aches PASTOR ROGER Payne stands bestde the mural wh1ch adorns the front wall of Mtracle Mountam Baptist Church's sanctuary

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Bapis & Telling he Sory of Tennes.s "Bop,; s Vol. 169/ No. 6 D c. U1, 00 okeville churc COO'KF.. VJJ.Lg To uv 1nunnin 8upli raclc h hpr i no h ypicnl Bnp i :hurch would a vas und rslapmcn. Aflcl', no mnny hurchcn hnvc, rnh rs hip comprised of f)7.,_,," rccm. 1 cing drug addic. e h" church i uddr ing """'"'L"'ng prr)hlem in he ucn. num ouny is on of rurnl COUflliN; in rrcn CC wih incrcusing drug crns. c pccially wih l g m humphenminc h ). 'l'h dnag. whil'h i de fruri1 housd1old c!wmisu h :>ls drnlj douc' 1 j i ngly pmduccd in r m ul uh u Pllnnm ouny rc p nhh:fr: :a n avoid rl. l l ll, >unum ('ounh 1e uno,,fh fi" ':o uni in he ni ' d cs h nwh prmh wion, n Rog r Payn ', pu o r of 1oun.nin 'hurch nnd nwr drug.uldic. 2002 13 hildr n in Punom "ouny ware aken from heir families and pl:ced cu ody ue: ofmch, he. aid. And nl'rnly in 200;{, 154 childr n have been placed in ae cusody u. of he drug. Payne hns seen he wrecked livch which rc. ul fi'om dn1g. He know!> ubou u fivycarold child found drinking milk from a bole and no 11blc o p(ak. He know. he policeman who cncd us he described a fnmilv caugh up in meh. Payne know. h addic, who i: "rying n foul everybody.'' Before recovery. he nddic mus reach.. boom," he ;:,aid. which i clo:e Q deah. Pnync a r cd minisering n folk wih uddicions in Cnlifurnia nf r lw r<!cnvprcd' from his nddicion. Though he surrendered o h> miniry in 1985 and wns unluin d u Souh 'll Bapi.. mini:er hrc.,( year!<\ ner, he n.v,,. 50 w himself ns n "pusor.".. l never fel God cnjli>d mp 1u he a pasor. wa sree o h> bone. Payne ai d, adding aches PASTOR ROGER Payne sands besde he mural wh1ch adorns he fron wall of Mracle Mounam Bapis Church's sancuary hnl he "didn' fi hp hill" n n pu or. n C lifumia h. ar d and opera>d l\liruclc i\lounuin MiniRJ'i<'o, u l'f.h.:o'.'e y hou:.e for addicb. n Spring, in he early 1990 he wn on he sf nff of n r cu..... rmssum. \Vhcn Pnyne and hi fan1ily nlo( n "'d o Cookc\ illc o care fgr hi moh(rinlnw, h s.ur d minisering her hy,.i. iing Me111fler operaes lo111e o rsidcol of lhl ook ville.! Rc cu 1L 10n and h Punam ( ouny J ul. The pcop Payni 1111111 cred o.m"d elhn' hrm h y n cdcd church. Tll\1 l lira f! Mnuuain Hapi Ch 1'ch wa form d, 60m wh l r luc n l), b P :n H dir h 1V Ms b"'nrd.o ry o n p(nd 1ppror»r1nch 11 church m for h fir im l 0 0 11 or lcoh b ou lron lij ou drug a a i md v mg he h rd n from: 1d R,.. P nn ho lh hurch 10 m n hurc.h dr bou 6,v il.., l)ooo pic on und y 'J'h church on \\' dn d l coman:a lm ll,> C1f pro r nd pr u r por ddcl! nd up nd c llf o ho\\ on h h ' '"he n cl on P' n d J hn'llcu l h d lo pr ch on \\ edn d l mgh n rn 1 h h repored P ' n 'l c h God for h rov.'h of Moun un God 1 nd h p 'OU'LO' A five moa.b 10 November belp he Tenneesee Coaoaoion'a Cooper receips for DOh of he new By Connie Davis Bsplsl and Reflecor 'OOKE\'Ll.E >i1ki Payne h o... 1 bu ') h' She coown. nd opcra Our Hou c On fir,, n r"saurnn on Fir Sr c of dnwnown ook>villc. ' he is he main ch"l.:f of ih rc nurnn, arriving nch morning n R.m. P ayne "nd h "r h u bll nd. lun, h a \f five childr.. n, lf whch h\ o a.:r:.. :m hom. The P Ync fnmil are uchc mcmbe of Miracle. ounuun Bnpi hurch. \\ hch m m o fron bmldang cro he re<! fro1u.h nuran J> ' n uf n h church u h r resaumn for w:au nd m pc.m r P ync 1M! gun dar cm. lar cl lounl m... ruh Hou hom fi r " m n nn from d cllclon.. h n djn a f r church m m r o red hou c h o n d fi r ueh muu llj. r na Hou curr nl h a mnre d l p r hon J quel n Ra ad n r run b r n d nun;c who me Payne in 1999 ol he Cookc\ille Jnion Mi ion, wh rc boh women W'rc snying for o few weeks. 'ircumsnnc hnd chn... ed hem o hom('}c,.q. The home j... he rc ul of lo of prayers nnd God' "">rk. nid Pn_nc. i fund d bv [ How church members and peopl ho h v l arn d boll reni} Hou. h d cr bed. R mo'\ cd o ''ennc from,1am.e o.,... a h hou c. :"h h \\Or d \\Hh dds JO \\'11 l PCO o und c m Ake careof lh r L'" A r sic len or he h :m "'ho wi hccj o r m in nonymou "'r.ud h wa glad.o rc a dcnl h" ad h h ci m a hri llon hilc h r. hough h mj d h r fcuml h 1 d b v.: dq m vo n and \\ ou)d eonlmu o m h b 1. of h r L unlj 1 rch. h r proj c d r dn P n nd pro r m for ( JOb h r r ruj iloun m 0

, m.....,... ',....., ::::; L.!,na., uv.. =::._;,)1,...,.J Subscribe o he Bapis and Re _ flecor for one year and receive 47 copies. ndividual subscripions, $11; Church Leadership Plan, $8.75 per subscripion; oher pians available Lonnie Wilkey, edior (615) 3712046, Connie Davis, news edior (615) 371 7928, Susie Edwards, circulaion/ execuive assisan/adverising (615) 3712003, Mary Nimmo, church pages/adminisraive assisan (615) 371 7929, Bey Williams, bookkeeper (615) 371 7930, Office Bapis and Reflecor,, 5001 Maryland Way, Brenwood, TN 37027 \ Mailing address P.O. Box 728, Brenwood, TN 37024 Phone (615) 3712003 FAX (615) 3712080 Web Sie PublisherTennessee Bapis Convenion Execuive Board Convenion Communicaions Commiee Mary Comer, chairman; Mark Gregory, yice chairman; Mickey Basham, Orvind Dangeau, Mary Beh Duke, Pa Hood, Jay McCluskey, Bo Osburn, Larry Parro, Carlos Peerson, Vern Powers, Bob Riley, Glenda Roach, Mildred Thompson Posmaser Periodical posage paid a Brenwood and a addiional mailing office. {USPS 041780) POSTMASTER: Send address changes o Bapis and Reflecor, P.O. Box 728, Brenwood, TN 37024. Frequency of issue Published weekly excep for he weeks of Chrismas, New Year's, Memorial Day, Fourh of July, and Labor Day..,!. Prined o n '0 7' recycled pape r L 10, 203 i U T 1 Fros leaves pos 1 11 NAMB lor N.Y. BRENTWOOD Gary Fros, he Norh American Mission B ord's vice presiden for sraegic parnerships, has acceped a call o become execuive direcor of he Meropolian New York Bapis Associaion The move will become effecive Feb. 1, pending approval by he associaion's mission parners he Bapis Convenion of New York and Norh American Mission Board. He will be considered for appoinmen as a Norh American missionary in January. Prior o joining NAMB in early 2001, Fros served 18 years a Rising Sar Bapis Church in Youngsown. He was acively involved as a leader in various aspecs of communiy developmen and improvemen. Those effors included crime reducion programs, housing develop men, a nd improvemen of educaional opporunifes including leading he sar of wha is. FROST now he larges charer school in Ohio. During his pasorae Fros also served wo erms as presiden of he Sae Convenion of Bapiss in Ohio, wo. erms as second vice presiden of he Souhern Bapis Convenion, and eigh years as a member of he SBC Execuive Commiee. Fros spoke a he Tennessee Bapis Pasors Conference in November and is slaed o speak a he TBC Evangelism Conference in January. 0 Radio. nework highlighs SBC missions effors OVERLAND PARK, Kan.. Radio liseners in 13 saes, including Tennessee, can une in Dec. 16 o a special onehour program highlighing God?s work around he world hrough nernaional Mission Board missionaries. The Bo Radio Nework feaure will include MB Presiden Jerry Rankin and Senior Vice Presiden Avery Willis, who will give updaes on God's work hrough more l:lan 5,500 Souhern Bapis missionaries among nearly 1,500 people groups. n 2002, MB workers and heir Bapis parners recorded 8,369 new churches and 9,862 new oureach poins numbers ha represened increases of more han 42 percen over he previous year. MB workers also recorded 421,436 bapisms during he year, an increase of 8.7 percen over 2001. The broadcas will air Tuesday, Dec. 16, a 2 p.m. (Cenral). na on s a Senior adul lnlsr.y expa... o Bapis and. Reflecor MURFREESBORO Senior aduls have a unique new voice in Middle Tennessee called rhejim Dooley SHow." Dooley, a cerified senior advisor and senior adul c.oordinaor for Concord Bapis Associa on &ince 992, and c:ohos Russell Co.rauglin discuss a 'iwide of sen.ior... re:laed Dm 8 Gospel 105 Harold Hendrick, a Bo radio ho.s in S. Louis and a member of Firs Bapis Church in Ferguson, Mo., will conduc he in erview. The only Tennessee he Bo Radio Nework is WCRV 640 AM in Memphis. 0 Bapiss no doing enough in raq, workers say. BAGHDAD Souhern 'Bap. iss have prayed for years ha raq would somehow be opened o he gospel. Now Souhern Bapis workers have unprecedened access o wha was one of he world's mos closed counries. So wha are Souhern Bapiss doing abou i?. No enough, say nernaional.mission Board workers risk.. ing heir lives o mee human needs and share he gospel inside raq. " mus admi 'm disappoined ha w e have so few workers here," said one Baghdad worker, who canno be idenified fe>r securiy reasons. ' While he MB has work among almos 1,500 people groups in well over 100 counries, is inabiliy o respond quickly and appropriaely o wlia may be a fleeing opporuniy in raq shows a poignan side of he board's recen financial challenges. John Brady, leader of MB work in he Middle Eas and norhern Africa, admis being frusraed by he siuaion. " aches my hear o see he opporuniies ha are before us and know wha decisions we're having o make," he said. "Today is he day of he open door. God has opened doors, no s Special gues adrs eollail cuss issues relaed o heir relaidulb senior aduls. The show addresses senior aduls concemed abou,.&uu The program also highlighs special senior aduls including church evens. ens may be emailed o Sen A web sie is under io11 and is expeoed o early January. Though he show u on for only abou hey are beginning G ive feedbaok, "Mos of he...... CORAUGHN alked o have said, firs ime anyone has!md alked direcly fu us on he radio.'., cr...,.... only in raq bu r eally in hundreds of spos acr'oss he Muslim world," Brady said. "f we're go ing o walk hrough ha door, Souhern Bapiss have go decide if ifs worh sacrificing somehing." _ A "'year or wo from now he oppo.rup.y in raq qould be gone, Brady warned. "There are a number of folks willing o _come. We jus neecl he money o send hem," he said.. The board has faced a finan. cial challenge his pas year, mosly because he numbers of n ew missionaries coming fci>rward for overseas service has grown faser han giving from he churches has increased. Board leadership kep appoining he new missionaries, rusing ha Souhern Bap.iss would increase heir l)issions suppor accordingly. They didn'. Souhern Bapis gifs o he Loie Moon Chrismas Offering for nernaional Missions have increased, bu n.o enough o keer up wih he unpr:ec'edened growh of he ' overseas missionary force. Brady urged Souhern Bapiss o help mee he needs in raq by giving sacrificially o he Loie Moon Chrismas Offering his year. 0 Sudy sggess eens break absin.en1e pledges Associaed HGHLAND HEGHTS, Ky. Signaures on mos sexualabsinence commimen cards be worh he paper hey are wrien on, according o a recen universiy sudy. A survey by Norhern Kenucky Universiy revealed 61 percen of sudens who made absinence promises broke He s em ha is he purpose behi,.f's all"abou seniors." no he and Coraughn fel. aa a wafi o exend heir millis.. is eed o con:ilirnl maion ha would no Y'>PH v. o seniors any oe! hem. And of hose who sa hey kep hei! pledges, 55 pe cen indicaed hey paricipa in oral sex. The survey queried 6.2 Norh em Kenucky sudens.: percen of whoin made pledg no o hve unil ma;na. noe d, haw Tae udyf.. "'... ' ha plege break e rs delaye sex for a year longer han pledl"ee11's' = unil an age of 17.6 years old. pledgemakers who becllljq' pledgebreakers were less uav. o use proecion, such as dos, when firs having sex. W..hile he survey re)relenj only a small segmen of he ulaion, i offers some of he lies research ino he Pil'bvi ness of virid.biy pledges. Angela Lipsiz, a professor Norhern Kenucky Universi who was involved in he sud said he informaion shou se;r've as a warning sign. B furher sudy is needed befo naionwide conclusions can drawn, she said. Richard Ross, a spok:dwcij rwnnn for he grassroos absinence for True Love Wais, indilcae he survey's findings did surprise him. Following he enormous ulariy of True Love W governmen sared more han 200 graj!ls ha are used in joriy of scliool sysems he counry. Ofen hese consis of a shor lecure reasons for absinence ques. for sudens o piece of paper in a noei:o said. There is sparse and he pledge carries weigh, he said. "Eve.p hough am porive of any progra alk abou absinence, many of he pledges he power o shape decisions," Ross said. CJ

3 Oc. 10, 2003 le m10 d an con h Rr 1' yn nw 'ik h1 c f'hra llhl mh mgh n 1 h 1 1 d r den of ook \aile U cue li son. ho be n on ffj, m d rnor by her lmh hnn mo hn um h auj. Nak1 Pnyn 1 pnin d he r.ew> doc n'l hv(! fl b n lfv. uy usc. r p ' lor agrc d... We ' r>rv.. r hn 1 fwnv God,"' r Puynu nid. fw'y hcius u uuly " Trci\'' hccnusc lhi"ir d n 1Lf.l hnfwny d p c n un om sy lcm and (\\ O.) mdcpundcnl. lrh:l<'.d, n id u of r nlv f fou ulu fully dcp nden o n Uld Rog r Payne. r' lcns he.nd of heir buly. Po\ n i h firm O'liC\ r hh onlv wuv m addic can h d"!r. for hu p on o al fi os h.r... o,jc u. 1 h o l i v r h mini n uld h omluc"d by ud i fur Jodie... u he pia,) ppm iv" roh". Bu he':; very d of i::; ucel' <:s. Local go\ g ncic nnd lnv n..."n \lltics.\1 H' r,(.,,, o, a fin i)' Hem '. rnor hcv can l.u ' Jur. n> 11' uirl h house no\\,:u:x r dcn... und noed.. " ripl " i in u monh. \\' 'r ng cnll uhou cr o n i y w: l from nll mer lh Sou h h. nid. know lh only \H\ lo nn ddic is o..., r ov r buld he rson agnin r.. c urch re c es.. n no rod nd h 1 on n an 10 d ) 21 con n cnon noh r mm r off r 2 hour d y. " n d hrou h h c.hurch prond ck fo r ' r ho long a ejohm n hou hold a&.e:m..u... h o n d n fi mdr o 'llh.nss:ls Th l!tcnj} H ou a fund nc for nc b11j nd,... cd by h church nod u fcv. dn c rfic hu:h n b n io n w h1 ch h \'e com m. d m d a 1 1 rna"' """ 'rh girl m h progrnm. o Th c elln p r bou h pny muimrj fi rf r l bfl, or" m 1 n1 r1c 1 h 1 he) r d ab! o hold job. b) church m m J } ou Oher mini ri ofh wny," ad Poyn. 1'h r> c h urch ol o offr n haucng s flomewm k Cener, \\ hich wu Lik any oll r church, Msr in1liucd. by Pnyn ' unugh r, cle Mounain i fncang chnl K.imb rly Willium. )ouh lircc lcng'. \\'h'" h hulding wfjnor of he ch urch. cen o he or"fron churc.h Poyn' n ked Joe Wile di cnmc \'cnn. 1r cj 1ounam r cor. Bapi Cull gia 1 1in obnm.. d i and... gm1 o u o i i fry, T<:nn!..;cc Tchnolngical fur lhc \'nuh of he church. Unh ersiy, for help anu oon Now, s lmo,ro Y udcnw were im o1ved... mnll. 'The {.'Ollf:,'Tgnlion do' n ' Wile aid udcn have hav o conduc nur &ch, exbeen c n ing a u or each plaind Pyn. Folk nrc drnwn WPdne duy en'ning for abrju lo he church ufcr lfl T ning un hour since S pomber. nbc1u i uni,p1e mini ry. The B \ \1 u uu lly do local The church ha 1l :s1ghu cn mi iong hy holding a com mum u mulll' acros. hl ree. hu y day ach em <) r. R 'ing in righ now lhc co.,, prohihvoh d in he uonng program ivc.. wu. Oiklng a lo more of he Miracle Mounuin ' "" Audcn. bu hey were willing, in he '"inner l'y"' of Cook '\'ilc, nid Wiles. a n urea he church doc no ""Thev nrc mop in volved. bu wan o leo\'c, Payne aid. i hn : m ore b( n fls." aid lour mini ry i no o he Wil RONALD SMTTY, leh, of he Tennessee Tech BCM uors Ashon McKeo of he church. ROGER PAYNE leh Sl h J BC d rl!! nessee Ti cfl. a he Hom n r o h church by BCM pan c p ns ubutb.. P ) n r d "'Th ro good church i Our rnma ry 1 m h o\ n nren Though, hurch 1 m he l abl ' ' uj1m p 1 or m par h c u ol h1 waf;, K. hy, who v.or nu S h c n l o uck \\ h h 11n YoJhen h \VB.n dd1c.. h 1 n bl ang om) li." he 1d. Pnyn 1 comrml cf n h mini rv of 1 arocl' 1ounnm H noed adch ell ham, '"{,. lred rchgwn." ' nc lulu ll) KA Yl... 4 BUCKNER, a BaplS Col' T nnessee T. ch Unl :Siy uors 0 Vi P of am Bapis Church a Our Hous on Fir \10 ember oper es ome OnililUJe<:J from page n por on i pro,id d mn,c \\ 1h pcqpl au d hou hnu o llo\1 \\om n o ruc:u on h m h a nd heir r C::O\'cry, 1d Pm n. Mo add1c nr cod penden, he c pl in d, n nd he} mu ") o br hn C} clc of b in b ir orh on el

Page 4 B&l Dec. 1 0, 2003 = leers o he edior Truss leadership J n pas years have served on he Commiee on Commiees, he Creden ials Commiee, and wo erms on he Execuive Board of he Tennessee Bapis Convenion. Afer fou r year s of supply.preaching, am currenly h e inerim pasor of h e same church ha served for 25 years. Wha a pr ivilege and joy o work wih dedicaed Chris ians and o observe h eir commi m e n o h e local church and our woridwide mission hrough he Cooperaive Program! am as excied and charged o proclaim he gospel as ever before. Speaking for his local congregaion only, am convillced ha few really under s and he problems which are so ofen discussed i n our sae paper. Never has anyone suggesed ha we diver our giv. ing. We sill rus our TBC leaders hip because we have found hem o be rusworhy. For one, have refused o be i ;w olved in h e debaes which have been going on for years. n my opinion, here should no be a group called Concerned Tennessee Ba piss or Cooperaive Bapis F ellows hip. How can we alk abou uniy in Chris when i does noi exis? am very honored o be known as a Bapis preacher. Bu here are oo many imes ha iun no prouq o be called a Souh ern Bapis. Yes, we a.s a people need a revival wh ich will empower us o ba ck u p our Chrisian admoniions wih our genuine deeds in H is name. mu s agree wih h e pasor w)1o suggesed our roubles. are cenered u}:>on u s preachers (see leers o he edior in he Nov. 26 is s ue). He is correc. John he Bapis poined oward Jesus "He mus increas e, mus decrease." Le us preachers do wha we say is our calling. may sound like a brag, bu i is no so inended. Caring for souls and seeking o win hem, ha's enough for me! And h ow hr illed am o be involved in a local church where harmony and accor d hrive. Paul Moody, inerim pasor Erin Bapis Church Erin 37178 Expresses concern have been concerned for some ime abou wha is augh in he biology depa rmen a Ca rson,newman College. Several year s ago one biology professor s a in my high school classroom and said no biology faculy member a Carson Newm a n would each creaion. Today her personal page a he CarsonNewman web sie provides links for Gudens o wo oher web sies, one suppored by a radical environmenal group, and h e o her by an organiza ion which promoes evoluion. A few years laer he head of he biology deparmen confirmed his colleague's posiion in an e mail by saing ha he did no hink h ere was any conflic be ween evolu ion and he Bible. Sudens and former sudens h ave r epor ed nume r ous imes h a wha is augh in biology classes a CarsonNewman is no differ en from wha is augh in any secular, saerun college or w1iversiy. Anyone wih a compuer conneced o he inerne can confirm ha CarsonNewman professors h ave conribued a grea deal of maerial o web sies ha no only each, bu promoe evoluion. Merely go o a search engine and ype in he keywords "Carson Newman College macroevoluion (or simply evoluion)." Two of.he professors have appeared a confere n ces a nd submied papers which argue ha humans have evolved from h e same common ancesor as chimpanzees, gorillas, oranguan s, and crabeaing macaques. These ideas are no only conrary o wha he Bible eaches abou he creaion of huma n beings in he image of God, hey also sugges ha here is no nelligen Designer a all behind he remendous complexiies of he universe. Chris Francis Knoxville 37920 Edior's Noe: Due o he concerns raied, asked CarsonNewman College respond: This is heir answer: "We have f7 faculy members in our division of naural sciences and mahemaics. Every one of hem, including our six biology professqrs, is a cre?ionis; ha is, each faculy member believes ha God creaed he heavens and he earh. They are also dedicaed Chrisians who war diligenly. o fulfill he calling ha God has placed on heir lives. is he pracice of CarsonNewman o review expressions of concern from Ol:Jr various consiuns a nd will do so wih his maer." Appreciaes wrier Le me begin by saying : ha agree empaheically wih Jason Cruise when he wroe 'ha, "worship is no abou me i is all abou Jesus" (see leers o he edior; Nov. 26 issue). am in my mid70s and come from he "old school" and firmly believe ha unil he church reurns o he radiional syle of worship, we shall coinue down h e road where shor ser:mons, quick songs and choruses repeaed over and over, produce ha "hel;l... hen worship" s poken by Bro. Cruise.. As a Bapis, believe ha lie Holy Spin is drawn by bel;l.uiful, reveren hymns. pray ha soon, we shall all 'reurn o ha reveren syle of worship ha glorifies J esus Chris and Him only. would end his by saying a few words abou my dear broher, Johnnie Godvvin. A few years ago, we called Johnnie as our inerim pasor afer he.wonderful Dick Adkinson r esigned. From ha firs Sunday, our congregaion (a Hillhurs Bapis ChurGh) fell in love wih him and his lovely wife, Phyllis. This naive.of Midland, Texas, was wih us for quie some ime, and mus say ha if he preach ed unil 1 p.m. (and he never did), no o ne would leave. You see, Johnnie Godwin always preached he ' lov.e and he salvaion ha Jesus Chris offered. To his day, he is always an honored gues wh en he and Phyllis come o Hillhurs. Perhaps Bro. Cruise should make an effor o mee his ariculae Texan. migh prove o be a delighful experience. R ober E. Burgess Madison 37115 CP gifs imporan am a new Tennessee Bapis and recenly aended my firs Tennessee Bapis Convenion annual meeing. mus admi was surprised by he way ha Tennessee Bapiss brough names o he floor of he convenion. wan o encourage all Tennessee Bapiss who are planning on making nominaions for posiions 'of leadership in he TBC o go hrough he proper mehods. believe ha mos of he bus iness conduced a he convenion could have gone smooher if he proper procedure for nominaing candidaes would have been followed. Cooperaive Program giving does maer! was surprised o see s o many people nominaed from churches ha give less han 5 percen o he CP. do no know wha he parameers are for allowing people o be nominaed, bu do believe ha we as Tennessee Bapiss need he qualificai'ons, and de.ermine a course of guidelines ha will help he Commiee on Commiees and Commiee on Boards in heir selecion. Several. poenial leaders were members of churches ha give less han 5 percen o he CP. One nominee was nominaed and eleced for a posiion ori he Execuive Board, and his chiirch gives less han 1.5 percen o CP and gave no money o'tbc or SBC special offerings. J do n9 undersand why our nominaing process would allow his person o even be considered o assis in overseeing how Tennes se Bapiss use CP dollars. believe ha every Te,nnessee Bapis has a responsibiliy o nominae p eople who are very much in suppor of he TBC, he SBC, and pe Cooperaive Program. wan o encourage hose who will be making nominaions for he upcoming year. Le's help our Commiee on Boards and Commiee. on Commiees mak wise choices by geing b.e nominaions o TBC in a imely manner. Le's also h elp by ensuring ha lie people being nomi!laed are membersgf churches ha su ppor SBC and TBP programs financially and docrinally.. Jeff Sockdale, associae pasor Moun Flerinon Bapis Church Savannah 3837 Ordinary Bapis aended he recen Ten:. nessee Bapis Convenion annual meeing as a messenger from Firs Church, Smihville.. hough he overall one. was one of God's grace, joy, and love. was encourl! h e warship se rvices hrough bo.h he music and he preaching. appreciae Dr. J ames Porch encouraging us o have joy hroughou he convenion. would like o respond o he genleman who was concerned abou people serving <>n he Execuive Board wihou heir pasor's approval, as well as make general ' observaions abou qualificaions for ser ving on he board, and.o sharea bi abou, no wha: do, bu who am. There seems o be a percepion among some ha hose serving on he Execuive Board are here because hey are somehow powerful people or because hey are "poliically useful." When was asked by a friend if he could nominae me for he board, considered i very carefully. asked my husband and a good friend of mine who had served on he board wha hey hough. My husband said i sounded like a lo of work o him and ha i was my decision. also alked o my inerim pasor a he ime and he old me he hough would do a good job. He did no indicae he fel needed his approval in order o serve. volunarily asked his opinion as respec him as a man of God. Afer geing inpu from several people allowed my name o be submied. As far as how much an individual's church gives o he Cooperaive Program, mos of us don' have any conrol over ha figure. My husband and ihe on a regular basis and give amouns over' ha ihe o several of he Cooperaive Program offerings. am an ordinary individual wh o seeks o serve God wih all my hear. am no on he Execuive Board becaus e am a grea or wonderful or wise person bu only because i is God's will and grace. Tha is he only reasonable explanaion. is nohing ha have earned or deserved. ' is a place o serve in humiliy, no a place o brag abou oneself or demand a ile or power of any kind. is my chief aim o "know God and he power of His resurrecion and he fellowship ofhis sufferings." Tha is all ha maers in my life. Mary Beh Duke Smihville 37166 Sincere hanks The family of Paul Durham would like o say a word of hanks o all who were so kind and surrounded us wih your love and suppor in our jme of grea loss. Firs, we say hank you for being wih us a h e hospial. for_ your prayers for Paurs recovery and for God's will in his life, and for your prayers for our family a we had o face he hardes decisions in our lives.. We were so overwhelmed a h many, many friends who came fr om near a n d far o offer your comfor o us afer long wais in line during visiaion and again a he funeral. service. Wha a grea ribue o one we all loved so dearly. We are graeful for all who had a par in he funeral and for he kind words and remembrances a bou Paul offered by James Porch, Leonard Markham, Vern P owers, Gary Anderson; Larry Gilmore, and Randall Baskin, and o l:ie Jordanaires who ook ime o come and sing so beauifully. For he h ousands of prayers from so m $y, for he many flowers ha were sen, for he donaions of hundreds of Gideon Bibles, for he memorials o Radnor Bapis Academy, and he hundreds of cards we received, we appreciaed each of hem. Le us hold each oher up in our prayers and show our love one o a noher. Your kindness will never be forgoen. Nadine Durham Nashville 37204 Make a a Chrisian would like o urge every church in he TBC o begin a peiion drive o ell our represenaives how we feel aboj.? he decision of he Mas sachuses Sae Supreme Cour on gay mar riage. The decision was ha i was unconsiuional for he sae of Massachuses o deny marriage beween samesex parners. And he judiciary gave he sae legislaure six mon hs o amend heir laws o allow guy marrilei. This is agains Gd's holy Scdp.., an'd is agains all moralidd deeency sandards in our nai011. f we don' ac now. he full faih and credi clause of he U. Consiuion may for every oher sae o r ecognize samesex Dal' riages performed in Massachuses. would like o see every church, of every denominaion,.o gaher signaures on a peiion agains gay marriage and hen presen hose signed peiions o heir sae and federal represenaives and senaors. This 'ould ;;. l mel show he congressional, memben e he number of people \'lho..dppoae fl'i such laws. s ugges na..:each gaher heir sig,n&luea, Reg hen make copies of hose doeu 'ior' mens and send hem o each rep gre resenaive asking hem o hear m T1 and heed our objecions o same h e! sex marriages. bl This is no a gay.,bashing issue. Our consiuion provides freedom for anyone o live as hey chopae as long as i is wihin legal limi& This is no a Democraic or fe...,nnv publican issue, nor is i a Conservaive or Liberal issue. This goes o he sacred naure of marriage being he union beween one man and one woman in conrac wilf one anoher and under God, as He Xesse: provided o Adam and Eve. Ac now. Make a difference... u.... while you sill can. Wha mus do?.n a ren lee1 o he wrien by Vaun Denon, i implied ha since voed wih nxajw:iy.hc. '1'DO.:... J... "'"'""""' mus be liberal. began o der, according o DY broher, mus d\l&be M8.ssified as a servaive? By conservaive does he a person who sands a he of he convenion and m1.s r4ep1 sens a voing guide as an ed schedule?" By conserva does he' mean have he righ make overarching accusaions an indignan one abou wo of universiies only o rerac h'l saemen wih an apologr,? As a conservaive, am allowed o be rude by. calling down s peaker when hink heir ime is up raher han allow our presiden o make he call? f h ese are he qualificaions ha would make me conservaive hen fail he es. Conrary o my broher's opin ion, however, consider myself a conservaive Chrisian, and ba1e been called conservaive by oh fully believe in he auhoriy and inerrancy of Scripure and srife o pu is ruhs ino pracice day of my life. serve in a cb\111 ha gives 10 percen o he eraive Program as well as ously giving o Loie Moon, Armsrong, and sae 101.1 snr ferings. As a Tennessee Bapis' greaes "concern" is ha in fense of he Bible, our pear conrary o Scripure. fully suppor he need "relaionship revivaj" as nriw! by our n ew presiden Mike believe his is a beer apl!) han laying down he ga1l11liul We need o remem words of Chris, "By his ab will know ha you are my pies, if you love one... (John 13:35). Rick Elsey, asoouiifa!! Belmon Heighs Bapis..

J Dec. o. 2003 0 mm 0 1 lonnie Wilkey, edior m,.. "' ' op n () lfl} 'f n lw"'" H 1 p l v.jw w m o, 4! nl k CJU" wn or m kc l bl!lon f. llcgr llhly, l w 1 or lw only lh m lin. ay re, hly"' bc,u c l wi h, ry '1, nne Hnpll could 1 c h 1rd he h ur of mm ofhoh commu.,. B C P,, 1 d n 1 i k r Boy l '.!Jn b o lli nd, hu h ' lcll r which wu r ud hy 1 n, vic pre. id n of rl '' crnw n 1 un. i urcd he commilcc h is uppnr HH hul. h> d h pruy in for lw m l\ \\orkd lll'ough he a.;,o,,,.,ac whidl flufllim Ten 8 n p i l u c 1 \ ' o n hourd ond commihnrd h de ir lo Sl'<.: u vw fi 11nd n l clp rc re rclniofl hip ucro he VCf\lbfl. T on, in lu r rom l', (cho d lhoc cnmwn. \'rll. r m m mb r m m u J r Jr nd eommem n among m mh r of boh com m1 o b rc pon " o h lh > h rd m n y h 1nnu l m mg 1n l n 'P.w cnmm. c mcmh ' k c] "OOd (JU 10n h '} ough o gain r h cr und r lflnrlmg of h &r rol i mbc of boh comrnr hrough h '1r com m n, howcd h y J r N1Cd o ""'hn m ng nicl. 1 he cornml. c heard ho "'ooperui" c J"'rogrnm gl\'ng a mporllnl end hn hor n c.1 n b grea f>r uh: c r iy un he bum ds ruh commie. A Commiee on Board memh r suggesd nenr he h ginning of dialogue hu uncc ngain m.eng< he h(n 1n formuion concerning he 'oop eruive Program b'hing record of numinccs' churchc:;. K":J in mind. n rccomrnndaiou o hi :ffcc wn. nnrrowly dcfcued on he convenion f1nor. 'rhc Commiee on Bo'rd:., howvpr, fel prining l: C'P giving rcrurds would b u po 1 ive lep in helping o r sore ru.. The Commi l' on Com mipc concurred when hey me lnr in he clnv., The cornm.c member ulso hl'plll wo1 k o gnin bcller nnd u l anfor:m Uon b m kan c:h ng o h form u d o nomn mda idu nd o ccure anfonn l n from ll nomm ed mpl r c:omm nd aon form ll JJUbh h d an h J n. 7.20 l u oflhc Bap1 h and Twfl or. Form u dj m nbu d h '" " k o C:\ T n pubn n B pa church nd w1u from d b uul bl on h TB b ground on our comrm nd 1f! i v. \'\\.nbap l org rd 1 n lh n lh Sena e ame By Lonne Wilkey, edor l.;. wck' u of h Hap l and n<'/1 or c,,nlhincl nn uriclc ncjmg hh u., F1 d rol M r riagc Amendmen.. ho n n mroduc d m Lh Un1l d "'nc "nnc NurmnHy, J \\ 1m!d HY he nnm hn nu bu n' s lcgi Jning ho m rring 1 llcr 11, mnrj m nngc i dcnrl) rlcl.n{\d in Holy... cnp\&r n union be w n n mnn nnd o \\ nrnnn Ru we nrc nol li ving n.. nonnnl.. dny We o i\ ing in :,oci y hu :iccks l<1 d vnluc mnrring smd one hn mock Chli. inn princ1pl Who wuuld h:n c hough 20 m 30 year ngo hn on Wl ndmcn hke hi "()U\c1 C:\ en hl\i c l:', be ever <.':Onidcred by our leg lnors Bu. who v. ould hen hough h. our cour ond judiciury y ern \l.ould be muking h ruhng h v n oduv. The rcnson wen rl n fd rnl mar. ringe amendmen i hn we hnw co\lr Lh.l nr redefining murringc. The m'\ lrccen Cb" in poin i he Mn nchuse S.m \lpr me N r winch n.dcd n few \\cck:o ago hn arn( s "m r riuge" is lcgol in hn use. en Th ruhng h,> nr m n d he i u p v 1.. nud o nolun., ',. C saffer answers quesions abou CP givi s f. MoxweU aon cnme ng a.. 'c 001 r1u\ Pro r m d 1 on he ehurrh m mli' dunl '' ho hnd been..n;ru::\l b h omm1 on nd omnuc on om ':!!. hn' h r church rn m h.,ommihe on Boord. und Commiee on 'ommilee!"' ul bell in a lighly differen fo mn) on every mdi \'idua ha i r eom mended lo he c omrri. Thcr"for. i wn u "imple nwf' o go buck o he ann bn c nnd find he hurchc of ho c indi\'idunl. being pro po:l'rl by 11m "ndm'a, nformn hc' repor n.. direced by h con\cnion ndion. nnd prnll hem ou Th an wcr o h cond qu ion i bi more ch 11 n ' ing. \ Dr. (.Jnmc.) Porch nchcnl d prior o h Commal on Board. r por, he P g\nc da.l pr,..cned nl 1 h nnunl m ing m ba i!d on cunj re f!lp an he TB ncoounmg of:. fie nd '' accur The P column an h Journal' nh al nbl,.. 1 uppos :1 o oon un lh m d l Ho " r. c b \ 'l1co\ red sm he nnu m mg lb lh l hi n boh lh 001 nd 20 2 c mo ouon Journol con.nm h P m un po bj h church on ili nu hurcb fil ror.h s n o church<. in l!p ummcr und reurned o he H ocio ionnl office in Ocober. Th n ociaion: compil heir dan from hose r por" nnd.end h!m on o conv nion uffic. We hen!:)hnre Lhi dn 1 clnrum c:jlly w1h Lif,Wny, \\ho di mi nnc porion of h da.a ooh (r BC agnicie. Thcr"' cnn he mon\', re n hn.h finnncwl number in ho J\.,p nd he nclunl dollar gn en hougb TB rnrcl.)' 1f ' r mach. M uf hem rc rd ed o h accounan wll.. ummg" dffiren Th TBC nnunl numb or,..p rcler: g reccj\ d o,cmber hrou h Ocpb r. H o\\e\er. churchc m y compl n h.,, u Ul dafli r n am fr m P rh p h church r cord h 1r mo r c nly compl cl fi c ) number or m Lh ) h 12 monh pr dan l m r h o h romp) por 1 could coun ch m Jl h ould n h TB unul cn!.mle r r c.hurdl an coun for h d pun lw n wha h churrh,.. pored on r p h. combrnnlaon r ho n o SR nncl TBl ) nd wh 1... o 1 ec 111 d by llc TH"' (on.) ha r v d by h TH ) Reg i rdf nf h r a n. l1r Jounwl h rndauon llj rr he cunl P doll rj gn n nd no h nrnoun pored b) h church on h P Ho om w hero m chon of nncj coupl of r fml d o follo h proc r d nd h n m d.h k gmh m h lr dy mn h prooess o m... ur h fuu:r Journal h li lh rorro anfarma on nd pi nnuon f l ash Lo h o U church rh h c:.u on [

Pa,g e 6 B&R De c. 10, 2003 naional news SBC gifs up over las year's pae NASHVLLE Yearodae conribuions hrough he Souhern Bapis Convenion's Coo peraive Program are up 5.93 percen compared o his same ime frame in 2002, according o a news release from S BC E xecuive Commiee Presiden and Chief Execuive Officer Morris H. Chapman. As of Nov. 30, 2003, he yearodae oal of $31,684,550.02 for Cooperaive Program (CP) Missions is $ 1, 7 74, 527. 18 abe ad of he $29,910,022.84 received a his same poin las year. For he monh, r e ceips of $15,941,639.51 were 1.26 percen, or $202,847.70, below he $16,144,487.21 received in November 2002. Designaed g1v1ng of $8,099,599.38 for he s ame yearodae period is 28.76 percen, or $1,809,186.49, ahead of gifs of $6,290,412.89 received a his poin in 20 02. The $4,723,413.34 in designaed gifs received las monh is $1,187,139.00 above he $3,536,274.34 of November 2002, a 33.57 percen increase. For he SBC Cooperaive P rogram Allocaion Budge, he yearodae oal of $31,684,550.02 is 103.70 percen of he $30,553,851.66 budgeed, or, $1,130,698.36 more o suppor Souhern Bapis minisries g lobally and acros s Norh America. The SBC operaes on an Oc. 1Sep. 30 fiscal year. 0 Graham previews movie abori Chris CHARLOTTE, N.C. Billy Graha m wached a special showing of Mel Gibson's "The Passion of Chris" and spoke wih he Hollywood sar abou he decadelong spiriual jour,. ney ha led o he film, according o a new;:; release from he Billy Graham Evangelisic Associaion. "1 have ofen wondered wha i mus have been like o be a bysander during hose las hours before Jesus' deah," Graham said in he laenovember release. "Afer waching 'The Passion of Chris,' feel as if have acually been here. " was moved o ears. doub if here has ever been a more graph ic and moving presenaion of J esus' deah and resurrecion, which Chrisians believe are he mos imporan evens in human hisory," he said. Gibson raveled o Graham's home here, boh before and afer Graham wached he film. During boh visis, Grah<}m became convinced of Gibson's deep sinceriy and his de,sire ha he movie be used o bring a new e.mphasis Qn he evens of 2,000 years ago and heir relevance oday, he news release said. Graham addressed some criicisms h a Gibson's film encourages anisemiism. "The film is faihful o he Bible's eaching ha we are all responsible for Jesus' d'eah, because we have all sinned," Graham said. " is our sins ha caused His deah, no a,ny pariclar group.'. TOLL FREE: 1SOQ4467400 FAX: 434822221 0 Seiiipjes BAPTSTRES HEATERS, PUMPS FACTORY DRECT TOLL FREE 18002510679 www.fiberglasschurchprod,com FBERGLASS BAPTSTRY CO. 3511 HXSON PKE CHATANOOGA, TN 37415 Church and Classroom Furniure Free Caalogs and Quoes New Pews Pew Reupholsery Seeples Bapisries Table and Chairs Sained Glass CSCO P.O. Box 369 Burns, TN 37029 18003652568 6153260816 CSCOLLC.CO!Yl Souhern Bapis Theologicl Seminary Exension Cener The Souhern Bapis Theological Seminary's Eas Tennessee Cener begins spring semeser January 26, 2004. Classes are held a Broadway Bapis Church in Maryville, Tenn. Courses are available his semeser for boh he Maser of Diviniy and Maser of Ars in Chrisian Ed, degrees. This cener is offering four hreehour classes on "Monday only" for 13 weeks. You are no required o ake all he classes. Now is he ime o enroll The following classes will be offerd his spring: Church of he 21s Cenury (req. MDiv) Team Minisry Relaions (MACE) Personal Evangelism (req. MDiv & MACE) New Tesamen, Par 2 (req. MDiv & MACE) For more informaion conac Dean Denon,, or he admissions office a 8006265535 or check he web sie sbs.ed. "The Passion of Chris"' is se o open in heaers naionwide Feb. 25, which is Ash Wednesday and he beginning of he ime when various l::jranches of Chrisianiy radiionally refle on Jesus' sacrifice. Graham said he believes he iming will add o he spiriual impac he film may have on mainsream audiences. "No one who views his film's compelling imagery will ever be he same," Graham said. 0 Presiden signs WASHNGTON Presiden George W. Bush signed a law Dec. 2 giving furher impeus o a naional commimen o adopion. "Te adopion of a boy or a girl is a momen of joy for a family, and i's an ac of grea n. he pas you bad o leave your minisry, family, and friends o go o seminary. Now you have he bes of boh worlds: say a home and reap he benefis of a world. class heological educaion. Souhern Seminary Online offers sudens access o our renowned faculy while earn ing up o 30 credi hours of maser's level work online which can be applied o a variey f degree programs generosiy," he presiden said in signing he Adopion Promoion Ac of 2003. "'When parens share heir homes and all hey have wih a child he child hey adop and love as heir own all heir lives are ransformed forever." Bush!s signaure renewed a law passed in 1997 ha gives $4,0.00 in federal money per child o saes ha exceed heir placemen performances from he previous year. From 1998 o 2002, saes placed more han 230,000 children in adopive homes, Bush said. Tha is abou he same nw:nber ha had been adoped in he previous 10 years. During he same ime period, 33 saes and he Disric of Columbia a leas doubled fos er care adopions. Bush also noed ha in 2001 he adopion ax credi was increased from $5,000 o $10,000 o furher promoe_ adopion. The laes l aw will give a Souhern Seminary. Classes are available in biblical sudies, church hisory; Chrisian heology, evangelism and church growh, and ohers. Every class is fully accredied and augh by a fullime member of our faculy. For more informaion or o check ou upcoming classes, visi us online a or call 18006265525. Pu he nerne o work for you. saes an addiional 4.000 fo every adopion of a child 9 0 older, over a baseline $ by h Deparmen of Healh and Hu man Ser vices: n everv voun life here is a grea need o be long," he presiden said. "'Fo he sake of our children, hi. naion has a r esponsibiliy encourage adopion of child a all ages from infans l adolescens." Bush said he new legisla ion sends a clear message ha "our sociey. is building a cul ure ha values every life. am our governmen srongly eup pors adopion.". To underscore he neea fo1 adopion o gain more anior in America, he presiden saic more h an 126,000 foser chil dren sill need an adopiv.e,.,..,",. ily. And. nearly half of hose children are pas he age 0f 9. C MNSTRES MUSC Firs Bapis Church, Summer. field. NC, four miles norh o Greensboro, fas growing area seeking a fullime miniser o music. Three morning worship. senices, wo radiional and one conemporary. Oversee music program: preschool hrough se klllrea nior adul.. Seminary graduae in music preferred wih a leas five yars eperience. sse affiliaed. Send reme o Miniser of Mu sic Search Cq_mmiee, P.O. Box 400,.summerfield, NC 27358 or e ma1 "Sw.p,bc@'lrlaoorL.r r.cum 1 MlfSTRES PAS"FOR Union Bapis Church, Lexingon, Term., is acceping resumes for fullime pasor. Send resumeso S: Forin, 125 Birdsong Lane _ Lexingon, TN 38351 or e.. mai" Resumes will be acceped uni Dec. 31, 2003. MNSTRES COMBNATON FBC, Jasper, Tenn., seeks full ime miniser of youh and edu caion. Degree from accredie heological seminary required Send resume o Youh and Edu ing caion Search Commiee, Firs Bapis Church, P.O. Box 6961 Jasper, TN 37347. redu pr dee lhe w :! + : limie Seeking miniser of music/educa The 1 ion. Send resume o Mar hlrole Gilber, Cullendale Firs Bapis, issiona 277 Norh S., Camden, AR lbudg 71701. 'g goes : )! :. Miniser o preschool/children/ :e:h T families. Experience in large ln o u church seing and seminary de rio 8 gree preferred. Resume o Wes As side Bapis Church, 10000 W : 1 Newberry Rd., Gainesville, FL fope o 2606, An. Office Manager, o f mail: dmcalhany@wesside, fax: (352) 3339009 Aln. Office Manager. No calls please. MSCELLANEOUS Used songbooks for sale. each. "New Songs of volume 12, approxima1el 1 books available, new and in good condiion Calf onsvllle Bapis, (61 5) rn. Reso

,... '1 1 o.c. o. 2ooa b a minis r's corne' inu An M an n F...ernah: You'r ul o 1 do n LO w ch mo11 1 or our li '<O!. m pi y bu rc h:6c om nn ' m Rwgo' You rem m r: h p(jpcorn You 1Uih mo hl' kn.c.h n. h g fr 'm lh panry ad hrow 1L fo h macro...uvc. Thr c mrnu ' how lnng a "'11.nk. \\'hn d you do w1lh b:liic hr manu"? om am hr mnu,. hk nn Cl!rmy, d n' a? 1 for som pc.opl Tw lv,, o,,fc di ' n nraj m rico \'erv w mmuh "1hou knowmg.1 w Chris. ar Sm ior. lmuginc "h hn m nn for lh: 13 JlQn ' who hv hcr. cnrul Amcnca i of h umlhr g?ogruphic hr ns on enrh. Think r glob 1lJy. On founh nf he world' populaion J 5 hallion pc pl hn. lile or no pro pcc of e.aring Hw Good N w of God's love. Mo haven' en h nrcj h num of.j u "' 'hri. Romuns 0.16 ''Y"' '"How \\clcom ore he f.. < of hol'l(! who nnnunc h fcospel of good hmgsl" HCSB ouhcrn Jlnplfl,; hav1 be:n people of Good,oa fr ncul'ly 150 year. One of h main r aon.s fonn'd ino n con ven ion wns our foe\.'"' on mi. nru. We wnn d o rach he world for Chri l. ly {.od kno" he rnlhon& of pc<>ple who ha, e r.ji. us cuus Souh<rn Bapiss scnl n mi. Ur,} o hur Him \\ h lhcm. God i ill ol k. in waj hrough Souhern i" Bilul m1 lrlilric and hdr cowork rs. Three of churchplunin indicaor nw churche11. new r uch group:i, md new b Jic\'cr:; in dicipleship ninl{ jumped 40 p:r cen in 2002. A many u,_..,... p opl nrc coming o fuih in Chri l each in hinu. Au our n, k is far from cornp l ed. ouhcrn H Lplia nhvays hn\'e riaen <l h occnn nnd now h iuo ion i. crilicol. God hoh been Hing ou rrord number of new mha.ionurics nnong our churches, more han 1.000 'ach of pn wo.n'b, o n o1l of 5)i 10 on he field r hcnr.. uch for h wodd's people. o know. now i' ime for our pockebook o ache a us well... hurchcs c::onmnc o gi\'c more each hrough h "oop roivc Progrnm nnd he Lo loon hrimu OO'ring. bu incr a:es in givhnn nn kp puce wih he incrcac in apld mi ionnri s. From 2000 o 2002 he missionury coun gt!w pr c.n bu in('om. from C'P nnd L.M 0 inuu":d ju. 1.6 per c n. n ov rnge. ouhc.n i g. n hll' mor" hnn p r person o he ' Moon oli ring. 1 JB hu hnd o dcl) sending new workcr: rcdu nft 10 urder o.. oy "ihin h up por prwid cj by h chu.r h.. hu 1MB lcndcrh d cm\injd o. 1y focu....d on he mi ion l}f n Jc... u ( hr:i L kn''" n unong nil h rjpl... \\urld nd mak he be l, mo L mwgic u:.c...,,..ed urcc.... ol loon )fli[)nn pl y cri rnl m upporing he \\"Ork or oubcrn 8 Pll"'l JJrov\din bou half of h!b.. oblldg : 'l'''y penn.) rooci' cd hrough he ofte "";o o uppor mi.jun ri nd b r manl B Pre d n J n R nkin h ch H n d church mere,,.., ) Ula ) r b.) 33 r 1 nf h kind of cnficc n l.>d o h rld fi r hn.. :lfi!a '"""" h H n o u cbh r h \\ orld ah he o fill h un hal ) :\ ahn fi r ur,cjc'olm Draper o U'eWa Chns i0uf1ces. SBC. n Nash.. """"... How give By Suns a : U 9: '' 1 0 uf':inlhl n A un of 6.000 hou hol con dc d in ugu by he Conf n Uoard' onsum r reh ncr, howed hn con um r plann d.o pend mor" for HR Tmu h1 Y T han l l. n pjlc Of COnJOUO noicmnl economic". n a.hjrd of he fnmihn:; urv y d pnnncd lo pend 500 or mor on pr n in 2003. CHRfSTmn in America 1 coming mure nb<lu money hnn he mnnugcr. Cerainly g1n ghing und r"c iving 1 c. ninl. hul do nolo focu on he 1 c on of lhro e1. on. The preparaion of he h elpful (V'\'. 15) n, cr 15. P.i.ll reotinn d he Corinhian in heir comrnimrn o gl\ing and hen willingne o f.:,th!. Paul in nced hem hu he ha sen Tius o ensure ha wha hey had commied wos cnrricd ou o ha if any of he 1nc donion_ c.ome wih him hey would no b ' dumppoined. The words grudging obliga ion in ver e five comes from he Greek word ha means o he greedy. d ',ire o huve more, or covcou:,n ' s. Pnul waned heir gi"ing o be done oul of a generous hear. We g1vc o oh.'ts no ou of oblignion, rnlhcr from an opporuniy o har he goodne of he LORD The purpo of he b eod {vv. 67) The \\ord poringl 10 ver e ix denoes whnl ough o b\! given. We r aon h h b m 1 o 1 :,)1 h \ ff 1f '""'A u 1l gn m grud an Th m an ll of gn r. lllfill'l'f\\1 01 nund or pan no no 1(!1\r l nly.r )Ou r \\ha you h \ f \ our oom rom h r h n l o mg rj' God' \\Ond nul Jo\ Th \\ ord ch rful m '\il'n...:n n ma,> be u ed hl nou lo\c n hal riou 1\ r God w n OUr ivang lo come from JO fu) h nr. Th 1>roduci iln or he h.., hv. fj. {5) Who prov1d? God CJr ml d Ho"" doc God provld? bundnnlfy Mnke. no doub bou h prom : God is nil. uffic n n,.ry\hll1. God suppli o mnk ' ' f) l \ r ull 'luffic n.od d, no bl u o cnri'h nur. "i hnc. H doc 1L lhu His nnm w11 be glonh d nd Hi ccrnnl purpo e for \ "r coompli hed. Gnd 1 no in h mod rn Amcricun pro peny go p, mov mcnl. He ork s o :..ccompli h Ha purpose n nll (JJr li\m. A fu nu ly wo bjflpu1 fo,. HRSTmn n h moll. A Lh.> pr"pnrcd o pli up o do orne p J ra lhoppn. h fnher ud, x U:. ynchrnnizc OU' wach W wdj mee in he pn rking lo 1x o'clock."' AJ four udju ed hur "ho f.1\ uhou 1 U1au1 fo.n pasor of Far Cuy. Taking seriously God's message By Sam Creed Focal Pa age:.jonah 2:JJ() 1:10 The s udn reudi,ng he book of Jonnh hould r memhe ha i w wden from an Old T,fnmen J wi h per:pccin:. nnd w N w T ' Umcn. pcopl' mn nkc lh m' age of Jonuh ond apply i in he conc of new co graoc. KnoWln how.jonnh wr., undlr ood bv ho. who fi1 r:l!ccj\ "d h of Jonnh "m hclp '""'nyfirs cenury Chn um apply he me sgc o h 1r fiv. For mnn) ccnur1e. he oook of Jon. h hn hc"n 1 ad dunng Lhc of moon '\'lcc on h m hoi,> d J of J ' h o h1p, Yom Kppur HJ l o 1\oncmen, bee: u Jon h' m g und rhn m ny of h i h me oryom Kippur Tho hem fi uno good hre rmon, 1 1bJ lm e p ha c\ cn h \\or of h" wor, h pc<,plc a 'in!veh, could expcncnc he forgiv nc he h d b ' d or and r (j h +.: "d in lh beh of h, gre::,jonnh 2: 10 r cord h nd of.jonnh' naghlmru 1n Ua belly of h gr\"fll fi h. hu 1l 1 n' h end of h "ry.jon&h ll U mu no do "h God h c 1J d h1m o do Heb w 12:5Jl ri en \ ral fl pon o lh d1 ciplinmg of od od' d1 cphn may be d p1, nd urcl).jonah 1 011 mpj of uch r pon. Go<r 5uncloy School plo h D c. J r r cpa nl on ibl f '...,.....,... 1 a as l warlrlf

Poge 8 B&R Dec. 1 0, 2003 TenneScene Deahs + Clifford Horne, 75, pasor, Shelby Avenue Bapbs Church, Nashville, and reired direcor o'f missions and minis ries, Nashvi lle Bapis Associaion, died of a hear aack Nov. 29: Horne served HORNE he church for, wo years and he a ssociaion for 25 years. From 197393 he was direcor of missions and minisries and from 199398 he was parime direcor of missions. Horne was a Norh American Mission Board missionary from 1963 73 while pasor of Woodcock Bapis Church, Nashville, and direcor of he Woodcock Bapis Cener. Afer reirem,en Horne also was pasor, Lighhouse J?apis Chapel, Springfield. Leaders + Eas Union Bapis Church, J ack son, will hold a reiremej! recepion Dec. 14 f r o m 1 : 3 0 _ 4 p.m.' for Pas o r Calvin A. Moore and his w i f e, Becky. Moore THE MOORES j o i n e d. E a s Union in 1975, coming from H odgenville, Ky. H e has seved five churches during his minisry. During he couple's i: ' i 1. i, Wh you gve! hey wlll receive: ', : Tennessee Ba ij1is fo11:;a sue. Agif card JJill oe sen : Each week fle rciplen : Bapiss which will encourage PRESTON SMTH, cener, pasor, Gibson Saion Bapis Church, Ewing, Va., displays he morgage on he church faciliy before burning i Nov. 23 o represen he debfree saus of he church's new faciliy. n 1998 Gibson Saion Church relocaed o he oher side of a highway and buil a new sancuary and ed_ucaional buildfng. The church also moved he old sancuary o he new loccj,ion and convered i ino a fellowship hall. Clayon Dunsmo_re,... direcor of missions, Cumberland Gap Bapis Associaion, based in Harogae, spoke c:furing he church's morning worship srvice. e11ure a Eas Union, he David Henson as pasor, efchurch consruced a Chrisian fecive Nov. 23. He is a recen ' Life Cener, a new sancuary, graduae of Souhern Bapis and several oher faciliy addi Theologial Seminary, ions. During he pas 29 years Louisville, Ky. he church has grown from 219, + Firs Bapis 'Church, o 936 members. A love offer Oliver Springs, has called Todd Johnson as pasor. He is former associae pasor of Second Bapis Church; Clinon. Gary Swaggery was in. erim pasor.. ing will be presened o he Moores during he recepion. The Moore family includes hree daughers, Wendy, Tam my, and Penny, and hree grandchildre.n. For more informaion, conac.he church office a (731) 4242261. + Verlon Moore; pasor of Lighs Chapel'Bapis Church, Greenbrier, has been called as pasor of Solid Rock Bapis Church, Greenbrier. Moore is reired pasor, Hilldale Bapis Church, Clarksvi,lle, arid a member of he Tennessee Bapis Convenion Execuive Board. + Behany Bapis Church, Mounain Ciy, has called nl1"1fle1 learn how people live ouhefr faiffl.. To give a gif suoscripion, se}d C\i check form o he Bapis and Refleool, P:. Box TN 37024.,( l!\."' ns 1. ' ' Phone Number :..:...::"4 : : Recipien : Address#_..,._':_,.,... 1 : Ciy Sae Zip ; + Richard Wrigh has been called as miniser o families, Firs Bapis Church, Memphis. He is a graduae of Mississippi Co1lege, Clinon, and Beeson Diviniy School, Birmingham, Ala. + Susan Cox has been Cl:!lled as musjc direcor: sunrise Bapis Church, Brisoh + Kepla Bapis Church, Rogersville, has called Jerry Lawson as pasor. He was ordained o he minisry a Keplar Church Nov. 2. Churches, + Prsia Bapis Church,. Rogersville, has a new web sie a persiabapischurch. com. + Firs Bapis Church, Jamesown, recenly comple.ed a $25,000 renovaion proj_e on is pasorium. The projec w,as. accemplished wih he help of many"voluneers and conraced labor. A dedicaion service and open house was held on Nov. 30, one day before he church's new pasor, Gale R. Harley, arrived o begin his service. SchOOls + The Easern Tennessee Exension Cener of Souhern Bapis 'l'eological Seminary, locaed a Broadway Bapis Church, Mary... ville, i s now offering courses ha will lead o he Maser of Ars in Chrisian Educaion degree as well as LEADERS OF THE recen noe burning celebraion of New He Bapis Church, Hermiage, are, from lef, Eson dpor:k c Madge Barham of he worship cener building commifffe; R mond Vogner, senior pasor; and Buddy Lynch, pa:sq(. of church during he planning and consrucion of he worship c er. The noe burning represens he debfree saus of church, which buil a worship cener. courses for he Maser of Di: viniy degree. Courses for he spring semeser will begin on Jan. 26 and be helq on Mondays. The schedule will include 9 credi hours for boh MACE and MDV sudens. For. more informaion, conac he admissions office a 1800626 5525 ex. 4617 or Dean Denon, exension cener direco1 a (865) 9835114 or visi + The Exension Cener of he James P. Boyc College of he Bible of Souhern Bapis Theological Seminary i$ locaed a Alpha Bapis Church, Morrisown. s spring semeser begins Jan. 26 and will offer courses he Bachelor of Science in E lical Sudies. Three cour: will be offered. Fo1 more in1 m3;ion, conac Thomas James, pasor., Alpha Chur a (423) 5813237. Evens + The Chilhowee Bap Minisers Wives Fellows! of Maryville will hold a rel'l Jan. 910 a Highland Mar nn in Townsend. Ka Alexan_der will speak. For m informaion, conac Pa Bro a (865) 3i.90549 or Glen Thomas a (865) 9813799.... = "". BURNNG A NOTE Nov. 23 o repres_en he debfree saus Firs Bapis Churoh, Lexingon, are, from lef, Hoy Wilson, ; i:ed pasor; Michael Adam, pasor; and Todd Henderson, chaj man of deacons and he finance commiee... ATTENDNG THE 150TH anniversary of Clinon Bapis Assi:U ion, based in Clinon, recenly were, from lef, former direcors' missions Hershel Barringon and Raleigh Brady, and preb DOM Dwigh Guy. During he celebraion Barringon and 8ild. spoke on he associaion from 195387 and Guy spoke pas, presen, and fuure. daho missionpasor and Clinon Hillard Harless spoke. A 77voice choir direced by Mike performed. The celebraion also included hisorical OSJr:J churches in he associaion. '