Adult School Has 7 New Instructors

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1 "^^.. *v. EGISTER LXX, NO. 14. BANK; N. J., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25,,1947 SECTION ONE PAGES 1 TO 12 Fellowship Told Public Co-operation Is Needed Special Agent Frank Holmes of.he Federal Bureau of Investigation told an overflow audience, at the September meeting of the Trinity Episcopal Church Mens fellowship last Thursday night that more serious crimes are being committed than»ver before and that law enforcement officers urgently need public cooperation to, stop them. i Preient at-, the meeting were mayors, police commissioners and high ranking police officials of several communities in the Red. Bankmlil-^donmouth, county era, there at toe}:,jnvitauon of the church club to participate after-speech dlsiil:; cuiilon;:-:.. :,;;:... Agent Holmes, representing the New Jersey FBI district in place of Field "Supervisor Griffith who was the 1 jscneduled speaker but who could not appear because of Illness, said JM6 was th> worst year In jimeacan crime, with 1,68S,?03 serious! cases reported. The chief Criminals, h«declared, were young pwple/between the ages of 21 and 3d;y«irs.. ; -...,.. In reply to a question asked by a newsman, Holmes said the FBI was continuing arid would not close its investigation int i the night bur " Bliry of the Merchants Trust company,whichresulted in the theit pt several, thousands of dollars of weelt-end deposits belonging to Bed Bank-area buslneiimen. Mtoor -Charles R. English also responded by expressing the belief tkktiduch a ittbbery Would not reoccur" because of. safety measures taken, Including the Installation of IftHrfht light behind the robbed bank. The mayor declared that he regwtted local authorities had^not taken some such precautions.before the bsuii -jvas ; entered. "-.. ^lirutfotpermltjed. fdr\«s:tb>" r *- yeaiithe,durr«nt4eulig of lilyestl- Mfa-ttitm.", *ilit ftpteuuit Agent Holm_«i*-He added w i t "Uils case: Is not cjpsed itli Uwi.tafOT iiiinvajenclbl and to the: eo-operatioa H wwcbj.exists between those agffieles,»sid; the FBI man,, of*19*fli J»OMi people-must.leiifh to Mime their responsibilities toward home and community In act- ^mes criticized some ehttett for their unwitting co-operation, In stead, -with criminals.. " For example, he said, persons who leave, home on & Maine vacattoh, advertising flrst their departure through newspaper notices, and t l l i g through press stories how h fun they are having, how they are going to stay away ind, perhaps, sending In a photograph showing how big a fish they caiight; are Inviting thieves to enter their homes. Again,.persons who leave their keys in their automobiles are chancing Its theft, particularly If the registration certificate also Is left in the car. Once more, people who thear grange soilnds.outslde their homes at night and, fall to, call the police are gitnbllng that their homes or those pflthetr neighbors will not be en- :;;Calilng especially for public cooperation In promptness of reporting lnoldents which may lead to crime, Special Agent Holmes listed these ways In which anyone can be. i Volunteer "plain clothes" operatyve:/. - "... Remember, If possible, that the FBI handles cases covered by government law national security, bank robbery, kidnapping, extortion, Involuntary servitude, violations of the migratory bird apt, murder or assaults upon federal employees, and many others and that, the" FBI wants to know; now of anything that might lead anyone to suspect that another person Is guilty of or Is planning such, a crime. In such case, call the FBI, Raymond Commerce building, Newark. :.; :.. ".;..; Juat as Interested, In matters pertaining to money, "tax, evasion, counterfeiting and the like, is the Secret Service, V. 8. Treasury department.- - " ; Call the FBI if anyone identifies himself as art FBI agent or other federal official and falls upon request to show credentials. If any of these things are suspected, call the telephone operator and ask for the police department: That a hoase-to-house salesman may not be on "real business". Ask all salesmen to show their peddlers licenses. before talking to them. Tell no one anything about personal matters or property; ownership until sure of their character.. That a. prowler is In the neighborhood.,... :. ;. ;,, That a person may be! "sizing up" a place of business or a, -vacant house,.perhapa with the Intention Of entering for robbery... -.:...<That any Improper advance is being wade upon another person. That any personis mlarepresentlng himself. Agent Holmes made. ;«. special plea for merchants to cash no checks <or which Identification Of a, check-holder I* not absolute.; Holmes Identlflea himsfl/ as pistol expert, who by shooting a perfect score at tha Quinftco, Va;> Marine base, with SO rounds of ainmunttlon in a target centeridenhfled :a* the;five-zone (fhe target is a picture of i.- man and toe flvjzpne Includes portions of the body where a bullet might be fatal), 6Vcame the 87th agant.orj FBI records t6 receive akey, *. WU d for such perfection; V: f")~^.-. ;,"v : ~ : 1 Disciiiiilnt!.w»aMn*^e\;ae^rJWthe presence of s<) lr4i)ny,guhs }n the hands-omnexpttritrnced-or many,people,."be said;buyfcgiji(, s fjndthey cannot sald;uyfc g j (, y shoot jt : ;aii4 selliloj-anyone. In thu.w&y;;htitated,gaii<(;nnd their ^Mt^amiWisiads^; v ft"f"r* ^V i " miri «r T r 1 surrounding- communities, can go for expert instruction.: The New Jersey Police Chiefs association, he said, had ricognteed this training a s e x c e l l e n t, ".. :.." Other authorities. fro«u;.thli *«% have received special Instruction at. the National- PoHc» l afcaderoy, which is the m»!n training soh6(»l for FBI agentsi Ffejni 1 this academy, he said, 1,600 lav? enforcement officers have been graduated. The academy likes to train local officers who In turn, can go back to their communities and teach.what they learned to other members of their force.;.... Today, said Holmes, there are 1,- 600 FBI agents Jn the United States, a drop of 1,800 from the wartime peak, but an increase over the pre-war average. The FBI takes its personnel from the graduates of laiv, and accountants schools and puts them through a rigorous training. It arms them for protection, not.aggression, he declared, but when they shoot a criminal "they shoot to kill 7. ". Rumson Group P[o Hold Sale.The 38th annual rummage sale of the Rumson Presbyterian Ladles aiji society will be held next Tuesday night at 7 oclock and next Wednesday starting at 10 a. m., In Blhghom hall on Blngham avenue. Articles for the sale left at the manse, 3 Bast.River road, any day, and at Bingham hall Monl&y and Tuesday. The scale committee consists of Mrs. Percy Radfofd,- Mrs. Charles Rice and Miss Eva Bruce, q Ztro Wuthtr Comlnc. Start pipe and tlbowi, all itui In lt»ek. Parftetlon wlekl, wetthtr strip. shittid«7 iwtcp, itove paint, Hfttri, Ihaktra, poktri, rudlatof cov«ri, portipl«ktronne heattn, electric htoteri, ; ]! u> up >nd vre d«livar, Nitlona! i* 10. Prown;i. AdverUiement, Cuttilml Curtalnit Curl*lml Its Shermans for the but valuti in luallty curtitli\i. Hundredi of latiiflid hrllty ciiltomiti hav«bouiht out our-»lm dgrln* Jllll! Hurry/ sit roun low,tnd mv< at Tha Sherman Shop, II. Broad itreat, Bad Bank. Advertllinant,. i.. : Window Shadaa, Trr our naw. Buntex wmhabia water- >roo( Window ihadt, Will not wrlnklt. Suarantead not to plnholc. Wa ara naklnt thim on prtmliei. No waltlni. Jlobe Awnlna * Shads Co,, 117 Wtit front atraat, Had Bank. Phone ( Adv«rtlitm«rit. Nollta. k I will not ba rasponiibla for any dabti th«r thin Inourrid by myitlf. Jrvtns; Colllna,, It Oatharlna Street,, Had Dank, -AdVcrtUamant. Apollo Club Plans 25th Annivertary This season will matk the 25th anniversary of the Apollo Club of Aabury-Park, and special programs In,.keeping with this are being planned by the concert and music committees. Plans,for the anniversary ytar wete started at s. me Ing Friday at the home of Cornelius Daniel at Beljriar. Allan R..Woolley of West Long Branch has been engaged to direct the club for the 1M7-48 season, and Francis Kodama. of Shrewsbury will be the accompanist, The first concert will be Thursday, December 11, with the second and third concerto in March. and May. Attending were Lester. Gardner, William Clawson, LeRoy Johnson, Warren S. Ayres, Robert Reid, William Schussler, Paul Glersch, Charles Wadded and 0. Raymond Bacon. - Cuarantaed Fine Quality. Oook *. Dunn paints are guaranteed as fine Inquality as any paint on the market. House paints In quarta and jrallons,i In stock turpentine II a gallon! atap-laddrra In itoek. Call up. We deliver-face. National 5 * 10, Prowns, Advertisement. MM I Formal Clolhaa For Hlr*. Alao aotataorlat. l,argaat atoek In Monmouth county. Satalll, 1I«H North Broadway. Long Branch. Opan avanlngi. Adrartliamant. Stirawabnry Garb>» Collntlbn. BUrtirw Oetober I, inrhafa eollcelom will ba mgda on Tuoidayi a,nd a^urdayi, until further notlra. > ttrtruda ttysiiyiul.^ fxdvartlltment "* Ohryilar, Plymouth, «n_d aarvlta. " alai non«kad Bank International. aurlca Snhwarll 0717^-Advartlia. Naw Helland >ala loaders, baler twlna and potato larvestera. Oonovar Bros., Wlokatunk. liont llolmdel. lll,-advartliament. Auctioneer and Amralaer. B, O, Coats, 410 Dath.avenue. Long Branch. Phone ( till. "Any kind of auotlon anywhere." Advertisement. I Rochell* ><auty Salon.. Starting September 21, we will be Fual Oil " * to tult your burhtri bast sradti and prlcn, Unnrdlid aarrltar Trad». Wl- "off Co,, Bad Bank. Phona Rid Bank OIIJ.-Advartliimant. Lieut. Egeland In Regular Nkvy Is Legal Specialist At Washington, P. C. Lieut. Andrew M. Egeland of Fair Haven, son,of the late Peter Martin and Anna Marie Egelahd, was among the reserve officers whose permanent appointments to the Regular Navy were approved by the President. LIEUT. 1 ANPREW M. EGELAND Lieut, Egeland first enlisted In the navy as an apprentice seaman October 27, He graduated,in the»lxth class of the U.S.N.R. midshipmens school on board the U.S.S. Prairie State May 6, 1942, with the rank.of ensign. He thereafter served In a continuous active sea duty status on various ships, and on- foreign duty untjil, his inactive duty October 19, Lieut. Bgeland held command of the Mentor (PTc-37) and the- PC- 1202, and was at tba time of his release serving! as executive and navigational officer of the Emery (DE- 28).. - j Mr. Egeland was one of tjie Monnopili.V county candidates who passed the) April, 1947, bar examination,and-was sworn in as an attbrney.-at-law by the Supreme Court lit 1 Trenton September 11. His offtw-clerkiihlp "Was.served In the law-flnn of -Applegate, Foster, Reus- "ailjj ev pbrriwell of Red Bank, where.herwift enjployed as a. law clerk. H»- ]»» member ot the Fair,and Lions cjub Tear- Rotlnd "olub of Monmouth Jeut^-Bgelujii topprled,fqr : ; ac : UYS, duty September* IS as a legal specialist attached to the office of the judge advocate general,,and was assignedto the Bureau of Aeronautics,.Navy Departmant, ^ H i t D < f e ^ Community Club Of Little Silver Elects Officers Paul J. Hemschoot Chosen President At Dinner Meeting Little Silver Community club held Its first regular meeting of the fall season last Thursday night at the Wlllowbrook restaurant with more than 30 members jji attendance. Edward J. Roehl, retiring president, called the business meeting to order and opened the polls for the election of officers. Joseph A. Howard reported for the nominating committee. On recommendation of the.commlttee the following officers -were elected for the comlng,year: Paul J. Hemschoot, president: George W. Browne, vice president, and William T. Sawyer, secretarytreasurer., The Sherman golf trophy was presented for the second consecutive year to Jack Welnhelmer, winner of the tournament recently held at Old Orchard Country club. Percy Sherman, who tied with Welnhelmer In the first round, was runner-up, going dowji 3 to 2 In the final. After the business meeting the prospects for a regional high school were presented by members of the Little Silver board of education. Richard W. Brounley, board president, discussed some of tho flnanclal aspecu, while E. J, Roehl considered the possibilities from the more strictly educational point of view. These two members were iolned by George W. Rjrser in the discussion period In which the membership also participated., As his first act in office the newlyelected president presented to retiring president Mr. Roehl, in behalf of the club members, a silver tablemodel cigarette lighter. An organization meeting of the executive committee was held Monday evening. Tho following committee chairmen, appointed for the next year, were In attendance; William F, Cogan, membership; George W. Browne, rules and finance; George W. Ryser, community activities and Alvin H. Parker, entortainment and finance. 0. Irvine W.lli, 27 Cheltnut atraat, Bad Bank, ii now- islet rapraantatlva for Storr Equipment Co., Ford Farm Equipment Dealerl, Freehold. Phonal Bad Dank «.10»«&nd Freehold 6-08SJ. Adrarttaamant. Bank Slock Warned.. Will purohai* from ona lo 100 iharei of. tha. Harchanta Trual Company of Had Bank. Aniwara traatad confldan. tlally,. Tbomna Irving Drown, Red Dank Basfittr. Advancement. Dr. Oeorie N, Waanar 16c»UiVFrihle<r**^lHt«lo at-jli-mbnm6utr"sireat, Phbne~)Vl Bank l-2««t>-j. AdyartUc^cnt,, Chrysler, Plymouth, International, lalai and aervlre, Maurice Snhwarli Phone Red Bank 0181, Advertisement, Adult School Has 7 New Instructors Newspaper Ads Are Credited With Registration Rush - Sea Bright Faces Erosion Threats By Ocean, River Council Discusses Situations At South* Beach And Nprmandie. Two erosion. problems one caused by the ocean in the South Beach section of Sea Bright and the other by the river In the Normandle area at North Beach were discussed by the mayor and council of that municipality last ^Thursday night. Councilman Nells Jacobsen said that at South Beach the bulkhead protecting bofough owned property had collapsed causing Inundation of Ocean avenue frequently when tides are unusually hlglu He urged that Immediate steps be taken to erect- a new bulkhead, with county and state aid, before further damage ensues. Mayor Thomas FarvtU caned attention to a statement by Freeholder James S. Parkes at the freeholders meeting last week that It might be necessary to barricade Ocean avenue at that point if conditions are not remedied.. A motion was passed instructing Mr..Jacobsen and Councilman Lester Perrlne to confer with the freeholders and state officials on the matter of providing financial aid in the bulkhead project...,..,, Facts regarding the Normandle probletrrvere submitted In a letter frorrl R. M. Scott, In which he stated that the disintegration of th* bulhoeai alon«r,tne tlyef Si.ghrewsbury : way, WlUO\y::*i&y.And.Atlantic wayvras jeoparo}islhf~an. area of fine homes representfng a -total as-, sessmept <a.approislm^tely.^20,000 and providing a tax incoran;,of $4,- 000 annually. Mr..Scott.was present at tha msetlngand,;told the council "there woiildntbi. house there if the bulkhead had not been built";;;-. "! i ;r.\); vvvhv ] - ; WW! ls(f(f^«pmi #WW» :! jt the ; WW.lS(f(f^«PMir #WW»! jt the bulkhead was urgent, ;1 «aw Mr. Scott, who jointed out that- parts of the three streets mentioned -wer* being gradually washed away. Mayor Farrell stated that :ha was In favor of having the bulkhead rebuilt, contending that the borough has the authority, when an enifcrgencir of this kind l streets Involved have not yet been accepted for public use. Councilman Perrlne asked for time "to get a clearer picture of the situation" In order to determine the boroughs rights and responsibilities, and the council passed his motion that the matter be referred to the borough attorney, George W. Gray, for Investigation. Council authorized payment of $8,000 in bonds on Jetties and $2,000 in bonds on the sewer. On motion by Councilman Jack White, a donation of $10. was made to the Monmouth County Fire Chiefs association to provide prize money for winners In the associations county-wide essay contest held In the schools in conjunction with Fire Prevention Week October 5-11 Also approved was Mr. Whites recommendation that two blinker lights be purchased for the hook and ladder truck, Edmund W. Cllne, Charles Dlllone and Paul Covert were appointed auxiliary fire truck drivers. A request by the Public Health association of Rumson, Sea Bright and* Fair Haven for an Increase In the councils annual appropriation from $160 to $200, due, to Increased operating costs, will be taken up when the 1948 budget is considered. MANILA BOUND Mrs. Harry T. VanNote, Jr., and Infant children, Doris Louise ann Peter Frederick, of 120 River road, Rumson, left Saturday by train for San Francisco, en route to Manila, tho Philippines, where they will join Capt VanNote, who is stationed with the Manila Provost Marshal Command. - Brim Your Rollers. Naw clean aide-hemmed Holland window shades put on while you wait. Puro white or light «cru at OS eenta for the beat»!«why l\ave dowdy looking windows when you can get them dona while youwaltt We make any kind and alae ot window Made In our own work rooms. National ( * 10. Prowna. Advertlaement., : Curtalnal Curtate I Ruffled Hathaway dots. Fine plain Marqullettea, : pebble dot ruffled frame curtains and cottage lets, all at one low price of a pair, valuea to IS, Buy now at The Sherman Shop, (( Broad etree^t, Red.Bank* Advertise* ment. Ready Now To take your Chrlatmaa orders for Far. sonaliaed cardi, CO for 11 to IK. In* dividual Xmaa Cards, I cents to II, Box Assortments SO canti to ft,50, Foin Gift Shop. 41 Monmouth Street, Red Bank, Advertliomenti Our Pat Pencils, Key Talnara, Kay Chalnt, Watch (luarda ara In again. Oat youra while they last. Foxs Gift Shop, 41 lion* mouth Street, Red Dunk, Advertisement.. i > - Peace Meetlnr. Frlonds*, Meeting House, Shrewsbury, Sunday, September 28, at I p, rr>, Speak* en Canby Jones of the American Friends Service Committee. Advertise* ment.. Lamps At «jm J, «J Wei til I al farts! laabaashik - U»^M1A/ -::IJnMiyr..l>.tii/j»«iiHaaiidtreanvKrl* d»oirrimiuv-»xtn»ldriil-rrvatuaar Sen. duavoua.(lift Shop, Dl Bama avenue, Aibury Park. AdvertUimanl, Mayplnki will kiep your itomach In the t>lnk, For sale at a)) drugslati. Advirtlltmint. With the start of advance registration for the fall term of the Monmouth Adult school, the appointment of seven additional Instructors was approved by the Board of Governors of the school, according to Captain Willis C. Conover, ehkinnan,.drawn from a wide area, these newly-appointed Instructors will teach throughout the coming season, starting with the opening of the school Monday evening, October 6. Effective English, described as "not a beginners course, but a thorough review of structural English on a high level", will be taught by Mrs. Marlon Furness, instructor of English in the Newark Adult School and In Newark and Mlllburn high schools. French for beginners interested in procuring, conversational vocabulary with a minimum of formal grammar study will be presented by Miss M. Raymond, who has had wide experience in teaching advanced as well as elementary French! Two coursefl, typing and stenography,, will be given by Mrs. Madeline Bogart Zelek, who will come to the Monmouth Adult School after extensive teaching experience at Rider college, Trenton. Mrs. Zelek has won the speed championship in Gregg, shorthand And has finished in the top flight In typing and stenographic competitions during recent years. However, it is pointed out by Harry Green,, curriculum chairman, that both the typing, and stenography courses presented by Mrs. Zelek will not be intended to "train professional stenographers, but Will serve as a brush-up course for those who have, had some experience, and will provide students, householders and business people with the fundamentals of typing and shorthand for personal use.... Guild guidance to assist parents In understanding, and, solving their family problems will be,taught by Mrs, William McDowell, who has a wide reputation as a lecturer and teacher, especially in connection with her work at the New Jersey State College of Agriculture, v/here she U a member of the faculty. Miss Edith S. Lord, instructor (n languages at Red Rank blgh school, has betn appointed to teach Span- IsKfor beginners, with emphasis on promnclatlbh," reading and conversation. The-sewlng and cooking courses, that have been designed to lighten more interesting and creative place In the daily schedule, will both be presented by Mrs, Dorothy Mitchell Accorsl, noted home economist and former Inatruetdr In home economics at Hunterdon college. Practical photography for beginners, to help them get the most out of the camera and the dark room -will be presented by James Squires of the Rue portrait studio, who Is widely. known as a lecturer and demonstrator of photographic subjects. Reporting on the results of the first day of advance registrations taken at the Rumson high Bchool building Monday, Dr. Thomas C. McVey of Atlantic Highlands, registration chairman, states that registrations to date have been far In excess of all estimates, "The response to newspaper advertisements alone has been.phenomenal to a point where some of the courses are nearlng their quota", according to Dr. McVey. Repeating the earlier announcement that all registrations would have to be handled on a first-comefirst-served basis, Dr: McVey urges those interested in taking courses at the school to be sure to take advantage of the facilities provided for registrants at the Rumson" highschool building on Ridge road every Monday and Wednesday evening up to and including the time the school officially opens Monday, October 8. He also points out that mall, registrations will continue to be received at box 193, Rumson, Preen Is a Fine Wax. Preen floor wax clcana your floora knd then leaves a polish. We hnve all IM«from 65 centa. Renuilt dry cleaner. 70 cents a gallon; DuPont sponges, 20 centa; cheese cloth, 20 cents a package; OCedar mopa of all kinds; floor brooms of the highest quality. Free delivery. Just cull up. National E * 10. Prowna. Advertlaement. Public Sale. Horses, one registered aow, one Cheater white, nine plus, 100 pigeons, farm Implements, household goods. Full list wilt be advartlaed In next weeka Register, Sale at Hermana Bar and Grill, Highway IS, Mlddletown, Salurdny, October «, at 1 p. m, H. Grove Advertisement, " Change of Office Location. Dr. H. Browning Wilson of Jl Broad trect, announces hit removal on September 2Cth, to the place he recently purchased at 48 Riverside avenue, Red Bank, where he will continue his prac* tlce, Advertisement. > Do You Have Short Windows? If you do, than come to Shermans curtain aale. Gape Cod ruffled Hathaway dot, 61 and 72 Inches long, at only 12 a pair, value Duy now and save. Whether your wlndowa ara long or short, you live at The Sherman Shop, 66 Broad atreau Red Hank. Advertisement. Small Buslnesa. Accountant and tax advlior, Harry S. Jervli, 20 Hlih street, Kail Bank, rhone Had Dank UtU-M. I»m In n loaltlon to take on a few moreamall business accounta. Advertisement. "Junior Service League Thrill Shop, bargal-r.-thrlfrsnop; "Wharraveniie. Open Thursday and Friday, Saturday 10-1J. Advertisement. Chrysler, Plymouth, International, lales and service, H,aurlc* Bch-earta. Phone Bed Bank Advertise* ^ast, Eatontown Legion Post Officers Are Installed Main Objective Of Commander Hayes U k New Home, Clyde J. Hayes, who was Installed commander of. Eatontown post 1, American Legion, at the last meeting, Is the third Navy veteran chosen to head the post. CLYDE I. HAYES Enlisting In the Navy in 1913 he. served throughout World War I on the battleship Wyoming and was discharged The new commander resides at 40 South, street, Eatontown, and is employed as a salesman by the Shrewsbury Dairy, A charter member, he served as Its finance, officer since the organization of the post in 1945 to the present time. In accepting his new post, Commander Hayes said one of his main objectives for the ensuing year Would be a ne\v" Eatontown Legion homewhtch he hopes to see completed by the time he leaves office. He has asked of the. members the same support they gave to his predecessors. Trie Installation ceremonies were conducted by County Commander John E. Feldman, assisted by County Commander-elect Mortimer E. VanSautcr and.county Chaplain George. Beams, The other officers Installed were Robert Maida, first vice qpmmander; William C. R. puijd, second vice commander; F. Bliss Price, finance officer; Edward R. Moy«s, chaplain; Harold Roberts, sergeant-at-arnu, and Kenneth West, historian. Commander Hayes announced the following appointments for 1948: Adjutant, Vincent J. Moves; service officer, Emahuel Friedman; National Guardsmen \ Recruiting In Earnest "B" Company To Be Recognized Tonight Dance To Be Held Tomorrow Salvation Army Drive For $15,000 Local Campaign To Open Next Month Plans are under way for the annual fall campaign of the Red Bank Salvation Army, to be conducted in October throughout northern Monmouth county, William A. Fluhr will be general chairman, assisted; by team captains representing tlio surrounding boroughs In this area. The goal this year Is $15,000 for capital needs and for enlargement and maintenance of the present building on Linden place, Mrs. Lyman C. Vanlnwegen o: Little Silver will head the womens division. Capt. Newton McClementa, director of the Salvation Army In this area, roportod yesterday that the following women have volunteered for the drive: Mrs. Harry Madansky, Mrs, George T. LJnton, Mrs, Frank Sherwood, Mrs. Frank Kuhl, advocate, Robert Malda; chairman of house committee, James Ervlng; chairman ways and means committee, Russell Foulka; Blck committee chairman, Floyd Holmgren; civic affairs, George Odell; membership, John Wandllng; athletic officer) Edward R. Moyes, Upon retiring from.the chair Past Commander F. BUM Price announced that the membership for 1947 stood at 127, but that he hopes this number will be increased before the October 1 deadline. The post is sponsoring a bowling team In the Eatontown Recreation league, with James Ervlng as captain. It was alslo announced at the meeting that the post would enter a team In the Monmouth-Ocean County Basketball league and Edward Moyes was designated as manager. Other athletic programs are planned for the year. William Cisseskl, and George Commcrford were elected delegates to the Monmouth County executive committee., Introduced by Commander Hayes, the retiring County Commander Feldman said he, had always enjoyed his visits to Eatontown, and Commander - elect VanSauter recalled the days during the war when he was chief air spotter In Eatontown, which he said he considered as a second home. Chaplain Beams remarks were dlrocted toward the post chaplain. After the meeting the members and guests - enjoyed a lobster supper served In the post rooms. Youll Be Glad. Yes, when winter comes and you havo homo canned poaches and grapes that will be something. We have Jelly Blaises with tin tops; half-pint»lie jars up to %gallonj Good Luck Jnr rubber!: coffee jnr lids and regular lids, ilno tops for Jars. Free delivery. Juat cull up. National 6 A 10. Prowna. Advertisement. Moriiaf* Money. Wa have plenty of money to place on sood first bond and mortlaic If rou are In nee*-of a mortnatre, It would pay you to see us Drat. It V, R. H. Stout, 77 Broad atreet, Red Bank, Phone Bed Dank Advertisement. Save $ Sharmana. Extra, heavy chen\l!o bedatread, ftnely tufted,. cloaely deilkneil, beautiful paterni and colors, On sale now at only 110. Regular price 112,08. Iluy now and save nt The Sherman- Shop, G» Urond atreet, Red-Dank, Advertisement. Telephone Anawarlns Service. We answer rour telephone 24 hours every day. If you do not have a tele, phone, use our number. Tor further Information, phone tied Dana s Advertlaement. "Tie Candle Llfhl." For gifts that are different, visit the Candle Light 01ft 8hot>. Fal«Haven. Advertliement. Public Auction Household goods nnd furnishings, (71 Broitdwny, Long Branch, September 27th, at 1 T. M, Mnry N, Kelchan, B. 0, Coats, auctioneer. Advertisement. Not Too,.your OUrUlraas Orders., for In Ing.. ng Curds, 1enclls etc. IOKII (lift Shop, 41 Monmouth Street, lied Hank, Advertisement.,.. > Athletes foot and ringworm dianppfar In a few days. Kunul-Foe did It. drumlsta. Advertisement. AH WILLIAM A. FLUHR Mrs. L. w. Tajflor, Mrs. W. J. Taylor, Mrs. J. H. Frltsche, Mrs. Fred Gregg, Mrs. Harry Olay, Mrs. Jane Castle, Mrs. Henry L. Tliton, Mrs. Burton Moore, Mrs. Raymond HaSejlwood; Mrs. Samuel. LJbovsky, Mrs. Martin Marx and Misses EKlz- ;4 Ellzabcth Scowcroft. Cornell Certifies Red Bank High Five More Years Local Graduates Scholarship Marked By Other Schools Red Bank high school and several of Its alumni have received special recognition by Institutions of higher learning, according to notifications sent recently to the office of Harry C. Sleber, high school principal. The committee on certification of Cornell university has notified Mr. Slebers office that Red Bank high school has again.been placed on the secondary schools certification list for a period of flve more yeara. This privilege, granted as a result of the. achievement of Red Bank graduates at the institution, enables the local school to send Its graduates to Cornell based upon recommendation for certification. Thelma Turner, a June graduate, has been admitted to Hampton college with a music scholarship valued at $1,000 for four years. James. R. Wolcott, 3d, has been admitted to the Coast Guard academy at New London, Conn. He was one of the successful candidates from a list of 699 applicants taking examinations for the academy. Mary Patricia Stone, a last years graduate, Is now a student at Illinois Wealeyan university at Bloom- Ington, III. She has been recognized for her scholastic standing bv the 1 director of student personnel by reason of. making 2.5 honor points during the past year. Betty Glloly of the class of 1946 haa been listed on tho Deans list at the New Jersey College for Women by Doan Margaret Corwln In a bulletin Issued September S. Miss Glloly, a sophomore this year, ob*- talhcd grades of 1.8 or hotter in all subjects. Curtalnsl Curtains! Curtalnsl Beacon net tailored curtains, ready to hang. Colors, blue, rose, green anil eggshell. On sale now, 2 pair fcr 13, value 12,50 a pair, Duy now and mivo at Tha Sherman Shoo, 56 Droad street. Red Dank: Advertisement. The National Guard recruiting drive in Red Bank. and vicinity moves Into high gear tonight wiol the federal recognition, of Company "B", 644th Tank battalion, In thi armory at Chestnut, and West streets. Lieut. Frederick Dempsty. of Highlands is commanding officer of the unit. The First. Army Vtii eral Recognition team Will conduct the Impressive ceremonies. *j In announcing plana for thd activation of the newest unit in thai local Guard battalion. Lieut. Col. Charles L. Oakcrson of Little Silver, commander of the 844th,. pointed out that new recruiting regulations make National Guard service especially attractive t6 young men who will be subject t<* universal military training when that bill becomes law. According, to the bill as now framed, member* already in the Guard at the tlmai the bill becomes law will not be) subject to call. Age requirements In the Guard? have also been modified, permitting membership to those 17 years of age.. " - To facilitate han-dunc of applications for Guard duty, Col. Oaker? son stated that the armory will bv, open nightly, except Saturday and Sunday, and daily except Sunday; Regular drill nights are Wednesdays and Thursdays. In connection with the drive. members of the local companies are> In a recruiting contest with other Jersey Guardsmen, The man sign, ing the greatest number for stats service will be given a trip to Washington as a guest of the Secretary of-war, after whi»h he *)U attend the Army-Navy football game as guest.of the President. Besides that, special "awards will bv" made to members for each group of flve applicants signed, Capt. Frattlc N. Kaiser of Fair Haven Is the battalion recruiting officer. ;? - Along with tonights recognition services, an active schedule of events has been planned for the coming month. A dance will be held tomorrow night In the club rooms of the armory which will be opento members and their friends. Capt. Edward P. Hemshooot Is genefsi chairman of the affair. Muslo will be furnished by?.. Next on the program will be an open house celebration October 8 under the chalrmansb. Kaiser. Equlpmeij played and facilities of the, will be open for inspection of public. Highlighting this affair Will be the showing of the Signal Corps film, "True Glory", an authentic dy invasion and the subsequent break-through,.. Maj, Hams A. Kessltr and Lieut Peter J. Lang of River Plaza and Fair "Haven, respectively, are eo* chairmen of a dinner party to-be held October 21 in the armory club rooms, which will be a reunion for members of Battery "B" arid ^B", the former Red Bank units of tba). pre-war 112th Field Artillery. Al-. though the committee In charge) is ; encountering difficulties obtaining names of former National Guardsmen, a public Invitation is being extended to them. The chairmen are anxious to receive replies from former Guardsmen whether or not they will attend so that arrangements may be made to purcham food and refreshments. Final event of the two-month drive will be a fair and bazar to be held in the armory. Lieut Harold R. Hounlhan of Red Bank Is < chairman of the affair, a date for which has not yet been set. Members of. the company belnj recognized tonight are S-Sgt. Ernr est P. Rattj. Sgt. Robert A. Umlng, Tec. 4 Ernest D. Truzzlo, Tee. 5 Joseph Count, Tec. B Ernest A. Pin-, gltore, and Pvta. Ralph. F. Bruno,, Frank M. Conte, Robert W. Durkln,_ Anthony V. Melina and Donald " Wilson. All of them are three-year enlistments..":. Bank Stock Wanted. Willing to [lurohaae up aharaa or any part of 2.0S-0 shares of stork ot Second National Dank of Red B>nk. John Wermert,,Telephone Atlantlo Hl»b> lands Advertisement. 7Sth Annlveraary,> Parade of Rid Dank Fire department on the screen In flaming color at"reade.a Carlton theater, Red Bank, Sunday throdfh Thursday, September 28, to October f. Advertisement. Re he day. D. * II Paint Uo., 4 West street, Iteil Dunk. Phone «-427l, Advertisement. Chrysler, Plymouth, International. Aalae and service. Maurice Schwerta, Ihona Jtid Bank Advsitlif ent, ~ YOURS FOR THE ASKING Copies of the proposed revised constitution of the state of New Jersey are now ready for distribution.».. J, Russell Woolley, county clerk; has asked the Register to notify its readers that he has a limited quantity of these at hand and he will b«very glad to forward them out as long as the supply lasts to those who write him requesting same. Post card request will be sufficient, giving full name and proper address. % DuPgnt Tontine Sbadee. Vtt are as proud al a Peaeotk. Ita quite nn honor" to have the exoluaive agency on DuPont Tontine - window ahadea. Yes, we have tha place goods nnd make them riant In our own work rooms. DuPont shades give from year* ot eervne and at. todaya prlceaof other shades, they are very reasonable." -Free meaaurlng service; Bring your rollers, National I * It. Prowns,--Advertisement, Public- Sale. Will bo held on premises on Highway 3o at Klve Corners, Mlddletown, near City Hall, Saturday, September 27. Full complete restaurant, oonslatlng of pots, pans, tables, chairs, cash register, and everything belonging to a fully equlpve"! restaurant. Will be sold la lump aura nnd business. Sale at 2 p. in. Owner* Emnnufl Boera, Advertisement. 4% Mortrata Money for homca, farina, country asfataa, but* Iness bulldlnga editing or naw, Last terms, eaay payments, liberal loana oil acceptable properties. Are you paying more than <9» T If so, ask us about re> < placing your mortgage- abd aavlnaj yoo) money; Joseph G, HcCua Aliney, Raat., tori. Mortgage. DepartMtnt. Phone IFh. *.. _ a ait i. 1 i, t. _» J ± A Attention Window vm<uj/v*nm i Venetian bllnda In stock al f»» nil slues to 3S Inches. Just try to com* pnre this price) Ivory color, solid lad.1 _ a -_ -. a-.*!.*. ^a.^ M J _sl. *--»>afc S3 ment. *>l f<1«>v W w*«*.:t*-«-*.pb ^**> >rw? It* ^ T" pnre this price) Ivory Color, solid laev ilrr I-PC bait atrol, with Plastlo-aoe,ti Ing. IYee delivery. Call In your lleea Nutlnnal e * 10, Prownl.-AtlVirtlHJ

2 a Two RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 25,1947 PUBLIC.SPEECH- - AND " " DRAMATURGY Oct. 6th to Dec. 15th Registration Now For Fall Term. Interview By Appointment OnlJ T. Ann GaskUI SchulU R. B R US Lincoln Ave., Fair Haven MON1ZY LOANED on Jewelrj, Sliver, Musical Instrument*, llament. Binoculars, elo. Uc«QMd and bonded by Stata of N J. WE ray CASH FOB OLD GOLD and Sll.VEK Broadway Loan Co.!M*Broadw»y, Loin Bnmrh RUSCO WITH ITou Jutt Arrange You Never Change STORM SASH OR SCREENS RUSCO Is the worlds Ilrsf^patenteti all metal, self-storing combination screen and itorrii ssjsh--mt«only An* to glvs> you aw these benefits - Screens, storm uth and weatherproonnt... all >n one perma- _ nently Installed unit.. with nothing to ehtntt, nothing to sfoi»; - "a" Year mood, draft-frm, rafanroof, futend-tcreea ventilation. Plastic n u t that wwit rot, rust or discolor. Cootrd of ateaminf tad frntlnt- SAVS OP TO Vi W FUEL BILLS. JVo Down Payment 3 Years to Pay MONMOUTH CONSTRUCTION CO. HIGHWAY 35 AT HEDDENS CORNER - Phon* Red Bank 6^4444. Or Mall Coopon. On ReprCsenUtlrc WU1 CalL fled BANK, NEW JERSEY» MONMOUTH, CONSTBCCTIOWCO. Highway 15, Beddens Corner Bed Bank, N. J, und your repr«tnt«u»o to Namt.. AAArett I City... I Phons., THE NEW 34% More NON-SKID Mileage Stronger Cord Body Wider, Nailer Tread Iinj>roved Shoulder Design WAS $ $14.40 NOW ONLY <MA AA PLUS TAX 6.00x16 IMS TRADE-IN TERMS AS LOW AS 1.25 A WEEK (Prices ledund lqvt% op oil popular lt»i, Other sli«i alio al new low prices.) owr at no obllitiitioiito mt Cor.-White St. & Maple Ave. Field Corn Prospects Good In New Jersey Most Other Crops Show Effect Of Advene Weather With a sharp reduction reported in the natfsnal corn crop, New Jersey farmers are. somewhat encouraged a* they take stock of their own prospecto. Faced with sharp increases in prices of feed concentrates due to the nations ahort corn crop, many arc deriving considerable, satisfaction from the better yields promised for,their own corn In New Jersey. According to the New Jersey crop reporting service, about 7,482,000 bushels of field corn will be harvested this year/compared to 8,505,- 000 bubhpls in However, the acreage planted this year ivaa less than In 1945 because of wet weather during the spring. In contrast to the 189,000 acres planted;in 1916, only / were reported*" 1 this year. Yields wjh be around 48 bushc\t per acre, or slightly less thanin 1946 but surpassing the ten-year average.. The national picture, on, the other hand, is rather gloomy, with prospects in the mid-west corn belt heavily reduced. The U.B.D.A. places this years total production, ices than last year, but from a re- acreage in compliance with the lowest since 1036, at 2,401 mil-ducelion bushels, compared to 3,287 million bushels In An all-time record for August government requests. The hay crop of the Garden state egg production was made with 108,- has been better than average" a1-000,000 eggs reported from New Jerseys layers. Another record was Goodyear given you more lets trade tiros todayl Employment Plan Your Future With A&M Karagheusian Makers Of INC. GULISTAN RUGS AND CARPETS Young Men 18 to 28 Learn a good trade FOR A 40 HOUR WEEK Learners start at $32*90, After 3 week* After 6 weeks After 12 weeks After 1 year EXCELLENT WOBMNO CONDITIONS HOLIDAYS and VACATION* WITH PAY " * FBEE LIFE and SICKNESS INSURANCE PERSONNEL OFFICE" JACKSON STREET, FREEHOLD, N. J. Red Bank 6040i though growers.were hard iput to cut and cure the hay between summer rains and showers. On September 1, production was placed at 400,000 tons, which Is about five per cent less than the 1948 crop and two per cent less than normal. At the present time, most farmers are beginning to make their third cutting and have reported better quality hay because of the more favorable weather. With the exception of tjje barley crop, Garden state producers of small grains such as wheat, oats and rye have not had too much luck this summer. Heavy rain) and winds at harvest time mad* harvest difficult. Yields are estimated td be fonatl 884,00Orbuehele, 32 per cent under 1946; = wheat 1,800,- 000 bushels, compared to 1,650,000 bushels In White potato growers, on the other hand, scored record yields, averaging about 221 bushels per acre. The September 1- federal estimate places production at 13,260,000 bushels, about one million bushels set when the number of layers reached 7,332,000, the highest known for the mid-summer month. Milk producers reported production at 94,000,000 pounds during August, the equivalent of their outstanding production in the summer of Heavy feeding of grains and feed concentrates to compen. sate for deteriorating pasture! was credited for the high output. How. over, feed prices have advanced sharply accounting for higher costs of production. Apple prospects as of early September -were not so good u last year. The hot humid weather has caused the fruit to drop excessively. Production now Is estimated at 2,025,000 bushels, or 32 pei* cent less than one year ago and 30 per cent less than average.. Peach growers are harvesting about. 1,666,000 bushels. Production this year la six per cent less than lsit although 31 per cant above; average. Pears, a minor crop, are estimated at 18,000 bushels. Grapes may reach about 3,200 tons, which Is about average production although less than that.of last year, Low-Flying Planes Irk Folk In Keyport >i omj{)aints of the noise and dangar 6f low-qying planes from Walllrfgs air field, Highway 36, ware reported at a meeting of the mayor and council at Keyport Jfopday night. Councilman Qeorge Finger, chairman of thepolice committee, stated that he had Instructed the police to take 1 the numbers of the ^rwwmsnmm%mx&mivm he plans to report them to the civil aeronautics authority. Councilman John VanderWaal, chairman of the Are department, urged the cooperation of-residents in having properties cleared of bushes and tall grass to eliminate fire hazards. A trlbuto to the Keyiport lire department for its showing In the Red Sank Firemens auxiliary.parade, at which time the local department was awarded $50 for the best appearing department in the line of march, was paid by Councilman Vander Waal.and Mayor Peter O. Welgand. The council confirmed the election of George Leone aa a member of Liberty Host company and accepted the resignation of Frank Laughlln from that company. Ah ordinance was adopted at second and final reading which prohibits parking on the north side of First street; Councilman Finger was named chairman of the local traffic safety co-ordinating committee and three other members will be named, The committee Is part of the new statewide traffic safety program. The first dinosaur bone discovery was made In Connecticut. Bring Your Cleaning-Dyeing And Laundering Problems DIRECTLY To Our PLANT Expert Advlot No Obligation LEONS Red ; Vaults on E;ST, IBIS «Street BETTER LIGHT FOR THE HOME G. E MAZDA LAMPS FLUORESCENTS HEAT LAMPS Allen Electric Shop 18 WHITE STREET : PHONE R. B LET US REUPHOLSTER Your Old Lining Room Furniture Old Sets Made Like New Recovered In Newest Fabric* nd Completely Rebuilt At Reasonable Prices. All Work Guaranteed UPHOLSTERY FABRICS AND SUPPLIES FOR SALE FURNITURE AND RUGS CLEANED IN YOUR HOME 15 Mos. to Pay-as low as $1.25 per week CALL R. B FOR FREE ESTIMATE, CUSTOM MADE SLIP COVERS DECORATING Rod Bank "I Fashion Firsts the. new SUITS GERAVS WORSTED WOOL Doesheen Covert Suit In brown, gray, bolt green, Sizes 10 to OO COATS Tailored just the way you like! So very new with beautiful long fullness, upstanding collars, deep-down pockets. Of rich allwool suede fabric in a yariety of colors See our collection of Fall Coats and Suits: W. P.SCOTT Contractor and Builder 74 MONMOUTH ST. RED BANK, N. J. PHONES , Before buying that new home visit Old Farm Village, Rumson, and»ee what I have to offer, then compare values. Announcing an Extended Bus Service on the Asbury Park-Paterson Route Bum Will Pick Up Ptutcngtt, Att Asbury Park, Eatontovm, Red Bank, Middletown, Keyport, Clitfwood Beach, Laurenc* Harbor, Morgan... For Discharge At: Woodbridg., Rahway, Linden, Rotelle, Rosclle Park, Union, Irving, ton, Nownrk, E. Orange, Bloomfield, Clif- ( ton, Pastak, Paterson. EXCLUSIVE WITH V0GELS For futibttr in 3 in«s t

3 HOUSES AND GARAGES CUT TO ORDER Tims Payments Arranged. fotier Lumber. STRENGTH DfcJKAINED! Every fibre ot your new building will be lastingly sturdy. If our Quality Lumber is used! It 1«milled from selected timber. Than supergraded; cured and Blocked, for delivery to your job, as seeded. All Mlllwork done In our, ownmill.- EAGLE MILLWORK AND LUMBER CO., Inc. HIGHWAY 38, WEST KEAN8BCBO, N. J. Telephone Keaniburg C & You wouldnt take your car to a garage and refuse to tell the mechanic what was wrong. r The mechanic would have every right to doubt jour sanity. Yet people frequently refuse to, tell the physician of their ailments. They are ^anxious to have an "unbiased opinion." [r T ou can save time add expense by being frank with your physician. To do a competent job of diagnosis he ; needs the history of your symptoms. The humanbody is> ^ tu more complex than an automobile, for the best results give him all the facts. :, ; ; All w e need " tne - physicians prescription. We are Competent to compound it exactly as he specifies. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY 85 BROAD ST., XZD BANK - TEL. 164 Miss Edna Hauser Is Shower Guest ^--miscellaneous shower waa given recently for Miss. Edna Hauaur of Leonardo by Mlsa Ethel Vosseler and Mrs. John Mohrbeck of High-, lands. Decorations were In all; white, and a buffet supper was served by the hostesses.* Attending were Mrs. Nettle Hedge, Mrs. Doris Finley, Mrs. Margaret McQee, Mrs. Catherine Frenzle, Mrfl. Margaret Patton, Mrs. Marie Bldle, Mrs. Marie Steele, Mrs. Ruth Hauser, Miss Beatrice Hauser, Miss Prlscllla Hauser. Mrs. Ruth Mancuso, Mrs. Catherine Mullaney, Mrs. Marie:Koeaer, ilrs,eltxabeth Perry, Mrs. Evelyn Coleman, MrB. Rita j IilslewakI, Mrs. Manda Jariowaki, Mrs. Genevleve Lawrence, Mr«. Par trlcla Button, Mrs. Grace Kllnger, Mrs.. Mabel Stynbeck, Mrs. Clara Wade, Mrs. Mildred Maxepn, Mrs, Alice McOee. Mrs. Mame Bryan, Mrs. Mary Gallivan, Mrs.. Joan Webster, Mrs. Beatrice Horan, Miss Margaret Webster,. Mrs. Marie week, is able to be around again. Rast, Miss Ann Pattern, Mrs. Lillian Rlchfofd and Mrs.. Kathleen Mrs. Charles Scott of Headdens Truppner. V, ; Cluhwbmen Plah Victorian Exhibit - A Victorian exhibit, in charge of Mrs. West and Mrs. Leon de la Reussllle, Sr., will:be shown at the opening fall meeting of the Red Bank" Womans club, Friday; October 10. "Readings will be given by Mrs. Reussille, Mrs. Hermann Asenaorf and Mrs. Benjamin; Crate, and the eveninggroup choral will sing several "selectlbns;. Plans are also underway for a.^eneflt party for the club welfare fund Thursday afternoon, October 16. Mrs. Charles R. English and Mlss.Ftorenoe Krldel will be chair^ men. Department meetings" for October- include- Literature, Friday, October-24, at which time Dr, Adolph Henry Behrenberg will review current fiction and non-fiction, and the welfare department sewing session, Tuesday, October 28. Union Beach Girl Engaged To Wed : - Mr. and Mrs. George Fox of Union Beach, have announced the engagement of jtielr daughter Gloria to Frank Lambsrtson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lambertson, also of Union Beach. 1 - Miss Eox, a graduate of Keyport high school, Is employed by Bendlx Radio in Keyport; Mr. Lambert- Ison, also a graduate of Keyport high, is 1 employed by Western Elecvjrio company. He served two and a half years in the Navy in World WlL : BANK REGISTER. SEPTEMBER.25,1947 Page Tluee BETUBNS TO COLLEGE Miss Trudy Mertens, daughter of Mr..and Mrs. Robert E. Mertens of Looust, has returned to Bradford Junior college at Bradford, Mass., for "her. senior, year.. The college opened this week for Us 145th year. Riverside Heights A meeting,of the Sew, and So clubof Mlddletown township was held at the. home of.mrs.. Martin McGulre, state highway 35, Headdens;.Corner, Tuesday, evening of.last.week,, 3efpre the meeting, a covered-dljh supper was held and sifter the supper, a short meeting was "held by the group at which the name of the club: was changed from the Sew club to the So-So club...after; the business session, a social meeting was held at MoGuires. Qrbve.,;; Klwood Schenck, son,of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert. Schenck of Conover place, who has been ill for the past Corner, haa been conflneif to.her bed for several days by illness. Mr. and Mrs. John Corcoran of Kew Tork city, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Corcoran of Headdens Corner. Mrs. Emma F. Snyder of Conover, place and Mrs. Florence* Adams of Oakland street, Red Bank, spent Wednesday of last week at North Bergen, where they attended ttie birthday "of Mrs/ Snyders sister, Mrs.* Anna Knoche, and her grandson, Joseph* Knoche, J r. - ;.-!. The Community. Social club met with Mrs. George. Hembllng at Little Silver Thursday afternoon. Mir. andmrs. Peter DeFailo of Fair Haven, have purchased home In River Plassa. Mrs. De- Fazi6 was the former Mies Muriel Mottof Headdens Corner. Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Corcoran of Headdens Corner, and Mrs. Julia Mott and Miss Lydla Mott of Falrfleld Gardens, motored to Blalrstown and High Point "recently,» ;-. " -...:;.-. :. Mrs. Amelia Johns of Spotswood, is visiting her daughter and son-inlaw, Mr. and Mrs. J. Herbert Schenck of Conover. place; Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Robertson have returned from their wedding trip to Canada. They will reside at Sea Bright until their new home Is completed on Catherine street; Glenmary park. MrB. Robertson Is the former Mies Pegiry Lufburrow. Elwood Schenck left Saturday on a trip to Florida, where he will spend s, few weeks.,. Mrs.. LillianVCarpenter" and daughter Carol of Westwood, have, been*spending, several days with Mr. and Mrs; Albert K, Snyder of Conover place..edward Warren af Cfrostjjtfenue, who Jast weeklo«t ils fiptlnger Spadiel, recovered Ther- FWday afternoon from Leonardo through an. advertisement In The Register. Mr. and Mrs. E. s. Wells of Frost AYWUB^baye^pjay^ to Allentown, Pa., where they formerly lived. Mr, Wells, former manager of the Snyder department store on Broad street. Red Bank, has accepted a position there with the tame firm. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ward, Trenton, spent the week-end with their cousins. Mr, ^ ^ ^ J l l k P A dog has been known to understand as many as 400 words. ATHLETES FOOT GERM KIU, IT* JKOR 356:.- IN ONE HOUR, If not pleased, your inoner back. * Aik anr drunlit for tbla STRONG fumicldi. TE-OL. Mad. ^Ith 60% alcohol. It PENETRATES. Reachei and kllli MORE Ktrnii ON CONTACT.* fodax at M. L. Hollrwoodi. Clopks Repaired and Sold, New and Old, Specializing In Qt-and-. fathers Clocks. NANNA"- Clock Shop Clocks oalled for and dellvefeo Call Red Bank Carlton Theater Bldg. 99 Monmouth St. For The Best In Home Decoration CurUlot Draptrlo-Bid»«, SlIpcoT.n V.n«llan Bllod. The 8HERMAI 8HOP M Broad St Bed Bank i Agaln...PHII.C01eads!TeleYJjlon is jita drtamtd il would be.. dear, bright, tharp, steady pictorn, eren In lighted rooms f As simple as a radio to operate thank! to PHILCOJ exclusive Electronic Control system. Exquislto modera^ cabinet of finest {aahopanjr. " TIMOTHY R; HOUNIHAN Contractor and. Builder. SPECIALIZING IN JOBBING SCBEEN AND 8TOBM ENCLOSURES., 5 KIM PLACE. TEX. BED OUTX t>lltw Given Away FREE PHILCO TELEVISION SET AND 10 EMERSON RADIOS For Information Call Asbury Park OR Ask Any. Representative KEYSTONE LAUNDRIES, INC SECOND AVE. ASBURY PARK er r s a blouse and skirt will give you that Gibson Girl look Allwool pleated skirt in assorted plnids.. Sizes 10 to for school or business Wherever you gowhatever your career, youll look better... do better in one of these.fine two-button lounge suits. Top quality fabrics, impeccable tailoring and smart styling stamp them, "Great Values". Handsome slacks in Gabardine, Flannel and Doeskin in solids houndstoolh and plaid patterns. $ Now:ydn din^m fo tl* T)ilon...for PHItCO, e leader brings you the result of twenty yeari research. Brighter, clearer, sharper pictures, i evenin i lighted: lihtd rooms. A»d the exclusive PHI jlco station selector permit* automatic tuning of all chinoeli, no mttter where you-ire! See it NOW! n» rtd.ral Tax fttondard Imiallotlon K5 A. Casual plaids in man tailored shirts to team with your favorite.skirt or slacks. Sizes 10 to B. The shirtwaist Mouse with French cuffs in crepe. White, maize, brown, green or beige. Sizes 32 to C. The new cablestitch sweater in pullover or cardigan. Whito, aqua, black, purplo. or pink. Sizes 34 to * wool flared skirt. ««black, hunter green, gray, navy, brown. Sizes 10 to 18, East Front St. and USB OUR CONVENIENT LAYAWAY PLAN SNYDE CLOTHES Long Branch, N. J; Broadway, IS E. Main St., Freehold, N. J. Newman Springs Road Red Bank 1 v RED BANK Long Branch, N. J. 32 BROAD ST., RED BANK, N. J. "isb/mainsfc, Freehold; N* J..-V-i

4 Pace Four RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 25,1947 Harrys Lobster House SEA BRIGHT, N. J. TEL Open All Year Lobsters, Steaks, Chicken and all Sea Foods Music by Wilbur Gardner KITCHFJJ OPEN TO I A. WL GEORGE KHAUSS, Owner OPBN.DAILY EASY TERMS SE1BERLING AS LOW TIRES 1.25, AS A PER WEEK WHITE SIDEWALLS AVAILABLE NO RED TAPE SEIBERLING, STEWART-WARNER RADIOS NO DELAY ACCESSORIES - APPLIANCES v SHARPE TIRE CO. 33 E. Front Street Red Bank Phone R. B Mabel Coleman SCHOOL OF DANCING 31 RECTOR PLACE RED BANK.PHONE R. B Registration Week of Sept. 15th From9 to 12. All Classes Start Week of Sept. 22d. BED CARLTON BJJLNK A WALTER READE THEATRE SPECIAL Mip-NITE SHOW THIS SATURDAY, SEPT. 27th The QREEN SHUTTER Is Ready To Outfit You In The Latest Fall Fashions DRESSES BY: Kay DunhiU Henry Rosenfeld Junior Deb Junior Accent We are happy to announce that Mrs. Dunlap, who was formerly with Vogels and Town & Country Shop, is now with us. See her about our Dress Club that is now forming. QNTHK SCREEN Boris Karloff "ISLE OF THE DEAD" Doors Open 11:30 P. M. ; Show at Mld-Nlte Sow ORIGINAL Striped all wonted jersey blouse with imotked cuff and petite lay-down collar. The velveteen skirt with simple, graceful flair makei this combination an exquisite addition to your wofdrobe. OUR PRICES ARE MODERATE The QREEN SHUTTER (Fair Havens Only Dress Shop), INHSTLVt 44OHRIFYLHQ CHILLI HQ WARNIMOI IF YIB NAVE A NEM HEART IMTSEEin 771 River Road Fair Haven Navesink Club Flower Show More than 100 entries have been received for the first fall flower show of the Navesink Garden club to be held this afternoon and evenlng at the Navesink library auditorium. The show has been divided into two sections, one for arrangements, and a second for specimen exhibits. Mrs. Holcombe Ward, Mrs. Ralph, Draper and Mrs. William 6. Lawrence, owners of the Navesink Potters, have contributed all the prizes, hand-made pieces of pottery made by themselves at. their etudlo In Navesink. Besides classes for members, there will be classes for members of the, Junior Navesink Garden club, which issponsored by the organization, and classes for arrangements to be done by men. There to no admission charge, and the show will be open from three oclock this afternoon, until 9 dclock tonight. "~Belford Mrs. Lena Sutherland and granddaughter Barbara Anne have? returned to Washington, D. C,, after spending the summer here and Mrs. John Hlnes. Edward : Salmon celebrated hla nlnthblrthdayat a party for a fow of his friends Friday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Richmond and daughter Marylu attended the Trenton fair Tuesday. Mrs. Lena Cook, who hag been vacationing in Yonkers for the summer, returned home Thursday. Mra. James Hubbs is attending the funeral of her sisler-ln-law in New York today.. Mrs. Laura Lingo and son Hubert epent two weeks vacation with relatives In Erie, Pa., Wheel- Ing, West Virginia, and in Ohio. Mrs. Thomaj Orr and daughters/ Arlene and Joan of Kingston, N. Y., are visiting Luther Walling and family..,.. Mr. and Mrs, Chris Jaeger spent the week-end with friends lnocnan Gate, i Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fisler entertained Mr, and Mrs. Morris^HjfN man of Calif on over the week-end. Edward Byrnes and family have moved to the Alfred Vail Homes, Eatontown. The junior firemen of Independent fire company will attend the Trenton fair Saturday.. William.Bennett hasbeen:.a patient,for the pohvtwo weeks at Monmouth.v Memorjalf ^hospital, awaitinga major operation... Mr.;!ahd,Mrs. Paul" Bowes,;,»n.d; Mrs. jprntaimtfrrls..wewrtcent 1 vw-~ Mr. an3**hrs. i <!harteismastin - are 1 enjoying two weeks! vacation tour- Ing the, South.., l( Engine company auxiliary met Monday evening at the fire houe. The rtrthdayacitmrs;^elen. gmlth and..mrs i :-:G«q*geit»; - celefcrated/^fc hold*,* picn(o?-at:s»«i*yelt park fhlgiffionth and TnvttNh* families. Mr. and. Mrs. William, Jieyer and daughter, Wllma and Mis* Mildred Morris spent the week-end. 1 with their Mr. and Mrs/ H; VanDyne and daughter Jeanette of Verona were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Hines. Mrs. Edward Barnes entertained ten ladles Friday night at a brush demonstration; Alva Sickles celebrated her 11th birthday Saturday with a party. Those attending were Carol and Barbara Anne Sutherland, Evelyn Krug, Virginia Illlngworth, Maryanne and Marlene Miller, Richard Nelson, Alexander Kravlts, Kenneth Smith and Albert and Melvin Anderson. Harold Otten and family spent Sunday at the Trenton fair. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Goodlow of Linden spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.- Charles Young. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lilly of Carlisle, Ark., are. vacationing with Mr, and ijrs. M. A. Grimes. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Flnnegan of Delaware spent the week-end with friends and relatives in town Mrs. Oeorge H. Morvan of Gothen, N. Y., is spending several weeks ATLANTIC Frl.. Sat Sit, M«t. JUNE HAVER MARK STEVENS "I WONDER WHOS KISSING HER NOW In Technicolor 3un., MOD.,.Sun, Cont. From a i P. M. CARY GRANT MYRNALOY SHIRLEY TEMPLE "The Bachelor And The Bobby-Soxer" TUM, Yfti, BETTY GRABLE JUNE HAVER JOHN PAYNE The Dolly Sisters In TeehnlCvlor-- Thursday On«ALICE FAYB DANA ANDHEWS with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr; and Mrs. George Morvan. - : Mr. and Mrs. Melvin,Leek entertainedover the week-end Mr., and Mrs. &enry VanDreys of, L. I.,, and Mrs, J. Barratta of Jersey City.. Mrs; Charles Smith, Mrs. Leland Richmond apd Mrs. Robert Behler are taking instructions In troop camping for Girl Scouts. Mr. and Mrs.. Harry Lange and daughter Anna. Mae spent Sunday at the Trenton fair. St. Clements church held a picnic with East Keansburg Community church Sunday at McGulres grove. Miss Marjorie Sutherland is a patient at a New York hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Walling celebrated their tenth wedding anniversary Thursday in New York city., Mr, and Mrs. AlfredRichardson and Rev. and Mrs. Paul Myers will attend-the annual conference of the Methodist church at Ocean City for four days this week. Samuel Myers and Miss Roberta Fisler will Join hem Sunday.. Boy«can make pocket money by nil- Ing Tho Resliter. Advertliement. MARINE THEATRE Highlands, N. J. Fri., Sat.. Sat. Mat DENNIS MORGAN JANE WYMAN "CHEYENNE" Sun., Mon. Sun. Mat, CLAUDETTE COLBERT FRED MacMURRAY "The Egg And I" Tuti, W«d. FREPRIC MARCH MYRNALOY "THE^MST OUR LIVES Evening Show Only 8 P.M. "FALL GUY" Beat the High Cost of Eating by Stocking Foods and Using Home & Farm Freezers v Sales andservice. ; FROSTMASTER - FRIGID FREEZE DEEP FREEZE - CARRIER Models for every home 3 cubic ft. to 30 cubic ft NOEL R. NILSON FROZEN FOOD CENTER 87 BROAD ST. RED BANK MAYFAIR A WALTER BBADK THEATBE ASBURY PARK ; PHONE 8-M81 Matinee 2:S0, Evening 7 and 9 NOW Continuous Sat. 4 Bon. SHOWING THRU WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1ST THAT "GOING MY WAY" TEAM.. Teamed 1 Again! CROSBY FITZGERALD PERCY KILBRIDI * *, *; JTOB COMPLETE THEATBB HW0BHATI0N KEVrEWS OF ALL WALTEKTCEADE THEATRES IN MONMOUTH COUNT^f^LISTEN TO. : RADIO $TATW^.C.A.PP^ "MOVIETl^Ef: T 1810ON MONDAY THBU SATCRDAT AT U NOOK t :: :.. -.; SUNDAYS AT IM9. M.?2»888i Any-Tiino ; Day or Night RED BANK THEATRES CARLTON Mat. Dally 2llB p.m. Eve. 7-B P.-M. Contlnuoui Sat..Sun. Hqlldaya. Now Thru Saturday Met. Dally aioop.m. Eya. T-B P. M. Contlnuoua Sat. Sun.. Holldiya. 3 DAYS BEG. SUNDAY THBELL \VITH DANA ANDREWS Flf htlnf, Lovlnr, Son of Glory In KIT CARSON 3 DAYS SUN.^ MON., TUES. w!lb yoir fovonf#. 2 DAYS-i-WED. AND THURS. Louis HAYWARD Joan LESLIE THRU SATURDAY TWIN * ACTION *-*HlTS "THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS" with RANDOLPH SCOTT BINNIE BARNES HENRY WILCOXON Back To School KIDDIE SHOW Saturday Morning; Sept 27th - OPEN 8^ M. TO 6 P/M DAILY *Mi DAVID BBtCE "SUSIE STEPS our. ;. ^ Houies of Fun aiid Laughs ",, ; Be«de OAHLTON Tfc«*tr» NOW

5 (JUINN, DOBEMUS, MO CUE «, RUSSEIX COUNSELLOHS AT LAW \. Whltfiald Bulldln,, ; Red Bank I John J. (Julnn Thomas P. Doratvu rvincent J. UcCue. Ernest Fwano *- William L. BusaalL Jr. PABSQNB, LABBEOqtJB, CANZONA * COHB8 COUNSELLORS AT LAW Wallace Str. Had Bank DR.tMILDRED HULSART. SOBUEON OH1BOPOUIST Foot Orthopedics Electro-Therapj Office Hourat Dmly 9 a. an. to s p. ae. Eveolngai Tueaday, Thursday,.7 to 8 (Cloaad Wednesday and Friday) Byappointment only. Red Bank ISO BBOAD ST. BED BANK, N J. ; DR. RAY DE CARLO 8UROE0N CHIROPODIST FOOT AILMENTS OITIca Hours: Dally 90D a m. to 6:80 o. m. Evenlnxs by appointment Phone MAPLE AVJE. BED BANK R: WILLIAM WYLIE CHIROPODIAt SURGEON Functional Foot Diaordera 9 Mechanic St, Bed Bank, N J. Houre 8 A.M. to 6 P. M.,Tel. Eveolnie by Appointment. R.B. S-338B-J KENNETH C. WASHBURNE The Northwestern Mutual. Life insurance CoV?f>"? : 19 Princeton Road Fair Haven, N.JT Rtd Bank t-aia* MarafeT«~I«235 AUDITS BOOKKEEPING HAROLD F. DOWSTRA Fubllo Accountant 130 Broad Strtat Pkol* 1 * Red Rank. New Jaraay Rad Bask 6-31 MR WHAT-ONLY 5* -:/. FOR A QUALITy-BONOED : BusinessWomen Ask For Equality Professional Club.,.. Meet. At Molly Pitcher RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 25, 1947 The board of the New Jeney State Federation of Business and Professional Womens clubs at a Theodora D. Parjona Bdtnuod J. Canaona.meeting Saturday at.. the.- Molly» Theodore J. Elilon F. Combs Thomaa J. SmiUl Pitcher hotel passed a resolution Bobitt H. Mtida William B. Blallr it. asking -that an amendment be < Abraham J. Zaptr "» made to the United States constitution calling; for. "full equality of his graduation, lie founded the sur- Banner. WILLIAM E. BEATY the sexes" and that there be clearcut statements In "the proposed new umbia. He was appointed attending To Tryout New Play gery pathology laboratory at Col- / ATTOHNEY A1 1 LAW state constitution to do away with surgeon at Vanderbllt clinic [n 1911.discrimination against women In and at Columbla-Prwhyterian Medical center in The same year Shore residents wilt have the op- At Deal Theater. * TAX CONSULTANT ail fields ol endeavor.", ; i i...- More than ISO women attended he also was appointed professor of portunity, rarely, afforded in this 80 East Front St. Rad Bank «-4M» the session. Mrs. MargaTet Ryder, clinical Burgery, a post from which vicinity, of seeing a pre-bro.adway president of the Red Bank club, he retired in He then was tryout of a new play,- when "Set MILTON KOSEI^E arranged the program. Mrs. Mabel made a member of the board of For a Spell," the new comedy by Wells. of New Brunnswick, state medical consultants of the medical Alvln Kerr and Peter Carhartr, is ATTORNET-AT-LAW president, presided andmiss Margaret Warner, Phjllipsburg, state Dr. Auchincloss specialized in stage, at the Deal conservatoire center. presented, for the first time on any: 107 Monmouth St Bed Bank first vice president, was master of cancer of the breast and Infections theater. Beginning Friday, October 18,.performances will be given ceremonies at the dinner. Miss of the hand. He invented the "Auchincloss tube" for drainage of the every evening, except Sunday, with B. B Grace Daniels, state president of the Pennsylvania club, spoke following dinner,,, Besides his brother, Dr. Auchin- of tho two Saturdays during the pelural cavity in matinees being presented on each DR. L. W. CARLSON, Guests included Elmer Hesse is survived by his wife, Mrs. Florence Auchincloss; a son, Dr. Hugh A.brilliant New York cast has engagement... 8CBOEON OH1BOPODIST, president of the Red Bank Rotary FOOT AILMENTS. dub, and Fred Zellman, president Newlanda Auchincloss, Jr., and been assembled to act In.tho play, Office Hours: of the Red Bank LJons club. Mayor Charles R. English, also an In- three,daughters, Mrs. Felix Mulgrew, Mrs. Allen M. Look and Mrs. Mr. Kerra direction. The list- of wkich la now In rehearsal under Dally t:si) a. m. to 6:00 p. m. E*«nlnnji Tuasdar and Tburadar For appointment phone vited guest, was unable to attend. Thomas Thacher. patrons and patronesses for this 60 BBOAD ST. BED BANK, N. J. Miss ^Margaret Harbison, accompanied by Kiss Florence Hackett Tea has been grown in China announced within the next few engagement of the play is to be sang several selections. Assisting continuously since about 3.000B. Q. days., Product of Pepsi-Cola Company Franchlsed Bottler: Pepsl-Cola :. Bottling Co. ofasbury Park -, Mrs. Ryder were Mrs. Wllhelmlna Dobbins, Mrs. Gebardine Kvisch, Mrs. Harriet Halsey, Mrs, Amelia Vlner, Mrs. Ann Brenner and Misses Helen and Marie Koskey, Elsie DeCamp and Margaret Dowd JOAN PATTEN TO WED. " Mr. and Mrs. H. Russell Patten of Adelphla, announced the engagement of their daughter, Joan R. Patten, to Frank E. Blddle, Jr; son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank E Biddle, ST., of Freehold. Miss Patten is an employee ot the traffic department of the New Jersey Bell Telephone company in Free hold and her fiance is connected with the Monlx Tile company,- Freehold. :. PIMPLES - RASHES Do unsightly, Irritating pimples tormen you through itching? (Jet quick relit with cooling: MEPKEX OINTMENT to (jay. First.RPpllcHtlonii of -vroniletfu aootfilng medicated MEDREX DINT MBNT will brlnir. you quick relief, or your money back; MEDREX OINTMENT la blended scientifically- from eight tested Ingredients and will promptly.relieve the torturing Itching and burning from externally caused pimples, eciema, acne, ecales, scabies and other ltd trouble*. Get a jar of.genuine IIMI colored, greaselws MEDREX OINTMENT. t o d a y. t.. 49c a Jar at all Sun Bay Drug Stores WHYBEFAT\? Get slimmer without exerc/se t ou may IOM pounds and nave a more slender, graceful figure. No exercising. Nouxativea. Nodrun. jte easier wl.. ciouaayds M lulely harmless, In clinical tens conducted by medical doctors, more than 100 peraoai let 14 to 15 lba.a»«raao In a few weeks with AYDS Vllamlv Candy Redudnf Plan. Try ilmiy supply of AYDS, only $2 JJ. Money back on th«very first box If jrou dont getresulu."""-,", AT AU SUN RAY DRUG STORES HEADACHE Areyou suffering from the misery of a nervous headache? Why let pain make work_an agony and nlehta a torture> NULFBY TABLETS will often brftig you comforting relief in a jiffy. Dont delay when, that warning pain strikes. Get genuine dependable NULFEY TABLET! today. NULFEY TABLETS, a time, tested formula, to scientifically pro..pared and used by thousands of: *aua. fled customers for over fifty years wlt L amailng results. Complete satisfaotlo or your money back. Vu only as d rected,.. Only 69c at all Sun Bay Drug Stores Dr. Auchincloss Dies At His Summer Home - CAB.DMBETINO. The annual. fall conference, of the state Children of American Revolution societieswas held Sat- at th«parish house of Grace Dr. Hugh Auchincloss, 88, pro-urdafessor emeritus, of clinical surgery Episcopal Haddorifleld. at Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Mrs. Ernest M, Swingle of Loch center. New York, and a brother of Arbour, a member of Monmouth Representative James C. Auchlnclpss. Rumson, died Sunday at his Revolution, state C-A.R. historian, chapter,. Daughters of American aummer home In North Haven, Me. and Miss Frances Dlx. of Red Dr. Auchincloss, born in New Bank, a memberof Children of York, attended Groton school and American Revolution. society of Yale university/ obtaining hla medical degree from the Cdllego of Phy- piano accompanist when the as- this area, attewed. Miss Dix was sicians and Surgeons, Columbia semblage sang the Star Spangled university. In 1908, the year after ^Without en added lupply-o to the diet the limited ()ujn quickly depleted. M nmomorph Vitamins are etlential foodt. juit at art minarali, proteini, fari and carbohydratat. They help tho body UM other foods properly build reiiitance to coldi and Infeclioni. Guard agalmt vitamij) deficiency by fortifying the daily diet with well-balanced vitamin supplement. - OABLEX HIGH POTENCY A. D. C VITAMINS WITH B-CQMPLEX OMC A DAY MULTIPtl VITAMIN CaVSULBS IOTTU asea ««- Of > " 10 aft DRAKE BETA-TONE B COMPLEX VITAMIN CAPSULES Tata one daily lor B Compluneod SQUIBB NAVITOl WITH VlOfUROl RYBUTOL HIGH NATURAL VITAMIN - B. COMPLEX Plumber-Journeyman Wanted AT ONCE GEORGE C. KOEPPEL & SON 141 FIRST AVENUE, ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS, N.J. Phone Atlantic Highlands DRAKE U.S. P. STANDARDIZED "It is so convenient to BANK BY MAIL. at the Dime Savings Bank" YOUR NEAREST MAILBOX IS OUR TILLERS WINDOW fo open o Savings Account... mail { this coupon...well do the DIMl SAVINGS INSTITUTION 7tO BROAD STRUT, NIWARK 7, N. J. enctos{o ist_ " - {currtney should be reallferad ) HEASE OPf/N A SAVINGS ACCOUNT IN THt NAME Of NAME! ADDRESS. CITY orug COv.STATE. of land hldtr "Wa Way To Suva J/ Moll" Broad & Wallace Sts Red Bank Open Friday Evenings CLEAR CRYSTAL FLUTED Supplisi..>JtV >i^ Supplement fhe diet withthe natural vitamin CHASSIS mint needed jt>^un B complei containedmlfver and iron fortified ilrono, bonei ; jm with other vilamins...i... i Daiwrh are narer more temptina tkaa when heaped high in a iherbat glm. "Here, at * pittance, ef prke. are fluted crytfjl tkarbeti to Und charm to a-.sry day table lervite. WHITES COO LIVER EHTRAT PARKEDAVIS,.,. ABDOLr-VIT*MIIJ,«> M DRAKE I«.MO* A & D VITAMIN TABLETS DRAKE BREWERS YEAST TABS. I. V.C. nidi,,,» CDMPOMAL i"» "* " I. V.C. OLVITUH THE 8 VITAMIN TASTE SENSATION! LOUIS SHERRY ORANGE MARMALADE UN RAY COFFEE V.C.A. inonized t» B COMPLEX VITAMINS IN Supo.fa aroma and delidoul flavor in every pound ol this PARKE DAVIS quality coffee. NATOLA UPJCHNS SUPER D CONCENTRATE TOASTED DE LUXE CHICKEN SALAD CLUB SANDWICH *"H POTATO SALAD KWLVQMS TONI I Note to busy mothers! You con give your daughter the softest, prettiest, most natural-looking curls you ever saw with TONI.Ita easy as rolling her hair up : i on curlers, but the wave stays [ in for months so youll be free of the daily curling routine. TONI Deluxe Kit whh re-mowa plaillc curferi... $000 TONf Refill compfef* excepf ror wrier * 00 tegular 10NI Kit with handy»oer curferi... $125 ellpricmplnlea OUARANTFIO Dont Miss This TASTY DELICIOUS FLORAL DECORATED Absolutely First FRUIT AND NUT. REG. $730 VALUE BR 22 KT. SOLD BANDED JERIS AT TMS PMCE! AUTOMATIC For tab)* flaficry... Gleaming gold banded or gay floral decor.on graceful 9-oi. luntbltrt. Rtiitv* icalp ileking. bani.h looi«dan drtilli Ic.p Tour >ial> lu.lroui and «aiy lo groom with l*rli> REgMO. BOX OF 80 BLUE RIBBON Paper Napkins FREE GIFT OfFER.REG. 29c AMAZING NEW RENUZIT "^A! "sure, fir." undidmremiover : 1»nofw Talsl 16 plcluralll WITH THI POB.CHAtI pr HiontrollofJl/fllm.^H A % OAllOMCAH OT Tempting fruili J«d rich nut mead rich coifed with thick chocolaft. REG. 60c POUND AT OUR PRICE!»8c POUN SUGAR ROASTED ALMONDS fresh, crip almonds lujtr roasted I eitra flavor and riciinets. Yf RECL 89e POUND TEMPTING HARD CANDY BALLS.1 Multi-colored hard candy ball In re. freirung fruity flavors. BEAUTIFUL 3X5 KLEER VUE PHPTO ENLARGEMENTS blxrtly mad* by our own McMlte fryuvvpwmtt-4rom yoobiiavacda Llahtweighf, tmoolh alid. ing chrome plated iron Automatic fabric control

6 She RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 25,19 BANK REGISTER ESTABLISHED UTS By John EL Oook Hid Henrjr THOMAS IBVINO BBOWN Editor u d Publisher.JAMES J. HOGAN, Associate Editor M, HABOLD KELLY, Assistant Editor " W. HABBY PENNDfGTON, Plant Supfc. Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Member of the At»ociate Preee The Aasoclated Press Is entitled exclusively to th* ail for r«publicatlon of all,th«local news prlnttd in this, nawa. Paper, as well as alt AP newi dlspatchei. Kiclusive* National Advertiaii.g.Rspreaentatire, Greater Weeklies, 225 Wcsl 39lb Street, Neir York City ChicaEo-Phlladelpbla-Detrolt. of the purchases with discrepancies ranging from two to 40 cents on a sale and that meats accounted for SO per cent of the yio- ations. Cheating in weight should not be tolerated at any time, but in view of the high prices, especially for meat, it is important that this sordid practice be stamped" out as soon as possible, and the effective way is to mpose heavy fines on the offenders. No mercy should be. shown to such cheaters. Their practices tend to destroy faith in, and undermine the good will of honest merchants. They deserve no mercy whatsoever, and if legally possible," should be thrown into jail. Thla newspaper ssaumaa no respond bult!e» for statements oc opinions In letters from Its readers. Iliued Weekly, entered as Second-Class Hatter at tha Pottoffice at Red Bank, N. J., under the Act o( March a, 181). The Red Bank Register assumes no financial- raaponilbllu ties for typographical errors In advertisements but will reprint that part ot an advertisement In which the txpograpbtoal error occurs. Advertisers wilt please notify 4Ha management immediately ot any error which may.occur. Subscription Prices In Advance: On* year, 12.60; six months, 91.00; three montbn, 76 cents; slnsle copy, h ctntt, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1M7. Shrewsburys Famous Clock The Keith society of Christ church, Shrewsbury, is performing a great public service to that. community in starting a fund to keep the historic clock in the. church, which is badly in need of -repairs, in operation. Tart of the proceeds from a minstrel show," which will be staged Octo ber 24 and 25 by the society, will be used to establish the fund, but this will be only the start of the necessary repair funds.. More will be urgently needed. This historic clock is not just the churchs clock as some might tbink from its location, or from the borough8 political en 1 tity finding it impossible to provide the maintenance. Public and popular sub-. Bcription originally bought the clock and permission was secured from the church,.tp, useits tower. An original public mainteii " ance fund kept the clock wound and in repair. The clock belongs to the town. Residents -want to know what time it is by their town clock. They dont want to miss the bus or train. They want to be on time for this and that. The clock and its voice are.a great boon to the townspeople and also to all who pass through Shrewsbury, and al are asked to help keep it going. ". Former Sheriff Lawley Dies John T. Lawley of Couover lane, Middletowu township, former sheriff, former chairman of the Monmouth county tax board and for many years a member of the Middletown township committee, died early Monday morning. We will miss him., The character of the man was evidenced by the fact that he had been seriouh ly ill witli heart trouble several years, but continued active in business and as a town ship official. Few people outside his imine diate family knew how sick he was. He rarely missed a day at his office or a meeting of the township committee. He came up the hard way, starting to work early and had a varied career as railroad man, telephone man and real estate and insurance inau. He was a stand out in all three, as he was as a civic and political leader. As fai> as worldly goods are concerned he was a success, and he was an exemplary husband and father. Mr. Lawley had a pleasing personality, was popular in politics and.his integrity as a public official was never questioned. Income Tax; Weight Chiselers Two important news items emanated from Trenton this week. One is Governor Driscolls statement at a press conference that no state income tux would be imposet during his administration. He is planning an all-out effort to secure more tax reve iiues for the state, hut it is his conviction that income taxes should remain the prov ince of the federal government only, and that the government should surrender gaso line taxes and larger shores of inheritance nnd liquor levicq to the states. The gover nor is absolutely.rlglitymd it is up to the public to give him the strong support he deserves tmd need*, if liis program is to succeed. Then; m u strong bloc in favor of a stale income tax, which would mean ricl dippings into (lie public treasury by politicians, ami il. also is high time to cull a halt to (.iicioacliiiiliit oil state tax revenues by (tie federal government. In this munner the federal governnient is getting a hold on nltuh-s tlint rightfully belong to the states. And tljin in time, unless checked now, may lead to a socialistic or a communistic stnte, of p,r~^fv(i57~superfnfendeitt of weights and,inetmurc8, thnt chiseling on weight IH rampant in thin state. Ho nay* thnt tindorcovcr clicck-upn in three large CHICK Hliowud cheating in over, 45 per cent The Tragedy Of England. Socialism is always advocated on the grounds that it will divide the wealth, to the benefit bf the underprivileged. The truth is that socialism simply extends the poverty, and everyone, save for the ever-growing bureaucracy that seems an inescapable part of socialist governments, is ultimately the loser. This is a perfectly logical course. Accumulated wealth, much as the agitators may denounce it, is the creator of jobs and opportunities for all. Invested savings built this country and its industries. Other nations have raw materials and natural resources comparable to ours. But only in this nation, under a Bystem of government which was founded on the idea of guaranteeing a man the fruits of his initiative and success, have those resources been given maximum. development. Incentive, in oth er words, was responsible for the kind of progress that brought the United States from a wilderness^ to the worlds foremost industrial power in much less than two centuries. The failure of socialism in England can be easily explained. The policy of the Labor government is to rigidly restrict individual economic advancement, *to destroy estab Hshed wealth, and to make all productive, enterprise a function of the stute..ah. incentive has thus been lost. The morass of red, tape created,by the government has made individual initiative impossible. Every,undertaking must fall within inelas tic, unimaginative rules. And the result is that British industrial recovery has been disrupted. Socialism saps the vitality of peoples. poor houses. That,in essence, is the terrible tragedy that has befallen England. Hunting A Scapegoat One of the worst phases of the price problem is that everyone is looking for a scapegoat even while,they plead complete innocence themselves. The governments current anti-trust actions against certain large industries are a matter for the-courts to decide. But gov eminent itself cannot come into court witli clean hands. Its long refusal and the blame must be shared by both the executive and legislative branches, regardless of political partisanship to make substantial reductions in non-essential government spending has been and remains a strong in flationary factor. Government, in short, is blaming industry for high prices which it has been instrumental in creating. Critics point to current industrial profits as an argument against price increases for basic commodities. In many Tases the profits statements are misleading, in that they involve tax adjustments result ing from the cessation bf war production which are not "profit" in the normal sense. In many other cases, industry is having to spend such enormous sums to expand and modernize production- facilities that even very lar#2 profits will be eaten up. And in all cases, industry is having to build up re serves as-a defense against a future time when consumption will fall below the pres ent record level and production will fall with it. There is a widespread tendency to lay all the blame for high prices on large manufacturing industry, nnd on industries such as steel and cool which feed our production, machine. Yet the statistical fact is that price increases by these industries Imvu hicii substantially less than the incraihe given to labor in Ayages or, for that matter, than the increases in taxes since before (lie war. An automobile company recently was forced to raise the price of its cars. It in-. formed Its dealers that it did this with the utmofit reluctance because "we feel thnt the entire industry is getting dangerouhly close to pricing itself out of the market." That feeling m universal throughout basic rices Avere pohsfbtcr lliit tho economic pressures of the (lines liuvr made higher prices inevitable and, in many linen, it is rcmnrkitbie that increases have not been muck greater. Editorial Views Of Other Papers tthm opinions cxprmjcd in tb«bdl. orlil Vl«m hanundtr do not necaiasr. IT»rnr thi tndorantnt of Tbr R«iiiUr) HOW RICH ABE WE. ANYWAYT Possibly eight of every ^10 people h the world outside the United States think Americans are made of money and have limitless natural resources and productive power.... The Neve Dealers have done nothing to discourage that belief, what with their, colossal spending! for the war, Lend-lease, UNRRA and post-unrra foreign, relief, and with their huge loan to Britain last year, their current $400,000,- 000 Greek-Turkish project, and their Marshall plan now In the blueprint stage.. Most of us, however, are only too painfully aware that we dont sweat gold at every pore, and that more than two years after the war we havent and cant get nearly all the automobiles, houses, farm machines, etc., that we could conveniently use. Well, just how rich are we? The question Is of top Importance, as foreign drains on our actual wealth keep up, and bid fair to. be intensified by the Marshall plan. The U. S. Treasury Department run nowadays by the hardhearted and only technically New Deallsh John W, Snyder a while ago tried to figure out the over-all wealth of tho United States. As nearly as the Treasury could gauge our assets, they were worth In 1948 the sum of 4620,000,000,000. This Inventory included such Items as farm assets (74 billions), nonfarm residential structures (85) producers durable equipment (80), railroads (18), public utilities (21), motor vehicles (5), gold and silver stocks (23). The total of 620 billions was an oncouraging increase over the 1930 estimated value \of all our assets 428 billions-. Not so encouraging, however, Is this fact: that each of us now has less moneys worth of physical assets working for him than in "Physical assets" means factories, machines,, farms, roads, buildings, railways, etc. The per-person-value of all these non-human servants of ours was $4,864 in 19S0. In 1946, It had dropped to $4,390. l: Partly to blame for that slump was good old World War II, which not only destroyed mountains of realwcalth, but also halted every kind of construction and expansion not related.: to war. MKedup in our physical-asset sag,, too, though, has been.and Is the New Deal method of taxation. The New Dealers since Roosevelts first term have been gunning for business, and one of their most effective--weapons Is taxation which drains enormous revenues out of vested In new Industries or expansion of existing ones. This situation was pointed up the other day In a press interview given by E, M. Voorheea, chairman of U. S._ Steels finance committee. Voorhees called attention to the fact that costs of replacing old or wornout factory equipment have gone up steeply in the last few years, like virtually everything else. Yet most corporations, he said are socking away replacement funds on the basis of the original cost of the equipment, Instead of on the basis of what- Its replacement would cost now. Whats the matter?- Taxes, for one thing one big thing, U. S. Steel, for Illustration, wants to earmark $25,000,000 for depreciation ~ and replacement charges this year. To do that, It must earn another $40,000,000 in the three months remaining ot 1947, because taxes will take $15,- 000,000 of that sum. High Tax Harry and his associates have been making noises of late about a general, commonsense revision of our entire tax system to be offered, to Congress, of course, when the 1948 Presidential campaign is getting hot. It Is pretty late in the day to begin trying to heal the wounds dealt our economic anjd industrial system by New Deal crackpots and cranks In the last 14 years. But If Truman & Co. realjy want to do some effective repair work, it seems obvious that their best bet Is to attack business-stifling taxes first and hardest. As things are going now, our productive apparatus is slowing up and getting old? Things were allowed to go like that for a long time In Great Britain, the. result being that Britain is now fighting for Its economic existence with oldfashioned and Inefficient weapons. Do we want to get that way? Or wouldnt most of us be willing to fight to keep from getting that way? N. Y. Dally News. THE NEW CONSTITUTION At tho Constitutional Convention held during the past few months at New Brunswick, New Jersey has demonstrated how well a true democracy can function. However, very few observers expected that the 81 delegates, representing many different professions, interests, environments nnd opposite political views, would be ablo to, agrco almost unanimously on tho proposed revisions that nsauro to Now Jcraey a more modern charter. I bollovo that the Convention was successful because, the dolegatos woro typical Americans who. had faith in democratic IdoaU, They gave little consideration to tho elnlms of pressure groups and they respected tho prlnclplo that tho majority should prevail. Tho general endorsement that the now document now 1«revolving throughout our populutlon, Our prcsont I 844 Constitution win hh p ositutio win written In 1844, ana although < th««tnto thon was predominantly rural, only (our farmors nsslated In Iti PEOPLE WHO LIVE IN 6LASS HOUSES-* CM. TOR VICTVM1V WKUBW0HAHWASS *WV#a«40 STORIES Happenings Of Years Ago From Our Columns For Your Enjoyment that Convention, Just as they have done at New Brunswick this aummer. At the 1947 Convention, only two delegates were listed as farm-, ers Senator Elmer H. "Wene of Cumberland county and Assemblyman Amos F., Dlxon of Sussex county- New Jerseys agricultural Interests can be proud of the outstanding service rendered by these two rural delegates whose abilities were acknowledged by their colleagues. They have won permanent places among those who direct the affairs of their respective parties and, no doubt, they will be called upon again to aasume greater responslblities. Under the revised Constitution the rural population continues with the same representation as at present. This Is most fortunate, as It assures to the state a strong conservative influence in case any group of citizens seek radical legislation. Our farm people retain a strong voice on all Issues vital to rural welfare." Many farm leaden and organizations worked diligently to acquaint county delegates with their views on preserving direct. representation for agriculture.. Consequently, the hew charter continues and makes constitutional the present setup of the State - Board. of Agriculture. The; fanners will have a.voice; in the selection of the members ot the board which establishes the; policy and directs the activities of the Department of Agriculture. New Jersey continue: to be the only state where the representatives of farm organizations have i an. offlf la,! voice in the naming" of > the members of a board of agriculture.; Over and; above these Important maiderations it must be romemsoil andtefia the are citizens as well as farmers citizens who yield to no group In their devotion to the principles on which our form of governmentis basea. As citizens, farmers traditionally have demanded efficiency in government at all levels. This is apparent In the generally sound management ot our rural municipalities. Farmers with all other citizens havo good reason to expect that Justice will be administered by tha courts fairly, economically and without delay. F more than any other group, have every reason to favor the soundest possible system of taxation. On all of these points, the revised Constitution holds promise of benefiting New Jersey farmers as well as citizens of the state generally. For these reasons,. among others, rural leaders and farmers, citizens all, should give their approval to \ha new Constitution in the referendum November 4. Wlliard H. Allen in. Farm and Garden, d economically and Farmers, perhaps EQUINOCTIAL STORMS There Is a prejudice among weathermen against speaking of storms which come at this season of the year as equinoctial storms. Their reasoning is.simple. The equinox is a matter of astronomical movements, tho relative positions of the earth and the sun. Storms are the result of atmospheric conditions, not of astronomical relatonshlps, Therefore, the name "equinoctial storm" is ruled out. But It Just happens that weather disturbances are the rule ralhcr than the exception at this time of year. Things are happening to tho I di atmosphere. Summer autumn is beginning. g Is ending; Long, hot days are ended in our Northern hemisphere Tho earth is beginning to cool off, up here, and there Is a new movement of tho air. It also happens that these changes are re- lated to the movement of the sun and the position of the earth, for If the sun wero not moving southward, as we say, across the celestial equatqr, there would not be these, changes In the temperature and movement of tho air currents. Those factors whleh make the autumn equinox also breed the stormy conditions. It la a period of change, nnd often that chnngo Is vlolont In Its stormy nature. Tho weather- 1 mon are willing to call them autumn storms. It Is tho equinoctial tag which thoy reject. And that seems to be In the nature of spllta-halr, for the equinox la tho tlmo of sc,asonnl change. Technically- It Is an astronomical phenomenon j practically It Is a date, a particular tlmo of the year. Tho«voathor at tho tlmo of tho equinox tends to be unoertaln and often Is stormy. In faot, It often exprosses Itself In an equinoctial storm and If that behoresy, look at tho woathor roportj then look at tho ( ffl^?thhrtfmb?(to!?n.damtr^w Kates Wero truly roprcsontatlvo of One Spanish mid ntngod from Cartagena In Colombia ngnlnut tho Indian Inhabitant* returned with booty valued nt 1,500,000 gold dt preparation, tiwyert dominated of a y a nt 1,50,00 gold Iducats, Including* H0-pound Image -. n.: porcupine In solid gold. I. Looking Skyward By CHARLIE CAKE Speaking ol Age. Thirty years of age means to us that one- has lived on earth long enough to make that many trips around the Sun. By the same method of calculation an Inhabitant of the planet Neptune, born in 1846, the year that member of the solar system was discovered, would not be one year old unty According to astronomical authority, it takes Neptune 165 of our years to make one circult^f Old Sol. Mercury, the" planet nearest to the Sun, whirls around him In 88 days.. That comparatively little ball, never a brilliant sight to thenaked eye, Is elusive to casual gazers. He can not be seen high In the sky, but Is spied by alert eyes sometimes when he precedes the Sun in the morning, or follows him down in the evening. The last and most favorable time to see him this year will be. on.the ; morning of November,22d, according to an astronomical chart. Neptune can not be seen without a powerful telescope, Also much too distant for normal vision are Uranus and Pluto. The other planets, Venus, Mara, ; Jupiter and- Saturn, can be viewed when they are in the evening sky, which Isnt always. Now -they \ are In the morning sky, which means that they rise after midnight. In December they will be on view In the evenln; ametei r Ti~r 4 ep6he{ and miles, about as far as San Francisco Is from New York, we, are told that he does not appear to rotate. Being so close to the Sun, one of his sides-must be unimaginably hot, the other intensely cold. Gazing Party. Many of the more obscure celestial sights, some of which are more fascinating than the conspicuous ones, are there for the looking, but some that we are told can be seen without magnifying aid are apt to be disappointing. For most satisfaction the gazer must know when, where and -how to look. A good start Is to- become well enough acquainted with some of the easy stars and constellations to confidently name them. In August the Maryland Academy of Sciences In Baltimore gave one of Its open-air star, gazing parties for the public. Three telescopes were set up in a park. Contrary to, the main attraction for this gathering were moons. Besides our own satellite, three of Jupiters nine moons obligingly posed for avid lookers, who waited in lines up to 20 minutes before getting their glimpses, As a member of the Academy, It has been the writers pleasure to look through a large telescope at Saturn. That great ball, many times larger than the earth, with rings encircling- it, presents a beautiful and thought provoking picture, not easy to forget. Eighteen In Class To Be Confirmed A class of 18 members wilt be confirmed Sunday at the 7:30 oclock evening service in the Hod Bank Reformed church by tho pastor, Rev. John G. Gebhard, Jr. Rov. George J. Ammorman of Clifton, N. J., former pastor of the Red Bank church, will deliver tho sermon. The. service will be beautified with candlelight^ and choir music. Class members Include Jane Ellen Beckwith, Marjorle Jane Estelle, Betty Jane Hallam, Gertrude Ann Hembling, Audrey Hurley, Leila Jobes, Barbara King, Louise Ann Lambarson, Jean Evelyn Macintosh, Thomas Benjamin Brown, Hardy Burlett, Robert Crawford, Daniel Henry Coqk, Raymond England, Roger Harold Sevcrln, David Rowoll, Richard Chester Soldcnzohl and Arthur "White. Grand Jury Foreman Named Stanley H. Green, West Long Branch banker, was selected AS foreman of, the September term grand jury nt Froohold Tuesday which was Bworn In by Justice Albert IS. Burling,. Of the original panel of 35, sovon mombors were oxousod,, tory of grand Jury action. Circuit Court Jud (o Robert V.Klnkoad announced that circuit court trials will begin Monday. Judge J, Edward Knight mado the same announcement apropos of common pleas CMCI..,. IMty Year* Aid. " t Allle Miller of the shoe firm of Ford and Killer, bought a lot on Irving place for $1,500 from James Grover. Mr. Grover had purchased It three years previously from John C. Parker for $1,200. George W. Blckens of Belford was a baggage expressman at Atlahtio Highlands. He was at the pier when, he was run over by a baggage truck and his ankle was broken. David H. Casey of Middletown, fell from his bicycle at Long Branch and sprained his kneecap. There were three- deaths at Fair Haven within a week. Mrs, Philip Schneider died of paralysis, aged 68. years; Alfred Mlnton, «on of Joel Mlnton, died at the age- of 27 years, and Mrs. Mary Martin died at th«age of 84 years. Mr. and Mrs. A. Holmes Borden of Shrewsbury, gave a dance to about two score of their friends.. Harry Lufburrow and Edward Fenner of Middletown, were riding their bicycleson the turnpike at that place one night when they collided. The boys were riding in opposite direction and neither of them had a light. Lufburrow received injuries which rendered him unconscious. His nose was tbroken, his face cut and his arms and legs were" badly bruised. Fenners wheel was wrecked, but he received only ft few bruises. D. Lane Conover of Atlantic Highlands gave a clambake on his. farm near Middletown..About 60 of his friends were present, Joseph Vlgne won first prize, and the badge at a match of the Bayside Gun club of Keyport James T. Walling got second prize. A horse attached to a stage at Keyport, became frightened and ran,away. In turning a corner, the stage upset and Miss Jennie Carson and Mrs. James Arrowsmlth of Freehold were thrown violently against the side of the vehicle. Miss Carson was badly cut over her left eye, but Mrs. Arrowsmlth was only slightly bruised. Miss Lily Heyer and Sylvanus Carhart, both of Belford, were married at the Belford Methodist church by Rev. J. H. Boyd,. Harry Hejfcert, station agent at Little Silver, and Robert,Evans, both of Oceanport, collided while riding bicycles at night. Both -were, riding without lights. The extent of their Injuries was a few bruises. Miss Nellie Ooleman of Llncroft was severely bruised by; being thrown from her bicyde while coasting.- The members of the Colts Neck Reformed church held a church festival for the.baneflt of the church and cleared ISO. Mrs. Trafford Smock and Miss Sophia Houston waited on the fruit and candy stand, and Christopher Vanderveer and Edward Stateslr had charge of.the Icecream,.table., >, rented.,th«, J. J..-Fox^balcery. on Broad street, Eatontown. Mr. Roberts had formerly been employed by Joseph Child at Red Bank and for several years he had been conducting a bakery In Brooklyn, The young son of Henry. Conover of Holmdel, was run Into by Daniel Ely, Bon of Will Ely, who. was riding a. bicycle. A gash was cut In his forehead which had to be sewed up by a doctor. - *. The United States government decided to. close the.inlet, all efforts on the part of.some of the summer residents to stop the work having proved unavailing. A eontract to close the Inlet had been given out and the Work of closing It was to be begunas soon aa the contractor was ready to proceed with the work. Mrs. John Morrow and Mrs. WUllam Morrow of Riverside avenue, entertained 40 friends at a progressive euchre party. The prize winners were. Mrs. Thomas Davis, Jr., Miss Florence Chadwlck, Mrs. Eliza Hendrickson, Mr, and Mrs, G. "P. Reiter, James E. Degnan, George Hendrickson and Samuel Morford. - A.great many tramps had made Oceanic their headquarters during the summer. They called at the houses for food and old clothes and some residents of the village said they frequently had three or four tramps call at their houses the same,,day. There had. been two hold-ups and many of the residents were frightened. A New York man- stopping at Oceanic, was held up one night, and Allle Havlland of Red Bahk was also held up. Red Bank was decorated more gaily than It had eve^been on a Fourth of July. Almost every business house was.made gay with flags, streamers and bunting and many of the private houses were similarly decorated; The occasion was tftia annual reunion of the 14th New Jersey Volunteers and the town paid deserved tribute to the brave heroes. George Rings barn south ot Eatontown, was burned down and two hones, farm - tools and. hay burned In the fire. The following night an attempt was made to burn Dr. Benjamin F. Kings barn at Little Silver.. Albert Lanaro, who bad been conducting the Pavilion hotel at Keyport, moved to the Shoreland hpuse at Atlantic Highlands, A fire started In John W. Baileys restaurant at. Sea Bright and caused a loss of $800, Francis White sold. the < Joseph Caezarplace at Fair Haven to Edward Alien, who was employed at J. C, Hoaglands on Rumson Neck. Tho property was on Glllesple avenuo and consisted of a house and an acre of ground, for which Mr. Allen paid 11,000. Twonty-Fiv«Years Ago. The Red, Bank Hl-Y club held Its opening session at the. Globe hotel. A dinner was served and.....*»-«om«.fln«,singing )e.d JJJL Theodore " Vesiier ".""arid""harry Mazes, - > RuMoll Hodgklu wai president of the. club., The annual agricultural sohool fair at Leonardo, showed that many of the boys and flrls ot Middletown 1 township eould lurtlitfully ooaapeu with mature farm- er». In raising poultry, flowers and vegetables.. Prizes were won by Ohauncey Fowler, Joseph Kovelssky, Raymond Kennedy, William, PilllB, Alfred Edwards, Jr., and Helen Rendricksos, ; The Holmdel township board of education held,,, a special meeting, and arranged to transport Everett children living on the Holmdel township aide of the village to the Holmdel village school. Daniel Franols received the contract to transport the children. - i Miss.Catherine L. Stllwagon. of Everett, was surprised by a number of.her relatives and friends on her birthday. Among those present was Miss Stiiwagons mother, who was 92 years old. The Atlantic Highlands Womens Temperance union met and elected Mr«. Franklin P&tteraon president, Mrs. 7. C. Woodruff secretary and Mrs. Edward Prey treasurer;.". Thomas Martin died at the home of his son, George Martin of Fair Haven. His death was caused by heart disease. He was 57 years old... Two automobiles plunged Into a ditchnine feet deep at the prose-, roads at Holmdel, after they had collided. One car was owned and driven by George D. Schenck of Colts Keck. The other had seven Long Branch high school pupils for Its occupants. Mr. Schenck was knocked Unconscious and his arm was injured. The boys in the other car were more or less shaken: up, cut and bruised... John T. Lovett of Little Silver, died after having been in poor, health several years. For over; 40 year* he had been prominent as an Introducer of new small frult«. He was survived by a widow and six children. The latter were Ml»» Mary Lovett, who was a missionary in India; Mines Alida find Julia Lovett, who were attached to the staff of Yale college; Lester and John T. Lovett, who had been, iftcharge of the nurstry buslneis for the past three years, and Dr. Irving K. Lovett of Red Bank.. Herman Labrecqy, tile storekeeper atcampbells Junction, was In bed with two broken ribs and, his ion, Theodore Labfeeque, wag nursing a sort head as the, result of an encounter which they had w th four men. Mr. Labr*cque al. lef&b^&he four men came into.hisstore drunk and raised a disturbance. He said that when he tried to-tfttlthem. out, they- turned on hw3»ay Irwln aftjklward Bennett,- who. were nearby, came to- Mr. Labrdbques assistance and. drove, the men off.-- ; v Joseph Bennett of Naveslnk, flled a petition u an independent candidate for township tommltteom&n of Middletown township. Mr., Bennett had always been a Repub- UoaxEcand he taid-ha-was stilt-a j HApuofican, but that the acts of ( the -Republican Middletown towngan Was "A square deal for all taxpayers." The building on the south-side ot Monmouth street, owned by George Hance Patterson, and formerly occupied by William B.i(j] Mount for his Ford automobile business, was rented for five years by the, Globe Furniture company bf New Brunswick. Herman Labrecque sold his fro-; eery y business at Campbell* Junction In Middletown township to th» Atlantic and Pacific company. The sale did not, Include the property. The business was considered one of the most prosperous rural enterprises of its kind in tha county. A double birthday party, In e«u ebratlon of the birthdays of MrsJ William VanPelt and her son, William VanPelt, Jr., of Oceanport, was held at their home. A Ford automobile, owned by Mrs. William E. Andrews of. Navesink, struck an Overland automobile owned by Frank Steh, Botb cars were damaged, but no one wai hurt. i Robert Franklin and Robert Maxson of Port Monmouth, formed a partnership In the moving business and bought a horse. William H. Davis died suddenly while at work In the shipyard on Prospect street. He left a widow a son and a daughter.. Miss Mary,Francis Rose, daughter of Harry- B..Rose, and Harrj J. Decker, both of Keyport, wer< married at the home ot the brldi by Rev. Philip Smith. George Meyers of Eatontown, fel; from a platform at the Eatontowt plant of the Gulf Refining com pany and his ankle was sprained The next day, Lawford Perrlm fell from the same platform ami received injuries which laid him U] several days. I The new Jewish synagogue a Red Bank was used for the flwj time when Harry Rosin, a Rei Bank jeweler, was married to Mia! Molly Abes of New York. Miss Louise Wllby, daughter Edward Wilby of Little Sliver, an* Thomas L. Bell of Montclair, so: of Joseph Bell of Ossinlng, Nj York, were married at the bridi home by Rev. Mlohael H. Callahi rector ot Holy Cross churoh, Rui son. Miss Marie WHby, a -«l*i of the bride, was bridesmaid. I otihy and Eleanor Mulvlhlll, nl of the bride, and Mary Bell, nil of the groom, were gower glrjs. Miss Virginia Parker, daught of the late John G. Parker Shrewsbqry, and John V. marohe, son of John V. Lamarol of Red Bank, were married at SJ James church by Rev. D. J. Du fan and Rev. John O. Farrell." Miss Laura V. Dobbg, daugh of C. B, Dobba of Brooklyn, ai John A. Jeffrey of Marlon at re. Red Bank, were married in Broo] lyn. Mr*. Charlotte K. Sickles Little Silver, widow of Theodo: Blokles of Red Bank, died of alysls. She was 77 years old. fient b~rsouco]at~6ntawni dtetl the age bf 85. He was a maid and had been ilok about i It Is estimated that there well 8,909,000 acres devoted to rubb plantation* im ""

7 .... :.. _ KED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 25,1947 Dont Delay V«HECK UP today on your Ore Insurance. Dont wait iuitu you huve a low to learn that your protection Is not adequate... that something haa been overlooked... that your policy does not At because of an addition to your property or a new mortgage. Call us now. AGENCY REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE RIVERSIDE DR. A HWY 35 TEL. R.B RED BANK R.D. BOX 80 jfmm SURPRISE STORE B CHILDRENS SLEEPERS One piece knitted keepers with feet, pink or blue. A real value, Mother*. Sizes 1-6, BOYS WINTER WEIGHT KNITTED SHIRTS or SHORTS Shirt* have short sleeves. Elastic top 69 shorts. He will really go for these. Sixes 8-16 GIRLS JERSEY KNIT PAJAMAS Jersey* knit ski-type pajamas, knitted cuffs and bottomi. Sixes 4-14 > 1 l.-./i an./i :U I 32; 2-PIECE By Yank Jr. Asiorttd stripings, slipover style. Sizes 8-l8- H. 00 PAJAMAS STORE! NO RED TAPE IN MAKING ADJUSTMENTS UIZI-MOUNTID CAS U lontd agqlnrt road ihoda, tonton and vibration.. MONEY REFUNDED UPON REQUEST RED IBANK Red Bank Auto Glass Co. 21 MAPLE AVE. : Cor. Maple Are. * White St. WINDSHIELD GLASS DESK TOPS DOOR GLASS BOAT GLASS TABLE TOPS Installed While You Wait Red Bank Auto Glass Co. 21 MAPLE AVE., TEL. R. B. S-3860-J. The Time Insulate Now! Now when renulne "Johiu- Manvllle" rock-wooj U itul available at present low prlcei. Now when Increased taxes and Increased living costs make fuel savings more Important than. ever. " For details, mall a post card or phone our local representative. Hugh H. Tyndall Jr. BUTTONWOOD 1ANE Rumson or tfohn»-manvhle "Blown" Rock Wool Home Insulation Dept., Summit, N. J. SUMMIT (Reverse Charges) comments By JACK LA FBEDA TJ. N. ASSEMBLY, From what we "hear and. all we read, this globe of ours appear* to need a remedy to cure it«ills, to rid it of Us shakes and chills. No sugared pills will do the trick,.. nor will a ntsh of rhetoric. We feel that It must Undergo prompt treatment by If your car needs prompt treatment, bring It to the La Freda, «Sales * Service. Here you are assured of s. Class A job. Our fcelp Is. trained for your driving pleasure. Rid your car of all Its Ills at th«la FREDA SALES & SERVICE, 117 Monmouth Street. Tel. Bed Bank 6:1702. hdlti" fr>ih air and " xhalti" in*4 air.* Whiteman To Show Purebred Cattle, Paul Whiteman, noted band leader, who raises beef cattle when he lower* his baton, will exhibit three pure-bred animals at the-first annual New Jersey Aberdeen-Angus breeders show and sale at Trenton fairgrounds October 1. The cattle will be from his Angus herd at Walking Horse farm, Rosemont, Other New Jeraey breeders who will have entries In the show Include Dr. Robert A. Cooke; Hock-" hockson (arm, Eatontown; W. G, Mennen, Hideaway farms, Chester; Stephen Birch, Jr., llahrapo farms, Mahwah; Eugene K. Denton, White Gates farm, Freehold; John Fostiey, Lee-Dam farms, Washington Crossing; Dr. John Thomas, Bloomingdale farm, Bellemead, and Dr. Louis F. and Marold E. Wetterberg, H. * L. farms, Marlboro. The show, which begins at 10 a. m., la open to the public. According to Willlahl C- Skelley, animal husbandry professor at Rutgers university, some of the best Aberdeen-Angus blood In the United States will be represented at the Trenton event. Lincroft : Jack IJvergood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ira D. Llvergood, has left to enter the University of Kentucky. After two years In the armed forces he completed his senior year and graduated last June from Rutgers preparatory school. Charles W. Moore, who has been staying with his mother, Mrs. Livergood, for a week, has left for Hunt Ington, Va,, where he Is a radii sports»nnouncer. Mrs. Patricia Craig of Calgary Alberta, Canada, Is visiting hei aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Franl Toop, Sr. Mr. and "Mrs. Erwln B. Whef- Btone of Portland, Ore., were week end visitors of Mr, and Mrs. Gardner C. Klein. Mrs. Margaret Slclllano attende an outing of St. Anns society o Red Bank. Sunday. By bus tho; visited such points of interest a: St. Anthonys shrine on Long Is land and the shrines of Our Ladj of Lourdes and Mother Cabrlnl 1 the Bronx, Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Davtrlc arfr enjoying a throe weeks vaca tion tour through Canada, No. York and Minnesota, A television set has been Installed at Lincroft inn. Battlsta Glanogllo, ^mployed at Lincroft Inn-, has returned from a vacation at Nyack, N, Y, Mrs. Henry Brlckel visited over the week-end her mother, Mrs. Cecelia Crowley In Groton, Mas3. Mr. and MrS. John Johnson and son Arthur of Palisades Park spent the week-end with Arthur Johnson arid, family, The fire company is planning to attend HremenB night Saturday at tho Trenton fair.,,,, A reorganization meeting of the Lincroft. Sunday-school was held Thursday evonlng at the chapel. Stanley Stllwell, superintendent^ tho year were John Mauser,.Francis K. Laubmelster and Charles V. Cox. Teachers and officers are Mrs. Ada Woodward, beginners; assistant, Mrs. Glentle Stencil: Mrs. Charles Conoyer, primary; Mrs. Frank Maher, Intermediates; Mrs. Francis Laubtnetster, junior; Mrs. John Mauser, seniors, and Stanley Stllwell, adults. Director of music 13 Miss Edith May Mauser and secretary Is, Miss Lois Owens. Superintendent Is Stanley Stllwell and assistant su perlntendent Is Francis R. Laub melster. Treasurer Is Mr. Stllwell, engineer is John Mauser and sexton Is William Smack. Plans were made to hold a weekly discussion and social evening Thursdays. All seniors, juniors and adults are welcome. The next meeting will be held September 28 at 8 p. m. Refreshments were served. Hoateaaes were Mrs. John Mauser lo Mra. Frank Maher, Mrs; Stanley Stllwell am Mrs. Ada Woodward. Changes in passenger auto registration in the United States between 1M1 and 1946 varied from an inqreasc of 10.4 per cent in California to a decrease of 31.2 pe: cent In Nevada. House 9.PHIL0DENDR0N P0TH08 PANDANU8 Plants For Fall FERNS VARIEGATED IVY NEPHTHYTI8 RHODODENDRONS, HUCKLEBERRY, LEMON LEAVES, CUT FOLIAGE LEAVE8 Colonial Flowers 5 East Front St. Tel. R. B AMERICAS GREATEST SHOE VALUES! TO STILL BUYS No Guessing X-Raj Fitting YOUR FAVORITE MKf^mWF G^* u STYLES in TRIANGLE Wm jg& MENS OXFORDS! r^f^-r. Con*lr«cHonl MINI Whether you have BIG dollars, or small dollars depends on where you spend them. Your dollar still does a BIG buying job at The TStlANGli. Come in and see for yourself what good-looking, wellbuilt shoes you can buy at rock-bottom prices. Brood Street. Bed Bank COMING! Oct 10-Oct. 18 COMINGI Pre-Bway Tryout N«w Stag* Comady SET FOR A SPELL With A Cast Of New York Players Box Office.Opens Oct J»t All Seats Beserred MAIL AND PHONE RESERVATIONS NOW. Eves.: 1.00, 1M, 1.00 plus tax. 1 Mate. Sat.: 1.00, plus tax DEAL CONSERVATOIRE THEATRE Phone: Deal * Deal, N. J. The BEST MILK Is Pure, Creamy JERSEY I Our grade A milk 15 produced from one of the countrys greatest pure* bred Jersey Herds, Marlu Farms in Lincroft, just. a few miles - from where you live. Milk produced by Jersey cows has more butterfat than that produced by any other breed. All our Grade A milk U pasteurized in our modern, new dairy facing Deal Lake in Loch Arbor (next to Allenhurst)... and- delivered home in white trucks. to your spic-and-span, You WANT the best milk tor younelf and your family..;. we offer you the VERY bejt. Order now and be convinced!., Shore Dairies, <>* ALLENHURST, NEW JERSEY, TELEPHONE: ALLENHURST Alto of course, all dairy products P DRUGS ip COSMETICS A STORE DEDICATED TO THE PRINCIPLE OF Lowest Prices At All Times 51 BROAD ST. RED BANK PHONE RB Cleansing Tissue LARGE. 5-lb. Epsom Salt VITAMINS PARK VITAMIN B COMPLEX NINE VITAMINS HIGH POTENCY 100 TABS. LAROBlWINDSHino and WINDOWS glv. 22% (jr«at«r vliiblllly. CHIVROin VA1VI- IN.HIAD TtUCK NOINU an worldi moil eonemlcal for H»trtl». PORTABLE MODEL Rebuilt 10-DftY TRIAL PLAN HOME DEMONSTRATION CONVENISNr ICKMS ARRANGED Your Old Machine ELECTRICALLY MODERNIZED Hun* Nt* M.tor wllk Cvatftlt T. ril All Mtt» Icolni ««ch[n(i ES SEU US r SINGER LUD5-NS Cough Drops 2 FOR 7 C Reg. 29c (12s) Sanitary Napkins Sweetheart Soap 20o GLYCERINE Suppositories VETO DEODORANT s, >. < fe A < Si*.-!.... -,i>?vv".»,j \ THERAPEUTIC VITAMIN OAP8ULE8 7 M Thiamin Chloride VITAMIN B1 5 MG. Cob hoi much MOM foot ROOM, JIATINO SMCIhiily ad yilobl«ugh. rrwtofr»mffaa aw vnlmia lytl.m i al ndra ml. Th«yV» n*w from root lo road with ADVANCI OHIO N-tomorrowt frvda toda/l 29 MECHANIC STREET v Phone Red Bank RED BANK,»..llll L^1O«l.: I0M CUNTON AVB.-H LOOM (Rinks NIWARK lujmlio HI Mklt (I., rtliftim Arwirr 4-1?»? *i)m nin. niil, j. citn y.7s«. t-mn MB ItlE ATI,, Bilxir! «( 0.OISS 36o STOKES 3Bo Brown COUGH CALOMINE -28o CITRATE OF

8 & -;... -Page Eight CANDID WEDDINGS by Willis M. Rue Studid 35 SILVERTON AVE., LITTLE SILVER PHONE.RED BANK A COMPLETE PICTURE STORY OF. TOUR WEDDING BOUND IN A BEAUTIFUL ALBUM Phone Fpr Complete Details DeLUXE COACHES TO THE Trenton State Fair Sunday, Sept. 28,1947 AUTO RACES-GALA EVENTS COACHES LEAVE FROM GLOBE COURT AT 10:00 A. M. SUNDAY ROUND TRIP FARE S 2 00 v. PLUS FED. TAX ADMISSION TO FAIR GROUNDS ADULTS-80c CHILDREN-40c PURCHASE YOUR SEAT RESERVATIONS IN ADVANCE -" " AT BORO BUSES OFFICE GLOBE COUF.T RED BANK PHONE RED BANK Jessla Jan* Is nor as plain As her name Implies; In fact, her skin Is white as snow And stars are In her eyes. And Jessies smile Is bright and flay, Enticing men from miles away. Your beauty treatment, Jessie lays, Should always be a matter Of keeping skin and clothing bright With simple soap and water. A boauty tip that surely pgys- Just copy Jeules winning ways. Jane Jessie Jane is always tweet And freih as any rose. r Htr clothes ara "itrictly bandbox" At the saying goes; r And so enchanting is her (mile, Men want to lead her down the aisle. Wonmouth Consolidated Water Co; Home Economics LAST YEAB8 COAT Are you worried about how to adapt last years fall or winter coat to the-new hemline for druses? If there Is no possibility,-of lengthening the coat then wear It as Is. Youll have plenty of company, for women wearing coats shorter than their dresses will be a, common sight this year.. However, there are a, few things you can do to make the too short coat less conspicuous/ says Mrs. Laura K. White, Morimouth countys Home Agent. First of all, you might shorten the coat even a couple of more inches, if its straight or flared. Then it will look like a new seven-elghtha coat. The belted or fitted coat doesnt always lend Itself to this treatment, especially if the wearer has a full figure, but even this may often be shortened. To be on the safe side, pin up the hemline. Then you can tell how itfl going to look. Another way to make the old coat look less out-of-date Is to wear It with a dress-or suit of the same color. A black dress showing below a black coat blends with It and is less conspicuous. But an Inch or two of a red or green or any other color dress hanging below a black coat will look spotty, and It may make the wearer look shorter. Darker hose are coming Into fashion again. These, too, will help the short coat look better, particularly if they are near the shade of the dress. Light hose merely add another color and another cross line. Also, be sure the hems of your druses and skirts are even. Otherwise, theyll call attention to the short coat. Theres no need to, feel that last years coat Is utterly Impossible. It can be made to do, even though Its short. HOME ECONOMICS BRIEFS Ninety per cent of all firesare preventable.. Children playing with matches cause 26,000 fires annually. Help prevent this by keeping matches In metal containers and out, of the reach of small youngaters. Dont scour sinks and bath tubs with a coarse powder. A good cleaner which wont scratch can be made by mixing whiting, a powdered chalk, with water to form a paste. An egg kept at room temperature for 8 days loses as much freshness as an egg kept In a home refrigerator for two weeks. Pullet eggs are plentiful In the fall and usually reasonably prlcod because their smalt size lessens the demand for them. In some recipes such as griddle cakes, plain muffins and cookies, these may be substituted for the average-sized eggs, egff for egg. However, In a hj>ked custard calling, for 3 eggs, 4 pullet eggs are needed. In general, the rule to follow Is that 7 small eggs equal 6 medium ones. U - Curried Veal on Waffles. (Recipe, Serves Four) 1 tart apple, diced 3 tablespoons butter or margarine.i cup raisins 3,5 tablespoons flour Salt Pepper 1 taiblespoon curry powder 1 cup light cream Cfhutney Grated Coconut French Fried Onions Brown meat, onion, tart apple In butter or margarine, Add rabins and cover. Cover..Simmer about one and a half hoursor until meat Is tender. There should be about one and"a half cups of liquid when finished. - Mix flour with curry powder and cream. Stir Into liquid In pan. Place over low heat and stir constantly for ten minutes. Allow to cook slowly for another five minutes. Season to taste with salt and freshly, ground pepper. Place curried veal on top of waffles. Serve the chutney, grated coconut and French fried onions In a separate compartment dish!. POTTED LAMB BOAST (Recipe Four) 5-pound forequarter of lamb Flour to dredga Salt pork, 3 large onions 6 cloves 3 teaspoons allspice 2 teaspooni peppercorns 1 teaspoon salt 2 cups boiling water 5 tablespoons Iamb fat % cup flour,.**) Have the forequarter bot&d and rolled. Dredge meat with flour and brown In salt pork fat. Place bones and meat in large kettle. Add the onions which have been stuck with the cloves, all-splct, peppercorns, salt and boling water. Cover tightly and cook for four to five hours over low heat, adding more water when needed, Remove meat to hot platter. Skim off fat and add to liquid remaining in pot enough water to make two cups. Mix the lamb fat with flour and when blended, stir In liquid and bring to a. boll, then cook for live minutes longer, stirring constantly, Strain Into a gravy boat. Corn Casserole Dinner (Recipe Serves Four) i tablespoons melted butter or margarine, i M. cup chopped green pepper,4 cup chopped onion %-pound ground beef l!i teaspoon salt Dash of freshly ground pepper 2 eggs 1 can whole kernel corn 114 cups tomatoes % cup dry broad crumbs Melt two tablespoons butter or margarine in skillet. Add green pepper, onion and beef ahd brown well. Mix In salt nnd pepper and remove from heat. Boat eggs slightly, add to meat mixture and mix well. Drain the corn and place half of It In bottom of a casserole. Cover with halt of the merit niatoes, Repeat and top with bread crumb«, Dot with j-emnlnlng butter or margarine and bnka In. a ISO degree over for one hour, Do not cover, BED BANK REGISTER. SEPTEMBER SPAGHETTI (Recipe Serve* Four). 1 package thin spaghetti 2 tablespoons butter or margarine 2 onions, sliced 2 green peppers, minced M cup celery, diced 3 cups tomatoes 1 teaspoon sugar 1 teaspoon salt, >,i teaspoon freshly ground pepper % pound ground round steak 8 slices bacon Cook spaghetti In boiling salted water for U minutes- Draln,,j>our hot water over to wash away the starchy, residue. Melt butter or margarine and cook onions, green pepper and celery in it for five minutes. Add tomatoes and seasonings and cook for one.-half hour, until sauce is thickened. Season ground steak to your Individual taste and form Into small patties. Wrap -one-, half slice of bacon around each patty and fasten with a toothpick. Fry on both sides until well browned. Arrange spaghetti on hot platter, pour sauce around It and garnish with meat patties and sliced green pepper..,; BROILED SW0RDFI8H (Recipe Serves Four) 1 large slice swordflsh Salt - Pepper Melted butter or margarine Lettuce leaves Tartar sauce. : Parsley 1 lemon Wipe slice of swordflsh and cut In four pieces. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and brush with melted butter or margarine. Brown slowly, first on one side, then on the other. Place on hot platter. Make little nest* of the lettuce leaves and All with tartar sauce. Garnish wiyi sprigs of parsley and lemon cut in slices. SWEET POTATO PUFFS 1 (Recipe Serves Four) - \Vi cups mashed sweet potato A cup roasted blanched almonds, chopped fine 1 teaspoon sugar 1 teaspoon salt Few grains cayenne Egg yolk Mix together the sweet potato, almonds, sugar, salt and..cayenne. Shape as desired and brush with egg yolks. Bake at 400 degrees until heated through. To cut merlngua that is especially etlcky, use a knife coated lightly on both sides with butter. Roofing,,»-Siding.- Window Insulation. - /, OfcS O N.:, ; : ROCK WOOL HOME IN8ULATION Installed by OISOQL Companys Trained Mechanics ; Estimates Wtnout Obligation 0 W. W. KENNEOYt Local R«pr«sentatrv«Phon»; Rwl Hani. (Cl4M THE ETHEL MOUNT MOZAR SCHOOL OF DANCING 111 Prospect Ave, Bed Bank Telephone Bed Bank 6-IMO Clones in all type* of Dancing for Children and Adults. Private lesions by appointment Evening exercise and recreation classes for tromtn. Fall session will commence September 15 th.. ftegwtration accepted beginning September 2nd. Junior Assembly -Beginner* and Advanced ballroom for Teen age starting September 29th. It Pays To Advertise In The Register? > :*% YOUR DEALER HAS ALL 10 FINE BOILER BEVERAGES NOW... WILD CHERRY. tilnoy flavor drawn from Wit* CftflTllS CREAM ixtnctid from millow finllliiihi LOAN SERVICE jo* Mifou* MoHttfNeedU! W* make loans to both man andt women, to meet personal and family needs and emergencies ol T«ry description. Whatever your probttm is, w» invite you to bring It to us. You will rtc«ive» courteous attention and quick action. Several popular loan plans. Monthly repayment terms. COM* I* or plots... sow or asy flat*. BELL FINANCE COMPANY 77 Broad St, Tel Red Bank * L(c Charge 2^4% Mo. - ;.., Natures method of revitalizing our nervous system, Sound, natural sleep is as much an essential to beauty as is any other, requisite. Jangled nerves are a source of far-reaching luncv [disturbances; many times resulting in serious disorders. A warm bath before retiring will aid materially in assuring sound, natural sleep and a refreshing hotbath in the morning will start the new day right Buy an automatic gas water neaterc&d you invest wisely in health and beauty at a cost much lower than you imagine. JERSEY CENTRAL POWER & LIGHT CO. Ask Your Local Appliance Dealer DULLtn RASPBERRY full-bodied natural flavor. of rip* raspbarrlti BIRCH BEER finest natural bitch root flavor ORANGE tinjywtth ill flavor af rial oranges COLA from ribuit-flaverad coll nuts. These are the beverafies that, for years, We held the place ot honor in thousands of New Jersey hornet. Now theyre back again for you to serve, drink and enjoy. Not jutt two or three beverages, but tin more variety than any other brand in the quality field. Each sparkling pure drop captures the healthful natttrat goodness of juicy, sun-ripened fruits,.. of zestful flavoring beam and roots. No matter what your favorite flavor, youjl enjoy it to the fullut luperbly Boiler-blended. Boiler Beverages are as wholesome as they are delicious, to make a habit of better Boiler refreshment. THE ASK FOR IOUER IY NAME Should your dealer happen to be out of your favorite flavor, ask him to. get it for you. We will deliver 1 hit order promptly. LEMON natural flavor from tart, son-ripened liflisni * - TOM COLLINS MIXER. rlcb with lateral lemon aii HIM Jitfcts PALE DRY from ttio heart premium-price Jamaica jltiflr CLUB SODA prepared from mineral-rich A deep wiir > water m.u 7X - i

9 ".! " WHEN SPEAKING OF HEALTH ft IS NOT TBCB TO BAT "WE DIB BVBBVTHINO rossibter UNLESS CHIBOPBACTIO WAft, IMCLODBD DR. WARREN FOWLER^ MO BROAD ST. Chiropractor PHONE «-80M , ;. -.. * * > Would you 90 to Europe, Japan or Korea? Or would you stay near home? Any man who has _ had prior service in the Armed Forces may elect to do any_of Uiese things if be enlists in the Army now for 3 years or more. He can choote to bo assigned directly to duty in Europe or with one of five famous Infantry divisions in tha Far East. Or he may choose to be stationed near home for the first full year of his enlistment (where there are vacancies). Men with or without prior service may choose one of the famous combat divisions in Japan or Korea. Would yon stltet a career tit aviation? This you can do, and be guaranteed the training you choote before you enlitt! Only require-.,,, ments beyond tegular physical and menial ex«aminatfons are that you be a high school graduate, or that you are in the Air Forco and can qualify. Its todays great opportunity to write your own ticket in the Air Force. S. :. _ ; " Would you want to learn to fly? If you are, single, 20 to 26Va, and have had two or more years of college education or the equivalent, you can become an Aviation Qadet with the U, S. Air Force. Nowhere else can you get better; training, for nowhere else, is aviation advancing as fast or as far as in our own Air Force. t Would you 90 to a leadership school? 1 If you have qualities of leadership, would ybu want to develop them to their fullest? U. S. Army. Leadership 1 Schools are- now- selecting likely candidates from servicemen to take these valuable courses. The Army and Air Force are. doing everything possible today to help each individual develop along the lines that he picks for tfonself. Armyand; Air Force, training is thorough and take nwe pay is better than most.ciyilfan jobs* Opportunities for advsige- -: :,.; :].:. : v; : ; : ;* " : ment are wide open TO every man in uniform. Make your choite today at your U. S. Army and Air Force Recruiting Station. C/IWFE/OS WITH A FUTURE U. S. Army and U. S. Air Force Wallace Predicts US. War Defeat If Policy Persists Raps "WaiTstreet," Military Training, In Wayside Address A solemn warning against an Impending warin which the United States would be defeated unless the administration of "military minds" and "Wall Street reactionaries! U swerved from Us course, was sounds e.d by former.vice.president Henry A. Wallace-Saturday afternoon before A gathering of 700 supporters atmrs. Louis 8. GHmbols Appltbrook farm, Wayside, Mr. Wallace declared that "Wr can spend billions to arm Latin- America and Europe, but we would not have peaoe. We would Have a cold war which would become h- hot war, and we would be defeated because we do not stand for fundamentally sound and Just principle!." In criticising the proposed universal military training bill, the speaker said that if he were given a choice between "a Taft (Senator Robert A. Taft), who-opposes the measure, and a Truman who tovora it, 1 would have to select Taft. I prefer an honest reactionary who doe» not want war to a dishonest prtgreselve who wants war," he added. Mr. Wallace denied any Communist affiliations, but admitted he agreebwtth Marxist theories on capitalism to the extent that he believes "reactionary capitalism must Inevitably defeat itself.". He said that the solution to collajfm ottd Infiltration of Socialism and Communism ia^ "progressive capitalism," Pointing out that he stlli hopes to make the Democratic party truly liberal, and that he is not yet con vlnced that It is to become a "war party," Mr. Wallace said that In that eventuality Americana will have a, chance to vote for a "peace party" and decide whether they want a third world conflict..the former Vice President and Secretary of Commerce maintained that the United States must aid all peoples in raising living standards and warned against a repetition of the ovehta whlohfollowed Work war I. He placed responsibility for World war II lndlreotly on the United States because of high tariffs.between; war». High embargoes, he said, ftuenced htm tochange from a bjleiitv toaicemocrat. He urgbl.-jsrlpatttfvejciensive trade abroad; and 1 t3: provide:: for backward $mtlonb. He (said his polloiea hav* been termed Idealistic, but that.h* sees them as the only praeutfal method of salvation New wart, h warned, will see the atom bomb II use by all who have It at their disposal. He «ajd Russia Is worklrtgto perfect-4h> boipb just as ~ RED BANK REGISTER. SEPTEMBER 25, 1947 salaries or lower prices, or In expanded and improved plants. Mr. Wallace was accompanied by his wife, Dr. Frank. Klngdon, national chairman of the Progressive Citizens at America; Paul Robeson, who sang several numbers and gave) two politically significant recitation*, and James Imbrie, state chairman of the New Jersey Independent Citizens, league. He,wsJ Introduced by Mrs. Glmbel, an active member of the Progressive Cltlsens of America, who also Introduced to the, meeting Canon Robert R. Smith, Shrewsbury, and Rev. William Spofrord, Middletown editor of The Witness, a national publication of the Episcopal church. Before the arrival of the Wallace party Mrs. Glmbel entertained about 100 guests at an Informal luncheon in her home,, The audience at Wayside contributed $1,337 to the "Work With Wallace" fund to spread his political doctrines. Shower, Dinner For Bride-Elect Mrs. Adelaide Taylor of 97 West Front street, was the guest of honor at a shower and dinner Wednesday of last week at the Willowbrook, Fair Haven, given by her co-workers of the Laboratory branch, Purchase division, Fort Monmouth. The- bride-to-be was the recipient of a blue pom-pom bedspread. Mrs. Taylor will become the bride of ffmll Polltowtky In the near future.. Attending were Mrs. Helen Dear, Mrs. Florence Mayer, Mrs. Lillian Murray, Mrs. Adelaide Taylor, Mrs. B111U Macintosh, Mrs. Virginia Cody, Mrs. Margaret Broughton, Mrs. Lillian Maxfleld, and Misaes Claire Musto, Jeannette Conway, Gertrude Meektr, Mary Jane Schwarts, Charlotte Taylor, Florenoe Fays and Bonnie Mahon. Annual Donation Day October 2 Parlihes and missions) Qt the Episcopal diocese of Now Jersey have been notified that Thursday, October 2, has been set as the annual donation day.of "The Evergreens," diocesan Tiome for the aged In Bound Brook. Rectors and vicars have been urged by Rt. Rev. Wallace J. Gardner, blihop of New Jersey, and members of the board of trustees, to hold special services and programs at which staples and canned goods can be used as tickets of admission or offering. A more concentrated drive for foodstuffs has been outlined this year in spite of high prices. Parish committees are contracting Alms willing to make arrangements for wholesale prices on quantities. Currently "The Evergreens"."* is in the midst of considering a removal to a more adequate site and Bishop Gardner has urged prayers In behalf of a solution of the problem. Bride-Elect Is Shower Guest A bridal shower was given recently for Miss Marguerite Duncan at her home on Washington street. She will be married Sunday at St. Anthonys church to John A. Tesauro of Red Bank. Guests Were Mrs. Julia Venturino,, Mrs. Ann Mancini, Mrs. Grace Peluso, Mrs; Mary Tomalno, Mrs. Florence Rodriguez, Mrs. Concetta Toscano, Mrs. Betty Carey, Mrs. Marie Acquaro, Mrs. Ange Romeo, MrB. Catherine Romeo, Mrs. Kate Sentrano, Mrs. Mildred Duncan, Mrs. Bessie Beck, Mrs. Frances Arone, Mrs. Julia Oborn, Mrs. Blanche t)annahur,a and Misses Mary Venturlno, Mary Tesauro and Betty Fortera, SA1HMIN, like Charles Oalcersbn, carefully trained to be ready l, advice, selling aids that help ESSQ Dealers, like Bennett.Patricfc- AIR CONDITIONED Page Nine ALL NIGHT Whether its Chicken or a Turkey Dinner, a Hamburger Sandwich or a Tenderloin Steak, a Shrimp Salad or a Pot Roast, You will enjoy your meals in pleasant and comfortable. surroundings in the attractive new dining room, at the counter or in the booths at, MONMOUTH DINER 65 MONMOUTH STREET RED BANK, N. J. It Pays To Advertise In The Register ROOM OFFICE BLDG. 8 RED.BANK, N. J. The speaker emphasized that Socialism or Communism will replace reactionary- capitalism profits are not reinvested In hlghe: USORATORY WORKIM, like Gloria Higgins, who make the many scientific testa, that assure quality petroleumproducts for your use. THEYRE WHAT MAKES YOUR PIOHI, like Andrew Conos, wliose skillful opcr.ition of complex modern equipment maintains the output of high quality products. BUYING APPLIANCES ON TIME? If Jrou- want to save money, you cant do better than to finance your purchase thru this Bank. Our low-cost plan is streamlined to meet your individual needs. Rates are low. Terms, cat) be arranged to suit your own budget Service is fast, without needless red-tape. Be wise. When you buy» refrigerator, washer or any other appliance on time, get maximum savings finance thru this Bank. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS NATIONAL BANK Phone AT-1-O70O 91 First Ave., Atlantic Highland! MEMBER PEDLRAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE OORPORATION "Happy Motoring" come true!... THOUSANDS OF MOTORISTS, on the highways from Maine to Louisiana, know the red-white-and-blue ESSO Oval as "The Sign of Happy "Motoring." It is their roadside mark of quality in gasoline and oil, of expert service, of fine Atlas Tiies and Batteries and other motoring supplies. And perhaps the most outstanding thing behind the Esso Sign is not just the great laboratories and refineries of Standard Oil of New jersey... No...the greatest and most; unusual thing behind that familiar sign is probably just the people who work at Standard Oil of New Jersey and the kind of jobs they have I Workers who have not had an important strike or labor disturbance in over 30 years I...Workers who today average over 14 years apiece of service with tho company!... 1 Workers with regular, paid vacations each year; Workers with high wage scales and steady work. Workers with retirement on pensions when theyre 65. Workers sure of room foi advancement, with company training to help them get itl ^Th^&Tand^the^^^ STANtiSRip result from Standard Oil of New Jersey policy that was set up many years ago. It is a policy that believes good jobs draw and hold good workers. And its a policy that gets worth-while results for all concerned including far better gasoline for ^ou today than 25 years ago pumped into your car at less cost than then in spite of gasoline taxes today that are many, times what they were then I Yes, we believe a good company to work for is a good one to buy from. And youll find a complete line of quality products built on that belief at the red, white and blue ESSO Sign-the "Sign of Happy Motoring." * esso TANK TRUCK OPIRATORS, ltke Russell I forn, who ply ;>;»; -^",- your nttgwgothood Eiso DeaW." " " ; - - "-^ OIL^COMPANY OF NEW JERSEY

10 Now at Superb performance Truly fine furniture Prices start at $187, 16 Monmouth St., Red Bank.. Bangs & Bond Asbury.Park at#t STRAND.,.,.. where "hold-up" prieet\ are a thing unknown. You, get your full moneys worth here..:. tempting dih pleasingly, served. STRAND 6000 FOOD <W DRINK Kt/iuutfuuotl, fl"$ TIME FOR TYDOL. ITS TIME FOR TYDOL ITS TIME FOR TYDOL ITS TIME FOR TYDOL See that airship sailing by.... Mister, when you want to fly... Floating smoothly through the sky School. News BUMSON HIGH Rumion high school elected the officer* for its student, council. September IT. The following will hold office tor the school year : George Norton president, Joan Dangler firstvice president, Ken- TUth Clayton second vice president, Pokey Maria secretary and Ronald Clayton treasurer. The following are candidates {or cheerleaders: Betty Longstreet, Joan Ell, Patricia Noonan, Sandra Stryker, Doris Sansom, Betty Moncrleff, Janet Jones,. Lois yongehren, Mildred VanNote, Marie Cantallce, Marie Clmbrone, Barbara Johnson, Beverley Ohameroy and Jane Doughty. The. staff of "Tower," Rumsbn high yearbook Is as follows: coeditors-in-chief, Maria Foderaro and Robert Mlnton; literary editors, Catherine Mazza, Barbara Lazaro, Marilyn Berger and Frank Traffprd; photogr8p>, Serge Etlenne, Doris Cherry and Doris Curtis; art, Severity Rosenberg, gargle Chadwick, Rlna DeLisa, Phyllis Mclssac and Robert MoNally; sports, boys; Kenneth> Clayton; girls, Pearl Romenko; business-managers, Audrey Schubert and Bradford Noyes, and advertising, Sammy Lazarus. Rumsoh high school will present its annual playnovember 6. The selection this year is "Star Light, Star Bright." This is a story of the family next door with all their secrets exposed, with comedy and pathos Intermingled. For as long as she can remember, Susan Townsend has heen looking forward to the day when she will be 16. But when that day arrives and her birthday dance with it, 16 turns out to be the hideously opposite of all she has dreamed. Susan has done too well her Job of coaching her. ugly duckling house guest Lucy, who has never had a beau or been to a dance. In Susans dress, parroting Susans line, Lucy acquires Susans boy friend and everyone elses. Miss Agnes B. Downey, assisted by Miss Joanna Pochert, is direct- Ing the following cast: Mary Robinson as Susan Townsend, Stephen Kreynei as Buzz Townsend, Ronald. Clayton as Chuck Llndley, Mary DiFlorl as Jennifer Clayton, Jack DIxon as Gordon Hale, Doris Cherry as Mrs. Townsend, William, Robinson as Mr. Townsend, Connie Bower, as Nellie Macon,.Roland Nordlle as Buddy, Carol Billings as Joan and Bob MoNally as George. Sulphur is mined profitably In the United States only in less than a. dozen great sub-surface salt domes located in areas bordering the Gulf of Mexico. Outline Programs For PTA, Meetings At Tint^Falls: Di\ Graves Speaker, At Next Shrewsbury Township Session- Dr. B. C. Graves, assistant clinical director at Marlboro State hospital, will be the speaker at theoctober 15 meeting of Shrewsbury Township Parent-Teacher; association at Tinton Falls school on the subject "Mental Hygiene in, the Family.! : The programs announced for the other meetings on the third Wednesday night of each month are at follow;... - November 1$ "Audio Vlaual Education." Speaker to. be-announced. December 17 "Christmas Program." Choir of school children," directed by Mrs..John Osborn. > January Zl TOie F«mlly As a Unit" Speaker, Mlse Ethel Turner, social case worker for Moomouth county. February 18 "Founders Day, John Hopkins of American Bed Croas speaker on "Safety." " * March 17 "Recreation and Leisure Time Activities." Panel discussion. John I., Montgomery, moderator. April Meeting "Adventures In Reading." Speaker, Mies Julia H. Killan, Monmouth county librarian. Election of officers.. May Meeting "Development of Habit Patterns." Speaker, Mlaa Darrah of M.C.O.S.S. Installation of officers.. Mrs. A. Jackson Llndsley, president of the association, presided at the first meeting of the new school year held last week and attended by close to 300 persons. The budget for the school year was approved as prepared by Stanley Downs, chairman, In the budget is $125 for child welfare activities, which Is a large Increase over last year.. The other officers of the association are Mrs. Warren Wilkinson, Mrs. A. W. Chapman and Mrs. B. M. Ashton, vice presidents; Mrs. R. C. Smith, secretary; Mrs. J. S. Gilbert, corresponding seeretftt-yj-mrs, William P. Strickland, treasurer. The committee chairmen are Program, Mrs. Frederick Bie); membership, Mrs. Randolph Hallett; publicity, Harrison Hill; budget and finance, Stanley Downs; health, Mrs. C. F. Moore; i historian, Mrs. James Pickering; safety, Dwight Young; procedure and by-laws, lira,.gaxton Clement; parent education, Mrs. Elston Combs; ways nnd means, Joel Omstein; hospitality, Mrs! "Vella Berry; movies, Jay Bergef; Cafeteria, Mrs. Margaret Bradley; goals, Mrs. Warren Wilkinson; publication, Mrs. B. M. Ashton; librarian, Mrs. Paul Ryder; school education, Russell G Raaney; transportation, Leon Williams, Pine Brook; Ernest Hlltbrunner, Wayside; Mrs. Murray Mayerson, Vail Homes and Thomas ^Ferguson, Hance" tract. A complete printed program of activities, containing a list of P.T.A. and school officials, and the faculty and other school information waa given to all who attended the last meeting. C. S. PADIO PROGRAM " "God Supplies All. Need" Its the subject of a Ch/istlan Science radio program over Station W.C.BS, Sunday morning, September 28, from 10 to 10:30. The broadcast will originate In Boston, and Is on the Columibia "Church of the Air" 1 program...-, Boys can make pocket money bjr fell? ln> The > Btsiiter. Advertisement. I AT THE LOWEST COST ;.. - :..,.. ;. - A L S O EXPERT ROOFING and SIDING CONSTRUCTION OF ALL TYPES PORCH ENCLOSURES - ADDITIONS Mo Money Down - Three. Yean to Fay. We Handle All Financing NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO 8MALI. ESTIMATES 0HEEBF01XY GIVEIf., CALL Keyport J & L CONSTRUCTION Co. I EASY PAYMENTS? No question about it, Tydol Flying -A- Gasoline does put new "go" in tired motors. Heres a great gasoline thats good for your car. Every tankful feeds your mile-weary motor a balanced diet^of smooth power and quiet, anti-knock performance. So before your next trip, fill her up with Tydol Flying -A- Gasoline...and get Veedol Safety-Check Lubrication for top protection against avoidable troubles. * $2 A Dealer NEW, IMPROVED VEEDOL MOTOR OIL Made from the finest crude in the world 109% pure Bradford, Pennsylvania, crude. Now scientifically improved to give you a cleaner, smoother-running engine! VEEDOL SAFETY-CHECK LUBRICATION This specialized lubrication for your car includes at no extra coat an.. expert inspection of 18 points where car troubles usually begin, Protects you againit avoidable car trouble I APPROVED ACCESSORIES For batteries, sparkplugs, windshield wipers and many other Certified and Flying -A- Accessorles, see your Tydol Flying -A- Dealer. He has "everything thats good fat your car." =4 in See what this brand-new Fireball engine can do for Bulcks built In the past ten years YOU see here a hood-filling straight-eight power plant exactly like, those which put an eager rush of "Fireball energy at the command of folks who own 1947Buicks. But you dont have to be the owner of a 1947 Buick to boss this husky. package of concentrated power around! You dont have to wonder, "How about delivery?" If you hanker for the thrill of having, beneath your toe, the surging power of a new Fireball engine, were in a position to talk business right now. How come? The answer is simple: Out in the Buick factories, engine production is forging ahead engines are coming off the line faster than bodies or other parts needed to build complete automobiles. All of which means we can give you prompt delivery on 1947 power plants brand-new, straightfrom-the-factory Buick. engines, ready to repowerany Buick built in the past ten years. If you own a Buick built between 1937 and 1942, the whole thing boils down to thist We lift out the old engine put in one and send you on your happy way in less time than it would take for an overhaul. Thats why we say, buying one of these engines is the next best thing to getting a new Buick and when you do get a new one, youll have, a better car to turn in. Gome in and let us show you how simple the whole thing is. FEDERAL TIRES "GOOD... or q..f$$jypq\> t ITS TIME. FOR TYDOl t ITS..TIME. JF.OK ITS.TIME.FORJYDOL. 163 Monmouth Street Inc. Rod Bank, N. J. z.zix!^.rasis!!: z.

11 . Give your concrete block - home distinctive chafm - with Bondex. Beautify. a< you wal out moiaturceuy to brluh on. tow In cost. 5 ^pk«.mavm*beut 9n» Mtoft white. ~j.-, wwi Shxeo, loo. GetforBONDEX Colv Chirt htm... RED BANK l( - THE ASJOTN CO.. 20 White St. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS. - SIEGFRIED tldw. CO. % 117 First Ave % 4 *G*n.raf Motori htofi fno.noln.tfl Inilrucl ;D.fco.H*of4ta/.ri in Inttalllng ar]d Mrvtc fng auocfbry H F KEYFORT MAPLE HDW. CO. 851 Maple Place, GEORGE 0. SMITH CO. 143 St BONDEX HYDRAULIC CEMENT DELCO-HEAT OIL BURNERS Whether you convert your present boiler or furnace to automatic heating or install a complete new plant... buy COMPUTE LINE wisely. Get a General Motors value Delco-Heat, installed Oil BURNERS by factory-trained heating FURNACES AND BOKSRS specialists.. for Steam, Hof Waff HEATING SURVEY Hare your local Delco-Heat dealer mike t heating surrey In your home. No obligation...write or phone your dealer listed below. AtYturSBRVICt In CUU$ and Towns (com COAST fo COAST SEE YOUR LOCAL DELCO-HEAT DEALER Inthonys Plumbing & Heating Co., Inc. 59 Maple Ave., Red Bank Red Bank Louis Stultz, Jr. Inc. 213 Broad St., Keyport Keyport SUNNYGREST HAS BEEN CALLED: To Appear At Rumson It -will b» «swlng your partner and promenade all" Saturday night, October 11, when the second annual Harvest Moon square dance for the benefit of Oceanic Free library will take place In Rumson high school. Tickets are now on sale and may be purchased through committee members or at the library. "Chuck 1 Palmer and His Rustic Ramblers, a hill-billy quintet, has been engaged to furnish music for the affair. Palmer and his group have been heard on national hookups of the Mutual Broadcasting company. Army Will Vacate Shark River Hotel The Old Shark River hotel at Belmar, which was purchased by the government from Neptune township in June 1942 at a cost of?32,000, will be vacated by October 3, Brig. Gen. F. H. Lanahan, Jr., commanding general of Fort Mon mouth haa announced. The Signal CorpB Ground Signal agency took over the hotel on November , and operated it as headquarters, until December 7, 194S, when It became headquarter! for the Signal Corps Engineering laboratories, consisting, of Squior, Evan* and Coles Signal laboratories. Brig. Gen. Imnahan stated tha the entire-officer and civilian per* aonnel ot the. laboratories head* quarters wmbvmfc-ved to Squlefe laboratory" on the main post at Fort Monmouth, They will occupy the second floor of that building.. Tho Signal Corps Engineering laboratories :bave declared tha building to -be surplus to their usb after October 4; at. which time 1% will be turned.over, to the commanding general, at Fort Munmouth. The general In turn will transfer it to the dletrict enginear,,whq- w^ll.,$etc.rrnine_.v;h.ethbr_ajrix pvr^r tfovernn^itageirey can u the War Asset» Administration for 1 public auction. Extensive repairs and a heating plant were installed after its purchase by the government to make the building suitable for office use. These Improvements cost approximately $12,000. WORKSHOP MEETING Miss Evelyn Gliescher was elected president of the Shore Writers workshop at a meeting held recently at Asbury Fkrk Convention hall. Following the election, manuscripts were read for criticljm, and several experience! In writing ware discussed., Boys ciin make pock.t money by lell. nil Tha Regtiter; Adv«rtl»mant. "New; Jerseys Smartest New Community" Home bf Beauty and originality on large plots fronting landscaping, with, amazing private winding roads. In the finest residential section of Little Silver, with schools, railroad stations and shopping centers all just a few minutes from your door. Homes under construction G. I. privilege. Five rooms, modern kitchen, fire place, brick vender, attached garage, utility room, gas range, fully insulated, air conditioned, gas heat, expansion attic; all for as low as $300 down and up. $62.50 per month pays all, including tax. Inspected and financed by F.H.A. Possession within 45 to 90 days. Other information on premises., :. MAIMONE BROS. Builders and Contractors Sunnycrest Little Silver New Jersey Rj Bv ##93?* RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 25, 1947^ In connection with the dance, a Phllco television set or merchandise of equal value at J. H. Kelly company, Red Bank, will be awardedon the co-operative plan. In^addition, an admittance award will be presented at the affair. It la the purpose of the committee to make tho benefit a community-wide affair Jn support of the com.munlty.vmde services of the free library. Mayor Louis M. Hague of Rumson will serve as honorary chairman; with James H. Powell as general chairman. in leriti of 6 install- MA I menu «xpuining the I"U. I propoied new Conititutlon for Ntw Jersey. White Furniture White Furniture White Furniture To the VETERANS of WORLD WAR II You can FURNISH YOUR HOME with FURNITURE, APPLIANCES and HOME FURNISHINGS at WHITES NO MONEY DOWN 2 YEARS TO PAY In accordance with tb. Vet.r.n.Ho ui,bo!d Furnlthln, Loan Act of th. Sut. ol New J.roy, a v.t.r. o of World W«r II may buy any amount up to Sl.OOO.OO worth of furn lure, (r.dioi, nfrifaratou, Walking imcunai, atovai, kitchtn icuinrlv) and bom* acoiortti (living room and bedroom lultd, X,»$ larapi, table., dr.p c.),t 0Ur itora and bava up to two wholi pay at th* exceptionally low Dc^TilnSii"?,L 4% p " r y " r - No DOWN PAYMENT REQUIRED. WhitBa will be tlad to nil your waulramenu on _ any ol th. abova mtrch.ndlit. Whit.-.! " are low caih price, and our merchandle. I. B»«lo»«lly known. Wa will churfulty «lv. you any additional Information you may dealrt. White FUR.NITUR.E AND BEDDING CO. 170 MONMOUTH ST.,. ) -" RED BANK TEL. R.B or NOW OPEN FBIDAY EVENINGS FOR YOUB SHOPPING CONVENIENCE. CLOSED WEDNESDAY AT 1 00 P, M. - ASBURY PARK STORE MAIN ST. Tel.: Asbury Park Open Weds, and Sat Evei. 3 White Furniture White Furniture White Furniture What the to You Serving RED BANK AND JERSEY SHORE AREA for NEON SIGNS and Fluorescent Lighting ENGINEERED CO YOUR NEEDS ASBURY PARK SPECIAL LIGHTING EFFECTS IN NEON AND FLUORESCENT DESIGNED AND MADE FOR YOU ASK FOR INFORMATION ON THE NEW, LONG LIFE COLD-CATHODE LIGHTING ROAD-AD SERVICE, INC. A REPORT TO THE PEOPLE OF; NEW JERSEY <. ; i.. by their elected delegates to the Constitutional Convention, New Brunswick, N.J., This summary and explanation of the proposed constitution was prepared by the delegates to the Constitutional Convention and is presented for the information of the. voters. The proposed new consov tution was adopted bythe Constitutional Convention in New Brunswick on September 9, andis to W voted upon at the general election on v Tuesday, November 4, A More Liberal "Bill of Rights" If you wish a copy of the complete NOTE: All rights and privileges guaranteed the people under old Constitution are retained. XT Following._",,.,.- are some of the,, more.. important addi-tions and extensions of those rights. Clerk. ^ to the Secretary A of constitution, ton, or your you County may get or it Municipal by apply* \$^^t^j2ahzs Starrer, No Person May Be Limited in His Privileges Because of Race, Color, Sex, Religion, National Origin. Under the proposed "constitution, New Jexsey will be the first state to give equal constitutional rights to women. The provision,forbidding paupers to vote is abolished. Segregation by race or color in. the schools and militia is forbidden, and discrimination against any person is barred. Labors Right to Organize and Bargain Collectively Is Guaranteed to Those in Private Employment. Those in public employment are given the right to organize and present their. grievances and proposals through representatives of their own choosing., The~ Legislature May Provide for "Absentee Voting" by Members of the Armed Forces in Peacetime. This is an extension of the rights granted the armed forces in time of war, The Right of Trial by Jury Remains Inviolate. In civil cases the Legislature may provide for a verdict by not less than 5/6 ol the jury. This will speed litigation in civil cases, and reduce costs, by avoiding "hung juries" of 11 to 1 and 10 to 2 occasionally found, In civil casds involving less than $50, the Legislature may provide fortrial by juries of six people. If Approved by the Voters \J SECRETARY OF STATE OBJECTIVES of the proposed NEW CONSTITUTION It has been the purpose of your delegate* to draw up a new State Constitution that wilt make possible more efficient, more economical, and more democratic state government. To accomplish these objectives, the proposed new. constitution provides: 1. A more liberal "Bill of Right.." 2. Better Defined LojUUtive Power. 3. A Stronger, More Responsible Executive. 4. A Simple, Unified System of Court». 5. A Sounder Basil for Taxation and Finance. 6. A Simplified, Lett Expensive Method of Amendment. NOTE; All livrs n»w on the itnuii books * will continut fully ffictlvt upoii adoption of th< icvlitd Canitttutlon ne«pt wttis lacy arc ) conflict with In provision*, the new constitution will become effective new lengthened terms. The. judicial arti- January 1, Senators and Assembly- cles of the nj^w. constitution will become men elected in_j_947 wil^then seryje..t]ie ^ejetjve.,s ASBURY PARK

12 PIANO LESSONS i At Ywir Horn* or Mr StudU Fred A. Wohlforth, B. S. Ed. Piuitl for Clutw. R«c«ptlon«, «lc INSURE YOUR HOME business, automobil* and oti»r property with.,-.-, ^ HAWKINS BBOTHEBS Bed Estate»nd Mortfafa Loan*» Broad Street, Bed Bank Phono B. B. WWjS QUICK DUtVIRY ON TRUCK ANP TRAIUR IODIII,_ pnmilmd «m««ilk ill * Wurtu JOSEPH WILDANGER CO. Rear 1 Welt Ber«eo-Sl«e BED BANK, N. J. Phone B. B. M501 CARLTON A WALTER READE THEATRE" BED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 25, J947 BED BANK ATtENTJON, YOUNGSTERS! "Kiddie KartoohKarnivar 1 SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 4th.. ( 3, All Your Favorite Comics in One Show 2-Hours of Solid Fun-2 Doors Open 9:30 A M. Performance at 10 A. M. CHILDREN 30c TAX INCLUDED ADULTS 50c TICKETS NOW ON SALE Zionist Leader To SpeakAt Dinner Jacques- Torcxyner, prominent Zloniat movement leader,, will sptak at the joint dinner meeting of Red Bank, chapter of Hadaaiah and the Red Bank regional Mens Zionist Organization of America Saturday night at the Hotel Altman at Asbury Park. The speaker made a trip to Europe last summer for the purpose of organizing the scattered remnanu of Zionists there, and his efforts were largely responsible for the formation of theworld Federation of General Zionists at the recent Zionist oongres».., AL8EKT J. SMITH. AOBNT ALLSTATE msdbanoe CO. WU1 B. Doty At Sears Roel &. Co. Store Evtry FriJar fmm 6:30 PM. Till BlOO P. M. M M«m«U> St, RtdBaBk. RB Mrs. Carol Frank B*K^>orwU of N«ir Vork Valifltr TEACBSK OF PIANO Fat WrollinMt wriu to! Mr.. C«rol fr.iik Nawmtd Sprtnf«Ro«d iud B»nk, N«w JarMy J30 BROAP-STREET You Saw It In RED BANK ALL INSURANCE LEONARD H MWTHEHS M HABDINO ROAD FHONB BED BANK «-tmt the ~ fabric that started a fashion TAKE NOTICE HOME OWNERS! Your Home Can Be V Re-ROQFED *Re-SIDED PORCH ENCLOSURE? GARAGES IMMEDIATE SERVICE! for as little as PER MONTH NO MONEY DOWN UP TO 7 YEARS TO PAY MODERN HOME IMPROVEMENT CO..will take care of all your Home Improvement Problems. Phone Us for a Free Estimate. W» will show you bow to lava a lot of money and still get the bi»t workmanship possible. We employ only experienced meohanlcs and use the finest materials money can buy. FREK CONSUIiTATTON.. Ladys beautiful watch of unusual distinction lerfett fo wrist, :> (I 17 jcwfl i You will he thrilled with the beauty of these Longines, Wattham, Hamilton and Tavannes WatcheBi- Choose xocay from our fine selection. Mans go III w a I» It w i t li Mjirily prccirioii luuvriiicnt Man.. watch with Jinr Jeweled movemrnl JACQUES TOROZYNER ; In Belgium Mr. Torczyner was editor of 1 the.official publication of the Belgian Zionist federation and leader-of the Zionist youth! movement. New officers of the Red Bank Z.O.A. will be installed * after the dinner and entertainment will be provided by members- o{ the Hechalutz camp at Hlgl.tstown. > :. Gun Threat Jails Army Cook Herman Kemp, 26, oi 218 Bridge avenue, who gave his occupation as a civilian cook at Fort Monmouth, learned (Thursday that it doesnt pay to tnreaten tavern proprietors. Refused a drink by tavern proprietor Sam Bizarro Thursday, he stepped outside and fired two shots into the air "to express.hlsr indignation. Arraigned before Recorder John. V. Crowell, he was committed to jail without ball pending grand jury action on charges of carrylnfr a conbealed weapon. After rlrlrig the shots, Kemp dropped tha rtyolver 6n the taproom floor ivhsfe it apparehtly was retrieved by an tinidentified Ipersbn who Has hot yet turned over to the police. : BESUMES COUNTV JOB Clarence N. Ch{im5lrlaih, {, Nep«p tune, who was discharged i from the army with the rank of lieutenant ipo% VIRGIN WOOL HELtiERS JERSEY 495 ltt yard length in package/with complete- sewing inatructlons. ; Already studded with a variety of gold and silver nailhead necklines... for you to choose the most becoming. Already cut and attrac- tively boxed with simple "* directions for you to follow; Already a fashion that;-is sweeping the country,:. ;: this tubular 100% worstiea Seller Jersey in an array of new fall colors. Already for you to your way. to glamour ih no time ft I W "l II ft fc III ^H*l I II! MlliBI^JJII ll-.illlll III! Will.11. II Ion ofllcer. He had been on leavo of absence since 1938 for the duration of the war to accept an important position with the federal government. 54-inch Hellers all wool tubufa/jersey, solid FINISH YOURAmc INTO AN ^ Hurry! Hurry! COME IN AND SEE THE BIGGEST BARGAIN IN WINDOW SHADES ROOFING (FIRE RESISTANT) Modern Horn, uui Johni-MinvlHt, FUntkoti, Barrttt, Bird, Ruber-old. U. S. C, Certain.T.ed m>l«rlnli. W* alio rapalr l»ks, suttera, leidcn and ikyllihtt. FREE ESTIMATE. No obligation. SIDING (FIRE RE8ISTANT) Eliminate! yearly painting tutp*omt. Act* a* an Insulation too cut* fuel costs. We uie only (*moua*raaka mitirula: Johns MuvUlt, Flintkoti, etc, FREE ESTIMATE, NO obllfition. CONSTRUCTION We add any atit Addition to your horns and pscltuxt in porch enclosures.. ARAOES (BUIl " T MMED ATELY ) FREE CONSULTATION Tel.-R. B _ or Mail This Coupon Now MODERN HOME " IMPROVEMENT CO 1 W. BERGEN PL. RED BANK, N. J. Genticmon: Plca«o have your expert call to dlacuts Items chccliod without obligation to me. O Construction Q Shingling.Addicts D Rooflng O Oaragoi Reg. $1.29 FIRST QUALITY HOLLAND LINEN SIDE HEMMED COMPLETE WITH NEW ROLLER POPULAR SIZES 23" - 29" INCLUSIVE SALE ENDS OCT. 19TH Sorry, No Phone Orden MORRIS BECKER & SON Paints - Hardware - Housewares 197 Shrewsbury Ave., corner Catherine St. RED BANK PHONE 8-frlflS Here Men is the Top Coat you need... Scottish Heather Blends Light enough for mild days warm enough for cool days sheds drizzles and resists wrinkles seldom needs pressing. A Topcoat youll wear with comfort and.pleasure. 43.OO v RED IANK, N. J SHOP FRIDAYS TILL 9 J. M. (Best Duy\ mmm «..U,Bett Tima..«M -...»«. Open Frldny and 8«JtircUy Evenlnfi Till t. Open Siirtday, 0.11 Noon.

13 REGISTER J VOLUME LXX, NO. 14. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY,-SEPTEMBER 25, 1947 SECTION TWO-^PAGES 1 TO PLOWING UP THE FAIRWAYS: Friends of Frank Downs will be as glad as we are to learn that the likeable "Cap" bas been pronounced 100 per cent fit by a battery ol mesicos. There were worrisome report* about town to the effect that he was critically ill, but he writes that all is well. Incorrect.diagnosing Btarted the rumors. He is still taking it easy and would probably appreciate messages from his friends. Address is 5401 N. Polnsettia, West, Palm Beach, Fla.... Played golf with Fran Smith, Bamboo room entrepreneur. He is a Civil War golfer. ; In, at 61. Out at Jim "Wee doch-an-dorris" Martyn has promised to straighten out our game, an undertaking rating "major operation" status..... Joe Eager meets Robert Parker for the Presidents, cup at Old Orchard. Angelo Petraglla toured Berkshire in Reading, Pa, yesterday to qualify for the»10,«x) Invitational there next week -...Beacon Hill staged their dinner for caddies last night in the clubhouse... ITHE MONMOUTH COUNTY HUNT meet, generally a most colorful autumn sports event, will not be held this year. Scheduled for October 26 on Woodland farm and adjoining property, Amory L. Haskell, association president, announced this week that he was. forced to call off the show as a precaution against the spread of swamp fever. GEMS AND DIAMONDS: Johnnie Gualtiert ordered 50 tickets to the World Series to accommodate patrons of Central bar. The line forms at tap. number two... Temperamental Dave Cashlon was quite at< ease ; Sunday in the first championship game of the Jersey Shore league.. H6 hurled the Freehold Gullstans to a 4 to 3 Victory over Astiury Parks Legion by giving up but six hits and not a single walk, while fanning an even dozen... The Jersey Shore league next year something to shorten its season, Besides conflicting with football contests and thus amount.of spectator,interest, October weather just doesnt call for baseball, major leagues notwithstanding... Middletown AC players are sporting nifty blue jacketson which their names are nattily inscribed,.... Trie local Legion post will give engraved belt buckles to. members of the Junior ball team. RED BANK LEGIONS grid team moved Into the heavyweight division ;of,tho Shore football league Monday night when, seven new players Joined the Bquad with an average weight of 206 pounds. In eluded are the Adubato brothers, John and Joe, Al.Tomairio, "Speed Versolloff, Oscar KIrby, Ed Valence and Georgo Puloa. With the exception of Pulos, who was impressive in the workout as fullback, all are linemen. The added weight should give Coach Tom Phipps a few peaceful nights of sleep.! GRID LINE: Tomorrow.nights meeting of Red Bank Legion and Leonardo Field club should prove a highly interesting - contest. The Field clubbers are pointing to score a win over the newcomers,. particularly because of the number cf former Leonardo stars on the Legion eleven.. Coach Arnle Truex has been working overtime pre-. -paring a pass offense for the Red Bank game... Harold Peters is back in the Rumson.Vet fold. He played against the Vets In.their opener with Leonardo, but the ties were, too strong.... Glad to see the charm- Ing cheer leaders put on therr act in front of the lights instead of behind them. \ Lakewood Coach Boss Wright and several of hit players. were Interested spectators at Bed Bank Catholics opener Saturday. You enn bet the, cagy Wright wlh try passing the Green. and Gold out of the picture... After Jake Jeffreys performance with the Casey alumni Saturday, Coach Arnle Truex will probably give the boy plenty chance to show Us stuff for the Field dub... Jack James refereed Saturday night at Bum- - son. The former Princeton back officiates collegiate fames. He,.,, knows Lqu "Smiley" J.appubs well, having played fojvthe old", tetley fcrjd team quite,» lew years back.. "Mud" VanBrunt played hlj last game for Rumjon^atld^y. ^o^to 8j»nrp«qn. ia,wk_,colleges center. A Marine se jeajs^tea^px^gilli ^iaaflg^aju!^^bffll^ Rurnso f ulliilaujspklsjbs^iffsw^lltftn^fltin^ffiiism*,ir^jniitm noshfttflirffit^!,,, i i -^-,T-.~~~ -. ^- Boy ;.TTrToase you were wondering, thocheer" leaders for Rumson are Llll Baden, Rose Reclnelll, Florence Jeffrey and, Mrs. George Llndstrom.i.. Rumson Vets center, Al West, deserves more than a passing thought when you get around to picking your favorite players... High praise coming out of 1 Colgate for Quarterback Pete Doremua. Coach Paul Bixler, who replaced Andy Kerr, Is introducing the T and single wing and Pete has the inside track for T assignments... Howard Leon came to Rumsons aid Saturday by handling the p. a. system. Oceanport Owner Wins Pigeon Race A homing pigeon owned by Charles H. Fischer, Leonardo avenue, Oceanport, won first place in the 200-mlle race held by the, Seaboard Homing Pigeon club ot Asbury Park; which, began Sunday in conjunction with the Central Mew Jersey combine. " The- competition was a smash race, and Mr. Fischers loft was the only entry to receive a bird the Same day of liberation. The following* day a, bird from the army pigeon section at Fort Monmouth was clocked, earning second diploma. There were V4 lofts reporting in the second day of the race and 12 lofts with no reports. Following are the six diploma winners with their docked times: First day, Mr. Fischer, time 7:23:14 p. m.; second day, U. S. Army, 7:25:11 a. m.; Harvey Johnson, 8:04:28, and 8:36:18 a. m.; William Galser, 9:00:01 a. m., and Charles C. Comstocki 8:57:21 a, m., Grid Team Honors Monsignor Casey Dedicate Season. To 35th Anniversary Msgr. Joseph T. Casey, pastor of St. James cburcb, will celebrate his 36th anniversary In the priesthood next May. Pastor of St. James since last year, the monsignor Instituted an extensive athletic program In Red Bank Catholic shortly after assuming the pastorate, In electing a method of observing the anniversary, thla years football squad voted to dedicate the grid season,. In honor ot their spiritual leader. In that connection the following poem, "Appreciation," was composed: APPRECIATION W«salute you, Monslgnoil. With heart* that are true For your prayers.and your guidance That kwp helping us. thcoueh. Through trials and * temptation* That come In our way But well conquer we trust. For you taurht us to pray. You have Riven us all The things that we need Through the Sisters and Priest* Whom you wk us to heed. We hope to prove worthy In memory of you Of your kindness and patience You hove given that, too, You ffave us the "C&seys" And a "Coach" super fine lung the whistle. ; -«t line. /*. itlfl lose. A gajne here and there. M.RC. Skippers Win Inteft-River Series TotaU>l Points To 45 In Lightning Races; 55-44, Comets Monmouth Boa club shippers of Red Bank.won of the two rlvei Rumson Firemen Take Both Halves Of Softball Loop Edgar Blake Hurls Team To Victories In Final Contests the championship s In races sailed with the Shrewsbury Sailing club Saturday on the latters home course and Sunday on the North Shrewsbury river course at Red Bank. Monmouth totaled 61 points to Shrewsburys 45 in. the Lightning class events and 55 to 54 In the Comet races. Harry Sadlers Rainbeau of tho Shrewsbury club took Saturdays Lightning race, with Herbert Coxs Coxswain of the M.B.C, finishing second and the Olsen-Allaire Avenger of the M.B.C, handled by Charlie Allaire, three seconds behind Coxswain. The winners time was 1:23:19; Coxswains, 1:24:40, and Avengers, 1:25:43. George Bulls Bull-Frog, M.B.C, was fourth;edward Waters So Long, S.C., fifth;, Dick Bennetts Blue Streak, MLB.C, sixth; Mario IrwVs Dawn, MJ3.G, seventh, and Philip McKays Paddl, S.C., eighth. Joseph Hermans Huba Huba and-robert Wilcoxs Marlou wore forced to withdraw by broken rudders. " Tommy Morrison, Jr.s Tina of the Monmtrath Boat club won Satr urdays Comqf race lnl:28:ll, with Wlnfleld Wamwrlghts Kitty Wake, S.C.,"second/lh 1:31:13. Trailing the leading comets were Arnold Greens Leisure, S.C., third; John Douglasss Typo High, S.C., fourth; William Throckmortons Southerly, S.C fifth; Jerry Jerolamons So So II, M.B.C., sixth; Donald,Schneiders Big Deal, S.C, seventh; Gordon Donald^ Seven Eleven, M.B.C, eighth, and Barbara Sayrea Blinker II, M.B.C., ninth. Sundays Lightning. race at Red Bank wag won by the Avenger over «tw«w>ntl«c«htr»i>rrlt; Ana well play the gapii {air. -RED BANK CATHOLICS football squad has dedicated Its 47 sea ion to r Monsignor Josepn T. Casey, who will complete 35 years In the priesthood next May. The monsignor had taken up the pastorate of St. James but for a short time before he laid plans for ah extensive athletic program in the school, the first in its 20-year history. It Is appropriate and thoughtful on the part of the grldsters to offer him thanks. At the half-time Intermission in their opening game Saturday, Team Captain Ed Sutphtn presented an autographed program to the monsignor. In it w«i a poem, "Appreciation," composed by members of the team.. It Is certain that receipt of the program must have cheered the prelate. When he was a young curate at St, James between he spent much time working with youngsters in forming athletic squads. It was quite natural that formation of a genuine sports program in the school would be among hi*... first acts when he returned to Bed Bank after 39 yean as a Navy chaplain. A familiar figure at Green and Gold games, too much praise cannot be heaped upon him. In instituting the program he has made certain that it be first rato and a permanent fixture in the schools function! Things are definitely on the move at RBCK and it should not be. too long before the local parochial system becomes one of.the powers in the states athletic picture. RED BANKS JUNIOR American Legion baseballteam travels to Belmar Sunday afternoon to engage the Belmar Juniors in a single game for the county championship. Belmar is the state championship squad, but this fact is not bothering the local youngsters who will hi pouring all they have at the tough opposition. Johnnie Calandrlellq, coach of the team, deserves praise for piloting the club into the leadership for the second half of league play.. INCIDENTS "AND INCIDENTALS: Rumsons Marls Costigan, a loyal Register reader, is quite a basketball player... Fred Brqwnwas a judge in the Presidents.cup motorboat races on the Potomac Saturday and Sunday/ Danny Foster became the first to wear the triple crown of Gold Cup, National Sweepstakes and Presidents cup. Which reminds Us that Guy Lombardo refused to call Fosters cutting Inside a buoy in the Gold Cup race on Jamaica bay. Had tho popular maestro reported it to the judges, Foster would have been disqualified. Newsreel men and spectators picked up the cry, but Guy kept quiet... Twas quits a busy Bports week-end. Golf balls, baseballs, footballs, bowling balls, and, yep, even a couple high balls... Ken Smith, popular member of the Fort Monmouth athletic office and competent executlvo secretary of tho Shore grid loop, is anxious to book the post basketball team with local clubs... Hope the Shrewsbury freezes over this winter. We know Fred Merrlman is a flash on the cinder path but would like to soa how well he would go digging spikes Into the ice against Ray Desmond, Tommy Oakes and an added starter, Red "Im hen-pecked" Safnmon,.. John Delaney, holder of Innumerable Bertram H. Borden medals and trophies, has taken up study of the elements. He claims we will have a bitter winter, but an early spring. THERE IS PLENTY DISCUSSION about Leonardo FJeld club these days" becauso of the number of players who have left their grid team to play with other clubs. Wo believe tho mass exodus of stars Isnatural. How else would the other clubs in the league be manned? It is natural, too, that aplayor prefers to play with his home,club. In general, tho rivalries these transfers have occasioned are healthy signs forlho young Shore Football league They add a flavor to tho contests which otherwise might bo missing. Attempts to rip down the excellent roputation LFC has onjoyod will not glvo strongth to any of the clubs and may even work to weaken what now Is a strong league. Red Bankers Win At State Fair Mrs, Anna de la Reusallle, and her sister, Mrs. Samuel E. Cogglns, both of Broad street, wero prize winners in tho necdlocraft exhibits at the state fair at Trenton. Tho fair, which this year marks its 202d anniversary making It tho oldest state fair In tho nation, opened Sunday. Mrs. Reusslllo recolved threo blue ribbons for,a knitted nfghan In ruat and green, an old-fashioned ampler made In 103? and a needlepoint picture of a floral print. Sho also received a rod ribbon for a hand-made linen guest towol. Mrn. Cogglna won threo red ribbons for her,exhibit of hand-crocheted curtain pulls, a crocholod apron and IplsyetTlttrTJsudlTJffhg-up game... Sony to soe popular Tom Drls- coll leave High Ground stabla,,. Nolla Jorios Was claimed from "Sub. THE FEED BAO: Monmouth_PnrJt Jockey club reported that this year it hns donated $40,000 to charitable institutions. Most of tho money went to county agencies, but tho most recent gift of $5,000 went to tho Damon Runyon Cancer Research fund.... Bill Hong will be a finest at the jockey nhlndlg in Waldorf Astoria... Garden State is building up tho stable drea there. They clarm it will bo the most mod crh of any In the country Dr. Claronce "Buddy" Combs shared prominence with Stew Iglehart Sunday when the Old Westbury quar tet annexed polos national opon championship by defeating the Mexican g d S Hammond i.. Bill "Junior" Prate may glvo up visiting race tracks. /Last time at Cnmden, BUI said his selection looked so weak he didnt know whether to bet win, place or l!v«.. And A leeeon of love To pass out whore we can, For these tilings were grateful. And hope to repny^- By doing the BIGHT thing AJ we move on lifes way, So blessings upon you As you complete "thlry-flve" Of unselfish service With God by your side. THE FOOTBALL SQUAD. Rumson Soldier Pitching In Japan Pvt. Lelghton Lobdell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lelghton Lobdell of, Bellevue. avenue, Rumson, Is now serving with the famed 24th Division Artillery In Japan. The 24th, also known as the "Victory" division, Is now occupying Kyushu, southernmost and third largest island of the Japanese home group. Pvt. Lobdell enlisted at New York city, a year ago and received his basic training at Fort Bragg, N. C. He.was sent overseas to join the 24th Division Artillery at Camp Hakata, Fukuoka, Kyushu. He is assigned to the Survey Section of "B" Battery 63d 1 Field Artillery Battalion, but at present he is pitching for the 24th Division Artillery Nine, which Is currently leading the Regimental league. He enjoys the many recreational facilities offered the men of this camp, Including baseball, ping-pong, tennis, boating, Red Cross Club, and a bathlng, beach located a few hundred feet from the camp. Bowling Results FOWLERS BOWLING CENTER BUSINESSMENS LEAGUE Park Inn 8 BolleKa Oil Servlco 8 Esio Servlcs Andyty Station... 0 Cratea Beverages Huddles Tavern 3 Alley Gats - - i Amoco Station 0 WATSON LAB "B" LEAGUE W Development Service E Enlisted Hen 4 Air InatallaUoM I Wayside No. 2-2 Reproduction No, 2 % Maintenance..:.,... 1 Tha largost orders for tho National Football Leagues record* and roster manual come from IIbrarki ouuld* league territory, the Rainbeau by a margin of 51 seconds. The wlririers time was 1:06:40 and tjie runner-up, 1:07:31. Coxswain was third In 1:09:08. fio Long was fourth, Bull Frog fifth, Huba Huba sixth, Blue Streak seventh and Marlou eighth. Marie Irwins Dawn fouled a buoy and withdrew. Tina made it two straight Sunday in the Comet event, with Kitty Wake again finishing second in 1:15:59 and Seven Eleven third In 1:18:10. The victors time waa 1:13:37. Loo Mlltenbergers Suda was fourth, Leisure fifth, Southerly sixth, So So II seventh ant] Blinker II eighth. Type High broke a rudder in this race which proved costly in the final result. The Dally Record trophy emblematic of the championship of the two rivers, was presented to the Monmouth Boat club, and the Lightning class winner was given the Red Bank Register cup. The Comet race, which was postponed from the Sunday of thn Sweepstakes regatta due tb lack of wind, was sailed Sunday morning and was won by Kitty Wake of the Shrewsbury Sailing club. The winners time was 1:25:58. Arnold Greens Leisure of the same club finished second in 1:26:02 and Tina of the Monmouth Boat club was third in 1:26:44. Suds and Whiz, M.B.C, were fourth and fifth; High, S.C, sixth; So So, seventh; -Blinker II, eighth; So So II, ninth; Big Deal, tenth; Mack, eleventh; Apache, twelfth; Twinkle, thirteenth. Nautfcal prizes were awarded to tho owners of the, first four Comets, to finish. Rumson Vets Meet Highlands Sunday Callahan Injured In Night Game As Long Branch Field Club Wins Rumson. Veterans will meet the Highlands A. A. Sunday afternoon first game for each club in the Shore Football league. From past performances in this seasons nonleague play the meeting should provide an evenly matched contest, Rumson has played two exhibition games and Highlands one. The Vets defeated Leonardo Field club 6 to 0 and last Saturday night lost to the Long Branch Field club, 8 to 0. Highlands only appearance was a 7 to 0 defeat at the hands of Red Bank Legion. In last weeks game the VetB were overpowered by the Long Branch Ippollttos charges exhibited a classy attack, Indicating to shore grid fans they might bo the team to beat to receive the shore football crown. With the evident advantage of weight in every position, the Branchers were kept pretty well In check most of the game. First score was a touchback in the second quarter. Ray Catalano, Rumson back, wa tackled in the end lone when ho received a poor pass from center, The next tally was In the third period, following a sustained march which began on Rumsons 42. From that point Jimmy Renzo and Tony Bevacqui gave with some expert running, getting the plgakln to the one-yard marker on a 12- yard pass from Bevacqui to Fisher, Ed Coughlln cracked the line at center to chalk -up six points. Although most of the game was played In-Rumson territory,. tho It came shortly after tho Field club touchdown. Taking to the air,"rumson waa awarded tho ball on their ^40 by Referee Jack James, who ruled that Langdon Vlracola had Interfered with the receiver. From there Clayton Walton heaved to Bill Beattle, who took the pass from Long Branch^ 40. Rumsnn fans took up the cry as Beattie rushed toward pay dirt, only to be pulled down by Viracola. Tho game gave Coach Jacoubs & chance to place every Rumaonlan In the game. Again this week, poor luck plagued the purple-clad Vets when Bob Callahan suffered a dislocated elbow. Prompt action by Sea Bright first aid squad aided In getting Callahans elbow back In place, however, voiding a similar condition, which has Tony Mellacls left arm In a cast. Bob Van- Brunt will be missing this week as he has left for college. The contest also marked Harold Peters return to the squad. He started the season with Leonardo Field, club. Last weeks starters: RUMSON Hnrrlnnton H. Peters l LONG BRANCH Fisher Fleming Anastmla Thomey Domhrowskl Stroll Wllcox A. Bc-vacnul Rcnzo Condone CouBhlln LI! LT hg 0 KG RT RE QB HB HB JB. Peters Slcklcr West K. Pitt» Macintosh Boattle VanBrunt CaUlat-.o P. Cook Stanley Riker-McGraw Win At Rumson. Take Member-Guest Event 6-Up On Par Irving Rlker ot Rumaon Country club and C. W. McGraw of Spring Dale copped the member-gueat team match play against par tournament at Rumaon Sunday, ending their 38-hole route six up on regulation figures. Tied for second place honors, at three up, wero Matthew J. Scammoll and son of Hunting Valley; G. Mac W. Bryan and J. H. Ackermah of Spring Dale, and Geoffrey R, Mellor and John Klddo of Montclalr. At" two up on par were George Dwlght and H. C. Sturhahn of Spring Dalo and C. Alan Hudson, Jr., and William A. Forrester of Nassau. At one up wore UzalH. McCartor and John T, GUlospio of Morris oounty and even were Dr. Martin A, Quirk and Dr. H. V. Oarrlty of/deal and Amory L. Haskell and T. S, DIgman of Spring Dalo. There wore 34 teams onterod In tho tourney, which is considered one o{ the outstanding golfing events along the shoro. Cinolnnatl rookie pitcher.kvorett Llveiys father, Jack, himself a former major loague.pitcher, roomed with Ty Cobb when Jack and the Georgia Poach woro teammates on tho Detroit Tigers.,of tne Honey Russell, coach,of tne Boston Celtics In the* Basketball anaoclatlon o( America, potted a 4<- Rama win streak whon he coached the Sofon Hall college cagin. Rainee Weinstein Cops Golfing Honors Mrs. Cal Weinstein won the round robin golf tournament of Old Orchard Country club, an event which has been conducted there most of the season. Playing three points a match, Mrs. Weinstein collected 17A points to outdistance her nearest competitors, Mrs. Jo soph Rudnlck and Mrs. William Bradley, each of whom had 11 points. Mrs. Weinstein also took tho gross honors in the-ringer tournament, posting a surprising 66. Mrs. J, Joseph Connor won tho net honors In that evont with West Keansburg Plans Benefit The first fall meeting of tho West Koanaburg Paront-Toachor njaoclatlon was held at tho school Thursday of last weok, Mrs, Walter Boyor, president, reported that a membership drive Is being conducted. Tho organization will hold game social at tho school Friday night, October 3, for the bonoflt of the dental project, The next meeting will bo Tuesday night, October 14, at 8 oclock at tho school. BKATINO RINK Sportland danco Ideal Beach has boon converged Into a roller skating rink, which will bo o rtwrif OVW Bongo, Extensive alterations have boon made to trw hall and Mi; Bonii has Issued an Invitation to hi many patrons to visit tho how c» tabllihment. Oceanic Hook &, Ladder company if Rumson are champions of the hore Firemens Sc-.tball loague for he second year. In succession, thus taking the second leg of the Harld Denegar trophy. Trie loop will meet tomorrow at p. m. In the Oliver Byron fire louse, Long Branch, to determine ither standings.,at present there is - four-way tic for fifth place,.with Highlands in fourth with a 4-4 recrd, one game less than that played jy the team tlod up. Rumsons team won both halves if the league^ thus eliminating the ecessity of playoffs. The second half ended in a deadlock between Brevent Park and.rumson, oach having seven wins and two losses, n the play : off a week ago Sunday, Edgar Blake hurled tho Humsonian nine to victory, shutting out Brevent Park on a flve-hltter, whllo his mates garnered four runs off the five-hit pitching of "Red" Robinson. Rumson played a post-searon game with Beltord, a contest they previously claimed by forfeit, Blake urned on the steam, holding tho opposition to one run on three hits. Steve Cooke poled a homer"in tho first inning nvtth Ray Desmond aboard. Standings of the second half: W Rumson _!.. 8 Brevent Park 7 Onkhurst _ 5. Highlands 4 Nnveslnk Hook S Ladder i Mlddlctown 4 Belford" 4 Oliver Byron. 4 Fair Haven I i 3 Llttl* Silver «Legion^Team Meets -- Leonardo Tomorrow Shore Grid League Opens Season- Local S(]uad Downs Cliffwood, 6-0 Light Hines Books Feud Match At Asbury Roundtree, Martino To Meet Monday Matchmaker Roland J. Hinea of Asbury Park Monday night will present a return bout of one of the most sensational matches ever staged In the county whon Young Roundtree, tho Philadelphia Itonmun, climbs "throu{[h~tno Asbury armory ropes to accept tho chal- JSiBft Buc Outlook Dark; Line Makes Deception A Must Pingitore In Search Of Backfield Men For Starting Lineup Coach Frank Plngltoies Maroon and White Buc gridstcrj open their season a week from Saturday and with little moro than a week to go, prospects appear BIlm that they will equal last years results when they had three wins, three lossca&and a pair..of ties, including tho turitey day game when they played Long Branch to a scorclcaa tie. In an attempt to give his squad a good looking over in simulated battle, tho Buc mentor was host to Key.port high school aquad Tuesday for a scrimmage Results were satisfactory to the extent that it gtve3 him and Assistant Coach Phipps a good idea what will bear closo scrutiny. The backfield continues to present ;he No. 1 problem, with no experienced varsity men to bo called upon to build up the squad around. In Tuesdays work H.erb Swanson showed signs of being a capable blocking back, whllo Dick Chad- wickand Bob Wilson toro off a few gains which might label themas running acea with more experience, Little Charlie Bruno als,o saw uction and.waa impiesstve tho short time he worked. Although the three returning varsity men were on the line, that department had 1U ragged moments against Keyport, Tho coaching staff la confident, however, that tho forward wall will settle down, oven though tho weights are light and tho men are abort of stature. Still to bo determined as starters, are a pair of ends, a tackle anj a center. Vito Lentlna is a certainty to remain unmolested in ono tackier and Nick gams.. pnd Frank Sp JVlll return: ji<jfljbrdj,: jjajbo did hot seeoctlfon Tuesday" is Pingitore elected to keep him out duo. The Shore Football league opent its season tomorrow night with thr j Rod Bank Legion squad meeting"* Leonardo Field club on tne Be* " Bank high school athletic field on West Bergen, place. The Legion? ". nalres will be entering their third. }. game of the year, while the Flelt^ club will go through its second eontest. (<>; Last week the Red Bank club W- < feated a tough Cliffwood Angela combination, 6 to 0. Phil Sakowlf* f scored the goal by receiving a tonff - pass In the end zone from Vernt*, Bennett. A heavy shower with butj ^ fouv minutes to play wiped the^ utands clear of spectators. In tnl.i closing minutes, Red Bank ma(j*\ another bold challenge, the gamtt "i< ending with Red Bank on the one? foot line, fourth down, * The contest tomorrow nfght should be the start of a rivalry similar to that of tho Lconardl>- Rumson Vets. A majority of Red,j Banks normal starting lineup were! Leonardo players last year, leaving i Martino and Roundtreo met in an Asbury outdoor show In August, with Roundtree gaining the nod. Both boxers unleashed vicious attacks, with damaging blowa land- Ing from -the opening bell. Round-.treo iproved able to take terrific punishment and counter with equal power belts and although Martino waa evidently trying to land a haymaker, tho Phtladelphian worked hia way through the contest. The semi final will have Jim Wright of Phllly mixing it with Al Pecora of Newark. The threo four rounders on the card will find Leon Brown, Camden middleweight, meeting Curly Brower of EUjabeth; Don Layton of Point Pleasant meeting Jimmy Mltchel, Elizabeth welterweight, and Dave Johnson, Elizabeth middleweight, opening the program at 9 p. m. igalnst Asbury Parks Eddie Young. Film To Feature Mens Club Session Presentation of a fllm, "See America First," by the Standard Oil company, will feature a meeting of the Mens club of Atlantic Highlands Methodist church Wednesday night, October 8, at tho church. Chairman Bradley Van- Brunt has planed an entertaining program around this picture. Otncr members of the committee are Herbert S. Meinert and Rev. Roy E. Williams, Jr., Raymond Taylor will be in charge of refreshments. A drive for new members will be mado in connection with this meet- Ing by the membership committee headed by Elbert A. Frlmpter; The club was organized last spring and has sponsored two dinners and at- :endod a baaeball game- at Ebbcts fiojd, Brooklyn.. A varlfed Aim program was provided by tho committee at the first fall mooting held recently at tho church. Tho picture was shown through tho courtesy of Mr. Baxtor and Mr. Allen of tho New Monmouth. Baptist church. Refreshments wero Borvcd by Raymond Taylor. Junior-Senior P.T.A. Opens Program Members of the Senior-Junior Iuront-Tcachor association were hostcsscb Tuesday at a tea for new teachers of tho Rod Bank senior and Junior high school and for now mombors. Tho faculty of the two schools attondlnr woro Introduced by Chester E. Wllhoim, Junior high school principal, and Harry C, Solnor, sonlor high school principal. The tea was hold In the homo economics room of tho Junior nigh school. More than 78 attondod. Tea was sorvod with Mrs, Joseph Odonbuch and Mrs. S. M. "Hoffman, two oxprobldonts, presiding at the tea table, Mrs. Herman Wolf roporte* a hallo aalo Thursday, October 10, Tim noxt meeting will bo Tuesday, October 7. Arnan»"it8~nmf Hlis»lMlppl traded football decisions ench yoar from O week, The team physician has put the 0% on Camas playing, however, and he should participate in the opener, which will be played on the West Bergen place athletic field. Bob Frlck and Dom Vaiti appear to be the leading candidates for ends but a battle continues for tho other starting assignments. With speed and deception, a must on tho program because of the light aquad, tho Bucs will really be bearing down tho coming week. Camera To Visit Asbury Saturday; Wrestles Morgan Pierre LeCIaire Geti Semi Final Billing; To Meet Frenchman Primo Camera", former world heavyweight boxing champion and currently the outstanding heavyweight wrestler, cornea to Aabury Park armory Saturday night. Ho will meet bearded Ben Morgan, 340- pound Texan. Undefeated In all his grappling matches, "Camera -signed with Matchmaker Roland J. Hlnes on his return JEajt after the completion of an extensive Western tour. The "hulk of human" has been drawing capacity crowds since his return to the Statea, gaining the reputation of being the leading gate attraction In the mat sport. Morgan, the Texas man mountain, ha* shown evidence of great strength to go with Jiia exceptional poundage. He Is expected to tax "da Preem" to the limit in their scuffle to a fall. It Is a one-hour time limit match,, In second billing will be Pierre LoClalre, Long Branchs gentleman wrestler. After upsetting Olno Garibaldi last week, tho top hat and tails charactor and former Long Branch lifeguard, has boon signed to go against a tough customer in Eddie Pasquetto of France. The Frenchman has a savagestyle, ond the match la expected to supply plenty of color as well as being a test for Pierre. Other contests Include Tlgor Joe March, Yugoslav champ, and Mllo Stelnborn, votornn grunt and groanor of New York, and the opening bout, scheduled for 0 p. m., willhave a pair of Iriahmcn battling it out, Thoy are "Red" Ryan of Chicago and Paddy Muck of Boston,, TO MISS (IAMB When Rumson Vets open their Shoro Football loaguo piny Sunday aftornoon, a loyal rooter will be missing. Sho Is Choor Leader Llll gdon, who Is recuperating from an ondoctomy she underwont thin Nod Slokols, center for Roil Bank Legions grid tonm nt tho start of tho sodaon, Jin.1 loft tho quad. He will thorlly underp;o ivn operation and will be lost lo tho team the remainder of the season the bayshorc team when a squad was formed in Red Bank.0rr lh» other hand, tho Field club still h&e J a. good share of Red Bankers on Its) roster, including Noll GettU a:**. Sam Yorg, a couple of capable line; men. In last weeks game, Cliffwod outgalncd Red Bank by a consider; able irmrgln. but was unable to work the advantage to any good^ four fumbles being costly. Th» backfleld combination of Carl flruand Steve Kapuschy should offer a dangerous (offense once 1 -Iha regular season begins. It waa BrU- der who uncorked the games moat sensational run, a 40-yard runback of the klckoft following the Red Bank tally. Kr.suschy received th* kick, but, belns swarmed by tackle ra, handed it to Bruder, who) evaded Red Bankers u he skirted the side lines., t i Walt "Babe" Jackson, fleet Red Bank halfback, again supplied th main running threat. H s end runs aided the victory by bringing ttt» ball up to the Angels 35, which point Bennett heaved to*. Another highlight of the game was Bennetts punting. In ft* final quarter he put Cllf Jiole by.a CO-yard^boot Another near-capacity crowd } s gam* oftiel be* that nightt football is favored l -3 local sports fans. Tomorrow g * may turn out as a runniij o tween Jackson and Tony Trlsca* ) field club gpeedater, \ Since lost weeks game ttya R»o1 I Bankers hay* acquired six nev ) linemen anda fullback possibility [ all. heavyweights. It may tend Id f change the starting lineups CoacH Tom Phipps has been using th* past two games in order to equaliw the poundage Coach Arnle True* has In his forward wall. Newcomers Include the Adubat4 brothers, John and Joe, both,.oi whom played with the Field cluk last year. Others are Red Banked Al Tomalno and "Speed" VersolloB, Oscar Klrby and Ed Valenct. George Fuloa of Freehold has been working out in the fullback slot and promises,to afford 20S pounds, ot power for line bucks. Last weeks starters were:,;* RED BANK Snkowlti Scott Scnla Wldger Cltnrella. Prlc«Kuney Mooncy Jacknon Bennett Fix XE. LT LQ C UG BT RE KB TJH RH FB CUFFWOpif L. MeGntM J. ZadBUH GlambUUuta Van tent Sacdawln 3. ZudolaK Grynt* S. ItmW D. McQn(K Brudtr Trtgiu* Savage, Coles Are Medalists Score 79*8 To Be Low - In Mayor Mount Play i n s i y * Tony Savage and Jake Colea w*fr tho medalists in the qualifying, round for the Mayor James K. Mount trophy this week, each far>" nering a 79 over Old Orchard. Pairings and qualifying score*; which had to be 86 or better, are! Savage versus Harry Lawn, W! Jim Moran, 85, versus Mike Slrollo, 84; Dr. David Miller, 82, veraua. George Hlckey, SS; Fred Merrimari, 83, versus Robert Parker, 85; Colea versus Tom Stoble, 85; Lou Cdlby) 84, versus Dom Christopher, 84; Ruas Pingitore, 81, veraua Frank Morrow, 85, and Frank Petentn, 83, versus Jules Huber, 84. Mayor Mount la the municipal head of Weat Long Branch. "White Cloud" In Dixie Cup Regatta. Henry and Gene Miltenbergur called their comet "White Cloud 1 " in tho Dixie Cup regatta lait weekend nt the Red Dragon Canoe Clufc at Edgcwater Park as a representative of Comet Fleet II of the. Rlf, Bank Yacht Racing association., «. Twenty of the top boats in th* country competed, Including Ow«ft P. Merrills craft, which won thli yoars national championship, And Philip Somerville, a former tltl* winner. Tho Rod Bank boy* fla* Uhod noar tho topin point atandi. faila regatta wai inaugurated Dixie "caatlron "cup M "nt Turk Edwardi, Washington skin gild couch, twioe turml the job because ha "wuttt- "

14 Two B it Directors it In Asbury Plain Dinner Monday i To Open Fall Season ) Honmouth Boy Scout dirvo nxit Sunday night at the Ma-, grill, Aabury Pkrk, to formu-»te plans for the fall season whloh rillopen Monday night with a dln- \ir>ln tht Crystal Terrace room I- the Berkeley Carteret hotel at labury Park. "Reservations.for the dinner may ie made through executive head- [UtjrteiS In Long Branch. : /As a reililt of a message brought Toiri the National Scout Executive Conference by John Northrup, the Word has agreed to emphasize the *llgloua side of life In scout actlvlle* throughout.tiie conrtny year, iking cure to make no denomtna- )6ial distinctions. This trend Inh% national movement Is aimed at bttibating juvenile delinquency. ; An offer w&s received from E. I. Brown of the Monmouth county Lirport, to purchase a Link Tralnir [which the council acquired as iaccebs war material through the efforts of Irving Feist some months Igo. Mr. Browns offer was to set ilpa credit for the purchase price to fee paid off by giving lessons In Hying to the scouts. Since no price was mentioned, the matter i«being taken under advisement. A financial report by Stanley Green showed receipts to September 1 of $85, and disburse mints of $33, Members attending the directors meeting were E. Donald Sterner, wfio presided, «nd Judge Alton V. tf&ne Harvey D. Leuin, Carl A. hunnfeh. William Buehsbaum, 5roBn NorthcuBjDr. Edwin F. Stewart, Kendall g\ Lee, Stanley. H. atptn, David Ej. ILanden and Malcolpi Severan HeleoQ k ToWftd Daniel Gordaychik Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Qulgg Of Lincoln place, Freehold, have animminced the engagement pf,,their daughter, Helen, to Daniel Qordaychlk, son of Mr. and Mrs. Luke Qfcrdaychlk of River Plaia. ttiss Qutgg graduated frbm Freehold high school and Is In charge of > the record room at the stat* hospital at Marlboro, Mr. Gordaysntk, a graduate of Middletown township high school, served three MtS a half years la the United S^tes Coast Guard, and. is em* ployed- by 7. F. BlaUdell Lumber company of Red Bank. Freehold Youth Wins Band Honor Kenneth Matthews, Freehold, has been selected by the Future Farmsr» of America to play alto horn toortoy.. Daggttt I In the national F.R.A. 120-plece band at the - organisation 1! convention at Kansas City October tt to 22. Matthews, a member of the F.F. A., was selected for the band assignment by Dr. Henry S. Brun- Keriudtll > Max Factor Roger A GalUf... thtyrt fypieol of tht famous nam«i you want wh»n your* looking lot hvtlintu. And when you wont thtir product* thtnt Unktd to way-down pric* tajji, no p/aet fikt UGGETTS. DORSAYS INTOXICATION TOILET WATW lott of "eome-hlfher" in 2-ox. travel flacon * LANOLATED! RED BANK REGISTER SEPTEMBER 25,1947 ner of Pennsylvania Btate college, who will direct the first national F.F.A. band to be organized. They will play for the national convention and parade. Personnel was selected from the 833,289 members. It pay> to tdvertlle In Tha RegUter mm? Wolcott I«Cadet Ai C.G. Academy - James R. Wolcott, 3d, son of Mt. and Mr»i - Jam««R, Wolcott,.335 Broad-street, who is a cadet at the SAVE 5O%! REGULAR $2.50 ELMO NITE CREAM limited Mm* tpetlat.... so buy tor months aheadl While you-sleep this luxurious cream performs its beauty work! Rich emollients help soften, and smooth dry skin, refreshing. KAY LUSTRE-CREME SHAMPOO Leaves hair radiant.. i. so wonderfully manageablel Its the near-magic shampoo that keeps your hair beriavtng perfectly. See how your tresses glisten with bright beauty afr,. -,,^ United States Coast Guard academy, New London, Conn., stood No. 83 on a list of 6M candidates who participated in the nation-wide examination for appointments to cadetshlp at the academy. Appointments to the academy are ttstasyas rolling your hair up an turlerst Its iutthuilttdto last as Jong as $15 wavtsl TONI CREME COLD WAVE DELUXE HOME PERMANENT with 50 professional reusable plastic -curler* Get beauty salon" results, cot tlm«one-quarter with Toni larger ribbed curlers. baied on the results of competitive examination held annually: The next examination will be conducted February 16-1T, Further information relative to the U. S. Coast Guard academy may be otn talned by writing the commandant, with FIBER COLD WAVE HOME PERMANENT CURLERS U. S. Coast Guard, Washington 25, x>. c. An estimate of 15,000,000 tons, of commercial fertilizers used in 1946 get a new highrecord for the United States..... SAVE $2.50! REGULAR $3.50 D & R ELORDA CREAM SAVE 61c!,11 p n\ Only a few more daysi Sal* ends September 30ihl Use Daggett & Ramsdells extra-rich cream for delicate eye and throat v areas. Youll be thrilled at $1.20 VALUE... PACKERS SHAMPOO COMBINATION 60c size PineJar Shampoo 60c size Olive Oil Shampoo Individualized shampoos in special bargain offer for glorious hair-carel REMEMBER, ONLY 10 MORE DAYS! yjr Monday, October 6th, at 8:00 P. M, you and other grown-ups here In Monmouth County will have the chance to leant those extra things you missed in school or col- Jeffe lor leas than the price of a movie-and-soda-a-week when your own. iion-proflt Honmouth Adult.School opens hi the beautiful Bumson Hl:h School Bull dins. are fast oiling up as registrations pour in. registrations for the courses you want will continue to be taken on s flrst-come-nrst-serve basiaion Monday and Wednesday evenings (8 P. M.) next week, and on Monday, October (th (at 1 F. M.) *F you have a registration blank trorn last weeks newspapers (Register, Record or Press), All It out and send It In wltb your money order or check today! Or come to the Humson High School building (Bldge Rd. ft Blngham Ave.), on Monday or Wednesday, : E ITIIER way, dont delay until Its too late. Be sure to register.earlaf to take the courses you want The Board of Govemon HONMOUTH ADULT Boxl93»Rurnion,rU wmprw^jw^f SILQUE SHAMPOO Leaves hair with gtorioui, radiant iheenl EDHA WALLACE HOPPERS WHITE CLAY PACK, 60c SIZE Refreshing facial to stimulate and cleansel faq* H w $1.00 SIZE TUBE... 89c* 1 v EXCITINGLY NEW I DIFFERENT I LADY ESTHER UPCOLORS Concentrated color. Never deserts liptl LOVELY BOXED BATH BARS I ROGER & GAL1ET SOAP Huge bors In assorted 4 M fragrances, Boxed. 3 for I TRIPLE CONaNTRATEDl RAYVE CREME SHAMPOO Enriched with lanolin, 5 or. economy [ar at WEEK-END 1.19 Hot Water Bottle 69c 125 Ft. Roll Wax Paper 19c Pt-AIco Rex Rub. Alcohol 23c Box 50 Book Matches He Pt. U.S.P. Milk Magnesia 19c PL Peroxide 21c 100 Aspirin 5 Grain 12c 100 Soda Mint Tablets. 9c 4 Aft I MEDICATED... BOUDOIR SIZE HAIR CONDITIONING ACTION I- Cools, soothes Irrltal- d skin, o oz. site. DRENE SHAMPOO, leaves no dulllrfg film. Addiluilre. 3oi. lire o ON DANAS TABU "The torbldden Fragrance" PERFUME ^50* COLOGNE dram, was $3.25 eft 4 ej»., was $4,25 V Aft* LIPSTICK Irf choice of/shades. 4 QQ* WAS $1.50, now at a SOe saving I SPECIAL Pt. Mascals Aim. Hand Lot. 59c PL Witch Hazel 19c Sitroux Tissues Box c Lux-Lifebuoy-Sweetheart Soap 2 for 15c Smokers- Your choice of any 15c tobacco and 1.00 pipe special 69c SPECIAll 2 REO v 23c TUBES SQUIBB DENTAL CREAM freshing. Now 2 tubes ITS SOAPLESS! HALO SHAMPOO New lustre for Normal, Dry, or Oily Hair I Wui Federal Tax Is 3</i OI. BOTTLE BIO 7 OZ. ECONOMY SIZE Leaves no dulling soap film because its soaplessl Makes oceans of lather, leaves hair aglow. No special after-rinse needed. MAKE-UP GENIUS OF THE MOVIES LIPSTICK TRIO in plastic show-case Clear Red, Blue Red, Rose Red: three flat- j) AA* tering shades for your own beauty-type. COLOR-HARMONY ROUGE stays on.» Smoothes on your cheek likethe natural beauty of a blushl 9 lovely color-tones. V 50c* SINGLE LOOSE. POWDER COMPACT Slim, round, gold-tone. Flicks open to show mirror, separate "powder room.* jtea COR.BRO AD cv MONMOUTH STS. PHONE 6-144* RB. V

15 Egans of Harding Road SUGGEST PATHOS... A lovely green vine plant to decorate your home all year round. GREENHOUSES ON HAJtDING BD. AT HABB1SON AVE PHONE B. a 6-1*48 Colonial Restaurant 3 Broad Street Red Bank, ft. J. Phone Red Bank j Try Our Delicious CHICKEN POT PIES Served each Thursday Also SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN Served each Saturday on our $1.00 Dinner Specializing in the finest Steaks and Chops. Delicious Summer Salads RIGHT with WRIGHTS TIMELY ITEMS AND LABOR SAVERS % H.P. ELECTRIC SKILSAW GRINDER ~%- H.P. ELECTRIC DIEHL GRINDER Vz HP. POWER KING DRILL PRESS 7-INCH POWER KING TABLE SAW 8-INCH POWER KING JAJLLSAW t TABLE SAW 8-INCH PORTER-CABLE ELECTRIC SAW 10-INCH PORTERTCABLE ELECTRIC SAW.;; 14-INCH WALKER-TURNER BAND SAW,. S.M. 700 WALKER-TURNER SURFACER & SANDER HANDY HOT WASHING MACHINES PAINT SPRAYERS PAINT SPRAYERS METAL TOP VENTILATED IRONING BOARDS 32" ECLIPSE POWER LAWN MOWER $. WITH SULKY IMMEDIATE DELIVERY HOUSE PRICED MOORES FAMOUS PAINT RIGHT Jo $75.00 $33.00 $37.75 $ * 162* $54.00 *36 95 *26 95 $47.50 $ WRIGHTS FAMOUS HOUSE PAINT LOW PRICES Grand Jury Indicts 16 For Gambling HOfTnoseHeld Are From Red Bank Twenty-four Indictments charging 15 men and one woman with gambling activities In the shore area during.the summer were Sled Thursday in Freehold by the retiring April term grand jury. Eighteen of tha bills voted involved raidsconducted in. the Bed Bank area July 29. by county detectives and state police. Indicted for both bookmaklng and. possession of number slips were: Ernest Smith,, 66, and son, Walter, 32, both arrested In an alleged book-making room at 28 Wallace street, and another son, Lester Smith, 25, arrested in an automobile in Red Bank. -. Michael Carluizl, 36, of 10 locust avenue, and.mario Rossi, 36, of 66 Waverly place, charged with being runners for the Smiths, were indicted twice for aiding and abetting bookmaklng. Six other Indictments Involving Red Bank arrests were: Viola Mitchell, 42, of 145 Lelghton avenue, and William Moorhead, 75, of 14 Tllton avenue, bookmaklng and lottery; Ralph Reevey, 26, of 102 West Bergen place, and Arthur Dlllard, 41, of 248 Shrewsbury avenue, bookmaklnsr, and Roy Rooks, 39, of 13 Central avenue, and Richard Parker, 43, of 112 McLaren street, bookmaklng. Other indictments for bookmaklng Included Walter Hurley, 2 Rona place, Ihterlaken; Raymond Earlln, Jr., 814 Main street, Bradley Beach; George Harrison, 1014 Main street, Asbury Park; Edward Glynn, 131 Railroad avenue, Asbury Parks and John J. Ryan, J15 Brighton avenue, Long Branch. Keyport Fund raisiqg plans were discussed at a meeting of the auxiliary of the Keyport "First Aid squad held last week In the First Aid building. It was" announced that a ton of coal or similar amount of fuel oilwill be disposed of on the co-operative plan and the award will be made at a meeting to be held October 21. Mrs. Robert Johnston, president, and Mrs. F. W.-Holman were hostesses at last weeks meeting. Mr. : and Mrs. Raymond 6. Kruser have announced the engagement of their daughter, TSelma Catherine, to I* Russell Rogers, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd R. Rogers of Baltimore. Miss Kruser Is a graduate of Keyport high school and attended Western Maryland, college and Mr. Rogers, a graduate of McDonagh Military academy, is a pre-dental student at Western Maryland. He served three and one-halt years with the U. S. Army Air Corps. other.vngagement announced Miller, tttms, Minn., to Wai-" is. Walter Johnson.. The building fund "committee of the Sisterhood of the United Hebrew congregation announced at an executive, meeting last week that $1,500, has been raised and that, the synagogue- on Broad street Is. being rendvated so as to be available as a recreation center as well as a meeting place. The executive meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Isadora Goldman. Joseph L. Lovett, Jr., Mrs. Carleton R. Wharton, Kenneth Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Strobel, Mr. anjl Mrs. Hewitt W. Wharton, Mr.. and Mrs. B. H. Wharton and Rev. Charles, R. Smyth attended the session of the New Jersey annual conference - of I the Methodist church In Ocean City thta week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kite have returned from Atlantic City, where they celebrated their nfth wedding anniversary.. " Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Siegel have been spending a vacation In Atlantic City ; Miss B. Dorothy Cohen has returned from a three weeks vacation In Colorado Springs, Col. Mrs. Samuel Siegel has returned from Seattle, where she spent several weeks vlstling her parents. The Tialols class of Calvary Methodist church, resumed. meetings last week with a covered dish supper In the church. Rev. Charles R. Smyth, pastor, spoke on plans (or : the year and there was adiscussion of the food booth which the class will sponsor at the annual church bazar and supper December 4. The next meeting will be October 21, when Mrs. Frederick Wilson and Mrs. A R, Eokman will be hostesses. Missel Dorothy and Carolyn LJn- RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 25, 1947 demann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond LJndemann, havj returned to school at Cedar Crest college, Mr. and Mri. John C Anderson have been visiting the tatters parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Handy of CrUfleld, Md, Mrs. J. Carle Anderson Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Roland H. Loeg of Swarthmore, Pa. Miss Frances Cohen has returned from.a vacation spent at Balfour Lake lodge, Minerva, N. Y., and In Canada. Sgt. Earl Smedes, formerly of Keyport, was a recent visitor at the home of his aunt, Mri. Karl Heuser, In Matawan. Sgt. Smedes expects to be stationed at Fort Dix until after the holidays. Bruce Bahrenburg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E. Bahrenburg, lias entered Blair academy, Blairstown. - Mrs. Maurice Cohen has been visiting relatives at Scranton, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Alden Sproul have returned from visiting relatives at Terrell, Tex.,. : Mr. and Mrs. Julius Banks of Telegraph Hill road are parents of twins, a son and a daughter, born last Thursday at Monmouth Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Genoveseare parents of a son born Saturday at Rivervie-w hospital. A delegation from Calvary Me*thodist church attended a meeting at the conference center at Mount Misery last week-end. The Couples club of the church will give a luncheon for members of the ihurch 60 years old or older in October. > Mr. and Mrs. Emll Olsen and children, David and Evelina, and Mrs. D. C. Walling have returned from a two-weeks vacation In Mew York state. Mrs. Frank P. Sproul has been the. guest of Mrs. Harvey P. Sproul In Scranton, Pa. Mrs. Raymond Pontler and children Of Kingston, N. Y., have been the guests of Mrs. Pbntlers grandmother, Mrs. Arthur N. Brown. Mrs. John Kane, a former Keyport resident now living In Pennsylvania, was the recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Walling. A resume of summer vacation trips was given at the first meeting, of the Delta Alpha class of the Baptist church at the home of Miss Dora Thome at Hazlet Thursday evening. The program Included a reading by Mrs. W, F. Stanhope. The next meeting will be October 16 at the home of Mrs. John S. Stout, Walling terrace, with Mrs. Ernest Dunham as the assisting hostess, when a, food sale and exchange will be conducted. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Boland, formerly of Keyport, have, purchased a new home at 1604 Seminary road, Silver Springs, Md. Mr. and Mrs. William Sttllwell, Oneonta, N.?., have returned home, after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charles I. Young. Mrs, James-Xieach_hasrat\irned by^akf^rohfffbrfolk, Va., where she visited Jnetf: husband, now a Mr. Leach has left tor Holland. Mis* Dorli West, -daughter... of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. West, has returned to her studies at Wilson college, Chambersburg, Pa, Miss Geraldlne V. Brown and Miss Marjorie Bronkhurst were recent guests of friends at Hackensack. John E. Tllton has returned to his home In Swarthmore after visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Tllton. The annual picnic supper of the Philathea class of the Baptist church, took place Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Weigand In Hazlet. Games were played and prizes awarded to Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Webster, Herbert C. Burrowes and Norman Laursen. Mrs. John Varea was guest of honor last week at a birthday party given at the home of her sonin-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wallace. Members of the family attending were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lavlnsky, Brooklyn; John Varea, Jr., Fort Dlx; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Varea, Mrs. Marie Hegel, Lillian and Marie Varea, Mr. and Mrs. William Casey and Mr. and Mrs, Varea, all of Keyroit. APPOINT COUBT CLEBK Leon Nolan, former Freehold welfare director, was appointed this week as temporary court clerk for Common Pleas Judge John C. Giordano. He replaces John Mlraglia, who last month was named chief court clerk, filling a vacancy caused by the death In July of W. Ryall Burtls, an employee of the county clerks office 47 years. Eori cm nuk«pocxttraonerby lelh ins Th«Btgltttr. Adrtrttument. / BURNS BROS. GARAGE Complete Automobilt Repairing MECHANICAL WORK BODY & FENDER REPAIRS PAINTING "CONVERTIBLE TOPS AUTO UPHOLSTERY 2 Blocks West Swartzs Furniture Store Off Route #35 Vogue Qowns of Allenhurst Inc... Allenhurst N, The Shores Newest; u and Smartest Qbwn Shop Dresses Exclusively Designed by Americas Leading Designers. Also Fur Trimmed and Fur Lined Coats. " Vogue Gowns Vogue Gowns, Inc Raymond Blvd., Allenhurst Plaza, Newark, N. J. Allenhurst, N. J.. i OUB AXLENHTJRST SHOP,-p. Will Bemaln Open the Entire Year.. - WINDOW SHADES - We arc manufacturing all sizes and all grades of side hettimed shade. In our own factory. ;,, We reverse your old shades. Globe Awning & Shade Co. 117 W. PROMT 8T. TEL: RED BANK Protect Your Piano and Home Have your piano thoroughly cleaned and nioth proofed by.someone who is qualified to do so. 1 " This will save you many dollars worth of moth damage in the future. BRUCE E ANDERSON BJano.Tuning, Regulating and Repairing PHONE R. B or R. B R ARKET 21 W. FRONT ST. RED BANK TEL YEARLING STEER BEEF STEAK SIRLOIN PORPHOUSE T. BONE BEST CUT TOP BOTTOM ROUND KEEP YOUR RIB ROAST 55ib. ROAST STEAK HAMBURGER STEAK 49ib. TENDERIZED WHOLE SHANK JERSEY FRYING CHICKENS HAMS FOWL 4 to 5-Lb. Size 45 c Ib. 4 * 3-31 Lb. Size J THE Austin Burrts Edward Burnt,\

16 WJl-lfci-llG i Paee Four RED BANK REGISTER. SEPTEMBER. 25, 1947 P«g Lo Piccolo Says: If you are planning a. "Hallow-»«n" Party bo sure to visit the Idea corner at the Candle Light Gift shop In Fair Haven. Suggestions for table decorations, party favors and candles the gay, fmtlve type goblins, witches, ghosts, Jack o lanterns and the proverbial orange and black tapers. Here you will find everything to insure the success, of that party! Now that fall is officially here, the smart Hostess turns to fireside entertaining what gift could be more appropriate than a fireplace hearth broom from the "Old Smokey" mountains, or a box of fireplace matches and a birch log filled with magic color flames from New England? Just try it some evening at home and give your family a treat Its fun I it t> "COME IN AND BROWSE AROUND" THE CANDLE LIGHT 767 RIVER ROAD, FAIR HAVEN, N. J. "FOR GIFTS THAT ARE DIFFERENT" PHONE RED BANK Your Friend in Need Walker & Tindall This agency offers you more than a fire or casualty insurance policy. When misfortune strikes...the facilities of this agency go into action to relieve you of worry, responsibility and a multitude of demanding details... to represent your interest in the settling of claims, Thats another reason why it pays to buy insurance from... Walker & Tindall Realtors and Insurors Telephone: Red Bank E-.-Front-Sti-r -. - Red Bank r N, J.- Dilemma I named a friend Executory He journeyed to a distant shore. I named my Son, but he said, Dad, Experience, I havent had. Alas, alack, what shall I do To find someone wholl see it through?* Auswar Come Iee Uf We offer you ind vour law yer o«fun. Ume, erv ( ce, a( Executor and Truitee under willi. %5 [0ND NATIONAL BRNKJuTRUBTCD. O# fi O QAHK. N6WJ #S Y MI-.MHKR FfDKHAl. DEPOSIT INS I (A NC T Keansburg Miss Joan Trenery returned yesterday to Syracuse university for her second year. She Is a student at the College of Liberal Arts. During the summer, she was employed by The Register, serving as Keansburg correspondent, and handling general news stories. Tha Jolly Eight club will «pend the \vcck~-~end at Atlantic City,.Mr.and Mr<a. William Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. J. Harold Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Patricto-DeTuro, Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Trenery and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schwelaer, spent the week-end at Freehold, N. Y., in the Catskills. Mr. and Mrs..Cortlandt Ogden of Jahn street, are spending a vacation in Buffalo, N. Y., and In New England. Mi 1. Ogden returned last week from a business trip to Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Trenery will spend the week-end at At-, lantie City, attending the New Jeraey Automotive Trado Association convention. Mrs. Barbara Ackorm&n, Mrs. George Maucb, Mrs. Anna Townley, Close, Mr and Mrs. Henry Bice, and Mrs. Victor Cann and son Raymond were recent visitors,to Mid- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dielman, Mr. and Mrs. Noel Nllson, Mr. and Mrs. land Beach, Staten Island. William T. Sawyer, Mr. and Mrs, Mr. and Mrs. George Mauyh are Lewis Lowry, Mr and Mrs. Edward On a motor trip to dishing, Okla. J. Urban and Mrs. Richard. Brounley. Mrs. George Mauch, Mrs. Mabel Walling and Mrs. Loretta Cann were at the Daughtera of America Convention at Atlantic City. Freehold Project Mr. and Mrs. George Mahawage Gets Approval of Sea Breeze way are tho parents of a daughter, born Thursday at Authorization to.advertl:a for Monmouth Memorial hospital. bids lor the building of 12 single Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Carman are veteran family unltb In Freehold the -parents of a son, born Friday for which the state will contribute at Rlvervlew hospital. $09,520 was received last week by. St. Annls basketball team met the mayor and council In a letter Monday at St. Anns school. The from Charles R. Erdman, Jr., administrator, and Edward G. team la being fitted with new uni- War- forms. \ Mrs. Nora Fuccl has announced the engagement of her daughter Dolores to Richard G. Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Kantusky of Bast Keansburg, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schaab of Seeley avenue have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Dorothy Marie, to John A. Diver of West- Keansburg, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Diver, at a reception at the Schaab home Sunday. Howard Opdyke is unable to work because of a broken thumb. Mr, and Mrs. Edward Rockefeller and daughter Jean have returned home from a two weeks Vacation in the Catsklll mountains. Mrs. Grace Hastead spent last week-end with her brother at Manhassct, L. I. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Downing and Mr. and Mis. Lester Downing and daughter June of Scott, N. Y., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Layton Webster of Lincoln court. The Interior of the Methodist church Is being painted by Raymond Stryker and Frank Granger. The fire department had 22 men -at the oponlng fifuthe- Monmouth County Fire college at Matawan Thursday.»! Sea Breeze way are the parents of a daughter, born at Monmouth Memorial hospital ,. Mr. and Mrs. Gregerson of Seeley avenua are the parents of a daughter, born Saturday at Rlvervlew hospital.. The building committee of the flrst aid squad met Sunday, and tho chairman, Jacob Frenchman, reported that several Keansburg business men have oftered to give their services to help In the erection of a new flrst aid home. Tho Firemens Social club held their flrst affair of the fall season at the Manning place flrehouae Saturday night. Hev. and Mrs. Malcolm WllHtts will attend the annual New Jersey Methodist conference which will b» held at Ocean City today at 2 p.m. They will return home Monday. The building fund committee of the Methodist church reports that $300. In new pledges were received last week. The total now is $40,787. Total cash received on pledges Is $7, The flrst aid squad will attend ttie mobilization of first aw aquada at Trenton Sunday. The flu department will be represented at the Trenton fair Saturday, to participate In the.parade at night. The flre truck will leave at S p.m. Mr. and Mrs. William taller of Sea Breeze way are parents of a daughter, born Saturday at Monmouth Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. "George Gregerson of Seeley avenue, are parents of a daughter, born Monday at Rlvervlew hospital, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Murphy of Hudson street, are parents of a daughter, born Saturday at Monmouth Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Carman of Center street are parents of a son born Friday at Rlvervlew hospital. FACTORY - BUILT GARAGES Foundation Constructed and Garage Erected STUDS 16" CENTEK8 TWO SIZES W X M AND W X *0 RAFTERS 10" CENTERS J STEEL OVKItHKAD jpooils, ASPHALT SHINGLES Telephone Red Bank TERMS P. O, Box 603 v Fellowship Holds Supper In Hall Little Silver Group Plans Country Fair A Covered dish supper was held Monday evening by the Young Adult Fellowship of Embury Methodist church, Little Silver, in the social hall. Lewis Lohry was chair- man and the hostesses were Mrs. Richard Brounley, Mrs, Lowry and Mrs. Albert Dlelman. The group will hold its annual country fair in the hair Saturday, October 4, from 4 to 10,p. m. The October meeting will be a Halloween party and the hostesses will be Mrs. Noel Nllson, KH. William T. Sawyer and Mrs. Lester Taylor,. Present at Mondays meeting were Dr. F. A. DeMaris, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Taylor, Mr. and Mrs,. James Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin ren, office and Held representative of the state department of economic development. The veterans dwellings, will be built in the Old Farms manor, between Monument park and Court street, donated to the borough by Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bonderenko and Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Skalkovick. For The Best In Home Decoration. Curtmlnt Draptrlu Btdipraadt Slipcover* V«n«tl»n Blinds The 8HERMAN 8H0P M Broad St Bed Bank JEWELRY REPAIRING Witchtt, CIMIM and Jstrelrr C I ) nd Repair* at R«i»on«bl«Prices All Work Guaranteed for One Year * H. ROSIN, Jeweler Is Wert Front St, Red Bank, N. J. Tel M. For Sale "Tower Hill" Approximately 2M acres at the highest pofnt in Red Bank, overlooking the Shrewsbury Rivers and a large expanse of Monmouth County. - Mansion consists of about 22 rooms, 9 baths, an unusual layout for gracious living. Fixed obligations against this property: mortgage, taxes and Interest due amount to approximately $21,500. Sealed offers, in excess of this amount, accompanied by check for 10%. of bid, will be received by the undersigned until 12 noon, October 15, # Right to reject any or all bids reserved by "owner. Inspection by appointment Phone Red Bank Hendrickson & Stout 77 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. Sale On. GREETING CARDS STATIONERY NAPKINS HOSIERY. NYLON FASHION FROCKS.At Card Haven Studios 119 Lincoln Avenue Bed Bank B Fall is Best Lawn Seeding Time Warm autumn days, cool nfghts and gentle rains encourage new grass to develop quickly into strong, luxuriant turf. Follow the easy Scott prescription per 1000 sq ft: 10 lbs Turf Builder grassfood to give grass health and color. 3 to 5 lbs Scott* Seed to cover ground with vigorous new grass plants. - S C o m UWN SKD-blend of deep-rootlna permanent grasses for lawns in full sun, light shade. 1 Ib - $ lbs $ lbs. $ Scott* for Dense Shad* at same prices. SCOnS TURF BUIlDER-eomplete food for grass. 50 lbs - $3.75 feeds 5000 sq ft of lawn. TOO Ibt $6.50. SCOTT SPREADERS-precition machines for quick, accurate application of Scott products. No 25, steel wheels $7.85; DELUXE, rubber tires $9.85. Monmouth Mens Shop Going Out Of Business After 30 Years In Red Bank i O A A A A WORTH OF MERCHANDISE «% M OU,UUU TO SELL FOR ONLY J 4 I It Our entire stock of brand-new Fall and Winter merchandise must be sold! We have slashed HFiratcomerfirst w^ MENS SUITS TOPCOATS and OVERCOATS All wool garments n all tho f / % latent styles and colors! First */l». I# P AA come, first served.! It, W W IvCt NOW GOING ON Make SHIRTS These regularly sold for $4.95! Choose from white;, fancies, oxfords, broadcloths... all the new style collars! Sizes 14 to 17, in all sleeve lengths! RAINCOATS 8.94 Made by U. S. Rubber Co. Regularly $ Medium weight, versatile. AH sizes in gray and Jan! Mens All Wool All the latest fall shades in all wool slacks that sell regularly for $9.D5. A real bargain! Johnsonian SHOES Reg. $12.50 SHIRTS and SHORTS**** Famous Make HATS Re*.$5.oo Mens ROBES Reg $14.95 Boys All Wool SUITS **$»«Mens All Wool Mackinaws Re* $ BROAD STREET NO MERCHANDISE SOLD Tp DEALERS CORDUROY JACKETS "Wide Wale" jackets, regularly $ Tailored by a famous suit maker. AH sizes! SLACKS c EACH f 1 _ RED BANK, H/ J.

17 Phone K. B.»4*7 UNITED SIGNS and SERVICE Specializing in Card & Paper Signs 15 Monmouth Street, Bed Bank,.N, t. a When In Sea ; -,-," V - S t o p A t - Dies Sea Food Restaurant " Broiled Lobster, Sea Food Dishes; Alto Chicken in the Rough; Delicious Steaks. OLAF J. AXELSEN, Prop Ocean Ave. Phone Sea Bright BUY AT THE FACTORY AND SAVE! Copyright, ADAMS BEOS., 1117 DRESS UP YOUR BOY WITH AN ALL WOOL ETON SUIT. SUSPENDER SHORTS, FULLY.JLINED. IN NAVY, BROWN, GREEN AND GREY. AGES 2-6. THIS SUIT IS SOLD AT THE* BEST STORES IN THE COUNTRY FOR DOUBLE THE PRICE THAT WE ASK FOR IT. OUR PRICE... 5 BECAUSE WE MAKE AND SELL DIRECT TO YOU. ADAMS BROS 2«WIW^lRi&Nt St. RED BANK N. : Jk-QMUIHI BE SURE! Why net play serf*... and let tomeotu th«experiment with the new, untried washers? The Bendix is the mly automatic washer which has been home-tested tad proved in more than 9 years of.trouble-free service j i ;.yet the Bendix costs $40 to $70 less than other automatics! Come see how te* Bendix washes, 1 triple-rinses and damp-drys clothes Mtomaticstty. Order yours today on our easy-pay plan. UP TO 15 MONTHS TO PAY GOOD BENDIX automatic Home Laundry,"t : COME IN FOR A free DEMONSTRATION I 46 MONMOUTH ST. PHONE RED BANK 156 BROADWAY PKONE LONG BRANCH RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER" 25, 1947 Honor Holmdel Man At Convention A resolution paying tribute to the late Theron McCampbell of Holmdel, proposed by John L. Montgomery delegate from Monmout county was adopted at the receni session of the constitutional con ventlon in New Brunswick, In an address in support of hi, resolution, Mr. Montgomery polnte out that the late Mr. McCampbe! advocated a new state constltutloi nearly 15 years ago and that man of his specific proposals aro em bodied in the new state document Mr. McCampbell died in Leonardo Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Van D Water have returned, after spending a weeks vacation with Mr. Van Be- Waters slater and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hummel of New Paltt, N. Y. They also visited while enroute, Mra.-Clinton Alverson of Poughkeepsle, N. Y who celebrated her 85th birthday Monday, September 15. MUs Jane Search 1, who has been a medical patient at Jersey City Medical center for the past two weeks, returned home Monday.. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Bryan o AebUry Park, entertained Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Vlncennzo of Red Bank Friday evening at their sum mer home here. On Saturday they.entertained for the evening, mem bers of Mr. BryanB Asbury Park Municipal concert band. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Putnam, ac oompanled by Mrs. Putnams sister, J8." John Culbert of New York, spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. John Brodaky and family o! Summit. Mr. arid Mrs. Arthur Males wor < Newark visitors Wednesday. Mrs. Estelle Smith and son Har vey, have returned to Jersey City after a two weeks vacation, which they spent at their bungalow here. Mrs. Anna Lehman of Philadelphia, Pa., has been spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. John Ben son- Mrs. Howard Worth and Mrs. Marlon Hammond will attend the Daughters of America convention as "members of Matawan chapte: Thursday, Friday and Saturdays, the Rltz-Carlton hotel, Atlantl City. Miss Emma Does of Burlington avenue, Is recovering from.a tonsil operation. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McCandlcj and son David Alan, who have been making their home here/ left recently for Indiana, where Mr. I" Candless is attending Marion college. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Patterson have returned home after a visit of a few weeks at Bast Orange, Mr. and MrB. Charles Carter p: r Mrs. A. Knight. On Saturday, th Knighta had tas guests Mr. am and on a«*^^b Sunday they ip! *ff?ift entertainei Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lease o Newark, Mrs.,..Qeofge Lewis..,,and Jfivn, Charette Horster were dlnne guests Tuesday of Mrs. Jamei Ferguson of Eatontown. Mrs, Thomas Crawford had as week-end guests Mr. and Mrs. H. Purcell of Arlington. Mrs. Crawford has sold her summer bungalow to Mr. and Mrs. Mark Crook, Sr,., of Kearny. Guests at the home of Mrs. Ros Mayer over the week-end, w$r Mrs. Emma Rodgers and daughte Marjory of Jackaon Heights, L. I. Robert Trimble of Brooklyn and Edward Mayer of Jersey City. John Francis White, Sr., and son John Francis of Bellerose, L. r.; James White of Medina, N. Y., and Thomas Ball of New York city visited over the week-end Mr. and ifrs. James White. ^"The Womans Missionary society of the church will meet this evening in the lecture room of the church. The devotions will be led by Mrs. Archie Black, and the program will be in charge of Mrs William K. Wllklns, The church school will meet Sunday p.t 9:45 a. m. The morning worship will be held at 11 oclock, when the pastor, Rev. EUwood S, Wolf, will use as his sermon topic, "The Transforming LeaMer." The Youth Fellowship will meet at 1 oclock. The evening service will be held at 8 oclock, the pastor preaching the sermon, "The Safe Turn." Mid-week prayer meeting will be held Wednesday evening, October i, at 8:15 oclock. The Ladles auxiliary ".of the Brevcnt Park and Leonardo fire company will meet next Monday evening at 8:15 oclock. The card party Tuesday evening was In charge of Mrs. Olaf Christy. Mrs. Al. Cross will be hostess TucBday evening, September 30.. Quests for, the week of Mr. apd Mrs. Joseph Wade were Mrs. Wades sister,. Mrs. Franklin Herrmann of Flatbush, and Mrs. C, Wcsftnacott of the Bronx, N. Y. Over the week-end they had as guests their daughter and son-inlaw, Mr, and Mrs. Clinton Eastman of Portland, Ore., Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hurden of Burlington avenue, are parents of son, born Monday at Rlvcrvlew hospital. Hollywood Hair Export Tells How to DARKEN GRAY 1 HAIR and look years younger! It atkaked. tru or dull amr matei jn look old. «dd natural-like oolor traduallr lull By (rooralnf your hair with Hgrbold Pom ids. Not irony but a clean italntil btlr dreulnt whlob, when applied into tilr with.flnurtlpa, maku It uin and mtajb darkem It to a with parmanent. Men. women. Itom > to wait, WU how much jounier -->.^condition and vroom your muivij (hit irott look nunnr and rour""fr li aonoimon, you lit your money l«hmllold PocnaSt ItiF SUN ROY DRUG STOMP EBLING BEER AND ALE IN BOTTLES / STEINIE QUART 10 c 25 PLUS DEPOSIT PLUS DEPOSIT THE PEOPLES LIQUOR STORE Corner Oakland St. and Shrewsbury Ave. Free Delivery. Phone Red Bank Complete Line of Domestic and Imported Been - Wines Liquors FELIX R. SANTANGELO, Prop. It Pays To Advertise In The Register COAL Fill your bins now and insiiira your winters. heat. Better be safe than sofry. HANCE & DAVIS TEL R. B. EXPERT SANITARY CESSPOOL SERVICE BUDLT HOWARD TILTON 30 Center Street Rumson, N. J. PHONE RUMSON M are just the Types to wear our Clothing Weve your size now in your favorite weave. So if youre tall, short, stout, Stocky, lean or lank, come right in and be suited to perfection. And heres good news... Weve taken 3 famous brands, Michaels - Stern, Kingsridge and Devonshire, known for their fine tailoring, quality and styling and combined them all under one price tag... representing the best possible value in mens clothing today!,, THE PRICE the Brandt : Michael-Sterns : Kingsridge ; Devonshire SHOP FRIDAY TILL 9 P/M. 181 BROADWAY LONGJJRANCH

18 1 DO YOU WANT TO LIVE LONG BE ENERGETIC, LOOK YOUNG? These are Attributes of happiness, and joy of life. Have you all these qualities? If you have not, what are you doing about it? Do not wish in vain. Get to work. Do/ something. H o w?......" ; CALL RED BANK ASK FOR MISS MARY LAWSON an experienced, scientific masseuse. CASH for lumllnre, rugs, silver,! porcsliin and art objs)g i ; For 40 years Kellski & Oabay have been holding twice-weekly auctions, that are attended by dealers from all over the country. Wti buy for cash, br tell at guaranteed appraisal prices. -: Payment! made within tendays. Sales held on premises of owner, if desired. 0 No charge made other than 20 per cent commission; plus cart* age charges to our galleries..wijte or telephone today. No obligation. KALISKI & GAB AY.Inc "New York 1! Oldest Active Auction Galleries" 8& University PI., New York, N. V. GRamercy Keep this in mind as you plan your new home! While your home is in the blueprint stage, decide where you w<jmt telephones. Living room? Dining room? Kitchen? Upstairs?, Then plan to have your builder place conduit ordinaryiron pipe within the wall during construction to conceal the telephone wires^ and carry them to the desired locations. Installing telephone conduit after the house is built is. often difficult and expensive. Our Architects and Builders Service mil be glad to without charge in planning for telephone conduit in your new home or the one you are remodelling. Just call your telcphcr;; business office. New Jersey Bell BUIIDINO A GREATER TELEPHONE SERVICE FOR A OREATER NEW JERSEY 194? Elberon Couple Win Floral Sweepstakes MonteBH Jones, Middletown, Second In Jubilee Show Held At Asbury Park There were more than 600 entries at the Golden Jubilee flower show heltf last Thursday, Friday and Saturday at Asbury Park Convention hall by the Monmouth and Elberon- Horticultural soalety, and the Monmouth County Florists association. Dahlias and gladioli took the spotlight in most of the exhibits; Turner Brothers of West»Long Branch, exhibited a formal garden, and other professional growers showed fine specimens of flowers, unusual floral arrangements and cprsages, - - In the. dahlia classes, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Helbig of Elberon exhibited the outstanding dahlia, tha Kelvin, a ten-inch single.blossom, rose-pink In color. Mrs. Frederick Housman of Elberon, whoso gardener Is" Charles Sickle?, took second place with Five Star General, a huge variegated orchid and white dahlia. Another exhibitor In the dahlia class was Mrs. William Barry of Holly Tree farm; Little Silver. Her dahlias were grown by the estate superintendent, Joseph Marielli.. I*>uis -B-. Tim of Long Branch, professional grower, also was a big exhibitor In the dahlia class... Mr. and Mrs. Helbig won the sweepstakes award for the molt prizes, by one point, over the exhibits shown by Monte B. Jones of Country Club estates, Middletown township. Winners In the vegetable class were Mrs. H. I. Riker of Rumson -and. Mrs. A. F. Lichtenstein of Middletown township. Charles Rice Is gardener for Mrs. Riker, and Frank -.Edlngton for Mrs. Llchtensteln. Winners in the unusual arrangement classes included Mrs. Earl Benton of. Holmdel, a cjnember of Garden club RFD; Mrs. Bernard Splwak, Rumson; Mlllbrook greenhouses, New Monmouth; Mrs. Paul Baerwald, Elberon, and Mrs. Selma Badenhop, Elberon. In the class for the arrangement of garden flowers, Mrs. Riker received first prize and the Mary Owein Borden trophy. "Also in the arrangement class, Mrs. Benton was first Jn.the class for the Pepsi-Cola company trophy. Julius Gilly of Elberon was second, and Mrs. Baerwald, third. Mrs. Frederick W. Noble of Holmdel, a member of Garden Club RFD, was first in the arrangement cm 8 tor farder^ club members. MrSi-J. Ti Cross of Holmdel, also a member of Garden Club RFD, won first prize in the class Jn a SRouliih skrlek or^waa15^--_- represent the title of a book. Miss The wind seeks Its. appeasement Anna Cross 6f HolmSe!, another Against everything to bend and break, member of Garden Club RFD, won How strange nature in retrospection first -prize in the.miniature arrange; Cannot.giva.<ltaeU protection - ment class, and Mrs. William. Florence also a member of the Holm- Build Into, this thing of slaughter From a product of Its own environment; Wind and sun* moon.and water del club, won first prize for the That must blow- itself into retirement. class calling for an arrangement OHARLOTTB B." CONOVER, of flowers In an urn. /.. Everett Other winners "In the class for Garden club members were Misses Frances and Josephine Wlnans, Mrs. J. Lyle Klnmouth and Mrs. R. R. Strunk, Asbury Park Womans club, and Mrs. Fred Smith, Jr;, Mrs. Cooper Schuyler and Mrs. William H. Crawford, Jersey Shore Womans club. Judge Abram I. Elkus of Elkridge, Harding road, Red Bank, was a winner in a special class for gallardla and gladioli. Mrs. Alfrod Griffiths is superintendent of his estate. Walter H. Norman of the Kean estate at Deal, besides exhibiting In flower and vegetable specimen classes as a special entry, also showed a bunch of large grapes... "" LAVOEE GETS PATENT Stephen D. Lavoie of Little Silver has been granted a. United States patent for his design of a combined radio tube socketand bypass condenser unit for which commercial rights have been assigned to the General Railway Signal company of Rochester. Lavolei patent, which has been pending since July, 1944, was approved- In six claims of originality and Improvements, Enlist Graduates For Specific Schools The United States Army and Air force recruiting service announces that authority has been granted to enlist high school graduates foe attendance, at specific army schools, other than air force schools. This program assures a high school graduate the opportunity to attend a specificarmy school upon completion of basic training. The applicant will be assured of -his school before enlisting. \ To be eligible for enlistment under this program the applicant must enlist In the Regular Army unasalgned for not less than a three-year period; he must be a high school graduate or possess a state certificate, attesting to the fact that he has the equivalent of a high school education; he must be otherwise. eligible and qualified for enlistment under current regulations and he must obtain a recommendation from a reputable citizen attesting to his good reputation and character. This recommendation must, be contained. on application,blank (WD AGO Form 161), which is available at recruit- Ing stations. The applicant must not be eligible to enlist in the Regular Army in a grade higher than six under any other regulations currently In effect. Some of the school fields which are available are mechanical, construction, crafts, electrical and radio; scientific, medical and technical; clerical, computational and machine shop. THE HURRICANE Tha wind blows from tha Bast, Like an ominous besst. Train whistles sound wild and melancholy. Humidity Is up, And tonight ere we sup, The rain will b«beating- a voller. Storm warnings are ranting, The radio Is ranting At eaoh creeping* twist of the wind, The clouds prance and frolic a Into a hysterical colic, - Far th«weather Intends to ba unjilnd. The trees band In compliance. The leaves reel in a wild dance, And.ib* rabbits scurrr to a hole; The birds flutter to leeward, The nulls Or In from seaward,. Aa the atmosphere dons its avll role. The fisherman comes to haven On the wake of a waves laven; The aviator seeks the firmer ground. - The farmer garners his cattle ; t eunlviraf_ln h l l brbattlb l, -,.. k. a Valkyrie- out of bound. The gate swings into- momentum.with gusts of hypertension, Prisoners Rejoice As Cook Is Sentenced There was rejoicing in the county jail Tuesday. Acting Red Bank Recorder Harry Klatsky dished out a 90-day sentence to Raymond Walsh, 44, of 53 Linden place/ for drunk and disorderly conduct. Walsh Is an expert at filling dishes with the food you taste. By profession a cook, Walsh, during previous incarcerations, has asked nothing better than to be permitted to display his culinary accomplishments. In consequence he Is a great favorite with his fellow prisoners. There was only one hitch In the sentence. If Walsh had been sent. up. for 94 days he. would have been able to cook Christmas dinner for his fellow lawbreakers;.wlllllam Coyne, 47, who. gave no address, also received a 90-day sentence Tuesday for drunk and disorderly conduct. TOPCOATS TAILORED TO MEASURE ONLY. ALL 100% VIRGIN WOOL. 50 PATTERNS TO CHOOSE FROM TWEEDS " HEATHERS GABARDINES CHEVIOTS COVERTS ALL ONE PRICE YOU NAME THE CLOTH WEVE GOT IT! MAIN STREET ON YOUR IN BOTTIES AND AT FOUNTAINS Pep»l<!ola Company, Lone Island Cltv. N. Y. Franchlsed Bottler: Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. of Asburv Park. TEC EA At THE MONUMENT Meat (AND OTHER FOOD ITEMS TOO) OCEANPORT Buy At Wholesale Prices See the ffrj/rtf/vew CMC Postwar Cab Theres no truck cab on the road that can surpass a new light-medium duty QMC in advanced features. See whats been done to add to the comfort of truck riding. Look whats been done to take the work out of truck driving. Theres more roomi-. ness than drivers have ever Uhown before. The fresh.air ventilation system is the equal of that in the finest passenger cars. These new light and medium duty GMCs give you much more for your rnoney in comfort and convenience. And they give you more in good safety... in dependable rugged construction and extra value all the way through t JHI TRUCK Of VMUll TBUC** loasolini DIUIL H. L ZOBEL CO JOE LEVY - PHONK AftllURY PARK OMCi nsw cabs clrculol* fresh air by a revolutionary vsnlllollnq syiunv Forctd air hsallng Is also available; New OMCsrIIUs Incorporate a protecting barol heavy bumptr Hock al lop and swes, rams mounting adds Hrength. Are Your RUGS SOILED or CALL LEONS for RUG Cleaning & Dysing Phone R. B LEONS White Street. Red Bank Vaults on Premise* - i Store It In One Of Our Refrigerated Lockers. Use It As You Need It! WE SELL ONLY THE HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS AT THE LOWEST COST TO YOU! COLD STORAGE & LOCKER CO. INC 15 HERBERT ST., JUST OFF BRIDGE AVE., RED BANK, N. J. TEL. RED BANK (JUST» BLOCKS SOUTH OF THE BAH,HOAD STATION) OPEN DAILY 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. INCLUDING SATURDAYS (CLOSED WEDNESDAY ASTEIINOONB)... I

19 ID BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 25, 1947 Bank fluto Glass Co. 21 MAPLE AVE. tt. Maple Ave. * White 8t WINDSHIELD GLASS DESKTOPS DOOR GLASS BOAT*GLASSj TABLE TOPS talled. While You Wait ed Bank Auto Glass Co. 21 MAPLE AVE., {TEL. R. B J. INV NEVER SPECT CAUSE BACKACHES U4 Old d Treatment Often tea Bring* igs Happy Relief v wff«i*i» mi nlict* XIICT. sanlng tiebuet tsd " U»ydiji:OTOiti>»ttlieMal< r dutitth««le»u»«. lemur be tired Mdnera. m > i ate NatOroB chief wayoftafc. elpmortj*oplopas»abootsplntsad«r. in disorder of kidney*auction sennits ou» matter to wm«in In your raw najwini backache, rheumatic- Ina, ibu of pen and enemy, seu [wcllifisr* puffincsd under u s pftskwctf with SoosUrttnff nod bumlm Imei ihow* there la aomotuns wrong rouxkldi}ey,a or bladder, v, twaitl A»k your droeglst for Doana» atlmnlant diuretic; saeit aacceaafchy Ulona for orer ED years. Doano tar* 1 nllefj and will help the IS mltea of "Dutch Boy" topping Out with, sbibn Keep Your Home Bright ft Boy" takes a step In bright direction,,, with olots and white, its blended r-ctfy the right ingredients to go&t of lasting beauty on your W to Protect Beauty 3 Ways "tr "Dutch Boy" Paint is for three purposes. Each has a special job. I Blended lay«w/ufe. 2 Bfended Tints ftfii. 3-Blended Trim Colors rttfm. icte today to ask us about the 3utc5j Boy" Blended Faint. ARINS AINT AND ALL PAPER Monmouth; Street. "PHONE ;. ED BANK Raritan Legion Installs Officers Benedict Mione wai lntulltd. u commander of Harltan Port 28, American" Legion, at: ceremonies conducted Thuriday evening at Rolloj hall, Keyport TbelnaUllatlon/ vfcm conducted by County Commander John E. Feldman, Ocean Grove; asaiitel by Oounty Cpmmsnder^elsot Mortimer Van- Sauter, Fair H»ven; PastOounty Commanded Frederick V. Kruier dud Arthur MoFarland and County Chaplain Davld 3 Beaman, Other officers lnitallei}/ wer«james C. pay, WUUam Conklln and,john McLepd, vice ooinmand?rs; Miss Francfe Cannlnsaro, adjutant; Edwin F. OKanlon, finance officers; David Beaman, chaplain; Arthur MoFarland, service ofljeer; Joseph Kimble, historian, and Anthony Biodato, sergeant-at-ann«. ComToander Mlofas announced that construction, on th«new legion hall, to be located at the present site, will begin In IMS. Raritan unit, American Legion auxiliary, presented: the Post with 1380 for the building fund. PALMI8T FINED J5 Charged with house-to-house soliclttag for.palm reading, in violation of a borough ordinance, Mrs. Coney Steven*, 35, Wilmington, Bel., was fined $25 Saturday by Recorder John. V. Crowell. She was arrested: -by Patrolman Irving Krahowltch... Holmdel The Lactlei Aid society of the Federated church held its first (all meeting September 16 at Fellowship hall. Mrs. William Pitcher presided, PJarj were made for a card party Wednesday afternoon, October 29, at Tellowihtp hall. A food sale will be Included. The card party committee is Mrs. Douglas Fromm, Mrs. Robert Bex, Mrs. Theodoj-e Fromm, Mrs. Harold Holmes, Mrs. Bernard Goldsmith, Mrs. William Pitcher and Mrs. Fred Noble. The food tale committee is Mrs. Daniel Ely, Mrs. J.jJ. Holmes and Mrs. Joseph Kinhafer. Other members present besides the above mentioned were Mis* Lola BousentJerry, Mrs. Chriney Holmes, Mrs, Joseph Phillips, Mrs. WUlard White, Mrs. George Bchanck, Mro. Taylor Hance, Mrs. John. Mount,. Mrs. Charles Sly, Mrs. Wilson Conover, Mrs. Fred Harrison and Mm. John Jeffrey. Hostesses were lira, Charles Ely, Mrs. Harold Holmes andmrs. Fred Noble. Hostesses for OcWber are^mrs. Willard White 1, -Mrs. George Schanck and -Mrs. John Mount.., Ralph Morgan is a* new Uaeher In Sunday-school. He teaches boys, clasi. v Morton : Allen is a surgical patient at Rivervlew hospital. James Eelman, student minister of^ths New-BrHnswJsh, preached Sundays service at D aj)tl«t church. ;. / The tev^n superior selections ratlve J plan,.by the r.( Will be awarded October 37 at the headquarters on Pearl street, Red Bank. Previously the drawing bad been announced as September 1. Mr,, and Mr* Fred Harrison and children, Fred and Charles, and MM. Charles Phillips attended the Trenton fair Sunday. : Joseph Peseux entertained the plumbers and ^masons on completion of the McGregor bungalow in Holmdel Heights Saturday afternoon, with a clambake. Those present were George SchanQk, Fred Harrison, Kenneth and Carl Wilson, Harry Peseinc, Jr, and Harry B r o w n e..^.-.,.-.;. -. : Mrs. Bobert Voorhees-. Jr.; and daughter of Morrlstown vlelted Mr, and Mrs. Bo*ert Voorhees, Sr., during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Borden are. parents of a son born Friday at Monmouth Memorial hospital. Everett v Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hlckey were Fat Hickey of Bedfqrd Hills, N. 7., and James Hlclcey of Freehold.. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Nelxon and William Koetler and sons, Karl and William of Hasbrouck Heights, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Karl R. Berndt." Mrs. Joseph Morris won a Phllco refrigerator awarded recently by the Children of Mary sodality of St. Anthonys church. [JOU waht to bny a notne, the beov*pee<)leet way to dd U ouch a/red Bank Snvlng«,& Loan Hortface. Our plan I to tack of red tape. Is at your service when you need It. This il, streamlined Mortraee make* home ownership, easier Ivery way possible. Come to. this nolfhborfy org-anliation for jjlendly chat. Wo are at your service., " / < C\ed COanh. - SAVINGS -LOAN ASSN. ASPIRIN TABLETS (5 gr.) Reg, 25c OF HYDROGEN u.s.p. Reg. I9c PECIAtS for for GAUZEBANDAGE Reg.J5c 2xlOyds. CUTICURA OINTMENT jscsae 19c BELL-ANS DIGESTIVE TABLETS. 73 csize 100> 49c DOANS PILLS s«Six.-4:** 47c BARBASOL O«Size Tube or Jar 27c WOODBURYCOCOANUT CASTILE SHAMPOO.. SOcSize 23c TWO 7? Speaafs TINCTURE OF lodihi^ic^c, 7 e SPECIAL VALUES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSE. OF BUSINESS, SATURDAY L SUPPOSITORIES U.S.P. (ADULTS) M2 f "16 c MINERAL OIL U.S.P. Reg.39c WITCH HAZa N.F. Reg. 29c ALCOHOL (RUBBING) I Pt. I8 C MOUTH WASH % popular types red (astringent)... or amber^ (antlteptic) solution. Reg.a9ceach ^^j#k SPECIAL If^C PINT..f CLIP THESE BARBARA LANE CASTILE SHAMPOO 8-Oz. Bottle.; M BRIlPOIIITPEh Two pent In one! Writes red or blue. A fin* ptn value. Wriles for yeoril... QHLY HOODED PEN Comparable fo much more expensive pent. Service" guaranteed for 50-yean! pmvinc A very low price for Iheie high quality cards. np/>.^ Reg. 49c.. DECK < METAL RACK for PAPER TOWELS IKS Sturdy merely rack Jn I red or blue. Reg. 15c Coupon^ PAPER TOWELS Fine - quality, extra - absorbent paper towels. Real work-savers! Get yours, at this extra-low price. lu M/fc CLJECT SKOAL m MPflPFR TOILIT MOTHiAUS ^ AXPAPER TISSUE orfukes WHISKBROOI Comti in a culling mil In o cutlina-» SSF ^Sf sssi run edge box. Serves Reg.lSC. Ecenomicoll Sure pro* many purposes. k tf^a leg. J?< ~ 125-ft, Roll SPICIAL 1.00 FAMILY COMB SET! PENCIL SHARPENER RlGISTEIUmmi ] Bitbtf, dressing, loll wmbs.--. A - iwcmt.set On Sturdily built of aluminum, A schoolllmt /"must.", Jptelo/ryWc.if.R.g.d, clon oflalnsl molhs.»w Keg, I3c, Roll... # LARGE ^ f 3 for 25< 10 QZ. «s^sv% (Limit 3 Rollij BOX. CARBONA CLEANING FLUID is< C*N DISJjNFECTANT... -ji«palmolive 1IFEBU0Y. SUPER SUDS (VEL (COLGATES) (that) (limit 6) 8«(w 29* (Uffl)r3)28 c E5..-1 f E RESERVE THE RIGHT TO QUANTITIES i«nail CLIP S!Zt**Z %* for pock,, or pur,.. Ixeptlonal Valnt So I DRUG c j Made by "THERMOS" Ingraham. «h «ot UIHTIH Wrist-filling case... non-breakable crystal. Two-Face HIIRROR One side is magnifying-* the other Is plain. Ideal for shaving or makeup I Reg. 99c Ladies IMIBREIIHS Ten-rib, rayon covered. Manyideslgnsand colors. Sturdy Value 2,77 STORES CORNER BROAD & WHITE STS * l " lce5

20 Surf. Field And Stream ~ Timely Note* On the Great Outdoor* BY 8TJKW VAN VUEX There is an bid song which runs: ; "One day its milk and honey and the next day you havent gotany money,easy come and easy go,, every gambling man must I know." By changing a few words toapply, to a fisherman you have about hit the nail on the head when It conies to predicting the habits of flab. "One day you are slaughtering the finners and the next day you cant flnd the sinners. Easy, come and. easy go, every fisherman must know." So It is with our finny tribe during the past week. One day the blues were striking all over the (MAKE > RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER The new regulations provide that SIDELIGHTS the dally 1 bag limit li four ducks a boat got into them and made a Resplendent in their ntw green map and the following day there and possession limit, two days bag. killing- with plugs. and gold uniforms the school band, V/asnt a flsh in sight. As an old-thtime fisherman said after trolling ers if 25 In the aggregate, no pos- where a few were caught, but it is In that contest the Caseys drew show before the game and at hjtlf- dally bag limit for Mergans- Bass. showed at Sandy Hook, the game. not yet a year old, *put on a fine all day which netted us exactly one session Umty. Four geese may be the same story -most of them were first - blood midway through the time Intermission. Interesting and small, blueflsh, "never get discouraged; you might hit them at than one Canada or one Hutchlhs " One of these mornings or, even- left halfback, broke over from the eye and the "R," were run off with taken. daily, including not more out of range. second period when Jack Keelan, intricate designs, 1 such as the buils- any minute and make up for weeks of one cackling-, with the possession one days bag, The daily bag ings But let us not go Into two-yard line, culminating a drive remarkable ipreclslon. of effort." For four days running, blues did limit for coot, now more popularly that again. Just let us say, bewhich started on the Alumni 38. The Caseys had a touchdown everything but jump in the boat. known as Whltebills, and used as there when they are there. Keelan snared Jack Maloneys called back on the fifth play. Jack pass on the line of scrimmage and Coughljn, left end, broke through to Trollers at the Shrewsbury Rocks a good "food" duck, is 25 and the bulled his way- to the 27. After a block Travis kick. The hall re returned with heavy catches with possession limit is one days bag. flsb weighing up to six pounds.. On ConnorrWeinstein yard gain by Larry DeVito, substituting for Keelan,Nate Hess- cross bar on the goal posts and re- bounded into the end zone, hit the The regulations also provide that the next day there wasnt a blueflsh to hi had. Just what effect the birds, except woodcock, is from 12 Are Old Orchard to tho 13. A.penalty nullified the for the apparent score. However, tho time of hunting migratory leln speedy fullback, went off-tackle turned to Keelan, who fell on it recent blow will have on blueflshing is hard to predict. It hardly thv opening day and thereafter Alumni 31. On two plays Hesaleln Msgr. Joseph T. Casey, pastor o; Soon to one hour before sunset on play and placed; the ball on thea penalty called.this play back. seems probable that they will pull fronf sunrise to one hour before Lady Finalists moved to the 16, After Keelan and St. James church, was present with up stakes and head South, because sunset.. they have a lot of fat to accumulate before hitting the long trail. Bob Black, right halfback, had each his movie camera, taking pictures A federal stamp is required for. * picked up a yard, Hessleln moved which will be used to correct the all duck hunters over 16 years of Besides It is the first time this season that live bait has arrived in Bowman-Rudnick Meet over In two plays. The attempt for to the seven, Keelan then went faults of some of the players. age. The taking of waterfowl by means of bait, live duck or goose, any quantities. The run should last the extra point was nullified by a The Caseys appeared with new decoys Is prohibited. It is also unlawful to use any gun except shot- helmets and shoulders. The Until the middle of October, In- For Second Flight; back.icld In motion penalty. green jerseys with gold numbers, gold creasing in numbers as the schools gun, not larger than ten-gauge and of northern flsh stop off to pay us holding not more than two shells. a visit. " The woodcock season opens In Tho fall run of mullet is on innew Jersey from October 20 to NOT earnest, with miles and miles of vember 3. A special state license is this choice, silvery little "bait flsh required for woodcock. The- daily swimming outside the breakers. bag limit is four woodcock and the Striped bass are on their tails, and possession limit Is two days bag. can be seen swirling and sloshing The season is opened each day one the water with their strong tails. hour before sunrise to sunset, including opening day. Sunday we gave the surf a whirl at Sandy Hook fishing grounds.- As. evening came the bass showed. It The Downfall of the Mighty was a beautiful sight but exaaperat- For generations the blueflsh has - ing as they persisted In remaining been considered by epicures as the beyond casting distance. Due to the, high seas the ocean was very. muddy, which made it nearly im-. ; possible for a ash to see a lure. A Iargs body of bass showed at Monmouth Beach, which is always a good spot at this season. As soon as the weather clears up, surf anglers should be able to make iiitofilovofiu^p ly when the great schools of stripers which have spent the summer In New England waters arrive on their annual migration. Again we v splendid sport with the king p( the surf, and it should continue until the flrst of Kovember. Big tuna overshadowed most other flsh caught during August, and submitted to \ the.governors Fishing tournament. There have been some.excellent catches of kingfish, croakerj and fluke Jn ithe gait water division but they are competing with the big blues, one of which set a record for tuna caught ob the New Jersey coast. In the Bait water division Warren Cope of Bethlehem, Pa., landed a 658-pound tuna August 13. He Was fishing at the Mud Hole from Capt Bob Stuatts "Sea Breeze" put of Bilelle. The party was chumming, and Mr. Cope landed the big flsh after a 45-minute play on a 39- thread line, 12-0 reel and tycoon tuna tip. :.. The catch surpasses the largest previous tuna officially recognized and taken off the New Jersey coast. This was a 690-pounder taken In A 709-pound.tuna was taken in 1934, but was weighed In at Cedarhurst, L. 1. A 710-pounder was landed In 1936 but the flsh was disqualified from official consideration because four persons took turns at handling the rod. Peter Meyer of Elberon set some sort of a record for juveniles during August when he landed tuna of 159 and 22* pounds, respectively. Peter is 12 years old and weighs 95 pounds.. In- the freoh water division the outstanding catch. reported to the tournament for August was a six and one-quarter pound large-mouth bass taken in Mary Elmer lake, Brldgeton, August 1, by Frank Mead of Bridgeton. The flsh measured 2ZM, inches In length, and 15 inches in girth. Mr. Mead used a klngflsh rod, nine-thread Ashaway line and River Runt plug. The annual fall coon hound field trial will be held Sunday, September 8, by the Monmouth County Coon Hunters association on the Warren Brown property, IVt miles south of South Amboy on Highway 9-*, South Amboy-Freehold highway. Same grounds used the past few years. Follow the arrows. This will be the last coon honnd fieldtrial until next May. Money obtained from these trials Is used for restocking raccoon in the various section of Monmouth and Middlesex counties, This year the State Flsh and Game commission haj furalihed the association with wild trapped raccoon and they ljave been distributed and released by the association. Any one seeing a reccoon In his wanderings around a farm yard or crossing a highway, please do not try and catch or kill him, as he is a protected game animal at all times, and If some 6ne does catch one, contact your local game warden or any member of the asjoclatlon and he will romoyerthe raccoon to another section. Tho raccoon is protected In tho day. time during - gunning season and it is unlawful to shoot into a squirrels nest, which om«racoon occupy during the day*. Raccoon are to bo hunted with dogs only,between (unset and sunrise, oxcopt during the deer season, and the «ame law* and libel to th«and Gams Commission. " OBarl 0. aiultf, Sicrttary Under regulations issued by the United States Flsh and Wildlife Service, New Jerseys waterfowl season this year will extend from November 18 to December IT, the State Flsh and Game Council of the State Department of Conservation announced today. The season will be open for ducks, Mergansers, American and Redbreasted; geese and coot (Crow Duck). There is no open season on Wilson snipe, jacksntpe, swan, brant, wood duck, snow or Ross goose. his 15 to the.29, the graduates" in which Red Bankers Mrs. J. Joseph Connor and Mrs. Cal Weln- netted them the remaining 71 yards opened Up a passing attack that fltein meet. Mias Rita Bowman will in four plays, meet Mrs. Doris Eudnlck for the Travis threw strike to Jake second flight title., Jeffries, halfback, who moved to McCua R E Mota] Mrs. Weinstein reached the finals his own 41. Then they reversed the Marks. QB. J. Malo Trnv4s LH Kc< by defeating Mrs. Alice Halper, and procedure, Jeffries throwing to Jeffries KH Bl Mrs. Connor by defeating Dolly Travis who grabbed the pigskin on Phalr FB Hea> Bradley. Miss Bowman defeated the high schoolers 37 and ran to Touchdowns Alumni, Flnnegtn (pan Miss Mary Johnson and Mrs. Rudnlck defeated Miss Dorothy Stokey. grounded, but on the next attempt Substitute! Alumni, linemen, DAn- the 25. Following 1 from Travlfi). JeftrlcB (pass from-tr ; this a pass was!s): Caseya, Keelan. finest flsh flesh that swims in the Also slated for the laaies iiext Travis tossed to John Finneffan, thonjr, Kelly, ntrmlrigham. Kohl. Ksufmnnn: bnckfleld, Flnnesran, Bogendorf, Seven Seas. A baked five-pound week will be the Mrs. Joe Buck trophy tournament. Gulre, McFetly, < Dembrdekl, Foster, who eluded the Casey secondaries, Casoys- Linemen, Welch. Carroll, Mrblueflsh, with baked sweet potatoes and corn on the cob was something In the mens championship, the to write home, about. That was un-quartetil the "chicken of the sea," theweeks results found Tony Savage finals will be played. Last lowly swellflsh, or blowflsb, stole defeating George Hickey, three and its thunder. two; Dr, David Miller defeating For years this insignificant little Frank Pedersen by default; Fred!pult I balt.waidgnot*4;b.y^thc;eaubk Mctrimail^eJeatlngiJules-Hubejj- public and discarded by fishernen one up.on 19 holes; Art Turner de- Cal Weinstein, two up; as "trash fish." Then it was dis-featincovered that by skinning and cut-rubting out the strips of white meat by default, and Tom Stoble defeat- Pingltore defeating Joe Coles ing Mike Strollo, three and two. flesh was "as lender as frofrsusfl In TlTTKTfTEr and tastes like fried chicken. feated Schultz, one up; Sol Wenger A publicity campaign was carried defeated A. Huber by default; Ted on under the name of "Chicken of Mirabella defeated Joe Coles, one the Sea." The.public fell for it inup; George Penterman defeated a big way, until today blowflsh are selling in the markets at a higher price than blueflsh. In the Septem- nick, one up. ber 11 issue of the Fish and Wildlife market report, blowflsh are quoted at 35 cents a pound, bluefish 30 cents a pound. Tuesday morning,, following the southeast duster 1, should have been tops for the surf fishermen. The weathet turrted cold during the night and the sea calmed down, and mullet were plentiful. Bass should have been showing all along the coast.. We had our alarm clock set.for 5 a. m. but upon awakening to flnd the temperature in the low 40s we decided to let the other fellows catch them, We have since con, tacted a. number of fishermen with varying reports. Maury Walsh of J. H. Kelly & Co., Red Bank, hit Monmouth Beach at daybreak, and reports that not a flsh showed all morning. Stanley Cranmer, Sr., of Cranmers tackle shop at Long, tells us that a big school broke around the jetties opposite the shop. However, before he was able to get to the jetty they had moved out bpyond casting distance, where Men Reach Quarter The first week or play for the championship of Old Orchard Country club has ended. Slated for this week-end, will be the ladles.finals, Jules Huber, by default, and Joe Obldberg defeated Dr, Macy Rud- CaseysTo Play Piners Saturday;L6&fy Alumni Wins, 12-6, On Passes Jeffries, Finnegan, Keelan Score Red Bank Catholic high school football squad will travel to Lakewood Saturday to engage thepiner eleven. Although the Caseys suffered a disappointing, opener last Saturday when their alumni handed them a 12 to 6 defeat, the squad has been propping assiduously the past few days, determined to avenge the 21 to 0 defeat handed them last year by Coach RUBS Wrights eleven. One of the items receiving high priority on Coach Kretowlczs program is a pass defense, The teams inability tq cope with the alumnis superb pasting attack cost them The high school grldsters had little chance to enjoy their lead, for after Gerry Travis, Alumni halfback, returned Blacks klckoff from plucked the ball from the air,on the 15 and romped the remaining yardage unmolested. Early In the third period the Caseys moved to the 17, largely through the great running of Keelan and Hessleln. Hessleln handed.the.ban.tajjfivlto.on a reverse, but ffisilttetioirtke^iraisdjiffi-mb?? loney, Alumnis left guard, pounced on it at the 25, thus ending the Casey.threat.. -. Late in the third period, Finneand moved from the Alumnis 88 to the Green and Gold 49. Jeffries then flipped to Travis, advancing the ball. to the,30, as the quarter ended. Here, onceoagain, the two halfbacks reversed themselves and Travis hit Jeffries on the six with a, perfect toss, tho latter going over for the deciding marker. A pass attempt, for the extra point failed.., Last Casey hope faded when Finnegan intercepted a pass by Bob Black, setting the stage for a 60- yard march to the Green and Golds five, at which point the school team held. The last play of the game found the Caseys fumbling on their own 27, the Alumni recovering. jerseys with green numbers used by the Alumni were the same the varsity wore last season. ALUMNI. CASE Hanlsoh LE Coug Hennessey, Bahr, Madura; backfleld, De- Vlto. / ^. WANTS HOOF GAMES Ken Smith of the.fort Monmouth Athletlc office desires to obtain bookings for the post basketball contact him either by telephone of mall. The outfielders and the shortstops on the American Legion basc- aliens" the others a rosiuffl bault brothers. Larry, forward of the Pittsburgh Hornets of the American Hockey League, Is the catcher and h!s\ brothers take care of the pitching, flrst, -second and third. BOYS:,/. KISLINS IS READY TO OUTFIT YOUR TEAM FOR FOOTBALL PANTS - - FOOTBALL JERSEYS - FOOTBALL HELMETS SHOULDER PADS FOOTBALLS - «$2.98 $2.50 $2.98 $2.98 $1.98 WE HAVE JERSEYS IN SEVERAL BRIGHT COLOR.COMBINATIONS ALREADY NUMBERED ON FRONT AND BACK, AT NO EXTRA COST TO YOU. MAROON AND WHITE, GREEN AND GOLD, BLACK AND ORANGE, PURPLE AND WHITE. KISLINS v V> 9/(Witssoeasyfobuy TROMMERS Mttelahef 1>$ottfp! W / «* rt^e el JROJ»,.,..,.,, JOS. PINGITORE, INC LONG BRANCH, NEW JERSEY TELEPHONE 6 DIM CONSERVE YOUR CASH! Maybe you do not find it con* wr._ vehient to use your cash for the -, jurchase of your auto needs. Dont do without rj themtr. use PEP BOYS SIMPLIFIED PAYMENT J /PLAN." Buy todayu Comfortable payments may be arranged. Stop in and establish your credit at- Pep Boys. : ;. :- -- : -." - Ul USE OUR SIMPLIFIED CREDIT PLAN TO BUY, With an 18 MONTH GUARANTEE! Rugged as an Elephant...and Easy-Riding,too! I r Cornell tiro now contains more nataibber. aelenulieally placed for max!- >, J ml rubber, mumwear, and l«(old with the itnrikett If written tire guirantee In America, Avail. - able with btaok or white «ldew«lli,j, Eaiy,.. etedlt tarmt.f Mi1l \ [ x19;..<.. v 15.25x5.50x19... $ x16 1 IcORNELL WHITE SIDE 6.00x16 ^ x x15 Wgtyin Use PEP KO V S CREDI PLAN to buy K 101AUTO, HOME and PORTABLE RADIOS ", jseat COVERS CADET BATTERIES V*- 5 v AND AH YOUR 01HER CAR NEEDS WALL Tim 7.00x161 v.-:.1-.- ADD FEOERAl TAX" ^ TIREPRH IN mb BANK Lijf:*Vm 42 WEST FRONT ST. fell " Open FridayEve*.»... / -.

21 SAGCOS MENS AND BOYS PANTS SHOP 20 W. Front Street Reel Bank We have a complete line of Mens and Boys"Trousers at very reasonable prices. Large stock to select from. ALTERATIONS FBEE. FOR QUALITY AT LOW PRICES...TRY SACCOS Low-Moore Nuptials RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 25, 1947, LUM SAYS: "HOW OFTEN DOES HE * CALL?" 1 Youll gat more heat and comfort from your fuel tupply it your attic i* insulated with our Top Grade Intulating Materials. The impending fuel shortages may limit your supplies this year anyway so help it go further by Insulating your attic NOW. Come to the Hagerman Lumber Co. and let us show you how to get more year round comfort from your house. Hagerman Lumber Co. LUMBER, MILLWORK, PAINTS. HARDWARE, AND MASON MATERIALS. 59 Chestnut St. Red Bank , \ Page Nine PRIVATE PIANO INSTRUCTIONS POPULAR MUSIC. For Bctlnner* and Advanced Students. Ate 10 to 70. Modern methods In a modern dual piano studio. For Information and choice of time, phone now. HOWARD ISAAC 8 Broad St., Red Bank PIANO STUDIO Phone R. B B No Answer. Sea Bright 2-bllfr-M Proctor Pop-Up Toasters...: Proctor Lightweight Irons Portable Sound System For Hire u KERR & CO. RADIO SALES AND SERVICE 18 WEST RIVER ROAD BUMSON Public Sale FINE SHOE9 SINCE y Broad St. Tel Red Bank leres Real (Offer Expires Oct. 19th) MADE-TO-ORDER Venetian Blinds!" Reg. Price $6.50 CHOICE OF COLOR, GALVANIZED, BONDERIZED STEEL FREE MEASURING SERVICE! FREE INSTALLATION EASY WORKING HARDWARE BAKED ENAMEL SLATS KIM* Re-Paint & Re-Cord Dept. *«) rn* P «a<ju <ro prove that our factory * sf.uw \f does better work, we offer m pedal price durlnc our lale. ^ ORRIS BECKER & SON ^aints - Hardware - Housewares 1197 Shrewsbury Ave., corher Catherine St. "A RED BANK 1IIONE 0-WflS 8TOUE IIOVIIS: 8-7 P. M. Open Friday 1 and Snttirduy Evening! Tin 8. lor avernt/o window of. 10 «a. ft,. MR. AND MRS. DONALD MOORE and elbow length sleeves. She had a matching tulle cap, trimmed with a. short veil and clusters of lilies of the valley. Her bouquet was Talisman, roses and blue delphiniums, Sea Bright The Ladies auxiliary of the Sea Bright fire department will hold its annual banquet at Star Dust Inn, Red Bank, on a date In October to be decided on at a special meeting. The refreshment committee for last weeks meeting comprised Mrs. Selraa Swenson, Mrs. Stephanie Swenson and Mrs. Inez Sutter and the committee appointed for the November session includes Mrs. Oenevieve Tilton, Mrs. Couise Truax and Mrs. Emily Wagner. Attending the September meeting, in addition to those mentioned were Mrs. Sarah Layton, Mrs. Helen Layton, Mrs. Violet Johnson, Misses Louise Douglas and Mae Welch, Mrs. Elizabeth Peterson, Mrs. Nellle"Carlock, Mrs. Olive JKazola, Mrs. Grace Perotti, Mrs. Loulee Fowler, Mrs. Jennie Altroan, Mrs, Lillian Young, Mrs. Martha Ellenberger, Mrs. Marie Brown, Mrs. Viola Fichter, Mrs. Vivian Covert, Mrs. Mary Douglas, Mrs. Clara Slocum, Mrs. Adeline Covert, Mrs. Minerva Doyle, Mrs. Isobel Cllne, Mrs. Alice Weir, MM. Mildred Kanehl, Mrs. Charlotte Robinson, Mrs. Bessie Layton, Mrs. Ella Smack, Mrs. Leila Reed, Mrs. Viola Neeley and Mrs. Dorothy Early. At the Red Bank Methodist church Sunday afternoon, Mies Carol Jean Low, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Low of Keansburg, became the bride o( Donald Wlllard Moore, son ol Mr. and Mrs. Percy Moore of West Front street. The ceremony was performed by the pastor, Rev. Roger J. Squire, Benjamin. Manning wag organist and Frank Grenger of Keansburg Was ffololst. The church altar was decorated with gladioli and fernb, and pews on the middle aisle of the Church were marked with white ribbons and cluster bouquets of White roses. Th«brtdo was given In marriage, by her father. Miss Lola Low of Keansburg, the brides sister, was maid of honor, and the other attendants were Miss Jessie Chase of ftskskill, N. Y., the brides cousin; Miss Marilyn Fox, Yonkers, & cousin of the bridegroom, and Mrs. Vernon Paulson, Red Bank, the bridegrooms sister, the former Vivian Moore. The brides gown was made of frosted organza, designed with a sweetheart neckline, edged in small ruffles, and a long skirt. Her veil covered the train of the gown and was attached to a pointed crowrr cap of-sedirpearts.thobriae carried a white aatln and tulle muff, covered with white- roses, lilies of the valley and ribbon streamers..the maid of honor was dressed in yellow taffeta. The gown was deand was tied with blue ribbon streamers. the bridesmaids gowns were designed like the one worn by the maid or honor, only in blue taffeta, They had matching tulle hats and carried yellow tea roses and blue delphinium, tied with streamers of yellow ribbons. Vernon Paulson of Red Bank, the bridegrooms brother-in-law, was best man. The.ushers were Thomas Miller of Admiral Farragut academy, Toms River; Erwlri Hendrlcks, Shrewsbury, and Leo LJbbey, Baltimore, Md. The brides mother choae a costume of aqua, with, black accessories and a corsage of pink roses and babys breath. The bridegrooms mother was dressed In a gown of blue lame, with brown accessories and a coreago of pink rosett, A reception and buffet supper followed at the home of the bridegrooms parents. The. house Was decorated with white wedding bells and white flowers. The brides table was decorated with a four-tier wed> ding cake, and a miniature The couple are. on a wedding trip to Niagara Falls and Canada, and upon their return will reside at 90 traveling the bride was dressed In a gray stripe suit, with black accessories, Mrs. Moore Is a graduate of Mlddletown township high school and is assistant managji also a graduate of Mlddletown. township high school, attended Ad miral Farragut academy at Tom; River. Ho is now employed by Man son and company, Red Bank. Sea Bright post, American Le< glon, will hold an Installation o officers at the October 0 meeting. The newly-elected county commander, M. E. VanSauter of Fair Hav. on, will conduct the installation. II is hoped that arrangements can b made to have the installation of thi auxiliary officers on the same nigh in a joint ceremony. The Interior of the Methodist parsonage is undergoing cleaning, painting and repairing preparatory to the occupancy of the new minister. Pastoral appointments will be made at the annual New Jersey conference, which is opening today at Ocean City. William Fowler and James Ryan of the eighth grado are In charge of the bulletin in school this month. Mondays rain caught the school children unprepared as far as clothing protection mi concerne and resulted In one session belnj called. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert F. Young of Church street left, Tuesday for a months visit with h!» brother, Marvin Young and wife in Tenneaste. Mr. and Mrs. William R. Fowler are on a vacation visit with cousins in Rushmere, Va. Boys can makt pocket money by tell, inff Tha Register. Advertisement, When It Comes to Buying Furniture, MR. VETERAN "You Never Had It So Good" Believe me, Mr. V., It pays to live in the State of Jersey. Your Honorable Discharge means NO MONEY DOWN and.., Weekly Buys - 3 Beautiful Rooms of Brand New Furniture for only YOCR LIVING ROOM consisting of S-pe. Spring Constructed Living Room Suite, End Tabled, Cocktail Tuble, floor Lamp*, Mirror, Picture*. Drnpw, RADIO, VACUUM CLEANER, etc. YOTJIt BEDROOM consisting of 3-po. Bedroom Suite, FlUows, Vanity Lamps, Ulto Table, Drape*, Scatter Bugs, etc. YOUR KITCHEN oonsliitlng of ft-pc. Solid Oak Kitchen Set,.12- pc. Sot of Dishes. 20-pn. Set of Silverware, etc.., "The Store With the Heart" SURPRISE STORE 7-11 Front St. Keyport, N. J. FIIE1! DKMVEKY Open FJUDAY and SATUltDAY NITES., We nre located on tho HILL, OrP. THK POST OFFICE., : WE REPAIR Any Make Refrigerators Washing Machines Vacuum Cleaners Electric Ranges Electric Water Heaters Electric Ironers "E^cfrric Motors FTC G & D APPLIANCE SERVICE CO. ^_~~60 WH4TE ST^ RED-BANK ^" PHONE RED BANK ii. * Having sold my home, I will sell at Public Auction entire Household Goods and Furnishing- <. fhe ten-room dwelling: on the premises at: " "" ^ 371 BROADWAY, LONG BRANCH, N. J. Saturday, September 27th at 1 P. M. sharp. Frlgidalrc, like new; Barret of Chtnaware (Limoges), Large Collection of Cut Glass, Silverware, 87-plece table service; Trays,.Pitchers and many old pieces; Ruga, all In good condition, assorted sizes; Throw Ruga, Occasional Living Room Chairs, Floor Lamps, Tables, Stands, Mirrors, Pictures, Books, Tabl«Lamps, Glassware (Crystal, etc.), Curtatna, Drapes, Linens (Bed and Table), Kitchen-, ware, Complete furnishings of Six Bedrooms, Radio RCA. (Console), Antique Chairs and Desk, Vasog, Clocks, Pictures, Cabinets, Coffee, Table, Smoking Stands, Dressers, Bureaus, Tapestries, Trunks with contents, Two Porch Screens each 10, Lawn Mower, Porch and Lawn Furniture, Garden Tdols,LftWh~Fernerles, OH" Paintings, Hand Tooli and everything from cellar to attic NOTE; All Items to be removed from the premt«e«at conclusion of sale. Owner and Auctioneer shall not be responsible In cose of accident or Injury to any person or persons In, on or about tho. premises. B. 0. COATS, Auctioneer, 4B0 Bath Ave., Long Branch, N. 3. Frank Woolley Phone. 6-MM A.E.Williams WHAT DOES A NEW DODGE COST? First car in history to give you all iho combined advantage! of Ail-Fluid Drive, Floating Power and Fuji Floating Ride. The lowest priced. car with. Fluid Drive. LETS KEEP THE RECORD STRAIGHT! With us B used vehicle is not a requirement for placing a new car or truck order. And, too you.decide on what extra accessories and equipment you want on your new car or truck. Here are the local delivered prices of a few models. Other Dodge and Plymouth car and Dodge truck models are comparably priced. All delivered prices include the same percentage markup that applied to our 1041 vehicles., Despite an excellent production.record, the great popularity of Dodgo prevents our making immediate delivery^ Our DOUBLE PROTECTION RED BANK DELIVERED PRICES Following Pricn Includt: it Frtlghl Com Federal-Tuxes Vr Handling A Delivery Charges rmces SUBJECT TO CHANGI.WITHOUT NOTICE ALL-FLUID DRIVE DODGE Two Door DeLuxe Sedan _ $1,63&33 Four Door Deluxe Sedan.. $1, Four Door Custom Sedan _... $1, PLYMOUTH CARS Two Door DcLuxe Sedan...- $1, v Four Door Deluxe Sedan $1, Four Door Special Deluxe Sedan $1, DODGE "JOB RATED" TRUCKS,4 ton Express Pick-Up Truck _ $1, Ji ton Tanel Truck.. $1, Abov* truck t>rle«a Include ftva ft.oft x It, 6>ply tiras, I fit. oil bath Air dernier, replaceable element oil niter and double acting front anil reir ghock absorbcra. 1M ton Stake Truck....»l,9S4.00. (KD-lnch nhetlbaie, 12-ioot body) Abova truck price Includen 7.60 x 20, 8-ply front and dual rear tirv, auxiliary fear springs, brake booster, II Inch elutcn, frame reinforcements, 1 it, bnth nlr tlssner, ^replaceable element oil Alter, and engine governor. " ^ >> Slight variations In different localities. SERVICE will help maintainvyour present vehicles top trade-in value and provide utmost safety and comfort«while you wait W. FRONT ST. RED BANK, N. J. />

22 Now World Famous Betsy, Ross Spinets, for only, IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON THIS Height: 37 In. Width: WA In. Depth: WA in. COME IN... TRY IT! THEN TRY TO FIND A SPINET PIANO TO COMPARE FOR A PRICE SO LOW. FOR MEN: SUITS SPORT COATS TROUSERS SWEATERS PLAID SHIRTS DRESS SHIRTS *30 00 up up $5.95 up $f.5o up $ 4 <95 up up 5O C UNDER SHORTS = F O R BOYS SPECIAL FINGERTIP COATS $ 8" ALL WOOL SUITS SPORT COATS TROUSERS PLAlb SHIRTS DRESS SHIRTS HOSE SWEATERS OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 9 W 5 «P 12" up *5 95 $ Pair 35 $ FflCTORV 41 West St. Red Bonk TELEPHONE RED BANK ALL HUHHKS STOP!<, BMM.Ii FUOMOUK HTOI. IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY 101/I00. TO I(OUISK A, MtfUOBIlH COM.INS, *" Bjf^vTrlitf Vf-yi rt" Vnfrr nfiirf "(CouTF of Chtitbaiy nf, lir Klile of New Jci- ey mudo nn Ilio hiji - ilay n( Meplent- Ji«r,.llii7. In «.nnt.c wherein JOSEPH M. CdlXlNR li Itiltliiiiir mill >ou an P«f«od»til, you art iitub/ rnulrtd to up nn«wcr tho petition of pctltloniir on nr hcfoi-6 tlio luttt Any at November, next, nm) In defnutt thereof, such iloerc«wlli lie rondeied nirnlnit you ni the Cluin- *>Hiu>iJuJUUiiiiluittuUnbluitiiuliuu... i)bjtcr"nr^<i(iii;siiir..... a dcclro of-divorce botwirli >nld petitlonor mid* you, KlyAtHKV, (JH/VY * KLATHKY, Bollrllnii fur 1olltlonor,.Gforgt A, Ur«y, O( Countilt Married At Sea Girt MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM L. CURCHIN At a candlelight service In the Ohuich of St. Uriel the Archangel, Sea Girt, Sunday, Miss Janet Claire Reed, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Rhoadcs Reed of Brielle, became the bride of William Loo Curchin, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Curchin, Jr. of Pinckncy road, Rod Bank. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Raymond H. Mlllor, pastor. The church was decorated with palms, white gladioli and white dahlias. The brides uncle, Stanley B. Browcr, sang "Tho Lords Prayer" and j "Avc Maria", and Mrs. S. Wayne Browcr, the brides cousin, was organist. A rocoptifin and buffet sufj"=r followed at the Manasquan Jtivcr Golf club. The bride, who was given In marriage by her father, wore a white brocaded satin gown fashioned with a sweetheart neckline, long tapering sleeves, and a drapod bustlo with a full length train. Her coronet of matching satin was beaded with seed pearls which held her French illusion veil in place. She carried a white prayer book with an orchid marker and a shower of babys breath.. Miss Gertrude P. Gilbert of Neptune, was mai3 of honor. She was UTtirea~rrrTiri"su wmn^goia -*t si11 iegdwn with a tight bodice, a full skirt with a draped bustle, threequarter length sleeves and a square neckline. She wore a coronet of RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 25, 1947 matching IWallne with contrasting velvet trim and carried an arm bouquet of dark bronze dahlias. Miss Ruth Janet Hanson of Belmar and Miss Audrey Jean Mor. rls of Spring Lake were brides maids. Their faille gowns were sherry colored, fashioned like one worn by the honor attendant. They carried arm bouquets of light bronze dahlias. Judith B. Nome of Spring Lake Heights, flower girl, wore a yellow taffeta gown with short, puffed sleeves, a square neckline and her long skirt was draped with dark green velvet ribbon and, tiny nose gays. She wore a poke bonnet o matching taffeta with streamers 0 dark green velvet ribbon and carried a colonial, bouquet of mixed flowers. The brides brother, Stanley Lloyd Reed of Brielle, was bes man. The "ushers were Siguard Thompson and Paul Fabry of Rei Bank and S. Wayne Brower o Lakewood, the brides cousin. The brides mother wore a royal blue crepe gown trimmed with rhlnestones and black accessories She had a corsage of yellow orchids. The bridegrooms mothc ib accessories and wore a corsage ol orchids. - The couple are on a wedding tri, to New England,, and. upon thcli JADES THE NEWEST STORE IN TOWN DOUBLE DUTY SPACE WIZARDRY DAY AND NIGHT PERSONALITY... FOR SITTING OR SLEEPING SERVICE.. Smart space-savers recognize the multiple benefits of the popular hollywood bed that doubles so attractively as a studio sofa. Unusual decorating can be exploited however the bed is used... for tailored or feminine bedrooms, as living room couches... and ideally suited for the small home. Inherspring mattresses on box spring accounts for supreme comfort. Skilled construction assures durability and attractiveness For the finest in custom-made drapes, slip covers and living room furniture visit our new store at 25 West,-Front Street, near Broad. HOURS: 9:30 TO 5:30 DAILY I25 Wcsr-FrontSt. Near Broad R. B eturn will reside at 609 Park >lace, Bradley Beach. For travelinghe bride choee a brown wonted ioeskln suit with matching accessories and a gold nylon fleece top- :oat. Her corsagewas of orchids. Mr. and Mrs; Curchln are- employed by the telephone company. The bride was graduated from Manasquan high school and attended All Saints Episcopal college at Vicksburg, Miss, The bridegroom graduated from Red Sank high school and served four years in the Marine Corps. Back To School For PTA Member River Plaza Group Announces Program Back to school will go the parents of the River Plaza school children when the Parent-Teacher association holds its flrst fall meetng Tuesday night, October 21, After a short business- session conducted by Mrs. 0. b. PerKins tfte parents will take their childrens seats in the various classrooms and run through a days typical program.. In addition to the regular classroom teachers, tho various supervisors will demonstrate the music, physical training and other special studies offered to the children. A play with pupils from all eight grades of the school participating will be presented at the American education program Friday afternoon, November 14, under the direction of Mrs. Edwin H. Brasch, school principal. The annual school Christmas entertainment will be presented at another afternoon meeting Tuesday, December 16. j n interesting group of speakers liave been assembled for the January, February, March, April and May meetings, and will be announced at the opening session; Asbury Air Patrol Wants Applicants The Asbury Park squadron, Civil Air Patrol, which held maneuvers from September 10 to September 24, is. accepting applications tot. mcmboreh..p which docs not requiro that applicants be pilots. The squadron Is flying anm type aircraft and operates from its base at Asbury Park Air terminal. Pilots participating In the navigational training and patrols are Capt. T. A. Wolstencroft, commanding officer,- and Lieut. Thomas Me- Murray, chief pilot, Lieut. Austin Wilson, operations # officer and Lieut. Herbert L. Davis. Application forms for membor- slilpiirthe-patrolrwhicli : on July~l; became an official part of the air corps and the air defense com mand, may be obtained from Captain Wolstencroft, 1112-Nlnth avene, or.lieut.kenneth dp Bradley Beach. NOTICE. Public Sale ol Real Estate for Unpaid Taxes. T. J. M. Keoueh, collector of taxes In nnd for tho Borough of Red Bank, County of Monmouth and Stato of. New Jersey, hereby give notice that according to tho law requiring me to make tlio unpaid tnxos, assessments and other municipal charges, assessed on" land, tenements, hereditaments nnd real estnto in said Borough of Red Bank for tjc year 1946, will on the 17th day of October, 1847, at 2:00 oclock P. M., in the* Borough Hall, sell the lands, tenemcntb, hereditaments and real estate hereinafter. described, to make the amount chargeable ngalnst said lands on the first day of July, 1947 as computed 1Q the tax rlis:, together with interest on said amount fron: said first day of July to the date of sale and tho costs of sale at public vendue to such persons as will purchase tho same subject to redemption nt the lowest rate of interest, but in no case in excess of elffht per cent per an;, num. This sale is made under the provisions of an Act.of the legislature entitled "An Act concerning unpaid taxes, assessments and other municipal charges on real property and providing for the collection thereof by the creation and enforcement of Hens thereon (Revision of 1918)." The said lands, tenements, hereditaments and real estate to be sold and the mtmeb of the persons against whom, said taxes have been lain oh aocount of each parcel are as follows: William OBrien. Eit. Dlk. 30, B. & L. #31/33 S. S. W. Front street, S367.3B Edith Kleflmahn. Blk. 30, lot IS. B. & L. #27/20,S. W. Front street, J Frank Howard, Jr.. Blk 14, lot 21, H. L. #55, E. S. Harrison A,, JS8.78 Jos. & Jud. Vincent, Jr., Biy 16, lot T, one lot N. S. Mechanic at. S24.4S AJcmzo Fields, Blk, 26, lot 14, H. ft L. #73 N. S. Wallace St., U16.33 Ejt. -William OBrien, Blk. 56, lot 12, one lot W. S. Spring St.. J3O.60 Asohcrfcld Associates, Inc., H. & L. N, S., Harding Road. S2B9.79 William OBrien, Blk. 35, lot 25, B. & L. #162, N. S. Monmouth St., Mary Salvntore LaBlondn. Blk. 38, lot 5, H. & L., #208, N. 8. Monmouth St., $ E«t. Spencer Harvey, Blk. 75, lot 115, H. A L., #20 6, W. S. Pearl St., I38.70 Edward A. Foulson, Blk. 102, lot 8, H. ft L. #51, S. S, Waverly PL, Hubert Farrow, Blk. 113, lot 1, H. ft L. #103, E. S. South St., Frank Cltarella, Blk lot 14, B. k L, #29, S, 3. Bergen PI., 141,18 Lola Willlnms, Blk. 77, lot 1 ft 2, land N. S. W. Bergen PI., (18.29 Edward Jackson, Blk. 91, lot 5, H. ft L. #137, S. S. W. Bergen PI., J55.U ; Wm. Left ft Emanucl Swnrti, Blk. 84, lot 10, 11. ft L., S. S, W. Bergen PI., James ft Helen Tuttle, Bft. 39, lot 80, H. ft L. #28, W, S. Shrewsbury avenue, $89.64 David & Carolyn Tcnmetsky, Blk. 89, lot23, H. ft L., #83 W, S, Shrewsbury Ave., Amleeto Lucln, Blk. 39, lot 25, H. ft L., #62/64, W, 3. Shrewsbury Ave., $ Nick Nuecl, Blk. 00, lot ^ lh. ft -L., #187, E. S. Lclgfiton Ave.; Adele Wnlnwrlght, Blk. 72, lot 1-A, one lot S, S, Catherine St., flo.ts E»I. Kiln Cnrr, Blk. 67, tot 23, II. ft & #01 Earl St., IU.77 John W. ft Lucille Watklni, Blk. 72, Jot 2A, H. ft L., TULon Ave., $65.11 Eat. Charlotte Holmes, Blk. 84, lot 102, N. S. Sunset Ave., (12.23 Eit. Nick Carmedello, Blk, 84, lot 08, one lot N, S, Sunset Ave,, 812,23 Frank E, 1 Price, Illk. 84, lot 107-/108, two loti 8. S. Sunset Ave., $6,12 James ft Helen Dudley, Blk, 84, lot 119, H.ft L,, #79 S. 3. Sunset Ave., $50.83 Peter ft Phyllis Spagnuolo, Blk, 80, lot 10, H. A L., #23 S. S. Sunset Ave., $36.60 Hlrckcr Corp., Blk, 75, lot»6, H, ft L,, Central Ave.-, $48,08. Fred Morris, Dlk. 76, lot 106, H. ft L., #9 Central Ave., $27.51 list. John Cnlomnn, Blk. 75. lot 60, II, ft L., #0 Cedar St., $10.83 Unpaid Tax Ytar1930 to 1048 Inclusive K»l. Hugli Retty, Dlk. 114, lot 32, one lot 8. H. Mndlaoii Ave., $ jyhon tlie nale takes place : payment of all tnxos or. assessments, costs und Intereit must be made by the l *B(ofonhrrt;TOalnsloftnfnno ( l l f n j4tr,imiw.wlsu the iieunorty will.lie immodlntoly rnld,.s Wltiiru my hnnd tills 16th day of Hriitembcr, 11147, 1, M, KEOUOH, Collector, Red Bank Auto Glass Go. 21 MAPLE AVE. Cor. Maple Ave.- & White St r WINDSHIELD GLASS DESK TOPS DOOR # GLASS BOAT GLASS, TABLE TOPS Installed While You Wait Red Bank Auto Glass Co. 21 MAPLE AVE. TEL. R. B J. I N/LVI BAS "NEW BELT! NEW BRUSH NEW CARBON* New and Rebuilt Vacuums For Sale..,.... $11.95 up onmouth i VACUUM CLEAHER CC Bsa>Jsls^sB>SBs^iiaBSJ 332 Bond Sh, Asbury Park Telephone: A. P J. YANKO 3 0 BROAD ST., RED B AN K <Biv4> At* \ $5 (no tax) OLUPTE FABULOUS REPLICA She yearned for this Volupte compact in precious i 4 kt. gold atgsoo... thrill her with its "Fabulous Replica." In gold-colored metal. Compact^ $5; (no tax). TRAVEL.Book Yonr Full «nd Wtater Re»ervatlona Now Air - Sep. - Hotd and Tour Bonded, Agent. No Charge for Reservations T. H. ODONNEtL TRAVEL AGENCY 7 Mechanic St. Bed Bank Just off Broad St, Tel. B. a 6-M68 Let a Singer ^;pert put your machine in firttclasa running ordar, Reasonable charges. Estimite for niihed in advance. SINGER; Sewing Center 43 Monmouth Street Red Bank Phone R. B : Appropriate and Attractive,1 Sympathy Offerings HONEY BEE FLOWERS Upper Broad St. Tel. R. B Red Banjc READERS CARLTON RED ; BANK MONMOUTH COUNTYS MOTION PICTURE EVENT OF THE YEAR S BIG DAYS 5 OFFICIAL MOTION PICTURES Red Bank Fire Departments 75th Anniversary Parade IN FLAMING COLOR Very Special I Mystic Permanent Wave 9.95 Regularly 15.00* For the new fashions...a new hair-do. For a new hair-do..».i new permanent wave I Especially "when you may have it at this grand, aitd timeiy reduction. Phone NOW for an appointment at your convenience.,.». <> " Telephone: "L. B ^ v, T: = 1 -. VV, >w

23 BANK REGISTER VOLUME LXX, NO. 14. RED BANK, N.J., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1947 SECTION THREE PAGES 1 TO Blaisdell Named As Candidate In Middletown Republican County Committee Barely Beat* Legal Deadline The Republican county committee of Middletown township, meet* in; last night at Belford, named Frank Ferren "Bud" Blaisdell of Wat * Front street, Middletown township, to replace the late John T. tawley as the Republican candidate for the township committee in the general election this Novemtott Mr. Blaisdell will run with Walter Bills of Leonardo, who was Appointed to the committee to succeedthe iate Edward H. Morford of Headdens corner. They will be opposed ota* the Democratic Fire Chief MorrisJosephs of Leonardo), ; Lending Department Modernization of the Fair Haven public library was begun this morning by Miss Julia Klllian, county librarian, on authorization of the mayor and council of that borough. The work will consist chiefly of painting- the Interior, replacing obsolete * books with now ones.and the addition of a phonov graph.rjqpnl Ending -department. The.library will be closed two weeks while- the.improvements are being made -and reopened,- Miss Jane Covant, librarian, will re-." sume, full, charge...:.:,,.: ^ The..foUpwJng.letter- authorising the.changes in the library was sent,bx:mayor Edgar V. Denise to Miss Killian: -.-<,-.,:, - " - * " "-" -"" 24.liM7.".-. i 3TRANK V. BLAISDELL, Midnight last night was the deadline for naming a candidate to Succeed-Mr. Lawley. A candidates dinner scheduled for last night: by the Middletown township officials, was, postponed out of respect tor Mr. Lawley, 1 but the county committee; WM forced to meet to name flame would appear on the general election ballots.. : Th«-"county committee had.only. tbr ft t after Mrfile^ C dealsaisttsat to complysfmla the ihf 6t a eandldlgrot-i ^Mb^BUtadall was born^a&sj aridtketty D, Blaisdell. *hei:..-ta&> tty Vntfved to i farm wa the Everttt road In Middletown township In lwljjand the -younger Mr. Blalsdell hse resided on the farm ever since. Mr. Blalsdell graduated In 1031 from Red Bank high school,, where be was active in athletics. He-graduate* from the University of Penn...ylvanla in 1935 with honor*tfrom tbeovhartbn Sctiool of Commerce anerifroahce, While, he was Icaptaln of the 160-pound loot, tell learn for three years and cap: tam of the vanity lacrosse team. He. : ~was also a letter man on the varsity football and boxing teams. Since his graduation he has been associated, with his father in the /Blaisdell Lumber company of Bridge" avenue. He -was in the-navy forkore than four years In-World -war-ix, ealutlng as an ensign and jpetog -separated as a full lieutenant. "Ha saw service on vsv SXln4 wre»per, was in bomb disposal vtork.-served»«* the Intelligence " branch and rounded out bis tour of duty at N-A.D. Earle He was married in October, 1940, to the" former Miss Marie von-. liengerka of Orange, and they have two children, Deane, nve, and Bruce; two. :..-..: a member.of River Plaza Hose company and the River Plaza Taxpayers association. He Is commodore of the Monmouth Ice Yacht club and president ot. the Eastern Ice Yachting association. He Is active In the Red Bank, Community Y.M.C.A., and a. member of the Monmouth. Boat club and Lions club. He.Is a member of Tflnity Episcopal church. A special resolution of sympathy -was adopted by the" county commit-: tee, a copy of which was ordered sent to the family of Mr. Lawley. A V»A«y Merebandlee. See our utock In each line. For In- tance, Ubla oilcloth.. You can BO from hare to Frlico and you won t lee» variety 1IU it. Ita» "ct: and ourdoi SIISBUM. N«"111 you «e 11M of harneu and collari, etc., like it* Odora oloieti of all klndi, toilet «e»ti ol nil color* and price Ilneii PM»» draaei of tht larseit election. And free delivery. Save your time and. ahoy.with HI. Telephone Red. Bank»-«80. Ktttonal J * 10. Trowni. Adyertlie- -.UttU Silver, Modern Bungalow - 1.containing/ t!»p large bedrooma, tile.bath, with eenarate ilall ihower. living room; with open fireplace, dining room, pantry ftnd*crfbdafn kitchen; one*car caragpi automatic heat. Ample apace omiecorul floor,for twobedroomi and hath, On» Jlot.«8xl»7. Price la»1«, William rt,- Hlntelmann (Firm) Bealtor«;.Rumion. Pl one , Ail- - v»lleementi j ; j- r "Bank St.c«Wanted...,,.. Willing to furohane up to 2,000 eh a re;, of.tork of Becpnd National Bank of Red Bink. John Wirmert. Telephone Attantlo Hlkh- Jandi t-oooa. Advertlieraent, ;- -! ^Sth Ahnlvereary Parada of. IteJ Bank-lire department on the a«.«en, (p,.flaming color at Readef Canton, theater. Red Bank, Sunday through Tluiriilny,-September 38, to October I. -f-adveriliemem...,.. T "-Ren«#* Your Floore.,.Rent our.floor. eandink equipment by. (he dar, D. * %. Paint Co.. 4 Welt etrtet. neu":b*n«.v Phone ^d- RedOlenTi lynmuih, International. <- MaurlM 8uh»nr(l AdverUie Firemen Have Big Appetites It may have taken a. lot of ttfrw qnettch thethirst of.visltmg firemen before and af-.vt?r fled Banks 76th. anniver- sary parade, but "the fire flghters also consumed a lot of food...the Ladles Aid society of Red "Bank Reformed church prepared 1,200 pounds of potato salad and 11,000 sandwiches for the occasion. To Modernize Public Library ir Haven To Add fisjuuavms Cdiiifty Xlbrariaa :::..",- ear-miss... _..-You may-consider.this as your authorisation, granted by the mayor and council, by unanimous consent, to assume-full authority and con-, trol of ihe Fair Haven library for a period of two weeks.. We understand that you.and your staff will, make a complete survey of our existing facilities and equipment, and -with Mies. Covantfs cooperation, remove. oteslete books: and replape- theae-with* new one* from the county "library. We also Understand tnat:you,w))i install*. -irioaned - rteordedlleetldn-tb"bl residents of Fair Haven. V We promise you and Miss Oovant our wnole-heartei. co-operation i this endeavor to%immm not the library phyelowisjilt from standpoint Former Sheriff John T. Lawley Dies Suddenly Middletown Official Had Varied Career, In Business John T. Lawley of Conover lane; Middletown township,. township commltteeman and former sheriff, died suddenly at 8 oclock Monday morning of a heart attack. He had been active as a township official, and in his real estate business up to his death. He spent a pleasant day Sunday with his family and friends. --Mr.-Lawtey, who was 89 years «la, active and varied career "in business: and politics. He ckme.upttie "hard way. He Was never defeated for a political office, rolling up large majorities being, customary, with him. - He was born at Monmouth Beach February 7, 1883, a son of the late John. Thomas and Helen McCormick. Lawley, and resided there until He was educated In the BllMlft.schools of Long Branch," 1andJiejwark. employed by the Central 186k for improvement (n our IIbraryi- <,^.-o < : : :[J--.">).",,. I am jure <MU»: Cortrit will yea- operate -with, you.and wlll..weleome the exchange of books and the addition of the record loaning department to our",ubrary.i,".,, Identti will endure this and win look forward -to the Improvement* being- made*-.^. >.Uv. ; :. At the conclusion, of your efforts we would appreciate report, along with any may care to off*ri - Very truly yours, Edgar V. Dentse, Mayor of Fair Haven. ;, Turtle Cause Automobile Crash Watching Reptile, Driver Blocks Road A large mapping turtle meander; ingacross River road In Fair Haven at 2 a.m..of a"foggy"mornlng caused a motor caradcldent which resulted* in, John Breckenrldge of Llncroft paytpg J337.3(> : In damages to George &, FournW, Jri, ot New Monmouth, awarded by, jury verdict in a case tried Monday before Judge Alton V. Evans in the,long Branch district court,. According to Mr. Fournler, who was represented by -Edward W. Wise, Jr., of the.flrrri of Wise A Wise, Red Bank, the..visibility was poor, on account-of"tsg arid rain when he" was_,dr vlng, early In the morning of June IB along River road, As be approached Schwenkers pond la FairHafen,he "saw the tall lights of n the.middle of the road &nd assumed it was triovlng. When- within about 35 feet Of the car, he realized* U was statnding still but. was atop W own car. soon enough; to "avoid "a collision. - After thv Occident; Mr.vyiUrhie^ testlfledv he queatidned Tkfr. Breckenrldge as to why he Was parked In the middle of tberoaa. the Utter, ho said,replied.thathe was watohlng a snapping turtle cross the.road,. /. ".- "", ""* Fournler presented evidence to the effect that damage to his car as a result of the" crash cost him Railroad.bjfjWew Jersey as a r_^ «Slt*Hr = at"qfietnng*ticket agept at Lakawood. Ha -wasalso purata on the Central railroad steamboats ipnmouth. the employ-pf lany and con, -BggKgfeMVtrryJflJg page 2) "* Hesse Business, Building Bought By Harry May Luncheonette And Confectionery Store Be Continued...", Ex^ra* Valuea-. at Saiermana. Buy now and iav»! lte«utir $2.»» l.(ilbl.»!lpl. now Hi-.regalu- U.98 ladle*night rowni, noji; 1 12,9«; regular >2.K8 ladl.v pajantaii, flow i. for 14: regliliir larilel ra/arnn, now t for to l regular II Lalle* glrdlei, now 2 for f Buy moral,8ave More,at The Sherman Bhov, li.broad itreet,red Bank. Adv»ttliement., -.. " Electrical Flaturea / ffi hav*,a Axtun tot « room In the home, Come In and loov tqem overi teoi^ii rinrta. for doingyour, own work.. X. o»bl». outlet Wei,- iwltehei, ant all the. reit, Dpor,cblnjei that dont need wire, Flree. delivery. National t fc 10.yfnmp$,fS«ntVt<fant,... Harry May ot Matawan has pur-, chased the Hesse Ice cream and confectionery business and the three-atory building at 8 West Front street from Mrs. Eleanor Hesse..The sale price was $30,000. A luncheonette and ice cream and confectionery business will be conducted under the firm name of Mays by the purchasers son, Bill and wife Betty. The interior of the store is being newly painted and renovated,and announcement of the opening will be, made in the Red Bank Register. There are five-room apartments on the second and third floors of (he building... The ice cream business was established In 1879 by the late Oscar Hesse, Sr. on Wharf avenue, where the produce market is located. The following year he moved the business to a store opposite the fountain, formerly occupied by Reids electric shop, The building was destroyed by fire In 1831 and Mr. Hesse moved his business temporarily Into a. small building on Wharf avenue, known aa "the green". The following year he moved to the present building which had been erected for him. ;; Mr.,Hesse, retired from active work in 1924 and sold the business to his «on, Joseph Hesse, who ran It until his death In -1B38. The business was continued by his widow, who has just sold the property. The founder pt the business died In» ;. Mr. May formerly owned the Silver Collar bar and the St. Marys Home property in Keyport and for.several years has been an exten : slve real estateoperator, He owns considerable property along the shore, notably In Point Pleasant beach. Mr. May and family reside on Main street, Matawan, a home Which he purchased two years ago from Hanson-VanWinkle-Munnlng company, The, property was bought by the company from the estate of Judge Henry S. Terhune, who built the house, one of the showplaces of that section, and occupied It many years.- ;.. V Nlid More Cloiet Space? Odora. oloiete of all klndi. VTH qelivery on.these and everything elie you buy here. Newpitper drapea for fall uiei lovely new lamp thadei: table eandlei In all colon! ichool lupollte for the klddltl. All at one ihop. Save time," fla.1l your order. In. Free delivery,, National 6 * 10. Frowns. Ad-, t j t, " «SrArl to be thrifty, Save better than *% on youkfuel oil. 0*11 ua for your next ml atis.,1/10 oenle per icallon, Special omh plan., llance * Oavli, Phcm Red Bank I-010J. Advmlleineiil.. Ba e» randtavl-wce.v, Hail rl ca : "fl eii wiir lv fhoht. Bed Bank Ailv<tu»- rtent,;,..,. Oae Raniee,,, Co«l and. sae, ol).and in, with oven Ol, riood, Houiikeinlnj Shop, Inc., :»nmouthetre*t, Bid flank, N, J.- Explosion Destroys $3,000 Cabin Cruiser An explosion last night on the Minerva, a cabin cruiser, owned by Paul Blera of New Tork, at Wilsons boat works in Branchport, completely destroyed the $3,000 craft and set afire a $5,000 cruiser, Betty*Ann, owned by Peter Drelssie of Pleasure Bay park. There were nb personal injuries. : Further damage to.craft at the dock was averted when the operator, cut the other boats adrift. Sgt. Joseph Anastasia of the Long Branch police Investigated. Abram L Davison, Former Mayor, Dies At 80 Conducted Carriage Making, Auto Body Business Many Yean Abram L. Davison, 80, a former mayor of Red Bank, died last sight at 10:35 oclock at his home, 140 Monmouth street, after a. lingering Illness.. Mr. Davison was born at Old Post Town, Somerset county, April IS, 1867, a son of the late Lewis and Elizabeth Cox Davison. He was educated in the Fairvlew school, near Oceanic Station, N. J., taking.up farming as soon as school day* were over. After devoting Two years to farming, he apprenticed himself as a carriage maker In David Coxs establishment at Princeton. After several years there he settled In Red Bank and In took a position with the Mount firm, remaining In their employ 11 years. He then, started In business for, himself on Mechanic s t r e e t " ":" " 11^,- The building he constructed later on as an auto body building, corner Monmouth street and Maple avenue, Is now occupied by the Hount- EngllBh co. This building was erected In 1912, the same year that ho was called to preside over the borough as Its chief executive. He was obliged to resign the majorship in 1913 due to injuries suffered in an.accident After moving from the Monmouth street building, Mr. Davison carried on his. business,about=teh-yeirs^h"wflarr-tt venue and sold the business seven years ago,,.. - The Davison family was proralaffiliated with several organizations. For many yean) he. w ^reksiim ofthe Society of the Foresters of America; «U «. nlamber «f ; Red Bank lodge, Sons and Daughtefs of Liberty; and a : past councilor of the Junior Order of United American Mechanics, of which, he had been a member more than SO years. In 1889, Mr. Davison married Miss Annie B. Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnson, The couple observed ;. their 80th wedding anniversary In Mrs. Didld1Il«4bi*y»tKA son, Harold A. Davison, who was chief of the Red Bank police.department, died In June, 19*6. - The funeral will he held Saturday afternoon at 2 oclock at the late residence, with Rev. Roger J. Squire," pastor of the Methodist Church, officiating. Burial, under the direction of the Worden funeral home will be In-Fair View cemetery. Mr. Davison is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Mary, Wife of John D., McDermott,. Bloomfleld; Mrs. Fannie, wife of Orville C. Borden, Peters place; and Mrs. Esther, wife, of Edward W. Wllby, 140 Monmouth street; two grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; and a brother, George T. Davison, of Trenton. / Edward Ming Sells Two Properties The double house and two-car, garage at River road, owned by Edward A. Ming, has been sold to Mrs. H. Krlkorian of New,Tork city through the Constance Smith agency, which also sold Mr. Mlng s residence on Rumson road, Uttle Silver, to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Messier of Little Silver. Mr. Ming and his sister, Alice Ming, will make their permanent home in Los Altos, Cal. Another real estate transfer announced was the sale ot Vincent Saccos Club 86 property oil the highway In Keyport to Charles F. Straub, who will make alterations and - use the premises»f or auto sales. Constance Smith was broker for Mr. Sacco and John C. Elliott of Locust for Mr. Straub. Refrigeration Locker Opens Tomorrow Beginning tomorrow, a new and modern refrigeration locker will be in operation at the Middletown Refrigeration plant on highway 38, opposite New Monmouth road. Mr. and Mrs, Herbert SchulsUdt, operators ot the business, are Inviting their patrons to visit them and inspect the set-up, Although there are but 184 Individual lockersat present, half the storago place Is being devoted to bulk storage until such time as materials arc available to complete the originally planned 340. v Extra Valuea at, Shermene, Buy now and lave, Regular 26-fent face elothef. now I for f 11 regular $l,2fi henvy toweli. now I for 6( regular $1 luncheon elothi, now 2 tor 2t regular UK-cent dull toweli, now S (or 12. Bur more. Save more at The Sherman Shop, ica n_n^j.i...,,n.j n_..t , Leavee Are Palling, Genuine, bamboo rakei 70 centi. In* clner«tor> In itock, - garbage and aah rtluie cane at low Drloei, window, yen. tllatort, Call up, we hare free dillv, cry, Why naile tjme ihopplng (or what roil want, Juit ralvui up. National ) a ID, ftqwalrtidvifuteemhv tjv Mayor Denise Names Enright To Boro Council New Fair Haven Official Succeeds John W. Howie The appointment of James A. Enright of River Oaks, Fair Haven, by Mayor Edgar V. Denise at Moriday nights meeting of the mayor and council of that pjace was unanimously approved. Mr, Enright,,who Is.a member of the borough zoning board, fills the vacancy caused by the resignation of John W. Howie, also of River Oaks. Mr. Denise said It was.his desire to have a representative on the council from the same section of the borough in which Mr. Howie resides. He said he was a lifelong: acquaintance of Mr. Enright and that he knows he will be a "valuable addition to the council." The new, councilman Is an accountant for the law firm of Breed, Abbott ft -Morgan, 15 Broad street, New York city. Building operations continue to zoom In the borough, the building Inspector, Frank Leslie, reporting to the council the Issuance of build- Ing permits totaling?158,500 within the past month. Eight permits aggregating $120,000 were Issued for new houses at River Oaks, and permits of $16,000 each were granted for two now houses at Knollwood. Other parmlts were: William Robblns, bungalow, Hendrickson place,?7,5o0, and G, Brown, alterations, Third street, $1,0007 A contract for resurfacing several streets In the borough Was awarded to Conover & Sut.nhin on a. bid of $3,634. Other bidders were Fred McDowell, $4,355.33, and Mutual Contracting Co., $4, Councilman Russell H. Minton, chairman of the lire committee, reported nre> losses totaling $20,235 for,tho first eight months of the year, the biggest loss being the recent Atlantic hotel fire. Mr. Minton said Independent engine company of Red Bank was standing by while the Fair Haven pumper was In the shop for.a painting job, which will take about ten days. -Hope was expressed by Councilman Tony^Huntlng,;- HvftfSsTenalrmanj that"it will be possible to obtain a band for the childrens Halloween parade, which Is held annually under the direction of Mr. Huntings committee. "The parade- Is dead wlthoi " Wy Edgar V. Denise said It would be wonderful U the borough could get the Smoke Eaters band from BrlstyirSa; wmchtbbfc part In the rederit, firemens parade at Red Bank. "The children wouldl enjoy,it," he commented, "and I would, too." Both Mayor Denise and Councilman Arthur H. Rleman, chairman of the police committee, lauded Patrolman William Robblns for the fourageous and efficient manner In. Whldh he handled the recent murder case a theborough. The first aid squad was also commended for the valuable services it rendered at the time. A request from the Rumson, Sea Bright and Fair Haven Public Health Nursing association; for an Increase In the annual appropriation from $250 to $325 was laid over until consideration Is given to next years budget. Mayor Denise wished the National Guard success in Its current drive for 3,000 hew members In NewJersey. Council approved the transfer of the Atlantic hotel tavern license, held by the late Harry Hubbard, to the estate of Harry Hubbard. Augustus Minton Will Probated Chester W. Minton Bequeathed Residue The will of the late Augustus M. Minton of Fair Haven, which vrns probated this week In the office of Surrogate..Dorman McFaddin at Freehold, contained the following bequests: $500 to Fair View cemetery; gold watch and chain and a diamond ring to son, Chester W. Minton; $1,- 000 to Sannie Scales, who was In the employ of the family at the time of his death; $1,000 to brother, John of Fair Haven; $499 each to nieces,.grace Allen, Emily Minton Dlxon and Marjorle Minton Longman of Fair Haven and Florence Allen Emley of Point Pleasant, to a sister-in-law, Clementine Minton, and to Emma Morgan of Glen Rock; the residence on River road to hl> wife, the late Mrs. Ella F. Minton; residue to the late Mrs. Milton and to son, CheBter W., In equal shares. Chester W. Minton was appointed executor. Mr. Minton died September 8. His wife died In June. Juit a Few, w«have that new "MeatmaeUr" Freito iix-quar( preliure cooker, 114,06, and they are going fait. Hire li a Chrlitmaa gift that you will want. A Prenure cooker that you can get eome melt Intdf 1 Tht flrit one out of thli lie and It ll made by Freeto.> Call your order n at onct. National S * Pwni Free delivery. A>"v)r- 10. tin order n Prowni. intent. /, rrlce Sale. We itlll hate eome good bargalna lk glrll nnd left for gome lueky who are , euee altlrts, jaifketi. lultl, ladlei 12, U and 16 blotllle, at exnctly Vi of regular price, Come In, look around and lave, at The Rhermnn Shop, Si Droad itreet, Red Dank. Advertisement. Modern Colonial Home containing elx roomi, tile bath, with» r i t d b ) ) l «V W" H> j lt.a«tiindiibu))tl n «V We H> More, full bldemiimf autdmatlo Krnt. (Jrouml nttraotlvely lindiqmicd. On n plot, 100*100, prlre 118,000, Taiee Mud, William II. Illntelmann (Ilrm) ltealton, llumaon. rhona l-0e)00. Advirlliemint, / Janli, formtcly o( tht Fmhlon Btauty Bhop, new operating at Vlneinfi. AdvutlitlUli Local Guardsmen To Parade Tonight Following the federal recognition of Company "B", 644th Tank battalion, In the Red Bank armory tonight a vehicular parade of tanks, half tracks and general purpose army army trucks will wind Its way through Red Bank, In celebration of having the second Red Bank unit formed up to organizing strength. The line of march announced by the batalion commander. Lieut. Col." Charles L. Oakerson, will include: West street to Monmouth street, to Maple, to Front, to Broad, to Bergen place, thence to Shre^bury avenue,to the armory on Chestnut street. The local National Guard unif Ir embarked on a two-month recruiting drive, which was begun September 16 with a proclamation by President Truman. Montgomery Tells Republican Club Of New Charter Explains Important Changes In The Proposed Constitution Highlights of New Jorseys proposed new constitution were explained to members of the Red Bank Republican club last night by John L. Montgomery, one of Monmouth countys three delegates to the recent constitutional convention which met In New Brunswick, LaBt nights meeting was held in the borough hall, with Edmund J. Canzqna, president, presiding, The speaker pointed out that one of the principal sections of the new constitution embodies a Bill of Rights, In consideration of this section, he said, the only Negro delegate adopted an extremely fair attitude. Major changes that will come Into effect if the. new constitution Is adopted Include; senators will serve four years Instead of three and assemblymen, two years instead of one and each will receive a salary of $3,000 yearly Instead j J W ^ j U U h ling will ba left to each county, The governors powers have been greatly enhanced. He will serve four, years Instead of three and may. succeed himself If re-elected, in 1 " jam j--~"^"** * * 11-1 "- : ar -- -,^,...7 wo-thlrda majority vote of th«legislature will be necessary to override his veto Instead ot a simple majority. Parole and pardoning power will be Invested In ihe governor arid six high judges. " ; Another major change In the states voting laws will be reduction of voting age from 21 to 18, An economy measure in the new constitution will reduce the present 80 state departments to 20. In the field of labor relations, collective bargaining Is provided for In the - new document, a measure which had the support of both the O.I.O. and A. F. of L. Twenty-five members Attended the meeting. The next- meeting of the club to be held In October, will be a joint gathering Including the Womens Republican club of Red Bank and the Red Bank Young Affiliated Republican club. Also present will be the Monmouth county committee and election board members and local and/bounty Republican candidates for election. The meeting will be designated "Joe and Jimmy Night" In honor of Joseph C. Irwln and James S. Parkes, freeholders^ w! are running for re-election, not been decided whether tl Ing will be held In the borough h or the Molly Pitcher hotel and da of the- function has not been set. Dedica iory Service And Confirmation Fair Haven Episcopal Church To Get Several Gifts Vesper Musicale For Methodist Home For Aged ElizabetiT\Vaddell Baker, Ben E. Manning Guest Artists A large attendance l 3 expected Sunday afternoon at the benefit vesper musicale of the Married Couples Bible class at tho Rod Bank Methodist church, The muslcalo is part o a project to raise funds for the furnishing program of tho Methodist Home for the Aged at Ocean Grove. ELIZABETH. WADDELL.BAKER Guest artists will be Elizabeth Waddell Baker of Buffalo, NJ Y., formerly of.fair Havon, and Een E. Manning, church organist, Ves- "Softly Now the Light of Day"..... Conecjoallon "Thanlu,Be to God" _, Handel <f O, Thou That Telleat Good Tidings to Zlon" (Aria from "The Meailnh") "Come;KlndI, Death" ;.:...!;... J. S. Bach,.. MrvBaker.v^... OffertorjV"Benedltftue" ; :...* Refter Tho Virgin Slumber Bonn"...«.,...UflKor "Ave Marie" (From "Otello")i?.._ Verdi "Kveiwong" :... Sidney Homer Hra. Baker "Toccata r Mulct Mr. Manning "Nobody Knowa The Trouble Ive Seen" (Negro Spiritual) Arranged by Burlelffh "Deep River" Arr. by Burlelgh Mm. Baker Cloelng Hymn; "Falreit Lord Jeaua" County G.O.P. To Meet Tonight New Constitution To Be Explained The Monmouth county Republican organization will hold an open meeting at 8 oclock tonight at Procters auditorium, Long Branch, to hear a report from the countys delegates to the State Constitutional convention and to give voters an opportunity to ask questions regarding i tho new charter, which will be voted upon November 4. County Chairman J. Russell Woolley announced that the countys entire delegation, Including Wayne D. McMurray and Judge Haydn Procter of Asbury Park and John L, Montgomery of Red Bank will be on hand to explain the new Constitution, ^ Mr. Woolley said the meeting had been called for all members of the Republican county committee and election boards as well as the public, "Wo want everyone to learn at first hand everything that has been done to give New Jersey a modern Constitution," he declartd. "Voters who have questions regard- Ing It will find this mtetlng of extreme Importance." HEAR1NO ON LIGHT A special hearing will be hold to- night kt 8 oclock at Middletown township hall by the stato highway department on the advisability of placing a blinker light nt five cornorn, Middletown, Members of the Middletown Neighborhood Association and township officials will be prosent In addition te other Intor. ^d^rt^fee:" :^» Columbia Venellen Bllnde, * We have Ihnm rlfrht In itock at low Pclreei RMO Columbia Pyroxolln vrnihable window ihmlrl «l II. SO ouch, (Bllirhtly Imi.rrftrt, othrrwlie they would be H.tO.I Nwlmlnir drapery cranea hy Jmlil, al It omll a putt) our. tain rode, 10 crnli, Free delivery, Hali i * io P ^ d M i V Town Clock Will Continue To Run In Shrewsbury Fund To Be Started By Keith Society With Minstrel Show iarnlng for the flrjt time last iek through the columns of The 9^ Bank Register that the Justly famous town clock, which is housed In Christ Episcopal church tower, Shrewsbury, was about to be allowed a slow death due to lack of maintenance and repair funds, the Keith society of the Church has quickly taken steps to rectify that deplorable possibility. The society wju present to the town^ and Its Interested neighbors a rollicking and merry minstrel show at tho Shrewsbury school Friday and Saturday, October 24 and 25. The proceeds from this minstrel will be shared by the regular church maintenance fund and a special clock repair and maintence fund hereby established by the society. Tickets are obtainable from members of tho society or any of the church organizations. Realizing fully that the stopping of the clock would be a sortous handicap to tho whole community, and that Immediate steps must be taken to repair or roplace the clocks cables, lest they break and seriously damage the. historic church, to say nothing of the human danger Involved, the Keith society makes possible the start of tho fund and gives the opportunity for all townsfolk to modestly sup- port the maintenance of their clock and have fun doing It, Audience capacity at the two nights of the minstrel will bo 600, therefore all are advised to get their tickets early arid.thus share In keeping the clock going. In commenting on the clock ono Interested resident said: "Where elsq is there a clock In a tower crowned by a British crown, serving an American democracy day In and day out?" The Keith society or ChrlBt church will accept subscript Ions, large or small, to this fund from any penson unablo to attend tho minstrel show, or desiring to take a larger share. One of the most outstanding; events to come to Fair Haven wlu, take place Sunday afternoon, when a dedicatory service and confirms*- tlon will be held at the Chapel of- - tho Holy Communion, River road, and Church street;,, Rt. Rev. Alfred L, Banyard, guf-i fragan bishop of the diocese, wltf 1 be the guest speaker and will dedp cate the gifts to be presented. Kti will also confirm a class of cand ; - dates. Those to be confirmed are Mlil(, Betty Louise Aumack, Mrs. Eliza; beth Grace Cross, Mrs. Marguerite; Landers Douglass, Mrs. Eula Chandler H.anason, Mrs. Hester. Helen Moxley, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth. Weber and George Warren Cottonl" The service will begin at 3:Sff,> oclock, with an organ recital, wttn Winston E. Kock, F.A.D, organist - of Trinity Episcopal church. Red Bank, as guest. Dr. Kock studied organ at Cincinnati college and tinder Hergenhahn, organist of thi American church at Berlin ana Westminster Choir school at Prince* * ton. Dr. Kocks recital will be base4- on tho works of Johann Sebastlafi, Bach. v Miss Mabel Hendrickson, orgarjist of Holy Communion, will play the hymns and also accompany Mrs. Ann Parker, soloist, who will sing "Tho Lords Prayer" by MaJlotte., The choir of male voices from Trinity Episcopal church, Re< Bank, will sing the offertory anthem, "Lead Me Lord" by Wesley, Solo parts will be sung by John Lindsay and Heinz Hllmer. Dr. Kock will play an organ solo, "Au» - tumn Night" by Frysingcr, prelude In D Major Musette In EngllsR Suite No. 3, postlude Toccata and Fugue In D Minor by Bach. Rev. Christopher A. Snyder, rlcar,will be assisted by Rev. Robert H. Anderson of Trinity Episcopal church and Rev. Charles H. DukM of St. ^Thomas JEpiscopal ehurcbf ^ RedBank. "* Rt. Rev. Banyard will dedicate the new Moller pipe organ, which will be presented to the bishop by Myron V, Brown, chairman of tnf. ScorfiFBrTJoxltyKt prtssntmimr large Lectern Bible, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Weber a pair of Eucharii, candlesticks, George A. Jewell >»_ sterling- Iavabo bowl In memory (jt 1 *^ his wife, Florence Irene, and Mri^ Edwin Lewis Bingleton a rare antique lace altar cloth from Italy \ -~~ memory of Tier grandmother, Mi*.» James W. Ellsworth. - % The vicar announces that a reception will be held In the parish - house following the services and the congregation Is cordially invt- " ted. Refreshments will be served.,, by members of the guild headed hy^ "" a committee consisting of Mrs. Ed- ; ward E. Bennett, Mrs. Edwin F. ~ Stewart, Miss Ellzaheth Scowcrofit ~* and Mrs. James Wenner. We can plnce any nuud mortgage loan, large or , low Inlereal rate, uoynton Avency, S Drummonu* tlace, lieu Uank, N, J. Ihom Red Ilinhl- QtM, Ailveitliemant. Ohryiltr, ll;moulh, International, Bale! and eirvice. Uauclce Schwarta. rhone Ited Bank I-OTIT. Advirtlif MMh Leon M. Kelley Dies In Hospital Resigned Chamber Post Two Week* Ago. \ Leon M. Kelley, 69, executive secretary of Red Bank Community. Chamber, of Commerce until two weeks ago when he resigned because of ill health, died early Tuesday morning In Marlboro State hot- - pita], where he had been a patient since his resignation. A Red Bank resident the past IS years, Mr. Kelley Joined the Chamber In November, 1MB. Be reside* at 31 Linden place. He was eraployed by the American Telephone and Telegraph company of Ne«f York, retiring In During tht war he was associated with the fl>sa of Bull and Roberts and with th War Department engineers. He?tM born In Massachusetts, son of the; late Milton M. and Lola Bodwell Kelley. Deeply Interested in the affair* of the community, Mr. Kelley administered the Chambers activities with determination. On all matter* of public concern he took a stand and campaigned for it vigorously. He was assisted In his office by m» wife, Mrs. Estelle Smith Kelley. Also surviving Is a daughter, Mr*. Leon Eostmond of South street..< Mr, Kelley was a member of the Masonic order, Mystic lodge, Hiram chapter, Royal Arch Masons and the Royal Arcanum. He was also a member of the E. K. Hall chapter, Telephone Pioneers of New Tork and of the Brotherhood of Presbj*- tcrinn church. Masonic sorviccs will be held 1 to* night at 8 oclock In the Wotde* funeral home and at 8:30 Rev. John O. Gobhnrd, Jr., pastor of the Flnt Refdrmcd church, will officiate»t the funerrl, Interment will be at the convenience of- the family.,1 We Fix Em. < Y»j. If your Venetian blind cordl of tanrt»"> Wok«n, w«*x them In thorl order, Drln» them In or have ua M them UP Yei, and «e paint them or, you In about a weevi time Print Mn) fair and our work of the belt. Tyle> Phone lied Dnnk J-2180, National"» I 10. Tro^ni. Advertliement. Ite Cool Again. 1 He iwenler time anil yon live 1 ea - nny»wf«tn- at Sherman!. Juit ta>t II nit the price or any ewevr In sat _e L. All _a~-t... HfA.B Aae,«l SALHB ««*«&. ei on me nnre 01 nny *w«v*r ln 9U «itocv. All etylei, illee and colon. Htaiv/ i-yl They nre going, fait, Bave at Th «h*imaiii fjh«««r1l Bank. Advertisement, Mnyulnkt an iuit the thing for voui end all formi or Indlfeitlon dan. For eale et all Red Bank drill AilvtrtiiemeMi Chryiler. Plymouth, nr»lre. Uau Chryeler Snlei ana Phone Bel Bank,^.»»» :..^ ^

24 Two RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 25," J947, Wetter Educational Facilities Needed State Womens Club President Asks For Finer World Understandinr * Mrs. Robert W. CornellBon of jbierville, president of the New rsey State Federation" of Worn- a clubs, Jn speaking at the anal fall luncheon of the Red Bank omans club yesterday, at the oily.pitcher hotel, told of the ed for finer understanding of itnan problems in the world : to- ^,,.and the immediate need for ore education facilities in the lief* The*-state president challenged a women to take their part in naintaihlng our democracy" and maintaining thjj peace of the orjd." Pointing out that whenera civic need arises in a town, ib Womans club is the first to fer assistance and workers, and ie asked the women to "develop adership" and to "assist in bulldg, up public opinion to where It fluid make it Impossible for a war i be declared." She called our times an "age of nilety" and said "America i» in."place of great responsibility in time of great challenge." "All omen," said the speaker, "must udy keenly the problems of the orld today and approach them apathetically. We. must make smocracy work or let Communism ike over." Speaking of the, need for ln- eased educational facilities, she loted the overcrowding at Rutsrs university; the fact that outde colleges cannot accept New :rsey students, and the lack of lequate recreational and housing icilitles at New Jersey College for Oman. "The. heed for education growing apace with the times;" TE. Cornellson said, "and our fuirc lies In the educational ad incement of our population." This summer, Mrs. Cornellion iryed as a member of the state d for schools commission which vestigated the needs of the prl ary and secondary public ichools the state, the need for new Hidings and,, adequate pay fo.r ;hool teachers. - The speaker iored "politicians" who shrug off ie school needs with the slogan 10 new taxes." She termed these dividual! "stupid and silly" and imarked that If the educational aqdards are to be even mainlhets at their present level, new Keg-must- be -levied. u ilj^;:! ::_ Miss Flora WillgusS, president, :eeted guests, and Mrs. J. Daniel uller was toastmaster. Quests inuded Mrs. Stanley A. Gilbert, resident of rtfe club evening group thern vice president of TAM* fn, if-* 1 i,n -frrfrr jr.,,-, TT^TIiw, j pioneer clubwoman of the ate federation, and Mrs. Joseph." Carroll, Mrs. Clifford Hum brey, Mrs. Thomas Voorhls, *Mrs. eon de la Reussllle, Sr., and Mrs. enjamlh A. Crate, former preslsnts. Mrs. Ronald W. Allen sang jgroup of four numbers, accominied by Mrs. Warren H. Smith. Atlantic Highlands To Have Minstrel Show To Benefit ; Sea Scout Building A typical old-time minstrel show 111 be staged In the Atlantic Hlghnds high school audltormu Noimber 7 and 10 as a benefit toard the fund the local Sea Scout lip Is- raising to erect a headquarrs building at the Atlantic Highrils -yacht harbor. Addle Kind of Reid Bank, who w had years of experience In dieting successful stage producons, is in charge of the show id promises that it will be packed Uh laughs and a wide variety o( lent. The cast, composed of Atdilc Highlands and neighboring immunities, all of whom are exsrlenced in the field of entertalnent, will be headed by D. C. loney" Oakes as Interlocutor. In lditlon to a chorus of approxlately 30 mixed voices there will I.six end-men and a galaxy of imedlans, yocal and Instrumental ilpists and other specialty perrmers. The Sea Scoutahip Is sponsored by ie Atlantic Highlands Lions club id -bas shown such growth In the urt two ypars that its present setlng place is inadequate. With,8 new structure the organization 111 not able to accept adtlonal members, who must now i iplaced on the waiting list, but ie Scouts also will be able to exihd their program of activities. Among the several features of ijtfiiew building will be a complete Iortrtvavo radio station suitable r/contacting boats off shore and *> maintaining communications \US other; simlllar stations. There ta will be a photographic room, ork shop;, galley, office id; general meeting room. The latr will be largo enough to permit iblal functions for the Scouts and jjlpfriends, and will be avaihble every night in the week. jbjor thepast year the Scouts \ve; been salvaging waste pajjer id- other materials, and to date ive. enough funds to lay the undatlon and commence actual instruction. With the Income from o minstrel show It Is hoped the illdlng can bo completed and parilly equipped for use this fall, ie ship has been, assured of volitory assistance from residents tho community who are speclal-» In tho various lines of constfucm, thus reducing the amount of jney needed to erect the «truc ro.. HITS LIGHT HU car hit and w d «light standard on Rum- H rotd. Police reported the dilv left the s c e C t W Former Sheriff Dies (Continued From Page 1) tinued In the service of-that concern for 14 years. He was manager of the companys Red Bank oflice for seven years. Mr. Lawley then ventured in the real estate business in Florida and on his return to Red Bank became associated with the Hawkins Brothers agency. In 1927 he moved to Conoverlane, where he had built a modern home, and subsequently opened his own real estate and insurance business there. His.son, John T. Lawley, Jr., after completing his schooling.and service with the army In World war. It became associated with his father, and the firm name was changed tothe Lawley agency. Mr. Lawley first ran for political office In the Republican primary in 1933 as a candidate for the Middletown township committee. He won In the primary and general election and was seated in He served as finance chairman until 1R41, when he resigned to become sheriff, to which position he had been elected on.the Republican ticket by a large majority. Long considered an expert on taxation and appraisals, Mr. Law. ley was appointed a member of the county board of taxation In 1984 at the some time. Red Bank Councilman J.Albert VanSchoik was named secretary. He was. elected chairman of the board In 1938 and resigned in 1940 to accept the appointment of undersherlff. Upon completing his term as sheriff In 1944, he was re-elected to the township committee, and had since served as chairman ot the police committee!. He was dne of the organizers In 1931; the first secretary And president In 1,926.and IMS of the Red Bank Rotary club. He was pres ldent of the Red Bank Real Estate board in 1980 and 1931, and..was one of the founders and nrst president of the Monmouth County Real Estate board. In 1933 Mr. Lawley served as appraiser for the State Highway commission. He had received honors from the National Real Estate board. He married Miss Pearl.Woolley, daughter of fovmef Mayor "F.Bqrden Woolley of Manasquan, March he leaves another son, Francis W., who Is a lawyer associated with the firm of Roberts, Plllsbury l( arton * Sorenson of Atlantic Highlands. Surviving also Is a Bister, b 2fi dale, tj. T.. National, estate, county and local officials and a host of -friends mourned with relatives yesterday afternoon at the funeral at the late residence. An Impressive service was conducted by Rev, W. Clinton Powers, pastor of the Red Bank Baptist church, who also officiated at the grave in Atlantic View cemetery, Manasquan. More than 100.floral tributes were carried on the Headdens Corner fire truck and police escort was furnished by Chief of Police Earl N. Hoyer of Mlddletown township. Mr, Lawley was chairman of the police committee, and a large delegation of policemen were present Mrs. J. William Helm, Sr., was soloist. The honorary bearers were Capt. Albert Runyon, Walter Bills, Lawrence A. Carton, Jr., and William Johnson, members of tho township committee, and Howard W. Roberts, township clerk. Active bearers were Stuart Robertson,,Frank P. Merrltt, Dr. Warren D. Fowler, Wellington W. Kennedy, Charles Hammell and Craig Finnegan. The funeral was In charge ot the Mount Memorial home. Leonardo Approves War Memorial, The Leonardo Honor Roll association has approved an agreement with the Central railroad to accept a plot of ground near the depot, upon which the present honor roll stands, as a permanent honor loll. The decision was made at a meeting of the association Friday at Brevent Park and Leonardo Ore bouse. The permanent honor roll will be seven feet high, four feet wide and 30 Inches thipk of peanut stone. Set into the stone will be a bronze tablet bearing - the names of the three Leonardo men who gave their lives in World war II. They are Arthur Josephs, Frederick Lauer and Arnold Lick. A committee composed of Pavld Lame, John Ronaldson, Richard Ldckwood, Morris Josephs and Fred Krebs, was appointed by Chairman James A. Orodeska to obtain prices for construction of the monument. It Is hoped that dedication coremonies can be held Armistice day, November 11. Community Day Services Planned Plans for World Community day and United Nations weok observances of tho United Council of Churches In Red Bank was mado at a meeting labt weok at the home of Mrs.. P. L, Jones on Shrewsbury avenue. Mrs. William Wormly, representing St. Thomas Episcopal church. Red Bank, asslstod. Mrs, Hubert M. Farrow, Sr,, council prosldent, presided. World Community day sorvlces will be in November, and womon members of Congregation BNal Israel are In chargo of tho United Nations weok observance sot for October 22. Hi A,>-rtVZ"A*rJi "T ««* ou ««y ",hlglit "at* the "lifimo of Mrs. man. Thomas Collins,. y I hismo. nl» HI " ^ u T Snniuo1 W> "n"" 1 "" 1 on P 0 """ and James MoOovern,..., JCI. li y..!!i" m.?. n! n «Hlu «" hit and Place, Plans will bo mudo for tho soy City, and. Rupert While, Port counoll to nil boxes with clothing Monmouth, u«hor«d. counoll to All boxes with clothin for shlpmont to Europe and Asia Mr* Fred Boyd win d i t thi l«fl th«.«..* A. i.,.7.. "P" 01 " "> auropo ana Asia, A recepl on to owed nt East M*LesH.a\.«Cwti Wllll» m J MV Fred Boyd win direct thl. Keansburg. The couple will make n w i w w m.. uroi» ou t-. their, homi»t Port M.on«nouUj. T)U Wedding BBESNAHAN BEBRY Miss Helen M. Bresnahan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Breenahan, Sr., of Point Pleasant, and Robert Glenn Berry, son of Mr. arid Mrs. Edward M. Berry of Oceanport, were married Saturday at Harvey Memorial church, Point Pleasant, by the pastor,.rev. John M. Long. Mrs. Arthur Anderson was organist, and Clarence Anderson sang "I Love You Truly" and O Promise Me". The church was decorated with white gladioli and palms. The bride was marriage by her brother, Leon Bresnahan, Jr. Her white satin gown was mado with a fitted bodice and a full net skirt which formed a train. Her illusion veil was finger-tip length and was attached to a tiara of orange blossoms. She wore a string of pearls, a family heirloom which belonged to her mothers greataunt. Her bouquet was white roses, white delphinium and babys breath. : Miss Joyce M. Bresnahan was maid of honor for her sister. Her gown was American beauty moire taffeta, made with a hooped skirt. She carried an old-fashioned bouquet of dahlias,, and Wfive a tiara of the same flower In her hair. ; Miss Betty Berry of Oceanport, the bridegrooms sister, and Miss Cora Buidge of Point Pleasant, w«re bridesmaids. Their gowns were made like the honor attendants in blue, and their bouquets were yellow dahlias, and they had matching tiaras. Douglas G. Perry of New York city, the bridegrooms brother, was best man. Edward M. Berry, Jr., another brother of the bridegroom, and Harry M. Messier of Point Pleasant, were the ushers. * Following a reception for 60 at the Dinner Bel! at Brlelle, the-couple left for a wedding trip to New York state. The brides mother wore gray satin with green accessories and a corsage of brandywine roses. Tht bridegrooms mother chose Copenhagen blue, with black accessories and a corsage of pink roses. The couple will make their home on Oceanport avenue, Oceanpoit. The bride was graduated from Point Pleasant Beach high school, and is employed by the war department at Fort Monmouth. Mr.Berry was graduated from Long Branch high school, and Is a member of the Oceanport Police department. He served three and a half years with the Coast Guard, serving 35 months In the Atlantic Pacific and Mediterranean areas. WHITE TANNER Miss Margaret Alice White, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eustace White of Eatontown, became, the bride of Arnold Tanner, son of MJ. and Mrs. Lew Tannehbaum of Freehold, Saturday at the Eatontown Presbyterian church. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Walter Lake, pastor of ho Fre,ethe Eatontown Presbyterian church. " : ;, The bride, who was given In marriage by her father, was dressed in a gown of Chantilly lace, made with a high neckline, cut on princess lines. Her veil was flr»jer-tlp length and fell from a Juliet cap. Her bouquet was made of white gladioli and white roses. Miss Elaine Tannenbaum of Freehold, the bridegrooms sister, was maid of honor. Her gown was rose colored faille, and she carried a bouquet of gladioli and asters of the same ihade. Miss Carolyn Parker of Linden, the brides cousin, and Miss Jano Helsel of Rockvllle Center, L, I., were bridesmaids, Their gowns were peacock blue faille, and their bouquets, made of gladioli, were the same shade as their gowns. Frank Whitman of Freehold was best man. James White of Eatontown, the brides brother; Alex Lovchuk, Freehold; Fred Byrd, New York city, and Larry White, Boston, were ushers, The brides mother was dressed In a costume of aqua crepe, with black accessories and a corsage of yellow gladioli. 1 The bridegrooms mother was attired in green crepe, with brown accessories, and she had a spray of variegated colored asters, Following the reception at the Roseveft tea room,. Little Silver, the couple left for a motor trip to New England and Canada. For traveling the, bride chose a belgo suit with black accessories and a corsage of red roses. Upon their return tho couple will make their home on Lincoln place. Freehold. Tho bride was graduated from Long Branch high school and was employed as secretary In the law firm of Qulnn, Doremus, "McCue and Russell In Red Bank. The bridegroom attended Freehold high school and Rutgers university Bnd received his law degree from New York University law aohool. He served three years In tho European theater of operations and Is practicing law In Freehold. UEE MELOSII Qethsemane Lutheran church, Keyport, by Rev. John Peters, pastor. Tho bride is the daughter of Mr. Meloslf of Jorsey City. The brides gown was white faille, her tulle veil was attached to a matching crown, and she carried a bouquet of roses. Mr. Lee gave his daughter In marriage. Miss Grace Lee was maid of honor for her sister, and hor costumo was dusty roae taffeta. The bridesmaids were Mrs. Gladys White and Miss Arllne Morrol of Port Monmouth, and MlM Rita Quail and Mrs. Muriel Bennett, East Koansburg. The bridesmaids gownb *ore made like the ono worn by the honor attendant and each was dressed In a different color. The gowns were Amerloan bonuty, aqua, blue and gold taffeta, Everott Melosh, Jersey City, the bride was graduated from Middletown townshiphigh school, and the bridegroom from Lincoln high school,jersey City: The bridegroom is employed by Hudson Sales at Jersey City, and served three and a half years in the Navy. Miss Gloria WlUel, daughter of Mr. arid; Mrs. August Wttzel of Matawan, became the bride of Raymond Olsen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Olsen of Perth Amboy, Saturday, at a double-ring ceremony solemnized in the Matawan Presbyterian church. Rev. Robert B. Berger officiated. Given in marriage by her father; the bride wore a, white satin gown styled with a sweetheart neckline. Her Juliet cap of seed pearls held in place her fingertip veil and she cacfied a cascade of white pompoms and babys breath. Miss Jeanette Witzel of Laurence Harbor was maid of honor and Mrs. Marie Miller of Sunoter, & C, was roatron Pf honor. Other attendants were Miss Patricia WlUel of Cl.lffwood,, Mrs. Robert La Mura of. Matawan and Mrs. Thomas Warner of PleasantviUe, Joseph Qulgley of Woodbridge was best man and ushers were Peter Mooney, Richard Larsen and Edward Olsen of Woodbridge and Thomas Warner of Carteret. The newly-married couple left on a wedding trip to Niagara Falls and Canada, and after their return will reside temporarily at the home of the brides parents. The bride Is a graduate of Perth Amboy General Hospital School of Nursing. Mr. Oloen served during the war In the South Pacific. FERGUSON BORDEN. Mrs, Donita.Ferguson, a writer, daughter of Mrs. Herbert Charles West, of New York city, and the late John Sherlock Ferguson,. was married last Thursday to Arthur B. Borden, of Rumson, in the chapel of the Central.Presbyterian church, New York (city, by Rev. Tom Fuhr,, Given in marriage by her grandfather, Ralph Hamilton Beach, a former associate of Thomas A. Edison, the bride had Mrs. Benjamin White Norris, also a writer, as attendant. John C. Borden, elder brother and business partner,, of.tho bridegroom, was best man, The bride attended the Ethel Walker school and was graduated from Bryn Mawr college. She was. formerly married to Roy VanAuken Sheldon. Her paternal grandfather was-the late Major Thomas Ferguson, one-time Minister to Sweden. She Is a great-grand* daughter of the late Thomas Swann, a former governor of Maryland.,... :...,.... Mr. */»n of..general Howard 8..Borden of,rumson,-and tho late Edith Or Beraen."-Wllllanv H. Borden Is another brother and Mrs. William B. Leonard 3d Is a sister. Bertram H., Borden is their uncle. He Is of the fourth generation of the family In the Borden An aliiinnus of Princeton^ Mr. Border^ was a major In the Army AirForces the B-29 program. His first marriage to the former Marledna Clay, of Oakland, Cal., was terminated by divorce. Their children Philip, 16, and Christopher, 12, Uve at Palm Springs, Ca). Mr. Borden Is a member of the Merchants, Wings and Arkwrlght Clubs of New York and the Seat Bright Beach and Sea.Bright Lawn Tennis clubs. The couple will live at 1 Beekman place, New York city, on their return from Guatemala. GRENGER -HELWIG Miss Elsie Granger, daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Grenger of Keansburg, was married Sunday to Karl Helwlg, aon of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Helwig of East Keansburg, at the New Monmouth Baptist church. A double-ring ceremony was ^performed by Rev. William Powell, Pastor. The brides brother, Frank S. Gronger of Keansburg, sang "At Dawning" and "I Lovei You", accompanied at the organ by the brides slater, Mrs, Etta M; Stryker of Keansburg. A reception followed at the home of the bride. The bride chose a blue stilt with blue and white accessories and a corsage of white roses. Miss Nancy Stryker of Keansburg, a, niece of the brldj>. was her only attendant. She wore a tan suit with brown accessories and a corsage of yellow roses. ^ Harold HUlyer of New Monmouth, a cousin of the bridegroom, was best man. The ushers were Albert Orlggs of New Monmouth, and Edward Kornemeyer of Keansburg, a brother-in-law of the bride,, Upon their return from a wed? ding trip to Maine and Canada, the couple will make their home at Now Monmouth. -" HOPPER HELL Miss Shirley Hopper, daughter of William G. Hopper -of Matawan, and William August Hill, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Hill,flr.of Centerv(lle, were married Tuesday at the parsonage of the Keansburg Methodist church by the pastor, Tho bride was given In marriage y her father. She wore a beige gabardine "suit with brown accessories and a corsage of yellow «ni! "» w «4 V«nder-! 11 * «*»«attendants..., The couple will -make their homo at Centervlllo. Tho bridegroom, who served with the Army in the Paolflc, Is employed by Insley brothers at Koyport. roung AUMAOK Mrs. Caroline Slover Poling and Jesso Aumack, both of Keyport, wore married September 13 by Rev. Ooorgo A. Cooper, pastor of the Keyport Baptist church, at the home of the bride. The attendants woro Mr. and Mrs, Richard Applegato of COLLEGE n raj TTTI ITRTIT \T, i^vatiy OX ntuico road, loft Monday for Northwood, Lako" Placid club, N. Y wjiera he. I, u sonloiv Miss, Dorothy Ja«e; Loahy Is attending Moravian obi. logo for Women at Bethelhem, P», whwjl ljw, fc fta Boathouse Case At Little Silver Appears Settled Grant R.. JoBtiton Building Permit For Main Dwelling The much-publicised boathouse case at Little Silver has apparently comii to an end.. At Tuesday night* nutting of the mayor, and, council; Building Inspector Wi.nfleld ; " Wainwrlght was,authorized : to Is-/ r,u«a building permit id. Buskln- K. Johnson Of Cliffslde to construct a n.nin dwelling on his property qn C O r d e n p l a c e,,," : Council alsoagreed to lift the Indefinite suspension placed on the Vetmlt for the boathouee, once It was satisfied that the main dwelling had been completed, sufficiently, \, The council several months ago restrained llr. Johnson-fronr.eo/iv pletlng the boa{fiouse*«*ttt a fulldi ess 1egal hearing In which Harry Green represented objecting Little Silver Point residents and Edward W. Wise, Sr., represented Mr. Johnson. The main argument against the boathouse was that it would be used as a summer living place. Mr. Johnson testified that he intended to r-ulld the main dwellingand that he did not intend to" use the boathouse""as" si place of abode.. The matter has frequently been brought up since that time. After the counell had published lt» findings of the" hearing and brtd suspended the bodthouse permit, It reported that Mr, Johnson might take the case to the courts, Instead, he applied to Mr. Wainwrlght for permission. to erect a hor.e on the site and the-inspector pit the matter before council and Uric ugh. Aito.ney Loon Rous^llo for their ad/ice.i.." :.." -.-;>." Contrasting previous council sessions and. the hearing, when- heated discussions were the order, Tuesdays action went by In quiet fashion. Only borough resident to comment on the matter was John W. Borden, who said he.was a resident of the Point BO. years and that he did not think, the,boathouse would be objectionable. He said the accessory building would" be more a cabana than a boathouso and that It would be "pretty nice.looking." Issuance of the permit marks the second time In as many; meetings that council has arrived at a. solution to. housing problems which have featured most of their meet- Ings In the p"ast few months. Only other Important business of the session was the rejection, of bids for: painting: the borough-hall. Only f two answers; were received, On* from Henry Salt-of Ttnton Falls for $830 was ruled out because It did not comply with the lequtrements of the advertisement. The other,.a.regulsrflpn rejected because the proprlated and because council destred more, to choose from This, bid, was JMb.mltted by Rdwln S. Gay of Highlands...".His price was fl,64. Councilman Donald E. Lawes was given power to re- advertise for bids, provided his parka and publlo buildings committee decided there would be adequate response from painters. PTA To^Entertain Parents, Teachers MM. A. AJPodell Names Chairmen The Mechanic street schooi Parent-Teacher association will resume fall activities at a membership tea Tuesday afternoon at 8 oclock In the school auditorium. The purpose- of.the meeting U^to introduce parents and to foster s, closer relationshlp between the. school and the home. Mrs. A. Alfred Podell, president, named the following committee chairmen: Mrs. Milton Gerard, membership; Mrs,- S. Adler, program; Miss Marguerite Enrlght, goals; Mis, Jack Winters aria, Mrs; Henry Rittsrman, ways and.irieflns; Mrs, Joseph Klein) heahhr;;mtsa Beulah Brecklnrldge, welfare;,mrs, John Stoye, Jr., and Mrs. Max- Pokus, refreshments;miss Louise Mc- Cue, music; Mrs! Walter B. Davlson, publicity; Mrs. Harry B. Hotchklss, year book; Mrs. A. J. Polln, summer round-up; Mrs. H. Lawrence Burdge, publications; Mra. Norman Sickles, hospitality; Mrs. David Kaplan, parent educatlon;.mra.;alfxed Bftck, budget and founders!.,dayi;,:irvinj; Krakowltch, safety; Mrs. William Roilnsun, legislation and Miss MaeVWelkel," historian. * Room mothers -will be Mrs. James E. Gordon, Mrs. Edwin A. Oohs, Mrs. William Kgolf, Mrs. Stanley Burnham, Mrs. Howard Hansen, Mrs. Harold Meistrlch, Mrs, David Wark, Mrs.Stanley O. Wllklns, Mrs. Albert Gagnebln, Mrs. Robert Ramsey, Mrs. William. H. Petherbrldge,-Mr«.Han«Wulf.MrB. Ralph Layton, MM, Albert.-.Newman, Mrs.. Stephen Guzy,- Mrs. Holcn "Jtessae, Mri. Charles Irwln, Mrs. Charlotte Levy, Mrs. Alfred Rogers, Mrs. Morris WesWman, Mrs. Henry Stephensbn and K:a. R o g e r R y a n,...-, Named To Board Of N&tional Group Miss Florence F. Forgotsori, local attirney, represented the State of New Jersey at the convention of the National Association of Women Lawyers, at Cleveland, Ohio, last week-end. Outstanding women lawyers, Including Judgo Floretico Allen of the United States Ctroult Court of Appeals of Ohio and Miss Dorothy Kenyon, United States representative on the "Human Rights Commission of the United Nations, attended the conference, Important resolutions Including matter* pertaining to the United significant program was set out for tho coming years activities, -Miss JTorjrdttonwair-,r«.eleoUd ;tho,:new, Jersey, director of tho,association and elected to tin national govern ln«couiioll. Firemen* Parade Movies At Carl*on%» Technicolor moving pictures of Red Bank fire departments 7Bth anniversary celebration parade will be shown at Carltbn theater for"3sve days, starting S(«day. :7V In announcing the special future, Tony Hunting, Carlton manager, said that Daniel Corn, had been engagedto film the "parade and that 700 feet of pictures had been taken, including those^ol all departments in this section, scenes of the/ crowds, Ujilrtg. the streets, Judges - stand and other Items of Interest. When: finally edited, it "to expected thefilm will ryn on We reriilar-sliwitscrien about 25 minutes.. ", -,,;«. PTA Organized.Nlneiy persbn r^p eats, teachers and ether interested citizens attended a meetlnj, last Thursday night in Shrewsburyborough school at which the Shrewsbury Parent-Teacher Msoclatlon was organized,, ;..( Mrs. Charles Stlllwagon ot Little Silver, president-ofvthei Monmouth County council. o.thep.t^at>and member of the board of managers of.the.n. J. CongreBs.of the P.T.A. presided M temporary chairman and Mrs. Robert H. Dlsbrow acted as temporary secretary. - -, At a question and answer session early In the evening, Mrs. Stlllwagon explained the alma and ideals of the P.TJV. Charter membership Is still open and aninvitatlontoextended to all interested TesWesiUito join tbe"assoelationi ".;>» > *:: John D. Newman was «J«ctBd president; Mrs... Carol. "Badgeley, vice president; Mrp.. Robert Resd, secretary, and Mr«. David. Maw. treasurer. :....-( At a later meeting the executive cbmmltteei which Is composed.of the elected officers.and,the school prlnoipal, Howard E. Mattesoiu-thp following committee bhoien:.v -- *"!--.7r^.v Mrs. OharleB J. Markham,.procedure and by-laws; program^rwhard Hammond; co-chalnnan,,m flii Martha Huber; refreshments, Mrs. J, B. Myers; publicity, Mrs,.Elena Marzulla; membersblpj Mrs. Robert Russell; entertainment and special events, Melvln Ford; goals, Russe\l T, HodgklMj pre-school service, MM. Arthur H. Rosa; schooj,lunch, MM. Dorothy Blair; budget and finance, Eric Winkler;. founders, day,; Spencer Pitts; -congress. jwwaov: tlom, Kenneth Clayton! sebool «)* ; «ailon, Foster Badgeley; co-chair-. B^lnjd!iSi9 Todays meeting of the Red Bank Rotary club at; tjtie Mqlly Pitcher 6ot*l vdtll».»«l o Pejtr_0r business meettiig, at whloh^ flme {he InductloriQrrtarilt Kramer and rtony Sav"a^e Wnt"laKS place This will be the first induction under the direction of Gflprge Keevll. Last Thursday A. 1+ ^Adunspn, vice president of Electrprdcf Jfrio* elation, Inc, ojt Long Branch, gave a word picture of a G.I.s drognj and how be and his associates werij rg, able to establish a new lnduvtjfjt ifrom the team work and Inforflia-, "tion they got 4n the army. Make-ups were received Long Branch for Morris man, Thomas F. Dean and ritt- Boynton and from Park for Newton McCle; VUiting Rotarlans it.t, ing, included Dr. Allan B. honorary member of the club; Willis M. Slsson of R i Richard Hammond of Long ;and J. F."Casey of.pitman. ;Hoffman was. a guest of Dutchshyn,.... manrwllllam;b^ajjairlqnjd!,si9 Ian, Mra. Robert H. DIflbrowj legui-. lative, John H. Mount, Jr. ;. _ : Meetings Will be held the ifiltf. Thursday of each>month atv?. jh Itttthe. Shrewsburyiifej aj\4is To Run In Place Qf Thomas Anderson. The Republican county executive committee of Keypprt* this,.-week, certified to the..cotm{y..,ol«rk/;,the naine of GeorgoDayls as a cahdi-; date for counoljnjan on^uie Republican ticket. The eridprserrieht of Mr. Davis was made after, the regular candidate, Thomas M. Anderson, who was running for reelection, tendered his resignation to- the county committee because he Is planning to move out of the borough.. -..(.Mr. Davis, who lives, at,.1^0 Main street, it associated with the Armstrong " Cork company...he.-ls "al member of the.klwani* cuib,.key-, port Yacht club and Keypott.Board of education and for the put Jour, years (served a«chairman > of.the. Keyport Red Cross chapter, During the war years he tookpart In practically every fund raising drive by heading the Industry group for; the Keyport area.,,..,.-, r. A.native of Milton, Fa* he was. graduated from- Carnegie "Institute: of Technology In" Pittsburgh,: Ba.,; with a bachelor of sclenbe -digree. i n engineering. In -Jttfie,»S8,- the lame Institute conferred upon him an. honorary professional degree. After graduation, he was production engineer for the Hoover Co., Canton, Ohla, and was later with the Stude baker corporation as Industrial engineer, with Pierce Ar> row Motor Car-Co,,.and Remlngj-, ton Rand Co.T and" IIAci: 1930 hap; been associated with the. Arnvstrong Cork.Co.. :1 Lions Glub To ~ Hear Stanley Herbert Quest speaker at the Highland^ Lions clubnext Tuesday wll).,be Assemblyman. SfanTey-Herbertj it was announced Tuesday by PresH dent William Lee at a combined meeting; of the local Lions unit and the Atlantic Highlands Lions.: : The olub thii year will.sponsor two Halloween functions, one e^ childrens party In conjunction with the Parent-Teacher association In the Naveslnk grade school, and tha, other a barn "dance to bo held In the Jackson hotel, Shrewsbury aver nue, Highlands, October 25.. ; Republican Club ^ ; Will Hold Tea ^ Members of the exebutlve board of the Red Bank Womans Republican club, at a meeting Monday, at the home of Mrs. Richard C. Hackstaff on Spring street,,mada-,,ar> rangements for-d tea tov.bejield, later next month for! nrtsrhbora of the county conlmittde and members of the eleotlon boards of Red Bank. Mrs, Tony E. Hunting, prosldent.i will announce final details next weok. " Mrs. Edward H. Downs, Mrs, Ca, Schwcnkor, Sr., Mrs. Joseph C. Itv, win, Mra, William 6. Watormart Sr., Mrs. Joseph R. Serploo, Mrs, Otmar Phillips nhd M«.-Thtfrnas Rotarians To Have "" Open,Kf^ mg^u.,. Local Battalion To Receive Color* i Majoy/iW. T. Oaborrie ; Bed Banks new "reserve unit" of the U. S. Army, the 990th Field Artillery battalion, will be presented with Its -offloial colors at Red Bank Armistice day, November li. The Red Bank battalion,, part of the new "citizen-soldier" army-be- :ln molded throughout the nation, Is made up of local World warji veterans who have volunteered fox service In the Organize* - Ujg) Ve Corps. Maj. William TV shorne-of < Shrewsbury, an. attorney, lias been designated as co-orclina4or *for the Red BanK ceremonies by "Col. Irving C, Averx-.aeatar_3tajto Instructor for theorgatitzed Reserve Corps of.-new di vision ^ in-v 4^jEmoj^Kna uoxuaauy, Is amigned a»i:eojomandlng ofroer-9f ]pd BanW^Woth Field A*Mery baltallon,^ "The cbloni to be presented to the battallopat the Armistice day ceremorty have been stored, by.the army aincs,t i ( deactlvatlon.of \h» unit at the^rid of it* World war.jiser- *< William T. Hogan of Oceanport, jrmejrly of Red, Bank, who - recently entered the Colorado School of Mines, has been pledged to the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity. ".Mr. and Mrs. John Ranjley, Jr. Of Ballock place ( Riverside Heights, are parents of a daughtefchorn Monday at Monmouth Me-,^ncjplal hospital ,* j r, and Mrs. Douglas Hoyt are th^ parents of a son born Monday at Rlvervlew hospital. Mrs. James W. Blrkhead and children, Jimmy and Shcryl, have returned to their home at Landover Hills, Md., after visiting Mrs. Blrkheads parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle K. White on Branch avenue.- Miss Helen Phillips of Maple avenue-will attend a meeting of the executive board of the Alumnae association of the College of Saint Elizabeth at Convent Station, Sunday morning at the college. Following-the board meeting, the members will be luncheon guests of the college "- president, Sister Marie.Jbse. ZZ-. Miss Margaret MacVeagh, daughter:, of Mr. and Mrs. A. T, "Mac- Veagh of Maple avenue, has returned to Georgian Court college at Lakewood, to resume her~ilusles In her.junior year. " r Three;.Red Bank ;s.tud«ht«5hay6 enrolled In Central college.jttjp^lla, la. They Include Ffe4.Br&S3 l J r er-.ilfcift soft of Mr. anjtj^fifs.dsred.flfrrlino of Bank»ireet r ;;.yyj ii : am, Wellner, son of Mr. arid -Mrs;William Wellner of Cllfford-placerJano! Martin Dwyer, *on of Mr. and Mrs.^ Martin Dwyer of Lelgbtpn. avenue." Thtoty members of the auxiliary"" of tse New Jersey chapter, Rainbow Division Veterans, and their guests, attended the show, "Annie Get;Your Gun," yesterday In New FollowingShe ptrform* group h«4 dinner, at :es Diamond; Horienhoe. made Jn one of: the iri^nd Mrs. Fred H. VanDorn of Sraioh avenue and daughters, VanDorniand Mrs.:Al- en fisswin. have btth. staying a Deland.fSJlorlda. Visa tjon will be held. Tuwday, October. 7,! at Mrs. W. B. Lud- Wig will preside, a reception-trill be given for the school teachirs, and a musical program presented..tie following committee chairmenhave been named by Mrs. Ludygg: Mrs. John Eggenberger, lunchroom; Mra. Robert G."Fergu-i «6n and Mrs. Leroy C. Tyack, lblty; MrB. R. L. Kelly, programc.mts. Theodore D. Parsons and Sirs. Benjamin-fai.Ashln, raembfershlp; Mrs. Charles. Stlllwagon, goals; Mrs. Edward J. Ebehl and Mrs! Lyman Dletzor hospitality; Mrs. R. H. Belknap, budget; Mrs, Olaf,. :Ravndal, parent-education; MiBS Annette Brown, music; Miss Elizabeth Ryan and Mrs. George Wi ijrawbaugh, founders day; pharles % Thompson, legislation; Mrs. Portland Merrill, safety;.mrs. Garl BorS&on, health; MIBS^J-; rjett Mot r8^.nd Mrs. Patsy Zam- Jirano, llbsjiaft.mrs. AHjertjS man and"i^w,";.lebter ; W.-TayrorT yearbooksj4irb; -S,-Benedict Levin, social hy.gienev^fa,,,e. J. Urban, school education;;mrb;;ft;.i:;moore, telephoned&h* MW."*Hi "penman Smith, - " " "" Christian Endee^yor Ci td 8 y Convention ti8ted u The 91st annual convention of the New Jersey i-chrtetlan, Endeavor union will be held Thursday, Friday and Saturday, October 9, 10 and 11 al First Baptist church, Asbury Park. Frederick L. Mlntel,. executive secretary 6f the union. Is general chairman., Speakers, will be Dr. Clyde W. Meadows, pastor of the King Street United Brethren cm3r h.;at Chambersburg/Pa.; Dr. Rttywond I. Llndqulst, pastor of First Presbyterian. chuiplv-pj:afls.ei,_b6y.?.«> ejt R, Bjjan, geaeral. aecretary of: the Internatipnat Bodety of Christian Endeavor; Dr,.: INorman. W. Paulllnj ijastbrv otvphrat BajjS-,.Asbury..PWk^ or of bury Pi presfd NlchoU; Rlta-MaaNamsrah. El ^ tha- Booth:andOeraldlne Shulman The other night girls in the troop did notlmakfrthe trip; Tl«y "Wlilgo on an overnight hike to Camp No- Thomas,,Jl(<ih,^jon, >,und. Mrs, je&i!; J^JenJiWilantlo High, landa Wfts baptized.surldhy "by,rov. Joseph OConnor of St. Agnes church, at the:*ecw»y, Thasponsors pe was served at,,tho,jarnllv rcsldenco. Th lhi htttth St Tho serv luo,,o, hi httvo/tnoth»t< ion Ste- «.J3lsL-.-. "? Persoiial^ Mr,.and Mrs. Harry Lyons of Mc- % LaTettstreet are "p2i r entls*"of a dasgnter born last Thiirsdaj^at Rlvervlew hospital, j; ;-~\ "*-"-- MM. JotoCtetone of. Chestnut street, are-fparents of a daughter, born Saturday at Mon-. mouth Memorial hoipltat Paul Schlssler of the J. H. Kelly company of Broad utreet 1B now enrolled at.the automotive service ednbol of The Electric Auto-Lite" company, Toledo, Ohio. He entered.the school September 22 and after gfour weeks training will be grad- uated. The school has been In operation for the past ten years and is conducted to train automotive seiylcemen on how to provide uniform jbervlce.the world over for car owners. The men are trained to service products, manufactured by Auto- Lite as well as all electrical eqlpirient iri use on the modern autoftnlveralty. NEIN8TEDT. * Services for Henry Kelnstedt of Liberty street, Mlddletown, were held Saturday afternoon at the Mount Memorial home. Rev. Car^ roll M. Burck of Plnckney road,.former rector of Christ Episcopal *Jui»ehVi Shrewsbury, officiated.;. In- ^trraenf was In Fair View e»ae- /, Mr. Neinstedt died a week ago Tuesday la Rlvervlew hoipital, where he had been a patient on* week.- He was in his 80th year, Retired the past six years, be had been in the marine division ef the Central Railroad of New Jersey. He had lived with his daughter, Mrs. George C. Hance, the wife of a-former editor (if The"*Register. Also surviving are, r tw6 sliters,. -Mika Christine NelnsteftCi"t>f;: Aa- - tftrta, L. I., and MrCiK;3R QCHPW York city.,.:,:::;;. "JBeaVers were John; jjasseyv Don-, aid Pease, Cecil R. MooiClpud/Robert -Dlsbrow, M. Harold Kelly^ and W. Harry Pennington, i i,";.^! _.:.;.. WDLLIAMJ. HEHOE.. A requiem, mass will be offered! Saturday at Holy Family church, Union. Beach, for William J. Kehoe, 55, of "Ne-w York, who died suddenly Tuesday. Interment, under the direction of Bedle funeral home, will be In St. Josephs cemetery, Keyport. Born In Jersey City, he was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kehoe; Surviving are a sister, Mrs. Roy English, of Union Beach,.and a brother, living In Jersey City.. MRS. JESSIE LXVLNG8TON. ty will be held this afternon at 2 oclock at the A.M.E. Zlon church, Eatontown,_for_Mtfs. Jessie Livingston, 27, pr-)heeveytowh road, Pine Brook, who! -died -Sunday at Allenwood hospltai^jatfirbn^, un- :tt«r-a»«ctlon of S r t hoojj;>m be her husband, arrisorfrivingstorl, iuia four chlldrerit:" Xi6ttKId, Paul, Stbbarts andelhbste^ Xhurd KETOBMED; Colts Leonard,._ T.... preach a sormon entitled "What tn Christianity?" at ft a" in. school at 9:45 a, m., choir rehearsal Thuriday evening at 8 oclock; new Volets welcomed. 3 BAY SHOES COMMUNITY Dast Keansburg " Sunday-school at 10 a. m.; Sunday morning sorvloo at-11 a. ri.; movies ovorywcdnesdayjat 8 p. nil; evening prayor service and hyn>ji singing Friday and~s.unday ova«- \n$i. Rev,»- " "»-..T in" charge. I ATTENDS WEDDING ".!C of misii Rita Drnuco and Frod Ul U OX.tho Church of Sfi.Jqhns on t w Pal((ados,Wost Now ii/rfc, Ball * Bo»» tin mika pocket montr hj nil 3i p^ittjifrutimtiaii brlttk Ruhgi

25 VENETIAN BLINDS OF We make them of cedar sid, aluminum, ru»t"prpof b K 4 xenariief steel. Long lasting paint flnlih. 8«leotjSn of tapfe, colors* L Immediate deliver^; *,"- *,-* Globe Awning & Shade Co. *icl - 1*7, W. FRONT ST. ^, TJ^j J Eb. BANK>* Topcoats* 1 REDBANK REGISTER. SEPTEMBER 25, 1947 Catches Six Bass --GET OUR HIGH CASH PR!CE AU MODELS ALL MAKES ANY YEAR, - Orlv* ID or Pbon* «- PACKARD RED BANK Kelly Bulldtnc Harding Road at Broad Bt R. B , DON MORRIS andlhis Orchestra Songs by Anette Complete Entertainment Service. Thre«: For Bookings Call Long Branch M \ ft I, r t -, r I Long wearing CovertCloth m single? v< breasted, button thru and fly".front models., $39.50 and $50.00 ** Durable, imported woolens, in single - J breasted, fly front model. Price $ BKOAD ST., RED BANK 18S Molly Pitcher The Gem of the Atlantic Coait* You Are Invited To Sing... Your Favorite Songs... Reg Schury to Accompany You On the Piano-Solovox... Group Singing Encouraged;... - "Youre Only A Stronger Here Once" - COCKTAILS OF DISHNCTJON * No Cabaret Tax * Hotel Molly Pitcher Red Bank V BftOADWAT,, BRANCa SIMMONS INNER SPRING MATTRESS AND 34,50 FREDERICK and SON FURNITURE COMPANY,....u.i. (Third Qoneratton of Dependable Sftrvlo* Store Broae( St.) Shrewsbury, v Tel. R. B * \ II >»-i i John Parmljr of Sea Bright ia shown with a string of six striped b&ss, which he caught:in the Sfca Bright aurf on a floptail plug of his own design. Mat. tawan Kev. Robert B. Berger, pastor of the Preabyterlan church, and Elder KmeraonJ. Llak attended the fall meeting, of Monmouth Presbytery at RlveTton.. : Mrs. Ralph W. Herrlck and Mrs. JTajr P. Hostetter accompanied Miss Claire Conoyer to enter Wellesley collage Miss Nancy Jane, Erdmann ontertalned - the Tuesday Evening Bridge club this week. Frizes were awarded to Mrs. Paul Egan, Mrs. Howard Erdmann and Mrs, Gerard Devlin Mrs, Harry Kahn entertained the club last week when prizes were won by Mrs. Richard Erdmann, Jr., and Miss Frieda Howard of Seaford, Del., who was a substitute.. Henry Devlin is remodeling his dwelling oh the corner of Broad and Little streets into two apartments. Miss Grace Carmen Is seriously III at her home on Church street. Miss - liaiira Gordon returned Monday as commercial teacher in Matawan. high school. She has recovered from a recent throat operation In NowYork city. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bliss and Mrs. W. B.: Morris visited Trenton State fair last week, Mrs. Charles. Lyons entertained E J i J i i d L last week and priseswere won by MrBj Conrad Johannsen of Keansburg and Mrs. Frank Bliss and Mr&^aul Royer.. y " ^iss-joyce Thompson, daughter -"»t«p=titent Bon,,celebrated her tenth birthday Frljl^y,; al; a, party. Guests w^re Carol Craig, Judy and Karen Sagebltl, Constance and Ronald Sickles, Shirley Hertle, Carl Laursen, Frank Clark, Patricia Hulsart, Jeanne Pendergast, Betty Herrlty, Ellelj Kiitioand Joan and Lee Plorkowskl. UIH JaneDevlin, daughter of Dr. and Mrs, Gerard Devlin, has entered. Manhattanville college In New TprJt city. Miss Judith Ann Ziegler, daughter o! Mr. and Mrs Harold Ziegler, celebrated her fourth birthday last week with a home party. > Richard Erdmann, Jr., has returned from a business trip to Chlcagp. Misr Charlotte Rose has resumed her; studies as a Junior in Trenton State Teachers college. Mr. and MM. Philip L.Neldlinger have returned from a-visit to Hyannls,.Mass. Mrs. E. S. Nostrand and Mrs. Floyd T Taylor have returned after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jacob A-pplegate in Sblp Bottom. Matawan unit, American Legion Auxiliary, met Monday night in Legion hall,., The Xoung Womens circle of the Presbyterian church met Monday evening at the home of.mrs. Howard Wolverton.. MTM P., A, Ziegler, Mrs. Al Pennettl and Mrs. Michael Eovlno at-.tended the flower show at Asbury.Park convention hall Friday. Mrs. Joseph Baler and Miss Ann Tlchehor. attended a matinee per- MENS FELT HATS EXPERTLY CLEANED.. :.":., and:-.. * BLOCKED LEONS, 64-7ft White St., V i. ; ". Since,1B1* :;1.V. ift formance of Brlgadoon Thursday in New York city. MI&B Gloria Curran left Tuesday to continue her studies. In Columbia university... Mr. and Mrs 1. Anthony Hart of the Broi)X) N. T,, were the guests last week of Mrs. Harts mother, Mrs. Margaret MaeDonald. The* Ladles Missionary society of the Preabyterlan church held Its first fall meeting last week.. Mrs. Albert Simpson and son Michael have returned from a visit In Allentown, pa, : Mr. and Mrs. Walter Shlnn and sons, Howard and Walter, left Tuesday by plane for Jacksonville, Fla., where they will make their future home. Miss Charlotte Dennis was the guest of honor last week at a- shower" given byhersister, Dlanei. and her grandinother, Mrs. -Benjamin Dennis, at the tatters home. Miss Dennis la the fiancee of George Melnzer, son of Mr. and Mrs., George Melnzer of Matawan. -. Mr. and Mrs. Richard, Burlew of state highway it entertained last week at dinner Mr. and. Mrs. Robert Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bolce, Jr., Mr. and MrB. Raymond Henderson and Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Sturt. ;... : Mr. and Mrsi. Merrill Brotvn 1 of Buffalo ilptcwrhmfc Mrs. Edward Schuber entertained, her pinochle club Friday evening. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Henry Drugasy high, an8 Mrg^ Ervlng :f.ahd"mrs; Herbert Gaub and family of Browntown. were the guests Monday evening of Miss Shirley BurTew when sho celebrated htr sixteenth birttiday. :" Mrs. Amy Neu, Mrs. Etta Baler, and Mrs. Warren Donriell spent Wednesday of last week In New York, where they attended >a. performance of "Happy Birthday". Mrs. Ada Stillwell recently spent several days at the home of her daughter and. son-ln-lsw, Mr s and Mrs. Theodore Narozanick In Engllshtojfn. ^ ;,... * : ;. Kay Oonittef, Matawan Hl-Y leader, accompanied five members of Hl-Y to a conference last week^ end at Camp Ockanlckon. Those attending were Douglas Marvel, Robert. Knapp, Robert Van Worp, Carl Hlnda and Eugene Magee. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Holmes have moved to a* new residence on Ravine drive. Miss Dorothy.B. Delbascb, daughter of Mr^and Mrs. HenryF. De baaco, has enteredtheunlversltyof Miami, Coral Gables, Fla. " The Matawan Womens club held a directors, meeting Monday eyening at the home of the president, Mrs. Milton F. Stevenson. Fair Haver Miss Doris Aumack was "hostess to the Thursday.Evening group of the Presbyterian church, of. Red Bank last week when theje^met. at her home at 431 River roadtalrs. Charles Gotschalk, Sr,, president of the groiipl was in charge o[ the devotional period and business ses- slon. The young women aewed articles for the coming bazar and Mrs. William Tannsey of Second ayenue was welcomed as a new member. Others present were Mrs. Mahlon Anderson Grimes, Mrs. Reginald P. Lyman, Mrs. Robert K. Bursley, Mrs. Noeme, Connors, Mrs. Chester P. Aumack, Mrs. Harold* P. Lartaud, Mrs. Albert W. Worden and Misses Norma Norman and Frances p. Sherwood. :....._.. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M." Zettler of East WiUlston, L. I., Were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. George B. Moxley of Church street. This week-end Mr. and Mrs. Moxley will entertain Mr. and Mrs., William Sutton of Pennsylvania. " Mr; and Mrs. Davis Hicks of Strlbling of Macon, Ga., as their guest the past week.... The Ladles auxiliary of the fire company will meet tonight at the the Green Shutter dress. shop, has been confined to her home the past week with pneumonia. Her condition la reported good. i Mrs. Rosena Helser of Livingston is spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. George Curchln: Mrs, J. J. Ballln, formerly of this place, who has, been staying at the Hotel Powhatan, Asbury Park, has returned to New York, for the winter, - inbwpabisb-named St. Anns at Browns Mills has been named as a new parish, with Rev. Eugene B. Kelly, formerly of Highlands and Keyport, as pastor, Bishop William A. Griffin of Trenton announced this week, St. Anns church previously had been a mission of St. Mary of the at Medford Lakes. Father Kelly, who, will take over the new pastorate, served overseas in the Pacific theater as chaplain. Recently he had been assigned to Our Lady of Good Counsel ohurch, Mooreatown.. : ; ;. TOBACCO ROAD in New Jersey! a novel of the New Jersey coast by EDWINA ELROY Th s Is the story of the people of Tannertown Ju»t down. the rlyer from Red Bank a distance made.long by a way of life. In particular it Is. the story of Holly Tannerand the men who filled hor life Big Lom,. her father, who raised lior among the shacks and shanties of the lobsterttien; Ktrjcfwho always loved her but went /away;;sid who b«trayed hor; Ben who,projected her; nnd Le,rry Alnswortf), tho handsome,, wanderer who tempted hsr to leave th*o water-. front sho lovod,.... $3.00 Airfe RED BANK BOOK STORE or your localnew Jersey bookstores) Large Office and Waiting Room Available For Sub-Letting Complete Privacy During Day Write "Ofljcc," Bos 811. Red Bonk IFVITAMIN& DONT BUCK YOU UP try NUXATED IRON When your doctor elves you A medidoo and It doemt help you, ho trlei another medicine. Likewlie. If Titumlns dont, buck you up, try NUXATED IRON to help build mera full ml color la your blood. For full red blood helm rainy of us to foci just wonderful. Stick to NU3UTKU IRON ubltu for Quite awhllo. UWe Uiera a filr triad. But uw only u directed on tbo label. VENETIAN &UND5 Papoirin< RcflnisVirnj Lynne Venetian Blind Co. 8 EAST FBONT STREET RED BANK MOTH HOLES» TEARS HQL S HANO WEAVING CALL R.B. TExnie Rt-weAvwc V,. v Boyi can.make by log The Register. Advertisement. RADIATOR Greatest Saving! Our Radiator Repairing does more than save the radiator. An A-l Radiator Repair easily may result In saving rings, pins, cylinder*,. etc., from ruin! In your earsaving plans, be sure to put a Radiator Repair job, by XJM, at the top ot your liau ct "Musts!" REPAIRING RED BANK RADIATOR WORKS 113 W. Front St. Red Bank, N. J. R.B SAPOLIN SEMI-GLOSS FOR YOUR WALLS AND WOODWORK Pure A Quality Product For A Quality Job (IN YOUR CONTAINER) A Full Line of Lloyd Wallpapers GOLORITEGO. "JUST A SHADE DIFFERENT" 13 Broad St. Phone R. B Red Bank YOVR FRIENDLY, PERSONAL WIMiS and LIQUORS 39»/ 2 BROAD ST. RED BANK, N. J. For Free Delivery Call R. B Yes! Everyone Agrees For Economy - For Good Taste. JM ««CALIFORNIA WINE MUSCATEL SHERRY PORT WINE 59 e 1 49 "A GAL. mm m FIFTH Still Available! IMPORTED BEEKMAN BEER A. MB. DINNER WINE BURGUNDY 7 00 BARBERONE _ Ca?e GAL. Z1NFANDEL 4 Gals.1FULL AMERIOA8 s»»«0hoi0e FOR YEARS.,, 40% 5 Yr. Whiskey - Case of Extra Special! * Duncan & Mackensie Mild and Mellow (.99 FIFTH 8flJ Proof This flne product will appeal to the most discriminating; Whiskey Drinker BOTTLlb AT THE WINERY AQAIN BELLOW8 HA8 BOTTLID THE FINEST LOW PRICE BLEND.,, f SPECIAL RESERVE 30% - 6 YR8. OLD BUY THE CASE AND 8AVI B* 41." A ;

26 i. Four EEi> BANK REGISTER; SEPTEMBER 25.;JKl ; REMEMBER, ONLY 10 MORE DAYS! VJs Monday, October 6th, at 8:00 P. M., you and other grown-ups here In Monmouth County will ha*o the clianco to learn those cstra things you ralssed In school or college for less than theprlce of a mo^e-and-soda-a-week when jour own..non-profit Monmouth Adult SciioVt opens In the beautiful ttuni-. ion Hlch ScHool fiulldlns. «re fast filling np M registrations pour In. DVAC rejlstratloiui for the courses you want will continue to be taken on a flrst-coqierflrst-serre basis on M o n d a y "and Wednesday evenings (8P.M.) next week, and on Monday, October 6th J :»F you have a registration blank from last weeks newspapcr* (Beglster, Record or Press), fill it out and send It In with your money order or check today! Or come to the Rumson High School ham Aye.), on Monday, or Wednesday. ; way, dont delay reglsteijgarly to take the courser, you want The Board of Governors MONMOUTH SCHOOL Boxl03«Rumson,N.J.!.NOTICE. < Te Ltitir Ohtpmin, or to whom It mj CO&6ITOI " Take notloethut I will sill *t public lotion to tb«hlsheit blidw, under the >r*c«lien-of tba Btatt of Niw J«riy Law: *...-. ( Oil 1>I> Ford, two-door ««d»n. Inln«#49961* , To bt tola.on October Id, 1SU7. (Frtly),»l"10 A. M. In ths forenoon it abb Girige^ Shr«w»bury aveml*. and m m Svrlnrs Road, Red Bunk, N. J. - MiOYD BUTLER, Comtable. fosmteuth County Surror*t>s Office. la the matter of the estate, of Llltm S. Becker, deceased. Notice to -editor! to prtunt claims aralnst «it*.... Pursuant to the order of Dprman Uctddln. Surrogate of tha County of lonmouth, m«sf«on the twelfth dar of (Ptember. 1947, on the application of eralca Jacobs,* sole executrix of the itate ot Lilllkn S. Decker, deceased, otlm la hereby Riven to the creditors t laid deceased to exhibit to the sub. ;rtbtr sole executrix as aforesaid, their ibtfl and demands against thelaid ei> lu, under -oath, within six months om the date,.of the aforesaid order, r ther will bi forever barred of their etlonl therefor aealnst the said subcrlber,. Dated i Friwhold, N, J., September BBKNICB JACOBS,. IE North Second Street, AlUntown, Pennsylvania. (etsrl. KlatsVf, Gray ft Klatiky, lounmllors at Law, t<4 Bank, N. J, Proctors. Mnmoulk County Surroiatea Office. In the matter of the estate of Jacob Wplebjr. diciuid. Notice to cndlton a pruint claims acalnst estate. Puniunt tothe order of Dorman Me p a4dln. Burrpiati of the County of lonmouth, made on ths Sixteenth day if September, 1947, on the application if Laura y«-na Murray, survlvlnit ixteutrlt, of the estate of Jncob Aplllly, itetnits, notice!> harcby glveno the creditors ol salil deceased to ixntblt to the subiicrlbrr. survlvinn ixseutrlx, at afortjnld, Ihrir dfbti rnd lamands xalnst the sniii mtntt. under latli, rltliln:itx months from the date if the tforeiald nrilfr, or lliry will be orsrtr bsrfad of their actions there or aralmt the aald tub»crlber,,p«vli Freehold, N. J., September lltft, LAURA VBRNA 111 Bell Street, BillivlIU, Nt.» Jersey. Mom, Labrseijue, Oansona nafr Jersey.. Proctors. Netlee»f ( ttumeni a I Account tltatt of William A. Colt, Deceased WOtlMli hereby ilvtn that theae. oiintl of the lubicrlbir, Suyrvlrlni DM. tutor and Truatte of the estate of said >ie«med, will be audited nnd itated by he BurfOB«t«) of the County of. Mon- Jouth and r*t>onrd for settlement to hi Orphsiu Cniirl i,t tnlil rminty, nn hursday. thn Thlrllcjh dny of October, L. I). 11(47. i«t.10:01) oh.ifk A, M., at rnlch time npplicatlon "111Wr m!iu> lor he ullownnoe of comnil>»lot» uml counti r«>.. Dated Aumist SOlli. A,. i THE BRCONI) NATHINAL HANK ANf)JTItt)KT COMPANY hjm^jm}mtulx ntd nmiki new Jeney) (Raltk I Iesrc. Trust Offlter) uhrltln b t o r and Trui ItUM - f k Ctmmmp i, N*w Unn, rt LUNCHEON From One Seventy-nve DINNER a From Two Seventy-fly* MendotD -Boom SuiM FoiuPrtuato Op»n Tfcrouglioulltrt ftai J«UpWwi«SI 14444, OVIRIOOXINO EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR Cran, Bulldozer and Dump Truck Work, Excavations, Grading and Clearing of all t y p e s..; ". -.. Roadways Cut and Shaped Up, Cellars, Pools, Lakes and Ditching Done. F.or all operations on this type of work call. on UB for our estimates. i v No Job Too Large or Too Small. Also a Full- Lirte pf Top Soil, Fill Dirt and Gravel....,, r M. J: STAVOLA PHONE RED BANK ;< ^ P. O. BOX 482, RED BANK, ft J> ; TELEVISION IMMEDIATE. DELIVERY! 395 Ready now... the spectacular achievement of two decadei of research... Television * by PHILCO, the Leader I Pictures so bril- f liant, ao clear and sharp you can enjoy them in «normally lighted room, day or night!exclusive PHIL,CO station selector plui 1:25 F " d Ta «,, permitj tuning of ALL television channels, Standard, no matter wbere you are! Ready at last.,. Imlalloiion $45. television at its finest 1. VISIT OUR TELEVISION STUDIO FREE ADMISSION Open Evenings Till 10 P. M. EATONTOWN RADIO & TELEVISION CO. PHONE EATONTOWN 3-0S68 15 MAIN ST. EATONTOWN, N. J. WE WANT YOU.; Matawan BankeV Heads County Group At the recent annual meeting of the Monmouth County Bankers and Clearing House association at the Berkeley-CartorefhotelrAalSury Bark, the following officers.were elected/ president, Hilton F. Ste- Venson, executive vice president Matawan bank; vice president, J. Wolcott Brown; vice /president Manasquan National bank; se.cre-! tajy-treasurer, J. Harold Hendrlck- { son, vice president Key.port bank-! ing company, and member "executive,committee for. five yeara, Stanley Green, asslsfist treasurer-secretary, Long Branch Trust Co.- At the banquet following the business meeting, Louis H. Biirflend, president of the association, and president of the A*bury Park and Ocean Grove bank, was toastinaater. _. -,,...-.:,...-» f ; Eatohtown :{, Mr. and Mrs. Jpsepli Hawkins.of Elizabeth parkway, are parents, of a joni born Tuesday at Montaouth Memorial hospital, i The firemen were called out Thursday evening to extinguish a blaze inthe Highway Cleaning shop on Route 38 operated by John Ramsey. Soma cleaning fluid became Ignited In the shed section and did considerable! damage to equipment ajidigarnienta; ;-,,, - "ij?- /V^lx-.tei^/.ira competing :^: c {, Recreation Bowling league tournament whichstarted Tuesday night on the local, alleys. The teams include Fashion-Tailors, Firemen No. 1 and 2, Alex Garage, Builders and, Legion post.., Councilman Fred S. Morris; is seryltlg his fourth year arprealdgnti Kenneth VanBrunt Is vice.president.-^lclng the place of Edward Clarlf,>vho is treasurer, and Raympnd ;H}ll:ia secretafy. ;Mrs, tafthiil<" Myleo of Scarsdalc.. >,i<:3t,i<iyultqtl^ her slater-in-law,,mrav. cjracb- ittjrrls, Thursday, lite?, Dorothy.,Wood, daughter and, Mrs. Floyd Wood of 105 Broad street, who was graduated laat June from Fltkln hospital, la.employed there as a nurse. Mrs. Mabel Haynes of Freehold formerly of Eatontown, is visiting Mrs. Ada B. N,afew and Mrs.A^C! Mrs. Arthur Aumack are on a motor vacation trip South. Mis, Marjorla Crivmer and daugh. ter Gretchon, Mrs. Mamie Niles end Mrs, Ea.rl....Hathaw?y_.returned Saturday from a four-day stay In Atlantic City, where they attended a lodge convention. A Pollyanna and birthday party will be held next Monday n(ght by Pride of Crescent council, Sons and Daughters of tdberty. A.SvhWeelej)hant" gifl let;mhdywas s/e Mr. and Mrs. EMwln Blossejr.-iarrived home Friday- from a three wee-ka visit with Mr. Blosseys parents in Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Curtler of on b"sfbtffrdasrsttmisnntoutllmoritil hospital,... JitHeone Retina Distress cold- JUHiSlnpi! ;t bedtime rub warming, A Help Us Our Anniversary Our Gift To You... i soothing Vlcks VapoRub on throat, chest and back. VapoRubs special reliefbringing action starts to work Instantly to soothe Irritation, ease coughing, relieve muscular sorenesa and tightness. And theneven, while child sleeps^ VapoRub keeps right on working to bring relief. Remember, its the bestr known home remedy you can uae to relieve distress of coldsvtry it! Helene Curtis Cream Oil COLD WAVE for $10,95 WE DO WISH THAT Y6tJ f Xkll- ADVANTAGE OF THIS GIFT! AND HELP US CELEBRATE. l» WALLACl? ST. Phono R. B, For AprJointnient Highlands, Prisoner Nabbed After Escape John tjpezfale,; 8t of BSVA Fifth itreet. Highland*, :whq escaped rorn the police. September 6, after Jelhg sentenced to aalx; moritha. Jail tenri tor"disprderly eondtict, was ^ppreheadecl at his home yesterday. ;inornrag when; Patrolman, John Maokel observed his car parkedin.front of the hpuse. On the morning of his escape, Sflestlale was given permission to drive his car home from the police station, but instead of returning, he Kept, on,, drivlig., *IIli - rponvlctlpn was on- complaint of hi* ^whe.i He; was taken to ^Freehold yesterday, but Police Chief Howard Monahan has not,yet determined what legal action will be-,taken, in:. connection with iila escape. ; ;, State House Letter Qov. Driacbll is planning:an allrout effort to sscure more ta!^ revenues for Ne^, itexsey-i?wlthouts Ihe ;!i>nposition of a state Income tax. Drtecoll, told a - news conference that no income tax would be Imposed during his administration, but that he would concentrate on efforts to get the $edera)ygovernment to turn over certain taxes to the states. He said He; considered the task, as.cjmpqrtant tb^ him^as, Conktltdtloaalv revlsloni^aind^ asserted" -hewould give it as niuchenergy as he lent to the effort to secure virtually unanimous support of a new proposed charter for New Jersey. The governor emphasized his conviction that Income taxes should remain the provlnco of the federal government only, but that too government shopld surrender t^ states gasoline taxes and larger shares of inheritance ana liqudrlevte3; " " He. said he expected. ;,ttot, A, real start on. his progiam to revamp federal-state tax relatlonshlpa would come In a special Chicago conference tomorrow and Saturday. The meeting will be attended by sub-committees of the Ways and Means committee of ^he, House of mittee-of theu. 3. Senatp, and"the" QoVernorB "Conference, of which Drisooll is a member. Drlacoll started efforts tbward rnors taxes for the states early in his administration. Ho said at first his wai."a.lone volco in tho wilderness crying for this program;" but that it now stands an oven chance of really getting under way In the 1048 Congress. Discussing the tax -plight or the states the governor pointed to an anticlnated. balance,, of ; edr, while the combined deficit of the states Is expected to exceed $1,000,000,006. Fish Catch Frlte A 6p8-po.un4» f record tuna catch.warren Cope of BetBlebem,. Pa,, jiaiighlj thvtuna August tjrti.ti 16 New JerseyCduncil, sponsom.ofoiff fa Governors Fishing tournament, said dt was the largest tuna.officially caught off the state coast. J. Frank Mead of Brldgeton won -he fresh water awai"d for a 6,ilound -large-mouth bass caught in Mary.Elmor lake August 1, ;;v, : : ;>?YclEht Chlslers " A special certfflcate of me.fltwas.nlsb 12^e^^01d PEtef Meyer 1 of Elberbn for catching pound and. 256-pound tuna during August. Jpseph blullano, state superintendent of weights and measures, reports chiseling on weight is rampant in New Jersey.. Glullano, in a speech before the national annual conference on, weights and measuresln Wakhlngi Aon,.saldfhe had instituted "a systemilic project of under-c6ver- tut-* chasing" in New Jersey ta suppress "the pernicious activities of the chlseler."., Under-cover check-upe in three large cities, Qlullano said, showed cheating In over 45% of the purchases, with discrepancies ranging from two to. 40 cents on a sale. Ha said sales on meats accounted for 8O9J of. the violations, - ;Ha added that weight and measure discrepancies were especially sorlous because of the "prevailing price structure whloh has reached an all-time peak." > Constitution Secretary of Agriculture W. H, A^ilen, In an /idjtorlal appearing in the October Issue 6f Wow Jersey,rm an.d Garden, urge? approva of,tne proposed new- Stite :Cpnititution by the agriculture Interests of New jersey. The revised Constitution, Allen points out, continues rural repre? sentatlon in the Legislature on the present basis, and also provides that farm groupa will retain a voice In the organization ot the Btate ^oard of Agriculture. As citizens, farmers traditionally have demanded efficiency n government at all levels," Mf. -Allen ays Inthe editorial) "This his. apparent in the generally sound management of our rural municipalities, Farmers, with all other oltlrans, have good reason to expect. that justlco will be admlnltterod by the courts fairly, economically.wlthotit delay.,; Fftrmors, perhaps more than any other group, hayo every reaaoh to favor the soundest possible system of taxation, On all of those points, the revised Constitution holds prom lae of benefiting New Jersey farm, ers aa well an citizens 01 tha state generally.",,. B"ood lrlcca.- -. ; Cfovl Drlicoll has anhdunj»dillat atatft tatb kctlon; niay may bo-.t&kon^ilofl" f»it,t«ik«jnwl>n ; to combat-high food,prlfcea.,".v:!; :;, The governor iaid.fv: dofln)t«projfram hoi not v stt, < heiri:fojruulaito.d *ut studies are bslpg,made by thn *lt*ttjjiarttoe lt (; Agriculture, mljerj of th has conferred) Ho said ho oomld<fo_ luqh program* as ndvuing housewives what p)iraha«c» were most rsttaonabla "without tho jlrovlnda of governmental activity In this por lod of treas." j.ft. William Ralph, ebtt oi :Mr;;and jlra Vernon. RAJph,!».a aurgieal patient at Mdlnhitfuth J;MenioM4 ; hospital.;.;..,,. }»,i ".I,;...,">.-,* < Miss Mary Lou West, d&u^hkw/ojf 1 Mr. and Mrsl ^rpert, 1.Wen;."wni. leave this week for Lutlieryine, M4;, where she will entermaryland Got-; lege for Women.;-.". 1!. HI -., Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Van?u4- kirk of Keyport and Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Heeren, Malyerne, L. I o have been visiting Maj. and Mrs. Arthur B. VanBuaklrk at ^ Craig Field, Selma, Ala..Mils Valeria Goet*,st.Udi3nts,,.at,, State,^Teachers-college/fca. named on the "peans. Hat Xorth* second semeater. Mr. andmrs. Maloblm Mclntosh of Hall place are parents of a son born Monday at Monmouth Memorial hospital, ;,.,.-....j,,. Miss Geraldlne jv.- : Brown been elected president of tile lort Teachers awqcls/tlpn. ~" fleers elected weremel vice president, FraiUc tary and Mrs. Hitt: treasurer. Miss Brown, appointed the following as members of the executive committee: Mlaa Dorothy Frank, from the high school J Miss Anna Wheeler, Past and West Beyport schools, an Mr;. Kenneth^ C. Deinlln, granit#f jschool. t 5Mlss Audrey SeSibtfr Mr. and Mrs. Frank entered the-««...< clasma of the Tr&phagen schopi of fashion, New;,:v! ;,*. "I-.::.. Miss Phyllis Brown, dawghter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert IT. \$Jr wn, has returned to Urslnus college In Collegevllle, Pa., for her saulor Mrs. Hewitt Wharton antertairied her bridge! Club Tuisflay Prises, were -awsrdfcd;? Charles MoSre, ^rs.^jj.ef and Mrs. James $ard.- 1 ;ptfi»ra present were "MrSi S<GarTetbi>i«-B; Wharton, Mrsi-Kenneth-Whartonj Mrs.. Daniel C. Hendrlckson, Mfs.. Harry Hughson and Mrt.""FloJa Brown. Mrs; Carleton Wharton.will > the next hostess. Miss Bertha Henn entertained.the Hl-Lo Bridge! clubevening. Prl»asr"»rer» awarded Urs. Kenneth;Uehlhiu Daniel A. Holmes. Others present were Mrs, M. H.. Walllngi-;Mrs. Jj Leon Sciianck, ^Mrs.>Gordbn,;;Jf Schanek, Mrs. Norman Scbtt, Mr9. ; Vernon Paulson and Mrs. Kelsey iaihart. - - ; --"* -.- ;-- Little Silver -Miss Constance.Garslde,daugh*- ter of Mr. and Mrs, Raymond p. Garslde of Sunnycrast/wa» injure* ber 2 on, Stateh islaid. MisS(- (arside, who lainstructor of stutfent nurses In the operating fo&m atsea View hospital on Staten Island, was riding to work» with ittnolnep irso, Miss Candy JJayderi, skidded on a wet pi Garslde planned to, enter Jhe,.vejrslty-pf, Mlnnesota^tWrJ!do post-graduate work W 1 -. ^, surgery but due to her: injuries «hp will not be able to start Her course until January..-! The Womans Society of Chilstian Service will meet next Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Alonjo 8 Curchin on Branch avenue. MISB ^arle Wilby win give,a" report; of the W.S.C.S. day to.bbjiobsi morrow at thes New" odwf Ocean/Qloi^ ; The local schoollunchroom has been equipped with several new appliances; Including a refrigerator, dishwashing 1 machine, new sink and cabinets. The football team has scheduled its first game for Saturday with the Fair Haven,.eleven on tha local school.field., fa turkey dinner will be r,---, day, October "Win fellowship^ halt of Embury. Methgdl^t; church bj W.S.C.S.,. Jitai.iW-%lv«!.;.M ot : i and Mrs. J, E.. Wells are co^cbalr men,,-.. A reception "for the teachers ftiw a tea for.the new.niembers wllvba. features of the first meeting <$l.the P.T.A. next Monday at 3 p. m.. A program of. enteftalnmeht will hja 1 given by pupils "of Wepnsprlmary grade under direction of Mlss,.An,- nett Brown, teacher. *, The Intermediate group at the, local school has begun the study-of the community and the various duties of the boroujh_ employee*, 4 FIR ( Lf-bJ. RED BANK THE! KDBT TO THE CITlr. > BETTER WILTSHIRE AGENCY in MOMMOUTH COUNTY its :. SNYDER & CO ISURANCE HOMES.V, ARINE AVIATION LIFE BONDS SURVEYS and APPRAISALS Licensed New York and Nev/ Jersey Broken 135 FIRST AVE., ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS, N. J. PHONE : AT * Weddings and All Bhlrts... Tie*... Cnfl Included In BentaL TELEPHONE It Pays To Advertise In The Register Savings up to 50..." _i. *L J iil.--sil^i:,jj J:2 l2i-aii.a _ -...! ^iu_i.. :_ REG, $ t]y eonstruoted >.,. In, 73 SOUTH SEVENTH AVENUE : \{-..M-Z-A!.Ii\,..:.. -:,*. ; ->:.; ; /:l*vi;ii»haik<-;:,:;:,lv ;^;im^\^-ii,v;,f,.,v;hl;;?,-.:.iir le thats otsnav^to! modarn or period room settings.;.. thla roomy,,deeply,, «d furniture will main. Ita beauty for yean. Ifa hardwood./fame u. securely to wftsutfit dally family usei the sturdy lovera In striped vslcuraarfl ong:.wiring. Bach piece. ftjfoad," comforjjq^lyjjiad; LONG BRANCH

27 » * «l, " " " " " : " , AidJEpggWards Pedjatric Department Progress in JtU* current drive of the Childrens auxiliary ol "Jlon? inouth Memorial hospital for.the hospitals pedlatrlc clinic was, resorted at a meeting of the cpjmrnlt- 4es Tuesday "at, the Jione qt MM. Williamson Thomas on Copover lane, Middlstqwn township. - J- Mrs. Joseph Lord of Rumaon Was appointed sewing chairman, end -wttlsecure a commltteeot-vtflrunteers to do both hand "arid machine,sbwlng. She will also, le- "cure a number of sewing machines itor i the project.. Volunteers ar«, needed for occupational therapy work in the childrens wards. At present six women are needed*to (grlye three hours, of service a day, -one day a week, but evenluaujrvtho auxiliary hopes to eupply 12 worlc-,era a day. Volunteers to sew on buttons, assist in the pedlatrlq atora^e.! llnen cloaetjrand with laundrysort- hag ai*<alsowanted. ; Mfc. dwhujlckiin, MM. J. Up* ihur Moorehead and HTM. OUyerA,.Vleta«U.nlR,,,.ai) of Rumson, ^w«rf named tir visit the.pediatrlc department^bunr-porch- to arrange -lor plantsadritlfo room. Mrsi.P.H.B. Ctim flivbt rt U t y pajpgenta for any *cci&5ftt lol^tneit^lkhti l l i ^ k to other benefits provided by. law. for them^or their dependents accordins;; tp ja^repeatveterans AdmfnUtrailon-ruling. V. A, satd these veterans may reapply for * disability compensation r pension at any time in the fuuroeiwd that approved awards will be payable fromttie date of the second application-but wilt not Inpresident,. ;fyas Instructed,Jq chasjf a rad o-phonojraph for, Bunroom, aa <well as childrens reoord "albums, "drawing books r *~4hd jumlto crdypa*. The auxiliary will also seek funds to purchase a canary lor the gunroom, and 13 read- Ing lamps for the childrens wards Highlands Georga Liming was recently hon^the, Columbia Hose com pany«njher;p«caslon ol his BOthjan nlversary^aip an active member, p the organization, in recognition o thi»-<»it»tai«nng record, the num.,4...,..., ompany pte^^fticj,fi Mr, Uming," Mt^tift Liming,»nd v (Jfeo. member,. John Horan,;whpvtj real i ive rarrlvi Mr." camp, i ifv»..**i«h«.~.w year #«,«"*" *^vr"»-** were accompanied Southby Klernan Hpjrftn, who will go" to Miami?6or thoiwjnter. -.:.... -,.;- -vv-: 7,ttoarle,Hickey; a"summertai dent of this place many years,-dte auddenly of a heart attack Sundc night, athis home oh Fifth strut Dr. John U Opfermann- and HS ;v lands first aid squad.were- called but Mr. Hlckey wag beyond medi- : cal aid. Mr. Hickey owned Hlckeys on Fifth street.- Funeral services :. were held at Newark, where the deceased owned a winter home. Mrs. Joha Peraanslcleoi?t Petr >! wn/t tnkftti^intldetita wlih &. RabiagS^... Mr?; Harfy"B.ogersv : * :;^ Major A.-M«!ade RoberUoniai>n- ; Joying a tw«weeks yacatlon from ; his duties:. at th». railroad.depot. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Verone- of Linden avenue 1 entertained Mayor and Mrs. Robertson and their son Reg gle at a dinner party recently Mrs. Rosa Sctvw.nd is visiting her 1 Bister, Mrs. Lev;.-- "rs of Wood bridge. Mrs. Mary..umandettl won a special prize i ~ieetlng of the Ladies auxilla.. -londay night at 7 \"t fire house.. was on the well-curb of Fort 3 In Rensselaer,"N t, that Ulchard Shuksburg a British t..ay surgeon, sat -watching the the -Cofonial troops gather in 17M ancrwntsttod the tune and com. poswcthesatlricaj versta Of STERLING rodft Carrots*Peas >* 2& STERLING roint * *. jbabyjjma Beans w. ox. pkff I. EOtNT a * 16 e 1 tdbest BRAND. - 2 CONCENTRATED! Orange Jyice^, BIRDSEYE I.Chopped Spinach JMIXED?««[VEGETABLES»" J BrnDSEYE CUT ; Golden Corn z. P«I> COM8I00K.-.;.. "-V- Mr-19 4 :! V«t» May Reinstate Disability Pay 1 World War I* VeUfrani^ho re- clude retroactive payments covering the period the renunciation was efecbve. V A.* ruling la of particular lnttioettb disabled veterans who desire tn enroll as officers or enlisted Men in.the National Guard or,naval Reserve. They may enlist in thate units under the law only by Waiving their disability payments Reserve officers,are not subject to this restriction, but while receiving aotive servicepay they must not also,, receive, compensation or pension; Bon»n m«k. poel»t mon.r by i.llle«th«rfrutir. Adv«tlnmeDt. RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 25,1947 Atlantic Highlands Paul Joy, Presbyterian; W. Harry Fasten, Central Baptist; Eugene P. ORourfce, St. Agnes and Alfred Keyes, St. Pauls Baptist. The board of education, Lions club and fire department will select their own representatives, Mayor Smith declared. Eighteen members ol the local A committee representing business, church and civic groups was appointed by Mayor Waldrbri P. Smith at Tuesday nights meeting of the -mayor and council to plan for community Christmas tree dec- orations. Everett C. Curry is rep- Uon a club attended a Joint meetlng of the Highlands Lions Tuesresenting the borough* council, and Included in" the businessmens day night, st Cedar Inn, Highlands,, group are William Gerkens, Arthur at which the delegation from this Naylor, Daniel C. bakes, Dominic borpugh asked the co-operation of A. Caruso, David Tumen and Jos- the Highlands members tn support- eph. e P h Schena. Leonard Hoffman Hofman will lng ing the Sea Scout mlnstrols mihstrols to be I represent the^ Methodist church, held November 6 In the Atlantic GET A CQUAMED WITH ACME COFFEE SERVICE I No need to pay a premium price for coffee as you like it. Acme coffee service the blend you prefer, custom ground fresh to your ardor, and famous quality Ideal vacuum-packed coffee. First, Acmes plantation plahtation men me,n secure the finest coffees cottees obtainable. Next,.Acmes.._ (.... >. m -,.».,.^unique "heat-flo" roasting process "seals in" the flavor or of of < every bean,i"j". by penetrating rays of indirect heat, then rushed "roaste r roaster fresh" rb / yourneighborhood Acme, Compare # m the price!. Compare. the flavor! YouH 0g~ree, Acme coffees are "tops" for quality, flavor and value. 4>ini removes much;surplus fat and bone before weighing; Roast * 59*? ;*; :..V - } :^ B Pg ^: Sov-U-trirn -removes much surplus fat, qnd bone^.. l fillet Haddock; * 43c Codfish Steals * 33c Frying Oysters-»-39c Round Roast ost * 89c Legsof Lamb * 67c Loin Lamb Chops * 89c Rib Lamb Chops " 85c iamb Chops:rt 79c Stewing Lamb * 33c Pork Chops,*ST* p 83c Pork Chops : 59c ^ H??V Smoked Galas * 59c iino^maistetkw Bacon Squares» 49c HUMPS * 59c Slab Bacon * 79c Breast Veal " 32c Sliced Bacon * 89c BOWUJS TCfll ROLIED -59c Link Sausages * 63c Beef Liver * 65c Smoked Tongues.* 49c Llverwursf «-»- 15c Franks «-» *53c ThuringeT, :.,-,»* 15c Scrapple *25c JHC1D LUNCHEON Meal *-«14c Sauerkraut r*tf.,., Highlands high school auditorium. Wesley Welnhoid, a member of the local club, entertained with vocssolos at tho dinner. Present from tbla borough were^erbert W, Posten, Adam. LInzmayer, Edward Walders, Harry Murtha, Jack Nicholas, Wee ber Brook, Dominic Caruso, Joseph Caruso, Arthur LInzmayer, John Wermert, Joseph P. Dender, Edward Phillips, Joseph Romeo, John Braslle, Louis Caruso, Raymond Taylor and Dr. Bartlett Ahearn. The. borough council Tuesday night received bids for resurfacing Hudson, Simpson and part of West *Mc& Packed can f -v if ^MatwrefsKnest Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Received Fresh Daily! ^ TOKAY GRAPES. -ZKI?^" 1.. Urge, plumpi luseioui fpr^cy tokoy gropes^feotured at your friendly Acme this week-end. ";1 I I! ;. * : rfi - i»# auoroo I "^. «*s» McdiuiTi / l/"*sorn^f l ini I OTTI \f*& C&llfornia Head I^C Head 12e <; Crisp, fancy CbliforntQ Iceberg Uttuce should be on every menu at these low prices! BROGGOLT toca/ Grown -^ 29c Nows the time to serve tasty, healthful broc coli. Feotured ot oil Acmes this -week-end. Sweet Potatoes * Celery Stalks ^X esh Radishes u 19c 12c * 5c Jumbo Persian Melons -* 49c Fresh Green Cabbage 29c Fancy Egg Plants 2 19c BAKERY DEPARTMENT Now! A new, dellclbusly different variety. Loaf Cakes Virginia Lee, ntw, different! Chocofart \cii, Eaoh 29c Washington avenues, for extending water mains on East Washington and Grand avenues and for layln? sewer mains on Grand avenue. Alt bld3 were referred to Craig Finnegan, borough engineer, for tabulation and study, and contracts will bd awarded at a special meeting next Thursday night, Anton Halvorsen wag awarded a contract to repaint the Interior of the borough tar ft.o c I Acme Everyday U*A> orsng* or, lemon iced gold, chocolats or vanilla Iced dtvili food. : Apple Sauce Loaf Cake.*» & 35c AlMOND-mUD > 57c Snappt ^ " * X \ Raisin Bread ^ 15c Coffee Cff Ck CakeT, 35c Swiss Cheese * ovc A (Ggke ^ 39c DoughnuJs v^ 2 c s UnantlpT Muenster * 4/C I...!L- " F> A$co Margarthe ;. Blue Bortnet Margarine },»». VVif S,i{ -iff i.. <M Bread gs ; ^;12c Taitei better, toaiti better, itsyi fresh longer. Try it now I Canned bles lomatoes ts 1 ri 1 23c, Del Monte Peas a r 21c Peas ^X^ 3 r- 29c Poac *< **<** **» i C/. read Ntw Pack, can IJC Fancy VmSSEL- 47c String Beans 3 r." 2.9c Beans Fa tt Cul^.«14c Spinach ASC0 n.,,. 15c Asparagus "i X S l 35c Asparagus -fsusx 29c Diced Beets Drf it.r,-j3c kbfard Tiny Irish Potatoes 2. 25c CHEF BOY-AH DEI Spaghetti * WM ;,^.«aj9c VAN ^ InTomolo.Sauc.. -BeenieWeenie v r,"inr: 19c Tomato Paste Do r. ic «.JOc Oscar Meyer WEINERS With BarB-Q Sauce M-os. C.n 43c Farmdale Evaporated MILK 2 a 23c Gold Seal All-Purpose FLOUR 5-lb. Bag 10-lb. Bsg 35c 65c Asco Pork & Beans 2 16-ot. Csm Our finest slow cooked. Grapefruit Juice ; --}V The pure natural juice from Tomato Juices Campbells Campbells 2 "- 1 23c *" 27c :, can < I V liiifp wliiow *" >ol< ^ " " -7ir JUILC TOMATO J tan. IJQ Tomato Juice V? 19c cmallfe1«.«.29c Conned Soups Heinz ermni,:; Te T.. 12c.Campbell$ 1 Sr3 I ST29 i Campbells c^n2lt31 LampOeil SMuihr-m L cam -51 Vegetable -*VSL±, Coll6geInn CMd Z!L Condiments, Etc. Heinz Ketchup Virmnar AIC0 **«It". 24c <{ "" t lor Mayonnaise, " "^."V, 39c Hach CUW««C^nnd Tfl lluoll tat! 16^i. tan tjt Swift Prem r Spag. :r35c Dif Hand Cleanser» IO-OI. 19c Aerowax Polish can 25c Rose - X* Bleach bolll.. Ivory Soap Penonsl Siw cake rv.ti ^39c Paee Five hall on a bid of $220. Miss Dolores DeCordova, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward De- Cordova of East Highland avenue, was accepted as a member of the freshman clasi at Dew York, university, which started,s«pt«mt 23. A graduate of the local hi school she will major In - ami) matics. She will take tip fenei instead of the regular program calisthenics. POLICE PABTY FOB XXDS The Union Beach police dtpai mext has announced the spons< lng of a Halloween party for t children of the community. Wl William Whitaker an general eh* man, a meeting was held last nl in the borough hall to discuss pla for the affair.. OPEN EVERY FRIDAY TIL 9 P. M.ilS er ; b c odied A de»cous "lend of Santos coffees with = vigorous coffee S; W th Apricots Prices Canned Fruit Chain UHRMM 0j r " tivxlzjk Paa/*noc * ** " * 111/* rcaillci Cllns, t-n.cmn IvL Del Monte "^L.«29c Peaches m Z7L l X.. 23c Applesauce l!sr 2 Apples" raar ^ 2 1 c Cranberry 19c Fruit Cocktail Prune Plums Hu^ ^ 25c ^..«. n 19c Fruit Juicts ""ZL... Apple Juice 17c Apricot H r Apricot Blended Juice 3 29c Prune Juice."JLUL. 23c Tangerine 3 29c Lemon Juice 5c Glen wood O 18-oz. Grade A \J cans fancy Florida grapefruit. Prettrves 25c Marmalade c *, x 29c Preserves m W >, 23c Hartleys t n. N 45C Cereoli, Crackers Shredded Wheat 2*- 31c Mothers Oafs ^15c Cookies rz. Vr, k.. 19c Hi-Ho Crackers,?,. 28c Arrowrpofs """X^I-Sc Miicellaneoui Ideal Tea Bags :l"»39c Orcng* T MC S 14 Bisquick Duffs " Jiffy Pie Crust 0 E N d l Jello Pudding Cherries JT." 1 "* Lamp* p SST P 45c 24c X 14c,. 17c V, 7c -,27c 12c Paper Napkins 2ft,25c " S h C <Q I suffiitc IARKI a - *<*.* j»* f. ft*, tmtmi imtmmnr Read about "The Homb of Todoy" and many otb«r. new Ideos, short storlts/articles I

28 age Six RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER EMS PERTAININQ TO OUR LOCAL CHURCHES +- METHODIST Red Bank Rev. Dr. Robert Z. Tyler, were-. iry of the Board of Missions and hurch Extension of the Methodist hurch, will be guest preacher Sun-r ay morning in the absence of the. aator at the annual conference in Icean City. Before his appointment p his present position, Dr: Tyler fas pastor of the Methodist church :tst Petersburg, Fla... p,the musical program for the oprnlng service will include the include, "Prayer," Johgen", anthem, 6, A Voice to Heaven Sounding, Jorniansky; offertory, "Chorale," Sach; postlude, "Symphony I," n Sunday-school convenes at 9:15. m. 1, and the Methodist youth felowsbip meets at 7 p. m. The Married Couples Bible class 9 sponsoring a vesper musicale to ie.given Sunday at 4 p. m. Guest oloist is Elizabeth Waddcll, conralto, of Buffalo, N. Y., formerly >f Fair Haven. She will be accomlanled by Ben E. Manning, organ Bt-director of the church, who will ilay several organ numbers. The nuslcale will be a benefit for the tfethodlst Home for the Aged at (cean Grove, The class has planned o furnish a room in the new home JS a memorial gift, The Sunday evening service will ie In charge of lhe~ youth fellowhip group. Peggy Lauber will give he prayer. The senior choir will ing the anthem, "The Shadows of he Evening Hour," and Anne iarle Helser, Ruth Boyd, Dor)s /Urtis and Gloria Ayers will be ward in a message on the topic, Am I a Christian Steward?" A crafts class will be taught by ire. Smythe in fellowship hall Tuesdays at p. m. The Thimble club met yesterday.t the home of Mrs. C. V. Bennett if 72 Wallace street. Womans Society of Christian lervice will hold a pot luck covred-dish supper next Wednesday it t p. m. Delegates reports from ummcr conferences will be heard,t the regular- meeting of the ;roup. A bus has been chartered to coney women tomorrow to the annual Tew Jersey Methodist conference,t Ocean City, where Womens day rill be observed, The Junior choir will resume Weekly rehearsals Tuesdays, beglnilng next week at 3:30 p. m., in the hapel with Miss Emma J. Lafctra. nounced by (lip ). His -wisdom good." ; SCIENTIST Red Bank. Services In First Church of Christ cientlst, 209 Broad street, Bed lank, are held Sundays at 11 a. m. HOLY TBINITV LUTHEBAN Red Bank Promotion day will be observed at the Sunday-school and morning services Sunday. Sunday-school promotions will be announced at the 9:45.oclock service, and at 11 oclock the church pastor, Rev. Harold Hornberger, will deliver a sermon on the topic, "Promotion 1. This service has been.arranged In special recognition of the services given by the Sunday-school teachers. Certificates ot recognition will be given to all on the staff at a service of public installation. Sunday afternoon members of the church Luther league will attend the shore district rally at Asbury Park. Miss Dorothea Perry of the Red Bank league, has been proposed for the office of district vice president. The Ladies aid society wllkservi a c6vered-dlih supper at th church tonight between 6:30 p. and, 8:30 p. m. Following supjei mernbers of the Loyal society w ] conduct an old-fashioned sing. The first fall meeting of the Lv ther League will be held tomorrow night at eight oclock at th church. Dr..Charles Graves, asslsl arit director of the State hosplt at Marlboro, will be the speaker, PRESBYTERIAN Red Bank The annual observance of Rail day will be held next Sunday In a departments ot the church scho and during the regular mornlnf service at 11 oclock. Rev. John A Hayes will speak at 11 oclock oi tbe subject "Gods Call to His Pe pie". We were happy to again welcomi F. Kenneth Magner, Jr., our stud ent assistant, to the pulpit Sunday morning In the absence of Rev. Mr Hayes. Mr. Magner spoke on th subject "An Approved Workman The young map has been spending the summer season at hie home a 1 Pennlngtqn, N. J., where his fathei Is the minister of First Presbyter Ian church. An invitation has been extended to all members, friends and organ Izatlons of the church to the ob servance of the 60th anniversary ol the Womans Missionary soclet; Sunday, October B, at 5 p.m. in th church. Mrs. J. Leon Hooper, oni of the special deputation sent ou mission needs and possibultlesti the Philippines and Slam, the guest speaker. Refreshments will be served In the chajpel BAPTIST /ednesday evening* StBilBoo "Reality" is the lesson-sermon abject for Sunday, September 28. Golden Text: "As for God, his ay Is perfect: the word of the ord 4 tried: he Is a buckler to all lose-that trust in him." (Ps. 18:30). ermon. Passages from the King: ames version of the Bible Include: "O Lord, how manifold are thy orks! in wisdom hast thou made lem ill: the earth Is full of thy iches." (Pe. 101:2«". Correlative assa^ea from "Science and Health lib. Key to the Scriptures," by lary Baker Eddy, Include: "The three great verities of pirlt, omnipotence^omnipresence, mnisdence, Spirit possessing all ower, filling all space, constitute ig all Science-rcontradlct forever lie belief that matter can be actal. These eternal verities reveal rimeval existence as the radiant sality of Gods creation, in which II that He has made is pro- Phone Atlantic Hlihtandi 1-0S25-W. Walter W. Plock Teacher of Singing Thursdays In New York Metropolitan Opera Horn* Studio! 0 Seventh Avenue. Atlantic HttUande Church school will meet Sunda; at 9:45 a. m. Morning service wil be held at 11 oclock and Rev. Yi Clinton Powers has chosen for hi sermon, "Wrestling With" Angels, ithere will be a guest organist Juniorhigh fellowship will mee Sunday evening at 6 oclock an<! the senior group at 7 oclock. Memorial flowers Sunday wen given by Mrs. A. M. VanNostranc in memory of her husband. The Womens Missionary soclet; gave a farewell luncheon at the church yesterday for Mrs. William Belth and Miss Grace Beith, who are going to Florida. ST. GEORGES EPISCOPAL Eumaon Services Sunday will be aa fo! lows: Holy Communion, 8 a. m. church school, 9:30 a. m., an prayer and sermon by the rector. Rev. George A. Bobertshaw, 1 a, m. At the H a. m. service th choir will sing "Blessed are th Merciful," directed by George A Wilson. St, Marys guild will, meet Wednesday of next week In the guild hall at 8 p. m. The nursery school for children between the ages of three and four, will start Monday, October 6. St. Georges by the River Waterman Ave., one block south of Rumson Rd., Rumson, (Take Sea Bright Bus), The Reverend George A. Robertshaw, Rector 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion 9:30 a. m. Church School (For all chhdren, axes 5 to 18) A Graded School with present enrollment of 175 children. Faculty of 20 teachers. 11:00 a. m Morning Prayer and Sermon by the Rector The Carillon of 25 Bells will be played one-half hour before the Service. h welcom. es y a *» "rvlce. and assures you an n worship which wtu help you through the week. O nl. Ch "i Ji^" * he «««<>»<" GeorJ A. O, wul sing at the 11 oclock service. MONMOUTH MONUMENT COMPANY _ Headdens Corner, Middletown, Route 35 L. H. Francis, Manager Formerly with Franc> O. Squires, Freehold PHONE RED BANK NIGHTS; POINT PLEASANT DISTINCTIVE ARTCRAFT MEMORIALS Perfection of Material and Workmanship In Beautiful New Design* Our memorials are manufactured by skilled artisans in our well quipped plant at West Long Branch. Wall Street Tel. L.B West Long Branch For IUtMtnt«d Catalog* EPISCOPAL Red Bank Rev* Robert H. Anderson, Jr., rector, announced the following services for Sunday: Holy Communion at 8 oclock, church school and confirmation class at 8:30 and morning prayer with sermon at -11 oclock. Special music will Include "Arioio" in A." Bach, and "O Salu-. tarla- Hostla," Whiting. Heinz Hilmcr will be the soloist This evening there will be a card party In the parish house at t oclock for the benefit of the choir boys outing fund. The Trinity church choir of men and boys will take part in a service of dedication to be held at the Chapel of the Holy Communion, Fair Haven, Sunday at 4 p.m. There Is a celebration of the Holy Communion every Friday at 10 oclock. The altar guild will meet in the choir room Saturday at 2 p.m. St. Michael and All Angels are especially honored Monday, September 29. There will be a celebration of Holy Communion, at 10 oclock. { REFORMED. Red Bank "What 1 a Pastor May Rightfully Expect of His People" will be the theme of Rev. John G. Gebhard, Jr.s sermon for Sunday morning worship at 10:45 oclock. Sundayschool assembles at 9:30 a. m. Youth fellowship meets Tuesday evening at the church. An elders meeting will be held next Thursday at 7:30 p. m. to receive new members. World-wide Communion Sunday will be observed at the a. m. service October 5. In a church attendance crusade, September 28 to October 5, teams of two men each will visit assigned families In the church and Invite them to attend the Communion and at least one service a Sunday for the following seven Sundays, Tho men composing these teams are meeting tomorrow night In the church to complete their plans 1 for the visitation. The pastor plans to preach a series of Sunday evening sermons during the fall orl the general theme, "Adventures In Religion." PRESBYTERIAN Atlantic Highlands Rev. Donald N. Correal will preach Sunday morning on "Growing Into New Life". This will be the rally day service for the entire church. Martha Lee Wets will read the ScrjRture lesson and Louise McKee will lead in the responsive reading. The ushers will be Walter Mlckens, Robert Letts, John Quackenbush and John Applcman. The choral music will be rendered by Christian Walk" will be the ministers evening sermon topic.. Sunday-school will hold a rally service at 10 a.m. Parents are Invited to attend with their children. Rudolph Quackenbush, schol superp nesday evenings at 8 oclock In themanse and the young peoples-fellowship Sunday at 7 p.m. In the church abasement. The Brotherhood will hold Its first meeting of the fall season tomorrow-nlght^criexe_^vill be a. business session and The Womens Mlflionary society Is asking all to contribute what they can of good used clothing for overseas shipment. It may be left at the home of Hiss Margaret R. Todd. World-wide Communion will be observed Sunday, October 5, at the 11 oclock service. METHODIST Atlantic Highlands John A. Lentz, lay official of Bel ford Methodist church", will speatt Sunday morning In the absence at conference of the pastor. His theme will be "Be Thou a Blessing". The senior choir will sing. The evening service will be conducted by Ralph L. Bruder, lay leader of the local church, wbo will bring the message.. A hymn sing will open the service at 8 oclock.. Sunday-school convenes at 8:30 a. m. The youth fellowship meeting Sunday evening will be omitted because of.the trip to Ocean City by the young people. A group of 20 young persons and adulta will go.from this church along with some from the Naveslnk and Highlands churches, In a.chartered bus to Ocean City for the annual conference services. The bus will leave the church Sunday at 7 a.m. CENTBAL BAPTIST Atlantic Highlands Rev. Howard M. Ervln will preach Sunday morning -and evening. Church school convenes at 10 a, m. when P. Howard Lloyd of Matawan will be the speaker at the annual rally day service. Youth fellowship meets at 7 p. m. This will be a combined service of the junior and groups with the parents of all the members as special guests. Adult fellowship meets at the same hour In the church office. The church,school teachers and officers will meet Tuesday, night and the mid-week prayer fellowship and pastors Bible class meet Wednesdays at 8 p. m. in the church. ; " METHODIST Belford The church-school with George Seeley as superintendent meets at 9:30 a.m. Sunday. Harold. B. Youngs will deliver the sermon at the 10:45 a.m. service Sunday. John Lentz. will deliver a sermon at the 7:30 oclock service Sunday" night. Rev. P. J. Myers led the prayer servlce r and Bible study session last night at 8 oclock. Rev. and Mrs. Myers and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Richardson will attend the annual Methodist conference at Ocean City this week. Mr! Richardson Is lay delegate.,...., METHODIST Naveslnk Harold B. Youngs of East Keansburg will speak Sunday at tlur\7.p. m. service in the absence of the minister at conference In Ocean City. Sunday-school will meet as usual at 9:45 a.m. Some of the young people and adults will attend the Sunday ser- ^at-the-annualfi Deaths In Red. Bank and Vicinity UBS. FHPETCE 3. SEEUS.Y Mrs. Phoebe J. Beeley, 75, wldoi of Benjamin Frank Seeley, die Monday afternoon at the borne her daughter, Mrs. Harriet J. Hylln, 32 South street. Services w be held this afternoon at 2:: oclock, at the residence, with Rev Robert H. Anderson, rector of Trinity Episcopal church, officiating, Mrs. Seeley had been ailing IOY eral years and for the past tei weeks, had been confined to be She was born at Keyport, daughtei of the late Luther 1>. and Abigail J. Hendrickson Rogers. She had made Red Bank her home the past 28,years. Her husband died in November, 1W4, Mrs. Seeley was a member of the Sons and Daughters of Llbertj lodge of Keyport and of the Improvement society of -Red Banl Presbyterian church. Surviving besides Mrs. Hylln an two sisters, Mrs,- kettle Birch ant Miss Eliza Rogers, both of Key port. Interment under direction Worden funeral home, will be in Green Grove cemetery, Keyport. DR. ELWOOD 6. MORTON Dr. Elwood S. Morton, who was born in Red Bank, and practiced medicine here a number of yean died September 15 after a hea attack at his home, 891 East -21ai street, Brooklyn,.. A son of the late Walter H. am Elizabeth G. Morton, who farmer! lived at 257 Broad street, Dr. Mor ton received his medical degrei from Columbia university. " Afte: giving- up his practice in Red Bani he moved to. Brooklyn, where he became associated wth the board of health in the division of indu trial hygiene. Since his retlremen si* years ago he had beeii connect ed with the medical department Abraham & Straus departrne: store. He was a member of King County Medical society..the funeral was held at the homi and interment, took place In Fall View cemetery,- Middletown town ship. His wife, Mrs. Gladys C. Mo ton; a daughter Marjorle and twe sons, Donald and Walter Morton, survive.. MBS. MAHV A. PARKER Servlcei for Mrs. Mary -A. Parker, 69, of 41 Broad street, Eatontown, who died Saturday, were hel< Monday. Rev. Dunham,V. Rlenlg, tot^tot^jhdm Ocean City.,- BAPTIST Middletown, The annual rally day observance of the Sunday-sohool will be held iifagss ciaf program Has been arrange combining tho school and regular worship service Into one-. The young peoples group will meet at tho church at S p. m. Rev. William M. Hearn, pastor, will lead the discussion. BAPTIST New Monmouth Church Loyalty Crusade will be observed Sunday at the morning service. Rev. William D. Powell will preach on the theme, "Where God Is" and the adult and pastors choirs will sing. In the afternoon a visitation committee will call at the homes of all membersnot present at the morning service. The pastor will speak at tho evening service *on "How To Serve tho Lord". Tho young peoples choir will render a selection and an informal hymn sing will follow the evening worship. Sunday-school assembles at 9:45 m. The Y.P.C.A. will meet thla evening at the church. The Sunday-school officers and teachers will hold a meeting tomorrow night. A football social will be held next Thursday afternoon by the Bykota society. Bible study and fellowship will be held Wednesday night in the sanctuary. The Mens club will meet Friday night, October 3, World-wide Communion will bo ibserved Sunday, October 5. ST. CLEMENTS EPISCOPAL. Belford Allen B, McGowan, lay reader in charge, will conduct the morning prayer and sermon Sunday morn- Ing at 9:30 oclock. The churahschoolwiu meet at 11 oclock. The Brotherhood of St. Andrew meets Wednesday evenings in the parish hall- at 7:30 oclock. OLD BBICK KEFORMED Marlboro Rev. E. Bert Bonte will preach on the subject, "The Stewardship of Truth" at 10:45 a. m. Sunday. In the absence.of Elmer Barge, organist, Mrs. Clifford VanKirk wilt be in charge of mi^slb which will liicludo a girls chorus. Youth Fellowship will meet at 7:30 p. m.-in tho village chapel. Tho program will be the first in a series on the general subject Of "Raco Relations." A motion picture designed to prep i ^ t o n t n _ ^ j M church, officiated, and Interment, In charge of Worden funeral home, was in Gienwood cemetery; West Long Branch. Born in Barnegat, she was the daughter of the late Charles am Annie C. Blrdjall Rldgeway. Sh years. Death followed a long period of Illness. Surviving are a SOIJ, Groverjark-,er of Bed Bqjbk; two daughters, Miss Myrtle Parker and Mrs. Anna E. Osborne of Eatontown, and three brothers, Harry B. Rldg Btrdsall Rldgeway and Schealor Ridgeway,, all of Barnegat. Bearers were Robert Farkans, Robert Adams, Charles Covert and Harrison Travis. Mrs. W. Lester WhltHeld was, soloist and Mrs. Relhtg, accompanist. Selection were "Just Aivl Am), and, Beauttful.Iale of Somewhere". sent the serlef. problem" will begin the rbesbyterlan Eatontown "The Sufficiency of Christ" will John A. Westlns sermon topic Tor the 10:45 a. m. Sunday morning service. The third message In special series on "The Hall of Fame" will be delivered at - the vening worship, the special topic >elng "He Forsook His Adoption." Rally day will be observed Sunay by the church-school at 9:30 a. m. Tha student pastor will bring n Illustrated message. The Sunday Ighters have their fellowship at :30 p. m. The Bible class meets Thursdays t 8 p. m. In the manse, Members and friends are Invited a reception to be tendered tho astor and his Wife tomorrow evenng in the chapel at 8 oclock. CHUBCH OF CHRIST Eatontown. Meetings are held Sunday at 10 a. m. by the Bible class.and at 11 oclock for worship in the Church of the Second Advent building. Leroy Garrett will be the speaker. Bible study Is also held Wednesday nights. BAYSHOBE COMMUNITY East Keansburg Church school and Bible class meet Sunday at 10 a. m. The morn- Ing service with Bermon and solos is at 11 oclock. A hymn sing aiid prayer meeting areheld Friday at 8 p. m. People have lone amoclaled th«name ol Scott with dlinlflad end aympathetle lervlcs. The mannar In which all. detalle are handled and fjie quiet air of understanding 1 thet prevalla all fro to make thn ceremony a, lattlns, monument to the thimory ol your loved 6ii*. Tbe ceremony you deelre need not ba axpinelve to be dignified, You can turn ealely to Scott lor a btiuilful and dlfnlned funeral al mo4arata coat. H. Lawrence Scott j Serving MlddUtown Towniblo Continuously For \i Yeare Church Street, Belford, N. J. Phone Keamburf Mil* MONUMENTS Your Expression oi True Remembrance No other act of a normal mans life gives him more complete soul satisfaction than tha building of a Memorial to his loved ones who. lmvo gonn on., Our solect Barre Memorials bear the Guild mark of approval your guarantee of a Uner Memorial at no extra cost Visit our showroom and see our displays ofthma cortlqed memorials., VAH KIRK" Next to Ml, Oltvil CeMelary Photo* Ret JBUutk «-031«i Box 408 W Bank BIBS. ARTHUR SPRINGFIELD Services were held Saturday at the John E. Day funeral home in Red Bank for Mrs. Julia I. Spring, field of Weston place, Eatontown, who died Thursday at her home after a short illness, Born In Newark, she was the daughter of the late George and Louise Cramer Schleder. She Is survived by her husband, Arthur Springfield; a brother, George Schleder of Belmar, and three slaters, Mrs. Lulu Conn and Mrs. Gertrude Stevenson of Canada and Mrs. Laura Thompson of Pennsylvania. She was also the mother of Melyln G. Springfield, who was killed in action with the army in the European theater in World War II. * Rev. August Ffaus of the Long Branch Reformed church officiated at the services. Bearers were Vincent, Edward and Vincent Moyes, Jr. and James Kaufmann. Interment was in Gienwood cemetery, West Long Branch. MBS. HARRIET L. STRYKER Services will be held tomorrow at 2:30 p.m. at the Eatontown Methodist church for Mrs. Harriet L. Stryker, 60, who died Tuesday at her home at 72 Throckmorton avenue, Eatontown. Rev. Dunham Relnig, rector, will officiate and In- WHERE fy loperp«taa«eoarlot«andibom oldcb «e>orle»»f happy May we tfaow you wkjr Select Bane Granite aad tha Bwr«Guild Sc«l apd Certificate aieeo Important when yon bay a memorial r, Matawan and Keyport Monument Works Hwy. No. 85 Hejport, N. J, Carleton B< Wharton, Prop, Edwin H. Wharton, AtMoUt* band lor.bx>okl«a terment, under direction of tbe Flock funeral home, will be in Fair View cemetery-. Born In Hamilton township, she wag.the. daughter ot the late William H. and. Anna Allgor Van Brunt. She had been a resident of Eatontown the past 25 years. Surviving are-her husband, Samuel Stryker;, two daughter*, -Mm, Harry C. Ruin of Eatontown and Mrs. Raymond Krug of West Long Branch; a son, Arnold Stryker of Ridgefield Park, and three sisters, Mrs. Delia. Watklns of Eatontown, Mrs. Henry Polhemus "of Freehold and Mrs. Mae Tniswell of Old Bridge.. : BIBS, JnXETina & JOSEPH A. SALMON A requiem high mass was ottered Tuesday at AH Souls, church, Newark, for JoseDh A. Salmon of East Orange, who died suddenly Friday at his home, Mr. Salmon- was a summer resident of Rumson, maintaining a home on Meadowbrook avenue., - Mr. Salmon was the husband of the late Elizabeth Flannagan Salmon. He Is survived by three sons, William J., John,TV.of Newark and Clark of Belleville;-a daughter, Florence Ireland Salmon, of Belleville; two brothers, Thomas Salmon of Long Branch and Edward Salnion of Newark, and a sister,. Miss Evelyn Salmon ot East Orange, Burial In charge of the Magee funeral" home of Newark was in Holy Sepulchre cemetery, East Orange..-, :,.;. EDWARD J. BBCCE : Services were heldyesterday; at Mount Memorial home icx Edward J. Bruce, who died Monday at. his home, 81 Branch avenue. Rev. Robert H. Anderson, pastor of Trinity Episcopal church, officiated and Interment was In Fair View cemetery. Born in New Haven, Conn,, Mr, Bruce was the son of the, late ^amuel and Elizabeth J. Bruce. He had been a resident of Red Bank the past 36 years and was a member of the Carpenters local of Bed Bank.... He Is survived by his wife, Mrs. Emma I. Bruce; three sisters, Mrs. Jessie Furdy of Rumson and Miss Esther Bruce and Mrs., Marion 1 Anderson of Red. Bank and a brother, William Bruce of Portland,, Me. A requiem mass was offered at Holy Cross ohurch, Rumson, by Rev..James A.. MacKenxle this morning for Edward F. Farrell, 67, of 24 Washington avenue, Rumaon, Who died Monrnouth ^""^rtiaiwwif^nwaib J been a patient ten days. Born In Hoboken he was the sbn of the late Thomas and Mary,"Far-" rell. He had lived "In RUmooH trie 1, past five years. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Sadie Kenhan Farrell; two brothers, Daniel and Michael Farrell of Rumson, and a cousin, Edward Carroll of Pennsylvania. Interment In charge of Worden funeral home was In Mount Olivet-cerpetery. JAMES P. LaBAU Services for Jarnes P. LaBau of 678 River road, Fair Haven, who died suddenly last Thursday morn-! ng,.were held Saturday afternoon at the Worden funeral home.-rev. E. HarrlBon Cloud,.pastor of Fair Haven Methodist church, officiated and Interment was In Fair View cemetery.. Services were, held Friday night by the fire company with their chaplain, Rev. Christopher H, Snyder, officiating. Masonic services, with Emerson Burnet-. as master and DaVld Bennett as chaplain, _,nd Lions club services, with Rev. Snyder officiating, were also held he same evening. Private senrieei w. eidibr MM. Minnie B. BlaUdell, 75, who died Tuesday morning at, htr home, 416 Broadway, Long BranchV Born la Red Bank; Mrs. Bllla dall was the daughter ot Uw lite Mr. and Mrs. j. Hoiward Bd She wa* an aetiy.e chureh -TO: and a,member of the board of,, ernora of tbe Mathodlst home lii Ocean Orove until ill health attiied her to rtunq.ulsh those duties.,". In March, 19«, Mr. and"mr#. Blalidell observed their,gold*n wedding. Surviving ar«, her hutband, -E. Thurston Blalsdell;. a daughter, Mrs. Raymond D. Barry; a son\frank T. BlalsdaU; three grandson^ and a great-granddaughter "....; ":. The John w. Flock funeral.home Is in charge of Interment.. * MBS. WILLIAM D. STOUT Mrs. Emeiine C. Van Jfater stoiit of 184 Renshaw avenue. Bast ON ange, wife of William D. Stout, died, suddenly, yesterday at her..koine. She wai 74._Born in Colti Neclt.i Mm. Stput.had livedlnbasfor-! ange almost 50 years; ;:,;;. ;- l: ;-j i f Surviving," besides her husbandare four daughters, Mr*:H»6td.t>; Brown of Berkley, Cal.; Mrs. Herbert W. Fleer of Maiihaiset, L.,1.; Mrs. Harry E, Johnson of the home address and Mrs/Arthur-Vi TVyniie of MUlburn;,one ; brother/ [JinrJSi Van Mater of Hailet; 1 eeven grslnd4 children,ahd three great-grsundt. c h i l d r e n. "....! : - i. I Services will be held at the home tomorrow at 2 p. m. kev. Alfred T. Mercer of the Central Baptist Church, East Orange, wluvofflclate. Burial will be In Fairvlew Cemetery. ; MBS. EMMA W. KEARNEY Mr*. Emma W. Kearney, 74, wi- dow of Andrew J. I e»rney, died Monday at her home on Tlltpn ayenue. Services will beheld today ai tha late home at 1:30p. in, and in Calvary Baptist churchat 3 p.m.- Interment, under direction of the Mount memorial home, will be In White Ridge cemetery, Eatontown. Mrs. Kearney was a, resident of Red Bank the.past 5$ years. She Is survived by a daughter, Mls«Cat- lie Kearney) and two sons: Artihle- and Charles Kearney,ilf of Ked B4hk, and a brother,.jokhbvwll- 5 Hams of Welch, W; Var - -f IXOYD H. EILENBERGER Services were held Saturday for Lloyd H. Slleoberger, 79, offifth street, Highlands, who died Thursday of a heart attack while visiting tha home of a bereaved relative, lira. Jamea K.lngsbury of Bank street, Red Bank. Rev. HUlman Coffee of Highlands. Methodist, church officiated and Interment under direction of the Scott funeral home was in All Saints cemetery, Locust. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. {ate Klngsbury Ellenberger; a laughter, Mrs. Martha Drake of Belford and a son Paul ot Highland!. Thomas Manson & Son, Inc. Tke Oldest- Monument Manufacturing and Retailing Company. in Monmouth County A. telephone call to our office will, bring a aalaiman who will, without any obligation, ihow you latest designs.;, Only taboument Dealer* In. - Bed Bfnlr ;.- 10 DRUMMOND PL, Ttlephone R. B Nlfkle, lundayt»u V CAU-,R. p. for... of 14 8hrswibu*y * suddenly of a he C. DICE. ue.who dl«d Thnrs* y f a hearratfack Th day nyening, werenela-ifol&ay ternoon at the Worden funeral borne. R«V. Furakn A PMtor ot tittle ^Sv church, omclkted.-;faaft,.jp^rment wa» Jn Evergreen cemetery, Little S l l Y i r, :... - :,-. A-tfkintk, Mr. i^tira,a ^ dent of Rumion until the death of bit wife, the formar.caroline LJ»- der, more than a year ago., Be la survived by a..daughter, Mr*." Erank Meyera cf AtUtntleJCaty: a Uter, Mrs. Philip Thompion 1 of Penaiylvanla. anda brother, Percy F. Dice of Villas... rf MBS. MAiBIE M. DOBBS J M«rle M.J.Dobbs. 83, Of Ch.ilroh lane, Middletown, died Monday at her home. Seryicei will be held thtre this afternoon 1 at 2 o.clogjt, with Rev. Wllllaw Bpofford, jlstpr of Christ church,: offlolatlhg. 7A Wment under rt(reeti6 n of the ^»aimunrai homei,w l! be. in Fair V ew cemetery.."" Jllngr are ; "her 1 ; husband, #arlei B. Dobbi; %ni dilghteni, MteM* Charlotte, Marie Snd Vlr glnia bobbi, and a itm. CM4rj»* B. Dob,b», Jr., all of MJddlet, n,;;taw. LOOTSA MICKS :...Services for Mm. juuita. fficka of Allen street, Fair Haven, who died ft week ago last night, ware held Sunday afternoon at the < Flske chapeli Fair H*»en, with Rev. Frank R. Steveni officiating. Bearers were Rufus Smith, Stillman Johnion, U. Grant Alien, Irwin Wall, Richard Johnson and Jacob West. interment under direction of Worden funeral home Was In White Ridge cemetery. MBS. HABOLD S.^ALLKN. Services were held at Worden JaHeral home Friday afternoon for MrA Maria L. Allen, wife of Coun- eiteiiin Harold S. AlIemHev; Robert H. Anderson, Jri, rector of Trinity Episcopal church, officiated. Bearers were Frank Merrltt, Jaoob Cornwell, Percy Stout and Clifford Stiles. Interment wae-lhfaiir-view. c«mwtery. ;.,.;.i,,i,,^ i t ~ : Th» *r»a of Neyf Zealand :equalj,fne.! tbul area of" Pennsylvania, Vl^Ulla, Maryland! Delaware and f RHod Mad 1 * lm tffount nlemorial\j4 ontt Tel* Selected The Best Each of our assistants was chosen for his professional ability and high personal ideals. In this way \^e If&ye!, assured you -,.tljat Wheii you;^wordens;inj^ tii? e.of neejd; theitten who wul" «> serve l you ^re; ;,worttiy of ^ complete confidence. FUNERAL HOME», «orrromtst. ROBERT r. KED BANK H.J. Over d Quarter C^wfio^^DepBndabfeEconoinical Servici"»» a how mndi as jffitiisss a«s K3! 5 Dafalla ara ao bomifatai. haikh«lbyour$taffthat dm tha fanlly raat art ojar 5d.. ; aaryicat or atapt Involvo* Thaiimaaff.Clancy... aaaia attantlan to datall a Included wtth avary mamoria tarviea raganhaat of coat. Jdhn p, FUNERAL HOME» 8SR.Ver.Ma Ml MA1-LB riiaob, KBTFOKT, it.-..v,\, VHONST-UU

29 RED-BANK REGISTEB^SEETEMBER 25, WU.,& Bar *- w " 1 FurtheV Schooling World War EE veterans tawew Jersey 1, PennaylHnta. «Ad DeHwire who havtf-baen 1 overpaid on sub* slateneeallowance not due "them becauseof interruption in school or job tralhlrjjr-and have not-made arrangement* t6 repay the ovaragt Will not fbe 1 peonitted to re-enter school, this fall; under the G. I. Bill of Bights unless i they take steps to-refund this money, the Vaterin*. Administration announced "tfils-week. Veteraps. h.aye been those who, fait-to arrange ;wlthin,fitt,^ys.vlll be ine" re-en(;ry, Arrangements w funds sapwkemade with tbe ^ regional ofllca tiearest the veteri realdenqaoi.uiat office lsdictioii: over 1 the ei whero^be" FaQura. p?,,institutions ami gp )jsy.p.4ras ftre two 1 ofctme reason* why Veterans who have «ntered^aty^na-have received over! payment*. The overpayment! are now being Repaid on a natloir-wldt -baalsby Vttefins at the^r»t«f4>i n Ilobaison,of^Jew York»5,OO0;O00 a»bnth. :iw! ^y,.a weeh-cnd guest of Miss Veterans approved for re-enter* Joyce Hance. ~ - 4ng training may make restitution in a lump" sum; may arrange for, Rev, Horace, ;Fort and his daughter, Miss Harjorie Fort, of Stock- future! subsistence checks- to bo withheld until their obligation Is holm; Sweden, -were, week-end paid, or, in hardship eases, may gvests of Rev. and Mrs. William have a. small amount deducted from B..Spofford, ST. Sunday, Rev. Mr. their subsistence payments each Fort delivered the sermon at the month*. vthose not resuming their, morning service at Christ Eplscop*i church, of, which Rev. Mr. Spof. training should make other aj> rarj.jiments torepay the mefney due -ford, la.rector., ;.: the,government fr ;«nd. Mrs. Victor E. cjrosainayfr^turtep frqn^ Normandy VvA-.k.regulred by w lect oyerpaymenu, but It l ijey"jiaye been enoiiv J "" :! not to;iotc«,a*ny undue hardship < a veteran, in i;he collection oitosse [j Vup. Jpfeorgei.SSeenan and chll- fndifc ;^ : "! :dr*en of-,.brooklyn - are* visiting her, Several. factors are responsible patents, Mr..and Mrs. Peter Flem- ; for -the-overpayments, V.. A.. Mid. ing/,,:; ;. ; ;.;;.::. ;.;, : Chief.-among,these is Public, Law v Mjrji andrl^rs.. Garjr Paskus are 679 which imposes a cellln^^n ;j ub oj).inotpr trfp.^o N?w,Tork state, ai»tence..payments which may "Vn^dii acj^lswy.england. Mr. made.btoajk employed veteran n-rwushft WP^jOf The Register, addrtjon-^tffhla earned Incpme. Jfo ^ewi stjjny,uf \enjoy(ng a weeks. meats-tqiitllese employed,^ are baaed on statements, of. ejwik inga that are submitted to. V. A. ErroMHr.-theso statements; ox inlays in submitting them, may 1 re suit in veterans receiving excessive payments. - Other - overpayment* have also resulted from retroactive adjustments after subsistence payments had been made to veterans. Another factor is the failure of training^institutions and "vetefarij promptly to report interruption or d i t l B - r t l i i i ^ S B P these interruptions are reported, the veterans continue to receive their subsistence payments. Such payments made after discontinuance of training are illegal and should accepted by^the veterans. _Aun»on )SS ^ A ton of coal will be r onftwcwsperative plait 1 - night when Holy Cross Parent- Teacher association will hold. its flrat card party, of the season In *Holy Rosary hall.. Mrs. Thomas OLeary, chairman, will be assisted by the following 1 mothers of Red Bank Catholic high school students:-mrs. Andrew Heckt, Mrs. Charles Betts; Mrs. Monroe Peluso, Mra! : Oharle» Hears, Mrs. Joseph Clan<Sy,Mrs. Edward OBrien, Mrs. JosephV Guerrler, Mrs. Edward Andre, Mrs. Charles Dombrovaki, Mrs. Edward Coatlgas, Mrs. Marie Brown, Mrs. Thomas Oakes, firm. Walter White, Mrs. John Shea, Mrs. William Onderdonk and Miss Janet Whalen. - The work of resurfacing Rumson road from Blngham avenue to Harding wad,- by the counl be completed this week. The, area of thgjraad has been widened by covering the shoulders, roftner Iy of gravj^r^ith the aapnaltic^material* A Ford»UUon wagon, owned by William B. Leonard of WeitRiver, road, which was reported,,to,,the. Rumson polloe as having been stolen Friday night, was found the next morning on Bridge avenue,-,-] Red Bank, by police of that ough. Joseph Saceo, owner OL O. son tailor shop on the corner, River foad-avnd Washington, flrei la erecting 4- one-story building" 6,, River roaa; ~l>etween Allen «nd: -First streets, for his business. " A 17-foot Seafox, owned by Harry WlAoni.^broke loose, from- its mooring 1$, the river during the.. storm Friday night. The" bvaft, Avalued"».t43,000, was found the next *mornlnif t afred Bank, whfera \it -had-jlriilflfl._jt wa» not even scratched. A ladys wrist watch and three fountain pens were atolen from the ihome..of.-harold J. Gahn on Forrest tffrew^wnlle Mr. and. Mrs. Gahn^w^re ^pending ttie day on Long-wmiftJ Their son DonaW, who remained home, was out from flve. to seven oclock In ttie evening; and»f Henry Johnson and Otto Terl are inwitigatlng, " Mrs. Evelyn JHartman, who Is en- Moylng UUOafiltlbn of two,1«ta«ks from her duties at Flnnertys store,»«pent law ^flcteat Washlngtorijt. C, and Is spending this week with ^relatives aubayonne.. c-/-^, Mr. and Mrs" Arthur J. McKee, rjf/ho havft ir fl)o«ed their summer homo orr-flrst Street, observed ttifelr sbbth wedding^ anniversary with a l fclnner* : patty K 8unda.y evenlnfjat. their New York elty home.. MJohrrmaltfCW Old Farm «ill»g«reported to the police that conaldarable > dsjnufi 9«d been done^to their property after the football game Saturday night. The fence, ground! their "Jloperty, a.mltal >«n»llbojti and, fjjmetal sign jftptt torn down.. \> * ** ; Mra. RAloh -tjpogatreet of l«/ay> ette street li cmfllned to her home wlthtbrjakea bonu inher foot. Mrs. LongntrtlitVajr 1 Wjured Wedneaday of last.weak In, Red Bank wften dbe «ter+itf Er/iW curb, ;<,x."*<i&n.-iit..a Middletown Village, c }&. "«w4 ;i&»j V.Bobert t Boudinbt are parieiits,.<jf,a.eori,.born Saturday. at Moninputti".Memorial hosaai-- /:. - r ;! ;. ;" "-?8eyifiU J young- plsrediis left this yiekfor-cbllege. They -Include llissei Xcity" fijlwt 1 Jelllffe, aailghtersof ii\. and Mrs. Maltby Jelllffe^^Arl^.ls^Entering her. sop- Hlmore year at. Baldwin-Wallace college,it Berea, O., and- Lynn is 4firsf year 1 "student at Tufts col- Mg»1n Massachusetts, Mr. and Mrs. Jelllffe drove Lynn to school MotidlayV :\..::a r ; v "AIs(o iilis Audrey Smith,.who MaV-enteredEJdgewater 1 Junior ColfegeVat Brlarcliff Manor, N. Y.;. Miss Sally Oamwell, Pine Mannor Junior. college, Massachusetts; Miss Susan Matthews,- Barnard -college, New York city; Miss Barbara Robinsbn,Katharine Gibbs school, New ;,, and Miss Marie Dobbs,: IjariQn^ *^r^ schl^l^^new York [emihg/ &., and George,,,.,-,,, Otf./.ajre students-this! yje»n,s.l ; Pjrlng i e i ton university; John Locke, Jr. lit-sfjidylng, at Trinity, School, NwijTorji city, and E. W. SwacRJiamtiler;"jf.\ has* Entered the, Jfjjw^cjiool; New."Yorkcity..:, Mr." ^ijd^mfsv,roj)ert,c. r Boudlnot /flf^jmngs; highway are parents ofj, a jjon bprn,saturday, at Mdnmouth,npspital..,-, : ARMOURS VIENNA SAUSAGE 4oz. 17c ARMOURS TREET vi X1BBTS fsrfl FOODS Homogenized AllVarWies j For loilel and balh m\ cakes J, j*.. CHIFFON SOAP FLAKES For litojfriyem, tyooleni, etc flc *SPAN, fej surfaces Fojr ditties and fine fabrics :i i «1 FfIR THE PiMRY A&P has stacks of what your pantry lacks, so come in and fill in the empty spaces on your shelves. The fine-tasting selection of canned foods at A&P is bound to have what youre after. Ions and olhtr brandi, Tomatoes. n ox. tw 2 to, 23o VaHoui Brandt. Tomato Paste.. ««, on 10«Ann Pij» Tomato Soup iokoie.n3f r28c Coiltg*lnn Cocktail Tomato Juice. 24 ex. M. 19c Green Giant Peas i7oi.«nl9o N i b l e t S Cotn oh the Cob 12 or. can 1 7 c Sweet Peas Reliable 20oz.canl7o Sauerkraut A&C 27 or. can 2»o r 19c Carrots Dl«d-lon«20 or. can 2 for 15c Cut B e e t s Ions 28 ox. can 2 or 19o > AsparagU8DMrne!d-Cult4)toz!can 19o Sweet Peas iou 20 ox. can 3or 29c Peaches Ion* Brand 30 ox. can 23c -Grapefruit A&P 20 ox. can 2 for 27c Apricots tone Hslvsl 30 oi. can 25c CrSiiberry Sauce Apple Juice.Prune Juice Applesauce Grape Juice >< ox, can 19^ *«dch»ak 19c sumw«i. qt.boi.25e ASP 20 OX. tin 15c A&P pi. bot. 25c Ann Page Beans 1»z. can 2 for 23c ArmOUrsHashCornedBMlllb.can26c Encore Noddles iib. P k g.25c Nabisco Grahams iib.pks.25> COCOmalt Chacolal* Drink Ilk. jar43c Iona Cocoa. iib.pkg.15e NeStlesCo"COafv.r«adyWlb.pkfl.25c CoCOa Bakari or H.nhay Silb.pks.15e l Oat8Rolled-5unny(i« 0.2for25e Ketchup Pride of Farm 14 ox. bol. 19e Langs Pickles SwutMixad qi. ar29c Red Cabbage Horn* Slyla ti oz. ar 15e, Salad Dressing Ann Pag. pl. ar31c Mayonnaise rwimanni Pi.»r49c Soujp Mixes».HyCrock.r 3pkgi,32o, Floiir.iold M^al, Pillory 10lb.bag85c - F l o u r Sunnyfiald-AII Purpoie 10 Ib. bag 65c DeXO. lib.can34c 31b.can97c Cake Flour Sunnyfleld A* oz, pkg. 29<J Bisqilick Flako Pie Crust Gold Medal 40 oz. pkg. 45c. ; pkg. 16c Grandmas Molasses i«oz..r23c Daily Dog Food M OZ. dan 3 (or 25o Ann Page Mustard 9«. arl0c Coca-Cola Piu>o*poi» 6 ben. 25c Spreads tor Bread - Choose your favorite from the sweet jellies and jams, smooth peanut butters at A&P. -Motts Jellies. Varloui Brandt 10 oz. ar 19o Grape Jani Ann Page i ; 1lb. ar23o Raspberry Jatt Harllaya > tlb. ar41e Marmalade AnnPag. 1lb, ar25o Pre8ervesAnnPaga-Paaeh,Plum,Pin.appla1lb. t f25o, P ; reserve8lbu!ish»rry-aprlcor,p«ach,grip«1lb. «r2*)c Peanut Butter Ann Pae* > i ib, k 35c Butter WhlttHouH J8ot. tr23c Spiced Jam. 5varb«l-P«ch and Chtrry li iz. ar 30c Preserves tv.rbail-r«) Tomal. looi..r29o WHITE EVAPORATED MILK* SOW BUY FAMOUS BED CiBCLE MJV THE 3 LB. ECONOMY BAG Look how you save! A 3-pound package of Red Circle Coffee at a very^thrifty price! You save time, too, when you get a good supply of your favorite coffee at one shop* ping. And theres no.danger of running out of Red Circle, no matter how many guests come! Sold in the roaster-fresh bean, Custom Ground when you buy just right for your coffeemaker. Get a 3-pound economy package of Red Circle today. GOOD NEWS ABOUT FINE MEATS! MANY DELICIOUS CUTS REDUCED AT A&P J Heres the news youve been waiting for! Meat prices are down on many of your favorite Super- A?b "Li"""" 110^..fS 7" >&&*-".ir?; /. 8 ; *». -*B «* *««B" -««Iway. "»«ys in in A&PV A«r «. big Dig meat meat department. So So come come to to A&P right.way away for tender, juicy steaks and young spring Iamb. A&Pg A&Ps cutting method gives you Uose lnmmed _meata for greater value. And the new reduced prices on many of your favorite cuts will effect a saving in your meat budget. Sirloin Steak v, Porterhouse Steak Prime Ribs of Beef Turkeys Undtr i«ib*. n>, 59e (onaleii Shouldlr Ib. 5 ft w ibi. & ov«ib: 55o D u c k l i n g s Long lilandi (b. 35o T o p Sirloin R o a s t No Fai AdJtd a>. 89c B o t t o m R o u n d P o t Roast No Fat Addsd n> 89o T o p R o u n d Steak..... ft>89o Chopped Beef Pure Bnr-Fruhly Ground Ib. 53c Smoked Pork Butts lonatwi b.89c Smoked Beef Tongues short Cut *>. 49e Canadian Style Bacon >y PiK«ib, 89c sliced M ib. 49c Sweet Values FROMTOE B1KEBJ A&Ps oven-fresh bakery treats. are so tehder and light and good to eat, you wouldni mind getting the credit for baking every one yourself. Stock up at A&P! MMVEL BREAD 16 oz, 2 loaves Jan. Park.r Orange Coconut Twist «39c : Raisin Bread. Breakfast Rolls cinnamon pk»29c Date & Nut Loaf is ox. io.f 35. c Dundee Cake.. Nifiii»53o Jelly Roll.... -*.ch35o P o u n d CakeMirbi.,Goidio oz. m 2 9 o Angel Food Bar ur«. «ii. 59c Honsehold Supplies Liquid Wax A-P. «I. can 49e 20 Mule TeamBoraxiiox.pi9.16o B o r a X O Claani Dirty Hindi oz. pkg. 1 5 c Bleachette Blue. \Cnodburys Soap 2 «. pkg. 5c 3c»k.i25c Old Dutch Claanur U oi. can 2 (or 19o trolling and Frying Sim undar 4 lbs. For FrfcaiiM, Saladi-4 lbs. and ov.r Ib. 4 5 Loin Lamb Chops ib. 85c Rib Lamb Chops....,.. ib.79o Shoulder Lamb Chops.... n>. 796 Breast or Neck of Veal... ib. 32c Pork Chops Shouldar and Hip Cutr Ib. 5 9 c Fillet of Cod ib.33c Boston Mackerel i ib.25e Smoked Fillet \m Thrifty urn Val n Pick up all the good foods yon need from A&Pg well-stocked Dairy Department. Weve a wealth of milk and cream... butter, eggs and cheese all country-fresh and, fine tasting.»>.39c Swordfish Steaks. «.. n>. 69e Swiss Cheese rucy-siiod R>. 69C Ched-O-Bit Chaaia Food 2 Ib. box 85c Sharp Cheddar A B.d ib. 67c Mild Cheddar Smooth Flavor Ib. 53c Mel- O- Bit Amarlcan Procait Ib. 49c Bordens Chateau Mib.pkg.29c Blue Cheese Bitay-Tangy lb.59e GorgOIlZoIa Sally Flavor Ib. 65c Gold*NRich MIU n, 61«Fraih Wlicomin A Flavor of II* Own Ib. 4 9 c Ib. 55e Toscano Romano For Gming ib. 79c Pabst-Ett; J... 6Uoi.pkg.23c Pure Lard..... ib.27«cottage CheeSC.raalulonaSoz.pkg.14c Snappy Cheese.. Liederkranz 3oz. roii 18c.,. 4oi.pkg.30«NUCOA MARGARINE >b 35c Blue Bonnet, All-Sweet, Parkay and Good Luck li tlto AYtUible In most itorcs. STORE HOURS 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. Monday through Saturday A&P Pajs 10c Ib. For Waste Fa<«To further reduce bill bring your waste fats into A&P. Top Values In PEiK FRESH PROW Whether yoyre looking for good solid filler-uppers like potatoes or something dainty and distinctive for your fresh fruit salad your A&P is sure to have all the delicious fruits and vegetables on your list. Tokay Grapes Sw.* 2 ibi 19c California Oranges sw..i 7 ib. bag 69c Sweet Potatoes us No i G«d. 3 ibi. 19c Iceberg Lettuce tnadhd. 13c ig..hd.l6o Garden Spinach H«m* Crew* 2 ibi. 25c Green Apples Hom. Grown 2ft» 15c Table Celery oi» 2 ben, 25e New Cabbage Horn. Grown 3 Ib*. 14e Yellow Onions u. s. NO. t Gra<v2 ib.. 15«Crisp Radishes Horn. Grown J^mch 5e WNG ISLAND POTATOES U. S. No. 1 Grade Good Keepers FROSTED FIIOK DEPARTMENT. We have a wldo variety to chdose from... bere are but a few of this weeks values. J_ ]_^ foot In. a cast. Th< rj«d to battar und blsnr bull. ruin \,nit lhfou«h Th. RadaUta idvtt. 0 iy^idtlm Every pint has 400 U.S.P.., of Vitamin. 1)3 just what babies need, and A6P* low price Is bound to pleaie. : f " M TT- l^t r ~ i *»? - >-f:?j"*wpw Baby Lima Bcaus. i2ot.pkt.41a! Irdi.y. Cut Cora. e» j UP<<{^<!

30 RED BANK REGISTER. SEPTEMBER 25, 1947 f NURSERY PLAY SCHOOL i and KINDERGARTEN ; (OPERATED by SEASHORE DAY CAMP) 648 Ocean Avenue, West End.. Phone: Ljjna; Branch twwol Ttalf Day Session (Morning or Afternoon). «Week"Period»*0.00» Full Day Session, With Hot Lunch, l.._t Week Period»60.00«. Transportatltm Included,, ^Qualified and Experienced Teachers Write Today for FurtheyJnformation New Jersey Aberdeen-Angus Breeders Show arid Sale 46 FEMALES 46 These 48 outstanding brcd^ andopen heifers were carefully. selected on type, pedigree and condition. They represent th«finest bloodlines of this great breed. Show at 10:00 A. M.. Sale at 1:00 P. M. Wednesday, October 1/ 1947 New Jersey State Fair Grounds, Trenton, N. J, PUBLIC SALE Old Chinaware, Cut Glass, Etc HIGHWAY 9-4, 1 l / z Miles North of Toms River known as the North Toms River market, at the Intersection of Whltesville Koad, near Trenerys Corner. SATURDAY, SEPT. 27th 12:S0 P. M. Sharp Collection of old chinaware, (English, French, Wedgewood, German, Chinese, Bavarian); cut glass, old clocks, oil paintings, marble top tables, hand-painted dishes, pressed glass, power saw, 40 gallons of paint, meat saw, scales (Toledo), counters "and "sohie canned groceries, and many other Items too numerous to mention; AIBEBT A. SIX, Auctioneer By Order of, J. SPRELAZZA S» PETERS PLACE BED BANK 6-37M-J J. Nobert, E. Ford, Cl(jl%. Qet Yours Today! MODEL 560 SMALLEST Emerson Self-Powered Portable, Its beauty, its power, its performance fairly sing out its QUALITY. Only 8^ inches wide, but with Alnico 5 Permanent Magnet Dynamic Speaker, oversize Snper- Loo p Antenna, Sliderule Dial and other features ia liandsome Maroon Plastic Cabinet with sturdy carrying strap. (tew Batteries), Hazlet Mrs. J. Frank Weigand entertained the members of the Philathea class of the Keyport Baptist church Friday evening with an outdoor picnic supper. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Bowne, Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Beatty, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Stftnhope, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Henry, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Laursen, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hyer, Mr. and Mrs. Angelo M. Webster, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Burrows, Mrs. Everett Poling and daughter Drucllla. Mrs. Clarence E. Bahrenburg, Mrs. Charles I. Young, Jr., Mrs. William Murray, Mrs. Kenneth Van Meerbeke, Mrs. A. M. Brown, Horace Burrows and Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Weigand and, children Ned, Bill and Margo. Mrs. Roland Emmons was hostess to the members of the Crescent club Tuesday evening. Final plans were made for the club to hold their annual banquet at the Courtesy house, Marlboro, Thursday, October 16. On^Thursday evening, October 2, Mrs. Joseph H. PeSeux will entertain the club members. A social hour and refreshments "followed the business session. Those attending were Mrs. James Neldinger, Mrs. Theodore G. Bailey. Miss Stella Bailey, Miss Vera Tombleson, Mrs, Elmer A. Bahrenburg, Mrs. William Urstadt, Mrs. Joseph R. Peseux, Mrs. Walter Smale, Mrs. Cyrus Roes, Mrs. John Maloney, Mrs. James H, Ward, Mrs. William Lambertson, Mrs. George Emmons, Mrs. Maitland Walling, Mrs. Joseph I. Lehan, Mrs. Elwood I. Monahan, Mrs*. Judson Hopla, Jr., Mrs. Leonard Lufburrow, Mrs. Roellf H. Le- Roy, Mrs. John H. Bahrenburg and Mrs. Emmons. Vernon Rathbone, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rathbone, entered Syracuse university Monday, where he will study dentistry. Vernon spent 16 months overseas, being stationed at Erlangen, near Nurhberg, and later at. Bremerhaven Gertnany, with an army medical unit. This past summer he served as water front director at Camp Woodland, Syracuse, Boy Scout camp. He is an Eagle Scout of Hazlet troop 92, and a graduate of Keyport high school. John F. Weigand and Robert G Weigand, sons cf Mr. and Mrs. J Frank Weigand, are attending Monmouth Junior college, Long Branch. They are both graduates of Keyport high school. Robert graduated from Gettysburg Military academy this year. John F. was stationed with the Army for a year at Wiesbaden near Frankfurt, Germany,-In the- Signal Corps, JKe Js an Eagle Scout of Hazlet troop 92. The girls of Cloverleaf troop 35, Girl Scouts, met at public school 1, Friday afternoon with their leader. Scouts present were Ferol Peseux, Diane Shaw, Ellen Anderson, Patty Emmon«,-AnUa-DG>iliolmer7-Linda. Dlsbrow, Shirley Emmons, Joyce Bennett, Deanna Johnson, Anna Mlele Jean Serplco, Florence Cullen, Barbara Wilson, Sally Foley, June Bennett, Helen Tremble, Dorothy Richards, June Bogart, Mary Jane Carol! and Barbara Newlln. house Triday afternoon with Mrs, GeoigeEmmbfts, leader-ln-charge. Robert -"EViHywy «on of Mr. and Mrs; Ruben Hyer of Mllltown spent the week-end with hi3 grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Hyer btcrawf olds Corner. William Glenn Wurned to Penn State-college this Veek after a visit with" his parentsa Mr. and Mrs James C. Glenn. Boy Scout troop/92 ;mef at the fire house Thurseday evening. Linda Layton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cheston M. Layton, celebrated her eighth birthday Sunday. She received gifts and a birthday cake. Those attending wcro Anita and Claire Dexhelmer, Mary Anna Chinery, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred W. Chlnery, Carol Mo.wery, Julia Kurlca, John Layton, Janice Layton, June Bennett, Joyce Bennett, Anthony Infanfl r Rose Marie Infant!, Joan Emmons; Patty Emmons, Mrs. Alonzo F. Layton, Mrs. George Salmons and Mr, and Mrs. Cheston M. Layton. Ice cream, -cake and candy were served.,,.-.- Rev. and Mrs. Norman Rlley, Mr. and Mrs. William L. Barnes, Mr. and. Mrs. Roellf H. LeRoy, Mrs. Theodore G. Bailey, Mrs. James C. Glenn, Mildred Laughlin and Patty Cottrell are attending the Methodist conference at Ocean City from St.. Johns Methodist, South Key- Cartagena In Colombia was once the mightiest fortress of Imperial Spain In South America. MOVTE ON SPtBITS A movie on spiritualistic manifestations by Dr. SUklnl will ba the leature attraction at the midnight ihow- Saturday at the Qarlton thea- :er. Dr. Silklnl gets a lot of fun >ut of convincing his audience that :here are spirits, and digs upland irings back to life the Franken* iteln monster ill person. Port Monmouth A surprise birthday party was given Saturday for Mrs. Herbert Vivian, at the home of Mrs. Lillian Goodbrandson on Michigan avenue. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Frank loans, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. J6ans, Mr. and Mrs, James H. Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Closterman, Mr. and Mra. William Kowto, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Levering, Miss Joan Vivian, Billy Joans, Albert Joans, Michelle Joans, Hugh Clarke, William Moelier, Richard Kalbercr, Dorothy Closterman,.Douglas Closterman, Jr., Nancy Goodbrandson, William Zuener, Patricia Kowtko, Vivian Kowtko mdherbert Vivian*. Mr. and Mrs. "Buddy" Jorgens«n are the parents of a daughter, born Saturday, September 20. Mrs. Jor-. gensen is the former Lorraine Darke. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Bennett and daughter Audrey flew by Eaati-n.AIr Lines plane to Anderson college, S. C, this week. Miss Bennett will begin her studies tomor-, row., Mr. and Mrs. William Jefferson of highway 36 are the parents of an eight-pound-nine-ounce son, born Sunday morning. Mrs. Jefferson is the former Reglna Rapp. Miss Ellen Rlley and Russell Goodwinn of Trenton w «re the guests Sunday of Miss Gloria Werse. Miss Riley is asenior at Trenton State " Teachers I college. Mr. Goodwinn is a student at ttie University of Georgia. Mra. Charlette "Rivers and daughter Georgine of Stelton will be the guests of Mrs. John Bennett Saturday..-. " Mrs. Maude Johnson of this place has recovered from a recent Illness. Sgt. Lee Smith spent the weekend with his wife and son and Mr and "Mrs. Raymond Neary. He 1» stationed at Fort Dlx. A-rchle Nobel, Miss Pauline Noble and James McKay attended the State Fair at Trenton recently. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Runge recently entertained Mrs. Runges mother, Mrs. Grace Sweeney, and Carl Dalquist, of Kearny. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lathrop will soon tako up their-new resldenco at 45 Asbury avenue, Atlantic Highlands. Frederick Freibott, Jr., la confined to bed with Injuries suffered recently in a football game. Harold Quackenbush has re- turned-homo from 8.. fow^woaua-vu. cation in New York. Mr. and Mrs. William Hennlngsen of Shark River hills were the Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs Arthur Henningsen., Mrs. Bessie Adams and Harry Langham of Brooklyn, N. Y., and motor to Philadelphia tomorrow to visit Mr. and Mrs. William States. Mr. and Mrs. Handcock and ton Richard of New York city spent the week-end at theirsummer cottage on Poplar street. Donald Reilly, Sr., celebrated his birthday Saturday with a turkey dinner. Mrs. Helen Kosloskl Is a patient at Fitkln hospital. Mrs. FreldaLanza of Newark is residing at 379 Ideal avenue." : Mrs. Sarah Scott, Mrs. Jean Millor, Mrs. Elizabeth Abbott and Mrs. Madge Sharp have returned from the Convention of the Daughters of Scotia at the St. Frarfcls hotel, San Francisco. Cal. Mr. and Mrs. James Spence of North Bridgeport, Conn., s,pent Sat urday and Sunday at the Tiome of Mrs. Daniel Murdock., Mrs. Marion Murdock and daughter Marlon have returned home from,a vacation with Mrs. Allan Spence of Bridgeport, Conn. -.-! Mr. and"mrs; Fred Heightmeti and William Jaqulrsch of Some,rville were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lubeck. Mr. and Mrs. William Jefferson aje parents of-a son, born Saturday at Monmouth Memorial hospital.. Mr. and Mrs. George Jorgensen of Main street are parents of j a daughter born Saturday at Riverview hospital. "" Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Dlngwell celebrated their 84th wedding anniversary September 13. Combination desk and file saves time and steps! aim, INTERIOR /DECORATINQ fainting - Paper Hanging Floor and Wall Linoleum Installed General Work J. MALONSON PHONE HIGHLANDS J Special FREE 5x7 Enlargement f,rom best ^negative,, suitable for enlarging. MAIL YQUR FILMS and SAVE MONET! 1 DAY SERVICE BIG OVERSIZE PRINTS 8 exposure rollls exposure rolls exposure rolls exposure : rolls 38 MM exposure rolls 35-MM 1.50 Reprints.04., > > Highest Quality Kodak auterfahf Vtii. Mall Film Today and Get Erea MavUloa; Bag and Complete Price list., PHOTO SERVICE BOX 485 RED BANK, N. J. ORANGE DISC ANTHRACITE ORDER YOUR WINTER SUPPLY OF ORANGE DISC NQUt Lack of transportation and storage facilities point to a possible severe shortage of coal this year... ao fill your bin now and be sure of an adequate supply. OurPudget Plan is a boon,to the* ~.:._ spread payments over the entire heating season. Aik us for details today. ; ieaboaro StliVING THE SHORE TEL R. B GUARANTEED CERTIFIED IDENTIFIED» 2 T-«DANCING SATURDAY NIGHT HO txjveb SEA GIRT JNN ( Th«Show Plaea "I.The ghor* navrm *Sr. SEA QIBT ITCH Dont Suffer Another Minute An yon tormanud with Itching of aesema piohaau. jrohaa, athlataa foot. sunburn, eruptions, rectal itching, rough hands or fact or ether akin troubles 1 For aulck relltf and good ruulta uat Victory Olntmant. tnt. uavaiopta Developed lor for th* boys In the atrvleea. now offered to the folk* back horn*. s. WhltatAarnaaalaaa. antlpaln palb ralmving, mivtjijii vauibuiuy. vanlahlnf. Septic, COOllnaj, Doe* not Irrltata. LSafa for children and First Aid -.._?* RADIO Sales & Service Call for an(l Deliver. GEORGE T. SCHMIDT._ 131 Sprfn, Bt B.E 6-1W1-M Special Sale 90 Dairy Cows at Freehold, N. J. Friday, Oct. 3rd, (>t U:S0 p. m. aharp. Sell jentlre herd of H. Daniels, 20 Guernseys and Holstelna, milkers and springers, accredited herd. rsvra Is sold; they UniaTgoToTHEe high dollar. 70 GUERNSEYS, HOLBTEINS, JERSEYS and j BROWN SWISS, fresh and close springers,- U>. and blood* tested, j some registered and some first calf heifer, heavy milkers and good to bojold at t" you want one cow or several, be sure to,*tfee&dattilij.rale. Inspefii tlon invlfed at any time. Terms, Cash. - 4 \ > «Jacob Zlotkin & Son Phone ,. Freehold. N. J, THE HABIT OF T H H I F T ] ; - _ : : - > ;!.. v - " :? ; :?* EARLY Thrift is a, stepping. stone ml buildi^-ctiar-* / acter, so develop your fro y s enthusiasm for saving right no.wvwheji lies grown and evaluates things fw^aidultl ^ concepts art ^jexpervr.:l, ence, hell ^ grateiql for the : flna^cjiajij^abjil-. 7 ity you have ^d gain ^ * * NOTIC*. ^.j-.. Seeled bids for MrtjlR «JtMatton»,J n. room at tha Port Tfonmotitb, achob will ba received bi fmmiietown Town hip Board of EiuAHXiSTfXjlittr tba I oclock P. II. (E«J tern Standai rim«) Vuesdar Oeta$fi }i"ta«7. Speclflcations andfeuf-xcrms majrb aecured at the offict of the Dlitrlt Clark Jamai W. Qi*iibtl,,r7> batwat a. m. and 4:80 p.m., Hoh<a> to Ftl lay, Inclusive.,.,_..«, Tba Board of EoWtfcn <?estrves th ight to rajaet any or all blda and t wain Immaterial Informalities, i Dated: September 41, 19«. I JAME3 W, PAVIDHEISIB, * Dlatrlet Clerk, IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY - 0 GEORGE W. HOLMES,JR.: * f Br virtue of an Order ot tha Con* if. Chancery of Nair Jersey mada oh the 28rd d»r of September, 1M7, ln->«eanaa wherein Lorlt* II, Bolmiia Is petitioner, and you are defendant, jrop re hereby required to answer tht patloner on or before the 24th day qf November next, and In defatflt thereof each decree will be entered juainst yofc as the Chancellor shall think aqullabla, tnd Just. ** p Tha, object of, said,.aultils to obtain decree of dirorce4,bet*<a*n tloner and you. laid pa> 2 Dated: September,SI.- U4J. I QUINN. DOEBMUB.-McCUll 5 * RUSSELL. t Solicitors of.patluoner. 78 Broad - A - Red Bank, Msnmeuth County S^-ra»t<a Office In the matter ot the estate of Han r K. Hubbard, deceaied. Notice to :cre< tore to srtlent clalnia atalmt eitat. Punuant to ^he order of Dormali Mi Faddln," Surrogate of the County : < f Monmouth, made on the nineteenth dagr i t September, It47, on tha annlieatlan f Madeleine D. HublMrd.^Xdnilnllralrlx of the eatateof Harry A. Huiard, deceated.. notice II herebyglvell ;o tr)e credltora of aa.14*d.eceaeed to exilblt to the aubicriber, admlnlatratrlx, i aforeaald, their cdebti < nd demarida against the aald Estate, under oath, within alx month) mm the date of th* aforesaid order, erytmy will be forever barred of their aollodr therefor against the aald aubserlberw> Dated: Freehold. N. J,, September tth, MADELEINE D. HUBBAXD, 121 Fair Haven Koad,., Fair Haven,. N. J. Mann. Roberta, PHUbury, Carton A Sorenson. Atlantic Highlands, N. J, - *" Croctora. Monmnuth County Suirogatea Ofilca. In the (natter of the estate fit Mary Mallard, deceased, Notice(o"sredltor( present claims Pursuant to the order of Dorman He* Taddtn, Surrogate of tbs County of Monmouth; made on the nineteenth,day of September,:.1047, oh.tha applipatlpn if Margaret Carroll, aole executrix ot ;he estate of Mary Mallard, deceased, istice Is hereby given to, thjs.xudltora if said deceased to exhibit tomha sobalrfber. sole executrix," ^"amretald, their debts T and denginds ajfalnst the, under «ath, <"wlmiln sue months (from the dati JDMt^e xorasa{d order, or they will be forever barred >t, ther actions therefor- against the laid subscriber. Dated: Freehold, N. J., September 9th, MARGARET CABROLL, Bllverslde Avenue, Little Silver, N. J. Stephen P. Plga, Esq, 16 Exchange Place, [arsey City, N. J. Proctor. Monmouth County Surrogataft OfAc*. I,. th«matter of th» eitat* of Aijn» Auffuita Ohl, deceased. Notlet to. cred- Uon^to present clalmi agalnit titat««piiriunnl ta 4h»-ord«f -o( Dorm in- Ufi-~ Faadlfl, Surrosrati of tht County of Monmouth. mad«on the twelfth dftt of Scptflmbar, on th«application\6t, Ruth M. Braun and Anthony T. W.Oplr ley, executors of the state of Aatia. Auguita Oht, decfated* notice is hereby given to the creditor! of said deceased t exhibit to h«ubicl-tberi, executors fald, their debti d d d x montfis fromthe date of the> aforesaid order, or they will ba forever.rred.of their actions therefor against «>«al4 aubserlbera. to i»ntnui«dated: Freehold, N. J.. Sept.mtfer fttfj J 1947a 4 f*1fta*fa^ Hfif RUTH M. BRAUN, 88 Eppirt Street, *- East Oranss, N. J. ANTHONY T. WOOLET, - IIS. Bath Avenue,. I^on? Branch, N. J t.. Anthony T. Wooller, Eao.»."..; ;,...: 180 Broadway,, -,, Long Braftcb; N; J. >.." -.V.; -, Proctor. " -Notice o( Settlement of Account, Eatate of Horace G. Smith;.daeaasad. Kotlce la hertby alven that the,ac-" coahts of the. subscrlbar, sole.ekftoutor of LldU A. Smith, deceased sola elecutrlx Of tha estate ot said daceaaei), will ta audited-and stated by tha Surrogat* of thi.county of Monmouth and reported for settlement to tha Orphans CSurt of said Countj, on Thursdajr, tha thirtieth day of October, A, D., 1»«7, at 10:00.oclock a, m M-atwhich time au** plication Will ba mada for tha allowance if eomrnlsslona and counsel- feas. - - Dated! September- 11, A. D., 19*7., MILES W. MURPHV 1. i /-Port Monmouth,,N, J.. Sole executor of I^dla A. Smith, deceased sola exacutrtx of ;...Horace O, Smith. rdeeeaaad. Roberts, Plllsbury, Carton - F Soranson,. * -, u AlFantlo Highlands, K.t l!. s. Proctora. BOROUGH OF OCEANPORT :,,....; NOTICE- NOTICE 1«hereby given that at meeting of the Mayor : nnd Council -of the-borough, of Oceanport,.held on th«4th day of September, 19*7, the followin«ordinance wai Introduced aiid passed^ pn first readina;., and ~taat further Consideration of v>lich->^dlnanta for Anal^paasaie will < be- -held d on -the 2nd 2d day of October, Otb.1947, at 8 PM P...M.. nt tha Borough Hall, Oc«anno\ ifrt,.. Nawt t d Jersey, and that all parson!. lnt«reited therein, will - ba given, aa voppprtunity \% be heard-at said tlnia* and plaee, Dated: September i, "WILLIAM P. rleoknbft,, :-.- ; " Boroqah Clerk. " BOBOUCH OF OOEANHORT ", : AN OEDIKANCE TO VACATE BAKKIK PLACE AS SHOWN ON A, CERTAIN MAP ENTITLED "HAP OF PROP- ERTY BELONGING MRS. RANKIM. ;OQBANPORT, NEW JERSEY, J. W. SKIMAN, CIVIL ENGINEER, LOM 5BkNCH, N.. J;, NOVEMBER. 1(1 SCALE l"-50 SUB-DIVISION BLOCK 81, LOT 21.".WHEREAS It appearato the. gorai na;^b6dr of.the Boroush of Oceanpc t ln;-the County of Monmouth and Sti, ) of-n«w J«rs«y, that tha pnbllo Inten t will be better served by vacating a i r«je,aslng; (ram dedication all of Rafklri Placa as showri on a certain m p entitled "Map - of Property Belong! Emerton Radio AC-DC Superheterodyne. Compact Ivory Plastic cabinet houses a remarkable chassis with Alnico 5 Permancnt Magnet Dynamic Speakcr...built-in Supcr-Loop Antenna, Beam Power Output and other advance engineering. A remarkable performer in every respect. PIANOS RADIOS (TELEVISION EVERYTHING IN M U..,C AT liliuimull: PRICE with Win, unit lor Pendiflex HANDING folders Work in one spot with this ingenious desk and. file, without jumping up for papers,.big, sturdy steel desk is 42" x 24" And thats a"pendaflex hinging folder file. firings a new thrill discovery of the world* fastest, easiest filino method. A new kind of desk that provides usable, active filing space instead of inactive wasted drawer space. Drop in today to see the Pendaflcx Utility Desk. We have it^on display for prompt delivery.; consistent OPEN ffls SAVINGS AMOUNT AT THE MERCHANTS TRUST Your interest rate on Savings Accounts does NOT decrease; no how large the balance. Merchants Trust.maintains ONESTANDARD INTEREST RATE on all Savings Accounts. \.,, M - V; ^>./ ^ INTEREST PAYABIiE APRIL! AND OCTOBER 1 i\$ OW THEREFORE, BE IT O DAINED by the Mayor and Council tha Borough,of Oceanport In tha Conn of Monmouth andslate ofnew Jars aa follows!. ^ < ; I.That the fdllowjrtg dklerlbed at^ ba-.and the same la In all resfieets * catad andraleased froto -dedication a public atrsati " Beglnhlng at a monument on - T 1 side of rortaiipeifk, avmua In si Borough of Ocaanport» r"" southeaf corner of Lot 51, aa shown on sal "Map of Property Belonging Mrs. Ri :k)n, Oceanport, Ne#-Je«eT, J. W. Si «tan. Civil Englne/r>vl»j5 Branch, t. Ji, November. 18>«.- Bciilt" l"-50, Su Division-of Block 81, Lot m," thai (I) 1 north 81 degrees. 42.minutes, w 220.SO feet, to J «,qmtm ait the nor east corner of tot«w,olc said mi thence (i) south 08 derreea? no mlnu welt along the north lines of Lota «,; 10, M. 88 anf«7, I5J.8S, feat. thi westerly line of tha tract h^hown id maps.. t thenc h < l k.north, t h 40 degr 7 minutes it west t SO feat mori or leu t alona, In said westerly line of * traoti thence It) north 88 degrees minutes oast feat to the nor wast corner of.lot.. 44 on,eald n i 4J m of avjffsif 3fiffe («) soi VI UK m i d STHEET - RED BaUlK, II. J FormeViy- STORCK OF COURSE.i * < > «i <,. / Stationery Department Downstairs 17 Broad St. Phone R. B Red Bank Illation a,s required br law." " *"

31 >.- -. FRED SKATING RINK p Society Holds Pilgrimage V»i.-"<...,- miuw,.*. «*.:..-;..-. OUB Open Friday and Saturday AVE. Every^ 8uniJay; t"..-monitor Broadcast F. ehrysttr-rtlrtemf C^^chtOOtU Fumtcei, Automatic Oil BurnW«Wat^r Heaters^, 31 Bingham Ave. < Rumson ; MSp;";..^-},. And Have i m Reaidy For Sp*iiifr #48 j And we can no\ r^ijj^ijmb to place-your order ing delivery,,.. j -v jrt A» ; <» :!,>us.-«_ A,siv ng is made.and your selection is greater, r, ;iv Jiist ccajl. for an. esiiniate." Standard Awning A Co. ^3 ; ^%ont St. ^ \[,;.^-.- R.B *. MORALLER, Prop. :,,/ v,^;\/kevtow; fello^jl Slave a full oil tank, and be able 4o keep your thermostat set Jfpjr,comfort ^iiwintew; p;j vatty] ;1;^ ve;;foihtw: BURNER CLEANED ind ;avoj4-; winter trpujble befqre it, eft "Phon^ tjiitpday. W^jWfe at your service PHONE SI A BRIGHT or More Than 180 Visited Three Religious Shrines Sunday -RED BANK REGISTER; SEPTEMBER Sof. Bt. Ahni society of etr-artthonyi church. Red Bank,?made their third annualpilgrimage Op«?ns Jersey Coast [to several religious ahrlnea In the ^_6KLong Bland, Sunday, Photo Service. in Bl*TBoro"btI«es. Fred J. Gorcheas, who law six The group r visited 8t Anthonys years of servlos In the Coast Guard, shrine at OoeanBlde, La I., and at-hatended Ui80 uasa there; Mother Service at 18 Broad street, Red opened the Jersey Coast Photo Cabrinl church and the shrine of Bank, where he ls>speclall*lng In St. -Francis Xavler Cahrlnl in the Bronx, tfie Grotto 1 commercial aerial photography and of Our.Lady of Lourdes end the Scala 3anta, ; photostatle work. at Bt. Ltfeya church in the Bronx. While The young man has had considerable experience, having worked at-the, Orotto. of Our Lady of Lotfrde v< which was visited at as a free-lance newspaper photographer before enlisting and night, a special benediction was of- serv- fered hy He,v, Pgsnuale LOmbardo ing as acoast Guard combat photographer In. this countryand over- tetr py j^^ ph OnVbftfta buass was for children seas.- He made aeven round trips reason is obvious. For a few short only under tfie-guidance of Mrs. to France to provide.pictorial coverage of the rescue cutters. He was they have heard about the destruc- mix about 75 pounds of limestone, weeks farm people remember what Thomas ifraaceaconi, society president, aifcl Mrs. Nellie Madure, a on the Cutter Campbell when the tiveness of Ores and are alert to 40 pounds of superphosphate.and sooiety >).»lc» president. Other officers hv oh vie >>y».re Mrs. Antoin- made, andaaw the Coast Guard In fire and careleaaneas dont mix, and apply when the compost Is be-condenses, Krueger continues. This first convoy run of the war wasits causes. Then they forget that, 60 pounds of ammonium sulphate gets Into the wall area, cools and ette"?. Gaprfito, Mrs. Julia Reclnel- action throughout the European perhaps in the miataken belief that ing made. In making the compost makes Insulation less effective and Mrs, Mary Caprion!, Mrs. Phllo- theater o operation^, it cant happen to me. 1 Many will plt«, a one-foot-layer of organic material la first laid down and thebers to rot. may cause wood construction mem- KKifcaSSSttdBrt/ A«na BIi-.Mr. Gorohess is a son of. Mrs. get by despite their carelessness, Russell Eckman of Port Monmouth but too., many lose to make the chemical mixture applied on top, Only a few specially manufactured materials do a good job of Making the trip were Mr. and and la a graduate of Mlddletowft rlak worthwhile. and so on until the compost pile Is M;tr.T!bonii»«i < *r»pce«eonl 1 Mr; and, township high school, completed. Moisture Is Important. vapor sealing. Common ones arc asphalt saturated membranes of felt Be Sun To Destroy The Mexican MJilj;(-JJ^nlnlo: Oiarruto, Mr. and Bean Beetle Legumes May Die If Grazed Late Mrs. Sestlanb Bizzarb, Mr. and Mrs. Shrewsbury.The Mexican bean beetle winters Its risky to pasture or cut Ladlno clover or alfafa after the mid- Turn On Lights After Egg Laying or mineral base material. Samuel Palandrano, Mr, and Mr«. over as an adult, usually along Antirbny Scarjpino, Mr. and Mrs< The annual fall luncheon.of New fence rows and in plant trash, even dle of September in rthla area, Hits Peak John LbPrcstl, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Jersey alumnae of Alpha Phi, In-arounternational sorority, was held Sat- spring about the,time early planted Carlton S. Garrison, extension turning on HghU In poultry houses, farm buildings. In the early warns County Agent Clark. Usually its better to hold off Bonifacio, Mr. and MrSi-Frank Alloco, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest DICarlo, urday at "Sharon Row," the home beans are coming through the specialist In farm crops at the Col- ot Agriculture, Rutgers Uni- signs of falling off, says Leslie M. until production is high and shows Mr. and Mrs; Jossph Sklatlno, Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Carmen, of ground, he /will come out of hislege Mary Rusab, MfS^aprlnnl, Mrs. this place. Mrs. Carman and Mrs. hiding quarters, hungry and ready versity, explains late outtlng or Black, extension specialist in poultry husbandry at the Collego of Concetta Palandj*?^ Mrs. Mary Caprion!, Mra." ; Wtngerter. of Red Bank were cohostesses to tho group. Mrs. Car-v Late bean plants ahould be these.crops to live through the win- Agriculture, Rutgers university. to go,to work at once. grazing may reduce the ability of *n0v Dttwd,- Mrt) Tossie DlNlgfrlsJ/iirK EMra Del^a Vecchia, fe W "V, : - man la past president of the or-ploweganluftlonble after the last picking of beane, year. SI* to ten Inches of tepgrowth late February and March, lights under just as soon as possiter and make a good stand next In the case of pulleta hatched, in Mrs. Julia Tomaino, Mrs. Joala The safety.patrol has been reorganized with Paul Buckalew as Destruction- how of larvae and killing frost. the middle of October or later, ac- to a depth of four or more Inches. should be made before the first may not have to be turned on until Figaro, Mrs. Catherine Mama, Mre. Theresa Glrillo, Mra, Ollda Pompa, Mrs. Bennedetta Mazza, Mra. Anna captain, John Valentine as first adults will help to reduce the number of beetles which will attack Alfafa especially needs a good cording to Black. Soon after lights Trunzo, Mrs. Theresa Luclstno, lieutenant, Barbara Smith, second Mrs. Pasquallna plcfldlo, Mrs. Rose Ileutanant and Robert Jenkins seorfltary^ JTliB-pther members are next years early spring crops, according to County Agent Clark. Blnaco, Mrs., Ida-gSarnese, Mrs. Tommaslna Barrart,Mrs. Carmelji Patrlrjfa Slate,/"Virginia DeVogh, Blacamano, Mrs. So(e BorelHt Mrsi Prd Phillips, Lofralne Dennis, Alan CatliBr)neBennenatto, : MM.AnlolH» Phillips 1,:; Ulrlam Wolcott, Barbara ettssfi-jboptfe, "Mrs. ;Marla Bohcofe;V JMtia. Seraphlne Bennlncasa, Matches..,.--, Biatei Ivan Ooombs and Charles Mrs. Blondlna Ca,prlonl, Mrs <3atV Beginning October 1 garbage collections will be made, in the bo> feroni, Mrs. Marlft Cariiso, Mrs. ough Tuesdays and Saturdays until further notice, Marie eoata. /..... Mrs. QJovanna ClagUft,.Mrs.. Barbara (Smith has been elected tionette ckiaravallotl, Mrs. president of the eighth grade, Paul Frances D Maria, Mrs. Rublna Buckalew Is vice president, John - \jjcy pomenlco, Mrs Valentine treasurer.and Fatrlola MarlBiSlPhlIlpp«r DOnttfrio, Mr».atorlft DaVIto, Mrs..,!The auxiliary of R^venrlew ho»- Sophie Daughty, Mrs. Clvlta De- pltal met yesterday at the home George, MM. Angle Del Pra, Mrs. Annie Calandrlello, Mrs. Anna Colline, Mrs. RoseFlgaro.Mrs.Angelina FigarojgH%jgJp.vanpo Figaro, M MrB. Julia Gaofolo Mrs. "Vlcenzlrt* GlAfeCHrf)MUrlaGarbardinl, Mrs. Chftstfbi Itrl. [da = Jullano, Mra. Lucy Ju- "" iit *r*l^iptl Ht ^_«ri o,mrsvphltomenai, :Pepp!nA Maiza,W **/. <.. -w V KP,..Mr«. Julia.Lon,,-, Delg-lsa Mattocda, Mrs. Maria MancarUeo, Mrs.- Millie Mallnconloo, Mr, and Mr*. Oleonard Harms announced the birth of a daugh- Diana Lynn, at Rlvervlew hos- Mra. Angelina Massuccl, Mra. Mil-ter, He Marks, Mrs, Louisa Mellna, Mrs. pital September 15. Ida Mlchealangelo, Mrs. Mary Natale, Mrs. Catherine Nesol, Mrs. Angelina Napolltano, Mrs.- Mary Per- Sandra Louise, the baby daughrle, Mrs, JosephlM Papa, Mrs. Luola Plperno, Mrs. Maria PorcelH, Mra. Conootta Palaililrano,.Mrs. Anna Perrle, -Mrs. Maria Palandrano, Mm/;. Mia Beclnelll, Mrs, Theresa JRuCBnl, Mrs. Madalena RoniaQO.,*.. xifety:..- 5: Mrs. PhUbrnena Romeo, Mrs. Ms* " kyolfemrs:.irose a* S Slavola, Vpla, Mrs. Ange liaria Scarplno, oartcamaua, Mrs". iisjfcvmijil -4*a«aret. Siclllano, * ~--"-», Mrs. Oraca (t~~,~, Tpmmaselll,..-.Tiinalno, :Mrs. " *"""rsi "pecelia Tars, nqse, Trezat, Mrs; Jtraief Mrs. Rise Vona-, iiiqaouu^tvjttuw.f. B.H.Irie Olenientl, Mrs. $Q»ii:-laner p; ; ;Mrs. Thsreia ii.^i..-.»#.i Ajaoa." Bltiaro. Mlsil^^CJktjHn^i^POdv Anna; ForlrniWno,; HG«Bilna.. Salatino, Catherlrifil!»flUpiJda9«taf6, Nancy Setaro, Qlorlt^aama, Elaine Bonifacio, Jfliiiil*, CKeifp. Marianna DAnthonyp B«nHy"Anh«chlrio; Nancy BocceUafo; Joaephlne. Botlnano, Rita CaprionI,,Mary Qaprlonl, Jane Calver, JudlUtiqrtarella, Theresa: Ca-izza, LucllUtfMWijenleb. Ann, Frahcesconi,, Bp»fcS a"rje Garruto,! Mary Faccinelll$W(na Rossi/.Bos-/ anne Belss, R,oj«,!-8«alt6," Dolores -Sarnese, Slmpllco, Toscano, Trlmboll, Trocphlo Harry L _ Salvtttore Bl Frankle AH... Frank Caprtonl.. ert Franceaconl, Ralph Sold - 1 Figaro and Nlok~Ma*i«, IO, Thereaaj l_ronhna,asa,,,"fvtrirnxo, Rose,"j-6cchlo, Frances \t$t Stavola. n *"ohn Caprlom, inkbpunano,. _ik ibonlfacio, l#l,dow4, Robibant. Marone, Ifaro, Angelo Gen. Lanahah Invites Public To Review J.Oen. F. H. Lanahan, Jr., commandlnj fenartl of Fort Mon- *-»>*»*»»*l»y T JH i U#a aa Invitation of Mrs. Ortrude VanVllet on Syoamore avenue. East,Keaiuburg r. and Mra. OeBrge Bruenlnger, 3r,, Is convalesolng. after a fiveweek illness. Mrs. James Rlckard has recently recovered froinieveral -tve#ka n»is. ; :".: -. v.. : THetUy club met kt Tots Bay View inn Tuesday afternoon. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Magenhelmer, was christened Sunday at the Bay ShoreCommunity church. A dinner for the immediate family and friends followed at the* home ot Mrs. Magenhelmers parents. Bay Shore Community church ii sporuorlfag- Its seoond merohandme ciub. Winners at the last meeting vrera Mrs. Ruth Ruhmann, Mrs, Charles Ruhman, Sr,, Mrs. Robert Murphy, Mrs. Edith Jeffers, Mrs. Dolores Bangs, Ulsi Qraoe Spaim md, firs, i Sophia^ 8<;hulman. )th«;b«st:k«an»tiiirg ;<5lvlc association ibst Thuriiay evening when a letter wa», read concerning garbage and rubbish, disposal written by Miss Edna Ballantyne, -Future meetings will ba held every second and fourth Thursday. Nominations for president will, be reoelved at tonigmi meeting.,..; : Tho Ladlei auxuiaty elf the Emt tawburf Fir* eompany mad* fine] arrangement! i Tawday for a party for firemen October U at tho flre h o u a e. i. - "-".- A social apron party was held lnst night at Bay Bhora Community church halt by the Womens guild, ot which Mrs, Anna Rohrbaoh is pimldent, Plaiis for Sally d»y to be held In October were dlacuiatdat a meet- Ing of Reformed church Bunday- ohool offtoers and -teaehers last M«ek at tha home of, Mrs. Harold Gunther. R»v, t^onard Slbley, Jr., pastpr, has announced that si new heating plant Is being installed in tha church, and that the steeple, damaged by lightning, has been repaired. -Tb* combined Touth Fellowshtpa of Old Brick church at Marlboro and the Colts Neok church held a social In the Colts Neck church Friday. lilssea Nancy and Gertrude De- GsLrmo, daughter of Mr. and Mr*. Oeorge DeOarmo, are enrolled reepectlvely in Pincipla school in St. Louie and Prlnsipta college, El»ah, _, Ho to a.tuh4; the monthly garrison oiremony (6 beheld on the Plain; parade ground of the post alt»oelo6k- Saturday morning. It Is.ft*paoted that Rep. James C, Au6hlnclos» will be pristnt to take In th» review, along with On. Lnnahan and the soldier Ohosen as ^(iiiqr, soldlet-ifor.the month. This IS trie first rtvliiw In Which an enlisted man has boen Invited to review th«parade as a reward for his selerftlori,m honor soldier of Atlantlo Highlands, vraa arraigned Monday night before Recorder Bilk* I*. Cronk of Tlnton Falls on a t&hv- v! f OOtnmjhdttUOh ribbons will charge of assault and battery made MaJ. i^ndon W. >y his -wife, Norma Halleran, at hat at special aervlce officer, fla.river rof4.,jralr.hayan. g^ffdi and to S/8gt. HalUran pleadid not tullty to tht Mfr OprleM of the Btatlort oharfe and was htld In $800 ball Hospital Mifdlcal a«uohmont, for for the action of the grand jury, meritorious sei-vloa. as X-ray tochnlolan at the Wast Hartford, Conn,, by Raward W. Wlie, Jr., of Bed The complainant -wan represented induction station. ; B a n k,..,. ; I1L Frank Homewood Is a pneumonln patient at Fitkln hospital. Th«Ladles auxiliary of tha Atlantlo township fire company will hold a card party at S p. m, tomorrow at the Colt* Neok achool. There will be table and, special prizes. Jack Gordon, who has been a pneumdnia patient at Fitkln hospital, is convalescing at home. HfiLD FOB GHAND JtBY Melvln Halleran of South avenue, nt 7 7k ~ 2z >~ Farm New* Carelessness Major Cause of Tina Fire Toll "Every day,, one hundred farm fires take the lives of ten farmers. One farm firs In ten results in death", aays the National Fire Protection association. Sponsor of Fire Prevention Week,: Ootober S to 11, the NFPA, should be treated. ( In co-operatlpn with the U. S. Department of Agriculture, the Moncause water runs off of the six foot This la especially Important bemouth County Agricultural Extension Service and County Agent must be allowed to soak quickly sash Into pathwaya. This water Clark urges farm people to take straight down into the ground part, actively In guarding themselves and their farmsteads against Ute,... According to the NFPA "at least 90 per cent of all farm fires are preventable. Unlike fire fighting, fire prevention Is not hard. There are few farm Urea which cannot be prevented by carefulness". "Confirming the fact that moat farm fires can be prevented, there is a noticeable decrease In the number and severity of farm fires during, and for a few weeks following Fire Prevention Week. Then, the curve of fire losses once more resumes its upward trend. The....,, About Fall Flowing.- Fields which are to be planted to vegetable crops very early In the spring usually are plowed late in the fall. Late fall plowing Is not recommended on slopes -whore there Is a possibility of surface erosion during the winter. Where erosion la not severe, gardeners have always followed the practice of plowing late In the fall, leaving the ground In the rough, or possibly planting a cover crop to help hold t h w ^iratttbggjroma r f l t i a not be plowed because of exposure to wind erosion. When plowing In the fall, set the plow an inch or two deeper than uauat to s loosen the soil 10 to 12 inohes deep. By plowing an Inch or *wniws»ep«rsf s8igb*s^mf ss8gbs^mffp18w! 18«pen or plowpole may often be broken to-allow water during the fall and winter to escape rapidly Into th«soil below, says County Agent Clark. Fall is the time to break these hard layers because In the spring the soil usually Is soaked and deep tillage machinery is not effective. If lime ia needed, It should be applied broacaat and plowed under. Coldfnunes Need Good Drainage Every. permanent eoldframe growing plants through the winter or In the early spring should be plowed deep or chiseled to a depth of 12 to 18 Inches this tall so the ground underneath will be well IS MAIN ST. drained, says C. H. Nisaley of Rutgers. If a one-horse plow la used a chisel tooth attached to the rear of the plow and penetrating 8 to 10 rather than to seep back into the frames and cause plant loas along the boards. In some instances it may not be possible to chisel in the walks between the frames. If this Is true, get as close as possible to) the lower end of the frames where water gathers most. Speed Decay Of Compost. Cornstalks, mature rye atraw, weeda or other forma of vegetation can be made to provide excellent organic material in a few months. Decomposition of these materials is Increased by chemicals which are added when the compost Is being made, advises County Agent Clark. For each ton of dry materials, supply of food in the root when the plant goes Into the winter, Garrison explains, The only way this can take place la for the topgrowth to manufacture the food. If the plant Lights are used most easily In Inchea below the bottom of the t, goes into the winter without this the morning, aceowlln^ to Blacks fuirow will help. Plow toward the store of food, it will winter kill or He points out lights can be switch*, 1 ik» center of the beds, pulling the aoll fall to make renewal next-spring ed «n and off by an automatic "S, away from the boarded sides. If a because of starvation. clock, and so do away with thsrjja chisel Is available, paths also Ladlno and Alfalfa can be pas-need of using dimmers in the elec- 5^ tured after the first killing frost as that will end the renewal growth... Vapor Sealing Protects Wall Proper use of vapoy-seallng In building construction calls for a thorough understanding, of what a vapor seal is and how It works. W. C. Krueger, extension specialist In agricultural englneorlng^coiloge of Agriculture, Rutgers University, aays a vapor seal simply ia a moisture barrier which prevents damaging vapor moisture from soaking into building insulation. Va>por travels from high pressure to low pressure areas, and will go through Wood, paper, masonry, plaster and many paints, Krueger explains. A low pressure side.of a watt usually Is the colder side. The vapor seal must be applied, therefore, on the warm side of the wall between the wall surface and Insulation within the wall Itself. Without a vapor seal moisture Leather Logic for going... steady! Theyre have been turned on, birds should; cat more scratch feed probably two or fhree pounds per hundred birds dally. % trie system, Most poultrymen feel "> that enough lights should be used M to extend the chickens day tovf\ twelve or thirteen hours for best -;: results. It pan to idvertili irl*.th«reflltm 4j "LINCO" Overhead Garage Doors L. J. HUMM, Bep, 9,1 SEADRIFT AVENCB, HIGHLANDS, N. 3. Folder On Request BULLDOZER & CRANE WORK LOTS CLEARED CELLARS DUO ROADWAYS CUT DRIVEWAYS RESURFACED We H«v«. Full Una of BluutoiM, TopKil, Fill Dirt, Smni, Claem 1 and Gravtl N. & M. CONTRACTING CO. LEONARDO, N. J. Til. At. HifhUndi sr 1-OMl AliO D»l 7-09B7-J., It makes sense to choose a walking partner with character built-in! You want lighthetrtednesg, you want softness, you want stdtt^j, and this is it. Kitten^oft, unline* 1 vj, BROWN CALF JOHN B. ALLEN CO. 8 Broad St RED BANK Tel THE QUMP " CLUB " VISIT OUR TELEVISION STUDIO FREE ADMISSION OPEN EVENINGS TILL 10 P. IVJjjj PHONE EATONTOWN 3-0S68 WORLDS LARGEST DIRECT VISION EATONTOWN, N. -I it J

32 ^ace-ten -BED BANK BEGISTER, SEPTEMBEB lain* Uses Good Fabric Illustrated Lecture At Little Silver, "Fabrics, the Key to Successful Decoration" was discussed by George Orookes of F. Schumacher Company, New York, at a meeting of the Little Silver Womans club yesterday afternoon at the clubbouse, The program was arranged hy the American home department... Famous old decorative andnew fabrics were displayed, and a fascinating story was told -describing each piece. Hostesses were Mrs. Alfred Gdmminger, Mrs. E. D. Pollock, Mrs. Henry F. Clark, Jr., Mrs. Henry L. Halterman, Mrs, Ferris Watts and Mrs. E. W. McClellan, Jr Ṫhe ways and means department -will hold a fashion show and tea in connection with a food sale Friday, October 24..-,-. A book review of "The Moneyman" by Thomas Costlan was given "by Mrs. E. D. Pollock Monday at a meeting of the literature department at the home of Mrs. Chester Bohenna on Lovett avenue, Little Silver. Mrs. Pollock Included in her review a resume of the au- thora life. The department made plans for a dessert-bridge to be held November 7, at the clubhouse. Know Your Government HIGH COST OF WASTE The ominous shadow of the tax collector hovers over millions of American homes today. This is the result of Inordinately high public spending of recent years, In 1916, the American people paid over 18 billion dollars in taxes to federal, state and local governments. In 1913, their total tax bill for all units of government was about two billion dollars. The federal government In 1916 garnered $39,000,000,000 in tax collections, which was 55 times the total taxes It received in State governments collected taxes amounting to $4,529,000,000 In 1916, Which was 15 times as much as they got in Local governments took $5,055,- 000,00 in taxes-in 1916 or more than four times as much as they collected in These: monstrously high- tax levies require the American taxpayer to work one day in every four for government. Each year the earner must free himself from hlsh tax debt to government before ibe can devote the remainder of his --incamo-to the noediof; hls.homa and family.. i ; No signs of a substantial lessening of the taxpayersi heavy tax burden can be detected in current spending programs of government units. The federal government nearly -$2,000,000,000 more for the next fiscal year than in New Jerseys state budget for this year Is double that of two years ago. In many local governments, increased spending Is a matter of fixed policy. The New Jersey Taxpayers association says: "Taxpayers cannot much longer survive the Impact of excessive taxation, or self-protection, they must demand and obtain a-right about face In the wild spending policies of government In recent years." Only drastic governmental economy can move the tax collectors shadow, farther and farther from the family door. i THE THREE RS : A significant revolt against an important phase of New Jersey s educational system has occurred In, rugged Burlington County. An ; edict of the Board of Education of Burlington Township requires that more of the basic and funda-, mental "three Rs" be introduced in the townships three Schools this Fall. /" Explosively potent was the de- mand of many parents in the town- : ship that more emphasis be placed on the three Rs and that the soi called. "progressive" method of, teaching be eliminated..-, The Burlington Township revolt was a victory for facts-and-flgures!_ education over the greater-freedomv for pupils system typified by socalled progesslve education. The latter system rules teaching pract. tlces In many states. It emphasizes self expression of the pupil. When he reaches high school, he is slated for credits In amateur theatricals, pobter painting, dancing and bridge. -, Meanwhile he has discarded reading, one of the basic three Rs. Army and Navy tests show that Young America U a dismal flop -.. when It.comes to reading. Here In New Jersey where "pror ". grebsive" education Is favored by. the educational higher-ups, many public school graduates require rc- ; education and re-training by their employers before they are fitted for their career jobs. Naturally the question arises: Has the public school graduate had too much schooling in self-expression and not nearly enough in educational fun- damentals? Could it be that he has over-expressed himself in amateur theatricals and under-expressed "< himself In mathematics?- These and other vital questions.:,. relating to tho efficiency pf tho pub- He school system loom large In tho New Jersey Taxpayers Associations proposal that a commission of competent laymen conduct an. inquiry Into tho purpose, results and costs of public education In this State. Burlington Township has done education a valiant service by putting the three Ra back on the map. ; CARS GRA8H, NONE HURT 1 Cars driven by Charles K. Knoll, i Jr., 20, of Branch avenue, and Rod- 1 ney Lancaster, 21, of Bnttln road,,, Fair Haven, wero badly damaged in. a collision early Saturday at Mechanic and Spring streets but : both ocoupants were uninjured...,. Awhl*. accident occurred Batur.?,. Blonard L. Tonka. 915 Plnckney /»s4, an* Robert. W. Parker* Mi.Silver streit, collided al 1 Broad.3, limit «na ttudlnf road. i *y Peace Meeting In Shrewsbury The Shrewsbury Meeting of Friends will hold the last of a series of three extension meetings for 1947 Sunday at 3 p. m. in Shrews bury meeting house. It will be In the form of a peace meeting with Canby Jones as guest speaker. In hlg address, "He I» Our Peace" he will discuss from the Christian standpoint the spiritual basis tor enduring world peace. Mr. Jones is assistant secretary of Friends Peace Service, the section of the.well-known American Friends Service committee,. is especially concerned with peace problems from the religious point of view. A member of the.friends Meeting In Wilmington, Del, he is a graduate of Westown Friends school and Haverford college, and has been active In the Young Friends movement as well as in many phases of the work of the service committee recently in reconstruction projects in the northern part of Norway, which was completely devastated In the war. Mr. Jones Is a religious leader of recognized gifts, and for about six months has. been traveling extensively In a spiritual peace ministry, of which his visit to Shrewsbury is a part. Mra Marie Jrwln "holding trophy won by the Monmouth Boat club In the Lightning races, with, the* < 9 Shrewsbury Sailing club. Left to right are ^Richard Bennett, Herbert Cox, Mrs. Irwlh, John Bull and Charles Allaire,\al\ skippers. i - i J " Central Baptist Rally Services Sunday At Atlantic. Highlands Church The annual rally day service of Central Baptist church school, Atlantic Highlands, will be held Sunday at 10 a. m. in the chapel. The guest speaker will be F,.Howard Lloyd of Matawan.. LaBelle Murtha of the primary department will sing, "Jesus Loves Me." There will be a girls- trio composed of Miss Marion Maxson, Miss Rhoda May Turner and Miss Betty Leonard. The church school orchestra composed of Rev. Howard M. Ervln, violin; Mrs. Frank Koretic, accordion; George Sorby, cornet, and Albert K. Woodruff, trorrjbonc, will render, the selection, "Wonderful Grace of Jesus." There will be a combined meeting of the junior and high schocj groups of the Youth Fellowship. All the parents of the members of both groups are. Invited to be their guests to observe the type of meeting they have each Sunday ever nlng. 1 The members of the junior group will eing and Miss Betty Leonard, president of the high school group, will have charge of the topic. These groups are directed by -Mrs;-"Walter- Gr"Woodrufr-and William F. Maxson. At the close of the evening worshipservice there will be a hymn sing followed by refreshments. 69 Indictments Apred Carlock and William R. Hoelle, route 36, Leonardo, and Helsn>. Britton, Eatontown, were Included In 68 true bills returned by the April term of grand jury In Freehold. Carlock Is accused of taking property valued at $503 and Hoelle of taking paint, gas ranges and other equipment- worth $3,409 over a period from October 1, 1916, to March 11, this year, Helen Britton Is accused of receiving stolen goods. Fred Chierell, Keansburg tavern keeper, was. charged with assaujt and battery on. Patrick DeTuro, Keansburg, July 21; Hobart Lewis, 205 Pearl street, Red Bank, with atrocious" assault and battery and Miltqn Gray, 217 Pearl street, with threats to take life. Gray allegedly threatened Lewis with a gun and Lewis is accused of beating Gray July 29 at Lewis home. By Dr. Charles H. Connors Rutgers University. Lawn making, is- now the order of the day. If you "are making a new lawn or repairing an old one, you will have better results by doing it now than if you wait until spring. This Is especially true; In.partly shaded areas. - Fertilizing and liming the lawn now also are recommended. Have your soil tested to learn whether Or not lime is needed, as an anual application is not usually necessary. A complete fertilizer (5-10-5) at the rate of 2H lbs. to 100 square feet or a specially prepared turf fertilizer at the rate recommended by the manufacturer applied now will supply the plants with available nutrients forgrowth In the favorable growing weather of late, summer and autumn. They will then build up a reserve for next spring.. Development of mildew has been favored by, hot, muggy weather. Spraying with Bordeaux mixture or dusting with dusting sulfur will help to keep this disease down. While on the subject of pests, black aphlds can ruin a {planting of chrysanthemums, so dont let them get a foothold. A contact spray of nicotine, pyrethrum or rotenone will, kill them. You can still move evergreens, but if you do, make sure that there Is plenty of molsturo about- the roots. Planting of, bulbs should be done promptly when they are received, as drying out through careless handling may damage them. Narcissus, Crocus,... Snowdrops should be planted early If possible, so they can become well established before too much freezing takes place., i. This la.tho season of tho year to transplant peonies. Give them a chance by planting them in a place whejajiioy wm riot; lawns. 1 V9nly the, coastal.regions and,{lowlying peninsula ol Yucatan In Htil h ti y loo n tropical «liniatv Wins Register Cup Auxiliary To Start Fall Program Officers will b,» installed at the annual fall meeting of, Rad, Bank auxiliary of Rlvervlew, hospital next, afternoon at. the Bed Bank Womans club.,a large attendance Is expected and plans will be jnade for the fall and winter season. Officers are Mrs. Burton "TJoremus r president; Mrs. Thomaa P. Doremus,.Mrs. R Browning Wilson and Mra Fred > Wikoff, vice presidents; Mra, Burton Moore, record- Ing secretary; Mrs. Fred L. Whitney, corresponding secretary; Mr* Eugene E. Brooks, treasurer, Mrs, Robert Reussllle, ways and means, and Mrs. Jacob B. Rue, Jr, publicity. HITS PARKED CAB. A car driven by Howard C Moore, Company "A," Fort Monmouth, struck a parked car owned by Charles Komar, Sycamore, avenue, Shrewsbury, at 7.15 oclock last night,. on, Riverside avenue. The driver was not Injured, and no damage to either vehicle was re* p o r t e d..: : _,-..,.; **. DAUGHTER, TO, LOWBVS Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lowry of Highlands, are. ; the patents: of a daughter born Tuesday at mouth Memorial hospital. Hook And Eye Column DRED SCOTT bred Scott, is one of the bestknown history. Yet few people.-known anything about the famous but unimportant The name of Dted Scott, a; humble, illiterate Negro slave, has been embalmed jn the pages of history simply because he. was the innocent pawn.of alawsuit that fanned the flames of civil war..-. : He. was born invirginia In-1795 on Capt. Peter Blows plantation, where he spent the first 82 ;. years o f h i s l i f e..-. : :, -.. When Capt. Blow d e.d in St.-LouLS In 1831, he assigned Dred Scott to his daughter Elizabeth, who two years later sold him to ah army surgeon.named John Emerson. After spending three 1 years; In Illinois and "Wisconsin territory as Emersons body servant, Dred Scott married Harriet, a slave woman, whom -Emerson.. bought In When Emerson died his. widow Inherited Dred Scott, who was hired out to various families in s t. L o u i s..-.. ; ; ; :.-.. Mrs. Emerson removed to Massachusetts in the middle 40,a and left Dred Scotb UJ-shJft, pretty much He seems ito,have< been In poor health, shiftless and unreliable,; and accordingly, without-work or means of support..: \...".."- > Often he was takin Care,6f by Henry Taylqr, Blow;\>-Bon of.-his first owner and a wealthy, bualness m a n a n d p o l i t i c i a n. / -, Although his. legal.owner, Miss Enierson, married ah antl-slavery Massachusetts congressman by U\e name of Chaffee,she did not free Dred Scott. " :" ;-* " In.1816 Henry Taylor Blow, afterward an anti-slavery congressman himself started and financed a suit In the Missouri oourts Dred Scott and his family 911 the ground- that bis residence In freesoil Illinois and Wisconsin had made him a free man...., - Dred- Scott /signed his. mark on the petition in the : suit without knowing, what it was all about During the li years^ the case-was in the state.and federal court*", Dred Scott, under the nomlnad control of the sheriff, ;waa hired o\it at $5 a month to run errands and do Janitor work and odd,jobs,. After the Supreme Court ruled against his freedom; in 1857, Dred Scott was. tranaferred to "Henry Taylor Blow by a fictitious sale and freed.. Dred Scott, a national celebrity, spent /his last, days as Janitor of Barnums.hotel, In St. Louis/ and when he died of tuberculosis in 1858, Henry Taylor Blow,.<son of\the original master), paid his funeral expenses,..,..._ It is interesting to note, the number of words- In our language that cannot crowd. A crowd of Ships. Is a fleet; a fleet6f Sheep, Is a flock; a flock of. girls Is 1 bevy;- a beyy of wolves laa pack;.,a pack pf thieves la a gang} a gang of angles Is a host; a-host Af propplaas, Is a shoal; a ahoal of. buffald Is a herd; a herd of ohlldren la a troop, n troop pf partridges la a covey; a covey of beauties-is a galaxy; a galaxy of "ruffians!«a.hoide; a horde of rubbish-is a heap; a heap of oxen Is a (trove; a drove of hoodlums is a mob; a mob- of whales tlon of engineer* 1< a corps; a corps of robbers Is a band; a band of bass I*, a 1 swarm; a. swarm of people Is a of owd.andi thats whir* U Ma ttmk LIONS FETE KIDS.Children.from Rumson, Monmouthi Beach and Sea Bright were entertained last Thursday night at Sea Bright by "Under, the Magician" ;of Long Branch at the first annual childrens beach party sponsored,by the Sea Bright Lions club. Ther^arty, illuminated by lights loaned by the local fire department, was. he.ld at the Surf bathing beach, The program also, Included games, community singing and refreshments consisting of hot dogs and soda. WELLIAM VAN PELT ENGAGED Dr. and,mrs. i, H. K Henry of Mt. Airy, Philadelphia, Pa, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Sally Elizabeth Henry, toj William J. VahPelt, son 1 of Mr. and Mrs. James VanPelt of 11 Madison avenue. No date has as yet been set for the wedding. ROBBERY IK FREEHOLD Tho home of Mr and Mrs Harold Hanscn, 65 Brlnkerhoff avenue, Freehold, was broken Into Wednesday afternoon of last week and,a muskrat coat, two diamond rings, an expensive wrist watch and other jewelry belonging to Mrs. Hahsen were stolen. Access to the house was gained through a French door during the absence of the family. NOMINATE OFFICERS. Mrs James H. Ward <was nominated for president of the Xi ^ port Yacht club auxiliary /.last 6week Others nominated -were-jhr*. *Edward Farry, Jr, for ^lee pres-j Went, Mrs. Charles Moore "for secretary and Mrs George T<tten for treasurer. Election vrlirtkfce plate*. October 10. I, LUNCHEON HOS.XESf Mrs. Thomas A. Desmond of Silverwhlte Gardens was hostess Monday at a luncheon for Mrs Le D. Leonard of New Monmouth, The guests were Mrs. Arthur H. Rleman, Mrs Albert 9. J3 elman, Mrs. Howard Ungerer, Mrs. Clarence Elchrnann, Mrs Haalten Samuelson, Mrs.* John Joslln and) Mrs. JackCookc RETURNS FROM MOTOR TRO* Mrs phlhp Peters and her daugta" ter, Miss Virginia Peters of Leonardo returned from a mbtor"trlp to the Thousand Islands, Canada. They were guestsjof Mr.,eind-Mrs. Ty A, Desmond 4 ixlexarider /Bjiy. - DATIGHtEB TO SCHANCK9 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schanck of West Keansburff are parents o! a daughter born Tuesday at Riverview hospital. :.,., :,..-, The driver of thii truck hit control of it beeauie In brakei tciri defective. It ran up on the lidewalk and plowed through.the tliefof 1 a home, killing Ino perioni. In addition to the terrible toll of motvr vehicle deathi and injuriei lait year 33,500 killed, ljsqftoo inbirid. the total economic inure amounted to almoil two billion dollar!, Brake; tires, light; windthield mi pert and other tafctr feature* thould be periodically checked at a safeguard agalntt accident!.;.x recent nationwide testing program ditcloied mechanical defects In one out of every three cars examined,..., V.,,.;-.: ".!; i Plenlo pictures tell a fine story one that you ean heighten by, grouping and by shootlngat the proper moment PICTURES AT. PICNICS not much doubt that * pictures go with picnics every bit sa well as pop doos. Certainly ft cimera»eem» to be as much a part At picnicking equipment m a grill. Andlts a rare album that you find which doesnt have Us sharp of anaji mndo at picnics. Pictures of this sort capture our Interest because, automatically, they tell & atory.jj^w woll thoy tell it. though, deponda ontlroly on how well you use your camera, Not that theres anything tricky horo, however, Its largely a realtor,of group- Ing your subjects wisely, of catching them.naturally posod. - Lmt month, you recall, wo talked a little about taking ploturos of groups. Ono of tho polntu made at that time was that tho subjeoti shouldnt all faco tho minors,., that It WAS generally boat to have ono psrsim In yie group doing lomethlnj antj the dthors watclilng him.!iyoull notice loolilnu*! thoaj rules. Tho 111 trn at tho left 1» lighting tbo dro-and tha othor plo- Bo we hare good group Ing here, plus the simple atory about the fire. A similar shot could be taken as someone unpacked tho or as the crowd gathered abbut ttie lire with, their plates -waiting for tho cook to pasi out/ the hot dors. Incidentally, dont think that you can take pictures of picnics only, by daylight..few shots are moreeffeotlvo than those, made by flash of"» picnic party around a campweiat night. The light from ths lire itieu and the highlights on the ficea of the picnickers agalnit tho.bkok night combine to make»truly/dramatic picture...!,";". So If youro toasting i fl y g mi lows over a cnmpflro ono,pf thoio nlghta try malting a plclure.of.tlta ^sconoby qaih. YoUcan i[e,t-good tesulta with the now bo* cameras q n i[,g with the now bo*, cameras j built-in flash «ynchronluu(ra (and ordinary roll dim. And youll flnd It easy to arrange yo«v. grgup t "nt tu t hd ft or a tn»tcu nt e»ehmid of,tn group wlillo you line up yourittot the ylowflndef. State House -Letter Trenton, N. J. (AB) Governor Drlscoll, back from Tils vacation in Maine, already Is looking into the problems which will face the administration if New Jerseys. 1.proposed new constitution Is approved by the voters in November. Whether a special session of the legislature, to enact new railroad tax laws will be necessary it one of the Important decisions Drlscoll must aoon make. He hag received conflicting views on the need of putting through the legislation, which would give Jersey City about $6,000,000 additional in tax revenue, before the regular 1918 session. Administration sources Indicated the s railroad tax. question, which will be considered apart from other tax matters, would constitute the only reason for a special session. The proposed new constitution will require enactment of hundreds of laws, many of a teohnlcal nature. And speaking about the new constitution, Drlscoll complimented highly the coverage of the constitutional convention by New Jersey newspapers. The Governor, departing from the text of Ms speech at the closing ceremonies of the conventlbn, hald: ". "The delegates, I am sure, w.111 agree with roe that one of the, great contrasts between the convention of 18<1 and that of s to be found In the scope and skill of the Jreportla*. of the activities of the convention, To the newspapers qf the atftte.large and small, our cltlrensowe a <4ebt of gratitude for the mariner in whioh the news of ( the hour In New Brunswick,has beenreported. Farm Income Th«U- S. department ofagriculture reported this week that farm income In New Jersey this year v appears headed toward an alltime high. However, although cash receipts are up, over-all production in tbe Garden state Is somewhat below last year. An Increase ofabout 34 per cent in prices accounts for tbe boost in income, the department says. New Jersey Is first this year In production of late summer tomatoes for fresh markets with an indicated yield of. 1,760,000 bushels of the national total of 8,676,000. It.Is also first in eggplant, with a, crop of 382,000 bushels, or about 90 per cent of. the ;national total, anticipated. : : : :..-..., The.-: Agriculture... department ranko tbe state second in production of summer lima beans with 290,000 bushels; summer, sweet corn, 120,000,000 ears, and early fail spinach, 575,000 bushels. it lathird in early fallsnap beans with - 210,000 bushels; late JBWTOu^aWJ^pJj^^tJMiexfttJIi cranberries, 93,000\,barrels;.green lima beans for. canners and free*- ers, 7,800-tons, and,tomatoes for canners and freezers, 365,000, tons. Farm cash receipts, the department says,^totaled $103,720,000 for. the first six months of 1947, com- 1i«BlWr18*?itJMfoT^ftffB^^ period last year. The receipts include $78,245,000. for livestock and HvestocK: p>/wop$il/4jfld. l?«f«.srpoo tor.cropst-:"."",,"...". ;". ; I, Bond Issue- The New Jerseycommittee-for adequate welfare and : educational building: has abandoned efforts to put a. $75,000,000 bond UsUe for new construction on the generalelectlon ballot this November. - HpweYer ( FjrankUn.I)bller l chair. man.of thegroup, eatdplans Were under, Way. to seek, legislation, at the coming sessions of the legislature for a referendum on the* proposal in-november, ;./ ; The group proposed to finance; the Issue with a; two-cent cigarette 1 tax The Issue was proposed to provide expanded facilities at the State Teachers dolleges, Rutgers university, aid for the, St^tf Department of; Institutions; and" Agencies. North Star Meeting- Tuesday ; Plans,for the coming, year will be, discussed,.moving pictures of Coast Guard, activities :.,,wui; be shown and games will be.,piayed ; at the first indoor meeting of the fall to be held next Tuesday evening by the S.S.S. North Star in the social hall of the Red Bank Presbyterian church. Refreshments will be served at the close of the meeting, < Skipper Hubert N. Farrow, Jr.., extends an invitation to any boy. Drucoll To Speak At A*bury Session Alfred K OrUcoll will be the main speaker at the third quad- Youth of New, Jersey, to be he) s,t Convention hall, Asbury Park, October 18 and 19. The convention, which is sponsored by 16 Frotes-,tant denominational youth groups, working through the Christian /Youth Council of New Jersey and the New vjaniajrv CpunclL of. Churches,will feature as its theme 1 "One Lord One Church." 1 Governor Drlscoll willspeak at the Sunday afternoon session, at which time there will be a procession of denominational executives and the Westminster college choir of Princeton. Rev. James Robinson, minister of the Church of the Master, and director of the Mornlngslde Community. Center In Harlem, will give the keynote address Saturday morning. Mr. Robinson IS-SL-member of the executive committee of the Federal Council of Chilrohes of Christ In America. Charles Wells, a member of the Northern Baptist convention, and a well-known chalk artist, will address, the convention Saturday evening. Yacht Club To Honor Commodore Rooke The Shrewsbury River Yacht club of, Fair HaVen, will hold it* Commodore dinner Saturday night, October. 4, at the WIHowbrook, with the retiring commodore, Robert M. Rboke, as the guest of honor. >At the conclusion of the dinner, dancing will be enjoyed at the clubhouse.. :Pete Galatros orchestra has been engaged for the occasion..dinner arrangements are in charge of Fred R. Stroebel, chairman of the house committee. Council Tenpinater Torrey Agreement The Atlantic Highlands mayor and council voted at Tuesday nights aneeting to termlnate:4tsi#igreement with Frank B. Torrey, garbage col- :.lector of Sea Bright, efmctlve next Tuesday., Mr. Torrey was given / permission to burn the Sea Bright refuse in the Atlantic Highlands Inw clnerator, proylded h«assisted in burning all the refuse there and also In cleaning out the Incinerator. It was stated at the meeting that Torrey has not been living up the stipulations in the agreement Keyport Auxiliary > Formed 25 Years Ago The 26th anniversary of o the American Legion auxiliary of Keyport was observed at a dinner last week at Ye Cottage Inn) at which a was presented by Mrs. Louis Costa, auxiliary president, to Miss Elsie Bahrenburg,! a charter member. i > Talks were given by Benedict Mione, commander of Rjrltan poat, American Legion; Mortimer E. Van- Sauter, Fair Haven, County Legion Commander-elect; Mrs, Edward Lewi?, Freehold, County Legion: auxiliary president,, and Mrs. Harry, Kellerman, Weehawkep, Junior Past National Legion auxiliary historian. FIRST FALL MEETING The Araa club met for its fall meeting at the Stone Post inn, Spring Lake. After enjoying luncheon the members went to the home of Mrs. W. P. Divine for its business session,, which was presided over, by Mrs. J.Daniel Tuller of Lincroft, president. Sixteen members were, present, and they were entertained by the. hostesses, Mrs. Divine, Mrs. Maps, Mrs. Koerrier and Mrs: Day. ; Mrs. Koerner, the club treasurer, announoed all members had paid their dues in full for the"currenr year. The. olub voted to contribute to all: the state federation projects. The. next meeting will be held In Metuchen.. WILL ASK EARLY TRIAL. ~.. fluarterdseasionjirial-date-f or toe four {ndictedt mimbers o<"the Asbury Park city council will be requested next week by their counsel, Theodore D.; Parsons.- The tour defendants are Mayor George! A. Smock 2d, and Councils men Joseph R; - Ely, Thomas J... Card of Thaaki. We. 4e>ire to cxpreib :our ilneer* thanks to our many friend* and neigh* bora who so kindly offered.asilitanee or extended sympathy at the Ion of our beloved mother. We eipeciallr with to thank Vr. E. W. Uulllsan. Bev. and Mrj. D. V. Relnlj, th».word«n>, Charlei Covert, Thomas Zlnl»l«, > beareri, all who sent floweri and loaned earl* Slentd, GroTer Parker, Myrtle D. Parker, Anna E. Olborne. Adrertliement.. Card of Thanks We sincerely appreclat*.. tbt eklnrtb.»lonj of sympathy extended t «durine our recent bereavement. Eipaelally.thankful ore we to the Boy* Scouts,. mcmburb of the Fai^ Raven Volunteer. Fire department, Mystle» Brotherhood Lodse of Free and Accepted ^aiom, Fnlr Haven Lions dub 2nd to thole who sent floral tributes, <* loaned. cars and who In other ways ^rendered us timely^ assistance.. j» Mrs. JameB LaBau, James C, LaBaii,. Mr. and Mrs. B. V. Wlllla. Advertisement.. ^. IN MEMORIAM.,In memory of Staff"Bart. Carl Thome who. died. September:M... 1J«. We often lit and think -of you, And then of how you died. To think you could not lay sood-bjre Before you closed your eyes. Tho blow was hard, the shock. iever«, We never thought your death so mar. But only those who. lost ean tell The p.aln of parting without farewell* Wife and Children. IN MEMORIAM. In lovlnff memory of my dear hua* band, E. Clyde Caffyn, on our anniversary., :..:.", Wife, Agnes. are,named as co-defendants In 26 indictments : charging misconduct In awarding beach leases without adyertlslng -for bids. Mr. Parsons said he will appear before, the court to roake his application at the first date agreeable to Deputy Attorney..General Franklin H. Berry, whose city investigation resulted In the indictments. KETFORT CHURCH SUPPER. The 16th anniversary of Gotheemane Lutheran church of Keyport will be observed at an anniversaryfellowahlp dinner and program to-- night at 7 oclock in the church house. 1 Rev."Albert P. Stauderman, pastor of St., Pauls" Lutheran church at Teaneck, will be the speaker., Boys and girls who will take part in a musical program are.william Flschter, Paul Greenberg, George Wargo, Michael Getsy, Joseph Splevak, Amelia and Anthony Belletca, John Liska aand Joseph Molnar.,.. FINED AT HTODLETOWN Harry. G.. Dodge of Newark Monday was.fined f 16 and court costs by MIddletown Township Recorder Gilbert W. Manson on a charge of reckless driving. He was ordered to appear by the motor vehicle department after he failed to answer the summons August 22. John Bont of Keyport was fined $5 and court costs for careless driving and Fred Fog e of Florida was fined $10 and HEATING OIL SAVED S Y H* METHOD years or 1 older, interested in the*costs on disorderly person charges Sea Bcout movement, to attend. Wed by his -wife. SEABOARD SERVICE TEL. BJS. 6-02«KIND OF DRY CLEANING THAT, GWS.qLOTHES CLEANER Try Our Amazing BANJTCKVE SERVICE :.. L i,. - ^J^I.BOiUjtirnore dirt removed I * faiplratlbn rtoln and odor removedl Colors at bright at «ver look like newl PHONE R. B Since

33 - > /. ; * - V V. " ". -. i, - ;. \. - RED BANK REGISTER in levery newspaper office from the larc* dailies to loeitntry weeklies are wll^^^i^dn^, : Foir tke freedom of the pret*. does not mean freedom to create hate and suspicion, but... impartial reportiaflb > compromises with truth...moulding a free and cooperative world. I k>, ;.. r. i ; 1 «>.--. V-. hoit; I.»» I.. : i t? /,." M.: -..^._.,j.. For Compf^e Coverage of Local News 1. Sport News! a. j.v.r and 1 ilrfbusei an$ fearless: Editorials Mi " SI 1 *! ) ;,,?! ;!;i"":» kid Bank*i Home Newspaper Since 187$ UNITED STATES An ABC Newip^per "A Paper in Every Home** Member Greater Weeklies roup I < f S» I i ( f t i i i

34 REP BANK REGISTER; SEPTEMBER WANT ADS LOST AND FOUNP THREE BOOHB of food pull lack fur. nlturc, such al mahogany dinette let, chrome -kitchen set»nd blonde maple bedrosm set, ats very good sriee. At Swartti Furniture. Store, Highway SB, opposite Mlddletown Fire Co. Phone Bed Bank Open.ev.ery nlfbt until oclock, * LOST Approximately $105 In -currency, vicinity of St. James CethoHc church, Bros* street. Bed Bank Will rinder please contact David Hood, Bed Bank Reward. LOST Bulova watcb, on eagle pin. Sundarl September 21. Reward, Phone Mnnmouth Beach J. LOST Female Great Dane puppy, all white, blue eyes, id Pine Brook. How, ard Phlnm.,Pln«Brook. ESST^Fpunt-Jn,pen, Eversharp C., M Engraved, Bill Frank. Lost on high school grounds. Monday. Phone Bed Bank J.* HISSING SINCE September IS, white long haired cat, yellow eyes. Chilj, drent pet; under care of veterinarian. Reward, 46 Elm Place, Red. Bank. Phone 6-H64-M. LOST Beagle hound, male, very small, black and tan, right ear clipped short. Lost Mechanic etreet, Red. Bank. Re 1 - ward. Schnoor. Bed Bank M. tost Passbook, No , Issued on Second National Bank and Trust Co., Bed Bank. Finder please return to above sddress. LOSt Beagle hound dog, white with dark patches. Answers to name "Rock." Reward. 263 Pearl itreet, Bed Bank. Phone Red Bank J.* FOR SALE PIANO INFORMATION, flay safe, have 11 appraised before you buy or etll. Nominal fee. Dlrhane Piano Shop,. It Drummond Place, Red Bank, Phone UNPAINTEB -FURNITURE, all kind., Knlck>Knack shelves, medicine closet, kitchen tables, kltcken utility closets, floor modal, chest on chest, chest of drawers,.dresier, night table, desk*, wardrobe, all slus. Ovsrslnk cabinets mad* to N qrder. All furniture- tt-fiieh plywood,. Phone Keanaburg Brlarwood avenue, Keansburg. PIANOS A. B. Dirhan, piano muker; dealer, tuning, repalrlns, renovating* Shop and showroom 1 Drummond place. Phon. Red Bunk JERSEY BUILDING * Wrecking Co. We se?l used building materials, and plumbing supplies. Highway 85, Keyport; Phone Keyport ANTIQUES, BRlC-A-BhAC, furniture, bought end sold.. Soho House Antiques. Oeorge Martin, Proj. 74 Shrews bury avenue, at the end of Monmouth Street; Phone Red Bank , WE BUY and sell anything! New and used furniture, household goods, chins, glassware, paintings, bric-a-brac etc. Ruiclli Auction. Galleries, East Front street, Red Bsnk. Phone THPEWKlTrJHS, adding machines and office equipment,-- new and used, bought, eold and repaired. Serpleoe. 108 Monmouth street. Red Bank. DISCHARGE! PAPERS photostated. 11 noun service -at Doras, 18 Wallace atreet, Red Bank. YOUR OLD FURNITURE mad. better than new, sprayed or rubbed finish; all branchea In cabinet making. Estimate! and planning cheerfully done. Call us. Rid Bank 6>2I57. Aak for Mr. Wllms. - ANTIQUE OR MODERN, large or small, I find things: attend" auctlona, Bales, shows. What can I find for you7 Call Bvenings, Saturdays. E, L. Martin. Phone Red Bank W. * TIUNK OF IT I Nothing to change, nothiag to store with Rusco all metal self storing windows. Screens, storm sash and weather stripping In perman. ent unit plus.complete freedom from window cere. For free demonstration, call Monmouth Construction Co., Highway No. 85, Red Bank. Phone Red Bank OUTDOOR OVEN fireplaces. A protei coal, charcoal or briquettes. Nationally advertised, Mlllbrook Greenhouses, New Monmouth. Phone Mlddletown , BOSTON TOY bulldog, 14 months old. Inquire 64 Oakland street. Red Bank. vating. Kecbndltlbned pianos, 150 up, J. L. Homer, 19 Llnton Place, Keansburr. Phone 6-0S8O, CALL (US WHEN selling your antiques, china, brla-a-brafa and household articles. Sea Bright Antique & Gift Shoppe. Phone Sea Bright MIXED HAY end straw. cledmar Farms, Scobeyvllle. Phone Eatontown W - l. PHOTO FINISHING. Dont OS? chances with your films. Fast, careful, confidential finishing In our own modern laboratories:* Pages Photo Service, 113 West Front street. Bed Bank. YANKEE TRADER buys and sells an-, tlques. Smoking pipes, old fire arms, mechanical banks, curios, collectors items, china, BlsQue figures, fine furniture, 23 West Front street. Red Bank. Phone Red Bank , and 85 Highway Shop, (8 mllea north of Bed Bank.) VS HAVE THE material to do your roofing or aiding job now. Pay as little as $5 monthly. No down payment. Call Red Bank Monmouth Construction Co., Highway 85, at Headdcna Corner., * MYERS PUMPS, tanks and power sprayers, etc., now In stock. Conover Brothers, Wickatunk. Phone Holmdel PAINT From factory to you. High grade paint enamels, varnishes at big savings. Atlantic Faint and Wall Paper Co., 119 West Front street, 1 Red Bank. Phone Bed Bank W. U GET MORE and pay less for your fresh eggs, broilers, stewing chickens, and ducklings. James John, Marlon street, Red Bunk. Phone J.. EEBCTRlC REFRIGERATOR, good con ditlon, seven foot. Can be seen at Cook fc Oakley, Red Bank, PLYWOOD %",%", S",.Gsnia ;: doors, special. $45; No. 1. Per* > fectlon wood shingles, $14.50; doors, : novelty elding, mouldings; kiln dried 1x10. 1x12 white pine. National; Roofing Supply Co., 145 Belmont ^ avenue, Long-Branch. Phone Long Branch IRISH SETTER puppies, registered - AKC, pedigreed, show and field stock. Best blood lines, reasonable. Phone Humson FOR SALE AOCORDIAN, HO - : barss, six switch; telescope, French made Velon, pow** 40. Phone Keansburg , 8 a. m. to 4 -p. m M after 4 p. m, V*Mr"l***ii i I ti uaaaim.* " s I» ". used pin games. 1ut some Ufa In that, recreation room or cellar par room. Also used Juke boxce, $100 and tip, la- snarantsed. condition. Call or write, Majestic Amusements, 15-1T West Bergen place,. Red Bank CUtLS 26-lNCH~BICV<5LE. good condition, new tires, $15. Call Saturday or Sunday, 552 Ocean avenue, Sea Bright. - t MOW IS THE.TIME to.plant- nlca Aialea plants, Special at $1 each, 6 for (5. three colon; will bloom next spring. Honey, Bee Flowers, upper Broad atreet, Bed, Bank, -Plume Red Bank UPHOLSTERING aa you Ilka It. Custom built, quality and ser»lce oar standard. Dave Burnon, 31 Pearl street. R«d Bun. Phone NEW ELECfKOLUX vacuum cleaners being delivered at pre-war price, F^ree demonstration In Red Bank vicinity,- In your home. Span parts and repairs. Dont delayi, Phona todsy, Rumson.! M SWARTZS FURNITURE Store has the - Florence oil heater you want. All sites for every room In the house, at low prices. Call Bed Bank 8-321S, Highway 35, opposite Mlddletown Fire Co.. Open every night until 9 oclock. BEVELED CEDAR siding, select grade, 10-inch and 12-inch, 10- cents per board foot, 1,000 feet or more. D. L. Beilena, lumber «nd supplies, Carr avenue, at railroad, Keansburg. Phone : -^-. -. MARINE ENGINES New Packard, precision built marina engines, eights and sixes. Now available at T. O. Otto. Inc., Packard, Bed.Bank. Harding toad, phone Bed, Bank JUST BOUGHT out a linen store. Come and get your blankets, bedspreads, towels, sheets and pillow cases fit big reductions. At Swartii Furniture Store, -Highway 86, opposite Mlddletown Fire - Company. Phone Bed Bank Open.fvery night-until 9 oclock. HYBRID SEED corn, New^Jersey No.!, 4.. silo No. 5. U. S. 18, Ohio CS8, etc. Also a complete -line of aweeteorn and field seeds.- Conover Brothers, Wlekstunk. Phona Holmdel ALFALFA "id timothy hay, baled or atandlng. Slndllhger. Phone Holmdel YOUR SFIRELLA is an Individual gar-,.{nent, styled Just for you, based oh measurements of our improved figure Fits perfectly all over. Call for free fitting, no obligation to buy. Phone Eatontown M. DISCONTINUED wallpapers, washable, sunfast, for every roorn In your home, 10 rolls < aldswall, complete for $2.08, patterns and quantity limited. Klarlns Paint Store, 26 Monmouth street. Red Bank.: Phone GENUINE ORIENTAL rug, Sarouk.approxlmately 9 ft. 10 In, x 15 ft, 9 in. Price $895., i3sl!_redj»nk GREEN MOUNTAIN potatoes; wheat and rye s^raw, baled; also large quantity of pumpkins... Call. Hurry Glloly, Holmdel 9»-7704 after 4 p. m. HEATING BOILERS and radiation, oil burners,.installed. Get our estimate. American Frceiar 4 Ap-. pllanca Co., Route 85 and Oakhlll Road. Phone Red Bank WE ARE. OPENING our locker -plant IP5n,. Watch Jpj further news. Midt «f f g e r l o i n ^ H l» l i 8 phone Mlddletown HORSES TENNESSEE 1 Walkers, all young stock with.good blood line. If we dont have what you.want, we will try to getit. Chester Horse Farm, Gordons Corner road, near Wlekatunk. Phone Holmdel 9-68aTl. FnlLuU -n irttlu IvATUBB avillable soon. Watch our window display. Mlddletowrf Refrigeration, Highway 85, "none Mlddletown 5-0SW. pho TJPJ IPHOLSTERED, wood frame, living room chair: ft. Phone Red Bank , _ COMPLETE BATHROOM outfits, - built-in cut Iron rscessid bath- tubs, automatlo hot water heaters, gas and electric, klchen cabinets and sinks, sink- and>!aundry trays, pipe, American Freeper 4k Appliance Co., Bouta 85-and Oakhllt/ road. Phone Red Bank , TYPEWRITERS All makes for sale. Lowest prices; also repairs.and.over* hauling. Sava money, cash and carry Hemhauser,. Vineyard avenue and.route 36, next to Browns Diner, East JCeansburg. Phone Keansbnrg 6-068C-M. REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT, cold storage doors and Insulation for Immediate delivery* We can Install whst wa sell.- Mlddletown Refrigeration, Highway 35, Mlddletown BLUEBERRY PLANTS, ato.000 certlfied plants from two to. 86 Inches, 1, 2, 8 and 4 years. Better quality plants but lower prices this yesr, Weymouth, June, Cabotr Bancocas, Stanley, Concord, Pioneer, SSammel, Dlxl, Atlantic, Femberton, Bubel,.Jerseyand Burlington; also blueberry cutting wood. One of.the largest Blueberry plant growej in New Jersey, Write for descriptr price list. Order now for fall and spri 1 _ delivery. Abram Brown, Browns Mills, N. J: Phone Pemberton MALE CANAB1ES, In full song, all cblors: $10 up. Bring csge. 2 Waddell street, phone Hlghalnds W. CINDERS. CEMENT BLOCKS, all kinds, all slies. AH kinds mison material, cement, Uma. sand, gravel, bricks, chimney flue,-etc. Phone Bed Bank Block Co.. 10 Leonard street, Bed Bank. Phona FOX TERRIERS Black, whit* brown. Call Red Bank J, BHED SOW and boar, both weigh about 1,000 pounda; farm horse, work single or double: farm wagon. Phona Mlddletown W. NEW tlbbs Siies 600x18, 600x20, 600x16, 650x16, 525x17, 475x19. Goodyear tires and tubes. Norman K. Freeman, 121 First avenue, Atlantic Highlands. Phone Atlantic Highlands GUN DOGS Pointers anil setters s started pupplee, and broken dogs at a sacrifice, all Inoculated and fron ihamplon atock. Now Is the time to grt your bird dog for..the fall. Dr. E. C. Olerdlng, Laurel avmue, Centervllle, Holmdel township. Phone Mlddletown FREEZERS for horns and farm use. All slsea. American Freeier k Appliance Co., Route 86 and Oakhlll road, Phone Red Bank , TYPEWRITERS, All make* of business machines, adding machines: sold, rentedtind repaired." Efficient service guaranteed. Sole agent Underwood typewriters. Sundstrand adding machines. Ellis Ofllee Supply Co., (upstairs), 69 Broad street. Phone Red Bank , PURCHASE YOUR Venetian blinds: at wholesale prices, Steel, slum-. Inum, wood. Phone Atlantic Highlands W.* NOW i8 THE TIME to plant nice Atalea plants. Special at 8) each, 6 for $5, three col ore; will bloom nest aprlng. Honey Bee Floware, upper Blond street, Ited Bank, Phona Red Bankv electric range, In exv - rtllenl condition. Call Rumaon I- 0S3l. r modern living "- made silt -. _.nlng roo:.. _ te,l Dank. a. 8H8 after 6 ii. roont suite, with custom made slip covers nlna.iilecv walnut dining room Suite! MANS BICYCLE, slae 28-Inch, balloon tires; good condition, $20. A. Acker,* Chestnut street,.port Monmouth. IOE BOX Good -condition,, 100-pound capacity, - porcelain Uhed. 164"" Ocean avenue, East Keansburtf.* ICE BOX Good condittoiu reasonable. Phone Red Bank DALMATIAN, female, tl months, 115; Whitney baby carriage, 111, Phone Red Bank , - -. OOMBINATION..ELECTRIC anil coal range, repairs necessary for perfect operation, 176. Phone Bed Bank ( 0852, or Freehold 8-U68-J-2. MEW ANDTJ8ED motor scooters, with, a guarantee, 80 milts on a gallon, 40 miles per hour. For low cost transportation, see us I Red DankRadiator Works, 118 West Fropt, street, Bed Bank, - SEKVl-OYCLES, seneatlonal motor-bike. Guaranteed 10 days, 100 miles per gallon. No down payments necessary, $287,C0, delivered. Come In and see Itl Red Bank Radiator Works, 118 West Front street, Red Bank. OVERHEAD D00B8, Easy to operate, 8 lest wide, stssl -ovtrhaad garage door, $75. Installed complete,. D. Malr. Atlantic Highlands. Phone W.«TRAILER, 27-foot, $2,6601 (ISO Ford coupe, both In good condition. Phone Eatontown 8-08T8-J, or call at 121 Barker avenue, Eatontown.* BEnvBL GAS REFRIGERATOR; Clam son lawn, mowen blue coil. Temp, Maater. thermostat, 186 Wayside drive, Clinwood Beach.,... "D mahogany living room and dinette set; lime osk bedroom set. - Red chrome Daystrom kitchen set. Phone Red Bank J, or J, _ POK8 Y~O~UR DAOK ACHE? Come to Swartii Furniture latore and get a new, qnsribr,lng. mattress.. Guarantied for ten years, Highway. 85, opposite Mlddletown Fire Co, Phone Red Hank Open every night until 9 oclock, 1 - -, Vary suite, 680) modern elx-place bedroom slilte,, $150, Apply Mrs, John Prler 1, oorner Monmouth 1 avenue and Renfrew FOR SALE: CARRIAGE Whitney folding, $16; folding stroller, $7; babi basket bed, $8; also genuine seal muff. Call Friday* Red Bank M. PONY-r-Black selding, ride and drive, saddle or bridle available It desired. Phone Rumson * : - - HOLLAND BULBS, plant, now, tulips,. daffodils : and < hyacinths., Honey Bea Flowers, Upper Broad street, Bed Bank. Phone TWO TOY BOSTON Bull pups. Bed Bank 8-274Z. 1NC~ Pho MODERN GRAY leather fireplace. - equipped with- Indirect, lights, logs, and andirons; practically new; also broadloom rug, large sice; good condition. Other furnishings, all reasonably priced. Phone Eatontown R. -. very IAN QBAY PERSIAN lamb coat, site 14; also Hudson Seal coat, alze 14. No dealers. Phona Rumson R.* DINING) ROOM SET, Including table, six chairs, china closet.and buffet,- Good condition; reasonable. Phone Atlantic Highlands J.* Highlands 10816J.. GIRLS WINTER COATS, sites 10, 12 and 14, $8 each; colon, maroon, plaid/ and red. All In excellent condltlon. 232 Spring street, Red Bank.* USE ik&wn hi ktl USED BLACK&WINE washing wringer type, Needs no repairs. Phone Red Bank J.* Bed Bank 63874J. ST ARRIVED Sinks and cabinets. Samuel Swarti, 14 West Front street. Phone Bed Bank SE Kl k Phone Bed Bank JAVANESE SlLKlE chickens, took blue ribbon it 1946 Trenton State Fair. Excellent mothers and most desirable to hatch pheasant eggs; also cuts running around tor show. All ages. Can be bought singly or in pairs. Boosters 32.50, hens, $3. R. W. Llebert, Tinton Falls. Phona Eatontown M.* HANS WESTFIELD bicycle, good condltlon. 31 Worthley utreet. Red Bank. GUITAR In case. Call Red Bank M, or at 81 Worthley- street, Red Bank, BERL6U OlVES you a-written guaran^ tee to repair or replace your possestions if they are damaged by moths within five years, One spraying with Berlou does the Job, or BerJou pays, for the damage. The Wright Stores, 30 Monmouth street. Phone Red Bank ^ BICYCLE, "Sports Roadster" make. "Cyclone 60." 26-Inch tires.-. Very fast bike. Mrs, B, Boyer, Concord avenue, between Viola and Washington avenues. Leonardo.^ avenues, Leonardo. ROYAL DELUXE noiseless portable typewriter, with. touch control; prenr, slightly used; complete with Parr rubber typewriter keys. Phone Keansburtc 6-08J3-R, after 3.p. m %-SIZE TUBULAR steel bed,-with coil spring: also inner- spring mattress, double sandstone wash tub,-: Call Bed Bank J, between 8 and 9 p. m. o n l y. * :-:. < < FLOOR MODEL- Ultra violet, ray and Infra red.lamp. Wonderful for that winter tan. ; First $26 takes, It) Bolide up your resistance, Cull-Kssnsburs; Frank Ouarlno.* GIRLS SUITS, site 12, Jumpers, woolen dresses, size 9, 11, tweed coat slp-ln lnlng, 11, black caraculfur coat, 12; Reasonable. Phone Atlantic Highlands 0978 nfor 7 p. m. CORN- CRIB, good slse, 825; electric. range, good condition, $25; also coal and wood range, porcelain, -large oven, needs fire brick, excellent condition, $50. Dr. E. Trnchtman, Yellowbrook Farm, Colts Neck. Phong Freehold W-l RUGS, ORIENTALS Silk prayer, 4 8"x6-6"; Sonnoh, 4 4"x6. 6". Bargain. Northeast corner South street and Union Lane. Brlelle. POT STOVE, American boiler and Foundry Co., A.S.M.Ev tested 800 pounds,- O.foot flue, 11-foot piping; excellent condition, $7.60. Phone Rumson WE OARfoY A full line at Inlaid llnoleum, congoleum and rugs, chrome. Samuel Swarti, 14 West Front street; PhVBd Bank Phone Red Bank W. r- Mir COLD FRAME SASH, Phone Bed Bsnk * FBIGIDAIRE. Electric refrigerator, 5.4 cu. ft., excellent running condition, reasonable. Phone Red Bank JV 51 consisting.. of buffet,.servers china closet, table, six chairs, upholstered in white leather, excellent condition, $50. Phone Red Bank J. after 5 p. m. CABINET RA.DIO,.dining room suite. 1 three < sets good coll springs, three. s, library table, three-dreisers; OIW«**Mati»iaJMsllaiits»ii* ditlon; two large electric brooders. Edward J. Carl, Everett Road, Middletown Township. Phone Bed Bank J.. - NINE-PIECE WALNUT dining room suite, $175? seven-piece walnut bedroom set, $175; Frigidnlre, $125. Phone Red Bank * EASY WHIRL-DRY washing machine, In good eondttlon. Cash only. Phone Edlngton, Red Bank , between 12-1 p. m.* 121 P. m. BLUE FOX FUR Jacket, else 16-18, excellent condition, beautifully lined, reasonably priced. Phone Bed Bank J.* - i STEAM BOILER, for smalt home,, with hot tvater tank, coal burning water heater and~coll to have hot water connected with boiler.. Very reasonable. Phone Red Bank J.* h Phone Red Bank 6296J. ELECTRIC STOVE, mahogany end table, -with blue mirror glass and complete single metal bed, all In good condition. reasonable. Call Bed Bank J.* ONE-CYLINDER 3 H, P. motor, 820; also flat truck body, 10x6H\ $86. Charles H. Wilson Wood Yard. 89 Peach street, Shrewsbury Township. Phone Red Bank FOUR-BURNER gas stove,.with oven and broiler. Demonstration given. Price $12. Phone Sea Bright J. H. Meyer. RYE Suitable for cover crop, 170 bushels, E. L. Beekman, Mlddletown, Phone Mlddletown Y ELGIN. BOYS 28-Inch bicycle, good condition, $20; also 16 6" sea skiff, new August, 1946, three-horse Indoor Wisconsin air-cooled motor, all equipment, Including cover. Will sell for. half of original cost. Inquire Frank Llnsmayer, 148 Broadway, Keyport, Phone Keyport , or Bed Bank *. DECK WINTER COAT. 53 Shrewsbury avenue. Phone Red Bank M* THE FURNITURE CENTER has a bsrgslh for you. People are leaving In a hurry an(i wa have their four looms of furniture which can be bought very cheap with a small down payment. Furniturs Center, 29 East Front street. Phone Red Bank , or Red Bank r IF YOU HAVE anything to sell, call the Swartss department -furniture store, or the Furniture Center, We buy everything and anything and pay 1 the highest prices. Call Bed Bank , or-bed Bank THE FURNITURE CENTER has some-. thing new- in thre re-sale department. Bargains. Pay the balance only,.88,5.0 weekly, three rooms of furniture.-come and see It, 29 East Front street. Phone Bed Bank , or DOLL 18 Inches tall, with complete outfit of old faahloned clothes. Phone Bed Bank.6.Q120-M. HENDRICK3 DRAS3 bird. stand and cage; ladya black wool coat, fur collar, slie 88;.linen lace bedspread; six cubic. toot Frlgldalre; three posrh chairs; mans red robe, sin 88; onegallon-canvas waterproofing compound. Phone Bed Bank J. NtH 60M f hi h Pone Bd Bank 9 3. DlNtHo R60M BET. four chairs, butfet, and china closet, two-burner fireless cooker, bed and dresser, 181 Centcrnvenue, Keansburg. > T~WIN BEDROOM set, complete, two beds, dresser, vanity and bench; also an odd vanity. Can be seen between 10 a. m. and 2 p. m,, at 70 Monmouth street. Red Bank.* v. MO83UERD 22 callbsr rlfls. model 4i<M, equipped with Weaver telescopic sight, model 880. Accessory sights, Marble Gonss receiver tsng sight, Lym«n.standard rear, sight, hooded front sight, cartridge case, cartridge, belt sling, 800 rdunds of ammunition.-price $60. Call Atlantic HIghlanda W after Saturday. FCfllRAcES. oil heaters, stoves.samuel Bwartt, 14 Weat Front street. Phone Red Bank ,* - - FULL-BI^E metal bed, complete, almost, new, $25; twln-slse metal bed, complete, US; twln-slss mstsl, bed, William Helmuth, corner Church street and Walling avenue, Belford.* BEMJTITDI, ITALIAN walnut dining room set, Refectory table, 7x8 feet; buffet, 7 x22" side table, 4x2s six side and two nrm ichalrs, upholstered In tapestry, almost new; copied from antique Kalian originals, Sale price 12,- BO0, Mny bo,sn by appointment. Write. "Italian, 1 Pox III I, Had Bank,* REIimBHToTl, i to i cublo-foo Jl»10:BJ - ipn j r Bank * DURp "WATER PUMP, complete with pr«ssure switch, slsctrlo motor and 42>«>llnn L tank; 166 gsllons per hour, $41. rhdlf. Kesniburg 6.078$.J, UVING BOOM -smce. heater, oil; alio small cabinet oil heater and cabinet com atoya. Phina Highlands , y. ASH»-. l ABK. ASH».OF«BOSSS;. heavy -broadloom rug.-slse 14 10"xl4 10^ Uttle used and complste with Oilte Using, $145. Phcae Holmdel SIDEBOASD and server to match, fold- Ing cot. BO mattress; medlusa lit-potstort, two kitchen., chairs, high server. Harding, 2 Harmony avsnue, Keansburg. Phoho-Ktansbiirg; l:125»-»l,* -.- 1UBUEV^IECE living room set, prsc. tleally new, custom made slip covers; $100; slso oil heater, $12, 258 Main street. v KeanSburg.*.-." :. - * COOLBRATOR, lqo-pound capacity, like new, dining,room sst.(,.will sell each piece separately. Wleklesa oil burner, baby, swing! two 650x16, 8-ply, tlre«, 1939 Hudson, ssdan, -Phono BedBank J. FURNACES, oil heater*, %toves. Samnsl SwartH, -14 West Front, street. Phone Bed,Bank GOAL RANrtE hit Phone BedBank GOAL RANrtE, white- porcelain back, two warming ovins, dishes, radiator shields, Awnings,-- screen idoors»-scraans. 106 Monmouth street. Phone BadBank 6-032S, " FORDSON TRACTOR, < Runs good. Price J. Wrltfht, Nutswamp road, E v e r e t t. r <f -. <, - S - r. ORIENTAL RUG, 9x12/ reasonably Priced. Can; bis sseh -Monday -.or Tuesday night, 8 p, m, Bad Bank , 50 West Frontstreeti Apt. 1-B.* -i GAS STOVE, white, 4our burners, oven and broiler,, : $10-; Westlnghouie yacuum cleaner, $10;: twin beds- and springs, both for- 815; -small electric motor, 16. Fred Brown, 94 Wallace street. Red Bank.*. j-., WASHING- MACHINE, A.B.C. Apply 91 West Birgen PJace, R«d Bank, bttwren 3 and S p. mj*" V LIONEL TRAIN, O gauge, complete train set, with accessories, large transformer, 5ywood" table, etc., $80* Phone. Bed Bank after T p. ro, PHILCO CONSOXE rsdlo, with: recordplayers, record changeri no needle needed- on* records 1 button station selector; short i wave.. police, etc., walnut ablnet. - Call evenings only, Bad Bank M. *., -. : r ^ - <. - - :...-,.- TABLE, $1: rockers, $2.25; stoves, $9; Atcola heater, $ A-l condition; dressers,.$6- and.$4;- beds, complete, $5? carpats, 7x9, $5, need ikanlng;. wardrobe, $4.50; wish stand, $2.75; two trunks, 88; and hotel safe, t $ B»y avenue, Highlands.* COAL STOVE, odds and ends of fur- - nltiire. 98 Bay- - avenue, / Highlands. Phone Highlands M. TWO WINDSOR rush bottom chairs; arm chair, $12; straight back, $10: mission oak. buffet, $10; mission oak book case, with elan doors, $10, Phone Buroeoh TM.> -.-. RED FOX FUR coat, in excellent eonditlon. Call Bed -Bank t-3»28-j,, striped chlppendale side chair; Louis XV bed and bureau; G.. E. portable sunlamp; ping pong tablet.card table; tea wagon; china* lamp; gold mirror: books, pictures, etc Phone Atlantic Highlands W; " ""-:.: 14-FOOT ROWBOAT; 4% h, D. outboard.motor; also new 12x12 office building, movable, 48 WashlnHton street.*red Bank. Phone , ZEISS SUPER Ikonta C, compur shutter, F 4.5 Tessar lens, ease, $100. Enlarger for 2J,ix8>4inegatIves, with F 4.5 lens and easel, $40*- Camera, lens F.7.2, in Optimo " shutter,! $10. Phone- "&vnl* son, m BOYS, BICYCLE,-. 20-Inch, $20; large tricycle, usable, $4, Phone Bed Bank ;* -.! : LOCUST POSTS, three-hole, for panel. and rail flnelng; also loggers cant liooks,- slightly used. ---PhonaAtlantic Highlands ioho^w* AD DING, MACHINE, like new, $ Carr avenue^ Keansburg,, POULTRY - PICKING machine. "Pick- (Iralekf- bjodel,. new, 400 birds per hour yslse; $ Carr avenue, DOUGHNUT or cream puff stuffing machine, new, $10, 356 Carr avenue, Keansburg. leather couch and other ehatrst Phone Keanshurg J..-.. FURNITURE Mahogany veneer,,almost, new- single bed;., spring i and.- mattrebs. dresser withlong mirror fcnd stool, ^upholstered chair, 1814 yard" 4<irk-rose Wilton hall or stair carpeting, 18 yards in one piece,* four yards in another. Articles may- be lean "on ~~ Mondajr- and Tuesday afternoon at, 89-Branch-avenue. Red Bank. Phon* * WALNUT^ BEDSTEAD,. dressing table, benoh vb match,, with mattress, $25: 12-inch electric heater, $5.. Phone Bed Bank Ji i 8MM MOVIE PROJECTOR, four months old, Rev«re* model.85, F 1.6 ooated lens, 600-wattM lamb, 1 delinui carrying, case lnoluded. Guaranteed by manufacturer until,may, 1948) $110. Call Bed Bank GERMAN LUGER, excellent condition, late model, $45. Call Eatontown * -^ DOUBLE STUDIO couch, with plllowa; silk draperies; mahogany. chiffonier, dresser, bid table, library. table; porcelain kitchen table, aide extension; dishes( rugs; ate.reasonable... Call Rumson ,between 10- s.sro,, and 2 t, m, BATHINETTE, with shelf, 85;.bassinet, with mattress; $5; car crib. $1; besch cradle swing, 1 $Jt, scooter^ $^,- Indoor or outdoor: babys combination rocker and. swing,$s. All In"excellent Condition. Phone. Eatontown J- APPLES All varieties, tree run, 81» bushel. Bring your own container. Al- 10 bicycle. Phone Red Bank R.l. t fclketlk StX U9ED VfclKETlAK blinds,. very reasonable. Apply 74 Wallace street, Bed Bank. MALE LOVE BIRD, with cage, $12, Call Red Bank FORD TRUCK, dump body, compute, 2V4 yards. A, Vacc»r«lla,- Essex itrtet, Keansburg, phona Keansbura 6 r O 6 9 O , : - - xiorge BLECTKIu refrigerator. In good condition, $86: also wardrobe trunks, reasonable. Phone Atlantic Highlands R. * : ;. 88-INOH HOT AIR furnace, suitable (or six-room bbngalow,.reasonable; also 10 oil burners, good condition, $5 each. Usefor cob-kins and hsatlng. Slr.e 14 ladys, winter coat, tan and brown fur collar, $6; a new suit, inever-worn, site 16, 6,60.- Call Rumion 1-080*.. MANS FULL DRESS suit, Including white vest, hand: tailored- In London, never worn. Absolute perfect condition. Slse !" Cost $175, sell $50i Write, "Dress 8uW B6«lUr-BosT- Benk. ALMOST NEW. seveh-ijlete solid m«ple dining room suite. Can be seen rat 18 Elm^plaee.:Ked Bank. > ee.:k TIN SALE CONTINUED atemma Thompson house, Uneroft,. Saturday,- Sep> tember z8,from li80 to 8-p. m. FIIiEPLACE ANDntONS, icreena, coal grates, brass buckets, wood-, baakate, lirg. bellows and tools i mahogany breakfront; double door-mahogany bookcase) Palr k -of-. $0?lnoh -gold-.oval -frames wltli Portraits; tall French- Sevres, lamp;-red leather, a.rmohair, $28; 8%.;foot:French upholstered bencn, $22; large bid English Oak carved double sided krieehole desk,. $65; dog bed, $1.60. Other things too.numerous tomention, Stansberrya, Mlddlettfwj FivV Corners,. BouU BSD, with. Innersprlng. msttreas, coll spring, used" one month, $201 Phllco table -model radlo-vlctrola combination; also table model radio, Ilka new, reasonable, Phone Hed Bank ATLAS COACH carriage,. only one ysat! old, still Ilka new, very reasonable. Can be seen at 826 Bay avenue, Highlands. ilbatino stove, new, rasaonab *. All kinds of childrens toys: two taffeta twin bedspreads i American flag, slio-110x175 Inchesi ailkinds of girls clothing, slse,4 and 10, Call Rad Bank TjBBD STOVES, parts and repairs, and- Irons, fireplace gratsa, gas water heater, china closet, toilet and-tank, furnace blower, copper coll, hanging kerossne lamp, new black and galvanised amoke Pipe. 116 Shrewsbury avenue.: TIlRBBJFlRcB living room eall childs swing, desk, chair, Phono, Freehold COFFEE TABLE, «6;-6 doaen prestrv- Ing Jars, 60 csnta a dosent Jtnglleh riding booti, slaa Hi, $8 two 700x16 tlrea, $4 eaeh; two new storm windows,» 1MJS» $", $4,;e.»chi,»Jo each i, pair greanv vtsei, $4e«oh! th mattr.s > s$7b0 pair greanv. porcelain outdoor 4e«oh! thrsa.slngls bada, with eb,,$7,b0 aseb, Phoni Bad D»nk TOR SALE PBDIGRjBED BLACK. German Shepherd,, male," trained watch dog. 18 Homestead avenue, Long Branch. Phone 6- «««" " TJtE - TUB SINK, $5; porcelain alnk, $3 Flush-o-Meter toilet, $15; toilet bowl, $8. Phone Bed Bank " THREE IRON BEDS, springs and mat- :tr«s««s, $15. each. Phone Bad Bank BEDBOOM SET of bed, spring, mattress.-three other pieces, bench,-chair, kitchen table, two chain, Hoosler kitchen cabinet. ^Fhono Keansburg 6* 1862-J. -, -. \ CABINET HBATEB and white enameled * kitchen range for coal, practically new.. Maple Shade Farm,Highway 86. Phone Middle town J.* -. -,?-.- ONE PAIR GARAGE doors, 8 0"x7 6",.. one.set (four sections) 8x8 garage doors, 10, squares Barrett blue black -shfngles, two combination storm doors, 8 0"x6. 8", single panel Inside door, 2 0"x6 8", 720 squares Fllntkote Insulation laih. air new; used porch screen frames and odd size lumber; Wappot hand saw, scaffold brackets, roof brackets. Lot, only $325, Newman Springs road. Phone Bed Bank * BABY. CARRIAGE In excellent con-... ditlon, $ Branch, avenue, Red Bank.*. : :.-. --, "; - - BOYS 24-INOH - Wke, very good condition,- $15, for>-qalck sale. Phone Keansburg MINIATURE PINSCHEB puppies, nine > weeks.- old,, females,-:black and.tan, AKG registered, very reasonable. Moun, -Wilson avenue. Port HonmoutbV Phone Keansburg J. ITHACA 12-GAUQE shotgun, double -barrel. Phone Red Bank 6-21iO->.* LARGE DOUBLE door Frlgldalre, $60: also washing machine, $26. Phone Freehold J-2." PIGS Two months old. Phone Eatontown W.* Nofi^E REFRIGERATOR, four-foot, excellent condition, $40, Call : Long Branch W.* HERKIMER YARD SWING, with canopy : top,»ent«four, with table. Just like new. Call Atlantic Highlands W.* ibautiful, HEAVILY carved mahogany eight-piece dining room set. Will sell - as set or individual pieces. Price reasonable. Terry Marten, 56 Pavilion.avenge. Long Branch. Phone M.* KAILS New electro-tinned, stronghold, " - l.,i, 1-%-lnch, No, 9 gauge, l.oou.ounds nvaileble. If bought In tots, >lte. "Nails," Box 811. Red Bank. po W PLAY PEN, bassinet, bothiiiette. shoo- - fly, carriage, girls coat and bonnet, site 1; boys three-piece tweed set, site 3-4, plaid macklhav, sport coata, dresses, ; velveteen three-piece suit; Any reasonable. offer accepted. Phone Bed Bank f 1940 FORD PICKUP. Pokus Auto Service, 80. WeBt Front atreet, Red Bank. NATIONAL HOT WATER boiler, 800 feet radiation, good shape. 8,3 South avenue. Atlantic Highlands. FURNACE CLEANING. Haveyour fur- nace and chimney cleaned before*cold weather., Wire brushed.and vacuum cleaned. Fireplace, chimneys a specialty, A clean chimney is a eafe ehlraneivalio new smoke p!?? installed^ Free- estimates. J, M. Connolly. Phons Atlantic Highlands MEAT GRINDER, suitable for butcher or restaurant. $S0. "855 Carr avenue, Keansburg. DOUBLE DECKER Iron bed, with spring -and mattress; single bed, complete; double bed, complete, 855 Carr avenue, Keanaburg. ~ NORCiE SPACE HEATER, for three to, flva-room house or apartment, $66. Call Bejmsr 9-»8y l -M, after 9: p. m. w«l-d«y»i allutiy Saturday and Sun- FORDSON TRACTOR, In good con., ditlon... All the; equipment. Please call.rtd Bank ^-....: CHOICE COCKER-SPANIELS, six weeks old. extremely healthy, - home raised, accustomed to children. 38 Clinton avenue, Eatontown. Call : R. THREE ROOMS, rnbaefn fiifnltufel llvlng,: kitchen, bedroom. In excellent condition, reasonable. Phone.Keansburg R. WE HAVE 600 CORDS of well seasoned oak -wood forfireplaceand furnace; alto fine kindling. William Johnson ft Sons, 12-Mill street, Eatontown. Phone 8M)849. >: UIRliS CLOTHES; slse-14, 16f and Six suits, $5 to-$6 each; two coats, $5 and $10; eight dresses, $2 to 15 each; five skirts, $2 to $3,50. Phone Bed Bank FOUR FLUORESCENT fixturea, with three 20-watt bulbs, 9^x25 Inches; seven Fluorescent fixtures, with two 20- watt bulbs, 7x25 Inches; two round porch columns: two 2-burner electric stoves; hand geared bench emery wheel, with new (wheel; dining-room table,and fourchaifs to*match,: A-l; traveling trunk/ 38" long, 22" wide,"-12" deep; elegtrio -flood lights with fixtures; two pairs of French.doors, with screens to nt,open ng 4x7.; one palroffrench sash to fit.opening 4x5; Craftsman4>elt dlso sander, six-inchbelt, nine-inch "disc, A-l condition. Phone HIghlanda WARDROBE TRUNK, In good condition, $7, Phone Red Bank Harding road. Red Bank. OLD BARN, raie and remove from premises. Phone Hed Bank M. THREE-PIECE BEDROOM suite, mat.hogany.finish.. Phone Red Bank , - :.., : > _ -. LARGE CURLY leaf Begonta, $t, Mrs. Nellie J, Alexander, : opposite River Plasa school. TWO-WHEEL utility trailer* good condition. Phone Red Bank R-l. ^UR COAT, Persian Paw, worn few times. Cost $800. "Will sell for Sice 88. Reason for selling, going South. Call Eatontown J, after 5 p. ra.«porter GABLE 0-4 wet or dry belt surfacer, complete with 14 H. P. single phase 1, volt motor and reolrf culatlng system. In perfect condition. Industrial Plaatli Arts, 14 East Ocean avenue; Bea Bright,, Phone Sea Bright «. - O 0 H, «- " " -. USED WESTTNciHOTJSE electrio toaster,.two racks, thermostatlo control. Very good condition,,$20. M. B. Pritchard, Rumson road, Little Silver* Phone Bed Bnnk R. ELECTRIO IRONEIt, for business or prlvste use, very cheap; also odds and enda -of antiques. Call Saturdays or Sundays. Miss I. D. Taylor, 581 Pstton avenue. Long Branch. ~. ^. e. Long ELECT TWO ELECTRIO brooders, one Frlgl dslre, best quality hsy and alfalfa. Apply Triple- Brook farm, Pleasant Valley Rosd, Hdlmdel., RU(^ Loom woven Oriental rug. 9xlt, blues, browns, $175. Cost $860. Also very valuable Asiatic; Horsemen and figured writing around border, 4x8, $75. Phbne Belrotr ! SAFES Two.cabinet salts,- good as: n»w, dial locks. One 38x28 wide, by 5 7" high. Other 24x24 and 5 high. $50 each,coat $75; also two packing crates, new, both 28 wide. One 64 high by 48 long. Other 4* high by 81 long. Plywood sides, 1x2 corners. Make offer. Atterbury. Phone Belmar DUMP BODY, yard and a half. Century Weildlnst. Hlghwnr 88, Mlddletowni REFRIGERATOR,, electric, extremely.reasonable; alncewe have two. Phone Eatontown J.* POWER LAWNMOWER. Portable, light, easy to handle. Cuts and trims high grsiss, weeds, eto., as easily as lawn grail. New 1D4B models. Maytag two cylinder gal engine model, ; % horsepower electric model, $ Order dlraet if not at your dealers. Carl Beekmann, Factory Sales A Service, 61$ Ocean avenue. Sea Bright. Phone i.,,:- SMALL.WHEELS and tires, For Indus trial, farm, homecraft end replacement use, sites from four-inch 16 2Slnoh,..ln : solld tire, seml-pnoumatlo tire and pneumatlo tiro and tubo types i solid tiro, 4/»", SO contsi 6"xl", $1,88 Zero Press,; loxlu, $8,02; 8xl«. $2.661 iniuraatla...mmjtes2l^5i<«lv-hjltl _.. hardware and other Order direct If not at Money buck guarantee. Daokmann, 686 Ocean Brllht, Phone , ANTON HALVOBSIN,»alntln» contractor, InUrlor, exterior, paperhangingi Eaat Washington, avenue., Atlantic Highlands, Phone Atlantic Highlands :. -.., - : - -, : ;: -.-;.-, HAVE YOUB RANGEKOUa tree* removad by experienced: riggers. Uaah paid for old buildings.., Highlands CESSPOPL6 AND septic tanksv. cleaned, built and-iepalred.-modern: drainage Installed. Robert Albe, Port Mooraouth. Phone Keansbuitt ;;. ) (JU8TOU plowing, dticing. «wlng. Barftattng. tree) pulling, ground clearing. «u.i tractor work of any kind by acre, hour or contract, first d««eaulpraent,,.balrhjwjhw,,, HMW V f.. tw Hi pkone -Bolmdel; H MOVING BONE, very cheap. Call Usher Brothera > o.- Schwarts Auction Room, phone Bed Bank 8-32U. -,-. BAVNTON JtUGS and carptte. Bugs and carpets cleaned arid moth-oroofad. Wall to wall carpeting. cleaned and mothproofed oa. location. sv - Broad ntreot. Phon. Bed Bank 10».r UTTBES. LEADERS, In us for an estimate on any sheet metal work, J. V. Boiart, 7$ Foster street. River Plasa, Bed.Bank. Pkone Red Bank M, or Eatontown M. ;... :\ WELDINa AND MACH1NB work, electric and acetylene, prompt arvlce by Seedorf Company, I* yeara at 9 Wes» street, Ked Bank. Phone " CARPENTER WORK it any Una done by day or contract.: 1 Jobbing a specialty. J C. Marvin * Son. Boi 41, Bel ford. Phone Keansbun <roi»l-j or W.. LAWN ANII PORCH furniture repainted. Called for and delivered. Wllkfns Mo. tor Sales. Phone Bed Bank I-O04O. Ask for Mr. Brltton. - -^/ ; CEMENT. WORK Sidewalks. oiirbt.driveways. Peter. De Ponte. 245 Shrewsbury avenue. Phone Had Bank UENBttAL OONTRAOTOB and ceeepoeu cleanedi carting and - grading, top soil, manure, fli: dirt, tinders, fjrartl and sand. Estimates given. Phone Red Bank Oscar Becker. 47 Second etreet. Pair Haven. N J.:. KLUIN * 80NS. carpenter*; siding roofing and repairing, sail after 6 p. DW write, R. F. D. 1, Box 411. Kayport. NJ.. chorie Keyport U47-W. IHE BEST PRICES paid fpr rags. Iron, metal and paper,. Oettls, Junk dealer, 2l6 Sntesrabury. avtonue,, : Red Bank. Phone Red Bank «-167.R. - Will call. OIL LAMPS converted for electriclty. Lamps rewired. We call for - and deliver. Harolds Radio and Electric Shop, 84 West Front street, > Bed Bank. Phone «-2T4«-i.. OBNEBAL contractor, top eoll nil dirt, cinders, gravel, msnure; suso wood!or sale. Lionel 8imon< Pnone Red Bank or Red Bank ACCOUNTANT AND tax advisor. Harry 8. Jervls, 20 High street, Bed Bank. Phone Red Bank 6-1IS4-M. I am In a position to take on a few more small business accounts. In most casts, with proper accounting, I can aava, -you my fee on yotfr 1947 Income tax return. ^WALLPAPER HANGING, painter - and decorator.. Specialising In rs- modeling, of bathrooms, kitchens and lnstslllng,, of new ceilings; C, -JgL-Smlth. Phone Bed Bank 6. d IM8UUANUB ot all kind. «K. V. Ri H. Stout, Lewis building, Broad atraet (over^newberry. atore;).? RED pletun ii^^vrlf^.fflr^, vatances. - lawn elgna. framed mirrors.. 87 Bast front street. 1 Phone Bad Barifc.8»j)6. KUK MOKT(;A(!K nans ewft Vu JL B. Stout. UwU ; building,; Broad street lover Wewberry store). : - CINDEE BLOCKS. 8. MIeloch * Son. Oak Hill road, Headdeni Corner, Mlddletown; Phone Bed Bank AUCTIONEER AND Appraiser, BT^O. Coats, 4D0 Bath avenue. Long Branch, N. J. Phone 8B9». - WE SPECIALIZE In new and old lawns, Planting arid transplanting shrubs, evergreens, small trees, privet hedge, rock gardens, laying, crasy, walk: firstclass workmanship.. Estlmatea-cheerfully = glve-n. Harry Hammond, A16 j Linden avenue; Highlands. Phone «-142!PM. AUTO LOANS, over *80o only. PrlvaU car aateaj financed fjor anyamouift.-l& monthi to pay. Seaeoast Financa Company, 60 Broad street. Red Bank. Phone Red Bank 1184, JOHN DON-ATO. Mason and plastering contractor, Headdens Corner,. Middletown. P. O. Box 543, Red Bans. Phone Red Bank R. huubii fainrihu; also aigna made to order. George E. Parker. Phone Entontown t»4-m. VAOUUU* cleaners repaired, any *inake. Allen Electric Shop, 18 Wb,lte etreet Rgd Bunk > - ^. - /, ^ PAINTER.- DECORATOR and; paper hanger 28 years "experience.. estimates cheerfully given. - Lontls Cassan, formerly, of Atlantic Highlands, now residing-box 868, B, F. D. ^Shrewsbury avenue. Red Bank. Phone W. UULTIURAPHINO," mimeographing, public stenography, mailing; notary public. Lettercraft, 69 Broad street. Bed Bank, Phone ,-.. - E3TELLB DECORATING service. Paperhanging*, plain and decorative) painting. Call Red Bank Offlee.20 Mount atreet, -.. ; \..-,..-.-,..! ;.. BUY AND. sell second-hand, slothes; must be In good epndltlon., L. Ker-, bar, 209 Shrewsbury aveuue, Bad Bank. Phone W. 24-HOUR SBRV1OE on the repair of -radio* and. electrical appliances. We call for and deliver. Harolde Radio and Electric Shot), 84 West \ Front street, Bed Bank. Phone ".. MODBRN. OARAGE eomsuuetiou.. Expert rooling and siding. Constriction of all!.t^paai porchuhclosurfct-and.additions; convenient terms. J.. and L. Construction Co.,.Highway 85V Keyport. Phone Keyport T-l»7ji ; :<, PANTS. MADE TO ORDER stid matched to «nltl."a. Boncore, 1218 Shrewsbury avenue. Red Bank. PhoneRed Bank M....! IRON EAILINGf.for porchas, atalr- : ways, etc. Made to order by Seedwl Cloj>pan». r a0,;ye,*»;i»».».we.*,, afreet, BedBankv theme,».it.»9. i UESSCOOLS cleaned and 6allt, wptle unks cleaned and Installed, draina Inlulled. Phone any tiro* da» or night, Rumson J..Harvey ( TlltonVj Bruce place. Rumeon..., COMPLETE LANDBOAPB service. 85 years experience sll Wrajiohea, r garden work. Evergreens, flowering. shrubs, perennials, bulbs supplied, planted In saaaon. Now Is the bast^ time to make that new lawn, Phone Bed Bank "joeim-h.,.,-, - jj... T.-!".,. ARTHUR E. 11OYCE, painting contractor, exterior and, interior painting, estimates supplied On large Or job!. First class work by practical painters. Phone Buroson. 1-06H,,..,...,,.-.t -,.. :,. UOOVCIH oleahers revaired, oradisa te> bristled. Allen Blettrlo Shop.,18 While atreet. pbwi> "It Reil Ban» AUTO RADIATORS cleaned and re. paired, with a guarantee,, few cores Installed In Jig time. Bee pi drat. Rad Bank Radiator Works, 118 Walt Front street. Red Bank. Phone Phoj 1AINTINU, Reasonably end, eipertly o well,,done.,,, Y Wrlls, ILW,lBjams.,,,l$r Rlvar^ street. Red Bank,. Phone « J, I -.,., UlwtulKAL UONTJIAUTOK, sand, gravel, bulkheads, docks,. eto. Cellar..and PA1NT E, ^ mates given, Lawrence Clark, 1J Surf v:r ;W^^-.Mvflii}l*i»rV.!**»<ii»w«. ;, 1 THREE-ROOM, :aparin)ent an lee the l.irjumairiller. m.nts 1arrangad. r ;Laoni>do T Valleys Drive,,at-Aipletpfiaveritl d Yi» LAWNS MOWBU, leaves raked an gardens cleaned. - Phone-/.JUd( Bsnk twusl0b.:.-a tert;6,-it;:-.m.- in i - itu,i.... <., adjusted -and repalred, --Ogartnteed «*- run i Dice I.nevb, toy.^ e^e^fw^* 1 - ejjbhavt*f4^^^st* ^-esjsw*e> a«*e>e^e«a*auk $ «s* tlmatas cheerfuusr given;;-no;iob too; **-. UaFunderborte, $4 Marlon. street*- Red Bsnk, Phone « M..- f..-i-h. -.-.,- :,...> :.- jobs and trucking;.odd Jobs, Charles H. iwilson, (wood yard), 89,. Peach street, (Sbrewabury townihip.).phone Bed Bank-*-L84». :-: --- NOTICE I Old fur coats made like new,.! retf>0di.)<ie?,<>. rtllnid, -, reconditioned; Prlcu reasonable; also fur hata»nd -mnffa.^-.all -work, guaranteed. Inquire Amy fc,0w*n.-.tjnlor]^aviims,-belford. XINO?-C V:^4tfcro8ap^»;jn6»;Wa«l, Co., : Priv»te(^ome»»ar«e»eolaltyi f I,,, LAUNDRY Family wash,bto.iceritr, 18 = poiiads,-dry J clothes r: washed, rinsed, damp dried. In ii-hour, Iwhllejouj shop. Launderette, lit - MonmonUi sttset near the-a.^*p. MarkotiiBadBaak. «" fringlhg,blnelnlgej1dir.novatln^ Percy Gray, 45r:Waverly^Place^ Bed Bank.- Phone^Bect.Bar;k-l-*ai».,., i - 1." PAINTING and PAPESHANGINQ.i Have your palntlhgi-donev-wlth.!wblta: Tiad, Dtitch Boy. Call fer free so "ocr-sanding 7 eantl a square foot and, up..-myrow:«jlorson, II; Mountstreak Bed : Bank. ; Phone EPTIU TAN alto dry U i Ban on4 atreet. UII4)t asichoeaepodlalclmuejd, a. drains fnaulledn^sv. Havsa. pkpnabsd Bank la your-home, or In tbe plant. : Acme 1 Upholstery and*carpet Clean- Ing Co. Phone. Bad Bsnk : CORN PICKING, Cora husked by acre, with few machines; also put In crib. It. riuueiled. No Job too large.: Balph Matiar Holmdel. Ptione WE PAY highest prices lor your try. Writ* or phopa,: Long Branch North 1 BrpadWty.^Loni Branch Zwlcltle LlSep.olil&y V*ti3L>. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES rolne^ Prop 1 erty and.buslaesri- $18^00. I Dont mlsh this opportunity lf*.y;ou.9»atttt,,to Monmouth street E»d Bwk^TPhone ( *. jn.»...,g I -,-; IOTWir^IAVBErrn^na^reitwraiii,.»wlth comfortable,living.quarters; "excellent condition;; lock, stock.and barrel,.125,000. Weart-Nemqth. T Agency, 42 Broad:. street, - phone Bed. Bank * -... > *> COMPLETELY eiiulpped; machine ehop. and: -garage. on Route 86*.. Belford. Formerly Eehrs Machine Shop., For information,. phdne South Amboy :. :., ; BUTCHER SHOP, good location I doing flnv bualness;, 59,000. Bsauty parlor, modern, fine clientele, very,-profitable. See. DlFIorei.ReaJ Estate..Agency, 8 Monmouth. street Hed Bank, phone > COKN CHIPS business for sale; con,- : slste. of equipment.. for manufacture and packaging com. chips., Located at 88 River-street, Red Bank. Phone Red Bask , If no answer call Eatonto^n,-. 8iO567-«.». ;)..:;; OTJTBOARD MOTOR Sales"ita«r stor immediate delivery., n*lv*.-"i single Mercury, 6 h. p. altersatlng iwi Mercury; S h. p. alternating twin See Bee; 8* h. p, Firestone Standard; t\ h. a -Firestone Deluxe. Bepalra on all makes and. models. J. H. Mount Co» corner White street end Msple avenue, Red Bank.- Phone WHALSBOATS Double end, all wood, $225 each. 46 South - Bay avenue. H i g h l a n d s. :-. *..-." t!1.7-foof i^ > 88 mlleii;in perfect condition "Ganeaal H. SVBorden, phone Rum- ion;l-o481.v-,.-..- /:.-\--, " Sv 18x14 R.H. WHEEL with Jg" bronae haft, - condition perfect. Price $20. Call Keansbnrg T-J. 28-FOOT SEA SKIFF hull, $150. Inquire Chandlers dock, foot of Maple aver noc. Bed Bank.* OANOE In excellent condluon. Bed Bank M EOPT, BOAT.and 6 H. P.. outboard. motor,, -almost, new., $260i;, Phone KeanabiirV 6-0»46-M.».,,>, N--;^..,b,uI)t;,,I8.H.- Under; 95* H. Completely equipped, excelleiit,icondl(lo)i throughout,.in. wa^er.j^adxjio go."$8v" 850,,-PKnr>e Sea, Bright ^JrO.lM-WTsif. tst It Pa^OlJ*, t-f "* : i. 1 *. 1. *" V klj^xbouti -IB-foot;, fflymouth. ^ur* ^ cyhriifef^nffjn*.. Owner muit sail, $pilns.lttv*7 tipit. 876t Fhon,*, Eaton* toyii: If-FOOT" *OWBOAT,.with; Uir4t* I hort«. _ "J1*>^ _>«. I * "_ ^i r l:l^.m - H^mt 4 mfefe*j k>aa4^«b 18- IOT ;-.CAT,~ : BO$T7,-ro6iny-,. seats 8 Jjbronie fittings, Including ronse center board; In water $700. hone Rumtbn M. >.. 25-FOOT irosbn c.hpi IS CRAPT sedan crulaer, )ia*, Gray,.msrlne motor. Complete, rued reasonably; also other boats, illens Boat Yard. Phone Rumson 1- PrK PullenV Boi 116$. 18-FOOT., ROWBOAT, In fine condition, 1 - reasonable. PhoneRed Bank , TRAILER fiullt for Comet sailboat, 845. Bliose-.LeogrBriiich. 6^1412.* keyport.-.:-.,.rtcppled - en< en> Seen; after Frli Lake..Bhore i -Drive, a>es.. Phone Rad Bank NEW,. JM>DBL(,.«"-footl.belter cabin, Cray engine, 45 h.,p.. $1,750. Paul B*«hffemK.,co^t?Be«i-.andi-front strast; Keyport. ". y±.. ;,", ; j -,;i -, lobwabm;, ah* InUroatioil _.r._ UaBlt CARD i Bouatt,, SOW and ex- M " - ibtlae aalee-and atrvloe 1, O. Bauat Bsothers, street. phon» $0«$, UaBlt CARB i BouaUt < "«hang««.- Poatiae a «e)naa.,-a tf. A,& H. l^llethsiile street, naa.,. l^ll triah.itosellyou automobile Ir to k«,, We pay. eaeb (or eerflmasf Mrt.inta*»pi l»$l-v>" 194$ Bnirlfrh Co.. fad^banal" DOlJUB AWP Plymouth pailengir ears, Dodge, Job-rated trucks; authorised setiloe, modern.service slatlon. Frank Vain flyokle, 149 Wis» rront itreet. Red Bank.- west of Maple avenue. I*, USED CAB -KLLMB8, Will! par " TilihastciSi-prloefer yiui: deed ^\a»i»^*»ii!i«j;ft«^ : atr-i«p Harding road.- «t Broad : Phone Bed t B»t>k >. atreet. OHH YUUH CAK steetnardl Uq your l wheels hlmmy Let Us correct the trouble. Be»«i! Uteit Beat axle and-lrara«st»alrtunlng equipment. Frankt.Van usyokl*) 149,,West rront street. Bad: Benk, > west oi -Maple avenue, C»iilldit»; As»; for, Jack Harder. paint and two new.-tires: WlU-»c trade. li»,?w«s jgj^ont; stree}. stairs.* -.i. ; " "" 1989 PLYMOUTH atation waiot.abeth Geru,-; 181 -Bread ittctfe Bank, -..- iifi- :<;, ff7\". - i1ty> OLDSMOBILB iour-door, ae.six cylinder,-if200..,oa.ll at»5m place, Keansborgfl X H :-f;. ~if v.-. i987rpackard SixJsedan, motor o hauled, radio *nd.>jwatar; good t new battery, seat covers; newly,pi ed: $596; 1986 Plymouth sei 1988 Chevrolet.saian$376, A: Oarage; -ebrnex--avende D drive, Atlantic Highlands.... PRIVATE OWNER has tour-cyli : Ford, Model fti 1»82; in:/ "" tion; special:wheels with 6V Good motor,. - Price.$876. " ihwe,b<w«r. Unioifjei BEO TRUCK;. In excellent <.Hlghlahds ii fftttiti od tires. T ; Call iltl ABQAINLateij UMi Oldsmob coupe, A-l,condltiow new pal er, defroster, cuat«p»abuilt.raj covers, spotlight. Phone- no: MODEL A EOED-, saaan. N»vr pins,- entire new;:-".dlstrlbutor,t tl staar, ipark coll. anfls spark plws installed. Meeds i«avfpovers and.window; $ Ehorie.Rumson1-061 JEEFr 1947 Willys.r Phono. Highlands 1-1B84-M. : : 1930 CHEVROLET., Wolcotts Sons :. fontruc* one Eatont ; / 1986 PLYMOUTH coaoh, $ii6.> J,I rell, Michigan avenue, Port -; moqth.* i.. -!:, :.: -./i 1946 HAELBY DAVISON motor Bobert Downts.i. Florence, av Leonardo. - BUICK, 1940 Special (onr-door s in excellent condition,trlth new motor, good rubber, $1,285. Will fir Call Long Branch J.,» 1(39 PONTIAO; two-door sed»n, cylinder, heaar,^leca lights, rims, four new tlrss", A-l; condition Broadivay^ resr. Ldngjffranch.*^ CHE 198«CHEVROLET ; and heater; excellent tires. Phone Matawanl.1784-*.*" < 1986 FORD POACH, new Drake I 8360.^ Phone KaansBtsrg hit" $.1987 CHEVOffi Rumion BUICK -LlbJlted 1 seven pass 1 limousine, 61,000 miles, 1 : radio, h air condltionlae,;,!vrjiidslile)d y* white wall tires, -excellent com PrTce $2,100, CeU^Atlkntle Hlgl J.-.--">, >-.».,«1989 DODGE track," long,wb"i -with or without body. - Phone Bank W. : < -.:c-.. BUICK,. 1947, -four-door, sedan, ^eaulpped. Driven by original less than 2,000 miles, maroon. Mu to appreciate, l Best offer.-over,8 Will finance. Call. LongBram 0822-J.*- : PLYMOUTH: convertible cou - good condition.-.-badle - and $70Q. Clark P. Kmup, Jr. Phoi Bank 6-17S7.»^ «->i:: gooc SACRIFICING beaotlful. maroon I "two-door Ford,-A-l oonditloh. j leaving for service. Phone- Kear! W PLYMOUTH-, coupe,- ditlon, excellent <tires,-, in t ay. J. Be ODEL A POkO iasiili *arts, _ front.end, motor, tranamlsi lator, etc BiatTpff burg B:"?;. avenu or best offer.. Broad street and Bank.e «STUDEBAKER. fow-door. Interior good, aeal beam JIghrj In good-running condition. Pried Phone.Atlantic. Highlands call at Cedar and Monmouth J in Leonardo.* ; 1947 BUICK station wagon, equipped, with radio and heate like new; 1941 Chevrolet,, four-di dan, Flcetllne model j ls41 l Marcur; passenger coupe, 1 : fully equipped, and heater, and ether accessorial fine, condition: 1940 Dodge b coupe, low mlleagei complete vrltl and heater; 1942 Pontiao conv coupe, with radio, fog lights, b light and other accessories. >T» C Inc., Harding road, near - Broad Hed Bank. Phone PLYMOUTH, Deluxe- :- rumble seat, excellent a 514 Ocean avenue, Set Br "Can. be aeen at PhUWaldman 1 Station, Maple atenn< and Weat street, Bed Bank.->o «...- " 1940 BUIOK SUPBR- sedin, radl er, defroster!;"»aiii«t;"condll!o quire alter 45p.-m^5i8»John atre Bank.*.».J»d..rAfirsa, 1986 OHSVROuB7r>^poacn, good :good condition, ftaater.- Phoi Bank "-.?> <. * 1986 TERBAP SN>t sedan, raflli er, two netr tires. "May need Beet offer takes 1U Ehbne Bar 0478-M Jl..^- : «3:-.-.-:;.* BUIOK, 1988, 3p«rial,.lour-do6r \ mechanically.a.l 1^..v.ery-go* new slip cover*ahdh»ater. Bss accepted. Call Keansburg 6-08 see at 68 Sea<BreaM"Way, K«a on Friday or.saturday,-before: REAL ESTATE WAN! UST YOUB PROPERTY -JOr rent, P. F.-Kennedy, II Peleri Phone Bed Bank v i CONSTANCE SMITH Agency, 1 avenue. Fair Haven. Phone Be Cash buyers for sll "tj real estate. OREENACRE- AGBNCY. Excellen pecta for good listings.- Call He Highlands ,tOl Flnt Blghlands SPECIALI2INQ. In b«esn ind-rii properties:- Llitlnga 7 wanteetr waiting. H«bnt-1T.~Hannaftf. ril tate broker, -51,4 Ocean aveni! Bright. Phone.-lasejHirlght 2-08( DOCTOR WILL PAX all casn suitable. Muitibeln conl cation In Red JSank. Write. "I Box 511, Red Bank. - FAMILY OKFOy*adults win to $10,000 fur ;ev>house wrtb bedrooms, Rad Bank, Fait HsTVei Silver or vielnlwv WrltelBJSl Box 511, Bedi Bank. COUPLE, with two children," buy houas clossto schoow^ $7,600. cash. Writs R,," Box 611, Bad ibaak,. MISCELLANEOUS LISTINQS wanted, If you na>» for sale I boy era walling, a Stout, T7 Broad street, phone-h.s14l. n T-v ARE YOU HA VINO t partf7,, rent a Juke 1 Box -for thattpeii caslont or k,p,!.4 lystem fo**f fse-t Celt orj^rilu, MajasUS 1 merits, 1617 Wast Bergen plat Banli.Phune 6.il87. ) " 1 YOUR JOBV-Fr.e catalog"<ie 4?»1 l J Mi l* nd taehntcwl, 4,?»1 J Mi l* nd r taehntc Write International Cor Bohooli, Bolt 169! J S cr, n t 0 FOR BERVIOB-AVirdean Angi Breed ^bull.poj.,. blood (, l t-m-jpuft I ill %ima ii a ** * ll f wtibr liriced optralor, new maowrjill axeayatfng.,is_n.d,,,l., r lng, g.adlll T Tj vwvv*" 11 - ^s-riisasr-rsjbat P - aamn (own, with flmsrtlp ilaevm, with wide lace, Iniertloni In -,,tlp,1.1 M «i"frtlani! 1. "> * il.,,j, frtlani ij 1941 FORD DELUXE coupe; 1844 ; tor,, radio, heater,, fog lights! seat covers, good rubber. Phonf goqd

35 BANK RiEGIStER, SEPTEMBER 25, 1947 HIGH; BCHOOL gnuane* dlrecto tteee orfour-rpoini.turnlihed/or. Vnfur nltbed apaxtmtnt.or -.imall. bo.uitf Red lank.. or. surroundlbg,r. cojnmanltles. ««pt -SatMrdoV,. pt:..sunday,. between 8 FOR ANB-ft-BSTAtlKANT In hottl;,«h...-.-equlpmenti xag4. location.. Contact, ^Maaager, Wait End Plaia. 126 Brighton, kvehue, Lofg Branca ; irvahue, tolt i SHAKE LARG t dk t ioe «*oe. plenty of room. : for desk, eto;::muit provlda girl to answer phone." Jank ,./ ^glj-j^." * ^*J " - s!! " jji 1 "* < 4 f"^"#. VtiST RED. 6ANt-8ii-room houie. all Improvemintat" CiVritwIy renovated. Ready - aboutinoetoter 15th. AdoUe only. Writ*,; "Six-Room House," Bo* EM, Red B d * APTS. and ROOMS TO RENT *?.,_ WAVES1N K 8 even-roomhouse. : fur» Willed. Hot. water heat,* coal fired..-sculthorp As«*ney, 101 Flnt avenue. Atfrantic Hlghl.naa.- ffaone PUNQALOW,; lour" : i roomi,: and bain, «farnlihtd.- Inquire, Lynch, South %iit Eatontuwn eait of new d * uitbwgs.we 15x80, itilvchh KeanabUrg colonial?iome, Hwo tile bathsj,fuiu- ~j-ifour 9* -.,..-., v - imbed. Irnrhedlft-e possession,, untji >*7ilnt I;-" 1 $125 ;.*--a<"month. Charfei.^E. t B*eeney : Aj{entiy. Phone Rumaon J- FtJftl*I3hBD cottage, ali.improvements; country location: l~ "imie! frbtt<to»tfand «tatlon. Rent.»? week.«-:phdh(( Robert J. JJja B k M f l a J Lt* vvww* ; v.u IBftBOjMBi BUfftdALOW; nre!pia«i -~-*.attractive 1 "gs:oundi; wood panelled; Rent $100 monthllf. Phone J. H. Meyer, Ssa Brlnht^-oatl. or write* SMALL STORE:and two roomi in rear. Good*for candv itort or dry clean,ixuc shop pr ahoemakeri In Aaburjr Park. Call Swurtii Furniture Store, Bed Bank «-B2U.,. WANTED 1 - HnKhnpft-fttf«Itiin> buttoni,ilaw«lm, iil«tole,,«old, colni, clocki, booki of Monmouthh tounty, nnythlni old); belt "itleti atld-.t?earl. GilmCn, 8.2. Sprint ttbabhg-6o148m! able-,hoard-: paid, eloth n«andae4i. eal ea» provided., Write, "Ohlldraii," 6kfijl6>5Altt) for ttderly iaik; flrefer In th«country..write, "R. B., T - Box 811. B«d Bank.*.^^,w ^.-^-T A.-ttwrdy, with.^,,,.... rtaioiiable; either shelves or drawers. Phone Mrt.BI.1.1, Red Bank ,* Attflil SIZE two-plate laundry atoi; reaiontbie. C»ll Ked Bank «-0UO-B. if HU6KJ* "HWBti UKE traniportatton t«andirom Keaniburg to Newark O- itfo U6KJ* HWBti UKE traniportatt t«and-irom. Keaniburg to Newark Sch h t 180 Ph t«andirom. Keaniburg to Newark hool houri 9 a. in. to,1:80, p. ra one Keambur<«-H80-W. I :.., Arorc antique bu,l r«lp,;. fpnthtffoad or in Bed Bank. Tell^prlu at renta. P. ft.l«m. MortUtown. pump ;» -. L^.T".- gauge automatic. Both ehould, be in very good condition. J, B. Rue, Jr. Phone Mlddletown J.".. 1 -s-- ^".m g^ts*>l " - ~~^^~^^*KT*~^^^^YT^ LARGE BTBAMfcK trunk. Phon., Atl»nUc,:Hl»hlnruI> W. ~ -^Aii«m()lyjoi«t tu.flemilm^and tracing:;", drjftirtc room m- homt.rjtlatonible ratei. Phone...AilaiiHc Hlthlarida l-17»0-j. t,lt US HELP you with your employ roent problema. Boberta Bmployraent Agency, 77 Broad atraet, Hed Bank. Phone. < SLDSRLY WOMAN, ai companion, with Ught.houiewprk: Bleep in. Phone >i Bank «-18«8-M. r ^ > y m n *.»* 1L-J^^-: ttfcjr^^a- ^-.! f^f «* Bed Bank M. >. GRAbVAtB NWSSEI deilre> poi tlon In,.doctor"!,o«e«. afternoona, <tr morn. lngi. Can Phone Mlddlefown-6-. OOM-M.:.. - «: all-around reitaurant.-or lunch wagon mam»«to take charge. Phone Keanabnrg nrg «oaol LADY With cultural background.; a i widow; deilrea poaltlon ai companion, or iiium«dutlea In motherlesl or invalid fhom, chaperone or manager. No domeetlc-work. Can anlit with nurilng. Phone Monmoitth Beach * C&ftaiiaMOBft PAWTE5 would like painting by..contract, or paper hang -Inir nnd-;plait«rln». Beaaonable price!,;ca)l Bed Briik;»»ll»4.M.«I :.,:- uwoman/ QABE - of /child few houri it d»lly< er.;ene or two dayi cleaning: 78 cent) per.<h»or. Write, "G/,B,V,!Box 6H.Jl«dfBank.«I...;, man, 19 y««r».. o)d n neabumearance, would like k)o«)lou aa houieman, butler or any inalde. workv JSleep :»i-;nofcfr«rperlenced, bnt 1 willing ;..tolea,»ni.i,blblh-:«ohool graduataj Phone Red Bank J-0575, Aik for l^urle Brawii*;"^ : ^ jwill, TAKE CASE of children in my hom«.ior worjclnz- mother. R»»io»- able; Phone Bea Bank 1-2W1-J,:... Phohe,Bed.., i, versatile, tati :, gent, -wants permanent employmin -,«lther vflaturdaya.or Sundays pbone fcatontown J, WILL BOARD CHILDREN or week (or working mother, Phone Bed Bank J. * DATIS WOBK or part-time job, light waihlng,, Ironins or light homework. Phone Bed.Bank «-4043-M.«,e* uviib jmjlal i-ajeiiib, y- -mv ^v-wt. - EXPERIENCED atenographer wiehei of- * flee work trf"do at home. Call Bed Bank 6-84Sfr-J;*.TYPING TO BE done at Bed Bank 8-88J8-J...., /iwjlling TO.TAKE care of children an ;u my hprar, while,mother goei to work; reasonable,^fiaro*! II to 6. Ple»hU K^4iuronndipg8 itot.ichildren.. For *i informatlfp. jsll BedBank RBFINED WIDOW would like twoof three*t > oobrraifarhlahed apartment In i "nice location,.ibsone. Katontown I -.(H78, momln -UPLB *«With- no children.01 peti, wa4t-t» rent a two-room* "*ut;. tillhed anrtmtnt MWlth private bath. 14 lad Bank. Phon* Atlantic Highland! t- tomj. Mri. Whirt: Not In Thurldlf -alter4 p, m,»... < -._ J.-Adults, Phone Red Bank8-- 1H4, -{< -...> :..».». J".. ITDUK OF. rive-itoom apartment. or ll hvu «, unwtnlahid, by mlddlt l p m n n «t tnant! B ; ;imnll hvu «, unwid, y d.aatd cnqplt., p«cmnn«nt tenant!. Be-. Biy to P<.0. Box- 8<6, Red Dank, KSUSB on^amewbntttirritj.-unfurnlthad for family of four,.ln Bed Bank. f bdna. Asbury Park, M, Good. reierences. Yearly or Mnter reatnl; * * JUSNESS COUPLE. No children or * puts, desires thrci- or foitr-room fur. nliheil nilirtment In Red Bank or VIclfilty. luse rail, A.bury ParVl» Mid LP-J 1 ".*.!" YUUNG OOt}V tfc\si~~lt, no chudfjir."wnnt iflifthhiklierl-npartment or hbui (*«hed BdHi of^wrby locality.-/a, 1 Jensen, HurUy andthvlllon itrett, Kit-: BINTLT NBBpED apartmentungslow, : VHh*-two bedroomsl< OUK-BEPROOM houdt, tlk^kfal* 1 Haven ni-en, wln» i i<at/i!fh*t(.tfr linfili-nlilndrby IKAimp»n>"ftii>lv«, Family of four., Your hiinio will.(>«returned lo yoih In thn inmi cnndltlon we take It. Write, ioij Bx.outWi," Box lit. Bid Bank.* two deyi ttll» HAN TO DRIVE turn and work on farm; lire In tenantbouae. Mlddlitown-StockFarm, Thoi. S, Field, phone Bed Bank e-08«l., n; adulti; refereate. tttli on» Bed Bank HOWE, -TW6"or tke^eoraomi; firage.: Beferedcei furnished. "Phone " I n g. L a l i t 2-6 U 5 - B. -. \ - n -. - [fhkurkdhousb,forfall andwlntfr monthly 1 XcWtnilbte im.ll famlly-f no, children." 1 Vicinity: of Red Bank. Phont Red Btnk l-8;u.,;..- >; AiPt^AAeNUE. Puronhed room.. OnV of. Red BanfcV molt convenient location! Bank I-H84. Mn. ) o w i t r a / " - ; > - - tt SOL TH-STKBIfr, comtortabla aum«. mn.rooan.fhoo..bej. Bank «214 Mra. P. ICIaiien... _.... or we(k, Maple Grove. Italiaai (.Spaghetti and chicken; dinners.our: p«lalty Bathing»tl«lnlty. 98 Cente*^ avenue,,atlanlofllgwantl. Fhone>...-, *rtakfait is,»n bus line, Lor* Branch mu- BOOMS. Board If -de-.»..-with ot without kitchen prlvl, * Phone Keaniburg 8.(1487. FURNISHED BEDROOM, with kitchen prlvlh!gefc.ln(iulrf fiter. I- P.>M., 11* M«cli«ul»itrett, Btd-Banti Phone - MJOOLE-AOED coubl». to ihate home. :1 "*irr* "Red Bktik, -Blx-roWn house, all -Improvement!...Phone...Redlljank 8-?* 9 j^**.*l- _L_-._- FURNISHBD BOOMS; with private 1 kitchen; 10. mlnutei walk to Fort Monmoptlj.. Cowisr Branch ayenue and Eatontown.BouUvard,r %\1 a -ffieiu Phone Eatontown M. * TWO PURNI8HBD toon!. Apply Mr. Claflla, 19 Wiitilde arenue, Bed Bank. Near Inn line.* FURNISHKD BOOMS, light houa*keep< inc 70 -Memorial J5rlve, Atlantic Hlghlandi;* - - CHEERFUL-BOOM for! couple, central " location, 22 Chestnut- street. Red Bank, -Phone t-tl11j>. - NICELY- FUUNfSrfEt). double bedroom. Re,ilfiej-.tlil»eetUm.i Phone Red Bank Muupuaj jtuun; 1 tint > in gain, lor - coum n"prterlp Fltef,.»Call Red- Bank : -(-: l * ED ROOM, eotiptei- all Im- ^protimevti, 1 ; Kltcnin H privilege!. No rtlldren Shruribory avenue, Red S i i " - : - - : i TWO 4-ROOM APARTMENT*, furnlshed. All roomi knotty pint. One large bedroom, one medium. Bad Bank- Freehold highway, In Colti Neok. Electric, gal furnlahed. By appointment only. Phone Freehold S-IUl-J. Thureday 8 to 9 p. m.. Saturday» a. m. to It. IN RESIDENTIAL lection ol Xlbaton, furnished room, In private home, eon. veniently located to buiei and atatlon. Phone Long Branch TWO DOUBLBHROOMS,- Couple or two bueineii people; %lio on!room with tbard for reliable Womarii with reference!; \ 29 ilawrehce 1 avenue, Keambarg, Phone-* **jl,a-«keansburq. Furniihed apartment, -alx roomi, gal and electric furniihed, from October 1, 1947, to May 1, 1J«8. Henry Schwelier, Realtor, 141 Main itreet, Xeamburg. Phonk 4«0128. ementi StTUAOTlVE SUHHY two-room aparv ment, with kitchenette, juit redeeor- - " tnt. wlf xui, fsti.^.-btniin anar-ua Wbah«n«tte:.iOtt«Je ftttytwr,lbng Branch lllll WILL SHARE aix-roora houia with re. slned couple, or will; board.. Phone HigH!andl-8-U6«-J. ATLANTIC HlOHLANM- Two-room furnlihid apartment.; Ill monthly, adulti only,. Two three-riom apartm»nti, ll» an*»»5 monthly. Adulti onlr, Phone Atlantic Highland! l-0»ll. lr, uhn d ruhnibhbu, newly - decorated, three -modern roomi,. crlvate"bath, kitchen; Frjgldalre, itaata heat, hot water; leparate 1 entrance. Nea»all transportation: -Ten minutea to Red,IBank. Suitable two or four adulti. Phone Keanitrarr M.* -, " FURNISHED APARTMENT, all private, -Inchoice location;, handy to buur and one block from l)uilnen eenter. Phone Bed Bank_ IN BELlfOTib Three-room apartment; near bui and train.. Oil burner heat furniihed. Call Keanaburg M or Atlantic Highland! J. Hghl TWOiAND-A-HAW r*om furniihed bungalowj- pll.-heat,.water and. electri«;.lolllf outiide. - Afallable Novtmberl<: 815 monthly, year:round. Phone Keanefcurg--l-D Z8-R.. ;: id.apartment; iltfi., Wward Bi EHROOM...CLEAN and comfortable; close to town. 28 Elm place, Red ink, phone J.. i. ICELY FURMISBED bedroom, modern kitchen, 1ncludS»Fl«W»l*. Informatlon. call.bed -Bank t-out-j. L.OVELX, FuB, home? eook inly. Ur,nto Phone ID. room. In private oklng. wivllfgel. Oonplt feondaytmie, Long Branch, : Branch 8J2401-M. 1 TW6-BOOM FURNISHED aparuninti.. alio alngle room; all Improvement!. Bray, Newman Spring! road, Red Bank.e 8MALL APAaTMENf and room! In fine reildential lection; near itorei, etc. 8 Third avehue, Atlantic Highlandi.». :. ;;., - FURNISHED ROOM, light,houiekeeplng;. alib; combination bedroom, living room >and kitchenette.. < Deilrabla locatlohi Call B.d-"Bahk: I-04CC-B.* Mir-g-r l«dfodm; irlvate -bath, with kltcliea.»*dd laaiidft privilege!. 168 BlW "rotov- B>cy-Ba«fc.«- * LARGE FRONT ROOM, twin beds, on -, Bpt lint. Phone Iktontbwn OM-*-(JentraIly located,private fam :BpoMrPentr;allylocated,pnwt«fam "lly, 80Oheitnut itrcit. Phone Red B «n ^. J 7». * : : --" -.. :,»* adonthi l.aie,colling. prlc«898 per months Includu vb.«ilroom,.grfeat room, lllng uand. fining looml;, kitchen, hath; a/aragfi Beat and. hot watte phone Hum H i m 1-1 S 8 8. B > >» i ; i l - TWO-RQ&H FCTHI9H»D apartm.nt. <; Kllch«n: tr.d" btd^ooni, «t»«m haat, newly Jeooratad..Orien, Wllion»vtnue.,Port. Monmauth. PhonfKeaniburg» «J 7 8 a - M.. " ; i.. - FURNISHMV twi n ehare; apartment, five roomi and bath) everything fin" rllihed.: Call. Long ibranch J. HELP WANTED OLBANINq WOMAN,, for every Friday. Call Kumion , STOCK..CtBShK/.and adlvery man. W H l l agh ani.reference to s d ; Ume-.llt onutitimuitvbe tiuiok and aodqfau^mbl»iltha4euei<^apply In.:Ollry,Jlne,,>H. Weil ^rtx-;f/rh., room, 0«but Una. Phone Rum HELP WANTED MAID Sleep In. Call Bed Bank t-8850 after 6 p. m. UBT US HELP you with your employment problem!.. Roberta* Employment Asebcy,. W Broad itreet. Red Bank. Phone. 1.18(15: J. NEW DOLL HOUSE. Located In Orchard Place, Little Sliver, ntar tchool. Two bedroom!, all tile bath, large llv. ng room, complete modern itreamlined kitchen, with atalhtcii attal alnkr attached garage; full cellar, oil- burner, beautifully furnlihid, $13,750, or unfurnlahed 812,7(0. Phone owner, Saturday or thereafter, Red Bank R.".OPERATORS.and trimmer! on chll- itenadrtirti.- Apply to "Mar- Fame* Miinufuturtng CO 88 Lon Fame*- Miinufuturtng CO., 88 Leonard itreet, Bed Bank. LlK(!nOW-MIDD^EfOW^f road. TW acrei, beautiful building lite, partly wooded* with running brook; alio itory and half building 18xl» feet, with poiilblltlei. Baaionablt to quick buyer. R. G. Leonard, Box (41, R. F. D. 1, Red Bank.*..-.. BBLIABLE MAN With c»r, to call on *. fafiaera 1 in Monmouth county. Wondtrttfl opportunity; 115 to 820 in a day. No experience: or capital Tequlred; permancnt. Write today, McNeil Company,, Oest,. C,, Candjer Building, Beltlmor* 2,.Md ^2, MJ, ALE Po EMAuB Poiltlom openxor trimmer!, packer!^. and -examiner!.. No experencej necenary. Apply Martin Rubber Co.,. Long Branch avenue.. Long Branch. ~*o.j. Long j BEPRE3E NTATIVES to aell aubacrlp tlonito a new, popular New Jeriey magailne,; -Tht -on^y publlcatiod of tti kind. New Jeriey Compeii, 82 Naiiau itreet. Princeton.* ; VETERANS with 8900 eaih, can buy thli* new home in Bed Bank, Two ledroomi, with ample cloieti, large living room with,brick, (replace, tilo bath and shower, complete modern kitchendinette, gai range, full cellar, hot water heat, oil, automatic doraeitlo hot water, expanilon awc hardwood floou; landicaped plot 80x125; city lewer. Monthly paymenti under G. I. Loan, (84, including Interest, prlnclnte, taxel, and insurance. Schwartz Hacklin, 8 i»m>. itrtet. Phone Red Bank PRESStRS ON children! dretiei. Apply to Mar-Fame Manufactur- Inf. Co^ 98 Leonard itrect^ Red» : \ WAlTRBSSEa., Strand Reataurant. Phohe Red Bank ^SSEBS Experience not neceaiary, and, operator! on children! and ltdlei coati, 85-hour week,- good pay. Mom-south 8portiwear. Phone Red Bank I-3JU9-M. Located to th«rear of Headdena Corner fire hopie. IRT: PORTER For general store work, good i«lijr)v steady position. Must have v.ivera license. Apply Yankos itore,, 8li)Broifd atreet. Red Bank. SALESLADY, : Must have i\>,.jence," ladles, apparel experiton, " tteady work, good pay.. Klrachbauma, 28 Broad atreet, Bed Bank. R«liIABLE^WOMAN for housework,. tome cooking, two adulta In fafnlly; Hve out. Phone Red Bank R, QANVASSBRa nnd SALES people, men.. and women,* to open new accountifor one ofthe largest home Vqvipment companies. Rogers illver, dishes, club alumlnum(, preiiure. cookers,- blanketi, etc. Low~ : ai81 down payments, no collifcttng,, itraight commission 15%. Plenty 6f terhtory. Phone Long Branch 8- UW^W alter 8 p. m. H. F. Linn, GENHftAL HOUSEWORKER. Good wages, and adequate time off. Own room and bath. Call Red Bank 8 MAN For garden work, by the hour. ; -: Phone- Red Bank M.* ;. {(AMSSMEN-rA;. golden optfortunity. If Are.your earnings providing sufflclent moneyto take care of the ;: tlili.eoit p%livingi. Are you Vlred oftht Inside iobt.would you like : - t6 Inereaie your taming powert Hertl the aniwer Sell the national advertised lint.of Underwriter Approve4 Fyr-Fyter Extinguisher! direct to ichooli, factories, shops, hotels, restaurants, public Institutions, country estates and dubl, tervlce itatlons, farms, homn, auto, truck and bui owners, taverns, sum-,-mer resorts, amusement parks, lumber yards.* and huiidreda of other prqipecti. No lnveitment In itoek tomirs, collect and send your profit cheeks: each Friday, Be your own. boil. Start right In your home city points^ Hake plenty of now for Fyr-»f«y ^ifottptly", detail!. The FFter Co.,,pept. T-8, Dayton 1, MlDbLE-AGED LAD^, as housekeeper and companion. One who would like a good home. Two adults In family. -Phonrrtong Branch «,!007"R for apilntment, after 11 a. m.* GSNERAL HOUSEWORKBR, for day I work, steady wo^k. Phone Rumson 1-U60.I1.* MAID Full or part-time. Phone Red Bank , or 910 Blver road, Fair Haven.. SALESLADIES for coatl, suit!, drelies,. millinery, accessories, Good aalary, permanent, advancement. Jacey, 81 Broad itreet, Red Bank.* HOUSEKEBPEB. Middle aged, five-da] week, lire In, three adulti, Call At lantlo Hlshlandi attu 7 p. m or anytime Saturday.* BAKER Bench hand, on bread, rolls, and buni. Phone Matawan Matawan Bakery. Matawan. MILKER Single man, experienced in hand milking; line living and working iondltloni; good pay. Apply John Lindsay, manager, Homing Hill Farm, R. F. D. l u Freehold. phone Freehold I- tej " WOMAN To live In) private room, -bath,, radio, all the lateit electrical avplianees, dlanwaaher. Near bai. trains, churches -. two. adults, children 6,2. lehool.,age, and two. Cooking and cleaning. Phone Red Bank for appointment between 7 to 8 a. m,, or ( to 7 p. m. AUTO MECHANIC. Bulek experience preferred. See Jack Lowe, DeRldder Bulek, Inc, Monmouth itreet,, n k V. ;. : ".-. ITARJf^Part time, morning!. Call Rumion ^ MALE BOOKK EP~ER and typlit. fa- mluar w)th: double-entry bookkeeping... Apply LaFreda Salea and Service, J17 Monrrrouth street. Phone Red Bank WOMAN To care for 20-raotlthl old baby. From 7 a. m., to (:80p. m., while mother worki. Phone Bed Bank B, after 8 p. m.«young LADY over 18, to clerk In itore. Located In Kennsburg,.Write, Xlerk," Box 511. Red Bank. S 6 0 R H E Xlerk, Box 511. S EN60RAPHER, with bookkeeping experlence, good salary. Write, "S. F.; M Box 511, Red Bank..HOUSbWORKEtl, for doctor! home andhelper In. the, office, Five days a> week. Write, "Houiewprk," Box 511 Bed Hank.*...-. _ IfOl YOUNG WOMAN or girl, to do light hpuiework, allllt with two children; no* cooklngt Bleep,in; good salary. 19 Leroy Place, Apt. A-8. Ogleniky. or Place, BXPER1BN0EI> young photographer. Work on arany camp. Phone Eatotv town 8-IPJBO, extemlon WOMAN Every afternoon from 2 to 5, to care for two 1 children and do light hooiework. Phone Rumson SAlXSji-RlirTaSEKMSlVE; g^jrtl opening! for wholeiale aalesmen.with major;-appliance distributor, handling television, heating equipment, refrigeration, washing machines, etc. Contact S. J. Hummer, V. Wi May Corp., 250 Fulton itreet, New York city. MHJNTAIN GIRL. Experienced. Hours 2 to 10; good Wlgfli. Call at 18C Monmouth street, Red Bnnk. FOR EXCHANGE OFFER PEKIN DUCKS, hot water heater) purebred Cocker puppy, female Georgian sideboard, Early American cradle In return for young beet calf or handy fladdln horse, polo or hunter type. Phone Hed Bnnk M. WIEL~EJCCHA"f«iE kitchen range, wild oil burner, like new, for combination iff and oil stove, or will sell. 119 Mornlngslde avenue, East Kennaburg.* REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ROAD, Unfinished California,rnnMi style hotiit. Over one acre ol irounds, inipeet and make olter, Lo cation couldnt be bitter. Herbert Han nah, 814 Ocean avenue, Sea Bright, Phoni t.oeoa * HBA BHIO 75 b? o river lot 40. Onl " -f--»f ^#*»»*«Mnn»#D, Jl4 mini avenue, Roomy home, with spuelogs jrrotindi,; 7,»l)l), Owmr Killlnc all her holdings In,N«*f Jeriiy, Herbert Han. «h. B. 5 V.Q»$f" " V " U " "" Br " St> REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 15 ACBES PEACH, and apple farm. About SO0. bait peach trees, ripening early July. to- end, of September; 200 apple tree!; other fruit trees, including Delicious, Mackintosh and others. All kinds pear, cherries, plums, mulberries, nut! ; o.nd other. trees. Seven-room house,..improvements, chicken coop, 16x90; greenhouse, 20x50, Other amall building!. / Price $19i500. V. Arena, 228 Line Road, Matawan. Phone Matawan J. THOMPSON AGENCY Colonial home,. * Excellent location. Six rooms, bath, fireplace, oil betil, spacioue plot; threecar attached garisffo; playroom; Inaulated; 824,000. Thompson Agency, 81 East Front itreet, Phone Red Bank iu.iu,it COMUTRUCTION. Beautiful Cotonlal home, in one of Bed Banki axcluilve lubdivliioni. Everything of the finest In thla four-bedroom home. Two tile bathi, living room, fireplace, dining room, outstanding kitchen; attached garage, overhead doors; full cellar, hot water heat, oil; landscaped plot 70x110, 122,000. Substantial i% mortgage can it arranged. BchwarU-Macklln, CASH NliBbED for tkis flve^room bungalow, two bedrooms, living room, dinette; kitchen,. tile bath and shower, lot water heat, oil; attached garage; landscaped plot 80x100;»«7 monthly payment for veteran. Schwartt-Macklln, 8 White itreet. Phone Red Bank t EXST KEANSBURG 200 Ocean ave-. nuc, four-room bungalow, two porchc}, suitable year-round, some Imwovementi. Sale-price 12,800^ < -Al Xrueger,. Port Monmouth road, -East Keansbugg... Phone Keansburg EAUT KEANSBURG. Year-round, four rooms, bath, cellar, plpeless heater; corner lot; fully furnished. Price 8C East Keansburg. Year-round, Ave rooms, hot water heat. au Improvements, with two-car garage, with summer bungalow attached, 87,600. Ideal Beach. Six rooms, fully furnished; onecar garage; lot 50x100; S6,500. Al Krueger, Port Monmouth road,. East KenHsburg, Phone Keansburg RED BANK Six-room Souse, hot _.. heat;.garage. Conveniently located, JS.500. See Rolstoc Waterbury, Real. tor, 16 West Front atreet. Phone Bed Bank * RIVERFRONT Four-bedroom house, 35-foot living room; twfc-car garaga; 125-fopt river frontage. Early poiielslon. Asking 117,(00. See Bollton Waterbury, Realtor, 18 Wcit Front street. Phone Red Bank * Tl 1! I an RIVERSIDE HEJGHfs. Seml-bungalow. - Five rooms, lerecned porch; garage. Asking , See Rolston Waterbury. Realtor, 16 West Front itreet. Phone Reil Bank SHREWSBURY Moden* home, three bedrooms, tile bath, powder room, fireplace, breakfast nook, oil hent. Pol- leulon October lit; $18,600. See Rolatoh Waterbury. Realtor. 16 Weit Front sreet. Phone Red Bank ishkewsbuky New bungalow. Five rooms, tile bath,, iteam heat, all; hardwood floors: attached garage; 112, See Rdllton Waterbury, Realtor, 18 West Front itreet. Phone Bed Bank r BRICK AND FRAME. Six roomi, tilt bath and kitchen, fireplace; two-car garage; residential; near bus; 811,500. See Roleton Waterbury, Realtor, 16 West Front street. Phone Red Bank *......:... RED BANK. Booming house oppot<. * tunlty. Double house, six. rooms each J l H t t U l i < l < ) B stance Smith," 14 Maple avenue, Fair Haven. Phone Red Bank LITTLE SILVER. Bungalow, on.large plot, Ave rooms, all Improvements: attnched garage; good location, near- bus line,. Asking price $13,600. Constance Smith. 14 Maple, avenue X^Jg "WALLACE. STREET, Convenient to achools and shopping, ilx rooms,* al Improvements. ImmedUte occupancy Asking price $12,500. Constance. Smith 14 Maple avenue, Fair Haven. Phone Red Bank KID BANK House ol;i» roorai, cen- trally- located I lultable-fbfr rooming or boarding. For quick sale, 110,500, Constance Smith, 14 Maple avenue. Fair Haven. Phone Red Bank WEST FRONT STREET builneii cor. ner, 30x165, two stores and one apartment, in excellent condition. Quick Qeevpfncy. Asking prlct 115,000. Con-, stance Smith, 14 Maple.avenue, Fair Haven. Phone ReiT B»nk HIGHLANDS House, partly demol- Ishld by fire. Can be made into sixroom bungalow by handyman, Nice location, on hill near Twin Llgbta Lighthouse. Full price, $1,300 for quick sale. Phone Atlantic Highlands W. FAIR HAVEN New bungalow, large four rooms, bath, shower; modern kitchen, expansion attic; iteam heat: Immediate occupancy; price 89,000, Phone Red Bank J.e UliLrJ SILVER, near humaon road. Bungalow; large living room, fireplace, dining room, modern kitchen, two tarn. bedrooms, tilt bath, asperate ihowef, hot water g n heat, Insulation Price 118,200. W. A. Hopping Agency Phone Red Bank * MODERN BUNGALOW.I with three lot! facing Naveltnk drive; five large rooms, expanilon attic, mn porch; hot water oil heat; two-car garage, cabinet kitchen; -perfect condition, Muit sell; 84,500 cub, balance financed. Immediate poiienion, Phone Highland! I W. tivx, sell or rent all types ol rial eitate through Constance Smith Annoy, 14 Maple avenue. Fair Haven. - Phont Ittc Bank BEAUTIFUL three-bedroom boast; attacbed garage, hot water heat, oil fired, tiled bath, ahower, powder room, tova, Venetian blinds, beautlfnlly landleaped, near ichool and buiei, Phont Red Bank 6-8B74-M. PAUL R. STRYKER, Realtor. Forms and farm estates. State Highway 84, Holmdel. Phont Holmdel -6I01.. fllchuw&3-nlnb-room. hous>.attached garage, sun porch; partly furnished; on same plot, four-room bungalow, completely furnished. Immediate possession. Price 16,500. Call Saturday and Sunday, Owner, 7! Fourth treat, Highland!. TWO-STORY FRAME house. y..r- round, seven rooms, fully finished; two-car garagti extra lot; 100 feet from boating and fishing; all conveniences. Priced reasonable.. 14 Huddr avenue, Highlands. Phone J. DRIVE THROUGH Oak Woods, Rumion, if you are looking for a small home. General Borden Is building them. Turn South on Third itreet; Rumion. SEVEW-HOOM UOUdB, all Improvements, Including automatic hot water heater, new hot air return pipe eyalem; Plot 100x133. Very nice neighborhood. Phone Atlantic -Highlands M. NEW HOMES.j 86,5001 Immediate possession. Appjy Kletssr Lumber, Glindoli, N. J. Phone Belmar or O-J807. FAIRTIAVEN 3"i acres or ground, al. Improvements, on Maple and Third street!. Phone Red Bnnk «-HSa-W. MARIE COX AGENCY, rtallor, Hlver front and country properties. Bales and rentals. Oomanohe Drive, Portaupeck, Ocesniiort Borough, Phont Long Branch 6-110!, H)lAl)0W LAKH PABK-Alexariiler sectlon, acre plots; a modern restricted residential development! F. II, A. upproved I ichool adjoining, tlon to railroad atatlon 1 lake privileges. A few fine home sites still available, lee your realtort alio E. Alexander, on tht prtmliii, Phoni Bed BanM-lUaOrM tlitfium.r --r. -..,,---j!. Picture. wtndoivi, fireplace, (wo hathr, two kltchennon hlllwilh. oeean-rlvcr view: 14 roomi! 15 mlnutei trt lied Bank nnd Long Ihannh, rhnne HlgMandi 3.11 ID, BED~BANK Eait Bfrgeriplace! clodliu nohir, six room* each ilde. All Imlirovamenli, Sacrifice. Call Red Bank 8I$I*W» - *, - REAL ESTATE FOR SALE RUMSON One of the beat riverfront estates. Aaklng 875,000. Navsilnk, quaint six-room nouse, newly redecorated, all improvements: bargain, -810, See DiForei Real Eitate Agency, 8Monmouth itreet. phone Red Bank WE HAVB MAN! proipects for farm homei-and acreage. Now Ii the time to<ell. Mlt your property with the 8. Walters Agency, Old Atlantlii Highlands road, New Monmouth. Phone Mlddletown , MONMOUTH BEACH, Beautiful "estate. 15 rooms, excellent condition, Ocean view. Worth 145,000, Make an offer. Shrewsbury, little estltl, fieldstone front, 180,000. DIFiorei Agency, II Monmouth street. Phone Red Bank J *. -. EAST BERUEN PLACET Double house, all Improvements. River street, fine six-room dwelling, excellent condition, part cash, balance on monthly payments. See DIFiorei Agency, 8 Monmouth street. Phone Red Bank I iliupsbh AtiEMCYBunafalow, five spacloui rooms, fireplace, tile bath with atall shower; hot water heat; plot 57x187. Attached single garage;813,- 200." Thompson Agency, 81 East Front, itreet. phone Bed Bank * COnAGE Two bedrooms, bath, automatlc heat, kitchen, breakfast nook, fireplace, fine condition, living and din ng room. Price $10,200. Bjrank " Lawes. Phone Bed Bank 0-28 THOMPSON AGENCY Properties of all types.for Hie, Including farms, town properties, country homes, - estate! and riverfront!. Thompson Agency, 81 East Front itreet, Phont Rtd Bank * BAY VAN HORN AGENCY Three acres, tennis cr/urt; attractive residence; >9Q-foot living room, nreplacc, nine voomi, three baths, oil burner; 825,000. Van Horn. Agency, Fair Haven. Phone Red Bank RAY VAN HORN AGENCY Brick and -frame >conitructlon; convenient locattonvfivfrtoonis, tilo bnth.fircplucc, Insulation; " copper- plumbing, oil burner; garage;811,500.- Van Horn Agency, Fair Haven, phone Red Bank * RAY VAN HORN AGENCY Modern Cape Cod, tile bnth, two bedroom.!, Second floor partly finished. Game room, automatic heat;-89,500,- Vnn Horn Agency, Fair Haven. Phone Red Bank e-4ioo.". RAX VAN HORN AGENCY "1940" Cape Cod. Five rooms, tile bath, Injulatlon; near. bus. - Good Fair Haven neighborhood; 812,000.* Van Horn Agency, Fair Haven. Phont Red Bank «<)00«RAY VAN HORN AGENCY Acre Bet- ting.-*- Brick and-frame; eight rooms, three baths,automatic heat, insulation. Photographers room; porch; garagei barbeeue; 829,500. Van Horn Agency. Fair Haven. Phone Roil Bank * RAY VAN HORN AGENCY An outstandlng Monmouth horse form, 143 acroa. Fine realdence, 11 rooms, three baths, excellent fencing, 40 stalls. (47,- 600, Van Horn Agency, Fair Haven, Phone. Red Bank RAY VAN HORN AGENCY At bargain price, six-room home, near high Icbool; new oil burner; garage; imme- <Ua*te:polseislon: Asking $10,000. Van Horn-Agency, Fair Haven. Phone Bed Bank :* ONE MILE FBOM Red Bank; Fine dwelling, all Improvements; 812,600. Make an offer. Highland!.Nlnt rooms, on hill;.best of.* construction. Can be made Into two apartments; 88,000. Dl- Flort -Agency,. 8 Monmouth street, Phone Red Bank WALLACE STREET, Double house. Ex- ^cellent condition, all Improvements. See It to believe HI Throckmorton avenue; seven rooms; iust redscorated. All Improvements, Fine neighborhood. DI- Floros.: Agency,- 8 Monmouth street. Phone Bed ibank * i 80-ACRE; FAKM, fruit treei; large hountliiillnlninl»illmn>au<w4hli Buildings for chickens. Good road, three miles.from Red Bank. DIFlore Agency, 8 Monmouth street. Phone Red Hank WE HAVE A LARGE lilting of dwell- Ings, farms, eatates, waterfront proptl " " lneiir^ Real Estate Agencyi 8 Honmouth street, R»d. Bank. Phone * MIDDLETO,WW TOWNBHII! U, I. ap praiial latlsfaetory; S80 down pay. ment-necessary. Five-room bungalow, excellent condltipn; lot 60x100. Price 85, Weart-Nemeth Agency, 42 Broad-atrcetr-Phone-Red-Bank-6»2240r GOOSE NECK POINT Ideal environ.mentz Most homes In neighborhood worth better than $35,000. Seven-room Dutch Colonial home, hot water heat with oil, fireplace; two-car garage; lot 187x2«2, beautifully landscaped..immediate occupancy. \.Price. $17,000. Welrt-NsmothAgericyj42 Broad itreet. Phorte,Red ibank *;., e Red ibank RED BANK "New-five-room semi-bun. galow, hot air heat, best residential neighborhood; garage; lot 50x21]L Price $15,000. Weart-Nemeth Agency, 42 Broad street.. Phone Red > Bank APARTMENT HOUSE. Consisting of. four apartments. Three rooms each, tile bathi, rental Income 8160 per month. Price $18,500 W, A..Hopping Agency, 8 Linden Place. Phone Red Bank " RIVER lla?a.. Home, In good eon dltlon, six rooms; three bedrooms, hot water heat, oil. burner; Price 810,000. W. A. Hopping Agency, 8 Linden Place. Phorie Bed Bank «:03C7,*. DUTCH.COLONIAL home, river privileges; large living room, fireplace, three bedrooms, tile bath; two-car gar* age. Immediate occupancy. Price $17, W. A. Hopping Agency, phone Red Bank * BUNGALOW Four rooms.«nd BatF lot. 60x120. Price. $7,500, Pear street, in Shrewsbury, oil Springdale avenue...louis. Kusiuba. "VACANT Six-room house. Three bed- - roomi,--hying room, dining room, Idtcheh; bath; hot water heater. Can be ieeveyfery night.from 5 p. m., to 7 p, m,, 20 Bank titreet, Red Bank.* CHOICE ACSEXS6, 27 acres. Plenty of road frontage, gbod location, real- oriabie. Phone Holmdel NEW DOLL 1IOU3K, located In Orchan Place, Little Silver, between Lovett, Brook avenuei, near school; two bedrooms, all tile bath, large living room, complete modern streamlined kitchen, with stainless steel-sink; attached garnge; full cellar; oil burner; lot 50x150, Beautifully furniihed. $)3,750, or unfurnished. $12,750, Phone owner, Rco Bank 6-1B42. * NEW 10x2 0 BUILDIN(T reasonable Contaet Marie Cox Agency. Phone Long Branch Long ranc 6. THOMPSON AGENCY Dutch Colonial nicely located In Red Bank. Six room! and bath, fireplace, aunporch lavatory, laundry; oil heat; double gar. age; $17,600. Thompson Agency, 81 East Front- street. Phone Bed Bank BX BXTONTOWN F.H.A. approved bupga- 1 lows, new, living room, kitchen, two bedrooms and bath, automatic oil heat, modern kitchen and bath; 25-year mart gage, Small down payment. Prtce $9,. 760, Weart-Nemeth Agency, 42 Brond street. Phone Bed Bank 6-224(1. LITTL a i t V B R t t i h LITTLE ait-vb«humson road, neur Prospect avenue, six-room house, with nnntry and utility room. Needs redecorating. Plot 62x175; closo to bus. ichool nnd stores. Hot water heat coal; hardwood floors, attic insulated Olsen redwood storm.sash and screens throughout, - $9,000. Ibqult* on premises. Owrirr nf-cinlril. M. B. Pt-lchaid Phone Red lunk , one FTlR HAVEN Wooded lot, 100x150 rentdentlnl district, rrnsonflhlr. Wll divide; Hrnilrlckson Place. Write, J, Khdx, 0 Mitchell avenue, New Hruns wick, N. J. Phone New Brunswick M1. * iteti BXfTif Finest residential sec" tlon, attrncttvfl home, three bedrooms, altaehid garage, hot water oil hunt, Kiln Wiltshire Atcncy, Realtors, T, Broad street. Red Bnnk, Phone WEST HED^ DANK Tlireo-ljcdroom home, 1 Hot water hent; gnrnge; In good repair, Priced at 18X0(1 (nr < ulck iale. Immediate occupnnc?. Elln Wilt- ihlr* Agency, Renltorv 77 Broad street, Red Bank. Phone «21«1. BOUBLB ifflusbrfneome $TiTmofithTy"l two-car garngei located on Wallace itreet,,. Can be used for business o: residence. Two bnthi. Silo Wiltshire Agency, Realtors, 77 Bread street, Ilei Bank, Phont 6-8UI. ank, Ph.Utf_-»-Ha lbh.ll* ; lo llt avt eevrrnl-wtelp located* lot* 1, laibnr-wsbory, Fair lltvin, tutli Stiver. Rll» Wiltshire Agenty. 77 Droni street! Rod Rank. Phono n-jim, im full l new brsr.. fvunilatlon, 8J,0)i22,ffpli ment with isub-fioor - tomvlatrdt lot «4xl4D Inralril on Hanrf nvuniir, In Hhr.wsbury Inwnihlp. Prlred at eolt Phone Hid Bihk l.4ll«.* REAL ESTATE FOR- SALE RIVEltFitONT LOT. 75»350, excellent location. Price $6,600. Frank B. Lawei, Nenman Springs road. Phone Red Bank * BUNGALOW Two bedrooms,~3sitel... dining and living Tn«m _<Bath; lot 50x160. Price $6,000. Frank B, Lawes, Newman Springs road, Rhone Rid Bank EAST KEAMSBUBG Six-room bungalow, completely furnished, all modern; tarage; 50x110; near school; excellent condition. Owner will take back mortgage at 4^%, Immediate- occupancy, rice $8,000. Greenacre Agency, 101 First avenue, Atlantic Highlands. Phone , or M, after 6 p. m. NAVE3INK Colonial, remodeled, ilx rooms, large lot, oil heat; corner parcel, newly decoratid and equipped, Immediate occupancy; $9,600. Bowtell Agency, Phone Atlantic Highlands -one. CHAPEL HILL, Modest farmhouse, 4}j acres, outbuildings. Sacrifice for quick sale, $6;5O0, Bowtell Agency. Phone Atlantic Highlands WATERFRONT, Atlantic Highlands, charming eight-room home, Dutch Colonial, fireplace, oil hot water heat; oneacre rolling hills, near bay. Immediate occupancy; $11,500. Bowttll Agency, Phone Atlantic Highlands WEEK-END OR SUMMER cottage. Sltuuto In hills off. Route 36, between Highlands and Atlantic Highlands; four roomi, sir lota. Ideal for $2,000. Bowtell Agency. Phone Atlantic Highlands RUMSON Nice locality. Splendidly conditioned house, six rooms, two modern baths, hot water heat, oil burner; Immediate poileillon; $15,000. Charles E. Sweeney Agency. Phono Rumion KEANSBURG^12-room houie, realden- - tlal section, centrally located. House newly decorated Inside and outside; property 100x126. Immediate possession.. Price $12,000. Henry Schwelter, Realtor. 146 Main street, Keansburg. [vbbitor. i^p main itreat, neqmpurg. EAtfONTOWN Ranch typt bungalow, completely modern. Exterior Catlfor*.nla redwood; lnrgu plot, with lake view. Three ipncloua bedrooms, tiled.bath and kitchen. Immediate occupancy. Price $15,750, C. F, Borden, Shrewsbury, Phone Red Bank 6-16(1. or G. H: Nevlus. Red Bank J-* FAIR HAVEN Excellent bungalow, on large landscaped plot 100x150; three bedrooms, living room with fireplace, modern kitchen, dry cellar; reconditioned air heat, oil; two-ear detached garage. Exceptional purchase at $15, C. F. Borden, Shrewsbury. Phone Red Bank , or G. H, Nevlui, Red Bank 6-168I-J.., WEST LONG BRANCH Homestead, all modern conveniences, ilx bid* rooms, central heating; two-ear garage; fine residential area; lot 185x200, landscaped. Price $16,000, C. F. Dorden, Shrewsbury. Phone Red Bank , or G. H, Neviul, Bed Bank» 1633-J.* OCEANPORT AREA Corner property, income producing, Four apartments, fully furnished: spacious grounds; rompt. possession. C. F. * Borden, hrewsbury. Phone Red Bank 6*1661, or Q. H. Nevlus, Red Bank J.* ibmestead, on elevation, with water view. Over 800-foot front, shaded oiled road; large, living room, withfireplace, dining room, modernised kitchen, four excellent bcdroomi, bath, automatic hot water heat; garage and out-bulldlngs. " " " >dlat«shrewsbury. Phone Red Bank , or G. H. Nevius, Red Bank J.* EXTONTOWN AREA Slxoroom bunga. low; detached garage, near lhopplrii center; lot approximately 100x150. Price $7,500, Exclusive. C. F. Borden Shrewsbury. Phone Red Bank or G. H.-Nevlui, Red-Bank-«.UBB-J.«ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS. Five rooms, cellar, hot air heat; one-ear garage; property 126x110. Immediate possee. Ion; 18,000, Al Kreuger, Port Hon mouth road, Eaat Xeahiburg. Phom Keaniburg ONE-FLOOR PLAN. FTva stpacloul rooms, open fireplace, two : master bedrooms,.tile bath, stall shower, auto* matlc gas heat. Asking $18,200. See Rolston Waterbury, Realtor, 16 West Front street. Phone Bed Bank INCOME PROPERTY. Centrally located In Red Bank. Two apartments, with Income $1,600. yearly; also seven-room apartment, occupied by owner. Asking $15,000. See Rolaton Waterbury, Realtor, 16 West Front atreet. Phone Red Bank HOUSE Uj-story, seven rooms, bath: front and back porch enclosed; heat: concrete chicken coop, 20x20; concrete garage: storage houae: one-acre plot. Price $7,600, Wyckoft road, 600 feet off Aabury avenue, R. D. 1, Box 490, Eatontown. PA HA aton. PAIR HAVEN Hew home, three bedrooms, two baths, over one acre of ground, Situated among large treea, excellent location, Herbert Hannah, 514 Ocean avenue. Phone 8ea Bright 2 020B. l MlbOLBToWN. Across bridge, hunga. low, four rooms, bath, heat; garege; $3,500. P. F. Kennedy. 21 Peters Place, Red Bank. Phone SHREWSBURY, Acre gardens, $550; half-acre, homealtes, builders and financing available. S. Walters Agency. Phone Mlddletown , SIX ROOMS, centrally located, In Red Bank. Completely furnished or unfurnished. Hot water, radiator beat, Sacrifice, account of health. Call Red Bank M.* LEONARDO House of four rooms, bath, enclosed porch, hot au heat, gas range; onccar garagei two-room bungalow In rear; lot 50xl2i. Price $5,500. Walker * Tlndall. Realtors, It East Front street, Red Bank, Phone 6;2776.* tfoltldel TOWNSHIP, One-acre plot, nicely, landscaped, large trees; sixroom home, bath,, lot of closets; twocar garage; some fruit trees. Price $7,900, Immediate possession. Walker & Tlndill, Realtors, 19 East Front street. Red Bank, Phone * REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL E3TATE TOR SAU ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Six roomi, bath, oil heat; newly decorated; light, airy basement; all Improvement!. Call Atlantic Highlands MODERN.BUNOAI^W.fully Insulated, five rooms, bath and laundry room; plenty of closets, large open attic, hot water oil heat; one-e7r garage; 50x100. mmedlata possession; $9,600. Apply Mrs. John Prior, corner Monmouth avenue and Rsnfrew place, Port Monmouth. Phone Keansburg EARLE8COTE FARM. Holmdel, 136-acre farm, wjth modern 12- room, stxr-bath reitdence, adequate outbuilding!and equipment. Price, including equipment, $100,000, Deicriptive circular on requeat. Broken -protected. Walker HInton. Phone Holmdel STORE AMD FIVE-BOOM 0 apartment above; two-car garage; lot 100x150,, Price $7,500, or will rent Route 35, near Red Bank. Phone Mlddletown 5-0»92.«SUllSON We are authorised to otter for sale, a 3te -acre tract of excepanally well landscaped grounds. This property has a total etreet frontage of about 1,000 feet, and can be divided Into four building sites. Price Is $5,- 601) for tho enjlre tract. owilllara H. Hlntelmahn, Realtor, Rumson. Phone ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Choice property, beautifully landscaped, country bungalow type, five rooms and bath, with enclosed porch. Restricted neighborhood; garage; full, cellar; plot 126x110, Modern appointments throughout; newly painted and decorated. Immtdlate occupancy; 47,900, Creenncre Agency, p 101 First avenue, Atlantic High* lands. Phone , or M *ftsr 6. p. m. ; * KUMSON Modern bungalow, contsin- Ing four, rooms and bath, with gas eat: garage;, large plot. Priced at 19,001). William H. Hintelmann, Realtor. Phone Rumson KDBSON "The Beeches," Laurel Lea". Lovely new home, containing three icdrooms, two bntha, large combination living and dining room, with open fireplace,-automatic beat; 1 Vj acres of well andscaped grounds; century-old ehado trees. Sale price $19,000. "The Evergreens," lovely rambling brick and frame residence, on a 1%-acre plot, m an.unusual setting of..fine old tvergrem and deciduous treel. This modern home contains four master bedrooms, two tiled baths (one with stall shower),.one mnldi room and bath, large living room with open fireplace, dining room, kitchen, laundry;- two-car attached garage. An attractive feature ii the spacious veranda with its arched columns; automatic heat. Sale price M0,000. All brokers protected, William H. Hintelmann, (Firm) Realtors, Rumson. Phone ". ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Four-room bungalow, with enclosedporch; steam teat; newly painted and decorated. Ideal for retired couple. Restricted neighborhood. Price $6,800; pint (0x106. Greenecre Agency, 101 First avenue, Atlantic Highlands. Phone , or M after «p. m. LEONARDO Mlddletown townehlp, sixroom ifml-bungalow, hot-air heat: enrage; year-round home. Immediate occupancy. Owner leaving.etate; $5, Greenaera Agency, 101 First avenue, Atlantic Highlands, Phone , or M niter 6 p. m. LEONARDO 10-room~house, containing two apartments, two baths; garage; full cellar;-. 100x100; near school And station; year-roundsxesldenee. Sacrifice to quick buyer. ^Asking $11,000. Greenacre Agency, 101 First avenue, Atlantic Highlands. Phone , or M after 1 p. m. SHREWSBURY TOWNSHIP. New con. «tructlon, five rooms; steam heat, with oil; attached garage; lot 116x240. Price $10,500, Four-room and bath; lot 100x150. Price $10,000. Also fiveroom and bath, with two-car gafngq apartment; lot 100x160. Price $16,6dO. Weart-Nemeth Agency, 42 Broad street. Pholie Red-Bank * PERFECT HOME. Ideal for children and pets. Large (200x100) corner plot, fruit treei and garden- Ing arei, Located on Conover Lane, one block from Shrewsbury... Five* roomi and. hatl*,. flrevlace, Dutch doors, oil heat. ;).irge- cellar, pre-war construction, Onty three minutea from eenter of Red Bank. By appointment only. Call Mr.. Smith,-Eatontown ,extension 489. Prlct $12,000.* NEW SIX-ROOM, l,4 baths, hot water heat, fireplace; $14,750, or will rent nt $100 per month to-party able to furnish $8*000 on note or second mortgage. Three to five years Mease. Newman Springs road, Taxes $109. Phone Red Bank LITTLB SILVER Spacloui itx-room, cottage, - modern bath, oakfloors, hot Water, heat; garage; lot.62x175. Own.r Mlmish, broker, Rumson toad. Phone Rumion *. MONMOUTH BEACH. Recently mod ernlxed six-room bungalow, hath two-car garage; fireplace, automatic hot water heat, open and enclosed porches Eri*M«*»»nieh*&«rtttiiSir»Frrtf»f Kumson road. Phone Rumion MONMOUTH BEACH. Attractively fur. nlshed* summer residence, near ocean seven rooms, two (lied bathi, awnlnga attached Karate: large landlcaped plot, Price $18,000. John L. M^nugh, broker, Rumson road. Phone Rumson * WNM0UIH_BEA(5H._]ft 1rnlsl.dflv. room aummer cottage, bath; Ideally located between ocean and river. Priced $5,-000 for quick sale. John L. Mlnugh, broker, Rumion road. Phone Rumion ,fiC HIGHLANDS. Ncwty decorated five-room bubgalow, batb, en. cldsedtwrch, hot,air heat) garage; attractively landlcaped plot 125x110 Priest $7,800. John L. Minugh, broker. Rurnson road. Phone Bumson * LOCUST 1 POINT, thirteen acres. 1 pond, apple orchard; dwelling, (live bedrooms), bath; fireplace, automatic hot water heat; workshop and garaik. Price $14,500, JohnL. Mlnugh, broker, Rumion road. Phone Rumson :* COLONIAL HOME. Rve roomi) fireplace, enclosed porch, tile bath, automatic steam heat, oak floors, dry cellar; attached garage; fish pond; attractive shrubbery. Price $17,000. W, A. Hopplpg Agency. 8 Linden place. Phono Rid Bank *. MUUnC HlGHUNbS. Hill section. - Excellent location. A fine alx-room iiome (three bedrooms), ready to move Into. Modern kitchen and bath.clean as a whistle: oil heat; $10,000. Byrne Agency. Phone Rumson Agency. Phon BBA~BRlGHt l -. - $3,600 buya a fine sixroom home. Built of lath and platter and nicely decorated;space heater. Not approved for G. I. Byrne Agency. Phone Rumson KUMSON p.rftct hr a. (1. I. coiiile, or small family. A well-built bungalow of four rooms, In a fine looatlon; twocar tnrnge: large plot. Approved by Veteran! Administration: $8,000. Byrnt Arency. Phone Rumion ntevihav^ " IPT" * " " * *.*. i i huji&on Brand new bungalow, living room, two nice bedrooms, kitchen, tiled bath, automatic heat; fine location; $10,000. Byrne Agency, phont Rumson / RUMSOft Handsome semi-bungalow of lix rooms (three bedrooms), two baths, unusual fireplace, broadloom ruitl; handsome kitchen, oil heat; twoear garage. C[ose to river and ocean; $1S,000. Byrne Agency, Phone Rumson ntttoieveft-tovefy action.-close to Lltt.e Silver school, Built In with the best of- everything. Four handsome rooms and tiled bath, beautifully furnished; $13,760. Byrne Agency. Phone Rumson MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP. Six rooms, bath, hot air heat, gas range, new roof; taxes $60; lot 40x190. Price 16, Walker * Tlndall, Realtors, 19 East Front street, Red Bank. Phone BELFORU New bungalow, four rooms. bath, utility room, circulating hot air heat, oil; lot 50x100, Price $6,000. Walker * Tlndall. Realtors, 19 East Front street, Red Bank, fjione ,* MTnTJraTOWS TdWKSTBF highway property, six rooms, slnporeh, bath, stenm heat, oil fired, gas range; one. enr gflrnfrc, with workshop, screens, ntnrmsnith; plot 150x147, Price t\i, 000, Wnlker A Tlndall, Reiltoli, l> EitHt From street, Red Rank, Phone fl277j" 7J_ RED IJASfTt Six rooms, fireplace, bath, hot nlr herl, gas range, screens, newly painted, furnished; one-car garaire lot 50x160, Alklnlt $10,900. Immediate poasesslon. Walker * Tlndall. Realtors, ID East Front itreet, Red Hank; Phone C5 1 itt^to~fkontr~erystai BeacK Port Monmoutht one.block front pool, 1160, Apply Mrs. John Trlor, corner Monmouth avenue and Rinfrew place, Port Monmoulh. Phone Keaniburg ^ (SElVOllD Attractive New Cane Cod home, five large rooms and bath; plot 75x169: paveil road, (.aldwelt nvonuv, nenr Campbells Junction; convenient to many buses. Steam heat, oil burner] full basement..ample closet spuco. Immediate nbisesilon. Phone Keansburg M, TimKBSEDTOOU HOUSE, Oi.en fire" place, new.roof, newly painted and ilt»or»mrt-fhtly"irthn«l(,.".huu- block from bin line. Phune Kid Il.nk J or P-H06B.J. ; _ ttro&xn0b=! fk?~iru dirwt r&n0b f?oom, nrt-plscrt {vn-cnr gnragei isren enrlolfil parch. Restricted nr!ghborhood. Ownrf IrAvliiK lutr, A>ktn«$11,50(1. (IrfCnarre Agfncj, 111 Flr»t»vfntif, Atlantic Highlands. Phom MIX. or 1> 1S7I-M after I. m, UN Estate netghkorhoodfatatrc eight-room house, (four bedrooms), two bathi; loveljr ground!j barn) hot water heat. Fine for commuter. Asking $19,000. Byrne Agency. Phone Rumeon * LOCUST POlRT A fine up to the mlnute farmhouse. Fireplace,, oil heat; outbuilding 80x90; 12 beautiful acres: $14,500. A good buy. Byrne Agency. Phone Rumeon * HIOMPdOM AdEWK-Colonlal home, eight rooms, four bedrooms, two lavatory, sunporch, fireplace laundry, hot water heut: double garage. fine location: $20,000. Thompson Agsney, 81 East Front street, Phon Bed Bank * THOMPSON AGEKCV Modem Coion- Ul home, living rriom, lltchen, two bedrooms, bath: plot 70x1(6; one-car liarnfre; iteam heat, oil; $10,000. Thompson Agency, 81 East Front street. Phone Red Dank /, TMMt-SON AOfcKCY^Slcely ocate.f Colonial home, six rooms, bath, lireplace, oil heat; spacious plot; threecar Attached tiragcil playroom; Insulated; $24,000, Thompson Agency, 81 East Front atreet. Phone Red Bank 8-07O0JI rtspgon raenctftve rooms, modern bath and kitchen; two-car garage: country location: acre landscspeil plot; furnished l $7,900, Thompson Agency. Il East Front street Phone Red Bank THOMPflON AOBWCV-Lovely home lite, 6 (4 arm. Located on two bard aurfneid roads.!</, mllei to Mlddletowi itatloni eetate nreat $2,000. Thompsm Aginey, 81 Eait Front street. Phoni Red Bank <-0700.* OWIS t fractlcally - new~cm T b d l OWIS flflveh, fractlcallynewcm tan typo hone. Two-bedrooms, a till >»lh,jnodern iltchen, l«r«. llvliu room) attached garage; oil hint,. Situated on nicely landieaped lot; II4,7no. 911,781). furnlahid.. Joseph (!. McCur Agency, Realtor, Phone Rumion , or Red Bank * ATLANTIC HIQHLANDS Foiir rnomi, bathi five loll I 1-ear irni; $3,900. Reulthorp Attncy, 101 First avenue, Atlsntle Ulihlaniii, Phone 1-04TT. tumson Attractive bungvlov. on a plot 50x150; In good neighborhood. ale price 18,000. Wljlinm H. Hintelmann (Firm) Realtors,Rumson, Phone 0600,, RUMSON Semi-bungalow, containing three bedrooms, two baths, living room, dining room, and kitchen: twocar garace; near the river. Priced at 316,000. Wllllnrn H. Hintelmann (Firm) Realtors. Rumson. RUMSON ROAD Modern residence, containing four matter bedrooms, two mister baths, three maids rooms, maids bath, on a plot 100x150; automatic neat. Priced at $24,000. Wll- Itnm If. Hintelmann (Firm), Realtors, Rumson. Phone * ATLANTIC HlOHTSftDS., Attractive bungftiow.. containing five rooms and bath: on a plot 50xl n 0. In a (rood neighborhood.. Price $5,500: William H. Hintelmann (Firm), Realtors. Rumson. Phone IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. Four-room bungalow, In West Keansburg. Just recently built, $3,750. S. Walters, Agency, old Atlantic Hlffhlnnds road, New Monmouth. Phone Mlildletown C50D INVESTMENT 12-room home, and garage, one block from ocean, in Asbury Park: rents durlnir cu.-^-ncr for furnlnhed rooms. brlnks in high In- ; rome. Immediate occupnnry, $12,500,* S. Walter!, Agency, old Mlnntic Hichlands road, New Monmouth. Phone. Mid* dlftnwn 5-()2« *- $150 BUYS A half-acre, attractive land, on main hue, line, conveniently located, two miles from Red Bank, In Shrewsbury. Buy now and build your future home.. We have expert builders and financing ready* today to build for yotl, S, Walters Agency, old Atlantic Highlands r6ad, New Monmouth. Phone Middletown SIX-ROOM HOME and hnth, with two acres of ground. Locntcd in beau, tlful spot In Mlddletown." Shrubs, trceri chicken coops on premises, 4ir>,000, S, Walters Agency, old Atlantic Hlnh. lands road, New Monmouth. Fhont Mlddletown itaufr With" raini froitt*ge b*n"~«ltlrci«side of state highway 36. Excellent business locations. The Richard E. Lu);er Agency, State Highway 3S, Belford.* RAY VAN HORN AGENCY River view, secluded on e-atory Tottage^twn storm windows, Bryant gns furnace"? $9,000. Van Horn Asency, Knlr Hnven. Phone RciTBank * RAY VAM HORNAGENCY Four acres. At end of long laric." Brook; delightful location; on,e;fltory; mitomntie hent: five rooms; garage: $14,000, Vnn Horn -Ageneyj Falr-Havert; -Phone-Red Bank * RAY VAN HORN AGENCY Near river. Dock, Lovely modern home, six rooms, tile bath, lavatory,fireplace,automatic heat-, insulation; garage; porch; $18,000. Van Horn Agency, Fair Haven. Phone Red Bank * RAY VAN HORN AGENCY Three acres riverfront, picturesque view; excellent neighborhood; ten rooms, four bathi, automatic heat, four fireplaces. Bargain at $27,500. Van Horn Agency. Fair Haven. Phone Red Bank * AN HORN h b Y VAN HORN AGENCY Sovcnroom home, on bus lino, near school. Hot air furnace; 75x180 plot; garage. Early possession. Asking $8,800. Van Horn Agency, Fair Haven. Phone Red Bank * ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Three rooms, bath, enclosed porch, steam heat; lot 50x100; $6,000; Sciilthorp Agency. 103 First avenue, Atlantic Highlands, Phone ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS l-lvc room!, bath, enclosed porch; five lots hot air heat: one-car garage; $7,900. Scul. thorp Agency, 103 First avenue, Atlan* tic Highlands, Phone MODERN HOME. Colonial type. Large living room, modern kitchen, three bedrooms and tile bnth. Six rooms in all; good condition; oil heating; s^-mlle to station, near bus; excellent value; $13,000, Joseph G. McCue Agency, Realtor. Phone Rumson , or Red Bank * NEAR SHREWSBURY river. Newly decornted la part. Four large corner. bedrooms, two tile baths. -On first floor, living room, dining room, open nnd enclosed porches./ kitchen, laundry, hot: water heating. 1 Surrounded by other fine homes; $20,000. Joseph G. McCue. Realtor. Phone Rumaon , or Ked Bnnk ,* RED BANK Attractive homo of mod. crn design. Six Inrge rooms; including three bedrooms, bath and powder room: hot water henting; extra large LHrige; fine garden space. October 1st poisci&ion: $U,>00. Joseph G. McCue Aeency, Realtor. Phone Rumson , or Red Honk 6^1* ACRES Centrally located, in Rum. son. Includes fresh water pond. About 900 feet frontage on Improved. rond. All utilities available, -High typo neighborhood. Outstanding sub-division possibilities; 87,000. Exclusive AsenU Joseph G. McCue Agency, Realtor, Phone Rumion , or Red Bank «147a* VTA NEW TAPE COD COTTAGE. Four sunny rpoms, bath, largo attic: attached Borage. Over one acre, with a number of fine npp!«trees In prime condition; $10,800. Joseph Q. McCue Agency, Realtor. Phone Red Bank , or Rumson ,* HED BANK South street mca. Dellghtful home, for occupancynovember 1, Living room, sunporch, dining room, kitchen, downstairs lavatory, three master bedrooms, bath, hot water heat, oil fired; gn*rnge; $17,500. Joseph G. McCue Agency, Renltor. Phone Red Hnnk , or Rum»on * LINOROVT VILLAGE I Vi acres, on eonerete road, nenr fchool: city water, $1,300, Joseph fi. McCue Agency, Realtor. Thone Red Dank ), or Rumson * * fftoso~s watelifuosr; fietigp 7^ home, In secluded estate section. Reception hull, sunny living room, panelled dining room, kitchen, ttutlern pantry, laundry, three master hcilrooms anil two bathfl, two maids bedrooma and bath, two additional bedrooms and bath on third floor; gas heat. Over 3^ acres landscaped grounds. Price $27,500, Joseph G. McCue Agency, Realtor, Ill on" Red Bank , or Rumson * i- CTTTtE SICVER -Pre-war Cape <5J cottage. Living room, dinette, mod* ern kitchen, two bedrooms nnd bath, large attle; nttuchocl garage. Now van onnt nnd immediately available; $12,» 000. Joseph O. McCue Agency, Rest. tor. Phone Red Bnnk , or Burn* eon RED BANK AREA. Well-built seven. K«rs««;" NWroof on both, (atjtia and. houie. Oil heat; $14,000,.Joitph O«, McCue Aitonoy, Realtor, Phont Rura- A son 1.Q444, or Red Bank «J flsyludk Five roomi and bath, mod«m ern kitchen! two-car garagei oil heats V automatic hot -water, insulaltdtnn nil-. prnilmmely one acrt, landlcipnl ploti Immedlatt poiltnloa. Phone Deal Ufl)

36 Pa D Engagement Told _ At Dinner Party Maureen Grant To Wed Leon G. Hoyf, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Owen S. Grant of Mechanic street have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Maureen Grant, to Leon G. Hoyt, Jr., son of Mr, and «Irs. Leon G. Hoyt of Summit The announcement /was made at a dinner party Sunday at Folds Oafe de la Palx, Eatontown, MISS MAUREEN GRANT Miss Grant was graduated from Red Bank Catholic high school and Rider college at Trenton. While at Rider she was a member of the Boot and Spur club, Newman club and vice president of Eaat Hall, Mr. Hoyt was - graduated from Summit high school and is how attending Lehigh university, where he Is majoring in industrial engineer-, ing. He is a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity. During the war Mr. Hoyt served with tho 100th Infantry division for three years «nd eaw action in France and Germany. He received the Presidential.Citation and the Bronze star medal. Dinner guests were Mr. and Mrs, Larry Walsh, Mr. and Mrs. R.Nassaman, Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Darnelson, Mr. and Mrs. G. H, Jtjamor, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Walsh, Mr.. and Mrs. John E, Day, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Hoyt, Misses Clare Murphy. _,, Joan McHugh and Alleen Grant, Erie Chemnltuls and Owen Grant, Jr. Gertrude Neidlinger To Sing In Leonardo Miss Gertrude. Neidlinger, soprano soloist, will present a pro- Leonardo grade school Parent Teacher association Monday night, to which the public is invited. Two of Miss Neidllngers solos, 1 ~ Cloud", e H ^ y ^ well-known pianist; who will accompany the* artist. Mr. Haase has just returned from his farm in, Vermont, where he spent {be * sum- mer composing the. musical score tt The rest of Miss Neidllngers program will consist of "Summertime" by Gershwin, and "Through the Years" by Youmans, to be. followed by a series of monologues in> musical settings entitled "Musical Mishaps". These are amusing and embarrassing incidents that the artist has witnessed on the concert «tage. A community sing, led by Mrs. Lejvls Blood, will follow the program, and. refreshments will be served. Miss McCormick Becomes Engaged Mr. and Hit. William J. McCirmlck of Holmdel have made known the engagement of their daughter, Miss Marguerite M. McCormick, to Malcolm W. Peseux, son of Mr, and Mrs. EErnest E. Peseux of Hazlct. No date has been set for the wedding. Miss McCormick is a graduate of Red Bank high school, and is employed by the Rollo Transit cprporatlon at Keyport. Mr. Peseux, who i«a Keyport high School graduate, served three years with the army. military police. He is employed by Harry Peseux, building contractor. Women Return From Convention.(Mrs. Anna Vivian, Mrs. Emily Krlftncr, Mrs. Anna Franks.and Mrs. Emily Levering of the Ladies auxiliary of Middletown township post 2179, Veterans of Foreign Wars, have returned from the 34th national convention at Cleveland; 0. Mrs. Vivian was dclegato and Mrs. Kriftner was alternate. A highlight of the convention was the parade. Mrs. Vivian gave an interesting report on the convention at the.last meeting of.the auxiliary at the post home, Belford. DEUCIOUS CHOW MEW AT HOME/ June Skinner Is Bride-Elect Mr. and Mrs. William Skinner of Port- Monmouth have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss June Skinner, to Harold J. Slrotiak of Hoboken, aon of Alexander Slrotiak of Union City,,and the late Mrs. Jenny Mulllns Sirotiak.,, MISS JUNE SKINNER Miss Skinner was graduated from the Henry Snyder high school at Jersey City/,. Mr. Slrotiak, a veteran. of World War II, attended Eemarest high school, Hoboken. Family Dinner Marks Birthday Charles H. Mitchell of. Boonton, formerly of Red. Bank, observed his birthday Sunday at a family dinner at the home of his son-in-law and daughter; Mr. and Mrs..J. Harold, Riddle of Hudson avenue. Mr. Mitchell, who is retired, lives -with his son, Ira Mltcheel, at Bpontown, and for a number of years was employed as a cabinet maker and stair builder by the Waters & Oaborn mill. Mr. Mitchell received many gifts, Including two large birthday cakes. Present were Charles Mitchell, Ira Mitchell and Miss Viola Mitchell of BoohtqnjfMr. and MrsJ Thomas Mitchell of Trenton, Mr. and-mrs. Frank E. Mitchell of Long Branch, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Collins of Keyport, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Mitchell of Eatontown" and Mr. and Mrs. J. -Harold Riddle and John Riddle of Red Bank. Brother, Sister Observe Birthdays Mr. and Mrs. Melvln; Rose of WaluW«Wpr son, Melvln Rose, Jr., six, and their daughter, Mary Margaret Rose, one. Games wtre played and prizes rweftijrttij Mulder, Charles Doremus and Patty-Ann Forrar. Other guests were Mary Ann Domidion, Shelia and Diane BUrr, John and James Hoiian.Mary Lou and Patricia Soden, Michael and John Lalley, Christina and-audrey-rosertlodger-morrisr Sue Mulder, Donnle Kerr, Jo Ann Maloney, Russell Stroupe, Kathryn Laurlno, Margretta Reed, Miss, Marie MoDonough, Miss. Mary Kahey, Mrs..Joseph Laurlno, Mrs. Arthur Soden, Mrs.. John Hollan, Mrs. John Burr and Michael and Gregory West. Sharon Polhemus Is Seven Years Old Sharon Dlan Polhemus, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pol. nemos of Carpenter street, River Plaza, observed her seventh birth, day at a party at her home Friday. Guests w.erfl her classmates In the second grade at River Plazaschool. Attending were Virginia Jacques, Brad Dlxon, Dlanne Ralph, Peggy Moore, Nancy Kendel, Karen Moore, Sylvia Fiess, Irene Fiess, Robert English, Patricia Partrlck, Walter Tracy, Paul Fox, Marvin Graman, Billy McCarron, Tony Oitterelll, Beverly Reed, Josephino Zagorsjcy, Sheila Becker, Garrett Corson, 3d., Brian Batljer, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Zimmerman, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Corson, Mrs. Raymond Franklin and Mrs. Howard Smith. APR0V N FAVORITE Youd never dream that pie crust could be so light and flaky and still be so easy to make and «o sure in results. But Flako has been proven by millions of houseives I or 2S yean. By It Two more proven baking mixes for you. Highlands P.TA. Plans Activities Sponsored Swimming Program Last Summer The first session of the Highlands Parent-Teacher association will be a "get acquainted" meeting next Thursday night In - the" school. at 8:15 oclock. Plans for the event were arranged at a meeting; of the executive board last Thursday, During the summer, the organization sponsored a rummage sale and 120 was cleared, They also, sponspred learn-to-»\vlm classesi and with an instructor, provided, by the county. Red Cross chapter safety services, 14 children rel ceived beginners swimming certificates. Transportation to the Port Monmouth pool was provided by members for 30 children.. Committee chairmen will be Mrs.] David Peltz, publications; Mrs. James McConnell, publicity; Mrs. Douglas Stanley, program; Mrs. Bernard cveighton, hospitality! Mrs.- Percy Maxson,, ways.and means; Mis, Anna Lawrence, welfare; Mrs. A. Bedie, goals; Mrs. Dick Derby, home and family life; Mrs. George King, founders day; Mrs. Roy Maxson, room representatives; Mr*. Thomas Thompson, summer-round-up, and Mrs. Peter Sigmund and Miss Anns, V. Drew, membership,^,,.i-u"s.;, Leonardo Firemen Mark Anniversary The 25th anniversary of Oceanview Community fire company o! Leonardo was obseryed, Saturday at a dinner at the Leonardo grill, and more than 100 persons attended. William Ast was general chairman. _ Three* charter members present were James H. MacPhee, 3r,,,\vhp received a fountain pen, and Frank M. Wadsworth..and John Waldman, who were given gold 25-year pins. Speakers included Morris Josephs, chief of the Middletown township flrc department, and John Meyers, Fred Freibott, Harry Bennett and Gabriel Slmpliclo, assistant chiefs. The auxiliary of the fire company presented an American silk -flag and staff to the company. The nag presentation was made by Mrs. William Metcalf, auxiliary president.. Club. Has Reunion; Founded In 1880 Sixty-seven years ago Carrie Sandt Bank, Annie Woolley of Long Branch and Minerva Armstrong and Elizabeth Jabnes of Sea Bright organized a,club called quently married and now reside in four different states.. Lost week the four members,-; all in their 80s, held a reunion dinner Coming-from Florida,. Texas, California and New York, their present names are Mrs. Carrie Cassell, Mrs. Annie Enrlght, Mrs. Minerva Nesbltt Harvey and Mrs. Elizabeth Packer Cloughtly. Cornell Alumni To Hold Smoker The Cornell club of Central New Jersey, composed of alumni living in Monmouth, Middlesex and Somerset counties, will hold its fall smoker next Thursday at the home of Its president, Dr. Ira H. Degenhardt, 114 South First avenue, Highland Park. New officers will be elected and program of talks, pictures and music has been announced. J. Daniel Tuller and E. G. Wlngerter of Red Bank are members of the nominating committee. - G. Thatcher Parker of Red Bank Is among the other members of the club living In this section. - Some of the first watches were of globular form and called "Nuerriburg eggs," after the German city of their manufacture. l/ r Made with butter, honey, mill{ and eggs hy the Arnold Bayers family. KM) PSAS ROYAL DESSERTS or HEARTS DELIGHT Fruit Cticktail CAN SCHIMMEI/5 ^RESERVES RASPBERRY THOMPSON SEEDLESS RAISINS CHOCOLATE CHERRIES APPLE TRU PIE APPLES WEBSTERS 10 GRANDI. ^ tdm Vegetable Cocktail 15 DELRICH - THE NEW Oleomargarine KRAFT VELVEETA KRAFT / VELVEETA THE MAGIC SUDS LGE. PKG. Jvory Snow 31 Have Your Order : Deliyertd By/, Boro Parcel Service 5 Deliveries Daily BORDENS CHATEAU, PKG. ^ ^BORDENS- V K CHATEAU LOAF,: : Fancy, Jersey TOlviATOES Fancy Crijp, 5Davidson CORN CAUUFL(DWEtt : SPINACH SUCCOTASH PEAS & CARROTS : " r fancy Local Cooking or Eati APPLE Fancy Large Bunches PASCHAL CELERY Fancy N. Y. ; Slate Lower Prices DREFT 29«AAKO MODUCTI CORPORATION N.w Srvniollh, N. I. Open- FridayNrgh^n-j Till 9 P. M. BROAD ST. C O NOM11 E " RED BANK,N.j \^ i&^^.


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