Two Psalms For Soprano and Piano

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To salms DVK 00 $100 orano and iano To salms or orano and iano David von Kamen Duration: c 11 1 salm 1, art one: The heavens declare the glory of God salm 1, art to: The la of the Lord is erfect salm 100: Make a oyful noise to the Lord Coyright 017 DavidvonKamencom

1 salm 1, art one: The heavens declare the glory of God The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky aove roclaims his handiork Day to day ours out seech, and night to night reveals knoledge There is no seech, nor are there ords, hose voice is not heard Their voice goes out through all the earth, and their ords to the end of the orld In them he has set a tent for the sun, hich comes out like a ridegroom leaving his chamer, and, like a strong man, runs its course ith oy Its rising is from the end of the heavens, and its circuit to the end of them, and there is nothing hidden from its heat salm 1, art to: The la of the Lord is erfect The la of the Lord is erfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making ise the simle; the recets of the Lord are right, reoicing the heart; the commandment of the Lord is ure, enlightening the eyes; the fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever; the rules of the Lord are true, and righteous altogether More to e desired are they than gold, even much fine gold; seeter also than honey and driings of the honeycom Moreover, y them is your servant arned; in keeing them there is great reard Who can discern his errors Declare me innocent from hidden faults Kee ack your servant also from resumtuous sins;

let them not have dominion over me! Then I shall e lameless, and innocent of great transgression Let the ords of my mouth and the meditation of my heart e accetale in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer salm 100: Make a oyful noise to the Lord Make a oyful noise to the Lord, all the earth! erve the Lord ith gladness! Come into his resence ith singing! Kno that the Lord, he is God! It is he ho made us, and e are his; e are his eole, and the shee of his asture Enter his gates ith thanksgiving, and his courts ith raise! Give thanks to him; less his name! or the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations Come into his resence ith singing!

David von Kamen ( 1) is a comoser from Lincoln, Neraska David s music sans a ide variety of genres and styles, including azz, choral music, hymnody and liturgy, solo voice, chamer music, and musical theater David is a sixtime Doneat Aard inner in graduatelevel azz riting categories, a threetime inner of the Vancouver Chamer Choir Young Comosers Cometition, and as named the MTNA Distinguished Comoser of the Year for his song cycle "Under the ilver and Home Again" He has een among ten inners of the ORTU International Ne Music Cometition, the reciient of an ACA Young azz Comoser aard, inner of the an rancisco Choral Artists Ne Voices roect, inner of the National Band Association s Young azz Comosers Cometition, and received Honorale Mention in the Ne York Youth ymhony irst Music Commissions uddin and the Grumle, David s original musical ith layright Becky Boesen, as one of seven finalists for the Richard Rodgers aard David has over 0 ulished choral and instrumental comositions and arrangements His music has een erformed y the KHORIKO Vocal Ensemle, the LA Choral La, KC VITAs Chamer Choir, the Taian Youth estival Chorus, an rancisco Choral Artists, the U Army Blues azz Ensemle, the Vancouver Chamer Choir, and y collegiate, allstate, high school, and church ensemles throughout the United tates and internationally Visit DavidvonKamencom for more

salm 1 for sorano and iano I The heavens declare the glory of God David von Kamen orano loly lilting q = 5 non esres The heav ens de clare the glo ry of God, iano N and the sky a ove roclaims his hand i ork no N 11 N Day to day ours out seech, and night to night re no N N N Coyright 017 DavidvonKamencom

I The heavens declare the glory of God age of 1 0 veals knoledge There is no seech, no N 1 nor are there ords, hose voice is not heard no N ERUAL N 5 Their voice goes out through all the earth, and their ords to the no N

I The heavens declare the glory of God age of 0 U aster, ith energy q = 11 end of the orld In them he has set a tent for the no N U U no sun, hich comes out like a ridegroom leav ing his cham er, N 7 N and, like a strong man, runs N no ed

I The heavens declare the glory of God age of 0 f its course ith no f Ó oy, ith oy, no ERUAL ith oy, ith oy, and no â

I The heavens declare the glory of God age 5 of runs its no 51 course ith oy, (non rit) Its no (non rit) 55 N ris ing is from the no N

I The heavens declare the glory of God age of 57 end of the heav ens, no no 5 and its cir cuit to the end of them, the ERUAL 1 rit end of them, no

I The heavens declare the glory of God age 7 of reely Ó stretch and there is noth ing hid den, noth ing hid den from its no Temo I q = 5 no heat The heav ens de clare 71 the glo ry of God, and the sky a ove no N N

I The heavens declare the glory of God age of 75 7 roclaims his hand i ork Day to no 7 N day ours out seech, and night to no N U night re veals knol edge no N N U U attacca

salm 1 II The la of the Lord is erfect David von Kamen iano 5 reely tenderly N N 5 no N N N The la of the Lord is erfect, re vi ving the soul; 5 5 no 10 5 5 5 the tes timony of the Lord is sure, making ise the simle; π π 1 q = c 50 The no molto legato ed ith harmony Coyright 017 DavidvonKamencom

II The la of the Lord is erfect age of 1 re cets ( ) of the Lord are right, re oicing the heart; the com no no ( ) mand ment of the Lord is ure, en lightening the eyes ERUAL ushing forard The fear of the Lord is clean, en dur ing for no

II The la of the Lord is erfect age of 0 ev er; the rules of the Lord are true, rit N no N reely Ó and righteous al to gether More to e de sired are no N N N, they than gold, e ven much fine gold; seeter al so than hon ey and no

II The la of the Lord is erfect age of 5 darker driings of the hon ney com Moreover, y them is your servant arned; in no g N â â no kee ERUAL ing them there is great re ard no 5 q = c 50 molto legato g Who can dis sim cern his er rors Declare me g g g

II The la of the Lord is erfect age 5 of no 57 in ( ) g no cent from hid g den faults Kee ack â your 1 serv ant al so from resum tuous sins; let them no N N 5 N N rit π not have do min ion ov er me! Then I shall e no π

II The la of the Lord is erfect age of 70 a temo lame less, and in no cent of great trans no 7 reely gres sion no ERUAL N N 7 7 q = c 0 π Let the ords of my mouth no π N

II The la of the Lord is erfect age 7 of and the med i ta tion of my heart no 7 e ac cet a le in your sight, no n n n 1 Ó no O

II The la of the Lord is erfect age of 5 reely no Lord, Ó O Lord, my rock Ó no N 10 U no and my re deem er Ó ed U U Ó U π U

salm 100 orano Bright and Brilliant q = 11 1 f Make a oy ful noise to the David von Kamen Lord, 1 iano 1 1 1 f ƒ 1 1 all the earth! no no 7 1 1 1 ä ä â â ERUAL 1 1 ä â ä â erve the Coyright 017 DavidvonKamencom Lord â â ith

salm 100 age of 10 11, glad ness! Come in to his res ence no n 1 N f 1 in to his res ence ith sing no N f 1 1 15 1 no 1 1 ing! N

salm 100 age of 1 1 Ó Kno that the Lord, no f 1 1 1 Ó he is God! It is he ho no π N N made us, and e are his; no N N N

salm 100 age of 7 e are his eo le, and the shee of his as ture, no Ó Ó 0 Ó Ó the shee of his as ture no Ó Ó Ó oco rit En N ter his no Ó ERUAL

salm 100 age 5 of a temo f 1 gates ith thanks giv ing, and his no f 1 1 1 courts ith raise, ith raise! Give no 1 1 thanks to him; less his name! no N edal ith harmony molto legato

salm 100 age of 5 Ó or the Lord is good; his N N no N stead fast love endures for ev er, no 51 rit 5 Broadly no N π N and his faith ful ness to all gen er

salm 100 age 7 of 5 rit 55 a temo, a tions Come in to his res ence no 57 N f 5 1 no in to his res ence ith sing 1 N ERUAL N 1 f ing! 0 Ó 1 With sing ing, ith no 1 1

salm 100 age of rit sing no 5 1 ƒ U U Ó no 1 1 ƒ ing! U U Ó U U Ó