EDITORIAL COMMENT. The Aims And Goals Of The Brotherhood Are To Accomplish Further Economic And Social Gains For Our Members

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2 EDITORIAL COMMENT The Aims And Goals Of The Brotherhood Are To Accomplish Further Economic And Social Gains For Our Members Ncver before 10 thc tuslory of the slruggles or {he trade unlon movcments tn the United States and Canada have the orgamzed winkers of both countnes had morc reason to be concerned about what the future hotds for them as a cl.. s of people who toil wuh their mmdlj and hands to earn a dai ly hvelihood, while they seek a better way of hle for themselves and thetr famihes. Today In the \Jnlted States and Canada organi zed workers and their UnIons ~uc bemg cnticized, legislatively a t.tacked, and 10 man y cases judicially penalized fo r trying 10 pro tcct the Idcology and prldclple that workers, (rom the lowest p:ud to the highest paid, should not bear unfa" hardships caused by those who explolt workers while 170WIO& nch (rom greed and profit. Fighting the enemies of I.abor and their ultraconserva tive political cohorts, is tough work. T hcy have a large part of the general public l Ust about convinced tha t unions should be politica ll y gagged, the union hop outlawed, BI1UtruSl laws applied to umons l and Other me~1surcs applied to destroy the hfeline of labor umons, the free collecllve bargammg system. To have umon. obliterated corn pletely, i. the ruabohcal scheme of SQme powerful mdlvlduals and groups. Therefore, It IS up to the members of ul!)auj4cd labo. Lu be constantly on the iob, telling the truth, getting the union side of the Story aero S to the public, and helping p llitica lly coun teract the detrimental effects of the "umon busters," Il is not an ea y task to defeat the enemies of labor and stop them from taking away,ii the gains that have been made down through the years. It is lob that i~ a constant and never cnding task that mu t be done. h IS the smcere hope of the IBEW and every olher International union rhat the total membersjups of all umons who are wfenng from these antlumon attacks wtll nse and will take the appropria te oction to show the world that the rank and filc trade umon! ls, and by far a vast majority of umon leaders/ arc hone t, sincere, and dedicated to the aims and goals of labor. Unions arc a necessary, vically concerned parr of our society and economic llucluic tim! an: dc:,ij uu:, of obra inmg what I best for all the CItizens of OUf (WO great nations. Whenever our members do what ever they can to help keep the continued grow th and strength of the labor movement progres 109, they gain pro tcelion and ecurtry fo r themselves and their famtlles and al 0 benefit all workingpeople. Our Brotherhood's aims an rl eoa ls wtll al ways be to ac complish new economic and soc ial gauls for IBEW members as we join with other union in the effort of obtatnlng an even belter world III which to work and hve. Hopefuily our members Will fully realize the opporturuties tha( lay be forc,hem and take advamage of their potentl.1. Only then will we be ful filltng our purpose. Regardless of Ihe economic a.nd SOC ial uneertamtles caused by the tnals and tribulations we face mday, positive SignS do exist of changes fo r the better and a more progressive future. Indeed, the fu ture for mew members m,he United Statcs and Canada promlscs opportuniu cs and growth. Wc must be ready to eagcrly accept thc challenge and hard work accompanymg these opportu nities.. ~pcclfically because clcctncalelectronic and tclccommunlcanon Industncs are consulotly changing technologically, we must keep oursclvcs euucatcu, [ramed, and read y tu mc.c.t new challenges brought abou, by change. MOl\t irnpon.ant to rcmcmber is thilt we must be alert and aggressive in protecting our jurisdictions and make cerrain no Others IJlvade fields rightly our own. Thousa nds of unorg3j1izcd workers arc leopardlzlng our fmure sccunry by dolllg our jobs III construc tion, utilities, manufactunng, [Clephonc, radio and television, electrica l sign shops/ molqr repa ir shops, and other Important segments of energy sources. These non ulllon workers need the protecuo n of a UllIon agreement and the unitcd su pport that only a strong umon IS able to give them. Likewise, the IBEW needs their num bcrs to increase Its strength. In unity there IS s trc n ~ t h. We hopc all our members understand the o uth in this maxim and jolo III tbe continuing eflort to make our Brotherhood an eve,o-gll.:alci voice IOI dcclllcid workers cverywhere, The entire electrlcal eleetronic m dustry IS on the move in many arcas. So is the IBEW. The fu ture IS bnght with opportunities, and we Ultcnd to accepl the challenge and keep it ligh'ed to our advantage, Charle. H. Pilla rd [mernatlonal PreSIdent

3 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS I JOURNAL JULY 1986 CHARLES H. PILLARD, Editor Volume 85, No. 7 July, 1986 FEFlTLlFIES Members of Locals 1992, , and 3 Donate Their Skills to Manufacture and Inslall Underwaler Power Cables for Restored Statue of Liberty 2 New Telephone Locat Union 188 Granted Charter Seventh District Progress Meeting Held In Tucson. Arizona 4 Sixth District Progress Meeting Held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin 7 Eleventh District Progress Meeting Held in Lake Ozark. Missouri 10 Ninth District Progress Meeting Held in Anaheim, California 13 Tenth District Progress Meeting Held in Chicago, Illinois Founders' Scholarship Awards 21 DEPRFlTNIENTS Research and Education 23 ~~~n~ ~ Local Lines In Memoriam Reflections ON OUR COVERS-A lull story 00 our Iront cover this month Is contained on page 2 01 this Journal. The Inside back cover should also be of interest 10 our members. It shows the ISEW exhibit at the 1986 AFL CIO UOIOO Industries Show in Kansas City, Missouri. Regular fea tures and news slo rios make up the remainder of this Issue P RINTEOON UN)()N MADE PAPER POsnaUTE,,: Ch~ 01 addfeu caloj on Form 3$19c s/'iooig be 5ftl"ll1o lnt~tjgnai BrotMmOOd 0' E*,~ WOfUts "25 Fifteenth 511''"'', N W.. w lj.i\iriglol'l, 0 c. 2(lO()S Published fliof'icny and UCONk:tas5 post&ge Pad at Washlnglon, o C and illdcttllol\lll entiy ~ pncm UnMeet Stalel and C~. J4 '* year WI advat'lclt. Prw'liod WI U 5 "'- ThIs JOURNA L. ri I'OC be ~ r.jpofttbie k)r VIftWS eap8ss6d Dy corresoonoents The Int ot each manlh IS doitng date All <lop7 mus! tit '" OUI' ~ on or beb.lt'a Im8 PAId ~"ng not ~ 18EW Journal IUSPS PUCkatiOt1 No 2" " 02 EXEcLlTIVE OFFICEIlS CH AA LE$ H. 'ILL..ARD InIem.fKJtIW PrSSIdem 1115 I~ Sl. NW WMtw1.gIon. 0 C JACK F. "OOAE 'nremljfioil.f Secreral)' 1125 ISlh 5 1" N W W",n1"!J10r\ 0 C THO" AS YAH,t,RSDALE In(ltmfcrronal f'",ji.ifei Jewel A\I'If1... nusim9 N Y VICE PRESIDENTS F_SI (MIlICI K. G. ROSE 45 ~ Aile. Eel. Surte 401 CII.,. 01 NorIh YOI1\ WllIOwoale, Onlano M2N SVI 5eeond Or" lrlc1, JOHN E. FlYNN Banl)fymlllrdl Park 0uIr.cy, M a"ftchl,l'(ln~ Th.rtl DisTrICt JOHN J. BARRV 222 MlIINronec6t Avenue Room lo4' Post orhce 80_ 309 WhIle Plains. NIWi y()(i( lotios Four1h C)Stnet. B G. W1lU A"SON nlo RI)MkIg AoQId ArnOetlt..., blc'ljl 'Bldo... Cft:Innab. 0tII f,ttn Otstnct. C... N H. WATf:RS No ~ Me4rop1ea [kll/t SUItt 113 8orm.nghMl. Ala ath OII1ria JAMES P. CONWAY UOO Sc,Jth Mt'lr> $ tl (MII, SUtle 303 lomballl \ 4a 5evtnlh OIsV',ct ORVillE A. TATE. JR W"I ~ P.mo.-"l.,. Surle 309 Oklahoma City OIoJ.f\OmII Elgnm ~nt1, JOH f WAlTERS PO eo ksiitio F... kwkt NInIn Oostnct. S R. WeeANN I 50 North WlgcH Lane SurI. 100 W8lnu! Creek., Calilornla Tenth OiJtnd. ANDA W... RIPP o H",e ~11CfIt Butkl.ng I. Sudl!t W Higgins Road AotemoMt, 11111"10" 6001 a E\(III,,"'11 Otsl,+ct, R"Y EDWARDS 300 SoI.ilh JeN.,IIOI1. Surte 300 Sprlngflllfd. M4!IourI T welm Ddtnct. JOhN ~ HIGHTOWER F,at'\IIIrI ~. Sude ~1 ~ a-.n..-.oo;a. tennessee INTERNI{TIOI\IAL EXEClJTIVE COlJNCIL WE'SLE'I' I U '(l.or Cllltlrmlrn PO 00_ )3219!oorllnapoll. IfIdr,N rl'11 Otslll(!, JOHN J I.k:NULTY ajl WyomIng A YeI'lUt SCtamon. PeMlytl/tw'M 185QJ Second OIsI"ct J... ES f MULl.ONEY 6 0i1COtl ~ Ortve saow~oln5 Tlwd Otstnc1. RICHARD D ACTON 1590 Eitst 23td SITettl' Cleveland OhIo U " " Fourtll Ot,lrlCf. HARRY BUl.EY 501 P,,"latn 5 1. S W ~na"'a GOQIl)lft Flfln DlSlrd, ROBERT.. ISSEY 21 3, S9tn Stleo' 51 LOt/IS MISsouri S Stith 00.,,1(:1, THOMAS H. PURSLEY 15 t 1 Bayou HomM Dtw. G.JI/Hton, r,us n550 Se\len(h o.tric:l. GLE,.. G UCCALl PO 60_ 3138 Salem " i7302 E""hIII DlltnC'!. JAMeS R. McAVOY 27$0 au.or. S1reet. Room 12 VtCfOl'lII, 8nl.", CoIIJIYt)l8. ~ VBl olea

4 Members of locals 1992, 2208, 164, and 3 Donate Their Skills To Ma nufacture And Install Underwater Power Cables For Restored Statue of Liberty On the coverof tlus month's lournal, are pictures of a new underwater power cable that will be the primary SOurce of elecmca! power to the Statue of Liberty. The cable wa manufactured and Installed by lbew members in May, The core of tlus cable also has a fiber-optic capability for communication purposes. The cable was installed for the Public Service Electric and Gas Company of New Jersey from Liberty State Park, New Jcrsey, lying on the bot tom of cw York Harbor, to the Statue of Uberty. On July 4, 1986, wben President Reagan flips the switch to Illuminate tbe Statue of Liberty for her looth birthday, It will be thanks to the combined effo rts of the Okorute ompany of New Jersey; the implex Wlre and Cable Company of Newing ton, New Hampshire; and their employee, who are members of Local 1992, BrunSWIck, Ncw Jersey; and Local 220, Newlllgton, New Hampshirc; Unltcd Rubber Workers Lo a1637, Paterson, New Jersey, who manufac tured the cablc; and Loca l 164, Jersey ity, New Jersey, and Loca l 3, New York ity, who installed the cable. The Intemational Broth erhood of Electrical Workers at both the OkonHe and Sim plex facilities donated their time to manufacture this power cable designed espe cially for the occasion with a red, wlute, and bluc colored insulated protcction. Thc manufacture and installation of this cable is proudly donated on bchalf of au parnes involved to the Statue of Liberty Fund. Combining the latest in power-cable design and fiberoptic technology, tins uruque cable is one of the mo t sophisticated c"bles in existence. Designed to ligh t the way into her second cenrury and supply electrical p wer, along with the ability to carry Abcr-optic communications to Ellis Island, it i the culmination of an intensive sixmonth effort by design engineers from both the Okon' ite and Simplex Companies. 2 I IBEW JOURNAl! JULY t 986

5 New Telephone Local Union tbb Granted Charter On Apnl 11, 1986, by a large, miljoncy VOle of 844 to 188, former members 01 the CommercIal Telephone Worker UOIon elected to alfibate with the IBEW anu arc now member, of newly chartered lbew LocaI UlllOn 188_ Approximately 1,760 of the liew uffieers and li1embe," of Local Union 188 work PC! manly In th. CommercIal and Markctlng Depallment of AT&T " nd IIltnoi, Bell in the Chicdgo arca. LocaJ 188 wtl l hecullle a part 01 Ihe bargallljllg strength of mew T-4 Council and lb EW Tclcphllne C ordlllaling Council- I. T hc Cummcr.,.1 Telephone Workers UnlOo was lormerly a pall of the independent TelecommunIcations Internauonal UllIon, which disbanded on March I, The IBEW ri ginally entered Into an affiltatlol1 campaign with the CWA to orgal1l ZC these Ielephone workers. In formation m ecung. wcre held to d,scuss aiflliatlon proposals. SiXlh DIStriCt V,ce President James Conway, Local 165 PreSIdent Bob Dahlke, and International RepresentatIve Dave Johnson presented the structure and benefits of the LBEW. The OrganizlOg Commutec of Local 188, coordinated by international Representatives Dave Johnson, Chns Wil son, and Donna Myron; and assisted by Local 165 President Bob Dahlke and Local 165 staff members Jack Kubm, organizer, and Diane Barr, steward, conducted a successful org.l1lzlilg campaign. After an attempt to poslponc the election, Ihc WA withdrew from the organizlilg calllpalgn on March 20, The decision of Ihe officer. and m cmhers "f Local 188 to affiliate with the IBEW will enhance the abtllly of the telephone workers ;It 1IIi nois Bell and AT&T to _ rcure better negotiated contracts Inlhe telephone mdustry. 00 Apnl 25, 1986, International President Pillard admllll - tcrcd the obltgatlon of IBEW membaship to Lhe new officers of Local 188 and presemed them the new chaner of Lucal Union 188, ChIcago,!UlnOIS, accompamed by Vicc PresIdent Conway, at Ihe Intern.1tion.1 Offlcc in Washington, D. C. All the officers and members of the mew congratulate and welcome our new Brothers and SIsters of Local 188 and look forward to working with ami abo,crvlclilg che Jocal Uilio n. Thrs group fs smdmg happity aher President Pillard plesenred Ihe new chane, oj Local Umon 188 to the local union ohtcers. Front row, leh to nghl, are Internallonal Rej)(esentatlve Oave Johnson; local 168 ohlcers Jo Ann Rosdll. treasurer; Sarita Tnplelt. vice presldenl. Sandra Murray. recordingfinancial secretary; Marcella Singe,. president-business manager; International Representative Mary Ann Van Meter; Local 188 EKecutive Board members Shirley COCkrell, Gloria Sistrunk, Joyce Howard. and Bobbie Lamb, Intemallonal Presldenl Charles H P!lIard. Vice President James Conway: and Inlernationa! Representatives Donna Myron and Chris Wilson. Sack low. left 10 right, are Assistant to the President Bob Dunle avy, ISEW Telephone Oepanment Director An Perry. and Admlnistrallve Assistant to the PreSident Anthony Salamone Piclured.,. officers and e.eculm> Board members 01 Local 168. S1x1h Oislrlcl Representatives, and members oilhe OI9an,z'ng Commillee. IBEW JOURNAl! JULY 1986 I 3

6 1986 Seventh District Progress Meeting Held In Tucson, Arizona o The Seventh DistrIct Progress Meeting was held in Tueson, Arizona, at the Hotel Park Tucson, May , The Meeung was chaired by Seventh Di trict International Vice President Orville A. Tate, Jr- The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Local 1116 Executive Board member Art Ross. Local 570 Assi.lanl Business Manager Bill Turner and L cal 1116 Business Manager Jerry Makows ki welcomed the delegates to Tucson. Vice President Tate introduced International President Charles H. PUlard, [ntern.tional ccrctary Jack F. Moore, International Treasurer Thomas Van Arsdale, International Execuovc Counctl Chauman Wesley L Taylor, Sixth lec Di trict member Thomas H. Pursley, and the Seventh District staff. President Charles H. Pillard was the keynote speaker and in hi s remarks said, "Today organized labor IS still under the gun of the nation wide anuunlon atmosphere created by the Reagan adnunlslratlon and their continued assault on our lifeline, the collectlve bargalning sys tem. "The basic right of unions to ur ganize and protect the rights of work ers has become one of the most serious challenges to ever confront the orgaruzed Amencan labor movement. We see the lob secunty and living standards of not only union members, but all Amen can worker threatened by the unfair, antiunion, anti worker, pro-business, pro-man agement policies of the Reagan administration.1/ He reported to the delegates that there is 100 percent participation in the Health and Welfare Reciprociry Agreement, and the Pension Reciprocity Agreement now has 83 percent participation. President Pillard recognized and gave luew COPE 4 I IBEW JOURNALI JUL V 1986 Award Certificates to the locals thal had contributed $2.00 or more per member and urged the leaders of the local umons to ha ve 100 percent IBEW COPE participation by theu members. International Secretary Jack F. Moore, in his remarks, stressed the importance of the u.s. Senate elections this year and asked for support of labor's candid,ltes who are running for reelection in the Sevemh District. Secretary Moore also spoke on the forthcoming International Convention advising the delegates On hand hng of credentials and hotel reservations and requested that the local unions send in any changes that have to be made in the Local Union Directory by August I, 1986, so the new Directory could be prepared for distribution by Convention time. International Treasurer Thomas Van Arsdale eulogized former Internattonal Treasurer Harry Van Arsdale, Jr., and gave a bnef outune of Br ther Harry Van Arsdale's many contributions to organized labor. International Executive Council Chairman Wesley I. Taylor spoke on the duties of the IECin regard to mew pensions, pension disability, amendments to the mew Constitu oon, and charges and trials of memo bers. Sixth IEC District member Pur sley talked on NEBF changes affecong di ability pensions and also hared his remembrance of Harry Van Ar. dale with the delega tes. The Jack Grimm Award to the Outstanding Outside Apprentice wa awardeu to Brother Jimmy Ingel, Lo cal 66, Houston, Texas, and the John Jenner Award to the Outstandtng Inside Appre.ntice went to Timothy Hey, Local 2.71, Wichita, Kan as. Vice President Tate recognized Training Director of the Outstanding Inside Apprentice Ken Sailor and Outstanding Outside Apprentice Director Bill Begnaud. Other speakers on the program were W. '. Budwinc, NECA Fifth Di trict vice president, and Darwin Aycock, secretary-treasuret, Arizona tatc AFL-CIO. Vice Prestdent Tate stressed the importance f politics and money by giving several speeiflc exa mples of economic problems in our country rangtng from the loss of real wages inee 1977 to increase in unemployment, the national debt, and the trade deficit. He stated that all of the e problem have pohucal solution through legi lation, executive rders, political appointments, and administrative duectives, all of which arc directly reiated to the national election in 19 6 and Vice President Tate made his anmlal report to the Seventh District delegates. Framed cvcnth Di trict lbew COPE Awards were given by Vice PreSident Tate to the following local unton who e members contributed $1.00 per member or more: L.U. 266, L.U. 66J, L.U. 496, L.U. 584, L.U. 590, L.U. 1141, L.U. 2021, L.U. 60, L.U. 66, L.U. 72, L.U. 278, L.U. 390, L.U. 479, L.U. 520, L.U. 527, L.U. 5 3, L.U. 716, L.U. 738, L.U. 850, L.U. 960, L.U , and L.U T he rest of the Progress Meeting was devoted to workshops for the Ulility, Telephone, Maintenance, Manufacturing, and Construction Branches conducted by Seventh District staff members. The Seventh Districl thanks all the Internauonal Officers, host local unions, guest speakers, and other guests for their contributions to a most successful Seventh District Progress Meeting.

7 At Ihe podium is local 570 Assistant Business Manager Bill Turner shown welcoming the delegates 10 Tucson Sealed left 10 right arb IEC member Thomas Pursley, SecrelaryJack F. Moors, President Charles H Pillard, Vice President Orville Tale, Jr., IEC ChaIrman Wesley Taylor. and Inlematlonal Treasurer Thomas Van Arsdale. Seventh District Inlernational Vice President Orville A. Tale, Jr.. Is shown delivering his remarks 10 the delegates who atlended the Seventh OISlrid Progress Meeting. Local 1116 Business Manager Jerry Makowski joined sister Local 570 In welcoming the delegates to Tucson. Pic1ured Is Intemational President Charles H. Pillard delivering his keynote address to Ihe delegates and guests. President Pillard is shown presenting the Jack Grimm Award to Jimmy Ingel, Local 66. the Outstanding Apprentice Lineman in the Sevenlh DistriCt. Looking on are Secretary Moore, NECA Represenlative George Seaman. and International Representative Ray Hili Internatlooal Secretary Jack F. Moore Is ShOwn delivering his remarks to the delegates. President Pillard is shown presenting the John Jenner Award to Timothy Hey, Local 271. the Outstanding Inside Apprenlice In the Sevenlh OislIicl. Looking on are Vice President Tate and lee Chairman Taylor. IBEW JOURNAl! JULY 1986 I 5

8 Shown.re delegates who represenllocal unions which recetved IBEW COPE Award. 6 I ISEW JOURNAL/JULY 1986 Par'llal views of delegates anendlng the general session and workshops.

9 Sixth District Progress Meeting Held In Milwaukee, Wisconsin The 19R6 Sixth District Progress Meeting was held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, May 1-2, The Mecllng was chaired by ixth District 1m-cmational Vice President James P. Conway. Local 873 Busloess Manager Dick Klein gave me invocation, and Local 2150 Business Manager Dick Darling welcomed the delegates to Milwaukee. Wisconsin AFL-CIO President Jolm Schmitt welcomed the delegates to Ule tate of Wiscon in and gave an iniormative talk on labor activltjes in Wisconsin. William Heffernan, Skolue Valley Hospital, and Jim Shields, DePaul Occupadonal Program, conducted a seminar On substance abuse- how it affects Our union members, their families and coworkers and how the union c,m and should respond Ihrough agreements wltb me employers. The lxth District staff ".rllci pated in a skll deahng wirh me AFL C IO "One-an-One" Program. The program deals with communieati n with member and is used as a tool to organtze the unorganized within plants having union agreement bui DO unjon-shop clause. In the afternoon session of rhe firs t day, a presentation was delivered hy monvational speaker Edie Raether. The Friday session started at 9 a.m.; and Vice President Conway welcomed International PresIdent Charles H. Pillard, International et; retary Jack F. Moore, International Treasurer Thomas Van Arsdale, International Executive Council Chairman Wes ley Taylor, and lec members Richard Acton and Robert Missey. In hi keynote address, President Pillard covered every major economic and social problem facing rhe membership in the Sixth Oi trict as AI the podium Is Sixth District Vice President James P. Conway delivering his remarks. Seated left to right are International Secretary Jack F. Moore and fntemational President Charles H. Piffard. \veu as the LBEW. He al 0 spoke on the actions of the Reagan admimstration and labor's anuulllon enemies who are trytng to destroy the coll ective bargaining system. Secreta ry Moore spoke on the need for partlcipatjon by union memhers in political.elivllie. He al 0 covered important congressional and senatorial race III the forthcoming congressional c\ecltons. Vice President Conway, on behali of the Sixth OIStrlct delegates, presented Secretary Moore with a $7,000 check for do nations voluntarily contributed by the delegates in attendance at the Meeting. LBEW COPE Certificate Awards were presented by Secretary Moore to Illinois Local Unions 9, 117, 146, 364, 461, 601, 701, and [366, Indiana Local Unions 481, 668, and 1608; Michigan Local Unions 58,219,557,692, and 125 1, and WISCOnSIl1 Local Umons 127 and International TreaSUIer Thomas Van Arsdalc eulogized former Inlernational Treasurer Harry Van Arsdale, Jr.'s, achievements and contribulions to the trade union movement. international Executive Council Chamnan Wesley Taylor and IEC members DICk Acton and Bob Missey covered, in their remark, vanous subjects regarding the International Executlve Council and various subjects of interest to the delegates. The theme of this year's Progress Meeting was "The Union Serving the Member, rhe Family, the Comnnlni ty." The Prol,'Tess Meetinj; 's theme was well received by the delegates who left Milwaukee with useful information and a positive attitude. Preceding tbe Sixrh District Prog (Continued on Page 62) ISEW JOURNAL! JULY 1986 I 1

10 Vice President Conway Is Shown Introducing the International OHlCers. Seated lert to right are International Treasurer Thomas Van ArsdaJe, International Secretary Jack F. Moore, International President Charles H. Pillard, International Executive Council Chairman Wesley Taytor, and IE:C members Bob Missey and Dtck Acton At the podium is Local 873 Buslne.. Manager Dick Klein delivering the invocalion. Standing left to right are Local 2150 Business Manager Dick Darting and Vice President Conway. St.th DIstrict Internalional RepresentaJoVes Ole shown partlc1paung in a On4H>n-Dne workshop si<~ Vioa Presldant Conway Is shown talking with guest spaakers Ellen Bravo and Helen Elklss. Local 481 Business Manager JeN Lohman reeelved IBEW COPE Awerd CertifICate from Internalional President Pillard and Vioa President Conway. 8 I IBEW JOURNALI JULY 1986

11 Partial VIew 01 de'egates attending Women's Conference. Former Sixth District Vtce President J. W. Johnson, who is a SO-year member of the Brotherhood, attended the Progress Meeling. Shown left 10 righl are Clarence Whe'an, business manager: local 242; retired Vice President Johnson; Jim OeArmond, business manager, Local 31; and Vice President Conway. Shown sealed on lile dais al lile Women's Planning Conference are, left to right, Nancy Hayes, business manager, Local 1306: International Representative Donna Myron; Sue Barthel. business representative, Local 2047; Cam ille Rudicil, business representative. Local 1106; Joyce Miller. presldenl. ClUW; Charity Puhl, president business manager, Local 2373; and Vice President Conway. Overall view of delegates attending Women's Conference. 1.., - Professor Sharon Simon, George Meany Cenler, is shown speaking to a group 01 delegates al1ending the Women's Conference. Panial view 01 delegates attending general session IBEW JOURNAL! JULY 1986 I 9

12 Eleventh District Progress Meeting Held In Lake Ozark, Missouri TheElcventb District Progress Meeting was held May 8-9, 1986, at the bea utiful Lodge of the Four Seasons, Lake Ozark, Missouri. Temporary Chainnan Emil "Duke" Ducoulombier, business manager of Local 124, Kansas City, Missouri, and chairnlan of the Missouri State Electrical Workers Conference, welcomed the delegates and guests. Busi DesS Manager Robert Mingus of Local 1453 gave the invocation; and Temporary Chairman Ducoulornbier led the Pledge of Allegiance to tbe Flag, tben introduced the permanent chairman, Vice President Ray EdwaJds, who chaired the remainder of the Meeting. Vice President Edwards introduced Daniel "Duke" McVey, president of the Mi souri State Lahor Council, AFL-CIO, who also welcomed the delegates to Missouri. He commented on some of the activities of labor in Missouri, such as "right-towork," and the fine cooperation the lbew locals in Missouri had always given btm and the AFL-CIO. Vice President Edwards then introduced International President Charles H. Pillard, who received a very warm welcome from tbe delegates. President PillaJd, in his keynote address, brought the delegates up to date on the problems facing labor and the lbew, tated that this was a very important year for labor with the elections coming up in the fau, and noted the importance of the DemocratS regaining control of the Senate. He stressed the need for lbew members to get registered, (0 vote, and to have their f.mille and friends work to elect their fricnds who have been endorsed by labor in the 1986 November elections. Presidem Pillard as ured the delegates that the Brotherhood IS a strong and viable organization in all of its branches. President Pillard emphasized the need 10 I IBEW JOURNAL I JULY 1986 for all the local unions to be more active in COPE and gave the delegates a report on the contributions taken in by the 11th District locals ill President Pillard then presented mew-cope Award certificates of special recognition to Locals 616, 766, 330, 706,616,472, and 754 for their 1985 mew COPE contributions. These locals are affiliated with System Councils U-13 and U-26. Troy Swindler, business manager of the System Councils, accepted the certificates on behalf 01 the local unions. President PillaJd also presented cernficates to Business Manager Robert Mason, Local 2352; Busine s Manager Tony Chernetsky, Local 1379; Business Manager Roy Gugat, Local 2366; and to Local President Pillard gave special recognition to Local 1532 for its $11.38-per-member contribution to mew COPE and to Local 1379 for its $6. 19-per-member contribution. International Executive Council Chairman Wesley Taylor explained the activities of the Council and the Council's responsibility related to the In temationa.l Convention in Septcmber. AIter lunch Vice President Edwards introduced International Secretary Jack Moore. Secretary Moore urged the delegates to fouow the lbew Constitution'S requirements in local union elections for delegates to the mew Convention. He placed particular empha is on tbe new delegate credential forms and asked that close attention be given to the cbanges on these forms from the ones la t utilized. Secretary Moore gave a brief explanation of the facilities in Toronto, Canada, the site of tbe mew Convention. Secretary Moore also explained the importance of mew COPE and the necessity of lbew officers and members being involved so COPE-endorsed candidates are elected. Fifth fec District member and Business Manager of Local 2 Robert Missey addressed the delegates and gave an account of his activities as an IEC member. Brother Missey stressed the importance of electing the delegates to the Internauonal Convention in accordance with the In ternational Constitution and Bylaws. Other peakers who addressed the delegates were Regional Director of NECA Richard Parenti; Labor Attorney David Weinberg; Bill Hoycr of the City of Hope; and Jan Cole, a high school teacher from the Aurora High School, Aurora, Missouri, who had an active campaign going in the southwest Missouri region promoting "Buy American" campaigns and the need to save jobs ill the U.S. Vice Presiaent Edwards gave a report on the District's progress and activities since the Progress Meeting in He reported that the District was able to show a little g3ld in membership from the previous year. Vice President Edwards related the importance of the delegates attending the workshops. The Construction Workshop was conducted by International Representative Carl Tutorino with International Representatives Gary Gilbert and Danny MeUoway assisting. The Manufacturing Workshop was conducted by International Representative Craig Hoepner, and the Utility Workshop by International Representative Kenneth Sawyer with International Representative Jim Simmons assisting him. Participants in those Workshops were Jim Walsh, labor attorney with the finn of JoUey, Moran, Walsh, Hager and Gordon in Kansas City, Missouri. Director of IBEW Organizing Michael Lucas made a good presentation in all three Workshops. He

13 Eleventh DIstrict Internalional Vice President RaV Edwards addressing the delega tes during the Progress MeetIng. Intemational President Charles H. PIllard giving his keynote address 10 the delegates, InternalionaJ Secretary Jack F. Moore is shown delivering his remarks to the delegates. Emil DYooulombier, busl ness manag er, Local 124, Is shown opening the Mealing as temporary Chairman, P.ctured speaking to the delegates IS Missouri State Labor Council President Daniel McVey. International ExecutIve Council Chairman Wes ley Taylor addressing!he delegates In the general session Fifth lee District member Robert Missey ad dressing the delegates in the general session. Jan Cole, Aurora, Missouri, High School teaener, making presentation on "Buy Amer ICan." Richa rd Parenti, director, MIdwestern Region, NECA, is shown addressing the delegates At10rney David Weinberg is shown addressmg the delegates, explained organizulg and the impor' tance of organizing not only new members, but organizing within mew bargai nijlg un its in the "right to work" states, Jan Cole participated in each Workshop and gave an ex planation of her activi ties in pro moting "Buy Amencan" products. Drew Anderson and Emily Rosen berg of the Al'L-C10 staff presented the AFL 10 "One-on-One" Program. There were three retired Interna tional Representatives who attended the Meeting and were introdu ced by Vice President Edwards. Attending were ar Bauman, Elmer Kell y, and Russell Mundorf. The delega tes raised $4, ISO for mew COPE. Vice President Edwards expressed h is appreciation for the cooperation and participation 01 all th e de lega tes. He as ked them to take the informa tion gained at the Pro - re Meering back to their Joe. l union memberships and again expressed the need to gain control of the U.S. Sen ate majority in the fal l elections in order to change the makeup of the Senate Labor Committee. The Meet ing was well attended, and the del egates expressed thei r appreciation for a well planned and productive Meeting. Troy Swindler, business manager. System Councils U- 13 and U-26, accepting the COPE Award hom Pres, dent Pillard. President Pillard presen ting COPE Awards to Bob Mason. business manager, Local al1d Roy Gugat, business manager, Local 2366 IBEW JOURNALI JULY 1986 I 11

14 IBEW Direclor 01 Organizing Mike Lucas particlpaling In the Construction Workshop. Seated is Intemational Representallv8 Carl Tutorino. Attomey James Walsh lalklng 10 delegates in the Manufactunng WOIkshop. Seated OS Craig Hoepner. AFL-CIO Representsl,.e. Drow Anderson and Emily Rosenberg presenbng rno One-oo-One Program Le~ to righl a,e 'Voce President Ray Edwards, SecretaI}' Jack Moore, retired International Representative Elmer Kelly. and President Charles H. PiUard shown during a break In Ihe Mealing. Partial view of delegates attending the Manufacturing Workshop. Partial view of delegates attending the Construction Workshop. Partial view of delegates attending the Utility Workshop Delegates shown attending the general session. 12 I IBEW JOURNAl! JULY t986

15 Ninth District Progress Meeting Held In Anaheim, California The 1986 Ninth D, tnct Progre s Meeting WaS held In Anaheim, Caluomia, on M.y 14, 15, and 16, 1986, at the An:lhcim Hilton HOtel. The Meellng was opened by Local 441 Bustlles Manager Ed Hansen, who welcomed the delegates to Anaheim un behalf of the host local unions. Local 441 President Mike Wilson led the officers and delegates in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Ninth District International Vice President S.R. "Jack" McCa'ln as sumed the chair and asked those in attendance to stand and join him in a moment of ilence in remembrance of our fo rm er International Treasurer Harry Van Arsdale, Ir. Vice President McCann then introduced In terna tional President Charles H. Pillard, International Secretary 'ack F. Moore, International Execullve Council Chairman Wesley Taylor, and Sev enth Distrlct lec member Clen McCall. He then asked the delegates to introduce IhcJl1sclvc and identify their loca.! unions. Vicc Pre idcnt McCann intra duced President Ptllard who gave Ius keynote address. Pres,dent Pillard spoke on the trials and tribulations facing org.nized labor today and the serious problem presented by the antiunion atmosphere of the Reagan administration and big bustlless who are trying to destroy the free collec tive barg.tning system. President Pil lard commented on the 100 percent participation in the Health and WeI fare ReciprocllY Agreement and his concern about the slow response til the Ninth Distnct in the Pension Reciprocity Agreement. President Pillard urged the dele gates to have thetr members com munlcate with their representative and senators seeking their support to oppose taxltlg of worker " life UppOT( fn nge benefits. In his rc' marks on lbew COPE, he encour aged the members of the Ntnth D,. tilet to solemnl y back lbew COPE so lhal the Brotherhood could sup port labor's friends and defea t its enemles. The next speaker introduced by Vice President McCann was Inter national ecretary Moore. Secretary Moore talked about the importance and value of Information gathered at Dlstnct Progress Meetings. Secretary Moore outlined the Ninth D,stIlcr state by state elections of enators and congress men and gave a voting record 0 11 lhem. He m ade It clear Intematkmal President Char1es H. Pillard is that a lot of work must be done to pui labor's friends back in office. Secretary Moore discussed the forthcoming international ConventIon and asked for the delegates' coopera tion in foll owing the lbew Constitution and loca l bylaws in the loeo l union elections and informed the delegates On various arrangements be 109 made for the Convention. The followlog locals were honored for thelr COPE efforts for exceeding the $2.00 per member goal: Local 332-$18.22 per member, Local 639-$6.94 per memo ber; Local per member, and Local 357-$2.65 per member. IEC Chairman Wesley Taylor ex plamed some of th e fu nction f the IEC and how the bu siness of Oll r I3rotherhood is co nducted through the reg. lec member Glen McCa ll shown gmng his keyno'e address 31 a touched on activities of the IEC Ninlh Distlle! In'emalional Vice Preslden, S.R and encouraged more activities in "Jack" McCann chaljed the Meeting ISEW JOURNAL! JULY t 986 I 13

16 International Secretary Jack F. Moore is sholnn addressing the delegates Presldenl Pillard presents IBEW COPE Award to Bill Brownie. business manager. Local 639. IBEW CUP!:. by the NInth Dlsltlct \OC3\ unions. Thursday, May 15, was devoted to various branch workshops can ducted by the Ninth Distrlct taff members: for Broadcast-Telephone, International Representatives Robert Dixon and Tom Roberts; Construction, Marvin Cook and Kenneth Johnson, Government Employees, Richard Barrus and William MWldt, Manufacturing, Low CortopassI and Lawrence Tafoya, and Utilities, Ri chard Robbins and Henry L. Z ieman. That evening the delegate were the guests of Local Unions 18, 45, and 44 1 at a HospItality Party which was followed by the Ninth 01 mct's Dtnner-Dancc. On Friday, May 16, each workshop secretary gave an in-depth repon on the particular workshop. Vice Pres Ident McCann followed with his annual report On th e progress of the District. I Ie said the work pic tuj e has been bellcr in past year ; however, with all branches of the Brotherhood working logether, the mew will survive the hard hips of these times and move on with dignity and purpose. He urged organizing the unorganized workers. He also encouraged the Ninth Di trict leaders III attendance to make every effort to promote the trade union movement so IBEW members and theii families eould enjoy a better add fuller life. All the delegates agreed that the 42nd Annual inth DIstrict Progress Meeting was very informative and 3 huge success. 14 I IBEW JOURNAL/JULY 1986 P,esidenl PIllard presents Cloy 01 Hope plaque 10 Local 33l! BuSiness Manager Bruce BlIJCler local 302 Business Manager John HUnter presenls Presidenl Pillard with 8 $5,000 Check for City of Hope

17 Internalional Executive Council Chairman Wesley Taylor delivers his remarks at the MeetIng. Seventh OlslricllEC member Gten McCall is shown giving his talk to the delegates. Local 44 1 Business Manager Ed Hansen Is shown welcoming the delegates 10 the Meeting Local 18 Business Manager Ron Ferrara reports 00 the Utility Workshop. Delegates shown aueoding Ihe Government Employees Workshop. Local 1260 delegates are snown anend;ng the utmty Wor1<shop. Partial view of delegates attending the Broadcast Telephone Workshop. Partial view of delegates attending the Manu'sell,lring Workshop Local 2293 Executive Board memo ber Phil Nerenberg repons on the Government Employees Work shop. Local 1547 Business Manager Jack Hull reports on the ConSlruclion Workshop. Local 396 Business Manager Merta Gila reports on the Broadcast Tal ephone Wor1<shop. Local 2328 Business Manager Sam Moore reports on the Manufactur ing Workshop. tbew JOURNAllJULV

18 Seasons We need the warming sunshine And the sprinkling, cj anslng rain. The storm s we do not a k for; But we need them. just the same. The wild flowers in the meadow Have a beauty all their own; They've withstood the weather come to them. How lovely they have grown! The white clouds float majestically Across the bluest sky; But even they can darken, And it thunders when they cry. The gentle breeze of summer-a very welcome thing. rail will bring the colors; In winter icy winds will sting, And it's quite a different song the winter birds will sing. We need the changing cason Our Heavenly Father planned it so. Uke the lily and the sparrow We may learn from it and grow more lovely as we go on. Jilnke Reed D.u~ler o( Jim 1iCet:d lon' 13,*. Chic.llgo, III Where Poets Dwell There exists a place where poets dwell Two miles north of the old wishing well. It's not on a map or posted sign, Which makes it rather tough to find. We come and go throughout the yea r Brought by 10,pain, hurt, or fear. It's quite a well-known and worn road; It's a resting pot for a heavy load. It's a private place in which we tell Of what has come or gone and.. Well, each time a poet lays down his pen For sure he just got back again. David It. Robrl~" Memher of local 11 lo) Angf:lo. C,,1. Salute to Lady Liberty Happy Birthday to the dear lady Who stands amid her isle With torch in hand for greeting I n a very welcome style The immigrants who enter From those lands acros the sea Escaping from oppres ion To the country of the free. They find lightness in th eir hearts As they approach her,hore And gaze upon the face That they've never seen before A certain look of promi e Greets the weary and forlorn As their past is slowly dying In the coming of the dawn. A new beginning is rising From the hope of freedom's call, For the ones who cam before Proved thai freedom works for all. " Here shc is- lhe precious lady! Happy birthday. Sct me free! I pledg you my allegiance In the land of liberly!" JUi.'" P. Buckes wife of w.ii~, C. BU(\.t~ lncal l1jo. Pill! hogu", N. \'. Belated Delight We failed to fill th birdbath when we left- A thoughtless thing to do In mid july. Full well we knew the robins were bereft; Their needed drink and bath we did dcny. But patience i its own reward, 'Ii, said. They waited for our late return; And then they splashed and flullcred, showing as they tread, Competing for their daily bath agaill. V''1in):iII B'a\..~e Moody Wife of ~Iirfd mem~ Ihtighl L Mood,. Loul 412, KaMaS City. Mo. Electrician' Poem I am a union electrtcian- thal' what I am. I work In the U A, noi in japan. American made is the way to go; Ask any good Iradesman, He'll let you know. Quality and efficiency is what I produce. just give me a print, And turn me loose. I've been through the ropes And have worked With the best. I've been out East; exl, I'd like to try Wes\. For more than 10 year, I've been in the trade; And the best thing Ihat has happened Is the friends I have made. ow Ihe going's getting lougher; But I have no fear, For what I can do has been my caree r- An honc t day's work for a good day's pay, Backed up by my union. And a word to Ihe wise before I am through Be true to your Brothers, And they'll be truc to you! Mkh.lL'I,. M,lkda Mt:mbt!r of Lac.1,07U MM4~n: III" MidI. 16 I tbew JOURNAL! JUl Y 1986

19 TentJa District Progress Meeting Held In CJaicago. Illinois The Tenth District Progress Meeting was opened promptly at 9:30 a.m. on April 8, 19 6, at the O'Hnre Ramada Inn located in Ro emont, Illinois. After formal introducuon and welcoming of the lnternational Officers and guests, Tentl1 District Vice President A. M. Ripp immediately informed the delegates in attendance of the rail industry's ongoing plan to reduce our membership's present standard of living. The carriers, through th eir negotiating nrol, arc now demanding outrageous give-back and give-up provisions that have been gained over the last 50 years. ln view of the apparent hard-line approach instituted by rail management, Vice President Ripp announced that it is time to serve notice to the carricrs that our organization is prepared without any apprehension to stand up and be counted_ The assembled delegation overwhelmingly demonstrated their unarumous approval to any undertaking of tills nature. Vice President Ripp requested the delegation to stand for a moment of shent prayer for recently deceased formcr International Treasurer Harry Van Arsdale, Jr., and Vice General Chairman V. Clement, System Council No. 34. The keynote address, delivered by International President Charles H. Pillard, outlined the serious cha l lenges facing the mew and au of orga nized labor both in the Uultcd States and Canada. President Pillard cited the atta ck on organized labor undertaken by Our enemies wherein various laws that have protected union members and all workers for the past 50 years ha ve been destroyed since the Reagan administration has been in control of our government. Similarly, President Pillard ca lled attcntron to the Reagan administration's ongoing assault on organized labor that h. created an antiunion, antiworker t pro-busmess/ pro-inan.gement atmosphere, thereby obstructing the historical collective bargaining process. One perfect example of this fact is demonstrated by the present national negotiations between llie Wand the railroad. The National Mediation Board, under the direction of the administration, has aided and abetted the carriers in de Aance of th e Railway Labor Act. Pres ident Pillard reiterated our responsibility as uulon officials of not compromising our dctcnnination to represent and protect our membership to the fullest. President Pillard next focused on the extreme apathy toward active and retired rail workers displayed by the present administration. The provisions of the Gramm-Rudman-Holl- Internalional President Cha~es H. Pillard is shown delivering his keynote address to the delegates who attended the Tenth District ProgresS Mealing. Pictured Is Tenth District Inlernational VICe President Andrew M. Ripp delivering his remarks to the delegates who anended the t 966 Progress Meeling. Sealed Is Intemational Representative E. Pat McEntee. IBEW JOURNAL! JULY 1986 I 17

20 ings Law, fully supported by the administration, have drastically curra iled the fully funded Tier IT COLA ill c l e ~ se th~l wou ld Io~vc been furthcoming to RaiJroad Rerirement annuitant _ Likewise, one-third of rhe dual-benefit recipients have experienced an 8 percent decrease in monthly benefits effective April I, In addirion, the unconscion able giveaway of Conrail and currailment of Amtrak fundi ng would nor only create havoc to vasr numbers of rail workers, bur would subsequently jeopardize the Railroad Retir ment System. In conclusion, President Pillard remin ded the assembled delegation of the upcollling 1986 congressional elections. In view of the facr that the enemies of organized labor are building a huge war chest consisting of nulllons and millions of dollars to defeat labor's friends in the 1986 elections, we as leaders must CODvince our member they must, lor rheir own best intere rs, contribute to IBEW-COPE so, in tum, the money can be returned to our local unions to help return our fnends to Congress and financially support new COPEsponsored candidates. International Secretary Jack Moore prc cnted a comprehensive repoft to the delegates on the key congressi onal races that wiu take place this election year. In his report, Secretary Moore outhncd the various congresspersons' voting records on issues im ~ portant to the labor movement. In his eln ing rr.mmks, Secretary Monre acknowledged the dedication displayed by Tenth District retirees in their generous COPE dollations mailed to the International Office. Imemation.1 Treasurer Thomas Van A.rsdale initially called attentiun to the AFL-CIO 's boycott of Shell Oil in view of that corporation's ongoing activity in South Africa's apartheid policy. Brother Van Arsdale then highlighted a portion of the distinguished cootributions given to both the lbew and all of the labor movement by recently deceased lormer lbew Trea urer Harry Van Arsdale, JT. loremational Executive Council Chairman WcsleyTaylor, in hi~ presentation, apprised the delegation of the duties and functjons performed by the International Executive Council. in attendance and addressing the delegates on various matters concerning apathy among union members, attacks by the Reagan administration ag.1inst the labor movement, and problems facing our Canadian membersiup, were internauonal ExecutJve Council members lohn McNulty, First District; lames F. Mullaney, Second District; Dick Acton, Third Distnct; Harry Bexley, Fourrh District; Robert Missey, Film District; Thumas PUlsley, Sixth District; and Glen McCall, Eighth District. During thc course of the meeting, the delegates heard Irom Labor paper Ediror Dick Calistri; MI. Tony Johnson/ assist-ani '10 Railroad Retirement Board labor member Mr. C. Chamberlain, who conducted a questionand-answer session with the delegates; and Aetna, Travelers, and Provident Plan Representatives Peggy International Secretary Jack F Moore is shown speaking to the delegates shendlng the T eoth District Progress Meeting Shea Colangelo, Joe Kinder, and DOD Liederman. Vice PrcsidenL Ripp th~n introduced Brother John Lacy, treasurer, Local 2271, Philadelphia, in recognition of his recent award 01 commendanon given by Amtrak for his afcry suggestion to ellmlllate involudtary train movements while the train is being worked upon. Ciry of Hope Awards were presented to Local 857, Dubois, Pennsylvania, for contributin the highest total amouot of money by a 10caJ uruon; and Local 544, Hornell, New York, for the highest amount per local union member in the Tenth Di trict. TCnLh District Internauonal Representative Rolland Tiuvierge, in his report on Canada, confirmed thar the problems facing our members in Canada arc similar to those in the Slares. General Chainnan Frank Klamph, System Council No. 33, Inlernational Ollicels seated on the dais while attending Ihe Tenth District Progress Meellng are, laftto righi, International Executive Council Chair man Wesley I. Taylor; International Treasurer Thomas Van Arsdale: and lee members Jack Mc Nulty, Jim Mulloney, and Jim McAvoy. 18 I ISEW JOURNAL I JULY 1986

21 Sealed on the dais while attending Ihe Tenth DislriCi Progress Meeling are, right to leh, Intema1lonal President Charles H, Pillard: Intemalional Seerel.ry Jack F Moore: and leg members Dick Acton. Harry Bexley. Bob Missey. and Thomas Pursley. A partial view of Railroad Branch leaders who attended the Tenth District Progress Meeting. reported on the recently completed negotjation wah the Canadian rail ways wherein gains in wages, sick benefits, life insurance, vacation time, and employee protection were realized. The Canadian delegation voiced its appreciation fo r the continued assistance provided by V,ce President Ripp and the International Office. In Ius repon on the current status of national negotiations, Vice Presi dent Ripp advised the delegation 01 the apparem complicity displayed by the National Mediation Board in prolonging the proces, Although we have demanded our release from mediation, the National Mediation Board has failed to provide a proper response. Vice President Ripp stated he was convinced the mediator, Helen Witt, has bee n deliberately gearing the negotialing procedure in fa vor of the carriers to the dettiment of the Electri ca l Workers. Vice President Ripp also reported on the di version of funds from the National Railroad Adjustment Board to special boards and for admiwstranvc purposes that ultimately leads to the CUlling back of funding for referees. This inappropnate act can only create a logjam in adjudicating claims and grievances. Vice PresideIll Ripp next touched on the Brotherhood of Ma.intenance Way Employees' strike against the Guilford Industry Railroads. He infonned the de legates that while the Waymen are the only organization on strike all of rail labor IS being tested. Therefore, we must usc every means available to support both the smkers and those honoring the picket lines. The assembled delegates voiced their solid support for the Waymen on t rike against Guilford Industrie. Vice President Ripp urged the delegates to renew their efforts within the local unions fo r increased member participation in the mew-cope program. Delegates and guests present at the Tenth Distticr Progress Mee ting voluntarily contributed a record $1,478 to mew OPE. Upon conclusion of business at the progress meeting, the delegates expressed their appreciation for the enlightening program. Vice President Ripp thell wished all a safe journey home and proceeded to ad/dum the meeting. Inlernational Representative Rolland Thivierge Is shown reporting on the completed negotiation s with the Canadian railway s, IBEW JOURNAL! JULY 1986 I 19

22 These are partial views 01 defegates Ustenlng at1entivety to a guesl speaker at the Tenth District Progress Meeting Pictured is John Lacy. treasurer. local 2271, who received a safety award commendallon given by Amlrak. Pictured are delegales a«ending a warl<shap held during Ihe Tenlh Dislricl Progr.ss Meeting, Glen Heinz. fmancial secretary. local 1353, and vice chairman, Railroad System Council 6, Is shown giving his repan 10 (he a.legales, 20 I IBEW JOURNAL! JULY 1986

23 The 1986 IBEW Founders' Scholarship Program IBEW Founders' Scholarships Awarded The 1986 Scholarship Selection Committee IS welcomed to the Intemational ()tf1ce prior to beginning Its selection 01 winners 01 the ISEW Founders' Scholarships left 10 fight. Anlhony J Salal1l()(le, Administrative AssistanllO International President CharJes H. Pillard. Director and Professor George Hagglund. Umverslty of WisconsIn-Extension. Madison, WisconSin; President and Chlel Operating OffICer James A. leva, Pennsytvania Electnc Company. Johnstown, Pennsytvania. Arbitrator J Earl Williams, Allanla, Georgia, and InternatIonal Secretary Jack F. Moore Five mew members have won me 1986 ISEW Founders' Scholarships. They are Jaime A. Alvarado of local Union 332, Sa n Jose, California; Charles E. Craddock of Local Unjon 193, Springfield, Illinois; Brian A. Meyer of Local Union 773, Windsor, Ontario; loy H. Moore of Local Union 995, Baton Rouge, Louisiana; and Ashley A. Roland of Lccal Union 567, Portland, Maine. International President Charles H. Pillard, on behalf of all the officers and members of the lbew, has extended congrarulallons to the winners and welcomed them to the growing family of mew Founders' Scholarshlp winners. Scholarship Program The scholarship, which honor the wiremen and linemen who founded me Brotherhood in 1891, are each worth $3,000 per year to any accredited college or univer ity for undergraduate study leading to me attainment of a bachelor, uc!(rce III a field contribunve to the dc"elopment and improvement of the electrical industry. They arc awarded annually on a competitive basi to qualified candidates from all blanches of the mew. The number of scholar>hips awarded each year is detcnnincd by the number of qualified applicants. One scholarship is granted for each 25 qualified appltcailts o r malor fraction lhereof. An independent Scholarship Selection Committee, composed of recognized academ IC, professional, and colti lnunity rcprc!-!cn[arivcs, exajllincs Ihe complete record of each scholarship appltcant and chooses the WIn ners. The 1986 Scholarship Selection COmmltlee was composed of George Hag)\lund, director and professor, Uruversll)" of Wisconsin Extension in Madison, WlscOnsUl; lames R. Leva, presidenl and chief operating offi cer of Ihe Pennsylvania Electric Company In lohnstown, Pennsylvania; and I. Earl William arbi t rator, Atlanta, GCl)r~i3. Seated is the Scholarship Selection Committee, left to rig hi, James R Leva, J. Earl Williams, and George Hagglund. Looking on, left to righi, are Inlemational Represent3ti,.-e Douglas E. Wiegand; International Representati,.-eYvonne l. Coleman: Robert W, Macdonald, Director, Utility Department. Anthony J. Salamone, Administrative Assistant to Internalional President Pillard; Robert B. Wood, Director, Depanment of Research and Education ; and International Secretary Jack F, Moore. Profi les of Winne rs Jajrnc A, Alvarado, :1 journeyman WHCll1an, will conlln ul' his matn culation at the U nivc"ity oi California at Santa Cruz. He is majoring in labor studies. Brother Alvarado has been an active lbew member who has participated at local union ISEW JOURNAl! JULY 1986 I 21

24 meetings, marchc, and IaJljes. He served on a strike support commi [tee which raised funds for striking cannery workers and their families and sponsored public education forums on behalf of the strikers. He has al a participated in get out the-votc op' erations and a campaign Steering Committee. Charles E. Craddock WIll continue his undergraduate studies at the University of Oklahoma, where be is pursuing a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering. He is a journeyman wireman who e objective is to become a licensed professional electrical engineer specializing in power systems. Brother Craddock is a m emo ber of the Eta Kappa Nu honor SUo ciety for electrical engineers. Brian A. Meyer will use his scholarship to continue his education at the Univ ersity of Windsor in Windsor, Ontario. He is stud ying fo r a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering. Brother Meyer is a con truction and maintenance journeyman electrician who teaches the fourthyear apprentices enrolled in Local Union 773's Apprenticeship Program. He served on his local union's Audit Committee, Examining Board, and Education Committee. He is a certified scuba diver and is interested in photography, wocxl-working. home computers, automobile mechanics, and motorcycle riding. joy H. Moore, also a journeyman wireman, has some college study to her credit. She wlli enroll at Louisiana State University, where she will maior in secondary cduc.1tion, specializing in English and industrial arts. Sister Moore has completed journeyman wireman CQUISes in welding and fibe r optics. She is married and has a son. She is active in her ch urch and is a volunteer worker for animal welfare and the Special Olymplcs. Ashley A. Roland will enroll at Smith College i.n orthampton, Massachusetts, for the fall semester. She will major in political science and econoltucs. Sister Roland was the first woman to complete the Local Union 567 Apprenticeship Program and was apprentice of the year in She is a journeyman wireman and serves on her local union's Executive Boa rd, Political Action Committee, and Annual Outing -_...,,4 The Scholarship Selection Committee sellies In to e... aluale each applicant and choose the IBEW Founders' Scholarsh ip winners. Left to right. Messrs. leva. Williams, and Hagglund. Charles E. Craddock, Local Union 193, Springfield, Illinois. Brian A. Meyer. Local Union 773. Windsor, Onlario, with his wife, Lena, and son Ryan. Committee. Sister Roland tutor adu lts.in basic reading skills and is active in political campaign work_ Jov H. Moore, Local Union 995. Balon Rouge. Louisiana. Ashley A. Roland. Local Union 567, Portland, Maine IBEW JOURNAL! JULY 1986

25 depal tillent of Research and Education u.s. Economy Injured by Foreign Debt Crisis The debts of fore ign countries- especially Lall I! American nat IO ns-have soa red to astconomlcal lcvcis in the There has been m uch ta lk 3bout defaults on loans from large, pnvate American banks and lillcmatlolla l bankmg agen Cies that arc suppurted by our government. There has been httle talk, however, about Lhe dcvaslallngcffccl of Lhe fo reign dt.:ht crisis un the rest of the Am eri can ccol1omy--c!otpcclally on the manufac turing and a);!icu ltural seccors of lhe econom y, U.S. manufacturing busli1 csscs and their employees, m any of whom ilrc mew member,:" arc vi cti ms of the m [er' naljonai debt crisis. Recent estimates show that more than onc miltion American Jobs have been lost because the deht crt.!tis forced debtor nations to cut b3ck on 1I1l porung U.S. made goods while 111 ' crcasing thclr export of competing do mestlc-madc goods to Lhe U.5- There has been even less talk about the fact that pollcies li11plcmcntcd by our government to avcn fi nancial catastrophe have actuall y allowed U.S. commcrci31 banks to mamulln- and even InCn.:asc- lhci[ profi ts. Now some light from 311 authoritati ve source has been shed on lhe rea li ty of the situation ill a stail study, "The Impact of the Latin Am en can Debt Crisis on the U.. Economy," recent ly prepared for the usc of the foint Economic Com ~ miuce of the Congress (If the United Scate::... Commiuee Study Accordmg to thl' study, murl' thall a dozen Latin American nallons have bor rowed considerably morc from U.S., Eu ropcan, and lap3nese banks than they are able to repily on ti m e} pnmarily because of thei r own sluggish econolll ies. Their trade su rplus W ;'l S not enough to pay the mterest on loans, to say nothing.1bout the additional bill ions of doll ars nceded to pay the prin Cipa l on ti me. U.S. com mercia l ban ks were the most at risk of fa ilure because of Latin Amer Ica's problems. In for example, they held more than 2S percem 01 La tin Am er Ica's Lotal debt and nearly one-tnlrd of the debt owed to all priv;ltc cred itor. Reagan admlnis rration officials, thereforc, unplem cntcd a four-step srratcgy to allow Latin Ame ri can debtors to COIltmuc paying on their debls. II, Debtor!lations would generate 11 large portion of the dol lar they needed to pay Lhe interest on t hei r I an by Increasin g tht:l( exports a nd decreasing LhelT import. 121 These nation would be given additional time- as much as 14 years, in some cases-to repay maturing 10.ns. 13) COolmercial banks would make ncw loans so that debtor n.tlons could avoid falling behi nd on Interest payments on their orlslnal loans. (41 Thc!ntcn13t1onaJ Monetary Fund IIMPI, in addition to lend ing modest amounts of its own funds, would ensure th at the debtors were implemen ting vi ta) economic ref rms. The Latin American na tions readd y coolpiled by dr3stically red ucing their impo rts and inc reasing their expons. Who was hurt thc mo,>t? American manufact urers whose goods wc.re no longer Imported by the Lat in Amencan nallons and more than on(> mi llion American manuiacwnng workers who saw their Jo bs disappear America's (ormers alom suffered losses,is the dc m :1I1d fo r their agricultural products dimini hcd. In ad diuon j Amenc:l11 manufacturers a.nd farmer now face su.ffer compelitlon from the Latin American nations In our dome tic marketpljcc 3nd In the \vorld marketplace. Who gained Lhe 010,1 U.S. commer clal banks whose fadure had been 10lnllnent. Not on ly did they.void an Im m ediate M anchu catilstrophe, but lhey were ahle co m3ke new loans al high intercsi ra tes to the debtor nalions. They havc accu3j1y profiled. Their stockholders arc the "maj r- indeed, p ss ibly Lhe onjy- bcncficiari cs of oldm ini tration po li cies." The "dmjoi tmuon's s".tcgy did nothing co resolve the debt crisis once and for all. Inslcad, " dealt another de structive blow to the manufacturing and agn cultural sectors of our economy. As Ihe report Stale, the Reagan admin Istrarion Hmarshollcd the p wcr of the APRIL, 1986 REVISED CONSUMER PRICE INDEX FOR URBAN WAGE AND CLERICAL WORKERS UNITED STATE S CITY AVERAGE SOURCE: u.s. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR, BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS REFERENCE BASE. U.S. AVERAGE '1967 = 100 Apparel All Items & Transpor- Month Year Combined Food Housing Upkeep tatlon April March February January December November Oclober April April April April April Medical Core NOTE: The Consumer PrICe Index lor 811 Items decreased 1.0 Ind&1t points during lhe last month or - 03% This eqi.ialied an annual role of dec;rease , ( 03 -.c 12). The Increase during 100 past year was :31 index points or 1 2~. Percent Increase between two dates ts calculated by subuacnng the Indo:. numbel IOf lhe earlier date from lhat lor the later date and dividing the resule by the indejil nurnbef tor the earltef date. then mulliplylilg by 100 EXAMPLE: For lhe period of April Apnl. 1986: "" 3<11!'1Ct8lC points: 3.1 divided by x '"'.. Prepared by: Department 01 ResearCh and EClucalJon. IBEW. May, 1986 IBEW JOU RNAl/ JULY 1986 I 23

26 federal ~U\'l' ll1n"tc nt 'l.nu the resources of Ihe V.S. Trc3>ury 10 pre,crvc the sol vency of th e. U.S. bankrng sys tem and shelter individual banks from the can sequences of their Lll -advlsed 1cmlill' decisions." The repon add that, besides preserving the safety and soundne.. of these banks l tbe admim Ir3t10n ensured Ihcil IJlonlabtluy. "Comparlng the for tunes of stockholders m the monc)' center banks with those of American farmcl:' and manufacllinng exporters, indicates that the Re3~n 3umll1l'.tnHion's man.gement of the debt ens!> has, '" effecl, rewarded the InSLitutions lh;n played 3 ma,ar role 111 preclplt3ting the cn sls ami pcnaj=d Ihoq" sectors of the V.S, econ a m y that bat.! played no ro le In ca u sm~ the debt CrI SIS. " From the earli est days of the deht cn sis, banks rncreased their pread- thc difference between the interest rale they charge on lonn nnd th e interest rate they pay for loanable funds-on loans to the most financially hard pressed debtor "a lions... These higher profil margins on loan s to debtor nations were quickly translaled II1tO higher profits.... " The s m dy goes on to add, IINot surprisingly, bank stock prices and dividcnd5.- increased along with profits. II cw Plan The adnlj l1i SE rauon IS now pulnng ion.h a new pian-thai of Secretary of the Treasury James A. Baker The Baker Plan c.alls for commercial b:mks to make 20 billion of new loans, debtor nauons to CONSUMER PRICE INDEX- SOURCE: STATI:)TlcS CA NAOA APRIL, = 100 contin ue making structural!,,;i..ononuc adlustments, and the World Bank to make $9 billion of new loans thai were for merly made by the IMF. The study for lhc 'Oint Lconomlc Committee finds that the Baker Plan docs not diller "Slgnifi candy trom existing policy." The mollor Latin Amcncan debtor nations arc now generating large u3dc surplll:,e~, prunarily because they reduced theu' purchases of U.S. made goods. New fu nds made avauable to them under the Baker Plan will bf" \lo;,rrl " w pay tntcrest, rather Ihan to stimu late growth, Il11portS j :md developmenl. " It appears th:lt the debtor nations will furthcr decreasc their Im po rt ~ and further rncrca c thclr exports. In other words, they arc goulg to purchase even fewer U,S.-manuf:lcturcd good than before, whde further Inerea. mg their export of CO I"t"lpcting domestic goods. There is also" significant chance that the Saker Plan wtll icad to add itional declll1cs in international commodity prices and U.S. farm exports. TIle World ijank and the lmf arc charged with OStcring sus taincd, orderly worlj growth and an environment of open markets and free trade. As the staff study states, " Neither wu!) meant to function as a debt collection agency for the banks or to stifle world trade and growth in order to preserve bank profitability. Yct that 1S how the Reagan administration IS usmg them. ti Ah CInalil'e Plans There arc alternatlvc plan:, to solve CANADA AVERAGE Hea l1h.& R&crea AIII.oms Transpor. Personal flon.& Month Year Combined Food Housing Clothing 18110n Care Reading April , I , March February , ,5 January I December ,2 129, November October ,8 126,7 April , April April B April April NOTE: Canadas Consumer PrICe Index lor ad Items Increased 0 2 lode)! points CfUhng lhe patj month or o 2't. This equalled an annual r.lte ul il~'w~ 0' (0.2 )( 12) The InCrease in cr'l dunng!he past year was 4 9 palnis or 3 9"- Percen1 change between IWO dates IS c:al<:ulaled by 5IJbtr9CIJng lhe Indox number lot the earlier dale Irom that for Ihe taler dale and dl\l'ldrng the result bv lhe Index number lor lhe ealliet dale. then multlplyrr19 by 100 EXAMPLE For the penod of April. 1985, to April. 1986: by 1262 =.039)1 100 y, Prepared by Department 01 Research and Education, ISEW, May I IBEW JOURNAl/JULY Index potnts, 4 9 divided the fo reign dcbt er ishl. The Committee study indicates that " there arc a number of ways in which th e :tdmlnistration could have minimized thc damage to the U.S. economy while, at the s:a me umc, preserving the II1legmy, s.lety, and soundnes!:i or the commercial bankm& sy!)tem. " The s tudy &cts forth two olltf'mo:hlvc plans. One approach would have been to ask the commercial ban ks to reduce or chmmate thcir spread on loans to finan ~ cloliy rroubled debtor oollons. Whlie the banks would not have earned additional profit in such a casc, they would not howe lost money on their L3 ttn American loans either; bcsides l the American economy could have bcnefilled. A second alternative plan would have Illnited interest paynlcnts to a ccrtalo pr..:rccn tage of each dcbtor nationls export earnings and spccmcd that banks had to welt e down the value of thclr ou tst<lnding loans by il certai n amolllh during every year in which Latin American debtor n:juons rcached the rcvt.sct.! IIIlCI CSl p.1y ment targel. Although,h is proposal would have slowed Ihe rate of growth of bank profits, it would not have rcpresemcd a sen ous blow to bank profitabihty, On the other hand, the benellts to the U.S. economy- and to the banks-would have been quitc substantial Current admlll15ualjun poircles. onl y postpone a pcrmanem solution. Prcssures on Latin Amencan nnlons to debult or declare a debt payment moratorium could Increase sub~ t :Inllally _ In the end, the pro pect of loan defaults and moratonums could spell Anancl:11 nlln fo r the banks. As the report states,., Alternatives to present policy could help to avotd this prospect. They might slow the growth of bank proats, to be c;.ure, bul, in return, a long-term solullon 10 the Latm AmerIcan debt c n S1S would be rn place. And. lust 3 S important, the soluflon would not requi re inordrnlae sacrifices by mher scctors of the U.. economy." The IBEW Vicw The IBEW agrees III principle wllh the ~ tud y prepared fo r the 100nt Econol11lC OmmltlCC, We h<.lve seen fir.sth.md the damage mfhclcd by the unwise 10::111 practices of U.S. commercial banks. Our Dlanufacturlng member have suffered from all the mlscrieo brought on by the loss of thelf lobs bcc3u!tc of the forcl~n debt crisis. Nearly 50 pclccnt of the trade surplus lhat LatlO America needed,ust 10 pity the IIllcn:Sl on out;,tandlog loan.s. \'las attained by cuuli1g back on It ~ pur ~ chases of U,S. made goods and fa rm prod UCts. o permanent soluuon w the (orl'lgn deht en IS IS 1.11 sight. The prospect of loan defaults IS still With tis. Thus far, Reagan :td mlot tmtion plans have been cover-up bnnd'3lds over :I sore tho'\[ con ~ (Continued on Page 64)

27 Sf!lFETY TIPS for you and your family '-, /J IBEW Hosts Safety Conference - -/~ Shown In these pictures are the delegates who altended the Spnng Meeting 01 the Labor DIvision althe National Safety Council. which was hosted by the ISEW during the las t week In May. Seated In the cenler of each picture is ISEW Safely Department Director George Smith. The last week in May the IIlEW hosted the Spring Meeting of the Labor DIvIsion of the Safety ouneil. The deleg:lles were welcomed to our Nation's Capital by Vincent A. O'Redly, Assistant to International Pre idem Pillard. Ilrother O'Reilly not only welcomed the dclcg.11es, but spoke on the history of the lilew's comnmmcnt to safety and hca lth from om first President Henry Millcr to the present. Wi th over 00 person In attendance, the delegates participated in discu!)sion sessions on Cun~tr u ct10n Safety, Industrial Safety, Transporention S"fety, Public a!ety, Occupa tional and Environmcntal Health, Safety tandards, the Federal Employees Safety Program, ~ ll1 d Pro Illotiun of Safety T rainlllg. On the second day sem,nars were held different suh, ects with delega te, ha VIng the opportunity to choose between two of them. EketrIca l Safety, PCBs, T re n ch ill ~/ hor,ng, Juh Stress, Confincd pace., 11- door Air Pollution, Ergonom lcs, Scaffold,ng, Right-to-Know, and Asbe tos were some of the top,cs covered In these SCn1 l1l ars. Thc thlnl da y's s","'on lilclmbl the officers' reports a nd reports from the d,sctls"on groups. One of the hlghhghb was a speech by Eh hu Lcifer, asslstjnt general colin el of the IB EW, on "The Ril\ht of Employee to Refuse Hazardou Work." The Labor Dlv'Sl<, n uf the National Safety ounci I meets tw,ce a year. Thc Fall Mcctlng th" year will be in ChIcago at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, October Next spring the Spring Conference will be held on Long Is land in the early pa rt of May. ISEW JOURNAL! JULY' 986 I 25

28 LOCRL LII\IES ATTENTION, PRESS SECRETARIES-The October and Novem ber, 1986, Issues of the Journal will be combined and devoted to coverage of the 33rd fsew Convention; no "Local Unes" wtlt be printed in the October Novemher issue. Press Secretaries. do not send any articles to "Locat Lines" between July 15 and September Deadline for the December issue is October Pictured is Locill I, St. Louis, MO., Brother Ross Crr:ct.l hu ' f:ct.h1i ng gun at his relill~mr nl g:nhe.rin,. Piclund is 8,utll1:' Crrcdlus whh longtime frlud and cowg,hr A ll OC'mling. local Bids Farewell To Brother Crecelius L.U. I II,un,'pa&'ru l. ST. LO UIS, MQ.-Tht: ae:' cotnpanylng photos Were laken al n retirement ga th crin~ for om: of the local's betlc=r known memo bers. ReJ Crecel lljs During his tenure In the organn:lltlon, Ross hils served as shop ucw;a,d 101 Mack El(emc on::l multuudc of ",rell proicels, W lu ('Ieeltd IKYcr.. ) tlllles lu tl ll: p0511l0n of teller io r election PIDu:r:dmll.s, lind spc.nt the last II yurs as onc of the InspeclOrs. who masn l:lln order:at the:" enll"y tu the meeting hall. This IS a man who was alway, wllltng 10 contribute his (tme and dtorts 10 the many Ch,arllable: acllvlties spons.ole:"d by the: local'll well :lis btlojt a seasoned Vcteran AnJUntl~ 10 ht'lp a younger apprentice or,ourneyman along 10 their cho$cn path, AI.he: C'ulmmauon of.. colorful cuccr, It is AUmg [0 Wish a food farewdl and gencle parlin, to a BrOlhe.r who spent 38 productive ye:als In a proud CUlpnu.auon. ~n uf luck, No sj In kccrang the mcm~j.shlp aware of pohuul.ccompiashl11cnlj,,he:" loc.:ll wlshe:"s ro congratu late Brothcl Jack McLauJthhn on his reelecllon to the JunIor Colle&c 0151n( 1 BOllrd of DlJ"ec[Qrs.tnd 10 c:ommend Brother l.h.:uhe De Moulm on his ascent to the pos\tlon of pruidcll\ of \he fll)nssaol City Council In the aru of per50nal :lliainment, a DOte of cite m 15 due Brother T ony S;J lamon for Clip turing II world re ord by e,udung <i 14 puunj, 9 ounce C..:rman browd trou t wtulc: I.lsm1. a 1 puund Itsl hne. On ;I mole somber note, plcol"!! b..: advll.cd of Ibe fullu ); mcmbcr deaths durmg Ihe month 01 '\pnl Duuxloas Sanderson, rtpall techmcnn. Ini 1I.lIcd Oclobt-:r, 1959; Funk Stockglausnef, m410 tenance on pension,,une, 19;1Jj I'hllhp BUfltn.!>, r, W1fClnoln an pe!)stuii, Nllvrm\wT, 1941, Ed\\ard Papm, 'Wllcm~IR, July, Wilham MllIlg.Jn, malolcmmcc: on pension, fuly. 194f" W,lllliln Sun kel, Wlteman, Apnl, Vernon RIChu~(kc~s.tn", WHem:ln on rcnslon, November nd tdw.uj ~J l ha,ge. wireman on penmon, March, R08[~T ft;."'n, P.S local Launches Organizing Drive L,U. 3 (I,o.Com,LI, gnvlkmol. NEW OIlK, N. V. lhul ncss Manager Thom;!!! Von i\rsl.lllh: h.1l put the electrical construc1ion Industry on notice that Loc.lI J wtl l not stand idly by Jnd a(eepi 1ST LOCAl 363 a' ;I lel;jtlmalc represcntlltlve (c!ceulcllin, In lhe cit)' of New York He announced an or~' hlzii\~ enmralgn and,ailed fo r the mobdizlliion of Loc;)1 3 members to panicjp;&tc 10 thl~ c:nd...a\ o' We cncul.lra.r,e all sk,\loo decmc\3ns... o1k.m~ m Ihe declrial <<In!tru(;UOO mdu.. uy. mcjudma th~ pr~cnlly represented by lot Lucal 363, to sign pltd,f:e cards and IOlD Local J. The ub,e&:live of t his c;lml';ugn IS to bring all sklllcd CICC-lntllln,. II1to 18EW Loc.aJ J. Local 3 as a leglumale reprcscnllltive of worhrs tmplo')'ed m the elecltlul mdustry The Amencan Federation of ubor u.anted the IBEW II eh'tler to j)i,i;.iiu;:;c decmcal workers In 1891 Fresenlly.. no'herortam~llon opc:uuns In the tn\:lhlpohtan an', clllms 10 represent elulnc.al wo,kers whc:n in 'lici It undermines W.1ges. hours, and workmg c.ondmons lhllt ha~'e: been csubluhed,lliuui"" sweat 'nd 'IIC(lfice:on the pa n "I dect ricill workers OYI:r lht! last C'ig.tll decades. The undcrmmmg of Ibese h30 ld earncd accompllshmcnn 15 an aooml nluun to n t ('Ill!Y, l('culc'li\ workul, bu, 11.'1 all wlllker, who h.1yc sacn flced w better the IIvea o( m any. At II mceting of shop stcw;jrds hdd 011 So turday, Apnl '1, 1986, Business Manage. Van ",.~ rlri I "lilted that this IS the lime to ac I and thll t we nmbt tnke thl' opportunity to unltc the skilled,,!celticiaus 111 the city of New York b)' t}rgamzlil);. them InlO IDEW Loeal J The NatIOnal Labor RC'latlons BClDrd requlrc" Local 3 to produce plcde<:: c.acds from 30 fll!r(.ent uf Ihe bmglllnlrg unit now rep resented by IDT Local 363 ThiS objective mllst be accompllshe.d so,hilt 1ST Locill J6J members will h:lvc! an OpportUnity 10 choose Local J as their collective barx,.jioio& :agent The resull of thl$ organizing dnve "" Ill be th;t;t many ~d(lllcd cjectncians Will ~come repjlar m~m~ ' 1I> 11\ lsew l out ~. thus rcctl... rng all the wajl:es and bcntfi15 Ihat our loe,j membc:r! and,hl'li families enjoy. This Will be no eu)' t.uk, fur ldt LOCal 36J bll$ pursued 1I p!l )~r;t;m of mlsln(or matlon about Local J. and we h"ve bet.11 IIIIUIC'J in uu, opportunities to counler their cha.se AI.. meeting be.ld... pnl 2, 1986,Iormotr 1ST J6J members stalc:d Ihen c:xpcnences With L.ocIJ J. All lecelved ttmponry cllld upon fir t enumng Loca l 3 and recotlved permanenl card.liter ~ylng InlllatlOn Ict's and dues. Many Slaled thl\ n toc..t 36J journcymen the:"y received pcr hour, upon coming to Loul 3 and rcccivtnt; " M" cards, tlwy Im ml'!dl.ltcly received an Increase IU.J.II.SO pt!1 hour plu8 Increased bent'6n. SOJ'rll~ hbvi'! t.ec(lmc sholllitewlirds. loremen, and sup4!fjnlcndeotl, Othc.r " M "!Il urneymen werc proyide d the o))po rt unlty fo 1IIke tbe "A" exa.itunauon lind arc now ",.." toulno!ymen O,h.:.J'i who du nul PO"!>CSS a high school diploma arc "M",oumcymen recel\'lng the "A" Ilne. Whatever thelt CJC(l1:llem;e was, they all apeed Ihatlhey b.tve recc.lved blr,nul c,",l.ull treat ment 25 cnembe:rs of Local 1.1nd 1I1e: h;)ppy I.hcy m.. de the choice Ihey d id Busloess Man.1gc I Van AI')dllle I.lr,ll.cJ all member of llu:.w Loca.l J to c.on lael umnn headquarters if tht'y can provide any informalton Qbtlul 181' Local 36J members who 1IlC: skilled In the cicculcallude so tha" they may be. Riven the DpponunHy \ 0 be 1l.' lli l!'sl."nted by.:;ii legltlmalc uli\l.in-local.s. VINC[N'!' M c EL'-OlN, P.S A Day for the Irish ~----,~ Picluled bere. lefl 10 ri~hl. ace Cary Bruun, TOlnlnY O'C'Jnnor, Joe So IIi VIIIII, Brian Ke ely. Sit nn Sand ers, and Craig lillie. Labor Candidates Need Our Political Support L U. 7 Ii}, SPRINGFIELD. MASS.-f Idlo once ;again Jrwn r n('<11 71 The second ltumc/it ~I. Plltflck's Day P:mldc In the count ry wu halj on SundllY, March ll, in Hulyoke. MasSDchusclt. The c.ruwj Ibat hned the two mile ralade route WitS ellumated at mo lt' than 300,000 people. E.Jch yr:u IM..11 7'5 contribution 10 the Puade nu Incn:01.scd, and we can', walt (Of nexl yea,'s to be bigger.jnd beul'!r What.In opponuoity to give something back 10 the union I The Sheelmclal Workers had a floa t Which led OUI contingent of apprnxllnllely 300 uade Unionists. AI noon the Tudes CounCil pro- vlded 5.1ndwlC:.hcs. soda, coffee, and Danish. 1m mcdi8\c.1y (ollowld& the pall'ld... 'he l..abolc~' union provided an ucellcnl smo'aa bard and refresh ments for all Ihe O1archcT'I. This )fur we were: fortunate to have: BrOtht'r BlllyO'Connol's o1.ntlque '56 Chevy leadmg us in the Par.Jde,... htlc 'erry Ralcllt: p,.i5sc"d (lui balluun3 (0 Ihe chlldrc.n..-('nl$ Itke tbls loll which y()u associate with SrClthers a re uac\ly what can build rul brotherhood wltlun the loc.al The follo\win, mcmbers rc:presented Lo cal7 this ye,:ar: Pn:sldenl lohn Collins, BrUin Keely. ClaiR Little, loe Sullivan. T om Cotlins, Ir., Jackie Brunttln, Cory Brennan, T ommy O'Connor, Phil ColJlns, Ir., MJke Zimmerman, Beilin Collins, 2nd l-larry Zimmerman, I' m,ure by no w you,entlers hllve been i1skc:d to

29 b uy CO PE. tl(. k et"". If,IJU J ('In I C,l ny a C:O Pt:. r~ L l: l pt In ymb walle t, yuu an:n't du li1,1(. )luu I pan. Orlee il g.j1l1 lhe mem be rs who a rt! a lways 1m t he corn m lttees, al the mectln,;s, c IC., ;'I IC no w.tlso upcnlng. t hcii hdlfolds frequl'nlly tn hel p m till S ( Il [ll:al fund-ialslng c Uo rf It IS a ve ry dlf ll(ult t.sk III sell a COPE u Cket to a member you neve r!oct: a l a meetmg.. [lily, o r any Olhe r union funellun It sccms It IS a lways Ihc :l lreajy rn\'ohed p(;ork who musl lf:;/in C:Jrry I he Brother!'l Buymg d COPE IId(.l't, llr l... ell ix-tt!!r a COPE ucket pet munth. uillll ~I!U I um\)o hl!'l sold all rhell.dlmled II ck.o,s. ~ hdplu] bui.1 small effort mdeed \Ve a, umun constructwll wolker!'> must be reglste.ed to vote ;md also Jonau' time.and money tt),l:oud labor \.anju.lat\.-,!> btjlh Ivcally.lnJ naljllnally -l lw!'>e I.. hm l',"'uu. Jle mdecu our hrll.'au and bullcr Fur }()ur... dl, your bmdy,,'il1d p'ur unum, gct Involved l Due to curr~nt XQ\t'Hlml'nl eiecljon fund-rotisln,g I~w.., a umun ['annllt.. cnd lump urn\. of mom'~ tn 11 c;tnj,dau: T his IS... hy e.lch t i('jq;, IS :II... malt denomm.ltmn and the u:cellh sutes II kul Icctcd volununly Stub$ must accompany all muhcy sent to COPE Umuns..l Ie,cstnctcu, unhke big bu!>lde5!.,... mpluyii.' J" a5!'>ut.lallnns, ABC, ftl~ht 10 Wu rk.;mj.iihlulllon cunsl."rvol u ve foundnunns, In r.l aslng mon\.') hit poll! luan!'> T hai I~ w hy antliabm fmu's annually nulspeml U!'> by.i.. l-i ratio Any lhmkm)o; prr!'>on ColO!'lCC thil t pjola~lr leg H.latJun 15 ~ rt.3 1 If... c.i re to Su n.'i \'e, gru..., and m ;1 Lntaln our rt C~<:ll t... d,r.:es anj cuntituons. D unng th~ rll!l-t 51X YI!;HS... e have. been bardy a ble 10 ddend Lhe prnlahm la w ~ on t he books now, n('\1('/ nund li yln~ to IInpmvc.1I1 thcm ThiS commg yea r yllur wurkcr-:. uppon cd benctils m ll)' ligam be 1,lx... d by the Senol lc f\ dllubfc brc astl ng htl! l!'l com m ~ lip l!l the l-iou't~ w pruhl btt a d ual ShllP, l LR. lsi Th~ tlj:bt wing Camr, li~n 10 have the Icdcral gov t' rnmellt b q~ Jn pi)lu.. m),; stnker!'l has momentutn In the St' nat c. Ik lp stop S. J 7774 Se nd C(jrn:sp tlli d.::nce 111 th t, Ho nora.ble Unlt"cl SII\ IC<; ~l' na tt', W Il~ JlIng tun. 0 C , :Hl J t he 1-\ ullllf.1b le, US, louse of R t: r tc::.~t"m;h1\1cs. Washm gu)i}, V C. 20S J ') A Ct now! In MoI s~a,hu"l'lts W I.' a ll: fllllunate to lld" t' t WO OUlStandmg re p rcsl' lli.il Ivt:S, M r. Bo l.llld and Mr C OniC, whu bulh ~'ot l:d 8--0 fm Jabol It'8ls lal1on las l ycar Also ",'e have pl'rhaps th l.' bl ~t lahm senator tn M r. Ted K c n n~'dy who eonslstclhiy r.. ted a 94 pc rccllt o n AFL CIO vl)u ng lm. u es. Lasl year /H' pl'i!,>(il]a IJ... led the ni!hl tel block an ahcmpl tl) Jl'movt' ICOt'rd ] rrqicc ts from Ihe h:deral prc...:jlllog "" age law!-i ts amendment du eclly meant a h,t of money II) )'(IU and )'liur family With Cr:ug Little- ;JnJ mysell as cochairmen (lr Local 7 COPE Ihls )lcll, I wam to Soa y t hank you to our past chalnnan uf m a ny, man.,.. )e3 r ~ Tom MI,l Jf Il)' WI.' mlw kllow what a tough job Tum. T IJ a~ k pl'lijli t; fo r Money. IS must difficult unde- r.any Cli umsunces For au those ~cars and the e ffo n, Tum, l ocal 7 says, " lob ", ell done. ehanks'" Elect nur illemis. dclc2 t our 4!:nt'mu:s Sn \.[ SA, nuls. r s Local Conducts IBEW's First Women's Conference L.U. J8 lu), LO A GELES, CAl.- Local I~'~ Women of the- '80 ~ Confercnce on Apll l S W3S.l big SUCC(liS, 196 women panlclpatt:d In Ihl:'o Cunfer!!ncc which the,lrsi held spre,'icd/h',or women In tbc hl'tlury of Ihe IBEW BUSiness Managel Ron Ferr.ara e}l l ended a he:lfly wekome to t ht: Conference ~ t h,:njci:s III:: SldH.:J thai h!! was pmud 10 chah ~u(h,in O:Vt'O I, t h.l t hlstoi Y W:IS ccllamfy b~lng mad!! by ISEW LI}c.1 f 18, and t hat l oc hj.s been l[1 thl' fordrunl In provldm g quah t)' r l o~ rams and e.... c nl~ fur It S membe rs fij r!'lome (1 mii.' Ilc s t ; l t ~d l hol t he W.:Io$ also proud o( the 10 Ilg S I;1 fh'.rng an d con rlfjlll ng ~ flo"1i of th e: local to suppmr the w limen II represcnts. He cited the landmark decision II't the Manhart case brough t by Loca l 1 S to the mid-70s In tha i case thc Suprcmc Co urt Struc k t10 wn a!'l d,scllmlnalory t he rcqulr l'm ent uf the Department o f WaH:f Speaker Scna lq r Diane WnSOD is ~ ho"" n s pc:l king at the litsi Wum(' I1 '~ Confrrence spon50 rt d by loc:.tf 1&, Los ngelh, Cat \ Conference Logo ~ LOCAL Pictu red h!l1t~ lugu usli.'d fllr thc l Ul: a l I R W OIn~ n of t h... 'Slh C n llfc ll" n c~..i OU Jl O W <':f Rl.'llrement Plan,h;Jt ""' 0 111(11 cllihn but l.! II ~r t': llcr purtl llll nf The a... il~<.:s t ha n men fur recclpt of 1(.lo.:nllc.1 1 rctllcm c nt be nefi t '>. Ro n abu J l ~c lj s;, c d tbe is.su(: ~ I cmnp:n:lhle wurth,tnd t he loc.3 ]'5 COfn ll1 l t nh~1 1l ill oc(1 vciy p ll r ~\Ic the Issue of pay equ ll y fm IL'> f e mal ~ d\) nlln3 t cd ckm:al c] :I ~5eS Rohert M,ICdo I\ 3J d, DtfCcwr ~ll the lbt-_w Utd ll), Depa rtment of Wa shlllgujll. II c., welcnm cd the 3ttcndc<.:s and <;ta lt'j he W;I ~ proud 10 ljke part in the Ars! IBE\V Wllmen's on ic:rcllcc. He encouraged thc att~ Il Jccs to p3.uclpa H.: m Ihe local a nd J I S.CU~SC J the 10. an d ItS Id,II 10llShiP 10 lht! loca l ScnJto r Dlime W:llson was InllnJ ucc::d by Ron Fcuara Wha, a mjgmficen t ~pc..1ke r ' She spoke on the f1iliiilcall~~ u t'j; 3f1tcling women, and she g:''''c ever)' woman th<:rc an ovcr... hdnllng M:nse of pnde Ruth M iller, prt'!'>lucnl or th~ elll/11l0 n of l ahor UnIU/l Women tclu W1. was next Oil Ihe age-null Sht' d1scu5!'lcd the history of CLUW.:md women In t ht: l.ioor (l1qvl.'mcrh and the Impurtance: of wuml.:n ~.. tl1ng m... uh-c;d In umlln l11alh:rs,"vornen 10 InC' wurk lurce in".! lis hlstonc chwnldc was discussed b)' Dr. "hce Clement Chn.sune littleton. act log pnlres~ui UCLA School o f law. s(lllke on leg.1i rs5u~-~ :lllc\.uag women sexual hara~!'>me.nt (Omp3ubtc w ~ltth. r'l.'gn:mcy In.abillty IC.lve,lDd affirnuu... c action Ruth BLmco, s ta te mcdu"~nr ilml fu rmer IREW urgj:orze:r, spoke (In rhe nlswo 01 local l~ ;,tld her pc-rsor'llll Olga mzli1& drolls dll fl ng the e.uly 'los Drama"'si Durene LLld... Ig, performed :J hlswncal rctro~pec li... e of AmC ll('lin wumcn entll lej " P.1 S1 t he MommR S'1I1.. Robert DOhrrn:lnn discussed the flhng \If a JISC liffiln J: tlon compl:llnt w l1h the Dcpan ml.'l'i t 01 Fair Employment Jnd Hllusmg.ag.ams t the l os Ant:clc.. Depallment of W,ltel and Pu... er Elallle Kaback M S. ~po k c on c.reer r l illl!lln~ a nj I1cvdopment, a nd Cawl T r ;) yh)1 M S, ~pn k c un!'ltress managt'ml.:n t Most Importa n tly, l OCJ I HI pru...,ded c htlj ca re Work Safely l.1.cli llies tor a ll tilllsc ulil:njmg the COI1!1.::n:ncc T b l: ki ds w('n: lefl In rill' IHlnds 01 licensed child, ca re praf c~slu nal s ttl cnloy a da}' of cartoons, m o... 1!!S, readmg, and M cdonald 's lunch, We ar c very happy wlth t he re sults o f the Conference and a re Jookin8 fo rward to lulu '\: e Vl!l1 [S o f!iu s type as many o f our mt'm bcrs ha... e requcstcd them_ ROY.TT" K_ SANIOA.D, P.s New Retiree T h ose whu gathe red for Brolh~r Boscardin's Ietirl: mem party a n~ s ho wn li ~ce nin g to h is speech_ Brother Boscardin Retires After Distinguished Service L.U, 2.2. l i, ri ~&. ~ p al, OMAU A. NEll.- 1 w tl l J;1Vl: yu u a few lines from t he j...' Hl w r.:s l. T he wo rk s ilu:mon coulj be!>omewh:1t belier as ",u m c of the Brothers anj Sist e rs :He o nl y w()lk ll"lg part tlmc Somt' arll.'...'ork lllg ~ h o rl wceks, others a rl' alter!latins... ceks There a IC :uuunj "ia mernb~ r s un the bench. Bro ther Archlc BUSl ajdlll Ita.s fcll redl so now Brother Wah Smith has become 01.H assis tant bus l nes!'l agent On "'(tn! Il. 1986, a reurem ent palt) W;t,!> held fo r Arcb\(: Food.and refreshments WCI/;!'lervcd, and ~ lalgc c rowd lodudml; il il t he hmt l), had.. goud time Arch.c cnteu;d LOC.1J 11 m 19J 7 He l \."cl.', ved t b.. Apprentice of the Year Award Archie.se rved on the Ex.eC'ulI"'!! Huard COl elg.h l years, a!'l fimillcial secre-ta l Y Cm eight years,.3nd as.assistant bu!'>li1l'ss m;tn"'8t:r lui 10 )'c,us He hu becn actlve wi th COPE. the e'en llal bbvr UDlun, Apprentice Com mlltee. rollllcs. :lind the EX;lrnLD m g Bo:ud He helped Set up tile fi rs t Retirees Club 1Il the local and worked on thc fi rst Cllme lab on whcds dollated hy the central bod~ In thc city of Omaha Archie lias be-cn ilclive an so mally thlo~s that there!> a 11M a mile: longl Archie. we say, "Thanks" for.i lob... ;:11 Jon( H ANMY MINml.UP P.S City Is in Middle Of Building Boom l.u. 2.-S li.sp:l,i!.!'l &cal'o ), BALTIM O RE, "' O.~Thc Bal timore mclropolttan a rea is current ly undcrgo rng txpjnosjvm,1nu dt'vdopml'm In lis suburban aleas as we-ii a s In Ihe. Ci t y Itsdl T hc small Baltimore County commun ity of O w mgs MItis IS lhe faslest-dcvc:lll Jl mg cun\munll Y In our area Localed northwest or the City, 60,000 ho m cs au: sd lcduh.:d 101 CO O!'l truction surrqunutng t he new O WIngs Mi Us Town Centcr!>ho ppmgcomjllcx. The complex IS C'u rrelllly the la rgl:st project in OUt ;l rc a a nd IIl c\udt:s th rcc m ajo l department Simes, res' taurant 3jC as, and o ver 120 m dlvl dual sho ps to be ~ <C Z a: :::J o -, 27

30 Shopping Center Volunteers 50-Year Pin Broehe:r George Widenel. chainnan of tbe Peotia Unit of Local 51, Sp ringfidd, til., presenls a SOyeu [D,EW pin to 8S yun young relired Brother Roy Tomlinson, crew leade:r, Pekin Une Oepan medl, C~(ltra lll1jnois Light Company. who retired in Pictw~d Itt somt ollbe Local 24, Bahimort. M.d., me.mbcofl wbo worked On tbe Owings Mills Town Ce.nter project. Assistant Businll'SS lrtana&e.r Chico Voso is in the center. scorv,,:ed by a Dew expressway and the subway (rom Baillmorr: The (our malor electncal union COntractors on the!he 2re the Dynalecrnc Company, Enterprise Elf'ctnc Comp:my, Vista Construction, Inc., and the 8Iumenthal l(ahn Company. Total c:ombint::d ell!cln(;al conuacu aw.udc:d 10 these:: CODUICIOf5 exceeded S6.5 rmillon. A loul of ISO of OUf people werc t:mploycd on this projcc t at us pt'lk. Super VISion mclude:d General Foremen Charles Johns, C3lvm Gudeman. KC:ljo K..arppmcn, and roe Herfel. The: fo remen were Bob Green. '1m EV~D. Bob Hastln~s, frank Liberator!:, KC:lm Mathews, M:u: Hams, 2nd John Hailing. Shop s1ewards ldc1uded Charles W~ak.1cy, Jr., Bob Blaisde ll. Rod Reeves, ;,and Roger Lash. Jr. T be Vista Company Is rcsponslble lor th~ Bamberger's StOre. which 15 cunently running smoothly and on schedule despite the intricate hghtlng and exactang detail requi red from our m~m~ rs on installation. 8Ium~nthaJ Kabn r~portcd.a SIm ilar condmon on Its Silks Flhh Avenue store with a total 0' 15 men. The E.rnerpnse Elccmc Company 15 currently respondmg 10 ejt:tcnslvt: customer changes on the second and trurd levels of the Hecht Company StOIC by working our members on flex Ible schedules and overtime. The Dyoaleetric Cornp.any IS responsible for the overall mall area and the outside parking lots aqd wu able to respond to CXlel1SIVe drawmg changes and customer preference by workmg our members over a longer period of time. Uruon unately, this project was not under a signed Balumore BUildlDg Trades Agree ment and thus opened Ihe doors to [ow'prlced, nonunion cornpc; lil1on. With over 150 of our members servtng as examples of what union electnct:ms can accomplish when challeoged by tune, preci Slon, and changes, we feel certam that our cus tomer, the Rouse Company, WIll be m ore than sal.lsacd with the results. R OCER M LASH, 11'.., P.S. Members Volunteer For "Christmas in April" L.u. 26 (j&es), WASHINGTON, D.C.- The follow. 109 are those people who gave so unselfishly of their skills and ume on Apnl 26 by p:uucipall ng m the " Ch,jstmu m Apnl' program: Leon Geibel, Jr., Wilbur Haley, Willie Bellerose, Cary Long, I.me! HaislIp, Richard franklin, Harry Cartt'!r, fr., T F. Fenoell, Jerry Papa, Vasco Wester, Malt Backus, Thomas Williams, Herbert Lee. Carl Trugfnberger, A.,. Wngbt, Lynoard GeddiS, Walter Meyer, Perry Diori o, MIke Mooney, Howard Oeo pictulu sbow tbe taul 26. Wubio& too,d.c., volunthr5 and.pprentice Gloria b l in,ki workin, for Ihe "Chrislmas in April" project sponiored by the 10c.1. nis. Ir. hm Antonovlch. Lonnie Denlck, DaVid Creamer. Harry Creamer, Frank Laddbush, Joe Laddbush, Glona Zelinski, Rick Hall. Sabnna Coli, Om Mc.Quald. Michael Darucls, Wilham Marun~J and Don Robey. We would also like 10 ac knowledge the fouowln& electncal contractors who were kmd enough to donne servia: trucks on dns day;,. E. Richards Eleclnc, Haislip Corp()f3UOn, T & H EJectne, Dynaleclnc Company, Cates EI~c mc, MAC ElCCl ncal Construction. T. A. Beach Corporation. lames Elcetnc, Total ElccUic Servtce, and Billings &. Buckhead loc. Without the support 01 these contiaceors and volunteers, we could not bave made "Chnstmas In Aprtl" the success thai It was. Thmks to all of you for YOUI gencrosily The Scholarship Commmce '01 Loca126IS pl~scd 10 announce Ihe 'WInners of thls years award: Wendy R Rodano and Donna R. Wllhams We.ndy " the <bughter of Brother Paul Roda.ao. Jr. and byes ID BeltsVille, Maryland. She IS awaiting a reply from,ohns HopklDS UniverSity ", hele. she plans to major IR psychology. Donna hves Ln Sunderland, Maryland, and is tbe daughter of Brother DaVld t. Wllhams Sbe hopes toalteddg~rge l own Univcrslty IR Washinglon, D.C., aod malor tn foreign se.rvice/ Russlan The: ScholarshIp Com mlttce would like 10 thank evcryooe foi their partlclpallon i.n the progum. Best wishes.nd congj2lulauons are e:u~nded eo Ms. Wllhams and Ms. Red.moln theu future endeavors. We hope to hav~ photos of these Ane young ladles In the next Issue 0' the tournai, Since OU t last arllde the following Blothers halle retired: Edward F. Hanko. Fre<!tnck A. Geblcke. Lt:land I. NeweU, and Robert H. Shepherd. Local 26 wlshes you an enloyable reti rement! We. are s.ddened to report the deaths of three of our Brothers since: last month's article: George R. Acree, Frank I. Noooan,.and Paul A. Watford. Our beanlclt sympathy is ~x t cndcd to thclr loved ones. WADE H SHuurr, JIt" B.M. "It Has Never Been Easy To Be Union" L.U. 51 lo,u,t,calv&'rtbl, SPRINGFIELD$ ILL.-J came across a ratner ioterestlng article 10 the newspaper the other cvemng-the IOOth aoolvcr sa.ty of the H.aym.arket Square Riot of May 4, 1886, :I d ash between Cbicago police and labor uoionisu which ciimbjlcd a decade of 1300r stnfe and proved a temporary setback to uniona:zation in the UOIte:d SUIts labor unrest had been growing in Chicago from c!l.rly February, with a.!l trike at the McCormick Rc:apcr Works, which h.ad resumed operation with non union rep irlcement work-ers, and with demands of unions Hghung for an t"tght hour work<by. A mass udion rally was called for on May in I-bymarket Square, The Chicago police force abo 'SRmbled for the udion gathering to keep the peace.and pro t ~c t pllvate property. Aiter sevenl fiery speeches were debvc:red. police decide<! It was ume to disperse the gathering. As police.advanc~d,.a bomb was throwo Into their ranks, One poh~m2n feu dead, six were monally woundcd, and many others received lesser wounds. The police: fired loto the crowd of union men, women, and children, le.avldg scores dead and wounded. Although no union actlvlsl was eve. proven to have thrown the bomb.!leveo union activisl leadus were arrested and convlcled 01 conspiracy to provoke murder. Four wcre tung~d, one committed suicide, and two were sentenced to hfe Jmpnsonmenl. This case drew considerable controversy. due 10 the conduct of tbe rnal and the barshneu of the sentences. Fmally, m lune, Cov~mor John Pcter Ahge1d of Lllinols pardoned me men Ul prison. II has never been easy to be uolon. Maybe we have come full Circle. Our struggles today, as yestcrday, ar~ OOt for the unrealisllc, but for the I.au and equitable. For wltbout URion labor there will be 00 fau and equitable- working condiuons and wage.,. Attend your local union meellngsi that I' where It all bt:gms Do,\.fJN1 C R1YAJlA, P.5. Lucky Guy Shown 1$ LoClI 57, Sa lt Lake- City. Utah, Brothu,lck Mallbt:ws' Bronco or what was Idt Jlher a rock rolled down Price Canyon and hi t Ihe truck. Brother Matthews was noi hurt. Negotiations Completed, Committees Thanked LU. 57 (O,U&'I" SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH- The local has compleled n~goliatlon' on au of our contracts (or 1986 Thc local would like 10 thank the followmg Brothers and Sisters lor thetr efforts in scrvlog on the various committees.

31 Our Conslrl1uwn N egotl atm~ COll1llllttec was compns.ed 01 BrOthcr... S. K Pclch, Icny Edwards, John MichJel~, :md myscll. OUI tree company NegotlJlmg Commltle( mcluded Brmhers Tin! DIXon, Dan Call. Adnan Cooper, ASSISlant By ron Nu.-Isen, and myst'li AS!lIslant Byron Nielsen negotuted and r;1uficd the contract at Idaho Falls City wnh the assistance III his committee wluch was compn~ed of 8rOthers Tom Wlrth, Dan~ Lu!:ok, and C,ant Callup The Negotiating Commlltee for our Utah Powe, and Light Company contract was compnsed of PrU;ldcnt Wollyne Woobey. Business Manager BI'llne Newman A <..S15l..1Dt Byro n Nielsen. ;lod Rcpn:.. cn 1.311\1C$ l.ack Matthews and Rena Moermall The various cl3ssinc311qils were reprcsente'd by Broth en. D.nl: Walton hom (UJfSIC3m DepJumcnl. Ron May from Llncs,md Ser\'ICC, Paul Nc:wman from Relay and TechniCians, ami SiSler Sandi Ross hum o ur oftlce and dellcal area This cuntrael was g,lllog lu arbllratllhl plior to.1 l;j.tc settlement m e,illy May whtch ~'J.S rjllfkd by t he membl'rs Represcnl.:ltlVe la ck Malthcws of uur PncC' uffill" haj :I ll:lrlow ~scallt' III Price C all)'on on his way to the union office \n SJ.lt Lake. A l.uge rock rolled down Ihc canyon wall and hll the Ford Br(lncQ lol Ck was tl llvmg The Brunw was totaled out by dll: IIlSUIJnCC company. Fortunately, 1;lck W :I'i umn,ured but plum ~hq('jk up, The ouuide construction market IS Sill[ depressed In our area, wlih some poboslbh work developing In Ihe t(:lllsmiss lon nrea lor Utah Power ar'ld LIght Company. The dlslrtbutlon work hls noi de~ c1oped as lhlticip,lied, and th, rc l'i hide hope for IInpfLlvemen! at th is tunc The local wou ld!ike 10 thank Brothn Larry Watts for Ihe u~e of a poem called "Imagt: of a Uruon Dream "... hlch wc bopc to S(C pubh ~htd In Ihe " Rdlccllon.. " rage I,1f our/oulnill Thl! put:m was wnllen by On'll VIt:W$ and ovo'11ed by BrOlher WattS NOR"'AN R B RUW7>o Officer P s.. Soon-to-bt-retircd Local 53, Delroil, Mich., T r ~:lsurer Sam McBride is shown greeting his SOD h1ikl':_ Remember, Do Quality Work for Quality Pay L,U. 58 (i.em,s pa&'nb}, DETRO IT, M I CH.~Brot h e r'i and Sisters: Hellu from Local 58 Guarded OptImis m hest describes the mood in Detroll WOlk IS liull good wnh a promise (or the fulurc. Many of the big lobs are completed, but 3 score of s mall. related IOdusu)' lobs arc creeping up Mnzda has been hiring men and will c:onlldui: to do so Our out-of-work list Slays smolu Lf... e can man one major project In our IUrlsdletlon I undersland thai we!lull h:l\'c about 700 tr&vch:rs helping u!> out I emphasl::!e tilat If YOIl Jlt: planning to wolk 10 De.lrou, call First In con\'crsjllon with many of Ih.:: Brothcls aud SiSterS, U IS qulle apparr'nt Ihat thefe 15 J lot uf OVt' rumc.llound It h..:.js been a long lime eodlinj: For m,ld), of us II IS a cil:lit1cc to gel cau,.;hl up on old bills and to!>.ave for the lean Illnes, Bee:;ause of t he abund.mce of work.:.ind the long hours. thc:rc IS al... ays thc temptallon tn perfnrm shodd) w()lk We are- always Iudged III good times o r bad on the qu,1hty of work ",,'1.' do. We must malnt.lin OUt standard especially In snod tunes The custom er IS paying time and a half or doublc 10 gel SOI11C Jobs com pie-ted un schedule. Hc e xpects, :md we lis u nion men and worn!,:n m ust glve him. a quality Labor Spirit :"ember!! ;u~ ~hown :IIHtoding l:lst yur' Labor D.lY P.lnde. rob II the CU:!itl)rnl'r ""_mll.;j mlt'rlot... (Ilk. he... Imid h3\e hued nllnunllln al h.i" Ihe ptlca= When Vot m,tn a lob. no manu huw IUffg,. WI.:.. HI." I;xpcl".tI.:d to... ork like tbe crahsmcn... e arc'. I remind yuu...'t,. are Union, we arc expcnsi\'r, but we all;' the besi We art: th... bcm;hm,lik fur tht: H1dustly The Ent~rlamllle[1t CUlIlmrttec IcmlOds me th.1i Local 58's Annu.JI Picnic is coming up In carly August. Fvr tholil.: 01 you... ho holve neve r attended. you are m l ss Jn~ a SW(' li lime The pa rk J:Hlunu.; le nd Ihe-mselvl's tu an old fa ~hioncd plenn: ;Hn10S rheh:, There arc plenty of games and swimmmg fo r thc kids. El.1chr..:. hr.h 'icshocs, tug of-war. 311)11K with m usic ;md rdrl.":.hmcn t S arc designed It)r tht: adu lts II IS a Krea t place lust to lilt III thc sh;ldc on a picnic tahle and shoot the brceze With old fricnds. It 's very dlfftcu lt Willing tills artlck on a ~unny srnng d.jy and :nhilessmg actn'ltic$ that... )11 be oceurnng at s uml11er 's ~nd. labor Day is Ihat vf which I speak. ThiS 1S our d<l), the d.1y 10 shnw the world whal II mean5 to bt- unujd \~'e wllh pride as our fathers ami thell fathers bdure (h~m UOJllm1>m cannvt be taken for granted. It has changed the world, it is theequahzern:nrowmg the gllp between rich and poor_ It IS wmcthlng th:jl must be cvcr guarded and never laked for granted For some of U5 the only o\ erl w:ily 10 show ol.1r apprc;cj3l1 on to tbe union mo~'cment ts 10 marcb on Labal Day. When husb3nd5, es, and c-hl ldlcn march HI unify undel Ihe union banner, mdust'1', government, and the world t.lk-e notice. Ple3se pljn to march... llh us D NNIS On'uo.J. r S Elections, Negotiations Keep Local Busy LU.. 68 (if, DENVER, C OLO.~ EleCliOIl "lolnn'ls and Convention dcleg;lics anj m:gotiatloi'ls havt genera ted good activily anj participation The nommarions of C.. 1mlldJIt.:s d rew no surj'hisl's nu[... efl ISS1ICS Ically ukcn The IInpt1rfa ncc or ea c.h p O~ItI I Jll appeals to dr.:)w the members' 3ttcntion Our local has suff(red cxr('nslvdy over the bsi Ih l ce )'cars Il was le:.s tlljll IWU months fll ll uwmg our fa:.t decllon :md I1cgol1:ltIons thou this local entered In to concession b3lgaimng. that kd tt,! lmmedl.tlle massive J.aYllffs :Iud ullcmpluymenl To dale, (Iur local sui! ba~ well OVt'r 100 hands nn Book I TillS yt'ar Con tloll".l()rs 31e.1ll.:lcklng our local on different fronts In negotiations OUt NcgOllatlng Commllice hois been loreed to contend with l6 concrllcwrs!:oepjlatdy In addition 10 NECA, Ttl ~um up, It appe;afs to have gont: roughly 3ecordmg to our business m3-"j~cl-"; m{i"l rc:celll rcport. with II &000 chanc(' that WI! wll! lu<,t" SI1Il1t" A few big lobs proml:.e= tu pw'o'lde some work III the 1:1I.:a r future:, such as the Insullatioo of ii brewery fo r BudweIser While som... ('lion has bt:en maue to deal wllh ljur prublems, we han: )'CI to att..'l.ck them With," OUI IIldustry In oj malor... ay I hope n..:xt m(lnth Will provide better m ws wnh declwn and ncgotla[lons resulls Work Scene Improving; Support Other Unions L.U_ 7 1 [O&' li b), COLUAlBUS, O HI O- The work picture (01 l.ot.:.1., I IS Improving shghlh' :I "; (Illt we.nhcr 1I11('1 ro, c5. Bruce &..I\ \crnl!ecs El eclrlc Com pan)' n::celvcd ii $4-1I1 11 [mn eontra<:t from the clly of Columbus ThiS loh has somc substation, ilgh1illg, and transmission work on It. They also picked \.Ip a sm311 subsl;1 tion proiect for the city of ClcvelJ.nd. New Ri~'e r Electrical CQrporatlon li.as avo'a ldf.'d an undcrground-dlsflibutlon project fram Columbus and Southern OhiO Electric Com pany In the Columbus, OhIO. area Work commenced un rhe 28 th of."-rul The OhiO Statc F:urgrounds malolenance conlr:jici... as awalded to Amt'rH;.In line ConstructIon. Amt:ncan line- has b{'en Ih... successful blj.-:ier on,his project for the la.. t three ) t.'drs Ahu ~'\'cr:ll munths of lj.!'.nul repurl'!; 01 lhe CrcJrcf Clevcla.nd RTA work, fin.1l1y some good na=... os ctlmes The Reglorul Tr':lnsll Authoilly 80ard h;j~ Jct:1JeJ IOresume w(iik,," a nt"w slgn;)(.sysu'm tbolt ha!:o gencrau:d OI00ut s,.! mj!lum 10 cost ovcr runs The COSt O\'t: rruns have rt:sultcd Irum a need to corrcct an error m dl.'~l~n "r t:clfir.:.atjuns Our Cleveland work has been lagging, and lhl~ deli I1I1c:ly IS a ray of sunshllle. Our munthly :.a lute goes. tv Brothers MlchJ.cl Rlghm:1n and Donald Taylor. Both Brolhers- s.etw,: on our Exccul1vC Board ilnd ate hardworllmg. dt d IC..lleli c ra ftsmen Broth.:r M lch.jd ' I-i:lr drm: k.' RIghman has been the sclf-pluci:ll med "Iourneyman of the yea r" for t he W. G. Lnrfield CompaltY fur the r;tst sc'veff years Brother Taylor IS employej a... ;} fu r for High Vo l tag.: "y~tcms 10 Colum' bus,oh10 Brother Taylor has been rcspon:llhlc for many successful prolccts lor the HVS Compa ny Buth atc 17-y..:af members of the mew Do we hear Ihe cry fill help from our "I!>tt'rs and BrOlhefS from other tradc umuns 111 this grc.1t country! Du we stand Id ly by a nd do nothing! How many L1DleS do we tgnort: the other udlon's problems bc:e: ~use Vo'( feel 11 dot'''n', affect us~ I thmk too many urnes Ihls happens What may nat be vour ftghl today. I hough, could eas.lly Ix )'our problem lomorrow, Ho... cad... e- help the cause at Hormeli When the Flight Attend;JntsQfTWA held.3 r2j1y In Columbus. we were rhere We mu~1 "upport Ihose who arc fighllng llnlun uppresslon Toda~ Vo'e h;ave too many t:nc:m.ies. 100 many laws,.ntl roo many pohu cuns we helpcd IU cicci that art" aglllosi unions We ne... d to support one anothcr, ba"j togelher,.nd flghllogt:ther tod.jy m o re- tban ever II wc rauy bebmd others' fights. they will be thele when we need Ihen support UnIOnism rs a great way of lire-, and We rnu'il protect what wc ha... c Sil long fought for Our t:ufftr;}ct negollalll)l"is wllh the A~plundh Tree Company on the CmclOnau C.1S and Electnc Company property have bet'n ICStJlveJ. The: members J.ccl'ptcd a J.I percent 1O(; II.:aSe In W;l~es. We want to give ;l big vote of than ks to Brothcr ROil L..lI;Y flit IllS help (on the NegOtl.1l!ng Commltl ce. RCfl1l'mhc l, be unioll, buy unuln. Local Holds Spring Unit Conference CItLLl.. "\11"1 L v"~ SI( E<, B.M L. U, 77 to,u&mtl. SEA TILE, WASH.-Tbe Sprmg Unit cconfcrt-ncc was held m Olympia, Wasblll"; lull, on Apnl 25 and provided the ddeg;,l.lcs... uh sult1clt'nl information to lake back 10 thell Unll rnctting5, We were fununate 10 hav!! had Brock Adams as {Inc (If the gut'si speakers Brock, who undn the Grt!:!r admllll' tl;l.tlon W.lS hcad of the Tunsponanon Dcpanmcnt. 1S nnw mnlllng for,he Senare seal In the sure of WashlOglOtl agalost Siadc Gouoo, the IIlCUrnbfilt Brock S.lIJ thai "labol c:.arne-s Iht: mrddle ci.lss and deserves bttter Ib:m whji th~ present admm ls.tr.jtlon IS P"o'lDg tbem, :llld 10 1;IX fnnge hcnefhs IS wroffg. " Brock Will ne~d all Ihe help h(; can get ~ud looks forvo'ard to workmg Wllb Lo<:al 77 In tilt" nc:jct declion. Joe Murphy, ehallmao of Local 77 l'l,lattcal AClIon Commit Ice, stressed the Impor t.jncc' of getting lilvolvcd in pohtlcs_ If you a re gumg to e~lf1l!ol pollucs, you Will neej money. Snobomlsh PUD CommiSSioner Man Dillon's UJ!lIC W:lS " Pro -Jo b s~not Anlllluc!C3r" with a very [Ively questlon and answer pcnoo which col.1ld have l:l~ t ~d much longer thad th..: allotted time 29

32 Conference Winners Apprentices >..J ::>.., 30 Brothn Ralph Jord.1o, ",undine.. Unit 118. [verell, woo the " RAT' bal ufoe.11 the Conference. Vice President McCann spoke on the Cimcepl o( UOII conf (:'rcnccs. "It noi only IH o vldes the business m.an:.llge. the opportunity to Ulend mfo rmauon to the delegates, wh o 10 tum extend that m/ormallon to tbe membership a' tben unit meetmgs, but wh en you gel UOIlS together from different sc'gmen IS, then you,gel;a proper VII~W of what!hould be:: done " He alsoplaccd cmph:lsisoo contnbutions (0 COPE" 0 mailer bow b.ud We try. If We' don ', gel the n&hl polltll::lans In office to hdp us, we Wi ll not succeed." A r,dlle Wi' beld at the conclusion of the Conference (0' II " RAT" bat which Was won by Ra1rb lardon of Unll J 18. Even:u Seventy dollars was couccltd h om the r.1me for (he " nghl-ia-work" 15 De 10 Idaho Tbr: tvcnmg banquet provided the' dde'gal~ and men wivr:s With a relaxrd md enjoyabl e' ge' l t~ther Llfesavmg awards wefe presented to ROgl:f Cregory. Ron Zellor, Oan Presion. Don Corcoran, 2nd Ste'ven Salle CIIARUS P SILVERNAI.E, h. M Strengthen Your Union: Organize a Coworker LU. 80 li.o,"s!upa). NORFOLK. VA.-The lalt"st social event for Local 80 was.he Annuill Crt'dll UOIOR Dmner Mt"elms- The dlnm::r was well at tended by the membership and all seemed sallsfied With thei r CUt of pnme JIb. The comlillur:e's cholct" of the rcstaur,jldt at Met Park was e xcellent, e.\ en U the.r e wasn 't a game betng pl ayed_ M OS I of the. Q 6c:en rr:mamed m ofr ce fo r another I~m so they could coonnue.helr much-appreciale'd 'No,-It Apnll meant more rooney In you. pocke't If you were workmg In Local 80'5 Junsdlcuon The work situation In the area stili seems to b.e: holdmg up Of course, if tt- e dectn!!al conslrucllon m this lunsdlciton being done by nonunion labor was belng done by unio n workers m st r:at.l, we would rleed three times our membership to do the work The best way to get this nonunion wo rk Lo bt: union IS to Win over our COunterparts to our Si d e:. It's a fa ct thai even with the union rlegoltatldg bett~r c ondil lon~ and ijlling standards there's a l ways somcthing for som t:bady 10 complain about (\'s hum::m naturt:. So, you eao Just aboul Imagine whar the nonumon worker complains a bout- a 12- Of 16 hour workday for II livable take home wag~, OD~ 01 Ih e lucky winners of a VCR WIS,.. oufd you belien, Brother Jim Hollomoo, formu scribe. T~ lk abo ut Iud!:! IPhotos submjud by Loul 80, Norfolk, VI., thcli pnvau: vehu:le used as a company truck, dluupeci from some SU~u o r who knowsalj ;lbout electnclty and nothmg about people, and aoy num ber of thlnp that can change: ;a good hvmg mto drudgery Most of the5c' workers can be o l g41ruz~d j.f the fight people un educate them Olganl'tt five. non union electncmns and each one of th~m know at I~ast 10 m ore potenll.lll union me.mbers, and each one of those will know 10 more The k.ey to a ~ tr ong umon IS oumbers and brotherhood. The: newest members of Loal 80's l.llmlly wen: born 10 three of our mcmbc'fs_ They are JUSltn Raben, born In March to Mt :lod Mrs Bruce kwis, Sh.ll wn Mauer Ford, born on Apnl I to SISle.r VIc.kJ Fo rd and her husb2nd, John, and He.llthcr Michelle born 10 Brother Don Lille and hts Wlft. Theresa Congnlulallons W the new parents and also to both 01 Sh.:lwn 's gundfathers who afe Local 80 e1e.ctncun~, John Ford and Haryey M:Jltcr At the time 01 this writing. our Sick hst Included Brothers George CDrI.':, Cary Norman, Horace Gu. ganus, Roben Hallmann, and A_ A. " Roble" RoblDson All of us wish these Brmhers... ell_ Reurtd Brothl.':rS Robt= rt C hick and 8111 ' Olley passt'd away In Mnch. The DIAce r ~ and mem~r offer thelr condolenca to the famlj.l.':s of Rowt and Bill Bro ther St U ZenO'S mother passed away In March. Our sympathy to Brother Dill Zeno 351 welj as Brother Rick Zeno on the 1(I~s at his grandmother Remember a sbul-lnt RAY ME.YERS P_S. Local Is Proud Of Members' Quality Work L.U. 84 (O,U,cat... &tl. ATLANTA, GA.-The aruc1e this mootb IS dedlc:.iited to th e' hardworkmg Brothers and Sis ters \"Iho art employed by the dlfferc:nt " [311" ltne c.onstructlon comp:uli!!'s local 84 bar gams with. These good members perfann the COfll rlex wo.k nslgnml.'nts of cnn~ tructm & and matn ~ taming transmission-and distribution pawe.r hnf.s not only wllhm Ceorg,la and the United States but throu ghout the enllrc' worl d Several Local 84 outside IlOc mc:n h.1ve... orked ovctseas m COUnU'!!'s Uk\! Saudi Ar.llbla, British HonJuras, Libya, Iran, and Mexico. The olltslde ml!mbers constst of appj'oltlmatcly thc 6,000 Srothen and Sisters Local 84 represents. Their craft and ~ kill IS;l most soughtafter conllnodlty by the dlffe: rent construction T he apprentice linemen arf' shl)wu prtpanog to demodsual!!' their climbio8; skills durill.l the L2- d.ay dimhinx course. companles when a power)lne IS to be constructed. The outsit.le: member, ate kno~'l\ throughout the country to be: hardwo,klog and c:onselmtlou5 and to know then cr2ft to the maximum. They gald this knowledg.e by attendmg and graduating h om the National 'Oint Apprenoceshlp Tralmng School. Local 84 IS fortun.ll te to be: located near such a school in the Adanta area known as Southustem LIne Contractors ASSOCiation TralOmg wbich 1.$.II; ~ubsldlary of the NIAT. The SELCAT school 10 Atlanu IS d"ecu:d by DenniS Moody Brother Moody has been t.llrecror of 5ELCAT foi approxim.ately eight yeals and dunng this lime has been dolng.lln ouuundlog lob In tralnmg the upcormng apprentice hm: men. The SE LCAT school curnculum lakes four years [Q complete Tbe apprenuces sian... uh a l2-day chmbmg COUl.Se where they learn the skijls 01 climbmg po l ~, k.oot lying, h:udware placement, electncal theory. safefy, etc. Afte r this LTalRms, u 's ad to tbe field fof on-the-job U;lIOlog until graduation, then the a ppre:nuees top out and become lourneymen hnemen So, Brolbers.lind SiSterS, lake pnde: In Ihese,good members who perform Ihe outside- Ilot work_ They are a grand rtjlect lon of Local 84 through the consclenltous work they perform e\lery day. ThlS is.ii eontmual dl'rnoostralion In the dluerent employers th:.t all the crafts and sldlls Ulcal 84 offe rs Ine the best. Remember to have a Safe and H.appy Fourth of July_ Local Participates In Walk America '86 FIEJJ)lNC> \Y G U RLEY P_S _ 1-8t. ti, rl s,em &'sp.al. ROCHESTER, N_ Y.-Dn Sunday, Apn l 27, the Annual March nf Dunes W.IIJk Amcnca '86 took place Local 86p;lniel paled once agam tbis year.:is.. hd se... cf,l1.1 other buildmg trades umons The weather was lust about perfect which m 3k~ walkmg the 15 miles :J 10 1 more plea~'"utcfu l The: March of Dimes Walk America, communltysponsorf.d function is committed to Improvillg the q\li\h t)' oi every baby's!tfe 2t DI,-th.1 no ask s the same- commitment of the communlt)'. The: walkers sollctt SI'OIl SOtS... ho pl edgc money f r mtlcs walked by thc p;lit1clpaols The 10 UowlIl,g members and relattves walked the J5-rmlc route: Dave Brown, Sue fpau ) Brown 's daughter), 'Terry Conhendy, Mike Cook with da.ugh ter St\l.cy and son Stc"e, Steve

33 Crowe, OtIC th~ 01(,:1', Deb)' Ceary, Illn Ilyncs, Ir., Dan Kl'ILhum, Noml Krause, Dlek Mitchell, and Sue Mueller The tl6e.rs mcn!lon d above weu:ablc to collecl 51, for this very worthy cause. The en!irc bulld mg 1Ia~lc s provided 5 1 walkt':ts who had '1pon.. or pledges amounting au 57,594,90, n,l' If)I.1J,t:m3I e! Rochester a lta produced,ome 2,BOO wrlk e rs whq solicited plcd~c.. IOlalmg $144,254, cc lulinly.,. good day's work' A spcclalthank.. III DcbyCca ry and NOlm Krausc who CtlChal red the even! for '86, and to Oa... e Bakf':r, Vmce erer~i)1) Jlnd Bud Kelly who d llhrt huled r dre~hn1(:nts and encouu~c menl alon& Ihe. walk roule to.1i the g~rs and a lhers In nt':ed. Your dlmt.. We ll' rl ally appreciated And Iiut but nth least, th.lnks Iu all the gene:rou1 '1pUl1w r"i who contnburl."d 11:1 IhJS "" onhy CiLIU~ RJOI.t\RO W MrRIIIIl PS Pictured lit: the Loul 90, Ne:w HIVtll, Conn., Brothers whl) \'oluntured tbe.ir time Ind elfl)rls to luisl in Ihe rl!pair... ork It Camp Gamham in J)urham, Break Time Chris Hynel, ct.nte r, lud.s I work crew to II "call ned corrtt b,uk" durin& Itl l! rebuild ing dloru. Members Volunteer To Rebuild Children'S Camp L.U. 90 (llle m J. NEW IIA VEN, CONN.-Se\'e lal months aflef Ilurnc:.nc e lona slashcd thruugh Qur SUICC sume of the: agony of bel de\';j5ilailon WaS stili being felt. The Fnnhlllm Camp In Durham, Cannecucut, til whrch spcc l~1 children camp W.JS in $lid sh.lpe NumerOUs building, were damaltr:d and many Se.TVU:CS tom au the: buildings. The estlmaled repair cost was stilucri"g. and the camp o~ lin o l s wen In desperate necd of help Through rhc' elfclcls of,he New Haven bujjdrng HOlda, and d pe<: lally the ehorn of our 8usm~S MaOllll;et lerry EspoSito and Arnold l::rcob50n, owner of IlCobson Electnc, a... ork force. wu put togcttler to U"" In ltetlln& tbe camp back m shlllve for tbe chlldreu 8uslneu Man.1&er [,po.sjld quickly h;ld tbe aui t:ance of se vcr a.1 Local 90 yoluntc=cn, The:sc: med gave up D Sliturd.. y ;md werc.able 10 tc1!ore all power feeders aad repau other clcctru:oil p r()blems, lllltcr on they assisted In b.&,su: carpentry work n wc'll u c l ~.:Jnvp dct.:jji. Nct dkss 10 say, the camp opc:r:aton from the Fresh Au Fund werc greatly appreciative. Our local IS.:aisocxtfcmc:ly proud of Ihese men fordl5l'ltaylllg,heir CI VIC' minded attitude. Those members who paruclp.:jlcd wc"rc" DOD Camden, I'liul Radowlcki, R.:IY Clow, Bill Alfano, Cbru Hyne., Paul Peterson, Demus Beauchamp, Wayne Tbolhr, Ted O'Am, Pete Rlcte:y, Bud Tmnery. ROy I-I :unson, Hugh M cqui re, Mike O 'Shea, Bu sinel8 Mllnllger lerry EspOSItO, "nd John CagIiCtllDO, Thll'Lk i\mcflclill, buy Amenta n, ROfillA.T COItRARO, P.S, Members Piuurcd :are LOC"al 100, Fresno. Ca!., iljlunrymrn.:it molor,cdnttol ruining elass. Members Complete Motor-Control Class L,U. 100 {i,o,cm mi. FRESNO, CAL.-Creelln;;~ to :111 Brothen IInu t:;1<;i~rs In Fl l:snu. ThiS old pen and I seeol III have a hard time ge tting lo~cthc r before lhc de.hlline (01 submitting :ahl c k~ comes ulloml I knll... a I ~l t of "ur lucii I Ilu: mbcrs nrc working out of \tlwiij no 111cmbefs :arc (")n Boo k I righ t now I 1:llked lu Ihe I IlI SLlh~SS manakl'r lod R)" :Iud he mil! thn! thcre nre a lot of good '!1I2cJ lobs J;cltms rcauy hi., I:ln Th l! n~ are ~eve t:ll h(\sr""t additl(li\ IlIb." the Aven3lrrison, :lnd the new fur Fre ~ no CmJnty, May be by the tllne you rccelve ch is, MlIl\(! of Ihese lob... WI\1 have sta lled, On March r;, 11)86, Loca l 100 lind the loc al ch3ptcr of the Nlltlunal Ele.ctrtcal ContraclOn A5 SQC lalhui pul un ;II m otor-control elu'! for OUI IO\Jmcym:rn dtctnclans li ~ li\g the 100nt Apprcn li ceshlp Tralnm g Committee matcrllils. The class was well attendw l"e SCv~n - wet:k cia I was laught by Harold Deppe,:I 10c:&1 contractor aod Loeal 100 c:le c trt cl~ n The 10 lourneymcn who complded the (ourse.. re Ik,b HamO). Steve Shuck, Dc.nnls Drown, Chlls Wa sson, Rlch.ud WleiJnd, ~ I ry M"sh, 11m Kdlul1l, Ikrnie Gubam. l ee: Walker, and Jcrry Cllbcn.. We all h.:id Jl toi "I fun, and I thmk we all learned somclhlll~ 100. The one thm ~ th:n was mure Ihan.:Iltlll~ bit hard wu tojttllllll the buoh. Ic;aJ the m,ncna1s, Ind dl' 1111 Lhe homework.hue1ourneyman UII.In1U& courses Will be: s tan IIlg again 10 the fall; so Sign up as roon :IS they are posted 10.ssure yuul place in the elil ses Have ill Jlood month' Rlol.t\tw WILLANn, P S Members' Concerted Efforts Produce Great Results LU. 10) ti,u&'c.si, BOSTON, MASS,-From A('tnl J J rolhc 16.h, II dcl",3ud.d from Local 103 iiiltended the Ann\l31 lbew Construction :li1d Mlllnte.nanee Conlcrence and BUlldlll& Tr.1des Legislative Conference an Wa 'lhmgton, DC At the tbew onference Local IOJ Buslncss Man.. set Io.ck Taylo. received :a round C)f appl:lllse when he thanked all the locals around Ihe coontry that wrote Ictten to Ihe National Fire Prott:ctlon Auoclllltion (N FVAI protestlng the usc of 1I0rmnion labor :at ~helr new b\lildmg's construction 511e In Quincy, Ma U ti ehusclls, Tlus org:tni::<1 llon wnu:s the NlltLl.lOa( ElcctrLc;a1 Code: Book, lhtll we use In our indostry. TtllS NFPA job was turned around th rough ti ll: efforts of e:o nccmed Brothl'rs lind Si sters frum throughout thc country wh o took the ti me to wnte:. Also. the: effon:;; Q( Pic ket DIrector Bob Hynes, who c nducted IHcketlllg from Novem ber to Much, hlhi a grellt impllct 11n tlus job' turn"roulld A speci Al thanb gl)(:s t O :l 1l those who wrote leltel5 lind walked our pickel llnc. The l)ulldmg Trades Leglslll tlve un(eicilce W;l S timed JUS t flghl Two bills Ihal :l re I.,ucllI l to org.amzed llllbur umc 10:l VOlt:. The fitst bill Wllrm Ihc Sen;lle.. The ScnJlte: bloc ked illn ahcmlll HI b ll n~ IIIl ;lnllunl n amendment II) the H obb ~ ACI that would make ofjcnscs cummliled dutlna. 'aoor dlsput co;.. fedcul clime :!Iub,CCI 10 Ions pn ~nn tefm... 1 hl',,"ci.ond blubbor was ' lewjlnus un w ;a~ \ ' 1:1")' ImrunJnl to the: BUlldmg TlaulC., Thl ~ was House: B1I 1 IX t wh Ich pm culbs on double blt'.a.. tln~ fi rms III the CUr'l.!>lfUI.. IIOn Industry. HUU'ie memlxr~ voted 129 to 173 for the l;1ntncndllfo;ed bill The.1,000 ddeptc'i lit Ihe BUlldln); :lnd Con strucuon T,ilde", Conferen(;e hjd il ful Imraci nn the outcome uf both these: bills When ynu have.j.ooo p<'o('tle lobbymt on Cap" ul HI li. fuu have to expect somethloj: JlO~ltI\"e to c(lm~ nut of It But we hav~ co keep III m md that thue: bill' Will comc up :ag;llll, Jnd the: next time thc.e prohably won't be 3,000 dcl c~:ilu!wm la bu l to lubby, So, c.l ch :and every memh~r must J!,.I![ IIlvulved and do the next bc$t tiling tl ' beang there Wnte 10 yuul senators tlnd t:un,.;rhl>men JS wcll lis ytlu, 11Ic;L 1 poltllclan5 (I n ISUlCS Ibat concern Yllu ThiS Is a vay effce: ti vc way to fe llt: h pui Ll ICI J n.., lnd It works, He re: IS an 1Iltere<;;LLng bel Old you know lh~ 1 unions' pension fund.!l a le the largest source uf iovcstnu:nt C:.IpJlal ill our ecqnumy!udlly... llh as cts of o... er $1 udlmn and Pro1cctlons Indicating this figur e: will pll'is Ihe $.l lnlltnn m :lrk. by the end of this ct:.nfulyl By lhe year 2000 urlluns' pe nsion funds will control 50 percent of the Il toc k 111 Amt:lrt.an corpor.itions O rganize d tabnr I!'Ii lacing many ch.allengc'i In the '80s, and It is vcry impor t;lntth:ll cvcry dfllil be made to ensure that these mve.stlnc:n ts In red e~ule lind clhpurnllon.. rl.:!luh In union con struction for ul1ion members, Our cnemle, m the opcn shop or the ABC have :a chellce They can either loin u.s as a bir contractor o r frace the l>ame future 35 th (.' dinosaur O lg:lnl"z,ej l:tbor's tool of thc future I'll the pruper U~I! (If our (lcnslon monic" which has nheady :!Itartcd to show tc... uhs not un ly 111!lustfUl, hul t hrou~houl the cuunlry Unll]!\CJ:t IIl1H1Ih, rna)' God blc~5 yflu, and he prouj t(r he ul\lon Some Work in Area, But It's Still Slow LU, 107 (i,('fll,rts.l-s&spa). GRAND RAPII)S. MICII.- Kllkhof Tr,Ul fonn('r, wlln~e eontr... ct ex pucd AplIl 30,,nd WlI1l1kel MoHar!IOhop h.lve both r:ltlfied new cunu:lcl!i Tbe COn ll.lct5 for our mulor hops li re now ne}lotlate:d separ-'tcly. Coodn eh and Hulo P;aod OGlrd ha\'e laid off, aml... e re hoping everyone Will be back to wo.k soon. unslni f.lec tne Mo tor now hn;lo men at Fisher Body on.16th trect, and Kent Power aho has some work :at Fisher Thcy Will st.. n wnh three men We b3ve Brothers at lonl:.& Pnson IworklnJ:1 W~ had an SO man call at the C.ampbell Power Pl:1nt fur onc... eek ThlJ lob Will be history by the tlnu: this art! Ie 15 Jlun ted We hllve SIX ncw apprentlc(5 which 1 htlpe In lell you more about next monlh WI:: had an Inter national RepresentAtive asslgned 10 our office '" MliY to assist 10 o r~alll ZlOg There WIll beanothcr Labor Day P,uade this year an C r:lnd Rafllll~. We hope to h\lve IIIl10lher liojt this year, bui we nr:cd volunteers, IJIr::ue conl;lci the hall tu sec how )'OU coin help or ask It the nat ulllon meeting Last ),caf was a hugc success) :md this year can be, too. wllh your help, Don't hesltate J Septcnlbcr Will be here before you knuw II {I should know: My blllhdlly IS Ifl Scptclnber, and every time I turn around It seems to be Scptember again!! "A" members' dues increased on h.lllc I dut: to 31

34 ~.. Z II: :::> o.., 32 the hourly Increase: which afi("cts dlc assessment, Momhly duc.. will be $26.42, and qull T1 crly duc! will be $79 26 thwugh the mrmth of Septc.:mbc r, For thu~e of you covered under the Michigan Electrical Emplo)'ces Health Plan, II 15 IlIH nce::cs ury to...,,11 Hcah hcarc Strategies tnc r ga rdmg cmcrgcncy r m YISItS Only call the toll frce nurnbet when belllg admmed to the hosplul. ongratulauons to Dave Haverkamp IGoodru:hl Ind E. eott Ne:... len jguwli... hl upun the births of thtu babies Remember that our UniOO meellngs au~ the Ihlld Wednesday of each month. Be umon/ buy unloil Union labor IS not expensive, u', pucclns' JOE RACZOK, P S Several Contracts Remain Unsettled L U. 108 to,u,mt,u,s,m:u,ru,.rtb,rts,spa,cm,c3ty&'t l. TAMPA, FI,A.-We ale 10 mediation wllh As plundh Tree Expert Company lit this lime As plundh offered the people a 2 percent cut In w:agcs effectlvc Mily I This CU t would take our people back wages'. Needlu, In ~:l y. Ih,. members of Local 108 did not accept tht cut W~ pr~s~ntl )' have I 'ederal media to. mvolvc'd ID tbtu negollatlons, and w~ hope lh:1i With his a-;-;i"iiunce we can scltle lhese negotiations to the pleasure of both putlu. We were stili In negotl!oltlons with TECO with suslon, set up 'or the last wer:k In May IU st.:ned be'o re, nellhr:r sldr: is In a real hun y to seule at IbIS time. We art: also 10 n egotlallons In,h,ee other unns at th is lime BrOlher 11m Rowl:and IS h:andlmg Globe Umon, makers of the Ole Hard b:allenes, lind was workmg loward a s(lilement puur tu CApu auon on lune: I, 1986, In addition, Indiantown T elr:phonr: c=xplfcd 00 June 30, as did Elecme Conllols, and at Ihe ume of IhlS Wilting. we wele working toward a ~tltlemcnt In both of Ih!:)!: UIlItS Local's Histo ry Now Available for Sale 8 R. BENCTu,,. S LU. 111 (o&.u l, DENVER. COLO.-AI lhr: Con Slrur:uon Conftrence held Aptlill. 1986, In W.uh Ington, D,C., Busmess M:an:ager Mason had the opportunity to plue-m Prr:sidem Ch.ules H Pillard and Internallonal 5r:crelary Jack Moore wnh a (:omphmcnuryenftynfoll r ot'w book 00 the hulury of Local 11 1 In auendance also WIIS VICC President of tht EIg}uh Dl5Inct Ion Walters. ThiS complelc' history 01 Loc:al III, enutled " The Lons, lourney," was rcleased m Apn l It 'Was wnttcn h)' MMY Gibson, eduor of the III ne:wslr:nef Available no","' fo r $air: at the urlon office, through agents and olflccrs, and at unit meclloks, the: softcovcf edition IS $10 A. v~ry hmlled quanljly of the hardbound edition of Ihe book IS for satc al S I S. At the Construction Conferenec Prcsldent PII lard remalked on Ibe anhumon groups whhm Our pohttc..al arena ThC're arc su ll clkh l milhon men and women out of work. and approximately lour to fivc million work only part lime rrulden! Rugan IS spending billions of dollan n nauanal defeose IIlstcad 01 taktng a responsible stand for our : l1bS He eontlnucs to rduse 10 lax tht' hugc profils f business while: at the ume tlllle dilly alll:mpn arc made: 10 gui our soclill welfare plogums Big bu'lltncs5cs wou ld ra lher go to fo rr:1gn countries, bu ild huge planu, t.i. ke.ihjv"tll ")!,t: of Ihost' wvrkers hvlng a substandard!lfe, and then have Ihe: nerve 10 bn ng IheH products back to the Amcneans to buy' 1 am hapfly 10 rcport that the healt h.::l nd welfarc programs within Ihe mew now have 100 pertt"'nt reciprocity, and presently 849 pe rcc", f the loc.ll uolons p:a rllclplitc In the PenSIon ReC iprocity Pro gram The N EB F has Incleased to 51.1 pci Illnt1 1h 'or calculallng you. rethl::ml"m, :a nd presc'ntly I t:!ired mcmbcls hnve rcceived J 5 pe rcent Ill t lellsc. Our Local Union's Annual!'!COlC hh been )thej \lied for Sllturday, August 23, 1986, surllng at II a m I h" year's P ICRIC will be held once uga ln in Book Presentation DU'!inU-.S M:aIl:aX.:r Rub.:fI Muon of Local I j 1, De nt-t, Colo., is shown plu enting a copy of th r local', hiuorr 10 InltrDltional President C harle$ H. Pillard, untet. AI right is EiCb lh DiUrkt In tr.rn:n ional Vier: rt r: Idut Ion Wa1ten. 10lero.uional Secrt' Iar-y Jark F. MOOIC, ri, hl, is, howd 3LCccptial his copy 01 Loul III '5 history (rom Busine s M a n:a ~r r Mason. the moum:alos.ii the 8ca\'cl Crcek Ranch ncar COOifer. Correspondence on dlls matter ""0'111 be (on hcomlog Work safely,.nd a!lend yuur unllm meetlng~ JOliN L DAVIS, P,S Fourteen Apprentices Graduated in May L U. 112(i). KEN NEWI C K, WA SJI.-Louli ll held its gudu:atlon ceremony (or 14 appumtlces on May ReceiVing scholastic achleyement awards for the four year pc-nod of atlendanee and grades combined. were Randal Mutch of Yak ima, :and Kall Markland and BIlly Bugt of Kennewick. The grad u.ues were LoUIS AI"!lb, ToJd AlmqUist, Billy BIrge. l eslie Bunc.h, Allan Gneb. Douglas Headley. JoSt-ph Kmg, I O:lve Leg:ard, K:nl Markl:l nd, R.andal Mutch, DaVid Mylcs, P.lul Riel. Wayne Taoo:llull, and Arvid Wlkstrand CongtalUllltlons 10 these young m en for a AnC",ob l oc and Local 7.lof pokane Wi ll host the North... est Electrical Applelltu:eshlp Contest 10 Kennewl(:k, Wa.. hlof,l nn. an Cktober The t~ l e$ p:a n ie1 paung 10 the Contest will be Washmgton. O regon. Idaho, and Alaska A.-:ood ImlC" IS e-xpecled. along with some keen cumpetilion Don'l you Brothers thloughout our mdu\lt)' hi" hevr: It when someone tells you Ihat dectnctans working on the ILmlurd Nucle", Prolect glow 111 the d:uk! We only ShUlC with I)U I koowledg! BILL E. WII c nx'inn Til. DIR Happy Work Days Return to Kansas City! L.U. 124 Ii,se,em.hll,rls&' s pal, KANSAS CITY, MO.-Work COntinues (0 boom U\ the great!!r Kansas C it y arca. The.ellenl MOlors PI:ln t I[l Ihe F2Hfax DlstnCt of KDIlIlU Cit y, K.1n!1015. ha) lx:suti to lur;: men and currently IS going forwa rd ::It II fasl pace. AI peak Ihe plili ll luoks to employ over 700 wiremen MeanwhilC'. 10 othel N il) "f Ihe rlly. you C:l U't drive more Ihan a fi:w m al e! III any d irection Rally Plclucrd af~ union men wllo participated in the: " ril hho wo rk" r:lll y on Janul ry 8 al the Miu ouri t l u e C'pitol in JeUrrson W ly, Mo, (Photo sub mill ed by Local 114, Kilnsas City, Mo,1 without seeing a new office building. hotel, or,happlos center under construction It's good to sec and feellhls after remcmbenng so VIVidly how bad It w:u In 1980; ilnd, Brothers and Sisiers, It mltkt be thou w" y ~gllljl m a few years. So now is ii good time 10 sock away some money ID case II b. The local IS proud again thl' )'ear to field SIX lohb311 teams. Under the gencul l(:.idershl~ ul Br other Mike DamiCO, the teams Will pby on Thursday nights;.and ant te:lm each week WIll.otate mlo II Monday mghl an all ' unlon (cagut r.nnd luck, guys At our Apnl meellng wc were pll!;t~ed :&nd pnv Ileged to be:: addressed by Cathy Z... aneh. flight.uendant lor TWA At Ihe prcsent lime TWA Fh.l!,ht AIlt:odaDt5 arc on Mnkr :1(,::1111.., Carllchan :.lind nva alld h:avc been 'Of over sue weeks It wu Interesuns to he:al Ihe true StOC)' of what was gomg on III TWA dunng the sliike: the lreptne5 01 scab attendants and Yiolatlons by TWA of FAA n lgln+ s:afely rulrs I don't know If the Allendants Will be on sulke: whcn this gots to press. bul... c at Local 114 Wish them the best of luc.k J would illso hke to congratulale and thank those Brothers hom Local 124 w ho took [he time from thcli flc rmlnal hyes 10 go down and IIlIll Ihe rhght Altendllnls' plck~t hne. Agllln It :.hows the II sup pon and wllhngm:ss [0 paruelp:ale III the labor mllvrrncnt R(18[Rl I MAtnM. P S Four Brothers Receive Life Saving Awards L U. 115 lo&.ul. PORTLAN D, O Rt.. fuur more Brothel:' huiil Local 125 ha\'c re elved life ~avlng AWlrds Bro thrls Flath. EaStin. la rer,.:lild Jones were credited with saving Ihe hie 01 a 4 )' at old boy when a yehlcle overturned and Ihe boy was tr~ppt!d III the wreek.lge. The bu), h~d lopped brclithlor, and the Brothers admml Icred CPR. All fnul of the Brothers an~ headquartered III Western D,Vlsltln lind ilre cmployed by Jlortl.1nd Gene raj F.lt(, l li( Thc)c Awards are carc"tully con:'ldercd pnor to R1llklllga request for them Thank t o~ hop~tewa rd T,m Wandell, the local W.;1'> tnformed of the BrOlh ers' IltllUns. If T un hlln nm nutlfied us of this incident. we may ~O t have heard ( II It fo r quite a while Journeymen,lI usual, don 't hltlw Ihcli own h(lin Thanks, TIm The local IS be~mmng prt:r.aratlons fill 19H7 negultlltloils We have IJ conilu!:i:; open III 191:17 M:any huurs of research will be d(lile IlIIor to going to Ihe table. T he method of ne,ltoilrtll1ns the uld ~ I (lnd.uds. "The Golden Ru les," WI.: have maio talned must be set aside: :lnd new, IOn ovallve type Ilf work rules lind benefits musl bt= (;Uil"illderl."d. 11 Ihe IBEW can ;u;:hleve more rrojuct mll In :a cn.. t dfcu lvc mallner, the In dustry Will be better off lui yelll) to CUlOel.aDd, eon ~ e l.l ucntly, we wi ll be I\ble to m :unuln a eomparabb: st.1ndnrd uf h Vlng for II) :u)(1 our fami li es. We m ust be.: stronger from within OUI own or JI)lllzauon. T here IS on ly one W oly tv!.io th is: l\eco ll1 t' lnvolvcd, Altend an g a union nlecllng once

35 o r twi ce :I year, Iii not t he...',iy l\j Ju dlls When 10 pcrcem 0/ the mem bership IS directing 90 percent of the members, the 90 pc rcent hils no lustlflcallc,tn fo r compl:llnlog aboul 1111: llj rcction of the local. Th e 10(:1\ '5 input tumn {10m \hl:. membcrstllp allcndlog the ITl ccllngs veryon~ has the S.mlt~ opponumlics to be hcard If you IIrc not In 3ucndotn ce, y(]u t:lliillh)1 be heard If e",e ryone sct.a mini mum st3ndard of ;HtendlO); three un it m eetings a year, v, c willl13"'e.:iichlcycd.:ll goal lis.. umoti, that IS, for you as members 10 be given the opponuntt't to 11.1\ c us dut"cliun 1I~ to WhCfC you... ant to go ALONZO MI ~II"tLS, P S Congratulations! Picturl!d are. ttlired Urolhl'r L.awrence J. M::ulInto lind hi! wilt:, C:umen, during Ihdr 50lh weddin~ anni... ersary celebnticlq, (P holo!li ubn1 ilte'd b, Loul 1.30, New Orleans, 1.11,1 Retired Brother Celebrates 50th Wedding Anniversary L.U. ljoli&.o), NEW ORLEANS, LA,- Thl: IICl:lHll pallylng picture IS of Broth..:r Lawrence j, Mar.rull tl and his wde, Cll tmcn, ccjebu.llnp: Ihelr 50th w t,:\l ding anrlj \'I;:rsllry BIOI her Maranto and hi S Wife renewed their wcj dlllg vow.. nl the Mctnllh: EVlln ' gl"lical Church, followed by a.eccpll un Jl1 Ih e Al clhhldc l ROl...lm ljrothci M;kunUl tw.c~(1\1: a 1'\1\: (\\' ber on April 16, 19J4 H l~ son Lawrence A, M:u :Into, SI, IS II IUUfnQ'Il1:l11 In LOCAl 130 He also bas two gr.ln d.scms wh o a rc npprcllll CC'io, L"wlencc A Ma.ranto, 1' _,.:and Carl S Dcc-nel, It Although Brother M.u;anto \5 rctlrej!lilw, he Ilttcnds many Clf the loc'" l', n:gul.li mccun,;;; There arc always sc",errll li:tl,cd mcmbcr~,(it our regul3r meetings. Hl)wc\'el, thene sue lui) mony mcmbc15 who neve, attend nny of the, e~lilar mcellngs I IbUlk thue members ~huuhj lake.a good lung look at [heu a<;liuns, lor If you don't attend the [J\t!l!'tlDgS, then dc,u,'t complam.. lulut idytbing that might be p'l.~se:j I know many (If (lur members who usually.ltlend the regul!u me":l Lng:) ale wo rlung. OUt III to wn Thac I~ th~u lit' ceptable cx\;.ust:, bur wh:n', yours' I remcmber when WI:... e.e luultcd on Canal Strcct. The usual excuse mott W.l~ glycn W;1~ ;toou t the parkmg situation Tlu, srru.llon was!iolycd... hen wc mo\l.~d to our prc!>enl I!)COItlun T hen Ihe most common excus~l!o btc.une (h.31 ~InC~ Ihl: mcc; 1 mgs wen" hdd em Fnday mghu, Ihey WCtC,olng.3nass the lake wuh their f,.,mlle!! '{Ir Ihe weekend or gomg shnmpmg No",' Ch'Hlhe: regular mectlfl&' arc helt! once.i modih on Wcdnt:,d~ )' n1~hu, I wuudcl V,,jUlt will become the mo t -used new txt:usc. There:... c:rc Sl"'cl,ll member..,.... ho helpcd 111 Ihe Wilham IdleUOl\ CamrUitg,fi They U3.rtcJ hd{lhl& clecllun mornlng.. t J.\I_m_ Fro m the COPE Com mlttee :I special rhank.. ttl SaT~e Alhrttlun, Sl&nt.ly Cancr, WlIlu: Crut'lI, Eclw.ard GUc")l1un, Crt); Ru chon, and 8r1iJn ~haw DAVE A NIUIIJL~L')S, P S Brothers Attend Legislative Conference l,u. "Ill (i,ns,spa&rtb), KALAMAZOO, MICH. In Apn l Inc buddlllg Imdes rlrt3ngcd II 1c~lslalive cunferem:e 111 Lanslll/-:, Mlcrugan, Th is cunfele!u;c was IHr.1n~(;J fill the locals 10 m t:ci... lth t heir arc.. senators and rcrrcs(!ntatl"yes. BrOthers Andy Truax, Dick Redford, Roo Lcyc isee. M tke Moore, and,ohn McCoff an attended the: cunh:rcnce. O ne b ill Ihat pn::.scd the Huu-,>c ()f R cprc scnrallv e~ tne dlly Ihe=y we re Ihl!lC wa. the "RIghi ' to Kn o w Bill. " nus bill U Important to all c.:onsljuc IiOn trades If thl! becomes.a law, We.lS workers have In t' n ght to know :about.11 c.bemlcals we're bc.u1& ex puse:j c(t, Ou, 8rOlhNs.190 Ituned how difficult It IS to &C.l a hilt passed OI.S a law Se\'el\\e:cn bll15 b.'jovc becn Introduced so far IbiS year With only ~"'cn bc:comlog law Local IJI IS ~uppurtlyc of Io'.nous o r,;anl:.:1li0ns.and one m l'iartl culozl IS the area CatholiC churches Evc-ry )'cu these: churcht,;5 ha"'e: a fumi' ralscl t:lll1ed Cabalet tucat 1'1 supported this lunj lals!:r through ad\'eiilsm~ bc:c:lu~e Brother Bob Kluge has bccn... ery a..:.ti.. C... lih 5, Joseph r..,ub 8torne=. Kluge IS.a "'cr, t.l1cntt!.l wnte:r, director,.md pcr flumer Bub h3"1 been Involved with C.lb,;&re:1 fur MX Ye:OI rs, wnllng, dlfecllng. and pcrionmng In the bst fou r The musical and t:omedy aru ngements of the shows arc great and Bob's ad hbhmg kt:eps everyone' l.aughm~ through Ihe whole-show You'... t dnne" :I ~ r e;a c,ob III lhe r.. st. Bob, so kcep up the goud work Locals Thanked For Their Assistance WAYNE R. H EALEY P.S L,U, 141!i.o,u&'CJlt"'J, Wfl EELlNe, \y, VA.-Tht: work p l Ctu rt~ In the Whechng. ;lrcol Ii!. ::.1111 the S.lnle-vt!ry bleak There a re ctlrrclhl y avel 100 members on Book I, hl'lpdully lhal Will eh.loge soon The Annual Apprenticeship Dmner was held a t Wilso n Lodge In Ogk bay Park on,anuary 19, 1986, CongraluiJllons arc in o,der lor the following apprentice:! who graduated and arc: no w journey In c-n 1oc IlId ka, Vlncc Dc.::.rease, DaVi d Gray, Loulc Moure, Rll iph NeldcrI, Brian Polter, anj C reg ['lit ' I ~ I BeSl 01 luck In lht: future, The officels a nd members of Local 14 1 wou ld Ilk.: to thank all t he loc;l ls rhat have kepi a /-:ll'ut deal I)j uur membcr 'il workmg dunng these h :ud limes We on ly hope Ihat wt: can return the {a\'or some [I me. Thanks agam Pa n icll'l,ltlon a t our regular Unio n meetings hjs been very sc:lrcl'j come OU I and support you r local YOll' help and SUppoJlI ate ncejt:dl Steward Training Meeting Held 0... VII] W M YU"', l' 5 LU, 160 lo$.u}, MINNEAPOLlS,.\lINN.-Tb.c An no~ 1 Steward TI,lIOing Meeting was another 5UC' cess with "0 stcw.;rrds In.l tlendancc, DIn~ctu r of l..lbor duc.junn lo r Ihc UmVCISITY of Mtnnupohs Mr lack Flagl~r cumjuut!d the mormng session. ills tuplc was Reagan's Effect on the N:monal Llbor Rcl.1lmn ~ lluarj Meeting Pklure:d ;lrr th ~!ileward!l who ;lllendt:d the AnnuOlI Steward Trainins Meeting hdd (eeenll,. (Pholos j ubmittcd by Local 160, Mlnnnpuli ~, MInn.) Mr Rldurd Shilltng 31H.I "'-1r Paul EllrHl~el of the Mmnesota OSHA HCJ.llh and TrdlDlIl); Ofi'ice JI,>cu~se d the "employee" ri ght t o know" The anuu,11 meeting wa!i well ittended bec;au3c 01 the uut!lt~njtn..: WPIC'Jo bt'll1).: JI,>cU<:Set.! ilnd the qu.l il ty of tht.: ~l'!l'.ikcrl!o Steward ALI KLII C. BINI, P ~ weill 175, Chatunooga, Tenn" Rrotht.r Dub liunl, with 111 e... t'r p r ~S!:nt IIlnllt', ready hun, and v.'illing hand hlls bdonged IU the fa/,hful few ror mlloy YUTS. Good Luck, Retirees! A Faithful and Tactful Steward Retires L. U. 175 li,u,ern,l.'&"nl\l, C IiA 1TANOOGA~ T ENN.- The ~nclcnl Mu~hm... used IU tell the folltlwir,it HOI)' to l11us IIJtc the t:!i~cncc of tact. A suh.. n c,lllc4 tn onc of hl.5 5e:t:r~.and asked how long he wnuhlilve "SlIr," s;ud the sect, "you Will IlYe to ~e!,; ~II YOUI lillnll dc.ld The,>ul ulr Ilew Pictured is the Illst gro up (If LoclIl J65, Chicago, III., relirees wild Wt! rc honufl"d at,he: Incal's Annual Rt,iremenl Dinner D~nce, Left to righl, lirs t (OW, Henedici Nt""'o!lu, Robcn Rosengren, Wliliam Qualey, hhllht:w Quinn, Raymond Sicdill, William Surk, Stanle)' Slancuk, fi'clliii Stll ltll1. MaryRita Suombllck, Alicc Sluden}'1 sct:ond row, 'ames TlIrtorella,lloscmu, Tounngcau, Anlhtiny Vencl.ia, Kenneth Walters, Dolotes ZdOIi, Ludllt: Orillon, ClIr(nlCn ClIrlsol1, Erma Flamini, Eldridge CUI, Lo ls P~ulu s, Donald Schmidr, Vi...!:m Smith, Roben Spt!l!n~, Rita Storrs, and John Zak, 33

36 IIlW :1 r:lge ~ml handed the prophet UVCI 10 III.!> gull'll.. fl)r execu II (1I1 He called 101 the seeon" secr and a.. k~'llillm the same qucstlon 'I m~," said the prophet. " I SCI." you blc"lqc\1 whh long hfe, 50 long III;U )'uu wllioudlve: a ll ),uur fam ily" The sultan was deli~htcd :lnd rcw3njcd the ~cer With Auld :and sllve:1 trinkets. Bcnh prt.,phel'i knew till" truth, but 11 "1.' hilt! Utt) the other tlld n [lt 8ft1thcr " Dub" HUllt, IlU I steward 1Wl 1h n'jcr 10 ycms Ul that po!illlon) IH the sn lob. WIJOWS Creek, IS :l, lid uample: uf one who u~ es IIICI :lod I.ItJllum::u;y III (1IUVIn.. uut hi!'! dulles rhls IS one: nl the: re:asons he has hl'e:n :1011 tn lunclion :15 J stew:lrd for Ih'5 l en~lh of lime: III' taci orl(lng with m~nagemcnt has enhanccd hi" 'iuccc'i'i Of cour~e, ha'jlog good ~urervl'l,nn doc.. mit huu cuher Dub ha~ In'en hlc'ised... lih tllisgond foiluili!, and... e:,oln MI~' lng IIwnk )'ou 10 those who h.lve worked vay closely with lum and our o thel lollu Ihc:re II SB C reed, PCle. and Iydc, know that we npluecllut: ynuf CI)O()C" I :mon and help Fnlks such ;IS )'tlll make: all OUI lob e;l;; lcr. By the woly, Dub drives sum!' 60 mile one W.l)' 10 Widows Creek-lhat's 11 lot of mllu over 10 years We necd mure hke you. Dub May the gnod lrnd Increase yuur tube. Duh It fell my lot to.it1end Ihe IUI~et.ll of Brother Obe!'Jul, a longtime memikt 01 Ihl 1('1(;1), hut Ihlnk I)f thl~ rcc<trd He worked It the HUWlltCI parer planl In Chrlrle~H.m, Tenm:"'iec, as a cun!rucllun dl'(;mclao f(n till: pasi '\.l YC.IIS. Tilal has to be.a record lor our Joe.. 1 for longevliy on the rllt( 01 an andlvldual clrclllclan He ~ ml",sed by all who knew lum, c'jrccl.lly his (fiends..lind cowolkers th!!re ;at 8o...';lter QUI be.ulle-it I'l.lyets and sympathy :ue exlended 10 the bmlly Remember After S;tyIRJt you I pnlyers U RIght, you n..ve to get Up the nut day and do wmelhtnsl. 10 oy 10 make: them comt' true Wmlorn iohandlc }our!tdf, usc yuu, hc.1d, to hartl.llc ulh...,s. u~e your hean May Cod ble!o~1 C U.It the: nel" UI\II)O mr"tloy; 1:.. DUNI'oiI'o'(., It Ii KlN IAMl.., A... P S. Apprentices - Pitlured are thc fourth-)'"" apprentices II du:!' with instructor Palll Ingle'tllr)" 10M' 1I10n); wan. fron l to rf'.'if. Glry MtCulthron. lohnn)' Carey. TraVIS Ty'ioo, Doug liyall, and Robrn BarTell: sf'tolld row Ifom w.. U, front til frar, lohn UCM II! I, Glenn Cope, CO li ulljvan, and Doug. FII"Id3Jlhird row hool wall. front to relit, Randy,UIY, Rob lonn. and lohn :) tud, fourth 'ow honl wah, front to rear, Gil'Y Perl. Ken Turner, Rudy StnussC'r. a nd Illin DeFee. [Picture' submillfd by Loul 177. Juksllnvillr, Fl ) Initiation Ceremony Held For New Journeymen L.U. 177 [i&ol. JA CKSONVILU:, FLA.-Another school yea, has been compl eted, and we now have.31l0lhtr 15 or so new loutneymllll wiremen III the local The Brothers who life turnlllg out do not ha'je to hit the road 10 look for work. I he work Situation has no! changed much as of late. The powelhouses arc $tlll employing Ihe men. omt... urk lit the paper md l In Fe rnandma has kept thmlls going whcre Wt! still IHlve w() rk lor those who want to wolk. Sumt nl Ihe wll rlt 1$ (C)l1I shun lime, bui a weck IS betll'r than nothing al all I do not know thc number of traveling 8rothers we h.we workln~ now, but I am aure we h.we 34 sev ra1. We: do lippreclalc dill.' wurk Ihll!)' arc domg and hupe we ca n give (hem ~li1rloyml nt tilt Ihe mollth~ ahead. Our IIII1Iatl011 on May 10 turned oul rcal... ell. Scvtr thi: candidates showed up, but ~'e hll'je several members who have m:lna~ed W CSClllle Ihe 1I n for many year~ <';ome figure: tl1:11 It 15 tllo I:\le as lhc)' have m3de snme: remarks In the past th:1t might make the committee a litlle harsh In thcli treatment of Ihe candidales. Brother.., It's all 111 fuii I so the next lime gel down to the loe31 and become :a rtal ml!m~r. Thl! beer and boiled 'hrtmr...\:re exeeliedt 35 was Ihe... hole rmrty Thanks a.ram fllr me work ma l Ih,. rnmnlllll'l' pur lorth to put II on. Thl~ ),II!.-a. marks a!tpeelal )cj.r for mys If and 20 mhcr wiremen. T... enty five )leus :lgo we. turned out, after comph:tmg our fiv~' - )'C'~I I'Ilognm To all the ijrmhets who turned OUI m 1961, congralula liont> and best Wishes lor [he ncltt 25. I hope... e C3n all get t gethcr and t.'!lk over old times We thllnk the Instructors who did their besi WIth wh.at the:y had (we had dlffercnl manu.3lq Ihan Ihe In "truciois. and notht.ng sc:rmed 10 m.3kc: any sense) lind for Ihe dlml the)' put forth 10 make us better clectrlclans_ Names that come to mind arc Eddie Smith. AI Thurgood, Ben t-hggenbotham, Jimmy Haddock, and scve:fal othen. who filled In on seveul (fcc.tslons,.-as we rcally had no leal plogram SCt up. Th:lnks 10 :Ill who made It po ~Ible:. I hope you did cast ),our 'JOtC" during your local's elections WItn.O\1t 2 votc" you havc no voice To the officers \Ioho run thr local for the next fr... years, cong,atu{;lllons and btst... u;h. We h:ave lound OUt th.u in some cases the fuson & Brother Will run t~ not because the Ineum})(:nt Isn' t domg the lob, bui because thelc IS need lor changr to get new Idcas IOta our program. If you voted for the Winner, uppon thtm If you didn' t votc lor the Winners, support Ihem al$o. They cannot do the: lab by themselves ThiS IS a Btotherhood, and II'.!> llme... e got brother lnck Into II. Recently I had a talk with RrOlhrl hl"il '.ancln~. the ne... press SC=CUlary for the Local In Remec's dub. He Inlorms me that of the 130 reured Brothers we have, only 55 arc members of the Reurec.~ Club. Come on, Brothers; ~CI down to Ihe local the thud fnd.ay of the month Jom your B,oth!!rs to talk O'Jt.r the good old days. The Club h:ls many Ihmgs pbnned. but they need YOUT help Your wlojes arc also wcicome 10101[) as members BrOlher CancllI:l ha~ a column '" the: retued members section 01 the: Journal : read It. I :am sure that you will enloy It BILL C[HM p.s Scribe Says, "Stand Up; Be Counted!" L.U. un li,em&.spa), LEXI CTON, KY.-Post World W.u -ll bom umod members have kno... n tile hest of ti mes. We nevel kne... the 5t1u~l!! of takinjilthe concept 01 organized ljbor, esubllshing It, :and endunng the hardships of mllklng It work. We ne:ver loughllhe 6ght lochbngc the s... eatshops of pre WorlJ War II into wolk SIlU211Qns... here tbe Amuic..ltn... orkc:r could expect 10 _hui: the Amellcan dream WIth big business Most of us kno... nothing at all about lh~ battles of John L. Le~'IS and the UMW to change the coaloelds from to lavecamps 10 pl~ees... herl miners: elln... ork salely and expeel a fa ll reward lor their labor My generallon has onl), kno... nlhe good fruit of uur forefathers wbo dared to fight for the n ghts of 'Vorkingpeoplc, We have laken from this GC.:II movement, but... e have fad ed 1l11scnbly tq give b.u:k the proper SUJlpOIl Ibe movement desc.rves. OUI free ride is o... er. We h.a'je ridden the blood, WCllt, and telits of our fo refather, about IS lar 35 Ihey can carry us_ Some have sucked e'jery ounce of life they could from orgamzed labor, SO now Ihey're iumping off because: they never knew the relll \/:Ioluc! of the movement All they saw was the bigger paycheck thcy got from being union. Lohol 15 now in the midst of its toughest hollies since the early days of the movement. h 's time every union penoo stands up and IS COUll ted, Svuh:ullc hds Lu voir Itle IJl II.. e. Iu ke.l;:p tlll ~ IJI UVc. menl movlilg, or it will become. monument to p.,<;;t hlslory We've cum~ a lona w:ay, but Ihere is till much ld ~ accomplished. In Ihis hour of need when men and women With conviction :nc needed to $nnd. every union pet'ill n needs to lisk IHlnself. "If Uill UII.:, willi! If 1i,,1 I1U... wlll"i?" A rally is belng planne" lilt.1 11 orgalllzej labor In Ihc fall Brothers ;tnd Sislen, please keep I h l ~ tllne III year ojl(n FunhCI det;ttls will be publls.hed :11 J l:ller J.Uc "Foreign Trade... A Sickle at Our Knees" COLl"lA.N RnALtI P L., 189 [ul. SIO UX CITY, JOWA-Thanksfor the Irlple Hnh Rnss-fnr,h., m"pllllllnn t\ recent article III RelJtlcr's D'Kc,' boldly clalmcd Ihat lorclgn Imports In this eountry arc not:l threat to our nauon', econom)" lind atc, In lac!. a boom to QlIf economic structure. The article went 50 (lir a5 to SI.l IC thllt Ihough foreign com~tltlon In pro ducllon elimlr:llcs m:lny,obs III our country, It IS more a mattel 01 dlsrlacemcnt than abolishment The arllcle explamed thlt while many Ametlcan workcls arc finding them5clvcs lobless aher many ye~rl of fruitful employmenl, Ihose unfortunate ViCtImS n cd only seck a bit of tr.ltlnmg lind pursue new,obs cleliled by foreign tflldc In the :are.'! of rehli1 lr\lere.stln~ly. ndllllng was IUcnuonedofthe fact that rct.lllinr lobs ;tft m()st ofttn!:ar below the p2y sule: of those... hlcb the newly lob less vtetuns had bc:l;:lillit... luu.. ly eniu),iitik. NutllllllK w.. ~ ~;IIJ uf tlle dl5proporl lonate lallo bet ween those newly created,obs ~v:albble 2nd tho If: dl~po~ed of by the Influx of lorcign product.! lnto the Amene:an marketplace:. I'm sure Ihos.c 5l.ndmg III thl:' unemployment Ime WIll find theenllre ullcle a biller lump to s... allow should Ihey hilve the t\lislotlunc of reading ii _ There'A; little union strength In the tet:ul Industry-a bet dueclly responsible lor the low pay,eale th:n hils been ils history. If we Ire to bthevc, 115 5(lme WIsh us 10, thlll those PIIY scales Will ulmb uflhelr 0... n J.cco,d without the untted effort of thc stfuule thillt b3s brouaht our own to ill higher levd, then we do Indecd deseryt tbe fate of II crumhling middle d:a$$, which fo reign trade IS thll'.atcj1i111&_ The OIRanaUtwns of union brotherhood across our nation cury too many sears Ihat tcll us that whitt wc urn today IS tht leward 01 a hlstor)' 01 long bailie" nor II chamablt: h:lodout ft om the he.lrt of corporate benevolence:. Foreign trade I e:a.saly becotrung a Ickle 4111 our knces It 's time cac.h and all 01 us fulfills one 01 OUt most b;uu: responsibilities n umon Brolhers and Sisters SlOP ptlltlng: our money Into the pockels of corp0f3te and foreign gretd! lot and buy Am nean made. Scribe Writes About Interesting Meetings KUTII 0 ext time. look UllL P_S L.U. loll tul, CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA-Th~ pasl weeks hne been pretty Imp,<:sSlve lor me. On Arnl 16 BUSiness Manager Ken Sagar put ad an c.xecjlcnt StewuJs School The malo speaker was lerry Pa.'!r, tabor ('due.;t IOi from the: Untvcnaty of Iowa. lie was lin cxtremely good li:achet of labor issues. From the 31\ siewards who attended, I heard nolhing shu... UI excellent comments about the pr ogram, I w rote thlll Journal Icuer while :l llendiog the II th Di~lrtc:t Iltogress Mccl1ng. which was held in Ih e Lodlle of Ihe Four Seasons III Lake of the Ozarks In Missoura. DuslneSS Manager Ken Sagllr. Presi dent Nile L:annmg, and t:xteullve Board mcmben Wayne Eggers lind I ilncnde..l this Mcctlng. The Arst doy consl$ted of "Iks by lntemauodill Pttsu.lcnl harles Pillald, Intemlliional SecretaI)' lack Moore, :lnd Intcrnatlonal Eltccutive Counci l members Wesley T aylor and Robert Missey. Also speaking. wele Richnnl l'alellll. director of MIlIwest NECA 1 Wllli~Ol F. Jl3)1es ftom the City of Hupl.,lImt DII'JuJ Wel1lLerg., l.\ibut 1Itt1,m lcyj anu Jim Cole o n buying Amcmcan.

37 Stewards School PictUT(d art: the LocaJ 204 5uwatds att~ddi ng the 19'86 Steward, School beld In the SheralOn IlIn, Ctdar Rapids. A lot of tclplc--<; wert: discussed, but p"m:ully we found OUI h()'w IHtie support we are gl\'mg to the Committee on Polllic... 1 Educa tion,copei. We as a union and individuals need COPE (0 work, we have to have an Ulput Into politica l issues, anj COPE IS OUf best avenue. You 'll be heari ng a lot more of COPE fr om the 1t:; l dc l ~ l li[1 of the umon. so please don't turn awa y T h l,: st:cond day of the Progreso; Meeting was hrukcl1 llllwn mto workshops for the respective groups: ulility, construction, :mj manufacturing. Agam, we had specialized Speakl."fS, and IhlSSto rted out with M ichael Lucas, DlreCIOI of Org.lnlZmg from Ihe International OHice. He was foll owed by Oru Amlr:fson and Emily Roscnbercglrom fhe AFL CIO who presented a progr;l m cailed "One Oll(, "The aitcmoon session presented lamcs Wa lsh, Jabor aulllllcy, who talked 3bout safety al\d late programs. J:m Cole, who spoke [0 us ahou! the futu re of Amcnc.i,....as unbehev2ble. "Vi! h:lotentd 10 quae a kw spcakc15, and 1 don't think l've ever been held at allenllon and was that mtereued In what I was he3.tlng. She koew ht"r topic, which was " BUYing Amt'ncan." She talked with so much confidence that It was very Impressive. Aftcr Jan ulked I I) us an buymg Amerlcan made goods, I was embarrassed 10 Say the le,ls l Here I alll a Unt on Executlvc Board member, sicward, and prlf"ss sccretary, and I come to a Progress Meeung (01 the ISEWami find I don'l rlf"prl'sent the way I talk. I uke my holt off to 'Oln Cole for swlightenmg me out. Sbe had some astunuhmgsutlstlcs on Im port export HOlding OInd the way wc AmenC2m, ;,ue spe'ndmg our money We tbe members need to be educated the same' way thedelegalcs at the Progress Meetmg "' I!IC. Let's make an effon to check tbe,",bels on Ibc producls we buy Let' go Ibe uua mile 10 buy I\mencan made,gods [ would!.tke to thank the ISEW fo r trus Progress Meet'"&! II was m>, fourth and by fa r the mosl m(ormolluve. I would also like to th,mk Ke'n S<!gar for his effort In making the Stew.ud.s School the suc(.rss It wa s' 11M SCOTT PS Know Your Safety Rules, Job Specifications LU. 249 lui, GENEVA, NY.-My apologu!s lor Oot gctung toforrnation to time foi an :ulli;: l ~ las 1 month O n Matcb 25 there was a labot rally in Al bany of mew local ulllons fr om N ew YlJlk st:lie. There were oyer 8,000 mem bels march mg. The ra Il)' W :;!S In support of the opening of thc Shoreham Nuclea r I'owcr Pl3nt on Long Island and to SUppo't the construction of the proposed P""ttsvll1 e Pumpl Stor::lge Ccncr31mg Plant Also, demonstrators voiced Ih el r OppoS lllon to Goyernor Cuomo'S proposed takeover 01 the Long lshnd Llghnng Com pany. As I h ave st.ated bedore, the [BEW IS very much alive, and when the nccd IS there, so a lc ItS memhers lust 01 reminder whde... c iiiie on the subject of politics In 3 lutle Over a year, the' high-voltage bill wdl be commg up for VO I ~ In the $tolte of Ne'w York h I" o( r;tca.t tmpotuncc that w~ support tt,\s bill. OIS II IS an keepmg With the SOlrel), and wc1l beang of all line pej!';onnd In tnc state or New York I WIll be '~tunl you the naml!s and addresses of the pohllcal rcpu:scntol Il"es In your respective areas whll should be wlltte n to to suppon of this bill. So. OIIiIBEW members. please: Wille 10 your designatcd polltlc.. l IqJn~sentoll ve on Ihlli ex Hemdy Important Issue I remmd all local 2-19 mcmben once 0I801m to check thell Jub s(lttlficallons h om tlmc to I1me, and If yoll h<tve nev!!'r r!!'ad them. do so We have bad some problems conccrulng people' work ing out of thell cia IRcanon and not realizing ti This ald, and usually doc'li. caus<:: problems. Remember there ale cerl;un SUpervlSOTS wuhm the company who would have: you bdll~~\'l'! ynu can do anylhmg froro laborers' work to that of 01 relay lcch as long as rite lob get$ done and there arc no repelcusslons If you can't get tlte mformatlon correct ly from your supervisor on a wurk-related or iob c1asslfie3tlon qu.:stlon, check wuh your local offh:crs or Execu1.lvc Soard for the corre(;t tnformallon and the corte(;t unton ldterpret3tlon Before c1oslu~. Ihl're IS ODe other item I wouh! lake to co~'el bflclly-safel Y Eve ry member IS furntshl!d with an ACCIdent Pre.,entJOn Manual. Pick It up.. nd re;ld I t~spe(; i llily anytiung dealing with )'our Job speclfic..1 llon. If )'ou 'rt: domg somethmg In c.ollua<hc.tlon of the Accld.mt PreventIOn M Ilntwl. stop H I Aga lll, quiz you. foreman ;lnd/ot supuvl:.ur... lth thest: questions If we all work wllhin the guldeimes of the MU/luul, there should be no repercussions from Ol :1r\.age rncnl III regald to lime spent 01 the ume a Job requires :IS long as II IS Ihe $.lie W3Y' There have been IIlqUIIICS "boui the Local 249 scholarship In aji upcoming issue I report on the rules. guidelmcs, and c1 1 ~lbliity for the schol ar!';h lp awllfd ThiS Wi ll be m enough lime fo r trus ycar's drawlnf\ I Wi ll punt any news n em of local lilieltsl or bencf'kl:ill to the union, so ple.ase send tbem in. T R. GooOELU V.P.- P.S. Congratulations, Jean Local Receives City of Hope Award 'ean Denny, a reporu:r for KRce-TV, Channel )3, has bern nawed Missouri's U.S. Small Businus Admirlistra lioo adyocalc fo r Ms. Deno), has bun 01 tti~mb~, of Loul 257, Jdfuson Cil" Mo., since May, 198). LU. 257 ti,em,nb,rts&..spal. IEFFERSON CITY, MO.- We lust fetumlf"d from the Lake of Ihe O:z.:uks... here EmIl Fisch~ r 2nd I :lnd seyeroii officli: ls of the local acccndl.-d the 19861l1EW Eleventh Dlstnci Progress Meel\ngon May 7, 8, and 9. Atlhc Progress Meeting l ocal 257 was given a h Cc.s3vlng award hom che City of Hope fof our conlnbotlon last yeu. W~ were the o nl y loc.. 1 from the Eleventh Dlstnct to receive IhlS awlu'd. We were awarded a land mark UC ClSl 0 il 00 the D3R1c1 's a rblt r.1t IOn. Ongwally, 157 grlcvances fr om SIX crafts were filed ovcr their termin.:uions for fadmg Ihe sc(;un ty requirement :il l the Calla way povl e rhouse. The arbllrator ruled that the tcrmmations we rt DOt Justified In 102 of the cases and ruled In our layor with back pay. I talked to Tom RoSers in the middle of thc month. H e IS dohlg well and wants to say hi to everyonel Consrruction is SliU slow At this wnt Ing 8'i lourncymen llie on Book I Twcot)'six men arl! on lemporary layo ( 31 Cenlla! Elcclflc. There was a break between orders that IUSI couldn'l be avqlded The}' were expected to be bacil: to work someumt In Junt Toastmaster IS also on layoff aw,ntm& the {all season Cenenl Tdephone lust got ""'ord that they were awa rded the cnnlfll(;l to IDsull ;l new phone S)iMcm at Lincoln UnlvrrSIlY Work :rtined about the first of j\1;ay We.- ha\'t SCn! a IC llcr to all retired members askmg If the.-ie IS IOterest 10 org'1ni~mg a rcll remenl dub, The rt:.pon:.es so Jar have been favorable Blad Crane and I fished m the: MlSSOUIl State Labar CounCil Tournament_ It r;llned on us most of tile mumlng. but we bad.enough fish to come 10 fourth ApprOXimately 30 boar~ tio;h ed dunng the day The!fophy IS:lt thl! hall foi t"\"coryone (0 enloy OUf Afsi lourncyman wtremoin progl.ammablc controlic'.r d.ass stan ed May I with 12 students The second class sl3rted III June 'can Denny, a rep(:utt-r for KRCC TV. Channd 13. has been named Mlssoun 'S US Small BUSiness Administration Advocate for 19R6. M.O!!:nnywa:lo selecled for her news stones prob lmg... omen tn small busmesses In Missoun She was honored 1D St. louis 10 the spring She Ihen will complf"te With 49 other St;lte winners tor national booms Ms Denny. a former St.loUlsl2n, represented Ml SOun 2 S Mrs MISSOU II In 1981, placed fourth in the world ill tbe Tuaslffi asu n;' Inlerl1<lIlonal speecb competition m 1935 and was named luurnaitsl of tbe year by the Mlssourl A SSOCia ti on for C hildren wuh leammg DuablllUes in She... ;1S nam ed an ou\sl:mum& woman of leherson City m 1984, Congnilulnllons, Jean ' PHil Burrs. P.S Ceremony Conntctieut Club of Idaho me.mbe.r Bob Houst lights. nndle durins tbe candle light ceremcj ny a l1 tnded by Local 261. Groton. Conn., members in memory of those membrrs who have passed.iwa)' since the Club was (Jrganiz.ed in Left to right art Mr. Houu, Bob li()use, Harry Dow:.u, and Mrs. f)owselt..~ Dinner-Dance Held By Connecticut Club of Idaho LU. 261 I mar.mo&.~tl. GROTON, CONN.-When Jules V t:'me... TOle Twtnty Thousond Leogues Un del rill? Sea m (869, he un.agtneu a I ~\le submanoe'; a subm:lonc that could operate benealh the' sea for IOdefinnc periods. mdependent 01 the c3rth's sur {ace :md almooph(1e.. What Julu Verne didn't Im.1&m",... ~ Ih~1,he fi,'si u-u~ uhm:lrlflt: would be' built in 1951 by Loc mc:mbcrs-the skilled crahspeopleuf the Met.al Trades COU DCI I ot Groton, ConnCCI1CUI, and the men and women of the Eleettlc Boat. On April 19, 1986, two days bt! fore lhe oftklal grand operuog of the USS NautJJu$ MemOri al 2nd Submanoe Fort e Library and Museum, the Coonccticut Club of Idaho, builders of the NmllJlus. helt! a pnvate dll1ner dancc" to cele brate the eyent The dioner dance was hdd at [he Royal Sail Room In lisbon, ConnectICut, and foe..- tured a social hour and 2 full (;O U tsc dlonel fqt 35

38 '".. ~ z a: ::;) a ~ 36 USS Nautilus The USS Hauliju!, grand old lady 01 lbr: Nn'y's nuckar subm.n ine Deet. resls iq splendor :11 her new home'.liind liw:lils \' i~i I O 'S, IPi clurr: rn;;!d" liv;lii.. ble by Ihl(' orwirh Bulll.'.lin.) lov.l." LI by dancing to the musii:.:!1 sound!. of the Wall)' Sands Orchesua The musical 50umb (eo) rured the big b;antl ;and music of the '405 :lind '50s. A predmner ceremony called for by Master 01 Ccu:mQnlc'S Tom McC(lVern and li~'nsled by commillet.' membc'f Bob House (e.nuled the hghnn, of the candlr In memury of the shipyard c.afl!>mcn who puscd... ay Since: our last rcumon. 1crry \'III.lnI leclted tbe names of 25 craft'lomen. whllf.".:all llsu:ncd In Silence and bow heads_ The dinner hour v.a'i dficu:ntl) senej by the Roy.aI'5 banquet ~tatf.10.1 voe I,;ould hear people reminiscing of the days gone by.and personal cxpencncl!s ID thl! bulldmgoi tne US.s NUUI.ItI$ Aher II le isure dlllner \1:Istel of CCreI1lUnLl:<; Tom McGovern again made his... ay wlhe podium and staled that the lob done by the people III the room would never be repeated. It can be dupllc31ed and it can be Improvl"d upon. but nu other ~rou p of pcopic lioywhere WIll be able IU make the firsl true SUbI03111H:. IntroduClI llns of gue~l:' Included Gary Fuunt::une of LIlcJI261 i rrank TcrrallcH'J, LOCJI 620; Mctal Trades Council Proj CC I Manager William Jones) t",ired VICe Adm iral V L L(lwnmn. RU'ise ll Mcdbcrry, and Frank Hur:m A 1I 1J'l ttl thc NlIIlUJU!> Mcmnn:ll would 3)1;0110 bnng b.lek the gooj munoncs of the trips made to the st:itc of Idaho and the pjrt oi mallnc history made by Local 261 membc r ~ of the Connecticut Club of IJaho SpecIJI thallk~ tl) Loca l 261 member tor the t1n3nclal support and Ihe mllny conslderalic;m'i gl\c:n Ihc C lub by BUSiness Manager Arnold pinkston In the pljrmmg of this Important Club evi!:nt. Spcct.ll tbolnk also to the Mctal T rades Council,,{ Cnllon ;Jnd the liccttlc Boal fnr thell financial "d C(JrJdolence~ all: clltcnded to thl:' D... lght CIO:SS 'S i.lmllv D... lght was ljken from us In t\put n... 1F.1]( was P't'SS ~CtCliJry 101 Ihe local Ual Rctuemr:nt Cluh and Will hi! mlssnj by family and Irlcnd Local Has New Hall; Scholarships Awarded LU. 26b(u), PHOENIX, AR IZ.-Ali UII: members of I..oc,.d 266. past pr~slenl no \,' ha\-.:: a borne tbeyem cab then It IS ~ good feeling to be 10 our 0... n llfflces have our own meellnt:, tull Iree and clear o w 1111 we ne~d to do IS to 611 up the: meelms halllhc film Tuewd)' uf I:at.h munth' The Schobrshlp Committee h:a5 mllde Its selec liun~ lor Ihe first Annu_1 IBEW locaj Unlnn 2M ~(.hoi3rsblp Fund J("rome I Riddle, III. and Rlcbard Schmll31... cn; Ibc IWO.!iuccC's.!iful scholoilt.!iblp n::' Clplems Jerome IS the son of krf)" Riddle a work In~ Illu:man ;:11 the We... Il rn Line DIVISion ui the Salt River PalleCt Icrome lc:ct"ntiy graduated fr om Nonhern An:.ona Ul1lvelsi ty and h;ts been 3e: ct"jhcd IOtO the UmvCTSHY of Southern California Sch{H)1 of Denllstry Ri chard ~chmldt rs the son of VIncent Schnudt. a DIVISion " A"... ar'housem.m at Cn)~-s CtU AulO r t 3rtS ~t S&.lt Rivet I'r()lt"ct Rlchald IS.i:0IOt; 10 he 3tlC:ndlng Mesa CommUlIlt}' Colkge tins fall, aad lake ROTC al Arizona State Unl"'~ r sl t y wllh the jo!na l nf helng D pll ut In the Air Force I am '>lifc thcll Ilan'lllS arl' \cry proud (If Ihese )'uulig men and of Ihc.; J Ll.omplid1mems and gllj!r. thcy b3ve set fo r them elvc:s. Local 266 IS also proud of them ;md Wishes them lhe very besi In lhl:: fu t ure Rcmcmbct, this IS yet another beol:61 Ihat membership In local 266 provides So, spread Ihe word;.and sign up all those polen Hal members OUt [herd With every new membu we ge t stronger! Speakmg of s tronger, we mulil remember Ihal ContHIC! negotiations Will b.= upon us 10 thc very near future It I!> Uml:: to thmk about the proposals you feel ;ue lmportanl and would benefit Ihe ma,onty of the mem~r. Wme them down, and send them 10 the unn)n hall II you... ere not lit the lasi,egular meeung, there IS somethmg Important you should be awan: of. Th\! regul:ar meetmg night hj.5 been changed to the fiu, Tuesday of each month Instead of lh~ first M(mday Sec :all of you the first TuesdllY of c.neh momh at OlJr new nh_"ctln~ halll TrRRv L MIl.l.HI. As"T. B...A\ New Hotel Pictured is Ihe completed ~1uskegon H.. rbol Hilton built us ing ele.ctrici..ns from loc.ai27s, Muskegon, Mich. Hilton Hotel Opens ; New Members Welcomed L.U. 275li,e m &e3t\'}, M USKEGO I MICH.-Our long awaited Harbor HIlton Hotel will be open by IhlS reading. With 3 conven llon center and dmmg fae lllly. we hope II brings new hfe 10 the dowotown Muskegon :m:a. The men.i nd women who worked on the lob should be pr()ud of a lob well done, and they Will be rewarded wlih II weekend pass for the usc of.. II lhe t..ciijtic the hotel h.a to fler. We hope we showed the community that union labor can work With deyelopers and management to bui ld :.I new Muskegon Al so In the o.1o... n to... n :.Irea IS the: lob I am... orkmg on-the Ih h Building, or the " Be.udsley Thctller," for the performmg arts whrch IS attacbed W Ibe Frauenthal Theater It has lidded II broader (;loge of VISibility to the eultur.. 1 and educuional needs of the community It Will be used by the WeSI Shore Symphooy Orchestra and Ihe Miss M,uskegon and MISS Mlehl801n Page;J,nu. II gn'es ~ ncw dimension 10 the Muskegon area. In IhlS day of UtllOJt busting and the nonunion element. u's good to see.ill growth III the union... lib the addjuon of 10 cleneal :and customer ser\'ii::c emplo)'c($ 3.t Muskegon Cable TV. The)' asked to ~ represeoted by louj 275 We pc::tluoned the compllny m Apnl :and... on an NlR1J. cunei" COItion election on May , wllh vole. Now we're on the fin.ll StC'p of c;ontract ncgotia nons for them. Welcome aboard. This IS the Arst yc.. r we will ha\'c a softball team In our 10(:-.3.llhls surnmer_ We hope to h3ve fun and good local uppon In IhlS endeavor. The: team IS purcbaslng ulllfoims :1nd Will be playing 10 tour n:amc:nls this summer Our best Wishes speedy reeo\'cry to our retired BrQ(hcr CI..'-orgl,' Mo.:llm. suffenng WIth bean pmblems, and Fred PetN. who had bypass surgery. Cong(3Iulatll)ns to Chnstle: and Wall )! RCtbmSon on tb elr new b:.lby daughter. My wife, Diane, and J nrc the proud pa rents o f 3 baby girl. too. maklllg our business mj03gcr a granjp:1 ag:lln! We 113\' (: D new office secretary who is domg a super lob. Welcome aboard to Carolyn 6a:lSc. ' O~ I EI AM, P S. Annual Picnic, Pin Presentations Coming Up L U. 280 (i,em&rt), SALEM, ORE.- Well. the work pleruic hasn't Imploved that!nocn, bot the Oregon ram ius let up some. allu... lllg us to sec a hllie further down the rolld The coming of summer has :also ralscd our positive atutude The Annu.. 1 Loe.. l PiCniC has Men scheduled for ~ t u rday. August 16, at the Brownsville CIlY Park betwr:en the hr.)or.. (If 10:30 II rn_ lind 10:30 pm Horseshoes, \'olleyball, softball, and bldgo Will b~ part of the bllt of brei and If thmgs; ~o nght With the weolther. m.. ybc dancing in the pavilion.after dusk. The onl)' guarantee offered by the commluee IS that If you 3Hcnd, you Will enloy Itt Set aside the ehntng of Wl!dnesday. eptember 10, for a local union meeung whtre we Will 3.lso honor ow receouy reured Brothers and others with pms and pralse$ for theh years In the service of the IBEW_ Changes arc: 5t111 happcmn~ evelyday tn our local. One of the w:ays to stay current on Lhose chaoges IS to attend your loc.al unit meelmg It IS your UDlonl ParuclpalC', and make It work 111tl; M_mll"IIY, 1'.5 Local 289, Durham, N.C., mem bers (loberl Mayo, Ca ry Bowes, and Lee Hinnanl check the. readout on a CTD No.5 di gital s wi tc.h. These membe.rs help ke.ep mart: t":.in 17,000 custom ers in telephone service. The m embers u LocIII 28? wish I I,) thank t h em all for II job w ell donr:. Going in Style Pictured is LoCII1292, Mi nneapolis,,minn., Brotbr:1 Ru Oberle in front of the c.h3ulfeur4rinn Rolls.. Royce p.ovide.d foi h im as part of his bst.. da)' :u w Qr k celebrations. Patronize Union-Built Establishments l.u. 292 (i,e.m,rtb,ru,spa&'c3.lv). MI N~EA POUS. l\\ln.-hard hats off to the crew of PreOllere EleculC at th~ Vets Hospll:a1 lob T hey recently honored Ru Oberle on his last day on the lob be fore reurcment. The dlly began for Rex lind hls... iil! With 3 chauheur.. dnvcn Rolls-Royce picking him up at his home and dnvlng him to work. Rcx dressed for thc occamon With a brand new pair of bib overalls. It was quite a sigbt to see hi m get out ol Jhe limousine with his lunch bucket, FQre man Doug Olson also ar ran g~d a barbecue (m ReI. Congra ml3lions, Rex) and 31so congratulations should go 10 the forem.1n and crt'w who showed II!OI of cl ass 10 a classy guy. Sllccial fecl)gniuon ~ h ould,go 10 Don Byerly o{ Dycrlys Food. Wben Ius stores are buill, heden1ands

39 At Work Pi(,IUI~d i the crrw wotkin,; al By«,ly., Jeff MtfU. Kc.1\b. IIcctol D~;esus. Bob,:lIkou,Ir." 'nt hannon, Cas Olson. 8iU C UiD IJrt', Vic Cook,ub Meward), and AI Johnson lshop!hl':ward). lynn Bipes was camera shy.) 100 percent UniOll labur flu (.llos truclion built avc' 510 1C'! In the nl(':i I U nrca Cllnlon Electric, a NECA c:ontrllctor, and fbew members huvc dune all t.he prulccts plus doldg t be m:nrh cli;1i\cc. Ryan ConStructIOn IS tbc gcllcn l, and,ii sub arc union Jerry Ackerman I' the o wm::r of Clinton I te also serve.. II" II membc:r of the Appn:nllcc<;lup Cum millet: Vern Blpes is ru fo remlln He hdb done: fou r StotC~ fo r C hilton I wou ld urge the mcmbers of patronize H}lcrlys wlh:n they sho p. Let pcople know you apprccllllc IIICI' bcliir tlniod m Inded Pictured ij t oc;!!1 Uoion'194, Hibbinx, Minn., Busi ne.ss M.nlller Roben ' e.n..~e n. Remember To Vote For Friends of Labor lou. '294 (i,u,l".ln,rtb,rrdupal, IIIBDING, MINN. We have 3 new rl13hlicn:ince Il~ r et'mc nt with the hourl y WJge suit! lk!1n~ 90 per!';ellt of Ihe IQu rncy man Wileman Insldc r.1 le. bn nkula lhe maultc na nce 'ale 10 $14 55, and they will hj'iie th l! SJ IOC lourncyl"lur'l wlieman bcncth'l 'I uch.u vacations. We II rc aho In ncgotlltions wllh NUllh 'it:.! r I:.lectrlc (REAlm aaudcttc, MmncsOt:l, and with NOrthern El c:c tllc CuUpentllVC In VlTgiOla, Minnesota. We will Il:port 0 11 ou, a~reemeols 11 9 Ihey develop 111 Ihc next IUUes of the: l o/lulu' We W I;((11 to tbank thc many Brothl:IS.;and SI.5ters whu WlOtc, called, and... en t to ICC thclr rtprescnuuvu to gel them to help puss H R 2g l, (he bill m troduced by Reprcscnt:lllve WIIII.lltl C lay 10- Mo I to ~l(i p double: bn:a.stina The VOiC WI It means a lol to Ihe ijuddlng.nd ConSHlJ ction Tr.des Depanmcnt.a.nd other mlt'rn.:ulullaj unltm" which.11115(' worked hald lor lht: J'laltS.ll;c of Hit 181 II the Senate comp_lnujil bill to B R 181 rnses and 1$ sl&ned IntO law, the de'llioulii P';lCII«! of double brcastln~ would be scopred ooce ilnd fo r all. The ba511: nght5 :md 'ilandard dun construe uon worken reach throu&h Ihell collecuve bill' gaining Will be resloled. You can tell by their VOICS lust whu arc the fnends of lahor Thc'fc Minnesota reprcscnl:»tlyes who arc all D.:mocr;us-Penny. Vt'nlO. aho, Si korski, and Obculal-~II voted 10 favor of H.R Weber, h enzel,.and 'tanxeland. ajl RepUblicans, naturally voted 4gJU1!U the bill. please remember on th <: n ext d ectlon who our fnends alt: Bro thers ilind SISters j pl clise nole the meeling urnes,iod locations. M4io l ocal 294 unit meees the iourth "hu t~j... y of Lhc mumh at 7,\0 rom II) the labo, quarter. Hibbwg M..:m(ITlal BUlldmg III Hlbbang. Minnesota. Loc;al UOion 294 l Una (If Bemldll meet's the third Thrusd3Y of the month.al 7 p.m In the Ca rpeotcl.. ' h.111 We need ynul urron and Input ilt OU I mecllnxo; Ph:;I~ lake we tllnc' to curnc and help the BrOlhc rhood, fur we au: sirong In numhns AlwlYI look (or the union IlIbclm all you buy. and always buy Amenc~ because yllll are 01lC'. Until nexi month E. ltrol' LA1W'1, p.s PictUred " C Sister Debbie Cuuis nd BrOlher Dud Mc C;;! rvcll during Bud's retiremenl p:my giv... n by m Clllbeu ul Ull ie 6. Executive Board Shown are so m ~ ol 1.oC21 300, Montpc.licf, VI., Ellreullve: 80illrd membrrs, ttll 10 tif;hl, Mic.hul Mrrrif;ln. St. Albans Unil; Chick Hammond, RUI. bnd Unil, Ernie Robbin, president, Ed Conkey, VernlQnt Y;at\ltu Unll; Stan Cvmbs, S\lrHn~\on Montpelier Uni l J and BellY Aia, recording secrt:: luy. Local Mourns Brothers Allard and Ashline L.U. 300 (I,u$.gov.', ltlontpelier. VT.-The 10 cal mm1lns che r uslng of tw I) U:IItCU Urmhcls, I lierl11l1n A'ihllne lind Alexander " Allie" Allard. Brother A.. hllflc hlld ~c.n a member of the Con S((UClion Ut\lll(\l4.~ yeus.. rcunnp, in \975 BrOlhtr ~ljllrd h ad been II member of the Con<;;trlJC llon Unll lor II~ )'earj j reunnl: )c. loc.a l i!xtcnjs 11.'1 sympathy to the f.:ami hes of Brothers Ashline :and Alb,J e~(1i111t10n' lor the Conslruclum Um l afc undel y,ay The Nt:~(llIatln.~ CommUte eomim!. of Q\ISI ness Manager Jn n MerrH:"n. G.ry hllmbcu, Sr., L.arry luby. and Tim W;atklflS Nl gutlauons Will be st;a flln~ honly for Morn3Ylllc W;atcr "nj Light Nc:guU;lttnK for the umun an Pr':IJcnt Emu! Roblims, SteHn Cutlu, ;/Ind LoUIC Rakcr StutkCI Bud MeCa,-vdl of MI' letllcd on Apn\ I ;aher "' fu'\ v.l1h GMF HIS Brothers,:lIld ISlers 10 URit 61Burlmgtun M(lntr chcrlthtcw him. big rcuttme:nt pjtty un M:u ch 7 wheu.' he was pre sented with a plaque ul Jflp.eu;lIlOl1 Th r: party wa.. ;a great 'Iutte"!, wllh Dud's cowurkcls and n\;any m:an:ljl,cnll:nt J'cuplc :u.tcndln1.. Good luck, Bud, we'll nll5~ yoo After two ye;!r 01 ne~oll"li un.. and delay5. the Vermont Builthng TrllJcs slkl'led..ln 3J.;lccmcnl for a!oith venture hetween BOise Cascade and lkchtel COrpOr:llU)n 10 bulltl II hydro plllnt at SI1c1don, IJ l.:lmom W01"k HI thcllulc,lto ~Urt III early '1um Olel Until liex I 11I11 e, be Amcrlcanl Buy Amc llcan Work Still Slow; Remember the Election III r1 V AI", R.S L.U , 0&.1.1), TEXARKA NA, TEX.- lhc lol IOWIIl.K m'olmlllllin was Klven to me by Bro ther 0110 H cn~d n!tucd member ttl Local JO I, who became alt1t3tcj while w"lt.h1l1~ the "Donahue" prtls1,ram on Alml 2 (oncunmg rt:o'oluns ThlOk aboul IhlS " l ongll Rlc t'111p loyecs Jre beln!: t(' rmm~tcd n~ht before IOCrC.llIeJ benefits C(Une mto CUCCI o r be CJU'tC' of cur rat C' mctac.b at rco',r.jnlu,liuns Thl!'u purpose III Incmpor.a. l1nl: Ill, flr"i' of all. for a fijji: dodgt Next, u '. union bmtmg T,cltcs can be mtlrt: cudy hidden lrom the: IUSI (IHZcn of the: U~A, lht' f'cople, or the sovemment, 3 ~o \'aomc:nt th,u I~ to nut c:.a.h IndiVidual cqually A lonsume employee who h.u been fi l ed shllftly before a flt'n SlOn come Into effect h;1.ji no thoice but to apply (or l!lx "uprofl ed proj!:l3ms. A lonatllltc COl p l ll~ ee applyhljo: fen II new lob with.i eorror3tlon 15 told he is "over qualified " In my time J hllyc sccn people too Iny t work dnll some people physllally un.lhle to u ell pu:k and.shovd but no Ollt "uverqual1iled" fo f IIle lobi 10 sholl OWr qualif1c:ulon IS. eonjllmn Ihllt Jiles IWI exist" On March 21 Local 301 ~.. ve up anothe, mem ber, , I I Address CHANGED? I Brothers and Sisters, we want you to have your JOURNALI When you have a change of address, please lei us know. Be sure to include your old address and please don't forget 10 lill in L. U. and Card No. This Information will be helpful in checking and keeping our records straighl It you have changed local union we must t have numbers of /loth. I I, NAME... t NEW ADDRESS (;:t; 'si~l~...,... Zip COd~.. PRESENT LOCAL UNION NO.... CARD NO III u"ll"o...," - ChiCk '*'111'\ loul Utl1on) PENSION MEMBER o OLD ADDRESS Clly FORMER LOCAL UNION NUMBER..... Mail To: Circulation Department Intemall.n. 1 Brotherho.d ' f Electrical W.n.<rS h Street, N.W.. WlShingt.n, D. C L _ I, ~ ~...,.J "" Z a: ~ o..., ~!!1 37

40 z '"..J a: => o -, Brother I C Carlow, bl!lil!r kntjwn as "Clint," passed away ut the agl! of 69 He was u longtlml! employee (II Day &. 2lmmtrman and had be!!:n retired Slnct We extend Ou r sympathy to f.'lmily and fnends. In cut you h.lve wondered, tha,'$ Av(' SrOl bers we havc lost SIDce Novcmbcr Rve In Ave months.. Makes you stop and thmk, do~n ' t It 1 OJ at least It should WISh we had good DCWS to report about wdlk l but hke IlmQs~ everyone el"ic, we don't. We hive a few Bmthers on the t(l.;lcl again and don't bave 2Dy good prospects fot work loc:.li)' Eleclion time 15 upon us, 100 ilu youl p lllt, ;IUJ you Take an Interest In YOlU 1{w:;,1 unlon l Spring Conferences Brought Good Results P!loweLL P S L.U.317[i,o,u&rtsl, H UNT I CTON, W. VA.-The reccnt mew ConstructiOn Confell~n~c and the NatLonal BUilding T rades leglslauvlc CUnfelenc.e held In Washington, D.C., 10 Apnl, In my OplrllOn, were very producllve and edueallon.lll meellugs If notblng else, the problems facing tne Industry,o<by were laid out beloie the delegatu, the maid one beln~ the attitude of Ibc pn:stnladminl tratlon lowllnl orgalllzed labor I heard an awful lut of comments from dc:legat~s Ihrau~h o ut the country cont:c.mmg labor 's rolt' at the palls, dec-ung pro labor candidates, and sla),lng In contact wuh your seqator) and congressmen about &DOd and bad bills f r labor A number of amll!.t'oi b,li:t "'Clot" ultro duced In thu session of ConJ;rl!5S After the ddeglltes YI~Hled Capitol HIli and talked to Ihl! rl'.p rcstntauycs, several bllls were turned around. Cood news After a breaklast m~(!ling wltb th~ WCSt VLrgtnl' BUi lding Tr~des on Tuesday, April 15. all the congressmen and Sen'HOIS hom WeSt Virginia c.ommllted themselves to Iabo. to vole ag.llnn :lny antilabor bill) for OhiO- fhf" m:1)oriry went the same way; for Kentucky I am so rry to U!POrt we have! a problem thert' with SOniC elecled offlci:ll.5. The work in tbe local union I!ltLlI bad, With ~he futu re not t OO bright Thanks to a number 0 1 our Sister locals, Wl" havc been fq ll unate 10 keep most of tbe membashlp employed If they wane to travel. The month 01 March. 1986, wu, nd month for local 317 Forme. BUSiness Manll!(e r Thomas B_ "Burf" Wheelel passed away Brothl"r Burf had been III lor the past yur and was unable to work, but hl\ drclim for,be p~sl several year was to butld a chulch thal he paslorcd The dream... a$ fulalied, his c.hurch was hullt, and he was ablc to preach his III 1 sermon III the coml'lltled Sal1C tuary H~ WIS a devotc:d unloo m.:m, II devout C hruiwu1, allj deu '!Lcnd to me and a lot of other mc:mbc:rs of Local317 Hud and I were tool buddies fnl a number of Yc,1Is He Will b~ missed noi onl}' by h i&: family, but by his prc:scnce.a t local union meetings ond by the membershlp. On behalf of the ofacers Ind members, I ex tend m y deepest!)ympllthy 10 Brother Burf's fam il y Word to the wise: Ll fc's road IS hili of ~lln.. t' I" and sunnl.les~ may all your sunsets be peaceful and >III your SUlltLses be most cnloyable WIUIA'" C. " ljun" BeRIt Y, B M Brother James Hired As Full-Time Organizer L. U. 131 U&.o). SAN JO SE, CAL-Bruther Jay lames was added IQ local l31's scaff on Apn! as organlzcr 'ay's fesponslblilties Will be OrJ.101:l ng 2nd picket coordln;ltoi ' Ot the loc.lli's Mandatory PtC'kcling Program rhe letter P was dr3wn III.he (\lay regular meclln8 ;).s the St.ntmg JeBer of t he ~lphabet for,he- mand;ltdry picketing pro&fllm Everyonc whose,... 1 nam,. ~fjln'i wllh the I(,ttf"! P who Will he,cqullcd 10 picket has aheady bet'n notlne,j June 1 Wit the first day of picketing und t the program. 8uslness Managcr Bruce SUtCI '1it't :to urget date 01 two monlhs for t~alnlns and org..miz.11 10n of the Plcketln)l: Program after thr organizer wu hired, and tht Program 1S on schedule. Label Shown i ~ th t' chl"c k bbtl Ihal is :rv aiill bll' from Loc21 331, San lost, C21. J.1Y hoi, hccn bus)" ht: ha$ rcccl.. cli tr;lil1lllg from our attorncys,lod the local'sstafl, lltl cndcd organ Ize r mec tl ng:l, lind In ge ncra l ).lot his floet Wet His finn "ttem pl 10 ge l volmllccr hanjhd lcu IS the beslex:1f11ph: tjf wht' we need a mamlalury pr ogram After twiling 27 people on the out of work h st, he had onc" "maybe" for weekend hanjbilhngl and Ihlll "maybc " was noi fijr the weekend bllt 0 111y one day local JJ, IiUJl has check labels, all lihown, VI. Inch by II. Inch Then ale 48 labels per sheel. the pnce.!! arc' five shects. $5 00, 25 sheels, SI sheen. $JO, 250.,heel5, $50, 5OU.,hl"cu.S75 i I.UOU ~ hecu. $115, 1,500 sheels, 52.50, S,OOO sheels, $450 OIlJer hom JSEW Local StOlle Avcnue, S2n 105e:. Cahfornla RlCUAJlO R c..'nv.... V. P.S Est~ ban Vepu.. III, 17, ill shown rtceivinl! th~ $1:,000 William A_ Lee Memorial chola n bip hum the C hi(a.&o Fcdt:ra tion or Labor, AFL- CIO. From left a.t Cf'.r.a ld ine 1\'I c.parlfin, firs t,' ii~c pruidcllt of the Fcdu l lionl Esteban, 1l1, M, ~. Irmill Ytptz; E ttb;lr S. YeporE, a mcmbcr of Loc , Chie:ago, Il l.; and Thorn;!, Bl'aglc)" prcsid(' nt of LoclI l 336. Illinois Bell, AT&T Bargaining Continues l.u. 336 (I&' caty), CHI CAC O, Il.L. E&tcban Ye pez hh been sc lcc~e d to receive 0 1.: (lj 10 $2,000 Wllh"m A. Lef" Memorial Scholarsh~ps sponsored by the C llica}l;1l Fcdc ru tlon ~l f tllbm Ilts father, Es tcb;rn Yepc:t, "Steve," 1 ~ a mcmhcr uf Lucal 336 employed by Central Telephone Cllmp,lny of lib nois Congntulallonsr AT&T bn rgalnlng continues n the dtat.l lmc approachca. A!>tnkc authon:zallon vule was t.aken on fio\,'ly 13 and 14. The comp;tny's proposal.1i that rime Inehu.lcd pr ovisions for' creation of ne... willge I,ltl"$.and tules " 10 respond to the,e:quuemenis of tis CUStomers.lnu the. rcalltles uf C;Ompl"tlllun.. Also Ineiudc:d wue' provisions foi.. 05t conl;l1n' m ~ nt " In.a reylscd medll:al cxpensc 1'1 In and the ell1nlll~tlon of thl" percentage d,iferenllal immula Ito bt- replaced by :I 113.t doll a, :lnlount ) IIlintllS Bell bargaldldg commenced eall), In Apnl Wllh lilt' urlon prt-senong om I1rnpos-als to Ihe comp:my's barg:unlng team. McetlnJ;s continued Ihrough thc monlh. On Fnday, I\prillS, Ihe company prt'!oen ted and 'evlt~wcd :to numher of their proposols. The company cate80ri:ed the It piop05318 :L8 "employm ent St.:CUllty, COf1l pcolive nu:a$ure5, whges and wage-related liem!!, ond ~d nlimstrjiivc.. 1 he ongloal proposo l5 woll hl have affected seniority, m&hl and eyemnl; dlffercntl Al, premium pay, temponry supervision, scheduhng. title eh:angc$,.and :several housekeeping Ilcln:li ltecently t recli!!ived some unsuhc.lled lunk III_I I rll!!questmg. a polltl!;al JonatlOn l(.lx deductlble) of SI S. U S, S40. $75. or antnher amount to hc:lr PreSIdent RC:LIg;ln fight the "[WO most dangerous anu po... crful gluupl> HI llic Iouunuy ort,anlud labor and organl:ed clime " ObVIQU51y,,hele: IS., SHang pollllc:li1 movement III bust unions P2t1 of the pl,an IS 10 chang (:)ustlng 1; IWS to tflpple t he unton movc!.mf!nt. They :I.rt atklng for brae conttlbutlons, ('ven... Qrsc they :I,e g(' tl mg ~hem! Qur Inte rn.lllon.1 1 sponsors ISEW-COPE The goal of each local IS a voluutal)' contnbullon of per m ember annllally PI!'":1"1' C'nnlllhutc to :md 5UPPO II the mew Committee on Political Edue<! ' lion I I) su pp {~n p,~l;jbor c3nd ld a l e~ and rc tllin (lur ha rd fought bclle-fits uncll;!hor law!! AL FItANZlN R c; TlILA'> Loyal Member Honored C hairman of tir e Board John Farka, Ieh, and local 339, Thundt r Bay, Om., Presidenl lim Armini e, righi, honor 40- yel1 r m ember Arne Nousiain cn, Brother Nousiainen Receives 40-Year Pin L.u. 339 (t,u& rrl, TU UNDER BAY, 0 T.-Excc utlve Bua rd Cbalrman JIlh.n Falkas and Prcsldent Jim Annl t ake wen: especially proud to pll~.se.nt Brother Arne NO\.~I;\inrn witt-. hl~ 40'Yl'lH Lo ill 339 pm It I'm', ohen we: pre em, pm Irlc.c thn to such II longtime, loyal memlh:r We Mgan negotlallons on our three utlllt)' Cun tracts. Tallc.5 :arc.oln~ we:li, a.nd we arc hoping for an urly settlement At the IImc of thl.!! p"nllng. we hope 10 h.llvt 5ctlled all three COntracts Locilll 339 Will be sendmg one delc'glilc t(i the Intcrnatlonal Convention this ye3r whc!te we hopt to meet many of ou. B,olhers and Sistcrsirum all romu of North Amenca. We would al:lio like to extend our welcume to allend and enlo), Expo '86 III beautiful Vancuuvc:r. Bntlsh Columblll WI! Wis h you JII il s:lje and lun tiltcd sumn\ci 1tL L oin :"la Fight Labor's Foes By Using Your Vote 11"-1 LLI"IM,o,N I) M F S L U. 340 ji,o,rl.!l,em '&'s pal. SAC RAht NTO, A L. Republican c)vcrnor George Deukmcli311 Inlend!> to be rcejce~cd If h e: IS successful, he llitends to replace three liberal Supreme Court lu rice with young. conservatlvc fudges who win nile on labor related cues for many ),C':IIS m come Well, 50 wh3tl Wh:u dllfelence does II make 10 the IIvc$ 01 tank Aod Ale unic:jo mcmdcrsr Here's one cx..3mple In rhe p.:a.. 1 our 5t1ength WillS dlreetly linked to OUr nyu to pickel lobs-i tes effectively Thn suengtl1 has been reduced to near ZerO by the IWO',;illtc: plcketmg system. and tbe two g:lile,ysu:m IS a dllect nutj;rowtn 01 thc legal conc:.ept of the sec ondary boycoll I fiut hean! (If the secom.l.ary boycott se.. c.ral ye3rs ago when the: Untted Farmworkcrs Union exl~ndcd the: hurders o( their slru"'e... 1th the giant Callfornl'" agrihusiness corp0l3tmlls Inot to be ccmfu'tcd with larmersl by plckeunx supermalket chains thnt marketed nonunum IC lt ucc. Law

41 Local Officers Pi ctured hi Local 340, SlICUm elli G, C.J., A. sisun. Busi urn Man.. ger Chuck Hu rd in ahe loc:al '.!i oulct'. Assbt:un BUll ions,'\\anll&1:1 A. C. Slecl man is sho \Oo n in this phqlo. yl.' IS fur the corpomtullls tullk die (li.. e to coun and cante h3clt with J landnlolrk JeclSIlIn that dllcctly,and ncgjllvely.. flected the IIvet. of all unmo mc:mbcrs In America. T h e: ludges held th~ t a ufllon cuuld take cc;:onumll; 1«:1100 a~mst ad employer with whom the unton hlld a ('unou:, but could noi t'xlend th.u.. CllOn (0 olh('r p.3uu:!s. To do SU, would conlmuh: 3 sccond.try boycoil The' F;IIrmworkc r supe rmarket plckcts were thus dcc::ia rc:d Illegal urpur;uums looked 1m other way' to use. he secund",y boyooll trj Ihell adv:nlla~c and saw that con (ruction sites werc made to order hlf thelt newly crt:.atcd wc:"p4.ln Thcy, thell IJ wyers, and the CIIU " S conceived the,... o-gjic plckcuns systcm, and lh~ result was a IIIII~ lake (he biblical story of ~mson lu l.u Solmson lust his )trcngth when his balr... u cut, 50 hnc... e 1051 our suength wh~n,""e :ue hmlled lo rlickeud~ only onc pte on theconslrucuon Site. Ou, picket Ilnc.s In: no longer c:ffeclive because of dctj.!>tuns made by,udges who were ""pointed by polillclans. What can we do about III We enn \loic,... c em cunt ll butc c.:amp:lij:n mlln~y 1(,) ciullinirllc5 sym' p;!lhc:llc to OIgamzcd , anll, pe lhaps most Imponolntly, 'We (.;In w;lllc the p, eclileu for OU I undldate:, The III I Item d()(sn', cou any thins. 81g busmess didn't but us 31 Ihe picket hncs Tbey beal U5 m the pohtlc.1l/leg,,1 ;uenll "nd Ronald Reagan, tbe Jctor and ex publjc rdatlons man fur Ccncr:&1 Eleclnc, led I h~ chllr~e. Colli forma Republu:an Covernor Ceorge DeukmClloln IS J pohuclan In Ihe Re;lgan mold J hs plan IS to he, t::elcetcd governor an vice IHc-slden t 0' th e Unl1ed State) In 1988, and pn"~ldl" n l of lhe UnlleJ St:ncs I" 1992 Along the W.:1y he In tends to 'promt thrc:'c C:lhiomul state Supreme COllI! ludges whu w111 b< pro big bu:;:lotss li nd IInflUntOD. The R.:pubhcans have Iht" money, the Dt=mocrtilS h:lve Ihc \'Oles. We'd bcncr usc them to SuppOrt tbe candldllu:s who luppan I:lbor_ To quote Bm Jamm Franklin at Iht" ttm~ Df the <;11:lILnK of the Dedarallon of Inllt"JlCndcncc-, "We m usl hang to' ge ther, or we shall ~utc!ly h.lng. scr.a ulicly." T hat's all from 340. Sec you next month. 8c clllt~fu l, he heall hyi Slri ve 10 be happy Brothers Buell, Prince Retire After 37 Years D ICK IlLATUN P.S. LoU. 152 (1.1 ), LA NSI NC, M I CH.-In Motu.h, 1978, Kenn e lh Buell put JIIS union card In the 10. bceaulit' he WllS made u nde fj.,'tountj cllble fore man. AI Ihe: lloa,d uf Wa tel lind Llsht, when.1i1 empl oyc!: is made pun of mallllge mcni, he is required to put his lillion c illd In the 1.0 nnd play n u m ure 3 CtlVe pllrt III urll on affairs "Those C. I try ll1,& " 0" ea rd ~ Jus t drop OUI of union a ffa ir!. Ken, who Will born on MlIY 30, 1928, In Lalu mg, Michigan, :lw:nded Retirees Anolher recent IctirU 1 Cloyct' " Papp y" Prince, a ca ble "plicer forcmllln, is shown hen. LlIInslDg Ea.stem but groldu;)icd from Bc'e.:;l High In fkrea, OhIO HI: worked for the!kurd of Watu ~d LI,itht for.17.".:; YC'IU\ i1nd wa$ II tnc"mhc:, of Local J51 fm J7 )t'ii'... Whale he v.as aell"': 111 lhe unll1o, he sen-cd On tht" Executl\C Board Ind v.as the local 's press 5ecr..: lary. He se.rved the BOO ld 3S a nble sphcer fo r mas( of his ),CI" '. bu I now he pl:1ns to go uaveltnx In.a cllmper and do some surf fbhlllg Cloyce R Prince,.Agc 63, born III P.:uOlguuld, Ark.. n»s. attended Khools 1D Alc:xandwlllnd PM I';Cluld, Arkln'\,;l~ Known also., Parry" or " rna ecy." he, too, wa... a uble splll:'er fon.-m.ln who had liuved Loc::III 3S1 on ItS Execull\lc Board And as ;l member of thc Wlge Commll1 ee. He Walked fo r the Svard for 3762 years and... in II member of Local 352 for 37 yurs. Pappy lilu!njs 10 do a 101 of hunting dutln~ his rell rtrncllt On the day 01 thcu rctrremtnt " rt:.. nui Party," Ihe :II'oremcnllon... d gcntlc:mcn f1lo"'1l1cj III t bose as6cmblt::d with many laughs as they recounted... nous experll;nc!: they had over the:lr many years of sen'lce On beh.lf of tbe membcn of Lon! Ken and P.a ppy a long. heahhy. and bappy retirement Vou worked long ami hard to e.. m Il! It ~ strange bow" person's fam ily, fncnds, and fello... worker') c;.an ~e charllcter trill,) thilt necj pro(esmonal.l UClltlon. FOI soml! lillie: my wife, Nllney Bea D Ipsychologlst). sn d my e:mployer :md fcllo... wurkers sa... In me ange r lind lj;.gresslve- 1I...)$-lIlul of talking. much of a, apld manner InSide, I [elt fine! In 01 r rc v\ous a rltcle, I told of my experiences with ;1~ li at('d depre slon. Now I am being trcated with lithium lor manic dtptession It setm s that this IS a normal course of events fo llu... lngacute or al:ltaled dcprtsslun 11)(: lith Ium 1<; u'icll 10 settle: II per.. on s e0101ll)o' &.Iown more III the nlilldlc- t,.,:t we:cn deplcso; i(1l1 li nd it ft:chng of ela llun (manla1. 1 he I~r<;o n gmng "uhugh m allie J cpre"!>lij ll feels JUS t finl", and th.1t I') why II IS hard 10 con <J III( C a pe rson thai help IS Ifl Ol der 011 wel l, be lieve II ur nolo I IHive managed 10 ll<jc ii "nolln.,i" 11(.:,and h a n~ S4.! l vej III VOi fi OUS ehulch anj U11I\)1\ o[oe ll."'$ a& wdl a' completing m",ny ),c.ars of t echnical lfam lng. etc, Had Cod ~Iven me the choice, I would have been born in to :an u pper m idd le class to n ch A,nerlcnn faid l ly,,;radulllcd fro m Harvard Law Schoul, Hili) haj Ihe looks li nd pe rm1n :t lu )' or Hun Reynolds HU I I am what 1 am! Dr. Bielski, my psyeh1:ltihit friend, Iii n o w working to goe t the lithium Ie vel /ust righ t. In the tnl: (l ntlmc-, you li nd yours h,ve II!-t appy and Sa il: Fourth of luly! roil N l' ATIUt.K I I "R I' ~lllt, P.S. Members Win Hockey Tournament Trophy LU. l5j (i&lit. TORONTO, ONT.-The Annual Onurio Provtnellli Couoctl liuckey Tournament, hosted by!d EW LOCi l Toronto, was held on Ap lilll IInll l211 t th e W4.:stwuod Arena s Cood p:a.rtlc lpa tloll by th.: loca ls HI Iht ProvlI1 t:e and hard... ork by li ll the p b ye rs m.lde fo r:an In te resting Tournament wllh ~ very rugh cohbrc 01 play. Our speunl Ihlln k't lire cxtl:nded to loca l 17/'t fot a ll the h.lid w",k put forwlu d by Its ofa(..ell!o lind co mmittee menlbcrs dutlng Ihe fund- r.l IJlng chal went on (J ~Uppt.lt l the Tourn:lmcnt Although the qual"y of r l.ay from Ihe other teol ms was very Rood, a. supreml.: cllun fmm nu r own team p;lid off when It came lime to hildj ou t thl hanlware Our u:am, consl tlng of Fred Wein 1\Old, Ke\'111 W.,hh, HI li Seven II. Br... u Youngherg. Cliff r rcckciton, Relnet P I~schbe r Ret, C r.. ham BU I ' ton, Bill Marllndale, lac' Ch roback. Art Van Holll len, Ron Alchlbald, TOIJ1 TllkacS, 11 m 10h[1 stone, Augle: PlIIlI. l\ul, Peter A II ~II KIIlIb.ls:a, Ron Kimoto, and PCt.: '!-IaJtm:a.n, und!!f M ;l na~et l.arry Pne-Stmlln. Coach u rry DIdo... and Trainer loe: F:a.. hloli, blllukhl home: the h.:ndv.arc Not on ly did they V. ID lht:: Tnurndme:nt truphy It I resule of II 4-1 si:j.ugh t C'r of IDEW Loc JO, SlIrnlli. but Fled Weinhold won th~ Hopby fo r most valuable goal Ie, Rem.:r Pl t"schbe rge r won (he U(' phy for mom valuable ddense persun, and Lorry Cal dow won tht: trophy fu r the must v;l lu3blc: c().;teh. Now that the bard... re IJ 10 the hands of tt~ nj;lliful owners, we mltnd to ke:ep It Best... Ishoes lind thanks arc e:su:'nded (0 ;Ill rhe pa n ICl"aUn! 1001 for.. gre-ilt Tuurnament Sn\l~ KNOTT, P.S Longtime Member Shown here Irc Willilm C. Mahl on. hiph:y Jnd his Ion Local's Oldest Member Visits Union Hall LU. 354 li,r.m,mt,m&'sp.ll, SALT LAKE CITY, UTA Ii-Recentl y... e had tbe plt:a,.u re of agitn m ee:ttng W C. Slupll"Y and his scm Mahlon a t ou r un Ion hall hc le In Salt La ke: CitY. W C. 15 now retired and It vcli in Denver. CulOllllln. B,mher ::,h.pley IS the ulde.. t hvmg member uf Local Uillon 354. WIl II :ml C. Stllplt:y was born lune 9, 1895, lind,u8i celebrated his 9 15t blrlhda y tins ye.lt, He wa s inll ilm d Into Local 354 on May 19, 1943, Bro ther Sh lplt: y was here to receive IllS he1a tc'd 40' yc'a r mem bership pili He IS very pruud of that m embersh ip, and the loelll IS ve ry r ro u d o f him Su r e:, ;i Z II: :::> o..., 39

42 > -' :::l --, -' ~ a: 5 --, l= w!!! 40 WI: 1,llk~J Jboul the r.1(( mcludlnl: Jobs.1nd old li me members li ke Walter R o ~ s,!"red Wiedner, Don Reid, ami o l hcr~ One uf the nn:c t hings ahoul J:r()wmg older IS thnl you have sn 10(111)1 Illcasanl IlH.'murll!S Here arc some of the tlungs B,other ":itllpley s,:lid keep hun gomg and, I'm!>ur'e, keep hlln young lie lias always heen ln l ~rest~d in Itood horses ~nd their 1I.1ln lng I I I!II horscs have won II trophics and 32 ribbons over the years Thc announcer OIl nne!if the hurst: shuw,> said Shipley'!> hone was so well Ir.llneal even be could glvc.j cumluand ;lnd Ihe horst: would obey. lie bves along.1nd loves to do hu own cook,"~ lie!jld, "I Will cook a large put (1f ham and bcall~, heef stew, hlcketi s[ew. Iben pul them In!.IlIJ,1 con[.1lner.. ant.i fr ec::e the::m In tb,i[ way I hd\c luuj, e::.1dy 10 WJlm anj I;'al any tlmc I gel hungry" IIc has alwj)'s been a grcilt djnccf, but he uy~, " My dancln,p; diolys a rl: about llv4;r" It dldn', ~liund \Iulle lhat w.:ry til me whl'n h(' "OIIJ, i'o-1y p.jrln(', lind I stili doallmn 12 b;;r I lroom..bnce.; It YI: I am h.1rry 10 rcport BrOlher Bill Shipley,1111 Utl\ cs his own ('iu ~nd IS \lcry lhllnklul for hls Knod health. Hr '''Y''. "!I 's :I wonderful world we live In after all.. Whcn III~ WII M'lllluu :,uld, ''The jlrc3tcst Ihmg DIIJ uught me W35 how 10 work. II that W,I$ the::,te.itc'51 compliment 01 :all 10 mcl c.;uu..jluck and ~1)Ck1 hcalth to you, Brmhc, 'ihlpley. IIU... ~ml.alwol)'~ l lln\.\as W 8u.. r"'ii"'ii~. P S Scholarship Winners Winners of,he L.ol'aI151,... s Vt:&a ;, In., College S.cbo l.arships lot 1986 :art:, lell to,i~ ht. C~ ri L)'nn BUlb. Jodi Pull:ao, 111: 11 )' Sd.lUlL<:ub.llC.k, fun Smith. ;, nd Tina Hayne... who an: s hown w ith College \cholhship Chai,man 80b Barke,, ',. Local Announces 1986 Scholarship Winners LU. 357 (i,o&.e), L." VEGAS,I\:EV. At Ihe April J:cnC'ral meetln~ College:: Schobr hljl Ch.mmolQ Buh Iiark.e::r.lr, dw.lillr-ti th,. 19S\1l1nC':tllV College \t:hnlaro;htps to the high schoul.. rl1lm</; WLth IhC! highest sc:holasll~ r~' ordlli. The- ""'Inner... -~,,~ cho.. con by a spc!clld rand from Ihe Clark Couney 'ichulll Dlstrlc.t Thll"C= v.ho recc"l\ed Ihe awards WOe Shdly ~t.h.lnzenb,j(: k ;mj,10:11 lynn iju!!.h... hn aucnded Weslcrn Hldt School.. nd Will :lttend U l v. Shdly I" thr daughtef of RtOlhc' 2nd Mrs lme.. 1 $ch.1n;:cnh.j(.k.lind Geo I.. Ihc liaughlci of I\rl'thcr lind Mn,Icn R,ch.1ld nn ludl Pulbn... hn altcnded We~t(rn IlIgh thl1nl ltend 1~11,1:"am Young Un"'(,'~II"'; lolh I') I Ill' dilughlt.'r uf Brtlthn anj "11.. R,,(.hald H Pull:1I1 KarOl Smith IIutndcd Charaml I"gh School land Will J litnd U:"<l l V, Kar.) l'i Ihe: daughtcr of BlOtlH:r :and Mrs L.lII "'oe" '\mllh I In:t Haync o;;, who IIltcmlcd Wo.:!!olcrn HLgh ~(.;h('l(ll, will allend Dana McKa.,. ltu'jlncss College; TIIl,I IS thc daughtel of Brothcr.Jnd Mr <;: 'amc~ f It.. yncs The winners Will rccdvc In SHOO ccjllfic.jte wluch wlli be ~cn l 10 tht' coll('1:e 01 thu l c hnlee IJm J.d to annflunc:e tbe. death 01 Ih lollowlllg rnembers: Henry E WellmJn who p.uscd away Apnl 10, 1986, Prnncl' "Fran k" Sn,lvcS l llno... ho ['Ia.. ~cd away April t I, 1 ~86, Irvm!1 " Ilic" w,lil:1ms Who pa ssed away "Jlld 21, 1986 M;lY God havc U\..:u_y on Ihelr "I)U]"!lnu leau Ihelll W CVCI!;J!HlIlti hie:: ALLEN I Ct.A'>", f'.s Retiring Pictured Is Local 358, Pcnh Amboy, N.,., P,tsidenl Sieve St.hein prc.senlln, Brother Funk Lomuuro ",, hh hi!!: fetiremcm walc h. Incumbent Officers Sweep Nominations lou. JSS Ii 0). PERTII AMBOY,, I. At lhls WJllln,lt ele::cllon\ l OT nul flfficcr h:tvc yet to be hdj. but 1 Gin reptom 10 yuu tb:n BU~lne'j.. 1I-\IoIn3g('r IJrnc.!! I. C~ IJ;h~n, rlc.sh.lcnl Slcphcn P. Schein, Rcconhng Sccrcury relcr M M.atuJk. rrc.l~urct Wilham J \1cDonouJ:h, :add FIPIoIncl31 ~ctclat)' Euw;!rd J oede II, arc :til bae:k In fm another h',m, lunnlng unuppu,, d,n tl1t~ electlun On behalf uf Ihe members of Lt)(J;I.lS8, I wouldltkt IlleAIc.nJ our conpuubuon 10 the:: menltoned otnccls for a loh well done. I hope that by the nut rubhcoiuon I'll be able 10 glvc IIlC nul come of the: e:1«ll(in for the remalntng olfice::' Executlvc 8();trJ Ch;alrman Mu.:.hac! Creed WilS nomln31cu (or another telm un the 1l1).Jld but chq~c lu withdraw, a!i he I" trying hll luck m the culltr.aclll'lg bu.slnt;') Mike has hel'".;an llcln'e membt-r He served SIX ycar'i un the E Bl).ard, thre::e nf Ihem as challman. a's well :IS 'i~rvlng on many committees We would hk~ 10 thank MIke (01 his lime" served and wl",h hln' good luck dnd SUcce'lo5 In 11I~ new endeavur's We wl')h KlOther F.ank lomass,110 eungr:liula IlUns ;md good lur.:k nn his retirement aitel 30 ) C.lIS,,(.1CtlVI:.!Icn tt:c with OU I luc.j1 Brother Lunl.l''',uo far ext.ndcd I" oblag.1l1on') 10 the local hj\'ln~ ((r\'ed on I)Uf [),;ccui,\,1.": Bo;u.,) a, v.dl :IS manyof au' spo.:cial cummlll~s. Funk,11M) sc! rved :I! ddck.1tc to tht: Mlddlc ex County AI L ClO Cenu.'!l Lahar CounCil. W~.tli 'Wl:.h rlolnk a lon&t h:ajlrv,.and he.1lthy ICIUt:me:R(. I've been asked by Brolller!. Boh Cunqul;'sl.;and [ric R.umusscn o{ the Cluldrcn '. Ilu!!.rllOiI Cum mmcl: to tb:mk the members of Local JStI fui,hclr lull 5Upr<Jrt of 'hi most Important lund r"i"rn~ dllye to help thelie: chlld' en At the Jamc time: Ihe mrmber.. hl(1 wnu ld ILke to thank Brenher'S Con (lue~1 lind Ra.. mu... ell hll taking lin thc ch :" lcn~e OInJ (.u{lfdlr:atln~ till' effort!!. II ~I't"m.. Ihal SIIlCC the bold uml's durmj: the '70s the prublems (;Icing Uo; have.' been gwwiil,t: til lium bers.1. ",ell;r!i. \ I%e: lhc problems fe lt rl:(cndy by ccnolln UnlOII cuntrachlf!l, along wuh the cffecls on I)ur nlcmbcrs workml; lor th~ll1, all.' I)I1C 'ideh l'x:\mrlr F.\'rry I fflln "hnuld be m;tje by us In ceniuncllon with Ihe unton contracto, 10 resisi thl: nut!i.lde rrcssurcs th:at threaten OUt bvchhood nnd the o\'cull,",u.aitty of our tude. Congrlnu!oIuons 10 D, olhers MlCh.J d , WllII:lm hiochu, 13 rlm Kenny, lohn Ko\,.. t'), MI' chord Ktehd, Jeffrey Ma~tcrs, Georgc Me,lOlI, Phdh p Oltm, Anth<.my I'anancllo, Wilham Ptnn, KeVin Shnnll y, lind Sen" tcpnosky nn having been of ficlally s wo rn In IS Oll r new group of fhstyeu "ppr rlltlces n Apri l 16, 1986_ It 15 With regret t hat I musl Inform you o{ tho::: pa'lo'itng 01 retired Brother Wallace G Soficld Blather Sofkld was init ialed on Oetober9, 191 1(, :It\ d retiree.! III IltllUIUY of 1960 I'm sure man.,. of Ihe older m ClllbcJ!I relll c m h": l hliil LQ Cll l.~r;ij cjlltcncis u s symp:lthl cs to Brother ofield's fa maly, Dl'\.v. IIlr.LM... N, 1'.5 Brother Damiani Honored At Testimonial Dinner L. _ 363 (I,II,I,Cm,ClHY&goVll, NEW C ITY, N. 't. Cosmo l:.. Damiani, bu~liicss m anager II f Lnc ami Il le'ildent of the Rllckland Coumy hurljlill. and CtlttJal Trades CounCil, was honolt."j :'11 the Annu.1llnlerf:uth Te tl m ullial DlnnCr of Ihe: Stat of l.stolci Ronds on May 4 at the Taflp;lll Zce Inn, Kennelh Gnbetz, Rockl.:rnd County's district AttOrney, servcd lois Dlnncr ch airmlln and mao;tc I Q( ccr..:momcs. C(,ch:urtncl1 of Ihc Interfallh 01' VISion arc loseph SI lawrenc.e. Ihe cllu nty lrt..,s urcr, and Clarence " Beef" OIs tc1, a 'cajc. In Istote! Bond dm'cs in Roekl:!nd The principal speaker wu Frank CCrV:1l1l, IIIHltIJr and ' o rell'd corresponl..ii:nt. whose newspapct clnccr began (1T10! to World Wal II... hen he wa'i Ihe ftumc bu rc:it.l chid for InlcrnallUnal News Sen'lce Cusmo Damiani was cho en for lhls plcsus,ious honor ba~l:d on his cunllnuuu~ "UllPUI~, bolh mor ally :and Rlllincully, (If causes geared IOwlud tht' ad\';rnctmcnl of humanllartan and community e:n rtchml.:nl Outing his :,cccj'ii.1nce speech, Cosmo recognized his silang support hom COntt3clOr', his E.,o"eIo.ULL\,e Do..lrJ, lind Ihe fund IfU'tCC1,.U of whom share:: hl'i strong COnlfnllml:1ll ro Improvc comhlions Ihat would hcndh mdnkmd Also IIwa.rded 10 Cosmo that ".vcntng ~.H :I ce::rtificalc of appu;c'llltl n from Supervl"Or Herb RCI!'lman. IOwn (If R.mapo. and II I('tlcr from CoQ\I emu, Cuomo In recognjllon of the cventng The IlUdlCnCe of ho JUt.:.nded the ~ff.;alr Includd mdny elected officl.)1 lind various l:abor leadcl's. In all. n proved to be In crloyabje c:vl;"nln. lind ;II An.nclIII 5UCCPSS for the Inlrrf~lIh I)IVI"lon of blat'l Rnnd.. Proud Member Piclured is Brnthf! r 'im l1l i~ Dalton with his unique work uniform displayhl, the IREW 10AO in fronl and blck-proof positivr Ihat IDEW Loc:a1 396, Las V... ~.. ~. 'n.. is alhr and well. Negotiations, Ratifications Keep Local Busy LU.396(u&' II. LAS VECAS. NEV.-At Ihl!'l... mln8 Local. ~9fi IS slil1 hea\',ly Involved In cuntraci ncjt()tl;llluns. C~nt.r.ll lelrrhont' ompaov 1' lam. Tr.Jffk ~nd Clenc.:al AglI.:C'mcnts wtrt r,ulned on FI.:brUIlI)' 16, 19~f,. with 5e\-eral Improvements mclujiil,ic 3 percent, I percen l. and I pe'cl m wage lll(.r!!i",e,; ove.r lh~ hit, u( a three ye.ar 3nlc..:mclll, rc.'lcnlion of our c.os l -olltvina clilusej plus ImriemcnUllU1l of a supplemental rctlicment or </;l\vlilgs phlnurn Jeferred mitt IhC' St"cnnd yea.nf Ihe ~n r e:e nlcnl Nev.1d3 Po v. er Cumpany oui\,dc plant fjli Aed Ihelr two year lig,etmenl on Apnl II. 19M6, after rtlcellos thc ol11r:any's first propo 31 The Ncvadll Puwc, cguilall1l8 Commlttce was succesflful In holdmg 1111 til t he c05t-of hvlng clause... lth a percent ae ross the-board V.'3Kc Inc.lease IR bulh ycars of the ligrecmeot_ CP N lil lonli memo nels le/eued Ihe c.um pany's first offer of "zcro" IRCrellSC Ihe fi 'SI )'eal of :I Iwe-year proposed agtce::menl NevaJa rower Company clerks havc ye:1 til hlolvc :I package to be 5ubmillcd lor a membe,ship vo l e and II le ('renttng on a duy 10 day contract extension ongr<ll lulanofl' to CP National COl'pOl3tion u.. torncr Service:: le.k Lcnore W. Clllmc;r whq recently.etlred fr om the C P N ational Ilenderson,

43 La.!> Veg.;as, office l enort, on bc h:llf of the officers, members and s tat!, we wish you a long and happy rcurement. II was a plf;as ure having YOll as a member of [SEW Loca l 396. Goou luck alw:lys T he local wo rk picture rern:u ns basle:ll1 y unchanged, however, Central Telephonc Camp.my has begun 2; telephone operator reduction In fu rce due 10 the deregu l.1i10n 01 the mdustry The company will reduce approx lm:illdy 100 tdcjlhonc ope.rators W llh ld a short penod of time Opnators wlih less (hm 10 or 11 years of service ued" will f1f()bab ly be afiel"tcd by thc reduction In furce Cod lovc Ihose Washrn~lon rmlrtlclms ".:hll forced deregulation upon us! It m3.y seem unnececssary 10 you thai" p,ess secretary wqu ld take the lime lu mfurm members thjl I lawn mowt'rs ca n cut more than Jllalts. Yl!t every year we read about tugle mower 3ccldl'ntS There 15 pridc in keeping your lilwn ncatly mo... cd. Ict's make su re we do It III a safe manner CenllaJ Telephone CnrnpJny cable ~phcc:r Jimmie Dalton has JI unique work urlll011ll as sccn In (hc accomp3nymg picture-red co\'ctalls wuh an mew logo 01 patch on both the front :OHld back I guess Ii you arc 6 feet 4 tnchrs anu over 200 puunds, you can be.l "w.llklog billboard.." Brother Dalton!Io3)1~ ht knows from firsthand cxpen ence the Import.lnce 01 organj::cd labolllnd how 10 miilkt I he Slau:mcnr lh:1[ "he IS proud 10 be a me-mber of the IBEW'" Members Brother Ben R. Stokes Is New Local President PiclUft'd is Brolher Nat Hanna, a lint-man at Runey Su ut. Picture-If is Local 398, Charleston. S_C_, m eltl+ bel lohn ~bha(fey workill~ al the AccaDec Substation. LU_ 398 lul, C HARLESTON, S.C.-local.Wg rrt: Ident C larence Edward Brownlec. Sr, h.1s retired Al Ihe Apnl 7 offic.e.rs and [xecullve Board meet Inll, Brother Brownlec restgncd his llfhce The Executive Boa rd appointed Be n R SlOkes til fill the uncxprrt'"d lenn of otnce BCll IS employej.il (he C harle ~tull Gaugc_ ClaH:ncc served for over 20 yea I.!> a~ the 11..1(.:11 '5 business agent.md twii YC.3 rs.1s presldent_ Prior co his retlremenl from SCEGCO he was employed In Ihl' lme Depaltm~n t dt 'i.;avagc Rtl:IJ HIS knowledge and ~KpcrttS~ In bbor matters Will be film.cd h) : us. Also retlllnll IS John Plnckey, who Is cmpltl)led Wllb tht C!W rl l:~tuil 'icrvlce Rep.. We welcome uur Il e"",c~ t members UHO the Bi llth erlh"kxi dnd local Donald' Marlowe h o m Williams SUtIC.ln, f\'h chad \Yol k from Canady~ SlaltOn, J nd 1.lInes Ford (rom Sava,li:c Road ServlCt' cnter AIl.1n Lowder, employed at Savage Road, won Ihe Aprr! CharlCSllln mcc li n g door pu%c the IQca l 's IlI /slckliolurcd list :arc 6111y Lee MUl lis and R:dad Ca rdona from Ihe C har!e<;wn Garage, hades D Glenn frum Plant fljgood, and L1o)'d O. Heyward from the Charleston Stores Congratulauons to John Lynn Wright and OClrothy BernIce Wm tto:r on their engag~ m cnt. A May 19th wedding was planned at Chulcston'S Wcstminster Prcsbytenan Chu rch, John IS employed at the Slilvage Road Service Center Ms. W,nter's fa lher, Kenny, IS a follncr 398 member and m y plesent boss on gas turbines COntuct negotiation.. wllh th r- Suulh Carolina El ectric and Cas Comp.. n)' are comlllg up ~oon. Therc.1, e many IS!IoUCS ,he locj.1 tod.)i that the nh!mbershlp has mc'( ed emotions about; but once '! decislun ha'l: bee l! made, we all need 10 SUpptnl those who mu~t execute the dec.ls lon, As... lih mo~ 1 :iii:uvltle~ th;at we're Involved tn, the: m.llonty IUleS, This mc3ns that the m.alorll y de cldes what IS lor t he beuerment 01 the local and whjli outcome Will bendir Ihe most persons, Tu make a <; trnng~r loca.l unu)f\, wc must 311 suppor! these t.!eci Slom.Ind rally to do what we can 10 help_ The more we stand.~ one BrOtherhoud, the bctt~'r wc II!I Will be F ltfpejlltk L [L ~ ' U"lll. T ilt",> P ~ Local Wishes New Retirees Good Luck L.U_ 405 li,spa&rtbl, CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA-At this tunc we h o~ all OU T Br(1thcr.. lind SI'Oter$ arc back to... o lk Local 405 has SlI( membe.rs off wolk because of accidents o r IUnt'.!> They.re Tim Jones, Roben SpoJlOg. William Murphy. Lury loukot;a,.and Cod Ble,cn larry WeslcnhaJ;cn and lyhlo Lank.! Ictlled Apnl I Ha\'c a happy rctlu:ment! I sec thu OUt ne... ' GM S.lIurn pl.lnt 11] T enncs-.ee... ent all umon m.li'" lund ot mce [Q sec 101 :I ch.ngc ' A., we buy me-lt, we ought to look Il) sec... here II c.lme from If It from Hormel...'c shouldn', bu)' It until they decide to treat boor buly Here'! hoptn~ Ihat thl~ fall we get people tntel CS led lind hdp our Irlends get ohice See.,-ou al the unron mceung Your union IS onl)' as Sliong as the people milke It CUfFORD HIC<";I,,"S, P S Award Presentations Pietuled durin8 the Loul 413, Sanu Barba.ra. Ut I., Annual Dinner-Dancr lind Sp~cial Aw.ards Night Ire. left w right, lim Ellert, Preside.nt 10e Ti&he, 8~lI Kisnnbeck, Intt-mational R cpres~ rna tiv~ Marvin Cook, f.nte rnation.1 Vicr PresideDI S_ R_ McCann, and f red Welsh_ Pictured gn ' rng a.spe.cial prtsentalion to retiree Vietol Peacock, a 50-yur memhl'.r, are, left to righi, Inlcl1I li liollal Vice Pre. sidell! I'Ih:C;UIII, (Iusiness hhll3j.:u Duwe.r!lo, Victor Peacock, and CClIrg.e Doston, a 40-yeat pin rccipie.nt and II formcf app,entice of Bro lher Peacoc k. Annual Dinner-Dance, Special Awards Night Held LU. 413 (i,o,cm&.eatvj. SANTA BARBARA, CAL At the Annual Dmner-Dance li n d Specla! Awards Night held 111 Santa Ma lia, C3 h fo mlil. on March 15, 191:16, 200 members and their gu ~su 1010 ed Coc hairman Buslrless M ana~e r nan C. Bowers and PreSldenl loc T ighe III honoring 84 leciplenls of lon~e~ I I )' awards N inth DI~t ri c t VIce Presidt,nt S R. Iack" McCann WlIIS on h.:md as was pa st Bu,>lOc",s Manager a.nd eurr('lliln ternationa l R(!pre~elltallycMarvJn Cook The)' ao;slstcd PTesHJent TIAh e In the presentation (If ""wards VICt'" PreSident McC.a nn gave ill spec wi presenullon to reufec Victor Peacock, a 50-year member 810lher Peacock Wil:. IDltJalc!d In 1936 and sened as an apprentice and,ourneym.:m for 40 ),eats before his reurc:ment In 1975, Brother Pea cock was escorted to t he po<h wn by one of his forme r apprenuccs, Isoon 10 be rl!t1redl Georl\c B05toll, who was 00 hand 10 rece... e his 40 year pon 8u!omess Manager Bowers pre... c:nted Brothel Sill B.1kc r... Itb ~ speci') plaque of gratllude, thanking him fo r his eontllluous, outstandmg ~crvlee to Local 41.3 BeSides ~e,yrng as an Executive Bo.l rd member lor the past five ye~rs, Billy wmkcd on the Negotiating Committee and has bec"n a co chairman fol the annual ba,becuc for lhree yca,~. Smce Brolhel Bakel has n:pre!loen tcd thl! busl ness manager and Ihe loc.al as stew2fd 00 vanous prole"tc at Vandenberg Au Fo rce Base HIS dedi C:l1l0n to the tdc:jlis Ilf the IBI:. W h30; hdjled all Ihose who have... mked with him Othel'> honorcd are: )'e.lts FranCISCo An gel IJ.ck BoImcs. Mark Brown. Ron Calven. Wah Docke. TerTY FreeseOlan, Dave Cuadagllln. Barry O l"on. \\ Parullon. Thad Snyder, Sob Spluet DiI\'e S[l'vr-n<;, lohn Strobel. R.lndy V.1.ll, DeeOee WCSt,.;and Moms M..J.hanl for 25 yeus Ro)' Alindal. Bob C.md.1cle, Wayn<' Collrn.. Joe CoSto. Lou Ducke1t. lohn HUl sey J Vlnu:nt Isla<;. ~nny lon("li. Bob Kanapeaull. lohn M OlTls. foe Padilla Paul p(lllbj.u~h Bud Spiers TUVIS Steen, Chulle T J.~gJrt Bill Tavlor Joe Tighe. Clarence Tillev LeRoy \,,1101..and Fred WtJhen. foi.id yeals Orel Canoll. lohnny DaVidson, Jim Ellert, Chuck Cra h;am, loe Kelly, Bert KlSsenbeck Bob McDonald, leon Machell, lack Paulsen. 11m Shea, Buck Smith Pal tciio;oo, Smoke), Stnekland, and F1C"d Wel.!>h for 35 years Hal Bllggs. Cordon lohllson, Les Linen Jack Paquet, Juhtl Penner, MH\' Shleve. Jerry Stephens, Charles Thompson. Gcn~ Thomp son. Red Wa lker, Ken West, Ken wood and Bob Wyatt. foi 40 years- Bob Rab'gan, Ray 8raun, An Chnstensen, Re.d DUHon, Ralph Crover, lohn I hll. Ray lawson_ Gene Moms. H~ns MueJlt:r, Ernie Peck, Art Young.. and ROIY Simerl, for 45 yeus Mel Hensen, f\.tano Paola, \Y~hCl Sdu:if Rex Turner, Olhe Vang" and Robert W.IlSon RIUIARD l ord' P_S Scribe Calls For Communication, Understanding L_U. 429 li,o,u&'eml, NASJlVllLE. TENN_ Dear Brotben and Sister.., I've been CntlClzed for makln~ Ihlngs look 100 rosy In ds hville W~ h3.ye 166 people on Book One. and that's,he truth It's t rue that the S..1turn pl;ant IS 10 our JU risdiction, bur It appears that It will be N~lVembc r before any malor wo. k Will begin T ill!> work ploh.lbly be on the po... c,house I... 11)h I could make this rosy TVA IS -lbout read)' to St3.rt a new suhsr3t1on to Columbia which hould keep sume po... et CU[I $trueuon members c1u~er to home foi 3 while Cumberland ~team Plant Ifl t hc ute 01 a fahi)li~f~e Outag!": which Will have a lolrj!l,! crew a nd plobjbly some OT Negotl;J l lons wllh -I VA.Ire In progress, <lnt.! Btother r.1c<: mtorms us Ihllt It looks toughel than evtl ami Will probably be: long :rnd drawn OUt Negoll.ltllJn5 could extend beyond the expiration date of the current a~ r cc m en l ThIS docs seem to be a li me of coottovcrsy. The wnrk un Tullahoma '-5 complex hois begun J!;al n and bas been awarded [0 local 21 t 1 T he work 41

44 which was ncv~1 complttcd due: to a tragic accldem has ocrn res tarted and I~ bemg called a rebull d. We ilre I:omt:ndm~ that the work 15 sull new coostructlon since, 5 ne\'r~r operated Proper chan nels s(:cms to h3\'e been follo wed and appeals filed. There arc re.lly no winners In thl$sctrt of squabble, bul we c(luld use the work. I remember ho... bard we worked 10 or~nt.u Toshlln I remember the night "ISlts and the meellngs and the handing OUt of pamphlets and mlormauon $heeu &0 th':l[ people would lendw wh.., a union '"'";U about. I remember the vote Yo blch brought,he umon to the pt20nt :md tbt ViCtOry p.. rty where my band played, and I bad onc too momy bec l ~ imd sang "Funny How Time Slips Away." Harry Spun said I picked prelty good, but as far as my singing. I shouldn't sejl my l00ls. Those werr- good. spltl led da)'s ac T oshiba; and we need to rekindle Ibe brothe.rhood which filled us all tben. The Toshlb3 contract expired at mid night, Apnl 6, 19 6, The mem bers voied 10 stnke but were to ld to Stay on the job WhICh they did. Tbefe IS blllerness :llld conlusioll 10 Lebanon, and It boiled over 31 the umon mecl1.ng wnh heated words_ T he lime is here fo r c.om m UIlIC;J[IOn and understanding so thai all members of 429 :i nd the offlc.ers Can see each other's pomts of VICW and pull tog~the r fo r the common good O ur first du ly as a unmn 1S to organize; ou r second d uty mus l be to stay organized It's lime foi snme reeognmon for :l hardworking member Andy SmIth IS chairman of a committee appoln tl~ d to upd;ue our local union bylaws ThlS IS a lough task and long ovc:fdue, and they havedone a fine lob so Car Brother Smith 1$ a hard worker who stays with a Job u U It IS done. h IS reported Ihal Wolfe- & T ravis has the clec metl Oil a new addu Ion 3t Bap tist HospHal. Ha rl an Electn c IS wl ndtog up al Aveo, but Vanderbilt sull hasn't peaked OUI on m.an p(,lwer. Travi.!l Electric lust finished the Old Time Pottery Warehouse job tn Murfreesboro. The funding for this,db was provided by the Southern Stales Retirement fund and tbe Umted ASSOClalion of Plumbers and Pi pe fitters Pension fund l1u er: crafts wen~ union elecloclans, plumbers, and roofers. Wtlooktdgood folks, but we had to 5... liow some stuff ;and bite Our tongul!s a ume or t... o. Tbe C.c. was very happy and surpnst:d and will probably use Tta, is on bl IUXl lob. The ntxt,ob funded by our pcnslon money Will also ust' more umon labor becj U5(" of our members' e[{oiis We are saddened to say goodbyc to t... o deu mends and members of 429. Brother Nelson "Newt" Chambers and BrothcrBlll Hicks h ave passed away, and II\. C convey OU I sympathy lind sadness to their loved ones Gotta go; I've been long wtnded tlus nme_ See you at the next union meet mg. I... MI;.. W. "SOOTS" SMITH, r.s 50-Year Member Local 430, Raciur. Wit., Business Manager Jerry E. Hcld i.ng, righl. is 6ho""'u preu nling 1 SO year memberdri p pin 10 8 rolber William Goebel, Sr. Tuesday, AI'lrI1 15, 2l Greyhound buses left from the Legl~latlve Confercllee to takc many, many people to Capllnl wherl' the), aj l talked to thelt congres1ilnen and wid them how unponam this double-brc:astcd bil l IS to the bul ldtng trades It m us t have done some ~I)od ; because cwo d.1ys bter they,oled on H R 281, and the results wcrc 229 fo r and 17.1 agalllsi Now Ihe bi ll w Li I 1':0 LO Ihc Senal!! and be call ed S At plcsent tht: re arc about seven cusponsor'!. We all must "" rne Ou r senalorb 3nd beg :md plcud with them to pass this blil lor us. It IS the mosl ImlX)rt:lnl p lt'c{' of leglslatton fo r thc building cr.ldes.1t It-liS lime It Wi ll Stop these COn traciors from op utlng a union shofl and a nonunton shop:u Ihe "'amt: \I me. These blrds arc bidding the lob Ul1lon and th(:n &Ivmg I[ to Ihelr nonunloo shop_ This must be: stopped Won: your senjlhlr now, and tell him [0 \'ote for S luo.li.,( E.. H ~l.otnc., R.M. Union Meeting Thom;as. I Br:1dy, and Plc':'ldcn t Joe Pcn:2. "ast llkli1,uo 8usmess Manager.. Bob Wiltsey, ; Kenncth L. for.!, , and C ii ben Dovey, Hl, were honmed and p re~ ~nt cd with plaques {Ol theh ycars uf service to Ihe local In allclldanc( recelvtng year pms... cre the fol lowing fathers nnd sons Henry L Wyatc..to years. and son James 1-1 Wyatt,2.'i years; Wtlbu, Shum_ke, 35 years, and son Henry Shumake, 10 }'ears, Lloyd Dovey, 10 years, aad son Gilbc=rt Oo\'cy. 30 years ;\lso In allcndance recelvtng year pms were How ~rd C. Turpen, 45 ye.ars, Harold R Blachley, E Pe-rry 80..1:. Rob<:n f 8o} ler, Manuel Gonzalez, Lloyd J. Goodma.n, Roy D. Lon" Ernc=.st f. Mathews, Ir, CeCil R M3x.o;on, Manuel Qutrez, l eroy R Reb.cr, Robt-rt F Willsey, 40 ~'cars, WIU,am S Cam, Chatlc:s FlOtH, John \' luhns.on, loe Mlslfeld, Ernt!St V Rh'era, Edwin C. Russell, Donald e Sanner, t~oil L tayncr, f redcrick Stoever, J. T T homas, JS yeafs; Robert W. Ba n oo, Sr. liarl cy Brand, Jim K. CaIroll, RIchard Chaffills, Ir., Will iam C Clabaugh, Kcnneth l. ford, lierman N Crotness, CeCi l P. Lnng. Jr., Wayae Mauldin, Frede.rtck M. Moe, Ca rmelo C. Sanchto.z, YSidro Sanchez, Raben E. Smith, fillip O. Thol"stcnsen, Wil h am D Washington. 30 ye3rs, Charles Busby. Raben Lo. Buder, Bobby N Cartcr, Dona. ld O. Duncan. Wall :r ce L. Hanlll bal, Ralph E Marek, Kennelh W. l'cntoney, l ynn Roberts, Alexander Shumph, I., Wil liam M Thomas, Kent WOZCnc.r3ft, 25 years; and Thomas ' Brady, Sr. Edward Corona, Roge r f romdahl, Edgar HoHmann, Donald E Ingalls, Ion M.,oshn, D:JRlc:l V. KUA.ler, EIYIS V Luther, MItes T Ma)', Joe Perc::, Manuel Ramirez, hic(] B Rogers, Gary Sherman, A. Terry Si lkwood, Dallas 0 Steere, Marvin E Stults, 20 years In addition to the f",chers.1nd sons rccelvlog year plll'i, we had Robert Bartoo, Sr., a.nd hts SOn Bob Bartoo, Jr.; Richard Chaffins. h. and his son Rich :lrd Chalf'ins, Ill, Wilham C. Clabaugh and his $Ons Bill Clabaugh and Jim Clabaugh; Charles Frosl and his son Bob FrOSt. H. N. "Bud" CrOln~s and his!ion Steve Crotnes~, and tmtst F. Mathews and his SOil Mike Mathews-all ","en: present rpt the a... a rds ceremony. Aiterdlnnl!r music was provided by Donny Jackson, onc of our loc~1 fourneyman wtremen Those In attendlnce had a very warm, fne.ndly e\ enlog. THOMAS,. BRADY, P.S Members Attend Conference, Talked to Congressman 42 LU. 430 lil, RACINE, WI S.-Loca l 430 had Its Annual Dmner I'arty, aad service pins were pre sented to vanous members BrOther Wtlham Goe bel, Sr., received h is 50 year pin Brotber Coebel was a past officer of our local and a.supennteodcnt for Magolw ElecUic fo r many yeats. The offitcu and members Wish Bill and his Wife, Nancy, many more yeats of good rellrcment. They desen' C' u. Tbls past Apnl.. t Presldcnt Ptllard's Construc lion Conference In Wasblngt on, D.C.. ';ldd at the AfL CIO Leglslauve Conference tb e- thc:mt. W~ about polulc&. It paid off, bec~u.se while we were tbere, two vcry tmport:lint bills were posted. One 111 the Senate on the Hobbs Act-the vo te 00 S. 1 n4 was Whilt they wne trylog to do was make It ~ federal offense f"'"lth a 2O-yea r prison sedtcncel if.. union person was caught dolog aoy klod 01 vlo lence on a plckef line. Employers could do anythmg the)' wanted, m c.j uding sending in strikebreakers, aa d be prolected by the law. ThJs bill was du ecu:d agaiost unions only. Thank heavr:n we didn'l ' osc: this onel The other bill was H R Introd uced by Rep resel1tallve Wlli Ul m Clay in January, O n Appre.otiu Lawrence Calleros and ahree old-lim ~ fs, 1M M is6~ ld, Fillip Thorstcns en, and Cccil Mallon, at one of our 10ca1 1.ln.ion meecin&s. l ocal Awards SeNice Pins L U (i.o,fu,&spal. RI VER SIOE, CAL-On May 2, 1986, Local 440 held a s~rv'c.e pin aw;uds dinner dance 10 honol all servlc:e ptn recipients an d past business managers of Local 44(). Our spectal xu est speaker for the evc:n mg was N intb DIS trict Vi ce Pr esldcnt S R. McCann, and special guests in allcod;lnce were Inlernll u olla l ReprC'f:n tauves C ll bert Dovey add Kenneth,ohosoo. PU Licipatlng 1ft Ihe service pin prl!5c Olll tions were Vice PreS ident McCann, Business Manager Pictured al th t Public Relations Committ~r: '5 booth lit the Spring l\hrket Expo held II the ISU Minidome in Pocatell o are Lyle Sievers. lt h, a loagtimc member wb o re t it ~~ on May 1. and Elaine Hughes. 801b.lfe memmrl of l ocal 449, Pocate.lI o. Ida. local's Work Picture looks Good Again LU. 449 li,o,rtb,rustspa). POCATELLO, IDA. The work picture for OUI loc:a l looks very good for a ch:ange. We're looking fo rward co having ;au of OLlr mcmbers workmg soon. We:: aunbute some of our suc~ess m obtamtng wotk to the ehuns of the Public Relations Committee. A spedal thanks to the Committee for lot-lreffons, especially to El:a.ine Hughes who h.u workl!d so hard. Elallle o rgan i~d a boolh al the Spring Market Expo a t lh e ISU Mtnidomc: an Pocatello. We would li ke to Ihank Bfothers Woody Dickerson. C.oIt)' Oneida, Ed She pard, Dale FIt:lschm ann, Ke Vin Wood, Bob Chan dler, Pa t O ll elda, Brent Richmond, Clen C old

45 smuh, Bu tch orncll. leff Ch:a ndlc" Lyle Slevc,s, Morg.an Hall, Dille C hadwick, DOll Wa llers, Dave Rapp, and Ma rl a OcLanl(c fo r Ihelr help In m anni ng thc bou~h Thl5 helps In c r~ atlng;l positive public Image which we so dc lt pl!, atcly need There a rc plans to hlle an advertising agency to help us promote NECA IBEW. Thl' coumry I S makmg,.. big move tq quality Ind wo rkmanship. We ~.an t pc!oplc HI know tha i NECA IBEW has.a lways maio tamed the:.c v:.lut:1 Anothe. palt of OUt pubhc. c1atlon~ program IS public scrvlce, Br others In ry Lange and O.. lc Fleischmann lioil.alro thclr lime 10 Install IIgb ts on thc 8allcrcd Womer)', liome In Idaho F.Il'! In conlune:llon With Cc::lltu l Labor, UrQlhcls SteYc WaituJ, Recee Burke, Robert Bodell, Don Wallcrs hm.and DebbIe Willen, Rex Chelry, Lt-nny Com,tock,,ack and Clay Anderson, :and Ion W:al tcrs donau~d a Saculi.l.ly 1(, fill po tholes In Idaho Flllis WlthOUI the dedlc.lilon of thesc Brothers, Ihc pm, inve:: ch :angc we litc mllkmg III lhe pubhc's fn lllj... ou ld be Imro.. slble AppreDllccs ~u::vc' ChnstCnbCII, Lenny Com siock, Dale Fleischmann, I~ HIli, Tad Humbcrscr, Bruce McCht~, roil Onclda, Larry T auscher, :and flit: Z.1I113 h.iyc been o bh~litcd as members All1ng ~Hh wclcomln,k Ihese new Brothe::ls, I would h kc to outllnc.. orne ul lhe Ico;pons lblltucs that come w ltb member!!;hi P A union ts no stronger than Its membeuhlp You ho1ve an obhgau on to uphold and 5U$Ia1O the 'o',luc, which have been SCI belurc us by t ho~e whn worked and sacnficed (Of the benefits we cllioy Tho!lc benefit 3rC not oun to glvc a",,, y but to urhold by bc: lng qwhred and productive... otkcu. Tratnml: does not StOll with completion of tll"ll rcntlct"shlp bu I mum contlnuc to keep up with OU I changing lndusu y _ So. gc t mvolved wllh your unlon l A unlon 15 m ade by lis leaders You can be a leadel by acll'o'eiy paltlcl pal m~ and encou I Ol~lnK athets to become Involved Togethcr we can make Ihc ~h(ft'rcnc e:: liutt..-" CORI'JEll, P S ISEW Members Serve On State Federation LU tu,er:u8tu\l, JOIINSTOW, PA Thc PcnnsylvaDla AFL CIO Convention IUSI con eluded. and we In the:: IBEW un be proud 01 onc of our o\\n Robert T Mcintyre W3$ reelected as e,(ccuthe.,cc presidenc.nd COPE!lIIt-c Or of our su. te fedr:uuun 80b IS with local 81 OUt of Sc.unlon. but m orc ImpUlI.lnt IS the fact thai h I: IS a fnl:nd of our loul Local 459 cqngratulan:s Bob :and... Ishe. him continued success We alw congr,l(u/jtc',hc' IhrC'c JSEW mcmbt:"lll seltclcd.a.!l VICC' pn: s l!.icnt~ on Ihl:!loUIe f eder;tllon,.lod... t" look fo r... ard 10 workanl: with chern Locally, OU I b lucst concern is W I:' a ttempl 10 hold ulilli)' costs down at QU I expeosl: It's a popular thin.g U,9l1 no I"vor puc re/orm In order to cut Ctl';ll!- Somc are!-3y lng we should eneouf:l&t' I"t' UIJ!llics 10 do all the)' can t{i keep cosu: down Unfortunately, they want cheapel 1.:abor; lind some even led we $huuld lmport che.1pcr po... er from C,nlld.a Many of che: propo.sab sub milled 1(1 our St31C ICI(I~lature:: could result In momy of our union mcmbc::u l;ud otl We definitely hnl: 10 keep abrust of thc proposed c hanges Anothtr problem In our are::li IS l"c breakdown of unlon operated p/;uus We arc.lieemg.i high.,umb ~' r of loe lll bml1 nc&sd rduslng to neguliale wllh thell crnpltlyces The)' force ttu: empl oyccs out.and hue n o nun~on ThiS IImlln husll ng ColnmH be conduntd We mu'u as.slst thc~c unions when thl$ hapi)cm It I f b,",(;ume$.1 popu/sr WiI)' to hold duwn eos IS, ",hi) knows which bu SlOes~ Will be next Wi t h unemploymcnt so hl,kh 10 our arc;.!, compantel!l have a IIII~C pool of workers to lap 6y the (1I1l C yoil redd tha, OU t local elcc ll uns should be oyer. ThiS is probllbly (he best l UlU: to encour.agc all to.upport thwu: cl\:ctcd and Jo Whll l you can to he lp theln. The pci)ple elccted wl11 be the ones I(J ncgoll;t lt: our contrac! in '87. Thcy Wi ll a lso dett rmmc wh:n we du and... here we go With our support of the wlw/c 1"/JOt movement. II YOIl attend our monthly mccllngs, you can partic lpa le C rymg 10 manll1jemcnt :abou t thlllgs, won ', help yuu If we holv!.: pruhjellls, IC I's work Ihe l11 OU I at Ihe ul1lon hall Hcms: II unl(lll rl'jhcsent:ltlve, IS not e.:.lsy tight IInw, ~1I dlln 't make It more dlificult Th ~e of you who.11 1.' lealous should devote you! diurts to bcii'i j.; Involved. Till IIcxt m onth. buy Amcrlcan li nd look for unton I.lbels Kcep Ame ll can Jobs from belllg expollcd Don 'l s llcnd your moncy o n gaud.; milde by cumpanlc"" Ihu l :u e out to desuuy you and Ihe workus ),c t to (orne I also a'!k ynu!u encljur:l,l:e YOU I chtldll:n '5 schools 10 teach la hur hl\lur)' Te.a ch ymll ynuug Clf OUI h3111c:. and the Jlood we have done: I O~[PH SANf'oI"A, P S Delegates to The Convention Are Elected L. U. 65 (U&.IIII ), SAN DIEGO, CAl.-The ~cne l al mecl1l1g ul MOlY 1 wu.a bus)' one! Nmnlnlltllln\ wt:re held lor.. II officer.. and EJlc(:ullve Buard members J5 well a'j. (Of dclcg.:.l tes hi thc.1lrd Intclnauunal Convcn llon 1111~u: were 12 nom I n:llilln~ fllr tht: Cun\cntlon, JDd thc SIX who were elcl..lcj.1ie Ray D.uby, Chuck 8:auet John Hunter Debr.. Rlvef<l, Steve' Boultcr, and Tim Yu.. lun The thrce ahernijlcs wcre Cynthia Relph, POll B:ueno, and C hip Chlhu!o I he &,1,( delcg.hes thjnked the general mcmbcnhlr lor the cbanct' to It'rtescnt OU I I()C.. II! the Internallonal Convt'nlUln In September AI the Aplll J:,cncfdl member:.hlp mcctln~... c h3d.1 bpeclal gut'.. t TWA flaght Attend.. nt Ca l ulyn Elllut, whu.asked our m embers to hell' \Urpnrt the atttnd.anu In thclr Ii)!.ht lor su"o'iyal I "".Int to rclicli1ally th.lnk Mlkt' lcnnlllgs. lamc!!; RJmlre:, Denn'" TUlle.!\., and Ray Morns... ho IOIRt'd me rn hdlllrl;, w.1lk the pickel hnes on I\pnl 2M I'd.Jlw Irkt' tu th.lnk Jnyane who Went dnwn on thcll uwn to help out. The attendllnts... ell:: mo:.t apprcci.1ii \'C: 01 our hdp to!io~lrp Ort Ihclt t:.'lu:.e:: AI:,III11, thank yuu,.. nd rcmembe. Umted wc.. und, dlvljej We R... y A DAIllY. r S Administration's Policies Selling People Out L.U. 474 (i,o,em,rtb,rts&'spa), MIMPUIS, TENN. It IS umt' ~verytlnc rc.;ah:ed the actur In Ihe Whllc H C) u~e must 1:01 I OIm noi su rt~ he cvcr w..!> a fickki.1cl 0 r e::vcn In thc muvlcs A man who.;a t une time \VOl'S JHe\ldent or lh~ A(.lI)rs' eulhl and... ho IS no... duwn on ork.lnt.:~ J IJbor h:as t o be a 10ke: E'Vt'n Ihc folrmcn from the Jle~ 1 live 111 cannot stand thl~ person, and I hn uf Ihe~ fa rmers vl)led for him list lime II IS IImc tht' D.:mOCtallc Party ~O t lu act log.:lh.:r IJl!!oIi.!lJ 01 fl,hllng and nlckerlok IImunA themsclvc" and put Il real man In Ihc White House All re ~ lp lc htllr I!I CUI yuur wagc:s, lower ),uur!t\'lng SI.l ml.udlo, YCt,hcy arc pilytng mul e IIlXCS while the lie'" gc t ri cher People h.av e CU I thtli w.agu.and dont' without a lui nf IhmRS, yct the: }lovelnnn:nt cncuulages f.u: torlc5 Jnd e"t'n la rgc busmessc!!o hlle.lvc lind relocate In Other eoun l fl e-s T he)' Ret Iheu produci built flh VClY h ll!t: ;lnd sell the cheaply m Llllc pmducts b:ack 10 U The government :.huuld cnt.uur.. xc more bulilne:ss hc.e ami cuii.1i1 Itltc.:IRn made product1 Impml~ \''J l.'xpnrts IS unn' ", 1 We nccd ;) bettci pc It.cnl.lJ;( (If export, than... c have nnw, o r we JU.~ I do noi buy Ihell unruhs I k.1ii'''''' pt:tlple who.e.ad my "rlleh,''!!tel Illcd uf mc uymg " Bu y Amcflcan l1ladi.! rrud uets" bui LlflnC I III \;licr II may SUlk Ih ' llugh people 's tim. lor. he"d., III SlUp buyu'i.il. furelxn made PTfk.!uu..,' 1 hc work.lull hll~ nul I'In:!t.t d up yel III :H cl We IUSI ~I!crlcd till.' IlIlIll MurK... t Rc.: c\}\'c ry fil1ll1j We nrc hnpl l l,~ th.ll with a lot of hut.! wurk ;tnd c{)(,pe r.hhifl Iro m the memhetsillp ami (;O IlH;I~IlU S tlu, Board w\l\ reg flllr W(lrK The liatl a re gc tt lr\~ fal, and It IS time for our members to rn nkc:1 1;( 11)1\ Itvln~ Until next Ill(l rnh. may the suud Lurd take.d IIkll1)t to yuu I)nN... lii R... Y Ik)GLI!, r S Give Others a Chance- Don't Double Book L. U. 481 ii,em,m&'spa), I N I)IA NA " OLl~, I 0. Recenrly another 8 rolher III our loca l "sked me, " Ar c WI,' boycotting mast;t tlnc:l" HIS reference WJ 'i to tht' lact lhat I haven 't wtllt\!n li n lirucle m thc l'ia ~ t five mllqths Brothers allj ~1"lel~, I a pol vgl;:c I'vc been working fill t)\lertlme IlIb" o u t 01 "tall' and locally and lu.!! 1 have n01 had thc lime In:.11 <lliw", and wnte. I'll try to redeem my!oell by having an article eileh mhnth fill Ihc ICS I of the: )/e.1 1 u llclltly fluc uf the 1.1,xcl l)ro l ~c" In our, un~ dlcllon IS thc renovation of the Cenelal MIll(IlS truck and bus plant. Therc lin: arrlloxllu:tlcly 50 nrothels and SUtl' rs WOIKII11I. dl ll ~cl1dy allll'l,l\ With " In house" mal8lcnant:.c ttl n llnillete IheH pan 01 thl$ liltgi.! renuvatlun Alluther 100 tnembcl~ a lc bc1ll11. c m ployed by loc "l ~nd non lonl contractor!. o n \I" fl OUS OIher prolecls wnilltl the plant,a"n'lllnil thesc arc p.oductlon 'lirea 1t1l.hllll~. vcn\hn~ JIC:I$, new Ollnly and Schulcr pic:'s 1IIII:.s,!ltructl1ul muddka ll1j1ls to accnmmod:lti.; Ihese rr e"~cs, a rollt'd mt.tji.s stou ge bulldloj:., o\'clhc"d Clolnn, J.nd many m o re too numeruu<ol tu m CIIUOIl fo creased proouctl\'i IY "nd bcllt:. wu.klnll. conditions are lust a wuple of the bcm.: l1t!i t hat 10 wuh an undchaktng of IhlS magnitude The rcntw:ltll11l IS 'ch~ du lc:d lor com ple:: tlon somc'liil1t III la l t" I~H6 or u.l ), 19~7. The overall pm.e I;lxJm thl~ project should N: somc::where around $<;00 rnllhon IU <;1 a hod word "00111 wo rk Our lhlok Two IS loaded ", "h 700 people at LIst c,:l1unt Wu.k I:' slowing down a bltl $0 Ii you "Ie d~)ub l t' booking on our books, give anuthcl Bllld,,;, who hasn t workcd for a while a chance R... iily Tuu,u.. r s In Recognition...-- Pic'turc::d Idt 10 ri~ht are Mayo. Tom Hucd, Vice:: P,e::sidenl lohn Flynn, Ray GrU b", P.c::.sidtDl lohn Oc.Peano and 8u~ine.!!~ Man:asct Frank Canoll, I., of Lonl..(88, 8 rid,eporl, Conn. Local Holds Second Pins and Awards Night LU. 4881i&..m t l, BRIDGEPORT, CONl\. The SUI'S were: reall y out In Bndgepu rl, CUlllle&;tICu t, on April 24, u"ilncss Man3,11,t'r 1'r:lOk Carroll IT, lind PrcSldenl fohn DePcano held then sct'llnj Pili and AWJrd.!l Night Amon8 Ihe honutt:d RUC!ii1S were Tom 8U CCI, nuyur of the Ut, \If IJlldltcpt>rtl Inter nalll.lna l Vice pu: ~ldc:nt lohn Flynn, Secund DIS met. md RI&;h.lrd Pat'l3grossl. lntetnatltmal Rep rcscnutlvt' o n lohn Fl ynn '.. sutt let me!;ike Will tlf'prntunlly IIIlhank Ihem 1111 fur takln.k time (lu I (.II Ihell hu sy sc;hct.l ules to Jttend our..... a ld.. cel c.: muny Nlnct)' scvcn Brolher.. tci:civt:j M,:1\i ICe flln, Ih3t night, ungll\g hum 2tl to :;0 )'\,:;US of OIC II\'C ~( rvj(.c Hrmhcl nill NII(. he tlu r :.\;l1ior pin rl! CI l'll cnl, was Ihere to accept his SO year pin alnng With hi" son Bill, Ir,... hn rceelveu a 20 ' yell l IH I',,150 there amtmk nu l cljer 51;,1.le.. I1I,1II WJ Joe Wlnel who IC('CIVCJ his 45 year pm I he.. c two mt' IIII ~' I S :l tc sull OI ell"e ~nd wurklojl. CVl.'ry djy Ttl all ou r Brulhel", t::llllgr:liul.l 110I\S Jnd \,:ontl nut'd gl)()j h\:a llh I he hll::hllght of the nt}th t w~ s the awa rd glvc:n to Ray t.ros~ by f lank Ca rnd~. Ii, anj lohn De l'e:ii1(1 T he II w ll nj wal 111 rcc (ljtn ltlull I)f Ray's Ji.!Cl!n t.1ppolotmcilt to olrccwi III Pllbh(; Wnfk8 of the city of Bndgc pmt and rill hi ~ IHIIA dcdlc.ltlon.md ~ervh; e tu Loc:!1 4t\S. In our {)pl n run. the city '"...J ~ a: :> o..., 43

46 44 ltluld not hj "'t! nljdt! a b~t(cr choice. c..;ond luck, R:ty, and con llnucd,>ucccs!> Loc.II 4HH has been ble sed with much,>ucc('''i', but we: h.:lvc: also had our sha.re of SOllOW Let us noi forget nuslnu ~ Mall.lg'- I Flank C.utoll's two favontc Ilu:n accouot~-thosc: (or Fred Turh's bo)'s. PIt'OISc 'tcnd YUU I contribution to Ihe loca l unron office, made pa),.,bh: to "Cusrodl;al Accuunts fm Thomas lind Ryan Itlth Brotherhoodl rhal's wh.31 II' all about PAT DoNAHU, P ~ local's Officer Decides To Resign from Office LU. 498 (i,t'm,rrb&ut\ l. T RA VE RS!:. C I rv, MJCH. On AplI I 11.1t nur Execuuve 8o,ud m~e t 10& Fl oyd "Tummy" We.:uherhoh presented his rcslgn,ju on for Ih!.! office of business man,ager HOIvmg held this pomtlon for ovel 20 year,. I'm sure IhlS wa.. nne 01 the toughest deel!olllns Tum had 10 nl.ik~ 111m ''! 11<11 of contributions to the local 15 Vl! I )/ (' XIl!!l"I\'e since he IS onc of our foundln,lt fatners and J eh.h l er mt'mbel and served UII val lolls (ummlttt'cs In the local before re ach l ll~ the office Ilf hu~ m c~., m unager. SlOce the early '60s. wuh tmc C)C(CIHItJn o( one t erm, Tom has worked 'or us With undjuntcd zeal. The officers ami mcm ben. would like to thjnk Y()U, r1oydt. Weathcl hull, foi a,ob well UlIflC You have been an InSp"atlOn to us JIL At our MJY 9 Oleetlng, Ihe ElHcrtamltlcnt Com muir-i" '\ltatcd IMU our summer p.cilic wdl he :u Antrim Courn)' Patk on August 16. Unll l ne"l month,.iiilend yuu. loc. l meeting, lind m3ke a difference FA""'K " R_T " CLOVER. p,". Take Note: Political Action Does Pay Off! LU. 5081i&o). SA \' NNA H. CA.-House p3s.u.gc of the bill to curb doublc-breasled COOl l;1ciors was 1I vlclory for the (Ollrc hlber movement- for all"" U8, not IU!;t thl!' e(lnstructlon tudes. Double brcolst 18& IS ~ deuce some contractors US( to weasel out of tben commltrncnr 10 pay ullion wages :md bcnl"an. As In so m:my 01 he. ar(as o( labor man.r.cment rclatlons. antiunion employer$ found :I loophole 1Il Ihe I.w_ Then. helped by M'lmc dubious Inh':lrlCIOItIOTlS by the NLRB :md Ihe courts, tlll'y mildc: II big enough to dnve.1 buudo:::er th lou,l:h LobbY I~t"l fur mdll<ltnal. servicc, public sectnt, and u.nspur t:ltlon unions worked alongside ICp rcscnuil'le$ of the hulldll1g trades umons to ex plam 10 mem bers 01 Cungress and lht=h staffs why the l egl~ I,[ltlUn " needed. MC3nwhilc, III key congressum;tl dl~tnl:t5 across the (DU n try, the Arl CIO'$ gr:ls 1 0ot~ ll!~isi::ril\'c CommlltcCS mobi lrzed hometown expressions (If support On the eve of the Huu<le VUH:, some 3,(X)() delegates 10 the Lq~lslallvc Imfcr~l1cc of Ihe BUilding.and Con struetlon T rades Department went to C:lpitol lilli to lell IhclI cungtc smt'n th:lt on this Issue, " My union speolk~ lui IIIC " TIH:y,got an assist h om ddc:g~ t e-s to the InJustlial Union Dep.rtmcnt Leg Isilltive linft'rencc which was held c:ullt~r In tne yur jhal '~ solldaruy' 'ow a 's up to all of us from every aeklllent o f the u;;(de union moycmc'l\t til,rl:t lht',ame mesuge to the &n:lii:: Repubhcan.. In Conv(' 5 haye had the Opptlrtu nlly 10 e.. il IhclI VOle' for PreSIdent Rca,!;.. ns budgct. Jnd thl:y muffed It Thr m( ",.ar.c to the While House IS that they like the pic5ldent but IUSI don 't thmk much of a budget th.at would sl:l"lh needed domestic plllgrams t(j fund another big IRcrrase 1M military spending Earher IhlS ye.r ReagOin!iUppOIlI:r5 ran tclevi Ion commercial.. de mandtng that Cungles') \'Qle on the president 's budget To the COP's dismay, H Ollo;;(, leader plumplly bruuj(hl It up fo l ;I vote~and II WII'i rclccted, J OfAceof M:UUgt:I1ICIll and BudgelDlreclor l.ames C. Miller, III, DaVid Stockman's successor. cum plamcd In,I h. uci tu Rcpubhcan senator th31 no action h.d been t;&k~n on th~ p l e~ijclil ' s fcqllcltt lo elimlo,uc 4.~ dumesllc programs. To the ullhap PII11;'" 01 m~ny of hi" fdlnw Repllhh (: III~, BlIdJ;et Commlltt c Chairman Pete V I1ll1nln lc I CJllc\! upon an amel1dment that would Clfr)' out the pl e:j1dent's wl shc=s even though he rcnonauy 01'1' posed it. It would ha\'e e limll1atcd lunds lor,uch ptngr~ms as scwolge tre;itmetu plallts, ruroii h ou~ mol ~me r,!;ency food ;md shelter p'q&r.ams, the (10"1,1,1 ~u bsjdy for nonpmf'it publications, Amtrak,.Ind dl~.jih.: 1 Iu.. m. In,he Republlcan -conuolled SenOlte, tht" Vute was agall1st the pr('ildcnt' domcstle budgel pnolltle The fight Will continue, but your hclp Iii needed. Atlc:nd ;au of your local umon m CClln~,,uppan COPE and the bulldrng tude, and most of.. II, rcgistt'r and va le G lllaui M COUNlltAN, I'.S Negotiating Team St'ated i n the fro nt row from left to right u e Brothers Howard Walters and 'a de 8albicI"I1 nand ill g, Drothers Fred Raffaelli, Presid ent 8 ~ rn ic Max fjeld, Vice Pres ident paul Smith, Malk AndusolI, Gre, Zona, and AI Kommt's_ Meeting At II. peelal metoo,; or lhe members hip, Brothel Duanne Lielhl t" the mikel u plalrll the Hn er poinlt of hi s co ntrlct propoul to h i ~ fell ow IJrulhc r ~ and Sis ten ul Loc , Hou&hlon, Mich. Membership Ratifies New, Three-Year Agreement L (u}, J-IO UG II1'ON, o\\l C H Locll 510 Is pruud 10 anllljunce th.::1t wc h3vc lcached II three yell r contraclaglcement With thc Uppel Peninsula Power COl1lp.n )l thai JHovldes fo r wilge incrt.a ell each year of the agreement, pi lls Sll bstll"tlal 1m pruvemellls 111 the pension plan and lile II1SlIranec progums We were also sliccenful In negotlatmg II long term disability pl:m th:1i Will prov ide our memhcr with 66.1 pt'rcent of thell... ages should the)' become disabled due to sickness or ;;accident. In llddltll:m, Improvements were also nego ll ated In the shlft differentlal premium, safety shoe allot menl,.. nd the P I('lt,,"~l IUIl ~afcly,!;la~s program WJ5 expoinded Of equal tmponancc III the I:CO ' nomic Itcms was Ihe fau Ihat we were IUCCd ful 111 ddeatjog a proposal by the company to dccrcase Our medu::al benefits Jnd ineru!.c the deductible to be! paid by the employec. The Company had plopost'd a plan thai would doubl~ the deductible limount and mcrcoise the fir.u -dollat COSt to the cml ) loy(~ \Q ThiS W.1'i an l'i lit' I\f senou'i consequence, lind OUI mcmix-,s had instructed us 10 uke... hate\ er acllon neces.. ary to defeat thl costly proposal Ollt committee was succt'~sf lll In doing this! lust to louch bru:fly un Ihe pension scttlement jhe Improvements... c re put where they wefe needed mostl Ihllt IS. for the older employl!e whu had very low carmngs III their earlier yern of employment In some cascii, dcpendlrlgon the years uf pnor service, this Inc re3.si: III the- accrucd bcllcat arnullnted to more r)i:ln $200 pci munth We also ehmlllrlu:d the ;age 4S requirement eomrlttely so Ihat should an employee die ~dter completing 10 years of service, regaldles$ of their age, thclr spouse would lmmedj:lu:l), beg"l to rcccive a bencfit ci:j ual 10 one hall of thclr accru d bentrt This IS much greater rh:m what IS requlti!d by!iiw There were.. 1.,0 numl:rous Improvements of a noneconomic n~tule 111 Contract lan&uaae ch~n,es that greatly im,hovli!d (lu I gllevance proc'(duj'e, method of overume assignments lind call ou t, VlltallOn scheduling and carry Over, safety com nlluii;r: luak~ul' and uperatlon, etc, All In all, wc fed II was a good 5e.lllement Most ImporUDt of all, our mcrnbcrs were comph=tely s'1i1s6(d with the settlement. ThIS agreement was rea ched aher nlnt: days of meetings. $prc.d Uf ave 1 01 one-month penod. II IS a good feeling, c~pecull1y tn tbcsc urnes of sucb cconomlc UntCM, to know that we will have our wages tncrcased each year for the next 11"t(' years, and we do not have La WOrry about concessions or takeaways On the not-so good!lcws, I personally feel that our Labor Management Proglam IS be~ l nning to Rounder. Thl;-re are ceruuo areas of OUI woi k hfr. that need improvements, but because they fa ll within Ihe scope of "m.1 I1 a~cmcnt 's rights," o ur m.nagcmcnl is not WllIlI1g 10 pemhi tnpul from the wnrkms fo rc(. T his Is ad mdeed, as the program ploperly mnnll!ted cou ld develop a team that could overcome any and ajl problem$ that arise. I hope th;a t thl malor problem cuuld be overcome 50 tbat lh( Progum c(luld once agalo get back on track Other than thai, summer has finally arrivcd here ld the U.P., and everyone IS ready fo r vacations. Have lun; enloy the nice wcoa ther, even If U's here unl,.. the customary day or twol BUlNARD L MAnlLlIl, P S Local 545, St. Joseph, Mo., mourn, Ihe du tb o( Uroth e.r Ben Stuke who pls5ed away on April Hi, Boys -... IIfI.iiIlO' Shown is th e. Miljavlc C. an ~, back low, Ifft to tight,,ohn Robinson, lim Wood, Jinl Miljavac, Pouge B ausman, li nd Nale Thoma11 frodt row, lohn 8relJckman. Gary I\ ttnc, and La rry Mili.vac. Local Mourns Brother Ben Starke L..545 U& cml. ST. JO!itlPIi. MO - The local IS S.1ddcned by Ihe death of Brother Ben Starke on APIlII3, He was 6;; years old. Brothel Starke had been with the localullcc June, 19~4, and had been ret lied slllce 198J. Th loc.11 expresses lis de-epcst sympathy 10 the family jhe soft hall lou rnllmenr dale hm becil set for f

47 Scptcmhl!f 6 : the weekend Jhcr l abor Day, So, come on you baseball players) even if you don't pl.ay, comc to w:llch al ld enjoy t he fellowship. Under $lckncss elf members: Btothers Boh Gilmore and S:lnl real ha VI! had mplc byp3:5sc3. We wish a safe and speedy recovery to both. I have been trymg to gel a plcl ure of Walt Hoecker, but no luck. Walt celebrated his 99th bi rthday recent ly. Also, him snd his w\fl! JUSt cclcbnltocd Ihelr 75th wedding annavcrs3ry He has beed rctlred Since 1962 and been a member since 1941 Summer 15 hefej so hnvc II safe Fourth of July l Douc H OWAIill, r.s. " Pearce's Pickets" Still Walking the Line LU. 551 (i,o&'t.iiji. SANTA ROSA. CAL-Gree t m~ s, Broth.,;(!> Jnd SiSters, fr om ii down bui eoc l tainly not OUt northern Co.hfornl:1 where, unfortunately, the gloomy weal her and wljlk plctun~ are going hllm! III hand " Pearce's Pldt:eu" arc stili doggedly mamung the hnes :It thc Round 83m,ob Sltc. We llppl.aud thc effons of those mcmbers wal llllg to takt the lime to try ~H1d lurn the scab tlde_ However, fo r tho!>!!" mcmbe,s who fed no need to try to prou:ct our work, We coin only!.h:akc our head5 in dismay Too many members,ue: LUlwllhng to su pport then local while at thc same lime say 109. " What's the UO IOIl doms toj mel" Pelhaps wt" hne m:lny card carllers and not cllough Urllon Brothers. Thanks agald tu SWlher PeollCc.1.nd his loyal band 01 PU.:kt'lS. Brothers An H UPlCI, lohn Beatty. and frank Lowatel, II, Wt'lt: all COPE,alOe wmncrs al the I.:JSt n-gub, met ng. Th~ (ollowlng members bsvc' don. lied 10 our Blood Bmk: Brothen 1. Pearce and I I c:n~cn.lnt.1 Diolne Becr, Wile 01 1 EIt.'c r We arc $.Id 10 repon the dc.. th of Brother PlIILJI " Pappy" Kowcll_ Parry WaS' longume membel {some 60 Qdd yearsl uf Local SSt He will be: ml!scd by uu. loul and hl~ I",:lld! We Wish (0 t':ncnd OUI sympa.thies to his f.amlly Unlll the ncxt newsletter. BrOlhels. all end the met'ling"t- lf 1I0thmg d);c, this gl\'d you tbe op per,unlly and the fl~ht to bitch; buy union, buy... merlc.an tnonhl. and support bolh of them. ScoTT L Go'n-tAIW. p.s Dow H Gonl"W, " S Pin Presentation Prf'sidl'.lIt ken Flattr.ry of Local 5S7. Saginaw. Mich., is shown presenting a 50 yellr pin 10 -'\orris " Moc" Shlltt':IIu. Union's Past Recalled By 50-Year Member L.U. 557 li,e-m,rt$&spal. SAC INAW, MICH.-In M3Y our local nomanalcd a slue 01 candidates (Of Il)cal p os Hlon ~ 10 give the membership a choice of people who arl' m lctt:slcd In UIlIOfU sm and sup purl1,,"e of the trade:. Du<: to A l.lek of compcliiiol1, Stella Gnffin will be recording secretary and Mike Smith will be HI:QliU rl't I eomm cnj the loclil l as bolh afe filii:. respons ible people and already have a good track record of serving our local well. Pt~ sj detlt Ken fhu lcry.!lave: us th~ BUll dmg Tntdcs Conh tencc repor!, I ex pect he dido't SeC mucb of Wnshlngton as hi! acquired.ii lot of Information which hc gencrqu,!y shared. The Apprenticesh ip Picketing Thi'1 Is II If)uth wsy fof T... p~, 10 get Illl'.ntion! L... II 10,j~.11 :Ut" Ed Lrwjs, Bob Voh.jot, ' erry Pl t ~O!>I, lind thndy Ruppel trying to tonv idce.. uliion gcile.t.j1 contrutor not to un II nonunion electrical (O"HIlClor. Committee repolled that Dt.!llnl'j Thl;;ll. Rllndy HII '''s,,,"d Doug Plppens b:lve begun dlclr apprcn II ceshlp pmbatloncuy pcnod, $0 three more jour neymen all! In tht mjikmg. The rust progrjl11mablccontroller chin has beed completed. nd the next ODC Will sun when t he apprenlll_e.!.hlp for 611Y City ts rel ocated Rc rort ~ n,dlcate Bob SmaU is recoycrlng (rom b:ack s Ulgery, Cenc Mack lost oil day (If work whc.n h~ took to ~hc air ou a laddcl. and Wayn e: Dively flot h.is h.md pme-hed In a condol hft Each U'IIury I repoll maku me thmk of how It must holve hun, then J thll1k of some of tbe dumb thmgs I vc done and I UU do. We: must make safciy lob oner Morns "Moe" Shlluellu W.15 honorcd tor 50 y~a t ~ of mew membership He surc 1.$ proud or thai diamond pill, and II IS wdl deserved. At n YC:Il! or age oiii lld sull In as good contiol oiii5 some half hi S yc,liis, Moe reminisced about an o'8.3n12l1;lio n lind tude thllt was changt"d when WhllC ctlndu(.iui); ~'c rc mtroduced He told 01 hks StUit a.s busineu agem, when II bemg ii full ttme: posluon could not be Im aglr~d beellusc lhe: local would.it tlmt:1 find It dlff1cult to tetmbuue blm ioi his phone bill. We ",11,1ppl,lud his volunumsm and dr:dleallon With OlJt people: hkc ~lim and Our other n:u,ees, we. cc rt lljll ly couldn t m310toun thc life s tyle We enloy J hllyc iilwllys prided my abiljly (0 Ilinch. penny, but Moc uld ~he "&ht bulb on his boillck porth l1;ated back to t he dt:ctnc stre:ett::iir d.a)'~, bccau3c the $lreetciu Wil:. Jo:ll;lJamccd ItS 600 volts Btst! The lunltl'l output may be low, hut (he cos t of rcrlsccmtm 180 sceond 10 none. Ate those ;ivadllhll: In a undcbtml b,)!iod C rumbling about summer's he3 t, docs QOt e ll.'alc eoollllnj Deoll But PUt on.a cool altitude. add make the lob SII:II&lu and squ:are. So Ihe peorle who p.. y tbe irclfhl Will.,ay. "We Want the tne.w there'" IOIlN CaMI N o" 1\ S Labor Receives Help From Many Quarters LV. 5S8 (l,o,u,c.l tv,nb,n s,t'm&'spa}, SHEFFIELD,... LA.-Grectlngs. BrothelS. 1 fcd II IS tune for lnose (If us In the labor rnovemt:[lt to recogm::e those who hll\' <:!hown true fnendshlr for U'l A <; WI'. all koow OU t movement IS lacing possibly Ib to ughest um~'!> liiee Ihe 1 9~1Os Fon un.lldy we are rcvllnhzlng. partl3l1y th:lnks to the efforts 0 1 en (("I!IIlJleIS such as Bruce Springsteen, Ed Asnel, Billy '0.::1, Wtllle Ndsnn. and Mclle HaggahL These wcll -cst.ahb.. hl'd, famous pcopl~ h;ave chosen to hd p champloll our cause by bnnging our pli~ht to li'! e ::I 1Ie111101, of the world thruugh 5pcec h c~ lind song. It ukes II lot of courage lo stllnd 015 these lulks dq to support Amen(;.3n wurkcls oil a lime when JtllllK M'i IS unpopular and could Ihn::IIl'1I lheir careen, If YOll h(l\'l'u'l la sl l!ned to th~sc songs, I ~li ge you ti} do ~n Ii ruu have oiny feelings lor hbof at 1111, 1 koi>...' you wlll feel the emollons Sllrllng whell you listen 10 Merle Hagg3 Id 's" Ambe.rWave ~ of Guin, " Uruce Sp n flk'loiccn 'S "My Ho metown" or " Burn In the: USA. " or BIlly loci 's "AJl ClIlown." Most of us know c;i((lc rl y of what the.y smg when they sing about pial'll CI051O&5, or jobs nevcr to lelurn, communillcs closing. and many li1o'cs bemg rullled.1s a te:!illlt. I It.'cctlt ly w;hcned an epi sode (II '''2.0120'' bl wluch they featured the 3 M pl,mt dosiog in Frcc:hol d, Pennsylvania, whele some 330 jobs were losl 'I hc Ul\lon at 3 M rceelyed much help h om Spnngstcen,1Dd Willic NelSOn with performanc.c». Not only did Springstecn lend his nn lne rind sched ule pe.rform nnces, bui act:ording lo onc union of nelll l, he donatcd $20,000 to kcep the pl;;ldl open. All of this nel p from Springstcen was. IQu lly un' soliellcd! Accord ing to the "20120" repon, 11.5 mlijlon worke rs lost th(:ir jobs due Itl plunt $huujo wlls bl:tw~' c n 1979 and 1984 Only 60 percenl u{ those workels round n e w lobs, anj ;ll most 0111,obs found wcre at lower pay. The average unron pay fa lse an 1985 was 2.J pcrcerlt, tbe IOWC5t ever reeord l!d. This amount doe:sn 't cveo bc,:," to keep up With inflation. RJ:.lI I wages adlusted fur InnaOon bave bc:e:n fai ling for IS yea.i~! L.:iIbor unions whi ch once represented 35 percent 01 the work force of this nlulon DOW repn':scol only 18 percent The facts ajor'lc show us lust bo w serious It. lhe sltuauon we DOW fnce. Friends like tbose I h.l ve lust mcnlloned d.re helpang us pull OU I 01 this dilem ma much faste r by making tbr. cnurc world mon.. tun'iciou'i uflhe situllluon. In closmg thc "20120" repurt l thcy :announccl1 that bl.;at:k workers at a 3 M plant In Sou lh Afnea would hold.i one-day sympalhchc 'itrlkc 101 those workers who lo~ t their lobs ;II thc J M plilnt io frc'chold. They 1II1S0SIall.'d thai the I.. bor mov~mcnt ".,a.$ b4=:con:ung re:vllah zcd. Of coursc,,br.y didn't have to tell anyonc IOvolved In the labor movement th~u, but It was nlec 10 hc-t r Ihe commt"-1l1 Oil II; nlllonal telcvl5lqn b[ollideast They :asked Bruce Srnngsteen for an IOlen'leW, hut Instead he sent them a SUll lng rendit ion of Woody Cuthrlc's "Th,'i Lind b Your L:lDd." Th!!; land ;t my lil1,d, IIno this land J.S )lour land. Let's keep 111"'111 wily hy re-monng and kccrtn~ American,obs ID Amellc:aJ We can help IndiVidually by buymr, Atnertunmlde prod uets So. It':l's do It 1 I CtYNN MURkAY, P.S...,. J New Chairman, --" ". '.. \,:, ~.;,,:!-~' ~ '.I~ t Ji or Piuuud iii tbe Dew 10(":111 ch.airman, Brian WlhoG, of Ihe M 01 W Depallmenl. IPhotu submitted by 1oca1589,,am:ll ica, N.Y., Brother Wilson Appointed Department Chairman L.U. 5891,,1, JAMA ICA, N.Y.-Greetings. This IS 1 reminder for all of us to gct out ilnd vote. The future of (fur unton could depend Oil the dccisions Wl- mllke at tius lime. Each shop or dcl'lanmcnt s hould a pl'lolnt one member who Wi ll eneouragc o ther members to panicl p:ut' III this dectlon of office rs by makmg sure everyone IS property JO. formed pl.. a,,' r ~.1tt all I'IOllees on the bulleud ho.uj In your 3!ca regarding t hl'! cfectlon These elected officers "'tl! be your leprcsentauves for the ntxt thlce cnllcal ye:lis. Br ot her Brian WIlson is thc newly arpqlfltt.'d local choulmao of tbe M of W OI:PIHtlll(,O I Brothe-r Wi lson I' :1 [meman c.. ble spla:cl II) the high lensu:m!mc gang. Brother Wilson'. rchef man IS Blother Pcte Muscafa. Brother Mll <;cara has lust m"dc mech:mie altcl cumplclmg:.l thrce-ye:u apprenttce program. Congratul3tions, PCt!!) ktep up the good work. BUSiness Manage.r John A. C~&SL:lIlU hns Informed Ille that we are bcginning negoliatluml On lhe number of eleq;riclans who Will be needed at the n!;!w West SIde Yald Shops and hope wc will be ;i Z 0: ::> Q 45

48 -' «z a: :::> o..., 46 Jbll! 10 tejch 1I <:l,ilublc.jgrl!cment Wll helui a conn,ct l' rolecl IS-SAFE 1'1 muv'"g along at, good pliee The: malomy of (lur members re3hze Ihelr obi! gallon to do t he-ii part by asking lor and usln8 the 'iojfcl)' cqulpment We: fought su hard to gtt a,clue 11Int company to buy S;aft"IY equipment, li ke :I_ny' 'hlng else. we.ars out Jnd must be l epjaced. The chon (0 cxtt'nd the life of a plc~ce of ~;lfe I Y ellulr mcnt might end YOUtS IOIiN O. McflH NNY, rs Pleasant Evening Pjcllm:d an some of the m embers lind guests who enjoyed the 17th Annual Dinner-Dauce of U)eat 601, CtHlml':lign-U rblnl. II I, Members Enjoy Local's Annual Dinner-Dance L,U. 601 (i &.nbl, C IIAMPAI G N URBANA, Il.L The Ch:lncellor f-iotelln Ch.Jmp3Ign, II hnol'l, was the slie for uur 17th Anmul Dinner Oance held on April S_ The floul ccnh:rpteces we,,: b~.jutlful, the nb-eye SteJks... t're delicious/ the open bjn werc busy, "The Vatl.JtlUn!lo " were H~ ry danec=~ble,.nj ~ ~ood tim, wall h;uj by ~II! We ale now w:atld& Ufl fur Our August 9 and 10 tnvltanunal slu Puc=h Softball Toum!lmcRt Soervlce pms :UI:' bt'lng 3W3UJcd 10 J7J memlklt> who llll\'c beld mew nu=rnberst1lr for 10 ((I 45 yuls \\'e- utcpd JtOO\l Wl5hcs 10 OUI most,eccnt u~ tllec Wallace I LOlmb We have had :In unu!uollly high numlx=r of mem ~rs who art' III or who ha"e been mllhc=d Our thoughn and pra)'ers go out to Brotbers Bob Mul ~ I e""', Tammy Delcmlah, Cary Schwt"lj;han, Mi ke Fl!rko, PlIul Tarter, Chuck Leman, Hank Wnght, Frcd McClcllan, Rick Blu lcy, Mi ke Fel~ I, and Illn Tlcnt. We currently havc 60 un Boak I :lnd 200 on Book II LaS:l lle County Power SUtlon has finished the refueling of Untt One, and the work ItU:l II Un al this time U! r.uher blc;lk We.1(" hvjjlii jlj lhut wolk Will pick up latll In the s ummcr, Thank!! t (lu I M'lcr locals, most of our members hll ve bttn wnl klo ~ fairly s tc3d d y. We Ihank t hem hit "li thewoi k thc)' have provldcd for us. E. M ICltALl W AP.MBI1!_R, t1 M F "i Calendar of Upcoming Functions Given l.u.613\l,(),e.m,n lupa). ATLANT A, GA,-A~IR this yt!;r.r local 61.1 ~nd thc Adanllt c.haj'hcr of NECA were 10n"l t 5POl1!i015 of Ihe National Kidney Fnllmlallon' Annual Fund Rals~ r _" A Ta IC Of Atlllllta,. We had a very good tumoul of BIOIher., and SlS\eIS to pajtlt:lpau:- m this C\lent There wa.!o a IIrmendou5 amount of genuine fellowship shared while I:lbonng for Ihl molt worthwhllc prolect,.jnj "II wbu lu:1ped shuuld h:lye :1 &tc.lli fedlng wltbm lhemselvcs 1m cnntrlbutlng to ~hjs cause. 'the PHloCCCt:h fo I the event greally exceeded the go.. 1 ~el, :lnd Ihe- KIdney Foundation hils e.xpre... sed IU ~r.llutudc tooll 1 loealfndcontractors for mak.iik uu, event successful If you could not participate thl' year, "Iease plan to dl' so OUI y('lir TIus 15 uuly an en)oyable 1110)«1 which we hlive undertaken 10 suppon It IS reilly a ple 3SU lt 10 work un Ih" r rolecl.as )'ou h:lve:l ch:lnce co Ice some tn QUI mcmbershlp who don'l otherw ise pamclplltc' In the local funetmns. ~f\"i\h~a and SIMCla. we rlced you to panletr llle In Ihe functions 01 our local, because It IS our local, YOU I., II!U"::,.IIIJ ~~ c r y Ilu.:.n bl r's. I am going to give Y('U ~tlll\e calendar d.j t(!io 0:' tv when some fu ture lunc lions will take pl,tce Thr th ud Tuesday of el ch momh OUI regular mecl mg night At t.ach mcenng someth ing IS dis' cuuc'd whjch In SOlDt way dft'cls you, your,ob sltu,lilc\n or YUU I V" '" VI \...ent.ol o, You n"t:o:i lu bt there tu uflc;r youilnput into thu ~....Jcelslons... hleh you h:lve W Irve with. and )'ou dn ha\'c to live witb Ihem lu t ikejuse you wercn't there 10 vote fo r 01 against, doesn' t mean th;n you ",e 1101 obhg:u ed to abide by tht dcclslons You matter; comt: to your union m«ungs. AUKUU , Swne Muunutn P.. rk ThiS IS uur Ann~ 1 Bsrbecuc lor au umn Thele Will be ph:nty nf :lruyiucs planned for sll "ge~ PleOlS(: come JnJ 4hlllre fellowshi p.nd brotherhood. Labt.lr 1>.1\. The Slate AFL 10 hn pbnned.3 parajt'lei' L3001 DJY ThiS I!> mu day, and we o('ed to shuw the ~13tt' and the natltlll Ihlll org:lnl::ed labol IS ii vlla1lull of the economy 01 the stalt' of Celligia hy IUllllng out In large Ilumbers for rl li~ r3f1jde linnl; YUU I family to VICW ur m:.rch. Elccllon Day We need to 1I~1l," hc(nmc a vital voice III Ihc law m akll1~ rll)ce,o; I he candidates wtll be SCl eened by the s tol te AfLCIO COPE commlllcc W e arc Icpre'iel1lcd on I his ommiller: as to views on ISSue!) wlu ch IIffeet U" Please \'ote, :tnj VOll' hit those e ittldlj atcs whu:h JIl' endqrsed hy mn h:ii(1( IS. U1NNII PliTT"', I' S Members Encouraged To Rekindle the Spirit l.. U (il!t.em), NEWBURG II, N. Y. I wondcr how m3ny members really h;lid the JuurnoJH In the Man.h i<;~ue Ih~ r e was an ilrucle aooul the I YX6 mew M3nulactunng Confercnce In thc arucll! lntcrn;monjii' I~~ulcnt Ch.;ules I'illard pointed OUI the r;halltn~el factng crrgamzej lllhm and thc LlO'.a1l assumption that the ecqnonuc Ill:. of countr y alc caused by \lnton, He SlId, "M:ln,l~ement :lnd cheu pcllaueal allies believe they h:'h labor on the: run. U~1I1A the farlurc of uur economy as a ~Ign of union weakness " He: gocs on 10 say thn the s rrenltth of " union 1& III t1 IC JclellllJll.lltlUn 01 Its member He usurcs us that the Intcrnallonai Will cunll nue to fend off the atlacia of th()st' trying to des1r0y u:t The theme lor this year's Con/en.-nce was Re kindle the Spu n. T his Is a "c' y poputol r ldc:llau:ly. I fed Ihal Local 6J I IS In the ptoccu Il' rekmdhng ItS spirit A vt'ry Imponant Idea i5 thllt our members must all be III this IOgc lhcr It won' t work I' only hil l! the people put 100 percent IIltQ It If WI! all pull together, which 1$ the whule Idea aod mealli ng of unro", we can be slton)\er, and wc Will :I ll prosper ftlj m It No man in Ilny loc:!1 h d5 the tigh t to ex PeC I a nyth ing mure out of bemg J m em het 01 the mew,han th.:: liie m ber w the Idt or IIghl nf hun If c\,ryone woulj feci this W II)I, t hert wnuld be no Int ernnl phlblcnn to deal wllh T h t: ti me ha cum e ro I us ill dll a... ay witb the hald fcc-links ThIS IS something. hilt wouij destroy the I;re.Hest of all orgarizatlons_ Our rd.:ltlonshl ps... l1h on :lnolhel :I. e the rna I Impon:mt arc.;a.$ to mutci It seems IIORlC, bui Ih.,> 11.1'1 romts baek 10 \'0 hat... :I~ mcncloned alrc.1idy abnut not wantlnjt m ort: th~n yuur Blother. Somc members scoff at this and SlIY II' S been IIlcd bdore,.1ind WI!.1Ire w:lslmji; our t1m~. ( don't :lgu:c with Ihl'l" at ~Il Now 15 the lime 10 baod tog1:thc. Ilkt' :;! ulllon :1$ we... ere always mt'ant to be Why IS It that some people lecl union dues I.!i Ihe. lost thmg they have to payi let s ha\'c ;I little prtdc and get ),ou. dues tn on tilth" I Ibmk If any thin, In.1lkes you look h:ld ItS Jlttlng.. 1 a unjon meetln~ with your Brotht"$ Ind hlvjd, it made puhlrc Ihat )'our due! :IT~n ' l paid One of Ihe guys on Ihe lub I' m on, BUilding 316 an East FI!>klll, summed H up.:is best lis I've he;lrd It. The buek say" "PlY tbe blil lhal rays youl t)1l1s flrsl. " Sounds good 10 mc So mctlnng J would li ke Cycryoody to tllke noller: Qf IS ho... our olde l journeymcll IHe treared on th e: Job 1 hese I:U)'S were in this trade wlll'n mosi of u s were pulling weeds or li t(lc k l n ~ shel ves some whcre I hope everyone l ea ll%cs Ihat,umeday, God WIUJIlg. W I.: wlll all be: " t he Qlder juurneym!!n "! lind r would like to wuh on you tbe trcatment you gave your sentqr loumeymeo Maybe they call 't run Ihe: mile In Ihrel:! mmults, but I'll bet they could 6gu. e a way Ihal you ml(' Imte:m' of run ThInk jbout tt' New Officers Are Congratulated 1..U" 636 (1"1,,.sp.1ll!t.n), T ORONTO, ONT.-Con ~ratulallons 10 all the lsew mc.mlx=r..s whu were nom mated.t the "'pnl mcctin& and elccted fur their rol llleular UOII at the lune mcehna. It l! dcdlea.tcd BrothelS :and S\st.ctS hke 'IOU who con IInue to make this loc:lj silang and uru6cd and the thew the g l t~tesi umon thert' lsi Just stop and t hmk. lor a ll11nute ot all the problem!! your umon would en(ountl!"r If nobody wloted to ukt on th e res.panmbrllti.e$ at lh~ EXI:c.utlvC S\):ud 1)1 of those at tbe local unilleycl. How long do yuu t hlnk. your 1'1)1,,'111 rnll".. 11\'<' tlgrrrml:llt would la.. r' l:. ve.ry Item ~ I\'o' een Ihe covers at a collee ll ve agreement has. btcn negntlaled, and wllhout a couectlyeagree Inen t It woulj nllt t('lke ton lon~ betol!: you r employl'r would try to remoye sum e: of YlJur ben efll" and/or n:d uce your wllgc5. If you believe lira I YO lil employn would do you 3 favoll r wfthflut a coller-li ve agleement, ytju mtlst have galien up on \h... w rong sh1c of t hl! hed Sohd:mt)' 13 vital, bccllu,e togethel... e- uand and divided we bit Cungr.31ulatlons aiso go t Sister Sandra HaMla, ch"l rpcrson for Unit 25. l oc:l1 636, Mel Cencral Hu rltal to Wmdsftr he has been appointed to t.he Buhh Cat (Xcup3tlon:a1 He.1hh and Safety A~.-.oeuuan ubour/man.agcmcnt SubcommIttee by Inlernatlonal Vice Prelldent Ken Ruse of t he Fllst DI~tnct offlct' upon tccomrnendatlon hom lnta T he- Ontano UI1II1Y!Juncil Annulil Golt Tour nament w1l1 be held on SJ;fUUJIlY, September 27. IYK6,.11 elcn Ced.11S Col( Course IR nnnhea", l uronto See your unit ch:lln1l:ln o r Exeeuuve Bn.uJ mcmlx=1 '(If funher information ami cnlt)' form! Until next Ilmt have.1l!io:ifc and rtlulojj liummel holiday HARl1l.I' C VANC1.. P 50-Year Pin Plctlued Is SQ'1'e:l1 member Bill tl!' eeh'ing his pin hom Representative Dan Pollard. Al so shown is Bill's wift", Ruth, nurse S),h'ia KirhbV, and his son Keith. (Photo s ubmiltt'd by local 64 0, Phot'IJix, ti:r..j Local Retracts Veterans Insurance Information L {i.u,cm,ub,ml!t.s pal, PI-I OE lx. ARIZ. I must apologize m the readers of " Loul Lines" for the nem concermnx the V~I~ r an, AdmmIIlU;} ~ IIlIn m"iiti\"i'(" lilvtdend thllt appnred In the May IS ue of the /oumal ThiS InformalH'!D W.15 pnmcd In another pubhe:lllon and relayed to me:. l san eerely hope no one w u~ senou,ly Inconventenced by IhlS m lsmformatlon Wdl, four year's have almost gonl! by, :lnd we arc now getlll18 read V for the.: 33rd IB EW COn vc n I1UII HI he held 10 Toronto, :lnada It was Ull honol aud.a ptlvllcge 10 rcpre,ent LOC 3! 640 ns a dd egn t c= :I t the 13st Convention T he color a nd cxchenu!'llt 01.a n y large delegllt ion Is alw lil Ys heanwllrnung,

49 and this om,: was no exc(:ption Arguments will bt: he,ard, votes will be cast, and a grell[ mll!!y decisions will be m:hle thai wil l llffect all of us in (he: years to comc. Tills yc.ar we had 16 nommatlons for the: six representatives from our local. Nominees for the ConVentIOn are, Brothcrs Jerry Tmcy, Mike Croxton, R;J.y Polcsky, Clyde Thol1\:l5, Terry Nolan, Carl Lawler, TravIs Fullcr, Jocl Wheeler, Ken Wat son, Bob Whistler, Ernie C autler, Dan Pullard, BLlly 'oe: Young. Ed Van Ess, Carlos anla ruz, and Jack Redmond. We also decujcd who was to have the tedious Jo b of counllng the ballots: Broth ers Bob Kun, Creg Mueller, MIke Fone, lun Bn;we., and Wayne Yamanaka were dec.tcd at the last regular union mtetmg h'lve a),coidy been sent OU t, and I Will have the names of all deleg,:ltes m my next newsletter. We want to cx p.css ou. deepest sorrow to Mr. Forrest Matclle and his fa mdy foj dlt" loss of his Wife on April 19, Mr. Malette IS the pu:scnt NECA C hapter manager. O ur prayers are: extended 10 all of Ihe family and fflends At the las I regular union mcetlng. Bu~mess Man.ager Jerry T I3cy repo.ted Oil a nurnbe. of ISSUe:S. A Vote taken with tbe Channel JO broad casung emrloyec$ was shy of SIX Vutt:~ for dece. tlficallon 8y law It w,l1 take a >,C.ilr befme ",'( I;all take another votl!. It always anlazes me how so many people: feci that they can negotiate wages and worktn~ conditions oc lu:r dun Ihmugh col It:cllve ba rgaining The)' must leclthallhe), can nul be replaced Cary Ma),nard I.!> Mill vc ry active 111 o.g;antzln~ General Cable, We seem to have somc new people IO leresu:d In membership every month A thankyou card was scm to us from thc Phocnu: Chapter of the Jaycees thankmg us for our Rodeo con InbUIIOD. The work.s ltuoiuon has.s lowed down con 5ldcr.ably, but there was a large variety of signatory contractors who were able 10 call for men last monch We also welcome Slark Elecilic hom the Tucson :l ItO! who signed;) Ic tter of In tcnt bst weck. Tbe Stark family have be:en union members 111 the sute fa, a number of years, with both the la ther and grandfalhc. bemg longllme member~ uf Local 640. The n3 tlon31 fc(a plocal program lor our ~nslon plan has beea aet1vat~d from the In lcrnauon~1 OUlce and prc'scntly covers appro;umately 85 per cent of Ihe nallon_ This oulee repolls that Ihe IO lcntlon 15 tn \rcry soon Cover (h~ cntue country. ThiS , no doubt, bcnc'fit :loll of us, especially those Broth, " who have DO cho ice but to Irur:i all year long The IHEW Local 640 and the Arizona Chaptcr of ECA benefit office Will soon be a!okmg 10 see: m arnage IatenSeS as ploof of dl"~nd!.:ney. Th~re hu been a great deal of fraud and overpayment rl."sulung 'JOm.equC'sts hom a number 0' people Apparently thls dlxs nolhlng bui InCre3-«: tht: prcmlums fo r the rest of the oipplteolnu_ Compu Sys tne chums that I large amount of money" gomj; Out to nondcpendcms Brother T racy repq IIS rh;1t Bechtel Corpornllon IS trymg 10 call pcoplc by name Ihrough the hall Apparently they claim they arc ttylra to ge t men who have: tbe so-called A-C ad special tramms A few other loca!' around the country also appear to be lookmg '0. rersunnel With "Q" dear;rnce$ thai were once l$sued by the: government lor working.<1 t missile test sites. I wonder If this IS whal we a. e going to CX PL"ct m the future If su, I pity the Brother who had a m inor scrape wlth the lnw. The question was brought up on the noor libout which local banks usc unton labor on new construction. Jcrry tells us that the Creat W~'stern Bank uscs AI E!cctllc and thai Ih e UllIon SlivIDIIS and Loan IS committed to olgamzed labor, Brother Dan Pollard once: agam urrl!d.. 11 memo ~ rs to St rcss safety.:l t home and on the: iob, There hay!,! been a number 01 mcombers &1: lling hurt fr um acl;ldents that could have been prevented with II Imlc: bit of caution, Lack of hard hilts wa$ rhe cause: of InIUrles lasl munth. Lc t's keep them on, I eon&ratul~lte ErnIe Gauller, cd Hendl!r!on, Don Lockwood, lim Penny, T om Martin, and 311 the other great judge:s who gave up their Fndny and Sat urday to help out at the VICA Skil l OlympICS held lit the phoemx C ivic Plaza on April 19 and 2.0. A grefll Jeal u' wurk I ~ n(i.:ded tv rut this event together, not counting the atnllui1i CIt muncy dona led by local mduslfy. We will hllvc ~umc g')od appitcanl5 fllr the aprrentlnslur III the nea, future. I know for 0 flltol th.li orj;anizj tlon~ like Ihe lirlllu moo ABC would lust love to sponsor this yearly event. Congratulations II) Derl'k LaRue wthl was the winner of the );old melial III the wirlll~ competition. Derek 15 the SOil of Jim L.IRue, a ve ry good BrOther from M:trqucue. Mlchl~,ln Co n~ratul:ltlon to Brother Bdl Mc\patl~~'n who recently recclved his 50-yeor mel1lher~lllp pm fur loyal and (althful service It IS nl(;e til.!>ce: Drothcr lie.b Clay hack 0 11 lilil ' t et and h.. d to work T he uolon work 1n the va lley hj!i Increased from 3 pe rcent to 16 pcrccnt In the lut two yeafs It 's been II tough IHrUJ;.Rle, but It wlil Ket beller That about W.lIpS up my rc(jofi fill Jlwther month. 1 hope 10 I(;e m:rny of my readers at the next union meeting Unfortunately, loll mlll1)' uf U"I fcl I Ihllt JU~ I hllvlng a )'elluw tlckl,t make!> us. Ulllt) l1. Local's Work Scene Starts to Pick Up I..-U, 6.aH (i,o,u&'o;r31. IIAMILTON, We ~ llin off thl.!> Ilumth muurnlllx Ih~' dclith uf (Iur Rrllthc. John 8e r~lund DlOther Ol:rJtlul.J WolS..:n,oyln~ his rellle:ment aftcr worklfl~ mllny ycan lor Vllnous elect Ileal (;nn ll 'II;: l(n~ In Ihl: are::,a Slmher nerglund Will be mls<;ed by the BrOlhe::l"i and,s1)ici) 01 Lonl 648. Con&rittuLmons to 1Slers '01In SUI:cJ Cablc, and Mary Ann Staph Hubbard, OU t ncwe"it IMide Jou rneyman wllemen These ladles \!Iue the:: f"st 10 complete ~rl1 rentll.e!)hlp Ir.. Lnul}; th ruu~h Loul 648. Some mu.e Brothen arc " hilnl'ln/l: It up".al ll:r man)' years, they are Kunhers C lle<;lci Miller, Charle!> P" III~h. Jlln And...,'YI'IS, Sr, Challe~ Chenault, Jml Jtlrry H(;dgq'lalh They alc c.allln& U quits aher w o rk,"~ m.ny, mllny ye.;tn It seems that liher tlur memhcn.etlle wc ncovl." r hellr hom the::m liglltn, 'u plcj)c k~p In cuntact, and Ii.:t us know whilt IS AOIO«on The 'YI'ork ""uallun 1$ 'illlttln~ HI suck UJ!. but we SIIIl hayt' Bnllhel.5 on thc buuk, 3nd some BlOthcu :IfC ~ 1111 tr.l\'ehn,!; I hope they Will all be back soon SpeCial th.anks 10 D~'llIse Hohle,haeh and d;lugh tef:ii fm orgal1l:mg Local 6-18 '5 Annual Ea"iler EM flunt. ()elll:'oe.!>u:rpcd In at the 1.1:'01 nunule: and got thm& goln& to keer 'he Eauer [AA Hunt tudillon {i;om~ Th~nk 10 Dome Huldc.haeh fo r helrln/l: OUI.Jotu Aprrel\llt.e~hlp ~hou lls over fu. Ihc )C;l, Tb.1nks 10 Brolhers G.uy Co.brn, Bob Wroot. and SteVe N~plerlor thelf helj! 115 mslructo rs~nd 1(1 'Lm P;lle, Jrm Pale, Jr., and Art Tcpkcl fur bcm~!lub~tltutu Vac;;l tlon 1I11li.: 1:01 herel J rlve e.trefully Scribe Recaps 1985 Highlights A~T TtH. A, P.S, LU. 675 (illlol, ELIZABETH, N.I.-Thls past ycu w.u II ve ry good yell r fur Ollr loca l Fur all of ou, mc-mber" therc was wurk In uur area A blk help was Ih c Ccncr.al Mutl)':'o plolectj bes id~s assullng employment fo r our members, h.;tlso provided work opportunltles io I mlllly tf.1veltng Brothers It was ~re al Ihat we coulj help uut. 10 ou r member8 who retired In 1985, Bob WIll, Sr., Wtllt.lm C hnslohen, CCC,lrj.te Sch:udH!n, Ir, Bob Parker, lind, BlAdley, wc WI!lh Iud ;;rnd long. hellhhy retuements Moln), of Ihem wuc at our last picnic when au 01 our re tlree~ pre'jcnted AII~I' nc$s Managcl NCIII>. Huyle wllh an AmetIC:.3n f1~~ lor our new building th:&t we moved IOtO In 1985 The down Side of 1985 was Ih1: passmg of foul BrolhelS, Our luca l was dl.:eply uddened when we li!arned that Funk R. Holtll way, John Wal eskl, Ceorli-e IlLd eau, lind Ted I'atcrek had passed awlly, These men were ve ry responsible and 10ylli memben of our local. They shaped many apprentices into nile journeymen. A personal Side lor me: was Presentation of Local 675. Elizabelh,. I., one hown pu:unlin& Business MlJlIlIger Nril P. Boyl~ wilh 1111 Amr rican Ollg, learml'l,l; of tht: dellth of Bmthe. Ted P.ltc li.:k I was an "PllIClllitoC und..: r him when I stjrted, and I Wi ll truly miss h im as we Will mlss all of thcm The memhoer"l,f Local 675 Wish to cxtcnd thcli deepest ctlndolen(;e::<; ICI the families of Ihe!.c memher.!> An up ildc of 198't was that the Local 675 Calf Lugue produced Kl mc: of the: best golfcrs 10 Ihls state T hat 's righi, II'S my oplnwn. but Ihe!.c guys kecop brmgln~ home all these If opilles and necd a.!>cparale mom bui ll on to our new hoiil for thcm_ It se.. ms th;;rl every tournament they enter, before they Stln, they talk over which twrhy th...)' w:ml 10 wm lind bring hack to Ihe lucal It... ould be unfair tu name lust a few guys; bui 10 our..:nu re Coif Leal;ue, congr:ttulallons, We Wish you :I great year to come Our softb:rll team had a suc cl'~dul sea.. on last year. Brother Ed LenoJ; Ihmb the Ii.:am!hould be beu!.:r this y..::lr.ldd hn.3 gre.lt chj.nce to \<0' 10 the IU{l:ue: championship Work Picture Has Improved BILL DWl'lIt. PS. LU, 692 li &lipal, BAY C ITY, i\1i C I-l. Nomln3' tlon) lind the rlectrons of offi..:ers.!>hould be O\,Ct with by,he ltme you read this u ucle. I Will let the m~mbc:rs know.he results m an upcommg 1,>'Sue We arc sure everyone who could ahend th~ e1eclion did W.: thank you 'or your urport. Well, the work picture bas bn{l:h tened up a bn WIth E SC'xvtlle Eleclne damn. ';au Sized loh In Momtor SU~lIr. lind luhn ~hllci IS JUlng the ne w Llbe.I'! Sireet B nd~e along With \ arluu$othcr null fobs. ThiS will ku:p :II fe w members home for the $umm~ r I nd fall. Onct' agam there I~ talk vf Cun, umers Power starling Ihe Midland Nucle;;a r Plant boiek Up 2S a gas fi red pbnt. I know they have oor full support on thl's decl'ihln_ Th('re IS 1I1s0 tal k uf a rubbl!.h hurnmg InCIDl." ratul plant on the drllwmg boards fo r thl: Bay Cit)' J 1c;a. There 1$ no work to Sl3rt on nght aw.ay, bu I there.he some nice hoj"cs for the futuro(: Our eonllaciuls li rc alsu trymg 10 bid work III Dow C hcmlcill once agalnj toud luck! Loe:!l 692 would hke to SC"nd oor deepest sympathy to thc families of Brothe.s Ed Gannon and Hlirry Bo wland who rassed away recently The>, Will be mls.!>l!'d by m;l ny. DA\'IO M RA"''iDEN, P.S. Credit Union In Strong Financial Shape L.U. 697 (il. CARY AND IIA",,I\10N D, IND.- The Local 697 Fedenrl C.edlt Umon's Annual Dwncr Dance Meeting was held Apnl 6, 1986, at Sc herwooll $outh Restau,ant. Earl Loman, plt::sldent of the Roud 01 Ouecwrs report ed on the CrN" Unllln', progrc,,: "The Board 01 Duectors is happy U) repon '1.7 li uceessful years of your C redit Ul'llon. ThIS has been made poslilble by the coopcr:lllon of the members of this orgam::ation. Schulls Auditing and the lederal exarntners have lound lhat the Annndal condition nf yo ur C redit Union rcrn;un!l extremely Strong. We would II kc lo rellllnd all rcllred members 10 usc the C.t:dit Union for direct deposit of the:i r pension arid Social Secunty checks. '" en 47

50 Good Bowlers Apprentices The JUlnt CumJUlt tee membe,s :lie eene Cl IO ' ton. IUn Wa lters, Rlc h.ud NewII,", Wllh:am,. H{l r1le, DaVid H Smith. and '1m N olen. The di ree tur 01 nur TH0J!.tun 1$ Ca.y Roan We all need to be prepared In rerform CPR Many of our nlem ben h3ve! avei.lll\lcs bllth nn lind off the lob hy taklllg the tlmt 10 lea rn If you h;tvc nut dl.lll(' so, sign up fo I the next ci a s.!)"vln E. Mt.Nu~_lY, P.S. High Rollers > --' ::0, 48 Pictured Is Ih~ Loc,l 691, Gary and Hammond, Ind., tum th., look 6,.t plitt In the Tum Ennt during Ihe LoI."I I 15] Stalf Bowlina Tournamul. uh 10 fight an: Wah SzrmuJld, Warne Uos u:, hoff, Slnr Zul:awiuski, and Gr.nt' W iles, NUl shown is Rick Batson. Local 697 also had I turd lakt sf:cond "Int. in Tum [vcnl. Shown lell to rilht.lrf G-trT)' Uadnu. Mike GOlman, Mih fohn~on, Slfl'C Shaw, and Mtl... b:rwr:u. The Board wo ~ ld like to thank both Ihe Credit CommlttC'c and the SUPCrvllOry Commlltl~e for a lob wdl done We would also hile \0 ~1JI phm ent our office naif on anolher year of o UI-!lI :mdm~ service 10 lbe mcmbeu of the Credit Unlon_,- The fojlowtn~ men and women scrvr U5 as officers and SI:af{ Board of Dm:clon'" Earl l oman prcsidcnl l W.altcr Buun, Ylce pruldc:o l, C. Btanblossom ucfl!ury ttta Ulerj 0.1\'1: 8 e~nblossom. us.l$un\ UCUUIcr, and lamu Thompson, Crrdu Commlllee D.1fwm Ada.mJ, chalnnanl John Rudd SCcrc1;HY. ~nd Ken Hoyle, Supnvisory Com mltlee: Pbllhp Cuziar, c.l1:urman, Joseph Gonulcs. Sl"creu,y. and DaVid SoderquIJt j Stafl Dave Beanblouom m~lugu. 1000n circer. Mary toman. Ill ' Sistant to Ihe m_nagel, ID~n officer, bookkeeper; lois Norris, loan offictr, delinquencyi S.3nd, J Johnson. loan, ltllcr, add Insurance, and DenISe Spam, share drafts, IRAJ, teller Loc South Be:nd, Induma, hoslcd Ihe 12th Annu.3IIBEW SUle Bowlmg 1 ournament Our byi bowler' did In ouuunding iob uklng f1rst lind second place In thc TellfT'I htnt Wah " Hot Sbot" SzymanskI placed fi rst It\ Ihe All Events He: shot.i I1BgJmc.a nd 70 1 sellci!. m Iln~Te;;'1II E... cu L NILI: bo whn,(, n t ryone. On ApnllS Ihe locill leeelyed special "cknowledgmcnt al the C~Jumc t A,CiI Humane Soclery's AnnUAl Dlnnu, We w e ll~ hl/uuu:j fui UUI lii... ul... ~ mcn! In theu bui lding addition 1:1 I year. II 's Rice (0 be I ~cugmzed 10. our community acuvitie5. A special thanks to e\<eryllnr who was Inyol... ed In thai endeavor NIck Vluleh Will be luning a C PR class or member$ lind thcu b m ilic. Anyone who Is Inter c s u~d com;u: t Ihe kall, lind Nick Wi ll be in toueh with you. Have.t afe In depcmden e Dayl Lf.oNlI.flLI A BIlZOol.ltlE:... I<.-"l. P Ii Local Work Scene Remains Very Slow L.U. 7UU 11,o&'s p:al, I'"T. S~" T JI, ARK.-Work In the lire:. IS Still v~ry slow Only a handful of ou r memben art working In Ihe :l lta. Most of a u. members arc on the wad. while otlu:n arc taking work ouuide Iheir lrade. Some :lie even 80111& ul." )t's not Ibu.t there I, no work going on, quite Pieuued le.ft to right.ur Handy SunfHl, Riehllrd Blus6eld, Robut 8rown, Or.. n f loyd, and Eddie Bray, Ihe 6ut yur apprcnticr of Lo cal 700, Fl. ~lii i,h, Ark. the L O ntr u l~. Ihere IS a work. All of It seems to be,smng nonunllln OU I JAT pr ogram S(ems to be hlll&lng on by!>t.ullng.1 Cl:.S5 I)f f1\1e Ihl ~ yur I ""'anl 10 Wish these voun~ mt!n 311 Ih~ bcst and hope they m Igh t pby a part In rlckln~ auf luc31 back up A ~ rlettllln.. fof ~HIIt' ;11111 fr"foul "fart'.. lip ploach. umon wl)rkt!r So S U I I: need to l;ake :I look :Il who has hurt them :lnd who has help(d Don't cut your nose off 10 sput: )'our fa c~, Ooe tblng foi su.e, I! won t do you any ~ 10 moulh.about II tf you don't rcglstt!r am! \ OU~ _ Thl: prtmallcs Will be over by the li me thl.!! IS In pflnl, 50 the bl~ onc l'i lhe one you have 10 look fo''''',ud IU. T tns Will ~ my last Wtmnr. Wotk beans... h~l II IS, t find myself cj[~c lln~ I t;) bc- OUI ol lown for Ihe mas I JUrt of my actlh wurkln,.; hfe In the 10(;;11 No one can be very acll... (... hen Ihey :Ire noi around, I hope someone else C:1I1 keer you bereer Informed Bu y Amencan, buy unton, buy COPE JtO llsly GI\t.u, r s hown In.hcl( phol0s arc,orne of the Local 702, W. Fnlnkfofl, il L, mcmbrn who atu:dded the re c~nl CPR class sponsored by thc,oint Apprcntice' ship Tuin ing Commincll'. CPR Class Sponsored For Apprentices, Journeymen lou. 70'2 ti,o. u, uow. ~m. l1 s. ttb, 5pa, t &-c;lilvj, W. frankfort, ILL.-The 'oml ApP,enllceshlp Trnllllng Commillcc rtct'ntiy sponsored an eight holl l course In eardlo(lulmonllry rcs.usci tatia n (Of ou r :apprentice wlrtnlen and intt!jt:s ted lournl:ym l:"n. The msuucior!!l were volunleers hom the \Yes I Frankfon File DepllnmcJlt whu:h runs the lui- III.Il Illl.UtllllCC ~c l vkc Twenty members com pl eted the course. IIIgh Suic' hamploo Kdlh It\OI:c.r di"play, hi, ~w:ard for a tol:ll bowhnl 'Corc. of 680 a l the Annu",1 Bowlinl Tuurn:amcnt of LCKal 712., Branr, P~., held at th l!' Parkslown unc in Ellwood Ci1y 00 April 6, hown Ith 10 rl,hl lil t Tom Peters aod Rich Mar hall, tht doublu e,hampj lithe Annual Bowlin, Tournamr.nt of Lr.1ca l 71'2. High gamc of 285 WI also bowlt'd by- Rich,.hr$hfU, Activities, Work Scene Promising for Local L 7 11 ti,l",em,cllv&gov1), BEAVER. PA.-Approllilmalc1y n mcmbers of Local 711 got to,clher 011 Sund.1y m o rnm~ A.pnI , for OUI Annual IiowhD& t urn~ment.at the P.a.rkstown Lane 10 EflwoOO IIY The bowlers SUrted at 10 a.m. and bowlrd unul hue rn the afternoon thgh game of lss W;lS bowled by Rich Mal~h;lll, the high.senes of 680 ""~5 bowl ed by Kellh Mosel, lind Ibe doubles c",mps we:re Rieh MlIuhan and Tom Pelers. We thank Ihc Bo wl in'" Cnrnmmee of Tom Cekovich, Andy2rellak. Jd f E.llts. ~nd Kcltb Most"rforputtlng togelher anolht r Ane d.ay for rhe bo wlers Elch yen Ihe number In.aH(:od:mc:e at O Uf BowLmg Tounlllment ~ow, whleh IJ!l evtdence of a iob well done by Ihe Cummluce The Entl:ll:lInmrnt Committee of Loe:!1 71! now Iums au attention 10 the family PICOU: which will be held at Connc;l u l Lake Palk 111 l.awfo rd COlll1ty on Jul y 19, 1986, lind 10 our gnu outlrlm and stag plcmc HI be: held blc~ r In Ih,. ~" I mm'" The work outlook III Local 7 12 remollns good for Ihi:' ",ummr.-r mnnl h,; Ill" Wt ale now" at peak m:mpowel III Ouque!onr Light'S Heave ' Velley Umt No. 2 By the time Ihls artu: lc 1$ pnnt.;tj. W(" shquld be workln,lt on a shutdown al Duquesne Light's Be:3Ve:t Valley Unit No I BeSides \huc two large projects, our outlook In clude~ m llny luna 11 prolects through out the,iiu ~ O It C; 1! DERIlAV"', IR, B.M. Several Members Receive Pins During Meeting L.U. 728 li,o,elll,tl s&'spa), FT, LAUDERDALE, FLA.-At our last gener.1i meeting," special "Ole Timers' NiAht " wa, ht ld, 1 wcnly-ycar serv.ce pins were prcjentej to C huck Downe)', lohn Feeney,

51 Members Sll(Iwn hom left t., rll;hl afl' Lllul 728. Ft. L...audt'rdah:, Fb. Bus in l'5s Mananrr, 11111('.10 A. Wddoll, 40 yur SN\ icc: piu fecipient John O'Canndl. and President John Ranku. lohn i!lnha, L.lrry Ford, Chm Crz:l. Milyn.ud HamlltOIl. Uon liarve)" Fred lonc. Unh lallel, lohn NyllllT11, L.et',l 1'llIkt r. rlilld P,u<llln.lo, Julin Rums.:y. Pele ~31.,. al:iaaiu, h ed Slkc~,.lnd L1 T11 0r Sp('nc:cr I weill)' five year pills wcnt to K.ullkhnkc. T om BrJ)' RJY FIJ,h Ju hn KIJ~lnR rn:d Mohr. T~' rry U llvcr, Ihll!)clf, I om ~w.:c (l.,1i1l1 C:ari WHC ~ I, "!ld.~ij )'l';h!\lil!!> wern III Dc:1tI ChuhhUl._k, OS('M Dlcrtk, Ku:lcy Ken (I.lIker, Tuhy P.I)'lun,,Imi Bill Reece A.l~ Y!';.H,,~n wl.:nt hi MII:. kcy Bray, Jnd,I 40 -)'0.::lf pill went 10 Juhn O't:<lOncll Ttw rc"'ptm"c 10 Illl"'IIlC ~~ M.~ll!1g l r /1 111 WelLion's Ide:! fur.111 Ole, liners' NI~hl." liml Ihc dilim. pui fflrl!. hy 1"1 li;'in... la I t.;,~l:rct.lry RIlY Fla c:h, In rc~c;w.:llln,l( our fl,;lv,dfl lur Ihe pin ~HI,;~enIJtlon5. hav~ made tor it sub~1antl ulln c r ca~c 111 (Ju r IIlt'CLIng allcnd :J IH.. C.lI1d Jil cnlny:illie tllne fur all nlolld 1I.lnk Ch,drnl.1n CIII Wu c~1 I'rc~clltcJ gal.. Ion li\c J J l b Ul \~ 10 L.III ), B\),wcll, Ted LiC:llfJ. N.It M OXie, NCJI xhuh:, Ld ThOllll'son, Ernc~1 Whceler. D(,ujl WIng, H arry r., lliull. IIml lume.. lackson; tw(1 ~lin"n ml'll lllhllll~ lu Salll Ih ~IlIII", R"herl G Hili, D\J\.I~ Ilomn, 1\01> Mcndenh;d l, Todd r.1rsons, Jim Stuhbldldd, DouM Tlwmersoll,, Pet... How.. IJnJ, thn:e'fi;jllun medal lion, II) VIIg1l H uskey. P.ubl'ft McCann. T. Mi ke IlOlll1r.,11ll1 Herrn:m H.CIS~. :m.l :1 flvc~:d!ljn mcd.lilltlll IU Ilu/o;(I lligl. OUi Al'llIell tlu'~l llp ClIllll'\I II CC Will be eon dui. IIIl J; l"u lne)-n}.)n cou rses In I undamemals o f.t\.1otoi COntrol, FIre Alartn~, UJucpnm ReadIng. Theury II, I'rW;laln mllble onlrullt!is, Fundamen ta ls of Prt1l. CS'; Cunllo! aolii"~hrlllj'\cnt<l!lon, Journcymnn Wlreill.1n.I n d Ma~tt,;( '~ Li cense Prcpara' ((UIl, N.lIwll nl Electrlc.1! ode 19H7 Code Updalc, St.1lk Control. FIber OptiC!. Boule 11m,! Ad vancl'd WddlO)I, CI'R, ami ~:lk.)'. (f you have any Interest m Ihc!>e c(mrses o r II 5UF,gC'ltiIJll (U I OIlte. c;uur!>es, pledse contjt:1 T r.lill1ng OlrectUl Ch ic: Perez al 564 JJ6J Work In Ihe luu,dl II n h.a'l.. lowed '1c,mew h al bui ~houlj be IIICklllg up I II la ic.. ummer If you an: un Ihe IOdJ.lnJ h.lvln.l;.. hfficuity.lcqulllng ilprhoihhi U.: cmr1oymcnl, 1 would cnclluia);1: ) uu 10 contact 8usIn,.. M1In;)~ e. Ji m WclJc) 11 as work IS I )lcklll~ Llil 111 smnc LH C: I ~ [ wuuld ilkc to l,otll.: nd InlT!lympalhy 10 the!a nlily and fnend, nl rclired Urmh c, William E Hauling. Sr., lou,m'yman wl l l'mil ll, willi n:c.clllly pas,,!.:'ci.iw.. y Mil Ii'll FWHIN P.. ~ Ernie Musser Is New Business Manager L.U. 74j (i&'cil11, Hl-.A O IN " IlA.- At.1 monthly ur1lon Ili ecll llg.1 kw wcek~ 11.ltIl, we W (' I C all shocked to lealn that BII"tI1e"~ MUII,I~c r 5 p" (1 5, Apu... tl lou wu~ re~i~iiiil~ 'IHIII w,i"'l:m v(fker wllh L.)cn l 741 fllr motc th.ln 10 yellr'l Dllr he.. t w l ~hcs go ou t to 'iplrtl In Ill' new cnd~ avur.. We c.:lil1llr:l l Ul31C 11i(' Ill'W hu!jllle", m~iii,i)wr. Lrnu! Mus~cr. aud Wish hlly! m,iily YC,lf'l of 'ljc:ccs~. Slrlce IIUt l.:ist liulele scy(rji (If.l UI Hrlllhcrs nave retired Ihey II le Arthur Hell,l, Kelllll.! lh n.iuln. lohn BlIlk" I'''C, HlIlly Drexel, Sr,.,1\1.1 WLJIi.1m RhoJcb. Wc ~'Ish them nuny h-l1 l'py yellts of re tircment. CUrlKrlllul:uHlIIS go 01,.11 to out upi)rcntlces who flmshc.. llhclr Inll" I "$! ThcY;lle Anthony Blessing. MclvlIl FI!Jhhu rn, leffrey Fishel. Rlchnnl Jd es, lind Members Pi(;lund I Dick IIIgh, " Ibrvcy tltt Rabbit," and Bill Rhodtlj un Ihe Car-Tt:eh job ~ il t'. tphlllo sudmi"t'd hy LI)... I Rcauiu K, Va.) Cr.11!; Slindt A IllilHjUl'l In h,mllr III tl\t',,~ )i(llillg men wao; held un M.IY.! 1.11 KIH'ICII,o:l' Everyollc allerhlln~ h.1j.i ~o\ld I1mc II I II "ad 10,"1I)vlln....: Ih.1I Iii 11\11 iul;mbl.:n p.1ssed :lwj'r' sllln'j'ur 1;1'>I,IIIU,h: Wllh.ul1'hculy U1ItHltl tl III 110'.1\ 1l" IIIl'c! III 1"'... 1 Ll un.ucl Noll tnrllrllcd III 11J6U, 1.. tlle,1 11\ IVxU. Lc.:.,.lu C.. I1I.111 UllthlleJ III 1947, I l'\iicj III tv'i, Jlld luq' lorjjii Inltlatcd III 194H, letllcj III "Ph Reml;mbl.t \(),lilc.:nj ymll ml. e l!n~" Buy Al11cr l eall, buy UIIUlI1,1\1,," rellll'liihn we.1h 1'"lk ln,; fur 1).lr~IJlC II, nllt :lrll..!toln -. ~ Union Hall Site Pictured is Wilbur Wri ght, Ir., hown ac che silt of the new Local 756, Da yton, ll~ lu: h. FI... union h Space Program In Slump; Work Situation Same L.U_ 756 ti,o&l'li l. OA YTONJ\ BEACH, FLA. rhe deshucliun 0 1 t h e Deil;) ruckel 111 MJY... d ~ Ihe lhud suth carastrojlhc tlus year IVI Ihe ml,lth t v U S ~P J CC prllgr_1 1ll rlt.. Iu!'!, tlf the uninsured muhlllli lllon JolIJ rs IIldlu Il1ltkc~" th.lt muc:h wor:.l', cs llceltd ly fur tlte l eslc.lclll~ li( Ih e 1:....\ Cu;t~t WllhuUl I h l"!;lilclllle.. p.i... 1l1 11.: huhi C.JI1C!i.lte nill lis easily JctcCtcJ lilij trackl; J 1 herl"iorc. tilt' e:1tly wanung systcm Wl h ~vc becume 11(;C \.l ~\{Ir11c d 1(1 I ~ vi rtually wiped IJUI Wllhmll dl1t1lhl'i.. 1.Il:h "al cllne o fjer~d un,,1 19M7,... e.lthl l ll'cn hjvl,; Ihcll work CUI {lui The mosl recl l\! (,;ljn lltlvc l'y,i buut Ihc 'ij,lc.:c I"'ro~rllrn I~ Ihe rcdu{;tiilu. hy Ill> InIU.. h B~ ';Orcr... ellt In the num"el uf \ju.dllv I..ontrul p...!>onnel OVl'r sec 111': nuny ph.1!>c'i' within Ihc pro,;rnm T tm. severe undcrs la rnrl~ 01 'llii1lttv 1,:()j\t1U1 j"h.'1~nnncl C:lU clil l y CCIIltIlHIC t!h;~e i.,lt.b ll oplllllrend, T h.1i Broth ers and "'1,,\I,)f~. 1:11 like... L1IIIIlj:( bjck Ihl' num h<':1 III 4U.l ll1kd journeymen 011,my Wl\hllut Ihdr ex pe ltl ~c ami I,:Xpl nelli.e 10 ell"l.1l~ tl ll.11.1); tim un work. In), IlIh will 1. 1l1.'IUI1lI:I" 111.lny more problcm" MJ)hc our JUl.II bull,lin.: (lltlll ld~... 11l take noic IInJ ~tiip.. ueh IIJI C U[III1~ III UCIlC),II1.111 helper " By Ib!.:' Illlle 1111 '> /'tetl! out. tlur,liliiii.. 1 ~llltn_ll1 g.3mc :tg.1inst the Plpditlcr... nur AlIl1u;]1 'J1nn~ PI cni C, ollr IlI(:1I dcclitll1..,.lild \lur 'lolh Anlll\,ct t>lir)' U.'lllyuel DUUll. l IlnJ D;lncc wuu ld have uken pla ce I htljlc t"vctyi~iic "'l\luycd thcm sdves, tllld SIl t"cllti d1~liik~ tile cl llc In,III who unselfishly..!unllted their umc :inj d lofts to these UIll OlI CVCI\t!! Until n exi month, w~ lr k.:rfdyl SII'IlCiuN("I''5 Inside Talks Completed Others Continuing L.U li,o.u,m&'"pal, KNOXV ILU. I LNN. wquld li kc to take th is 0PI'ortunIlY HJ Ihllnk Ihe many ItllUls Ihrou~houl till.' CUll lilly Ih.1t h.lv,, Sh.l ll.:d the ir wurk wnh I.I ~ Thcrc IS IHllllHh.h w,uk gulng on In t hl. lurndl"u ~m.11 d ll.~ nme Wc hope (hat the Joh II I 1\1(.:011 will get uod"r w.iy.hii.i th1l1 we wdl hl- allil' III p IL I ~onh' II I 1111 I.\rlllhl,." til wmk III hume willi.ifc OUI.. I \IIWII Jt this tim.. i o dll,... ho "l'lvcd on Ihc J IIIl;r.. ", Nl ~()CI ~ Commllll:es 01 thl,. III 011 : WI1l'11 duo I'ItV,III~ IlC I.,. to you O1mJ you 1IIII1k It IS 11 Ih,1J1kll'~" 1111'1. yuu kl10w u s... 11"" II wh~n yuli.ii I1H' oil,i bu1cjici J I agrcement fm JII Ccl11l;crllI.:.. l I he 11l~lrJe CII IIHnlt ICt' has comril.:ted ne~\iii"ti.)n~ With NECA whh J small 1I1CH'J'C cwer th..:!lex I ~ C.II~, h~ n.:-goulltlfln" We f(, Jl lt1cult lor ttw l -li mrnlllce. They wele :I 111 l' til m,ck.. :1 (cw g.1ii1, lui hulh the IIl'm!t: Uml Jlld IIl I! Outshlc UnLl rrnm the mcn! herll uf thr ImlJI;.Ind Out~ ld c Ufll\~ IhLlllk~ tllr;l lob weu doni,. We htlvc Ih, Ct: uiiiiiv :lgrcl melll.. ;II HI.1 nuhui shllp agreemenl UI)CII,II I h l ~ t!lllt.' I ll.. Ct)lllllllttccs.lIt: woikmk h.trd Iu ~c l Ihe Ill'.,.t the)' c.:.hl fill thclr lellow workers. You 1I'i a nu:mber CJn ht'lp by bl'ljl~ J t t ilt mcetlng 01 cjch unit. KIlIIW Wh'l l I..,l!,lIlng nn I~ lin the CIILI1l11l llee... uppufl lilcm whcl1 tht:y IIceJ II, alill vmc nil the :.I,i<leel1ll n1 II("\on c,)illplc tlon. In a futurc Jrtl..:k! w!lil\lvc Y,)II ;1 r{'!i"ft III the scttic.!mlnt" Our l e~ular nh'c lln~~ l (llltlllljl 10 I,c IIdd 1111 thc fourth hij:i )' IIf ~'.Ilh II1l1nlh. 'H'C f UU Ihclc el l... \\1 \"\1\1'\1'0 A~~1 H... 'I ", Pictured is Lo cal 772, Columbia. S. C., i1u S ilh!sii ~hna!:l l! ' Ernlt 1'... "CI. left. congrallrlillinl; fur m (-, Prcsident Gcorge Adams On hllllc( cni pronlotion. Business Manager Responds To Antiunion Attack L.U. 772(ul l COl.UMOIA, S.C.- Ikllofwm AIken I hope:1.11 our m l'mben ar tlo~j1~ well Uy Ihe ll lll l' yllu read Ihl ". 11)\.:.11 ciecl10ns would h.i'ie been cumpleted I UI~C!Jill membel'; til! UPplirt our ofllccr~ III Ihe IIpc.:onllng llcgolllhhlo:i Mack Truck u mo'lifl,lt It~ pj:1llt t!ilwi\ ~\lu(lt III :l noilunloii cill11l1le. MU!>I uf the "bill l'nly'" 11\ m:jnllgcmcill Ihlnk th.1 1 Southcm pcoplc have ~aw JU~1 for btjln~ wh~n It come.. tn '1t;anJIrI,I!, up leu (Jour li ~h u Th,,,, 1'1 nut Ihe e.i"c I hc lulln... II1K letler scn l by \lur hllsllle!>~ 111"11.1';" ( til al:lr&t! South Carul1ll3 11.:11'e l W.I~ In (chuiij! III.II' <llli iullinn letter Our union supports Ih UAW, >I nti I \\t)ldj like to 'ICC thl'l1i Il.'urKlIllIzt! 111 (lui SI.1 Ie Ml) re L lbor Un HIli' WclCI)IlI... III ~. C.- lllis l:i 111 reply til yull r rchru;\ ry Jrtll;k, 'Mllc.:k UA W Tll'~ Not Over Yel "!ntcriu\i()!l.ij Klmhcrhoodoi 1 In til!..'" I WCHkcrs Ln<;ul ekornn UIIII)I1.. til \lur ~ ljt e. [ don 't dllnk ~ e ~houlj J1rtJI.; liur' c\vc!l on how ~ we C:ln pay ut huw d ll'ii P 1.lhm Lan upu.ilc. Qu,IIIIY bh", ~ual.llltel ',I hc ller pwj\iu It) the c~,"~ume r : and by cotlcrlll": union ho:ncllt,,_ :t 11I~hcr ~ 1.lI lil.lld uf ItvlIl)t h re!lll:ed "There wil l :ilwliy" C:U~I :1 l\cl:d Ill! ll! gjluzcd labor,ind 1.lw! \I) (1rOlcc l thc hllie pe1lple 1.11 powerless pcoplc III Ih!'i wurlt! A.. cvc ryullc kn\lw~, li (e I~ mil ami SIIH.I.' AII": "...:I IS a lui ion of IdWS.lnJ 110t of Illcn ('0 I'm told l. the powerlcss, are left t o rely o n the honell l Y, filllll1lmle tll1 c~s, inlcgllty. ctc.!ii t11\t~c pc IlJlle who t x.. r... se l'iiiwcr "' '" <i z a: ::J o..., 49

52 ~!!! IIl11horlt)' over us. III hope: fur the sakc (If labor thai low wastcs and poor ncndlls will onl: day ~ II thu1g of lt1e past "QUT members hllve wolked tor do years on the rh'j'crty o( Soutb Carolina t.leclfic.nd CiI!, which WII$ named 1985 ElectriC U1I111Y of the Ycar by Elutm: L'xht and Power Maga.zlnl!. The memocrs 01 lckal 772 a rt' rroud to be a pa.rt or lblt.1... utl.,wj WI.: ~11.u-= UUI braggmg n~n equally With the comrany... e cfrc\ utly!.e.tve. "We arc' not a communist outfit..'! ~ome reor1c might thmk. therc arc ~ooj 2nd b;aj apple!. 10 CVU)' holt. whether It be union, nonunion, or even m~n'.i,e.ernel'll Let 's kecji South c.u(ll1nll clean and Itrec" Erme Porra /iu(meu ManaXr, Local Good luck lu G W IJ.:e Adams nn hlo; rromouon We " 'III mlli your hont"f.t) anj h'lld...'olk. Ccorl!e. Lel 's.lll tl)' In.llten!.! meetmx.s lind continue to filtht foi Ihc beucrment of nur membcr:.h,p If you hllve an)'thlng to plint Itl the lourotjl, rl e3~e for,,"jld II 10 T A ThlJmll~. Mad CuJl' 1)1; Alkl'n Cil~ Scribe Discusses The Grievance Procedure T A TII<:'.. '... R_ S LU. 824 ttl. TAMPA, rla. Ll"t m~ uke tnt' uppurmnll), III discuss a topic that d!':als (lllln:mly ""lih our unum '!Icwards hut also lirplu:. to otht.:r membuj ;I~ \o\ell The Impurtanct' of 'hi" liublect (;lonoi be ovelujtc:d. Some of 1\11 1,n"mhr,.. nl1vl' ~uflcre:d Juc 10 the II gnc\'ance noi bem.!; wntten f1hjpeli)- and In u.. IIllI belqg eligible lor :arbut2uon A ~m~vllnce IS defined under AIIII:.lc XVI 11( flui t.untrnci 1I'i " Any uurgrd dlspute 01' conti V~llty JrI In'; (lui 1)1 the IIl1crprctillion M appllcjllon of Ihl~ ;lgrccment I.:llvcnng Ihe emplo)'ce or cmpilj)" l'e~ rlllh.: erned,. ThiS means Ihat un..: or more cmlllllycc.~ elm stlhmlt a. gnc.vancc" 01'1 :my n'li\\tci they fecl lhe)' h!lve been UllIu~!ly cnnfrolltcd Wilh.!I 111 vit:!1 lor the full procl"!.!>lnk of t he I-:II \:VlIlIC": thr\iu,llh IIrbltrlltion thtlt II be wullcn III Q 1T101nne r th.1i "lclll1fles the arocles viola led and elcpl:llns the IRr13I.:IIUn tlf m :lihlgemcoi and Ihe 'ictth.-mtnt de'ihcd, When l~lis paper 1'1 preo;enlt'd, 11 hecomes.1ic'jioal documenl 10 Ihe ;3 IbllrJIClr AnYlhmg!iIJlcd m Ihe gm:vance can be tllscussed.l~ f.lr.1" Ihe: \o'alijii)' nf.he dl~pule hy the cclmpany.and union A bload!tjtl.:r'i1l"lh Ilf facts clln he halmtullo our (.,11I e. derc:ndtng on the ISSUI",u hand Alwayq e un~uh your icu:.;;!1 shop slc,,"ard to dctermml' thc VOlIJ II)' ul }OU' gnt"\linc(' ~nd II pntetltlal,ettle ml"nt An)' que,;llons can be dlfecu:j to the union h.j1i for dl cu,. ion My 1.1 I 3ruclc: SI,1ttd lhal Our HC35UIU, Rose Rn, holj rtl,lgn.ed h~r pll!illl(ln!if fu rther her CdU l:illiljn I'm happy to lepoil Ih." Ru.. e h.1s wllh ~h;lw" h~r u:"'f,nahun anj... 11\ nay on.1~ \It.l~urt:1 In Crrllr I r('portcd Ihllt Ken 8akc:r would rc(lrcsenl 'I"nhWI.'<JlclIl OI\'I'):lon on our SaitO' CommltteeJ In IJet. DJ\t Sch,odcr will be the rrp,,,",cnuiivc, LC:I mt: u.te",j uur 'lncc:re- condolcnees to the Iolmlly of Tc:d ;lnd Knthy Brock. IWO of our lon.(ume mc'mbcr Ilud to rest on M,uth,'I. 19Nti PIl[ <;ro'" l SUOM I) S Officers Are Elected; Brother Byrnes Mourned I...u. 827 (I,Cttl&.euv), EAST WIND!:JOR, N.J.- lhe c:lec: tlun for Ihe ujficcs of rresldtnt, VI C Jltt.:~Jdent, ctrel.lr~ tlt:.~suru, and all mclnhrr! oi the uec' utl\'c Board wa completcd m Marc.h lind ctl verlhe upc'illllm of t he local for the nexi three: )ClIr!o PrC:::Sld~nl, Joseph A Mcuu~hhnl VICC pre Ident, Il)hn V Amodeo, and sec: r ctary ' l!ea~uler, l limc5 N. OemKMd Reelectcd,:111 Ex CUIIVC Board membl:rj WCI~ Ceor,l{e Cookson. Iludson DivlJUdn, Robert lones, EUr:1C DIVIMOlli Joseph Penn., cnllal 0, vision, and Jolnle! R,l-:" Rarllan ()Ivismn Newl)' dc:clt d ExCCUIIV(' Bpard mcmbers arc fohn Crcnny, "outhem DIVISion, alld Jo!o{'ph BClluchllmp, Nonh ern Dlvlluon, \';PC,lkinS for oililhc uffi\'~ 1 1).unl BUillJ liielllm.:u. Ptt Idcnt McLaughlin I"':t nked the m embers for thcli WIl t 01 cunfidence: In Ihc team lind pledged the best cf/mn uf all conc.erned OUI smcerc :l1j'prcl I3110n and best Wishes fo I thlm man)'."ellls or Il edle.:ued service to Local 817 go to retlnn~ txecuuvc: Hoard memhc.r James " Iakc" Howell (r(lm Iht' Nurlhcm DIVIS ion and 10 our pasl Plcsldl"n I Buh Johns n On Jul)' 4, InJql\:ndencc Day, lbere Will be a cdebriltlon honunn,: nur nation liod lady Liberty Let,hl$ day I'way", uvc to rcmmd u~,-hat 10 this land II waq decided Ihal men.and ""(lmen are born free, Will:! certam God lil\'en "PltS, Ihal govern ment i! nothln~ mllr~,hj.".1 tool erc. ucd,md mana.ged by the reopl!':.lnd with no powels of u,. own ~eep l th05c granted by the pea r le Thl' tluth should nev~1 bc fm",uw:o Jnd iol(' \-CI IC.llously gu:uded On <I ud not~. we muu," the passlof: of our former Sc e ret.uytre~ur(.j Bob Byrnes. For more than 15 yeal'i, hi lervu:c lind dedication to this local thl" hl,hl;"il C311rn-r Wf' f'yrt'dit ollr most smart )-ml".:lihy III hl'l Wife. Mary. and Ihell' bmtly '\0 lotlg for now 1,,\,1\ Retirees Are Urged To Support New Club l..u. 861 U&ol. LAKE C II ARUS, LA.- We exu::nd our condcllcnces HI Ihe l;lmlllc5 of Broth.! Cui A. WeeJIO, f'.jul L ~a\ OIc. lind Edward W. 8a10USs( Brothers C.lrl and P.lul p.l.. scd away Apnl 19. and BfI:lthcr Ed... ard pac;1icd \away M;\y 7 I haj Ihe!"rlvllq:c I,f IIBctlding a dinner meelljl,l{ of the l etlrl"d men\hel~ ~Ir Oll l local umon. Tbese retired BrOthel/> hav~ funnej II Retirees Cluil and arc Ifym): to ge l " off the j,lluund They need 3" Jllany rciifcc" a~ rll'l:o!!r.le. If liny of >'OU re illec>!' can Illeet unce:.a nw1il1!,11 noon Of!. Monday, canuel Brother SlImm), L()(II~lI, l'l'rvis t. C.1fJ"Cn lc.r, <If T l.. malo. I 'm lure T. L. Will know Ihe lime lind place of IhclI tncctm~!. l'ie:slie try to allcnd, :ln J suppurt Ihe luh YI1U wi!! enjo)' It. You Will see Brothers you tuv C' I~ 1 1 ~ een In yelui, Blothel. you uscd to work with evcr), d"y. B)' the li me yuu rl'ad thlll ISsUe: Ilf the lmunaj, the local c1eetmn Will he oyerj ~nd Iht: ne... ~tlle Will be In offie:e, I wl... h thern the be:>;1 of lurk In Ihell thrce -),I!:l1t tum Some of the Brothers were unopposed whde a Jew hjd oppamtlon. WI: seul~d nur m:g(lillhioiui on the eonlljct UII Apn116. We d ldn t Slim. om \o\e d idn't lose With the economy the "JY 11 I!> 111 Ih l!> area. we feel II If WI: did 1tl>04l The work MttJ.lllon In Ihe area IS not goud ami Jue'n -t louk good abeild We wl~h all our Sick Ruuhen lind ~l"lter! and lheir f;amllu:!;1 speedy I(Covel)'. rlea"e allcnd ) nur nlt:etlo~ SL'C )'CtU n!!x1 month Local Celebrates 50th Anniversary M... lllln TIlO Y P S LU. 910 U&ru" WATERTOWN, N."'.- On t,n urdoly chmng. AplIl 2t;. 19(16, we celebl3led OUI ~Oth anniversary with II dlnne"dance at the RI madoi Inn m Watt't1own, New York. There WOI.5 a largc cro""d on hand mjdc \lp ue mcmbc:i:t, reurccs. OIndguesls, A Ane- meill wustlved, :lndan exce:lle:nt time w,u; enloyed b)' :.III Among the: keynote!,,(;akcrs Willi!lUte SelllllUl John M Mdlu.a:h, who pre.. enled local 910 wllh a SUtc lcglo;lallve comm m r;3!tye rl"solulion hun onng Loc<ll 910 fill 110; :'to yean of service and dedication III thc ommunaty AIM) prescnt w,n Third DI5tllct lee membel and BUSiness M3n2ger uf tocal IH John Mt.Nuhy Smthef McNuhy re mmded us of the prlllclrlej and ideologlcs of the: IS EW, whal II SlJnd) 101, and the Im parlance Qf.!.landmg bc:lllnd tluj Ic.denhrp giving them OUI lull support, At no lime In tht; bph<.l1)' of Lhe lbew, bas Ihere been such. necd 115 there: IS to show a strong bond of brothl."ilwud Wc have 10 look lifter Ihe be::.t IIllerCSI Ilf Ihe e ntire mcm\)(rship \IS. the Interest of the IndIVidual On May 1, 1986, II U1 Annual Apprenllceshlp Ban clue l was heij III Benny" tc'ak House, Walel ' Anniversary Celebration Piclurl"d arc Mr. and )\1",. Kf'nnclh V.n«c.njoying Snt lime:l1l the SOl b Annivel -ft' Dinner Dancc held on Aptil26, IQWO, Ncw York, honoring Ihe Ivudu:IIlnJt 'pprcd + m:cs All 3(lprCntlccs werc plesent along with Cllmnllt lec members, IOstrUCton, BU51nC55 Man llr,i' r C"IITr,l'!nr<;chen, and President Regln:a!d Mott. The (; h ~urnun of the Apprencu::c!llllp utnmltte:c, Rl chmd Lawlee, addressed Ihc applc-ntll.cs and con,l{r~l tul :IICd them on Ihelr IUe:e:Cll ful completion of thejf lou r yenrs of clnssluom truu1ing. Appren ue:eslll:lintalllln.s; the hlghcsi ovcla~c for cach year wert: honored rrcsenllng the IIw;I,JS was I ~re si denl RCj.!.lnald Motl Fi""' YC2f honors Wltnt to John Konkol) IOccond year, Juhn Q'COnntlr, third year, Margaret Mdllt,-re, and fourth year, Jtffrcy '(ousey The ~n.du:t.tms d:tss <:onsu.\e.d of R~y F\!tc.y. Cus CUllIumo, KeD Peter, Jan StUltZ, hrls Tlbbles. reg W:a~hbu r n, and Jeff YOU!cy, Jeff Yousey w:a s ha>rlillcd for mlllnlahlll1g the hi gh.average for :au four ye,.,", and W;I! prescnted With :I mulumeter for hl~ ou lst.jndlng accompilshmc!nt We would all like to Iolke this orne tocongr;nulale the gradu;1ttng d;ll>j>.un.l ~'ls11 them Ihc llc~t of luck. In clo Ing, With Ibe w.;arm weathcr ;ltld,ob stt uatlon picking up, we should be.. hh: to get most III OUT mcmbershlp back home to wlllk and :avoid tlavejm& U In!'las! )'ears. Rememi:lcr 10 buy UOIon, and IUpJ"llrl umon Illbor Lei's "lop supporong lurello!o laool The,ob ),ou sne m3)1 be your own. MIUtAfL I EI'f'lN[\it, P S. Be Mindful of The Upcoming State Elections I..U. 9]:1, i,." U&'UIV), KINGSPORT, TENN.- ihls Irtomh all OU I union membcrsshould!llirllhidkidg aboul the upcoming ejections In the nate of Teo ne!ie(. Smce unton work has bttn and conllnues Itl lemilln slow 1M Tennesset. we ii v leu should go to the polls to votc or ~nd In our :absentee VOle:S Ih ordcr to elect :l &ovcrrlm and leprc:>c.'ou U\U who 5uppon uu r unlonj Ind will wolk hard ttl htlp Ihem aehh~\' (' thell goals. Loul 934 IS 1M the process 01 ~ettjn~ some good union,obs Within our own lunsdn:tlon We hope thoit by ntxt m,mth 1 can rcport lhal we goi them :toad th.u 19 6 IS gmng til bl" a bt:tler ),cal for Local 934 f. COLt DoI.AN, PS State Electrical Council Honors Brother Malone LU. 949 {u,en1&i}, BURNSVILLe, MINN.-At the: lanunr)' Dl Celll1,g 01 Ihe M ltlne50u [DEW Stale Elcc1lt(.nf Cuuncil. p,esldent Bnh Allderson from

53 Honored Member ilnd made In the USA. SuppOrt )'OUI Blothers and Sisters! Au cnd your un IOn mcell ngsl thl.("i i; MICHAl 1(1', AS~I B_M Working Together PiC IUf l'.d Iclt 10 righc UI'. 8u.'li nl'.ss M;;l11agl'.l Bob Anderson, Local 949, Burnsville, Mion.1 rorme r Businen Ml nager 01 Local 949 Henry Btll, no,,",.a co mm l'\,~i(l n l': r for thl' Federal Mc di:u io" C'r vicuj f ~ l i r t'e Blld Maloncq Siuh Di~ lri c l Internaliunal Vict' Prt'!oid(,nt '<li m its P. C ODWOI Yi and Oli n G u!>u fson, prhldent ol lhe Minnesou AFL CIO Preside nt Stanley R. Hys u ak. " " of Local 966, Llnca tcr, N. Y., is 51HtW n leadhl& Ihe System Council U 7 delegalion al Ihe Albany Labor Rall y_ l(xoii 94~ IIwlled fncnt.l!. III E. I. "Bud" Malune to hat In prc~cntlng:ln ;l.w.ud to Bud Malone. E. I Malone, commonly known " Bud,"!t.ntcd With the Northern States Power Company 111 Mm llclipoil!;, Mlnf'\C50Ia. on August J7, U\ the COIlSltuCtiUn I)cp.:mnlcll1. Bud W35 InHHIlCJ on Ma rch Ifl, J 948, nlto Local 160 as 3n " /\" member He worked J ~ J con5lruciion el«lncaj m«hilmc.md as a s'wllchooard wtreman lor a penod of ume /-II,!... orked:as business rcprescnl.atj.vc of Loul 160 (rllm Fc:!\rulry , Ulllli fuoi! ad, 1966, li t whu:h time he bc:came business manage, linam.tal Se'(;U,'t,J I), unlll ~ccmbt"r31, 1967 Bud aeeclhej II )losliion... lth,he Slate of Min nesoia on 1.lOuary I, 1961'1, :as comnlls:uone:f of labor lind Industry wd served In IhlS clir:atlty through 1918 Bud had the distlnelion of working for fuur dlffelem J!:c.}\/ernOf~, the,",si of wh om he tokes about-republlcn Governor QUlt!'_ He wol ked for Co\clnor QUIC J tolal of 10 mmules:al which time- Bud Wa:> fhed You might guc5s from this bsi cammcnllhllt Bud lj mdeed.a very good [)emo('ut.and has been II fncm! of worklnt:.t'eorle In Ihe.. t"'~c of Mmne:'(lla Don McCanhy. ch.allman of the: Board.ami chief ekecutlvc otaec., offered Bud t:mployment b;1ck wuh Northern St:ues Power Comp..any heading up the Industllal Rc1I1C1ons and Safcty Derutmcnl, which Sud accepted Duong his pcnod uf,cern' ploymelh WIth NSP, he: was c ha,,,,ed wjlh lhc n:spunslblitt'lof IleA0 tljtln~ 13,00, ~gretmcnls with IBEW I OC'~I onlon$. In kct'ping With Bud 's belief of being hm to.j1i concerned, wltbout quc"iiloil 'jome of the best tabm cuntracts we're negollat",d foi Ih~ cumpany.lnd members of the ft\'c' IBEW toc.. 1 unions Many... o.ds of praise were e:l;rre~sed In hononn~ Bud Ml1lone lor his many years of bclnt: a true friend 10 labor Bud rc'llred from NSI) In February of,hi" year, and we all wl!lh 1um and his wife m"ny h>lf'py retirement )'eju We exlend an open IDvlt.uion to Bud to attend any CounCil mcctln~s Ih;ll he migh t I1kc 10 ~Ilcml LuvUt,N L. STERN, P.S Four Members Honored With 50-Year Service Pins L.U. 95] (i,u, t,em,c oi ly&'spat. [ AU C LAIRE, ""IS. JUSt Iccc:mty Bu siness Mana.ger Tom I-llIlc)l had the honor 01 prnenung 50-yeal pins ami ClUlllon~ to W M R;III, W R Lufsky. G, W. Lallabcc.;lllJ E, T _ Nyhu... oogr;ilulnlions WCIC ex tcnded on bt-half of alllhc members of 95.1 and alllhc Brothers and Sisters In,he IBEW. Wurk In our lunsdlclion is beginning to pick up, and we hope IC Will continue on thruugh the Wlllt!!1 lnon lh.. 1 kl'cp henllng Ihe St:HCITICnt from the membels, "FeuSt 1)( (Illume." Le t's hope we 113\'(: a good loug Icasl before the famine SC I 111 Some <If our Cl1n lracts!lre com ing ducl and with lhe nu-plcking of thc employers. we're Illl kept busy, Il looks li ke Denny w d l have (0 go 10 Wash1l11,;ton 10 ~(! tlt e the wirem an concract. I'll give. )'uu ' he resll its next momb. l{ernelllber (CI,, 1... :1)'8 look for the UnlOI1 h,hcl Local Participates In Albany Rally L.U. 966 lul, LANCASTER, N. Y.-Qn TUli:sd3Y, March 25, Local 966 "tided III dt:leg-atlon of 41 people 10 attcnd a!.abor,,,,liy In Albany. The pl1muy purpose o f lhl<'; fillly... as 10 \'o\ct: our concern Over the pjl.tro~ed takeu\ej of lilco b)' tht' Slatc uf New Yo.k We i ~h that s uch a t.akco\ cr would not Nndh Ihe consumer. the taxpayers, or the cmployees The/e... Cll,' VallQu<,; cstlmlltc~.s to Ihe size of the ully- the mo.. 1.acC\Jr.aI~. 8,000 rcr'tons h... as an Imples'>lve ~Jlhe:llng of rbew Jleople. The Loul 966 gloup Idl.I t :loom 4 a m _ fr om Cheeklowaga After III hnci ~lor foi coffee. we Iltnved It the carlt:;!l" around 103 m ami marched 10 the Capiiol bulijlng whel t: the rally was bdd Tht: buses picked U!t up 111,he e"ul'l :I{tl:rtIoon.and WI: uoppl:d In SYI3C.Ullot,,)1 ~uppl'r We were b.lck 10 Cheektowag..,n? JO J'I m I thmk that cveryone who lttended wlli If'rt:c It was II wurthwhlle trip. " W:lS a pleasure to wc a ~IIIUp of IhOlIU:: 15 "nal Sisters who ureal enoua,h to give up..a day's pay to stand up fa, somcthln& Ihey believe In h showtd that,he people: of our loc;)l WIll 1::0 Out of then way 10 show SUp(1ort fur IhCI( UIlHlIl On behalf of the office,s of Local 966, IlhJnk )IOU Quite :I large group from OU I local tu\'cllcd 10 MaRucal durmg the 11r~t weekend In A(1I1] IU set: the BuHalo ~ab.cs gu du... n In Jd..:at dunng thctr final game of the ~~!>un Un(lmun3Idy. this defeat also ended the Sabres' (1111)'off ho(1es From reports I've.ccelvcd tills did not dampen the Spin! of our BrOlhers This tnp ha ~ bccul1l~'.in annual event and seems 10 be &towlnllt In populamy. (5,otbe-r Jim Greco', dju.:hter ar.lc wa~ a I11CllI ber of 3 wc slern Ncw YOlk hockey team that C<lPIUII:J Ihe 5tall! tlti~ 111 Cl1rnpelltll)n held In nufialo s Memolla.1 Audlloflum c.um IS an OU I 51l1ndmg athlcte who ha ~ l:l(c l'ii~ J In sc\'cral spon~. :IIlJ hcr prospccts look /;toml at Ihc 1."olle);l.Jte level I'm S Uf ~ Ihat c\'cryonc!mol l.oc~1966 wlshc-s her well. Ke ep In mmd thac thc loe;!1 mectlngs arc Ihc third Fnd3)1 of cvcry ml)nth Wc lull llnue to receive guod SUppOH from uu. mcmncls, but 1o<I't" h;aven 't!ieen some of )IOU for.l whllc. lap down. and let your voice be beard; it s bellcr Ihan grumbling nn Ihe llock Monday mofll1 ng RCA Shop Holds Communications Meeting I...U. 982 is,mt,rls&spal. J AC K ~ONV I LLE. FLA. Crct'ungs from the sunil Soulh! Fllst, let me Up\.I Ogl:::C (0 all our In..: nlh thtl)u~h t1 l1t the count ry 10 ' noi hllvlilg 1111 IIlIlcle lrom tlui Im:al In the last few months. On Apn124 the RCAServ,ce Shur had ItS Annu~1 {munull1ca lions Mecl1 u;: 11 1 the Hohday Inn In fllc k:'uilv lllt:. It Wa!. ;l very anform.1t1vc meet ing, and our congratula llons go out IU Bm nch Mllnager PCtl! Vlnctl)tllra fill putt1l\j; 1111 such lin excell cnt 1I ngrllm Al l thc Ic... hn l el :an ~ had an opportunlt)l Com(1l ny an d union offic ials IJt' shown listf'uing 10 thr compliments.oa nd compl.aints 01 t he lechnicians I I the Communications 1"t\e ~ l i n " to express ~hc'1i opinions on how Ihe Shop (auld do 3 neller lob There... ere plenty of suaaes lions glvell on ho\o,' to 1I,npmvt' service lo the customers lis well as. on how working c.ondluons could be Improved No one seemed 10 be mtlmtd4ltcd by aji the bosses sltllng there hsu:nmg You kn()w how we (HEW reople are... hen ),ou ask our OPlflIolllln illu:ndnncc'.oalso w.:11: rnlcrnatlon;l1 RqHI!",enlatlvc Do)'le Burnell.and Busmess Mlinager "' orace T:Jn ncr wh(t we,,,, very Impressed... ah ll ow Ihe lmes of eommumcatlons w(,le being h,mdlc::d by Shop Stew.a.d flln Rohcrts.Ind Br<lnch MJni@:cr VlnCIn I U. UnfOrlUn,Hcly.all oj our IUII :>I.lIello" <.;Irmo! lefmlii ~ood nt'!ws f:acksonvll1e Kraft P.apcr Com pall)' (fomler]y SI Rl'glS Papc.r COInpJRyl has be('n shut down since October of last year. anj about 100 of our pc"('ple al(' out of wql k A\ of IhlS dalt'!, we do not know If and whcn It... illi strut up ag:un It I:!II owned by somc' tndlv.du;tls now ""'ho life h3vtng some very severe fin.n(ul rroblem.. There ;lrc some rumnrs Ihat some corporal lolls arc intcr csted III bu),m& 'he mill, bui Ihc ownen arc very secretive.about what thcy 3Ie d01og; so all the employee, and union offinals ale kepi In the dark We lilc ')tlli hoping that b)' the lime IhlS :ullclc I' publ15hl!d... e Will be b;).ck til work Good luck lo:tll o( you In thc meanum.:, lind If we can milk!! 11 Ihrough this Republic..an adrnlo ISU3 1l 111l. I hllpt' Wt' Will have ledlllcu OUt lesson H O R... L[ T... NBI, 1) 11:"1 B M Scribe Discusses Right To-Know Law L.lJ. IU 49ju&'fll. LONG ISLA. 0, N, y, Lct'sllt.1. rt thl~ munth 's nrtlcle wilb our retirement ncws Pa l Cbrkm, mechanll: A-I. POTI Jcff.: rionj Bill Kunze, bull[hn~ 1I11Cnd:ml. Brent... ood. Cd Pllltt, cmer gcney SCI\'lce ~pcc"l a h:>t, H lcksvdlel and John Os plt;)i~, m cch3nlc A l, Brcntwood W... wl~h you all a happy and hea lthy rctlrcmcill AIJ ~I 1 1I~al whuse ml'mber.'> wuik lyilisily for li IltdllY. we ",bou\d be 3wa.re of New York's RIghi to Know Law The la w deanes a toxic SlIhstance a~ any subsll11le... which IS Ilstcd In lhc latest pllntej cdllion of the NammaJ insritlllc for Ot: Ctlp(lI/f,m~I' $Ufi'!Y (HId HeGlll1 RegHuy of TOXIC EIII!CB 01 Cltetl'lIw! Sub..-.leJnce.s or has Ylcldcd evidence of acu le or c:hronic: he31t h ha1.ards In human, IInimll l, IJI uthc-r bloh'k1cil I Icsung For <0 '" m -' ~ a: o '"..., 51

54 more IlllonnatlUJl regard ing the RIFoll1 1(1 Kn ow I,.nw contact The Bure.lu ul rllltlc ~uh~ l at1ccs MlIllllloll'mcnt, New York StJtC IIc:alth Department ~"p. Tnwer Suildmg. Room 3'i9. Albany, Nil!... York I lle lut-1oi1 cch:br:ucs ItS CulJcn Anniversary next )1(:;11 WLlh a "Ianned runnel dllnte lohn Bli rlolotll, thauman uf the Execuu ve Hoard h..!'i called upon the membership fo r your CC'l0l1e lllthln In oroer 10 make the.ffalr a grea t succus In clo'jlng, I UIIl,C you 10 usc your benefits h 's your loss noi to uke ad\anlllrc of what ha been nr"mblrd Inr II C;I'" ~ ilil ill 1111' m']'t month I.,. mcrtlnj: ~-- Apprentices lam'" KUMMI::Il P.S Friendly March Union Installers Pictuu'dlll! LouII181,Charlmtc..nillc, Va., membersl fronllow. Mike R.dc.liH, Wayne Cason, Ron nif; Collit!f. lohn Roudabush, Cary '(1dd, ii:t:i lh Mnni,. lind Franlc "udrhllh; back row, City T rlder, Claude Dillon, Bob Furtll. Ld P;agt, Frrd Sadler, Mih P.IIy ne,.nd Eddie Baher. 52 Picturrd Ifh to risbt ue Dewly sworn-in mt.mbr.ri Rand, l"touingd, Bill Mullett, Tim hnce, BaIT)' Stt\'r.ns, and RobE'rl SlIo'ihan of Locil I IOS. New Irk, Ohio. The (ou rl h.yut.ppreotictj of lore.;!!1 lids are,leh to right. 8 rtl ef' Lowery, ROlrr Dalley, Bur,. Nt) lan, I nd Jelf Mihon. Two Apprentice Classes Make the Grade LU. I IOS Ii). NEWARK The following ne....apprentlcc'.$ wele s WClIn lit as members at Ihe february meeting:' Randy McQUISton, Bill Mullett, Tim renle. Barry SlrVen'l, lind RobC' rt S'Wlh.ut. They have completc:d their A, S! year uf cla.sses, lind we WISh them.a gre:at future In our trade lind an the mew The future of the IBE W depends on ouuundmg. well tramed people hke,hem Flrllsh,"g their fouuh year of clas~es were Bruce Lower,., Ru,;.er BaIley, BuT)' Nol.1n.,and,eff Mthon Ahhuugh Ihell tralnmg was Imcfl up ted for ;i time durin, b~d umes, they tud: \Oo'lIh,he pror,r.;!!m We nced Ihe~ dedicated people t o fu.lherour trade: :alld Ihe 18['W ~rr L Sn l.. PS New Members Welcomed; GE Closes Plant LU (u,e.m& trul, TUCSON. AR IZ.- The m' evil able h:u happene.d The General Elec m c plant of 1 ucson closed on Marth 11, 1986 Brother JIm Hulse and SI'III::r Laens :ue IWO whose unceasing devollon 10 theh Bro lhers lind Sislc.rs and the labor movement throughout the: span of C.E. here 10 Tucson deserve puis anj than ks fo r then ycars oj dedica t ion and efforts for the gocki of a ll. Thank )IOU fr om all of LIS III I IJ6 We wish you the best 01 luck Wc welcome our fll:w member' from TEP Arm Siuposcr and Jelf Edwards and front AI.milo limmy AlbinI", Alfred Krll!polo, Iknjam~n , MIIIIO: Fe- bell, Ronald HUllell, Mike H cd~e., and Ian Brown My hal If. ott Hl you at i\hmnlj (Of yooj CQP\inucd Aro... ln/( family. Unll Ch;aum,lln BrOlhcr D:rve lull and all Gfflcers arc certainly comu'icndc:d for great delileallun And for <lo ing a fnnt.llllc job for Sp n nslcrvt llc ( Alanll(o~ wl li be holdmg every fou rth mc'chil,lt In SI. luhns beglnrllng 111 May, r hcl [l ' rhr IHtcndlince rs good btcause I know If IS n OI easy 10 move II meetmg to an other city I [ t) wcv ~ r. I also knnw that m llny cannot m:ake the tflp lcl Spn n' jilcrva!le clleh month, :I ud liml IS.a,l:re.( chort on " te p:arl of all ufacl!rs. TEP ncgotlllllon$ Will cncumpa'is health :tnd wr:1bre in the conuact body. 'The pensi on :md Ihnh Will be: n('p,olhlted In 1967 Yes, Brothers and SI ICU, th is III cununct ye:ar Come In Ihe mectlngs lam Thursday of c.lch mont"" and keep 3bre:.r51 of ou, cnnluel ne30fl:.rtlons Congr.uullitions ttl Harrold Cossman,~' h o re cently wa, promotcd anll) munolgcment In the ElectrOniCS Dep.anmc:nt. Thank you. "brrold, ro t,he many yens of dcdlcalton and help 10 tllc loc.al as a stcw.lrd We WISh you Ihe best of Iud: ljta Mlu.;[. PS Don Gibson, Idt. waitt while Aubrey SIr. geu his Iast ' li1i"uu~ In5UU(lions from his wife, Debbie, at last Yfll"!l p icnic.. Another Layoff Is Coming Up L.U. I HII til, C II ARlOTIESV ILLt-:, VA,-At ollr May meeting we were proud 10 hllvc the chance HI add two membe rs to our m ils We welcome Terc!>.. ~ Prcstarn and Cuol Lo... e. I'lt J lle m ention tt) the!>c ~ I S l er'l how glad wc :arc that they h.lvc IDlned our lucal Let's add some mure a,l:aln <::Ieh moolh To show the Impnrunce 3.nd rewanl.. of.1 111" ndlrg meellngs, r ' lljl CCil Charley WI " there to receive hcr rellrcmc:nt wllteh llind pm. and whcn" ked todraw the ticket (or the SlS door pnu,!lhe prnmpd)l d rew her 11100'0 ticket. Our congutul.l tlons go OU t to FtJlneC5, and our besi WIshes fen a hllppv and long: retirement On an unh3ppler' n()le, we.ue III thr- pr()«'is of another lllyo!f Someumes It nu.k~s you wonder why wh(,:11 we ~ec: (werll me all around us o. 1 ATTENTION, PRESS SECRETARIES The October and November, 1986, issues of the Journal will be combined and devoted to coverage of the 33rd IBEW Convention; no "Local Lines" will be printed in the October November issue. Press Secretaries, do not send any articles to "Local Lines" between July 15 and September 15, Deadline for the December issue is October 15, 1986.

55 will give you I htth: hio I. A fc=w ycsrs back a tap level manager here told all the officers and Ex ec ullve Board a simple formula. If he ha!l thrc=c workcts and he e.m get two to work OVC nl me, he will IIy off ~ h c= Ihird There IS a saying that fits this well. If they give u.s a rope: long edough, what will wc do with hi It's tnnt simple Our pamclpatlon with Local 655 in the rcctnt March o( Dlmcs Walk Amenca was II huge suects!!. We camt In.u:cond OUt of about 40 teams, with a tou.1 of over S5,3OO In pledges Our thanks to Tom C lem and Sha.lene Payne for Ihelr work and to all who walkcd and helped A3aln. we: have: only two volunteers for the September PieD Ie. Don't f!xpect anyone to beg (or help ft 's our PICnlCI no one t1ses. We hopt to sce you at thl: m:)(1 meeting on the flul Fnday of every monlh GERALD H ARLOW, P.S. Crew Members These picture. fhow mt'mbers o( Local 1191, West Palm Buch, Fla., who work in tbe Overhud add UDdc. sround DepartmentS 01 the Wesl palm Ceo lral Yard, ISu.rticle fo r nl mes., Scribe Reports On Central Yard Crew L.U. lui lu&em), W~T PALM BEACH, FLA. ~Iore this rnunth'$ Va.'lt becomes Involved to tbe theme o( the ct:lcbuli OD of our IDdeptDden~, QU I conccm for troublcman Pat Shu!lds' speedy and complete rccqvcry 1$ uppumost on our mmds. So far so good, lind I hope Pa.t feels better than ever Vtry soon. Cable spiker Rogcr Wilson I' back on the lob J thank each pc:non who cxprt!ssed laking my contribution 10 this magllzloe. and I sure appreclatc your Interest. We have been working without a COnine! since November I 8y thc lime you read thls lilucle, I hope we a lt working wuh a COD tract that IS beller than a compromise and thai It lung last, our rcue money IS In OU I hands When you do recetye this money, my next w l~h IS that you Will be able to do something nice lot youlscli like I :urn 10. This conlrjct has srcclal slgmj'lcancc to me.sloce It will be the IIl,t onc I'U be working with )Jartmg Will be 5ut:h Sweet sorrow On Apn l 16 I attended a class at tbe West P.1 lm Central Yard and enloyed seclng old, fn endly laces agam after luch a long adscncc_ Then It camc to me thai ~hls Yard would bc Ideal for Ihe Tuly Issue The pil&nms lought.efuge m alll S land, and since then mjlllou have followed fr om all over the: world My grandpatcncs fled tbe potato bmme In Ireland lltld came to Aml,!r1u. At thu t ume he wus labeled an "Insh Mlck " and worked on thc nil road. I grew up li stening to thc tribulations of life m Irel and. ThiS nation Is becoming morc of a mcltmg pot au the tjmc:. As you rcad the names of your Sis. ers and Brothcrs work in& at the Central Yard, nollcc the CfOSli ~ee liu n of heut3ges liow I1IJn y do you knowf Don Held has somc scnous sentonty II c IS II working foreman Wi th a sedion ty d~ l eo f December 1 J, 1946 Therc arc J I more working (orcmen Rocky Hames, Doug Rl:nault, It:c Humphr YI, Ru:hatd Crocker, Nick Brad le)" Ski p Herbcrt, Steve ROllcrs. Craig Oi llman, Ed Crawfold, Cene Hahn, Ind Rudy Cunnln~ham. Bob McDonald and Pilul Wendel arc er\'thmen A. There arc nide linemen lun Roberu, Richard Holmes, Culos lbrreu, BIlly O ' Bryan, Keith Cills, Henry Miller, Walter t-ollms, Chns Pope, and Ru:k Connl:r. md nine apfllc.nllet hnemen huck Dr.aus, Ml.ke McCanell, Walt 5tal8le, TIm Hudson, ~ilke Amado, Bob Harns.on, Dave BItten, Rocky COll1a, and It"." Perez. Murry Camelo IS the eunslfuetton foreman, lind he hlll'i a scnloruy date uf AuguSl 30, The cable spli cers arc lun Whlleslde, Sld Catledge, ClcDn Good win, Dob Colburn, raul Robitaille, Ken lonu, 'erry Isenberg. Andy Caines, Brad Baldwm, Carlos Fuenles, Mark Del Fumo, OItVC.1 P;llgC, and Ken neth Cray The apprentice c;j:ble splicers ;Ire Percy Walker. Frank Howud.l.ury Kesselman, lind ScIJIt Tate Mike Banna and Jonas Speares arc thc truck IC'f'llcemen Jeannlnc LaPlanl and Mchncb Wu then arc the cle.ks. La I bui not lea I, tbe mcn who mhs with the meters, tbc C add 0 med, arc Arthur Ferguson, Bud Atmsul)ng, Wayne 1.lncoln, and MIke f;nrcns They g)\le a ncw meamng 10 "revenue men.. Brother Chuck Duus sufiered senou" perml' nent Inluues on February 9, 19 -l. It pluses me 10 ldl you 1hat he IS feelmg much bette. and IJ progre~sm~ "","h his prosthesis, add we hop.: In the ncar luture he Will return to work. Jtm While' Jlde is on IJsht duly and feehng much hc:ucr after undelgoln~ surj:ery M we cdebr:jle this Fourth of luly, please pausc and renett upon the cost of our continued lode pendence. Many 01 you ha\'c suffered and $i&cnficcd to mamtaln ou r Indcpendence and...'a)' 01 life, anj we Will always be: mdebted [I) you I WI!h 1111 a Safc, Happy Fourth, but please reoen upon the pnct p"ij so there Will be llbeny and IUS lin: lui all Work Picture Stabilizes, Contractors Are Bidding L.U. 17.0S (I,o,u&'eml, CAINES VILLE, FLA.- The wolk picture has 6taballud. Crysta.J Rlverls steady, Palatka. has some ongolog work ~t Scmmole, and thc Mill has somc small lobs with more on the dl-a... ln~ oo...d Whitt' Spnngs haspt:akl:ij, and some la)'oh.. have started, but we eonttnue to pu:k up small tonu.ac1 The Intown work IS steadily ~t)lng down wllh most sbops IUSI holdlnx Ihell own There IS some work commg up 10 Ihe T;lllah;&.!J:>ce area, and our contr3ctors are blddldr on It. With thc wc:.ather warming Up, there shaull.! be ph:nly 01 work In the Norlheast for [hose Brother<; looking 10 travd At our M.uth mecllng therc was a standlo~' room only clowd. ThiS was due 10 money maw:r, bem& dlscus.. cd It seems the only way we can ~ct a guod crowd IS when tbe topic IS moncy. ThiS W;l5 proven.:it OUI last meetmg when we could bardy fill up one table. The questlun I wuulj lake: to ask Ih ese crncc-a Yl:ar people IS, " Why bother'" II you Are only going to how up once II. yc;tr, why show up 3t ath If you.allow othet (I(!Opll: 10 run you r buljlncs' durlllg the year, why nut have f.1ith In them dunnt; lhat one m eellng! It's II. shame w ~ when muncy IS the only thing that can mollvatc peoplc. If you look at thc history of UDl on5, you will sec that money played a small p.ut m the rea'>ons for Iht::l r fo rmallon Wc need our members 10 attend Ihe mectlngs, but If you Cilli orlly comc out once I YC3f, sl:ly homc and walch TV We 'll handle It Retirees ' OliN W MARTI N, P.S. At Inother re.ifemenl pruenution arc loul ee!"ctary Jim Snydc.r ~nd rt'lirc.u Syl~ia Glfau and Ceolge Ander 00, Retirement of Three Members Is Noted LU (eml, ADRIAN, MICH.- l hrec more of our mc'mbtn reured They ale Sisters SylVia Cuau lind Gem Schhsneel and 810 thcr Cc:orgC' An derson al,.h... cle award!;!:d II w,llch from Faraday [nco ~nd :I money gilt from tbe Un um rnenlbcl <; SI5ter Garaza wu wl1b the company for.10 yeal5, Ister SchllsDcer for 16 ycars, and Bwthcr AndctSOIl fu r 40 years We shall miss tbelll RUTli' PAIIfCIIUIIH P.S. Donna Nason, wife of Brother John Nuon, his a lot 10 sltille about! She bad I busy openifl$; day at Wintt'rport ROlal right before Ea"lc.r. Member's Sons' Accomplishments Highlighted L.U (ii, AUGUSTA, "'le.-a fcw ycan IIgo ( wrote a.n article on the outstanding lr:rck record 01 Brother Roh Glpsun's IWIn 50nJ.I I Nokomi!l HIgh C;e hool In Ne... port. Mamc, Here I II rundown 01 thcu ~ceompllshment$ SlI1CC= then The Clpsons [Dan and Dave) and fellow team matcs r;ltl ~ perfec t 30-0 rcgular 5e''''UIl, Cllptured the state Clnss B C hampionslllp, lind SCt Ihree Mame records One of those rceords Wll5 sct by the 1,600 mcler rcl ay {cam. In the CIl"tc rn MaI ne leglonals. thc Clpsons lind two alher members broke the old 3.3 1:2 record by finishing the race ~ «z a:: :::> o.., ~!!! 53

56 Here it Goes afll: rw.lld and wuk lharge SISl er Fl~hcl l ~ :111 cnglnc~nng ficldman In thc Malkl:'lllIg Der aruncnl m S:llts.bury, Thanh once ;\.1l.:lIn (m a I\\h.. cry... d l dl)ne At olil regular April mel'lil1g, we.: c lecu:d uele Kalc'!; It! the InternatlOllill COnVCIIWII1 li S follows: rrc~l\kllf Robt!rt Murphy, Vice Presl\.kllt CCi,ltjlC Wbm..,lnd Recordll1g Secrelary W a nda Adkllls. Thcre were. also tluee new mcmbt:ts l\c<:e!'h.:d Suslln Oun1ing, Garry Davis. ami Kclth T dbbllt. Remclllbl.:r, fl'gui;1i nh."ctlll~ S M I.: th~' "elond Thur,' day 01 r:ach monlh. Hope III ~I!l' y,)\,1 Until next time. Livl.: hc.ilef l wud o;. UII1VII. E, D, 51''''k.K~. F.S. III lin- J1C~lili.1tl On~ with 1 It Cuuoly REC, It 3rrl'ar'> Wl' will nih cunclude bdl.lr(! termination d.iic, hut th~' p.allics ha.. t: a~n:cd to extcnd with retroactivity. The nck t round Q/ ncgoai.lilons will be Warner-Amex lif Warren :iod W:uncr Amex of Pottsvd l ~, Pennsylvanl:l Work ha s picked up 111 our lht!u,.lm] It ::lppellts we WIll bc short of journeymen for dn.tribu\1on work 1 h~5 pl1:kup In dlsl Tl bution work has cn.1blcd us I(J recall somc (J f 1)01 lourneymen llod appren tlces ~'urkml\ In IIle ItlnsdlltHmS of SISli.!r locals. To t h os~ :!-ISle r locals,.1 "'8 flhwk s fl)1!ills pasl lidp Gt)RII\)N ROIlLR 1:0, P S ~ «z 0:: :::J o, 54 Brother Brian "SUI'!ICt." Budsut:1'!1 conci!mr:lllt's on.. raul shol all Brothers D;ana l.anea!it~r 'N541 :and Brian Hennigan (far rig ht) gel ready (01 the r(' houud. Whoros \ ubmittcd by Local 1253, AugU5tll, Me.) In );.)0 I A wcl:k larci they shilllcred their own mark wlth.3.1:25:7 lime. IndiVIdually, Dan GLp!lOn domln3ted the St.:l tc hurdles for t bree season~. He wun Sintl: Crowfl~ In both uecs and!tet a ncw State mllrk Our 1,;1 1Il~;r O lulations co the Gipson tw[n:l, :md,!.lord luck 1:It Husson College. J'm sure Brother Gipson :Hld his wife, Marlene, II r c VI:: fy proud of thelr 'ani Donna Nallon, wife of Broth er lohn Nason, has o~lcncd II IImaJ shop in downtown Winterport. She rtinmjj,:cs Ihe ~ h op white her molber, Marg.are t Whltll~ l, dill''! molly nl.he hl'lllltlfu[ floral arranf,c" menes Wllh the ctlmblnej efforts of both the~c lovely.loti ulcntcd ladu:s, J'm sure the bu siness will be n f:re.1t ~IJCC:cSS. Oh, by thc way, to all you meoibc ls In am! nr(lu no the Winterport area, Ih ere arc no mort! I!KCUtoC$ for not bu~' ln g nower (01 loved oncs anymqre On Artil 11 Ihe PIIJC Progrl!l1 frcl m the SO. Warrell IllOtCCI s r chl~orc<l the Kl carvicw jhomc for hanjlc:lppell clli lt! n:.nl Ben eflt Tou rntlmcm In fair' field. All Ihe Inldcs.:In d office workers from 1111; pr(licct pljruc~patcd Though uur le.1 m played a very "llble lind CXCllmggamc, wc lost 10 the Masons 4ij- 44 t hank you, HrQlhers Bnan " ~I retch" Urad succt, TCIIY DtRedm, BTllIn Hennigan, Dan3 L.:In (.ISlcr, Mike Perry, Rick Roy, and uaveuing Brother Pe te Scru:h from Slllem, MaS$;lchusctu, Local 259, {III fe I JIl:'jo.:lnl ll~ 0,.1 c.:raid Brothl.!r h;lii1c tl.oth IS sujl out of wl,.lrk (1m' 10 a back In!ury, We arc sa ddened by the demise nf I!rothel jtlhn Md ll'r Our deepest syrnpathk5 to his f..li1'lily Members Honored For Lifesaving Efforts HILDA CIIOW, P.S. L.U (u&'clil\'i, ALiSBURY, MD.-WhUe cal mg JmlH'l m ;\ Inl':\\ 1I'5\IlUHID1, Brmhcl Steve' Andrcw~ re.spondeu 10 II ca ll 01:111 3mbulance thne mdlc:ltcd a chlld... as chokmg In the LlnmedllHi! inea With the parent! in apparctll shock and IIt)I kno... l n~ what to do ill thu,'mcrgcncy, lcve pi cked Ihe chdd 'l!- hclld up to hypl:'lexle nd his nec k to llpen the \II) rway. The ambulance arnved IIhl)U I 10 nhi\utc$ of,, ( the child reg,lined consclousnes:s Ilrntber Andrews IS II tree ltimol<.'r In the Cam budgc, M.DrylanJ, DISlnCI O(fice.. Ob'icrvlng,In elderly ge:ntleman collap~c oem tbl.! UmrlCl IIIA!;I:, Ilrother Ken Johnson went lin mtdi:uc\y tli hh au) Sbollly thercllhcr the gentle man ceased breathing. and no pulse could be dc Iccted Ken and :m employee of;l ne.llby buslncss bl':~a" C PR T Ill: yjctim responded, and hili pulse and hre:lthlllg were restored 111 approxlmstely onc millutot!_ Ilrother Johnson IS a troublemall ujld ~I':'V Iceman also lrom the C.a/norhlge DlSlnc!. Sistel Mlldu.!(l ftsher and her family were vaca uonn'k I II reat Advc!lfure Park to New Jersey when sth: spoiled II small boy choklll~ on :I plcce of foud Rushing ItI Ihe boy, she told hili mot her she knew CPR :Inti bq;an 2p plying hcr trsining. M\ldrctl tried 1I~ vl.!r:. 1 thlllg5 wah no SUCCC5S but nullnl!l1lled hf.: 1 cool and continued with th o.: prj)' cedure, Sec-finds 1:lIer Ihe buy coughed up t he food ltrld bl:klln bu.'luhing., A doctol lltlvcd shurtly Course Participants rielurtd 11f.'rt in!" those who pllrticlpatell In th e: Ilrsi-ald course jointly con du c:u~d by Lllc:! , Wilkes Bllrrt':. POI " and en'ice Electric Cable TV 01 IIa"tict(m, Fa, Shown hue is the group fr om Service: Electric Cabh TV in Wilkes-Barre, P:iI., Ihllt abo parth:ipaced i ll t he join! c(,)ursc. Work Picks Up, Journeymen Recalled L.U lo, U, C.1lo;, t,ee~,em &.go"tj, WILKES RARR. ~, PA.-L... h;.. l 1319 Lli Io.Ullluu~IIUH WIt h Servo ICC elcc tllc Cable TV has been condu<: tlng multimell\... rhll l :\ul C.OUlSCS T\)e fitst closs WIlS held in liazlcloll, Pennsylvania, and.1 1t t:ntlcd by Robc rt CJIPPllrllll, Bill DllvLJick, John Flltedl,,f" LOlli S Lnpetlna. Gl'orgc Longazcl, Albert Mcrcantlno, Lawrence Mihalik, ond Paul M. YanaC, Jr. The next clliss WON held In WJ!kc s B:Jrrc, Pcnllsylvani.lll, :lnd Bn clhlcd by )f'ffrl"y Dudlek, Cllfl Kvne,kl, Darryl Kurilla, KcnncLh I, Jones, Roben LuFnlllce, Donnld LC)hU'~, Prank Lo ltus, Frank J. Sobolewski, Jeffrey! Wlllt:JI11S, tlnti SllIn ley WlIck. The in5tructor fot both cl, I % ~S w.!s 1319 mcmbl'r Dllvn! Pcsta, In our last report to the /ournij/, It W :ls noted I'n.nt neitl.lllil ll Ons were belng held wllh IllC H (Ju~lng I\uthonty uf thl" cuy of Ene, Sul h vjn County REe, and Til C ounly REC. At!IllS wlltlng II <::an be reported lhat tho.: negotiallons 3 1 Ene Housmg and Sul ll vllli County REC h:lve been concluded AI Ene HnwullJ.J ;\ J2 ct:nt per hour. across thc \)o:hi.i 111- CrC:l5C W:I.S ne,l.;o lllltcd Illlprovemt:n t 1I1 1lle on call p:lyll1~l1t was.also m;1de. P:lymcnt Itl l unu'ilcd ne clu~'d SLck leave and a bash: dental pwgnltll welc r"bo e"itnbhshcj. A numbi.!t of language ch,lngts were a lso made The Nl'~OIl:Hltlns CO m(111u1!c wu,"vjll llvh:d uf 5,11 11 CulIIltanIJnU, joseph All):t:I!)!ll. II. Edw!lId CUDlcr, Norbert 5z.uml$i:lI.a. :In d BUbl ne SS Mllnage l Hllr.lll\ski. Ncgoll,ltlon~ with Su ll l":ln County ItEe h ~l vc :d so been concluded and Icsultcd III II three ye:n li~rl'l'l11cl1t. do Cents per hour across tht: b!1.itd III the fils.t IWI) YI!<lrS, and 30 cents per ho ur across IhebOIl".! plllsanaddlth'iil1l11 pcrt:cn i CO llt nbutloll by th &; cmploy"" r In to th l' savj n); ~ plan ill th c' IhllCl YC:l 1. jql11es Rinker and Bus iness M:tllll)lCr Hnr ~jn ' Nkl IC lll l.!sentcd lhl' UI1 It. Local 's Inside Work Scene Remains Good L.U (i.o&'fidl, NE WPORT NIiWS, VA.- Iusl \' few sbqt\ nq'tts,his mt,m,h. The: \I)ca\ bc\d the clt:c!lon 01 new oracers II) June. I will h:lvc all the de.taus on lhe clet:uon HI lin upc{itlling :lrllclc Work fo r Our inside' wltt:mcn IS stili ~ood The local recefllly started Its tocciii1d apprcljucc class of tbis school ycar. We hope our work scene wdl rcroam hnght If you knuw of.j nt:wsw ~ lrthy'lwry 01 hllvc photos you wmdd like IU Sec 111 tht: /fmniljj, plc.iii!ij: Il!l me know, Sce you ncxt moi1thl EtJllIl COli', V.P. P.S Honored Scout Piclllrl,: t.i is fjroth~r ROlf Koubi, Local 1347, Clnclnllatl, Ohio, member honored for ser'lling youth. PiclUred are m embers fro m Covington Overhead Oistri, t working to restor e-!!oe rvl~t.fter se vert "orms, Brother Kouba Receives George Meany Award L.U. 1347Iu). CINCINNATI, Our local IS proud to hl1vc Brother Rn), Koub~, Brceon, as part of our org.tnizatloo A l'l'leran In 1.\1)1 S":ollting, with 25 years of service, he Ito.1 2S yt:3 1 m ember 10 the ISEW. On March 14, 1986, the George Meany Award for oulsl3l1dlll': ~c rv lcc 10 youth was pre scoled to Ray by [ht: li :1 tl' )Il:l1 Aft CIO. l\oy bcgan his Se o u tnlg carcl'l as :I Cub ~COUt a nd progressed IhIough the r.o1nks 10 becom e: an Explorer. H I S uecli calloil to youlh led 10 Ica dcrstllp rolcs of becrclary, asbishii\l!i/;ou tmastcr. and scout masler in addill"n 10 In,m~ Io.UIl IIIIILlee li P puiiil ' meots. HIS commitment to Troop 354, 51 8ernald, OhiO, has becn IIlstrumclHnl 1/1 1t1rtnlng our you th in lo adult leaders. Mol'll'! rali loading and knowltjsc of che " lnm horse er;l" h;l$ provided tntertainll1cnl nlld hislory lor Scouts, friend s, neighbors,.ind uthcr model

57 ( othusi.i5ts. ]-lis dabor:ltc and ~Ulhentlc muo lay OUtS have dcllghu:d visitors. ovel the YCA rs.)9 thcy \'ISIt tbe Kouba residence. Olhcr awards pre:sente:d to Ray over the ye.ats an: t he:: 8ron:.e Pelican Award for Scouting. ccnif icatcs of appre-cultlon fo r his h:aderstllp from the Li ons Club. nnd a life membership with the National Rinc Assodl)tlon. Rny's 1~3dcfship :and 3Ctivc p:mjcipatlon in Scouting ClIO be il ppued to our local union. Any orgllnlzatlon IS on ly as slrong as ItS members 'Pa rllclpauon and ac live roles will stn::ngthen y,)ur local. Be proud 10 be an mew union member and ath~nd meetings Icgularl y Your attendance will help mecllhechallenges thc fuiuie: holds fo I us. W.Umgllc""s to g~' 1 IIIvolvcd WIt! c::nsure labor's future succuses. The second Friday of each month at a p.m. Ilils been SCI uujc foi union meetings. You ale urged to altcnd and mak~ }'our desires and (.(Incerns known to til e leat.h:rshlp. Members responded to c\lcre stonns that passed througb :Hen of Kentucky and OhIO DunnJ; the Slorms mulc than I 5,000 cu~wrnl:rs wc=rc wlthollt electric b~\licc _ Many UfOlhe,s w()lkc:d long hour~ to restore service.ma assist In the clean up. Tbe offieel" IInJ ~ufl of 1347 cornmend IheH dfuns GRLCC IlLto:f'oIEl'T. PS Happy Retirement! for our f.1indh::-' a ~ wdl I.: tc'to a (;on~(jlall(jn to the. f3(; t that " lime heill.! ali," h hopefully IS that time will pas, q~uckly. Wt' elln blame Ihem or our~c1vc', but nothang edn be llcctlfl1plis tu.:j by poinllng the Onger. [( we arc 10 survive these hard times, wc must II! ulllon members stand united not divided. Shuw YOUI support by being In at te ndance at the luly 9 regui:1t meeting of Local 1367 at the HlllslL.lc Hohd:ay ~t:utmg promptly.a t 8 p.m. Congratulations CO Brother Martin Schauer, ovcrhead crew 1l'3dcr from Chlt':lgo Nonh. on his rcc;ent Ictllcment. We Wish Brother Maltan the best o( health and happiness in the many years to come. Congntulatlons 10 Brother Roy Dargc on his promolll)n IU tnllchlnc Qpera tor ~I Ch icago North For thc Lr years of SCP/ice l we congrtlotuiatc the followmg who arc celebrating company anmver sanc$: wllh 40 yellrs sse t:.re:w leader Alben Elaldnuf, July I I, 1946, whh 39 years: overhead drcultm3n Vc:rnon Johnson, July 2, 1947, overhead crew leader Wilhan Larson. JlJly 11. IV47, bulldmg operalul Edwllid laqlt~lko, July 8, IYoI7, lind underground crew Icalh:r Ern!.t Sterner, luly 16, 1947, with 38 ye.us: underground crew le:adcr John Schmidt, lull' I, 19:18 1 with.j6 years: bulldmg operatoi Edwald Plut2, July , with 35 years cable mspcctor lohn C:lht)u:k,,uly 3, 1911l, With 30 yc;ars ; o\'erhe ~d crew le.:.der Challes Fusco, July , undergrqund uuublc:man Joseph RUZ-IC, July and cablc m""pcctol Ray Su:rakowskl. July 30, 1956, and wah 1S yt..u.s: ovtrhc;ad crew lcader Richard Sculle:" luly 11, We cclebnhc the Foufth of luly with II Ih,ee-dIlY weeb:nd. ami In keeping with the s plm 01 the Fourth of luly. It ~s apphlflnate to dollc Ihl). month With :II thought to remember "Much 01 the: to monows of Amenta (cst 10 Ihe h:lods of us today lei's wo rk toge-ihe! toj all even greater futurc foi America." iake the time to remind the kids of tht haz.ards of fit~works, Pltut' drive eardully, a.nd you'll be: sure 10 h..lvc:a 511fr: and h.ilppy holiday RIl:1I RUMS, rs Meeting Pictwed are some of the Local 1484, Syracuse, N. Y., moembcf!ii Wb D I!leoded the tlhrch. 1986, me.:t in8:' The: meetins was chaire.d by Pu:sidc:.nl WlIlt M.aSsr:y, leh al hu d tllbl c1 and the :agtndalncludtd bylaw ch.angn. Bylaw Changes Approved ; Stewards Seminar Held LU (uowl, SYRACUSE, N. Y.-At thc March meeting Local 1484 membt:f vou:d 10 several bylaw changl::s. Hlghhgtlls of the bylaw ch.. nses mejudcd c.hange III o(f1cc.rs' salary structure, luns diction cbange$ In Executlvc ~rd responslblli ties, and an mcre35e m muntbly dues Local 1484.rcceivcd a letter hom thc InlematlUn31 OlAce ;approving the chlinstes The Byl;aw Commmee includcd cludrperson lohn Lane. loe Fall, Marlene O ' NeIJl, loe Vlau, lind Frank I-h:uh Our loc.. 1 hem another slewlirds ).cmlnllr on j\brch II, 1986, at LeMoyne Manor. The O rganlztng CommmC'e tncludcd ChanmlSn Scott Ham!!! and EmIhcOliver Thc $emmal WItS well attended loc.al PrC~ldtnt W~ll l\1;assey and Vi Ce: Prcsident Chuck Borell an~wer~d most questions.ind con ducled the serrunar Sct' you.al our local meetln,; on thc sc:oond Monday of t he: munth T IIIOII. Hu.cz, P S Out for a Walk Members Should Support Their Local Officers In Ihi! picture retlreu Din Doloiu5.,"CO ler, lind An Filb, right. afe cllngrlll llllllcd b)' 81olht'r Richani Prol'ily. ovt'lhe:ad IlIlc:m~lI. Bbt wishes for huhh and happlneu in the future! Company Continues Shift, Starting-Time Changes L.U (uj, CIHCAGO. IlL-As WI! progress into the futu[c. (JUr l.re styl~s eh.:lnge :tloog WLth growing older :lnd, hopefully, wm:r. Changes arc DOW becommg it n.: allly IUJ Edl:;;on to survive financhllly. The: ch:mgcs sl:lrted with the.1ustenty program and the Ilnal closing of Cblcago C~n1T31 oext ycar. Thc lalen program l'i the Inltlatlun of addillunal shifts. The: purpose IS 10 CU I IaI I unnecess:try ov~ ttlme. There- will be.: staggered starting times and additional Ctt.:ws put lin th~ " E" Shift along wllh A Tuesday through-saturday shift. Anytime there 1S: a ch;inge in the format of statnng times or ajdltiunlii I1Il)tll shifts!we :uc talking Il boui an speclftc dcpllttll1cl'lul, we become dlsem::hanlcd, alu!l'iiltcd, lind IUS l pl:un mad. These (eclings arc Justified bccilusc these chnngcs Illso clhmgc our llfe-slyles, noi on ly fo r o urselvcs, but LU. 1466Iu). COLUM.8US. OIllO-Brother and Slstcn. summer 11 In jull5wm~ now Our uuiccn have been I:h:tledj howey!;:!r, III thc tllm: of thl!. wnun, J couldn' t Iqmn on who they ;Alt:. I would like. 10 cmph:aslze the Impo'l;l,nee of suppomng those people... ho won the most \'Qtc'J of the majortty of our membe.:i... lup No purer form of dcmocrncy t.1n be founj chan III the unions m this country You need only look up the word dl!moc racy to find thai thls I' 11'\11:. " A ~Qycrnment by me people, rule of the m.jlonty, a guvunmcnt In which the sllpreme po...'c!r IS v(.!ilcd In the people and cxercised by them duectly 01 Indueetly through.a $ystem of reprc'\elliauun " Tht: rerrc"ieolallon [his t1ciloluoi1 rde-,s 10 IS nonc uth~r thom your elected offlclj1s. WhQI;V ef we tlec1 as a result of our fret' elections.a re the JWllrlc we mu!ot ';I.'t behind... Ith o ur suppurt OUI fep'e""clliatlon m.'~j.s the Ulput of those they leprc!.cih We bavc come II long way fr om Ol,lr stnkc ant' year ago this m unth Of the live IIr othcrs who were fire-d during the: stnke, one moltl hots been rc:turnl.:d to IllS lob_ We can ol\ly hope Ihllt Ihl Win will set 1I prcc~dl;'nt and thilt fbe renulmns; luur men Will be bal::k. on thelt lub~ II) thc futurc. Soml:'tlung r:isc: you'll want to walch lor :tre the specl:tl benefil 'packllg" meeting, coming. I,Ip IhlS month. These ~pecl1t1 rnccllnj;<i IH~ to help you be-come i11o\o'au' of.:i lid h"ye YlJur que:hlons answered conccmlog the pa kage we will be Young on The special mecltng dates. arc h lly 7 In CUllcsvdlc, July 8 in Columbus, luly 9 III hllj.c.oihe,..ind July 10 In NelsonVille with \lol1n): :11 all loc:mons on frid3y. luly 1 J. 1 hope I speak lor the CJ)tln: memb.. rshlp when I extend our congr:liulbtiolj5 and support to our officcr!3 ;Jnd Executive Board members B5they begln thei l new terms llope to sce you au at the nexl meeting. LAURA M UMfORD, P.S. Pic:tuled is l.o\':.li1 1501, B:alcimort'. Md. Bilsinr:.ss "'hoagc:r DiOD F. Gu thrie: prcparin8 10 walk ill the UDuI Mareh of Dimc:s Walk A Thon. With his union jachc.liod T-shirt (In, hi' sel out on Ihis 11.8 mile: walk. Ht' made it but WlI. limpiu, for a week. Then. we.re "wi nip" buses pickinj up ptopll' who could not make it. Ill'!oIIU'd, "No way was 1 go ing 10 get on one uf chollit' bll~u"l but he. paid lhe pric~all for a good caun. Pictured are some of the more th"n 15,000 walker!! who rais-ed a tou l JJ I S 1.5 nlullon. State Seeks Tote Company Consolidation LV (em, mo, ecs, II5&'C1I IV}, BALTIMORE. MD.-Recently I receivcd lin.miclc fr om Bn;lIher Jerry Cam of New York which I feci 19 of ITttl!rest to all our members across North Amen ca. ThlS (.ould happen in ally stotc or Canada. This article ~ ::l...,...j ~ a: :> o..., 55

58 <D '" 56 'c!:lies III Ar,temblyman Ivan Lafa yette!new Y ~\rk I)cmOCf.lt o{ lu <: k:!ion Heights)... ho duhrs the St:mJlng tlmlnute!: on Rucing and Wagcnng. He pl:tns 10 Introduce legis la llon, Ot th~ bd'lcst of his Cnm nll"c'i', IIltmplcment the recommt'nd!hhm II) hllve only vne computer compan), stoltcwiur: II/ (lpe rn,,! IJIl rllclng oper.1 l ions. This s tolte agency h as alrc.hly matlc II forlllal request to Governor uom. l;lm SUre Ihl5 lis II result of Ihe problem the tr.lckl'l tncurred whl.'ll they cllldj not simulc3s1 (rol1l one Iflu.k 10 another Ilf. In folct, those tr.lcks had JIHerCIlI Tnll' componles) without some kind of delay_ AUt" I IHc wnuld not go core 10 curc Wllh AmlOtr.: \<0 hen Amtuh.' had Yonke.s and AUIOT01C had NYRA l thus... ~. lu~t Yonkers BJ51c ally, they WOln! to h.1ve Q statewide computcl Ilctwork to enahle the,tmulllineous transmission of....ige l lng d:lt.1 Imm au pllll~ of the sta te to lioy track WIthin the sutc_ This \\'ould enable the COUlt.' '1(;1te [1111 off uack betting offices. ;til tracks and :.amulc.ast Ihl!UlCt"l to oi,hspllloy New York st:lte UC\(\~ c,... ~ " the IIotatcw lde scale of the program, they bdlc\'e II ""'ould be Ic... s,utili), th.. n Ihe past mel hod.. wblch :lrc utilized In the t;;ate You mlxhl alsu be- Inter csled In kn owing AmtotC'S CUt of New York thor ough-r,lied, h,liln:.!..... uj utlll:"f r.. C:1Il1; rcvcnue:!> fur JYS5. $77 milium Connecticut'S OTB hold a IOtal flsc;11 ye3' (cndmjl. lune 301 h~nd(e of S million wtllic Telcwaek rt:cclpt.. for thai time wele SH7.5 nul lion. Play lor 15 hr.lnches and telephonc WII,: enng aaafc';tlltcd $98 mlllion If this IcgISI.auM IS p';ho;.ed.mu becomes Ifle wave of the future. ii appeu thc TlUe COlllpaI1le~ WIll bf.' ne~ou :ni08 Wilt-. c ol ch sule 'or the conlucls IOstelid uf eoleh Uldlvtdu.11 race tr.ack It.1ppeJrs one have 11- hm.i"it: III ;1 c;j\tle Dlo~ F GUTBRIF 8_M Lobbying Campaign Results In Victory for Labor LU (e m ), WALTltAI", MASS_-&ver.al months ")10 I (eponed to you an effort by.anti unton forces 10 1);;ISS 3 bin, S Ihat would have Kl\'cn fedcul 3ulhonues the authority t(i IJ'IlflOSe rt1"0n ~nccnces up to 10 yeats for 1)( kelline dlslurb;mct'$ FOllumnc:ly for those of us In the trade UIlIOIl mo\'emt.'tu, the l',o{'losal c;ame to I gn ndln# h,,1t on AplIl 16 when th E:' bllllo!; ~lr VOle co proceed In the Sc=nlltc:. While tjus may be uld ru:ws by now, the significance- 01 I hi.' elrc.um~l.anc('.s!.urroundlng the: b,ll's dcmlsc shoulj not be o~'l:! tlookd Rc~h;:Ulg IhJI the bill c.ould possibly P3!.S In the:' Sc=nille, unlun members olg.anl%ed a gr3ss (oots t;,lmpal~n to lubby agamst Ihe bllt. Led by Senators Spt.'CtOI IR F'a I. Byrd 10 W V:L.I, Kennedy ID- Mol3~ 1. Mencnhaum 1D Ol-uol.,uul Simon 1D-11I.), Co(rli (('rned lulie unl OISIS from ac.ross the eollou')' wele able w convince enough mt:mbe-rs of the -;('njle thllt s. I77J W.1S clearly an InUUSHlil Inlu the bulc IIl\hu: of worker to picket for unproved w3ges aod worklnk condlllons The ddellt uf S 1774 shows how sliong 3 cooldm~lcd c.ampal~n C:tll b,-" In protect1n~ lh~ nghu of wolkiogpc:ople Remember thill Ihe PQm:ard or letter you send )'our lit'n~ I O I or congrcssm:tn dot's make a el1fh."r ellce On a :" ulsappoinltng note, whtl~ Prc:udcnl Reagan wa! Inee-llng...'uh olhel world Icaders In II malor economic summit to dlscu~~ IRI Cm.:l llon.3 1 monetary flr(\blcms. \h.c. Comrnc l ~c DepartMent rl.'jkl ned II 16.J percent InCfeaSe 10 the U, Wide deficll The,"crcli. e for MlIIrch bnngs IhlS ye:l l 's Hade deficit foi the first three mol'l ths to a Slaggt!flfl& SJJ.S billion. ProicCtlDg these flgu res over the tn'lit:; ),ear, would 81\'c us a trade dcfi<:: il of IIpproxlmntl!ly 5174 billion Government eeollo IIII!;t!. h:ave c~tlm:lied Ihat lor every billion dollars In the 1to3dc deren, 2l,SOO)obs In Lhe UOl tcd Stlltts.are lost. While the pre~mlc.nt seeks answers fo r our economic wqes In JapAll, we. do not have: lo luok (M LO Sec Ille jjlullctn. Uncontrolled impolls jllld ;1 runaway ubde<lehtll are destroying the IndwHml1 bll~c IIf uur countr)' W~'IIH we necd dcsperatdy 1$ u:tlon thnl will!hem the fluod of llltpq H i and flut n StOp to tnc nnw of Amcrk an iubs to OVU1IC<lS locathmo;. I.1m plc.j,cj l llu UmX thc Willl le) III dll': Ceorgc SaInt 'idml.1lshlp 1\ward. ThtS ycal's win ne( I'! Jnmes Kanan, son of Larry Kanan imlll duo' We:!1 A nd[wt r PllIllt I... ould also ltkc to ljke tills npll0rtunny to... I ~h I.'vcfyone :I luf<:.and h.lppy vllclltion PUER F CA'If IlATO, 1M. I' ~ LOclI l 1521, O mah:a. Nir b. Brothel i\l:ark A. M asek (tct-in's a \'Ihque hom Linda 'T h.o' U(\ of tht Pbu (sis Otparunt.nt of the American Red IOU fo r hi" phtresis d o na t ion. RetIrIng Plc;-luled It h 10 ripi lire Jim Babcock, Cl l"n liall g,ru. Paul h.e.dd, i\\ikc. Brown, Ind Bob Clr \th_ 8rotl",:r Sh... dd is retirinj; from the L C Plant. Members Recognized By American Red Cross LU jul, O,\\AHA. NEB_-Mttropollt'lIl Uttl IttU District emplo)'ces (t'pltscnted bylbew Loc:a l 1521 wele recently r('cogruzcd by the I\ml"lICIUl Rcd I O~1II; Blood Progf3m lor pbere.:us donaltons "I hllst" recognized include- Eugl"ne l... Antonl.1k, m;j hll\t Op... ator. COnStruLllcm Dep:l ltmenlj lohn L 8ourne, semor mech:lillc, Mechllnlcal Service Dep.lIft/nenl, Robert L Houh, CfeW leadc'r, Con strucuonl and Mark A. MilSek, drafting ccchotcian III. Engineering Opl'ration" Lmda, NOIIi, 5PCCIlii colic lion. epresentall\'e. Custome:r J\pphc3ttons and CollectIOns; Patrick M Ragle, relucallon tcehnid~n, l!.n&lt\cennjt DeSltnl lohn H!-llldem2.chtl, weidel I, TnnspoJllluon/ and EU,Kene F Rillel, utility wo lker, ConSrrUCll(lR Cungr,lIuliluons to:l1l uf them. 'BEW- Alive and Kicking! (';[OIt l;.l,\ RIll'. F S 1. U. I 47 (i,o,u.c,rr.t.:.eml, ANCHORAGE. ALA S. I gues I eould Sl3ft this report on organl%jng wl l h II picture of glnnll1.lnn dnnm, hl1lll1'ii1f.1i11 t'ptimtjt, I... adl to talk about the t rll t h. It s been a long winter; but th e: suo I tartll\g to sillne, the da),s are gctllog longer, and 3$ we::lli know, thc work wtlt soan bleak. The future of the ISEW 10 A laska will continue 10 grow as Ions:. ::I' we stand toge thcr Thc firs t oblcetive of the mew UI to U(~:l{Hz.e the eh:ctl1eal m duitlyj S() \Ct 'S u lk about orgam2mg,. LaSI AugUSt three 01 our Brot h e r ~... cnt 10 work fl)1 Veeo on the North Slope. They WCfe 1:lld off And told by thcli Vec.o fo reman,h:ll they... ere I.lom& a Rill:: IQb b\~t wcre being laid of! hec:nl5c of ll l e.t l ~ftl: f - l I UU l s \J 1 ~anlzing effo l t.!! of the Elcctrle.a l Ocp:lumen!. Federal la bor law fo rbid!! companies lu : employees for ClIg.11l1211l/ol efforts wtll ic off I Will"'-_ I filed c.harges with the Nl..RB on bchah of the Brothers. nnd the heannj:l... as scheduled for Februill)' 27,1986. However, a {f,!w day$ before: the hearing Vcco sl:':ttied out of ol:ou ri (or 535,500 In lost wages and rcinst:ttemcnt CHI the pli)'roll for 8rOlhcfs Randall Put!!r, Ed WIllis, and Cerald Ollth Sony. Vee!)1 no matter how n).111), llmes you file bankruptcy, ),ou stili hnve to obcy t he law. We rec:enlly filed a pelltlon un bchill of the electrlclans at Northern Lights Qf A.laska worktng On the Soldotna Hospital. Spnngnlll School. and a I bon Elmt'ndmf AFn If Ihj "lim" 50\Imi!li fami li ar, It 'S bccilusc they have been dolojt electrical work 111 Alaska for.:limos! 10 year51 anj I'm SUIt" a lot of QUt mc:mocts Ie.rn",:mbcr caffyu\k pu;;kl!t Mgns wah me Ihrcc years aa,o un 36th and ArCllC {across from NtCAI against N~lrthcrn Llftbls of Alask:l_ The NlR8 \'Ol~ w.s UllaomlOU", 10 f.avor of Ihe ISEW. One more foi the Brotherhuod! A.lso, C.hit lnc. who has been awatded the tturd phase of the Eklutnn Wale r Proiect, hu Signed up With IHEW Local Wcic(lmc a.board! Remember, by StandlOK together and Sot3ylOg, together, we wlll remo3ln strong... You rs In BrOlh clhood and :mll 2ltve oind klcklng. lun Fowler, DUsln('ss Reprcsentatlve Organl:et_ OUt thanks go to lint Fowl(f fof ubmlttmg this article for pubuc.;:ati on We.. Iways welcome any II lfurmatjllr frum uur mcmbc:h. M.L. "R[NI[" RAflNf.... It S.-P.5 Family Picnic Set For August 2 L (u l, LOWER A LLOW A,YS CREEK, N.J_ I :am gbd (0 sec ""t' h3ve 50me Brothers:.:and Sislers. who re:;ld th~ monthly Qllide A( th~ April union me:ellng. the second Annual Family PICniC at Capp' Day Camp was discussed There WIll p lobahly he ~ ell"f tnrrca~~ prr family IhlS rellr. Last yea. after the family contnbuuons, the union's Soci.al Fund had It) cuvel almo$t $8,000 In.addinonal cosu. ThiS ye.a r we c;m exrcci the ~"mt m..:nu hn those who didn 't attend IIiSI year For your e"llng plcasun: you can expect hal dogs. ba.mburgers, SBQ nbs, chu:kl:.n. s,eanl~ $bnmp, nw dams, and se.veral cold s.. lalu_ There t:!o.isu rlcnty of cold beer and sod:as 10 keep your Ihllst down. The acliylilc andude t ug-o{ wu, horseshoe.s, egg toss, swtmmlllg, sallboaung. paddlc:boaun~ and Ashlng-If you so choose. The d.atl;'! we got for IhlS yellr 's rlcnie Is August 2, so check your c.alendll1r, and make the date llvulable for a fun-oiled lamlly dlly Olher than the picnic, the new! Is prctly slim Un Utccmber 20 Rick l-biter, Fred Pneslly, Steve Pompe., and Paul Williams got pa 511'1& results Itom their NCO t ~1 On Apul 21 Bob Phillips, Gary M.111:13. aod BIll Wallnct' found OUt tbal tbcy also passed the NCO test feu alem Congl:uu\alions, B. othcn' Congratulations aho go out to Rlc.k Halle. who w.s mamed 10 Debu on April 18. On Friday. M.. y 2. the union ~olf' le.1gue "Wcnt OUt {Ql ttl» fhs\ round. We' le pbyid& at the HolI)' Hills Goif Course. There atc SIX tcams Ihls ye.a. 1 After the first round the Siteeu are OUt in front. But Wi t h the fine compeltt\l:m, 11'5 alfl'lost.:to)' body's!icasoll Good luck to allthc: te:lrnsl Well, linl1l nl'x' month. BAFUIAk./I VAN WAl.oNUl., P S Scribe Updates Members On Local Happenings L_U tem l, LOCK I-l AVEN, PA.-Our 1aSI mectmg was longtr thlln usual, and mote members... 1;1e prese.dt. Mall), I S~\ln wefe discusscd. Five itt'ms wcrt: -pu t--oll the 0001" for VOte, t hree turned down aod two accepted. We also... nt-cd to donate $ the United Rubber Workcn UnIon, Local 947, and S 100 to UntLed Steel Workers. Loeal 14699, both of which are striking rcfl Hoovel. vice presli.ftnt, and Uarry H ill, ch it:! shop steward, a llended the AFt CIO Cr:lO fercnee

59 held 10 Pllt.!ob ur ~ h finn y IId l alll! Connn! llittl er, record ing s~t.r~ t ary, rl tlcndcd :I hcahh'c3rc'l:uijt barg.llnmg SC5! IOn held at Penn St.-lie Unlver:5Ity. Connle gave II good report e)[l issue, that were discussed PreSIdent Clcnn Ma cklem dlscuf,sed ;lnd sn e.. scd the Importance of vrner ''''~I '' lntilln and gcttlflg In Ihe: pulls to \'Otl: Vulc for the p3j1y thai supports the workmrrnl.:n and Wt'nlcn and our umnns Il1 lcln;l llon;ll Reprcscn ll1t1ve Tony Mllkns W<I ~ U1 Ihc <I I C;1 and Sil l 111 un thc nlcellll!; Ever J rt";1 m abuul h itting Mllnetlun)t gnuj irum pl')yln!; the lollt:ryr I bel ll:"'e: We JII h.l\le: Ont: 111 our members, DOlnthy E.. cnwlnl'. plolyed an lostant lickel lmu... nn SI.{}(X);I!nor"h fui h fc-cf)n~l8i ulatllln..! s llll w n Cum rn".. p,",u two week!> In En~ land \!ISHln~ with hcr brolhcl.lnd Io1mily Her mother. Pauline AmnH.' rman, "pent time thue earl il" III Ihe yellr lu Iknha Hinds who will be retiung soon wllh 3buUI 1.1 yc.t l 'i- of SC U'ICl', we...'i"'h tile he.. t _m IH," J teiih ml."n! NeWarrl\alsslIlte the: I:I.sl article. leon ;lnj LI',i AnJ"loli. ~ d;jughtcr, lohn and Carolyn WI~e. 11 dau~hler, and hm and Vn:kl l." Etu.. r ~. ~ thiujch lc, C/ln/1,n&lu!;ltlnn~ Perry Hal(: will be mhvliig lu.. bmdy IIItl1l1 m:w btju~c In a month III I..." I hl~ I!>!>mnt:lhln!; lhty',c W;IIt(~ J fr)f fl)r 01 Iql of ~e.u!> r~rry. Ih~ hou~c I!> aimusl the,c. now It t.:ike~ Jove 10 milk-..- It 01 home Tht'lc I ~ SrccullUlon ttnt by yean end the l ock Ha Yl'n I'bnl be IlOu'ted 111 a new 'IIJthtlc."ln at Ikcc.h C,cck OH." lli me hla'> ken eillnuuu d m Ihe Malnh:ndm.e Def';lIln\CnI 1'1I'.!>lhl) Ih.ce people Will be W O lklo ~;I. II to 7 ~hdt tllmlll.ltmg.. orne equi pmeni and combining lob phases IS being done In nne Jcp:ullnent Thl~ tnll)' dlmlolltc Ihree 10"0;: A meru pwj:loim tha i.. tllfted In 19f(~ for hourly ~!> well ol~ tumpany crnjllo)ec!lo p;ud elf! 10!Ioeyc.al p4:opk... hcn JU... tna.. I<Ileu: held III Iht"1I depart ments ThiS w.ts",)i JIH I J ~IVCJWllyj It was earned. ThiS WaS comp«:1i110n \o\o'lih Ihe N(IIthe;t~1 DIVISion consl!>l1llguf nu l utl..:r pl 'MI!> l"he '()liowln~gulde hnes 1<1 en: u'>ed In ajnhni'>liolling the prngram l Pro<hJI.:IIUIl!.""ffiel.:ntyl latwlf, m,ul:li.. l, ;lnj olhl't Costs, 2. Olulll~1 th:st w.. runty Im~H'l\'1.:m(:nt. J Shlpr lnlc DerJHment efficlene'''' 4 Ren'l\1tng Dc p;1l1menl d liol"ncy The fnllnwlng. huurly pcr.. uns... on $100 e;tch Sus.1n Sp.m,;lcr. Guald Il.lcker, Elwood Confer Pe ~ c l Eyc., Lester h.lplun, Gent Phllhps. BrUCe" W ln... low. ;and Alfred Ch;aprmm. Thefolltlwlng hourly persons... on $50 e31.:h Juhn Llche RJymond Ht!r1 Ed Rupc:rl, Nell Munroe. olnj ShOllY Harpste. One hnc did not win any of the monthly drjwlngs bui look thc 1 \0\0 arj for the yeu So br the dr.awld8 h.n nul been held The emnr any rc(lple who won $100 ale: Oan= W"Ii:ulls anti Bruce Wilhams-tw{l llmt! wmne.s, Har\lt.,. Beck.lind Ken Durkm arc also two--ume wmners The SSO wmnen were Ic.U funk. SylVIa Mdh:1 Pe8.I.' 1"Il OIIl. Alma Duck, and Dav, Brunga.d M u.e ncxt time un Iolnm her contcsi of Sorts th.&! Ju~l enjed Se:e you at Ihls nloruh ~ ml'ellll~, and OUI whal your local IS d01n1l. NUIU A OI.IAY,1-'S Local Participates In March of Dimes Walkathon L.U.1908 (u}.cocoa, FLA.-I ;lm happy to rcpon our ml'mbl'uhlp was aprarenlly upset enough With the cumpoany 's l\ekllllllllng dclllys and Ihe &;libage II put out lis a COlltract I'U)l'usal 10 s t.art comm to the h.. li. At OU f MlU e:h me: t"ling and contract vote, 70 pe,cent 01 our membc r ~ showed up to \ Olce Ihclr 0ranu", III WIHIl Ine company c.:llllcd.:ll bucun ll;!"; II«S membcr!>j ldn'llrkc \ t and yulcd.:ig.tln~1 11, whlh: only one member voted for It. At our Aprtl meeting Ihe hall was 11lIed, with sume members h;tyliig 10 stand dul' W Ihe 13Lk of yacant seals. TheSe l.atgl! turnout!! ue oippj.ently du t" to the adyc.slty wc. re now fllcln); l'clhap5 If we showed this I)'PC Ilf IImt)' throuj(htlllt thl' year, we would be secn hy the coml'any II! a urian to be reckoned with, and we would nol hllvt' the prob Icms loelnk us 11 9 we now du If we atc I'crcl.!lved as ~mg weak 3nJ not caring, lhal Is how we will be lri::ated. 1 hope that all the members who have turned out Ihe IIISI co\lple vf monlhs Will eonunue to show t hell concern anj supf)on by attending thl' Ilwnthly 1l11 l'l1l\).;~ Boh Blockcr, a... 3t1.. h CIl/o;UII.:U ;ll lhe t:.lpe planl, has ukcn an early rc I Ir~mel\\ A KCI UI~t'thcl W3:; held at the pl.. nt III wl"h hun...11 Bub f)!jn!> 10 do ~umc li"hlllk ;'(1 h" ((I woikcr'> goi IOKethct and Jll c..\: nte\1 hllll... lih ol lilinrlcte fhlnnl; nutfit of a rod.mj I.. d JIIJ J t.h.kle hux fillej Wllh taekll' A LI 01 us wanl to WI!lh ~ ) h.i II.II"I'Y tctllelllell1 I JUS t returm'u trelm T JI I "h"'~ec... hl re I.. tt~~n d~d Ihc FlmluJ;l AFl C!O (. nt'! I CKI"lilt 1\'1" Cllnlcrc.'nc..: t\~ In yc.h'i- p.l ~l. Ihc.'ll." all.: "''''I)' hil l.. b~'ln~ mlltl due.::j In the le~h I Jtur.: that \\ 11 il flc.'tl U!>.1!> umlln mlmbtrs \:'ome ;I'e ~u(oj anj...,11 hdp U5 while mh~'rs a.e harmful [.,lid ~ililh." ttlhhyin~ nn Ih..-: hill.-mj Wililt III Ih.l11k I n ( 1.IIk, l li \: r EWA 11IhhY I' I, for lelltn,it me I.I~.. llln~ with him In,llld lhl" other lull li me ill"byi... t~ from IJbol do a fine lob for u<; The: houl~.111: hill):.111\.1 the: pace 1'1!JlSt) but Ih ese BrUlher~ iluj SI~Il t'> kecr 1111 tilji ul whllt's h;)pp el1ln~ and make.. ure l.lhcil ~ \ II'W I., he-jrd Oil Ihe 1 ~"Ul' \\'htlc on Ih ~ suhlt,;ct \)1 Il'~I!IolalOrs. remember IhlS I ~ an t"inuun }'~.", ""'hili;. end.. Ihl ~ m onth, and uur LlC ~U~ l'liln,; lit ljn.hjale.. WIll begm shortl} Ihe'l ilftel A.. u,>u;l l W~ ",III IIlVlle au c;jndldolt~ ~ 10 p,!;!>.:nt thut \It.:... ~ It) u,:.o we c.;i O mlcrm thl.: memb1.:r't "bmn Ihc"i: r eopl e 2nJ help you nuk«: \ OU ) I.Icl;l.. llln,bout will) 10 vote ILir Our local was rerrc~ entt.:d In the ~brch 01 DimeS Walkathun held lin Aplli ~6 Ikln!: loi:y and Qut of <;hapc!'.,c'11 l>ut~lln. Inhn "eh.:.n.;!cn. anj I... alkcd!hi: [C)u r!>e. whllt' BHuh!.""r nt:n",~ HeI~ly ran the ",' holo.:... 2y. It I holj Ih.ll mu..:h t.:nctty. I wuld proflat>ly wrnc a Ihre" rare wlumn In"l(ad of lust tbl5 tlnc Anyway. 1111,";llll" tww we m~dt" II thulugh the: uju"'e. Ihe WIIIIIC I W;l~ lht" M;1nh of Dim.::!>. ik:c.1u!>i.: ~.I"h J"C... nh... hu... 3 Ik t."d II' nn eollccted moncy for the Ma'lh of Dimes I hoj)\; nc,::.it ycar m.ayhc w«: can KCI.. huke F;IOUp of us to walk 1 \o\o'3nt III Ih.:ank.Ill uj!lur ml m!k'.'!i \o\oh(\ s ponslilcd u!> In dlt ",alkdlhem I)on'l foj,gcl we " Ill he """CIITln~ m U(1t Ile" officers, E 8 0;lrJ rncml>t" ' "i. md Ilcll'Koltt'S at Ihls month s mnllnlt un TUI.:'i-J.. V luh )I. 11 M pm Hope: to 'icc" YUU th~'rc I'll closc (ur now Until ne~t mllnlh. rt:mcmber tu look fllr the unum l.htj when \hoprllnx. sur porllo,g our 811J1ht."I')... rul '".. t\: I" I;;ln unl)' ruut: 1.1') all.!.i ron,(1.t Raffle, Trivia Contest Mark 30th Anniversary LU. 19<12 {t:.ml, MOI\TGO,\\ ERY, Ill. On May I, 19ti6, we cdebuted the.wth.. nnh crury of Ihe ebarterm~ 01 UU I Iuc;ll unum To c()mmcmor.ale lhe OCC.a!>IOIi. the UIiUJIl purcbasct! cakc" and be... ('.1ge!> for all oj It membt."u both.ii M un l Ko m~ry and at Niles. MIChl!;.Jn A drawln)1. WI1S held on that Jay to XI\'t,1Way ;I \'Idcoca<t"e llc tccohler. AM/ FM weather b.mj,.;rdao, American 111IR, and an afghan th:lt W.I mad\.: :md J on:llcd by;a member All members... ere cltglbl«: by v irtui!" of thcu memo bers~up In the union rht.:,e WII~ nmllln~ HI buy. Tht:... mntr.., werc.1.. fullllw,> M C I'e.. h"l, VCR. M.J. Smuh. I.lUII). 0 I Oall.tlll JfJthan. JnJ O.L Rissman. U.ag Thl!> day ill~u mj lkl:d thl.: bq:1i uur l O~..I TnvlII COntCSt. The Id l.:;1 01 the Contesl was to ~enehitc a ~rc.. t(. Inl erc~. In nur Union, p otu ant.i present 1 hc rt"polut' Wit'> cu.dlcnt and Ihe pa rtlclp;:a tlun high 1 hut) U II C J'nemberS rc lurned lbeu quesllonn.tlles with " torrect afls\o\o'crs' All 11 n:aml"'i wen' pulllltn iii bot,lt. :lnd 01 dra wmg was bdd.:it our Il1lJoth l)' UHlun mct:ling to dttc( m me thl.: Willner, Shltl!':)' Sl'urluck The: fln;:c was :a 9 lncb portable tclevuioii Most of our memocrs ~l'(mc d to enloy thl" cel ebntlon bn se Li un Ih e clye lll ll partu. lpa'!u1i The display that w.u' Sli up III the pl:illl c.tfctena gencr,licd a lot of In teresi and posillve comments. The (BEW logo SlIftnllllllcd by pl t ll!les ul Uli l members (rom p.1 51 hlutl C.IH li"lll mccl htgs, ILltkey raffles, union ptcntc!i, etc., drew II grellt dca l of 41ttcnllon If llny of mit mclllb~ r.. hll vc nny typc of mcmorabdul they would like 10 conulbute to Ih l: union (or future (:.clebrlltlllm lind 10 ptcservi.' his wry. It wlluld be Ale.ll ly.iplllci,;i.i Il"J IJ l l', l ~c wnlact l CI)la GoooIlch, Exten!lon 4202, ilrsl Sh lh l Or!lob Wise, E:U en5lon 4l SI, sccond shi ft Due 10 the dlastlc rt:duction Ilf ou r membe. shlp ;lnd Incumc II) the 10(:., 1 of abuul40 percent In Ihe p.l~t s.x muriths, plus Ihe Illc t Ihlll wc ar c now bcgmnmg con lj;tel ncgotlo1 llons With the comp;:any, an cllort wns m llde by your offlc(f~ 10 hll\'c iii less t,,1r3\ <Iganl ant! cxpcn"lvt" cel~b.allun than we might IUJrmaUy hj\lc holu In.. pll': IIf Ih l"i \'01: led the: cclcbr~ li on WJS J liu(;ce... ilnd we tholn k the memhcr.. hlp fill IT.. r.ln_r1r,iiuiii New Officers Tbe ncw :ldminhllacion or Lo~al 1914, Omah,. Neb., is shown btin& worn in. Leh to rigb l arc ueculi \ e Board ofllct'f Ken P."kcJ, fina nciall\(,c' reur)' Maty E111!'n I\obiehki, Encuth'r Roard 01 fice.r ", arlcne I\\ajl!'.!oki, ll e a ~U lcr John Schwt'nck, Executin Board ofr~f:rs Tom Van D )' k~ ud Mat Ie.m: \\'ilsoo. P.esident ToOl Connor, Vicl!' Presi dl!'nl Frank 'a~el, and h :ceulhc Board o!fice:r Fr.m k Pos!>ingcr. Recordmg \l"clcury Ma.ic Conk is missin~ rfom the piciujt'. New Local Officers Are Sworn In LU Il!' rn). OA\ AHA. "E8. III lint' HI tluelo~csi dect!un.. III the hl!>llit)' II' local presldcnll.11 e:lndldollc oind 'Ilrmt't Viet rreudt."nt Tum Connnr dde.lled IIIcumbcnl Pr!! Ident RobC"TI Al be rts by a!>lim. une V"Ie rn,ukll1 After two recoun ls Il f Ihe \l1l1nl( b~iioh. Ihe Il""iUIr.. suynl the ume for Ihl' nt.:w p'l'sldo.:nl Cl.)nnor 8~ Al bc Tl With the: one VOtC dlfferencc belllg such :a hl<;iuflc A'')I, bolh camhd~it".. 'D. the pres Idenll,ll ~pot agreed 10 a vole. CCUURI The reloud t delayed the: publrc.:'liig of Iht' ple!>ij..:nll;a1 wmnl'r 10 Ihe membership for 24 hours but the Inconven Il'nee did pnlve til t;t'ttle tht" I... Ut..InJ prevent a runoff clccl10n The r("sults of the I!lhel nme unum Ilffiee pusi lions were JcudeJ by!nu!.h Wldt:1 m;arlthls with unly ODe Incumbent office eturnmp,: 10 office Fran.k agel wa t; ele(. l ~d 1m the 11r~1 1Il1le: to Iht" offi ce III... Ice prt'sldt'nt f'link prcvlou~ly.!ocr ycd on Ihe EXl!culive BOJ fd Former Ex.ecutlYc Board OlBccl Mall«: Cook felutnej If! (lfoc( whcn she was cl tc.ted lecmdlclg 'iccrl"t o1 l )' M.H)' Ellc=n t<..u bn~lskl was ell:cl t'd to Ihe (lwee of finan(.lal sec reury John Schwcnck won the owee of treasu rer The ooly Incumbent uffieer to r«:gll," election was Marleni;' Wi lson Marlene u;pc.. llej on the E:oct"culI\'~ BoarJ The ol hc." ro UI 80ard po!ollllln:. were... on by Frank Ilos~lIlgc r Ken r.uke., MJrlcnc Maleski. and Tom VanDyke. Ken Pl1rker. who had prevluu-;ly sc ryed a5 tfea!lurcr of Loc;.al IY74 from 1962 until <;.. I-.u a.. h.. rll.: r memocr IIf Loeal The nl w li:l mullstrjiion w.t!> ~worn In.It the March business mccllng and bc,.an plep;"ii1); for c"nlral.:l nt.:.l~n u a lilln.. l)tlnaiii \1 WU l, ;1'lllk. p" Defeat Imports By Producing Quality Goods l.u (em), VIIIJ.ADElPIIIA, P We recently expericnccd.3lo.yo H he. t a l Ih e:: Phllad t.:jplur P.ogrcss planl As alw.1),s, thl~,"imedlately prompl ed rumors uf tillljllr layllfh lind Iht 1'1.101 dosing --' "" Z II:

60 I a"k :111 our mernhcrs In Ihc~c unfllundcd runwr:. In the bud by chl c.klll K wilh.~ rclinb ll! source such a"i your sh:w:ml or :lny linllln offleer. Wh ile the eomp.1ny reports thll l II Ius noi done well the first l.jumter of this yeat, the immcdi:lte future looks goodl and the hope hi that through beller pl annmg and some new ideas business will Incrcase. BrOlhels and Sistcrs, wc 311 know thill Imports from offshore countries such.:1.'1 lapjn, Chm3, Taiwan, Korea, etc., have cost the lobs of thousanus of AmC"nC.1n workcrs wbn wljlked In t he cieclfomc nelll One IS hard plc.!.scd uxlay II} I1ml :l1i~ de!.. ' tronll: appliance th:1i IS Amerlcan made, eyen if they wanted to. This I3kes place while our moyie actor HI W.1<,;hll1t;lOfl and his hl,l: b l l'illh."ss cronies continue 10 Adyocnte "fall t rade" IJol rclm. thot hllve contributed to the human sufferi ngend\.hcd by ou r lao-many unemployed wo lkers. Monyofour Amer Ican manufacturers cannm compete WII h t he chca p IlI b{1r IIml worklllj; comlll HlIl "'i ""1' nh... hilfl' countries :lnd have closed their ooors. Unfortunately, t hey have recentfy Invaded the IIJ: tlllnjo; nxwre He ld which IS our brea\land butter here "t PrOllre:o~. 1~lOtht!r:. and Sistel!>, tills does not po~c a Sen OilS threat 10 our Inhs tod.1y ~ hut I bchcve we should look for W3yS lind means now 10 protect OUI!tHure. How? lor one thi ng, I would s uggcsi that bclth unujn :mcl eomjlally :>lrlvc 10 establish wh.11 I would call POP, Pllde nl Pwl1uct Our foreign Competi tion has proven thlll they C3n make :I che3per, and I :"1m sure Inlenor, lighting fixture; but ( 111n damn sure that we at Pro~res s ean ma k e a beltcr qualtly IiJCturc We an: one of the \arp,esl mauuf3clureis of II,I\hl ' ing fix tures III the world 3nd have the cll pjehy 10 outprouuce them, which IS most ImpOTl,,1n t. Qual Ity must he O~ 1r rno'it hn]'l(lftant PrL1thiCI a.nd twi best advertl<,;elllcn t. Ilrothcrs and Slslcrs, I fee)'hlre we can meet thts cll:lllcngc through a cooper;"ii IVe cffort of union and company, TIllS should not be d C. d ~C of llnlon M;illn~t comf",lny, or cvmpuny agalll~t union, 11 IS a mllttl:"f 1)1 us (Igal/HI tl/em ProductIon nllstnkes em both sides must be slm ously looked IntO and corrected so thai wc cli n succeed 111 mccllng thli challenge Vac.AtlOn ~h Ul d(1wn IS f " ~1 appmacillng for Qllr members, and evc:l')'one IS :Inxlously.1wllltlng the summer season There ha s been lin lilcrease in attendlillce ilt our loc al union mectin s. lind we hope It conll nues. Tdl nexi IImc: IhlY unlunl bc umon, be Informed " ec you ~Il the next UHlon meellng. Rot;c;o f. COLHLO, n.m. Participants Local Reaches Early Agreement 1,, [II), 100I JlSV II.LE, KY,,-On April , the membership unanimously vtlll d It) uhlfy a ncw, three ycar labor contract Wilt. till'!..umpany. The new agreement is cffccllve Immediately upon ~xpiri!tiqn of the current COJ1tract wh,,;h fun" untd next Nuvemhcr 10. Labor al,d nlalla,s:;emcl1l herc at LOUisville Gas and Electric cntered into early collective bargain mt; SC'lSlOns back 111 mtd March. The goal of each pllrty WllS to attempt 10 reach a f:llr arid equitable contract wlihout j strike. The early selisiom climaxed In;) 30 hour. marathon negotl3tlng sesslqn lhat ended on April 30 The COIltT.1ct hrou~ht hell"e t he membership by the NegulIBllng 1 cam, nml subsequently rali fied, was fair and contall1l:d flo concessions. It was further highlighted with a SJOO eariy ' sl~nin;! bonus for full -nme employeeo;; which t he un IOn NegtHlHlmg TeHIII ~ecurcj at the YCIY end of the marathon scsslon. Ratlfytng the ncw con u act with m. :In;)geme nt without 3 work stoppage was a novd achkvcltlcnt. LOe,, 1 politicians, labor lea dl'rs. ;J nd other area muus-trles were all ovet)oyed to learn that Local 2[00 nnd L and E scill t:d;) contract Without a sttlkc. All concerned P;UtlCS arc hopeful that the loc:all:abor-management clnn;u," here til Loul<,;vlllt: Inllllws SU it and attcmpls to reach Sirndar.1grce mellts In an chon to draw potential Industry tn t he elly. Congr,1 tula tlons to the Ncgolllltln,l; Team, ftlnctlonlng subcommittees. and the enttre memo bership for the sbow of unity du n n;! Ihe~c nc~o tlatlons. If Indced the labor cltm:he. dues: 1Inpru... e hert" In LOUIsville as a result of our oew COntract, Local 2100 WIll be looked upon as a trendsetter here til the state of Kentucky. Local 1100 has come n lo n~ way in ItS young, productive slx' ycar hi story. Happy lndepcndenn: Day to,111 me l11bt.'r ~ w)thll1 the Brolherhood, ;)nd h;)lie a safe and enloyable remainder of the summer. M IKl! DAVIS, P.S. Contest Winners I nlhl~ o n They" had Ihe Ullc llvlahle lob of iud~ing t he E ;I ~tel 1I.lskct Cl lolll1j.; Cnnte~ t. Their ehort s on be-half of the newsletter have been crucial to its pubile;ltlon and positive reception. Lisa. Anne, 3nd <':CI1Un:l, thank yuur On April 19, I S {If (Hit Incmber.!.gave upa Satunlny and :llicmled " Slew:lld and Ofnccrs Scmm:1I Spolilwred by thl) nrnell UnlvcrSi ty New York State School of Illdus trial :lnd Labor Relations, an ex.tensive session... as presented fo r thc foll owing partlclpants: Ed I..ewls, Mike Sh3Yalier, Vicki Morri son, Sal Passanesc, Dick Wahl. Ivy Pn.: micc. r.ll\i nc Aber~()ld, DQug Mosher, ' 1m C.lpolupo, Terry olovii1i. Len Breeden, lohn Redman, Paul Ru ~tnkn. Alice Swpa, 8111 Evans. Bill Nalbone. Terry Wendel, And Ihll Paterson. It wa5 healtenlllg to sec so 1l13ny peollie Ihcrc. As Ed,:lsper, our inicm.:l" tiona I Represcntatiye, aptly said in his introductory remark",. "Thc steward is the backbone of ;lny ll)cal union. Lucal 2104 I S fo rnmale 10 have so mally K(lod ones." Acc.ordrng 10 the Unitcd States Bureau 01 Labor Sutllilic!!. major COntr3ctS negotiated dujlng the first (ll)altcr uf 1986 Yielded th ese rc:mlts' 37 percent (If Llnlon IIlcl1lbcrs~ol puy raises, S6 percent settled fot ftc!:zcs,.1nd., percc:nt accepted pay cuts averagmg 9.9 percent. When you digest these fig urc!!. I think you can sec we're: DOt doing too badly. Our succes..s IS due to a 11Ighly capable membersh ip thnt I~ expt.! rt :It ItS lob mlli ct"ll11111 Itled III IlS union. Another IntereSllnA f;\ct released by the Bureau was the m edian weekly paycheck figure of S354 flj r IlInl1ary. Pebruury, lind March of How do you compare to till" media n w3gc! 1 would like to dllect somc t;omments to our younj.lcr andlor newer mcmbers. The thrce year rctltcment incentive program means that many IOI1;! llllle!j1crnber~ will :'-UIIIl hi: 11.:.1\"111» U~. Talk to lh cm Imd 01I1Y mhers who have been 111 our ranks for any appreel:lble pcflod, ;tnd they Will,ell you the s.:ame thing: Your working conditions, benefits. (lnd WO}l;C9 arc not thmg'l :;;n'cil 10 you by th ~ cllill p:lny jnypai. T hey arc all Ic!o tamcnts to ar' duous, frustnllma, but rewarding negotiations by your ullion. Your bench", wages, and condltlons ~If employment Will cont tllu t" at 9n acccpt:lhie!t w 1 only M long :1'> we arc In"'!led These arc bleak d.1 YS fl1r l1i~al1lz.cd 1:llml, tlnd an Im penetrable resolve. by :11 1 of us IS e!>scnllal til keep Ihe m,m BRement wolf from our dejor We arc the hfeblood of NYPA loseph Joubert, a French wfltcr. once s:ud, "CcnlllS hegins Areat works l labor alone fin is hes them,, " There IS no NYPA without us, and 3 strong local union will force NYl'A to give us the respect wc dcscrve. We keep Ihe place runnlng l Sec: Y0 tl,\i lh~ next mcc:tlllsti WILLIAM M. PATERSON, P.S. 58 PiCturtd ;art Somr uf the (,(!'leers IIlId slew.ards who pllrticipllted in the Shop St C!wards SC!mlnat or Local 203'2., "hueri, N.Y. Thcsc mcmber! IIrt from the Frederick R. CI:rrk Energy Cr:utcr ill Utiel. Members Participate In Shop Stewards Seminar L"U. 2032Iu), MAS ENA. N.Y.- On March 8, 1986, Labor EducaLlon COOrdinAtor Mllry Lehman nf Cornell UniverstlY put on a Shop Stcwards SCn-unar for Locnl Some of those who pa rtldpated in the ScmmnT were MlIl crvo Davt~. Don l$ron:mn. BUSIness Agent Rogcl IOUlo;h, Eleano r nissetl, Greg Sacco, Rick lone3, Recorder Lu Coff, I'etc PanSI, Vice Chlll rman Sharon Hlehcr, CIHll rman Olive T"::u~dlltl, ::liu1 JIIU SI..IUII~UIJ. ItOi Lin ell.utll'!l.s Pictured lire those. who took part ill tllr: local2j04, Niagara F;llIs, N.Y", [;ISl er Basket Coloring CO n tcst. Ldt to right. back row, Judgu Ann Dykstra, Gemma Johnson, Lisa C.aluanucei J froill row, Ot'!id re r.vall~,,ason \.ollnn, :md lir.uhrr K;)llipl", tilt" Contl!st winn ers. Local Inaugurates Newsletter with Contest L"U " [u), N IAGARA FALLS, N.Y.- Jason COl" ton, Dcidrc Evans, and Heather KanJl'e were the Winne rs of Local 21 ()4 's Eam:r Basket Coloring Conl est Congra llliatlon5 to lason, Delurc, 3nd ]-lcatherll know then parents arc extremely proud 01 them) and we in Local 2104 arc deltghted to have becn able to provide )25011, DCld re, and ';c:lther WIth the opportunity to s howcase their Oh VIOUS and considerable talents. The Contcst was pan of thc firs t edition 01 our new local union newsletter. The new~letter. largely thl! brainchild of Pn!sldenl Susiness M3nager Ed Lcwis, is intended to be aoother vehicle to mlorm.all m embers about peruflcili ma il ers a(fcctlng us 95 m embers of organized labor ;lnd as employees of NYJIA. A s pe Cia l note 01 gratitude Is in order fqr Lisa Canttlnl.lecL AM Dykstra, and Gemma Open-House Party Held In Local's New Home L.U u.:ln't), VALLEIO, CAL.- Grcet1l1gs, Brethren, fnlln Vo"It'!)o. We. bcglo wah old husiness. Du rin g lhe month of Illnuary, 1986,.1n Open-House P~rl y Wll~ hi; III In the ne w home of l..ocol We werc f\n ally estn hhshcd Itlto \lui permallent loca tlon on Am.ldor Sireet. During that Open House, members, friends and relatives. wives and child ren were invited to IIlSrCCl {lut bu"dll1~ I was absolutely an1:12cd :It t he tr.11l:,fnrmallon Ih"l had taken place In thllt building since I h3d been thcre attending rt regulat meeting two weeks before. The plncl! literally silarkled To bring about what SCeml:d li ke n mlf.1cie, took the eombtned effom 01 Don Tipton, Cer.lld Con nor, Don McCo3ch, Ruth Wilson, Shclia Winsow, Ilnd She "a IUackbufIJ HllW can LJllyone 1 ~li o re the contributions of pctlple h kc Ken Kelly, /1. 11,'111 M oote, lind O:lll Sllverton l All 01 this W;\S for the good ot lhe tlllioil. I know that I probably overlooked SOLneone's name from t he credits. bui thai IS how It IS when you Act old. She!..:! WIIlSOW'S conlribu tlon WIIS, lind m il 13. hljlhly visible. She made an a rllsii C display of lill; collection of phologrophs of our member~ thal were lakcn dunng Ihcse mally years, 3nd (10 eretlrlve display of Y3Tious copies of Our culurnn that she hnd culled from (he IHEW tournai over tbe yeats. The entue.urny was one big work of art.

61 Nut to be Ignored was the Ill esencc of OU I d IS' tlnguished guell t Brothel S R. McCann. BrOther McCann 15 the V1CC' Prc=sident of the N inth District. The other dlstldguish ed gu est w in Ilrother Ric hard Barrus Br(lther Barrus hils becn ao Internall(lnal Reprcsent lltlvc for many ycaf5, Wlu le unknown to maoy of the ncwcomcrs lo our 10c.1 I, Brother D.1 rjus was one of the organizers of T he- ceremonies: mcl udcd 111«: III troouttlon of Slol her" Me unll and Barrus by Pl tsljcn t Ilf Local 214, AlVin Moore Th15 was fo ll owed by J li bboo (.U ItIllR ccrcmooy. Later IBEW certificates were awarjed 10.:apprentice gr3dualcs Durms;;an CXLellclH lunch. I sal with Ihll Denby and his Wife LlII:~r I Sill With Blather Joe andoval t-ie commented on the touch of d.u! th;ll the presence 01 t he ladies In our local hold introduced InIO UUT Iueul INu :u gtllncnt "bout thotl. What took pluee on Ihal Iby III Jaou,lIY...15 t he end result III cummltment, pcl t-cyehifict'. and dt'dlca tion. It WII~ for the good of th... union and, ulu malely, m your best mu:reus At.. orne pomt ;I pjaque WIIS IOtroduccd that would be In!>taUt'd 10 "lgolfy duit one of Ihc meet 109 l oom!> wuuld be known a.s lh(' Dan Healy Room. Very fc'w of OUI pre~t'nt membtn knew Dall. J)(cheatml; a room to sameonc", memory, IS an old ludmon DU ling the- diyli of the ulhng,ships m Ihe 0111 Navy. snmetlung luo;t like that Iud been done. A young, Ilcull'n;anl ha..! dlmm guished himself In orne: way. The mill1ary medals fo t mcrllonous achievements that ite i w.uded now "Imply did nat ('XI"t dunng tha"c years The ShiP'! capt.un ft"li thai.. orne recl)~nltlon was dut" He could oot Is;nure his duty In thl" arca Allel some thought he decided to dedlute one of the compartments un the \'esscl In his honor He h.lld the ship's car~nt(', make up Ii pl.tlue with his n.. me un It At an apptopnate ceremony wllh all hands p,esent thu plao.lue was nailed over the duor While his deed hlls been lung fargoneo, his name WIll endure forever tvery ship In Ihe Amci' lc3n Nnv)' ha\:a.oom bcannn hl\ n.ame, Lt:l'S ht'al II for Mister IIcad "nu tllln', bellcve mel Ask any sailor If )'00 arc II fed~fal ~mplo)'~~. ynu rnu l be... a re Df the eh.m&es Ih:u h.lve been I.. k,"~ pillec wllhm the sy$tun Ch;&nJl;c l.s nol ;&1"".1l~ bc:ncacl.11 IU evcryonc m... olved Thl: ult lm.1tc ob,ecli \ c IS fo l e~uor(' mtcji;rlt)l 10 the YSIC:m ThiS 15 lung ovel due Pasl :abu~e~ luve In:atlc the>;c chllnge.. neees sary "Cm I mjke them wurk,.allllt;an, 'he them ".lnd "Cnod enollj:h fur xovenlnlent wurk" IS liot how It ts JnyOlor.: CIVil serylce is dihcll:l\[ Ihc.5e day' It', bcuc'f Thc Im:lgc thjt the pre scm day (edeu! emplllyec h;a\ I" i,in unde.. crvc.. d lexlicy J(-.,rrll St A\'O",,( ht.. P.S. Member Pic t ured h Local '2 155, Bonham, Tn., Gl ady T homlls. ConAf:uul:ition!l, Cud,.! Work Scene Good ; Retirees Are Congratulated L. U, '21 55 (rrll, 80NIIA"', TEX.-Crce ll ngs!roln our Bonhllm p!jn tr We Arc haj'lpy to uy we hne all OU I people bilek IU wurk W<t luvc" scvc loi I member! who rcl:.en lly retired Claude Roberts, Andrcw Cow~n, John Dickson, Dallas Huwllrd, Kc nntlh Jc~ t er. Paul McFlI rilm ti, M;uYm Wd h,lms, Lenwnod Coleman, Jnd Roy Dodson. We w ill miss all of these fin e people at wo rk We Wlli h the best to all el( t hetn l We also wl t-h lhe he" lti C rady Thomds M... My Ix...K.UI-L, P.5 Members Piclund ouulde Il1e hall befote a lii eeting ale Loc.ll i 2173, Lynchburg, VI" nltmbtrj R. L Pickeral and K. T, Carwile. ~h o wn!1i~. r is Local 1113 member A "". WadI' Members : Remain United. Support your Officers L U. ll13le.m), LYNCHB URG, VA. Ne\lCl bdme In the hlsiory of this loe.. 1 union h;ls there been a grealel nl"cd lui the true mcnmnk (If brothc. hood and unity th~n tht'le I~ toddy r bdleve thllt It:ad tr:r.hlj'lill <orrcn,!!lh t~ th.: best xual:lmet' of!!.ueccss In dubng with che co mpjoy Le.ldtrshlp of lrue: qualny Ulvulvl''I mort' Ihlln 'Iucn,!;Ih To be leglu mdle. "1Il'n,!!th nm.,1 be grounded nut un pcisun:1i ambhiljns, bui un the.: prlm.tples nl..!ue J"ocess.tnd cqu.aiiu!iilcc umjt:r the comuct. 10),.. liy co the local. and f.. lti1c... In 1"""1 mifn.axemcnt rclallons YeS. we h:l~e (;allt'rc"! Wr vl.' m:ade,"i.. uke!!. We hah nut been pufeet. t-.ljt whu1 onr wclghs thegood ;and bold, there coin only b< une conclu~"'n The VISIons of t he mcmlx:i!';...' hu ch.:allcted this local hllvc' hccomc rc~ruy Slrt'nl(th III numoc, 'i V.ac; n('\ci mult' liue ch.an 11 IS tuj;ly 14~ uoltej m..:mbe,.. hll\'c m:llde Loul 21 n.i strunx and r)luud Uluon We rnu~t rcmalo united Jnd work for J bettu tutun~ fvl 111 our membc.\ We uke KU'"II ruje In Ihl.. uolon and Its.1ccllmph,>hmenl" HoweVer, n dldn't come eols)' We hore )"I)U Will (ununut" 10 h,l\r: fou th ID rour umon and coorer.ite.and ur('lort the: ncw!.,. ciected "likrr.. Until ne:.t loomh, IIIkr l.alr JnJ '>l"y well Will 10\1'.1 It CM I A"", P S Bargaining Team PicHHed left to r l ~ht ' Ie Dennis Thnbuh, Lou l 206 t\\ onl., lor: McLau, hlin, Local 827, N.,., 'De Penna, LlJcal 827, Ed O 'COddOl, Local 2:!U, 8 0S ((l 1I 1 Dick li owell, ehaitm.. n, Loul 23'24, M II~ S'I 8ill l l:jivi ~, Inlcrn:lliulIIll Rl! prescllllllivr l Frank CU lminghlllll, Local 134, Cook Counl )', Don Maddox. Lo ca l 399, III., Lind.. Reynold s, Loul 221 3, N. y " and Kay Drc51cr, Lou l 381, III. (l'hoto submitted by Loe~ 1 U l3, Wu hlnscun Mills, N. Y,I Contract Negotiations Are Ongoing LU (t), WASHINGTON l' 1I LU" N.Y.-The baigamlng with AlliS surted AprH 7, 1986, Thu bargallung st"ssiull W i ll result In the n rst flew contract since dlve~ t lt ule. As of 1hlS wrlung. a ll barg:nm ng itcm 8 far the union and eh.:: company are on the table, Your na llonal Uarg.ltnlOg Te:am IS well ve lsed In the membe r ~ ' rrmll1y ~ lem<; and IS work Ulg hard 10 cume to an anucolbll' eml A s:ample of Iht: It-sues (01 nlltllmlll b.ii~jliililg ate job.5ecunty, WAAC", bt.:n... fi"" lmrlnvin~ con tract hm.gu.age In rej;lird to urrlu!;, VII(;.I11 ns, EWDs, absence CUlltrO!. IIl1d bettci UVC lllme Ian gu.1ge. The malor local har~"ltlln~ 1.,,,,,1."" ue the 11 ho hda),s \7 :lind \)Ilehilll huur woikweck that lire unique 10 OU I ba rg!llnm..: unit The ldsuucllons (or the 'tnke VUI": have been,.h<; li lbuu.:d The AlliS eonll 3C'1 e"plled May 31, 19K6. RegIOnal bllrg':liiun~ for NY t.x hcgo1n Tunl.'" 6. 19&6, the cnn u au t'xphc.. In Augu", Thmk union. buy umonj bu) Aml:lI(;an CIUlU'" C""U'PIII, P \ I"N[ t.'\-"\1 rm". P S New Members Gained After Membership Drive L U (u l. JAC KSONVILLE, FLA.-Brother 'or dan 01 the Non h'jde CenelOlln& Sutton... as Ihe willner of our membership drtve and leeeived Ihe me W w.;,uch Secund place finlshc l was Brothcl Sna... den of Wenslde Scrvlct Cent<:r IOverheadl wha Will be ~otn(: to dmner at Stc.ak and Ale with tht" $40 gift ct'lufkale, The dnve hmu~hl new members 10 tht: IUCilI 1 hank'j tn all Ihuse who p..'t1clpatr... d School 15 OUI for the summu Jnd IJmdles 31e hcadmg off on Vlle", lion across OU I f1ne country II you'u= one of the~e famlll1... pl!:'... t' ha\'c II,,:lift" and enluyable IImc, bui remembt-r HI buckle Up... nd doni d n nk.tnd drtve Our local I'!I xlad ee thill Inu:rn.1l1onlll Rep li:.st:nt3t.1ve Arle IS doing well!titer hloi reernl surgery. We also WJn l 10 Wish Inlern.allunJI RCfIrtwnlilu\,e Curley a speedy recovery ALAN B AIN"UY. I'ttl'> PS Chapter Officers Installed During April Luncheon RET IREES ASSO C IAT IO or L U. 3. N[\\ YO RK. N.Y. N. FLORIDA CIlAPTER-Thc luncheon foi the mstlillauon 01 oflicers W15 held lit the Boca Pom t. e Racquel lind Coif Cluh Needl!:'s.. IQ say, tlus pljce resembll:~ ii rlol)'alounj whcre the rich and (.amau, appc..., As usual. Ihe Emenamment Commlltee chaffed by Lell!])' Offner performed most djiigently to make this e~'en l a ~ut;cess The. food delicious, and t he: d;lnetn~ WH J ltuclive. A st.andup fema le comtc :anj sln,ltcr hlld the au,hence laughmg fo I un huur A hanne. tolnout of member!.lild gui!:r.ls tilloyed renewlllk fllcnj:.hlps with our brother memb.:n (II the South FlOrida Chaptel Our honured guest WJS C<:olge Hud.. peth, busiot:s5 manager of Lou! 32.1, III:... puke ab,lut the m;any ISSUes th41 wil l help IJhcH.I Ulln the proper tmage In FloriJ.:a IrVing Dobbins was most ImpreSSlvr :IS hc SWIlIt In th.; detlcj uffieel"!loll prrst:nted II cnli f1cau.: ilf "ppret:l;a llcjil fhlm An thony B3dami to IIcnry Koster. T h r: mceung of Apl1l II, 1986, Wa' oju:ned by ncwlyelcct<:d Cha ll mnl\ Alihul We'il(lll Chairman Wt:s tun recited tht" II1VOI.:"IIOI1,111J lej t he mc::n betsblp In the pledge to our llag The e lected office rs were then JU esenu:d 10 lhc ml'm benhlr at roll call. Brat ht'r We6tun 't- c:.le<.tlun lu Ihe uhice of cbilu man IS fitting due to hi! dc\lotlon.. nd dedi catlun 10 Ihe many "h(lt~" he wnre 10 tbe pa'it 10 years. Cungratuilltlon.. anj appl.1u.. e fut a ~ucce s' fu l tctm in office Also OCCUllIllp; at. t h is mecolli!. '1 he mem bt:rslup Signed many PCti llollll to be SCll t HI the comm is sionc rs to help lmprove labor's ImJ.ge in t h15 state. A rt'solutlon to :a mend OI.U byl aw.. W.ll$ JdC3lCd. Thc Man of the YC:l r Luncheon will Hl k~ p l ac~ 59

62 ,. -' ::>..., :;t z a: ::> o..., 60 Nuvcmbd ' JIJ1H, rltlujly, ti\i.: NC~C will huhl lis co ny Cl1l1 ll11 till" )'COIr In N\ I.. 11\1,.. nd 1)111 Chapter can S(' rh.llwll dch"";(i(e.. tiline CmlVcntwn Thc RilJlcal Rl.:hl Iq oil ihe Yer.:c of geltlng... h:11 u 's.iwii)'5 w'lltcd: dl ',monlhng the New De:ll.md Creal SOCH:lY programs ami re(lijclnl\ them with a mas$i\'c ffil h t.1 ry bulh.l up, And the deaehsi I 11.1ny surplisc' that thc' ~Qyt:'rnmenl cannm poi), ItS hill.. SImi nwrl,lillll1lllnwn1:o; (m SrlC.. i1!,ccullty, ht:;l/th C;I.rC, educj llon, and child nulrillonl Ie shouldn't be, wiltl R(,3f;all 's $16 m ilion 3rms buildup and S7"i() bl1li un III I.aX C ll l ~ lor the II ch In addllhln ( Rudm.m wdlluwcr lhe boom on thu:.t I L'\~' r l:\l rl ~ ~ rr\l~. uns,h.. 1 survived the carly Reagan Yt' J I ~1 future Americans Will be sac IIfl t ed fol 1I lew un nc'cc~ ~,1 ry, IIlc/liClcnt, and, In some la ~ c 'lo, un... tllkable weapons ")"' Iem.. And wh o.ut" yllll J:unna VllU,' for this (alii "AVIIl Ih,,~ '-, P!l. Pin Ceremony Pic tured durin, Ihe IWl rd, Cf-re mon.y of Ihe Rtd ree.s C lu b of Local I I, Los Anlele.!ll, Cat, u e Pr esident of the Rt lirtu Club Ge.nt O ro&in, A SiUlII.DI Bu sintu M.n'ltr of Loui l1 Dic k Sp rllll ue, Iusi' EVlIIn 5, Hamplon Te.dde r. Herb Ood'lOon, Fred POth:ll-S I, ' a mes A, S:a.ll IOn, l:.d Porglt!li, D.a llas Coope.r, JOt caire, Vice Pu!sidt ll1 of the Rrt i ret~ Club Clyan Manuel, and Clydt Peltrson. In Ihis pi('lure Hamplon Tedder it $hown rect ivin3 hi a... "d hom Skip Henke, bu.s in e.~! nunagt.r 01 Local 11. Members Awarded Pins At Club's April Meeting RE'l'IRE: ES CLUB OF LU, t I, LO A CELES, CAL.- Excllcme:nt prevailed as!in: membeu.as. sembled for our regular mecllng of Aprtl 9, 1986 Pre!ildent Cene: " rogm called rhe mcellng 10 order lit 10.. m He I~d us In Ihe salut!!' to ~lur Alllerl Clin fb.g. aftu which wt remallh:d 'landing In a mo ment (If Silence with lespeci for tho c mem~n who ale no longer with U~ We: extend OUI he.artfch ~ymfj.lthy In ~I~ t rr~ Tina ilu"sfi and Lllpc A.odn gucz and thtlr tamlltes on Ihc unumely passing of BrOlhers llhlllip Tru 'It'I and Ernest Rodriguez Bolh Brothers were staunch IBl:.W union members and their p.esenct will be: udly mlssed_ Many new members.nd fn ends were Introduced lind wei corned Membc:1$ celebrating Aprtl bll lhdj,ys were acknowltdgt::d In song and & I y~n fr ee prize ockets The mmutes 01 the (l fevious r~gular and Board meellng!l were rcad lind Ilrrro ~'ed, and the tjeuury report was gi ven. BrothN Dan Cohen reviewed the tou rs alrc::l1dy uken and those upcotnlng Legisla live mformallon wit ducusscd, and bil ls of im p U l lam.. 1.:: tu ICtIlI;C:; WI; I C LIUU~hl tu UU I.. 1It:II11ulI by Brelhcr Alex Ende, The SIIOII ClrI': url newslet li:r, II! repuned by Bro t her Ralph Larkm, I!I being made rudy for mailing If Y(I U arc nut on Ill S milling lin, plca1c lei h im know, T here Is much ne ws thercm lhat ),ou Will And Inlele51 111& and helpfu l A!t!l.l\IC',t 101 v{,luntccls to woik on the AUKu~t Po tluc k Luru,:hcon Mel'lIng Committe!; was Illlldc by SISle r IlroJca DW.Il. In ThIS IS always a fun aff.1u, so he ~U I I; to mark ),Otl! calcnd:1i Then c.;ame the piece de rensunce. Progr.lm Ch:llrpcrson Norma Young turned the meeting OVC I to "Slop' Hcnke, busmess managel, and hi.. as$l:;lam, Dick Sprague Reflrces who had worked 10 the trade fu r more year were eatl ed to the podium 10 recelye their (lins and ecruticjtes. There were IJ present, :lnd cach om: expressed his Ihanks Many commented Ihat they felt pllydcf,cd to hjv~ been assocl:lled... Itt.. the IHEW unlun where the labor!!r was l e~pcctc"d for his knowledge and C;lP3b lhucs and compenuled by regulated safety stadd3rds. health and welfare benefits. and W:l~es that afforded hun 1I higher standard of hymg. Approxllnatc!y 20 more n: t1red!bew ml.'mben5 who h3j worked 50 or more )'e.u s were not prcsent, and so Brolher Clyatt Manuel. Ylee president, wtll lju::iilse 10 hayc their pm;; and Cl.'rtif'icales sent 10 them There WCIl" IJ raffle gifts donlllcd by OUI memo bershlp which were JI trlbuted to those holdlna the lucky numbers, S7.50 m cuh to the pu::.lle game Winner, and $1 0 IU lhe l"'lhd.. y pll';~ WlIllll:f Our!ReellnK adlourned at noon, and e... cryone c.ongleg.;ated 10 the dining loom fur... dehu(lu lunc.h and more SOClali::.1II0n. Nuny members stayed on to view the movies th" BrOlher Larktn took of the Club's tllp 10 see Haile y's Comel We IAVIIC all rctllee ~ IU 10m us at our regulal mcelmgs hdd on the stcond Wedne day of evcr)' month :It 10 a.m m the loelll 11.1udttOllum L\niU, CEO RC E, r s Club Holds 16th Annual Banquet RETlREES CL UB O F L.U. 58, DETROIT, Mle ll. Our 16th Annual Banquet was hdd on Apr" 26, (986,... lih over 160 persons III allend... nce The lables... 'erc beautiful with :a gorgeous pl:antcr :as lhe centerpiece, Lucky No. S was the W'lnntr The fo-od WIIS good, hoi, lind plenllful. The music wa~ utch), and made you fed bke dancing.. The speeches were ~hort anj IntereSllng. We thank our greal commlnet for this \lcry successful evenl Lou Serhn was the chairman HIS Wife, Helen, a~slsled by OU I p,csldenl's w,{c, Helen S.1dowskl, o\lersaw tbe banquet. AJI the ofhcers wele on hand to... cleome our lues IS. Prt "lent Flank Sado... skl presided o\'er Ihe Inuoducllons We honoled 50 and 10 ye.ar members. There were 19 names on this hst, and the fouowlog... cre able to be presenlto. eeeive thell scrolls 50-year mem bers Edward falvey, Alex Clugla, and RIchard IAth.op, 6O,yc:lI members W Delich!1mp. Cor man Cayncy, W:al(c. Celscr, and O. C. Halnlng. Our speakers.11 the Banquet wc.rt Commlssloncl luhn Hertell sule Sena tor lohn Kelly; Mr Robert Mc\',, avcy,.. 111fC Roard nn Agmg, and Rtll Wolf, adrrul1islrator of apprenllee training Four of our Local 58 ofretrs were also present: Prcsident Mike Hogan, Business Manager/ Flrlanclal Seerelary Tom Butler, Tom Pridmore, and E. Palncca Since!:ast year 101 mi:mlh!rs rellledl 45 hay': become memb<:rs of our Ri:l1recs Club. We :ue dellghtcd elcome lhem and the'll Wlyes and sloctrt:ly hore t hey Will become acli... c member, IT PAYS TO KEEP YOUR HARD HAT ON We ore rccoglll:ed throughoul the In tl!rno.tloo31!l5 a role rnodl'l fo r r(' ttree orgalllzauons. It has been 16 years 01 lilal and error, but... e feel thai we have d.. velopcd Into a \lital fo rce an the re tire ment rllnkll. Our people ore eager to support :my Jc:J;l'Iilltion th.:1t Will benefit serlor cltlzcns. ThiS Bllm1uet W.U Ihe euhntnlluon of another very sat Is fa ctnry year El.Il.h l (If (Iur chllrter members wele pre enl ;and had thell IHeturCi taken with our prc'>ldcnt 8e3 and Joe McCarthy, Flora Perry, Helen Sachs, Ida MilICI, Ccrtrude Kellenberger, Emma M Hllfn'\, lind D 11 IIII1Inl; We extend (lur ~ymp :llhy to 1ntern:ulOnlil T reas u rcr 1 hunt... Van Andale on t he duth of h is father, liarry He was une of the Il rst people I met as a bndc and a. ROod fflend of my husband, Mal Harns. T ills g('les b:u,k Stay wdl, come: 10 the meetings, and be :I part of nu l' J;rnup EMMA M H... RRIS, P S Retirees: Prepare Yourselves For Interesting Activities RETIREES CLUB OF L U. 68, DE VER, COLO. Creettn«to;)11 you leeent retlrtes of Local 68 He.e :He a few sugeslions for your change InlO a dlu ercnt hle stylt You'll tlrt'd two rocktnz('h:li~ one for inside :and one for outside. Pltue visa the followtng your kids. gundklds, and Olher relatives old fnendsj. VISits to the following cao also hr II1trr,. fin" 'Ilnrkhrokr-r hanker.., IIlsurancC' aj:enn, and re ligious and fraternal 01g.aOlZll1l0nS Retirees clubs hllvc maoy dts<:oun1 acuvules th:1li may In1('rest yuu skltnjt trips, leep ndes, and Icc C:tfl.;ade,huw!\. tau 01, estaufli.dts Want YQur bu"lnl.'''is and Will '!,Ive you discounts of 10 percent and 15 per Cent on the tutal bill C':= I mlo your c;:a r, truck, van. IJI muicji homel and drive II1tO tbe mountains UI out 0[1 tbe: plams Stop and VI!>lt with people, :md keep In touch Du... u n E S C tlneluer P,S Scribe Asks All Local 177 Retirees To Join RETIREES LUB Of L. U, 177, JA CK O,N VILlE/ fla,- TillS IS Ihc final list of lellled members of Local 177, an appluxlmate lolal of 130 The olher names... cle 10 IWO p,evlous Issues of the./oumal. Of lh!!. toul llboul 560f us hlivelomed the R.c:tll~ Club. V L Rohmlln, I F. Rowan, Roben S... ndd, R. T Sh:amun, J Roy Sbde, C. E. Smith, I. B. Smith, lames 0 Smith, R. M Stars, Robert H. Stc\lc:ns, M L_ Sum.ell, L Lama. Thompson, Frank S, Thomp~on, W S, Thornton, A C. Thurgood, Jack M Tlmmln" W, Torrent, R, B Valentine, Max Vlnson, I L. Wells, Wallace Wade, L. A.. W.lllcn, V. K Wade, Mack Wheeler, A. L. Wh ite, Geolge A. White, R M, Whim'more, M. E Wilson, R. M Wilson, and I. C. Yarbrough You cao see Ih.Jt some of you, fo r one rcasuo o r another, have not iomed What IS your reason l We meet lit the hall every thud Fnday at 10 l.m. M rer the meeting.. liound noon, we baye dmner. We netd marc members and new Ideas ID o rder to make the mc!etlogs more irllert ling We :also gel more money Irom the loul when we have more members :lutndlng the meetmgs. You kno... what money can do! So, e'mon down and lei your money :also wolk fo I u, I would li ke to swap stolles of how wc used to argue and fuss ave I mailers concernmg our work mg agrtenlent, lind we had some good ones' Look a l us nowl All of us haye enjoyed a very good hie,.a fullcr hfe, one that " ncbcr m many wli.y'l o.hc r Ihan Anancla!. The successes and rc wards thgl we hayc received oyer the yufs art the enyy of a lot of othel Amencans Now IS the tim e for us 10 come 10 the aid of those who are oot as fo rt una Ie 13 we. Let', make our Retirees Club the bifj2;cst lind bellt l then we can reap lome m ore good rewa rds FR O... Ne IU.J\, P. S.

63 Retirees Bd l IJuplch wo<; III luwi'i du li nlo: the week Inquiring about \l Id f ncnd~ and.1cqualllt,lnlcs At Ih is tl mt" th e mcmbt:l'i arl' a<;kecllo retnem ber to support Ih e recommcndallons uf the local Budd ing and Con"tructwn Tr;.Jdcs Council. It is only through the Unlly or purpu.. e Ihat we can elcct OUT fne nds Jml Jl k.u our Cl1cmle'> FRED II Powtll~. P. Queen for a Day Members Enjoy Election Meeting of Club Pictured htrt is ~"rka rt t fiske". (clind Loull8J of8c-c $u'relary. Club Officers Elected During Dinner Meeting R1:""IR E~ Cl UK OF L U. un, LEXINGTON, KY. Thl'" RNIIC\'~ Cl ub uf Ltlc.11 tk.\ hdj It.. eie<:ljon 10 Apul at :I dinner ml.:cllng an one of the loc;lj RSt.1UUnIS S(uk llllj all Ihe lnmmldg'i were on rbe m enu The: newly dnlcj I]fn,-Cl~ ilrc: OilS P,1.cC:, prc=~1 dent; Ivo Mudd. vice pu:sldcm, 'esse Maxcy, sec rcuiry treasurer, Elmcr Counncy. se r,geant at oums, and lohn 'italla,j pte.. <;.c:oct:l I Y The Executive 80ao1 mcm~r5 il't' Jim AJ(.uck. Jim 8:lIley, le.. Courtncy. Eh Rublnsun, ;lmj IcSk. Steele Iformer buslress mjnagcr financiji secretary of LocallS31. At,he InVnallQn 01 r.l"it Prc~ldcnT Jesse Maxcy, Margnci FI!>hcl IClIH'J LuullRJ uffice!'.ecrct:ny for 20 ye.oiis, "hi! a!!("nded the mecllng She IC' newed old acqu:iiioljnec,.. nd her presence W.IS thoroughly c"lu)lf:d hy lili DUling Ill'. tenun' ~s rfl:~ijcnt Brother \1 ~xey With the hdp vf nt:wly cltctcj rn:~ujen t Ous Pace pl:1nned ou tlng,, 1I1nncr ~. lind potluck, etc., arnang which wa,> II Ilip lu Plc... ant HilI. an uld Shaker seltlcn~en t Thele We h.;lj l oa'lo! beef, home cooked v('gcublc!,.liid Jehcru th.u Welt something to lest Ihc U,le buds of Ihe m {I'it ClCllctlllK ~ ht:f AltCJ Ihc uliilli:r we wuk III huat Inp duwn the Kentucky RIVe l un.1n uld p.ljdlc wheeler \0,' 1111 a nver bo,:1c eaputn nauallng thc history of the nvl.'r and II, contflhullun III that M'cuon uf the state Hc.. Iso IcaJ us 10 t)hl '>1m);'> &uch as " FloatHlg Down the R1Yct on.:t SunJ.))I Aftemoon." All had :l wonderfu l time. We ajlll~ree with Uruthcl Mu(.'y, " It s IImc for us uld tmu:~r, tu.. tllp.anj 'imdlthe IOi>CS" InllN Sr... 1ARIl P S Brother Nova Chamberlin Is Mourned RETIREES CLUB OF L.U DES M O INES, IOWA 11lt: n:ccili mcellll,g ur liu r R e ll rec~ Cluh... 3S well ancnjcj. wlth :a boul 25 loyal members A moment of Sile nce W.l B obscrvcd foi Nuva C h.:am herlln. whl):l1 ilu: age uf Y.l dlcd " I a nurt>li1g hurne 1M MIS5IJUri Ullt ll recentl y he allcnded the Re tirees luncheons I am certain tluh I li m voi elllg the sympathy I ca ll uu r mcmbert> r4:ganhng the Jc" lh of Juanna. the Wife: of Brother 10hn Strong. A new member, Rufu!! Leon, was added 10 the membership r O(it~ r of uur C lub. Former member RETI REES CLU B OF t.u. H9, MIAMI, FLA. The elcctlon of!fleers W3S helj ;1t the M.:ay mcctinjt Shm Edwards was m chong..: 111 thc Elee IHIIl C()InmUlee li nd also, the clceltclii plllcedurc, fr um lhe dhiu L A Smith and Ella Maye AUe r r aued oul tlw h.alluts and plckt!d thell'! up I Ll C~IUnt the re turn whh the heir of Anna Perez. Those elected wc,< Fred M m,llier presldedt; L A. Smith. vice p.cs!dt'nt. ~1~e.J11l ;1t Arm.. Al PUZZ~!'>~4: I CJ Tr e ll ~u l c r Mike (:.IHI,.anJ St:crctary Dormhy Ed ward. The. XCCUII\-C Bo.uJ membc r ~ selected were Cetl FilglIn John f\.ljlcdu;'\cn, ~ltm tjwuj. John Slenskl, Iud liawjj CIl'ell Don.ltln.: J"ur rn=n WC'h: Amr:hOlO.uhy. amln nllosl TcJ AuCl, Ol.lnges. Dorothy [J"'J1J~. c.rolb cia...!!, Anna Hi,I... kim. b~!ill Wmom,; Joor pn::e were BCII)- IJt.. lcunlr 11';1n~es. DUlUlh.,. EJw;uJ, p.c:.5ervt.!l, Cell f.l~n,.11n;1rnllo, CtJnnll;' \,\,Jlc,"hc!On, 2m.mllo, FJye Lott. ounges; Ann.a Reyes cnb ci.. w /,)hlllt y Welnmcl.. tct. amalfillo. Hclc:n Hagan, ",maml/o. Amelia OaJby. (lab cl.aw. Ella Mayc: Auc::t.am.nnlln. Anna Percz, h.a">ii, Mary Mitchell. b;ml Anna Chlland, ;1muTlllu. Btlly McCoy, oran~e"_ Lena l'u::ze... Cle. b.a",,!. Mlhhed Puh'ci. cr"h dol'" Am~lJ.. O.a l hy l.i,m.acu.l SI5 to the IIC.1!oU'l We all thank her FJYc Lon... u a nmor She muvcj co Nonn C.lIultn.a but expects 10 eom4: b.ack ThtS Flullda sun.. hme I'i himl co bt-at Our m.aul dl"h \0,.1" lo0l!0t beef pltparc.:d by Cell folgjn Shlllt:y W&.:lDmelSter JnJ Anna R&.:)'cs hdrej with the ~tvmj; A~ yoli kn(lw. l hl~ I') hkc.a cuvered dl~h me.ii j!til It I'> ","'ficull to rnl:"ntlon c"'cr)-ilne who.:ontubulcs, HOlA'evcr. c!nr),one cn 10Ys Ihe mc~l$ JnIJ ~ocl3hung ' rcc:nclllc" hlljnd ~;1nR ' Morhu McCree" dlllln~ (lur me,,1 " M~nny " Pc.:rez u,llej hlngo to '" ImJ up Ihe meelln'; TLn Auu,. P.S Officers PiC:lurt.d are.he oftic:ctli who wele Irclcc: t C'd I I the M." ntt'rlln ~ (II Ihe Rletirll'c$ Clu b or Loca l ~aumont, Tn. ~h 10 right, li oward Nrrland, c:h.apl.:ain;,ohn Norris, vice presided c! Lee Mc:Ncd, Sr., presldcnl l LlC fuy FlU. sce rctlry: Ind " Hrllce" Ileob,>o n. UIe:l"iurcr. Club Reelects All Officers RE1IRE S CL B OF L.U. 479, 8EAUJ\\UNT, TEX.-G rcctm~~ frnm Ihe C(lldcn T IIII Ilt;le (If!illutheast T ex.l s Rcrnembel tb.at olj ~ung we liltcd to , " You Tdl Mc You r Dream,.and I 'll Tell You Mme," Well, {Iur "lream 1<; that there would be eltough wnrk III lllll arc3 so Ihat wc 'J hay!: t il (;IlIm travellers Too bad 11 '$ Jun 11 dream T ne Dre.:am C HI ( If nul May mecllng was Fac,lcll Nom'! ~hc wa ~ selectej queen of o ur Mutner'. D.'ly celebration, Wilton GLrouard, our ofadll 1 pic' sen ter, gave her 1I nicc present. bu I yllur reponel!qrgol Ihe orchid Sorry. 'bout Ihal Our M.:a y mecllng was also a covcrcd dl,h lunch Wilton Girouard. orficill pre.untler or dlt' Club, prc~ li':lii s ;r girt io our /'t\othc!l '$ Olly QUl'e l1, Fa dell Nord!!. eon rrepared by DOIl.lt hy Smtih, Vcral "cd,mj, Sedalia Ball:lrd, Sibyl Ray. E:mm:l DJVI&, faeddl Noms, EStel Wmn, Aby MeNcd, lind Mr M B Hllwt'th-funher pluqf thlll c!cetrlulln'i m.l ll Y Ihe world's bc!oi cooklt_ A cllouf mu~iclan~. Ler(l) FlU], CilIOC.) lee, and W3iter MaRcc. pla)l~j Muthel ',ij Cay songs, and VICr: PreSlden l Juhn N(lrrl!i "lin,: II special Tex.a'i '>(In~ "San AntonIO Ru\..:.. We dun'l know whose mmher Ru~c 15_ Huw 'bnul II. '111m' DUring our bu.!.liic",'),>c!o.)!un. we hmllhed flvc clectncl.uts... ho p3ssr:d aw",y In 1977 The)l... ere M_ \II Trtbb1c, Harold liewltt. C H Ne... man. John Boothe. :md Ruben LtJel 1 hi'> nll mnll.)1 It> a regui;rr future of our J'lI U~r.lm!l ID M.lY WC' usu.)lly nomllllttcd the nljkcl~ 10 ~ rvc Ihc comm, yeal. hut Ihc ~ruur or;urllll">cj us and rccl«tcd tbe present ulficc.:i'> fill 3nllthel ),COlI They arc Lee McNeel. S., prc.: Il.Ien l.lohn Noms, vice presldcnt; Bruce laeob on. trell urer liowlltj :'\Ierbnd, charl:nn. "nd lewy FoIll, St:crCI.. ry We eooslderl"d II an hono. and a.. how ul cunhjt'nl..c_ bui " Red" M~ek salj thou they wae I:nm~ IU keep u.s In olace until... c go! LI lis:ht Contractor Award IiJ j u 8rolhleJ fred Tolleson, p'l"sidl"nt of the Retirees lub 01 Local 480, Jackt>o n, Mis " h plclur~ d with Broth~. Rled Martin. Brotber A. 1.. Tr.nld lind Broth(1 W ~ nd t ll C.rdn u If!" in Ihc backgruund. Brother Martin Honored As Oldest Fair Contractor RETIREES CLUB Of J...U A C KSON, MISS. We l1"vc had a number uf rneetm);11 II HlCI! I g~ ve:. report, 50 I Will try to con d ens~ some of the goings' o n, We s till ex.tend an open In 'o'ilihwn to a ny of you re tllcj mcmbers from other IOC:1 ls who might he In to.s.a rea to come: by o n t he first Tuesday in ench m onlh at 1:30 p m.. ~ Z c:: ::> o, 61

64 <D I Wl ilrc "'crr.. n" y HI h a... c Icccntly 10M a Icurcd nll mber III lllcj I 11010, Br othcr Morga n Bingham. Hc dll) nul belong to our Retncd Members Club, hut hl$ oldl'r b ro ther Frcd w,u an JCtlYt: member un II I hi dt:llh a cou pl ~ of years ago. Our deepest 'iymp:lihy goes om to 8rOlher Morgan's many fncnd..,1nd loyt:d ones he: lc:ft behind At!H1I March meetmg we, 310n8o wllh the a~t iyt; I1H lllbns of 480, pr..."cnlcd Broth!;:r " Red" MJllin with a pl,l~ut: honutlng thm J! being the oldest fau cnntuclot m ur IIfea I II: was also a chart!;:r member of 4KO I bdu!... c tiu: d.li!! was The pljque W.l~ prc~nlcd 10 him by l.0c-3!iltsu Uusmess M.lnJ~H B,other lavun Tucker Brother Red can 'HIli ioke Jnd smlll,. e:\i~'n thllush he IS In his ROs and h,i" Iwn WII]klllg Cline'" AI Ihe- mceling on April I, we: had nomlnilllvn:t IIi uffltc.: ' lor the C(ltlHng )c3r Evcryooe scemed to be :SlusHed wah the Slatu, quo, because tht!!:lome pcurle we rc nomlrlltcd with no OppO'iltlOn " ;m,.duiia,(u(,;' \<0 ''''Hl~ 1.1I~r, I.Uf'Jro~ we could h1:.ullc It 1m Apnl fo tjl~ Oay I o';(~ ~11rry to h~.1f of Bmlhcl I-h:rm;ln Pepper's Wlte h""'101l: ttl hj.ve b:lck sur~ery, bull hc.u she I" d"loli: fin~ liore he eunllnuc tt' dtl 51). Rruther M l Woud... 4, d h.1.5 been on Ihe- ailing 1t'>1 He h.1s ~e-n le,li (:Iollhful In attendance SmCe HUt Club'lI be~lonmlt (:Xl,;cPI... hen he IS ch.asmg butttribei In,cnlsJlem. rr,y[ll rrr H i" ha~ s hown the Club member; ~pmc Inlcrc.. ung PICIUfl"S wh n In thlll OIIt!1I We :111: ~lat.l t o b;l\'c Brtllhl:'f Ct!ne ' \' 11:.00 loin vur Cluh oit th..: I.hl meeting Now wc need him t~l Jet hu Wile It) Jom I'm sure she would enjoy the a~~i)c'''tlnn. my... Ife surt doe.. I he f1lltu.eo; we u"iok OIl Iht Chn!iolm,1!. rart}... ma IUIt,Lr;l)hU I \II'uulJ hkl.: 10 uy Ih;lJ1ks to the tuurn.j./ publhh.:, fui d'uir~ J good Job with <;Q IInlt" n'k '... uh \\1 K KrUU,\1, r.s. Local Has Active Euchre Club HE nrt.~ CLUB OF LU. ' 8 1, INDIANAPOU". I!'I.D.-Mult rctued member lire sho... lng ic lerest ID nul mectlngs and aetl"'lties DUI:" tq IncrcaSt.-d :l1it"nd.. ncc we an: now meciiiijrt In I he large room al Ihe K II! r HIlI! lit IJlh Ilud Dclawa.r.; lo('oli "~I Icccnll"\llo I nne- of lis valu.able Vf"tcun memi>cr1, Roy C re.asy. A 12yt"ar member. Roy p3<;"cd awl 'I lit Ihe I/.I:t' of!ill Ht! selved 3S buslot!ss mlinj/i;l" 1m Indn), ) un. mdullmg the dlflkult \Vu,)lI W;u II ).L',.IIi!- oint! did m;)ny Ihlnlls to promote thl... dbr.: and j';,o""th of OU I urlon. 1 he Club no... hll an.cm'e euchre: ~oup, they....:u: H1yallv cnt(.'fulded hi' Iheu 6r.. t polll y at Ibe Ju"ne(li 8'(1Ihe,.Il1d M,.. f).. ul ~It:m;m, The second PJII)' hmllj b) Ihulhrr ;lnd M'~ loho P;)YDt" Anyone IIt tl.:fc\lcd m e u ch re, picj')e Lilli dll: club president at fot.jew]" Our Monday II ll:hl hllw\li1g ~ro ur v..mb mah~ bt.)w lcf51 calf Ihc I11C51JUlI AIM), the )(ulfcrs would welcumt! murc players Wedn e!oidlly hjs!xc II c ho scn as the most dt:!oi fllblc game d:iy, and V:lII(JU:. courses the being tried on a Illul h."i' Anyone who wann to lign up for.so U LII llr)!lj c.. c l li , Panicil'ation In Ihe ln tit :ln.lplllls StJle Build IIlg Tfadc5 rqurnlimenl 0 1\ O\.loj,cr I" I~ helnt! cdn~ldt!rcd All you rctlrt!d m em ber.. v.hll.he nlll vet.jcll~ c In 1)1) 1 Ju b, jeet ur \ 1\11 (I(,ll.ol' C.l~\, d l JII.Il1d...,,,ne 10 the mcctlnj::~ II.. your l"luh '10 u~t:" It 1 Club Holds Annual Memorial Program!k", LAo"'\!... r.s RI:TIRt:t.S CLUB Of L,U. 4 ~8, RRIDGE:PORT, C U I\N. QU I Cluh h..l", t:"t:c udy wndujctl Ih 12lh Annwat McrnUl l.1 1 1'1I1gl.1m honl1nng.all those rncmb~rs willi rlllgln"'ej,1iul,,"urportcd our 10c.. 1 SLncC" II,"cqllilln In 1911 'itl.:rhen I-Iuny,;adl wa!. Chollrm.1n of Ihe (ltuilh ~IIC rh.. ~ nulion He- ~.Is li I U:d' hy W1Ulilrn RIIlJ1. AllrcJ \( Henry "'t... lin. R,ul:c Fuczck, Wilham Nll..(.hc Ruben l. KCI~CI,,:lkC" Kcldcr, 'itcphcn RY"':'lr Illhn Sedlak. Ch.ulu. Wills, 311d JlheJlh 8\1d'<I'\kl!lnnur l:u.m5t.m~ were r';ul1tk BUlke, I U~lrh GI.u t.rna:':i. CholrJe~ Kelly. GWfJC McCall"m 'I.lnley ~\:tlly. Hany Wakclm,lt. Emanu.e1 \lcmiu.ji.mj,'j,trj(.k Durall AI Doyle...'... III Lh.IIXC IIf pul,i...,i,.. J.nd Ihc Rect"rtllm Committee ml.:mhtr.. \114..ft: I \)~~+rb ZJ.homack\'. rrc.. ulent. WilhOim Uldlum \':,;allc, SIl mbab. lack F,rnth. \V..!t~1 r-.:1i">c.l1c I~mund nr-.nb, Dt... e NClllculfl. and,("cry P.H.lJI!.O W"en Prc'tIdelU 1' on... C:IH:J "Ilh!.: Id~ol or ~1\ liljl; ollicl;)1,eco~nilioi1 til 1111 rllin:c~ tilt Int:.lr many yca,., (It dcdlcal C:d' c" ll:e 14 \ems.a,\:u. hc,,,... cd thc rroverbul re-bble Ihr 1'1",11,,.lIlDY..1 "Jlllie dfcl.i Evc:nts wuk p]olee.111 "vcr our cuunlj)' We In local "rim tmmedljldy UIg;lnI:.t"d our RellTcd Member Club Our Mo:mOlul Plogram rcsu.ltc1j a:s an ou~('ume (II onc: (.11 lh~ m.lily Co:\cnL:t we "a... e had.joo ~ fllch aft l.:~"l:nll,11 10 Ih:.: cr':,hlon ()(.I good, sublt. and mlt:icstln~ (li~n,:":1l0n. This Memon;al Pr0lum Immcdlatc)y h«ifr. ~n Annual troldmon whh U In rcadln,; Ihc: nlunc:s "four mciliik,... one might t:hont!clusly OIssume thai we arlo a Slr,lnKe, mlxed up group. BUI on Ihe: ('ontrllry, our Club IS c()mpused of men who are: of ;a ~n: arluu~ naluj..: ami of an c:cull1emcal lernrcjoli11cnl We bciic\c" In curnlng IUgt!lhl'l til ~C::I:lII:;::c, In (.umrnuruc..1ic ""lih one.lnl)lhcl to exchjn~... Id'CJ~, IU rl:muu Cl.: And to,i:t:ne'jlly c.:nloy each olher's comrjny. \\'\: "onol ;lnd In"'llke Go.)"!1 blco;\!njt upcln (lui p'cjl C:CS"'OI~ ~n u h.i\'e hla:!e-d Ihe- palh.. I II a bel1l" ~.]\ of life, I I I Address CHANGED? 1 Brother. and Sisters, we 1 want you to have your I JOURNAL! When you 1 have a change of ad I dress I please let us 1 know. Be sure to in- 1 ciude your old address and plea.e don't forgel g: to 1111 In L. U. and Card NAME.....,..,. NEW ADDRESS....,.,... c;r;......,..., '5i~t~,...,...,.. ii ' ~d~.,. p PRESENT LOCAL UNION NO... CARD NO. 1 No. This Information will ~ I be helpful In checking ;; I and keeping our rec- OLD ADDRESS ,.... " I..J l ords si raight. I ~ I... city., si i!~ i ;,; c~~. " I II: 1 If you have changed I 6 I local unions, we mu.' FORMER LO CAL UNION NUMBER I..., : have numbers of bolh. Mail To Circulation Department I ~ 1 Intern.tion.1 Brotherhood 01 EI.ctrlcal Workers :!!l \ th Street, M.W., Washingtlll, D. C I PENSION MEMBER o ~ ~ ~ fnr us. In 14 )'t:j ' ~ (JII, IlI cm twr.. hlp lid" dnuhlcj 10 S JHt~ ( If Il\Jny death" among II.. Due 10 Ihl." many I l'iiicillt'lit.. III Ihc IU"'III, ' lu I Cl ub I~ In.1 cunsiant... t.hr III ru pctui I )1 We hilvc.l p lc.ls3ntl\, t) ri entej enl..:rpn.. c... umro cd of men who believe that thl!rc IS J J l:stmy ""hlch mjke5 men b ro l hers, where nl) {Inc hjii m \lay':! hili life Jlune. who bcllc... ~, Ihlll whalo:vcr they put IIltO the!ric- of other.,., CULIIC~ rlj:lli h.u;k HI 1J.1:1!I "Itrlll'" I Ihl~YAI't, P.S Sixth District (ConfuJUcd from Page 7J ress Mectlng on Wednesday, Apnl 3D, 1986, VI CC Prcsident Conway opened the third Women's Confer ence. Chanty Puhl, president busi ness m anager, Loca l 237,on behalf of the Planlllng Cummittee, wei comed the delegates to the Confer ence Jnd Introduced the keynote speaker, PreSlden l Joyce Miller of the Coaittlon nf Labor UllIon Women ami also J member of the AFL CIO Executive ounei\. PreSident Miller spoke on the changes in the Ameri can work force and Ihe growing number of worklllgw men In Ihe total work force III the Unltcd tates. She cmph.. lzcd the problems of all the workcrs Involved both female and male and that women workers must become IIl vnlved because Ihey, too, arc a(fected by all Ihe problems fac ing workers today. Two films were shown: " Pregnant But EquAl" and "The right for Ma tcrruty Benefits" Sharon Imon, pro fessor, labor education, George Meany Cemcr, commented nn Ihe films and conducted a workshop on "!Ughts of Pregnant Workers and New Par ents." A workshop on "Child Care: Issues and olutlons" was conducted by Helen Elkl s, proles or 01 la bor edll ca tl on, UIlIVI'''''y 01 IlimOl.. GuCst ~peakc r Ellen Bravo fmm the 9 To 5 orgalllzation spoke on how women can g3 111 rccogn1110n 111 lhe bu!)inc~5 community. YOUR TOOL FOR POLITICAL ACTION IN WASHINGTON, D.C. IBEW-COPE "

65 Il\I lvielvlorifim Prayer for Our Deceased Members Look with favor UpOll th e Brothers and Sisters who are 11 0 longer with us, OUI FoUler. They have finished their work and have golle to their final res tillg place. Com fort their loved on es, for th eir hearts are heavy with grief. Too, Lord, show U ' the path of nghteousness a that we m ay one day ioin YOu in eternity. Amen., local, 2, , 11,.,.., " " 10 " 116,., 'OS " "' 113 ",,,.,., ",,.. '60 ", '" '" '" :IIti '"... '" '" Ja' "., '" '".,.., '" 50' 5" '" '" '" '" " '" no 97' 124!1 124~ 12" 1311,,,.,." (66) Swrnlm. PiJpm r Peters.. J R Robeson. l P... 0' COI'0AI10 S ewton. a J Gntrllr(lj W,.,...." ArsOlJe JI H '"""" Htrmm 0 W H l Rooney J, r J SI&II'Ief 0 Bollen J l PTtIUeI L A SU)'" G I And!I$On. ~ J W WUf J R V..,~ G M "' ~fvoeii. T J Wngid R J LJINIl W f...,., H... PH c.lq J A DoI\lhI.l8 E [ McC4Im. M tt.n5oll, C E GoSlnei A C 811ia G ~tliujg ""'"'" Bowlmg M Jf 0 Vi 'Vi HoI!gnft J l SlOmIs. P M ~nl r W Mctrmore r.l tn!l1e R W McA,-dll D S HMmIlIll'\ J f OsCIufn J H NOM J H Wtutlfy A C hel~". S... ITI$, '" C Worthtnoton J f, r w 0.11 J 0 WlR$katnp C f.lac. C G Ml~ R A furar'lo. A L M!Jle,,t, SWlnr.ty E W Boolillllle' A [ McMillon, A MOfIJaU tt w Pit1e1'son B Glllhn. V C DaVIS, Jr,R J SmlTrl Jr A L "'ria R C Horner, Jr H Horne. J A Johnson, ~ J Ennen, J 0 KGIlceI, j( [ Miller J 8 Lally R J HerwtlJY, Jr M ay ~r C [ Hvme",!!., D. C. r r Hoil1l!S, Jr, W r N es t on ~ l V I I!~~,A Hili, A G ""..., '''''' , " '" 2 4DO 00 I , oujo 00 2', ((I) "OIl'" ' ' ' '00 00 '''''' , ~oo OJ 2' '00 00 '''''' ,400 DO 2(11l1"" , ' '0000 2, DO 2,.0000 HOO 00 2,.0l(I(l DO 2, Z '''''' 00 2, '''''' '.OOJ 00 '''''' 00 HOO 00 t ,00J 00 Z.A((! '''''' & J ' , , , ~OO,OO 2, , ' ' , ,'00 00 EWBA Death Claims Paid In April lou' 10 (1 34) 10(716) I a (1245) Pens (I) Pens II} P.ns (I) Pens (I) Pens PI """121 Pens (2)... III Pens (3) Pens (3) Pens (3, Pens IJf Pens III Pens (3) Pem: Il) Ptns (3) Ptns 151 Pens (5) Pets 15) P!ns (61 Pens (6) Pens (61 Ptrts (8) Pens 191 Ptns 191 ~191 Pens (III Pens ("I Pens jill Pens 111) Pens II I I Pms III) Pens III) ~III) Pens (t6) Pens (18) Pens (18) Ptn:I: \18) Ptns 11~) Pfits (24) ~II$ (3H Prns (31) Pens 134) Pens (35) Pens 138) ~ (38) Pens (40) ~f%' Pel'S (46) Pens 147) Ptn$ (47) Pens (.ta) Pens (48) Pens 148) Pens (51) Pens (51) Pens (51) Pm$ (51) Pem (53) Pens (58) Pens (58) Pw (58) Pms ~S8) Pen-; ~58) Pens ~59 ) Pens 159) Pen! 166) Pens (7 1) Pens (7q Pens (7 11 Pens (12) P1!n5. (73) Pens (73) SumOlml ~ ictialj, r J MJtOonor\d, J W HII W R BoeeiIINM, R l Burgess. P L Hlveib J J... JJ P.aClUlI)",UJ M R c..",poei C R 11,... 1-, E R... KOSlIWk, J hi.. 1I1Ins I Nelson A H 0btrI.. G.I PetIMI R ~.,!ti t1 $;... S WQlI. R Bin. J R BtlIltwu$eI I &~~.R '" Coopel R A ""'" W J... """'" DW J rtnlflqff r L ~.SI C R Kc(1. J W II! AUSlII1 C. GJt'lfU'S W L 11u1theslH't J H JohRSOll A l Johnsoll S J flilflq E H ~rjef [ H V«4l... P Balnrn a A Bplll A l tliinna Z D hi Ia C E Paty J C 8efroII1 A B DI~1e T H FO$$rTIO. H 0 Robtrts. D E "'UI~rt, R C Cunnll"IQ~m. W [ Ouse;. f lkcartrrr T P SOnaman M J Snllf\l C J Spurs l I Wheeler R Bratmam. l C Elllnllson [ J Osa<>od.It E J (lltnlll W I.. fltld! M C Rasco [ W Allm:d,'" II M.,~ J D Oo/ler\y J )(romur J J MtrSl'Ian. IN C Morton. J SOlOmon, S Pc.1rson, 8 H PoSI A H Arnold, J S Apeetson, C R Thomu, 0 B Woodlord. G E snaw, W A 10,11111, W J B roo~~ 6 l Alnou," 2 ' ' '''''' ~OO '''''' '" oa DO ",'00 00 HOOoo '''''' 00 '''''' 00 '«XI 00 ''''' 00 '''''' 00 '''''' 00 '''''' '''''' 00 '000 00, "" 00 "OIl 00, "" 00 '''''' '" '''''' 00 '''''' ' ,000 00,«XI VOOoo '''''' '''''' '" 00 2,.coo 00 2, ,-'00 DO '''''' , VOOOO ,' , , ~OO ' , , , , ' , , ,'00 00 Lou' Pens (76) PMs (761 Pens (76) Pens 1161 Pens In) Ptn$ Inl "'"' ml...,,,~... )7~..., 17n "'" 1711 ""' 1711 ""' (Tn """,80) Pens (81) ~ 182) P!ns 18-4) P!ns 1841 Pef\$ 184) Pm$: 186) Pens IlI6) Pens (95) Pens 198) "'" (981 Pens (104) Pens 11(16) P!'IS (too) ~$ Pens (1011) Pens It 10) Pens. It 10) Pens (110) Ptf'IS (112) Pens 1112) Pens Ptm Pen$ Pens IIZ"1 Pens (126) Pn. (129) Pm5 \ljoj ~ IIJII) ~ (134) PeI$ (1 34) Pens (134) ~ It34)!>em. 1'34) Ptns (134) Pens (1 34) Pens 11 34} PlM. (1)4) Pens lt 34J ~ (1 341 ~ (136) Perrs (1361 Pens 114") Pw. P~6J Pens 1141) Ptlns. (153) Pens (!&4) Pens (1604) Pell'S jt71) Pens P81) Pem P!MJ Pell'5. (212) Pens. 1213) Pens 121.:!1 P{lns 1213) Pens (217) Pens (230) Pens Pans P8llS Pef1 5. (254) Pem. 1257) PlmS (258) Sum' ln. 81l1e~n l It Ci\apman, J H ElIISOl'l, f rouk R C tunis I M Dhlosltl. C Q Goll [ C "" Nelsen. S [ I L OSbti J A P.lnee, G I Pritchett, W C SIedtI<Im. C E Motley W C Voliellte J ~"'9t T B fold J W Seymour. H, SlI\IlIot D W Ort~.er J Fi De'1Ie' W GlOW S R Bowers, W H Setal. M H... Vi D """"'" _rj" PMer R G _lm IngsworI G l Mosst!'. J.I S.tY~ R H DslftslUCI\ W S M G Slinery L J luftli!!r tt w /tti$ol'l, G A Wy;m J M 1oo1t V P IWCIuTWn.R G ",., J G SlUlnger, G J GrIns, r Je:s<:lIkt. A C Kophn H M Ucl'lclt E A Loogshore I D MOl thouw C 1"01. G T Schwarti' r J Slnotetlll1 C W "'" Thomoson JJ J E f'i.e~,a A W.alers J P Fo!,ar1, R M WOOd' P W o.tmot" J R MtNrlt. J r OilV,". A J litln~ C Evl". S II Byets W J CiaIllflDell H MillS. C E HlmmO/ld, l A HII\lord. G P Sc;hull.l:, R P Henr)' J [ Allllnson, M T MuIi'JV, ~ J ThlHNS, M l Munllj/Oll'lOry. Jr, E W WhtlmOJG, G finley J 8 WI Hlams D C AmOl!nl '.000 '" 2, , ,.(()Q DO 2, ,0& , , lljj< 2,000 DO 2.Da:I CI 00 1,.coo txi 2 "'DO 00 2, ~.o&oo txi 2,.&00 00 VlOO 00 ~. ",(I) 00 ~, ,;&00 CIJ CD CIJ '''''' 011 ~ ,.'" wD 00 l,4oo 00 l ~.oo ~"OO 00 2."00 I)J "IlOIlO coo 00 ' &00!XI ~. o&oo 00, "'" 00 'l,qixi 00 '4IJI) IlO 'l.o4w 00 l4co 00 ~ ~ 400!XI I,SOO 00 '1, ~ ,0& XX (100 ' , , , , , , , , l'''' "'" (2591 Pens (269) Pm!. (270) Pens (2101 Pt!'15 (216) Pens t218) Ptn:s (ZOO) "'"' ~"'I... (3001 Pens (301),.. (3021 "'" )30<1 Pm; {JIM) Pens l3(w1,... )30<1 "'" {los1 Ptns {XJ6J..., (3Il'l1 "'"' IlIl'Jl Pens PIOI Pm!! (3l7) Pen!. (317),.". (J2&) "'" (332) Pens (340) Ptns (l'71 Ptns /3-191 Pens jl491 Pens IlA9) Pms Lm) Pm; (353) PtrlS (J!J7) ~ p6j) "'"' )3671 Ptl'!$ (3671 Pens Pens (37111 Pens l390j Ptm t39bj PtI'IS 1398) Pens (4(1,,1 Ptns ('071 Ptm {'131 Ptns [4Il) Pws ("26) Pens (4~) """ (4341 Ptn5 {071 Ptns 14J9} Ptns (<<OJ Ptns ~$ (4451 Pens ('~J Pens (465) Pms (414) Pens (414) P!n~ ~ 4711 Pens (01791 Pens (479) Pens (479) P~s (481) """''''1 PerU (4921 Pens (4941 Pens [490&) Pens (4!WI Pens (494) Ptris (494) Pen5 (494) Perrs (497) Pens (499) Pen~ (499) Pens (499) Pens (5011 PIHlS ISOI) Pens (511) SlII1Ilml NelSClIl, IJ U HoflllCks S J Col, T G Todd. II 0 Rus-s A f Berttw.A J o. d 0 l... 1l'IIlet,M H ~l'o!tiw Cl/1ow, J C...,H,... CurtI!!'" J W ~rn!stl!l' J H lellrls. A C Nolet J [ _th 'oumenr A 9 Vllent n. A C COIl';'IIII, C W U511)11.. C 0 ~r '8 a'comor T B Vilthet J W Ma l W t.!yers-. G [ IQm... d, [ L ~ Jr WL ullplejtwii f A Chnslre,, Pladler r f McConnell J R Mt-Ir"ltrtlltJ'. R W OI!Wltl. C M.Yonggoe J Cirroll r [ 0fyIs, C H """ GMdner 08 W M-cl:orille. W f' M~.Jl "'enel T C DUI/On l eo O$tIorne r Wekn. J D Johnslon W P Hun man. W A RobertJna" E W Berry G A Robens W k lmoet. [ raomjn. H """'" F H PLtnu W R Ones E MtDoJiahl R W Neltltlon, R 0 Oillen ( J Fore!, J 1 Hav.Jrd, H F Creasry R levts~ue ~ T KOf!laac, A Allman. 0 r 9oru(l, M F~OO1, C A Lelnlflger, F.I Mt"I'er, G C S(ollt"l, L foslor, G W fry, L Sw!hatl. J ( Trtms. J R Jl)hnslonl!, H Sea/iollo J fe!ward$, T Q Amounl , ' "'" , "'" 00 2, &00 00, , "00 DO " , "'" , "" 00, ~ , "'" 00, "'" 00 "'" DO, "" , "'" 00, DO, "" 00, IlOO 00 ~ , "'" ,, , , , , , , 0& , , , ISEW JOURNALi JULY, 986 I 63

66 ..., -p SlIm.nll Am... loni S,rum. ""'oullt loal $\NTIlmt Loul $vrnm. Arnounl..." PIns (Sla, Oms A L, Ptins Pens ) CoIn5~ r 2 '00 00 PIns 1101 [JJ,n. J J, Pens (5271 Bus M H """" JJ ' Pw (102) KOOflU W ''''110 PIns {ll!1jl SoIrwt!nn r, J, Pens (lo t hoow a A 2, P!ns (5271 ' W, ~ -(/"" """"" A,...'" (13&21 C;Iw!Vi T M, rlmr, R C ~ (~11.,. l (, Rumsey W 0 PtM 11392) M~.G, r~a a Pens (528) Holeru G J 2"0000 ~ (7141 2<"'''', "" 110 ~sl'ml 6.Jl1III*t r B, GMt, H T Pens (532) ToLand A A ''''110 Pens (716) r~wh, "" 110 Pen$ IU93), "'110 Pw 1101 GayflOf M J ""'" JI '" firm; ($46) Rotmson a G ldoooo PeM (716) Hrabil C S ' Ptn$ (1393, _0 ' ~s 1101 GooN" J,....., PIns (SS81 ~ nor. " J, "" 110 Pm!; (116) VW'IO J W ~ IU26) Cfrbon. W l 2G100 PtnI (101, "'" l I f'!n:s 1558, YOUIIJ W C Pens en4j Hlmil, t J PMs (1$151 "'"' G W """ 00 PtnI lid) -.tl,."" '"... '"... 1"'" Moo~. W W )72111 Dot'ln. F 2.1XI]1XI PW5 (1!>41) AndtrSoOtI. H M... "01 ~'d.e E Pens (569) Smtdlty J " III """ )72111 W""",T Pttts (1547) Mm H L '''''... '" ~IIO) Itl.Irst. A M ''''''''... '" Pw TlvaJh P [ 2400 III... J ( Pw (1519) """ 1'3'1,."" u._~ C, ,..,., (101 limo, " Ptns 151<1 1 Gt'ObStlImII C R '" 2 '00 DO <, Dlttnch ( Pens (1579, fmstii, [ l,...'" ~floi ''''' "" G A,... '" F'eI\$ 15m... S< ZAOOOO... (7lS1 TIPCl!fl, L G " P!ns (IS19) """"".0 1'00 00 Pens 110) u.rii'icl' G W N.tlM T Ptrn. p,uj Yo" In$. T '" Pent Aotken. E J 2. ' PIns I' 0 ) l~ I G 2.l00 DO _15951 ~mlll 5 N Pfns {7561 c.o~ J C,...., P!ns (16311 Wlish E J 2. '00 IX) PtM 1101 lllt\gow H A 2. AI)) DO _Iml sham!c 2.'00 _,5951 Sumner, G 5 "'" _ "{7601 '.000".., C,.. m'\lhdlll. J E Ptns (112!J1 ftynn, W C Pens (1&171 Iloc'~, ""'"[ A PtfIti 1101 Martln,.11 W '- '00 00 rw 1101 hl.illoney v 2, "'" '" ~ ( ~951 W,llberg H II 2.'00 oa!'tons (760) M.lbr'( C C Pans (18371 lttvenn A U 1000 '" P.nstlOj J[ "... k 2.'00 00 Pens ~ D.lughlry J W f'm ) Rulli R M Pens pgj7) W I E L 2.'00 00 Pm, (I 0 ) Mctlr.tl, M H Pens Alley Jr H E 2 '00 00 Peru. I7IiIl Go~k '- It S Pens (1 954, SincIer\In. I G,... '" Pens 110) Moormln. R G ~ I"" JIWVls.On l H PtM flw/ci r c '''''''''' Pens ('9701 Idlmiln J J,... '" Pt='I) IIO! N.I,IJniII, A r 2, Pens [613) BeOflheld F H Peru: IB16 Gibson. r Pens (1 96 1) ~Iud A,...., Ptn. 110 I ~rt..bh 2, Ptns (61 3) DtJkt W G 2. '00 00 PMs 18m eo5lello, J M 2,'00 00 Ptns (2"45\ GJles G M 2..lOll 00 Prm (10 1 Northl UP, J N 2.< Ptns (613) G,ll.'Im, ( rw (82"1 rulch w r Ptns {21S01 fif:<i1f1' J A?,.oo 00 _1101 0"'~ 5, W l Pens (613) Morns H C Ptns (SA61 M ccull0u~h, J R Pens \2'150) V.lI(!hUllil R 0 VOOOO Pem. (10) PolSI0f8 N J Pens (619) I'oNIfr, C C fltns (850) P,ptun. J M Pens (1,0 I A!kIIt E ~_ PI!M (I 0 ) I'.&nelson. M A D PtM (622) Gr't'I.m, J M Pell$ (8651 Voru J [ 2.' Pens (101 AInuf1dson N M 2' Pr.m. (10) PI.1umann A J ~5 (629) Ncrlson A T '.IIOQ '" PIns (920) Gl'tfnhrld, A. J, '00 00 Pens (10, BiIIU~ 1 W C Pens (10) au,nn, E 2,(1((1.00 Pens (632) Young J fltns Kltoof1!, E B Pens (10) _te 2, Pens (I a I RoIuSOll, G E Pen$ (6371 p,liltef R 2.'00 00 Pens (948) Vancamp t J 2 '00 00 Bland W J Pens l' Pfl\$ (101 S,mpsOll S I 2.' Pens (6.tO) Vnllllfll P I 2' 4DO 00 ~ (9521 Sedll... lck, H R 2' Pens 10 ) ""'" 0, 2.< Pens (101 Sm,th, H l 2 "OU OU ~$ (6.t 7) 810wn, H E P81S (953) Amundson H A 2' '00 OIl Pens (10 ) Bfown P 2, "'nslloi StiCV [ r 2' '00 00 P!M (6.t1) ll"1e Jr J H 2' Pens (953) """"""R M PInS (10 ) Ca(I' D,... '" Pens 1101 fhomu j, P Pen$ {6A 11 Wlmberty, J E Pens (95:1) lee 8 l "" 110 Pans (I 0 I Ow\(l'H E 0 VOOOO Perl1 (10, '~ms:1nd C 0,... '" Pen.. (St9) r,()1 r f, 400 OCI Pens (1168) Manley H J, Pens. (I 0 ) O'IHhlrt J W Pent 1101 Traudt C H Pans klnllnu. H l Pw (970) Stt/'ImNi C M PrnsUO, (;tjpptl G R ' Pttn (I 0, ' yells, C P PtnS (661) p In H l Pw Gllbblf r E Pens (10' Otmmer. P M PMJ (101 T)'dd R Ptn$ (664) Rose S A ''''''''' Pens (1021) WIlSon H [... PtrIs (I 0 ) ClIne J C 2400 DO Pens (I 0 I WaildOl! R,... '" PtM 166ti) Snuth. H H, Pens H076) MOI'Q.ln C W, '" Pens (I 0, Cooit E C Pens (101 W, ~m~ H Pe", (6711 fntollnt T C,... '" Ptns (11.,' Pomr. J C 2 '00 00 PP.M II n ) r oiti'imn 0 f 1Il00., Pens \) 0 I '10$1, W H "'"., Pwts ttvgi'ih R [, """ '" P1ns (1111' ~1fY B r Pens II 0, eo"" 2400 DO Ptns (101 Zi ~ r l DO Ptns (1249) Midigift F P oa Pens II 0 ) Cutxli 0, 000'" PtIIS 1693) McfMldtn R A ' 00 Ptns (6911 A/"Jj1J1Kn tl, Ptns {!~ ) Ga!N,IO S DO Pens 110) Cllrt~_ G H 2' TOTAl PAY'WHS SI Pens W.l7l S~nlOf\ W A 2 '00 00 PIns (IJI9) 'firm H P 2' Pens 110,..,... V, 000'" International Brotherhood 01 Electrical Workers-Pension and Death Benefit Payment Report NUM BER ADMlnEO TO PENSION LAST MONTH 577 TOTAL NUMBER ON PENSION 80,188 TOTAL PENSION PAYMENTS LAST MONTH S 4,576, TOTAL PENS ION PAYMENTS LAST 12 MONTHS $54,338, DEATH BENEFITS PAID LAST MONTH DEATH BENEFITS PAID LAST 12 MONTHS IBEW PENSION ELEClRICAl WORKERS ""O'AlElfCTRICAL BENEFIT FUND BENefIT ASSOCIATION BENEfIT FUND $ $ 1,104, ,897 S 9,152, $98,754, RESEARCH AND EDUCATION fconunu.. d 'fqm f'n~~ 2d) tinues lo rot. The sole rccuperation ha been the mereased profitability of the banks that Inillally inflicted the wound and bave conllnued lo.nl:ltge the sore Addulonal loans under admini trauon plans have indeed increa cd the po 1- bllny of deblor nallons' paying the "' tcrest On thelt loans to CQmmer iaj banks- at the furtber expense f the U S manufactunng Indusu y and U.S. farmers. Bank' profits have been assured at the expense of the U.S. economy. A larget share of bell ea ts to Ihe U.,. econo m y should lake precedence over bellcfits to U.S. commcrc: Hll bnnks which were, after all, responsible (or initiating 64 I IBEW JOURNAL! JULY 1986 the tremendous, risky loans to L ~lll n America n nations. U.S. bj nks arc prof Iting additionally fiom eaphal Olght, hlgh-illcome wdivlduals and corpor. tions III Latin America arc socking away tbeir funds in the safety of merican bank accounts. These same banks benefit from and favor other government practice th3t advc"cly aliect u.s production and American workers' jobs; :lc; ('xflmplcc;., the Overseas Private Investment Corporation IOPIC) and the Ceneralized ystem of Preferences icspi of the T rade Act of 1 Y 14. OPIC is a govern ment agency thai Insures foreign Investments of U.S, ba nks and firms. The GSP permits the prcsidc11i to provide du t y. frce trctl t111cnl for certsln Imports from devcloplng coll11tries. Both pra.ctl CCS hav~ inflicted damage on U.S, domcsuc production and ca u ~ed the loss of Amenc.n lobs. H OWffil.l hlongerc;;i100lir nallol1;11iow the economy- the manufactunng and agricultural cctor~, 111 parul;ular-tu uffer becallse of til-conceived plans to protect baltkang mtcfc IS and profits! The time has come to put pnonues m order. LOOK FOR THE UNION LABEL

67 IHEW Display Is Major Attraction at AFl-CIO Union Industries Show Kansas CUg. Missouri April

68 CAN MAKE YOUR VACATION HOLIDAY A HAPPY EVENT INSTEAD OF A TRAGIC ONE Thousands of lives are lost each year because people are thrown against windshields or out of car doors by the impact of crashes. Your chances at being killed in an accident are live times greater if you are thrown from the veh icle. Your seat belt will help keep you in the car. Contrary to popular notion, seat belts oller great protection at moderate speeds. More than hall of the accidents causing injury or death involve speeds of less than 40 miles an hour. Your seat belt can prevent or lessen injury in an accident and may save your lite. Many people mistakenly believe that they don't need sea t belts because they drive mostly in their own communities and seldom take long trips. But the figures show that two out of three trallic deaths occur within 25 miles of home. Your seat belt can protect you in town as well as on the highway. Less than one per cent of all injury-producing accidents involve fire or submersion to any degree. Contrary to widely held beliefs, seat belts greatly improve your chances of surviving even such an accident. A seat belt can be unfastened in an instant with one hand. Your seat belt can increase your chances of remaining conscious, so you can get clear of a submerged or burning car. -./- - AN IBEW SAFETY REMINDER FOR OUR MEMBERS

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