Common Chant Tone 5. Tone 5

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We invite you to participate in signing the Friendship Folders adding your name and address and if you desire a church newsletter or a pastoral call.

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If our singing and playing better today will help to bring them that light, Lord, please make that happen.


Tone 5 The scheron melody for Tone 5 consists of the phrases (A, B, C,) which a sung in rotaon up to the st line of the scheron, which has its own independent phrase. If a scheron is divided into 8 textual phrases, the musical lines will consist of A, B, C, A, B, C, A and Final Phrase. PHRASE A Phrase A egins with an intonaon of a half note on, followed y the cing tone, sung on the same pitch. Pparatory notes pcede this half note, sung on the same pitch, if the phrase egins with unaccented sylles. intonaon cing tone > > > > Heav - en The most ho - ly The egins with a half note on, sung on the st internal accent, and then descends an interval of a third for the concluding sylles of the phrase. The is used to sing two or mo sylles. con - tain God the name - sake of grace Example of Phrase A (from the feast of Transfiguraon, fourth scheron at Litya) intonaon cing tone Come, let us go up to the moun - tain of the Lord, 37

PHRASE B Phrase B consists of a cing tone (on,) and a eginning with a half note on the st internal accent, sung on the same pitch (). The st sylle is a half note sung on. Unaccented sylles etween the accented sylle and the st sylle a sung on. cing tone > > of kin - ship us form a choir the Auth - or of Life Example of Phrase B (from the feast of Transfiguraon, fourth scheron at Litya) cing tone to the house of our God, PHRASE C The phrase egins with an intonaon that can e used with one, two or mo sylles. The first accented sylle of the phrase is a half note on. Unaccented sylles pceding this accented sylle a sung as quarter notes on the same pitch (). intonaon cing tone pp > > >. > 38

The egins on the st internal accent and is used to sing two or mo sylles. A pparatory note on pcedes the. If the st note efo the is an accented one- sylle word, then it is slurd.. ha - i - ta - ons Ark of God goes to her st orn. God the Word Example of Phrase C (from the feast of Transfiguraon, fourth scheron at Litya) intonaon cing tone pp.. and e - hold the glory of His Transfig - u - ra - on, FINAL PHRASE The Final Phrase for the scheron egins dictly with the cing tone () and concludes with a final, eginning on the second to st internal accent of the text. cing tone > w > w 39

The consists of six pitches, forng two descending sequences,,,, and,,. w w all - ho - ly Dor- - on. the world His gat mer - cy. w A - dam ris - es as the Dev - il falls. Example of the Final Phrase (from the feast of Transfiguraon, fourth scheron at Litya) cing tone w and fover sing the praises of the consu- stan - al Trin - i - ty! 40

Melodic Phrases in Four- Part Harmony - Common, Tone 5 Soprano Alto Phrase A fa intonaon fa cing tone fa fa fa Tenor Bass Phrase B Phrase C fa fa intonaon fa cing tone cing tone fa fa fa. pp Final Phrase. cing tone fa w si # w 41

Schera at the Litya Holy Transfiguraon of Our Lord August 6 Soprano Alto Tone 5 Phrase A Common Chant arr. from Lʹvov/Bakhmetev Tenor Bass Come, let us go up to the moun tain of the Lord, Phrase B Phrase C to the house of our God, and e hold the glory of His Trans Phrase A.. fig u ra on, the glo ry of the only egotten Son w.. Phrase B w w of the Fa ther! w w Let us ceive light from His light! w w 42

Phrase C. Final Phrase Let us e up lift ed in spir it, // w. and fover sing w the praises of the consu stan al Trin i ty!.. # w 43