._ ~ ~y =_:_~.= ~~ :vo~. x~;=,>ro. 1~,7.] L0~N-DON, TUESDAY, JAN. 23, ,.::.",... "-... J " ~u]~,~.bo~,;~, if..

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._ ~ ~y =_:_~.= ~~ ( rraam~oa Aro~. dpor GOD, AND GOOD TO AFRICA AND HER PEOPLE." " Ta~, o ms anyw~e re.of Power, ard FII ~ S/ou o/pro~ecl~on. Merd~o, a Mao~ra~e, and l~ ~dea follo~s of Pfv/~rly. "j. "~::..r:! I ans ~rnrnenlj and ~ are o see ~ Fro~ r~rez$ of Ao~ go~- rned. Power r.or~f~u~ of Aer~e s a ~ona~" " ~rre a an~ ~w~n of ~ jua~ of God or l~ 9ood of,~a~ncl. --F~v~ Bu~. - 21 1866. :vo~. x~;=,>ro. 1~,7.] L0~N-DON, TUESDAY, JAN. 23, 1872. S~b~dl~k~ ~a pe Z=s,... -.... CONTENTS, -.-.... : ~xoz,. ~ I~A01 The L~m I~a ~o~y... 8~ The be~a l_~m~ ImL~nmea d. 05~1~ ~.... ~... " ~ ~or Fan~ S mon Couf6de~...~ ~ Co~r~u~oa, and A~ng-Aclm~ :;:-.... 81 "Le~d~6n and I~h~e m I~, ~s~ ofhp Counry... 7~ Pabllo Affslre n I~,o~. @,;~... 8~ The Plunder of Mr. Rglle s ~ry ~.,..,:,.,.:... 75 O~.d Corre~po~eh~ ~.~ Aff~_~ of Lagc~... 82.I~~n Deba o BrR~ G0vernm~k for Br ~ Subjoc~...75 Oonfm~on s Lsg~ ]JF~k~ B~op of Serra Leone... 8~ The 1~ ~,er S~am~..,... ~...:... 84 Small.pox s~ Cal~ Cou.:... 85 Cons~u~n of Fsn~ ConfMeaHon... ;... ;... 77 ~orr~ence ~h Earl of Kmberley on PauU Affars... 85 A Few W6z~l~ of ~/rod EX--~h~on.... 80 Red ~r *x~impr~nme~ a Cape Coas... 86 Lverpool Msrke~... "... 8"/ -:-, A F.R.,.I-,GA,N A G,E N O Y ; For,~ng Busn0ss ~ngland fo:~a~vo and oh~ Traders on ]~o Wes; ~oas~ of Afrca, - TN ~ns~uenee of ~ : expressed, from all ps. of ~ W ~ ~. ~.Mx. l~e.x~a~ ~ rnsdo a~g~.men~ for sellng -:.- A :pro~u~ on~g.~ o ~m ~y ~> ~~nao~ 0~ ~ e~..; --? p~.~.~,~,pp~ ~:, o~...~,?op~. m of ~en~ or or effecve ~mlllanc~ only, from elmer el ~o s~yo ]pna, on a ~s~m oy.w, ea.me ~ea~es~ possum. =.: "/~l~g0 Of markes wll be ~ecured le A-~zo~ Tz~; ara, M urns m very unpor~an~ ~ smar capxaans~ remra gooa~ ~o-.~- ~ 1~11 be sen o~ n all eases whou any delay beyond such as may ~omeme~ be ca~!. by msnula~rurers. : : - All lere~ and brl~ of:ladlng,.whea ~M~en s be o o flora London or Lxverpool, o be ad&~ : " : "... : : F. ~ITZOERALD, ]~s~.,..l,.~ ; - 121, lqee.slree~, ~ondo n~ R.0. : ~: N.B.--0pen Polces on Imuranco for Pro~u~ faom Coas by 1[all Bleamers; bu nended Shpmens ~ould be " advsed f possble...,.::.",.... "-... I;!BRTISH ANDAI//R:;OAN STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. The-; ~a~aers oe ; -~... Company Wll henceforward be despached from ~verpool on :; 6~h ~md sh of each M0fh, excep w~en se daes fall on a Monday, when deparure wll. be deferred o day followng,. - -,.:.:. ~ / J " "ho 6h ]~EB. a - 3 P.~. for.~aaen~..~ ~rana uana~! ~e~"~^ ~o. u~, :T:;~;= L:,,.,._,:.^ ~ :^. N~ C~labaz ".v^~,.~. ~=~ ~ r~m-~ ~o~- Bonny ~ernando-po. and Oa ~am~ar; ns ~amer w~ ~-~ ~,~S ~,%~ Z" ~. ~"~ : "l:lrs~; and ~ mn aenvenng msae me I;~r~)#.~c. ~o,v~y...~ ~ --=-- --rr--.._ no, k TA NT o.,"].~. h~ T,o~ " ~ B zh n -a ~ er s rsk.- GOODS"wll be receved ~n OLASOOW up o u ~.x. on.~e,o...~:..,.,_.,load~o e,.;~p~r~t_,.~.~, ~;a. f,~bur~, I)~k3 u. o 6... on ",305h ~ EB. 1 a~ongers wm emoaz vy ~m --enac =m :, ~ Pn " c~ s I~ndln. "g ag S oa ~ 980., ~c..] on~o,, asyo~samng,, ~., ~.... xr~rv wech w;ll leave LIVERPOOL DYREOT on h 1; EB a 7,~O A v IOr ~la~elrs~ edenn~ ocrr ~u~ -~ r-. :. ~O/8 " "... " - " -" -... "...~ ": :...for de]w~ by branch seamer mude bare of ~: 3ellah Coffee, I, sgos, Bemn, Y,...."... ~- ~-.,.r~,~ous. Passengers wll embark a 7 A.~. on 0pbo, ]few Ce3al~r, and ~.,a~0s ẹoo<is:wl De rce,,~vea, up O auou mu ~-: ~... ~e day of sallng. "... " -...- --- -~- All (leeds whheoa board ~e Company s ~: /, Gooc]s for ~erfa ~ne wll be landed m a ~mp s 9xpenso, ou~ ompp~re,,~. ~u]~,~.bo~,;~, o be... a Shl p~e s - or - Conf, -- gnoe s --:,-,-,-~ rsk,...-. o,,.~ ~r~...~ ~, 9,, ~;~ ~1~.~r~, o~o~,; And ~lls.o: j.mdfg o me uompanys ~corm can ~o vu~,.~=~ ~-~ T ~ S f... ~pr lnrae.r: mzormauon apply n x,on_~on ~? ~/.. ~...a o~ 2 Bmnswck-s~ee. :Lr2o~.and P-~.;, 24/04wald;s~ ~ ;. an d n.llv~rpoo~,_o J~.x~, ~La-s;a~e~,%~. ho S~esmors of 6h for delvery :- -... "~ ry h~do ]~o Bars of NEW" O A_L~AR, B~, and ~; ~x~", ana v. me ~.~.~ers. of nn and forwa~lod by ~ hobars of OPOBO, NEW CALABA1% and LAGOS. The Goods ~ be ransl~pped a Be y,, Branch Seamer. : ;.. " L"f" ".,-:~ ~ru.,h ~ Afrcan ;.. AMen ~, ~ :.B~~ ~ud 7/ WEST COABT lfai~. A R.BXV~J.,8, December 29~ 1871. ~ an~sry.2. ~.boe. Sanua~y 18. DEP*R~. Bff,h and. Afrcan,Compsny s R?cluelle, J ~u.sr7 ". n 19 Afrcan Be~mflfp Co. s ~ucl~,.for u.~e~8.~:~r, a,,.. Brsh and A~ Company s ~n~; ~an..~.^.,~ The Baf s wll ake ou monhly maus on ;s~.

74 THE AFRICAN TIMES. ~nds, and ha was en~gh. To hs docrne I ~em~...as LIBERIAN LOAN :OORRESPONDENCE. h;rval ~ anoh~ "fhtl ~laces beyondoub f@~ or :ee The l~ollo wln. g.corre~penden~..,relaes. o Lbergn.. seven perchm~gof go-~d~mea=~ ~IAberz, I no w ake h~ oppe/ny of con. Ic~l for 100,0001., mroduc~l hero n Augus las a prce of 85L by Messrs. Holderues~ No, and Co. :~ sendng you a opy o:f he leer of ~r. H. R. IW: lohnlsof, -.fv). Deparknen of ~se~nd nve you~ con~d~zalo!l of as T.IB E~J./k~ LOAN, and of my former leer, and of oommun~lon from you of Councl of Foregn Bondholders, 115, Palmersoubuldngs, London, Augus 30, 1871. au any explanaon of course pursued by you n hs maer, of wha y propose for proecon of bondholders.-- Genflemen,--Applcalon havng )den made o ho CemCl of am, Genlemen, your mos obeden servanh Foregn Bondholders as o several pons prospecus of Hr~s Cmm~, Seoreary. Lbedsn Loan, ssued by you, whch are s~ed o ~ :open o Messrs. Holderne~, l~ o, and CO,, doub, I am dvesed q wques your aenon o subjec. 1. S. M chsel s-ehan~bers. I~ n,#~ne~ h~~ ~rd~g o h~ consuon ~f LbelS, n conform y w h ha M" {heuned Saes, allofoce~:nohlnaed ~ h:~ P~Iden kre ~ubjeco confrmaon by S~Sa~ @d ll?ef0ro desrable o kno wher h~ ~ar~sso.ne.4"s ~or We ~ o.l~0rm Ygw.~. ~Wg hay? no reason.o ~P,I~. a~..he hs loan have full consuonal powers. 2. The law auhohseff h~ lore 4.o~ no 8_~_e ha can!~ ~ued._~.a d~u_n, f*m wh eommr~onem. ~helosnwas eonre~ed_-l~der bondhblde~ of ~e Lbd.lan ~ Wll requre- nne*, prce, non han has_already been secured o m~ade conk se.of our pon. ~houlc] be made clear.- 3.. hd Nh~b l~ d l~er~. ~e Lbe~s~ o~ermen bonds, o/ad~ l~rospe~d~ ~a~:xh~ ~-~ zo--l~ ~,ned by Charge: d Affake*. I s de, reble-o know wher any law on Treasury or or "rcsr.~:$h ~ckon on hs lde wokld be p/e~acor~ ~~e~ ~g l~nms~ecs 6~{h6 usurpaon of governmen by pares communlcaflag wh yoursdf. Wh reference o alleged msappropra- ~apscly of sgnng offcers havng power o hnd Govern: men---.wher,.fo.r n.a.ave e, s]gnm. _! e of.hp ]~.~pn : 8ebre/~,y of Treasury a requlr~, 4. A~ ~ p~ps~c~ a.~4on of frs nsalmen of een b~v 6~oer~ df ~ ~.. u blc~ law sae ha funds rased by loan amdo be amgned o# we ~n only.exp~ o~.~m..~.. ~,~#/h~. ~ ~s~. ~ upon specal purposes, a respqn~bl~, devolvesup~ your fq ~.r r foun4ed..--~.we are, dear S~r, yqur~~ ~fglly, ~... ~easures you propose o make for hs ~urpb~, rn ~ll~/~g your + +.... : ":...,- " Hd~ams~b No~, and CO. aenono hs-subj~ desm Of {heo~/nol-b b~ ~yde Olsr~0, L~.,"Se ~s~yof ~unoll of favourcdwh"eu~h nformaldn from yod as s ealeolaed o Fore/gn Bondho~d.e.~.,,-~... _ remove doubs, l~6 means of selng whch ~re "/o"awdlable _..-...-= here, and Whch mgh proye njurous o ~cl~olde s ers.... liberia. "- ~: - - - -. : afer. You wll perceve ha: m~efs n6w ref ~ ¼b ~h~ THE ZOAI~, ~~"~ -of O]~.r~r-,~, 1~ I~]YI"8~&I~OZ~ ~. o pons on whch dfl]culles have a~n wh several saes of ~O ~ ]Z DIYOR 0 M A~RI~AN Amercan Unon and or borrowng pares. ~I am, Oanlemen~ your obeden servan, " "... " " ~: " ".. 3~onrovs, December, 1.871. J flr,~-you~a31 &~vd hek- / df ~ ~~2~f~n ]~f ~Pesden (Sgned) H~DS Olan~z, Secreary. ressrs. Holdernes~, No, and Co...:.. Cornhll, Sepember 7, 1871. ~ of ~p~.b~oj, ~ ~n:m/, ]~, 17._.",R~.~ye: ge. @ay, o, " I~eaBr,-~-Wea~olo gs~ for delay ~ ~ply, ~hch s due Tre~. Wy,.M~r..~ohn..N, :Le.~..l~cre~JTof,$.af,~, ~.r:~h-~me, o our solcor beng ou of own. The pons named n yo~.rgovernor of Mesu~. ~o OOun~(ggdoM~hn~ w h9 ~r~ one of leer had all prevously rece~-ed hs ea eful aenon! bu we.lpa~ Co.mm/~oQers n E.nglap~..! r. ~ol~on-hm been n prefer ha y should be answered by. eference o hm. Immed~ely upon hs reurn we wll wre o you, and ere~ dearn Lbera; as wll be hh follow commssoner, Mr. Anderson, Amerca,. and was arresed momen pu hs foo On shorn Sr, yours fahfully, should he r.eum from Amerca. Rumoursae ha cheques (Sgned) Hoz.u~2rzss, Norz, and Co. were found on h~ Presden o am0un of$3,000~ on hs son Hyde Clarke, ]Esq..~ ~,.-. o amoun of $2,600, and on Mr. Lews $3,000.. Mr. Roye ~-s ~0 $~Q00 are ~ own money, bu czens suspecy Deparmen of Sae, ~Ion~.~a, N o~. 8, 187.1. are par of ".loan money. They. am ypry mg~! wh Mr.. Srf--~-I am dreced o wre o you op le subjec of!van0hnne~ for wrln~ h h osa who proe~ed aga~ ~an ~0nraced by ceran commssoners of Lberla wh capalss n we_re dw England. On 26h of Ocober l~ ~P]d bf.~j~had~: 5 &o., and say y wsh he was hem, ha y would h6 Pm~sonal (~svernmen: Tho Vce-pre~den~ ~r~ved g l~d b~me a Chary* dr~;gs " 11o ~ 0M~I hdvb ~ 6l ~af~ sea of governmen on 2nd of presen monh, and he has of hs cell. The leg~dr~ m-6 bekng 0~ of~fe ~, rayng approted of nsrucons sen from hs ddp-~ka~ -6 5or l~a-~ey never an.horesd rasng of loan. I wll, how- ~ow you n a~or comrhdrdeaon Wha. ome of our ~s~ ~o,c~~g Io~n. The :o~n ~., ~~ b~e~rer, ~mmesone g con~ary o law, and f~ bsa~ime :ad on legh." lao~.a~. Iw]l be well f~ se wh d.have ~d accoun "of l~.n has been mgapp.ropr~ed by our o ff~e~ mbney n ~mgland ff y can conrve o ge babk f-oh?m.r. The GoVernmen desres ha everyhng shall r~msn n-mm~quo Ch~nne~ and ~e~rs: Hold e~ne~, No~/rod P.~./~ o~ LbeKana ~nl as.~mblng of.1ffaoeal- ]Legslsurs: nex monh. @l n~dq pay. -Afnd all hs bp. nnabld mbl0 wekmness, To pzeven money from beng m~spplm as l~d lp I; hale wha~ s (.~U. ed a. ~ea relgous renal s ~g o/5 a~r ~o/e~ of ~slr~ed our agens abr0ad o gve noce o. bank or.banks l~ople n 6 sad d be g*-e~ng- dbnverson every dghh. r he~e n Whch lj~f0c~eds of ~d 19an may have b~n 6epbs~_#d f,o f ~nz~ s r~. go~., me~ f.g~, are kep up all ngh Uhl daybreak sop p.aymen of all drafs d~ blls" ~Imwn on aeeoun df asdwi~e Pumber~. of me[-~md women ~ e mm!eg: kro~ 10an, Wher dra~vxl by Provden ard ~embers of former~n ~.nd am1 alongdde ehs~le n whch ~vlvals are Odvdr~fneln of Lbera, 0r by any pare~ e~oad. "-I~have deemedaled on. Such, alas, s Lbera I - " pruden o gve ~.ou noce of bs fac, as yon are ~presenave of some who are nereced hs:mse ~ ~ ;" - M : "? )~, : ~ (Sgned) H.R.W. ~Toaxsox.... ~. Gersd nbe~, E.~., Ch~rman of Exe~uv~ Commee of Councl of Foregn Bondholders. Councl of Fom.gu ]~,ondholders,.lls,..p ~.o;, 8".~,.--The L l~.n. sp me roh.a.~~ go fore!g.ne nb" ~-e ~ Oovem. buldngs, London, December 6~ ~ " " men..i beg y..o~ n. dqge..nee WI~.e.I expl~ hd~ h.~9"~, m-o. ~ove~..m~em, Th0. legh..l~ors~ ~r. Edpr,.are ~_I~Rll" Ix>or ypur eenop o severn! pons Erospocu,~ o~ ~e.~ M de# men ; and )ns~yo[ h~.m so Morae c~ Ig~oM~,/~M) f you ~oan whch ~ ere d~{m o be ope O dpub..~o re~j~j..~/.~] We..m )~.~ m ~ ~pel!.t~gb!/ho~ :~bad Zb~b o ahswer, I called a yoflr 6Mce a~d w~/$ /nforr~ed ~-dny~l~or I ~vd r lves ; much less ell you n~ df ~~ord. In W~S ou of own. The Councl has receved no answer o hs some of our counes such men are pu n by h~ ~m~]~nh o leer, las week ~r. Oer~enberg, cha~msrfof Cofn~l, I serve r ends. The me ch~e say o 6~dnS bef~t-6eleo- I wan you o voe for such a man as Represenave or receved a leer from Deparmen of Sae a Monrova, daedlon, 8h Novehaber, seng objecons of newy-nsa~ed Senaor ; f no I wll sarve you ou. Ths h done n some of Oove.rnMef o " loan, and I ~lled Upo, n yeur fre.wh ~he J our eounea. The merch~s have ~] l~m-mq/~h6 rce, lea(e?. " I ~w ~q members. Ohe 9f hdm a "frk:.~d.ugh~ sal fsh, and oba~0/whloh :are: fs~gs of was unrue ~ha ~ 5y g.olnfoa hd a]enfl~ee ~ L~. 2he J Lbera; and f y h01d s~ ~ lo ~~V~ldh~ o~ ~e; or sad sus~chbers had p~d r money ~ go heyes, even de of earvaof. ]Laks Way y ge dzen~ -~ ~j under r humb, and.keep m re. The men who a~ [only p~.d n counres produce of whc~-~e counry do, eleced wll be such men as y can dcae o; such men as! no wsh o expor; wshes o keep for home cpnsumpoa; or wll arry ou ~elfsh vews of merchans and for hs wherecounrypreduceasomehng wh whchno orceunry self neres. On my vso Leewsrd Counes no long ago can compee, and of whch can secure a monopoly of supply ; I observe, ~hle a one of sores, a legslaor come n. Poor bu o chargexer dues on l:mm-ol, camwood, &o., s me~, he looked weak from sarvaon. "Pcas: rus me," he absurdly foolsh. Do we wsh o keep palm-~)l, canlwood, add o merchan, "a cro of rce, a pn ofpalm-o]l, and wo&o., n counry? If so, wh~ for? Wha do we manufacure ~al fsh." - "No," sad merchan, walkng away a samewh m~ - me,.!! I wll do n,~ such a hng.", ~fy wfe and chldren," 6. Ge rd of ha lne of demarcaon whch we pl bcwoea @~nued leg~la~r,." have no eaen anyhng for wo days, ourselves and our own nave brehren, and s rseh our hands ou and e hlvb no had n lgh n oar house for a forngh." "I o m, rasng m up and makng m S sde by sde wh don sere anyhng kbouha/ - ~d merchan; "you fellows ourselves, nsead of lookng down upon m wh conemp, ~l~ny~u go.~ge#dauro-don do wha we merchans wsh scoru~ and eupercl~usnees, ~.eu~ do; celwl ~w"yeaall ha. you shall,~ er erns nsm or 7b~ Turn euzaenon o growng of cpon. We ~e ffe.ef(~on,. {}~ ~ your governmen, cohune4 or- from a coon.growng ~unry, and hun ~orke4 u ~oon. planaons, bu ye re s no euy coon expored from Lbera, I~n~_ ~1 le J3~rernmen gve you Hce) palm.ol, ~d f~h, ~c~bb~ccb/ - :~I~h pb~ man old mo ha he had abou $200houghwe undersand culvaon eo well; and why s hh? Eloera~n Ino~by ~ hs hous* n Tres~m y orders cud selazln~. he sek l~ hed l~l for nearly wo yesrs, and ~nno ge any~g A LII~ZRIAX. fo~ ~. :~ney s~-e sl~ of paper, wren, by Supern!eud~ o Treaury a l~y. bearer; and ha Governmen moneythe FA01 PLUNDER ~ORYFALS OF E" MR. ROLLE 8 hr es:.~sde~ :~ dry leave, Whch we blow from recs, HOOD 8 OF TKE LIBERIAN" 8TATEEN~I." exeep~ on ~e bccasou.when merchans wan o buy any JUSTIFYING IT, Oovernn~n I~ds...Then y nofy o czens ha y Nll ~ for Treasury orders, and wha wll y sell? Soch " b m, gs ss roen cod-lhh ; ~omemee shoulders of bacon wh Monrovh, Lbera! 1%vember 19, 1871. s~pl>em workng up" n m; roen rce wh any amoan of Br,~The Lberans have r~ o jusfy wha y dd n w~vles; ~nd old danuged clohs. Now for se, ~r. Edor, he ~r~n-c/~ ~d~anhah s coun{ry, vlunderng and burnng 3:, 3"eremah wll charge, 6 dols. for a croof rce; 10 dols. for e should er or sde b~ll~ s fa~orv~ &~, by ~ss~ng ~ were raakng war oh Prnce ~f roen bacon ; 2 dols. for a yard of srped cloh damaged, and Mannah, be~u~ he h a~! made a prsoner df a Z r~. Blackford, a ~.qecns. for a qar of brne of sal fsh orbcef, because y are Lberau woman, Ths s aiogor false. The facs are Treasry orders; Now czens worked ham for Treasuryse. The Lbershs had an evl eye on Mr, Roll0 s facory, ord~ h ~ auyorlman does for slver and gold. When for hnhapplly Lberans arc n somehng Sllke hean, merchan has go enough of {hose Treasury orders o buy hs y do no~ lke o seenan prosper, bu c~ve wha he has go. l~nd, ha sops ellng h~a damagec.], goods. Our czens rejoce Mrs; B[ackford was no ~pared bt PHse ~annab, as was fal~ly allezed Her husband rsded n errory of PHnce ~fannah. and hnk s a Gerund when a merchan gves noce ha he wll sell ~mo of h~ roen eu~ for Treasury orders ; for Afer hleded, sho became wfe of ~aoy of :he ~emhe u,meh. czens have no or way of geng rd of ho~ Treasury orders Prnce Hannah, he rng of MeBka," as!he Llbenan~s,~ll mselves--/e.,a wom~n wh clp(hd~ on--hdugh he shoran,,ks bu hy ~ chances, and se chances do no very, oren happen. Under such crcumsances, Mr. F~lor, how can a counry rse? o h~ve her as hla wfe; he refore se~ for her~ and she Our ~eu~ors and Rep.r~enalves mus b~ ~depe~dan men, and Wllfgly wen. The Lbesns know hls O 15o h0 her. ~re. BIackford s a prosue, and ~ley ne~r n ehded o have gone Oo~rheh "mds"/nhkd ~l~ ~ "~:f~/ or ~blow~n~ o world ha ge are ndependan, ~V~en We ~m n realy no so, s afer her; for afer had plundered Mr..Rp"lh~s faeory~ ak..~g //way ah r, cor m/n skbo~s ahd produce, ~~d seng fre o au bosh. We-~a~k-oo much ; we boasoo foolshly on nohng ; b~6"ng~, -y =- never w;n{~ near PHnce 3[annah. Abou four ye~rs ago a Xr. D6~glaz was muxdered fn~ chopped n peces our Governmen. Here.warnS:Wh folded hans,, sur~unoea Wh bush~eveh,eour k~ do~rs, n whch rere leopards, ~os "by :N~a~roo people, near"?=ce Oonuy:..D~d. Ll~r~us ma~ch agans h e murderers. Igo a b o ~. aua gers, dcer, sfakes/:monkeys, drvers, and all knds of ferocous why fef ~ B~cause re was no 3ercm~ch Rolls facory nee and ~replles ; our Brces jus a Hle foopah, eo han a~s~z&~ when our lades come ou arer has been mnng, or n,/or" ~ny or Brsh subjeefs facory u or near ha ~rf, "for{hem o rob 61 plunder ; so y only lad ah ne ~- ]~ ana]k/x)o ceunry~ ha no 1~eople shouid go m mornng aflerh~ dew has beef fallng, y scarcely walk a fewdo~of ~ erd~ befdm ~er boos and dresses are we.from grass: We O frsdo; ~d wh.~ h.eyfound ha Nen~kroo people were ~pgh-o: be az ham~ of our~res, for prve" egos we have hadpeff~fly ncle~nden bf m and r beas, and ha y ~md oppor~nles gven o ur) for we han done nohng for our mselves were {he grea~, sufferers n no rece]wog n~ and ~lv~; nohng for oureount~ nohng for Our hean brehren, bu~ nake m hewers of wood anddrawers of waer; nohng pal.m-0ll from N~skroo, vezy soon mmov~ un nerdc whou wang o be raked o do so. ~urely any- eculd ~us~y m ~R makng way, cruel murder of o:enebur~e commerce ~ nohlng owm ds deve.lopmeu of hh~ ~o~e,c~ ~e coun, and.o~g for oury~n: Wh.~ ~heff cour.ry man I)ougl~ was ~.uch.a C~us, ay.d. no ~.~ng we can manage o clear n lle spo of land o l)ula nous~ ~ fee long h~. ~10 Of a Ioo~ LbeHan woman o wfe, wlao ~s now nvmg wxm xnnce fcewde, besdes renng a poron of our shed~annkh, and would prefer lyn~ W hm o beng w her own o wo fam~ besdes eu~selves, and plm..~ a ldo pach.whpcop]~ : peabbd" or ease ara/ we hnk we lmve acheve4 a ~ea l~ ng; l..._..._...-,- ~=.,--. afla n We. walk abou Wh folded hgu&, boasng of our lbery, and wha an mmen~ counry we have; and haf, S LIBERIA.N DEBTS" TO"~ILE BRTIsH OOVERNSIENT FOB BRITISH SUBIEOTS. el>ou /~h~ bulh s asrng us n face as we ~ooz ou~ - ~onrovls, Nov, 26, 1872. ~l make a moven our Govummen~ an~ our cmzece mso, Br,---Our Gov ernm0n owes Brsh Governmen Iergo sums of money; semo ~y abou $12,000 for plunderng of ch~ge o~ peloy n o~pr~ng ~.~~.a.~.d ~png do~. To ~ counry from Is p~esen aeysaauon, s u3~. anon, ann sohocn abeh, belongog msery ~rd mus have followu~/or same ~ uch hngs :-- $7,000 for plunderng of Bngh~n vng ~-.., J lsh Redo66 presen dues (whch am n cruel robbery, and czens of Cspa Palmas ;snd abou ~27,500 for plunderng of Mr. Jersmch Relle s facory ; besde~ pos-ofl~ce money.we~. pu ou:wh neno keep counry from rsng) o 4 cens. On a dollar. " whch our offcals have devoured, and whch ramour e~ms~..~ Rnd. Am end h e Consuon " " ~o as o adm for mers -- as.- a$10,000 --" -- Whenehallweeverbeableopayh~l~golums?,~-... ^ ~.,~.. 1"10 ray m em un my-= ere abou o ge from 1 --n _.. L,a ~ """~". -. :. for n we saou~uu~ Srd. Be.~movo hs heav~ and oppressve axahon under ho[~euglsh!,oan woold be an abs_u~ 1~.L~",hedeb Bu wemus ~na.me of ". Fed]a~ l.deendgs,!, under whch a poor czen canno] have a uyhng, p worx upon ~oov~)~;~,-whv. no offer her go no hud counry o bay hmself n crcof rce and a gallon [ offer zng.~sa.,~ove~n~e~ ~--~a~," r Ca-e... "Palmss and,., of 1~lm ol whou payng ~ exoronae llcenec.fce of sacs oz our ~ermoryr x,~,~ :o, dol~., Cavala Rver, whch are of lle or no use o us rana W~couue=,w-~,=.. - 4h. Remove sex.orona.e~cence-fees cf 50 dol l sr s a ~,y ear Jeer.Y "~el,~"no -~, her, n~a and ~ be... conen and wh Snce, so.o whch are qu~e as Wholesale fance ; ~nc realecuce-fce of 12 doller~..neo I suon as Juesur~,... ọ._ Z 2 ~ ;: ^ur le~dsors are whmperre o~pr~~enboh m..er-:~ana ~d real~n.-,a Goverumen..much,.~.,~e ~.mm~..~.,,%~,,~ll~ brough be[ore should ~o oppress her ~~a~; psu ouhhan~ n new Cove.n~.en. mg ns acou, am a~ u_mo=~& ~o,~ 1 almss, w ~ch ~ chefly -- " - clhole~l".. -.,-... corn uz ~uv~ =~. ~ ~ --- m~erable, wre~ed~.d... posen ~ of money. h::bem~.dk~h~ expor dues. :Exer dues are] qmo h~ lmn epue such large 7 r,

L F f / )! ) f 76 THE AITRIOAN TIMEB. [J~. 28, 1875. HUMAN SACRIFICES.--EFFORT8 BY THE AGENT OF I conquered hm, and he old maser o send hm away ou THE FANTI CONFEDERATION TO PI~VENT THEM. of hs dsrc o Aklm, where I eneraned no more fear abou 2"0 ~ XDITOR OF THE AYRICAN rik~. man s lfe, ha beng n Proecorae. I, however, lamen Amansn, November 14, 1871. o say ha because hs wfe s far o look upon, and m~er Sr,--1. Snce I wroe you my pr~ae leer from Ahwoduyah, wshed o keep her, he sen hm away o Akm whou her, daed on 5h July las, n whch I craved your knd opnon and ordered hm o be klled. Wavngo nformaon of hs and answers o mporan quesons ren conaned, and deah and convced maser, who s of Proecorae, I am respecng whch I am anxously lookng for a leer from y.ou, ryng o ge hm punshed. All-wse God s, as wero~ makng evens cry ou agans 7. The lae kng had a deal of love and respec forhs Englsh, de~ay of placng Englsh flag on Duch Fors on our bu now, hrough nerchange, hs people consder mselves coas, whch alone wll rescnd convenon and recfy under no European Power; because, havng refused Duch, error made by wo Powers n enerng upon. Englsh would no acknowledge m. The supersous 2. Some hree and hry days afer dae of my leerreferrod o above, only survvng of old Kngs n me..r-rerces beng only kep down by Brsh wfluence, and no by noons of people so far n neger re~pecng human seedrecorae, venerable Kng KwamnaEnlml, of Waseaw, dlea/ Chrsan relgon, empaon s rar oo sre. ng for a l~hpe!e.% on 7h Augus, and I only wsh I could gve you an accoun of hs deah whou gvng pan o mnds of habs canno be surprsed o hear wha has aken pla~ m hs n a groe lke hs o ress; and one well acqumned w~l~ :err Chrsan frends n England who are.anxously lookng forh for dsrc snce deah of remarkable kng. They nave an exenson of Chrsan cvlzaon over mnds of poorsacrfced abou hry persons. 8eve rsl wh whom I am well benghed Afrcans, especally of hose whoso daly medsena acquaned, snce I arrved on 3rd ns., beh her have been parcularly engaged by anxous desre o see removal of darkness from mnds of ee people n hs parcular kng s placed on sool ; and knowng ha re s greaer and chefs of hs body guard, desred me o reman unl a par of Afrca. cusoms o be made ye, because none of h~_groa.oap~ 3. I do no hnk I need ell you, Mr. F~lor, ha whaever and chefs ha compose dsrc had appeared, ann- nevna ey benef may have been shned by Brsh Governmen, n a are expeced o brng over hry persorm o be sac~rflc~l, I. have pecunary pon, for par of coas possesses now by hsmade cessaon of human sacrfce condon s my s~yng nerchange, has beau very dearly purchased, o say nohng abouwh m. The enclosed s documeno whch I have ge roubles has occasoned n mnds of many, expenses ncurred n war beween Fanls and Duch anhjecs, frends o succour me n my effors o check hs evl. r slguauroe, and I have wren o Cape Coaso ge some lves aken away, many people on Duch sde caugh and 8. I red when a Epphno ge Admnsraor o ad sold no alavery (here, where I am wrng, I am surrounded by n a ca~ lke hs by a leer, of whch hc enqlcaed s a copy ; scores daly beggng me o ry and ge m redeemed by rbu conveyor beng dscouraged by some frends on ooas, frends on coas). I has now sreched a baneful hand o was never delvered. Wowever, I am ryng agan by nflucnce of Chrsany and o roong ou o dosrnohon bearer who akes "hs o coas-for posng, andi rus of all good plans wiheh Brsh nfluence has planed n Admnsraor wll fnd nohng hs way of duy o keep hm feld of God n hs par. There s no wan of evdence of from accedng o, I wll wre o you agan resul of hs, Chrsan cvlzaon shkng s powerful weapon on hckmy labour. darkness surroundng Gold Coas. If some of old Eurepeana now n England, who were yearn ago resden hero, were o J os. DAwsox. I have honour o be, Sr, yours obedenly, revs now, y would acknowledge a vas dfference, and be led o bless God, because of fndng every day almos chewng L~~*r ~ ~ Adm~, sfra~or, referred o n ~ a~ Loller. evdence of mprovemen. 4. Bu wha would y say abou human sacrfce beng F~ern ~Yassaw, Epphno, Ahwoduyab, Augus 22, 1871. pracsed now a Amansln, capal of Wassaw, chef resdence of once venerable old Kng Kwamna Enmll? I s Sr,--Alngh I am no gnoran of hs dsrc beng, by only a day or wo ago when, ryng o convnce a meeng I had Convenon, ou of your Exceleney s jursdcon, ye I am m- by crcumsances under whch s placed, o nrndo called oger herof evl of human sacrfces, ha a frendpelled, laely arrved from coas remarked ha a European frend a upon your Excellency for nerference s affars, as nobody Cape Coas expressed a wonder ha Wussaws, no bengelse can effecually preven hs evl fru enaled on ner. Ashances, should make human sacrfces. Bu mus I ask, whachange. has occasoned hs? I pray o be allowed o say ha hs has Human sacrfce has been effecualy prohbed n hs and heen occasoned by delay n selng long-pendng negoaon every or dsrc or sae n Proecorae by rules of for evenual ransfer o Brsh rule of all fors and Her Branno Majesy s Governmen, bu, ~mce nerchange, people now under Duch. has brough on rregulares ha~ hs dsrc, havng efused 5. Need I remark ha Br[sh~gensou here on coas, Duch, consders self o be under no European rule a presen, or rar Brsh Governmen agens, are no gnoran ef bu merely kep by resran of re oonnex/on wh Fan favourchlo feelngs of people owards Brsh flag?,, I s sad by m ha "under -confederaon under Brsh Proecon, whch Confederaon a coward becomes hrave. The a presen has no power o pu a sop o praoce of hs ceded rbes, whle refusng Duch flag, cry, "Gve ua wcked cusom. Englsh." Alhough many swee words were uered o lae I beg your "Rvcelleney o pardon me for lbery I now ake venerable Kng of Wassaw of knd reamen he would have o mplore your ExceUency s ad o nfluence I have her on under Duch Governmen, old Kng sad, r No; gve me many of chefs, by ~ndng me welve polcemen, wh frearm~ and a Hle supply of ammunon, o preven human sacr~c~ Englsh ; I havefough under ha flag when I was young, and f wh black har I never became Duch, how can you change me now wh grey har o become "X~ng-Kang whch s abouo ake place a Amansn. " (a name gven o Kng Enml of Wsssaw s now dead. ~ e ded on Duch much resemblng Fan wor ] for 8HnI~). The old 17h nsan; and presen sae of affars n dsrc Kng sad, "How can I ake wha wll snk n nose? " 1%; beng as above descrbed, mere resran of s oonnexon le me have Englsh." A proclamaon suck o hs wall was wh Fan,.and my beng here as Fan Depuy, canno om off n peces. preven oo srong nclnaon I have wnessed fnes my 6. Ths vencrsblo kng has carred hs good feelngs owardsarrval hero o fall back o hs nhuman cusom; I have been Englsh o hs grave. A week or wo before he sen me o means of savng four or fve persons when Kng was alve, arrange order a Ahweduyah, from whence I wroe las. One bu now, no beng on spo when poor old kng expl,~, Kuckn Mansah, of Chmah, a Duch subjec, wasbrough o hm where, f I were, I could no have had hs chance o wre, I o be klled. Ths Kucku M~ and hs wfe had been long have no leas doub sene poor fellows have fallen vcms. resdens n hs dsrc, and he had pawned hmself and wfe o The roads abou Amansn bengsrcly closed, I dd no know an A.k man who also had been radng here. Ths Kucku Man. of Kng a deah unl hree daya ago; aed some sccouue sah could no be go o fgh agans hs own people; he was beng brough o me of some whom survvng relaves have employed by l~s maser n radng beween hs and coas, ~ll_ed; I rus, refore, ha nohng your Rxcelenefs way and fndng quarrel was over-ruled a lle on coas by of duy wll preven seeed/ng humble reques of your Brsh nfluence over acknowledged people n Proeeorae, so ha a communcaon was opened beween Eemnapeople comma from coas also, bu y dare no preven Excellcnoy.s humble servan. The roads ae closed a~am and Cape Coas, he ran away o Chmah, and made way o Governmen s polcemen. I beg, refore, o say ha, should place where he lef hs wfe, o seal her away. Beng caugh, your Execllenoy~ n your way of duy, fnd nohng o hnder nnforunaely, he was brough here o be klled. I beng be~ dscharge of hs Chrsan humany~ o do a~ early as your n own, nerfered, and wh many forcble argumens and h~ Excellenoy can pebbly do.~l have honcur o reman,-sr, frendly feelng owards Englsh, nowhsandng many your ~Exeellenofs humble and obeden servan, dl~oouragmcn5 he had me n aempng o own sll ~e Englsb, ~ OS. DXW~O.X, Fa~ Depuy. J~. 28, 1872.J T~E AFRICAN TIMES. 77 P.S.----Should your Excellenoy accede o hs humble requea, of effecng uny of purpose and of acon beween I shall mee m a Amanan. Kngs and C n.efa of Fanl errory. To hs Excellenoy H. J. Usshcr,.A~q ICLE II.~Tha we Kngs and Chefs hero assembled now form ourselves no a compac body for pu- Admnaraor of Her Maje~y a possessons on Gold Coas, &c. Peso of more effecually brngng abou ceran mprovemens (hereafer o be consdered) n counry. Ce2y of A~reemn be~ren J~#~ Dab=on, (n l~ nam~ of l~ ASTIC~ III.--Thahscompae bedyshah be reeognlsed Fonl C~fdcraNon, and l~ CMef of PTaaaw, o pu an end under le and desgnaon of Fan Confederaon. o ]uman ~crf~4. ARTICL~ IV.--Tha re shall be eleced a Presden, - mansn, November 9, 1871. Vce-Presden, Secreary, Under.Secreary, Troasurer~ aud We, undersgned chefs, capans, and headmen of Asssan-Treasurer. body guard of lae Kng Kwamna Enml of Wasssw, havng A~TC~Z V.--Tha preslden be eleced from body me Sr. Joseph Dawson, of Cape Coas, depuy of Fanof kngs, and bo proclamed Kng Presden of Fan Confederaon, who reurned o hs own las Thursday, 3rd Confederaon. ns., from Epphno, where he was comm~oned o arrange order by lae kng, havng hs day confrmed o hm all A~CL~ VI.--Tha Vce -Presden, Secreary,Underl~owers aud auhory nvesed hm by cur same lae kng as Secreary, Treasurer, and Asslsan-Treasurer, who shall Ms chef procuraor and a general referee n hs dsrc; and consue Mnsry, be men of educon and poson. we havng furr empowered hm o perform all ha he knows Axz~cnz--VII. Tha be coml~eno Fan Confederaon, hus consued, o receve no s body polc o be prcmove o welfare and prospery of hs dsrc ; and whereas, n accepaon reof, has declared hs abhor-anrence o human sacrfces, and reby made cessaon of be presen. or kng or kngs, chef or chefs, who may no now condon.of hs accepance; and he havng engaged o gve Am~cLz VIII.--Tha bo objec of Confederaon :~ warnng o, and o acquan prncpal chefand headmen of hs dsrc of evl consequence whch wll enal a dsobedence o enre causaon of hs wcked pracce n hs Secon I.~To promoe frendly nercourse beween all d~rc,--we hereby bnd ourselves o save lves of persons, kngs and chefs of :Fanl, and o une m for offensve snd defensve purposes agans r common enemy. nsead of gold, ha may afer dae of hs engagemen be brough for hs cusom; and for ever bnd ourselves o Secon 2.~To drec labours of Confederaon owards mprovemen of counry a large. enre cessaon of makng human eacrfces n hs cl~rc; n falure of whch we bnd ourselves and our hers o suffer any Secon 3.---To make good and subsanal reads hroughou all neror dlsree ncluded whn Confedera- severe penaly whch may be hough proper o n.fl/c upon us by Brsh Governmen hrough ra presen relaonshp wh~on. our alled frends and brehren composng Fan Confedera. Secon 4.~To erec school-houses, and esablsh schools de, or ha Confederaon self.may choose o nflc. In for educaon of all chldren whn Confederaon, wness whereof we make crosses beween our names before undersgned wnesses :-- and o oban servces of effcen schoolmasers. Kwamn, Ashance Xng s represenave, X, hs mark; Secon 5.--To promoe agrculural and ndusral pursus, and o endcavour o nroduce such new plans as Prnce Kueku Edduabang, X, hs mark ; Kedjoo, A~hane0 hcr, X, hs mark; Cap. Kodjoo Bsang, may hereafer become sources of profable commereo o of A.s~ebbe, X, hs mark; Kwanh Ammush, of Mahwel, X, hs mark; Prnce Kuees Essahn, X, hs Secon 6.~To develop and faclae workng of counry. mark; Capan Ankma Ammush, of Ahkonful, mneral and or reso~ of counry. X, hs mark ; Capan Kwsahk Xof>of Ahkonfnl, AX~CL~ IX.--Tha an Execuve Councl be formed, com. hs mark ; Chamberlan Kuess Indoh, X, hs sed of Vce-Presden, mark ; [~cond Chamberlan Kuess Inkunsh, X, ~asurer, Asssan-Treasurer, Secreary, who shall Under.See~ary;, be "ez o.~co hs mark; Prnce Kwabna Febb, X, hs mark; members reof, oger wh such ors as may be Lngus Quar Oan Badeo, X, hs mark ; Lngus Kueku Af]ran, X, hs mark ; Thrd Chamberlan hereafer from me o me appponed. F, sea... ~ o- ~ hs Am-c~a~ X.~Tha n order ha busness of Coal ~.cejoe,,a., nls mark; 1s.waausee,.&,. ~ " " " h mark; Zam, X, Kwamm hs mark; Appak, Kwash " X, Knnah, hs " mark, X, hs Kuex~ mark; - federaon,ear, each. be kng properly and p earned nnc,p~l on dunng ch~ef r :h~hepr~a~m = course of e... Kwaah Ennoo X hs mark I represenauves, one eaucaea, r e o e Wnesses o ~gnanea: ~ohn Rolls, of Cape [ of dsrc of such kng and prncpal chef, who shah Coro, X, hs mark; Akwess l~esln, of Assn, ] aend meengs whch 8eere~ry may deem neces- X, hs mark; John Lemurs, of Cape Coas, X, hs sary o convene for delberaon of sae"maers. mark ; Kodjoo Mansah, of Anshan, X, hs mark ; AKrmL~ XI.~Tha represenaves of kngs and ~ohn Hayfron, of Amhan; Quar Ess, of Cape chefs assembled n councl shall be know~ under Coas, X, hs mark. des~,nalon of " Represenave Assembly of Fan Confederaon," and ha hs ~sembly be called oger CONSTITUTION OF THE FA~NTI CONFEDERA- by Secreary as sas exgency may req~ro. "" h " TION. A.a~CL~ XII.~ThahsRepresenave Assembly s au (Fro. delverng cop~es of whch o Acng Admnsraor have power of preparng laws, ordnances, blls, &% of Salmon, a Ca~pe Coas, o be forwarded o Admnf~raloro usng proper means for effecually carryng ou resohons, &o., of Governmen, of examnng any quesons n-omef and ~gh,hon. ~ecrefary of ~fae for l~ Coon~, for ac approval, ~[~ra. ])ard, on,.brew, and lald before by Mnsry, and by any of -kngs and Am~sah are hru, nfo ~f~) on a charg e of M~ll rea~on 1) chefs, and, n fac, of exercsng all funcons of a To all whom may concern :-- legslave body. ~Whereas we, undersgned, Kngs and Chefs of A_ar~c~s XllI.--Tha represenaves of each kng Fan,.have aken no consderaon deplorable sae of and chef bo responsble o naon for effecual our peoples and subjecs n " neror of Gold Coas ; carryng ou of blls, resoluons, &e., passed a such and whereas we are of opnon ha uny and concord meengs and approved of by Kng Presden. among OUl~elves would conduce o our muual well-beng, ARraCkS XIV.~Tha apponmen of represenaves nomnaed by kngs and prncpal chefs bo no- and promoe and advance socal and polcal condon of our peoples and subjecs, who are n a sae of degrada-feon, whou means of educaon and of carryng on members of Naonal Governmen. o,secreary, who shall make known o all proper ndusry: We, sad Kngs and Chefs, afer Aa~c~ XV.--Tha Naonal Assembly ahal[ appon ~avng duly dscussed and consdered subjec a mee-aand followng day, s.have m, nanmonsly resolved and agr~eed Presden shall presde over all meengs convened by educaed man o represen Kng Presden, and ac as Vce-Presden of Confederaon ; and ha Vceupon Arcles herenafer named :~ Secreary. Amuc~ l.--ths we ho:knga and Chefs of Fanl AI~I"ICLZ XVI.--Thare shah be n monh of hero presen form ourselves no a commee, wh vew Ocober of each year, a garng of kngs, prncp r!. I

78 THE AFRICAN TIMES. [3xs. 23, 1872. =.!, chefs, an d ors whn Confederaon, when a recap-evulaon of busness done by Represenave Assem-ecved sancon of Kng Presden. resoluons, laws, &o, have been passed, and have ~ebly shall be read, and programme of busness for Secon 6".--To appon under advce of Execu. ensung year dscussed. re Councl, subjec o sancon of Kng Presden, AR~CLZ XVIL--Tha such meengs Kng Presden shall presde, and ha be duy of Kngcffcera provnces. bu counersgned.by Vlce-Preslden, all suberdluse Preslden o sancon all laws, ordnances, &c., passed by Secon 7.--To receve revenue of counry, keep. Represenave Assembly, so far as y are compable ng a src accounreof, and o ransm monhly o wh neress of counry. Treasurer all moneys n hs pos.~sslon, sang ARrICL~ XVIII.--Tha Kng Presden shall no sums obaned from dfferen sources of revenue. have power o pass any or orgnae any laws, resoluons, ordnances, blls, &c., nor creae any offce or ap- gudance n paymen of moneys. Secon 8.--To sgn all vouchers for Tl~asurer a ponmen, excepng by and under advce of ARTZCLE XXXI.--Tha may be duy of Tree= Mnsry. surer~ ARTICLE XIX.--Tha represenaves of kngs Secon 1.--To receve monhly from Secreary all and prncpal chefs hold offce as Hembers of Repre-moneysenave Assembly for hree years, a expraon of gvng hm a recep for same. n hs Ix~esson, keepng accounreof, and, whch shall be compeen for kngs and chefs o Secon R--To make no dsbursemens excepng under re-elec same, or appon orepresenaves. nsrucons, accompaned wh approved vouchers from AETICLS XX.--Tha members of Mnsry and Secreary auhorsng,paymens. -. :. Execuve Councl hold offce for hree years, and ha Secon 3.~To furnsh quarerly o Secreary, for s compeen o Naonal Assembly o re-elec all or nformaon of Repreaenalvo Assembly~ an aocoun any of m, and appon ors. showng receps durng quarer, and dsbur~ AI~TICLI~ XXL--Tha naonal schools be esablshed mene. a as early a perod as possble n followng dsrcs, Braffoo Counry, Abrah, Ayan, Gomowah, Eckumf, of offcers, conssng of Vce-PreValen, SeoroaW~ ARTICLE X.XXII.--Tha end of each quarer a bor~ :Edjmacee, Denkra, and.assln. Treasurer, and one of kngs, be held for h6 p~ ARZZCL~ XXIL--Tha normal schools be aached o 6f Verfyng cash n hand... each naonal school, for express purpose of educanga~rc~z.xxxiil~tha ca~ cash ~ haf~ l and nsrucng scholars as carpeners, masons, sawyers, ro ~on of Treasurer should exoeed a..sum hero. joners, agrculuralss, smhs, archecs, bulders, &o. afer o be consdered, surplus should be placed n "a ARrZCL~Z XXIII.mTha schools be also esablshed, and depo ches furnshed wh hree keye, ~ on~ of whch shall Schoolmsresses procured, o ran and each female sex, be n possesson of Vce-Presden, anor n ha and o nsruc m n necessary requ~ea. of Treasurer, and hrd shall Be reaned by one of ARz~crE XXIV.~Tha expense of erecng each kngs.-.,. : school-house be defrayed from naonal I)V.r~, bu ha A.~rmL~ X~XIV.--Tha I be dj~ of Under. each kng and chef be requesed o render all possble ad Secreary--- : o faclae movemen by supplyng men and maerals. SecHoh 1.--To ad hd Secreary gene~:~lly. ARZCL~ XXV.--Tha n dsrcs wherere are Wesleyan schools a presen esablshed, kngs and chefsapponed by S~-em:y, cases whch may be brough Secon 2.--To h~r and deermne, Wl~ an Asssan be requesed o nss on daly aendance of all chl-frodren beween ages of egh and foureen. Secon 3.--To arrange mporan appeai cases for Provncal Cours.. AETZCL~ XXVI.--Tha man.reads be made conueo-hearnlug varous provnces or dsrcs wh one anor fnal Cour of Appeal of Co~l~federafbn. of :Execuve Councl, :whch shall consue and wh seacoas ; ha roads be made afer followng sandard, vz., ffeen fee broad, wh goodeepfmsecon m provnces, 4.~To draw of up a sae repor of from roads, accouns schools, receved &c., guem on er sde, and ha aenon of Con-fofederaon be frsb dreced o man-road connecngarr~c~ XXXV.mTha be duy of As~an- gudance of Execuve Councl. Edjmaeee, Ayan, Ayanmam, and ~ankessm wh Treasurer-- Seacoas. AarmL~ X.XVII.~Tha kngs and prncpal chefsco,seclon urs, recep l.--to r~e.~ve vouchers reof, ~ moneya and.from hand Provncal same o be allowed a spulaed sum for express purpose of man-secrearyranng roads n proper order. AR~mT.S XXVIII.Tha a se or own unanmouslyo fsecon revenue, 2.--To and o keep receve anaccoun money8 of accrung varou~ refrom, sources agreed upon be chosen as nomnal capal of Con-anfederaon, where prncpal busness of Sae should ARTICLE XXXVI.--Tha be dhy 5f Pr0. pay same over o Se~, ea.y every forngh. be conduced. vnca Assessors~ ARTICLE XXIX.~Tha Provncal Assessors be appon. Secon l.--to hold coura n dsrcs o ~heh y ed n each provnce or dsrc, who shall perform ceranare apponed, wh asssance of kng or prncpai judcal funcons, and aend o nernal managemen chef. = : reof. Secon 2.--To mnsm~ o Secreary a saemeh$ bf ARrXCLE XXX.~Tha shall be duy of Secre-alary of Confedera[on-- arrved a reon, accordng o a form hereafer o be pre- ca~e~ rledurng each monh, showng decsons ~con 1.--To convene meengs of Represenave scrbed by Execuve Councl. As.-embly for purpose of consderng Sae maers as Secon 3.---~o keep an accoun of summonses, may appear o Mnsry necessary. wrl~, &c., ssuedurng monh, show~ng ooa and Secon 2.--To forward decson of Execuve Coun-feecl o represenaves of varous provnces or dls. Secon 4.--To ransm weekly o Ass~sn, Tre~- reon, as well as of all fnes mposed by m." rlcs, wh nsrucons reon. surer all moneys receved by m as cour fees ox" fne~, Secon 8.--To be medum hrough whch all mporan Sae maers be conduced. ~econ 5.---To see ha roads are made accordng o wh an accompanyng voucher. Secon 4.--To nform Kng Presden of decson approved sandard, ha y ~re kep n proper of Represenave Assembly on any resoluons, &c., condon. and o explan o hm naure of whaever resoluons, Secon 6.--To see ha naonal schools are aended by all chldren beween ages of egh and &c., are passed ; as well as o carry o Represenave Assembly hs sancon or dssen reof. foureen, and o reporreon o Secreary Secon 5.~To promulgae n each provnce, er Secon 7.--To see ha summonses, wrl~, &c., ssung hrough provncal represenavez or 9rws% wha-from Brsh Cours on seaco~o any of.3z.h. 23 1872.] THE /YRICA~ pr0vinefal 6wm a~:carded no effec wh as lle delay feed as soon as Consuon become~ law, o all as ~ble, and o ad n.he apprehenson of crmnals. kngs and chefs presen, r capans and headmen, o ~ k~n. cls XXXVIL--Tha n each provnce or dsrle educaed per~0m who express a wsh o jon Con- and o all omce:bearers :~ Provn01al Cours be esablh.hed o be presded over by federaon Provncal ~rs. No. 1.~Form of oah o be admn sered o h~ Kfng AR~CLZ XXXVIII.--Tha be duy of Presden. _MIhls~ and :Execuve Councl.-- I swear ha I wll well, ruly, and fahfully, serve my SeCon-l:-~To advse h0 ~ng Preslden n all sae couury, and n capacy of Kng Presden manan Consuon of Fanl C<mfederaon ; and ha I.wll. S~lon 2.--To se~ ha all lars, blls, omhan~s, -e. no conceal any apparee danger, damage, or harm whch solufohs, 8~., passed by Represenave Assembly, may be lkely or possble o arse, whou gvng, or aferecevng ssn e[0n of Kng PresIdep, arecausng o be gven, speedy noce reof; aud ha I wll ~rrled no effec wh as lle delay ~s po~ble. ruly, fahfully, and dsneresedly endeavour ~ use.calu ~con 3.--To examne carefully fnancal eond. and peaceable means o quell any and every d~surba..uce lon of Confederaon. ha may arse n any par of Confederaon. ~o help Secon ~.~To hear, ry, and deermne, all mporan me God. ap~a~ea!: ea~ brough before by Under-Secreary, No. -~,~Oalh oj allegfance o Kng.Presden, opon beng allowed any pary or pares dssasfed wh I swear ha I wll be fahful and bear rue allegance decson reof o appeal o Brsh Cours, on o Kng Presden of Fan Confederaon. So applcaon from whch h~ mnues of )roceed~gs help me God ren wll be forwarded. Ṅo. 3.--Oah o oflfce.beare?s, Secon 5:---To h~r, p esded over by Kng Pro- I swear:ha I wll well and fahfully serve Fanl slden and a:~sbd by any kng or chef whom may Conf~eraon n capacy of, and deem n~ o summon for ha purpose, all dlspue~ ha I wl use every effor n my power o furr beween ahy Of kngs and ch/ef~ or r peoples. neress of Confederaon. So help m e God. Secon 6:-~-To :dee~ne, accordng o majory of In wness whereof we kngs, chefs, aud ors voes of people, sueco~oa o asool" of any kn/r or chef... : " assembled have hereuno sgned our names, and affx~ ~r marks and seals. ~on ~.~zb ~r~,~m, bah, oralnme~, ~., for (Sgned), comlddrmon, of Represena6ve Body. S~lo~ 8_---,-To ssqe hofces "o. kngs ~d chlefs Qaase :Edoo, Kng of 5Iankesalm, hs X mark ; Anfoo Ooo, Kng of Abrah, hs X mar~; al/p0~~: fl~a6 for r ~ual meb~ng and frame ou p~~of such mee~g.. Quow Yanfoo, Kng of Ayan, hs X n~.~rx ; S~con O:~- To co ~dd~r h[ applea ~Ohs "of all/anc~ Cudjoe Okroo, Kng of Commendah, ~ X from ~u:udlng :~-lbe~- o ~resen m for consdera~o~x o.~ l~o l~p~affv9 Assembly, and o frame a mark; Quamn ~k[coyuah, Kng of Edj!- roscoe, hs X mark, per Quo.w Yarcoe_ z hls Represenave ; Essaudoh, Kng of,lnko0r reply ~a ar60. : "" " ~... ~g~ LZ XX.X]2X; Tha h:reo ~f hb ex-bfl~eo mem: soocoam, hs X mark, per Joseph Graham. ; Tchbbu Drakoon, hs X mark, and Quamm bern of h~ Execuve. Councl, or wo ex-0ffco and wo Inke, Kngs of Assln, hs X mark, per r non.b~c a ~bmbe s, s~ml for ~h ~ q~0rum of :sal.councl, Repreeenave, Anfco Ooo, hs ~( mark ~ and bo ~ f~n~ o "ddlber~e on all. mae-s lad before Thomas Solomon, Chef of Dom~nasse, hs forcon~deraoh by Secreary or Under-secreary or any oh~ nember reof.. X mark ; James Smons, Chef of Donase ; " Joseph Graham, Chef of Salp0nd. A~~~x XL.~Tha one hh d 0f members composng h0represenalve Assembly sh.all form a quorum X mark; R. J. Charley, Presden; Kof Quabna Quagrenee, Chef of Selpend~ h~ o dscuss and delberae on all quesons brough before Adcobah, Chef of Tuarkoh, hs X mark; sad Assembly. Quase Nackoh, Chef of Abakrumpah, hs A~Vc~E XLI.--Tha all laws, blls, resohfons, ord~ X mark; Quow Sassan, Chef of Bahayu~ nanes, 8~o., be carred by majory of vo!es ~. hs X ma~ k ; Qu~e Sarlah, Chef of Re pre~enalvo As~mbly or Execuve Counel~ m Quaman, hs X mark ; Qua Amssah, Chef laer Vce-P~zden possessng a ca~ng voe. of Abuardl, hs X mark ; Quabna Odoom, ARTC ~ XLII.~Tha be duy of Namffal Chef of Bohhen, hs X mark; Quareoe Assembly, held n Oc0ber o~f each year--. Yarcoo, Chef of Doonquah, hs X mark; ~oh l~-to elec ~om body of klngs Preszdeh Ouase Buarquah, Chef of Impessdard, fob h~ e~ gyear, aud o re-elec as ofen as may ap- hs X mark ; Quas Bekkl, Chef of ~o f anc~ l~ o~e" bu-golng Presden. Bookan, hs X mark; Quamlu Aahj :Se~on ~2.~To ~a~d.er all pro~ ah mes a[d before Chef of 0doomanu, hs X mark ; Brelwh, by ExecuVe Councl. /.. Chef of Ampnafoon, hs X mark ; Quacee ~0h 3.--To phce on ~ ~sool" n cases of dspfed: gu~sslon reo person el~_.ed by.exceu. mark; Quacoe Ansah, Chef of Akrofome, Arkwaynoo, Chef of Abbenkrome, hs X re Co unel, wh concu rrence of prluczpa nhabans of own, croom, Or dsrc. Mankessm, hs X mark ; Quablna Saecoom, hs X mark ; Quabna Arkwaynoo, Chef of AJ~T[CL~ X~II~I.-~-:-Tha offcers Coafederaba shall render asssance dreced by Execu- Booadu, Chef of Ahroe, hs X mark; Chef of Arnum, hs X mark; Quabna ve n carng ou WShes of Brsh Governmen. Quase Imoonah, Chef of Ichafu, hs X AarCL~ X~IV.--Tha be compeeno Reprosenavo Assembly, for purpose of carrylng on Done a Mankessm hs egheenh day of November, mark, admnsraon of Governmen, o pass laws, &c;, for egheen hundred and seveny-one. l~y~ng of such axes as o ma~ seem necedsa" ry. Secrearfs Offce, ZIaukessm. Agrzc~z XLV.--~Tha all arcles heren above NOv. 24, 871. fedp~sed eraon. be desgnaed Consuon of Fan Con- Cor~ed rue copy. #, F. A~.~r~, Secreary. A~TICL~ XLVI.~Tha oahs of allegance o Faul Confederaon be aken b~y kngs and prncpal chefs, Nozx ~ ~ E~r~oz o~ zs--~"ar~e~ T~zs."--T/~ Fan whch shall be held bndng on ~ subjecs and peoples, a:s well as by prncpal offcers Con ~eraon and ors jonng z. : 2W~aberlq, 8 elar er Y 0 ~ 8aler h# C~lon~, -- h h~ ~nd su~ ~c, Janu~rY" ",.ce A~nCL~ XLVII.--Tha followln~ oahs, n conjuf con wl ha pecular o each provnce, be admnls- refer oureadere o la)~.for ha~ lerer, ana ~ubse~eng corre~rv2enc-~ on 85. I

:_,. ~L --~ 8O THE AFRICAN TIM:ES. [JAN. 23, 1872. co-operave n ha very work of Afrcan advancemen whche, and such as he, would vanly endcavour o pre. PUBLISHED MONTHLY. PRICE 5d., STAMPED. ven ; alhough y have been bu oo long enabled o You ar earnesly requesed o allow your name o be added o mpede, and may sll for a me mpede by r selfsh so! yearly subscrbers. Prce 5s. per annum for each copy, pa~able ncapacy. Far from endeavourng o supplemen old n advauce. sysem of Brsh rule a fors and selemens on Gold Coas by modfcaons whch should nroduce kngs, chefs, and educaed naves o a parcpaon n governmen, wh objec of advancng perod a whch all neror governmen mgh be ransferred o ~UESDAY, or~nk~ry 23, 1872. m, under mere Brsh supervson and supremacy, effors of successve Admnsraors snce perod a SUBSCRIPTIONSRECEIVED FOR "AI~RICA~ TI~ES." ~r. R. ]~.smen, 5~. ; Rev. C. Daves, 5s. ; W. M. Glouceser, whch House of Commons Commleo pronounced n 10~.; W. D. Broderck, 5s. favour of preparng naves for sr.governmen, have been n an exacly oppose drecon. No only ha~:e y no orgnaed any mode of enry of kng, s, chefs, and A FEW WORDS OF THANKS & EXPLANATION. ors no parcpaon n rule, b~u when lr ~ reslsble, on- curren of evens flowng from ll-advlsed Brsh WE have so many leers expressng wonder and ndgna-waron, and askng why s, ha persons Coas who and Duch Treay for exchange of errores, and er n mselves or n hose who mgh be supposed o blunderng, arbrary way n Whmh was endeavoured o be dear o m have been benefed hrough our nsrn. carry s provsons no effec, had borne kngs, chefs, menaly, should abuse and vlfy us, ha alhough we do and ors on o formaon of Fan Confederaon, no nserm, we are a leas n duy bound o noceand o exercse of really naonal powers for deene m, and o hank our frends for r hones feelng and safey of mselves and people, Brsh local our cause. We can only farr wre a few words n auhores have shown a jealoussy and ll.wll oward ha reply. We ner hoped nor expeced o work a moralnfan organlsaan whch was emnenly calculaed o change n hose of whom y wre. An old Persan aphorsm says, "You rrae, whle mpoen o preven. They have sysemalcally endeavoured o place Brsh Governmen n a may feed a snake upon voles, and lull hm o sleep upon roseleaves# bu he wll produceposon of anagonsm wh ha nsvorgansaon whch nohng bu poson." So s wh some human bengs. Brsh Governmen, had been well represened by In wha we dd for m and rs n vndcaon of greas offcals on Coas, would undoubedly hay0 endeavoured o make nsrumenal o beer and more effec- prncples, we dd no look for aachmen or reward. If had come o us, we should have acceped and beenve governmen, evlsaon, maeral progress, graeful rung. for If ; we bu had we were power never o dsapponed gve m n personal s no general well.beng of whole of Fanf counres and ~ople. Where Brsh Governmen has been n benefs, beyond wha y are recevng from our offcal error was, n no havng made a beer choce of offcals o enemes of whom y make mselves subserven ools, represen, exercse s auhory, and ac n s name a y would become a once loud-ongued and srong-penned Cape Coas. Her Majesy s Governmen canno be opposed adherens. Bu as hs canno be, y follow r naural o hose objecs whch, as evdenced n s consuon, " nsncs. The me may come when y may be vcmsfanl Con~deraon has a hear; alhough ha consu. of some flagran abuse of power, some dsgraceful njusce, on aced a very frs vew-on ha unworhy Admns some odous wrong. Then y wll fnd us a r sde, raor, Salmon, as a red flag does on a wld bull. Jus as and usng all our nfluence r behalf; no for r unrea~oang beas foams and rages n fury a own sakes personally, bu because of prncple nvolved. brllan objec waved before s eyes, so dd scarcely We know nohng bu hs, and wel are of Afrca, and more reasonng Salmon rage and foam n vew of a ooneulon for :Fan Confederaon, whch conans honour of :England as conneced wh ; and wherever and whenever one of hose grea prncples whch has beennohng bu brgh aspraons and desres, such as, f our duy and glory o defend and vndcae, s or may be acheved and fulflled under a ws exercse of resranng n our opnon volaed n person or propery of any and dlrecng power by Brsh Governmen, wll gve man on Wes Coas, however vle or unworhy he may a new ndusral, evllsed, and, we hope wh~x a shor be, we shall as hereofore do bale n hs behalf, as houghme, Chrsan lfe o whole of proeced errores. he were our deares frend and mos admrable of The leer of Joseph Dawson--from Amansn (Wassaw), human race. whch wll be found n our paper, daed Nov. 14, and whch refore could no be wrer~ n vew of any such acs of bru~l folly as hose of Acng-Admnsraor Salmon-supples srong corroborave evdence of hose aspra. REAL AFRICAN ~FFA.RTYRS. AT las we have real Afrcan maryrs n cause of ons and desres, whch we say smne forh n ha consuon of Fan Confederaon ha roused ready Afrcan progress and regeneraon. ~he spurous Brsh offem one ha "Rnglshman" vanly endeavoured o sedemon n Salmon s breas. I shows au carnes and up, was bu foreshadowng of genune ones ha, acve desre on par of Confederaon o conrol under hands of Brsh offcalsm, were soon o appear, and exrpae hose d~abollc pracces, such as offerng wh henceforward hsorc names of DxvD~, BRzw, up of human sacrfces on ceran grea occasons, n and A~ssxa! Alhough when news of r hasyrepra.~son of whch Brsh auhores on Gold mprsonmen reached us, our blood boled wh ndgnaon, Coas had been so succe~ful; bu whch under presen cr- y had prohbed mselves from nerferng and we sympahzed wh m n humlaon o whchcumsances y were subjec, we a same me congraulaed m n wh n ~Vassaw, excep by nvaon of Depuy of our hear of hears hay should hus have been foundyan Confederaon, because of foolsh nomnal ransfer worhy o occupy so early a place on bead.roll of Afrcan maryrs. We have convcon ha f a any oo~ me re be good n a cause ha sands forh and akes errlores~a ha provnce ransfer o Duch of wha by Treay Brsh for Governmen exchange never possessed, o Duch Governmen whch never s place upon s mers as a grea naonal one, ha causewould be able o ake possesson of, or be allowed o becomes consecraed, and s ulmae, f-no speedy, vcory becomes ceran, from momenha supreme power exercse, as Brsh Governmen formerly dd, a useful lays a hand of volence upon s leader~ and aposles. Evl repressve auhory n. Admng for a momen, whch we do no excep for argumen, ha would be conspracy agens are ofen unnenonal and nfluenal nsrumens or hgh reason for any number of kngs and chef~ for workng ou of good. The brual, arbrary blun. and educaed naves, no really Brsh subjecs, o Cambns for supersedng acon of Brsh Governmen derlng.of man Salmon, placed by gros~ admnsrave error n a poson he ough never even for one snglen errores whchave receved noce from ha Govern. momeno have occuped, wll, we doub no, hus be mademea ha y mus n all fuuremergences proec Jas. 23, 1872.] THE AFRICAN TIHR8. 81 and defend mselves ; recevng merely such rflng ad u arms and ammunon as ha Governmen may~ ~] ce n hs maer. /flay we no venure o hope and eve ha wll be soon? I ~hall be soon, f such a of s own free bouny, and whou oblgaon, hnk f o resul can be forwarded by our exerfonl :~.[eanwhle and besow--we look for n van, and we defy Mr. Salmon or for ever, honour o hree Afrcan maryrs who had hs Crown Prosecuor, or any or auhory, o dscover courage of r opnons face of nfuraed auhory ; and who, by perssng u r msson behalf of any evdence n offendng consuon of exsence of such a supersedng desre, much less of a combnaon, Fan Confederaon, ha~ e grealy advanced good o compass. The preposerous absurdy, as well as cause whch y have a hear. brualy, of Tffr. Salmon s offcal conduc have, however, done hs good--ha y have removed queson of fuure auhory and rule hroughou so-called proeced errores ou of regon of speculaon noit s mos desrable, so far as reoards~,~ boh Englsh THE LIBERIAN LOAN MONEY. ha of fac, The queson wll now have o be deermned subscrbers ~o Lberlan Loan and Lberan people n wher :Brsh Governmen wl of self underake whose name promses o repay money have been ssued, ha no furr applcaon of h~ proceeds should such an effecve governmen of ~o-called preesed errores as wh gve m secury, nsure moral a~d be made whou specal auhorsalon of ne~ execuve ndusral ranng, afford mproved means of communcaon, promoe a beer sysem of agrculure, and dove-lbera. For hs end canno be deemed unmporan and admnsrave auhores ha may be nsalled lopmen of r magnfcen mneral resources ; or, f no, ha poron of money sll remanng London o wha exen wll accep ce-operalon of Fanbankshould be aken aloger ou of conrol of all Confederaon n governng wh such objec and for such persons who were pares o L~sue of 10an, and who, resuls; gger~ wh wha poron of revenue f accouns we have already publshed be correc, as collecs on Coas wll conrbue n ad; and how we hav every reason o behove y are, have no, n ds- of sums already expended, aced n src eon- and under wha guaranees, and on wha condons, wllposng eo conrbue? For, afer all, hs maer of revenue a form~ wh leer, of. real or sup_posed legslave a very roo of (ueson. We hold connued enacmen under whch ~ssue of loan was osensbly pre.~ence of Brsh auhory on hose coass, and made, We were, refore, glad o learn ha aeknowlegmen of Brsh supremacy hroughou hose njuncon of Cour of Chancery, graned a errores o be ndspensable for advanee~nen of nsance of Mr. Jackson, Consul for Lbera, resranng bes neress of r populaons. I should be r grea bankers from parng wh money, sll remans arbraor, r grea counsellor, r grea gude; bu, force. The new governng auhores n Lbera wll hus ha may be all hs, mus no appear as a greahave had me gven m for full nqury and maure robber and plunderer among m. If, for r proecon delberaon respecng all maers conneced wh ssue ooeanward, holds keys of coas for m n s of loan. and safe cusody and ulmae dsposal of frm grasp, mus no do hs a cos of whole] poron of proceeds ~ hch sll reman unexpended. ~ admnsrave lfe-blood of neror. The Brsh~ Meanwhle our opnon remans every way Unchanged, people do no wan one sngle penny of Afrcan money ;] hare was no possble jusfcaon for rasng such a y would be more wllng o gve or o lend han o[ loan on par of Lbera, revenues of whch do no suffce for ordnary e~penses of s gocernmen, and receve; and s, refore, ou of queson o] euppess ha Brsh Governmen wll consen o connue o occupy such a dsgraceful posonas we have could no possbly be so ncreased by any addonal axes as o enable Lbera o pay refrom any poron of poned ou., merely o grafy plufderngappees ea annum neres on bonds ssued, much less o form kno of offcals, whose chef am seems for a long me pas a snkng Tuud for redempon of bonds. We do no o have been o brng as deep dsgrace as possble upon know under whose advce lae Presden, Mr. Roye~ ha Governmen whch y so unworhly represen. We aced, n apponmen of a eharg$ d~affalres n England, do no say ha y are o blame for hs ; y may be and m or maers of consular arrangemens, of bau- and feasngs and puffng here whch brough conempble and odous, ye no o blame, bemuse yquengs are only acng accordng o r nsncs. The censure forcbly o one s memory ablof frog who would (we feel bound o say ) mus fall upon Brsh Governmen, and upon r general chef represenave on fan dsend hmself o proporons of an ox, and who exploded n aemp. I s mpossble o arrve a any or concluson han ha all ha was done was so done Wes Coas, for apponng and upholdng such men. The man who does a dry and dsgraceful ac o oban an wh one sole objee~vlz., obanng of a ceran enry and promoon n servce, wll naurally do bad amoun of Englsh money, by clamng for Lbera an mporance o whch unhapply a no a presen a any and dsgraceful acs--acs o compromse auhory and make odous and conempbh--when he has obaned way enled. We refore sncerely hope ha nosy promoon. We expeco see a change for beer n Presden, whoever he may be, wll pu au endo a sysem se hngs, proporon as we may be able o brng an whch can only end n makng Lbera rdculous, and enlghened publc opnon o bear on Wes Afrcan everyone who wears s consular unform n Europe a maers. Bu wher wh or whou change for laughng sock for all who know wha Lberand s beer, hs queson of applcaon of Gold Coas and commerce really are. The day wll come, we hope, when Cape Coas revenue wll speedly have o be seled. The Lbera wll become rch and grea, bu me s no only publc revenue whch hose errores a presenye ; and mus bde ~ me f wshes o be respec- possess, s ha rased by cusoms dues on coas, whable. some mnor mposs n mmedae vcny of Brsh fors. T]as revenue has grealy ncreased of lae; THE FANTI CONFEDERATION, ITS CONSTITUand wll sll more grealy ncrease whenever Elmna sl~all TION, AND AOrlNG-ADMINISTRATOR be abandoned, as sooner or laer mus be abandoned, by SALMON. Duch n favour of Grea Bran as coas guardan T~s Fan Confederaon s now a rpenng, as well as an of hose errores. As hs s only acual publcesablshed fac. I has sruggled hrough a sormy bu revenue, re can be no doubha, afer provdng lbe-usefurally for a good admnsraor governor--one who wouldfrs assembly under ha consl.aon; has eleced s nfancy; has formed s consuon; has held s make boh hmself and hs governmen respeced and offcers; has offcally nofed s exsenceand organsaon beloved (no one of Conran-Uesher or Salmon ype) for o represenave of supreme auhory, for nformaon and approval Of ha auhory; and s offcer~ have admnsraon of jusce a selemens, collecon and care of revenue,.and preservaon of localhad Oohlc House, Cape Coas, assgned o m as a en~, order-- ougho be employed, wh as few deducons asporary resdence; where, by a sll furr bene~een exercse of power, Acng" Admnsraor b~ugh fve of possble, n furrng such objecs as are specally poned ou n consuon of Fan Confederaon. Soonr mos nlmae frends o rejoce wh m, a or lae, Brsh Governmen may be reled upon o do now seemngly assured growb of new gan baby, b ~.J "1

!.!! 5"! 1 J 82 THE AFRICAN T~. [JxN. -,o8, 18~-2. J. we d n o heve ;- Fan. I W ou na o l movem= and co.opo _ True Gohc House had msforune o be a Governmen[ be secured hrough nsrumenally.of Fan. Con. prson, and r apponed aendans were jalors ; bu federaon, we feel no msgvng as o course ha wll y were equal o occason, and acceped magnf ḇe pursued by Earl of Kmberley, n dealng wh cen accommodaon of Mr. Knachbull-Hugessen s draw- maers so neresng, and of so muck magn~de and n,.rooms,* wh a dgny ha wll long redound o mporance. honour. We feel ha whole of Fan, every - - educaed Afrcan whn s borders, every kng and chef, PUBLIC AFFALR8 IN LAGO8. enre people, owe a deb of graude o,~ worhy Oar laes ~vcesae ha heavy cloud from neror represen aves. Had y flnched before brual bel- ha seemed o be hreaenng mercanle operaons n Lsgoa had lowngs and arbrary m~sures of an unworhly held happly dspersed. The change of ralera whch ook pece monhs ago n Ibsdan hsdbrough paeno resuls. All effor~ some auhory; y would have grealy compromsed cause ha had been made by ceran nfluenal pc.races n Lsgos o fl~r of Fan advancemen? I has been ofen assered o us up war u neror had oomequenly faled, Ibsdans re: ha Fan Confederaon was bu a rope of ow, whchfusng o carry ou auggesous conveyed o m ; lr would snap n sunder so soon as hand of proecvereply beng ha, ner alone nor n combnaofl wh auhory on Coas should degn o ouch rudely;dahomans, would y make war agans Rgbea hs dry ha s members, and more especally s educaed ones,season. They Sad ha y and ~Egbez are one famly ; also would sell one anor, beray one auor, abandon one ha y are neghbours ; ha y do no make war r anor, under brbes, hreas, or cajolery of admlns ṯrade. Commercal men n Lagos were fndngrea relef n rave power; and ha every aemp o form a srong hs, alhough very grealy vexed a er uumeanng or bed. nave organlsaon for neror governmenal on.operaon meanng (y ~ere n doub whch) prohbon o expor and ammunon from Lsgos. Publc opnon was very decded arms wh Coas auhory, would be fule. Fac has aganshs prohbon, connuance of whch, whou any grandly dsproved such asserons. True re have been jusfable grounds, so far as could be perceved, wa, causng some, s sad, who desered and dened r brehren, rumours of hosle nenons par of Oovernm6a and some who emped m o muual berayal. Bu agans Kng of Poro Nero, hus renewng anxey and alhough hs, lke every or grea naonal cause, has had vexaon among radng communy, who canno ma#ns any weak members, and power hashere as elsewhere no found good reason why Lagoshould no be a peace ned n frendshp dlcul o enls spes and would-be denouncers, wh all her neghbours, allofm beug necessary o plppor seady frmnek~ of Davdson, Brow, and Amssah, and ~upply of food and expor produce n her markes.--~n..d.2. unyeldng dgny of kngs a Mankessm, have cas [We publsh our correspondence wh Lord Kmberley vale.fve ha weakness and ha wckedness so deeply no shade, commen o se o~ a mporan condlo/~ maers, of publc refranng affars a presen whch We from sann~ any furr I~.$: ha we do no care o rouble ourselves wh any furr upon as ashfaeory.--ed. ~. 2.] / allusons o. I s always well ha supposed adherens of a new naonal organsaon should be red and sfed. I s never o be looked for among human COPY OF LETTER TO THE EARL OF KIM. agen~ ha whea should be whou some admxure B~RLY ON LAGOS AFFAIRS... of chaff; whch s only blown away by wnd of seemng Afrcan Tmes.Offoeb 19,1, Flec-sreeo perl ; and wha has happened was, perhaps, necessary o Dec. 16, 1871. each Confederaon eaulou as o s o~cers and agens, My Lord,--I deeply regre ha conens0f leers I ha may no be msrepresened, desered, and njuredhave recevedurng presen monh, and especally by by unworl~y ones. We hnk deserves grea prase for Roquelle, o hand hs day, should leave beam "such aa consuon has ~ven o self, whole of whcho place me under necessy of addressng your lordshp we prn yerbam n hs number of our journal. There on subjec of sae of affars n Lagos. s ceranly ~n0hng o jusfy Mr. Salmon s wrah ; All my correspondens n Lagos, even hose who have and We eanuo bu hnk ha f had been submed o been among mos saunch supporers of presen hm a early mornng, nsead of afer hs Excellency/Admnsraor, are unanmous n represenng anxey (save mark l)had dned, recepon of s bearersand apprehenson ha exs re a presen, would have been of a dfferen characer o ha whch seemng endency on par of Execuve cau~d_ o fomen by y experenced; and Gohc House would never have roubles n neror counres, and nerfe~ unjusfably acqured hsorc fame, as conneced wh consuon and dangerously wh conguous errores and peoples. 2 of Fan C0nfederaon. The course pursued by us n On 11h of Sepember las, Admnlsraor caused vndcaon of rghs aud lberes of Fan people, Legslave Councl o pass hrough all s hree sageb and n behalf of Fan advancemen, so soon as we receved,, An Ordnance o anhorso Admnsraor o prohb nellgence of Mr. Salmon s arocously arbrary and expor of arms and or munons of war from Lagoa rdculous offcal ms~nduc, wll bo seen n leers n ceran cases." Snce ha me re has been a reslessaddregsed hy us o Rgh. Hen. Secreu~ of Sae nasa on par of Execuve, whch has been unmfor Colones; and we shall no aempo ndxcae wha gaedly evl n s endency. He a s~ed o have allowed ~-esul of our effors wll or ough o be. If should a peon o be go Up by ceran-dependans of Goappear o hs lordshp, as seems n our eyes~ ha n ha vernmen, c~ng u~n hm o annexporo Nero and -Ja c~nsolldangacoffanconfederaon, drawngup errores. By sundry unne~ and hreaenn~ of ha consuon a Mankes$m, re s really br~ voyages n colonal seamer, aended by a force of of a ~ Azm~, whch requres only judcous, enlghened, Houson, &c., he has gven colour o belef ha he has and Chrsan gudance, educaon, and suppor (such as such plans n conemplaon ; and consderng wha ook Grea Bran s well calculaed o gve) durng earler placen years 1864-1867, s.no surprsng ha marperod of s lfe, o make a grea nsrumen of good n chans and raders, whole of whoso propery would l/e Wes Afrca, we feel sure ha he wll so represen ml~erlled and d~sreyed by a renewal of over and maer o ormembersof Governmen n Councl, secre acs of polloy n commed, should even gve ha re wll no be any aemp under an admnsraon cred o repor of r Admnsraor havng allowed of whch Mr. GIadseno a head, o srangle or dwarf hs feelngs of hosly agans "~.gba naonso far o wha ough o be nursed aud asssed o expand. The preval wh hm over all jus, honourable, humane, end educaon of chldren, male end female, hroughou polcondderaons, as o nduce hm prvaely o :nsl. Fau; openng and manenaneaof roads; develop- gae Kngs of Dahomey and Ibadan conjonly o men of vas agrculural and mneral resources of aack, and f possble desroy Abeokua durng pre. counres of Confederaon, are objecs whch mus com- sen dry season. mend mselves o hear and mnd of every member ~The proper Polcy of Lagos, as a grea emporum of o an enlghened governmen; and as y are objees ha rade for exensve nland co-unres, mu-s manlfe~- lybe o could no by any Ix~bly be aaned and acheved culvaeamcablere]aenswhallofm, andsoruphlously oabssn from everyhng ha could gve rse o srmpoons Vde Par~ary I)e~o a ~r num~ for Augus l~ of hosle feelngs or nenons as regards any of m. The 23, ]872,] z A rrioan a wha ~ebus, Ija.ds, and Ijoshas, by common accord, par runed by Capan Olover s d~_ rous proceedngs and never wll perm, unless compelled (wh ch y do no bolevo polcy from 1864 o 1867 ; and no lees han half a mllon y ever cau be) by fores o do so. Ther objecon s ha h0~ poundserlng of Brsh capal s beleved o have been arms and munons of war are desred by Ibadsns only wh objec of carryng on, wh" greaer vgour, ho~o dearuovo hus sacrfced. Men s fears now agan pon n same drecon. One, a very largo rader, wres o us : "I slave-hunng wars whch run or neror counres. The have Kng reeraed hs former complans--alluded anew o 800/. never wren o you snce 1869. I have had oo much n presens sen by Admnsraor o Iberans a me o do ; bu Mr. Clover s begnnng hs old runous rcksof Ijeshu War, aud subsequen presens ou of revenu~ and mus be checked. We do no see wha rgh he has o of Lsgbs. The Kng alleged ha~ Ibadans were hus encouraged by Admnsraor r desrucve kdnappng meddle whh pebple buslde our jursdcon. Some few days ago he has been sendng ammunon by colonalpursus. He refused 600 bags of cowres whch Admnsraor offered as an annual paymen for a fe~ road o s~amer o some coun~ whou our jursdlcon---ood knows where o. There ~s a rumour curren n Lagos ha Ibedan. "The J ebus dd no wan money; y are a peaceable, he s plannng desrucon of Abeokua, because hs agrculural, ndusral people, hang all war, and objec alo. erm of servce expres n March 1872. Some years ago gar o arms and ammunon passng hrough r errory o nerpr; ~e road should be open for all or rade as he "l~ mls~: Abeokna ha howould run m ; and hes hro on paymen of usual rans dues," An., &c, Arleen o be a mos vndcve, man. All merchans, I regreo ed~, for heren a one ground of apprehenson n Europeans and naves, are on aler." And ha hs Lagos, ha hs answereurned by Kng hrough Com. represens 0uly oo ruly feelngs and opnons of mssoners dd no sasfy desres of Admusraor~ who Lagos s fully.shown by or correspondence. on Is November las ssued proclamaon under now, I feel bound o brng se crcumsances qr apprehen-ordnaucesons under "noce of your lordshp, n full assu-me merchans beleve ha he supples arms and ammun- prohbng ~ale of powder, &o., whle.a same rance ha.all such acs, measures, and desgns, real or on o neror ndrecly, wh some ye secre objec ; ha supl~sed, of Lagos Admnsraon, mus be enrely frends of Iba~ans by whom he s surrounded am enabled under cover of Ac IH. of Ordnance o for ward, hrough or opposefl~ o humane and peaceable polcy and desres of roues han ~lebu Odo~ arms and munons o Ibadans and Her Maesv s Governmen ; and ha your lordshp wll, r ames f kdnappng and desruclve wars ; whle uuder whou delay, adop such measures n/ay que mndss~hges. ~rovs0ns of sad Ordnance, hose whoso secury s of merchans and raders of Lages, who are fearng a hreaened reperon of commercal run of 1865-7.--I have m by l badans and r alles, are prohbed fro purchasng and recevng wha s hus made ndspensable o h dlour" o be, my lord, y0ur lordshp s obeden servan, r deene and safey. I dd no wre o your.lordshp abou sae of publc feelng and apprehenson of merchans and rader n La.go~, F~or of ~y rcan T/m~. To Rgh Hen. Earl of Kmberly. boheuropean and nave, whou srongrounds for so dong. I have already gven exracs from a leer of one of my nformas. Anor, afer alludng o general polcy and acs of Admnsraor Olover from 1863 o 1868, wres very srongly as follows : fdfrffa~ 1 me~ O~ce, 121, l~lee Sree, Dee. 30, 1871. "N ow agan, Cap. Olover, has recommenced. He sends prvae My Ix~,~I have honour o acknowledge recep of Mr messages o Dahomey o agok Abeokua comng dry season, Mdada a leer of 28rd las., by whch I amnformed ha h, aud o Ibadaus o e~k Jcbu 0de, and he wl help m ~ Prohbon of Expor of Arms Ordnance" of llh Sepember, from here; he secrely, wh Yorubes here, sendng powder and S~/,d~as passed by ~ Lagos L~bvs Uoundl n pursuanceguns o Ibaclans, and he hmself gong abou rvers and creeks wh seamer Eye o cau~ commoon; so ha of ns uogns frpm-your lord.shp....... Ibsdans may be nduced o commence operaons, because hb Whle hankng your lprdshp for.ha reformaon; wmcn: was no u np~pared o r ec~ veb you wll, I hope, psmoa me m Admnsraor canno go o war n errores no oar own whou ha I venure o remark ha, nowhsandng connaence sancon of Admnsraor-n-Chef. The Ibsdan messages fel n your lordshpby Lagos people, s no sasfacory o came down n Augus les wh some sheep and vory o Governor and hs Yoruba favoures, and wh messsg~ sad o a large f-adng ~mmuny, or I@. hose pocuna~l," y. ~nneced wh m n hs counry, ha general course o lae~r comm.ere~ have been prevously dcaed o m secrely from Lsgo~ sell" operaons should.be hus nerfered wh by Ordnance wmou~ I could no for one momen deem o be possble ha any ~me ~d~ den lubl0 groand~ beng assgned n preamble for Englsh genleman, much le.~ one n a responsble offcal poson, could be guly of an dabolcal an ourage o humany as pasng of subh Ordnance. o nsgae Dshomans o auor aack on Abeokua. Bu I have no beforeme Ordnance ef!yh ~arch, 1871, whch s repesle~l by l/a of lh 8epdmber, 871, and canno, very fac of such an nsnuaon or charge agans Ad: re ore, )y commrng he wo, arrve a any dea of reasons mnsraor of Lagos fndng any credence whaever among whch may have been alqged l)y Admnsraor of I.~g0s o educaed meu n ha colony, s of self suffcen o prove how grealy men s mnds have bea unseled by lae proceedngs on nduce your lordghp o sanelon repeal of one Ordnance and0rder enaemef of or; bu my correspondens n par of Ad mnsraor..i~gca, who are alarmed by subsuon of he new OrdnanceC~pa s md and auspcous. A rade amouung, as ha of Lsgos now does, o come fve hundred housand poundserlnga.y ly kea arm; wheu alarmed as,an or old one, hav evdenly no found n erch comparson, whch y have w~ou; doub been enabled o make, anyhng calcn~~ o ~emov-e hose ap~)/ellensoes whch hasy ~assug vews arbued, wher jusly or erroneously, o a 1coa.or.hs.n~ew. 0~~ and subsequen Acs of r Admm~Sh execuve governmen, whose acs persons engaged n so raor h~i orwse caused. I canuo, refore, specfy, w~.ars a commerce do no pos.~ess any conrol whaever~ I do no ;hnk ha s u auy way derogaory dgny of ho~ who so much dsnch~ as I co~ dekre, full [grouuds 0n Whchoau alone cenral acs and vews of ha local execuve, ha h0 me~han~ and ~era of Lagos ~.~ sppreh.eus~ons. ~me Of se may, however, be found n me fs oz grevances y should condescend o allay appreheusona whch may produco largely dsasrous resuls f permed long o preval. saed agen ({ovexnmcn of T.~gos by. Kng of Jebu Ode. The errores of h~ Kng commcuce a ho, mamana ~noro I should no have nruded on your lordshp wh so long a leer had reply o my former one conaned even a ngle near Lauds, sad ex/.end nce n drecon of Ibedan, Unlword ha mgh reassure merchans and reder~ of Lsgos, and laely, me sages of Admnsraor Lagos o hs Kng, mklng free aece~ hrough hs errores for all g~ls, &c, o and :ho~e u hs counry who are nvolved pecunary relaons from Ibadan, Were n language of command and dcaon, w.hch wh m; and enreang your lordshp s paen consderaon ~e Kng resened by sendng back mes:~engera whou and enlghened acou n hs mporan maer, I have granng m any audence. honour o reman, my Lord, yours mos respecfuly~ F. Fr~z~ ZZ-~-,D, Frends havng laely nervened, Kng of Jebu Ode was ndueedo send a message formaljdng hs oomplsn~. The ssue (11 Ye~ra F_,der of.dfrran Trv.J.) To Rgh Hen." Earl of Kmberley, K.O.~ An., &c.~ was, as your lordshp s no doub aware, ha Admnsraor Colonsl-o Mce. of Lagos ~en some Specal Commssoners (bu whoa any presens) o Kng of Jeba O~e on 12h Sepember. [ have Afrfca~ Tm.* Of~ce, J an0sry 2, 1872. (Copy.) receved from Jebu Ode an accoun of nervews of L~gos Commssoners wh Kng and hs Chefs. The mau objec 3Iv Lord,--I h~ honour o addres~ your lordshp a sec~od us on sae of uffdrs a Lagos, under dae December on, of Admnsraor seemed o m o be so o open road hrough ~ ebu o Ibedau, ha Ibadana mgh supply mselves a ple~uro wh arms and ammmou from Lagos, whch 1871, Bud regre o fud ha my duy ogan compels me o brne" ha sae of affars qsder your lordshp s noce. J. {

I 84 THE A FRIOAN TIMES. [JAN. 23, 1872. By seam-shp Congo, whch arrved n Lverpool on THE LAGOS CANAL--ONE OF THE GREAT HOLES IN 29h ulmo, I have receved, among or leers from Lsges, THE LAGOS PUBLIC CHEST. ~O ~rnz EDIYOR 0 ~[HE AF RICAX rimes. one from a merchan very largely engaged n commerce of ha place, who wres as followe :-- Lagos, Dee. 4, 1871. "There have been grea and wonderful changes u poloy Dear Mr. FA.~or,--Perm me hrough medum of your ofourgovernmen durng las few monhs. A presen nesmable paper o corroborae saemens of " I~gossn%" sppearsas fa cloud were garng, ha mus s~on burs wh whch appeared n your Oo<>ber number, hy ponng ou one of grea volence upon our surroundng neghbours and ourselve~ ; prncpal ca~es of "large holes underneah Govern- ron safe." and hs for no cause whaever. The aspec of our presenmen polcy can only be compared o ha of 1864. The seppogo of Our ao.dsan~ Colonal Engneer, ~ ohn Huner, s now on roads from Abeokua had almosaken place a for[ngh ago, leave of absence o England, leavng all puhlo works ha he has had no been for some of merchans re who remonsraed opened ncomplee, by wha we consder o be hs msmanagemen. Wha I am abou o sae am facs wh whch all n wh chefs, ha y should frs ask for an explanaon from our Governor of ceran polcy whch y regard as n Lagos wll concur. grea opposon o m, whle serves o aul purposes of Mr. Huner has bured many a housand pounds n Off]s or naons. There s no end of ups and downs wh us, and Canal, and. for ors as well as myself n Lagos, I ~ whah sendng o and fro, as a wld llon seekng for a prey. In fac we resul? Are hose Lages Canal works of any benefo are lookng very anxously o see wha wll be ssue of our Lagos? Grea quanfes of machnes, An., were mpored by uncalled-for Polcy. Surely wll be prevened beng any or Mr. Huner for Colonal Governmen, and are perfecly han ha mounan whch laboured and brough forh a useless, lyng dorman n Surveyor s deparmen; we suppose heeause he does no know how o use m. /~OUSe." I wll no rouble your lordshp wh any commen on He suffered no experenced workman o have any pos n above, excepha places anew and n a very srong lgh Governmen e.mploy. Of course he made hs pockes fur necessy of some adequae nerference by your lordshp, o pu an end o hose aberraons of Lagoa Execuvc, Tnubu-square and Cusom House a ]k[arna need a whls colonal ches was empyng. Our Cour Hall a ~hch are pavng way for mos deplorable resuls.--ihave grea deal of repar, for y are leskey; and f Lagos he honour o r aman, my Lord, yours very respecfully, 1 ~. Governmen now owes debs, are no ~r. Huner and Lagca I~ITZOZRAIm, Canal among prncpal causes? (I1 Years Edor of Afrcan ~ ~,. We are so fully persuaded of hs, ha we shall be ever hankful f Mr. lquner comes here no more agan. A same me To Egh Hen. Earl of Kmberley, K.(}., &e;,&e., Colonsl.eff]ce. we are ruly n need of a Colonal Engneer; bu wha we wan s a rue cvl engneer, o nsruc our young men, brng m ~e2ly of ~ JEarl of J~ra~rlq. up properly n msohancsm, and o gve proper drecons for publc works. We do no wan an nexperenced marnengnedrver n general, who does no know u~ of a level. I need (Copy.) Downng-sree, January 12, 1873. Sr,--I am dreced by Earl of Kmberley o acknowledge no say any more, Mr. Edor; offses I,agos darng rany season esfed o every specaor, whe or black, ha, recep of your leers of 80h December las sa of 2nd ns. relave o sae of affars a Lagcs; and wh reference whaever else he may have knowu~ Mr. J ohn Huner does no know wha s calledranage. o ceran saemens conaned your leer of 30h I am, yours, &., December Ibm o acquan you ha hs lordshp has approved Vex Pov~ of Admnsraor s endeavours o opeu roads no neror for general purposes of rade, and ha he has no ground whaever CONFIRMATIONS AT LAGOS BY THE BISHOP OF for supposng ha hs proceedngs were n any way conneced wh supplyng Ibedans Wh arms and ammunon.--i am, SIERRA LEONE. Sr, your obeden servan, zo ~n~ x~rrea o~ ra~z A~C~ rn~r.s. (Sgned) Roe. GaG. Hzmazs~. l.~go% December 7, 1871. Sr,--We are glad o nform you ha Lord Bshop of hs docese arrved hera safely wh Mrs. Chceham on ha 17h (Copy.) November, and was well receved by clergy, churchwardens, Afrcan ~ rau O~ce, 121, Flee-sree, fnn. 19, 1872. and communy a large. I s a causoof grea joy ous, arer My Lord,--I have honour o acknowledge recep Mr. lapse of nearly seven years, o see a bshop of hs docese lqerber s leer of Jan. 12, receved Jan. 15, nformng me ha come down o Lagos. We pray ha hs lfe and ha of hs lady your lordshp has approved of Admnsraor s endeavours o may be long spared, and ha r healh may permm o open roads no neror for general purpo~ of rade, and halabour man years n Afrca. your lordshp sees no ground whaever for supposng ha hs Hs lordshp preached a Chrh Church on Sunday, 19h proceedngs were n any way conueeed wh supplyng November. o a full congregaon, and on S. An~sw~s Day, Ibadans wh arms and ammunon. Nov. ~0, he had confrmaon, when 225 persons were confrmed In reply I would crave permsson o observe ha re cannon Chrs Church. On Adven Sunday, 3ed ns., he had be any person o whom openng of new roads o nerorordnsdn, when four nave canddaes were admed o deacon s for purposes above-menoned can be of more mparanoe orders, and h6 Roy. H. Townsend preached ordnaon han o merchans and raders of Lagos, f measuressermon. On Tuesday, 5h ns., he confrmed 166 persons adoped for obanng ha desrable resul be of a naura no o n S. Paul s Church ; and hs day hs lordshp opened a new dsurb frendly relaons exsng beween Lagos and church a Iddo Island, n vcny of Lsges, and held a confrmaon n church a Ibue l[ea, on manland o more conguous counres; on peace n whch, and connued frendly relaons wh whch commercal prospery end lfenorrn dsrle of h selemen. On ThurMay nex, 14h of Lagos depend; bu ha y deprecae, and as I hnk mos ns, hs lordshp wll (D..) held confrmaon n church a j u.nly objec o any effors beng made fo~ openng such roads, habsdsgry. The Bshop was o have presded a annversary may n any way hreaen presen commercal relaons of meeng of Local Branch of Brsh and Poregu Bble colony, and cause alarm and apprehenson such as have been fel Socey, n W~leyan Chapel, Tnubu.~uare, on Monday, of lae n L0gos and s neghbourhoed. 27h November ; bu, owng o hs ndsposon, our worhy I beg furr mos respecfully o observe ha runous experence of 1867-7 jusfes suscepbly of merchans arrval of Bshop has enlvened our communy, and we frend, Hen. A. H. Porer ook char. Wenco you and raders of Lsgos as o acon of r Execuve (overrusha season has been a grea blessng o us. The Bshop whch y have no any conrol whaever) n carryng ou hs and lady wll reurn for Serra Leone n ~ anuary. polcy rela[va o neghbourng and neror counres, and o Wh complmens of approachng season, I reman, yours express my deep regreha your lordshp does no ~em o hnk-- ruly, howercr large and val neress y havea sake--ha O~n~nv~v. merchans and raders of Lagos have any rgh o queson THE NIGER STEAMERS. proprey of ha acon, or o be nformed why ceran mporana dae of our laes advcea from Lagos,. Vcora porons of r rade s nerferred wh by ordnance and proclamaon, alhough ha acon and ha nerference may be of reu,ned from Nger. The Company s agen wen up s her, seamer, belongng o Wes Afrcan Company, had no n a naure o cause m presen l~ss, and mos serous appre-ahensons oj comng danger, and even of commercal run.--i have was no known wher on good auhory, ha Ycora also Bshop Crowr and hs pay. I was rumoured, bu honour o reman, my lord, yours mos rcspecfully, had aken ground somewhere abou Lukojs. F. FIrZOZRAU), Edor of dfr can T~,. The Ro Formo~, Mr. Punock s seamer, whch wen up To Bgh Hen. E.rl of Kmberley, K.O., Tchsdda branch of Hger, had no n bceu heard of; an Colonal-crce. ome anxey wan fel as o her ~fey. J~. 28, 1872.] THE AFRICAN TIMES. 85 SKALL-POX AT CAPE COAST, 3. Tha as a n~ resul of hs poson hus creaed for o r~z zdrrox o7 zmz ~mc~ ~. hs Kngs, Chefs, and people of Fan, y dd, when y consdered mselves and r counry n danger hrough Cape Coas, Nov. 30, 1871. Dear Sr.~Dr. ~osso has responded o arcle n las Duch-Ashan Allance, combeo for muual proecon and defence; and under name and le of ho Faul Confederaon Afrcan T6m~ reang on nroducon of small-pox no hs place, and wh reference o hs reply, re are wo were acknowledged and reaed wh by succosfve Brsh maers o whch I would parcularly draw your aenon. auhores a Cape Coas and by Admnsraor-n.Chef. le. If proper precauons were aken, how caao hospal 4. Tha n Consuon of Fan Confederaon as con- documens respecfully handed o Mr. Acng- servan, Quashe Hajan, and a woman and daugher n Gohcanecl House, o cach dsease? The poor womau and daugheradmnsraor Salmon on ngh of 30h ~ovember~ and n ded on same day, a few hours only nervenng beween accomlx~ayng leer, m was no word or ac of rebellon,$o deahs. agans Brsh supremacy, no defance of Brsh auhory ; bu, 2nO. The small.pox was never nroduced hera drec from on conrary, evdences of a sncere desre of approval mal seamers ; bu was brough by pr~ner from Aecraof Admnsraor, of Admnsraor-n.C%sf, an4 Of your n ]flay las on 8.8. Bafra. We shall be glad ff Dr. Mosso w~ lordshp, as Her Majesy s Prncpal Secreary of Sae for refresh our memory as o when, and from wha mal seamerscolones. hs dsease was nroduced here drec. 5. Tha n absence of any evdence u maer conaned Now a few words wh reference o address go up for n sa documens of rebellon agans Brsh supremacy, or ~rr. Ussher when be was abou o leave. You coped no your defance of Brsh- auhory, as hro exercsed n and from paper an arcle from a Cape Coas publcaon, exposng Brsh fors and selemens on Gold Coas, no one of saoof Cape Coas Town, whch was jusly sad o be one mass of pares o drawng up of such Consuou and hoao~ompanyng leers could possbly have been guly of any recogus. flh--s verable dunghll ; and you commened upon hs n Afc~m ~u n a way ha srred up off]cal nc~gnson a hm able offence for whche could be punshed by Brsh law. whose arcle you hus coped n all quarers. To pa, fy m, 6. Tha even had been sa~ely possble o gve o maer he go up an address for Maryr Ussher. He had hs own objecsconaoedu Iha sa documens, or manner of r delvery n vew, of course; bu no everybody followed crafy lead, o Acng-Admnsraor~ any such nerpreaon as ha gven and I for one refused o sgn. You canno expose n oo o m by sasd Acng-Admnsraor Salmon, was duy srong a language ha sysem of addresses of sham prase. of laer o receve and forward m, as represenng vews Pray connue.o do your duy n a sraghforward manner, and desres of enre l:an people, o Admnsrsor-awhou deference for colouh and God wll reward you for your Chef, and hrough hm o your lordshp, and awa nsrucons labours. for hs gudance, nsead cf on hs own un~.~-sed nerpreaon, I hops you wll no fal o le ColonsLoff]ce know how, n absence of Chef Magsrae (n a Acorn), havng and wh wha objec, ha addrs,a gvea o Maryr Us~her was resoro brual volence of arres of hose persons, and go up o pacfy off]crl dspleasure.--yours fahfully, rgd ncarceraon a charge of hgh reason. 7. Tha on se, as well as on or weghy grounds, hose persons hus arresed and ncarceraed are llegally a prson, and CORRESPONDENCE WITH THE EARL OF KIII3ERLEY are enled o r mmedae release, wh such ndemnfcaon ON I~ANTI AFFAIRS. for grevous njury y have susaned by such arres and Afrcan Traes Offm, 121, Fhe.sree, mprsonmen as o your lordshp may seem f. ~ anuary 2, 1873. In name of l~an Kngs, Chefs, and people presen or My Lord,--I s.wh grea pan ha, by desre and n nrares of 1; an Kflgs, Chefs, and ors, members of Conaf ufou and sad leerswere dscussed, agreed upon, and represened a lae meeng a Maak ~esdm, a whch sad l~fan Confederaon, I, I fnd necessary o hrng under yourprepared, Ihave honour earnesly o solc ha your lordshp lordshp s noce arres andmprsonmen, by Acng-Admnsrsor 8alm0n, a Cape Coas, of hree persons of educaon and Excellency Admnsraor-n-Chef as shallead o mme- wll send ou by mal of 5h ns. such nsrucons o Ms nfluence---vz., Keasm W. E. Davdson, ~. H. Brow, and L F. dae lberaon of sad persons mprsoned, and o r Amssah, on a charge of hgh reason. recevng such compensaon ou of revenues of Cape Coas as Ths arresook place on ngh of 30h November, 1871, crcumsances of case may appear o your lordshp equ- o demand. a I0.30 r.w., subsequen o a vs of above-menoned per-ablsons o Governmen House, for pu~po~ of delverng o A eama me, I beg leave o solc your lo&hp s approval Acng-Admnsraor Salmon hree copes of a Consuon for of hose vews and desres of Fan Confederaon, exp,-eased l~an Confederaon, agreed upon byassembled Kngs, Chefs, n Arcles of r Consuon relave o mporan and.ors, a Mankesdm, one of whch copes beng for maers of foundng and suppor of schools for nsruolon, Acng.Admnsraor, and or wo for ransmsson by hm formaon and manenance of roads, workng of mne,, o Admlnsraor-n.Chef, and hrough laer o your and or objecs nmaely conneced wh and udspenssblo o lordshp, as Her Majesy s Prncpal Secreax T of Sae for maeral de~/elopmen of Fanl counres, and o Colonc% for examnaon and approval. evlsson and well-beng of ]?an people; and, furr, ha I have honour o enclose for your lordshp a nformaon a your lordshp wll confder advsably and jusce, or o~erwhe, of apporfoung o recognzed offcals sad COn- prned copy of sad Consuon, and of leers o Acng. Admnsraor Salmon and Admnsraor-n.Chef; ogerfederaon, under proper arrangemens and guaranees, ceran wh copy of a leer from an unquesonable auhory, dealng sums ou of pubcrevenuescbaned by Brsh auhores vs of hree persons before menoned o Governmen a Cape Coas, o asss m n carryng hose vlaws ofcvlsafon, House, Cape Coas, recepon.re by Acng-Admnsraor developmen, and well-beng Fanfno speedy effec.--i have Salmon, and subsequen proceedngs, culmnang arres honour o reman, my Lord, &., and ncarceraon of hose persons n prson cells a Gohc F. FzrzozR~J~, House, on a charge of hgh reason." (11 ~ears) Edor of Afrcan Tm~ and Agen I would wllngly leave apprecaon of se facs whou of Pan Confederaon. covhmen for your ~ordshlp a enlghened consderaon; bu as I consder arres and mprsonmen of hose I~rsons, as above A furr leer, daed ~ anuary 4, was sen by Mr. Pzgernd saed, o be n wonen and brual ourage commxed n r persons on enre body of Kngs, Chefs, and ors, of Fan, advce of lberaon of Moors. Davd~u, Brew, and Arab, ash o Earl of Wmberey, n whche saed havng receved who were aasembhd or represened a Mankesam a drawngon excessve bal bonds, as alsof fve or genlemen who had np of Ba Consuon, I begleave o sae brefly some of been arresed and confned, and expressng hope ha hs grounds on whch I hope and beleve ha your lo&hp wll condemn such arres and mprsonmen, and order, whou delay, &e. We grealy regreha copy of hs leer ben been mslad lordshp would mmedaely order hose bonds o be cancelled, ba release of persons above menoned. a pr~ner ej bu wll endeavou( e supply defcency n our nex. I. T ha has been long snce dsncly lad down by Her Ifaje~y s Governmen, hrough Secreary of Sas for _Rply of ~,Earl of ~m~rhy. C61onea, hahs counry does no clam o possess any errory Downng-sree, Jan. 17, 1873. whaever on Gold Coas beyond walls-of forresses and ~r,~i um dreced by :Earl of Kmberley o acknowledge e~ablshmens of Brsh Governmen re. hs recep of wo leers of 2nd and 4h ns., whch yea 2. Tha afer eng and repor of House of Commonshave addre2sed a hs lordshp "by desre, and n neres of Commee, subsequen o A~an War, enre so.called ~an Kngs, Chefs, and or members of Fan Con- and n whch you sub~rbe yourelf as,,agen of Proecorae on Gold Coas was nformed by auhory, hafederaon," Krk, CMef~, and people were no longer o look o Fan Confederaon." Brsh auhorfea a Cape Coas for proecon and deene, bu I am o reques ha Lord Kmberley may no be+.~n~e~oed, mus nocfo~wa~cl proec and ddend m~vos. from f~.of hs causng a reply o be gve a o ~ Ae~wr~ +I! /

/. 86 = THE A~ICAN ~IKI~8. ~Jk~. 28, 18"/2. re: o a%. have I no heard ha% Admnhra~rs Ussher and Smpson have as recognsng any such Confederaon, or yourself as s agen. Hs lordshp, however, desres me o sae ha your leers w!llpre., hm o draw ups Consuon of. be referred o Sr A. Kennedy. federaon? and f people have now oecomo mve o.v ~a y mus do somehng for mselves, and aken frs I am o observe ha you are ncorrec sang ha "Consuon" framed by o-called Fan Confederaon was handed o Acng Admnsraor for "examnaon sep n rgh drecon, and havo frankly..an.d openly subm~ed r Consuon o hs ExcLlency, s ha any reason why and he should ncarcerae represenaves? Posfbly re may ~ProPmreuvl~ s e m~c ~ Acng had Admnsraor u fac been be somehng wrong n ~documen; le me ge a look a ; Amnsraor may be jusfed m sep ha has aken. receved copy of, whch was o be ransmed for ho nfermmfon of Secreary of Sae. Mr. I. Gran, who was proceed mmedaely o oban n_specon o( cel~b_m~l named ~asurer whou hs knowledge and consen, has repudaed all connecon wh movemen.~i amj Sr, your wll be dsapponed), o fnd nohng rea~nable n dooumen~ suon. :1~ancy my chagrn, Mr..~xmr (ann m.n~ ~ou. obeden ~rvan, bu everyhng breahng of naugh else bu lauaa~e purposes ox (Sgned) RoBsrr Ozo. HxanR~r. loyaly o: Brsh Governmen; and when I perused. To F. lqzgerald, ~sq. leer o Sr A. Kennedy, n I sad "I am ~~. e~: ~, e~ = enlemen are conrpraor* ndeed, and s a grea~ py ms..afrcan ~ me* Offce, 121, l~lee~sree. g~ey and anor genleman eanuo exchange piaces. ~., ~ anuary 20, 1872. Sr, read documens well; dgesm; ann ~e~ us s.uow My lord,--i beg o acknowledge and hank your IordsM.p for n columns of ydur nvaluable paper your opnon fs. Mr. Herber s leer of 17h, receved 19h January m aoknowledgmen of mne o your lordshp daed respecvely 2nd Common ss on Wes Afrcan sff~rs. The Commee am of Now o commence.. In I865 a Commee of House of opn on ha peoples of (]old 0eas should as rapdly as and 4h ns. I ake lbery a same lmo respecfully o observe ha qu~on of recognon or non.~ eoogfon of possble be augho govern mselves, an~ hs n consequence l~an Confederaon, wh s presen or a modfed consuon, of hubbub abou Ashan War. Then Commee and acon of Her ~sjesy s Governmen wh and concernng say ha Governmen s no possegs~d of n foo of errory, s one decson aken on whch by Her Z[ajeay a Governmen here beyond ~a on Whch r for sand. Very good. Mark how s followed up. AU Admnsraor Governer ssues e mus be of very grea mporance for good or evl o Fan couurles end r half a mllon of people for many yesrs a proclamaon sang ha no beyond fve mles from seacoas or cannon.range do y clam any errory. # Anor come. I s refore a queson much oo large o be relegaed Admnsraor rays hk y "mus cofsder mselves as apar for decson o a emporary anhory~ as any admnsraor-nchef on Wes Coas mus neee~arly be. I say hs whpu any nenon o call good feelng or ably of Sr Arhur from Grea Bran," and hrows off r allegance ; and y mus fgh r own bales; and addreeeas dspaches o Kennedy n queson n dealng wh wha I mus regard as,~r~ddens" a Mankesslm Ạ hrd proceeds o ~fankessm, g-~-" acs n a manner o oonsold a o confederaon, and. syles gnoran and brual abuse of auhory by Aolng Admnsraor of Cape Coas, alhough I cannohnk ha h0 exercsed "~Fanl Confederaon or Confederacy." The Governor-na wse dscreon n leavng Acng Admnsreorshp ruhchef gves m a parable abou "hree bulls and a lon." All hands. I do refore venure o express hope ha hs se deeds and eels are no forgoen by m; y have reasured m one by one ll y are ndellbly mpressed on r queson wll "receve a knd, earnes, and full consderaon by Her Majesy s Governmen upon broad general prncples, as one mnds; and y a las awaken o ho necessy of dong some- o bnd m morn srongly oger, of unng for r of momenous neres conuexol/wh half a mllon of pobplohng erengly aached o Grea Bran; and a largo exen of ~rnmoneed. The Ashan queson h no seled; O~yern.- errory rch n agrculural re~urd~e ye o be developed, and ~ allo wn~ self o be ouwed by Krg of Ashan., unsurpassed n mneral wealh by any known porhon o[ and lsenn g -o promses he never nends fufleng." The mu0hvexed Elmna queson also a no concluded. Beryhng and earh. Wh resl~ee o Consuon havng been promulgaed and every queson s as far fro m.be2ag ar~nge~..~ a h~ aced upon before submng o Acng Admnsraor for ~rdmencemen. The kngs and ches assemme a Aan~esam ; h ansmssof, I hnk your lordshp wll fnd ha nohng moreframe and pass a Consuon whch shall kn m oger n was done han wha was n~y for gvng y~ur lordshp a one bond of amy~ and whch under auspces of Brsh real organsaon o deal wh, so ha any modfcaons your Governmen would feud o maeral progress of counry. lordshp mghhnk desrable could be planly craed. They depue se genlemen o presen documens drawn, up * Wh re*peer o Mr. F. O. Gran, I was already aware ha he by m o hs Excellency a Governmen House. He race,ted had repudaed all connecon wh movemen, hough I do m ; ears open leer addressed, o.hm.,.con an~g a copy no know ha he was named Treasurer whou hs knowledge of Oonsuon, acopy of ~eer o mr ~nnur ~ern~ay, and consenl The leer dealng parculars of m.er-andvew of "d"e~.q.s. Brew/Davdson, and Am~ssh, wh Acng ~ankeasm; does no reac me nocumenm hrough, ann copy ofre~luons L and.fli., Passed o! ~e meeng a Admnsraor, whch I had honour of fdrwar~ng o yourfres up. "W.ha do you mea~ by hs? [I have lordshp on and January, shows, I hlnk/ pressure broughhs from undenable auhory.] Do you no know ~ha o bear on Mr. 1L O. Gran who s a J usce ~f Peace, and hs s reason? I shall.plac~ you, Mr. Davdson, n shfmk from polcal persecuon, and whch may have~duc~ cusody of Colonel ~ose.r. He~, se hal for.colonel l~~. a hs repudslob, os menoned by your lordshp, wna~ mus~ on~. Wha nex? Do you hnx, ~zer we nave oecn nero ~or wo consder o have been a hg honour conferred on hm by ag.~m-oblya IIankeasm, and a fng expre~ou of eseem ~ whchby you? I have heard of all your dongs. Mr. Gran (urnng hree hundred years, we are gong o be urn_ed ou n hn.way he h~l bec fore long me so jusly held a Cape ~oas~.--- o ha genleman, who hade~ae n ba a few mnues before ke I hero honour o reman~ my Lord, your lordshp a obeden oubreak), wha do you ~, hnk of hs}. Have you seen ~ervan, before? ~us look n. (Hands consuon o (]ran). Meanwhle Mr. Brew endeavours o pon ou o hs ExceLlency ha 1~, Frrzozm.n, F~. dfrva~ 21"~,. horn s nohng reasonable n documen ; ha, on or REAL AFRICAN MABTYRS--IMPRISONMENT AT hand, wouldbe ser~eeable n adng Brhh Governmenl. s CAPE COAST. ~ " evlsng neror, and would be of maeral use n seeng TO ~ 2ffDIr0R 0 ~SE AIr.RICA~W TJ~EF.,8. haf s order~ &o., were carred no execuon whou dday Gold Coas, Dco~mber!, 1871. (for canno be dened ha re a no now ha ready obedence Sr,--Ths mornng we were no a Hlo sarled o learn hao s orders, summonsos~ &o., ha used o be exhbed n former Mr. Wllam Edmond Davdson, Mr. James 1L Amsh, and Mr. days). There was no reasonng wh hm ; ~ ~odd ~ r~ ~ ~ames H. Brew had been orreaed half-pas en o clock las ~ pspera fo forrard Aem o ~r.4. Ke~n,.dy. Mr. Gran R-. ~gh and ncarceraed Gohc House Gaol~ on charge of emped o show ha Consuon would plsc~ Confederaon a dfferen bass, and ha maers were now o be havng conspred agans Governmen. On nqury I found ha " head and fron of r offend-dfferenljug" was, ha se genlemen had asseed_ F~ Con- ~[r. Gran s name appeared n Resoluons as hvng been ap_- conduced, No he would lsen o and hear nohng. federaon n framng a ConsUon, and ha Messrs. ~ava~nponed Treasurer. He wshed o know wher hsc~ acceped.~nd Brew had had unheard.of audacyo presen copes of apponmen ; f so he would srke he name off ls of.~ ~ Consufon o our Acng Admnsraor, o forward o maghraes. If schools were reqnred~ roads necessary, or money.~~ K/:d/~ Kenned. y o lay before Secreary of Sae for waned, why.no apply for m nsaacl of gong n for hs chld s play? Mr. Brew sad somehng abon applcaona beng, fl~ghlf ay! I prcked up my ears, end sad o mye.r wnafule wha was W,~.aued never could be~ nex?" Have no cur Admnsraors been accusomed address ~-... -~~ le~.xs ~o lhe Presdens of hd ~an Confederaon? Have A.~=~ d~ o~ hu ~,~ ~_~ s~ y no scklre~sed Mr. B. L Ghszey as Presden reof? and any exenson el Br~ erro~t o m~ llm~ _--~, A, ~, ~45 whe you wan, reaso.ns wll be assgned. ThI~ s all hanks.~e ge..~- I b~ ve r~e~z~l d~aches, nformng me ha Elmnsw e.~un upon your Excellency gvlngus a lme~ ha asssance wmcn may Do necessary o ~r-you 6ur humbleffors,.h_wly b~. ~.ded ; and, whe# we have EJmna, we may ry o ge ~~nee 4~o, end have whole lne of coas. I suppo~ rons.. Webeg 1. and o forward II., for a copy nformaon of Consuon, of /h gh and HonoursbIe of Reselu- ou ~nand~ira.wng E.~ern DsXcs o jon you." All aemps o I~.n ou m.d explan maers o.hm were uncles.. Sr, your mos obeden humble servans, Secreary of Sae for Colones.~We have honour o be, (Sgned) Qezssxe E~oo, X, hs mark. } Kngs Pr~den of AsFOO OrO% X, hs mark.~ Fma Confederaon. ke~m. I am asonshed ha a mau of your poson, ~fr. Davd. W. E. DAy, so.% Vcc-Pres~den reof, for sad ~n, and Fou, Mr. Br~w, a lawyer, sh0ul4 lend yourselves o any Kngs, CMefs, and ors. To hs Excellency Sr A. E. Kennedy. Governor.n.C~def of ~ch. hs~. "I wll "~o Hs~en o you. I wll advo vo~ ll I~.ur(hy owh &aw deeumens.t I won for ward; ~ won Wes Afrcan Selemens. m~v# m! ake lmm.and go.,. ~ 8ubhwas hs/nemorablo no?k on Cerfed rue copy. ~." H. ]J~ w, Under-Becreary. 80h ovember. Secreary sofl]ce, l[ankessm, Ndv. 24, 1871. ~m:lzm.~d.. ~on andpr~fehre wh paper. Colbnel Eo~e~ dd~ no~ comp ~ e~o~h, These genlemen proceed o Mr. Dav~dson s readenc~ Shorly aferwards Me~rs. Blankson ~anke~m, November 24, 1871. SLr,--We have honour o forward o you, for your nformaon, phcae copes of Consuon of hb Fan COn- Gran, and Prnc~ Akah ball a" I)~d~n s from Oovcr~men ~oauy..they s a~ ha hs Ex~leu~y s n a owerng passon, rederafon, and of Resoluons Nos. I. and LL ; wh a lerer o s go]ng~..~u. ~n~& ~- kn~.~ ~o wha; Whls dscuseng maers, ~r~me~x#ff~clal f~yo~ H~ -E~~y~ "He wans ~L, ExcelIeno X Sr A. 1R. Kennedy, 0overnor-n-Chef of Wes Afrlcau Selemens., :, ~S~l~R ~-e "l~h6 Hdf: B~LIg~o~ ~ ~la~~ n l~gse.~on of m, and proceeds o Oo~arnmen House wh m. Afer ~ We beg ha you wll be pleased o ransm wo copes of Consuon and Resoluons I. and I/., wh enclesed lder, ~~. e~y, ho.~...~. m.~.~d~ ho~ a~.dreased o Sr A. Kennedy, ~.pm..n~raor.h~vng resn~l!bose s~d~ o hmself~ However, he has aken offence a 7h Secon (Sol s rad) of h0 o hs Bxcelency.~Wo have hononr o be, Sr your mos obed en humble ~xvanb, 87h Arcle of 0ousu~n, whch enjons ~ ha Provnclal Assessors shall seo ha ~ e ummonses, wrs, &e., ssung A~roo Ozoo, X, hs mark. f l~an Confederaoh. (Sgned) QvzsslZ F_,voo~ X~ hs mark. ~ Kngs Presden of W. E. Dxvr~so:, Vce-Presden reof, for end f~..l~. ~olbrls.h.cours.are. c~.ed.no execuon wh as lle Kngs, Chefs, and ors. d.e~.y.~s Ix~ssble, and o ad n apprehenson of crmnals..~ s mos h ea~, n.abl0 arcle- Of a, saya hs ERceJ~noy, To hs Excellency C. S. Salmon, Acng Admnsraor of ~old Coas. end nnle~ EdGe s down here by W~nesday, 6h nsan, h.e ~en~s proceedng o :~fenkessm, o occupy he place, break Cerfed rue copy. ~pdhe Conf~eraon, and do wha no besdes.!u meanme, J. H. Bsmv, Under-Secreary. ~olu~ referred o fn leher~ addrej;ed o ~ xfdmfnf~ra~r.~n. P ~pasen p>r. on. day of ever-o-be-celebraed oub_~eh Thunday, 80h Noyember, 1871, ~r~. Davdson, Brew, I. Tha Kngs Eddoo, of Mankes~m, and Anfor Oleo, of UM~ and IA*.dedfmddmfm ~/raor Cap~ ~. and Ammah are arresed for con~raoy, and y are now n Abrah. be eleced and apponed o perform jonly dues of phsen, and lkely o reman ~aero durng pleasure of Of~ce of Knee PazsrDz.,~ of 1 A~r~ Cos~z~xR~o~, ~f bashaw, : unl.e~ you b.rng hs o noce of publc andpendng Elecon of sad Kng Presden. he Colonlal-oflfl o. We ore all only oo glad o lve under Brsh 2. Tha followng geulemen be apponed o OPgcea rulenrdy l" bu when r offcals ereae such a chaoc saeaached o r names, vz, :~ of aifd% and one. day say hn and anor clay ha, s o be Wllam Edmund Davdsen, Yce-Presden. w~ndlred a hs.~ people wsh o help mselves? If ~ ames ~ ausus Amssah, Secreary. Governmen wll ake up whole of counry n earnash ~ames Wuon Brew, Undsr-gecresry. gve u~ g ogd schools, good roads, brdges, &e.,&o., open up Francs.Ch~pmsa (]ran, Treasurer. [n~or; ~vens proper "men a~ Admnsraors, ~w ez.g~ler~ ~rosah Myle~ Abadoo, Asssan.Treasurer. (alhough a gaoler may be a good fellow n hs own way~---genlemen, no boors--we should reurn o good old days agan, Cerfed rno copy. Seerearfa Offce, Manke~m, Nov. 24, 1871. when you could go lengh and breadh of proecorae n (Sgned), ~. F. Aul.s~x~, Secreary. safey, and orders, summon~.~ &o., Of Governmen were cheerfully obeyed. Bu can p eofle.be called o blame f y wsh o help mselves and nkko maeral mprovemens n LIVERPOOL M.ARKETg. eo~nry~ when y see 6,000/. of r mosey, whch would D~o~w~s.R 23 re Dz~z~kzz 30, 1871. have gone some way n esablshng schools and makng roads, All markes were closed unl Wedne~lay, 27h, and brown away on a supd yach? They canno be for ever kep n ba..=n~,~ of week was no mporan. clark. They have no voce n dsposal o.fr o.wn money. Bxocx or Co a ox declared a 666,000 bales, beng 84,000 above g~h/~0 or four offcals, oger wh a non-offcal, who has been cabnes. _ 4.l~.comme_nded for pos parly n consequence of splen~" Prce of Wes Afrca 7~d. o 8d. ~ j _~_. yone always receves a hs house, and parly on accoun J~xvAx~ 6 ~o ~ a.s~a~ 13, 1872. ~! s ~u.ence, zl and voe away r money whou sudyng ~.~20 ons 9/. 10s. o 10/., and 2~319 blle, a 8/. 10s. ~E neracs. Consderng dfferen poson of h seue-per on. ~ ~ as cbmp~ed wh ors o Grea Bran, emely mgh B~woon.~es a 3/. 10S. per on..,rm~l elec a esr~ number of members o Legs- Cxxwoon.~5 ons a 19/ 10s.. ~~ e fnoal~o J~eouveCouncL I mus conclude for Bx m~-sz~.~140 bags a 6Is. o 62s. 6d. ~ qu~re~ - ~ ~ n.!i om2"ed o~lfb/-mybu ha hree gen-lemenncar- PXL~ R ~gs~za.~l,d00 bags, a 13/. 7s. 6d:~ 8/~ j~. or free ~ ed ~ jflo~ Home ca~. o correspond, eyen wh f.r.ends, Cor ox-szz~.~l,000 bags Afrcan, a 4/. l~$~l~n~ 411~ a llel In~r of PrSons pernses /r oom/nnneaonsgaou-s~xv-~1o ons a 16112s. 6d. o 16~s. 1.?~."~d. and ~~ an~"=~he~-~:~) hold no convereson wh frends who may 3,558 bs~ a 17/. 7s. 6d. per on, for sound.- ~ "," "~" fn ~ ~" n hearng of gaoler. Solcng you p~-orr, n moderao reques, and 600 ~ S0 ~; New ~L~" ~r~r. fruence n favour of my mprsoned frends, I am, Calaber a 40/., Bonny a 37/. Irregular a 3~.~b 8~/., Lagos - a 38/. 10s. ; and o arrve, Brass and Congo a 40/. 10&, 0ameroons e 37/. 16s., and 01d Calabar a 38/. per on. : " - ::!rl! : :"" Manke~m, November 24, 1871. Com o.~.--in unu~al demand hroughou week, and prces : ~r. = We~ k~g~ chefs~ ~d o/sa~mbled a ~[anke2,sm, have maerally advanced. l~" "mal/e~~ull~ o forward you enclosed copy of a Con. Sales of week, 186,240. s~on framed andpassed by us afer maure consderaon. Prce of Afrcan 7~ o 8. We have uned oger for express purpose of furrng JL~. 13 ro J~. 20. nere~_s of our,.coupry. E~o~-Y.~I,685 peces a 91. IGs. per on, If ho ~0ns6uou Wll be observed ha we conemplaebz.sx.s~z~.~161 begs 6Is. per quzrer. means for socal mprovemen of our sub~ecs and peoples ; P~.xza.v~s.~170 bags a 13/o 13/. 2s. 6d. per on. growh of educaon and ndusral pursus ; and, n shor~ P~J.~-o~ connues moderae demand, and 600 ons s~id ; every good whch Brhh phlanhropy may have desgned for Irregular a 34/. o 37/., Bonny and Benn a 37/., Lsgos a 38L 5~. goodof Gold Coas, bu whch we hnk mpossble for o 38/. los., New Calabsr 39/. 15s., Brass 40/. o 40/. 6s. a ~re~n b.~.fo com layla.!arge. : :: ~e_ c.s.---:.m-~rke q~.~b.bu qu0aona maualned.. O~ ~je~6.s-o mpro{ -6 06fdon Of" ~d~ Ibecpl~s, no of hb Wee]~ 13~880 b~e~. Prce We* Afrca 7~. o 8~d, ~ ~~f~ ~l~; ~uo ~d our ~n~!~ on ~ ~ and

88 TB~B AFRICAN TIMES. 2s, 182. C "NOTICE. OTTON, WOOL, and or Maeral, PRESSED an4 PACKED by WALKER S PATENT ROTATING " f]lhe Undersgned be~ o sae for general nformaon, ha PRESS, n HALF USUAL TIME. Sugar Mlls for JL whls he akes hs opporuny of reurnng he hanks o Splng Cane, Palm Nu Amorers, Nu Crscker~, a~d hs FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS every knd of Machne for Afrca or Inda. 12, JAMES-STREET, CITY.BOA_U, LONDON. for r kec] paronage, he would, neverless, for neres of hs Afrcan Gold OrusmenO, Brooches, Errlngb l~ngs, hxlnsj re, BUSINESS, M dsregard All Orders from pares who~ Accouns wh hm have R. W. R. TAYLOR begs o nform hs numerous cusomers no been closed wh year 1870. and publc generally ha from and afer ~ dae (Sgned), "J. TAYLOR. hereof he wll be prepared o execue, all orders for Gold " Oxford and Glouceser-srees, Trnkes, &o., forwarded o hm, provded alw$~ds ha such Free,we, Jan. 2, 1871." orders are accompaned wh remance. A m~era~o.eom- r orders o be execued unless a~compamea wlm a remance. r~he above Noce appeared n IF~,~ M/flea, Z~erafor, a Serra leone paper, durng frs four monhs n 1871. As undersgned has, however, found ha, nowhsandng For.sree, opposle Casle, Cape Coas. ha Noce, several pares have no ye made good hs clams December 22, 1870. on m, he agan begs o renew hs respecs o hs Frends end BRITISH AND AFRICAN Cusomers, end o a~ure m of hs deermnaon o afford m every sasfaeon ; bu a same me he wll, for neres STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. o of hs Busness, refuse All Orders n fuure from hose who hnk ha Goods ere purchased by means of a few eerawls on paper, ~HIPPRRS are respecfully nformed ha hs ~ Company now end named an "order;" end ha Twelve Monhs havng expred, ]O despach TWO STEAMERS ~IONTHLY o WEST legal measures wll of necessy be nsued aganshose who COAST of AFRICA. have refused o pay up r accounsnce appearance of Noce above referred o. J. TAYLOR. The fne new Screw Seamers Oxford and Glouceser-srees, ~Freeown, Serra Leone, January, 1872. ~~ BONNY... LIBERIA ROQUELLE... OLTA CONGO... LOANDA F PUBLIC NOTICE. Wll SAIL TWICE MONTHLY beween LIVERPOOL and OR eonvence of persons wshng o make small remanees beween Gold Coas and Serra Leone, MAvzmA)--vz:, SIERRA LEONE, MONROVIA, CAPE followng Pore on Wes Coas bf Afrca (callng a undersgned wll be prepared o ISSUE DRAFTS a fve days PALMAS, CAPE COAST CASTLE, ACCRA, J-ELLAK sgh from One Pound o Ffy Pounds serlng every monh a COFFEE, LAGOS, BENIN, BONNY, ~ERNAND0 P0, and a premum of 5 per cen. OLD CALABAR. The days of Salng from Lverpool are Foregn cons a par. 6h and 18h of each monh. W~[. R. TAYLOR, For furr nformaon apply n London o ~fessra. M~.oor~v~ Merchan and Governmen Conracor. HUDSO.~-, and Co., 5, Crosby-square; n Glasgow, o TAXrLO~, For-sTee, Cape Coas, LAvoaLa~, and Co., 24, Oswald-sree; and n Lverpool o Sepember 2, 1871. ELDER, DEMPSTER, & CO., 2, Brunswck-sree. ~seon of,n ~r cen. ~ be ~arg~; =a. ~,o~ ~. SYDENHAM HOUSE, 50j LUDGATE HILL, SAMUEL BROTHERS, MERCHANT TAILORS AND -OUTFITTERS. On Sysem of Chargng Lowes Prce l~ossble for Ready Money. LONDON. LONDON CLOTHING.~Perfecon n Syle and F s suppled by ad of ne~z Self-measure Rules, as glven belo~r Durng wen}-flve ~ear~ r Clohng has been celebraed for sound economy, perfec fng,~nd men[ genlemsnlke syle.. THE WORLD-PAMED SYDEN~AM SUITS AT 59s. Are manufacured n suable syles for all occasons, and n "~arousubsance~ Cloh ~. for all Clmae- MORN~NO ASD Busx.~Z~ Sars... 42~. 0d. o 84s. 0d. T~oussns... 14s. 0d.,, 26s. 0& DRE~ AND PR0~ENADX SUIT~... 59s. 0d.,, ll.s. 0d. TnouszRs... 17s. Od.,, S0s. 0d. STATE, LAW, AND CLERIOAL ROBES SUPPLIED AT VERY ADVANTAGEOUS PRICES. THE NEW BOOK ON GENTLEMEN S ATTIRE Conans Fory-hree Engravngs o represen F~honable Syles. Prce ls., deduced from a purchase (pos.f~ee). of SYDEN HAM Any garmen can b6 supplecl by sendng followng me~ur~ : Gve, c scnxs, whole hegh of person. Foe A COAZ: Round breas, round was, from cenre of back o wrs; for lengh of sleeve, arm ben. Fox W~szcoAz: Round breas and was. Foe TRocaz~, Lengh ousde seam from op o boom, lengh nsds TROUSERS. m from fork o boom, round was, round sea. PATTERNS ann Llsr oz Pasczs Pear Fszz. SAMUEL BROTHERS GUARANTEE TO SUPPLY, IN EVERY CLASS. PERMANENT COLOURS, GENTLEMANLY STYLE SOUND WORKMANSHIP, AND PERFECT EIT. Messrs. Samuel Brors f~d necessary o sae ha Posage of leers mus be Prepad, or y wll no be receved. r.o, If or The I~ I N of wllbe All 6h an~ be The ffom Half wll Bonny, 28h Par,,en The lellah 0 hulk D. SAMUEL BROTHERS 50 LUDGATE HILL, LONDON ENGLAND.