Proper 25 Sunday Closest to October 26 Thirtieth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)

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1 Proper 25 Sunday Closest to October 26 Thirtieth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Introit Laetetur cor (Mode 2) Psalm 105 NDevevtyvyvyiHyyTv,vyviiviviuzKiopzKiuKivyvzzzzzz Let the hearts of those who seek the Lord re- NgygugYv.vKivoKiivyiuviuiyvyvgyztyzTEv,vtvtyKiuviiizzz joice. Look to the Lord your God, and he will Nyz7zzjivyuHytyvYTv.vytyvgyzztyzGstsevyuGtvyviuzKiopzKiuKivyzzzzzz strength- en you; do not cease to seek his NgygugYv/vtvytvtivivkiviuviovoviovivIv.viyv face. Ps. Give thanks to the Lord and call up- on his Name: make NyivivKizzzzzzzzzzoviyvivutvyuYv/vtvytvtiviuviococzz known his deeds a- mong the peo- ples. Re- mem- ber the mar-vels NiovivIv,viyvyivivivivLoviyvKivutvyuYv/vzzzz he has done: his won- ders and the judg-ments of his mouth.

2 Proper 25 Sunday Closest to October 26 Thirtieth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite) Gradual (Years A & B) Unam petii (Mode 5) Psalm 27 MrrtvrrvrvrvtytyvtvrvrtRWc,vwtzFrtyvftyˆzutzz One thing have I asked of the Lord, one thing MFrrwzzzFdrdtdrvyiviyKiiYc.vyvyivivˆzuioKiuyzJuuYv,vycˆzuzzzzzzzzz I seek: that I may dwell in the MyyGtyvtrvervdryˆzuYRc,cytyiHyyrtRzzzzz/vzzzFrvyvgyzKiozKiozHyryzzzzz house of the Lord. To be- hold MjKizoHyryzKiyˆzUc,cyizLoizzLkozzzioydFrdtdrzzzFrrrrzgHygiopKiviczzioiczzzziuLopzzzzzzzzoizz the fair beau- ty MiiviviuzLjojiz:poiuzIYc.viviviuozpKioKio:pozzl:pzzio:popvpi:p[ozzz of the Lord and to seek him MKiiyuYc,cdrytrctgyvgyiuyKiiiviiYv,cˆuyutzzdFryutzzdFrytzIzKiiiHyyzz in his tem- ple. MryfGtyzGttRv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

3 Proper 25 Sunday Closest to October 26 Thirtieth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite) Gradual (Year C) Clamaverunt justi (Mode 7) Psalm 34 XervRzGtz6zJuytyvrtvutzHytRv,vyvuiviuyuKiiuKioIc, The righ- teous cry and the Lord Xi:ppivIzJuz8zLoozKjiozzKjiozJuizzuyzUYc,ctuyvuivjizzyuzKjivizHyuytzHyuzzzzzzzzz hears them and de- liv- ers XYv,vuuuGtrGttrGttc,crtJuuzzJutzJuuzzHytuzzFdrzztrezREc,cevFrvtzzzzzzzzzzzzzz them out of all their XyyzJhuvtKjiovuyvgyzzrutzzhJuzyuzGtrtzYzGttRc/cvrvyi:ppKiuoizJuuRc,zz trib- u- la- tions. The Lord Xyi:ppKiuoizJuuRc,cftfufyzzJuutuzGtezREv,vuujizz:p[z:opozKioizJuiuKivizzzzz is XjijpzzKiz9z:ppoizOIc,cKivuv:pp[pJ[v[:ppoivjijpzzKiz9z:ppoizOIc,coHyuzz near to the brok- en- heart- XjKiozKjioyuIc,cppuozKioUzGtz6zzuzjizzyiJuyrzGtutzhuztzJuyuGteRc,cjijozzKdidrzzGdtdrzzzzzzzz

4 XGtz6zzuzjKizzuz:ppipzzLo[z:p[pzzjKipzLopzzIzJuz8zzkLovioJuiuyzUYc.cioiLovoKiiyuzzzzzz ed and will XgugyvYvv,vyiHyytHyiHytyvrtvTv,vdrtyvyiuHyoKiiYv,zzzzzzz save those whose spir- its are crushed. X,vgugyzzJuydFryutzzFdrytzIzzKiiizzHyyryzGftyzGttzRv/zzzvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzz

5 Proper 25 Sunday Closest to October 26 Thirtieth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Alleluia Lauda, Jerusalem (Mode 4) Psalm 147 Btevrtzgyvuyuvuz ziuzhyytv,vuz ziuzhyyrzhyuyzgtrtzyzgttrc/cc Al- le- lu- ia. BzzzzzzzzJuvzzzyvy ziuzzhyuzzgttrc,vfrvyvtezzfrtyzjuuyzvtyvyc.czzztz6zzjuyzzzzzz Praise the Lord, O Je- ru- sa- lem: praise Buvu zizhyrzzzghyu zizzgtezzgttzzgtehytrv,vetzzjfuftzzzzdhydrzzzzfgtzzetzzhytrzgttrc,crvzzzz your God, O BtezzFrtzgyvu ziuzhyytv,vu ziuzzhyyrzzhyuyzgtrtzyzgttrv/vvvvvvzz Zi- on.

6 Proper 25 Sunday Closest to October 26 Thirtieth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Offertory Domine, vivifica me (Mode 3) Psalm 119 ByuzzzcLovucuz8zLopzLooozJuuyzKipIc,cryrvyuyzJuoJuuyzJuz8zzLoiuzIc,zzzz Pre-serve my life, O Lord, BipocooovuyvyuzFryvyiJuuyvtyGttzerEv,vyvgugyzJuz8zzOIv,zzzzzzzzzz ac- cord- ing to your word, that I BivoozLoozHyutHyvyLooJuiyzJuyvryGttvTRv/vvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz may learn your stat- utes.

7 Proper 25 Sunday Closest to October 26 Thirtieth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Communion Laetabimur (Mode 2) Psalm 20 <GtvtvtrzGtrzeFrztrzGtvyvtz6zzUv,vutuvioivko[pzLoizzzzzzzzz We will shout for joy at your vic- <uivtz6zzuv,vtvjuviviokiuvuijuuztytv,vuuyvuiloiozzzzzzz to- ry, and we will tri- umph in the <huzztyztrv,vuyvuivjizzykiuzytzfrtvrzez4zzgtrtyvtv/vvvzzzzzzzzzz Name of the Lord our God. Ad libitum Psalm 20:1 <FrvtrvruvJuvuvuvuvuyvuivivuivUv.zzzzzzzzzutzzzzzztuzzzzzzzzzz May the Lord an-swer you in the day of trou- ble: the Name <uvuvuvuvivutvuvyrvtytv/vvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz of the God of Ja- cob de- fend you.

8 Proper 26 Sunday Closest to November 2 Thirty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Introit (Years A & B) Ne derelinquas me (Mode 7) Psalm 38 XrvuyvuvKivIc,cicipopzKiuizUYc,cyujiciol:pzoiLooIc.zzzzzzz Do not for- sake me, O Lord my God; XuyvuviovivuiUv,vuiuvuuuvtzzzzzzzzctz6zhuzytycYTc,cyuji Be not far from me; make haste to help me, O XIyz7zKiogJugyzzzgJugyzzDGtrzTRc,crczzzhuuutczzzyujiczzzioJgugyzzzJgugyzzzGtrtcTRc/vruyzzz Lord of my sal- va- tion. Ps. O XuivivivivivivipvovoivIOv.viyvuivKivzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Lord, do not re- buke me in your an- ger: do not pun- Xiz9zlpzvivuvuuuvTRv/vvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ish me in your wrath.

9 Proper 26 Sunday Closest to November 2 Thirty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Introit (Year C) Misereris (Mode 1) Wisdom 11 BtyuHyvtvyuvuvJuvuvytHyvtvTDez4zTc,cHtvtvtz6zJuyu You are mer- ci- ful to all, O Lord, and you hate BytvTv,vevewzzDez4zzGttvreveyGttzDsesrsEv.vevGtvtyvyevzzzzzzz noth- ing that you have made; you o- ver- look Btvgy ziuhyvuhyygtyvytv,vyvuz8zzkovpivoiviuv,vgtvyxxxx the sins of men that they may re- pent, and you BgugyzJutHyveGtteTv.vweveyGttFrwzDez4zGtrezFrrEv,veytvyuvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz spare them; for you are the BhuzzztuHyuGtrevez4zGtyrGtrvREv/vvtvyuvuvuvuvuvuvzzzzzzzzzzz Lord our God. Ps. Be mer- ci- ful to me, O BuovuvJuvuyvYUv.vytvyuvuvJuvuouvHyvtvtttvEc/ God, be mer- ci- ful: for I have tak- en ref- uge in you.

10 Proper 26 Sunday Closest to October 27 Thirty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Gradual Suscepimus (Mode 5) Psalm 48 BDevtvttyvGtvtvyuHyuHyytyTEv,vDevtvttyvtvzzzzzz We have wait- ed, O God, for your lov- ing- BtttDeweGttzJuyutvTv,vJuvovkopouvGtvuvgyztutHgyguvYc.cuyzzzzzz kind- ness in the midst of your tem- ple; your BooiovuyvtvyuyuvytvftzryFrtzDeeWc,ctyvtvtyhJuvuvuouzzzz praise, like your Name, O God, reach- es to the world s BHyz7z zkiuyvtttewc,ctyuhfyftzzzryzhjuzztuzghyuzhyytc/vtvuyvyovkokpzzklopzzzzzz end. As we have heard, BLo[OUc,coiz:kpk[zzLko[pzLko[pzLooiUc,cuol:pvpvpozJ[]lpzzLoouvzOzJuz8zzozlpop[zz so have we seen BLooz:ppOc.cGtvtvftuytvyuvhuoiuLooovovooUc,c ziuiyzzgftuiyzzzzzzzzzz in the cit- y of our God. BGftuyzOzLooozJuutuzHgyuzHyyTv/zzzzxxxcvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzz

11 Proper 26 Sunday Closest to November 2 Thirty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Alleluia Verbo Domini (Mode 8) Psalm 33 CuyvrtyzhuhihuvyuvUv,vuixhJuyuxHyrtzzFrrEv,certyzJuz8zkozzzzz Al- le- lu- ia. CKiiUv/veveverzGtz6zJuuvytvyuvhuziuzzl:pzoiuGtyUc,cuyzzzvrzzzzzzzzz By the word of the Lord were the CtrevzzrevEzzv.vevrvtyzJhuhihuvJuvuvuiJhuzyuzHyrtzFrrEzv,v hea- vens made; by the breath of his mouth CerzGtz6zJuvuvzziuvzyuvuizJhuzyuzHyrtzFrrEv,vertyzJuz8zzkozzKiiUv/zzzzzzzz all the heav n- ly host.

12 Proper 26 Sunday Closest to November 2 Thirty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Offertory Benedic anima mea (Mode 5) Psalm 103 XevtvhuiuivtrvtuvioIUv.vtujiviuvuiJuuyvtr Bless the Lord, O my soul, and for- get not Xtz6zzhuvzzzuyvzzzzzzzzzzzt6zJuyuvzytvYTv.vyvrtvhuiutvuuzzJuuuzzzzzzzz all his ben- e- fits; for your youth is XftfyzGtrtvTRv,vfuftzJuutzJuutzzDertzzJuuzzKioutzhJuzyrzTc,ctJuutJuuzUtz6zhuz re- newed like XutvsesrsevEv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvxxzzzzzz an ea- gle s

13 Proper 26 Sunday Closest to November 2 Thirty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Communion Notas mihi (Mode 7) Psalm 17 VKivuyvuiuvTv,vyvsrsezFrz5zHytzhuvtyvTzFrz5zHyrGtrezREzz.z You will show me the path of life; VtevtuvhuzytyvYTv,vtvrvez4zGtrezFrtvrvrvyyFrz5zHytFrv in your pres- ence there is full- ness of joy, VrverzftzrezFrrEv/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzz O Lord. Ad libitum Psalm 16: 1 VeytvyuvuvuvhuvuvuvuvuoviviuvUIv.vutvyuzzzzzzzz Pro- tect me O God, for I take ref- uge in you: * I have VuvuvuvUv,vuvuvuvhuvuvuvuz8zozvuvyvyyycREzzz/ said to the Lord, You are my God, my good a- bove all o- ther.

14 Proper 27 Sunday Closest to November 9 Thirty-second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Introit Intret oratio mea (Mode 3) Psalm 88 MtuvuvuvuoKiivyKiioHyyTv,vyKiiyzKiuivtyvyoizzzzzzzzzzzzzz Let my pe- ti- tion come be- fore MuoKiiiv.viivopKiuyvyozKiiyvtyJutYv,veverzftvtuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz you; in- cline your ear and hear my MiuzKtvtevrtREv/vctvyuvuvovivuyviiiv.vutvzzz prayer, O Lord. Ps. O Lord, my God, my Sa- vior: by MyuvuvuviiuvytvHyvuvTYv/vtvyuvuvovivuyv day and by night I turn to you. For I am full of trou- Miiiv.vutvyuvuvJuviiuvytvyvuvTYv/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ble: my life is at the brink of the grave.

15 Proper 27 Sunday Closest to November 9 Thirty-second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Gradual Dirigatur (Mode 7) Psalm 141 VeveuvfuftzyuFrrEc,ceveytuvuiLoiuizOIv,vyuvizzzzzzzzzz Let my prayer be set forth in your VppuzIUv,vipvoviyuvfuftyuHyuFrrEc,cyyrHytytvsestzJuiuHyyzzzzzzzzzz sight as the in- cense, O Lord. VftzzetzFdrtzFrrEc/ccyuvhuhpzzLop[zLooozLouzHyyc,crHyyrzHyyuvyvfyftzzJuoKiopzz The lift- ing up VKiiUc,cu:ppJ[cuvoJuutHyiuHyyzFrz5zHytrezFrrEc,cecrvyuvyvruyzJui of my hands as the eve- ning sac- VuvuutzJhuoizJuoizJuuTc,cyuGtyFrerTzFrrEv/vvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ri- fice.

16 Proper 27 Sunday Closest to November 9 Thirty-second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Alleluia (Year A) Quinque prudentes (Mode 7) Matthew 25 XrtvdrzezGtuytvuivIv,voizJuuzHytzdFrtzHytRv,vezGtuzzytzzzzzzz Al- le- lu- ia. XJuiLoizJuuzHytzdFrtHytzzdFrzeztyzGttRv/vvrtvdrzzezGtuytvuivioivzzzzzzzzz The five wise vir- XIc,cioiuvJuvutvytHytrzGtuHytrzGttRc,cetuctyvrtHytrzGttRzzz, gins brought flasks of oil with their lamps, XFrvtvuKiuLoivIv,vuipvppoiLoiuIc,cui:ppoizLoiuIc,coizzzzzz and at mid- night a cry XJuuHytrzGtrvervRv,crvtrevrtvuKiuLoivuivIv,vioiuz was heard: Be- hold, the bride- groom comes; go XJuvutvytzHytrzGtuzHytrzGtrzzzzzcRv,vdrzezGtuytvuivIv,voizJuuz forth to greet him, Christ, the Lord. XHytzdFrtzHytRv,vezGtuzzHytzJuiLoizJuuzHytzdFrtHytzzdFrzeztyzGttRv/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

17 Proper 27 Sunday Closest to November 9 Thirty-second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Alleluia (Years B and C) Qui posuit fines (Mode 4) Psalm 147 Btevrtzgyvuyuvuz ziuzhyytv,vuz ziuzhyyrzhyuyzgtrtzyzgttrc/cc Al- le- lu- ia. BzzzzJuvuvyvgyz ziuzhyuzgttrvrv, He has es- tab- lished peace on your bor- ders; BewvGtvyuyvhuz zizyrzzhgyzzuizgtezgttzgtezhytrv,vetzzjfuftzzhdydrzzzgftzzetzhyrtzzzzzzzzzzzz he sat- is- fies BTRc,ctevrtzgyvuyvuvuz ziuzhyytv,vuz ziuzhyyrzhyuyzgtrtzyzgttzrc/ you with the fin- est wheat..

18 Proper 27 Sunday Closest to November 9 Thirty-second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Offertory Perfice gressus meos (Mode 8) Psalm 119 BtyvyvyvyuHyrGtveGttvtvtuz zkiuyv,vovoozlouzhyytzzzzz Stead- y my foot- steps, O Lord, ac- cord- ByuLooozHyiuzzHyyzGtz6zzuzzjKizzuyvUYc,ctyJuuyvYzJuz8zLoizzvopozvuiJuuzYc. ing to your prom- ise; BftyJuvyLoozLooovuyvJuvyrvtyJuuYv,vyrzGtyzGttzzHyezSwevwevzzz let no in- i- qui- ty have do- BeyvytvYLooizJuz8zLoiJuvyvyuLouviuvUYv/vvvvvvzzzzzzzzzz min- ion o- ver me, O Lord..

19 Proper 27 Sunday Closest to November 9 Thirty-second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Communion (Year A) Quinque prudentes (Mode 5) Matthew 24 MwvrrtvFrvrvtyvyvyz7zzjivtvrtRWv,vSwvwzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz The five fool- ish vir- gins brought no oil, but the MrtrcrevtytycYv,cryvzzzzzzHyvzzztyvrrevtyvtvrtHytrGttRzzz. five wise vir- gins brought flasks of oil with their lamps. MrtvjipoivIviovpovivioKiizyuYzv,vyvtrGtvyvjipoizzz At mid- night there came a cry: Be- hold, the bride- MIv,vovoz0zzz;[vivyyˆzJutrvRv,vrHyyˆzJutzKiizIzyz7zKiuGtyzhuzvzzzzzz goom! Go out to meet him, Christ, MrvdrdtdRv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzz the Lord. Ad libitum Psalm 45:1 Mrvyvivivivivovoviviv.vyvivivivivizzzzzzzzzzzzzzz My heart is stir- ring with a no- ble- song: let me re- cite what I MivovzzuvzzzzivyvytHytrzTv/vvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzz have fash- ioned for the King.

20 Proper 27 Sunday Closest to November 9 Thirty-second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Communion (Years B and C) Dominus regit me (Mode 2) Psalm 23 <tvuyuvtz6zjuyrvuiuyvuz8zloiovoiv,vlovivuytzzzzzzzzz The Lord is my shep- herd: I shall not <uyuvtytfrtvrtytv.vrtvtjuukivuvuyuivtz6zjuytrgttrc,zz be in want; he makes me lie down <tvuyuivugtz6zjuyzzzzzzzzzzzzyczz,vuvjijozzjuytvrtytv,vtvuyjuizzzzzzzzz in green pas- tures and leads me be- side <jizzyiuzhytfrtvrez4zzgtrtyvtv/vvvvvvzzzzzvvvvvvzzzzzzz still wa- ters. Ad libitum Psalm 23: 5 <rvtrvruvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuyvuivizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz You spread a ta- ble be-fore me in the pres-ence of those who <uivuvuv.vutvtuvuvuvuvzuvuvuvuvuvivutzzzzzz trou- ble me: you a- noint my head with oil and my cup is run- <uvyrvtytv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv ning o- ver.

21 Proper 28 Sunday Closest to November 23 Thirty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Introit Dicit Dominus (Mode 6) Jeremiah 29; Psalm 85 Cr zwzevrehyyzhyuzvyvyv,vyvyijuvyvyyyv,vrvzzzzzzz Thus says the Lord: I know the plans that Cr zwzevrehyyzhyuvyvyv,vyuzjiviyvippkiuzhyyuyv,vytvzzzzz I have for you, plans for peace and Czzzui:pixJuz8zlzLoiuvKivuvyuKiuyuvUYv.vHyvuvhuipovpppzzzzzzzzzzzz not for af- flic- tion. You will call up- CipJuuvYv,vyvyulzLovlovzlzOzJuz8zzlzLoizloiuvIUv.vyvHyvyzz on me and I will hear you, and I will CuivyvyyyvruvyuGtyrvervREv,vrvxxHyvzzyvzzytvzzzzzzzzzzzz bring you back from ev- ry land where you have been CUKiz9zzlpviuKiuyuvUYv/vxxxyuvuyvuivivuvlzovivuvzzzzz held cap- tive. Ps. You have been gra-cious to your land, CyvYv,vyvuivivipvuvgyvJuvyrvyvJuvYvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz/z O Lord: you have re- stored the good for- tune of Ja- cob.

22 Proper 28 Sunday Closest to November 16 Thirty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time Gradual Liberasti nos (Mode 7) Psalm 44 VFrvyyvyuvyujivttYc,coiouvyuvdudrzKipzKiopzKiiUc,zzzzzzzzz Sure- ly you gave us vic- to- ry Vuovivopv:pvuvpKioKiouvutHyuyuzFrrEc,cevryvyrytvyuzz o- ver our ad- ver- sa- ries and put those who VuuyuFrtyJuyuvYTc,cuoKivpKiiJuutzzgHyzryzGtetzUzzz,zetzJuuyrzDetFrtFrrEz/ hate us to shame. VeuvuvhuyuzKiyruzHgyzterzHyyrzGtrezFrewzEv,vyyzzHyyzzzHyerzHyrzzwzrzHyrewzzzz Ev- ry day VEv,vyyhuzzLoozLouzHytuzKiuzHytyUv.vhuiovjojizLo[:pvpLoouc,cuouLoozzz we glo- ried in VuyzJuz8zzLjojivoozLoiuizHgyguzzytzYTv.vevyyvrevuyJuvuvuutHyuyuz God, and we will praise your Name VFrrEc,cervyuyveuyJuivUc,cDsezuzOJuz8zLouzLoouzLoouzHyyzFretzREv/zzzzzzzzzz for ev- er- more.

23 Proper 28 Sunday Closest to November 23 Thirty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Alleluia De profundis (Mode 7) Psalm 130 VerveveytJuivUv,vyuoKioKiuKioKioUv,vyuoKioKiuKiozzzzzzzzz Al- le- lu- ia. VKioUv,vyuoKioiJuiHyyrYv,vtyKiuzgHyztyREv,vTzHyz7KziuzzgHytyFrerTzz VFrrEv/vervevevveytJuiUv,cuz8zzLopLooviuvuiHyuHytYT, Out of the depths have I called VruvuiuHyuzHyytzFrz5zHytrtcertcREc.ceytJuiUv,cuizLkop[vuoJuz8zLoizzzzz to you, O Lord: Lord, hear my VoizLoiuzIUv,vyuoKioKiuzKiiuzKioKiozUv,vyuozKioKiuzKiiuzKioKiozUv,zz voice. VHyuoKioizJuiHyyrYv,vtyKiuzgHyztyzREv,vTHyzuKiuzgHytyzFrerzTzFrrEv/v

24 Proper 28 Sunday Closest to November 23 Thirty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Offertory De profundis (Mode 2) Psalm 130 <SwvrvrvftutzJuuuzGtrTv,vFrvrvRGtz6Jutvuyutvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Out of the depths have I called to <tyrefrtvrtvftfyftv.vuihyugttv,vuoivuiyuvuuzjurzytv,zzz you, O Lord: Lord, hear my voice. <ftuzhyuizhytzhzytzzhytzzfrtzfrwzzzrgtz6zzutv,vutzjuuzjuztzfrrwzzfrrtv.vswvrzzzzzz Out of <rvftutzjuuuzgtrtv,vfrvrvrgtz6jutvuyutvzztyfrefrtvrtzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz the depths have I called to you, O <ftfyftv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzz Lord.

25 Proper 28 Sunday Closest to November 23 Thirty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Communion (Year A) Domine, quinque talenta (Mode 7) Matthew 25 Vttzgyvrz5zgyv,vyevtzYvrevutJuiuvtuHyyvYTv,vuzzzzzz Mas- ter, you gave me five tal- ents; be- VutvuiuivuvytyuYc,cyyGtevtyzhuvrz5zHytFrervREv.vuoiu hold, I have made five tal- ents more. Well Vhihuvioviviuvyvuz8zLoiuvuz8zzOv,vHyvyvuovoivuvzzzzzzz done, good and faith- ful ser- vant, you have been faith- ful Viovivuyvuz8zLoiJuivIUv,vuivJuviLooKivyviuKioivzzzzzzzzzzzzzz o- ver a lit- tle: I will set you o- VuizJuytycYTc.cuyuIvyvrz5zHytevDevtvHyyrzGtz6zJuicuvUtz6zJuytzzz ver much. En- ter in- to the joy of your Vrz5zHytrverGtrervREv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv mas- ter. Ad libitum Psalm 119:1 VeytvyuvuvuvxuvzzzzuoviviuvUIv.vutvyuvuzzzuz8zkovzJuvyvyyyvREv/ Hap- py are they whose way is blame-less: who walk in the law of the Lord.

26 Proper 28 Sunday Closest to November 23 Thirty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Communion (Years B & C) Amen dico vobis quidquid (Mode 1) Mark 11 BezhJuivJuvyvoiouvUv,vtvJuvyvtvyuyvtyvYv,zz There- fore I tell you, what- ev- er you ask in prayer, Byvu ziuvytvtyvgtvtvtyju zijutyvtv,vtvuuhyuvtyzhuxxxxx be- lieve that you have re- ceived it, and it shall BtrevREv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzz be yours. Ad libitum Psalm 61:4 BtvyuvuvuvuvuovuvuyvYUv,vytvyuvuvuvuvzzzzzzzzzz I will dwell in your house for ev- er: I will take ref- uge BuvuvuvuouvyvGtvtttvEv/zvvvvvvvvvvvv un- der the cov- er of your wings.

27 Proper 29 Sunday Closest to November 23 Christ the King (Roman Rite) Introit Dignus est Agnus (Mode 3) * Revelation 5; Psalm 72 BrrzfGtvrevyuvyvuoKiiv.vJuvyvuz8zLopzLooIv,vHyvyzzzzzz Wor- thy is the Lamb who was slain to re- ByuvuyJuytyvYTv,vuz8zkovipLopLooIv,vyuvzoozzLoiuvzzzzUv,zzz ceive pow- er and wealth and wis- dom BytvtyJuyJuiUv,vyuLoivLooiJuz8zLoizJuyuvUYv.vyvJuvyuvzzzzzzzzzz and strength and hon- or. To him be BupLopLoouvUv,vuivuvgyguzzJytrtvTRv,vrtzhuvuz8zLovyvyrzz glo- ry and do- min- ion for ev- er and BtytrvRv/vyvuivivivpvoviuvooov.viyvuiviv ev- er. Ps. Give the King your jus- tice, O God: and your righ- BivooivuyvuvjivzzzzzYUv/vvvvvzzzvvvvvvvvvzz teous- ness to the King s son. * Dignus est Agnus, composed in the 1920s by the monks of Solesmes, is itself an adaptation of Dum sanctificatus fuero, on which this adaptation to English words is based in part.

28 Proper 29 Sunday Closest to November 23 Christ the King (Roman rite) Gradual Dominabitur (Mode 5) Psalm 72 Btz6zJuyzJuopzKiouzHyyvtyvyuYc,cuvuLoooo:p[LoouzHgyipLoouzzzzzzzzzzzzz He shall rule from sea BuvhuhihUc.ccuvp[povpovOvUc,cGtvuvyoizkLovuvtyvtz6zJuyzz to sea and from the riv- er to the ends of the earth BzJuopzKiozhJuztuzHgyuzzHyyzTv/vcopcpLoouLopzLjojizopzUTc,cuoozlpzLoouLopzLjojizopz All kings BUTc,cutzJuytzJutyuzLooz:piozJhuopzJ]]]Oc,cuvoiopvoovuvuuyzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz shall bow down be- fore ByutzzJuyzzJu ziuyzgttzjuytzytc.ctvutuygtvtvutyuzlooz:pz-j]povopouzzz,z him and all the na- tions B ziiizkitzvyuyjuuyvhuo ziuzlooovoouc,c zhihuziyzzfgtuiygttuyzozlooozzzzzzzzzzzzz do him ser- vice. BJuutuHgyuzHyyTv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzz

29 Proper 29 Sunday Closest to November 23 Christ the King (Roman Rite) Alleluia Potestas ejus (Mode 1) * Daniel 7 BewvsetzzHytrzzzDetrzzDeewvtz6zJu zivutyv,vuytyz zjkizzzuzzzkioizzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Al- le- lu- ia. BgugyzzJuytyzzJuuytzzHyetzzDeeWv,vwzzGftyzzJuyzFrezzGttEv..vewzzsDetzHytrzDetzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz His BDeewc,cGtvyJuuytzHytHyuyuz zivuhyyc,ctvythyuhytyz zzjkizuzkioivhyytzzzzz do- min- ion is ev- er- ByuHyu zzivuv,vtvyuvuythyetdeewv,vwzfgtyzjuyzfrevwevev.zzzzz last- ing and shall not pass a- way; BwzfGtyz zkiizkiutzhytzhyuouc,cwzfgtyz zkiizkiutzhytzhyuouc,co zizhjuiuzhyuzhytyuc,zzzzz his BuyGtyJuuyvtyGttrEv,vewvsetzHytrzDetrzveewvtz6zJuz zivuvzzzzzzzzzzzzzz king- dom shall nev- er be de- ButYc,cuyGtyz zkjizzuzkioizgjugyzjuygtyzjuuzzhytzzhyetzdeewv,vwzfgtyzjuyzfrezgttec/zzzzzz stroyed. * Potestas ejus, composed by the monks of Solesmes in the 1920s, is itself an adaptation of Christus resurgens, on which this adaptation to English words is largely based.

30 Proper 29 Sunday Closest to November 23 Christ the King (Roman Rite) Offertory Postula a me (Mode 4) * Psalm 2 CerGtvztvtyUv,vrvruvytvuiJuyzJuytvTv,vtvzz Ask of me, and I will give you the CtuHHyuHyyzHyrcruYTc,cyviuiHyiJuurvrvruzHytHyuHyrzvervzzzRv.zz na- tions for your in- her- i- tance, CryJutHyvtvyyKillzoKilzoKiiuvuilLouKivtvTzHyz7zKiiUv,vuvur Comment: and the ends of the earth for your CruytvtuKiuyJuytvTv..vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzz pos- ses- sion. * Postula a me, composed in the 1920s by the monks of Solesmes, is itself an adaptation of Laetentur caeli, in which this adaptation to English words is largely based.

31 Proper 29 Sunday Closest to November 23 Christ the King (Roman Rite) Communion (Year A) Amen dico vobis, quod uni (Mode 4) Matthew 25 Bez4zGtrvtyGtvtctryGttvzzFrecez4zTv,vGtvevtz6zJuz zivjuzzzzzzz A- men, I say to you, as you did it BuvuovJuvyvJuvyvGtvrvtyvYv,ctyvJuvtvtrverEc.zzzz to one of the least of these my breth- ren, you did it to me. BtyJuutvu zizvlovuvopvovu zivuz ziv,c zivhyvtvyvuozzzzzz Come, O bless-ed of my Fa- ther, in- her- it the king- Bovuv zkivyvyv,vhyvzzyvrvzyuvyuvhyvzrvrygtyzgttrzzzzzz/zzzzz dom pre- pared for you from the foun- da- tion of the world. Ad libitum Psalm 145:1 BuyvyuvuvuyvyivivuivuvUv.vuyvyuvzuvzzuvzzuvzz I will ex- alt you, O God my King: and bless your Name for BJuvytvyuvHyvryTv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzz ev- er and ev- er.

32 Proper 29 Sunday Closest to November 23 Christ the King (Roman Rite) Communion (Years B & C) Sedebit Dominus (Mode 1) Psalm 29 CervyrevyuvivzziiuvytvhuhlzhozJuz8zz;zLovzzyvgygugyvYzzzzz.zzzz The Lord sits en- throned as King for- ev- er. Cyvyz7zKiz;zozzczizvipvuvyuHyyFrtrvRv,vyxxxxxxytJuuKizzzzzzzuzzzzzzzzzzzyuzz The Lord shall give his peo- ple the bless- ing of CvUYv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzz peace. Ad libitum Psalm 29: 1-2 CyvuivivivivivIvmvivivivivjivipviviuzzzzzzzzzzzz A- scribe to the Lord, you Gods, a- scribe to the Lord glo- ry and CzzzzzUIv,vuyvuivivivivivivivivivIvmvivizzzzzzz strength: a- scribe to the Lord the glo- ry due his Name; wor-ship CivivivivipivuvyvHyvyyyvRv/vvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzz the Lord in the beau- ty of ho- li- ness.

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