B.. en~gal. Conference. Church AN'NU'ALREPC>RT FORTIETH,S~ON. Pakaur, January 5th to 10th, 1927.

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1 B.. engal Conference M.ethodist Episcopal Church AN'NU'ALREPC>RT FORTIETH,SON Pakaur, January 5th to 10th, BISHOP HERBER'I' WELCH, D.O., L.L.D., B,eaifDnt. RONALD S. GIBBONS, B.A. SeJ'jiarl'.

2 {3J" l'-1 t v -4-D TABLE OF CONT'ENTS. PAGE. The order of ite'ma as prescribed by the General Conference of Officers' of the Conference 200 II. Boards, Commisc:!ion and Committees 200 lit. IV- V VI. Daily Proceedings... Disciplinary Questions Appointments (a) Reports:- Asansol District Birbhum District Calcutta Bengali District " Hindustani " English Disbict Pakaur District Tamluk District... (b) Standing Comittees and Boards Reports of the Tern peranee Committpe Report of te Board of Examiriers (c) Conference Statistician (d) Treasurer's Report VIII. Roll of the Dead :- (a) Member of Confer.ence (b) Widows of Deceased Mam bers IX. (a) Conference Sessions 287 (b) Bisops of the Methodist Epis'copal Church in Southern Asia 288 (e) General Conference Delegates 28B X XI. Historical:- Miscellaneous:- (a) Plan of Conference Examinations (b) Conference Rl!ies of Order (a) Pastoral Record,b) Add resres

3 I.-QFFICERS OF THE CONFERENCE. BISHOP HERBERT WELCH. RONALD S. GIBBONS. HAROLD J. SMITH. SHOT K. MONDOL. DAVID H. MANI.EY. HAROLD.J. SMITH. HALSEY E. DEWEY. President. Secretary. Assistant Secret.a-ry. Statistician. Conference Treasurer of the Board of Foreign Missions. Conference "rreamrer. Corresponding Secretary- II.-BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES. (a) Standing Committees. I. Auditing :-C. H. Archibald, Chairman; O. S. Henderson, B. W. Tucker. H. J. Smith, Miss Carr, Miss Boles, Miss Kinzley, Miss Swan. 2. Board of Education :-B. W. Tucker, Chairman; H. J. Smith, R. S. Gibbons, S. K. Mondol, S. Datt, Miss Carr, Miss Stahl. Miss Swan, Miss Adams. 3. Conference Relations :- 1927: H. M. Swan, S. M. Mondo), H. J. Smith. 1928: G. S. Henderson, B. 8. Naskar, D. H. Manley. 1929! H. E. Dewey, C. H. Archibald. G. SchanzJin. 4. Conference Stewards and Mission Claimants : : H. J. Smith, Mrs. Lee, Mitls Swan. 1928: H. B. Dewey, Miss Welles, J. S. Chowdhury, Miss Stahl. 1929: G. Schanzlin, S. K. Mondol, P. N. Dass, O. S. Henderson. 5. State of the Church: Aggressive Evangelism and Self Support :- H. J. Smith, Chairman; W. B. Foley, S. P. Biswas, W. A. Mueller, P. Nathaniel, Mrs. Archibald, Miss Grandstrand, Mrs. Lee. Mrs. Beeken, Mrs. H. J Smith, Mrs. Lyon, Miss Boles. 6. Temperance :-Mrs. Gibhons. Chairman; Paijan Biswas, Jibon Saren, Miss Hughe, Miss Collins, Miss Draper. Mrs. Griffiths, Mrs. Soule. 7. Medical :-Miss Kinzley, Chairman; H. M. Swan, S. K. Mondol, Miss Carr. 8. Sustentation Fund Society :-The Pinance Committee.

4 201 BENGAL ANNUAL CONFERFNCE. 9. Board of Examiners :-Harold J;Smitn, Chairman; Walter G. Griffiths, Registrar; J. S. Chowdhury, Sauel Datt, G. S. Henderson, H. E. Dewey, S. K. Mondol, B. B. Naskar, R. L. Saren, Gottlieb Schanz lin, B. W. Tucker. 10. Board of Religious Education :-Miss Welles, Chairman; S. K. Mondol, W. B. Poley, Mrs. H, J. Smith, Miss Swan, John Chowdhury, P. Nathaniel; at large Miss Field, Miss Kizley. (b) Special Committees. 11. Literature and Colportage :-W. H. Soule, Chairman; Miss Grandstrand, Miss WeUt"s, J. Nelson, B. B. Naskar, S. Pandit, Mrs. Dewey, Miss Adams. 12. Building Committee :-H. M. Swan, H. B- Dewey, C. H. Archibald, S K. Mondol, W. H. Soule, G; S. Henderson. 13. Calcutta Christian School Society :-The Bishop in charge of Bengal Conference; The Superintendent of the English District; G. S. Henderson, R. S. Gibbons, H. J. Smith.._,_.: 14. Collins Institute :-The Bishop in charge of Ben2al Conference; The District Superintendent; Principal of :Collins 1 nstitute; S. K. Mondol, W. H. Soule, R. S. Gibbons. 15. Finance Committee :-The Bishop in Charge of Bengal Conference; D. H. Manley, H. M. Swan, C. H. Archibald, G. Schanzlin, H. E. Dewey, James Lyon, S. K. Mondol, Samuel Datt, John Chowdhury, S. P. Biswas ; Reserve Delegates: H. J. Smith, P. N. Dass. 16. Industrial Home :-The Bishop in charge of Bengal Conference; the Superintendent of the English District; Gerald Smith,. S. P. Lancaster, and D. H. Manley. 17. Seamen's Mission!-Trustees; The Financial Bord; Committee of Managerpent: The Bishop in charge of l:3engal Conference; The Superintendent of the Bnglish District, The Deputy Superintendent of the Port Police, Commander Norcock, D. H. Manley, J. S. Johnson, J. H. Fyfe, W. C. Wordsworth, W. C. Buckley, S. P. Lancaster, G. A. Smith, G. S. Henderson, B. W. Tucker, C. H. Archibald. 18: Christian Council of Bihar and Orissa :-Miss Beulah Swan. 19. Christian Council of Bengal and AssaIl) :-H. B. Dewey. Mrs. Beeken. C. H. Archibald, S. K. Mondol, W. H. Soule, H. J. Smith. 20. India Methodist Theological College Board of Governors :-. G. Schanzlin. 21. BareiJIy Theological Seminary!-Samuel Datt. 22. Isabella Thoburn College Board of Governors :-Miss Stahl. 23. Lucknow Christian College Board of Governors :-D. H. Manley.

5 DAILY PROCEEDINGS Blackstone Missionary Institute :-Miss Katharine Kinzley. 25. National Missionary Society :-S. K. Mondol. 26. Lee Mimorial Advisory Committee :-Bishop Frederick Fisher. C. H. Archibald. Mrs. Ada Lee. H. J. Smith, D. H. Manley, H. M. Swan. 27. Committee to approve and publish the Minutes :-The Secretaries; C. H. Archibald and S. K. Mondol. 28. Committee on ComitY:-The Cabinet and the several Provincial Christian Councils. 29. Literary Programme :-H. J. Smith, Mrs. Frederick Fisher. Miss Stahl, Miss Field, Mrs. Griffiths, Mrs. Foley. 30. Historical Sooiety :-Convener, G. Schanzlin; W. P. Byers, G. S. Henderson, C. H. Archibald, Mrs. Ada Lee, S. C. Biswas III. Daily Proceedings. FIRST SESSION. 8 a m., Wednesday, 5th January The Bengal Conference opened its 40th Annual Session January 5th in the Church at Pakur. The session opened with a communion service conducted by Bishop Herbert Welch. The Bishop then asked the Secretary of the last year's session to call the Roll. The following responded to their names : Members of Conference :- C. H. Archibald, S. C. Biswas, W. P. Byers, John Chowdhury, Khuduram Dass, Samuel Datt, W. G. Griffiths, G. S. Henderson, S. C. Katwar, James Lyon, D. H. Manley, S. B. Mia, S. K. Mondol, S. M. Mondol, B. B. Naskar, Joseph Nelson, Samuel Pandit, N. G. Sircar, R. L. Sareo, O. Schanzlin, B. K. Sen, H. J. Smith, H. M. Swan, B. W Tucker, W. H. Soule. Probationers :-S. P. Biswas, Preo Nath Dass R. S. Gibbons; Baijnath Marandi, Jibon Sareo, S. C. Sirkar, Priya Nathaniel. Organisation. - The following Conference Officers were elected : Secretary, R. S. Gibbons on motion of D. H. Manley. Statistician, S. K. Mondol on motion of G. S. Henderson. Treasur.er, H. J. Smith on motion of C. H. Archibald. Assistant Seoretary :-R. S. Gibbons nominated H. J. Smith as his Assistant. Excused from Attendance on Conference Session :-The following were excused from attendance on the Conference session :-F. G. Williams, N. C. Biswas, W. A. 'Mueller, p.e. Mondol.

6 203 BENGAL.ANNUAL CONFERENCE. Conference Bar :-On motion of H. M. Swan, the first four rows of Benches were fixed as the official Bar of the Coqference. Privilege of the Floor :-on motion of D. H. Manley, tile members of" the Woman's Conference and. Visitors had the privilege of the floor extended to them, also the right to vote on all except Disciplinary questions. Reporters :-On motion of H. M. Swan, the Secretaries were authorised to draw up and present for adoption a list of Reporters to the various Church Papers. Assistant to Statistical Secretary :-S. K. Moadol nominated S. P. Biswas as his Assistant. Introductions :-The following were introduced to the Conference : Returned from Purlough :-Miss Ava Hunt. Miss P. Grandstrand and B. W. Tucker. New Missionaries :- Miss Helen Draper, Mrs. Gates, and W. B. Poley. Official Visitor :- Rev. Earl King. Returned from Jubbulpore :-Jibon Saren, and Kandna Saren, Graduates of the India MethodiRt Theologica! College. Mrs. Beeken, a member of the Woman's Conference was also introduced to the Conference. Programme :-on motion of C. H. Archibald, after various changes the printed Programme was adopted as the official Programme of the Conference. Board of Education :-On motion of H. M. Swan, the name of C. H. Archibald was placed as the Chairman of the Board of Education in the absence of the regular Chairman. Standing and Special Committees :-Un motion of H. M. Swan, the Cabinet was authorised to submit nominations for all Standing Committees also for those Special Committees listed in the minutes, Question" XV :-" Was the character of each Preacher examined"? was called. The name of James Lyon was called. There being nothing against him, his character was passed and he read his repor t as District Superintendent of Asansol District. The name of Gottlieb Schanzlin was called, and there being nothing against him, his character was passed and he read his report as District Superintendent of the Birbhum District. Adjournment :After various notices and singing of the I?oxology, the Henediction was pronounced hy Bishop Welch, and the session stood adjourned.

7 DAILY PROCEEDINGS 204, SECOND SESSION p. m., Wednesday, 5thJanuary The second session commenced at 3-30 p.m., with Bishop Welch in the chair. After the singing of a hymn. W. P. Byers, led in prayer. Reading of the Minutes :-The Secretary read the minutes of the first session and after correction they were approved. Special Committees :--C. H. Archibald presented the nomination from t<he Cabinet of the following Special Committees" hich were approved : Committee on Resolutions :-B. W. Tucker, Miss Stahl, Mrs. Smith, Joseph Nelson, and S. P. Biswas. Committee on Publication of Minutes:-The Secretaries; S. K. Mondol, and C. H. Archibald. Memorial Service :-The Bishop announced that the Memorial Service for deceased wives of Conference Members would be held at 3-30 p.m., on Sunday preceding the Ordination Service. Greetings : -On motion of C. H. Archibald, the Secretaries were instructed to send greetinks to all absent members of the Conference, also to Bishop Fisher, and to Bishop Warne. Question XV :-was continued-the name of C. H. Archibald was called and there being nothing against him, his character was passed, and he read his report a.; Superintendent of the Calcutta Bengali District. The name of H. M. Swan was called and there being nothing against him. his character was passed, and he read his report as District Superintendent of the Pakur District. The name of W. P. Byers was called and there being nothing against him, his character was passed, and he read his report as District Superintendent of the Tamluk District. Question II :_u Who have been received by Transfer, and from what Can ference"? was called. The Bishop announced the transfer of W. B. Foley fl'om the Genesee Conference. The Mishop stated that Mr. Foley is a Proba tioner in the studies of the First Year and that he has been ordained Deacon and Elder under the Missionary Rule. Reporters for the Church Papers:-The Secretary read the following nomina. tions of Reporters for the following Church Papers:- Indian Witness New York Advocate Zions Herald California Christian Advocate Central Christian Advocate Hakauh-I-Hind W. G. Griffiths. B. W. Tucker. W. B. Poley. W. G. Griffiths. C. H. Archibald. W. H.Soule.

8 205 BENGAL ANNUAL CONFERENCE. San-de-budet Christian Apologist H. M. Swan. Gottlieb Schanzlin.. Adjournment :-After announcements, the Benediction was pronounced by G. S. Henderson and the session stood adjourned. THIRD SESSION. 8 a. m., Thursda, 6th January The third session commenced at 8 A. M. with Bishpp Welch in the chair. After the singing of Hymn No.1 Samuel Datt led in prayer. Devotions were conducted by Bishop Welch and after reading Col. 3, he gave an inspiring address on "Some l\larks of a Good Methodist." The devotions were concluded by the singing of Hymn No. 411 and prayer by Bishop Welch. Reading of the minutes :-The Secretary read the minutes of the second session and after correction they were approved. Question XV was continued :-The name of C. H. Archibald was called and he read his report as Superintendent of the Calcutta Hindustani District. The name of D. H. Manley was called and there being nothing against him, his character was passed, and he read his report as Superintendent of the English District. Greetings :-On motion of H. M. Swan, the Secretaries were instructed to send farewell greetings to Mr. and Mrs. Odgers previous to their departure for Home. Introduction :-Mrs. Welch, wife of our presiding Bishop, was introduced to the Conference,-also Benjamin Mott. Passing of Characters :-The.following names of Effective Elders were called and their characters passed and they reported their collections :-S. C. Biswas, N. C. Biswas, Samuel Datt, K. R. Dass, B. B. Naskar, B W. Tucker, S. M. Mondol, W. H.. Soule, Joseph Nelson, G. S. Henderson, H. J. Smith, R. L. Saren, S. C. Katwar and B. K. Sen. The name of W. G. Griffiths was called and his charaeter passed. I'eported on the work at the India Methodist Theological College. Official Visitor :-Rev. Earl King, General Secretary of the Epworth League in India, addressed the Conference on the subject of Heligious Education. Passing of Characters :-The names of A. L. Shute, C. H. S. Koch, E. B. Joyner, and H. E. Dewey were called and their characters passed. Question I (a) :-" Is this Annual Conference Incorporated according to the requirements of the Discipline"? was called. Yes, as Financial Board. in accordance with the laws of British India. He

9 DAILY PROCEEDINGS. 206 (b) :-" What Officers and Persons holding moneys, funds etc., are bonded, and what amounts, according to requirements of Discipline"? was called. None, D. H. Manley made a statement, that this whole matter was being considered by the Executive Board. Question II I :- " Who have been Re admitted "? was called. None. Question IV :- " Who have been received on Credentials and from what churches"? was called. None. Question XVI: -" Who have been transferred and to what Confer('nc"? was called. A. L. Shute to Rock River Conference. C. H. S. Koch to New Mexico Conference. The name of E. B. Joyner was mentioned and by motion of G. S. Henderson, the Corresponding Secretary was instructed to correspond with him regarding his transfer. Question XVII :-" Who have died"? was called. None. Question XXVII :-" Who have been called. None. granted leave of absence"? was Question XXVIII :-" Who are the Triers of Appeals"? was called. D. H. Manley, C. H. Archibald, H. M. Swan, K. R. Das, S. C. Biswas. Reserves: Joseph Nelson and S. M. Mondol. Question XXIX :-" What is the Annual- report of the Conference Board of Home Missions and Church Extensions"? was called. No Report. Question XXX :-" What is the Annual Report of the Conference Board of Foreign Missions"? was called. None. Question XXXVIII :-" Is there a Conference Sustentation Pund Society, and what is the report"? The Finance Committee of the Conference functions as such Society in accordance with Article 324 of the Discipline. Question XL :-" Where shall next session of the Conference be held"? Invitations were received from the- Calcutta Vernacular District, from Asansol, and from Thoburn Chuch. The matter was postponed till a later session. Conference Historian :-On motion of C. H. Archihald, G. Schanzlin was elected Conference Historian. On motion of G. Schanzlin, W. H. Soule was appointed to take his place.as Chairman of the Committee on Literature and Colportage. Afternoon Session :-On motion of G. Schanzli the Conference decided to d.ispense with the afternoon session in order to aljow various Committees to hring up their work. Adjournment :-After various announcements the session closed with benediction by Bishop Welch.

10 207 BENGAL ANNUA.L CONFERENCE. FOURTH SESSIONS. 8 a. m., Friday, 7th January The Fourth Session commenced at 8 A. M. January 7th, with Bishop Welch in the chair. After the singing of the hymn "No. 415, Miss. Ava Hunt led, in prayer. For the Scripture lesson Bishop "Velch read II Timothy 2; 19 if-also a few verses from the 4th, Chapter. The Bishop then spoke on... The marks of a Good Minister". The devotions ended with the singing of hymn No Reading of the Minutes :-The Secretary read the minutes of the previous session and after correction they were approved. Introductions :-Mrs. Ada Lee was specially introduced to the Conference as having completed so years service in India. She spoke a few words to the Conference. Mrs. W. B. Foley was also introduced. Board of Religious Education :-Miss Doris Welles presented the report of the Board of Religious Education. On motion of H. M. Swan it was decided that in place of the recommendation for anew hymnal for young people in the report, that we make a more extended use of our present HymnaJ. On motion of C. H. Archibald, the report as amended and was adopted as a whole with the provision that a clause be added in the matter of Life Service. Question VI :-:-u Who have been continued on Trial"? was called. (a) In the studies of Pirst Year. The name of Faijan Biswas was called and he made his report. The Registrar reported and on motion of J. Lyon his character was passed and the recommenda tion of the Chairman of the Conference Relations Committee was carried that he be continued in the studies of the Pirst Year. The name of Priya Nathaniel was called. The Registrar and the District Superintendent reported. On motion of J. Lyon, his character was passed and the recommendation of the Chairman of Conference Relations Committee was carried-that he be advanced to the studies of the Second Year conditioneci in two subjects. The name of Suresh C. Sirkar was ca1led. The Registrar and the District Superintendent reported. The Board of Bxaminers by 2/3 vote reo - commended that he be given one year more only, in studies of First Year. Afternoon Session :-On motion of W. G. Griffiths it was decided to hold a regular Conference Session at 3 30 P. M. After announcements, the Conference adjourned with prayer by Bishop Welch. FIFTH SESSION p.m., Friday, 7th January The Fifth Session commenced at 3 30 P.M., January 7th with Bishop Welch in the chair. Reading of Minutes :-The Secretary read thee -minutes of the last Session and after correction they were approved.

11 DAILY PROCEEDINGS. 208 Question VI :-" Who have been continued on Trial?" was continued. (a) In Studies of First Year. The case of Suresh C. Sirear was continued. On recommendation of Chairman of the Committee on Conference Relations his character was passed and he was continued for one year, only, iu the Studies of the First Year. Question VIII :-" Who have been admitted into Full Membership? It was called. (a) Elected and ordained Deacon this Year. The names of Ronald S. Gibbons, Preo N. Dass, Jibon Saren, Shudhanshu P. Biswas, were individually considered. In each case they reported. The Registrar reported their studies. The District Superintendents reported satisfactorily, and in each case on recommendation of the Chairman of the Committee on Conference Relations, their character was passed; they were advanced to the studies of the Third Year; they were admitted into full Membership and elected to Deacons' Orders. Question VI :-" Who have been continued on Trial? " was continued. (b) The name of Baij Nath Marandi was called. The Registrar reported his studies. The District Suprintendent reported favourably and on the recommendation of the Chairman of the Committee on Conference Relations, his character was passed and he was continued on Trial in the Studies of the Second Year. Question IX :-" What Members are in the Studies of the Third Year?" was called. (a) Admitted into Full Membership this year. Ronald S. Gibbons, Preo N. Dass, Jibon Saren, and Shudhanshu p. Biswas. (b) Admitted into Full Membership previously. The name of Walter A. Mueller was cal1ed. The Registrar reported that no studies had been taken and on recommendation of the Chairman of the Committee on Conference Relations. his character was passed and he was continued in the Studies of the Third Year. The name of Nitya G. Sircar was called and the Registrar reported his studies. On motion of C. H. Archibald his character was passed and he was continued in the Studies of the Third Year. Offioial Visitor:-The Rev. T. C. Badley, Area Educational Secretary, was introduced to the Conference. Question XI :-" What Members have completed the Conference Course of Studies?" was called. (a) Elected and Ordained Elders this Year? The names of John Chowdhury, Shot K. Mondol, Samuel Pandit, were called individuaily, and each one reported. The Registrar reported in each case the completion of the Conference Course of Studies. The District Superntendents reported favourably and on the recom mendation of -"the Chairman of the Committee on Conference Relations, th character of each one was passed and he was elected to Elder's Orders. (b) Elected and Ordained Elders previously? The- name of Samuel Datt was called. The Registrar reported that he had completed the Conference Course of Studies and on recommendation of the Chairman of the Committee on Conference Relations, his, character was passed.

12 209 BENGAL ANNUAL CONFERFNCE. (c) Elected and Ordained Biders under the Seminary Rule. None. (d) Elected to be ordained elsewhere? The name of Frederick G. Williams was called.-the Registrar reported that he had completed the Conference Course of Studies. The District Superintendent reported favourably and on motion of the Chairman of the Committee on Conference Relations, his character was passed and he was elected to BIder's Orders to be ordained elsewhere. (e) Ordained Bider having been previously elected? (f) Ordained Bider elsewhere under our election? None. None. Question XII :-11 What others have been elected 'and Ordained Deacons"? (a) As Local Preachers? None. (b) Under the Missionary Rule? None. (c) Under the Seminary Rule? None. (d) Elected by this Conference and Ordained elsewhere? None. Question XXV :-" Who are the Supernumerary Ministers, and for what number of year consequtively has each held his relation." The name of PhIllip A. Gould was called and on motion of D. H. Manley his character was passed and he was continued a second year in,the Supernumerary relation. Question XXVI:-" Who are the Retired Ministers?" was called. The name of J. P. Meik was called and on motion of C. H. Archibald his character was passed and he was continued in the Retired Minister's Relation. Question VI :-(aj "Who have been continued in Studies of First Year?" The name of Walter B. Foley was called and on motion of Chairman of the Committee on Conference Relations his character was passed and he was continued on Trial in Studies of the First Year of the Conference Course of Studies. Question XIV :-" Who have been left without appointment to attend one of our Schools "? was called. The name of Bdwin J. Anker was called. The Registrar and District Superintendent reported, and on motion of J. Lyon his character was passed. Question XV :_u Was the character of each Preacher examined"? This was strictly done as the name of each Preacher was called in open Conference. Question V :-11 Who have been received on Trial OJ? (a) In the studies of the First Year. The names of Bodon Marandi, Benjamin A. Mott, and Kandna Saren were called, and each case was considered individually. They each made their reports. The Registrar reported their studies. The District Superintendents reported favourably and on motiorr-of the Chairman of the Committee on Conference Relations they were received on Trial and placed in the Studies 9f the First Year. (b) " In Studies of the Third Year under the Seminary Rule." None. Adjournment :-After various announcements, the Conference adjourned with the Benediction by Bishop Welch.

13 DAILY PROCEEDINGS. 210 SIXTH SESSION. 8 a. m, Saturday, January 8th, The Sixth Session commenced at 8 A. M., January 8th, with Bish6p Welch in the chair. After the singing of Hymn No. 410 the Bishop read Eph. 5 ; 25 ff and then spoke on "The Home in its Relation to the Christianisation of India ", The devotions were concl uded with prayer by the Bishop. Reading of Minutes:-The Secretary read the Minutes of the previous session and after correction they were approved. MaUer of Previlege :-On motion of H. J. Smith, the Conference decided to take up a collection for the Boy Scouts. Tentative Report of Board of Stewards.-G. S. Henderson gave a tentative report as Chairman of the Board of Stewards. On motion of H. J. Smith the discussion of this report was made the Order of the Day for Monday. Question XL :_u Where shall the next session of Conference be held"? This was again taken up. An invitation was received from H. M. Swan to hold the next Annual Conference at Darjeeling. The Conference voted to hold its next Annual Session at Mount Hermon, Darjeeling. This invitation was unanimously accepted. Presentation of Dip)omas.-The following Graduates had their diplomas of graduation from the Conference Course of Studies presented to them by the Bishop :- John S. Chowdhury, Shot K. Mondol, Samuel Pandit, and Samuel Datt. Reception of Full Members.-The class for admission into full membership in the Conference was called to the Bar of Conference and the following came forward :- Shudhanshu P. Biswas, Preo N. Dass, Ronald S. Gibbons, and Jibon Saren. They answered in the affirmative in open Conference the necessary disciplinary questions, and they were admitted into full Membership in the Bengal Conference. Setting time of next Conference.-On motion of H. M. Swan, the Corresponding Secretary was instructed to request the Board of Bishops to arrange the date of our next Annual Conference in December, at such time as will take advantage of the Railway Concession. Report of Statistical SecretarY.-G. S. Hendeson, the Statistical Secre tary presented his report, and on motion of D. H. Manley he read the Conference Totals. On motion of H. J. Smith it was ordered that the statistics be left hanging on the wall,.so, that Pastors and any others may have the opportunity to consult their District Superintendents, the Statistical Secretaries, and all concerned, in regard to any alterations to be made.

14 211 BENGAL ANNUAL CONFERENCE. Greetings.-Letters were read from A. L. Shute and W. A, Mueller con veying greetings to the Conference. Committee on ComitY.-On motion of H. M. Swan, D. H. Manley was appointed convener of the Committee on Comity. Adjourn!Dent.-After various announcemepts, the Conference adjourned -with Benediction by Bishop Welch. SUNI'AY SERVICE. Sunday, 9th January The Sunday services,as authorised by the Conference were held. At the B o'clock service, N. G. Sircar preached the sermon in Bengali. The Hindustani service was not held because of the difficulty of arranging for a Hindustani Co[)regation at Pakur. In the absence of P. G. Williams, who was to have preached the Conference Sermon in English, Bishop Herbert Welch kindly consented to take the service and he gave to the Congregation a remarkably profound yet clear exposition of the words in Eph, 4:15-" But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head even Christ." At 12 o'clock the Santali service was held. Memorial Service.-A short Memorial Service was held immediately preceding the Ordination Service at which time suitable memoirs for the following were read: Mrs. S. Mondol, Mrs. Samuel Pandit and Mrs. Preo N. Dass. Ordination Service.-The Ordination Service was held at 3-30 p. M. at which service the Bishop after examination of the candidates, ordained the following as Deacons :-. Shudhanshu P. Biswas, Preo N. Dass, Ronald S. Gibbons, and Jibon Sarene Bishop Welch after the disciplinary questions had been answered in the affirmative by those candidates presented for Elder's Orders, ordained the following as Eiders : John S. Chowdhury, Shot K. l\londol, and Samuel Pandit. SEVENTH SESSION. 8 a. m. Monday, January 10th, The Seventh Session of the Conference commenced Monday January 10th, at 8 A. M. with Bishop Welch in the Chair. After the singing of Hymn 408 Bishop Welch read 1 Cor. 3 : 3 ff and then gave to the Conference a text to take through the year. Bishop Welch used this text as the basis of his devotion1 talk.

15 DAILY PROCEEDINGS. 212 Order of the DaY.-The Order of the D.1Y having arrived, G. S. Henderson presented his report as Chairman of the Board of Stewards. On motion of H. J. Smith it was ordered that all claims for Mission Claimants Relief must be made to the District Superintendents to he presented by him to the District Conferences and not to the Treasurer, this to iaclude names already on the list as well as new claims. I t being understood that only such claims be considered by the Board of Conference Steward.s., On motion of O. S. Henderson, it was decided that Bible Women he' con sidered as Mission Claimants. I t was moved by G. Schanzlin that the Board of Stewards he or.dered not to draw.from the invested funds of the Conference. On motion of G. S. Henderson the motion was amended to authorise the Conference Stewards to draw up to Rs. 300/. and no more, this year, from the Mission Claimants invested Punds. Questions XXXIII, XXXIV. XXXV:-were called and on motion of W. G. Oriffiths, the Treasurer was authorised to fill in these questions later. Question X"XVI.-..:.." What amount has been apportioned 1:0 the Pastoral Charges within the Conferen(Je, to he raised for the support of Conference Claimants "? was called. On motion of D. H. Manley, it was decided that the claims for 1926 be th basis of the apportionments to Pastoral charges for Question XXXVII. -" What amount has been paid by the Conference Treasurer to the Board of Pensions and Relief for connexional Relief"? was ('ailed. On motion of H. J. Smith it was decided that $ ] 0.00 be paid to this cause. On motion of G. S. Henderson, it was decided that the Rmount to he apportioned to Pastoral Charges be allocated. Question XXXII.-" What is the Conference T. easurer's Report"? On motion of G. Schanzlin the Treasurer was authorized to incorporate his report in the Printed Minutes Vvithout reading.. Official Journal of the Conference.-On motion of H. M. Swan, it was de cided that the printed minutes he the Official Journal of the Conference. Question XXVI.-was called. On motion of the Chairman of the Com _mittee on Conference Relations S. C. Biswas, was, on his own request, granted the Retired Ministers Relation. Approving the Minutes of the Last Session.-On motion of R. S. Gibbons the Committee on publishing anci editing the minutes were authorised to approve the minutes of the last session of Conference. Corresponding SecretarY.-On motion of H. M. Swan it was decided to delete the former action electing a Correspondin Secretary as this is done by tht" Pinance Committee. Memoirs.-...On motion of W. H. Soule. it was decided that the memorials rea.d at the Memorial Service on Sunday, after translation, and editing, be printed in the minutes.

16 213 BENGAL ANNUAL CONFERENCE. Election of Four Members of Finance Committee.-G. S. Henderson moved that the four members to be elected to the Finance Committee be all Indian Members of Conference. On motion of H. J. Smith the motion was laid Oli tbe table. An election was ordered. The Bishop appointed W. G. Griffiths and S. C. Biswasas 'Fellers and a vote was taken.. Reading the Mlnutes.-The Secretary read the minutes of the. last session and they were approved. Board of Examiners.-Bishop Welch appointed the following Board of Examiners: Harold J. Smith, Chairman; Walter G, Griffiths, Reistrar, J. S. Chowdhury, Samuel Datt. G. S. Henderson, H. E. Dewey, S. K. Mondol, B. 8. Naskar, R L. Saren, Gottlieb Schanzlin and 8. W Tucker. Conference Sermons for Next Year.-Bishop Welch appointed the following to preach Conference sermons: Gottlieb Schanzlin in English, W. H. Soule in Hindustani and S. P. Biwas in Bengali. Report of Tellers.-The Tellers reported that S. K. Mondol, John Chowdhury, and Samuel Datt had received the necessary votes for election and they were declared duly elected. Another ballot was ordered and taken for the remaining member of the Finance Committee. Minutes.-The Secretary called the Roll in order to ascertain the number requiring minutes. Tellers Report.-The Tellers reported no. election and another ballot was ordered and taken... The Tellers again reported and S. P. Biswas having received the necessary number of votes was declared elected. On motion of G. S. Henderson another ballot was ordered for the two reserve delegates. The ballot was taken. Question' XVIII.-" Who have been Located at their own request"? was called. None. Question XIX._1f Who have been Located"? as called. None. Qnestion XX.-" who have been withdrawn"? was called, and answered in the negative under' all heads. Question xxl.-" Who have been deprived of the Ministerial Office"? was called, None.. Question XXII,-" Who have been permitted to withdraw under Charges or Complaints"? was called. None. Question xxlil.-" Who have been expeliej "? \vas called. None.. Introdtlctions.-The following were introduced to the Conference: Ainuddin Biswas, and S. Nay Chowdhury. Standing Committees.-c. H, Archibald read the nominations of the Cabinet for Stllnding Committees and on motion of R. S. Gibbons they were adopted. (See printed list;)

17 DAIL Y PROCEEDINGS 214 Special Gommittees.-C. H. Archibald read the names of those Special Com mitees nomitted by the Cabinet and on motion of W. O. Griffiths they were approved. (See printed list.) Industrial Home.--The Bishop in charge of t.he Bengal Conference, The Superintendent of the Bnglish District, Gerald Smith, S. P. Lancaster, D. H. Manley and Superintendent of the Home. Seamen's Mission.-On motion of G. S. Henderson the following. were elected as Seamen's Mission Committee. Trustees; The Financial Board; Committee of Management; The Bishop in charge of Bengal Conference, The Deputy Commissioner of Police, Commander Norcock, The Superintendent of the English District, J. S. Johnson, J. H. FyEe. W. C. Wordsworth, W. C. Buckley, S. P. Lancaster, O. A. Smith, D. H. Manley, G. S. Henderson. On nomination of D. H. Manley the following were added to the Committee: \'1. B. Tucker, and C. H. Archibald. Representatives.-On nomination of C. H. Archihald for the Cabinet the fohowing representatives were appointed :- (1S) Chistian Council of Bihar and Oris$a : Miss Reulah Swan. (19) Christian Council of Bengal and Assam: H. B. Dewey, Mrs. Beeken C. H. Archibald, S. K. Mondol, W. H. Soule, H. J. Smith. (20) India Methodist Theological College Board of Governors: G. Schanzlin. (21) Bareilly Theological Seminary: Samuel Datt. (22) Isabella Thoburn Board of Governors : Miss Stahl. (23) Lucknow Christian College Board of Governors: D. H. Manley. (24) Blackstone Missionary Institute: Miss Katharine Kinzley. (25) National Missionary Society: S. K. Mondol. Literature and CoJportage.-w. H. Soule presented the report of the Com mittee on Colportage and Literature and it was adopted. State of the Church, Aggressive Evangelism and Self-Support -H. J. Smith presented the report of the Committeee on State of the Church, Aggressive Evangelism and Self.Support and it was adopted. Report of Tellers.-The Tellers reported that H J. Smith and P. N. Dass had received the highest number of votes and they were declal'ed elected as alternate delegates to the Finance Committee. Board of Religious Education.-Miss Doris WelJes presented a passage to be incorporatpd in the main report s formt'rly adopted. It was so ordered on motion of H. M. Swan. Isabella Thobu.rn College.-Miss Ava Hunt presented the report of the representative of Isahella Thohurn College. Board of Education.-Miss Carpenter presented the Report of the Board of Education. Provident Fund.-C. H. Archibald read the Report of the Committee on Provident Fund and on motion of B. W. Tucker it was referred to the Pinance Commjtte for establishment.

18 215 BENGAL ANNUAL CONFERENCE. Committee 011 Resolutions.-B. W. Tucker.. ead his report as Chairman of the Committee on Resolutions. The resolutions.. efe.. ring to the Bishop Herbprt Welch and\ Mrs. Welch were adopted by a rising vote and the rest of the report on motion of H. M. Swan carried. Adjournment.-On motion of H. M.,Swan. it was decided.that afttrr the usual devotional services and the reading of the Appointments, the Conference stand adjourned sine die. Bishop Welch led in a short devotional service, rehd the. appointments and the Conference adjourned. CERl'IFICA TE OF ORDINATION. This is to certify that at Pakaur. India, on January the nintn, 1927, on the election of the Bengal Oonference, I ordained to the Order of Deacons:- SUDHANGSHU P.BISWA. PREO N ATH DASS. RONALD S. GrBBONR. JIBON SAREN., At the same place. on th same date, and on the election of the ame Conference, with -the assistance of Elders, I ordained to the Order of ElderFi : JOHN S. CHOWDHURY. SHOT K. MONDOL. SAMU.EL PANDIT. w. P'J psiding Bishop.

19 IV. DISCIPLINARY QUESTIONS. 1. (a) Is this Annual Conference Incorporated according to the requirement of the Discipline? Yes, as Financial Board in accordance 'With the laws of British India. (b) What officers and persons holding moneys, funds. etc., are bonded, and in what amounts, according to the requirements of the Discipline? None. 2. Who have been Received hy Transfer, and from what Conference? Walter B. Foley, Ge1lesee (on trial in the studies of the first year-ordained Deacon and Elder under missionary rule.) 3. Who have been Readmitted? ''None. 4. Who have been Received on Credentials, and from what churches? None 5. Who have been Received on Trial? (a) In tudies of First year. Bodon Marandi, Benjamin A. Matt, Kandna Saren. (b) In Studies of Third Year under Seminary Rule. None. 6. \Vho have been Continued on Trial? (a) In studies of First Yar. Edwin J. Anker, Faijan Biswas, Walter B. Foley (Elder), Sursh Chandra Sirkar. (b) In studies of Second Year. Baijnath Marandi, Priya Natha1:iel. (0) In studies of Third Year. None. (d) In studies of Fourth Year. None. 7. Who have been Discontinued. None. 8. Who have heen admitted into Full Membership? (a) Elected and ordained Deacons this year. Sudhangshu P. Biswas. Preo N. Dass, Ronald S. Gibbons, Jibcn Saren. {o} Elected and ordained Deacon previously. None. (c) Elected to he ordained elsewhere. None. Cd) Ordained Deacon, having been previously elected by Conference. None. 9 What members are in Studies of Third Year? (a) Admitted into Pull Membeirship this year. Sudhangshu P. Biswas, Preonath Dass. Ronald S. Gbbons, Jibon Saren. (b) Admitted into Full Membership previously. Walter A. lffueller, Nitya G. Sirkar. 10. What Members are in studies of Pourth Year? Shanti B. Mia. 11. What Members have completed the Conference Course of Study? (a) Elected and ordained Elders this year. John Chowdhury, Shot K. Mondal, Samuel Pandii.

20 217 DISCIPLINARY QUESTIONS. (b) Blected and ordained Elders previously. Samuel Datt. (c) Blected and ordained Biders under the Seminary Rule. None.,(d),Blected to be, ordained elsewhere. :Frederick G. Williams. '(e) Ordained Bider, having been'previously elected by Conference. (f) Ordained Elder elsewhere under.our election. None. 12. What others have been elected and ordained Deacons? (a) As Local Preachers. None. (b) Under Missionary Rule. None. (e) :Under the Seminary Rule. None. (d) Blected by this Conference and ordained elsewhere. None. 13. What others have been ejected and ordained Biders? (a) As Local Deacons. None.. (.0) Under Missionary Rule. None. (c) Electd by this Conference and ordained elsewhere. None. None Who have been left without appointment to attend one of our schools? Edwin J. Anker. 15. Was the character of each Preacher examined? This 'was strictly done as the name oj each Preacher was called i/1, Ope11- Conference. 16. Who have heen Tran.sferred and to what Conference? O. H.. Koch. New Mexico; A. L. Shute, Rock Riuer. 17. Who have Died?.None. 18. Who have been Located at their own request? None. 19. Who have been Located? None. 20. Who have Withdrawn? (a) Prom the ministry. None. (b) Prom the Ministry and Membership of the Church. (c) By surrender of the Ministerial Office. None. 21. Who have been deprived of the Ministerial Office. None. None. 22. Who have been permitted to withdraw under charges or Complaints? None. 23. Who have been Bxpelled? None. 24. What other Personal Notation should be made? None. 25. Who are the Supernumerary Ministers, and fol" what number of years. consecutively has each held this relation? Philip A. Goold (2). 26. Who are the Retired Ministers? S. C. Biswas. J. P. Meik. 27. Who have eengranted leave of absence? None. 28 Who are the Triers of Appeals? D. H. Manley,H. M. Swan, K. R. Dass, S. C. Biswas, C. H. Archibald ; Reserve,, Joseph Nelson, S. M. Mandol.

21 BENGAL ANNUAL CONFERENCE What is the Annual R'Wort;ufthe Conference Board of Home Missions and Chnrch Extension? None. 30. What is the Annual Report of the Conference ljoard of Foreign MissioQS? None What is the Statistical Report? See the Statistician's Report. 32. What is the Conferenc'e Treasurer's Report? See the Conference Treasurer's Report. 33. (a) What is the aggregate of the Benevolentc\Jnections ordered by the General Conference as reported by the Conference 'Treasurer? $82. (b) What is the aggregate of -the Benevolent Collections ordered by the Annual Conference, as reported by the Conference Treasurer? $ What are the claims on the Conference Funds? For Annuity distribution-,-years multiplied by the Disciplina rate of $--Per year. $--for necessitous distribution,$-total, $ (a) What has been received on these claims? From the Book Concern $ 140 From the Chartered Fund $ From Board of Pensions and Relief $ 100 From A1tnual COl1jerence Investment '0' $ 300 From Pastoral Charges $ 70 From Other Sources $. (b) How has it been,applied? the balance held itt reserve. Total $ 610 $470 was applied on above claims, and 36. What amount has been apportioned to the Pastoral Charges within the Conference, to be raised for the Support of Conference Claimants? $33(). 37. What amount has been paid by the Conference Treasurer to the Board of Pensions and Relief for Connectional Relief? $ Is there a Conference,Sustentation Fund Society, and what is its Report? The Finance Committee oj this Oonference functions as such Societ i1 accordance with Article 324 oj the Discipline. 39. Where are the Preaclers stationed? See List oj Appointments. 40. Where shall the next session 'of the Conference be held? Mt; Hermon, Darjeeling.

22 APPOINTMENTS FOR Asansol Bengali Circuit. Asansol Hindustani Circuit shabaree Church U shagram Boys' School... Barakar Circuit Mongalbari. Murulia Circuit Rampur Circuit Sarakdihi Circuit ASANSOL DISTRICT. H. E. DEWE Y, Buprinte'tfdent. P. O. Asansol t.e. 1. Ry. P. N. Dass... Samuel Dutt. P. N. Dass. { W. B. Poley. Faijan Biswas. To be sl,tpplied. N. K. Biswas. To be supplied. To be supplied. (Supplied by P. K. Biswas.) Women's Appointments. District Work Ushagram Boys' School Bengali Girls' Middle English School (Language Study)... Evangelistic Work an d Day Schools Hindustani Girls' Boarding School H. B. Dewey. Mr.... Mrs. W. B. Foley.. Miss Lois Adams. Miss Irma Collins. Miss Lulu Botes. Miss Lulu Boles. Bolpur Circuit Hetampur Circuit Mohammed Bazar Circuit Pakaur Circuit Sngrampur Circuit Sauri Circuit BIRBHUM DISTRICT, GOTTLIEB SC'HANZLIN, Superintendent, P. O. Bolpur, Bengal. Women's Appointments. District WorR Dis.trict Evangelist and Women's Hible Training School Bolpur Ch urch Hetampur Church Pakaur Church Pakaur Benali Girls' Boarding 6chool Pakaur Medical and Industrial Work' K. R. Das.... S. B. Mia.... TO. be supplied. John Chowdhury. Sa-muet Pandit. B. B. Naskar. Mrs. Gottlieb Schanzlin. Miss K. L. Kinzley. Mrs. 'K R. Das. Mrs S. B. Mia. Mrs. John Chowdhury Miss Rachell CRrr.... Miss Hacher Carr.

23 APPOINTMENTs CALCUTTA BENGALI DISTRICT. C. H. ARCHIBALD, Superintendent. 140, Dharamtolla Street, Calcutta. S. K. MONDOL, Assistant Ballyganj Circuit Beliaghata Circuit Central Benga'li Church Collins Institute Hati Bagan Church Kulpi and Diamond Harbour Lee Memorial Mission Panchkura South Villages Tamluk Circuit Women's Appointments. uperintendent. P. C. MOlldol. S. C. Sit'car. S. P. Biswasr. B. W. Tucker Principal. H. K. MandaI, Head., Master. N. 6. S41'Car... To be supplied.... To be supplied.. S. C. Katwar.... S. M. MandaI. s. K. MandaI.... B. K. Sen (Jacob MandaI, L. P.) District Work Mrs. C. H. Archibald. Collins 1 nstitute Mrs. B. W. Tucker. Central. Bengali Church Mrs. S. p. Biswas. District Evangelistic work and Day Schools.. Mrs. Elsie R. Beeken Lee Memorial Mission and High School Mrs. Ada Lee, Superintendent. Pachku."a Mrs. S. C. Katwar. Tamluk Mrs. S. K. MandaI. Mrs. B. K. Sen. 1, CALCUTTA HINDUSTANI DISTRICT. C. H. ARCHIBALD, Superintendent. 140, Dharamtallah Street, Calcutta. W H. SOULE, Assistant Superintendent. Central Hindustani Church Kidderpore Circuit Sibpur, Howrah Women's Appointments._... W. H. Soule A. Mott. Joseph Nelson. Oia.trict Work District Evangelistic Work Central Hindustani Church Sibpur Howrah... Mrs. O. H. Archibald.... Miss Doris I. Welles, L.P.... Mrs. W.. H. Soule, L. P. Mrs. Joseph Nelson, L. p.

24 221 BENGAL ANNUAL CONFERENCE. Asansol Church ENGLISH DISTRICT. H. M. SWAN, Superintendent. P. O. Manse, Darjeeling. Calcutta Boys School Gomoh Industrial hlome Kidderpore. Ch.urch and Seamen's Mission Mount Hermon, DarjeeIing Thoburn Church Rampurhaut Union Church, Darjeeling District Work Asansol Church... Calcutta Boys' School Calcutta Girls' School Women's Appointments. Queen's Hill School, Darjeeling... H. E. Dewey. W. B. Foley...R. S. Gibbons, Principal.. James Lyon.. G. S. Henderson.... G. S. Henderson... H. M. Swan.... H. J. Smith.. Gottlieb Schanzlin.... H. M. Swan... Mrs H. M. Swan.... Mrs. H. E. Dewey. Mrs. R. S. Gibbons. Miss Ruth Field, Principal. Miss Pearl Hughes. Miss Helen Draper... Miss C. J. Stahl, Principal Miss Emma Barber. Miss Winifred King. Mrs. Prances Smith. Mrs. Violet Gates. Mrs. Lila Engherg.... Mrs. H. J. Smith. Thobuf'n Church Union Church and Mount Hermon, Darjeeling:.Mrs. H. M. Swan. Dhanbad Circuit Fatehpur Circuit Gomoh Circuit Gomoh Boys School Hazaribagh Road Jhariya.Circuit Kodorma Circuit GOMOH DISTRICT. IES LYON, Superintendent. P. O. Gomoh, Bihar, B. N. Ry.... (Supplied by Baron Smart.). (Supplied by James Morgan.).:. To be supplied. To be supplied. (Supplied by R.iV. Nath.) (Supplied by Jhandu Singh.) P. N athaftiel.

25 APPOINTMENTS. 222 Women's Appointments. District Work and Orphanage Kodorma oad Circuit Mrs James Lyon Mrs. P. Nathaniel Bolpur San tali Circuit Cillimara Circuit... Gondai Circuit PAKAUR DIS.TRICT. GOTTLIEB SCHANZLIN, Superintendent Khola Jhora Circut Pakaur San tali Circuit Santali Boys' Boarding School Seriadel1a Circuit P. O. Bo)pur, Bengal. Women's Appointments. Gottlieb Schanzlin, Kandna Saren. (Supplied by Singrai Kisku L. P.).. Baijnath Marandi, Badmz Marandi... R. L. Saren... Jihon Saren.. To be supplied.... (Supplied by Benjamin Saren) District Evangelist S antali Girls' Boarding School Miss Pauline Grandstrand. Miss Mildred Pierce (until June 1927.) Miss Beulah Swan SPECIAL APPOINTMENTS. D. H. Manley, Treasurer, Southern Asia Branch, Board of Foreign Missions, 3, Middleton Street, Calcutta. C. H. Archibald, Acting Treasurer, 3 Middleton Street, Calcutta. W. G. Griffiths, Registrar, India Methodist Theological CollegE', Jubhul. pore, Member of Calcutta Central Bengali Church Quarterly Confe renee. W. A. Mueller, Secretary, World Service Council for Southern Asia, Member of Calcutta Hindustani Central Church Quarterly Conference. Mrs. W. G. Griffiths, Women's Work. India Methodist Theological College, Jubbu1flore, Member of Calcutta Central Bengali Church Quarterly Conference. Miss Ava Hunt, Teacher, Isabella Thoburn College, Lucknow, Member of Thoburn Church Quarterly Conference. Miss Pearl Madden, Central Treasurer for India, Woman"s Foreign Missionary Society, 3 Middleton Street, Calcutta.

26 BENGAL 4Q COERENCE. ON FURLOUGH Rev. and Mrs. W. P. Byers Rev. and Mrs E. H. Joyner Rev. and Mrs. D. H. MaDley Rev. and Mrs. P. O. WilU'llJEt Miss Katharine A. BIir (retired) Miss Mary P. Carpenter Miss Mabel L. Eddy. To prech the Conferere(J e Sermon: - In English... In Bengali... In Hindustani Miss Jessie B. Pitzgerald Miss Pearl Madden. Miss Eugenia Norberg s Mildred L. Pierce (Aft June Miss Hilda M. Swan. Miss r.l etie Bacon. Gottlieb Schanzlin. S. P. Biswas. W. H. Soule.

27 VI. Report. ASANSOL DISTRICT. Asansol District has had a very ha,rd and trying year. We have had very hard Financial presure arising from the great Cut, then we have had too few workers for the great work in hand and in addition we have suffered very much from sicknesr among our workers and their families. However, in spite of all the draw backs and the hinderances we have kept looking up and going forward and God has blessed us. Instead of beginning our Report at the Head Quarters of the District we have begun it at the point furthest distant, namely at Fatehpur Circuit. The Circuit of FatehpuI',is situated in the Civil District of Gaya miles North West of Asanso] and 20 miles east of F'atehpur CIrCUit. the City of Gaya on the Grand Chord Line. Brother J ames Morgan, has behn. holdng the Fort there for. three years and during that time has had 206 baptisms. Most of the tldle he has been single handed and has found it rather hard. At our visits to that Circuit we have found the people teachable and rpady for the Gospel. During the present year brother M.org:a.n has had 20 baptisms. The work needs develop ent.and the New COllverts need t.o be ta.ught ssematically and incessantly. This IS hard to do becaus of the. economic condition. Thy ae the poorest of the pool' and many a t.lme their Pastor has gone to their villages without 'finding any of the people. Continuig to travel eastwa'rd on the Grand Chord. we come to the town and the StatIOn of Kodarma, the center of the Mica Industry. Kodarma was fore,into a Cicuit. f0ur y:-as ago and i. a very fnlltiu] field WIth 319 ChrIstIans. The MlDlster ill KodarlllR C;rcuiL charge is P. Nathaniel. During the present year brothel' NH.thani1 has had two good Assisants both Of them being Local Preachers. The results of their labours have ben satisfactory. They have been searching for the New Converts and building thm up and have ba.ptized 50 more, although they have been hindered very much by sickness and by Mica Factories having been closed. Durillg the riots in Calcutta the trou ble spread even to Kodarma and there wa great fear that there might be a repetition of what took place in Oalcuta. Feelings were running high in each community and all ]oyal citizeng Were asked to assist the Police. Our minister there responded most heartily and rendered great service, and was publicly thanked by t.be officials. 'rile next Circuit we corne to is that. of Hazaribagh Road, our Minister ir Bho]a Nath. We rpgret to state that brother Bhola Hazarib:lgh Road Cir- Nath has beeu sick nearly the whole year and the cuit. work has not made much progress on account of his sickness. Vve have here 326 COllverts and 50 have been baptized this year.

28 225 REPORT. We have found the people thet'e die well, in the case of Thanoo, a poor farmer, when death came he did nt fear and did not call his old priest to say prayers and make charms and offerings but died looking to Jesus. The next is Gomoh Circuit with 18t Christians. Gomoh Circuit. < Here we have an Orphana.ge, one Upper Rrimary School for boys with an attendance 6f' 48 and the Lower Primary School for Girls and also a small Dispensary. Our B()y' school receives a grant of Rs. 22/- per month and our Girls' School- a grant of R8. 10/- from the Loca) Government-; Our Minister Samuel Datt is in charge and is seeking to bnild up the Ch.ristians and baptize new converts. During the year he has baptized 20 and many more are under,instrncton baptism. being prepare 1 for The next Circuit we come to is Dhanbad with 56 Christians which Dhaubad Circuit. includes Jhariya and all the coal fields. 'Here too the work is very promising and 100 have been baptized this year. In this region the work is exceedingly trying because of the many changes of people going an, oming. A Mine cl039s down aud llundreds of people are thrown out of work and scattered to the four winds. So, far as able we try to keep track df them. Many find their way to Calclltta. and other distant places. Such is the condition of thing.::! in the North West Section of the Asansol District. Now we come to Asansol itself with 334 Bsngali Christians and 142 Hindi Christians. 'fhis is the Head Quarters of our' Asansol Head Quarters. R '1 Great District with the 0.1 way Chaplaincy and a beautiful English Church and_ Parsonage. Here we have- a large Community Senool under brother Williams which is drawing the attention and approval of Govermrient and alsa attracting the attention of many of the Missions in India on account of its success and cha.racter. Then we h:),vd at Ashabaree the laro'e., BeoO'ali 0 Girls' School nnder th-e able anl successful ma.naoo'ement oe Miss Carpenter doing a great a.nd good work. Our other Bengali School for Girls and also our Hindi School for, Girls, in the compound of onr EuO'lish Church, is conducted and ably managed by Miss B.Jles and her Assi;tant Mrs. D'Crnt.z Mrs. Lyon has taken good ca.re of our Gomoh Orphanage and with Miss Boles has had the Evangelistic work of the District. At the beginning of the year in En.glish Chaplaincy wrk I Wa.'! assisted by brothtlr Anker for fout' months but he felt caltd t<t go to Arnerica to complete his education and the burden fell upon the District SIl psrintendent who has been ably assisted in the English 'work by brother Williams The-Circuits of Mangalbaree, MuruHa and Rampnr with 270 Christians. ha.ve been in charge of -brother' N. C. Biswas who for a:galbaret M.ruba personal reasons at the beginning of the year went on an ampur trcel s. self Rupport and 'haa been compelled to do the work of a farmer in order to make a living and thir.:! undoubtedly takes most of his time and prevents him form carrying forward the work' to Sllccess. During the year there have been 18 baptisms in his Circuits. In au my dealingr with brother Biswas I have found him a Christian gentleman and endowed with an unusal ability as a worker and as a preahr and we hope for greater resnlts in the coming year in his Circuits.

29 BENGAL ANNUAL CONFERENCE. 226 Our Ashabaree and Aeansol Bengali Churchs are in charge of S. C. Biswas Asansoland Ashabaree who is entirely on self support. The two charges Bengali Circuit. consisting of a Christian community of 334 are looked after by him and he reports a measure of successs with 12 baptisms. The Hindi Circuits consisting of Hirapur and Asansol are in cha.rge of Asansol Hindi Cir- brother Sham Lall and they are looking up and imeuits. proving but still they are far behind and have much to learn. The Chri5tian Community here of Hindi speaking people numbers 1.42 and 16 baptisms are reported. The Circuit of Sarakdihi is in charge of P. K. Biswas and is situated Sarakdihi Circuit. 4 miles North East of Asansol. It has a small Bengali Church which is used ar Day School with an attendance of 40 Scholars. ProEulla has had during the year 15 baptisms and we have found him quite energetic and zealous in his work. He has 152 Christians. Our Barakar Circuit is in charge of brother Faijan Biswas and has 145 Christians. An effort has been made t o obtain Rarakar C rcuit. Bome grou nd for a school house and church but hitherto we have not been successful. Perhap'J the L)rd means us to withdraw from Barakar in as much a'j there are two other Missions working in the same place and there is no apparent ned of a third Misson as the town is not large. During the month of November we had most blessed District Conference and were very ably assisted by brother R. C. District Conference. Biswas of the C. M.. S. Mission, Calcutta, who had charge of all t,he Evangelistic Sel vices. The Colportage workers or Aansol and of the whole District have done a great work. Twelve thousand Gospels have been Colortage Work. sold including Bibles and Portions. The reaping day will come. God's Word doas nut return unto Him void, etc 'rracts were distributed. Undpr the leadership or brot.her Williamg a mljst successful Bengal Epworth League Ins- Epworth League Institutf:l was held in a beautiful titute. grove situated 13 miles from Asansol. The 'attendanc wa'j gleat. There wtlre 140 deleates present and 20 Faculty memberd and in this group there were 10 Missionaries and 140 students. The whole institute was a great success and an inspiration to many and reflected much credit on the management, rro sum up we have in Asansol District 12 Circuita, 12 Ordained Ministers 50 other workers and a Christian community of The District is 150 miles long and 20 miles broad. W -have now on the District 3 men on self support in the A grade and-also three' men in the B grade on partial self su pport. Our Objective for the next ten years is 20 thousand Converts and 20 se1 o b' supporting and self propagting churches through the ur 0 Jectlve. intensive method. By the Intensive method we mean bringing every convert to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and

30 227 REPORT. getting every worker baptized with the Holy Ghost. We do not think it is too much to ask of God, nothing is too hard for God and nothing too hard for him that believeth. This has truly been the hardest year of our life and perhaps the very best. We have had many tribulations 'and tt'ials but out of them all God has delivered us and given u Lhe Victory.. We have If'arnt to glory in tribulations I;\lso for tribulation worketh patience and petience, experiene and experience, hope a.nd hope maketh not ashamed because the love of God is shed abroad in onr hearts by the Holy Ghost. The Prospects. They are brigh t becau8e the Lord Jesus Christ is at the helm and He never lost a battle. This Report is already too long and yet I cannot forbear ment.ioning two or three other items of- jnterest. Our W J? M. S. Board at home was unable to take over the Gomoh work or folupport the Bible readers but the ladies here have shown a beautiful spirit and have COlnA to our help by giving of their tithes to support the Bible Readers. Then we ought to mention Out month of Revival Services held in February and March during which we held 326 meetings, distributed 3600 Tracts and sold 500 Gospels and saw 19 places of idol woi'ship destroyed and 18 converts baptized. Then finally we ought to mention with much gratitude to God tha fact that since takig over the work of 'AEallol I have not llad aile days' sitkness. Unto our God be all the glory. JAMES LYON. BIRBHUM DISTRICT The year under review has been in some ways an ndfventf.nl one, there have been so 'conpicuous events, the work has gone on in a fairly steady and even way. External conditions tha.t })ad prevailed during some of.the previou.s ypara have largely continued, and the general policy of.the year on this district had of necessity to be dominated by principles of ca.reful conservation, but in Rpite of handicaps, it may lje truthfully said, that there has been progrees on many lines. While we are still in a period of transition conditioned by circumstances beyond our control, the conditions of the Church at home as wf:'ll as the totally changed sqcial and mental atmospher.e of the field, yet we, that is Christialls and workers on this District, have made progress beyond merely consolidating our positions in the general scheme of tllings in this part of India. Not forgetting the details of the work, the WAaf and tear of it, its responsibilities and perplexities, and the hard b<?ught. victorier, the chief significance and the net result lies 'in the fact that we have grown spiritually. The lessons which our problems and difficulties have taught us have not been lost. It has not often been possible'to follow the ideals which seemed to suggest themselves in the adjustment of the "Work within

31 BENGAL ANNUAL CONFERENCE. 228 the district. The amount of our income as well as the present size of our staff, very naturally precluded much experimenting or changing things about. Considering the size of our territory our field is badly undermanned more so than at any previous time in its history. 'l'bere 'ue really two distinct fields, 80 far occupied by our mission in 'this territory, the one north in the eastern portion of the Santhal Pargaoas with Pakaur as a centre, the other field south of that in the civil district of Birbhum. Although Pakaur Sub-division with the Santhal Parganas to which it belongs, is a part of t he province of Bihar, the people amongst whom we are" working are Bengalis in rac6 and language in Pakaur Sub division as much as they are in Birbhum, with difference, however, that around Pakaur the Mohammedans numerically greatly predominate over the Hindu. 1. In Pakaur our oldest field, occupied since 1884, the present Christian congregation consists largely of the people living on the mission compound, a.nd its immediate neighbourhood, as well as Or group of families living in Pakaur bazar. Bro. J. Chowdhuri, our preacher in charge of this circuit., splendidly supported by Miss Carr and Miss Adams of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society has done a year of solid good work. Miss Carr bas been untiring in hel' effort, and of greatest help also in the men's work. The connection of the Church with the Girls' Boarding School has necessarily bpen a close and important one, and the year has been one of harmonious and successfnl co-operation within the Bengali work itself as well as with the Sautali work and workers occupying the same station. Little could be done to relieve the pressing problem created by the existence of many boys of school age, who sillce the abolishmen of the Bengali Boys Boarding and Day School in 19:24, in the majority of cases had to go without an education for the last few years. A number of the smallest boys have been accommodated as day scholars in the Girls' School, some others are studying in the Ashabari Middle English School at Asansol, and a few of high school age are in Collins 1 nstitute at Calcutta. All are doing well, How to provide education for the remaining boys of this community nearer home thau" Asansol, is perhaps one of the most urgent problems. The needs of the Christian communities of Sangrampur and a few smaller outlying villages from their close neigh bourhood to Pakaur and their many intimate relation ship with the Pakaur Christian community, enters very largely into any careful reconsideration of our preheut educat.ional needs for this field. The diaproportion existing in this whole region between the numbe of even partly educated village boys to that of educated village girls is still on the increase, there are many more u!leducated boys than girls, and the results this state of things will have on the community' in future years can easily be {ort>seen. Even now and for some time past, we have lost whole families that way to Islam. Unducated Christians are the first ones, and usually the only ones, to go. The Pakaur Girls' Boarding School has had a good year. 'fhe staff just now is somewhat reducd. hut all teachers and pupils even under adverse conditions have measured up very well. The Edith Jackson Fisher Memorial Hospit901 during part of the year ha. had the service-:l of a young lady doctor from Suri, Miss Ghose, while Dr. Allv wa ta.king a course in Child's Welfare Work at Calcutta. Miss Ally returned a few months ago

32 229 REPORT. with new entnsiasm, anew :deoting erfullkill and experience to this work. Oyer 400 'Rupees have been realized frojd. pid by.paepts, and. tbe total;number f'patients tl'eaed during the year reach.est,he startliqg figure of 'over 12,000. Plans re 'eing l1lde :to enlarge he meiqa.l work of this district by employing trained 'nurses, and several girls are now in tainingin other hos)taib. ThepreEteilt untrained hospital staff bas been a. greafhandicp o the,:,doctor in charge. It is hopedthat with an improved t8ji the mt!ical work.may:be extended so as to include Bolpur wih its <?u.tlying wol k I.i.nd work.ers. There is still another Institution manged by the Pakaur la.dies.of the Bengali side. The W oman"s Industrial HOrne, renam.d by MiHs Carr, Santipara, (peace hamlet) with its 20 inmates has had a pro.sperous year. The articles manufactured are lace and rope. 2. SANGR4-MPUR :-The mission workers stationed in thislargb village.consist of a pastor, two.school teachers and two Bile women. The pastor Bro. S. B. Mia has not been in the best of health. One of the schools is W. F. M. S., the 01 hpr a lower,primary ooys' school derives the large share of its income from a Government grant, augmented by a small mission subsidy. Plans are being made to enlalge the staff and raisp the school to upper primary grade.. 'l'he Muhammedan headman of t'he village, hirriself a former pupil oithe school, has promised full co-opern.tion of his community. The ca se of the former JElader of our Christian community at Sangrampul' who backslid into Islam in 1924, while his family remained 'Christian, has given trouble during tbe year, as sepl;lrated families always wi1l. Another fl;lnl,ily who went back in the beginning of 1925 have petitioned the mission to be taken back i,nto the Christian Church. They were put on trial for six months, after which tim fheir case will be reconsidered. The women's Bpng-ali evangelisti work in both sections of the District,has been in harge of Miss KihzlJy who has spared no effort in visiting all the cpntrpr of the Ditrict periodically and has been a llelp to the Evangelistic work of bnih Societies in many wa.yr. 'rbis brings us to the Southern section of our district with the centres Bo]pur Suri, Mohamme.d Bazar and Hetampu:r. At Rampur Haut, the na.tural centre of th.is district and thprefore of all our territory, our Bengali work was di :continued in 1918, and for about a year or two the Santhal Mission of the Northern Churches have takpn up Bengali work in that centre. Negotiations have been opened with that SociBty for settlement of the dispute that ths has arisen. Our English services at Rampur Hut have bep kept up a11 these ypar. 3. At Suri there have been a number of cljanges. Our brother, 1.fadhob SirKar, who was prechar in charge of this congregation thbre, di6d last April. Abralwm Biswas, who has been in chal'ge of our colportage work there was then asked to fill the vacancy. He has been oft'tm helped by13ro. Benode Naskar, coming from Hetampur to take the Sunday Services. Some of the local bretbren. have also taken turns in holding cbl1l'ch -services. There is an interesting school in Suri in tbe Mucbipara, 'bth day and night scbool 80me of these leatqer workers Bre veryambitious to learn to read and. wr1te and are now deeply open-mided.

33 BENGAL ANNUAL CONFERENCE. 280 Brother and Sister Tucker who retiurned from America in July have taken ;upthe work"among1the,sducated classes in that whole region. with -great rl!ea1. Mrs. Tucker, who was in Bengali worbeforb, has been of great help.. visiting both Christians and non-ohristians and Brother Tucker's religious lactures at the college of Hetampore and other places have been much appreciated. Mr. Ray Chowdhuri has ably assisted our friends in all these undertakings. The larger of the two mission houses in Su-ri will soon have to be abando.ned. It will 'perhaps not pay to have it repaired once more. In Hetampur, and Mohammed Bazar much valuable pioneer work has been done since these centres were occu'pied, three years ago. Our brother Samuel Pundit lost pis wife a few da.ys after the close of the last Annual Conferen'ce? which meant the discontinuance of both evangelistic aud school work for the greater part of the year. Having made provision for his five children he was able to 'go back the first of November. 5. Ht:ltampur bas had the services of Brother Bi B. Naskar for the last three years. 'rhe hopes of a movement toward Ohrstianity in this village of Bauris and other low caste or outcaste Hindus. have so far not been realized. It is possible that Dubrajpur where Brother Naskar has also worked faithfully, would have baen the more -promising centre to start ollr work. The redistribution ot Ollr few workers will need careful consideration. In Bolpur the work was begun in SincA the Deweys went on furlough early in the year until the coming back of the 'Puckers, Bolpur was the only place in the Diqtrict having resident niissionaries of the parent board. The only rema,iniug" parent board worker is the pastor of Bolpur Church, Rev. K. R. Da!3s. Tht-'se five hrethran, in charge of Pakaur, Sangrampnr, Mohammetl Ba'ziLar, Hetampur and Bolpur are the only r ling stroff whose support comes, parlily or wholly, from foi eign sources, the other work and worker, col porters, school teachers and others ",re :fiminced by othr and local sources. With these few men we have attempe ted to cover a tt:lrritory 80 miles itl length with a population of 2 million inhabitants. The Bible Training School of t,he W F. M. S. in charge of Miss Kinzley has finished its third year in Bolpur. Recognizing the type of training Miss Killzley has been able to give the girls under her care, saveral other. missions have daring the year sent some of their young women for training. The studens have atl times gone out with the two Bengali Bible women and Miss Kinzley to do practical work in the villages. In the real evangelistic work on the men's side we have been handicapped, this is the point where our present. system is decidedly weak. Practically all that bas been done haq been done by "the missionary himself and Bt"other K. R. Dass, with the help of Brother Samuel Pandit during part of t.he year. We all had to divide our time carefully., giving a full share to the manifold duties pressing upon UR, the Santali work.carried on in this region demanding aho a good share of our time. Our relation to the neighbouring SantBnikatan has been. on-e of mutual help and co-operation. At our District Conference in November, one of the men of the Santen"katan staff gave us a series of fine lectures on the culture of Asia.. We on our side, Miss Kinzley, Mrs. Schanzlin, the writer,

34 231 REPORT. and some of the other workers have been able to minister to the social and religious needs of the interesting cosmopolitan community in ma.!ly ways, and the guests from all parts of the, globe. visitig Mr. Tagore's' famous institution, have very often been ours also. We are in living tollch with all gades of the inhabitant of this region, from the hllmble Santhal or Ghatwal villager through the whole social scale of population, Hindus, Mohammedans and Europeans alike; the doors tha.t have opened to have been many, and we only regret our own insu fficiency and our lack of faith, in view of the many opportunities we have. Christ whom we belie to be the fountain head of all progress, of all deeds of mercy and brotherhood, of all economic up lift and social regeneration, Him we have striven to live through our own lives, Him we preach. and teach, ami His precepts we endellvor to weave into the very web of the social order of the India. that is to be. 'ro the. Fa.ther of grace and mercy and to His Son our Lord Jesus Chri:i!t, be glory, dominion a.nd p'lwer for evermore. CALCUTTA BENGALI DISTRICT. It is very difficult to report the results Ot our labors in the second city of the British Empire, our -contacts are many indeed; but we are so few that we are easily lost in the crowd. Bishop Quayle said" PoetA ara the only people who can see things that ultimately Bay things," but even they would find it difficult to picture all the dealings of our city, for we trade in everything from the merchandise of gold and every precious article, cinnamon, and odours to the most tempting articles of food and things for comfort and pleasure. Slaves are not bought and sold but the traffic in the souls of men is much worse. An army of 98,000 cooli,=,s try to carry the burdens of the city, and live under terrible conditions. There is such a variety of people and kinds of work that one finds it very hard to get telling fruits of his labors. I confesfl the country work is more attractive, for reslllts are more satisfactory. Having had some experience in the city we {oulld adjustment fairly easy. We have had... plenty of work with the two districts and the high School J and appr.. ciate the brotherly spirit a.mong the workers and more especially that evaugalistic fervor which seeks to make Christ known. THE CITY CHURCHEs-have had a very good year. In spite of yearly reductions in gifts from America they have gro\vn and taken up the burden with zeal and real faith. Brother S. K. Mondol at Central has gotten his Official Hoard into harness a.nd they have t,aken rea) interest in making the Church not only 8e1f-supporting bllt a spiritual power. They ha.ve not received a.ny help from the Mission yet took over 150/0 a.dditional burden and have paid all / bills iucluding some old debts from lat year.'ren years Jtgo ther,=, were 410 on the roll, last year only 310. This shows the need of having a full time pastor who can make this Church a great centre of spiritual teaching. rrhere have been several se-ries of special meetings, and on all special occassions the Church has been packed. Revival has been the key-note for the year and we believe the' Church holds the spiritual leadership among the Indian Churches of the City.

35 BENGAL ANNUAL CONFERENCE. 282 HATIBAGAN-has had' excellent attendance and has shown determination in sup,porting Brother N. G. Sircar financially and in his work. His burden have been heavy, and owing to an epidemic of Bari-Bari very discouraging; but the sickness and many deaths was a severe warning to the people who came in large numbers to the,ghurch for spiritual help. We visited many homes a.nd found some of Our people living in extreme poverty and very unhealthy houses. The Church serv..sd as a dispensary for a time. BALLYGuNGE-introduced Brother Mondol to some new problems. Difficulty in raising funds and an unpleasant court case due to the expelling of a member have been sufficient cause for discouragement. The former pastor,and two Church members were fined sixty rupees each on a charge of,defaming the character of a membl'll' by expelling through a church trial. ::We at once appealed to the District Judge, who set aside the judgment of the lower court on the ground that the Church Trial was held in good faith,,: and the expelling of a member did not defame his or her chara.cter. The winning of this case has added nfttch dignity to our work, a.nd the Church is in a better condition and full of promise. BELIAGHATTA-The commu nity is chiefly made up of the Christians of the 'l\.fission compound and the boys of the school. Some of the families of,the Lee Mis'sion working in the villages lue incbded in this circuit. Revival meetings have been held and the work has had some improvement during the year. This is one of our finest fields for evangelistic effort. With a "population of 67,000 and no other mission at work we should be doing mors_ aggressive,,,ark. The Improvement rrrust intend making this area,suitable place for the overflow from crowded areas of the cit.y. VILLAGE WORK-has not brought the results one could wish, due largely 1;0 lack of woker8 and itinerating funds. Touring among the villages and pl;eac"hing in the bazars and hauts has practically ceased. There are many low caste people ready to receive the Gospel and no opposition from the bettel' castes. Though I have visited every station and many of our people duri_rig the year yet I have not had time for real village work. JHANJRA-had no less than 628 Christians 30 years ago according to the report of Bishop Warne. This no doubt included all the South Villagd work but the Christians were at Jhanjra.. The same year there were reported 69 baptisms, this year 17; there wre then 14 schools with 661 8cholar and 720 in Sunday Schools and the people raised no less than R" The next year 1898 tha pastor volunteered to go on self-support and we read, It there will he no risk in a partor offering to go on self-support, it will be the first case of self-support in the Bengal Burma Conference." In those das there was a "Brotherhood" of five misionaries undertaking to evan!!ellze the villages of Bengal. rrhe field is just as full of promise as it was thirty years ago, ann we should mol'e vigourously press our evangelistic work. Brother S. M. Mondol has faithfully cared for the 835 christians and visited nearby. -villages. His age and ber,utiful spirit commend him to the people, for as I vieited a number,of homes I found he was much loved by all. We sympa,thise with him in his great sorrow and greatly miss Mrs. Mondol, ma.y God,strengthen him as he toils on alone. I had not been in Jhanjfa for sevan 'years and noted a marked' improvement in 'the 'homes and condition of onr --people, and think they could do much more in the way of pastoral support.

36 233 REPORT. DUMOND IlARBOUR-Once the head quarters of a District, is now in ruins and only a burden on our hands. The people have scattered and few are to be found. Kulpi is a promising field but the results of years of work a.re very disappointing; we have but one untrained worker in thia field. The Christia.ns at N ehati a.re cared for from CalcuttJa but need a worker to Ii ve among them and direct work in the villages. Champahati continues little more than a name on our list. 'One would expect a big harvest after about thirty yea1's of seedsowing, yet we seek in Tain for fruits. Other villages such as Horinabi, Sonarpur, Samukpota, are ripe unto the harvest but we have not kept up our contact with the people. EDliCATION-The Lee Memorial Girl's School has had another successful year and maintains its good reputation. We marvel at the ability of Mrs. Lee to carryon so much work, meet such crowds of people, and yet keep up the efficiency of the School. Her Bengali High School is,rowing mora popular and we note the University is making a move in the direction of the vernacular as the medium of scholarship. <The splendid class of 38 girls received into full membership at Central Church speaks for the spiirtual work of the School. There a.re a few more girls than I,:,st year. 'The Boy's Boardi*g at Beliaghatta has improved during the year both in teachers and the type of boys. We look for some bright leaders from the group. COLLINS INSTITUTE-is making its way in spite of several competing schools. With 71 Christian students not paying fees and a policy of taking in a large number of Hindus on part fees and some free we foundbut 121 students paying full rates. This made financing a stab of well pa.id and efficient teachers a ral problem. Added to our problems was the transfer of 67 students from the time of Brother Chatterjees' death to the time we took over the management. We bave strengthened our position by callin a guardains' 'meeting and electing a very strong local committee of management. We have a Commissioner, a member of the Legislature, the Ddputy Director of Industries, a. Magistrate, and two of the leading -MohamrnedanR of the city. A& 'a. result we have had 107 admissions during the year and will stand free of debt at the opening of School. We have had a class of 83 preparing for the Matriculation, but have cut this down to the smallest possible number so our percentage of passes may be higher. A new Scout Troop was organized among the Hindu boys and has been a real sucess. Our students have won three cups, and the Lolit Behari Shield',established in mmory of the late Principal., The significant thing of the year was a dinner given by the football team at which about 30 Hindu boys ate with tha Christian, this could not have happened ten years ago. In the scout camp Hindu and Christian had but< onerness. 1 w9uld like tf? remind you of the program for the school of 30 years ago, when they hoped to ha\te a 1000 students, and when Bishop Warne said" we must affirm that the school has its special advantages as an evangelistic agency" I doubt very, much if we have lived up to the.faith of onr fonnders. The purposes for which the school was established still obtain, and we would do well to, build a decent memorial,to our,donor The Boarding has had an average of 55 Rtudents. The reduced income has kept many worthy boys a.way from school. The boys show a fine spirit and those who went to the LeaguA Institute gave evidence of real leadership, and from the consecrations made we hope many will find their Wf\y into the ministry. Jhanjra Boarding School has had a hard year but it is a training

37 BENGAL ANNUAL CONFERENCE. 234 ground for the larger school in the oity. The number of day sohools ia distressingly small and for want of funds we are losing a splendid point of oontact with the villagers. The girls aohools have been well maintained but the city schools have come into competition with the Municipal free schools. This will make it hard to hold the girls, and if a municipal,grant is accepted no religious teaching can be given. PROPERTy-outside of the Lee Memorial with its fine schools and the Collins Institute the district has very little property. I remind you that Diamond Harbour was bought in for Rs. 2,600-and to-day has a debt of Rs. 3,000 and cannot be sold for the halt-of it. Hatibagan has a nice plot of land and buildings, but 14 years ago the debt was Rs. 7,000 less than it is to.day Jhanjra has a nice church, but other buildings are in a bad state of repair. A small church fell down at Jhanjra and another at Nehati all for want of interest on the part of the Christians. Ballygunge needs property and a building in place of the dilapidated one in use. The debt on the Central Church is a real problem and no new gift has been given during the ye,ar to reduce the amount, which is now Rs Colportage has had special care during the year, and one man has sold over scripture portions. All are taking mote interest in selling the Word and in distributing good literature. Over tracts were given out and many sold. Calcutta is a good field, let us get out more. The work of the W F. M. S. has been ably managed by Miss Eddy and Mrs. Beeken. The hl1.ve been well received in the homes of the people ahd can tell many intpresting sorjes from behind the purda. India's women are coming into a new day and much is_ being said and written about the. Modern Woman of India. Through the day schools a door i3 opened and then the Gospel story is told to the women who never get to the streets. Mrs. Beeken had six: months furlough and has returned fit for the many duties in the women's work. A number of Bible Women suffered from Beri Beri and also some of the teachers. Riots convulsed the city several times during the year, and Easter was not the usual joyful time because it was not safe to be on the streets. Schools had to be closed and the whole of our work was greatly disturbed for Bome time. Not one of our people was molested during the whole of the trouble. Some Hindus even passed themselves off as Christians to escape attacks, and Mohammedans also. They were indeed trying days for all of us and we trust they may never return. SOCIAL SERVICE-moch could be said. on this subject, it is one of our greatest opportunities. There is an unending stream of people coming to the great city to make a Jiving, and the ove rcrowding creates some very serious problems. Hindus and Moslums are ready to co-operate in any plan to relieve suffering and improve the lot of the distressed. We could very well use a Missionary trained for this interesting work. We ha.ve over a thousand factories and multitudes of Induotrial workers w.ho need help and directi". There are 81 Jute mills IIp. aud do,wn the river,emj;lloying 310,511 people, while 500,000 are supported by the industl'y. No less than 35,263 are women earning Ra pel' week at most, and then paying from_ 16/- to 1[0/- per week to the Sirdar. 'rhere are 19,195 bqys and 2,311 girls

38 235 REPORT. under 14 years of ageemployed. These are being rapidly removed dne to the Factories Act. We rejoice that one of the large' Companies 4as employed Miss Busher as a full time worker among their employees. I understand the various firms would welcome co-operation from missions in doing social work among their people. Our pastors have'done much this year in locating our Christians in better positions, thus help.ing them economica.lly and making possible support for the Church. Much of the work of the years has failed, and like old fashioned machinery has to give place to new, which will again fail and again be superseded; but behind the thing planned is,the impulse to achieve the impossible. Our thought is focused not on the conquest of material things, but on the spirit underlying the work. There is, I Alieve, a real change in the will of, the Indian race in religion as well as politics-and it is being felt. Is it not a desire to couquer the unconqur ble in an untired sphere of action? The city of Calcutta is made up of a.mbitious youth seeking education and better prospects in life, may we not earnestly pray that their minds may be turned to Christ. C. H. ARCHIBALD CALCUTTA HINDUSTANI DISTRICT. We have found it difficult to do all the work required in three jobs, but have been at least able to keep up an active intarest in the work. I find that I was preacher-in-charge of the Hindusta.ni Circuit in 1916 but never expected to be the Su*perintendent of the work. For many years I have strongly urged a bold attack on the problems facing the Hindi speaking people of Calcutta. Since?7. 20/0 of the population us Hindi or Urdu as their lano"uage we can readily understand the problem ]s a very large one. It means that 465,000 people now living in the city were born outside the Province of Bengal. As many of these people leave their families IIp country we find there are only 500 females per thousand men in Calcutta.. The coming to a g2'eat cit.v is not always a blessing to them, for many begin drinking and waste their ectrnings in many new ways whtm the m01;}ey should go to the families up country. 'Phe appropriation of only $800 per year for this work is entirely inadequate to make any worthwhile contact with so great a field. HISTORICAL-The Hindustani work in Cctlcutta was' openeri in the year 1886 with F. J. Blewitt as the first preacher in charge. He was followed the next year by Benjamin IJu ther who served until 1892 when J. H. Messmore held the job for one year. Charles Dowering was transferrel from North India and served the work until During his time a real effort was made to.organize the work, and a Miss Campbell of the Deaconess Home gave much time to the work. Out of the CJ.lcutta wurk the stations of Tirhoot and Muzafarpur were opened by Henry Jackson. 'rhe work was then servad by C. C. Dass; Fawcett Shaw; E. G. Sanderson; W. D. Baal up to 1909 when it was left to be supplied. That year F. J. BleWitt took charge for a time and Peary Lall arrived. The year 1910 looked like a forwa;rd movement with, D. H. Manley as D.S. and W.P. Byers in charge of

39 BENGAL ANNUAL CONFERENCE. 236 the Hindustani work. In the report it was stated that " There is a growing need for Missionary work among the Hindustani people, they comprise a considerable portion of the populations-ny Hindustani Christians from up country mass movements al'e aettliug in Calcutta, and they present both a pressing need for pastoral care and an open door of access to the multitudeb of these classes". The Lee Mission with Peary Lall cared for the work from 1911 to 1"9]7 when S. J. Shaw came to Calcutt8 C. H. S. Koch at the 30th session called our attention to the great work to be done among the Hindustani people. With the coming of S. Datt in 1919 the work took on larg-er proportions and some assistant workers were employed. In 1922 the work became a District with L. H. Rupert as its first D. S. After ten year there were in 1896, 57 P and 35 F: M. 4 workers and 35 converts; ten years later 1906 we find but 15 P. and 28 F.M. one preacher and an exhorter and 3 Bible woman with 38-raised for the Pastoral support. In 1916 thert\ were ;309 in the community two pa.id workers and 6 B. W. 15 converts and 450-rah;;ed from the people. 'Jlhis year we report a community of 830 ald Its. iol6-raised by the people. It is of interest to note that iu 1897 the Mary Ninde Boarding' School was opened with Misses Soderstorm and Campbell in (;harge. It was to do for the Hindustani ppople what the Denllitt rrraining School (1IOW Lee Mem.) was t,o do for the Bengali girls. It is only reasonable to say that a big mistake was made when the 'rirhoot section of the Hindi work was given to N. India conferellce. Had thh remained ill Bengal, the Calcutta work, and the ARansol Gornoh field would havtj been supplit'd with workers and a great self supporting work would have resulted. Thousands of up country Hindus have found profitable employment but there has not been the follow up work for Christians. The Central Church has had a good year with Brother Soule in charge. He is a vt-'ry active past.or and not only has he gathered a la.rger congregation but has carried on very active evengelistic work among many groups of Hindi people. Work has been found for many new comers from t,he north and rentable quarter!'! found for others. No mission money has been given to the pa.stor except for work among the non-christians and colportage. It is very encouraging to find that the pator's salary basheen reported paid in full at each quarterly cqnfel'ence. In all the activities ()f the Church there is a real interest, and best of all 8 real revival spirit is evident in all the work. 'rhere have been 26 baptisms; and a great increase in gospel sales. Howrah circuit has grown from nothing three years ago to a community of 286, and dnf'ing the year Brothel' Nelson has had 31 baptisms. Much of the work is among the Jute Mill workers and sweepers, but among the converts al'e many of the educated upcountry people., The people have raised Rs. 35-toward the pastor's support and Rs. 3-from rents on the pastors qnartera. We are over-come when we think of the task of making Christ known to the thousands of people about the Jute Mills. No day schools or Sunday schools for the children and tho the law would keep them from the mills, yet they ltre therp any time you wish to look for them. I have seeu babies not 6 weeks old kicking among the jute fibres, and undisturbed by the noise of the machinery. At one group of mills down the,river but in the Howrah circuit, thet'e art'! about 24,000 people and no worker aailabla for thhm. At.the Bengal Na.gpur Railway repair shops

40 237 REPORT. the manager has given us the use of the Railwy Institute for service every two weeks, and at Lillooah the Loco Foreman, an Indian Christian, has arranged for services on his veranda. Kidderpore circuit has had a change during the year and we are very bappy to have Mr. B. A. :Mott, a graduate from the J ubbulpore College in charge. About Rs. 25-monthly ha been raised for this work. The new King George Dock and the old Docks employ thousands of Hindustani people and especially those from Bilaspore. Many Christians have been found among them and, some converts have also been gathered. We have been asked by one of the Missonsin Bilaspur to look after their Christians when they come here for work, and they promise to send us their namea and tell us when to except them. If others would do this it would save much time in looking up old Christians from other parts. This is a very promising field and we should have several workers for the Docks and the Lascar work. The W F. M. S. work has been energetically carried on by Miss Welles and her workers. We regret that a girls sc hool had to be closed because the worker died, but the schocl at Kidderpore is so much larger this year that it makes up for the loss. Bible Women are well received. TheLadies Aid at Central Church hs,9 been a great success and we recommend more of these as a mea.ns of bringing the women of the community into a closer relationship to the financial problems of the Church. Much help could be given the women if more workers were availabl. One of our most trying problems is the ca.re of the Christians from Arrah District who are shoe-makers in the city. Brother Soule has found many who have not been confessing Christ since coming to the city and he hopes to have a number of converts among them. There are 9385 leather workers in the city with 3146 dependents. Many are Christians but retain their membership up country and no provision has been made by the upcountry districts for tbeir supervision. We find it impossible to meet all the needs of the Calcutta groups wilih the few workers at our disposal. Dr. Diffendorfer and Mr. Boyd of the Commission with Brother Pickett visited the homes of the shoe-makers and saw their condition. Brother Pickett was able to tt:!ll tbe story for the Arrah field and we the Calcutta story; this with what tbey saw of crowded quarters and long houi's with the profits of their hard labour going to the Chinese made a grt'lat impression of the visitors. From As. 12 to Re. 1 is paid for making a pair of shoes and th-ese men work from 12 to 15 hours in dark dirty holes to makes two pair of shoes per day. Those who tan \the hid,e at Tiljala hav.e another -story. 1'hey live in filth and damp houses, work on a hid.e for three months after pa.ying Rs. 5 for it and then sell it for Ra.. 6 to the Chinaman who in turn makes from 7. to 9 pairs of shoes out of it. We also learned that these leather workers have to borrow money at 36% to buy the hidee. So it happens that those who have been oppressed for centuries are missing th e opportunity of holding the trade which is their birth right. There is no dou bt the shoe t.rade is one of the most profitable of Oalcutta's many trades. The Deputy Director of Industries has promised to assist us in helping the leather workers in cottage indnstries, and also to make an effort to bring the shoe makers under the Factories Act so tha they will have fixed hours and one da.y in 7 for rest.

41 BENGAL ANNUAL CONFERENCE. 238 Bishop l'hoburn once sai.d the Oity of Calo utta as a mission centre was more important than any two cities of India. Our problems are very great and we have never as a Conference been able to finance a bold attaok on the strong holds of sin and social evils of Calcutta. It should be a clean city with sweepers cleaning it every day and taking to the dump heap 100 railway car loads of rubbish daily. But among there poor people WA find tp.rrible conditions, and many of them are Christians. I believe in a living,wag and am happy that we have been able to get employment for some Christian sweepers at a living wage. This story will give you an idea of the suffering and hardship of some Christians. Six: of them came to the city for work with the recruiter. They were given work at -It- per day and had to work 12 hours daily and carry heavy sacks a hundred yards. When they got th'eir pay -2.. went to the local priest -2-6 to the sirdar -1- to the time ke:\eper and -0-6 to some other man so they on ly got -5- out of the days work. They were gu -trded so they could not run away. 'l\vo of tham died and one of them finally walked home 140 miles. Paul made the centre of his work. the great cities on the cross-roads of the pulsating life of his day. We m'ust go on in the same great faith of onr founders. The same power is availabla as was applied in the days of Paul. If Christ touches Caloutta his name will be sung in ten thousand villages of India. C. H. ARCHIBALD. ENGLISH DISTRICT. D. H. MANLEY, District Sttperintendent, January 1927 The., Enlish Work " of the Methodi8t Episoopal Church in India began with the evangelistic tour of William Taylor in The fact that most of hid work, and his greatest success, was among Europeans and Anglo 'Indians was not by original intention, bllt came about rather inadvertantly, or may we not say providently. William rraylor, after having had remarkable suocess as an evangelist in various parts of the world, notably in Australia was invited to come to India. When he arrived and tried to conduct vano'elistic services for the Indian people he found himself greatly handioapd by having to speak through an interpreter. In other lands, where he could reach th people directl V through his own tongue, he had been used to having immediate and large results. But, while the Indian people were interested and greatly impressed by his personality and his message there was no immediate or large results. Then the -attention of Mr. Tayior was turned to the large European and English-speaking oommunities, and he began to. preach among them. The results were most encouraging from the very beginning. Soores and hundreds were converted everywhere, he went, and Methodist Classes and Churohes were formed in

42 REPORT: most of the principal cities of India, wherever considerable European communities were to be found. This lead was followed by James Thoburn, H. J. Oldha.m, J. E. Robinson, Frank W Warne, and many others. From this clear provide}lltiallead the Methodis Episcopal Church has never gone back. God's blessing has attended this work to a very gratifying degree, as witness, the strong English Churches and Schools of the Methodist Episcopal Church in India, Burma, and all Southern Asia, and the many thousands who look to these churches as their spiritual home. Bishop Taylor felt that this was a very important movement, both tor the European community and the general work of missons in India. From the -firet the strong evangelistic message and th6 democra.tic spirit of Methodism appealed very strongly to Anglo-Indians. They h&ve found here a source of great comfort and inspiration. Bishop Taylor believed that, being resident in the Country and in many instances having a good working use of the languages of India, and having an intimate knowledge of the habits and customs of the people, the Anglo-Indian Community were providentially prepared to act as a medium for the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the peoples of the land. And for those who felt the higher call to social service and effort for the Kingdom of God on Earth, the Methodit Episcopal Chuch, with its distinct disciplinary forms and usages, furnished an open door and scope which they had not found elsewhere. The actual results have not been all that was hoped for. There has indeed been a considerable number of Ministers and Mission workers from the Al1glo-Indian Community. Among these have been some of the most eloquent preachers that have appeared in the Methodist Episcopal Church anywhere. Some of the most fithful and successful evangelists in our Womens Work in India have been Anglo-Indian women reared and trained in our schools and inspired with the be8t ideals of social and evangelistic service. But still it must be acknowledged that the number of such has been disappointingly small. When one tries to discover the reason for this, perhaps the most obvious one is the problem of status and pay. There has been a persistant call that the Miesionary scale of salary be applied to those recruited in India. But it is the opinion of many of the best friends of the indigeneous church that there could be no greater mistake than this. A comfortable living wage mllst be secured if possible for every Christian worker. But there could be no more deadening infl.uence than for the eveloping Church to adopt the policy and habit of uniformity to one standard, whatever that standard might,be. Much of inspiration to the individual for special prepration nd effurt would have been removed. And from the Chnrch would hav been taken its po,ver of adjusting itself to its financial position. The idea of a dead uniformity must be given up before there can be any large progress. Va.rying talents in workers and varying resources in churches must have the power to freely adjust themselves. I sillcerely believe that, with some equitable and adequate policy adopted regarding statui'! a.nd pay, there are good prospect that the hopes of William Taylor for the English Work of our Church in India may yet be very largely realized. Th relation of our English work to the general work of the Mission in India is another matter which requires the closest attention and the wisest leadership. What should be the attitude of the Flnglish "Churches to the

43 BENGAL A,NNUAL CONFERENCB. 240 growing group of educated English-knowing Indians, both Christians and Non-Christians? In all the principal cities and centres of India there are a large number of students, clerks and business-men who know English, and who are keen to hear any sort of speaking in that language. And surprising as it may seem, they appear especially anxious to hear preaching and the message of Jesus. These people would come to our English Churches in large numbers if they were assured of a welcome. But their presence would create many problems, and whether or not this could wisely be done is a very difficult question. And among Christian Indians there is a growing class who prefer, for one reason or another to attend English Services. This is especially true of those who have migrated to distant parts where they may not be able to understand readily the local vernacular. 'ro the educated among these, English is the language in which they will feel most at home in their new surroundings. And yet for such people to attend constantly an English Church would create most difficult problems. The question between Christian brotherhood on the one hand and social security o'n the other is sometimes very difficult to. solve. And if educated Indian Christians are to go in large numbers to English Churches and leave the Vernacular Churches, where will the strt3ugth of those Churches be found? Undoubtedly Calcutta and Bengal ig the most important centre for English work of any in India, and perhaps on any of our Mission Fields anywhere in the World. There are several reasons for this. In the first place, there is in Calcutta and vicinity a very large European Community. This Cj).mmunity includes a I.arge number of more or less temporary people from England, Americ{!., a.nd other Western lands in commercial, industrial, military, government and other services; and there is also an extensive permammt constituency of Anglo-Indians and domiciled Europeans. In the second place, our Mission has through the years built up a varied and wellbalanced work suited to the needs of the people we serve. We have several strong churches, and our European schools have an important place in the scheme of education in the Province. We have a well-organised Seamen's Mission ministering to European sailors, and we are doing an important bit of work in our Industrial Home, helping to solve the problems of unemployed and poverty. These churches and institutions are well-established with long and creditable records of service, and strong Official Boards and Committees. A striking Feature of the work of the English District is that it is practically all self-su pporting. For the Churches and Institutions llnder the Mens Board no regular appropriation for current expenses is given, and only an occassional transit and home salary for a missiona.ry is furnished by the Board of Foreign Missions. In the two Girls' Schools, the support for two or three missioneries is given by the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society. Our Churches and Institutions have fine property equipment. The value of the property listed under the English District in the last. statistical report of the Bengal Conference amounted to the tremendous sum of Rs 31,08,500, ($1,036,166.00). And the remarkable thing about this pr.operty is that a very large part of it has been built up on the Field without money from Home. It should be mentioned, that there ig against this property debts amounting to Rs. 7,76,06, ($258,689.00). While this is in itself a very considerable amouut, yet, when compared with the total value of the property, it is really not serious.

44 241 RBPORT. The outs,tanding event in the work of the English Dietrict of the Bengal Conference during the past year was the completion and openi ng of t.he new Queen's Hill f?chool building at Mount Hermon, on May 27th, Hi. Excellency, Lord Lytton, Governor of 'Bengb.l, formally opened the bunding. The School, however had been using it since the beginning of the school year in March. The new building is said by au to be on'e of the best chool buildings in India.. In connection with the erection of the new Queen's' Hill,,spechl mention is due to Miss Pearl Madden, Central Treasurer of the W. F'.,ll. S., who has had the responsibility of financing the project and'to Brother :a: M. Swan, for his able supervision of the construction work. There have beep many difficult problems in connection with the settlement of the school in its new home, but there has.been a Y'ey successful year's work. Miss Stahl, the Principal, has been ably assisted throughout by Mrs. Frances Smith, who for many years has" bourne the heat and bu rden of the day" at Queen's Hill. Miss Barber's Kindergarten Department has had a beautiful year in its wonderful new quarters. Miss King, Mrs. Engberg, and Mrs. Gates, and an' able staff of teachers have all contributed to the success of the year's work. Thoburn Church has had a good year. The attendllnceat the Sunday Services' has steadily increased and there has been a constant spirit of evangelism. The work in the Ep.worth League and among the young people has been especially prosperous and helpful. The Sunday School and :the Ladies Aid Society have both done good.work. At the Last Quarterly Conference, very warm expressions of love and appreciation were expressed for the pastor and his wife, Brother and Sister H. J. Smith. The Calcutta Girls' School has had a prosperous year, espe cially financilly. The scholastic results also have baen satisfactory, and the tone of the school is fine. Miss Ruth Field, Principal, and Miss Pearl Hughes, who has charge of the office, have done most excellent work. We are sorry to report that Miss Collins has been sick a good deal the latter part of the year. Two new recruits have been sent out by the W.F.M.S., Miss Lotta Covington and Miss Helen Draper. The Calcutta Boys School has had a record year in attendance. The building and boundary wall have been repa.ired. 'fhe changing of the school courses so a to prepare boys for th'e Matriculation examination of the Calcutta University has giveu general satisfaction. We regret that Mr. Odgers has thought it advisable to resign the Principalship and return to Ainerica, wh'ere he expects to continue the work of teaching. They are sili1]g in a few days, and we wish {or them every success. Brother a.nd Sister R. R Gibbons have taught full time all the year, and have been a real asset to the work of the school. Brother Geo. Henderson has continued to c,arry throughout tha year his heavy tasks as Superintendent of the.seamen's Mission and of the Indllstrial Home. Th, specia.l fea.ture at the Saamen's' Mission ha.s been the'la.rge attendance 'at the ovening entertainments. The Indns.tria.l Home has held ita own financially; and paid back something on its debt. Brother Lyon rep'jrts that the services at the Asansol English Church have had vicisitudes this year, but that on the whole the attendance and interet ha.ve been fair. Whenever Brotlier Lyon has had opportunity of

45 BENGAL ANNUAL CONFERENCE. 242 spending a Sl1nday in 'Gomoh he has held a service in the Railway Institnte, much to the gratifica.tion of the people. The monthly English Service in the Railway Institute at Rampurha.ut ha.s been kept up during the year, for the first four months by Brother E.J. Anker, who also assisted at Asansol, and during the remainder of the year by Brother Schan din. At Union Church, Darjeeling, the a.ttandance has been large and the spirit of unity most helpful. Brother and Sister Swan have been untiring in their E::iIorts, especially for t he sold iers, Rond hav been much appreciated. r!'he question as Lo whether or not our Church is to enter into a renewed engagememt with tha Committee of Union Church is now up for decision and must be settled before next March. Mount Hermon Estate continues to develope as rapidly as funds will permit. All the available cottages have been occupied the last year,' and the call for accommodation for the naxt year seems larger than ever. The marvelous beanty of the place continues to grow upon us. Pray with us that funds may. be found for the fullest development of our ideals and hopes for Mount Hermon as a sanitorium and evangelistic centre. We must some day have a boys school there to match Queens Hill. We are happy to welcome Miss Hunt among us again on her return from furlough. Arra.ngements have beenm-ade to loan her to IsabeJIa Thoburn Oollege, Lucknow. PAKAUR DISTRICT. Annual Report, REVD. HENRY 'M. SWAN, District Superintendent. To superinlend the work on two metropolitan Districts from a distance of 400 hundred miles by occa.sional brief visits only proved impracticable last year. This year the attempt to care for a moiussil (country) District under Aimilar 'conditions has likewise provad llnsatisfac.,tory. 'rhe Pastorate of Union Church, Darjeeling, and the Managerhip of Mt. Hermon Estate ave kept the District Superintendent tied up in such a way as to make it extremely difficult for him to get away to visit his district. He has managed to give a total of only thre weeks to the District, divided up into three brief and hurried visits. In order to give the necesary assistance toword the work of,preparation for this Conference session we had to close p thb Church at Darjeelillg for a month and let the W'vrk on the Estate with two cottages in the process of erection take care of itself a.nd take the whole family a.nd come down w.o weeks in advance of the opening of Con Ference. It need hardly to be said that this sort of arrangement has been far from satisfactory to the D. S. or to the workers, and least of all to the.overworked

46 243 REPORT. Woman's Foreign Missionary Society Missionaries upon whom the additional work "has most heavily fallen. All have, however, realized the difficulties of the situation : the present scarcity of men Missionaries and the decrease in the appropriations 'from' the Board; and all have shown commendable patience and endurance.. But so long as distances cannot be f!ntirely eliminated and so long as the present limits of time and human endurance remain a situation such as we have this year had on Pakaur District cannot but be far from ideal, to say the least. Illness, due at least partly to the wearing down of the powers of resistance by overwork on the part of the lady Missionaries has intervened to make the situation increasingly difficult. In a mofussil station such as Pakaur there are innumerable tasks that 8 woman can bardly be expected to do, but with tbe man 400 miles away the only solution has been for the women folks to do it, and they have done it. THE Boys' BOARDiNG SCHOOL has been in the charge -of Miss Mildred Pierce this year 80S it was last. With the Rs. 200 only per month from the Board appropriations she has carried on the school with just double the number of boys she had year before last. She has collected from the boys whatever fees she has been able to, and the balance she has sought to collect by work on the mission farm. The Br,ys' and Girls' Schools recile together and both men and women teachers are employed, so it is really one co-educational school. Study classes and hostels are however conducted separately. For Santals, among whom the sexes are not so strictly segregated as among the "Bengalis, this arrangement is proving quite satisfactory. There is however need for the boys to obtain'trailling in practical village task outside the school curriculum to prepare them for efficient village life. Both the boys and the girls get some agricultural training in connection with the work on the mission farm. In addition to this the girls are recei ving splendid training in home duties, for they are required tt) do all their own work and care for their school cottages much as they wou}d be required to do in their homes. They fetch their own water, cook their own meals, keep their own cottages neat andt idy, and they are marked on the way they do this work just as carefully as they ara on their class work. An early morning scene in the school village very much resembles a morning scene in a Santal village: girls busy with brooms or cooking utensils or with a kulaie gracefully poised on the head bringing water, can be seen everywhere. And as they work they sing, an evidence of happiness and contentment. During the year the School Village has been enlarged by three splendid new cottages. The adjective "splendid I' expresses the feelings of the girls as well as of the Missionaris, even though they are built of mud and thatch, and if your tastes are not entirely too urban and fa.stidious you too will use a similar expression when you see them. The total nuber of school cottages ia now eight. In addition to the 45 boys in the Boarding School, we have had five Santal boys.in Collins Institute, Calcutta, and one in St. Paul's College. Two of our boys who this spring completed theil' course in Collins Institute have served in the Boarding School with satisfaction to their superiors. The Boys' School building has by a recent thorough ---over-hauling been rescued from its wretched, tumble-down condition. The Mission Farm has even this yar, which is considered rather below the average yielded 70

47 BENGAL ANNUAL CONFERENCE. 244 maunds of dhan, 7 mannds of jute, a good quantity of strawand corn, and the uncultivated portion of the Compound has brooght in Rs. 90 from grass sold, besides providing fodder for the mission cattle. Du,ring the year twenty girls and ten boys from the schools have been received into the Church as members in foll connection. Our schools were well represented at the recent Epworth League Institute at Rupnarainpur where they sprong a surprise on the Conference Epworth Leaguers by capturing the Bishop Fisher Challenge Shield, having gained the greatest nomber of points in the Athletic contests between the various groupa. THE DA.Y SCHOOLS of the Pakaur Section were threatened with abolition at the beginning of the year owing to a lack of tha necessary funds. Tn save them my niece, Miss Beulah Swan, stepped in and offered not only to supervise their work but also to supply the funds. Eight of these schools..., have thus been conducted during the year. Of these one has a trained teacher and the Government gladly took over the support of this teacher. In lieu of trained teachers my niece has with the aid of a trained teacher from the boarding school made periodic examinations of the work, and this had done much to tone up the work of the schools. 'l'he day schools of the Bolpur section have been in charge of Brother Schanzlin, and these have heen supported. principally from Government aid. THE EVANGELISTIC WORK in the Pakaur Section ha also been principally in the hands of my niece. She has planned most of the work and directed it, she has paid the workers and heard their complaints, she has handled the.scripture sales and toured the District, she has even appeared in COUl t on mission matters, and it is she who has had to make all the numerous repairs on the Ford car and keep it in running order. In fact, all that a man Missionary is compelled to do, except the work reserved for an ordained minister, she has done. All that the D. S. has been able to do has been to hold three of the Quarterly Conferences and the Distrit Conference, prea.ch a few times, baptize a faw converts and babes, conduct the Lord's Su pper a few times and give occasional ad vice. The personal co operation and the close touch has been out of the question and the substitution of an occasional letter had not been sufficient to meet the requirements. A lew of the preachers in charge have been able under these conditions to carryon their work with initiative and enthusiasm, but others have lacked the necessary qualities and have failed to make any advance. We are gradually reaching op into the igher strata of Santal society. In one of our circuits! we now number among our membership eight village headmen and one Parganait. The other day I baptised a Government teacher and his wife. We have this year received back from the India Methodist Theological College three of our Santal young men after having completed their course there, and. they are now appearing as candid_ates for admission on trial in Bengal Oonference. - We have this year had no comity dimculties. We have the money, and a Christian widow has given os 30 bighas, for a new Church, but we mnst obtain Government sanction before can accept this gift. The District Conference was in many respects a revelation to me. While I had charge of the Santal work in earlier days it was then connected with

48 ,245 REPORT. the Bengali work. The Santals are a, backward and oo,tiringpeople, espeeially w,hen they are with people of a. more aggressive nature. This; time the Santals had their own District Conference and it was held out in a. Santal village in'the midsto Santa} territory, and the members of the District Conference seemed right at home. The reports were given without hesitation, and there 'was a readiness tot'ak'e part in. open discussions that I had never seen among them eefore. Their contributions to the general discussions surprised me most of all. It was not m-ere forth and bubbles, but matter that manifested intelligence and earnestness aud deep faith, such as I have rarely 'met with in similar discussions. As regards eloquence snd"fluency of speech, lflt the Santal address those of his kind in his own language and be unhampered by the feeling that he is an out-caste, and he will take placa near the bout line. I am there or:a frank to say that while I have for years laboured among the Santals under different conditions, I have never before seen him under such' favourable conditions, and having done so, I feel as if I had begun to discover the real.8antal. This leads me to say that- with such a considerable Santal Christian Community depending upon us for leadership and guidance it is a real misfortune that so few of us Missionaries rally understand or appreciate this very worthy people and the very interesting work carried on among,them. The Boarding Schools are doing a very splendid wol'k for the young people, the fruits of which will appear increasingly as the years advance. We look forward to the return of Miss Grandstrand, the pion'eer Missionary of our Church among this people,to assist in this work, but I think we all agree we'cannot well stand a3ide and let the W F. M. S. have "this field entirflly' to themselves. We will do' well if we put a man of vision and energy and sound judgm-eut and deep spiritua.lity to labour among this people side by side wih the lady Missionaries who have during the years built up such a splend id work. This I regard as one of the greatest needs we have to face at the present session of our ConferenCE-. I am grateful for the touch, slight as it has of necessity been, I ha.ve again had with the San tal work. Pakaur as thh field of my Missioary apprenticeship still has a very strong hold on my affections, and I earnestly desire to see the seed sown through the years bearing increasing fruit and the work established on a solid and permanent foundation. As a fn,mily we have enjoyed good health with only au occasional attack of illness. It has been as strenuous a year for us all as any we have had in our entire Missionary career. We are beginning to feel the need of the furlough which is now overdue. I cannot close without Jl, word of appreciation and gratitude to God Who has given us another year of service and has so wonder llljy helped us. We thank Him also fol' the happy associations we have had wit,h fellow Missionaries both in Darjeelillg and Pakaur. The year has been a very happy one to us. May God bles13 what we have sought to do that it may red(!mnd to Ris glory f.

49 BENGAL ANNUAL CONFERENCE. 246 TAMLUK DISTRICT. W. P. BYERS, District Superintendent " Our Master stooped to bless, And stooping raised us : A.nd the tenderness Which looked in pity on a world of sin Long years ago, Still waits in love to call the nations in Till all shall know How man may rise in Him to holiness, Because He stooped so low. " " Unto us also has this grace been given, that we should preach the unsearchable riches of Christ." We are just finishing six years of service in Tamluk, and as we anticipate our furlogh next March, we are overshadowed with sadness at the thought of leaving the pegple who have beeu on our hearts throughout these yearr. Some Qf them have been very troublesome, but we hope SOme progress has been made. We have been trying to instil into all our people the word of God, which is able to make them wise unto salvation, and preserve them in the time of trial and temptation. Though the work has been unusually strenuous and Tamluk is said to be a very wicked place in which to live, we have been enabled to disarm prejudice, win confidence, and a measure of trustfulness; that we were only seeking the salvation of. souls and the welfal'e of all, for time and eternity. We have made many friends, especially among thfl boys and young men and are constantly having visitors from all over the district. We endeavou; to so instruct all who come that they ay know exactly what to do to be saved, and be able to tell oth'ers, To many th name of J eus and the story of his love are altogether new, but they h!'lten attentively and say the teaching is good and ought to be followed, Very many of them seem to be waiting for some of their own people to give the lead into a new life. We have not been urging them to become Christians, as at present that might be misleadiug or misunderstood': We tell them that God, their Heaveuly Father, alld ours, is askiug for their hearts, their obedience and worship; that he loves them as no one else could, and wishes them to love Him and learn His ways. We have found this toe better way in dealing with the people, as it prevents them from thinking Wd are only trying to get them to cbange some of their customs, and do some of the things they have hea.rd Christians do. In this way we avoid controversy and argument as we exhort them to confess and forsake all sin and accept forgiveness thuo'h the mel'cy of God and the atonement of Jesus; that then they will realh.e for themselves the saving power of a pel'sonal Saviour, have His love shed abroad in their hearts a.nd be truly.happy.

50 247 RBPORT. Much printed instrnction has also been given, and God's powerful Word, accompanied by His Holy Spirit is"able to make its own impression on those who read it. We were cheered, a short time ago, by a large donation of colportage library books and evangel booklets from the Moody. Press, Chicago, just what we had been wishing for, so that we might be able to give to all who ask for one, an English book, to read a nd keep. Two hundred copies of Mrs. Lee's book, II Chundra Lila" in Bengnli have been given out, which book, they say, is the complete destruction of the Hindu religion. Besides these, thousandg of tracts and booklets have been distributed, and large numbers of the people are able to read for themselves. The Temperance tracts furnished by the W. C. 'r. u. through Mrs. Manley were a great I, hit ", and brought out the remark that the Sa.hib had discovered Tamluk's besetting sins (drugs and drink), and was now after them, shewing the evils of each of these thing, and of tobacco 0.'3 well. Some. of the readers of theae tracts have also said it was a good thing that some one had written and pointed out the harm and loss all sustain who' become addicted to the USt3 of opium, gania and drink. OUR WORKERS. We were very anxious when OUT Panchkurapreacher, Bijoy Sen, came in for another severe illness this year (he could not get to Conference last year owing to sickness) but we are glad he is now on his feet again. The concern the Panchkura Non-Christian people shewed during his recent illness was very pleasing to see and hear of. They all rendered timely and brotherly: help in nursing and caring for him till he was able to be moved into Tamlnk. Our staft was increased in February by the coming of Brother Sushil Katwar and his wife. He has frequently officiated for the pastor and has heen cultivating acquaintance with the people. His wife also has been one of the ible Readers, but has been limited in her service, owing to having. little children to care for. We are sorry we have not been able to build a house for him at Nandiknmar, bnt hope one may be forthcoming before long. The Bengali congregations continue good, though some of our people have been obliged to go elsewhere to find employment. There is nothing in the way of industries, or other thau cooly work in Tamluk, and it is a. question what all these young fellows, as they pass out of the High School, are going to find to do. They migrate, when they can, to Calcutta, and are lost in the great city. Opr Bengali pastor, Jacab Mondol, has at last been able to find a. wife, and was married in June to a Methodist girl, daughter of one of our old Local Peach ere, Noba Kumar Biswas. We are happy to have her at the parsonage, also pleased to lej'rn that Tamluk was her birthplace.

51 BENGAL ANNUAL CONFERENCE. 248 One of onr young men will graquate from the College at Jubbulpore next April. Another B. A. candidate has been recommended to attend the College this year. A few little boys are allowed to attend the Girls school, and we offer sigh with regret that our Boys' School had to be abolished. IMPROVEMENTS., A visit from the Property Committee in Sept8mber brought us member,of both societies, and they all seemed pleased with the developments and imp.-ovement everywh8re about the property. The trees we planted have gtown into noticeable,size and add to the appear::lnce of the compound, from which all the thorn trees and jungle have b:l9n cleared away. The garden has become a source of admiration and attraction, and narly every day our visitors ask if they may see the flower and vegetable garden, which looks so bright and gy frold the roadside. Th8Y think it wonderful that so much brightness aud beauty can be made to appear in Tamluk. We have gi\jen seeds and plants to several, and have introduced tomatoes, which had never been seen before. We had bo tell them what they were, and how they were ured. Now they call them "good beguns" and are eager to get some as long as they last. As usual we have had to give considerable time to repairs. First was a new verandah covered in with Rok instead of thatch Or) the Panchkura House, then a Rok verandah was added to the Girls' School House and Hostel, after which the whole of thd in3ide and roof of the Mission House was done over, to be in readiness for whoever takes charge next year. Lastly, the parsonage had to be renovated 'after the destruction of white ants and the prolonged and heavy rains of the monsoon season. W F. lvi. S. Work. Mrs. Byers has been ill poor health all the year, but has held on tenaciously, in much weakness, endeavoring to finish this year, and has everything in good order, ready to hand over to her successor, whoever that may be. With the aid of good teachers and a good matron th,e school has been carried on satisfactorily. After the summer holidays a properly qualified Read Mistress, Miss Patra, was secured, and she has been a real help and relief, and the school work has much improved in various ways. The Government grant has been increased to Rs. 50/- monthly; one of the girls gained a Rcholarship, and a furniture grant of Rs. ]00/- was made by the Inspectress, Miss R. Bose. The whole school and hostel have again been renovated and put into still better shape by adding two new verandahs, giving comfort and more room to the boarders, among whom, we are tha.nkful to say, we have had no serious illness this year.

52 249 REPORT. Now we are wondering who will be sent to care for it all and develop e it still more. The Bible Readers are received kindly wherever they go, and their messages listened to attentively. The Sunday Schools are carried on regularly and are taught carefully. The Epworth League i_also helping our young people, and it is pleasing to see them trying to help others. The Future. Great changes have come in the thinking- of the people of India during our forty 'years of service, and it is a grief to have to leave when the time is so precious and the harvest a.lmost ready to reap. We rejoice that we have been able to remain so long in this needy land, and it has been our highest joy to present the claims of God; to tell of His love and sing of His grace; giving life, tim, money, energy, everything for Jesus s ke; to. uphold His name, and to spread His good news, to the rich and the poor; to the high and the lowly, and only wish we were able to give another 20 years of good hard work for India's salvatiqn. As we look back over our years in India we feel we can never have such a life again; so crowded with opportunity, so instinct with duty, so touchqd with eternal interestq. Remembering these we forgat the burdens, cares, difficulties and disappointments, and think only of the noble cause for which we have worked together; the principles of truth and righteousness for which we ha.ve labored, and the good, be it ever so little, that we have been - enabled to do. But it is :-" Only when victory ends the fray, The last battle won; Only when shadows close the day, Will our work be done. And victory will come at last, When our work is done."

53 (b).standing COMMITTEES AND BOARDS. Board of Religious Education. Eighteen men and women from different parts of the Bengal Conferene representing five 'boarding schools. four day schools, a high school, a training school and evangelistic work, assembled at Asansol, September first for five days of study of the problems of religious educa.tion, and especially the applica.tion of the Oharterhouse Course to the situation. Their findings follow with the action taken on each by the Board of Religious Educa.tion, which is hereby presented to the Conference for action. V0LUNTllRY llttenollnee ep ehildren AT RELIGI0[JS PUNeTIeN. By compelling attendance at religious services we are really exploiting the children in the name of religion and upholding careless and thoughtless preparation by our religious leaders. On the other hand voluntary attendn.nce would give opportunity for personal work on the part of those really spiritual, and give added incentive to the teacher and preacher to make his material more interesting and acceptable. 1U!TIeN 0P THE B0aRD 0P RBLIGI0[JS EoueaTI0N. In view of the danger on the one hand of exploiting the children in the name of religion and upholding careless and thoughtless preparation by our religious lea,ders through compelling attendance at religious services, and on the other hand the parallel dangers involved in making attendance voluntary, we recommend that our pastors make a thorough study of the worship problem with the view to making the church services more fully meet the needs of the children as well as the adults. The following suggestions are made as to how the thorough-going study referred to above may be begun: 1. TakA part in Children'8 Sermon Contest. Make a special effort to learn this art through steady practice. 2. Use of and experimentation with the Worship project, found in the Jan.-Feb. number of the Junior Methodist. 3. Use of the QU8stionaire-Discussion on the Indianisation of Worship, (to be published shortly). 4. Follow material from time to time to be published in the.junior Methodist. 5, Pass on experiences and Sl.lggflstions for the uae of othflr&. HYMNS P0R 0[JR Y0[JNG VE0VLB. It is appl1rent that there is a definite need for suitable hymns for our young people of the ages 12 to 18. To meet this need we appoal to the Young People's Committee of the Bengal and Assam Christian Council through our representative, for a Bengali Hymnary. For the above recommendation the Conference substituted the following: That we recommend a more thorough study of the present hymna.l.

54 251 BENGAL ANNUAL CONFERENCE. GRaDED SUNDay SH0eL. We heartily endorse the 'Graded Plan which our General Sunday School Secretary, Dr. A. A. Parker is promoting, that is that the Sunday School be organized in threedepartmeqts, and w.a urge that suitable literature in Bengali for the Intermediate Department be made available. We request Mr. Atkins to take up this matter with the Bengal S. S. Union and -with Dr. Parker. Accepted. ' THE JUNI0R ehdrer. We think it absolutely imperative that in Sunday worship, special.arrangements be made for children up to the age of 14. These arrangements should take the foi'm of a Junior Church service to be conducted either at the same hour as the adult service or to supercede the adult service on certain specified SundlaYs in cases where the -children form the major portion of the congregation. In this connection Mr. Atkins recommended the book "Children's Worship" by Ernest Hayes, obtainable through the 1. S. S. IT. and also the International Journal of Religious Education. This recommendation was the unan\mous opinion of the discussion group. We deplore the fact that in the ordinary chul'ch service little thought is taken for the needs and interests of the child. We urge that our young men in theological training be given as much pj;actice as possible in conducting children's servics. Accepted, with the dletion of " Junior Church. ". making THE PRAYER LIPE REaL: If we are going to make prayer a real factor in the lives of our young people, we must begin with the primary group. It was suggested that older children be encouraged to make their own book of prayers, collected or prayer composed by the class and arising out of their ow.n experiellce. In the case of older children who have aheady formed habits of meauingless prayers, a very eard'8st effort should be made to wisely direct them into an examination of their prayers. It was felt that the multiplication of group prayera is not conducive to il vital prayer life. It is recommended that those in charge of boardin schools make a very careful study of the prayer programme of the school and discuss it with those responsible for leading with a view to finding out what changes may be advisable in order to make prayer more vital. Accepted TRE DIREeTED me)rning water I We recommend that more attention be given to the direction of the Morning Watch. With regard to children up to the age of 12 years, thi might take the fo.rm of leadership by an older person in the group observance of a time for thoughtful reading of a brief passage with a.n opportunity for quiet thought on Boms suggested personal application followed by brief prayer.

55 STANDING COMMITTEES AND BOARDS. 252 For children of 12 years or more, we recommend the individ uai. Morning Watch following some such plan of reading as that. provided by the I.B.R.A. with occassional periods when an experienced leader shall meet with the group to make such suggestions as may be needfal in order that the best results may be obtained. It is of utmost importance that such selected leadership shall be given in this as to avoid the danger of making the Directe [ Morning Watch just another lesson or a period of formal prayers. Accepted, with the suggestion that the Institute should be utilized as an opportunity for giving in2truction in methods of directing the morning watch. LEISURE TIME I We emphasize. the opportunity which teachers and other leaders of young people have for more vital contact with the pupils outside of school hours. The direction of the leisure time of children was pointed out to be of great value in that it gives abundant opportunity for developing character along the lines of natural instincts, and in the creation of new interests. Several inexpensive hobbies which any Indian child can follow, were presented, such, as, wood collecting, leaf pressing, stamp collecting, bird study, tree study, mineral collecting, butterfly impression and flower pressing. A programme for supervised play in the Boarding School was presented. WEELY REeREllTI0NllL seheoule-girls, Hour. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. 4- Mass & Field Mass & Team 5-30 Group Sports Group Games. "A" Games Relays Games " 4 do. do, do. Nature. 5-3u Walk. HB" Hour. Fri. Sat. SUD, 4- Mass & Group Hobbies Hobbies. "A" Games Guiding Nature walk. 4- do. Blue Nature Birds Walk. 'c B" WEEKLY RE(!REllTIE)NllL SeHEDULE-Boys. Hour, MOD. Tues. Wed. Thurs. "A " 4- 'ream Mass & Team Field 5-30 Games Group Games Sports

56 2'53 BENGAL ANUAL CONFERENCE. WEEKLY REeREllTleN SeHEDDLE-Boys.-concld. "B" Hour Hour. H A" "B " 4- Accepted. Mon. Team Games Fri. Team Games do. Tues. Wed. Mass and group. Team Games. Sat. Sun Hobbies Hobbies Scouting Nature. Walk. Cubbing do. Thurs. Relays. do. ehhrterhedse eedrse IN RELIGI6DS EDDeaTI6N. Although realising that the Charterhouse Course in Religious Education as at present outlined, has not yet been tested by experience, we heartily endorse it as indicating lines and methods of procedure in the development of vital Christian experience in the lives of our young people. We urge that material and helps in this Course be made available in Bengali. Accepted. The book by Misses Calkins and Schlemmer, Lasson Plans for the First Four Years of the Charterhouse Course (Clayton I and II) has been found most helpful in other places an.]. we wish to ask that it be printed in Bengali through the All India Literature Committee. THE E..-weRTH LEaGUE. Realising that the work of the Epworth League can be largely carried out in the curriculum of the school as provided for by the Charter house Course of study in Religious Educa.tion. We recommend that the Epworth League be discontinued as '& separate organization in Boarding Schools. In order to carry out; that feature of the work of,the Epworth League which is not thus provided for in thfl regular cluriculum of the school, we recommend that a weekly young people's worship service be retained, and we feel it essential that appropriate Indian topics and helps be supplied by the Central Office fo'r the Junior, Intermediate and Senior groups. For this the following was substituted: While certain features formerly associated with the Epworth League as such are now in the interest of a unified program to be cared for under the Charterhouse Course we suggest that tue League be urged to assume training for Religious Leadership as a primary function, icognising that in such training, Training for and in Worship is absolutely fundamflntal, though other elements in the currently stated League programme ought also to btl kept in mind and worked out as far as local circumstances will permit.

57 TRaINING ep LElIDERSHIV : STANDING COMMITTEES AND BOARDS. 254 We recommend that the District Conference be utilized as a special opportunity for the training of District workers along the lines indicated in these findings. We would urge District Conferences to offer a well planned course of study and practice at their sessions this year in the Various vernaculars of our Conference. It is our conviction that the course demands such training for leadership as given by the Epworth League Institute, the value of which we can emphasize from our own experience. Accepted. The following was inserted by the Conference: Realiziug the great importance in the life of each individual of knowing the will of God regarding his life work and of preparing for it, we urge the pastors and those in charge of young people to emphasize during the _year the snbject of life work, remembering among other vocations to present the need for preachers and missionaries. 'rhis study should be followed up by keeping in touch with and "training in classes any who feel the call to taka up religious work as a life vocatijn. The second department of the Epworth Lea,gua is the agency already established for this work and thifl department should make the best use of its opportunities. ' This work through the year might well culminate in the Life Service study and call to consecration in the Epworth League Institutie. ether BUSINESS: The standardized questions for the Charterhouse Course ordered at the laelt meeting of the Board, having been prepued, Misses Kinzley, Field and Swan were appointed a committee to arrange for, their translation and,printing, the selection of yearly question and to attend to othe:'l' matters involved. It is recommended that the examinaion be held on the same day in all ou I' schools. Reports from the various Epworth League chapters in the Conference were received and indicated progress. It was also ascertained that practically every school in the Conference has a1ready begun the introduction of the Charterhouse COllrse or is planning to do so in the coming school year. PLaNS.peR THE EVW6RTH LEAGUE per 1921: Epworth League topics as published in the Junior Methodist were re commended to the chapters of the Conference for use in the devotional services in the coming year. n was recommended to the Central office of Epworth League that an Institute course be prepared acquainting our young people with the beliefs a.nd customs of non Christian religions. Suggestions for the revision of the score card were discussed and passed on to the secretary of the Leag'ue, who agreed to under take a. revision and send it to the Board prior to the next Institute.

58 255 BENGAL ANNUAL CONFERENCE. For a. report of the Ea.st Bengal Conference Institute the Conference is referred to the January and February number of the Junior Methodist. The Board elected an Epworth League Commission of seven, (S. K. MondoI, Chairman, Miss Kinzley, R. S. Gibbons, R.E. Dewey, C. H. 'Archibald, B.A. Mott, Miss Swan) to handle all matters relting to the Die'ctol of Conference Institutes. ".j 'oi erild STUDY: In view of the fact that work on the Charterhouse Course will be greatly hampered until a etailed sudy and icture of he Indian child (background, environment, motives, attitudes, skills, etc.) IS made, we strongly urge all those who have contacts with youth in church, village or home to thoroughlv study and carefully recor-d all facts and incidents which can in any way shed light on the characteristics of the Indian child, to the end that. ultimately these records, having passed with others from other parts of India through the Council of Religious Ed ueation, may be made the basis of a thoroughly child-centered curriculum of Religious Education. As a guide in this study we suggest the following : Ten fields of positive adjustment which stand for the normal personality which is the basis of right attitudes toward conduct (suggested by Prof. H. C. Morrison of Chicago) and growing out of extensive studies of mal adjustment and arrested growth): 1. Deferred satisfactions. 2, Altruism. 3, Sense of fair play. 4. Beauty in the Slex relationship.. 5. Right acceptance of criticism. 6. Acceptance of the value of coopera.tion. 7. Fidelity to promises. 8. Obedience to constituted authority. 9. Sustained application-capacity for hard work. 10. Sense of duty. The Board wishes to give publicity to the fact that an Indian edition of Cbarter', ' ow to Teach Ideals ", will be,published about. FebruarJ" first. This book IS likely to prove very suggestive to workers In tbe field of Religious Education. Dr. Parker has offered to furnish free of charge supplies for the Village and Primary Course as far as available in Conference languages, but not as use for tracts. Report of the Temperance Committee. Recognizing the ver! great need for Temperance i? India to-day,. we urge all concerned to face ths problem, and to co-dperate ld -every POBslPle way with the Committee in what it is attempting to a.ccomplish.

59 REPORT OF THE TEMPERANCE COMMITTEE. 256 During the past year two circular letters have been sent out to the missionaries and workers of Bengal Conference. Of these, the first contained specimens of the Literature available for use in the Conference, and the second -was a questionaire intended to furnish a survey of what is really' ng done in the Conference along these lines. Of 54 copies of the latter senl Jut, responses were received from some ten.or twelve, and the iolllj..g facts have been tabulated from these. 1. Of these schools only five have organized and functioning Temper. ance Societies. 2. Medal or Essay Contests have been held in four of these schools. 3. Sevep have reported that they carryon regular and Scientific Temperance training in the schools. 4. Only four of these schools have reported the use of the Temperance Catechism. 5. The results of the sale and distribution of Temperance Literature is, on the whole, more encouraging. 91 books anj 25 leaflets have been reported as sold, and 103 books and 5100 leaflets distributed free during the past year.. 6. In " response to the question as to whether the schools would in the futu re include in their sch031 curriculum regular training in Temperance and the use of the Scientific Tomperance Manual in Bengali, six Bengal schools declared themselves ready to do so, and the three English schools plan to put some course of Temperance Instruction into their curriculum. It can easily be seen from th foregoing statements that thflre remains much to be done along these lines, and that the co-operation of all schools in the Conference is needed. Requests have been received for Temperance Literature in Hindi, and for Temperance hntern slides. With regard to tha latter, the Lantern Slide Department of the Y. M. C. A. has promised to provide a free set of such slides for any group furnishing suitable pictures and a lectul s. The Committee is planning to prepare a Temperance Pageant to be put on by the various schools of the Confrence. Pictures for the slides will be taken of the best presentation of this Pa,geant. It is the hope of the Committee that all schools will enter this competition as it will provide valuable instruction. Last, year Miss Eddy was asked to have translated into Bengali Maud Allen's book, " Wonderful House and How to care for it." This was done.and the Bengal division of the W C. rr. U. have promised to publish it. The English edition of this book is successfully used in some schools of our Conference. We urge that the greatest efforts of all be bent towards teaching Temperance in the schools, and especially in our English schools since it is in the English-speakir,g community t,hat this evil predominates.

60 257 BENGA.L ANNUAL CONFERENCE. Wa fael that more emphasis should be _placed by the teachers in the schools upon the dangers of the" use. of tobacco, drugs, pan and" patent mediciues. If we would have an intelligently temperate community we must teach the children the harmful affect of the use Df these things. We wish that -all teachers in schools and workers in the viuages would make use of the Temperance Literature which is available for our Conference, and which may be obtained from the Temperance Head-quarters at 3 Middleton Street, Calcutta. Report of the Committee on state of the Church, Aggressive Evangelism and Self Support. State of the Cku1'ch.- The.Church is in a hopeful atate. There is a spirit of expectancy. The real hope of the church is in the young people. Aggressive EvangeliBm..;.- 1. WA endorse the racommendations of the Committee on Aggressive Evangelism of Cenbral Conference as we feel that there must be greater evangelistic effort if the church is to prosper. 2. We recommend that Passion Week be a time of special prayer. 3. We believe that all our services throughout the year should have the evangelistic spirit. 4. We draw the attention of the church to the fact tha.t there are various tracts available for free digtribution and that the sale of scriptural portions shouid be stressed as there is a growi ng demand. Self Support.- Our recommendation is that'the advice in Section VII of the Discipline on Systematic Giving and Tit"hing should be especially stressed by the Dis"trict Superintendents and Pastors and constantly held "before the people as the solution of the problem of self support. In this connection the pastors should show an example to the people. We wish to commend those churches which through the past year have made progress on self support. REPORT OF THE BOARD OF EXAMINERS. Completed the Oourse of Study. John S. Chowdhury. Samuel "Datt. S. K. Mondoi. Sa.muel Pandit." F. G. WilliamR.

61 REPORT OF THE BOARD OF EXAMINERS. 258 In the Studie8 of the Fourth Year. S. B. Mia. In the Studies of the Third Year. S. P. Biswas. P. N. Dass. R. S. Gibbons, W. A. Mueller. Jibon Sarene N. G. Sircar. In the Studies oj the second Year. Baijanath Marandi. P. Nathaniel., In the Studies of the Jilirst Vear E. J. Anker. Faijan Biswas. Bodon Marandi. B. A. Mott. Kandna Sarene S. C. Sar kar. PAKAtiR, Jan'uary 7th, WALTER G. G RIF}'ITHS, Registrar. HAROLD.J. SMIrH. Ohairman.

62 259 -BENGAL ANNuAL CONFERENCE NAMES OF CIRCTITS ASANSO:r. DISTRICT- Asansot Asansol, Hindustani Barakar.,.... Dhanbad Gomoh Fetehpur Hazaribagh Road... Kodarma Murulia Sarakhdihi..... Ashabaree.,.... Total... ENG:r.ISH DISTRICT- Asansol. -.. " Boys School Girls School Industrial Home... Seamens Mission... Middleton Street... Mount Hermon... Queens Hill School... Rampur Haut... Thoburn Church... Total... - PAKAUR DISTRICT- Pakaur..... Gondai Badilpur Santal... Bolpur Santali... Chilhamara... Sariadala_ ''Xhola J'hola Totai... (c) CONFERENCE I.:.-CHURCH MEMBER Statistics 0/ the Bengal Annual Gonferenec A-ChristianCommlmity B-Baptisms C-Sunday PREPARA Fu:r.:r. CD TORY MEMBERS -0.1:1 c<l _Ill C.I MEMBnRS III.... CIS '" ;::l -CIS CIS m CD 1-< CD 0 CD, CD CJ '0 F-4 as as.c ;::l -' n "0 ;:l CD Q) 8 "0 c<l S '1:1 n... bn l)l) CD ;::l.1: en rn as m Q) CD III 10<.E.S --0- U ro S ; CIS l:i =... :;:.... c 0. ca Q) ;::l.i:i'ii) 0 :: '1:1 C.I 0'1:1 '1:1-0 rc::l - Q) 0 ejlo<... C. = IS.s:::- 10< ;::l CD c5 :.. ca :: "C rc::l ;:l 0 O _ 10< ;:l Q)... rc::l,c '" Z CD a:l rn en Q) Q) 10< Q)... =.l!3 1""1 C3 ;::l E.. rn m- - a... 0 I> 1-<.c.1:1..., Q)... 0 '0 'Qj - I a... Q.) "Orc::l -bl Gi ca c o ca CJ ;:l Q - E.. 1ii :Eo.gal Q) Q) 0 p- Q.) e:) '0 ' t1j Z Z Z CC_ C -< F-o Z Z Z '- A 1 A 2 A3 A4 AS A6 A7 8 B- 1 B- 2B 3C Ie 2C o :15., ] , IS " :-n ) I- ::Sl :::...., I.' , ,.." , , I IO " il _ "T" "' STATISTICIAN SHIP AND WORK for the year -ending Ootober 31st, 1926 Schools I fn Q) CIS I> '0 - fnr Q) -5 m 00. Q.) CD... l)l) 8,Sbl P.c oas 0.1:1_ as Q) CD C.I.O 0 ::E OOuj _......:l Z 10< oas 0-0 o -ca. 'E 'E '0 Q) -4) z F-c C/'). C/') D-Epworth League8 C 4 C 5 D 1 D 2 D 3 D4 D5 D 6'E IE 2E 160 2eO ao I UI CD Q.).c :: b.() 8 II) CD...:l ::E UJ CD r:j.2 2 OIl ca CIS ca ;a QJ - CD Q.) H a.. a IJi CD 'E 3- ; :: CONFERENCE STATISTICIAN 260 I-) Q.),t: E! QJ 'M ) ' l I-= I- "l 71 7 Hi MISSION- ARIES OF THE en BOARD. ai ;::l.g en UI UI =s... c: Q)... II).s:l 0 8 (5 'c = 4) 0 p..., ::E = 80 ] _ 1 E-Christian Workers QJ Q) Ul m 'E.1: Q) CJ Q) CD. 0 as J5 ca.1:1,.!>4 :! Q) ;::l U... CD C.I... IV 0 ;::l CIS 0,!oI.:::t.S S Q).!:4... m.l!3 ' en -; Q) UJ m CD CJ Q) Cii < to 0 ;::l.c f CJ...:l 8 0 0: Q) 8.!..oQ) ca.14 v5 en :E r::.: r::.: I 3 1 E 4E 2. til CD,..J <C CD m::e rx...l! < 00 ::E "0 ;::l a... CD.c;; Q) Q) CD ;::l CD ;::l t:.c.1:1 U Q.) ClSC.I.; rc::l C....c'1:l.- ;::l 0.c 0 '0 -; 13'; "0 CD rc::l ;::l ;::l - '0 pe.. 0 P rc < Z 910 5E 6E 7 E BE E Ell E12 E13 :-3 I ].., ] : I '2 1 I _ : 155/-1-1-=-/ ls9932-S266 ' ::: 4 ] : a [) ] _ _." 5 5 9l11, 741-=-1-=--1145i-=-'-: =-ll17w-ii I-t--j---j---,-I--'--l----I--

63 261,.". NAMES OF CIRCTITS T AMLUK DISTRICT- Panchkura Tamtuk....,. Panchkura Total... Ballygung Balliaghatta CentraC Church... Collius Boarding Dept.... C1lins High School Hatibagan... - Kulpt Jhaujra Lee Memorial Total... 'CONFBRENCB STATISTICIAN (c) CONFERENCE L-CH URCH MEMBER Statistics of the Bengal Annual Gonferenae A-Christian Cmmu.nitY I BlJaptisms I C-Sanday PRBPAlL\ FULL '0 cu TORY MEMBBRS.rl III III ti MEMBBRS III CIS f! 0 ;:I CIS CIS III cu Q cu cu cu '0 E-4 CIS CIS.c cu II) 0 a Q '1;1 ;:I '" 1>\ 1>\.!S.::: Q... ;:I... ti ;:I e III rn CIS II) II).8.S 0 u III e CALCUTTA BSNGf.-U })lstiuc'!'- CI) btl btl ::a ;:I.a III '0 I>- ;.,... CIS :a..:-... $;: 0 fi) CIS II) = 0;;- '0 = ;:I 0 't:l ti '1;1.=, - II) '1;1 0 Ut i ;:I 't:l ;:I c5 :, IS.=... '1;1.. '1;1 CIS ::s 'iii ;:I 0 ;80 ;:I II)... 'O.c.! Z rn II) II) CI) III e e - - ril "0....c...,... -II)... - I... cu a... GI '0'0 -b,c as 0 0 Om... Cil ti ;:I as ::a :Eo.gill cu ;:I 0 II) 0 l::l -0 cu "0 C 0 01>\ - C U <C Z Z Z -- --I A 1 A2 A3 A4 AS A6 A7 A 8 IB 28 3C lc 2C " I : I 14.., , ' [) I 17 /:) g S S I-.CALCUTTA Hiudustani DIS'rRICT Central' Church Howrah Kidderpore.0' Total BlRBHUM DISTRICT- 23 :.. 2 Pakaur BolRtlr Suri J.l Hetampur Sangrampur j, Total." Grand Tolal u _ ar r r 8 -, ; I----- Increase Last Year Decrease STATISTICIAN SHIP AND WORK-cont:- forths year endwg Ootober 31st CONFERECE ATISTICIAN' 262 Schools D-Epworth Leagues E-Christian Workers C4 C 5D ID 2D 3D 4D SD 6E IE 2E 3'E 4E E 8i o Ell 12E13 "35 :: ::: '''1 '56'"... '''1 "'1'" _'_"_ I-=-""::"" -=--=- _'_"_'" ) _ I l } "'1 '40 ::: ::: "'1 "26 ::: " :: ::: :::." ::: ''' "' g "'1 "SO ::: ::: :"1 '40'" ::: "'1 i ::: g -=- _1 _,,_. -=- I 70 ::: : '''1 ::: :::... 1 :::... 2: _,,_ ] -5 _ ; 4i M H' I 131..' a 20 _ I I _._-= =-,_2...:::... 1) I ] I ::: :::"i ::: I :.: ::: :: ::: ::: ::: ::_ ail! '.'1 2 1 I I ,... :...;

64 1 263 BENGAL ANNUAL CONFERENCE.., - -- "- '0 NAMES OF CIRCUITS ASANSOL DISTRlCT-.. = - rn - ll.-church Statiics of the Bengal Annual F-Ch1ll'cb 0 '0 :!r - ":'0 fij til,8cl8 a; IV IV... IV IV".s:::r ::I IV '::rn ri Cit!:! Q.o 0.g=.. GifIJ GI IV b =,g.b ptjgl 1:1 ;>IV... ;>bd "tl. 0 GI CIS!'I:IIX!.ab..9 U 'E.. Q)I:I CIS... o- '0 IX!IIJ..,0,",- Q)rn -0.Q= >8-.QQ),om Q)e. ;:1m... IV - CD... 0 g. 'S -0 IVm....s:::r Bb«:,0 CIS =2,g... 0 CIS.. UlQ)IV 0 eu ::I CIS 2e.. a1q. -e.. «.l C. >'t:ia:l c > c:i. Z Z... Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Asansol, Bengali Asansol. Hindi Barakar Dhaubad " Gomoh Fatepur Hazaribagh Road Kodorma Mitrulia Sarakdihi... '"' Ashabari... " Total FINANCES-cont. C.ONFERENCE STATISTICIAN Gon/erence fa r the year ending October 31st, 1926 Property Rs. Rs. R!!. Rs Rs I 1 Rs. G - Ministerial Su.pport 50 4t a88 Rs. Rs Rs. 1 I Rs til. ;:; as B.; U c.9 rti til i Rs ENGLISH DISTRICT- Asansol Boys' School Girls' School , Industrial Home Seamen's Mission Middleton Street Mt. Harmon' Queen's School Rampul Haut Thoburn Church Tolal l850' Pakaur ' Gondai Badilpur Santali Bolpur SsntaJi Chilh8lllarah Sariadala Khola Jhora 'fatal PAKAUR DISTRICT N andikufnar amluk Panchkura Total... 1 lo h3 TAlIrft1E DISTRICT ,

65 265 BENGAL ANNUA. L CONFERENCE... II.-CHURCH Statistics of the Bengal Annual FtN ANCE5-cont. Gon/erence fo r the year ending October 31st, 1926, 26 NAMES OF CIRCUITS CALCUTTA BBNG. DISTRICT BaUygunge Beliaghata CE'Dtral Beng. Church Collins Boarding Dept. Collins High School Hatibagan Kulpi... Jhanjra..... Lee Memorial... Total... III E.s:I U -o o Z 1 1 Rs. -o....8 Bbt ::sto Z Rs Rs Rs Rs F-Ch1ll'ch Rs I----I----_.I----I-----I--- 7 lo liO Rs Rs. Rs. Rs Rs Rs. G-Ministerial S.pport '15 Rs. Rs '----i------i------i i i i-----i Rs Rs. Rs CALCUTTA HINDI DISTRICT- Central Church... Howrah,..... Kidder pur..,. 'fatal _- _.---.:,1._.._.,._ _ :--' ' _22_L ' " 1 '_'_1_._4_1 "_' '_ _12_80_1 2 BIRBHUM DISTRICT- Pakaur Sud Bolpur Hetampur sangrampu>? lal... "J..t '/ t / /" 'J.';--. I<J... ( "1f tf CJl Total i2-. iif:lifb tf. <> g '-I [it 0 D.'" LI Last year ' ) " :; i ' I----I-- I----J:----I _24 38_o_30_2 _3_811_2_3_43_ _08_0'1-31_4_43_5_6: , I.._.I _ _I------I, I--- _ ' ' , '---'-- Increase Decrease I r "_: ' ";-' : '--' _.-.-:: ,, '2

66 267 NAMRSOF CIRCUITS ASANSO DISTRICT Asansol, Bengal Asaosol, Hindi Barakar Dhanbad Gomoh Fatepur Hazaribagb'Road Kodorma Murulia Sarakdfhi Ashabari ENGLISH DI:ITRICT Asaosol Boy's School.. Girl's School... Industrial Home Seamans Mission Middleton Street.Mt. Hermon.. Queens Scbool Rampur Hout Thoburn Church PAKAUR DISTRICT- Pakaur Gondai Badilpur Santali Bolpur Santali Cilhamara... Sariad$lQ. KholaJhora Total Total 'fotal Rs. Ministerial S.pport-Cont. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. II-'CHURCH Statistics of the Bengal Aniwa ] I , _-- Rs. Rs. H-Benevolent ,.. -15' Rs. Rs :-;,---, , ' ::::-,-,--, 11 In 1 5 FINANCES-eont. Conference for the year ending October 31st CoBecteona = as.g 't:i!iir 41 't:i.e- " 'CJ rn rfj o mo as'= 't:i.8 CJ.- C..I "'C..I... as 'E CIl CIl foo4 CD - Rs. Rs. Rs. rolll III "" 41 ClIO = I> co O 'Cj as a cu 0 0:S rn III IIIR_ i::l -b«las 't:i I> ]:a a... or 0 g;z:.e = cc ti:l la.o Rs. Rs. I CONFERENCE STATISTICIAN 268 cd R I> CD... I> '=m 08 -= -41 as-... J2 Rs. = I> om 1>0 = R... I> t.q 00;0 "'u {3. Rs. 3 X-Special Items I-Other CoBection. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.. Rs. Rs M A ' :--5--=-r-= : ' '6 -- -I---I----, TAMLUK DISTRICT NandiKumar.. Tamluk Panchkura Total :::..... :-:'.. 'f-'-: ' _L._:

67 BENGAL ANNUAL CONFERENCE. II-CHURCH Statistics of the Bengal Annual Ministeri'al H-Benevolent S.pport-Cont.... BOARD OF m o FORlUGN j:j -c:a. as... C as. 'ir15 MISSIONS CI, NAMES OF CIRCUITS Sj:j CD ;..,.- cu c:a. t)'cis 1=2= ai m..!!!s ';= 't ::Sm -... cu =0 _til :8. 1=2 CD t:i U rj)j:j -al.t:i rn 0... ::s 0 t:(ja; CJ.sa E 0 1=20... ai ;:'E... en.s:l ai CU CJ (/) 0.'B.'S t: '"Cii 0 S.E aen.g.s:i 8- CJ 0.Ill m 8 u O.. as :ac;ti:l,ere :9 0 iii r-< tw't:! c; ca, c::c. ". Rs. Rs. As- Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. CALCUTTA B tngali IJIST.- Bl1ygung , Beliaghatta Central Church Collins Boarding Dept,...." Clllins High School Hatibagan , Kulpi , Jh!lnjra '" , Lee Memorial Total..,." , Central Church I ,Howrah.-...., Kidderpore...." I." o Total......,., CALCUTTA HIND. DISTRICT- BI RBHUM DISTRICT- Pakaur [) Suri " 2 BoJpur '0' , Hetampur ,..... ' Sangrampar , Total , Grand Tolal ( Y Last Year Increase , [) Decreas " I '< FINANCES-cont. CONFERENCE STATISTICIAN GonTerence jor the year ending October 31st Collecteons '0 til It) c c I) :: as.s2 ::s c as OL 1>-..9 rc curn til c 'u a If.l... asc C 0 0:S..:l. red rj) rj) CJ II:I <Il c u 'O C;'O ";::l Ul mo o :? -Ere cu cu re... -s as.s:l 'E]... 0 as a CJ 'E... as m 0 J:t4t! c:q f-4 co cc!ij Rs. Rs, Rs. IRS. Rs jrs =2 CD ti Q) CD "0 :.r OJ ;>1=2.s:Irn cu... cu o c - CJ Q)'t) _;::l -al c:q ale as- 'Oc; tt.. Rs. Rs, [) X Special Items Rs.... los I po.. S::S '''' rc 0 bd::l'" CCl1 :a bd 'E'' c:qocl1 fi-5 I't. Rs I-Other Collections lj <IJ rn... CJ CU<IJ Ul.s:l = = g cu 8,0gJ I=2m cm Jl_Ul Ocu o ai C;D UtIl urn _;::l ;::l - -CI,) C CI1 til cu Col rc CJ c 0 ai =CI1 g::a U C!) U Rs. Rs. Rs :;... 'S III : :!.S 11 _ 8:= til :: cnu Rs , ' =- -=--=---=_ -=- _,,_ _._-=- '_".._._ -= _ _' 2_9_ ' ,)]6\, 9189';7 I I'-" _35_2_i 2,,_._146 1_9 _72_1_7\03Jj 1 _3_56_8_76 13_9_o9_1_1_ ' :--2 -= =-e) i92i'"---=--:-

68 271 BENGAL ANNUAL CONFERENCE. III.-A Statistios of the Bengal Annual EDUCATION CONFErtBNCE S1."A 1'IS'tICIAN 272 J-Theological CoHege and Seminaries Teacher Trinbig and for the year endmg Ootober 31st "._-- NAMES OF CIRCUITS c:: rn c:: c:: "" C '" -= C 6 bil C..c l 6 -c c 0.;;.;) cd c.j c ::i!i 4.l 0 :.a 4.l 0.a ::i!i m "" "" '"' ::i!i rj) rj) 4.1 f-4.2.s "" t. -= Ii.. m ",- s::!l- ui m Ul 4.l C -;: "0 " l..c..c 4.l c.j (,) Ul..c..c. s:: '"'. '" 4.l 4.l 1;;...!o: c.j c.j -c -c k cd cd '"' ;:s ;:s..c 4.l &I..c u ::r:: f-4 f-4 U r.n rj) rj) '0 0 0 ci Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z 0 c:5 Bible Training Schoab K -Industrial Schools C m!l 41 C fa ttl 4.l ttl c.j =--- '"' l bil 4.l C....Qj.JI: 4.l C c.j "i: 4.l 0 C 0 a c cd c.j <1.1 m -c c.j s:: u co 0 '1;1 U 0 "" :.a cd >. "i: ::s 4.l. os '" c.j C C 5 4.l a en III -c....b 'iii 'iii.b c::: rj) 4.l Ul '"' '"' f-4 III "iil '"' 4.l 4.l 4.l... m- 0')- s:: ur <1.1- C Ul.!l '"' "",11 d = "0 0.s 4.l U '2 0..c..c 0') 4.l 4.l (Il m 0 0') c.j c.j '2 '"..c..c: 0 o c: (J c.j 'k -c -c.1: <1.1 -E '" ] ] ]..!II: cd cd ;:s ;:s..c l 4.l 4.l..c m ::c ::C4.1 r.n 00 4.l f-4 E-< U 00, U o c '" m... :I: :I: ::c, >.... ::C4.1 '0 o '0 0 0 o o o ci ci lll ci ci c5 0, Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z I m...rn Z Z o"i: 05 ASANSOL DISTRICT Asansol Bengali Hindustani Barakar Dhanbad Gomoh Fatehpur Hazaribagh Road Kodarma Muruli Sarakdihi Ashabari Total CALCUTTA ENGLISH DIST. Calcutta Boys School Girls School Quns Hill School Total : ' i PAKAUR DlSTRICT Pakaur Gondai Bolpur Santali Sariadala Kola Jhora Total TAMLUK DlSTCICT Tamluk Total , :'.. --::: :- -=--=- -::- -=--:--.., I , ' I-..

69 273 BENAL ANNUAL CONFERBNCE.. III.-A EDUCA TION-cont. CONFERENCE STATISTICIAN 274 Statistics of the BengaiAnnaal J-Theological College and Seminaries Teacher TraiDing and' for the year endldg October lst Bible Training Schools K-Ind trial Schools NAMES OF CIRCUITS e:: 0 m 8 e:: e::... 0 c.!i e:: 0. e::..c::.0 c c ::: en C ] t.l :g S :s en ::E (JJ.s f-4 =s ::: (JJ......!:! m m- e:: m-.!i- e::. en en til en en 0 CD '0 0..c::..c:: 2 e:: '"Z U 0 0 t.l t.l. 0 m..c::..c:: CIS....r; t: :s t.l t.l CD..c:: :s..c:: 0 (JJ CIJ f-4 f-4 U u!i: ' ' c <5 Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z e:: en 0!l 0 e:: e:: e en bd II,) c ().!!3 0 t.l ;..., 0 e:: t.l 0 e:: 'u CIS..c:: II,)... e:: t.l 0 to) ls -m rn rn 't:l C 0 e:: CD... III :.a CIS >. i: 0.e ts., :g 0 0 II,) 0 't:l :g... en rfj.e cc a CIJ 'iii... 'in 0..B.E 0 0., rn rn- m-.b.=: e:: r!l- e:: p::: en en rn en.. '] ] '0 "0 en G.l G.l C -= U '] U rn 0 0..!:I:..c::..c:: en G.l 0 til t; en ""..c:: 0 t.l t.l c 't:l 't:l.t:; t; en ]..c II,) CIS 0 o e:: t.l t.l 0..c:: :s :s..c:: UI ::z:: ::Z::1I.l CIJ rfj f-4 E-< U 00 ci5 u ::z:: ::z:: :z: til o e::... 8 '0... '0 ' en :Z:O '0 '0 '0... ;..., o 0 '0 0': o:s 0 c 0 0 c ccc 0 ols z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z CALCUTTA BENALI DIST Ballygunge Balliaghata Collins Boarding C<>llins High School Hatibagan Kulpi' Jahpjra Lee Memorial Total , , , H(NDUSTANI DISTRICT Central Calcutta Kierpore, Total _ r _ BIRBHUMDISTRICT Pakaur Suri Bolpur Hetampnr Sangrampur Total Grand Total. Last Year Increase Decrease 40 2' ' I 40 I I B I 40 I I ' t8 _ I 6... I 35 I I , I I [ [ [.. [S ts' [S 'I--I-_ =-- -r:: _ I , I 18 I-

70 275 ll - Colleges: above Matric.lation Standard I Ill-A.. Statistics pi the Bengal Annual Gonlerence l.\f.pay EDUCA TION--eont. lor the year ending October Jst 1926 and Boarding School. CONFERENCB STATISTICIAN 276 E o. NAMES OF CIRCUITS.E ASANSOL DISTRICT Asansol Ben gali Asansol Hindustani Barakar Dhanbad Gomoh Fatehpur.. _ Hazaribagh Road Kodarma. Muruli... Sarakdihi Ashabari Total CALCUTTA ENGLISH DIST. Calcutta Boys School.. " Girls " Queens Hill School Total PAKUAR DISTRICT Pakaur Gondai. Bolpur Santali Saciadala... Kola Jhora Total T AMLUK DISTRICT Tamluk Total, en jo -0 u... o 6 Z t: o 'r;; en 4) CJJ.E UI. '0 o Z til 4) rn-.e: ""... 4)... CJ =B.e:.E E-c :1)- "" aj 4).e: \.e: CJ tis aj I E-c '0 0 Z t: btl t: 'ij tis 0 - c - t: - 4) t:..e: 4) "0 en 'i:.e: en = t.e: l I I u u ' Z Z z I 1 I j i I I 4 I I CJ C1I 4) E-c z - t: E-c. "0 4) 1;; C t.e: - U '0 0 z 4)..t: CJ tis 4) f-o z IS E-c... c o QJ o s z..,... II ,... II I , i r--i-----i- I. I I I I 4a 7 7 I S 4 === ============I"I===I--I-I-: -::,-: -I-:-51--I--l-:!,: "': ' , , S I J- ----= \.. : t:--. _ ::6:::-::-:6_. I I I I B 2' I :4..: ::: Sol 132 I I--r IS I 80 --I --I---I--I----I--_t---I-- I--II--I, I.-I_ _ S5 II I S9 S : P 5S , I 40, 1 IlO i 1 --I---I-i ' I 44 I :: I ::: ", II 40 6 II "1'" ' ;;-;6-= =---8s ; I-----r----I r J s I I T-:... s r::-=--=-i 56 -=-=--:

71 277 BBNGAL ANNUAL' CONFERBNC... Ill-A. EDUCA TION-cont CONFERENCE STATISTICIAN 278 Statistics 0/ -the Bengal Annual Gon/erence L-Colleges above Matric.lation Standard I M-Day jor the year ending October 31st 1926 and Boarding Schools NAMES OF CIRCUITS CALCUTTA BENGAL[ DIST. Ballygunge Ballighata Collins Boarding " Co.1lins High School Hatibagan Kulpi Jahnjra Lee Memorial Total HINDUSTANI DISTRICT Central Calcutta Kidderpore Total BIRBHUM DISTRICT:',Pakaur Sun Bolpur Hetampur Sangrampur Total Grand Total Last Year. -Increase Decrease e!ii t.c (,).g '" j UI (5 C,,) '0 o z c: CIS!II,'C.c U '0 o Z... o o z If CLI.c (,) :J f-t... o z... o z I I ,-;--1---:;--5--;; I-'-"--:--; I-68-SS I--,--!----, ,; III.,.. 1 I II' , I... I :1 3 I ::: -; , , I... I I I I 1-_ :,. ' , _I_-I--5-I...:::...:::...,94S IS71' s> :-=- : :. I '.' :.9 = I': '. -=- -=--=--=-I -1--: : 356 -: ; I I '"d CLI c: 'e r:: f-tcli o 0 o z I I I i I 1 2i "2"S ";2.. S ::: s... :::... I... 9! o.... :::.. 151'22 ::: ";7 "60 ::: "'9 ::: ::: ::: ::;6 ::: '''9 ::: ::6 4'8 : I";:" ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: 9; 5 ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: 9i. I 5"; "'9 ::: ::: _'_"_ 209 I09_'_"_2'" _'_"_ -'L 2'J,'" 26 3) I LIL _._.. 220: 20 I 765: "." : " , 45 10/ 4 I I... 1-:::- === :I... r JO 73 47'" II II , S i...., ;!:; ::;9 ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: i ;!I ;..;: ::: ::: ::: ::: 8 941' '1 n I "-:::--::: j.'. I :: ISS S. - -:::--; 97 jl I 9 2 III 140' 213'3121 S6 163 ISS! S S 102 "'4' I SS I I ' '83S 16gS 374 : ' I... -s--:-:: : I-:I ::-::s -: -:I --7--:

72 279 BENGAL ANNUAL CONFERENCE ni.-b. EDUCA TION-cont. CONFERENCE STATISTICIAN 280 Statistics of the Bengal Annual School Property, Endowment, Income and Con/erenca for the year endmg October 31st Expenditure Grand Totals ctj 8 :; o en NAMES OF CIRCUITS Q.I E o CJ os ASANSOI. DISTRICT- -Asansol, BengaJ Asansol, Hindi Barakar... Dhanbad... Gomoh.. Fatepur... Hazaribagh Kodorma... Murulis... Sarakdihi ,. Rs. Rs. Ashabari... e.' Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs Rs _ , - Total _ Rs. Rs. Rs ::: I ::: Rs I ENGLISH DISTRICT Calcutta Boy's 'School " Girl's School Queens Hill Total n ' , ] ]8] , ] HO ,------' I ] ' PAKAUR DISTRICT Pakaar... Gondai... Bolpur Santali Sariadhala Kola Jhora Total In = i.f' r a {) I ] " 'S ::: ::: ::: r ::: 2!... j l 1; ::: ::: :::4 ::: ::: ::: TAMLUK DISTRICT":' Tamluk.., 1'otal... \ ,.-:.:.:_\_ 4713 _ 600 _I \ =-I I IoO- "ol-ii I

73 281 BENGAL ANNUAL CONFERENCE CONFERENCE STATISTICIAN EDUCA TION-cont. Statistics of the Bengal Annual School Property, Endowment, Income and. m boo m boo cu "0 CJ '&, :e '1:1 A. :; = CI! ;: '1:1 :; 'E 0 0 be = III.g 00 = tt cu 'ii H c:l H cu... S.. 0, '8 cu '0 '0-0 III = a.c 'j; be cu cu cu '1:1 0. '0 r;:q. :s :s :3 :: ro ro :..... 'iii 'iii 'iii CD.; CI! < a or ;.. 0 ;. 0 '; ;. cu f-4 4(.$... E :0 :E... GJ :0" = CJ.g 0 m NAMES OF CIRCUITS III 0 CAL. BENGALI DrST.- - CQ cu cu... CD '0 =6"0 CIS ell COl = :3.g - ii s = 4J.c.c.cCU '1:1 cr. m Vl - 0 c:: C 0 c e S 0 CU CU Vl = CJ cu CU.. M..z 2 c.. ct: 1%. C>.=: tz:1 Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs R Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs Rs Ballygung ,......, Balliaghatta , Collins Boarding Collins High School Hatibagan KuJpi Jhanjra e Lee Memorial Z _ e Total Gon/erence for the year ending Ootober 31st, 1926 Expenditure = I = Grand Total. I =.:.. I I "t:i cu 0 cu CIS O. e;; tij... b«l cu III III A f-4 cu CU cu... 0 E-t m!::: :a Vl ;I III ::l /XI re mo re Ui... :! 'i Ui ;i 7l - rna CU '0 '0 '0.r.l CU ] - 0 CU a; -0 0 =....:!l.:!l 0... Vl 0 0 CJ.; '1:1 ;Q iii.::l CS;l CD.r.l.::1m "CIS tn;l ;:;... m o crj C'.J J%.cCU UI CJ CJ- :s CU.::I c O..!: Ocu.::1ft.).E rn AS = en en.!=.e-ot C) 00 u III _ 1Il.!::: IIls GJ Q.o Ct.I ern '0 '0 '0 '0... cui OCD'OC: -c M cu 0'1:1 OcrJ ::S:3 E -.1>-, c:i = =a rt: CD 0b,C CD... '::l 0 ;a$ 0 0 C 0 oc ro 0..'ij Z ou? A 0 CJ M -a cu Z Z Z Z 2m Z ZCU Z.5Z 0... i Z gog :c... rc = I:I:l Zc CU CD Qi -GJ -cu ai -::s _"t:i C!).c III... CIS aic;; - ell cu - eil S {3 '3 tii - l3 re 0 ocj as_ 0 "0 o CIS 0'0-0 E "Ore... 0.s ;g fi:l (,) 0 j:..j f-4 f-4 f-t f-t :-c f-c :> i-4 f-c f-c cu m _c> 4J ]4' - Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs ] ] I _ HINDUSTANI DISTRIC'r- Central.Church Kidderpore , _ Total BIB-BHUM DISTRICT- 1 Pakaar Suri TI... BoJpar ,. 720 Hetampnr " 1 Sangrampur rs r Total... 4: L _ ,-- I ] 1 I : I / ,.. I ] ] a US _ Grand rotal ':3309 : Last year :\ M ] /_ oj Increase f, Decrease ;

74 - 283 IV-MEDICAL WORK Statistics of the Bengal Annual Conference lor the year endinj5 October 31st 1920.'.NAMES OF HOSPITALS. ASANSOL DISTRICT- Gomoh....CI) 3 'Q.. CI) o :tid '0..<1) o Z 3 'Q.. rn o ::c o z I fil Q.t: 51 c 'Q c.. CI), o P.-Medical. is.... >Z" _::I I _8 Q I?... o ';' :e ci Z II !...;, c. f: c C ' '0 ci Z! CI) c. c 0 0 "d C ell <Il Q """'0... Q 0.:=... Q C (J ::I Q o 8 < Rs.-A. P '0 Total _1 1_,,_, i_- _I I---- ENGLISH DISTRICT- Nit TAMLUK DISTRicT- Nit CALCUTTA BENGALI DISTRICT- Lee Memorial... BIRB,HuM DISTRICT- Pakaur..' Total 'Total I I, I I I I I k; ,. 1-:: !---- I i - 4B I L Grand Total Last year _:_..!_739, I _ : Increase... I -' " : Decrease

75 CONFERENCE STA. TlSTICIAN 284 V.-COLPORT AGE Statistics oj the Bengal Annual ConjereD( e jor the year ending October lst , Q-Colportale NAMES OF CIRCUITS ASANSOL DlsTRlcT Asansol Bengal." Dhanbad... Gomoh... ENGLISH DISTRICT- Asansol._. Middleton Street TAMLUK DJSTRICT- Nandikumar... _Tamluk... Panchkura... CALCUTTA BENGALI DISTRICT- Ballygunj '0' Beliaghata... Central Church... Hatibagan Kulpi Jhanjra C.UCUTTA Hnm, DISTR1CT- Central Church... Howrah... Kidderpore.,. BIRBHUM DISTRICT Pakaur Suri Bolpur Hetampur SangrampuT PAKAUR DISTRICT- Pakaur... Gondai... Pakaur Santal i... Bolpur"... Saraidala... Kola Jhora... Total... Total Total Total... Total Total Total... Grand Total... Last year Increase Decrease No. of Bibles No. of New No. of Por Sold and Testaments tions Sold & Sold and Distributed Distributed Distributed :------'c I No. of other Religious Books and Tracts Sold and Distributed I---, :.--, , , I , ! '-' IS I I I e.! 103 i I I I 2... I 50'" _-_

76 285 BENG:A.j.. ANNUAL CONFERENCE. Dr. '11', (dt TREASURE'S REPORT. A.Q()NFERENCE CLAIMANTS' FlJND..". Cr. RECEIPTS. Rs. A. P. Amount on deposit with Finan': cial Eoard, 'June ,5: Cash Balance withtr. from Interest on Fjnancial Board Acct. for 5% Dividend Book Concern (September 1926) $ Collection from Churches for Con. CI Board of Pensions & Relief $ 273l To'al DISBURSEMENTS. Mrs. J. N. MondoI's 5 children It K. C. Mullick itt It tt 3 children " L. C. Sircar. II I' 3 children.. C. C. Das., A. K. Mondol " L. B. Chatterji " " I. children 'rotal Rs. A, p. 108 o : 8 0 l().i ] , Pension of S. C. Biswas still to be estimated & passed. Closing Balance. Amonnt on deposit witb the Financial Board, March 3. 19:?1 : Rs. 18, Dr. B.-MISSION CLAIMANTS FUND. Cr. RECEIPTS. Rs. A. P. DIRBURSEllENTS. Amount on deposit with Financia1 Board July 1st, 1026 F rom C. H. S. lot. on investments (DeCt'm.ber 5% 2, Payments ordered... To Mission Claimants End Fund '0 0 Total 3, Total ClOSing Balance. Amount on'depo'lit with Financial Board March Rs

77 VIII. ROLL OF THE DEAD. (a) Membets of Conference... IN MEMORIAM. DECEASED M EMB-l\RS -OF BENGAL CONFERENCE f, They rest from thei1' labou.. rs. a.nd thei1' works do follow them. " Year Years Ch,ristian Names. Received Time of Death. Age. itl Place of 8urial. on Trial. Ministry :,.. Calcutta. Frank LatiJ:ner McCoy I Feb. 188g I 33. August Kullman July 27, Asansol. Benjamin J. Chew JO Calcutta. Chandra Kanto Da... 18g6 July, Pakaur. Nain Sukh IS Darbhanga. 1. A. Ilahi Baksh '" July, Rasra. Ananta Kumar Mondol Feb Calcutta. " " Lakshman Chandra Sarkar... 18g6 June, Tamluk. Bonomali Mazumdar.., 1896 July 29, Calcutta. Joseph Culshaw '" April 8, Naini Tal. Keshub Chandra Mullick June Calcutta. Henry Jackson Jibendra N. Mondol May 12, 1924 '" II Gomoh. Hiram David Lee, June 28, Darjeeling I March IT, F. E. Blackman.... I... L. B. Chatterjee 'r (b) Widows of Deceased Members c, Honour widows that are widows indeed " NAMRS. Mrs. Flora M. Chew Mrs. C. C. Das 1\1 rs. E.. A. II ahi Baksh Mrs. Kripamoyee Mondol Mrs. L. C. Sarkar... Mrs. Ruth Culshaw Mrs. Mary Mallick Mrs. Henrv Jackson Mrs. Jihendra N. Mondo I Mrs. Ada Lee Mrs. R. Blackman,Mrs. B. T.J._ChaUerjee Calcutta. \ug. 19, Calcutta. RESIDENCE. Jagdalpar, C. P. India. Pakur, Bihar. Rasra. Ballia District. Pakur, Bihar.. 41, Dehi Serampore Road, Calcutta. 7, Marshall Ave., BridletoDj York shire. England. Ashabari Church. Asansol, Bengal. Misson Rooms, New York. Gomoh. E. I. R, 13, Wellington Square, Calcntta Sinaloa Ave., Pasadena, California. 21, Ram Mohan DuU's Lane, 8howanipur.

78 IX. HISTORICAL-(a) Coaference Sessions. No PLACE. I TIME. I PRESIDENT. SECRETARY. -.:r Calcutta. january 12'-17, 1888 Dennis Osborne F. L. McCoy.. 2 Allahabad anuary 17-21, 1889 Bishop J. M. Thoburn F. L. McCoy 3 Calcutta January 9-13, 1890 Bishop 1" M. Thoburn H. C. Stuntz 4 tabbalpur January 16-20, 1891 Bishop. M. Thoburn H. C Stuntz 5: alcutta anuary 14-18, Bishop f' M Thoburn C. W. D'Souza 6 Calcutta ebruary 2-6, 1893 Bishop M. ThobUt"n C. G. Conklin 7 Calcutta February 17-20, 1894 Bishop J. M Thoburn C. G. Conklin 8 Riingoon Februllry 27--Mar. 2, 1895 Bishop. J' M. Thoburn C. G. Conklin 9 Calcutta March '4-8, 1896 Bishop. M. Thoburn W. P. Byers 10 Calcutta January 23-27, 1897 Bi hop J. M. Thoburn W. P. Byers II Calcutta December 23-28, { Bishop J C. D. Foss 1897 Bishop J. M. Thoburn 1 B. J. Chew 12 Calcutta january 27-:30, 1899 Bishop J M. Thoburn W. P. Byers 13 Calcittta anuary 25-30, 19 0 Bishop J. M Thoburn W. P. Byers I t:d 14 Pakaur January Bishop F W Warne Joseph CuIshaw l%1 IS Calcutta. january Bishop F W. Warne Joseph Culshaw 16 Calcutta anuary Bishop F W. Warne osepe CuTshaw 17. Calcutta December ) Bishop H W Warren 3o-Jan I, 1:903-4 l Bishop J. M Thohurn. 1 Joseph Culshaw 18 Asansol December 27-Jan I Bishop J. E.. Robinson Joseph; Culshaw 19 Pakaur January 3 I - Feb 5, 1906 Bishop J E, Robinson oseph Culshaw 20 Calcutta January 3D-Feb 4, t Bishop J. N FitzGerald J A. J. Barkley His hop J M Thoburn t"4 21 M uzaffarpur January Bishop F W, Warne' George Henderson 22 Asansol December Bishop F W Warne H. J. Schutz 23 Calcutta December Bishop F W. Warne H. J. Schutz 24 Calcutta January?o7-Feb. t Bishop W F McDowell I, 19II J H. J. Schutz ttl Bishop F. W. Warne 25 Calcutta December 16-20, 191I Jiishop F W. Warne H. J. Schutz l11 26 Pakaur February 6-10, 1913 Bishop F W. Warne C. H. S. Koch 27 Calcutta December II- 16, 1913 hishop F W. Warne Gottlieb Schanzlin tz:j 28 Asansol January 29 Feb 3, 1915 llishop F. W. Warne Gottlieb Schanzlin 29 Calcutta November 25-30, 1915 Bishop J E. Robinson Gottlieb Schanzlin 30 Kidderpore January 25-30, Bishop F. W. Warne Gottlieb Schanzlin 3 1 Calcutta November "30 Dec. 4, {BiShOp F. W. Warne 1917 Bishop William Burt J Gottlieb Schanzin 32 Asansol January 17-21, t Bishop Homer C. Stuntz 1919 Bishop J, E. Robinson } C. H. Archibald 33 Calcutta December 17-22, 1919 Bishop Frank W. Warne H. J. Smith 34 Asansol February 12-17, 1921 Bishop Frederick Fisher H. J. Smith 35 Pakaur February 8-13, 1922 aishop Frederick Fisher.,H. J.Smith 36 Pakaur February 37 Asansal 14-20, 1923 Bishbp Frederick Fisher H. M. Swan January 3-7, 1924 Bishop]. W. Robinson H. M. Swan 38 Calcutta January 7-13, 1925 Bishop Frederick Fisher Gottlieb Schanzlin '39 Asar.sol January 6-11, 1926 Bishop Frederick Fisher Gottlieb Schanz lin 40 Pakaur January 5-10, 1927 Bishop Herbert Welch R. S. Gibbons 00

79 HISTORICAL (b) Bishops of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Southern Asia Ordal11ed Bishop. Entered Names. Born. Ministry Conference. Year. Residence Francis W. Warne Dec. 31, 1854 Ontario (Can.), 1874 Bangalore John W. Robinson Jan. 6, 1866 Des Moines, 1890 Delhi Frederick B. Fisher Feb. 14, 1882 North Indiana, 1903 Calcutta B. T. Badley May North India Bombay (c) General Conference Delegates Year Place. Ministerial. Lay. New York City, Omaha, Nebr. F. W. Warne C. J. A. Pritchard Cleveland, O. F W. Warne C. J. A. Pritchard Chicago, Ills. F. W. Warne Robert Laidlaw Los Angeles, Calif. J. E. Robinson Robert Laidlaw Baltitnore, Md. W. P. Byers Rupert Remfry Minneapolis. G. S. Henderson B. R. Barber Saratoga Springs, N.Y. D. H. Manley Mrs. D. H. Manley Des Moines, la. C. H. S. Koch Miss Mabel Eddy Springfield. Mass. D. H. Manley Capt. H. W. Knight, M.D.

80 x. MISCELLANEOUS (a) PLAN OF CONFERENCE EXAMINATIONS, The Studen should pay crreful attention to the Mannual of the Bengal Conference Board of Examiners as found on pages of the minutes of Suggestions to Examiners will also be found there. Period I (Jan. I5-June 1) Period II (June I-Sept. 15) Period I (Jan. I5-June 1) Period II (June I-Sept.. 15) Period I (Jan. I5-June 1) Schedule of Study (Collateral wol k in parentheses) Admission on Trial. Doctrines and Discipline Life of John Wesley Oxford History of India Christian Perfection Griffiths Henderson Schan7.lin Smith The Lord's Supper Dewey Essay; Moses, David, Jesus, or Paul; the subject to be assigned at the time of the examination Mondol First Year. Practical Ethics Tucker Christianity in Dectrine and Experience Griffiths Faith of the Crescent Datt (Pastor-Preacher, Francis Asbury, Moslem Doctrine of God) Griffiths The Making of the Sermon 'l'he Religions of Mankind Gospel of Lu ke A Written Sermon (Pupil and Teacher, Compendious History of American Methodism)... Second Year. Paul and His Epistles How we got our Bible Brief History of the Chl'isti:\n Church (The Preacher His Life and Work, History of Methodism, Vol. 1) The Christian Faith (Curtis)... Modern Religious Movements in India Epistle to the Romans A Written S6rmon (The Six Systpms of Indian Philosophy) Third Year. Introduction to the Study of Comparative Religions 'rhe Fou ndations of Christian Belief How to Teach Religion (History of Methodism, Vol. II, Life of Luther) Smith Schanzlin MondoI Smith Griffiths Smith Henderson Dewey Tucker Griffiths Schanzlin Mondol Smith 'rucker Schanzlin Smith Tucker Dewey

81 MISCELLANEOUS. 290 Periqd II (June lsept. 15) Third year-(concld.) Evangelism Bhagavadita (Barnett's Translation) Epistle to the Hebrews. A Written Sermon (Among Indian Rajas and Ryots) Tucker Schanzlin Datt Smith Dewey Pel'iod I (Jan una 1) PRriod II (June I-Sept. 15) Fourth Year. John and His Writings Good Ministers of Christ The Gospel of John. (History of Methodism Vol. lit, The Work of Praching, A Prince of the Church).. Human Behavior Beacon Lights of Prophecy '-... A Written Sermon (The Crown of Hinduism, Tongue of Firp) Smith Henderson Mondol Datt Dewev Griffiths Smith Datt WALTER G. GRIFFITHS, Regi.<d'l a1. HAROLD J. SMITH, Chairman. NOTE-Examinations in I,he Vernacular in the hands of J. S. Chowdhury, the Assistant Registrar. Examinations for 1927 will be held SeptembBr at various centers. Those planning to take the Admission on 1'rial Examinations shou]d notify the Registrar as soon as possible. Whenever possible Admission on Trial Examinations should be taken in September. However, the day before the opening of Annual Conference is also set for these admission examinations, but other examinations not given at that time. - Resolved- REPORT OF RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE 1. That we are exceadingly g-rateful to our eavenly Father for the sympathet.ic leadership of Bishop Welch, for his inspiring messages, for tha bea.utiful way in which he identified himself with us and hs taken so deep interest in even the ml1 d8taiis of our Conference problems, and at the same time brollght to us or the wealth of his experience in Koreft and Japan. 2. 'rhat we have greatly appreciated the presence of Mrs. Welch and the beautiful spirit which she has brought, to our Conference inspiring all who have attended. 3. That we have sorely missed the presence and cousel of our beloved Resident Bishop during the year, but we are thankful that onr loss has meant gain to the home church bcause of the challenging way in which he and Mrs. Fisher have presented the claims of the Orient to the people of America. And we rejoicfl in the expeetation that they will shortly b 'ith us again.

82 291 BENGAL ANNUAL CONFERENCE. 4. That we are grateful that the Senior Corresponding Secretary of the Board of Foreign Missions, Dr. R. E."Diffendorfer was able to find time in his hea.vy schedule to visit our Conference. His sympathetic appreciation of our tasks, our opportunities, and our difficulties has helped us to realize in a new way the unity that exists bet.veen the Church in India and the Church in America. 5. That we heartily welcome Misses Grandstrand and Hunt and Mr. and Mrs. De weyand daughter Jean on their return from furlough; and also the new missionarias Misses Draper and C.)vington and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Foley and daughter Frances Helen on their arrival. We appreciate the spirit with which t.hey have come and pray that they may have many healthful and fruitful years of service. 6. That we extend to those going on furlough our best wishes for bon voyage and a happy an(l beneficial time in the homeland. Weare very grateful for the long period of fruitful service given by Mr. and Mrs. Byers. We have greatly missed the presence of Mrs. Byers at this Conference session and join in prayer that health and streng"th may be restored to her. Many have been blessed by their ministry of song, by their preaching and teaching, by their cordial hospitality and the real home atmosphere of their home, and hy their devoted lives. 7. That we record our hearty thanks and grateful apprecill,tion of the excellent care given us by the entertainment Committee and their helpers. They have made us comfortable and kept us ha.ppy and have thus added much to the efficiency of the Conference and our joy in it. (0) CONFERENCE RULES OF ORDER I. Business How Brought Forward. All the business of the Conference, excepting such as sjtall be brought by the President, shall be introduced by motion. II. Questions of Order. The President shall decide all questions of order subject to an appeal to the Conference. In case of such appeal the question shall be taken without debat, except that the President may state the grounds of hib appea1. No appeal is to be taken unless supported by two other members of the Conference. III. Appointment of Committees. The President shall appoint all Comrnittaes unless otherwise especially ordered by the Conference. IV. Daties and Privileges of Members. The same as laid down by the General Conference in Rules 9 to 12. word Conference being substituted for General. Conference. V. Motion. and Resolations. The same as laid down by the General Conference in Rules 13 to 22. The word Oonference being substituted for Genal'al Conference where necessary. VI. Voting. (a) Every member who is within the bar at the time a question is put shall vote. " The

83 RBSOLUTION. 29! (b) Voting shall be by the up-lifted hand j but on a. division of the house a. count vote shall be ta.ken, the members rising in their pla.ces and standing until they shall have been counted. (c) Order of voting the same as in Rule 28 of the General Coerence. VII. Committee on Secretary'. Record. There shall be a Commit tee on Secretary's Record who Rhall examine the report of the proceedings and report to the Confere!lce.

84 XI. PASTORAL RECORD I II , o :l NAME. Archibald, Charles H. Biswas, Nirupam C. Biswas Sital C. Biswas Sudhang:>hu P. Bters, William P. C oudhury, John S. Dass, Khuduram Dlss, Preo Nat h Datt, Samuel Dewey, Hilsey E. Foley, Wa ter B. Gibbons, Rona d S. Goold, Philip A. Griffiths, Walter G. Henderson, George S. Joyner, E. Benjamin Kat war, Sushil C. Koch, Clinton H. S. Lyon, James." Manley, David H. Meik, James P. Mia, Santi B.... Mondol, Prokash C. Mondol Shot K. Mondol Surju M. Mueller, Walter A. Naskar, Benod B. Nelson, Joseph Pandit, Samuel Saren, Jibon... Saren, Rasik L. Schanzlin, Gottlieb Sen, Bijoy K. Shute, A. Lincoin Sircar, Nitya G. Smith, Harold J. Licensed to Preach..., J909 I... \ '" " '" , '" ; '" '"... '" '" , Year Received on Trial. Home Conference. Year of Conference Course now Studying I Conference Relation Bengal... Effective Elder Bengali Bengal Effective Elder Bengali Bengal-Burma... Effective Elder Bengali. '" 1922 Bengal rd... Deacon... Bengali Bengal Effective Elder Bengali Bengal Effective Elder Bengljlli Bengal....., Effective Elder Bengati. '" 1922 Bengal rd I.. Deacon... Bengali Rengal Effective Elder Hindustani Bengal Effective Elder Bengali Genesee st... Effective Elder..., 1922 Hengal rd... Deacon New England Supernumerary Rengal..... '" Effective Elder Bengali Bengal Burma Effective l<:lder Alabama Effective Elder Hengal Effective Elder Benali. Vernacular Bengal Effective Elder DIttO Delaware Effective Elder Hindustani South Kansas Effective Elder Benl South India Retired.. Dltto 1921 Bengal th... Deacon... Bengali Bengal... Effective Elder Bengali. '" 1921 Bengal Effective Elder Bengali Bengal-Burma Effective Elder Bengali..., aock River... 3rd... Deacon... Hindustani "'Bengal Effective Elder Bengali North-West India Effective Elder Hindustani Bengal rd... Effective Elder Bengali Bengal Deacon... Santali. '" 19II Bengal Effective Elder Santali Central German I Effective Elder Effective Elder Bengali. 0 North Dakota Effective Elder Bengal Bengal....., 3rd... De con... Bengali Southern California Effective Elder... Ii


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