Commissioned by Jerry and Caroline Miller for the dedication of the organ at First United Methodist Church, Fort Walton Beach, Florida

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2 Words from the Psalms ACCOMP 4 8 SOPRANO / ALTO TENOR / BASS soud of With excitemet (q = ca 108) +Tt 4 4 Ma 5 f Praise God i the f 5 -Tt f sac - tu - ar - y Praise God trum- et Praise God ith the har ad the or - Commissioed y erry ad Carolie Miller for the dedicatio of the orga at irst ited Methodist Church, ort Walto Beach, lorida A PSALM O PRAISE for SATB voices, orga ad ot trumet* IEW PREVIE Music y ALBIN C WHITWORTH +Tt ga ith the PR Previe Oly VIEW PREVIEW Legal PREVIEW se Requires Purchase PREV * To urchase a full-legth erformace recordig () of this iece, go to alfredcom/doloads PD file of the Trumet art is availale for free doload at alfredcom/choralarts (eter he romted) Also availale: lextrax CD, Volume 8 (46896) Coyright 2018 CadelaWorks Music (ASCAP), a divisio of uilate Music Grou, LLC PO Box 3607, Bretood, TN 37024 All Rights Reserved Prited i SA The coyig of this music is rohiited y la ad is ot covered y CCLI, LiceSig, or OeLiceseet VIEW PR

12 15 15 Praise God ith the lute P IEW PREVIE 18 cym al Praise Him i the Ped Praise God ith the PR height Previe Oly VIEW - PREVIEW Legal PREVIEW se Requires Purchase PREV 3 VIEW PR

4 21 24 Praise Him, su, moo ad stars saits IEW PREVIE 27 Praise Him, all the Praise Him, all ye heav s ad earth hosts 23 Praise Him, all ye 23 -Tt PR Previe Oly Praise Him Praise the VIEW PREVIEW Legal PREVIEW se Requires Purchase PREV VIEW PR

30 33 Lord +Tt Ó The Ó u # u -Tt Exressive (q = ca 92) 34 # Exressive (q = ca 92) 34 (ot a caella etee rackets) IEW PREVIE 37 glad # # Lord has doe great # # thigs for Ó us, here # # Ó P # u He P Ma - of e are # PR 40 sreads 40 Ped # Previe Oly the so like VIEW PREVIEW Legal PREVIEW se Requires Purchase PREV 5 VIEW PR

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53 56 trust i Him O 59 f f raise the roadly roadly Temo I (q = ca 108) Lord IEW PREVIE 59 Praise God i His -Tt f sac - tu - ar - y Temo I (q = ca 108) +Tt Ma PR Previe Oly Praise God ith the VIEW PREVIEW Legal PREVIEW se Requires Purchase PREV 7 VIEW PR

8 62 65 soud of trum - et oco rit ad Alfred Sacred uilate Music HW Gray uilatemusiccom Exclusively Distriuted y Alfred Music oco rit the or Praise God ith the IEW PREVIE a temo a temo +Tt - ga har PR Ali C Whitorth is Miister of Music ad Worshi/Orgaist at Deer Park Batist Church i Louisville, Ketucky ad Semiary Orgaist at Asury Theological Semiary i Wilmore, Ketucky He is a ative of Louisville, Ketucky ad holds a AB from Asury iversity, MEd ad Ed S from the iversity of Louisville ad the DCM (Hoors Causea) from Asury iversity He has doe additioal ork at the Souther Batist Theological Semiary School of Church Music, Easter Ketucky iversity, ad the Royal School of Church Music, Addigto Palace, Corydo, Eglad Previe Oly or thirty-oe years he as Director of Music ad Orgaist of irst ited Methodist Church of Lexigto, here he as also Artist ad Comoser i Residece He as Professor of Church Music at Asury Theological Semiary here he occuied the Lily May arvis Edoed Chair of Church Music for tety years Prior to that aoitmet, he as a Assistat Professor of Music at Asury iversity for eight years VIEW He has ulished over 200 comositios ith eleve ulishers icludig ietee ooks of keyoard arragemets for church musicias, a ook of descats for trumet ad orga, a iece for orga ad hadells, ad fourtee athems for mixed choir PREVIEW Legal PREVIEW se Requires Purchase PREV VIEW PR Ped