Order of Worship. Liturgist is Jeremy Blythe. Introit Come, Let Us to the Lord Our God from Hosea 6:1-4 Chancel Choir trans.

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Order Worship Liturgt Jeremy Bly Introit Come, Let Us Lord Our God from Hosea 6:1-4 Chancel Choir trans John Moron 1781 STANDING (IF ABLE) God calls us worship from Psalm 99:1-3, 9 The LORD reigns; let peoples tremble! He sits enthroned upon cherubim; let earth quake! The LORD great in Zion; he exalted over all peoples Let m prae your great asome name! Holy he! Exalt LORD our God, worship at h holy mountain; LORD our God holy! We prae God We pray God help us worship Pasr: Chrt Is Made Sure Foundation Text: Latin hymn 6th or 7th cent Hymnal #276 tr John Mason Neale 1851 Tune: Henry Smart 1866 Chrt ren! He ren indeed! He died us might live him We greet one anor peace Chrt SEATED God calls us confess our sin from 1 John 1:5-9 God light, in him no darkness at all if say have fellowship him while walk in darkness, lie do not pracxce truth But if walk in light, as he in light, have fellowship one anor, blood Jesus h Son cleanses us from all sin If say have no sin, deceive ourselves, truth not in us If confess our sins, he faithful just give us our sins cleanse us from all unrighteousness page 1 Songs worship are used permsion CCLI #100150

We confess our sin All (s): All (s): stanzas 1 2 How Deep Far s Love Us (below) Far, confess have bod down idols our culture our own hearts, love alth, presjge, worldly success more than love you So surrender sinful ways our world become its slaves Its sries seize our anenjon Its images capture our imaginajons Its products lure our desires Our idols pride por oppress poor porless lead us in darkness despair, but y never save or sajsfy; Lord, have mercy on us (silent prayers confession) Far, give us surrender so easily seducxve idols, which cannot save Lead us out our darkness walk in your light find you be our greatest joy strength hope our hearts ever stanza 3 How Deep Far s Love Us (below) & b 4 5 j page 2 j 1) How deep Fa D r's love us, how vast be D yond all meas D ure 2) Be D hold Man up D on cross, my sin up D on H shoul D ders 3) I not boast in an D y D th: no gics, no pow'r, no w D dom &b j &b He should give H on D ly Son make a wretch h treas D ure A D shamed I hear my mock D voice call out a D mong sc D fers But I boast in Je D sus Chrt: H death res D ur D rec D Jon J How It Why great was should my I pain sin gain from sear held H j & b j j 4 3 as H But wounds dy D th which I mar breath know has Text tune: Stuart Townend 1995, 1995 Thankyou Music J D loss The Fa D r turns h face a D way Him re un D Jl it was ac D com D plhed; re D ward? I can D not give an an D sr Chos D en One br man D y sons glo D brought me life I know it fin D all my heart: H wounds have paid my ran D ry hed som

STANDING (IF ABLE) God declares our giveness from Lamentations 3:22-23 The steadfast love Lord never ceases; h mercies never come an end They are new every morn; great h faithfulness For all who have turned from sin in sorrow look God mercy, th God s gid In Jesus Chrt, God loves you, God gives you, God accepts you, God rejoices over you as beloved daughters sons Hallelujah, Amen! We prae God Great Is Thy Faithfulness Text: Thomas O Chholm 1923 Hymnal #43 Tune: William Runyan 1923 SEATED There s a Wideness Chancel Choir Text: F W Faber, Arr: D Schwoebel 2007 Birnamwood Publhers By tender mercy our God, dawn from on high break upon us, give light those in darkness, light those in shadow death, guide our feet in way peace There's a wideness in God's mercy like wideness sea There's a kindness in God's jusxce, which more than liberty There no place where earth's sorrows are more felt than up in heaven There no place where earth's fails have such kindly judgment given For love God broader than measures mind, heart Eternal most wonderfully kind If our love re but more faithful, would gladly trust God's word, our lives reflect thanksgiv goodness our Lord And our love which comes from Jesus helps us rest upon God s word, our lives would be illumined by presence our Lord, give light those in darkness, light those in shadow death, guide our feet in way peace page 3

Isaiah God instructs us in scripture read = 2-4 (pew Bible pp 567) God instructs us in preach Walk in Light Rev Dr Clay Smith We fer ourselves in gifts song & # # # # 4 4 & # # # # & # # # # Prior s, take a moment silence reflect pray He Has Come Reign Text tune: Sherdonna Denholm 2010 2010 Sherdonna Denholm 1, For Lord our God 2,In darkeest night, 3, When 4, The tri E als true come liv E from He you can "Fear I say E Je E 4 2 4 sus deepeest faith E ful hear on E ly He on Œ grave sfll sound Word strong low E est igh you God Ev E er He He has not wait "Child, Chrt, my hold our child, I've o E ver Him in th on, K, it He has save, hill, down, serve; from though you H I can depths feel catch truth Him a sin, not, glimpse, st, faith E ful H a E bound Word: com E in all H right eous ness; an E gels s E heav E en's song, come reign, God's on E ly Son, E 4 2 j 4 come lone E won't o E li be ver world E ness long" E come Œ (chorus) (chorus) (chorus) & # # # # Ó Œ Chorus: He has He has come reign in our come reign in our broeken hearts; broeken hearts; all doubt lost fear He no more reesre page 4

All Ths Bright Beautiful Chorters Music: Traditional Englh melody Text: Cecil Alexer Direcr: Elizabeth Smith REFRAIN All ths bright beauxful, all creatures great small, all ths we wonderful, Lord God made m all 1 Each liele flor opens, each liele bird ss, God made ir glow colors, God made ir Xny ws REFRAIN 2 The cold wind in winter, pleasant summer sun, ripe fruits in garden, God made m every one REFRAIN 3 God gave us eyes see m, lips might tell how great God Almighty, who has made all ths ll REFRAIN STANDING (IF ABLE) We pray church world (prayers church world) Our Far, who art in heaven, hallod be thy name Thy kdom come, thy be done on earth as it in heaven Give us th day our daily bread, give us our debts as give our debrs And lead us not in temptajon, but deliver us from evil For thine kdom por glory ever Amen page 5

We prae God O Church, Are Text tune: Keith Getty Stuart Townend 2005 2005 Thankyou Music & Q Q [ \ & Q Q! call O Our Come So call rage Son grace & Q Q # y wound/ neath win & Q Q # & Q Q faith trials sne old # lies; cure, grave, grace, & Q Q out her/ eye Chrt a/ # Church, are ed h " on s9ll! an th see Spir/ Chrt gainst God ev/ # strong whole, feet, prize belt ev/ rolled line i/ # ar/ Chrt vic/ hear a/ it our 'ry in 'ry a my ry ir those tance heart st # re war, cross, come, Cap/ cap/ strick/ hur/ a /! put where put # tain r; en; dle, strength fight Con/ ser/ truth, side, way way, # bold, have march calls # in shall in love love strength! For And Then quer/ vant 'll re/! whose con/ page 6 # now see God faith er good! st know Chrt tell/ bat/ prize 9n/ hun/ dark/ na/ see glo/ your in h may has has tle/ ues ger a/ e/ # ar/ cap/ mer/ ev/ # ak sword foes run giv/ val/ r/ faith/ gainst out/ mer/ tri/ # cry which 9ll -# ness 9ons him ry mor 9ve cy 'ry # en or en! ful he # on; soul, meet, stride,! can lie With When And As come ges umphs love, died, day, day hear but as give say makes crushed faith! shield # faced as saints dev/ from reach/ an ev/ when be/ il's se/ h in/ 'ry $

God blesses us sends us out Pasr: And all God s people said Hallelujah! Amen & # U U 4?# & #?# Prae God from whom all bless -s flow; Prae Him, all crea - tures here be - low;?# 4 Prae Him a - bove, ye heavn' - ly hosts; Prae Fa - r, Son, Ho Doxology Text: Thomas Ken 1709 Tune: Lou Bourgeo, Genevan Psalter, 1551 & # U U w - ly Ghost A - men, A - men, A - - men w w Postlude Fanfare J Lemmens The flors in chancel are given glory God in lov memory Albert Edna Schoenbeck by ir three daughters Sermon dcussion quesxons are available in paper copies at Hanley Road entrance, on table outside Choir Room, online at wwwcentralprescom as sermon Notes Central Presbyterian Church 7700 Dav Drive, Clayn, Msouri 63105 + 314-727- 2777 wwwcentralprescom page 7