TOHEAMARlir. Otkir Townihip Lawyers Tt Serve On Bar Auod* tit* Committees

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p=" Iteret ter Net* )rownng «Jn» At Port R ln. Solders Several No Fa [AD AND HOP * 1t«r the dock undor. bers at th*, ency Squad arrved "and rushed thv: " " urned stff frott Perth Amboy Gejterfcl 1 Mller has been one n of the tme'and has! Be to gve an account of : I nto the water. e*»y that.mnnrlsrt 1 Wlnflmat arc of all h* < f Farvew Terrace, n, WB9 found lyng on Hnute 35, near Hb oobhl "It Valnut Street, fjlckod hm up'td took»rm and notfted the hjured man,wm fven I by Dr, Myron G. Wa kn ordered to the Perth Boneral Hosptal. Zarello ftly struck by a car, Car Tfarn Over \\y New Year 1! mon Konchek, 28, of 546 be, Newark, wu slghtly I when he lost control pd t turned over..the curr4d on Route 7 36 eet nohh of the P 4 R [Brdge underpn*, eated/by Dr. j/t; S Seldttrt Injured solders statoned, at' Francs. MtOtflrta, jflneent Ruso,.t4, ver (when a government staton; whch Russo was nto the.rear ot f " >*gon drven by Pete* 21, of Super-hghway, the Co., ot Amtoy Aveld were sjeen to the Hosptal 5by a passerby %Gure was treated for a OOBB,' deep laceratons o Upper Up, contusons of S and.> possbu dslocaton t'fhoulder. QQSSD, was tntaa fractoxo;of the-rght y mlth TowwtMp t t«x ratal Would bfcf th* rev awne Wht6h only em be fth all the fah»fcy y 6T pf, dntcarefw Irtqtlrjr, j the rkhenlons theorsng' of those arobttdw U who a T e whln* to Mayor A«coM F. Greater busness Condtons Ad g ^lef Costs In Half ops From 60$ In January, 1949 To 320 DoleC*#$137JH8.l4 Loot Ym XIDGE Relef costs n Woo4brdge Town- \n steadly decreasng wth the result tnt t nattly $95,000 less to admnster relef n red wth 1939, accordng to an announcethrough the offce of Welfare Drector te restu".a'.on.v." Ired that Offcer Mjtt '.r. a fst fttfht 's Eve- W otherpolce rules. He led once before, but pplete svt from blame. GIVEN BY IHN'S PUPILS fthool Group Ob- Chrstmas; Awarded -The Sunday School Epscopal Chu fstetros ra? eant F"^ under the Der.ton and sujh'n;u*ndent, and.recent defense work n ths area are lsted as the man reasons Ufc " * 1_*_*-_: _m u.«t_«_ -*^e Who, Mrs. contrwted,,, could furnsh a-remedy^ I Vffathe'onlf thousand upon thousands «f Urs and the smple * et«, We not only do not havefeat Und of money but the prosueevot gettng t n th* mmedate' ftttnre are exceedngly, dm and vague. The message In full reads a* follows:. "I consder t to be anjonf Urt most ntnortant-of my dutfc* as Mayor of tus communty to t alt annually to the people to a*- > count of ay stewardshp <tf thetr affars fot the past year. "I do bs because I at they bear the expense, of et)er stng" ths Townshp and therefore are enttled to know, wthout equvocaton or subterfuge, the condton of ther muncpalty from one year to the next. It has b*tn my (Contmud on Ptgt 10 y Swem In Frm New T«k Stock Exckufe Prmnels Q. Wokovets, new from the thrd ward, wa» Worn nto offce by Townshp Clerk B. J. Dungan at the najgural meetng held on New Year's Day. Commtteeman Wukovets, Democrat, succeeds Samuel C. Farrell, a BJepublkan. Other memberes of the commtreekcted and sworn a-or.; Gabrel, W, Le* Kason an; >. Melrn SuUvan. god'prs to Wrcht, Jeaa Tombs, and e monlh p *<ycn, Rehard,»r.d Pstrkta In l»» relef cost* m Woed-jj^'v^, Charles J. Alexander, second ward, both Detteefsta. OGE Chef of brdgf towashjp wew E. kealng aft* f hl Mh^pfal dr the put year (usng Mr. Wnkbvets was presented wth a wallet and fountan las: nght that h* pen'aad her) tp a*mnt s set at $137,- srlj- suspended" penca set by John h B. Frraden Fd ltak -dlc hct ot cases "h.-del faw employes at the He* alleged vola- dned sharply. In 1 3& there were York Stock Exchange. In reply, 8,928 cases constted of 30,175 the now cotnmtteenan expressed pennns recevng ad whle n 1940 hs sncere thanks and apprecaton (here were bnt 8,806 cases, consstng of 17,375 fersona, on re- dutes fathfully and honestly. and promsed to perform hs new cord.. The drop In relef rolls has been exceedng^ noteeable throughout MAYOR ANNOUNCES the p«t year. In January therje werje 600 cases and last month t was! almost half wth agproxmately 320 cases. ". COMMITEESFOR'41 Records n Mr. OntnhSer's offce for 1940 are at follows: January 600 cases; 2,01$?anons, costs $17,318.74; Febrjffy. 576 eases, 1,967 persons, 'costa March, 552 eases, 1,848 persons, costs, I15.3W.94; Aprl. «93 eases, 1,598 persons costs $13,- 011.76; May, 470 cases, 1,530 percosts,tlj,«939; June, 436 cases, 1,429 persons, costo, $10,- 443.65; July. 433 case*, 1,435 persons, $10,926.07; August, 424 ea»a, 1,380 persons, costs *9,- 518.46; September, MO eases, V 143 persons, cost* 8^77.45; October, 339 enses, 1,985 persons, S9.018.44; November, 314 947 persons, coats S7,- cases, 987.31; December, approxmately, 320 cases, 985 persons, coats $8,- 022.49. Ttem Heary Htm Fm m who attempted to toaak nto tn home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Later Neary, Elmwoed Avenue, Sunday Bason, eght, were evdently frghtened sway when the Kearys wtunsed home unexpectedly.' A rear wndow bad be** jryed om.» wndow lafcbrvton, W nothng was dsturbed or mssng. The Neam teft ho-* n the* e«around ^ tlulwa abegt tght etdoek,,!dr»ne the em nto (*e garage Kathryn The wott]d4b theve* U Dorothy and of candy IjJTtn M School. A SS ws» beng locked v? Speocer Heads Fnance And Admbtraton ^ As Predcted WOODBRIDGE As predcted by ths newspaper last week, Commttwjnsn Frederck A. Spenee*, of the frst w^rd, wta named efaarman of both the Admntsteate add'fnance commttees by Mayor August F. Grener on New Year's Day. Commtteeman Herbert Bankn retaned hs poston as polce commssoner, Whle James Bchaffnek was returned to hs post aa charman of the Publc Works Commttee. The commttees named by the Mayor were as follows: Admnstraton: Spencer, chnrtan, Banan* and Chart* J. aader. Fnance: Spencer, charman, Banan and Alexander. Publc Works: SehafCnck, charman, Bankn and Bergen. Polce. Bankn, charman, Sefeaf- frek and Bergtn. - Parks and Playgrounds: Scfcaffnck, charman; Spencer and Francs G- Wukovets. Street lghte and Transportaton: Ba«ku. ~ and Sehatck. AHMQUMCE ElfGACeHUTT WOODBRIDGE-Mt- Ml Mrs. rfc*«rt daughter, ThebH U Cacclola, son of Mr. Frank Caeejob, «f Eartt* WELtte homes and Itrs. John Gardnw net Street and Mr. and BfmpendOTfer,' on. Awftue, wert adjadged tf* «tt» nen n the contest for de*ot***4 ywleude doorways M ^ the Woman's Ctab of A that secton.. < The Gardner home was, rated wthout lghts Slmp^ndorfer doorway galy lghted. H^norAble tlon west to Mr. and Mrs. Uam Gary, of Manhattan &* nue, whose doorwy featax"«open 'Bble -wth scrpture -fw- Unng to the brth of Cl#fc Candles were erected on Bethlehem were depcted bew&. The wnners n the contest Drffl rteehre *2.&0 each, Mrs. John Atnd, garden charman n charge «f the contest, announced: Judges were: Mrs. John.AH* deregg, of Colona; Mrs. George Bajtxcl, of Sewaren, and Mft Clarence Davs, of Woodbrdgfc TOHEAMARlr Otkr Townhp Lawyers Tt Serve On Bar Auod* tt* Commttees WOODB RIDGE Assemblyman Bernard W. Vogel, of Hmwoo4 Arenue, thn place, has been named charman of the law reform and legslaton commttee of the Perth rff'wjwwl tttmmtmt BtnUmf MR..,.,,._ G. Dfcttnond, general chan*- mn of th^ local ceuubtttee far the eelebratoq of the PreSdenf«Brthday/announced today y that Mayor". y Au/pW j F. Grtnet *ould MJ99.MI non^rary charman of the denf Ball to telwld tbonday nghty. January". 30/at SeHool No, 11 audtotom, Mr. Dewnondalso announced U«"««wtt»e hmhuubm for the nfantle pwfa^tk fond drhe Mrs, Asher Fta Bandopb, ehalrnt*»j Mttt Bn*" W»lk, sett** *J-V«M L«J 4 fnal,.,, 1 «tatfs "*O V* 'BUBtfflWMlk thmw* orer; Mrs. Harold ISMmeey, Iw> On eo-ehajman; Un, Jeeeph Me Andrew*, Colona, eo-charman; Janus Cat«no, Sewattn, et-char* man; Martn Brattt, Pwt Beadng, co-charman! Mrs. ft. G. Perer, Avenel, eo-ehatnttan. Members of the ftnttal eomnlttee are as follows; Frank Edgar, Stanley Potter, John Bergen. Vctor C. Nlcklas, Charles KnUttan, Arthur C. Ferry, Mss Wrght, Leland Reynolds, Edward A. Fnn, Patrck Boykn, Mss ale Schermerhom, Ma* Mmc Compton, Julus Blake, Mrs. Leoft McBhvy, Mrs. Unk B. Potter, Chef George Keatng, Mr*. Mark D. McClan, Walter C. Waw, Stephen L Htsska,.Bernard W. Vogel, Helen Van Tassel, Mss Margaret Jordan, Mrs. O. T. Frsser, Mrs. G. G. BoblnsOn, Andrew D. Desmond, John CToole, Joseph Gll, Anthony Atptla, Donald Weseott James 8. Wght, Davd G*rtv, Oraenbser, Jvbn V. Hunt, John Ahboy Bar Assocaton by the, Coyne, Eugene 8. Brd, Mrs. Angroup's presdent, James F. Patten; drew Sedlak, Charles MeGettgan, Other Woodbrdge Townshp members have been apponted to serve Brown,, Harold Vogel, g Hampton Herman Stern, Bd Becorder Arthurh ftn commttees as follows: Gutter, Fred MawJ>ey, J Mchael J. Publk relatons, Leon McElroy 3Cganer,. '..,.. ' '...'.' law reforms and legblaton, Ben v ''JKrs. George F. Hunter, Lawrente V. Campon, Mrs. John J. jamn Kan tor; cvc, Arthur Brown; meetngs and actvtes, A. Dmrlng, James Bed, WOlam H. Boeeftblnro; Amercasaton, Httber, Maurt* P. Dnngan, JGtoy Edward A. Kopper; resolutons, E, Anderson, Wllam Turner, B. Nelsen; jpoeteutons,'junes S. Wght; newspaper feature*, Howard FTjllerton. Cymm Vce Preddtnt Adresa Jtotary Group WOODBB1DGE Dr. Walter S. llands, vce presdent of the Amercan Cyanamd Corporaton, was the speaker at 'a meetng of- the Rotary Glub' held yesterday noon at the Colona Country Club. Dr. tands was ntroduced by Walter Pnckett, manager of the local P*w>t. The speaker dscussed the fatar* of ths country due to war condtona. He sad that ndustry las capacty to produce guffcent munton* for war purposes f called upon to do so. \ Bev. Howard F. Klen, rector of &* Trnty Epscopal Church, wll. charge of the next regular Dtvtr AcwU Htmgtt? PasKfer b hjtte WOODBBTOGE Because he stopped Us oar short to avod 'httng a dog tu$ wax njured and lyng n the center lane on Route 35. Leon Utt*. 33, of 320 Parker Avenue, South Amboy, has a damaged car and hs passenger, Mss Anna Olea, 25, of 631 Garock Avenue, was slghtly njured. f^tts* ear w u struck by another auto drven by Joseph Peterson, 53, of 610 Maple Avenue, Bnaheth, who sad that Ltts stopped so suddenly the accdent was unavodable. BAtJEY mntovihc 1 WO(nrtBIDC3S«-^&e*lth Offcer SvnH 1. Bafley s reported ahgmv f mproved at the Perth Amboy v «o*s Bre and smfered a fractwwd skwx Frends and febow-«mp affta tt tf* Jt e mo»l are *ptmttc regardng g, Eugene Fnn, John Hughes, Thomas Leahy, Alfred CoWy, Wayne T. Cox, Wndsor J. LaUa, John dte^ ^ ber, Andrew Aaroe, T?Vank Wukov«!ta, Herbert Bankn, Samuel Goe, James Keatng. Df. C I. Hutaer, Dr- Aaron Pargot, Dr. C. H. Bothfuss, Dr. I. BjbnowtJ, Dr. A. Gereben, Dr. #. Z. Barrett, Dr. Benjamn Wesenfeld, Dr. Mchael J. Flan, nery, Dr. G. M. Walters, Dr. Henry Belsfeky, Dr. Malcolm Dunham,- Dr. I. T. Spencer, Dr. Joseph Dr. J. J. Collns, Dr. Her- Moss. Merrll, Jacob Grausam, than Duff, Mrs. J. J. Mrs/C- H. Bothfuss, Mn. Thomas Curre, Ernest Lnk, Mrs. Mart* Zettleraoyer, Wllam AU- gajer^lft'hfda Demarest, Stephen Kj;W,edock, Lncoln Tamboer, Ehner'7: Vetkey, George Molnar, LoujsejQadek, Clar Bxel, Eleanor Kflroy," George Brtton, Wllam A. Bylr Ncholas Prsco? Thomas Csntpn, John Ryan, Jr., Thomas O Brlew Albert Hagen, Mary Mullen, ChaVlea Manglone. "' C K,.Gregory, Mrs. Jane Wther&e» Mrs, J. Barron Lev, Mrs. CbJktet' Peck and Mrs. Frank Burns. fc Fjrds Mm Hdd For Grand Gelatto tan John] geant John had been WOODBBIDGB Mrs. Ashcr Bandolph, of Bahway Avenue, has been named head of the Woman's Dvson of de State n the drve for funds to combat nfantle paralyss, accordng to an announcement made by Joaeph Ftzgerald, of Carteret, State. Charman. The drve wll offcally open tomorrow wth a luncheon at the Elzabetb-CarteTet Hotel, Elfsa> mttee." Department; were; Leon J The tables wll be deco- beth. rated by Dennaon Company, free of charge, exactly as the tables wll be decorated for the luncheon at the WhKe House". Those attendng from Wood- Or «n«r 01 Poor Not 0«ReappobtmentLbt RENAMED "FOR YEAH" WOODBBtDOE Canen llo O fpoje*a4ng,was»t apponted Orersw ol the * h t h T C fw atnoonon] YtnV W» w«u Ut. Ufa s rwt looked ap W by some of th«party U*.. m the thrd ward, tut from smhortatlve source t wt ss* wrned that n an probahut, alt Ibs, Aafatr Ftz luwwph dflkoltes wonkfb* Ironed Mrt n the near future and Ztffo tt b«renuned at * fntoe seesloo,,, It m also noted that BOM ^g l\ the e-appomtmmt8 b^ '! brdge wll be: Mrs. Bandolph, Thomas Desmond; - Townshh? Charman, and M* Itrs. c:bf'r serve as one of the hostesses Mts Mabel Treen, who wll sng Mss Ruth Wolk, secretary of the Townshp executve board; Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Gregory and Mss Catherne Kolb. CoMtructon In 1940 b Estmated At Appronmately $l>220,670 WOODBB1DGE-Exactly 1,025 buldng permts were ssued by the buldng nspector's offce ths year uj to and ncludng December 10, last, accordng to a report' submtted by Buldng Inspector Wllam Allgaer. Totaled estmated constructon for the year was $1,220,670 and torn conftnu>g read "at the pleasure "of fte'fokav:; head*. Attorney, $4,0104 * Morgsnson, T< J3.00& a year; C,«, shp Engneer, ROW a Dr. Kateolm. Dnnham, ymt.l Urtwf Mss StelkVtdty,- tax oflke; S l f 200 a year; Mrs. Florence Redd,»! tax offce, $1,200 a year; Mrs. EU* Becknan, tax oflkw, $1,400 a ytar; Mrs. Harret Cwekalo, tax &«*, SOT'S offce", $M00 a ye**; Mr Ann Hornsby, Townshp Clerk's of fce/11,850 a year j WflHass Balded ston, ta assessor's offce, $1^00 s Wllam Heller was retaned as,' ant«r at the Memoral Muncpal Buldng at a salary of fl76 per month. Davdson, 27, of «Part: ' total fees collected' for permts AgMwy amounted to $4,812. The past noflee year wll go down n hstory as the mornng. best year for buldng actvtes n JQavdson, the the Townshp snce 1928.' Records n the Real Bttate offce clearly show the rse n that year and the wry 0* SUte/t Charge f*u of buddng actvtes n tb 1.,. years of the depresson. A dear ng, wa* 1 WOODBBjtDGB Patsy Gellato, pcture may be drawn from the folagantt ' hs sster, Lucy, of 192$ 439 11,230,042 25, of ll'h^a, Street, Fords, was lowng fgures; held for *» Grand Jnry wthout Fen bal on j,>e«roth charge made Cost Woodbrdgf ^venue, Port B«ad- 1927 1,130,425 2/Mtt up by Cap- Detectve. 8erf.Balnt and Ofoecr I'fter complant 1980 1931 1938- IMS vm and Mr,. 1M6 30*. 119 78 74. a 10S 289 460 Mr: 477 672 lfu 1,170,235 718,250 246V210 ; mw m DEALER FIHEJ> IH BAGATELLE DRIVE UnUcensed Machne Ft lnz*tto',c<mdyshop WOODBBIDGE -7 Wttb drve agahut unlecmed maehnat beng eontoued, Kabaaj day and ' '.T'W'.- "" '! *'. 4 ' nothov J. treet, R" ccdent held Street gervo >' *»m.

V H :.-y' _ pp SKgg^;p stone, bat 1M «*, H» JHI lft» *» «* hes, te«r», «1»<» J«f W tet. To tho%e who 'wtr; tew, we wl»h. tw '-W,n> "fottm, we > «r of happlww..* *Ml»**tta you, have>urn«w tw^a Beolu-. tod all'made op <»nd probabty torn HP lke»ln#) '!!»aa If If w tap pound ontw»««,otbw ' 0.for fa Jt tnb wlu > Mdaha C*al ** u b W, d.otbt whch wll ba MM* fcf.. W Ur rado tun. Tw e»*l»*«* ^U, Mlua Cafnkttta, ' JbJett!*««' B«l«Jttfl t 81"«fcy, Vctora fgg«> Map Naur, Ann Gywle. lx&. ; Maran* Toth...?«* ^HlkaJr pr«patatlo» art )M*g &-male fw tha SOA *»»lw- # 5* of'th* fo»a*w»f Our s 4r of»/career Cbm-* & Her. Vncent Unft.»W» ^ l#ang th* eownkth. 'S nrny Csordat tred to enlrt n l$!pnayy, but when tha offcer saw the fat on,,.... pounds) he sent hnt hone awl MUICY" FAUBU : Uw lad ea't Ulw U a**... 141«PMUM and Iran* (Llbwr 4 lr*«) KrMk atart»4 Ht-,1'tpV N»w V«ar*t O*y-~W«wl.h W load, of hlppbm.. v, Johnny (Camera M«) JBattkar ran wt»f 'Mb* t^fc^kmtw >* *w><» ( -«lf.- th»-..fcajrfca tbe =*1d y m wa tftlafl P»«lka.» : :fca* «Kftd, oa **O» of >MI.".,. The packed ** at the Alamo N*w T*V* lf» Mrtajar M«W h»t u * th«bmt eat *M>- «taw* >aru.,,,h.> tehj! Wky ddn't, yen -t«to work»t t»«factory M<W»V tfbtr. %. J V, Jr., kampataw h»**h. MM*'' at ; taut ' (H». rokuo«"nev*r Alan."'.- - ; '* '. ' Mke ElKobareed hmself a 110 pound d«r n Abertfln, North Jer Nfdvrnv the deer teason. Ha wa Ml a party wth Cbolly FIUK, F felko, Bll Dudcks, Walt Hanee and John Elko... We alsso hear* that Cholly FIUM had two thots a I* bade but mssed both, end took 1 such a rbbng from the boys that he left them flat and came home 'matter fella, can't ya<take t.anymore?... Frank (wrestlng; I bartender at the Bee.) refused a kts from a cute mss New Year's naybe the guy's gettn' old.... The bg.mystery n,where WOODB&IDGE Appw>xmat«ly ffty couple* attended the annual holday dafty* ponaored by y the Young.Wom»D'9 W ' db dab of Woodbrldga Frday nleht at tlw CrafUmen's Club on Green Strwt. Gtorge- E, Ruddy m ha orehetr»rpv(a«d *«mwlle (or tht datclng 'ard.'entertalnnsjst. The udtorum,wa> decorated wth a l»mall Chrtmn* ^ Also Attrar toefcw, Joaeph BaumKartner, Jamet P. Hyn«*. Harry EJlto, Dwd Clatw* Robert Jackln, Prank Thomas,. SmW. Robert HMtar, Bhrry *** «. ^ ward Mfller; Alfred jratwchman, Stanlev Potter, Jr., Charles. Stue. AVUfam Schramht, ;Wtrnjn ', Joljn Brtdtey, Clarrt Brookl Earl Devanny, J John; ; Cftgaldy a Gerld Knuren. Wllam prfcgosett *cll Hb' Horfl by' wat anj Jlowrrd Whte,: ' " <: Also -Ronald Hartettpf- «Mturr; Josaph BatnaJ;Fred trtre-tbc M«s»s Albert- Compton, Pott W,Aw-NlW.E«lfrG E Mllkent Ifarrttnn, Jeanne ;Horn«- 'by.-.marlt Ursen, Anne Schwen- Barbara Bom, 6«raldDe Bor 3!mm, C ^ C k l 'Ey*^ J A1BO Barbara DonwU,, Bernce Copeland, Marerte.Btancbard, I Joan WtOker, Kt* Nebel, Jean W. IflW PlWto, Vktora IJI M JkM Dorothy Htttcblnaon, Alce Maw«t Ann M«er, Euth Andewon, Dorothy fu MatUda a Schmtt,, Ether H»gerStJo>n, Mary Clark, Clk Jf»f EUubetb Smth, MurW Ed Lllan GUl«, Gertrud* lam Buckaltw,'Alfred.Capotw, Erhet CraK, Mchael W*drach, Wlllaft d Mller, W. Jura, John ThomM, John Short, Robert-Lehjna, Bobr en MaefkBnne, M»yftattl Wln^ ton DonaH Slnk,' HaWflprlnyer, Rchard Stern, VMtm Kerthy, panald Kerr,' G. GllmWr Robneonj b., Alan Stephens, r Wllam Gadek and Robert Qlll. Chaper6n«t for the evenng were: Mr. ahd M*, Fred A Iselln Personaltes By Uretta Grog an Johnny Tankochtk. New The MUses Mary Lousa Breen Mss Dors Mohr, of Hllcfe Lous J. Stabo, son of Baltnt Szabo, Year*! Eve?,..Blly EUs took and Dors -Kane were co-hostesses Avenue, entertaned clasatnate of 224' Hamlton' Street, New,Darty recently at the home of Mrs ht future Mwua sght-seenr n Frday evenng at a Chrte&n»«'rom Hew Brunswck an< tte> Brnngwlck. No date has been sat I A. W. Sehedt, n Holton Street Maw York, but, had to get back on party held at the home of Hss.uchen Frday evenng. Her guest< g for jthe weddng. An exchange of gfts was enjoyed, by 12 o'clock- poor guy.. I Kane, of Cooper Avenue. Those ncluded tha Mnet Dors D Irrtn, It Members present -were Mrs. Olve Fscher dd a good sweepng I present were: Mes Jean Clark, of Genldne M«^U, Helen H WlYWAtA4)WWCK Sdnler, Sw hm to reduce,..blly Dtott«- j o b at the Rec, for Johnny Why present I Van IdwrtM, of Kocky Hll, Mrs Btt Breen, B Betty Mary Eager, Eleen LaForge. W00DBRIDGB-Mr. and Mrs. Bloomfeldj Betty John Flumerfelt, Mrs. Albert F SanP camp s plenly plenty bappy happy aboot b the BOt pu t Mm on the pay-roll? Robnson, Robnson, Patrca O'Nell, Patrca ONel, Caro Harvey Lvngston, who s stt Alexander Prywata, of Pershng Sofleld, Mrs. Floyd T. Ho well, Mrs. toned «Port 014, spent the hol Jnvnt Carteret, announce the lyn Ikddad, R Ronne O'Zel, Howard S. J. HenT. Mrs. Wllam C. Ecker days wth ht parents, Mr, and Mrs, engu*>««t of ther d«jfhter, Ells, Bert Corcoran, Edward of town, and Mrs. Mabel Lebold g ^ Robert Lr»n«ton. 0* Fat Avenue, StepS Veronca, to Edward [ofmontchlr. Xtass present he recered fro* father It wss the c«k«jra. Paule Guno waa««n cbaparon ng hs brother and b» *r ft «t the Canteen n P. A./laatSattday nte.. More new, reedejtt to town wll be the John B*tnherg>, who wll htve 744 Rdgt^e Av«- nue as ther post offca «d4re» In the future the tom'a gattltt popular folks... The boyt «t h. q. receved * "ww yoj were ^rdmrom Joe 8pf1*fad ^ Florda" but 1 ** thnk'tb* boys "ere hep «Xm....o h. b«k». board... Ceor^ (Archjf) Daleu ald It rl^ * > to a School Str^t J There' no date M y»t.. S»*»» Karmondy an* a Softb Ambof lad wll march up the au J,nu.ry IS. & #», ton Street), lurpro ong4[*»**t 1; New BruMwcf feoa hw#*f»ek the date hat not bat» * > o Johnny (All '«*»*<» *) D«- bay cave ht bfs, pool lett»«. H S«J.y... A*!We wonder t(1v l ;»f the "Thrd Term Demo«r«U" '?^Shorty's Club Cafe of 73f. Th«# SandbU tttow Wat for a c«rtaa place to open up New Year' Day They wanted to get that cotton tatte> out of ther mouth... The L*>ko»Mat«*E brother*' match wll be rolled juat u loon a the boy«can up the $150 Id* pure.,, George lko't favorte on^ now t "She'll B«Copn' 'Round the Mountan" Maybe Gawge hat a grl.., The mned doublet tournament wu woo by Mn. Kopperwatt nl Johnny WagonhofFer ther core totaled 1080... I»ug- I>tt the next tme Tony Horvath' wfe want the chcken ro*jtm! n the oven, the thould pat them n htrtelf Tooy lt th«oven, but forgot ta pwt the. chcken n t tka cokpany had to be lattfed wth ham a*ndwch«. Youths Nabbed Gas Out 0/ Stealng Cars WOOPBRIDGB One yojath was ordered out of the state and the other had hs drver's lcense revoked ndefntely and was placed on probaton for two years when tkey" appeared before Recorder Arthur Brown Monday charged wth petty larceny. JBrunewck, Avenue Elabeth, Elab,»- The two, who were arrested by 'Sues a challenge to any pn «hufte Offcers Pred Lednor and Stephen ^ n town-**,jtf *ava a Jpnfe Peertag, when they were caught. JB he has RusgDuPreeattd Cholly attemptng to steal gasolne out of \\B»yn«lc n the Wnw*»»»'t» «parked ears near-the State theatre, : S? S beaten Hpw's H about SpgS were*. :(MB* Bwnsrlek Atenue) MhoJc Wlfred M«Graw, 18, who was (gettng h* tw and' vstng on Correja Avenue, Iseln them u; and Andrew Tuttle, 2f, of Pume I»«Jn. McGraw promsed Jbft^k Jtjfc. C«Srect(;ut, hs l*rome' state, wnhn \mhn a week and * we fonnd o^t Oey y wll Tattle's drver's lcense was confscated. mportng 4 new sftty of shoess lytnehot Tone has recently».gned a fve-year contract wth two new batts-*>$uybc they re somethng ther^v'. Asde to b'hata~"fktsft'for that calendar Bll, I may BM the Atanbera for Bngo... 'JTfvt FeMw-*Wln'«tt» t Wd ^fca fw Xm*»t attract that catqy whatlat 'Shu ml' ft HOW JOHN j CALL WO, S4M3 Unversal whch, calls for two pca year... Jftn)es O'Nell,' Bobby Qlah, O'Connor, Kane and Blly Alex Jack McCwn, who n statpned at Fort Hancock, *pent the Chrstmas holdays wth hs parent* Mr. and Mrs. James McCann, of mrns Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Wllam Grob and daughters,, formerly of Hard ng Avenue, have moved to ther new resdence n Hackensaek. Harold Mouncey; flr., of zer Avenue,? cqnflned to Wa home Estella and Phlp T«nk, 9^ Venwn 8tt*et,» eptwlf; he holdays whh ther»»wt n Urja; ' W d ' nd,... MM. Johrv Ramberg and Mf Jeanette Rambtrg, of Perth Am. boy,»nd tgn. Margaret. Glmore, of Long Island, were the Saturday evenng guests 0/ Mrs. Garfleld Grogatt, of Fat Avenue., John H«B»*y,Jr., a student a 1 Mount Sant Charles Academy Wowsocket, R. I.; spent the holh«home on Corrcja Ave keep BEAUTY well n HAND durng the New Yearl KNOW THYSELF s what Shakespeare sad... and he wasn't referrng to beanty prncple.. We say KNOW THYSELF and m mean know the harstyle best suted to your personalty, know the cosmetcs to enhance^ your natural colorng, know the steps to per* feet groomng! Know all ths and practce t day n and day out untl you've got beauty well n hand. START the New Year rght And you'll END t by beng a loveler, more thannngyout M«B>l.l.e Carrpll d Gary Coop*)' arc tweathearu n C*cl $. D.Mll. 1. "North Wel Mount ed Polce,'' now «t the ft Theatre. Elsabeth. SCOJTS AT PARTY BETROTHAL TOU> AVBNEL The Mothers' Coun- Mr. and WOODBRJDOB-Mr. awl Mra. MM. y B cl of, Boy ScoutSrnwp 41 tendered Stephen Roman, of Kng Georf e's Mr. ahd { Mw. Gbnonr l' Chrstmas party to the troop after Potter Boad, Announce the engagement ot Kobnson, Mr. and Mrs. H. D Clark, l Mr. and Mrs. Chester Pec* t ts regular r meetng- held at the lra. Roman's sster, MUa Anna fbytejja. fbtejan Church Frday y nght, g B«akal, to Mchael N«wK aon of Mr. and MM. J. Alfred Compton mothers presented the h ecouuu <Hr. atd Mra. Stephen Nemea, of and Mrs. Stanley C. Potter a set of boxng gloves. Rch 20S Croye treet No JaU h«j and Mr. and Mrs, Lncoln Tam Brsuse enteruned wth plant Mtn Ht for the weddng, " Wtney Anten was the weekend guest of Charles Dean, of Sl«r Aventle. ' Joseph Bononolo, who s statoned st Fort Dx, spent the holdays vrth hs parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Bonomolo, of Hllcret Avenue, Mss Jean Duff, of Cooper Ave- hoe, entertaned d Mss Mldred Mldd Moachel, of Woodbrdge, and Edward Reck, of Metuchen, Thursand Mrs. Frank Cccone mfl son; Frank, Jr., of Grand Avf' tne, spent Chrlstmaa Day at the home of Mr. M and Mrs. Vncent Ante, of Metuehen. Mss ;.Marg8flet Brtton, of,. New York Cty, was the ChrstmasJ D»y guest of Mr. and.mrs. George Brtton, of Sonora Aver, \e. Anthony Markee aa'd Mss Jo- ephne J^jrfcae* «f New York Cty, vsted Mr. and "Mrs.'Joseph Bonomolo, of JfUewt Avenue. Mss June Bspp, of"hu)sde, was the Tuesday guest of Mra. Bus* sell Furze/of Sonora Avenue. rmundiurnace HIGHEST QUALITY FOR EVERY. MAKE OF BURNER \ and Court«ou Servlct ' ( e* BBUHSWICK AVt RAHWAY, N. Pbw«R«k 7-!2W«Nght Phew FUA, 7-0424-R selectons and assembly sngng enjoyed. Gfts were exchanged. Mr». John Azud was charman rfrty EXCHANGE GIFTS JEWAREttMThe Scwaren 8w-... Club held ts snr.ual Chrstmns For T«wn hlp Read th. Sports Caltndar January IS: Meetng of the, beadauartara. Janunry Etnl Kau««n. Mrs: Mry Mack taws.' Jnnuary ton of Avenel at January 17: Meettnr of the L Fjre Company No, January 18: Format danoajppn January ajgb^ndth Hotel,] January, 20; JWwtlnrf of the Su terlan Church t$ gen on Prosp&t January" 21; Meetng of Tuesday t 2. Huaphrey* h< 24: Mertnr of Mddle New prunawlck. January 27: January 30: % MeetnK «t Mothcm' No. 41. '. ' v Meetng «f Aj«nel. Brthday BJU tor- the] rerw'a Ne» Cloth**" Wdbrld t«««h>h ENGAGEMEMT ANNOUNCED ' VOODBEIDGE-Mr. and Hn. Ale«DojcaaJc of 2S3 Fulton Street, [have announced the engagement of ther -daughter, Irma Catherne, to Mchael Olbrck. wn of Mra. Mar- ret Olhrck and the Jate Edward Olbrck, «f St. George Avenue. ft* lt tbt l UrVStfy WC women Israel held party [t^olonlagoof Club at horn* of J [venue, Woodb^ F. Ryan, 8r.,j room o A ho wth Mr charge, ohargecf exchange Mr. Merchant: TO SELL'EM YO Study : Bfy 9<ou troop, Democrat!.Club. 1,, mtjsy, el Brothel ; rum, od» at PARTY men's awl Adatb ccesaful Chatulwh c«lght n the vel ltagogue-. ;.upper was wrv«d n Skhocnbrum, n Juhel Stern wa«in OfU were Now TEL. WC the 3np thousands of famles AtNOVl. Qualty ce-ted In Fo v^ tjtdon County mu flame Change F "Btuktu Retuons] WOODBIR3SPGE - Ms Reeves, IT, 'tt 629 N ue t Unden, forma U*d, Iseljn, nm b«n»rd«)f(l«pa«pl order from Judge n Gratb, n tjnlor County p\en Court Iwt Wee<( ]ltr ),«* ta/oljaweyher name d Buctloy,,»f 01. January 9*- [ Ftter ad A hall. -.,,.^j of Wflodlj,)f Mr*. J< rlftdlmah Cpuq s-wlck. s of the rs ; Albert' rgeby.... ] n,whov*s Mlddleaex Coun»»VbBh..^, t, papera allx*" the country Oltuaresl Halasz jlrldgbl Fun,,, f/wnue, were lhjj «t the.grencr Street, th,} EgH, pastor) n Reformed Churtl Burltl was In th ( j,y, The beartrs Doboa, Stephen :, fa, John Ch-B nn,l pnt and John Klack.] For All th* Ntw, Ll tha f& res rjon atonal Grocery St<*«GRADE ^N 0GOODS- FRUITS ANl/ EGETABLES,2351 FREEDEUVE wtm to TOLD AND SOLD IKLY The headlne to U drertsenent sn't»m ^ -e thought t exprewe s really bse4 ^ f^o merchandsng, as a momaa of '" that before a merchant can make a tomer nto h store. frt Every merchant knows the vatne of ated on a street whch bas consderable n proporton to ths traffc! He knows, to4^j Hal customers are attracted by hs offer to t that hs wndows Idl passersby that AdTertng n ths newspaper offers all [locaton and more. It s the modem magc sands of famles on a tour of Mddlesex medum by whch the greatest number of least cost The famles of ths vcnty have fowd tbcatc values. That t gves them a... tnt t saves then tme and trouble do ther marketng n an easy char. It them n a receptve mood... at kome. Mr. Merchant, thousands of local ry. Use ths newspaper the most? nedaa n ths area to tell 'em and ltng 0 T TO f hu tort U sttbanew wll vary s [place bectnse potenwndows. He sees values lor them, n deal "traffk" -/trawporuthoustore*. It t tt 1 can he IpU t the plable ndex to «; prce tad quah'ty I t enables them to t, became t feds Mda»d.oM v&w 'V lk ral?, STREET ;tl.," THIS SHOP IS EQUIPPED TO GIVE YOU PROFESSION. AL SERVICE! VISIT IT NOW! LAGRAC PERMANENTS *2.50 VP Ml Item 3Sf^3 {or $1 ATAUTIMW mm

PIANO fjhsflk SENT MUSICALE, Clare Monday f Mra. N»>,,l he home o!.re Avenue. follows: 10.1 KMJJ ' on the. R«'''rnopbrs o* 11 j n." Stow,v,'nKe»aDf^ L". Harrson j &*\ tn. Mouttalttj 01 Teacher Ivenue On Duff gave ert Monday 1'hor teach**, te program. : Vn<hfc- Herbert " and f "In e Butterfly '(Jonng I Howard, s -""l»mbr, JafffOt Sa> [v- Smuman" Mlll 2,&»Spa n. "Allen Dl *S*9 duot, I'^rkcs," Allah «fames ard hv Elzabeth 1'Mer- ; ;,. nnd Mornngf yer," n VOK«1; quartettmngle ll()ward HarrsonBrray jurocs DSenW asllan Passng Glance,- tuk Doll" ard 1! Dorothy MadesJ ; m,l "Melody } * ~ 1? nt' and "Danw,", <fwurum" and. foorofty Klen; duej md DoTOtny 0Ch«t des Camaeh candlelght Servce I St. John's Epscopal Ch r nght, 7:80 o'clock, \, y Rev. Russell Potter, Ucv. Potter, formerly, n l g c, ha" 'many lo and n cordal nvtaton, to the publc. { Mldred Bettman, fcvenue, s spendng her v vth Mr. and Mrs, Carl AW Morrstown..., Eleanor Austen, of Su k-nue, has been vstng he nothcr, Mrs. Percy R..-Aur Glcd Rdge, ths week t. and Mrs. Kelley Chadwck, [st Avenue, recently enter- Dr. Lee Chadwlek, and Marlc, of Peubk, Colot Sewaren Brdge Club wth homas Zottlfemoyer, of West us hostess, wll meet at me of Mrs. George Stlwell Road, Wednesday.. und Mrs. A. W. Scheldt,»on St, entertaned Mrs. Ma of Montclar, last ^. Phlp Mooney, «f West!. was dnner hostess to and Mrs, Horace Roberson, onne, Sunday. r. and Ms. Smon Larson odbrdge Avenue, had the tah Wld ttvtotl/ Jr],(? Sunday supper guests: W. Mrs. Valentne Snarr and plal Bllam, of Reseller and Mr. dat Phlp O'NeUl,of Hll- ward Novak, medcal st- J the Hahnemonn School In ph, spent Chrstmas wth fns, Mr. and Mrs. 3. Grant Street and Is now.florda, board of trustees of the Free Publc Lbrary wll ondny nght at 8 o'clock Ihorne of Mrs, W. Frank East Avenue. Wllam H. Tombs, of d, wll be hostess to the D. Brdge Club Wednesday [AnneHale, ofrockaway, : weekend guest of Mss llcr, of East Avenue. ed Stern,.'of Clff Road, r Year's Eve In New York tchestra 5Mr S em'or Gronpj WedslraMcCabe In Whte Church Rtes Saturday Couple To Make Home In Sewaren AHtr Trp Throat* Sottth; Brde h Dw^n Of Welfare BJrector... _ COLOftlA Mng Dorothy Gawnher, daughter of n the'frst Mr. and Mw. John T. Ofoenhfeer, or Katf^ew*A.Vehu4( ths place, was marred Saturday aftflrtoo) at four o'clock y, pastor of J. lt» McCabe, son of Mrs. Bbrtha MflOaU.l, of Wobd brdge, n the Frst Presbyteran- Church of Woodbrdgff. presdent t JW treasurer, Nlcho- ' t Socfety^'Presdent,-How-" Wd'AslMnore; vfce.presdentjum Rflgejsbfargj scerotary, Irnut Btter- Shank, MrS.Louta Engfoneau. Mrs. Walter Cook, Mrs. Wllam Kuntf arrd'ihrj. Johnson.,, /. < ' Woodbrdge A daughter, Myrna Dorothy, was born Chrstmas Bay to Mr< and Mrs, Aloyslua Them, of Burbank, Calf., at the Wndsor Hosptal n Olendale Calforna. Mrs. THes Is the former Mss Mary Frederck, of Rahway Avenuo., «Mr, and Mrs, Henry Grew and chldren, of IJcw York, were the dnner guests of Mss Ed* 8, W, Davd, of Woodbldge Avenue, 'Saturday nght. ' ;" Howard A. Tappen, of Sehoder Avenue, vsted hs son and daughter-n-kw, Mr. and Mrs. George Tappen, n Baltmore, Md., over the Weekend. * MUs Ida Lockwood, of Newark, was the weekend guest of Mr, and Mrs, Ernest C. McfTett, of I Prospect Street. N«te* Burn* -Mr. nnd Mrs. Kelley Cradwtcfc, West Avenue, were New Yea lesta of the Peter M. Marcus, o h a n t v l l *. -.., \n Kathleen Kozutko, a stu- Lt at Mount St. Mary's Academy, lnfteld, s spendng her vaeawth her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Koxusko, n West Avenue. [MM. Josephne Humphreys, of lk 1, S. I., s the guest of lece, Mrs. George Stlwell, of Road. aymond Mullcr, student at dmral Bllard Naval Acad- London, Conn., s unjdyhotday wth hs parents, I Mrs. R. W. Muller, of Bast and Mrs. John M. Bren- '(^Avenu% spent Wed- Manasquan. Mare Robbns, of Rab- \\X Wednesday wth Mr. Herbert B. Rankn, of nne. es Small, of New York ; the past several weeks pd Mrs. Henry Nckeng, renue. IAGED TO WED IE The engage- Ann Molnar, daughnd'mrs. Peter Molnar, llace, to James %ebb, Mr. and Mrs. James Sehoder Avenue, ths nounced recently. No set for the weddng. Prc Vaf [APPRECIATE BUY? Our January IANCE, & MISSES' o t«make dock! up to 50% 139-95 Clear! R0S1 S! Rev. "Earl Hannum Devanny; the plater, performed the cerflmonv. - "' '' ewmony The. church wan' 'attractvely decoratsd nkeeplng wth-the Yule* tde season. ftrs.,lllljbn,p,, Stephens, the chujen drganlut, pl*ye"d the" weddng mfalc.. '',.who was gven In njar* rlage by her..father, was gowjed n debutante Wu> wlth brow* *ece* odes 'and cabled a muff bouquet otwhte roses sweet peat an4bouvardla.. Mss Jtldred Bowe', as mad of l»wr, wore a dress made In a,-slmlat' style In'^each, btosh wth brown accessores, She carred a muff bouquet Of old-fashoned flowers. Charles MWkbe, of" was h» brother's best man and the ushers were James McCatat\ another brother rf the groob, and John OmenWser, Jr., a brother of the'brde.. The.brdtfs mother was attred In royal blue velvet wth matchng accessores and a corsage'of gardenas, The brdegroom's motto* wore plum velvet wth matchng accessores ard a corsage of gaf< $, v denaa, 'For her gong away Costume the brde wore a slk Jersey prnt under a brown fur eoat^nd brown aeesfores. # She also wore a corsage of gardenas. Mu Omenhlser $, member of the teachng staff n the h Townshp schools. She was graduated from Woodbrdge Hgh School n 1888 and Newark Normal School n 1986. Mr. McCabe s also a graduate of Woodbrdge Hgh School, class of 1988 and completed a coursa n electrcal engneerng at Rutgers Unversty extenson dvson. He s now employed by the Barber Asphalt Corporaton n Perth Amboy; After a weddng trp through the Southern states, Mr, and Mrs. Mc- Cabe wll make ther home at' 502 West Avenue, Sewaren. They'wll be at home after January 6. Gery lutdled Prendent Of Independent GOP Club L -&- -' - ' " Recent Bne ^f& of Park Avenue, entertaned Chrstmas dnner. Guests were Mr, and Mrs, Leon Nulhmsnr anc Chrstmas Day guests of Mr. anddaughter, Mllcent, and Samue AVENKL Wllam, Gery was Mrs. C. N. Van Leer. Goldberg, of Long Island; Mr. anc nsuhed,a» parent t the Independent Republcan Club at a ray <foldberg,' of Brooklyn, an^ Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Drafct*. Mrs.^ Gerald Greenwald and Mw set and Chldren, of Manhattan Chrstmas party held Saturday Mrs. Leon Schller,.of town. Avenue, were Sunday dnner guests nght at the home of Mr. and Mrs. of Mr 1, and Mrs. Wlnton Frey, of Herbert Head, on George Street. Other offcers nstalled were: Mrs. Harold Hanson, vce presdent; Rubn Greco, treasurer; Mss Rubn 1 Greco, recordng secretary, and Edward Glendnnng, fnancal /A 7/A secretary., A turkey supp'er was served by Mrs. Head,,mrs. Joseph Chpperon end Mrs. Wllam Gery. "Party" TABLE LINENS specally LAUNDERED hand-fnshed cellophane wrapped Alter the T rll want to k»w jamt "part" tau* Uutas ttatj Iwn4<na n Monr MBMAI tawte* Serrle* atrf «ady to n* far yt«r a*zt "W» L CmpkWj hand Ironed. MOMITMM ud aabnut WUc real Mat... no sha» enam U IWr Ikdr HMflk pmansm, Napktaa sf MM whk. «"d baa. L Wrapprf aad staled la etotpham U to* bwk. aad mwrmwi atb ; tea ttaa stan. Ba pnpaed \» a^ke jaw ant, dver party SMM meet* 1. Han yan In* UUe UMM hwadared ta Hanr LaSaVs specal H«tm Scrrc* at aaee. : Mrs. lra MbCabe WAWfTO LEAD Avtntl GrottpTo heent Books To Townshp And Rahway Ubratet A B B L ' & Sdney N, Green. h*lth W«s electd p of tht Ad Townsend dub No." I *t a recene meetng. 'Other offlders named were as follows: Vke presdent, l^ank Andrews; secretary, Wllt^jft,Detweller ftnarfclal secreulf^;.8ward Kennedy; treasurer, Frll Kullta; executve board, MA Susan ArpoV Mrs. Charles M8H»ra, Mrs, John Trojan,' CsH Broterjj, H»rry L'udwlg, Charles RUSBO. MyeYl, Und John - '*, Du/lng thornetsjtltjr'w^s Voted to-present the Aventl, Wooctbrldfee, Stfaren, "ColoVla, M> Ra.hwa.y'11- brarles Wth three copes sndh.of Senator Douney's'tok, *Hghwaysto Prosperty.-' 11 ',.,.After the busnam' sessons a Chrsthms party was feld-and ro, freshments wer,e s«rvtd "by. Fred Kallta. ENTERTAIN CHILDREN AVENEL SeventyflTe chldren enjoyed a Chrsfmttt ^*rty sponsored by the Lades' 'Auxlary, of Avenel Fre Company-No,. 1 «t the ftrehouse. Mrs, Peter 'Greco* was charman of the affar nd presented entertanment featurng John Lake, Jr., of Fords, andfcobftrturbtft, of Port Readng n 1 accordon. duets Consstng of Ch'rUtmas ' rols and Polsh dance*. ':. Ayepel News By Mrs, ft. G. Ptrw S t^k. AIIIM A»«.l, N. 1. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Grant, of Phladelpha; Mss Rose Sparbe and Stank OuM<», of Unon Cty, were the recent dnner guests of Mr. and Mt S. Charles Brtfwne on Mrs, Mnne Krach, of Jamaca, L. I.,» spendng several days wth jr- and Mrs. Edward Grod<f, p Park Avenu*. -r-lfr.»nd Mrs; Joseph Chpponer, of Avenel Street, spent Sunday" whh Mr. and Mrs, Albert Wagenstelh, of New Yorf Cty. -Mr. Mrs. S.. Charles At a. recenk meptng of the Browne and son, Arthur, and Mrs. Francs Ftzgerald Assocaton Elzabeth Kelley, of Melnaet plans were made for a socal J» b Street,, attended a famly dnner held Thursday evenng, January 1 party at the home of Mr, and Mrs. at.fltgerald's Hall. The nexl John Brunner,<. of Jersey Cty, regular meetng wll be held Janu Sunday, Mrs, Kelley remaned In aryd.' Jersey Cty for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Julus Schller, Mr. and Jtrfc C. B. Van Leer, of New York Cty, and Mss Margaret H«ff,of Langhorne, Pa., were Cranford. The Grls' Club held* ts postponed meetng and Chrstnas party at the'home of the presdent, Mss Ruth Browne, of tyelntet Street, Monday nght.* Mrs. Thomas McGeghan, of Jersey Cty, was the guest of her son-n-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, John Fnk, of Park Avenue, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Francs Ftzgerald, of Zeglex Avenue, entertaned relatves,from New Haven over e holday, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Falktn stern and son,. Norman, of New York Cty, are spendng several days wth Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Falkenstera, of Woodbrdge uue,. Mr. and Hrt. Davd Lecks and Mss.Dorothy Locke, of Oak lyn, were Chrstmas Day guests o: and Mrs. Thomas Hoftde, of ffth Avenue. ^-Mr. and Mrs, Karl Vanselou Its* Ethel Sherwood, of Brdflklyn, nd (Mss Mldred Sherwood, of New York Cty, were Cfrjstmes dnner guests of Mr, and Mrs. Ear] Palmar, of Manhattan Avenge. 'Mt, and Mrs, George L Byrd, of Ptanfftd, Mss Glora?mjth, of Newark and A. M. Smth, of town, Wflre dnner guests of Mr, and Mrs, A. M. Smth, Jr., of Prospect Av* nne, on Chrstmas Day. KINDLING FIREPLACE WOOD* FAM0UI READING COAL KOPPER'S COKE MASON MATERIALS FUEL OIL Itwe* We«dbrtdfe MW4 WARR CQAL» SUPPLY CO. ft OSOtGI ATtNDl, WOODBBmOl JANUARY FUR SALE Th* year we are out to break ALL prevous records Jn our hstory,', We are offerng the most gorgeous blends n select skns. We boast when we say thwe s no fner group, of Fur GJarments to be had aaywbere. ' SEE THEM / COMPARE THEM The» yea wll better appmdat* wkt we 194V, Newest Vp-toAke-Muade Style, tftt prce h rght en t^»»» Mr.»nd M». Vn«n*o SaWora, at B C«d«r $tre*t, Av«n*V who o.ietrated ther ffteth waddng untttarary Ut St)da>. The couple WM marrad on Deeamber 29, 1890. Mr.. Sdtttore! 64 yeart old tnd Mr. Salvalora 74. ' [ Mr. and Mn, Satvaldra hw«lx chldren, Mn. Anna Gtfa d Wllam, Cabmen, Mary, Patrltk»nd Mchael Salratora, ' Engagement Of Adelade Homed WOOWBRIDGE-At a dnner-, Bar and a member of Ph DeHo party held Frday nght at ther, Ph fraternty. No date hs, tnar home, Mr. and' Mrs. W* Leon Harned anounced* the engagement of ther daughter- Adelade, to Donald R. Morgansbn, ' Son of set for theweddnj, " Townshp Treasurer ana Mrs. 0, J, Mtorffmson, Mss Harned Is a graduate 6f oodbrdge Hgh School and Coloman's Busness College and attended the Unversty of Newark, Mr. Morganson s also a jrradu ate of Woodbrdge Hgh School and a graduate qf New York Unversty and New York Law School. He 1B a member of the New York GHR13TOPIjlERSON-DEMP9TER CDLONIA Mr, and Mrs. Charles Chrstopherton have announced the engagement of ther daughter, Agnes Mare; to Nof man Dempjtor, son of the late Arthur Dempster and Mrs. M, Smfo, of Rahway. Mss Chrlstbpherson s a gradu ate of I^ew Jersey Collage for Women, Class of 1933. Mr. Djmbster s a a graduate of the Engneerng College n Newark, Clans of 1034. tmn ^^BJBT UFA V* m^ MUSICAL TA! WQGDB1IDGE "Th4 >«ror's New Clothes, 11 a nl, fftnt&y wth a cast of over.' has been selected as ths y prcs«nt»,t prt by the Unted therhoodv of Woodbrdge, producton wlt be offered on day nlgjtt, February 7, at Woodbrdge,Hlg,k School j yum. "Fred. Brogs.Is «oharman., ft Is-expectd-that ths,,, how wll top last-year's sttdjkmt*, ful qfterlng. The, 7 ftrst.reh*m«a V..^ was held last ntfht. but'thetf Jv tlll openngs n the cast for tmt< bers Of the Unted BcothorhooJ, at Well M to all young people of hlgj ; school.agf^ot over and'for sr «t/ ^ and nutrcert'wno are nterest^' ".:,* Eunce Bloomteld Spontort Chmtma WOODBRIDGE Eunce Bkonv' feld aodety, C. A, R., feld ta»" m Chrstraaa party Frday ttmlfa joo'n»t the home of the " " '"' presdent, Mrs, Ernest C. K on Prospect Street. th? readng of "Swgs man" Tjy Barbara Reyder opene the program. Allcb Purnons ' "Woodland Whspers" on the and Vrgna Bergen read "I Durng the busness sesson, group, voted to send contrjb)! f>. the Crpwnore and T«; schools IIT the South. Refreshments ;wern served the tables were decorated In Ing wth the holday sprt members present were: Laura Joyce Morgenso, J prestdent, Vrgna Bergen, Jane Xllonbergor, Alce Pat Elzabeth Ann. Cooper, B Reyder nnd Mrs, Moffutt, Guests present were. Mrs, ahlh Persons,. Mrs. Ra; Klknberger, Mrs. Harry Mrs. Edgar, Morgenson and Grace Moffett. ClasslA'ed A4s.,Brlftg Resttt OAK TREE ROAD, ISELIN, N. J. BUDGET VOUR FOOD PROBLEMS WITH US CRISCO A Pure Vegetable Shortenng 15 45c 3 LBS, Campbell's Soups Except Tomato, Chcken jmmhroom k nut. C«n yu'rn uo\n PANCAKE FLOUR, 20-oz. pkg. 2 for 13c PEACHES, Slced, lgst can 2 for 25c KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES._ 8c UNEEDA BISCUIT *% «-3 for 13c SPAGHETTI, extra lge can... 3 for 25c HEINZ' SOUPS "SZ. STSra for 25c Chocolate Graham Crackers lb. 16c CORN KJX - 2 for 19c COKN STARCH.. 6c SWEET PEAS, extra good 3 can* 25c GRANULATED SUGAR 5k22». "BestofallBread" QUALITY MEATS * PORK LOINS CHICKENS DOLE'S UNSWEETENED ; uce 31ge,cans25 c WHITE 21c or,\ Drp RIVAL DOG FOOD 3 for WHITE VINEGAR gal. PRUNE JUICE, qt. bottle 2 for Mueller's Macaron. Spaghett 2 tor \ SALT, College Town 2-lb. bo* BISQUICR ACE HI0H DOG POOD 4 for II HOT CHERRY PEPPERS,...qt. jar 1! SAUER KRAUT, l ( st ««# 3 for WAX PAPER ^XL^qa ft CUT BEANS _,.3 ant SPECIAL FOR THURS., FR1.» A*D SAT t 1 ff. «,. LEGS OF LAMB lb. 23c FRESH HAMS,...,. Slced BACON, Volb. pk. 2 for 23c POWt Fruts and Vegetables

ut Mounttd Poke" Ha* RAM Q BACKSTAGE' ntsrpmtd Cast Of Cnema Stan UFE ISJEP1CTED That brghtly burnng star and genus wj c h ^ Cecj) & UeJWjle to fame as a poton pcture Pro o.hw npthn(r op thft lght used, by the srrng cast of DeMUe's new pettfrft for West' Mounted, Ptjlee/' now at the Msjesto Theatre, V Cooper and Madele starrng player* secv * nclude Palttldtte Goddnrd, Boston Postpr In Gay Flm ; ']Robert Preston, AJthr Taml*' "Ly)^Ovo'rm&n, 'George-Bancroft, Lpff^Bjoy, Jr. and' Walter. v An unsurpassed lst, f s /the f, bluest cast DcMHo ban*, ever offt tttw, a,cast suted to'the epc proportons of thjb pcture, apd one competent tp deal wth ts ))g story, tvo fact that ths s the. m_a»ter'«frst all-techncolor n ptjj the pthcr fast aspects of t producton. «,.'..'.,'];,. Before-makng't necessary fpp ;'., v anybody to 'road o ne about the ' ry of th pcture, t mght be '4 ttjat t contans enough thrlls tor any fve average pctures, just as ts cast has enough stars fpr y fve every-o>y flms. More an jlalt, the pcture has two love jtorpt, one a trangular affar Wth beautful Mss Carroll as the Dady, and the other a romance pr 'Whatever one mght call t bea tempestupu Indan' g(rl "Sandy Qet> Her Mnn,".n hja- Stuart Edwn and Baby Sandy n ho about as wld as th_e North t'fqut comedy, at t^e )tyjs a n d a Mpunte, Theatre, Perth Amboy. The acton of the pcture re- 2 calves ts ntal mpetus at Be, place where thousands of Dressng Smartly breed Mets are revoltng un- },/de* the leadershp of Duproc '(.Tamroff) and Gorbeau (Ban- ; jor$ft). Sergeant Jm Brett (Ppst- J^er), and Ronne Logan '(preston) of the mounted are told of the ' MefB 1 demands. In the course of the exctement at Batpche, jt beqpmes apparent that Brett s 1n- ' torched n Ronne's sster,' Aprl (Carroll), who s the mrae at the ' Battlement; flpwever, she' seema to thnk that he belongs too much tp'the Mounted. "Moon Over Burma" Wth a dash o about every-, thng that ha$ been 3eun before n f ", pctures of a defntely prmtve 'j.*, 1 character, ths s: a melodrama about lfe n the Burmose jungle. Thero arc mysterous ghost tgers, sck elephants, and nqustve cobra f a forest fre and, to clmax t all, a b.jg Ipg-jom, not Jo menton Dorothy Lamour who walks around n her usual scant cqstume, ths tme a bref beach ensemble. U'-^astatnplMss Lamour, on' mpht?'htynton Robert Preston,. P/eston 1 PoBtor, Dors Nolan nnd Albert Bassepnan.., '."T^o Lady n Quwfon" ' * Th(B's a Hollywood verson, very ' Mffllpt>tyy handled tpo, of # French \ flm about a kndly juror who takes?! nto hs home a grl acqutted of ^murder and th!e consequent com- If.; pltattom. All ends well.'however. '**' Bran Aherne, P» Hayworth,,- -Glenn Ford, Irene Rch and George & 't Ooqlgsrw te»4. an eble cast^ LATE : alary, u (comtantly faee<l w the problem of draftng martly, but nexpensvely. A»pluton t offered n th medumblue "rayon dren vrfth buttons down th«front and long easy tleeve whch make t a joy to wor c n. Hack Oake and Glenn.Mller and hs band -wll be seen wth Sonja flnse n ''gun VallJay/' ^r Ja^ pcture under her present ^ p j wth Pox. She s ejepepf^ ty tre from the ^creen afte^ lfb> l s completed.... CREKEHT AMBOY, N. J. pvery SAT. NITE. Jll fy t j» space ^ bt» fp*. Wttb onwwhh/.hv* made h,m Jhe *!>W# fow* versatle ff$lt " new.comthe Dtmae "!)* outdflb hlmaelf y ^ bht,4o ng g mta- ^th j ton*, pf mm o^the pflpujar wm r#dm; well- "BlbA^1 tolls tlp ftosy (tf t4 ^' * tp fbfs fol hut he omt* the commercals from b,a Drograrn? 'ajfjl th.r9jvs fj^e Cfluntrysfje jto terror. The'pfltprety pe gets,- becfjuje^p/ ths escapade jrjga hjs tyrpe". eje-wves, played by Bllfl furke, Sara, jadpn and Opnnp, Gflctjrstjr down uppn h,s head, all seekng aljmony, Hpw he escapes hs fate and lands hmself 4 job, wth' A 'comfortable jn^onle makes for ojte p'f the mpst ' ^rjous, flms tp cme'rbm polly-.»{! n recent' mphths. Romantc nterest «theflm'centers about a trangle consstng of Pan J)aley, jjr.', wn'o l^st appeared n "Dulcy" wth Ann Sotbern, Vrgna Grey, recently scan n ''Golden Fleecng" nd Ann MPrss, remembered for ler wprk n "Thj Wonep." fhe m alsq servfs to ntro^pe seyeral promsng n.ewcomers. Th.e3e nclude Kay St. Germane, wellknown to radp'anjdenceb, and Vr- [na O'Bren, who was featured n ;je m coast show, "Meet tlje People, 1 ' and wh.0. 8peca?e8 n sngng torph songb \n manner,. LtUp ten Lynn, youthful soprano, gets her frst chuoce t a Hpllytvood sogog role, and Dhnrles Holland, Negra tenor, stops the performance wth hs rendton of an operatc ara. Otlf- :rs n the Jarge cast nclude Nyda Vcstman, whose cfaracterzatjpr f the hejregs t» a patent medcne 'ortune }a resppn^^e for mapy»f t)e flm fgujfhs, Popaj;^ Me»k, Regnald, Owen,. Curt Bos, Larry Nnn 'ffl Qtrnett. Parker, fhe now comedy was' drected by ]S4- wn L. Marn. Jnt)>s%1 ' wjth I the Loy s team- O.pugjaj nstead j Powel --flhe s the lady magazne edtor ect herself from wolvea and It's a jeaf comedy,8?pw y, b«t Wth jttfattye f j$ Loy and gen al Mr Dot,' as, t's bound" to please a not-too-pavcular audjence. Frank Morja,n ftft«^---r^- Tv-rrr*<--* ' w ' * ^ loo" a new comody of backttage ttdo lfe nt the Dtrta In Perth Amboy v Gets Her Man Prp»t<?n rjorjh, W«*t MwKeJ polce" Perth Amboy. [<"' Wnner For Smcd\ Ska Prp staton Sandy's latest Wnyersal ' Sandy Gets Her Man.K come* t^oday to the,' Greaceflt Theatre wft Bt«art JSrwn, Una Merke Kewedy, s no mybtery > and».h»lf year ol/ e ^ Sandy's m%vff 1 v^ Rsynwnd Phwos, has been a Jar'momber of M?Q,uth Fasj Calforna,' Fre Depa-tment for twelve years. \ "' And ever sjnee San'dy las be/bl one year old, her jporenfe, Mr. and Mre. Roy Hen.y lle/haye taken tte yojng actress ^n perpdc vsts tp th$ % rehouse (Where her grand father s statoned. v c Konald Reagan and Pnacjla Lane have been gven the roles prevously as^gnpd to. Olva 4e Havlland ajd".gefl'ge Bron n "Mss \y^ef)w 1 }ght Dscovers AmeB'ca."...'',. ' Theftre,»n Actordng to Warners, the pcture n the Lpmp fanjly wth Gale Page ajd tlje lane p ters wll be "Four patters," Hath? er to be expected after tljer "fqxft pothers," don't you thnk-?, ON a r.». GIR REVEALEDJN FILM <The Man 1 Marred' rve At Cfefcsnt Screen Does. Any' wow^n ever really knpy the?jj«n Phf flvp* 7,. : That js be o,ub8 tlon prpboundea In "The'Man I Marred," the?ot"n Century-Fox flm whch s comnf J$ptK a,y to fan Grespejt Th^trp. The pcture BtortfJoan Bennett, ag thv art prtlc' qn'new York'* smartest rn,a,ctj )s jnd FrHel? jjmj'erpr»s't^p fthn shs'l.eaj'ftsto. fpar, '-Also»torrpd are "Llflyd No- Inn ahd AnnaSen.. '. A beauufugrra ^ml>?!n«r experfvnc'eb' wth to hu8b,an<l s.he found out toolat'e,.gr«'draroatcallr ro*cal*d. After they leave wth ther chld'fpr a vacaton, n the hu,s)an4'8 ; natye l nd,, he fall?-uh-,4'e'r, tjf»s fnn^er$ce pf the. "other! wpnwn, wrttrayen 1 by Anna Stcn. PlWeW ftvrlllant cast pchjdlnjr Dtt))"pV Mara Ouspenskaya, Johnny Russell and Ludwg 3toBSel, "The Man I Marred" amasheb ntp a thrllng plnrx that prppe4 Brevewcrs. 'Alwayt A Brde Gay Flm, Mfkes Strand fjebflt Tuts> There's plenty of laughs n store fpr Strand. Theatre patrpns Tuesday nght when the Warner Bros.' comedy "Always A Brde, 1 ' open* locally.. The flm Is an Wlavops tale of a young Mh» whoflnd»herself engaged to two men. Rosemary Lane anc^, George Reeves ate started" ns a romantc couple who have to thrwart the plans of John Eldredge who plays the role of a sdelne sutor. Marshall (John Eldredge) s the man Rosemary's lathe' wants hpr to marry, whle Mko (George Reeves) s her own choce, of the groom-to-be. She allows her father <to persuade her and when Mke hears about t he leaves towj. When he returnfl, the town's Mayor asks hm to run as a stooge opppnent n order to assure hs own electon end Mke accepts.. Rosemary Lane's frst screen ap;..jj^wa? snce leavng Warner? wll be n ''Pony Out the Moon," a whch she wll appear wth DennB O'Keete AT TK F1VU CUKNIOIIS PIUJN'K y- *. 4-aass TQDAY THROUGH TUESDAY, JANUARY 7JH. mtm k rtft^' no Many U}n^ t tongh,.? %p!fls al tt ". ^fl ' tt * / C Htr, Wh :» he turns ha tottm'^-^j^ h^'^ 'MMW* tymt^mew "Too M m nt t?!! prtwttta» n w b, njanner, "Too Mft v ^thng decdedly nt». rgo Marol, J L.., 1 d actor, wrote tw Wfrht Jw?» ^ f»urs't 0 ho?dfcl to ha«ch^ hep sngng ol««ndnk ht tuf.^ changed te I)K««, chanjfed h # S Md^ personalty ««d s up*.w.<w 4_xl_^, the color l of f c>' ha^. h WWe caflh Peahna Durtn nm help but wo)) ter whut there tflrau have announced about h»r th syted Hoftywo^ In* dajtt a» June 1,1«UYC#refr«el the Campjs. Football! Collegate! C H tter IN MEMORIES" THERE'S tlke IN HER IYI.,. und the Polce on. th«tral... a Amtrca't. No. I Bt^y uffj n a hrtt-skjm laugh rjotl 8ANPY P I grwin Uofl MEBKEt Edgor KENNEDY Wm. FRAWLEY ALSO CjHAPT^R %Q "THE QR^EN HORNET t AGAIN" SACRIHCE and BRAVERY! m L : '.. > JPEDICATEDto;. the darng o tho W men who forfeted.. & ther lves... and? thjw* love.,, to - brng the lav? to a StARTS WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8TJL PlfVUE TUESDAY NIGHT, JAN. 7fH. FRANK 4T9 5HQW SATURDAYS Utl C*Mpl«l«l Show U po P. M. All 8 att «, T«* lotjutd AI WAV" wth PON AMECHE JOHN BARRYMORE n the Sde Splttng Comedy "THEREAT FWfM" Beautful but Smart! L' U t^lfotf[eyamelware to the Lades Mm- Jlffd n \\ 4 )}l\r- nw' Th«Arablnno bollevea that tla uod qf Kl»K8 wts' j re^fcjjy' for lydrophobltt. ''le Fautour tuhrnent, vrl«l,n'(tel tfy the fumouu jvtmulf ' phyblcln, Was elmlaatel tllu dread dl»- Q.9t««Jt your phya^claj lu mm mm, mam wm / D FAMILY «( our hlfk q«t»iity york dp* DE',\ V: II- m W

10BR1DGE FAILS GAIN CROWN 0) )# COMPETITION Wons^UualOneCrTwo L r Jp J H [Worst Y«ar_jn Decade VTED 3RD IN CENTRAL 1SEYFOOTBA1X11AC f REN'TOft the' New - Jwey tcrscjolptc Athletc,'As- L u, ln H thn week announted t lbtnff'of atute and «Mt!o'tt) desgnated farng the Hgh, School,-In rej always > champon In or two sports, faled to,ult» t "bs year, The brtt t dd, (, urn 9 thrd tjwt In Central L,, y Group IV foolbafl, beng Lj out by Asbury Park and New ' complete Itattngj are BASEBALL Htb. nm h Jersey, IrrlnjrWn Jersey, Perth Amboy Jersey, Trenton.. up "3=- - ' [«rth Secton flecton lentrnt, Curtwet outh, Woodbury lup 2 forth, Secton 1, JUdgtwoodf 'Dttnont, Fort Lee; SrttoaMt.Wa njton. FranMttr, jhl)h>urtt l/jboltb ' ' outh, Mddle Cape May Court H«uw BASKETBALL orth, Dvsla» 1,' jjbmorfe! Hgh, Wort new todk; Dvson 2, East Qrm* («t*te champonshp) cntnl, Aabury PtA " outh, Collngswood up 3 forth. DWskn 1, Rutherford (state champkm) entro. Bound Brook op 2 nth, DlvsUn l.botou; Dlvl son2, CranJWtf entrtl, Hghland P«lt Duth, WUdwood <«ut* thanpon) Hgh Scteol, 4 orth, Nutey. bntral, Asbury Perk buth, Colllngswood p P 3- o-th, fental.cartwet puth, Haddonfteld ot, te: Eodol*Park, Pomp. Iton Lakea kntral.lmnantebtch.mdat. {town TownsMp h, Mount Holly Celfca'* Wrf, nvwkk SOCCER Hgh Now' h, te: Kearny, Memoral of Vest Jfe* York ptral, no ttuo awarded bth, TrenUn Hgh t 3 ' *th, te: Hackensack, H«v son, Tooncck *. tral, Hamlton fownawp [th, Ifadtlon HefhU. th, tt; Chatham, Venn* fentral, Pennngton Central jth, no ttle «w»rd«d SWIMMING ool, Trenton. chool, Blar Academy 7ENHI8, Hgh Skhool Only (Cotorba Hgh, Bo, J ]N <u>d n Street merchants' car- > hlgh«*t qualty me^chnnhe food lne, are now lon ther tjew and larger adjonng the prevous \n Man Street, The prc* WTy ponal Gw»nr, Mr. e^ertpftl»ed nl,lne of macaron and «tea, a *^ «T (fruts, ^ and hgh grade fanned fhe store,fl3;tuj:#»s*re of t modern and «anttary for SPORTS ECHOES Joumallfn'* hlt >f fwtf hosts no mote outxttn^ Ing &erbonnlty than#aul.galleo. A crack Reporter;one of the naton'* gre&teat porta wrter, Galleo'*, recent Hollday etorjjw now-btsmp.-hm' ««, whte-hope or lt«natre. ', ;(.,,'. "<.. : "H«Is forty-thwe n»w/' Wlte oporto cdlurohlj; Bob ConWdlne, " HWgy.frendly guy wth «romantc heart and g hut for lfe and 1 lberty.". An untmely end at the age of 1021M CensdnVs predcton fqr GalUco'B defllte, but dven then hfe^r'ebably>won't forgv? hs Maker for sweepng hm of. tje earth before he hd tme to try, sec, and wrte al the thngs that Ol h* heart and 1 mnd. ' Hs VlertreBe father, one Pmcneo ouhe leadtog'panst-corn* poaers of-the early nneteen Hundred", accordng to Qon* rdtne, wanted hm to follow In'hs own footsteps, but the youngster, 1 once he w*s ff J!.,a to play football, had Other Ideas, He decded he must do thfnga on hs own, so he became n turn a atevejore, a 'score-hummng usher, n the Metropoltan Qpera Hquse,' amuhttkms'worker, a' salor and a tutor.. ' ' As <»ptanof the varsty «rew at Golttmba, GajlQO bult up. a BoldbcltgToundfor the sports wrtng he ^d later, Startlng hs colleague/^he begn to attack stforfc from the human angle. He alway«worked OB the premse^ that A boll on the back of Ty Cobty B n«ck was as mportant as, he battlnr average, More than any other wrter* Consdne wrt**, Gallco put the #weat n«j smell of porta Jnto spoyta store As a result, the fansbtll pne for hm, Though Gallco derves an almost sensual pleasure from the mechancs of puttng words'on paper, he enjoys, not wrtng just as much. He s hopelessly nfatuated wth deep-sea fshng, and knows enough about movng pcture cameras to have amassed t flm lbrary ^hjch e\wes constantly for deafyttou of foregn homeb, landscapes, customs, and, clothes. Bob o.n.w,. : At the moment, Gallco a n the throes of the greatest j of hs lfe. On the eve of World War II, whch he was assgned to cover, he developed phlebets, 1 an excrutlatlngly panful afflcton.. The drect descendent of ths alment s the mo«t recent; Hram Holday story. In ths brllant fact-studded Acton, Hram accomplshes everythng Gallco hmself could not. He s equpped wth the same mpellng gall, plus hs own curous humlty. ^'Where Gallco wll be or what he^l jb 'dong when M Consdne concludes, "h&ven "only la safe to say that f he can str, he^rll fee thngs are happenng, throwng hs full 210 poupds nto t he tackles." ;!. ;;;;,.;;; ;', UCJDQING AUTO KILLS MAN Claveknd, O. Thomaa F, Drfr- «ler, *7, ;» * Instantly klled whle standng; at the sde of the road dactunfc* a mnor traffc accdent, when* swddng automoble Uruck hm. Hs companon, N. H. Deady, 53, was «l»o serously njured. OUR DEMOCRACY WfAMfWTONW f ROM 3P0RTS TO ECONOMICS ~ WE'VE p MOXAr/Z 0. y BLASTB SEW TO DEATH Tamaflua,?a^-aett«ng off»tck of (yjw<te on hs chest an undentfed wall n thought to have commtted sucde. The man's left arm was blown off and bja clothen were n tatters. A "burnt fuse was found nearby. Y: ' ( $A$ 3AU m PEVEWPEP FROM AN OBSCURE EUROPEAN GAME CAUCD'ROUNDERS.' CuECWNf ACCOUNTS, ENJ6^t> 1 COMfRy4, USEp 8V MILU0H4 JN THE U.&A. UFE INSURANCE, STARTED IN ENGLAND,»AMOST UNIVERSACHEK. IOW COST EDUCATION l$'tdi MOST Qop$, Looks lke Anybodys Ball A bt of fat acton n the Kwnlu I'mverty fdotbu L»»gof Tokyo *«Kao UaW(rttly nbtd out tmpwkl Dnlvantr. 6 to 0. Rugby football l mor. popular- wth J» MU>M««j»rt fan*»k«l» AnorlcMt football whch «n ntrodmul «v«ral y««r»»ga. n:- Natonal Motorboat Show Opens January 10 NEW YORK The nutontl motoflott»how, wfclch open at Grand Central PaUee n New York Jfnuarr 10, wh mark the dartng gum o( the 1041 recreatonal boatng tcaon. A *arl«t of m*»t. ag of qauoker boatng organf atlant wll rrrou* around the how..thajra are ample lcm alruuy Hble, however, pontng t«a»ub»t»nt«l ncretm n the number of boat owaen In tn«unted State» anj effort to «dntl'nu«regatta and ptker boatng fr 09 a wder *«1». WWe a (Wt many rtgatta data already been decded ^p*«for next laaan, uvtral bnportant erent*, locmng the h gold Up, reman tp be dettrmnej. bternatoasl competton stlt oat of the queston and the gold cup agan wll prove the feature of Amercan motorboat racng. Th* Monteuk (Long I.Ian) Yacht Club am the Indan Rver Yacht Club of RockUdge, Fla., hare frst clanu on th* 1941 race, nut hould they declne to hold the classc, the gold cup contest board must decde the ssue. In tht fvent the De> trot Yacht Club, whch' has staged numerous gold FLUSZ HEARS TOP IB ALLEHOURNEY Holds Sxth Place Wth 1st Half Average GU92.27; N Other Locals lsted la Eecreatlon towlng t«am,: $ operatng n sxth placo r th«mjddlesex County Bowlng Lpague, aecordngf to frst-half averages released ths Week, M. LaUer, of Schwartz'*, s on top wth 205.3; L. Stryker, of Sehwartz's, e next wth 197,4; M. Udzelak, Academy, s thrd; Htt> 193.15; Kennedy, Brennan'a, s close behnd wth 103.3; Tmko, Schwartz's, follows wth 192.8.9, and tluatt wth 19,2,27, Other Fords pnners lsted are K. Larsen, 10t), 191,17; T, Baptyfc,. 82t»d, 186,10; J. KorresW, 36th, 184,8;/ S. Kubj»k, 43rd, 181.23; I* Pa^k, S4th 118.2$, and W.Bomer, 68th, l?33. ' JARTEREI Wll Oppose SL Joseph's Team On Borough Court Sunday Nght WOODBRIDGE The Mayor Crener ' Assocaton, basketball combne wll travel to Cartsre Sunday nght to tanglo wth h fast St. Joseph's Catholc O}ql) passers at St. Joseph's court at 8:30 o'clock.. The Carteret aggregaton boastg of»n «xc«ll«nt «n«t <ft courtetera, consstng of former Carteret Hgh stars. TIJUB far ths season, the Sants have won sx engagement)! anl lost but one. ' * Tt». followng players are quesud to me&t & at the twb H House Sunday S nght at 8 o'clock to make t)» Wp U> Carteret: T6nf l Frank JfMt, P«rcy W<v Jcovete, V(alt Mewn, "Dtnny" Mo Leod, Steve Pothck, Mckey K»rnaa, "Toke" Gyenes, Frta Lcfflfr, Soapy' Mayer and Barron l^ev, The Greners have been pant t)te u»e o the hgh school gyrt, by the Board of Educaton for baskat* U s&ms. Tt» elub wll,put weekly «0nt*ata ettrtog next week or the followng week. Manas Jfljmy Kettjjf plans tollng so«t of the beet, Sjunor teams of th* n4 J&te here to meet b,l Grelnea 1 tw^pe whldrwn be tnad» up. of all former. Weodbrdgs Hgh y vestfgatlnf the possblty that; e»r r G ^ A dtjd l K»v'e, order to be flte «np MM* n th* pact, rqmm to Maka a U for (hp regatta. -. ', OUUr< On Profram Tha Albany t*. N«w York nwratln, \k* Uoaal twatptak**, Ua Pre»M*»t' cup and tlw ^rcollegatft anj natonal ovjjsoar danpvn- -tmpt ra anont other major annual ra«* fxture! t» be Hhednlad. Th«motorboat r«g«tu loaum wll ««oudor way n Florda In February. Interested? Ice FsWng Season Opens In State Tomorrow; Clow Jan. 2$ Wp01)BRIDG»>-Tlje «. fshng (n case theje, s (e'e) opens closes January 26. That means 23 days'cf fshng possbltes, Under the old lav, the season opened on New 1 Year's Day and lasted for 20 days..' ""...'There has been skatng on a number of North Jersey ponds rght along. The chances Are that tbftre. b wll be ce on the ptnds, and njaybe the lakes tomorrow. The ce fshng season npple? only to perch, pke-perch, pke ard pckerel. You're allowed to take 10 n the aggregate of per<& and pke-perch and 10 n the aggregate of pke and pckerel. What you wll probably catch, wll be perch and" pckerel. If you are plannng t» go fshng through the ce, now s the tme to ebnstruct tp-upa, or buy them f you're not handy wth tools. Each fsherman s allowed 10 lnes when fshng through the tco. Another thought: Don't fal to get your 1941 fshng lcense start out tomorrow. L n 1 9 4 1. '. ' -. ' before you : ". CARTERET PINNERS SLAP FORDS RECS Take Two Out Of Three To Shove Loeal Deeper lo- * to Mar Slot IfORD3 The Fords Rec pnner* dropped two out pf three games to the 'C^rteret'Academy keglers jn 8 Mddlesex County Bowlng League natch" over the weekens. The Carteret team took the frst game, 1086 to 977, and the second, 978-840. Fords won the thrd, An Slatej For Jatumyj KEARNY-flUta.. cup mpetltlon, to draw for quar 1 flnal, vu trw^plata January F«ur ganm-vtr* l»t«d for thl day, game tme for all beng 2:; Athona Steal A. C, Clfton" wq me«t Arfl'6, C, 7at««b't, at Clfton; BowtR?atnq» ABoclaton, Harrttat, «H)'tftnjrle wth tn«' Harrton. Harm ft, C, at Cork's ^4, tyr Newark; London CWclct JL C^.Trtftton, wll \otnn wty Chambar B«ly Work* B< C, trentop, at Yett«r Feld, Tronton, «td V«)tVI» S. C,,, Trenton, w(ll engage the Satnerdalo 8. C. atweuelfjew, Trenton. LOCATQUINTS HFT TOUCH OPPOSITION :alalatp«barter, 23-22, n Industral Loop; CeramcawToMetalt FOUDS-LCIMI court combnes Ployng <\t ths Pertf Amboy Y. H. C, A. Industral Bajketball Loague met ftlff «ppobt4on Frday nght. Tto Cataln quntet elted'out a 2S- 22 wlwwn the BArhar Asphalt drbblere.'wfle the Gen«r&l Ceremcg dropped «89-80 decaon to a Ind u: Natco Eqalpn S<afa Carbor FO the Nal pany kef pettnjr dustral 1 setbacks I of Handerhaa Wagonholor, wth eght and «x r«spee> Owlaj ' Tka york of natonal boatng ergapfamtlata, lvely, paced the Catalan club." b B, B mjudu(r tha UbUt Sut«s Power Squadron*, HU, wth ten counter*, «ra» beat Amercan Power Boat A«laton and Natlomal for tb«cerwuc. Outboard Atocaton, wttl \>* Ut^nMUd <lwho tl* BwrW (It) oentury comng year, Th«U; S. P. 8., tll worka on a»' G F F 208, n cxpanlon drv*, now ha» 8^ unt throaghout tk* Bartz, t 2 country where free, nstructon clam are ton. Pyfft, * '.,- : 8 2 8 ducted n mall boat handlng; lejtmanhlp and Leffler, c, '0 mtgaton. Kelly, % WatU The formaton of the Unted State, Coatt P l Dekson Q«ar4 Rewrve lat uramar opened,up a >fw at«- a of Mtmtjr for the owterf of recreatonal craft, Vrobel, Hntre UMJ tk«servce t expected te ncreaae U remtre G&udet, 977-910. Fords century rollers who ht doubleres were: 212. and, 214; Romer, 203; Pavlk, and 220, tmd fcftfsk, 202, <» Stotjka.. 2U ISO 178 Donnelly 'lu. 168 203 101 Golvanek... IW 200 100 184 183 171 Udzelftk 24G 201 1R2 Fulw Romer, : PavlJc Kubttk,- Sawyk...!..-.!. T«t«b 212 203 202 169. Fords Bowlnt Results... 822 m Coal (I).., 167, 139 CUBA BAETOK-TlJ* lew, treuw 20-21 nt W4 to A. A,, 3T to?t tt Totals ;.-.., 0 22 Rapack,...:... f r IVsgenhofer, f Krlla, c Hnodertam, g : Barcellona, g Devern, g..>..:, Ceramc* <2O) G Anderko, t 0 B. HU, f.., 4 Kosp, c., 3 JeglnaW, «0 Dava, g 0 6 976 910 Wkaeh, t e Brocnnan, f, I 159 214 KashWew,,e 128 102 157 220 183 182 165 160 840 977 Tptata :.../- 8.72! Score by perods; «rb«r 0, 6 8 8 It Cataln B 10 7 1-43 Karnaa, g % Smaller, «0 Handerhan, g 0.'. Totals -.. 8 U. 3. kual (93) g Ma«l«y, c _...\. I.. OHftra, e -" I- Ogden,f"...»..., Totala Scor«y p Ceramcs 8 U. 3. Motak, 8 18 7 P P 0 0 2 10 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 % 0.4 0 0 0 0 2 SO BONHAMTOWN FWE WHLPPEDBY COLTS BrmswkkCourtstweSUro Cl»ver, 50-29, For FHth Cowecutve Vctory tcored twelve pont* to lend h$ Hcseart Colts to a (0 to 29 vctory over the Bonhamtown C\mt», ther ffth n a row, at the Ttfaw, Brunewefc Y. U. C. A. court Ft'k day nght. The Cloven moved to fte fro n to t, In the ttt perod, but UKS Colte upfurl«3 a Ig-twutttwlfln the next stenza to gan the HM> never to 4)«h«««d. A. S'upaky, g.. u f 5 8:W Hatpan... Wynkoop To land' Ion fht. Totals Gtanr Rotner. Puec... Bandct Kuhlak. Jenkns, Total* n *«, 17 IS 13 tl C0n mm out Le 8d, and/ *ta» twn" 191 107 157 [ 176. v»l m Shel Kr,olme., fhuler... Bohlke.. Kovach.. HemleeH 1 Totals Sabo Berhdt,.,.> Columhefct der Md. de--

I IP»'-«. So, Ithtr Jbetr /.to» /Year It lfe Jack to f on yoj, f. what y the near Avenel Notes -41*. and Mrs. Arthur Gamlln nod chldren, Conatanc* attd Blch-,«rd, «f CWeafjo, III., hare returned home after pendlng teveral days wth Mr. and Mrs. Ch&rles Brook' Well, of Burnet StrtaL, Mr. and MM Joseph Chlpponer, of Avenel Street,.Were, the Colonla News % MM, Albert G. Rehberg Mr, and Mrs. Nehon, of Mr. and Mrs. Wllam J. Burboqr were the guests vt Mr. andchan o 1 HIIIB Roacl, entertaned Nef Mrs, Frederck Smth, of Trenton, Mr. York. and Mr. Mrs. and F. Mrs.?. t %«ndl, of Saturday nght, CD1O*W, and Mr. d and Mn, B. Ort» Mr. *n3 Mr«4 A. N. Nelson tg, of Avenel, at a NejrYear's E7v«me entertanng Mr. and Mrs. Pratjk CorbeU, Of'New York, lor a _ /. and Mrs. Jarnfes A', Felton, Chrstmas dnner guests of Mr. and T *r dbys. ''-, of CJhAn o 1 Hlls Road» entartaned Mr" Herbert Head on George James Mason, of Dover Road, the-former's brother ;and;slflter-n- ~*eet, ; ". left Monday, jfor^a.vacaton on a «w-, Mr., and Mrs.Se.orge W. Fulton,?* Hamlton.N. Y,.; George W: anker to Hwfwn, ^«us'«nd return. Mll., Felton s presdent; «f' tne Felton George Murphy, of-brooklyn, and Patrck Devany, of New York, 'Cty r..were gu'estt of Mr. and- Mrs. The Women'sfeepullcaj CClubl b Engneerng Servce* v [wll meet next Wednesday after; John Etterahank, of- Park Avenue, -^Mr, and'mr.ff.'p. Mason, of, ttoonkt Coldnte C^-apratlve head- Saturday., '.rover ftoad* ojtcr'tatw Mr. and Mr, and Mm.' Rubn Greco, o uarter«, StGeorge Avenue," Avnue" * Mrs. A;' B. Hftdlow,.^f-FET Rockaway, L.I., through the Kdlda-ytf. Mr; Fffth Avenue, we're, -the.recent M and Mrs. J,' B. Tffany Tf erj-.'ertaned Mrs. M. Gjtqn and son, guest* of Mr, and Mn. Albert»- Mn. and'mrs. Herman Jeroff, John, at dnner recently.' [Peld»,'of Jeney Cfty. ' of Enftold Rcj»d,' entertaned Mr, -rthe M1s»e»j OjVe «nd Joyc.o th^. -Al6mber and frends 6f the Johnson, daugherx '9^ M r< >an anfl Mrs! Joseph Grady 1 fthd son, d Ladles' 'Auxlary of Avenel Fraj Jacke, of Woodbrldge. Monday Mrs. Wllam Johnson, of folum- JCompany No; l to v wl»wnff to. attend' n l t f h t n ' ' ' ' ' Ba Avenuo, were,hostesses at;a [ the nstallaton banquet of the fre.. MrUnd Mrs. Henty.Q. Madto Chrstmas party at thor Rome.Saturday nght; Geals 'wars:' 'the company to be held tomorrow'nght ofllahned R Road,, entertaneu the at Klub Kalta «re asked to make former's satc, Mss Margaret Msses UUy Jonsttne, Lllan and reservatons.wth Mrs, A. J, Fox, -Mades, of Rchmond H1U.-L. I., over M«f]orlc Merraon,' Helen Seres, of Lord Street, before sx o'clock the weekend;, Evelyn McCorm'aok; Edward Madsen, Carl Luna and Harold ' Mr. and Mrs, John Barbour, and Can You AnsVer Tl ese be DC made.jx wotjr uukw>» benefcal n stoppng or aec«l«. tonght. mlnd -t-mr. and Mrs., Rchard Seyforth and chldren,»f Park Ayenw the holdays wth ther son-n-law l.«does It l«lp to Teducc ftr g joy rogu- George Welsh. r quzzes hmself on these questons St., of West Street, are spendng ' Quz Questons?- ' atlng on straght smtlon.of cy,wll also read and remember, the., they do not prtvlde eoh: the BeM*mn*l»dy 'Lous lorb, of Inman Avenue, answers.gven below. '"*' ' on and Mr. and Mn, Peter Greco and and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank (!» a Vooklng lor uncops;» machnes and Fgarro,over the weekend, Mr. over cy surfaces? jntertaned Mr. and Mrs. Angclo pressure n trea when travellng trol daughter, of Avenel Street, Were Monahan, of Paterson. -, Answers to Hghway oums. CrrtlM BETROTHAL ANNOUNCE) vstors at Fort DW,' Sunday,' Mr. and Ms. Sdney, Betujon d as provdng an tzta* AVBNEkJfa. and Mrs. [and Mrs,' Fgarro left Monday fo 2, When s an cy pavement Safety Qut ' dt Colona Boulevard, werethe dn of safety W modvttty Mr. and Mrs. Wllam Barth, three weeks vacaton n Florda. ner guest* of Mr. and Mrs. Alvlnmost ( dangerous! when the ar 1. The common practces of Avenel,»wonl«the gpeed, but»^arg^ t «t of Planfleld, and Mr. and Mrs Mr; ahtt Mrs. fted Carlson, of Johnson, of Hghland -Park, Suntemperature s 2 degrees above lowerng fre pressure and ncreasng the load over rear wheels W, M.88 Hoy pears f speedave too fufc ofthetr,4»* WjM ftr y,to Harry WUon, of Newark, wen Berkeley Avenue, attended s New freelng or when t la 2 degrees Chrstmas dnner guests of Mr day. 6. In stoppng on»upp«ry Year's Bve the home of,, opt $f hs son'sand Mrs. Frank Barth, 4 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Tex below freezng? to ncrease tracton on slppery Fords.: ; NjmnWato plans) of Manhattan Avenue. ' The group vst*' the engne n b4'hg«ar wow the roads, let the brakng power of H. Hawknon, -of Mo'ntclar. Rlalf gatllnl : n^ter-... Edde «lla, of Inman Avenue, entertan B.< Ate tres wth good treads surface*-*re not recommended. been read* for the weddng The Women's New Deal Clpb «ll toy* # for summer to led Mr. and Mrs. J. Tejll an< much batter than smooth tres on The resultng ncrease n tracton relatves n Yonkera durng th vehcle down to nbont 10-1JJ m\\% wll meet at the Colona Co-operatve headquarter? 't*!'- Oertt^celvo4 4 A'complete daughters, Vnn and Mary, o day. * 1 1, "7 ) '_. t-. -.11- com* *ls wfe 1 cy roads! On wet roads? for stoppng s slght, and ths Is. ^r- T -^ KITCHENS per hour, usng! the brakes lghtly, on St. George Perth Amboy, Mr. and Mrs. F. Es- and famly, of Fxtrds, an* Mrs. Frank E. Barth, of Man 4. How do hghway departments prevent _ san'd or cnders, more than offset by reducton of Cooktng> tppllancob whch f necessary; then dsengage the the test* at modernty arc ^hltyoung h Avehu next Tuesday, January 7, attosto aon s prayer jja rosult of a com- Monday Afternoon Contract CIul used n skdprooflng, fromblowhattan Avenue, was hostess to th [safe speed on curves, clutch and apply brakes cautously for the fnal stop. "Pmpng" wthn tha ov«n and out ol laud thotoqjfmy to keep. 8;1B P. M. "Mrs. Joseph- Grass! Mr. and Mrs. ;H. Seaj of Ne 2. Strange though t may seem, [and MIBS Anne lorb wll'be hoat- Brunswck, at dnner 6n Sunday. ;«**!'» rancoat outft ths week when a Chrstmas part),\ng off the road or beng brushed cy surfaces are more treacherous the brakes lghtly off and on Is ktchen. Snce perfect Imk Sck 1.":,.. And fwas held. Mrs. Ross Allen am SCO* Mr. and Mrs. Hersr jblancn[off by traffc? > at 2 degrees above freezng than the oven of a modern gn much better than, locktog the lfcy Mtlr's house n Mrs. James McCreery, of Wood Mrs. J. B Steele, of Colonla ford and son; Jeffrey";-Were th 5. Can a -vehcle wth tre they are at 2 degrees below freezng. As temperatures go down, s not frequently opened Is certan and assured, the brakes for mantanng control «$' movea on the gar-brdge, were prze wnners. Othe Boulevard, was the dnner guest guests of the former** parents, M, chans negotate cy curves at I jk be frghtened, It's members present were: Mrs, Pauof Mr. and Mrs. Charles Osborne, and MTrs. H.E. Blanchfdrd, of M of drecton. safety on cy surfaces goes up 'peekng* kn4 ths makes fotj hfgher,eda than a vehcle wthout chans? ; «g out hs now move Kngaberry and Mrs. Howard StIT of New York, at the Hotel Commodore, New Year's Eve, -Mr. and d Mrs. M J. J 1B t tuchen, New Year's Day. ltehns, "' "!nd the stoppng dstance on ce well, of Woodbrdgo; Mrs, Hard of t 15 degrees s actually 37 per HOSTESS AT CARDS Davd, of Clerk Townshp; Mrs., Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Sut, Colona.,, brakes be appled when stoppng :ent less than at 34 degrees. WOODBRIDGE Mrs, Frank w* \ Contnued: Wllam Berth, of Planfleld andjof West Street, attended the dn-mrner-dance of the Edgecomb Steel Frday np;ht. Mr. Tffarty s con-on an cy surface? D'Angelo, of Amboy Avenue, was BRAKES H. ft Kent, of Itton, N.' Y., 3, On cy roads, condton of Ley receved a scrump- Mrs. Thomas' Thompson, of town. ;rcs does not have much bearng hostess at a card pttrty held at her (.toh from "Breezy," BO trjrev, Wllam Ruel, Kue, 01 of Oskoah, VSKOSII, Corporaton at the Baltusrol Coun- fned to hs hojne wth frhne.. LSst wnter on Lake Cadllac, on skddng. In the case of wet home Frday nght. Those present,.. And snce SKra rng for Mch., s^ spendng-the holdays!try Club n. Sprngfeld, Saturday Mr. and Mrs. John loro en» Mchgan, the Natonal Safety roads, however, cars wth good were: Mr. and Mrs, Sol Dochnger wag g wth hs brother-n-law and sster, nght, tertened Mr. and Mrs. John Sllva, Couftjll and a group of co-operat- ;reads are defntely better. and son, Leon; Mr. and Mrs. James STEERING ^ Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hayden, of Edward.McCormack,, of Prnce of New Brunswck, Frank Colcarro [ng agences conducted an extensve nvestgaton of the 'problems IASY 4, Practcally all hghway de Deal and sons, Robert and Barton, na ys wavng n that "see- Park Avenue. ton Avenue, attended the Kdde and' Mr, and Mrs.-Ralph'Ambrose mm n. a partment now treat jsfdproof ng of Newark; Charle-Peterson, Mr,,...-. orrchrstmas" manner. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wllamson, Mes Vera Wllamson, Mss ples' Fsllowshp of St. Paul's Eps- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carlson Costume Party of the Young Peo- on Sunday. nvolved n wnter drvng. The abrasves wth calcum chlorde. and Mrs. D'Angelo, Lo.u D'Angelo yto the]eon Gerty s also sportcorrect answers to the foregong and Adelne D'Angelo, of town. Vl. ' & watch and I bctcha Irene Harrs and Harold Wllamson, of Dunollen, and Mr, and Mrs. house n Rahway. Muka, of Rahway, and Mr. and copal Church held n the parsh entertaned Mr, and Mrs. 'George questons are found among the nterestng and valuable data : Mo0 *! doughnuts Santa Claus devel- 'g t to hm... And wth August Reman, of town, were j Mrs. Sdney Benujon, charman of the R^d Cross Drve n Co-nght. the heavy wnter traffc toll can Mrs, Davd Soderstan, Sunday oped. Substantal reductons n back n town for the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward! Grace has been all Grade, of Park Avenue, Saturday lona, reported a total collecton Mr. and Mrs. Alvn Johnson. Lyman s studyng nght. of $126.10. Parent-Teacher Assocaton, Women's New Deal Club, ed the Msses,Mary Horacek and father, Clfford Johnson, entertan- LEGAL NOTICES at Boston Unversty Mrs. Herhert Head, of George NOTICE TO AM* CnEDITORS OF wll be remembered as.street, entertaned- Mrs. Frank Colona Cvc Improvement Club Laura Johnson, of New York, and THE FAUtFIELD BUILDING AND dtor of the old Leader. MacGarrah, Mrs. Walter Housman, John Davs, of Yon6ers,.at a New LOAN ASSOCIATION: and Women's Republcan Club of Woodbrdge, and Mrs, R. G. Pe-werl h b -brdge d g the worthy cause, Mr. ard MTS. C. W. Knauer, hereby gven to' tle croflltors of Monday afternoon. Mrs. Mac- Mrs. Henry Lavn was hostess Of Farvter-Avenue,,.entertaned»a[l»a[l AnBoclatlon to brng In umler among those contrbutng 1 fursuant to the statulo In such Year's Eve party. to ca»e made and provded, notce Is of town, at a oath hw debt*,- demnrtdn afd Garrah was hgh score wnner, I to the Sunday School class of St, Mrs, T. Does, of Atlantc Sghlands, Mr. and Mrs. A. Levn and wltlln three h month? from tha dnto hereof, and In default thereof thoy flh' aganst snld Asaoc-latlon,,...-_ -,,.. Lotery Buld- The Exempt Fremen wll meet I" "-'- Cecela's Man Street s not complet- M: Msson: -» ; ""-. Glory fles from the staff Wednesday nght at the frehouse. Mr. and Mrs. James Black, of chldren, Florence and> Bob, of ^hali be barred from nny acto: toof daly,.. Many.townfsjdents mght take a leaf jtreet, spent the holday wth rela- Mss Elzabeth Aszmar, of Elza- Jeannettc Nathan, of Bronx, N. Y., the ttorslfne Trunteco. Walter C-oan, of Avenel Patrca Avenue, are entertanng Brooklyn, and the Msses Irene and therefor aganst De Assoclutlun or HOWARD W. SHARP, «}Mr. Lotea-y's book,.. Mr, tves n Brstol, Conn, beth, fo 1 the'holdays. at dnner Sunday. Arthur Knauer ROBBIIT W. HAUnS, Mr. and Mra, Aubrey Woodward, of Farvew 1 Trusteed In voluntary DlssoluHon s spendng the week wth- hs CHAHLBS 8GHTJSTER,, ' M'^y *he way, s an Englsh' %«f..."it s rumored that the ENGAGEMENT TOLD Avenue, enter- grandmother, Mrs. T. Does, of Atlantc at the Ffllrfleld Buldng and J.oa Hghland. M (A & P) Chrstophersen's Jjlye n Sewarcn are learnng lyjfprds and. musc to Rock-a-bye p.. And snce Edde Nash.been employed as mxologst Jrme at the Palace Blue Room f^hway.he.hums nothng but tfsn.bongs,.. Gettng ox- "lj^dtrt.'. ;,. the Notebook: ' e t from very good author- M<> local young men, menv the Columban Club, are a regular contest to see %f\e can.4ate Mare Sullvan fourought to hear "Sqotty" S^ljjly Matone 1 '... Jmmy M,»tlU -rushng to Marg ^a'shouse,..., And tho gang g g VdLther over the new Novachorc " ' at the,log Cabn, Sal Ter ^ who s sad to be qute t ' at mental telppathy...' Sal (takng'*he place of Ben, th f met player, who went to Nnssau \ But Nat Least: JjTowey" Rngwood actually vistnb thu other day.. Amusng moments Doc and Fred Mawbey usng h tefma ths long.... wth jttng a bff kck out of t, Bncle Joe Dungan forgetftt the New Year's 1»*>>»«* wr." ".*':. lauguralhjeetng and d callng *S/Iar\,ln the roll call.. II^^LpJcrane.. Servce 'Sta^fthec,pEP(Sr^ Street ;fcj ahway^enue, won frnt sl^r:th^ Xmas decora- '""' ;'. ; tw#ty-two Lorrane competed. v. I^ISCELUNEOUS WOQdbf. 8-1956 flflnk IUJCOTBICPWRVICB worumanshlp 1 Is a responsl and servce an ohlluatlon. and.commercal, "'SghYlng an ftn* d Wrng W School FOR SALE HLD sutomltk wtef heate j to quck buyer. Ms, Jol f Tel "Wo, S-lUll. 11-J91,"T'AH!J' wth 'rulloaf DAle or rallt Op-xl rar Mag or «nb»' J wd a 'o> # ffo Brtlftyllt WOODBRIDGE Mr. and Mrs, taned Mr. and Mrs, Paul Scharman, Saturday nght, and Mr. and -Mr. and Mrs. Raymond,Rohde., ()alel. FOWIH, New, Muravtp, of Coley Street, announce the engagement of ther Mrs Norman Woodward, of Flush- of Farvew Avenue, entertaned Bertfara W. Vosol, lalf: October Oetobpr 1040. daughter, Nancy, to Mathew Sautner, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Mn-, Planfeld, Sunday. P'er Amboy, New.Icreey. ng, over New Year's Day. Mr. and Mrs. George Lews, of * J Solctor "' A " '"" for n Twttecs, ""-"- Perth Amboy Natonal Bank BUlg-, thew Sautner, of Keasbey. No The Pne Tree Grl Scoutj'"4s"'o --4 date has been set for the weddng. [N CHANCERY OP NHW,... Between THE BOAKD OF TRUS- TEES OF THB SEVENTH DAY BAPTIST M15MORIAL FUND (body corporate of New Jersey), Complalmnt, and ALDKK. BUHOT and ETKISLYM BUflOT, Ills wfe, DSfenduntB, K'l.Fa, far the tale of mortgaged premses dated December 2, 1940. By vrtue of tle above Htated wrt, to me drected and delvered, I wll expose to sale (t publc vendue WEDNESDAY, THE EIGHTH DAY OF JANUARY, A. D., N1NETKEN HUNDIU5D FORTY-ONE at two o'clock HHndurd Tme In the afternoon of the suld day, at the Bhorllff'a Offce In the Cty of New Brunswck, N, J. / - All that, certan tract or parcel of land and premss, herenafter partcularly descrbed, Hltuate, lyng and beng In the Borough of South Plalnflold, n the County of Mlddloex and State of New Jersey. Begnnng at a pant In the lne of South Nnth utreot dlamt two hundred and twenty-sx mrt «ghty-twq hundredtlh (22«.Ka> leet In a westerly drecton along le nald uoutherly aldu of South llnth street from Its Intersecton vlth. the westerly sde of Clnton venue; thence runnng tn «west rly drecton along the sad sll,c South Nnth street, ffty (GO) feel thence In a southerly drecton a rght angles, of nearly so, to Soutl Nnth street, one hundred twenty Ave (120 feet; thence In an eauter ly drecton and parallel wth Soutt Jlnth Htroot, ffty (50) feet to tont thence In a northerly dlrec Ion and at rlflfht angles or neurly <) to South Nnth street, one hundred twenty-ttve (126) feet to a pont, tle place o( batrlmlntr. Delnff knpwn as lots numbered twenty-threo»nd twenty-four In Block Three, bt, a certan map en ttled, "Map ot Property Owned by MqDohough Brothers, Hltnatd near tha Cty of "HWnfleld, N. J;.Sepl 1905," whl'h nap has been tled n tle MtddlBHex County Clork'n Offce. Convey Ing!«lao all tle rght, ttle nna Interest o,( to the lftnd lyng In front of the.-alove'de»orlbed tract to the eontrt lne of South Nnth! Street, subject to' the aervltude. o{ tho mlllc theren for a publc Strct, ' ' The aljovc-deacrllnjd, land anu premuea bans the same conveyed tohib adove-numed Aldou two dcele; one nnule ly Jolnnna Bu qt {wfe ot Herbert TV, Bulvot),. dated December B. 1934, and record- In Bqqk 1072, puge 466, etc, N, J, ; 94311ed of nut«1-17 Deeds tor MMdjcuox County, New.Torsey; the other nftle by Herbert W. Buhot to Aldm Uuhot, dated. Aprl 0, 1937, Itnd now ahout to be I r<j<ord«d In Mddlesex County Clerk'v Offce. Beng the pomlaes commonly known and deulgnatcl aa No. $ South Nnth street, South PHU New Jeuey. The approxmate amount ot lle' decree tu^bg^utnk'd by sad sale In the Kuln ot One Thousand Sevan Hunlred SUfy-flvo fl T)ll T)alla 1H (»1,7G5- (»17G5.00), togethor wth the CUBIB pf tllt utle. I.Together yrlf all and. flsufar, the rghts, Ytvlltges, her«dltlm«nt4 an4?- and : Bnure'fn''th«!'eunf()' murttjanuea thereunto Ue h^( v wglns-or tl BfflywUa (DertafnIn*j. ::.;,?VfeV-:'S-JjP./-WJWBa' ;,0:.''9HQf^.' :; '.: TODAY and,sat. MARLENE DIETRICH "SEVEN SINNERS" I'lUK "TOO MANY GIRLS" rhmt KHATMIK SAT.'NITIC DISPUTED PASSAGE" SUN., MON;, TUES., WED. REGENT Conrad VEID1 NAZIMOVA Troop and the troop commttee ~ jwere puests of Mrs. ArtjHr Paterson. of Rosellc, Monday afternoon. Jack Rhodes entertaned Bobby Watson, of Phladelpha, for a f,ew days. BODNAR-LUB1SCO WOODBRIDGE Mr. and Mrs. John Bodnar, of Moore Avenue, announce the engagement of ther daughter, Wlma, to Joseph Lubsco; son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Buydoa, of Yale Terrace, Lnden. The weddng wll take place next October, RAHWAY Fr. to Sun. DEAQEHnKlDS / UI1U TOIIDH BUYS" - MEUSWlME John barrynjpre n "THE GREAT PROFILE" Chat. Chapln n "THE BANK' NOW SHOWING MADILEIK tmvn GDDDARD MEITOHFOtTW B0 FAKIM TAMnorr LYNNE OVIRMAN QEO MMC CECIL B. OEMILLE'S "NORTH WEST MOUNTED POUCg ICY WtNT HIGHWAYS? Woo Ths materal forms a thn coatng around the sand or cnder partcles whch causes them to melt nto the ce and anchor securely, Snce calcum chlorde s ah -antfreeze, t also prevents! storage ples of abrasves from freezng and makes spreadng on cy.roads asy at sub-zero temperatures. MUSIC BOXES Avalable for All Occasons CALL P. A. 44181 FORDS VENDING CO. 573 New Bruntwck Ave. ' FORDS LONE WOLF KEEPS DATE" EVERY MONDAY NIGHT AT 8;30 P. M. 290 St. James' Audtorum 19-0 FINAL 500 Woodbrdge of our entre stock of Women's and Msses' Sport & Fur Trmmed GOATS ThU U the greatest sale we haye ever held a jwe ar«dscontjnwng the lne of Clbth Cpats, Every coat must y regardlessjpl cost. Prns* have Utn reduced sq low they w}h amaze yqu.,.'^^;.;.^ ''';",. '' ', ' We advse yo» to get here earlyf W r ' ; ' V \' f - = WANTED }V\U, PAY Sc a In. tn 1 clonn IIIRH InflepenrtentLcdl Ll IK'Green 81. Woortbrldge, N, J, RADIO REP ON ALL MA ALL TYP My 28 y«m' e*perlenr In nlretnn and rmllo un«r*t*f complete unlufb'llou ou vrrr Job. H & H. RADIO Walter S. Hanks, Prop. 142S Man St. Rah way Tel. RA-7-1049 fl6g Lqud or 666 *T lots wth 666 Salve or C66 Nose TO pa generally releves cold symj'tomb the frst day. Adv. Free Buses To FRIENDSHIP PARTY at Scott Hall, Elzabeth EVERY WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHT tlua lff» Illuh m Nnllk ttm.vnth Atultny Bll Ambn)- AT*, t on N(., 1 < "*:, Muulclpal lluldlng, Woodbrde. r Mokler 1 * at rll B a; and lloonevcu A»»a,, CM Lradr'n (omrr. Cur. «*,IM.F,» Uuud I'rUca T, Tfce But For Tke Lr«wt Prlendlp llrarvole.1 AM CuBurll,.562 ST. GEORGE AVE., FREE DELIVERY OodktheLcMon jecb for Sunday, Jqnuary r, 11 Chrstan Scence Churches J cetlm-thwa^out tho worn I The Oafden ^Xe-rt 8: «waltath w thee, 0 God, n, and junto tjhee >hall tho ' perfcrmedj' 0 thou that ydr, Uhto thee shall n me."..(pm} na6sl,2). Among tle LaBsbn-Sermo tons Is twe followng,f r0l, Bble: "8)yeW;tood gft mdl, perfect ft* -fr.fron ab<,.v e ] c<jmejjh o>«n n from the f ^ Hh't^-yWfc>*oO>-ts no M nert, nfw»r Wftdow of t,, r, (James,10)1 a<.,, ' tje tsfen-bermon auo n the fowm passage f Chr tlan,..a}nce.. ttxtboolt, enoe and 8«W»h wtth Key u SHpture^^MavyBak ScHpture^^MavyBakar "Prom"t6y«;«tl from tho and hatnlo^jy.'whlch are-th 8 1 > Sprt, only r#ffecton) Of j AND IHOCR *»IOI»I»3, Drv Yovr Car n NQj SYSTEM BRAKE SERVICE I) 357 New Brtnwck (at Qjn St.) Perth Amboy, N. J, 3r*ncb Newark Mud J P. A. 4-l«Open 8 A. M. to 6 PM. BUY YQUR PIANO IN PERTH AMBOY Latest Spnet P; A* lttle at 10% Balances payments. * ' BABY GRANDS ^'269.50 J. P. FORTIEE 261 Madon Ave, Perth, Amboy WOODBRIDG PHONE 21 SPECIAL FRIDAY «od SATURDAY ONLY BUTTER RX 39 n Choce Jen«r Pork Lons,, (b. (Bbjpd) Ganune Mlk t F»J 19c Rumps Veal. Ib. 23c Prm, B«.f Full,Pod fatt fa$ll^:'0\;.-- 5

AH I,,rrlpU«tt ORB00RT *.# The Chyrth At Comfort" > m c great task* of cvlsaton" s the Ing of fner h?nan bengs. Ths s also hcf sflt flf ths "Townshp.^whether Uwnya realze* ft or- nor.» A TOt people, We beleve,,'want to be they want,to do,the 1 rght thng. n the great majorty of caee"s, can Dmted upon to'do.w,,. mad rush of present day socal and [ess lfe sometmes prevents us from rderly advance, upon thte objectve. es, however,' there comet breathng n whch, ndvduals reflect upon Ll plan for te betterment, robablythe' e agency for jvaancement of manknd la the church, who gather n & temple of worshp c the advantage.of calm, sprtual deraton, of the. thngs'of the soul. are the attrbutes of real growth, should be nurtured by every human.. T.,M pagaed aw&y for the tfrotfat a«d the second anxety f*ftbatfttf. *tf Jhe coutte*? the.struggle n^bflrmtf along tftresfnt way for I *«% &Mjkt we wll have no further.worty abgut the ablty of the Greeks to take tfgrr of thett* s ye»',,. *:<v/«/ In t^e meantme, we 1 wlt #flba% pck upajww worry, lest thft^toto experenced aachstrenum the 1 Italans, depde that, t y.a-e'the peo- pe to run all.of Europe. am Bune thejob.. ' ' - fcegla td/'at- V olnff to chortl Jttay, or may not, be a sty to wha'tls termed"'8alvaton, but of 'star szes were based upon observatons " Ten c source of c'bmfort and solace to mlmade twenty years ago. Accuracy of ds-altance measurements have been vastly Im- DEMOCl REGIME BEGINS (every week; fh the Vn ed States. If tender of these.columns does not try proved. [tend a relgou^ servce regularly, we Whle we present ths nformaton for *** y ebtwdby noon ' he wll l gve aoje serous thought thht to t the beneft of readers desre to be up- 1 ubject, and partcpate n some form Detente Program Blue*. Antaret Lotet Dttmton The.largest-star, yte-afe advsed; s not Antarea, as formerly bejdvefl, but'juk'atg.eth,' n -the 1 'constellaton of ; Hercules. '. Ths Revelaton cones fro th/astronomlcal 'Socety of the PacWc, whch recontly heard George Herb'lg,' college sophomore, explan calculaton, prbvng*'that Has Algeth s so large'thftt, f t were hollow, thefasvould be n)om nsde for- the'sun and the planete Mercury, V»ttU9, Earth and Mars, ; all revolvng n thefr- present orbts The new gant s 800 tmes larger than the sun, measurng 690,009,000 mles n dameter. \ ' Poor Antares, erstwhle largest star, s hot even, second, accordng to IJls new calculaton whch puts t n fourth poston measurng only a ptful 245,000,000 n.1 dameter, Second place goes to Mra, 8,- 895,000,000 mles across and thrd place s ganed by Betelgeuse, wth a varyng dameter between 260,000)000 mles! It s ponted out that prevous estmates mvknto) '4,:; to-the-mnute on ther'astronomy we do membershp; / the two not guarantee the,ngures, How f The Tme To Help The government of the Unted States, I'c c fnd nna t» rather n«r dffcult «nwu» to m U.»O..I«- n d assstance to thebrtah, Is tab DREDGE AT WORK ON over the welter of charges and coun-, Bg ^ consdetaton p h j ^ the obvl WOODBRIDGE CREEK nvolvng the alleged collapse ous necessty that mpels Herr Htler to-do defense program. somethng to releve the pressure that s we understand the task before the beng appled to hs pal f Mussoln. d States, t requres many nonths to Maybe the governmept has word of nstall and begn operatng the nut' German plans for an all-out attack upon tools that make'mass producton of the Brtsh sles. Former Governor All tarks, planes and other war equp- Landon, of Kansas, recently' asserted that he-had been let, there must be an nterval n ndcated that Htler would make such an slow progress wll seem to mply attack not later than February., e but ths, as we sense t, s the' neces- If ths s a correct nference, then t [preparatory stage, tt wll be followed s extremely mportant that we rush supples to the Brtsh before the German at* tlow of materal n suffcent volume, knows that the government tack gets underway. When t begns, the lars avalable for de-battle wll be over before addtonal supples can be sent across the Atlantc and that cont have been awarded Jhat ndustry 1B onhhe job. The re-the Brtsh must make ther stand wth natons between captal and labbr that what they have n the slands when the news pages are nevtable because great test arrves. :ly s.satsfed wth what has been We should not overlook the possblty nplshed. Instea'd -ot causng conton, these ncdents encourage us o e that the task of rearmng Ameruhderway-, : he dollar-total of defense plans have (wdely, publczed but we do rot befthat our readers have seen a recaplon of the lghtng equpment that the s to provde. A few days ago Wl- Knudsen, of the Natonal Defense msson, revewed the orders and ex- Id the unte that, under order.' round fgures, dew nvolve arplanes, 180,000 engnes, 17,000 guns, 25,000' lght guns, 1?,000 mot-tars, 38,000,000 shells loaded, tunks, 800,000 machne guns and lton, 1,300,000 regular rfles and lton, 880 navy shps, 200 mercanps, 210 campa and cantonments, 40 pment factores, clothng'and other nent for, 1,200,000 men. fcen you r^ad over the lst, t wll be bat a rekrfnanlent program of great s urtde^ay. Presumably the jng'majudf^ured for the Brtt«addton tq the unte that ths coun, ts, The makng of these tems wll e Unted States the world's most t muntons ndustry and should ffectve ; notjbmpon all envous nas- Whd derpcracy s able to defend ot- that Japan wlf make a move n the Far East at the same tme. Both Germany and japan realze that the warfare gong on s n realty two phases of the. same struggle to domnate the world. The expectaton s that f the Japs get nasty n the Pacfc, the Unted States wll (be afrad to send shpples to the Brtsh. There s no present ndcaton thk the scheme wll work. The Unted States wll do ts utmost to assst the Brtsh because we realze that the outcome of the world struggle wll depend upoh the battle of Brtan. ' Regardless 'of what happens n other areas, ncludng the Far Bast, as well as the Medterranean, a Brtsh vctory over Germany wll pave the tyy for a reordered world. ' Only 152 Years Of Age It seems at, Oman Islamogul, of the ty lage of Ouzounkbun, Turkey, s 152 years old, n good health and able to move about. The'Turk, who was born n>ke Caucasus, has been boastng that he la 300 years old. Hs clam has been Investgated and the mpommunal magstrate of Adapazar lops off 1'48 years of the ; :olc( nan's lfe, praptcally makng hm a.young,man agan,; Plffsonally, we'have no dea whether.oman s 300 years old, or 'just I'W years young. In fact, despte what we read 1, we are nclned to beleve'.the pld'.man has put one over on the nvestgate " ' \ ' " Unless, ''somebody n th^ cowe'up wth th\ ng greater age, fa ors to Oman and jfo ofl> ngly refet to as "o.u* ' Bverybody Ago mm Other Edtors Say County Grand Jury'today. There wa»..».pobslbllty that the document) whch wll be fr-comprdhen-"ad to England." I, for one, am Tho phrase of the moment s In ah mpressve ceremony held slve report.of. the nvestgaton, sck of It. Dr. Gallup says practcally all Amercans favor "ad at the Memoral Muncpal Buld' wll be Tanded to Jndge Adran Lypn today. to England." Most of our columnlbts speak' learnedly of the SAFETY DRIVE CUTS "ad" we already are gvng Brtan. Our Presdent delvers h rejected HOLIDAY ROAD TOLL members, Jacob W. Grausam pnd Safe drvng educatonal campagns coupled wth.warnngs Wllam P. Campbell beng sworn self of the odd observaton that n together wth Anthony Aqula, from local and state offcals, apparently had a decded effect on our "ad to England" Ms reached newly elected member from the ts peak. (You may bft tred of second ward. New Year's celebrants ^Tuesday those quotaton marks, but so Am nght. Only two accdents were reported to polce, Both were mfaor.- ' The tredgng of Woodbrldge Creek has started. Arrvng here on December 20, the government dredge,. "De Wtt Cllnton.f.has already scooped'ts way 600 feet up the shallow channel from Cutt*r's ; Dock. It Is now a.saort way, from the Federal, $erra Cotta d o c k., '. _ ; PARENTS INVITED TO v, HEARLECTUftER "No effort wll be spared to get large audences to hear Dr. Charles E. Barker when he comes here January 22," stated John H. Love, supervsng prncpal, of Woodbrdge Townshp schools and charman of the commttee from the Rotary Club whch s sponsorng the three lectures to be gven. Fve Years Ago ROBERT SATTLER NAMED TO HOSPITAL BOARD Robert L'. Sattler, formerly a member of the Townshp <Cc mmttee, wll be gven aplace on the Board of Governors of the new -Mddlesex County Tuberculb, ss Hosptal, accordng to relable sources.\.'~ -: ' '<'" y.\»'., ' Three Years Ago EN' AGAIN NAMED G. 0. P. PRESIDENT..The Avenel Republcan Club Amercan Heart* And Order Book* I.) Has there ever n the strange hstory of cvlzed men been any such colossal, such maddenng, such utterly stupd and ndefensv ble hypocrsy as thftt'^presented by the phrase "Ad to England", 1!' In heaven's hgh name, how met Tuesday nght at the Rem-havsen Avenue headquarters, and we aded.england? When? Charles Sajben, Jr., was leelected presdent of the group, A party was planned to V held n. the'near -Mttre lh'"k9nbf bl thfl elected and past offcers. Whose sacrfce produced the ad? We have s6ld England an ndetermnate number of mltary ar- -planes, She has.pad cash. She has c^mat^dftm^mkt,.=' v. We have- sold England, I understand, some old rfles and varous MRS. shpments of ammunton. She IN RITES WEDNESDAY pad cash. She came and got them. Funeral servces were, held We. have sbld England, t s Wednesday for Mrs.,AndrsWjflab-,j hnted,. some tanks, especally orak, the.former Margaret G, I some.tankb we wanted tested 'on Dungan.'who rled on Saturdayjdesert battlefelds. at the Muhlenberg Hosptal n j We have sold England gran and Planfteld..Mn'. Haborak was tho BUgar, ron a.nd cotton, shoes and daughter of {Townshp Clerk, and shps and sealng wax. Mrs. B, J. Dungan. BOARD DEPENDING ON STATE FOR AID Although hopng'.for.state assstance to help meet, the expenses of the full salary; restoraton to school teachers a'ne employos ths year, the Board of Educaton has receved no defnte commtment q 1 ths effect from Trenton. ' BUNDLES "Bundles for-brtan, Inc." report contrbutons.'.of f744,80b n' GRAND JURY ENDS JAIL BREAjK PROBE A presentment coverng tto nqury, nto the Metelsjd jal break the three months,endng December was completed by the Mddlesex 1 s t.. ' v ' OUR OVEftTHERE PERSONS. IJlCWORS AREN'T INTERESTED IN ANY 'QILL OF RIGHTS. EOPI.E WHO OPPOSE THEIR. IDEAS OR WISHES ARE APT TO BE KILLED OPENLV;/ 4 WITHOUT TRIAL. Oft.TO BE TAKEN AWAY '") DISAPPEAR, England must (under our law) pay cash, England must (under our helpful law) come and get them. Fnally, n a moment of bengn generosty, we traded England some rottng destroyers for some ar and naval bases so valuable to our defense that; even Mr. Churchll had dffculty justfyng the deal to hs Parlament, We are gong (as part of our magnfcent program of "ad to England") t6 sell hor more f and more planes, If our factores* wll just' decde to produce them fast enough. 'We are gong,to stll England practcally anythng she wants f we don'tf want It Awt and we are gong to let her use our own Amercan porta to load her purchases nto her own shps. And Napoleon called England a naton of shopkeepers 1 Oh, Amerca, thou valant, thou strong. Landl of freedom. Eternal foe of cruelty and Oppresson defender of'men's mnae and men's propertes of. men's "rghts." What an nspraton we oro to tho sufferng humanty of older* more benghted lands..we are openng our heart*. We are openng our order"* hoks. Wo are '" to sell PttglWd seyewl useful tems. ',',' ' An't t.voftfrrfult-hm 11 * 1! s / Paps w Louylllq, jtt has unco* more aa*t»'«ttt of presde ta k" that only' ft»ft make, and though many may J}ff«r concernng queston? o,f.emphana oy at the Presdent's, departure front what s left of dp dplomatc ttadltlqn, the over. whelmng elng sjq^tyq onntry wll*agree wh#e*he.)rte% wth Mft wttral'ftult.»'thess a lb Powen th»t o vftw'w % A* a mean/* nn 'nd-tewlbte n whch 'tfotah woxld^ pur "" \ :* MA M Bt. When Nft planes Iwan the aganst London/t&B ftue^on was, '*(&# England I Outnumbered jn-te fff.totd compjpjtyd to punshment, thf JBngjh ^monstptd)an AI ness to suffer wwle plannng and lopng for'fat Nobody hae tny dea what wl^'fcppen when' launches hs expected all*out attad^toon Englandu Scotland but therft Ug«n,eral agreetj^al that the era wll be met by flj^tlhg men-, backed up by a coj ous natonal sprt tf'at pervades an efe people. BpM f«t Attack tomajmdy, Just now, the Importance of materfll awstance Jron' the Unted States's necbgnlzed, not. only by the Brtsh fcnt by the German* «s well. The sp.eed wt^ whch'war fjft* ples move across the. Atjrftttte,ocean may-be the decum - factor n the Impendng,teat.. There s tffjlence that'of- Cals.n ths country, from th0,prq?den^own the Ihe, realze the gravty ot the stuaton and thfftecessty, from. the standpont of our,safety alone, to ruh all avalable supples; equpment, planes and shps to % Brtsh. \. The Brtsh people faced ther frst g?e>t ordeal,' aftftf the defeat of France, when unnumbered arplanes rfttte 1 [\ ther country, droppng destructon on a 'scale prow never approached h war, Nothng but tht dogge^, termnaton of a populaton, courageous and unted,' ables a naton to meet Buch a'challenge successfully.- 1 future probably holds a', greater menace to the Bll upon whom devolves the duty of resstng a stubborn: resourceful enemy. They must battle for aganst the superor power of an arrogant foe 1. Ml Queston: "Can ltdy Take W Another people, nvolved n tte present must now exhbt the same type of courage all hopea of gan from the war. Hard ht In Egypt the Italans are threatened wth heaverbtyw* the Brtsh frankly plan to press ther attack,:- s the danger to Italy that mltary; observers nt the possblty of nternal revoluton, that wll et tatorshp of Bento MussoHnl. ' * '. '"' Everybody.understands that the reverses tn4 H»UaU armes have suffered are not suffcent to break the mltary power of the Fascst state. The-losses, whle'import.' ant; have not 'serously mpared.the numercal strfthgthr of the Italan -army, even though they may prove dfcwvq,- n Albana and Egypt) What nterests the expertasthaeffect they are havng upon the morale of the Itala^ peo«- ple, who were not consdered ready to wage a lotjt'taa punshng war. ' ' 4. Brtsh Pressure Upon Italy That, the Brtsh.are n poston to nflct sef feh'met'upof'ltaly's'ebms- tttbblmrtd"bj^ufe*'l whch Brtsh battleshps bombarded Valona. The ern" navy of whch Mussoln repeatedly boasted, h only lost control of the Medterranean, Bento's "It lake," but s so badly damaged as to be unable to Italan nterests n the Adratc. Wth a long coast 1 fend, and dependent upon mports for economc Italy cannot? long wage a-war aganst a naton whose power s strong enough to cut of! her colonal possesalj) and threaten attacks upon the Italan coast. Thus, the end of 1940 fnds Great Brtan and ItaJ confronted wth serous perh From the Unted Stat a contnuously ncreasng stream of supples pouss n Brtsh-harbors, to help a brave people when they ha' ther rendezvous wth destny n 194}. To Italy, con. lttle assstance, as the Italans realze they face rj war, and the only source of help s Nas Germany^wlpa < mltary embrace may be, as permanent"and'a» "- J^4-1 as complete defeat Pressure Compels Hffer To Mow f; * The."Brtsh, undejej Chambe^lap, 'r^ed th upon the belef that pjaace was possble w%.i they have surmounted' ther frst grave now, stronger and more hopeful of vctory than war began. The lalans, under Mussoln, a short war when 'France b'egap to tot^r, themselves n the front lne wth lttle: to f hope'of permanent vctory, regafdlessof ends. Germany s expected to launch, aft the Brtsh wthout watng to Bee f aeral U-boat actvty can.force the Brtsh to sue for ler can delay n6 longer. Italy must be releved,;! how, or taken over by Germany. The nmpl^.'so^ from the German vew, s to be^at England because' 1 BO era, under Naz domnaton, can get. underway " as long as the.brtsh contnue to fght./the jo] done before Italy deserts the/axs/e'lftft'r aay Brtsh attacks-or nternal dssenson., - Brtsh successes aganst 'Italy, ftnd the, p future vctores'jputs the pressure uppn'hler. Der Fuehrer wll move. aganst attflcl; W tl! B Ax Axl '< thftlv If we aevfe0<!e. }n ther defect, submt tamely tmn Aa vctory,' and wat out twfn to 8 t^e ob * joct of atuck n.nother w» latfcron." -' Ing to send greater wj$\ w, of.pp 4 gam freghted, Ifl.., say up«.clftc«l^ what, pou would take to Inaurt ths t proposal 1 «lde chat an hy Hbuaness r and by durng that'%', "n'of l^xuty goods51" ' yfew n (attan can terfewd w^h the fll l)jtary.n«?ds. By b)untly «nmmn rewjdfl -the junt^gg tres l *$*Cw fut tts onx'

SSs. %» " < ' evue of World Events n ICES.W Von ther or tuw Utxmt,.., Kown pelrn d*vl«u,.,,,.,' rtpfawntmlvta; exaoutorn, n,^'?'-l Coast Artllery Called to Our Bomber n Flght New; Sub Grampus >«* "Wo ml Ml flv.vrtu* *f Ift Order of u,!! 1 " Bf ^h»('«y ol Jww.tenpv. n:,,, the day of the ttt hereof,,,.,; tfvrol tb* TODrpxhlp nr brmffr I" 'ho Cdunlv of M,,n ( j a mnntr-lna corporaton nf u,,, srj of New.JftMW. 1«, complant w>u asrt otfara,»r» the a>f 'Ml «** T*n»W»4 fo»pd»8r,,, : V«f the hll Of.faJ) oon)nln!n ltl ' T bwwe tne *MT ^fly of t'v,r, n nun, **r 4), "onu 1 Tm «*«* fl#«crl,,,? nmry u, to. «1* H, 1«8«, Bt; fermp- j V,} f oast artulery, flntlalr<jratt (moble)' New York Natonal Gnard, W.arcwe,. o ^ «dder«i at the * ^ ^ J^P *&$. wll BCC servce wth Uncle Sam's army. The dnner was gven by Uw veteran* al Uw Bwp and toe Seventh wflmet Mew Ifork Guard. * Brtan 'Takes It' and Carres On \, W) At the left la shown a "knltllng bee" In a Rjnsgnlc, England, bomb shelter. Thebe shelters are cut through I chauc, 60 feet below the surface, and accommodate about 00,000 person^. The women are knttng com* for the warrors. Rght: Reparng watermans and lght condutsn Runagate after a Naz ar rad. ^resdent Awards Coller Avaton Trophy u\ 8*08ev«lt rewarded tbe Co l er trophy, urhclnal nylaton ot the year, to Jf.-renrefmntflHvcs of commercal arlnes (or the lly record acheved laatyenr. Three physcans were also lumosed- for fl*yg«p mask. They are L. to R., standng (front). Dr. W. ' and Dr. f. l«v(lft.ce II, of the Mayo Foundaton, nnd C»pt, B, Jnatrotj; of the army medoal corps, Wrght feld, Dayton, Oho, fp g Mecca From Desert Prson Camp *»* rep. Sees Fascsm'sEnd Count Carlp SUnn, former lt»l ap prc;njer, vvh* Is credted wth the statement that tbe Italan people are dlesatlsoed wth Fascsm/He Is now tn exle In the U. 8, Bombed! J.J',* The newest and bes> of the 0. 8. medum bombers Is B46, abown here takng off (above), art In the sr (below), 4url»f» teat flght at Baltmore, Ma. Product«! tte Glenn I, Martn factory at Bltlmore, ths hgh performance dealer, of dettrarlan wll soon be rollfaf off the producton lnes at m»m'fnzbuen rate., \ -. -... New Naz Army Move6 Into Rumana Gcnoaa troop* arrvng to Bn b*mt, Bumattta. A 4*1*1 force etttmated at 20 dwfetow, or M»,H0 pun, wth artllery, brldge-jmlming equpment, tanks and motor transports, formed tbe vanguard at a new German expedton Into he Balkan*. Hungary's grant of rghts-way strred mnny conjecture* as to what th* rapve mfbt mean. Explosve Tran Wrecked Hnt Sabotage?*4 f^ Tw car wth tbe wwte «u»re ntrktof bt thj* pbpto Is loaded wth dynnjte. The ear was lt tbe tran wrecked on the (Ingle-track spur of the BtJvtoe Oelawas tflvsloo of the ftmhylvuma ralroad at Ircntpn.N.l. ywtmatdy,thed>t»mu«dldnote«plode. Ro tm waa Injured. A report t*»»t car cmyltefk M been tampered wth l bflg m eatlaled, Hou^e of Commons Damaged by Bombs 1*3 Undo' 6»m's newest wrbmarlne, the M1Wo» flrwnp, ajmur tola tke water at New Mndon, Conn. The crart, one of elght.amllar type ordered under the Vunon act n», jammed after a «»PB type of kller whale, Sezed as Spy < Oscar Stabler, Carman barber on the Amercan exflprt Hoer, Excah- Wo», who wastafcen from tbe shp at Bermuda by the Brtsh and held under suspcon of esponage. Stabler became a V. B. ctzen la 1933. Power for Defense * <' M M" n )«nrv J»* n'«7 *n> Olf, f XII Blnyk W;. l U In Blrtrt.,j nltte Tol«l 1'I» I * 1 on* or A d 41 t s n - (Md 41 to t H t W» ns nnd t"»<l " M<1 IJ>1 " ll tn jn, n" JlnrK '1.1"»?:':'2 l» p 'Rl-n: J«." l :'?! T>n 'l llor to mfh Wddrr a*.it "V **! I rt^v Jdl-L: t#«a»*?fld t* 'V" In lj j^f.(,!,, wkfd lpln'mt fflv^fl Ifl ternn UQQ.PJ. ^nt '1 In-Block-. HA; (t,«j or'nv>ro mnmum hlla b«h M l*>, t^ t p fn'j -, jj.frt *1 n B fl, 1(,,' 4 n n 779 In Dd >* «'*nd 41. n,._». on tn«th«a»*m»m«jj AMM«mt tl nt fovrsnt couty nt W< "nrwln and nl «oad T l>r> nlv* rll(nd PrfcmfcH«, MM, Jnunry 3, 1041, In th* la«*p«8j. r TA. W..W» NOTICR OP PU TO WHOM 1T MAT At n rp(r«v!r nwtr h n fnmmll*!*.«' *h» Tovnaplp O' WomllrlBO lom Wonrty, D«*MW>«r d J940 I wn <Hr*rl<><\ Ifl nnv«rm»n th'o fnrt Hnt nn Mnnlay BV«nljr.nmwv f. 'OH. ll " Tnwn«hl«rnmmlttfo *lll DIPP( at * W. M f«st) If the Cow'ttf* Chmwr Momorl Muncpal BuMlnaj, WmMbrlge, N«w Jprwy, «"* exnob ana nol nt Dthlle snln anfl to t»«m»n #t«mddpr ar«or Jt nr t^ ((*r«n of W»* on fle wth tho Townshp.Cltl*»«; to ln«npel npel "nl to be nbljcly twj rll to t "o, VHs 3 tn 8 Innflwy* n Block 10(19, WHll Woodbrldge TawntalP pr Man. ttrtler notce that t,nn pnd prtnnt <n lnw,,. r mnmum prce nl whch unlt low n cnh hl«ck wll h«som lokethfl mnmum prct helnft nop.00 plu <'r,<.m of trfpnrlng ''""I'd nrd ndver Usng thl«m\e. Bald lot" In ftll llo<-) If poll on tprm -o-lll re n down puym>nt o(* (IfO.OO, the nnco of. purchase' prce to»«pel' n onunl monthlv ln«tnllment» "> (15.00 plh Intercut anl othpr term nvldod for In contract of pale. Take further notce that at sal mle, nr any dnte tn whch It ma' hn adjourned, the Townnllp Cnm mlttoe reserves the rlprht In It" dlj orclon tn rejert (nv one or all pjd nn to R^)t slld lots In "Md Mn-1 to fch hller n» It msy ««!»< <, dll rparard b'^ntf Plven 'o terms and mnnnrf nf nnvn*! 1 *, n we on«or mure mlnlnnnj bds ahall 1)6 retlpon awaptnnee nf the mnmum hd, or hd nhovn mlnlmnnj. by th T»wn»>lp Commlttna nnd thf Taymc thereof by tho purnhnw ae rqrdtnp *o (ho'.mapner'ofnur^ha In nconrdnnpo wth term of ««le fle, the Tovnahlp. wll (lellvr hn'kaln and aale deed for sad prnt* DATKD: December 17. 1840. E..J. DUNIQAN, To l)n advertsed Deflemlwr IP n. nnd Jhnunry 3, 1611, In Ifk'endont-Lumler, llef-r To \V-35I>, Ml nnd tn NO'I'lCl OK PVIIUG 8ALH TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: At a regular mcotlnk of tlo Town- Fhp Oommlljee nf thn Townnhlp of Wnollrllc* held Mondar, Derpmhpr l(, 194(1, I was dlrmod t» mnd" l>f(>w»abl«r f bau«t"yn' 11 or nv olnltn la bar* a llan. r >om» rght, lltlt, mtwh, Um In *r 4A (M prtnlfl BH«ef>«Wa*e»hon,j)ll f,r ( BDd of COI»«#] Wth *- '" nn^: Dw>*nrbtr -M, l durrd nnd PMXlrl on ftr«t n-,, : fk he Tnwn»hln ComnUt«c nr A rnwmhlp nf Voodbrlda;*. No ] rt 4»v. Bt AH W OU>P«1 MMtllllr ' n«o«mb«r W. fu, at th«m Muncpal ButMlajr. h) fownahm TownhTp Crtmmlttw u n on Jamawr. 11 M, rlnl MmllWT MmlelWT BulWttn, lwn, brlda-, d»»r/»r»*y,» /» at If. H, em Standard Tlmn, to conxl.l. flnal pa*m t* Of Me fohowln: nnnce at whch tme and nl. jectjoat tbtfmq Mr ** I'" by any taxpayer ot the Tow Obj*ptor» may 9l wntt,. Inntlon wth the Townshp r, prlorto.hatdau jptn(a fown«hl 'I AN OmHNAMCB TO KI!:THfS /MBNp ITOJTTOM lt n- 1 OBDINAWCK ENTITLED AOE8 IN THK TOWNBIIr VTOOT)BHrDQE," udoptpl t U, nu. BE IT OnDAINBn by the Tn nh p CoromJttee of the Town- > Woodbrldge n the County nt Mll dle»*x tlnt: 1. Secton IS of the orllnntbove emtted t hereby am.n. rend na folowv: Bteon «, Wo HeenM lum- plenary retal cannumptlm : I the wte of alcoholh' > «ge for contumpuon Jn <> cetkud prtjnlm, nor aball > cenase bave hla place of I»I>.«j«n, tfttwwn the howe of! -\ and» A. M. on We«l( flayn llatnvdoy»hen the pr«mu ho pormtted to cloae Rt 3 \ K and on the flrot day' of JamMY tteh year when the pronl 1 " «he permtted to clow at A M r betvstn the hour* ot % A. M. -n-' H.Noon on BuM»y; provded, l.wmrj t"h'a'. tlat any lle*n»» conductlnk > club, or ratarant aa b«r flntd, aball hnvo th* prlv.^, < remalnlnn open durlnr tn«ut'\>n\ prohbted.hour for tho pur>< ftsrrylftf w hla usual wllyt' cert tl>«aala o; alcoboo lev. The hours «et forth n th> > HR puavaph aball be rt«;;»-'- mean Eatern SUndard Tm vldcd \ovey4r 4 that durnk ttdrprllge thp fact Hnt on Monday wrtqd of the year wh»n Dr.n I'vunlK, Jnary l, 1041. tle Town* frtw Ttoe aball b* In aff-t.»» 1 RMH f'onmlllde wll rnnet nt l P, Jl, houra our haf I,. be dewned.. to me;u: t«i TObera U>morln Mmlclml Dtldlne. Wood* brfu'e, Nnw Jersey, nnd mnus and I sell nt nuble nnl«and lo He hgh- I «M lllf.r KTorllnn 1 to IITIPK of «sl«on fld wth the Townshp Clark mon to Inuncton mwl to le )»nh^ llrlv t-pml pror to sale, Lots t and rbt Bvlog Tme. For th«purdonfl of thtu a restaurant h herebr ''*' meat! a place of bualne, f wttb a ktchen, ( aerve prepared tot>tu 5 In Blork m; ; I,nt«,t«111 and 1J, 39 I. All ordf«w!*» *>d» a 35 nrf U I In Block lk Kt: andd ordnance»m regulatons I.OIH 25 nnd U In I Block Blk 837, WoOfV «J*t*rH l«r*wtth U* herr brm'p Tnwn hl'p AHuenemc'rl Mop. Take further nolle* that the Tnwmllp Commttee hn«, hy ruolu- ftrt Immed ofte 1 Its M<n unr - purmnnt tn law. ttraj * Md l««ltl ll on, ntlnfmm nrlr«. nt whch nnlrl lofllll* K. 01! K Ht'l Mock wl ft aold togetmf wth nl OIIIIT detals p»rlnt, ft\a fnlnlmm rlc» lftng 11,000.(10 blttt A F?V. DUNI0AM* rrnst» of nrephrtrfr leod nnd adv»r» Townahlp Cl*rk, llnlnt ths «nle.. Sall lots n Hd blocks If rnld on tcrnm, w'll r<k To be tdvtrttaml In Indexn ulrp t down puyment or I«SM leader pn January. t"- tnt balance nf purehabe prce to M netce af hearntr for Anal at pad In equal monthly nstallment* m ftauary 1>, W. of UB.On plm nterest and otbor terma provldkd for In contract of No am<tnment of Inttret In any of tho \otn Inrludd In thn ante or *r heremlor unleaa It In, to a nartv for whom fl home ah»u B» bult wthn forty days. Provded tb* vurphaer 'antlnue» to pay ornmntly the monthly p«y, menu fxed l«the ontra«t of ). lohn C. Gantfld, taventor o( He 2u a S* J 2'.." 1? nd. * V ot " "" lu<1e<l ltt^»«aalft nnrl fh«r, (,, n0 j,f su)l mf^ml, army's famed geml-automallo Oarmodel * shop at tbe Sprlngflcld, ««lv. b»r K a n u pur C.«rshS b ap<t It In naa producuan lo arm eur defewto fortes. For Ar Mght Take further notrt-o»h a t at aad «ale, or any data tn whch U n7»y wl»'t? B r M? l thl! rl *l'?*l> l "» 4)5' oreton to rjjeot ony ou«or all blda and to a*1 eal n«ih-«om KI^!!:.»rpr payment, In ca, ww o> mnmum bd., 1B J, b"%»' MlMtlpj ft* p» M Kn ted nrlct*.,. Notk» I* htreby flven Dn»»el 'and «40Pt»a at an, Bd-" Bc*tln* of M«l'*own<blp <>»> the bounty of MtMleM*. N'' t, h* < oa tho toth day ot ' l: IBRTWJ A MQIVI-I fw A 8M,rA»r» TAIII C» M,K1T»" WAf'K TARt.K. BCOttK TAPLKfl AND ^ vnnl TO v\x THH I rwu jf> am P4r> v» BHHR, AND TO pnovll A PRNALTT TO HC H.?fltb. 1»!H. BB IT OTU>AJNRH NKJ by hp fton»mwtee nf t»'«t Wo»dbrlJ(r«W In the CCounty j, of tn* hrr hfrelv wmtndeft tn read «H ' Seotlon?. (a) Tho,t n Hf ahall bo clmr(«d for '" 1 ' 1 nf HI In HuctlD' 1 nf'rttall. TO: Mr,. Vctor"?^! ' ams Hdwerd WnlJ dner I* Of IWWWVt #M««""' ""'Iflull b* (»r«o ( or }>er»on» '" taflu4 «nd amtl not b«" Y>l««dl»a»W.hall (««v < 1 v. j (mm ltau»8 Wl»y» Ore shown wakng ttu* nrayer- Meej* t tundown, wmewowe 1«S#y»t. They ar«it fkt BrjKW prlatw «W»n, Jftejr np)rlt»aj luujer, gayed, waa vm«tho wm» ffbep Ute pjwto v«* wfen. Sayed \» * A** * -Ww T " lllldi " WKfrlObCBWof ta» the W. Hane,;former SP llordano H orfm

'.-How romantc to hew.'rs lght s duct over youl you tfjj>d##o.*»t)t?" NOW -n«t «*'v» sh~wh»t W# jmhifmw to wle on aceounl # Wtaf e? ^INOEWIN B&WOMS p LEAST EI6«f IKHEfc! FfESH AlR IS W W O TtfTTA 6T«Et>TO IT. 1 WHEN I m U j CBmuqb the rver!" jwt mud-but ba l«*t MY!rT5A8ITt6RWLD ME UOUIP eelhankful ME HAVE A Wtt* flkc AU»A COW'TABLE HOUt KEEPIN'THlSftAC LIKE AN OV6N-' WANNA SUFPDOJJt S U F J * VHH^VcNA^MEMfHE WWDERS 0«B IH A WHILE AM) LET IN A LEEDtE FR fh AIR DWft DC HOTHOUSE MOUYg! FIU YER HIDE aooo PEEP BREATHS OFFPeSH All? AND STORE 'IP HEALTrt WPTEPf t*t Wf -I wear glove to b«d to hand soft, What rtylo «t cap do OCKED HER FLAT SEE HOW I DO IT, 1 1 THATSWHYrMATOUH OtDfEEZERWOTNBVfl IFAFELIER FUE6H AIK 1ET HlMHAVElTAYSI that (ellow «rr«te4? touched that wora»fr-on3y the wodjuon ot her 't N kmx* her MV I'M NOBODY AINT Busmeas- BR-R-R-R-R- Lt-llVEINTHfff H-HOUSE 0'CHILBLAINS, SHOT, THAT WINDER!! Experjenc* shew*. «ys the Better 'Vllon ntltute, that chldren lke to wea.ju»t as muth ««do grownups and *at thby g«ner«uy welcome»f»4ed «to vlkw <*ntr»ry to *o bell* of «om«nwttaw who f««l that chldren wll not wear thp ln f ank«u«mlrrw A lubsutat* lor egg whtes U a Concentratlo ol the sun's ppj powder '' : - * from' wth * fve-foot prfbolto mlto wch whey,' bv-produel of I 1«uaed by tfce Unted Btfttes ovt hwftt U 4t Bl ' dues at tje {opal pont«tempers the Better Vson Insttute,. Mvt Frank W.O'Rppk* el Pltt. bugrgh, Pa,, has Atag >9U to du on the ro«w>«t her hus, o«^ tke ooewtwo chcken* bom ftelr (am' ffty plfht, l ' lltlk.bars, now A study y ol o'typlca,! Amercan f Sorensoa ot Mnneapolsp fqmlly'a purcuaset made by the Nv WAS permtted by pe Judge to go J Coo«tf)jfr» T*s commsson boq* #j«l j»t tu t dl t.. >-><>d l H) tpxes oon» ^ One. tya,cftjne back au($kly O but ty ttkta} b k d. or 169 pounds fltwl pttthuyt may "- jmwfc! clothng specal- poton, Accordng ' to Tflpce Bada In AUnrte (Conn.) new polce rad&tfyatpn «fl crept Into the 'ol * wpyle house, tern, ^ ^ fll

* #. ' '. ' ; - ', ' '?<;»* JKtryor (tvrn#'g nnlta Jlfessgge r. Contnued f m Page 1) (wm«tax r»tc necesluted therefor, would be to ncrease the source n the hope that by oqr acceptance ratons we nave mntm. uv Jnrvle(pB : on sttsn prevlons to delver a frank of Its revenue. Hls ncrease can we could tee our way to lowerng r to &* taxpayers reg^rdprogresof the program wweh taxes can be leved. He In van. The promhee We had conr only through ntm buhnf on the tax rate would alo have been _,.,u the c«tnptl(f, p]«tfortn only way n whch new buldng made n all food fa^h to reduce admnstraton wtjen t Ant can be attrwed ll through the u* our' ndebtedness would be but (lectwl to gude the govetnl 'destny vt 27,000 people. t&at the cost of ther operatons all' of theaa thlnrt, I thnk that onmee to.'prospectve developer* empty word*." M the expense of «condton of! the Townshp towln the Townshp wll not be ox-thhwbltaht. That we K»ve attrcted.would.come-attofttyer 1*00 hgh.' elmnaton o Inconvenence»J» btoo wcll-kna,wn to all of to refnlr* any recollecton at $868,000 worth of flprovsmenta n re 1 any recouetmun»>*ovo ) wv..-.».. lt l a prce t am Wt wllng to flluvl, OWUIV" S«fflcto,*»: "*. w.that """» had " lea. tan ttoe source' af peat t acttob. It In thrtonnbetjon 1 efc lke. bould demomtrate sand for all to correct., and' publemhhe lnv the fallacy of ace \hg; wthout pretson'that pretsonthat appers to'j tojbe»b -»broad careful nqury,.t&s rdkulons mong.many, of- f our p*ojle.'. Ths MueKaHon been prompt and e.«t that *»ry tme, W«*d vrtsbjpv" muncpal row* ' would have btcortv ex-»nd * o communty; control have passed nto other hand* hordes of credtor!. «r; *c«d promse to.pur co&rse so hortorawe Hat MSfr^fcredltom nor the To*n- ^people would/unduly wad has > not been easy. dent revenue for our treasury, to 1-6118*4 ownera of real emwa lulled nto belevng meet the'. tremendous demands lycnd meet hehf dwiga-»#l just as they pleated, W&tay told; tt>at If at t It hecame rwonvenlent to farnnftre of tyantnj and other-serees,,...ment s supposed to at the Muncpal Bulldnjr *6ftJ. Ther lac^ffoyedetectlnj the eventualtes Jr a preposteroo polcy, j^catt beleve-w wtab- Mf n the hope of a lttle oxa gek-satsfed clrale to *e themselve»;#«f bound 'tarj for yea*l t<> «ome. mmedate necessty of tletraton to;.confront _ realty. It was our unt luty to add up the Towntl)kndtosay l n,«ffect,*at w M delnquent trat we.*het the credtors, n turn, pad, bankruptcy could _. we were pllored and n every vcous manrer Jt\y, Announcement that lnfstratlon was consderng of * program of llquldat-.ttle lens was met wth accusatons, desgned to n- If and oppresson n the tr,the townspeople. Just let,. ; s^me of the results of the parkng of ths program. of all, np> one lout hs, d who ndcated the least M>f co-operaton. Further, J alone ffteen ponts the county tax rate and Ints n the ntate tax rate propertes on whch the Bpalty was recevng no nremoved from the as- 1987, through the sale of.jd, property tte Townshp Ulsad a total of $450,000. hs'year were almost double JM&39 and as a result of,jj4f) Mes, ^135,000 n actve,*vfkfea* been returned for tax- JJljrpoaos on land dsposed of ' t;estmated assessed valua- I ew baldjngs to be erected approxmates an ad- theorrng.of those ambtous po- IWcaJ group* whtf are wllng to tesr down any contructre. step If «y"c*n thereby gan ther selfsh ends.. "In addton to dedfcatlng our Selves to. fehablllttttng tte, Town shp fnancally by MBorUfeuff upon- It, we also made and reterated our pledge that n the event that we were tuccesaful h enlargng our ncome, we would devote our new-found gams to perma'nently ease the tax harden fnd ftu* keep fath not only wth the older redepu but also thorn who had purchased property and bult homes under the tax twe lqudatng pro jram.. "It has been our purpose to keep ths promse. Furthermore, we have kept t, full of the realty that so far as practcal poltcs s concerned we would have curred much more favor by dvertng the addtonal money nto other ehan-- nel channels we have been persstently beseged to enter. JuBt In case there may be memores, among you whch are shout, I wsh to repeat once agan *t ths tme that the requrements of practcal poltcs never have, and never wll, determne the course I wll pursue. t state ths as a wnrnng and as a matter of nformaton, for my own self-respect and the sanctty of my promses mean far more to me than 'contnung myself n publc offce. 'My way durng these last several years would have been made far easer had I succumbed to the requests, demands, even threats, for the mprovement of our local road system. I cte ths, partcularly, because R appears most frequently; but there are demands for publc jobs, for curbs and gutters, for better lghtng and for ell manner of thngs whch I have had to meet wth the same refusal, ''I I agree, wth the pettoners, p e, that* many T>f our thoroughfares are both dsgraceful and dangerous, They tre responsble for all manner? of nconvenence, I wsh, wth all my heart, that our muncpalty could furnsh a remedy.- I recognze, however, that the only remedy can be furnshed.has been an accepted fact Mfly Method by whch. could meet anaual _.4<"njtB, provde essental Sn'tf reduce the burdenby the outlay l of, f thousands t h d upon pn thousands of dollars and the smple fact s,.that wo not only do not have that knd of money but the prospects of gettng t In the mmedate future are exceedngly dm and vaguer "We could, of course, resort to borrowng and buld. our debt agan to the pont ths Townshp attaned up to 1932. If we dd ths, the work of the past seven years would'be n van:.the pr mpresson s, tutt snce they make tax paym'«nta annually^; t s ther Inalenable knd Inopnteatable rght to have, roms mproved to ther doorsteps-, Ths Th"ftK:s reasonng/s hgh ly Jtallacous. Out of al anual budget of over $1,(00,(^*8 there s allotted to street retfar the sum, of $40,000 or'lttle more than two per cent of the total.supposng a home owner, pays l,6o'ay.ear n taxes. The porton of that.payment allocated thread Repar beng two per cent, he becomes enttled to $2.00 worth of-road repar a yeafc'vm he-has been payng taxes for twenty'.years, he s enttled to 140.00 w'oth of work. I do not thnk I need to try to pstmate how much road repar work could be done for #40.001 TURN CHRISTMAS MONEY INTO Value! Ev'Jfyo? receved money for Chrstmas ^ put t nto eometlng that wll save ^ u( B)B;wa wrt a Unversal eleftj rtejj tt cleaner wth a complete ^^J?ttachnent8! See ths fne J p f demonstrated at a Publc Ser- ^ ^ owro^n?. Its powerful :sucton ^ ^ ^,4lrt"out.of -rugs, upw«<ery, ^ ^ w u j a t o n, closets an3 jb p ^rpla^'wbere drt accumulates. It s * j^^(^nary valrte-^^;:' / ' v ;; -^ Vp»lv«n Bru*h Vj^uun full set of Vw«h- U "Just to show further how outlandsh are such clams, may I say further that most of thege. famles have upwards of two 'chldren n the schools at an annual tost of 100,per pupl 8b If? they pay $100 a year'taxes, tkey are gettng $180 worth of educaton for ther chldren f they have two, and a proportonately ^ larger share f they have more than two. At ths rate, how do they fgure they can "demand" road.repars because "they pay taxes."'. "No,.ths,s hot the Way to meet our problem. In lne wth my promse n my address last January 1st, I have had drawn up a lomplete program for road repara. It s my purpose "to complete that program, step by step, AS the money.& avalable. I wll never gve my sancton to ncreasng our captal debt, unless n extreme emergency. Ths muncpalty s on a pay-as-you-go bass and even f ths were not a roqurement of the New Jersey statutes, J would never,-after seeng the horror of debt, permt t to be otherwse- ' "I offer ths statement of prncple to you from a deep devoton for both the Townshp and the people who I wsh to see lve n happness, contentment and pros perty. I want to see ther taxe: reduced, and by tbe works of th admnstraton we are' fast ap- proachng the tme when that hop" wll be realty. I do not, for an; consderaton, ntend to jeopardz the progress whch already has been made.,1 wll adhere to th prncples formulated mmedately upon the assumpton of ths ad mnstraton of the control of th local government, because a. clear record n black and whte provcb ther wsdom. I know, ths has, been the hard way, but has been {the honest way and I know that W > glory Wll m f e l r m to the ev«rlmtnb beneftt of 0* people. ' NOITTHERN NEW JERSEY'S FASTEST GROWING POOD ree: Udk at the reco«-*:ln «4O Acme optmd 28 brand-new Super MAfket»"«Nortfwn Newjeney alone I,.Follow the example of Wle homennaw. vvlo have dscovered Acme saves you the most on the belt all-way* Government Graded U.S. CHOICE f4atur«lly Mtot.>n«l.jucy the fnest the general market afford!. Selected for us byu 8. D«pt of %crttort experts and stamped "U. S. CHOICE" by them, Ttyfame at served by the mort exclusve; hotelp. took for the Government stamp, "U. S.'CHOICE.* 1 LAMB Genune Ib Sprng LEGS A sure ht wth (SCO mnt jelly. Meaty, naturally tender, genune sprng. FRSH PRUNES In Rch Syrup can Derrydle Farm Roll Wnner of Over 500 Przes!' POT " tsftder, tasty, jucy! What a dfference I Try t 22 29 nd B««f»19c ^SkSnkts ^aofc -23c ^ Lon Lamb Chops "33c r Bacon Squarts»I7C Jhuh J/uh and CARROTS Iceberg LETTUCE Florda ORANGES Sweet TANGERINES Red APPLES Yf HftW Onon *! _ Whte or Turnps \eow rfjoj Fnest Pure Frut PRESERVES Chertf, Is25 c For Cookng and Eatng Mew arrval jom tender and sweet. Arzona Fnncy Wagner or York Imperal. _4 <B Hard " IOc Cabbgt MA 4 ">«IOc Jucy Grapefru; RINSO I7 ( package bunch 5 C 2»I5 C 2O"'25 c 15 or 15c 4». 15c»2c 3 tot IOc Lux Flakes Lma Bems luttisk 2!r 15^ Clf. Brtlett Pears 15 Mxed Vegetbles 4 NBC Grtham Crackers Z W N8G Gnger Snps ^ X W r^o) Pnckc Flour %5< hcke Syrup M0? Lfebuoy Sop 1 ^ ^c L11 ToletSop^ ^ Tbe purest we«t cwta tram ton MllnctftmlA JlllM 20-n ot deb mlk In every potua. rhlttp 1011)110 «UI6V can t Juce Sld Tea Bags $l Amerca! Steel Wool fftfdsx* Oats ^ V<V Mother 1 sorqaker0ats2^l5«supreme Bread Angel Cake Glcnnood Swcetcnod 3 Our fnest "Grade A" pure ewfotenetl juce. Mlk or 4 SofcTwUtAloave* t A rks t PLAIN OR CREAUV OSCO Pork & Beus E-Tal E Spaghett % v 17 ctlc and Torat0SaDce " Studr Tomato Ctsp Tomatoes 5z EkmoRedSlfflo IK S!l«FancyWetPckShrmp^rO< Wlsons Betf Stew 2»M< PrncessPaperTowels2 Hotfs fhl. Serapplet^ SWISS CHEESE pp rnce s$ Paper P Kk Napkns &S* ^OfelatneDesserltS^^ ffff,uff I lr ' ce> T 0 ' 18111 "" 8100^^ Smfct or Ktlee Hg ASPARAGUS:::^ Tbe choce center cnt of gorden-tretl Mpnragus, 2 cum Seedest Rtcaur. *$m Shefford Macaron Danec-**W dsco Tomato Sep 10 «z** FarradaleStrngBen 3 ^, V-8 Cocktal ar Farradale Lma Beans r Lykt Dog Fool frnjale Com amm 0 Bantam BED HEART Tomatoes DOGFOdD oans Your Rob-Ford Beets n Glass I W Bftetfrnts _. Chuce I Alt MI Cllwse Ulnuor kl VUVJ CombtaUon IS* Dole Pneapple fns) ' I 2!bs 29c PVBLICaSSERMCE. 4