Additional Mass parts and selected parts for Brass Quartet, Timpani, and Handbells are also available online.

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Mass of Spirit and race uitar/vocal Edition Ricky Manalo, CSP 2012, OCP 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 97213 (503) 2811191 Excerpts from English translation of The Roman Missal 2010, International Commission on English in Liturgy Corporation (ICEL), 1100 Connecticut ve. NW, Ste. 710, Washington, C 200364101. ll rights reserved. sed with permission. The English translation of some gospel verses from Lectionary for Mass 1969, 1981, 1997, ICEL. ll rights reserved. sed with permission. Some gospel verses from Lectionary for Mass for se in ioceses of nited States of merica, second typical edition 2001, 1998, 1997, 1986, 1970, Confraternity of Christian octrine, Inc. (CC), Washington, C. ll rights reserved. sed with permission. Published with approval of Committee on ivine Worship, nited States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 3211 ourth St. NE, Washington, C 20017; None of pages in this book may be reproduced in any way without written permission from publisher. SMPLE The following parts for Solo Instrument in C and Bf are available online; visit Vidi quam/i Saw Water ed. 30109511 Penitential ct with Invocations ed. 30109512 lory to od ed. 30109520 lleluia ed. 30109519 Holy ed. 30109518 We Proclaim Your eath ed. 30109517 Mass of Spirit and race Keyboard/Choral Edition...ed. 30107157 Keyboard/Vocal Edition...ed. 30107168 uitar/vocal Edition...ed. 30107166 Choralonly Edition...ed. 30107154 Eucharistic Prayers II and III (Presider s edition)...ed. 30107233 Eucharistic Prayers II and III (ccompaniment edition)...ed. 30107155 Mass of Spirit and race C...ed. 30107153 or reprintable ssembly Editions, please visit When We Eat This Bread ed. 30109516 Save s, Savior ed. 30109515 men ed. 30109514 The Lord s Prayer ed. 30109513 Lamb of od ed. 30109521 P ccompaniment Package ed. 30109522 dditional Mass parts and selected parts for Brass Quartet, Timpani, and Handbells are also available online. Edition #30109550

Table of Contents sperges Me, omine (Sprinkling Rite)...5 Vidi quam/i Saw Water (Sprinkling Rite for Easter Season)...6 Penitential ct with Invocations (Kyrie, Eleison)...9 lory to od...10 lleluia...12 Lenten ospel cclamation...16 Multilingual Intercessions...18 Eucharistic cclamations Preface ialogue...18 Holy...19 We Proclaim Your eath...20 When We Eat This Bread...20 Save s, Savior...21 oxology and men...22 The Lord s Prayer...23 Lamb of od...24 SMPLE


SPERES ME, OMINE (Sprinkling Rite) escant Melody v, Eo / lowing, but not rushed (q = ca. 108) 4 3 4 3 la me et mun ó m ne.. 1 P. 7sus4 P m spér SMPLE ges spér m/. me,. ges me, ó mi ne. La C/ ó m v bis me. spér sus4. # 7 * 2 7sus4 m mi ne. La v m/ Bb. d bor. spér ges me, ó mi mi ne. La v, la v La Bb. J Eo / v bis me et mun d sus4 Music: Mass of Spirit and race; Ricky Manalo, CSP, b. 1965, 2009, Ricky Manalo, CSP. Published by OCP. ll rights reserved. *Optional canon begins on beat 3. Translation: Sprinkle me, Lord. Wash me and I shall be cleansed.. bis # me. bor. ges Repeat as needed Repeat as needed 7. me, C/.. bis #. u inal me. inal 7. bor. 5

VII QM/I SW WTER (Sprinkling Rite for Easter Season) % a INTRO Haunting and flowing, not too fast (q = ca. 126) m m/ B b add9/ 4 3.. B b add9/ m. VERSES: /Choir m 1. 2. 3. nd Et ive Con m7 SMPLE. m/ m quam. Vi di a I Vi all o praise fi m 1. 2. 3. from for those mnes, to a and his 1. le le 2. le le 3. ev cór di saw di to ad té lu lú lu lú a m7 wa a quam whom quos Lord, mi m ter e that per give com gre wa vé praise ni ó. to mi B b ma7 C. right l y sal mer quó sus4 ia: ia: ia. ia. er. e te re shall vi cy en ni us. side, dex from tro, say: fa dures, am a al cti his in l ing di ter nit no, B b add9/ m7 m m/ /Choir.. Vi forth from én tem came de were a Lord quó ni qua for am. right l le sunt, mer se te re lu et cy en cu lum RERIN: ll m m m di quam. tem tem saved, i he bo B b ple, plo sta, is nus: good: side, dex tro, ia, di cent: dures mi se m al al al al for ri le lu ia, al Bb ma7 Text: Vidi quam; English text, Ricky Manalo, CSP, b. 1965. Music: Mass of Spirit and race; Ricky Manalo, CSP. Text and music 2007, 2009, Ricky Manalo, CSP. Published by OCP. ll rights reserved. 6

C / Bb le lu ia, al le lu ia. l m7 VII QM/I SW WTER, cont. (2) sus4. m le m Choir I. ia. m Choir II. Vi m Bb ma7 C SMPLE lu ia, al le lu ia, al le lu m/. m/. Bb add9/ Bb add9/ m m. / di a quam. Vi di a. m/. m/ Bb Bb add9/ Bb add9/ 1, 2 m 1, 2 m quam. m7 (Choir divides).s..s. inal m inal m. quam. 7


PENITENTIL CT WITH INVOCTIONS (Kyrie, Eleison) Priest Brethren (brors and sisters), let us acknowledge our sins, SMPLE and so prepare ourselves & # brief pause for silence. # 4 3 (q = ca. 80) to celebrate sacred mys teries. 4 3. add9 Priest/eacon/ You were sent to heal contrite of heart: add9 ll ma7 add9 / Ky ri e, e lé i son. Ky ri e, e lé i son. Priest/eacon/ 4 3. # m/ ll. ma7/b You came to call sin ners: Chri ste, e lé ison. Chri ste, e lé ison. # m/ Priest/eacon/ 4 3 add9. # m/ You are seated at right hand of ar to inter cede for us: Ky ri e, e lé i. son. add9 ll. / rit. Ky ri e, e lé i. son.. add9 Priest & # / # # 4 3 / May almighty od have mercy on us, sus4 ll.. forgive us our sins, and bring us to ev er last ing life. men. Text: Introduction, Invocations and bsolution 2010, ICEL. ll rights reserved. sed with permission. Music: Mass of Spirit and race; Ricky Manalo, CSP, b. 1965, 2007, 2009, Ricky Manalo, CSP. Published by OCP. ll rights reserved. Note: Penitential ct with Invocations (Lord, Have Mercy) is available online. Visit 9

LORY TO O 7 13 19 25 31 37 6 INTRO Stately, with dignity (h. = ca. 56) 4 3 f (Kbd) 7 rit.. SMPLE Em.. / f a tempo lo ry to high est, and on earth peace to peo sus4. will. # m thanks sus4. King, Je we for a # m7 We. praise. dore you, we glo ri fy your Em/. O /B great od, / glo al Em/ /B you, sus4. you, we C n /. bless ple we od in Em of. you, give good you ry, Lord od, heav en ly / sus4 might y a sus Christ, On ly Be got ten Son, r. Lord Lord od, 43 7 Lamb of add9/ #. od, Son of 10 /C a C P /C r, you take a Text 2010, ICEL. ll rights reserved. sed with permission. Music: Mass of Spirit and race; Ricky Manalo, CSP, b. 1965, 2007, 2009, Ricky Manalo, CSP. Published by OCP. ll rights reserved.

LORY TO O, cont. (2) 49 Em way sins of world, have Em. mer cy on. us;. 55 61 67 73 80 86 92 C /C you take a C r, / you have Ho you are Em SMPLE way sins of world, re C/ n seat n / Em. ceive our. prayer; ed at right hand of a Em cresc... sus4 f Em mer cy on us. or you a. ly One, you a a # m add9/ #. lone /B are sus4. Lord, lone are Most High, Je / E7/ # / Christ, rit. od with / sus4 a Ho. /B / Em/ lone are # #. sus / # # 7 ly Spir it, in glo ry of r. / 7. men. Em/.. 11

LLELI INTRO With maesty (q. = ca. 54) 8 6 f. (Kbd) % RERIN: 1st time:, ll repeat; reafter: ll & # # f.... l. / #.. SMPLE / # E/ #. J. sus4 cresc... sus4.. le lu l le lu l le lu 1 2 Em/.S.... VERSES 1, 2: Ordinary Time /C #. J to Verse inal rit.... add9 6 add9 7 l le lu E/ # ll 1. Speak, LOR, your servant is list ning; l le lu 2. If to day you hear his voice, l le lu add9 / #.. / #. ll J.. 1. you have words of ev erlasting life. l le lu 2. hard en not your hearts. l le lu VERSES 3, 4: Ordinary Time /C # 3. 4. My 3. I 4. as you. sheep hear my Shine like. voice, says Lord; lights in world, add9 / #.. know m, and y hold on to / # fol word ll E/ # ll. J l le lu l le lu. low me. l le lu of life. l le lu Text: Some ospel verses 1969, 1981, 1997, ICEL. ll rights reserved. sed with permission. Some ospel verses 1970, 1997, 1998, CC. ll rights reserved. sed with permission. Music: Mass of Spirit and race; Ricky Manalo, CSP, b. 1965, 2007, 2009, Ricky Manalo, CSP. Published by OCP. ll rights reserved. sus4. 6 7.. sus4.. sus4 ine.s. al fine. sus4...s. al fine 12

LLELI, cont. (2) VERSES 5, 6: Last Sundays in Ordinary Time /C # 5. Be 6. Lift J faith ful un til up, lift up your. J death, says Lord, heads and see; SMPLE add9 / #.. / # E/ # ll J. l le lu l le lu. 5. and I will give you crown of life. l le lu 6. your re demp tion is near at hand. l le lu VERSE 7: dvent 7. and /C #. 7. Show us,. Lord, your love; add9 / #.. grant us your sal VERSE 8: ourth Sunday of dvent /C # 8. The 8. and J / # ll ll E/ # ll J. l le lu. va tion. l le lu. E/ # ll vir gin shall con ceive, and bear a son, l le lu add9 / #.. y / # J. shall name him Em man u el. l le lu ll. sus4. sus4 sus4...s. al fine. sus4.. sus4.s. al fine. sus4...s. al fine 13

LLELI, cont. (3) VERSE 9: Christmas Season /C # 9. J E/ # ll ho ly day has dawned up on us. l le lu. J sus4.. add9 / # SMPLE / #.. ll. 9. Come, you na tions, and a dore Lord. l le lu 9. or to 9. a /C # & # #. 10a. ive 10b. J. E/ # ll day a great light has come up on earth, l le lu add9 / #.. great light has VERSE 10: Easter Season /C # ( ) / #. J. come up on earth. l le lu thanks to LOR, for Let house of ll. he is good, l le lu Is ra el say, l le lu sus4. sus4 sus4... E/ # ll J. sus4.s. al fine...... 10a. for his 10b. His add9 / # / #. mer cy endures for ev er. l le lu mer cy endures for ev er. l le lu Note: dditional ospel verses for Sundays, Solemnities and easts (ed. 30108387) and Easter Vigil Responsorial Psalm verses (ed. 30104169) are available online. Visit ll sus4 to 10b, n.s. al fine 14

LLELI, cont. (4) INTRO With maesty (q. = ca. 54) 6 f 8. (Kbd). / #.. sus4 cresc.... % RERIN: 1st time:, ll repeat; reafter: ll & # # f.... l SMPLE / # E/ #. J. sus4. le lu l le lu l le lu 1 2 Em/.S.... Note: Refrain is reprinted here for your convenience. to Verse inal rit... add9 6 add9 7 l le lu. 6 7 ine 15

LENTEN OSPEL CCLMTION () m RERIN: (q = ca. 92) 1st time:, ll repeat; reafter: ll Capo 3: () m 4 4 () Bb (/ # )() / m7 () (/ # ) C / SMPLE lo ry to you, Lord Je sus Christ, Son of liv ing ()(/ # ) () () () / m7 C Bb () (/ Bb # )(/) / /C lo ry to you, Lord Je sus Christ, Son of liv ing VERSES, YER : () sh Wednesday 1st Sunday 2nd Sunday 3rd Sunday 4th Sunday 5th Sunday sh Wednesday 1st Sunday 2nd Sunday 3rd Sunday 4th Sunday 5th Sunday () If today you One does not live on bread alone, rom shining cloud ar s voice is heard: Lord, you are truly Savior of world; I am light of world, says Lord; I am resurrection and life, says Lord; (Emadd9) madd9 VERSES, YER B: () sh Wednesday 1st Sunday 2nd Sunday 3rd Sunday 4th Sunday 5th Sunday Bb hear his voice, but on every word that comes forth from This is my beloved Son, give me living water, that I may whoever follows me will whoever believes in me will If today you One does not live on bread alone, rom shining cloud ar s voice is heard: od so loved world that he gave his only Son, od so loved world that he gave his only Son, Whoever serves me must follow me, says Lord; () C (/ # ) m/ 1, 2 () m 1:.C. 2: to Verse w od. ( # sus4) ( # ) sus4 od. inal () m w od. hard mouth nev have nev en er not of hear thirst light er your a of hearts. od. him. gain. life. die. Text: Refrain and some ospel verses 1969, 1981, 1997, ICEL. ll rights reserved. sed with permission. Some ospel verses 1970, 1997, 1998, CC. ll rights reserved. sed with permission. Music: Mass of Spirit and race; Ricky Manalo, CSP, b. 1965, 2007, 2009, Ricky Manalo, CSP. Published by OCP. ll rights reserved. 16 ine ( # ).C. al fine

LENTEN OSPEL CCLMTION, cont. (2) (Emadd9) madd9 (/ # ) m/ ( # ).C. al fine sh Wednesday 1st Sunday 2nd Sunday 3rd Sunday 4th Sunday 5th Sunday VERSES, YER C: sh Wednesday 1st Sunday 2nd Sunday 3rd Sunday 4th Sunday 5th Sunday sh Wednesday 1st Sunday 2nd Sunday 3rd Sunday 4th Sunday 5th Sunday hear his voice, but on every word that comes forth from This is my beloved Son, so that everyone who believes in him might have e so everyone who believes in him might have e and where I am, re also will my () SMPLE If today you One does not live on bread alone, rom shining cloud ar s voice is heard: Repent, says Lord; I will get up and go to my ar and shall say to him: Even now, says Lord, (Emadd9) madd9 hear his voice, but on every word that comes forth from This is my beloved Son, kingdom of ar, I have sinned against return to me with your whole heart; for I am gracious and VERSES, HOLY WEEK, B, C: () Palm Sunday Chrism Mass Holy Thursday ood riday hard en mouth lis ter ter ser (/ # ) m/ Christ became obedient to point of death, even death on a cross. The Spirit of Lord is upon me; I give you a new commandment, says Lord: Christ became obedient to point of death, even death on a cross. not your hearts. of od. ten nal nal to him. life. life. vant be. ( # ) hard en not your mouth of hear heav en heav en is and at a mer ci (Emadd9) madd9 (/ # ) m/ Because of this, for he sent me love one anor Because of this,.c. al fine hearts. od. him. hand. gainst you. ful. ( # ).C. al fine Palm Chr H Th d r od greatly exalted him and bestowed on him name which is above to bring glad as od greatly exalted him and bestowed on him name which is above ev tidings I have ev ery ery to loved oth er name. poor. you. name. 17

MLTILINL INTERCESSIONS Priest RERIN (q = ca. 86) English ma7 Latin 4 4 ( = ca. 72) Priest Lord, hear our SMPLE The Lord be with you. / # Lift up your hearts. PRECE ILOE add9 sus4 Priest Let us give thanks to Lord our od. e us, ex u di # m w prayer.. nos. ilipino & Vietnamese ma7 Em/ ll ing Xin Spanish & rench. gin* mo ka nhm lïi chúng Se ñor, es cú Seig neur, é coute ll # m / add9 6 Music: Mass of Spirit and race; Ricky Manalo, CSP, b. 1965, 2009, 2010, Ricky Manalo, CSP. Published by OCP. ll rights reserved. * gin is pronounced with a hard g sound. lso available in 30 languages, edition 30107163, exclusively on cha no tre nd with your spirit. / # We lift m up to Lord. add9 sus4 ll w mi. con. w nos. prière. It is right and ust. Text 2010, ICEL. ll rights reserved. sed with permission. Music: Mass of Spirit and race; Ricky Manalo, CSP, b. 1965, 2007, 2009, Ricky Manalo, CSP. Published by OCP. ll rights reserved. Note: Sung Eucharistic Prayers II and III are available from publisher in Presider s Edition (ed. 30107233) and ccompaniment Edition for rehearsal (30107155). 18

HOLY Moderate, not rushed (q = ca. 144) Em 3 4 od of Ho /. SMPLE ly, Ho ly, Ho m/c. hosts. & # / # > f.. glo Text 2010, ICEL. ll rights reserved. sed with permission. Music: Mass of Spirit and race; Ricky Manalo, CSP, b. 1965, 2007, 2009, Ricky Manalo, CSP. Published by OCP. ll rights reserved. cresc. Em Heav en and # m ma7 n earth sus4 ly are. Lord ma7 n full of your ry. Ho san na, ho san na, ho & # add9 rit. last time # san # m/ 1 dim. /B na in high est. Bless ed is C /C C. f. comes in /B m name of sus4 Lord. Ho C /C / Em he inal dim.. high est. cresc. who 19

WE PROCLIM YOR ETH. Lord, & # Priest # 4 3 Em/ 7/ drink add9 til you Priest 4 3. come The myster y of this 7. Cup, come SMPLE The myster y of faith. We pro / a and pro add9/ #. WHEN WE ET THIS BRE a Text 2010, ICEL. ll rights reserved. sed with permission. Music: Mass of Spirit and race; Ricky Manalo, CSP, b. 1965, 2007, 2009, Ricky Manalo, CSP. Published by OCP. ll rights reserved. / add9/ #. (q = ca. 144) (q = ca. 144). faith. we 7 Em/ Ó 7 ll When we Em/ eat this / Bread and pro claim your eath, O Lord, un add9 7 Ó add9 6 rit. 7 gain, un til you come a ll add9/ claim /.. gain. your fess your Res ur rec tion un / add9 rit. 6 Em/ gain, un til you come a. gain. / /. eath, O add9 til. /B you Text 2010, ICEL. ll rights reserved. sed with permission. Music: Mass of Spirit and race; Ricky Manalo, CSP, b. 1965, 2007, 2009, Ricky Manalo, CSP. Published by OCP. ll rights reserved. 20

SVE S, SVIOR Capo 3: () m Priest 4 3 ( # )( # 7/ 7/C # # ) of () Bb you have (q = ca. 126) () m SMPLE The mys ter y of faith. Save us, Sav () m () C. world, set us (/) m/c for (). free, by your Text 2010, ICEL. ll rights reserved. sed with permission. Music: Mass of Spirit and race; Ricky Manalo, CSP, b. 1965, 2007, 2009, Ricky Manalo, CSP. Published by OCP. ll rights reserved. P. () m. (Em) m Cross (C # o / # )( # 7) and () Bb you E o / Ó rit. () C 7 Res have () m (Em6) m6 P ll () ur rec ( # 7) 7 set us () m. free. tion () m.. ior 21

OXOLOY N MEN # m Priest Through him, and with him, and in him, O od, almighty SMPLE ar, in unity of & # / # /C # ma7 6 # 4 3 Ho ly Spir it, all glory and hon or is yours, for ev er and ev Moderate, not rushed (q = ca. 136) & # Em/ 7 * cresc. # 3 4 Ó. er. sus4. men! 7. % ll f.. 7 men! men! add9 6 Em/ rit. last time 1. men! Em/. ** Ó 7.S. Text: oxology 2010, ICEL. ll rights reserved. sed with permission. Music: Mass of Spirit and race; Ricky Manalo, CSP, b. 1965, 2007, 2009, Ricky Manalo, CSP. Published by OCP. ll rights reserved. inal. men! *If oxology is spoken, Intro begins here. **Consider repeating during Christmas and Easter Seasons, as well as Solemnities and easts; orwise, skip 1st ending and proceed to inal. E/ #.. 22

THE LOR S PRYER p Our # m come, entle rubato (q = ca. 80) 4 4 (Kbd) /C # 6 SMPLE /C # 6.. 7 J a r, who art in heaven, hal lowed be thy name; thy kingdom thy will be # m. J us this day our 6 done on Em 7 Û 3 dai /C # sus4 Û 6 7 7 earth as it is in 7 J ly bread, and for give us our tres pass. sus4 P heav en. ive Bsus4 we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not in to temp. / tation, but de liver us from e Priest: eliver us, Lord, we pray...... coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ. or. now and / 7 6 /C # 6 Ó Ó vil. # m7 es, B / # 7 rit. kingdom, pow er and glo ry are yours now and for ev for / # ev. 6 er, now and for ev 7 add9 /C # 6 Ó Ó er. Ó. Ó 7 rit. Ó Ó 6 as er, Music: Mass of Spirit and race; Ricky Manalo, CSP, b. 1965, 2007, 2009, Ricky Manalo, CSP. Published by OCP. ll rights reserved. 23

LMB O O entle and tender, not rushed (q = ca. 96) Em/ (a tempo) 1, 2 # m7. world, & # p # 3 4. Lamb of have SMPLE od, add9. rit. / rit.. add9 grant sus4 sus4 us Music: Mass of Spirit and race; Ricky Manalo, CSP, b. 1965, 2007, 2009, Ricky Manalo, CSP. Published by OCP. ll rights reserved. you mer cy on inal # m7. world, a tempo. peace. / take. us. a Em/ way. sins / # add9. Em/. add9 grant (Kbd) 6 us / Em/ rit. / / # of. peace,. 24