Unit 4: Parables of Jesus NT4.2 Parable of Good Samaritan

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1 1 Unit 4: Parables of Jesus NT4.2 Parable of Good Samaritan Scripture: Luke 10:25-37 Lesson Goal: When Jesus lived on earth He taught people many important things about God and heaven. To help people understand what He was saying Jesus often told stories called parables. This story is called the Good Samaritan it shows us how God wants us to treat others. Introduction: This is the second lesson in Unit 4: The Parables of Jesus. When Jesus lived on earth He taught people many important things about God and heaven. To help people understand what He was saying Jesus often told stories called parables. This story is called the Good Samaritan it shows us how God wants us to treat others. These stories or parable are found in the gospels. This parable is found in the book of Luke. Luke is the third book in the New Testament. It is part of the Gospels. The Gospels are the first four books in the New Testament. The gospels tell about the life and ministry of Jesus. The word "gospel" means the good news about Jesus. Let's say the names of the gospels together. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Attention Getter: Who is your neighbor? Is it the person who lives next door to you? Are the kids here in this class your neighbors? Are sick kids your neighbors? What about old people? Could you count the poor and homeless as your neighbors? Today we are going to learn about a day that a lawyer came and ask Jesus, "Who is my neighbor?" Jesus told him a story or parable to answer the question. Opening Prayer: Let's pray "Father, we usually know what is right. We pray that you will give us the strength to do what we know we should do. Help us to always be loving and kind to everyone, no matter which church they go to or what color their skin is. We want to be Good Samaritans, helping people in need, no matter what the cost is to us personally. Amen. Memory Verse: The memory verse is Luke 10: 27 "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself." Lesson Video: A teacher of the Law came up and tried to trap Jesus with a tricky question. Teacher, he asked, "what must I do to receive eternal life?" He was trying to get Jesus to answer with something different than was the in Word of God. Jesus answered him, "What do the scriptures say? How do you interpret them?" The man answered, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind," and "Love your neighbor as you love yourself." This answer was really summing up the Ten Commandments. The first four commandments tell us to love God and the last six tell us to love others. "You are right," Jesus replied, "do this and you will live." Now Jesus knew that it is impossible to keep all the commandments. So the lawyer was probably feeling very guilty because he knew in his heart that he hadn't really kept all the commandments. So the teacher of the law then asked Jesus, "Who is my neighbor?" The lawyer believed that his only neighbors were Jews. So Jesus answered him by telling this parable to show him what God's love is like. There was once a Jewish man who was traveling down the hilly road that from Jerusalem to Jericho. He was all alone on the deserted road and it was known for being dangerous. NT4.2 Parable of Good Samaritan Beverly Wilson 2016

2 2 And then it happened! Suddenly a group of robbers charged into his path and beat him up! They took everything he had, even his clothes, and beat him up. They left him half dead by the side of the road. The poor man was so hurt he could not get up! All he could do was hope that someone would come by and help him. Suddenly he heard footsteps! Oh, good a Jewish priest is coming down the road, he must have thought. A priest led the people in praying to God at the Temple. Surely he would help him. But as the priest hurried down the road, he caught a glimpse of something by the side of the road, "Is that a man? Yes it is! Is he dead? No," The priest could see that the man was breathing but he was barely alive. "If I touch him and he dies, then I won't be able to enter the Temple until after sunset, That would be terrible." so he hurried on by on the other side of the road!. In a little while later the poor hurt man heard more footsteps. Another man came down the road. He was a Levite or servant in the temple. A Levite taught God's laws to the people. Surely the Levite would help him. But the Levite said, "What a horrible sight! This man is still bleeding." I'm getting out of here!" he thought. "If I stop and help him I might get robbed and beaten too! So the Levite hurried away and never slowed down. By now it was getting late in the day. The beaten man slowly looked around. Every breath he took was filled with pain. He wasn't sure how much longer he would be able to stay alive. He must have wondered if anyone would ever help him. Then he heard something but it wasn't footsteps. It sounded more like the clippety-clop, clippety-clop of a donkey. And the hoof beats were getting closer. Someone was coming. It was a Samaritan man who was traveling on a donkey. Maybe he would help him. And sure enough this time the donkey stopped and the man got off. When he saw the wounded man, his heart was filled with pity. He went over to him and knelt down, poured oil and wine on his wounds and bandaged them. The amazing thing about the man who stopped to help was that he was a Samaritan. For hundreds the Jews and Samaritans had been enemies. They didn't like each other at all! But this did not stop the Samaritan from helping the hurt man, even though the hurt man was a Jew. Then the Samaritan put the man on his own donkey and took him to an inn, where he took care of him. At the inn the Samaritan stayed by the bed of the injured man, washing his wounds and wiping his brow. Finally the man began to breathe more easily and fell asleep. The next day he took out two silver coins and gave them to the innkeeper, "Take care of him," he told the innkeeper, "and when I come back this way, I will pay you whatever else you spend on him." The Samaritan didn't just clean up the wounded man, he paid all the cost, left money, and promised more! Wow! That really showed love. When Jesus finished the story he asked the man who had been listening, "In your opinion which one of these three was a neighbor toward the hurt man?" The teacher of the Law answered, "The one who was kind to him." Jesus replied, "Now you go and help those who are in need." Jesus told this story so that we would know that God wants us to treat other people with same kindness He has shown us. When we treat others kindly and help them, no matter who they are, we are obeying Jesus. It is easy to be kind and show mercy to people we really like, but Jesus wants us to be merciful to everyone--even to classmates at school who always bother us and to people who are mean to us. It may require sharing, giving in to their way, or letting them be first. God has shown mercy by allowing us to be part of His family so we must obey God by showing love and mercy to all people. God promises to help us show His mercy to others. NT4.2 Parable of Good Samaritan Beverly Wilson 2016

3 In Luke 10: 27 Jesus said, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself." So, who is your neighbor? Anyone you can help is your neighbor any friend or enemy in trouble. Showing love and kindness shows that you truly love God. God loves every person, no matter what church he goes to, or if he s been mean to you, or if his skin is a different color. God wants us to do good to all. Remember "Let's love our neighbors!" Review Questions: "Tic-Tac-Toe" Game Draw a large Tic-Tac-Toe grid on the dry erase board. Divide the group into two teams. Designate one team as the X's and one team as the O's. Invite one volunteer from a team to begin the game to answer one of the following questions. If the volunteer answers the question correctly then his team gets to put up an X or O. Continue alternating teams and volunteers answering questions until one team wins the game. Repeat game until all questions are asked and all students have had an opportunity to participate. 1. How did the Jews in Jesus day believe that a person got eternal life? (By obeying the Ten Commandments perfectly and doing good works) 2. Why did the scribes and Pharisees think that Jesus was wicked? (His teachings were so radically different than anything they d ever heard before.) 3. What did Jesus teach the people that made the scribes and Pharisees so angry? (That you couldn t keep the Ten Commandments perfectly; that s why you need a Savior) 4. If a lawyer is an expert in explaining God s laws, why did he ask Jesus what to do to inherit eternal life? (He was trying to trick Jesus into saying something contrary to the Word of God.) 5. Why did the religious leaders of Jesus day try to trick Him into saying something contrary to the Word of God? (They wanted to bring Him before the high priest and have Him punished.) 6. What happened to the man who was traveling from Jerusalem through Jericho? (He was robbed, beaten and left for dead.) 7. Who was the first religious leader who passed by the poor hurt man? (the priest) 8. Why did the priest and then the Levite pass by on the other side of the road and not help the Samaritan? (They did not want to become "unclean." They thought they were too good to help.) 9. Which of the three was the "neighbor to the guy who fell among the thieves? (The Samaritan) 10. What did the Samaritan do that showed love to the hurt man? He put medicine and bandages on the man, took him to an inn to rest, and paid for his stay at the inn.) 11. When Jesus said to love your neighbor as yourself, what was he saying? (Just as you love and care for your own needs, you are to love others.) 12. How can we help the sick or the old or the poor? (Visit the sick, send cards, be a friend, say a kind word, invite them to church, etc.) 13. How much did Jesus say that we were to first love? We should love God then our neighbor. Bible Memory Verse Activity: "Connect the Words" The memory verse is Luke 10: 27 "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself." Have students locate the verse in scripture and then repeat again together. Print words from the parable on a large sheet of poster paper in a random fashion as shown in the sketch. Use the following words: "Jesus," "help," "robbers," "Levite," "neighbor," "priest," "road," "Samaritan," "hurt man," "inn," and "donkey." In the same manner print the words of Luke 10:27 on a second sheet of poster paper. Show the first sheet of poster paper with the words from the story. Point to each word as you read them aloud. Invite a volunteer to draw a line between an y to words on the paper. He or she uses the two words in a sentence about the Bible story. Repeat until all words have been connected. Show the second sheet of poster paper with the words in the memory verse. Invite volunteers to draw lines connecting the words of the verse in order. Lead children in repeating the verse several times. NT4.2 Parable of Good Samaritan Beverly Wilson

4 4 Lead class in a discussion of the story. Say: "How do you think the hurt man must have felt when the priest and the Levite passed by without helping? Who in the story treated someone the way you would want to be treated if you were hurt? Why do you think Jesus said that we should love our neighbors just as much as we love ourselves? Who are our neighbors? (The people who need our love and care.) What are some ways you can share God's love and be a good neighbor? (Help someone at school who isn't very kind. Help a brother or sister with a chore he or she does not like to do.) Group Learning Activity: "Hop Scotch" (Grades K-3) Purpose: Active Game to encourage children to apply the principle of loving others as themselves. Materials: Bibles, large index cards; markers, masking tape, beanbag Procedure: On separate index cards print descriptions of situations in which a child might need help (lost at the mall; home alone; hurt on the playground; being teased; homework is too hard; feeling ill, lost something important and needs help in finding it, etc.) Use masking tape to outline a hopscotch grid on the floor. See sketch. Tape one card face up in each square. Children stand in a line near the grid. First child tosses a beanbag onto the grid. Read aloud the phrase the beanbag lands on. Child selects a friend to tell a way he can help a kid in that situation. Child then hops back and forth along the hopscotch grid skipping the beanbag. Play game until each child has had a turn. Group Learning Activity: "Mercy Box" (Grades 3-5) Materials: large cardboard box; articles of clothing; several cans of food; dry erase board; index cards; Bibles Procedure: On a large sheet of paper or on a dry erase board write Luke 6:36 "Be merciful just as your Father is merciful." making long blank lines in two places where "merciful" should be. Ask students to look up the scripture and tell what the missing word is. Write the word "merciful" on the lines. What does the word "merciful" mean? Print the definitions suggested by students. (love, kindness, deserves). Combine words to write a definition. (showing more love or kindness than he or she deserves) on the board. Print the following references on separate index cards. Matthew 5:44; Matthew 18:33; John 13:14; Romans 12:13; Galatians 6:2; James 3:17 and 1 John 4:7. Have students work in pairs to look up the scriptures, read the verse together and write a way on the card a way or a reason to show mercy as described in the verse they read. Matthew 5:44 Pray for those who persecute you Matthew 18:33 Have mercy or forgive the debts of friends John 13:14 Wash one another's feet which means we should serve one another. Romans 12:13 Share with people who are in need. Practice hospitality. Galatians 6:2 Carry each other's burdens. James 3:17 Use the wisdom from heaven by being a peacemaker, being considerate, submissive, impartial and sincere. 1 John 4:7 Love one another. Say: "In our Bible lesson what story or parable did Jesus tell about someone showing mercy? (Retell and review lesson emphasizing the memory verse Luke 10: 27.) When has someone been merciful to you or someone else you know? According to Luke 6:36 why should we be merciful? How has God shown mercy to us? God has shown mercy to us by giving us salvation and accepting us into His family. We are to be like Jesus by showing mercy and care for others. We are to go beyond what is expected. Let's think about some ways that we can show mercy to others." Show a large empty cardboard box to class. Say: "This box reminds me of a way of showing mercy to someone. I can put clothes in the box to give to a homeless person." (Put some clothes in the box.) What else could I put in this box that would show mercy to someone who is hungry? (Put cans of food in the box.) We can put food in a box and give it to someone who is hungry. We could mail a box of packaged food to a missionary or cook a meal for a needy family. Continue discussing ways of showing mercy and list students' responses on the dry erase NT4.2 Parable of Good Samaritan Beverly Wilson 2016

5 board or sheet of paper. (Ex. Get help for someone if they are injured. Choose a new kid at school for your baseball team if he or she is lonely. Help a friend who got a bad grade on the math test. Help someone find their lost pet. Sit with a kid who is sitting all alone in the lunch room. ) What are some objects that you could put in the box that could be used to show mercy? (skateboard, soccer ball, food item; present; flower) Tell a situation in which the objects could be used to show mercy. (Students discuss these situations as time permits.) Group Learning Activity: "Collage of Pictures of People" (Grades K-5) Materials: Bibles; butcher paper; markers; magazines or catalogs; scissors; glue Procedure: Hang a large piece of butcher paper across the wall of the classroom. Across the top of the butcher paper write the verse Luke 10:27 "Love Your Neighbor as Yourself." Distribute old magazines or catalogs to students. Have students cut out pictures of different people (young, old, different ethnic groups, etc.) from magazines and catalogs and glue the pictures to the center of the paper you prepared. (Optional: Have students draw the pictures of people.) Say:"All the people we know are our neighbors. What does this verse say about how to treat our neighbors? (We should love our neighbors.) What are some ways we can show love to our neighbors?" Group Learning Activity: Service Project: "Tray Brighteners" (Grades K-5) Preparation: Contact a local hospital or nursing home and talk with them about the people they are serving. Make arrangements to deliver and distribute items that the children prepare. Procedure: Lead the children in a service project. Talk with them about the people they will be encouraging. If possible plan a time to take the children with you to deliver the projects. Say: Read Luke 10:27 aloud to the children. "Who does this verse say we should love? (our neighbors) "Who is someone you want to help and share God's love? What do you think you would want someone to do for you if you were in the hospital? Treating people the way that we would want to be treated is a good way to share God's love. what are some thing we can to do share God's love with people who are sick or hurting? (Pray for them. Write letters to encourage them. Make pretty things for them.) Tray Brighteners: Distribute large index cards, markers, and adhesive stickers to children. Children are to fold the index card so it will stand to make a place card. Have students write encouraging messages on the cards such as "Get well soon!" or "God loves you" on the cards. Using markers have children draw colorful borders, print Bible verses on the card or a cheerful message. Decorate with stickers. Have students decorate with tissue flowers or colorful cutouts of animal characters. Use seasonal decorations and stickers. 5 Doorknob Hangers: Provide a doorknob hangar pattern from brightly colored card stock or fun foam. Using pencils, scissors, markers, glitter pens or crayons, fun foam shapes or scraps, ribbon and seasonal stickers have students decorate the hangar shapes and write encouraging messages on them. NT4.2 Parable of Good Samaritan Beverly Wilson 2016

6 Craft Learning Activity: Paper Bag Diorama (Grades K-3) Materials: Bibles, printed copies of the stick puppets below one for each child; large craft sticks; paper bags; scissors. Procedure: Distribute 8 craft sticks, one paper lunch sized bag and copies of the stick puppets below for each child. Each child is to draw a scene with a dirt road on one side of the paper bag along it horizontal length. See sketch. Child the draws the inn on the other side of the paper bag, making sure to unfold and draw under the bottom flap. Using scissors have the child cut a door for the inn. After coloring child opens the bag so it will stand. Stick puppets: Have children cut out the outlines of the stick puppets from the printed sheets below. Fold the figures along the top edge of each figure. Glue a craft stick between the folds to form a stick puppet. Children are to act out the story using their stick puppets and paper bag backdrop. A volunteer or the teacher can retell the story. Say: "In the Bible lesson what did the priest and the Levite do when they saw the hurt man lying on the road? (They crossed to the other side and walked away.) What did the Samaritan man do when he saw the hurt man? (Stopped to help the man and took him to the inn.) Read Luke 10:27. What does this verse say to do for people we know? Suppose you fell at recess and got hurt. What are ways that you would want someone to help you? (Ask if you were all right. Find a teacher to help.) You can show God's love by treating others the way you would want to be treated,. God loves us so much and wants us to share His love with others. What can you do this week to share God's love and treat someone kindly? Craft Learning Activity: Kindness Cards (Grades K-5) Purpose: Students will create cards using a sponge and paint process and give the cards to someone who has been unkind to them. Materials: paper towels; tempera or poster paint; paper plate; construction paper; markers; small sponges Procedure: Pour a small amount of paint onto a paper plate. Place the construction paper, paint, and markers where students can reach them. Say:" In this parable Jesus made it clear that He wants us to love everyone-- even those who are our enemies or are unkind to us. It is not always easy to be kind to our enemies. They may not listen to us. They might still be mean to us. they might even be dangerous. But there are ways we can still show God's love that are safe. What might be some of those ways? (praying for the person; mailing the person a note of kindness; or offering to do a task for the person.) Jesus wants us to show love even to our enemies because this will cause God's kingdom to grow and grow with love. He wants us to take the love He gives us and do something with it. Let's put one of our ideas into action. We are going to make kindness cards and give them to someone who has been unkind to us." Demonstrate how to lightly dip the sponges into the paint and use it to stamp an impression on a sheet of construction paper. Encourage the children to use the sponge paint to make cards of kindness for someone who has been mean to them. Suggest messages such as "I'm praying for you." or "God loves you." Have students sign their name if they feel comfortable with that or give the cards anonymously. 6 NT4.2 Parable of Good Samaritan Beverly Wilson 2016

7 7 Craft Learning Activity: Who is My Neighbor? (Grades K-3) Materials: scissors; copy of "Who is My Neighbor?" printed on cardstock (one for each child); glue; printed photos of each child in your class. Procedure: Have student cut out the windows of the house. Using glue or tape mount the photos of your students in the windows of the house. Say:"All the people we know are our neighbors. What does our memory verse say about how to treat our neighbors? (We should love our neighbors.) What are some ways we can show love to our neighbors?" Group Learning Activity: Good Samaritan Song (Grades K-3) Sing the following words to tune of the children's nursery rhyme song, "The Farmer in the Dell." 1) On the Jericho road, 3) On the Jericho road there were some real bad men there was a Levite man they saw a guy as he went by he saw the guy as he went by and they said, "let's rob him!" was he a neighbor then? And then they beat him up He didn't pick him up and knocked him to the ground, and carry him to town and when he was just half-way up he tip-py toed and tip-py toed they knocked him right back down. and tip-py toed around. 2) On the Jericho road there was a priestly man, he saw the guy as he went by was he a neighbor then? He didn't pick him up and carry him to town he giant stepped and giant stepped and giant stepped around 4) On the Jericho road a good Samaritan, saw the guy as he went by was he a neighbor then? he stopped to pick him up and carry him to town and paid a kindly inn-keeper to keep him safe and sound. Life Application Challenge: "Mirror, Mirror" (Grades K-5) Hold up a hand mirror so the kids can see your face reflected in it. Say: Jesus is using scripture like a mirror. He is holding it up to the man and asking him to look at his life. He is asking him if he can really keep the law and earn eternal life by obeying all the rules and regulations. Is it possible for anyone to lead a sinless life? No. Just like the man asking Jesus the question about eternal life, we will always mess up and do something that separates us from God. James 1:22-24 says this: Don t just listen to the word. You fool yourselves if you do that. You must do what it says. Suppose you listen to the word but don t do what it says. Then you are like a man who looks at his face in a mirror. After looking at himself, he leaves. Right away he forgets what he looks like. Let's not be like the religious leader who thought he was self righteous. Let's be obedient to Jesus' teaching and "Love our neighbor as ourselves." NT4.2 Parable of Good Samaritan Beverly Wilson 2016

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