* ÌÂÈ Ï ÂappleÈappleÚ ÔÈ Â Â ÔÈÏ Â

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1 * ÌÂÈ Ï ÂappleÈappleÚ ÔÈ Â Â ÔÈÏ Â Sheera Hefter THE Ó IN  Æ ÌÈÁÒÙ quotes a È in which ÈÂÏ Ô Ú Â È È teaches us that thirty days prior to ÁÒÙ one must begin to look into the relevant ÂÎÏ of the upcoming holiday. The Ó brings a proof from the time that Ï È Èapple were in the Ó. In Í ÂÏÚ Ù, 1 Ó commanded Ï È Èapple to begin their preparations for Èapple ÁÒÙ thirty days prior to the Á itself: ÆÆÆ Èapple Î ÆÆÆÈapple ÁÒÙ ÏÚ È ÊÓ Ô ÁÒÙ ÓÂÚ Ó È Ó apple ÓÚË È Ó ÆÌÂÈ ÌÈ ÂÏ È 2 explains ÈÈ Ú Ú Â ÌÂÈ ÌÈ Ï ÂappleÈÈ Èapple ÁÒÙ ÂÎÏ Ô Ï Â Â. However, a different È in Ï Æ Ï ÏÈ Ó ÎÒÓ teaches that Ó instructed the people to study and explore the ÌÂÈ Ï ÂappleÈappleÚ on the day of the Á itself: ÂÎÏ ÁÒÙ ÁÒÙ ÂÎÏ ÌÂÈ Ï ÂappleÈappleÚ ÔÈ Â Â ÔÈÏ Â ÂÈ È Ï ÈÏ Ì Ï Ô È Ó Á Á ÂÎÏ ˆÚ ˆÚ. Are these two statements complementary or conflicting? What, in fact, is the nature of each of these two statements? I. ËÈ, 3 addressing a related issue, qualifies the Ó in ÌÈÁÒÙ to distinguish it from that in ÏÈ Ó. He explains that the apple of ÌÂÈ ÌÈ Ï is to be applied only in the Ó È, whereas that of ÌÂÈ Â applies to the laymen as well. ËÈ s explanation is congruous with the apple Ó in  regarding the priority of a student s question before his teacher. The apple Ó Ê Â teaches us that one should be ÎÏ Î È Ó ÔÈappleÚÎ Ï Â. ÔÈappleÚ is defined as within thirty days. Within those days, a question related to the approaching Á takes precedence over other questions. 4 Ô 5 also explains the apple of ÌÂÈ ÌÈ Ï as applying to the Ó È whereas Ó s apple of ÌÂÈ Â applies only to the laymen and is reserved for the learning of ÂÎÏ presumably with an emphasis on practical application. The  ÏÈ 6 echoes this idea and explains that the apple of thirty days applies to those in the Ó È exclusively. The ÈÓÏ Â È in ÌÈÁÒÙ 7 also explains that the ÎÏ of ÌÂÈ ÌÈ Ï, with regard to ÁÒÙ ÂÎÏ, applies only in the Ú È. Therefore, the apple of ÌÂÈ ÌÈ Ï seems to refer, according to most ÌÈappleÂ, exclusively to those in the Ó È. *This article was originally presented in the form a ÂÚÈ in MMY on Ò ÂÚÂ, in honor of a ÌÂÈÒ made on the completion of ÏÈ Ó ÎÒÓ.

2 The ÈÓÏ Â È quoted above, however, introduces another point of inquiry. Does the apple of thirty days apply only on ÁÒÙ or is it more widely applicable, like Ó s ÌÂÈ Â instruction? Although we will see that some sources limit this to ÁÒÙ, according to the literal reading of the ÈÈ, È in ÔÈ appleò ÎÒÓ 8 expands this concept to include all of the ÌÈÏ, as does Á Â, 9 adding that this thirty-day ÂÈÁ applies even for ˆÚ ÂÚÂ. However if this is so, if those in the Ó È must study the laws of every Á from thirty days beforehand, then what does Ó s apple of ÌÂÈ ÌÂÈ Ï ÂappleÈappleÚ add for them? One possibility, of course, is that the apple of Ó is geared towards the laymen who did not begin thirty days in advance, and has no significance for the ÌÈÓÎÁ È ÈÓÏ. Perhaps, however, these two ideas are really not the same at all, but rather fundamentally different. Aside from quantitative differences, there may be important qualitative distinctions as well. Our Ó earlier in ÌÈÁÒÙ strongly implied that the instruction of preparing the ÂÎÏ thirty days prior to the Á applies primarily to ÁÒÙ. ÛÒÂÈ È 10 here as well, quoting Ô 11 in two places, explains that this apple is limited to study of ÂÎÏ. Both quote the apple Ó in  as a proof as well. È 12 explains this as well: ıóá Â È ÆÆÆÔÈÁË ÔÂÁËÏÆÆÆÌÚÏ ÚÈ Â Ï ÍÈ ˆ. One requires more time to learn all of the complex ÂÎÏ of ÁÒÙ. The Ó in Ê Â Ú 13 explains that one needs these thirty days in order to properly prepare for the ÁÒÙ Ô. Á 14 later echoes these feelings: ÔÈÓÂÓ Â È Ì ÓÆÆÆÌÂÈ ÌÈ Ï ÍÈ ˆ ÔÈ ÔÈ ÈÚÓ. It appears therefore that this apple of thirty days is quite logical and seemingly purely functional. Ó s apple may apply in a different realm. This apple possibly has a more spiritual dimension of being appropriate and befitting to talk about a Á on the day itself. È in his commentary on the Ó in Æ Ï ÏÈ Ó, offers the following interpretation: ÌÈ ÂÏ È ÂÁ ÚÈ Â Ï ÔÓÊ ÚÂÓ ÚÂÓ ÏÎ ÂÎÏ Ô ÓÚ Ó È ÓÏÓ ÂÈ Â Â Â. What is the scope of Ó s apple of ÌÂÈ Â? Ì Ó interestingly utilizes the apple of Ó in the context of Â È : 15 ÆÆÆÈ ÈÓÁ  Èapple  ÌÈ Â ÔÈ Â ÂÈ Ï ÈÏ Ì Ï Ô Ó ÆÆÆÌÈ ÚÂÓ ÆÆÆ Â Èˆ Â Ì ÔÈ Â ÌÈÓÈ Ô ÂÏÈ Â Within the greater apple of Ó to read from the  on Monday, Thursday and,  ÚÓ Ï ÌÈÓÈ Ï Â È Ï È Î, 16 we have additional readings on the ÌÈ ÚÂÓ: ÚÂÓ ÚÂÓÆÆÆ ÚÂÓ ÔÈappleÚ ÆÆÆ ÚÂÓÏ Ô ÈÒÙÓ. 17 apple Ó ÛÒÎ, 18 commenting on these two ÂÎÏ, quotes the following Ó in ÏÈ Ó as a proof: ÌÂÈ Ï ÂappleÈappleÚ ÔÈ Â Â ÔÈÏ Â ÂÈ Ï ÏÁ ÌÈ ÂÙ, 19 and explains: ÚÂÓ ÏÎ Â Ó Ôapple ÂappleÈappleÚ ÚÂÓ ÏÎ ÔÈ Â ÂÈ Ï ÈÏ Ì Ï Ô È Ó 210

3 ÔÈ Â Â È Â ÂˆÓ Ï È Èapple Ï ß È ÚÂÓ Ó ÈÂ Ó apple Ó Â. È apple ÙÂ Â È È ÎÓÒ È Â Â ÂappleÓÊ Á  Á ÏÎ It appears therefore that Ó apple here definitely has a dimension of spiritual significance. The idea of being ÌÂÈ Ï ÂappleÈappleÚ Ì ÙÓ ÌÈ ÈÎÊÓ 20 is quite strong. Our Ó is a very fitting example of this greater concept: ÌÂÈ Ï ÂappleÈappleÚ ÔÈ Â Â ÔÈÏ Â ÂÈ Ï ÏÁ ÌÈ ÂÙ ÈÂÏ Ô Ú Â È È Ó ÔÈÏ Â ÂÈ ÈÏ Ï ÈÏ Ì Ï Ô È Ó Èapple ÈÓapple ÂË ÌÂÈ ÂÏÈÙ ÌÈ ÂÙ È È Ó ÌÂ Ó Ê apple Èapple ÓÈ Â Ó ÈÏ ÎÈ ËˆÈ ÌÈ ÂÙÆÆÆÌÂÈ Ï ÂappleÈappleÚ ÔÈ Â Â 21.Ï Ó Ê One may have thought, È explains, that no ÌÈ ÂÚÈ should be given on ÂÈ Ï ÏÁ ÌÈ ÂÙ about ÌÈ ÂÙ itself because of the Ê : Ô Î Û ÌÈ Â ÂÓ Ú Âapple È ÚÈ Ó ÏÈ Ó È ÔÓ Ï Ê 22. È ÂË However, the Ó emphasizes, it is in fact important to talk about ÌÈ ÂÙ even when it is, and possibly all the more so because it is. Ì Ó teaches us ÌÈ ÂÙ Â ÈÎÊ Ï È ÎÆÆÆÌÈ Â Â ÌÈÏ Â. 23 We see, therefore, that it is of importance to speak about the day even though we cannot read the formal text of the ÏÈ Ó itself. There is spiritual value in talking about the Á on the Á itself. An interesting question arises when we talk about expounding upon the ÌÂÈ Â È Á. Should one discuss the spiritual aspects of the day or the technical ones? Most ÌÈapple assume that Ó apple refers to the spiritual dimension. ËÈ and Ô hold that once we read the ÏÈ Ó, the importance of learning the ÂÎÏ no longer exists the implication is that the apple of studying the ÂÎÏ was instituted because of the spiritual significance of these ÂÎÏ, and that can be accomplished by reading the ÏÈ Ó as well. also says something that supports this analysis. He holds that even on ÂÈ Ï ÏÁ ÌÈ ÂÙ there is value in learning the ÂÎÏ of ÌÈ ÂÙ, 24 Ù ÒappleÆÆÆÌÈ ÂÙ È È Ó ÂÓÂÈ. 25 Another example of this can be seen with regard to ÈÎ Ó. The Ó in ÏÈ Ó (in the Aggadic portion at the end of the first Ù dealing with events which took place that are not recorded in the ÏÈ Ó) teaches us about an encounter between ÔÓ and ÈÎ Ó. 26 ÈÏ ÙÎ Ó ÈÏÂÒ ˆÈÓ ÈÏÓÆÆÆ È È ÔÓ. È here explains why ÈÎ Ó was busy with ˆÈÓ ÂÎÏ : ÚÆÆÆÌÂÈ Ï ÂappleÈappleÚ Â ÓÂÚ ÙÂapple ÌÂÈ. 27 Even though ÈÎ Ó and his students were in Ô Â, and these ÂÎÏ were therefore far from practical, ÈÎ Ó was busy nonetheless looking into the ÂÎÏ of ÌÂÈ Â ÓÂÚ ÙÂapple. ÈÎ Ó teaches us that there is an impor- 211

4 tant value to being ÌÒ ÙÓ ÈÎÊÓ something significant that would go on in the Ó ÔÓÊ, even Ô ÂÁ ÔÓÊ. The approach taken by, ÂÙÒÂ, and later, the ÂË leads one to investigate further the relationship between the two original  ÈÈ of ÌÈ ÂÏ ÌÂÈ and ÌÂÈ Â and suggest a different approach. Perhaps they are not two unrelated concepts but are really one large apple with two subcategories. The ÌÈÈÁ ıùá takes this approach in both his commentaries on ÌÈÈÁ Á Â. The ÁÓ quotes 28 this law ÎÏ Ï, ÌÂÈ ÌÈ ÂÏ ÁÒÙÏ Ì Â ÁÒÙ ÂÎÏ ÌÈÏ Â. The apple Ó Â in his commentary on this ÎÏ brings together both of the  ÈÈ : ÔÈ Â Â Èapple ÁÒÙ ÂÎÏ ÏÎ ÏÚ Ô È ÊÓÂÆÆÆÔ ÁÒÙ ÓÂÚ Ó È ÌÈ Ó ÈÂÆÆÆÔ ÂÎÈÏ ÌÂÈ ÌÈ Ï ÔÎÏ Ì Â ÔÈ Â ÈÓapple ÌÈ ÂË ÌÈÓÈ ÔÎ ÔÈ ÓÆÆÆ ÂÏ ÂÎÏ Ô È ÌÂ Ó ÁÒÙ Â ÌÂÈ ÌÈ Ï ÂÈÁ ÓÏÚ ÈÏÎÏ Ù ÂË ÌÂÈ ÌÈappleÙ ÏÎ ÏÚÂ Ì Â ÌÈÓÈ ÊÈ È ÌÈ ÂË ÌÈÓÈ 29 ÆÆÆÆ ÂÎÏ ÂË ÌÂÈ ÏÎ Â Ï ÏÂ Ï ÍÈ ˆ He even clarifies one of our initial ambiguities at the end of ÔË ÛÈÚÒ ÂÓˆÚ Á ÔÎÂ Ì Â ÌÂÈ ÌÈ Ï ÁÒÙ ÂÎÏ ÂÒÚÏ Á ÏÎÏ ÂˆÓ ÌÂ Ó ÏÎÓ. We learn an additional piece of information here as well that Ó apple expresses an equality between the Ì ÈÏ : Á Á ˆÚ ˆÚ ÁÒÙ ÁÒÙ ÂÎÏ. 30 Ô Ú Â È È ÈÂÏ s statement on the other hand of ÌÂÈ ÌÈ ÂÏ is seemingly limited only to ÁÒÙ. ÎÏ Â È explains that the intention of ÌÂÈ Â is not to the exclusion of ÌÂÈ ÌÈ ÂÏ ; rather they are to be complementary elements of something larger. One could mistakenly read the ÎÏ Â È and think that he is not commenting on the nature of these Âapple. But in fact, he is really keeping the two Âapple separate under one larger category. What is the real driving purpose behind these Âapple in their differing forms? These Âapple come to teach us the practical application required of us to facilitate proper anticipation and readiness for significant times in the Jewish calendar. It is possible for one to say that ÈÂÏ Ô Ú Â È È s apple of ÌÂÈ ÌÈ ÂÏ was focusing on the appleî aspect of the Á whereas Ó apple of ÌÂÈ Â was aimed at emphasizing the importance of the day itself and that ÂÓÈÏ of ÌÂÈ Â is a ÌÂÈ in the ÂˆÓ of the Á itself. We must prepare and reinforce the concepts that are important to us. II. On ÏÂÏ ÂÁ, we begin to blow the Ù in shul and ÌÈ ÙÒ begin to say ÂÁÈÏÒ, precisely for the purpose of awakening us to the upcoming holiday of apple. The  ÈÓÈ Ú are vital days in the calendar during which ÏÏÎ Ï È engage in a most serious involvement in repentance and self-improve- 212

5 ment, all leading up to ÂÙÎ ÌÂÈ. To properly attempt experiencing a meaningful Ú, we start preparing three weeks earlier from ÊÂÓ Ê È, talking and learning about the È Ô Á, and its significance. We have learned above that from ÔÒÈapple ÂÁ, and really from ÌÈ ÂÙ, one must begin to prepare for ÁÒÙ. Lastly, we have ÓÂÚ ÈÙÒ, perhaps the most significant example, leading up to ÂÚÂ, 49 days dedicated to real spiritual growth as an individual and as a nation. We left ÌÈ ˆÓ on the 49 th level of ÓÂË and through the 49 days of ÓÂÚ ÈÙÒ, we have the potential to raise ourselves up to the highest level of Ë necessary for the close encounter with  Í  on ÂÚÂ. We bring as the ÓÂÚ offering on ÁÒÙ a ÁappleÓ of barley, which is animal food. However, by the time we reach ÂÚÂ, we have refined ourselves, and therefore our Ô as well, and we offer up to ß a ÁappleÓ of wheat, fine human food. These times of preparation are built into the calendar. The  knew that we cannot jump into important times like these unprepared, rather we are in need of a gradual ascent toward the various high spiritual points in time. The Á of ÂÚ completes ÁÒÙ Á. Ï ÊÁ teach us ÈÓ Ï ÔÈ ÂÁ Ô ÍÏ ÔÈ Â ÂÓÏ ÒÂÚ. 31 The complete ÁÓ that we strived to achieve at ÔÓÊ Âapple  Á on ÁÒÙ cannot be totally complete until after Â Ô Ó. As a preparation for the intensity and magnitude of Â Ô Ó, ß gave us the days of ÈÙÒ ÓÂÚ as days set aside for work. Not physical labor, but rather serious Ë Â Ó is needed in order to be ready to accept the  on ÂÚ Á. The ÂÊ teaches us that the 49 days of ÓÂÚ ÈÙÒ are equal to the È ËÓ of ÂË Ï the apple Ó in Â È Ù teaches us ÆÆÆ ÂË Ï Ó ÊÚÈÏ È ÆÆÆÌ È È Í È ÂÊ Â Â Â ˆ 32.ÌÎÈ ÂÈ ÏÏÎ ÊÚÈÏ È È Èapple  The Ï is the root and source for all ˆÓ. Ë Ó is also the È ËÓ of ÈÁ Ï. The job of the days of ÓÂÚ ÈÙÒ is to purify and refine all of one s  Ó, both those that are between people  ÁÏ Ì ÔÈ as well as those that are Ì ÓÏ Ì ÔÈ, all which included in the category of ÈÁ Ï ÌÂÏ Â È apple Æ Ì È points out that during the time of ÓÂÚ ÈÙÒ, we read in the Â È each week ÂÈ Ù that deal with  Ë  ÓË ÈappleÈappleÚ ÌÈÚ apple ÈappleÈappleÚ. Why is this so? The purpose is to help each Jew to purify himself from all these ideas and ÂÂ. Every time of year has a special Ï Ò, and this is the time of year that is Ï ÂÒÓ for us to be cleansed from all of these various  ÓÂË. We say in the Ôˆ È È after counting the ÓÂÚ, È Î ÓÂÚ ÈÙÒ ÂÙÒÏ Í Ú Ó È È ÏÚ Âapple ÂȈ ÌÏÂÚ Ï ÂappleÂ Ó Ô È ÌÂÈ È ÙÈÒ ÓÂÚ ÈÙÒ ÂÎÊ ÆÆÆÂapple  ÓËÓ Âapple ÙÈÏ Ó Âapple ËÏ. ÏÚÓ Ï Â Â Ë ÂÆÆÆÈ Ó Ù 213

6 During the week of ÈappleÈÓ Ù, we read of ÏÈÎ Â ; in ÌÈ Â Ù we read of  and ÂÈ Ú ÔÈÓ È Ù as well as ÌÈapple ÂÎ Â ; in ÂÓ Ù we read of the ÌÈ ÚÂÓ (ÔÓÊ Â ); in Ù we read of ı Â. All these types of  come to teach us the fundamentals behind being proper Jews, and fulfilling our responsibility of being a  È  ÌÈapple ÂÎ ÎÏÓÓ. 33 An important textual question arises on the ÂÒÙ discussing the ÂˆÓ of ÓÂÚ ÈÙÒ: Â Ú ÙÂapple ÓÂÚ ÌÎ È ÌÂÈÓ ÁÓÓ ÌÎÏ Ì ÙÒÂ Ì Â ÌÂÈ ÌÈ ÈÓÁ  ÙÒ ÈÚÈ ÁÓÓ Ú appleèè ÂÓÈÓ 34.ß Ï Á ÁappleÓ How is the last phrase about the ÁappleÓ connected to the rest of the ÂÒÙ? Based on the concepts that have been explained above, we can understand it. Only after a Jew purifies himself and refines his Â Ó can he be ÎÂÊ to bring a ß Ï Á ÁappleÓ and accept the Â. 35 After the long process of ÈÙÒ, one is able to look into the world around them and see with great clarity ÈÎ Â ÏÓ ÂÚ ÔÈ ÌÈ ÂÏ Â ß. 36 Every ÂË ÌÂÈ has its own special ÌÈappleÈappleÚ unique to it. ÂÚ is a climax of sort. On ÂÚÂ, we reach possibly the greatest level of Â, as Ï ÊÁ teach us Â Ô Ó ÂÊ ÂappleÈ appleâ Á ÌÂÈ. From here, a Jew needs to draw ÂÈappleÁ to spill over to the entire year. The phrase ÌÎÏ Ì ÙÒ is linguistically related to the idea of ÌÂÏ È ÈÙÒ. This time is one whose sole purpose is to light up the rest of the year. ÂÚ is the culmination of one very long ÂË ÌÂÈ. We have ÁÒÙ and then a ÚÂÓ ÏÂÁ of sort in the form of ÓÂÚ ÈÙÒ, and we conclude with ÂÚ Á and Â Ô Ó. We say in the ÂÏÈÙ of ÂË ÌÂÈ: Í ÚÂÓ Î Âapple ÂÏ ß Âapple È Â. We know that the purpose of the ÌÈ ÚÂÓ in general is to be close with ß as it says ÆÆÆÍÈ ÂÏ ß ÈappleÙ Í ÂÎÊ ÏÎ È apple ÌÈÓÚÙ Ï. 37 We ask ß to grant us an awareness, throughout the whole year, of His constant presence. The feeling of ÂappleÓÚ Âapple ÂÏ ß is brought out through the wedding imagery of ÂÚ Á. Èapple Ï È at ÈappleÈÒ were ÎÂÊ to direct revelation of ß. They experienced an encounter with the appleèî : ÌÎÓÚ ß ÌÈappleÙ Ï ÌÈappleÙ. 38 We were and continue to be joined through  to an eternal relationship with, even if we sin. ß is with us in everything that we do. On ÂÚ we were ÎÂÊ to receive The Rule Book, and the ß that guides us in everything we do, and in our own personal relationship with the ÌÏÂÚ Ï ÂappleÂ. 1 È Ë Ó 2 Ó È 3 Æ ÏÈ Ó 214

7 4 The apple Ó in  is also addressing an issue of  Î. It is not appropriate to ask one s Rebbe a question in a topic that he is not currently studying. Therefore the ËÈ interprets the Ó in Æ ÏÈ Ó as teaching that within 30 days the question is considered within a topic that he should be studying and reviewing. 5 Û È ÈÙ Æ ÏÈ Ó 6 ÁÒ ÔÓÈÒ 7 ÎÏ Ù ÌÈÁÒÙ 8 Ï Ê ÔÈ appleò 9 Ó ÔÓÈÒ, quoted in the Á on ËÎ ÔÓÈÒ. 10 ËÎ ÌÈÈÁ Á  ÂË 11 ÛÂÒ ÂÚ Æ ÌÈÁÒÙ and ÌÈ ÂÙ ÏÈ Ó 12 ËÎ ÌÈÈÁ Á  13 ÔÈ Â ÂÏÈÙ ÈÏÒÙ ÔÈÓÂÓ ÈÁÈÎ Ôapple ÆÆÆÌÂÈ ÌÈ Ï ÁÒÙ Ì Â ÁÒÙ ÂÎÏ ÌÈÏ Â Ê Â Ú È Ò ÈÓÂÈ Ï Â Ï È ÒÂÁÓ Â appleè ÔÈÓÂÈ ÔÈ Ï ÔappleÈÚ ÔÈÚ 14 ËÎ ÌÈÈÁ Á  ÂË 15 È ÏÈÙ ÂÎÏ Â apple Ó 16 Ì ÎÏ 17 Á È Ì 18 Ì 19 Æ ÏÈ Ó 20 È ÏÈ Ó ÂÎÏ 21 Æ ÏÈ Ó 22 ÌÂ Ó Ì È 23 È ÏÈ Ó ÂÎÏ Ì Ó 24 It is noteworthy that the s line of thought is utilized by the ÂË in his dicussion of ÁÒÙ ÂÎÏ and ÌÈ ˆÓ ÈˆÈ ÂÙÈÒ on Ò ÏÈÏ. The ÂË writes in Ù ÔÓÈÒ: ÈˆÈ Â ÁÒÙ ÂÎÏ ÏÈÏ ÏÎ ÂÒÚÏ Ì ÈÈÁ ÈÙÏ appleóï ÌÚË appleâè  ÈÙ ÆÂappleÈ Â Ï Ú Â ÏÙapple ÌÈÒapple ÙÒÏ ÌÈ ˆÓ A seemingly radical opinion is brought in the ÙÒ on Á È ÌÈÁÒÙ. The ÙÒ teaches ÏÈÏ ÏÎ ÁÒÙ ÂÎÏ Ì ÈÈÁ. One is led therefore to inquire what the connection is between ÁÒÙ ÂÎÏ and ÌÈ ˆÓ ÈˆÈ ÂÙÈÒ. One answer to this question is found in the ÏÈ Ó ÎÂappleÁ Ò Ëapple ÙÒ by ÔȈ  Ô ÌÈÈÁ. There he addresses this question and answers something he was taught by his Rebbe. He teaches that ÂÙÈÒ in fact can be fulfilled by ÂÓÈÏ. His proof is the ÌÎÁ from the whom we answer with ÂÎÏ! 25 Æ ÏÈ Ó 26 ÆÊË ÏÈ Ó 27 Ì 28 ËÎ ÌÈÈÁ Á Â Ú Â 29 ÔË ÛÈÚÒ Ì 30 Æ Ï ÏÈ Ó 31   32 È Â 33  ËÈ ÂÓ 215

8 34 ÊË ÂË Î È 35 If you take the first letter from the first word of the phrase of Ï Á ÁappleÓ the letters are ÏÁÓ which spells ÌÁÏ bread if read backwards. Spiritually, we bring the ÌÁÏ È on ÂÚ to represent a complete turnaround from where we were on ÁÒÙ. The Ì Ó writes in ˆÓ ıóá ÂÎÏ that one should ÏÏÎ Í ÂˆÆÆÆ ÏÓ ıóá ÏË ÆÆÆ. On ÂÚÂ, the  tells us to bring the ÌÁÏ È which  is Ï ÌÈ ÂÎ appleù ıóá ÊÈ Î ÈÂ. A Jew who is Ú in the 49 th level of ÓÂË is not able to bring a Ô to ß and have that connection with Him. But after ÓÂÚ ÈÙÒ and the incremental growth and eventual Ë that has resulted, we are able not only to bring any Ô but a Ï Á ÁappleÓ. 36 Ï ÌÈ 37 ÊË ÊË ÌÈ 38 ÌÈ 216

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