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Anthology Serbin Chnt: Volume II 321 Thy hs For by Spir by Ntivity ur Lord (Dec 25/Jn 7) N shown it str Lord, Glo tiv i ty, those know who ry un e, Troprion Tone 4 wor dore world shipped e, r glo i ent light ry Christ strs, our Sun Glory...Now ever Tone 3 F r, it, now ges ges. A Son, from wis were God, dom! tught Right eous ness, e! on ev Ho high. er men. Serbin rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005) ly

322 Anthology Serbin Chnt: Volume II To dy cend An Ntivity: Kontkion Tone 3 Vir ent ne! cve, gels, with wise Sce, God Let prise ll nme, for ws our shep born men g gives Un And herds, glo ri fy ske jour birth erth Trns fers p proch ble ne! s lit ney with tle child! Prokeimenon Tone 8 erth e. Let wor it Most e Him! ter nl ship e prise High! str. Thy Serbin rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

Anthology Serbin Chnt: Volume II 323 Ntivity: Irmos Tone 1 Mg ni fy, my soul, most pure Vir g o kos, more hon or ble more glo rious thn hev en ly hosts. I hold strnge, most glo rious mys te ry! Hev en cve! che ru bic throne Vir g! mn ger plce where Christ ly, Un con t ble God Whom we mg ni fy song! Serbin rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

324 At Gret comple Ntivity "God is with us..." (see Volume I pg. 91) (Tone 1) Let pro spir phet hev en erth i c'lly. An i tu l fest. those wo cve ceived won who Liti mn, hs sit Him. drk mn Shep der; wise men dy mke gels men, p For pered ness shd gld let God, us keep born ger hve herds n from est Anthology Serbin Chnt: Volume II nounce fer gifts re flesh ow. Beth le hem. Let us, n, from our un wor thy lips fer prise Serbin rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

Anthology Serbin Chnt: Volume II 325 like n gels: Glo ry God high est, on erth pece. For ex pec t tion n tions hs come, He hs come sved us from bond ge en e my. (Tone 5) Glo ry F r, Son, Ho ly Spir it, now ev er un ges ges. A men. Serbin rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

326 Anthology Serbin Chnt: Volume II m gi, kgs Per si, knew with s sur nce tht Thou, Led by hev light en ly Kg ws born str on erth. y cme Beth le hem, fered ir cho sen gifts, gold frnk cense myrrh. Fll for y g fore e sw e Who rt time y wor shiped e: less ly g s b cve. Serbin rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

Anthology Serbin Chnt: Volume II 327 A An "Glo (Tone 2) A vir Word gret g gives is mde won Apostich drous mys birth flesh with gels shep herds glo ri fy ry God te ry un re out lev ms Him! g Let high us folds vir F jo dy. g! r! ir song: est, on erth pece!" (Tone 4) Glo Son, now ry ev ges F Ho r, er ly Spir ges. A un it, men. Serbin rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

328 Anthology Serbin Chnt: Volume II Mke gld, love n cient bond Je ru s lem, Zi ll on, keep con dem n tion A fest. ye who To dy dm is loosed. Pr dise is o pened us. ser pent is lid low. f old he de ceived wo mn pr dise, but now he sees wo mn come Mo r depth rich es Cre wis dom r. know ledge God! s ful ves sel tht brought deth up on ll flesh Serbin rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

Anthology Serbin Chnt: Volume II hs through fruits o kos come first 329 For God vir by loos com sl His v All birth tion for per fect is He sets g i ty, through es bs child He sel His s, born whole swd b up world. her, on her dlg clos through He pngs sg g hels tr vil. re fore let ll cre Eve's tion dnce for joy, re sre it for Christ hs come sve our souls. Serbin rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

330 Anthology Serbin Chnt: Volume II Bless God ed is is He tht God is Lord Tone 4 Lord comes Ntivity Troprion (see pg. 321) Polyeleion (see Volume I pg. 154) hs re veled Him nme self us! Lord! wed We Giv mg Meglynrion Tone 1 ni fy e, er flesh for lock, Life, us this ll pure Vir dy Who Christ from g M her wst tht born knew ry. not Song Ascent Tone 4: (see Volume I pg. 159) ut Prokeimenon Tone 4 Lord womb fore morn g str hve hs sworn, will not chnge I His got ten e; md. Serbin rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

Anthology Serbin Chnt: Volume II 331 "Let every breth prise Lord..." Tone 4: (see Volume I pg. 182) Let An Come, let us us jo fol gels sg shep ry this dy fit is Sjedlen (Sessionl Hymn) Tone 4 hold wise ye where low guid pris fith kgs Christ es re herds bid g tg hymn, born high Beth with from is ful, est, g str. sy out fields est Vir le g glo Him ces born. g fer Who cve g o kos, hem Jud h. Serbin rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

332 Anthology Serbin Chnt: Volume II de I. Christ Christ is Christ Sg for de III. prise To F is He Him Ntivity Cnon Tone 1 is from on with ) hev b) erth Son hs joy, born en glo Lord c) Who en glo r, cr nte with fore ll out seed ri fy Him! re lift peo ceive Him! ed up! erth ri fied. time se ws lt born im ter dys Vir ple, mor tl g. cme ) b) hev en re ceive Him! erth c) joy, Serbin rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

Anthology Serbin Chnt: Volume II Let up us our cry horn un Christ Ho our God: "Thou ly rt Thou, Who hst rised Lord." 333 He gift nei Wht ven brought b for e; r throne nor scep Wht Yet is is rich more more es Lord, hum mn Hypkoe Tone 8 first fruits A ter, but low str sum Gen tiles s moned wise men ger. y were mzed on ble thn ly thn ly b ject pov cve? swd Thy div i ty shone through glo ry er ty. see dlg clos? ll e! se. Serbin rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

334 Anthology Serbin Chnt: Volume II F see Let de IV. from From mde rt Let he Lmb God world. vens re Kthism Hymn Tone 8 joice hs en born Word, on who erth, rests let r, hs come forth with out seed wise g Him ll Rod his flesh stem, men born were cre struck s n with tion glo root Christ, moun t o from her tht Jes erth gld! grnt g re demp tion from fnt ri fy Thou hst mze Beth se, flow sprung ver shd owed by knew not formed from mt ter, glo not wed Serbin rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005) ry from bos Vir om le Him! g. ment, hem. er tht blos somed Vir g. for est, Thou hst come, lock, Thy pow er, God, Who Lord.

Anthology Serbin Chnt: Volume II de V. Thou hst As sent Thou grnt g us we de VI. As And He For know glo ri fy it when He He hd cme Him kept rt God pece un us the An pece. ledge se re Word e, mon God, So gel Lov ster cst ceived him forth cme self ws His pre like re dwell we F wtch r gret mer cies, coun sel, guid ed wrds light g by er mn out Jo night b serv g her not mo sub nh un from Vir g ws ject r free un de cor kd. hrmed. from mde womb. flesh. rupt. cy, hrm. 335 Serbin rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

336 Anthology Serbin Chnt: Volume II Kontkion: "Tody Virg Gives Birth..." Tone 3 (see pg. 322) de VII. fered but " child de VIII. For e con God fig it not st Scourn g ren brought thret g our fur ure burnt ven s sumed not f up im pi ous de cree, geth er God midst fire, li ness rs, bless nce moist fire won with child ren whom not Vir dew flmes der pst it God Serbin rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005) y ed rt hd ws n re sng: Thou." im ture. ge ceived, hed g's womb

Anthology Serbin Chnt: Volume II 337 re "Let Him which fore, whole cre it prise hd de scend tion bless bove ll for ev DE IX: "Mgnify, My Soul" (see pg. 323) ur (Thrice) Est, we Sv hs who found Lord vis were is Exposteilrion ior, let Lord Dy i ted us born drk truth: ness Vir for from us ed. ex er." sg: lt sprg on shd Prises Tone 4 (see Volume I pg. 312) Gret Doxology Tone 6 (see Volume I pg. 338) Ntivity Troprion Tone 4 (see pg. 321) high, ow hve g! Serbin rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

338 Anthology Serbin Chnt: Volume II He Synxis Most Holy Mor God (Dec 26/Jn 8) Kontkion Tone 6 Who ws got ten F r, with out mo r, fore morn g str, dy on erth is mde flesh you with out f r, L dy full Grce. re fore, str n noun ces gld tid gs m gi. An gels shep herds sg pris es your child r g mn ner yond un der st g. Serbin rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

Anthology Serbin Chnt: Volume II 339 St. Stephen Promrtyr Archdecon (Dec 26/Jn 8) Troprion Tone 4 Pro mr tyr might y wr ri or Christ our God, you were vic r ious bt tle crowned with glo ry, ho ly Steph en! You con found ed coun cil your per se cu rs, hold g your Sv ior en throned t right h F r. Nev er cese ter cede tht our souls my sved. Serbin rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

340 Anthology Serbin Chnt: Volume II St. Stephen: Kontkion Tone 3 Yes ter dy Ms ter s sumed our flesh cme our guest; dy His ser vnt is sned deth de prt ed flesh, glo rious Pro mr tyr Steph en. Prokeimenon Tone 8 ir pro clim tion hs gone out ll erth, ir words ends u ni verse. Serbin rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

Anthology Serbin Chnt: Volume II 341 Circumcision ur Lord Jesus Christ (Jn 1/14) Troprion Tone 1 Reign g on high with e ter nl F from Ho fier ly Spir y throne it, Thou erth. Thou didst wst de r born scend un wed ded Bride, Thy Pure Mo r, Glo wst cir ry cum cised s Thy right n eight teous will, dy old child. Glo Mer ci ful Je sus! ry Thy sv g con des cen sion, on ly Lov er mn! Serbin rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

342 Anthology Serbin Chnt: Volume II Your St. Bsil Gret (Jn 1/14) Troprion Tone 1 proc l m tion hs gone out ll erth! By her g your tech g we lern di ve doc tre. You hve pon dered n ture cre tures; you hve giv en no ble rule life for men. ho ly f r kg ly priest, en tret Christ our God sve our souls. Serbin rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

Anthology Serbin Chnt: Volume II 343 You which cn sel g it were Church, not re St. Bsil: Kontkion Tone 4 with 'r ble grnt your veled hev s g ll tk pre sure men cepts, en ly f foun d tion lord en wy, ven r. ship Thus, Lord Kontkion Circumcision Tone 3 His mer ll c cepts cy He cir cir cum cis cum cised. es ss mor tl men. To dy He grnts world sl v tion. Serbin rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

344 Anthology Serbin Chnt: Volume II While Bs il, high priest God our Cre r, re joic es hev en s rd i nt str Christ. Prokeimenon Circumcision Tone 6 Lord, sve Thy peo ple bless her i tnce. Prokeimenon: St. Bsil Tone 1 My mouth shll spek wis dom, med i t tion my hert shll un der st g. Serbin rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

Anthology Serbin Chnt: Volume II For When wor form hst who clled ophny ur Lord (Jn6/19) Troprion Tone 1 Thou, ship Christ en voice e our His dove, Lord, God, light ened To dy Thou hst Thy with Tr wst F lov bp i ty ws tized r bre ed con firmed world, Who Son! wit mde Jor mn ness And truth ful ness hst glo ophny: Kontkion Tone 4 light, p pered Lord, hs un der st g prise e: dn, i fest! Spir it His e, word. re veled Thy self u ry shone e! ni verse, Thou on hst come us, 345 Serbin rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

346 Anthology Serbin Chnt: Volume II re veled Thy self, Light Un p proch ble! ophny: Prokeimenon Tone 4 God Bless is ed is Lord He tht hs comes re veled Him nme self us! Lord! No Mg gr ress ni fy, ophny: Irmos Tone 2 o kos, more hon ungue n is gel ic md o cious Chris cp ble is my soul, or ble thn pris kos! But know our tins, di o g you ver wed c ve cept our love. Serbin rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005) we most hev fith, You prise wor pure Vir g en ly hosts! ex re thi ly: lt g you, sce you re pro tect you!

Anthology Serbin Chnt: Volume II but wit thn re you you, Synxis St. John Bptist (Jn7/20) Troprion Tone 2 mem o ry Fore right run ner, re ness. You w proph fore, hv pro ters Him, climed gos pel world, us eous is well plesed were ets, for whom g fought those y cr nte God, gret fore re suf by wor thy Lord's veled s you ld. bp fered for mbs gret prise, tized own Who tkes wy grnts mer er truth, ss Serbin rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005) cy. 347

348 Anthology Serbin Chnt: Volume II filled s While when And pris Who he Synxis St. John Bptist: Kontkion Tone 6 riv er Jor with rnks we John ful y who fer dn trem t drew filled were n g e, en light m bled, Thy gels held e drk God com bck ws driv g is try bp sod ness, re mde tized filled mn ens en bck Spir with flesh. we, it. mzed, strem. i fest, ll. light, right eous shll re Prokeimenon Tone 7 Lord hope joice Him. Serbin rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)