Modern Prophecy and Prophets

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1 YaHshua servants Home Page /// About Us Modern Prophecy and Prophets By Your servant, Dan Baxley A Medical Mystery There is a cancer within the Evangelical Churches and it is growing, it is spreading even into the foundational Churches of the Protestant Reformation, even into the Catholic Church. This cancer is as evil as it gets but is seen, and taught, as something wonderful, exciting, and desired. False teachers are allowed into the body of the Christ under the guise of "spirit-ism" -- calling for possession by a spirit -- falsely teaching the called out spirits as the Holy Spirit. People shake uncontrollable, laugh like fools, tongues hanging out, babbling in nonsense, screaming, falling, rolling, going into trances, becoming drunk, and even being slain in a spirit. They seek and seek and seek some more the filling of the Holy Spirit as a sign they had the Spirit -- what a lack of faith! I tell you the Holy Spirit of my Father would have nothing to do with such insanity, this cancer. Listen, if the Holy Spirit of my heavenly Father were to possess and fill any fleshly container to the full that body of flesh would vaporize. The Holy Spirit is given to the repentant believer, to those called, but it is only a small pinch (2 Cor 5:5), a gift, a promise of what is to come in the Kingdom -- it is our "seal", our promise (John 6:44, 6:65, Eph 1:13, Col 1:26-27, 1 Jn 4:15, John 15:26, and many more). The very idea that you have to pray down the spirit, to be slain by it, is preposterous and insulting to the Body of the Messiah. If you are a real believer and part of the Body you already have the Spirit and when you study -- that is STUDY (2 tim 2:15, 2 Ti 3:16) -- the Father will come to you to teach you and sometimes the Son will come to you -- not to "fill" you up but to guide you in your study His WORDS.

2 Medical science has been defeated by the disease of cancer -- still no cure. They have managed to control certain types of cancer but the cure is still out of reach. Our Messiah has a body of believers on this Earth, called by His Father (John 6:44, 6:65), and this body is representative of the one true Christ, Yahshua, the one and only Savior, gateway to eternal life (Acts 4:12). This group, or body, since the crucifixion, has seldom been together as a physical group, down through the centuries, joined by the very Spirit of the Messiah Himself, a Spirit shared, given fully to Yahshua and partly to us -- the Holy Spirit (John 15:26, Gal 4:6). To be a part of the Messiah is to be part of the Father you cannot have one without the other (John 17:21). Salvation is found in and through no other, He is the way the only way all others are false. I repeat, all others are false. Buddha is not the way as none of the Eastern religions know anything above human senses and if pursued lead to absolutely nothing, or worship of humans. The Book of Mormon does not bring more to the table either and is not an addition to what the Apostles have already told us about our Savior and certainly does not add to a way or path to salvation. The Koran (Quran) is not "scripture" any more than the book of Mormon, neither of these writings are from our Father. The Holy Bible had already been written and finished at least 600 years before Muhammad received his visions and dictation from familiar spirits. Joseph Smith receives his vision in these relative modern times and the spirits talking to him appear to be very similar to those speaking to Muhammad, but look at the difference confusing to say the least. Another modern writing supposed to have come from the spirit world, a familiar spirit identified as the Christ, Jesus, in this case, "A Course In Miracles", just another writing posing as word from our Creator, as though the Hebrew and Christian scriptures are not enough. The Body of the Messiah is under attacked by these false writings originating from these false messiahs, false prophets, false servants all attempting to turn the seekers away from the true source of truth, the true Word and our one and only true Savior, YaHshua. The original physical body of the Savior in the first century was eventfully attacked and the various groups dispersed. Occasional attempts were made to join this physical body but Satan kept after them and the Earth actually became the refuge of the faithful. Satan has used many forms of persecution and murder in attempts to destroy this body of believers and he has enjoyed his greatest success whenever the body has managed to come together as a collective body, physically connected as it was for a period of time in the first century. But never has the physical body ever been able

3 to come together in a single, physical collective since. The formation of the first called believers at the first Pentecost after the Messiah s crucifixion were eventually forced out of the congregations, out of the synagogues and pursued by men bent on their destruction, eventually even the Romans tried to kill them out of existence. The Ultimate False Prophet In a society that can be controlled by force Satan has managed to keep the believers faithful to YaHshua suppressed. Promising the Kingdoms of the World to any that would follow him we see a new Church of professing believers suddenly appear in history, around AD and we can go to the history books and see the bloody trail left by this brand of Christianity. The Christian church of Rome, having gained control of all Europe, tried to kill all of the real truth seekers and those following the true Savior, and they were doing this in the name of their god, IESVS (JESUS) anyone that would not confess Hey-Zeus (IESUS) as Savior would either be tortured into confession, killed, or both. The pinnacle of their power under the Papal system, religious men with the power over life and death in the name of their religion, their god, came to be known as the Spanish Inquisitions ( AD). They were still killing the righteous as late as the 1880 AD before finally being reigned in, first by Napoleon ( AD) taking the Pope captive (1798 AD Pius VI AD)). This was the beginning of putting the religious Whore of Babylon back in her basket (cage, prison) which eventually became the State of the Vatican located in Italy to this day, a State within a State, Vatican City. Heaven help the true believers if this animal is released again. The office of the Pope is the ultimate False Prophet. His words are not the Words of our Savior, YaHshua. He is not the ruler in place of the Christ our Savior YaHshua. Though he is not any of those things the Pope, whoever he is, has down through history claimed to speak for the Christ, even as the Christ and millions believe this is true. From this Babylonian based religion, having hijack true Christianity, is the source of the holy days (holidays), feast days, and other religious practices accept by the Protestant branch, the daughter, literally, of the Roman Church. From these two, the Mother Church and the Daughter Church others in various forms and groups have followed in their footsteps worshiping a JESUS (Hey Zeus) following the religion of the ancients. The names changed but the customs and traditions identical. By the very evil nature of the beast religion, called Christianity, history has witnessed its blasphemy against the Book it professed to believe in as the written words of our God and our Savior. The words of that Book testifies against that satanic order. Any

4 true believers in that false group have suffered much fighting with their conscience in misunderstanding what the true unity of the body really is. From this beast religion came a revolt fueled by the Book, that Holy Book, falling into the hands of the common people and their increasing ability to read. One of the greatest events of all history had been the desire to learn to read just so one could read the forbidden book, the Holy Bible. The blood spent making this happen would fill a valley. Satan defeated by the truth and the light of the Word reluctantly changes tactics. From the reformation came a sense and a desire of freedom. The founding of the United States began the defining of what freedom should be and one of the major decisions in the forming of this freedom process had been the expression of religious freedom defined for one and all that would choose to be a part of the United States. With this freedom a stick had been stuck into the turning works of Satan and his minions. In a free society is it very difficult to incite the government to destroy a body of people for whatever reason. Satan has been pretty successful in the use of force and the control of governments, especially those controlled by a belief system of any kind, and the destruction of believers. Within a free society Satan has to work a little harder. He works at making the body sick by various means. He manages to use blind guides and false wolves of deception to misdirect those open to reading the Book and to listening to the words of our Savior and of our Father. Various fresh groups of believers spring up and those with open minds and the call of the Spirit desire the unity of other believers. Satan knows this desire uses it to attack and scatter the sheep searching for the Messiah s voice. One of the methods being used is a cancerous disease that misleads, misdirects, and discounts the Scriptures itself. This evil may already be present among those you study with. It is time to wake up. What is this cancer? What is this evil? There is another type of heresy at work, however, something other than men posing as false Messiah, or claiming to be god themselves there is the matter of prophecy and prophets spouting up everywhere among the brethren with all sorts of prophetic blasphemy, uttering things from the silly to the useless looking to be heard, to be seen to be something in the group. We picture blasphemy as something really terrible sounding, like cursing, or load proclamations against our Lord, but in this case the blasphemy actually sounds pleasing

5 made up of smooth words with the tone of special understanding. Revelations claimed to come from Heaven to special people, charismatic people, genius teachers and speakers certainly they must be inspired, they must be of the Holy Spirit. People s lives have been turned upside down by these false prophets self-appointed religious marketers. Writing books of fiction under the guise of the ends justifies the means, these false prophets teaching prophecy to sell a book or an idea. The Left Behind Books works of fiction, stories they have made up, just as the books and video presentations on the Nephilim are all fantasy promoted as Bible truths. Listen to what a true Apostle of our Savior has to say: (2Co 2:17) Unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit. On the contrary, in Christ we speak before God with sincerity, like men sent from God. (Paul) (NIV) If Paul is saying something like this, in that day, how much more would this apply today? (2Pe 2:3) In their greed these teachers will exploit you with stories they have made up. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping. There is another kind of prophet too, within some groups, not great teachers and with no great recognition outside of the group but claiming the office of prophet trying to claim they are like the New Testament prophet Agabus (more about him later). Selfproclaimed prophets spouting off whatever comes into their minds as a word from on high, deceived themselves and deceiving others. This title, in effect, means they are speaking for God and for the Christ and that their words are as good as Scripture and this, my friends, is the real blasphemy and from these minor (meaning minor in a small way, local, self-proclaimed prophets) within the group is the cancer because you learn nothing from them, they do not do the body any good at all. (2Ti 3:13)... while evil men and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. Here is a simple teaching, so simple it may cause some prophets to see their error and stop the insanity. First, when one is deceived and does not know it they can come to

6 repent of their error and set things right. If, on the other hand, one is aware of the deception and become a willing tool they are in danger of the fire to come. With this warning and this understanding let us go to the Word for the truth of this matter. Read all of the Chapters of Acts and you will notice a prophet, not a false prophet but an actual prophet of the New Testament period, named Agabus. Having just come from Judea having a pretty good sense of things in the political environment of Jerusalem, present a little drama for the believers of Caesarea gathered at the evangelists, Philip, house. Taking Paul s belt and binding himself with it and telling everyone that in this same manner the owner of the belt would be bound and handed over to the Gentiles by the Jews of Jerusalem. Pretty straight forward, right? What did Paul do? He ignored the prophet. But wait, if the words of the prophet are like words coming from the Living God -- being communicated to the believer -- then to refuse such words would be disobeying the word, wouldn t it? Paul chooses to ignore this prophets warning and as it turns out Paul ended up being taken to Rome for a greater witness. Certainly he had been taken by the Gentiles but he was not bound by the Jews, chased to be sure, and an attempt on his life, but the literal fulfillment of the prophet Agabus words did not come to pass. Certainly the outcome was as stated; Paul did end up in the hands of the Gentiles. You could conclude from the detailed account that the prophecy from Agabus was only one third correct as opposed to the prophets of old to whom you could credit with 100% accuracy. By Paul s disobedience to the words of this recognized prophet, Agabus, Paul actually carried out the will of our Savior for a greater purpose. So, was the prophet Agabus, telling a fib? No, he was not but he was not delivering scripture either. Reading the whole chapter of this recorded event you will see that while Paul was taken to the conclusion of his ministry in a way that could only have come about by being taken a prisoner of the Roman government and out of the hands of the Jews. Paul was not willingly handed over to the Gentiles by the Jews. They did seek to kill him but it was the Roman soldiers that took him away from the Jews. Where does this leave us concerning prophets in the church? Right where it should. The prophets of today do not have the authority of the Prophets of the Old Testament. Prophets of today are not being spoken to by our Father directly, nor by our Savior any more than they are speaking directly, face to face, to us, by His Spirit, His Holy Spirit we all have access to the same spirit. A true prophet of the body does not become a revealer of deep secrets or a seer of events to guide and control the church or the individual. A true prophet is someone that has a gift of being able to decipher the political climate of the times and has a thorough knowledge of the Scriptures and is able

7 to give sound advice based upon the written Word. A prophet of the stature of Moses would be in contact with the Father directly, not just a mental connection but an actual physical as well as mental association. After Moses a Prophet of Prophets was sent and He is the Messiah (Acts 3:22-23). Believe me, the two Prophets of Revelation (Revelation 11), those two Witnesses, will have this direct type of communication. There is no indication anywhere within the pages of the written Word that any other prophet, outside of the Messiah, will have such a connection. Satan is using this misunderstood office as a medium by which to misdirect those seeking the truth. If you accept the words of a self-proclaimed prophet to be messages from our Savior then you are on the verge of rejecting the truth of the written Word and can fall into the habit of circumventing the message of the Word by which millions of true believers have lived and died and even gone to the torture stake to protect and keep. By their actions they bore testimony to the written Word as true and above the imaginations of men. Wake up and grow up in the Word and the Father will come to you and the Son will come to you and lead you and teach you by their Word. If you hear a whisper in your ear and it is not according to the Word already delivered it is false. Prove every spirit that comes to you. (1Jn 4:1) Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. How many do this today? How many turn to the word, their own Bibles and prove if this or that professing prophet is telling the truth or just making stuff up, or is saying anything of benefit at all? I would venture to say, none, or nearly none. Most Bible students are being led around by teachers with their own agenda making money, fame, honor, big house, nice cars, recognition, greed, women, adoration and more. The only thing that would keep these false prophets in check would be the believers following the advice from the Apostle John which you just read. Keep your teachers honest. How can you do this without the Written Word? You cannot. Outside of the written Word you are flopping around in a pond of low level muddy waters. To participate in such activity is blasphemy and is truly another way of denying the Holy Spirit. Yes, I know, those in favor of every voice of prophecy coming from God attempt to teach that this is really coming from the Holy Spirit. I say to this, PROVE IT! Outside of the written Word you cannot and this then a misapplication of the Holy Spirit s desire to teach us. Our student text book is the Book and through its pages the Holy Spirit will guide us and by this we will be able to faithfully expose the false words attempting to

8 mislead us. Our Heavenly Father is Holy and He is Spirit. Our Messiah and Savior came in the flesh and is now in the Spirit and He too is Holy -- so, who do you suppose the Holy Spirit is? (Eph 5:11) Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. NIV (Eph 5:11) And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. KJV (Deu 18:20) But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die. (Jer 23:16) Thus said the LORD of hosts, Hearken not unto the words of the prophets that prophesy unto you: they make you vain: they speak a vision of their own heart, and not out of the mouth of the LORD. (Jer 28:15-17) Then said the prophet Jeremiah unto Hananiah the prophet, Hear now, Hananiah; The LORD hath not sent thee; but thou makes this people to trust in a lie. Therefore thus said the LORD; Behold, I will cast thee from off the face of the earth: this year thou shalt die, because thou hast taught rebellion against the LORD. So Hananiah the prophet died the same year in the seventh month. (Mat 7:15) Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. (Eze 13:3) Thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe unto the foolish prophets, that follow their own spirit, and have seen nothing! (Mat 24:24) For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. (Luke 6:26) Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets. (2Ti 4:3) For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; (1Jn 4:1) Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

9 (2Pe 1:16) For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty. NIV (2Pe 2:1) But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them--bringing swift destruction on themselves. NIV (2Pe 2:2-3) Many will follow their shameful ways and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. In their greed these teachers will exploit you with stories they have made up. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping. NIV Peter, saw what was coming and had already come in his day. His warning was for the Church then and is for us today. You need to be on guard and not just going along to get along. My Witness Yes, I acknowledge the office of prophet within the body but when examined closely you will see that this office deals not so much with reading the future but with teaching the Scriptures with the understanding of social and political climates of the age you live in. A prophet that tells the future is not of any great use because we have already been given the future and in great detail. Does a believer need to be told that the Messiah is going to return? What more do you need to know? We are called to be witnesses not only of our own conversion and awakening but of what is happening, what has happened. Believers from the past and down through the ages will be raised back to life and will witness to the truth of our Father and God and of the Savior as the only way to salvation. A witness, remember, observes those things that happen in their time and is then able to recount the correctness of the Word, the truth of our Creator and of His Words to us. Know every man is a liar but He is true by even the smallest comparison. The duty of a witness has been distorted over time to mean our personal acceptance of the Savior but it is more than that. Think about it, what is a witness in court? What would a witness be in the time of judgment? Your personal witness and your duty as a witness of your time and place will be to prove the truth of the Word not the mutterings of a self-proclaimed prophet. You might, as I am, be a witness against such uninformed prophets. It is amazing to me

10 how many prophets there are with virtually no bible knowledge what-so-ever. These prophets, so-called, being ignorant of the written Word must also be ignorant of the true Spirit of the Father and of the Son. Remember, the Father is Spirit and the Son is Spirit and they are holy they are the Holy Spirit. You will not find one witness among the pages of the Holy Scriptures suggesting any prophet being ignorant of the written word. No, in fact, you find just the opposite. A true prophet of the Living God is more involved than the mere declarations of the future. You can see within the personalities of the Prophets of God as being very complicated individuals given tremendous responsibility and given massages that they themselves did not understand at the time. We see the hand of our God in their writings. We see the proof of the Written Word over and over again and anything that would side step the written word is not from our Father. Not one of the Prophets ever suggested their sayings or writings ever did such a thing. The prophecy of the Prophets of old rests upon the written Word. On top of that, virtually all of the Prophets of Israel were mistreated. The message they delivered was hardly ever received with gladness, some were even murdered. Hardly any willingly chose to be a speaker for the Living God. Most modern prophets of today are practicing "self-aggrandizement", a type of selfrighteousness and they are mostly wrong. Even when you get one that has been able to be a seer into future events you will find that the percentage if correctness never runs over 85%. I'm thinking that if the Creator of all things is really giving messages to any of these self-proclaimed seers something is wrong, really wrong. The Written words of my God are always on target and continually come up at 100%. Remember, Satan tells the truth about 85% of the time, it is that other 15% that messes things up. I pray you hear what I am saying and that you pray about it. Be of good courage and be willing to stand on the written Words of our God. Your servant in YaHshua, Dan HOME PAGE


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