Hajja Salesjana. MARZU-APRIL il-219 Óar a. Signs of Sorrow and Love The Pastor and the Son Is-Salesjani fõ tas-sliema

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Hajja Salesjana MARZU-APRIL 2011 il-219 Óar a Signs of Sorrow and Love The Pastor and the Son Is-Salesjani fõ tas-sliema

The Logo of the Salesians of Don Bosco is made up of two superimposed images: in the background a stylised S (Salesians) in white marked to the right and left by two cuttings between the hills (a road). The second image is in the centre of the globe: an arrow pointing upwards resting on three perpendicular legs on top of which are three closed circles making a stylised image of three people: the first of these in the midde and taller (the Salesian) appears as if embracing the side figures (the young). The three stylised figures can also be viewed as an arrow pointing upwards (education / formation) or simply as a dwelling (Salesian house) with three pillars holding it up (reason, religion, loving kindness). The coat of arms of the Salesian Congregation shows the shining star, the large anchor, the heart on fire symbolizing faith, hope and charity; the figure of St. Francis de Sales recalling the Patron of the Society; the small wood in the lower part reminds us of the Founder (Bosco) the high mountains signify the heights of perfection towards which members strive; the interwoven palm and laurel that enfold the shield either side are emblematic of the prize reserved for a sacrificial and virtuous life. The motto Da mihi animas, caetera tolle (give me souls, take the rest) expresses every Salesian s ideal. Óajja Salesjana St. Patrick s School, Triq San Ìwann Bosco, Sliema SLM 1925 MALTA Tel. (+356) 2133 0238 / (+00356) 9986 1586 e-mail: hajjasal@salesiansmalta.org Il-Bulettin Salesjan, imsejja b diversi ismijiet, ji i stampat f 56 edizzjoni u f 29 ilsien madwar iddinja u huwa mxerred fi 131 nazzjon Responsible: Fr. Paul Formosa SDB Director/ Editor: Fr. Joseph Cini SDB Editorial Board : Margaret Buhagiar, Andre Camilleri, Matthew Borg, Josie Grech. Office: Eileen Alden, Joyce Scicluna. Design & Printing: Salesian Press, Sliema. Tista taqra ajja Salesjana fuq il-kompjuter: http://www.salesiansmalta.org Fuqiex se naqraw Signs of Sorrow and Love 7 13,000 batterija uωata 9 Don Bosco Around the World 10 Is-Salesjani f tas-sliema 12 The Pastor and the Son 15 How to Fast 17 Malta Salesjana 20 Saint Mary Mazzerello (2) 22 ÌuΩeppi x-xhud sieket 24 The Mysterious Grigio 26 Il-festa ta San Patrizju 28 Dun Bosco fis-santi u kartolini 30 Haiti Commemoration and hope 33 Editorjal / Pedago ija / Caledar of events / Something to think about / Marian Apparitions Front Cover: Sensiela ta xbihat tal-madonna. Il-Madonna tad-duluri.

Xewqa tas-sbu ija Kull darba li n ares lejn il-pietà ta Michelangelo nibqa ming ajr kliem. Ebda fomm ma jista jiddeskrivi bis-sew din is-sbu ija. Tabil aqq issbu ija mhijiex xi a a li wie ed jista verament jiddefinixxieha. G ax g alkemm is-sbu ija hija fil-mo, imma tisboq lil dan ukoll. Tul is-sekli, afna identifikaw is-sbu ija ma Alla. Óafna wkoll identifikawha mal-arti. Dan ab li l-arti tkun meqjusa b ala tfittxija tas-sbu ija, dik is-sbu ija li ma hi qatt imfissra bis-sempliçi kliem. San Ìwann tas-salib huwa eωempju brillanti ta dan. Il-mod l-aktar effettiv kif hu seta jispjega l-esperjenzi mistiçi tieg u kien bil-poeωija; tant hu hekk li g adu sal-lum meqjus b ala wie ed mill-aqwa poeti ta Spanja. A na nafu li l-poeωija toffri lill-qarrej afna aktar mill-istess kliem li fiha. L-istess jista jing ad minn Michelangelo. Jiena na seb li n-novella bijografika joqg odilha sewwa afna t-titlu: L-Agunija u l-estasi (The Agony and the Ecstasy ta Irving Stone). G aliex kif jista wie ed jispjega b mod komplet dik is- Sbu ija li kienet to ro minn idejn Michelangelo? Huwa min abba f hekk li anke jekk id-dulur ta Sidna Marija mhuwiex xi a a li wie ed isejja sabi, imma quddiem il-pietà g adna nistg u nieqfu mistg a ba bis-sbu ija li naraw fiha. Hija s-sbu ija tar-redenzjoni tag na riflessa filkapulavur ta Michelangelo. Dan kollu jista wkoll jing ad g al afna EDITORJAL xog lijiet muωikali. EΩempju klassiku hija l-missa Solemnis ta Beethoven, li kitibha meta kien trux g al kollox. Sfortunatament, matul dan l-a ar seklu, is-sbu ija tilfet postha b ala l-o ett primarju tal-arti. Din ma g adiex titkejjel bis-sbu ija li tista tesprimi. Qeg din ng ixu fil-perijodu post-modern fejn valuri b as-sewwa u s-sbu ija soçjetà post-moderna t addan biss irrelativiωmu b ala assolut. Wie ed façilment jara l-kontradizzjoni f dan, imma dan hu l-paradoss ta Ωmienna. F soçjetà b al din, iω-ωg aωag tag na jinsew it-tfittxija g as-sbu ija. Dan jag melhielna façli nindunaw bin-nuqqas ta popularità tar- Religjon waqt li jiωdied l-ispiritwaliωmu. Dan hu il-vojt li sikwit isemmi r-rettur Ma ur tag na, Fr Chavez. L-Arti, fil-forom diversi tag ha u b ala tfittxija tas-sabi, tista tkun mezz qawwi sabiex no or u minn dil-mentalità dg ajfa. U jiena nemmen, li a na, b ala Familja Salesjana, g andna ng inu liω-ωg aωag jer g u jiskopru did-dimensjoni li tinsab fl-arti. L-Arti tistà tassew tkun mezz effikaçi sabiex tre ag hom lejn Alla. Meta nammiraw issbu ija tal-baωilka ta Marija G ajnuna tal-insara f Turin, ma nistg ux ma ninteb ux li l-uωu tal-arti li g amel minnu Dun Bosco fil-pedago ija tieg u, ma kienx sempliçement mod kif jokkupa in it-tfal. Kien il-mod g aqli tieg u kif iressaqhom lejn Alla. Tul is-sekli, afna identifikaw is-sbu ija ma Alla. Óafna wkoll identifikawha mal-arti. Dan ab li l-arti tkun meqjusa b ala tfittxija tas-sbu ija, dik is-sbu ija li ma hi qatt imfissra bis-sempliçi kliem. Hajja Salesjana 3

EDITORIAL Longing for Beauty Unfailingly everytime I look at Michelangelo s Pietà I remain speechless. No words can faithfully describe such beauty. Indeed Beauty is not something one can really speak of. Although Beauty embraces the rational, it goes beyond it. Along the centuries many have identified Beauty with God. Many have also identified it with Art. Thus for many centuries Art has been considered as a search for Beauty, that Beauty that cannot be explained in simple words. St John of the Cross is a brilliant example of this. His most effective way of explaining his mystical experiences was through writing poetry; so much so that he is to this day considered as one of the best poets of Spain. We know that poetry delivers much more to the reader than the simple words it contains. The same can be said of Michelangelo. I think the biographical novel, is very appropriately named: The Agony and the Exctasy. For how can one rationally explain such Beauty that flowed from Michelangelo s hands? It is for this reason that even though Our Lady s Sorrows are not something to be described as beautiful as such, in front of the Pietà we still can stand amazed at the Beauty it has. It is the Beauty of our Redemption reflected in Michelangelo s work. And the same can be said of innumerable musical works. One example is Beethoven s Missa Solemnis written when he was totally deaf. Yet for the past century, beauty has lost its place as the primary subject of art. Art is no longer meausured with Beauty as a standard. We are living in a postmodern period when values such as Truth and Beauty have been rendered relative and therefore have lost all meaning. The postmodern society in which we live is one that holds only the value of relativity as absolute. One can easily see the contradiction in this and yet it is the paradox of our times. In such a society, our youths have forgotten to search for Beauty. It is also easy to correlate this with the decline in popularity of Religion and rise in popularity of spiritualism. It is the nihilism, the Rector Major has often spoken of. Art in its various forms, as a search for Beauty, may be one of the means to come out of this nihilistic mentality. I believe we, as a Salesian family, must help the youths rediscover this dimension in art. Art may indeed be an effective means to take them to God. When we see the beauty in the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians in Valdocco, we cannot but see that Don Bosco s use of art in his pedagogy was not merely a way of occupying his children s time! It was one of his subtle ways of taking them to God. Although Beauty embraces the rational, it goes beyond it. Along the centuries many have identified Beauty with God. Many have also identified it with Art. 4 Hajja Salesjana

Minn Pascual Chavez Trad. Joe Cini PEDAGOÌIJA Salesjana Kummenti fuq li Strenna 2011 : Ejjew u Taraw IL-ÓAJJA HIJA VOKAZZJONI G eωieω bieb, qarrejja tal-bullettin Salesjan Hekk kif matul is-sena li g addiet kellimtkom fuq Ìesù tieg i, din is-sena sejjer nikteb fuq Il- ajja b ala vokazzjoni U bi siebni niktbilkom dwar persuna i li b ala bnedmin u nsara g exu l- ajja bis-s i g aliex skoprew u g exu l-vokazzjoni tag hom. Hajja Salesjana IL-VENERABBLI MARIA TRONCATTI (1883-1969) Nibdew din is-serjè qasira bi storja ta mara li kienet missjunarja u ganta tal-im abba g allfqar. Nhar il-25 ta Awissu 1969, f Sucúa (Eqwador), l-ajruplan çkejken li kien i orr lis-sister Maria Troncatti, ikkraxxja qrib foresta li g al 50 sena kienet il-post tal-qalb fejn Sr. Maria kienet admet b qalbha kollha g an-nies Shuar. Maria kienet g amlet l-a ar titjira tag ha li aditha lejn is-sema! Kellha 86 sena: Óajja mog tija b im abba. Kitbet hekk: Kuljum in ossni aktar kuntenta bilvokazzjoni missjunarja tieg i. TIDÓOL SORU Marija twieldet f Corteno Golgi (Brescia- Italja) nhar is-16 ta Frar 1883 o familja numeruωa u 5

kibret fil-fer u l-bωulija fl-g elieqi u d-dar tie u sieb utha, mwieωna mill-eωempju tal- enituri tag ha. Fidila lejn il-katekiωmu fil-parroçça u lejn issagramenti, Marija kellha spirtu nisrani profond, li nibbet u rawwem fiha l-vokazzjoni reli juωa. B ubbidjenza lejn missierha u l-kappillan, hija stenniet til aq l-età ta 18 il sena qabel ma talbet sabiex tid ol fl-istitut ta Ulied Marija G ajnuna tal-insara (Sorijiet Salesjani) fejn g amlet l-ewwel professjoni fl-1908, f Nizza Monferrato. Sa millbidu ppjanat li t obb anke g all-prezz li titqatta biççiet. Matul l-ewwel Gwerra Dinjija (1915-1918) Sr. Marija g amlet kors ta infermiera ol-belt ta Varazze u admet b ala nurse tas-salib l-a mar o sptar militari. Din l-esperjenza kienet ser tigiha siewja afna matul il- ajja twila ta missjunarja fil-foresta tal-amaωonja fl-ekwador. Hija telqet lejn l-ekwador fl-1922 u ma re g et qatt lura; iet mibg uta ta dem fost l-indjani Shuar sabiex flimkien ma Ωew sorijiet o ra tibda x-xog ol diffiçli tat-tag lim (Evan elju u edukazzjoni) imdawra minn perikli ta kull xorta mhux inqas minn dawk ta annimali tal-foresta jew xmajjar imfawra li riedu jinqasmu jew minn o nofshom jew minn fuq pontijiet fra li jew inkella fuq spallejn l-istess Indjani. XOGÓOL BLA HEDA Fil- ungla ekwatorjali Marija xandret u wriet l-im abba tal-missier lil kul add. Hija saret l-omm Ωg ira dejjem lesta biex iωωur lill-morda jew kull min kellu bωonn g ajnuna jew tama. Postijiet b al Macas, Sevilla Don Bosco u Sucúa huma mirakli tal- idma wtieqa ta Sr. Maria Troncatti fejn kienet infermiera, tabiba, dentista, professura... imma fuq kollox, katekista u abbara tal-van elu, mωejna b fidi ajja, b afna paçenzja u m abba tal-proxxmu. Il- idma tag ha man-nisa Shuar, ta frott ta mijiet ta familji nsara li g aωlu, minn rajhom, lil Kristu. Óarsa lejn il-kurçifiss tatini ajja u kura g ax-xog ol - din kienet il-fidi qawwija li sa itha f ajjitha u fil-missjoni tag ha. F kull attività, sagrifiççju jew periklu, kienet t ossha meg juna mill-presenza materna ta Marija G ajnuna tal- Insara. Wie ed mill-missjunarji ta Ωmienha, Dun Giovanni Vigna, allielna miktub fuq Sr. Marija dan li ej: Hija s-sempliçità nnifisha u l-g aqal tal- Van elu. Kemm taf tirba il-qlub! G al kull problema ssib soluzzjoni li, mill-esperjenza, turi li hija l-a jar. Qatt ma tinsa li qieg da ma nies umani debboli u midinba. Jiena rajtha tit abat man-natura umana ta kull xorta, anke l-aktar imsejkna; imma hija tag mel dan bl-akbar g aqal u niena li fiha kienu spontanji u naturali. Dak li jg a ibni huwa kif f dan kollu hija baqg et dejjem mara. U aktar ma kienet reli juωa aktar kienet omm. 6 Hajja Salesjana ana

Signs of Sorrow and Love I kiss the wounds in your Sacred Feet With sorrow deep and true May every step I take today Be a million acts of love for you. I kiss the wounds in your Sacred Head With sorrow deep and true May every thought in my mind today Be a million acts of love for you. I kiss the wound in your Sacred Heart With sorrow deep and true May every beat of my heart today Be a million acts of love for you. I kiss the wounds in your Sacred Shoulder With sorrow deep and true May every cross I bear today Be a million acts of love for you. I kiss the wounds in your Sacred Hands With sorrow deep and true May every touch of my hands today Be a million acts of love for you, Of love for you dear Lord. Quoted in The Catholic Prayer Book. Servant Publications: Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1986. Pg 42-43 Hajja Salesjana 7

2011 CALENDAR OF SALESIAN FEASTS & EVENTS MARCH APRIL MAY Wed 2 Sliema Salesian Cooperators monthly meeting at 6.00 p.m. 7 8 Carnival holidays for schools Wed 9 Ash Wednesday: Evening Mass and Way of the Cross at St. Patrick s: 6.30 p.m. Thu 10 Prayer Day for Salesian Missions Fri 11 One Day Lenten Retreat for St. Patrick s Boys. Every Friday: Way of the Cross and Holy Mass at St.Patrick s at 6.30 p.m. 12 13 Counter Balance 201 File. A show by Salesian Brigade at Salesian Theatre, Sliema Thu 17 Parents Day at Savio College: Form 2 & 4. St. Patrick s Day. Fri 18 Parents day at Savio College: Forms 1 & 3 Sat 19 Saint Joseph. Annual Bikeathlon at Savio College. Prize day at St. Patrick s School Thu 24 Commemoration of Mary Help of Christians at St. Patrick s 6.30 p.m. Fri 1 School Leaving Ceremony Form 5 at Savio College 4-8 Lenten Talks at St. Patrick s at 7.00pm. Wed 6 Sliema Salesian Cooperators Prayer Meeting at St. Patrick s 7-10 Book Fair at St. Patrick s School Sat 9 Concert by King s College Choir at St. Patrick s at 7.00 p.m. 9 10 Atturi Salesjani; Laura, fjur fil-gnien tal-mulej at the Salesian Theatre - Sliema Sun 10 Prayer Day for Salesian Missions Fri 15 Devotional Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. Thu 21 Maundy Thursday: Solemn Holy Mass at St. Patrick s at 6.30 p.m. Fri 22 Good Friday: Adoration of the Cross at 3.00 p.m. Sat 23 Holy Saturday: Easter Vigil and Mass at 8.30 p.m. Sun 24 Easter Sunday. 24 1 May Turin Pilgrimage Mon 25 Commemoration of Mary Help of Christians at St. Patrick s 6.30 p.m. Mon 2 Start of School Term Wed 4 Sliema Salesian Cooperators monthly meeting at 6.00 p.m. Fri 6 St. Dominic Savio. Festivities in Salesian Schools Tue 10 Prayer Day for Salesian Missions Read ajja Salesjana on the website: www.salesiansmalta.org Pictures of Don Bosco set to reflective music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1dvsm9kabw 8 Hajja Salesjana

SUSANNE CALLUS 13,000 batterija uωata Studenti mill-iskola taõ St. PatrickÕ s ing aqdu flimkien maõ skejjel o ra ewwa - entru iviku g all-iskart goff ewwa l-imrie el, biex isegwu t-tluq taõ 3.5 miljun batterija uωata li ew mormija bõ mod g aqli. Dawn il-batteriji telqu g all-vja tag hom lejn l-italja sabiex ji u rri iklati. Is-sena li g addiet l-iskola ta St. Patrick s ipparteçipat f kampanja nazzjonali g al bir ta batterija uωata. Il-qofol ta din il-kampanja kienet il-kompetizzjoni Battery Buster Campaign Competition li kienet miftu a g all-iskejjel kollha ta Malta u G awdex. Min jipparteçipa seta jid ol biççans li jirba wie ed minn bosta premijiet sbie u l-iskola li ti bor l-akbar piω ta batteriji se ting ata tag mir sportiv jew edukattiv b valur ta 2,000. L-iskejjel wa edhom abru iktar minn 14-il tunnellata ta batteriji. Din il-kampanja iet imnedija mill-kumpanija WasteServ Malta Ltd u sponsorjata mill-fimbank plc. L-g an ewlieni ta din ilkampanja kien li ji i enfasizzat l-impatt negattiv li l-batteriji uωati jistg u jikkawωaw jekk ma ji ux trattati kif suppost. Ir-rebbie a ta din il-kompetizzjoni kienet l-iskola ta St. Patrick s li abret l-ikbar ammont ta batteriji uωati b total ta 167.55 kg. Din irreb a kienet possibli grazzi g al impenn u dedikazjoni li wera William Zerafa, student ta Hajja Salesjana tlettax-il sena, li wa du rnexxielu ji bor iktar minn 13,000 batterija uωata. Waqt iç-çerimonja li saret f Jannar li g adda, fejn fiha kien hemm preωenti l-ministru g ar-riωorsi u l-affarijiet Rurali, George Pullicino u c-chairman tal-wasteserv, il-perit Ben Farrugia, William spjega kif wara l-iskola kien jarma kaxxa kbira u jmur maz-ziju tieg u jdur ittoroq u l- wienet ji bor batteriji uωati. William a din il-kampanja bis-serjeta u rnexxielu jrebba lill-iskola tieg u s-somma ta 2,000 li ntuωaw fuq xiri ta riωorsi g all-iskola. Sfortunatament minkejja li abar ammont sostanzjali ta batteriji, ma rnexxilux jirba wie ed mill-premijiet li kien hemm g all-istudenti, g alhekk, b ala rikonoxximent g al im iba eωemplari tieg u, l-iskola ppremjat lil William xorta wa da u ing ata PSP Go. Minkejja li l-kompetizzjoni intemmet, William g adu g addej bil-missjoni tieg u u qed jistenna bil- erqa li ter a ti i mnieda kampanja o ra g all- bir ta batteriji uωati. Prosit tassew William! 9

Don Bosco Around the World In preparation for the celebration of the Bi-Centenary of the birth of St. John Bosco (16th August 1815), the relics of the saint are going around the Salesian world. The urn contains a life-size statue of the saint, a copy of the one in the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians in Turin, with some bones of the saint in it. In 2014 it will visit Malta. Philippines and Vietnam (ANS Rome) Accounts have arrived in the editor s office of the travels of the casket of Don Bosco which in these days has completed its pilgrimage in the Salesian houses in the Saint John Bosco Province of Northern Philippines and on Sunday 16 January moved on to Vietnam. Coming from San Jose City, on 10 January the relics of Don Bosco arrived in Victoria, in Tarlac, the Philippines, welcomed by Fr Ramon Borja, Rector of the house in Tarlac, and the Mayor Candido Guiam, accompanied by a large number of children from Salesian schools, the citizens, the band and a crowd of people of all sorts. The arrival of the casket was seen as a cause of great celebration in the city. The Mayor, a Salesian Past Pupil had insisted that it pass through the city, saying the presence of the founder of the Salesians would be a great blessing for himself and for all the citizens. It was also an opportunity to celebrate the sixty years presence of the Salesians in Tarlac and aroused great enthusiasm among the Past Pupils who organised various events: some organised a collection of funds, other promised to provide a new school hall, others were providing personal scholarships, and others again produced valuable works of art in honour of Don Bosco. Much was also done in Pampanga, where the casket was taken after its time in Tarlac. On its arrival in the city on 12 January, there was a Mass in the Metropolitan Cathedral of San Fernando, at which the local Archbishop Paciano Aniceto presided in the presence of a large number of young people from the Don Bosco Academy in Mabalacat. The school band performed Saint John Bosco, our dear father, while there was a performance of a musical on the life of Don 10 Hajja Salesjana

Bosco directed by the Salesian Fr Ding Cortez. The long pilgrimage of Don Bosco s casket in the Northern Philippines which lasted 25 days concluded with its being taken to the Sanctuary of Mary Help of Christians in Parañaque. After a long and careful spiritual and practical preparation which involved the various branches of the Salesian Family on 16 January the relics arrived in Vietnam and were welcomed at the airport by the Salesian Provincial Fr Joseph Tran Hoa Hung, with the Provincial Council, various Rectors and representatives of the Salesian Family. The journey to the Provincial House at Xuan Hiep, in Ho Chi Minh City was accompanied by an impressive presence of people coming from all the different parts of Vietnam. It was greeted with honours by the youngsters from the schools and from the oratories, in large numbers and very enthusiastic. In their first day in the country over 10,000 people paid their respects to the relics of the saint. All the faithful and friends of Don Bosco took advantage of this occasion for prayer, reflection and spiritual renewal. On 17 and 18 January Don Bosco s casket went to a number of Salesian houses Ben Cat, Binh Minh, Can Gio, Cau Bong, Tan Thinh, Cau Lon, Hoc Mon and Binh Chanh. In view of the large numbers of young people and parishioners, the organising committee for the pilgrimage arranged for the groups to take it in turns to visit the casket and to celebrate Mass. Among the groups of Tuesday 18 January were also a group of students and lay people from Mongolia accompanied by Mgr Wenceslaus Padilla, Bishop of Ulaanbaatar and Fr. Andrew Tin, Superior of the Salesian Delegation in Mongolia. On the morning of 21 January the casket was taken to the house of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (FMA) at Tam Ha, where it was welcomed by the Superior in Vietnam, Sr. Teresa Uong Thi Doan Trang. Hajja Salesjana 11

Is-Salesjani fõ tas-sliema IL-BIDU Sa minn meta fl-1884 kien la aq kappillan ta tas- Sliema, Dun F.V. Manchè kien sema bl-inizjattiva li kien a Dun Ìwanni Bosco, li kien iddedika ajtu g all-edukazzjoni u l-formazzjoni tal-karattru ta Ωg aωag foqra jew li kienu ejjin minn ambjent diffiçli. Ix-xog ol ta fejda beda fl-1845 ewwa Valdocco, qrib Torin. Tnax il sena wara, il-papa Piju lx approva t-twaqqif tas-soçjeta Salesjana. Dik il- abta ewwa tas-sliema afna tfal u Ωg aωag kienu ji errew mat-toroq g ax ma kellhomx fejn jg addu l- in ieles tag hom; kien hemm ukoll il-problema ta nuqqas ta tag lim peress li ftit kienu dawk li kienu jattendu l-iskejjel li kienu jeωistu fil-lokalita. Is-sistema Salesjana kienet (u g ada) dik ta edukazzjoni preventiva u formazzjoni morali soda. Dun Ìwanni Bosco li miet fil-31 ta Jannar 1888 alla warajh Soçjeta ta saçerdoti u lajçi mimlija e a g all-missjoni fdata minn John Bisazza lilhom. Sena wara l-kappillan Manchè kiteb lil Don Michele Rua ewwa Torin fejn talbu biex iwaqqaf dar tas-salesjani f tas-sliema. Fit-13 ta Novembru 1889 irçieva twe iba negattiva peress li ma kienx g ad hemm biωωejjed saçerdoti disponibbli, iωda tah il-kelma tieg u li l quddiem kien jara kif jikkuntentah, filwaqt li bag atlu ktieb fuq il- ajja ta Don Bosco u l-bollettino Salesiano Sadanittant fl-1897 il-filantropu Alfonso Maria Galea informa lill-gvernatur Freemantle li kien lest li jag ti l-art me tie a u s-somma ta elf lira biex fuqha jinbena istitut li kellu jitmexxa mis-salesjani. G all-bidu deher li s-segretarju tal-gvern Gerald Strickland ma kienx favur dan il-pjan peress li beωa li s-salesjani kienu jda lu influwenza Taljana filpajjiω f epoka meta kienet teωisti polemika kbira dwar il-kulturi Taljani u IngliΩi, iωda wara ftit xhur meta bdew jitfaççaw ukoll Salesjani mill-provinçja IngliΩa/IrlandiΩa, il-gvern ivvota 1,800 lira o ra biex jinbeda x-xog ol. Kien l-istess Gvernatur li fis-17 ta Diçembru 1898 qieg ed l-ewwel ebla tal-istitut. Sena wara, is- Sinjura Giovanna Pullicino ar et is-somma ta elf lira biex bihom tinbena knisja flistitut. Mal-wasla Fin-nofs: is-sur Fons 12 Hajja Salesjana

Kappella antika tal-oratorju tag hom f Malta, is-salesjani da lu d-devozzjoni tant g al qalb Don Bosco, dik ta Marija G ajnuna tal-insara, liema titlu kien ie mog ti lill-madonna f l-1816. L-EWWEL SNIN TAS-SALESJANI F TAS-SLIEMA In-negozjati bejn il-kappillan ta Stella Maris u s-sur Fons (kif kien iωjed mag ruf Alfonso Maria Galea) mas-salesjani f Torin kienu baqg u sejrin sakemm g al abta ta Novembru 1903 waslu l-ewwel ulied ta Don Bosco f tas-sliema. Fis- 16 ta Mejju tal-1904 l-istitut beda jiffunzjona u ng ata l-isem ta St. Patrick s Salesian School ad unur l-ewwel superjur Fr. Patrick O Grady. Flistess okkaωjoni tpo iet l-ewwel ebla tal-knisja tal-istitut, li g al afna snin kienet isservi b ala parroçça tal-kattoliçi tal-lingwa IngliΩa, residenti f tas-sliema. MaΩ-Ωmien diversi Ωg aωag Maltin b vokazzjoni saçerdotali bdew jing aqdu mal- Ordni tas-salesjani. ÛJARA TAS-SUÇÇESSUR TA DON BOSCO F l-1906 Don Michele Rua g amel Ωjara f Malta fejn seta jara b g ajnejh il-progress img a el tas- Salesjani bil-g ajnuna finanzjarja u morali tas-sur Fons. Don Rua re a ie Malta biex jinawgura il Juventutis Domus. Kienet tassew okkaωjoni ta fer g all-kappillan ta Stella Maris u s-sur Alfonso Maria Galea li jaraw il-frott tal- idma Salesjana. Matul il-ftit jiem li dam Malta, Don Rua kien il-mistieden ta dan tal-a ar fir-residenza tieg u numru 54, Triq il-kbira, Sliema, fejn anke iççelebra Quddiesa. Is-Sur Fons kompla j abrek biex jinbena Oratorio Festivo. Fit-23 ta Ottubru 1910 fil-bitha tal-oratorju twaqqfet is-salesian Boys Brigade. G all- abta tal-1913 is-sur Fons talab lill- Gvern biex iω-ωew toroq ta madwar l-istitut ji u msemmija g al Don Bosco u Don Rua, liema talba iet milqug a ming ajr ebda diffikulta. Fl-1920 id-direttur tal- Juventutis Domus Don Vincenzo Allegra feta il Collegio Sant Alfonso l-isem intg aωel b sens ta qima u rispett lejn is- Sur Fons. F inqas minn tletin sena il-komunita Salesjana kella t-tmexxija ta Istitut u Oratorju. Dan kollu ma kienx ise kieku ma kinux is-sur Fons u o t mara tieg u, is-sinjorina Mary Asphar li ar u l-fondi il- g al Hajja Salesjana 13

opra hekk fejjieda. Is-Sur Fons kellu determinazzjoni bbaωata fuq ittwemmin u l-valuri mag una fih. Kien umli u f kull okkaωjoni kont issibu ja rab ilpubbliçita. DUN NAZZARENO CAMILLERI MaΩ-Ωmien Ωg aωag b vokazzjoni saçerdotali bdew jing aqdu mal- Ordni Salesjana. Wie ed mill-ewlenin kien is-slimiω Dun Nazzareno Camilleri. Dun Nazzareno twieled fi Triq San Vincenz fit-18 ta Novembru 1906. B ala Ωag Ωug kien iservi b ala abbati fil-knisja ta Stella Maris sakemm fl-1921 beda n-novizzjat mas- Salesjani fi Sqallija. Ìie ordnat saçerdot fit-30 ta Settembru 1934 mill-isqof Mauro Caruana filkappella tal-oratorju Salesjan; ftit tal-jiem wara qaddes l-ewwel Quddiesa Solenni fil-knisja ta Stella Maris. Huwa g ex ewwa l-italja fejn kien g alliem u professur f numru ta istituzzjonijiet L-iΩjed aspett importanti ma kienx biss l-g]erf tieg u iωda l- ajja mistika li kien jg ix; miet f l-1 ta Marzu 1973 f Ruma. G andhom tassew biex ikunu fer ana s-salesjani Maltin b Dun Nazzareno li f l- 1983 inbdew il-passi g al beatifikazzjoni tieg u. ID F ID MAL-PARROÇÇA TA STELLA MARIS Bil- idma f l-oratorju dejjem tikber, is-salesjani kellhom bωonn l-g ajnuna ta Ωew saçerdoti u katekista lajk; g al din is-sej a l-kappillan Capurro inkariga lil Dun Pietru Pawl Grima u lil Dun ÌuΩepp Busietta, flimkien mas-sur John Bartolo lajk involut f bosta g aqdiet tal-parroçça. Dan tala ar kien mhux biss jie u sieb il-katekeωi taω- Ωg aωag iωda abrek afna mil-lat rikreattiv u kulturali tal-istess Oratorju. Il-konferenzi ta nhar ta Óadd fit-tijatru tal-juventutis Domus kienu jkunu iffrekwentati afna u l-imsemmija Ωew saçerdoti tal-parroçça kienu jkunu fost il-kelliema ewlenin. F Mejju 1935 f g eluq is-sena millkanonizzazzjoni ta Don Bosco, il-komunità Salesjana bl-g ajnuna tal-kappillan Capurro fakkru bil-kbir dik l-okkorrenza li tant kienet tfisser g alihom. Sentejn wara, sewwa sew fit-8 ta Awissu 1937 l-isqof ta G awdex Monsinjur Mikiel Gonzi bierek il-qniepen il- odda tal-knisja ta Stella Maris filbit a tal-istitut ta St. Patrick s, fejn indaqqet l-ewwel mota. Fl-1954 f l-okkaωjoni ta g eluq il- amsin sena mill-wasla tas-salesjani f Malta l-kappillan Inguanez abrek kemm fela biex f dik l-okkaωjoni l-knisja Parrokkjali tkun iç-çentru taç-çelebrazzjonijiet li g alihom kien preωenti ir- Rettur Ma ur tas-salesjani Don Renato Ziggotti. Óafna g adhom jiftakru s-sehem tas-salesian Boys Brigade fil-proçessjonijiet ta Corpus Christi u tal-qalb ta Ìesu li kienu jsiru fil-parroçça. Ghalkemm illum il-komunita Salesjana tinsab fil-konfini parrokkjali ta San Girgor g ada teωisti rabta intrinsika mal-g eruq tag ha, il-parroçça ta Stella Maris. Kien bis-sa a tat-t abrik talewwel kappillan ta tas-sliema u l- eneroωita tas- Sur Fons li Tas-Sliema tista tifta ar li tat lil Malta opra tant fejjieda. Riferenzi: Dun Nazzaren Camilleri ta Philip Grech SDB -Salesian Press Annali Della Societa Salesjana (Torin) (1841-1921) Alfonso M. Galea ta Louis A.Grasso - Marsa press ]ajja Salesjana -Frar 1991 Salesian Press L-Ossevatore Romano 15.06.35 Noti: Don Giovanni Bosco (1815-1888) ikkanonizzat f l-1 ta April 1934 mill- Papa Piju Xl Don Michele Rua ibbeatifikat fid-29 ta Ottubru 1972 mill- Papa Ìwanni Pawlu ll 14 Hajja Salesjana

The Pastor and the Son Every Sunday afternoon, after the morning service at the church, the Pastor and his eleven year old son would go out into their town and hand out Gospel Tracts. One particular Sunday afternoon, it turned very cold and rain started pouring down. The boy bundled up in his warmest and driest clothes and said, OK, dad, I m ready Dad. It s time we gather our tracts together and go out. Dad responded, Son, it s very cold outside and it s pouring rain. The boy gives his dad a surprised look, asking, But Dad, aren t people still going to Hell, even though it s raining? Dad answered, Son, I am not going out in this weather. Despondently, the boy asked, Dad, can I go? Please? His father hesitated for a moment then said, Son, you can go. Here are the tracts, be careful. This eleven year old boy walked the streets of the town going door to door and handing Hajja Salesjana everybody he met in the street a Gospel Tract. After two hours of walking in the rain, he was soaking, bone-chilled wet and down to his very last tract. He turned toward the first home he saw and started up the sidewalk to the front door and rang the door bell. He rang the bell, but nobody answered. He rang it again and again, but still no one answered. He waited but still no answer. He waited, something holding him there on the front porch! He rang again and this time the door slowly opened. Standing in the doorway was a very sadlooking elderly lady. She softly asked, What can I do for you, son? With radiant eyes and a smile 15

that lit up her world, this little boy said, Ma am, I m sorry if I disturbed you, but I just want to tell you that Jesus really does love you, and I came to give you my very last Gospel Tract which will tell you about Jesus and His great love. With that, he handed her his last tract and turned to leave. She called to him as he departed. Thank you, son! And God bless you! Well, the following Sunday morning in church little boy I had ever seen in my life. The words that came from his mouth caused my heart that had long been dead, to leap to life as he exclaimed, Ma am, I just came to tell you that Jesus really does love you. Then he gave me this Gospel Tract that I now hold in my hand. As the little angel disappeared back out into the cold and rain, I closed my door and read slowly every word of this Gospel Tract. Then I went up to my attic to get my rope and chair. I wouldn t be needing them any more. You see, I am now a Happy Child of the King. Since the address of your church was on the back of this Gospel Tract, I have come here to personally say thank you to God s little angel who came just in the nick of time and by so doing, spared my soul from an eternity in hell. There was not a dry eye in the church. And as shouts of praise and honour to The King resounded off the very rafters of the building. Pastor Dad descended from the pulpit to the front pew where the little angel was seated. He took his son in his arms as a tear rolled down his face. Pastor Dad was in the pulpit. As the service began, he asked, Does anybody have testimony or want to say anything? Slowly, in the back row of the church, an elderly lady stood to her feet. As she began to speak, a look of glorious radiance came from her face, No one in this church knows me. I ve never been here before. My husband passed on some time ago, leaving me totally alone in this world. Last Sunday, being a particularly cold and rainy day, it was even more so in my heart that I came to the end of the line where I no longer had any hope or will to live. So I took a rope and a chair and ascended the stairway into the attic of my home. I fastened the rope securely to a rafter in the roof, then stood on the chair and fastened the other end of the rope around my neck. Standing on that chair, so lonely and brokenhearted I was about to leap off, when suddenly the ringing of my doorbell downstairs startled me. I thought, I ll wait a minute, and whoever it is will go away. I waited and waited, but the ringing doorbell seemed to get louder and more insistent. I thought to myself again, Who on earth could this be? Nobody ever rings my bell or comes to see me. I loosened the rope from my neck and started for the front door. When I opened the door and looked I could hardly believe my eyes, for there on my front porch was the most radiant and angelic 16 Hajja Salesjana

Fast from judging others; Feast on Christ dwelling in them. Fast from apparent darkness; Feast on the reality of light. Fast from pessimism; Feast on optimism. Fast from thoughts of illness; Feast on the healing power of God. Fast from words that pollute; Feast on phrases that purify. Fast from anger; Feast on patience. Fast from worry; Feast on Divine Providence. Fast from unrelenting pressure; Feast on unceasing prayer. Fast from negatives; Feast on positives. Fast from complaining; Feast on appreciation. Fast from hostility; Feast on non-resistance. Fast from bitterness; Feast on forgiveness. Fast from anxiety; Feast on hope. Fast from yourself; Feast on a silent heart. How to Fast Hajja Salesjana 17

Something to think about 18 Hajja Salesjana

SEVEN UPS 1. WAKE UP Decide to have a good day. Today is the day the Lord hath made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24) 2. DRESS UP The best way to dress up is to put on a smile. A smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks. The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at outward appearances; but the Lord looks at the heart. (I Samuel 16:7) 3. SHUT UP Say nice things and learn to listen. God gave us two ears and one mouth, so He must have meant for us to do twice as much listening as talking. He who guards his lips guards his soul. (Proverbs 13:3) 4. STAND UP... For what you believe in. Stand for something or you will fall for anything. Let us not be weary in doing good; for at the proper time, we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good. (Galatians 6:9-10) 5. LOOK UP... To the Lord. I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13) 6. REACH UP... For something higher. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him, And He will direct your path. (Proverbs 3:5-6) 7. Lift Up... Your Prayers. Do not worry about anything; instead pray about everything. (Philippians 4:6) Hajja Salesjana 19

Malta Salesjana WINTER CAMP TAX-XITWA GÓAS-SB Is-SB organizzat il- Camp tag ha tax-xitwa fla ar ta Diçembru, matul il-vaganzi tal-milied. 26 membru adu sehem u kkampjaw f Santa Katarina, limiti tar-rabat, fejn g exu u raqdu ta t it-tined imtella fil-post li kienu naddfu sew. Xi w ud li jinqalg u l-aktar adu sieb it-tisjir, waqt li l-health & Safety Officer dejjem sab atab biωωejjed g at-tisjir, g all-bbq s u g allcampfire. Matul dawn il-jiem il-membri kollha t arr u u g amlu l-attivitajiet lis-soltu jsiru f kull camp kif ukoll ta ri prattiku sabiex ilmembri Ω-Ωg ar u dawk odda jitg allmu jkunu ta g ajnuna u jinserixxu ru hom fl-ispirtu u l-attivitajiet kollha. Barra mill-mixja lejn il- Buskett billejl, fl-a ar jum Ωaru x-xelters talgwerra u l-katakombi fir-rabat. Meta re g u lura kul add midd idejh sabiex jin abar kollox; imbag ad ittie ed ritratt tal-okkaωjoni, tniωωlet il-bandiera u ntemmet din l-avventura tant sodisfaçenti. IL-KOPERATURI SALESJANI TA SAVIO COLLEGE L-a ar laqg a tas-sena 2010 saret nhar it-28 ta Diçembru. Numru mielu mela s-sala dak inhar filg axija fejn quddiesa iet iççelebrata minn Frs. Fabio Attard u Sandro Camilleri. Dan il-grupp sabi ta Koperaturi issa ilu ji i ffurmat g al aktar minn sena u nofs; minn meta xi w ud minnhom kienu g amlu l- Weg da nhar is-16 ta Mejju 2009, u kienu ew mag duda fl-assoçjazzjoni tal- Koperaturi Salesjani mwaqqfa minn Dun Bosco innifsu. Din is-sena Fr Sandro ippropona pass ie or il quddiem g all-kobor ta din l-assoçjazzjoni, ji ifieri l-g aωla ta Kordinatur Uffiçjali li jg in fit-tmexxija tal-grupp kemm lokalment kif ukoll biex jibda komunikazzjoni mal- Assoçjazzjoni tal-koperaturi fuq livell internazzjonali. 20 Hajja Salesjana

KORS TA FORMAZZJONI Nhar is-sibt 22 ta Jannar, od-dar tad-delegat f Tas- Sliema, saret it-3 laqg a fil-kors ta formazzjoni tal-brothers u Aspiranti. Il-konferenza iet mog tija minn Fr Joe Cini u t-tema kienet Missjunarji f dawn iω-ωminijiet. Wara l-konferenza u l-kafè kien hemm diskussjoni, u wara din, il-quddiesa. Fr Joe, li kien missjunarju kemm fl-indja u kemm fit-tuneωija, ippreωenta tema interessanti u wera kif Dun Bosco, li kellu qalb ta missjunarju, g alkemm ma marx hu stess fil-missjoni, bag at lill-ulied spiritwali tieg u fil-pajjiωi l-aktar imbieg da. Mill-Kostituzzjoni Salesjana Fr Joe wera kif a na missjunarji tat-tfal u Ωg aωag kull fejn inkunu. Waqt id-diskussjoni issemmiet afna t-tuneωija, min abba dak li qieg ed ji ri f dan il-pajjiω dawn il-jiem. Ng inu lill -Knisja f dan il-kontinent sabiex terga tqum fuq saqajha u tie u ajja dida. VOLUNTEER FOR A CHANGE Madwar 70 Ωag Ωug a iltaqg u dan l-a ar fis-sala ta St. Patrick School sabiex jaqsmu bejniethom informazzjoni fuq l-attivitajiet ta SPYS (Salesian Youth Pastoral Service). Din il-laqg a ssemmiet Volunteer for a Change u matulha iet mog tija informazzjoni fuq pro etti Salesjani u Volontarjat fl-indja, Ghana, Kenya kif ukoll fuq Summer Camps hawn Malta stess malkomunità Salesjana ta l-isla. Dawk li qieg din jit ajru jag tu sehemhom intwerew lilhom ritratti u videos ta voluntiera o rajn u setg u jisimg u esperjenzi li o rajn di à kellhom. SPYS qeg din jorganizzaw korsijiet ta t ejjija g all-voluntiera, u dawn bdew fi Frar. Jekk xi add huwa nteressat fil-volontarjat, sa mis-sajf li ej, jista jikkuntattja lil SPYS g al aktar informazzjoni fuq spysint@spysmalta.org Hajja Salesjana IÌRI JIGI IS-SAJF Xi sena ilu, grupp ta Animaturi Salesjani, laqg u sfida: dik li jibdew jg inu flattivitajiet ta l-oratorju tal-komunità Salesjana fl-isla. Fr. Victor Mangion urihom l-ambjent tad-dar u x-xog ol li kien qieg ed isir. Ftit img at wara dan, ing aqdu ma SPYS li kienu qeg din i ejju g al summercamp proprju hemmhekk. Malajr bdiet it-t ejjija u mag ha ie l-eççitament. Kul add kellu l-parti tieg u u kienu qeg din na dmu verament mag qudin. Sa millewwel jum assew li kienu marru tajjeb; ittfal li ew baqg u sodisfatti u fer anin. Xi w ud abu o rajn mag hom. Il- img atejn taru u di à bdew i ejju l-ispettaklu tala ar. Ìenituri u qrabat u bieb ew sabiex jaraw lil dawn it-tfal jirreçtaw u jkantaw. L-Animaturi u t-tfal telqu lil xulxin bil- sieb li jer g u jiltaqg u: xi g awma, xi BBQ u party tal-milied ewwa l-oratorju, fejn it-tfal huma m e a sabiex ji u. Intant kul add qieg ed jistenna u j ejji ru u g assajf li ej. Minn Claire Falzon 21

MARY GETS TYPHOID Mrs. Mazzarello noticed the change in her daughter: her cheeks were flushed, her eyes sunken, her sturdy body broken by the long hours of work and sleepless vigils. Within a few hours, she was in the throes of a consuming typhoid fever which hungrily burned every ounce of strength out of her tired body. Long hours of rest and healthful nourishment from the hands of her overjoyed mother restored colour to her blood-drained face. The fever ebbed away; then her native strength rallied. Father Pestarino, who had anxiously watched her through the days of crisis, brought her Holy Communion every day, knowing that it would be her only comfort through the long hours of painful illness. The Mazzarello home now became a small oasis for the Mornese townsfolk, who had heard of Mary s heroic venture into the typhoid-stricken village and had nervously watched her fight with death. They remembered the sturdy young woman, and now saw the thin, frail girl that the consuming typhoid had left behind. 2 Saint Mary Mazzarello This is the story of a woman with a backbone, as Pope Pius XI called her. The story of a soul who passed through a life of hunger, toil and contradiction. The story of a leader, a foundress, a saint. Mary was not blind to reality. Two months of fever and illness had destroyed her iron constitution. She knew she would never again be able to work in the fields, and yet, she reflected, maybe this was what she had been waiting for all these twenty years maybe she and Father Pestarino would now know what God had wanted her to do; and as long as it was for God she would do it and love it! VISIONARY Mary was enjoying her autumn stroll through the country. Everything was so beautiful in late October. Certainly a Great Artist had planned all this pageant of splendour, and had lent it the quickening force of life that seemed to speak to her of Eternal Beauty. She was convalescing now, and the long walks, mostly spent in spontaneous prayer, did her a great deal of good. Over the hilltop she strayed, but she stopped in surprise that building set in the midst of the field: where had it come from? And 22 Hajja Salesjana

those sisters playing with the village girls, who were they? She rubbed her eyes fiercely. Surely she was not delirious again! She took her hands from her face and saw nothing, just the bare field swept by the wind. The building and the Sisters and the children were all gone. Mary turned back. What had she seen? A vision? Her religious training had always been very earthly, practical, passed on to her by a plain hardworking priest who had little trust in visionaries and dreams. And yet, so many things had come up of late: her illness, so abruptly changing her, her growing attachment to the care and teaching of children were they accidents? And then Father Pestarino kept telling her that Don Bosco, the great priest of Turin was interested in the Immaculate Conception Society of Mornese. Did it mean anything? The Immaculate Conception Society was a wonderful thing, she knew. Fifteen girls of Mornese, all of them anxious to leave the world and live the religious life but drawn to no particular order, desirous of living at home with their families while bound by their vows, and benefiting the village children, that was the Immaculate Conception Society to which she belonged. Father Pestarino kept dropping hints, always bringing up the name of Don Bosco. Certainly, that meant something! Mary took up her Rosary. She was dizzy with thought. She needed prayer. Back in Turin, miles from Mornese, Don Bosco was also deeply engrossed in thought. A certain dream puzzled him. He had strangely found himself in the midst of a crowd of girls in one of Turin s great squares. They rushed to him and tugged at his cassock. Please come to us! they pleaded. We need you too! Their thin faces, outstretched arms, and moist eyes begged as no orator could do. Then they faded into the nothingness from which they had emerged. Girls? Was he called also to work for girls? Don Bosco fingered the letter he had just received from Father Pestarino. He read again of the Immaculate Conception Society fifteen young women, already partly trained in religious life, anxious to work for girls, poor girls. Some hand was shaping the future! He took up his pen and wrote to Mornese. I shall come with my boys for a few days. And I would like to meet and speak to the Immaculate Conception Society. BEGINNINGS Mother announced Mary one evening after a meeting of the Immaculate Conception Society. I am going to leave home. Father Pestarino is going to allow some of us girls to live together in the cottage near the church. And I have decided to be one of them. And what are you going to do there? her father asked skeptically. Starve! Oh no, Papa, we won t starve. We ll get a little something for teaching the girls, enough to live on. But are you going to teach fancy sewing? You don t know it yourself, dear, broke in her practical mother. Oh, we re going to learn it, Mother. Mr. Campi, the tailor, is going to teach us, and the seamstress in Mornese is going to show us how to cut and piece dresses. Now, Mother, you know there s nothing to fret about! We ll live just like religious, so God will take good care of us! Just think of all the good we can do to the girls of Mornese. We can make fervent Catholics out of them, and good housewives! It wouldn t be a bad idea if you became a housewife, Mary, chimed in Mr. Mazzarello. No Papa, was the girl s decisive answer. You know I ve never wanted that. It s not my life. This is the life I have always wanted! I know God wants me to follow it! Very well, Mary, sighed her mother quietly. We won t hinder you if that is what you really want. She struggled to choke a sob. Mary kissed her mother. Please Mother, there is nothing to worry about. God will be with us! (to continue...) Hajja Salesjana 23

MID-DJAKNU KRYSTOF BUTTIGIEG ÌuΩeppi x-xhud sieket X g amel ÌuΩeppi biex kien jist oqqlu l- ie hekk kbir ta patrun universali tal-knisja, sewwasew ipproklamat mill-beatu Papa Piju IX fit-8 ta Diçembru tal-1870? X kien li minn Ωmien g all-ie or, il-knisja kompliet tg ollieh il fuq fil- ie, hekk li, fis-setg a tqieg du dritt wara dak tal-g arusa mqaddsa tieg u? Ji i pproklamat: arries u patrun tal- ens nisrani kollu; xempju u avukat tal-familji nsara; patrun talmoribondi; mudell u sosten tal- addiema; protettur tal-konçilju Vatikan II, u sa ansitra jkun imqieg ed mill-papa Ìwanni XXIII b ala sie eb eωemplari tassaçerdoti, meta jg id: Min infatti aktar mis-saçerdot jista jiffamiljarizza ru u ma San ÌuΩepp, li mhux biss kien jara u jisma, iωda wkoll i orr, ibus, ilibbes u jie u sieb l Alla stess? Ìwanni Pawlu II fil-fatt jipproponi mill- did lil San ÌuΩepp b ala eωemplar u xempju lir-rg ajja u ministri tal-knisja sabiex dawn jaqdu l-poplu t Alla b dedikazzjoni attiva u eneruωa b alma g amel San ÌuΩepp li serva denjament il-mulej Ìesù u l-ver ni Marija. G al tletin sena s a hu kien id-dell tal-missier Etern fuq l-iben Ìesù, g ax abbu b im abba ta missier, u b e a kbira, indokra u ares il-familja divina. Fis-skiet hu g allem l-ewwel passi lill-messija, u wara allieh jo ro jimxi qalb il-poplu biex iwassal l-a bar it-tajba ta salvazzjoni lill- olqien kollu. G alhekk fil-mo bi hu ssie eb b fedeltà fil-pjan tassalvazzjoni g all-bnedmin kollha u dan sempliçement g ax g araf ikun il-qaddej umli u ubbidjenti ta Alla fis-sej a li Alla stess g amillu. Lil ÌuΩeppi ma nsibuh jg id xejn: ebda kelma ma nsibu miktuba li ar et minn fommu. Fil-Van eli narawh jg addi bla ma jag mel oss. Ebda daqq ta tromba biex ixandar il-grazzja tal-missjoni li rçieva, ebda lied vjolenti biex ja bat ikisser lill-g edewwa ta ibnu. ÌuΩeppi kien biss ix-xhud sieket tal-ikbar rajja li qatt se et fl-umanità. U f dan kien qed jaqdi l-ikbar missjoni li Kristu alla lid-dixxipli tieg u: li jkunu xhieda tieg u. Missjoni li ting ata f kull Van elu, ti i mwettqa fl-atti, u g adha fundamentali g all-knisja fid-dinja tal-lum. L-appostli u s-suççessuri tag hom kienu ta xhieda permezz tax-xandir tal-kelma, iωda ÌuΩeppi jag mel dan bix-xandira siekta ta g emilu. G alih jg odd afna kliem Kristu meta qal lid-dixxipli: G ax mhux intom tkunu li titkellmu, imma l-ispirtu ta Missierkom ikun qieg ed jitkellem permezz tag kom (Mt 10,20). ÌuΩeppi jiskot u Alla jitkellem permezz ta g emilu fih. ÌuΩeppi jsir strument utli f idejn Alla, j alli ja dem permezz tieg u. Is-soçjetà tal-lum g andha afna min jg allimha u jg idilha x g andha tag mel imma min jag tiha l-eωempju huma ftit. Forsi g alhekk kul add jrid jesperimenta, g ax m g adux jemmen kliem addie or u biex jifhem forsi jrid jara. In-nies ta 24 Hajja Salesjana

eωempju naqsu g ax hu aktar façli li tg id u tg allem milli tisma u tg in bil-fatti. Tliet darbiet fil-van elu ta Mattew naraw lil ÌuΩeppi jisma le en Alla u ming ajr telf ta Ωmien jafda fih u jaqdih kif me tie : h ÌuΩeppi, meta qam, g amel kif ordnalu l-an lu tal- Mulej, u a lil martu g andu. (Mt. 1:24) h ÌuΩeppi qam, a mieg u lit-tifel u lil ommu bil-lejl u telaq lejn l-e ittu (Mt. 2:14) h ÌuΩeppi qam, a mieg u lit-tifel u lil ommu, u mar fl-art ta IΩrael. (Mt. 2:21) G alfejn? Biex ise dak li kien miktub minn qabel mill-profeti, ji ifieri biex isse ir-rieda ta Alla. ÌuΩeppi fir-relazzjoni tieg u ma Alla jg allimna a a afna importanti lilna lkoll. Jg allimna l-importanza tas-skiet: kemm biex tisma lil Alla u kemm biex tag mel dak li jrid hu, u kemm biex t ossok ma bub minn Alla u kemm t obbu lura. San Ìwann tas- Salib jg idilna: Dak li l-aktar g andna bωonn biex nimxu l quddiem hu li nkunu siekta quddiem dan Alla kbir, bix-xewqa u bl-ilsien g al dik il-lingwa li l-aktar huwa jisma, li hi dik tal-im abba siekta. ÌuΩeppi jispirana biex ner g u nsibu s-sbu ija ta din il-lingwa mo bija li tinftiehem aktar mill-kliem, illingwa ta l-im abba mitkellma fl-iskiet u bil-fatti, blazzjoni. G ax mhux kull min isejja li Mulej, Mulej iωda min jag mel ir-rieda tal-missier. ÌuΩeppi mhux il-bniedem tal-paroli, imma l-bniedem tal-azzjoni. ÌuΩeppi kien sieket: h mhux g ax kien injorant, iωda g ax proprju jifhem çar. h Mhux g ax kien jibωa, imma g ax kien jafda. h Mhux g ax kien xi u bla sa a, imma g ax kien sod. h Mhux g ax kien indeçiω, imma g ax kien ja sibha tajjeb u jag mel dak li Alla jridu jag mel. Hawn l-img allmin kollha tal-ispiritwalità, ibda minn Santa Katerina ta Siena sa San Ìwann tas-salib jg inuna nifhmu kif nag rfu jekk dak li jing add lilna jkun ej minn Alla jew le. Dak li mhux ej minn Alla, jinstema tajjeb g al bidu, Hajja Salesjana jkun jidher ta ispirazzjoni u taççettah, però mbag ad jinbidel f sors ta dwejjaq, perturbazzjoni, skumdità u sens ta tija. Min-na a l-o ra dak li jkun iere minn fomm Alla, fil-bidu jkun qares, u ma ji bdekx iωda mbag ad isir sors ta paçi interjuri, kalma u kura. Din il-verità hija l-essenza tad-dixxerniment u tag mel parti mill-eωerçizzi ta Sant Injazju ta Loyola. Kemm hu importanti g alhekk li ru na tie u s-silenzju mixtieq biex dawn il-prinçipji ta dixxerniment ja dmu fiç-çar u ma jkunux mxekkla. Hekk ÌuΩeppi fis-skiet kien kapaçi wkoll jag raf il-limiti tieg u quddiem l-armata ta Erodi. Biex jiddefendi, ma jfittixx il- lied, iωda b umiltà (kif kien ordnat jag mel) jag Ωel li ja rab lejn l-e ittu. Quddiem il-qawwa tal-g adu afna drabi l-g aqal jitlob li ta rab u mhux tikkonfronta. Ejjew mela n allu l-qawwiet tal- aωen f idejn San Mikiel u fuq l-eωempju ta ÌuΩeppi nag rfu d-dg jufija tag na, ma nisfidawx, iωda b kura u b responabbiltà nirtiraw. Anke Ìesù jag mel l-istess meta ew ifittxuh biex joqtluh, jew biex jitfg uh minn fuq is-sies g al isfel...hu ja rab u jibqa sejjer. Però l-ikbar g adu tag na xi drabi nafu nkunu a na nfusna bi sibijietna, bis-sens ta superjorità li jista jkollna, jew bit-tfittxija taç-çertezza u kumdità f kollox. Biex tikkumbatti dawn il-qawwiet hemm bωonn tassilenzju interjuri, li tmut g alik innifsek, li ma ΩΩomx b mod inseparabbli mal-fehmiet ta mo ok. Jekk nag rfu nipprattikaw is-skiet interjuri ma Dak li ma jitkellimx u hu kapaçi jg allimna kif nibqg u fis-skiet, nibqg u mistg a ba kif naraw kull muntanja titwitta u ssir xejn quddiemna. G ax spirtu b al dak... ma jista jitkeçça b xejn lief bit-talb. Ejjew mela mmorru g and ÌuΩeppi u min g andu nitg allmu l-valur tas-skiet fil- ajja tag na: mezz biex nsibu lil Alla u biex b umiltà u m abba nkunu xhieda awtentiçi tal-kelma tieg u. Referenzi: - Mons. Lawrenz Sciberras, Il-Mastrudaxxa ta Nazzaret, (2009). - Andrew Doze, Discovering St. Joseph, (1991). - Federico Suarez, Giuseppe sposo di Maria, (Milano 1988). - Frere Ephraim, Giuseppe di Nazaret. Il Mistero del Padre, (Milano 1998). 25

The Mysterious Grigio It is absolutely amazing to see the obedience that relatively unintelligent animals often performed at the bidding of the Saints. St. John Bosco who was protected on numerous occasions by the mysterious dog whom he named Grigio is one of several amazing episodes in the life of Don Bosco. This huge grey dog which appeared and suddenly disappeared in moments of danger, and asked for neither food nor shelter, was savage as a wolf against an enemy, but gentle as a lamb with the boys of the Oratory. Don Bosco was once passing through a thickly populated quarter, near Valdocco, late at night. It had a bad reputation and his mother, Margaret Bosco, was always anxious when her son was out late at night. One day, Don Bosco had passed the last buildings of the town when a huge grey dog appeared and walked by his side. He was startled at first, but as he found that the creature seemed friendly, he accepted its company and went on to the Oratory. When he reached the door the dog turned around and trotted off in the direction whence it had come. Henceforward, when Don Bosco was out late, the same thing happened. He found the dog waiting for him whenever there was a lonely part of the town to be traversed. One night, he became aware of two suspiciouslooking men who were following him, matching their pace to his. When he tried to avoid them by crossing the road, they crossed too. He decided to run back, but at the moment he did so they were on him. A cloak was thrown over his head and a handkerchief thrust into his mouth. He struggled to free himself and call for help, but it was useless. Suddenly, with a terrific howl, Grigio appeared and rushed upon them. Leaping on the one who held the cloak, he forced him to let go, then bit the 26 Hajja Salesjana

second and flung him on to the ground. The first tried to escape but Grigio was after him, he threw him also into the mud and then stood over them both, growling furiously. Call off your dog! they cried to Don Bosco. I will call him off if you will let me go about my business, he replied. Yes, anything only call him off! Come, Grigio, said Don Bosco, and the dog immediately obeyed, while the two terrified men made off in double-quick time. On another occasion, it was from a whole band of thugs that this mysterious companion saved him. Don Bosco had reached a lonely spot when, hearing steps, he turned to see a man close to him with an uplifted stick. Don Bosco was a swift runner in those days, but his enemy was swifter and soon caught up with him. Don Bosco, with a well-directed blow of the fist, sent the man sprawling. His howl of pain brought several others out of the bushes where they had been hiding. They were all armed with heavy sticks, and things now looked black for Don Bosco. Once more, at the crucial moment, the terrific howl of Grigio was heard. He ran around and around his master, growling and showing his formidable teeth until one by one the ruffians turned and disappeared. Another evening after supper the dog appeared in the playroom, and all the boys of Don Bosco s Oratory gathered around him and made much of him. They patted him, pulled his ears, stroked his head, the little ones rode on him. He regarded them with grave eyes until at last they brought him into the refectory where Don Bosco was still at supper. Why, Grigio, old fellow, what brings you here? he said. Grigio went up to him, put his great head on the table, looked at him and wagged his tail. What do you want, old boy; a bit of cheese or polenta? No, he wanted neither. Then, if you won t have anything, said his master, stroking the great head, go home to bed. Grigio gave him one long look, turned around and trotted out. The reason for this unusual visit of Grigio was never really known, but it does show the remarkable gentleness and kindness of this stray dog who was nevertheless incredibly vicious and protective of Don Bosco on numerous occasions. The last time Don Bosco saw him was one night in Castelnuovo. He was going from Murialdo to Moncucco and it was growing dark. He had to pass some farms and vineyards that were guarded by savage dogs. I wish I had Grigio here, he said to himself. As if the wish had suddenly produced him, Grigio appeared with every sign of delight at meeting his friend, wagging his tail, and he walked the whole way with him. When Don Bosco reached the friend s house to which he was bound, they were astonished to see such a magnificent dog and wondered where Don Bosco had picked him up. When they sat down to supper he was lying beside them, but when Don Bosco rose to give him some food, he was not to be seen. In fact, that was the last of Grigio. The enemies of the Saint had grown tired of plotting against him, and the mysterious protector was never seen again. How is it that Grigio mysteriously showed up at just the right moment on not one, but numerous occasions to literally save the life of Don Bosco? Was he simply a dog mysteriously guided by God to protect Don Bosco? How did he appear out of nowhere? One thing is sure: God was with Don Bosco because long before he had given himself completely to the service of God, and God worked incredible miracles through his intercession, that he might be a holy example to all poor boys, who came to the Oratory that he had founded for them, which became a heavenly refuge. Hajja Salesjana 27

(Tag rif mi bur min Fr Joe Cini SDB) Il-Festa 17 ta Marzu ta San Patrizju Patrizju (Patrick) twieled fl-ingilterra madwar is-sena 385 A.D. Missieru kien kunsillier fil-muniçipju tal-belt u Nisrani. Meta Patrick kellu 16 il sena ie maqbud minn xi furbani li bieg uh b ala lsir fl-irlanda. Waqt li kien im ieg el jirg a n-nag a huwa kien jg addi afna in fit-talb. Wara sitt snin f din il- ajja, rnexxielu ja rab u re a mar lura f pajjiωu. Dik l-esperjenza li kellu fl-irlanda nisslet fih ix-xewqa li xi darba jikkonverti lil dak il-pajjiω g ar-reli jon nisranija. Mar jistudja fil-monasteru ta Lerins, gωira fix-xlokk tal-kosta ta Franza. Minn hemm mar Auxerre, dejjem fi Franza, fejn kompla jistudja meta San Ìermanu kien isqof ta dik id-djoçesi. Is-superjuri ekklesjastiçi tieg u ma kellhom ebda sieb jibag tu lil Patrick l-irlanda; iωda meta miet Palladju, l-ewwel isqof missjunarju fl-irlanda, il-papa Celestinu I bag at lil Patrick hemm, b ala isqof did. Óadd qatt ma kien xandar ir-reli jon nisranija fin-na a ta fuq u fil-punent tal-irlanda, proprju 28 Hajja Salesjana

fejn Patrick beda x-xog ol u missjoni tieg u. Irnexxielu jit abbeb mal-kapijiet tat-tribujiet u f qasir Ωmien ikkonverta afna nies. Kemm dam fl-irlanda, Patrick waqqaf aktar minn 300 knisja u g ammed aktar min 120,000 ru. Bag at i ib saçerdoti g al dawn il-knejjes mill-ingilterra u minn Franza. Sa tmiem ta ajtu baqa ja dem fl-irlanda, u baqa mag ruf b ala l-appostlu tal- IrlandiΩi. KITBIET TIEGÓU Patrizju kiteb ktieb imsejja Konfessjoni. Fih huwa jispjega kif se et fih il-missjoni li kien tah Alla sabiex jikkonverti l-irlanda. Dan il-ktieb, flimkien ma kitbiet o rajn, jag tuna jiel talispiritwalità ta Patrizju flimkien ma tag rif fuq il- ajja u l-istorja ta dak iω-ωmien fl-irlanda. Óafna stejjer fuq San Patrizju huma fil-fatt le endi. Wa da mill-aktar mag rufin hija dik li sa ar is-sriep kollha tal-irlanda u bag athom fil-ba ar fejn g erqu hemm. Le enda o ra tg id li mit-tlitt werqiet tax- shamrock irnexxielu jispjega lin-nies il-misteru tatt-trinità Qaddisa. Óafna ja sbu lix- shamrock b ala simbolu tradizzjonali IrlandiΩ, ej minn dil-le enda. Fi Ωmienna, l-irlandiωi Kattoliçi fid-dinja kollha jiççelebraw il-festa ta dal-qaddis fis-17 ta Marzu. ST. PATRICK S DAY Dan il-jum, infatti, ji i ççelebrat f afna pajjiωi barra mill-irlanda, kull fejn hemm numru ta IrlandiΩi li jiltaqg u flimkien g al din l-okkaωjoni. Fl-Irlanda, St. Patrick s Day g adha qabel kollox festa reli juωa, b funzjonijiet solenni fil-knisja u laqg at fil-familji. Dakinhar kul add ipo i ftit weraq tax- shamrock fuq sidru! Fl-Istati Uniti, dan il-jum huwa festa pubblika vaganza. Óafna nies jilbsu l-a dar u jie du sehem f marçijiet u parati tal-okkaωjoni. L-ewwel darba li saret is- St. Patrick s Day Parade kien filbelt ta Boston fis-sena 1737. Illum dawn il-parati kuluriti isiru f aktar minn 100 belt o ra. Jg idu li dik ta New York hija l-akbar wa da. Hawn Malta ssir quddiesa fil-knisja parrokkjali tar-rabat bil-kant tal-kor. Issir o ra ewwa l-knisja ta St. Patrick s f Tas-Sliema li g aliha jkunu mistiedna l-irlandiωi li jg ixu Malta u wara joqog du g al riçeviment çkejken. S intendi, afna IrlandiΩi jiççelebraw bil-kbir fil- wienet tax-xorb! Hajja Salesjana 29

minn Renè Sacco Dun Bosco fis-santi u kartolini is-seba parti Huwa fatt storiku li ajjet Dun Bosco kienet mimlija olm u viωjonijiet jew dehriet li afna drabi nebb uh u wrewh x azzjoni g andu jie u jew xi triq g andu jaqbad biex iwettaq il- idma tieg u. Jing ad li f wa da minn dawn il- olmiet Dun Bosco sab ru u fi pjanura vasta f pajjiω stramb fejn l-indi eni kellhom ilda qisha ma ruqa bix-xemx u aspett feroçi u ostili. Kienu lebsin ftit ilbies mag mul mill- ild u suf talannimali. Dawn in-nies kienu qeg din jikkaççjaw u ji ieldu bejniethom jew ma suldati li kienu lebsin uniformijiet ewropej. Tant kienu kiefra li lillvittmi tag hom kienu qed iqqattg uhom biççiet u jwa lu l-bçejjeç mal-ponot tal-lanez tag hom. F daqqa wa da fost din ix-xena ta terrur, dehru resqin grupp ta missjunarji lejn il-post, li ma damux ma ew maqtula u mmassakrati. Wara dan Dun Bosco lema grupp ie or ta qassisin resqin li g araf li kienu Salesjani. Hawn Dun Bosco ass diqa kbira g ax aseb li kien ser imisshom l-istess xorti u b al xtaq jg idilhom biex ma jersqux u jmorru lura. IΩda hekk kif l-indi eni lem u lil dawn il-qassisin resqin b al ikkalmaw, waqfu mill- lied u laqg u lill-missjunarji u qag du g at-twiddib u l-kelma tag hom. Fit-tielet parti tas-serjè tag na konna wrejna kartolina ta pittura tal-artist çelebri taljan, Corrado Mezzana, li turi proprju lil Dun Bosco jimmedita fuq din il- olma. Din il- olma re g et kebbset f qalb Dun Bosco x-xewqa li dejjem kellu li jifrex l-opra Salesjana, issa organizzata tajjeb u fis-sod, f pajjiωi o ra lilhinn mill-kontinent Ewropew. Dun Bosco kien baqa jhewden fuq din il- olma u fejn setg et kienet dik l-art u dawk in-nies. Meta, Ωmien wara, Dun Bosco ltaqa mal-konslu tal-ar entina, minn xi dettalji li dan spjegalu dwar din l-art u n-nies li jg ixu fija, Dun Bosco g araf li dan kien il-pajjiω li ra fil- olma. G alhekk ma damx ma ie organizzat grupp ta g axar Salesjani li fl-14 ta Novembru 1875 salpaw minn Ìenova lejn l-ar entina biex wara tkun tista tintla aq il-patagonia u Terra del Fuoco (fin-nofsinhar tal-pajjiω). Wara dan l-ewwel pass, l-espedizzjonijiet missjunarji bdew isiru Appell: Nixtieq nie u din l-opportunità biex nistieden lil min g andu xi santi ta Dun Bosco li jista jiddisponi minnhom biex jg addihomli alli titkompla tikber il-kollezzjoni. Il-kollezzjoni tinkludi ukoll lil S. Fran isk ta Sales, S. Domenico Savio, Maria AwΩiljatriçi, u l-erwie tajba kollha Salesjani. Ni bor ukoll domni, bolli, midalji u materjal ie or b konnessjoni ma Dun Bosco jew is-salesjani. Grazzi bil-quddiem. 30 Hajja Salesjana

7.2 7.1 aktar spissi u numeruωi, g all-ewwel fl-amerika t Isfel u wara lejn l-afrika, l-asja u sal-ìappun. Il- Missjoni Salesjana llum tinsab imxerrda mad-dinja kollha fejn ta dem bla heda g all- id spiritwali u anke materjali tal-umanità. Dan l-impenn jirrikjedi dedikazzjoni u sagrifiççji mhux Ωg ar, u anke erojωmu f kaωi ta ostilità. G al din il-parti (is-seba ) tas-serje tag na a naraw ftit santi u stampi o ra mill-kollezzjoni li jittrattaw dan is-su ett, ji ifieri il-missjonijiet Salesjani. ViΩjoni o ra rigward il-missjonijiet li kellu Dun Bosco kienet proprju dejn is-sodda tat-tfajjel Giovanni Cagliero moribond. Hawn Dun Bosco ra kemm kienet kbira l-g alqa missjunarja li iωjed tard kellu jafda f idejn l-istess Cagliero li wara kellu jkun l-ewwel isqof u kardinal Salesjan. Fl-ewwel stampa li g andna (nru 7.1) naraw impressjoni artistika ta din il- rajja. Din mhiex proprja santa iωda wa da minn serjè ta mitt stampa dwar il- ajja ta Dun Bosco, kreazzjoni ta M. Vignati ta Milan fuq tpin ija tal-pittur famuω Piero Dalle Ceste (1912-1974). G andi impressjoni li dawn l-istampi kienu jeωistu ukoll forma ta lantern slides li bihom kien jag mlilna il- lectures il-mibki Dun (Karm) Fenech, meta konna tfal fl-oratorju Salesjan ta Tas-Sliema. Dawn l-istampi g andhom daqs ta 5.0 x 8.0`m. In-numru 7.2, hija kartolina u fija naraw pittura sabi a tal-artist C. Thermignon bit-titolu Il-Beato D. Bosco evangelizzatore. F din il-pittura nnotaw li afna mill-figuri g andhom karatteristiçi ta l-amerika t Isfel. Il-pittura saret l-1932 u tinsab fis- Santwarju ta Marija a G ajnuna tal-insara, a, f Fortin Mercedes ewwa il-patagonja. Jiddispjaçini li g ad ma g andix verωjoni bil-kulur ta din il-pittura. L-imma ni numru 7.3 u 7.4 huma Ωew santi stampati monochrome, wa da sepja u Hajja Salesjana 31 7.3

7.4 l-o ra bl-iswed. Fit-tnejn jidhru nies ta razez differenti, fosthom anke Red Indians tal- Amerika ta Fuq. In-numru 7.3 hija riproduzzjoni ta pittura iωda sfortunatament il-firma talawtur ma tinqarax. Ittnejn huma ta ori ini taljana, bin-numru 7.3 stampata proprju mill-iskola Tipografika Salesjana ta Firenze. Fin-numru 7.5 qed naraw stampa o ra (mhux proprja santa) mill-famuω sett tal- Liebig Cards li tkellimna dwarhom fit-tul fil- ames parti ta din is-serjè. G alhekk ma hemmx g alfejn noqog du nirrepetu, iωda niffokaw mill-ewwel fuq l-istampa fejn naraw xena paçifika bi grupp ta indi eni probabbli mill-amerika t Isfel attenti g all-kelma tal-missjunarju Salesjan. Fuq wara ta dan ilkupun hemm spjegazzjoni dettaljata dwar l-opra missjunarja Salesjana. Fost informazzjoni o ra hemm li, skond statistika mi bura fl-1934, ilmissjunarji Salesjani kienu 1056, li kienu ja dmu f medda ta art ta erba miljun kilometru kwadru li tinkludi fija partijiet mill-aktar in awi selva i u inospitabbli tal-globu. L-a ar imma ni, numru 7.6, g al din ittaqsima, hija santa elwa b messa sempliçi. Barra l-figura ta Dun Bosco u l-imma ni ta Marija G ajnuna tal-insara, hemm xena ta grupp ta indi eni ta xi art tal-missjoni erqana biex jilqg u l- ifen riesaq lejhom bil-missjunarji. Fuq wara ta din is-santa, mat-talba lil Dun Bosco hemm konçessjoni ta 200 urnata indul enza mog tija mill-kardinal Fossati, bid-data ta 1 ta Frar 1934. B ala parti mill-kumpless ta Colle Don Bosco f Turin hemm muωew etnografiku li ji bor fih kollezzjoni estensiva ta o etti prezzjuωi u sinifikattivi tal-artijiet, çiviltajiet u kulturi fejn admu u g adhom ja dmu il-missjunarji Salesjani g all- id u Ωvilupp umanitarju u l-evan elizzazzjoni tal-popli. 7.6 7.5 Nota: Dan l-a ar, ma xi materjal g all-kollezzjoni li ibt minn barra, Ωdiedet ukoll santa elwa li iet ming and Rev. Victor Enriquez, Karmelitan. Grazzi. 32 Hajja Salesjana

(ANS Port-au-Prince) On the anniversary of the earthquake, the Salesian Family in Haiti came together to commemorate all the victims and in particular the 3 Salesians, and the pupils and teachers who died. Early in the morning the Salesian community welcomed the families of the three Salesians who had died: Bro Hubert Sanon aged 86, and the two third-year students of philosophy Vilbrun Valsaint, 27 and Wilfrid Atsime, 29. After a few moments together, the community went to the Quisqueya University, where the two students had been buried, and here Fr Ducange presided over the first Mass. At 3.00 in the afternoon there was a ceremony in the courtyard of the Ecole Nationale des Arts et Métiers Little Schools of Fr Bohnen (ENAM OPEPB), where over 150 students died when the building collapsed. The first to speak was Fr Olibrice Zucchi, the Rector of OPEPB, who led a period of reflection and prayer. Recalling the sorrow and pain he had personally experienced during the tragedy of the earthquake he declared his faith in the God of life who can give new life to our mortal bodies, Fr Zucchi invited those present to also have confidence in the volunteers and in all those working for the re-construction. HAITI Commemoration and hope This was followed by a Mass of commemoration at which Fr Ducange presided again and which was attended by all the Salesian Family of the Vice Province: the students from the school, from the Vocational Training Centre and from OPEPB, the youngsters from the Foyer Lakay, the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, the Past Pupils, the members of ADMA, the Salesian-Cooperators and many other teachers, staff and friends of the Salesians. In his homily Fr Ducange gave a brief account of the lives and work of the three Salesians who died. He then spoke of the terrible loss of the students and the teachers of the schools; finally he added: The passing of these souls, happening so tragically in a fraction of a second, rather than striking us dumb, ought to inspire us to speak out... For those who believe in God, life is not destroyed but transformed. On this occasion of the anniversary of the tragic earthquake on 12 January 2010, the Rector Major Fr Pascual Chávez Villanueva, sent a supportive message to Fr Sylvain Ducange, Superior of the Vice Province of Haiti, expressing his personal closeness and that of the whole Congregation and renewing his commitment to continue to help with the massive enterprise of re-construction. Hajja Salesjana 33

A good priest is a truly human person who expresses his love for God in prayer and in love for people. These gifts are sanctified and focused through the grace of ordination when he becomes a man for others. Cardinal Cormac Murphy O Connor Are you being called PRIESTHOOD to the And to the SALESIAN way of life? Do I really want to follow Jesus and show his love to others, especially to the young, as Don Bosco did? Is prayer and my own relationship with God at the centre of my life? Do I want to be honest and real before God and others? Do I enjoy the life and company of other people? Am I approachable? Am I concerned for the young, the poor and vulnerable? If you believe you have a calling to be a Salesian priest then contact the vocations director, Fr. Louis Grech SDB at: Tel. 21 454546 / 21 456251 or e-mail: vocations@salesiansmalta.org for more information www.vocations.salesiansmalta.org 34 Hajja Salesjana

BorΩa taõ Studju X INHI BORÛA TA STUDJU? Hija somma ta flus li tg inna biex in allsu parti mill-formazzjoni ta Ωag Ωug li qed i ejji ru u biex isir saçerdot Salesjan. KEMM TRID TAGÓTI BIEX TWAQQAF BORÛA TA STUDJU? Kapital ta b600 JEÓTIEÌ LI BILFORS TAGÓTI S-SOMMA F DAQQA? Le. Wie ed jista jag tiha biçça biçça, tant fix-xhar jew tant fis-sena. JEÓTIEÌ LI BILFORS IS-SOMMA TKUN MOGÓTIJA MINN WIEÓED BISS? Le. Jistg u jiftehmu flimkien iktar minn persuna wa da u kul add jag ti sehmu. IΩda min jo ro wa du s-somma kollha, ikun fundatur ta dik il-borωa. JISTÀ WIEÓED IÓALLI L-BORÛA BÓALA LEGAT WARA MEWTU? Jistà. U min jag mel hekk, jistà jikteb fit-testment: In alli b ala legat lis-salesjani ta Don Bosco, is-somma ta g all-formazzjoni ta Ωag Ωug Malti fl-istess Soçjetà. G in il- idma Salesjana Dawk li huma l-iωjed fil-periklu l-aktar ji tie u g ajnuna. Dawk li m g andhomx le en je tie u xi add jiddefendihom. San Ìwann Bosco kien jafu dan. Hu adem f ajtu kollha g aω-ωg aωag, g all-foqra u g al dawk li huma l-aktar fil-bωonn. Huwa fatt ta swied il-qalb li llum afna Ωg aωag huma: vittma ta min juωahom biex jistg ana abbuωati sesswalment uωati mill-mexxejja tad-droga imça din minn valuri essenzjali fil- ajja Int tistà tg inna. Meta qed tag mel hekk, int tkun qed tie u sehem fil- idma ta Don Bosco. Alla biss ikun jaf il- id li tkun qed tag mel. Çempel lil Fr Eric Cachia SDB fuq 21 331 447

Apparitions of Our Lady Our Lady of Lipa On September 12,1948, Teresita Castillo, a 19 year old Carmelite novice, while at prayer in the convent garden of Lipa, allegedly saw a vine shaking and heard the voice of Mary requesting to kiss the ground and to return to the same spot for 15 consecutive days. Mary always appeared hovering on a cloud, wearing a white robe and holding a golden Rosary. The message of Our Lady was about penance, prayers for the clergy, and the necessity of the Rosary. On September 15, 1948, the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, some rose petals bearing the image of Jesus and Mary fell miraculously from the sky. On November 27, before she departed for the last time, the Blessed Virgin requested that a Mass be held on the 12 th day of every month, and identified herself as the Mediatrix of All Grace. In 1951 a commission of Bishops disapproved the apparitions as a fraud; however, Msgr. Ramon Arguelles, present Bishop of Lipa, is presently investigating once more the apparitions by gathering further evidences. NEWSPAPER POST ST. PATRICK S SCHOOL, ST. JOHN BOSCO STREET, SLIEMA SLM 1925