried to You for help, O A c O Lord my God, I cried to You for T B c O Lord my God I cried, I cried to You for help I help, O Lord my God, I cried to You for help, O Lord my God, I cried to You for help, O Lord my God I Scripture taken from The Holy Bile, English Standard Version Copyright 2001 y Crossay Biles, a pulishing ministry of Good Nes Pulishers Used y permission All rights reserved 2005 Liturgy Solutions, Inc All rights reserved VIEWING FILE ONLY - NOT FOR REPRODUCTION

Psalm 0 - page 2 cried to You for help, O Lord my God, I cried to You for help, Lord my God, I cried to You for n help, cried, O Lord my God, I cried to You for help

O Christ, Our True and Only Light Stanza for unison choir/cantor and organ ohann Heermann, 155-17 tr composite Moderato q» O ESU CHRISTE, WAHRES LICHT Gesang-Buch, Nürnerg, 17 setting y Phillip Magness Oh, gen - tly soft reeds Organ strings call those gone a - stray 2005 Liturgy Solutions, Inc All rights reserved VIEWING FILE ONLY - NOT FOR REPRODUCTION

O Christ, Our True and Only Light- page 2 11 That they may find the sa - ving ay! 11 1 1

Refrain v Psalm 1 For SATB choir, piano and opt handells Stephen R ohnson Introduction S A C Floing h» ªº T B C Piano C C 5 Refrain F n As for me, I said, "O Lord, e gra - cious to 5 simile P 5 Scripture taken from The Holy Bile, English Standard Version Copyright 2001 y Crossay Biles, a pulishing ministry of Good Nes Pulishers Used y permission All rights reserved 2005 Liturgy Solutions, Inc All rights reserved VIEWING FILE ONLY - NOT FOR REPRODUCTION

Psalm 1 - page 2 me;" As for me, I said, "Be gra - cious to As for me, I said, "O Lord e gra - cious to 1 1 me; ƒ heal me, heal me, heal me, 1 me; 1 heal ç fl me, heal me, heal me,

S A B Organ (opt) Martin H Franzmann, 107-7, alt Maestoso h» 2 2 2 2 2 O God, O Lord of Heaven and Earth You came in - SAB choir (opt organ) To our hall To our hall to our hall of solo flute of death! of death! death, O Christ, to WITTENBERG NEW an O Bender, 10-1 setting y Phillip Magness S C A B Breathe our poi - - - soned air, de - - spair C Breath our poi - soned air, to drink for us the deep de - C reathe our poi - soned air, to drink for us the deep de - - C - C Text and tune 1 Lutheran Council in the USA 2005 Liturgy Solutions, Inc All rights reserved VIEWING FILE ONLY - NOT FOR REPRODUCTION

O God, O Lord of Heaven and Earth - page 2 S A B 2 that stran - gled our re - luc - tant reath Ho eau - ti 2 spair that stran - gled our re - luc - tant 2 spair that stran - gled - - 2 our re luc tant n reath reath 2

Psalm 50:1- (ESV) Psalm 50 for unison choir or cantor (opt 2-part) and keyoard Phillip Magness piano, organ, or accordion Festive h» ºº C f C n n n opt 2nd part choir or cantor n Out of % % Zi - on, the per - fec-tion of eau - % Out of Zi- on, the per - ty, n Scripture taken from The Holy Bile, English Standard Version Copyright 2001 y Crossay Biles, a pulishing ministry of Good Nes Pulishers Used y permission All rights reserved 2005 Liturgy Solutions, Inc All rights reserved VIEWING FILE ONLY - NOT FOR REPRODUCTION

Psalm 50 - page 2 11 11 fec-tion of eau - God n shines ty, n n God forth n shines repeat oth times n n Out of forth Zi - on, n n 1 2 n To Coda, m 0 shines 2 forth To Coda, m 0 1 The Might-y One, God the 1 2 n To Coda, m 0

21 Lord, Psalm 50 - page n speaks and sum- mons the earth from the 21 n n n 25 25 ris - ing of the sun to its set -ting Out of Zi - on, n n n DS al Coda DS al Coda

Brian Wren esus on the Mountain Peak Stanza 2 for SATB a cappella SEWARD Theodore A Beck, 12-200 setting y Phillip Magness S A T B c P c q = 100 poco marcato Al - le - lu - ia! Al - le - lu - ia! Al - le - lu - ia! Al - le - lu - ia! f Al - le - lu - ia! legato Trem - ling at His Al - le - lu - ia! feet e sa 7 Al - le - lu - ia! 7 Mos - es and E - Al - le - lu - ia! li - ah speak - ing, Words 177, rev 15 Hope Pulishing Company, Carol Stream, Il 01 All rights reserved Used y permission 2005 Liturgy Solutions, Inc All rights reserved VIEWING FILE ONLY - NOT FOR REPRODUCTION

Alleluia For EPIPHANY 5 through TRANSFIGURATION Kevin Hilderand oyfully q» I II* Al - le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - Al - le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - *(Part II is optional and may e used oth times or the last time only) This alleluia is sung efore and after the appropriate Verse of the Day found on the folloing pages U ia ia U (oserve fermata last time only) 2005 Liturgy Solutions, Inc All rights reserved VIEWING FILE ONLY - NOT FOR REPRODUCTION

Verse for The Transfiguration of Our Lord Psalm 5:2a (ESV) Kevin Hilderand S A B You are the most You are the most You are the most hand - some of the hand - some of the hand - some of the sons of men, sons sons of of senza Ped grace is poured up - on Your lips To Alleluia men, grace is poured up - on Your lips To Alleluia men, grace is poured up - - - on Your lips Ped To Alleluia Scripture taken from The Holy Bile, English Standard Version Copyright 2001 y Crossay Biles, a pulishing ministry of Good Nes Pulishers Used y permission All rights reserved 2005 Liturgy Solutions, Inc All rights reserved VIEWING FILE ONLY - NOT FOR REPRODUCTION