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WLL WAT FOR YOU (PSALM 10) (G / A / Bb Major) Arranged by Paul ampbell, Add. Orch. by David Gibson PARTS NLUDED: Vocal/Rhythm Vocal, Piano hoir (SATB), Piano hoir (SATB) Piano hords & Lyrics This product forms part of an orchestration, also available from Getty Music, which includes: Violin Violin Viola Violoncello ontrabass Keyboard String Reduction PO Box 120187 Nashville, TN 7212

Rhythm, Vocal Pipes: Drone / Synth. Pad Will Wait For You (Psalm 10) ntro (pipes on melody) wait, Arr. by Paul ampbell, Add. Orch. by David Gibson Words: Psalter, Free hurch of Scotland my soul waits for the Lord, my hope is 8 11 in His word. More than the watch - man waits for dawn, my 22 soul waits for the Lord. V.1 2 E 7 Out of the depths D/F G cry to You, Piano ONLY E 7 D/ E7 in dark-est pla - ces will call; in - 27 V.2 1 E B /D cline Your ear E 7 You to me D/F to count my sin a Ac. Gtr.: diamonds G/D - new, and hear G - ful ways, how could D my cry for mer G - cy, Lord. come be - fore Your throne? Were Yet 5 E full h.1 9 wait B /D for - give-ness meets my Bass N / Kit: Ride marking time for You, will wait gaze; Will Wait For You 2018 Getty Music Publishing (BM) / Jordan Kauflin Music (BM) / Matthew Merker Music (BM) / Getty Music Songs, LL (adm. by MusicServices.org) / Townend Songs (PRS) (adm. by MusicServices.org in the US and anada and by www.songsolutions.org elsewhere in the World). Lord, From the Depths 200 Sing Psalms, Free hurch of Scotland Psalmody & Praise ommittee. All rights reserved. Used by permission. G/D stand D for You; on Your word D re-deemed by grace G a - lone. will E will re - ly. will Will Wait for You (Psalm 10)

Voice Piano ntro Will Wait For You (Psalm 10) wait, Arr. by Paul ampbell, Add. Orch. by David Gibson Words: Psalter, Free hurch of Scotland my soul waits for the Lord, my hope is 8 11 in His word. More than the watch - man waits for dawn, my V.1 2 soul waits for the Lord. E 7 D/F G of the depths cry to You, in dark-est pla-ces will call; E 7 D/ E7 2 E B /D Out in - cline Your ear to me a - new, and Will Wait For You 2018 Getty Music Publishing (BM) / Jordan Kauflin Music (BM) / Matthew Merker Music (BM) / Getty Music Songs, LL (adm. by MusicServices.org) / Townend Songs (PRS) (adm. by MusicServices.org in the US and anada and by www.songsolutions.org elsewhere in the World). Lord, From the Depths 200 Sing Psalms, Free hurch of Scotland Psalmody & Praise ommittee. All rights reserved. Used by permission. Will Wait for You (Psalm 10)

hoir Piano mp unis. ntro 7 = = mp unis. Will Wait For You (Psalm 10) Arr. by Paul ampbell, Add. Orch. by David Gibson Words: Psalter, Free hurch of Scotland wait, my soul waits for the Lord, my 11 hope is in His word. More than the watch - man waits for dawn, my soul waits for the Lord. E 7 D/ E7 2 mp unis. (opt. Solo) 1. Out Will Wait For You 2018 Getty Music Publishing (BM) / Jordan Kauflin Music (BM) / Matthew Merker Music (BM) / Getty Music Songs, LL (adm. by MusicServices.org) / Townend Songs (PRS) (adm. by MusicServices.org in the US and anada and by www.songsolutions.org elsewhere in the World). Lord, From the Depths 200 Sing Psalms, Free hurch of Scotland Psalmody & Praise ommittee. All rights reserved. Used by permission. Will Wait for You (Psalm 10)

hoir mp unis. ntro 7 2 V.1 27 Will Wait For You (Psalm 10) mp unis. Arr. by Paul ampbell, Add. Orch. by David Gibson Words: Psalter, Free hurch of Scotland wait, my soul waits for the Lord, my 11 hope is in His word. More than the watch - man waits for dawn, my soul waits for the Lord. mp unis. (opt. Solo) 1. Out of the depths cry to You, in dark-est pla - ces will call; in - cline Your ear to me a - new, and hear my cry for mer - cy, Lord. 2. Were Will Wait For You 2018 Getty Music Publishing (BM) / Jordan Kauflin Music (BM) / Matthew Merker Music (BM) / Getty Music Songs, LL (adm. by MusicServices.org) / Townend Songs (PRS) (adm. by MusicServices.org in the US and anada and by www.songsolutions.org elsewhere in the World). Lord, From the Depths 200 Sing Psalms, Free hurch of Scotland Psalmody & Praise ommittee. All rights reserved. Used by permission. Will Wait for You (Psalm 10)

2 1 V.2 hoir You to count my sin - ful ways, how could come be -fore Your throne? Yet 5 full for - give - ness meets my gaze; stand re-deemedby grace a - 8 lone. mf div. mf h.1 will wait for You, will wait for You; (opt. Solo) on Your word will re - ly. will wait for You, sure-ly wait for You, till my soul is sa -tis - fied. L.1 2 2 9 mf V. So mp put your hope in God a- lone; take cour-age in His power to save. om - oh Will Wait for You (Psalm 10) oh

Piano ntro Will Wait For You (Psalm 10) Arr. by Paul ampbell, Add. Orch. by David Gibson Words: Psalter, Free hurch of Scotland 8 11 E 7 D/ E7 2 V.1 E 7 D/F G E B /D G/D D 2 0 V.2 G E 7 D/F G E B /D Will Wait For You 2018 Getty Music Publishing (BM) / Jordan Kauflin Music (BM) / Matthew Merker Music (BM) / Getty Music Songs, LL (adm. by MusicServices.org) / Townend Songs (PRS) (adm. by MusicServices.org in the US and anada and by www.songsolutions.org elsewhere in the World). Lord, From the Depths 200 Sing Psalms, Free hurch of Scotland Psalmody & Praise ommittee. All rights reserved. Used by permission. Will Wait for You (Psalm 10)

Will Wait For You (Psalm 10). Lord, From the Depths Music by Hugh Wilson, Words: Psalter, Free hurch of Scotland DRONE: NTRO: wait my soul waits for the Lord My hope is in His Word More than the watchman waits for dawn My soul waits for the Lord Em7 D/ E7sus sus2 Em7 D/F# G Out of the depths cry to You n darkest places will call Em Bm/D n - cline Your ear to me a new G/D D G And hear my cry for mercy Lord (As Verse 1) Were You to count my sinful ways How could come before Your throne Yet full forgiveness meets my gaze stand redeemed by grace alone HORUS: will wait for You will wait for You D Em On Your word will rely will wait for You surely wait for You D G add9 Em7 add9 Till my soul is satis - fied HORUS G add9 Em7 add9 Satis - fied (As Verse 1) Now He has come to make a way And God Himself has paid the price That all who trust in Him today Find healing in His sacrifice HORUS LAST HORUS: will wait for You will wait for You D Em Through the storm and through the night will wait for You surely wait for You D G G For Your love is my de light OUTRO: (nst. as ntro) (As Verse 1) So put your hope in God alone Take courage in His power to save ompletely and forever won By hrist s emerging from the grave Will Wait For You 2018 Getty Music Publishing (BM) / Jordan Kauflin Music (BM) / Matthew Merker Music (BM) /Getty Music Songs, LL (adm. by MusicServices.org) / Townend Songs (PRS) (adm. by MusicServices.orgin the US and anada and by www.songsolutions.org elsewhere in the World). Lord, From the Depths 200 Sing Psalms, Free hurch of Scotland Psalmody & Praise ommittee. All rights reserved. Used by permission.