A Congregation of the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches

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A Congregation of the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches

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A Congregation of the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches

A Congregation of the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches

A Congregation of the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches

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The Lord s Service. A Reformed Evangelical Congregation

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T Lord s Service Augt 7, 2016 trityeastaycom A Congregation of Communion of Remed Evangelical Churcs

T Lord s Service Augt 7, 2016! T Season After Pentecost THE ENTRANCE HYMN Mister: In name of Far, of Son, of Holy Spirit, let orship God Psalm 2 1 2 3 4 Why Though O Take do proud peo ed, ly ples, O rest no lis ru less y ten lers a raise of n ir mad at LORD's earth, ly tle de rage cry, cree, ar; What Ho For Be haugh va un ise, ty is O scmes all Me kgs, are ir He y fren made let zied this His va op de e con po clar dict triv si a arn g tion! tion: you Ó Ó T T "Thou Re kgs LORD, art joice ho My ith rul sits Son, trem ers en I lg, of throned have serve e earth av'n got LORD en on ten ith gage high, Te fear In Laughs This No rash at tempts m ver kiss y scorn: day, Son, He To lest plot has Te He ir m I'll emp give fu ty de ry striv ri na scorn g sion tions you, Ó Ó T Congregation ill please st

T Lord s Service Augt 7, 2016! T Season After Pentecost Ty Tn Ask Lest st He hat pre ill Thou His pared, speak ilt: rath y Thy all rath r LORD con it cae spire age you dig I'll geth na make per er tion m; ish, A And Tir For gast all ls ir shalt quick ly LORD host Thou k ill pos dled His He sess, is a not ed ith oth His ter near an ror ger's Kg fill: far laze Ó Ó "Let "I've Lo, But," set ith all y my a ho say, Kg," rod trt "tear so of loose runs i Him His ron reak proc shalt LORD ir la Thou ill fet ma reak cr ters, tion, m, ish; Cast 'Up Dash He off on m ill ir Mount de chas, Zi piec fend ir on, es shack on like less les My a m from ho pot all ly ter's ir flg" Hill" jar" days vers William Helder, 1980 10 11 10 11 11 10 11 10 Genevan Psalter, 1539 harm Orgelegeleidg Bij Het Psalmzgen, 1947 T Congregation ill please st

T Lord s Service Augt 7, 2016! T Season After Pentecost SALUTATION Mister: Grace you peace, name of Far, of Son, of Holy Spirit T Lord e ith you Cong: T Lord less you Mister: Our Help is name of Lord!!!! Psalm 124:8a Cong: Maker of aven earth!!!!!!! Psalm 124:8 Mister: I rejoiced n y said me, Let go hoe of Lord!! Psalm 122:1! Cong: Our feet are stg ith your gates, O Jeralem!!!! Psalm 122:2 Mister: Let pray THE COLLECT FOR PURITY Cong: Almighty God, un hom all arts are open, all desires knon, from hom no secrets are hid, cleanse thoughts of our arts y spiration of Your Holy Spirit, that e may perfectly love You, orthily magnify Your glorio Name, through Jes Christ our Lord Amen CONFESSION AND ABSOLUTION Mister: (Call Confession) Come let orship o don!! Cong: And kneel ee Lord our Maker!! Psalm 95:6 ~ Let all ho are ale, KNEEL ~ Cong: O God, our avenly Far, We confess You that e have grievoly sned agast You thought, ord, deed; Not only outard transgressions, But also secret thoughts desires that e are unale fully underst, But hich are all knon You We are need of deliverance from Your enemies our firmities For this reason e flee refuge Your fite mercy, Seekg implorg Your giveness deliverance, Through our Lord, Jes Christ Amen Mister: Arise ar good nes of God s giveness: Almighty God, His mercy, has given His Son die you, His sake gives you all your ss name of Far of Son of Holy Spirit T Congregation ill please st

ACCLAMATION Ï Hal le lu yah! 3 Praise God Fa r, Son, j Ho ly Spi rit 3 Glo ry You, O Lord, 3 oth no ev er j Hal le lu yah! Mister: Lift up your arts! Congregation: We lift m up Lord Mister: Let give thanks un Lord our God Congregation: It is pro per right do so T Lord s Service Augt 7, 2016! T Season After Pentecost T Congregation ill please st

Mister: It is truly proper, right, eneficial, that e should at all times, all places give thanks un You, O Lord, Holy Far, Almighty Everlastg God Tree ith angels archangels, ith all company of aven, hole church on earth, e laud magnify your glorio name; evermore praisg you, sayg: THE SANCTUS Ho ly! Ho ly! Ho ly! Lord, God of Hosts 3 Hea ven earth are full of Your glo ry! Ho san na High est! 3 Bless ed is ho comes name of Lord Ho san na High est! T Lord s Service Augt 7, 2016! T Season After Pentecost T Congregation ill please st

T Lord s Service Augt 7, 2016! T Season After Pentecost c Beatitudes 1 Blessed are poor Spirit, irs_is kgdom of av en c Blessed_are y ho mourn, y shall e comted # # n ẇ 2 Blessed are meek, y_shall rit earth n ẇ # Blessed are y ho hunger thirst righteoness, y shall e # 3 filled Blessed are merciful, y_shall o ta n # mer # cy Blessed are pure art, y shall see 4 y shall e God Blessed are peacemakers, called children of n T Congregation ill please st

T Lord s Service Augt 7, 2016! T Season After Pentecost God Blessed are y ho are persecuted righteo ness' sake, irs_is # # 5 are you n y shall revile you kgdom of aven Blessed perse cute you, say all manner of evil agast you falsely my sake n ẇ # Rejoice e exceedgly glad! For great is your re ard aven; so y persecuted # 6 Far propts ho ere e e_you Glory Son; Ho ly Spir it; As it as egng is no ev er shall e; age_after age A men # # n ẇ T Congregation ill please st

T Lord s Service Augt 7, 2016! T Season After Pentecost (THE CONGREGATION IS SEATED) THE READING OF THE LESSON THE LESSON!!!!!!!!!! Genesis 15:16 Mister: T Word of Lord Cong: Thanks e God! THE READING OF THE EPISTLE THE EPISTLE!!!!!!!! Heres 11:16 Mister: T Word of Lord Cong: Thanks e God THE READING OF THE GOSPEL (All STAND) Mister: No ar Gospel of our Lord Jes Christ, accordg St Luke, chapter 12, verse 22 verse 34! Mister: T Gospel of our Lord Cong: Praise e You O Christ ~ n Gospel shall e read~ THE READING OF THE SERMON TEXT (REMAIN STANDING) THE TEXT 1 Samuel 1112 Mister: T Word of Lord Cong: Thanks e God NICENE CREED: WE BELIEVE IN ONE GOD, THE FATHER ALMIGHTY; Maker of aven earth, of all thgs visile visile AND IN ONE LORD JESUS CHRIST, only egotten Son of God, egotten of Far ee all orlds; God of God; Light of Light, very God of very God; egotten, not made; eg of one stance ith Far, y hom all thgs ere made; Who men, our salvation, came don from aven; And as carnate y Holy Ghost of Virg Mary, as made man; And as crucified also under Ponti Pilate He suffered as uried; And third day rose aga accordg Scriptures; And ascended aven; And sits on right h of Far And shall come aga ith glory judge oth quick dead; Whose kgdom shall have no end AND WE BELIEVE IN THE HOLY GHOST; Lord Giver of life; ho proceeds from Far Son; ho ith Far Son ger is orshiped glorified; ho spoke y propts one holy catholic aposlic Church We acknoledge one aptism remission of ss And e look resurrection of dead; And life of orld come Amen THE SERMON PRAYER OF CONSECRATION GIVING OF TITHES AND OFFERINGS T Congregation ill please st

T Lord s Service Augt 7, 2016! T Season After Pentecost Doxology (We lift our arts, voices, hs praise God) PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING T Congregation ill please st

T Lord s Service Augt 7, 2016! T Season After Pentecost O Love, Ho Deep, Ho Broad, Ho High 1 2 3 4 5 6 n O For For For For All love, glo ho ap ry deep, tized, prayed; e rose ho vil from our road, po'r death Lord ho e a high, ore taught; trayed, ga; God ho his scourged, n pass ho mocked, love God, ords ore Tr g ly his so temp i thought fast dai pur ent deep, Son ta signs shame sent ty, ly ple on so of tion ful his hom fan hun orks roe high high, God, sharp ac cross Spir e ta gered ar so should tions it a sy, sore; rought: rayed, reign; road: take kne, th death; re dore that y our still mor seek guide, ev tal g gave er m temp not up strength ter him his en mor o self dy ev tals' ver ut g er sake thre reath cer more Lat hymn, 15th cent Tr y Benjam We, 1854, 1871 85 LM DEO GRACIAS Anon, 1415 T Congregation ill please st

T Lord s Service Augt 7, 2016! T Season After Pentecost THE PRAYER OF THE CHURCH Mister: Let st prayer! Wnever mister shall say: Lord, ar our prayer!! T congregation shall respond: For you are gracio Mister: And no has taught, e are old pray: THE LORD S PRAYER THE LORD S SUPPER (all seated) At Trity Church East Bay e vite tale all of those ho have een aptized Name of Far, of Son, of Holy Spirit, ho are livg sumission Jes Christ His Church, regardless of age or mental capacity After example of our Lord, e drk real e e eat of read, drk e as y are passed Thanksgivg Bread Words of Institution (Communion Hymn next page) T Congregation ill please st

T Lord s Service Augt 7, 2016! T Season After Pentecost T Congregation ill please st

T Lord s Service Augt 7, 2016! T Season After Pentecost Thanksgivg We Words of Institution At TCEB, e don t thk Lord s supper is a time of gloom trospection It is family meal of Christ s people, re Christ himself vites sit at His tale It is a joyo feast, re e commune ith Christ His ody, Church Tree e encourage you greet speak those around you, peace of Christ, as e is passed Mister: T Body Blood of our Lord strengn preserve you steadfast true faith un life everlastg; Name of Far, of Son, of Holy Spirit Amen THE SONG OF SIMEON!!!!!!!! Luke 2:3032 # # smoothly unison Lord, no lettestthouthy ser vant depart peace; accordg Thy ord; # # # # # # For me eyes have seen thy sal va tion: hich thou hast pre pared # # # # e e face of all peo ple; A light light en Gentiles: # # # # glo ry of Thy peo ple Is ra el T Congregation ill please st

T Lord s Service Augt 7, 2016! T Season After Pentecost # # # # Glo ry e Fa r, Son, Ho ly Ghost: # # # # As it as e gng, is no, ev er shall e, orld ith out end A men CHARGE:!!!!!!! Mat 28:1820 BENEDICTION:!!!!!! Numers 6:2426 THREEFOLD AMEN POSTLUDE Announcements This Friday, Augt 12th, re ill e a hymn sg dessert felloship @ 7pm at Seourn s home Tir address is 3587 Oakes Dr Hayard If you re ale, please rg a dessert share Next Sunday, Augt 14th, Pasr Wetmore ill e gone on vacation Elder David Gregg from Covenant Presyterian Church Ceres, CA ill e leadg service deliverg sermon T Congregation ill please st