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National Convention and Diocesan Conference MUSIC FOR DIVINE LITURGY AND VESPERS Sixth Edition 2007 The Self-Ruled Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese Department of Sacred Music

00-b Preface The first edition of this Standard Conference Liturgy appeared in 1972 at the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese Convention in Atlanta, Georgia. In the ensuing years, its use at both the national conventions and diocesan (formerly regional) conferences, its use at the Sacred Music Institute, and its dissemination to our parishes has enabled this music to become familiar throughout the Archdiocese. In this, the sixth edition, we have retained most of the music from previous editions, added a few new settings, provided updated rubrics and music for when the bishop serves, and recomputerized all of the music into Finale format, correcting various textual and musical typographical errors. The Department of Sacred Music has standardized many elements of each selection as a model for future publications. We are now using as standard text THE PSALTER, According to the Seventy, published by Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Boston, MA, 1987, for all communion hymns and psalm verses. All titles are in English except for the word Theotokos (Birth-giver of God), and Is Polla Eti Dhespota (Many Years Master), which are standard in most Orthodox jurisdictions. From previous editions, we continue to include the following: the name of the composer and the birth and death date, where possible, to indicate the era of the music (although in cases where the composer is still living, no dates appear); distinction between original compositions, adaptations and arrangements; indications of the original language of adapted works; references to the eight tones for both Byzantine and non-byzantine music; and the date, the revision number, and the initials of the computerizer at the bottom of each piece of music. The Department is continually grateful to the faithful and excellent work of Michael Kargatis, whose initial work in computerizing our music was invaluable; and to Michael Farrow, our Vice-Chairman, who supervised the entire project, researched the composers, adapters, and arrangers. My thanks also to Michael Farrow and all of our Diocesan Choir Directors for proofing the text and music of this version as it was being computerized. My special thanks to James Meena, our former chairman, for initially revising the content of this Convention Music, and bringing much needed organization to this department. May God grant you all many years! It is the goal of the Department of Sacred Music that with the availability of this Convention Music, and other pieces of music up on our web site, as well as our many publications available through the Antiochian Archdiocese, all choir directors and choir members will make a good faith effort to learn this music and use it to the extent possible in their diocesan and local parish choirs. This way, when we gather together for our National Conventions and our Diocesan Conferences, we will be familiar with these standard works, and be able to join together in the wonderful experience of singing praises to our God in unity, as one Family in Christ. With the talents given to us by God, with our dedication and love for Christ and His Church, let us all be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with all (our) heart, always and for everything giving thanks in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God the Father (Ephesians 5:18-20). May the God who has given us this Life bless and be with you all! Christopher Holwey, Chairman January, 2007 Department of Sacred Music The Self-Ruled Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America www.antiochian.org/music

THE TABLE OF CONTENTS 00-c 00 00-b Preface 00-c Table of Contents 00-d Preserve O Lord (Meena) Many Years Master DIVINE LITURGY 1 Great Litany 1-A Smolensky 1-F Finley 2 Refrain of the First Antiphon 2-A Lvov/Hilko 2-B Meena 2-F Finley 3 Little Litany #1 3-A Hilko & Meena 3-F Finley 4 Refrain of the Second Antiphon and Only-Begotten Son 4-A Hazeem & Starorussky 4-B Meena 4-F Traditional/Finley/Meena 5 Little Litany #2 5-A Hilko & Meena 5-F Finley 6 Resurrectional Troparia 6.1 Tone 1 Kazan 6.2 Tone 2 Kazan 6.3 Tone 3 Kazan 6.4 Tone 4 Kazan 6.5 Tone 5 Kazan 6.6 Tone 6 Kazan 6.7 Tone 7 Kazan 6.8 Tone 8 Kazan 6.9 Elevation of Cross Karam/Farrow 7 Entrance Hymn 7-A Radzumovsky/Gelsinger 7-B Meena 7-F Traditional/Finley 8 Parish Troparion 8-A Host Parish 8-B St. George-Gelsinger 8-C SS. Peter and Paul oline/holwey 9 Kontakia 9-A Usual Sunday Karam 10 Trisagion Hymn 10-A Holy God (Byz. Tone 3) Arabic Hilko 10-B Holy God (Byz. Tone 3) English Hilko 10-C Holy God English Vitoshinsky/Gelsinger 10-D Before Thy Cross Karam 10-F Holy God Finley 11 Hierarchical Trisagion 11-A Greek (Tone 2) Meena 11-B English (Tone 2) Meena 11-C English (Tone 3) Hilko 12 Gospel Responses 12-A Hilko 12-F Finley 13 Cherubic Hymn 13-A Gretchaninov/Ghazel 13-B Bortniansky #5/Hilko 13-C Bortniansky #7/George 13-D Golitsin/Hilko 13-E Voronkoff 13-F Finley 13-G Tchaikovsky/Meena 13-H Holwey 14 Litany of the Anaphora 14-A Hilko (Russian Traditional) 14-B Meena (Byzantine Tone 5) 14-C Hazeem 14-F Finley 15 The Creed 16 The Anaphora 16-A Meena (Tone 5) 16-B Lirin/Gelsinger 16-F Finley 17 Hymn to the Theotokos 17-A Bortniansky/Gelsinger 17-B Tchaikovsky/Meena 17-C Warren 17-F Finley 18 Litany Before the Lord s Prayer 18-A Hilko 18-F Finley 19 The Lord s Prayer continued on next page

THE TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont d) 00-c 20 After Lord s Prayer/One is Holy 20-A Hilko 20-F Finley 21 Communion Prayer 22 Communion Hymn 22-A Sunday-Dalack/Hilko 22-B Sunday-Arnold/Gelsinger 22-C Sunday-Voronkoff 22-D Sunday-Farrow 22-E Monday-Farrow 22-F Tuesday-Farrow 22-G Wednesday-Farrow 22-H Thursday-Farrow 22-I Friday-Farrow 22-J Saturday-Farrow 22-K Elevation of Cross Archangelsky/George 22-L Sunday-Finley 23 Before Communion 23-A Hilko 23-F Finley 24 People s Communion Hymn 24-A Karam 25 We Have Seen the True Light 25-A Hilko 25-F Kedrov 26 Let Our Mouths Be Filled 26-A Hilko 26-F Kedrov/Finley 27 Litany/In the Name of the Lord 27-A Hilko 27-F Finley 28 Blessed Be the Name of the Lord 28-A Hilko 28-F Finley 29 Dismissal 29-A Hilko 29-F Finley 30 Preserve O Lord (Ton Dhespotin) 30-A Meena VESPERS 40 Come Let Us Worship 40-A Gelsinger 41 Great Litany 41-A Traditional/Gelsinger 42 Gladsome Light 42-A Dvoretsky/Gelsinger 42-B Sakellarides/Marge 43 Litany of Fervent Supplication 43-A Gelsinger 44 The Litany 44-A Hilko 45 St. Simeon s Prayer 45-A Archangelsky/Gelsinger 46 Dismissal 46-A Meena/Hilko 46-B Ledkovsky/Holwey 47 Preserve O Lord 47-A Meena RECESSIONALS 50 Praise Ye the Name of the Lord - Archangelsky/Soroka 51 First Antiphon of the Typics - Ippolitov-Ivanov/Gelsinger 52 Is Polla Eti Dhespota (Many Years Master) - Bortniansky

Soprano Preserve O Lord (Ton Dhespotin) Byzantine Tone 2 Maestoso & slowly (For the Bishop Only) 00-d Adapted and arranged by Archpriest James C. Meena (1924-1995) Pre - serve, Ton dhes - po - O tin Lord, ke our maschi - e ter ar - - and chief priest, re - a i - mon, and grant ky - ri - him e man - phi - y la - years. te. Man - y Is pol - years la to e - thee, ti, mas - dhes - po - ter. ta. Man - y Is pol - years la to e - thee, ti, mas - dhes-po - ter. ta. Man - y years Is pol - la un - to e - ti, thee, dhes - O po - mas - - - ta. ter. Following the first verse of the Praises Let everything that hath breath... during Orthros, if the bishop descends from the throne for Kairon, the choir sings very slowly Preserve, O Lord, our master... It should be timed so that the singing of Many years, master at the end of the hymn coincides with the moment at the end of Kairon when the bishop turns and blesses the congregation with the trikirion. Then the Praises continue with Praise him all his angels... 1

00-d Many Years Master (Is Polla Eti Dhespota) When, prior to the singing of the Great Doxology at the end of Orthros, the bishop exits the sanctuary through the holy doors and blesses the congregation, the choir sings Many years, master (once). Man - y years Is pol - la to e - thee, ti, mas - dhes - po - ter. ta. 2

The Great Litany 1-A Soprano 1. 2. Adapted from Stepan V. Smolensky (1848-1909) A - men. Lord, have mer - cy. Lord, have mer - cy. 3. 4. When the bishop is present, sing this first as he is being commemorated. Then sing Lord, have mercy at the end of the petition. Lord, have mer - cy. Lord, have mer - cy. Man - y years, mas - ter. 5. 6. 7. Priest: Help us, save us... Lord, have mer - cy. Lord, have mer - cy. Lord, have mer - cy. To thee, O Lord. A - men.

The Great Litany 1-F Soprano 3. A -men. Lord, have mer - cy. 1. 2. Lord, have mer - cy. Lord, have mer - cy. To thee, O Lord. Arranged by Archpriest John Finley A - men.

Refrain of the First Antiphon 2-A Soprano Sticheron Tone 2 Russian Imperial Court Chant Aleksei F. Lvov (1798-1870)/ Nicholai Bakhmetev (mid-19th century) Adapted into English by Professor Michael Hilko (1905-1974) Through the in - ter - ces - sions of the The - o - to - kos, Fine O Sav - iour, save us. 1. Glo-ry to the Fa - ther and to the Son and to the Ho-ly Spir - it. 2. D.C. al Fine Both now and e - ver, and un-to a- ges of a - ges. A - men.

Refrain of the First Antiphon 2-B Soprano Byzantine Tone 2 Presto A - men. Through the in - ter - _ ces-sions of the The - o - Archpriest James C. Meena (1924-1995) to - kos, Sav - iour, save us. 1. Glo- ry to the Fa - ther and to the Son and to the Ho - ly Spir - it. 2. Both now and e - ver, and un - to a - ges of a - ges. A-men. 1

2-B Refrain of the First Antiphon J. Meena _ Through the in - ter - ces - sions of the The - o - to - kos, O Sav - iour, save us. 2

Soprano Through the in - ter - ces - sions of the The - o - to - kos, O Sav - ior, save Fine Fine us. 1. Glo- ry to the Fa - ther and to the Son and to the Ho - ly Spir - it, 2. both now and ev - er, and un - to a - ges of a - ges. A - D.C. al Fine D.C. al Fine men. Refrain of the First Antiphon Adapted by Archpriest John Finley 2-F

Soprano The Little Litany 3-A #1 Professor Michael Hilko (1905-1974) Lord, have mer - cy. Lord, have mer - cy. To thee, O Lord. A - men. Byzantine Tone 2 (melody) Lord, have mer - #2 cy. Lord have Archpriest James C. Meena (1924-1995) mer - cy. To thee, O Lord. A - men.

Little Litany 3-F Soprano Lord, have mer - cy. Lord, have mer - Arranged by Archpriest John Finley cy. To thee, O Lord. A - men.

Refrain of the Second Antiphon 4-A Soprano save O Son of us who sing This section is also attributed to Starorussky & Gelsinger as noted on the next page. God, (weekdays) un - to who art who art ris - en won - drous from in thee: Al - le - lu - the the Albert Hazeem dead, saints, To Coda ia. D.C. al Coda Glo- ry to the Coda Fa-ther and to the Son and to the Ho - ly Spir -it. Both now and e - ver and un - to a - ges of a - ges. A - men. 1

4-A Soprano Troparion of Second Antiphon (Only Begotten Son) Priest Vasily Starorussky (1818-1871) Adapted into English by Priest Michael G. H. Gelsinger (1890-1980) On - ly be - got -ten Son and Word of God, who art im - mor - tal, Thou didst con - des - cend for our sal - va - - - tion to be in - car - nate of the Ho - ly The - o - to - kos and e - ver - vir - gin Mar - y, and with - out change wast made 2

Troparion of the Second Antiphon V. Starorussky 4-A man; and was cru - ci - fied al - so, O Christ our God, and by thy death hath death sub - dued; who art one of the Ho - ly Trin - i - ty, glo - ri - fied with the Fa -ther and the Ho - ly Spir - it: O rit. save, O save us, O save, O save us, O save us. 3

Refrain of the Second Antiphon 4-B Soprano Byzantine Tone 2 Adapted and arranged by Archpriest James C. Meena (1924-1995) Save us, O Son of God, (weekdays) who who art art ri - sen won-drous from in the the To Coda dead, saints, who sing to thee: Al - le - lu - ia. Glo- ry to the Fa - ther and to the Coda both now and e - ver and un - to D.C. al Coda Son and to the Ho - ly Spir - it; a - ges of Continue to "Only Begotten Son..." a - ges. A - men. 1

4-B Troparion of the Second Antiphon Soprano Byzantine Tone 2 O On - ly - be - got-ten Son and Adapted and arranged by Archpriest James C. Meena (1924-1995) Word of God who art im- mor - tal, yet didst con - des - cend for our sal - va - tion to be in - car-nate of the ho-ly The- o- to - kos and e-ver-vir- gin Mar - y, and with- out change wast made 2

Troparion of the Second Antiphon J. Meena 4-B man; and wast cresc. cru - ci - fied, O Christ our God, and rit. dim. a tempo tram - pled down death by death; who art one of the Ho - ly Tri - ni - ty, glo - ri - fied to - geth - er with the rit. Fa-ther and the Ho-ly Spir - it: save us. 3

Refrain of the Second Antiphon 4-F Soprano, Traditional Save us, O Son of God,, who art ri - sen who art won-drous from the in the To Coda dead, saints, who sing un - to thee: Al - le - lu - ia. D.C. al Coda Glo-ry to the Fa - ther and to the Son and to the Ho- ly Spir - it, Coda Continue to "Only Begotten Son..." both now and ev - er and un - to a - ges of a - ges. A - men. 1

4-F Soprano 5 tal, Troparion of the Second Antiphon,, who On - ly - be - got-ten Son and for our sal - Word of God, who va - tion Adapted and arranged by Archpriest John Finley and James Meena,, art im - mor - will'd to be in - 9 car - nate of the Ho - ly The - o - to - kos and ev - er - vir - gin 13,, Mar - y,, and with - out change be - came man;, 2

Troparion of the Second Antiphon Finley/Meena 4-F 17 and wast cru - c - fied, O Christ our God, and tram- pled down 21, death by death;, who art one of the Ho - ly 25,, Trin - i - ty,, glo - ri - fied to - geth - er with the Fa - ther, 29, and the Ho - ly Spir - it:, save us. 3

Soprano The Little Litany 5-A #1 Professor Michael Hilko (1905-1974) Lord, have mer - cy. Lord, have mer - cy. To thee, O Lord. A - men. Byzantine Tone 2 (melody) Lord, have mer - #2 cy. Lord have Archpriest James C. Meena (1924-1995) mer - cy. To thee, O Lord. A - men.

Little Litany 5-F Soprano Lord, have mer - cy. Lord, have mer - Arranged by Priest John Finley cy. To thee, O Lord. A - men.

Troparion of the Resurrection 6.1 Byzantine Tone 1 Basil Kazan (1915-2001) Ison While the stone was sealed by the Jews, and the sol - diers were guard - ing thy most pure bod - y, thou didst a - third day, O Sav - iour, grant - ing world; for which cause the heav - en - ly rise on the life to the pow'rs cried a - loud un - to thee, O Giv - er of life: Glo - ry to thy res - ur - rec - tion, O Christ! Glo - ry to thy king - dom! Glo - ry to thy prov - i - dence, O thou who a - lone art the Lov - er of man - kind.

6.2 Troparion of the Resurrection death, Byzantine Tone 2 Ison When O thou thou didst sub - death - less and im - mit thy - self un - to mor - tal Basil Kazan (1915-2001) One, then thou didst de - stroy hell with thy God - ly pow'r, and when thou didst raise the dead from be - neath the earth, all the pow'rs of O Christ, thou heav - en did cry a - Giv - er of life, loud un - to glo - ry to thee: thee.

Troparion of the Resurrection 6.3 Byzantine Tone 3 Ison Let the heav - ens re - joice _ and the earth be Basil Kazan (1915-2001) glad, for the Lord hath done a might - y act with his own arm. He hath tram - pled down death by death and be - come the First - born from the depths of ha - des, dead. grant - ing the He hath de - liv - ered world the us great mer - from the cy.

6.4 Troparion of the Resurrection Byzantine Tone 4 Ison Hav - ing learned the joy - ful mes - sage Basil Kazan (1915-2001) of the res - ur - _ rec - tion from the an - gel, the wom - en dis - ci - ples of the Lord cast from them their pa - ren - tal con - dem - na - tion, and proud - ly broke the news to the dis - ci - ples, say - ing, death hath been spoiled. Christ God is ris - en, grant - ing the world great mer - - cy. Please note: It is traditional and proper for troparia in Tones 4 & 6 to follow the style of Tone 2 and have the ison on G, since they are considered to have a borrowed Tone 2 melody. For Tone 4, if the ison is to be harmonized, you may sing it also on the E.

Troparion of the Resurrection 6.5 Byzantine Tone 5 Ison Let us be - liev - ers praise and Word, co - e - ter - - - nal with the and the Spir - it, born of the Vir - gin for Basil Kazan (1915-2001) wor - ship the Fa - ther our sal - va - tion; for he took plea - sure in as - flesh, to suf - fer death, cend - ing the Cross in the and to raise the dead by his glo - ri - ous re - sur - rec - tion.

6.6 Troparion of the Resurrection Byzantine Tone 6 Ison When Mar - y stood at thy grave look- ing for thy Basil Kazan (1915-2001) sac - red bod - y, and the men. an- gel - ic sol - diers who Thou led ha- des pow'rs shown a - were to cap - tive and bove thy re - vered - tomb, keep guard be - wast not came tempt - ed there - as dead by. Thou didst meet the Vir - gin and didst give life to the world. O thou who art ris-en from the dead, O Lord, glo - ry to thee. Please note: It is traditional and proper for troparia in Tones 4 & 6 to follow the style of Tone 2 and have the ison on G, since they are considered to have a borrowed Tone 2 melody.

Troparion of the Resurrection 6.7 Byzantine Tone 7 Ison Thou didst shat - ter death by thy Cross; Basil Kazan (1915-2001) thou didst o - pen par - a dise to the thief; thou didst turn the sad - ness of the oint - ment - bear - ing wo - men in - to joy, and didst bid thine A - pos - tles pro - claim a warn - ing that thou hast ris - en, O Christ, grant - ing to the world the Great Mer - cy.

6.8 Troparion of the Resurrection One; al, Byzantine Tone 8 Ison From the heights thou didst de - and thou didst sub - that thou might de - scend, O Com - pas - sion - ate mit to the liv - er us from Basil Kazan (1915-2001) three - day bur - i - pas - sion. Thou art our Life and our Res - ur - rec - tion, O Lord, glo - ry to thee.

Troparion Elevation of the Cross 6.9 Soprano Byzantine Tone 1 Allegretto O bless thine in - vic - t'ry o - ver by the pre - Lord, save thy her - i - tance, all their en - e - pow'r ser - ing thy peo - ple and grant - ing to thy peo - ple mies, of thy Cross com - mon - Arranged by Dr. Fred Karam (1926-1978) wealth. and

Soprano Entrance Hymn 7-A Dmitri V. Razumovsky (1818-1898) Adapted into English by Priest Michael G. H. Gelsinger (1890-1980) Come, let us wor - ship and fall down be - fore Christ. O Son of God, (weekdays) who who art art ris - en won - drous from in the the dead, saints, save us who sing un - to thee: Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - lu - - - ia.

Entrance Hymn 7-B Soprano Byzantine Tone 2 Archpriest James C. Meena (1923-1995) Come, let us wor - ship and fall down be - fore Christ. Save us, O Son of God, (weekdays) who who art art ris - en won-drous from in the the dead, saints, who sing to thee: Al - le - lu - - - ia.

Entrance Hymn - Hierarchical 7-C During the singing of the entrance hymn (eisodikon) by the bishop and clergy, the choir sings Many years, master (once) as the bishop blesses with the dikirion and trikirion. The choir may then repeat the refrain Save us, O Son of God before the bishop sings the first apolytikion after the Little Entrance. Then all the other apolytikia are sung by the choir/chanter. It is usual for the bishop and clergy to sing the kontakion. All Soprano Byzantine Tone 2 Slowly Man - y years, mas - - - ter. Archpriest James C. Meena (1923-1995) Save us, O Son of God, (weekdays) who who art art ris - en won - drous from in the the dead, saints, who sing to thee: Al - le - lu - - - ia.

Entrance Hymn 7-F Soprano Traditional Save us, O Come, let us wor-ship and Son of God, fall down be- fore,, Christ. who who art art ris - en won-drous from in the the, dead, saints, who sing un - to thee: Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le -,, lu - ia. Al - le -, lu - - - - ia.

8-A INSERT HERE In front of this page The Troparion for the church sponsoring the Convention and label it as 8-A Please Do not remove this page from this book

Troparion of St. George 8-B Soprano Russian Tone 4 As de - liv - 'rer of cap - tives Adapted into English and arranged by Priest Michael G. H. Gelsinger (1890-1980) and de - fen - der of the poor; heal - er of the in - firm, cham - pi - on of kings; vic- tor - i - ous Great Mar -tyr George, in - ter - cede with Christ our God; for our souls' sal - va - tion.

5 Troparion of Ss. Peter and Paul (A) Ison O and teach - ers fore - most in the of ranks of A - the world, pos - tles, Pet - er and 8-C Priest Antony oline (1944-1993) Adapted by Christopher Holwey Paul, 9 in - ter - cede with the Mas - ter of all 13 to grant safe-ty to the world and to our souls the great mer - cy. Please note: It is traditional and proper for troparia in Tones 4 & 6 to follow the style of Tone 2 and have the ison on A, since they are considered to have a borrowed Tone 2 melody. For Tone 4, if the ison is to be harmonized, you may sing it also on the F-sharp.

Soprano Troparion of Ss. Peter and Paul (B) Byzantine Tone 4 8-C Priest Antony oline (1944-1993) Adapted by Christopher Holwey O fore - most in the ranks of A - pos - tles, and teach - ers of the world, Pet - er and Paul, in - ter - cede with the Mas - ter of all to grant safe-ty to the world and to our souls the great mer - cy.

Soprano Byzantine Tone 4 Kontakion Usual Sundays 9-A Arranged by Dr. Frederick T. Karam (1926-1978) O un - dis - put - ed in - ter - ces - sor of Christ - ians, the med - i - a - trix, who is un - re - ject - ed by the Cre - a - tor. Turn not a - way from the poco rall. voice of our pe - ti - tions, though we be sin - ners. 1

9-A Kontakion F. Karam a tempo Come to us with aid in time, who cry un - to poco rall. thee in faith, for thou art good. a tempo Has - ten to us with in-ter - ces - sions, O The - o - to - kos, who dost rit. ev - er in - ter - cede for those who hon - or thee. 2

Soprano Byzantine Tone 3 Lord, have mer - cy. Qud - du - son ul - Ho - - - - - ly The Trisagion Hymn 3 times (Final time more majestic) lah, God, A - men. 10-A Arranged by Professor Michael Hilko (1905-1974) Qud - du - son Ho - - ly ul - qa - Might - wi, y, Qud - * du - son ul - Ho - ly Im - lah - mor - dhi, tal: Fine la - have ya - mu - - - mer - - - tur ham - cy on na. us. * Omit this note when singing this verse. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese 01/01/07 Rev. 1, MK, CAH 1

10-A El - Trisagion Hymn M. Hilko maj - du lil - a - bi wal ib - ni war - ru - hil Qud- dus; el a - na wa - kul - la a - wa - nen wa - i - la da - hrid da - hi - rin. A - min. Qud - du - son ul - la - dhi Deacon: Dhinamis! D.S. al Fine la - ya - mu - - - tur ham - na. Dhi - na - mis! Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese 01/01/07 Rev. 1, MK, CAH 2

Soprano Byzantine Tone 3 Lord,have The Trisagion Hymn mer - cy. A - men. Ho - - Smoothly ly God, 10-B Professor Michael Hilko (1905-1974) Adapted into English by Michael G. Farrow Ho - ly Might - y, Ho - ly Im - mor - tal, have mer - cy on us. Glo- ry to the Fa - ther and to the Son and to the Ho - ly Spir - it, both now and e - ver, and a - ges of un - to a - ges. A - men. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese 09/18/06 Rev. 0, CAH 1

10-B Trisagion Hymn M. Hilko Ho - ly Im - mor - tal, have mer - cy on us. Deacon: With strength! maestoso With strength! Ho - - - ly God, Ho - ly Might - y, Ho - ly Im - mor - tal, have mer - cy on us. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese 09/18/06 Rev. 0, CAH 2

Soprano Trisagion Hymn 10-C Emelian M. Vitoshinsky (Early 20th Centruy) Adapted into English by Priest Michael G. H. Gelsinger (1890-1980) Lord, have mer - cy. A - men. Sing 3 times Ho - ly God, Ho - ly and Might - y, Ho - ly and im - mor - tal: have mer - cy on us. Glo-ry to the Fa-ther and to the Son and to the Ho-ly Spir - it, 1

10-C both now and Ho - ly and Im - ev - er and un - to mor - tal: Trisagion Hymn E. Vitoshinsky have a-ges of a-ges. A - mer - cy on us. men. Ho - ly God, Ho - ly and Might - y, Ho - ly and Im - mor - tal: have mer - cy on us. 2

Soprano Traditional Russian Melody Lord,have wor - ship, O glo - ri - Both now fy. and mer - cy. Mas - ter, Fine Before Thy Cross ever A - men. and thy Glo-ry to the Ho - ly Be-fore thy cross, we bow Re-sur - rec - Father and to the Son and to the Ho - and unto ages of Sing 3 times a - ges. A - 10-D down tion in we ly Spir - it, men. D. S. al Fine And thy Ho - ly Re-sur - rec - - tion we glo - ri - fy.

The Trisagion Hymn 10-F Soprano Sing 3 times Archpriest John Finley Lord, have mer-cy. A-men., Ho - ly God, Ho - ly Might - y, Ho - ly Im - mor - tal One,, have mer - cy on us, have mer - cy on us. Fine Glo - ry be to the Fa-ther and Son and to the Ho - ly Spir - it, 1

10-F The Trisagion Hymn J. Finley now and ev - er, - and un- to - a - ges of a - ges. A - men. Ho - ly Im - mor - tal, have mer - cy on us. D.S. al Fine 2

Soprano Byzantine Tone 2 Trisagion Hymn For Hierarchical Divine Liturgy Adapted and arranged by First Section 11-A Archpriest James C. Meena (1923-1995) Lord, have mer - cy. A - men. Choir: First and third time Clergy: Second and fourth time A - ghi - os o The - os, A - ghi - os Is - chi - ros, A - ghi - os A- tha - na - tos, e - le - i - son i - mas. 1

11-A Dho - xa Pa - tri ke I - Trisagion Hymn First Section J. Meena o ke A - ghi - o Pnev-ma - ti, ke nin ke a - i ke is tus e - o - nas ton e - o - non. A - min. A - ghi- os A - tha - na - tos, e - le - - - i - son i - mas. Continue on to either page 3 (long version) or page 6 (short version) 2

Soprano o Unison A - - - - Is pol - The - os. Trisagion Hymn Second Section - Long Version 11-A la e - ti ghi - - - os Dhes - po - ta. The Bishop, standing in the holy doors, facing west, intones: "O Lord, O Lord: Look down from heaven and behold, and visit this vine, and perfect that which thy right hand hath planted." A - - - - - - - ghi - - - - os Is - - - - chi - ros. The Bishop again intones: "O Lord, O Lord: Look down from heaven and behold, and visit this vine, and perfect that which thy right hand hath planted." Is - pol - la e - ti Dhes - po - ta. A - - - - - ghi... A - ghi - os 3

11-A Trisagion Hymn Second Section Long Version A - - - ne A - tha - - - - - - - tha - na - dim tos. na The Bishop again intones: "O Lord, O Lord: Look down from heaven and behold, and visit this vine, and perfect that which thy right hand hath planted." Is pol - la e - ti Dhes - po - ta. e - - - le - i - son i - mas. Deacon: Dhinamis! NOTE: The Aghios on the first page may be sung instead of this more intricate version. Dhi - na - - - mis! A - ghi - os o The - os. 4

Trisagion Hymn Second Section Long Version 11-A A - ghi - os Is - chi - ros. A - - - - - - - - ghi - os A - tha - na - tos, e - le - i - son i - mas. Continue with the Concluding Section on page 9. 5

Trisagion Hymn Third Section - Short Version 11-A Soprano Slow A - ghi - os o The - os. The Bishop, standing in the holy doors, facing west, intones: "O Lord, O Lord: Look down from heaven and behold, and visit this vine, and perfect that which thy right hand hath planted. Quicker, in unison Is pol - la e - ti Dhes - po - ta. Slow A - ghi - os Is - chi - ros. The Bishop again intones: "O Lord, O Lord: Look down from heaven and behold, and visit this vine,and perfect that which thy right hand hath planted. 6

11-A Trisagion Hymn Third Section Short Version Quicker, in unison Is pol - la e - ti Dhes - po - ta. Slow A - ghi - os A - tha - na - tos. The Bishop again intones: "O Lord, O Lord: Look down from heaven and behold, and visit this vine, and perfect that which thy right hand hath planted. Quicker, in unison Is pol - la e - ti Dhes - po - ta. Slow e - le - - - i - son i - mas. 7

Trisagion Hymn Third Section Short Version 11-A Deacon: Dhinamis! maestoso a tempo Dhi - na - mis! A - ghi - os o The - os, A - ghi - os Is - chi - ros, A - ghi - os A - tha - na - tos, e - le - i - son i - mas. 8

Deacon: O Lord, save the faithful, or Yarub khallis il mumineen, or Kyrie soson tous evsevis. Soprano Trisagion Hymn Concluding Section 11-A Byzantine Tone 3 1. * 2. * 3. Ky - * Ya - ri - O rab e Lord khal - - - so - - - - lis son il tous save mu - ev - the mi - se - faith - - - - - neen. vis. ful. Deacon: O Lord, save those of true worship, or Yarab khallis il hasanil 'ibada(t). 4. * 5. Ya - O rub Lord khal - - - - - lis il * * save ha - sa - nil those 'i - of true ba - * Omit these notes when singing this verse. 9 wor - - - - - da(t). ship.

11-A Trisagion Hymn Concluding Section Deacon: And grant this to us! or Wastajib lana! 6. And 7. Wa - sta - grant jib la - this na! to us! 10

Soprano Byzantine Tone 2 Trisagion Hymn For Hierarchical Divine Liturgy 11-B Adapted into English from the work of Archpriest James C. Meena Lord, have Choir: First and third time Clergy: Second and fourth time mer - cy. Ho - - - - - - - cresc. cresc. cresc. Ho - - - - - cresc. ly ly A - men. God, Might - y, Ho - - ly Im- cresc. mor - tal, cresc. have mer - cy on us. 1

11-B Trisagion Hymn Hierarchical Glo - ry to the Fa - ther and to the Son and to the Ho - ly Spir - it, both now and ev - er, and un - to a - ges of a - ges. A - men. Ho - ly Im - mor - - - tal, have mer - - - - cy on us. 2

Unison Ison=G Ho - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Trisagion Hymn Hierarchical ly God. 11-B Bishop: "O Lord, O Lord: Look down from heaven and behold, and visit this vine, and perfect that which thy right hand hath planted." Man - y years, mas - - - - ter. Ho - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ly Might - - - y. Bishop: "O Lord, O Lord: Look down from heaven and behold, and visit this vine, and perfect that which thy right hand hath planted." Man - y years, mas - - - - ter. 3

11-B Trisagion Hymn Hierarchical Ho - - - - - ly, Ho - - - ly, Ho - ly Im - Ho - - mor - - - - - - - ly Im - mor - - - - - tal, tal. Bishop: "O Lord, O Lord: Look down from heaven and behold, and visit this vine, and perfect that which thy right hand hath planted." Man - y years, mas - - - - ter. Have mer - - - cy on us. 4

Trisagion Hymn Second Section - Long Version 11-B Soprano Deacon: With strength! maestoso With strength. NOTE: The Holy God on the first page may be sung instead of this more intricate version. Ho - - ly God. Ho - - - - ly Might - - - y. 5

11-B Trisagion Hymn Second Section - Long Version Ho - - - - - - - - - - - ly Im - mor - - - - tal, have mer - - - - cy on us. Deacon: O Lord, save the faithful. Byzantine Tone 3 O Lord, save the 6

faith - - - - - - - - Trisagion Hymn Second Section - Long Version ful. 11-B Deacon: O Lord, save those of true worship. O Lord, save those of true wor - - - - - - - - ship. Deacon: And grant this to us. And grant this to us. 7

Soprano The Trisagion Hymn For Hierarchical Divine Liturgy Byzantine Tone 3 Lord, have mer - cy. A- men. Ho - - Smoothly ly God, 11-C Professor Michael Hilko (1905-1974) Adapted into English by Michael G. Farrow Ho - ly Might - y, Ho - ly Im - mor - tal, have mer - cy on us. The above is chanted as follows: 1) by the choir; 2) by the clergy; 3) by the choir; 4) by the clergy. Then we continue: Glo- ry to the Fa - ther and to the Son and to the Ho - ly Spir - it, both now and ev - er, and a - ges of un - to a - ges. A - men. 1

11-C Trisagion Hymn Hierarchical Hilko Ho - ly Im - mor - tal, have mer - cy on us. slowly Ho - - - - - ly God. Bishop: O Lord, O Lord: Look down from heaven and behold, and visit this vine, and perfect that which thy right hand hath planted. a tempo slowly Man - y a tempo Man - y years, mas - years, mas - ter. ter. Ho - ly slowly Ho - ly Im - Might - y. Bishop: O Lord, O Lord: Look down from heaven and behold, and visit this vine, and perfect that which thy right hand hath planted. mor - tal. 2

Man - y years, mas - Trisagion Hymn Hierarchical Hilko ter. Have mer - cy on us. 11-C Bishop: O Lord, O Lord: Look down from heaven and behold, and visit this vine, and perfect that which thy right hand hath planted. a tempo slowly Deacon: With strength or Dhinamis! maestoso * With strength! Dhi - na - mis! Ho - - - ly God, Ho - ly Might - y, Ho - ly Im - mor - tal, have mer - cy on us. * Omit this note when singing this verse. 3

11-C Deacon: O Lord, save the faithful. O Lord, Trisagion Hymn Hierarchical Hilko save the faith - Deacon: O Lord, save those of true worship. ful. O Lord, save those of true wor - - - - - ship. Deacon: And grant this to us. And grant this to us. 4

Soprano Kievan Chant Tone 1 Al - le - Gospel Responses lu - - - ia. Al - le - 12-A Adapted into English by Professor Michael Hilko (1905-1974) lu - ia. rit. Al - - - le - lu - ia. And to thy *Man - y years, Spir - it. mas - ter. Sing before and after the reading of the Gospel Glo - ry to thee, O Lord, glo - ry to thee. * When the bishop is serving and gives the peace before the reading of the Gospel, the choir responds Many years, master (once) rather than And to thy spirit. Then, at the conclusion of the reading of the Gospel, the choir sings Many years, master (once) immediately followed by the usual Glory to thee, O Lord, glory to thee.

Gospel Responses 12-F Soprano Archpriest John Finley Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - lu - ia. And to *Man - y thy years, spir - mas - it. ter. Glo-ry to thee, O Lord, glo- ry to thee. * When the bishop is serving and gives the peace before the reading of the Gospel, the choir responds Many years, master (once) rather than And to thy spirit. Then, at the conclusion of the reading of the Gospel, the choir sings Many years, master (once) immediately followed by the usual Glory to thee, O Lord, glory to thee.

Soprano A - men. A - men. A - men. A - men. Cherubic Hymn Slowly and reverently We who We who mys - ti - mys - ti - We who c'ly c'ly mys - ti - c'ly We 13-A Alexander Gretchaninov (1864-1956) Arranged by Edward Ghazel (1923-2001) who re - pre - sent the cher - u - bim, re - pre - re - pre - re - pre - sent sent sent the the the cher - u - bim, cher - u - cher - u - bim, bim, we 1

13-A Cherubic Hymn Gretchaninov/Ghazel we who mys - ti - c'ly rep - re - who mys - ti - c'ly rep - re - we who mys - ti - c'ly rep - re - we who mys - ti - c'ly rep - re - sent the cher - - - - - u - bim, sent the cher - - - - - u - bim, sent the cher - - - - - u - bim, sent the cher - - - - - u - bim, 2

Cherubic Hymn Gretchaninov/Ghazel 13-A and sing to the life - giv - ing and sing to the life - giv - ing and sing to the life - giv - ing and sing to the Trin - i - ty the thrice-ho - ly hymn, the thrice - Trin - i - ty the thrice-ho - ly hymn, the thrice - Trin - i - ty, the thrice-ho - ly hymn, the thrice - life - giv-ing Trin - i-ty, the thrice-ho - ly hymn, the thrice - 3

13-A Cherubic Hymn Gretchaninov/Ghazel ho - ly hymn, the thrice-ho - - - - ly hymn, ho - ly hymn, the thrice-ho - - - - ly hymn, ho - ly, ho - ly ho - ly hymn, hymn, the the thrice - thrice- ho - ho - - ly hymn, ly hymn, let us now lay a - side all let us now lay a - side all let us now lay a - side all let us lay a-side all 4

Cherubic Hymn Gretchaninov/Ghazel 13-A earth - ly care, let us now lay a - earth - ly care, let us now lay a - earth - ly earth - ly care, care, let let us us now now lay, lay a - side all earth - - - ly care... A - men. side all earth - - - ly care... A - men. lay a-side all earth - - - ly care... A - men. side all earth - - - ly care... A - men. 5

13-A Allegretto...that we may re -...that we may re - Cherubic Hymn Gretchaninov/Ghazel ceive ceive the the...that we may re - ceive the King of King King of of all who all who all who...that we may re- comes in - vis - i - bly up - comes in - vis - i - bly up - comes up - ceive the King who comes in - vis - i - bly up - 6

Cherubic Hymn Gretchaninov/Ghazel 13-A borne by the An - _ gel - ic Hosts. borne by the An - _ gel - ic Hosts. borne by the An - _ gel - ic Hosts. borne by the An - _ gel - ic Hosts. Al - le - lu - - - - - ia. Al - - - le - lu - - - ia. Al - le - Al - le - lu - - - - - ia. Al - - - le - lu - - - ia. Al - le - 7

13-A Cherubic Hymn Gretchaninov/Ghazel Al-le - lu - - - - ia. Al - le - lu - ia. lu - - - - - ia. Al - le - lu - ia. Al-le - lu - - - - ia. Al - le - lu - ia. lu - - - - - ia. Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - lu - ia. [At the conclusion of the Cherubic Hymn (before the Litany of the Anaphora), the choir sings Many years, master (once) as the bishop blesses the congregation. Sing it straight, using the same note as the "ia" of the final Alleluia.] 8

Soprano A - men. Cherubic Hymn No. 5 We who mys - - - 13-B Dmitri S. Bortniansky (1751-1825) Adapted into English by Professor Michael Hilko (1905-1974) ti - c'ly rep - re - sent the cher - u - bim, rep - re sent the rit. cher - u - bim, and sing to the life - giv - ing Trin - i - ty, sing to the life - giv - ing Trin - i - ty, 1

13-B Cherubic Hymn No. 5 Bortniansky/Hilko sing the thrice - ho - ly hymn, let us now lay a - side, let us now lay a - side, lay a - side all rit. earth - ly care... A - men....that we may re - ceive the King of all, who comes in - 2

Cherubic Hymn No. 5 Bortniansky/Hilko 13-B vis - i - bly up - borne by the_ An - gel - ic Hosts. Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - lu - - - ia. rit. Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - lu - ia. [At the conclusion of the Cherubic Hymn (before the Litany of the Anaphora), the choir sings Many years, master (once) as the bishop blesses the congregation. Sing it straight, using the same note as the "ia" of the final Alleluia.] 3

Soprano A - men. Cherubic Hymn No. 7 We who, we who mys - - 13-C Dmitri S. Bortniansky (1751-1825) Adapted into English by Ray George (1917-2002) ti - c'ly, mys - - - ti - c'ly rep - re - sent the cher - - - - - - - u - bim, and sing to the and sing to the life - - - - life - giv - ing giv - ing Trin - i - ty, Trin - i - ty, 1

13-C Cherubic Hymn No. 7 Bortniansky/George the thrice - ho - ly, the thrice - ho - - - ly hymn, let us let us now now lay lay a - side, a - side, let us now lay a - side now lay a - side, lay a - side 2

Cherubic Hymn No. 7 Bortniansky/George 13-C all earth- ly care, all earth - ly care... A - men. A - men....that we may re - ceive the King of all who comes in - vis - i - bly up - borne by the An - gel - - - ic 3

13-C Cherubic Hymn No. 7 Bortniansky/George Hosts. Al - le - Al - le - lu - ia. lu - ia. Al - le - lu - ia. Al - - - - - - le - lu - - ia. [At the conclusion of the Cherubic Hymn (before the Litany of the Anaphora), the choir sings Many years, master (once) as the bishop blesses the congregation. Sing it straight, using the same note as the "ia" of the final Alleluia.] 4

Cherubic Hymn 13-D Soprano Yury N. Golitsin (1823-1872) Adapted into English by Professor Michael Hilko (1905-1974) Revised by Christopher Holwey We who mys - - - ti - c'ly rep - re - sent, rep - re - sent the cher - - - - u - bim, and sing to the life - giv - ing Trin - i - ty, the life - giv- ing Trin - i - ty the 1

13-D thrice - - - - - Cherubic Hymn Golitsin/Hilko ho - - - - ly hymn, let us, let us now lay a - side, let us now lay a - side all earth - - - - - ly care... 2

A - men. Cherubic Hymn Golitsin/Hilko...that we may re -...that we may re - ceive may re -...that we may re - ceive, may re - 13-D ceive ceive, re - ceive,...that we may re - ceive ceive the King of all, who comes in - who vis - i - bly, in - comes vis - - - - i - bly up - borne, up - borne by the An - gel - ic Hosts. Al - le - Al - le - lu - ia. 3

13-D lu - - - ia. Al - le - Al - - - le - Cherubic Hymn Golitsin/Hilko Al - le - Al - - - le - lu - - - ia. lu - - - - - - ia. lu - - - ia. lu - - - - - - ia. rit. Al - le - rit. lu - - - - - - ia. [At the conclusion of the Cherubic Hymn (before the Litany of the Anaphora), the choir sings Many years, master (once) as the bishop blesses the congregation. Sing it straight, using the same note as the "ia" of the final Alleluia.] 4

Cherubic Hymn 13-E Soprano We who mys - ti - Ivan Voronkoff (1894-1983) c'ly, who mys - ti - c'ly rep - re - sent the cher - u - bim, the cher - u - bim, and sing to the life - giv - ing Trin - i - ty, sing to the life - giv - ing 1

13-E Cherubic Hymn I. Voronkoff Trin - i - ty the thrice - ho - ly hymn, the thrice - ho - ly hymn, let us now lay a - side, let us now lay a - side, lay a - side all earth - ly care, all earth - ly care... 2

Cherubic Hymn I. Voronkoff 13-E A - men....that we may re - ceive the King of all who comes in - vis - - - i - bly up - borne by the An - gel - ic Hosts, by the An - gel - ic Hosts. Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - lu - ia. [At the conclusion of the Cherubic Hymn (before the Litany of the Anaphora), the choir sings Many years, master (once) as the bishop blesses the congregation. Sing it straight, using the same note as the "ia" of the final Alleluia.] 3

Soprano Tone 3 rep - re - We sent Cherubic Hymn who the mys - - - cher - - - ti - u - 13-F Archpriest John Finley c'ly bim,,,,, and who sing to the life - giv - ing Trin - i - ty the thrice - ho - - - - ly hymn,,, 1

13-F Cherubic Hymn J. Finley let us now lay a - side, lay a - rit. rit. side all earth - ly care... A- men. faster...that we may re - ceive the King of all who comes in -, vis - i - bly up - borne by the An - gel - ic Hosts., rit. rit. Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - lu - ia., Al - le -, lu - ia. [At the conclusion of the Cherubic Hymn (before the Litany of the Anaphora), the choir sings Many years, master (once) as the bishop blesses the congregation. Sing it straight, using the same note as the "ia" of the final Alleluia.] 2

Soprano Lento A - men. A - men. Cherubic Hymn Op. 41, No. 6 We, We, we 13-G Peter I. Tchaikovsky (1840-1893) Adapted into English by Archpriest James C. Meena (1924-1995) who who We who We who S A T mys - mys - ti - ti - c'ly c'ly rep - re - rep - re - sent the sent the cher - u - cher - u - bim, bim, B mys - ti - c'ly rep - re - sent the cher - u - bim, mys - ti - c'ly rep - re - sent the cher - u - bim, 1

13-G Cherubic Hymn Tchaikovsky/Meena S A T we who we who mys - ti - mys - ti - c'ly, c'ly, mys - ti - mys - ti - c'ly c'ly rep - re - rep - re - poco a poco rit. sent the sent the B we who we who mys - ti - mys - ti - c'ly, c'ly, mys - ti - mys - ti - c'ly c'ly rep - re - rep - re - sent the sent the S A T cher - u - cher - - - u - bim, bim, And And who sing to the who sing to the life - giv- ing life - giv- ing B cher - - - u - bim, cher - - - u - bim, 2

Cherubic Hymn Tchaikovsky/Meena 13-G S A Trin - i - ty, T Trin - i - ty, B And who sing to the life-giv-ing Trin - i - ty, And who sing to the life-giv-ing Trin - i - ty, S cresc. A the thrice-ho-ly cresc. hymn, the thrice - ho-ly hymn to the Trin - i - ty, T the thrice-ho-ly cresc. hymn, the thrice - ho-ly hymn to the Trin - i - ty, B the thrice-ho-ly cresc. hymn, the thrice - ho-ly hymn to the Trin - i - ty, the thrice-ho-ly hymn, the thrice - ho-ly hymn to the Trin - i - ty, 3

13-G Cherubic Hymn Tchaikovsky/Meena S A T to the to the Trin - i - Trin - i - ty, ty, sing the ho - ly sing the ho - ly hymn to the hymn to the Trin - i - Trin - i - ty, ty, B to the Trin - i - ty, sing the ho - ly hymn to the Trin - i - ty, to the Trin - i - ty, sing the ho - ly hymn to the Trin - i - ty, S A let us now lay a - side all earth - ly care, let T let us now lay a - side all earth - ly care, let B let us lay a - side all earth - ly care, let let us lay a - side all care, let 4

Cherubic Hymn Tchaikovsky/Meena 13-G S dim. A T us dim. us dim. now, now, let us let us now, now, let let us us lay a - lay a - side, side, B us us dim. now, now, let let us us now, now, let let us us lay a - lay a - side, side, S A T let let us us lay a - lay a - side side all all earth - ly earth - ly care, care, B let us lay a - side all earth - ly care, let us lay a - side all earth - ly care, 5

13-G Cherubic Hymn Tchaikovsky/Meena S A T let let us us lay a - lay a - side side all all earth - - earth - - ly ly care... care... B let us lay a - side all earth - - ly care... let us lay a - side all earth - - ly care... S repeat as necessary Allegro A T A - A - men. men....that we may re -...that we may re - ceive the King of ceive the King of B A - men....that we may re - ceive the King of A - men. 6

Cherubic Hymn Tchaikovsky/Meena 13-G S cresc. A all who comes in - vis - i - bly up - borne cresc. T all who comes in - vis - i - bly up - borne cresc. B all who comes in - vis - i - bly up - borne cresc....that we may re - ceive the King who comes up - borne S A T by the An - by the An - gel - ic Hosts, gel - ic Hosts, that that we may re - ceive B by the An - gel - ic Hosts, by the An - gel - ic Hosts, 7

13-G Cherubic Hymn Tchaikovsky/Meena S A T we may re - ceive the the King of all King of all the King who who comes in - B that we may re - ceive the King who that S A comes in - vis - i - bly up - borne by the An - T vis - si - bly up - borne by the An - B comes in - vis - i - bly up - borne by the An - we may re - ceive the King who comes up - borne by the An - 8

Cherubic Hymn Tchaikovsky/Meena 13-G S A gel - ic Hosts. Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - T gel - ic Hosts. Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - B gel - ic Hosts. Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - gel - ic Hosts. Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - S A lu - ia. Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - T lu - ia. Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - B lu - ia. Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - 9

13-G Cherubic Hymn Tchaikovsky/Meena S cresc. A T lu - lu - ia. Al - le - ia. Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - cresc. lu - ia. Al - le - cresc. lu - ia. Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - B lu - ia. Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - cresc. lu - ia. Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - S A T lu - ia. lu - ia. Al - le - Al - le - lu - lu - ia. ia. B lu - ia. Al - le - lu - ia. lu - ia. Al - le - lu - ia. [At the conclusion of the Cherubic Hymn (before the Litany of the Anaphora), the choir sings Many years, master (once) as the bishop blesses the congregation. Sing it straight, using the same note as the "ia" of the final Alleluia.] 10

Cherubic Hymn 13-H Soprano A - men. gentle We who mys - ti - c'ly, Christopher Holwey we who mys - ti - c'ly rep - re - sent the cher - u - bim, rep - re - sent the cher - - - - u - bim, and sing to the Trin - i - ty, to the life - giv - ing Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese 01/01/07 Rev. 2 CAH 1

13-H Cherubic Hymn C. Holwey Trin - i - ty, to the life - giv - ing Trin - i - ty the thrice - ho - - - - ly hymn, gentle, then build let us lay a - side, let us now lay a - side all earth - ly care, lay a - side all Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese 01/01/07 Rev. 2 CAH 2

Cherubic Hymn C. Holwey 13-H earth - ly care, let us now lay a - side all earth - ly care... crisp, with life A - men. gradual crescendo last time A - men....that we may re -...that we may re - ceive,...that we may re - ceive, may re - ceive,...that ceive, we may may re - ceive the King of Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese 01/01/07 Rev. 2 CAH 3

13-H Cherubic Hymn C. Holwey all who comes in - vis - i - bly up - borne by the An - gel - ic Hosts, An - gel - ic Hosts. Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - lu - ia. 1. rit. Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - lu - rit. ia. 2. (Optional ending) rit. lu - ia. Al - le - rit. lu - - - - ia. [At the conclusion of the Cherubic Hymn (before the Litany of the Anaphora), the choir sings Many years, master (once) as the bishop blesses the congregation. Sing it straight, using the same note as the "ia" of the final Alleluia.] Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese 01/01/07 Rev. 2 CAH 4

Soprano Russian Traditional To Litany of the Anaphora Repeat as needed Lord, have mer - thee, O cy. Lord. Grant this, O Lord. A - men. 14-A Adapted into English by Professor Michael Hilko (1905-1974) And *Man - to y thy years, spir - - - mas - - - it. ter. 1.** Adapted into English by Professor Michael Hilko from the works of Dmitri Bortniansky Fa - ther, Son and Ho - ly Spir - it: the Trin - i - ty, one in es - sence and un - di - vid - ed. *When the bishop is serving, the choir responds Many years, master (once) rather than And to thy spirit. **Please note: When there is a concelebration, sing #2, "I will love thee...", on page 2 instead. 1

14-A Litany of the Anaphora I will love thee (This replaces "Father, Son and Holy Spirit..." at a concelebrated Divine Liturgy) Soprano 2. (Sung slowly to cover the clergy's Kiss of Peace) Dmitri S. Bortniansky (1751-1825) Adapted by Bishop Basil I will love thee, O Lord my Strength; the Lord is my firm Foun - da - tion, my Ref - uge and my De - liv - - - er - er. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, CAH, Rev 1, 1/1/2007 2

Litany of the Anaphora 14-B Soprano Byzantine Tone 5 Andante (1) (2) Lord, have mer - cy. Arranged by Archpriest James C. Meena (1924-1995) Lord, have mer - cy. (1) (2) Grant this, O Lord. Grant this, O Lord. (3) Grant this, O Lord. To thee, O Lord. A - men. And *Man - un y - to years, thy spir - mas - it. ter. *When the bishop is serving, the choir responds Many years, master (once) rather than And unto thy spirit. 1

14-B 1.** Fa - - - ther, Litany of the Anaphora Meena Son and Ho - - - ly Spir - it: the Trin - i - ty, one in es - - sence and un - di - vid - - - - ed. **Please note: When there is a concelebration, sing #2, "I will love thee...", on page 3 instead. 2

Soprano Litany of the Anaphora I will love thee (This replaces "Father, Son and Holy Spirit..." at a concelebrated Divine Liturgy) 2. I will love thee, O Lord is my firm Foun - Lord my da - tion, my strength; Ref - uge and 14-B Adapted by Christopher Holwey from the music of Archpriest James C. Meena (1924-1995) (Sung slowly to cover the clergy's Kiss of Peace) the my De - liv - er - - - er. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, CAH, Rev 1, 1/1/2007 3