Sarah MacDonald. Advent Responsories. for SSAT soli and unaccompanied mixed voices

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Sarah MacDonald Advent Resonsories or SSAT soli unaccoanied mixed voices

Words: Matin Resond, Advent Sunday or Selyn College Chael Choir, Advent 2016 Matin Resonsory Music: SARAH MACDONALD SOLO SOPRANO I h = 52 2 SOLO SOPRANO II 2 Ó rom a ar: SOLO ALTO (or II) 2 SOLO TENOR 2 Ó Œ I look rom a ar: 5 Ó Œ J Œ lo, I see the o r o God com ing, I 10 Ó Œ a cloud, a cloud, a a cloud, Ó Œ Œ cloud, co Œ j vering the 15 Ó hole earth. J Go ye out to meet him, say: Coyright 2017 Encore Publications. All rights reserved. Printed in the UK.

19 Œ Œ? Tell us, art thou he, he that should Œ Œ 2? come to reign ov er thy eo le 27 High ra el?? lo, rich oor, I 2 one ith an o ther, one ith an o ther, J Go ye out to meet him, say:

4 7 Œ Œ? Tell us, art thou he, he that should Œ Œ 41? come to reign ov er thy eo le 45 Hear, O thou she herd o ra el, ra el?? Œ 50 thou that lead est Jo seh like a shee. 5 Œ Œ? Tell us, art thou he, he that should Œ Œ

I 57 Stir Stir u thy strength, O Lord, come to u thy strength, O Lord, come to Stir u thy strength, O Lord, come to come? Œ Œ Œ? 5 I 62 Œ reign ov er thy eo le ra el. Œ reign ov er thy eo le ra el. Œ reign ov er thy eo le ra el. Ó Glo ry be to the 67 Fa ther, to the Ho ly Ghost. Œ Œ to the Son, to the Ho ly Ghost. to the Ho ly Ghost.

6 I 7 I look rom a ar: Ó rom Ó Œ a ar: 77 Ó Œ J Œ lo, I see the o r o God com ing, I 82 Ó Œ a cloud, a cloud, a a cloud, Ó Œ Œ cloud, co Œ j vering the 87 Ó hole earth. J Go ye out to meet him, say: 91 Œ Œ? Tell us, art thou he, he that should Œ Œ

7 sere 95 Œ? come to reign ov er thy eo sere le ra el? Thy Œ 101 eo le? ra el, ra ra el, ra el, el, Œ thy eo Œ le I 105 Ó Ó Ó thy thy thy thy eo eo eo eo le ra el? le ra el? le ra el? Ó le ra el? ra el??

8 Come, thou Redeemer o the earth Words: St Ambrose (40 97), translated by J.M. Neale (1818 66) others 4 German traditional melody, adated by Michael Praetorius (1571 1621), harmony by Sarah MacDonald (ORGAN) 1. Come, 2. Be? 4 thou got Re deem er o ten o no hu the man earth, ill, And But ma o ni the 6? est thy Si rit, vir thou gin birth: Let art still The ev ry age Word o God, a in dor ing lesh ar 12? all, rayed, Such The birth Sa be its the viour, no to God man o dis all. layed.. The virgin omb that burden gained With virgin honour all unstained, The banner there o irtue glo, God in his tele dells belo. 5. O equal to thy Father, thou! Gird on thy leshly mantle no, The eakness o our mortal state With deathless might invigorate. 4. Forth rom that chamber goeth he, That royal home o urity, A giant in toold substance one, Rejoicing no his course to run. 7. Thy cradle here shall glitter bright, And darkness glo ith neborn light, No more shall might extinguish day, Where love s bright beams their oer dislay. 5. From God the Father he roceeds, To God the Father back he seeds, Runs out his course to death hell, Returns on God s high throne to dell. 8. O Jesu, Virginbirth, to thee Eternal raise glory be, Whome ith the Father e adore And Holy Sirit, evermore. Amen. This hymn can be erormed in several ays to suit articular circumstances: a) ith a solo voice or small grou singing the melody in verse 1, b) unaccoanied SATB (choir only) in verse 2, c) SATB throughout ith or ithout organ accoaniment.

Words: Veser Resond, Advent Sunday I h = 52 2 2 2 2 J Veser Resonsory Judah Je ru sa lem, ear not, nor be dis mayed. Tomorro 2 Ó Music: SARAH MACDONALD Œ J Tomorro J Ó Œ J J Ó Œ j j J Tomorro 9? 2 6? Ó orth, the Lord, he ill be ith you. orth, the Lord, he ill be ith you. orth, the Lord, he ill be ith you. Ó the Lord, he ill be ith you. Ó St ye

10 11 still, ye shall see the sal va tion o the Lord. To morro Ó Œ J To morro J Ó Œ J J Ó Œ j j J To morro? 16 orth, the Lord, he ill be ith you. orth, the Lord, he ill be ith you. orth, the Lord, he ill be ith you. Ó the Lord, he ill be ith you.? Ó Ó Glo ry be to the

22 Fa ther, to the Son, to the Ho ly Ghost. Tomorro Ó Œ J Tomorro J Ó Œ J J Ó Œ j j Œ Tomorro 11? 28 Œ orth, the Lord, he ill be ith you. The Lord, Œ orth, the Lord, he ill be ith you. The Lord, Œ orth, the Lord, he ill be ith you. The Lord, he he he Ó the Lord, he ill be ith you.? Ó

12 4 ill be ith you. ill be ith you. ill be ith you. Ó Œ Ó Œ he? he Ó Œ ill be ith 8 ill be ith you. you.?