SAMPLE SAVE US, O LORD. your pow er and. Lord; back. car ry us. show us your face. Bring. back. G D Em. Bring. back.

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œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ

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SVE US, O LOR REFRIN: Yearning, insistent ( = ca. 152) Melody Keyboard come. ring Save, (a tempo) O Lord; Res cue your peo ple; car ry SMPLE m show your face. ring Roe your pow er and Verses Verses Text: ased on Psalm 80; ob ufford, SJ, b. 1943. Mic: ob ufford, SJ; keyboard acc. by ob ufford, SJ, and hris Morash. Text and mic 1981, 1983, Robert J. ufford, SJ, and OP. ll rights reserved. 22426-Z1

SVE US, O LOR, cont. (2) 1. O Shep herd of Is ra el, hear. Re turn and we shall be saved. 1. VERSE 2: alming rise, O Lord; 2. peo ple? We SMPLE hear our cries, O Lord: see bring 2. How your face. back!.... will you hide from your ive

SVE US, O LOR, cont. (3).. 2. ear. raw near, Lord od of hosts!.. VERSE 3 3. Turn a gain; care 3. plant ed. Your 3. burned. ome, SMPLE F vine yards are Fa ther of for your vine; tram pled, might! pro tect what your right hand has up root ed, and.. al fine.. al fine

SVE US, O LOR escant REFRIN: Yearning, insistent ( = ca. 152) (after Verses 2, 3) Melody come. Save Save Verses Verses (a tempo), O, heal ; hear our SMPLE Lord; Res cue your peo car ry pray r. Show your glo ry. ring ple; m show your face. Roe your ring pow er and 1. O Shep herd of Is ra el, hear. Re turn and we shall be Text: ased on Psalm 80; ob ufford, SJ, b. 1943. Mic: ob ufford, SJ. Text and mic 1981, 1983, Robert J. ufford, SJ, and OP. ll rights reserved. 22426-Z2

SVE US, O LOR, cont. (2).. 1. saved. rise, O Lord; hear our cries, O Lord: bring back! VERSE 2: alming 2. 2. VERSE 3 peo ple? We ear 3. right hand has 3. Turn. raw a gain; SMPLE near plant ed. Your, 2. How see care for your vine; pro F your Lord will you face. od vine yards are tram * of tect what your hide from your hosts! pled, ive up.... al fine 3. root ed, and burned. ome, Fa ther of might! *If more than one guitar is ed, a second player may play an F#m chord while the others are playing this first half-measure of creating a 9. This gives a more tense preparation for the return of the Refrain.

SVE US, O LOR escant REFRIN: Yearning, insistent ( = ca. 152) (after Verses 2, 3) Melody come. Save Save Verses Verses (a tempo), O, heal ; hear our SMPLE Lord; Res cue your peo car ry pray r. Show your glo ry. ring ple; m show your face. Roe your ring pow er and 1. O Shep herd of Is ra el, hear. Re turn and we shall be Text: ased on Psalm 80; ob ufford, SJ, b. 1943. Mic: ob ufford, SJ. Text and mic 1981, 1983, Robert J. ufford, SJ, and OP. ll rights reserved. 22426-Z2

SVE US, O LOR, cont. (2).. 1. saved. rise, O Lord; hear our cries, O Lord: bring back! VERSE 2: alming 2. 2. VERSE 3 peo ple? We ear 3. right hand has 3. Turn. raw a gain; SMPLE near plant ed. Your, 2. How see care for your vine; pro F your Lord will you face. od vine yards are tram * of tect what your hide from your hosts! pled, ive up.... al fine 3. root ed, and burned. ome, Fa ther of might! *If more than one guitar is ed, a second player may play an F#m chord while the others are playing this first half-measure of creating a 9. This gives a more tense preparation for the return of the Refrain.

SVE US, O LOR FLUTE REFRIN: Yearning, insistent ( = ca. 152) Tacet 1st time VERSE 2: alming (Tempo I) 8 SMPLE (non lega) Verses.... VERSE 3 4 3.. al fine Mic: ob ufford, SJ, b. 1943, 1981, 1983, Robert J. ufford, SJ, and OP. ll rights reserved. 22426-Z3

SVE US, O LOR (OOE) OOE REFRIN: Yearning, insistent ( = ca. 152) Tacet 1st time (Tempo I) VERSE 2: alming VERSE 3 SMPLE Mic: ob ufford, SJ, b. 1943, 1981, 1983, Robert J. ufford, SJ, and OP. ll rights reserved. 6 Verses...... al fine