E sus4 A /C. our. ref

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PSALM 90: IN VRY AG Melody RFRAIN: Moderato ( = 100 108) 1st time: Cantor, All repeat; reafter: All sus4 Keyboard In ev uge, dim. ry Text: Based on Psalm 90:1, 4, 5 6, 12 1, 14, 17. Refrain 1969, 1981, ICL. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Verses, Timothy R. Smith, b. 1960, 1996, Timothy R. Smith. Published by OCP. All rights reserved. Music: Timothy R. Smith, 1996, Timothy R. Smith. Published by OCP. All rights reserved. age, O SAMPL sus4 uge. Lord, 1-5 (1st time:.c.) 1-5 (1st time:.c.) Fine Fine 22657-Z1

PSALM 90: IN VRY AG, cont. (2) VRS 1: Cantor sus4 maj7 / You re turn us to ing, Re turn, O chil dren, maj7 years are like yes ter to SAMPL dust,say earth. For to day passed, or as a watch of a thou sand night..c..c.

PSALM 90: IN VRY AG, cont. () VRS 2: Cantor sus4 maj7 / 2. You sweep us a way in a dream. At dawn we are like morn ing grass 2. ris es to VRS : Cantor sus4. Teach us to morn maj7 trea ing sure SAMPL sun, n with / days. Give ers and fades. wis dom to hearts. Re.C..C.

PSALM 90: IN VRY AG, cont. (4) maj7 sus4.c.. turn, O Lord, how long must we wait? Pit y y ser vants. VRS 4: Cantor 4. gra sus4 4. Fill maj7 cious eye watch day break with y maj7 o SAMPL ver us / love we may re joice in and work of hands. song..c. May y.c. al fine.c. al fine

PSALM 90: IN VRY AG RFRAIN: Moderato ( Capo 1: = 100 108) 1st time: Cantor, All repeat; reafter: All (m) (sus4) sus4 maj7 (m) VRS 1: Cantor earth. For to yes uge, You (sus4) sus4 ter day re In dim. maj7 passed, ev SAMPL ry turn us to age, a thou sand or (/C) / Text: Based on Psalm 90:1, 4, 5 6, 12 1, 14, 17. Refrain 1969, 1981, ICL. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Verses, Timothy R. Smith, b. 1960, 1996, Timothy R. Smith. Published by OCP. All rights reserved. Music: Timothy R. Smith, 1996, Timothy R. Smith. Published by OCP. All rights reserved. dust, O (sus4) sus4 uge. Lord, as a watch 1-5 say ing, Re of (1st time:.c.) turn, O chil years are like night. dren, to Fine.C. 22657-Z2

PSALM 90: IN VRY AG, cont. (2) VRS 2: Cantor (sus4) sus4 maj7 (/C) / 2. You sweep us a way in a dream. At dawn we are like morn ing grass. 2. ris VRS : Cantor turn, VRS 4: Cantor es O Lord, how (sus4) sus4 (sus4) sus4 4. Fill to morn maj7. Teach us to trea maj7 SAMPL maj7 long must we day break with y maj7 ing sure sun, (/C) / wait? (/C) / love days. Give we n wis dom to Pit with y may re joice in ers y and (sus4) sus4 ser hearts. song. fades. vants. Re.C..C. May y.c. al fine 4. gra cious eye watch o ver us and work of hands.

PSALM 90: IN VRY AG RFRAIN: Moderato ( Capo 1: = 100 108) 1st time: Cantor, All repeat; reafter: All (m) (sus4) sus4 maj7 (m) VRS 1: Cantor earth. For to yes uge, You (sus4) sus4 ter day re In dim. maj7 passed, ev SAMPL ry turn us to age, a thou sand or (/C) / Text: Based on Psalm 90:1, 4, 5 6, 12 1, 14, 17. Refrain 1969, 1981, ICL. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Verses, Timothy R. Smith, b. 1960, 1996, Timothy R. Smith. Published by OCP. All rights reserved. Music: Timothy R. Smith, 1996, Timothy R. Smith. Published by OCP. All rights reserved. dust, O (sus4) sus4 uge. Lord, as a watch 1-5 say ing, Re of (1st time:.c.) turn, O chil years are like night. dren, to Fine.C. 22657-Z2

PSALM 90: IN VRY AG, cont. (2) VRS 2: Cantor (sus4) sus4 maj7 (/C) / 2. You sweep us a way in a dream. At dawn we are like morn ing grass. 2. ris VRS : Cantor turn, VRS 4: Cantor es O Lord, how (sus4) sus4 (sus4) sus4 4. Fill to morn maj7. Teach us to trea maj7 SAMPL maj7 long must we day break with y maj7 ing sure sun, (/C) / wait? (/C) / love days. Give we n wis dom to Pit with y may re joice in ers y and (sus4) sus4 ser hearts. song. fades. vants. Re.C..C. May y.c. al fine 4. gra cious eye watch o ver us and work of hands.

PSALM 90: IN VRY AG CLLO RFRAIN: Moderato ( = 100 108) Tacet until after Verse - VRSS 2, : Tacet 9 VRS 4.C. SAMPL Music: Timothy R. Smith, b. 1960, 1996, Timothy R. Smith. Published by OCP. All rights reserved. 1-5 (1st time:.c.) dolce e cantabile VRS 1: Tacet Fine 10.C..C. al fine 22657-Z