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Quotes for Reflection Chrtms time chnges our herts, it seems, her e h it so or not. There poer comg Chrt hs over even most odurte uneliever tht simp cnnot e escped. Chrles Dickens The Son God ecme mn enle men ecome sons God. C.S. Le Gospel Invittion Isih 7:1 The Lord Himself ill give you sign. Behold, virg shll conceive er son, shll cll H nme Immnuel. Children s Choir A oyful Mozrt Cnon (from Vespere De Domic, K.1) Text: en Anne Shffermn, 1996; Music: Wolfgng Amdeus Mozrt, 1779, Arr. en Anne Shffermn, 1996. O Come, Little Children (corportg Wchet Auf, y. S. Bch) Introit Good Chrtin Men, Reoice, Vs. 1 Text: Chrph von Schmid, 179; Music: Arrnged y Dvid Girdiere, 008. 6.. Good 6 Chrt-in men, re - oice. ith hert soul, voice;..... Give ye heed ht e sy:. Nes! Nes!.. e - sus Chrt orn - dy;... Ox ss e - fore Him o; He mn - ger no...... Chrt orn - dy! Chrt orn -. dy!. Text: Medievl Lt Crol, Tr. ohn Mson Nele, 185; Music: IN DULCI UBILO, Germn Melody, 1 th c.

Cll Worship Luke :1; ohn :16-17 Leder: Reder 1: Reder : Good nes. Gld tidgs. Gret oy. Glory God highest. For God so loved orld, tht he gve h on Son, tht hoever elieves Him should not perh ut hve eternl life. For God did not send h Son orld condemn orld, ut order tht orld might e sved through Him. Glory God highest. Pece on erth good ill rd men! Congregtionl Hymn On Chrtms Night All Chrtins Sg # # 6 On Then When All Chrt - ms hy should s out de - night men prts drk - ll on e - ness Chrt - ins erth e so fore e H hve sg, sd, grce, light, To Sce Then Which her our life mde nes Re - deem - er helth n - come gels n - gels rg, mde us gld, sg its th plce, night, # # On Then When All Chrt - ms night hy should men s out de - Nes gret oy, When from our s An - gels "Glo - ry men God prts drk - ll on e - ness nes He set ith oy pece Chrt - ins erth e so fore e gret us my H hve mirth, free, sg, men, sg, sd, grce, light, Nes All All No To Sce Then Which for for her our life mde our for nes Re - deem - er helth n - come gels # #.. 9... 6. n - gels rg, mde us gld, sg its th plce; night: mer - ci - ful Kg's irth. g our li - er - ty see ev - ne - er - more. orn A -. Kg. men." Text: Trditionl Englh Crol; Music: SUSSEX CAROL, Trditionl Englh Crol, Arr. Rlph Vughn Willims, 191.

Congregtionl Hymn Lo, Ho A Rose E er Bloomg It To Lo, I - ho si - h Th flo'r, hose rose 'ts e'er Of es - se's With D - True Mr - y pels ith fr - grnce ten - e n cme, sho mn, God's yet e -. -right it, der from ith com - hold g, it, splen - dor s.. she ore cold ver - y God; from s deth He us ten - rose I stem hve fills hth men vir - g old mo - ev - hve r Sv - ior sves us n hen r' - sprung, md; ir,.. sung. loom-g fore - ld seet-nesder glo-rious l - ge drk-nes flo'r-et right, - mid love - ter, hen hlf-spent s hlf - spent s light - ens ev - r'y kd: here,. night. night. lod. Text: 15 th century Germn Crol, Trns. Theodore Bker, 189; Music: ES IST EIN ROS, hrm. Michel Prerius, 1609. Responsive Pslter Redg Pslm 98 Leder: Sg Lord ne song, for He hs done mrvelous thgs! H right h H ho rm hve orked slvtion for Him. Leder: The Lord hs mde knon H slvtion; He hs reveled H righteousness sight ntions. He hs rememered H stedfst love fithfulness H covennt people. All ends erth hve seen slvtion our God. Leder: Mke oyful noe Lord, ll erth. Brek forth oyous song sg pres! Leder: Sg pres Lord ith re, ith re sound melody! With trumpets sound horn mke oyful noe efore Kg, Lord! Let se ror, ll tht fills it; orld those ho dell it! Leder: Let rivers clp ir hs; let hills sg for oy ger efore Lord, for He comes udge erth. He ill udge orld ith righteousness. He ill udge ll people ith equity. Leder: Th Word Lord. Thnks e God.

Chorl Hymn Pslm 98 Sg Lord ne song, for He hs done mrvelous thgs With H right h H ho rm hs He on for Himself vicry. The Lord hs mde knon H vicry; H righteousness hs He open shon sight ntions. He rememers H mercy fithfulness house Isrel, ll ends erth hve seen vicry our God. Shout ith oy Lord ll you ls, lift up your voice, reoice sg. Sg Lord ith hrp, ith hrp voice song. With trumpets sound horn shout ith oy efore Kg, Lord. Let se mke noe ll tht it, ls those ho dell re. Let rivers clp ir hs, let hills rg out ith oy efore Lord, hen He comes udge erth. In righteousness shll He udge orld peoples ith equity. Text Music: The Anglicn Chnt Pslter, 1987. Responsive Redg Isih 9:-7 Leder: The people ho lked drkness hve seen gret light; Those ho delt l deep drkness, on m hs light shone. Leder: You hve multiplied ntion; You hve cresed its oy; They reoice efore You s ith oy t hrvest, s y re gld hen y divide spoil. For un us Child orn, un us Son given; government shll e upon H shoulder. Leder: And H nme shll e clled Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlstg Fr, Prce Pece. Of crese H government pece re ill e no end, on throne Dvid over h kgdom. Leder: To estlh it uphold it ith ustice ith righteousness from th time forth forevermore. The zel Lord hosts ill do th. Leder: Th Word Lord. Thnks e God. Chorl Hymn Infnt Ho, Infnt Lo Infnt ho, fnt lo, for H ed cttle stll; Oxen log, little knog Chrt e Lord ll. Sift re gg ngels sgg, noels rgg, tidgs rgg: Chrt e Lord ll! Flocks ere sleepg; shepherds keepg vigil till morng ne S glory, herd sry, tidgs gospel true. Thus reoicg, free from sorro, pres voicg greet morro: Chrt e s orn for you! Text: Trditionl Polh Crol, Tr. Edith Reed, 191; Music: W ZLOBIE LEZY, Polh Crol, Arr. oseph Brloe, 1986. 5

Scripture Redg Titus :-7 But hen goodness lovg kdness God our Svior ppered, He sved us, not ecuse orks done y us righteousness, ut ccordg H on mercy, y shg regenertion renel Ho Spirit, hom He poured out on us rich through esus Chrt our Svior, so tht eg ustified y H grce e might ecome heirs ccordg hope eternl life. Leder: Th Word Lord. Thnks e God. Congregtionl Hymn God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen # # n # #. God From rest God you our mer - ry, hev n - gen - tle-men, F - r, let noth-g less - ed you d - n - gel my, cme; # # Fer not, n, sid # # n - gel, n let noth-g you f - # fright;. #. re - mem - er un - Chrt cer - our t Sv - ior shep - herds s rought orn tid - on gs Chrt-ms dy, sme; # # th dy orn # n Sv - ior # pure vir - g # right,. ho sve tht us ll Beth - from le - S - tn s hem s po r orn hen e Son ere gone God - y stry; nme, # # free ll those ho trust him from S - tn s po'r might. # # # #. # O tid-gs com-fort oy, com-fort oy, O tid - gs com - fort oy.. Text Music: 18 th century Englh Crol. 6

The Redg Word Mt 1:1-17 The ook genelogy esus Chrt, son Dvid, son Arhm. Arhm s fr Isc, Isc fr co, co fr udh h rors, udh fr Perez Zerh y Tmr, Perez fr Hezron, Hezron fr Rm, Rm fr Ammd, Ammd fr Nhshon, Nhshon fr Slmon, 5 Slmon fr Boz y Rh, Boz fr Oed y Ruth, Oed fr esse, 6 esse fr Dvid kg. And Dvid s fr Solomon y ife Urih, 7 Solomon fr Rehoom, Rehoom fr Aih, Aih fr Asph, 8 Asph fr ehoshpht, ehoshpht fr orm, orm fr Uzzih, 9 Uzzih fr othm, othm fr Ahz, Ahz fr Hezekih, 10 Hezekih fr Mnsseh, Mnsseh fr Amos, Amos fr osih, 11 osih fr echonih h rors, t time deporttion Bylon. 1 And fter deporttion Bylon: echonih s fr Sheltiel, Sheltiel fr Zeruel, 1 Zeruel fr Aiud, Aiud fr Elikim, Elikim fr Azor, 1 Azor fr Zdok, Zdok fr Achim, Achim fr Eliud, 15 Eliud fr Elezr, Elezr fr Mtthn, Mtthn fr co, 16 co fr oseph hus Mry, hom esus s orn, ho clled Chrt. 17 So ll genertions from Arhm Dvid ere fourteen genertions, from Dvid deporttion Bylon fourteen genertions, from deporttion Bylon Chrt fourteen genertions. Leder: Th Word Lord. Thnks e God. Sung Response Come, Thou Long Expected esus, Vs. Born Born Thy. peo - ple.. reign. de - liv - er, us for - ev - er, orn no Thy child gr - cious yet kg - dom. kg,.. rg... By The on e - ter - nl spir - it rule ll our herts - lone;.. By The ll - suf - fi - cient. mer - it, re us Thy glo - rious throne.. Text: Chrles Wesley, 175; Music: HYFRYDOL, Rol Hugh Pritchrd, 1855 7

Homi The Fmi Redemption Psr, George Grnt Scripture Redg Mt 1:18-5 No irth esus Chrt ok plce th y. When H mor Mry hd een etrod oseph, efore y cme ger she s found e ith child from Ho Spirit. And her hus oseph, eg ust mn unillg put her shme, resolved divorce her quiet. But s he considered se thgs, ehold, n ngel Lord ppered him drem, syg, oseph, son Dvid, do not fer tke Mry s your ife, for tht hich conceived her from Ho Spirit. She ill er son, you shll cll H nme esus, for He ill sve H people from ir ss. All th ok plce fulfill ht Lord hd spoken y prophet: Behold, virg shll conceive er son, y shll cll H nme Immnuel (hich mens, God ith us). When oseph oke from sleep, he did s ngel Lord commed him: he ok h ife, ut kne her not until she hd given irth son. And he clled H nme esus. Leder: Th Word Lord. Thnks e God. Chorl Hymn In The Blek Midter In lek mid-ter frosty d mde mon, Erth sod hrd s iron, ter like sne; Sno hd fllen sno on sno, sno on sno, In lek mid-ter long -go. Our God, Hev'n cn-not hold Him, nor erth sust; Hev'n Erth shll flee -y hen He comes reign: In lek mid-ter stle plce suffic'd The Lord God Almighty esus Chrt. Enough for Him hom Cheruim orship night dy, A restful milk mngerful hy; Enough for Him, hom ngels fll don efore, The ox ss cmel hich dore. Angels rchngels my hve gr'd re, Cheruim Serphim throng'd ir, But on H mor her miden ls Worshipp'd Beloved ith ks. Wht cn I give Him, poor s I m If I ere shepherd I ould rg lm; If I ere e mn I ould do my prt Yet ht cn I give Him give my hert. Text: Chrt Rossetti, 187; Music: CRANHAM, Gustv Holst, 1906. 8

Responsive Redg Mich 5:, 5; Mt :6 Leder: Reoice, O you people, e gld. For Lord hs spoken H promes re sure. Leder: And you, Bethlehem, l udh, re y no mens lest mong rulers udh. For from you shll come ruler ho ill shepherd people. Leder: And e shll dell secure, for no He shll e gret ends erth. And He shll e our pece. Leder: Th Word Lord. Thnks e God. Congregtionl Hymn Silent Night 6...... 6 Si - Si - Si - Si - lent lent lent lent. Ho - Ho - Ho - Ho -. All Shep - Son Won - herds drous clm, quke God, str,. ll t love s lend pure thy right sight! light light;. Round Glo - R - With Sleep Chrt, e - Chrt, yon ries dint.. sus, vir - strem ems n -... hev - Sv - Lord, Sv - g from from gels en - ior, t ior,.. mo - r hev - en thy ho - let us. Thy. - pece, orn! irth, orn!... child, fr, fce, sg. ho - hev'n - ith l - le -.. sleep Chrt, e - Chrt, sus, -fntlu hosts dn -. hev - Sv - Lord, Sv -.. so sg re - i en - ior, t ior. ten - der l - le - deem -. Thy. lu - mild, i; g grce, our Kg;. pece. orn! irth. orn!.. Text: oseph Mohr, 1818; Music: STILLE NACHT, Frnz Gruer, 1818. 9

Corporte Pryer Almighty God, You hve given Your on-egotten Son tke our nture upon Him, e orn th dy pure virg: Grnt tht e, ho hve een orn g mde Your children y doption grce, my di e reneed y Your Ho Spirit; through our Lord esus Chrt, hom ith You sme Spirit e honor glory, no for ever. Amen. Congregtionl Hymn oy To The World # #..... U. oy oy No He more rules let orld! Erth! ss orld The The ith Lord Sv - sor - truth ior ros come: reigns: gro, grce, let let nor Erth men thorns mkes re - ir - ceive songs fest n - her em - tions Kg; ploy; ground; prove # #... Let While He # # And Re - Fr ev - fields comes glo - Hev n pet s on - ry ries ders hert floods, mke n - ture sound - g curse H less-gs righ - teous - pre - pre rocks, hills, H H. sg, oy, Him re - found, fr love, room, pls flo ness Hev n, pet, s, on - re - fr ders, re - fr. Hev n pet s on - Hev n pet s on - n - sound- curse ders n - ture sound-g curse ders H ture g H sg, oy, found, love, sg. oy. found. love. Text: Isc Wtts, Bsed on Pslm 98; Music: ANTIOCH, Loell Mson, 186. 10

Benediction Luke :9- Lord, no let Your servnts go pece; Your Word hs een fulfilled. Our on eyes hve seen slvtion hich You hve prepred sight ll: light lighten ntions glory Your people. Glory Fr, Son, Ho Spirit; s it s egng, no, ill e forever. Amen. Sung Response Angels We Hve Herd On High, Refr Glo - - - - - - - - - - ri- ex-cel-s De - o,.. ΠΠGlo.. - - - - - - - - - - ri- ex-cel-s De -. o. Text Music: Trditionl French Crol. Merry Chrtms! o us for Chrtms Dy services morro t 8:0 11 A.M. 11

Presyterin Church Americ 150 Clovercrt Rd. Frnkl, TN 7067 We:.prhpres.org / Titter: @prhpres Church Office: Teres Shrp (57-109), fice@prhpres.org Pryer requests: pryer@prhpres.org Psr: George Grnt (57-109 Office), george@prhpres.org Chief Musicin: Nthn George (9-881), nthn@prhpres.org Asstnt Music Direcr: Henry Hffner (97-657), henry@prhpres.org Psrl Intern: mie Crmpn (9-1696), mie@prhpres.org Prh Nursery Coordr: Blir Crt (15-508), lir@prhpres.org Asstnt Psr: Cm Clusg (on study leve), cm@prhpres.org Elders Tom Goddrd (18-65) Mike Merocchi (59-880) ohn Scherrer (916-065) Steve Nelson (8-101) Nthn George (9-881) Phil Hutcheson (775-756) Bron Good (06-65) Mtt Morron (8-5107) Michel Mstroerti (97-879-168) Lou Huesmnn (Emeritus) Decons Aron Anderson (79-989) Andy Clrk (55-766) son Proli (97-7) eff Dokkestul (618-606) Ry Sdler (97-191) Ne Soundr (519-70) Ben Crt (509-00) Dve Gould (500-51) Bron Blir (575-0-66) In Kern (51-97) immy Allen (76-9877) Tim Simmons (850-5-8997) Alln Dougls (51-55) Tom Millign (805-0-166) Chrlie Sno (00-595) All Bilicl quotes tken from Englh Strd Version unless ore noted. 1