l always built and kept up by 'I liu.miimt Poputnr liberal newspaper advertising. Pay Of Respect

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""PWjfTrrr " Hjrf. r J" flmtrfff NTEREST, NV TE, NTELLGENT NVESTORS A BG ONE VOTE FOR BUSNESS Evenng Bullen Mr. m Tyrr!!WgMMBMMMB l always bul and kep up by lu.mm Popunr lberal newspaper adversng. Honolulu mo Hull Bullen Ads, brng resuls. BY PATRON. ZlG BULLETN ADS. Pljor. Yoh. XL No. 1032. HONOLULU, TERRTORY OF HAWA. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 20 11)01 Puok 5 Gens. 4 V LAW (S E! ALL N MOURNNG FOR THE LATE PRESDENT nner Precncs of Federal and Terroral Chambers of Jusce. Decked n Emblems of Gref. neror draplngs are n poron n he Frs Crcu Cour placed here hs mornng by order ff Judge Gear. Tle Judge ordered he exeror draped, ln aferwards whdrew hs owng o he lack of provson by law for drapng Federal hulldlng. " n ne Uned Sae Dsrc Cour room he wndow a he rear of h unch s covered wh black crepe, wh a porra of Presden McKlnley near he. op. The doorways of he cour loom,.fudge Eseoa chamber and he l lerk olflce are flled wh lachnenh,of black crepe, a are alo ho porals of he Terroral cvl offce on he jround floor. Upsar he wndow back of he bench n each cour room of he Terrlorl Judcary s fully draped, wh a porra of he dead Presden n he mds alof. The wo doorway leadng no Judge Kseea chambers are hung wh black, poreres caugh back near ho boom wh VlUo rosees. A porra of McKnley la ocr ho door nox he sars Smlar drapery appears n he man enrance o h cour room used by Judro Clear a h preen erm. Alex. Lanrun Comnlcd. Alex Lzarus, he hoy who adms hmlng placed he sone on he Kapld Trans rack on Llllha sree Tuesday afernoon, appeared n he Polce Cour or ral oday. Tho defendan was commed o ho Crcu Cour for ral Memoral o be Sen o WashngonW ll Go Forward n Copc P. J. Lowrey Commees Charman. A meeng of ho Merchans Assoelao n was held hs forenoon n ho back room of ho Hawaan luvosmen Company for ho pu pose of akng seps oward forwardng meuolnl lo Washngon n connecon wh ho decease of he Presden of ho Uned Smen. Those presen a ho meeng were: :. (J. Maclarlano (presden), W. W. Harrs (secreary),.m. A. jnnsulvc, M. Phllps. F. M. Wakefeld, J. l. llohwell. F.. Auoruab, J. S. Speucr, C. l. V. Foser. Geo. lodlck. T. W. Holron. F. W. Lauge. Edwn PaU. W. W. Dlmond, Henry Lews am 11. flucger.. When, afer a wa of over a halfhou was found bec wee enough members presen o consue a quorum, Presden Maefarlano announced he objec of ho meeng. Among oher hngs, ho saed ha here hd been souo msundersandng wh reference o he meeng of he Chamber of Commerce yeserday nernoon. Ths body had sen forward a olegrnr n he Aorungl whch was from hu czens as a whole, and was n an ha he Merchans Assocaon should be ncluded lu hs mossage. Hovvuvo r. bc Merchans Assocaon would do well o send s o memoral o Washngon nnd hs memoral should go forh n he Copc on Ocober 1. Mr. Ruhwell made a moon Hn he drafng of hu pope losolulou be lef lu ho hands of ho hoard rf llreeors of nne, hu wlhdew hs on Mr. Harrs makng he moon o place he work n he hunds of n of llvo wh lull power o ne. Tlds was sooelcd by Mr Auerbacb and unanmously carred. : m n FOR RENT The" Only Vacan House N MANOA VALLEY Ha wo bedrooms and all modern n provemens; $40 a monh. Alo arrje resdence on he Walklkl Beach near he Annex; $60 a monh for seven monh. Presden Mafnrlauo sad ha ho assocaon mgh ako up mevroher s n connecon wh n Qlng ob eervnnce n Honolulu, bu ho bellowed ha, n dong hs, here would he a clash wh a Hon already aken by he cllacns. The mncr of sendng a memoral o Mrs. McKlulcy wax aken up and was Anally dedded o nllow ho com ulco full power o ac. Tho pros! den hen apponed ho followng commee: F J. Lovvrey (nlrnau), Geo. W. Smh, Humberg J. F.. F. M Wakefeld and V W. Dlmond. For groceres rng up llluo Ol. MUST BLRDWB) OVER A a meeng of he Judges of he unnunl rowng races held les day o consder he reply of he Myrle and Healanl boa clubs. n re he senor barge rare. n whch wo gave n drrlslo o he effec ha was no men nnd ha he even would haw o bo rowed over agan, he same day, followng he ns even, and l whch n reques b) repnenalcs of boh clubs was made ha furher me be gven n whch o prepare for he. rueo and o whch reques consen was gven, he rnce o e Saurday, HepembVr 2S, 1901, and wheren ho respecve clubs were ghen unl Wednesday noon, Sepember 23 o make reply, n beg n render he followng decson: Hrs Wo declare "no raco. Second lu leu of ho deah of Wllam McKlulcy. Presden of he Uned Saes, and ou of respec o hs memory, wo hereby se Saurday. Ocober.". a 4.15 p. n., as he lmo he race shall he rowed oer agan. Thrd Any crew fnlllng o ho ho sarng pon a ho me so fur ho race, wll bo dsqualfed. C. J. CAMPKL c. j. McCarhy, C. WLSON. Judges Re gaa Day m TEST. BUSNESS SET NEXT HE MONDAY Nohng bu he bearng of n few moons was clono n he Crcu Cour before eher Judge dear or Judgo Lle hs mornng. Judge dear ord c red adjournmen nnd ex used ho Jures unl!l:.1u Monday mornng ou of regard for he memolul son ces for Presden McKlulcy, o ho hold n he meanme. Judgo Gear dened he moon of defendan for new ral n ho espas su s of Aslu Drown vs. Andrew Uannlscr, wheren ho Jury rendered a verdc or SJSOU damages for planff. Judgo Gear sgned an order on he repor of J. A. Thompson, maser, requrng J. K. Kokaula, admnsraor of he Kekaula esae, o le a supplemenary accoun showng he. dsposon of he 30W lfe nsurance and o pay no cour lfllf.lm, ho balance ou hand as shown by hs laes accoun. Accordngly an accoun wan fled hs nornlug. sgned by J. K Kekaula, ndmlnlsaor, and Wllu Kekaula, admnsrarx. ncludng J350O nsurance money amongs nnd showng paymen of n he wll, whch leaves a deb balancu of eghy c cus agans hu esae. Tbls accoun has been referred o Mr. Thompson for furher repo. T. M Cans bewr, for defendan!), answers wh general denal he complan of Wong Qual and oher) agans Loo Ch Sang and A. Frank Cooke, ospaes on he case. V. Pfoenhauer, admnsraor of ho esae of Paul F, A. Olers, du ceased, has led an nvenory conan ng noes of nana and lre nsurance polces amounng o $3,S!1U. besld j VmMnlreen shares Sunse Rasn Co., Calforna, value no saed. The peon of Consul Cnnmnrro f Poug& o have Frank Andado apponed guardan of Jaclnba Posaun, an nsane person, ns been dsmssed. C. K. Kapalall. by hla aoruuy, Phlp L. Weaver, dsconnues hs peon n ho maer of Kauloallllll, a spendhrf, n accordance wh hu suggeson of deah. J, T, Do Hol, aorney for defendan, moves for defaul agans planff lu ho case of John Cook vs. K, Col Hobron, on ho ground of nou Jonder n demurrer. Mary S. Rose, by her aornoys, Knney, llallou & McClanahan, eners n demurrer o ho complan of Henry Smh agans herself and Governor Dole, beng a bll o cancel deed. Andrews, PecrB & Andrade (llo u dsconnuance of ho assumps ml of Holllsor Drug Co. vs. John F. Colbur Km Chung, Ah Nnng, Ah Heo and Ah Po, by her aorney Andrew:). Peers & Andrade, answer wh gen cral dnulnl ho complan of Wong Qual, Wong Chow, Lum Low and Wong Mug. respass on ho enso. n ho njuncon su of Honolulu Planaon Co. vs. Loo Ch San, ho planff, by ls aorneys, Smh & Lews, fle u replcaon o ho answer of defendan, avonlng ha s complan s good lu law. Czens Trbue o A an adjourned meng of ho commee apponed a ho Chamber of Commerce assembly, held a ho offce of W. (1. rwn hs mornng u 10 oclock, he followng program wan arranged ror he memoral servcer Tor Posleln McKnley, o bo held n Knwanhao Church. Saurday, ho Mn of Sepember, r), a 10 oclock a. m. PROGRAM. nvocaon. Rev. E. S. Tlmoeo Mulc he Chor Readng of he Scrpures... Mr. F. W. Damon Prayer.....,,...!..... Rev. C. B. Dyke Mulc, Solo "Peace Troubled Hear" Mr. Monague Turner Addre Rev. A. Macknosh Addre......., Rev. H. H. Parker Mulc...... The Chor Addre... H Excellency Gov. S. B. Dole Addre. Rev. W. M. Kncald Or, n h absence... Rev. W. D. Weervel... Mulc...,..... he Chor Benedcon...., Rev. Jno. P. Erdman Commee Rev. W. D. Wesrvel, D. Kanuha, Wm. Much, W. F. A len. J. B. Aheron, F. M. Hach, F..M. Swanzy, W. Pfoenhauer, W, G. rwn, charman. Jame Gordon Spencer, secreary o commee. PROPOSTON FOR PRVATE CHNESE BORN CONSTRUCTON S ADVANCED! Sandard Ol Company Sad o be neresed Queen Sree Se and Nuuanu Sream Seleced. A scheme s n presen uncle r way Tho much mooed queson of by whch he cl waerfron wll wheher an Amercan czen of Ch ho oxenclod ncsseveral hundred fee parenage s enled o n of ho rghs or an ordnary Amercan from ho old flshunrkel whnrf o ln n hoardng nnd leavng Ole he hrldgo ncosx Nuuanu sream m nl seamers n hs por. s soon n bu Kng sroo. There beng no fundr, l seel lu he cours now n ho Terroral Treasury aval nble for he work, has been ho lm o have ho wharfs bul by prlv o subscrpon, wh he undcrsndlr; ha he bulllos have a lease of he Ol Company s neresed o some exen n he scheme, as ha corxra Hon needs whnrf laclllles for s ol seamers and sjlsfor arrangemens for ho M of ho rallrord wharfs hnvo so far faled. The now wharf along Queen sree and ho leng whurf n exend from ho Juncon of he buy am Nuuanu sroun runnng parallel wh ne mnukn ral road wharf o Kekaullko sree, wll gve room for nbou seveneen cr olghcu bg shps and be much muror o own lmn ho ralroad wharfs. Tlls would save n grea deal of eamng, as goods could from hose propos l wharfs le lauded rgh on Que on sree nnd no be hauled all ho vvuv mound o own hrough ho wllel dl De would no nlk for publcaon, legnrlng ho admsson of Chnese.) he whurf, however, he saed Hn was alwuys Ae cusom o show"lbom CH!E SHOW RTHPlCT. every couesy f hey appled lor Permsson lu ho proper way. Chang Cl.u and oher promnen s a well known fac ha h, oung Chnese of he cl Trensrj regulaon nc known rognrdlng Ch ncso o bo as good Amercan czens as any no mos rgd and some mes harsh, as he Chnese are n he Terrlor) wen nround among looked upon wh suspcon by he Dop.u he Chnese busness houses of he cy on. The Treasury Deparmen also jeserda) forenoon and old hem hey hough, ns n mark of respec o ho memnrj of He lao Presden hey should close her doors a noon The lamened Presden bncl alwajs done he rgh hng bj he Chnese of he Terrory and he Chnese should Hucforc) show her feelng of sympahy, "Mcro was a once n agreemen on he par of nl He Chnese nnd n lj noon, all ho prncpal busness houses nloug on Kng. Nuuanu nnd Hoel srees were closed Player ROBERTSON GORMAN, THOMPSON GLEASON LELE HERRCK M0MAN CHLLNQWORTH MAHUKA JACKSON BABBTT JOY WLLAMS DAVTON BROWN KAA BOWERS GAY SHELDON WRGHT V.. LOUS :... BULLOCK SUERSON...,..., MOORE.. FRETA LUCAS,,, MARALLNO...,l.: WELSH RCHARDSON SCATTERNG Pay Of Respec 4HHMnnHn WARMTS AMERCAN WLL SEEK SATSFACTON Clams He Was Dscrmnaed Agans By Cusoms Offcals Here Goes Law. An njuncon su has been brough n he Uned Saes Dsrc Cour The nelon wll bo aken by Chnng agans Wn.. Wrgh. Treasurer of Chow, n ho emplo) or : (). Hull v he Terlory, he purpose of whch Sons, who s an Amercan clleu lls s o es he consuonaly of he reeous! o ho cours grows ou f Terlorlal lquor he refusal of ho cusoms nuhorllm lcense law. The planffs are MacfHrlane & Co, wharf for a shor erm of, yours, ro o allow n admsson o ho m V 11. Huckfeld fc Co. W. C. Peacock f lec all wharfage nnd urn he wlmr.mall wharf em he lus vs of ho over o Co, ho Governmen u ho oxpla slenmer Chna o hs por. On ha Hoffschlaeger & Co, S. 0. S.yres Hon of ASSOCATON MEETS ho loaso TO for ho cos of he cnslo Chung, wh he oher emplo) es of Hull Sous, won o he nnd Laurence. Dee. whnrf consrucon Tho maer wll APPONT A COMMTTEE J. C. Dalrd. J. J. Dunne and Rober bo lad boforo ho Supernenden f whurf o welcome homo :, O..Whle son f Wlde are aorneys for plan Publc Works a an early dny and no and Mwu Pnls or ho frm, and.ll ffs. Hon aken on. of he emplo) es hu Chang wore nllow s undersood ol ha he Saudal o go upon he whnrf. llo proesed ngnlns he acon or ho nspecor lu revsng hm admsson, declarng ha he was an Amercan czen and so enled o ho prvlege o enerng he gnu The gu cucscd Chang o produce hs pa p s o pove Hu bo was n ll, Chung could no do so cm he nsan, ns ho dd no have hem wh hm. He wen o he Collecor wh h grevance and sas ho receved scan couresy. Now ho s o demand of ho com s he salsraelou ho could no ge n ho hands of he cuscu auhores. Wl rognl o he mers of h case Collecor Snlnblo hs morn lug refused o be nervewed. Ho deems of he gleaes mporance Hn n src suvelllnuco should ho kep of ever) one who goes upon ho j se uners a hs por hnvlng Chlnee aboard eher en louo o or from San Francsco. f n some fuure me) he Pacfc Mall wharf here s made u bondd whurf, as au ho, Pacfc.Mall and Occdenal & Oren,111 wharfs lu Snn Francsco, hn ho ngens of he seamshp company wll bo he ones who wll huve c uned f n nm( of neoplo hrough flu gaes, and wll bo responsble under her bond for whaever goes wrong Gleason Wh Leaders o Voe., 7,010 7,26 4,551 J.409 901 941 359 413 391 357 355 355 313 209 167 152 151 66 53 52 17 42 3D 29 23 20 19 13 123 HM.Y on ho whnrf. Ths wll prarlcall) ako he maer ou of ho hands of hu cusoms auhores nnd pu nu ho ngens. n San Franclco no one ran gan ac ess n he bonded wharfs unless bo has a pass from ho agon ED W L..aon, rhnlrman of he czens meeng, whch was held las ngh n ho drll shed, has apponed He followng commee and rcqos he genle man named o mee a hs drll shed on omorrow (Frday ) evenng a oclock for conference. Ho rrquss hose who ran no aend o nofy hm, so ha ho may know v ha persons wll serve on he commee, us wll ho permanen! organzed omorrow evenng F. M. Hach, W L. F.on, John C. 1. McCans Scwarl, J. W. Jones, J. M. Vlvns. W L Sanley, W R. Casle, F. f. lleckley, Thomas rvng, John Daw sou, W. ( Achl, George A. Davs. James Qlnn, W. R. Fnrrlngon, F. J. Tesa. Allan Dunn, A, W, Pearson, A. V. Gear, F, L. Hongs, George. Hudd Waler (. Smh, S M. Damon, Charles llelllna,.1., Fsher, Mmund Norrle, A F, Cooke. J, O. Carer, S F. Chllllngworh. Charles S. Desky.. S. Gll, A. Fernando?. P. C..lous, Cecl Drown. George. Ca or, K. R (1 Wallace. Ho Fol. Y. Ahl. L. C. Abes, John Ouderklrk, S. M. Kanakallll l. P.. llenrdslee, S. Os.kl,.. Wrgh. V. Wrgh, L. del.. Ward. J. f. Sner. Dr. C. D. Cooper. Dr. C.. Wood. Col. C..1. MeCarh). Dr. W. S. Taylor. A. G. Roberson. W K. Wnll. Gen. A S. l.rwell. T.J le A. Dckey. H. J. Wlson. John W Shor. J D. McVegh TUB LLLPUTANS. Tongh ho lle Ausralan favores appear for he las me n vaudevlle whch was such n success las Tuesday ngh. Theaer goers should no mss ongh, us s no very lkely he chldren wll gve anoher vaudevlle ngh n Honolulu Maser Wlle Pollard he lle comedan of he lompn) s now que lerovcred from hs ndsposon and wll nppenr ns "l habod" n "The lclle of New York" on Saurday As "Mss Corn Augellque" Mss Daphne Tro wll he seen a her besl Mss rene Lofus s sad o be nmable a "llllnky HH" and hs "wldca grl." Mss vy Tro wll have a chance o dsplay ho dancng abou whch so much has been heard. On Saurday afernoon he doors wll be open for he malne n :Sn performance a 2 sharp. Parens shum no le her rhlldre mss hs performance of he "Hello." ST. REWS CATHEDRAL. n consequence of he deah of he Presden, he celebraon of ho Holy Communon on Sunday mornng a 11 oclock wll be of n specal memoral characer, Wra Taylor wll play a funernl Mlunnry a he begnnng nnd he end of he servce. The res of he musc wll bn specally seleced and n specal sermon wll be preached Arrnngem ns are beng nnla o have he Cahedral suably draped wh mpe. rum Waer Dd you order beef a la mode, sr? Whly (who has been wang an hour) Vs. Whas he maer, been wnlng for he syles o change Phladelpha Pre ss, M.P.D. The Merchans Parcel Delvery COMPANY. Delvers pneknges o any par of he cy for He upwards. Try hem. Phone Blue 621. Packnges shpped o nl pars of hu Haled Saes and nurope. Ollce, 1017 Rehel S., oppose Honolulu MnrkuL 11ff GOVERNOR DOLE ORDERS MOURNNG SXTY DAYS Taseful Desgn Bung Appled Under Drecon of E. A. Murphy C hargeable o Sae Ceremones. Governor Dole has ordered he 4 drapng of he Capol lu mourn lng o srnnd for sxy dajs ou of respec o he memory of Presl den McKnle). The work s nl ready well advanced. H co wll come ou of he npproprla Hon for sae ceremones. The mournful dressng confned o he prlkrpa l facade lookng ou o Kng sree and he de of bc buldng facng on Rchards ree. A. B. Mrph.v of he Publc Works Deparmen s he desgner of hs Capol draper) The desgn s n asef l one. s reamen wll be enrely lu black, even whle rosees beng excluded. Ths s followng u seled rule. Mr. Murphy explans, relave o he ago of he subjec of mournng. Full rn)s wll uppnr upon he mddle and wo sde mansards. Half ras are o be placed underneah he mddle mansard. The columns of he man facado wll be full) draped n double, rangle rays, gvng hem n square appearance. Plan black loopng wll exend nlong he base of he second sory, also he balusrades of he Hrs Moor veranda Lpo hu Rchards sree sele h columns wll be covered n crepe mas syle, preservng her round appearance. There wll be hree full rnjs nns over ho oher upon each face of he corner ow en The hree doors of he man enrance wl be reaed n full black wh porere effec E. STREHZ OF KOLOA la SUCCUMBD TO OLD AQE Came o slands n 157Ow ned Drug Sore n Honolalu Was Adoped Faher of E. S. Boyd K. Srehr, a German well known hroughou he slands, and one of ho early selers hurc, ded a lls homo n Koloa, Kaua, on Tuesday la a hu rpe ago o 13 years, f monhs and 19 days. The body wj brough o Honolulu n ho Mlkahaln hs mornng and s now n ho hand of he underaker. Deceased was born n Horlln. (lor many, whch place be lef n 149. He spen several years on he Mnlnlaul and. n S." 7. came o he slands o lve. Upon lrs reachng Honolulu, deceased Wen no hu Mu Smh drug ore, whch sood a he comer of cr and Hoel srees. Afer havln;; served lu varous capaces here fur a erm or years, ho Dually bough ou hu esablshmen and sared no busness for hmself. Deceased wen o Koloa laer on and lved here n he neghborhood of weny years. He adoped H. S. Doyd, now Commssoner of Publc l.unds. and ror hs kndly man ho adoped on fel hu greaes of love. Deah was clue o a general collapse of he sysem brough on by old age. Of lue years ho had been n n feeble condon, parcularly afer ho had los hs eyesgh. Ho leaves a wdow o mourn lu r loss The ftuornl wll ake place n 2:10 o clock omorrow nernoon from ho Masonc Temple, deceased havng been a member of Hawaan Lodge No Ll, us well ns of ho Odd Fellows All frends ro nved o aend. mmmmmmmmmmmmm Common Sense When you luvc u good hng, keep, When you lnve worn ono pull of our ANKTCR KOUK, you know vvlu o cnl feu when you vwn nolc palp. 3 ThoHe lre he knd o hoch we nke pon o keep, mll we hnk ha we lnve hucccccc prey well. TRY UH. Manufacurers Shoe Co., 1057 d Por Sree. S ru.wwuuu..;wmum.wuwk &:.; A. h1 4,, h!u&rk : AAJ.. Wl41P.A&wX. jv.1su4,k 1... A. WfA lrjljl

fa.m.m.m.amafc.m...m.am.mamaamam..fcamm.mama LADE MSS K..HAN hm Jm reurned frun he nnlnlanl wh n nwell lne ol he LATEST NOVLTCS n Lkch Wcp conhlhn of PNE DRESS ROODS, rmmngs, lalny cch, lmlcry. och, lc h, ec., ec. ec., ec. ncr foody ncl o hoc hche ooh. Laes mpored Mllnery E M. E. KLLEAN CO., LTD. Agcnn for he. ThomH Clennng nnl Hye Work.? ll ll ll ll AlA lalllg Sanary Seam Laundry CO.MPANV, LTD. Grea Reducon n Prces havng made large addons o our machnery, we are now able o launder spreads, shees, pllowslps, able clohs, able napkns, owels a he rae of 25 cens per dozen, cash, sasfacory work and promp delvery guaraneed, no fear of clohng beng los from srkes, we nve nspecon of our laundry and mehods a any me durng busness hours. Rng Up Man 73 and our wagons wll call for your work. MASONC TEMPLE WEEKLY Tfc CALENDAR. MONDAY Hawaan Frs Degree. TVRSDAV Hawaan Second Degree. W2D:2NDAY Pacfc Thrd Degree. THLHMV Perfecon Regular. RDAV Hawaan Thrd Degree. SATURDAY All vsng members of be order arc cordally mlcj o aend meengs of local lodge. rraerna and Drecory. HARMONY LODGE, NO. 3,. O. O. F. Mees every Monday evenng n 7:30 lu Harmony Hall, Kng sree. C. CHAHLOCK. N. O. E. 11. HENDHY, becrenry. All vsng brohers ery cordally nved. MYSTC LODGE NO. 2, K. of P. Mees every Tuesday evenng a 7:30 oclock n larmouy Hall, Kng sree. Vsng brohers cordally nved lo aend.. J. GALLAGHER., C. C. A. E. MUlMY, K. 11. S. "HONOLULU CHAPTER, NO. 1, R. A. M. Mees every hrd hursday evenng Masonc Temple. All vsng companons cordally nved. A. F. Ol.n.LAN, E. 0. J. ). TUCKKH. Secreary. HONOLULU COMMERY, NO., K.T. Mees n Masonc Temple on he second Tlmsday evenng of each monh. All vsng Sr Knghs ureously nved. A. V. f.llfllan. E. C. J. 1). TUChK, Recorder. OAHU LODGE, NO. 1, K. of P. Mees every Frday exenljg u Ha)" nony Hall, Kng sree, n 7:0. Men bers of Mysc Lodge, No. 2. nud vuhn g brohers cordally nved. G. KlUCaON. V. C. ALnED ARENDT, K.of. and S. CHAPTER ROSE CROX, (wll ke noed n hs space). Members xdgo Le rogres, Pacfc Lodge and all sojournng brehren cop dlally nved. W.M. H. WRGHT. W. M. K. R. G. WALLACE. Secreary. ncludng nlmcn,... For Sale Subscrbers o ho JJULLKTJN no recevng her pajers promply wll confer n favor Vyofyf? lo Husnc Offce; Teloplouc 230. TkLMAN. fcnlcru, Delghful Buldng Lo on TnnnlUH. Delghful locnlon for mounan llouhc. For Sale On HlopcH of Punchbowl. Lupgc hohc, $00. For Ren Puuon Road, egh room home, 30 per monh. Casle & Lansdale, Real Esae and nvesmens. Agens for he Lon Fre nsurance Co., Lmed. Telephone Man 70. 506 and 507 Sangenwald Bldg. Do You Wan A pano? f so, why no ge one ha has passed hrough all he expermenal sages? Showlrg srengh and sweeness of one. You wll fnd hese mers only n he : : WESTERMAYE R Well known by all muscans and consru ed especally o sand he deerorang effecs of hs clmae. Hoffschlaeger Co. L.MTD. Kng S., near Behel Mosler Bes nsurance n he World. Hawaan ron Fence and Monumenal Co., Ld. KNG STREET, EVENNG BULLETN, HONOLULU,. T., THUnSDAY. SEPT. SC, 1901. LOCAL GENERAL Q.. Derrcys ofllcc, S3 Campbell bd. The llrllnh bark Sana saled for he Sound oday. An ce ches s waned. See Wan rnlmn on page K. The Dorc should arrve fom San Francsco early hs nernoon. The bark Ceylon s on he marna allwny beng scraped and paned. Mr. and Mrs. Frank lnldwln were passengers n he Anrangl yeserday. The bark Olympc wll ge away for San Francsco omorrow or Saurday. Ncely furnshed rooms, Popular House, 1219 For S., Sl.SC per week up. The ranspor Warren wll sal lao hs afernoon or early n he mornng. Gomes & McTlghc, successors o & Co., lquor dealers. 95 Kng s. A ase s he es. Consan us shows s good resuls. Drnk rlmu beer. Sop a Mrs. Hunas new mllnery sore on For sree near Chaplaln lane. Noce o prncpals nud eachers of he publc schools appears under New Today. llank books of all sors, ledgers, ec. NUUANU NO. 1, A. & A.. R. Mees he frs Thursday n each monh a Masonlr Temple. Sojourno g and vsng hers cordally nved o aend all meengs. M.W. M., ALBERT VAN CLEF GEAR ALLAN B. SCRMGEOUR, Secreary. LODGE LE PROQRCS DE LOCEANE, No. 124, A. & A. S. Re. Saed meengs on las Monday or each monh n s hall, Masonc Temple. L. de L. WARD, W. M. E. U. FEL, Secreary. HAWAAN LODGE, NO. 21, F. & A. M. Saed meengs frs Monday each monh. Specal meengs, when called manufacured by ho Uulleln Publshng Co. You can ge n full sluml cool glmx of nlnler beer a ho Panheon. Same old prlo. The Red Men wll no hold her ball hs eenlng... has been ndefnely posponed,. Halvorseu, former depuy sherff of Walmea, Kau.l, arrved n he wn lanl yeserday, A large swordflsl was caugh on ho wyngo down by he crew of he bnr kenlnc Corouado., Home comfor n elecrcy Tho. Hawaan Elecrc Co. has u alk abou n her ad oday. Choce Clare fo ccsa, Por, Mdelra, Zlnfandcl, 75 cens u gallon n Hoffschlaeger Co.s, Kng mar hvhcl. New coage on Kmnm Square ad Jonng Jas. P. Morgan resdence. See Morgans column on las pngc. The dance of he Francs Murphy Club whch was o have aken place ongh has born posponed o Ocober 1. Capan T. 11. Murray has g en up be dea of gong o he Coas, ls wll undergo nl operaon.or cancer of he somach. Alhough Messrs. 1. P. Woods, Frank Woods and Ubcn Low were hooked for he Klna Tuesday, hey dd no leave Honolulu. The conrac for pung ne plumbng n ne new buldng o he Elks has been awarded lo E. W. Qulnn. C. W. Dckey s he archec Oeo. L. Dall, archec, has been seleced by Commeeman Much o decorae Kanalahao chord, for ho McKlnley Memoral Servces. Among be sores dsplayng draped po rals of ho lao Presden are honu of ho Daey Phoographc Co., T. G. Thrum and he Golden Rule Ba zaar. lllshop Wlls lef n he Aorangl esenay. n wll poceed o San Francsco o aend he confernee of he Amercan UUhoa of he Epscopal Church. Honolulu Phoo Supply Co. has wo grades of plalnoypn phoographc paper, one grade beng no much mors cosly.an Mlox and gvng effecs lke old echngs. Don forge Camarno of ho Calforna Fru Marke when you wan fru md cgcuhlc. He :ln) las on hand fresh supply of boh Cullfornl a nud slnnd frus. Telephone Man 37. hov wshng rrlllle hows, lhcrn. new vgs, far prce and cour) ols reamen should call a he Turlloy Sahlrs. Ther (cphonc numlxr s Man "". Thy delver and call for rgs free of charge. A a specal melng of he Scosh Thsle Club las ngh was decded o pospone he dance ha had been rangcd for a few nghs Hence. The meeng hen adjourned unl Ocobed 4 ou of respec o he memory of he lan PesldenL The Cenral Unon Sunday school rally wll ake place Sunday mornng lu he clunl. The hour s 9:50 nsead of 10:50, as announce, on he cards ou durng flc week. Teachers and pupls are all requesed o be presm o commence Hp fall work, followng he summer Menon, The rlend. of Rev. A. K. Cory and hs wfe, or of hs congregaon, are cordally hulled o a farewell recepon n S oclock hlr eenlng. l Chrsan church, on Alakea sree. Mr. Coy leaves wh hs famly for ho mlshluarj feld lu Chna by he sran er Dolc, due here omorrow. Phlp Naone, drecor of he Mollllll Sunday school, s pr palng lessons for hs Sunday school n order o be ready for he regular quarerly "holko n Kawalahao lurch Sunday mornng. Mollllll ook he (ls julze las quarer under he drecon of Phlp Naone who dd bonders lu ho work of (.allurng he chllden of he dsrc ogeher. A a urelng of le Mallelllm a Ahlec Assocaon h ownng, here were lu he neghborhood of ffeen members preven. The obje of ha meeng was he revson of he consuon and was voed ha several changes be made. nsead of he monhly meengs a whch all members are expeced o be presen, he affars of he assocaon wll hereafer be managed by a board of drecors of nlno members. The ofllcers wll bo eleced a a meelug Wednesday evenng. L.." m CWAS. D. WALKER. Desgner and llulldev o Hlghlrad e YACHTS, HOATS LAUNCHES! Works, 692 Kng S. P O. Bo 633. TeleDaone, u3121 Baby Brand Condensed Mlk ll The Very Bes Mlk for BnblcH. Prcpnrcd especally fop UnblcK. n a word, he "Baby Band" Condensed Mlk s "Les for Babes" because: s a perfec food, makng chldred sou and srong. s pu up n srlllej glass jars, her melcally seled. s also he mos economcal nfans food n he world. s pury and rchness s unexcelled. The Washngon Mercanle Co., Ld. AgcnH. FOR SALE A Few Beauful Los wh unexcelled vew.over College Hlls rac, Wakkl and he Ocean. Wh good access : : : : Lowes Prces on Ben Terms Good Bdg Les Naom Valley near he Brckyard, of vared szes. : : : : $225 UP on easy nsallmens. Durng; my absence from he slands my son, F. Schnack, wll receve and recep f J all money due me. Offce hours from j:joo 5 p. m. : : : :. H. SCHNACK, REAL ESTATE DEALER. Whe Rock OZONATE LTHA WATER Healhy, Refreshng, The deal ulej Mneral Waer n Waukcsra j Sprngs, Wsconsn. Pu up n Pns and Ounrs. : : ; (1VU T a TRAL. HOLLSTER Drug Company SOLE AGENTS. kahknu Mea FROM MAU fresh every day. lor Hole n he 1 s 1 FSH MARKET, Salls 19 and 2 AM AT Bacher Shop, Cor. Ber. & Alakea C.Q.YeeHop&Co. WOHLrORS. For Sale. Frebrck Freclay Mammoh Rockern AllL TO... C. BREWER & CO., Ld. QUEEN STREET. New Map of Oahu. CosrT.J from C,ornmuSurvk anj ChwU, Mn, u Scw.f Planlons, allwys, anj Oler KrUbl? SmrcM. H MA S llf nches, wlharmlccolorlnranj le mounllnr;, mknvry uuful wll as orn.mcnal wll map TUB PRCC OF THU MAP S Slo CO. Cof lc Can booaln roca JAS. T. TA.YLOR.. O. llo w. V lujj Hulljlnc, llrnolulu T, o( HAWAAN NEWS CO., TU DRNK A v. Consan "f PRMO Shows ". TEST beer PRODUCT. HOM: r Resuls nhhubmhllhhmj McKECHNE PANT WALL PAPER CO. P. O. Bo. sr. 11711 Unon S. Tel. 62 Man nnd all knds of nrcae Mochne Work. We Wan Your Work. A naural mneral waer nnd he pures n he world. f you are feelng rgh, drnk Sauerbrunnen and keep rgh. f you are no feelng rgh, urn; nud ge Num. hs larges manufacory of Jewelry and Slverware wes of New York Cy, and ar rucu v luul fcrca UfHll. Now Open for uhnehh. Flner of Accommodhlon. PlneH of Knhn, He ure o Ge Off u l l Wululuu Saon RATESSJ. 50 per ny Hpeclnl KncH by Week op Monh, J For furher nformaon address: Dealers n Pans, Ols, Varnshes, 5 Sans, Puy and Glass, ofna menal plan Paper n all shades and a prces o su. Wndow Shales, Curan Poles and Fxures. Hause Lnng, Room Mouldngs, Llnerusa Walon and bvumllng FOR NTEROR DECORATONS. : : : Try our Damond Head Floor Guaraneed o dry hard anj glossy and wll no crack, peel or chalk. OUR MXED PANTS are he bes on he marke. Send for sample card. : : : : :. AnnWH Moor, Carrage and Machne GHHsmhng, Typewrer Locksmong, Co. Reparng SCHOENNG & STEWART, UNON THUET, NlAR HOTEL. Phone llhc Tll. P. O. Box 111!. Sauerbrunnen HOLE Cool Delcous Sasfyng H. Hackfeld & Co., Ld. TOO AGENTS. CARE. canno be aken n geng good drnkng waer. Waer ha s free from all germs and mpures. NOUR HEALTH depends upon. are known all over he PASTEUR FLTERS world o hf. mnrl. he he and here s no elemen of chance when vou are nsnr. Wp nv always pleased o alk o you of s mers aouroflcea 315 For S. SHREVE & A. R. HANCOCK & Co Sole Aen lor lluwnlnn lnndh. San Francsco, To faclae rade wh he Hawaan slands, wll delver all goods purchased or ordered of hem, free of all charges for ransporaon o Honolulu, or reurnng same o San Francsco. Goods wll be sen on ) selecon o hose known o he frm, or wll furnsh sasfacory references n San Francsco. Jewelers, Gold and Slverware Manufacurers, Marke & Pos., 6. P. llusraed CATALOGUE and prces furnshed upon recep of reques. We havs Waalua Beach Hoel When You Wan a Rg CAK. DAVD, MnnnJc HALD1WA P. O. Prze Shoong AT SHOOTNG MUCH GERMANA HOTEL STREET. CO., GALLERY W. H. THONE, Propreor. WaH and :::::: CLU B Nd UP TUB Pan LVERY BOARDNG and SALES STABLES, : : : : : 51 for sree Sahlo 1hone, 109 Man. Hack Sand, Tbonoa 319 and 72. J. J. SULLVAN. THEUNONEXPRESSCO. Safes. Panos, Furnure MOVED Drays for Fregh and Lumber Our represenave mees all ncomn g seamers from he Coas, and ws chock baggage on all ougong seamer a, Wbla and Blck Sand For Salr ODce wh Evenln? Bullen, 210 Kng sree. Tel. 6.. URSEH, Vfl. v,.

mw r EVENNG UULLETN, HONOLULU, 11, T., THURSDAY, SEPT. V,, 1301. lll1 wmnmmnmnmmmumnsmskunnmusmmnmnnnu rnnnfflnnffln, Fve FOR SALE EVERYWHERE! Fve Cen 66 La nsular of Amerca 99 Cen Cgar Trade Mark Regsered and owned by DAVD LAWRENCE r COMPANY. Cgar mmmmfflmfflfflfflmmprbarumnmummm A SACHS Remnan Sale DOTTED We have gahered up he remnans from all over he sore and hrown hem no he bargan baske. Long ends, shor endsand all knds o ends of beauful goods, o be cleared ou regardless of cos. : : Come enly and g a grea bargan. Cashmeres JUST OUT New and prey desgns of he laes noveles of DOTTEDCASHMERES, he sylsh fabrc for shrwass and wrappers. : : : Come and see all he laes noveles n Wool Dress dooel and Ladle Skrngs n fancy fgures and plads. : : : : : For he lle babes, we have Whle Wool Ooods wh Slk Srpes. Sachs Dry Goods EX. Agens or Serlng Lubrcang OlsA ngle Alsen Lamp Co. Cemen Gan Powder Co. and Roche Harbor Lme. : : ; PORT STREET. Co., Ld, OREGONAN Cash A LARGE SHPMENT Scales Backes and Tubs Agae and Tnware Lamps and Shelf THEO. H. DAVES fr Hardware Trunks and Dress Su Cases Ld. KMONAS JUST RECEVED A beauful KMONA and dany assormen..also. MATERALS We would lla o have you call and nspec hs sock. : : : : : U. SBKOMOTO, 4 Hoel Sree, nenr Nuunnu. S. SHMAMOTO General Merchandse. Dy Goods, Groceres....Japanese Provsons, ec MAGOOX BLOCK, MERCHANT STREET. jp. O Bos: 6 Jsulaa. 21B GOO KM, 1116 Nuuanu S. New Lne of Euopenn Goodd. GenlemenH, Ludlcn and ChlldrenH HuH. MBRCHAM Regsers Farbanks ChlncHC GrnKH Lnen, nl colorh. DrcHS Goocn, Pongee HllkH. TALOW, CO., A larce varey of clohs made up n h laes syles. P. O. B0 99S. WUSTGr wo THE OLDEST CH. SE FRM N HONOLULU. COMMSSON MBJR.OSA.XTTS.j D...K la F. Slks nl Gnu Lln.m. CblMM n Jw.,A f Muu.nu n nu. Oool ol All Kl. The Bullen, 75cs. per monh Meeng of Commee. MHA SERVCES Mr. rwn was rhoen as charman of commee. Tho drafng of a ele ram was lommed o Mr. Swnnzy and he charman, who prepared he followng whch was adoped and sen ATKAWAAHAO CHURCH hy he seamer Aorang o he Secrc ary of Sae: ON SATURDAY MORNNG "The people of he Terrory of ll Jon wh all he Saes and of he Unon n her expresson of nense smpahy npon ho General Busness Closng Oucome deah of our noble, Presden, and of Meeng of Czens Held reques ou o convey r Mrs. McKlnley and he lae Presden s by Chambers of famly he hearfel sjmpuhy of enllo communy." Commerce. was decded o lme he memoral servce n Kawalahao church a 10 oclock Saurday mornng, he gov Urel, hough he noce wns, he ernmen o he nolhed hy he charman meeng under he auspces of he wh H vew n havng he hand play Chamber of Commen, o consder acon on ho par of he busness com houses nre expeced o close hrough ousde ho church. All busness muny wh regard o ho deah of ou he day. Presden McKlnley, crowded he hall Mr. Much was anpolned a commer of one for decoraon of lm over Cale & Cookes offces a J olock jrscrday afernoon. cburl. V. (. rwn, presden, and J. Gordon Spencer, seucnry, of he rangemens, Chamhe r ncludng hose for pro Jslr. Allen was gven charge of ar of Commerce, ook her scas n gram and seang. he able puncually. Ohers noced Mrs. Annls Monague Turner and presen were: J.. Aheron, John Theo. llchards were nppnlned ho Una,.. lo.o. F. M. Swnnry, V. A. lommlee on musc. Knney, Wnlr K. Dllngham. W. W. For ne speakers he names were Hall, C. M. Cooke. Hev. V. ). Weser menoned of Governor Dole, Hev.. vel. W. M Templeon, Arhur B.. Parker for a Hawaan nddres, he Wood, P. C. Jones, Fred. W. Macfarlan lllshop of Panopolls. cv. Alex. Macknosh and. f he reurned home n he Henry Wncrhousc, J. A. J. O. Carer Jr.,.1. Mor Oa, meanme, Hev. W. M. Klncald. J.. Fsher, W. Porer loyd. A. Moron,. M. Don, Ed. Sls, John l, ven se for hs mornng. Anoher meeng of me commee Kdwel C.. Wlson, C. lole. Cap. John Hops, Herman Focke, A. C, Lovckn, W. A. How en, J. M. Wehh, MNSTERAL UNON..las. Wakenel Thro. F. llchards. John O. loh a A a meeng of he Mnseral ell. M. P. Hohlnson. W. K. Fsher. (1 Unon jescrdny, plans Ernes Thrum, E, Faxon Uhhnp, for a publc Lemuel C. Abes. W.. Charlock, ). F. meeng n memory of he lae Presden of he Uned Saes were alked Thrum. O..1. Walle. Cecl llrown, W. over. was lnally decded o awa Pfocnhaucr and L. L. MCandlcss. he acon of he buslnes men und he Presden rwn. n eallln he mee followng commee was apponed o ng n order, announced hn was a COnfervv. hem ev. meeng of czen, W. ). WeserJ. called o arrnng" (,, j,,v P. Erdmnn and. C. ror n puumc mnng or expresson o,r(lwll Afcr he nnd sjmpahy upon he ru,,nl,or...,lr Meeng n londolence rmnll.r, v..c rd.v nfer. grea los whch has come o he Lul 1,,,, 0,)mmlw, decded ha, he d Saes lu he deah of he Presden. 1,,11,,1,Ka,.. hnvln? nken acon. There had been made, he sad, a ms u,.ru wnm he no furher need for.no Kcslon ha here should be apponed,n,,,r o,aj,b nc0n. lommlee o arrange ror a meeng,. such as wns held upon he occason of he deah of he Queen, bu ha he Cour Cmoes, meeyng was open for any suggeson A,,c rrkunr meeng of Cour Ca rrom any one.,,, s,. S 10. A. 0. P.. held Tuesday P. C. Jones advsed he apponmen evenng, n San Anono hall. M. C. of n commee o n range n lne f pneluco. ),. C.., asssed hy F. common acon, uml moved for a lon w Woo,. ( jl. j A (jomalvcs. Dleo of seven o be appolud b he j, (. n j (.a jr c. U.; J. P. char. lodrl les. L. F. Alvarez, L. H. Mldl Oo.. Carer hough hn he, A p,rr) J 0 orrea and J. commlo should no only arrange lor, colo, nsalled ne followng offlbu for a rcr) fr memoral servces, jmlform n( ensung erm: "J. A. R. plan of ouward expresson of sorrow, vern. C. R.; T. P. Mellro.. C..; M Some houses had flags n half mus U slva.t.: J. P. )as. F. S. A. 11 R. nnd nheb no, nnd wns he same vern.. S.: J. P. )las, S. W.: A. F. wh he drapng of busness frons. sla, j, w.: J. Marhado. S., nnd ev. W.. Weservel relaed he.v. Slvn. J.. course aken hy lc Mnseral unon elsewhere repored. He approved of a Mggeslou of Mr. MacfarUno ha a TENNS TOURNAMENT. busness day bhould he se apar for Tlm aclfle Tenns Cluh commenced memoral exercses, when nl buslues, should he suspended. s nvaon mens doubles ournamen jefday afernoon. The reulu Mr. lmop suggesed hn he ronmlapponed shouhl send a o be were as follows: elegram of condoleme o he Serear y K.. Adams anl A. T. lrock defeaed feorge naves md W An of he neror and perhaps o Ms. McKlnley. by he saner Aorang derson., M. A. Cheek and L. Nowell.lefeaPl salng a oclock ha afernoon. Mr. Swanzy spoke subsanally ns J. Wnerhouse nnd S. 0. Wlder. follows: " desre o Jon wh Mr. Aheron n secondng he resoluon W. P. Hnghan and W. loh D. prerenled by Mr. ho. Hchcock nnd W.. Hah Joms. hnk news brough us jeserday has sruck bl, C. n hard blow no onl) o hs Terrory. Cooke nnd M. W. Alexander defeaed (!.. Fuller nnd. Wacrhous. n,, n,.ll lm Unuu n, Tnrrnplna and a blow ha s fel nl over he ""j!;.""0: world. Presden McKlnley has flled The followng games.ml be playd he lofy poson o whch he wan oday. rased hy he people wh hghes pa A 4 p. m. E.. Adams and A. T rlolsn, unblemshed negrly Hrock und onalns M. A. Cheek and L. No mos scrupulous honesy. Ho hns well. eamed for hmself he respec, ndmlnlon and A p. m. W. F. nlllnghau an love of many mllons of people. Wn W. loh ngnlns C. CVnkn and M mgh almos say ha he shares "rzrzz wh W. Alexander, r.........of Washngon he.. m r joy r. of beng frs n ho hears of hs couurjmen. s ""," ".:; "..;..... dffcul o fahom ho sorrow lu hns wn uuenl r nn an ;." ::" nu.,,1 gone ull over he world. The hand of ners of ohos nachs. The ladles of he assassn hns clone s deadly work le Pacfc Tcnls Clul wll dlpek nnd behooves us o express our lgh lefeshmen on hn afernoon sorrow for he publc loss, nnd our sympahy wh losn besde whose sorrow Rcnrnln n Ppeelnn. ours s nsgnfcan. The mos Drnk, drnk, ull knds every where n our power. mus bo and a nl hours. f ever here was sadlynmlel. wll je be fule o fll Hv of saloons s Uuffulo. Durng he nhlng vod." cur hree cl.d say lu he clj we dd M Spencer moved an nmenclncn,1 ml uan...a man under he nlne nco f whch Mr. Jones aucplcd. n hu rur. Wo nsked he cause from onu lomnleo hnve nne members. Lf (be polkunan. saoned a he New Presden rwn beng requesed o york Cenral lallv. n depo, where appon ho nmmleo Bked f wer housands of people umo and go.undersood ha should represen h every few mnues b) ran, and hs people of Honolulu regardless of na aubvver was, n lalulo evvrjg onaly and need, fee; when a man vvnnb u drnk he Mr. Jones answered: " sad hn knows ho can ge, nnd he does no a represenave commee, represen j mnko n hog of hmself as la generally ng overy lnss." done n oher ces suroundlng lluf The presden hen named ho followng commee, beng requesed by resrc." falo, we he auhores cndenvo o moon o nclude hs own name: er. Uuffalo s a noed beer garden und a W. D. Weservel. D. Kanuha. Wm. Much. W. V. Allen, J. D. Aheron. F. M. Hach. F. M, Swanzy, W. Pfoenhu er and W. 0. rwn. cy where more paen medlclus are made han n any phcr place of sle on he globe. Noes n Easern Chroncle, New Olas Mr. Copke, he char hav ng nved cow. N., suggesons, recommended ha ho. commee should mee n once, as h. Wha a wonderful Dscovery s mall closed a 3 oclock. PANKUe r! no onl) cures he lls Mr. Abes hough he commee of he hmnn famly, bu s also ho should ask he Terroral Govern suro remedy for horses wh colc. men o se apar on enre day forhjs neer been known o fall n a c.ro...1.11. Th. of he wors cases nnd for sprnlus, memoral observance. K(ll u never,fa,srjp onro. governmen would be only oo wllng nrecona ncompany each bolo. Sold o ac wh he czens. by druggss generally. Avod subsl The commee was asked o reman ues, here s hu on Per nlnklllo r, for conference, whle ho meeng nd ry Davs. Prce 25c. and SOc. nurnpl. Mr. Knencer had lus nre " vlously been nsked, wh he spun wo weeky eumon or ne.venng nncous nssen of ho meeng, o ac nulleln gves a complee summary of as offcal secreary of e commlea. lo nows o! ho day. BESTJUCGARS THU HAWAAN TOBACCO CO., Ld., Corner Merchan and Nuunu S., CSSESaSs? j & Sf esjkjff S4,E "OB. Arnrrf j WfflV"!"v 52J b Sm u " also HOTEL ST., oppowlo Bohl. 1 J re MZ, 7. M f.at l w, m L, s j ", 1 j 4 wsrvp "f )ou don wnu wlukj o je he U of ycu. vou uu g he bes of uluslc " do lady, bu when a fellow "5 only g a nclcel le.jn bjy CvrCs Nosuf." Sole W. C. Peacock & Co., Ld,, Agcn Grand Openng CAMARNOS Gambrnus Saloon ALAKBA ST., NEAR KNG. Everyhng Very Touchng. Beauful garden scene conanng coffee ree, n full bearng", bananas and pneapples, all nsde. Evcybody nved. Meropolan L1MTF.D. Mea Co., Fresh Meas and Psh n by Every Seamer From he Coas ha has Cold Sorage. Choce Beef, Veal, Muon, n Lamb and Pork always on hand. Also Poulry, Salmon and Halbu FOR SALB AT Hawaan EngneerDg The Meropolan Marke, Kng S., Tel. 45. 1 he Booh, Fshmarke, Telephone 379. Cenral Marke. Nuanu S., Telephone 104. and Consrucon Go. ROOMS 50, 509, 510 STANGENWALD BULDNG. P.O. BOX 34. TEL. MAN 7e All classes of engneerng Work solced; Examnaons, Surveys and Repors nude, for nny class of Waerworks, Seam and Elecrc Consrucon; Plans and Specfcaons and Esmaes Prepared, and Consrcon Supernended, n nl branches of Engneerng Work; Conracs solced for Ralroads, Elecrc and Seam; Tunnels, Brdges, DulldlngB, Hghways, Foundaons, Pers, Wharves, ec. Specal ncnlon gven o Examnaons, Valuaons, and Repor kx Properes for nvesmen purposes. FREDERCK J. AMWE0, M. AM. Soc O. a, Engneer and Manager, W.. CASTLE JR., Secreary nnd Treasurer THE GERTMNlTL FE NSURANCE COMPANY OP.NLW YOlK. ASSETS, 5r.jr.5.JO. Pad o Polcy Holders snce 100 for Deah Clams, :4,)7), 460.65 For Maured Polces 7,507,53.17 Dvdends and Surrenders.. 1.699,1 1407 Toal BMMETT Maneer for Hawaan sl.nds. M(&.A YfmmL. 45,577,2.9 MAY, JUDD BULDNG. THE ORENTAL LFE NSURANCE CO., LTD. J.. McCOY, Presden, CAPTAL STOCK $200,000.00. Tho only nsurance company n ho world ssung polces la boh he ENGLSH and CHNESE langngc3. Polces eonnln nl modern advanages of hu endowmen and oher forms ssued by he leadng Amerlca j companes. Governed by ho safes nsurance sysems. The poneer ChlneeAarracompany. TEL. MAN 75. HOME OFFCE, 30130 Sangenwsld Buldng. Honolulu, T. H. 1. j " l!.. VJ MmXMwwkfMMhl...A AJWS., &mmg&a&l f m. cn, f :.:M H" V A.

"r, 4 mm 1 Evenng Bullen Publshed Every Day Ecep Sunday, a 210 Kds Sree, lnnollu, T. H.. by he BULLETN PUBL3HN 0 COh LTD. WALLACE. FARRlNOTdx",..:dlor "Enered a he Prw Offce a Honolul u as secondclas s maer. SUBSCRPTON n.vtes. Per monh, anywhere n L. S....75 Per year, anywhere n U. S....00 Per year, pospad. 13.00 Payable nvarably n advance. Telephone Z5S PosOfflcc Uu 71 nrusday..k:m..m:u s, oo CAU.NU Wll V. A, Klmej Kndly mnke nn ulllnvl ha he dd no wre he Adverser edoral enled "n o Hum phreja?" Thryseve n ucnbers of he lar An ndaon uer readlnk ho repor of Aorney General Knox nro wonderng wheher he documen s n bref n ma lurmc proceedng agans hem ndvdually uud eclleclely. The 111 wll shown by he Thurson organ on recep of Aorney Oeneral Knoxs forceful vndcaon of Judge Humphrey recalls a creo from ha her (loose Melodes ha s very ap proprlae. Why does he donkey bray papa. Why does he donkey bray? The reason for he donkeys bray s ha he beas was horn ha way. And so le has o bray. The Thurson orgnn nramled "slan der" sajs here s no reason why hrcjb wnch alluson has been ma he Presden of nc Uned Saes. The peon of hese peanu headed polcans also members of he lar recognzed as ho conrollng power behnd he Doe admnsraon wa ha Judge Humphreys s..ould be r moved. The peon s of comparavely recen dae. The ueermlalon o secure hs resml was framed ere he nk was dy on Judge Humphreys commsson. Judgo Humphreys was no an apponee favored or suppored by Governor Dole or any of hs polcal combnaon. Humphreys found hs srong suppor nmong Amercans. Ths peon was accompaned by a mass of ncompeen leraure prepared wh all he dlgen care of nn anarchs plo. s que unnecessary o agan revew wha he Aorney General has gone over n mnue deal. Sufncn o say ha n order o srenghen her case and presen n full force hese conspraors seleced one F. W. Hankey, a man who when h dd no have a dollar wh whch o buy lls nex meal, Judgo Humphreys befrended, o presen and argue her case bcore he Aorney General. Hankey made hs appearance, sned hs case Judge Humphreys made hs reply. n hlseply no apologes were male..mlg Humphreys s ready o sand upon lh record. He. however, presened facs regardng he Dole admnsraon and he source of s enmy oward hm. Afer hourlng he sumu of boh sdes Aorney Ocal ul Knox saed ll readness o repo mmedaely. A he earnw Solcaon o Hankey ho lar Assocaon by s repesenalve was gven Ave days uddloual o make a reply o Judge Humphreys. Noo wjjll ho ubundancf of opporuny gven hese malcous lawyerpolllclao esablsh he ruh of her asserons and prepare new evdence f any hoy had. When he las word was sad and ha by he gang of polcans makng wld promses o send Humphreys o he woods of nfamy ho Aorney General made hs repor. And wha s ha repor? The Pnclflc ommerelal Adverser owned by Thurson, he acceped mouhpece of oe Dole admnsraon md he especal carrer for he sewage of malce pourng..um he vlala of Thurson, Knney, llallou, Hnrwel l, sad ha Humphreys nah a dead dog n a p; ha Humphreys s a crmnal, ha Humphreys would be lemoved, ha hese men Tlwson, Knney, llallou. llarwell were fghng for "good governmen" and he pury of he bench; ha Humphreys would he "humbled;" ha Doles elm rees would floursh and grassboppes bo n burden o Humphreys; ha desre for Amercansm n hs Terrory should fall, connuous n s vllllflculon of Judgo Humphreys me Dolo organ promsed all ho horrors of personal hades and polcal hell for Judge Humphreys, and offered brgh now Harwelhalos all around for Thurson, l, Knney, llallou. The promso s ouspoken; was a maer of dally record n he Adverser. Hu wha does he Aorney General say? Frs "Members of he Har as ofq cers of he cour should be lojnl o he cour." ruson, llarwell, Knney, llallou and nn odd number of meek am lowly follow es are members of ho Har. Have hey been lojnl o he ror? Ther ll splcablc record speaks for self. Second "When hen s a far reason for belevng he Judge n acng mpropcl), s he duy of ho Har o declare openly, bu a member of he lar s fahless o HS 111011 when he assals a Judge and mpeaches hs negry upon NO FACTS even remoely Jusfyng he aack, bu upon VAOUK SUSPCON NFAU NNUENDO." Thurson, llarwell Knney, llallou, Aorney Oeneral E, P. Dole, nephew or m uovernor, nfll nneru urown and varous oher members of he Har he Thurson orpan sad ook welve j ears o ge rd of Ulbsoa. Therell be snow on lnrluovvl before and Dole nppolcd ho K.mg Bes rd of Amercansm of olllcers vv ho framed and sgned he vle lbel agans Judge whch Judge llnplrcs s he exponencan publc and her fellow czens Hmphrejs sand before he Amer charged wh beng wha Agens for good governmen? No! Lojal rll7cn No! Men houghfully guardng he negry of nn Amercan cour? No! Tney are charged by he head ol he Deparmen of Jusce of he Un. el Saes of Amerca wh beng "FATHLESS" o her llldll CALL N(." le has szed he gang up perfecly. For he Aorney Oeneral by hs unhesang, ce cu, enhusasc vndcaon of Judge Humphreys planly convejs o Je Presden nnd o he people no hs belef bu frm, well esablshed convcon, ganed nfcr careful perusal, ha he charges agans Humphreys nre based on "vague suspcon and unfar nnuendo." Hu he Aorney Oeneral does no sop a nn arragnmen, by nference, of hese men Thurson, llarwell. Knney and he res of he legal anarchlsb. Ho gos on o say, "Tha hese and many or.!, chnreeu nenlnn.lulm. llumnh. charges agans Humphrey! should no were preferred by members of hs own oh revamped and presened o Presden Hooscvel. There s no reason n OF HS POSTON cour. CLEALY SHOWS THE he world why hs should no be done. THE SEVERTY OF THE ORDEAL Sereoype he charges, engross hem, THROll WHCH HE HAS PASSframe hem, hang hem on he wall ED." of he Presdens loom nnd he halls Thrd "Havng Fl..V CONSDERof Congress ha ho represenaves ol ED he complans agans Judge Humphrey nnd hs nnswes hereo, AM he Naon shall dally, hourly ndeed have before hem.u evdences, plan ENTRELY SATSFED ha no only and convncng, of hu ne characer lns he Judeg done NOTHNG whch of Thurkon, llarwell, Klnncj and ho would Jusfy hs removal, hu ha he Dole followng, her "nlhlessness a has me heavy responsbles wh her hlgn callng," her readness u GREAT COl RACK UNQUESaack an Amercan cour wh vague TONED NTEGRTY." suspcon and unfar nnuendo. Cnrrj f n any deal of he Aorney Generals repor here s n hough or sug he campagn on, ha P evden Roosevel may know bejoud peradvenre of geson servng o "humble" Judge a doub wha knd of a polcal gang Humphreys has je o be dscovered. There s no a crcal lne or word Dole and Thurson have a..r bees and can. for Humphreys n he Aorney Geeral r concluson. THE RBPORT OF ATTORNEY He does no crcse Thurson, Harwel l, UhnEHAL KNUX. Knney, llallou. No ndeed., Afer weeks of pansakng sudy nud He excoraes hem. careful rrlew of he charges fled He pursues hem wh he whp and aralu Judge A. S. Humphreys by lash. hryseve n members of ho Har Ah He srps hem of her assumed ndaon led by L. A. Thurson, W. mbes of pey and drves hem n her A. Knney and A. S. llarwell. Aorney naked cowardce nnd dsloyaly uefor General Knox has made hs repor u he people of ho Uned Saes and brands hem wh her rue colors "FATHLESS TO THER OH CALLNG. " And beng fahless o her seleced callng on wha sandard of czenshp nro hey o bo placed. hese men who have nssumed o represen all ha s good n hs Terrory? The queson answers self. The bubble of conssen hypocrsy for whch Thurson and hs follow era snnd ereaor and sponsor has been prcked..the mehods of hese defame n nelr campagn agans llnpheys s chaaccrlsfle of all her polcal acvy. They know of no mehods oo mean or oo low o accomplsh her ends. Ther oahs oven, as vewed by he conclusons of he Aorney General are of no forco or effer because based on "vague suspcon and unfar nnuendo." Judge Humphreys has scored a vcory for ho advancemen of ruh. Jusce nnd loncb Amercansm nhls Terrory. No by esablshng hs own negry; ha was levr a maer of doub. Hu by hs exposure of he moves prompng ho danderoub acs of a rng ha baa sough o conrol affars n Hawa. These moves m mallelslos. Tho poduc s a dlsgraeo o Amercan Capured Golf Lnk. The frs cones of he crack players of a newly opened golf lnks ou Wes was sadly nerruped by he ohsluao conduc of n mean bull errer. Ho ook possesson of he second hole and elefled dlslodgemen. As ho s a robus erler wh a full se of large and well preserved eeh, was clecmed unwse o a emp o dslodge hm by force. Dplomacy was subsued.hu ddn work. Ho ressed nl ho usual erms of endearmen, as wedl as he promses of ender Bleaks and seducve) hones. n addon o guardng he hole, l) ook possesson of a hall ha happened o roll near llm and whch he worred from me me wh low guural remarks. A lus ucyouns hu dog was sll holdng le for and he dscouraged golfers were debang wheher hey had beer engage a sklled marksman o shoo he brue or a once ake measures o lay ou a now golf feld. Cleveland Plan Dealer. For Sale a a Sacrfce LOT 50x150 planed wh fru rees, 300 fee from Wlder Avenue. : : : : : Apply o J. M. VVAS lost OFPCE LANE. EVENNG BU.Lfc.TN, HONOLULU,. T.. THURSDAY, SEPT. 26, 1901. NEW MPORTATON OP THE FAVORTE LAMPSl BRADLEY and HUBBARD For ae by he PACFC HARDWARE CO,, Ld. These goods were ::::: ordered from advance shees of he caalogue of he above manufacurers, and are he laes n desgn and mechansm, Call early and make your selecons. Garden Hose n ajdllnn o he 10000 fre of Garden Hose laely receved, he "Emly F. Wh ny" brough us lo.coo f. mere, makng TWENTY THOUS FEET. We have all grades, and our prces are lower han ever quoed n hs marke. Pacfc Hardware Co., lu Vw Shpmen of Good Young MULES Broken o Jus receved va he "OLYMPC," for sale a he lowes fgure:,. 1Mb G. SCHUMAN, LTD, Merchan Sree, beween For nnd Alaken. Pul R. HcnberjV, PKeSDUNT. larne, LMTED. Doch jour home need new Clohes? Of course he cloeh1unl wans hem o f oo. ThuV where weeun help you. OUR STOCK OF HARNE CHA. F. HERR1CK s he mus heuulf ul mll complee n lhclv, mll he prce nsure o Hl. We have mvfvy, surrey, cn, express vvgon unc lump cur hrnchh, collnrh, ec. Complee lne on exhbon u our sulesroom, nex door o Rungcnwlcl Buldng, MERCHANT STREET. resvfb, v M& B C. F. Merrck, MANAO K. CARRAGE CO., Ld. DRVES HS PATRONS AWAY loe he man who carres old sock over no he new season. n order o make room or our Q02 lne of WALL PAKR we sha sell ou every roll of 1901 sock n he house a 3jj per cen reducon. We have papers ha wll be sold as low as 5c per roll. 1 hs sale wll las ll he poods are all gone. SEALS Alnke Hrec, below Merchan. Phone Man 35. p. o. Box 34. VT, Vl 7H Rver Hree.. U MFG CO., Ld. MANUFACTURERS Be. Bcrennln nnd Pnuhl. Fne Carrages, Wagons and Trucks. OF Hcpar Work a Specaly. All orders promply aended o. Only compeen help employed, Rubber Tres pu on n Sasfacory Manner. Tel. Blue 341. P. O. Box 07. Beer and Wne Dealer!. Ohayo Saloon Kukul, Near Nuuanu. Prlmo Beer ON DRAUGHT N BOTTLE. Gonsalves & LMTED. WHOLESALE GRQCERS WNE MERCHANTS. Co., 22? Queen S., Honolulu. H. 1 The New D5P0T SALOON oppose he R. R. depo. PRMO LAGER ON DRAUGHT N DOTTLE. Ryan r Demen Also propreor of he popular E N C O RE A L OON. The Founan MNERAL SODA WORKS. selzer, Vchy and Pure Dslled HANUFACTURES Gnger Beer, Brch Beer, Hlre Roo Beer, Cream Soda, Wld Cherry, Orange, Raspberry, Srawberry, Sarapa rllla, Vanlla Cream, Lemon, Gnger Ale, Apple Cder,, Pneapple, Peach Champagne, Orange Champagne, Ko. Champagne, Pear Champagne, Cder and Soda Cockall. Mneral Waer Carlbad, Cor.. gre, Llhla, German Mneral Waer, Waer from he Barnead 111, Boon. for famly and medcal ue a specaly. Brew and Aeraed Waer, 50c per doz. Dslled Wafer n demjohns. 10c per gallon and 50c charge on demjohn unl reurned. KOMEL s seadly crowng n favor among vvu prcmlc good hnrs. and k rapdly loomlng he favorc famly drnk. Soda Waer SoluAgK. CARUO.NATLDUYTH CONKOLJllATED Works Co., Ld. for He Terrory of llnwnll. Ollee am Works. WH Ken nnd Allen KeeH. Telephone No. 71 Man. Soda Waer, er.. elellvere fe le all pas of he cy. sland order no llrlcl. Openng Announcemen! JOSEPH HARTMANN COMPANY. Wholesale Lquor Dealers STRBET WAVKRLLVH.OCK. BETHEL All OrclcrH Promply Hlled. Telephone 211). HENTY ST. GOAR, EDWARD OLLlTZ Bund Menherock nnel lxchune. Edward : Pollz & Co. COMMSSON BROKERS DEALERS N NVESTMENT SECURTES. Parcular Aenon glren o purchase and le of Hawaan Sugar Sork. Loans Negoaed. Easern and Foregn Socks and Bonds. HO! Cullfornlu S.,. Sun Francsco, Cnl. W. C.ACH & CO Brokers & Dealers u REALJSTATE Wo wll Buy or Sell Real Esae n all pars of he grjup. WO Wll Sell Promrll nn Kenan.,. nble Commssons. ffce. 10 Wes Kno Srem To Le or Lease A Fne House and Lo on he makal sde of Dereanla sree beween Plkol and Keaumoku Ss. The house has several rooms and all modern mprovemens. DAVD DAYTON 233 MERCHANT TREET. A. C. LOVEKN STOCK BOND BROKER REAL ESTATE FNHOAL AGENT 402 JUDD BULDNG j Archecs, Conracor! and Bulders. Edward R. Swan, TAEfWAlJ RD, ARCHTECT CROCKER DULDNO, SAN FRANCSCO. V HOFfMANN. J. F. RLEY Hoffman & Rley lbnlhal CONTKACTORS BULDURS. Ellm.K FurnlJ P, Or box e Geo. W. Page?. Tel. 22 P. W. Ueardslee. V. O. Box 77 BEARDSL.EE a PAOE Archecs nnel Bulder. Offce, oorr.b Arlngon Annex, Honolulu, T,. Skeches anl Correc Esmaes on Shor Noce. BULDNG MATERALS OK ALL KNDS. Dealers n Lumber and Coal. Allen Sfc RoblHon, Quern Sree, Honolulu. Fred Harrson, CONTRACTOR dulder Jobbng promply aended o. M. R. BERTELMANS Cnpcncr Hhop 1 MOVDD To rear o old sand. Enrance 00 Kng sree. Orders lef a eher shop or offce a John Nos sore, Kng sree, wll receve promp aenon. Dany. Bscus n Lews & Co. Lendng Grocer. Owng o he consoldaon of U e bes Bu Cos n Amer.ca, we can offer o he publc he followng choce makes of blcl : Ahena Oswego Romona Afernoon Tea Bremers Cecelan Tea Dany Mnes. " French Wafers Orgnal Bens Waer Bscss Dr. Johnsons Educaors Full Lne of Ueeda Bscus Gve Us a Sample Order. VERY HOT Bu mos people are no worryng abou. They jus buy on. of our lenk or celng fnnand keep cool. Thas wha you should do. The cos s very lle n comparson o he amoun of comfo you wll ge from hem. THY ON. Prces DSK 111.00 CLUNG 40.00 Hawaan Elecrc Co., Alnke Hree, Telephone Mnln 3110. John R. Bergsrom, lano ORGAN TUNKR Bergsrom Musc Company Telephone 331. WOMENS EXCHANGE FlEW HOMEMADE FORT T., Bes Assormen of PACFC SL CUROS n ho Cy. PO ON TUES DAYS FRDAYS. H f 1 v JJf.!

T r. 1 BUYNG FURNTURE a maer of he umos mporance o he new housekeeper; akes a grea deal of Judgmen o ge wha you wan whou expendng oo much money. We ake prde n fng up new horne wh fne furnure and are sasfed wh small profs, whch you wll see on geng our prces. Vsor are always welcome a our sore, a he corner of For and Bereana srees, and we wll be glad o show our sock whou expecng you o purchase unless you are ready. Coyne Furnure Co. PROGRESS BLOCK, Por Sree. THE NEW ENGL BAKERY Coolness and Comfor n he Ferces Hea of Summer. "arable" s powder mxed wh only. a dry mneral waer s beng used successfully all over he slands. Esmaes gven for any ron roofs, from a sugar mll o a small shed. Sasfacon guaraneed. For furher parculars, come n and see he CALFORNA FEED Pcures Framed A Home Wall. Nchols Co., Clcaness s nex lo Godlness, And here s Vrue n SOLE COLGATES Soaps llocauf hey nro made from ho pures maerals n ho lncs and be. equpped soap facory n ho world. Tho scened knds em delghful odors, swee.as ho lreah of he flower s from whch he perfume s exraced. There are many knds o cloma from nnd eery ono s a pleasng knd. Once Used, Always Used H. MAY & C Ld. BOSTON BLOCK, KOKT STRhhT. Telephoned V!l, U4, P. O. Box :0 Two Anarcc Expedons. The German Anarcc expedon, under he leadershp or 1rof. Klrleh on DryKalskl, saled Horn Kel on Augus 11. The German expedon wll o some exen roopruo wh he lrllsu expedon whch saled for ho souh on he seamshp Dscovery on AKUb. Tm lrllsh oxpel lon wll sudy he regon Horn on Kludo 90 desrees eas o okhhh. degrees wes, and ho Germans wll ake he oher half of he crcle. Tno oher anarcc expedons are o ml hs ear. a Swedsh expedon under Dr. Oo NordensKJold, nnd Scosh expedon under Dr. Wllam S. Hruce. Tho Gauss, lm xessel n whch he German pary saled, was specally bul for he anarcc She s enrely of wood and losemhles Nabens Kam. She s r lelally srennhened by nle ml suppors nnd a rple plauklub of oak mll pch pne. Km s 150 fee ons, lnws lf lee of waer, s rgged as u schooner and has engnes whch gve her n speed of seven hrems nl l.uos per hour. Blneerlng News n ho German Umpre here.r M& publc mllllb esllbllslmenlr, ll average of one, o eory 1.U0" nlabl1an Doughnus, Snals, Buns, ec., ou a 6 a.m. Cup Cakes and Lady Fngers ou a 7 a.m. Jelly Rolls and Layers, Fru Cake, ec., ou a a.m. Cusard, quash and pumpkn Pes ou a 9 a.m. Lemon, Mnce, Cranberry and Fru Pes ou a 10 a.m. Chocolae Eclars and Cream Puffs ou a 11a.m. Cookes and Macaroons ou a 12 a.m. Arsc Weddng Cakes any Prce. AGENT. J. Oswald Lued, MANAGfcH. CO: Tup urn l of popl who do no know how cany f o preserve unl n mo for lou1 nclornm, he many nrlnl; pcures ono cornfb across lhc hyn. n mun! ff lm mkuzlupx ono hs reproducon!) of n worldh nhkrplrh, whch mouned unl fruml wh Klaus and lludu; arc n Kom n, ornnmnk for any roam n your hou. k raslly lonr. We hu ewryhlnk newary n our Saonery Deparmen. Complee n OuHH wh bank of Mgraon of MOSQUTOES A1LMONS SEEN OONC1 SEA WARDS SCARED BY THE WONDERFUL SKEBT0 0 LOCAL EDTORALS. People wonder ha so smple a de vce as he SkeeG should be so very effecve n drvng mosquoes away. Ths apparaus brngs ou all he "scarng" quales n he powder ha ne pes dslke and s far more effecve han burnng powder. makes he use of powder more economcal and leaves none xf he objeconable feaures of smokng powder, whch o some s more dsagreeable han he mosquo...... When cusomers come back and en dorse hem by buyng more, shows here mus be mer n he SkeeGo,..Whe Rose, Mounan Voles, Swee Lavender, La France Rose, Casnmere Bouque, Oameal, Muk, Jockey Club, Benedcne, alan Voles, Bay Rum, Honey, 7h Regmen, or hey would no pend her money. Casle, Bah Soap, Turksh Ban They are good. Theyll do all we Soap. clam. Money back f hey don. You ake no rsk. Ge a SkeeG oday. Prce $1.00. Hobron Drug Co HOUT KNO Hole Afcn. M. Phllps & Co. Wholes mporers and Jobbers. European and Amercan Dry Goods. For and Queen U. H. HackfeCo7d. General Commsson Agens. Cor. For and Queen Srees, Honolulu. THS SPAC RESERVED FOR B BERQERSON. J. D. AVERY, STENOGRAPHER. Gemr l deporng and Typewrng. Tel h 211 Second lloor Kllo buldng.! a. n., 5:46 p n., or laer by engagemen. J EVENNG BULLETN, HONOLULU, H. T.. THURSDAY, EPT. 26, 101, LOCAL GENERAL See To Le column on page for rooms a he Aloha. A furnshed house s waned See Wan column on page. The Tre Clams Commsson was hearng.npanese cases oday. employs wo of he mos skllful and A coage of fve or sx room by experenced whe bakers n he cy Ocober 1s. See Wan columns. o supernend her cake and bread New goods every week a larfucr deparmen. Everyhng clean, wholesome and sanary. Only he very bel sree. he Jewelers new sand, 1S Hoel maeral and flour used for makng Dr.,f, Achcrley can be found a 342 Gluen, Rye, Homemad French, e and Kng sree, nex door o Operu House. Sec ad. all oher syles of Bread. The majory of he busness house Thry Loaves of Bread for One Dollar. of he cy closed her doors yeserday nfernoon. The Hoard of Healh nobs s regl ar weekly meeng hu afernoon a he usual me. The Amaeur Orchesra wll mee for rehearsal hs evenng n he Y. M. C. A. hall a 7:45 oclock. Deal, he wall paper merchan wll cell wall paper for a me a a dscoun of onehr nper as cheap as 3 cens per roll. The celebraon of he 23h nlvcrsar y of Harmony Lodge, No. 3,. O. O. R has been posponed o Ocober 12, 1901. Sec nohe under New Today. Prnce Davd wll eneran ho chldren of Pollards Lllpuan company a n plmlc o be held a hs Waklkl borne on Monday. Carrages wll leave he Hawaan Hoel a J; 30. The Supernenden of Plbllc nsrucon has ordered he prlnrlpau and eachers o hold exerclns n her respeche schools from 1 p. m. o 2 p. m. on Klday. Sepember 27, n memory of he Presden, The Thcosopllral Socey of llnno lulu wll ake offcal acon wh reference o he deah of Presden McKnle y a a meeng o be held hs even ng. A memoral wll be presened a he meeng for adopon.. A. Jordan reurned n he Aoran g from a vs o Ausrala. He was away seven weeks nnd looks rugged nnu nearly..mr..onan saw none or bs beloved crcke. beng ou of season, bu enjoyed a fooball mach. Under a Federal law here s n provson made for he decoraon or drapng of a publc buldng owned by ho Governmen. Ths lng hn case, boh he usom house and posorllco f draped n moln; wll hne o be pad for by prvae sub scrpon. Nagao. he Japanese who ran over, Capan Cluney he oher day nnd njured flm so badly, was hs mornng fned $00 nnd coss by Judge Wlcox. The case was a very bad one, as brough ou by.e esmony: hence bc sff fne. The panoramc cumera las accomplshed ho fea of coverng n a sngle exposure n scope of abou SO degrees. Fve srees rmng a rgh ngles can now be phoographed successfully a one exposure. Honolulu Phoo Supply Co. sole agens. The Kmehauehh schools wll hold a memoral servce n memory of he ffle Presden of he Uned Snes Sunday ufernoon u 3 oclock. JulgA Eseo wll delver he memoral address. Tho alumn and frends of he schools arc cordally nvlfed o aend The Cenral Unon nble school rally wll ake place nex Sunday mornng n Cenral Unon church n 9:50 nsead of 10:50 as nnnaunced on posnl cards whch were sen ou hs week. The eachers and scholars arc all requesed o he presen o commence he fall work, followng he summer vacaon, Joe Kucha, charged wh vagranry ud Joe Guerrero nn J. Knokj. charged wh larceny n he second degree, were each senenced o sx motts Tr he Hform school by Judge Wlcox hs forenoon. Joe acheco, charged wh vagrancy, was senenced o wo monhs mprsonmen a hard labor. n ho Polce Cou hs forenoon, Mrs, Markle, charged wh deserng her husband was senenced o he days mprsonmen a hard labor because she refused o cur u her husband. There was a sormy scene n cour on he par of Mrs. Mnrkle. who accused her husband of beng a lar. A complan omes from Kullll wuv ha here s u purlfylng rcuss of u row n he sream a a place abou a quarer of a mle above le man road, known as Kalulanl. As many of he resdens of he localy arc forced o use he waer of he Kallhl sream fo drnkng purposes, he suaon h far from comforable. The prayer meeng n Cenral nlo, he oc church ns evenng was made cason of a memoral scrvlrr n honor of he lae Presden of he Uned Saes. The urvle was well aended. Afer ho openng pujer P. C. Jones, W. A. lowen, J,. Aherlon and ov..1. P. Krdman pad her rbues o he numory of he lae Presden Jenle Clay and Chns, Nelson and Carallnu, a Poro Hlcnn woman, wec each lned " am coss n (le Polce Com,lls foeono on he charge of forncaon. The oher defendan n he ease was. Peaboly, bu he faled o pu n an uppearance. The case of.mnggle Arm was onlnuunl omorrow because Wauun e, he Japanese caugh wh her, pleaded gullfc o he charge when Aorney llrools knew ha he woman nended no guly. WLCOX HAS HS SAY. JlllKo Wlcox was no n a ey pleasan mood hs loeuoon when he ound ha four nerpreers were needed and ha no one of he olll elal nerpeers wus pesen n sood aoou as long as no cou and hen, when he case of one ol he French grls o wllel was on, h" sad: "The audor sas we con omy pd (10 a monh lor nerpreer! He cause he flo emnen s oo pl junlsl o povlde. nel prccs. wll un loose hese people ha ome up beloe ne dally. Tlm (ovnmcn vc lose a good leul of rocnue. bu w uo do whou luerpees 111 (lb un." A Sage Puadox. "Funny ubou lhs. sn?" "Wha s?" "Why. f when hey cu us ldly ha ne consder ourselves, roused." Phladelpha lllelu. "The The New Mens $5.01 Shoe. A Shoe maje by he manufacurer. o sell (or $5.00 The fnes shoe a he prce urned ou. Every new feaure n syle and buld, nroduced nnd shown n ns shoe. : : : BLACK TAN VC STOCK. BLACK TAN RUSSA STOCK. Knrely McNERNY Grea sale! Allson" new, only jus beng opened. SHOE STORE Our New York buyer has made an unusually pood deal and wll gve you he benef of. He closed ou.n enre sock of he beauful "Derby Shr Was" a 40 cens on he S.00, and we have jus receved he goods. These wass 1 are n o good dressers as beng he bes fng and fnshed of any manufacured, and hs sock s of he very laes us and syles. Sale Begns Tuesday Mornng. Sep. 24 And wh we naugurae he greaes Shr Was Sale ever held n Honolulu, and wll las for one enre week, provdng ha hey are no sold before. : : : : : : REHEnBER ha hs sock s open for nspecon wheher you wsh o buy or no, and we wll be pleased o show hem o you. YOU CANT AFFORD TO HSS THS SA.H. Pacfc mpor Co., Ld. LFE n FRE PROGRESS BLOCK, FORT ST. CLNTON J. HUTCHNS, NSURANCE. MclSERNV BLOCrf. FORT ST. The Bes Place n Honolulu o uy a carr, o furnsh one room, or en, o buy for cash or on cred, o have furnure reparng and upholsery done, s : : : J. Hopp & Co.. cung Furnure Dener Cor. Kln uml lclcl Kx HART & CO., (LMTED) ME ELTE CE CREAM PARLORS1 Fne Ue Cream and Waer Ue. Chocolaes nj Confe.ens, uhlnchr Mnx l.uncl The bes n he cy: u:oa,m osp.m The (reaes nducemen we have ever offered 1 SHRTWAST THE "DERBY" S A 40c on he $1.00 Less Than Half Prce! How Can We Do U AX m MARNE lmales FOR EVERYBODY! ;n.nmm M O N DAY MORN.NO SEPTEMBER Wc unc 16h, Crepe Tssue Papers FOKOCENT Hlnjle poll, n 1 fo docn roll. AColoM he Nnc prce, l! All he LnCH oolh n sock Golden Rule BAZAAR alj For Sree. Manc books o all jors, ledgers, ec, manufacured br he Uulleln Publshng Co. J. H FSHER & Company. Sock and Bond Brokers. AGENTS FOR FRE ASSOCATON, of Phladelpha. WETERN ASSURANCE CO., of Torono, Offce Sangenwald Bldg.r Mar chan free HONOLULU STOCK EXCHANGE Honolulu, Sep. 26, oo. NAME OF STOCK ff"j B, MERCANTLE. C. Bffwr k Compny.wo r N S SchD.G.C,L1 6o,coo L.B. Krr fc Co,. Ll 00,000 SUGAR....J Em Planaon Co Hnn PUnlonCo. Uj.ooo 100 Hwaln Agrculural Co1 1,000,000 oo Hawaan Com. A Su Co..JU.TJOf OO Hawaan Sugar Co f,ooo,0o0 M Honomu Sugar Co So.ouo loo H Honokaa Sugar Co... OOQ.OOO, Haku Sugar Co... joo.ooo oo Kauku Planaon Co. JOO.OOO H Khl Plan Co,L, l,ow,ouo 50 Cahulu Sugar Co 1 00,000 OC, JColo Sugar Co. oceoo loo Kona Surar Co.. a oo,ooo oo MHrydSuCo..LJ.a l,017,y0 pj up,6o,ooo NahkuSugCo LJa vnu urar o l.oor.ooo oo Onome Sugar Co... 1.WJO.OOO Ookala Sugar Plan Co. nc.ouo Olaa Su. Co.. LJ. as 16 J.ooo o OUa SuCo.LJ, pur a joo,ouo Olowalu Corpany l jo 000. oo Pauhau Su. Plan. Co J,n,owl jo Pacfc Sugar Mll.. 500000 100 Pala Planaon Co 1,m Pepekw Sugar Co 100 fjo.ooo oo PlonerMllCo..., f.jo.oon loo Planer Mll Co, A )MO loo WlaluAgr. Co., 4,500,000 oo Walluku Sugar Co... TOo.odo loo Walmanalo Sugar Co asa.ooo loo rk WafmraMMCo 5.000 9" M1SCELUNEOUS. Wl dr Smfhn r joo,eoo 100 loa lr.llanjslm N.Co 500,000 oo c faallan crlcco 050,000 100 Hon.RaplJT.&Undo a 50,000 100 muual crjton ja.ooo Oahu Rv f LanJ rn.ooo.uool 100 rrop 1 c f Kl o 150,000) 100 DANKS. Frs Naonal Bank.. FlA.S BankA P. Co, BONDS. Hawaan Gov jpfrcen Hlo U. R. Co. 6 prrcn H10 R. R.Co. 6pfrcn on. rapltrnl. Ewa Planan 6rcnl OanuRaLanlCo.prc anu ranauon ope Olaa Planaon 6 p c. Walalua Agrlcul. ope. nh SALES o Ewa 2S.3S. VfLLARD G. BrOWN, F. HALSTEAD. Halsead & Co;, Sock and Bond Brokers. Money Advanced on Suga Secures 407 For Sree Members Honolulu Sock and Bond Exchange. Alber Raas FNANCAL AGENT Sock and Bond Broker Member of Honolulu Sock Exchange Orders lor he purchase or sale of sock anqdonjjcarrfullyandrronplyeacuu. Loans negoaed. OFFCE : Ground Floor, Judd Buldng. Posofce Uox 300. elephone 169. HONOLULU Judd & Company Lmed. Fre and Lfe nsurance Agen. Sock and Bond broken, Real Esae Agens, Rens and Blls Colleced. AGENTS Amercan Arhmomeer Co, a Manufacurers of Burroughs Regserng Accounan. S. Lous, Mo. Offce, No. 307 Sangenwald Buldng. Tel., Man 223. P. O. Box 667. 0 ll LaceS N Valencennes, Applque, Swss. Nansook nnd ull over Embrodery. Real Terchon all over lace n black and whe, newes desgns and fnes qualy. A b; choce a E. W. Jordans 10 ORT STREET. a,,,..,, 0 4

jrumner, Ec. " JQHN NOTT, Plumber 75 and 70 Kng Sree TELEPHONE NO. 31. NOW s ho lmo o ge leaks and breakages seen o, and your Roofs Pu n Order. By compeen workmen. The Plumbers Srke over, and am agan prepared o do Plumbng, ewerlng and Shee ron Work a hereofore. Elmae furnshed... Workmanshp ana maeral guaraneed. ( das. No, Jr., Sore, Beranla Near Emma S. Tel., Whe 3571. SHEET HONOLULU METAL WORKS H. W. BARTH. Galvanzed ron Skylghs and Venlaor Meal Roofng. Conducor Pp. and Guer Work, fflrhafd SrM, b. Quern and Mrch.r sonouu. Job.ronpllr anmd4. M, Whe 41 P.O. Box 170. Noce o Propery Owners. have n my employ FOUR FRSTCLAS S PLUMBERS from he Coas. am now ready o fgur? on your work a he lowes prces My men are Unon Men. CV m a al. C. H. BROWN, rlorv Sables. Kng S Aorney.. Alber R. Cunha ATTORNEY AT LAW. NOTARY PUBLC. 30 Sangenwald Buldng TfcLEPHOSEMA N 2L W. Ausn Whng, W. J. Robnson, LAW OFFCES Removed o Room 306, Judd Buldng J. M. KANEAKUA, ATTORNEY COUNSELLOR AT LAW, NOTARY PUBLC. Offce Behel S., Near he Posoffee. Telephone o All Pas of he sland. konattvery STABLES KEALAKEKUA, HAWA J. G. KXKQLTKS, PJJOP. Morses and Carrages For Excursons To he Volcano or b.9 Mounans. An excellen clanco s offered for ourss o SEB THE.COUNTRY. Carrages mee ho S. S. Mauna Loa a Kallua and ake passengers overland o Hookcna, where he seamer s me agan. CE Manufacured Dslled Waer Delvered frc. o any pa of cy by coureous drvers. from Pure Oahu ce and Elecrc Co. KHWALO cl. BLUE 3151 HOFFMAN & MARKHAM. Jus Receved a New Lo of... Key Wes and Domesc Cgars! Beaver Lunch Rooms H. J. NOLTE F. W. Thrum, Surveyor ROOM 400. BOSTON LOOK. TEL. MAN 04. Mrs. H. H. Wllams, Ar Embrodery and Sampng. Full lne of Ar Maerals : : : Ar Embrodery Taujh : : : Love Buldng. For Kne r TEL. MAN Kg. OCCDENTAL FRUT STORE CORNER KNO ALAKfcA STREETS. CALFORNA SL FRUTS CB H0UB G00D Rlvd b) E:ry Sarr, ST r m, ly" T fsr MgHjfKjj&Ba TH HT ON KARTM YG)f BEST" MLWAUKEE BEER s nude on purpose o be he bes. Bold he Brewery. FUD MLLER HEKM) CO.lMllWk,WlJ. Hoffschlaeger Co., Ld Kng Sree, near Behel. Surgeons, Physcans and Denss. Dr. Archbald N. Snclar. OFFCES TELEPHONES: RoowooSoQ, nrrc. mam, jj,, Boson Budno Rjudekc. Foo Sc. Whe,.M. HOURS 11 a. h. o 1. p.: 1 TO ) P. M J T TO P. M. P.O. HQSSo. SlMAY Dr. F. J. Rayner. DENTST. Crown and BrJpe Specals. hours 9 o 4. 3Q4 Boaon Block. Dr. Alber E. Nchols DENTST. 1154 Alakea Sree. Offce Hours 9 o 4 A. C. WALL, D.D.S. G. E. WALL, D.D.S. DENTSTS..ovo Buldng, For Sree. Hours. 9 o4. Telephone. 434. REMOVAL NOTCE. Dr. J. AchTley has removed hs o horn T"S Kor sree o 313 Kln sree, nex o Opera louse. Hours 10 a. m. o 4 p. n. Resdence, Kallhl. Tel. Blue 1261. Offce Tel. Whe 1371. Dp. W. H. Jones M.R.C.V.S., M.V. M.A., ondon, Veernary Surgeon. OFFCE Hoel Sable RESDENCE ma sree "The Calforna," 191U31. Em Dr. Wm. G. Rogers, SURGON SPECALST. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throa Exclusvely REMOVED o new offce, 1140 Alal.c a Sre, opp. Hawaan Hoel. Hours. o 12, 3 o 5:30, 7 o S; Sunday 9 o 11. DR. BOGLE REMOVES WTHOUT ngrowng CORNS PAN. Nals reaed mcccufully. ARLNGTON Hoel Sree. A. N. SANFORD, MANUFACTURNG BOSTON Sbl, OVEK MAY a C. OPTCAN, SANG CHAN MbKCHANT TALOR fobt STSCT Fne Englsh and Amercan Goods TWO T0RB 6s Hoel sree, and Hoel near Nuuanu O BOXoo. TEL WHTS 01 CLEANNG! Lals klr rfnej. Clohng cleaned, dyed nd rylrcd. Sus mdff o cder, F cuarneej. Loep ee. TM WO ffw Three hundred people. ncludng a Mgh sprnklng of ladles, responded o he nnohj nous call hrough he press for n popular rss meeng of condolence; over he deah of Presden XcKlnley a he drll shed lus ngh. was 11 horoughly represenave gaherng. A few of he fnc.es noced from he prm able were f he fol lowng named: Mon. Vlzzavona, Consul for Fance, V. X. Huch, W.. Ca le, J, X. Vvas, W... Sanley W. E. Howell,. J. Gallagher. H. C. Ausn J. V. Pra. Jus. Selner, aae Noar J. Alex, Lyle. J.. Humbur Alheron. J. Dr. C. L. Gnrvln, F. J. Tesn, Sam Kauhnne, Col. J. V. Jones, Col J. H. Sopr, Col. J.. Fsher, Pos Commander Kaon wh n delegaon of he (1. A.., Capan A. GarenberR. C..1. rshcl..ns. No Jr.. (J.. Kerrey, John Lnns. W.. Pceson.. A. Parmelee, (1. P. Ufulfon, T. XlcCans fewar and John Hanson wh a dele naon of he Unon. Spread over he chlrmans laba was he Sns and Srpes, plan. Ta he rgh of ha was n po ral of Presden.McKlnley upon nn easel and drfssed n Crape, surmouned by h Naonal nnd X. (1.. regmenal colors furled, draped nnd crossed On eher sde of he char was n sack of arms wheeon hang a fuglc, n drum and a caneen, rmmed wh bows of rape. A 1:30 he Terroral hand, saon ed on he plaform, played he dead march n Haul. Col. Jones nved memlers o he. A. n. presen.0 come forwnd nnd ake scns on n sage. These acceped he nvaon. V.., Laon, Pos Commander, (.o. W l)e Long Pos; Dr. X.. KmcrFon, chaplan; H. Jny.rcene, Pas Commander; Comrades.1. T. Copeland, Thos. Carey, J. ). Conn and Denlson, he las mmed a vsng comrade, "Xcarcr, my God. o Thee." ho mar.u nl Presdens favore hymn, had s solemn uoes hen payel by h. baud. Pos Commander Raon called for he elecon of a charman aud n secreary and was hmself rfosen nnnl mously ns he presdng oner, on mo lnn of Col. Jones second! d by T. Xlc Cuns Sewnr. John. Lane was slml larly eleced rcearr. The chalnan brlclly nnnoccd he purpose of he meeng and culled fur spenkrs. Xr. Hach came forund. sayng hey had assembled sponaneously whou any se program, o cxpcss her sor ow for he grea nnd good man who hnd fallen. There was a specal reason for he sorrow fel Here, ns Pres den.mcklnley had dreced he naonal proceedngs under whch Hawa h.d been admed no he grea llor. Prshlen.McKlnley found Hawa n he condon of a derelc shp. mgh no u hs day bo realzed wha deb he people of hese slands owed he lamened Presden. Kour J ears oefore he frs elecon of.mr..mcklnley he recues of Hawa n bs admed n ho Unon was conemp uously spurned, bu Presden XcKln ley heeded he reques. and n me o eomc he people of hese slands would calle wh. he had done for her couny. n concluson he moved he followng resoluon: Heeolved, Tha n general commee. conanng lepresenflvcs fom he people n laue and from all organzaons, as fur as possble, be apponed by he chlrm.n and announced hrough he press o ac wh oher comm, or ndepenednly. n he deah of Peslden.McKlnley, and ha he charman nnd secreary he memhes of lls commee. X r. XlcCans Sewar seconded he moon bll wh a reques ha bo no pu o a. voe unl near he close of he meeng, so ha no mgh consul wh he mover us o how oes o avo dfferen organzaons of he cy epre sued, as well as o cooperae wh any oher commee ha mgh be J. X. Vhus was called up. Ho old of he had wren for he local Poruguese paper upon he ad opc of he d.y. The Amelcnn hsoran he ancpaed nould nnk.mcklnley wh Lncoln and GalTeld among he greaes men o he nled Saes. He hud cas n hs lo wh he czenshp of hs couny. hough ho es of Lan peoples o her own lands were ery srong. pou hs occason hey should no forge o huo her sympuhy go forh o he wdow, he fahful lfe parner of ho Presden who had been foully srcken down. T. XlcCans Sewar, on beng asked for emarks, sad had no been hs purpose o make a speech. n connecon wh proceedngs n he Fed eral Cour ha mornng, however, ho had noed down sope houghs. Harrers had been burned away by he, er roe even hey were consderng. People of all oher naonales hero ved wh Amercans n he emoons of he hour and lad he burden of her hears on he mne alar of gref. The loss of Presden.McKlnley was as f a frend was srcken down u her sdo. Tho speaker spoke of Lu con as ho emancpaor, nnd Gran ns Tor f, nf r Kukul, and nr Orpeum Tbmcr Mlcr Of an og on su, jc; ho preserver of ho counry..mcklnley would lve n perpeual memory Dyng ul $ ns ho pacfcaor. Ths was emphaszed by Slf, Sewar o show ho dabol Razors Honed and Se cal wanonness of he assassn. Thern n he were none of he elemens of polllcnl berness, such as exsed when Ln Hawaan Hoel Barber Shop. coln or Garfeld was murdered, o ac coun for ho dlro blow sruck ho FOR 25 CUNTS. Presden yea, he Naon a luffalo. M.rlHUKDAY, SEPT. 2,1901. Ve h conduc and uerances of he POPULAR srcken man oward he assassn were. such ha no Chrsan n Honolulu, he speaker hough, could eal sacrle gous o say ha whn our memory he dyng Presden exhbed he nearr s SPONTANEOUS UTTERANCE Approach o dulue arbues ha could he recalled. OF THE COMlhuN GREF Judge Sanley sad he eame foward, no for, he purpose of makng u speech, bu because he desred ns n Speeches and Resoluons a Drllshed recenly made Amercan czen and nn exparaed lrllsh subjec o express Mass Meeng Las NghExpre sson hs feelngs on he sad occason. Anyone was derelc, n hs duy who faled o Juln n expressons of sorrow by he Labor Organzaons a wha hnd happened. Ofenmes, so recenly bad he become nn Amercan czen, he found hlmsef whle dscussng curcnl evens nnos mrgen g ha he was no a llrllsher. Hu on hs occason was fllng lor hm o say as nn Amercan rlll7en and f lrllsh subjec by brh lf he feelng houghou he lrllsh Kmplrc o er he deah of our beloved Presden wns scarcely less nense han Hn whn he nlnn. The speaker eulogzed Presden XcKlnley for hla flblc! and sagnclous admnsraon, lmng a naonal developmen ye avodng Jngosm, nnd concluded wh he opnon ha r nformal meeng lke Hn ono beer expressed he popular senmen of he people han n gnberlng under more resrced nuspl, ces. Tepresenlnlve Herkley of he Terr oral Legslaure BpoUe eloquenly of he (lead Presden as hang been.no bes frend o Hawa among nl Na llnnal saesmen. wns owng o Peslden XcKlnley fln here was peace n Hawa ha ngh. was hlghjy nppnprlnp ha he people of hese slands shcfuld come ogeher o une n expressons of sympahy wh fellowellzeher on he.manland and condolence wh he noble woman o cruelly herenxed. would do much o le he res of he nlon know ha here was such a counry ns Hawa ll n he mds of he Pacfc and ha he Hawnllans were as much Am ercans ns fellowcalzenher s on he Manland. V.. Casle old of hang sood a few weeks ago on.marke sree, San rruuclsco, amds he crowds wnllug lo sec Presden XcKlnley. J here was one feelng expressed n he faces o al. u celng no only of respec bu love loc for he man who had como oefore hem fom he sck bed of ll wfe, who allowed he honor o hm self o be pu abde ha he mgh a end upon hs wfe n her llness. Jlc Klnlcy came from he people, we aro he common people and XcKlnley wan one of us. There was now no Amerl can, no ngllshmnn, no Frenchman, no German, bu one common humany grlcwng for hm who had gone. Mr. Cusle, referrng o he ne of he as sassn, expressed vomplee fan la he supenucy of law. Amerca had susaned a gca blow bu no a re lersc. for he Naon would wlhsand.11 he aacks of evl. John Dawson presened he follow ng resoluons fom he luuor organ! raons, whch were leelved wh applause am adoped:, Whereas. Wllam XcKlnley, Presden of he nled Saes, havng pass ed fom hs moral lfe Ly he haul o n cowardly assassn, and Whereas, The sorrow of he people s profound, wh words of gref and deep feelng for en whose characer and vrues were o honorable; herefore, le Tesohud. Thawe. he labor.organlraon s represenng He dfferen rades of he cy, express our deepes sorrow n he assassnaon of ho Presden, and ha we condemn he growh n hs counry of prncples nmcal o nl recognzed governmen, and enrely foregn and ndverse o ho spr of our nsuons; and bo furher KcMlved, Tha we deplore he mad ac whch has aken ho lfe of our much loved Presden nnd placed hs counry n sorrow; and le furher Hesolved, Tha we exend o Mra. McKlnley our profound sympahy n Y. M. 1. RESOLUl ON. A he ns remlnr moofln Tn. men Councl, Xo.."103, Y. X.., he followng pcamb.e nnd resoluons were unanmously adoped: Whereas. k wh clcees Hrmnand mos profound egre ha cvey rue czen of he Lnled Saes rc Sldlllr hese sllmlu hnu lnnrnn,l, lb grea calamy ha has befallen our counry n he deah of he honored Peslden, Wllam XcKlnley, bu!u no nsance has ho borrow been deeper, nor he egre moe profound han among he members nr n.m.n Councl of he Young.Mens nsue, wnen oraer has s ncepon and s presen splendd growb n he grea naon of whch our honored rresuen was unle Kxccuhc. Theefue. be rv&nve! Thm m. Councl desleb o express hereby s aeep senbe or our loss and feelng of TO CURE A COLD N ONE DAY Take Laxaho lromo Qulnna Tables. All druggss refund ho money f una u cure. u. w. urove r sgnaure h s box. 25 cens. A man reurned home afer a holday of wo weeks. Hs old son loudly welcomed hm. "s everybody well, Jmmy?" he faher asked. "The welles knd," ho boy seplled. "And nohng has happened?" "Nohng a nl. vn been good. JcannleK all gh, nnd never saw ma behave as bhe has hs me." TlDl s. HOSMTErs &LTTER S Good Dgeson was on appee.. Lack of appclo usually ndcaes weak dgeson Hosellers Somach Hers aken before meals wll creae w healhy deslro for food, by cleansng he clogged bowels and smulang he secreons of he somach. also pures he blood, srenghens and nugoraes ho lver nnd kdneys. s undoubedly he mos effcen medcne n he world for somach roubles. A Prvae Rev enue Samp covers he neck of he bre. Accep no bsoes f. Somach Yon Value Healh Bers Banker; Clau Spreckelv Wm. Q. rwn Claus Spreckels & Co. BANKERS. HONOLULU, T. H. San Franclco Agens The Nevada Naonal Hank of San Francsco. San Franclco Tho Nevada Naonal Hank of San Francsco. London Tho Unon Dank o London, Ld. New York Amercan Exchange Naonal Hank, Chlcsgo Merchans Naonal Hank. Pars Cred Lynnnas. Berln Dresdner Dank. Hongkong and Yokohama Hankng Corporaon. New Zealand and Ausrala Hank of Now Zealand. Vcora and Vancouver Dank of Brsh Norh Amerca. Deposs receved..onns made on approved secury. Commercal and Travelers Creds ssued. Dlls of Hx change bough and sold. Collecons Promply Accouned For. Esablshed 13 BSHOP BANKERS. & CO. Transac a General Hankng unc Exchange U.Ks. Counurcul and Travelers Leers of Cred rel, avuhblc all ho prncpul ces of he world. neres allowed afer July 1, 10, on fxed deposs) 7 day noce 2 jor cen, (hs form wll no bear er unlen remans undsurbed for ouo monh),. 3 monhs 3 per cen., C monhs 3 1 2 per cen, 12 monhs 4 per cen. Poneer Buldng and Loan Assocaon. her bcreacmen. The csolulon of Xr. Hach was ASSETS, JUNE J. 1901, J0.043.37. (hen curred, wh he undersandng ha ho charman appon ho commee on memoral laer. A Savng Dank for monhly deposs. Money loaned ou approved secury. Tho meeng sung..e frs verse of Houses bul on he monhly nsallmen plan. "Nearer, my God, o Thee," sandng, Twenyhrunc was be decjared adjoumec. Seres of Sock s OFFCERS J L. XcLenn. Presden; A. A. Wlder, Vlco Presden: C. 11. Gray, Treasurer; A. V. Gear, Secreary. DRECTORS J. LJ McLean. A. A. Wlder. A. V. GeaK 0.. (rv. J. D. Hol. A. W. J. A. Lle, Jr., J. X. Llb. V.. S. ojl. A. V. GEAR. Secreary. Offce Hours. p. m. BSHOP & CO. Savngs Bank Savngs Deposs wll be receved and nerfs allowed by he Bank a four and oneha lf per cn per annum. Prned copes of ho Rules and Regulaons may be obaned on applca bereavemen unon learnm nr r,, assassnaon of our cme.he hegh on, o useuness and power. Offce a bank buldng on Xlercban Be furher resolved. Tha he charer of hs Councl be draped n mourn BSHOP & CO. sree ng for n perod of hry days, ou of respec o hs memory. The Yokohama Specal Bank LMTED. Subscrbed Capal Ten 24,000,000 Pad Up Capal Yen 1,000,000 Reserved Fund Yen,310,000 Head Offce, Yokohama. The Dank buys and receves for collecon Dlls of Exchnnn. nanpa nrfflo and Uers of Cred, and ransacs n general bankng busness. NTEREST ALLOWED On xe4 Drpol for monhs. 4 p cen p, a, Onll Dpollo6 " jk " On FU Depos M for " Branch o ho Yokohama Spece Dank. New Republc Bd., ll Kng Sree HONOLULU. Agens, Broken and Jobbers. ALEXER & BALDWNS OFFCERS H. P. BALDWN Presden J. H. CASTLH 1s Vce Presden X W. M. ALEXER....2nd Vce Pre 1 3. P. COOKE Treasurer 7 W. O, SMTH Secreary OEO.. CATER Audor Sugar Facors and AGENTS Commsson Age FOR Hawaan Commercal & Sugar Co. Haku Sugar Company. Pnla Planaon Company. Nnhlku Sugar Company. Klhel Planaon Company. Hawaan Sugar Company. Kahulul Ralroad Company. le CalLfonla and Orenal S. 5. 0. W. G. rwn & 60 LmloS AGENTS FOR Wesern Sugar Refnery Company of San Francsco. Baldwn Locomove Works of Phladelpha, Pa., U. S. A. Newell Unversal Mll Co. (Naonal Cane Shredder), New York. U. S. A. N. Ohlad & Co.s Chemcal Ferlzers. Alex. Cross & Sons hghgrad e Ferlzers for Cano and Coffee. Reeds Seam Ppe Coverng. ALSO OFFER FOR SALE: Parafflno Pan Co.s P. A B. PalnU aad Papers; Lucol and Lnseed Ola, raw and boled, ndurlno (a coldwa pan), n wh and colors. Fler Press Clohs, Cemen, Lme and Prcks. CASTLE & COOKE LMTED, HOVOjL.lJjL.T. Commsson Merchans UGAR FACTORS, AGENTS TOR The Ewa Planaon Co. The Walalua Agrculural Co., Ld. The Kohaa Sugar Co. Tho Walamea Sugar Xlll Co. The Fulon ron Works, SL Lous. Mo.N The Sandard Ol Co. The Geo. F. Blako Seam Pumps. Wesons Cenrfugals. The New England Lfe nsurance Co. o Boson. The Ena Fre ns. Co. of Harford. Conn. The Allance Assurance Co. of London. LlFK and FRE AGENTS FOR Hew England Muual Lfh nsurance Co. of Boson. na Fre nsurance Compar op Harford. Wm, G. rwn & Co. (LXTED.), Wm. G. rwn..presden and Manager Claus Spreckels Vce Presden W. XL Glffard.. Second Vlco Presden H. X. Wulney, Jr...Treas. and Sec. Geo. J. Ross Audor Sujjnr Pacors Commsson AronH AGENTS OF THE Oceanc Seamshp Co. OF SAN FRANCSCO. CAL. G. BREWER & GO., LTD. Queen Sree, Honolulu, T. H. A.ercH or Hawaan Agrculural Co., Ookala Sugar Plan. Co., Onomea Sugar Co., Honomu Sugar Co., Waluku Sugar 90., Xakee.ugar Co., Haleakala Ranch Co., The Planers Lne of San Francsco, Packe; Chas. Bcrwer & Co.s Lne of Boson Packes, LST OF OFFCERS. C. X. Cooke, Presden; Gcorg Roberson, Manager; E. F. Bshop, Treasurer and Secreary; Col. W. E. Allen, Audor; P. C. Jones,. se nnd Geo. R. Carer, Drecor. ThBYonHamnToDD g Go. Ld, mporers and Commsson Merchans mg QUEBN ST., HONOLUL. AGENTS FOR The Lancashre nsurance Co, The BaloUo nsurance Co. Unon Gas Engne Co. Domesc Sewng Machne, Ec. Bruce Carwrgh General Manager of, THE EQUTABLE LFE ASURANCE 0CETV O he Uned Saes for he Hawaan fllnnrk Offce, : Merchan S. : Honolulu. 1 Oces The F A.AME SERRA ALAMK SONOV ALAM VF.NTl ALAM Lo n pared road York V Oc ho Nl B CO AX PK (1A l Ol M N J::. nf1 v!$., J! ;us jsmk&fo1 ".. J. 1

H! ;.! Lne of Travel. Oceanc Seamshp Company TMB TABLE The seamers of hs lno wll orrlvo am cavo hs por as hereunder: FROM SAN FRANCSCO. FOR SAN FRANCSCO. A.:VM.,:,U HJPT. 2 Al.AMEH OCT. 2 K"A OCT.! SONOMA OCT. S ALAMEDA OCT. Q ALAMEDA : OCT. 23 h0!. OCT 1J VENTURA OCT. 29 ;!JA,!.,,m? N()V 3 ALAMEDA NOV. 19 H:NT.V.!l? NV. 20 SERRA NOV. 19 ALAMLDA NOV. 2.1 ALAMEDA DEC. 4,, f, Bsess Me Ca Save May Hours School Chldrens Tckes YOU SEND BUSNESS BY TOUR ORDERS TELEGRAPH CAN DO T NOW car fam: n nj Mnp nr u nne R.n, a 10 auj y a a Carklalr jnj Klnn fce rnerfurwalklbl a 6 es a T 4 urt JlJT! ll 10 01 w, uu a 10 v an 11 f n. Thr n n co o WdlWkl onaurj4vml BFRETAMA STRfcT r"lanu VAUY. CarlevPdnar)j Salv. Town a 1 1 an fur fmnanj VHc a 5 40 ; (o nd EVENNG BULLETN. HONOLUTaU,. T.. THURSDAY. SEPT. 26. 1901. T The Hawaa Realy and. Maury Co., Ld. General Agens for The New Hampshre Fre nsurance fn. of Mancheser, N. H. ASETS $3,367,026 27 J Dealers n Heal Esae, Loans, Mor gages and Ec. Omce. 32 Kng S.. Over Casle & Those who apprecae he class o phoographc worn done by MSS CAROLNE FHSKNS are cordally nved o nspec specmens of her skll n her recepon room a he rear of KNG BROS. Ar Soc and Phoo Sudo. 120 Hoel S law: Sep. 20, 1901. 1 femnlu lonkev. branded l) on rgh sde nnd on hj lel sde of he nk, lel eje sore and lef foo lame. SepL 21, 1901. bay horse branded U on ho rgh hnd Kg. whle soke on foehend, boh c)es sole, and on he back. All owners of he above anmals are Hunrc nsrumens Fled for Record Sepember 25, 1901. T. Oawa K. P. OSulllan...A.L. A. P. Marnnha and wfe J. S Ca nnrlo 1). E. J. Walon J, A. MaKenzo... P.Ay. S. Knmal.a L. L. McCaudless...D. Hear. Lansng & Co. J. 11 Jones... Sun Choy Sng Co. Chun C111...L. Mrs.. Ayres. Hnckfeld & Co.. L N. c al. S. C. Allen M. 1.. de la Nux Honokaa Sugar Co.. ). J. Nal and wfe. L. Holseln..D.. L. Holseln llonol.aa Sugar Co. ). nsrumens Fled for Record Sepem ber 26, 1901. lcorgc S. Kenway John Cullman M. Nahlhlkua c al. Alber Trask...!. Jula A. Pay Geo.. Carel D. L. Turner Tho.. Dales & Co.. M. V. P. nnd (leo. V. McDougall J no. A. Magure 11 H. J. A. Mngnon.1.. Kamlo..Rcl.M. of Hawa; agreemen; o onvey por lon Apana 1, Kll. W: Prners lun Honolulu; o convey pece land. Kan loa, Koolaupoko. Oahu. Tlnok 224 page 32S. Daed Sepember B. 1901. Recorded Sepember 1, 1901. A. Ordnay and husband o J. A MagHn: mnrcam: n. 1.. P. 1C52. Kll. "ll, Kallun. Koolnupoko, Oahu; ;r0, 2 leas a 9 per en. lool; 227. p.go 100. Haed.Sepember 17. 1H01 W C A h and wfe o Nobrega, deed; los 12 o S nelude. block l, Kalulanl ra. Honolulu Oahu; $1100. Hook 223. page S. Haed Sepember 17. 1901..lke.Mng Wl fl" wfe o nc Akna. morlgagu: one hrd nleren n los.n, 91, (no nml lol or Gran.171, Klaokahun dnlns, Honolulu, Oahu; 111.. ". 1 monhs. Hook 227, paw 100. Haed Sepember H, 1901. W. C. Acbl and wfe o Ho Hon: THE NTER SL he 23h ns., o Monday, 30lh k BY AUTHORTY TELEGRAPH COMPANY les.. nclusve rf T "Jj ( P.O.. CAUTH. Socov s ransmng messages o all n SALE OF GOVERNMENT LOTS AT 19301(1 Treasurer. ACROSS THE CONTNENT FROM slands of he group excep Kaua. HLO, HAWA, TENDERS. Admnlsnor of he Jsae of Y v MNMUM RATE S $. deed: los 4, 5 and.. block( Sa FracscoPorla d lly drecon of lm Snperlnende. Kalulanl rac, Honolulu. Oahu; $.100. Hook Sealed lenders for ho consuon 3. 12. 19. 2. hell Deceased. of lubllc Works, n pale of (Uvum S.3, page 440. Daed July 12. lfol. of one nneenh s and mles, heeabou, or THE TRANS DALY Offce, 315 For S. FROM SAN FRANCSCO. Heoll luen Los Nos. 1, 17 nnd 1. fronlv Recorded Sepember 19, 1901. of ralway rack, on Kng on Walanucnue and Fron sreejs. NOTCE TO CREDTORS. l Anone Parheo o l. M. Pedm. sleel, exendng from Lllha snv Hawa, conanng TWO TRANS DALY Hclm an area of 1!, Merchan. Jr.; morgage; n. p. snso. Kll. 12". o he Works, wll be OO nquare fee, adversed o K FROM PORTL. Tuaa 2. Norh K.ona. Hnwnll: $2n0,. by he Honolulu apld Trans The undersgned halng been apponed admnsraor wh he wll TBL., MAN 11. placu on Wednesday. Sepember 23l, years a 10 per en. Hook 227, mg; d land Company, up o 12 oclock Only THREE DAYS o Chcago 1901, a he fron enrance of he CupHo 10S. lncd Augus 27. 1901. noon. Ocober 1s, proxmo. annexed of he esae of Paul Predrc Only FOUR DAYS o New York. Mesenge wll call for uur messjg Honolulu, s heeby xspmel f Plans, profles and specfcaons, Augus Kllers, deceased, luo of Pullman Buffe, Smokng and Lbrary Cars, wh larber Hawaan Tramways Tme Chef Clerk Deparm nl Publc Wol.s BE NO f deslrej. 12 oclock noon, Sfnnlay. Sepenbo can le seen n ho Mmpa)s Honolulu, ollce. Terrory of Hawa, nolc" Palace Sleepers., 1901.. s. Wlr.HT, Ahpnl sree, Honolulu. hereby gven o all persons havng Shop and Pleasan Reedng m The successful bdder, f nuy, nun; clams agans sad esae o presen locuus. Honolulu. Sep. LJh, 1901 lunlsh n sasfacory bond for he her clams, duly nulhenlned and Dnng Cars (Meals 19514 Table. du flllllne of he un ac. The low. wh proper loehes. f unj exs, Free Reclnng Chars. The much alked abou senor barge lwl any bd. no necessarly acceneven f he clam s secrd by KM MRfcET LN PonndMaser s Pullman Ordnary Sleepers. Noce of Esrays morgage race beween he Mj rles and Hahnls d. C. O. HA.l.HNTYN: ku fll esae, a he offce of J H. LOTHROP, Qcueral CArler Wkhl for own M s,6 15. f 45 AM Agen.. anj rrv 135 Thrd Oregon. 1 mnutm haler on,.h n on egha Daj. wll no be rnved Mamger.. T.. L. Co. he undersgned nl. Hue kfeld & 11 a m. frn Wa sree, Porland, klkl ro o he Pjnanou Sable. Noce s hereby glen ha he anmals descrbed over agan for n reason ha he former crew has decde d no o race. Tm NOTCE. heeof, or hey wll be fcuever barred Honolulu. Sep. 23. 19"1. 19.10 l Co.. Ld.. Queen sree, Honolulu, whn sx ( D. W. HTCHCOCK, Ocnoral Agen, Cr R le Rn; monhs mm or Paw lch lor own he dae 5 ua.m. nj every s mnufhrralcrllll olp.m below hnu cen mpounded n c.e Governmen Pound u followng communcaons mlru afer fon he W. PrOTJNAHll. ll 15.Maklkl, Konn,. sland or Oahu. uud No. 1 Mongomery S.. San Crv 1rf Fr ar4 Knp re Francsco. corner for Pana a 6. L. LOMAX, G. & a T. A., a.h an J rr P. P.m. 1472 Omaha, Nebraska. Car fa e f r Palana onh a an uoam, unless ho pound fees nnd damages wo crews vre receved ererd.: Sealed lenders wll he recedved by Admnsraor. Carle4 Palamafor Wakkf 4 4 a m and very ore sooner sasfed wll be sold u Honolulu. Sep. fc. 1901. he lmd of le Commssoners, Ho HUB Sep.. 20; Oc. 4. Jl M mmuu ll g 4j V H, rwn a anj o 4) KM. ho dao hereafer named accordng lo To he Judges of he naa Day nolulu Plre Hepnnen, a her hanpm frum Palama l r uahou un)y oe aces of he Hawaan ovvlug A. Cen.l Saon, unl 12 oelo. owjklklm Saury.noon Ocober h, 1901, for suppulo;, Honolulu Rapd Trans collaon: he Dcpnun wh u eam of wo Srs: beg leave o nofy you ha horses, hese horses o be sound nnd he open d bulge en vv of b alve. wegh abou 1300 lbs. each. Hawaan Brcks and Land Company. Henlal Yach and lln. Club s ready Bland l hands hgh, ngu beween o ov he nce over ngaln ne Ka and years old. anl mus puss nspec un lay, accordng o he decson gven b he Judges. have he honor lo be. srs, jour fahfully, A... C. ATKNSON. Capan llpnlan Val and lloa Club. BaaaarVTjlASaaaaCaaaaaaaaaaB OAHU SUOAR CO., LTD. The sock books of he Oahu Sugar Co. Ld.. wll be closed o ransfers from rlday, Sepember he 27h, o Tuesday, Oc ober 1s, boh daes n elusve. A. SCNHUK. PSO f Treasurer. "HEHAWAAN ELECTRC CO." (Lmed.) Noce s heeh) gven Hn he soc 1;, of h umpanv abovename wll be c losel o ransfers from Welm Baaaaaaaaaasw?. on by he Uov emnen Wlerlnnyj Surgeon and mee he apuul of ho Chef KnglnHr aler wo weeks ral; dcllo) o he mndc whn n ds ler nofcaon of accepance of encle.. The Commssoners he rgh o rejec any or nl bds. K.. O. waxvc:. A he enrance o he Famous lao Valev. and easy access o Halakalea, he larges exnc volcano n he World. f m A.H Carkka UahjCMlVu ofw, nj Valcy a 6,v V J d jnjr U m.. ll 10 10 1m, exrp he even hour anj half, hur cam hereby nofed ha he above anmals whch run from he Sule wll be sold a publc aucon, Saurday, Ocober 3, 1901, a 12 oclock (,arlea Nuuan Valley am 6 jo d jo A.M an4 every o n nufvhffar l o 50 P M noon, a he governmen Pound. Makl An arcle whch las ood severe ess, anj whch jn be furlflrj Hurlurhe aler ll j 4 p Aler ha he car run kl, he nnlcss called for he day before he Honolulu. Sep.. lo. school ehlldnns llkes as Lam 1.. 1 or auj Ouen es for Punahou wanj, n good condon. ra be from h condk ors Cnlle a on earn, or n companys g 05 6 a; 41 a M an4 every 10 mnues ok j Saceary lloapl of Conmlsslone, ho Honolulu on Alupul sce. These v, bu Rood SaMeupar jov.w.whlclumla.car ron rown, above dae menoned. To Cap. C. J. Csmplell. lre Depmun. C. J. MCnrh y Sample 191413 reachng he Sae a can be seen 11 jpm nr lu muspoalon of school chldren up o 17 years of ago n (jon Pound MaeY. Oenllemcn: herehj declne o row NOTE OF THANKS. K. KKKKUNK. am C.. Wlson. a he sore of 1950.1 o and enlng school, beween O R. & L. from Co. he senor barge race wh he hours ol :30 and 9;" a. n., nn J 1 un 2:30 p. n. on regular school TME TABLE. ho lleahnl Yach and llo. Club nn The offcers and dlreclos of J. O, Hall & Son, Ld., ake pleasuo n expressng her uppcclllon of lu lnjh lmn md lfer January 1 1K90. nex Saurday, he 2sh nsan, as Lewers & Cooke. pel J. D, Jewe your decson, n was "no race," pomp manner n whch om nsuran e ebls, occasoned by he de HMTbD. A THANS STATONS C. C. Ballenyne.,. v lalll WTH nnd should he lowed over agan. All nvvnrd Jh lm M;r... J (Ol.arJ) rx Sun xuv m. Sun ahy of he race of las Saurdn.v, he suon of our sore, hum been nl ualr v AM AM. A W M M X,. l"; j. WLLAMS 21s ns n, should he made, on hr Jused by he ugens of he kcc,1 Hole AcnK. A jju 1 o 5 J S H Pearl Uu V H o )T s u gnml ha one of he boas was lu companes. OTO fallev m Ml! V o la w 4 s 6 o error, nd n whch wus ha com. We now wsh o ake hs oppou Wlders Seamshp Company WUlue l o aa. uly o W lalua v 41... mled he foul hank mm should he deermned lor he knd ould ro000000 nrnlou we hnve lecend u ho lund Kauk:.... H S Ars Hspccfully,ours. of our lopnles, and lor yur com STA1OSS lalll W. W HA HS. n sy lu he pnvuen of om Pll lalus d! s. FREGHT. (lnalj) f Sun HAV av OAV fur n A A M KM nhelx k Bon.no Capan (Muofrh, Myle Hn Club Vey P.M. ronjr KauVu... PASSENGERS ll a.. Cfyor J. O M.. K SON LTD onnrl Ul Wallua o.. a o J WaUna T O ; WnepGlupM "Who was Oma Khavau"" askec PUHS. Seeuj or nr ulum r nkr Paakaa.! aalblkaua llfl f 0 f 4 FOR SL PORTS; wa Mll vj l ol ana n nl one )oung man. To Messrs HUhcp A. Co. 1 frm aal 1. ) o M o j 4 l H rlulu v Schaele. Co. J 1 lllshop. Hea mrn 11 Tho Kvcnlng Bullen, 7B ceuu per l PORTRATS. " don know. answered he cher,.uuslng K C. SMTH llenl Pubs. 4. Tcke As. l CHueaco.! n. v!"?""l.z?u.c Hacl.feld k Co kccn.nn.o.h ". r. onh. lp HKNrON, Supernenden hu have a fcong suspcon ha ha M Dowsel Cush 4. Cske, M S Ol, or 1 k.lll., (CJTV. was a wne agen " Washngon Slur. K nbun A. Co. C llole P.5 ruar aeal ua m Headquarer for Tourss and Commercal Travellers. Local roa f Cookes. Local UoaL n connecon wh ho salng of he above seamers, ho agens are WALUKU, o ssue, o nendng passengers, coupon hrough ckes Dy any ralroad from San Francsco o all pons n he Uned aes, and from New A. Phone, Man 111. P. O. Hoy, 202. MAU HOTEL, SL OF MAU. York by any T. HAGBNKAMP. Mannger. seamshp lne o all European pors. TDES. FOR FURTHER PARTCULARS APPLY TO.1; Busness Noces. Legal Noces. Wm, G. rwn k Co., yr? John S Mllrow e ll. Havvn. Trus Ld. Co.. Ld A.M. DAT. Alexander Lamms Cecl lrown, r. ANNS MONTAGUE TURNER NOTCE OF ADMNSTRATORS XL Mll receve n lmed number of pupls W. C. AMl A J. de Medelros and ALE OF REAL ESTATE. p, m. a m p m lo GENERAL AQENT OCEANC 6. S. CO. A.. Cnnh. D. VOCAL NSTRUCTON. Vhnday l! )! J V. and A Elcheff Olaa Sugar Co. D Tens commenng on and nfer Sepember 2ol. as admnsraor of he esne of A. Tho undersgned, M. A. Oonalve, TuaJay..., l l, Pacfc Mal Seamshp Co. 111!4 WdM.ay..,.! "MGNON," C PcMnna, V Recorded Sepember 11, 1901, deceased, hy lrue of an l"2 llereanla S TroraJay 4 o Trusees 3.1 Tlno.. Dnlcs o order Geog made nnd,sed by he Occdenal and Orenal Seamshp Co. and Toyo Ksen Kasha.. "1 j e r. m a n" V DaxlS! lerl. flnn (rar Oeorge 2.1J l).v(car. Second Judge Nonca. j os Q 16 Seamers of he above companes wll call a Honolulu and "r and 301 y. Thurson menuc. Honolulu, o he Crcu Cour or he Klrs Crcu, Terrory of Hawa, n EauJay... leave hs por.1 on or,(! Jl Oalu;.l,ll,..j. Hook 9 abou he daes below menoned. J o o( l,, page 101. All blls due W. W. Wrghs car Probae, n Chambers, auhorzng U.Hel July 31, )l"u. rage manufacory wll be colleced ny and lcensng FOR JAPAN CHNA. FOR AN EvnUf FRANCCO. V 4 he.o a3 Recorded Sepember 16, 1901. S. Hed.er or Wn. ernandes; any sad admnsraor o sell c oher ccclplh gln by any he real esae,1 belongng o DORC...SEPT. COPTC OCT Meday j. j, A. S. Wlcox o See Tal Wa Co.; he sad one wll no esae, hereby gles nolco NPPON MAUJ.....OCT. AMERCA MARU. OCT. Uase: poron 11. P. JJ7. Kll. Glll. bo reugnlred ha le by me. wll sell a publc am lon. PERU OCT. PEKN OCT. Full Moon on 27h a 7:0S p. m. Hanalel, o he hghes bdder, n he salesroom of James Kaunl; n )ears a M. lluoc W W. WlKHT. COPTC. OCT. (laelc.oct. ::. page 110. Daed Sepember 1, 19r.Se p. 1. 20. 21. 21. 20. 2S., 1". Morgan. No. 01 Queen sree. n Honolulu. AMERCA MARU 1U01. OCT. HONC.KONC MAUT Oc. 1. 3. 3...NOV. PACFC UNON PEKNO OL sland of CO. Oabu. Terrory of...nov. CHNA Lam Hoo Cbln..NOV. o. lease: ulcro (larjlo land...nov. DORC near Nuam sree, NOTCE. Hawa, on Saurday, ho 2h day of..nov udl. Sepember, A. D. 1901. a 12 oclock ONOKONC MARU.....NOV. NPPON.MARU Locaed n.....nov. he Famous Coallnga Ol Onl; M years G monhs a $ " lr noon, CHNA...NOV. PERU.DEC. Felds of Calforna. annum. Hook 2:. page lo.. U.nel Prof. J.. Amme, lolnlx nnd all of ha parcel of land wh DORC., DEC. COPTC DEC. Proven ol lands, Sepember compleely, 19ul. eacher, who has been sufferng mprovemens from hereon suae n Honolulu surrounded by as NPPON MARU..DEC. S S. Kokl lo. Hackfeld Co. a severe aack of )phold fever n he aforesad, and popularly descrbed as: rch wells lease;. P. as ls. Kll..J.ll. Kual.. Oueens Hospal, s convalescng nnd here are n he Sae, yeldng from.ulalna, Maul: 10 J years pad, full erm wll mee nendng pupls a he Tha ceran lo or parcel of homo land bounded mnka by bu o zoo barrels per day. 170. Book 22S, page 107. Haed Sep of Mr. Wm. Kn7.ee. Vlnoa home of John 1 Wnlkkl, by Conrac prces for ol a ho Coal ember. lml. sree, near hospal. Telephdne propery Hlun of W. FOR GENERAL NFORMATON APPLY lnga TO wells, 70 P. M. S.. CO. cens per barrel. Oscar Sellers o Prcd. Meer: leas. Sfl. 194lf. losgs nakal, by Hnos lane, and Hwa by Maklkl sree, lyng opposo Wh wenylv e producng wells of hree buldng. Honuakaha, Honolulu, NOTCE TO REDMEN o propery of W..lshman and H. H. HACKFBLO & CO, 100 LTD. AGENTS. barrels each per day, you cnu ua;.j years u monj n " jer FRENDS..lshmnn. nnd parcularly descrbed" roako jour own calculaon as o monu. uoo:..a, page v... mcu ns follows, o w. profs. June 24, 9l. CanadanAusrala n Tho ol ndusry of Calforna s r. Recorded Sepember 17, 1901, Ol aeoun of he deah of Presden McKnle), a member of he All of ha ceran parcel of land suae on he eas sde of Mnklk sree 1 l Royal l Mal l) nfancy, je many forunes hnvo ). P. Hoolapa o Woonlaw ln n Honolulu, Scumshlp Company. been made by Judcous and lucky nvesmens n ol Boe!;. Many mora land, ec.. Una, Oahu: $150. Hook Co.. Ld.: deed; neres n pedj proed Order ol Hodmen, he hall o sland of Oahu, fronng 141 Seamers of he nbon lne, nnnlng n connecon wl. he he glen by Hawaan Trbe No., fee on sad Maklkl sree, wh a deph of 170 CANAD AN PACFC RALWAY CO. ncouer. J. C. rnd Sydney, wll N.S.5V, bo made n 229, he near fuure. page ::s. O.. M.. Daed Sepember U, on he 20h hn, wll be pos fee, beng a poron o )lo)nl Paen No. 033. poned and callng a Vcora. ). C. Honolulu nml llrlshane, an; DUE AT HONO The average 1901. unl furher and conanng noce. an advance on orgnal area of sab LULU ou or abou He daes below saed, lz.: of ol sock n weny leadng Kabanu Pnao o Danel P, Hoolnm, The Commee of Arrangemens abou 22,90 snuaro fee, anl beng companes n Calforna rusee; has deed; been lueres n plce nr.d. wll mee hs eelug he same premses convey od o consder o A. C. Pesnna by he followng From Vancouver ano Vcora, B. C. From Sydney and Brsbane. from (1 o lfs per share. Kua. Oahu. 3.0. Hook 2JJ. pugc 2K fuure dae. deds. o w: U or jnnuune ana acney.j For Vcora nnd Vancouver, J. O) Haed Scpcmbr S. 1901. Per order of Sac hem J. W. Shor. Deed of Manuel Huos, daed Sepember 10h. sss, nnd recorded n lber Ol lands have ndvancel from $1.25 MOWER.V SEPT. 2K MOANA.. OCT 23 V. Hllhheff and lfc o N. Kor JOAXNHS 1. HCKAnT, o 11,000 and $2,000 per AORANO.. OCT. Sr an H32 MOWERA NOV 20 nandes; deed: lo 2, Mock 4, C. Rver of. 112. page 214. MOANA NOV. When ho Pacfc Unon Ol Company 2.! AOuaNO DEC. S sldo Park, llllo, Hanall; $1230. Hook ROMAN CATHOLC CATHEDRAL. Heed of... S. Maos. daed Sepember loh. 1S, and recorded n lller MOWERA DEC. 21 MOANA JAN 15 has a number of producng wells 223. page d. Daed Sepember 10, on Tbroug s propery. s sock wll have Tckes ssued from Honolulu lkl. 112. Jo Canada, Uned Saes and Noce o Roman Cahelcs. page 245. oo Bamo show for even a greaer advance, as some ol sock has advunced map; elcen los. Punu, Honolulu, A my reques, wo Jesu Europe. For Fregh and Pnspugo un all gencr.l W. nformaon upply Oroc o : affdav an A poron of he land descrbed n o he deed of lnhcc J. S. Maos. daed July Thco. H.DavlefrCo..Ld., Gcnl Afcnw. from $1 o 11,500 per share. Oahu. Hook 224. png 331. Sh. 193, and lev. faher Marshall TgnoclM Hoar recorded n lber 153, Tho Pacfc Unon Ol Company has W. C. Acbl o da Sarkloff: affdav: o correc name of granee. K Mageoney. are comng page man and Hev. Kaher Kugene 31. Aosm no nalared offcer, and s conroll"d All on he recorded n he omen Alam.d,,,,. of ho r by well known genlemen of negry, SlaroT. Dool; 224. page 330. Daed solely for he purpose of gllng c,n Hono,uhl a ruz AmercanHawaa n S. S. Co. who wll see na he money derved Sepember 17. 1901. Fnn, whch wll begn on Sunday, nforesnld. O from ho sale of sock wll bo legmaely appled o he developmen of ng; deed: pece land. Kunrloa, on of Terrory of Hawa o...an Sad ober 0h. A a meeng san beng held on las sbec o confrma DRECT SERVCE BETWEEN Sunday evenng wns decded o en he sad Cour. s propery. Oahu; $1. Hook 223. pag4 der a recepon Terms ensh n J. S. (Sold Con. o ho new Fahers. NEW YORK HAWAAN SLS, va Pacfc Coas. Fur furher nformaon, npply o J. 297. Haed Sepember K. 101. Deed n on nex Saurday, Sepember he expense of he purchaser. 2h. al 6. S.AMERCAN, 6,000 ons, Saled. H. FSHER & CO.. Sock anl Uond lookaaku and wfe o M. R. Poser, p. m.. n he club rooms of he nls.s.hawaan, 6,000 ons, o sal o sal Oc. 15. Dokcrs, and Hawaan agens for ho deed: share n hul laud, Kor Kahana. slon. AV Kngllsh speakng furher nformal nu apply o ho Cahollc,.. CALFORNA, 6,000 ons, saled from NEW YORK June 16; wll sad of a lmed amoun of Paflr Oahu: $4o. Hook 229. mcu undersgned admnsraor, nrc cordally or nved o h a he 3. Daed Sepember pnse u offce of 10. 1901. ksd a PUGET SOUND abou SEPT. 1 for HAWAAN PORTS. Unon Ol Company sock. hs occason. The program sad James of he 1 Moreno. Slangonwale! M... Hoffmann Daed o Jose Carrelrn: n Honolulu. Sep. 11h. 1001, msson wll be publshed Fregh receved a Companys wharf, 42nd ree, Souh Drookljc a buldng. Merchan sree. laer on. M. A. release; OONSA.VKS. P. 340S. Analollnu. l. OU.TAN. nl mes. For furher parculars, appl o 1932 6mo nollu. Oahu; 1730. Hook 204, pa Admnsraor of he Ksac of A. 1949 3 lslop of Panopolls. C. 214. Haed Sepember Pesnnn, deceased. 13. 1901. C. P. MORSB, T. F. Lansng and wfe o Tvrrloy. M..ONO. Aorney for Admnsraor. General Fregh Agen. H. HACKFELD CO., Ld. Corporaon Noces. 93915 AGENTS, HONOLULU. Noce o Credors. The nlerslgned hnvlng been duly plhled execuors of he esae o Yn Sen, of Honolulu, Oahu, deceased, hereby gves noce o nl persons hav lug clams ngulns he esae of he sad Ye Sou, deceased, o presen h" same o hm lul nuhelaed and wln pryer vouchers, f any els. wluhe r secured by norlgngo or nh erwlse, a le oll.e of Andrews. Pers & Anlrnde a he Sangendvvald buldng, whn sx 0) monhs from lae, or such clnlms wll be foree hared. Dnnl Honolulu. Sep. 5h. 1901. D... AKWA. Pronlc Home nclh y fe Ol, Ap

7 l ;V n. Son." Ou of busness? No by a Jus full. We have bough ou he Pacfc Cycle. Co., nex door o Ehlers, and have Jus receded 150 Columba, Clsv eland and ambler Bcycles, besdes n full lne of shelf hardvae. Thngs look lke a largeszebeehve down here, and vvo wan o o come around o sec us. E. O. HALL & Somehng Ever.vbody lkes good hngs o ea and s our busness o sell hem We have Jus opened n fne, assormen of cookes and bscus. ncludng ome of he followng knds Fg Bar Ralon Cake Creoles Graham Wafers Honey Cake Spced Nus C. J. DAY & CO. KlnjJ Johanns The Kng of Naural Table Waers A Nnupl JSnrhllnjv Wncp boled he.oann SPRNGS, Zolllmm, (cemnj. The l:aorlc of New and London Socey. Hrcc. York Johanns WHHclCCel he H K ndnpl fro n nnonj he nlnepl v lers of he wp ly "The London Lnnce. The llglch ncdlcl auhory. W. C. Peacock & Co,, LWTC). Sole AjVcnK. No More Dread of he Denal Char TEETH EXTRACTED KLLED ABSOLUTELY WTHOUT PAN by our lae scenfc mehod appled o he gums. No g agens or cocane. These are he only denal parlors s Honolulu havng PATENTED APPL ANCES nnd ngredens o exrac. All and npply gold crowns and porcelan crowns undecccable from naural eeh nnd warraned for en years, WTH OUT THE LEAST PAN. All work done by GRADUATED DENTSTS ol from 12 o 20 j ears experence, and each deparmen n charge of a Specals. Gve us a call, and youvvvlll fnd u o do exacly as v,e adverse. l ell ou n advance exacly wha jour work wll cos by u FREE EX AMNATON. Se Teeh 6S.00 Gold Crowns Gold Fllng) Slver Fllngs SH.00.OO 0c Our name alone wll bo a guarane (ha your work wll be of he bes. New York Denal Parlors, Room 4, Ele Buldng. Hoel Sree LADES N ATTENDANCE. New Rgs New Horses n STOCK YARDS STABLES We ue now n he Auomoble Buldng und lre prepared o urn he f ncu lvery n own. Sonpder Hfe fpon fre, us he buldng r HRHPlOO RNG US UP! Tel. Man 301 HEARD "Hello! BY CENTRAL Whos speakng?" "Ths s E. O.Hall & "E. 0.. Hall & Son! Why, hough yon were burn ou of busness." SON, For You Gnger Cakes Cocoanu Cakes Snow Flakes Dany Chps Orange Cookes, Ec, nenp l:p. SUGAR NDUSTRY ON KAUA S. S. Dnrle, from San Francsco. PASSENGERS ARRVED. Repors Trom Knual per from he planaons sr. walanl, Sep. 2 uu he sland E. C. llrown.. Halvorscn, of Kaua ar? very J. C, flaerng, Ahren. Mr. WllllanRon,. Mlkl, W. C, from Kekaha o Llhue and beyond he felds Hnlllnhcnds nnd 20 deck, of wavng cane presen n beauful sgh from Moloknl pors, per sr, Lehu. wh s deep green folage. Sep. 25 Mrs, A he Knhanaelc, Mss Mcllrde planaon Kalw he mll s naele nnd bou leady faher Jullle, and wll sar grndng by he from Knual pors, per sr. MlknhaK frs of Ocober. Mr. Sodar, n," Sep. 21 R, Anderson. W. (. lvmnn. manager, has been mos successful n plowng L. S. loyd, Mrs. E. Srehr.. Henry nnd planng a large area for llnke. and T. C. Howell nnd 2 deck. he 1903 crop. Whle several addonal reservors have been consruced for he purpose of sorng he mounan waer. A he preen me he Wnrhlngon and Rlsdon pumpng plans n lanapep e valley are lfng 17,000,000 gallons or war. The Reldler pumpng plan n.awal Gulch s beng un a..v.n.1..1... f,,.... """ "" Bro. nnn nkng care or n nvaane waer wnen a he presen. mo s abou 5,000.000 gallons. Ths supply wll no doub he ncreased wh n n Rlnrr mo n. f,. n,a.l.h Hnj wl be cu whn a week hrough ho man unnl whch supples he pumj ln waer a he presen me. The Hnvvnllnn Sugar Co. has flnlsh rd her seasons grndng and he dffuson mll and buldng s recevng. horough overhaulng. Ths mll m n capacy for 110 ons of raw sugar n wenyfou r hours and s ho only mll nf he knd now n operaon n ho Hawaan slands. APP) Tle f we only had some lnes, now, we mgh do lle flshln.. Shady Rowers flshln. eh? Whos goln er dg cle ba, hal de hooks, row n de lnes, haul ou de fls and f.ke em off de hooks Annv Tle Dafs ho; wed have o hre somehodv o do da par of Lesles Weekly, NEW TODA Y NOTCE. Owng o he deah of Pr,.l,l,, vn Ham McKlnley. he celehrnlon of he...n annversary or Harmony Lodge. No. 3,, O O. F.. has been ncmnl o Ocober 12. llul. a ho same hour and place. ly order or Commee. E.. HENDRY. ls23 Secrer. SCHOOL MEMORAL EXERCSES. THE SUPERNTENDENT Of nsrucon PURll renuesh he nrlnclnalq f nnd eachers of he Publc Schools of Honolulu o hold exercses n her respecve schools from 1 p. m. o. p. m. of flday. Sepember 27h, l!u, n whch hey wll emphasze he gea calamy whch has occurred o he Republc, hrough he murder of s Presden and he helnosues of h crme whch caused he loss. Prncpals can nnange ho deals o un her respecve schools. C. T RODGERS, Secrearj Deparmen Publc nsrucon. 1 952 1 HAWAAN OPERA MOUSE Pollards Ausralan Lllpuan Opera Company Tong Thursday Evenng, Sepember 36h Grand Vaudevlle Ener lalllllclll by,,c "rcnun of he enre company SATURDAY EVENNG, Sep. 2, "The Bslle joew York" Manee on Snurlny Afernoon, Bslle of New York. Chllden half prce o all pars of he heuer. Doors open a 1 30; performance o commence a 2 sharp. There wll he no performance o morrow evenng. Frday, Sep. 27. The box plan now open a Wall, Nchols Co, where seas can bo had. PRCES... $1.50, $1. 75c, 50c, Boxes $12, $10, $. Doors open a 7 n p. m.; overure) a p u, urlagos a 10:30. RVENNO BTLLKTW. ONOMJMJ,. T., THURSDAY, SKPT. 26. 1901. SHPPNG NTELLGENCE Weaher Ureau, Punahou, Sepem ber 2r. Temperaure Mornng mn mum, G9; Mdday maxmum, 2. nomeer a 9 n. nu 3p 00. Srndy, Ranfall 0.00. Dow Pon GP. Humdy a 9 n. n. A per cnl, Dlnmond Head Sgnal Saon, Sepember 20. Weaher clear; wnd fresh n:. AKRVKD. AVedncdny, n. 25. Sr. vvala. Oreeu, fldm Kaua. Sr. Wulcule. 1llz. from Kaua pors. Sr, Lcln, Namla, from Mololsl. Thursday, Sep. 26. Sr. Mlkalmla, Gregory, from Kaua DEPARTED. Wednsdny, Sep. 23. O. S.. Auanyl. Hay, for Vln la. Schr. llnnre & Ella for Knual pora, Thurslay, Sep. 2f. Sr. J. A, Cummns. Searle. for Oahu pors Dr. bk. Sana, Sronnar, for he Sound n ballas. SALNG TODAY. Sr. Lvhua, Nnpala, for Mnlnka por 5 p. n. S. A. T. Wuren. n.rneson, for Manla, va (luam, 4 p. m. Sr, John Cummns, for Koolau pors 4 p. m. Sr. Walalealc, Pll, for Wulmea... l...!..,... m Sr. vvalal. for h ll. d. Sr. Mlknlaa, (rego), for Koual, a p. n. DE TODAY. Sr. Hawa. Ucrg. pors. from Hawa Sr. Maul. Denr ron Hawa porls. PASSENGERS DKPARTED. For Vcora, per sr. Aorangl Sep. 25. Mrs.. E. Hall. Daldwln and wfe,. W. L..McOure; H. P. Meyer, llshop Wlls. Mss W. Macdonald. J. A. Moon, Mr, nnd Mrs. Charles Sno D. Saner. Mr. nnd Mrs Rober. O. O. Mullnr and wo chldren, W. H. SMTHS NARROW ESCAPE FROM REEF The schooner W Smh had a1 nanow escape fom gong ashoe ) rdny en her way o po ner he Fearless had aken hold of her. Sue was spoken by and refused o ake he plo. A he me he fearless hooked on, he vessel hnl all sals se. n followng he ug cno wns no nken o keep n Hue wh her, and on passng he hell buoy lu ug wen on one sde nnd he schooner on he cher. The hawser was cu nnd hen he schooner sho up no he wnd nnd began o make or ne beach. Ln her nnchors were le go nnd slu was brough up all sandng, from her poson n seen fom slme wns hough Hn lfu Smh had hnc bu hs was found o bo no so. Tho ug hooked on ngaln nnd n ough he vosel nfely o pn, as a close wach was Kep aboard ho schooner o seo ha she dd no ge ou of lno of le c wbon agan. New Mercanle Corporaon. The Asal. Company, Lmed, hns been organzed o ake over he dry goods and geneal meuhnndlsc bus ness of,1. Asada n Hoel see. Tho capal s $10,000 dvded no shares of uu par value, wh he prvlege of ncreasng o JM.000.. sada, presden, bus B0 shares; T. lwunngn. secreuy und audor. 20 shares; K. Knnnnul, Measurer, ono shae; O. Asad a, K shares, and K, Wada, one share All hese ure drecors. WAALUA HOTEL CO. SUED. The A. Harrson Mll Co.. Ld.. haa bough su ugalns he Wnlalua Co, Ld., for he recovery cf M3.S1 and neres cm he samv from Aprl an, 19ul. nlleged o bo goods, elmc waes and merchandse fur nlshed he defendan. The plnlnllt eomlulns ha demands hnvo been nndo on he Hoel Company for he deb bu ha he defendan has negleced and lofubed o pay. VVLE DENZENS GONG. The women who form ho remnuns of ho wllel orrnl wll probably leav Honolulu soon. Aorney lrnoks, who defended somo of ho membern c,f he "Quarler Franc nlse" n ho Polce Ccu oday, made ho saemen ha all ho women waned o hnov was wheher her busness would n oleraed any longer by ho auhores. f no, hey would ake ho very nex seamer for ho Coas. POLCE OFFCER SUDD. Ah Hug has brough su agans Olller Ah On for JSOOO damages. Ho ulleges ha Ah On, whou nuheny. Jusfcaon or exenuaon by law. sezed, arresed, resraned, deanecl nnd mprsoned hm n ho Vole h sn lo. Ah Hlng appeared before Judgo Wlcox nnd was dscharged becaku he evdence) was nsuffcen, and lls sae of affars has uubed ho SU.v. $10 c RUPTURE CURED ro. uulvfs. TlouuhHluwU n n l Mllxr (mlwf lo Dl vuall rl. lhlm n Vfoor hr K. fflr ly rh u for l hr urrnl, NohurlMhwlY v " b va oroonmrurr. m lollhvo. r (jrtnr full nfonmm Lll, lmw rlvnnrn4lva nrklhuulvl, KUurH1r uqnc kus ca "" x "" n f sca WANTS. Ad. n hs column wll be nsered a 15 cen a lne one nseron! 25 cen wo nserons; 30 cens one week; 40 cens wo weeks, and 60 cens one monh. Ths s he cheapes adversng ever offered he people cf Honolulu. SPECAL NOTCES. WEEOSH MASSAGE Hlnn llcnln;, nland Hoel, over Orpleum. lhsmm JUST nrrued, graduae.elpslg Conservaory, glvs pano lessons, f. monh; specal aenon o adul begnners. Add, Muslr, hs offce. 1937l NOTCE TO HUNTERS Ooa shoong prl leges for he Nanakull lands are agan offered o he publc. Tlujse wshng o seeuru perm, wll he furnshed wh cke upon applcaon a he ollkc of The Dowse Company, Lmed. W.. reasurer. llhcl MSS C. KRUEGER lano nsrucons; sudo,.meropoe bldg., llo Alakea S., Tel..Man 345. n o 1 M """.GET OUR PRCES on bllard and pool j ables before bllng elsewhere; sold on easy pa nen. Our cushons nrs guaraneed for weny ear. and nre made by a new vulcanzng process. Old ables fed wh our cushons are as good us new; sasfacon guaraneed or money refunded. Seo our adversemen of "Manager Waned" for lawful slo machne. Palmer lllllard Table Works. Chcago, lls.!372n F VOU HAVE,10,"!P,., for rcn or,n rn,,,,... A R BNDT. Collecons carefully a ended o and promply remed. Ofku Mu Knahumanu sree. ls3 f NOTCE TO BULDERS The Unlo. Express Co. has WHTE S TOR SALE. 1543 f WANTED. COTTAGE fve or sx rooms, by Oc. 1 AddrB. N.. hs ofllce. 10524 WANTED Al a once; glvo descrpon. Addles.. C. ll of flee.!l52jv WANTED A furnshed house, o ren by Amerlcnn famly; no chldren. Address (1 hs ofllce. 1U521 WANTED A frsclas s barber. JcfE. K"K S. 19.51 f WANTED. A poson ns resden governed or ravelng companon by n unversy graduae. Res of rcferencek. M. l.. llulleln offce. l!4sl WANTED Poron by n young lady a senographer: ep,rlcnced. L... P. O. box 3G3. 1931 f MANAQER WANTED n every large couny o appon agens for he "Game o Skll" nckel slo machne for drnks or clgns; nwfeverywhee; akes plnce of nl forbdden slu mac hns. Rened o sold on ensv pavmns. Senle er rory ulck. Palmer lllllard Table Works Chcago ll. 1!C72 WANTED To sell Damond and Onal Rngs, n he laes svles. Wnche lepalled by n Jeweler of 3." sears experence. G. DET., For sree, nenr Hoel. SoSf ROOM ASP BOARD. FOR SALE. FOR SALE A horoughbed Holsen bull. Addles f f hs offce. ls f FOR SALE furnlue for four rooms, $Hu; wh plvllegeof enng coage J27..".0; leavng cy soon Addreb..., hs offce. l!4!l FOR SALE Selnwuy parlor grand pano: condon. Call on Wll E. fsher. 193 f FOR SALE New and secondhan Smh Premer j pew lers for snlo or ren. All makes repared. Wasa ngon Lgh Co., l33lm l FOR SALE Two phaeons n gnocll condon. One used only a nborl me. Address " X., llulleln nee. jf 1322 f FOR SALE Lo n MCullv rnc llxa J2.2HH, hree los n Knpa hulu. f.oo scuare fee. $1,400; lo on llereaula S.. SOxoU. Judd )l Co.. Ld. Olflce No. 307 Sangenl j warn ullllug; elephone Man 22. O. Uox.B" 1910lf STEAM LAUNCH FOR SALE The "Talula." as she now les n he harbor. She s a nenrlv new lna. n1 perfec workng order, nnd las bec! of lae used n owng a Kahulul narjor. v. Pan. U9Mf FREH STRAW The Unon Express Co. has n lo of fresh re sraw fo:4 sale.. 1931 f TO LET, AT THE ALOHA For f (nl $1.:,0 o $2.0 per f TO LET coage on College S.. wh sable and nrv ans eprr ers. Apply l llereaula S. 9.11.f NCELY furnshed loom. $5 monh; prvae famly: also fron room, $10. 53 Vlucvard S., near Nuuanu. VjX TO LET Sevenroo eonge, 1U Punchbowl S. neplre n house lor furher parculars. 1949lv TO LET Two fron rooms, No. 9 Garden lane. SSuf TO LET House a presen oc curded by Mrs. D. Cener, Young sree nenon near Mc Cully rac, Applv K. F. Rlshop, C. lrewer & Co., Queen S. 1932l f FOR RENT Ncely furnshed fveroocoage on Vneyard S., he wen Emma und Punchbowl. Address P. O. Box 12. 192 f FOR RENT Two (2) Mory houses n Kekuullkc pa, on Young S., conanng wo bedrooms, parlor, dnngroom, kchen, bah room and paen waer close downsars. Kapolanl Lsue, Ld. 192l f TO LETNew furnshed rooms, nnsplo proof, erms reasonable, Thlel loube above German lakery. For S. 1930 f TeT RENT A mosepo proof loom, flvo mnues walk from rnncnr n cool dsrc; board f requred; elephone servce. Address "E.." lulleu 192Cf TO RENT Sx room coage on Maock Ave ; elecrc lghs; sanlnry plumbng, ec, Applj O.., P. O. box 3C3, 193J f WANTS. TO LET. FOR RENT A nw houso on Aresan S., of sx room wh all mod. ern mprovemens. Enqure of Chas. E. frashcr, Consoldaed Soda WorK. w 1922 f TH A VEW o fndng ou TO RENT Resdence of Dr. J. S. wha preparaons our McClrow. cor. of Ucreanla nnd merchans are makng for Rchard Ss., suable for docors he holdays, and of seeng offce or prlvao resdence. Apply wha new hngs are o Dr. 3. S. McGrew, Lunalllo. cor, from he world of llackfeld, or J. T. McGrew, llshop fashon, vsed he sore of Rank. 1937l f F you have a house for ren, or wan o ren a house, call on A. R. llndt, offce wh Gude Publshng Co., Campbell block. Merchan S Man 374, 117 FOR LEASE. FOR LEASE furnshed house no occuped by Mrs. E. K. Pra. No. 101 PunchLowl S.. for wo years. Wll be vacan mddle of nex wee. House elecrc wred. 1915 f FOR LEASE Premses on Unon S., wh n rronnge of 242 fee nnd a deph ol 70 fee..ong erm gven whou onerous condons. o J. M. rlonsarhat. 202 Rooms Campbell block. 1925 f LOST. POUND. Apply Jas. F. Morgan l AUCTONEER BROKER 6S Queen Kvaa FORRENT New coge on Emma Square, u,. Jonng resdence of James f. Morgan wo bedroom, parlor, llnlgnon. kchen and bah. Ren, $10 per monh nnd waer rue Possesson gven Ocober 1. Two sngle genlemen preferred. Apply n offce of JAS. F. MORGAN, AUCTONEER. Aucon Sale OF Lease of Waerfron Propery On Saurday, Sepember 2, AT 12 OCLOCK NOON, A my Balesroom, 65 Queen sree, wll sell a Publlu Aucon he av of propery on Queen sree, near lm corner of Alaunakeu sreo Propery has a fronage of 91 fea on Queen sree and a deph of from 141 o 149 fee, wh a. rear boundary o 5 fee, Lpaso bus 2.1 years o run from Jul b. 1901, n u monhly reuu of $7.". Furher parculars n my ullco. AS. F. MORGAN. AUCTONEER. Techncal Ucuonury. Tho Tech ncal Dconary, proposed some me ngn by ho Vercln Duscher ngenleur e, now o be defnely aken up, he socey havng apponed Dr. Huber Junsen o he edor n chef. The le of he work s o he "Terhnolexl con," and wll comprehend all ech nlcal scences, und especally hose n whch paen), are graned. wll be publshed n hreo volumes, each of whch wll be alphabecally nuanged n one of he hree languages. The nves ho cooperaon of ech nlrnl socees, schools, ndusral esablshmens, rade socees und ndvduals. Those requesng wll be furnshed wh specal noe bookb for nong down words and phrases, and nl are nved o send caalogues, prce lss, books, or oher maeral whch mgh he useful n adng n h ro red defnon of erms. Sue l aro o be grauous, bu ho socey wll bear nl expenses peranng o he preparaon and publkalon of he dconary. All communcaons should be addressed o he edor of he Technllnxlcon, Dorohe ensrusso 49, Merln, lermay Engneerng News. Wlle Llleboy Papa, wha s a czar? Papa A czar, my son, s a Russan poenae, nlmos enrely surrounded by assassns. Puck. ART DE LA MODE The Lfcn from hc l:nhlon Cenres. Preparaons for he Holdays Whney & Marsh he oher day. was greeed very pleasanly by he coureous head of he frm, who has bu laely reurned from he Man. land, and who chaed very neresngly anen hs rp. When asked hm o haw m um of he new and prey hngs he had uuugm, ne amea and sad: "Why, here are so many ha scarcely know where o begn: bu he specal em we are showng hs week s hese: KEN3NGTON ART DRAPERES. There hey were a able pled full of hem, n a wondrous varey of colors, double and sngle face, embrac ng urecan Heraldc, Egypan and Arabesque desgns. There were also Ar Denms n prey, plan shades, and brghcolore Sllkollnes, and beauful Creonnes. f ever pens hap. ha any one asks me o help hm n furnshng a house, shall a fl leas have some deas for makng euran s and poreres, and eoueh covers. LADES BELTS BUCKLES. Jus o he rgh of he Draperes,. saw, hung over k he couner abou a V. nunared of he newes bels wh some of he prees buckles have ever seen. There s a new double buckle whch allows boh ends of he bel o droop, gvng he fashonable, effec o he wearer. Ths buckle s readly removable, and wh o he bel s worn ou he buckle may be kep and aached o a new bel. COMBS HAR ORNAMENTS. n hese saw he mos recen conces, and many are he new dvs ha.. he malf hua.. a...... r? 1.. c wrn n l Fourees, rayloe Pns and Har wrnamcns. ne maons of re. shell are very elever and of course don coa anyhng lke he genune) arcle. LEATHER GOODS The sores assormen of Purse, Chaelanes, Shoppng Bags and Card Cases s excellen, and he pres lower han have ever hm h know ha ha deparmen wll have a rush of busness as Holday lm approaches. WASH GOODS. Bu he Wash Goods seclonl How could rave over he orev hlnr,. saw herel You have he prees Wash Goods here ever saw, and have raveled a good b of he world. am old ha here s a grea demand now for Chambrays and Lnen Cnqham s and Slk Gnghams, and Madras Tssues and Pneapple Zephyrs. Thj plan colors and lgh blue chefly are he mos popular, bu here s also a seady demand for al srpes and for srpes wh small fg. ures worked n beween. CRAVATS. Unquesonably he moa popular nowadays h boh for men and women s he narrow known as he Derby". Ths e goes well wh he hgh band urnover collar, s narrow wdh allowng o be ed n a kno even where he edges of he urndown collar ousu e mos ouch n fron. Neverheless he al populary of he Bawlng and Buerfly es does no seem o wane, and here s also a far share of Clubs, Tecks and Wndsors worn. noced a number of es n he Regaa colorsmyrle and Healanl whch was o d were o sell a 35c eacn. hnk hs low prce wll be apprecaed, as one doesn nlways feel lke paylnr 75c or a dollar for a e whch s wor. lle more han one day n a year. AMERCAN LNEN. Many of us have lved all our lves whou ever havng seen a scrap of lnen of Amercan manufacure. saw some n Whney & Marshs basemen salesroom, and was You couldn ell from Englsh Lnen, and f you could hen am. n he language or an eseemed conemporary of mne, a frnged doylle eervln.j m ma mr Dome or Worcesershre Sauce. There are davllrs of Amercan lnen nd Table Clohs, on. and Napkns and several knds of ow es. snal ue neresed o know hw hese goods are receved here. FAMOUS REDFERN CORCTS. Bu f here was any one hng ha was more glad o see han all he res was a bg ple of he famous Redfern Corses he frs shpmen o he Hawaan slands. wore one once and ever snce have looked back Jo ha me of comfor wh nfne longng. Why, even he frs me you pu on s as easy as he proverbal old shoe. yelds o every moon of he body and never breaks a he hps. And ye s always as sylsh as were he gowns of he man whose name bears. am old ha wll sell a hree dollars, whch s exacly wha you pay n San Francsco. Many oher hngs saw n my rp hrough hs wellkep sore Long Clohs, nda Llnons and Vcora Lawns, sheer and fne; delcae Swsses, Wash Chffons and Organdes, exquse Allovers, Tucklngs, and Embroderes, Araban and Valencennes Laces, rch Slks and Rbbons; bu of hese perhaps wll ell you more n anoher leer. BUD BRER.. Harrson Mll Co., Ld. KAWAAHAO STRLT, KEWALO. Tel. Whe 1221. p. O. Box 552. Sawng, Planng, Turnng and Mll Work n all s branches. Lumbep Kln Dryng a specaly, and n large or small quanes. COTTON BROS. fr CO. hngneers : : : GENERAL CONTRACTORS P.nkan4Mllm.lef furnshed for.11 cl.m Conracng ork. KOOM ea, OSTON BLOCK. HONOLULU Honolulu ron Works. mproved and modern SUGAR MA CHNERY of every capacy and descrpon made o order. Boler work and RrVETED PPES for rrgaon purpoaes a specaly. Parcular aenon pad o JOB WORK, and repars execued a shores noce. r " j,.n,., y.ff.,nr.,;,,, fffr,.4.ll n.m n " " 4. VA. l.(,j jua" J...