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1 HlfeLC LBRARY «tv t>broad ST. ADV. * «*vt.** THE WESTFELD LEADER THE LEADNG AND MOST WDELY CRCUtATEO WEEKLY NEWSPAPER N UNON COUNTY PRMARY ELECTON JUNE SEVENTY-EGHTH YEAH No. Second Clam Pontage Pad at Wentneld, N?J. May Parade Plans Set More than organzatons wll partcpate n Wcstfeld's annual Memoral Day parade, H was announced today by Hanry.B, Powers, past commander a' Mar-Mn-Wallberg Post. Amercan Legon, co-sponsor of the event wth the Clark-HysHp Post, Veterans of Foregn Wars. As n former years, hghlghts of the ceremones wll be at the Plaza World War monument, the Revolutonary War cemetery opposte the Presbyteran Church on Mountan Aye. and Farrvew Cemetery, where last weekend graves of veterans were decorated by local patrotc socetes... " FoBwag Hahoe'a parkng lot «t 8:» am., the Plaza ceremones wll feature a short addr«m by Mayor Robert H. Mflreeny, ptay^'otuw mttonad anthem by the WeatlWd Hltf School band, nvocatfon : *y Tttw K SMjKb, Le»on chapta»v wnatf prtaentatoos by CAR menfcam EHen Aon Davs and MtfkKJklfer: Ttrnfa, salute to the ttaby **n'st&mrt, ncumntf CAR pradeot tad ptayjns oftopsby WESTFELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY, 968" Two grls from Westfcld Hgh bah -*- J School and one from Holy Trnty Hgh School have been chosen lo fttend the Ctzenshp nsttute at Douglass College for the week of The _..,, Rev, _._ WHHam J. Gllgan, = June 7. Lnda Beddows, presdent- N'.M. of Westfeld, wll be ordaned olect of t h e Sub-Junor Woman's to the mssonary presthood of the Club, and Elzabeth Mary MKer are Catholc Foregn Msson Socety of from Westfeld Hgh School and All- Amerca June S at Maryknoll Sem- son Bnrkle wll represent Holy Tjnnary.. l >'- Alternates are Judy Gordon, Father Gllgan, the son of Mr. Nancy Honrahan and Anta Zukosvand Mrs. Francs Gllgan of 8 sk. ajvoodbrook Cr. has been assgned to The grls chosen for ths honor mssonary work n Tanzana, East have proven ther leadershp quat- Afrca. tes n school actvtes and must be Mr. DG-llgan s a jnlon^ offcal studous, respectable, honest, obedwbh the Amalgamated Lthographers ent, and good ctzens. Ther w- -,. :_-U.,»f... v»»f«..ft nsnspev.u/t w pad by The Women's ld. program wll nclude dscusson groups led speakers. The pur- (e tranng n good. show ts prvleges, responsbltes. f a [Vpnests^tojOljna... ', ' ; Vf'sf!'y """ *'=*vww** - **.V-FaMer. Gagan wll celebrate hs delegate jsj-a.. # juntor n hgh schot school ('frst' Masqat'home or Saturday, and. plans -.--., to attend.douglass.... Colleg' " te June 5 at'holy Trnty Church, at she s elgble'to apply for a schol- o'clock noon. Msgr. Charles B. arshp for' her. college work. LYNN ANNE LANE Murphy s the pastor. Assstng Fa- Lnda s the daughter of Mr. and ther Gfflgan wo the Mass wu be Mrs. C. R. Beddows, Folkstone Raymond Noblett and Paul Bell- Dr. Her actvtes n school hove lnvcau, Semnarans from Maryknoll eluded Spams* Club, French gym- Mss Lane Wns Semnary, nastes, varsty cheerleader and Sub- The Most Rev. Hugo R. Gerber- Junors Woman's Club, MMaW Ramafe aod Robert Boucb oc W«*teW HW SohooJ.. s the daughter xt Mr. Ewan Scholarshp mann, a Maryknoll prelate from Elzabeth j Nada, Texas, and bshop of the new- and Mrs. Rupert W. Mller,tt? Do- _>.,.> Awn tbt :.. hmoument, :.<,.. the..- parade -. Lynn Ame Lane,' fae daughter of ly-erected docese of Huehuetenan- «an Rd. Her achoot actvtes have SJ^SL/D^S???!""^ rf Mr -tfndmrs. Donald Lane of 8 go, Guatemala, wll ordan Father ncluded membershp n the Grto* ^S^HL^L St -* a u P South Ave.,tothe recent of the Gllgan Sports " ^ Councl, " the "~ Student ~ -"-* CouncH " J "~" Chosen for Ctzenshp nsttute LNDA BEDDOWS ELZABETH MLLER Summer School Begns June 9 The regular Westfeld summer school program for pupls from grades seven through wll begn ts seventh annual sesson Wednesday, June 9, and contnue through July at Westfeld Senor Hgh School. Regstraton wll be from 9 a.m. to p.m. Monday and T June 7 and 8 at the hgh Publshed Evory Thuradny Pages Cents Panel to Tell Of Drug Use Early Deadlne The "Leader" wll publsh Wednesday next week and wll be delvered to subscrbers on that day nstead of '.Thursday mornng, Memoral Day.,' the usual publcaton dat\;- Eprly cop/ from' advertsers Are you certan your chld has not boon exposed to drugs? Ths' s tho queston that wll bo posed to parents at an al-westfeld parents meetng at 8:5 p.m., Wednesday, June 5, n tho Westfad Senor Hgh School. Tho use ofllegal drugs by ncreas-, ngvunvb-rsoof Westfeld students ^as.ledjjs'board of Educaton and and «-A'...,!_._F.- publcty L charmen Ll--'j'- - of '-' all np nnrprls the" parents nrtfnntslmnc organzatons nf cnhrtnof schools organzatons s' requested. ' The' deadlne for. dsplay advertsng wll be Monday mornng. Classfed advertsng wll be accepted untl Monday evenng at 5 o'clock, although earler copy s requested where possble. The deadlne for church news and letters to the edtor wll be tomorrow at p.m. and socal, club, sports, gewral news ad photograph* Monday at noon. Deadlne for pcture* for the octal scctoa t tanurraw. We wll apprecate yoar cooaerattan. Local Beautes n County Pageant n Westfeld Jto- jov Tthe sponsorshp of the meetng. Parents wll receve letters from the Board of Educaton Wednesday' askng.questons on drug abuses and " enumeratng statstcs whch are "sfartung and ample reason for concern." the June 5 program wlt nclude nformaton only about ^WestfeW's drug abuse problem. ncluded wlt be a polce statstcal summary, a cross-secton of documented local case hstores (wth names deleted), and a summary of the problem and ts possble root causes gven by a local mnster who s engaged n counselng many of the students nvolved. A panel of qualfed experts, all of whom lve n Westfeld, wll answer parents' questons. Local organzatons who have studed the drug abuse problem and sponsored programs concernng; t «D ne.bevotuuooaty. War Cemetery Maran E. Ewan Memoral Scholar. _ of whch she was vce-presdent, secretary of the Dasy Buds Twg and Faur Courses wu be offered n Englsh Ave. A snort addresa ghh> 'award A stktend of tsgo h \ : '-' (grades seven through ), scence Westfeld grls are among have expressed the needfora dysecretary of Aodnacoagn Watersk Assocaton. She wll, represent (grades seven, eght), genera) sc- the fnalsts who wll compete n namc educatonal program and feat *?*.- *** * *. u - s - dent who plans to attend ar/lnst- ence, bology, chemstry, French * e Mss Unon County Pageant to that ths meetng can be WestfWd's the ntermedates of the Woman tuttao of nfcher. leanng, Mm Lane, * and, Latn and, Spansh and ^ bekt June at Fanwood-Scotch opportunty to back ts Board of Edu- ' Club. ';"'. caton n the development of a atady Church. WK, ranju j n the top ten per cent. German and, mtematcs Wanw Hgh School. -.«_.._ J «..-.. _...j.. AfarjarcaaNnf n these cere- of her class, wul attend the Clare- Alson s the daughter of Mr. and (grades >e<« seven, c,cu, CB.», eght. Lr CP,«,, grade mlle, nne, - adduonto' the talent, evenng to know the problems am) also Otter nxa*» WU'beMm. Malccm M. Pan- moot Secretaral School, New York Mrs. Jeremah J. Barkle of 5 Ben- Postpone* Lcensng algebra land, plane geometry) Sown and bathng sut competton possble solutons to augment the, on P. She has been actve n Alt*. taev-trmm ragenttf,'the DAR; Rev..Cty,,, and;, has pau -'to; b*to PCD nnd rm Huh, fhr nh _.,. ^ seventh grade geography, U.S. Hs- * *e "Pretty as a Pcture" event, needed counselng, Aefft. -T*to,»M»r «f KM Pfte., msaa' *«««*«*;'«, letto. Pep and Glee Chns, She plab, f, Blcvde lcen6 j r>g regularly sfted- tory < gra< je eght, tustary and ) ««^»^ Ventrella of Weatteld, Suggeston. " behnd polce headquarters the and World MSy Hstory (grade *S nne?! nne). former rz^l^ Msa New York ' State, wn turt;-"'- '" -The /M - apoaspfed -''by^;. Saturday ol the month has been Advanced subjects wu be okered'«n * a -rafter <*.**».. tp^be^u^ol to the.m-m.r^ g J,. M. at Oark T)WMVSMwlcoatauatsm>rch Honor'8oc*etr; ; down?e,,broad, St. to. Farvew dent" SjwtavOotmcfl,: - etaqr,. where UwNttoMl ceramonje* 'BowJ* Oafe'.- «*;< wh be conducted by vewraa», or, bard. m-mt&.^ " (CoctouM on', page»): t a part-tme Job 'M -..v' j.'. ; -:,>tobal - "" Concert At Edson X BEV. WLLAM J. GLLGAN The Most Rev. Ernest J. Prmeau, : bshop of the docese of Manchester, N.H., s scheduled to speak at the departure ceremony on Sunday,.... ;T..,.,... >Bvs;""c?»T'»;': aavs;'^t : 'Jj;.E*l'Ave;- lollege) opened ts campus/ pm TMtB^A.mgMlUM ; egtty^elat.vtar'«we^w«elc.;thn-eooldgo St. wshea hs wfe ahapjy " ; HarbldS"tllMlll*otl feld Hgh School, attends the Uaver- Wllams Urges Resstance To Costly Approach To RR Commuter Problem MM Dome, a graduate, at Wat-! \k" *J ; ': v -A-" : ll ' AWAfOS A t fsu <<» m. WcstHeJd frst tt delegates Ha, greetng card Saturday was «A recepton honorng HaroW S. beauty pageanb, she partcpated,, S " -A',?! ^'W^ZM n MB and has contnued to spon- bllboard on the North Ave. West-, Thompson, retrng assstant prnc- n tte Mss Tennessee paseant n ulalvlajal a tne annual» wesmera sor a group each year: feld-garwood lne, pal of the Westfeld Senor Hgh, wll 966, and the same year won the be held from -5 p.m. Sunday, June Mss Ohatanooga ttle. She wll per- by the Weetfeld Senor Hgh PTA form a modern dance n the talent T * and a lfe at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. competton, ^ awarded Boardman,, 5 Colonal Ave. As- Mtss Argast, a student at Berfcesocates, frends and neghbors are ley Secretaral School, wll play the The losttumeotal musc nvted to attend the affar. pano and entertan wth a comedy wll department at Thorrws Arva Edaon Mr. Thompson has been actvely sfct. Mss Mer, a graduate of Cran- Juator Hgh Schoo n Westfeld wh,.,,., ^ AU nvolved n educaton n Westfeld ford Hgh School, wll dance a Jan for become largely resgned to these fov r s n ^ ^ teactlna aml number tonght n the Communty Center. The aftata- wb R» gen?!l* «>««««h *:fn nomnaton for frst- cowklons and tend to take an apajb- aannstraton. He drected the n- Ms. 'Davs, a graduate of Westccse of New York, wh presde. meal appro**" to solvng the ral- "obvously, somethng has to be «,, prncpa,, ^fog,, sdn^l school/wll perform a Scotch sword **^Zr" S ^J " «J by ft, BGMOSMFg, tflslru- ftga Center. Jdwctor at Edtaon wml; be guest * frram wu begn at 7:Harry Wlamsoa/Jr ^WestfteW ^"V ^^"J *?*"* * Me ' ' Department has drawn up a master yrs fl 7 Tckets for the contest may be obtaned from John Falco, 9 Wnd- Entertanment wll feature a lyrc» Hapy Wltam^/Jr ofwestfteld m 967 and expecte to receve a M, rew <on rfve l!jn ^ ^ pten and reco dto, cla mmeflded a huge bond *""* **" soprano,,.eleanor Antonell, and the and folk gutar, am TJheBarnett the frst reug * Us educauo *&"> Thursday by a group of frst-ward ssue, the proceeds to be used tow- ng Brook Way, Scotch Plans. appearance of the Edm: Choral Art Socety rfw njl. f year orchestra of Ray dpetro. Mss Anf * T>.L T.. tonell, who has played New York -. resdents workng for hs canddacy, ard hghway and ral transportaton, fl*rtet *«*»* era dance lad bv Mb Cor Maryknoll Semnary, he was a m W»ams made t h e followng The Jersey Central, however, s slatand dancer? s* S ^ l S ^ ^ ' ^ ^ ' ^ * atemen * ta mm to * wtor * f to T^ "^ V^Srna!l POr bemogetler longht nghtclubs and was n the Broad- Concert Tomorrow moyamant of SMeXlene Nacbt musc by W. A. Mozart. l - The Choral Art Socety concert Fresde Councl No. 75,"Royal Ar- *! y,. play Wsh You " The concert wn start at p.m. SlM """ hvmn JnlMsM Muoy comerence. queston:, of ths money. Few explana-... 8:', ««,,,«w..«,,«.,, a.n.-,^ durng " F'Sn'wTTke'pmt'a ^ThTcentra! R.lroad of New J e r- tons^ve b een offered to the voter, wll be held at 8^'p.h, at the can, wmhthe Ptp Band playng selectons oy Mrs. Man wngw ^ departure ceremony n whch H, The ^^^ ^ ^ ^ Roosevelt Junor Hgh, try elufe M ujt». ^-^^.k. *7 ", Fatter Gllgan "'^n wll,' take, e part " s a gey s "~~JZ'"j::r^: an essental Part of Z the wy^. New ecoo- Jef, of ^have of the the stale state been as as to offered to ltle the mportance to.,.., the^voters.»,. Roosevelt wll.... bp. h Junor eld at^jjovm. Hgh,... School.."Solo-. at^ -, - the geth oan»»,,.,.,, ««, um ; wu hold' ts annual get to- P^y!.^l» ' for mall ensemble*. Concet Band, rjs^^frs?^ * O gether at 8 p.m. tonght n the Amer- the summer. u f!, ^? ^?*, ** wvskumolmoosss. of Ws bond ssue, yet both partes sts, chorus and orchestra under the Ln Bolero" and "USA March" by P. ZTS^Z^rV^ T e depaltng ***** and thek fwn Legon Hall, North Ave. All Jose P h h S P t() a ( n f^roy a r ^ " K,«w -.»».. S S*..*,...«. S apparently:,..*-.-. expect- to casual pro-, drecton. of Evelyn Bleeke wll pre- men*ers wll receve nstructon for _ ch n K tbe * alk -"** Yodf l "Phantom. Regment by L. LJ_!^ ~ut _ UUZr»L *'??,... *.,. ml declne and Westfeld wll be cedure to receve, approval at the" sent the Mozart "Requem," Verd's the Anderson; Pops Orchestra "n A be. llcs uled for 9 p.m. to a.m. - :nrfp-nana Wentfpld wll be cedure to receve approval at the sent the Mo Persan Mat**' people. wh be honored by t t*e wu aecne.ana wesuem ^H.-DB ^^ ^ K^ll^r _..-.,. Tp n ; m,, am{ Vm Btan Wnamx., by A. KateJby, graduates, bv t begns n tte semnary's quad- ^ / f j ^ ^fr^' place n whch jwtt VO November. "Te Detm" and Vaughan Wllams' Orator Arthur Kamk s n charge by M >aa lege students and college-bound hgh col- rar«le (Contnued wth the rngng on page of ) a large ^ Uve Yet.'tte : raflroad':.fe-ow"n.;."mayor Mulreany has advocated "Serenade to Musc." Tckets wll of the program whch wll be followbankruptcy,','able to provde commuschool senors who have partcpated) a n* 'Complete approach to the be avalable at the door.. ter.' servce..-. *only by means... of sub- state's. ~.».«transportaton!-». problems.»- for.u» U...._!.J. -».._ J ^j ^ j. e resnment S the Westfeld sdes;from-the-flate. Whle these Center. man y y^ - A «a member of hs 'JSTk ^r$y''sl l lyl**z'c communty center. Schools Closed Thurs. subsdes 'wh/enable the ralroad to transportaton commttee, have -^WJnd 'gem&jt ^'.Geat: Gate of ' Ref restmevta o prepared by the Westfeld publc schools wll be -contnue ras&nger operatons, they supported hs efforts, "Talk to the Anmals" okjev".'by M. Moumorgsk'y,' ddejto.wbmen'of the'board and the Mother's closed n observance'! the M«-' are rot suffcent to replace equp- " The state Transportaton Comment whch has been deteroratng mttee should gve the voters of Musk;.',' by F, 6CWbpn,c'"ndependen-,; club f' * served, Tckets may maral Bay holday next Thursday, ta" by R.'Hall; Symphwy Orches- be ^obtaned from board members May». An classes wll mane for over years. Resdents of the northern New Jersey a comprehentowns served by the Central have sve - Dlan 'or ral and hghway de- McKnleyFar Theme The McKnley School PTA wll przes. velopment. Unless we resdents of tra, "Venkovska Suatna" from the or the Center offce. Mrs. Mldred at ke regular hour Frday, May MoHau by B. Smatana, "Komm Sus- Ro(W» s program charman. M. ser Tod" by J. S. Bach, "Amercan ' A fnale composed oj al g^pfa^d McDerffOtt PltcheS for State Form Commttee To Ad Canddate " L, present a country far on the school A specal feature of ths year's conscous of j- T*:_- m ---. «.« grounds, Frst St. and Osborn Ave. far wll be pony rdes for the young- Saturday from a.m. untl p.m. sters. The rdes wll run along the t was announced today by Mrs. John W. Broad St. sde of the school off ^cond le t hone^zt Wc«ffcld re dente wll resm eft s S he m a cof y, pecemeal approach to a prob- some begnnng students wtl perfcrm "Fntenda" by J. Sbelus. ffant* the far commttee. A Kodak nstamatc Camera wll J. Daly Jr., general charman of yard, Mr Schtasberg s a graduate of fhuf The theme of the far wll be "Talk be awarded to the person who guessto the Anmals," and wll be featured es exactly how many peanuts are n Trenton State College. He has a bachelor and master of arts degree n Com P le ' e *!',". basebals, aut He - sat besde Senator McDerrott Arthur E. E. Kelman, campagn man- tnue my workforbetter mssen»er f l^.-. EdU? tqn from *" Oollege - g. raph f d h by Ph) wth son seven foot an- the Monkey's Jar.»»*». a fortbau durng ntroducton of the bll'and ager, announced the formaton of elvlce onthe jersey CcXT^ mals fashoned by Paul Ortman. The refreshment commttee, co- n adrhtmntoteachng at Edson, he sgned by a former New York Gants later made a hand-off of an auto- "Ctzens' Commttee for Bolnger," caw know thes, ot he rat f ^ C^UCtOr and muscal * rec - a "?» V ' Stt ffom a we "- known graphed fotball to Senate Presdent to support the canddacy of Frede- mad s essental to the we bdn- of «" lw^t alnfeld Baml ^ ^ l T!! ba " sportscaster, Sen. Frank Edwn Forsythe to commemorate rck W. Bollnger for the Republcan ZTc^mS" Mr. Schtosberg was selected to con- x - McDermctt of Westfeld, got the the occason. Now a well-known nomnaton to Town Councl n the ls wll be n- chared by Mrs. Arthur Mtkus and DENSE BOSER. daughter of corporated nto the games that have Mrs. John Drscoll, wll supply charbeen devsed by Mrs. Rosaro Mark- coal grlled franks and burgers, as Mr. and Mrs. John Unshr of 75S Faracrcs Avv.. s (h* rrdpenl of duct the frst New Jersey All-Stage ba well and Mrs. John McCarthy, co- well as ce cream, soda and other " rollng Monday toward a major "color" sportscaster, Mr. De Rogat- Frst Ward of Westfeld a $ srhobrshp sponsored ly Regon Junor Hgh School Sym- sports center n New Jersey. s s a vce presdent wth the Pru- Members of the commttee, who Honor Socety Dnce charmen of the games commttee, snacks. A specal attracton wll he The Professon;)! am Busness phonc Band. As a conductor, he Senate Majorty Leader McDer- dental nsurance Co., but took tme represent varous dstrcts of the The abltes of all age groups McKnley's famous sausage am At Edson Saturday Women's Club nf Wcslfrld. Dfllsc s a senor tt Holy Trnty has drected groups throughout New mo 't ntroduced kgslaton to create out to travel to the State House n Frst Ward, nclude: have been taken nto consderaton pepper sandwches prepared by Jersey, at the Worlds' Far and on ^ nne-member Sports Study Com- support of Senator MeDermctt's pro- Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Baeder, The Edson Junor Hgh School as there wll be games to test the Mrs. Robert Geyer and Mrs. Hgh and s plannng on attendng Channel. msson, whch wll endeavor to at- posal. Dr. S. J. Cohen, Mr. and M's. Wl- gym wll be transformed nto a ds- capabltes of all chldren. They n- thony Checcho..Nore Dame (ollegt of Maryland tract major teams nto makng ther n dscussng the Sports and Ath- lam H. Coles, Dr. and Mrs. Phlp cc-theque from 8 to U p.m. Satur- elude: "Lay t On The Lon," "Shoot Dr. Doolttle hmself, n the pcr-ll Neptealb-'r. home base n New Jersey. etc Facltes Study Commsson, G. Coln, Mr. and Mrs. Alan J.foyfor Westfeld Hgh School's Na- Out the Candles Ca on the Llamas son of Mrs. Charles Vella wll be ndex The measure was ntroduced and Senator mator McDermott sad that t s Grant, Mrs. L. R. Hubbard, Mr. and tana Honor Socety dnnce "Orb." Back." "Cat tch the Ducks." "Trap sellng balloons whle Vrs A. Busness Drectory.. Sec. 6 passed 5- amd cheers and laugh- ncumbent upon New Jersey to proter from other members of the Sen- vde major league facltes for bg Paul B. Nelson Jr. N.fl.S. members or at the door Kangaroo's Pouch" and others. Mrn. roo wth gfts n pouch "' At Holy Trly Mrs. James P. Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Tckets may be purchased from the Movse," "Toss a Bcanbag n tho DeChells wll dress up as a kan>>.,- );!f<- Wednesday Church News Sec., (Jollegrans.. Sec. 8 ate as McDermott offered baseballs league teams. He sad that New,ersgned by former N.Y. Yankee great sey has been playng "second ko-fer. S. F. Perry, Mr. and Mrs. must be gven. All proceeds wll be unusual fortune teller whose look at man, co-charmen of he chld.-, l' \ ' fhn n;^. 'll. Sr -r't" theme Also Mr. and Mrs. Rchard Pen- where proof of Westfeld resdency Frederck Steennan wll be a most Mrs. J. Ku'petz and Mrs Haul ()' Edtorals...Sec. - Focus...Sec. - Phl.. Rzzuto,, a. Unon..,. County.. -. res- strng",., to, New York and Plladel- Robert C. Reeder, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. l ' sccl for scholarshps. the future s expected to amuse tha gfts booth have D'odutd a w ^ hc.n st!;" < l.-w.., from to Garden...Sec. - dent, who wasn t able to he n Tren- pha too long.. "n fact, rght now E. J. Sehaffer, Mr. and Mrs. R. The Cherry Frost wll provde whole famly selecton «f«fk n,",, ", p.m. We'!::".y n 'rly Trwty Gtasre's...,.,..,,,,, tor becat/sef <A fcjssfe'ss. eofhrrtt- fe Hre fgmfrg hard fo> mmttatt M. Sef<fers, Mt, artd Ms. Stanley musc for "Orb." The tend nclrrfes AH cmldrert wfr& fry a game wll. fxraf(fe atk %M*M H VWW.'.'.-or,'.fff. fe.. See, -9 ttmts: rmerjtm dms p, Uttte Uam OtHtt, as artstttd L, Sknm, Mf, t6 Mr* dwun W. Skp tmk* learf mm* Jet* wfeefer the? *«J J^Ttttt *$M mmah M>rr :;;r- : >. teach n-tamood Sp#u,,,.tee, =, Ml,. tlnodur >,,,,,,,,,,,*m,u\ tottut** Mtemate, auo **J*$»* ^ <* Ptt****A * **«, H*<M 'nmm, Hm. ttob-ferf,teads/*g«> Un Hm*. tern, utter a gh ot»tootm tll M T '

2 Pace THE WESTFELD (NJ.) LEADER, THURSDAY, MAY, &68» A, N EXPECTATONS THAT SPRNG PLANNNG wll brng fall rusuus for a successful compleon of ts Unted Fund rcpugn quota, leaders of the busness dvson hold a May meetng to dscuss drve preparatons. Pctured ;»rt> Mrs. Frank Pclcrson, Mrs. Larry Shaffer, Mrs. Charles Emerson, Mss Nancy F. Reynolds (Unted Fund presdent), Mrs, J,, V. JrreU, Mrs. Wllaj Lnn, Mrs. John Wlllard, Mrs. Robert Dllon.'.'Mrs. Grnyro 'Curts,. Mrs. John Hogan', Mrs. Wlls G. Cue and Hubert C. Fuller, executve drector >f th> "Uttcd Fund. "'. " '" ''' a' v? ",'. ;. Youth Semnar Fndngs Seek Drop-n Center, More "nvolvement" Prod fowl dssenters of establshed polcy can use cgol moans lo effect change was demonstrated flt Wu Westfeld YMCA -sponsored "Sommr on Youtl" Saturday. The semnar, held ct Unon Junor College.n Cranfortl, wns coneoved md cannlcd out by a plannng commttee composed equally of youth and adults. ntent on recevng teen-age gudance as to desred teen-aged prog'ummut* nnovtuor., the Y's board of drectors and youth commttee welcomed -the a-csponse by WesUeld youth and adrn'as as to the role (le YMCA should take n the future. Youth attendng voced Uer opnons frankly and openly. A consensus of sorts was readed n callng for more youth nvolvement -n polcymakng postons at the Y, the creaton of a drop n center after school <for 'hgh school youth and a questonng of the YMCA organzatonal structures. Results of the semnar wll be examned by the plannng lamnm'lto and suggested major polcy ''ov-blons referred to the beard of drectors and youth comr.tce fx ccraderalos. The nl cfcy uf-fnfr whch attracted more than pat'mclpants nvolved bell c'assrocn and lecture hall usage. After p.n nvocaton by Eldard Shea, Edson Junor Hgh student and Junor H-Y charman, Paul Neucr P plann'ng commltee cochn-rman"-revewed Uo background fc«r He semnar, John Stewart, Hl- Y member, enumerated current Y' prcsammng servces for -tcen-ages?o that partcpants could more readly know whch areas mght need mae help. The Rev. James D. Cole, youth mnster at He Presbyteran Ohurch and keynote speaker, descrbe the concerns and charaotenlstes of the present-day teen-ager n order to provoke ds-. cussdon dater n hs talk, "Today's BRANS AT WORK Partcpants at the Westfeld YMCA Youth Conference catch, a breath. MO (o ***ht, Chrs Hanna, H-Y Councl Presdent; Marlyn Bakes, We t le d Senor Hgh nudent; Jm Wrght, Planrng Commttee Youth Semnar; Gordon Howe, Central Atlantc Area- Assocate Drector,.. ' Teen-ager." tmatc dscusson as to overall teen- The varous groups of partcpants S e actvues. dvded nto four classrooms for n- Alter 'luncfe n -the cafetera, the groups reassembled n the lecture nll tor a summary <of mornng dscussons -by Edward C, Ewen f YMCA execntftvo ddredbor. Gordon A. Rowe, assocate executve. Control Atlantc Aa*ea Councl, descrbed several suoccsful teen-age programs n vogue wth other YAfCA's and especally asked for a forceful posture n regard "to -the promoton of racal equalty through Y programs. The ndvdual group dscussons of the afternoon focused on specfc suggestons lev the Wcstfleld VMGA to meet <teen-age needs. After fa cu,s5qns aw* cpmrptpn <>l lon quos-tonnares on chtlcl^m and suggestons," John Vernon, youth drector thanked the partcpants (or ther genqne sense of C9(n n^m^nt and descrbed how the semnar results wou-ld b& used n the future. What a Headache! The theft of sx cases of champagne and four cases of burgundy, valued at $7, was reported to polce Tuesday nght by R..M. Gray, of 66 Hllcrest Ave. May Parade (Contnued from page ) ganzatons. Partcpatng n the parade wll be the Mayor and Town Councl, Polce and Fre Department, Westfeld Hgh School band, SpanshAmertcan War Veterans, VFW, St. Anthony's Band of Elzabeth, Legon Color Guard, Amercan Legon and ts auxlary, junor members and Poppy Day twns, Bound Brook band, Junor TRANSFERRED? HOMERCA, NC wll help jrou fnd your next home onywhere n the Unted States WTHOUT CHARGE. OBJECTVES: To help you fnd your next home wth o mnmum of effort, tme and expense. f you plan to move tc an unfamlar cty, or just to relocate nea r your present home, HOMERCA, NC. wll help you fnd the rght house, n the rght neghborhood, n the new a real SCOPE: Operaton throughout the Unted States e n a b e Homerca to furnsh you wth detaled nformaton on houses whch ft your requrements even before your frst Wt to the new area! REMEMBER: Homerca works only fo YOU All of ther efforts rt search, reports and advce ar» exclusvely on behalf of the prospectve buyer, They have r»-> connecton wth the seller, ft s ther responsblty to guard YOUR nterests, For further detals, pleas* call our loca representatve, Pearsall and Franlcenbach, nc., 5 Elm St., Westfeld, --7 or call us drect. -AM Vlfa.;»W M- CA NC, Essex Troop, SAR, DAR, CAR, Bear wll regn over supples for. the Knghts of Columbus. Also Elks, Amercan Feld Servce, Ovl Defense, tvvvrlers, Rescue Squad and ts auxlary and band. Red Cross, Westfeld Neghborhood Councl, Westfeld Communty Cen-r ter, Grl Scouts and Brownes, Boy Scouts and Cubs, YMCA ndan Gudes and the law enforcement Exploror Post. McDermott Ptches (Contnued from page ) Th Commsson wll be a nnemember body made up of "those men who've made a name for themselves n the sports world and who are also successful n the busness world," the Senator sad. Three of the men wll be selected by the Governor, three by the presdent of the Senate, of whch one wll be a Senator; and three by the Speaker of the Assembly, of whch one wll be an Assemblyman. The members wll look nto the possblty of attractng more athletc events to New Jersey and the advsablty of establshng a mult-purpose sports center to provde facltes for alt sports from football and baseball to hockey and swmmng. n dscussng the need for re-emphass of New Jersey's athletc abltes, Senator McDermott ponted out that the state enjoys a proud hertage of sports tradton. The frst football game, Prnceton vs. Rutgers, was played here n 869, the football Hall of Fame s now located at New Brunswck, and celebratons are a/ready under way for the th annversary o! the game next year, n baseball, too, New Jersey was "frst." The frst offcal game was played n AG at Elysan Felds, Hobroken, chosen because "they were the fnest spot" for all sports, ncludng crcket. "And at that tme, s was two New York teams who came out to New Jersey to play because we had the best facltes," the Senator ponted out. Talk To Anmals (Contnued from page } book n mnd. The man attracton n the audtorum wll be an aucton. Among the artcles wll be baby equpment, a pool and small furnture, from pennes to dollars, when George Ryan pcks up the hammer to start the bddng at : p.m. nsde the audtorum, the Honey sweet tooth. Mrs. J. M. Cayette, charman of the cake booth, has assembled an array of home baked goodes. Gardeners too wll fnd tems at the booth of Flower the Skunk, under the aegs of ]ffrs. Anthony Tobey, who has gathered a collecton of flowerng annuals, some of whch may gve youngsters a lesson n hortculture. Mrs. A. Pesco, Mrs. Santo Forno and Mrs. S. Mantno have been gatherng treasures and trnkets to be sold n the whte elephant booth. Tckets wll be sold on the far grounds by Mrs. James Jackson, Mrs. Edward Neely and ther commttee. Father Gllgan (Contnued from page ) Orental bell whch long ago summoned Buddhst monks to prayer n Japan. At Mary knoll, t rngs only once a year on departure day. <Maryknoll, founded n 9, has mssons n Bolva, Chle, Colomba, Peru and Venezuela n South Amer ca; Guatemala, El Salvador and Mexco, n Central Amerca; Hong Kong, Tawan, the Phlppnes, Jap*, an and.korea n the Orent; Tantarra and Kenya n Afrca, and n Hawa. Actve Pngry Alumn Re-elected to the alumn class of 97 of t'he Pngry Alumn Assoca ton s Harold S. Thomson of 57 Lawrence Ave. Frederck D. Walters of Everson p. has been chosen to fll a vacancy n the a mun class of 97. Polce Court The followng dspostons were mntle n WratreJt] Court Wednefday n #ht by Judtfe Jank J- Carnl'llo; Pedro RUJOS ( Passble, posse "t stolen vehcle, -day jflj.l eentervce of whch fl days were msmnlec] am t n <h\yn to serve; dsorderly person, fvurntaaed Santo» kopez, passalu, dsorderly person, (Ncluy jnll sentence; season of stolen lcense plates, mssed, Juan Del Valle, Passnc, dsorderly ferson, ]-day jal sentence; possesson of stolen vehlr-le and lcense pates, dsmssed, Mrhm l>el Vals, Pnss-Jc, dsorderly person, -fly jjl sentence, P'lwses-slon of stolen enr and (cense r>)< ten, rtanlsat]. Rlwrd J. Afeen;n, We'^t Dudley Ave,, UrvnK whle JljUty l-mpulrefl, %v\\) and revocaton of lcense months. summer Free moth-prbofmg... Why take chances storng your wnter clothng? Pan Amercan moth proofs your clothng at no cost and gets them so clean that there are no appetzng spots left for moth* am other destructve nsects. Surprsed to fnd that we offer ths added protecton at no cost? t's just one of the many extras you receve wth Pan Amercan's "person* alzvul servce"., all assurng you of optmum qualty. f youm lke to empty your closets ths summer, ask about our economcal Box Storage. Open 7 A.M. to 7 P.M. Monday thru Saturday Custom Drape Cleanng and Hangng Haspel clothng s lesffed wth both fashon and comfort n mnd.. so, the look s cool, calm and terrfc n a superb range of wonderful wrnkle-free fabrcs whch Haspel has talored (as only Haspel can). For the easest knd of summer n wa&h and wear sut yourself n Haspel. Suts from S5 Ask About Our Free Extended Charge Plan 7 E BROAD ST WESTFELD 7 Open Monday Evenngs Tll 9

3 THE WESTFELD <N.J.) LEADER, THUTlSDAY, MAY, NK Pago Local LVW To Lead Delegaton "Caveat Emptor" ur*ltru) W rtt WttMflfcU) JA*CEES Uhmmua a tonnal dance last week are: Front row* left to.rght, Raymond McEntee, Donald Pearce,, Davd Hedges, John Corey and Robert O'Nelt, all drectors; back row, Davd Bryant, secretary; Eldred Hahey, external vce presdent; Jack Uoffan, presdent; John ReUly, nternal vce pmldent; Frank Pearaon drector; and Steven Croft, drector, Mnng from the pcture were James McbeL, treasurer; Robert Morrow and Rchard Sameth, both dlrtctort. - * Jaycees nstall 9689 Offcers Lt. Peterson Leaves Hosptal Members of De League of Women Voters of Westfleld wll lead a delegaton of representatves of other local organzatons to the statewde "Majorty Response Rally" to be held near the State Houso n Trenton Monday. The purpose of the roly, whch grew out of organzatonal efforts of the League of Women Voters of N.J. and the Human Relatons Councl of Trenton, s to urge early enactment of recommendatons for urban ad made by the Governor's Commsson on Cvl Dsorders n N.J. Support s beng enlsted from cvc, relgous, veterans', women's, student, faculty, educaton, human relatons, busness, and other groups n the state. of fellow ctzens n deprved urban areas. "We've locked the people n the ctes and taken the resources out," she stated, contnung, "t's.tme to assume responsblty for the problems and open the door to opportunty for all people." Accordng to Mrs. Klen, "Through ths rally we want to show the Legslators that they can act boldly and we wll support them." The rally wll convene at : a.m. on the lawn n front of the War Memoral Buldng near the Captol, wth the speakers platform on the steps of the War Memoral Buldng. n the event of ran the rally wn move nto the buldng-. Round trp buses wll leave Westfeld for Trenton at 9:5 a.m. from Former Governors Alfred E. JDrscall and Robert B. Meyer are co-thcharmen of the rally sponsorng St. Parkng wll be avalable for Congregatonal Church on Elmer commttee, headng a lst of well some cars n the church parkng lot. known leaders n many felds Partcpants are asked to brng a througout the state, ncludng U. S. sandwch. Mrs. John Thatcher, pres- Senators Clfford P. Case and Harrson A. Wllams, Governor Drscoll all nterested local resdents to at- dent of the Westlcld League urges wll be master of ceremones. tend the rally. "Many people have Mrs. Robert Klen, presdent of the asked what they can do to help," League of Women Voters of N.J. she stated. "Ths s somethng every- descrbed the mass gatherng as anone can do. Let's do t well.'* expresson to N.J. legslators of the Reservatons may be made wth deep concern among.vhlte suburban Mrs. Alvn Stener, 5 Parkvew ctzens n the state for the plght Ave. * NDAN TOM TOM BEATS sounded through Tamaqucs Park on Saturday when the Una m Longhousc of Y-ndan Gudes played host to 68 Westfeld dads and ther kndergarten-aged sons. ndan Gudes, a program of the Westfeld YMCA for dads and ther sons n frst, second and thrd grades s dedcated to ncreasng the amount of constructve lme a dad spends wth hs son at an age when the son most needs and s most receptve to hs father's gudance and companonshp. There arc presently 5 trbes of from seven to nne famles each n Westfeld. Dads pctured are,, left to rght, Steve McCarthy, Bll Spnth, John Kwasek and Dean Zellmer. Sons arc Steve McCarthy, Davd Phlps and Phlp Kwasek. By CHEF JAMK.S F. MOHAN n essence, ths Latn clche menus "Let Ht; buyer beware." Too ofm do the clzenry comu to the polce after hnvmg boon legally fleeced bd morally robbed by a fly-by-nkhl operator. would strongly stress that your local merchant, medume, craftsman can bolter serve you tbt someone callng you by phone, or even door-lo-door canvassng. A OCJ person enn bo reached easer than a salesman for a frm wth home offces n Torre Haute, nd. Ths s the season of the year for roofng and sdng salesmen, purveyors of mracle lawn food, seal coatng of drveways at fantastc tow prces, magazne subscrptons that are almost gveaways and many others. t would be redundant for me to add that we have found, after poo* pe,have sgned contracts, that there s no legal redress, so please remember no one s gvng anythng away. There are many reputable frms n the area so for our mutual ad, be chaucnstc, deal wth the area merchants. Another word of cauton, ask for and read the canvassng permt of anyone that comes to your home sellng anythng. Jack Hogan of 6 Farmont Avc. was presdent of the Frst Lt. Erc H. Peterson H, son Westfeld. Jaycees at the club's of Mr. and Mrs. Erc H, Peterson Jr. sprngformalrecently at Echo Lakeof 58 Boulevard, has recently been County Club. released from Walter Reed Hosptal n Washngton, D.C. Awpnh were gven to Alen Chn, 9 Summt Ct, for Jaycee of the Leutenant Peterson was wounded Year; Jack ReJUy,<6 Kenaktfsfem Nov. 6, 867, whle servng as a Dr, spark dug of the year; Samrfle platoon leader wth the st Brojdo, 6 Sandra Cr., spoke of the Battalon, th nfantry, th nfantry Dvson, durng the battle of year; and Hay Memhew, 5 Brch Ave., key man., Dak To, n the Republc of Vetnam. Mr. Hoffsn spent four and onehatf yean n the U.S. Navy followng MB graduaton from Perm State Unversty n 965. He joned the Sun Ol Oo. n 96 and s dstrct ndahral manager of sales for the Northern New Jersey area. A member of J-aycees for more than.'two years, be ntroduced the Chld Sheld program, served an 'nternal and external vce-presdent, was awarded the Area 5 award for outstandng external vce-presdent and won the 967 WeMfeld Jaycee of te Year awafcd. Other offcere nstalled were: nternal vce-presdent. Jack Re&y; external vce-presdent, Eldred Hal- ejfr trcttwrer, Jamet Mchel; secretary, Davd Bryant; drectors, A.O'NeH, Jofaa Carey/.Frank Davd - Hedges, Stephen Croft, Rchard Sameth, Robert Morrow; Donald Pearce and Raymond MoEntee. LEADER ADS BRNG RESULTS Ht the snal tral n DJ v> * Health tex STANTO9 Whtn warm weather comes, lttle boys love to go explorng n Heafth-tex woven cot* ton short sets. Sporty boxer short*, wth elastc all* around wast are set to go wth snappy classc crewneck polo shrts; strped, cheerful lookng and wash* able. Szes:,,..5 Szes:,, 5, 6..5 LT. ERC H. PETERSON H Hs platoon sustaned a heavy mortar and rocket attack. When the ntal rounds landed n front of the platoon's permeter, Leutenant Peterson. order hs men to enter ther bunkers, but he elected to reman exposed to the hazardous lre d order to seek out tre enemy postons. As he. was sghtng hs compass to obtan a drecton for countermortar fre, an enemy round exploded mmedately before hm, woundng hm severely. The offcer was evacuated through the Army Hosptal at Camp Zama, Japan. Leutenant Peterson has been awarded the Army Commendaton Medal wth "V" devce, for herosm and the Purple Heart. He also holds the Bronze Star and the Ar Medal wth two Oak Leer Clusters..: rs currently assgned,to the Offce. of Personnel '^Operatons, Headquarters,' department of the Army, Washngton,'D.C. "' Leutenant Peterson Vas graduated from Westfeld Senor Hgh School n June, 96, and from Columba College, Columba Unversty, n June, 965. He receved hs commsson n December, 986, at Fort Bennng, Ga. Dr. Nenno to Speak Dr. Robert P, Nenno of Westfeld wll speak on "Communty Organzaton for Mental Health" Wednesday, June 5, at a meetng of the N.J. Assocaton for Mental Health at the Massau nn, Prnceton, T PAYS TO ADVERTSE N THE LEADER OBJECTVE possble growth p for your f nvestment, ; NO ONE CAN N Our 8th Year of Servce. A ( \ NSURED T O YOU HADQUARTM KM SUMMM CAMTHS Make an appontment wth Warren or Berne at AD - and one hour of your tme wll solve your entre problem. M. L. Mannno 7 Cross way P. Westfeld, N.J. -5 WESTFELD OFFCE Broad at Prospect By the Plaza SCOTCH PLANS OFFCE 6 Park Avenue UTM mm turn»f

4 Page THE WESTFELD (N.J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, MAY, B8 OBTUARES Ll. Wllam D. Strrup, Vctm of (]un<:er were held Saturday for Frst Leut. Wllnm X Strrup. -. «on of Mr, and Mrs. Wllam A. vsrrup ot fo E. (:rd SL., Now Vork CHy, formerly or Westfeld. Leutenant Strrup ded last Wednesday (May H of cancer n Walter -Reed Hosptal, Washngton. He had been a fnance offcer wth he Thrd Brgade, 5th nfantry Dvson, n Dau Teng, South Vetnam, for fve months untl hs transfer to bhe hosptal May 6. He was t'he husband of Mrs. Constance hfalaco StTp, formerly of Wllmantc, Conn., whom he marred last Novembur shorlly beforu hs assgnment n Vetnam. Born n Hallway. 'Leutenant Strrup grew up n Wcstfeld and was a m o m b e r of thc Presbyteran Church he-re, le was graduated from junor hgh school hero n U58, from New Hampton Rrcp School, New Hampton, N.H., n 96, and from Maretta College, Maretta,., n 9G5. Followng hs graduaton, Leu-.tenant Strrup lved n New York Cty where le was an accountant wth Prce, Watcrhouse and Co. He went nto servce n February, 9G6 and receved hs commsson the followng December. Leutenant Strrup was based at Ft. Hood, Tex., and Ft. Benjamn Harson, nd., before leavng for Vetnam. n addton to hs wfe and parents, he s survved by a brother, Peter A. of Toledo,., and hs maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Brandt'of G5 Coleman P. Mrs, Ole Larsen Funeral servces were held Monday afternoon at Gray's, Westfeld, for Mrs. Thora Larsen, 79, of 79 Madson Ave. Rev. Rchard Smth, mnster of the Presbyteran Church, Vrgl F. Mrray Funeral servces for Vrgl F\ Murray of (HW Dogwood Dr.. Scotch Plans, were held at dray's, Westfekl, Snturdy. nterment was n Volunteers Rase McCarthy Funds A dnner hold Frday at the Westwood Lounge n Garwood, turned n«to a successful fund-rasng occason for Westfeld's chapter of Volunteers Fnrvmv Cemetery. T *,».,,.,. for McCarthy. Bob Hanson, Oongre* Rev. Reunng's 5 Years Here To Be Noted At Retrement Srrvces Buldng from a msson church located n» vacant South Ave. store to a valuable church-porsonagcschool complex has been among the accomplshments of the Rev. Walter A. Reunng, pastor of the Redeemer Evangelcal Lutheran Church, Ths, coupled wth hs 5 years of servce n the Westfeld congregaton wll be noted durng a four-day observance markng the Rev. Reun- ng'a retrement ths weekend. Mr. Murray, retred dstrct man- «;««,; r ^ * t.ofr.,., dvson.. - r,7 gauonal nwmslor from Trenton, act- Tmken Roller wrng Co., New as auctoneer n dsposng ol many orgnals of contemporary pottery, drawngs, lthographs and York Cty, ded Thursday n Ralway Memoral Hosptal, Ralway, after other works of art. Dan Leberman a long llness. won he raffle of a pantng. Born n Kansas, Mr. Murray had t «u r fj Wo uuest Guest speaker was uavd Davd Hotttskved n he Westfeld area 8 years. clm rf MjUb w h o g Qne ^ f Roths- He was a member of.the Amercan ^«. delegates n(r. ( _ f from Ue «. th n Congresson-, A unque feature of the comnemoto Senator Eu- ralon wll be the actve role that Socety of Mechancal Engneers, Ua gene McCarthy. Rothschld revewed * Rev - Rng's two sons wll play n the ceremones. Both, of been wth Tmken 7 years, of whch he served lack of wdespread knowledge about tlem > the Rev * Danlcl G - Reunng hs lberal stand on cvl rghts. He and the Rev. Walter H, Reunng, as dstrct, manager. ponted out hs confdence n the have followed n the footsteps of n leu of flowers, the famly requests dannttons to -the Scotch Plans youth of the country n advocatng ther clergyman father. the lowerng of thc votng age lmt Also noted durng the four-day Rescue Squad or the buldng fund to 8. ceremones wll be the years of of the mmaculate Heart of Mary. Dnncr darmen were Mre> Doro. servce of Mrs. Reunng, a teacher Church, Scotch Plams. tl Ma h)r and Mrs< Amee Rlhum( n the Redeemer Day School for Survvng are hs wdow Mrs Eve WflrtSeld. fl Volunteers for Me, G Murray; two daughters, Mrs. U ^ are lbegm, ng m fn J A testmonal dnner honorng the Maxnc Ely of Smthlown. Long «. spadowork t gct out te votcs June Rev. and Mrs. Rentng wll be held land NY, and Mrs. Jean Welter Mss Harret Nasser, student at al 7?- m - tonght'n Westfeld Seof Mountan Vew, Calf; one broth- the Unlvarglty of M ch g an> char. nor Hgh School; Rudolph P. F. er, Clarence Murray of Nckerson, Kans., and seven grandchldren. Mrs. Mabel B. Baker 'Mrs. Mabel B. Baker, 7, of 5 Munsec Way, ded Monday at Glensde Nursng Home, New Provdence, after a long llness. She had lved here 7 years. offcated. nterment was n Far-?»f r *-.?^, bert vew Cemetery. Mrs. Larsen, wfe of the late Ole Larsen, ded Frday n Muhlenberg Rchmond, Va. Hosptal after a short llness. A natve of Norway, she had lved hare for 5 years and was a member of the Westfeld Presbyteran man of the canvassers. She says her group s ready for the fnal swng of door to door canvassng, whch has been n progress n Westfeld for several weeks. Lterature McCarthy's bographcal hghlghts and speeches has been prnted by Saul and Roslyn Harrson and s ready for mass dstrbu- Funeral servces wll be held at *j; on - McCarthy Headquarters at 7 Trn( ty Hgh : a.m. tomorrow n Brown's Funeral Home, Planfeld, wth the Rev. C. Lncoln McGee of Trnty Unted Presbyteran Church, Mont* clar, offcatng. nterment wll be n Hllsde-AVeV Cemetery. Frends may call today from - and 7-9 p.m. Survvng are a son, Edward Baker of New York; two ssters, Mrs. Alce Burton of Planfeld and Mrs. Luclle Danels of Lttleton, N.C.; and three _ H - Bur? es.«' under the drecton of Mrs. Alce Ffe and Mr*. Anne Mullen. ndan Pov-Wow Here Sunday Trnty nducts 5 nto NHS The Natonal Honor Socety of Holy. _. was nducted n operated [ a ceremory held Monday evenng n the Holy Trnty Hgh School audtorum. An address was gven by Msgr. Charles B. Murphy, pastor bf Holy Trnty, and senor members of the Honor Socety spoke on the varous qualfcatons of an Honor Socety member. Nancy Rogusk explaned the socety's purpose; Laure Ann Hart, scholarshp; Jeanne Donnelly, char- Anyone wth ndan blood or an nterest n the Amercan ndana acter. Mary Jo Gredd leadershp; has been Lttleton, Wllam Surges of Balt- nvted nvted b y Edward Benmore, Md.. and Grant Burgess of son ' " Lttle Turtle trustee rf thc "" Mrs. James L. BroWU Mrs. Mary Louse Brown, 6, of are more than 5, full-blooded n- Vllage Green, ded at her home dans n New Jersey alone. He also Church. Tuesday after a long llness. Born n has nvted Commssoner of ndan Survvng ^are a son, Otef Lar- Hobart N-Y,, she had lved here ll Affars, nteror Dept., Robert Ben- sen of Edson; four daughters, years followng resdence n Albany, Mrs. Sofe Olsen of Avenel, Mrs. Ore., and New York State. and Mary Kaszuba, servce. Entertanment was provded by a folk New Jersey Councl of Amercan n made up of Honor Socety dans, to a pow wow Sunday at hs Frederck Cooney was home, 75 Hanford P. Mr. Benson estmates that there Elzabeth Howarth o Westfeld, A member of wllow Grove Pres- Mrs. Lllan Thorsen of seln and byteran Church, she also was a Ruth Frest of Westfeld; two member of the nurses assocaton at brothers, Ole and Trygve Olandsdal both n Norway; three ssters, Mss Tords Oandsdal, Mrs. Anna Lok- f ore her marrage. Methodst Hosptal, Brooklyn, where Presbyteran lay leaders whle they she had been a regstered nurse be- attend fche semnary. ander, both n Norway, and Mrs. Also survvng are a son, Alton (Martha Heberg of Maplewood; El Brown, at home; and a brother, nne grandchldren and four great- Charles ReetJ of Hobart, N.Y. grandchldren. Funeral 'servces are beng held at a.m. today at Gray's, 8 E. Mrs. Harold Cumnngs Broad St., wth ander, mnster of Mrs. Marguerte S. Cummngs, o n All Souls Hosptal, Morrstown, after an llness of 5 years. 'Mrs. Cummngs had attended the Congregatonal Church of Westfeld and the Unversty of Mssour, where she was a member of Alpha Delta Ph and had been "Engneer's Queen" n 98. Durng World War she had been actve n the Red Cross both here and n St. Lous, Mo. Wfe of Harold F. Cummngs, she also s survved by two daughters, Mary S. and Barbara S., both at home; a brother, Lester F. Smth ' t e r m e n t wll! b e ln t h e tery tomorrow. Mrs. Ruth Burke Mrs. Ruth K. Benton Burke, 7, of 7 Evergreen Blvd., Scotch Plans, ded Tuesday n Muhlenberg Hosptal. She was he mother of Wllam A. Burke Jr. of 78 Hanford P. wfe of the late Wllam A. Burke. Born n Glenfttdge, Mrs. Burke lved n ths area for the last 6 years. She was a member of the Grace Epscopal Church, Planfeld of Hannbal, Mo., and her father, and of board of ts Women's So- Frank J. Smth of Krkv/ood, Mo. cj et y ( anc j a member also of the Memoral servces wll be held at vstng Homemakers, League for p.m. today n the chapel of the L e Handcapped and Tuesday Read- Westfeld Congregatonal Church - mg club of Fanwood. She attended wth the Rev. Ltroy Stanford, mns- WcUesley College and later receved ter of the church, and the Rev. Le-U, er master's degree from Brown roy Hastngs of the Chester Cangre- Unversty. gatonal Church, offcatng. nter Also survvng are another son, ment wll be prvate. Rchard K. of Groton, Conn., -and Arrangements have been made by two grandchldren. Gray's, Westfeld. Servces wll be held at a.m. master of ceremones. Sster Anne' Bernadette, prncpal of Holy Trnty Hgh-School, awarded membershp n the Natonal Honor Socety to the followng students: Sophomores, Chrstne Kaszuba, nebt, as guest of honor. Flower pots, old newspapers and Mary Lelwca, Susan McSweenejv; magaznes are requested es Carol Mone, Patrca Nagel, Thomas; offerngs." Proceeds from ther sale Werner, Else Banco, Georgeahr wll be used to support two Soux Borushko, and Mare Smth; junors, Beth Ann Chernchowsk, Elzabeth Barrett, Mark De Wan, Mchael De Wan, Chrstopher Magyar, Joseph Ftzharrs, Marguerte Ncll, Kentomorrow n the Grace Epscopal neth Klen, Frances Anthes, and Church, PlanffcW. Frends may oalh Mary. Lee Garrson swtors. frbm -5 and 7-9 p.m. today at thc Memoral Funeral Home, Frankln PL, Planfeld. SE What You Buy Jeanne Donnelly, Mary Gredd, Mary Kaszuba, Laure Ann Hart, and Nancy Roguak. Nothng you buy wll ever be as permanent as a famly monument. ts purchase warrants thought and gudance. See what you buy. Vst the monument dealer who has a complete dsplay, and who can desgn a personalzed monument to harmone wth ts surroundngs. We have the experence. We have the complete dsplay, We specalze n fully guaranteed Select Barre Grante Monuments. L. L. MANNNG * SON MONUMNT5 - MARKMS Wf W. Froat»t H PmtOeM, W. J. BARRE GULD Monument REV. WALTER A. REUNNG F Ressmeyer, presdent of the Atlantc dstrct, Lutheran Church, wll be the prncpal speaker, wth responses also from the Rev. Reunng's two sons, Vctor G. Albers, Howard J. Schoenfeldt, Eugene E. Kuechle and Henry von Spreckelson. John R. West, co-charman of the 5th specal commemoratve annversary, wlt be-master of ceremones. A specal program wll be held tomorrow mornng at Redeemer Lutheran School wth specal trbute to Mrs. Reunng. Three specal servces have been planned for Sunday wth commemoratve church servces at 8: and a.m. and at the Sunday school at 9:5 a.m. At pm, Ewald H. Mueller, vce.presdent ot the Atlantc dstrct, wll delver a sermon, wth Wllam T. Mschke as lector, the Rev. Walter H. Reunng turgst and fr#n> Mr. llce «ff Dnakrr k Dfcer.!* the Rev. Danel G. Reunng as or- dance at the corner of South Avo. gunlst. and the Boulevard. Servces were A fellowshp hour wll be held at held there, followng 'Us converson 5: p.m. n Redeemer parsh hall nto a more attractve chapel, untl under auspces of the Women's Eve- June, 9?6 t when servces were wng Guld and the Lades Ad So- moved to tlw YMCA audtorum, onelety. ly a block from Us buldng ste. Hlfred Pennckamp s co-charman Ground-breakng at the present of the testmonal affars along wth locaton w«s held Aug. B, 97, wth Mr. WesL cornerstone layng the followng Oct. The frst Lutheran servce n Westfeld waa held Apr. B, M5, n the But t remaned untl March,, and dedcaton Feb., 96, 9, parsh house of the Congregatonal w the chancel to be completed, un- Church on Elmer St., but moved tl December, 9, for the floor to after a summer nterrupton ol»erv- fa tled; untl Aprl, 9, for the ces to the frame chapel of the s- l pe ws to be nstalled; and untl Noralan Methodst Church (also known vemfaer, MS. for the Wurltzer oras the W. C. T. Hall) at Prospect gan to be set n place. The parson- St.. now he locaton of the raunlcj* age at'» (Wperthwalte W. (razed pal parkng lot,,. n 9ft (o m* e room for anew edu-" Despte the formaton of a Ladles Naton buldng) was purchased n Ad Socety and a Sunday school 9,. sesson men *u t A mlestone was reached on East-, lwbt, tne msswn- Gr rjav 95 when t wa«anrnnnrpr called was also marked by the purchase, of three lots at the corner of Clark St. and Cowperthwalte P. ste of the current church complex, the ncorporaton of the congregaton July, and the rentng of a larger store to contan the ncreased atten- ary reported only 6 t, attendance thgt p ropert e 8 were re* of debt, Mofthemcommun^anu.attheend and a mortg a? e*urnng followed ofthe frst year. work Apr., at the Kth annversary dn v n the autumn of 9 the msson ' ter. was moved to a rented 5 outh Ave., opposte the southsde ^t grew ralroad to staton 9 communcants parkng lot, and and $ r n wng, and he Luther Sunday school pupls. Followng the recommendatons of the dstrct board of the church, the Rev. Reunng was called to serve-n 98, and a perod of actvty followed. A relgous census n the town reached almost every home, and those who clamed Lutheran membershp and the unchurched became prospects for the msson. :BUY.:-'.*':>. Untl 9. when th church became self-sustanng, t was categorzed PROBLEMS as a msson, and receved durng' ths perod amounts totalng $7,GOO. The year the Rev. Reunng was nt Plnlnn. Thry O. even fsh lke a Hall Nut scry School opened the followng October. Steadly expandng, the Redeemer Day School now contnues through eghth grade. An extensve buldng program n 6 and 96 has brought the Redeemer Church and school to ts present capactes. Pastor Reunng was born July 6, 9, n Wellsvlle, N.Y., where he receved hs early schoolng at Trnty Chrstan Day School. Hs tranng for the mnstry was accomplsh* ^d at Concorda Collegate nsttute, Bronx vlle, N.Y.. and Concorda Semnary, St. LoUls, Mo. He was ordaned Aug. 6, 5, at.hs frst pastorate n mmenuel Lutheran Church; Manchester, N.Y. He prevously had. served as vcnr of mmanuel Church, Wnnpeg, Mantoba... '...: Walter H., the Reunngs' eldest son, now serves the Frst Lutheran Church n Boston, Mass. Danel s a pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church n New Hartford, Conn,, and has recently accepted the call to the faculty of Concorda Semnary, Sprngfeld,. The elder fteunlngs also have fve grandchldren.. What U yoorj? Are you wonderng how you art o g to fnance a collcg* educaton for your chldren? can show you how, and t'» ea»y f you plan ahead. Perhaps the thought of too lttle ncome at retrement har you tossng and turnng n your sleep. That problem con be solved ea,ty by o retrement ncome plan. Do you hove a naggng fear that perhaps you hqve not properly provded for your wfe and your chldrenf.why let worry droln off your vtal energes. You can do somethng. about t and can show yoy how. Are you frustrated by your nablty to lave money? can sal lp o plan for you wth three guarantees: ) f you lve and make tho deposts fathfully, you wll acheve your fnonclol goolj ) f you become dsabled and can't work, Vou wll stll acheve your goal; and ) f you de, your famly wll gel the money you wore tryng to accumulate. r No other pon can provlde^ajlthese guarantees* Convnced? Call me for a revew of» your-'personal stuar t '." * W'.fr -V * 6*6 t.' ^*r DEDCATED TO DGNFED SERVCE (Sntutnrg w Et»blah«d SM t: $ em'**.8- On* of JV««> J*t«* Aneat ctmettr* and : Evfakllahcd 8S7 FUNERAL DRECTORS WtSTFElD Wllam A. Doyle 8 E, BSOAD ST. CRANFORD Fred H, Gray, Jr. Prc»Men<-ManaBer SPRNGFELD AVE ONE TFAR DfFBRKBD FAT MNT PLAN NTEREST-rtBB, AVAL- \BLK FOR PR -NECD BCYR*. Supt'a Offce E. Broad St \D. -7R Gates Close at fctt &ttt Cxeratfre Oflee ft Elm Street AD. - Pardon u»tor carpng on a tred subject, but tnybody HCM a choce. Fshermen wll tell you even the fnny trbe w»nt» varety. And we thnk people deserve better than that! So t behooves us all to keep advertsng alve. For as advertsng flourshes so flourshes competton. And where there* competton, you, the consumer, fare better. And that's no fsh tale. THE WESTFELD LEADER

5 j THB WESTFELD (N.J.) LEADER. THURSDAY, MAY, 96» Page S Choral Art Socety Dsplay At Barrett & Gran Moaart, Verd, Yaughan Wllams; them n the wndows of Barrett rod Gran, nc., Elm Street; Westeld! Portrats of two h famous composers and a, bust of the utter, along wth other artfacts to musc, are dsplayed n connecton wth the sprng con* cert to tfe gven by the Choral Art Socety of New Jeraey n the audtorum df Roosevelt Junor Hgh School at 6: p.m. tomorow. Ttw pcogrmx oortsfets of the Mo«mt,"Jle<!ufem;" tfw-.venm "Te Deum," Md \VttHatm "Serenade to";mare/' feahrlts the tt-voce dbra* ftnd rtctesttv and «>lofcts 'Mw?'Anne -'E./Frtt of WeatfleM, Mr.. «nd M r s. Jerry Donnktf ol Scotch --Plate, WUSam Asjway Elsabeth, and voun solost rvng Nussbaum of Crantord. The charcoal drawng of Verd Was done by a member of Che Choral Art Socety, John Kfeftopoutas of Rosetle Park. That of Vaughan Wl- Uatw was dnawn by mem ber, Mss Jean Kelber, ol Cranford, «to»e father, Robot J. Kelber f A eeltm wth He New Jersey Sympboay. Abo tat by Mr Kefcer for dptay fe a framed manuscrpt of an orgtna)>,9p«e ),9p ; from? htt MWtok d Oahottc MWtook, created by hand at, an M ow <Wr»n Ofrtnw monaetey on 'donkey skn; The ftjmt'k «cor*fted to be monks sometme durng ttw Sth DONALD J. TOWNSGND; left. NallMm ChatteMM M r«k la wkkh TtwueM.toctmefc*** waer ef Chalertea Ce. ttrate Ct, ef Nc«Caaaae, Cm*. Townsend Obtans Conn. Van Agency H Donald J. Townsend has recently acqured the Alled Van Agency, Chatterton Co. of New Canaan, Conn. fnom Nathan Chatterton. The changeover took place on May. Ateo acqured, n the transacton was a furnture storage warehouse n VaU, N.Y. Ctertterfon had been n busness n New Canaan for more than 5 years. Townsend bad formerly been'assocated wth hs father, Henry P. Townsend, who operates p one of g Alled Van lnes n the East. Mr. Townsend has been "brought up ' n the movng and storage bus- nest; «hs father hat been n bustem here for over 6 years! He attended Seton HaU and jmamt Unverstes and actvely worked wth fcfe father for years. CoukMaatly, Towntend w» born n West Haven, Conn., whle hs mother was vacatonng there. He «oe o chldren. Marred to Joan Armes Townsend, he s the father ol one grl and two boys. Hs famly wll be jonng hm n Conn, n md- July., Motorbke Stolen Allen Wmmer of 58 Tamtques W; y reported the theft ths week of a motorbke from hs horn* The bke was later found severely damaged n a wooded area near hs home. The -rest of the exhbt conssts of of muadanb one Royal Henry Myers, Robert Turner, Cwl Douttoo cellst, one orgnal Armarceaton from Japan, a Norman Booth, Vck Claman; Bran Baxter, Forsborg, Robert Schwarz, Karen Jtockwel creaton made by W. Goebel of West Germany, qnd three ert Louder, Robert MarthaW, Danel Donald Gbss, Douglas Jones, Rob- Oapo d Monte fgures; also photograph of the Choral Art Socety and Hubert SuJHvan.. ; Steven Bem«rtfta and ther drector, Mrs. Evelyn Bleeke, n rehearwal and a formal pcture of the group. Thto dfepuy was planned and arnaoged by Mrs WWam rwn n eobperatlott wth Mn. Hate Werd of Barrett ao«cram/ nc Ward has placed n the background teveral recent ol area homes done by Barrett and CraftV arts* Lestyn Ash. Methodst Church K Dance Tomorrow "Of the Body" wm ptoy at the Method** Church from 8 to mdnght tethonvw* a te Body" e a "unque" tn» «f grotp whch performs aontfs rangtm *um Mk-trock to ther own tnuak and tmprovfcatom. T^e ax-nwmher hand oonaws of Bn Tce, men-»ger. and ertanm; Bob Selboth, gutar; Gary Harper, lead voctls; Mke Delxdfe, gultftr; Dave Thompson, drum; ard BU Martn, lead vocals, tambourne and harmonca. The Methodfet Youth Fellowshp wll spomor the dance. Lt. Marx Wns Bronze Star Second Leut. Mchael R. Marx, son of Mr. and Mrs, Cart J. Marx of 77 Wn yah Ave, has been warded the Bronze Star for mertorous servce. The medal was pnned on the offcer by General Brownfeld. Leut. Marx s expected borne from oversew the end of May, and wll be statoned at Ft. Campbell, Ky., tor the duraton of ns duty. He wfe, Mrs. Judth Marx, and daughter Teal resde wth her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Moore of 85 Oarleton Rd. LEADER WANT AM PAT Band Concert Tuesday Nght The All Cty Elcmentcry School Bond and Strng Ensemble wll perform at 8 p.m. Tuesday at Etlson Junor Hgh School. Featured on the program are a trumpet solo, a flute solo, a clarnet duet, and select-ons by Handel, Haydn, PurcelV and Bart ok. Mss Jan-cc J. Ferlman, n-ruotor of strngs and nstrumental nstructors, John Josa and Robert C, Rletzke wll conduct the varous numbers. Members of the Strng Ensemble are: Susan Bnarls, Henry Ch-ao, Jonathan Dabch, Gretchen Detterch, Lsa Keller, Amy M-allc-r, Howard Mannella, JoyceMller, Suzanne Attenborough, Beth Bower, EJlen Davs, Pamela Golden, Dana Herrmann, Chp Lews, Mchael Nxon, Nancy Paterson, Gery Payne, Peter Schofc, Nova Stucker. Also Pamela Becker, Jan Oallender, Jeffrey Genzer, Kathleen Holt, Conne Luce, Davd Remea, Mthael Sarvetnck, Lnda Shore, Janet Stevens, Jonathan Cowles, Ann pe, Bruce Rotker, Baccara Alpert, Robert Kunnngham, Clay Rener. Members of the band are; Sue Boston, Elnor Datch, Paul Drews, Kelly Fead, Bonne Glass, Mare Jacobson, Paul Leberman, Martgo Markos, Sue McNamara, Barbara Sanborn, Thomas DKHrol&mo, Howard Katz, James Fttpakh, Matthew MedJord, Dommck VBane, Gregg Buttermore, Davd Kareeh, Franktn Webster Bruce Dougherty, Wllam Reeve. Paul We.» - - Afeo Dck Masln, Peggy Jean We, Laurence Hurtng, Glenn Tedenwn, Danel Morash, George Balmcr, Kevn Brennan, Steven Cant, Eleabeth Bhrch, Carol Hansen, Wlner Holder, Mnka Kng, Keth Merron, Ohrbrtopher Monte, Dane Shore, Tom SuUcbarger, Donna Tletswortt. Also Robert Compton, homm Harned, Jerry Jackson, Glenn Larson, James McCorcmek, Donald Mc- Nel, Thomas Myers, Marty Resnck, Rohard VUane, Roger Wehl, WU- Ytam Bonsten, Arthur CotttoB, James Corwn, Raymond Heath, AKNOLD Y. CLAMAN Claman Jons < _ New York Bank Arould V. Claman has joned Frst Natonal Cty Bank as vce presdent n charge of the nvestgaton and potental tol department n the Comptroller'a Dvson. h B m Born n New York Cty n 9, Mr. JOSEPH FTZHARRS Ftzharrs To Compete n Nat* Forensc Fnals Joseph FtzHarrs, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. FtzHarrs of 89 Nancy Way, wll compete n the natonal fnals of the Natonal Catholc Forensc League n Chcago. Wnnng second place n the Natonal Cathollc Forensc League tournament n orgnal oratory at Essex Catholc Hgh School enttles Joseph to ths honor. Hs speech, "A Crusade for Man," has won hm numerous awards n other contests. Sster Anne Bemadette, prncpal of Holy Trnty and Sster Mary Concepcron, the school Forensc moderator, wll accompany. Joseph. They wll leave Wednesday and return the Sunday. Joseph, a junor at Holy Trnty, s presdent of ts Forensc League, and competed as a freshman n the Natonal'Fnals n Mam, Fla. Joe cbo s an actve member of the Glee Club, Student Councl, Natonal Honor Socety and CYO. COMNG EVENTS S MAY M ^^m ^ ^* * 7 8 w T F 7 s 8 5!Annual luncheon meetng of the ','. Wertlfcld Servce ; LeW, Echo 'Lake Country /Club;': a.m. 5 Junor - Woman's Club annual banquet Mountansde nn. ^ * neat hb house, : a.m. "' _ j ' *., JB farden department of Woman's " Club, clubhouse, : J>.m;' ' Art-Socety of N.J., nc., concert 'Roosevelt Junor Hgh School,' 8: SO'p.m. M Amercan '. home.. deportment. of l'"> Woman's Club annual trp, 9: ar. -..'' jft-jubknt League of Elsabeth and Cranford.Calypw Happenng, ]. home of-mrs John H. Wuorlnen Dudley Ave., 7 p.m. 7 Lterature and drama depart- [\ ment annversary luncheon, club; house, : p.m.* ft New members. department cof Woman's Clut) annual junchedt; Sleepy Hollow nn* Scotch Plans, p.m. Claman s a graduate of the Unversty of Southern Calforna and Columba Law School. Before jonng Ctbank, he had been a partner and tt-me and Hoe brthday hmcheon assocate n the New York law frm of Bgham, Englar, Jones and Houston snce 95. Mr. Claman and hs wfe, the former Barbara Brtton, and ther three daughters lve at 6 Rutgers Ct. He s presdent of the Communty Players and a member of the mayor's cultural an beautfcaton commttee. A member of the Amercan Bar Assocaton and the New York State Bar Assocaton, Mr. Oaman served as an offcer n the U.S. Martme Servce durng World War. s 9 6 JUN M 7 E S 5 w S Ptenfeld Country Club. f 7 r m t* V 5 9 Mountansde Newcomers, Mountanalde nn. Servce League. Westfeld Orpheus To Play Here June 7 Orpheus, cnc of the lop new natonal muscal croups, svll perform n a eoncc.-'t jt B:() p.m. Frday, June '/, n Wes-lfdd Senor Hgh School audtorum. Sponsored by the Mayor's Advsory Councl for Servces to Youth and h e Westfeld Teen Canteen nc., the nffnr wll co-feature the Balloon Farm, a local group. No seats wtk De reserved for the concert. Tckets may be obtaned Crom Mr., and Mrs. Glenn Magglo, advsors, Joe Deombeleg, Jm LocaeH, Pete Schofcld, Dave Jensen, Fred Banes, Teresa Fsher, Mark DeWan. Elwood Green, George Nubel, Ellen Shalwazaran, Bll Samuelson, Chrs Merrll, Avs Sknner, Jm Baker, Bre Van Leuven, Kevn Kelly, Cera Mae Zmmerman, Nancy Hanrahan, Bcv Campbell, Lor Harrs, Rck Shaw, Betsy Meklejohn, Mke Best, Sande Srfroeder, Krs Jones, Mary Carpenter, Bob Mtchell and Tommy Owen. FREE RDES FOR YOUNGSTERS under years or age wll be n Memoral Day feature of the West flud Rescue Squad. Chldren must be accompaned by ther fathers. Hours for (le holday specal wll be to p.m. Nobody Knows More About loo cor s Dealer EVERYTHNG % Guaranteed * NO EXCEPTONS So our stock of Foregn Makes BUY THE UNUSED MLEAGE N THESE CARS A used Volkswagen makes a frst-rate second car VA* VOLKSWAGEN SEDANS MOMLNO V 5 VOLKSWAGEN c - coot YUKON YELLOW BEGE BAHAMA BLUE BAHAMA BLUE RUBY RED BAHAMA BLUE BLACK LGHT GREY SEA BLUE BAHAMA BLUE RUBY RED BLACK SEA BLUE TURQUOSE RUBY RED BLACK GULF BLUE. ft. ft O TURQUOSE RUBY RED BLUE GREY TURQUOSE s F'BACK, V.W. Blue (Demo) SUNROOF, V.W. Blue (Demo) S'BACK, Red K* - ', tv S'BACK, Damond Blue 966 S'BACK, Grcmcda Red 96 KARMANN GH9A PLANFELD'S ONLY AUTHORZED VOLKSWAGEN CENTER UNON COUNTY VOLKSWAGEN, nc. - SOUTH AVENUE, PLANFELD PUntMd 6-76 ) C*nt*t m mmnmm d

6 P«ge 6 THE WESTFELD (N.J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, MAY, 96* REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FORSALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE NANCY F. REYNOLDS ASSOCATES REALTORS SUGGEST... STONEHENGE - WESTFED - WELL LANDSCAPED GROUNDS WTH FLOWERNG SHRUBS SPACOUS SCREENED PORCH BEDROOMS - V BATHS RECREATON ROOM PLUS A "PLAYROOM" WALL-TO-WALL CARPETNG $59, JUST LSTED! CENTER HALL COLONAL GRANT SCHOOL AREA PANELLED DEN ON ST FL. LVNG ROOM (x) WTH FREPLACE FORMAL DNNG ROOM. "MNT CONDTON" WEST FELD $9,5 NDUSTRAL ZONE MOUNTANSDE WELL MANTANED HOUSE & ATTACHED GARAGE ON A THOROFARE $SO, - FAN WOOD POPULAR SPLT LEVEL FLOOR P U N BEDROOMS - VA BATHS RECREATON ROOM WORKSHOP FOR FATHER PLAYMATES FOR YOUR CHLDREN $8,9 ONLY S YEARS OLD STORY COLONAL HOME 6 ROOMS VA BATHS RECREATON ROOM FENCED YARD ON A PRETTY STREET N FANWOOD. $,5 TUCKED AWAY ON A TRE SHADED LOT N MOUNTANSDE 6 ROOM RANCH WOOD BURNNG FRE PUCE x5 FT. RECREATON ROOM ALUM. COMB. SCREENS A STORMS WALL-TO-WALL CARPETNG $,9 FRANKLN SCHOOL AREA - WESTFELD - COLONAL SPLT LEVEL ON A DEP (5x FT.) LOT WOOD BURNNG FREPLACE N LVNG ROOM SECLUDED SCREENED PORCH - BEDROOMS - MMACULATE CONDTON $,5 SWM N YOUR OWN POOL THS SUMMER CUSTOM BULT BRCK RANCH N PCTURESQUE MOUNTANSDE 6 ROOMS PLUS A BG RECREATON ROOM FRE A BURGLAR ALARM SYSTEM MMEDATE POSSESSON $,5 LET US TELL YOU HOW WE CAN HELP AT THE NEW LOCATON F YOU R TRANSFERRED NANCY F. REYNOLDS ASSOCATES! Hunt lrorfl. AVe*ttfMd. X,., *6 Nancy F. Reynolds -85 Helen Schmdt -898 Olga Graf -76 ^nr). ;r«.r«- *l«-.- (-<;n]!(»«oplr«ptthf # ur-'- -'::(- :Z- PEARSALL AND FRANKENBACH Multlple UHeld ^MWOOd NO. M'n her* Scotch P «la> NomatslufltV 5 EroS, AD -7 khba KBWtRElMTATYR FVH UUMBtKJA, NC. THE NATONWDE HOMB FNDNG KKRVCB CHARMNG CAPE CLOSE TO SCHOOL $,9 n Hhort ' wnllc from l»rl*t-tc home km. tvru ntcm JjtHlrMftt* on HrMt tml two HUM partally ttnlnhed o Mr com) t., T he nne kltekt-n hnw rxtrrllt-nt (lnng HMH ** unt ht* lot* and lttn of pretty ufblntts... 'Pfce lot * MMtttHul} AhruhUel, ht» tree*,nnr nclude* a»lty~yn-d, * t l>o cult to m»e» MODERNZED TWO-FAMLY $5,9 Thl* eottrtrtnhlp two Nrtnxtnt home hllp been > bruurht M»-to-, t, deal for tkr amall ffttljr vrho would lk* ta n rt* apartment nnl th? rrat fun tl** M#Cgt ntottl»f (he wty p toward ttorttume md txen... On thr trnt floor n n Mm-lou* llvlnr nwm wth Mrr >ltc«s two bedn om*, mnfrra rut-n kltvhrn, tled tlth nnd ptwher rthm. *, On Mrnsd n t larfte famly rfh>n«klt*hen t fled hath* fetdroont Jmd t ntalrwny to flfwund berrtot,, we kow yuut P YOU ENJOY ENTERTANNG Or have n ltrre, h»m»r famly, you Jrn ntut let u»»how >n* thn rtmy home whch knm am faustc*, nx cmnfurtatl* brdromh and fhr-t> htltff (powder ruum. M much dr»lr#»le crenttre comfort* AH two Hreplnern Olvl»v TfoM nnl revrmtlm room).. * Vrnr old" Better Hunt-*" ktchen, npavloa mneller hrekfttt r<m>nt nnd lovely pnnellt>d famly ro*m.,, rnv* noten Murk HA W srrnffwl «t«lrwnrn from Mr»t Hoor ac*ommhfnflonm to Me^onr flour.. * Urntntr motdlnm -. * Pl«t nvlnhlr ltnhehfted.,, Rrkk-nnrf- vy frnntlh frlet*f»,.. QHtf**t y low txe* the Ma«nt«ln- * to -WrMltteM lo-hton * «t l>o call for more d OFFC SPACE HEART OF TOWN APPROX. SO. fl WLL ALTER TO SUT $5 Pf MONTH ffatsall AND FRANKENBACH ae. fs ElM STRn --7»fr«. Alan Rra««Af> -7.^ ^M. A m W, Wtrbflm.n A P -77S Mm, Jtnft l>. Rltphtc AT>.-7-ft M. Drmnr Rltohlr.. A D.-7SO Everaoa F, Pcaraall,.AD -678 Mrs. Jeaaett«FN»ro«Ko EDWN O. EDWARDS HQA/rO Elm St. AD lhemr>*r of The Mnll»l«- b SEE OUR UNQUE WNDOW DSPLAY OF HOMES FOR SAL PROJECTED N COLOR CENTER HALL COLONAL A LOVELY HOME N STONELEGH PARK TH rgslcleutltt puru n one of \\ euteltrm top LuLulout, cunvejont to tll scjo'jlh, mo art wftlk tu the BUtlo>, TJUH cluhuc, tandhume Colunul H Lle JneMt cnumtlon puhblble, wth ularmlf exl^rlor nml hturlcr C!ocr». Very, wry HJJAcoua Hrst tloor wth the center hall go n r through to a rear pato and lovely luwtu* A ft. akle room aerveb deally u.& n famly room, am s balanced on the other wde of the louwe by a Hcreouoc] porch. vvuol chneth enrch the tlorunghly modern ktchen. betlrnomh, aun dock,. jnthfl on the nl llaor, am] a nloo 5th bedroom and bath on the rd lloor, Many, many xlras ncluded n ths gracous home, A tne Jatat "HENRY WEST BULT T" A TRADEMARK OF QUALTY NEW KTCHEN, TOO You are bound to be pleased by the brght nteror of thla home, decuratcd n ]Jfft» Bolt colon! that wll harmonze wth any furnsh Sng-s. t la well located for Frankln and Junor Hlgrh, on a delghtful ' ft. deep lot, (And a so ncft porch to alt OH n prvacy and look out over the pretty nhrubn and flowers). New ktchen? Hardly been '.cooked r n! Two B of the three taerlrobma n ths ^leveltype home are ulte V A bay wndow, :ud a lned flreplace wll enhance*thc\ comfort of te lvng room. f qualty! condton, locaton, nml comfortable lvng are mportant ta you,»ee ths $S,G Hatng promptly. EDWN O. EDWARDS Elm St. AD -555 D«rls MutthUmmtu H. O... LEE K. WARNG MALTOB KNG 5Zf MVHOB MAGNFCENT FOUR BED- ROOM, THEJ BATH KNO- KZED CAPE. FAMLY toom JJOCATED OFF THB CENTKlt HA^L; 7 FT. WDK.TVNCS ROOM WTH FREPLACE. DAYLGHT PAN- ELLKD HESCHKATOX toom WTH FKKPL-ACK. JAUGK CAR GAflAOK WTH HARD TOP DKVE, FT, DEEP WOODED YATtD LO- CATED N BEAUTFUL HKC- TON OF BCOTCH PLANS. SKY TOP RANCH 56,, BEAUTFUL EEPROOM, BATH HANCH N LOVELY WOODK> SETTNG. PANELLED FAM/Y ROOM LOCATKO OFF HALL. AND OFF KTCHN. LAKOJ JAL- OUSED PORCH. RECREATON KOOM, OFFCE OR STUDY AND TWO-CAK <; A H A Q. TOP SCOTCH PLANS LOCATON. $7,5. Ltt K. WA«!N, HATO mmrfm ****** B B. nrnr, AD -7 Af>~T*M AO-M WESTFELD REALTY 8 K. Brmtl NU $,9. JUST LSTHtt: Kparkllnpf raneh home marjo to order for the couple rjesrntf y doll house n a choce locaton. t hnn a room, U tnaf-nu.s hed' rooms anr a delghtful modern ktchen wth d ^J washer an<j table area. Tho K'r fc Kor»m ' x,^' K p:n<*ll^d ;m* has a l>nlltr lar and ho r^'^' wt) fcjan-k nnd wrecn n OV<Tn h<looks»n rut r;n-* v-*- R nd M lor.sect on <>( $8,5 N WKSTFKr.r: }.»<\t<<\ r>n M f north M '? of t" w, r h a wo slury l'nf hn>- lv<- lul- lon,! h«s ;! \ bay u n fn mly r : rul :t n nt r rurt v- ftmuy Wdknff (.s t L h < r- t' WESTFELD REALTY x - - n. BARRETT & GRAN Realtors "TWO COLONAL OPPCQS" Westfeld Mountansde AD -8 AO -8 AltlfA UOMUHUAtC" llo.m t ftr "VAUGHN WLLAMS MOZART VERD" S TUKA AM, (N OK COUUSMJ N UlJt U JU ytmom OLU^OM WNDOWS, ALUNt M'lT AANY OTHK ALl'llKACTS -'SUTANNO TO MUSC AU^N CKLCHHA- ' O.N OK THlfl S J ltl.\«uo.n- ClJuT 'O J-tlO tjvkn MY TTK OHOHAU AltT SOCllOTY OF NJ-J W.S V OK KHDA V, MAY ^, AT toohlsvlsl/ MCH dcool. Kolt COM- HUlflTK NBWB AHTCLK AND HtCTCUO, 'UWASl TUlN TO PAG 5, SECTON. "HEART OF WYCHWOOD" CENTER HALL COLONAL $56,. TLK hanlmoe ca-ntrr lntll CJnnl wan hy f urehltvtt lmy, The trudltlunul nteror nclude* four Jurg;e ottm (»ne n 'xl'>* httth*.. NHCOU* V' ' > lvlnk room wth flrelk room wth eurner vubanrd^ knotty pftne ktchen* 8" wtftrtctwm, muultne turc wndow* Arwerlftn** hmutlful lot n. «An exctlngr new we may NEW USTNG CASSC COLONAL ON QUET STRK $5,9. Tllf jluturcnue J " hrlvk Colmal lnn numt thwt - The ftrrlur nclude-* t lurte (M.V x ') Ular rm»m wth tlrtf lhcr» fttntwllh M>wler r»uo A nutdry* n- VHM: *c*ret»^( goreh, mll.,. four hedr«h»mn (tuhrter >trnttre«seh' at ') two tled rath»... curum r*u- TPlltlUlt PMfll Wth ll«lt- H-F, hmw wth rumlaff nntrr R*t» «(n me>t n* bult-n nr C«M- ^ WM fhlrror, hmtd Hlr rnl««e**k wnfl tn wmll utrtet n chulce ^Kumr»t*rd VlllKe ff urrn/mlmrt- thn s m d»lrnllr ftv ll»tlnv an ettry "SMALL ESTAT" WYCHW [# $79,5 A hnrfmtrk n wutd N thu KkllfMll> *M»t»m-hult mm-* hmr, The nteror whch %m vlenn A rrfrenhlntt> unque nelulea fmr bath* *, * rmm wth unt hmftlmttde ren len wth Meld«tune e rflnlnff rhm wth wllth. pe ft ced floor*t deluxe ntdem llt* vhm Thrty ftmt»tone tetrnre overlmka mm** png nwn wth hmh and flower* Hrlnre* Thta new ll«t* fk could»< he p for Jwltr the prce uf More l» tell, mar "NEW LSTNG-' MOUNTANSDE ON ONE HOOR 9,9. Another Bttrac-tlve newtlm- nm - tfcl- hllur* rnneh- C»lonlnl. The wel nteror nelndem three l> decorated hmrtmmn two lnlh #. N' fnnlly room. -omftrtnhle llvlnt wth ptrlre wndow..r dlnlnv nnm, Mf ktchen* delfrhtchl., room t HetHtlfnl-* ly lot wth fenre pout lump, nbl> lornted mt the May we jtffr** ttn CH f BARRETT A CHAN "TWO COLONAL OFFCES" a r.m TRKBV AD -UOO RVENNG9. L. 9«ftwl«rl«jK f SHA FA M. ). Snn* Jr. AD «m«h A )-* Patrck f. MlB<?ff**..A»-J NEW PftOVftftKCe HA AT A - fj D. Hnlfr»rl... Hrrherf W. Vttfttr **A»»-Sf. A.!Ho«r<\,lr A>^-777 l#rh*rf J. rlun -..A., (r. to^ern, Jr.: H. R* B«rre*t, Jr. f CPM.., w Fnn**oo * * * * "ETECUTVB HOME9RARC8 r * A RANDOLPH- WEGMAN CO. Ave. Member* -669 BEAUTFUL MOUNTANSDE $,9 Taxett on thlh chartnlup al! on uo Clnor lu>rne uru only f* Thuru H un entrukq foy*r p \nvku flvlne roam wlll a ns room, bcd tuul bnth nn lrht lloor, Stulrw to (loop fltanko. n llu H a ' x 6' recrtmlon room nn< tlc garage» ut On an S*' x KB' lot n FANWOOD COLONAL $,9 magne an 8' rtjuare lvng ronn vlth hmu ant\ front hayh and sulu wall Hrepac*G t center onrrtuuro, modern ktchen, three nrtfq btjdrnomh r % tmtts, at- UuMOd K^LM^ JLUH nl on a very «l*ep beautfully hnd- HCU)LM tt n moht con von lent l^nn\v<od locntlo. f ths whets your apctltc ral UH and we'll be lappy to ahow!t to you. BEDROOM COLONAL $,9 n W»ahJngton School, ths brck nnd frnne home has a tlvlng" room wth freplace, dnthk" room, large eat- n ktchen, screened porch and powdor room all pn frst floor. Four bff bedrooms and bath on second, panelled recreaton room n basement, attached garage and a 7' deep lot. HEAD FOft THE HLLS We mean the hoauttful Cata- teaponflcs to our weekly have been amazng. People have been pleanantly aurprlhod at the proxmty to Wc«tlel< of thla beautful area of UlHter County and what t hah to offer n the way of soltude, vews, culture art, mujttc, drama and sporta. Why not «top by our offce and see on the UlHter County map the area we're BO hep on. VM. RM. AD -9S Uafeel Bern m S9-MT«C. B. SMTH, JR. Raallor AD -9!*n*rnl AV. CUTE AND COZY 'rotty HrroundK, short walk to lt HCOCJ!, ^uod JooatlotK Llvroom, Uug^ kltclcn wth Hntu, two bedrooms, Mol bath. Kxpunalon uecontl (ot>r t full bhomont. Economcal l $9 MEMO TO DAD Htoj ptyng KenL" Buy ths protty Ftmwood Colonal wth a nrtlucc n tho lvng: room and entranco to screened porch, e dnng room, am pc Hpjco n ktchen. de- L hedroomn, wtttra to lrr UJMT; full bhemct, mrage, Tall trech, wnk to ntutlon and sttr^h, Pay off your own mort- ' r JKo t nwtond of the FRANKLN SCHOOL Neal-an-a-pn, older home,julet Htroet, walk to acton] nnd ralroad staton, *arge lvng room wth freplace, famly dnng room, eatng upace n ktchen, Three bedrooms second floor, plh fne room for younger member of famly on rd floor, Double gnraffe, $7,. STATELY COLONAL Cu&tom bult for orgnal owner; beautfully mantaned tn- Bldo and out. Freplace n lvng room (5,x,) leads to large screened porch at rear, overlookng: park-lke yard. Center entrance hall, formal ftlnlng- room. Laundry off the k chen, separate break fast room. All twn eled bedrooms (master s.7x), deluxe baths. st floor powder room. Exqustely apponted panelled recreaton room, wet bar Overnted -car garage. Prestge Scotch Plans 5,9ft. by owner, 9 room multlevel fefttures studo apartment on rd level, n addton mother-n-law OP mad WMtftlll ll Ctnrt Aw. quarter** on lower level, or 6 bedroom E, H bathn^ freplaces, formal dnng room, large ktchen, flnl&hed baement, ar condtoned through* Jut, plua extras, lovely area, «*! * occupancy July. Prncpal* only. n hle:h $fto R, Wrte P.O. Boxc. a. SMTHP J; * 65, Wentfeld, neghborhood, UP, UP AND AWAY Prom cty Hvnp to vew from Watchuntf Mountans n Mountaltuttde, on half acre rollng: terran, accessble from prvate sylvan an, Custom bult by owner-contractor last year. magne a famly room 5x6. and a. den 9x! Dream kt* chen; three bedroom.*, V baths, Oarage for cars. Cannot be equalled for bulder's prce of 67 t 5, C. B. SMTH, JR. AGENCY -[NSURRS CHOCt UStlNO - tntttlstoft,9. Center Hall Cnlonlal n Fan wood wth a brand new ktchen. Four bedrooms. Overeled lot wth many ahade trees. 6,9. Be hc frst to nee thla newly Hated Splt n Panwood. Four twn elsed bedrooms, famly aled dnng room, grade level laundry room, 9' famly room, wall to wall carpetng-, so well mantaned by the orgnal owner you can move rght n. &6,8, One of a knd custom bult Cape Cod n 8cotch Ptalns. Shoppng nnd but* near by, yet plenty of prvacy wth the professonally lamtscaped grounds 6 r deep. Don't mss thla mmaculate home. $7,5. Seven room splt level on a wndng Btreet n Panwood. Panelled famly room, wall to wall carpetng. One and one-haf baths, $9,5. Stonft front Colonal n Fanwood. Walkng dstance to the park for the chldren, the staton for Dad, and all the shoppng for Mother. mmedate posaevlon. $,5,. Fve year Colonal fn Fanwood o*fer» mmedate possesson. Ultra modern ktchen, st floor laundry room and a half buth. Panelled famly room. $,. Frst tme advertsed!! Center entrance Colonal n Fanwood. Pour bedrooms plua nursery or offce room?. t e second and space for two more bedrooms on the thrd. Wood turnng freplace, 8' dnng room wth beamed cellng. Modern ktchen wth adjonng laundry A. hal ',. b f th ' One-half acre of beautful grounds!! walkng dstance to all school* M PARK AV. CALL a-5«o any Hmt Rrcatas7«J,'.'.*.'.'.'.'/.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.*.'' PETERSON-RNOLE AGENCY L Xng System THE JOHNSON AGENCY, NC. REALTORS SCOTCH MANS $7, >,o\v lstng ot an older home clo-ac by Frankln and H H t st^hoolh, Attractve freplace wat[ n lvng room; modern oat-n ktchen; Bmny Onfng: room, Three bedulu» -spacous panelled thrd floor room. Two car"detached ; sloam ol heat, Kovr-n room level type home n younk Panwool area. Thrc- ln'lrodms;!^ baths; sratle ]e.vel famlty room presently USM us four! her!room; full basement too. Secluded well ' rear yard and covered pato. j ^fountafnslde ranch placed n such a pretty seulnj? of shark trr-'k :TH] shrubbery. Sx rooms, fnlahed basement game roam; att;rh*d garaffe. t needs lovng care nfllde and out, ljut n return wll gve the next owner a most comfortable home. n Colonal n apple pfe order, Three eecond floor beds and two more on the thrd floor. Frst floor eunroom den; r> r y; roomy almost stuure ktchen. Two-car detached.^: nlm brrk ;, n-l rr r«mm br^jmnm (R ffth on the thrd floor) center hall frl;««s v el and HC. porch; well «Jzed ktchen;, ^o lot. hnlroorns all»?eoonfl level;. ffth bedroom or offce hr regular famly room heauleh n thn Hpntfou«f lve year r>lrl home nn about % ncre Sc, Pl8, lot, ^, two car eartge; l J> baths. _ \rns* unusual dpalpn n th? four bedroom; three bath, ^n- *\t\ fvlonal on ncre lot A. ade Sc. Ps. t ear famly w s h lrvvuu-p, ^la^yff lorjrn f»c k n^r wnorlpfl area; st floor v, ^jja'lous hed room, full b^th, Casy to keep formal lvngnrl 'lnng room. mmaculate condton* THE JOHNSON AGENCY, NC, ***** tv DANKER & DANKER, nc. Realtor* lnnurnra Hrnhrr* of Multple Matns T9 ELMER STREET WESTFELD - BRAND NEW LSTNG WHSTLE BAT YES SR, T'S A DOLL HOUSE ON BEAUTFUL SENECA RD. N SCOTCH PLANS LOT WTH TALL TREES r EXTRA SKCAL LVNG RM. MODERN KTCHEN WTH. DNNG SPACE TWO PRETTY BEDROOMS FULL BASEMENT EXPANSON ATTC ATTACHED GARAGE PLUS TOOL SHED JALOUSED PORCH EXGELLEHT CONDTON NSDE AND OUT BUY T AND MOVE N WTHOUT DONG A THNO ALL THS FOR $,9 CALL US EARLY CLEAN AND NEAT OLDER COLONAL FREPLACE NLVNG ROOM NCE DNNG ROOM BATNG SPACE N KTCHEN GLASSDAND SCREENED PORCH POUR BBOOOMS FUU BASEMENT CAR DETACHED GARAGE NCE LOT GOOD NORTH SDE LOCATON 97,9 CALL USFOR APNNNTMNT SOMETHNG DFFEWNT N A BG SPLT UVBL DEN OR OFPCB ONGRADBLBVEL BEAUTFUL FAMLY ROOM HAS BEEN ADDED OFF DNNG ROOM THRU URGE BEDROOMS LOVELY UVNG ROOM DNNG ROOM ATHS UP-TO-TH MNUTf KCHN RASB> PATO SVARAT MMNAC KM FAMLY ROOM SO AMP - V. SHVC WAU TO WAU CAKFTNO NCLUDO HAV A look NOW $, DANKER * DANKEt, M..vrm t.«el«tl«a, tlmm STtMT <*mtf Afe«*t G. Dsakc* -* MCK TRM COLONAL $5,9 $,f Dramatc rck trm Colonal horn*- Lor-nter) on rul-tle-sc «tre«t n Muntaln^fde. Kxquls- H H foupr^ am «hrubn enhanc* tho crcular drve approach Tle Mtrkny charm and appea of UH : foot lvng- room wll tlehfzbt the famly that lkes U ctcrtaln. [[f-o famly H!Z< dnng room ;m*l brght ktchen wth dnng area. There's a ft. flfn rlownm^trx plus beflronm.h nn nd floor, ]% baths, JMlauHje porel; fnuhlo f"tra^^ and Hf*acou>* woortptl rear yard. We suggest yr> call today, WALTER KOSTR, NC. TO BUY, HELL, RENT OH NVEST, GALL AT WOOD REALTY Hen tor "DOWN BV THE STATON'* Gorer ELM ST, and NORTH AVE. BLUE RBBON CONDTON COULD BE 5 BEDROOMS Wdow Hcllltff hur ohornher] home. Beautful panelled don wth clgtll moldlft, three hdlroomy on Hccond wth two more partally fnshed on thrd, Powder roam on Drat* Two car garag-e, HOUHO newly pan tod am n mnt condton. North Hkto Weatflcld, Worth every bt of m^o OFFCE SPACE STORES Wo havo storus avalable n buelneth ( a t r c t und many walk-up ottcgh n all prce ran-kgu, We Bpecalee n le apace. What do you need? FOUft BCMOOMS $,9 WASHNGTON SCHOOL Bult 8 wth all be.roomf on secdnd floor, Unque plan wth freplace on front wall- Porch, panelled recreaton room, attached garage. Lnt 5x7 and taxes ent* at $87* for next year. Many extras. One of the last housea constructed wth plaster walls. BEAUTFUL CENTER HALL NORTH SDE - $9,5 Some home* we enjoy ehowng; and ths B one of them. mmaculate, wde 7KxlS lot, den and. lavatory on frst floor; three bedrooms and bath up. The bg maater bedroom whch Large Cape Cod n an "off the beaten track" area n Scotch Plan a on H acre. Bult n 96. * a generoufl,6x may behut water heatwlth ol. dvded ta make ths a FOUR bedroom home. Wde - trect, many trea, quet and peaceful RAND NEW neghborhood. mpreflnlve archtecture. ATWOOD REALTY HBMBBKS Weatflcld Maltlplc - Hesl Hstato tat as Apprasals Mary hm Wlefc ATWOOD We offer «v«ry personal real estate servce. Photos of multple latlnff and others dsplayed la our wlndowa, FARTWOOtt Attraetlvely landflcaped splt level, bedrooms, \% batha, famly room, carpeted porch and ktchen, ar condtoned. Aaknff $,. Vou wll fall n love wth thla charmtng: bedroom Cape Cod, lvng- room wth nre'pla'e>;jeatln wood pahelled ktchen, Z bathh, askng J6 r &. Pretty'as ft pcture, bedroom splt level, famly room, frendly young neghborhood, 8,6. Spacous rased ranch, bedroorn, batha, eal-rt ktchen, ramly room, larcre lot at end of cul-de-sac, Askng deal famly home, large rooms n perfect condton, bedroomn, bathe, eat-n ktchen, famly room, askng 8,9. All homes n easy walkln* dlatance to schools and transportaton, Rentals avalable from $75 per month. a to Prncpal) Only ROOT* f. TAYLOR **577 WLLAM A/CLARK N Hm OH 6 South Av«\ WM AD -5 mtfr Multple Ll(l»( Sr»tr,m RENTAL We have, a rontul wth bodgoma nnl Hun n WuHtlell at»f )>or month lmmudlntoly l cull now, u«t wll COUNTRY RANCH $,5 Vory at tract! vo 6 room rutch, >UH buhomont retroatlan room wth central ulr condtoner ( ton) ml KumKe. Located n tho foothllla of MountalnBtdo, UKE NEW $,5 Bedroom (»f) WewtftaM Co- Jonttl wth ] h hatlh am t and deo» WYCHWOOD SCHOO AREA $5,9 Comfortable older home wth bedrooms, plus let floor den and porch, car g-arage and pleaaant yard, $,9 SECLUDD BEDROOMS - BATHS FAMLY PtOOM CAR GARAGE n the Wood row Wlson School dstrct bedroom*, % batha, famly room or den, and car Rarage. mmedately avallablo one at $6,6 wth central ar condtonng and one at $5,9 wthout, WYCHWOOD $5,5 ModernHtfc home wth E bedrooms, ft baths, famly room, recreaton room and car garage. mmedately avalable, STONHNOE $59, GraclouB bedroom, % bath home n apple po order throughout. You wll love t. May wo tell you more7 WLLAM A. CLARK Kcalls* tt flsalk AVP,, W«atleU AMBS -5!» W. RokNr..ADS-PU -.,«' C«#PMH...ADst^ff«Wll SM A. Clsrfc,....ADt-7- M. A. MERCNER MAMOVM AM USLYHNANCtO (...ond >nnt n M.A.MERCNH HBALTR SS n^l»» Ctr, Wss l o f. k. l to th «_ fln «ncja arrangements avalable Mht B home. Thn la a splt-level home located trade.level famly room and a laundry ncluded. Lvng- room; dnng room: bedrooms and tled bath. Wall-toattlc fan ncluded, Attached ALAN JOHNSTON, Udhor Las«ta«ELSE STZ, NC RMHOT ACNLOft OUARTtRS -S There** breathng space on thla Mountansde fl»reet, shrubbed nrvacy, j-aay cne floor lvng:, jorood entertanment facltes (bahemfn* hr, lvng room freplace, den) and a good nvestment to boot! MO AND UAUTFUL The crcular drve and expensve landflcapjnff wll dlrecfr ynur vew tn thr fve hedroom home, whch s located n one ot We^tfleJd'B prfcktkous ar^as. From the 7' lvng: room one can the handsome famly room Wth ts cherry panelert walls rased Hreplace hearth* thence thru the open sldng thcrmo>*nft doors to tne woons.v rear yarn an< pato- Thf overnlzed ktchen wth barheque facltes, central ar comtltlon[ntf t anr) general Hmrlonsne.Hs offer the hf,nt flf accommodatons or s and lvely famly a haven of rest for the comexecutve or a vertable heaven for lls teenage t;ro\vd. 88, ELSE BETZ, nc. REA/TOft MoMrtan AVMW*

7 EAL ESTATE FQ» SAll ^ r-^ CHARLES G. MEERPERCK, JR. & ASSOCATES, NC. trators t RETREMENT RANCH $,9 on a wllo, cloep, trt*o lot n MounttluHlfle. entry, lur$rc Hvlnwr rno?n wth llrejluco, dhlrm roon» den, oversze modern ktchen wth table Hpaco, Two nlpp bortromn md tle^ mu, Full attc fttta^e'tul brhevont 'cc-roum, Keady r occupancy. LOVELY FAMLY ROQM $, yellow Colonal n wth threw twn nze HM- Wde <f') wt*ll prnprjr*- ppf lvng rqnm. The (HnlMK mom ojons onto' the "pvcly" famly room complete wth raned hearth flroplnco nnrl sldng" KlaAfl (loans to the putlc. All fdectrla kltchun wth cntlnk urea, Orole luvel (on. Comp ttco thjh "lnvoly" lvumo today. CHARLES G. MEERDERCK, JR. & ASSOCATES, NC. Realtors WctvtHeld Multple famtmg Sfrnbrr -669 S E. BROAD ST. WEST HELD ^. -.-, please cnllt BLMBE C. SCHMALDNBBtGCR CLABH B. BARKER a:taa«g S THE GALLERY OF HOMES CHARMNG CAPE COD PCK UP THE FHA MORTGAGE $,9 A qualfed buyer can buy thlh lovely Scotch Plans home wth a modest amount of cash. room has a flreplace; bodrooms n all. Large wonrted property. Dfferent. PRTTY COLONAL $7,9 You can move rght n and enjoy ths spotlessly clean home n the Je'lTerflon School area. Lartfe entrance, porch, famly dnng room, ktchen wth breakfast bar; bg bedrooms. Wall to wall carpetng s ncluded. LSTED TODAY- S,»OO Mountansde hlde-a-way* Snug ranch home beneath tall trees on u quet, one block street. Spacous lvng room has a flreplace. Unque. $9,5 Grant School beauty, aho gtlnlng clean. Center ball - story home wth eutny bedrooms; (one large bedroom could easly be made nto ), Den on theflr&tfloor. $, Husre famly room wth freplace and an unusual pato reully make ths home somethng apeclall Three large bedroom* and den; many extras n thn home of "perfecton." H. CLAY FREDRCHS, n* AD MOM, PAt-77 ' AMPLB PARKHfO AT BOTH OVTlOflS BTN. Oalr ' "-***-.?..:.:.-.; ««.» AD M t»» * # «# * * # * *» * * ^ -. s^lstass^^' ' -, * : - - *.*> " :.fl JAMES J. DAVDSON f f '' CUUHC COUHA WHAT A OCAHN s Hootp an M LOCATON plua CHARM plus VALlJE make a good formula for An«llvnr. Ths "Rare Fnd" U a center hall Colonal wth spacous beamed cellng lvng: room wth bgburnlng freplace and bult-n bookcases, formal dlnlns room wth wndow seat ajd double French doors lead- tt to a larve heated enclosed pbrch. (deal for future famly rpm) r country ktchen wth tfcble apace and an adjonng Wder room; upstars there are Tcncrqua bedrooms and,th Whllf on the rd floor.jothvr Wdroom (treat for om'» P«wlfWr room, Dad's prm te study or the teenager's u na h)7 Sxtra fne features afe the recently panted exteror, 'm volt electrc, car a*ar-e, excelunt lot and agan ""he Derfecf locaton." t's a we thnk- 7, >AM J. DAVDSON *. «KOAD VT. V-. AS-UO ftackhs COLONAL HUMKUH SCHOOL ARA S MMOOM* W lafaft MOOOM mmm lakpaf ROOM L^Of UV^O ROOM T.V. ROOM MAUTtfUUY UMOSCAPH) TWO-CAR ARAO MANY XTM KATURfS AD«m«w modern b«ct*r bult homes. Ready for occopancy. 8H rooms, a bath«, Kundry room and lavatory, t-car garage, Gold Medallon electrc heat. Bult and styled b* Cuaano. :tt Dorcheflle A»«. «f Denma* Kd. at Lncoln A MLLS secton WRflTrF..> bedrooms, dn- nk room, larse llvlnk room, hhd b t nk r, as K lavatory n fthshed basement, Koud se Karate, Wtleun School. $7,9. Prncpals only. Call 7SS-7U, S to P.M.. WYCHWOOn bedroom Colonal, %Vt baths, freplace n llvng- room,'wall to -wsrtl cfcrpet- *W#U** den, :B c r e n e d Bat-ftTl tch en wth dlshh fenced yard. Assum* 5H% mortvage. Md 'K. Frlnolpals only. Call WAl STATt - «NT WE tmuaxy have several comfortable homes for rent n fleld and vcnty. Prces &f 76 to tots'rr month. Plef^e call we'll do our best to help. Barrett ft Craln, Realtor*, AD - or eow VACATON HACK NBW HAMrSMfSf on T^ake Blalsdell (Dartmouth, *ak«bunapee refflon)* furnshed cottage, sleeps four. 85 per week. Avalable June S to September 5. Call -8 evenng*. *?*t MUG HARslOR, Toms Rver? rooms, baths, modern heated ranch, garage, extras. Avalable July through September, 5 per week. $, completely furnshed, ncludng 8''boat wth motor, elld- ntr pond, and dvng board. S- 66. «H«tf 5-FT. TltAVKL THAMCft, Completely relf-contalncd. $75 weekly. Call 7G- after 5 P.M. rovr rooms, tle bath, prvate entrance, close to transportaton. Call -886 after < P.M. or tf SCOTCH rtavl Unfurnshed - room luxury apartment. Garage. Complete prvacy. Adults. Call - PL 5-97*6. --tf THNCR furnshed room*, all utltes, near town, Call AD t WRATPRLD, north Rde, near all convenences, furnshed three room apartment and f urn tubed ntudto apartment, sutable gentleman. Both avalable June 5. Call ^ * 6--tf rd floor apartment. T'lgTt houaekeeplnff, rooms and bath. Also utlty and dnng- area- AJ utllttes nclurfed, Convenent to etorcs and transportaton. Adults only, no pets. Call -6. OfWCtS 9O* HNT rrmv wth secretaral trv ««aad prrrate secretaral tel«-»hon«annrerng avalable. E«c«lwnt for sal** rep. or small bnalnes*. D t-87«l. t-t-tt WBSTTELD *mer R.»r»M *P Central *m - nm m-,. tt.» new ha nsr tmmtnhmtlnm" rtnff -CH -MZ7-5-tf WESTMEED Attractve large oflce room, newly decorated, nd Boor. Excellent.locaton center of town. 55. Also smaller room avalable at?. AD -898 alter 6 P.M. Profr»*toaa T ce To ATTENTON: Engneer, archtect, accountant, lawyer, physcan, dentst.,,., d floor offce avalable Jan. f. t* tfttfoftttatxt htfjat pm>j tf#. Wttt pt#tt AM ft *f WHto w^twww MAY sa, «M ROOMS FOR RNT mom wth mrsujulthk room wth T.V., lnr tf nlr cmndltlfuusr, t\vn f 'd n cuntnr rp luw, f^ul r _ r wth nl utllllll'h, (.lfmk*t avallhlo. OHl An -a77. WANTED TO RENT» ol - HOM Apartment wanted, reasonable reut. Cull ao H --tf AflH tnhlnchh uouplc, no ueth, " no tlllrnn, would lko two tptlrnum upurlmmt n prvate homcj, nenr Kouto lt WeHtflelf], MountulBtde, nr Scotch Flat tff, References cxchfufftl. Wrte P.O. Box, Mouttalnhle t N. J. ' 5lCt ^ wuntfl to rent unfur- to botlroom homo one y r M ' WoBtnelrt Ueg'tnnlup July, Top home only. References suppled. Call OH -G«fl afterftp AUTOS FOR SALE MT CHBVROLBT mpctla -do or fport coupe, deep water blu* wth blue nteror, 8 V-B, automatc, 6 Weeks old, must sell. Call J-O59 after 5 P.M. -9-tf W whte Oldamoblle "98" Holday sedan, executve car, new tres, excellqnt condton, full power, $5 frm' prce. Call -9 evenngs 6 to 7 P.M. "OJVTAC OTO, 9fG, npeel, R&H, W\V, P.S., specal wheels, vnyl top, many, extrna. lluat oell. Call 76< 8B.. «<W Chevrolet m pal a, 'good condton, orelml owner. Call -5t after 6 P.M. * " NH» CHEW, p.s., automatc transmlshlon, quck snle at 5. Call S-G975.. lttfll UOH:K, Polnra -door sedan, V-8, automatc, R&H,-P.S. and P.B., snow tres on extra wheels. (6. Call AD - after 6 P.M. * ' MW CHEVROLET 9 pahaengex statlo..';wagoh,- P.S./'and -P.B., FAC- TORY ar condtoner.- Call AD ;"-. " '. -. h * CADMJAC,. 958, - -door hardtop, power brakes' and' power steerng, rado.and.heater, 5. Must se,e. Call after 6 P.M. OLDSHOBLB, 96 "88." -door hardtop, P.S., P.B., excellent condton. H , BOATS ' HXE wth 8 h.p. KvlnruJe engne, electrc Btart, Gator traler. Many extras. Bought new 965. used seasons. Sacrfce prce 9975 frm, Call AD -855(, B to 8 P.M. PETS FOR SALE F WOtTED you lke to buy a Mnature Poodle from someone you can trust? We are the breeders of three generaton* of c h a m p o n Mnature Poodles and we have a reputaton for qualty whch you may check wth any veternaran n Westfleld or Planfleld, Our puppes are prced from! Mrs. Dougas Adams, "WOOPTJAND," South Planfleld, tf Hound, AKC, trcolor, one year old, female, owner 'transferred, mum «c]l regretfully. * 6. ' * VON. «TUH, mnature whte Poodle. -SS after «P.M. 6 ANTtOUS HAHN -ftafld, ^turday P May,» to 5 t Atltquen, brlc*a*brac f mlk cans, cheats end dre»*crb, round fnd square dnng* room tables, chars; and many frore ten^ Summt Ave, t corner Watchuhff Ave,; North PlantteM.. NSTRUCTON omta»s»«rlem. Cull AD TUTORNO All lubjecu and Ungu» M n your home, CAHBUDOB T-7 wodb fstntronov Band»l»nr Hufel<v»l«B. Broad St. AV - B «l, t - l l - t f» tch«r of jplano. L*Ut methods. C»HC«and popaur. l«mom n rour bom*. fw Dort»n Rd., Wwta*ld. Call AD S-UM. l-t-tf DL AH NET nfttractlo*. Stdlo at (9 BouUvard. Mr. B. Blaarl, n«dtatc of Athvn* CoaMrratorj- AD - r»», n - u - t t W MCC rrjdo, ««t Central Avr, W*atfleld. AD 9-C. All leasona RTPNO Stop smokng, control det, buld «!<confdence. FREB BKOCHUBE. Academy of Scentfc Hypnoss. - SA6. T -ll-tf HlOH SCHOOL graduate tlerlre to tutor for summer. Subject! elementary and advanced French, Englsh, hstory, lower math, composton, Call l«-t TTTOHltO Math, grades 7 and 9. Call AD H-t TrroRNO-Math, grades 7 and 9. Call AP t OPPOtTUNmB MAN ON WONAV m out; *PAHB No fellfnar. R^flll and collect money from tt t. Postage atamp Macllnea n ths area. To nualtfy nuat have car, references,!) to,9 cash nvestment requred. Ten hours weekly can net excellent ncome, More tme can result n more money. Terrtores now open n the entre strfe. For personal ntervew wrte PROGRESSVE Box, Mnt Hll Staton, Charlotte, North Carolna, zp code 8, nclude phone number- COST AND FOUND Last Thursday on Elmer St. nr n Consgnment Shop r grold brace* let nscrbed "Ann Flynn." Famly herloom, reward. Call -86. MJSNESS SERVCES orflfp MNAOR For end ot the month routne typng-; for your oner* - n-a- whle ad ye r tn n E promoton; to free your secretary from a typst's work ral 8S9-S(L Professonal work. Completon deadlnes ftaranteerl. 6--t PEMONAS Mt 9 At KM* FOR SALE TO'HO!., anproklmately ml, $. Cull ;tk8-f]k. «y -l-tf FEMAU PAUTV MOVHH for rent wth pro- GL»tfr, cartrdge type reel. Any hlr can run the t, ' -Z-tT. nd \V*"M» CHPS fo ga9. rmmudlatf dolvery. Sclralede Tree Expert Co,, PA tr??? y l lft L-ltltlH'H, H \MH:l S vj'lnn njn k y7 JUH a 'j *h lny nn yu-hl tlo you wuut lur Munnntr fun h tn! AVON _ A tnr )f U ll ltno. tk r<>rvvnnl u tu Town AUnlnlttrulur f M ltrcmrl Ht M WtHtllelcl/ your u hlmjrhuud t Cull ur U'rvlow l > l fjur lcrtc. HAVE YOU a use lur these? Strong pap6r flbcr hollow tubfea, " outsde dameter, " nsde dfftmeter, dome 7"," Home 56" la'ls, Cbqld be used at rollers, or as corp* tor *ug rollng, or dream up your own ue,,, - -. Tou can hdve as many as y<ju want p"hlty. PMUH* call Mr, Even, - tpr only ST.ftO each at the WMtflftld W^oo for ntervew. \(H" llk* [juuplu? Do you tn- [lty L<> nuak'! u Hmall ofcjee 'mnhltum wllh numv Unowlelge ot hokltoojln^? f thn duhurlullm (H you, \vv \Y\)uh\ llkt tu UHUUHH «UP vacancy wth you. WentlU'U lucatl Salary cmjnmothurutu wth N C J L delvery lkn rt^ll-h uvulh(lle n WuHtMpld utl AlcjuntuHde lnnuudl tuly or pr yuou- (lun jcrlocl/ N" CUJRC6UH pr (\\yh, PU 7-8(Ql aftur : ^ Leader, 5 Elm BL, whje they last Ol'd to hav» you com* look at tffn. L-B-tf TUB»OMr\. ulerk, lyplht, of- HELp WANTSP rr- MALE Qn FMALJ fce \voh, wth ablty n lnattclal 'wsortl keepng, (.yy nv,fllntf; su- CtoLe of * bln'dn K»^fcudKet " errn». 7 ' by off leu luc-utlou. ('nl Mr, 'GL - f Bar PR Q and up per hou d Choone or lnfornatlon pan earn $8 for tawlelffh * products, n. Wrt >V- T. Company, 'Chefattor/ Pa* ^ - ' 6--Dt HGH SCHOOL BSOHSt layc you ordered your personal cards to enl d tkcc'tlovst* sklled typlat, eh Frday, mature wonn, 5-5 yotx of n^t\ to work n mwy oral surffe? WeaLflold, Hours fl Slo»e- n 'youv F r u t o n announce. 5 P.M.. MonrtW, Vue.d;/. Tl.ur.ur. " to prt Do so new! Lancaster Ltd,. 7 Elm St., WeBtfleld, --8t y, y, y, Frday; [ A.M. to noon, Saturday, Call -87, 7 P.M. to H Pl Thursday or Frday only. Kpr county l^rl<' 8/H^fa Tdpal Tor ffmly Kruup. CofrmhB(ph laxk* Surprse, Moun^hpl^q. Apply Unon Gophty Park Cpm J ml««<>n, Acme &t.. contemporary dlnngr room Bet, lght wood, plus formal dnng room, fxture. Complete bedroom set. Call t COWrOH HOtsr, manure, well rottedj farm rch top doll; alno nl drt be arranged. Apply Mnyfar f;o;\tk tflrl n dry c l e a n n g t Full or part tme. Houra EMPLOY, LGHT cleaned, ; p or ahavlnga. Delvered anywhere. Chestnut Farm, call any tme, C8- SS8 6tf SS8, 6--tf TWO snow tlre» f - yean* old, azo 7.5x, $.--9.' Qumby St;, "Weutfleld. -S, NN! KANCB ttecretury part tme ft to, fve day** a week* Dversfed offce dutes. Two klrl offce, h, v»way. Cverh*»<l tlldrdb 'lft F - Cellarf. rak«d> c" stalled ard BrvlCBd, F 75-f7 Vf*Utte,'lft Frontft, Dfe n- M. hnce experence desrable. Send Resume to Barrett & Parker, nc.; Elm SU Westleld. G--tf tar Flsa pompact duo almost Hew. Bdndmnster lmp, wth two " heavy 'duty*speakers. All n excellent condtot\ p must Hell! Call -77 after 6-P.M/Blll. CAST A VOTK/FOR SENATOR EUQRKK MCCARTHY, N -. THE JUNH.PBMAHYT'WTH A PHQTO PORTRAT OK YOURSELK, At : no extra" cost'amee^'of Went- general nccpuntng'" "dutes for nt'l fetct.wll-'donate half: the cost of Consumer Products Jtfr. your studo pcture to. ^ lt " "» * T n' n J * 'Poston requre** H.S, Graduates CpfE student Wlu la experlen'ceu' gardener and landjscaper h work. Comme.^ lawn maln-, AD SA( l" ' woman wshes DOMESTC help. Woman one day housework'or ltutdry. References, n week, own transportaton, rqfprenc'eh. FU -r ACCTG CLRK Excellent oppty for a partcularly young lady to perform varous wth For appontment, call ANKB neveral years recent exp operaton's." n TTORV«for chldren n elementary Hchopl, dane. n my. bp»pe. durng the summer, For nforcaton please call a-nss. umtcct nurftber or a)plluanta^-call now. HEAVY cleanns, floor waxlne, and e*qftufpt cftrret B h.h m n p.p, n R. Waynes & Morgan Mantenance aynes Servce. Cftll ATlNllMO - UZAHTH; N. J Open Dally "tl 8, Bat. 'tl «HAMMOND OtOAN HEADQUAtTHS The company has an excellent beneft program and a startng; salary 5-'-t commensurate wth ablty and background, fur ronng. Wll ron n your borne pr. rolne./cajl APPLV PRRONVEl DBPT. WLKNSON SWOtO NC. BrUtol R*. GBNBRAL housework and ronngtwo dayn per week.-recent references. Good salary. Call washng, storm wndows token down, ^cre.^nn put up, guuera and leaders cleaned and' draned. Fully nsured. A> PRAOTCAl/ rurse, care of convapr elderly. Call -86!»: A,M r Dalod May ; ( 8. Nnlunn) Spur Hunk, ralsmlot. t Now JorKoy, l*xesllnr whlcr tn* Wll l)f lt"torl K A Al Hosptal f-fl-u nul AlrOull, Atturnoyfl, FJOH Notce* that HMry S, Hnlkelna and \Utra B. lulcena, pu't- Her«, trultk UH Km Lquor HHJ, have appllnrl lo tn* Mayor nnl Cntru vl or tho Tuwn ol "WeHLHolfl for of tutf.l DlHLbutlu _,fror pr*nrbth wltuutca at ytrect, wqatflfll. N. J. tlh f 5 arq nopdud l> lolp (\\ Lypns uucl l^s pnnae llqspjlus Lhs sqmucr, o th WcsLft-lt^MonMlunKdu cfupor t Hud Cross, VoUmlcura uro noctl-.(.] one day u week lo nd n educnopaj therapy, physotherapy, H jrury. nursng, lo)orut»ry and other work. Trunsportaton wjl bo provded by hu lucal lod Cross chup- HlouM be l Joy Q l j l M H j f rny Hlo mmedtdtely n wrltlhff to ltl^, ^q Clerk oc J Ṡgnednry S. l S C. He Mh y rle P-lfl-Zt e Dr. nml Unon Blvrt. HU musj; bf ) years plc( j and mqy contact. the Wes^? fejd Red "Cross, Elm St.; pr Mrs. \. H. Andrews,' 59 Hghland Ave. NBW CONSOLE' PAVO ATNMJM PANO HOUtt WOODKV extenson ladder, ft, $ '. AR COVOTONBH,. B.T.U., RCA Whrlpool, approxmately. ld ll dt fso yea*n old, excellent condton, 6«..(State Bank, W^etfeld, Mr. Davle. y o Call -6G after 6 P.M. $, and 6- Murray. MB; Uwtt essental. mmedate openng, full sweeper, $5; tyro snow tres. 8.6Bx tme poston.'frst Federal Savlrttrs EOA NOTCES NOTCE CLfHK TYPST, part tme, dvers!- T.nlte notce that Allan Chrope fled dutes, dctaphone, call -677 tradng as Towrte House has ftpnetween A.M. and P.M. J pled to the Mayor and' Cornell Of tle Town of tveatfeld for renewal PART TME work as companon and?? ^^^^^^^'.^SS ;?!!* helfcer to elderly lady or gentleman. ' C «W J'R^ttSsL??^ f Xl Mnn R#d Ron R ^f>crtnr st Pa.t). Central Avenue, lvestnea, N. J. MSS ued, But. tu. aecona H., nan- bjectlonb lf any ( ahould be made mmedately n wrtng to Jpy C. Vreeland, Town Clerk of WeatBeld, Sgned: All al Chrone Ross Place Westheld, K." J. Fees 8.8 lleld. tme teller. Apply Natonal k Wf M Call and" Loan Assn., 5 Elm St., Went- ^...w^... *». «rn.«.»'. flew - Telephone -87» between?^s5 ft 5^%ffr Ot n5?fcs^w!skft s A;M - ' an «^ PM - or Mdnday eve- 8 Glenslde Park, BerKeey - Hegnta nt n» f ro mf to S ' (Deserted Vllage), Saturday; May ' nn8f rpm 6 l H ' 5, ^o ; ' ' NOTCE TO CREDlTOsl Ratate of EDTH U HOUT, deceased. Pursuant to the order of HART C. KANAKA, Surrogate of the County PART TMB typst, general offce * Unon, made on the rd day of ELECTRC gutar wth > yp, g worker, experenced only. Apply 9 AM t M U C t P t *,5. ^^h«a B- ^SJTA AM - to * P M Unon County Prnt- &%off^st K^/l«; C SlV»*> 8-Blmer St.. We.tfled. M_ M 9 ; g, > upholstered love heat, $5;.5 cftch; electrc cooker and f*yer, S; power mower, $. Call 886* 69 after c < P,M/ G--t sute by prexel. contemporary, ' years old. Trpl* drescer, mrror. tablet wth n deceased to exhbt td the ub- «-,-.._,*«-^«., ^. er under oath or afftrmatlpn HOUSHWOHKFm. Monday mornng,, ther clams and demands aganst to.. $.) per hour. Call the estate of sad deceased wthn sx months from the date of Skd f Unn, mad y May A.D., 96$. upon the applcaton of the undersgned, as Executor of the estate of»atd deceased, notce s hereby fcrlven to the credtors of ta d d t hbt td the sub»alfb on afv mfr'- llfgc chanlse at Arche's _ Thursday, May, MonhpHl AM. to 5 P.M. Meyevllle R Moyerflvtlle, N. J. 6--t OARAaR MtE Monday and Tueaflay, May 7 and 8, AH. to P.M. Furnture, chna, gusware, brfc-a-brac. «8«Wcatfeld Afe. mature woman for order, dr they wll befortver, 'ppbl lon n» mull f r om prosecutng or recoverng the my, flexblty, pleas*nt per- same *gmfst--the sutacrber. ty MentlaL Lberal, maws*,-,- A-,-^-.,. Erwtt W. «fc Call Ur«Bb -tor. ntmvuwl..... * ntment. * ' Beren»>nft Kessler, Attorneys 77 Central Xvj. Westfleld, N. J, Fees $. r«tf.t/ OR PANT tme bookkeeper, Able to post through general ledger. k for rma, call AD -75. HELP WANTED MALE --tf SHLTTBfl. wood, s pmlrs lfxsl", \JK " r * c * "?* n»»nted, P*rt tlm* one par lf w x", wth all hardware, \\ M9-fl. good condton, need pant. or matte offer. S8 Wells t, Wetfleld. r AD-8. NOTCE to pwnmwmb Estate of EDWARD A. B&NON, deceased. - ' Pursuant to the order of HART C. KANANE, Surrogate of the County of Unon, made on the 6th day of Aprl A.D.,!»«8, upon the applcaton of the underajgned, us Executor of the estate of sad deceased, notce ts hereby, gven to the credtors of tme, general cleanng and sad deceased to exhbt to the ubdtock work, delverc. Apply n per- tcrber under oath or -~' *' NOTCtl OF ^ NQTtfcK s Hramsnronrgfc. that the frst and fnal account of tlo»ubbcrll)er, Nntonal State Bnk, Elzabeth, New Jersey, Executor under the Wll of ROBERT P. HART, (Jecennocl, wll be nudte*! and stated by the Surrognte, AUry C. Kanae, and r<'l>ortf(l for Bettlcment to the Unon County Court Probate Dvson, on Frday,.hnt* Slat next at 9: A.M., prevalng tme. Dated May,!>G8. Natonal State Bank, Elzabeth, New Jersey, Executor Beard anf McGall, Attorneys, 66 Elm Street. Wcatfleld, N. J. 5-9-At * Fees $6.7 L SHER*FF'S SA-E Unon County Court, Law "Dvson, Docket #5- *6. G.-.a FRANCS CHEVROLET^ NC. ( a Corporatpn of New Jersey. Plantff, vs. ROBERT J. BON- NETT, pefen»ftnt. Acton at Law Executon, By vrtue of the above-stated Wrt,, to me drected, uhall expose f6r Sale by PubllcVendue, n Room B-8, n the Court House, n the Cty of Bllxabnth r N. X, on Wednesday, tle th day of June; A.D., 968, at two o'clock n the afternoon of flald <^ay, all the rftht, ttle and nterest of the above-named defendant n and to the followng propefty, to wt: All tpat certan lot, tract or parcel of land belnff n the Town of Wetrteld, Cotnty of Unon and State of New Jersey BEGNNNG 'at a pont n the Northcalt«rly lne of Doran Court, dstant 5&.5' Northwesterly from t* nteraedtlon Vth the Northwesterly ade lne of Doran Road; tnehctf Trom-'fe&d*'be*rrtHff Nttth m 59' Bast 5.' to a pont; thence Ndrtf' W'W W-ftVmV to B pont: thenc^ South 7' Bt* r Wept 5.; to A pont ll the Northeasterly lne pf'domtu- Couttl thepce South 9 G f "Bat alon sad *d* lne T of v nprlan^purt ffr To th LEGAL NOTCES ft KN, N*\ nro LH fnlowb [*hrhu\ SZ KupslmU Turruco, Vatwnut t ft;.:,nnl- llolvu otrono, J'rfwpuft S^rtfot; \Vot*tflold ># N... The r nun en and rhldcmctm of all offcers auu (]lret:tnr«uc mt ("!hruug r H Tnvftnt Jr, art* uw fo!uw»,: P l U A l n 8 T**rnu*o, PnuwxnVN, j.; ont: Arldretl Olronc,' 8 TcTuOp Knnvvo>(l t N- J.; Ufl Kccn-tary-TrMasuror: Ff c r» n Ohroms (\ Prus HM*t Street, \?\\, X, «L P r e c L o r t ; Chrono,f Kcmp^hnll T^rrac:**, Fnnwood, N. J.; MUdrea Chrotu, 8 K«?mp tlmll Terrace, Panwood, N-.: fnd Helen Clrone, Prtwpect Street, W^stfPh, N. J/ Ohjeclovs, f any, Bould be mado mmodfttely n wrtng to Rmer A. Hoffnrth, Borpug-l Clerk of the Dor- OUK of Mouhtnlnalde, CHHONE'S TAVERN, NC. Sflf Mountnln Ave, Mountansde, N. J. 5--t Fees $,8 accprdlncr NOTCK TAKB NOTCE thrtt on; May 6, 968, a change occurred n the flto'ckholdlnea of CHHONE' TAV- RUN, NC, holder of Retal Coft- Humpton Lcense C-^ for prempea locatdf at #896 Mountan Avenfe, Mountansde, New Jersey, resultlnft n the followng person resdng at the followng addresa acqurng more than ten (%)" per cent of sad corporate lcensee's stock. Maurce Chrone 8 Kerapahal Terrace Fan wood. New Jersey Any nformaton concernng the qualfcatonh of the above Stockholder Bhall be communcated, n wrtng, to Rmer HolTarth of the Borouffh of Mountansde. CHRONE'S TAVERN, NC, By Maurce Chrone, Presdent 5--lt Fee* $6.9 L5 fred for o a survey made ty B. $nfrer, February B, 98 T. J.'Grlfrn. Premfsen commonly known an No. 57 Doran Court, Westfl^lcl, New Jersey. There ( due approxmately.- 68.T and coats. "' ^ The Sherff recryfa t*e rght to sdjojurn ths sale. HALPH ORSCE-lq, fh> y m Krauss, A.ttrs. * yrtj o B-U-t r OF RT NOTCE 8 fbrbby OVBN, that the ftrnt and fnal account of the Hubacrlber, Jacob L, Nydlck t AHag-nee for the Beneft ot Credtors of TOWNftCOUNTRY POOLS', NC. AHttffnor, wll be audted and ptat«by the Surrogate, Mary C, KanAftft, and reported for nettlement to the Unon County Court Probate-Dvson, on Frday, June th next at 9: A.M., prevalng tme. Dated May, 968. Jacob L. Nydlck» Al Fees 7.SS NOTCE notce that Halfway House, nc., has appled to the Councl ot the Borough of founta «s!«for re* t*lnld«the Jacob * Nydlck, Attorney Pro Se, U9 Paat Jersey Street, KlUabeth, New Jersey Fees l«take Notce tl tfft," - «offtcer and the p-tceb thef fll retrumteuo. UM BouU M.B«r9»r Bern* tuom and few for Pltrlutldn lcence "for prttnlm *t ttl E*»t Br6* trse; n wtulltb to^jo» C. TV CONflOMa. " scre mnor repar, $ or mltfcf offer, ZS St. Call AD -8. son to Mr Bt, John, XBf Smltk ther clams and demand- r,^-- cr«en, ne.d., UT C.»^ AT.. l-u-tf ^th.^f^movth.'^n.vh. \u% f YOU AM nd droor, or they Wll b«fw *?. *? mmm tarred from oro««outt^»: % outboard motor, B HP, uner one-half season, ta. AD - B8. T - WANTp n* habts, boots, sa furnture, braawars, f Wolffs, lt Hadlsoa Aft NYOtMJOl or sven reasonably boretl> perhaps you would And a Males poston n our offce excltnjt and smulatqft-- Warnng potental l«abottely unbarrd f o ^ erlnn the >ame s V a nsl The Natonal?Ut«BlMbet 5f 9 < ltttted. Qualflcatorss you mu(t, -..«'- h»v g brover fl, persoflablfc, own a goptt UJ.Sfcflr * car, and be Wllng to york full FM!F*W» ^ t WMAU tme. Csperlence preferred, but we wll 8* ve you expert help And teach you ths busness. Call for an appontment. AtlHU lavmha* AMNCV, km. PW. Ttft^tls* deceased. PursUa tt Unon, Wtujr A.D', l»«ft ( «P?n the TYPST, must be experenced and mature. Hours 9 toft. Apply Unon County Prntng,»g Elmer Bt lh West Held. t-l«-t SAMTN-sMH, experence requred, r t l X TtMB SHPPNG CL.BRK ther full or part tme. op salary. Apply FOR NDUSTRAL SALES OFTcfc '**- n person only, Mademolflelle, 6 LOCATED N WE8TFBL. PLEASE Qulmby St., Westfleld. AD «-O7fl.,, ^ 5-l-tf XNt> 6 P.M. SERVCES ~ U l!jrfbef~ under "oath "or allrmatlpn d demands aganst Rd) deceased wthn... from the dat«of *alq CAU.'tll.lll BETWEEN» A.M. Mgr.or Ujj«J}»>,. /or.ret *.rr.d skme aganst the sublcjlber, Jpy J. M*horlch, J5ec«trl«H«nry W, Clement, Attorney, NEED Watchung; llna, N. J. Fees Sl. *BDO. CONTtACTNO -MOMRNtZlNG sannce. CONTVACTM R«oflsf, «nr, Gutters, A*, Roof Kcpalra. Jobs covsrsd by mvtoenno A nomo cm, «. WeatsWM ADAH! S-M f-m-tf TLBl Bm«U res«fln\ loose («ssd sjroat replaced. Stall shower leaks repared. Complete bathrooms remodeled. Tub enclosures nstalled. Full nsurance coverage. EJxcellent references. Frank HUdebrandt, BR - 5ll t-s-tf -MMOOUNO Kttearas Atttem Cellar* All Tr»*«Mesa ar V All W«rk laaarcd aa tt n* AD ft-«lts AND yatcnm SPH- CALTT. ALL TYPES MASONRT AND REFTMf8H!NO. 8BLF BM- PLOTBD AND NSURBP. AD!-»S7. *-»-tf Everythn n C«raral< Tl* l-ll-tf ROOFWB and repars, asphalt, slate, tle; gutters, leaders. Alumnum and plastc sdfngr. Pree estmates. A. Hopfel, PL -OS6. s Am mme SOFA $ CHAR $6 AOOHD SUT BB)JLT NW UMNOt All Work Guaranteed 5-6-tf MOVNO AND Of Nf RAL TRVCKNQ H«TB Take notce that Uquor Bplrla. nc. t/as t^rsen's >lquprs r has appled to the Mayor and Councl of the Town of westfleld for renewal of the Plenary Retal Dstrbuton Lcense for premse* stuated at7 South Ave., Westfleld, M. J. The names and addresses of all offcers, drectors and persons howng one or more per centum of stock are as follows:. _, Hyer Laraen, 87 Sherbrook Drve, Westfleld, N. J., Pres.; DorU -«rs«n, stt smerbrook Drve, Westfleld, W. J., Secy, and Treas. Objectons, f any, should be made mmedately n wrtng; to Joy C. Vreeland, Town Clerk of Westllelt, * JAQVOn SPRTS, NC. 7 South A+«. ' ' Westftea, N. J. 5-6-t Feed. y t t M, V Presdent; Vlrslna Petrusslello, 7 Route #, Mountan ade, N. J., Secretary-Treasurer. Tle Board of Drectors s composed of the followng named persona, whose add revs en are set forth opposte ther respectve tnmen: Carmne Petru««ello, Route *%t. Mountansde, N. X, Davd Petrusflello, L*vlnKBton Avenue, Lyndhurut, N. J., Vlrsnla Petrusello, Route #, Mountansde, N. J. Objectons, f any. should be mad«mmedately n wrtng- to Elmer A. Hoffftrth, Borough Clerk of Mountansde, New Jersey. HALFWAY HOUSE. NC. Carmne PetruHletlo, pres. \Ut Route'# Mountansde, N. J. NOTCE Notce n hereby rven that the followng ~&ctcm ~waft* taken On ap- MaU heard by the Board of Ad- Jttttnent on May,»89 Appeal of Humble rnmr r. * * sws>afchs^s^ W^^^^l H^V^P"# MOtlCl Take nptjce that CUlre Wlrtand and Henry Wleland have appled to the Borough of Mountansde for renewal of the Plenary Retal Consumpton Tjcense for "Wleland'a House of Mountans!**, nc. d > a Bg or small fobs. Pano*, Applacea, Furnture, etc. Tf otm«t*a -8T. l-lt-tf MSCtUANtOUS ; 9old * Vteflnlshed. Vree tlmstes Compare *«. r. Xrst* tst-stlf. -l-tf S Mracle Gardenlnar and Landscapng. New Lavn, Repar Lawn, Mantenance, Shrub Plantng, Fertlsng:, Ell types of chemle«treatment. Fast servce. Free estlraata. 7S7-87.-H-tf THSUlOONf, for premfps located at 9> U- a. Hghway #, Mountansde, NeW Jefftey. fhe names and readencefl of the applcants ftre as follows: r Henry Wleland. 5 Holly Hll, WnntalnaMe, N, J. Olare Weland, 5 Holly Hll, Mountansde^ N, J. Objecton^, P any, should be made mmedately n wrltnr to Elmer A. Hoffarfh, Boroug Clerk of Boroafch of MourttalnftMe. HENRY WTBUANP CT.ATRB W Mountansde. N, J, 6** $. NOTCE S HERKfet" the flrat afl fffal acconnt Appeal of Humble Olft Rfflnlpv pp. for j>erml»bon to erect m»arolth* tfervfee fltatlon ft -S Prptpect Street Recommended approval to the Tp^ffn Councl* ' Appeal of Peter Poltdoro for permlmlon to extend a pne-famlly dwtlln at N. Cotta«e Place Qhtnted. Appeal of Rchard and Lnda T* R^^er for perml»«on to extend a one-ramly dwellng at Welle Street Granted, Appeal of Eleanor D, Wllam* for permsmlon tt erect a one-famly dwellng at 56 Central Avenue aranted. Appeal of Carl B. and Florence Houp foe permlon to erect a onefamly dwellng at SOS Grant Avenue Dented. Appeal of Robert G, Newman for permlselon to combne three lots rtto two lota and erect two onefamly dwellng at 78ft, 78,?78 Warren Street Dented. Appeal of Wettfleld Convalescent Center for permfflftlon to amend a prevous varance applcaton to erect a nurnlnff and, convalescent home at 75-5S ^ambert Mll ROffcd RECOMMENDED approval to Town Councl. Appeal of Mldred C. Mereneflfl for ncrmtuson to extend a two-famly dwellng at S5 Summt Avenue G-art ted. ELEANOR E. SANPORD, Secretary, Board of Adjustment "WeaLflekl, N. J. S-8-H Fees $- BERNARD BRRNSTBN Onlf Kdffe Westfleld, N, J. 6--t Fees fs.8o PHMC NOTCE Take notce that Food land Market, nc. has appled to the Mayor and Councl of the Town of Westfleld for renewal of the Lmted Be tall DlHtrbutJdn Ucense for premses stuated at 6 Central Ave., Westfleld, N. J. The offces of the corporaton are: Joel Glassman, 7 Deerwood Drve, Clark, N. J.. Presdent; Sandra Glafwnmn, 7 r>eerwood Drve, Clark, N.J., Vce-presdent; Robert Glassman, 85 Mountan Avenue, Sprngfeld, N. J., Secretary-Treasurer The above consttute the board of drector* of the corporaton and ts stockholder*. Objectons, f any, should be made mmedately n wrtng; to Joy C. Vreeland, Town Clerk of Westfleld, Sgned, Foodland Market, nc. 5--t Fees $. NOTCE ' -" Take Notce that Hnrry Sturcke and George WkerH, tradng as Robert Treat Lquor Shop, have appled to the Mayor and Councl of the Town of West feld for renewal of the Plenary Retal Dstrbuton lcense for premses stuated at 5 qufmhy Street, Westfleld, N. J. Objectons, f any, should be made mmedately, n wrtng, to Joy C. Vreeland, Town Clerk of Weutfteld, N. J. G--t (StcneJ) HARRY STURCKR, 8 Tree Top Drve Sprngfeld, N. J. GEORGS WTT.KRNS, Cole«Ave. Scotch Plans, N. J. Fees H.5B WOT KB Take notce that Centennal g No.,.B.P.O.E. of Westfeld, has appled* to the Mayor and Councl Of the Town of Westfleld, N. J. for a renewal of a Club lcense for premses stuated at W. Broad St., Westfleld, N. J. The namen of the offcers of ths club and th* offces they fll respectvely are: Charles Taylor, Exalted Ruler. 55 B- Front St., Plan* feld, N..T.; Elmer Wllams, Secretary, 79 Jerusalem Rd., Scotch Plans, N. J.; Charles PHnton, W. road St., Weatfleld. N. J., Treasurer: E.AK. John Rpps, Jr., Cumberland St., Weatfleld, N. J.: KJ.L,.K. Hatold Anderson, " W. Rroad St., -Westfleld. N. J.: E.L..K. Wllam Orlffln, Planfled. N. J.: T5«c. Andrew T-amhert, S. Clnton AVP.. Newark, N. J. Trustees: Preston Smth. 7 Myrtle Ave., Westfleld. N.... Charman; W. Hollls Plnton. W. Rroad St.. Westfeld. K. -T-: Joseph H^le, f W. BroRt? St., Westnem. N. J.; "Wll- ' H %ZS Wnflaor N. J. f any. should bp m mmprlatelv n wrltlnjt t<"> Jnv ^^reolarrt. Town Clerk of N T. J. > f r c f\ r.: Westneld. v ' Hvtct, ttt Crott»'H Tavern ot W NOTCW Take Notce that Tony's Tavern, nc., hnr anphel to the Mayor and Councl of the Town of WeHtflelrl for renewal of the Plenary Retal Consumpton L.cenne for premses sltatetf at 5-5 Central Avenue, Weatfetd. The offcers) of the corporaton are: John J. Dagontaro, Presdent, r»(m Central AVP.. Wp»tfeld, M. J.; Anthony DaRostaro. VCP Prpsfrtent, > SUMP^X St., w^rtnefl, M..T.: Rlchar' Daenataro, urcr, 7f Central Avf,. N..T. Objectons, f any, should hf rrmrfn mmpdlatelv )n wrtng to.t<>v <\ Vre^land. Town Clerk of W>.ftn''M, N.r TONY'S TAVERN. TN'<~\ Jf. 'K TO Fr Pursnnt tn the nrrt't ^r SAFY r. KAVANE, Snrropatf nf th#* rv.nnt^ nf Tnkn. mrulf «>n tho Tth rlnv of \ray ( A. f>..!?*'>«nn^n M" nnllr^- Vnx\ of fhp nn/thlcn^l. np. RSOHtrlx of the estate ^f wfm ^r-l notu-** s horohv c-v*m to Mf* Hors of s;'l l*»f^s.sf*tl tn ^xl thf* sub^^^^f-r u ' 'T nuth nr mat^n th^r f -m.«nnd ro wthn -x nv-nths tr'* tho l "rnm KH's^^ntT'fr nr M fnm* nwj tnt fhf* fo T. n ' ' r '-Mf r f \y f *- m n t l V U* f lu! f nn F. --HS-* '""r t»r"m H^H N". r rr. * ' *rf' rv..

8 Page 8 THE WESTFELD (NJ.) LEADER, THURSDAY, MAY, OC8 HO ft Of Mf OPtNS 7 TTHC N CAN MlATtHB moys DRVC»N SlrlBvttU RT 9 PA -HO trve-n 7 m SOUTH Ct. Ml l * HAET 6-O HENRY Yours, Mne «««OCRS Ffdkl* Avtnn Ann*H Fuftrlk) "FREBALL 5" tautful MOONLGHTNG A WVES' CRANFORD ClANFOftO BR North Av. MATNUft PALT TOUAV TH' TKSDAY ACAhK.MV AWARD WlNNKlt OST SMl'l'OtTNt; At'TOU <*KOt(«H Kn\K)V M', NHWMAN "COOL HAND LUKE" A'ntRV F.>UtN "WAT UNTL DARK" MAT. J t KDDR SHOW MTAHTVG WK., MAY th "PLANET OF THE APES" "FURTHER PERLS LAUREL & HARDY" The passonate story of a woman's bold and beautful adventures n love Two AFS Students Here Next Year At nn Amercan Feld Servce Opm House held Sunday at Wustfeld Hgh School, Mrs. Glenn Wlder, chapter presdent, announced l.hc nnmes of the two foregn sludenls who wll spend the next school year n Westfeld, They are Mara sabel Abehabke of Brazl, who wll lvo wth Lhc.John R. Gresser famly of «St. Marks Ave., and Bulent Unsalan of Turkey, whose losls wll be He Seymour BnrnotU of 5 Boynton Ave. Both vstors wll attend Wcstfeld Hgh School as senors together wtf ther Amercan sster and brother Klznbolh Gresser and Peter Burnett. Scleobon of famles s made by AFS natonal headquarters from applcatons submtted to them by the local chapter, wth every effort made to match famles as closely s possble wtd foregn students of smlar nterests and background. At the open house ths year's students, Elzabeth Burdett of N c w Zealand, guest of the Elwood Hennngs and Klaus Jorgensen of Denmark, guest of Dr. and Mrs, A. W. Bouohal, spoke and showed sldes and moves ef ther natve lands. Mrs. Wlder presented each of them wth a book about New Jersey and one about the Unted States, as well as commemoratve sorapbooks of ther Westfeld experences. Elzabeth and Klaus wll leave Westfdeld June 9 to jon a three week AFS bus tour of several states before returnng home. NOW THRU TUESDAY LFE A ' A Melodrama "CATCH ME F YOU CAN" r «t. a ftl, H.t!. tt.h Curtan :«ALL SEATS RESERVED /JOSEPH JANN PRODUCTON JULE CHRSTE TERENCE STAMP PETER FNCH ALAN BATES '^M^M^' km^a JULE CHRSTE poses wth Paraphernala presdent, Paul Young, who opened new shop at E. Broad St. ths week. Jule s wearng a Betsy John ndan outft, one of many desgners whose clothes are featured at the new store. 9 Westfeld Resdents Treated At Psychatrc Clnc n 967 Barbara Todde, Westfeld Hgh School senor, also spoke and showed The Unon County Psychatrc to pay. tsldes of Japan, where she spent last Clnc spent $7,75 durng 967 to summer under AFS auspces n tsprovde psychatrc treatment for Amercans Abroad program.,56 emotonally dsturbed chldren ncludes 7 psychatnsts, psychologsts and psyclwabrc socal workers. and adults n Unon County and North Plantfeld, accordng to thed addton there were other members of the staff durng the annual report of Mrs. WBam Kn- year, ast of Westfeld, presdent of the clnc board. Supported n part locally by Unted Fund of Westfdeld, the clnc treated 9 Westfeld patents durng the year. Accumulaton of Westfeld consultaton hours was,88. f*" Suzanne M. Slarks, daughter of R. Bartols of Park St. was «rad' Mr. and Mrs. A'llen M. St-arks of uated "Sunday wth a bachelor of 7 Fal* Hll Dr., has attaned the solcnco degreo n chemdstry from dean's lst for both the fall and St, Mary of the Woods College, nsprng semesters at Florda State dana. Unversty, Tallahassee, where she s a senor n 'the School of Busness majorng n marketng, She las accelerated her schoolng to do four years n three and expects o be Rodman Lane, wll receve the master of Cne arts degree n drama, graduated n June, desgn opbon, June rd from Carnege-Mellon nsttute, Pttsburgh. * * * Dense Glonnon, daughter of Mr. She was awarded her B.A. degree and Mrs. John T. G-lennon of 9 Bar* n 966 from Hpon (Wse.) College. Chester Way, wll receve a B.A. * * # degree June tl at Regs College, Recevng degrees Monday from Weston, Mass. A member of the the Unversty of Pennsylvana were, Student Government Assocaton electoral commttee, the Athletc Assocvan of Mnsnk Way, bachelor from Westfeld, Theodore C. Donoaton, Lt era r Club, she plans to leach and publsh. Joan W. Churchll, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander W, Wllamsof * * * Ruth C. Pelerson has been named Harvard Unversty Fellow n Astronomy. She s a frst year graduate student n astrophyscs at Massochusetts nsttute of Technology and s d e Ward T. Kelsey of Greek wll transfer to Harvard next Sep- Bed Rd., bachelor of laws, tember. n addton to her graduate studes, Ruth s employed n astronomcal research at the Smthsonan nsttute, Cambrdge, Maes. She graduated from Westfeld Hgh School n 96 and dd her under- * *r Cyntha L, Davs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar C. Davs of 65 Forest Ave. was awarded an assocate n arts degree n lberal arts at commencement exercses at Green a f^^ «/ *> HnM.M. «o " of nd U. A dean's ft* atu- June. He majored n busness ad- L_Zfl?... V._, U lf5_ J. dent, she was elected to ^Wbo's Who mnstrtfton and s a canddate for A watng lst of eght patents remaned at the close of the year. whle 6 came to the clnc on ther were referred by school offcals, n Amercan Colleges and Unvered-j the bachelor of scence degree. tes," and has served as presdent own ntatve. A total of 5 cases n addton to the fnancal support and treasurer of the Nursng Club,] Sharon Ann Devabn, daughter of was referred by the courts. gven by the Unted Fund, donatons and representatve to the Student Mr. and Mrs. Eare W. Devakw Jr. Servng on the clnc commfauee were gven the clnc durng the Nunso's Assocaton of Pemsylvan- of Reward Avenue, receved a from Westfeld, n addton to Mrs. year by the Westfeld ServceLeague. a. She s a member of.the Glee badetor of arts degree at corn- Knast, are Mlton Waktten, charman, Robert Lee, board member, Westfeld's fnancal support of the Club, Teresan Club, Msson Club mencement exercses at the UnWerand the Student Councl Advsory Lty of Dayton where &hemajored n clnc durng 967 amounted to $5,- Dr. A. L. Ackerman, Sgt. N. R. Bettetl. Dr. Natale Brown, Mrs. Adolpt, ffth hghest n the county, accordng to Mrs. Knast's report. Gross, Dr. George Jones, Dr. Sam- Board. - French. * * *. * * * Ruth Packer, daughter of Mr. and A student honors award at the Servce to communtes s pro-rated accwdng to the towns' fnancal Mrs. James C. Moral, Mrs. Btoe vard, receved: a mert ctaton for State Unversty College of Forestry uel Levne, Mss Los McCarthy, Mrs, Robert Packer of Boule School of Landscape Archtecture at support of the clnc although cases Shmons, Mrs. Kenneth D. Smth, short story nhe 7th annual Allan- of Syracuse Unversty went to Tertte Monthly creatve contest. She s rence DeWam. He receved «n Amer- judged to need mmedate attenton Alos Stadeck and Rev, Leroy R. are cared for wthout watng, ac Stanford. «t -M^eaton (H.) College, can Socety of Landscape ArcMeccordng to Benjamn H. Haddock of ' \ ture certfcate of mert for a su- Fanwood, executve drector; AhneV barevdaughtor of Charles senor project. The clnc, volunteer-organzed and drected, offers weekly psychatrc ntervews and therapy and alled servces to chldren and adults at Hs offces at 5 Ferrs P. here and n Planfeld, Elzabeth, Lnden and Sum t. Fees are based on ablty graduate work at both BTyn Mawr Mountan College, PouMney, V. She and M..T. Her parents are Mr. and was-a/member,,of Green Key,;Stu- Mrs. CarJ-W. Peterson of Tut- dent Councl, m'thetalkarwv.puttle'pfcwy. ng Club and-athletc _ * * * Among Grove Cty College freshmen Penelope Jane BMaal receved women tapped for memberehp n a bachelor of arts degree Monday Cwens, natonal sophomore honorary from Queens College, Charlotte,Ubety, r a s Vrgna Tomlnson, N.C -He daughter of Mr. and Mrs. daughter of Mr. and Mn. {toward C. Hougbton Brdsall Jr. of N. Tomlnson of 56 Clark St. She s Chestnut St., she was a French ma s drected by Dr. Jay W. Fdler and np _ mamk~ majorng n elementary educaton the French Club anct \ s a member of Alptra Beta Tau Spam* ctab., Sororty, Chapel Chor, Tourng * * * Chor, and the Polk Chrstan Edu- Maureen L. Bosher, daughter of cators. John H. Bosher, 75 * * * psychatrc courses under the clnc's Ave., wll receve at B.S. Oavd C. Crukshank, son of Mn. tranng program. degree n nursng from College M- Cornell Oruk^ank of 9 Ttce P, scrkorda, Data, Pa., at gradua- las been lsted as a canddate for that Although the majorty of patents wear contact lenses for cosmetc reasons, nearly 78 per cent of *D patents talk freely of ther contact lenses. Only 7 per cent keep them secret, report! the New Jersey Optometre Assocaton. enter lwo Prmary Electon Data Avalable Prmary electon votng nformalon may be obtaned from Mrs. Joseph Schemforc, voters servce charman of the League of Women Voters of Westfeld. Mrs. Sdembre s dstrbutng leaflets whch gve nformaton about the requrements for votng n a prmary and other electon nformaton. ndvduals or organzatons wsh- ng to secure or dstrbute these leaflets before the June Prmary Electon tlls year may secure them from Mrs. Schcmbrc at N. Chestnut St. New resdents who may be nterested n whether they are elgble to vote n ths prmary electon may contact Mrs. Schetnbre by telephone now state may contact Mrs, Schembro for nformaton, LWV Names Delegates To Councl Meetng Mrs, John Thatcher, Mrs. John Gutal, and Mrs, John Jaruzelsk are delegotes from the League of Women Voters of Wcs-tfcld to" the ffth bennal councl meetng of the League of Women Voters of New Jersey, to be held today at the-brunswck nn, East Brunswck, Mrs. Steven Hurwtt of Park Rdge s charman of the meetng. Mrs. Robert Klen, state presdent, has announced that the man busness of the councl s a revew of the status of the current state program whch was adopted for a twoyear perod at the conventon last Aprl, and to outlne a focus for work durng the comng year. Further of arts; James P. Kovacs of Tuttc Pkwy., master of busness ad- to dscuss, wth her what s ncluded n the votng requrements. mnstraton; Wllam J. Moyse of busness of the Councl Meetng ncludes adopton of a budget, mem- 5 Sandra Cr., (as of, '67), master of scence; Wllam Buchanan of state who want to,vote n thebershp awards and the demonstra- Also persons who are movng out of Sandra cr., (as of, '67) doc-presdentator of phlosphy, and from Mountan- electon but who mayton of the nnards of a votng machne durng not yet meet the requrements of the luncheon. He 8 e commencement, MEAT SPECALS There f A Dfference n Rau's Agng Trmmng Qualty. ROUND ROAST SALE Top or Bottom Round Eyo, Rump or Top Srlon Boneless Voal Roast $*9 b. $.9 b..9?clb. Club Stooks of V M $.9 FRESH MX AND MATCH PRODUCE Cucumbers, Radshes or Scallons Chquta Bananas. Fresh Sweet Corn At Mac Hugh's... OUAUTY Dt MOUNTAN AVE. SPRNOflEtD... for5c lbs; 9c 5 ears 9c FAR FROM Tll MADDNC. 'KOVVU' TRSTTME AT POPULAR PRCES... drect from ts reserved seat engagement! famavson*. MHMCOlOft Weekdays at 7: am 9:5 Saturday at :, 7: and 9:5 Sunday at :, :, 6:5 and 9: STARTS WEDNfSOAY, MAY «Chorlton Hatton "PLANET OF THE APES" WALTER READE THEATRES Wel. A Thrx.. H»V H! "nl ^ *HMVM nt, t. Tt, 7, * rn/k WVMM; FLM UMAHA "THE LFE OF ST. MARA GORETT" Th««'VrmtK* *fl»t Thft ynn.k m:rlyr*a rm:ssk<*: "UUTATO TK UMSSfEW V UK KN>, HHJ'F.'!,, HS l>vh\...''", 7, """ STARTS FROAY Hut. ml SUM. U,, tl, H. lt ROSS KELLAND, Westfeld Chamber M Commerce executve vce presdent, dscusses June 6 chamber golf tournament and dnner wth Russell. Wyckoff, charman of the affar U be bem at Shackamaxm Country Club. A collecton of patterns and colours for sprng... enough /- -! r - * K to brghten any occason. Corbn's "unnhbted" plads, strpes, and unusual sold tones brng lfe nto a trouser wardrobe. LUCLLE BALL HENRY FONDA from 8.95 l&urs,m VAN JOHNSON TOM BOSLCY **> COLOR by DeLuxe Open Monday and Frday vonngs untl 9 P.M. NEW JERSEY'S NEWEST, MOST MODERN THEATRE "THE WOODBRDGE" Pllf)\K (CW-HT no re \\u ST. lf.oh'r wr.wn..; * mm AND J ' A ' f ***** j m< - *. #. - "-W/ ^ >: *'& "7 *; -r*? c*^ '*/M- '<:> f&. * >>. *J: * * ****** V* AD 9 ;

9 THE WESTFELD (N.J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, MAY, M8,, Pngo S o c a l A n d C l u b N e w s of t h e W e e k n t h e W e s t f e l d A r e a Brde Elect Barbara D. Burke To Wed Brde To Be Mss Colesworthy George Gross Jr. To Bo Marred Judth Blank Weds To Wed F. W. Ball s Fancee of To Be Marred Robert A. Cypher Mr. and Mrs. James F. Eurke of Dorset Hll ld. have made known the engagement of ther daughter, Barbara Dale, to Frederck Wllam Ball of Cranford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederck J. Ball of Asbury Park. Mss Burke, a graduate of Westfeld Hgh School, receved a bachelor of arts degree from Rosemont t... College, and s a teacher n the f^'- Westfeld school system. She s a ''%^? member of the Junor League of ''*" - : ' :t Elzabeth and Cranford. Mr. Ball, an alumnus of Cranford Hgh School, was graduated wth a bachelor of arts degree from Newark State College. He receved hs SUSAN L/EGH SMART masters degree from Columba Unversty and s currently n the doctoral program at Columba, for a DONNA DEARNG BR&NDA KATHERNE BROZ Susan L. Smart degree n educatonal admnstraton. He also s a teacher n the Donna Dealng Charles Eddy To Be June Brde Westfeld school system. Plans Weddng To Wed n June Mss Burke s the granddaughter of Mrs. Edwn E. Thorn of West- Mr. and Mrs. John Stuart Smart feld, the late Mr. Thorn; Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers K. Dealng The engagement of Mss Brenda the james of Westfeld, and of 6 Grove.St. G ^.announce ^ the-foe--.katherne bh Kh Broz Oto Charles,Phllps.Eddy-H-was announced recently at a champagne brde elect's.godfather, Harold C G.= Appleton n Long Beach, CaYf. '\ * She s the daughter of Mrs! James' : s/planned. Ball. A late summer feld /Hgh School, attends the Uuversty of Arzona, where she s a member of Alpha Ph Sororty and The Kaydettes. Her fance, son of Mrs. Adam Clark Brown, orgnally of Mnneapols, Mnn., and the late Mr. Brown, s an alumnus of Stetson Unversty where he was a member of Kappa Mu Epslon and a dstngushed HOTC graduate. He s now a canddate for a master's degree n mathematcs and has a teachng fellowshp at the Unversty of Arzona where he s vce presdent of P Mu EpeJlon. He s afflated wth Sgma Nu and s a frst leutenant n the Army Corps of Kngners. Junors to nstall Now dmt Th» Evenng MM. Anthony Ctmel wll be n- taled a«presdent of the Junor Woman'* duf> of:wertftold thl* -evtan* at t annual banquet at the founumde nn. She succeeds f. Rchard Fnk. Ottos bttof nducted t* offce are Mrs.; John Welter, Wrt vce fwvnoftttt' sod ran; llrt. Albert ytee;presdent and way* charman; Mrs. Robert Prospecve j _ J** BARBARA DALE. \\ Brde To Honor Former Pottor A tcatlnwtm dn* Ml he gv«o [rmpottdkm An August weddng fa planned. He prospectve brde fe an alumna of WestfeM Hgh School and Wl- H. Ncholson of Long Beach and the late Dr. Wllam R. Broz. Her fance lam Woods College, Fulton, Mo. Shes the son of Mr and Mrs. Eddy Jr. s a thrd grade teacher ta Brdgeport, Mch. feld. of Houston, Tex., formerly of West- Her fance attended Delta College, Mss Broz was graduated magna Unversty Center, Mch, and served for four years n the U.S. ArSouthern Calforna and cum laude from the Unversty of attended Force. He s assocated wth Geeeral Motors, Sagmaw, HT Mothers' Guld Offcers nducted The Very Rev. Monagnor Chare* B. Murphy, moderator of (be Holy Trnty Mothers Guld, offcated when the newly elected offcers were nstalled Tuesday evenng n a candlelght ceremony at te grammar school cafetera. ' The women who wn serve from June MB through June. 9»; ere: Mra. Wtapn A BnfjsUtt, d Mrs. Loufa Omte, Mrs. Lug Cbottn, tressursr; Mrs meau FlaMfH, pastor of Al Sotote CtwrtbJ era and other ctoo *feat Orohge. He wrmt+dx* Modtn, Mr«. JkBUm, recordng.»tct«ury; Mrs. 7 year* brfore bfc raotat advanpe- Dantel Kraud; treasurer. :.. < '' Lmeot, V' JvlCM M/es F. Sweeney outgoteg receved an entmved Cambrdge Unversty n England. She s a student at Harvard Unversty Graduate School of Busness. Her afflatons, nclude Gamma Ph Beta, Beta Gamma Sgma- and the Harvard Club erf New York. Mr. Eddy s an alumnus of West-; feld Hgh School. After recevng hs commuton n the U. S. Navy, he served n the Far East aau. S. advsor to the Vetnamese Navy. He was awarded the Brone Star'and the Navy commendaton, medal and also receved the Vetnamese Cross of Gallantry wth Gold Star. Mr. Eddy U toe grandson of thelate Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Eddy, and Mrs Mguel Cabanellu and the late Mr. CabaneUaa of WesOed and New Orleans. th weddng wll be June K. Naocy Way, lam the taon <rf her «emtot. R. J. Loughrey Announcement has been made of the engagement of ther daughter, Mss- Deborah Louse' Colesworthy, to RoborL John Loughrey by Mr. and Mrs. Danel C. Colesworthy of 6 Mountan Ave. * Mr. Loughrey s the son of Mrs, Mchael John Loughrey of 8 Tce P. and the late Mr. Loughrey. The prospectve brde was graduated n 9C from Westfeld Hgh School and attended Potomac State College, Keyser, W.Va. She s employed by Chubb and Son, nc., Short Hlls. Mr. Loughrey, who served for two years n the U.S. Navy, was a member of the class of 96 at Westfeld Hgh School and attended George Washngton Unversty, Washngton, D.C. He s a purchasng agent for Wlcolator Co., Elzabeth. A summer weddng s planned. Karleen Vlla was a flower grl for the annual pansy breakfast of Delta Dela Delta chapter at the Un- t,' Mr. and Mrs, Henry Bohlng of Yonkens, N.Y, have announced the engagement of ther daughter, Lo George Wllam Gross Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs, Gross of 5 Brch Avc. Mss Dehl-lng s a graduate of Concorda Collegate nsttute of Bronxvlle, N.Y., and the Cornell Unversty, New York Hosptal School of Nursng. She s employed at Lawrence Hosptal, Bronxvlle, N.Y. Mr. Gross s an alumnus of Westfeld Hgh School and Hamlton College. He s completng hs thrd year at the Cornell Unversty Medcal School n New York Cty. An August th weddng s planned. New Members to nstall Department Offcers The new members department of the Woman's Club of Westfeld wll hold ts annual luncheon and nstallaton of offcers Tuesday at p.m. at Sleepy Hollow nn, Hartan Road, Scotch Plans. Mns. Robert >H. Albsser wll be n* stalled as department AAtzvah nvtatons Personal Socal Statonary Prntod graved Mako Barrcn Candy any charman, r tt ELLA BELNG Mrs. Robert W. Traxler, co-clarman; Mrs. Robert D. Sullvan, secretary; and Mrs. dares W. Pond, treasurer. Mrs. Lous Brcmer s Jn charge of reservatons, >.' - >. -. V - % AO ELM ST. TEL. AD - n College Chapel Mss Judth Blank, <tm»mer of Mr. am Mrs. Byron B. Hknk of r, Holland, formerly at, was mnrretl Sturday» Akn Cyp'he-,.son of Mrs. Ann Cypher and the lac Welcs CypluM*. The ceremony wns performed n the Helen Kakn Esenhower Chapel at the Pennsylvana SUlc Uuvc - sly, Unversty Pork, Pa. The hnde was aucnded by her sster, Nancy Jane Blank and Mr. Cypher's best man wns Andrew Sable o" Seven Sprngs, Pa. V's. Cypher, who attended Westfeld Hgh School, was graduated n December from the -Pennsylvana State Unversty. Her 'husband who receved hs B.A. n 9W and hs MBA n 9G from the same unversty, s employed by the Kennametal Corp. The couple wll lve -n Pttsburgh. T COSTS NO MORE TO STORE YOUR FURS wth a MASTER FURRER nplmlmum Hates MamlMam C«* Fully n»wre«custom Ctamng Bhop 9 E. BROAD ST. AD-J -Open Mon. Cve. tll 9 P.M. \'.' \ -"r.:m- * >.*. y '.- / -. '. * r--.- *.- '^F ; > " V f the great fc^hbn Wr and MARCUS ^ * ' n r. -*-...: '-,: ;.. *' desgnng genus of ' " \ * VERA MAXWELL -\ (Nl's qb& spcdalsr Thf«s the tme of decsons for you. A partcularly mportant one s her weddng rng. Be sure you Choose from a wde selecton lke ours. A selecton that features overy style ond prce range. Gve her ttm beneft of the wdest choce possble for the weddng rng she wll wear a lfetme* Vero Maxwell-hgh presteu of Amercan couture, and on* of the> world's truly great desgner*. Now from Vera Maxwell, whose every dress s adventure, ths beautfully talored and smartly understated llhouette n a crsp lnen wth bands of color and embrodery. Whte, szes 8 to, 75.. J:: v. Abo Rutherford :>' 6 E. BROAD ST. -59 WESTFJELD, N. J. CHARGE OR BUDGET PLANS smth 9-9 CENTRAL AVE. -8 CUSTOMER PARKNG At ELMER ST,

10 ' * Page WESWttXt) MX) teaber, THm&bA*. MA ft, ftftl GOP Women Mark Slver Jublee MRS. HENRY S. TEZYK JR. (Audrey Lou Andrews) Audrey Andrews, H, S. Tezyk Jr; Speak Vows The Wcstfold Women's Republcan Club celebrated ts Slver Jublee Ttcsdny wth n luncheon at the lnme of Mrs. Donald J. Sawtelle. Ffty members attended. Honored guests were charter and long standng members of the club. Tley ncluded Mesdames H. B. Day- cock, W. B. Gmdrum, D. S. Roberts, Phlp McKenny, A. F. Elchorn, C. K. McCuloch and A. P. Pret. At the frst meetng of the club n September 9 n the home of Mrs. D. S. Roberts, Mrs.. D. Grffn was elected presdent. She was succeeded by Mrs, Earl MacMllan who was followed n the presdency by Mrs. Betty Schaefer. The purpose of the Westfeld Women's Republcan Club s three fold: To brng together nterested Republcan women to work for the party; to educate the electorate n Republcan phlosophy, and to rase funds to ad n electng Republcan canddates. Guests are welcomed at all meetngs whch are held the thrd Tuesday of each month. At Tuesday's meetng the followng slate of offcers was nstalled by Mrs.' J. Russell.Freeman:,-;Sec6rd vce presdent, Mrs. A. Y. Claman;* recordng secretary, Mrs. W... S: Magalhaes; clerk, Mss Ruth Shafe'r';' members at large, 'Mrs. J.. Broback and Mrs. W. L. Carter. t Scotch Plans Mss Audrey Lou Andrews, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Andrews of 6 Aldene Ave. f formerly of Westfeld, became the brde Sunday afternoon of Henry S. Tezyk Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Tezyk of 7 Hghlander Dr. The Rev. George Byrne offcated at the weddng ceremony at St. Bartholomew's Church. A recepton followed al Snuffy's Crystal Room, The brde's gown was of slk peau de soe and Alencon lace. Her elbow length vel of nylon lluson was attached to a wreath of roses. She carred a cascade bouquet of butterfly roses wth vy. Mrs, Thomas W. Stracka of Meyersvlle was matron of honor. Brdesmads were Mrs. Anhder S. Dawson of Planfeld, Mss Geraldne Tezyk, sster of the brdegroom, and Mss Roxann Wooley. Ther costumes of yellow lace over whte lnen were accented wth cascade bouquets of yellow shasta chrysanthemums and vy. Best man was Robert E. Pftsenmeer. Usherng were Thomas D. Fresen, Thomas W. Stracka and Ahhder S. Dawson, cousn of the brde. Mrs. Tezyk and her husband are graduates of Scotch Plans-Fanwood Hgh School. She attended Berkeley Secretaral School, East Orange, and s secretary at Wgton-Abbott Corp., Planfeld. Mr. Tezyk s wth the SherwJn Wllams Co., Chatham. After a weddng trp to Florda, the newlyweds wll resde n Planfeld. The brde was honored at a shower gven by her attendants at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Robert E. Dawson of Westfeld. The brdegroom's parents were hosts at a rehearsal party n ther home. * * \ -ft*" rr /,;f» Get n the swm... Splash nto our perky navy/whte cotton check wth lace and rbbon trm. Szes 7 to, 8.. Take a darng dve n Lttle Mss Dune Deck's strpe 'n sold mo, szes 7 to, r - \". * >r "- Per a bg splash n th* s«o off fashon... (left) Two pt«<«boy leg sut wth matchng mnshrt by Durt# Deck. 8 to 8, 8.. (top) Fgure flatterng tunc sut by Catalna n % 8 to 8; strpe and sold combnatons,.. (rflhf) Sarong beauty by Oobor \.' :*: -J ' -:'-: n muted wafercolor prnt, 8 fo, 8.. '» "" - ' ' : ; ; * A. h '. '' '^ A, janesm : ' * jane smth, r *.* OfffAl AW m cu&qm* A *6 AT m turn *r, 9 9 CENTRAL AV, - farnum At \n turn f, C'"

11 THE WESTFEtD (N.J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, MAY,, 9(8 Wed 6 Yearn Scholarshp Ad Totalng Over $6, Betrothed Former Resdent WELCOME TO Gven at Ball by Negro Hstory Club Becomes Engaged Templar Art Gallery MH. AND MHS. L, M. VANNG Vanngs Celebrate 6th Annversary Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Vanlng of 6 E. North Ave. are celebratng ther 6th weddng annversary today. They wll be honored tonght ttt a dnner at The Towers by ther chldren. The couple was marred dn Dover T COSTS NO MORE PROTECT YOUR / FURS/ STORE WTH A MASTER FURRER MNMUM RATES MAXMUM CARB FULLY NSURED PEMODEUNG-ftttmNG () M < A H (. Mon. n 98 and moved to Westfeld from DcnvHts n 95. Mr. Van ng was a telegrapher wth the New Jersey Central Ralroad for 56 years. The Vanvg's sons are Lews M. Van ng Jr. of 78 Rartan B., Scotch Plans, and G, Russell Vanng o 6 Central Ave., Mountansde. A thrd son Robert J. ded of njures receved n World War. There are four granddldren and two great grandchldren. Calypso Happenng Slated Saturday For Jr. League Far skes are hoped for Saturday evenng by the Junor League of Elzabeth and Cratford lor ts "Calypso Happenng" at the,home of Mr. <and 'Mrs. Jotm H. Wuorfnen Jr., K. Dudley Ave. Husbands and escorts wll be guests of members. Mrs. Gustav E. Johnson of Bradford Ave. s n charge of the pato and luau party to be held beew the pool from 7- p.m. A clambake wttl be catered by tfe Captan's Cabn of Pont Pleasant. Musc for dancrng under the stare wll be* suppled by Conrad Mauge's steel band. Colored lanterns and lghts wll llumnate de pcnc ttoues set wth pastel cloths and bouquets of flowers. _ League members assstng wth the party nclude Mr* Robert D. Younghans of Mountansde, Mr*. Floyd J. Donahue, Mm. Kobert M. Jackson and Mrs. Rchard Corbet, al of WestfeU. Bke Tests Tomorrow " Bcycle testng wll be conducted tomorrow at Wlson School. Let Martn Jewelers 9 Set you up n style! *. gold floral nww tracts ths wettng pattern. 5-ptoco plot* S lottng $.95. Rght now n Martn Jewelers' Chna and Crystal Department you'll fnd everythng to set the mood for your gracous hosptalty. Lovely, translucent Oxford Bone Chna and harmonzng hand-blown Lenox Crystal. From now on your dnners can be easy to prepare. Your chna and crystal wll gve t that gourmet flavor your guests wll never forget. A vvd handout dtslgt hghlghts ths dazzlng ttmwar«.*pl#e«plats settng $. Scholarshp ad totalng $, was awarded by the Wcstfold Negro Hstory Club at ts frst annual Afrcan Queens' Dobulanle Ball Saturday evenng n Westfeld Hgh School. Crowned as queen n the presence of more than, persons was Mss Adrtenne Thomas of Maplewood who was gven the top scholarshp of $5,59. Mss Thomas wll be a student al Central State Unversty, Wlberforcc, Oho. All of the debutantes receved scholarshps and certfcates of ther debut. Four young men, who were among the escorts, also receved awards. Mss Thomas's lades n watng were Mss Mary Alce Lee who receved an award of $5, and Mss Cordela Graves who was wnner of $, award. Both grls are from Westfeld. Mss Lee's award ncludes a gft of $5, from Mr. and Mrs. W.G. Connell of 7 Watchung Fork who specfed her as the recpent. She also receved a freshman grant from the College Woman's Club of Westfeld and plans to enter the School of Nursng of the Agrcultural and Techncal College of North Carolna. Other awards were presented to Mss Jacquelne Brown of Westfeld, $,; Mss Arlene Campbell of Westfeld, $6; Mss Barbara Graves of Scotch Plans, $5; Mss Jacquelyn Wllams of Scotch Plans, $8; Mss Jeanette Tucker of Scotch Plans, $8; Mss Frances Brantley of Roselle, $5; Mss Jo Anne Blocker of Scotch Plans, $5; Mss Mona Keeler of Scotch Plans, $95; Mss Mary DLworth of Planfeld, $ who wll be a senor n the fall at Montclalr State College. Young men scholarshp wnners wurc Denns O'Ncl and Charles Morrson, $lf» each and Phlp Bascome and Rchard Trott, $ each. The awards were presented by Mrs. Marge Morton, general charman of the ball whch served as a scholarshp beneft for the club. n recognton of her effort, Mrs. Horlon, a publc school teacher n New ark, receved an achevement award from the Martha Danels Musc nsttute of Newark. n specalty electons among the debutantes, Mss Lews was voted "Mss Congenally" and Mss Tucker was chosen "Mss Personalty." The queen was crowned by Dr. E. Alma Flagg, assstant superntendent of Newark publc schools, Presentng each debutante was Harry Smth, assstant to the presdent of Essex County College, Addressng the young women was Dr. Robert Foose, prncpal of Westfeld Hgh School. He was ntroduced by a former Westfeld Hgh School student and graduate of the College of Woos- ter, Mrs. Jacquelne Norrs who gagement of ther daughter, Edwna, came from Oho to attend the event, to Terence A. Lawler, son of Dr. Dr. Lllard E. Law, superntendent and Mrs. John C. Lawler of Rutof Westfeld publc schools present- gers Ct. ed the debutante certfcates. The hgh school's varsty gymnasum was transformed to an "Afrcan Courtyard" for the event. A Junor Woman's Club Wns Awards At State Federaton Conventon EDWNA GRAJECK Betrothal s Told Of Ed wn a Grajeck, Terence A. Lawler Mr, and Mrs. Edwn J. Grajeck of 85 Nancy Way announce the en- Mss Grajeck, an alumna of the Convent of the Vstaton, St. Paul, Mnn., receved the BA degree n chemstry and German from the Cotgroup of kndergarten youngsters lege of St. Catherne, St. Paul, and performed a quadrlle. Musc was was elected a member of Ph Beta by Duke Anderson's orchestra of Kappa, Kappa Gamma P, P Mu Nutley. Epslon, and ota Sgma P. A 965- Mrs. Horton was aded n arrange-«fulbrght Fellow at the Karl merts by Mrs. Evelyn Reed, cocharman; Mrs. Ernest Talbot, Germany, she receved the MA de- Eberhard Unversty, Tuebngen, and Mss Vvenne Lews of Scotch Plans, $. treasurer, and Mrs. Judy Harvn, gre n German from the Unversty A specal scholarshp award of Mrs. Marjore Ellott and Mrs. Alce of Wsconsn, Madson campus. Mss $5 went to Mss Patrca Harrs, Lane, club presdent Nneteen awards, ncludng seven frst place honors, were gven to the Junor Woman's Club of Westfeld Saturday n Atlantc Cty at the at annual conventon of tne Junor Membershp Department of the State Federaton of Woman's Clubs. The Sub-Junor dvson of t h e WestfeM group was named top club n the state n competton wtth 5 others, Ms Lory Harrs of 95 Cleveland Ave., presdent of the Sub- Junors, receved a Standng ovaton before approxmately at the annual banquet y eve* nng. Frst place;: department awardf were won by the Westfeld club's newspaper, lte Junor Journal; edted by Mrs. Danel Kras and the frst Vce presdent and membershp charman of the Junor Woman's club's press book compled by Mrs. Club, for a sgnfcant ncrease n Ftrancls Tabor. new members ths year. ndvdual frst place honors went Mrs. John Walsweer, welfare department charman, (accepted a cer- to Mrs. Albert Martzloff for a rust colored, wool ensenjble entered n the state sewng contest. Mrs. Martzloff was atoo the wnner of ths award last year. Mss Mona Kenny won the frst place award n the sub-junor sewng contest. The creatve wrtng award n the short story category was won by Mrs. Anthony Omed, The Sub-Juntas receved frst place Cor ther work on ths year's state project, workng for and rasng funds for the New Jersey Assocaton for the Brun njured Chldren. Last year Junor Woman's Clubs throughout the state pledged $, to the assocaton. On Saturday nght $9,9.9 was donated. Mrs, Charles Brandt was named second best actress m the state for her portrayal of a mad n the fantasy drama, "A Gran of Sand," whch the Junor Woman's Club of Westfeld presented dn February at the Sxth Dstrct drama tournament. The Westfeld olub won that competton wth Mrs. Brandt named best actress that nght. Mrs, Martzkrff won second place n crafts for an owl she fashoned from colored tssue paper, buttons, wood chps and pant on staned plywood. Mrs. John Fox, as charman, accepted a second place award lor the musk department of the WestfeJd Junors. The Sub Junors receved two other awards, for best ah around work n welfare and for work wth the Mnd. Mrs. Cme receved a thrd place Grajeck s an nstructor of German at Drew Unversty. {Mr. Lawler, an alumnus of Bethlehem Central Hgh School, Albany, N.Y., was awarded the BSC degree from Sprng Hll College, Moble, Mr. and Mrs. George S. Cunnngham of Lake CLy, Florda, formerly of Westfleld, announce the engagement of ther daughter, Elzabeth Ruth,.to Jtfhn Lawrence Bauer, Jr., son of Dr. and Mrs. John L. Bauer, M-lddletown, Oho. Mss Cunnngham s a graduate of Westfeld Hgh SdooJ, and Centenary College. She attended the Sorbonne n Pars and wll receve her B.A. degree n advertsng from the Unversty of Florda n August. Mr. Bauer, who attended Lawrencevlle School and was graduated from Mddletown (Oho) Hgh School, served for four years dn the U.S. Armed Forces, attanng (the rank of leutenant. He s attendng the Unversty of Florda n Gansvlle. Fancee Paul Roy ELZABETH RUTH CUNNNGHAM Young Pano Students Receve Honors Fve area pano students were Ala., and receved the MBA degree *«"***?** certfcates and pns n 967 from Kent (Oho) State Un for "F*}** } P«farmances n fe f award n the creatve wrtng contest Lersty. He s employed as a publc, *udwfons of «e Musc Edu- A, A, A., n -the state nswspaper (Tel-a-Junor) accountant by Haskns k Sells, New- f* * *»»«* Sunday at Doug rlm for an artcle on her mpressons of ark offce. lass College. last year's sprng conventon, A September 7 weddng s planned. Certfcates. of mert went to the Junor Woman's Club and to Mrs. Robert Rch ns for partcpatng n. Curts G. Hutchson of Recevng the awards were Susan Hammcs of Scotch Plans, a student at Unon Catholc Hgh School, Mary H" Ellen Brehm of Holy Trnty <kamthe Communty mprovement Pro- **..,.. Anne Paul of Fanwood gram sponsored by the State Feder- JJJJ <««.> Publc School, Lnda Fshben of atton; WertfeW's entry n the OP «* e where hw W- Frankln School and Mary EUen contest was an archtectural bar-'oogyter survey to determne the acces- tftcate of \ apprecaton to the Jun- are students of Dorothy B. Randall of Jefferson School. sbnty of publc placea to heod- w woman'a dub of WerffeW torlsucer of Westfeld. capped persons. Mre. Rcttne WM^nerous and meanngful support of sxth dstrct charman for CP. ' vl;b>-'natonal Fouodtffeo March. Specal awards were receved Mss Sue Anderson of the Sub lore for a scrapbook entered n petton and by Mrs. Blase DeBlats,' :; Rchard Fnk, dub pres,vjst Vneyard. Charles Brown of Forest Ave. Mrs. Russell Brown of Brch oopted p * fff f, Aw. Ave. have returned frod from* a vst to dut/s support of Meafe for MUona. East chop Martha. s vneyard, Sxteen members of the Junor Mass Woman's Club, Mrs. Arthur Fred adwteor from the -Woman's Club, and our $ummer good support And please excellent fttngservce.. and proper protecton year "round. RTE., WHTEHOUSE o % mle West of ntersecton Personal/ selected collecton of orgnal nternatonal, modern and classc ol pantngs, Very reasonably prced. Open Weekends Only: Frday : A.M. to 9 P.M. Saturday and Sunday : A.M. to 5: P.M. Must STOCK REDUCNG SALE Brasseres Panty Grdles Grdles» * All-n-One Great Reductons the Msses Hanrs and Anderson of (he Sub-Junors attended the convenhappy - * Off Our Regular Sellng Prces CORSET 8 E. Broad St., WMtfeld oppottt* Woohwortt W«Carry.parmonh to Ft vory Th» Fowndatfon of Our ButtoM t Tho Rght Foundaton For You SHOP Jon the Martn Jewelers 9 TRDE "Hosptalty dub" t's so easy to s t your table wth the fnest chna and crystal when you jon our unque "Hosptalty Club." You can pay as lttle as $.W per week per place settng. Stop n today and ask for complete detals. YOU* PttSONAl JEWELER* Char Lascfc A»!* for tke whole famly Chldren's Menu Executve Men's Luncheon Sweet Grl Graduate, prm but pretty the Vctoran look n whte and pastels. Left to rght: Dotted Swss - - $6 Dacron/Cotton 5-5 $ SHOE THE SHOE THAT UNDERSTANDS CHLDREN Full Lno of Orthopedc Shoot Doctors' Proscrptons Carolully Fftod W«K*p ACCURATf RECORDS of All Fttngs... Mall REMNDER CAKDS frcvd* FREE SZE CHECKUPS -MAKE RANDAL'S A FAMLY AFFAR Randal's aukmfon rummo Prvate F;rty Facltes LOVXML n tf, J wtkwrnf t Qvmhf topettt fttkd

12 Page THE WESTFEM) (N,,.) LEADER, THUttSDAV, M/VY, M8 REGSTER NOW FOR summer skatng t Beats Day Camp COLD! Ralph Evans lea Skatng Courses for Tots to Teens to Grownups. Now, everyone can be a GOOD SKATE! Headquarters for the fnest equpment and apparel Summer Term Regstraton now open Call or vst tho school nearest you. NOW! FREE PARKNG S North Avenue, Westfleld, -57 ' 5 Essex Street, Mllburn, " Cherry Hll Shoppng Mall, FREE PRACTCE SESSONS FAMLY PLAN F. C Dsque Earns Dental Degree at Perm Frederck C. Dsque rd son of Mr. a n d M's. Dsque,Jr. of Boynlm Avu., was nwurded the doreo of doctor of dental medcne Monday at commencement exercses at Lho Unversty of Pennsylvana. He ulso receved the Theodore Blum award for oral surgery and t h e Phladelpha County Dental Socety Assocaton award from the Ameruenn Denal Socety. Dr. Dsque wll do post graduate work n oral surgery at the Unlver- -sty of Pennsylvana, He s a 96 graduate of Westfeld Hgh School and receved hs B.S. degree from Rulgens Unversty. Ho has been presdent of the Junor Amercan Denul Assocaton for the Unversty ol Pennsylvana. Among students at Oho Unlverslty recevng degrees at the end of tlo wnter quarter was Vck L. Barnes of 555 Colonal Ave. bachelor of Journalsm, lewelry sale ANTQUE / COSTUME / SLVERWARE Saturday, May 5 a.m. to p.m. All proceeds to further the chartable work of NEW EYES FOR THE NEEDY rn 59 Mllburn Avenue / Short Hlls, N. J. Church Women's Actvtes Mssons Tranng nsttute Slated at a -luncheon at the temple, Rabb Charles A. Knoloff nstalled Kfoe new slate. Ofahor offcers for the comng year ore: Mrs. Marvn Fen and M's. Lous Kessler, vce presdents; Mvs. Mtuc Newman, correspondng secbarth, treasurer; Mrs. Harold Edelcordng secretary; Mrs. Elot Breltbamtl, treasure; Ms. Harold Edelson, fnancal secetary; Mrs, Seymour K'uegcr, audtor. Trustees arc June th, 5th Mosdames Davd Kane, 'Warren Vctor, rvng Kunftz, Harold Jutjd, Mor- Church Women Unted s spon- r «Kornblatt ard Sdney Koaree. sorng the annual Metropoltan Ms- L M \ Ale M *. Gold s re ' rng pr s " sons Tranng nsttute at the Mod- dent Mrs ' Vjotor WlBS n chflr «of son Avenue Presbyteran Church, 9 Madson Avenue at 7rd St., New York Cty, June and 5, from DAR Annual Pcnc 9:5 a.m. to : p.m. The nterdenomnatonal study) c Tfmorrnw themes wll be: "New Forms of '* WmUTUW Msson" June presented by Dr. The Westfeld Chapter, DAR, wll J. Edward Cm-ottos, and "South- hold ts annual pcnc meetng toeast Asa" June 5 by Dr. Grace morrow at noon n the home of Nutley and Dr. Wallace C. Merwn. Mrs. Theodore Hews, 7 ndan Run, Mrs. Robert B. Moran of Scotch Plans. Blvd., s n charge of reservatons. Presdng at the meetng and con- Church Women Unted of New Jer- ductng the rtual wll be Mrs. Ralph sey wll hold ts annual meetng Hall, chapter regent. (Mrs. Malcolm and assembly on June 5 and 6 at McBrde Panton chapter parlamenthe North End Hotel, Ocean Grove, taran, wll assst the hostess n The theme for ths 5th annversary greetng members. Hosptalty arcelebraton wll be, "On Our Way rangements are beng drected by Together." Mss Clare Randall, Mrs. John M. Daubenspeck. member of the Executve Staff, wll Members of out of town DAR be the keynote speaker. chapters now lvng or vstng n the Westfeld area are nvted to be guests at the meetng. Frendshp Guld To Hear Pastor Student Art Exhbted Art work of students at Wlson The Frenddhlp p Guld d of the. Frst ** * was exhbted last week at Baptst Church wll hold ts monthly the school..t was hghlghted by meetng Tuesday at 8:5 p.m. n the workng demonstratons of varous art church. technques. The speaker wll bo the Rev. Rob- Tne P r J ect wa * organzed by Mrs. RQSe ert W. Thajcher, assocate pastor, M - Booz ' elementary art teach-.whose topc wll be, "Youth n Fret er ' n cool P era loa wth Mrs Rache ' Baptst Church." M - Sullvan, elementary art super- Mrs. Robert W. Thatcher wll n- vsor stall two new offcers: Mrs. James E. Mtchell, secretary and Mss Mary L. Brumfeld, treasurer. Devotons wll be n charge of : Mrs. SOCAL FUNCTONS WEDDNG Jack L. ntosh. PANO RECTAS Hostesses are Mrs. Earl Long; MEETNGS Mrs. Evelyn Nostrand and Mrs. Dale R. Lauher. The meetng wu be conducted by Mrs. Barren H. Cashdollar, presdent. Mrs. Harold Kahn Heads Ssterhood Woman's Club OF WB9TPBLD SltS. VCUDAV Beta Sgma Ph Marks Founder's Day Tho Westfeld and EUzabeth chaptens of Beta Sgma Ph celebrated tho th annveraary of the organzaton's foundng at a banquet recently n the Cranford Hotel. The hstory of the three area chapters was revewed and new members wore welcomed. The frst -chapter of the sororty was formed n Ablene, Kemm. There are now approxmately 9, chapters and, members n He Unted States, Canada, and 6 foregn countres. LEADER WANT ADB PAY BARMARK CREATES EXCTNG KTCHENS * a AND BATHROOMS Look for tlw Barayk kttchm featurtd n tht May tssut of Hout Btutlfrt. farmark created ths. «tmo»pher«foracopltlftw««t Orange, Ntw Jcrt^y, and eando the um«for you. A Barmark..; Kftcheh desgner can trahfonn your ktchen or bathroom to ' - redact your needs, personalty and tastr Call 6777 collect or wrte.. > ' ; BAMBERGER'S BARMARK DESGN SERVCE 9 Cantral Avtnu*. EtOr»ng«, Naw J«rMy 78 h«vt your Barmark r«pr»«rrt«tlv«call on nf«. Nam*. TtltphOnt, Statt WL-lt Mrs. Harold Kahn was nducted yesterday as presdent of Ssterhood of Temple Emanu-El at ceremones STORK CORNER YOU ONLY HAVE ONE B COVER T WTH CLOTHES FROM PARAPHERNALA E. BROAD ST WESTFELD. N. J. All Your Woolens Mr. and MrsV Ronald Prce of 76 T Tamaques VVay announce the brth of ther frst son and second chld, Davd Samuel, who annved May 7 at Muhlenberg Hosptal. Mrs. Prce s the former Carolyn Feler, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Morrs Feler of Scotch Plans. Paternal grandparents arc Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Prce of Lnden Ave. * * * Mr, and Mrs. Frederck J. Mmble of Edson becameparents of Mchael Frederck May 9 at Overlook Hosptal, The nfant's mother s the former Nancy Grard. * * * A baby boy was born May 5 to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Klngelhofer of Rutgers Court Court at Muhlenberg Hosptal. They have named hm Thomas. * # * Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Guter of 65 Kmball Ave. are parents of a daughtef who arrved May 5th at Muhlenberg Hosptal. * * * Mr, and Mrs. Davd C. Newsome of Augusta, Ga. announce the brth of ther second son, James Maver ck, on May. Mrs. Newsome s the former Judth Newell Ha Her, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Kenneth Halter, formerly of Westfeld. * * * Mr. and Mrs. John W. Nelson of Chcago announce the adopton of a baby boy whom they have named Chrstopher Wley. He was bom Apr.. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Nekson of 87 Hghland Ave. m am Our chldren's shoes use an dea stolen from medcne men. Don't Uogb-we al ewe d» ans plenty. The MOCCMM they wort were as lemluc ft* ray show cm + oar J w«f»fjacfc CmUkn OM the ndtam* dea ht mprove m t They're made la tme aoccatla coastractoa became ll' the am* levme, most nataral khd off Aoe. t p the health beneft of "barefoot freedom.* And we're specally traned and fussy men who CM lt yanr shoe pee* scrptof properly* Tnwt aa to kaow andean. ' Jumpng-Jacks. $6.5 t«$7.99 KMNhf to... wll Jove t. Personal Hamper Storage for all your woolens, a specalty of G. O. Keler's, stll only $.95 plus cleanng charges. Ths ncludes $5. nsurance, plus free pck-up and delvery, and the satsfacton of knowng that all your woolens have been carefully cleaned end ndvdually hung n our ar condtoned vaults ready for use n the fat. So don't delay, nsects are flyng. Call 756- or stop by today. DOCTOtt PMESCMPTONS ACCUKATT Cpttn'A. WSTFJltD, M. J.- E, BROAD St - dfc W, SOMtHM t, MOAD ST. HH MONAV V

13 <*U.) LEADER, THWUDAY, MAT, MS Pans B F Depend E KNOW OUR CUSTOMERS One Reason Know J T t - s Wth Can BOND PHARMACY 6 E. BROAD WESTFELD AD -56 NOTARY PUBLCS THE WORLD'S MOST HONORED WATCH* y Exquste Date tongnes' slm 'dress watch wttfc Roman mmmlt to nuftftht, hours. U»gton r rtaftr/p v combnes the elegance of dsnctl stytfnf wth the modem of a personal utendar. Tm* and date nsunttyl And longnes' world-honored».. ADLERS MAMUMCTUMMft * Mrs. Bleeke Drectng Choral Art Concert Tomorrow Nght at Roosevelt Mrs. Evelyn Bleeke of Westfeld be drectng the Choral Art Socety of New Jersey chorus and orchestra tomorrow at 8: p.m. at Roosevelt Junor Hgh School. The concert wll feature Mozart's "Requem" and also Verd's "Te Deum" (or double chorus, and Vaughan Wllams' "Serenade to Musc" for chorus, solosts and solo voln. Solo artsts nclude Anne E, Frtz, Josephne and Jerry Donnn and Wllam Aspray. rvng Nussbaum, concert master wth the Suburban Symphony, wll be the volnst. Mrs. Bleeke has been drector of the socety snce ts ncorporaton fve years ago. Under her drecton, the group has performed wth orchestra such works as Bach's "Magnfcat," Haydn's "Creaton," and Verd's "Requem" (wth the Planfeld Symphony) and has been hghly prased for ts "sprt and exctement." As a graduate of Boston Unversty's School of Musc and wth more than years of choral conductng, Mrs..Bleeke has organzed and drected many sngng groups and church chors n Massachusetts, Delaware and here. n Westfeld she Concert Drector EVELYN BLEEKE PTA Elects Slate For Comng Year Mrs. J. P. Haworth was elected formances of the "Messah." n 96, School PTA at ts fnal meetng of under her drecton, the chorus of the year. Tuesday evenng n the the Muscal Club of Westfetd per-, school* ^ cafetera. She succeeds Mrs. formed jontly wth the Westfeld Grant Glee Club n two concerts. A mass th for the comng yor youth chor organzed and drected are: Frst vce presdent, by Mrs. Bleeke sang for a World Mrs. Gordon Allen; second vce Servce Rally sponsored by relgous presdent, Mrs. Thomas B, Rchey; groups from Mountansde and West- recordng secretary, Mrs. Rchard fed n the Westfeld Hgh School. Maxwell; correspondng-secretary, Mrs. Herbert Enrch; treasurer, chor drector of the Frst Congregatonal Church and s now drector The students of the home economcs department, under the superv- of musc at the Frst Baptst Church. She s also chorus drector for the son of Mrs. Opera Theatre of New Jersey and ther?, \ S teacher wth the Mountansde Foatn «Jn schools. Her husband, Donald Dond E. p k"» meetng were com Bleeke, readng specalst at Edson o P*eted at the executve board meet- Townshp Hgh School, s a volnst to f of th the PTA PTA, fll followng a lluncheon h o wth the Planfeld Symphony. They gven by Mrs. Buttermore at her have four chldren; x Jeffrey, who home, 5 Farmount Ave, wll graduate from Montclar State As ts annual gft to the school College ths June wth a BS degree ths year, the PTA voted to purchase n musc educaton; Steven, who s manual dexterty apttude qupa pre -theology student gong nto ment, an electrc stapler and three ls fourth year at HekUeberg Col- flm strps on "The Htory ef the lege; Lnda and Mark, both students Amercan Negro." f money s avftun Edson Junor Hgh School here, able after all blls have beeu pad 'Tckets wll be avalable at the and a suffcent, balance s left for door begns*! at 8 o'clock. Student nf*t fjar* PTA bowd, a record tcket wu be sold to cohege ad Pky«r *<* classroom use wll be young people. chased. Exhbts of the fne arts were dsplayed n: the" school gym and the shops were opts for nspecton, borqm Party Seh«M*d By Welcome Wagon Members.of. Welcome Wagon's couple*' montwy.aootel "wlh; go;'on a bareps*/ Saturday leavng * \ To Drect Symphony Henry Lewe wll post w'musc drector lor Sbe New Jersey^ Symphony Orchestra Junt- New Hspe M «p.m. Other actvftes^acheduled for the! *,Among oodoste for the.'new seamk ncww ennsv^o«toy. «otf]son wll be';ertck Fdedman, the l>«as<jsy * at p.m. vn Bstnett; m Embrm Crescent l tan- Opera, WtM ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^s^s^s^^s^s^s^s^s^s^^n^s^^s^n^^^^^^^^^^^e^^^^^^^^^^^^^^*^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^* ^^^-^»^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mlady's s headquarters for m«wcwh» tfmy Body by A bkn ths sut s not. Sut Hoxonne ftgvrm there or* more way* thon M M to look beortlful on the booch. ThU s os flatterng 6 llow^r prnt,«you'll over sot^wrth boy shorts, od u*»able srtouwer stropj*, and o slghtly dpped back or your comfort. A Uum porportoned bra, t n there, too. n Dcrcron/cofton, to 8 B,C cups. $9.. Roxanne YOUR OWN BRA-SZE N EVERY ROXANNE! m f* your potrotk duty Roxormo H The mon of Amorlca' dotorvo to too you tn ths rod, wht* and blue strpo. t come* fn your proportoned cup *Ue, so t'll ft you. Beautfully. t would be o wast* of good d**!gn f t ddn't. Wth lttle boy legs and adfustobl* straps to keep you completely comfortable. Textured acerar* jersey knt. B,C,D, cup szes. $9.. m Serbn hand«8creens butterfles and blossoms... thm kmvwr ov MH tkjt. Sl kmed m / km* U$ frth look Mlwmyu Mult tolor on btm, Jlft MS*9 / otf Kofvos of tme Roxanno sutt wm ft both horves of you. Roxanne understands your problems. That's why they make ther swmsufs n proportoned cup sz*s. So, f you'r* a -B or a -D, or anythng n between, th* sut wll come n your sze. And wll ft you perfectly. Ths ottoman rbbed polyester knf has adjustable straps. And the trunks have a wde elastczed wastband that won't let you bulge. Hs eyes wll, however. B,C,D cup szes. $.. ffevanne **v*r underestmates the power of flow*rs. Ths s one of th* prettest swmsuts around/ and you'll know t the mnute you try t on. Tucks decorate the front. And mnature flowers abound all over. The top has a unque proportoned bra bult rght nto t. n your cup sze. Dacron/cotton n blue or gold. Szes to B,C cups. $.. MLADY *7, SSOAO T, A7* Opt* MM A M. T«M

14 Page 6 THE WESTFEL) (N..T.) LEADER, THURSDAY, MAY, MS Area studonlcj recevng degrees Howard h. McMuruy of f8 Meot- Kunduy from tle Un-vor.sly of Vermont ncluded Susnn K, Horr, daugh- n educaton; oso Patrca A. Cus- Umc, Mountansde, B.S. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wllam K, Horr, ck, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. James 775 Karacres Ave., B.A.; Kren M... Cusck of ScoLch Plans, B.S. n McMurray, daughter of Mr, a n d malllmnatlcs. t's only a short rde to CLARE and COBY'S RESTAURANT Juncton of Routes 9 and Madson Townshp South off Parkway - Ext Delcous Luncheons and Dnners Daly Except Mondays WEATHER'S GREAT THS TME OF YEAR DRVE DOWN FOR A TRULY ENJOYABLE MEAL COCKTAL LOUNGE For Reservatons Phone n Westfeld t's Fabulous Duo n % Dacron Polyetter Knt The Coat. n Navy or Brown The Dress n matchng Navy or Brown prnt Specally Prced $7 Reg. $9. Elm St. Wwtfeld Open Mon. & Fr. Evenngs 'Tl 9 Hand-Charge HNlllllflllllllP The gleam of purest whte ceramc wth just a hnt of gold accent for counterpont The lvely look of fashon for you for specal occasons ths summer. Announce Wn Exctng Fashon... Whte Ceramc, $9.95 by FLORSHEM Qtmby ttt Central Of Gardenares Flower Show The Gardenares Olub of Westfflold announces the wnners of ts flower show,. "Follow the Ranbow," held Monday at tle homes of Mrs. Ldoyd rjl'closney nd Mrs. Donald Mac- Kay. Wnners n Class, "Rod, Whte and Blue" were.. Mrs. Charles H. Shelton,. Mrs. Garland C. Bootle J*'.,. Mrs. Howard E, Putnam, honorable menton, Mrs. Lloyd MeChesney. Wnners n Class, "Kaledoscope of Color" were:. Mrs. Herbert F. Salor Jr.,. Mrs. John Relly,. Mrs. WKam McRobbn. Wnners n Class, "Tnte and Tones" were:. Mrs. Wllam H. Bonnot,. Mrs, Frank Syvontsen,. Mrs. Hag C. Yeganan, Honorable menton, Ars. Frank A.Mac- Pherson. Wnno-s n Class, "Reflecton of Beauty," were:. Mrs. Joseph J. Tomlnson,. Mrs, George C. Schwnn,. Mrs. Charles Szymanskl. Wnners n Class 6, "Freedom of Choce" were. Mrs. Herbert A. Elsesser,. Mrs. Robert J. Breslauer,. Mrs. Edward Johnson, Hon. ora-ble menton, Mrs. Fmk T. Keogh. Wnners n Class 8, "Green wth Envy" were:. Mrs. Henry S. Ful lerton,. Mrs. Wallace M. Gage,. Mrs. Phlp W. Smth, Honorable menton, Mrs. Stanley Anderson. Wnners n Class 9, "Pot of Gold" were:. Mrs. Water J. Campbell,. Mrs. Arthur K. Hoffman,. Mns. Ere J. Boates, Hortorable menton Mrs. Robert W. Ferrn. (Classes 5 and 7 were omtted). Mrs. Howard E. Putnam announced that donatons have been made to the *Y r Development Fund, the Youth and Famly Counsellng Serv ce to be used for landscapng ts new headquarters and to de Arbor Day Commttee of Westfeld for the plantng of a tree at Jefferson School. Mrs. Lloyd McOhesney noted that a workshop wrll be held Monday mornng at MTS. Charles Szymansk's to plant wndow boxes for tlhe Communty Center. A plant exchange wll be held al ths tme. The slate of offcers was present ed for next year and a unanmous vote was cast for Presdent, Mrs. Henry S. Fullerton ; vce presdent, Mrs. Frank A. MacPherson; treasurer, Mrs. Vey Rsnger; secretary, Mrs. Ere J. Boates. Mrs. Wallace M. Gage s takng reservatons for the annual luncheon June. May Dnner Saturday For Garden Group Favorte recpes of Club of Lttle Gardens members were scanned by Mrs. Samuel Kerr and her commt' te n preparng the menu for the May Dnner Saturday evenng., Members and ther husbands wll meet for cocktals at 8 p.m. n the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kerr, Benson P. The man course wll b served n the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Peper, 67 Fourth Ave. Dessert and coffee wll be served at Mr. and Mrs. Donald Townsend's, 7 Hardng St. Fund Raser Awards Tree of lfe charms wll be awarded to approxmately women June th at the Ssterhood of Beth donor luncheon at the Chantcler, Mllburn. Elected MRS, ROBERT CROWLEY Former Resdent Heads Councl Mrs. Robert Crowley of Rumson, formerly of Westfeld, was elected presdent of the Alumnae Presdents Councl of ndependent Secondary Schools at ts annual meetng held May 6 and 7 at the Dana Hall School, Wellesley, Mass. 'Mrs. Crowley s presdent of the Alumnae Assocaton of St. Mary's School, Peekskll, N.Y., a past presdent of the Westfeld (N.J.) Alumnae Club of Kappa Alpha Theta. and was a board member of the Dstrct Nursng Assocaton of Westfeld. A former member of the Junor League of Elzabeth and Cranford, nc., she s now a member of the Junor League of Monmouth County and s charman of ts Chldren's Theater programs. Mrs. Vanderblt s Honored Mrs. Byron M. Vanderblt of Scotch Plans, senor natonal presdent of the Chldren of'the Amercan Revoluton, was honored at a dnner at Halfway House Frday by members of the Robert French Socety, CAR;, the Westfeld DAR chapter and the "West Felds chapter,'sar;-' Mrs. Ralph A. Hall, DAR regent, presented, a slver bowl from the )AR to Mrs. Vanderblt n apprecaton of the task whch she has undertaken. Mrs, Malcolm M. Fanton, honorary chapter regent, was ntroduced as the organzer of the Robert Franch Socety, CAR, n response to the presentaton, Mrs. Vanderblt outlne*} numerous projects' on charty, conservatotft Amercan lterature and musc, and patrotc educaton. To descrbe the ams of the CAR, she quoted a part of ts creed. "An organzaton for the tranng of boys and grts n true patrotsm and love of country, n order that they shall be better ftted for Amercan ctzenshp." Clarence G. Troswell, frst vcepresdent of the West Felds chapter, SAR, and senor presdent of the Robert French Socety, CAR, was n charge of arrangements. Scholarshps Gven By Local BPW Three scholarshp awards were presented by (the Westfeld Busness and Professonal Women's Club Tuesday evenng at a dnner meetng at Wally's on the Hll, Watchung, Mss Ann Koechelen, charman bhe scholarshp commttee. Katharne Boshcr, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. John Bosber of 75 Faracres Ave., receved a $ scholarshp. A senor at Holy Trnty Hgh School, she wll attend the College of Notre Dame of Baltmore, Md. and wll major n bologcal research. Mona Kenny, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wllam B. Kenny of 6 Pne Grove Ave., also receved a $ scholarshp. She wll be graduated n June from Westfeld Hgh School and wll attend Drexel nsttute of Technology n Phladelpha for a ca- reer n fashon desgn. Norevn Ross of 9 Boynton Ave., a 967 Westfeld B.P.W. scholarshp award wnner, has been gven a second year award of $. She s j a student at Douglass College majorng n speech 'therapy. Club presdent, Mrs. Luclle Tunson, Mrs. Samuel Mller and Mrs. Vrgna Decker reported on the state BPW conventon they attended Jast weekend n Atlantc Cty. Paula Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Johnson of 8 Prospeot St., s a canddate for the assocate n arts degree at Vrgna ntermont College, Brstol, Va. She wll graduate May 6th wth a major n home economcs. EALA MEMORAL DAY ANO JUMBO JUNE WEEKENDS nr, Boat tour, fshng trp, dance and show, concert, move. day / nght Plan from $99 for two, ncludng room, meals, garage, many eyfrars. For reservatons, calf COLLECT, 6/ t a # fr* fx*»fc_ ' Royal Hghnesses To Attend Beneft r For NJ Symphony Thor Royal Hghnesses, the Duke and Duchess of Wndsor honorary co-oharmen of "An Evenng at Plorhnm Court," whl attend as guests-of-honcr at tlomay 5th beneft to bo held by tle Junor Commttee of the New Jersey Symphony for beneft of the Symphony's En- ' dowment Fund. Announcement of the Wndsors' attendance at the gala beneft was made by Henry P. Beoton, Symphony presdent, and Mrs. Charles W. Engelhard Jr. a Symphony trustee and frend of the royal couple. They also announced that the dnnerdance s fully subscrbed and that New Jersey couples were servng also as patrons. Overall meme ot Le late May gala s Edwardan England and the decoratons for the panty, to be held at "Florham," the former estate of the late Florence Vanderblt Twombly and one of tle most lavsh prvate resdences ever bult n the Unted States, wll be remnscent of the great pre-world War balls gven \n the -<room manson by the Twomblys. Dancng to Peler Duchn's Orchestra, wll be n the manson's ballroom whch wll be decorated wth mounds of fresh flowers and 6th and 6th century French tapestres on loan especally for the occason from the permanent collectons of the Newark Museum. Mr. and Mrs. W. Kennard Hurley of Westfeld are regonal vce charmen of the commttee. Actvtes Planned ft, By Newcomers The Newcomers socal commttee has many vared events planned for the comng moatte. The June Ball wll be June at the Twn Brook Country Club. Cocktal pottes ore beng planned and tckets are avalable for guests from Mrs. Robert Standfast, 6 Hart St., or Mrs. Tedford Hazard, 6 Farmont Ave, MVATE BEACH* GLWWS SURF THHOTn ON TNt OCtN ATTRACTVE RATES Wrte K U\ Jm, The entre membershp s nvted to a toa July. More nformaton wll 'be gven at a later date, MB n July, the couples gemogethor comntte s plannng a dam bake. A luncheon and festoon -show wll be held Aug. 7 at Welly's Tavern on He Hll. A barge party n New Hopo, Pa. s scheduled for Sept.. Plans arc underway for a Shpwreck Party n November, Couples brdge wll > meet tomorrow at 8: p.m. n the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Ray DeYoung, 59 Farmont Ave,, and Mr, and Mrs, Roger Toussant, 56 Dudley Court. The telephone commttee wll meet Tuesday at B: p.m. n the home of Mrs. C. R. Huff, 765 Olark St. Co-hostesses wll be Mrs. Thomas Baker and -Mrs. D. Dustn. Those elgble to jon Newcomers may contact Mns. Rchard lana, 5 Woodbrook Cr, Sngle College Grads Dance Tomorrow Sngle men and sngle women who are college graduates or students, age to 9, are welcome to attend em urban-suburban professonals party tomorrow nght at 9: p.m. at Cro's, Rt., Sprngfeld. There wll be dancng to a lve orchestra, cocktals and socalzng. The Sngles College Graduates Club, thesponsorng organzaton, s a four year old group whose members <and frends, of more than 7 dfferent professons, come from more than 8 dfferent New Jersey communtes to meet n a proper atmosphere and to partcpate n a varety of Natonal Ktchen JAMACA VLLAS / - - ; : ; / /:r 'M --.--"' m SS& W mm CHEAPER THAN YOU THNK As an example, the one lsted above, located n Ocho Rlos. Accommodates twelve/ man house bedrooms, baths. Guest cottage bedrooms, baths. Stuated on 5 acres sea front property, rocky frontage, good swmmng. Furnshed wth antques. Pool, small prvate sland. Two automatc. cars are at your dsposal and vlla s fully staffed up to 7 people, ncludng mad and gardener. Rate for above Summer $. per day Wnter $5. per day Dvde these rates by twelve and see the amang value. For other vllas and rates contact DNERS/FUGAZY trove!. BROAD ST., WEST FELD, N. J. -9 Award f '.. - J :.:..: =. 87 S#. Orafc Avt., Eatt Ortut, R.. 7-MM FOR FREE MOONLGHT COOK-OUT CLASSES OUTDOOR COOKNG CLASS SEMES STARTS JUNE Want to beat your wfe at the barbecue? Learn to be as nod a cook outdoors as she s n the ktchen? Then sgn up now for our free Men's Outdoor Cookng Classes. They'll be n sesson from June rd to August th. At each class you'll get a specal gft, exctng recpes, and ndulge yourself on the secrets of great outdoor feastng. t't all free... for men only.,. courtesy of Elzabethtown Gat. TWELVE TWO-WEEK SERES STARTNG JUNE RD THROUGH AUGUST TH Classes wll run from 6: P.M. to 8: P.M. at our Green Lane Servce Center n Unon. Enrollments are lmted, so mal ths coupon now... or call 89-5 Extenson. llzabethtown Bam Mrs. Charlotte Mtchell Elzabethtown Gas Company One Efzabethtown Plaza Elzabeth, New Jersey 77 Please enroll me n your FTM Cook-Out Classes for men, (Check preferred class sessons.) Jun«rd, th Junt 5th, th Jun* 7th, th D Jur» l«th, 5th July st, 8th Q July nd, 9th NAME ADDRESS, tow Jersey /7 M thowtoom* OHH UOffHO Ntttf ANO MTMAY G July 5th, nd O July 6th, rd July 9th, August 5th Q July th, August tth Q August th, 9th U Auf u*t ljtt, th PHQHE (n.t -

15 *HE frestflteld <N,J.) LEADfen, THUftSDAV, MAV, DOfl Paga 7 Garden Club Relandscapng Grounds Of Westfeld Day Care Center The Garden Club of Westfteld s reland scapng the grounds of the new Westfeld Day Care Center. Mrs. Robert H. Sllber reported on the progress of ths project at the club's meetng last week. She noted that wndow boxes are beng nstalled and planted, Mrs. Slber, her husband and Mr. and Mrs. Albert. Roche have trmmed or replaced shrubs and accomplshed other mprovements to the grounds, Mrs. Sllber reported that Boy Scout Troops No, 7 and 7 wll assst wth the ground clearng efforts. She hopes other people wll want to partcpate. Speaker at the club's meetng n the home of Mrs.. C. Ff.ed Stzler, 59 Wychwood Rd. was Mrs; A. Keth Smley of New Paltz, N. Y., an authorty on hortculture and landscape gardenng. She llustrated her talk, "Desgn Wth Plants" Wth cuttngs front many varetes of trees and shrubs and stressed the mportance of ushg the prncples of good desgn n landscapng. Mrs. Wllam J. ft Degnen, hostess charman, was asssted by Mr. Chester M. Kellogg, Mrs. Mlton f. Lowell and Mrs. Raymond C. Mc- Gnness, The regular busness meetng and annual meetng were presded over bjr Mrs. Robert W. Scott. Mrs. Joseph P. MOl-ah, chbhnat of the nomnatng commttee, presented a slate of new offcers for next year whch was passed unanmously. New offcers ore: second vce presdent, Mrs. Stzler; recordng secretary, Mrs. Stanley C. Anderson; and member-nt-lnrge, Mrs, Harvey T. Brown. Mrs. Robert t. Ladue, garden therapy charman, plans to have club members arrange flowers for patents at Lyons Veterans Hosptal May. Mrs. Donald M. Day was commended for decoratng the wndow box at the North Avenue bus staton each season of the year. She has t now planted fur summer. Report on Conference Reports of the 6th annual conference of the Assocaton of the Junor Leagues of Amerca, nc. were gven Tuesday afternoon to the Junor League of Elzabeth and Cranford at the home of M-rs.s Robert F. Moss of Elzabeth. Attendng -the conference held recently jn Colorado Sprngs, Colo, were Mrs. Ots A. Hntz of Westfeld, presdent, and Mrs. H. Stanley -Mansfeld Jr. of Cranford. Receves AAUW Award Jeanne Mary Kelly of North Wfckom Dr. has been named as recpent of the Amercan Assocaton, of Unversty Worteh Award gven to en outstandng member of the. senor class at Douglass College. John B. Lenox Awarded M.D. Degree John Bowden Lenox, formerly of Westfeld, receved the degree of doctor of medcne Monday at Commencement.exercses at the Unversty of Pennsylvana, He ls Me son of Mr. and Mrs, Lehoy B. Lenox of Lvngston and g-randson of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Bowden of Westfeld, He Js marred to the 'former Judth Ann Wood of Westfeld, Dt*. Lenox was graduated prevously from the Unversty of Pennsylvana wmh an engneerng degree. Ho wll ntern as a captan "n the U.S. All Force at Luckland Ar Force Baso, San Antono, Texas. Wlson Staff Feted Wllam O, Steengrafo, Wlson School prncpal, was honored wth teachers and the offce staff Monday ofc n luncheon gven by the Wlson PTA board n tre school's Faculty Room. Hostesses ncluded Mrs. S. M.Knney Jr., Mrs. 6. A. McCaulcy and Mrs. John H. Wallace. Other board members asssted. Wlson School Charts Year-end Actvtes Plans for the remander of the year were dscussed when tle Wlson School PTA board me. last week at the home of Mrs. Robert E. Lst, presdent. There wll be an orchestra concert Monday at :5 p.m. at whch tme the annual musc scholarshp wll be awarded. Przes wll be awarded by the PTA at the annual spellng bes Wednesday at :5 p.m. The Safety Award Assembly wll be at 9:5 a.m. June 6 and at : p.m. the safety patrols wll depart to see a baseball game at Yankee Stadum. Ths outng s planned and supervsed by Jean deplanque, oth grade teacher and safety charman. The 6th grade Scence Far, under the drecton of Mrs. Jean Ward, wll be held n the audtorum durng school hours June and. All are nvted to attend. The old and new boards wll meet together June at 9: a.m. at the home of the ncomng presdent, Mrs. Edward L. Swan Jr. Come vst exctng model rooms and settngs at your nenrost Coos, See the bold new lbertes our magnfttve decorators take wth color, see tle fresh schemes they've created! You'll sharpen your own eolor sklls,.. why not create a whole new look for your own-home? 8* BE SURE STORE YOUR FURS AT FLEMNGTON m n n mot Mefcm fur st*r»ce vtults anyproof... tn* locked... autontally contnlm... M* fully nsured. MMdmJy kntfm by fur oryf Md Mr storof cfttffts NMSL MMMV P REM )!» K? m- m m& auttaf a MW tort from jwr old. M owtowractovyprevs re ' W N H to H nwf Myvntf! JJTTLEFURS STORED FREE WHEN SA-FURZE-CLEANED ctfttd you A M Mgttt» BWNO YOUR FURS TO FLEMNGTON NOW.^ Jarvs Colonal Dnng Room DNNER MENU 5 Elm Sr. WMtfdd, N. J. AR C6NDTONED Hom«Mad* Soup c Frut Cocktal c * m Chllbd Gror»frult Jute* or Tomato Julc* c frth - Shrmp,. - Cocktoll 65c wth Dtnntr 5c ;'". AllClH Roast Srlon of t : ".-.' 6 - Homomodo Mtot loof, rown Orovy....5 lrlosr*'satav Oftlon»(n««.5 tr«od«d VcolCtltt, Tomato Sovco,.5 '. * - V»al Parmlgfana, «n Co»t«rol«-.6 Fred Mot of Sol*, Tortor Sau««-. Frtod V p Soa Scollops Tartar 5ouc«.6 Crab Cwtkt,' SKwd Tomato.. Sroodod Ham St«olr, Tomoto Souct -.5 Codfsh Call*, Tomato $ouc«5 rowmd t*tf Ho«h wth Frod E Of ;.... Chuck Woaon Steak, Tomoto Souco.5 talan Spagh^fl, M#at Save* (No V««fabl«)... Orlkd Frank* and lakad Boons (Mo V««tabU.) Wotorn Om«l«tt#, Slk«d Tomato. ChMto Om«l»tt» -. Fton Om«lotto *5 Arnold toll servftd wth Bufter _ o Choc» of Two Vegetable Delcous F»s 5c layer CcW» 5«lee Cream 5c Sherbert 5c Custard Rce Fuddng 5c Jello 5c Coffee 5c Tea toc Mlk 5c ftuttermlk 5c ced Tea e ced Coffee e Salad Served on Dnner /.. 5c Extra UHowtcm* Am ar w Wf^^lF THE EASY-CARE MRACLE CARPET WTH THE LOOK OF WOOL, WALL-TO-WALL OVER THCK PADDNG! completely ftwfalm*9.95 * y. BEG..99 SQ. TO. Save ore* a yard on <sate-free Kodel polyester ple, the rnan-nade mracle fber tot btwf famles who lov elegance but hate to fuss. t has that soft, lush look of wool; t eten takes to color the way wool does! Supremely long-wearng, snapa back ffotn the heavest tttoffc; hon-absorbent, so t shrugs' off splls and stans! Non-statc, too, no magnet-lke grp on grt, grme and pet hars. Moth-proof, naturally. magne ths luxurous sculptured lroadloorn n your home, nstalled to perfecton as only Koos can do t... tackfree, rpple-free. Cushoned wth our fnest -oz. heavy-duty waffle paddng for that cloud-soft step of luxury underfoot. Just pck your color, let Koos take care of the rest! Olve, Surf Green, Honey Gold, Grecan Gold, Prate Gold, Blue Sapphre, Tory Red, Terms, of course. *Cttntom stancork slghtly extra OH M AT ML KOOf ffmff ~ OMN * NWMf * n, ntvoc ft****, m. *, U-MM «u, *#**, m. \, mum u* $tm*wt*, m, n, MT<UO$, n. t P

16 Pago 8 THE WESTFEU) <N.J.) LEADEt, THUUSDAY, MAY, 9fl8 Mrs. Rogers Named By Mayflower Kn Mrs. Osgoad S. Rogers of Fanwood, was apponted deputy-governor of The Socety of Mayflower Descendants n the Stato of New Jersey Saturday at the sem-annual "968 Membershp" meetng nnd luncheon at the Planfeld Country Club. Mrs. Rogers, wno las served the socety as assstant general nnd was last fall made an honorary lfe WATCHUNG LAKE CLUB WATCHUNG, N. J. * A Prvate Famly Swm Club Open Now Tlt Labor Day Husband and Wfe... Husband, Wfe and One Chld Each Addtonal Chld... ntaton Fee, Frst Year.. For REGULAR ACADEMC John H. McDonough, Pres. Call DR 6-5 $85. $. $. $. member of the board of assstants, wll complete the term of the late Wallace W. Boyco of Madson. She s well known n local art and muscal crcles, holds a specal Red Cross emblem n recognton of 5 AAUW Announces Scholarshps years of servce to the Amercan Mountansde The Mountansde Red Cross and has been a trustee branch of the Amercan Assocaton u[ the Frst Congrcgfllumnl Church of Unversty Women announced the of Wuslfeld for several years. names of Lhc recpents of.scholarshps al ts fnal meetng of the sea- John nsloy Coddnulon of Bordcn- son Thursday n lhc home of Mrs, town, a descendant of lhc Coddngton famly of WoodbrdKe, a former Jamcs Lcrman. The grls recevng scholarshp professor of hstory ll Olvet, Swarttmore and lavcrford Colleges, also a Fellow of the Amercan Socad Ere Sandra Karwosk, nn Englsh major at Douglass College and Sara El wood, an nteror desgn major at cty ot Genealogsts and a lfe mem- Rochester nsttute of Technology, ber of the Genealogcal Socety of TG new offcers nstalled for a New Jersey, spoke on "John Clarke, two year term by Mrs. Perce Foun- Plot and Mate of the Mayflower," tan aro Mrs. Freeman Mller, vcoone of hs ancestors. presdent n chnrge of program de- Sevcn new numbers were wel- velopmcnt; Mrs. Julan Levtt, vcecomsd nto membershp, ncludng P <tent m charge of membershp, Kenneth W. Waehter, 55 Clark St. nnd Mrs Howard Rhodes treasurer a lfe member by vrtue of hs descent from Francs Cookc. The roll of deceased members was called by Servng for ther second term wll be Mrs. Ncholas Bradshaw, presdent; Mrs. Roy Lulz, recordng Mrs. Herbert L. Smth Jr of Mou.>- secreta J7> and M J' S ' Alan Lowe > cor tansde, secretary, and the colors re T* dl?l? ec^l were dpped n trbute as each name Commttee charmen for the comng year arc: Area representatves: was read. communty problems, Mrs. Alan J J M - r J..- u jrchbock; cultural nterests, Mrs. Awarded the ttles of dstngushed. an r ',. - n -w j-t Ol * \Jl Gll. CUULdUUJl, ( S. OVU senors at Vernon Court Junor College, Newport, R., were Anne W. Red, Stephane V. Stapp and Deborah B, Waterhouse. 7th PNGRY SUMMER SESSON June -August,968 Grades - Revew-Prevew-Credt Englsh-Scence-Hstory Foregn Languages (Trad, and A-LM method) Mathematcs READNG CUNC Advanced-Remedal Developmental or 6 Week Course TRANSPORTATON SPECAL COURSES Penmanshp, Spellng Great Books, Composton D Art-Computer Math Typng-Drama Study Technques Metropoltan Adventures Red Cross Lfe Savng Publc Speakng SCHOLARSHP PROGRAM Advanced Bology Sketchng-Pantng DAY CAMP Ages 5 Two Swms Daly Compettve Swmmng Sports-Games-Crafts Shop-Art-Models TENNS CLNC Begnners-ntermedates ndvdual or Group Lessons TESTNG DEPARTMENT Apttude-Psychologcal THE PNGRY SCHOOL 5 North Avenue, Hllsde, N. J. Telephone: Lmted Tme SLPCOVERS : '&... pducatj O n Mrs John Mller; world problems, Mrs. Robert Wllard. mplementaton charman for "Socety's Reflecton n the Arts" wll be Mrs. Robert Mako. Charman o* by-laws s Mrs. Hllard Getchs; hosptalty, Mrs. Kenneth Moffat and Mrs. Rchard Wenzler; legslatve sues, Mrs, Mary Louse Comeau; luncheon-fashon show, Mrs. Harold Tulchln; publcty, Mrs. Leon Greenberg; scholarshp and fellowshp, Mrs. Levn Hangan; telephone, Mrs. Alfred Salmn; bulletn and drectory, Mrs. Alan Lowe. Jr. League Honors New Provsonal* The new provsonal members of the Junor League of Planfeld were honored yesterday at a tea gven by the sustanng members n the home of Mrs. John P. Stevens Jr. of Edson. Honored were Mrs. Albert W. Stender Jr. and Mrs. Bruce Smons of Planfeld, Mrs. Lawrence Ross and Mrs. Rchard Apgar of North Planfeld, Mrs. Davd Ctatlender and Mss Suzanne LaDue of Scotch Plans, Mrs. Harry S. Allen and Mrs. Wllam tmgrund of Watchung, Mrs. George Bradsh and Mrs, L. Whtney MacQuarre of Westfeld and Mrs. John C. Hance of Mountansde. The provsonals recently completed a two-month course,on communty servce and are now dong volunteer work n communty flgefrces ncludng Youth Employment Agences, Muhlenberg and O^erj»pk hosptals, Neghborhood H u 8 e ; Westfeld Communty Center and the League for the Handc&pped. ; Recevng wth the provltonau were; Mrs, Wayne J, tolman Jr., Rchard Zuparnlck of 7 Hazel sustanng representatve; Mrs. Wl-Stlam ft. Cunnck Jr., presdent and was gven the aotcvemont award Mrs. James K. Klpp, provsonal charman. Early Deadlne "The Leader" wll publsh Wednesday next week md wll ho delvered to subscrbers on that day uat!nd of Thursday mornng, Memoral Duy, the UBU publcaton date. Early copy from advertsers and publcty clunncn of all orgnnznttons U requested. The deadlne for dsplay advertsng wll be Monday mornng, Classfed advertsng wll be accepted untl Monday evenng at. 5 o'clock* although earler copy s requested where possble. The deadlne for church news and letters to the edtor wll be tomorrow at p.m. and socal, club, sports, general news and photographs Monday at noon. Deadlne for pctures for the socal secton s tomorrow. We wll apprecate your cooperaton. Collegans Army KOTC Cadet Steven K. Grffn of Hawatha Dr. was honored wth the Lehgh Presdent's Award at exercses at Lehgh Unversty. t s presented for academc excellence and mltary achevement. * * * Donald C. Plenty, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Plenty of 6 Scotch Plans Ave., has been named to the dean's lst at Unon College, Scheneota< y, N.Y. for work durng the wnter term. A junor, he asfneconomcs major. KATHARNE MBSOHRE of the Peru (Neb.) Stato College Socal Scence Club, a dctonary of world hstory, at recent all-college honors convocaton. Ho wll bo graduutctl Monday wth a bachelor of aclenco dogroe. Lsa J. Dunn of 5 Summt Ave. has been named to the wnter quarter dean's lst at Rochester nsttute of Technology, A sophomore, she s studyng retalng. TDY KNTS APPAREL SM 6- Selected Fashonable Kntwear Hrs. 9: tft 5:; Mon. 9 P.M 5 Elm St * Kntwear Altered and Shortened Westfeld Your baby's frst stops ars too mportant to trust to anythng lass than BUSTER BROWN* H We beleve your bab/t tny growng feet requre vtry ptctal attenton. That's why m stock ths wry specal Buster Brawn shoe n a complete w f e of s t m Thstfs why L we ft ths soft, comfortable shoe to gfv* exactly the rght amount off wggle room, support and comfort. A premum qualty s h o t... ftted by experts. A combnaton hard to beat... a combnaton that adds up to confdence lor youl, UKKMD. A Shop Devoted Excluvoty fo ho Fttng of Chldren's Shoos... 7 ELM ST. -77 WESTFELD, Open Monday Doctors PrarlBttons bporry Mlod CHAR.9 SOFA.79 PLLOW Beautfully Cleaned and Preued Wt Spaealn n FORMAL WEAR and WEDDNG GOWNS Your gowns wll receve our *V..G. servce conformng to the hghest qualty standards a Dry Cleanng Plant can offer on custom work the ultmate n servce. *Very mportant Garment f Drycleanng * Specalsts n Formal Wear and Weddng Gowns t Authorzed Bloc-Knt Agent k Water Repellent Household Effects t Shrt Launderng DRVE N STORE ONE-STOP SERVCE Flatwork Launderng f Storage (Fur and Garment) f Box Storage t Talorng f Dyeng f Crn-O-Lze exclusve szng Process Regent Sheffeld Deluxe Stanlew Steel Steak Knves 9c each. Wth any $. nenmln^ order of Dryclcanlng and ShlrL MATCHNG CARVNG SET $.9 each Wth any $ H ncomng order of Dryceanlng^ and Shrt -.'LUnlernK. NO MATURES V C ON BROUGHt N BfFORt 7 NOON SATURDAY BE f ORt A M DRY CLEANNG A SHffT laundhmnf, / V, A */ to ', P >/ CHARGE GARV/OOD When Only The Fnest Wll Do....9 ct. of tapered baguettes damonds flowng from brllants.7 ct. $99 Full Cut Damond Snow flakes $65 Th e * nancna olan ^», *. *.. «.. * , : O n wneer - 'j '. '..... / : : - ' _. J * _ * * ' * - * < * V ^..^.^^hy. '. ; -. - : : ' - ". : : > ^ ; -. : ' '.. -..' - > - : >,... " " )..". ' '. ' *,. ", -, ".» :.» ; ' The Natonal Bank / New Car Loans... r l v * V t, h* Month of drvng fun are ahead. Go wth q new car under - - * you. Buy now wth the help of a Natonal Bonk Auto Loon. ';'. ; * ~ m! Just stop n ether offce and let us know your needs. " u - BANK -. y,. ' ' - - ' - - ' -. * ' r "..- ^ * - < *- -m t.... T * f " : ', { - :. v. - - NATONAL BANK WESTFELD MOUNTANSDE /, /;,../,', t ', < '

17 TE WESTFELD (V.J.) LEADER* THUHSDAY, MAY, 9fB Sec., Pa «Realtor Urges ncrease n Legal nterest Contract Rate n N J. Wenry L. Schwerng; prosdont of the Westfeld Board of Realtors, s urgng the mmedate passage of 7 and S7 to permt an ncrease n the legal nterest contract rate on resdental mortgage loans beyond the present unrealstc cellng of 8.percent. He jons over,9 Realtor members of the New Jersey Assocaton of Real Estate Boards who see "danger of collapse" n the New Jersey resdental real estate market uness the Legslature n Trenton acts quckly to nsure an adequate supply of mortgage moncj to those wshng to buy end sell homes n the state, The current crss n real estate fnancng!,ad been precptated by the recent ncrease n the Federal Reserve redscount rate from 5 to 5W percent. Ths acton had forced major banks n New Jersey, as well as elsewhere n the Ja.on, to rase ther prme nterest ratt to B% percent for major corporate borrowers, wth proportonately hgher rates for those not qualfyng for the prme nterest rate. "n contrast/' Mr. Schwerng sad, "present New Jersey law sets a lmt of 6 percent on the nterest rate that may be charged on ndvdual contract loans such as mortgage loans. Unless ths 8 percent celng jfl rased, there smply wll be no mortgage money avalable, for conbecause major lendng nsttutons n New Jersey and elsewhere are oblgated by ther charters to obtan the hghest yeld on ther nvestment funds that s consstent wth prudent busness practce." S7 and S7Z provdes that the Commssoner of Bankng and n* durance n conjuncton wth the Bankng Advsory Board wll set a mortgage nterest rate for ndvdual borrowers on one to four famly dwellngs between 6 l percent and 8 percent dependng upon specfc economc ndcators. The general publc and economc growth n New Jersey s beng penalzed >ecause of the present unrealstc mortgage celng. Ths state s one of only eght states stll retanng a sx percent lmt on contract nterest rates and that number s dwndlng fast wth Maryland and New York n the process of enactng blls wth eght percent celngs. Mr. Schwerng further ponts out that conventonal mortgages would be n danger of dryng up wthout the new proposed celng on contract nterest rates n the face of proposed federal legslaton to rase VA and FWA nterest celngs. Warnng aganst the "deceptve nature" of New Jersey's present lmt of sx percent, he sad, "a sx percent celng makes no sense f t actually shuts off nvestment funds Early Deadlne "The Leader" wll publsh Wednee day next week and wll be delvered to subscrbers on that day nstead of Thurwday mornng, Memoral Day, the usual publcaton date. Early copy from advertsers and publcty charmen of all organzaton* s requested. The deadlne for dsplay advertlng wll be Monday mornng. Classfed advertsng wll be accepted untl Monday evenng at 5 o'clock, although earler copy B rcquetcd where possble. The deadlne for church news and letters to the edtor wll be tomorrow at p.m. and socal, club, sports, general news and photographs Monday at noon. Deadlne for pctures for the socal secton s tomorrow. We wll apprecate your cooperaton. that would otherwse be avalable f there were a more reasonable and realstc lmt of up to eght percent. "Resdental mortgage loans n New Jersey must be compettve wth prevalng natonal rates f we are to avert a total colapse of real estate sales n our state. Such a stuaton would fee lttle short of calamtous not only for those who wsh to buy and sel homes n New Jersey but also for the economc well beng of the state tself." Mayor Advses Merchants, Owners On New Ant-Ltter Ordnance. Merchants and property owners of busness establshments here havr receved notfcatons from Mayor Robert H. Mulrcany explanng provsons of the now "antmltter" ordnance recently approved by tle Town Councl. The ordnance, whch stpulate fnes up to for volatons, was ntroduced by the councl at the request of the Mayor's Advsory Commttee on Culture and Beautlfcaton. n the letters, Mayor Mulreany advses merchants to:. Sweep sdewalks at least once a day; however, do hot sweep the Utter nto the gutter or street area. Pck up the ltter and dspose of same n your trash receptacle,. Store garoage and other waste materal n water-tght receptacles of metal, at the rear of place of busness.. Do not dspose of ltter n publc receptacles on the street.. f for any reason t s necessary to park a vehcle overnght, park n the nearest parkng lot. Vehcles n the street hamper town street sweepng operaton. Property owners are advsed to:. nstruct tenants not to park vehcles on the publc streets overnght. Overnght parkng hampers.the Town's street sweepng operatons. Tenants may park n muncpal off-' street lots provded they ore removed by a.m.. Provde tenants wth garbage and trash receptacles of water-tght metal constructon at the rear of the buldng.. Advse tenants that publc trash receptacles are not to be used for dsposal of ther ltter,. Advse tenants to mantan a program of good housekeepng not only n the store area, but n the surroundng area as well. LVW to Dscuss Poltcal Partes Three members of the Westfeld League of Women Voters wll dscuss party partcpaton at a general meetng of the league at 9: a.m. today at the home of Mrs. Frank Rugg, 55 Lawrence Ave. Ars. Joseph Schembre, Mrs. John Van Deusen and Mrs. Thomas Dever wll explan some of the ntracaces of New Jersey's poltcal structure and the advantages of actve party membershp. Also to be dscussed are prmary electons, dutes of delegates.and delegates-atlar'ge at Natonal. Conventons, dutes of the county commttee-man and commttee-woman and varous other matters relatng to electons. School Secretares Hold Annual Dnner The Westfeld Assocaton of Educatlorral Secretares held -ts annual dnner meetng on Monday at the Town and Campus RosUurant n Unon. Mrs. Luclle Felon, presdent, conducted a short busness sesson and recognzed four secretares who wll toe leavng at One end of the school year, Mrs. Nancy FrcdrJch, Edson Junor Hgh; Mrs. rene Kurvtz, Columbus: Mrs. Anne Wells, McKnley and Mrs. Maureen Wllams, superntendent's offce, M r s. Vllettte Morgan, program charman, 'ntroduced Mrs. Ruth W. Saward, specal events manager for Unted Arlnes, who presented a program combnng a demonstraton of packng technques and a bref fashon -show. Zcrrer Completes Management Course John G. Zerrer, CLU, manager n Westfeld for Provdent Mutual Lfe ns. Co. has just completed an ntensve two-week course gven by the Lfe nsurance Agency Management Assocaton, an nternatonal cooperatve research organzaton of over 5 lfe nsurance companes. Durng the twoaveek perod, a selected group of feld management and home offce executves studed basc prncples and methods of agency plannng, recrutng, selecton, tranng and supervson. Scouts Announce June Themes Boy Seoul troops wll follow he wood lore and star study Ultmo durng June wth a bcycle cnmp-ouf as a specal hghlght, bul ujch troop's boy -and adull leader wll plan He "extra-acton".that gves uven more depth to the month-long schedule of meetngs. "Ths won't be classroom learnng," Lester Fredman, Boy Scout executve of the Colonal Dstrct, Watclmng Aron Councl, explans. "Ths theme can moan n bcycle check and repars, bke games, a bke rodeo, makng bke saddlebags and rdng bkes to an overnght campste. Then, the Stouts may make an oatmeal box constellaton projector and sldes for star study, make paster casts, sec moves or flmstrps on nature subjects and take part n nature games and feld work." The younger Cub Scouts durng June wll use the hemc "When Dad Was A Boy" and den and pack actvtes may move outdoors. Suggested actvtes nclude makng fun equpment "lke Dad used to make," a father and son actvty for Father's Day, backyard neghborhood shows, swmmng and observance of Flag Bay. The -year old Webelos Cub Scouts n most of the packs wll be workng on the geologst badge and wll make collectons, take feld trps and carry out specal "pebble pup" projects, Mr. Fredman sad.! Tor 'hgh school age mys provdes fur oneh (explorer post to plnn t.s own actvtes, but many wll h; usng suggested uventa such ;s a look ;t Llm busness of real csltlc, n campus vst and n re- - of n* "Uendy" emergency t! program U the Boy Scouts ol Amerca. Aclv'tLvs comng up nclude W\o Panorama 'CO Seoul Show at North Urmch 'ork on June 8 and 9. McKnley Poster Wnners Named McKnley School PTA hold a paster contest for ffth and sxth gradors last week Lo helt> advertse the PTA Far on Saturday, May 5. The theme was "Talk To The Anmals" and the wnnng entres were announced and dsplayed at the art show on May. The fflj grade wnners were; frst place, Scott Whtohcad; second place, Donna Tetsworth. Arthur Collns captured frst place n the s)ah grade compott on, whle second place was awarded to Erc Waskewtz. Honorable menton awards went to Fred SteoTnann, Kathleen O'Toole, Peter Brant, Ray Aufero, Sandra Hunchar, Rcky Vlane Barbara Masson, Renee Barnes, Derdru Harvn, Km Sheppard, Donna Toll, Ray Heath 'and Dane Harvn. When the mal was racetx across country by horseback there were 9 pony express statons. WESTFELD - ^ ^ w / ^ J M r x^'-a'r^^ ««t v ^^,'. v^ "->^; f*s' *> - - ^^' n«w scarf dr«sstt Ah, the versatle scarf.,. a touch of graceful chffon complementng our new fashons. A dress wth seamng-on-the-slant has a glamorous scarf edged n rhnestones. n green or turquose. Drndl styled dress shown wth a banded scarf dramatcally drawn to one sde. n yellow or green. On the panel front style we have draped the scarf nto a natterng bb. n whte or turquose. All rayon-and-slk, lned n S Bonne rayon, szes 8 to 6 n the group. Each, 5.98 *.

18 NATONAL NEWSPAPER WESTFELD (N.J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, MAY B, MS Second Class poatftffe pnrt at Weftfleld, N. J, PlUH«hfl(] TlurHlyB at WcBttlol!. Nuw.Jersey, by the Weatlender J rlnttg and PubllHllns Cummy. An ntlopondont paper for the Town of WesllloUl und Borough of (tfounlunsltlo. ptlon:. per year n ruvnoe. $5, out of county, KKtnhHHhcd lr!o Offce: GO flm Struct, WPHM'. N. J. 79 Tel )8 Qmllty "W^OUCR of New Jersey Now Jet'Hey PrcHs AoMoeltlon Natonal Edtoral AsuoolHtlon WAT/TSR.7.,5 GAH* W TRlArUg THURSDAY, May, 968 Drug Abuse A Communty Concern Publsher Edtor Drug abuse. How s t affectng our lovely suburban communtyof Westfeld wth ts above-average per capta ncome, expensve homes, advanced educaton and devoted parents? Drug abuse. What s t dong to our four to fve thousand teenagers of junor and senor hgh school age? How many of ths number have expermented wth marjuana? How many of these have traveled farther wth trals of LSD, heron and other drugs? How fast has the number of users and addcts ncreased? Why? What has already been done to halt the flowof narcotcs nto our communty? What can be done to prevent further ncreases n drug abuse? Answers to some of these. questons wll be gven at a townwde meetng Wednesday, June 5, at Westfeld Hgh School. And some of the reples may well rattle the placd 'complacency of parents who "just know my chld wouldn't be nvolved n anythng lke a 'pot party'," To some parents the facts revealed at the meetng wll be shockng; to others suspcons of drug expermentaton may reach the hard and sckenng facts of realty. Westfeld s a ''concerned" communty. t becomes aroused locally over Chrstmas pageants, recreaton areas, garden apartments, Vetnam, school busng, a stop sgn or sdewalks hther and yon, a town yard, how to dsposeof ts rubbsh and whether school kds can use a town park for a soccer feld. Now the useof drugs has become a communty problem. The Board of Educaton, themayor and Town Councl are concerned. Church groups, socal workers and many others are concerned. But these "concerned" people cannot solve the growng problem wthout "concerned" and knowledgeable par* ents. f parents are "concerned" about ther largest and most precous nvestment they wll attend the meetng June 5 to learn the facts about drug abuse n Westfeld. * * * Battle Aganst Auto Deaths Automoble accdents clamed 5, lves and njured,, persons n 967, accordng to the annual booklet of hghway accdent statstcs from The Travelers nsurance Companes. Statstcs n the booklet were compled from records of motor vehcle departments throughout the country. These fgures show a decrease of some deaths and, njures from the 966 fgures. However, "the satsfacton ths gves must be qualfed," sad Sterlng T. Tooker, Travelers presdent. "... t wll requre many more years of consstent betterment before we can clam any genune progress toward the conquest of a stubborn and tragc problem." "Could we dare to hope that ths one year's reducton n street and hghway fataltes s the frut of the efforts of agences of the Federal government, t h e ndvdual states, prvate ndustry and the many ndvdual groups devoted to the promoton of greater safety?" Mr. Tooker asked. "f so,! he contnued, "we must urge them to even greater effort and to gve them our earnest, actve support. "After all, the deaths of more than 5, people and the njury of more than,, others none year s small cause for rejocng, even though t represents some mprovement over another year. Comparsons are odous unless they afford some ultmate betterment of the human condton," he added. "We are travelng a long road fraught wth many hazards,*' Mr. Tooker sad. "Only cauton on the partof every traveler wll brng hm and others on the road safely to the next stage of our journey." * * * Total taxes collected n fscal 968 by all levels of government n the Unted States wll equal about,55 per Amercan famly, up from the prevous year, accordng to the Tax Foundaton, nc. State and local tax recepts wll more than double those of 956. "A tax ncrease would be lttle more than an asprn treatment for our economc lls, brngng doubtful temporary relef but no cure." Rep. George A. Goodlng, Pennsylvana. * T- * * LVNGSTON, TEXAS, ENTERPRSE: "What does t cost to keep a naton progressve not just n dollars, but n thngs lke the personal help and support we gve our chldren, and thereby our publc school systems? Our chldren are our most valuable resources. You've heard the trte expresson many tmes: 'Tomorrow's leaders, etc' And yet, t's true. So, the cost s not just n what we pay each year n taxes for school books, and teachers' salares not just school clothes and lunch money. t's more than that. t's how much and what knd of encouragement you gve your chld." «ZON, LL, NEWS: "s Congress a toothless watch dog of the Treasury? Who passed all the spendng blls whch are beng denounced? Well! Old watch clog, yotfd bettef stat dong sfttte Watthtfr Pe&pte we gettng fed up MtU a cfoflgtttf whkh toys &t H$ mpotsmtytothe the &wem."..*.' '.-*: 'V-;- - ::*: --.*,-, Lfe n The Suburbs LAST NNNG-... VSTORS, ONE-, HOME TEAM, NOTHNG TWO OUT BASES LOADED AND THE CALL S THREE BALLS AND TWO STRKES L M U m' '.-* '--V.'>M :::- '-'%:: -,V'.V >L V- ' ' ' ' fa P h ALCE/ CAN LOOK l JUST CAN w *** J ".'.'.'x' ' * '. M fa ' H "*".'d'.*r' *'lv Edtor's Corner We always lke to hear from readers, and one of them, Lous Rakn, sent us some excerpts from The Prnceton Packet. n ths tme of tol and trouble on college campuses, we'd lke to borrow a few: "From a college dean to an undergraduate: " ' have just fnshed readng your letter n the campus newspaper. found t a clear exposton that there are many thngs about ths college that are unsatsfactory to you. can only conclude that you are mserable here. " 'Accordngly, so that you may te free to lve a happer lfe elsewhere, am severng your connecton wth the college as of today.' " And another, ths tme addressed to the secretary of an undergraduate group at a college " 'Your demand for repeal of all regulatons governng dormtory rooms, thereby, n partcular, permttng the entertanment theren of femnne guests hours a day and seven days a week, has been receved... Meanwhle, wll you please ask each undergraduate to obtan from hs mother and ssters wrtten endorsement of your... demand?' " And one more ths tme from an unversty treasurer to an undergraduate: " 'The secretory of the board of trustees has forwarded to me a copy of the demand, sgned by several undergraduates, that the unversty dvest tself of nvestments n certan Unted States corporatons because, allegedly, they have afflates abroad engaged n provdng raw materals and fabrcated products, such as nght-stcks and fre hose, whch have gven rse to charges of "polce brutalty" n student crcles at the Sorbonne, Home and other foregn unverstes. " ' am wrtng to you because you are oneof the sgners and also because you are a holder of a scholarshp endowed by one of the companes you ndct. assume... you wll desre to dvest yourself of ths scholarshp mmedately (and) return allof the money that you have receved from ths corporaton grant durng your years here... am enclosng a statement of the/exact amount of fnancal assstance you have receved to date from what you term ths "mmoral" corporaton. The other enclosure s a bll for your college expenses for-the remande.*uf the year.' " Of course, these letters were n a column headed "Letters That.Probably Never Wll Be Wrtten." v \ s n another ven, a neghbor of the Perry Shoemakers, formerly of B Barchester Way, have ths to say:. * "Shoemakers We Mss You '! f] "A lttle brd sts by the rock garden, ' '. Warblng hs mournful song. Where s Perry? Where s Vvan? Where has Pepper gone? "The chldren mss the Ralroad Man, The wves, hs lovely Mssus. The husbands mss those get-set bds, And the flowers the gentle ksses from the gentle people who tended them. "The house stands now deserted, But from ts wndows dm, Stll shnes through the warmth of her, And the mrth of hm, And the love they left behnd. "The van has left and so have you, But there's somethng t couldn't contan. That bt of you that t just wouldn't hold. We have that, wth our loss, and our memores. And for sure, t's Florda's gan!" What wth last week's stormy sesson on ralroad commutng and the Aldene Plan, we are sure the Shoemakers are probably a lot happer n Florda! Flag Days When should the flag be dsplayed? The flag may be dsplayed on all days when the weather permts. Specfc days, however, on whch dsplay of the flag may be most generally expected are: New Year's Day Jan. ndependence Day July nauguraton Day Jan. Labor Day Varable Lncoln's Brthday Feb. Consttuton Day Sept.7 Washngton's Brthday.. Feb. Columbus Day Oct. Army Day Apr. 6 Navy Day,. Oct. 7 Loyalty Day May Electon Day Varable Mother's Day Varable Veterans Day Nov. Armed Forces Day Varable Thanksgvng Day Varable Memoral Day May Pearl Harbor Day Dec. 7 Flag Day June Chrstmas Day Dec. 5 and on such other days as proclamed by the Presdent KE FVE By FRED W. KOKE "Burglars after stealng safe, found -they could n o t open t, so phoned owner far combnaton. He refused." Some people just wll not cooperate. Never gve a thought to the crooks feelng of falure. Why t could lead to nferorty complexes. * * * And whle crme marches on, how about those two recent New York bank robberes? One gang spent hours over a hot safe, whle another branch of the professon merely plt (rt smtate tke ttffattts (A gtt&tk, presetted pt&ty aad tfofad ttp a bstg SGNS-OFTHE-TTMES DEPT. (Here s one seen n the wndowof a sewng machne shop) SNGERS RENTED 'and REPARED Well, know several sngers on TV would lke to tear apart and as for repars, there are at least two dozen whose vocal chords could stand a good valve-.qrndng job. * * * "d * r * My doctor sad have a rugged consttuton and beleve me t came n mghly handy when got hs bll. * * * An oldtmer, senor grade, s one who remembers back when the senor class would assemble n the evenng, under the elms and serenade ther c&.'lege presdent. A world can pass away, can't t?,**v ^o - ^ * * _' ' ' 7,',', '-- F.. J _ * F. '-V. o:-^rw:>:.:-v:>:- :;*. *-'h. V.,^'. L -'n"- -" *-'.v, '.>.'A'.'- H.'Vf".. F.-.-: *. - *.'_' '..V,-,'l.'.-.v <!<; :!:>;':>v.'-y *""' '-'-' h"'"l m r * _ ''^r>--y.-'.-'.-yy.'. V j'.h-" What Happened? One Year Ago Rotary Club awards $, n scholarshp ad to Lnda Ann Sweeney, Rhonda Talaferro, Cyntha Golas and Oharlene Worthng. The YM-YWCA development campagn reaches $9, mark, seeks $5, n fnal cleanup drve. Peter Jensen and Ben Rugger are recepents of $6 Natonal Honor Socety awards. Would you beleve t h e "all-day plan?" Brenton Harres, charman of the. mayor's commttee on transportaton, (has ths new name for the Aldene Plan for commuters. Two Years Ago. Councl balks at proposal for county wdenng of South Ave.; s angered at pror lack of consultaton wth town offcals on project. $ mllon nursng borne approved for Lamberts tmr'm Rd. ste. Polce Department ; promotons awarded to Alfred VardaUs;,new captan; Robert Bel, letenaht-detectve; Wllam.Muth,. sergeant-'detectve and Anthony,Scutt,\'*ser-" -leant- ::.:.'.;. / :,.';'/,: Westfeld Hgh School gohers recapture county golf crown wth'chp Hall capturng ndvdual honors wth score.. Fve Yean Ago... Barbara dtrplte, l Sunnywood rtoa Rd, *> Club and ts ntermedate «*T Ctzenshp nsttute tor Cb\s. tfn. J. P. Gehren Jr. and Mrs. Alan Abeel Jr. are named by Arthur C. Fred to tead the busness dvson of the Unted Fund. Rev. Hhomas J. Oomerford of 68 Boulevard, ordaned to the Roman Catholc presthood, celebrates hs frst mass at Hdy Trnty Church. Amercan Legon, VFW decorates graves <rf 6 veterans n Memoral Day prelude. "And.'he lons Club s lookng tor a pano seems that one they auctoned off was part of the fxtures at aucton ste. LETTERS TO THE EDTOR All ktwr «# Uw Mter matt bear lsutort utf tred Letter*»* be-wrtten ml? M me le f paper atf preferably fgrpewrftftn. AD f'te-s nut be t tte "Leatfcr" offce by TrHtf U thry are to appear la ae followng lu»e. Tae "Leader" feterm ae rght to reject or edt jmr letter to cmferm t«"leader For Strcter Law Enforcement Edtor, Leader: Are there any complacent Amercans today, consderng the present state of anarchy and nsurrecton? Are there Amercans satsfed wth present law enforcement? Are there Amercans who can truthfully say that ant-comrnunsts and Conservatves were not just about gnored, or at best tolerantly excused as extremsts durng these past years, years whch have brought to fruton the plans of Communsts and revoluton-ares? Have not the forebodngs of patrotc groups, socetes, Legons, conservatves, John Brches et al. been proven? How much more can happen before all Amercans must say that Conservatves were rght n ther warnngs? Remember "Operaton Abolton," the work of the House Commttee on Un-Amercan Actvtes, tr.» dsgraceful San Francsco rots v/jch but presaged what s today happenng n cty after cty? Could you magne then that your and my Captol, Washngton, D.C. would be the scene of over 8 set fres durng one short perod n Aprl 968. Remember what J. Edgar Hoover wrote n "Masters of Decet?" What tat be dwe Pfttest to & to ssue fc fof strctfewer/dttfeflfert at* pm> k WrU> to Presdent Johnson, your Senators and Representatves hnl you demand enforcement, of all Juws to protect luw abdng ctzens. Groups who wsh Lo study today's happenngs should subscrbe* to the Congressonal Record. You wll understand clearly what s happenng n our land from -artcles and edtorals n the Appendx, whch never make the daly press, The Westfeld Lbrary, beleve, carres the Record. VRGNA DREYER Rt., Mountansde Response Rqlly Saturday Edtor, Leader: On May7 a Majorty Response Rally wll be held h Trenton at the War Memoral Buldng from : a.m. to p.m. wth former governors Drscoll and Meyner as cocharmen. Ths non partsan rally s to be a way for ctzens n the comfortable majorty to show that they core about the problems of the mnortes and the crss n our urban communtes and want somethng done about t. The state legslatve leaders have made clear that they ore lookng for some such ndcaton. Ths rally s a way for concerned ndvduals to respond, jonng wth others to let our legslators know the majorty does care. The recent outpourng of assstance from the suburbs followng the Newark fres s proof that the concern and the sympathy are there and can be ralled when the need s clear, But we must not let our donatons of food and clothng and labor obscure the fact that there s a contnung, basc state of emergency n our nner ctes and dfferent knd of rallyng s needed now a rallyng of support for gettng at the remedes. The report of the N.J. Cvl Dsor- r T 'w \." O. f K tf* * * - de,* Study Commsson hns been wdely pu )Jdzed pnl most of us know at onst somethng of ts fndngs. t has made specfc proposals and recommendatons, many of the 9s! urgent requrng state mplementaton.' f you've wondered, "What can do that matters?" let your legslators know you support prompt acton, and tha you know t wll requre stale funds. Wrte your legslator today und jon us n Trenton on Monday, May 7. For further nformaton please contact me, MRS. JOHN <M. THATCHER Orenda Crcle Repjes to Student Edtor, Leader: ' trust Master Feathers wll learn the proper use of-rhetorc and wll beepme mature enough to devote hs full tme to the purpose for whch he s prvleged to attend the Westfeld Publc Schools, when he "passes on" to the th grade. V. MORGAN 858 Doran Rd. Thanks Edtor, Leader; Thank you for the artcles on the Chrstan Scence lecture by Mrs. Gertrude Velguth gven Thursday, May 9, 'n (he church. The lecture s gven for the communty; and The Leader reades many people who are nterested and would lke to attend. The members of the. Chrstan Soence church wsh to express ther apprecaton for the reportng of ther servces and church actvtes and to commend The Leader for ts excellent reportng of all that concerns *ho sprtual lfe of the communty. KATHLEEN M. SMTH Assstant Oommttee on Publcaton 89 Knoftwood * a '.»,. j ;. \ -*# YOU'RE LOSNG n -*-"*_ F t Edtor, Leader: For McCarthy Those who have hoard Senator Eugene McCarthy speak on problems of our naton and cvlzaton know that 'Hs Presdental canddate s a man of largo vson and uncompromsng deals. Hs recent spuecl at Scton Hall Gym, wth emphass - on educaton, left no doubt tlat < Amercans of all socal end economc levels would have more and better schools under hs admnstraton. Current tragc events, rangng from Columba Unversty to Pars, France, ndcate that students need understandng at the hghest level,, else they may well destroy what! they seek to mprove. Former so; ; cnogy professor -McCarthy, long-. tme advocate'of-federal funds to educaton, s best qualfed to lead students and ndeed the naton nto constructve channels.. Hs devoton to prncpal rather \ than expedency, to humanty rather than chauvnsm, to reconclaton rather than.coercon, all these nd- ; cate the man most capable of lead-! ng our country on a much-needed! bass of trust and nspraton. Adla Stevenson sad of Gene Mc- Carthy, "There s no more, eloquent ( representatve of what s good n j Amercan lfe/' Why can't we have j ths man's levelheaded composure, j poltcal ndependence, stablty and : courage n the Whte House? SAMUEL TUCKER j 7 S. Chestnut St. More Letters r B t^t WEEK... Next Page Ara you. mnng HM opportunty to g*t more dvdend dollan for your morwy? Whw you Saw horo, Lberal dvdends, compounded quarterly, help your money mount up fatter. nsured safely tool Open your savng* account now. AMTtdfATD MVMND CMPUNM QUAftTRUr NSURED EDERAL SAVNGS Our 6th Year Of Servce To The Communty WESTFELD MENLO PARK MOUNTANSDE, A

19 7 t OCUS Three Generatons Proves "Land of Opportunty" homes at 56 Downer St. and Lake Worth. Fla., where he and hs wfe wnter wth Rosarlo's brother, Salvatore, 85, who lves on Park St. But workng -wth the sol s n hs blood and as Boon as he arrves at ether locaton, Hosaro tlants and cultvates a garden. Mutual respect and devoton between the sol of hs adopted country and Rosaro won hm honors n World War, era of the Vctory Gardens. He was awarded recognton n 97 and a lvat prze for hs Westfeld garden. n 96, stll wth an expandng busness and famly (now numberng sx chldren, grandchldren and great-grandchldren J, the frm opened the Town* Car Wash on South Ave., around the corner from the latest Mannno endeavor anud the offce of Martlno, who now devotes hmself to lfe nsurance and mutual funds as Westfeld dvson manager of Trust Securtes Corp. Three of Rosaro's sons attended college, Martno at Rder, Charles at Rutgers and Tom at owa Unversty, and two saw mltary servce durng World War. A grandson, John Atobrufcato, now serves n the Navy. Both grandsons WHO wll operate Wflrtfeld General Tre also are college graduates,ross from Woodbury College, Ca)., and Charles Jr. from Toledo -Unversty, Oho. Ross has contnued tranng wth General Tre Co. and Charles spent three years wth Frestone n Oho: The Mannno story s proof that Amerca can be "the land of opportunty." LETTERS Student Power Edtor, Leader: The recent edtoral (May ) protestng student protests ndcates qute clearly ether a falure of understandng on the edtoral -wrter's part or a falure of communcaton by the students to the socety at large. t s ndeed unfortunate that the communcatons meda only pay attenton to the most mmedate causes and the most mmedate re* suts of student protest. From a cursory examnaton of newspaper and TV reports, t appears that students suddenly fnd an ssue to protest, make that protest as dramatcally as possble, and then feel that they have "done ther thng" and retre n self-satsfed smugness. Publcty - producng protests are not spur of the moment actons, they are planned to gan publcty as the end results of contnng processes that consstently undermne students' feelngs of ther own reasonableness. At Columba, peaceful demonstratons and pettons for partcpaton on commttees have occurred n relaton to the gymnasum and the nsttute for Defense Analyss for at least the entre academc year. But these ratonal and peaceful requests went unheeded. At Brown, the students have attempted peacefully to gan representaton on commttees concernng the currculum, unversty nvestment (Brown partcpates n a revolvng credt plan admnstered by the Chase Manhattan Bank that has extended very large loans and credts to the racst regme n South Afrca. Brown also holds several hundred thousand dollars worth of stock n Dow Chemcal Co. and could exert sgnfcant nfluence n regard to ther supplyng nnpalm to tho govrenmcnu, the poston of ROTC n the currculum, and student dscplne. To the extent that Brown has not yet had a precptously volent demonstraton, the admnstraton has successfully dealt wth these requests. But rom the tone of the edtoral, tt would appear that the "-Leader ' docs not even recognze students' rghts to serve admnstratve functons that drectly affect them and ther unversty. ",.. the generally accepted theory s that a young person's prmary objectve n attendng college s educaton and preparaton for know-how as a contrbutng ctzen n ths cvlzaton." Frst of all, by whom s ths a generally accepted theory? And why, smply because a student attends a unversty does he forfet hs rghts, prvleges and dutes as a ctzen? f these students were workng and protestng, would you contnue to dscredt them? The above quotaton s self-contradctory f t acknowledges as t does that a college educaton s a means for a student to ft nto socety and then condemns hm for puttng t to use. One's educaton, then, s smply another form of work for and n the socety. But most students would object to the concepton that ther educaton s smply a means to qualfy them to ft nto the socety as t s. A lberal educaton s ntended, among many thngs, to enable that lberally educated ndvdual to evaluate deas and conceptons crtcally. The frst statement an educated person should make s: "Why or how s ths so?" not, "Ths s so and wll accept t" or, "Ths runs counter to my belefs so wn reject t." These protestng students are not neglectng ther educaton, they are puttng t to ts best possble use. You would also THE WESTFELD (N.J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, MAY, 968 Pago fnd that many of the loadng protestors arc among the best educated ndvduals ths naton has to offer. The fundamental queston n relaton to unverstes s /or what and for whom are they ntended? Cer- Lanly the alumn and trustees occupy a mnor poston n such a consderaton. do not pretend to have a full answer to ths queston, but hope my suggestons may provoke some thought and dscusson. The unversty exsts to serve socety by educatng ts young n a sprt of nqury, by servng as a somewhat solated area n whch deas may be expermented wth, and by operatng as an nformed leader n all areas of human concern. t's functon, qute broadly, s educaton. On one hand, f the unversty exsts to serve ts students, then these students must have a sgnfcant role (but not necessarly a majorty voce) n the unversty's polcy as t affects them. Ths s what the cry for student power s about. f the unversty operates to deny the students ther rghts of representaton, then student requests become more strdent and evolve nto demands. Wtness the fact that the Amercan colonsts at frst only nssted upon ther rghts as Englshmen, but when these were dened, found t necessary to declare ther ndependence. n those days too, there were ndvduals who protested aganst the protestors. -They were n the majorty then, as they are now. As unenfranchsed students see ther own deserved rghts beng offhandedly dened, as they see the rch unversty corporaton or board of trustees trample the rghts of ndvduals n the communty surtrous racal stuaton n ths naton the unversty reman slent and nactve on ssues such as the dsastrous racal stuaton n th's naton and the cnlumltous poston n whch we fnd ourselves n Vlenam, they feel a need for acton, Many turn to communty work, but fnd ths unsatsfyng because f the unversty wore to help them, tho work they could accomplsh would be so much more effectve and valuable. When contfrontcd wth ssues as large as these, the student conscence smply cannot abde wth "standard offce procedures" (how can you even use such a term n dealng wth o problem of human rghts) that le can have a grl n hs room at p.m. but not at :; that le must take a course n Greek and Roman poltcal thought before or to the excluson of a course n contemporary government or communty organzaton, or even phlosophy; that he s not even permtted to see whether the unversty's money s nvested n a company that makes guns or ads underdeveloped countres; that courses he wants to take n contemporary problems are not even offered; that she as s sophomore must sgn n to her dorm at :, but as a junor may stay out to a.m. and as a year-old senor must be n by : and cannot lve n an apartment even f her parents wll allow her. A student's personal freedom must be maxmzed f hs ntellecutal freedom s to develop. The queston of who pays for a student's educaton s nearly rrelevant. Any student wth a C average of better n hgh school can attend college n ths country. n fact, he s told practcally from the day he s born that he must attend college. Loans and scholarshps abound to the extent that f a student cannot fnance hs college educaton, he perhaps does not have enough brans to be there n the frst place. Students would be and are happy to accept the opportunty to attend college. When t s forced upon them as an oblga ton, they wll only accept t on ther own terms. Ths la n fact of human psychology, not student powor. Fnally, the edtoral crtczes students for not yet beng rch alumn so that they mght sujnwrt flnunctnlly, the programs they "enro enough" to sacrfce clusses for now. Asde from the pntent absurdty of such a statement, can only say, just you wat! n the mean Lme, talk to a protestng student. Take hm to lunch, l^et hm go out wth your daughter f you dare. You wll fnd that he s snore an adult than a chld. JAMES LEHMAN Brown Unversty Class of 968 Asks Help for Ccnc Edtor, Leader: Whle the mass meda seem to bo emphaszng the confrontaton of Senator McCarthy and Senator Kennedy, there s lttle realzaton that for New Jcrseytos there s no such ssue, The N.J, Democratc ballot on Prmary Day, June, wll contan a machne-controlled slate versus the slate of McCarthy delegates. Therefore the only effectve way of votng for peace, cvl rghts, etc., n New Jersey wll be to vote for all the McCarthy delegates. That s the only way New Jersey wll be able to stand up at the Natonal Conventon and be counted for endng the war n Vetnam, and for meanngful jobs, homes, etc., for all Amercans. Your help s needed locally at Volunteers for McCarthy, 7 E. Broad St., and/or statewde at the Mltary Park Hotel, Newark. (Mrs.) MUREL C. HYMAN Tamaques Way MORE LETTERS Pag* 8, Sc. ROSARO MANNNO RELAXES la farden of Us hone M Dowser St., combutng two ptoanre, mule and the outdoors. When Rosarlo Mannno came to Amerca from taly some 6 years ago to work n a broom factory n New York Cty for cents a day, he probably never dreamed that ths lowly begnnng would grow nto a famly "mplre" that would spread wth each generaton. Two of hs grandsons, Rot* and Charles. Mannno Jr., begn a new venture of the Mannno famly tomorrow wth the offcal' "grand openng" of the Westfeld General Tre Servce on Crossways P. Ths,, too, s another- expresson of Mannno famly unty the young men, are cousns, sons of two of the four'boys,, of/the 95f, mmgrant,.martno;who lves on Woodland Ave. and": Charles" Sr; of Austn St. '" Workng together goes bw* a lona way,,, accordng to Martno. ^Each'ol.VWs/"""brotber5 joned ther father n hs lawn busness "as soon as we were out of knee pants.". *. The elder Mannno's career n.a «broom' factory was short-ve<l" A frend brought hm to ; Westfeld where he,set'onon plants on the former} Talcott Farm,(most of yrhtch s now the Stonehenge development and some c s 'property on J whch * Edson Junor/Hgh School stands)/ For ths change n occupaton he receved a consderable boost n pay to $,5 a day! Returnng brefly to hs natve taly to take a brde n 99, Rosaro brought hs wfe back to Wertleto and bult hu own home on W. Broad St. From the Talcott Farm job, he began a lawn mantenance busness; the begnnngs of more than 6 years n servce endeavors n Westfeld. And. as Rosaro's busness ncreased, so dd hs famly, and yet all stll resde n the Westfeld area close at hand when ther 8-yearold mother and father celebrated ther 59th waddng annversary ths year/ Four sons, Martno, Charles, Jm and ^ m?? frevjnto ther father's expafhuf lawn fadng and estabr Jshment frm whch : nconx>rated n 97 as R. Mannno t- Sons' nc. and developed'nto, excavatng, gradng and.trenchng work...; ; Two of Rosaro's daughters, Vn : cenze Abbruscato ;and Conne Ferrara lve n nearby Fanwood and Scotch Plans. The elder Mannno, whle retred from actve has splt hs year the last seasons between ht fa F * -? _ -.. * *. r ' f " * > * ' * '"- ". ; t» -»' ' NAT,... '. : ; : can say. ',.. '.'. '. ;;.:>, t.,- - >';, * f ' f - - '... ^ t Jb J >, ' - ' -s <F ' ' '.'? ; <, SAVE % TO % ff ftfk UNBT -.*.."". J approve-your-own n. r*' * * a SfUCHMS f TUMTMUl M TE mt, :'/' - '.- f fa - e - ftf $.M (N*r SO k M at* 7 (to* SMlNW ' * neldgll * * '.. - ' -' WT SOUTH AV., WUTM. Staton Parklnf srchank from mcomff 9! movlm YO V can ny Ow to Owe four % Lhdng n Unkm County or workng for the tame Unon County company for yean' S. Good credt record?. Payng no more than one week's safety per month for mortgage (or rent) and other nstallment payments? WE can say "YES" to your applcaton for Blue Rbbon NEW CAR LOAN-FOR (Remember you don't need to be a Natonal State depostor) To get your "pprovc-your-own* New Car Loan HERE'S HOW MUCH YOU CAN SAVE OVER 6 MONTHS BY FNANCNG YOUR NEWCAR AT NATONAL STATE T YOU NMCAN savxrou M.. M.7 on* DEALER PLAN "A" NMCAN SAVSYOU f 7.M MM H.M. OVEK DEALER run urn* NSCAH SAVCTOU OVER DEALER PLAN Q9» SAVE YOU MM 7AM 9. OVER NYCANKt CHARGNQ %%M PER f PER YEAR Why sptnd txtr«dollar* for dtaler fnancng-or pay the hgh "gong rat" at Mg chy banks. Fnd out why t pays to fnanca your car a l l local bonk. Make A Date Wth... UNON COUNTY'S LADNO BANK

20 Page Tll WCSTFEU) (NJ.) LEADER, THURSDAY, MAY, )8 j " *... '. h ' r ', V < > :, r FLOATNG down the avenue are some splendd dsplays for the Vlareggo Carnval n taly. Th one's dedcated to panter S Qlv «dor Dall. Thn nrf» >vrt>- nt Ul'l *ro*t>*vt S, hth bevn MO tm MM»v*fltor for Dnvtd Hornn hy Pay lrddy of RUt* lletv, mc, Realtor. : h. : * Complete Nursng Studes At Unon Mss Lnda J. Seals of HM Central Ave, and Mss Kuthryn A. Hommm' of 8 Pddlnjslono Rd., Mountansde, uru among tll studcnl nurses from four area hosptals who completed a year of academc studes on Frday, May 7, n the* nursng program at Unon College, Cranford. The student nurses ore from Elzabeth and Perth Anboy General Hosptals, Newark Bell srael Hosptal, and Somerset Hosptal, Somervlle. They attended classes at Unon College four days a week and earned college; credts n the two semesters nanalomy and physology, general chemstry, mcrobology, general psychology, and socology. Mss Seals, a graduate of Westfeld Hgh School, s the daughter oe Mr. and Mrs. George Seals. She s a student nurse at Somerset Hosptal, SomervHle. A graduate of Gov. Lvngston Hgh School, Berkeley Heghts, Mss Rommer s a student nurse at Newark Beth srael Hosptal. She s the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rommer. Orgen Promoted At Celanese Celanese Plastcs Co. has announced the appontments of D. E. Orgen of Westfeld to manager-manufacturng engneerng at the company's Plastc Research and Development Center n Clark. The new appontment follows the establshment of a new manufacturng engneerng admnstraton department. Under manager S. T. Ross, Mr. Orgen wll provde techncal support to the company's manufacturng unts n the mprovement and desgn of process equpment. He wll also coordnate the company's cost reducton and proft mprovement program. After jonng Celanese n 96, Mr. Orgen served as a research engneer wth Celanese Research Co., Summt. He prevously worked wth Esso Research Co. as a chemcal engneer. He holds a BS degree n chemcaj engneerng from Cty College of New York and a MS degree from the Unversty of Washngton. Mr. Orgen, hs wfe and ther four chldren lve at 9 Hardng $t. Dr. Keysser Heads Squbb Dept. NEW LBRARY BOOKS Atknson, The games; Badcnu, The Amercan 'approach to the Arab world; Bagtey, Land-slde; Beagle, The hst uncorn; Buck, The now year; Onklwell, Testmony of two men; Chulkov, The fall of Berln; Crkcr, Dctonary of Amercan Portrats; Daughters of the Amercan Revoluton, DAR patrot ndex; Durrcll, Tme; Galbrafch, The trumph; Gardner, The Case of the Careless Cupd; Haley, Arport; MacKenze, The Qud Kller; Mason, The Deadly Orbt Msson: Montagne, Laroussc Gastronomque; Noble, Dolls; ng Meadow of Echo Lake Park at Mchener, bera; Novak, The Pctoral Encyclopeda of Plants and p.m. t wll feature games and contests wth the Cubs and ther Flowers; Palmer, The Whte Boar; fathers and then a group pcnc, wth Bamuz, Terror on the 'Mountan; soda and ce cream furnshed by the Reem-an, The Deep Slence; Scherf, Pack. The Banker's Bones; Shaw, Keepers of the Obelsk; Stoncr, The New Two other mportant dates for the ndans; Terry, Tom Northway; U.S. Department of Defense, d e a s n Conflct: Lberty and Conflct. Warner, The Crossng Fee and Whtney, Hunter's Green. Ads Alumn Affar Gordon E, Allen of W«&tfeld s servng on the arrangements commttee for the sxth annual famly pcnc and outng of the Lackawanna Brown Club Saturday at Short Hlls Country Day School. LEADER WANT ADS PAV OP PRMARY ELECTON Town Clerk** Offle* Hunlrlpnl llulllln^ Wcstfleld, N. J, May 7, Notce H hereby Rven that the Dstrct nounl of He^Btry anl Ejecton n am far tlo varous Slectlou nhtrk'ts of the TOWN OP WESSTFEL-Pp wll meet n the phcus herenafter rlen^'natocl on tho [lutes tn A between the hours here- nnfter wet forth, for the purpose of uonlucllnu: a Prmary Electon lor llu> nomnaton and electon of per* suns to the varous ottlcen lsted below; The hourh and <latch of sad electon nre us rn PRTMAUV DAY, June, l H8 between the houra ol 7 A.M. and 8 P.M. ' Pack 7 To Hold '68 Regstraton Pack 7 Blue of the Cub Scouts held ts Muy Puck meetng recently n the Frankln School audtorum. Cubmnslcr Art Assmann dscussed several mportant dates comng up on the Cubs' calendar. Frst of all s Cub Scout regstraton nght tomorrow at Frankln. All boys presently n the second grade at Frankln School arc recevng forms to ndcate ther desre to jolu Cubs, and these boys and ther parents aro nvted to meet wth leaders of the Blue and Gold dvsons of Pack 7 o dscuss the Cub Scout program and be assgned to dens. The boys and ther parents are also nvted to the annual Pack 7 pcnc Saturday. The pcnc wll be held n the Roll- boys of Pack 7 are May, when they wll partcpate n the Town Memoral Day parade and June 8, when they wll take part n Panorama '68, the Watchung Councl's Scoutng Jamboree at North Branch Park. Several boys receved rank awards at th May meetng, wth Webelos awards gong to Tom Law, Pat -Mullen, Steve Ayres, Mark Harres, Hank Myers, Ned Perry, Crag Buhrendorf, Mark Fertakus and Wally Roff. Webelos achevement awards for Athlete, Showman and Sportsman also went to Tom Law, Pat Mullen, Steve Ayres, and Mark Harres.. The followng la a Hat of the pfflpes to be voted for at the sad Prmary Electon: Electors of a Presdent and Vce Presdent of the Unted States, r and Alternate ^ p are to be chosen by each of the Republcan and Democratc Partes. Dstrct DeleKUteB and Alternate Dstrct Delegates to tho Natonal Conventon aro to be chosen by each of the Republcan and Democratc Partes from the Twelfth Congressonal Dstrct. A Momljer of the House of Representatves from the Twelfth Congressonal Dstrct. One Sherff. One Surrogate, One Reg-lBtcr of Deeds and Mort- Boar rank awards were presented to. Erc Henderson, Mark Waltman, Donald Assmann, Rchard Klne and Arthur Schwartz. Wolf awards were gven to Scott Mller, Paul Canape aud Torln Kelly. Walter LuU receved both gold and slver arrows md slver arrows were presented to Crag Smlheman, Boto Smth, Armand Buslno and Davd Pr s nock. Den nor and/or assstant denner bars were gven to the followng boys: Erc Henderson, Murk Waltman, Scott Mller, Davd PrJsnock, Jm Penkofer, Randy Redletn, Paul Lews, Hobby Delmaster and Bob Buntng. Servce Stars were awarded to the followng den leaders and.pack personnel: Mrs. Lorrane Multen, Hank Myers, Art Assmann, Bll Hoffmeyer, Norm Bonsall, (Mrs. Dot Smth, Mrs. Se Obency, Walter Utz, A da Penkofer, Mrs. Mary Faulkner, Mrs. Barbara Auda, Jack Obecny, Bob Roff, Walter Douglas, and Tom Mullen. Whtlock Elected ns* Co. Offcer F. Ed*ar Whtlock of ltt Lncoln Rd. has been elected secretary of The Home nsurance Company. Mr. Whtlock became afflated wth The Home n 96 as a marne specal agent, After servng n Chcago and St. Lous, he was transferred to the head offce where le was eventually pwnoted to man* ager of the sales and advertsng department. n December 96, he was elected assstant secretary and later transferred to the m<jwestern dvson of the company. n 987, he was transferred to the western dvson. Three Members of Board, of Chosen Freeholders. A Mayor for the Town of Westld One Counclman from each of the Four Warda. Male and Female member of the County Commttee wll be elected by the Republcan and Democratc partes from oach Electon Dstrct. The places n the several dstrct where the sad Beards of ReRtstr and Electon wn meet are ** follows: P rot Ward. Frst Dstrct Rooevelt Junor Hltfh school Frst Ward, Second Dstrct Hooevelt Junor Hgh Bchool Frst Ward, Thrd Dstrct Benfamn Frankln School Frst Ward, Fourth Dstrct Muncpal Buldng r junta clpal Gr%nt hool *lstltd*trl«t Mun v W*nl 9t%\ Dstrct Ward, Second Dstrct Grant School Second Ward, Thrd Dstrct Washngton School Second Ward, Fourth Dstrct V/lU*n 8«to*l Second W*ra, Ffth putrlct Thrd Ward, Frst Dstrct M»- pntc Temple Thrd Ward, f cond Dstrct LU* con School Thrd Ward. Thrd Dstrct Co- Hcbool Thrd Ward. Fourth Dstrct Ln ln Schol * ta «. Thrd Ward. Ft th PUtrUt ffraon Ekhool Thrd Ward, 8*th Dstrct lumbus School Fourth Ward. Fr#t DUtrlcl Knley School. Fourth Ward. Btoond Dtptrlet ^ McKlnley School Fourth W*rd t Thrd Dstrct S+» lor Hgh School Fourth Ward. Fourth Dstrct ~» Senor Hlffh School Fourth Ward, Ffth Dstrct Jell feraon School, The boundary lnt* of the dffer e«t dstrcts are as showt* on tht fqllowlnr map; JOT C. VREBLAND, Town C\ Fees $9. Complete Beor Wheel and Frame Straghtenng e WHEEl ALGNMENT $WHa BAUNCNO GENERAL AUTOMOBU KFAWNG BRAKB SERVCE CARBURETOR A GNTON WHALEN'S GARAGE Authorzed "Bwr Staton AUTO LTE MVC 6 NORTH AVB.,. TEL AD Call Fov and D«lvory TOWNSENl Want to store a trunk or so? Want to store all your household possessons for a whle? Our freproof warehouse s Dr. C. Hans Keysser of 5 Bar- Chester Way has been named drector of the pathology departn^ent of The Squbb nsttute for Medco Research. The announcement was made by Charles G. Smth, assocate drector of the nsttute. Born and educated n Berln, Ger many, Dr. Keysser receved hs doctor of medcne n 9 from the Fred rch Wlhelms Uolverstat, and hs Specalty -Board n 95, from the Arztekammer, Hanover. From 97 to 95 he was bead of the clncal laboratory department of the Krank enhnus Frederlkenstft n Hannover, West Germany, Durng ths tme he also taught clncal pathology at the School of Medcal Technology, Veternary School. For the followng two years he was head of the clncal laboratory department, Submed ca G.m.b.H. Pharmaceutcal Co. n Munch. He joned Squbb n 957 as a research assocate n pharmacology. Pror to ha latest appontment, he was assstant drector of the toxcol ogy-pathology department n charge of pathology. Dr. Keysser s a member of the nternatonal Academy of Pathology, tt» German Socety of Pathology and the European Socety for the Study of Drug Toxc'ty. Dr. Keysser am hs wfe have one son. «^ y^ the place to do t. GO CLASSFED rate ocuvery c^f 5 Elm Street S PARKNG A PROBLEM? CALL MAPS THE OWN QE WESTFELD UNON COUNTY ADoms -66

21 Control Lawn Weeds Now Have you ever been beaten to the punch by a weed? Moat horn* ownen acrom the country would h»ve to answer yet to tha More, and mow bpxw ownera arefndng- that rhwnfaal.weed control u the early prng produbee a thck, vforou and tm^rtk ful lawn durng the summer. Chemcal weed control n. the sprnf elmnates weed competton for plant food and water, allowng the grass to get a better statt. '- '"'' '' ;.' ' '"V*' The brdper applcaton of weed control chemcals s mportant Acfordlg to the Natonal Sprayer and Duttor Assocaton, a oompremed ar. sprayer, wth a tank capacty oflhto * gallons, h deal for weed control on the average-lawn; - Lswn weed cohtfol chenlca-shotlld be appled at a low pressure and wth «unform wettng. The spray should be appled as soon as the weeds appear jn the sprng. As s the caas wth any chemcal, can should' be taken to read and follow the manufacturer's nstructons on the label... H your lawn s ^ tto ay w, JW ^,JW» {{ 585** a mall power sprayer. These unts an avalable wth ether a gasolne engne tt nn electrc motor and have a tank capacty of tan falloaa of more. Ths acveased tank capacty means sat refllng for the larger jobs., The Sprayer and Duster Assocaton states that lawn weed control s most effectve when the chemcal la sprayed n eoarsa droplets wth the nozzle held S nches or less from the surface, Whatever type of sprayer best fts your needs, the tans; to remember s that early weed control wll gve your lawu a good start ths sprng. Junors to Help At Camp Endeavor Boys and grls of the ffth and lxth grades of the Frst Methodst Church wll spend Saturday June t Camp Endeavor to ready the camp for the summer occupancy of ome 5 Unon County chldren who wll be attendng the camp ths summer. The Junor Metnoasu wll spend a day rakng Jeavts* dustng, sweepng, scrubbng and gettng the camp ready for the chldren who need the experence of two weeks n de! country. The! junors wll take along wth (hem clothng they,have collected from church famles cu well as craft materal, candy treats, paper products, books and bath towels for the use of the chldren who wll attend. Cars wll leave the church parkng lot at 9: and return about. After ther work s completed, the junors wll be treated to a cook-out at the camp, made poume by a generous church number. Ths work project of the Junor Methodsts has become a tradton Dr. Devln Elected Orthodontsts 9 V.P. Dr. Go-ald Devfln of Westflefld has been elected vce presdent of the SStMnetnher Amcrloan Assocaton of Orthodontsts'. Dr. Devln's elevaton <to the vce presdency tcok place at a meetng c -the AAO's 'house of delegates 'as the natonal scclrty cf dental specalsts "n problems -of crooked teeth and jaws 'held ts 6th annual conventon at the San Francsco MHton. Elect Clergyman To McCarthy Unt The Rev! Charles Brackblll Jr., 557 Deer Path, Mountansde, wns elected honorary charman of the Mountansde Volunteers for Mc- Carthy. Ths was announced by Cocharman Robert Jafte and Mrs. Rchard Fork at an executve board meetng of the organzaton held recently at the home of Mr. Jaffe. The Rev. Brackbll, who has resded wth hs famly n Mountansde for the past eght years, holds the poston of assocate executve of the Unted Presbyteran Church, dvson of mass meda. He wll serve actvely n drectng the Mountansde Volunteers for -McCarthy organzaton. Also.announced at ths meetng was the addton of Mrs. Harold Tulchn of (Mountansde to the executve board. Under dscusson at the meetng was an assessment of the ndana prmary. Mr. Jaffe stated that "Kennedy's narrow vctory justfes our contnung support and ncreased ef- Handcapped Chld Deserves Best, Says Dr. Staub, Hosptal Head Dr. R. 'Mlton Staub, and medcal drector of Chldren's SoecaUzed Hosptal. Wcstfleld- Mountfllnsde, returned Thursday from He four-dav Mddle At.-anlc Hosptal Assembly n Atlantc Oty. Durng the Assembly, Dr. Etaub was present z lhc hosptal's booth n Conventon Hall to answer auostlons about -the extensve rehabltaton -servces offered at Chldren's Specalzed Hospjtal. The theme of the booth was "Every chld deserves a place n the sun." - "The handcapped chld deserves t)hc best we -have to offer," Dr. Staub snld. " Chldren's Specalsed Hosptal, we provde the physcal, occupatonal and speech therapes needed by handcapped youngsters, n'addton to ntensve medcal and -nursng care. "Sohobl Facltes provded by the local Board of Educaton enable chldren to mantan ther normal schedules. "Nurses, staff members and volunteers teach dressng habts, table manners and safe play! : "Not only the physcal llness, but the whole chld JJS cared for to assure that hs llness does not set hm back behnd hs age group, out of hs place n the sun." Although Dr. Staub has returned to Chldren's Specalzed Hosptal, a 'hosptal representatve wll be present when the booth s moved to Haddon Hall n Atlantc Cty.for the annual meetng of ttw New Jersey State Medcal Socety. The representatve wg answer forts n behalf of Senator Eugene questons and dstrbute. brochures McCarthy; n obtanng nearly *»*«* **» meetng, from May 9 per cent of the ndana vote. Mr. Me- to - Carthy demonstrated that he has the grass roots support and can stand up aganst the demagoguery, poltcal opportunsm and money power of the poltcal machnes." Co-Charman Mrs. Fork aj$o stated that "we are pleased at the broad base of popular support for <Mr. McCarthy and young people who have left the n Mountansde demonstrated by junor department often return for volunteers crossng party lnes to t h s project of "chldren helpng nclude Democrats, Republcans and chldren." Hutchson V.P. Of nsurance Co. ndependents," Mrs. Fork further stated that "sgnfcant contrbutons have already been receved as well as pledges of support and number have been establshed so a PO Box as well as telephone other supporters can come forth." They are Mountansde Volunteers for McCarthy, PO Box, Moun- James W. Hutchson ol»hu tansde OT9. top Rd. has been elected vce presdent and secretary of t* Home *< «* malng to au The group wll contnue dlstrlbu- nsurance Company. Mountansde urgng them to vote n the Prmary 6f June, and wttng Mr. HutcMson we* employed by forth descrptons of the prmary bat- The Home Jn, 98. After *ervtaf to H «Jvn «* wm»» «l au the del*. the fad ^Nt later n"^he toregh e ^? and *?****!& *??' n ^. A, ^. addton volunteers wll vst au department of the omqttnyjhe was resdents rf Mouna M de at tter a >ponted personnel drector n homes to answer quest tons and fur 958. He was elected vomwkant sec-theretary n 96 and secretary n explan procedures Resdents Terms Expre At Unon The annual meetng of the Board of Trustees of Unon College wll be held at p.m., Monday, n the Stanley Room of the Campus Center. A slate of offcer* for the 98M acedemc year wll be presented by Dr. Wllam H. McLean, Short Hlls, charman o the nomnatng and board membershp commttee. Among the terms of trustees exprng ths year ar those of Cuddle E. Davdson Jr. of 7 Jefferson* Ave., and Oscar G. Garner of toppng Hll Rd. Dr. Albert E. Medcr Jr. of SOB Salter P., charman of the educaton commttee, wtu report on plans to establsh a Hgher Educaton Agency n Unon County, whch would contract wth Unon College and the Unon Com*; Techncal nsttute, Scotch Plafau, for educatonal servces. TV agency would be enpowered to receve county and state funds to pay for these servces. Other reports wll be made by J. Kenneth Boyles of Jefferson Ave., charman of the fnance commttee. where - *» rfyv'y*! "Our -theme of a place n the sun," D,r. Staub contnued, "seems approprate for Hosptal Wonk whch began May. "So many young pecple wro desperately want to help ther handcapped or underprvlodgod fellow ""non do net realze low much hosphals need ther ef fols. "Every sort of off art, talent and tranng ts needed to run the hoscommunty. n addton to medcal and nursng tranng, hos- 'j:t-a!s 'today need busness management ablty for 'the role of hosptal ndmnslrator, techncal and scentfc tranng for the hosptal engneer and psyhcolo?cal tranng for her socal servce worker, "Hosptal busness s one of the 'argest -busnesses n the Unted StCtRS, employng several mllon )QOp!e n all sorts of jobs. As scentfc advancements are made, and wtth the ncreases cf and Medoad, the numbers of persons needed on the health team wll ncrease rapdly, "To be part of ths exctng actvty, on the fronters of medcal break-throughs, s'somethng every young person should serously consder." The Chldren's Specalzed Hosptal s a non proft hosptal exceptonally well-equpped and staffed to "treat patents who axe restrcted by a physcal dsablty requred protracted : treatment.. t s -an "open" hosptal dn that a referrng physcan may assgn full responsblty for prescrbng treatment to the hosptal's medcal staff or le may elect to retan that responsblty. NHVMumt THE WESTFELD fn.j.> Pvl- Dxon Awarded Parachutst's Badge Army Pvl, George L. Dxon, lfl, sen of Mr. and Mrs. George L. Dxon, Wndsor Ave. receved a parachutst badge May upon completon of the nfantry School's hrec-week arborne course al Ft. Bennng, Ga. Hs tranng, whch ncluded fve jumps from a C- arplane Hyng 7 mles an hour at an alttude of,5 feet, qualfed hm as a parachutst. He also underwent strenuous physcal corufcuonlng.. Dougher Named Senor Agent By Company James D. Dougher of Ccttage Place, las been named a senor agent by Provdent Mutual Lfe nsurance Company cf Phladelpha. Mr. Dougher's new desgnaton was announced toy the company's agency vce presdent, Lews C. Sprague. Senor agent status s acheved by those Provdent Mutual agents who n addton to completng -at least ten years wth the company have mantaned an outstandng record of sales and servce to ther clents. Mr. Dougher joned Provdent Mutual n 958 and a year tyter was presented wth the company's gold medallon award far frst-year producton superorty, Snce then, he has been a consstent qualfer for meetngs of the Provdent Mutual Leaders Assocaton, an organzaton of the leadng underwrters of the Company. LEADER CLASSFMD ADS BRNG SULTS General Electrc never have? rost agan ot n the refrgerator, not tvtn Jn tt* roll-out frpnarf HUOC VEOCTAU WH Start* burmt convnrrau MEAT MM K~P% mett ttonffth up to 7 daytl wldu\ full-wdth htlvm (Wtp«out homt gal. mlk cartons). FTS FLUSH, NO DUrTCATCHN ONACK UTTM CONPmONEM wth ttmptrtttn* control. nouovronvmcosr NEW! General Electrc No-Frost 'Sde-by-Sde 8 'puts afuu heght refrgerator... a full-heght freezer, n one -nch wde cabnet... add THURSDAY, MAY. 9ft Mr. M Mm. Htewurt W. lovunn, tunnerv ff WruttWl, rr nut n hrlr m^v OH- ft NS^ n»lnh> wne* Heolcb MNP. whlrh tuvy turjmt-l twn Mr. nml %lr* t Artlmr..llt*j. The **«!* f ** \\u* n^ruthletl l>? Cluer L\ k, Jr.. TREE SPRAY MWr W- }^MM "'-**'*' Wth Modern Equpment SCHM EXPERT CALL r*" p Cy<U whh 6-lb. Capacty and daas Dtwnl N AND MOM n,,a^bp«uub Hand WaMl HAND Mftt TREE 99 Washer AttfT NO-WRNKLE N*w! GMMN Ehctre Ltw bolow your moans. f fle to gel oro d we hova a suggestom Cut down on fh«hgh cost «l gtntag wamtl And buy a Volkswagen, h's only. $699.* That's around $ lew Aon»* a«erog«omounl pakl lor a new car lodoy. t*ovsj Mta h* bank. Mor*'$ comng J A VW saves you kowk*k oldovort on vpfcetff Aver the years. k takes pnfs* nof qvor% of oc Not one tola of onrtrmze. And t gets obout 7 ml«to the gatton. Th* OVerag car (thrsty devl that t ll only gets, So the more you drve, the more you sov«. And chances ar; you'll drve t for years and 'years. (Snce we never chonge the style, VW ever goes oul of style.) Of course, a VW's not much to look at. So o tot of people buy a bg flashy car just to sov* foe*. Try puttng that n MM bank. H mm VLKSWGE me. Mvcfa LEADER ADS BRNG RESULTS ncawto CONDTONED HOHTSTOWN COUNTRY Andy D*nt» SWTCH TO t%% HEATNG Ol foomamnolco *s*»j 5X-. '?m - > ' :::'::'. ^ & \ Mode! TFf-StDD 8.cM.ft.N«tVolum«NVH No frost Fr«fZ*r hfxrf 9 (M. of froztn food all easyto tt, tasy-tor#ach on the fraczer stelves and n th«handy Slde-Out StM*c* ask«tl NtW! No-Frost Refrgerator has bg capacty Vegetable Bn, Butter Condtoner wth Temperature Control, Sldft-Out M*at Pan, Sld* Out Porcetan-orvSt««Frut Pant 5 Full-Wdth Door Shelves! And n# mny <Mrottng w«r, not n th* refrgerator, not n the freezer! 9 95* n color, $5. addtonal Qualty Krvce wherever you lw NO DOWN PAYMENT! EASY TERMS: Mnmum Retal Trce AR: CuU r-;». /O*#;= '- '*--*:»v> -: -V,--; -s *.-. ^r b J n WMT 5*.?:?-::> -'- -J, " Nnvwntnt fabrtot Model DE6D Thanhs to ths GC Drytr, ctom«com«out sunshne-fresh. fluffy, lnt-free. Fluff S«l«cton for gentle low-heat dryng- Selec- Uon Swtch for Hgh and Delcate temperatures. Tmed eyew lets you select dryng tmes up to mnutes for specu loaos. WESTFELD'S ONLY G-E DEALER MAJOft E, Brood St, Wt*tf«ld «AD -

22 Pago 8 TFE WESTFrELD (N.J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, MAY, 68 Mss Heatly s GOP Delegate Mss Constance A. jeatly was elected Natonal commlec woman /or New Jersey to the Natonnl Young Republcan Federaton on Saturday n Asbury Pork. Former charman of the Unon County Young Republcans, Mss Hently s n addton the Regular 'Republcan screen ng commttee choce as alternate delegate to the Notonal Republcan Conventon to be held n Mam n August. A member of the Westfcld Area Young Republcans Mss Heatly holds consderable credentals as a workng Republcan. S h e s a Commtteewoman n the Second Ward of Wcstfcld as a resdent lvng at 7a Farncres Ave. She has been a delegate to the Stale YRs for several years and has served as frst vce charman of the state. The term of offce s two years. Other offcers elected were: Charman, Bran Barb of Essex County; frst vce charman, Lnda McQuag of Passac County; natonal commtteeman, Joseph Leo, Mddlesex County. (Mss Heatly s a graduate of Oho Unversty and s a commercal artst employed at Scheer Advertsng n Newark. THE DRVER'S '. SEAT " Here's somethng that wll make the dayof all male readers of ths column researchers have fnally found one type of drvng stuaton n whch women are more accdentprone than men. Women are about four tmes as lkely to have an accdent f a tre goes flat than average drvers, most of whom are men. Ths s one of the results of a study of auto accdents on the llnos Tollway, conducted by the Traffc nsttute of Northwestern Unversty. The study was made for the Rubber Manufacturers Assocaton. The researchers found that the age of the drver, as well as the sex, seemed to have a great deal to do wth the ablty to cope wth a sudden flat tre on the hghway. Whle all women drvers had four tmes as great a chance to have an accdent followng a flat tre, females under years old were found to have tmes the flat-tre accdent chances of the average drver. Ths can be compared wth all drvers, male and female, under and women between and 5, who were found to be fve tmes more Jkely than the average to have an accdent followng a flat. These nterestng conclusons are only sde effects of the study, whch was conducted to fnd out how many accdents are caused by tres gong flat. Of the,86 accdents surveyed, nvolvng,96 vehcles, less than.5 per cent were lsted as caused by flat tres. That's less than the number of accdents caused by collsons wth deer and just slghtly more than those caused by couswn wth cattle (despte full fencng of the tollway system n llnos). Stll, t suggests that persons wth Jess drvng experence have more trouble copng wth a fat tre at hghway speeds. t's a good dea to remember a few smple rules: Before any hgh-speed drvng, nspect your tres for cracks, punctures and treadwear. (To do ths, nsert a Lncolnhead penny, head down, nto the tread. f the tread doesn't touch Abe's har, the tre s dangerously worn.) f a tre goes flat whle drvng, coast down to a stop and pull off the road. But don't apply brakes they could throw you outof control. Pull far enough off the pavement so that your car and you, as you change the tre, won't be ht by oncomng traffc. * * When walkng after dark, be sure to wear lght-colored or reflectve clothng or accessores so you can be seen by motorsts. fconomcal OL HEAT CONVNNr TMt PtMM AD -9 J. S. RVHGL COMPANY Oft AVC.,VWCST APPLANCES STATON RADO TV AND APPLANCES LATEST N COLOR TV ON DSPLAY AT OUR STORES WE SERVCE WHAT WE SELL COLOR TELEVSON Headquarters -66 Central Av«. (Opp. Qulmby St.) ELM RADO & TV, NC. Headquarters for Whrlpool Kltch*» Ad Hamlton Washers A Dryers Hoover Vacuum Cleaner RCA Color TV, Rado*, Etc. M Elm St* -M SNOWDEN APPLANCES WM(«M Sales & Servce Washer* ft y Dshwashers & Dsposals Vacuum Cleaners Refrgerators A Freeer* Genune Factory Part -Mlt S Nortk AT*. W. VAN'S APPLANCE CO. W«trt#«SERVCE NSTALLATON SAXES KTCHEN AD HAMLTON -WHRLPOOL NORQE Aad Ma»y Others PROMPT SERVCB Call E. Broad St. Wsttfteld STORM w*m>ows ROOFNG ALUMNUM BDNG AWNNGS JALOUSES «Wt Servce Wfcat We S»U» FREE ESTMATES Dal 686*966 6 Morrs Av#. Unon ARTSTS' SUPPLES Wettffetd Art Supply Grumbacher Artsts' Materals Brushes Ols Canvas Dal -6 Central Are. S AUTO BODY REPARS SEVELL'S AUTO BODY CO. Body SBA Pant Stoop taa ALA M.C.A. Rood Ad t Hour Towla» Fender Repars Palatlnf Truck Palutlas aad Repars Fortes Car Bervtoa Call Wndsor Ave. Wttfleld BODYART COLLSON SHOP George W, Kochftra, Prop, 9 Collson Experts Auto and Truck B nsurance Eatlmate Body and Fender Rtpftlr* Hour To wn* Coll South Ave. Gorwood a AUTO DEALERS GOODWN MOTOR CORP. STUDEBAKER MERCEDES ENZ HllMAN SUNBEAM AUTHORZED Bales and Servce Plan SeM -at naaeee SOUTH AVE. RAMBLER, NC Authorzed RAMBLER Soles and Servce forts Repars USCD CARS South Ave. 8. WesfffeW ROTCHFORD PONTAC lfc. Anthor«e<S PONTAC- Bftles A Serrlce Good Wll Uaed Cars *t K«rtk A*» WE'RE AS NEAR TO YOU AS YOUR PHONE AUTO DEALERS THOMAS LNCOLN-MERCURY, NC. Authored COMET TRUMPH Sale an* Senrto* PfcoBff AD «Ml *«tk Av*. W. WNMVM UNON COUNTY VOLKSWAGEN, nc. Authorsed VOLKSWAGEN CENTER Sale* Servce Parts New and Used Can Truck* atatloa Wagon* Karmaa Ghlaa Factory-Traned Mechancs PL «-T*«WESTFELD FORD Servng- Ford Owners for Over Tears Authorzed r*o R D FlafaSeM Sales Servce THUNDERBRD _ FARLANE FALCON AD North Ave. E. Wetlflold LNDEMAN BUCK CO. NC WCK Authorse* BUCK and OPEl Sale* and Servce Parts Repar* QUALTY USED CARS AD -88 ft* Nortfc A»e., WestftelS RELLY OldsmobUCo. Authorsed Oldtmoblle sss. J f GREAT WESTERN MOTORS, NC Authorse* TOYOTA ftlss ft Bervlo* Corona Sedans e Crown Bed am Wasroaa Strfnt Pckupa e Land Cruser Wheel Drve Dal 75-8 n at NORRS CHEVROLET CHEVROLET Authorsed BALKS * 8BRVCS Major and Mnor Repars Lara-* Bsleeton of Used Cars and Truck* Dal - Osstrsl AT*, an* ar«h* WeelleM AUGUSTNE Authorsed MOTORS CHRYSLER e MPERAL. PLYMOUTH VALANT Bales aad Servce Headquarters for "JE Dal North Avo. E. WestfleW Advertse n Ths Space «Mttt*#ML MAfMHU* # MAMMWAMM AUTO DEALERS WESTFELD DODGE, nc. Dodge DODGH DART Authorsed Sales A Servce DODGE "Jab-Rated" TRUCKS Dal North Ave. E. V/estfeld SPRNGFELD MPORTED MOTORS Authorzed Dealer S ALFA-HOMEO RKMAULT a TR'MPB Salea Servce Parts We Specalse n Servce of All Domestc A mported Cars U.S. Hwy. No. Sprngfeld AUTO RADATORS LBERTY GLASS CO. OF WESTFELD Auto Radator* Repared e Recored Replaced Dal *M Sent* AT* ft. AWNNGS, SHADES WwtftU Wndow Shop Bat. MAKERS OF tt [ CHATTN) AWNNGS Canvas * Alumnum Storagw Taks Pown * Re-hang* Serrloe Canopes Rented Custom-Made Venetan Blnds, Wndow Shades Alumnum Comb, Estmates A- Samples -8 f no answer, 7H-H7 6 North Avt. W. We.rf.ld BAKERS COLONAL PASTRY SHOPPE CAKB8 * PASTRY FOR ALL OCCASONS e Open Sundays to weekdays 7 to 7 Closed Mondays Call -5U An. W. BEAUTY SHOPS PHLP'S NTERNATONAL COFFTJRBfl Phlp, formerly of Charles of the Rta and Beet * Co. For Supreme Eleaancs la the Latest Har Fashon* _ WOS Dal -88 Betutlful New Ar Condtoned Salon At tfte Ball t» tke m«* Star Shepata* Ceate* V.. Hwr, S Watehaas; Tues., Thnrs., Frl. t to 9 Moa. aad Sat. ft to < RCHARD'S NEW WORLD OF BEAUTY Sp«clalltta la Raor Cuttlaf Peronalled Pcrmanentj wt* Razor Cut Foundatloa, Wfg-leta and ther prop«r c»r«free OFF-STREET PAR KNO Call For Appolntmnt 7 -.9tv Vt.*t<* RAPD REFERENCE TO RELABLE BUSNESS HOySES BEAUTY SHOPS WG SALON Complete Selecton of Hgh Fashon Hnlrplecos & Accessores ndvdually Matched and Custom Styled For You Reatyltng & Reparng Servce Of All Har Goods By Our Own Stylng: Department Our Award Wnnng: Stylng: Department Wll Clean, Set Or Hepalr Your Harpece RegardleBB Of Where Purchased Same Day Servce Stylng By Mas Mary ELM ST. WESTFELD BOOKS THE TOWN BOOK STORE BOOKS FOR ALL Paperbacks tgrwtfv Oata Rental.»rea«St. (Bear Batraace from Tow Parkns; Lot) BOWLNG CLARK BOWLNG LANES Suck Bar Coektall S Brunswck Automatc Pn«etl»r«_ Fre* Bt tns; 8*rvlc* For Bowllnt Mothers Free Daytme Bowllna* astroctloa by Qualfled nstructors 8-7 Control Av* CURTANS, DRAPERES FREDAL DECORATORS Featnrla* CURTANS UNEN8 BED8PRXADS Custom Made UP COVERS DRAPSRSS Dal -85 Elm. Qulmby 9H. FENCES BARTELL'S FARM & GARDEN SUPPLES, NC Ruund Cedar Spll Ral Stockade Scott's Lawn Care Products Water-Softenlns: Salt Dal Centrnl Avs> Clark FLOOR COVERNGS BRUNT & WERTH, nc. t/o W. R. Dotber & Co. LNOLEUM FORMCA SNK A COUNTER TOPS SHADES «VENETAN BLNDS All Faroou Make Dal Central Ave. Wettflald Dally from to Mon. ft Frl. Kveg 'tl 8 P.M. HYDE & ELLS, nc. COMPLETE NSTALLATON fcr COMPETENT MECHANCS ALL NAME BRANDS LNOLEUM VDTL TLSS FORMCA WORK Alumnum Storm Bth Rft-aatd Dal ^7 6 South AVSJ. W. Wwtfteld FORMAL WEAR TALORS "Formal Wear Rentals** We Hare Our Own Stock CUSTOM TALORED SUTS DRY CLEANNG Mes's * Women's AtUraMoas Clork Dol.58 Qulmby St. WmtfttJd W«stfl«ld DETECTVE AGENCES R.K. NVESTGATORS NC. Stats Lcensed Bonded-lBsurod Dvorce Evdence Bklp-Locate Servce Guard Servce DOORS S fferth Are. MmOfOUTAH DOOR CO. "A Name Brand Product Makes the Dfference" NDUSTRAL COMMERCAL RESOKNTAL, Stryks) ond Repar* R*)ploc«m«nt on All Mal* Doors Fra«EstlmofM Tsraw ALSO farmwold Doers ond Wood Foldng Doors Sou* Avo* W. Wostf fold S DRUG STORES TFFANY DRUGS Opea 7 Days a Week From a.m. to t, Bnadaya aad Holdays la«l Free Pck-Up asd Delvery DARBY'S DRUG STORE www ftm* Atom *\\n OTVFV Coal FUEL OL REEL-STRONO FUEl CO. Frendly Benrlce Blnoe»»" MOBLHBAT HEATNG OLS Coke BRdQ* 6*9 LEHGH Ol CO., NC L»WUOD or Joy Ol Co. FUBL OL RANKN FUEL CO. the Westflel* Art* FUEL OL OL BURNER Sales and Bervlos Ceateulal FUGMANN OL COMPANY AJwoys R«ody to Cnafer«Bales * Servce Watch do* Burner Berres Baa? Budget Payment Plaa Dal -57 * Sovfh Avo. E. WwrfbW HEARNG ADS GOOD HEARNG STARTS AT THE CENTER CLARE U AHRENS LOUS M. TOTTEN Certfed Hearnff Ad Audloloftsts Satsfacton Guaranteed «Cmmtwmt ff. -99 SS Park ATC Advertse n Ths Space HEATNG CONTRACTORS Clements Bros. nc. Haatng Equpment mtalled FUEL OL and BURNER SERVCE Call - 5 North Avs. E. Wetflsld RANKN FUEL CO. ' WNKLER LP - Sales & Servce Prompt, Dependable FUEL OL DELVERT Call 7S-SM CnBf«M NSURANCE DAVDSON & MARTN NSURORS Represeatatlves for Auto Plan Glens Falls ns. Co. Hanover ns. Co. ns. Co. of North Maryland Casualty Us. Co. Oho Casualty ns. Co. Wast Amercan las. Co. Call -755 t. PEARSALL & FRANKENBACH, NC St. *7 Bet. lftll ALL FORMS OF NSURANCE LAMPS t REPARS ' z,r-rr\?a CATALNA LGHTNG of Wnstfleld nor ss or rm LAMP* AND LGHTNG FXTVKStS S Fne Bohema* mported Crystal Chandelers and others Lamps of Dstncton for every purpose barfe Selecton of Shades Lamp Mountlna* Dal - 6 Control Avt. Wt.Hl.ld WLLAMS LAMPS WMtftoM OMm um PARKNG H HBA» r one-stop lamp headquarters Rennahlna-. rewlrlns; and repar of any lamp' Old lamps restored Vctoran fflobes pants* to Smalt* your bass Lamp shads* repared or roeotered Also can duplcate nnrqtnsr shade Llshtln* Fxtures Wlllb bronse and a* llfhts We also nstall Larse stock of replacement «< Do-ft-Yourelf lamp parts Open svtnlna*f f-t LAUNDRES VORY LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS Complete Launderlnffor Famly We Specalse n fne lnens k cotton r«ss Same >ay Servce on Request 5% Cash A Carry Dscount for Laundry Dona by the Pound For Pfck-np and Delvery Coll -5 6 'rotpscf St. WsstMd (opp, Flro House) SAMOSET LAUNDRY SERVCE, NC LOUNDRT DRT CLBAJnKO "Drre-n Servce" Caoh and Carry LUMBER J. S. RVNG COMPANY LUMBER * MLL WORK Of El very Descrpton FUEL OL OL BURNERS HARDWARE PANTS Dnu S-MM as Hmmt% Ave. W. MEATS J&M SUPER MARKET Complete Qualfy Food Market WMtSele Prms Meat custom Cut Bervloe Home Made Food Speolaltlas. Fresh fruts and Vegetables. Freeer Orders - Mountan Avt>. - Mounts nsld«movng A STORAGE HENRY P. TOWNSEND STORAGE MOVNGoV PACKNG Ml!fert» Ave. W. AD S-S OPTCANS ROBERT F. DAY Pmcrlptlon Optfclan call RAYMOND L WHEELER OPTCANS # Qlssass Leaaoa DnpJ Flats» Urn Hour.: Monday *:M AM, to 9M Dally: :» A.M. to f:o PJl Dal -55 lfldkntrnl Av» V> WE REPLACE BROKEN FRAMES WHLE YOU WAT We -replace all type* of lenwg, toa> Just brlnar n the Plece of fom broken ROBT. E. BRUNNER PANTS HARDWAM WcatScM Tews Rlvef Best ay Tast" FANTS HARDWARE WALLPAPBB NG TOOL* RBNTSf Op«a Moa. * Frl. Ul 5 5 South Av». W- V SHOS OUTHOPfOC Flal *y CRSANT Ortnoa«e AN AD N THS SPACE WLL BRNG RESULTS Phone Today -7

23 Frank Jones, Former Track Star, Named to ndana U. Post Frpnk B. Jones, former Westleld resdent and trple wnner of t\\c New Jersey Hgh School state champonshp n the mle run, has been named alumn. secretary of ndana' Unversty.. Jones was named by trustees of (he Hooser MMe unversty to succeed Claude Rch, wth whom he 'had worked for 7 years, frst as assstant and then -as assocate alumn secretary. Rch was named full-tme dreotor for the Unversty's sesqucentennal celebraton n 97. Jones' -brother, Ralph, a New York publc relatons offcal lvng n Fanwood, s presdent of the ndana earn hs way to a degree by man- snack bars n student res Unversty Alumn Club of New Jer-agnsey. Another brother, Frederck, s an employee of Squbb Pharmaceutcal Co. of New Brunswck and resdes n WestKeld. Frank Jones won the state hgh school mlo race competton n 9, 9, and 9, and -was nvted to attend ndana by the late Coach E, C. (Blly) Hayes n the fall of 9. Lke many of hs generaton, however, he was soon n mltary servce, enlstng n the Army n February, 9. Tfce *-*lcc *f Alan JeaaatoM, Realtor aaa»«<!«l the follow l a* real catate tvaaafen Mm. Eleaaar N. Ftaker «f Faawnml la BOW resuhav la aew apllt l*wl Home at K«mpaaMll Trr., Faawood, whch ahe receatlr aarcaaac* (mm Mr.»«Mra, Ocorse R. Bran do a. The aale waa aeftotlatej by BM«> Thfcl. >» MT or» flyng cjgcrnl TO STOP DAMAO Y THESE NSECTS Call TERMTE CONTROL, NC * #. SEVC Wwtfldd -9 Scotch Plan* -9 Ellqbth 55-9 RowM 5-9 All W«fk Uncfcr DrcKot of DR. ARTHUR S. WLUAMS --. ^. EVER He tljreo.year?' mltary servce ncluded assgnments n Australa, New Gunea, the Phlppnes and Japan.. Returnng to the unversty under the G.. Bll of Rghts, he lelped denco centers. Upon recevng the B.S, degree n educaton n 8, ho was named assstant track coach. Three years later he earned the M.. degree n (ho School of Health-Physcal Edu caton-recreaton and became assstant alumnd secretary. He was promoted to assocate alumn secretary n 966. Hts prncpal assgnment has been to drect the organzaton and operaton of groups wthn the naton al alumn assocaton made up of graduates and former students of the ndvdual colleges and dvsons of the Unversty. He also dfreoted computerzaton of the assocaton's records to keep track of mare than 8, lvng alumn. Actve n cvc affars, he was named "Outstandng Young Man of ndana" by the Junor Chamber of Commerce n 957 and receved the "Dstngushed Servce Award" from the Btoomngton Junor Chamber of Commerce n 958. He has served as campagn charman for the local Unted Fund and as drector of Ahe ndana State Exchange Club fund drve to provde a resdence at ndana Unversty {or chldren attendng the Speech and Hearng Clnc. He s a deacon n the Presbyteran Church. He s marred to ttte former Geraldne M. Newton of Mlwaukee. * Ws. They have two sons and two daughters.» - - Regonal to Elect PTA Offcers OUT OF HOT WAT Offcers were elected by the PTA o! Governor Lvngston Regonal Hgh School at ther meetng Thursday n the hgh school audtorum. Mrs, L. O. Brown of Mountansde presented the new. offcers. Mrs. Wllam Ruch of Berkeley Heghts s the n-comng presdent wth Mrs. Allen Dens and Mrs. Roland Hecker servng as frst and second vce presdent. Mrs. F. D. Hoffert of Mountansde wlt be recordng secretary and Mrs. Wllam Kuks of Berkeley Heghts wll be correspondng secretary. The new treasurer wll be Mrs. Henry Kakol of Mountansde. The program for the evenng was enttled "Preparaton for Teen Age Drvng" and featured three speakers: Joseph A. Ayares, publc affars manager at AlWate nsurance Company; Ma Mary Lou Otto who s responsble for the drver (rasng program at the school and a state trooper from the Morrlstown Barracks who s a member of the Bureau of Safety Educaton. Musc Festval For Boro PTAs Meetng Tonght The annual musc festval wll bo tlo man feature of the fnal meetng of the Mountansde PTA to be held at 7: p.m. tonght n the Deerfeld School Gymnasum, Teachers partcpatng n tlls musloal program are: Aden Lews, musc coordnator, Mrs. Dorotly Hake, pano nstructor, M*s. Joan. Montgomery, nstrumental musc teacher for the lower grades, Mrs, Evelyn Bleeke, general musc teacher for grades 6, 7 and 8 and Joseph Petrullo, nstrumental musc teacher at Deerfeld School. Workng wth Mountansde school chldren, each teacher wll demonstrate new or dfferent coachng technques whch have been explored durng the school year and wall how the tremendous progress the chldren have made n the understandng of musc. There also wll be a dsplay of socal studes courses prepared by Mrs. rene Budhner's sxth grade class at Deerfeld School. The PTA offcers for the term wll be nstalled at ths meetng. They are Mrs. George Crane, presdent; Mrs. J. A. Lasher, executve vce-presdont; Mrs. G. S. DUemutf, Deerfeld - School vce-presdent; Mrs. James W. Keatng, Beechwood School vce-presdent; Mrs. Roland Roedler, Echobrook School vcepresdent; Mrs. Walter Young, correspondng secretary and Mrs. Paul Krystow, recordng secretary. Temple Announces Brdge Wnners The wnners of a recent duplcate brdge game, sponsored by 'Men's Club, Temple Emanu-El, were:. NS, Dorothy Frettger and Betty Preston; EW, Russ Kaltfrom and Rchard feylor;. NS, Mr. and Mrs. Morts Hertz; EW, Joyce and Rochelle Surret; and ted,, NS, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Azen; NS, Mlton Stenfeld and Robert Bernsten; EW, A. Rch and R. Halgren. The last game of the current sesson was held Tuesday., Honor Resdents For Lyons Servce Certfcates of devoton commemoratng hours of servce to the Veterans Admnstraton Hosptal at Lyons were awarded to two Westfeld resdents, Mrs. Agnes Galdwell of 95 W. Broa t. and Darts of Sutmywood Drrr^t^ mones Tuesday. Swan Johnson of Archer La., Scotch PUlu, WM the recpent of a specal award for ht hours of servce. Honored wth certfcates of mert for hour* of servce were Mrs. rene Hartgtan of HB E. Broad St., Mss Marjore Jurgens of Sky Top Dr., Scotch Plans. Mss Suzanne Smth of 85 Stevens Ave. was gven a certfcate of apprecaton. v THE <N.J.) LEMPER,. MAY, Pngo Realtor Week! KEALTOKS and the annual observance of Realtor Week s dedcated to hghlghtng the Realtors' callng and the specal nature of the servces they render. There are 85, of us across the length and breadth of the USA and the term REALTOR connote* a PROFESSONAL n real a»t«te who subscrbes to a strct code of ethcs as a member of the local and state boards and of the Natonal Assocaton of Real Estate Boards. REALTOR, whch s p coned term and a servce mark regstered n the U. $. Patent Offce under the trademark laws, can be used only by members of the Natonal Assocaton and tf local boards. Now, we could go on here, but... let Sylva Porter, natonally known syndcated columnst, say t for us Get the Most n Sellng Your House By Followng These Tps By SYLVA POtTH We now enter the months when sales of houet reach a peak. n 968 alone, an estmated,,-,5, Amercans wll sell ther houses and, on average, the prces they wll get wll reach new hstorc heghts. Sellng your house, and partcularly sellng )t at a peak prce, won't be a one-two cnch, though. The effort* you, the homeowner, make now-to get quqlffed advce on the worth of your house, to fnd a reputable real estate broker, to make approprate home repars and mprovements could mean thousands of dollars *p you wh*n you actually «"H- T Here, then, are key Do's and Don't* from the Notonal Assocaton of Real Estate Boards n Washngton and other sources; DO CONSULT one or more lcensed real estate brokers, or "Realtors" who are members of the NAREB (the assocaton sets strct ethcal standards for members, whch s a protecton for you.) Choose a Realtor or broker who s well nformed on the values n your neghborhood, and one wth whom you feel you can deal straghtforwardly. DON? try to sell the house yourself n order to save broker's commssons. t nvolves a lot more tme, know-how and red lap* than you thnk. DO ASK the Realtor to estmate the value of your house and f you hay* any major dsagreement on ths score, check other brokers (or lcensed apprasers) n your area for ther opnons as welt. But beware of the broker whose prce estmate s thousands of dollars above the estmate of other brokers; he may smply be tryng to get your lstng, wthout beng cap* able of delverng the buyer at hs estmated prce later. PONT (AAKt the mstake of askng a much hgher prce for your house thpn f worth. f -you. do thl», the talesman.may lose nterest* n sellng your house and the house may reman unsold for months or years. Accordng to one estmate, f the sale prce you ft s wthn fvm pmr cent of ts actual far market value you arm tmes more lkely to sell t wthn a reasonable perod of tme than f you prce t -5 per cent above the far market value. DO NVKT n mnor mprovements both nsde and outsde the house, such as reparng cracks n the plaster, pantng, fxng broken tue,$ ( replacng rpped screens^ etc. Often spent for such mprovements can return vov $/ n your sale prce. Also, keep your lawn and your garden reasonably trm whle you're tryng to sell your house. DON'T though "overnvest," n, lay, new addtons to the house, because t may turn out that prospectve buyers would have desgned such mprovements entrely dfferently and your nvestment mght go down the dran. DO ASK your Realtor to make appontment* wth you for showng the house to prospectve buyers, so that the customer won't have to wade through an accumulaton of the week's laundry or an obstacle course of chldren's toys..* --* DONT nterfere wth the broker and clent whle they're gong through the house; fust "ff down and shut up." And DON'T have any musc ployng durng the nspecton; your choce of musc easly could dstract or offend the vstor. Fnally, f today's steep nterest rates are a major barrer to a sale, consder actng as the lender yourself by arrangng to transfer the exstng mortgage or) your house to the buyer. Consder, too, extendng o second mortgage to help make up the dfference n the amount owed you. SYL.VJA POKTER reprnted by permsson of Publshers Hull Syndcate. All rghts reserved, And here are the people Mrs. Porter s talkng about... Realtors all! and watng to be of servce to you! t -* * nttall a modern ol-fred wattr hoator. Ends All of us are members of the Westfeld Board of watng for hot water. Glvtt all a famly can uw ba wa other needs. Much more economcal to operate, too. Water "Do*'«look now, Harold, bat thnk ear tw' been Realtors, servng Westfeld, Mountansde, Scotch Plans and Fanwood. $top yst... brng home one of our Brochures, Pcture Book of Homes, or Suburban Lvng. Ths past year has been a successful one for the Westfeld Board of Realtors and the Multple Lstng Servce and you made t all possble) heatng wth ol co$t leu than wth 9«, (ff! " an wth * # CALL US T Clements 6 NORTH AVE. f A»T WSTFLD. N. J. OT9 - WO. S A FRENDLY CALL ENU6H7 The new ntlghbor* wll b«glad to rnwt you. And they'll want to vst wth you... latar. Rght now, they need somethng more a lst of schools and churches, utlty companes' telephone number*... all the nformaton on* needs on arrvng n a strange cty. So be a frend ndeed, A Welcome Wagon hostess wll call at your request to provde all ths and gfts as welt. Make your welcome warmer when new neghbors arrve* Call Welcome Wagon at 5-5 MM* MMl SlVllMFNllHal 55 Many, many thanks... ATWOOD BALT*. TAm St., WeatHeM X- A rraf. WC fw PrnvMrr» H., '. Afoaatala Avt., WoaatalauMe M;W-8fl*» fclat St., WrM*>M 9-lMe RTS, XC. Mnoptala Avf ( WrntHHl 9- H. ROW.RV, SOT* SOB** ATf. W.. WntRr -7*78 BROWN * DCKRHSO*. XC.. Park Aw., Scotch Plata* AXS-eMa THE BHKE AGENCY, 7$Rnat Second St., SeMca Plalaa TM-M8 YCMAM A. CLARK, W So ft* Art. W., WfMftrM -M* COPEK A SPERRY, «N Cea<ral ATf., WentflrM.-R CHESTVKW RFAM- CO., ll Terrlll Hd.. Scotca Plata* -7T7 CHOM tot'vtv HEA/TY. 85 Monntnln Av*., DARKER A. DANKER, NC.. ft Rmer St., JAMRS J. DAVDSON'. 5 B. Rrond St.. Wf^tflfU -T55* PETER A. D GH. t tan Brond St.. W«-«tfleM O. EDWARO9. US Km St., Wmtflrld C. VSCHK*. Mrt Pnrk Ave.v *cn** rttkmm A LA f JOHnwWOm, SS HnmU. NoatmaMf -»>5 THONAl H. JUDSOV. #l North Ave. W«We*tA«M WALTER K9TEPU WC, Plrfc Arc., Scotch Plnhw.,.-«W* CHARLES O. MEERDlbftCK, JR.. 8 E. Broad St ; N. A. MRRCMBR, 5 hej C«., Wentflettl.:f-MO HOBERT B. VEWMAtV. MC. ft9 Rm St., M pm(ff*>lr :-S«*O A rrankrwrach, l^rc, 5 Rm St.. W>«fflefd AGEKCT, 5 Pnrk AVP., Scotch Plnln* RAKDOLPH-WECMA^ CO., 5. Mountan AT*.. Wmt«fM :tl!-«flrt» WAHTCT P. RRYVOLD ASSOCATES. :W»«K. Rr«nH St.. WMfBrM - CA.V* M. SCHWARTZ, S*J7 -:.ff*<m»n<lst., Srntrh l'lalnn.^- C. B. SMTH, JR.. tl Centrnl \%r.. UV«Rt-M u:w-»:to«thale H. SHOW. «S Ave. W.. OL tnd BUMNCfl SKUVfCft MtATWO gohfm**t t**tautp n «, ***** *U

24 Page 8 THE WESTFELD (N...) LEADER, THURSDAY, MAY, 958 At a meetng nt the Washngton Hock Grl Scout Headquarters CouncH Room at Grovo St., the West lod Grl Scout Communty Assocaton, chared by Mrs. H. J. Thon, 8 Lenox Ave., met to hear oul- Bncd Uu many <nd vared actvtes of Westreld Grl ScouLs. The 7 Browne troops wll schedule Ply-up ceremones fur the thrd graders who wll go nto Junor Troops next fall. The Junor troops wll plan summer potcpatjon n a bcaulfcdon program for the tov. of Weslfeld n conjuncton wth members of the Rake and Hoe Garden Club whose presdent s Mrs. Clas. B. Mayer of 55 Edgar Rd. For ths the town of Westfeld has purchased planter boxes Lo >G placed around the town, four of these planters wll be at the corners of Broad and Elm Ss Ṫhese wll be planted wth evergreens, geranums and vnca by the Rake and Hoe Gardeners and spruced up and watered throughout the summer months by members of the Junor GrJ Scout troops under the leadershp of Mrs. Wm. R. Patton, Summt Ct., junor Charman of the Bake and Hoe Garten Club. There wll be an -annual Westfeld encampment for Junor, Cadette and Senor Grl Scouts at Camp Lou Henry Hoover at Mddlevlle, June For ths encampment the grls arc plannng ther own program and menus. At ths meetng the offcers of the servce team and the organzers and consultants of the troops n varous schools met to hear Mrs. James Duke explan the cooperaton of the Washngton Rock Councl wth the Westfeld Communty Assocaton. The May 8-9 weekends actvtes of Cadotte and Senor GrJ Scouts of WestHeld was many and vared. At the Westfcld At Assocatons outdoor ant show at M-ndowaskm Park Oadette troop 69 under the leadershp of Mrs. Hervey Ackerman, Jr. of 56 St. Marks Avenue gold cold drnks and cookes to the vewers. The Senor Scouts were elgble SCOUTS to pn-rtcpnle n the* Penny-n-Pound ar-lft day.sponsored by the Nnety- Nners, nc., an organzaton of lcensed women plots, nl.the Chatham Avaton Hanger, Monrstown Muncpal Arport. Mrs. Ruth V. Hll whoks on the Washngton Hock Grl Scout Councl nomnatng commttee and has actvely worked wth the Cvl Ar Patrol and Wng Scouts s responsble for the Grl Scouts beng nvted lo pambcpate. At ths sesson women (and men on) were offered arplane rdes for n nonny for each pound that they wegh. Also for ths weekend Senor Scouts partcpated n a clean-up campng week-end at Lou Henry Hoover to get the camp ' ;ady for summer actvtes. The Cadette and Junor 'ODps of Holy Trnty School have chartered a bus to go on a sght-seeng trp to Washngton, D.C. the week-end of May --5 and wll stay at the Sky Lnu nn. They have contacted Rep. Florence Dwyer who wll help them n seeng the House o Representatves, Mrs. B. K. Hachmann wll lead the trp. Board OKs Plan For Apartment Ste plan approval has been gven by the Westfeld Plannng Board to Robert Newman, local realtor and bulder, for a H-unt luxury garden apartment at -8 Prospect St. Also approved was the converson of a two-famly house at Lenox Ave. nto an offce-apartment setup by Gles Atwood. Acton was deferred on a ste plan applcaton of the Westfeld Convalescent Center, whch s expected to provde a 5-bed faclty on the former Blado-Romagnano tract on Lamberts Mll Rd. n Boot Camp -LEAGUE LNES" Lftagu* of Woman Voter* One of.the purposes of the League or Women Voters s to encourage take effectve acton where ther government s concerned. League members would encourage ctzens U> fnd out all they can 'about ssues p and then do somethng about at. Ths s a tme when t s more mperatve Hum ever that ctzens net, The reports of the Governor's and the Presdent's Commssons on plannng for conservaton and development of water resources and than the hghest scorer of the other up to date nformaton for use durng ether a major natural dsaster or nuclear attack. Ths booklet s avalable free of charge at the Cvl Defense offce located n the basement of the Muncpal BuakHng between 9 a.m. and won weekdays. Pvt. Anthony Casella Jr., son of Mr, and Mrs. Anthony Cascella of Barchester Way, s gong through recrut tranng at Parrs sland, T PAYS TO ADVERTSE S.C. Recrut Depot, N THE LEADER lege," they. sad. Cvl Dsorders have documented the Mrs. Thatcher and Stfrs. Rugg crss proportons of the problems were among nearly two thousand we face n our stole <and n our na-memberton. The problems of the ctes have ed the natonal conventon recently of the League who attend- been descrbed by Governor Hughes held n Chcago. A total of seven prpr who 'las asked for a massve attack gram tems were adopted, offcers on these problems. were elected for the next two years What can the ctzen do.whch wll and other busness accomplshed. make any dfference? Perhaps the Announcement was made of a grant most effectve acton one can take of $,, from the vy Foundaton of New York as a start on ras- s to take the tme to wrte the legslators 'to let them know that ng $,, by 97 to celebrate there s support for the Governors the 5th annversary of woman suffrage and the foundng of the league, proposed program. The legslators wll act only n response to the knd of mal /they receve. f there are enough letters sayng we must do somethng about the problems legslators wll be wttng to support the programs, Those who are crtcal always wrte, s ths the way you second year, the team was coached means of achevng equalty of op-bportunty for housng but also fur- Each member of the 75 partcpat- Joseph Locasco. want your legslator to act? ther measures to combat poverty ng teams was requred to perform Senate Presdent Edwn B. For-ansythc sad "t's tme for the people ed. thrusts and a yard dash. Each dscrmnaton wll be consder- st-ups, push-ups, pull-ups, squat- of the state of N.J. to come forward and tell us what they want." league wll undertake & further eval- ponts a perfect score. Westfeld Durng the next two years the event was worth ponts, makng Wll your letters get there n tme? uaton of 'U.S. relatons wth the People's Republc of Chna and wll sup- Huff, 6, Scott Wetterhall,, Rck performances were Schmtt, 5, Wrte today port polces to strengthen the Warne, 5, Renhard Struzyna,, and Gary Grabel, 9.. Emergency" Manual Avalable at CD Offce R. R. Barrett Jr., drector of Cvl Defense for Westfeld, announced.the avalablty of a ctzen's handbook enttled n Tme of Emergency. The recently publshed manual contans LVW Adopts Far Housng Poston "Tle League of Women Voters of the Unted States has adopted a stand n favor of far housng and wll undertake a two-year study of the besl means of achevng t," explaned Mrs. John Thatcher, presdent of the Wostfeld league. She and Mrs. Frank Rugg spoke last week at n general meetng of the organzaton feld at the home of Mrs.. Newton Becker, 57 Wyclwood Rd. "Other programs adopted ncluded a study of the electoral col- The conventon's far housng stand came as a part of the league's support of equalty of opportunty for educaton, employment and housng, Not only wll the league evaluate the peacekeepng and peacebuldng capactes of the U.N. system as well as promote world trade and development whle mantanng a sound U.S. economy. The league wll contnue" to support natonal polces and procedures whch promote long-range mprovement of water qualty. Also to be contnued s league support of apportonment of b o t h houses of state legslatures substantally on populaton and support of self-government and representaton n Congress for Dstrct of Columba ctzens. The league wll oppose consttutonal lmtatons on tax rates or consttutonal changes that would lmt the exstng powers ol t h e Executve and the Congress over foregn relatons. Heart ABH. Campagn Results Down n 968 Tlo Unon County Heart Assocaton's February fund drve fell $7 t short of last year's $77,99. total and $9, shy of ts $, gool, M*s. Henretta Froehlch, executve drector sad today. The prelmnary fgures n communtes show We followng area fgures: Fanwood, $,7 (down $7 ).5G); Mountansde, $ (down $,9); Scotch Plans, $,5 (down $7); and Westfeld, $7,77 (down $,) Mrs, Froullcn expressed conf- WNDT, n March, 968. Mr. Devln dence thot the 967 total of $77,-wll dscuss house archtecture as 98, would be approached before the end of the Heart Fund's fscal year June. Local Boys Rank Hgh n Ftness n the state-wde Marne Physcal Ftness Test May at Newark State College, a team of sx Westfeld Hgh School boys captured the thrd place honors. Two members of the squad, sophs Steve Schmtt and Larry Huff, earned the th and th place ndvdual ttles. Competng for the The Phanfeld Hearng Socety announces A seres of free hearng The team's total score was 7tests to be made avalable to the as.compared to frst place Ramsey Hgh School's and. second place Ramapo Hgh School's 6. Westfeld's lowest scorer placed hgher partcpatng Watchung Conference chools, Scotch Plans end Rahway. Besdes the trophy gven to the school, each member of the WHS team was awarded a team medal, a ftness certfcate, a blazer crest' and a shavng kt. Schmtt and Huff also receved specal medals for placng among top athletes. Harry Devln TV Show Wednesday Hory Devln of Hllsde Avo. Mountansde, free lance artst, author and art lecturer at Unon College, Oronford, wll make a repeat appearance on Channel 's "New Jcnsey Speaks For tself" fawn 7 to 7: p.m. Wednesday, A program on Mr. Devln's recently publshed book, "To Grandfather's House We Go," w l l be broadcast on Wednesday evenng. t was frst shown on Channel, an art form as outlned n hs new book, Dck Huber wll be the moderator. n the taped program, Mr. Devln ponts out that New Jersey s at the archtectural crossroads of the Unted States and has experenced just about every style of house bujdng ths country has ever known except for some specfc regonal styles such as Spansh Msson. Some of fche orgnal pantngs by Mr. Devln for the book wll be shown on the televson show. Mr. Devln took between and 5 pltotographs for the orgnal pantngs an "To Grandfather's Houso We Go.'* He selected pantngs rather than photographs for the book, because he could reduce the number of trees, could lgfrt up shadows to show detal, elmnate extraneous detals and hghlght specal features. Free Hearng Tests Offered lo Publc publc durng the month' of May as part of the natonal celebraton of "Better Hearng Montfa." Pure tone audometer tests, admnstered by traned personnel, wll be gven free ol.charge to lall persons callng for an appontment any Thursday durng ths month. Appontments may also be mode by vstng the hewng socety's offces n the YMCA buldng any Thursday between a.m. and p.m., or by wrtng to the Planfdeld Hearng Socety, 58 Watchung Ave., Manfeld. Rev. Letty Russell Awarded Fellowshp Rev. Letty M. Russell of New York, formerly of Westfleld and *he Presbyteran Church here, was one of awarded Presbyteran Graduate Fellowshp awards for The Rev. Russell wlu study msslon and Chrstan educaton at Unon Theologcal Semnary. Wns Trp Davd Berse of Berse Brothers, Westfeld, has been awarded a trp by the Chrysler-Plymouth Dvson, as one of the top volume dealers of the Unted States. WNNt, AAA TAPnC AWT rosm cofunsr Dr, und Mm. Frank J. Grm», former rraldmu of NotHMnMf, «n low llvta* n tferlr lew ktmue lt ft L«a*rcllow Aw w Scotch rnlrm, frmm Mr. «Nd Mm. Walter H««<»a. Hc«ry L. 9clwlrrl»«tkm»le fur the»*lce of Barrett * Cr«f«, WRNG AND MANTENANCE USMNlAL - NOUSTWAl ELECTRCAL CONTRACTORS *. ' POWER, HEAT AND UOHT Call -69 Lutheran League Honors Teacher m s**«m ;*m. -- anmal May dmwr of the, Parent-Teacher> League, dcemer Lutheran Day School ed the occason to.honor one of Day School teachers, Mrs. Wanda' Reunng. At the end of ths school term, Mrs. Reunng, nurery teacher/wll be retrng.alter years of dedcated servce n the Chrstan Day School. Durng her years of servce, Mrs. Reunng has taught more than young chldren and her-talents and energes have been drected far nto many areas at Chrstan servce wthn the entre church program. A porton of the evenng's program honorng Mrs. Reunng was observed as the parents, teachers and guests vewed sldes and pctures of past nursery classes' actvtes. Durng ths tme the guest of honor reflected and commented on experences assocated wth her servce n the nursery. On May 9, the nursery class, conducted by Redeemer Lutheran Church and approved by the New Jersey Department of Educaton to the preschool group. S*«for 5 Weeks! $ You *t5 $5 $5 Kovacs Apponted F-W Estmator Tbor Kovacs of 6 Green Brar Ct., recently was named estmator for "the estmatng department, equpment dvson at Foster Wheeler Corporaton's general offces at Lvngston. Pror to hs present appontment, Mr. Kovacs served as a senor draftsman n the contract desgn department. He was educated at the ndustral School, Hungary as a mechancal techncan. M vacatons t.h. come n wth a plan Vacaton Club. t's just lke f s so /:': saye a tme the money s n soon - ET YOUR MLLS Wt *ft MM loan coffpmy so don't worry About ooor credt! TOT TFH UMTf D SCURTV CORPORATON The electrc frypan s just one of the many new electrcal applances that have become so popular n recent years. And no wonder Electrcty does so many thngs.,.so nexpensvely. n fact, the average unt cost of the electrcty you use n your home s 5% lower than t was 5 years ago, thanks to ncreased usage and rate reductons. Of course, your electrc bll may be a lttle bt hgher. But thnk of all the thngs electrcty does for you today.,.for your comfort and your; convenence. That's why t's stll your best household bargan^ Electrcty does more... A. A. Umm Alcoholcs Anony for less Problem? F.D.LCv PUBLC SWCE ELECTRC AND GAS COMPANY J

25 THE WESTFELD (VJ.) LEADER, THURSDAY, MAY 8, 968 Sec., Pago t You are nvted our Thursday, rd. Through Saturday, June 5th. 7 CROSSWAY PLAGE, WESTFELD (Next To Towne Car Wash) -77 FREE GFTS! st Prze WN A HYDRO-CYCLE Th«Latest for Boatng Enthusasts BENERAL OPENNG SPECALS Brake Adjustment Our specalsts adjust brakes to full contact, cptral»rfcual nspect lnngs. $H.5 and drums, and restore flud., each Adjust {or Safety! 'f.* by tht down" Sprt! f NPUA SENEMU. BOLFMLU!6 85 UMTT MM Golfer's favorte! Made to rgd USGA specfcatons. $.75 v V OTHER PRZES: F * nd Przft GENERAL PREMUM TRES A Complete Lne of General Tre r j rd Prze SERVCES AVALABLE ^ GENERAL PREMUM TRES F th Prze WHEEL ALGNMENT AND WHEEL BALANCE * - F 5th Prze Z. JATO GOLF BALLS CLP THS COUPON The same tres that come on brand newb8 carsl Bnnd ntv f ftcto(y fresh jt-ar Tubrm WttewaDs. NottcondtNotblnsbM tres* But frst dan, Mfh qualty tres wth DurfM*nbb«r 9 dual dasl orlow, safe tkm baton sold atttusalow OMTmtM TWO TMS 9 FtC EJMAM l«" BV ONTMS TWO THUS *9 BRAKES WHEEL BALANCNG SHOCKS MUFFLERS BEAR FRONT END ALGNMENT Wn A Hydro-Cycle $5 Value DOtt NOT NClUOt MOTOt Just fll n ths coupon and take t to WeBtfleld Tre, Cor. South Avc. and Crodsway plac Weatfeld, N t J. and depost n the Box, Drawng: wll be held on June lkth, 968, No purchase necenaary. Adults only <Llnntt On«), Tou do not have to be present at rawlng to wn, Nome t AdufCS " - - Sta«TOP QUALTY FO SO YEARS %m, s ONE TM lt TWO TRfS $M T«Mm sfm 7 H tss t ERCM ** Stop n To M««t ROM and Charot Mannno HJNf r USE YOUR SCOTCH MANS HANO-CHARGE or UN-CARD HOURS FOR YOUR CONVENENCE Daly 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. Monday, Thursday, Frday ENERAL At* ce CA Stn- nee 8 A.M. to 9 P.M. Saturday Tl 5 P.M. TT

26 Page TflE WESTFELD (N.J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, MAY, 968- A C T V T E S N T H E C H U R C H E S O F W E S T F E L D A N D V C N T Y Sermon "GENUNE FATH PHODUCT OF DOUtT" Jm Fowler, Mnutcr Echo Luke Church <( Chrst Week Paradoxcal as t may seem, doubt can bo a steppng stone to fath! All loo often we loud to brand all forms of doubtng, especally where fath s concerned, as evl. Although we do not wsh to appear as f we are defendng Thomas, one of the Lord's npostlcs, the specal label that ho las worn over the centures, "doubtng Thomas." has probably done more to cast ruhtg n a negatve role than any other New TosUmont personalty. To bo sure wo are understood, k'l us say tha the form of doubtng whch we hal as a possble boon to a man's sprted, genune fath s characterzed by honesty, fearlessness, and patnc*. Mo oler form of doubtng s useful. t merely partakes of skeptcsm for the sluer fascnaton. n realty ths s ntellecluul dshonesty. True, Paul's admonton to "prove all thngs," ( Tless. }j:p couples wth tle same pece of advce by John who wrote, "But prove the sprts, whether they arc of God"; planly shows that wthn the early church there was a need to ferret out the false from the fath. But ths, to be sure, was not smply an exercse n stubborness. (see \ John ) Perhaps t s belter justce to Thomas to tell the other 'half of hs story for, out of despar and doubt, ho emerged belever. Hs gaspng confesson, "My Lord and my God," credts hm wth an expresson as equally mpressve as tlc one Peter had made much earler. thnk we have more fear from those who have "fath n the bag" than we do from those who step nto lght after troublng themselves n the darkness of some perod of doublng. Fath, after all, s stll "the substance of thngs hoped for, the evdence of tlngs not seen," (Hebrews :) t s ths latter pont whch creates so much trouble. We are people who constantly depend on our natural sense for the "contact wth realty." We are more lke the man recorded n the nnth chapter of Mark who had came seekng Jesus to releve hs young son of what appears to be a form of eplepsy. Havng encountered some of the Lord's dscples, he had been terrbly dsapponted n them because they couldn't help. When the man saw Jesus, n despar he cred,... "f thou canst do anythng, have compasson on us, and help us." Jesus told the man that anythng was possble to one who beleved. To ths remark the dstraught father sad, " beleve; help thou mne unbeleve." There s some of ths n everyone. Perhaps the healthest sgn of a great fath s the humblng presence of doubt. Just enough to keep us from fencng n the lmtless feld of fath. Sons To Lead Servces Sunday n Honor of Pastor Reunng Specal observances at Westfeld's Lutheran Church wl nclude mornng and afternoon servces n honor of the Rev. Walter A. Reunng n acknowledgement of 5 years of servce n Redeemer Church. The Servces of Commemoraton at 8: and a.m. wll be conducted by the two sons of the local pastor. The elder son, The Rev. Walter H. Reunng, pastor of Frst Lutheran Church of Boston, wll delver the sermons. The lturgst n both servces wll be the Rev. Danel G. Reunng, pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran. Church of New Hartford, Conn. The younger son wll present organ nterludes for the sngng of one hymn n each of the servces. The hymn' Church to Study Urban Crss The Rev. Joseph Garlc of Elzabeth and Sanford M, Jaffe of Maplnwood wll address meetngs at Fanwood Presbyteran Church dealng wth the Church ana the Urban Crss Sunday. Mr. Garlc wll preach at the mornng servces on the suburban church's responsblty for the ctes. He s drector of Elzabethport Presbyteran Center. Mr. Jaffe wll speak at p.m. n Westmnster Hall on "A Tme for Acton," the report of Governor Hughes' select commsson on last summer's dsorders n the ctes af New Jersey. Mr. Jaffe was executve drector of the commsson, and s on the staff af the Ford Foundaton. Followng these presentatons offcers and members wll meet n dscusson groups to consder what they mght do to help meet the needs of our ctes. The program has been planned by the church and socety commttee of the sesson of whch Darrcll W. Brownawell s charman. All nterested persons n the communty are nvted to attend. Church Teens End Year Wth Pcnc The Senor Teens of Calvary Lutheran Church wll conclude the sea selected s, "Prase To The Lord, The Almghty, The Kng of Creaton." The mornng servces are one part of ths Sunday's observance connected wth the retrement of Pastor Reunng at the end of the summer, after years of servce n the Lutheran mnstry snce hs graduaton from Concor<fta Semnary, St. Lous and ordnaton n 95. The Sunday Church School sesson at 9:5 a.m. wll be devoted to an assembly of classes an the church. The program n honor of Pastor and Mrs. Reunng as n charge of Wllam Meyer, superntendent and Ralph Seel. Teachers and classed wll partcpate n the observance. Chor Concert At St. Paul's Frday June Haydn's "Mass n Tme of War" and J. S. Bach's Cantata, "Herr, gehe ncht ns gercht" wll be heard n the th Annual Chor Concert presented by the Chors of Men and Boys of St. Paul's Church on Frday, June. Under the drecton of Rchard Connelly, organst and chormaster of St. Paul's, the chor of 75 voces wll bo asssted by solosts Dlys Jones Smth, soprano; Mara Martel, contralto; Walter Blezer, tenor, and Holly Mertel, bass. A chamber orchestra of strngs, oboes, bassoons, trumpets, horn, tnvpan and organ wll accompany the works. St.Paul's presents ts concert each year so that frends of the chor may hear t perform large-scale works wth orchestra that are not normally a part of ts regular seasonal repertory, and to rase money for the Chor Fund. Tckets for the concert are avalable from the parsh offce or from members o[ the chor. son wth a pcnc Sunday afternoon at Unam Park, begnnng at o'clock. Graduatng senors wll be honored and the recently confrmed young people wll be welcomed as new members of the group. The softball feld has been reserved and a cook-oul supper planned. Savngs To Squeal About! rr When vory Does Your Laundry Workclothes to woolens, party dresses to pretty lnens to Dad's shrts... all get topnotch attenton and qualty workmanshp here... VORY DRY CLEANERS AND LAUNDERERS nomct t BARBARA WOLF, FLUTE; Lloyd McChcsncy, electrc gutar, and Paul Lggtt, drums, play a selecton from "Rejoce!" for fellow class mcnlers Paul Knltcrjahn. Sarah Sevard and Carol Brown, who are members of the chorus whch wll partcpate n a modern worshp servce Sunday at the Presbyteran Church. Presbyteran Communcants To Gve Modern Worshp Servce Sunday Nght The nnth grade communcant class oe the Presbyteran Church wll present a modern worshp servce at 7: p.m. n the church sanctuary. "Rejoce!" s the servce theme and the modern aspect wll be conveyed through folk musc and orgnal lturgy. Marlyn J. Herrmann, drector of musc, wll conduct the nnth grade chorsters and the Senor Hgh Westmnster Chor n the vocal portons of the servce^ Members of the congregaton are encouraged to jon n the sngng. Provdng muscal accompanment wll be Don Anderson, Dan Boston, Keth Herrmann, Laure Malcolm, Matthew Marshall, 'Lloyd McChesney, Cyntha Stoudt, gutars; Paul Lggtt, drums; Cheryl Blumhard, Barbara Wolf, flutes; Peter Larson, harmonca; Douglas Her be rch, Dan Clark, Robert Jacobs, Davd Toussant, brass quartet. The musc, composed by students from the General Theologcal Semnary, New York Cty, has the purpose of "contemplatng, glorfyng and rejocng n God wth a Contemporary voce." The lturgy wll be spoken by Arthur Pace, prayer of adoraton; Joseph Krakora, prayers of confesson and pardon; Bruce Bauer, Scrpture readngs; Carol Brown, ntercessory prayer; Janet Allen, Mchael Ftch, message; Carolyn Clark, benedcton. Two large vestal banners desgned and executed by a group of nnth graders n brghtly colored felt on burlap, wll be an mportant part of the worshp servce. Ushers for the evenng servce wll be Sherry Dashell, Meg Wllams, Susan Eckman, Susan Rahlly, Martn Nelson, Lynda-Lou Rccard, Chsrlene Ma ths, Sand Wrght, and Kenneth Osborne. Everyone s welcome to attend and partcpate n the servce "for the worshp of God n the Twenteth Century.'* MRS. F. EUGENE CLARK, mpcrlnteftdeftt M Utt abu grade Presbyteran chare* Bchml, dlmumes revew questons wth communcant members Kenneth Hoover, Scott Kampe, Kenneth Slraub, Peter Brands ma, and Meg Wllams before ther EMer ntervews leadng to church membershp. To Unte Wth Presbyteran Church n Servce Sunday More than O nnth graders wll be receved nto the fellowshp of t he Presbyteran Church Sunday mornng at the 9 a.m. worshp servce. Then: publc affrmaton of fath culmnates a full year of study as the regular communcant class of the Presbyteran church school. Under the supervson of the mnsters and a staff of lay teachers, these young people have partcpated n a program of communcant study explorng basc Chrstan belefs and ways of makng them meanngful n ther own lves. Most of them have been regular n attendance at church school and at fellowshp actvtes. They have worshpped at the second Sunday servce throughout the year where hey have outlned sermons regularly. Each one has kept a study notebook contanng mportant classroom dscusson materals. Ths month each young person talked ndvdually wth one of the mnsters of the church concernng hs decson of commtmont. Small groups of communcants have been ntervewed by elders n regard to the content and understandng of the fath they are professng. They wll be receved by the Sesson of the church Frday evenng followng the communon preparatory servce n the sanctuary. Nnth graders untng wth the church on Sunday arc:,h\r/a Allen, Betsy Apsa'. -John $::chman, Serh Bakes, Barbara Ballct. Lea Butz- <.d, Bruce Barr. Vctora Bau:-r, \t?trk fcf.k'f. kor-r B?:y;y. P fvotfes. Pelef HF& Hrtrttt&tt, M#U:(/rM lent, Uttte ernmtm f belt bell, Lucnda Chrone, Carolyn Danny Clark.son, Vaferle Clas^n, Ton Connell, Joanne (V-nor, Gal Cummngs, Sherry r -ohell, Defcorah Davdson, Deborah Dezott, Susan Eckman, Robert Enes, Mary- Carol Farmer, Mchael Ftch, Robert Garrett, Dane Gsh. Also Gus Gorton, Robert Grossman, NP' Hamlton, Charles Harrs, Marc Holland, Douglas Herberch, Robert Hntz, Kenneth Hoover, Peggy Hope, Donald Hufosch, Debra Huff, Scott Kampe, Danel Knngham, Melssa Kpp, Paul Kolterjahn, Joseph Krakora, Peter Larson, Ann Lereger, Paul Lggtt. Scott Loveland, Bruce Lott, Kenneth Lyng, Douglas Macpherson, Charlene Maths, Lloyd McChesney. Stuart McRobbe, Ttofcert MeHejohn, Lnda Mll, Mchael Mller, Martn Nelson, Kenneth Osborne, Arthur Pace, Deborah Parker, Hope Peterson, Rchard Phllps, Susan Pope, Kenneth Pratt, Robert Proseus, Rchard Preston, Gay Putnam. Susan Rahlly, Lynda-Lou Rccard, Debra Rce, Kenneth Rder, John Rndell, Rchard Roberts, Cyntha Robnson, Wllam Rodgers, Samuel Rose. Also, Catherne Savage, Jll Say-!or. Robert Schantz, Steven Schmdt.! Krstn Schundter, Carolyn Suter, * S;ran Srvard. John SJ.'ntoy. Amy j Short, Robert Sherwood, Sally Staub, Kenneth Straub, Jclfrcy Stewart. Thomas Sweet, Barbara Tlton, Charles Towers, Carol Ann Trenn, Casey Tybbs. Donna Van te S;mde, ' f'eefty Van lufttt.- Jxvkt fy-^&atlj Jtfft?; ytfaatw, faenttttt tyhtcurt* Meg Wfam, \tmn Joattte Vfrn'ttfe; tfef-> Wtnesses Plan June Conventon Sxteen congregatons of Jehovah's Wtnesses wll assemble together for a weekend "Fath Strengthenng" conventon at the Cmlevet Hgh School n CarLcret, Juno 7-9, t was announced ths week by John Seedorf, local presdng mnster. The congregaton collectvely are desgnated as N. J. Crcut No. 5 by the parent organzaton, the worldwde Watcltower Bble Socety of Brooklyn, N.Y., and consst of many famly groups as well as ndvduals, totalng about 6 persons. The theme of the assembly, "Strengthenng One Another To Reman n the Fath," wll be developed by means of lectures and demonstratons durng the course of the three-day meetng. The entre program wll be bult around the need, n these admttedly urgent tmes, to fortfy ourselves for the future. Featured speaker and conventon charman s -year-old R. C. Armour, an actve mnster for years, who has just completed years as a travelng representatve for the Watchtower Socety. Pror to hs assgnment as dstrct supervsor n ths area, he has flled assgnments n Colorado, New Mexco, North and South Dakota, Wyomng, Montana and ndana. Assstng Mr. Armour wll be Clayton L. Peace, a crcut supervsor for the Westfeld area. 'Ralph R. Hoppe of Unon and Lawrence J. Cutro of Staten sland wll oversee the assembly organzaton consstng of departments.. "Hardly anyone gets enough tme to study God's Word as much as he would lke to n these days," sad Mr. Seedorf, "but consstent deep study habts bulds fath, aad fath s needed to endure n the Chrstan Way. We need to encourage one another to study and attend meetngs these days, because t s not dffcult for our brothers to lose ther grp on the Word of Lfe." The Wtnesses beleve n sharng thngs learned, so they pursue ther mnstry n the same way the early Chrstans dd, gong from house to house to dscuss the scrptures. n ths way, they spent a total of almost 8 mllon.hours n 97 dfferent countres last year, conducted over 9, free weekly home 'Bble studes and dstrbuted over mllon copks of ther magaznes. Ther man journal, the "Watchtower,*' produced entrely by volunteer workers, s ssued semmonthly n 7'dfferent languages at the current rate of 5. mllon copes p«r ssue. t s completely free of advertsng. Church Chors To Gve Jont Concert June The combned chors of Calvery' Lutheran Church art* St. John's Lutheran Church, Summt, wll-present a Festval of Musc at the Cranord Church at 8 p.m., Sunday, June - The - short program of musc by Henrch Schotz wll employ the combned chors, brass chors and strngs, as well as vocal solosts. The chors are under the drecton of Charles G. Frschmann of Calvary Lutheran Church, and Thomas Smth of the Summt church. Mss Gretchen Gochnour of Westfeld wll be the organst. The publc s nvted. Former Pastor Vsts The R«v. Lesle A. Dunn of Portland, Mane, a delegate to the General As:;;v.*>Jy of the Orthodox Presbyteran Church meetng last week n Westfeld and a former mnster of the local church, was guest preacher Sunday mornng. CMMVAN SCNCt tamo PtOORAMS THE BBLE SKAKS TO YOU rtoart frampknh tn rakng many qvtsttatft about lfe C*nturl*«ago J*tu* sad: " on t*m* that thty mght hav«lftr ond that tlwy mght havt t mor«abundantly." What dm«hs prtnhm mean today? Lsten Sunday, May 6, to fart of "Mckt You a N#w Htart." SUNDAY MOftNMO WNEW-t Kc. - AM WRA-S9 Kc. - t:s A.M. n - >K. AAKON LEVENSTEN Youth Subject For Untarans Ths Sunday Dr. Aaron Levensteln wll speak on "The Generaton Gap A Look at Today's Youth" at the Westfeld' Untaran Fellowshp. Snce a large number of guests are expected to hear such a noted speaker, specal arrangements have been made to handle all who wsh to attend. The meetng wll be held at : a.m. at the Westfeld YMCA. Dr. Aaron Levensten s professor of management at the Bernard M. Baruch School of Busness and Publc Admnstraton of the Cty College of New York. He was drectng edtor of the Research nsttute of Amerca for years. He s a member of the New York bar and has specalzed n labor relatons. Hs book, "Labor Today and Tomorrow," has been cted as authorty n U.S. Supreme Court decsons n labor cases, He s also the author of "Why People Work/' a dscusson of changng ncentves n modern tmes; "Freedom's Advocate," a hstory of the ssues of freedom as reflected n the actvtes of Freedom House; 'They Chose Freedom," a hstory of refugee problems snce the days of Htler; "Use Your Head/' a book on scentfc problem-solvng; and "Testmony for Man," the story of the Cty of Hope. He s a member of the labor panel of the Amercan Arbtraton Assocaton. Prof, Levensteln was born n 9, was educated n the New York Cty school system, the Cty College of New Vofk and the New tyo/rk. Lgw. School. He dd graduate'work. a labor law at "the New York Unversty School of Law, and was adjunct professor of management at the Graduate School of Engneerng of New York Unversty. He has traveled extensvely n Europe, the (Mddle East, Afrca, and Smth Vetnam, dong research on the problems of work n underdeveloped countres. He has contrbuted artcles to such scholarly journals as the Annals of the Amercan Academy of Poltcal and Socal Scences, the Antqch. Revew, Personnel Psychology, the Harvard Educatonal Revew, and to popular journals lke "Look" magazne. He s heard frequently on rado and televson dscusson pdneta n New York. CHURCH SERVCES HOLY TRNKTY R. C. CHURCH Rt. Rev. Mgr. Charles B. Murphy Pastor Atslstanto Rev. Salvatore TagUarenl Rev. John Murphy RECTORY; 5 Fr*t Streel Phone: AD Z- Sunday Masses: n church, 7, 8:, 9:, :/: and :5; 9 a.m., chldren's Mass, n chapel, 9, :, :5 and :5, Holyday Masses: n church, A, 6:5, 7:5, 8:5, 9: and : a.m.; n the evenng at 7 p.m. Weekday Masses: n church, 6:, 7:5 and 8 a.m., unless otherwse announced. Frst Frday Masses: :, 7:5 and 8. OUR LADY UTXWRDE8 R. C. CHURCH SA Oftftral An., Motwtanslfe Rer. Gerard J. McCtory, Pastor AubUoU ( Rev. Gerald WMUB Rev. Raymond Aomack Rectory Wyomng Dr. Sunday Masses 7, 8, 9.5, : nd. - Weekday Masses 6:,7 and ft. Holyday Masses 6, 7, 8, and S p.m. st Frday Mases-6:, 7:. Novena Our Lady of Mraculous Medal, Monday, 8 p.m. Predcton Frdays : p.m. Confessons Saturdays, eve of st Frdays and Holydays, untl 5:, and 7: untl 9. Baptsms Sunday at p.m. by appontment. : HOLT TRfNlTT GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH CM Gallows HB Rd. R*T. Peter M. KaleUf Sunday:.m., Orthos; : a.m., Sunday School;. to U:fl a.m., Dvne Uturgy. FRST CHtmCH OF CHBT SCENTST ts7 Mdway AT* Sunday Servce*: a.m. Wednesday «v«nlnf tertlmony p.m. FRST BAPTST CHURCH -#?. WUVMB KMttv ' Today, :5 p.m., Mrafeterum luncheon; 7:5 p.m., Chancel Chor rehearsal; 8 p.m., budget commttee at the home of James E. Mtchell, 6 Roger Ave. Frday, :5 p.m., Bel Canto Chor rehearsal; : p.m.; Descant Chor rehearsal. Saturday, 8 p.m., Saturday nght' nt the moves. Sunday, 8:5 and a.m., mornng worshp. Tme and Talent Commtment Sunday. Sermon by the assocate pastor, t h e Rev. Robert W. Thatcher, on the subject, ^'Commtment or Chaos." Musc under the drecton of Mrs. Donald E, Bleeke, mt-tcc; 5 p.m. Chapel Char *ehearschool sessons; <a.m.,: musc corndrector. 8:5 and a.m., church sal; G p.m. Junor H-gh Fellowshp; 6 p.m., Senor Hgh Fellowshp; 8 p.m. church cabnet. Monday, 8 p.m. Adult Commttee. on Chrstan Educaton. Tuesday, 8 p.m. Choral Art Socety; 8:5 p.m. Frendshp Guld. UNTARAN FELLOWSHP OF WESTFFELD A Lberal Relgon YMCA Sunday: : a.m., Dr. Aaron Levensten wll speak on "The Generaton Gap A Look at Today's Youth." Sunday schoul and chld care. More Church New* Next Page BBLCAL VEWPONT To be. preoccuped.wth ones rghts, s to be mserable. To be expectng from others, s to be weak. Hence ' the Bble asks that we gve prorty Marrages Arrangements to beto duty. t places the ndvdual nv made at rectory two months n advance. medately before God. t asks that he measure hmself exclusvely by God's law. Cryng out wth Hagar, "Thou God seest me" that ndvdual knows frst terror "Whther shall go from thy sprt? or whther shall flee from thy presence?', and thd confdence "Even there shall thj hand lead me, and thy rght hand shall hold me" Psalm 9, verses 7 and. Head the whole of the Psalm. tofert L. AtweH Pastor - Once Cfettrth flto Boulemd Pad Adverttoment TERRLL ROAD BAPTST CHURCH Morntn* Worshp.' <8. H. C.) Wk Tf rrtl M. lh<t PllM»:u Trftlnlns Unon... :9 Evenng Wonhfp,. provtd** at all mrrlc. DOOLEY COLONAL HOME 556 Wtttftld Av#. AD *55 A Funeral NtMM Otarltt. Frank J. D««toy Car*tvn M. h*m*rk«tf-ttrwt, <» n WESTFELD OPEN MONDAY m««rn «r c«ftdhfen*<*, AM OOOY FUNERAL HOM tt Nut* Avt. W., M -$

27 CHURCH NEWS Tree Talk THE WESTFELD (N.JT.) LEADER, THURSDAY, MAY, M8 Pngu '] ALL SANTS' EPSCOPAL CHURCH 559 Park Ave. Scotch Plant Rev.*T..To««Db T. K vnm&wl, Rector Sunday after Ascenson, 8 a.m., holy euobarfat; 9:5 a.m. ( Holy Eucharst (New Lftupgy); «.m. t Holy Euchapst; 9:5 and a.m., church school. Weekdays, mornng prayer, Monday through Saturday, 9 a.m. Wednesday, 9:5 a.m., healng servce; 9:5 a.m., My suchartet, : a.m., Bble class. REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH Cor CowperttwalU P. and Clark S. Rev, Walter A. Reunf Vcar DarM A. W«e Today, at 7 p.m. annversary retrement dnner at WeeUeW Hgh School Cafetera. Frday, :5 p.m. Junor and Chldren's chor rehearsal. Saturday, a.m. to 5 p.m. Walther League Household Servce day. Sunday, 8: a.m. commemoratve servce. Chldren's chor wll sng "We All Beleve n One a True God" versfed addton of the Apostles Creed by Tobas OlaunsnRzer, 688; 9:5 a.m. Sunday School and Bebe classes; a.m. hoty communon wll be celebrated at ths commemoratve servce. The Rev. Walter H. Reuntog, pastor of Frst Lutheran Church of Boston whl delver the eermon at both servces; the bturgtet wll be TTe Rev. Darel G. Retrng, pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church of N e w Hertford, Conn.; the Luther Chor wll sng " Wll Not Leave You Oomfxtle»" by E. TOcomb:; p.m. 8t annversary and commemoratve servce. Luther chor wll **«"Lord Keep Ua Steadfast n Thy Word by Detrch Buxtefaude under tfe drecton of WtUfem P. Drew end the Junor chor wu vng To Thee, Jehovah, Wtt Sng Prabet" fay Jrtann S. Bach under the drecton of Davd A. Jantoto. TPhe sermon wll be delvered by the Rev. Ewald H. Mueller. Tuesday, 8 p.m., Women's Evenng Guttd wttl hold a whte elephant sale. Wednesday, nursery school doses; a.m. Day School Chapel. FRST MKTHODtfT CHUKCH At Te Plata Ret. Jala* Atfafcr, Jr. Mtfttoten:..Today:;,"what s Chrs* Her. Clark W. H«a Uonty?" pretentauoo of the Ctra- Her. Jaweaa C. WUtafcar' Kev. Aafer W. TUmtktm Uan fath and lue. ' Rev. PUh> R. MettaskaY Frday: Adult Retreat, Krshem UV. laa ft. rants* Study Center; PtJladcHMla. Sunday: 9:5 and U a.m., all de- Sunday: 8 a.m., Sxth Grade Fel- partments of the church school meet; 9:9 and «m., worshp servces n the sanctuary; Dr. Clark W. Hunt, senor,, mnksr.,,j»u preach; 8 p.m., membershp claw, Fellowshp Room. Monday: 9: a.m., W9C6 program plannng meetng, Fellowshp Room; 7: p.m., The Fsherman, Room 6. Tuesday: : p.m.. Crcle wll meet; 8 p.m., meetng of the lay actvtes commttee, Fellowshp Room. WOODDE CttAPKL Metse Av#«* vsdnraasl Sunday: a.m., Alan Schetelch of Crsnford nvll contnue hs seres of messages on the 6th Chapter of the Gospel of Matthew. The Sunday School wll be n sesson at the same hour; 7: p.m., Mr. fcbeteuch wll gve the concludng message of the seres at the evenng servce. Tuesday: p.m., prayer and Bble tudy tme at th«chapel. CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURCH OCA) M UN*BM t, Cralsrd Pastors: Ts* Her. Araold J. DaMartH The Rev, GerM L. Heff Today: 8 p.m., Ascenson servce of holy communkm wll mark the completon of the 5 day perod after Easter durng whch Chrst appeared to many of hs dscples. t cefebrates the completon of Chrst's earthly work and hs crownng s the Kng of heaven and earth. Pastor Huff wll preach; 9:5 p.m., Calvary chor rehearsal. Sunday: 9 and :6 a.m., worshp servces and Sunday church school; broadcastng of the later servce over Planfeld staton WERA (59) wll conclude ths week; 9 a.m., adult class; :5 a.m., chldren under three years wll be cared for n the babysttng nursery; p.m., senor teens pcnc at Unam Pars; 7 p.m., Brass chor rehearsal; p.m., Calvary chor rehearsal. Tuesday: 9 a.m., tcw workshop; : p.m., Golden Age luncheon n fellowshp hall; 8 p.m., specal meetng of the church councl and specal actvtes commttee. Wednesday: 7 p.m., Luther Chor; p.m., Calvary Chor. CHURCH 7 Marttae AT*., 9M* Oearse L. Hwrt Ma P. MtaMer* Sunday: 9: and o'clock worshp servces: The Rev. Joseph Garlc, drector of the Elzabeth Presbyteran Center, wll preach on the topc, "The Responsblty of the Suburban Church to the Cty." Nursery care s provded for chldren under three; 9: and a.m., church school for nursery (three years) thru mth grade* : Art.v d*ss for' m the mwmt otf tmtor M, nto, mmmke t (to CfowewtV* fete* tmmtrm m tf+fl Mmfof, #tf swat fe Wmtodm* Urt m "A Tm * Acton," the commsson's report. Dscusson groups wll follow on the topcs: Housng, communty relatons, educaton, socal justce, and employment. The Youth Fellowshp wlt partcpate n ths program n stead of ther usual meetng. All people n the communty arc nvted. Tuesday: 7: p.m., the Presbytery of Elzabeth meets n the Wllow Grove Presbyteran.Church, Scotch Plans. Rev. John P. Mllar and elders Breunlnger and Marshall wll represent Farvwod Church; 8 p.m., the parsh educaton commttee meets n the lounge. Wednesday: : a.m., md-week worshp n the chancel led by Rev, Mllar; 8 p.m.,, the task group on church structure meets n the lounge. FRST CONGREGATONAL CHURCH ltt Elmer S. Mlftlftera: ** R* StauOaTs M. E. MeColtewgfc Sunday: 9: and a.m., worshp n the Sanctuary.: Rev. L. R. Stanford wll preach. A toddlers and crb room s provded n the parsh house durng the servces;»:5 a.m., church school, nursery through sxth grade, McCorlson Center; :6 am., church school, nursery through grade, McCorsoh Center; S p.m., church school teachers dnner, Coe Fellowshp Room; 7 p.m., Senor Hgh Fellowshp. Tuesday: 8 p.m., Orentaton Class for hew members, hon Mrs. L.R: Stanford, S9 Bradford Ave.,.. ; : '. ' ' MOUNTAPpmc CHAPEL. - - JUbv B. MgaaraV Paaaar Thursday: S p.m., chor. Sunday: 9:5 a.m., Sunday School; adut school (nursery); a.m., worshp; 6 p.m., youth groups t worshp. '. '..- Monday: pra., cot,.... p.m., Poneer Grl encampment at Echo Lke Park. Wednesday: 8 p.m Bble atudy. WLLOW tm L CHUECB THE CONFRMATON CLASS of 96S, the members of whch were receved nto communcant membershp of Redeemer Lutheran Church of Westfleld last Sunday, are pctured above. Front row; left to rght Susan Dora, Scotch Plans; Adran* Pellet, Davd Johnson, rene Scfalleske, Pastor Walter A. Kennng, Robert Pfrfender, Mountansde, Margery Glbert, Sandra Afnack, Gregory Peck or Mountansde. Second row: left le rgkt Chrbta Tesner, Scotch Plans, James Maddo, Mchael StoKa-, Nancy Loucas of Faawood, Duncan PetersM; Davd GaNun, Jeffrey HartmuUer of Clark, nfeberg Bossert, Ruth Drew*, Wllam HolzUger. Meat of the MW members are resdents of Westflekl. the Englsh nsttute. Graduatng from the Unversty of Latva n 98, be- subsequently earned there the degrees of PhC, PhMag, and PhD n humantes and socal sc- Today, Ascenson Day: 7 and 9: Allance Church, Retford Ave. ata.m., holy communon; 9: a.m., Cherry St., Cranford, Saturday eve- j r. Women's Dscusson Group, lowshp breakfast;»:» and a.m., ertce. He dd further postgraduate nng at 8 o'clock; Frday: 6: p.m., Junor Epscoworshp servce. t* Uv. Dr. Kar-study n WesthU College n Brmngham, England, the School of Rus- at the Cranford Allance Church for Sunday After the Ascenson: 7:5 The Pynes who have mnstered pal Young Churchmen, Us Lcyasnejer wwl be fuett speaker; Sunday tohool fourth thru ltth san -Humantes n Rga, and Ger-nnmany, and wrote a thess on th«pastoral work, to Craftm M communon.and years, are leavng to take up a, m. f holy communon; 8:5 a.m., trtttm'-at t!#r*:rrl; and two year olds thru thrd grade st ; 6:Sovet Russan poltcal, economc, Oho. Mr. Pyne wll close hs mns- sermon; : a.m. t prayer and sertry n Cranford ths Sunday. mon; :5 p.m. f holy baptsm. p.m., adult prayer; Junor, WhMler and.socal system. Snce 9 he has and Senor.FeUowshlps; 8 p.m., pastoral commttee meetng. magaznes; taught psychology, phlclock servce, a memoral servce of munon; 8 p.m., Course No. meet- edted educatonal and scentfc On Sunday mornng at the o f - Wednesday: 9: a.m., holy comosophy, poltcal scence, and hstory a.m. to pm, Women's Assocaton servce day, sewng; p.m.; trbute and respect wll be gven n h ng n the lounge; 8 p.m., Men's n hgher nsttutons of learnng; honor of the members and adber- club meetag; 8 p.m., Cosmopoltan lectured publcly and n unverstes ents of the church who have passed club, nursng home worshp servce; 8:5 p.m., sesson plannng meetng; Church and Socety semnar. Tuesday: 9:5 a.m., prayer; : a.m., Adult Bble study, Luke. Wednesday: : p.m., Chapel chor; 7:* p.m., youth prayer; 8:5 p.m., adult Bble study. Luke. raur emmeaor own m*. u ft, ^V^S^BjBS^B^S^B^BSBf / " ' BF ^^ r "For n Mm we lve, and move, and have our beng..." Ths'passage from Acts s part of tht Lesson- Sermon whch wll Sunday n all Chrstan Scence churches. Subject of the Lesson s VSoul and Body." Also ncluded are relevant selecton! from the Chrstan Scence text. book, "Scence and Hearth Wth Key to the Scrptures'. by Mary Baker Eddy. Among these are the followng lnes, "God fashons all thngs, after Hs own lkeness. Lfe reflected n exstence, Truth n truthrulnes, God n goodness, whch mpart ther own peace and permanence." Servces begn at a.m. HM pubtc s nvted to attend. THE COMMUNTY nutam cmmcb A. T /r. Dr. Leyasmeyer To Be Guest Of Church Sunday Dr. Karls Leyasmeyer wll be the specal speaker at both mornng servces at Wllow Grove Presbyteran Church, Scotch Plans, Sunday. Dr. veyasmeyer s one of the authortes secured by Wllow Grove Church n ts present study of the war n Vetnam, and hs topc wll be "The Present Predcament and Chrstan Responsblty." Dr. Leyasmeyer was born n Latva n 96. He lved n Russa durng the Communst Revoluton. and the subsequent events, and then returned to Latva to study n Rga n n European countres; and hason ths last year. contrbuted essays and artcles to perodcals n Europe and Amerca. Dr. Leyasmeyer ha also known by personal experence Communst and Naz persecuton. He was arrested by the Communsts, tortured, enfenced to death, and escaped ths after facng a frng squad. Under the Nals he was placed n forced labor, wa lberated by the Amercans, and n -M9 came wth bs famly to the famly to the Unted States, Snce then under the auspces of nternatonal Chrstan Leadershp, be has spoken drectly to over half, a rnjhon. lsteners on world Communsm and related subjects, has been a guest speaker at more than unverstes and colleges, and has alto gven talks and lectures over major network rado and televson.... Wllow Grove Presbyteran Church s located on Rarltan Rd. near Martne Ave. n Scotch Plans, on the Shaekamaxon golf course. Sunday mornng servces take place at 9: and. Sunday: 9: a.m., church school, The organ conssts of approxmate- ranks of ppes and three dv- grade four to eght; :5 a.m., or-lygan rectal; a.m., worshp, organ sons: Great, swell and pedal. Space dedcaton; cradle roll, nursery, kndergarten, prmary grades one toal stops n the future. The buldng has been reserved to make addton- three; V» p.m., Weatmnster Fellowshp; g p.m., Pathways n Musc. memoral gfts, contrbuted by mem- of ths organ was made possble by Tuesday: 8 p.m., class (or newbers of the church ant frends. members. Wednesday: 9 a.m., ntercessory oravers: 9: a.m.. mothers sroup. N WE STruu> Matsfr A Dr. Her. *W*w* L KCT. Janet D. Gala te*. Ac* L Sunday: 9 and :5 a.m., church school and -worshp servces. Dr. Chrstan tfll prcfttf m the topc To Dedcate New Organ Sunday A new ppe organ wlt be dedcated at the Communty Presbyteran Church, Mountansde, Sunday. Tte Aeolan-Sknner Organ Company ok Boston, Mass., bult the organ n about two and one-half years. Robert LeFrank was charman of the organ commttee and was asssted by Mrs. Arthur Olson, Fred Stefel, Alan Dens, Mrs. Wllam MeCurley and Mles Goodrch. Mr. -Goodrch, a member of the church, was responsble for buldng and desgnng the panellng and encasng of the organ ppes. The chancel decoraton, whch has not been fully completed, was the responsblty of the decoratng commttee: Mrs. Fred Stefel, Mrs. Leonard Parrel!, Mrs. Edward Harvey, Ms, Afthttf Olsw artd Mtes Goorf- wtma te #ew ppe by Peter Metz, -who s organst for the Pngry School and wll graduate from there ths year. The drector of musc of the church, Paul Kueter, wll play featured musc from the classcal, romantc and modern eras, whch wll show the versatlty of our new organ. The Chancel Chor of the church wh sng "Glora' by Dvorak and "Blessed Are the People" by Latrobe. The "Concerto n C Major" for organ and harpschord by Padre Antono Solcr, an 6th century Spansh composer wll also be heard; the harpschord wll be played by Mrs. Kueter. The young people's chor, or the Chapel Chor also wll sng. To Honor Allance Church Mnuter A farewell party n honor of 'Rev. and Mrs. Lauranee J. Pyne wll be held n the Fellowshp Hall of The At the 7 o'clock Sunday evenng servce, specal musc wll be presented by The Kng's Keynotes, a muscal group from Rockaway. Rev. Pyne wll brng hs closng message. Week Needed For t Addre$* Change Oae week's sworc at wsjsjtsts af rtajers «f la* "LtUtr" whf u* cajagtsg tfcefr a amrs. AWwse Htta art mae> mp eae week ta aa>aaee» as* vttfts- H s psssssle at tae last salawto la ats etra paster ta m aew MMress, H la a«aeesftls! sve* eat the already a<s>esst paaer ftros gstaf U (he eu a* tress wmamtf tht week's artlea. At "Leader* wb»efesafy «farwara aaaen wmbth esftra ekarge aatywaere s tte tjrte* m$te% ftr UMte Wert«r» wfee are p\m*wmg! at away st teas- GRACE ORTHODOX PRESBYTERAN CHURCH lltt BOTlerar* ROBERT L. ATWELL BUsdsler Sunday; a.m., worshp, Mr. Atwell preachng on "The Grace of Humlty";.9: a.m., Bbte school wth classes for all ages; 7 p.m., worshp, "How to Read the Bble." For the summer the four Bble classes that have been meetng n varous homes wll jon n a study of the 'Book of Acts at the md-week prayer servce. Ths servce s moved from 7.- to 8 p.m. to accommodate late commuters and wll be dsmssed at 9 p.m. ST. PAUL'S EPSCOPAL CHURCH E. Bread ft. The Rev. Cases Rchard J. Bardmaa The Rev, JsJu C. W. Uasley Tae Rev! Joseph 8. Harrses! The Rev. Hsffe Lhreag eed TEMPLB MUASV'KL 75 B. BrtM M. WctteM Tomorrow: :5 p.m., Sabbath Eve Servce, Rabb Kroloff wll Church Art Exhbt speak on "Out of the Whrlwnd/' teachng the holocaust to chldren Calvery Lutheran Church, 6 and adults. Eastman St., Cranford, wll present Saturday: : a.m., B*na Mtzvah of Davd Alan Turk, son of Mr. a two-p&rt exhbt of Lutheran art next month. The dsplay wu nclude and Mrs. Wllam Turk and Brandon examples of art work commssoned M. Jaffee, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sdney Jaffe. for Lutheran church n ths country, aa well as a group of peces executed by Lutheran college students. The ton brunch; 8 p.m., adult educaton. Sunday: a.m., Men's Club elec- exhbt, whch wll be open to the Monday: p.m., youth lounge; publc, may be vewed June,, 57:5 p.m., confrmaton rehearsal. and 6 from p.m. untl p.m., Tuesday: p.m., Frendshp June, 7:5 p.m. -9: p.m., andgroup; p.m., youth lounge. June 5, 7 p.m. untl 9 p.m. ft* ***# *$ Ht, tmd Mm, $»m** «A*#, vewmjr* MHmtm mmm** Wednesday: 7:5 p.m., confrmaton rehearsal; 8 p.m., congregaton meetng. Thursday: 9 a.m., confrmaton dress rehearsal. nqures are welcomed regardng Temple membershp and the total relgous program for chldren and adults, as well as nursery school. nformaton may be obtaned by callng the temple offce. ECHO LAKC CHUKCH or cmtst E. Bread ft. at Ssrlagflel Are. Jasm rewkf. MfcstsMr Sunday: 9: a.m., Sunday school; : a.m., worshp; topc, "The Prayer That Spans the World," thrd of seres; 6 p.m., Youth Group meetng. Wednesday: 8 p.m., servce. Thursday: a.m., Lades Bble class. Nursery facltes avalable. May s on excellent lme to prune unganly growth of lawn evergreens and confers, accordng to Robert A, Barblett, presdent of BantleLt Trco Experts, "Prune pne, fr and spruce now to cut back (e > a e green new growth or 'candles' whch appear ths month," Mr. Bartldt advses. He sad prunng wll not only reduce unwanted new growth to half or three fourths ts length, t wll smultaneously promote growth n those areas whore densty s desred. Hemlock should also he pruned back, especally f grown as -a hedge or a small szed evergreen used for screenng. Bushy growth wll result, the tree expert sad. Mr. Bortlcfat recommends M a y prunng of yew, arborvtac and ohamaecypars. '*But besure to avod a "bald" cut. Leave green folage n back of the pont of prunng. Although rhododenron seldom needs prunng, Mr. Bartlett sad that when prunng becomes necessary t should be done n (two stages: Prune some the frst year and complete t the next season, always cuttng 'above a whorl of leaves. Flowerng shrubs such as forsytha, spres, deufcza and llac should be pruned after blooms appear, he sad. '^Remove tal, old leggy stems. Remember when prunng llacs that llac blooms only appear on (wo or three year old wood/' LOOK CROSSNG AAATMfMC AHTV CONTUt Ea$ogr cast ron CM fnest CUE-'ORX! TS THE MLL WTH TK HOUNDED TURQUMtt TOM Tkt CUttftlLL t wld ent ron... t nts hot and holds h««t for flavor-fll d, ll-over coofcnf... and ft wll last a lfetme Tha sptcally rounded lft-off top has a lough turquolsa porcelan «namal fnsh that mahss t not* ttlcklns and aasy to clan. Rounded, channeled rales let grease run off to the sloes wfara you can pour t off from a spoutl f you lova nod food and outdoor lvng, the CUE-GRLL ts for you! H H!L ECOHOMf ROLL* MOfTMU X" % ", SutT bfkl ffrmt K- fmlnum tg, rratr-tlf«black enamtl twtr tmt, ROW MY TWATUHT STVE VMS, tat. "Over 75 yean ot knottng how" CHARCOAL Black spot and powdery mldew arc common enemes of roses even though they nether creep nor crawl. They're plant dscuses, and no loss damagng than nsects wth all ther gnawng and chewng. Just let your rase bush catch black sput and you'll end up wth one that looks lke an umbrella all of the leaves at the top and none around the bottom. A case of powdery mldew wll gve your rose bushes an all-over whtsh oppearancn caused by mold on leaves, buds and flowers. Spencer H. Davs, a plant dsease doctor at Rutgers, lkes roses and keeps tryng to help stamp out the dseases that affect them. Luckly, control of both alments s easy wth one chemcal, PhalLan, sprayed or dusted accordng to drectons on the label. When you go shoppng for ths you may have to read the fne prnt on the contaner to be sure you're gettng the rght stuff. Anyway, that's been my experence. The news bus been so chetful untl now Unt lnte n.spol j:, ml there's a dsease called haslurnl crown gall that you can't do my- hng to prevent or cum. Ths s a swellng tha grows ;ml grows, usually ;t ground level, on hc knob-lke crown.dr. Dnvs says U swellng looks lke; the husk of a black walnut. You can't cure or prevall crown gull, but you can carefully examne any bushes you are thnkng of buyng to be sure they are free of gulls. f you buy the dsease and take t home you may nfect the sol n your whole rose garden. And f you fnd any bushes wth galls n your garden dg them out and burn them. ELECTRC GARAGE OPENERS ft 69 Success Celebraton" FOLLOW YOUR.95 MU 6- Qmllty controls slco. BERSE BROTHERS Authorzed Daator PLYMOUTH Suta and Strvc* NORTH AVE. W. - FOR THE OUTDOOR CHEF For Fnest Outdoor Fare... \n. CUECART The new grll wth all the features you want! t's extra strong, made from alumnzed steel wth a BONDERZED FNSH! The fregrates come out when the door s opened for easy loadng, changng cookng heghts. Slde-out ashpan prevents ashes from fallng on the pato Many other exclusve features make ths the fnest grll n Amerca. See t tod ay 9*** to '* Chrytlw Moten Corp, WESTFELD Savor tbeusteof CUE-WAGON cookng! lb cast ahalm H cast rm pll wll» Th«prt-stsond ctst ron frll s ready to usel The cast alumnum top and bottom wll last forevtr. There's a bult-n heat ndcator, redwood utlty shelf, and wde tread wntel for aasy folng! Fre heghts adjust to two Fevefs, draft dampers top and bottom provde- precse fre control. Close top when you're through *..tltf coals wll go out and you can use them next tmel AVALALE N TWO MODELS #59-6" x 8" cdoklng area *5 -***" x W cookng area MM ONLY *CA»S CHARCOAL BUCKETS Mads by The ATUWTU STDVE WORKS, Over 75 years of knowng how" ELECTRC LGHTERS STARTER FLUD BAR-B-BASE JDHM MEEKER'S WE GfLVH SOUTH AV. WfSWtO OJM* tof fm AMsSOO fm* AD -*7\7 Opet)

28 Page Sunday 'Pathways' Program Lsted "Pathways n Musc," tho Organzaton whch hns brought a chamber musc emcorl seres D Unon County has lsted the program for U Sunday cdneort. Sclwlulod fur 8 p.m. the concert wll hu held at the Communty Vtsbytrmn CT at Deer Pntl'and Meolrmhmse Lane n (Mountansde. Featured wll bo the "Brass Arts Qunlul" wth Davd Oatnas and Thomas Usonta ployng trumpets, Wllam Hamlton playng French horn, Mldred Kemp on 'tle Trombone nnd Hurtal A. Prce, Jr. playng tuba. The program s as follows: Ganzon Super ntradam Aechopcam, Samuel Scheldt. THK WE8TFELJ) <N.,T.) LEADER, THURSDAY, MAY, 6B m mud Fugue, Alan llov- SOVP Peces, KrnsL Kronuk; Walkng on a Stormy Day, Peaceful Mood, Dancng Toys, Tho Moon Uses, Glass Fgures, Lttle Chessmen and Sttanlor. Symphony for Brass Quntet,,VJcwll bo on sale at the door. Weslfdl Utlty Co. Plans Added Servce Mddle Atlantc UUUes Co. ol WestHeld, a utltes management frm, rep'o'ls hat the company s recevng a number of favorable responses from Hopalcong Borough properly owners to Ms plans for extended water servces n the area through ts subsdary, tle Lake Hopalcong Waler Company. Tle water company s n the proc- of canvassng borough property Tower Musc : Musc for Hs Mn-esgsly's Sackouts and Cornells, Mat- owners to determne how m any Ucw Locke; Sonata from DeBankelsangerleder, Anonymous. ed to serve ther would tc nto a water man extend- neghborhoods. r-ojff AMD RUNNNG by John t. Day Spared Blush y Redneck Dan M. Bowraar, who retred recently after years, of assoca* ton wth the. Thoroughbred Club of Amerca and years as busness manager of the Blood-Hor%c t a weekly breedng journal publshed n Lexngton, once won a strange and very mportant wager on a horse called Redneck whch saved hm from beng _very red-faced. Pror to hs assocaton wth the Blood-Horse, Mr. Bowmar had been promoton manager for the Lexngton Herald-Leador and had cone up wth the confdent scheme Whereby he would gve away the entre edton or the Herald-Leader on any day that a race at a recognzed track was not won by a horse bred wthn 5 m leg of Lexngton. n those days of an annual regstraton of some* thn? lke 6, foals, t s estmated that perhaps CO per cent were products of the blue grass country. At last count, of the 9,6 foals regstered n 966, only 8. per cent were bred n Kentucky. However) Mr* Bowmar probably could have safely made the same offer to* day oecause of the prolferaton of racnjj. On a December day n 9 only two tracks were operatng a half-jnler n West Vrgna and Bay Meadows n Calforna and t looked very much as though the Her* ad-leader was to be a gveaway untl Redneck, a 7-yearold son of Dsplay, got home frst n the last race of the day at Bay Meadows. Mr. R Mr*. Hotrr H. Hoartrr. fornttrly of Trratoft.»re MOW re»tlmr lt a«o ftnrltftn Ht., Scotch Plnlnn. Thty pmrchmmt «! W«*tft>ld maltlplr UM*ns from Mr, and Mtm. FVMCB X. Scott thrcarfc the offce or paak«r A Daakcr.»c. LucUllc A. O«krl*l> hkadlet the tramu'- RBBNS & ALUSON NC ttfemtehtd 9 MAURCE SAMUEL Maurce Samuel To Speak on "World of Sholon Alechem" Temple Emanu-El wll present Maurce Samuel, the deat of Amerdcan Jewsh fetters, n a descrpton of "The World of Sholom Alechem." at 8 p.m. Sunday. Fddler on the Roof s based on hs short stores. "Over the last 5 years, Mr. Samuel has devoted 'hmself to. wrtng and lecturng on Jewsh themes. He has wrtten more thqn books, some of whch have become classcs «'hs own lfetme ncludng the World of {Shalom Alechem, Prnce of'the-ghetto, Harvest n the Desert, The Professor and the Fossl and Blood Accusaton. As' a stylst, a wt, scholar, popularzer, teacher and translator, Mr. Samuel has not only ^transmtted knowledge of the Jewsh hertage to Jews and Chrstans, but le has made hs own sgnfcant contrbuton to the treasure of Jewsh culture. Tckets for "The World of Sholom Aleohem" may be purchased at the door. The publc s nvted. Artsts Exhbt At Town Hall The Westfeld Art Assocaton loan show at the Westfeld Memoral Lbrary wll be on dsplay unt»l the mddle of June and ncludes pantngs by Dors Betz, Leo Montamat, Mke Donovan, Janet Crane, Sandy Knght, Henry Murphy, A. Stepner, Eleanor Smth, Llle Kereges, Emma Malesk, Arlene Woodward. Also Vrgna Rothbaum, Sydney de Camp, Dorothy Bywater, Ellen Knouse, Dorothea Bush ford, Hlda S'eman, Marjore Mencher, Joan Dx, Lylls Hll, Mram Burrell, Flo Slocum, Joan Stanford, Evelyn Barrett, Danca Matejc, Marna Payner and Dorothy Grant. Ths show s arranged by Mrs. John Betz, accordng to A. D. Green, loan show coordnator. Some of the pantngs are n the offces, and four are n Mayor Robert H. Mulreany's offce. These are by Norman Webb, Mrs. Betz, Mrs. H'll and Mrs. Jane Whpple Green. The show wll be changed n md- June. LEADER ADS BRNG RESULTS Sgn Language Choral Concert Featured Solos By Debby Bersc The annual voce rectal and choral concert was presented Frday nght by the musc department of Westfeld Hgh School. The voce department, under the drecton of Mrs. Genovleve Hll presented solos and one duet. The types of songs ranged from talan m us to folk songs. An early talan classc, "Caromo Ben." was sung by Susan Nelson and the ara "Musetta's Waltz Song" from the opear "La Boheme" by Alson Barnes. Jeffrey Callender sang on rsh Folg song "Ballynure Ballad," and Deborah Holder sang an Appalachan folk song. The German song "Blst de Be Mr" by Bach was performed by Katherne Kng, end the folk song "Down by the Rver Sally" by Charles Barth. (Rhonda Shrewsbury sang "Solvejg's Song/' and "Evenng Song" was sung by Cyntha Cushnon. "Wnd n the Treetops" was sung by Constance Marshall and "My Heart -Hath at Mnd" by Susan Schmt. Judth and Joan Buckley performed an ara from the oratoro "Hymn of Prase*' by Mendelssohn. The choral department, under the drecton of Edgar Wallace, s composed of the Boys' Glee Club and the Grls' Chorus. The Glee Club presented "nteger Vtse" by F. Flemng, "DeGospel Tran" by N. Can, and "The Marchng Song" by. E. Larson. The Grls' Chorus sang "Sombre Woods" by J. Lully, "We Hasten wth Eager Yet Falterng (Footsteps" by J. S. Bach, and "Beautful YWet Truthful" by L. Pfautsch. Mrs. Doerr Exhbts At Museum, Park Lorene Doerr of Westfeld s now exhbtng a watorcolor pantng at the Montclar Art Museum wth the New Jersey Water Color Socety. The exhbt wll be on thru June 6. A pantng and drawng of Mrs. Doerr's are also on exhbt now wth the Academc Artsts Professonal Show at the Echo Lake Pavlon. Hoffman Promoted At Fort Bennng Jonathan C. Hoffmann,, whose father, Fred C, Hoffmann, lves at Hazel Ave. w a s promoted to Army Sergeant upon completon of the Ft. Bennng, Ga M nfantry Noncommssoned Offcer Canddate course May 7. Durng hs -weeks of tranng, the sergeant receved nstructon n tactcs, map readng and communcatons. Hs selecton for the course was the result of a specalzed Amy program that grants rapd promotons to outstandng ndvduals. He entered the Army M August 967, Correcton Pctured n a Unted Fund meetng on page one <of last week's Leader was Robert C. Fuller. Mr. Fuller's mddle ntal n the capton was ncorrect. Loses Lcense The drver's lcense of Joseph H. Lark Jr.,,of 9 'Downer St., was suspended for one month under the state's pont system, accordng to Mss June Streletk, drector of Che New Jersey Dvson of Motor Vehcles. LEGAL F'H 8AUTO superor Court or Now Jtrnoy, Chmory Dvson, Unon County, Dueledt #F-8-7. NVCSTOKH AND L.ND-JHH, LTD., t cnrpn'uo) >f the Bluto uf Now.let-Hcy, MlnUrr, VH. CHATC J. AU-KN and JUAMTA ALUON, lls wm, HAo-n nctman, mnuu- UAN THST COMPANY, a Hunkllflr Coru-utUm tf tho HtlUe nt Now JtTKry. LOC'Ml. TA UTMULLHTl nul VKUA A. tautwjw.joh, llf» wra, T/A FUJATHKnnwn TJANO HCOOh nnd MAKY DAVTT, DofouhmtH. Cvl Acton Executon Vor Hfh> ot MfJ't^Rod PrnmlfOB, T-Jy vrtue of tlo nbnvo-htntod wrt nt oxoflutlon tn mo dfroctod nhnll OXPOKO for Klu y publc vonjuo, n rnon H-S, n tho Court Houno, n the Cty of Etl?,aboth, N. J., on WulncHday, tho th day of May, A.D., MH, at two o'clock n tho nftornoun of ml (tay. AJAJ that cortaln tract or parcel nf lml anl promtsoe, herenafter mrtk-ululy dcfturlbctl, utuute, lynp and hclng n tho Town of Woatfleld n the County vt Unon and atata of Now Jersey: rannnlng at an ron ppe located on tho souteasterly wde of Grove Streot at a pont theren dlattmt BothwfBtcrly ulonff tho same foot from tho ntersecton of sad lno of Orovo Street wth the HUUUwesterly Hno of Hoynton Avenue: thttnee fl) nn n. cuurso of south l dog-recb 9 mlnuteh east ant) at rght angna to sad lnn of Orove atreat Ufl.9 Toet to an ron ppe for a corner; thenco () Bouth B9 deg:reefl mlnutoa west 7, feet to another ron ppe for a corner; thenco () north degrees 9 mnutes west and parallel wth the flrat course heron. feet more or lean to another ron pne located n the aforesad lne of Grove Street; thence () along tho sad Una of ftrove Street on a course of north 8 degrees mnutes east 7 feet to tho pont and plnce of Begnnng. BENG more commonly known as flrove Street, "Weatneld, New Jersey. There la due approxmately $9f).7O wth nterest from March 9, (S and coots. The Sherff renerve«the rght to adjourn' ths sale. RALPH ORTSCBT.T.O. Sherff Jay P. Okun. Attv. T.T Sc WL CX-6-5--t Fees $6.8 TVOTCR TO GRKnTORH tate oe CORNELL CHUK- H.ANTC also known n«everett CORNETS CRUKSHANK, deceased. Pursuant to the order of MARY C, KANANB, Surrog-ate of the County of Unon, made on the 5th day of Aprl A.D., MS, upon the applcaton of the undersgned, as Kxecu tors of the estate of gald deceased, notce H hereby gven to the credtors of Hafl deceased to exhbt to the Auhscrlbera un<ler oath or affrmaton ther clams and demands afranat the estnt of sad deceased wthn sx monthft from tho dat«of Rad order, or they wll be toreve r barred from proftecuttng> or recoverng the same aganst the subscrbers. Parry Arthur Crulkahank and Wllam Eugene Crukuhank Executors Donald P. Taylor, Attorney 9 Central Ave. NOTCE Teem $. NOTCES of whch wll bo furnlhlod on applcaton to tlt* engneer. By ortlur of tho Mayor anl Councl of tho Town of "Woatfleld, CART.aa VAN BDNSCHOTEN, Town r-lfl-t Tuko Nutlctj that Echo Country Club Unn appled to tho Mayor utcl Coupull of tho Town uf Wowtllehl for ronowal of tho Club Llconue Cur prctnaoh eltuatod at SlnstUld Avonuo, Weatfleld, N, J. The numuh MU\ addreaaof of offlof tho ttlub and the OBCQH they fll respectvely are: Presdent, ^vorhuu F\ PearRall; Vloc-Proaldent, Robert Dotturff; Secretary-Trea«- urer» Qeor^e P, Zahnj AawlBtant-Bec, and Treauuror r Hobort Mesfltramth; AaHlHtant-SffC, anj Treasurer/ Hobert J, Mtmnln. - Tho board of trustees ncludes: Robert Bottorff, B6 Wyandotte Trull, Wentfeltl, New Jersey; Edward T. Down, 9 Hardng Street, WeHtfleld, New Jornay; Raphael B. Olynn, 5 Arrpwwood Drve L We»lfleld, New Jersey; Harold 8. Jensen, Tloe Place, Weatfltjld, New Jersey; Nelson H. Jordan* Par Hll Road, Weatfteld, New JerBey; Prank Ketcham, 7 Lncoln Road. A\>stfleld, New Jftrsey; Robert J. ulnoqln, COO Htulland Avenue. Webtfleld, New Jersey; Robert S, KTeBorflmlth, Hlllfldo Avenue, Wentflfld, New.Tersay; Frank J, Oertel, 8 Ktmbflll Avenuo, Westfleld, New Jersey; Hverwon F. Pearflal, 7 Sunnywood Drve, Weatflald. New Jersey; H. L Poole, Jr., 69 Deer Path, Mountansde, New Jersey: John A. Held, 76 Lenape Tral, Westflojd, Mew Jersey; Jam en O, Bklnher, Wychwood Road, Westfleld, New JorBQy; Russell H. Tandy, Jr., 57 HVffhland Avenue. K^stleld, New Jersey; Charles B. Varn»"f- Roanoke Road, Westfleld, New JerMX: Ooor^e P. 5!ahn p 8 Sturgea Street, Staten sland. New York., Objectons, f any, should be made mmedately tn wrtng to Joy. C, Vreelond, Town Clerk, of WestfjeW, N, J- -,. BUrned ECHO LAKE COUNTRY CLUB S-l$-t ' Fees 9S.8O NOTCE notce that Peterson's q^, ra has appled to, the Mayor and Councl of-'th* Town-of WeBtfleld for rcnewarof the Plenary Retal Dstrbuton Lcense D*7 for premses ntrated at South Avenue; Went, Weatfteld r 'New Jer- ajma of thn corporatlpn ard tho oftlce* th«y hold respectvely are: Albert R. Peternon, Jr r 'f Lynn Lane, WeBtfeld, New Jersey, Presdent and Treasurer; and Vlnclnla Peterson, 7 Lynn Lane, Wefttfleld, New Jersey, Secretary, Ohjectlons, f any, should be made mmedately n wrtng: to Joy C; Vraeland, Town Clerk of WeatAqld, New Jersey, PETERSON'S LQUORS, NC. Houth Avenue, West Westfleld, New Jersey 5-6-tt Fees y $. Lcense Suspended He drver's lcense of CfaorlM R. ATOO, M, O( 8ft South Ave., hpt Notce s hereby gven that ealed [ beel) SUfpOMled for 69 day* Under repar materals n the "Westfleld n the County wth an estmated amount of, tons of Rttumlnoua concrete Type "A" or "T" top, type "RRNS" overlay and stablzed base,, tons of Broken Stone, and, Ratons of cut-back asphalt, Grade RC- 5, and opened nnd read n publc at the Muncpal Buldng, 6 East Broad Street on June, 96ft at : P.M., prevalng tme. Specfcatons and forms or ton the proposed work, prepared by. CflarfeJ Van Benschpten, Town Engneer, and approved by the Commlssoner of Transportaton! have been fll&d n the offce of sad engneer at Thft Publc Works Center, 9^ North Avenue, Weat'fleld ancl of sad Commssoner of Transportaton, Trenton, New Jersey, and at the Dvson of TOcal Government Ad, Dstrct Offce, Tenneck Armory, Teaneck Avonuc and lberty Road, Teaneck, New Jersey, and may by napectert by prospectve bldderh durlnk bublneas houra, Bddern wll be furnshed wth a oopy of the apeel(leatons by the EnKlneer on proper notce and payment of cost of preparaton- BdB must be mare on standard propoaal forms n tho manner denlfntted thtren and reculrcd by the spedfcatonn^ muat be enclosed n sealed envelope^ bear n? the name and utmreffl of bdder and the name of the mnteral covered by the bd on the ouude, add rennet] to the Mayor and Councl of the Town of Weal- Held, and munt be accompaned by a N6n-C>lluson. Affdavt an a certflea check for not lesa than ten () percent of the amount of bd, provded jc&td e)eck need not be more than $,^ nor shall not be less than $5. and be delvered at the place on or before the hour named above. The standard proposal form am the Non-Collus on Affdavt are attached to the supplemental apeeflcatlons, copes DRVEWAYS AND PARKNG AREAS PAVED PRESERVE OLD DRVES and AREAS WTH COSMCOAT ASPHALT SEALER accordng drector ol the New Jersey Dvson of JUST HORSNG AROUND, two mules whle away the tme watng to haul brcks to ste near Aswan Dam n Unted Atab Republc. nd ANNVERSARY GRAND REOPENNG CELEBRATON FOR THE MONTH OF MAY A $5 Gft Certfcate From Hahw's each WMC WATCH THE WESTFELD LEADER FO* THE LUCKY WNNERS THS WEEK'S WNNER MRS. R. P. SMTH 5 Doran Place, WMttald, N. J. VCTOR ROGERS TEXACO STATON South Avt. and Rost Fl W««fcay» 7 a.m.-* p.m. Sunday * a.m.- p.m. F Carry Home An Armful OfC Power Today NOW! So LJohtwsght YET SO RELABLE T CARMS ANAQMKAL WRTTEN 5 YAR REnACEMENT WAfMANTY &TV * LOCAL AND LONODtSTANCft MOVNO V HOtAOl WM. A. PARKHURST CONTRACTOR ADomt -7 P. O. Ux, WttffeM RM. MM N. J auo * PACKNG T wrnrnm Ftex-o-Mount* South Avt., Cranfofd Polng Ol Co. "THOUSANDS OF SATSFED CUSTOMERS WHEN THEY WANT"... FUEL OL HOUR PROMPT SERVCE Trucks Rado Dspatched SALES AND SERVCE HEATNG tommmht MM SOUTH ST WHTHftD Both of these sgns have the same meanng. The one at top s n common use at ntersectons throughout the Unted States, but t has two man dsadvantages t frequently can't be seen easly because t blends n wth many other sgns of the same shape and color, and ts meanng s lost on any drvers who can't read and understand Englsh, The lower sgn a red crcle and dagonal lne coverng a black rght-turn arrow s part of a wordless nternatonal symbol sgn system that's attractng ncreasng attenton on the part of traffc experts n th:s country. Because of ther shape, color and unversal meanngs, these sgns stand out better than most Amercan sgns and fee t/rrferstood by a'rtyowe',- f tut, fatoda and jtm Am ONER Lunch-tme $ Fun and Relaxng Here! Congenal surroundng* and good food served rght Modest prced. /.! ' ', v "MUMH CAOV Qunctr pommvm Thte Hm fktlmu* of ht AHAM t«al. Th actual Ma ff(x«d l«admral Ar Cpndttonara %- nlf*s that th» namtplafa TU/Hour coolng capacty, watt«and amp«r«««r«ctrffwd accurata by th«astocffl' tlon of Horn* Applance Manufacturers. BMATER COOLNG CAPACTY TNCOROftlT DtKvtrt, BTU/Hour... Cools room arm* up to 65 sq. ft. "Ouaj-Vaflt" ar flow «yst«m. Fts wndows 7* to ' wwt. mooth. U9C T V & APPLANCE Central

29 r WW (N.J) LEADER, THURSDAY, MAY 5, 8 PflgO Scotch Plans-Fanwood News 'Bag Rate' Feature OfRummage Sale Scotch Plans A bargan prce of 5 cents for all the clothng one can ft nto a bag wll be offered by the Order of the Eastern Star at a rummage sale tomorrow n the Scotch Plans Amercan Legon Hall, Park Ave. and Sunset PL, near Route. The bargan rate apples only tomorrow, but the rummage sale opened at fl a.m. today and wll contnue untl p.m. today. Frday hours wll be fl a.m. to p.m. Mrs. Fred Camp and Mrs. Bart Hurley, both Fanwood resdents and co-charmen of the sale, have announced that clothng, brc-a-brac and furnture wll be sold at low prces both days. a... m Epsten Actve n County Post Mr. «* Mrm. E. Clfford Hall, Jr H t S Dowt Hll R. %%m hsw fltfewlsk > F«r U*r >* BU* Scotch Plans Unon County Freeholder Jerome Epsten was named today as county campagn coordnator for the three Republcanddates seekng the offces of surrogate, regster and sherff. Sad Epsten, " consder, myself fortunate to bo asked to work on behalf of'these very excellent canddates who are seekng these very Vtal consttutonal offces of ^county government. Mary Kanane of Unon has proven herself to be a capable and hardworkng surrogate as has Joseph Durkn of Elzabeth n hs capacty as county regster of mortgages and deeds." Contnued Epsten, "n Polce Lt. Vncent Brnkerhof of Cranford, the voters n Unon County wll.have the opportunty to elect to the offce of sherff, a person whose lfe has been dedcated to law : - enforcement and publc servce."" Epsten, who served a campagn coordnator for the entre Republcan tcket n 966 announced that a coordnator n, each of the county's muncpaltes hps been selected whose.prme functon wll be to. brng canddates nto each communty for the purpose of ntroducng them to the.'voters at poltcal, socal and to AF Ra»e Spec. Abbott s a 965 graduate Tranng Center at llowry AFB, ol Scotch Plans Fanwood Hgh publc functons.. Colo.rfor specalzed schoolng as a School. Epsten stated "the theme, of thernunrtkns specalst. Arman Jackton s' a' graduate of Scotch'Plans- campagn wll be 'meet, the people' and our canddates, are ready and fanwood ttgfc, SchjH>t., "Poor People" Ddn't,, ous to begn the camoegn.' ff«r Mr. Realtor. ml ths SAME DAY SERVCE CNTtA AVHU fmerr Walter Art Assn. Elects Presdent. At a; recent meetng of the Scotch Plans-Fanwood Arts Assocaton, the followng offcers and commttee c^amfcen -were elected for the com' ng-year;- Presdent; Bernard Breslqr; frst vce presdent, Mrs, Lloyd D. Hansen; second vce presdent, Mrs. Jules Andrus; secretary/ Mss Barbara Adams; treasurer, Mrs. Joyce Gunnels. Charmen wll be: Program, Mrs. Edward Chrstansen; monthly exhbts, Mrs. Harry A. Fsher and Hpwartf Arnold; May exhbt,, D. Hansen, Jutes Andrus, Ars. Howard Arnold; hosptalty, Mrs. Wllam Mars; publcty, Mrs. Paul lzant; membershp, Mrs. E. C. Woodward; telephone, Mrs. Davd Davs; newsletter, Mrs. Jutes Andrus, A 'workshop was conducted at the last meetng. StH lfe groupngs were dsplayed fo, sketchng, and Mr. Andrus posed for portrat and fgure drawng. Plans were dscussed lor- the thrd anual outdoor exhbt tar the assocaton to be held on the ground of pm!**od Communty Cent y Majf. S.anll. Mrs. Andrus was named n $ Mllon Group Georg H. fefert, representng the Home Lfe nsurance Co., New York, has aulfed as a member of the 68 Mllon Dollar Hound Table, an nternatonal assocaton of successful lfe nsurance salesmen. Mr. Selfert s a member of the boardof drectors of the Now ark Assocaton of Lfe Underwrters. He resdes at 58 Newark Ave., Scotch Plans. Paul Abbott Promoted To Spec. 5 n Vetnam Scotch Plan* Paul A. Abbott,, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester E, Abbott, 5 Paff P., was promoted to Army specalst fve Apr. wlle servng wth the 7st Evacuaton Hosptal near Fleku, Vetnam. Come, After All, More than WeetfeW femues were ready recently to provde oyernght ^accommodatons for people vfao were to have been enrote from the New- England area to take part n the Poor People's March to Washngton. Dr. C. P. Van Djk, presdent qf the Westfted Area Commttee for Human Rghts, reported shortly. alter noon that day that te assstance would not be needed because the number of marchers was below the expected quantty. One reason gven for the smaller turnout was that nterested parents who wanted to make the march were unable to obtan care for ther chldren durng ther absence from home, Westfteld resdents had alao planned to serve a buffet dnner to the marchers n the Trnty Hgh School cafetera. Upon learnng that the bus toad of people would not be conng here, arrangements were made to take the food to Newark for a group of marchers spendng the otfht (here. Human Rghts Commttee membem who were responsble for organzng aubtanee for the marchers expressed apprecaton for the help. that was readuy avertable. Cancer Carnval Kts Avalable "t's Cancer Carnval Tme!" That wll bo (the dn (rased by youngsters and teenagers 'throughout neghborhoods -n WesLfeld 'after they obtan free specal kts of nrnterala to promote cancer carnvals from the Amercan Cancer Socoty. "And t wll be fun-tme, too, for every famly n tlo neghborhood when the kds get together to stage a backyard "Cancer Carnval" for the Unon County Chapter of the Amercan Cancer Socety," sad Eugene G. Wlkns, Ph.D., presdent of the loea'l cancer-fglhtlng organzaton when he announced the avalablty of the free kts. "Ths s 'a great opportunty to Amercan Cancer Socety and have fun dong t," Dr. Wlkns sad., Accordng to Dr. Wllrns, there ore promotonal tems n the free "Cancer CamavaT kt. Some of rthe thngs are: "Cancer Carnval" posters, labels and envelopes; "Send Mouse to College" posters and envelopes; balloons, badges and bumper stckers; and complete nstructons for stagng the event, as well as suggestons for dfferent games and a check-last to make sure everyone s -dong everythng correctly. Free "Cancer Carnval" kts can be obtaned by wrtng the Amercan Cancer Socety, Unon County Chapter, 5 Westmnster Ave., Elzabeth, or telephonng the county executve drector, Rchard W. Armdt. Afrcan Travelog By Shelby Fell, Former Mayor, Shown to Old Guard The J. B. Wllams Company, nc. Shelby G, Fell, former mayor of on "Trusts and Wlls" at the Maylas unnomveed the appontment of Wcstfeld and a past drector of the mootng. Hobct D. G>lovor 9 Kewujton Dr. local Old Guard spoke at the regular meetng of fcluvt organzaton on topcs covered at the Old Guard vce presdent. M. Colby brefed the members as admnstratve and nurkdhu at *he YMCA Thursday, He presented sldes wth comments on a recent two month camera safar n nle'-obaptcr Councl n EUzabolh A graduate of Rutgers Unversty, on -the bhof the month. Ths ncluded some state LegLsktvu mat-sons. He (s located at the company's Mr. Glover s marred and to two Afrca. Bath east and west coasts were covered from South Afrca to tors that may affect some members. executve offces n New York Cty. Egypt as he travelled by plane, bus and nver launch. Of specal nterest wore the game preserve, mnng company compounds 'and street markets: Wallace Colby, vce drector, presded at ths assembly. He tendered a specal greetng to Robert Johnson, a member now lvng n Calforna. The recepton commttee char- keep the youngsters occuped for An X-ray techncan at the hos-somptal, Spec. Abbott entered on ac-lo brng out the enterprsng talents man, John Moore, noted the return of the summer and wll help 9ALPH JACKSON tve duty n January 966, completed of the -boys and grls *a the negh-from Mom and Dad wll want Shannon and several others who bad a Florda sojourn c* Harvey Scotdr PJahu Arman Ralph E. b tranng g at Ft. Dx, N.J. andborhood. Jackson Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. was assgned to tfe Armed Forces to get n on *he act and grandparents, too. Everyone wll be helpng mssed the last meetng. Jackson of 5 (Mountan Ave,, hasentrance and Examnng Staton n completed basc tranng at Lackl and AFB, Texas. He has been as- n Vetnam last September, Roanokc, Va., pror to hs (arrval Andrew Ball recorded brthdays to further the good work of the of Clark Green, Paul Reeves, Versgned to t-he Ar Force Techncal non O'Bren and Omlle Brubjaker. The customary serenade honored these men. Ray Davson has flled 'two bus ses for. the Me& ball game and s now acceptng names on a standby bass only. Anthony CMeason repwted on. a dozen sck calls, most of whch ndcated varyng degrees of mprovement. Ralph Landback would wed come phone calls at Overlook Hosptal, Thomas Young a conyalesc- ;ng at home, Wllam Stuart wll be home next week and Edmund Gt tens s able to receve bref calls. M-. Gleason s hgh n duplcate brdge, followed by Fred lt has been amanged for R Pnto of the Natonal State Bank to talk FRESH KLLED ROASTNG CHCKENS V to lbs. b. 9c GERMAN BOLOGNA SPCED HAM LVERWURST HEAD CHEESE Jamas A. Martn NATONAL TRUCK DRVER OF THE YEAR Glover New Vce, Pros. Of N.Y. Cty Fnn Tps from a Pro WOT TOO FAM-NOT TOO FRESH KLLED CAPONS MSS OWA SLCED BACON 6 bt. Avg. HOME MADE SAUSAGE MEAT b. 69c JAM FAMOUS GROUND BEEF r lbs..99 CHOCE SRLON STEAKS. For ytart w«'v«b n The people our FUEL t lops. From wood fo co* to ol. But you really can't b* convnced untl you try ut. Ths f a womurful fmo to moko the tost. Ordtr from us than stback and relax. Wf AM NOW SGNNG CONTRACTS POR TH NW HEATNO SEASON TH OUR ONSDM THE EASY MY MJDG LSJRVN AVE...WF.ST MMfM MMWOM MAMNf MMMMf COMPANY WESTFED. NFW WE Of FER CHOCE -A l l st CUTS RB ROAST... b. 79c BONELESS PORK ROAST..,. b. 69c CHOCE BONELESS CHUCK POT ROAST lb.79c CHOCE PORTERHOUSE STEAKS..... CHOKE Y. BEEF CUBES For Stow or Gouloth TRY OUR FAMOUS HOM MADE POTATO SALAD AND COL SUW JAM FROZEN FOOD SPECALS # Brctoy* Awoko, 9 ox, <qn c Bnbcy* Tny Tatars c Dulony Cut or Fronch loans. for 9c Dulany Mxod Vogotablos for 9c Stobrook Farms Asparagus Hollomkto... 9c Soabrook Farms Buttorod Parsloy Pot 9c lcho Coffoo Rkh for 5c Mlnwt* Mad Umonod*, wht* or pnk/5 for 59c Wht* ROM Mayonnase qt.9c WhU* ROM FruH Cocktal, for. Wht* ROM Aprcots, for. Wht* ROM M*ach 9c Ekctrosol for. ^^P^P^PW^P^P^P^BP^P^B^PMP^P^P^P^P^P^P^P^PMP^P^P^P^P^P^P^P^^P^PP^P^P^P^P^P^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^P^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^P^P^^^^^^^^^^^^^P^P^P^P^^^^^^^** KEERLERS Ootmsol r os* Fg Bars, lb. Spcod Wndmll, oz. Whoaffsworth Crackers Whsflos Dasos for $. box 9c box 9c box 9c FRESH VEOHABLES DALY Slrawborros Asparagus Chorry Tomatoos Com Molons Waforcross Bonlo B B.Q, Sauco Fmo Wth Ordor Oloo 9c Royal Dary Oka 5 for. Nucoo for. Volvooto Chooso lbs, 99c Rtfo^s Tomato Juco for 89c ColUgo nn Tomato Juco for. Pol Mowf llondod Juco. for. p^p^p^p^p^p^p^p^p^p^p^p^p^p^p^p^p^^p^^^^^p^^p^^^^^p^p^p^p^p^p^p^^p^p^p^^^^^p^p^^p^^p^^^p^p^p^p^p^p^p^v^p^^^^p^^p^^^^^^^^^b NABSCO SPECALS Oroo, full pound tscos Sugar Wafors Graham, Plan or Honoy Toastott»s 7c 7c 9c 5c S*W Coff««lb.59c Savarn Coffoo lb.75c Martnson nstant 69c Wht«Roso Too Bogs 8*9c SUPER MARKET $56 MOUHAtN AV \

30 Pago 6 THE WESTFELD (N.J.) l.eadkr, THURSDAY, MAY, 968 S e n o r H g h N n e W n s F o u r, P u s h e s S e a s o n M a r k T o - Devls Capture Watchung Ttle; Attan 9- Dual Meet Slate * Golfers and n Ttle Meets Good Ptchng Helps Devls; Take Two Tournament Games KCK MNER Thu Wllf t.ncknu!!!.scored 5 ponts to retan ther Walchung Conference ttle ksl week. Westfeld <!ofoatod Scotch Plns two days before, 7 'j-f>l l!, TomoTow, ho cnderrncn wll compote n the Central Jersey Champonshps. Westfeld's Conference strength was found n ts mddle and long dstances, where :u of the 5 ponts wore assembled, Paul Byrne captured frxl n th' Hflft wth a :59.5, followed by Don McQuade who also broke mnuus. Mler Dave Brown dsplayed a superb ndvdual effort, takng frst n 5:5.9, wth cocaplnn Harry Graves second at :8. Sophomore Seve Coatc placed ffth. Mke Murray completed WHS' dstance domnance, postng a new Conference two-mle record of 9:5.. Two-mMors Mke McGlynn and Rck Calvcrt added ponts takng rd and 5th places wth : and : performances. Warren Hang added to Westfeld's vctory, clearng 5 l " for frst place n the hgh jump. Other contrbutors were pole-vaultcr and co-captan Ed Tenns Club Wns Weekend Matches Murray placed fourth. Hs tme was :5.). Tomorrow, Westfeld goes to the Contra-! Jersey Champonshp at Hghland Park. Ths s the frst year Unt meet lus served as qualfcnton for the state meet and only the frst throe n cact event are elgble. WHS' dstance men and vaultcr Wlder stand the best chance of qualfyng. WKNTKK.O 75 SCOTCH lm..u.\s-r,\nu(»h),'tl '/,. flyl hmllw,. M>r.rffU)tu W:. lhrk-y. S!'l'\;t. tvhnlut, Kl»l-\ Tme, "Vlo, l. Kelly W;. TlVfltupuo, W;. Umn-r, \V. Ttmo,!). Mle,. -VllHon, HM' ; '*. Murray, \V; :. Mc(, \V. Tme, :.. fu,. Uyruo. \V.. UullluHvr. W; :. NHMM, \V. Tme, rm.u. Low lnnllert,. luruy, SPh" ;. SHnLsur, SL>]''; tf. Ma Lno, W Tme, ). 7. -MH-, t. Pn-luy, W;. Mner, W; ;. Pcdrotty, W. Tme, :<.ft. SSO,. Brooks, SPK;. Lamer, W; :J. EckunUm.. SP<\ Tme. :59.:!. *S,. Kelly. \V;. L&rner, W; Cckonthul, SPl<\ Tme,.8. Shot 'ut,. Celman, W;. JJuvs,. (te) Ley, ;\V,, and Van Fernger, SRL«\ D-slauec, 5-5. Javclfn.. Grlesumor, W;. Kettle, >F a Keleher, L -6. Klh S J K Dt Dstance, Uls-us,. Crell, SP.F;. Kuenslc, SP- : ;. Davs, SPF, Dstance, -7. Jump,. Fryer, SPF;, Hrfus, W;, Bllln, snff. Heght, 5-. Polo Vault.. Hurley, SPF;. Wlder, W;. Baumgartnor, TV. Heght, S-. lrod Jump, '. Jackson, W:. Robnson, W;. Sohnltzur, SPP. DJa- Uuce, - Saturday the Westfeld Tenns Club defeated the Orange Lawn Tenj s Club - Sngles Bll Montwd great tenns, almost upset Ed Faulkner, hghly rated n Unon County. W. defeated Stu Rchter, 6-, 9-7. Gene Spen O. defeated Dck Arnold, 6-, 6-. Tom Larkn O. defeated After playng two tough sets and down 5- n the thrd, Skelly ted Fred Hevln, -6, 6-,6- n a hard t up at 5-5 only to lose 8-6. He fought match. balance of the match remaned n Doubles George Marwn and the hands of sophomore Mease. Norm Morton W. defeated Bob Pyle Cranford's fate became obvous as and John Brandes, -6, 6-, 6-. one watched Mease engneer hs Te n Echo Lake Women's Golf n a stroke play tournament at Kcho Lake Country Club last week, Mrs. R. J. Barrett.Jr. wth O:J-8 75 and Mrs. Vncent Fsher, 95-7., shared frst place honors n Class A. Mrs. John Ackerman, cardng 8-76, was next. Mrs. Koland Bcddows and Mrs. A. Wllam Rose ted for low putts, each takng. n Class B, Mrs. Berger Egencs led the feld wth [(7-7. Mrs. Robert S. Mosscr.smlh was second wth!)7-7 and Mrs. John V. Uoys had putts for low honors. Mrs. Robert Davrs posted 9-75 to wn n Class (.'. Ted for second were Mrs. H. S. GJynn 8-7 and Mrs. Wayne Dorsett 9-7a. Mrs. Aex 5. Cloud won lawj putts wlh 8. THOMAS B. CALL Cahll to Address Sports Dnner By GARY PALMER Frustrated s the word to descrbe the Wcsfcld varsty golf team tost week, as the Blue Devls placed second h tle Unon County Champon' shp and fourth n the State Dstrct Champonshp, both tmes fnshng behnd Cranford, a team they beat n dual meet competton. n the Dstrcts, Westfeld mssed qualfcaton for the State Champonshp Fnals by one stroke, To qualfy, a team must place n the top ttae n ts dstrct. The Blue Devls fnshed fourth wth a score of. SouUh Planfcld won the match wth a, Chatham Townshp was second wth, and Cranford thrd wth. Ben KaJals of Cranford won the ndvdual ttle wth a 75, followed by South Planfeld's Jack Skochl 76, and Lnden's Wayne Montalvo 77. Mark Reddy of Westfeld came Thomas B. Cahll, head football n tenth wth an 8. coach of the U.S. Mltary Academy n the County Champonshp, at West Pont, wll be the guest Cranford played the role of spolers.,,,.., A,.«. agan as they took the honors by speaker at the forst annual All-Spotrts 6 rf,-,..... n strokes. Vac Newmark of Cran- Award Dnner sponsored by txe ford took the top dvdual trophy Westfeld School Boostens lor Senor ^th a 78, an d Gary Frend of Gov- Wlder, nd place at '6"; Jeff Sprko cf Gresemcr, javeln, nd place at Saturday, the Holy Trnty varsty Blount sa 797"; quarter-mler Paul Nelson, Hgh School sports partcpants. The ernor Lvngston was second wth wll play St. Bonaventure n tfce Berzaskls p nnlello b rd place at 5.; hgh hurdler affar wll be held at the Shacka- an 8. Blue Devl John Lay carded sem-fnal round of the state tournament. Manao ph Dam a to c-<b Charle Morrson, rd place at 5.; maxon Country Club Tuesday, May»». but Koapffer t awarded thrd De Wan rf and long junper Carlton Jackson, on a match of cards that revealed Ths s the thrd consecutve year 5th place. School Netsters Benprle b a a P MJdCrwkn o ' Frend had won the frst hole. m whch Holy Trnty has met St. DoWn rf-lf At Scotch Plans, Tuesday, the endermen blanked ther opposton to Coach Oahll has produced dent- Reddy placed nnth wth an 8. Bon's. n 966 the Blue Braves won MteCurter a> Herewth Upset Cranford cal 8- records n hs frst two years Next weck( westfeld contnues the to on superb ptchng by John move to a 9- dual meet slate. Morrson beat out Scott Hurley, one of team and hs gudance of A r m y on cranford Monday n a dual meet. beat the Braves 7 to 5. Ths gome as head coach of the Army football Devl-Cougar rvalry as they take Oadek. n 967 St. BonaveAure's the outstandng performers n the By ROGER BELL football back nto natonal promn- other earler chapters of ths feud promses to be a thrller wth both Conference, n the hgh hurdles wth The Westfeld netsters boosted ence brought hm Owch-oMhe-YearL lu(je an ^ ^ westfeld vctory E squads boastng records of better a 5.5. Kevn KeWy won both dashes, ther season's mark to 9-5 by beatng Berkeley Heghts -, Dayton to Army football for he had been champonshp over the Blue honors n 866 He was no newcomer fl d a four slroke Watchung o ^. than.5. and Byrne led Westfeld to sweep n the wth hs 5.. Half-mler the Plebe coach for seven prevous _... \. /vl,««.^ Holy Trnty's Pat amtfello*s near Regonal 5-, and upsettng Cranford - last week. meets MtUbum McQuade place second wth a :, seasons and ha s developed an exct- *»"* ** he»* *' w-luttor was enough to wn hskevy cf followed by Jm Wedman's :. n ng and sprted type of team whch Tuesd * y Wegnor cf thrd game n as many starts, 8- Scott Chancer and Pete Gallgan Keurney f <themle, 'Murray placed second wth las attracted frccord - breakng over Oratory school last week. The Gnla p remaned undefeated n doubles Klne b a :.8, followed by McGlynn's crowds to Mchde Stadum, home Wendl Honored wn, Trnty's tenth, marked the Bodftr p :.. Bob Farley led WHS to competton wth a - slate, Aganst D&Starfrano c feld of the Cadets. sxth straght season the Blue Braves sweep the two-mle wth a :,5. Berkeley Heghts after splttng the Tralng were Rck Mner, nd place, frst two sets, and down - n the A natve of Fayettevlle, N.Y., the have won or more games n a Ruppt c At Wlkes Agan and Tom Pcdrotty, thrd, and allthrd, t seemed they would be handed ther frst loss of the season. Nagara Unversty n 9. He was Enroute to hs wnnng two-ht per- 7 year old mentor graduated from season. T-otala three boys ran seasonal best tmes. Scotch Plans was stronger n the Playng great tenns they came a three sport letterman there, n Th c Wlkos College atmetlc depart- basketball and baseball. n ment has Tecentlv named Joseph ned twelve and wadked one. anformance, the senor southpaw fan- feld, however, as they swept the from behnd to wn the last set 8-6football, dscus. Gresemer threw 7'6" for and clnched the match for. Westeld. The doubles team of Steve trple, a double, a sngle and two World War he served fve years wcndl son rf Mr. and Mrs. J. A. nello helped hs own cause wth a as -an nfantry offcer, 8 months of Wen<H o m Mnsnk Way, as frst n the javeln. Jackson also whch were spent n the South Pacfc. Hs dvson moved from New captured frst wth a U*'V " n themease and Tom Roberts and the AtMoto of tne Year< RB's, rasng hs average to.. long jump. Haug and Wlder took thrd sngles player, Jeff Feldman, the second Gunea *o the Phlppnes and after S second n ter events, both clear- accounted for Westfeld's other two e w Jersey natve'bas CTlsecutve year Trnty scored the frst of eght been so honfche war, to Japan. He was dsclarg- orec j n runs on a walk, a stolen base and Ue award ng 5'8" and V, respectvely. tjcnts. annello's double. Sngles from the cd as a captan. George Ralston, called W-endl the n the Un-on County Champonshp Aganst Day.ton Regonal, the netsters allowed ther opponents only chaned up the Braves second run. bate of Jm Blount and Mke Sprko Meet, last Saturday, Westfeld was Cahll coached at Manlus School greatest all-around atvlote ever to not as fortunate, scorng only nne near Syracuse and at Rverdell Re- enter he college. games, as all the doubles and Four hts and fve errors between jonts. Two-mler Brown placed second wth a U:.6 behnd Steve Bar- over a year perod. He s mar- and performance. Joe left lttle gonal Hgh School n New Jersey The selecton was based upon mert sngles teams won ther matches n the thrd and sx nnngs added sx straght sets. man of Unon Catholc. Wlder was red and has four chldren, two sons doubt n the mnds of the selecton more runs to Trnty's total. The locals banded Oranford ts second defeat of the season. Prevously n the Westfeld area. nne letters n football, wrestlng and n the bottom of the seventh when thrd n the pole-vault at '. n the and two daughters, and many frends commttee for he has accumulated Oratory squeezed across Ks run Cranford had beaten Wesbfeld - baseball durng hs three years of n Westlold's frst defeat of the season, but Frday the tables were The Boosters wh honor all h g h- ^ t e t ^ H ju n- *V/vrtl enn-tc ann ennwe ra-yaon ".... school sports and sports related turned. Both Westfeld doubles teams lost the frst set, then ralled and won both matches. Feldman was defeated by Bll Mller n straght sets 6-, 6-. Bob Skelly, playng Echo Lake Country Club held ts annual member-guest tournament over the weekend wth the followng results:. Kred -floss ;K J o h n Tlm-Mc. \\':r.tnonk, > l,. tllph \<lt)k Mt U*.,, \*;m >er luck, C'nou tfnnk. l^!l; JP M;ul(lnx Ld F{;l[h (on n ("lu't, ( ;t HM- [ront, \ lt; J rn -''l.(-\ ll-- - s- U:]h \\-un:t, 'lalnfcld,!'; l>nn Uy-rw ;nd H.-n r,..v., d.k Hll, lt»m-lu.-ster,.v.v., :n; Jack KcrulM' am 'hl Drake, Westmnster Names Gregory MVP Tom Gregory of Westfeld, a junor recently receved the most valuable player award n cross country at Westmnster College. tans hs present pace, he wll become the College's frst twelve let- groups such as the band, cheerleaders and twr-lers and wll have as ter wnner. ther specal guests the senors of all groups and the sports totter wn-." Durng the past football season -*. _... * --.. pn JO was a key factor n keepng ors wll receve Booster awards. alve the streak. The 5* ", 8 pound junor The Booster, wll present tter an-\~ ^,. ft^^gy, ^ n nual scholarshp grants to two stu-. * Teturn t He dents who have shown outstandng re^onshe Co. athetc, academc and leadershp L ^, m wn wer De aware V alablllty ' Westfelfl Women 'ley College when he returned an Agge punt 67 yards for a score and set the stage for the wnnng converson. He broke a college record aganst Charle Schmdt and George Espoatto defeated Bob Coburn and George Mease, smashng backhands down The Westfeld Women's tenns ^t hs own four and galloped^ pay- game aganst Whtney Lancaster. oppe luapewukl ursnas when he gathered n a punt Larson, 6-, -6, 6-. Sunday the lo-thcals vsted Berkeley Tenns Club slam the ball o u t of Lancaster's lne, and chargng the net toteam showed ther strength Frday rt * yards ^ Wendl s pass as they overwhelmed Majrewood n. e U aptly ^ ^ ^n n East Orange and agan won -reach, won on straght sets 6-, 6-. [ sf ra '^ht sets. Joan Selvg and Pat the encounter when le mtern spte of defaultng one of the dou-tomarobles matches. tenns power Montclar. Monday they Mary Lynatt 6-, «-. Bobb Gallgan scor «; One cove!; ed Westfeld goes aganst a Stuhler defeated Joan P«rne and "P " two P asses and ««**** f «r Sngles - Bll Montwd W\ defeated Steve Frafel, 6-, 7-5, Fred shps. Martha McCaske and Dolly Wlson ^rds - Jlkes W^ 8 n Mr ', Everythng HcvLn W. defeated Walter Chnzer, 6-, 6-. Betty Allen and Valentne ***> r holds the conges season recenter the Unon County Champon- and Mlle Van Leuvan defeated er college record and the other 55 9-, 6-, 6-, Ted Cohn B. defeated Fort defeated Jane Grunng and wd for P«nt return yardage. Hs Dck Arnold, -6, 6-, 6-. Weekend Results Dana Meechsam 6-, 6-. Pat Pro- P 8 * season lwnors hst: a second. lean and Beverly Strong defeated team selecton at a safety posuon Doubles George Esposto and At Echo Lake Lz Green and Martha Shroeder 7-5, Don Wer defeated rv and Bob Rosenhaus 7-5, -6, 6-. Westfeld de- ^hc 967. A'nencan Football 6-. Coaches Assocaton, College Dvson, All-Amercan-Team; a second faulted n the other doubles match team selecton to AP All-State Team when they faled to come up wth Mrs, Falcone Tops a second doubles team. (Contnued on next page) Wallace Starrng n Amhcrat Track n Echo Lake Flay M r s. Albert M. Falcone placed frst n an accuracy tournament of the nne hole group at Echo Lake Country Club wth a score of seven. Other results: Class A, Mrs. Joseph E. Kndregan 8,, Mrs. Frank K. Burgcner 9. Low Putts, Mrs. Bll P. Noon-an 7. Class B,. Mrs. James D. Hagy 9,. Mrs. E. Alfred Herberch,. Mrs. Thomas H. Wght H. Low Putts, Mrs. J. W. Maddox 7. REA WRTE MOST VALUABLE Heap lent* of most vuuuole awards at the recent YMCA annual swmmng team dnner are pctured. Bottom row, left to rght, Mark Porter,, most valuable dver; George Balmer,»wlmmng; T. R. Laraen, swmmng; Dons Smth, swmmng. Top row, left to rght, BU Cant, dvng coach; Ken Lyng, Y team coach; Jay Hoffacker, swmmng and Dck Larscn, M team coach. Holy Trnty To Play Bonaventure n State Baseball Tournament By PAUL HERRON an nello gave up hs only two hts. Thursday, Holy Trnty handed mmaculata ts twelfth defeat behnd the brtttant two^h ptchng of Jenry Besansks. Trnty's Mke Sprko led eff wth a sngle to left, stole second and scored on Berzansks sngle. Tom Damato walked and Frank Kocpfler's sngle scored two more runs. 'mmaculate bounced back wth two runs on a ht and fve errors. Trnty scored three runs h the thrd, two n the fourth and two n the ffth on a total of fve Mte, three errors, and two walk* to toe the game, Ulotnt BS lcrzanskts lb lannlello p Unmato c Bplrko vt kocpfler f HOLY TRNTY AH n To tl n Wnnng ptcher <Munte>murro N'nlan cf-lf Doyle lb Mont emu rro p llarke tlls f-<f 8 - S an nello START AY SPECAL TRANS Mrtrf H thru August mtam ***** HP&fs tr m Kttt rf : \ ( ' 9 o a H HOLY TRNTY AB a o Totals AV Bcrzjumkts. TJ G-ula MUVHAjCUtLATA AB Stanford Hftchle O'Connf>r HS Mupphy rf P l rf lto b o n < o O H a o no s R O o o o ff 5 e More Sports Next Page >, * ' - r By PETER PHPPS Staunch ptchng by senor starters Frank Toknsb, John Bcdnarz and Steve Gentno pushed the Wesbfcld Hgh's baseball team's wnnng splurge to seven games, n last week's acton, the Devls bettered Edson Townshp 8- n the openng round of the state tdurnament, Berkeley Heghts -, West Orange -, Rahway - and Kenlworth - n m the quarterfnal round of the County Conference Tournament. Westfeld's record stands at -. n Saturday's tournament game aganst Konlworth, Bednarz rased hs won-loss record to - 'by blankng the Bears on two nfeld hts. The lean lefty, who fanned eght wth hs deceptve moton, walked only one. Earler n the week, Bednarz prtched sx nnngs aganst Berkeley Heghts wthout yeldng an earned run. Devl shortstop Larry nkster, who has worked hs way on base seven out of hs last nne trps to <the plate, scored the ntal tally on Jam Obaus* sucde squeeze bunt. Bll Van Haren kept bs httng streak alve at fve games when he trpled n Bednarz for the clncher M the sxth. Tokash three ht Edson and threw the same at conference tee Rahway to lft hs wono5s state to 8. The vctory aganst Rahway was Tokash's twenty-second at Westfeld. n 5 and two thrds frames ths year Westfeld's mound leader has fanned 6 whle allowng just hts. n a non-conference contest aganst West Orange May 5, Gentno lmted the vstors to one run and two hts over sx and two-thrds nnngs. Genttno hats copped two of three decsons. Bankng on hs sharp breakng curve hall, the dmnutve rght tender struck-cut eght. Second baseman Rch Papacoo broke up West Orange hurler Ed Eskesen's no Jlt hd wth a lead-off hotnerun down the leftfem lne n the ffth. Poundng out fve straght sngles n the sxth, Westfeld bult a three cushon for Genfcno. Ptchng has been the essence of Westfeld's vctores hs season. After 8 games, the Devl mound crew boasts a remarkable,9 ERA. V P' *:- m HMwMMlwrfl MmMfM *»r »«9.76 Efl t»u * J CA S: 8. S».5 :t;:j.5 Comng out of the bull pen, short relever Walt Eckhart has yet to yeld a run n sx and one thrd nnngs. Bednarz n 9 nnngs, has regstered a spectacular. ERA. n frames, Gentno has he en equally effectve averagng just.)5 runs per seven nnngs. Tokaah, who has hurled more nnngs then both Gentno and Bednarz combned, posts a.5 ERA. Junor Bob Thel (-> possesses an U.77 BRA after-8 and one-thrd nnngs of work. One "other factor responsble for Westfeld's success s Coach Rchard Zmmer's converson of Tokash nto a frst baseman. Though Tokash's feldng has been sub-par. Ma bat hm delvered a score of clutch hts. Tokash's sx hts and two RBl's last week gave hm a. 85 average and 8 RBS for the year. Aganst Berkeley Heghts, Tokash squeezed n the wnnng run n the bottom of the seventh wth a perfect bunt down the frst base lne. 'Eckhart pcked up hs frst wn by ptchng the top ot the seventh, Olean-up htter Jm Ohaus s also httng at a.85 dp. The Devls wll travel to lnden (7-) Frday for a non-conference encounter. Tuesday, n what could (Contnued on next page) Merchants Splt n Two Games He Westfeld Merchants spkt ther weekend games n the County Baseball League, losng to Woodfardge 5- and wnnng over Unon AA fro, Chuck Ostrowsky, who ptched a no htter for the locals two weeks ago, held Unon n check, allowng seven hts. Westfeld scored one run n the thrd and fourth, three n the ffth and one n the nghtcap nnng. The locals' lone run aganst Woodbrdge came n the sxth nnng after the wnners had scored ther fve. WeatfleN Mer... O t.tnan A.A ;.6 M J MM L.76 Take month* Tn* -- - n - ' MM M5J7 U7 7. UN.76 U..7 pay Don't mss out! Drve n today fnd SAVE! Tns offor m.y nrjvor he repoated! OWN MOW., TNURS. A.M. H 9 TU». r WD, SAT. S A 5 OW 6 f> OOfl wnttm HANO-CHARGE of Westfeld,nc YOtrt AUTHORZ DffAUft Mr on-t OO H, urn *M ft S t.n ooo OOx 6 Junor Bruce Wallace of ths town las been the most consstent scorer flc A-rn-horsf track team' ths scaseason* POST PM \ l,h South Ave,, East AD - Westfeld

31 nterdvson Games Played Mustang Led By Palomnos, Semnoles n nternatonal Baseball Palomnos w Wlollta r» ].)nvnt' ''. Pt. (Vll ) < < >> Mlnncn.polfl,<, Toledo... lmllnm*pnllh r> k f J n o c a a < r, T n a week featured by nterdlvlsonal games both Wchta and Flnt contnued ther wnnng play n toe nternatonal Amercan group. Wchta defeated ndanapols 8-. Mark Horde struck out ffteen and allowed two hts n 6 nnngs for WdhMa and Brad Husch end Steve Ftzpatwek led the httng. n a ptcher's duel, Flnt defeated Columbus -. Jm Fsh struck out 9 n nnngs and had hts. Flnt out ht San Dego -6 and outecored them 6 to. Glen Buttermore ht a three run homer. Toledo posted ts frst wn by defeatng Waco 5 to after losng to Mnneapols 5-. Bob McCracken ptched and. was aded by goodhttng from Paul and John Aloa, Mke Duzzo, Mark Dugan, George Martno and Bran Powers. Mke Pluznck made an unasssted double For Mnneapols tmely httng by Scott Lberty and Paul Mottos as well as tte lne battng combnaton of Dck Kosfc and Paul Snncke and some excellent nfeld play contrbuted to the wn over Toledo. St. Paul spn K* games Louvlle- -, scorng two n the bottom of the seventh and then toesng to Rchmond. n fche m rohtqhter Toronto tu'lmond Hu-rrulo... Charleston Olty *.' Ml» t -» r *U * l h. 8 * * *» t Ml * t j.t An A T Hoam PlMUM'-S.,. Harlnns HuckoyoH fl SomlnnloH... ApacloH,... -n n f) Toronto 7, TMffn-lo Rocleater 8, Clmrlanton 7 W t l f M l l Wontr«l f>, Mltml KW'lmnom 7. Jorany Cty OmLl n C h l t Soux 'J wncf*s. ; t. <\ 5 y n. Charleston S, Jersey Cty Montreal U, SpoUnno Rchmond, St. Paul 9 n completng a game n the Boys Mustang League, suspended earler because of darkness wth the Phl- Hllard was the losng ptder gvng up eght hts whle strkng out ten. Greg Nlckonson ht two home- 5 runs ncludng the teng run n the bottom of the seventh. The Chestnuts beat the Buckeyes to 8 bo mantan ther second place te wth the Uoans, eatfh wth a and record. John Larno whs the wnnng ptcler for the Chestnuts whle Mke fl-artman led the attack wth a sngle and <a trple. Paul Berzansks had a double ard T ) n n o D Toronto-Buffalo Bob Taylor al- les leadng 8-6, Braves ptcher War- Coln Hartley had three bts. lowed only four hts and struck out ren Graves faced Chad Ohlds, both The Oherokees edged out bhe Hueleven n ptchng Toronto nto a ptchng three good nnngs andk ons. 7-B n the Western Dvson, frst place te wth Mam and Ro- keepng the score from changng. Jack Rabn and Dave Lemke shar- The Bhtles Sharp bad a trple n the ed ptchng dutes tor the Soux as THE WESTFELD (V.J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, MAY, 58 Chester. Rochester-Charleston Tom Law ffth and another good ht n the had a homer and Mke Perrey a tr- sxth. they went down to defeat at the hands of the Pawnees -6. The Huple and sngle for the losers, The PrateS swamped tte Cubs rons defeated bhe Pawnees -. Montreal-Mam The combned 9- n a game n whch Prates' efforts of Mark Mrth's ptchng and Glenn Kohler and. Robby Rch staroutstandng fddlng by Montreal ac- red on the mound to allow the Cubs counted for a shutout over Mam, two runs on' bhree hts. Robby Rch ther frst loss of the season. Steve scored a double and Prates' Jam Ymzerek and Crag Alexander each Buehler,. Mark Harbaugh and Dave Close Race n Grls Softball batted n two. runs. Bowman each had three bts. Mark Rchmond-Jersey Cty The ht- McDonald, Konopko and Raba ht tng of Robert Cohen, Ned Perry, safely for the Cubs. Tom Cassdy, Bll Muth and Drew The Astros defeated the Cubs -9 LBtaase contrbuted to the wn. For n a game n whch the Cubs out Jersey Cty, Pat Murrey «nd Jm Mtt the A*ros. Jmmy Armstrong, Grossman had three hts apece, Dave Elznga, Jay McDonald and Jm Barker and Chrs Bousquet fcwo Scott Jones of the Cubs each two and John Boyle and Steve Smth (hts and BruceHansen made a ht. w each one. Astros' bg bats were Kaufman and rs, made M Mte Omaha - Charleston Omaha Mussel, each scorng two hts. downed Charleston n an nterdv- The Prates' Jeff Buehler yelded game. The wldness of tte only three hts n defeatng the nullfed some Cards -, He atoo contrbuted a home run. Bob Swab and Mark HarBuffatoJersey Cty Buffalo baugh had three hts; Glean Kehler to take ths game and. Dave Bowman each had two been suspended because doubles. The same was putout of Gadol homered and reach for the Cardnals n the sxth John Ctoyes, Jeff Susstnan and Ken when Mark Reed, wth the bases Johnston contrbuted ht* for t h e loaded, slashed a double* drvng n Ltons.,, RedH Dodper....f..,.... Gants..t Prates., "Vkngs,,. Wets......,., Phlles..., o DVSON A.., *< ' *J* * ' < Colts Bearcats.,..»-.\ d Brawn-s,,. Q *,,, Twns - ( ndlanq..-,' Senators, Sox * * tt Athletcs ',... Vankeeo..... l Red Sox,. t L Z Hudson proved to bo the decdng factor n the Astros G-5 wn over the Braves. Mls were made by Kathy Tegcn, Sharon Myers, Meg Erch and Pat McGule. A homerun by Elzabolh Hcrgulh was not enough to turn back tle Coll and the Astros lost -9. Other hts for the Astros wcremadc by G-g Jorno, Jll Anderson, Mary McDonough, Km V/att and Nancy Cordcs. Behnd the strong bats of Mary Ellen Uancy wlose hts ncluded a grand slam homer and Patty Glday who homered, the Mets beat the PhllKes 7-. The Mets took the VkngsO-5 wth the strong ptchng of Cathy Hake. The Cougars defeated the Astros -G, Martha Westcoat, Nancy Swan, Valere Malcolm and Sally Johnson led the htters. Astro hts were by Gg Jronno, Elzabeth Herguth, Patt McBrdc, Km Watt and Hala Hudson. Sparked by Sharon Codnor's homerun wltfh two on and the httng of Carol South or and Dnne Waugh the Braves overran the Bearcats -. Sharon Codner and Stephme Mathews shared the ptchng. Falcons, Eagles Hold Lead n Hedgehopper Boys League Pll Page 7 Class A, Mrs. Kent Smth 75, second; Mrs. Hrcd Bass 7«, thrd; Class B, Mrs. John Hackelt, 7), smmd; luvv pult.s, M's. Junes Conrad, ;tt. n llo nu; hole K-nup; Chss A, Mrn. l'vmk Holh, ;w, te for st>cr nrnnn PlLLtlHTH... < ;t 7 n n n n o jj ', *: rln*!' T KllE'lfH 7 fl fl. vlorm Jnys W Ovls..< c» MH lllh ). BrnlH t a ro ft o. (, J to subdue -Rchmond among whch. were trples by Bob Venezo, Jm' y and Tm Green. 7- wnnert. For Jersey Cty, Pat Mur- ttree runs. a Tm Chargers defeated the Yankees 7 n Grls softball test week. wo Dodgers, bewnd Rch Bnadway, won ther Ward, Boyten, Mssy JV Nne Scores Three Vctores By CURT WAY The WesUeld JV baseball team's ptchers allowed only one run n three games last week r as they defeated Berkeley Heghts ; West Orange 6*, and Rahway -. Westfeld jumped off to a two run lead n the Berkeley Heghts game as Nck DGrolamo's heads up base runnng allowed hm to score on a mssed squeeze bunt. Dave Urattey then drove n Ed Mac Closkey wth a sngle. A fve run ffth nnng n sured the game for wnnng ptcher Good httng came from Maryow Ron Duelks, who struck out sx bat- McMllan, Allan Web- Stacy Farley who connected wth " *" ters and allowed fve hts for 'hs second wn of Ue season. Drew Ruotolo gave the JV's a lead Davs and Bran Clarke e homerun. For the Yankees, Bat- aganst West Orange as he sngled the attack by gettng ten of bara Boyle also ht a homer. Lesle home DGrolam n the frst. Brad er attack. Phoenx outsoored Dener to 8 n a game played mostly the ndn. Errors hurt Denver n ** hktln «8k)llg slrteen bt8 ' t h e Wg Kaplan ptched and she, Ctody Tts H "" slrte ^ ^ ' g plan ptched and she, Ctody Tts a ' blow* trples by Weteter and DBVW. wrth, Vanessa McAllster and Oathy re Roullard sngled home Scott Glln to ncrease the lead n the second., Chrs.tecob and John Bre- AlM. awnng were John Davs who! McGure dd well at bat. j Ptcher WacOloskey hommered n had for and Bll Hunznget n] Pavno flawless bell at frst wth the fourth to advance the lead to ther rum RlchmowWt Grupe and Tom Masters, tack and ptched for Denver. C]a»nd Jm Carnege and four Jwm ate E S.Baseball Ned Perry resulted n luobmodd's wn over St. Paul. Dolphns Wn Swm Honors (Contnued from prtvou m cncm CTOTWTOCG ««, \ wenf«ld wh host Wrtcfanf Oonfercnc* pacesetter CwmTord (M). Xt*\ The WefleM,Dojphto, captured Cougars, who topped the Deytt»Mrs another oonftrenee gwne tor " WeatfeU Same to be **ntfrcant n«d Junor ptes, state Junor stunt and Eastern Regonal qualfyng synchronzed q y g y Cranfard rt 9- n the conference, 8Wmmng «g«-group compettons whle second place WestfteM s 9-. Sunday at the Newark YMCA. Wh-Ue ts, Wo>clk fb B n'<tner rf Ptr'lno lb f y TowtHkt c Wfktzk ph Baley p Vtlvk ph Y>ha«pr Trt Thamu p Totals AB 9 e ol Van Ha ren f nktter Ohaus Jh <Brew»ter c T«kanh p P»>aoclo <b Otmnnn cf rf rf BChaltol* lb AH Qualfers for the Eastern Regonal o AAU Synchronzed Swmmng cham- \ ponahps wll compete n md-july J n Sprngfeld, Mass., aganst swm- mera from the entre eastern sea- board. o Fve New Jersey synchronzed teams tmun n Sunday'! meet, wth representaton from the Newark Aquabelk, Newark Nereda, Mor- ' ratown MarlM tnd Montclar Ne* K H reds n competton wth the Doph e n. who are favored to retan the o * R o left feld. The Braves rally came fj ve putoute and rackng up three -. The Blue Devb ced the game too late n ths gamewhch hod to be 'termnated on account of dark- hts, Marg Laugtead led the Yanks wth a par of runs n 'the flth. Mac -6 over the Jets. Other btterns were Closkey hurled a two tut gem. Ratty Wrght, L»le Kaplan Marge An outstandng one ht ptchng Cards edged the Dodgers 6-5 Merrtt, Mary EUen Brehm and Lz performance by Rahway's Bll Rees wth a tmung fnal lmtog. Bob Wrght. came to no aval as the Blue Devls, Davs ptched tar the Dodgers but Behnd the two ht battng of Jll.aded by costly eccors, defeated Rah the Cards came through n the Kahn, Nancy Pafunt, Emr/ La- way, -. Randy Rchardson scored clutch wth fve hte. Denns Prtoto Carta, Arme Maxwell and Annette the JV's frst run n the frst nnng put the Dodgers ahead wth a two HaefeU, ncludng a homerun byan- on two errors by the second baserun homer. Then the Dodgers got nette, the Senators downed the Jets man and a passed ball. The locals' two rum and had men on tecond wth Lesle Deacon on the mound. Rch Rabuck, makng hs frst start and thrd when the Cards shut the Sue Donlan, homered on the fr* of the year, ptched the frst three cvwr wth some fne feutae. Cards' ptch for the Whte So* as they nnng, allowng two Ms. He was jmadheojjx n- downed the p Orole^ Jt5>-C^rfll,Buck". urejaved hy Rch AndeEson. fumt mentjeha scored the wnnng run on scored a run off Anderson t'the by Ohuck Janrett who retred the Marlyn Boyfe'a sngle Margaret seventh. Wth one out, MacCloskey next three batters. De Card attack Smth, Nona Krovec, Brdget Ryan releved Anderson and retred the was led by Tucker Cory wth three and Kay ndley also scored. sde, leavng two mnners stranded hts and Tom Keys and Jack Kees- Httng by Nona Krevec, Kay Und- MacCloskey then goton on an error ng, each wtth run producng tr- ley, Janet Hardy, Donna Brader and plea. He wnnng urn came n the Sue Frost brought n eght runs n bott of the sxth when Bob Pa-the frst nnng for the Whte Sox pacoo doubled home Jame Buon-\m they took Athletcs fr-5. anno and came around on Keepng's n a ptcher's battle between Laurby the frst baseman. After stealng second, MacCloskey scored on a wld ptch. Bruce Glle got the JV's only ht. The Falcons won a par of games last week to reman ted wth bhe Panthers for frst place n the Hedghopper Natonal Dvson. The frst was a 9 to vctory over the Lons. Mannno, Brunetto, Moran' and Smth got two hts and Sampson, Herguth and*hesser one for the wnners Ther second wn, a - squeaker over the Wolves, saw them come from behnd wth two runs n the ffth. Heads-up b a s e runnng by Mannno and Herguth- led to the runs. Scott Selert drove n the lone run wth a double. *James Valous held the Falcons and ht a home run and a trple. Mark Montuoro had the only other Lon ht.» * The Panthers shut out tfce Zebras to wth Scott Wllams httng the ftrst ptch of the game for a home run. He also made a double play n the fourth. They added more runs n the thrd on hts by DHulto, Cosenza and Knngham, Bob Kelly -and Cosenza ptched a no ht game for the Zebras. The Eagles beat bhe Brun 9 to 5 n the Amercan dvson by explodng n the thrd nnng for fve runs wth sngles by McMurray and Dunnan. These boys later ht doubles ond; Class, Mr.s. Udwt \n, :«, st'coml; Mr.s, Kussoll Muthcr, U7, thrd. Senators Stll Team To Beat H-l 'lhs. t! ;! V'M 'n the same nnng but t was Carl Qbecny's trple wth the bases loaded, that was the bg ht. n the sxth Tmmy Babb had a double, Dunnan hs thrd ht of Uc game and Prtcha-d a homerun. Mark Waltman and Kck Tomfohroe had hts and Peter Harley a trple. Mke Glantz came on n the sxth nnng wth relef ptchng lo put out a Brun -rally. The httng of Tom Ansbro and Paul Schultz's double led the Brun attack. John Baldasare hod two hts to lead fche Jays to a C- wn over the Gulls. Tom Smeaton,.lm Heckman, Phl Llue and John Mller scored for the Jnys. Frank. Mrkow and Bob Czarny ptched. For the Gulls, Rob Wessels Jed bhe httng wth a two run sngle. Shutout ptchng by John Curral and Tony Bullock plus three hts by Blly Clark led the Hawks to a 6- vctory over the Larks. Watson, Myers, Cohen, Bullock and Bartholet ht and Davd Ward made a great play n the fourth nnng to cut.short a Lark threat. Davd Pcrley ptched three nnngs for the Larks. n the Owls' 5- wn over the Sl UV' ltof * Robns t was the ptchng of Mke. The Red Sox W over the Tgers Taylor and Davd Sterlng that was J to last week the Amercan tte dfference. For the Robns, Rck t jeaf. ue Jester P^ched sx nnngs Bezkorowayny had a double, Joe Br- T the Sox and stoh ht a home run, A n^'cls. ALll-tlrH, Tt«:or«t'M m, wlto> Hnx 7.S 7, tdhu.s ; fs 7, Sox s. Wllto Snx.T 7 7 r> r» r, ' l vr n 7, a! ' ; f j : l r #; r ( T : : ( ( fl ; t o * T! fl ; o Sox ( r> mngham caught a hard ht foul ball as catcher and Bobby Dog felded well. The Pelcans made t three n a row, beatng the Uons 9 to. Bran Clancy provded the margn wth a Bruges got a double for the Tgers. The Angels beat the ndans 7 to 6 wth runs n the frst nnng. P. Kamns ptched well for the Angels and was 5 for 5. Ca<rragher got hts and McGynn for the ndans. three run homer n the frst. Dan\T he Senators took he Tgers 7-. HoN loway and T. tally ptched for the Rndner and Dave Cloughly were ' for. Matt Sullvan was on base Senators. Torre Smth led the attwce, wth a bt and a walk. Glenn tack m } h J hl^; Turne r ht a homo B d a doube G g thd f twce, wth a bt and a walk. Glenn } J^ ; Davs batted n two runs wth a B d a d A oube - G g n ptched for th Tg Af l * Davs batted n two runs wth a A p double and Vavouls had a sold sn- the T ', gers ' Aufero lla( * two hts and gle for the Lons. MacDonaW, Flammer and DGrolamo played well n the feld. scored a run. Davd Krnzman struck out the sde n 5 nnngs and had 9 strkeouts as the Twns beat the ndans Royals, Bears Top Pony Standngs EASTERN DVSON W L. Rnrnla 5 a Rhs..,.. '- Eagles Rsons Colts.,....., Rangers WESTMRN DVSON Boars «Chefs Kng's OrlnleH Rams 5 o e Mussman and B. J. Campbell, R O uun.«! The' Dodgers downed the Rod Legs, <* Twns lost <o the Angeh M Ht b tt Kte WESTFEL.D AB b w«ftr<ed state champonshp trophy for the l second consecutve year. to teams, fva of them Dolphns, competed n the MS. * and 5- g 7 age groups. The WestfleW swm -mers took frst and second place n TWP.... ooo ow ou-5 both older dvton, and frst n the, at well at a sweep x 8 V Hnren f Browater c nkater «Ohaufl b Tokn«h lb Hchaltle lb Papacclo to MtcCfl'toe pf Otrrlann cf Dedrmr p 9 TotaU KBNUWORTH AH b g W-qjcer f-c Mannng* p Berlott rf Ayera of Mchalak! Broknw»s Jsckafm lb Mount lb Buduock c Kalnvon ph Ervln f 9 n 9 9 a o 9 O and - stunt competton. ] n addton, Dolphns took frst and } second n 6-and-under stunt compe- ttlon and M duets and frst place n -and-under duets. The locals abo placed thrd n -7 stunts and econd n 5-7 solos. Results: Rmult: Stun* competton: - and-under:, Cathy Trlmr/le, ool- 5 phlnn;, Orswhen Fu»t, >olvhln«; 5. Jodl ka«t, Morrlstown; ll-lu; l. Lsa Kullkow»k, unattached;. SheHley UHrrmn, Nereda, Lou Anne Scharfetter, Morrlatown; - Anne Scharfetter, Morratown; ; Tory Jartwlk, bophlna; Z, Bt^wyl Klmendorf, Dolphn;, Kathy Tftwn. Dotphlna; 5-7, - Duffy Btrff U Hd ndl Ne p ; AQUftboUe«;, Hed Rd Th AQUftboUe«;, Hed neel 8, Rnda Thomwon. Dolphns " «l nd dr; ered«; Rnda Thomwon. Dlp «olon: and under;, Cwthy Trmble;, Orelchen Furot;, Mary Beth Marvhardt, Dalplns; H-W:. KtuMkoMW; l, gheltey tluman; f ^^ U. Lou Anne Scharfettter;. -Tor Januh;, Anne Nletjel, Dpl- > phlna;, Sheryl Blmen^6rf; 5-7: Ol, putty Bonp;. Randa Thotwp«on; KenlLworth O, Elane UHmann, Nereds. TVrtaU Westfleld Elane Uflmann, N Duet: -and-under:, Oretohen Funat and Cathy Trf-m'ble; -;, Judy Ounn, Elane Tremarca, Merd 9 Sth L'l(?h TWen Ounn, Elane Trem pdw;, 9u«an Smth. Le'l(?h TWen, Dolphns:, Lnda ManhKrdt Molly Dolphn; W-'H;, Sheryl J k Anne Bant, Dolphn; WH;, Sey Btmendprf, Tory Januk;, Anne Oathy Tagen;, Valere W fednar«; V Mannlnflr, Westfeld Women Glenhurst Wnners Mrs. O. Lesle of Werffefd second puce k a throwout tourna-l ThomWon, o.]pmn»~ Z_ Betty Batmettt «t the Glenhurst Gdf Ctab laat week n Ctem A wth a card of H5--. Mrs. J. Hackett <rf MMMtanatfc, A-B-5, Wa frst n Oaaa B a«l Ta*en, Joanne. Trhntole; Mrs. W. Gtctanaa of ttafl towh won tow putts n CtaWj EmenorY. Dawn Hallnrlnc, Joanne Nevlle. R-ndt TJaom-pson);, kh, J-»nn«Nevlle, DOJPMM;, Cawl Bl»man, Janet Scott t>ol >hlnfl, Team: ll-w:, Dolphn* (Molle Banta, jlntfa Mandhardt, Swar Smth, Conne Taylor,!lCh TUden C, takng 9.,8 Dogs Entered At Planfeld Show The PlanfJeM Kennel Club wll hold ts Kth dog show at the Rartan Arsenal Center, Edson, Sunday. The North Jersey Brttany Spanel Us tnt specalty k* tttt mmwmf m man, Olnny Pertreln, Janet P&lly Sh«ff*l«);, Montclar (Chrs Bel, Vcke H-Hl, Cheryl Hll, Karen Stechow). BOOrtng dree run) n the last brng Hto bykatty Katedwr and Laure o to go ahead «-7. Bran CHarke ptched Mtawman tfve the Twn a M lead ror the Dodgers and had spectacu- n t*e lnt nnng. A ffth nnng rally lar support from Alan Webster. Web- oy the Aogefe ncluded MU by Janet ter was tvery«mn«hx the Dodgem Morose, Mary EUen Ruaso and untl the ffth lmng when Decna Katty McDonourf. The Angeb also Prote, John Davfc and Greg Me B won over the Red Sox -9. FVr the (WsA teamed up wth sngles and Sox Maureen ComMtey h* a grand darng bate runnng to produce three Duelkf cf Ruotolo cc Caber f Ldey ]f-tb-o Trmmer l.b Plshnlnk rf Jordan tut Rlchardsun BB ThJel»b ' Smon b rung, StM behnd by two runs n the test nnng, Rch Bradw&y, John Dava and Gres McMQan dropped slam homer, Gong Mo the last nnng of Sat* urday's game wth the ndans, the Red Sox were ahead M but lost lb MacCloskey P WEST ORANGE Knecht *s Hoffo -'b Murphy b bunt* and Bran Clarke laced a» Cndy BuHer, S u e Russell, ojrnn f trple that drove n the lead run. Carol Apperato and Nancy TWel for the ndans crassed to te the score n the fourth. Lnda Clarke then went out and retred the frst two Red Le«s when Geyw drove a double to rght feld. Terry! got the teng run. Margaret Kaser, MoCance recovered wth a fne hgh «"rtr for the Sox put them throw to Bob Davs who relayed K yn Masan vt Dlvlto c Karavar«'b Marano sa Ooldston pl Sn.ruvn of Heman p a?, one run ahead n the bottom of nto John Davb who put the tag on n*ng. n the kast nnng wth two Bowlng He$uU$ PN-A.L Salon de, Pars W 57 5 Chtfvro tft ttttd* mm mm mnmm # to Geyer, The Braves were afend 7- gong nto the dsastrous sxth nnng n whch the Cubs scored eleven runs. Fnal score Cubs U, Braves 7. Cubs' bg htters of the day were Hansen wmh fve hfo and Soott Jones wmh a home run. Cubs* pttdher Jay Mc- Donald held de Braves n four nnngs of retel ptchng. Braves' Gotf, allowed four walks but struck out ten. The Gants defewted the Prates 8- behnd ptcher Coftteftfo and wth a battery featurng Matno, for, Tm Gosk httng two trples wth bases loaded and Mansett and Belford bttng two each. Costetto allowed two hats and struck out ten. Glenn Wtfeon ptched for the Prates gvng up only one walk. The PMttes lost an extra nnng game fo the Astros after comng back for two rum n the laat nnng to te the game M -. to the last nnng Dave Bonnett trpled and Bob Busaere doubled to make t -. Bus&ere then stole home to te the game. Bussere ptched three nnngs wth Bonnett fnshng up wrth nne strkeouts. Chad ChdUs and Joe Carns banged out three bts each wth Steve Sharp and Tom Myers addng other hks.key hts by Mussell drove n two runs for the Astros va the sxth and the wnnng run n the eghth nnng. The Palomnos hold bhe Mustang Eastern Dvson lead wth a and record although the Roans edged :them -8 n an extras nnng thrller'. KH Mlter turned nf at d p m t f m fr* fa Attrttefcfor'tttf Rlchnrdaon b DG-rolamo rf Ruotolo cf Ol le f W ml ley f-'b Trmmer lb Mac-Closke Jordan ss Houlllart Smon b Rabuok p Ouet-ka -pl AmlersuT p away, and two strkes, Korfcy Brown, ndan catcher, drove n B«t»y Ryan, andy Buhler sngled and brought n Nancy Schreber to M'ac'-coskey" b-.p put the ndans ahead. Ffteen sngles, runs n every nnng «nd good performances by Nancy Schreber and Cndy Buhler, the latter wth a homer gave the a *7 wn over the Tgers. Outstandng player for the Tgers was Jean MaoOonnache who walked one and ht a homer. Four runs n the thm spelled the dfference for the Oroles n ther vctory over the Tgers. The prevously undefeated Dodgers bowed to the lons 5-. Anne Reppe made the play of the game wth a throw to Lor Sheldon at thrd cuttng off a Dodger scorng throat. The Lons chalked up two other wne over the Gants -6, featurng a grand slam homer by Robn Cun- WESTFB/D AB RAJWAT Olasflett f R. Mtller lb Yaekencrhelt rf Dc.-ke't cf Jordan ss Heaney ~&M Zolto ^b Rees p Valentne c» AH R ' n o o o B V ft R V H Wendl Honored (Contnued from prevous page) and a frst team choce on the All Mddle Atlantc Conference Team. Joe was also honored when he was nngham and the Phlles 9-8. n the chosen "Outstandng Opponent" by latter, the lons were behnd n the Drexel Tech's Varsty Club for hs second by fve runs when Dense El- performa-nce n the Colonels' - R&BUlts:, *eafs 5, Len.fs 7 a, Bsons 9 Oroles, Rama Wng's, Rung-em Bears 7, Wlnjrs G Warm* 7, r;*>afs' Rples G, Chefs Bears. Colts Hlanns, Chef* Ben-ra 7, Eagles 6 Whps j, Kke Rrty.alB -. Rans 7 The Royals and Bears of the Pony League assumed the leadershp n ther respectve dvson as a (result of last weeks play. The Royals won ther only game over the Rams -7 whle the Elks last week's Eastern Dvson co-leader, lost to the Wngs -. n tte Western Dvson the Bears won al of ther games whle the Chefs dropped of. The Royals defeated the Rams»? n a come from behnd slugfest. After spottng the Hams a run lead n the frst that featured a sucde squeeze by Joe Thome, the Royals came back to score runs. Dave PhUUp dd the bg damage wth a run double. The Rams bounced back wth runs n the second on the httng of Steve Lefer, Hank Cannon and Gll Shuman but that ended ther scorng as John Zmmerman settled down and ptched 5 ht ball the rest of the way. Meanwhle the Royals scored 9 runs featured by a run ffth that was hghlghted by the doubles of Steve Crone, Joe Monrnger and John Zmmerman and the run scorng sngle by Brad Duelka. The Beans fought back to a 7-5 wn over the Wngs after beng behnd 5- n the thrd. Davd wth doubles, Bob Sanders wth sngles and Bll Naper wth a double and a -sngle were the httng leaders for the wnners. Jon Wllams wth a trple and Peter Hall wth a double and a sngle were the bg htters for the ksers. The Bears beat the Colts - on a combned ptchng effort by Crag Johnson and Don Smmons. The wnnng run was scared n the sxth after Bll Bensly scored on a sngle by Don Smmons. Joe Hannan and Kevn McGynn shared the ptchng dutes for the losers. Ken Jacobs and Ed Morton had doubles to lead the Colts. n ther thrd game the Bears beat the Eagles 7-6 behnd relef ptchbent ht a two run homer and be-vctory over the Dragons. fore the dust had settled sx other The San Francsco 9'ers, Dallas Lons scored. Lft* Bender and Rob- Cowboys, and the New Orleans n Cunnngham shared the ptchng and Nancy Rohrer won battng honors for the wnners. Sants have all expressed nterest n the college standout. When the grd sport ends the verby Deb Lawyer, a trple by Lfca Tate and scorng by the Dollace ssters, Ma-rg Korn, Sue Stllwell and Ruth Mass, gave the Prates an -6 wn over the Vkngs. Marca Bond drove n the te Two homers by Karen Smth, one satle athlete devotes hs tme to wrestlng. n the words ot Coach John Reese, "Joe s a hard worker bs drve and determnaton have helped to produce a top notch wrestler." Joe led Coach Reese's charges to ng of Jeff Kaufmarm who only hts after comng n the thrd. sngle n the seventh. The Twns* Jm Dello Russo ht a two run homr for the Bears. The wn was featured by a run rally n the sev- ter ^ c Crawfortl enth wth Davd L Sooey scorng wfcn t w o m e a c h httng was led by Davd Krnzman'a. Bobby Carn the tyng run after openng wth a sngle and John Sanders scorng the wnnng run on a sngle by Bll Bensly, The losers scored 5 runs n the second on sngles by Mel Thome, Peter ELsenback, Charles Barker and Dave nksaer. a par of - ptchng duels. n the frst Rangers Tom Anderson beat Bran Ftzpatnck of the Bsons as both ptchers threw htters. n the second Bob Hohensen of. the Rangers lost the duel to Joey Wnk of the Wngs as the R*ngtx* were able to get only one ht. The only run of the game.was scored as the result of a trple by Peter Hall. Sacramento Holds Pacfc Lead Sacrn-mento..- Snlt Lake Olty Seattle. ' Spokane. Snn Ueg-o Portland.. Phoen-lx Wnco ' f Trlm.,.... Vancouver.... fl a The Yankees collected 7 hts to wn over the Whte Sox 6-. Cooper ptched 7 nnngs and was for 5. Rahlly and Crosby each scored runs. Babetsk scored two for the Whte Sox, Sayre, Kelly and Press each had two hts. The Athletcs took the Tgers * behnd the ptchng of John Salomon e. The A's Bob Jones, Crag Jones, Ken Valent, Jm Bender and John Salomone pounded out hts, L. Parrot ht a double, Beazley ptched and ht two for three for the Tgers. The Red Sox, behnd the ptchng Jester, handed the Twns ther second loss 9-6. Stott had two nb for the wnners. The Twns offewe was led by Phllp's nts and runs scared. Crawford ht a home' run for the Twns, Krnzman and DGralamo had hts each. The Senators beat the ndans 6-5, Holloway and Vn LaHy ptched for the Senators, Turner and Rowe ht home runs. The Senators Chamberlan and Caroxujher had hts each fll for the ndans. o o o ( Sacramento contnued ts wnnng ways wth a 6- wn over Seattle n Pacfc dvson of the nternatonal loop. Seattle's bg guns were Fred Stefrmann and Peter Lews. For Sacramento, Carl Forsberg ptched and nsured hs vctory by great feldng. Larry llue ht a trple. Salt Lake Cty bounced back after two defeats wth a -8 wn over Waco. Heavy httng by George Balmer and Dan DMon wth homers were not enough. Salt Lake, n the thrd came up wth runs. Bg bats were Scott Douglas wth three hts and Steve Harrson who slammed n a home run. Dan Morash scored sx tmes. Spokane topped SanDego to, Httng stars were Joe Judge, Jeff Commas OutOf Unbeaten Ranks AST Commas w % Jumps,,, M.slra Skl >8 wrast Comets Tns Roeketa Dots Jet. T ft A ( l>nts, Jets \Tlssles 7, Skps R Columns s. Rocket* 7 T[>s u. Comets Jum> >a f;, Specks n a crucal Grasshopper Western Dvson game the Tps toppled the Comets from ther unbeaten perch 5-. Bll Clarke ptched scoreless nnngs for the vctors. Nel Banta Deman, Steve Schneder and ptcher wth a homer, John Stermam wth Erc Edelson who went for. Doug a trple and Davd Fsh led the at Apgar ptched well for San Dego. Vancouver topped Portland -. tack. Randy Carles' homer n the ffth followng Pat Ferrovecofoos torn ***** ttftfc Msrsv Ma mtto drts ssast m tm* Mm* breakng run n the bottom of the a ffth place rankng n the NCAA flth erarbtttf te Cute t# afce' t&\ eoflege dsvsfort fey captrfnftg (he rta - tm m by most fans and they c>ut>bed the lbu pounder the "Masked Marvel." After the mat season s completed, Joe takes a two day rest and then reports to baseball sprng practce. He s currently patrollng center feld and s holdng a,5 battng average. Coach RolJe Schmdt's crew put on a late season surge by coppng seven straght vctores, fnshng wth an - overall record and - MAC log, Durng ths streak, Wendl went nto a -6 battng streak and served as the team's offensve leader. Wth hs twelve stolen bases, the junor should be near the" top df (he' rtettor's startd- Portland made tt a tght game wth sngle gave the Comets ther two 6 runs n the sxth. Far Portland, runs. Carle, Paul Jenns and Rch Barry Grant ht a home run and Peter Needly and Doug Wolge had hts apece. Another tght game saw Phoenx take Tulsa 9-8. For Phoenx, Brad West had a trple wth the bases loaded and then scored. Bll Bonsten drove n the wnnng run. The Father and Son Overnght of the Watchung Councl Boy Scouts caused a number of postponements Saturday. Portland beat Columbus 7-5. The wn came n the bottom of the last nnng wth a home run by Rche Steff wth men on. Rche also had a homer and a trple n the earler nnngs. Kevn Bests, Steve Lews -and Bobby Coleman ht well. The defense for Portland was led by Jm Behrens. Terry Ba-nta and John Fagan. n the other game San Dego lost to Flnt 6-. San Dego has conss- Fanell ptched for the Comets. The Jumps beat the Specks 5- on the ptchng and httng of Jm Mc- Keon. Dck Vass, Joe Bxler and John Amsler con'rbutcd hts. Doug Yearly ptched and ht well for the losng Specks. Put Smth,.'Curt Butenhoff and Davd rwn contrbuted h-ts to the Spock offense. The Commas del cat ed the Rockets 8-7 behnd the h;tn«of Rokosny, am (;l>t>ons and the feldng of Merkle and Val.j. Mulh and Swmmer ptched for the Commas. An unnsssu'r double play by Mark Coles sparked the Kockcts' defense. John Krakorn ht ; homer n the last of the sxth. U;w C;mpl>ell helper! he Hock els w!h a hesc: h-t. The Mssles defcmlcrt the Skps 7-*;. A home run by 'en Oxnard lar/j doubles by Knv Lesle and the attently held ther opponents to low Scott ^-Kenz.- h w h!wl. e«the atscores. Good feldng by Bll Hoff.! lack - Gowl '! lldl lv ' h>, Oxharf! anc Alan Moore and John Momot h«h- Jack ftarl( '> / '" lh " "'^ " l! ; n «JP"> lghted the defense. Doug Ap.;;n.-..served lo \mv. 'or (he Ttf t*te ttmk to protect hs f ***, W ttmk wm (he f tot ngs m that vatetfrty, ettds t t*m tmt few le» ***** m om> otf the the m trple wth bases loaded was ml-, standng on the offense. Robert K/;L ; loaded home run. AAMHS Amttg the Wcstlterf zu SAottotafo sde *lnttf9 n & tht(mfatt event * tktmk UM ttub test Th/ f>r/s -;<-'n-w (A fhc* s^w,h U. 'fr-.f u *'<-.'< to \h'-'\r frst vcufy kftc f/y t\m ttttt 9f<t! /tf,e rm. fly bat \fj JOtm d tt*

32 Page 8 Dr. Lggtt Speaker At Bayonnc Schools Dr. Wllam A. Lggtt, dean of nstructon at Jersey Cty State College, wll address the young people of the graduatng classes of the Buyonno schools on Tuesday, June at hc H'-flat Club, 8 West 5lh SL, Bayonnc. THE WESTFELD (N.J,) LEADER, TUKSDAY, MAY, 9C8 Ford Dealers 9 Used Car Specals. 965 Ford Custom 5, Door Sedan, V-8, Aut. Trans., P.S., R&H., Ar Condtonng $ Mercury Comet, Door, 6 Cylnder, Aut. Trans., R&H $ Ford Mustang Hardtop, 6 Cylnder, Aut. Trans., Ar Condtonng $ Ford Country Sedan, 9 Passenger, V-8, Stan. Trans. $ Ford Galdxe 5, Door Hardtop, V-8, Aut. Trans., P.S., Ar Condtonng $ Ford Custom 5, Door, V-8, Aut. Trans., R&H $95 Dr. Uftftt's subject s "Leadershp for Lho Year." Dr. Lggtt, B member of the faculty of JCSC for years, -lvas been Lhe admnstratve head of the college whle Jts board of trustees contnues the process of selectng a presdent, Dr. Lggtt ^resdes at 7 St. Mark's Ave. Correcton The swllct s on...toford. We're takng more trade-ns than ever. Great late models. AM makes. All prced to move fast Mss Lnda Enkn, Woman's Club of Westfeld freshman grant wnner, was erroneously lsted n last week's Leader as a student at Holy Trnty Hgh School, Lnda s a senor at Wcslfeld Hgh School, fnd a communcant, of Holy Trnty Church. 966 Ford Custom 5, Door Sedan, V-8, Aut. Trans., R&H $ Opel Kadet Sport Coupe $ Falcon Country Squre Staton Wagon, 6 Cylnder, Aut. Trans., R&H $ j Comet Calente, V-8, Speed Trans., R&H $ Ford Mustang Fastback, V-8, Aut. Trans., R&H, P.S. $ Plymouth Fury, Door Hardtop, V-8, Aut. Trans., P.S., R&H $ Buck Specal Convertble, V-8, Aut. Trans., P.S., P.Wndows $975 MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM lay from a rtpvtabto doalar who offers only tawcttd Suburban-Traded Utod Cart. SMVNG NEW JERSEY SNCE 9 WESTFELD FORD 9 NORTH AVENUE Open daly tll 9 p.m. MEN'S SHOP WESTFELD, N. J AD -FORD (-6-7-) LETTERS Understandng Youth Edtor, Leader; was very read your edtoral entblcd "The 'Why' of Youth" snce am very nvolved n workng wth youth n partcular, Westfeld youth. am executve drector of Youth and Famly Counselng Servce, a member of the Mayor's Commttee on Servces to Youth, and was a member of Wn sub-commttee whch helred organze the Weslfleld Awake program. The opportunty for youth and adults to meet n healthy dalogue s so -rare today the youth frequently feels the grown-up docs not really understand, and the adult frequently and contemptuously ndcates resstance towards 'lstenng' to be adolescent. Consequently, a power struggle s created the adult becomes hestant and suspcous, watng for the teenager to "try and take over," and the teenager becomes dstrustful, watng for the grown-up to "tell hm what to do and how to do t." am quck to encourage both age groups to try and Lsten to each other so that the language barrer to whch you referred as, n fact, decreased or dssolved. However, we are also doncerned wth another phenomenon! n communcaton non-verbal oommuare gotten across. Tensons, anxetes, hostltes, love and all emotons, are usually conveyed by an ntonaton, a rased eyebrow, an atmosphere. We have the example of the "perfect" home, where mother and father never fght untl Junor goes to bed so that Junor does not hear arguments, the fghts. However, Junor notces the coldness, the sounds of slence at home durng the day and evenng. Ths tells Junor more than words can Ml, Or the pushy parent who s unaware of hs/her pushness who, wth the flcker of an eyeld, makes the teenager feel that he dsapponted Momma. Anther problem that concerns us s -the double-bnd "barrer" whch exsts between youth and adult. We have here, the parent who tells hs chld one thng and then expects somethng else. For example, we have a stuaton where the parent tolls -the boy not tfe smoke only to ask hs son later, "Son, have you got an extra -cgarette?", or the parent, who preaches mutual respect for all, but restrcts bs chld's frendshps to "bs own knd." Socety has helped mantan ths double-bnd. Leaders talk of the loose morals, -the deteroraton and preoccupaton wth sx of the teenager and then n cute, subtle ways, encourage confuson and dstrust. know of no better way to stmulate someone to see a move nvolvng sex than to say that the move s for mature You H play better when better dressed Our golf clothes wll help you lower your score or help you enjoy your lesure tme more. GOLF JACKETS colors, completely machne washable from $. GOLF TROUSERS colors, permanent press from $. BERMUDA SHORTS - splendd varety, from $7. TURTLENECK SHRT, short sleeved $6.5 THE "MARKER" GOLF SOCK $. GOLF CAPS $.5 WALK-OVER GOLF SHOES, N CORFAM $5. WYATT BROTHERS mm m h + h - - r + L _ h _- n - TT' - - -, \ H d rd -^- h --: - - ' * J * - x + F,-.-:- :-:-:-'>:-. PARK FREE N OUR LOT NEXT TO STORE 8 CENTRAL AVE., Opp. Post Offce AD -7-7 mmm -"." V- b-;t \9 -% mm «J..V m m m -', h Westfeld LEADER WANT ADS PAY s only or Uat no one under 6 he permtted n, or no one unless accompaned by an adult. fe t\c parent to brng blnders land earstoppors for the teenager? am remnded of a stuaton at home, of all plates. became very happy recently wlen my two-yearold daughter, Brooke, began to put her hand to her mouth and wth a bg smnck of her lps kssed "Daddy" goodbye. My wfe and felt wo had a genus on our hands a lovng, affectonate genus, t was only recently 'that found out "that Brooke's enthusastc kss was based on her flavor-tc TV commercal He Ultra Brle toothpaste one, Where, by usng the product, one gets "sex appeal." Whatever happened o Baby Brooke? MM/TON FATH Executve Drector Youth & Famly Counsellng Servce Answers Students Edtor, Leader; would lke to address my thoughts to the nnth grader of Roosevelt Jr. Hgh School, Rchard F. Feathers. Perhaps one (reason why "faculty and admnstraton" (partcularly the prncpals) fnd t necessary to "clamp down and enforce rules prevously neglected" as because so many parents have neglected ther duty. Some of us have tfe mstaken noton that tte only way to have the love of our chldren s to gve n to ther every; whm. Leadng our chldren along the rght paths and seeng them mature nto fne men and women possessed of self-dscplne, dgnty and respect for law and order end the rghts of others s a demandng, full-tme job. AH through Hfe, young man, there wll be rules and regulatons. When one enters the world of busness one must conform to a certan extent as to mode of dress and general appearance. And where s a better place to get nto the habt than at school? The way one dresses prvately or durng lesure hours s a matter of personal taste. Be thankful that some places stll exst where people of authorty care enough for you to enforce rules whch they consder mportant, even at the rsk of beng unpopular. Your mpresson that school s an nsttuton of learnng s correct. Among the lessons to be learned are those of good taste and proper behavor. Some modes of dress and conduct today are hardly conducve to learnng. They are, n fact, downrght dsconcertng. hope and pray that the school admnstraton n Westfeld wll contnue to do ts job w your sake and for the sake of all the students to follow, SHRLEY B. TELGARECZ 6 Hllcrest Ave. Republcan for Gene Edtor, Leader; Amercans must take a stand now. f we don't support -a man for presdent who s serous and most of all honest, about getbng out of Vetnam, we wll destroy ourselves from wthn. A fact whch s becomng ncreasngly self-evdent. Mr. Krushev sad that Amerca would destroy herself from wthn. Are we gong to let hm be rght? wonder where Amerca's real lne of defense s? Cuba s only 9 mles from our shores and Castro s nfltratng the whole of South Amerca wth <communsm. The depleton of our mltary strength n Vet Nam s rrevocably destroyng our natonal defense. A'Hhoueh am a Republcan, am gong to vote for Gene McCarthy n the New Jersey prmares. He has had tfe courage to alert the Amercan publc to the fact that the Johnson admnstraton has been a force of destructon for Amerca and, what s more mportant, he s (he only one who has had the great courage to say so. Ths w what we need n a Presdent today, courage, and someone n the Whte House who thnks about hs own country frst. SABELL W. LOOFBOUROW 765 Hyslp Ave. Apprecates Sympathy Edtor, Leader: My famly and wsh to express our deep apprecaton for the sympathetc understandng extended to us n the loss of Warrent Offcer Rchard G. Lews due to combat acton n Vetnam. A specal thanks to the Westfold Rescue Squad, Westfeld town offcals, Methodst Church and ts youth chor and care commttee, faculty and students of Westfeld Hgh School as welt as the multtude of frends who shared our tragc loss wth us. GOMER J. LEWS 59 Grove St. Asks Wllams 9 Vote Edtor, Leader: urge all Republcans n the Frst Ward to vote on June, and to nomnate Alexander Wllams for Town Councl. Whle hs opponent has recently favored ad for commuters, Alex Wllams has worked for ths cause more than a year through membershp on the Mayor's Transportaton Commttee, Commuters and all ctzens n (he P'fst Wad shoud note (of the *#'<#- leadershp n tmspwttdm, k m Says Fate of Ctes n Hands of Suburbs Edtor, Leader: Westfeld needs a vctory. t needs a vctory n ts own war aganst poverty. t needs a vctory n that broader struggle for natonal good conscence.whch s acted out n every cty around us. We need a vctory for Ue sake of the responsble and selfless leaders ths communty has been lucky enough to have, Now they are anxous. They are frustrated. Tley are tred. The dsadvantaged people whose prolems have been artculated by members of the Cvc mprovement Assocaton and the Westfeld Area Commttee for Human Rghts are mpatent. There are other ppers and they, are beng heard. Leaders cannot lead forever on pous hopes! <Let us fund the. Westfeld Comunty Corporaton and get on wth the constructon of new homes on Caccola P.! We need a vctory for Governor Hughes' fscal program. For years every study of the New Jersey tax structure was warned that our nadequate tax base woutd lead us nto serous trouble. Just how serous ths was to become n our ctes where t combned so explosvely wth racal dscrmnaton s explored n the report of the Governor's Commsson on Cvl Dsorders. Ths document makes fascnatng and terrble readng because t s astonshngly well wrtten. t s our responsblty to read t... the tragc bography of Newark where death rates for mothers and babes are among the hghest n the Western World. We cannot understand a Poor People's Campagn untl we understand ths poor people's world a great deal better. At a.m., Monday, May 7, there wll be a gatherng of affluent, whte ctzens at the War Memoral Buldng n Trenton. The. Rally of the Majorty Response s our answer to the Poor People's Campagn and a message of concern to our legslators. The rally has been endorsed by former Gov. Meyner, Senators Case and Wllams, the State Councl of PTAs and the League of Women Voters and many others. A bus wll leave the Frst Congregatonal Church on 'Elmer St. at 9:5 a.m. (Contact Mrs. Alvn Stelner, 5 Parkvew). The fate of our ctes s n the hands of the suburbs..havng (he power, we have the duty to help! JANE SPRAGO,MD W. Dudley Ave. Publc Apathy? Edtor, Leader; Unon County Open lorum, nc. extends ts apprecaton to your newspaper for ts coverage of the recent Forum sponsored panel dcuason: ''Crme n the Streets." The program dealt wth a subject whch properly should have been of nterest to ah ctzens. As one of our elected representatves stated n a tetter to the Forum: "crme s the number one domestc ssue beng dscussed and that Ol ctzens are concerned wth." Unfortunately, the publc apparently does not agree wth the above elected representatve nor wttt Forum nor wth the new* meda at large. For k dd not attend the program n expected numben. Although the Forum realzed fnancal proft t s -at a loss to understand what appears to be publc apathy on a subject of nterest to all. Partcularly snce the panelsts we prevented were of natonal and/or state renown. t s amazng that Unon County ctzens chose to reman aloof, by and large, from a subject whch concerns everyone. We would be pleased to hear publc comments. The Forum further wshes to stale publcly that anonymous telephone threats wll not ntmdate ts efforts to present both sdes of any pubc queston whch t cares to present. MRS. ARCH DOWNE, JH. Secretary 6 Legh Dr. Edtor, Leader; Tfanka! t s wth many thanks and much apprecaton that wsh to thank you on behalf of the Planned Parenthood Tr-County League for your splendd publcty for us durng our campagn. RUTH STARKWEATHER Correspondng Secretary Too many unhappy holdays start wth excuses for not wearng safety belts. F Contnung Our By Popular Demand Below are just a few of our many sensatonal Values. Package of 6 BC PENS $. Valua f bought Mparataly 5 Pounds Pure PARA Nugg«ts or Crystab Paradl<hlorb«nxln«Ounce OZON HAR SPRAY»f Hotl to HoM OP. Bottl* of, Tablets SACCHARN TABLETS '/ Or. Reg. 98c Package of 7 Q-TPS Cotton Swan Lumnous DaY Hour KENO ALARM CLOCK.9 By WcttclM mported New Sem Mcro POCKET RA 7 Trarwlttor Sy H Carry.88 Rag. 69c Nylon BrlstU SQUBB TOOTH BRUSHES mported, $. VOJM MAKE-UP MRROR»Mo «e >Mo MtofnflM Full Pound Lander's TALCUM POWDERS or MM mn losot $ forlc Open Sundays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Mf* ff MMAMMA kam *«) «a% HMMA r^^nrv VffV VrffflW ^V ^Mn NO CHAROtS Of WUMUM ON SAU MDSL DRUG STORE.NC w mum pmomtm unto ' OffOStff MATO TMATf AOMM M MM MM KfflUNCf MOM OWN UMNO

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