Psalm 141: Like Burning Incense. œ œ œ œ œ. burn - ing in - cense, œ œ œ. œ œ. œ œ. œœ. Lord, let my. œ œ. Dsus4

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2 Psalm 141: Like urning Incense Psalm 141:1 5, 8 9 erard hiusano Soprano Al Tenor ass Keyboard?? REFRAIN: ently (q = 72 80) 1st time: anr, All repeat; thereafter: All 4 3? 4 3 4 3? 4 3 Like burn - ing in - cense, 7. burn - ing in - cense,. / let my sus4. like.. prayer rise up m/ / Text 1963, The rail (England). All rights reserved. Used with permission of A.P. Watt, Ltd. Music 2003, erard hiusano. Published by OP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 97213. All rights reserved. Parts for Solo Instrument I II in and Handbells (301138298) are available online. Visit Edition 30133778

3.. (Fine)?? you, let my VERSES: anr/hoir? 1. I have Melody 4. To / prayer rise up /F called you, 2. Set, O.. Harmony 3. Nev - er al - you, Lord 5. lo - ry the Fa -... Lord; you.. E..... a low me od, ther, my has - ten 3 guard o - ver my share in their eyes are and the m (Fine) Psalm 141: Like urning Incense

4? 1. help me! 2. mouth; keep 3. feast - ing. If a good man strikes or re - 4. turned: in. 5. Son, Hear my voice when I watch at the you I take and the /E cry door of my proves me it is ref - uge; spare my Ho ly - Psalm 141: Like urning Incense

?. 1. you.. 2. lips! 3. kind - ness; but let the oil of the wick -. 4. soul! 5. Spir - it: sus4. Let o my not From the Esus4 prayer turn a my trap as. they have it - rise be - heart ed laid for was in the be - 5 Psalm 141: Like urning Incense

6? 1. fore you like 2. things that are 3. not a - noint my 4. me keep me 5. gin - ning, is / in wrong, head. safe: now,. - cense, the rais - ing of my e - vil deeds with Let my prayer be keep me from the and. will Psalm 141: Like urning Incense

? 1. hands like an 2. men who are.. 3. ev - er a - gainst their mal - 4. snares of 5. be for /. eve - ning ob - la - sin those who do ev - er. A - /F -. ners. e. men. sus4. - tion. ice. vil. 7.......... al fine.. Psalm 141: Like urning Incense

8 Psalm 141:1 5, 8 9 Psalm 141: Like urning Incense (uitar/vocal) erard hiusano REFRAIN: ently (q = 72 80) 1st time: anr, All repeat; thereafter: All 4 3 Like / prayer rise up VERSE 1: anr/hoir 1. I have burn-ing called you, 1. Hear my voice when I /E 1. rise be - / 1. hands like an / in - cense, / you, let my cry / fore you like. Lord; m/ like burn-ing /F prayer rise up sus4. you. in - cense, m has - ten /F sus4 eve - ning ob - la - tion. 7 in - cense, E. you. Esus4 Let my the sus4 help me! let my (Fine) prayer a - rais-ing of my Text 1963, The rail (England). All rights reserved. Used with permission of A.P. Watt, Ltd. Music 2003, erard hiusano. Published by OP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 97213. All rights reserved...

9 VERSE 2: anr/hoir m 3 2. Set, O a guard o - ver my mouth; keep /E 2. watch at the 2. heart 2. e - vil deeds with VERSE 3: anr/hoir Melody Harmony.. door of my sus4. lips! / things that are / men 3. Nev - er al - 3. good man strikes or re - 3. oil of the /E who are wick - ed.. wrong, /F. sin - low me proves me it is m sus4 ners. share in their sus4 kind - ness; / not a - noint my head. Esus4 o not turn my feast - ing. If a Esus4.. but let the /.. /F sus4.. 3. Let my prayer be ev - er a - gainst their mal - ice. Psalm 141: Like urning Incense

10 VERSE 4: anr/hoir m 4. To you, Lord od, my eyes are turned: in /E 4. you I take 4. trap they have 4. keep me from the VERSE 5: anr/hoir ref - uge; spare my laid / snares for 5. lo - ry the 5. and the 5. as it /E of sus4. soul! / me keep me safe: /F sus4 those who do Fa - ther, Ho - ly was in the be - / sus4 gin - ning, m e - vil. and the Spir - it: / is now, /F. sus4. Son, Esus4 From the Esus4.... al fine 5. and will be for ev - er. A - men. Psalm 141: Like urning Incense

11 Assembly Edition PSALM 141: LIKE URNIN INENSE 4 3 Like burn ing in cense, prayer rise up - - like burn-ing in-cense, you, let my 1. I have called you, Lord; hasten help me! Hear my voice when I cry you. Let my prayer arise before you like incense, the raising of my hands like an evening oblation. 2. Set, O a guard over my mouth; keep watch at the door of my lips! o not turn my heart things that are wrong, evil deeds with men who are sinners. 3. Never allow me share in their feasting. If a good man strikes or reproves me it is kindness; but let the oil of the wicked not anoint my head. Let my prayer be ever against their malice. prayer rise up. you. 4. To you, Lord od, my eyes are turned: in you I take refuge; spare my soul! From the trap they have laid for me keep me safe: keep my from the snares of those who do evil. 5. lory the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit: as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ever. en. erard hiusano let my Text: Psalm 141:1 5, 8 9, 1963, The rail (England). All rights reserved. Used with permission of A.P. Watt, Ltd. Music 2003, erard hiusano. Published by OP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 97213. All rights reserved. For reprint permissions, please visit or contact us at 1-800-663-1501.