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广东第二师范学院 2013 年本科插班生 英语听力 考试大纲 (2012 年 12 月 ) Ⅰ 考试性质 普通高等学校本科插班生招生考试是由专科毕业生参加的选拔性考试 高等学校根据考生的成绩, 按已确定的招生计划, 德 智 体全面衡量, 择优录取 因此, 本科插班生考试应有较高的信度 效度 必要的区分度和适当的难度 Ⅱ 考试内容 1 考试基本要求根据 高等学校英语专业教学大纲 二年级听力教学的要求 2 考核知识范围及考核要求考查 Listen to This>1-2 册 听力教程 (1-2) 中所涉及的主要听力技能 难度与英语专业四级考试中的听力水平相近 Ⅲ 考试形式及试卷结构 1. 考试形式 : 闭卷 ; 考试时间 :60 分钟 ; 试卷满分 :100 分 2. 试卷内容比例 : 段落约占 40%, 对话占 55%, 新闻报道占 5% 3. 题目难易比例 : 试题难易适中, 较易题目约占 60%, 中等难度约占 20%, 较难题约占 20%, 无偏题 4. 试卷题型比例 : 共有 6 大题型 : 听写题 (15%) 听力理解题 (15%) 听对话填空 (10%) 听短文填空 (20%) 正误判断 (20%) 和听对话回答问题 (20%) Ⅳ 参考书目 1. Listen to This (1-2), 何其莘编, 外语教学研究出版社,2003 2. 听力教程 (1-2), 施心远编, 上海外语教育出版社,2010 Ⅴ 题型示例 PART I DICTATION (15%) Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be read at normal speed, listen and try to

understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be read at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minutes to check through your work once more. Please write the whole passage on the ANSWER SHEET. Now listen to the passage. ( 听写材料文字稿 ) THE RAILWAYS IN BRITAIN The success of early railways, such as the lines between big cities, /led to a great increase in railway building in Victorian times./ Between 1835 and 1865 about 25000 kilometres of track were built, / and over 100 railway companies were created./ Railway travel transformed people s lives. / Trains were first designed to carry goods. / However, a law in the 19 th century forced railway companies to run one cheap train a day / which stopped at every station and cost a penny a mile. / Soon working class passengers found they could afford to travel by rail./ Cheap day excursion trains became popular and seaside resorts grew rapidly./ The railways also provided thousands of new jobs:/ building carriages, running the railways and repairing the tracks./ Railways even changed the time. / The need to run the railways on time meant that local time was abolished / and clocks showed the same time all over the country./ The second and third readings. You should begin writing now. The last reading. Now, you have two minutes to check through your work. (a 2-minute interval) This is the end of the Dictation PART II LISTENING COMPREHENSION (15%) In Sections A,B and C you will hear everything once only. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your answer sheet. SECTION A CONVERSATIONS In this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the conversation. 1. Which is NOT Mr. Lewis purpose of the visit?

A. To visit friends. B. To give concerts. C. To vacation. D. To give private lessons. 2. What kind of cello did Mr. Lewis use when he was eight? A. A full-sized cello. B. A half-sized cello. C. A two-thirds-sized cello. D. It is not mentioned. 3. What does the conversation say about Mr. Lewis cello? A. He always takes it with him. B. It was made by his uncle. C. He borrowed it from his uncle. D. He got a seat free for his cello. SECTION B PASSAGES In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 11 to 13 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the passage. 11. What happened on January 27 th, 1967? A. Three men were injured during a fire. B. One man died during the fire accident. C. A fire started inside a spaceship. D. A spaceship was launched. 12. What happened in 1981? A. The space programme was suspended. B. Five men were injured during an accident. C. The accident occurred before the rehearsal. D. No accident happened that year. 13. What does the passage say about accidents? A. Accidents are unavoidable. B. Accidents can be avoided. C, Human beings are always careless. D. There should be more precautions. SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST Questions 21 to 23 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the news.

21. Who sponsored the conference on population? A. Cairo. B. The World Bank. C. The United Nations. D. The World Health Organization. 22. The current rate of annual increase in the world population is about. A. 9 million B. 5.7 million C. 90 million D. 20 million 23. Which of the following concerning the document is NOT true? A. The document will cover the next two decades. B. The document will win support from the delegates. C. The document will serve as a guideline. D. The document will be completed after the conference. Part III Complete the following short dialogue as you listen to it. Pay special attention to the weak forms, link up and contractions. 10% David: (1) the matter? Sue: Oh, I (2) know. David: Oh, (3) it s something. What (4)? Sue: It s just life, (5) so boring. David: Oh, it s not so bad (6) got Daniel! Sue: But (7) only a baby! (8) right for you. (9) leave the house in five minutes. (10) be here all day. (11) you come home? You (12)come home till seven! David: (13) must go to work, dear. Sue: Yes, but your day ll be interesting. My (14) be the same as every day. David: My (15) always interesting. Sue: I know, but you (16),you meet different people and you do different things. (17) I meet today? (18) I do? Eh? (19) wash up, feed the baby, do the washing, clean the house, bath the baby, take the dog (20)... David: But but dear. PART IV Listen to the following passage and complete it.20% A. There have been numerous strange ideas (1) lately, spoken of on the news, printed in the opinion pages of newspapers and spoken on the street. Of all these ideas, one stands out as (2) some people say that women should not be allowed to vote. People with this idea (3) in strange ways. Sometimes, they

say that having women vote is (4) energy, and that women should save their energies for taking care of their children. And at other times, people say that voting takes women out the home. Women should cook, clean, and do other womanly things. As I said, this idea is bizarre, and I think something differently. My idea is that women should be able to vote. (5) should be fair. If men can vote, and women cannot, how is this fair to women? Next, women should (6). They are half of society, and having the right to vote (7). And finally, if women have votes, (8) to do things that help women. We will, then, get leaders that care about (9). PART V True or false questions. Write a T in front of a statement if it is true and an F if it is false according to the recording. 20%. This part will be read to you twice. 1 Daniel and Michelle Burns gave up their jobs just because they felt underpaid. 2 Daniel used to be a sales manager and Michelle an advertising executive. 3 According to Michelle, a big house and two cars mean everything in life. 4 They found this Scottish craft through advertisement. 5 They raise all sorts of animals for money. 6 Living a natural life in the country makes them happy. 7 When he was a factory worker, Luke had to do monotonous work every day. 8 People abroad were uncooperative and Luke had to try hard to solve problems. 9 Luke had friendly relationship with people abroad. He could communicate with them without knowing their language. 10 He had to go to hospital once in India. PART VI Questions and answers. Listen to a conversation and answer the following questions briefly. 20%. This part will be read to you three times. 1. Where did Mr and Mrs Wilson go for their summer holiday? 2. How did they feel about the tour? 3. What did Mr and Mrs Wilson decide3 to do when they returned home? 4. What did Mr Wilson complain about I his letter? 5. What will the Wilsons never do in the future?