Time s Eldest Son. Then Sit Thee Down. When Others Sing Venite Exultemus

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Time s Eldest Son Then Sit Thee Don When Others Sing Venite Exultemus John Dol

Time s Eldest Son John Dol h = 96 C C Time s eld est son, # Old Age, the heir of Ease, Time s eld est son, Old Age, Old Age, the heir of Ease, 8 Strength s foe, Love s # oe, fos ter to De vo tion, Strength s foe, Love s oe, fos ter to de vo tion, 15 Bids gal lant youth in mar tial pro # ess please, Bids gal lant youth in mar tial pro ess please, 22 for him self, he hath no earth ly mo tion for him self, he hath no earth ly mo tion But

Time s Eldest Son 2 29 But thanks, sighs, # tears, vos, pray rs thanks, But thanks, sighs, tears, vos, pray rs 35 sa cri fi ces: good as shos, masques, sa cri fi ces: good as shos, masques, 42 1 2 jousts, or # tilt de vis es vis es jousts, or tilt de vis es But vis es

Then Sit Thee Don John Dol h = 96 C C Then # sit thee j don, # # say ΠNunc Di mit tis, Then sit thee don, say Nunc Di mit tis, 8 With De j # Pro fun dis, Cre do, Te De um: With De Pro fun dis, Cre do, Te De um: 14 Chant # J J Mi se re re; for # hat no so fit is, Chant Mise re re; for hat no so fit is, that, 20 # that, or this; Pa ra tum est cor me um or this; Pa ra tum est cor me um

Then Sit Thee Don 2 25 O that saint ould take in orth heart: O that saint ould take in orth heart: 31! # Thou canst not Thou please her canst not please ith her # a ith a bet bet ter ter part part

When Others Sing Venite Exultemus John Dol h = 96 C C When oth ers sing, Ve ni te ex ul te # mus, When oth ers sing, Ve ni te, ve ni te ex ul te mus, 8 St by # turn to No li em u la ri: St by turn to No li, to No li em u la ri: 15 # # j # For For Qua re fre mu e runt, use o re J Qua re fre mu e runt, use o re mus, mus, 21! Vi vat E li za, Vi vat E li # # za, Vi vat E li za, Vi vat E li za,

When Others Sing 2 28 for an A ve Ma ri And teach those # sains that for an A ve Ma ri And teach those sains that 34 live live a a bout cell To sing A men, A bout cell To sing # A # men, A 41 men, men, hen hen # thou thou dost dost pray pray so so ell ell

NOTES: Music: John Dol, Second Book of Ayres (London, 1600) Text: Sir Henry Lee (15331611), Bodleian MS Ralinson Poetry 148 In the first verse, at the beginning of the final couplet, Dol has But thinks, sighs, tears, ; this edition follos the original poem: But thanks, sighs, tears The complete poem, ith modernized spelling: In yielding up his Tilt staff, said: Time s eldest son, old age, the heir of ease, Strength s foe, love s oe, foster to devotion, Bids gallant youth in martial proess please, for him self, he hath no earthly motion But thanks, sighs, tears, vos, prayers, sacrifices: good as shos, masques, jousts, or tilt devises Then sit thee don say Nunc dimittis, With De profundis, Credo, Te Deum: Chant Miserere; for hat no so fit is, That, or this; Paratum est cor meum O that saint ould take in orth heart: Thou canst not please her ith a better part When others sing Venite exultemus, St by turn to Noli emulari; For Quare fremuerunt, use oramus, Vivat Eliza, for an Ave Mari And teach those sains that live about cell To say Amen, hen thou dost pray so ell And hen thou sadly sit st in homely cell, Then teach sains this carol for a song: Blest be the hearts that ish my sovereign ell, Curst be the souls that think her any rong Good God allo this aged man his right: To be your beadsman no, that as your knight According to Molly M Breckling, Religious Melancholy in the Music of John Dol (Master s thesis, Univ of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2007), the poem tells of the poet s turn to spiritual matters as he ages; the second third verses affirms the poet s devotion to the spirituality of the Church of Engl, as opposed to the Roman Catholic Church