MASS OF AWAKENING EUCHARISTIC PRAYER III SCOTT SOPER. Preface Dialogue Priest, Assembly, Keyboard. j œ. you. Assembly œ. lift them up to the.

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2 Priest Assemly The Lord e ith you And ith your spir - it 2 2 u 6 6 6 Priest Assemly 3 3 Priest Lift up your hearts We lift them up to the Lord Let us give Am7 Am7 3 3 10 } 2 Assemly MASS O AWAKENING EHARISTI PRAYER III SOTT SOPER Preface Dialogue Priest, Assemly, Keyoard thanks to the Lord our God It is right and ust 003201 2 2 Priest edition availale, 003202 lick & Print donload e03201 may e purchased at lpmusiccom Text copyright 2010, IEL Music copyright 2010, World Lirary Pulications 3708 River Road, Suite 00, ranklin Park, IL 60131-2158 All rights reserved nauthorized duplication is against the la Gm7

Priest Preface I of the Sundays in Ordinary Time Priest, Keyoard It is truly right and ust, our duty and our sal - vation, alays and everyhere to give you thanks, Gm/B A # - - - Lord, holy ather, al - mighty and e - ter - nal God, through hrist our Lord Gm7 /E B ma7/d /E or through his Paschal Mystery, he accomplished the mar- vel - ous deed, y hich he has freed us from the yoke of Gm/B sin and death, A # summoning us to the glory of eing no called a chosen race, a roy - al priesthood, }* *hords marked ith parentheses should e rearticulated if necessary; otherise sustain the previous chord Text copyright 2010, IEL Music copyright 2012, World Lirary Pulications All rights reserved nauthorized duplication is against the la

a holy nation, a people for your on possession, to pro - claim everyhere your might - y orks, ( ) Gm/B Gm/B A # for you have called us out of darkness into your on on - der - ful light Gm7 /E And so, ith Angels and Archangels, ith Thrones and Do-minions, and ith all the hosts and Poers of heaven, e Gm/B In tempo q = c 9 To Holy, Holy, Holy sing B ma7/d the hymn of your /E glo - ry, B ma7/d as 5 ith - out end e ac - claim: B Gm /E To Holy, Holy, Holy B /D

Priest It is truly right and ust, our duty and our sal - vation, alays and everyhere to give you thanks, Gm/B A 3 Lord, holy ather, al- mighty and e - ter - nal God Gm7 /E or, although you have no need of our praise, 5 yet our thanksgiving is it - self your gift, Gm/B A # since our praises add nothing to your great - ness ut 7 6 ommon Preface IV Priest, Keyoard - - - pro - fit us for sal - va - tion, through hrist our Lord And so, in Gm/B / B ma7/d /E Text copyright 2010, IEL Music copyright 2012, World Lirary Pulications All rights reserved nauthorized duplication is against the la

9 In tempo q = c 9 com - pa - ny ith the choirs of An - gels, e 7 B ma7/d /E B ma7/d 11 praise you, and ith oy e pro - claim: B Gm /E To Holy, Holy, Holy To Holy, Holy, Holy B /D

8 Priest ommon Preface VI Priest, Keyoard 3 It is truly right and ust, our duty and our sal - vation, alays and everyhere to give you thanks, Gm/B A # ather most holy, through your e-loved Son, Je- sus hrist, Gm7 /E your Word through hom you made all things, hom you sent as our Savior and Re - deemer, }* } } } incarnate y the Holy Spirit and orn of the Virgin Gm/B A # 6 } }} } ulfilling your ill and gaining for you a holy people, he stretched out his hands as he en - dured his Passion, *hords market ith parentheses should e rearticulated if necessary; otherise sustain the previous chord Text copyright 2010, IEL Music copyright 2012, World Lirary Pulications All rights reserved nauthorized duplication is against the la

8 so as to reak the onds and manifest the res - ur-rection Gm/B A # And so, ith Angels and all the Gm7 Saints, e de - /E - - - In tempo q = c 9 To Holy, Holy, Holy clare your glory, as ith one voice e ac - claim: B ma7/d /E B Gm /E To Holy, Holy, Holy B /D 1 Priest Repeat as needed inal To Holy, Holy, Holy Gm/B A Repeat as needed # 9 Preface Tone Priest, Keyoard inal Dm To Holy, Holy, Holy B /D Music copyright 2012, World Lirary Pulications All rights reserved nauthorized duplication is against the la

Handells used: 11 & q = c 9 Woodinds I, II f f antor/hoir/assemly Ho - ly, Ho - ly, Ho - ly Lord God of /E B /D ma7/a B / hosts Heav - en and earth are full of your G/B Gsus/A G n 10 Holy, Holy, Holy nison hoir, Descant, antor, Assemly, 2 Woodinds, Brass Quartet, Handells, Guitar, Keyoard B Gm /E A /A n A Text 2010, IEL Music 2010, World Lirary Pulications

7 Handells W I, II f J Tpt I, II Ó Tn I, II antor/hoir/assemly glo - ry Ho - san - na in the high - est Ho - B B ma7/d E B / /E sus/d N N ma7/a B ma7 11 Dm Dm/ B /A

11 Ó san - na in the high-est Bless-ed is he ho comes in the name of the 12 Gm7 Am7 Dsus Dm B Gm /E A /A B B ma7/d E B /

16 Hdl W I, II Descant antor/hoir/assemly N Tpt I, II Tn I, II Ó Ho Lord /E sus/d N Ho - - san - na in the san - na in the ma7/a B ma7 J J high - est Ho - high -est Ho - Dm Dm/ B /A rit rit rit rit rit rit rit san - na in the san - na in the Gm7 Am7 u high-est high-est Dsus u Dm u 13

1 Priest Post-Sanctus, Epiclesis, and Institution Narrative Priest, Keyoard You are indeed Holy, O Lord, and all you have created right - ly gives you praise, for Am B ma7/d /E through your Son our Lord Jesus hrist, y the po - er and ork - ing of the Ho - ly Spir - it, you give Am B ma7/d /E life to all things and make them ho - ly, and you never cease to gather a people to your - Gm7 Dm7 /E B (add2) self, so that from the rising of the sun to its set - ting a pure sacrifice may e offered Gm/D / Gm7 Text copyright 2010, IEL Music copyright 2012, World Lirary Pulications All rights reserved nauthorized duplication is against the la

to your name Therefore, O Lord, e humly implore you: y the same Spirit graciously make holy these Dm7 /E Am 15 gifts e have rought to you for con-se - cra - tion, that they may ecome the Bod - y and Blood of your B ma7 /E Gm7 Dm7 Son our Lord Je - sus hrist, at hose com- mand e cel - e - rate these mys - ter - ies /E B (add2)/d B (add2)/d Eø 7 A # } or on the night he as e - trayed he him - self took read, and, giving you thanks, he said the lessing, 6

roke the read and gave it to his dis - ci - ples, say - ing: TAKE THIS, ALL O YO, AND / G/B Gm/B n A EAT O IT OR /A 3 Sloly THIS IS MY BODY, WHIH WILL BE GIV - EN P OR YO B ma7 3 3 /A B ma7 G n & Dm/ G/B n reely In a similar ay, hen supper as end-ed, he } took the chalice, and, giving you thanks, he said the less-ing, and 6 16 gave the chalice to his dis - ci - ples, say - ing: / G/B n TAKE THIS, ALL O YO, AND DRINK ROM IT, OR Gm/B A /A


Handells used: 13 & Handells Woodinds I, II Trumpets I, II Tromones I, II Ó Priest Ó Ó Ó Ó antor/hoir/assemly J J The mys - ter - y of faith We pro - claim your u 18 We Proclaim Your Death, O Lord nison hoir, antor, Priest, Assemly, 2 Woodinds, Brass Quartet, Handells, Guitar, Keyoard q = c 10 /D Ó Ó /D Dm J Text 2010, IEL Music 2010, World Lirary Pulications

5 n A 19 n n Ó Ó A Death, O Lord, Ó and pro - fess your Res - ur - 10 /A B N J N J G/B Gsus/A G n n B Gm7 /E A A /A rec - tion un - til you come a - gain, un - til you come a - /E sus/d ma7/a B ma7 Dm Dm/ B /A Gm7 Am7 N N J B B ma7/d E B / u gain Dsus u Dm u

Handells used: 13 & Handells Woodinds I, II Trumpets I, II Tromones I, II Ó Priest antor/hoir/assemly J J The mys -ter - y of faith When e eat this Bread and u q = c 10 /D 20 When We Eat This Bread nison hoir, antor, Priest, Assemly, 2 Woodinds, Brass Quartet, Handells, Guitar, Keyoard /D Am7 Dm J Text 2010, IEL Music 2010, World Lirary Pulications

5 n A ẇ 21 n n Ó Ó A drink this up, Ó e pro - claim your Death, O /A B G/B Gsus/A G n n B Gm7 /E A A /A B B ma7/d E B / 10 N N J N N J Lord, /E sus/d un - til you come a - gain, un - til you come a - ma7/a B ma7 J Dm Dm/ B /A Gm7 Am7 u gain Dsus u Dm u

Handells used: 13 & Handells Woodinds I, II Trumpets I, II Tromones I, II Ó Priest antor/hoir/assemly J The mys -ter - y of faith Save us, save us, u 22 Save s, Savior of the World nison hoir, antor, Priest, Assemly, 2 Woodinds, Brass Quartet, Handells, Guitar, Keyoard OPTIONAL INTRODTION q = c 10 /D /D Gm Text 2010, IEL Music 2010, World Lirary Pulications

5 n A n n A A Sav-ior of the orld, for y your ross and Res - ur - /A B G/B Gsus/A G n n B Gm7 /E A A /A B B ma7/d E B / 10 23 N N N N rec - tion /E sus/d you have set us ma7/a B ma7 free, Dm Dm/ B /A you have set us Gm7 Am7 u free Dsus u Dm u

2 Priest There - fore, O Lord, as e celerate the mem - orial of the saving Passion of your Son, his Gm/B /A Gm Dm Anamnesis and Offering, Intercessions Priest, Keyoard 2 3 ondrous Resurrection and Ascension in - to heav - en, and as e look forard to his sec - ond com - ing, / Gm/B Dm e offer you in thanksgiving this holy and liv - ing sac - ri- fice Look, e pray, upon the olation of your hurch and, / Gm/B /A recognizing the sacrificial Victim y hose death you illed to reconcile us to your - self, Gm Dm / Text copyright 2010, IEL Music copyright 2012, World Lirary Pulications All rights reserved nauthorized duplication is against the la

5 grant that e, ho are nourished y the Body and Blood of your Son and Gm/B Dm 25 filled ith his Ho - ly Spir - it, may ecome one ody, one spir - it in hrist May he / Gm/D 6 make of us an eternal offer - ing to you, so that e may otain an inheritance ith your e - lect, Gm/B /A Gm Dm 7 especially ith the most lessed Virgin Mary, Moth-er of God, ith your lessed Apostles and glo-rious Mar-tyrs / Gm/B Dm

8 [ith Saint N] and ith all the Saints, on hose constant intercession in your presence e rely for un- fail-ing help / Gm/D 9 May this Sacrifice of our reconciliation, e pray, O Lord, advance the peace and sal - vation of all the orld Am B ma7/d /E Ó Ó 10 Be pleased to confirm in faith and charity your pilgrim hurch on earth, ith your servant N our Pope and N our Am B ma7/d /E 26 12 Bish - op, the Order of Bishops, all the clergy, and the en - tire people you have gained for your on Gm7 Dm7 /E

1 Listen graciously to the prayers of this family, hom you have sum - moned e - fore you: in your com - 27 B (add2) Gm/D / 16 pas- sion, O mer - ci - ful ather, gather to yourself all your chil - dren scat- tered through- out the orld B (add2) Gm/D / Gm7 Dm7 /E 17 To our departed rothers and sis - ters and to all ho ere pleasing to you at their passing from this life, give B (add2) Gm/D / 18 kind ad - mit - tance to your king - dom There e hope to enoy for ev - er the Gm7 Dm7 /E /D

19 28 Sloly - - - full- ness of your glo - ry through hrist our Lord, through hom you esto on the orld all that is good Dm B Dm7 /E B (add2) E ø 7 A - - - - - # u

Handells used: 1 & Priest } Through him, and ith him, and in him, O God, al - might - y ather, in the 6 2 u - ni - ty of the Ho - ly Spir -it, all glo - ry and hon - or is / f Doxology and Great Amen SATB hoir, antor, Priest, Assemly, 2 Woodinds, Brass Quartet, Handells, Guitar, Keyoard 29 G/B Gsus/A G n n Gm9 A Am7 5 yours, for ev - er and ev - er B ma7 Am7 Gm7 Am7 q = c 10 /D Text of Doxology 2010, IEL Music 2010, World Lirary Pulications

7 f f Handells Woodinds I, II Trumpets I, II Tromones I, II antor/hoir/assemly SA TB f f f A - men, a - men, a - f J J J n n n n n men A - men, a - n /D f Gm ma7/a B 30 G/B Gsus/A G G/B n n

11 rit rit rit rit J J rit men! A - men, a - men, a - men, a - A - men, a - men, a - rit J men /D Gm 31 men u B Gm7 Am7 rit u