MASS OF AWAKENING. Gospel Acclamations. by Scott Soper. SATB Choir, Descant, Cantor, Assembly, Guitar, Keyboard

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e03204 MSS O WKENIN ospel cclamations y Scott Soper ST hoir, escant, antor, ssemly, uitar, Keyoard World Lirary Pulications 3708 River Road, Suite 400, ranklin Park, IL 60131-2158 800 566-6150 You are permitted to print out or reproduce only numer of copies agreed upon at time of purchase.

Tale of ontents dvent ospel cclamation... 3 hristmas ospel cclamation... 5 Lenten ospel cclamation... 10 Responsorial Psalm for Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday... 16 Easter ospel cclamation... 19 Ordinary Time ospel cclamation... 22 over photograph: opyright 2010, Keith S. Kalema. Used y permission.

RERIN q = c 88 4 2 S.. T.. 4 2 4 2 4 2 5 f antor/hoir/ssemly l - le - lu - f apo III al - le - lu - MSS O WKENIN OSPEL LMTIONS. ia, al -..... ia, al -.. SOTT SOPER ST hoir, escant, antor, ssemly, uitar, Keyoard VENT OSPEL LMTION le - lu - /# /E le - lu -.. ia,..... V. ia... v 3 E E... /# / V.. v 003204 lick & Print download e03204 may e purchased at The English translation of some verses from Lectionary for Mass 1969, 1981, 1997, International ommission on English in Liturgy orporation. ll rights reserved. Text of some verses from Lectionary for Mass, copyright 1998, 1997, 1970, onfraternity of hristian octrine, Inc., Washington,. Used with permission. ll rights reserved. Music copyright 2010, 2012, World Lirary Pulications 3708 River Road, Suite 400, ranklin Park, IL 60131-2158. ll rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication is against law.

4 VERSES 9 1st: 2nd: 3rd: 4th, : 4th,, : Immac. on.: uadalupe: antor Show us, Lord, Prepare way of Lord, make straight The Spirit of Lord is The virgin shall conceive, and ear ehold, I am handmaid of Hail, Mary, full of grace, Lord lessed are you, holy Virgin Mary, deserving of m m your his up - a is all love; paths: on me, son, Lord. with you; praise; / / 10 1st: 2nd: 3rd: 4th, : 4th,, : Immac.: uad.: and grant all flesh shall see sal - ecause he has anointed me to ring glad tid - and y shall name him - May it e done to me accord - lessed are from you rose sun of ustice, us va - ings your tion to man - ing to you hrist a - sal - vation. of u - od. poor. el. your word. mong our women. od. / /

HRISTMS OSPEL LMTION 5 RERIN 4 2 S.. q = c 88 antor/hoir/ssemly f... T.. 4 2 f l - le - lu - ia, al -.. le - lu - ia,.. apo III 4 2 4 2 f.. /# /E... 5 al - le - lu -. ia, al -.. le - lu - V. ia. } }.. v E E... /# / V.. v } } The English translation of some verses from Lectionary for Mass 1969, 1981, 1997, International ommission on English in Liturgy orporation. ll rights reserved. Text of some verses from Lectionary for Mass, copyright 1998, 1997, 1970, onfraternity of hristian octrine, Inc., Washington,. Used with permission. ll rights reserved. Music copyright 2010, 2012, World Lirary Pulications 3708 River Road, Suite 400, ranklin Park, IL 60131-2158. ll rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication is against law.

6 VERSES Vigil Mass antor 3 # To - mor-row wick- ed- ness of earth will e de - stroyed: # / / / / # # 13. Sav-ior of world will reign o - ver us. E m m m m / / # /# / N N 6 6 19 Mass during Night antor Œ.. to - #. I pro-claim to you good news of great oy: day a # / / E m m / / / / # # #

7 26.. Sa - vior is orn for us, hrist Lord. N N /# /E /# / /# /E # / / /# / N N 6 6 Mass at awn 32 # lo - ry to od in high - est, and on earth # # #m m # 37. peace to those on whom his fa - vor rests. N N ma7/# ma7/ a7 ma7 E # / / # /# / N N 6 6

8 Mass during ay antor Π#. ho - ly day has dawned up - on us. ome, you # # #m m # 47 # na - tions, and a - dore Lord. or to - day a great light has ma7/# ma7/ a7 ma7 # #m m 52. come up - on earth. 7 7 #m7 m7 a7 ma7 # / / /# / N 6 6 N

9 56 antor Holy amily, : Holy amily, : Holy amily, : Mary, Mor of od: Epiphany: aptism of Lord, : aptism of Lord, : aptism of Lord, : Let peace of hrist con - In past od spoke to our ancestors Open our In past od spoke to our ancestors We saw his star The heavens were opened and voice of ohn saw esus approaching ohn said: One mightier than trol through hearts, through at a - him, I your O its r, and is hearts; prophets; Lord, prophets; rising thundered: said: coming; m/ / # 57 4 2. H. am. H. am. H. am. Mary Epip. ap. ap. ap. let word of hrist dwell in se last days, he has spoken to us to listen to words in se last days, he has spoken to us and have come to This is my eloved Son, lis - ehold Lam of od who takes away sin he will aptize you with Holy Spirit in through of through do ten of and you your him to with richly. Son. Son. Son. homage. him. world. fire. m/ / 4 2 m/ / /E m6 / 6 N 4 2 # N

10 RERIN 4 2 S.. T.. 4 2 4 2 4 2 q = c 86 antor/hoir/ssemly f.. Praise.. f 5. f. to / LENTEN OSPEL LMTION you, Lord 5 / e - sus /. hrist,.. 5 escant king of end - less glo - ry! antor/hoir/ssemly king of end - less glo - ry! / m7 5 The English translation of refrain and some verses from Lectionary for Mass, 1969, 1981, 1997, International ommission on English in Liturgy orporation. ll rights reserved. Text of some verses from Lectionary for Mass, copyright 1998, 1997, 1970, onfraternity of hristian octrine, Inc., Washington,. Used with permission. ll rights reserved. Music copyright 2010, 2012, World Lirary Pulications 3708 River Road, Suite 400, ranklin Park, IL 60131-2158. ll rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication is against law.

VERSES YER 9 antor Tenor 5 Me - diant 6 Tenor inal adence ma7 Eø 7 sh Wednesday If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts. 1 Lent One does not live on read a - lone ut on every word that comes forth from mouth of od. 2 Lent rom shining cloud ar s voice is heard: This is my eloved Son, hear him. 3 Lent Lord, you are truly Savior of world; give me living water, 4 Lent I am light of world, says Lord; whoever follows me 5 Lent I am resurrection and life, says Lord; # that I may never thirst a - gain. will have light of whoever elieves in me, even if he dies, will never die. Palm Sunday hrist ecame oedient to point of death, even death on a cross. ecause of this, od greatly ex - alt - ed him and estowed on him name which is aove every name. Monday of Holy Week Hail to you, our king; you alone are compassionate with our faults. Tuesday and Wednesday of Holy Week Hail to our king, oedient to his ar you were led to your crucifixion like a gentle lam to slaughter. Holy Thursday, hrism Mass The Spirit of Lord is up -on me. for he sent me to ring glad tidings to poor. Holy Thursday, Evening I give you a new commandment, says Lord: love one anor as I have loved you. ood riday hrist ecame oedient to point of death, even death on a cross. ecause of this, od greatly ex - alt - ed him and estowed on him name which is aove every or name. St. oseph lessed are those who dwell in your house, O Lord; y never cease to praise you. nnunciation The Word of od ecame flesh and made his dwelling a- mong us; and we saw his glory. life. 11

12 VERSES YER 11 antor Tenor 5 Me - diant 6 Tenor inal adence ma7 Eø 7 # sh Wednesday If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts. 1 Lent One does not live on read a - lone ut on every word that comes forth from mouth of od. 2 Lent rom shining cloud ar s voice is heard: This is my eloved Son, listen him. 3 Lent od so loved world that he gave his on - ly Son, so that everyone who elieves in him might have e -ternal 3 Lent (for Scrutinies) Lord, you are truly Savior of world; give me living water, 4 Lent od so loved world life. that I may never thirst a - gain. that he gave his on - ly Son, so that everyone who elieves in him might have e - ternal 4 Lent (for Scrutinies) I am light of world, says Lord; whoever follows me will have light of life. 5 Lent Whoever serves me must follow me, says Lord: and where I am, re also will my servant e. 5 Lent (for Scrutinies) I am resurrection and life, says Lord; whoever elieves in me, even if he dies, will never die. Palm Sunday hrist ecame oedient to point of death, even death on a cross. ecause of this, od greatly ex - alt - ed him and estowed on him name which is aove every name. Monday of Holy Week Hail to you, our king; you alone are compassionate with our faults. Tuesday and Wednesday of Holy Week Hail to our king, oedient to his ar you were led to your crucifixion like a gentle lam to slaughter. Holy Thursday, hrism Mass The Spirit of Lord is up -on me. for he sent me to ring glad tidings to poor. Holy Thursday, Evening I give you a new commandment, says Lord: love one anor as I have loved you. life.

13 ood riday hrist ecame oedient to point of death, even death on a cross. ecause of this, od greatly ex - alt - ed him and estowed on him name which is a-ove every or name. St. oseph lessed are those who dwell in your house, O Lord; y never cease to praise you. nnunciation The Word of od ecame flesh and made his dwelling a -mong us; and we saw his glory.

14 VERSES YER 13 antor Tenor Me - diant Tenor inal adence 5 6 ma7 Eø 7 # sh Wednesday If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts. 1 Lent One does not live on read a - lone ut on every word that comes forth from mouth of od. 2 Lent rom shining cloud ar s voice is heard: This is my eloved Son, hear him. 3 Lent Repent, says Lord; kingdom of heav-en is at hand. 3 Lent (for Scrutinies) Lord, you are truly Savior of world; give me living water, 4 Lent I will get up and go to my ar and shall say to him: ar, I have sinned 4 Lent (for Scrutinies) I am light of world, says Lord; whoever follows me that I may never thirst a against heaven and a - gainst - gain. will have light of life. 5 Lent Even now, says Lord, return to me with your whole heart; for I am gracious and merciful. 5 Lent (for Scrutinies) I am resurrection and life, says Lord; whoever elieves in me, even if he dies, will never die. Palm Sunday hrist ecame oedient to point of death, even death on a cross. ecause of this, od greatly ex - alt - ed him and estowed on him name which is a -ove every name. Monday of Holy Week Hail to you, our king; you alone are compassionate with our faults. Tuesday and Wednesday of Holy Week Hail to our king, oedient to his ar you were led to your crucifixion like a gentle lam to slaugh-ter. Holy Thursday, hrism Mass The Spirit of Lord is up -on me. for he sent me to ring glad tidings to poor. Holy Thursday, Evening I give you a new commandment, says Lord: love one anor as I have loved you. you.

15 ood riday hrist ecame oedient to point of death, even death on a cross. ecause of this, od greatly ex - alt - ed him and estowed on him name which is a-ove every or name. St. oseph lessed are those who dwell in your house, O Lord; y never cease to praise you. nnunciation The Word of od ecame flesh and made his dwelling a-mong us; and we saw his glory.

16 RESPONSORIL PSLM OR ESTER VIIL N ESTER SUNY RERIN 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 q = c 88 antor/ hoir/ssemly f Vigil: l - Easter: This le - is lu - f f. ia. day,.... al - le - day lu - Lord has /# /E.. ia, made;..... 5 Vigil: al - Easter: let le - us lu - re -. ia. oice,.. al - re - le - oice lu - and e V. ia. glad.. v E E... / / V.. v The English translation of Psalm Response from Lectionary for Mass, 1969, 1981, 1997, International ommission on English in Liturgy orporation. ll rights reserved. Text of verses from Lectionary for Mass, copyright 1998, 1997, 1970, onfraternity of hristian octrine, Inc., Washington,. Used with permission. ll rights reserved. Music copyright 2010, 2012, World Lirary Pulications 3708 River Road, Suite 400, ranklin Park, IL 60131-2158. ll rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication is against law.

VERSES 1 3 antor 1. ive antor 2. The antor 3. The thanks to right hand of stone which LOR, for LOR has struck with uild-ers re - he is pow - ect - good, for his mer - cy en - er; right hand of ed has e - come 17 m/# m/ a7/ ma7/ E / / / / a7/ ma7/ 14 1. dures for - ev - er. Let house of Is - rael w say, 2. LOR is ex -. alt - ed. ΠI shall not die, ut w live, 3. cor - ner - w stone. y LOR has this een w done; /# /E N /# /E sus/ sus/ / / m7 m7

18 20 3 Π1. His mer - cy en - dures for - ev - er. 2. and de -. clare works of w LOR. Π3 w Π3. it is won - der - ful in our eyes. / / ma7 E ma7 #7/# 7/ # # / / # /# / N N 6 6

ESTER OSPEL LMTION 19 RERIN q = c 88 antor/ hoir/ssemly 25 f... l - le - lu - f ia. al -.. le - lu - ia,.. f.. /# /E... 29. V. al - le - lu - ia. al -.. le - lu - ia.. v E E... / / V.. v The English translation of some verses from Lectionary for Mass, 1969, 1981, 1997, International ommission on English in Liturgy orporation. ll rights reserved. Text of some verses from Lectionary for Mass, copyright 1998, 1997, 1970, onfraternity of hristian octrine, Inc., Washington,. Used with permission. ll rights reserved. Music copyright 2010, 2012, World Lirary Pulications 3708 River Road, Suite 400, ranklin Park, IL 60131-2158. ll rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication is against law.

20 VERSES antor Easter: hrist, our pas - 2nd: You elieve in me, Thomas, 3rd, : 3rd : 4th: Lord esus, hrist is risen, I am 5th, : I am way, truth and chal e - cre - good lam, cause you have seen me, open a - shepherd, life, has says Scrip - tor says says een tures of sacrificed; Lord; to us; all; Lord; Lord; 5 6 5 5 6 5 33 4 2 ΠEaster: 2nd: 3rd, : 3rd : 4th: 5th, : let us n feast with lessed are y who have not seen me, make our hearts he has shown I know my sheep, no one comes to ar, oy ut urn pity and ex - in still while on mine cept e - you all know through Lord. lieve! speak to us. people. me. me. / / 4 2 4 2 m/ / # /E m6 / 6 N N

21 36 5th, : 5th, : 6th: scension: 7th: Pentecost: Remain in me as I remain I give you a new Whoever loves me will keep o and teach I will not leave ome, Holy Spirit, fill in you, com - mandment, my word, all you nations, orphans, hearts says says says says says of Lord. Lord: Lord, Lord; Lord. faithful 5 6 5 5 6 5 37 4 2 Π5th, : 5th, : 6th: scen.: 7th: Pent.: Whoever remains in me love one anor and my ar will love him and we I am with you always, until I will come ack to you, and your and kindle in m will as will end hearts fire ear I come of will of much have to re - your fruit. loved you. him. world. oice. love. / / 4 2 4 2 / / /# / 6 6

22 ORINRY TIME OSPEL LMTION RERIN 4 2 S.. T.. 4 2 q = c 88 antor/hoir/ssemly f l - le - lu - f. ia, al -.. le - lu -.. ia,.. 4 2 4 2 f.. /# /E... 5 al - le - lu - E. ia, al -.. E... le - lu - / / V. ia,. v V.. v } } } } The English translation of verses from Lectionary for Mass, 1969, 1981, 1997, International ommission on English in Liturgy orporation. ll rights reserved. Music copyright 2010, 2012, World Lirary Pulications 3708 River Road, Suite 400, ranklin Park, IL 60131-2158. ll rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication is against law.

VERSES. 23 1. Speak, Lord,. your serv - ant is lis- t ning;. 2. Your words, Lord, are Spir - it and life; 3. I am light of world, says Lord; who -. 4. My Sheep hear my voice, says Lord;. 5. O - pen our hearts,. O Lord, to 6. Your words, O Lord,. give oy to heart, your. 7. If to - day. you hear his voice, 8. One does not live on read a - lone, ut on Last Sundays in Ordinary Time 9. e faith - ful un - til death, says Lord, and 5 5 / / 5 5 /# /E

24 13. 1. you have words of ev - er - last - ing life.. 2. you have words of ev - er - last - ing life.. 3. ev - er fol - lows me will have light of life.. 4. I know m, and y fol - low me.. 5. lis - ten to words of your Son.. 6. teach - ing is light to my eyes.. 7. hard - en not your hearts.. 8. ev - ry word that comes forth from mouth of od.. 9. I will give you crown of life. E E m/ / # /E / N N m6 6