THE CHORAL MUSIC MINISTRY RESOURCE Fall & Christmas Scorebook. Companion to Disc 1 General Anthems

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THE CHORAL MUSIC MINISTRY RESOURCE all Christmas 008 Scoreook Companion to Disc 1 General Anthems

THE CHORAL MUSIC MINISTRY RESOURCE Scoreook Selection Title Composer/Arranger Code age ( edition, unless otherise noted) Track 1 God of Grace Getty/arr Larson 10/6L Track Celtic Communion Hayes 10/9L Track Soon and Very Soon Crouch/arr Harlan 10/6L Track Seek irst the Kingdom McDonald 10/0L 6 Track 6 Casting Our Crons Don Shackley 10/8L Track To Touch the Heart of God Schram 10/0L 8 Track 8 You Are orever God Choplin 10/09L 9 Track 9 God Be in My Head V ohnson 10/60L 11 Track 10 Everlasting God Riley Bron/arr Curry 10/6L 1 Track 11 Speak, O Lord Getty/arr McDonald 10/L 1 Track 1 Walk Worthy M Martin 10/1L B or -pt Mixed 1 Track 1 Our oyful Declaration! Hayes 10/L 1 Track 1 I Will Clap My Hands M Martin 10/68L Unison or -pt 16 Track 16 Every Gift and Blessing Wagner 10/8L 18 Track 1 Song of Thanksgiving and raise ettke 10/L 19 Track 18 Bring Them In Choplin 10/10L 0 Track 19 Wings of the Wind Schram 10/696L 1 Track 0 Saved, Saved! Curry 10/06L Track 1 Holy Mystery Choplin 10/0L Track Bound for the romised Land Larson 10/L CD1 -

1 1 Tenderly = ca RH tacet through m 6, eat if using Violin + Vln God of Grace ith opt Violin* Words and Music y Keith Getty and onathan Rea Quoting NEW BRITAIN from Virginia Harmony, 181 Arranged y Lloyd Larson 10 free O the + Vln mir - a - cle of 8 - Vln God of play on - der, ir - re - indicates CD track numer *Violin part is on pages 10-11 grace, a - maz - ing sist - i - le and Copyright 00 Thankyou Music (RS) (adm orldide y EMI CMG ulishing excluding Europe hich is adm y kingsaysongscom) All rights reserved Used y permission Sole selling agent for this 008 arrangement: Lorenz ulishing Company, a division of The Lorenz Corporation Reproduction of this pulication ithout permission of the pulisher is a criminal offense suect to prosecution THE CCLI LICENSE DOES NOT GRANT ERMISSION TO HOTOCOY THIS MUSIC 10/6L- LT 1 1 10/6L- mer - cy, e - sus me God of reach - es don to grace, I stand in on - der as my 1 God re - stores my soul; His on - Vln lood has paid my 6 kne me long e - kne me long e - fore the orld e - gan, - Vln + Vln fore the orld e - gan, sent my 0 ran - som, ae-some cost to make me RH plays only don-stem notes through m if using Violin hole 9 Sav - ior don from heav - en, per - fect God and per - fect 10/6L- God of play grace ho loved and God of grace ho CD1-10/6L- man God of grace, I trust in e - sus, I m ac -

6 1 loing, in one h k = ca RH tacet through m 1 if flute or pennyhistle used 1 Celtic Communion ith opt lute / ennyhistle*, Bass, Guitar and ercussion Verses 1 and y Reginald Heer Verse from St atrick s Breastplate Arranged y Mark Hayes Based upon BUNESN, traditional Gaelic melody 18 UNISON VOICES Bread of the World ken, in Wine of the mer - cy ro - Soul (tacet) in play rh indicates CD track numer * lute /ennyhistle part is on page 1 008 Lorenz ulishing Company, a division of The Lorenz Corporation All rights reserved rinted in USA Reproduction of this pulication ithout permission of the pulisher is a criminal offense suect to prosecution THE CCLI LICENSE DOES NOT GRANT ERMISSION TO HOTOCOY THIS MUSIC 10/9L- mer 10/9L- - cy shed, n y Whom the ords of life ere (LUTE / ENNYWHISTLE) death our poco rit spo poco rit - sins are ken, dead a tempo and a tempo in Whose sor - ro ro - y sin - Look on the ken; ners ( ) poco rit shed; heart opt accompaniment Look on the Look on the, Look on the y tears (tacet) tears, look on the tears 10/9L- CD1 - tears tears y y y 10/9L- sin sin - ners shed; - ners, sin - sin - ners ners shed; poco rit shed;

1 Soulful (h = ca -60) C C 8 Soon and ver - y soon, Soon and Very Soon ith opt Electric Bass and ercussion* e are Soon and ver - y soon, indicates CD track numer *arts for percussion and electric ass appear on pages 10-1 Words and Music y Andrae Crouch Arranged y Benamin Harlan goin to see the King! Copyright 196 and This Arrangement 008 Bud ohn Songs (ASCA) Crouch Music (ASCA) (adm y EMI CMG ulishing) Used y ermission All rights reserved rinted in USA SOLE SELLING AGENT OR THIS ARRANGEMENT: THE LORENZ CORORATION, DAYTON, OHIO Reproduction of this pulication ithout permission of the pulisher is a criminal offense suect to prosecution THE CCLI LICENSE DOES NOT GRANT ERMISSION TO HOTOCOY THIS MUSIC 10/6L- e are ML 11 goin to see the King! 1 1 f 10/6L- e are goin to see the King! n Soon and ver - y soon, f Hal -le - f n lu - ah! Hal -le - lu - ah! We re goin to see the King! 0 Hal - le - lu - ah! Hal - le - lu - ah! 0 No more dy - in there, no more dy - in there e are goin to see the King! e are n n No more dy - in there, No more dy - in there; Hal -le - lu - ah, there ll e 10/6L- goin to see the King! CD1-6 Hal-le - lu - ah, there ll e no more, no more dy - in there! goin to see the King! 10/6L- No more dy - in there, f e are Hal-le - lu - ah! Hal -le - f n f

Based on Luke 1:1-6 and Matthe 6:1 Sloly, ith feeling = ca 6 Seek first the King - dom of God, * 1 Seek first the Sloly, ith feeling = ca 6 for rehearsal only rit first the King - dom of rit Seek irst the Kingdom ith opt Orchestra King - dom of God, the God, su **play su And su seek ye King - dom, seek ye all these things shall e Words and Music y Mary McDonald indicates CD track numer *Accompaniment CD egins eats prior to measure 1 to indicate pitch and rhythm **On eat of measure, the pianist may play as ritten if desired, ut the accompaniment CD resumes at measure 8 198 urifoy ulishing, Assigned 1989 to Lorenz ulishing Company, a division of The Lorenz Corporation All rights reserved rinted in USA Reproduction of this pulication ithout permission of the pulisher is a criminal offense suect to prosecution THE CCLI LICENSE DOES NOT GRANT ERMISSION TO HOTOCOY THIS MUSIC 10/0L- D un - to add - ed 10 1 Child It ith movement you simile of is the His 1 10/0L- a - ther, plea - sure child it of is ith movement e are to the His a - ther, plea - sure, 1 Child It of is the His all give a - ther, plea - sure e to are child it a - ther, plea - sure, of is the His all give His His His His 16 chil - dren King - dom chil - dren King - dom 1 1 poco rit poco rit ove rit rit a tempo poco cresc Wait up-on the poco cresc a tempo poco cresc 19 a tempo a tempo poco cresc Wait up - on the poco cresc Lord Set your Lord 10/0L- poco cresc Wait up - on the Lord, up - on the heart and mind on poco cresc Wait up - on Lord, up - on the the Lord, up - on the that hich is a - CD1-6 8 Kno ye Lord, kno ye 1 heart and mind on 10/0L- that His ord is Him ho reigns a - love Set your ove! molto rit molto rit

6 Based on Revelation Moderate sing = ca 10 ( q; r =qce) S Casting Our Crons Don ith Solo, a cappella Words and Music y Larry Shackley 1 don don don Heav - en is ring-ing ith a oy-ful sound as e re Cast-ing our crons on the Heav - at the feet of the Lord cast-ing our crons don 10 cast-ing our crons don Cast-ing our crons on the cast-ing sea en is of crys - tal, ring-ing ith a By the sea, y the cast-ing our crons don Don oy - ful sound as e re sea of crys - tal, ay don, oy - ful sound as e re sea of crys - tal e re cresc don cast-ing our crons 008 Lorenz ulishing Company, a division of The Lorenz Corporation All rights reserved rinted in USA Reproduction of this pulication ithout permission of the pulisher is a criminal offense suect to prosecution THE CCLI LICENSE DOES NOT GRANT ERMISSION TO HOTOCOY THIS MUSIC 10/8L- D 16 cast-ing our 19 crons don don, voice like a trump - et called Come, oh, Come up to heav - en and 1 10/8L- See then in the Spir - it my cresc Spir - it, my ith a oy-ful sound out to me, A come on up! Come up! see hat ill e And hat ill e eyes ere shon a eyes ere shon, shin - ing rain - o all a - round God s shine! All a - round God s Tenor Solo (opt Soprano Solo) Ten - ty four eld - ers all Eld - ers 9 10/8L- praise the Al - might-y oth praise Him ear - in a cron day and day and But hen the throne throne dressed in hite dressed in hite night night Each Oo of the eld-ers is They an - gels start sing - ing they CD1 - cast em don! cast em don! 6 cast-ing our crons on the 9 cast-ing don don don Heav - cast- ing our crons sea of crys - tal, ay don don don, en is ring-ing ith a (reoin section) We re don cresc cast-ing our crons oy-ful sound as e re ith a oy- ful sound Rum - le of thun - der, a 10/8L- rum - le of thun - der and the light - ning s laze The rum - le of thun - der, a

To Touch the Heart of God Words and Music y Ruth Elaine Schram feel the reath that moves like the 9 ings of a dove; Tenderly = 8 6 kno His ound-less love; To come e - fore the throne, to 008 The Lorenz ulishing Company, a division of The Lorenz Corporation All rights reserved rinted in USA Reproduction of this pulication ithout permission of the pulisher is a criminal offense suect to prosecution THE CCLI LICENSE DOES NOT GRANT ERMISSION TO HOTOCOY THIS MUSIC 10/0L- D to 11 1 1 10/0L- no - ler things a - ove; to prayer to lift my heart and mind to the touch the heart of God, this is 0 To poco rall a tempo move the hand of God, this is prayer of - fer my re-quests to the pure and ho - ly One, to poco rall a tempo to 0 To trust in Him Who is out - side of time, and Who give my thoughts and cares to the in - ter - ced - ing Son; place my faith in Him, y Whom all that s good is done, to knos e-fore I speak, hat I need I 10/0L- CD1-8 10/0L-

8 Inspired y salm 10:1-1 You Are orever God ith opt Rhythm Words and Music y epper Choplin 6 Like the grass e gro and flou - rish, 1 With exuerance = 10 You are for - ev - er smoothly With exuerance = 10 9 all our days here soon ill pass a-ay You are e - ter - nal God, We ll for - ev - er glo - ri - fy Your name 1 indicates CD track numers 008 Lorenz ulishing Company, a division of The Lorenz Corporation All rights reserved rinted in USA Reproduction of this pulication ithout permission of the pulisher is a criminal offense suect to prosecution THE CCLI LICENSE DOES NOT GRANT ERMISSION TO HOTOCOY THIS MUSIC 10/09L- D 10/09L- ev - er- last - ing rom age to age, for - ev - er You re the same 1 So e praise your name You are for - ev - er God, the ev-er - last - ing God You are for - ev - er God 18 Lord We ll for - ev - er glo - ri - fy Your name 6 Come, Al-might - y Lord of Hea - ven To Your throne, our 0 You are for - ev - er God Your love ill nev - er end You are for - ev - er 9 gra - ti - tude e ring 10/09L- CD1-9 10/09L- By Your mer - cy, e re for-giv - en

6 By Your mer - cy, e have een re-deemed We cel - e -rate and sing 1 end You are for - ev - er God You are for- ev - er God, God, for - ev - er You are for - ev - er 8 glo - ri-fy 10/09L-6 Your name God, the ev - er last - ing You are for - ev - er Lord We ll for - ev - er God Your love ill nev - er You are for - ev - er God, God You are for-ev - er 10/09L- God, for - ev - er You are for- ev - er God, God, for - ev - er God for - ev - er 6 God God 8 1 We ring grate - ful al - le - lu - ias, We sing, glo - ry, 60 You are for - ev - er God, the ev - er-last - ing Lord We ll for - ev - er 9 glo - ry to Your name Your lov-ing kind - ness is e - ter - nal 6 glo - ri- fy Your name You are for-ev - er God Your love ill nev - er Through ev - ry trial, Your faith-ful-ness re-mains So e praise Your name 66 end You are for-ev - er God You are for-ev - er God 10/09L-8 CD1-10 10/09L-9

Words from Sarum rimer, 18 and ased on salm 19:1, - rayerfully = ca 96 9 in my un - der - God Be in My Head God e in my stand - ing; head, and God e in my Music y Victor C ohnson 008 Lorenz ulishing Company, a division of The Lorenz Corporation All rights reserved rinted in USA Reproduction of this pulication ithout permission of the pulisher is a criminal offense suect to prosecution THE CCLI LICENSE DOES NOT GRANT ERMISSION TO HOTOCOY THIS MUSIC 10/60L- LT 10 1 16 10/60L- eyes, God e in my and speak - ing; in mouth, my and God e in my look - ing; in my heart, and 19 in rit my 9 10/60L- head, rit and unaccomp through m 8 eyes, and a tempo think - ing a tempo in my un - der - cresc in my cresc With motion, freely stand - ing; look - ing; God e in my With motion, freely God e in my God e in my CD1-11 mouth, heart, 1 Moving ahead and and in my in Search me, O God, and Moving ahead = ca 100-10 10/60L- my kno speak - ing; think - ing my heart, God e in my poco rit poco rit test me and kno my

10 1/6 detached Marcato = ca 116 Everlasting God ith optional Rhythm Section and ull Orchestra Strength ill rise as e ait up - on the Lord, e ill ait up - on the Lord, e ill ait up - on Words and Music y Brenton Bron and Ken Riley Arranged y Craig Curry the Lord indicates CD track numers Numers on left are for orchestra only version; numers on right are for orchestra plus rhythm version Copyright 00 Thankyou Music (RS) (adm orldide y EMI CMG ulishing excluding Europe hich is adm y kingsaysongscom) All rights reserved Used y permission Sole selling agent for this 008 arrangement: Lorenz ulishing Company, a division of The Lorenz Corporation Reproduction of this pulication ithout permission of the pulisher is a criminal offense suect to prosecution THE CCLI LICENSE DOES NOT GRANT ERMISSION TO HOTOCOY THIS MUSIC 10/6L- LT 9 Strength ill rise as e ait 11 up - on the Lord, e ill ait 1 10/6L- You reign up - on the Lord, e ill ait up - on the Lord Our God, for - ev - 1 er! Our hope, our Strong De - liv - the Ev - er - last - ing God You do 18 / cresc cresc - - er - er! not faint, You on t gro ear - y 0 You are the Ev - 10/6L- er - last - ing God, /8 8 dim CD1-1 10/6L- Strength ill rise as e ait

11 1 assionately = 69 Speak, O Lord, as e 8 Ho - ly Word; 11 fash - ion us in Your Speak, O Lord ith opt Orchestra come to You to re - ceive the food of Your Take Your truth, plant it like - ness, That the indicates CD track numer Words and Music Keith Getty and Stuart Tonend Arranged y Mary McDonald deep in us; shape and Light of Christ may e 00 and this arrangement 008 ThankYou Music Administered y EMI Christian Music ulishing Brentood, TN All rights reserved Used y permission Sole selling agent for this 008 arrangement: Lorenz ulishing Company, Dayton, OH 01 Reproduction of this pulication ithout permission of the pulisher is a criminal offense suect to prosecution 10/L- THE CCLI LICENSE DOES NOT GRANT ERMISSION TO HOTOCOY THIS MUSIC LT 1 1 seen to-day In our 0 acts of love and our deeds of faith Speak, O Lord, and ful - fill in us all Your pur - pos - es for Your glo - ry 10/L- Teach us, Lord, full o - e - di -ence, Ho - ly rev - er-ence, true hu - 6 mil - i - ty; Test our thoughts and our at - ti- tudes In the 6 ty Words of po r that can nev - er fail, Let their 9 9 ra - di - ance of Your pur - i - ty Cause our truth pre-vail o - ver un - e - lief faith to rise, cause our eyes to see Your ma - es - tic love and au - thor - i - Slightly sloer = 66 Speak, O Lord, and re - 10/L- CD1-1 10/L- roaden Slightly sloer = 66

1 Words y aul Williams Based on Colossians 1:9-1 Walk Worthy B or -part mixed* Music y oseph M Martin Come, give your heart to Christ Live al-ays ear-ing Andante q = Andante q = 10 fruit for Him n Live strength-ened y His might *-part mixed voices omit alto part B Walk or - thy of the Lord 1 Walk Wor - or - thy of the Lord, thy, or - thy, all or - po - er to His thy, 199 TimeSpann Music, Inc (BMI) and urifoy ulishing and this arrangement 008 TimeSpann Music, Inc (BMI) and Lorenz ulishing Co, a division of The Lorenz Corporation All rights reserved rinted in USA Reproduction of this pulication ithout permission of the pulisher is a criminal offense suect to prosecution THE CCLI LICENSE DOES NOT GRANT ERMISSION TO HOTOCOY THIS MUSIC 10/1L- ML 10/1L- 16 name n n or - thy; 19 n Give Him glo - ry, alk or - thy of the Lord n 10/1L- one, the one ho trusts in n give Him hon - or, n Bless - ed is the f for f God, n CD1-1 f 8 p p he is like a tree stream p 0 10/1L- Lord O less - ed is the one plant - ed y a n Walk or - thy of the n n Walk or - thy of the

1 Words y ohn arker 1 Stately grand! Stately = ca 88 In celeration of the 160th anniversary of irst Baptist Church, Shely, North Carolina, Dr Andy Roy, Minister of Music Ho great is God s king-dom! Ho mar -vel-ous and indicates CD track numer Our oyful Declaration! ith opt Brass and Timpani Meas -ure -less in ma - es -ty! Music y Mark Hayes 008 Lorenz ulishing Company, a division of The Lorenz Corporation All rights reserved rinted in USA Reproduction of this pulication ithout permission of the pulisher is a criminal offense suect to prosecution THE CCLI LICENSE DOES NOT GRANT ERMISSION TO HOTOCOY THIS MUSIC 10/L- D 19 10/L- Un - fath -om-a-le! That the Cre- at - or could so love the cre -a - ted! Won-der-ful gift! Match - less re-ard! The CD1-1 11 1 or-ev -er it shall stand! 10/L- 6 0 dim e, God s peo-ple, are cho-sen to de - clare God s on-ders 6 10/L-6 Moderately, in to Moderately, in to = Ho can it e that on the earth in - de-scri - a - le oy e have to de - clare the great - ness of the Sing out, O Lord! church of God, your oy - ful

9 hymn pro-claim Shout it ith thank -ful hearts, the great-ness of God s name Spread good nes ev - ry -here, to ev - ry 8 0 our oy - ful dec - la - ra - We are one tion! part of a ho - ly her - i - na - tion This is our grate - ful song, tage, knit - ted y a com - mon thread of 10/L- 10/L-8 1 Words y ames Michael Stevens iano Hand Drum ercussion (inger Cymals Triangle/Tamourine) C C I Will Clap My Hands Unison or -part ith opt ercussion and Handells* 1 LH Moderately h = 6 C p C p Handells used: octaves () LH Music y oseph M Martin LH simile inger Cymals HD erc clap my hands, make a n oy - ful noise I ill n, clap my hands in the HD erc UNISON VOICES I ill RH clap my hands in the Triangle indicates CD track numer *ercussion / Handell part appears on pages 1-1 pres - ence of the Lord I ill Copyright 19 TimeSpann Music, Inc (BMI) and Triune Music, divisions of The Lorenz Corporation This arrangement 008 TimeSpann Music, Inc (BMI) and Lorenz ulishing Company, divisions of The Lorenz Corporation All rights reserved rinted in USA Reproduction of this pulication ithout permission of the pulisher is a criminal offense suect to prosecution THE CCLI LICENSE DOES NOT GRANT ERMISSION TO HOTOCOY THIS MUSIC 10/68L-, ML HD CD1-16 erc 10 10/68L-, pres-ence of the Lord I ill n clap in the pres- ence of the n Lord

HB CC HD erc 1 I Handells Choir Chimes ill TD 16 n n oy - ful noise n clap my hands, n I ill make a n clap my hands I ill n, HB CC HD erc 19 n clap in the pres - ence of the n n DESCANT (Optional) molto legato Al - le - MELODY (Unison Voices) molto legato Let n prais - es n n molto legato n Lord n lu - ia, o - ver - flo n n n n n al - le - n n n and let the HB CC HD erc HB CC HD erc R (tacet) (tacet) 10/68L- 10/68L- 6 n n 1 n lu - ia, al - le - n lu - ia, HD n lu - ia n hole orld kno n n Glo - ry n n n the glo - ry n due His due our Mak - er s n n n HD erc ae - some might, n n n n n n your prais - es n lift on high, n n n n 8 name name Al - le - n De - clare His n and let your n and let your hands His praise pro - claim n hands His praise pro - claim HD erc n n n n n Triangle n HD erc n n inger Cym n 10/68L-6 CD1-1 10/68L-

16 Words y Charlotte Lee Moderately, expressively = ca ev - ry per - fect Every Gift and Blessing a tempo Ev - ry gift and a tempo a tempo love, less - ing, poco rit rich - es rare and Music y Douglas E Wagner 008 Lorenz ulishing Company, a division of The Lorenz Corporation All rights reserved rinted in USA Reproduction of this pulication ithout permission of the pulisher is a criminal offense suect to prosecution THE CCLI LICENSE DOES NOT GRANT ERMISSION TO HOTOCOY THIS MUSIC 10/8L- LT 10 pre - cious, 1 16 10/8L- God of all a - care, e par - take there - un - dance, e ith us this of God of ev - ry mo - ment, 19 poco rit come to us in poco rit poco rit prayer a tempo Gifts from field a tempo a tempo and 6 8 lief Ev - ry gift and less - ing, vine - yard sup - ply the sa - cred feast; 1 ev - ry per - fect love, rich - es rare and to - kens of our 10/8L- one - ness, signs of our e - CD1-18 10/8L-6 pre - cious, e par - take there - of

CD1-19 1 raise our hymn of grat - i - tude and 1 praise rit or the rit a tempo on - der of each a tempo 18 hour, and the on - der of the 10/L- 0 night, sun and cresc moon and stars of cresc cresc light; Lord of all, to Thee e raise our hymn of accel praise accel 10/L- Expressively Expressively = ca 80 1 *Music y Tom ettke; Words y olliott S ierpoint indicates CD track numer or the eau - ty of the 10/L- Arranged ith ne music y Tom ettke Incorporating ST THOMAS y Aaron Williams (11-16) 008 Lorenz ulishing Company, a division of The Lorenz Corporation All rights reserved rinted in USA Reproduction of this pulication ithout permission of the pulisher is a criminal offense suect to prosecution THE CCLI LICENSE DOES NOT GRANT ERMISSION TO HOTOCOY THIS MUSIC Song of Thanksgiving and raise or the Beauty of the Earth/This Is My ather s World ith opt Brass, Woodinds and ercussion LT Words y olliott S ierpoint (18-191) and Maltie D Bacock (188-1901) earth, for the glo - ry of the 9 skies, for the love hich from our irth o - ver 11 and a - round us lies; Lord of all, to Thee e 10/L- 1

18 1 my house may y filled 8 Commissioned in celeration of God s continuing faithfulness for the 1th anniversary of Chippaa resyterian Church, Niagra alls, Ontario Nancy Moody, Music Coordinator Based on Luke 1:1-, Mark :1-1, and Matthe 11:8 Bring Them In ith Solo and opt Narration, Rhythm and Electronic Organ Bring them * in, ring them Words and Music y epper Choplin Narration: The master said to the servant, Go out into the streets and lands of the city, and ring in the poor, the crippled, Warm and inviting = ca 6 the lind and the lame Then go out to the highays and hedges and compel people to come in, so that *Each time, voices should fall off the second 16th note indicated CD track numers in, 008 Lorenz ulishing Company, a division of The Lorenz Corporation All rights reserved rinted in USA Reproduction of this pulication ithout permission of the pulisher is a criminal offense suect to prosecution THE CCLI LICENSE DOES NOT GRANT ERMISSION TO HOTOCOY THIS MUSIC 10/10L- D 11 1 1 ring them all to ring them in, 10/10L- e - sus Bring them in, ring them all to the Lord They rought a friend ho as suf-fer-ing to 0 ask for heal - ing from the Lord But so man - y crod-ed in the 8 don to e - sus e - lo The Lord said, Son, your sins are for - 10/10L- dell - ing, door So they they could-n t get their friend through the lift - ed him to the roof-top then CD1-0 1 10/10L- giv - en faith has made you Take up your ed, take up your ed, your hole, you are made hole So let us

6 6 ring them in, ring them in, ring them all to come to me ho are ea - ry and I ill give you 0 e - sus 10/10L-6 Bring them ring them all to the Lord in, ring them in, No 9 6 10/10L- rest lessed And all ho come My in hum-le faith, they ill is done hen the ill e sure - ly peo - ple come: my 19 Based on salm 10:1-6 Commissioned y the Youth Choir of irst United Methodist Church, ort Worth, Texas Wings of the Wind Words and Music y Ruth Elaine Schram rit hich shall not e moved a tempo oerfully = 8 ings Who makes the oerfully = 8 of the ind clouds His char - i - ot Who laid the earth s Who rides foun - da - tions, the rit 9 a tempo 11 are, ho lim - it-less Your God, ho on - der-ful You poer, ho glo - ri-ous Your 008 Lorenz ulishing Company, a division of The Lorenz Corporation All rights reserved rinted in USA Reproduction of this pulication ithout permission of the pulisher is a criminal offense suect to prosecution THE CCLI LICENSE DOES NOT GRANT ERMISSION TO HOTOCOY THIS MUSIC 10/696L- LT CD1-1 10/696L-

1 Name God, ho on - der-ful You 19 rise; our spir - it glo - ri - 1 are, ev - ry min - ute, ev - ry hour, from age to age the 0 fies Your Ho - ly Name! In 1 same Up - on the ings of faith, e ae, e or - ship You as 10/696L- 10/696L- 6 one; Your mir - a - cles and on - ders, e pro - 6 Bless 10/696L-6 the God, ho on - der-ful You claim! Lord, oh, my are, ho lim - it-less Your CD1-1 Black Gospel unk = ca 10 + Sax 0 Commissioned in honor of Dr Bill Green in celeration of his leadership at alls Creek Baptist Assemly, y the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma I ve found a riend ho is nd time only love is ev - er cures my soul each indicates CD track numers Saved, Saved! ith opt Alto Saxophone and Rhythm 1st time only all to me; His saves me from ev - ry sin and harm; Se - - Sax true day, Arranged y Craig Curry Words and Music y ack Scholfield I I m love to tell ho He lean - ing strong on His 008 Lorenz ulishing Company, a division of The Lorenz Corporation All rights reserved rinted in USA Reproduction of this pulication ithout permission of the pulisher is a criminal offense suect to prosecution 10/06L- THE CCLI LICENSE DOES NOT GRANT ERMISSION TO HOTOCOY THIS MUSIC D

10 lift - ed me, And might - y arm; I 1 16 10/06L- 1X X po r you ay + Sax di - vine! hat His grace can kno He ll guide me Saved Saved, I m saved! do all oth times Saved Saved, I m saved to ne life for the y His su-lime! 19 1 10/06L- Life no is seet and my saved! 1 + Sax - Sax He oy is com-plete for I m saved, saved! + Sax You kno I m sa - aved! saved, You kno I m sa- 6 8 6 You kno I m sa-aved! aved! 1 When poor and need - y and - Sax ter - nal - ly! + Sax 0 all a - lone, In love, He said to me, Come Saved y His po r di - vine! un - to Me and I ll lead you home, To live ith Me e - Saved to ne life su - lime! 10/06L-6 + Sax - Sax CD1-10/06L-

1 1 6 With a floating smoothness heard indicates CD track numer Holy Mystery ith opt Rhythm We e - lieve hat e have seen and We e - lieve hat e read in Your Words and Music y epper Choplin 008 Lorenz ulishing Company, a division of The Lorenz Corporation All rights reserved rinted in USA Reproduction of this pulication ithout permission of the pulisher is a criminal offense suect to prosecution THE CCLI LICENSE DOES NOT GRANT ERMISSION TO HOTOCOY THIS MUSIC 10/0L- LT 8 10 1 Word But e some have an - sers e may nev - er 1 10/0L- see, So have so man - y ques - tions, and kno for the things our eyes can - not give us faith to sim - ply let it 16 mys - ter - y, mys - ter - y, part e: mys - ter - y, mys - ter - Ev - ry- thing e preach is ust a 18 mys - ter - y mys - ter - y, mys - ter - y y, mys - ter - start, for Your truth s a might - y moun - tain and 0 y 10/0L- All e kno is ust a tin - y CD1-6 10/0L- all e see is ust a dis-tant gaze So

6 9 for the things our eyes can - not see, rom The Church s One oundation (/11L) Bound for the romised Land ith opt Orchestra Lloyd Larson Quoting familiar hymns 1 10/0L-6 give us faith to sim - ply let it e: mys - ter - y, mys - ter - y 8 1 With a gospel sing = ca 80 ( q; r =qce) * A - maz - ing grace! * Amazing Grace! Text: ohn Neton; Tune: Virginia Harmony, 181; adapt Edin O Excell indicates CD track numer Ho 00 Lorenz ulishing Company, a division of The Lorenz Corporation All rights reserved rinted in USA Reproduction of this pulication ithout permission of the pulisher is a criminal offense suect to prosecution THE CCLI LICENSE DOES NOT GRANT ERMISSION TO HOTOCOY THIS MUSIC 10/L- LT 11 1 1 seet retch once 10/L- the like as lost, sound me! me, me! that cresc cresc cresc ut no like saved me! am found, a I as CD1-1 lind ut 9 10/L- man - y no I dan - gers, see see, no I toils and see snares Through I

have al - read - y come; Through man - y dan - gers I ve tis 6 * When I can read my ti - tle clear to come; grace grace has rought that rought me me safe safe thus thus far, and far, 9 man - sions in the skies, I ll id fare - ell to 1 grace ill lead rit rit me Quick, steady tempo = ca 10 (even 8th notes) Quick, steady tempo home ev - ry fear, and ipe my eep - ing eyes Let * When I Can Read My Title Clear, Text: Isaac Watts; Tune: Traditional American melody; Kentucky Harmony, 1816 10/L- 10/L-6 6 cares like a ild del - uge come, and storms of sor - ro 8 6 ound for the prom - ised land, I am ound for the prom - ised land, I am 9 6 10/L- fall! May God, my heav n, my I ut safe - ly all reach my home, my * On ordan s Stormy Banks I Stand! Text: Samuel Stennett; Tune: Music: Traditional American melody * I am CD1-6 68 land; 1 10/L-8 ound O for the prom - ised ho ill come and land go ith me I am When