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Mass o St aul ostle Keyoard/horal Edition hristoher Walker 2013 O 5536 NE Hassalo ortland OR 97213 (503) 2811191 liturgy@ocorg ocorg Excerts rom English translation o The Roman Missal 2010 International ommission on English in Liturgy ororation (IEL) 1100 onnecticut ve NW Suite 710 Washington 20036101; English translation o some lleluia verses and some Lenten Gosel verses rom Lectionary or Mass 1969 1981 1997 IEL ll rights reserved Used ith ermission ulished ith aroval o ommittee on ivine Worshi United States onerence o atholic Bishos 3211 ourth St NE Washington 20017119; USBorg None o ages in this ook may e reroduced in any ay ithout ritten ermission rom ulisher Tale o ontents enitential ct ith Invocations 3 Glory to God 6 lleluia 12 Lenten Gosel cclamation 15 Eucharistic cclamations Holy 18 We roclaim Your eath 22 When We Eat This Bread 2 Save Us Savior 26 oxology and Great men 28 Lam o God 30 The olloing Solo Instrument arts in and B are availale online; visit ocorg: enitential ct: ialogue ed 30102312 enitential ct ith Invocations ed 3010261 Glory to God ed 30102615 lleluia ed 30102616 Lenten Gosel cclamation ed 30102617 Holy ed 30102618 We roclaim Your eath ed 30102619 When We Eat This Bread ed 30102620 Save Us Savior ed 30102621 oxology and Great men ed 30102622 Lam o God ed 3011721 Solo Instrument ackages or entire Mass are availale online; visit ocorg: Solo Instrument arts in ed 3011767 Solo Instrument arts in B ed 3011766 Solo Instrument arts in and B ed 30115003 dditional Mass arts availale online; visit ocorg: enitential ct: ialogue ed 30102765 Glory to God (Organ) ed 30102767 Holy (Organ) ed 30102768 reace ialogue ed 30102766 Mass o St aul ostle Keyoard/horal Edition ed 30115225 Keyoard/Vocal Edition ed 3011763 Guitar/Vocal Edition ed 301176 horalonly Edition ed 3011765 Mass Settings Sulement ed 30102299 or rerintale ssemly Editions lease visit LicenSingOnlineorg Edition 30115225

enitential ct ith Invocations Keyoard riest/eacon/antor B sus Sorano/ll lto Tenor Bass á You ere sent to heal contrite o heart: á á Lord have mer cy 6 á riest/eacon/antor ná á You came to call sinners: (q = ca 72) / /B / Text: Invocations and solution 2010 IEL ll rights reserved Used ith ermission Music: Mass o St aul ostle; hristoher Walker 197 2007 2010 hristoher Walker ulished y O ll rights reserved Lord have mer cy 7 /E B / hrist have mer cy 3

ENITENTIL T WITH INVOTIONS cont (2) T 7/B / S/ll B hrist have mer cy / / /E Lord have mer cy riest/eacon/antor á You are seated at right hand o ar to intercede or us: /B á á 7/ / 7 sus S/ll T B Lord have mer cy riest á á á May almighty God have mercy on us or

ENITENTIL T WITH INVOTIONS cont (3) 3 3 3 give us our sins and m7 lie ring us to ev er E B / ssemly S T B 2 2 2 div /B G last ing men n men n n 5

Glory to God Sorano lto Tenor Bass Keyoard B INTRO oyully (q = ca 120) high est 6 and on earth eace 6 B /E to eole o good ill Glo ry to God in We B raise you e / Text 2010 IEL ll rights reserved Used ith ermission Music: Mass o St aul ostle; hristoher Walker 197 2007 2010 hristoher Walker ulished y O ll rights reserved 6

GLORY TO GO cont (2) / less you e a dore you e B / your great glo ry B Em7 glo ri y you e n n Lord God heaven ly King ƒ O ƒ ƒ give you thanks or N N N N /E God almight y 7

GLORY TO GO cont (3) sus /E m/ B a r Son n Lord e sus N N N B B Lord God Lam o God hrist On ly Begot ten Son o / B a r 8

GLORY TO GO cont () unis m you take aay B sins o orld have mer cy on us; S T B (Melody) you take aay unis m 7 you are seat ed at N B sins o orld sus (Melody) ma7 B ma7 m right hand o re ceive a r our rayer n B / have mer cy on us 9

GLORY TO GO cont (5) S T B ssemly have mer cy on B us have mer cy on /E us Ho ly One you a lone are Lord n have mer cy on Em n n us n n G/B or n n n n Ho ly One you a lone are Lord you a lone are Lord 6 or / you a lone are N you a lone are N N N N you alone are you alone are 10

GLORY TO GO cont (6) / Most Most High High glory o God m div glory o God / e sus hrist e sus B a r a r hrist m/ ith B cresc ith Ho ly cresc Ho ly cresc cresc 11 Sir it Sir it B ma7 / ƒu men men men ƒ U div ƒ in in men u U ƒ U

lleluia Melody Keyoard & & & INTRO (q = ca 66) & & 8 6 8 6 8 6 lu ia al le Sorano lto Tenor Bass G sus antor/hoir lle lu ia l le l le sus ssemly Bm % RERIN % lu ia al le lu ia al le lu ia al le Em Em lu ia alle Em7 lu ia al le lu ia al le 7 Text: Verses 1 3 5 and 6 1969 1981 1997 IEL ll rights reserved Used ith ermission Verses 2 and y hristoher Walker 197 2007 2010 hristoher Walker ulished y O ll rights reserved Music: Mass o St aul ostle; hristoher Walker 2007 2010 hristoher Walker ulished y O ll rights reserved 12

LLELUI cont (2) & & & E7sus lu ia al le lu ia al le VERSES: antor/hoir S (Melody) & & T B I am Seak to One does Thus says My shee Give thanks 1 1 lu ia lu ia 1 us not ill to 1 2 3 5 6 G G ay Lord live Lord: hear God to Verse to Verse to Verse inal lu ia inal div lu ia l le inal G your on my through truth ser read I voice e and vants call says G/B are a you sus div U U U lu ia U lie lis t ning lone riends; Lord hrist u ine ine ine 13

LLELUI cont (3) & & & 1 2 3 5 6 & 1 2 3 5 6 no or ut I hen may one on make y his ex e that make ill a Em comes mes to sage ev knon all hear mes sage you ery I my in 9 a r give ord learned voice is rom y ull ness ex e that my ill a n cet ter comes knon ol ide n n n n n Em7 through nal rom to lo in me lie God you me you a a cet ter through nal comes a rom ol lo ide in me lie God r me you G/ * antor/hoir S al ine l le S al ine *Melody note is Soranos sing E 1

Lenten Gosel cclamation Sorano lto Tenor Bass Keyoard & & & INTRO (q = ca 120) & & escant (Last time only) / S T B Glo ry to you Lord G Em/ e sus hrist antor/hoir ll % RERIN % raise to you Ó raise to you O raise to you Em/ Em/ Hon or to you Hon or to you Honor to 3 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 Text: Some verses 1969 1981 1997 IEL ll rights reserved Used ith ermission Or verses and rerain y hristoher Walker 197 2007 2010 hristoher Walker ulished y O ll rights reserved Music: Mass o St aul ostle; hristoher Walker 2007 2010 hristoher Walker ulished y O ll rights reserved 15

LENTEN GOSEL LMTION cont (2) & 2 3 1 to Verse inal U ine you Lord e sus hrist & & 2 3 2 3 3 2 2 3 / Bm7 / G/ Glo ry to you Lord e sus hrist VERSES: Year S & & sh Wed In 1 2 3 5 T B We rom You I ll se do are am ho cret not right e let live cloud Sav light lieve good on a ior or me ill in m7 1 1 to Verse to Verse inal U u inal U U n deeds read voice o all nev e a as er done lone heard orld orld die n This I and ut is Give ll am your on my us ho ine ine 16

LENTEN GOSEL LMTION cont (3) & Bm / Bm Em S al ine sh Wed a r 1 ev 2 Son 3 liv ol 5 re & in ery heav n ord Be lov ing lo a me sur rec ter ill ill that ed that have tion Year B irst Sunday o Lent We do not live on read alone ut on every ord that comes rom God Second Sunday o Lent rom right cloud a voice as heard This is my Son Beloved Listen to him Third Sunday o Lent God gave orld his only Son so that all ho elieve have eternal lie ourth Sunday o Lent God gave orld his only Son so that all ho elieve have eternal lie ith Sunday o Lent Whoever serves me ollos me and herever I am re y ill e Verses or unerals: Verse 5 rom Year or Verse 3 rom Year B hon comes Lis ten e light and or rom to may o you God him live lie lie Year irst Sunday o Lent We do not live on read alone ut on every ord that comes rom God Second Sunday o Lent rom right cloud a voice as heard This is my Son Beloved Listen to him Third Sunday o Lent hange your lives says hrist Lord Kingdom o Heaven is close at hand ourth Sunday o Lent I ill arise and say to God ar I have sinned against heaven and you ith Sunday o Lent With your hole heart return to me I am gracious and kind and merciul S al ine 17

Holy ssemly Sorano lto Tenor Bass Keyoard B INTRO oyully (q = ca 108) /E m G/B n n n Ho ly Ho ly Ho ly Ho ly Ho ly Lord God o hosts Heaven and earth are Ho ly Lord God o hosts Heav en and m7 B earth m are ull ull o your o your Text 2010 IEL ll rights reserved Used ith ermission Music: Mass o St aul ostle; hristoher Walker 197 2007 2010 hristoher Walker ulished y O ll rights reserved 18

HOLY cont (2) G glo ry Ho san na in high est glo ry Ho san na in high est ho san na in high est n n Bless ed is /E m/ N Bless ed is N N N N N he he ho ho / n n comes in comes in / n n n n name o B Lord name o Lord 19

HOLY cont (3) m Ho san na in high est ho san na in high B G G/B n n n n n sus Ho san na in high est ho san na in high est /E est n Ho san na in high est ho san na in high est N Ho san na in high est ho san na in high est N nn B / 6 ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ U U u U U 20


We roclaim Your eath riest m7 oyully (q = ca 108) m B Keyoard ssemly Sorano lto Tenor Bass The mys ter y We ro claim your We ro claim your m B o aith eath O Lord eath O Lord / and ro ess your and ro ess your Text 2010 IEL ll rights reserved Used ith ermission Music: Mass o St aul ostle; hristoher Walker 197 2007 2010 hristoher Walker ulished y O ll rights reserved Res ur rec tion Res ur rec tion / B ma7 22

WE ROLIM YOUR ETH cont (2) un til you come a m7 un til you come a B gain gain ẇ ẇ / 7 un til you come a /G un til you come a gain gain 23

When We Eat This Bread riest /B oyully (q = ca 108) m B 7/G Keyoard The mys ter y ssemly When e eat this Bread and Sorano lto Tenor Bass When e eat this Bread and m o aith B drink this u drink this u / e ro claim your e ro claim your Text 2010 IEL ll rights reserved Used ith ermission Music: Mass o St aul ostle; hristoher Walker 197 2007 2010 hristoher Walker ulished y O ll rights reserved / eath O Lord un eath O Lord un 2

WHEN WE ET THIS BRE cont (2) /B m/ sus B / G7 til you come a gain til you come a gain un un til you come a gain til you come a gain n n div 25

Save Us Savior riest oyully (q = ca 108) B Keyoard ssemly Save Sorano lto Tenor Bass Save The mys ter y o aith / us us /B Sav ior o orld Sav ior o orld / or y your ross and or y your ross and B Res ur rec tion Res ur rec tion Text 2010 IEL ll rights reserved Used ith ermission Music: Mass o St aul ostle; hristoher Walker 197 2007 2010 hristoher Walker ulished y O ll rights reserved /B / 26

SVE US SVIOR cont (2) m / /E you have set us you have set us ree you have ree you have set set us us ree ree 27

oxology and Great men Keyoard oyully (q = ca 108) riest 2 3 2 3 2 3 Ó al might y / all Through him and ith him and a r in ẇ / glo ry and hon or is / B B / in him O u ni ty o Ho ly m7/e /B 7 yours or ev er and B / God / Sir it sus ev er Text 2010 IEL ll rights reserved Used ith ermission Music: Mass o St aul ostle; hristoher Walker 197 2007 2010 hristoher Walker ulished y O ll rights reserved 28

OXOLOGY N GRET MEN cont (2) ssemly /B sus rit /B U Sorano lto Tenor Bass men men rit rit rit a a N men U men u U U 29

Lam o God Keyoard ssemly Sorano lto Tenor Bass eaceully (q = ca 96) Lam Lam o o / God God / you you % add9 / % % take a ay take a ay / Music: Mass o St aul ostle; hristoher Walker 197 2007 2010 hristoher Walker ulished y O ll rights reserved B /B / sins o sins o 30

LMB O GO cont (2) orld orld have have orld have / add9 / take a ay take a ay mer cy on mer cy on B add9 /E sins o sins o /B / /E us Lam o us Lam o orld orld / have have B ma7 God God /B *Otional S you you *Otional S *Otional S mer cy on mer cy on / / *or a more extended raction rite reeat this section as needed n roceed to end 31

LMB O GO cont (3) us Lam o n us B orld orld Lam o m n orld ẇ / o God God you you orld / rit grant rit grant rit Ó rit take a ay take a ay N N * 7sus us us ẇ 7 m sins o sins o eace eace *uesize notes are a descant 32