Turn Away from Sin R. Manalo SATB (PDF) in celebration of the 900th anniversary of the conversion of St. Norbert. Turn Away from Sin

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30140470 R Maalo SATB 30140478 (D) horal Series SAMLE i celeratio of 900th aiversary of coversio of St Norert (A Lete Seaso Ostiato) Assemly, SATB hoir, Keyoard, uitar, ad Solo Istrumet I & II i Based o salm 51:3, 5 6, 12 14 ad salm 34:2 4, 9, 16, 18 Keyoard INTRO Itrospective, meditative (q = ca 90) / 4 3 4 3 π / 2015, 2017, Ricky Maalo, S ulished y O, 5536 NE Hassalo, ortlad, OR 97213 All rights reserved Ricky Maalo, S rom collectio BE STILL AND KNOW I M HERE Octavo acket #30140466 ompact Disc #30140467 18005488749 ocporg

2 VERSES: eeral Lete Seaso (salm 51) 1 Be 2 Have 3 I ac 4 A Melody OSTINATO RERAIN Soprao Alto Teor Bass 5 O SAMLE Tur a -way from si Tur a - way ad e Harmoy mer - ci - ful, e mer - ci - mer - cy o me, have mer - cy o - kowl - edge my of - fes - es, my si is e - clea give j me heart, ack, a O j clea give free Note: To familiarize assemly with ostiato refrai, cator ad/or uiso choir could sig refrai two or three times efore verses egi hoir ad assemly ca cotiue refrai, eir hummig, or o oo, or with lyrics, uder verses me Editio 30140470 rited i USA

3 A 1 ful, for we have sied A 2 me i your good - ess, O od 3 fore me 4 heart 5 ack SAMLE Seek af - ter good - ess ad Seek af - ter good - ess ad A cre - - A gaist you I have A ate i me, O A joy of your sal light A light, A B A A rit last time rit last time rit last time ad sied od - va - light sus4 tio (ie) (ie)

4 VERSES: Eucharist (salm 34) 4 O OSTINATO RERAIN 5 The SAMLE Tur a -way from si Tur a - way ad e 1 I will less 2 I 3 Taste ad less - ed are oes, O less-ed are Lord turs his Lord Lord see, eyes at my all soul shall taste ad to free

5 A 1 times: praise od at all times A 2 oast; hum - le shall e glad 3 see 4 oes 5 just Taste ow Taste ow SAMLE who seek ad good - ess of good - ess of A good-ess of A ref - uge i A lis - tes to ir od A od, A B A A rit last time rit last time rit last time of Lord Lord cry od sus4 (ie) (ie)

6 OTIONAL INTERLUDE add9 RH p m/ m/ add9 a tempo add9 SAMLE lay cues if o solo istr m/ add9 m/ rit to Refrai/Verses

SOLO INSTRUMENT I & II i (A Lete Seaso Ostiato) 7 Ricky Maalo, S I II INTRO Itrospective, meditative (q = ca 92) 4 3 OSTINATO RERAIN/ VERSES 1-4 SAMLE a2 rit last time OTIONAL INTERLUDE 3 rit j 2015, 2017, Ricky Maalo, S ulished y O, 5536 NE Hassalo, ortlad, OR 97213 All rights reserved 4 j a tempo (ie) to Ostiato Refrai/Verses 3

8 i celeratio of 900th aiversary of coversio of St Norert (A Lete Seaso Ostiato) (uitar/vocal) Based o salm 51:3, 5 6, 12 14 ad salm 34:2 4, 9, 16, 18 SAMLE INTRO Itrospective, meditative (q = ca 92) / Ricky Maalo, S 3 / π 4 (Kd) VERSES: eeral Lete Seaso (salm 51) & 1 Be 4 A OSTINATO RERAIN 2 Have 3 I 5 O mer - clea mer - cy ac - kowl - edge my give me ci - Tur a - way from si Tur a - way ad e ful, heart, o me, of - fes - ack, e a es, have O my mer - clea mer - si give free cy is ci - o e - me & A 1 ful, 4 heart 2 me 3 fore 5 ack me for cre - B we ate B i i your good - A - gaist you joy of have me, A ess, I your O O have sal - sus4 sied od sus4 od sied va - tio Seek af - ter good - ess ad B light rit last time sus4 (ie) 2015, 2017, Ricky Maalo, S ulished y O, 5536 NE Hassalo, ortlad, OR 97213 All rights reserved

9 VERSES: Eucharist (salm 34) 1 2 3 5 The OSTINATO RERAIN 1 times: 2 oast; 3 see 5 just 4 oes Tur a - way Taste ow 4 O from OTIONAL INTERLUDE add9 I I Taste Lord will less ad turs SAMLE his less - ed are si add9 praise ad who seek good - ess of Lord Lord see, eyes B oes, Tur a - way A od hum - le good-eslis - tes B at shall of to A at my O ad e all e ir ref - uge i B od m/ rit last time all soul taste to shall ad less-ed are free sus4 times glad Lord cry sus4 Lord sus4 m/ (ie) m/ rit m/ add9 a tempo add9 to Refrai/Verses

10 omposer Notes The origial versio of was commissioed y Norertie Order i celeratio of 900 th Aiversary of oversio of Sait Norert (ue 6) The text to refrai is adapted from story of sait s coversio i 1115 After eig throw from his horse durig a thuderstorm, he heard words from salm 34: Tur away from evil ad do good Seek after peace ad follow after it SAMLE There are two optioal sets of refrais ad verses The first optio icludes verses from salm 51, Resposorial salm for Ash Wedesday Hece, this optio could e sug throughout etire Lete seaso: eg, durig preludes, preparatio of gifts, recociliatio services, devotioal processios, ad retreat settigs The secod optio is iteded for ommuio processios durig Mass The verses are from salm 34, Resposorial salm for ourth Suday of Let () The refrai rigs toger mes of repetace ad Eucharist as a source of od s mercy ad forgiveess, thus makig this a ideal ommuio ostiato for Lete Seaso A optioal musical iterlude is provided Ricky Maalo, S

Titles i ollectio Be Still ad Kow I m Here 11 Octavo acket 30140466; ompact Disc 30140467 Be Still ad Kow I m Here 30140469 (prit); 30140477 (D) SAMLE Holy Mary, Revealig Your So 30140472 (prit); 30140480 (D) Love Lord, Your od 30140471 (prit); 30140479 (D) O od, How Maifest Are Your Works 30140473 (prit); 30140481 (D) Keyoard/horal: Keyoard/Vocal: uitar/vocal: horal: Solo Istrumet: 30140470 (prit); 30140478 (D) Mass of hrist Ier Light 30140476 (prit); 30140484 (D) 30141010 (prit); 30141011 (D) 30140475 (prit); 30140483 (D) 30140474 (prit); 30140482 (D) 30141111 (D)

12 Assemly Editios TURN AWAY ROM SIN (eeral Lete Seaso) 4 3 Ostiato Refrai SAMLE Tur a - way from si Tur a - way ad e Text ased o salm 51:3, 5 6, 12 14 Text ad music 2015, 2017, Ricky Maalo, S ulished y O, 5536 NE Hassalo, ortlad, OR 97213 All rights reserved Text ased o salm 34:2 4, 9, 16, 18 Text ad music 2015, 2017, Ricky Maalo, S ulished y O, 5536 NE Hassalo, ortlad, OR 97213 All rights reserved free Seek af - ter good - ess ad Verses 1 Be merciful, e merciful, for we have sied 2 Have mercy o me, have mercy o me i your goodess, O od 3 I ackowledge my offeses, my si is efore me Agaist you I have sied 4 3 Ostiato Refrai light 4 A clea heart, a clea heart create i me, O od 5 O give me ack, O give me ack joy of your salvatio Tur a - way from si Tur a - way ad e free Taste ow Verses 1 I will less Lord at all times: praise od at all times 2 I Lord my soul shall oast; humle shall e glad 3 Taste ad see, taste ad see goodess of Lord TURN AWAY ROM SIN (Eucharist) good - ess of od 4 O lessed are oes, O lessed are oes who seek refuge i Lord 5 The Lord turs his eyes to just ad listes to ir cry Ricky Maalo, S Ricky Maalo, S or reprit permissios, please visit OeLiceseet or cotact us at 1-800-663-1501